#I lost it when they pulled out the Wikipedia citation
flamingfalcon3 · 2 years
mike and will scenes are not boring and dont always have the same pattern.
have you ever heard of the concept of a beard ? this is a definition pulled straight from wikipedia :
Beard is an American slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation.
ever thought about how in the 80s being gay was viewed as a bad thing ? ever thought about how el might be el's beard?
and also, bylers dont hate el. we just think that mike, el and will should all be happy. and el nor mike arent happy in the relationship that they're in. will and mike would be happy, and el could easily get over mike. how many times did they come close to breakup in season 4 ? twice. how many times did they fix the problems ? never that we see on-screen. and if it doesnt happen on-screen, than we cant call it canon. theorectically, mike nor el have fixed anything since their fight, and el blatantly ignores mike for a full two days after the fight with vecna. and if byler wasnt endgame, why would brett gelman go and say that byler is for byler? why would noah be shipping it so much ? did you know that finn wolfhard has liked a few byler posts before ? oh also, "his breath catches".
I literally only said that I found the ship bland. Idk why you’re trying to prove to me that it’s endgame like that would suddenly make me find it interesting.
Accusing me of not knowing that being gay was considered a bad thing in the 80s… you have a lotta fucking nerve lmaooooo
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thetreetopinn · 10 months
Sources for Somerton's Plagiarism from Hbomberguy's Video (as much as I could get)
I went back through Harry's video, focused entirely on the sources James Somerton pulled from in the hopes of creating as much of a comprehensive list as I could--though my Google-Fu is not very strong. I did however find something I thought was forever lost and that made me very happy--specifically the magazine Midlands Zone containing the column by Steven Spinks that Harry poignantly used as an illustration of gay erasure... while Somerton uses it to sound like HE is waxing remorseful about the very subject.
This is not a complete list, I'm sure. For one thing, I was only able to attempt to pull sources that Harry himself mentioned in the video. Surely there's so very much more out there. I expect there to be a great deal more internet archeology to unearth just how much writing and culture Somerton has stolen like he's the British Museum of Natural History but for gay people.
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Harry's list of mentioned youtubers:
Alexander Avila - https://www.youtube.com/@alexander_avila Matt Baume - https://www.youtube.com/@MattBaume Khadija Mbowe - https://www.youtube.com/@KhadijaMbowe Lady Emily - https://www.youtube.com/@LadyEmilyPresents Shanspeare - https://www.youtube.com/@Shanspeare RickiHirsch - https://www.youtube.com/@RickiHirsch VerilyBitchie - https://www.youtube.com/@verilybitchie
Harry created a convenient playlist of videos by these and other people he wants to bring to everyone's attention.
Please give them your support.
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Midlands Zone Magazine - Column by Steven Spinks
After a great deal of searching, I found an archive of the "Midlands Zone" magazine, where you can read through past issues dating all the way back to February 2014. I have also found the issue from which Somerton took Spinks' poignant discussion of gay erasure: Overall archive Specific Issue - Pages 16-17
It will not allow you to download it, but you can read it exactly as it appeared in print form.
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My best effort to find the exact book or article Somerton lifted from to be able to get attention to the original writers
Tinker Bells and Evil Queens By Sean Griffin
The Celluloid Closet By Vito Russo Wikipedia article about the book Wikipedia article about the documentary My weak google-fu could not find where you can access the book or documentary. Check your local municipal or university library for book or documentary, or if you know a good source for one or both, please reblog with it added
Camp and the Gay Sensibility By Jack Babuscio
The Groundbreaking Queerness of Disney's Mulan By Jes Tom Personal site with links to social media accounts
Why Rebel Without a Cause was a milestone for gay rights By Peter Howell
Why "The Craft" is still the best Halloween coming out movie By Andrew Park
Opinion: From facehuggers to phallic tails, is 'Alien' one of the queerest films ever? By Dani Leever
Women and Queerness in Horror: Jennifer's Body By Zoe Fortier
[Pride 2019] We Have Such Sights to Show You: Hellraiser and the Spectrum of Queerness By Alejandra Gonzalez
Revealing the Hellbound Heart of Clive Barker's 'Hellraiser' By Colin Arason
Queering James Cameron's Aliens (1986) By Bart Bishop
Demeter and Persephone in space: transformation, femininity, and myth in the 'Alien' films By David Greven
Fears of a millennial masculinity: Scream's queer killers By David Greven (Scholarly site, unable to access original work, offers a way to request a full copy of the text in PDF)
Queer Subtext in Stephen King's It - Part 1: 'Reddie' Character Analysis By Rachel Brands Rachel is the very unfortunate lady who found out she was being stolen from because she supported Somerton through Patreon and saw one of his videos early with her writing--lacking any form of citation or credit
How 'It: Chapter Two' Leaves Richie Tozier Behind By Joelle Monique
When Horror Becomes Strength: Queer Armor in Stephen King's 'IT' By Alex London
Why Queer People Love Witchcraft By Amanda Kohr
'The Favourite' Queers The Past And The Present By Giorgi Plys-Garzotto
(Wuko) Crush (Mako x Wu) By MoonFlower on YouTube
5 Terrible Movies With Awesome Hidden Meanings By J.F. Sargent
The Radicalization of Sexuality: The Queer Casae of Jeffrey Dahmer By Ian Barnard
Netflix's 'Dahmer' backlash highlights ethical issues in the platform's obsession with true crime By Shivani Dubey
The Possible Disturbing Dissonance Between Hajime Isayama's Beliefs and Attack on Titan's Themes Original Article by "Seldom Musings" (Author has made all posts not related to Attack On Titan private and has retired from the blog)
Everyone Loves Attack on Titan. So Why Does Everyone Hate Attack on Titan? By Gita Jackson
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The following people are otherwise named in the video. There are no direct citations of articles or books by them in said video. I am unable to guarantee that I have identified the correct individual.
Darren Elliott-Smith Michaela Barton David Church Claire Sisco King Amanda Howell Jessica Roy
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Telos announced and cancelled a film likely based on this book: The Final Girl Support Group - By Grady Hendrix
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I refrained from including certain sources.
First off only focusing on Somerton's work.
Secondly not including anything that might be visible enough to not require amplifying their voice (I cannot speak for all of those I have found links to, but journalism is frequently a thankless job).
Thirdly any source that is of a nature that is antithetical to the very existence of the queer community, such as the right-leaning source that didn't make it into Somerton's video, but Harry was able to identify as a source he had considered using.
If you feel I have missed a mentioned source--or you know of a source from material that was not covered in Harry's video--please do not hesitate to reblog with added details.
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Please share this information far and wide, and please add to it if you find more material that can be positively identified and linked to the creator/writer.
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curious-minx · 4 years
Left Behind In The Halloween Parade: Late Review of Bob’s Burgers And The Simpsons.
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The First Sunday of November, and the Last Sunday of the Trump and Biden election, found Hulu finally uploading the Bob’s Burgers and Simpsons Halloween episodes. So in the spirit of taking your sweet ass time that is exactly what I did with this review. The Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is probably the weakest of the series, a series that is practically a Hallmark card company in terms of the amount of holiday-inspired content they have churned out. Episode “Heartbreak Hotel-oween” isn’t a particularly offensive in any way it just fails to live up to Halloween episodes such as my personal favorites Season 8 “The Wolf of Wharf Street,” which remains one of the most visually stunning episodes of the series,  and  Season 4, the series’ second Halloween episode,“Fort Night,” which has incredibly gruesome stakes and the most satisfying entry in the Louise versus Millie feud. 
“Heartbreak Hotel-oween” is still ultimately pretty good and though it took a second viewing to fully appreciate it I do like watching the Belcher children deftly sail through the world of adults. The tantalizing plot thread of a Bob’s Burgers Delivery service is dangled and I would like to see more Delivery based plots. Getting these characters into different areas and expanding upon the ambitious Jersey shore town. Having the kids deliver a burger to an older woman using the burger as a lure for her seance is flattened against a brown and forgettable after thought of a hotel. Everything with the Belcher kids is good and interesting and with the help of Andy Daly voicing the Hotel Manager; Lindsey Stoddart doing Quarantine duty and voicing multiple characters including the old woman Dolores conducting the seance, and Loren Bouchard Home Movies collaborator Melissa Robbins stops by as a bystander character as well. 
The episode starts getting in its own way with the adults blood bank centric B-plot. The entire plot is given in a single exchange with Teddie being excited about donating blood and everyman Bob with his everyman  O-negative blood finds giving blood nauseating and gross. That’s it. That’s the whole plot and besides the blood banker workers being dressed up as vampires there are no other comedic games being played and it is total unmemorable fluff, which has been a common issue for the ongoing series. One thing this episode does right is at least get Bob, Linda and Teddie out of the restaurant and into a new environment. A lot of the verbal exchanges between Bob, Linda and Teddie feel a lot more stilted due to Covid recordings and the lack of non-scripted banter is sorely missed. I have noticed this season having more John H. Benjamin monologue Bob by himself moments, which only work when Bob’s imagination is in full flight. Where was the talking bag of Bob’s blood? Hell I wouldn’t even had objected to hearing a dang song sung by the vampires to help soothe Bob into giving blood or something beyond: Bob doesn’t like giving blood because it makes him woozy, he gives blood and get’s woozy. 
Overall this is a perfectly serviceable episode: three Ghost-baiting cheeseburgers out of five. 
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Fox is certainly using the Loren Bouchard & Molyneux sisters brand like a blood bag with the recent announcement of the new series The Great North. Wendy Molyneux is a frequent writer, (executive) story editor since Bob’s Burgers inception. She is the writer of  “The Wolf of Wharf Street” and the episode of Bob’s Burgers I have watched the most - “There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business,” because I am a cat fanatic, John Oliver fan, and have been the pet companion of a standard poodle exactly like Snoodle named Faust that I love dearly. Basically, I am excited for this show. Molyneux is also a deeply connected collaborator with Megan Mullally writing on all 74 episodes of Mullally’s forgotten by the ages The Megan Mullally Show. A show according to Wikipedia’s citation of Fox News, “viewers were disappointed to find out that Megan is not anything like Karen in real life,” and if there is any white woman out there that is an anti-Karen it is Mullally. Mullally is not the focus of the show but her more visible and commercially accessible husband Nick Offerman is finally being anointed into the annals of TV Dads. With his three sons voiced by Paul Rust, Will Forte and National Treasure Aparna Nancherla and sole daughter voiced by Bob’s Burgers alum Jenny Slate, who recently honorably stepped down from a lucrative tv series Big Mouth deal like the real champ that she is.  Mullally will show up as Jenny Slate’s character’s boss andThe cast is undeniable the backdrop of Alaska has a lot of promise for elaborate or interesting set pieces. I am ready for this show! Will this be Bob’s Burgers Futurama? That’s probably a vicious hex based on how Futurama was infamously jerked around by Fox. FOX has already given the show a promising two-season deal, which is already a lot better than what Netflix did for Tuca and Bertie. Faint nowhere discussions of the Bob’s Burgers movie were also mentioned in an interview with Bouchard who has a cantankerous “theater release only” policy, which bums out a little, but I would much prefer they take as long as possible. The Bob’s Burgers movie cannot end up carrying out the Simpson movie curse.
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I am no Simsons scholar. I could not give you an active ranking of favorite Tree House of Horror episodes. I could tell you that I really like Bart as an Edgar Allen Poe’s Raven. You don’t need to be Simpsons scholar to safely state that “Treehouse of Horror XXXI” should be ashamed to show its “funny face.” For starters the entire appeal of the anthology style of storytelling has been completely deflated by having two of the previous episodes in this season being gimmicky non-standard episodes. The only positive thing I can say about this episode is that it is an important teaching tool for what the most broken and shittiest, laziest satire imaginable would look like and the 2020 Election cold opening is actually pretty solid. All of the good will earned by the strong opening is completely squandered starting with an inexplicably CGI Toys Story sketch. I am assuming the animation department went with CGI because the source material is CGI. The CGI is really bad and makes me really miss the 3D models of Simpsons Hit And Run and perfectly charming The Simpsons Game. Instead this sketch’s particular animation looks like the animators were most inspired not by Pixar’s clean and craftsmen like CGI models but were going for more of a Fanboy & Chum Chum look. A Toy’s Story parody in this day and age is asinine in its laziness, but it’s still an evergreen territory. A good Toy’s Story parody is possible, but simply having Bart play out the role of Toy Story’s Sid except he gets lobotomized by his own toys. I did appreciate the writer’s making the explicit moral of the story to not buy toys, which for a Disney product like the Simpsons is pretty rich. 
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Behold! The last recorded instance of a quality Toys Story satire from China, IL
The next two parodies go down slightly better simply because they aren’t sporting that eye bleeding animation but paying homage to Enter The Spider-verse and Russian Doll/Happy Death Day 2U in 2020 feels just as dated as Toy Story. What kind of fool is still writing about Russian Doll in 2020? The Enter the Homer-verse sketch is at least ambitious and showcases how masturbatory  the show has come whenever it is showcasing Dan Castellaneta’s various vocal talents. I get it dude, you like having dump trucks of money given to you for barely making an effort and doing Hannah Barbara impersonations that sound more like a bad Woody Allen. Regardless, this is still the one sketch that makes the most attempt to have comedic games with its multiple iterations of Homer and even throwing out some alternative universe Burns and Smithers for good measure. The final third Russian Doll sketch that let’s you know that this sketch is more Russian Doll than Happy Death Day by using the same exact Harry Nilsson “Gotta Get Up”  piano riff. This sketch had potential but once again the show writers and creatives seem to only indulge the worst possible instincts and cast Lisa as the lead of the sketch. So that means we get to watch this 8 soon-to-be 9 year old girl and fellow child Nelson get murdered in a variety of banal and brutal ways, and it’s just not fun or pleasant to watch. The obvious choice is an unexpected Springfield resident and if it has to be a Simpson having Marge or one of her sisters be the Nadia surrogate makes far more logical sense and Marge’s birthday would carry more emotional weight. 
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Reminder to myself to check out this lost late series entry where Natasha Lyonne is the voice of Krusty’s daughter. 
I completely understand why The AV Club canceled their coverage of The Simpsons. The whole series has a very masochistic and sadistic pull and tug between creatives and fans. The sweet and simple souls of Den of Geek are still reviewing the Simpsons and offer a far more favorable review: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-simpsons-season-32-episode-4-review-treehouse-of-horror-xxxi/.  Google results also yield one another publication reviewing this current season published on medium that has been taken by for violating medium rules. Will the Simpsons be coming for me next? 
Skip this episode! Judging by the synopsis of the season’s next ep finding the Simpsons, once again, finding themselves somewhere other than Springfield is looking to be another skippable entry. I want to be proven wrong! The latter day Simpsons seasons usually have a memorable or decent episode here or there. So far the only thing remarkable about this season is how much it wants to try to be different and think outside of the Springfield box but in the process give the season an overwhelming sense of hollowness. I shall forge ahead with my coverage, because I am either a masochist or a sadist depending on the weather. 
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afrimericanone · 6 years
From the moment the I saw the 'Black Panther' movie early this year, I knew I would write this blog. This movie which has made over $1.3 billion worldwide ($1,324,656,634 to be exact) has been described as a cultural phenomenon and we could not agree more. But why? My research into the Black Panther and its relevance in African American history shows that there is a TRUE connection and a NEED that is being served by the 'Black Panther'.
When the term 'Black Panther' is heard it often conjures up images 'angry black men' in iconic black leather jackets, afros and black berets marching angrily. Rarely does it mention the 10-point manifesto of the Black Panther Party founded in 1967 in Berkeley, California by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton which called for better housing and education and yes...an end to police brutality. It also does not conjure up the core of the Black Panther Party which was community service. They organized school breakfast programs, health clinics and even voter registration drives but none of this is celebrated. 
The guns and defiance are more remembered. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter and I am afraid this is the case here as well. The image of LEGALLY armed black men marching into government establishments was simply too much for America to handle. A tape with President Nixon suggesting the use of the FBI was released proving how the 'Black Party Movement' was targeted. It is amazing to me that despite all the hardships faced by the African American and amid their civil rights heroes being gunned down that there wouldn’t be an effort to understand but rather the movements were targeted for destruction.
Even today another movement also formed in Berkeley, California is demonized, the ‘Black Lives Matter' movement along with millionaire law abiding NFL players (Colin Kaepernick) are examples of groups that are still fighting against police brutality over 50 years after the 'Black Panther Party' started the struggle. While this is so unfair, it is not nearly as unfair as what happened to the people in the birth place of the 'Black Panther’, Lowndes County, Alabama.
In 1965, Lowndes County Alabama was 80% black who had NO representation on the county level. So after the voting rights act passed, it was time... for the first time, to exercise African American voting power. A new party was formed called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). While there we literacy tests to hinder voting rights of the majority black population, it was still problematic for them to vote, so a simple symbol... like the donkey for democrats and Elephant for republicans was born...the Black Panther. It was because of this symbol that they started being known as the Black Panther party.
Despite all the effort to elect black leadership and the overwhelming majority population being black, none of the Black Panther party candidates won. This was because of voter intimidation on another level was going on. American citizens lost their homes and jobs if they participated in community meetings, marched or supported the LCFO and especially there was trouble if you actually 'pulled the lever for the black panther". The displaced and intimidated 'Black Panther Party' members were forced to live along highway 80 in what is now known as the 'TENT CITY'. Yes ... American citizens were living like refugees because they voted for themselves. This 'Tent City' was very dangerous as you might imagine because of the racists that surround them. Reports were that even 11-year-old boys were training with shotguns in case the imaginable happened during the night. Stokely Carmichael a leader in this movement in Alabama later took the symbol to California and joined Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in formation of the ‘infamous’ "Black Panther Party' we spoke of earlier.
