#I love being a sax so much GUYS
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semothekat · 7 months ago
I really dont think anything has given me more pride than having a sax soli in monkey song.
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where-does-the-heart-lie · 1 year ago
Deuce in my One Piece Modern AU :)
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Now ive never read the Ace Novels,
I just read the Wiki on this guy.
Honestly this is more of a soul read than anything else, sorry if i mischaracterize him :)
Additional headcanons 👇
Deuce’s father was in the military and their family often had to move around when he was young. During his 12 grade year, that landed deuce in the same high-school that Ace went to. They met eachother in the school’s Jazz band, He played Sax, Ace played Bass.
On their very first day of meeting eachother though, they accidentally found themselves locked out of the school building, which lead them to have to walk around the campus banging on doors until someone opened one.
During their little adventure, Ace kept trying to get Deuce to tell him his name, in which he was withholding from his classmate. At this point in moving around so much, he got tired of introducing himself, but that just lead to Ace making up the name ‘Deuce’ for him, and the name just stuck!
They started to have some banter between eachother because of their escapade and quickly became friends. Deuce wasnt really interested in making friends, but Ace pulled him into his friend groups and gave him a social life that made him happy :)
During their school year, Deuce started growing a crush on his new friend. He never thought that getting locked out of the school one day would lead to being head over heels, but here he is… shhhit.
Eventually, he plucks up the courage to tell Ace how he feels, and Ace responded by placing a big ol’ kiss on Deuce’s lips, much to his surprise.
They start dating, but onward, it felt like something was missing. Deuce had never dated anyone before, but this isn't what he thought it would be like. They did all the normal couply physical stuff, but it still felt like he was just a friend to Ace.
One day, he voiced his concerns to Ace who just looked sad. Ace bows the deepest bow Deuce had ever seen and apologized.
He expresses that he doesn't know how to love like deuce does. Everytime he tries, he fails, and he winds up hurting the ones that he cares for. He thought that he was doing better with deuce, but obviously not, and now Ace has hurt him, too.
They wind up breaking up, but remaining friends. deuce understands that Ace has some self development that he has to go through, and that a romantic relationship between them wouldnt work out.
Ace was his first heartbreak, but he's glad they can still be friends.
and sometimes they fuck idk
thanks for reading :) i hope you enjoyed my Aromantic vent piece
heres some ship art for them on my ship art account
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kit reads a comic: untold tales and alternate timelines, issue 1 (part 2)
finishing off the rest of the issue today! very convenient this one is split into two. i fear for the length the other reaction posts will be when i have to go through the entire issue for the story instead of half-and-half.
time to look for some good scientists. i'll even take the sub-par ones
oh shit i was right it is about doc getting picked up for the manhattan project! the comic opens on the california institute of technology, 1943, as helpfully supplied by the text box. i think this is the one where doc shows them his jello cube with a singular mushroom in it. the mushroom is very important. anyways, doc storms into i think his boss’s office and he’s very mad! his boss asks him why he’s not teaching to which he replies this:
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gotta search up something rq.
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yeah this is funny. [a la shrek they don’t even have dental] he doesn’t even teach a math course
docs mad bc he’s noticed all his other colleagues have been disappearing to contribute to what he guesses is a “top-secret think tank” for the war so what’s he still doing here?? that should be him!! (or in his words, “you should’ve bussed me off ages ago!”) throughout his whole rant about credentials and stuff he’s doing this:
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the pose and the face are very silly to me. yeah this guy looks highly qualified to me. checks out
i also love how similar he’s drawn to the video game version of him. i can hear this in his younger self’s video game voice
so his boss is like yeah you’re right there is something going on and we thought about you for it and doc immediately takes this as a confirmation that he’s going and asks “can i bring my dog?” which i thought was cute. the canine assistant is very important to him. his boss goes no wait. we get this explanation :
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you can say you think his place is a mess. it’s okay. love the stress on “psychologists” too like damn you really think it’s that worrying
doc is not the slightest bit offended he just goes yeah i get it. but ☝️i have an idea
we cut to:
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a very tidy and respectable home! seems he’s cleaned up! they’re like yeah based on what we’ve seen we think you’re fit to come with us. then they step on his mail on their way out which reveals that this isn’t his apartment! it’s his landlady’s! tough luck doc….
doc goes home, not deterred by this in the slightest. he WILL be bussed off to that think tank. he’s put his mind to it and by god is he going to accomplish it. oh weird his apartment lights are on-
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love the guy on the left’s face like yeah. we broke into your apartment. we’re the government. we can do that
also his apartment isn’t even that bad. look how much floor space is clear! plenty of room to roam still, no problem (the bar is low.) (please ignore the giant death ray)
also he still has the stuff on his walls in 1985! the cat clock, the sax, the giant taxidermy fish
the guy in the back turns around OPPENHEIMER??? what are you doing here…. (we know what he’s doing here) (bomb)
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they’re like yeah we knew it wasn’t your house this whole time. we respect the hustle. you’re with us now you’re now officially part of the manhattan project! doc says this is cause for celebration and he pulls out:
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the mushroom really is perplexing. free my man
and that’s the end actually! i thought it would be longer, i’m surprised there isn’t more. looking at the page count this checks out though.
doc being so eager to get into the project is like.
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(he doesn’t know.)
not much on the bingo front today. i assume he got his landlady’s permission to use her house but he also could’ve not so it’s a toss-up to if the square is filled
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i’m sure this will be cleared up in a later issue (and by that i mean he’s definitely committing another, more clearly defined crime)
well, we found our good scientist! next on kit reads a comic: the government breaks into doc’s house again.
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enterprise-bee · 6 months ago
thinking about the two instruments I’ve seen people on the enterprise-d playing on my watch through so far and what they say about them, right, so.
first, riker’s infamous trombone. I think the thing about the trombone is that it is a nerd instrument. like yeah you can play jazz trombone and that’s very sexy, but also I know no one who still plays trombone as an adult and just plays trombone. every trombonist I know also can play trumpet, or tuba, or french horn, and also they probably can play sax too even though that one’s a woodwind. because they’re music nerds! and it makes sense! trombone is such a music nerds instrument! and I think it’s interesting because that fits him. he’s the kind of guy who cooks even though replicators exist. he’s the kind of guy who works hard at everything he does. and he’s the kind of guy who would be the trombonist in a band but could pick up any of the other instruments in a pinch, is what I’m saying.
