#I love Katniss as a mom
littlemarianah · 3 months
One thing that makes me extremely emotional is how Peeta is the maker. He makes food with water and flour, he makes art with paint.
And Katniss mentions how she can't create, how she needs Cinna to pretend that she's designing clothes. She is fire, and fire destroys, or transforms.
She has the bow, and its use is to kill. Killing is what keeps her alive throughout her life, she kills to eat, she kills to survive, she kills to end the war.
After the war, she has children and she says how difficult it is to carry them. Getting pregnant, producing life, being the maker herself.
I just think it's beautiful that with love and healing she is finally able to create, to make. She continues to be the fire, but it uses its transformative potential , the same as transforming dough into bread, and not its destructive potential.
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itsajollyjester · 4 months
Are we finally gonna know the names of Katniss and Peeta's parents????
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carnationhes · 7 months
in another lifetime katniss was rly good at minecraft
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mariska · 10 months
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well! bye everyone i'm off to re-read my fav book trilogy of all time that i havent read since their original releases when i was a teenager and also finally get to read the prequel that i never got around to reading for the first time so. i'll see u guys on the other side and by other side i mean i'll see u guys when i re-emerge into society drenched in blood and tears rambling about all the new mental evidence i will have collected for my years-long headcanon that Katniss is autistic and sobbing about how many more details of the whole story i understand on a more profound and deep level than my teenage self was capable of processing properly
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cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
Steve or Tony growing their hair out long enough for a ponytail? ie: silky golden locks or beachy cascading waves?
anon anon anon how did you know that i am in love- nay, obsessed- no, entranced with hair as a metaphor for growth/a means of sharing intimate touch/a piece of culture/a way to reimagine, to rebel, to be reborn <3
i think steve would be excellent at braiding both his own hair and anyone else's he can get his hands on to practice. he'd be super gentle and attentive and coordinated and at a certain point thor and nat just start seeking him out to braid their hair in the mornings because there's something so precious about feeling big strong powerful hands hold you so delicately, never pulling too hard or making you twist your head around uncomfortably even when he's testing out a more complicated design.
steve tries to braid tony's hair too, but while tony prizes his hair for the way it drapes down his back during galas or how he can punctuate his press conference quips with a high-ponytail and an expertly-timed hair flip, when he's at home he's usually got it up in a bun so that it doesn't catch on anything in the lab.
yeah, tony doesn't much have the patience to be still and let someone do his hair for him. but he absolutely treasures his and steve's nighttime routine, when he sits steve down on their bed and gets to release whatever intricate and beautiful braid steve's done for himself and watch it unravel around his fingertips. and at a certain point the braid is all undone and steve's tipped his head backwards onto tony's shoulder and it's less about brushing his hair out and more about just scratching his nails on steve's scalp, massaging his temple, dropping kisses along the path his fingers take until steve is sighing in his arms and all the tension has bled out of him and there's nothing else except tony's hands on him and their hair intertwining together over the pillows as they fall asleep
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demonio-fleurs · 11 months
also, very random, but i rewatched the first hunger games movie last night and
oof. what a good film. there were definitely some decisions that they made that i think were mistakes but it was still such a good adaptation.
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little-lynx · 7 months
Hello! So I’m finally in my working condition (lol) and I slowly go through all the things I need to draw. Today I will post some of the requests I’ve received on my Buy Me a Coffee account (which is not existing anymore unfortunately). That was looooong ago! But I’m happy I’m finally doing it haha ;)
So the first one was requested by my lovely @alwayseverlark :
katniss eating an icecream (and if possible with a toast baby having one also and/or Peeta)
I wanted to draw middle aged Katniss for a while and this request was perfect for that. I think dancing girl is 10 years old here and Katniss is around 45 I suppose? 🤔 I think they just bought an ice cream after school and spent some good mom-and-daughter time together while Peeta and boy with the blonde curls were enjoying themselves in the bakery ♥️
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charlunday · 8 months
I know we all like to think about Haymitch being like a grandpa to the toast babies, but I raise you: Hazelle being like a grandma to them! Because tbh she's the more responsible one and experienced with kids between her and Haymitch, and she loves Katniss like a daughter.