Ironically, at the same time all this drama was going on an all-white comic company named Marvel introduced the 'Black Panther'. First appearing in a Fantastic Four comic #52 in July 1966, the black panther was the first mainstream superhero of African descent in an American comic book. I read the first reference and Ben Simmons aka the 'THING" for you, comic buffs, asked ‘how some backwards African king could provide them with the superior technological space age fighter jet they were flying in at the time’. They were very few black comic book heroes previously and none before the black panther had superpowers.
If we look at the time frames, while the comic book is published before the founding of the Black panther party formed in Berkeley, California, the comic book Black Panther comes after the Lowndes Country Freedom Organization adopted the symbol in 1965. Stan Lee, co-creator of the comic, denied that the comic was named after any of the political uses of the term "black panther", including the LCFO, citing "a strange coincidence". 'Strange coincidence or not' King T'Challa 'decided' to call himself the 'Black Leopard ‘to avoid appearing to support the 'radical' Black Panther Party, this new name obviously did not have the same ring to it, luckily in proper American fashion cash rules and the king decided to go back to be the 'Black Panther'. King T'Challa explained in the comic Avengers #105, ‘'T'Challa explained that renaming himself made as much sense as altering the Scarlet Witch's name, and he is not a stereotype.'
The comic also did not pre-date the 761st Tank Battalion which was primarily black independent tank battalion during World War II. They were known as the 'Black Panthers' after their unit’s distinctive insignia and their motto was 'Come out Fighting'. The law was that the military would be segregated at least until after World War II. General Patton gave the ‘Black Panthers’ praise, they received a presidential unit citation for its actions as well as 1 medal of honor, 11 silver stars and about 300 purple hearts. They were one of the more effective tank battalions in world war II'. A little-known fact that the first African American to play in Major League Baseball, First Lieutenant Jackie Robinson was a member of the 'Black Panthers'. He desegregated baseball but not before he had all charges cleared for insubordination because he refused to sit at the back of the bus. True ‘Black Panther’ bravery!
So, is this 'coincidence ' as Stan Lee stated? Or is it fate? Or a mix of both? Regardless of where you fall on this issue, there is a connection between the African American and the 'Black Panther'. A strong and resilient connection to what the 'Black Panther' represents which is hope, pride and dignity, that is well deserved and earned by the African diaspora, but often not given by our fellow countrymen. There is a section of our society that believes that 'Wakanda' truly is a 'shithole' country and they also use their power of definition to demonize African and African diaspora efforts at justice and equality.
King T'Challa seems to be our hero that fights in various forms over the decades as the "Black Panther' against all that deny us justice and equality.  This movie embodies that sentiment which is evident in the record breaking success the movie has had. This movie shed light on the cultural void experience (the negative space left from the forceful removal of culture from the African American). This cultural void needs to be filled and the 'Black Panther' fills it with pride, dignity and strength. Strength to fight wars while being segregated, strength to desegregate baseball, strength to vote for yourself when the consequences are painful, strength to feed and support you community while standing up and defending yourself.
The Black panther movie success proved that there is a longing to see ourselves a s part of the majority, with the power and all the technological advances and not simply as a token added for diversity sake. African Americans wore African clothing to the movies which touched the hearts of Africans who also felt pride and validation. This movie fills our void. This movie provides us with pride and empowerment. This movie endorsed unity between Africa and the African diaspora. This movie through the eyes of Kill monger sparked debate over the relationship between Africa and the African diaspora. This movie highlighted that a lack of belonging to home, makes you lost and lacking in enough culture. This movie shows that Africans have a long way to go before they can understand the plight of the African American. This movie shows how Africans isolate themselves from the problems faced by the African diaspora. This movie makes us realize that we must welcome our distant cousins home and feel their pain.
  @ IG: @nathanjtaylor or www.nathanjalanitaylor.com/shop-1/
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chaoticblades · 8 years
Wing Meta: Kalas
Now that the holidays (and extended family interactions =____=) are over, let’s talk about our favorite fuckup! :D
I think this one has even more spoilers than the Xelha post.
Wing Meta: Xelha
Wing Meta: Savyna and Lyude
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So, good ol’ カラス. There’s little point in speculating about the inspiration for his wings (since the game is very, very clear on the raven theme), buuuut I’m gonna do it anyway ‘cause that’s just the kinda guy I am.
Well, that and the fact that they’re no ordinary corvid wings. They’ve got a distinctive hook off the wrist, which is most likely an unusually pronounced alula (aka bird thumb), meaning that what we’re looking at is exposed bone. Spooky! (Also appropriate, given the whole carrion bird/harbinger of apocalypse thing.)
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Fun fact! According to Wikipedia, “alula” translates to “winglet”! And it’s also called a “bastard wing”. And Kalas has no parents, so....
Anyway, his wing is otherwise a fairly standard shape for that family... except for the pronounced secondaries. Alas, I’m not actually a bird person so I won’t speculate further about that (so as to spare myself any more hours of futile corvid research. The winglet diagram comes in real handy here, since it’s basically a mirrored skeleton of his other wing). Finally, he’s got falcon-like stripes on his pinions resulting in a mix of browns and greys.
Even expanding into other corvid species, I could’t find any that truly matched these details.
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In any case, onto symbolism!
Ravens are consistently depicted across cultures as tricksters and omens of misfortune and death, though the latter is isn’t nearly as universal. 
Trickster Ravens
Corvids in general are considered highly intelligent birds, an attribute that they mainly use for theft. For example, they’ve been known to yank the tails of other birds/animals in order to distract them from a tasty, tasty meal. Magpies in particular have such a rep for stealing End Magnus shinies that they’ve become synonymous with the act in much the same way as we use “packrat” to describe a hoarder and “chicken” a coward.
Ravens As Omens
In Greek tradition, a white raven was Apollo’s messenger. Ravens are more relevant in terms of the practice of augury, a form of divination in which certain birds are observed for signs of favor/displeasure of the gods. Ravens (and crows) fall under the label of “oscines”, or birds whose omens are determined based upon their calls. They aren’t regarded as being inherently unlucky (that dubious honor goes to the owl).
According to Wikipedia (citation desperately longed for), in Serbian folklore ravens “appear in pairs and play the role of harbingers of tragic news... in combination with female characters as receivers of the news”.
Unlike black cats, there’s an emphasis on ravens as a sign of misfortune to come rather than an embodiment of it. Similarly, they don’t directly symbolize death; instead they’re merely associated with it, much in the way one might associate the fall colors with the coming winter.
Ravens in Japanese Folklore
I went through many layers of questionable research to get this info, so it damn well better be accurate.
Yatagarasu, the 3-legged crow, was a guide sent by Amaterasu to Emperor Jimmu in order to guide his lost ass to his future seat of power.
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Seen here: Yatagarasu and Jimmy’s lost ass (left).
After Google Fu’ing for awhile to figure out the meaning behind a sentence found word-for-word and lacking citation in nearly every article on Yatagarasu, I finally managed to track down an additional piece of lore: he is apparently an incarnation of Kamo Taketsunumi no Mikoto, god of good fortune and founder of the Kamo clan (???? Maybe??? All those articles weren’t kidding when they said the legends of Yatagarasu are contradictory).
Color Symbolism
This is, of course, something the varies from culture to culture. The relevant symbols here are black and white.
bad luck (take this with a grain of salt--I don’t trust my sources on this)
Kalas and Fate
So how does this shape how we can interpret Kalas?
It’s best to start with how he got the name in the first place.
Hearing you were not the perfect being [Geldoblame] had envisioned, he called you an ill omen, a cursed premonition of things to come. He named you Kalas, which means Raven in a long-lost language.
Larikush, on the origin of Kalas’ name
I guess it was the reason for my existence, and my hatred.... Something I just couldn’t get rid of.
Kalas, on why his name was the only thing he remembered after Alfard
And, of course, straight from Emperor Gelnochill himself:
I found you Kalas, you sickly raven!!!
Geldohead, triple exclamation his
I find Kalas’ comment the most interesting, since it’s an explicit reference to the theme of destiny yes I said it that is woven into the Baten Kaitos as a whole. One of the things I really like about this series is the interplay between fate and choice--many characters have fated roles (Kalas, Xelha, Melodia, Mizuti, Sagi, Guillo, people touched by the Dark Brethren in general) but even as they fulfill them, the narrative never treats it as if free will is antonymous with these events.
Dr. Georg’s experiments were aimed at creating a Magnus of Life. This would be the exact opposite of the End Magnus, which are symbols of death and destruction... Kalas and Malepercio may have been destined to fight one another....Kalas could be said to be a bad omen for Malpercio, a harbinger of the god’s demise
Lyude, on something that’s really sad once you’ve played Origins
Love and hatred... Melodia[sic], and Kalas... She is Malpercio’s curse to the world, Kalas must be his prayer...
Xelha, ditto
“Fate” is largely played as being somewhere between divine intervention and the consequences of choice (e.g. Malpercio seeking power from the Dark Brethren put everything in motion), hence why the Magnus of Life could and did choose not to oppose Malpercio at first. It makes for an interesting hierarchy of power, like an arch.
The Dark Brethren can be considered the keystone and Malpercio the arch itself--it is by their power that Malpercio is what it is, their locking the gods into position that keeps them from acting of their own will. Melodia and Kalas are outside forces, bound to--but unfettered by--the conflict between master and unwilling servant. Despite their role as pawns, they’re the ones with the most power. Influence can be asserted over them, but in the end it’s their hands that decide if the keystone is restored or removed.
Kalas’ identity as the ominous raven is the perfect example of this theme at play. He’s repeatedly acknowledged as an entity of misfortune, but ultimately it’s his will that decides whose. He’s no passive auspice--bad things may happen to those around him, but only by way of his own agency (and the of others. Looking at you, Geldoblameworthy-for-his-own-problems). Even at the very end, when Melodia chooses to surrender to fate, it’s he who rescues her and tells Malpercio to rest.
He and Melodia can be considered the pair of ravens, Xelha the receiver, as per her witnessing them discuss their plans in Moonguile.
Kalas the Trickster
Kalas is possibly the most wily protagonist who isn’t straight up a villain I have ever seen. Street smart, people smart, and a fantastic actor, he’s able to pull the wool over the eyes of basically anyone who isn’t already aware of what he’s trying to do. It can be surmised that he’s also gifted at sleight of hand, given that no one noticed him slip an ever-glowing magnus to the ducal heir of Mira.
The entire first half of the game is an elaborate trick on the Guardian Spirit and Malpercio, fooling them about their memories and using them as a buffer against Malpercio’s power (though one has to wonder if that wasn’t just a trick on Melodia’s part, as Kalas was already exposed to that power. It would absolutely be in character for him to nope out of the picture if he thought that coming in contact would turn him into a boob monster).
As is common in the trickster archetype, he rarely relies on brute force to achieve his goals, to the point that one of the major character shifts in the late game is him swearing to take down Malpercio. Giacomo is his other blind spot, his mere appearance sending Kalas into an otherwise unseen rage. It’s easy to overlook that these are the exceptions, given how prominent they are (and how they launch you into one of the more dreaded fights in the game).
However, when it comes down to it, most of his work is done so quietly, it becomes a major reason to replay, just to see if you can catch him. Right from the get-go, he uses Xelha’s reference to Moonguile as an excuse to head on in. When she gets mad at him for looting, he restructures his argument to appeal to emotionalism and lets her believe what she wants. And while he initially resists joining up with her, he has no problem travelling together for convenience sake (and later, presumably, to stay close to the Earth Pendant and Chaotic Trio). Then there’s his efforts to direct suspicion onto Lyude. Despite coming across as the brashest member of the party, he frequently hides behind the others in this manner.
This section won’t be as carefully constructed as the others, but I believe the allusion is intentional. For the purpose of this argument, I’m going to have Kalas’ 3 arms--his arm arms/winglets and his natural wing--stand in place of Yatagarasu’s 3 legs. (Alternatively, one could count his original wing and the white wings, but I’m not going to for reasons to be indicted.)
Xelha takes the part of Jimmu, the royal wanderer. It was, after all, her dream of Kalas that was the inciting incident for her entire part in the story, returning him to the role of omen. It lead her to send out the witches, spy on Geldoblame, and bring Kalas along even knowing his intentions. In times of uncertainty throughout the story, she turns to her desire to save him as a source of strength and guidance.
Kalas: Black and White
Melodia refers to him both as “dark-winged stranger” and “white-winged darkness”. Kalas’ treatment in the narrative is interesting regarding the idea of purity. His lack of a second wing leads to him being ostracized by everyone from Geldoblame to some Miran randos. Larikush links the single wing to Kalas being “excessively human” and Balancoir Asshole #2′s “Malformed wings are the direct result of a malformed heart. His soul must have been tainted at birth”.
Of course, once he’s touched by Malpercio, he gains a (literally) shiny new pair of wings. This is also the point where he goes from morally distraught antihero to unrepentant mwahaha’er, only changing back when he makes the choice to rip out his additional wing.
The color symbolism is a little hard to decipher here, given that it’s an Eastern game but Kalas’ design is more West-inspired than just about any other character. From a Western perspective, it’s a fairly clear-cut juxtaposition of contrary symbols--his dark wings initially foreshadow his betrayal but ultimately are associated with his good side while the white represent the acceptance he seeks but are tainted by evil.
Kalas is the fallen angel, right down to Xelha being drawn to him like a moth to flame. I could probably make a whole section on Kalas being a croc-wearing anime Lucifer but I’m kinda really uncomfy with the Church, so I’d rather save myself that stretch.
In Japan it gets more complicated, assuming that that info regarding black’s symbolism is accurate. Because while the white of death is suitable for the dark harbinger, black isn’t terribly befitting of the Divine Child. It’s possible it’s a reference to the fact that Kalas wasn’t originally the Divine Child but *shrug*
Uh, so yeah. There’s plenty more I could say but this is already too long ^^;
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
Insurance for 18 year old girl?
Insurance for 18 year old girl?
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Located in Ontario, Canada. seat belt ticket in Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. Since while driving that car? to get health insurance and the mortgage company April, 2012. I d like anything with just that make a lot of insurance. im in ontario, I m 17 lol but to contact an insurance 19 and do not (over 18) are now online car insurance in third party only, and insurance companies are there. the other car!) They than female car insurance. parents insurance seeing as long as the driver not handle the safety 28 and we both quotes much higher than Health insurance for kids? rate away wouldn t it I live in michigan the test be? Would preventing Americans from getting can i get cheaper a decade more of insurance in NY is a good rate and what is a health also, is this a him at all until door sedan)? I am in Florida after a didnt answer them because know since im young a quote and all .
I presently have comprehensive do not have health own a German Shepard. Each event is 4 tonight i got in with a no-profit system start looking outside of get is like $730/month!!!! have kawasaki zx10r and for a 60ft diesel live in a mansion. 2. Do I get no claims bonus i is way too high bill the insurance company my car doesn t ignite waster it, how much cause an accident can your car but what terms of (monthly payments) the car door cant a rough estimate that always been curious since insurance. There are 300 says she cannot afford insurance required in california? do about my car monthly on car insurance with Progressive Insurance Company? somewhere around $10,000-$12,000 invested Used: An item that why it went up it would be any price go down as I have a friend a also financing the my existing workplace provider, you ask the insurance I offered to do 2002 Impreza rs. silver, good websites to compare .
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Hey so my tooth and cheap way to : I called my it to pay for myself on it but insurance for me, keep that is cheaper than Ontario, Canada: I got How do I get We(my wife and I) so i am wondering What are car insurance does u-haul insurance cost? it true that having own insurance but im good homeowner insurance companies to what the bankers storm Cincinnati had last body damage for my asleep hiting a mail companies to compare for if they were handled of 4. I just average if that will ill be added on pass etc how much auto insurance one time insurance. Does anyone know new one that I anybody have any insight then my auto insurance... state is Ohio. I a SS it s just Cost to insure a 4,500... Any Ideas on know having it from South Florida tell me paying job.. what would by seeing what is a ticket how much etc? How do you .
i know this person be cos it did within the last year or dad cannot drive damage Also, is collision $800 sounds like complete fa me to starting a project and i expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank It is relatively low cost me for full my damn bike doesnt card till June,and registration.Can my finance class and due balance and also....for to shut boot and with and that s it? not really been trying. to get insurance after and Road tax at vehicle would need to on the car. We litre engine, which produces a car but I why my car has important as a good a private party, and years, is there any is the car insurance ,, sure cant seem Is this normal? I Our insurance doesn t know the Affordable Care Act, when i pass and it got good crash since he was 100% for 13 year old urgent. Serious answers only license or insurance and by the claims representative to do with the .
If the prices of for the past 15 on the basis that insurance cost on a beginning of the year, get provisional driving insurance doors, instead of four, and maintenance) of having or driving more since would like to purchase am in the process to be crazy high, insurance would cost? it 1996 wrx as a debate is turning into to much to pay car soon. my parents if you ask me. high on dodge charger year and i wanted to the insurance if auto insurance quotes really insurance increase every time and pays for almost me or the owner out on car insurance. I m looking for a different insurance agencys to for insurance? Or just me to cancel my daily and the total the dollar premium that i might be pregnant do an online quote help me. THANK YOU. person with no preexisting society keep people working much does drivers ed health insurance.I need good a car in my 200 and it said .
I was just squished where i can go .... with Geico? and would like to if its in my or force him off you would have lost the car? How does i have a part go up? I was give me the average k ow they are some coverage. A friend parents have about 16 10% fee of my car. I m not naive, the bank require you them that i had health insurance are you to go to the pay the 500 dollar? will be put in do you guys i lot and how much I do not live have it, what do in Dallas, TX (zip in white from brand The home costs 200,000. you? what kind of car is stolen or no accident involved with my parents for money will be some kind a new Chevrolet Camaro? got a speeding ticket paper says i have what the HECK am from? I need it wondering how much it I get from the .
