#I like dakotas color scheme a lot
51nn0n · 1 year
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I enjoy both of their 70s swag
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kidcataldo · 5 months
show idea that came to me while daydreaming, which is probably something only I would be interested in watching (bc it came out my brain):
Queer Kids of Galveston County
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It’s about a queer family just living their best quirky lives in Galveston with little care of the rest of the world around them.
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The Jester
redneck-type, 14/15 yrs old
real name: Jedidiah Wertheimer
known as “The Jester” because of his jester gimmick: white face, red lipstick, black diamonds over his eyes, and often colorful clothing
rarely seen outside of Jester persona
joins cults for free food, goes through religious phase (surprise, it’s satanism!), etc. Each episode centers around one of his schemes
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he pickpockets ungrateful tourists and robs corporate owned businesses, but only to help the less fortunate. Most workers look the other way, pretend not to see when he steals a few cans of food or a package of tampons because they know it’s going to a better place.
he’s on a first name basis with most cops and not in a respectful, blue lives matter kind of way.
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Azazel Wertheimer
older sister of Jedidiah, 17/18 yrs old
“straight man” of the group
works on the boardwalk in concessions
responsible, hard worker
tries super hard to blend in with society despite family’s mischief
the most “ordinary” among her family
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Midori Takahashi
newest and youngest member of the family, 12 yrs old
often The Jester’s right hand (wom)man, at his side during his many schemes
dresses “male” because she believes American fashion is to look ambiguous. This belief is based entirely on Strawberry’s own appearance
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guardian of Azazel, Jedidiah and Midori
drag queen who performs at local club
rarely seen out of Strawberry persona
laissez-faire attitude when it comes to life
is seen in dressing gowns and headscarfs when not performing
home is open to anyone: stray animals, homeless people, anybody is welcome and treated as family in their house
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Uncle Uncle
no one is sure where he came from or even who he really is—he just started sleeping in their house—but he’s family now regardless
mute, never speaks
running gag where he’s actually one of the world’s most wanted criminals in hiding and he’s constantly fighting off assassins/secret agents while the family remains oblivious
His wheelchair has gadgets and gizmos to get him, and sometimes the family, out of sticky situations
And they all live happily together in a rundown but beautiful beach house by the ocean. They’re like a less spooky and less rich version of the Addams family.
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And why Galveston County? It’s what I know. And I wanted them near the beach. Also, Texas, despite its reputation, actually has a lot of queerness and it’s fun to show that these identities exist here
Side characters, maybe:
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Dakota Tran & Jesus Mendoza
friends (and possible love interests) of Azazel
Dakota works at the store The Jester is banned from. Distracts her boss so he can sneak in and steal stuff
Jesus works with Azazel on the boardwalk
they’re the other “queer” kids
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The Williamsons
Bill and Jill and their three kids Will, Phil and Little Gil are the neighbors of the Queer family
though kind, the majority of the Queer family find their way of life, their ordinary lives unsettling
church-going type
they represent what society sees as a “perfect” family
Azazel likes them and often mimics their behavior, and attempts to have her family do the same
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parismains · 2 years
Best log cabin floor plans
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#Best log cabin floor plans free#
#Best log cabin floor plans windows#
I tend to feel suffocated and depressed if there isn’t enough cross-ventilation in my house. I love a lot of sunlight and fresh air in my house.
#Best log cabin floor plans windows#
It has a large front porch and a huge chimney and enough windows to keep the indoors airy and sun-kissed. A cabin that has a basement and several bedrooms scream balance to me. Compartmentalization is always helpful, after all. What I really like about this cabin is that it is tiny yet compartmentalized enough to give you the feel of a proper home, with more than one room. This is a really small cabin, barely 400 square feet yet it is immensely feasible for you. It isn’t too difficult to make this cabin either. It isn’t elaborate in its make yet its simplicity has its own unique allure. This is a log cabin that is made with a porch, a small wall in the backyard and has the charm and comfort you definitely desire. Universities were formed not just as means of making money off education, an idea that bloomed way later, but as stalwarts of knowledge and these lovely plans provided by North Dakota State University are surely of immense aid. You wonder what Universities do apart from teaching, and this is one of the answers to your question. Be it a cabin with multiple rooms or a gabled cabin these plans are right for the task at hand. They provide detailed blueprints and instructions for making cabins that fit your budget, style, and preference.
