#I like malamar
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bingbongbugtime · 11 months ago
Alright, here goes.
Let me tell you about homestuck
Your favorite Sivoltan Psychic here Nina~🦑 I am 19 and Arceus' favorite lesbian ☺️ not really much else to say other than I've stolen my little brothers account lol here's the lovely team💕
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Currently the leader of the Unglückstadt gym aka second hardest in all of Sivolt until my dad gets back from Unova~🦑
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rodentbloodart · 26 days ago
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daily shiny haul
Whimsicott, Cottonee, Malamar, and Inkay!
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shinypokemonshowdown · 1 year ago
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Decided to use this chart to make a non definitive list of my favorite shinies of all time
Link to chart here
[Due to the complexity/size of chart I don't believe I can make an accurate ID for the shiny pokemon]
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yamitheyin · 2 months ago
My design for AT CAP 6, which was meant to be an Electric/Dark type, but I'm changing the typing because it honestly doesn't look like it.
Unisurveil, the Enigma Pokemon. An Electric/Steel type meant to discourage pivoting via its ability Stakeout and its own pivoting moves of U-turn and Volt Switch.
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Based on UFOs, claw machines, and security cameras.
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yoohyeon · 1 year ago
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𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕠𝕙𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ! 💚
Mine - Do not repost !
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some-pers0n · 16 days ago
top three pokemeown…
Oouh good question! Uhh,, Mudkip, Grookey, and Reuniclus. My eeby deebies
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ponyfartsu · 2 years ago
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Kalosian Lapras demonstrating a hunting technique used to obscure the hypnotic effects of their prey.
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nameless-network · 7 months ago
god banned baton pass from pu because hes scared of the things i could do with my speed boost protect combusken
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piers-official · 2 years ago
Has anyone told ya that ya look like a splatoon character
A... a what now?
Splatoon bro, it's that game where the Octilleries and Clobbopuses shoot paint at each other. Actually now that anon mentions it, your hair does kind of look like octillery tentacles!
Wait a mo' lookin' this up... OI I DO NOT- well actually, maybe just a lil'.
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pochapal · 10 months ago
pokemon ultra moon sure is a game in which it takes 135 hours to beat the champion
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wizarde-van · 2 years ago
malamar truly is the most deranged pokemon to have in a battle and tbh that's why i love it so much. unfortunately everyone else hates this and tells the league only to be told that no, reversing the effects of moves isn't some kind of illegal technique, it's literally just how malamar operates
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may8elle · 25 days ago
being a Psychic/Dark type, has anyone posited that maybe Malamar could possibly occupy the same space/niche as the Humboldt Squid
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shinypokemonshowdown · 2 years ago
its your blog! go nuts change the icon to malamar! you can do whatever you want forever man(gender neutral)
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Thank you for the support! It's been decided
Jirachi will still hold a special place in my heart though, but the squid will now take over their place
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trybard · 11 months ago
ive never played scarvi but i love Geeta and it's literally baffling to me that she doesn't have a malamar. her hair matches malamar so much more than glimmet/glimmora to me. they didnt even give her one in the dlcs.
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presszl · 2 years ago
i want to like anime more. i think mob psycho was the anime for people who don't like anime but then again i've been a huge freak about psychic powers since i was like born
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pistachi0art · 7 months ago
Giving you a chance for a ramble, because I'm REALLY curious: What are all the Half life Pokémon trainers teams like? we've seen some from Gordon and Tommy, but I'm curious about everyone else's teams!
OH YEAHHH!!! Ok :) (these teams are all subject to change btw)
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Gordon: Pokemon Researcher
The MC of his own story! Once a bright young boy with dreams of becoming a Pokemon master- but ended up as a researcher instead once those dreams seemed unlikely. That doesn't mean his team isn't strong, however! Even if he doesn't use them for battles often, they spend most of their time hauling samples from Ultra Wormholes and fighting off whatever tries to come out of them.
Team: Rhyperior, Copperajah, Mudsdale, Flygon, Crustle, and Aggron.
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Benrey: Ultra Recon Squad Member?
A mysterious person who emerged with his partner, Poipole, from one of the Ultra Wormholes that had opened in the region. His life (and pokemon) are uncertain by those who know him, even his claim as a URS member lacks clear evidence. It's unclear if he has any known goal as people can barley get a read on him.
Team: Blacephalon, Xurkitree, Buzzwole, Nihilego, and Guzzlord.
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Tommy: Pokemon Researcher/ Elite Four Member
New to the region's Elite Four, he is dedicated to having a fair and fun time with both of his jobs. His priority doesn't lie within his team's strength, but his high friendship with his Pokemon (which coincidentally benefits the former.) All of his pokemon are fast, dodge attacks well, can take a hit, and return with attacks critical in strength. It's a wonder he didn't end up the champion.
Team: Boltund, Raichu, Pawmot, Toxtricity, and Manectric.
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Dr. Coomer: Pokemon Researcher/ Tournament Enthusiast
Like Gordon in his past, once wanting to be the champion, he somehow ended up in a comfortable position as a researcher instead. However, that didn't dissuade his love for a challenge, signing up for as many battle tournaments as he could in his free time. His team has shrunk over the years, but that doesn't mean they've lost their touch!
Team: Hitmonchan, Crabominable, Bewear, and Grapploct
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Bubby: Pokemon Researcher/ Contest Enthusiast
Unlike his rowdy coworkers, his team isn't meant for battling (but that doesn't mean they haven't battled). He instead hopes to one day participate and win a pokemon contest, however the day where he hasn't chickened out from signing up hasn't happened yet.
Team: Espathra, Beheeyem, Salazzle, and Armarouge.
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Darnold: Pokemon Medicinal Researcher
His job is to make potions that will eventually be sold to the public to help poor injured pokemon with low hp. However, the process of making such is much harder than one may think. His team is only really used for helping him with the task.
Team: Aromatisse, Weezing, and Dedenne.
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Forzen: Pokemon Ranger
Secretly a softie, this tough as nails ranger spends most of his time helping people and pokemon alike. His team is on the smaller side but they are tough. He's got a strange rivalry with Benrey.
Team: Altaria, Exeggutor, and Garchomp.
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G-Man: Ex- Champion/ Mysterious Businessman
It's unclear why he dropped his champion title- but those unfortunate enough to battle him still have to deal with his old team.
Team: Honchkrow, Spiritomb, Malamar, Froslass, Kingambit, and Absol.
Once I get Alyx and Barney's full art out I'll show their teams too ^^ hope that sufficed on terms of a yap session lmao.
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