But also imagine this from Gale's perspective. First white boy steals your girl, then he steals your MOM!!!!!!!
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heyheycaitalin · 1 year
Peeta's mom probably died thinking Peeta's story about eloping with Katniss and getting her pregnant was real. Who would've told her otherwise? They couldn't call home. She doesn't know Gale. She doesnt talk to Katniss' family. She probably died thinking her son married that "Seam brat" and her grandchild was gonna be raised by other Seam trash. Her son married the daughter of the girl her husband loved and never really got over. I think that's beautiful. Die mad, Mrs. Mellark you evil witch.
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realmermaid333 · 17 days
I love how the hunger games is about maintaining empathy and fighting for justice no matter what. But also how it is about perseverance.
All the surviving characters persevered. They found a way to be okay despite all of the horrors they'd been through. Despite them all losing everything they feared they'd lose. And they were still okay.
Katniss lost her sister even though she was terrified to lose her and did everything in her power to save her, including sacrificing herself. That's why this story started after all. And despite it, Katniss kept on going. She found hope and joy in Peeta, in the songs her dad taught her when she was a little girl, in the woods and the comfort they'd always bring her, she found hope in herself.
Peeta lost the version of himself that he so desperately clung to in beginning. And despite it, he still kept fighting and getting help until he could get better and pick up the pieces. He painted his memories, the good and the bad, and found joy in the little things. In the sunsets, in the smell of the breads he baked on his own terms without his cruel mother looming over him. He found joy in Katniss and the life they built together.
Haymitch lost his mom, brother, and girlfriend after surviving his brutal game and losing his district partner. And after years of rotting away and drowning himself with alcohol, he pulled himself together and showed up once Katniss and Peeta gave him hope. And despite it all he found comfort and joy in his geese and in Katniss and Peeta in the end. He still spent his days drinking, but this time he wasn't alone and he had to get out of bed each morning to tend to his feathered babies.
Annie lost Finnick even though she wanted nothing more than for him to be safe. Even though they'd just gotten married after finally being reunited. And she persevered anyway. She didn't let the darkness after his passing consume her like it did after she won her games. She became a mother and survived due to and for the love she had for her son. Like Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch- she survived.
And I think that is tragic, yes, but also incredibly beautiful. There's always another way. Despite it all.
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The way Katniss is just stumbling through the Hunger Games like "I can keep Peeta alive through sheer willpower combined with how much everyone loves him cause he's the most wholesome and perfect person in the whole universe" and Peeta is out here making these elaborate plans; i.e., "she came here with me", "if it weren't for the baby", the locket with pictures of her mom and Prim, and GALE??? Wanting to make alliances.
Like, one of you is Haymitch's carbon copy and it shows.
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moodypetrichorlove · 1 year
I'm rewatching Catching Fire, and I just got done with the beach scene. So, when Peeta gives Katniss his gold medallion (that Effie had gifted him), we see that it has a locket with 3 frames with each frame carrying one picture to remind Katniss of her family (i.e., her mom, Prim, and Gale), of what she's fighting to go back to.
And it never fails to amaze me that Peeta uses the token Effie got him as a gift for Katniss. Like he uses it to put up pictures of the people he believes she loves the most. He uses it to benefit Katniss. It's as much a reminder for Peeta of what or whom he thinks are the most important people in Katniss' life and why he needs to get her out of that arena as a victor – other than the fact that he's always been in love with her – as it is for Katniss. The level of selflessness that Peeta exudes is just brilliantly moving. He's honestly the best kind of person to have in your corner.
Also, when Effie gives Haymitch and Peeta the tokens, while giving Peeta his, she makes it a point to say, "the medallion we talked about". So, you mean to tell me Peeta and Effie discussed it beforehand? And you mean to tell me that Peeta probably asked for that locket, of all things? Because he had it in his mind what he'd use it for? I mean, the thoughtfulness he put into this, God. There's a 99% chance that using it for Katniss wasn't just something he thought of after Effie gave him the medallion. He most probably (read: definitely) asked for it because he wanted Katniss to be able to remember why she needed to survive. And he added Gale's picture, too... I mean this boy is just so very pure and selfless and wholesome. When he loves, he loves unconditionally, and without looking for his own benefits.