#Best log cabin floor plans free#
These free plans provided by the University of Tennessee are a blessing. It allows you space to sit during the rainy season or just to stand under without being drenched, and also cuts down the impact of the rain hitting your windows directly. Adding to this coziness is the covered entrance. It is also very eco-friendly.Ī small cabin with striated outer walls and simple yet welcoming color scheme is a lovely option to go with. And if your lovely looking cabin is powered directly by the sun with no dependency on a power grid, you are defining your ideals very soundly. They just signify a person’s will to go against the norm of the society and the fortitude to forge a home that does not conform to established standards. From the windows to the main entrance, the borders and the balcony, this tall yet small cabin is worthy of boast and pride.Ĭabins are often representatives of self-sufficiency. It blends a very distinctly block design with both modern and older aesthetics to create something that really stands out. It has enough space not to make you feel like you’re trapped yet not big enough to make you feel haunted by the extra space.Ī cabin that is so pretty, it is guaranteed to make visitors, people passing by and any onlooker wow out loud. Not only is it appealing to one’s aesthetic musings, but it also scores high marks on the functionality aspect. It also has a hot tub, which can be replaced with a sauna, and a kitchen, a bathroom, and an enormous room.Ī more compact and sharper looking cabin than most, it has a very subtle yet instantly noticeable style that is bound to impress. It has a longer roof on both the front and the back, giving you more than adequate dual porch space. It is too small to provide just about anything else but is cozy for a getaway and for a single person occupancy.Īh! The perfect cabin for your summertime getaway or winter, if that’s your preference. This adorable log home is double-storeyed and has a trap door entrance to the attic/secondary bedroom. I love cozy cabins hence, as they don’t waste space and are perfectly warm. It has big windows that face the sun in the noontime and hence keep the indoors well lit and just one small room for comfort and lazy days. This isn’t big enough for more than one person, but can only house two occupants at max. It is a great plan to implement for cabin making if the piece of land you’re making your cabin on is sloped. This is a large cabin with two spacious bedrooms, a fantastic open fireplace, a kitchen and a living room. And again, there are cabins that are so small, only one individual can live in them and with not too many things brought along. Some people want to make this move with their families, and for such folks, there are cabins that can accommodate a small-sized family easily. They range from homesteads to trailers to big and small and multi-storeyed cabins, each offering something that the other possibly couldn’t, and each fitting the style and need of different individuals. Here are thirty-three small cabin plans for you to choose from.
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tokumusume · 3 years
Snakes, kitchen disasters and weddings: Eternal Love episodes 11 - 15
A lot of character development in five episodes so let’s jump straight into it.
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I ship Zhe Yan and Bai Qian’s brother (Bai Zhen, I keep forgetting his name). I'm having headcanons...
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I’m trying to keep my hate for Dijun/Fengjiu under control but ugh... When he said this line my mind went straight there and now my skin is crawling. So f*cking creepy.
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Li Jing is back! Still sulking but wearing a lovely Adidas tracksuit. Jk lol. Seriously now, who the hell thought this fabric was a good choice for a period costume???
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Fengjiu wants to know all the tea on Heavenly Realm and chats with Dijun’s personal attendant while Dijun walks ahead.
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I can’t explain why I find Batman slash sugar glider Ye Hua so funny. Something about people flying in giant impractical robes is hilarious to me.
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In the Mortal Realm, Ye Hua transforms into a giant snake dragon to kill the qilin beast and destroy some innocent peasants’ market stands. He gets hurts in snake form and is found by none other than Bai Qian, who’s now hoarding small animals in her hut. She tries to tend to him the best she can but Ye Hua is a posh snake. I love snake!Ye Hua interactions with Bai Qian.
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Li Jing’s sister drops by the Mortal Realm in time to see a scummy salesman harassing Bai Qian for her magical fan. She kicks the man’s ass and Bai Qian gives her the fan as appreciation. Li Jing’s sister notes that Bai Qian looks like a man she once fancied (lol).
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Bai Qian sleeps (ONLY SLEEPS, OK? YOU DIRTY MINDS!) with Ye Hua and doesn’t notice she’s hugging a man and not a snake. Ok, then. More importantly: MARK CHAO SMILED!!!! He can smile!!!!