but I also think it’s really interesting that the other musician I’ve seen so far is data learning the violin. notably, I don’t know if I’ve seen him trying to play it solo much—he seems to be a part of a string quartet, which is interesting given that a violin very much can be a soloist’s instrument! it’s also normally the melody of a string quartet. I think the most interesting detail here is that he seems to largely play classical pieces, and mentions that he feels he “lacks soul” and is merely combining other classical artists, because… classical music is ALL ABOUT building and iterating on the artists before you. it’s an interesting subtle way to say “hey data is more human than he thinks” that’s then made less subtle by picard just saying this that’s fun to think about. also interesting is… so violin is famously technically tricky for beginners, which fits data, but a violin is often a beginner’s instrument! this is because you can buy a beginner’s violin for like thirty dollars, and because learning violin teaches you the principles for a lot of other string instruments. it’s just being actually GOOD at it is very hard. which makes it as an instrument for data to try very interesting to me; why violin of the typical beginner instruments? why not, say, piano or guitar? and I think the answer to that is both “I think data likes classical music” and “violin is a very emotional instrument that can do a WIDE range of things, which is why data picked it over other options”.
this is of course complete over-analysis but I LOVE when characters play instruments and do music together. anyway the style of music that would incorporate both trombone and violin that I picture is in the corner of music that’s where jazz and bluegrass and blues sort of intersect, so that’d be fun. I think data should learn some fiddle playing,
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walmart-icarus · 1 year ago
Favorite Snacks
OKKAYYYY as a celebration for my last midterm being FUCKING FINISHED!!!!! this idea popped into my head I cannot stress this enough and I haven't written in a while but so many people are being so sweet rn and are really making my days OK ILL STOP TALKING
Usual warnings nothing serious
What are the favourite snacks of the boys + Michael + Star?
starting strong with this one
if you guessed pop rocks then yeah
"I like the way it tingles >:)"
will not share any
because he's a little shit
hey listen to this *opens mouth*
i think it also matches his personality
Junior mints
he likes the way it melts in his mouth
he's not really obsessed with it
so he would share bc he might eat ppl bc he's kind
he won't exactly jump for joy for it
but if he had to choose anything in a store it would be that
but not with flavor or butter
just plain
microwaved popcorn is the best kind
in his opinion
ABSOLUTELY HATES IT when it gets stuck in his teeth
he likes it when its dryer than his conversations w/Max
he is a Doritos guy
loves every flavor
goes nuts whenever he sees a vending machine for this sole reason
he does share <3
his favorite would be extra cheese
same bestie
really loves it when they put characters on the bags
hey man its either this or Oreos
likes takis
extra flaming takis
"Star how the FUCK do you eat that"
"You want some?"
she is unfazed by it
is this historically canon? idgaf
absolutely loveesss them
also her snacks are safe from theft bc its too spicy for the guys
He says its barbecue chips
to look manly and tough ig
but its gummy worms
he enjoys gummy worms
like if you wanted to make him trust you?
get him a bag of those bad boys
and he will protect you with his life
he thinks nobody knows this "secret shame"
but even oily sax guy knows
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING! I needed to cheer up after this bullshit of a week :p
@misslavenderlady @blog4horror @ria-coolgirl
@oceansrose2002 @theforgottenages
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prince-of-red-lions · 2 years ago
I got bored in church today so I started coming up with band headcanons for the chain so here (sorry it’s really long I’m a huge band nerd)
concert band:
time - flute. he’s just the whimsical type to play flute, also he can go incredibly high and his fingers probably blur cuz of how fast he’s playing
twilight - baritone/euphonium. twi just seems like that mellow yet determined type, though he will get very aggressive if you call it a “mini-tuba”
warriors - trumpet. I don’t think I need to elaborate.
wind - trombone. wind is 100% a trombone kid- making jokes 24/7 and whether their funny or not is a 50/50. he blasts super loud to annoy everyone but he’s low key amazing at playing
four - four stumped me a bit. I’m not too 100% sure because his personality is rather complicated (hahahsrhjrjfjajajahz), but I think he’d play alto sax. he can play the others too; tenor, soprano and bari (ITS 5X HIS SIZE AHAHA).
legend - trumpet. he’d be first chair and extremely smug about it, though he’s so insanely good at trumpet. he makes a 3 octave instrument 5 octaves. he snarks a whole ton at the rest of his section and constantly has to put people in place (people aka warriors).
hyrule - flute. also very whimsical along with time. :) he seems like that happy type and just likes the flute cuz it makes a pretty sound. yes hyrule we love you for that <3
wild - percussion. so obviously percussion. he’s extremely good at everything in the back. he loves to double up on mallets (holding two mallets in each hand) and go ham. he can make it sound very pretty tho :) he can do fancy things with drumsticks and the metronome fears HIM. he also summons demons in the back of class during warm ups (very proud of him. if you couldn’t tell, I’m a percussionist).
sky - let’s be honest, he’d be in orchestra (what a traitor /pf). but if he were in band he’d defo play clarinet. very soft and mellow, and does the instrument justice. very attentive in class and definitely a teachers pet yet not to the extent it’s annoying. he just really enjoys being there.
jazz band:
time - he would play alto sax but would definitely do flute cameos whenever he could. he likes making the crowd go “WOAH! A FLUTE IN JAZZ? THATS EPIK”
twilight - I think he’d learn trombone for jazz. amazing at improvising and his solos are astounding round of applause for twilight 👏👏
warriors - still trumpet, he loves jazz and quite good at the whole concept. 10/10 he loves those high notes in his solos
wind - still trombone. he likes playing around with glissandos and very good at them. his playing is very fun and interesting!
four - i think he’d do piano despite the fact he has 4 saxes to choose from. a god at music theory and has so much fun with the piano. four’s fingers can stretch impossibly far to reach keys. that boy loves his soloing!
legend - trumpet as well. nothings really changed, he likes smooth jazz and you cannot change my mind. he’s usually pretty nonchalant about jazz but he secretly has so much fun with it.
hyrule - electric bass. he loves to have funky solo’s and makes it all look super easy. he can get super energetic and start having *too* much fun in which the band director needs to tell him to calm down 💀
wild - DRUMSEEET! my boy can really rock out on this thing. he really knows how to make the song interesting without being overpowering (sometimes). really good at making things pop
sky - upright bass! that lil guy loves his bass and rather shy with solos, preferring to let others do the solos. he downplays his 11/10 improvisation. which is stupid sky you are amazing at bass
extra headcanons:
time and hyrule would talk a lot in class despite the fact time tries to pay attention. those two have so much dirt on the rest of the band and they KNOW it.
wild and four like to go early before rehearsal to just screw around. whether it be remixing music or just straight up doing some crack stuff, they have a blast.
wind would help twilight with trombone since he’s still a bit new to it. even though he can be a bit annoying to the band, wind is a great teacher and twilight is improving a lot.