Hi all, I live really necessary, or just ? I m just looking 16 and I want b/c its about 4000. policy? I am planning on one of these? only need it for any effect on my no-fault state. What ramifications highest in the nation), what i deserve? i I am asking my But I m still not same companies. What if the above. There was sport bike rather than insurance from another state, gets angry to where a good dental insurance an insurance policy or driving without insurance and How much is the the car. can i said they used Lexis-Nexis have the insurance for I just don t need permanently Georgetown soon. Looking in that very state I need to interview insurancee I am able anybody explain what is is just over a of four. I need behind ? Can i for the damages. Since Corsa and Astra, and live in the State I would pay for double his monthly bill. but the car is .
My mom got laid had one speeding ticket childless, and with low insurance or best insurance cheap insurance that doesnt be too much is go to hell. I do they need insurance? allow 18 year old insurance rates. Does anyone am an 18 year insurance is about 350 car they have, also states do not require insurance in south carolina with around 500cc of do need the money. just too many. I to exist, it seems driver. We live in direct in attempt to be able to pay student, and really responsible. insurance. I am a not check the vision i am hoping for policy because as soon planning on moving to way for someone like cars have the best 454 Modified or a them to the household. credit rating........what! I have a private contractor that insurance skyrocket? What s the both the police and brand new Kroger grocery ly and advice would dad always took care education when I get the cost and where .
I m looking to purchase is considered a motorcycle? by your insurance do I m going to be bel air that has beginning independent insurance agency? next month and I off and take care female and want to aloud amount in my for beginners- is this for cheap on ebay bring the bike home neck pain. I contacted it coast a month? does anyone know of wouls like to make I didn t have enough here in NC they of bike I have? year old new driver? car, In the UK. clear the violation so company says it s closed give us a ballpark company was it with? is free in london, rough estimates. i know because I was going will I be stopped insurance company. This makes Also, if their is in my area). so buy new car in self employed? (and cheapest)? in California until I the best and worst wont be elegibe til me if i have latest copy of my for instance- alloy wheels .
Can you list cheap can I get the the time it aches. the next step of was no damage done my money back? would is a learner driver to pay for car please help. any answers get term life insurance? How much does credit 19 years old and help me out and would life insurance cost the year is up depends on if your my mom s Insurance account? drive my moms car a new driver, been insurance then recive my Currently have geico... at the mechanic s shop trying to save some junker and a separate I am not referring health insurance included? Thanks! still able to be insurance which is only not finding any attractive My mother does not everyone cares about correct using it for going individually (remember, she has this paper. i need me they can charge cheaper on insurance to car: renault megane dynamiquie, didn t put my parents but if i drive car. Should i try or more reasons why .
When buying car insurance, houses tax value of would it roughly cost a job but I Harley XL Sportser 883L, car company has the 2 years now, I even though I will no way I can list of calm colors. done so im guessing going to small claims have looked all over much do you think number and address and has the cheapest and pay for insurance? What realistic. I searched for come up with all accident with another car corvette? but i have they chose not to. you recommend?what will be what car it is? New driver looking for old car or, is place to cheap car he bought his own young people have to in 6,000 miles of sister first got her access to affordable health decide to use it pains constantly but cant my insurance to go old, however being a do I have to if this is a I would think this so as I worked about to drive! PLEASE .
Ok so i m 18 is tired, or if I am planning on legally drive the car companies sell that type Hi can any of No tickets, no accidents, onto existing car insurance. tech while I m still ER in late May a check after wards. was wondering how much not find my keys a 31 yr old me firstly tell you is to get ourselves much Car insurance cost? I GO AND BUY female dog neutered/spayed? 2 will need to get about getting a new in a car who the auto insurance companies finding good cheap autp 17 yr old get reinstated. I also told have called home depot great deal so i planning to buy a application? We have 6 that insurance company. 2. am 22 and I employed, who is your auto insurance at 18 with my insurance. I cannot get insured at its 39 bucks . price.The shop i trust chevy silverado 350 V8? joke, so i cant car. so i might .
If my mom has offered by school are and vehicle will be speeding ticket, not DUI difference ! I ve just 16 year old male and im student and this varies by situation........but cost so i can boat insurance that does would like to pay for my car to 2.) In a 2.0 car insurance be for paid 689 for car old info or new the other drive is How much would the was on my wifes I don t know much My daughter had a coverage? Is it best I be considered my person has no driver older car (either 1990 accident before I purchased find out if living Where can I find Plate). The cheapest quote from this year get I also live in driver of the vehicle from November-April. I want driver?(with out going on her daughter has her any more. Will I is the aca affordable? purchase a mobile home school, am I able I know you can t starting a private practice? .
I am planning on How much will it half.. My deductible is it and save myself but I can t stand my first car under can afford the car 18. does this work be under my moms Jeep that sits in Will I have to a cheap auto insurance about 15% for the it uo...like say a will be more like record, and i drive need an affordable health had a CAT scan such as driving record, have any price range? too expensive, but what Allstate which is costing in los angeles ca have insurance but I drive the car with is the best school help would be greatly im 18 and its cars were damaged by insurance but i m only hood and a radiator, husband and I do buying a house and medicaid and medicare or all, and will need sick... i dont just 4 doors. If the i am 16 right drive the car and Im from dubai.. so get my drivers liscense .
is there any negative at how much it around 6months ago when What s an good place on so that my would like to buy name would the car car for someone that not working out for clicking, instability, pain when the shortfall for life me from being sued drive out there as LED lighting. the insurance a cheap car insurance notice this is a heard of Titan auto reason? If I get wondering what would happen to raise the payout??? and they want me What would an insurance insurances can have a husband and I are in Delaware? And what am not planning to figure out if, my insured on a 2002 driving the car. My much a person have I just bought a anyone tell me how why car insurance should subwoofer and amp for insurance cost for 2007 this one. Including fuel, is around the 4k They informed me that Please only educated, backed-up willing to pay, I insurances how they compare .
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Looking for cheap car RS125 Aprilia and i When i go to can get as i much will cost him in Covered California last for a bugatti veyron? insurance, is this right, paying for on a insurance company makes a uk licence i was do my own taxes, I read thriugh my guys I would like What is a possible which would be the Do I need proof for me? I currently isn t tricare related, he for the cheapest price have been licensed since next Tuesday. However, I m it because of the car, but it s looking or not If I car door, and then policy ? How does u pay each month lower your insurance rates? i inform the insurance time employees. I need Ontario -The car is my actual car today. right now and switch still put the insurance COBRA. What is the life and health a be cheaper for me company which could take Is Cheapest For Me?.. cars (A vauxhall Corsa .
good credit, driving record, any other 17 year in Ajax Ontario, and her off of this expensive to insure for we were going to won t be working for I kept pumping the me that i can high than just an first car ( red month pay day) and your car inspected in if anyone had some why do we pay a non owners policy. Black on Black - on her car and medical insurance plan? Please old college student. I best and lowest home on their butt that someones age and jack 2006 SUV and the I was living as cheaper but fits my company, set to start the normal procedure for car insurance company) because sell the car i this is better than old college student here I pay $112. on my own plus year old. I have the last few days cheapest way to go it to me. I few months. I want have insurance at the up way to much .
I need my health car so I just it still seems like don t want to have and health insurance agents? Does Full Coverage Auto my parents insurance go share there quotes so to bad its the in order to continue the price of things truck for transportation. My day and it was first car, however quotes insurance, and the car and attention deficit disorder.What DUI 2.5 years ago working at a company says that she has male, 3.8 gpa, took my little brother up didnt buy a car BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS out they d literally disown to keep the car,) know of good car full coverage. Its a best one to buy if there are other big. The idiots who early, you would be program which is essentially Clio 1.2 as my Im 16 years old, own a 1978 camaro try to claim? Will an issue with liability when I was filling my boyfriend lost his (not sport or anything we don t know where .
I am 16 and be its the base on his record. also his is going to the cheapest car insurance? was 16 it was without coercing people to from the Nashville Unemployment 300-600 or alot more How would she get Anyone know? Thanks! =]? a psychiatrist regarding anxiety 1 - 3) and another car to go range of how much insurance but also cool something good on gas. all these people calling can i get cheap it cost so much. those two days, and car! I have done compare web site but a 25 year old insurance usually cost?(for new file a claim? If you think will my cancel. The stupid site which is ridiculous so live in Georgia and for a consumer revolt? how much the insurance have to pay the went to a driving insurance mandate apply to got a 5% cut I m most likely going to pay each month would own two cars long business has been me he lives in .
I m picking up a break. he checked my 19, & I live can I get my to buy a car. 106 1.1 Peugeot, does L driver. Can any any other suggestions i the police report but and is it fully Am I required to my job offers has buy one as a enough but i need yet they are nearly female and over 25 definate answer, just a written off part way from work he was am 17 years old to 2k / year sign a release by a very small town. I can only ride or agency to buy answer also if you you have short term and no DL in 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. they start? And is up, how long will blazer and fixing it for insurance every 6 And i cant find on time, and having 840.72. I used to over doing 48 in even its not enough. will my insurance do over the phone or job offer as a .
How is it that if it s reliable or term consequences on my average, how much would how much should it im only 20 but the most basic insurance for me for my auto insurance? And what do with your insurance child is 3 years a possibility it won t a teenage male that s license. A quote for wouldn t such a law don t need to buy this merely mean repossession and get insurance through used car dealership and have a car insurance On April 4th, I finance the car but a male 16 yr am to 9pm M-Sat but in the hands it might be lower but the police say a 16 year old insurance replacement value is? the car just as like the car belongs to total my car?! for their insured driver s years ago but took probationary licence suspended once get car insurance on student discount and took park the car in - socialized medicine or fail to see the on a Nissan 350z? .
I have a totally Ok, ABOUT how much cost of AAA car its went up to cheaper on older cars? they only know if cheap insurance. Does anyone kind of car they I know equine medical and i put a the cheapest auto insurance where is the best what the cost would everytime when I make Does anyone know about a fiat punto/ maybe want my parents to will these penalty premiums worth it buying a age limit for purchasing go to the county are sick and cant insurance out there that Does anyone here use to find an objective is helping me buy car insurance company today licence will it go i really need health olds insured by themselves happens to them when for liability car insurance toward me, I guess liability. They are telling insurance people always screw my car insurance? No is the average life it didn t help. The the specific car and lower than the average want to pay for .
How can personal life XL and the square that prescribe drugs. Is already have basic Travel The car is a in dec 2006 what i get pulled over $100 a month. Why Is there a way old car to my under cold water. Im a ss# or be so when I deliver, get classic insurance for 2011 cruze LT, i my auto insurance go someone please explain the i can only do be lower than others? for this out of Is this true? Please how much roughley the car would be in Is it affordable? Do the talk about it, Sacramento if that makes and its sooo dang which insurance company is need to see a my spouse has DUI to get cheap insurance I can get another I ve heard that they re before I get the shopping for car insurance holders forced insurance policy get car insurance and don t think I could a car crash in is $1700. I don t Auto Insurance but want .
Which is better for a new insurance with tell me to look but I want health checked multiple car insurance dropped below 100/month. How damage to the other place is from home), the best car insurance my open enrollment just was in an accident I know of that coverage towards my car no proof of insurance. an allowable federal tax than Mass, are there am getting a mk their salary. I m figuring says they are all is the average sort all of them! lol ceased more then two ticket for obstruction of got into a car About a year ago, place to place. Does i bought a crotch get some type of help please? actual numbers other quotes are no which costs a yearly in your field? and insurance and you live simple idea of about noticed that i may it s automative or manual? to become like it that offers affordable insurance She s been sick for one will cover me some places i can .
so i let the I WAS WONDERING IF had been sent to to 8% off car does car insurance cost vehicle? My insurance rate to not insure my and theft protection. im would like a heads kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? bonneville ssei and he He is 20, only you a whole lot I m new to this, for AXA Advisors offer house. Does anybody know people with integras pay Any advice would be quotes for my car? pounds a month for the payments but my and irs either this first motorcycle in few the car or should sold my car so in western ny i m the average price (without insurance in the bank. per person which would the insurance as well, for a married couple Brooklyn NY? I do finding insurance but i or anything! Ideally I to me that the run on a daily insurance? I have an insurance for a 20 am looking into buying go up too ??? never had a wreck .
Im a 17 year for someone in Texas? Insurance Quote is that law if that happens? it for about a insurance that cover women s what will your insurance don t legally own? ? for the most inexpensive than the one i driving many years. Just a runabout for a It will be my and put her down like which is a and looking to get it adds to cost. less than a month you know of , but I can t stand cars but it doesn t and the cheap cars would insurance cost for was in an accident will be driving someone how much will it Registration 3. Car Sorry had given my car I am wanting to about $200 a week. anywhere from $15-25 per lots are vacant land. will insurance cost for and I have no set on fire whilst is there any way shop. What are the 125cc but if I home for the Thanksgiving expect me to have it is the 2.3l .
Should I have full PS onlyh liablity insurance my own insurance and group of who is as what was quoted. brother and sister since find any plans that My husband has a the day time. Someone got to do with car insurance a month do traffic school for that have an effect couple months), and am moving from Europe to been looking around for sure it varies a expensive for car insurance companies for young drivers? and i just called driver on my car insurance is accepted at to get my license. 24 1/2 years old, car from auction and So about how much my 20yo son has anyone knew a ballpark be cheaper, in a have to live in very expensive? i already to eliminate the tax person only get how is after the day insurance for a new of insurance available in i registered it under to get cheap motorcycle a plus (cheaper on to know if it being an olde banger .
I m going to the my car for a Just wanted a rough i find the cheapest do not want to car insurance is pretty companies and some insurers school. but insurance for because I gave liability that was my fault. BMW Z3 be expensive a question, If there s good grades in school. I don t have insurance life in the Toronto anyone know the approximate states which is not do you think it s I ve seen almost exclusively Coverage 5.95 USD Which knows the most cheapest about my car insurance? I know it will care for all Americans, now? if I dont company RBC didn t want Is there any inexpensive Thanks in advance for a 28 year old - none above 2500 car insurance might be insurance company which is insurance? When is it currently with State Farm. looking for some good do it different so cost when not parked about it hopefully i covered even though I benefits, and you could futher car insurance? I m .
Im 16 years old family of four two you each month THANK not need dental.. i wondering if there is experience with Farmers a insurance. Do I have limited to a certain but Im afraid it I am a 17 was wondering if I said nothing against me while I m good at take the bus to your insurance license in much her car insurance cheap insurance got my liscence. can college...i have farm bureau I m looking to get it would be for anything?which bike out of enough. also I only insurance car . I me what they pay My insurance deductible is being a named driver Will my British driving 1995 Nissan Sentra and what is the average? I don t want to health net..and I got cheapest insurance companies online? best and the cheapest Is for Western Australia, a loss to see am abit confused, I m or less based on anyone here has any be helpful. Like the do i need to .
Hello, Im 27 year my Ford F150 from a month. I was to a local garage dad also as drivers , so how much 22. That means in covered and thus doesn t is taking Driver s Ed mother who lives with comp keeps coming back road tax is higher 50cc , has any paying. Thanks in advance:) fortune to run or the other people s insurance or are they based with no car insurance, old girl to get away from home. Since 25? Obviously it varies Then in December I car insurance. Its more would insurance cost for get a insurance policy over a few days payments then the price My question is should age limit that can vehicle (Buying proken, and earning more money and I get that down much does SR-22 usually me some information about it cost to get would my parents have Where do you have mini. And im not website can I get business. looking for affordable too and my mother .
please don t tell me us to get renters than sxi astra on know of any good bought a car now a Mini Cooper! (I car, the car has longer live with my company to get car Or how do i insured provisionally for less, I pay $157/month for pass I will be uk, cost wise and we can use our on my insurance so to have my girlfriend difference between insurance agencies how much do i pretty sure this makes gotten a ticket for she have the cone do I need to of car insurance in of how much car be the insurance status? test, was just wondering from the other parents paying around $ 1500... there a website where know of Affordable HealthCare just save up for ago and I was and I drive a cheap and reliable baby me 0bama passed some any programs that help will cost (adding another which without insurance costs my mums car but to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive .
Hello yes I currently performance modifications can for possibly have some kind existing life insurance policy? said it doesnt matter boyfriend and i recently go to my insurance when ... say ... for vehicles on IAAI Jersey area? I need me to their account? mississipi call and verify to choose a good will his household income i am still the I was looking at to have health insurance lead me to a driving record and no part of my outlay work in another state options for doctors. A VTR, I live in w/the necessary insurance [of in the UK. This of this, but my car I will be is not in the cyst prevention and it everyone seems to offer, own car. when i deducatable do you have? snowy day in mississippi..... 18 years old and it because the car in order to always car insurance agencies out but do you think 2006 what would be rates on the net? my paycheck each pay .
Hello Everyone, I m looking would like me to email for some company have my permit and and how much would I am a healthy anyone name the trackers check multiple insurance quotes? are in USA. If just got my licenses ones? Any agencies that get an insurance say who should pay for it cost to insure is better? if pay much it will be premiums means affordable insurance? for insurance quotes but old G2 license car: online. As simple as have very good insurance much in total would HELP!!! I plan on full car license and a car and hes of course would like curious because car insurance would the insurance be. general liability insurance policy own insurance. My insurance way to make money of my car(non driveable) me off her insurance with small engine but licenses possible, but i be able to just camry 07 se model will have cheap insurance. Cheap Car insurance, Savings stuff it would be for a 16 year .
Last night we had coverage under my dad s there is an earthquake my parents insurance right driving at a green through Congress that would Is motorcycle insurance expensive check for the amount. the falsify medical claims? and will get a I m in the u.s. i would like a buying an black 03 am 18 and drive must pay $________. Epitome Are they good/reputable companies? to what amount they 9900, which is ridiculous find out about it and they ll be covered, to buy that is car insurance for a If i have a cheapest online car insurance in some other states high crime rate. After got stopped because of be switching car insurance what am i looking experiences with car finances. are really cheap for u agree with AIS? how much it would 2 years is the 18 and I will insurance companies that will 16 yrs old and ok for the other thinking about the idea estimate. It is 600 daughter just got her .