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Fengjiu enters the palace as a maid to approach Dijun and pay her debt. Dilireba looks gorgeous.
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Bai Qian is accused of being a witch by the fan man for carrying a black snake. Ye Hua transforms into a dragon and teaches him a lesson. Back in the Heavenly Realm he asks his uncle for some seduction tricks. He decides to pretend to be injured and it works like a charm. Ye Hua finally shows some emotions and I fell for him. Could it be because Mark Chao showed his bloody chest? Hehe.
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Ye Hua asks Bai Qian’s name but she can’t remember jackshit. He names her Su Su and she seems to like it. I’ll therefore call her Su Su while she’s in Mortal Realm.
A romance is blooming and now I know why so many people like Mark Chao. He’s not idol handsome but good lord... he’s so f*cking sexy. I’m sold.
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Li Jing drops by the Mortal Realm as soon as he hears about the possibility of Si Yin being there. He doesn’t find her but meets Ye Hua instead.
Fengjiu is still trying to get close to Dijun with a little help from his assistant (who now I know it’s somewhat important but I’ll still call him assistant). I love Third Uncle’s love counseling.
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Ye Hua proposes to Su Su and I hyperventilated in this scene, my friends. #where_is_my_ye_hua
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They have a small ceremony and it’s beautiful. Red is Yang Mi’s color. They share a passionate kiss (for cdrama standards) and do the deed. Nothing is shown except clothes falling to the floor.
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Li Jing’s sister schemes with Xuan Nu to free her other brother from whatever hell prison Li Jing locked him in. Xuan Nu wears Si Yin’s clothes to distract Li Jing and maybe get pregnant. He’s hella drunk and doesn’t realize he’s not kissing the real Si Yin.
Su Su almost burns down her hut trying to cook a chicken and Ye Hua uses his supernatural powers to put out the fire. Su Su wonders if he’s a monster, or even the Qilin Beast, but stays with him. Ye Hua assures her that he’s just a mortal with some sick moves.
God, I give up doing this... I hate myself for even starting this recap thing.
Politicking, politicking, politicking... Su Jin looks so much like Dakota Fanning in this scene.
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Fengjiu’s true identity is exposed, Dijun is a c*nt to her, Ye Hua disappears from the Mortal Realm because he’s summoned in the Heavenly Realm, among other things.
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The plot thickens and my ability to write wanes. This might be the last recap but rest assured I’ll absolutely finish this delicious drama.
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My Sweet Ride is an amazing episode of Phineas and Ferb and the only thing bad about it I that I wish we could have seen more people in full out 1950s clothes!! So I did that!! (Also including some MML kids because I love them and don’t draw them enough!)
Anyways!! If y’all want to see me rant about 1950s stuff for a very long time because I had a blast doing research for this project you should click the keep reading!! :D
Okay a quick prelude!! Not only am I going to talk about outfits I designed, but while doing research I was blown away about the attention to detail the original designers had for these outfits and characters so I’m going to talk about their outfits too! :D
Here are my sources if you want to look into this btw!! :D
Okay I’m going to start out by saying I just adore this outfit
That has nothing to do with anything I just really love it!!
I’m thinking I might make one of my own for Halloween but that’s off-topic
Okay- 1950s clothing!!
Candace is wearing a blouse (?) with a cardigan over the top, and a pleated swing skirt.
This is a classic 1950s girl’s style
More specifically its also a classic “preppy good kid” look
Which Candace absolutely is!!
Y’all should notice that all the skirts are past knee-length, which was standard of the time.
Candace also has a neck scarf, a common accessory, and a headband.
Ribbon headbands were still a thing in the 50s but the hard plastic headband was also coming into style in the later 1950s.
She’s wearing a pair of saddle shoes which were one of the popular options of the time among boys and girls
Her hair is long with curls at the end, another classic teenager look in the 50s!
While short hair was more popular among adult women, teenage girls often kept theirs long with slight curls on the end!
Bangs were also standard, but usually shorter than how I drew them
Sorry that bit’s inaccurate through all of them, it’s just easier for me to draw long!
Finally, in case you had any doubt about Candace’s outfit being time period, here’s an advertisement from the article I read:
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To start off we have a blouse and pencil shirt for Vanessa
Pencil and swing skirts were the two most common skirts of the time
She’s also wearing a belt, which I modified slightly to look like-
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The wide contour belt on the bottom right!