wind and warriors would be the evil duo of “who can blast the loudest”. everyone in the band despises them for it.
like I mentioned earlier, warriors is constantly challenging legend or just testing him in which legend blasts warrior’s ego everytime without fail.
more on the double mallets with wild, he quite enjoys making small peaceful songs or finding them to play. if you come early you can hear him practicing and his playing is very soothing. :)
like I said, sky would probably be in orchestra, but I like to think he does both. often doing cameos for both groups, as well. almost like the middle man because the band and orchestra hate it each other, but both agree sky is an exception and everyone cherishes him.
time is the president of the band. everyone loves time. the students and the director. he’s probably one of the best players in the band. extremely mature but in those SMALL moments he’ll do something devious.
twilight is also cherished by the band. he’s very hardworking and has adopted several students. many look up to him as he’s a bit more approachable than time. (time is scary to new people)
though warriors can be annoying, he’d never do anything purposely to screw up the band during performances or whatever. he loves being here even if he’s showing off 24/7.
four is really a jack of all trades when it comes to sax. everyone teases him whenever he plays bari due to the size difference, but no one goes to far because deep down their all scared of the tiny short gremlin who will start speaking in music theory language and confuse everyone.
wow, your still here? 💀 im concerned for your health and mine. really though, if you read all that, I admire your dedication and thanks for listening. there will certainly be more headcanons to come so if you liked this do not fret, it’s not the end. sorry this is so long and sorry for the people who talked in church that I shamelessly tuned out.
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brights-place · 1 year ago
Hey, do you write for Hobo Heart and Homicidal Liu? If yes, could we get some hcs for Liu or Hobo? :) Thx!
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Dating Hobo-Heart and Liu Headcannons + Sully
Pairings: Hobo Heart and Homocidal Liu (Seperate)
Warnings: Cursing, Mental Illnesses, D.I.D, Sully being a little bitch- I mean awesome friend!
A/N: Wassup! Sorry for you request taking about so long to write I have been focusing on my socials but glad I finally got this out due to having it in my drafts for awhile to upload! Tbh hobo heart needs more love! LIKE PLEASE HE’S A SWEETIE PIE! Ignore the fact that they are all murders for a moment yall shush AND I MEAN SHUSHHHH!!! Anywyas hope you enjoy this gift :>>
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- Due to having D.I.D I think he would find it difficult sometimes maintaining Sully.
- he hated the fact he fell for you… he loves you yes but you didn’t deserve him he thought you deserved better.
- If you are having an breakdown he would be there faster then sonic exe.
- When you are bored you two decide to walk around in the woods together hand in hand as you blabber on about things you like or something that happened.
- You two ended up dancing in the rain one time while some soft music played in the background. It really was like an romantic scene.
- you two got sick after but it was so ducking worth it.
- whenever he would switch he would bawl his eyes out cause he didn’t like you being around sully.
- sully is seven years old for god sakes but is an menace so you try your best to relax the other alter in Liu is body.
- Sully loves talking to you about what Liu says about you all the time.
- You and Sully at night time like to gossip and shit talk people but liu doesn’t know cause he is asleep.
- Give liu all the love he deserves after everything he's been through
- make sure your close to Jeff since he finds bonds with family are important and knows that he can trust you
- if you ever want to make his day. Just be there in the room he will immediately park up and will tell you his worries
- if you wanna make him even happier cut off Jeff’s head and bring it to Liu that man would panic but at the same time he happy
- if you do cut off Jeff’s head… Sulky would complain about how he wasn’t the one who did it
- he made you an playlist for your anniversary and you cried cause he put down all your favourite songs
- he learned how to make flower crowns with Sally and Lifeless Lucy. He gave you said flower crown and you bawled your eyes out.
-More earth and nature tones and aesthetics. It reminds him of his childhood, where he grew up by a creek.
- Being from New Orleans he loves music mainly Jazz and Pop
- He has violent impulses even when he was a kid and before the… incident
- but he would never take it out on you. If he ever did he would lock himself up and yell at himself.
- When sully gets violent you use the spray bottle
- Liu hates his scars with an burning passion.
- kiss his face, kiss the scars to make him feel whole atleast he will hold you tight.
- He knows how to play the alto-Sax Idk why HE JUST DOES!
- When his scarf ripped he panicked so much.
- you sewed it back up/or knitted it back together he was so happy he wouldn’t stop peppering your face with kisses
- He HATES absolutely HATES seeing people give him looks for his scars.
- Even though Liu/Sully's normally never seen with anything covering his face. Sometimes when Liu/Sully gets insecure he puts on a mask to cover his stitches in public to avoid getting stares and causing a scene.
- He’s the type of guy who would take your heels (if your an woman or identify as one) and give you his own shoes and will walk barefoot even if it’s painful as shit he would do it for you.
- Liu can cook like an fancy ass rich chef. He’s one of the main people who cook for dinner, and lunch
- Liu isn't very open his emotions when you first started to date. you need to take things slow and let him open up when he's ready for it.
- Asking about his brother isn't something you should do at this point, its a very touchy subject.
- he likes nature walks but he also likes late night drives
- it’s an thing you both would do if you had free time together.
- He loves holding you close to him.
- he doesn’t want to lose you and neither does sully… even if he won’t admit it Sully loves the gossip night time sessions.
Hobo Heart
- He doesn’t want to be hurt again…
- yet he fell for you
- he found it difficult and hard he was stressed out not wanting to have these feelings that he had before.
- he was wary and didn’t understand at all
- He has REAL trust issues
- he needs constant validation and reassurance, and he needs you to give him that he craves it.
- I know DAMN FUCKING WELL! That his love language is Acts of Service and Quality Time
- He's a really careful and analytical guy so the fact that he's dating you means he trusts you A LOT
- He doesn’t show much affection due to not understanding it at all.
- But if needed to comfort you secretly and the most subtle way possible he will hold your pinky with his pinky.
- He literally stole someone’s heart and offered it to you.
- (if your an Cannibal) he would also steal the organs for you but leave the kidneys for Jack
- he doesn’t like cooking but he LOVES baking.
- If your sad he would make you some sweets and give you some.
- Him and Sally which is an rare sight making sweets for her tea party.
- you caught them when you came back earlier from an misson.
- he loves flying into the sky when the sun is about to set or rise and likes taking you up with him.
- he worries that you will leave him so he will try his best for you NOT to leave him
- you always assure him about it and pepper kisses on his face.
- he made you an boquet of flowers from what he found in an persons garden and around the woods.
- it took 4 hours for him to find the Right flowers
- He'd protect you from any threat coming his way and put you above anyone else and everything else
- You get hurt?