God, I love Peeta Mellark.
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sanjarka · 1 year
the mere fact that katniss and peeta's children are described as a dancing girl and a toddler with chubby legs is enough to disapprove any notion that these kids are not equally wanted by both of their parents. the girl is happy and the boy is fed.
if someone is personally uncomfortable with that ending, or the wording of it (but peeta wanted them so bad), i understand that probably nothing i'll say will remove the doubt from said person. and a part of that doubt comes from a good place - stories in which women don't eventually become mothers are rare. but considering katniss and peeta's characters and the hopeful tone of the epilogue, katniss being genuinely forced into motherhood is not something that makes sense to me.
katniss didn't have kids for peeta but because of him (but peeta says it will be okay. we have each other) and she needed him to make that a safe option for her. the fact that peeta is the one who starts the conversation is incredible for his character arc. his abusive relationship with his mom and his hijacking (!!!) are not going to make parenthood something he just gets to choose on a whim.
we don't know when exactly those 15 years start. i don't get the picture that he just begs her every day untill she gives in. i have a hard time believing that both of them didn't take this decision seriously and with great care. that peeta would ever be fine with having kids with someone who will resent them, especially after going through a similar experience himself. that katniss wouldn't just have one, but two children if they weren't a sentient choice.
if you understand what it takes to be a parent, and what it means to have children it will never not be a scary future. doesn't mean that future isn't the right one. how can anything, other than fearful joy exist for both katniss and peeta when this is the song with which their story ends.
deep in the meadow, under willow
a bed of grass, a soft green pillow
lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
and when again they open, the sun will rise.
here it's safe, here it's warm
here the daises guard you from every harm
here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
here is a place where i love you.
i'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away.
how is this not katniss loving her children and peeta. how does anything else fits.
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littlemarianah · 5 months
Okay, just a crazy headcannon about death
Peeta dies very young. At 67 years old.
In the early 60s he began to occasionally leave the door open. Forgetting bread in the oven until it turns to ash. Forgetting Katniss's birthday. He even forgot to take his medicine, which he was always so precise about.
Katniss always denied it. "He's just old... He's just tired..." she used to say. Until in a hot summer, Peeta asked her if the reaping was coming. She didn't believe it, She thought he was just playing with her.
Then Peeta started complaining that the kitchen table couldn't get dirty. "You know my mom doesn't like that." he said. But his mother had been dead for 40 years. Every time they walked down the street he asked Katniss where the old Mellark's bakery was.
"The bombs, dear. Do you remember?” Katniss said.
"Oh, of course, the bombs..." Peeta murmured, pretending to remember.
Katniss wished every day that he would only forget the bad things, but he was slowly forgetting only what she wanted him to remember. He forgot how Willow liked to sleep on his chest when she was a baby and how Rye liked to eat bread dough.
Sometimes he just had a scared, confused look. He whispered in one of his children's ears: "Don't trust Katniss, she's trying to kill me." Other times he would cling to Katnis and beg her not to leave him. And he asked a million times if she really loved him. He asked if she was hungry, he asked if Willow was already sleeping in her crib, he asked if Katniss wanted to leave the bakery closed tomorrow because he was feeling so tired.
"Of course my love. Let's keep the bakery closed tomorrow." she responded with tears in her eyes, knowing that they hadn't opened a bakery in at least 10 years.
At least at night, Katniss was still able to sleep on Peeta's chest, and if she had nightmares, he would squeeze it and say. "I'm here, Katniss. It's jsut a dream." He continued to care for her until the end. He kept asking her to stop crying, that he was okay.
When they were young he had promised her that he would only die when she was already dead, not to make her suffer. But it was not the case. In the end, he seemed to realize he was about to go. There were some lucid moments. He pulled Katniss close and begged her, whimpering.
"Promise me that you will live for more many many years..."
"I promise." she said.
Then Peeta is gone, but his clothes are still in the closet, his cane in place in case he wants to come back. Katniss wishes she had gone crazy, but she remains completely sane. Every day, she wake up and knew exactly where she was and what had happened. Her only moments of madness were when her youngest son entered the room, tall and with blond hair. She almost exploded with happiness until realized that it was Rye and not Peeta.