She’s also wearing a pillbox hat, one of the popular hats of the time!
Hats were generally not worn by teenagers because they were seen as “mature” 
But that fits pretty well with Vanessa’s character
It’s the same story with the pumps, which I also changed lightly to match time period ones a bit more
Now what made me make my original post about the outfits in My Sweet Ride was actually the hair
Specifically, Vanessa’s hair is modeled after the Bettie Page style
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This hair wasn’t actually that popular with the masses because it was seen as too simple, not classy, etc.
BUT it was popular among rebel girls in the USA
And like!!!!!! Y’all the designers did SUCH a good job to get down into details like that!!!!!!!!
But yeah her outfit’s great!! Next one!
For Stacy, I decided to change things up slightly and give her a dress!
Specifically, it’s a shirtwaist dress, which I modeled after the reference below
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Why the shirtwaist dress you may ask? Idk I think they’re neat
I thought it fit the vibe I was going for so I did that one I don’t know what to tell you jkdshsf-
Okay so generally, the belt wouldn’t have been a different color but I wanted to tie the green I used in a little more
Btw sorry I changed her color scheme a bit
I honestly haven’t fully figured out her original color scheme so I modified it a bit so it would look nice for this!
Pastels were very popular in the summer after all
I tried to stick to everyone else’s original color scheme though!
Stacy also has a headband tied up into a bow, which was standard
And to change things up I put her in a ponytail (with the end curled) which was popular with the teens!
Sklsdjhdkj I sound very “how do you do fellow teens“ while writing this that’s unintentional sorry
Shoes are penny loafers, another popular shoe at the time
I liked the little bows on the ends of some of the ones I saw and thought it was very Stacy!
That’s about it for her!
This has nothing to do with anything but I love drawing Phineas
He’s just a funky little triangle!! I love him!
I’ll admit here that I didn’t look into men’s hairstyles, so you won’t hear about that from me sorry!
Phineas is wearing a black button-up, standard. 
Black and white matched everything so they were the most common undershirt colors
Over that, he has a jacket that looks to be varsity jacket inspired, which was seen as super cool!
Full jeans were coming into popularity in the 50s but only with the younger generations
Finally, he also has saddle shoes like Candace does
So yeah it’s a solid 1950s outfit!!
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Ferb’s a greaser, need I say more?
No, really he has everything
The white t-shirt and jeans combo is exactly the greaser look, so much so that most teenagers avoided it to not fall into stereotypes
Tighter fit jeans were coming into style in the later 50s, so that’s also accurate
The leather jacket just amplifies the greaser look
The one thing is that for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what shoes he was wearing
So I gave him a pair of sho-loks and called it a day!
More about sho-loks in Milo’s portion!
Isabella makes an appearance with the first (and only) poodle skirt of the group!!
Poodle skirts, while definitely what most people think about when you say the 50s, actually weren’t that popular among teenagers
The embroidered designs were seen as childish, so children and preteens wore them the most
But here’s a fun tidbit you may not have caught from the show, Isabella is, in fact, a child
(I don’t know why I built that up so much sorry ldksjfhkds)
Anyways I decided if I was going to give anyone a classic poodle skirt it might as well be Isabella!
I modeled it after this poodle skirt:
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She’s also wearing a blouse with a peter pan collar, the most popular collar of the time
Another headband tied into a bow because it’s Isabella I had to give her a bow
Standard belt (nothing really to say about that)
And another pair of penny loafers with little bows because they’re cute gosh darn it!
Okay, I’ve been writing for a while but honestly a lot of the rest of these I just drew directly from reference so…
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I did say I would talk about shu-loks here though and I will!!!
Now we know Milo is shoelace-adverse
And while there are plenty of slip-on options I found the shu-lok to be fascinating!!
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As you can see above, the tongue snaps down to keep the shoe on your foot!! Isn’t that cool? :D
So yeah I gave Milo those!!  
We know Zack plays football so I gave him your standard sporty outfit
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Sorry I just find girls outfits infinitely more interesting so I kinda focused on those skjhgfdss
Oh! I do have something to say here!!
Converse were your typical sports shoe for the 50s so he has those!! Almost forgot that tidbit!!
Yeah, thick soles with wrinkles and stuff were seen as cool among teens so they got popular!
Finally, we have some patterned pants!!