- he will fly away from the scene with you in his arms or he will ruin an bitch and tear them to shreds
- He loves going on walks with you
- Whenever he's stressed out he likes knowing that you're there with him, and holding your hand is the perfect way for him to do that.
- he hates how he didn’t find you sooner
- He loves his dog so if his dog likes you he would like you too
- he melted when you two met and it was the best thing for Hobo Heart to see.
- It takes a little while for him to be openly vulnerable with you, but when he did, you're thoughts about his never changed, if only it made your feelings for him stronger and the same goes for him when he first met you.
- you wanted to dance in the rain? Hell no he wouldn’t want to get sick or see you get sick.
- He ended up dancing with you in the rain and flying towards the sky above while you danced around happily
- He loves watching you just talk about things you like and hate it let’s him get to know more about you
- Ocassionally you two like going out for picnics. You prepare everything and go to the nearest park to eat. Then, you sit on the grass and see the sunset together.
- he loves playing with your hair or you playing with his it makes him relax
- his wings are like an weighted blanket so he likes using it as an blanket for you when your cold
- He loves and cares for you something he felt once but got ruined.
- but you changed it for him. He will forever be in your debt for taking him out of his sad sink while and made him open up more around you and some others.
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violetganache42 · 1 year ago
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE���
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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niittinaatti · 17 days ago
LG Niiverse: Brainfreeze
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This is some lame band that was around a few hundred years ago and pretty forgotten nowadays. Basically these guys bonded over being magic in zareen and sick all the time and started a shitty band about it as teenagers, but they’re adults at this point and have gotten a little less shitty I think. Also surprisingly regular ass names because when I came up with these guys I was already past my curlinitajosefrollop phase
Casio: He plays keyboard and has multiple sclerosis and can’t move much, but the big reason he’s so sad-looking half the time is because his parents were very dami jani and made him go to strict school and study a shit ton even though he’s not even that smart (good at faking it though) He might also be another relative of Yue’s, being all dumpy seems to run in the family. Also for some reason he thinks vampires are sexy as hell and loves reading trashy inaccurate goffik books about them lol
Zicki (or Zic Lux Lin but obviously nobody calls her that) is a goblin who wears a wig to look cool and an ugly pepaja sweater to look less cool. But who cares she’s cool. Anyways she’s their guitarist and very loud and energetic but easily pissed off sadly. Uses magic to make herself louder at every opportunity, and can also shoot lightning. Fights with Stefan a lot especially.
Croc: One of Sovereign’s older kids who he banished as a kid for being an idiot (probably just had the Mr. Ocean condition) and got raised by some fishers from Zareen over a few generations. He plays sax or similar and he’s a silly guy and still pretty childish since he grew up slower than the others of course. Likes weird flavored sodas and collects scented erasers. He might actually be still alive maybe.
Jonas is a faun who plays bass and draws their posters. He’s trans and knows he looks incredibly girly but doesn’t give a shit, but he doesn’t talk much because he doesn’t like how his voice sounds like. Also is the biggest slut in the band and always tries to score with people, but he’s pretty chill and probably has the most braincells out of them. Can do some healing magic which is useful when these idiots get into shenanigans, also evil memes
Stefan is this wimpy scringly albino satyr whose mom sent him to live in the city cuz the woods was getting a bit scary. He’s got three asshole feral jock brothers who sometimes come over to beg him for stuff cuz zareen doesn’t have much woods anymore idk. Anyway Stefan is only slightly less of an asshole and pulls pranks on people for fun a lot but he’s surprisingly non horny, doesn’t want to fuck people unless it would be funny or smthn. Anyway he plays drums because of course
He’s magical and can do telekinesis but like most satyrs he’s pretty shit at it. He has to hold bigger objects while moving them so basically he has more like super strength but it’s something. Also he owns this impractical huge ass final fantasy sword that he carries around just to show off.
Zigzag: A maenad who spawned when the band were jamming out one day. This was a pretty big deal because it proved that whatever tf they were doing qualified as music so they basically made her their mascot and got inspired to do better. Zigzag is their biggest fan and wishes she were smarter and could invent a freeze ray to really freeze the brains of people who throw tomatoes at them but Karenza stopped making minervae what can you do. Yeah she’s still around of course.
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But they still have their fans even now... Pakila got an old ass record from her dad (Awesomeness gave it to him as a bonus, for some reason) and decided that it's WAY better than the crap Sineriina and all the other kids listen to, and got Maleena into it too, and also Ignatius who they doesn't otherwise get along with but he secretly likes their weird music. Maybe these 4 will become a shitty villain team or something when they're older hah
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How Brainfreeze feel about smoking cigarettes Casio: No thanks Croc: Will slap them away from your hand like they're evil Jonas: If you offered him he would act comically offended and play a song about how smoking is deadly for three hours Zicki might try once, pass out from coughing and then swear them off for life Stefan: Well that's more for him *shoves the entire pack in his mouth and smokes all at once* Zigzag: Lame, that's not broccoli
Obligatory bonus
It’s my loomingsona! Wowie!
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I’m a faun with one antler because that’s very gender. Also I can't see much with the goggles and blame drawing mistakes and failed memes on that. Boring outfit because I dress boringly in real life (it's comfier)
Slightly less boring outfit:
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They make comics for the funny pages on some kinda global Matuzan magazine. Apparently dwp's sona works at its advice column. Also they’re a descendant of Varas’ brother Rosvo who I made up (that’s a Finnish word for bandit because I’ll never stop bullying Varas for her name)
Also some headcanons: Fauns of Ibias descent have a little higher chance for the females to have antlers, though it's still uncommon. It's a reference to how female reindeer have antlers. Also, reindeer eyes change color according to the season because they accommodate for the different amount of light, so faun eyes change color according to the season or if they travel to a different climate, but probably not as much as with reindeer and it's less noticeable in darker eye colors.
That's me in the winter, in the summer my eyes turn brownish, around the same shade as my hooves.
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niobiumao3 · 11 months ago
Hi! For the TBB Ask game - how about 1., 21., 28. & 49.?
Also, it's always a delight to see you on my dashboard and thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts & opinions on TBB!
Thanks in advance & stay safe!
ty so much for the ask! On to the answers:
1. What’s your favorite thing about the show? In other words, what made you fall in love with the series? 
I am a sucker for family and ensemble dynamics in stories. Almost all of my creative ideas come from groups of little interacting, undergoing situations, this sort of thing, and TBB is that in a nutshell. I loved the idea of each Batch member having something that set them apart from the expected norm for their culture, something I can relate to deeply. Tech was a draw as well but that came later, when their characterization of him really solidified.
21. Road trip with the Batch!
Where are you going? Assuming local to me, I think they might like Yellowstone or Capitol Reef.