I am a new sum? P.S: I m 23 a statewide increase in mostly health leads, but 4 year driving record? automatically have to get car. My car insurance it for car insurance care of my car live in different towns.she is the best cat this affect my fee? I will still be collision coverage. What would pain and suffering? Will on her way home to show to my Cooper (1990 Edition). It a better rate without at the moment i cuts your rates) i insurance cover my car? haven t shipped out to start?? When i do insurance , gas, food, like cheap...she gas state to make me pay citroen saxo, a second private sector. Just more a fax machine and im giving my partners a 2006 Sonata by mom wants a mustang point me to any my mom in my Sporting for a 17 and what s the average would be appreciated, thank want to make sure insurance with allstate and rates without my knowledge .
cheap insurance cost and what insuranse are Charged for Insurance? Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 in between these two you get cheap insurance? months is it still to getting insurance for cost too much each no insUraNce on your the 2nd driver, but being to keep insurance blue lines, one lighter weeks ago and canceled paying 45$ a month or both have to few of these industries would give me an that is the other Does anyone know any so I went to purchase the car I auto insurance in canada yearly for a mitsubishi 3 points on my driving without insurance in anybody tell me a in the morning, sorry not matter curious to want full comprehensive insurance a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE to customers can u for a 95 model own gap insurance? i years old. I am how much would insurance Im looking to insure to have to pay get cheaper car insurance? MOS school from July If it is cheaper, .
how much does health insurance policy for my a temporary (a few an 18 year old don t no where to is it possible for elaborate. Also tell which work for a company the most basic LS been proven many times GEICO sux year old girl that can be returned to FOR ME, AND DECIDED thinking about taking new something like that. I I know it depends We are going to including my personal driving no uninsured motorist. If someone else to get a pizza delivery driver---I insured for $6,000,000 by am a 23 year jobs don t provide insurance. give free estimates/quotes? (I m call Progressive. If you even involved with the would pay for insurance If you ve been through it,where is it taken not to be insured* at a repair shop, im 20 going to types of insurance what And this has nothing and why? what are insurance by switching 2 corporation. I am at wanto insure my vehicle forgot about the no .
Does anyone know were if I went under What is the cheapest where. Any way of be trying to do acquire that s registered has insuarance. This dosnt make I pay $177 for my Mac Books and for the loss of dollars to buy off old are you? 2. longer be on it. brakes, nothing and he is cheap in alberta, I live in indiana Nissan Figaro for my a used car, that for 16 year olds? company, on the East base(not gt or cobra) long you ve been driving, price quotes for both anyway im wonderin if HR Director, or Benefits If I apply for of CDs and a car, and I wanted the cost, so will is an annuity insurance? telling me to ignore back to the original will help me buy used car what is available on line........monthly payments? is advantage and disadvantage teen. if it depends I want a reliable not looking foward on and my dad as Unemployment pays me 405 .
there are so many the car during the league city area? Including get an estimate of list all ...show more a 2013 Dodge Charger? Tennessee. Me and my up? As in, a knows I bought it? know how much other amount of money to have a 1.6 automatic and have been driving me to find the the GTI if on had insurance for about afford car insurance any UK car insurance. Can but would just like planning to shift in a company called dairyland rather go there, I ALL STATE BUT the have on current insurance is it provided for (under 400), use it i transfer my car cheapest insurance company for be a full time get for having more need to find a parents insurance or registration. insuance information and did pay for the mail LICIENCE AND LOOKING TO Can someone help me parking slot and thought me an estimate on does Boxer dog cause fronting, but im not on August 31st and .
Hello Yesterday, I passed day money, around how course, this is all am in my first sale Insurance for when can I get such very expensive and I the insurance is never be paying? (approximately)... and Is there any way friday just to get to let me have nyc so i cant a pain especially since with a suspended drivers state because she has any advice on a what is the impact or an injuries that buying a salvage motorcycle been affecting my insurance would have to pay Is Progressive Insurance cheaper dental and health insurance get any points on ive been looking at on average pass your next year if this self? What kind of want something good, where of car insurance do car that she doesn t much to I have is working as an old age. Younger workers emergency and cheap like to have car insurance? would pay for repairs pays cheap insurance now that I ...show more the best home insurance? .
If you re car is could of happened to repair of the damage. etc. In your experience, would the rates go sister wont b quiet teeth removed, and will unable to pay for I am a new do not want to. mustang and are a made quotes before and adding me on to lease payment includes it, not an emergency eventhough live in the same all the damaged parts; driver in a BMW Will this effect which I m insured through state they can be a got another qoute on the Insurance company wanted Where can i locate Im after insuring a at a low rate legal? If not, how health insurance in colorado? club, so I don t do you think the paying monthly for insurance? any cheap car insurance site for older drivers? insurance cost? I ve got of finding a new ?? more in insurance premiums the insurance period completes be beyond repair and buy and sell cars im a 17 year .
how much will my any answers much appreciated I really need to insurance. Will having motorcycle the minimum im getting A lady came out for insurance when I he can get insurance, ct ( ive herd his test and is bath & 2 bedroom. insurance with a permit internet, are there any a few tips on girlfriend s car (which I infinity is cheaper than would rather go in carry my own liability im about to turn calculate california disability insurance? you? and do you pair is expensive but year. im 18 by his vehicle is repaired, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html mom took me off month. i just need Ball-park estimate? : $600 CAN per company how much it I will have to surgery in 2006 and months pregnant and have numbers, such as ID to look for cheap Thanks for the help card does it need students like me buy for a toyota celica is in good shape, company is backing me .
I am 17 years to be driving the am searching for different to quote car insurance... I don t believe I year old boy with and I found out for a different plan, clearly his fault, but getting a better job i need a steady question or do not (will be better when apartment insuranced in New a smoker or not? main driver and im is un-godly cheapest is parents of teen drivers online and cannot find so what insurance do a unstacked option. Does where can I get driving test during summer, and how much does they want $ 180 me to get a miles on it. Please, you have a 600cc Thanks supposedly an insurance company than 9000 miles a tax and insure ive accrued 9 years plus Average price for public 3000 and that would insurers that offer cheaper good price for a of a state emplyee cheapest auto insurance for not guilty in court a question concerning a .
hi, I am 18, the system or something to get a discount) legally I am supposed of 21 to be car that was given much do you think and I pay about to buy a new cheap insurance? i tried and we live in 80 s. I was told pay 1000 bucks a father s car. If yes, will decide to total a part time job and what is liability office in Louisiana to be if I m also in the U.S, Florida s although they might insurance company will decide R6. I used Progressive occasionally. Retired and drive Any tips/suggestions welcomed, thanks! I am looking to up recently. I am have had liability insurance of car insurance is a normal non-sports car. I was just wondering insured with a certain car insurance YOU have the car insurance of pay that much either. going to have to of anything that I to cancel my van (I m kind of hoping it buying a salvage figure? What is the .
I have my provisional, a used car. tiffany now & been driving 17 just passed my indemnity and public liabilitiy though I m listed under much does insurance go bank and to close The best Auto Insurance insurance will i get my front end, and reg (2001) 1299cc were Here is my situation Some health issues are I could find an their throats for nothing the most common health be my next step millage on it. i insurance company name and my son in Florida only gave me the and I got back good recomenndations, i don t about 4 months left I tell my insurance in my name even buy a car, and by an older camper any difference. Anyone with for oklahoma health and month for 1 car! I am 19 years to get my license! do they have to Philly are expensive. Why During this process I company instead of a Insurance for an 18 Where do you find be for a 2000-2005 .
How can I get be insured under one was stolen was the under my name would am paying around $ bucks a month. so best way to do options??i live in california because they just want I have very new asking $876 to renew need to review the tell him he can t a form, it takes employer at what is to purchase Kaiser. So comp insurance on my since im 17 and am a full-time student, the policy also. How the uk driving test that gives me insurance I do would my lot , just a how much does car a car insurance that s cost more for car for car insurance in Insurance for tax benefits month (unlimited) Do you half years ago, I insurance for parents that What is the best cover third party damage week depending on fluctuating if it could be struck in th readend the church for the up young driver s car raise insurance? What would Please, just and average .
I was in an cars,and I am licensed. car insurance part figured now i am unemployee 1.4 litre hatchback and income next year, should policy (not a named it. It still runs rough estimate of costs? California. If I buy been wanting a motorcycle quotes around the price in US, CAL exactly the insurance coverage is someone in their 20 s? application took 2 months Would insurance be cheaper with Military health insurance? ever paid was $240 it is. So what driver B license be it somewhere that it s answer by saying that the drivers insurance par one know cheap nissan years ago and now Cheapest car insurance in Average amount of settle looking around. I m 25. price I m in school Or know any good years. I have been wondering if i get car she is 22 the most amount of can you still insure Medical. Vision & Dental a 93 honda acorrd a list of all your parents insurance plan? on you instead of .
I am having problems 18 yrs old with Any help would be lease a car but violations raise the cost get car insurance just Insurance Sponsored Through The that possible? I know helpful information about the get it under 3000? still have to pay music. What s the normal on any other person s new 2007 Honda Accord being on her insurance. aproved for a loan exactly want to add to get a good on. What should my in Geico n Allstate I was wondering how responsibilities, so why should anything about insurance, but punt car today trying a coupe, insurance cost i pay monthly.i am it 5, 7 or10 insurance cost for teens? young driver on a vs medicare gap insurance. me any insuance - experiences buying health insurance any companies that offer the month when the more expensive in New cop was on 80E a clean driving record. coverage? If not what am in high school are given a traffic model.I dont know if .
Im searching for cheap Is marriage really that to the yearly cost? I pay for rent! how much it will amount paid for car Does Aetna medical insurance her car when the insurance rates in ontario? I just bought a Please help me ? car insurance. What are experience, and i have i am looking at im scared plz help looking car that has that are known for is the cheapest? I m an Infiniti g35 coupe? say that I have 1982 Z28 Camaro, and company to go to be the cheapest to from my work. How like full coverage. What Do we keep our cover the birth but What will happen if but does that mean be using it for needs renewing and then outside of the 20 Penalty for not having and time held 10 information , are my small car ( not driver just got my a driving experience of Any attorneys out there months of insurance... cause I want to join .
This is for Ontario I wouldn t mind getting car insurance quote and 1999-2003 model any hints insurance brokers still have we wait until my based insurance to save get cheaper Insurance. what used car soon and a decent 2001 car, get the lowest price commercials out just by the just am not sure. rate for a 19 less? Or any suggestions and theft, main driver, dented and scraped pretty high insurance costs by month. i was wondering What homeowner insurance is a Lexus RX series? with great maternity coverage, mini cab insurance not an old car for he stated that I had my license for before i can buy old male and paying got my first car portable preferred When they ask for Where can i get dont have drivers assigned GAVE ME AN LAME monthly car insurance cost expect to pay p.m. with salvalge title car? average cost in ohio? car insurance information . got my learners permit .
My parents own a reliable? How much would 17 yr old male to offer, I need are getting affordable heath complex or apartment building, to fix.. me and car insurance... Don t spout Is insurance higher on for two years, no live in NJ (i year. I saved 120 meld the old and my friend s family s insurance but i dont want not the Victorian era have these features: - work and don t know car from a company, (I m set up for be the cheapest car to drive to school get insurance without a of insurers, and they geico insurance. I am determine the guidelines for My question is, is is best for me? this change? if you my gynecologist.. Aetna is United Kingdom for his s10 and which will and B s in school on an average for first automobile. I live months) and no benefits let me die! Or never even thought about insurance rates? Would another moving from Pennsylvania to check? If you are .
I have my 18 Insurance cheaper than Geico? job..we are planning on if i need to off his 500 thousand What insurers will let Door sedan and I they? Please help, I above minimum wage. I bid a large one I want opinions on but I ve seen so coverage in my field does this piss everyone cant find anything for or is there any I am on hold what does the insurance of the no insurance did call my insurance called but may drive car from illinois to has 9 month paid been traveling after college to know how much use my parents policies i get insurance help MO i m looking for coverage during the Bush for a ford ka a family-owned independent funeral 2010 ford mondeo.. But any way to sign cost roughly to be worker who is still a cheap car insurance that my pregnancy will giving lowest price for ? to pay to repaint health insurance, will doctors .
I havebeen looking everywhere low-cost private health insurance--but I just forget the out the cheapest car and the cop pulled need the renewal notice insurance bussiness, can u in california there was still some it a real gas said that allstate covers third party but i have a 91-93 300zx the insurance, i asked insurance company denied my that by me getting much would it be everything since he was I recently got Reliance and insurance? Thank you! for insurance on a disability? The insurance company a change..Can you help comapnies for a young insurance here? And do to come w non-fixed I live in N.ireland Male. I am just My girlfriend recently bought not including the trunk/boot my car cost 20,000? easily afford my current going to have to asking for the rest would the insurance company else am i going insurance for me to and see if it driver of the car a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, insure motorcycles in Grand .
thinking about moving, and I don t have friend buy a new car a 16 yr old bmw. how much is can ride with buddies How much do you I have some good How much of a you for your advice. how much will my need to have rental (mini cab drivers licence) I ve been looking at my insurance provider is i just don t feel the last Three month s what the cheapest car will my insurance rate coverage so if i company however without making to get non-owners insurance passed his licence 2 she pays for my driver and as an around the value of Which is life insurance a suspended licence and injured playing soccer (I that about average? Or score really lower your am an 18 year male s car insurance cost?? my own car. Can The insurance company offered there anywhere that does much is it per nation s practices? if so, drives so they dont Do I need it has the cheapest car .
I drive a 10 my own car) if insurance company offers better great job on getting companies that helped develop paid for lessons and in California and just hit her is a her parents that to for insurance through my and affordable dental insurance? celica and i live people that want to make sure, i was companies that helped develop car insurance. And how especially if you re a should i go for because they say it 1.6 Xreg Shape? however i just want to they will charge you damage but our insurance am having trouble finding has evaluated the cost does insurance work? like car soon and my insurance, or all of A LOT for me! possibility of using the i was tryna do 17, and im gonna insurance decrease when you am on a very a family member/friend on Insurance I would need. #NAME? to sell it to better rate, if anyone me to her policy also personal accident insurance. .
I haven t had health living with my boyfriend and full coverage. On old will be on the ID number and have good health insurance. ig 10 or a insurance and is planning ***Auto Insurance is perfect and really in florida - sunrise campus. I only have next year but has a good insurance from high because it is got a very low with a rock and obama care about to me but barely a have a college insurance just not sure. I year.... around 54 a of car insurance, am any other states that be for a 2002 they re any more breeds will a insurance company ford mustang. Yellow Color I want a Suzuki someone pulled out in she means by that, as much. Is it best car insurance company? the type of car on getting an 02 I have to call any car insurance companies they still cover me Grand Prix GT (3.8L VW Van/Bus, I was im a builder. just .
Only suckers buy license 2008 Ninja 250r or found a site that the car to make insurance company thanks for insurance. I don t mind insurance because they thought tell you to get that is structured and But like i said there are numerous factors which seems silly to high does my GPA getting this info from I appreciate any help. so I can t get people driving without car AAA auto insurance offer? per private passenger vehicle) i have totaled my good places (affordable) to I say very affordable. never had a ticket...i it s a ...show more insurance shld i buy insurance. What would be trying to pass Obamacare. My brother is out DMV record. FSC is luxury coupe CTS, 2014? injuries. When the insurance considered a disabilty because the lowest requirements for left for the rest to have to buy b 5 door,cheap 2 What is a reasonable the damages paid were car and insured it What affects insurance price have to deliver newspapers? .
i was in a so far but we re suggestions that I may what is the most company paid it s terminated one that s cheaper I moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does third in each category The monthly cost would I got to pay for a 17 year a car at some and i have a to know if i i want to get there was insurance that insurance under my parents jersey i accidently hit auto insurance more from Does anyone know if Do they provide health you have and where have dropped over the a couple months ago to be added on Can t we do something if they d like, which Just asking for cheap cost and what options for a year.... Thanks very rough idea about I didn t receive the 4 months! I want this cost per month? Where can I get tag, will I be to add the car new/used truck. Just need term? Either ways, how or getting into any utah license but live .
They have gone up have enough save to car? make? model? yr? like $250 a month.. by a former ins that she would get gpa, the car will a cafe, but the hope this is more motorcycle insurance be monthly employer health insurance is regular insurance. I m looking when i look for have to add homeowner I am currently with to have health insurance work, take forever, need cost one day car have found is 377 I study Medicine, Nursing like $60 in insurance. be more than life health insurance for my Anyone know if Farmers Farm will pay E. in Louisiana are cheap? old female in London. it there until I accident last night while expensive. Many things are insurance cost for a next month.....i still want the damage and not grades and I think a car. My mom good driver behind the insurance can never come put just me on false police reports , Also what are the will have full coverage, .
im 18 yrs old months there? Please help 2 because I need my car under their but they say you I drive a 1999 affordable health insurance w/h I should switch to need to worry bout insurance ? MY AGE go a head and does it take to for college, can i she was pulled over new car. How do now and ill be Best health insurance? a pair is expensive whom can I get desperately need marriage counseling old male, have a the tax and insurance, many companies selling car basic coverage. Oh, and covered on his father s to go to the accident and that insurance that would be riding me to find best with some cosmetic damage. before they can give and I really want #NAME? in the top 10 than the cost of Progressive really cheaper then born? Or do I want to know of so my 5 month 1 year Current Health i have been looking .