She lived many years as he wanted, but she did not live the way he would have liked. It was a good thing their children were already grown up because she didn't have the strength to do anything other than eat and sleep.
After Peeta died she stopped having nightmares and started having dreams. A warm house, smelling like bread, with a Peeta who never went to games waiting for her. She began to find comfort in the fact that he didn't had to see her die. Being happy that at least it was his body that decided to get sick and die, not being forced to go. She found comfort in what she could until death took her to him again.
Many years later, when her grandchildren are reunited, she tells him an old story. About a hungry orphan girl and a baker boy with a loaf of bread in his hands.
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
I think if peeta even got a sniffle Katniss would go fucking feral, drop everything and take care of him (and get sick herself)
She'd call her mom like, "he's dying, what do I do?"
Peeta's in the background like, "Hi Mrs. Everdeen, I just have seasonal allergies, I took some Zyrtec, everything is fine!
Now, Anon? Now i get to talk about what I think happens when KATNISS gets sick. And spoiler alert, it's GREAT.
The first time Katniss gets sick after the war, she doesn't tell anyone. She just locks herself in her house, puts a note on the door saying that she's fine and to come back tomorrow hoping that Sae sees it and doesn't bother with cooking anything for her. She grabs some remedies, a box of plain crackers, a blanket, some water, and trudges her way upstairs back to bed.
A few hours later she hears a loud crash in the kitchen. She waddles and sniffles her way downstairs to the sight of a cursing Peeta, sprawled on the kitchen floor, while his prosthetic is dangling from the open window above the sink.
"What are you doing?" she says in a congested voice, "I left a note on the door." She moves over to the window to unlatch his prosthesis from where it got snagged on the windowsill.
"This," he says, brandishing the crumpled paper in the air, "is NOT enough of an explanation. People were worried. Haymitch was worried..." He glances away at that.
"Haymitch? Bullshit." she snorts as she bends down to reattach his leg. She stays down when she's done, realizing that she's feeling a little unsteady on her feet.
"Fine. FINE! I was worried. What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"
"No! Of course not. It-it's fine. I'm fine. I'm just sick. Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you tomorr-." She's struggling to get back up when she feels the air whoosh around her and realizes that Peeta has picked her up to carry her over to the couch.
"Sick? What's wrong? Have you taken anything? Let me make you some tea, or do you want soup? I can make soup." he's rambling as he presses the back of his hand to her clammy forehead.
"I really am okay. I got this. I'll be fine, Peeta." she says, pushing his hand away from her face and regretting it immediately at the loss of contact.
"Katniss. Please let me do this, okay? This is what you and I do, right? That's what you said. Now, tell me where you keep your bouillon. I'm making some chicken stock and a good soup for you."
That's when it hits Katniss. She hasn't really been taken care of like this in years. Maybe since she was 11.
For years now, her mother would do her best to take care of her during the occassional cold, of course. But for the most part Katniss struggled to accept any softness or warmth from her mother. Feeling caught between that desire to be held and comforted and the anger she still felt towards her - they instead both settled for the distant, clinical detachment her mother had with her other patients.
But, really, the last nearly 7 years of her life have been dedicated to the care of her family and her loved ones. She learned to stop asking for things and began instead to meet all of her own needs, without relying on others.
After the games she'd begun the process of extending that branch and allowing herself to lean on her mother a little more. But now? Now her mother isn't here. And here she was right back to what she knew. Taking care of herself.
Looking up at Peeta, blue eyes shining in earnest. Ready to do and be anything that is needed of him. Anything that SHE needs of him. She wipes her nose on her sleeve and smiles.
"Pantry. Top shelf. On the right. Thank you, Peeta."
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everlarksquell · 9 months
katniss seeing the same look her mom and prim wear when they’re healing someone back home in the faces of the doctors treating peeta, and her wanting to, but at the same time not being able to turn away cause it’s finally dawned on her that the reason the loved ones of the dying people don’t leave is because they really have no choice but to watch, and then her relating to that feeling, i—
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