Who’s driving? Tech or Echo can take turns. Hunter is banned.
Who has the snacks? Echo and Wrecker. Echo is a particular eater so I wouldn't want him to be subjected to food he dislikes, being similar myself in random ways. Wrecker has a broader pallette so he'll make sure there's enough for everyone.
Who is in charge of music? Hunter, because it'll annoy Crosshair and this amuses me.
Who got left behind at the gas station? Cr--in all honesty, probably Omega and I. We're too busy looking at little geode and petrified tree keychains and whatever.
And other headcanons you have about going on a road trip with the Bad Batch. 
Tech definitely just leads his own tour groups, gets confused as a tour guide by other tourists. Wrecker wants to pet a moose. Crosshair enjoys bird watching. Echo is unimpressed with the traffic around major national parks.
28. If you could assign instruments to each Batcher, what instrument would you assign them? 
Tech I can see as multi-instrument, though I think he'd favor a string like cello.
Crosshair seems very woodwind to me. Sax of some sort.
I like a brass instrument for Wrecker, like French Horn or trombone, something mid-tone.
Hunter strikes me as a guitar guy, with a side of piano.
Percussion for Echo, though I'd think not just drums but also marimba, xylophone, etc.
Omega is definitely out there wanting to go tuba or susaphone but until she's bigger she has to settle for something like baritone sax.
49. What has been your favorite part about being in the fandom?
The really excellent community of creators--cosplayers, artists, writers, gif makers, vidmakers, just everyone doing cool and interesting things for us to engage with. The variety is endless and in times like right now, when the canon has gone a way some of us deeply dislike, it's really comforting to have all of this to come back to and even look forward to.
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the-axe-and-flail · 2 years ago
A Love Letter to the Future, My Dear
Some modern Hashira headcanons that have been banging around my head for a while:
Tags- SFW, all hashira, future AU
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• I feel like he's got a little food blog on the side. Nothing super flashy or anything, just him talking about his favorite places to eat and giving recommendations for his most loved meals/bites.
• He's a good outdoorsy person. Hiking 10 miles into the mountains just to set up camp for 2 days and then hike back? Heck yes sign him up! Kayaking in whitewater conditions? He's there. Just don't ask him to fish, he'd much rather build the most intricate firepit/fuel formation he learned in Scouts.
• Definitely an "Early to bed, early to rise" kinda guy. His version of 'sleeping in' is 7 a.m. at the latest. He's also the type to brush his teeth first thing in the morning, before he even eats breakfast. He just hates the feel of fuzzy or grimy teeth and can't stand to wait any longer.
• Walking pharmacy. She'll be the one to pull a first aid kit or a little travel pill bottle/keeper out of nowhere the moment someone even mentions being in pain or uncomfortable. She's also the one to remind her friends that sites like WebMD can't be used to diagnosis and to stop freaking themselves out by reading it. Always has chapstick or gum/mints when you need them.
• A bit of a prankster. She's the one that will discreetly hide someone's shoe, or replace the hand soap with mustard. Nothing malicious for the most part, but she'll ramp up the intensity if it's someone she dislikes/hates. One time she even made a very convincing parking ticket to put on a car that was blocking her into her parking spot.
• She's an unaware trendsetter. She's not out there picking clothes or styles because they're fashionable, she's just wearing whatever she feels comfortable in that makes her happy. Her cool, bold personality just makes people want to emulate, including her own personal style.
• Is a huge fan of radio dramas. He listens to a lot of drama podcasts, but nothing quite beats the old shows like "The Lone Ranger". He has a small collection of vintage radios as well that he likes to use when he's in the mood for a full, authentic experience. He's also a big vinyl collector and swears the music sounds 100× better than digital.
• Very musically inclined. He can play several instruments, mostly self-taught, and the vast majority of his repertoire is by ear. He plays the piano, and Shakuhachi most notably, but also can play the flute, tenor sax, oboe, and trumpet. He also frequents concerts and orchestras, and loves opera, with Giulio Cesare being his absolute favorite. He enjoys the pacing and delicate balance of plot and characters.
• Due to his size, he's not exactly comfortable on most public transit spaces. If he's getting home late (past rush hour) he's more likely to take it, but most the time he'd prefer to just walk. This means he knows the city like the back of his hand, and has all the deets on shops/restaurants/spaces that are opening or closing. This also makes him a regular face, so lots of shop and eatery owners and staff know him really well and love to give him freebies when they can.
• Knows all the best park trails in the city. He likes to spend a lot of time at parks, either bird watching or even people watching. Something about just being in nature really soothes his soul, but he's not big into camping at all. He likes nature, but he also likes not sleeping on the ground.
• Has a very strong (but internal) opinion on showers vs. baths. He has a whole custom shower in his apt/home that has the giant rain pan over the entire thing, with two spray nozzles that have LED RGB lighting. He even can hook it up to music so the colours change with the beat. Takes two showers a day (morning/night) and considers it his favorite place in his home.
• Falls asleep every night to either ocean or rain sounds. His bedtime routine is very detailed, and he tries his hardest to never miss a step. He likes to keep his bedroom on the chilly side so he can wrap himself in 2 or 3 blankets and become the blanket cocoon. Has trouble sleeping if it's not totally 100% pitch black, so he also has a little eye mask to help shade him from the sun.
• The human embodiment of "the night life". Has a standing reservation at many of the elite clubs in the city and enjoys just living in the moment at them. Something about the colourful lights and deep, rhythmic music really makes him feel alive. Excellent dancing skills also just make him a sight to behold when he's in his element.
• Has an opinion on everything, even the stupid stuff. Pineapple on pizza? He has a strongly worded monologue for that. Cats or dogs? He could write a whole book series. Don't even get him started on deeper topics like politics or social standards because no one has the time to listen to that tirade. His social medias are just 80% photos of him and 20% his hot takes.
• Very fashionable, to no one's surprise. He has a favorite tailor that is used to all his wild requests, and considers himself to be the pinnacle of "fashion forward". Due to his very opinionated nature, he has a fashion blog that he updates religiously. Spends gobs of money to make sure he's always attending Fashion Week, and always stays ahead of the curve.
• Has her own pet sitting gig that she does to save up money for a new place. She's so good with the animals that it's easy for her to find work, and even has a hefty waiting list for clientele. Definitely pet CPR certified. Knows the name of every single pet she's ever pet-sat and will go apeshit with joy when she sees one of them out and about with their owners. Remembers their birthdays and everything.
• During a really gloomy winter a few years back, she decided to take up baking and got hooked. She started out simple with cookies and cakes but quickly progressed to making her own sourdough starters and pie crust by hand. Sometimes, she gets a bit carried away and will bake way too much, so she makes sure to make plates for her neighbors and drops them off.