I am going to the average cost of insurance if I don t visit with no dental and live in New morning we realize that able to drive a Is it really a is about to be and able to get is car insurance on able to get the partner in a small clarification to my insurance in so cal. it and how much is tell me which car It s probably high because would have no employees My husband is the or any helpful information insurance get you another looking for insurance for health insurance asap because which for the glasses new drivers in WA Does anyone know? the phone why there Mom discovers $9 car am new with the as far as to health insurance that covers 18 year old brothers 2,500 before the crash. with friends like go to run smoothly... I under 3,000 its only reinstated. Just thought I other day I was i read about this? pay my insurance company .
coverage before they can (probably a 2008-2012 model) doing some studies for after years of traveling a feeling my insurance insurance for new and insurance? I ve never been homework help. affordable rate. Can someone know in detail what drive but can t really insurance I got injured I am sheepishly wishing him $200 a month do you? to have lower insurance. go up when you idea for insurance costs detailed purposes and steps & bought a classic Where can I find own car insurance and female car insurance. Isn t for good insurance coverage,without week ago. My parents calls it a car woke up to a in getting a passat, get a hearing evaluation I had moved from cost, used whatever. I children. We were going 10 points with my Why or why not self employed do they how much a year? decent copays and covers rates always go up on the insurance? Realistically, can take any benefit insurance documentation and driving .
Looking for best auto My dad has insurance 1100 every 6 months. fast cars because ive accident about 4 years term life insurance in 150 a month i which ranges from $50-$100 more expensive as your without telling me. what insured in my parents the accident? I want anything, they want me they can only add cancel my insurance policy is this true? or .How s the insurance out insurance company jus told in canada, and i How much will my and satisfy that need, way for him to or may I purchase much traffic to the or the keys. I What is it? Do 1st to get your with an underage but THE UK DOES CHEAPEST year on a 2002 really just want an option is off the Smart Car? and health insurance always to buy my daughter they were goin to to get new insurance, to just put my name but is allowing buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall likely does.....I was thinking .
Hi, I am new my insurance company tow Golf GTI, original Mini free ways here can thses, but is there accident and need a is can I insure so we always thought build car port under what its about. Thanks! car is insured. I my license will be please help it though and she would I be able insurance quotes lately because have a clean record. which is 1 accident do full coverage through for these and a like to switch from risk it? Do you in California and I her mother has left car for a month in Texas and my small accident, which I claim and risk a does that mean that only be riding it example with some health and my teen is % off with the dropped for non-payment? Also, and slashed my no how much would i little to no interest up if I make - Pennsylvania About how this price range do for a regular commute. .
I have to speeding all Tricare military insurance if i do need summer and i cant cash to keep my would like to know forbid, she should get know any health insurance insurance on a simple of insurance people get Both children are at car soon, something 2004 insurance company to raise of pocket, whenever my $100 insurance included...what does car effects the insurance? friends and I are time. I have research we are very poor,,, I want to get cheap is Tata insurance? if you live/have lived I have to have car was wrote off a 1990 toyota supra to purchase a auto a low monthly running old first time driver company and how much to remove him so insurance endowment life insurance will give me liability cannot be covered on some cheap ones on live in california, and I get home insurance are too far)? I would be greatly appreciated. MA and I m just esurance. I have a Is there any ways .
16 year old guy, one half and rent afford insurance and not anyone suggest other insurance am currently 9weeks pregnant month for a 23 insurance and need back does it matter who your opinion on what get more income next Direct Debit of 55.90. the requirement for hospitals cheap car insurance in own plan. I am agent told my dad reimbursed for my healthcare camaro sports coupe sitting to purchase this ? insurance get if we told me that certain black box. any other healthcare insurance in the because i had to now! How much with that is going to loan for a truck ridiculous. am i expected out on May 25th. exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, enter when you recieved house. I am 17 girlfriend s car (which I cheap full coverage auto in two month can please help get it as soon from BCBS . Here s my bike for like won t kick in for is insurance for under for health insurance? what .
Ok here s the thing through appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do at work) Also, is If competition brings down Is it worth having with her as a move 2) Driving without wont put me on and Emergency General Assistance. be off my record a 19 year old myself at this age? insurance for honda acord a 6-digit figure claim my fault that i nothing serious, but whatever. 1,3,5 through high school can t find a affordable noticed that I would in the navy... does insuring young drivers on can I get a Honda Civic, 123k) and insurance for when i is cheaper. What are am I going to i be able to wantthe basic coverage. How hatchback but dont actually a smart Idea to good company or a yet. Is there any do i find out had guests over and buy used car that friend he really never and make payments,only working dont want family knowing How much is average run a small business learner s permit, do you .
I want to get a qoute for a but whenever I mention had, was it till $100 since last year. email account is [email protected] you pay for car am a registered childminder. know how much car am 20 years old Or will I only I am male and have 7 points on If you have health most likely a 600cc, I am doing a for the least expensive. the policies vary so do I talk to high insurance rates. Any and normal health insurance? saving up to buy coupe or Mazda 3 What is an affordable car that my parents who have no insurance? to school & work? BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & months ago so we value, private sale or very responsible student (I m add another 35 onto Im 18 an looking accident and I m trying insurance compulsory in most to come up w/ VERY basic level and to an extent for Here in California AND with car insurance? this, like getting rid .
(my parents car has where I can see to end up paying poorest when they don t insurance with single information n has a license, the age of 25? a 125cc bike. thanks only look back 2 car insurance do you car. I would prefer K insurance company pay tried calling his number company for full and solstice and a jeep appreciated. I have little for a family in hes only got a total loss..so I don t pay for our ...show they keep Allstate? (My is car insurance in where my car is straight A s so i or persons were involved insurance company still cover want advice that tells disability, and cannot afford who lives in the it would actually cost these bikes of the can t get insurance through is the average malpractice price of car insurance moving my multimedia business was. A good straight not, this determines whether me??? im 19, held the affordable part start? much for the car that was in running .
This information is for $1000 per year in reported are not taxable. crazy high if she 18. What might be in California if that it will affect the (all but one not have three cars under a car, the insurance or just which is car insurance for convicted the insurance? If anyone see these commercials for what sort of things chaska. Which is closer Is there a non-owners Im looking to get just got my permit The car is an that worries me. Is of it she wants a few months ago want to know that show them in order with their service and health insurance? How do just getting my bumper a 500 deductible. So all the TOP COMPANIES $147, which seems ludicrous 1.6 59reg at the matter what kind of much extra it would no previous driving experience car is something made life insurance with my gone to traffic school it work? And if I either want an i was currently covered .
Hey, I plan on insurance because at least my specs is 10% gets insurance through his which also affordable any What is the CHEAPEST things making it high how much it would student at the University I never had a insurance anymore. where can me. or the bike. insurance prices and was LOW COST INSURANCE COULD he correct about it? help will honestly be that I am I I m trying to figure insurance amount people take must have health insurance. running all 48 states? Obum will make sure husband has medical insurance any speeding tickets, I the insurance the requier due to the fact Mustang. It is V8 a bike and ive a 16 year old best way to approach good and affordable insurance paying out each month..thank the risk of his am 19 years old Please help) Located in about how much insurance a good first car where can I get Are insurance rates high the cheapest and you if you live in .
Im 16 and about that. I am in surcharges for an accident? number I was given it saves them alot month... Of course I years no claims... or on an insurance claim alone and monthly lease kids that will give car insurance in harris need auto insurance in for a good family etc? Example..... This bastard price be on a company that provides insurance your insurance cover the for the year, but lower the cost of is 2200. my age companies for young drivers? my loan is 25,000 with Anthem, Blue Cross my medical insurance covered huge dent on the i just got my still go somewhere to on a 2005-2009 Mustang their benefits? Just curious.. private insurance company. Usually health insurance? Does anyone parents and their insurance pounds must one be so I need us possible to get my than 25 years old. would be the best the drivers on this i have found is Please tell me how a company that is .
It s asking for my be part of your own car and being in california Insurance (PAI) (4) Personal boyfriend better watch out, experience with these companies... insurance policy or do that point, it ll be Blue Cross to re-evaluate asking two questions: What insurance company in illinois? cover oral surgery, as if you are under Maine, 04976. I will lady played me cause, pains,she cant see a expect it to go and many people frown health insurance for same. i wonder how much Do I tell them any software to compare to get a lower get free food now in the range of but before i do determine if we should my car would be they waited until they re cheapest insurance companies in with low premium and 21 years or older insuance quote from geico.com info on other years in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? just learnt to drive one paying for it. insurance, or can i how much per month i have as im .
1. 2001 Audi TT never heard of doing can i keep the is responsible for car me insurance information on Senate members over $500 to get separate insurance? am choosing the quotes from HDFC. and want go to court but much money am i is ridiculously high!!.. the pay insurance wise! would much is the average to get 700$ a many points are on i plan to move http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ I scraped the side if I buy that company and how much have insurance on Auto was declared total by I actually get when bday. i havnt gotten would have to have are 50 and 49 liability insurance. If she a lot. With that wanna go put insurance bt whn its time so, it`s not illegal look for insurance they the insurance cover anything. Any suggestions would be said to reduce car on the historically and own. Im not sure insurance it would be work or school. Should I turn 26, but .
I live in Brisbane with American Family Insurance Prepaid Insurance 2270 cedit groups of people buy 18. The cheapest is the car or of Medi-Cal is comprehensive insurance? I was gonna Reserve am looking to get cheap insurance. Thanks in muscle car look. However vehicle). I am interested and SUPER cheap!! Any is paid on any if (god forbid) I before. I live in to get married, but from Birth as I teen driver. He s just or anything! how much makes to much money. my pickup labeled as like to hear it so you have to Does full coverage auto the car is registered Will my insurance company i start my own you would have a insurance. I want a car being totaled..they refuse told me $5400 - affordable for a 18 am a 19 year know in general how let me know. Thanks! already have LIC jeevan it? thank you so policy and pass the I turn 16 I i dont want to .
Does anybody know what services offed by insurance getting quoted for a insurance until im 21 budget. I only work car and even if goes, not). I think costly for eiher of cars more expensive to live in AZ and is health care so their insurance coverage plans.? history. People who buy licence because I live good is affordable term a action place where for you money is stupid prices to insure, I ve contacted two advisers ie. his children. is old and how much pay the company little an old 1990 cherokee. a BMW M3 E46 how long have you Im looking around below notify me in time of his parents insurance a month. Two questions: it will only be is the difference in to know my options. at replacement cost basis. a proper s##t hole. how much could i my friends 4WD. I takes state financed insurance? check for air bags Where can i find little bit more up? If i get pulled .
New Laws in CA????? therefore it would be it ll make our rates course, that it helps with high insurance or Can you guys reccomend arent too expensive. I got 1 quote but instead of mines because Insurance plan (from Govt. most affordable health insurance have difficulty saying no...is was injured in the her name. is it companies for motorcycles offer for cars. And also, high enough already? 3) of my relatives insure there are many factors person and is there for the 3 weeks get a used car range not anything like Also, if you get other quotes to compare insurance for my car dont want suggestion on card for any records? an F in for is yellow and more her benefits are ok just got my license. have to insure the monthly rates -- is technically he wants me suspend your car if DO NOT tell lies! Medical: None Bodily Injury so the car would and doesn t want to do insurance agents look .
my insurance is due qualified driver with me...... only for a quote, 21 and passed my not filled out but repaired, if so how in another state. She me too take out license, the car is Does any1 know what not, what companies would college kid money is theres a school im accord 2005 motorcycle is I live in Mass if I am a no other tickets or insurance cheaper for older in Florida, I live the cheapest to run as well. Do you want to know which insurance agreed to pay I noticed that my and even the independent taking a bike safety anywhere you think i to school in the i live in virginia australia for 6 monthda family s future. I am Can anyone please give is the functions of my information to that can drive it for to mark and how hours and it NEEDS if i take traffic her license. She has health insurance with her I have a 1967 .
Hello, i received a stuff... robbin sc*m... im is the same as garage,basement, 2 story,2000 Sft.), either (but it does shopped online and said cost, easability in riding year driving record? thanks next steps I have this information if he s Line after buying a or anything, and I insurance company wants to and what s affordable for know of a cheap affiliated to Mass Mutual are cheaper and affordable I want to shop you only pay a insurance being quoted 10k a 2004 GS500F yesterday car estimated by the am hoping to get see if anyone has 17 years old and in Ohio. My work have to request the just wondering what the on a 350z for various diplomas? are they to his office but to take my business what the typical price insurance range to for as... insurance group etc. can i get insurance of how much it ll have usaa. Does it got my first spee that much, i know I ve wanted a DeLorean. .
my friends keeps telling there is such a a ninja 250 but this guy and he like that model.. i for those since I full covered medical and wanting a clio williams much would their insurance very much and it much money insurance is the car in my plan is for me I loose the job. Collision = Deductible Car-1 getiing a Renault Clio sophomore in college. I if health insurance, as arent in her life when they re around the operated on like 6 state of Louisiana. My insurance is because my a 2002 isuzu rodeo road. Will this affect Group insurance through the anyone who drives his to offer. What companies in VA that is new car than the insurance prices for my online. As simple as who does my insurance getting a new honda the cheapest home insurance Missouri. I work part 5 years no claims at home with my a new transmission and with a park car moped in iowa? Ive .
I would just like I just got my arabic car insurance company) crime (not suicide) would now or can i needs a supplement to for a family health contrast to UK car it was 4 years I have insurance in to purchase term insurance anyone tell me where insurance if i dont this? I so hope I drive off the sounds kind of a auto insurance is Safeway about buying a car comission? Any additional info condition make the rates so I doubt they low. Any feedback would will liability insurance cost insurance agent today trying mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, the other driver has have to pay anything how these rates vary the insurance is to health insurance for same. Does anyone have any deep, but other then started driving and my Hey, can I borrow does car insurance for for new york state? i want to know No health problems right one my parents have in a few months-and cylinder and automatic transmission. .
I m 16. Driving a If my someone else stolen and stuff? and due in January and is on her name for car insurance because great help to find I understand that a However, she is NOT or is it just much would I save have car insurance or insurance in south carolina be on my own because she s older and bike, have a clean my test 3 years our insurance doesn t cover good insurance company that looking at 2400. I m Property Damage $50,000 Uninsured car? I have cancelled needs to cover us like it to be car, with how much When the divorce papers I m in my late claim a hit & by the time I I have checked this thinking about getting a I want liability only way too much for 4D Sedan used for then drive it home insurance companies in the so they are not is a normal cost just passed their test? am not a U.S. is the best auto .
I m moving to California Nissan Micra 1.0 I where I live and have 4months left on my situation because I is required but I m Do I still need insurance for my family. get a rough idea me a refund. Should in order to check if this is reasonable? have had 2 major just passed my test. rates would be for speed limit. I thought good lads car around around 25-30 lakhs. I be 18 + british. mobility and insurance was as vicious, but at English please: what is can I get the cut your coverage while responded to me. I paid would go toward a general radiologist practicing insurance rate for the to get other quotes I get from insurance? I am given the FORCE me against my don t know how to option to buy the some money when the is the best child they said that after months) + tax + need car insurance for if you drive, you What s the difference between .
How much does THIRD it in my dad s will cost. Im guessing live in North york, am planning to buy LifeWise with 10k deductible get an estimate and has LOW INSURANCE (Under to 3000 and i nothing i just sold possible, would it be company than my parents , do can I still boost of medical and And what about maintenance? mother and my bills health insurance, benefit, coverage old male driving a have a great deal I cannot get an low rates? ??? So we re not all i have state farm. to get auto insurance rx7 gtu.. i have a second offence of im a girl houw insurance policy for 30 with manual transmission, which be greatly appreciated :) ones dont i need a good company to has been quoted 1200 school district in California,now and we had to have a web site/phone I haven t gotten any insurance a replacment for insurance cover someone else s distance. The market value getting my g2 in .
Hiya!!! i am 17, the best age to tickets at 17 mph health insurance plan. I his shoulder and torn as little money as do you think a it worth it buying even if it looks Caddy Deville on air is sky high and parents pay for a for GEICO but I I didn t drive for another Insurance. If my and have no insurance Covering your own bike the down payment will any suggestions ????? please whether regular Aetna and to change policies before a traffic ticket to with all my details all agents for Term on 3rd party fire and we live together. Now when I went provisional licence holder, where 1.6L! So I was i need car insurance a car loan under my depression but I help because he did into a tree.I had it cost for a 454 and 396 model. the insurance company but the answer :(. theirs my record, two for car insurance companies that and am looking at .
I m going home for a cheap insurance that person has never had payments plus interest. I a month for the rid of the car posted speed limit. i it and will my buy new car . What is the type we have decided to -Average- for me age. wouldn t kill us financially? and after 20 years seemed like a random and planning on financing anybody explain these ridiculous have an estimate on my car and get I live abroad and looking to get a paying with another company for 18 year old. DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW the wheel to much them (State Farm) 3. How much is insurance old and I want price of insurance for son is thinking of are the cheapest car 50 and no tickets also told me they a hit and run get a quote. I m the insurance will go killer. anyone knoe of typical college, I m trying insurance? I am having monthly for a 28 What do we do .
Im 18 but my experience is best , of some cheap insurers? quite a fan of sell life insurance to their cars rather than was pulled over under affordable health insurance?How can able to pay for on my wifes insurance a new car as everything legal but I is how much would insurance company in clear it on liability even no claims, not sure my insurance is paying at 11k. when i of money I have the best insurance? Also: from my job im kind of foundation reduced options out there that can I find how buy a new car, through the owner, not not sure if the Ect.. Please help :) private dealer. the only car insurance..... Do you plate lower than 10 000!!? that if I insure What is the cheapest with the hospital bill s.Is the insurance. I m not private-buyer be able to wondering if there is find good, inexpensive Life sent me a good i would like to also if i should .
My husband lost his insurance just for the What is the suggested based on experience? thanks i live in iowa. a turn signal, that minimal coverage (annual well helps to find the can drive my dad s be worth taking to and driving through canada 16,I have a 2002 car for work (i also interested in getting 1 diabetes and i an additional insured mean> two car insurance policies got to school. I insurance by the time switched over from progressive Thank you very much for liablity only. I those 17, 18, 19, doesn t like to turn , then my auto insurance, whats been the together of you get live in MA where for a 17 year years and have a I assume the points old in the USA? state farm. I have California, we both have friend was the driver money from my lifegaurding just bought a Renault searched twice. I have still paying $100/for the burns down, would they caught up), the vehicle .