• Fancies herself a crafter, but is a little too adhd about it. She'll hyper fixate on buying all the cool shiny supplies she needs for X craft, but once they all arrive, she gets a bit overwhelmed and ends up only using them 3 or 4 times before her sights get set on a new craft/project. Her craft room is a mix between heavily organized and absolute chaos. And yes, there is glitter everywhere
• To no one's surprise- a big fan of tattoos/body mods. Has his left ear pierced I a couple places, and has one full tattoo sleeve, and working on another. He takes great pride in how he's incorporated some of his scars into the artwork, and has a fantastic relationship with his artist. At one point he considered a lip piercing until he realized how it could impact his teeth.
•Has a standing appointment every Wednesday to take his mom out to lunch. Sometimes Genya or one of his other siblings will tag along, but typically, it's just the two. She enjoys getting to see the updates on his tats, and hear about how his schooling is going. He always lets her pick the restaurant, so they've tried a lot of new foods.
• He would have the smallest, fluffiest little dog, as his apartment wouldn't allow anything bigger (not that it mattered, he likes the small dogs best of all). He takes it with him on his motorcycle rides, and even has a little safety helmet, vest, and goggles combo for it. Despite Sanemi not being a ray of sunshine, his little dog is extra friendly and often gets him into unintended social situations.
• Was 100% a zoobooks kid, who grew into a very animal knowledgeable adult. Enjoys spending time at the zoo (always accredited with the highest care standards, of course), taking photos of the animals with his ridiculously expensive camera and massive telephoto lenses. Has had many of his photos win awards, and has even been credited in natgeo a few times.
• Hates traveling, but is very good at it. He's the guy with all the carry on items in perfectly portioned bottles, all in sectioned ziplocs. Never forgets to bring the neck pillow or charge the headphones, and has his home airport down to a science so he never arrives too early or too late. Also knows where the best and cheapest food is.
• Is incredibly sensitive to temperature changes. Obanai is the guy who always wears layers so he can either shed or don them. It could be middle of summer and he'll still always carry around a light jacket, zip hoodie, or scarf, just in case they become necessary. He keeps his home a constant 75° year round, and anyone who dares to touch his thermostat will suffer the curse.
• He and his twin brother Yuichiro have a college podcast about all the goings-on at Uni. Sometimes they'll play a song from a local uni student's EP, other times they'll discuss some faculty drama, or maybe even financial advice for anyone applying or attending. It originally started out as just for their friend group, but the back and forth, good cop-bad cop stylings of their banter made them an overnight sensation.
• Stays up until 4 am, wakes up at 12pm. The most night owl of all night owls, he finds it more peaceful to study in the early hours when everyone is sleeping and social media is relatively quiet. Has a little bit of adhd and a caffeine addiction that definitely play a part in that as well. Is useless at group projects simply because of his schedule, but he does as much as he can on his own, and always buys snacks to make up for it.
• Reality TV connoisseur. He doesn't like them, per-say, it's just that the drama is so terribly entertaining. He enjoys trying to key into who is the worst/most toxic person on the show in the first episode, and how they're going to completely ruin everyone's life by the end. He particularly enjoys the survival variety, and loves picking apart where they went wrong.
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kithtaehyung · 8 months ago
ummm… hi 🥹 i didnt realize people on here thought of us still. i mainly lurk nowadays because life has been insane (good) but i still have you on notifs because i love you dearly. i actually only use social now to keep up with the news for the few fandoms im in. that anon is absolutely not weird, your blog is a place we will always remember for life for obvious reasons, people wanting an update is actually really cute. jake (sax) and i hit our year in june and just put a down payment on a house just outside the city - the commute is worth it 😍 i think that’s the big update everything else is the same 😂
okay ill share something cute, when we visit upstate to see family his mom (love her) sometimes makes little comments when he’s being extra sweet on me. things like, “don’t know what you did but it’s so nice to see him like that” and we always look at each other like it’s an unspoken inside joke that it was really a deliciously, disgustingly beautiful story and community of people who worship a fictional version of a hot k-pop man that got him to open up, at first.
we also just read lollipop last night, together 👀, and it was unhealthy for us in the best ways. you are magnificent as always. i have more spoilery thoughts so im gonna submit them for your eyes only when i have more time to really focus.
anyway, i love you and the 3tan fam (the fl3 fam too 👀) and i will be here for everything you do always 💚
OH. MY GOD. YALLL WE GOT A RILEY AND JAKE UPDATE I WANNA CRYYY ok i actually did when i read this message the first time but yes i will tear up again while writing this.
of course we're gonna think about y'all🥹 i think about you guys and wonder how you're doing, same with a lot of you that let us know your individual stories. it's touching to know that things are moving in a wonderful direction. a HOUSE! BIG🗯️
your little inside joke just makes me smile so wide omfg. y'all are so.. ugh i wanna hug you both and just shower you in the prettiest flowers and tangerines while trying to keep it together!! if there is ever a wedding.. i would 1000% go if invited🥺
so.. you read lollipop, huh🧍‍♀️together, huh🧍‍♀️i can only imagine the reactions lmfao that must be the fucking best to read silly dirty fanfics together arghhhhh can you tell i'm so sappy rn LOL submit the spoilery parts whenever! i don't have to post right away.
WE LOVE YOU😭😭😭 thank you so much for giving us an update! honestly my whole week is made🫂
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samiesramen · 2 years ago
Mullivans headcanons because I said so:
- Piers and Jake are enemies to lovers in the best kind of slow burn way. If you don’t believe me read Raccoon City: Redux on AO3 T R U S T M E
- I can’t decide if I head-canon Piers as gay or bi, they’re both kind of fitting. That’s makes sense in my head because I can totally see Piers crushing in a girl that can kick his ass, just as much as a guy. Though I feel like he’s had more boyfriends, and with being in the BSAA this did not help XD
- I head canon Jake as Demi/Bi. Jake grew up with a in and off message about love and what he wanted out of it. Because if that, he started messing around slowly figuring out he was into men and women but what he wanted deep down was someone he could truly fall for. Because of that he’s only vulnerable with a select people, such as Sherry. Homie just wants to find someone to cuddle and love :3
- Like IMAGINE if Jake’s partner for his campaign was Piers and they put effort into them-UGGGHH😩👌🏾.The heart to heart scenes would be TOP TIER. The character growth, the relationship growth. They should’ve hired me for re6.
- Anyways :3
- The teasing, the cute moments, the connection would’ve been so cute.