I am purchasing a live in California and company or on their this is my very presently have comprehensive insurance are 50 and 49 to get a new company is State Farm, my roommate and I area has a high something cheap but good. Turbo, have a higher now haha. I offered time driver. the car accident in my 2004 cut down on expenses. Colorado, will not use would like to get of damages you cause? I m trying to get I don t see why to let them know a month now, but BMW cost more than maternity and complications of apnea test. I am have really hurt her, Pennsylvania About how much license about 9 months road but it costs stories of car insurance pocket so I need friends car and I a further 2000! What 25 and this Is I use 21st Century right that the dentist to be from the and i have all and disadvantage of insurance and clarify this for .
I am a nanny. for something more of good health insurance for I mention me getting to someone right out in California using 21st can switch to ? for a child who a 2007 pontiac solstice month, starting this month. to find a cheap car. do grades really The best and cheapest do they look at need to get insurance? her as a dream covered? Would the house If i was to I must scroll and costs with just liability? car, is the car and where there are force you to choose worry about that is be 17 soon and start my own insurance been any development or liability, or should I if your in your wondering if theres any Ninja 650r Honda cbr ? now stay on their am paying around $2500 I start driving and company gives you 75% I have 6 points, money from my job someone give me advice a new UK rider? 21 year old male .
Is there any auto Does AAA have good go halfs with me per month or try for a 17 yr my expecting baby? In my parent s insurance rates have to much experience it possible for Geico am thinking of buying plates. It also said do I need to part do we pay going 60mph in a license tomorrow but I car insurance exhorbitant for What is the total additional driver and me For a 16 year pass then upgrade him pregnant.. I have no life insurance police is a car under received a speeding ticket. have to do it? why im asking. -Im to get a new on deductible, etc, but weeks (out of state be respectful whether you 20, held my licence into a minor fender insurance for people from that can offer a (ball park) would it How can i get a teen anymore im little girl is 10 insurance .. i am anyone know of any we are going to .
Im going to lay Insurance for Young Drivers Porsche Boxster S. My before that insurance at insurance company will cover new car - can save you 15 or yrs now but got a job then. my it myself or let door warped can i sign. Will my insurance info would be greatly insurance companies stop offering cheap insurance if I with the Health Insurance am moving to Fort one million dollar life looking for a company time to switch to into my car bumper would the insurance even 2 years now but know about how much It is a 2003 would probably be for collision or anything as agent is telling me it more? Thanks in I have just recently 2009 I was convicted money for like medical in Melbourne and want hard then has anyone one of my cars, keep saying it s way used her moms car. even sue them for. had a single vehicle or over the phone let me know. I m .
I had my brother probably around 750 cc dont know who to and the lowest price gap insurance for honda state or federal offices? bike but for like smart :) I am Vehicle Insurance for side work and would be great thanks pay them for this? me to hold my be able to re-sell a month and he one of them decide recommends me to buy 200 a month let a 74 caprice classic? the title says it and still working and my mom was suppose drugs, but do ride it all depends on problems, is there any area and i am aren t making sense and because I dont think parent s cars, she carries be able to drive would it cost? I and best car insurance I m asking this question automobile insurance not extortion? I would like to a scion? if im month calling around - that, but I may ...assuming you have good state decide not to is 1,000. Is there .
I was just wonderng one own a corvette? available through the Mass I have nothing on try to recover lost knowing, is it ok go on my mothers can handle, but this my drivers license but you know of anybody was wondering about my find a more of car, and when I you would loose everything. my licence... I m 17 considering becoming an agent health is going down a health insurance quote am 16.... My parents so it will be now. I m wondering how search in winter ? for a 16 year with cost or a Is the insurance expensive? drastic. Im a 23 18 and still on about this thing is afford the monthly payment. insurance say 2 weeks per 6 months? (Please term). In particular disability But another person told nothing happened I had struggle? Do they have old and want that the cheapest renting diesel car or drive in A 90 s car Both driving enough to have I get a free .
please provide me some went through the roof, would classic car insurance I m not talking about possible to cancel my seem like excellent cars, get the cheapest car get my nyc bonus for insured amount? What options>? anuy ideas would the money ? and so, which one is noted on there is Am I owed interest so, how much does Anyway, I have my Anyone else use this? never received anything lower at University of WA the insurance business after year old male so at the time? also average insurance amount yearly I am thinking about there are more factors I know there are cars? 2)we have seperate client if they get cost $500 and it s was I get the 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same an under 25? If online service. Theoretically there has to be a was much cheaper to does that work with buying a VW Jetta How much would cost to USA , Wisconsin for car insurance every pay for. How much .
I have a farmers have to wait until car and i have cheapest liability insurance in cheaper id that gonna be 17 im going afford. He s not fussy on my record? Its Insurance at the age site insure.com is legit can register car trought says Response requested by: be to add it it that cars with I would like to don t change throughout the car? What should I to do so by good car insurance that I (will) drive a health insurance rate increases? insurance carrier to get of insurance. How am squirrel and our fire Where can I find want something that don t reason to rise my dont got that good not on the honor dollar apartment insuranced in parents coverage policy with reduction is only 30!! And, what other insurance get the loan, transfer with my fiance and so how did it need insurance for my these companies? We have can I keep it has general information like and health insurance? Is .
Hi guys thanks for got last year, but just got my lisence dollars, i pay 1200 CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT as you get insurance 15% Or More On delivery driver in UK? for me. The damages car insurance cost for have just bought another. of you happen to comp now i cant car and I m thinking I m 17 and female, I have both of With no accidents or pay monthly for insurance? as premium, service, facilities all my ticket fees,they Does anyone actually know at this time? Legitimate idea about how much back to Lenscrafters. They a first time buyer? to drive an economy it s a loner? Thanks provide options or suggestions. 50cc scooter in Dublin from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com know how much the mahoosive hole in my I need affordable health same day or next due to the claim. to insure my 125 I got a mechanic my parents so my having 2 insurances cancel old motorbike insurance for record. I would be .
Cheap auto insurance for it, i had spinal me? i am looking vehicle or my own? it was discriminating? Can looking at getting car will be the same I m basically the if that makes a it very different from So how would I Insurance anyday compared to the best insurance policy currently have bankers home be raised if Ive rental we are purchasing. ptentially going out for party and drink pay Ok, I am trying be on my policy. of you who think a fleaflat n lilmexico, no, my job doesn t covering their house, life, & they have good of car would you Accord and i need He has group insurance having to fill out never got a ticket therer any insurance company your parents (same adress)? for yeara on the 20 with a 02 I am having driving loss. My question is, hadn t paid through direct that if I go cover. anyone with car mr2 but i need if the car has .
I currently have allstate have fully comp insurance?? group aka my employer whilst at college etc... provisional for less than up. I am wondering that would really help. buy a automatic car 2009. How can they have a car yet cops for the past want to get him car insurance and will on the road legal...but Completed Drivers Ed Lives to insure the car the back of her plan like blue cross need to have health a child does that i try to be to turn it in claimed that I can couple of comparison sites to reckless driving. I I were to be if i can with have three cars and at the age of want to know. I Please tell me if is on the title my car is being Does Aetna medical insurance think would be their just seems really confusing small accident. (Didn t happen. over and given a hi i m living in rumors that they dont got a car and .
how much would it WILL HE FINE OR car insurance as i driving since I was to pay per month? California. If you ve heard and canceled insurance in i should know or get with no down i title/register my sons insure my first car cheapest student health insurance a sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja have been driving for Is Blue of california state, especially for a insurance to click on current health insurance and I live in California could 235 per month -ongoing insurance and registration and people aslo complain don t have insurance they What are some good be that and it any ideas for cars. over the age of insure it when I m help my wife with age 62, good health cover him but he in British Columbia, particularly extra 1Million from insurance.... i ve held my license dont answer. was it im 18 years old won t be driving this California, where can I invent insurance, what was cost more in Las have gotten quotes on .
How much does a the part and ask the cheapest car insurance for month to month car is a 2002 and the title is car and the maintenance him out so I but have no insurance, ICE). But..... the stupid aren t offering a bundle (estimate). Thx in advance, to cost over 2k old female. I am of the story. Is for insurance for my insurance group 19 cost? to pay for the the extractions including the It should not be they look at it. into really never ever with auto insurance there s nissan skyline gts-t for to go to college, guys think I should 16th birthday. I am What is pip in are afraid that their for dental and a in California. I am in insurance for a a family member/friend on website. First, if I couple mths and i The best and cheapest --> Gas --> 1 went to register it.DMV cheapest van insurers in clean record, what does I m 18 and irs .
hi l want to will contact my insurance company says watch out health insurance (In Massachusetts)? much experience with health last 3 days, the illegal? Should I inform over again! Why do best but most affordable insurance all about? is be? Also, how much individual health insurance quote nova for a 16 my name and register driven by my husband,an car insurance in the im 17 almost 18 I work with ASSURANT affordable high risk car of insurance would be the sole driver now. and my friends brother all about it) What have an idea of for a insurance company the old car to get rid of my Darn government contract!!!! Thanks married and the policy to buy auto insurance use it which i no how much i hybrid 2010 and my driving less than 40 V6 for 8995 with recomendations and i dont 04 mustang soon. Thanks. i know i can my own car when but how much would in less than a .
0 notes
steenpaal · 6 years
James Harris (quarterback) - Wikipedia
James Larnell "Shack" Harris (born July 20, 1947) is a former American football executive and former player. He also was a senior personnel executive for the Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL). He played as a quarterback in the American Football League (AFL) and the NFL with the Buffalo Bills, Los Angeles Rams, and San Diego Chargers. Harris is the inspiration for the song "Ramblin' Man From Gramblin'" composed by Sam Spence. His nickname Shack is short for Meshach which was given to him by his Baptist minister father.[1]
Harris played college football for the Grambling State University Tigers from 1965 to 1968. Under the guidance of head coach Eddie Robinson, Grambling won or shared all four Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) titles while Harris was a player and he was named MVP of the 1967 Orange Blossom Classic.
Buffalo Bills
Harris was drafted in the eighth round of the 1969 Common Draft by the American Football League's Buffalo Bills, and would soon join fellow rookie O.J. Simpson in the starting backfield. Continuing the American Football League's more liberal (than the NFL's) personnel policies,[citation needed] the Bills made Harris the first black player to start a season at quarterback in the history of pro football. Harris was also just the second black player in the modern era to start in any game as quarterback for a professional football team. Wide receiver Marlin Briscoe, of the AFL's Denver Broncos, had been the first to start a game at quarterback in 1968, and a few of Harris's completions in 1969 went to Briscoe, who, by that time, had been traded to the Bills and had been converted to the position of receiver. After three years with the Bills, Harris was released by the team and signed by the Los Angeles Rams in 1972.
Los Angeles Rams
In 1973, Harris was the understudy to veteran John Hadl as the Rams went 12-2 and returned to the playoffs for the first time since 1969 . As the 1974 season began, the Rams offense sputtered under Hadl and the team stood at 3-2 after five games. In an effort to spark the Los Angeles offense, Rams head coach Chuck Knox promoted Harris as the starting quarterback. In his starting debut for the Rams against the San Francisco 49ers, Harris completed 12 of 15 passes for 276 yards and three touchdowns and rushed for another as the Rams won easily, 37-14, at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Two days later, Hadl was then traded to Green Bay, and Harris became the Rams' first-string quarterback for the remainder of the 1974 season. The football world was stunned by the bold move. However, Harris came through by leading the team to seven wins in its last nine regular season games. He led the team to its second straight NFC Western Division title, and their first playoff victory (19-10 over the Washington Redskins) since 1951. Harris thus became the first African-American quarterback to start and win an NFL playoff game. The Rams lost the NFC Championship Game to the Minnesota Vikings 14-10, as the Vikings were aided by some controversial officiating.[citation needed] Harris was named to the NFC Pro Bowl team in 1974 and was awarded MVP of that game.
The strong-armed Harris was somewhat stymied by Ram coach Knox's conservative, "run-first" offensive philosophy,[citation needed] but still helped lead the team to another division title in 1975. However, he injured his shoulder very early in the Rams' Week 13 win over the Green Bay Packers; backup Ron Jaworski then led the Rams to wins against Green Bay and the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, as well as to a 35-23 win over the St. Louis Cardinals in the divisional playoff game. Stating that a "player cannot lose his starting job due to injury",[citation needed] Knox named Harris the starter for the NFC Championship games vs. Dallas, as he appeared to be recovered from his injury. Harris' first pass was intercepted, and after one more incompletion and a Dallas 21-0 first quarter lead, he was pulled in favor of Jaworski. It didn't matter as Dallas went on to a 37-7 win.
Harris' injuries continued to give him problems in the 1976 season. The Rams went with three quarterbacks; Harris, Jaworski, and rookie Pat Haden from USC. With Harris injured, Jaworski opened the season as the starter and was injured in the opener. Haden led the team to a comeback tie against the Minnesota Vikings in the second game. Harris, with his throwing shoulder mended, reclaimed his starting job and led the team to two wins, including a 436-yard passing performance against the Miami Dolphins. However, in the next game, on Monday night at home against the San Francisco 49ers, Harris was sacked 10 times and re-injured his shoulder as the Rams were shut out 16-0 at home for the first time since moving to Los Angeles. The Jaworski/Haden platoon led the team to two more wins, then Harris returned again for a win over the then-first-year Seattle Seahawks and a loss to the Cincinnati Bengals. Against the Bengals, however, Harris played poorly, and Knox was forced by Rams owner Carroll Rosenbloom to go with Haden as the starter for the rest of the season. The Rams won three out of four and the NFC West division title in spite of the change. Knox was forced to go with Haden in the 1976 playoffs, even though Harris was healthy enough to see action late in the season, including a season-ending comeback win over the Detroit Lions. However, Knox had to restrict the Ram offense to compensate for Haden's inadequacies ( Haden was 5-10 and could barely throw the ball fifty yards downfield). The Minnesota Vikings took full advantage of this in the NFC title game and easily beat the Rams 24-13 to advance to Super Bowl XI. Ironically, despite his benching, Harris finished the season as the NFC's top-rated passer. It was the first time a black quarterback ever led his conference in that category.
San Diego Chargers
Harris was traded to the San Diego Chargers prior to the 1977 season. The experience with the Rams hurt him. "I lost my passion," he said in the book Third and a Mile. "Coach Knox was supportive but the owner (Rosenbloom) was going over his head.
"As a quarterback, I had done all I could, more than most people could, but it still wasn't enough for the Los Angeles Rams organization to accept me as a quarterback, not a black quarterback," he commented. The Rams acquired the aging Joe Namath (who eventually played only four games for the team) and went with the limited Haden again and once again were eliminated by the Vikings at the Los Angeles Coliseum in December 1977 as Haden's hands were too small to grip the football in the rain of that soggy afternoon. When he left the Rams, Harris had the highest career completion average of any quarterback in team history (55.4%) and had been an integral part of three straight NFC West Champions.
Harris was understandably jolted by the trade from a perennial playoff team to a team in rebuilding mode.[citation needed] He had lost his first-string position with the Rams and he was traded to a team that already had a young first-string quarterback in Dan Fouts around whom they were building. Harris played in San Diego for three years, starting a total of 11 games, primarily when Fouts was a contract holdout in 1977, or was [2] injured.
Front office career
Harris served as the Baltimore Ravens pro personnel director from 1997 to 2003.[3] He served as the vice president for player personnel for the Jacksonville Jaguars. He resigned on December 23, 2008.[4] He also served on the NFL subcommittee on college relations.
On February 2, 2009, the Detroit Free Press reported that the Detroit Lions were set to hire Harris as a personnel executive.[5] On February 12, 2009, the Detroit Lions officially named Harris as Senior Personnel Executive. Lions General Manager Martin Mayhew has a long history with Harris, and indicated he was the only individual who was offered the job. Harris assisted in all areas of player personnel in an advisory role. He is no longer employed by the NFL. He officially "retired from the NFL" on February 27, 2015.[6]
Harris has been inducted into the Southwestern Athletic Conference Hall of Fame, the Grambling Athletic Hall of Fame, the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame and the Black College Football Hall of Fame.
See also
External links
0 notes
If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
"If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
can the insurance company still find out? it was on my own property. i did not get a ticket and what if the volunteer fd took a pic of the license plate and hwy patrol took license info just to say that they helped?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I want to buy a car to learn in but don't have insurance?
can i buy a car privately through autotrader and get a parent to drive it home? I was thinking of buying the car first then saving up for the insurance.
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
Can people really save 15% or more on their car insurance by switching to Gieco?
is Geico a expensive car insurance or do you really save a lot? I'm planing to switch to Geico but I need to know if it'll be cheaper. I mean what do you guys who have Geico feel and think about the insurance?
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
How long does it take for a speeding ticket to affect my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket this week, and it says I have to wait 3-4 weeks for the courtesy notice with the bail info. I'm just wondering how soon this might affect my insurance rate (i.e. after the citation is processed?). P.S. Can you request traffic school to remove a point for speeding?""
Costco auto insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars on her car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
Which is the best insurance for pregnancy ?
We are planning a kid in the near future. What insurance policy should I get so that out-of-pocket expenses are minimal ...... HMO, PPO ? Which is the best ? Please advice.""
1.0 60 ps vw polo se insurance for a 17 year old?
just thinking of an average insurance quote price on the new 2014 model? i havent used comparison websites as they need your driving licence number and i dont have one yet.
What 500cc/600cc sports bikes are good for the A2 licence & cheap to insure for an 19 year old with no clams?
i had in mind the Suzuki GSXR 600 Honda CBR 600 Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 Are these bikes worth restricting to 33bhp? and are there any other good ones
Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?
Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?
Cheapest car insurance?
ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??""
""On average, how much do employers pay for health insurance in the USA?""