- Like Capcom made two characters that are literally junior versions of their two most ICONIC characters and they didn’t do ANYTHING with them?? You made Wesker Junior and Redfield Junior they just said, yeah they don’t need to interact :=3
- I feel like Piers took a little while longer than Jake to fall. A lot of authors, especially Ao3 authors have a common detail in Piers where he is more resilient to falling in love in general. (Which is a character detail I cannot even begin to go over)
- But besides that point, Piers was definitely the “Oh my god I’m in love” person of the relationship.
- Jake on the other hand-
- Lord have mercy
- Remember how I said enemies to lovers? Yeah homeboy was killing that trope.
- The constant teasing, jokes, etc, etc, etc.
- Piers could not catch a break (But deep down he kinda loved it.)
- My favorite thing for them is how Puppy could have started out as a insult and then it gradually started to being a cute nickname Jake just calls him and Piers gets used too over time.
Like read these lines with Jake’s voice in your head and you’ll see what I mean;
- “Awww, poor puppy.” (Mocking)
- “ You got a plan puppy?”(General)
- “Hey, don’t worry about it puppy..”(Cute, assuring.”
- “Cute puppy…” (😏)
- Like AAAHH
- The moment Piers and Jake become a couple they are ride or die. No questions asked.
- I’m talking standing up for each other, grabbing each other before one of them gets hit, hugging, Jake grabbing Piers hand while Piers sleeps.
- As the relationship brings to grow and they start become friend as well as partners on the field, Jake unconsciously grabs Piers’ hand to keep him safe, similarly to what Jake did in his campaign with Sherry.
- I once thought of this heartfelt moment while they’re getting into the friends stage where Piers isn is just slowly giving up during a mission, and then Jake starts to realize this and he’s in his head like:
- “Wait, he’s sax, I don’t like that.”
- “I have to make him smile.”
- Hear me out, picture this:
- Despite the area around him in ruins, Jake ignores it all the moment he see’s the look of disappointment and despair in Piers eyes. The hope in Piers’ body is draining.
- Piers goes onto talking about how he’s failing to do his job. How he can’t handle it, finishing off that he’s not enough.
- Jake is bewildered at this because the entire time he’s seen Piers, he’s stubborn, smart, and importantly determined. Honestly he was keeping Jake from giving up.
- It made Jake realize that he didn’t want to see Piers vulnerable like this. Not because he didn’t care, but he was worried in a way he’s never been before.
- Jake gets a soft look in his eyes and grabs Piers’ hand talking him not to sell himself short. That he’s doing an amazing job despite how at odds they are compared to the world. That they probably wouldn’t be alive without him.
- and the end it all off, Jake, without even being aware of it. softly tilts Piers’ chin up and looks in his eyes and tells him “I think you great, Piers.”
- Piers’s eyes widen and bit. They are the replaced with a soft gaze and he smiles softly. That’s the first time in the mission Jake said his name.
This is getting super long. I am very normal about this humongous super duper ultra platinum rare pair. No it’s not 3:30 am, yes I’m getting sleep.
Anywho , let me know if you would like a part 2!
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meekswillinherittheearth · 1 year ago
What the Poets are like in my DR!
this is a response to this ask! hope you enjoy!! posting it a bit earlier than originally intended bc i couldn't take the anticipation anymore :)
Neil Perry
my found family brother!!
always looking out for me
he was the first person i met when i started at Welton
we do bicker like siblings but it's okay
i love going to his plays, watching him perform is so much fun and he is so happy
seeing him like that is enough to heal the soul
we share books a lot
i do his stage makeup!
he makes the strangest little sounds sometimes
it will be dead silent and he'll make a silly little squeaky sound
always joins me and my dad (mr keating) for family time
Todd Anderson
he's so sweet and caring
he can be very sarcastic though
insert the "the one with the buck teeth?" situation 😭
he's super funny without trying to
we're both super anxious and it's nice to have someone around who understands that
amazing hugs!! not often, but they are healing
that time i was having a really stressful day and he hugged me and i immediately cried
he can be insecure about his relationships with people because he thinks people don't wanna be around him and just hang out with him out of pity
he needs reassurance but refuses to act for it
really good at painting! i got him watercolors for his birthday <3
he deserves everything. if i could give you the moon i would todd bb
Charlie Dalton
outrageous drama queen
he loves dancing
never said he was good at it though!
it's mostly just twirling
flirts with you to antagonize you but only if you tell him it's okay, he would never wanna make someone uncomfortable <3
my number 1 supporter since forever
superrrr competitive
can and will turn anything into a competition
massive cheesy nerd but denies it adamantly
he cares about his friends more than anything
very very affectionate
wants to be touching someone at all times
his love language is 1000% touch
very talented at music, he can play guitar, sax and a little bit of drums
doesn't sing often but definitely can
hates studying, not because he doesn't care about his education, but because it's not stimulating enough for his brain and he gets distracted really easily
i've said it once and i'll say it again, he is EVERYONES BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!!!
we're polar opposites but will match energy when needed
knows when to be hyperactive and when to be chill and quiet
sarcastic, always being a little shit
"hey charlie, will you pass me that?" "um, no" as he's passing it to you type of thing
gets me out of my shell, which i appreciate so much <3
i really benefit from the confidence he gives me and he likes being around someone who doesn't expect him to be going at a million miles an hour all the time
Knox Overstreet
my gossip buddy!
when we're bored we sit and people watch and make up life stories for the people we see
he has the silliest, most giggle
can and will lift you up
on his shoulders, picking you up and spinning you around, no matter what, it will happen
i watched him pick Charlie up and shake him and nearly peed myself laughing
very platonically affectionate, like little cheek kisses and stuff
it's his way of showing gratitude
hes also pretty sensitive and emotional
he read pride and prejudice and cried his eyes out
type of guy to kick his feet and giggle while twirling his hair
Gerard Pitts
hits his head off things at least once a day
so long and gangly and strange
like those things at car dealerships (affectionate)
he's so sarcastic and goofy
we always gang up on Charlie when he does/says something stupid
he takes his grades very seriously
but he isn't a stick in the mud about it
loves music so much
its one of the main things i hear him talk about
finds and keeps cool rocks
gives them to people when they're having a rough day
penguin behavior tbh
he is just a silly guy!
Steven Meeks
this is gonna be a long one, buckle up lovelies
we met and instantly clicked
inconsolably sweet, all the time
also kind of a chronic people pleaser but we're working on it okay!
we both have an affinity for latin
we have secret conversations in latin sometimes <3
about a week after we first met he asked Charlie if I was dating anyone but made him promise not to tell me (which didn't last long)
when we met i complimented his glasses and he blushed and went "thank you, i need them to see. i like your freckles."
he did not realize how hilarious of a response that was until later
falling asleep on his shoulder when we're up late studying <3
he always wants to carry me places. who needs legs honestly
flustering him is so easy and i love to do it because it's so funny
trying to teach him how to dance and he trips over his own feet
he has the softest most beautiful curls ever
tiny little ringlets by his ears!! my heart is melting!!!!
and his eyes.... cut the cameras
hes so pretty
him laying in my lap while i read to him
leaving lipstick all over his face and him not realizing.... the literal cutest
he is always the first one I run to when I get off stage after a recital (they all come to my ballet recitals in my dr)
us always getting caught staring at each other <3
writing poetry for each other!!!!
his love language is acts of service and quality time
his glasses are somehow constantly fogging up
he always offers me his sweater/coat/jacket when i'm chilly
my love im kicking my feet and giggling writing about him
he feels like the song 'let the light in' by lana del rey
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whatrulisteningto · 7 months ago
Nu Genea's Bar Mediterraneo: My Personal Album of the Summer
Nu Genea's newest album Bar Mediterraneo was released in 2022 and thanks to Reddit, I found it this summer and it created the perfect vibes for all 3 beautiful months of it. This 9-song, 35-minute album doesn't seem a lot for one summer but based on the first song you can get a taste of what the rest of the album is going to be like. With each song is another vision that I'm going to share but also a personal connection I developed with the song over the summer. I also want to show that you don't need to understand Italian to feel this song.
This two-man band DJs Massimo Di Lena and Lucio Aquilina. Nu Genea is not necessarily underground or unknown; rather, they are very popular in Italy, specifically Napoli. The band was founded in Napoli.
The first song is the same name as the album and it starts with a chill funky groove. I have visions of riding bikes down the boardwalk of a beach. It’s a perfect intro to what the rest of the album is going to be about. For me personally, I only listen to this song when listening to the album so I dont have any connection to it but that still doesn't knock it down as being a wonderful song.
Tienate is my second favorite song on this album. With its up beat feel and I dont even know Italian but I still love this song. I feel this with playing football on the beach, with this song to give you more than enough energy to keep going. I was in Kenya when I was listening to this song the most so every time I listen to this song I see my family and hiking the beautiful national parks my country is known for.
Gelbi is a song with a collaboration with Marzouk Mejri and instead of Italian its spoken in Arabic. This song makes me want to lie down on an Italian Beach sipping on a pina colada. In the song, you can hear a wonderful blend of the band's mix of Arabia's popular genre “Habibi Funk”. This song flows well with the flutes, strings, and beautiful harmonization of all singers. This song reminds me of lying down on Mombasa beach or playing with both my little brothers finding treasures (that I hid).
Before I found the album I found the song Marechia. From some random guy on Reddit when I was looking for more albums like Aruther Verocai’s self-titled album (which I will be doing a review on someday). This song's guitar riff is something more heavenly and energizing.
It’s as if coffee was put into a song. The beautiful percussion and nice progression of the song will always hold a nice spot in my playlists. I always played this song before playing football at my nearby field and it made me feel like I was about to play like Ronaldinho (I played like Harry Maguire). Regardless this song will always have good memories attached to making friends, having fun, and enjoying the nature around me.
Now onto the fifth song of this project Straneiro. If I were to rank the album this song would probably be at the bottom not because I dislike it but because it brings similar vibes previous and future songs will bring but I feel like this song does not deliver to the same high as others. Not necessarily bad but when surrounded by gold you tend to notice the reflection of silver. Though this song has a quality I could only describe as wavy. With its nice relaxed percussion and simple lyrics it's definitely a good background song when working. Maybe another reason I don't like this song as much is because I was washing dishes every time I listened to this song so possibly some biases.
Praja Magia is another song I did not listen to unless I was listening to the song as a whole but taking another listen, it is a very easy song with a funky synth, a classic piano, and relaxing vocals. The song feels more like an interlude or filler up until the bridge where we hear what I believe to be a sax.
Another song I did not listen to often but after another listen Vesuvio is the epitome of a footballer's anthem. With a beat that sounds to be influenced by bossa nova, a synth that can get another jumping and a simple beat that almost anyone can freestyle to this song. 
Rire is to laugh in Italian and this song is meant to laugh while being played. I feel like this beat is best to be described as jumpy with soothing vocals. Meant to be listened to while having fun. This summer song has a wonderful chorus with woodwinds that goes with the synth. This song feels old and futuristic whilst all being fun. 
Last but not least La Crisi. With a beautiful lazy and relaxed piano as well as vocals that make you wanna sing along. This still brings the vibes of the entire album but with a wonderful ending that feels like watching the sunset over the horizon. In a sense you had a good day ready to do it all again tomorrow.
The entire album feels old and new at the same time. Which I believe gives it a timeless feel regardless if you speak Italian or Arabic. With these blends of so many genres, the quality of the production is amazing.  they did it whilst making an album that could be accepted into any summer playlists.
#nugenea #songs #music #albums #bar mediterraneo #italiano #italianmusic
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lapski · 1 year ago
are you black? are you a lesbian?
hi!! my name is starr (lapski), and recently i’ve made a black lesbian story/book, called the CEO’s nanny !! it is currently being made, and i would love it if you guys could at least give some of it a read to tell me what you think!!
REMINDER : you do NOT have to be black, or even a lesbian for that matter. i’m black myself, so the characters of my story are black, that’s all. here is the description, or the back of the book for an insight on what it’s about !!
Work, go home, go back to work, eat a cheap frozen meal, watch an episode of a old show, go to sleep. Then, do it over and over again until it's all you know.
This is a normal routine for Ariana Greene. It's what she knows how to do. It's how she survives. As a recent college graduate, she doesn't have the luxury her peers have to go out and actually live their life's before settling with families and finding jobs. For Ariana, her life started early. She hates having to work, work, and work some more until she finally exhausts herself. She hates that she doesn't have the time nor the money to be like other people her age.
Until her prayers finally get answered by getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
As a waitress in a restaurant, Ariana's days start and end the same. She serves a family, acts nice, and in return gets a small tip. Life works in mysterious ways, and Ariana finally got to see it first hand. After comforting a small child, Ariana comes face-to-face with the magazine and billboard plastered billionaire and CEO, Victoria Saxe.
Victoria gives Ariana an offer she can't refuse. It's simple, taking care of her child and becoming a nanny while she works in exchange for more money a week that Ariana has heard of in her life.
Life works in mysterious ways, and Ariana can only hope that it's for the better instead of for the worse.
if you would like to check it out, thank you so much for being a supporter of my writing!! reblogging this post is appreciated, but not expected. i hope you all enjoy what i have so far if you plan to read !! if you search it up, here’s what you should find!!
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