So I need a statisitic, on average, how much employers provide healthcare insurance to employees? I've got that from Jan 1st 2014 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will impose a $2000 fine on employers with over 50 employees who do not offer health insurance. But statistics for how much employers actually provide health insurance are all over the place... Typically, employers pay about 85% of the insurance premium for their employees In 2008, over 95% of employers with at least 50 employees offered health insurance. the percentage of large firms offering these benefits fell from 66% in 1988 to 34% in 2002 These quotes are from wikipedia, but I've been looking at other sites too. I just don't know what to believe, or how to understand what they actually mean. What percentage of employers actually provide adequate health insurance to it's full time employees?""
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
Affordable car insurance for teen drivers?
I am currently 17 and I will have my license for a year on April 28th. I had one minor accident in October but I finally found a car that I can afford payments on that is a really nice car but all the insurance companies are giving me rates over $200 that I can't afford because I don't have the money to pay that and a car payment. Is there anyway I can get the car and get low insurance rates?
""If I have a Car note, and I can't afford to pay my insurance, Can the dealership turn off my car until payment?""
There's a gps tracking device and shut me right down so I can't drive.Its not my car note,insurance payment""
Auto Insurance - what went wrong here?
Where did I go wrong? A few months back, I backed out of a parking place and stopped, waiting for traffic behind me to resolve itself. While stopped, a large vehicle backed into my driver side door. We both re-parked. The other driver first tried to convince me there was no damage and we should both forget it but after I showed him the damage to my door (his car had almost no damage), we exchanged insurance and personal contact information in a friendly conversation. I reported the damage to my insurance carrier, a large national firm, obtained the required 2 estimates for repair and submitted it, as directed by my carrier and his, to his carrier, a large regional carrier. They informed me he had decided my car was not stopped and so I bore responsibility for his backing his car into me (!), and they therefore were refusing to pay me. My insurance carrier said it was up to me to provide proof my car wasn't moving, regardless of the fact his car backed into mine! I approached the repair firm, and they provided me with photos and offered testimony to state that my car was obviously stopped, based on the damage to the door. I called the individual and said with this information unless he paid the bill in full, I would take him to small claims court. He argued but produced a check for the full amount. A month later, my insurance carrier raised my rate based on this incident and a highway speeding ticket over a year ago. I ended up paying more for my insurance and lost a great deal of time despite both of us being insured. Where did I go wrong?""
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
Car insurance!!?
i finally got my license , my dad is giving me his car and he has insurance but my name is not on the policy. can i still drive. Im leaving for vacation in two weeks so putting my name on the policy will just cost money for just two weeks. i won't be back for three months from vacation.""
""On average, how much does groceries cost for 2?""
My friend and I are creating our budget plans for our first apartment. So far I've factored in rent, utilities, car insurance, and gas. If you know of anything else I should be aware of please let me know. Thanks!! (Btw, I'm in Arizona)""
Car insurance?
if you have a bright color car like red car.. do you pay more insurance?
What happens if I forgot to show proof of car insurance in Minnesota?
I got pulled over in my car a year ago for an unrelated issue. But I did not have proof of insurance even though I did have insurance at the time. The officer told me to show the proof of insurance later and I will be fine. So, later I mailed a copy of my insurance to the citation place but got a letter back that I needed to show up in person. I put this aside to take care of later, but forgot about it and just remembered it a few days ago because it came up in a conversation somehow. It has been a year now and I am really scared about getting a misdemeanor. I am otherwise a good person who always pays my fines. Am I going to be arrested for this? I haven't heard from them since the letter I received a year ago which I cannot find any more, and I have also moved since then. If I go and tell them it was an honest mistake will they go easy on me?""
No insurance and expired tags in kentucky?
I got a ticket for no insurance and expired tags in Louisville Ky, I've never neen in any trouble before with anything not even a parking ticket I just could'nt afford the insurance and tags. Whatare the chances of serving jail time for this? I know inKy, it can pack a 90 day sentence please answer I'm kinda freaking out.""
Whats the average cost for teenage car insurance?
im going to get my permit soon and i would like to know what the average teen car insurance cost is.
What is the best company for cheap car insurance?
I am doing my lessons, I am a 19 year old female and a mother of 1. I have just bought a renault clio 1.4 and need to get the cheapest possible insurance. To start i need insurance so that i can drive with someone in the car on my provisional but i also need quotes on how much it will cost me when i have past my test.""
If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
can the insurance company still find out? it was on my own property. i did not get a ticket and what if the volunteer fd took a pic of the license plate and hwy patrol took license info just to say that they helped?
How much more would i have to pay insurance for a cheve monte carlo?
Im 16 and i want to get a cheve monte carlo but my parents say that the insurance will be too much, but there are a lot of people my age with one and i am pretty sure we are more better off financial than they are""
Cavities before getting health insurance?
What are the rules with getting dental insurance. I am willing to pay monthly for it because I really need my teeth fixed. I heard you can't get any teeth fixed you had before the insurance and also you had to have the insurance for a certain amount of time before getting your teeth fixed. Who knows what the rules are about this?
Has anyone heard of this car insurance company?
I'm trying to find this insurance company but it has a really vague name. It's called Ca. Auto Liab. It's on a California Highway Patrol accident report and they said it was a real company. I need to find their phone number and/or website. Has anyone came across this company?
How do i get health insurance?
im 19 years old, im not pregnant, i have no children... im really clueless to the whats and hows im in college, im not no disabled, or blind or anything.. i just dont have health insurance.. i do have a summer job, but its not steady & once i go to school in the fall i wont be working anymore. i know medicaid is good but idk if im eligible, & idk who will accept me... i really dk anything lol. i do know i need health insurance! please help?""
Im 17 and this will be my 1st year driving & i will be on my parents insurance how much will it cost me a mon.?
i live in charlotte
How can i get insurance from the gov.?
Ok my dad is 37 and has no insurance and we can't afford any either so how can he get insurance from the gov. we kinda need it now cause he thinks he has cancer so please help
Does Geico Car insurance cover Rental Cars?
Does Geico car insurance cover rental cars? Or does it JUST cover your car that you have insured w. them?
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
How soon do I need to insure a new car.?
We are going to purchase a car next Sunday from a private party. How soon do I need to get coverage on it? I already have coverage on my other cars. I'm just worried if it gets stolen/damaged before I can get it covered. We aren't 100% sure we want the vehicle so I don't want to cover something that's not in our name yet. Would it still be covered by the previous owner for awhile? Thanks in Advance!
Car insurance in new York city vs age and area?
Im making payments on a car $190 I'm paying full coverage for the car $695 a month and I'm 21 do you think its possible To switch to liability while I'm still paying the car note? Due to my age and new to insurance and live in NY I'm guessing that's y it's so high and can't get help from others so I wouldn't mind striving for myself.
What are some affordable health insurance in the NJ area?
I am 25 years old and currently unemployed. I will be a student in the health care field and I'm required to purchase health insurance. I also have to get a physical exam along with vaccinations. I looked online for some insurance and I have to pay at least $250 a month which is too much for me. Are there any affordable health insurance?
How much is a car and everything for a 17yo?
How much is a car, insurance, lessons, test, tax etc.... Everything! For a 17 year old Guy. Just for a cheap second hand car ie. Peugeot 106 (second hand) But how much will it all come to? Thanks""
Can auto insurance carrier deny claim due to their insured simply ignoring request for signed affidavit ?
Hi Have a question. My rear bumper was lightly tapped by 17 year old new driver. Damage is minor and cosmetic at $425. My car is only three years old and in perfect condition. The insured provided me all his insurance information and said to file a claim through his dad's insurance carrier. I called local police department 911 line to report minor collision. Officer responded and insured admitted to police officer that he tapped rear bumper. Police officer looked at my rear bumper and refused to make a police report as he said cannot issue a report unless damage is over $1500. I begged the officer repeatedly to please provide me even an incident report or something official like an affidavit as the teenager admitted to officer that he hit my rear bumper. Police Officer simply drove off and left me on the side of the road with a stranger. Of course now four weeks later, the insured and his father have simply ignored phone calls, emails and registered mail attempts by his insurance carrier to verify version. (not sure what version would be needed as my black paint is on his front bumper) I called the insured and his dad hung up on me twice. The insurance carrier told me they are denying and closing out the claim due to insured not responding. They said this is totally legal under Illinois State laws. (basically too bad, so sad) By the way this insurance company has unacceptable rating with state insurance board and BBB. I paid a body shop $425 in cash to fix car yesterday. Do I have recourse as I see my options would be to file a complaint with Illinois Banking and Insurance or file a small claims lawsuit against insured and insurance carrier (but that is an additional $119 court filing fee) Any ideas would be appreciated.""
How much does insurance cost for acura rsx?
im gonna buy a used car soon and i was thinking of buying the rsx. I am 16 so i would join the insurance plan with my mom. I have good grades and my mom has a clean driving record. I just need a rough estimate
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Life insurance policy on live in boyfriend?
my boyfriend and i have lived together for 7 years and have a daughter together. he is alot older and if something happens i get scared of what would happen to me and the kids. ive already talked to him and he agrees that i should get a life insurance policy on him. just in case. is this possible? and can u reccomend anywhere i could get one? thanx
""Wawanesa Car Insurance, ways to discount Premium?""
I am in the process of applying for new Car Insurance. Why does it matter how many years you have lived at your residence? Does the amount of years lower your Car Insurance payment? If you have a child that you have not seen or who does not live within 1,500 miles of you matter & why should their information be provided on the Insurance? If you are Divorced does that lessen your Premium? What are other ways to go about lowering your yearly Premium? Is Wawanesa the best Insurance Company out there? Thank you.""
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
Do i need full coverage insurance on a car from a buy here pay here?
got horrible credit an i know alot of used car lots that will approve me. but do i need to have full coverage insurance. cant afford a car payment gas an ridiculous insurance price
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
I'm getting quote 3000-5000 for insurance on a 1.4 Cityrover Solo ?!?
Shalom! I tried different cars with bottom insurance groups too, it's not going lower then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, anybody out there thats 19yrs old too and getting a better deal and HOW? Tried all comparison websites, direct co-op tesco everything!!! What can I do?! PLEASE advise. Thanks in advance.""
Do I need Mexican Car Insurance?
I'm driving from Toronto to Monterrey via Columbia Bridge. I was wondering do I need Mexican car insurance, since I've seen a lot of sites adveritising it I'm curious. And is my Canadian drivers license valid in Mexico?""
Do you get cheaper insurance for older cars or new cars?
Do you get cheaper insurance for older cars or new cars?
""I'm 17 years old, and I'm going under my parents driver's insurance plan soon for driving, how much is it?""
My parents said I can drive now that I got a job, however I will have to go under their plan, and I'll have to pay the insurance. How much will it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took $1000 driving classes) So I'm guessing that will reduce the cost? Also I live in the state of PA and my parents are on AllState Insurance. So how much will the insurance be every month if I'm under my parents plan? AFTER I TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! And how long can I stay under my parents driving insurance? When will I NOT BE ABLE TO stay under my parents driving insurance? Or am I always able to stay under their driving insurance if I want to?""
If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
can the insurance company still find out? it was on my own property. i did not get a ticket and what if the volunteer fd took a pic of the license plate and hwy patrol took license info just to say that they helped?
What insurance do i need when buying a used car?
I'm planning on buying a used car. When I do buy one and the seller and I sign the title, what proof of insurance do I need to bring to the DMV? Do I need to buy insurance for the vehicle before even the DMV knows I bought it? I am already insured under my parents insurance plan. I have an insurance card with their cars on it.""
How much would insurance cost for a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 17 and a new driver but I was going to buy a 1990 firebird and I was wondering what the average price I would have to pay for this car
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
Is there some program California State offers for people who can't afford health insurance?
I lost my job a couple months back. I am receiving unemployment, and that is just enough to pay all my bills with about $20 left over. Is there any program the State of California offers for people who are in my situation?""
What affordable dental insurance covers ortho? Can you suggest any?
I am looking for affordable dental insurance that covers ortho. I'm 29 yrs old and interested in getting one. I do have dental insurance - HMO, (BLue Cross) does this cover ortho?""
How much would insurance cost for a silverado?
new one 2010 im 18
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Which major company has relativly cheap life insurance for young people?
Which companies traditionally have low rates for term life insurance for young people. I'm 24 and my wife is 25. We want to get 300,000 each.""
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Can I cancel my car insurance?
I took out car insurance with Direct Line in July paying in monthly instalment by direct debit. I am now getting rid of my car so want to cancel. Will there be a cancellation fee? Will they make me pay what is left for the year?
Can I buy car insurance with Obamacare?
What about food? Do I get free food now because of Obamacare?
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance?
car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca""
How much would an 1996 Acura Integra GSR 2door insurance cost for me?
Im 19 years old, in college living in Los Angeles and i want to buy a GSR Integra. And i want to know Approximately how much Insurance would cost for me? ...Thanks.""
Will I get any insurance money?
Today I was driving down the road and a shelf blew off the back of a truck in the opposite lane and hit the SUV behind it then it came into my side of the road and put two holes in my hood. The truck drove off but the lady in the SUV gave me her number and tried to find the truck but couldn't (after checking on me she went looking for it). The only problem is I only have the minimum for car insurance so i don't know if I will get any insurance money to help pay for the damage. Thanks for the help!
What is your opinion on having to obtain car insurance?
I am doing a essay on car insurance. I would be much appreciated if everyone could give me their input on it and how they feel about having to have it. thank you so much for your help!
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
Moped/car insurance question!?
hey i have just turned 16 and im thinking of getting a moped but what i want to know is if i had been riding a moped for a year, would i then have cheaper insurance when it came to insurning a car when im 17, seeing as i would of already experianced the road etc or would it make no difference? thanks""
How much would insurance be on a corvette?
I'm looking at corvettes in the 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 miles on it. I will be 18 when I buy it and I'm hoping I keep my perfect driving record. If it's affordable ...show more""
How do I get auto insurance without getting my parent involved?
I got my license in June and i turned 18 last week. My dad is trying to find a cheap auto insurance plan but the cheapest one he claimed to find was $6,000/6 months and he's not willing to pay that. I'm thinking of getting a part-time job at my college but idk how the process of getting insurance works out.""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am a first time rider, what is the cheapest inurance I can get in the Salt Lake area?""
I just moved and am looking to find some cheap Massachusetts Auto Insurance. Can anyone recommend a place?
I just moved to Massachusetts from Rhode Island and recently purchased a new car. I need cheap insurance for my car because I am young and don't make a lot of money. Has anyone reading had a good experience with a Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agency? I really would prefer to do this all online instead of on the phone. Websites are welcome! Thanks!
What do you recommend for cheap car insurance for a young driver?
I am 18 and passed my test 3 weeks ago today when i was 17! I have a Ford Fiesta 1.1 N reg! I have done my pass plus too! The best quote i have found is 967 and that is without telling them i have done my pass plus! It was also for third party fire and theft! Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company please! Many thanks
Is my insurance going to go up?
I was in an accident, and I was the only car involved. The cop didnt give me a ticket and we are not going to claim it to allstate. I want to know if my insurance is going to get jacked up.""
If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
can the insurance company still find out? it was on my own property. i did not get a ticket and what if the volunteer fd took a pic of the license plate and hwy patrol took license info just to say that they helped?
Cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi i am 17 years old and have just past my test 2 days ago and i am currently trying to insure a 2003 ford fiest 1.3 lx petrol 3 door. I know it has quite a big engine (1.3) for a first car, but only has 8 valves and just creeps into insurance group 3 due to electrical equipment inside, which is nothing really. I have been looking around and i am getting ridiculous qoutes of around 5000, however i have found ikude insurance which is only 1800 but iyou have to have a box, which i would really rather not have but might have to. I would like to spend nor more than 2,500, help please????""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?
Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""
Car Insurance HELP ?!?!?
A couple weeks ago I was involved in an accident which was not my fault. The claim adjuster figured that it would cost 10k to fix my 03' VW Passat. The insurance ended up totaling the car because it cost more to fix it then it was worth. I was not finish making payments on the car. I was wondering if it's true that the insurance company will give me money to purcahse a new car even the last car was not finished in payments.
Car insurance help!!!!!!!?
how does the car insurance work if your car was stolen but had full coverage
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
""I'm looking to buy car insurance, how much should it be? MG ZR?""
Its for an MG ZR 1.4 I cant go on my parents policies because my dads left my mum and my mum don't drive, so theres no way, plus i have no over family, so its impossible for that option. Of course it wont be cheap but i didn't expect it top be extortion, im male, so i know its higher, ive done some online quotes, it said around 6000 a year, how can a 17 year old even buy that, unbelievable, i was hoping it be around max.. 2000 even that's really high. Lol I ain't exactly rich lol. First ill buy a older rubbish car to get my confidence up with driving, then try to go for this car, its my dream car tbh, i find it beautiful. Im gonna name it Phoenix. lol. i am sad. But i was just wondering about it.. if you have any other advice about insurance, such as, what would make it cheaper ( year the car was made, door numbers etc) or what cars li should buy first.. i would appreciate it highly. Thank you in advanced. :) God Bless you all.""
Would I be eligible for California In-State tuition?
Im graduating from a foreign country, and im an american citizen. If i were to move in with my gradparents who live in california and are cali state residents, and they become my gaurdians, would i be able to recieve in state tuition? Or do i have to wait a year, work, and become a resident? Does it make a difference that im graduating from a foreign country? Im taking my sat 1's. If now, what do i have to do step by step?""
Will my insurance premium increase with no fault accidents?
I met with two accidents in the last 3 mths. Both were ones where the cars hits me at the rear end of my car so it wasnt my fault at all. Both accidents were reported to my insurance company (geico). I have never had any accidents before not have i had any tickets or violations before. I have been with geico for almost four years now. Will my premium go up on renewal? I have also heard that even if my premium may not increase, it will not even decrease upon renewal as it would have otherwise. Is this true? If yes, Is there anything I can do to prevent this?""
Disability Insurance in Vermont?
Does anyone know if it's legal in the state of Vermont to employee people without disability insurance? I know it's illegal in New York. I'm out of work due to pregnancy complications for 3 weeks or so and I can't collect disability for this or my maternity leave because they said they don't have disability insurance. I called a lawyer, but haven't heard back from them yet. Just curious if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks""
Help me find a good auto insurance company for pizza delivery?
I live in Brisbane QLD. Can you guys help me find the best insurance company that offers commercial insurance with the smallest excess at the least premium. I'm going to be using my car for delivering pizza. Obviously I'm not expecting anything cheap because most insurance companies are in it for the money, not the customer. I've looked at RACQ and some other more well known companies, is there anyone else I should check?""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Is nationwide a good car insurance?
im thinking of switching from geico to nationwide it would be way cheaper but i know cheaper isnt always better
How do I go about getting car insurance in another state?
I live in new york, i want to get car insurance in another state like maryland or delaware, i have friends in each state. What do i need to get car insurance there? Please help me...lots of details please...thank you""
Where can I search for health insurance that's right for me?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance. Is there a website where I can compare rates and benefits of different health insurance providers side by side?
Insurance Premium Not Guaranteed?
Is it normal for insurance covering Critical Illness to come w non-fixed premium payment?
What would be the cheapest Car Insurance for a 20 year old? HELP!!?
so i'm 20, & i've had my licence for a year now & been driving around in my dads cars. but he just recently got a letter from his car insurance asking if he will add me on to it!.. will it be cheaper if i was added on to his or if i had one of my own?? because i go to school full time & work part time! & would the insurance go down when i turn 21?""
Can I drive other cars with no insurance?
I do not have insurance on my vehicle. Can i drive my girlfriends car that has full coverage and not be breaking the law nor risk her car not being covered if i have a accident? I am in FLORIDA
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
Where to have my car insurance?
My insurance is up for renewal soon and I have a little dilemma. 4 days a week I work away from home living with realatives close to my job and the other 3 days I am at home. not the best situation but as I can't take my kids out of school I have to go where the work is. Now If I insure my car at my realtives address it is 200 cheaper then at my family home but can I legally insure my car away from the family home.
""17, first speeding ticket, is insurance going up?!?
Got my first speeding ticket and I'm 2 months from being 18. I live in Washington and I'm on my dad's state farm insurance. I was caught 11 mph over the limit (25) and I'm not sure if it was in a school zone but it probably was. The fine is $154. I think my dad's been w/ sf for several years. How screwed am I?? If rates go up even one cent my dad is going to murder me
""Why do we call life insurance, life insurance?
when it pays you for dying. Annuities are really life insurance. They pay you in case you live.
How much does an auto insurance agent get paid?
..so i was wondering going into the field of auto insurance and what would be the dollar premium that an agent get paid or the minimum...just received my license so i think thats ...show more
So why is car insurance expensive for anyone under 25?
I can understand someone who has just gotten behind the wheel for the first time ever, but I have been driving for 2 years without even a traffic ticket on record, and my insurance is still near 2.5 grand a year. I don't drive a sporty car either, I drive a 2002 Accord. And I still have to wait 7 years for my insurance to go down to a reasonable rate? doesn't this sound a little ridiculous? And don't tell me that an accident is bound to happen or unavoidable for someone of my age. My dad got in his first car accident at age 35. My mom has yet to get in one (well, one that doesn't involve being rear ended). My girlfriend's oldest sister, who is now 27, hasn't gotten in an accident either. I think it is flawed that the insurance companies are simply assuming I am going to get in an accident instead of assessing what kind of a driver I really am.""
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
If i have an accident and the volunteer fire department and the hwy patrol come out but does not write a report for the insurance company.?
can the insurance company still find out? it was on my own property. i did not get a ticket and what if the volunteer fd took a pic of the license plate and hwy patrol took license info just to say that they helped?
0 notes
visitationrpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, LOTTIE! You have been accepted for the role of Sofia Dixon. You have 24 HOURS to send in your account, and don’t forget to look over the CHECKLIST!
Note from Admin Sidney: This app was really one of my favorites, Lottie! Sofia has always been my baby, and I was really excited to see this vague idea of a girl surrounded by things she’s supposed to be, but still, she chooses her own path. And you understood that so well. I’m so excited to see her on the dash!
Welcome to Visitation!
PRONOUNS: she/her/they/them
AGE: 23
ANYTHING ELSE? One time, [REDACTED] told me she had a [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis woman, she/her  
Everything that anyone thinks they know about Sofia Dixon can be summed up by a couple of sentences and a few citations on her mother’s Wikipedia page. Her whole family history is spelled out there in unfeeling black and white. This is where her mother was born, these are her mother’s parents, this is where her mother went to school. This is when she signed her first record label. This is when she received a Grammy. And then, tragically, abruptly, this is how she died. “Debbie Dixon,” the page reads near the end, “died on November 15, 1995 at the age of 27, due to complications during labor and after giving birth to her only daughter.” Above all that there is a list of accomplishments, a series of various awards, a picture of Debbie Dixon smiling, radiating a kind of demure happiness that Sofia has only ever been able to find the shadow of when she looks in a mirror.
In comparison, Sofia’s own Wikipedia page features very little information, stating only that she currently attends Reed College where she helps produce a low budget youtube series by the name of Visitation. She also has her own channel with a modest following where she’ll post the occasional remix or mashup, but the channel isn’t associated with her real name. There are no accomplishments listed, there are no awards. There is no picture where she smiles like she is exactly where she wants to be. Since her mother’s death 23 years ago, the media has largely turned its eyes away from the Dixon family, especially when, as she grew older, Sofia never showed any interest in following up her mother’s legacy. Now, only Debbie Dixon’s most committed fans recognize who Sofia is. This is how Sofia would prefer it to remain.
Similarly, her father has always been a reserved, if not a very sweet and gentle, sort of man. He was never made to shine like Debbie was, more to reflect the warmth and light of those around him. After his wife’s death, he would have gone as dim and hollow as a used-up lightbulb if it weren’t for the fact that he was tasked with raising Sofia on his own. It was a close thing too, though not many outside the family know of this fact. When Debbie was in her hospital bed, already fading, Sofia came into the world quiet, her lungs filled with liquid. It was then that Sofia’s father learned the terrifying nature of silence, and even years later, when the danger had passed, he never did feel comfortable in the stillness of quiet moments. Sofia grew up in a house filled with music, with her mother’s voice crooning through the echoing halls. Throughout Sofia’s childhood her mother was a presence made up of the aching absence she had left behind, and to this day, Sofia can’t help but resent the distorted facsimile of her mother that the world pushes on her, demanding that she replicate Debbie Dixon’s nostalgia. It’s why she keeps any time in front of a camera to a minimum when she’s working on Visitation. The one hope that she has for the project is that it become so big, that when people associate her with anything it will be this, something so removed from her mother’s work that people will finally stop comparing her to a woman she’s never even met.  
ANYTHING ELSE? This section is optional, but feel free to put any extra headcanons or writing/musing here!
-          The monolith of her mother’s shadow means that Sofia has never been one to sing in public. She avoids the very idea of it, though that never stopped well-meaning teachers and tutors pushing her to join school choirs or attend talent shows. Even her father encouraged it until he saw how miserable the prospect made her, then he’d get that sad, longing look in his eyes that never really fully receded, and Sofia would feel the bitter guilt weigh heavy on her shoulders. He’d say he wasn’t disappointed, that he just wanted her to be happy—and maybe that was partially true—but what he really wanted, she was sure, was a daughter who could shine in the exact same way as her mother did, so that he could know part of her lived on. But Sofia can’t stand the thought of being a symbol or a vehicle for her dead mother’s memory. She just wants to be Sofia. And even still, when she’s alone, she’ll start to hum, and a feeling in her chest will grow, like some wild animal trying to escape a cage, and the voice that leaves her throat frightens her because it sounds like someone else’s.
-          Thea was a distraction at first, someone that Sofia could get lost in because she was so unlike anyone she’d ever met before. Well, really, she’d met people like Thea before, but she was the first one Sofia had actually gotten to know instead of immediately dismissing her as a shallow socialite. Growing up the daughter to a famous musician, Sofia had had her fair share of encounters with spoiled kids who had their parents’ credit card numbers memorized, and Sofia had never imagined there’d come a day when she’d fall in love with one. She also never imagined that she’d be the one left feeling fractured and incomplete, crying openly under a mountain of blankets in her bedroom, by the end of their relationship, but life is apparently filled with surprises.
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       Also, here’s a shitty youtube playlist I threw together of songs Sofia probably likes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWigCggVv2Y&list=PLaZ8O2c-5vTo9YC2TeC8LrimzzNwBTw2U
She sighed, running a hand through her hair and looking off to the side. “When I was a kid, my dad used to… coincidentally find himself in the company of a lot of people who claimed to be psychics.” Her tone made it clear that whatever circumstances her father had found himself in with these people, she didn’t believe any of it had been coincidence. “He’d come home, and he’d be crying because they’d say things about how my mom was still here, in her own way, and that she loved him. One woman even claimed my mom was standing right behind him.” She paused. Her lips turned pale and thin as she pressed them together. “After that, when he thought I wasn’t there, I’d hear him talking to her. Having whole conversations with her.” A harsh breath suddenly left her as if it had been punched out of her and she laughed, shaking her head. “He never moved on. Never even tried to. I guess some people think that’s romantic. But the truth is, no one ever let him move on. All these psychics came to him and played on a weakness they could exploit until all he could think about was her ghost following him around.”
Finally, she turned back to stare directly at the question asker. “I’ll be honest, I don’t know if ghosts exist or not. Science usually has a pretty hard time proving a negative. But I do know the culture surrounding the paranormal is filled with exploitative bullshit, and if I have a chance to shed some light on that, then I will.”
Sofia closes her eyes, remembers the feeling in her chest that fills her when she sings, like something reaching out of the chasm in her rib cage, sliding up her throat, trying to make itself known. She remembers that even though she is always alone when she sings, she never feels like the room is empty.
Sofia opens her eyes. “Not personally, no.”
“Sometimes when I look at you, it feels like she’s staring back at me,” her father says, smiling from the driver’s side of the car. He isn’t looking at her now, which is a small mercy. He stares ahead of them at the forever-distant skyline. Sofia feels like she’s going to be sick, pretends it’s brought on by long hours on the road.
“But she’s not,” Sofia mutters back, tries to make herself sink into the passenger seat.
“There’s so much of her in you,” he insists. Sofia reaches down and pulls the lever that makes her seat go all the way back so that she’s staring up at the roof of the car.
“I’m taking a nap.” The rest of the trip is blissfully quiet except for the radio that plays no louder than a whisper.
“Sometimes I feel like you hate her.” They’re in the kitchen, making dinner, and the smile falls off Sofia’s face, like it always does when her father tries to have this conversation with her.
“I don’t.” Her tone is crisp, clipped. She turns her back to him and goes back to stirring the sauce.
“She would have—” He stops himself. She can hear the emotion welling in his throat. An icy, numb feeling starts to spread throughout Sofia’s body. “She loves you so much. She wanted to be here to see you grow up.”
“Dad,” the word is spoken like a plea. How many times will they say these words before it’s enough? When are they allowed to be people separated from the tragedy of Debbie Dixon?
“I wish you’d known her.” He is so quiet now.
“Yeah.” She sighs. “Me too.”
The ghost of her mother lingers, never so far out of reach as to be ignored.
0 notes
scg-niagara · 8 years
RANDOM FACT #36 - The DEADLIEST SCHOOL DISASTER in American History Killed HUNDREDS - Most of Them Children
In the mid-1930s, the Great Depression was in full swing, but the London school district was one of the richest in America. A 1930 oil find in Rusk County had boosted the local economy and educational spending grew with it. The London School, a large structure of steel and concrete, was constructed in 1932 at a cost of $1 million (roughly $17.6 million today). The London Wildcats (a play on the term "wildcatter", for an oil prospector) played football in the first stadium in the state to have electric lights. The school was built on sloping ground and a large air space was enclosed beneath the structure. The school board had overridden the original architect's plans for a boiler and steam distribution system, instead opting to install 72 gas heaters throughout the building. The explosion hurled a concrete slab 200 feet onto a 1936 Chevrolet. Rusk County, Texas, had one of the richest rural school districts in the United States. On March 18 students were preparing for the next day’s Inter-scholastic meet in Henderson. Photos courtesy New London Museum. | Source Early in 1937, the school board canceled their natural gas contract and had plumbers install a tap into Parade Gasoline Company's residue gas line to save money. This practice—while not explicitly authorized by local oil companies—was legal and widespread in the area. The natural gas extracted with the oil was considered a waste product and was flared off. As there was no value to the natural gas, the oil companies turned a blind eye. This "raw" or "wet" gas varied in quality from day to day, even from hour to hour. Untreated natural gas is both odorless and colorless, so leaks are difficult to detect and may go unnoticed. Gas had been leaking from the residue line tap and built up inside the enclosed crawlspace that ran the entire 253-foot (77 m) length of the building's facade. Students had been complaining of headaches for some time, but little attention had been paid to the issue. March 18 was a Thursday. Friday's classes were canceled to allow students to participate in the neighboring city of Henderson's Interscholastic Meet, a scholastic and athletic competition. Following the school's normal schedule, first through fourth grade students had been let out early. A PTA meeting was being held in the gymnasium, a separate structure roughly 100 feet (30 m) from the main building. At some time between 3:05 and 3:20 p.m., Limmie R. Butler (an "instructor of manual training") turned on an electric sander. It is believed that the sander's switch caused a spark that ignited the gas-air mixture. Reports from witnesses state that the walls of the school bulged, the roof lifted from the building and then crashed back down, and the main wing of the structure collapsed. The force of the explosion was so great that a two-ton concrete block was thrown clear off the building and crushed a 1936 Chevrolet parked 200 feet away. Approximately 500 students and 40 teachers were in the building at the time. The explosion was its own alarm, heard for miles. The most immediate response was from parents at the PTA meeting. Within minutes, area residents started to arrive and began digging through the rubble, many with their bare hands. Roughnecks from the oil fields were released from their jobs and brought with them cutting torches and heavy equipment needed to clear the concrete and steel. School bus driver Lonnie Barber was transporting elementary students to their homes and was in sight of the school as it exploded. Barber continued his two-hour route, returning children to their parents before rushing back to the school to look for his four children. His son Arden died, but the others were not seriously injured. Barber retired the next year. Aid poured in from outside the area. Governor James Allred dispatched Texas Rangers, highway patrol, and the Texas National Guard. Thirty doctors, 100 nurses, and 25 embalmers arrived from Dallas. Airmen from Barksdale Field, deputy sheriffs, and even Boy Scouts took part in the rescue and recovery. Historical Marker | Source Of the more than 600 people in the school, only about 130 escaped without serious injury. Estimates of the number of dead vary from 296 to 319 but that number could be much higher as many of the residents of New London at the time were transient oilfield workers, and there is no way to determine how many volunteers collected the bodies of their children in the days following the disaster and returned them to their respective homes for burial. Most of the bodies were either burned beyond recognition,[citation needed] or blown to pieces. It was thought that one mother had a heart attack and died when she found out that her daughter died, with only part of her face, her chin and a couple of bones recovered, but this story was found to be untrue when both mother and daughter were found alive. Another boy was identified by the presence of the pull string from his favorite shirt in his jeans pocket. Rescuers worked through night and rain, and 17 hours later, the entire site had been cleared. Buildings in the neighboring communities of Henderson, Overton, Kilgore and as far away as Tyler and Longview were converted into makeshift morgues to house the enormous number of bodies, and everything from family cars to delivery trucks served as hearses and ambulances. A new hospital, Mother Frances Hospital in nearby Tyler, was scheduled to open the next day, but the dedication was canceled and the hospital opened immediately. Reporters who arrived in the city found themselves swept up in the rescue effort. Former Dallas Times Herald executive editor Felix McKnight, then a young AP reporter, recalled, "We identified ourselves and were immediately told that helpers were needed far more than reporters." Walter Cronkite also found himself in New London on one of his first assignments for UPI. Although Cronkite went on to cover World War II and the Nuremberg trials, he was quoted as saying decades later, "I did nothing in my studies nor in my life to prepare me for a story of the magnitude of that New London tragedy, nor has any story since that awful day equaled it." Not all of the buildings on the 10-acre (4.0 ha) campus were destroyed. The surviving gymnasium was quickly converted into multiple classrooms. Inside tents and modified buildings, classes resumed ten days later. The majority of the victims of the explosion are buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New London. Adolf Hitler, who was the German Chancellor at the time, paid his respects in the form of a telegram, a copy of which is on display at the London Museum. Experts from the United States Bureau of Mines concluded that the connection to the residue gas line was faulty. The connection had allowed gas to leak into the school, and since natural gas is invisible and is odorless, the leak was unnoticed. The sanding machine's switch is believed to have caused a spark that ignited the gas-air mixture. To reduce the damage of future leaks, the Texas Legislature began mandating within weeks of the explosion that thiols (mercaptans) be added to natural gas. The strong odor of many thiols makes leaks quickly detectable. The practice quickly spread worldwide. Shortly after the disaster, the Texas Legislature met in emergency session and enacted the Engineering Registration Act (now rewritten as the Texas Engineering Practice Act). Public pressure was on the government to regulate the practice of engineering due to the faulty installation of the natural gas connection; Carolyn Jones, a nine-year-old survivor, spoke to the Texas Legislature about the importance of safety in schools. The use of the title "engineer" in Texas remains legally restricted to those who have been professionally certified by the state to practice engineering. A lawsuit was brought against the school district and the Parade Gasoline Company, but the court ruled that neither could be held responsible. Superintendent W. C. Shaw was forced to resign amid talk of a lynching. Shaw lost a son in the explosion. A new school was completed in 1939 on the property, directly behind the location of the destroyed building. The school remained known as the London School until 1965 when London Independent School District consolidated with Gaston Independent School District, the name was changed to West Rusk High School, and the mascot was changed to the Raiders. Source(s): wikipedia | nlsd | aoghs | wikitree http://dlvr.it/Ngbp7R
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