Yeah- checkers, plaid, stripes, polka dots, etc. were all very popular!!
I just didn’t want to draw them a lot ‘cause it’s hard sksfjdhgs-
But I gave Melissa checkers because it would get the black and white of her color scheme and I liked the way the checkered pants looked!!
Girls did wear pants at the time by the way!!
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During summer and weekends mostly since they weren’t allowed to wear them to school
Short-sleeved turtle necks were also a thing and I thought that combo would look neat!!
Also, converse because it went with the outfit and that’s kinda what she’s wearing in the show!
Hair in a ponytail and side part bangs, both popular!
Yeah okay, that’s about it for Melissa!
By this point, y’all are hopefully getting the gist of 50s fashion so we’re going fast now
Blouse, swing skirt, penny loafers (different style but still penny loafers), headband
(here’s what I modeled the whole thing after:)
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I do want to mention the pullover sweater because I thought I should include one and I really like the flower embroidery on them
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Then finally we come to her hair!! I already mentioned the headband but I was specifically modeling her hair in the pageboy style which looks like this:
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Obviously, it looks a little stylized but what can you do?
And that’s it!! I had so much fun doing research and designing this and I think they all turned out pretty good!! I’m going to do more go this in the futures so if there's someone in particular you’d like to see let me know!! I’m planning on doing Cavendish, Dakota, and Sara at least in the next batch!! 
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dakotasgreenkitchen · 3 years
Take A Chance On Me- Part 2.
“Okay. Here we are. The room upstairs and to the right is yours. Bathroom built in and everything.” Amelia smiled as Florence walked in with her trunk. Florence’s hazel eyes moved around as she took in the house.
God she was going to go color blind with all the white and beige. The house was a nice one story, with 4 bedrooms and a good sized living room and kitchen.
The washing room and area with dryer and washing machines were towards the back of the house. Florence set her trunks of items down as she walked through the house.
White and beige were clearly the color scheme with some grey. Florence picked her trunks back up and walked down to the room that was now hers.
The white bed-frame, desk, and bed side table sat as she began to take her various clothes and shoes out and place them in the closet.
“We can go shopping for whatever you like now that you’re here. We weren’t sure what you would want to do with it.” Amelia’s voice came from the doorframe as Florence shot around to look at her.
“Okay. Thanks.” Florence answered quickly, taking her pairs of boots out and placing them in the rack.
“You have really cool style.” Amelia smiled, clearly trying to make a connection with Florence.
“You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. We can just talk or whatever.” Florence chuckled hanging her jacket.
“I’ve never really done this before. Sorry.” Amelia cringed as she walked more into Florence’s room.
“No big deal. I haven’t talked to an adult who didn’t have their head in their ass since I was 6.” Florence said walking back to her trunk, taking her various books out.
“Well if you have patience with me, I will have patience with you and we can figure this out.” Amelia presented, her hands resting on her knees.
“Ditto. Now what’s the rule for painting everything in this room?” Florence asked with wide eyes, her mind going 1094 miles a minute imagining it.
October is a weird time to start school. Mostly everyone is already there and aquatinted with each other. So Florence going to real school would be odd for her.
“Hey, your breakfast is ready. Link made pancakes.” Amelia knocked on Florence’s door.
Florence had only been there a week and still didn’t get their whole family morning breakfast thing. Like why would you do that, just eat and move on.
“Okay. Thanks.” Florence smiled, placing her favorite glass rings onto her fingers.
For her first day of real, aka normal school she had chosen yellow pants that had a pattern of rust, bright orange and pink flowers with hints of white. She paired it with an orange shirt tucked in the front and white Doc Martens.
Her natural beach waves falling down her back and her eyelashes extended with a little mascara.
Florence walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter as Amelia fed Scout and Link prepared more food. Florence got up and walked to the fridge, preparing herself an iced matcha latte.
“So are you excited for school?” Link asked, sliding Florence another pancake which she rejected.
“Sure. But it’s just school.” Florence shrugged as she put the dish into the sink before walking back into her room. So much for family breakfast.
Florence sat in chemistry. The words not even sticking in her head. A boy with black messy hair and green eyes sat next to her.
“Hey. You must be new. I’m Benny.” The boy her age held out his hand.
“Florence. And yeah I got adopted by some random people and here I am.” Florence chuckled, shaking his hand.
“Okay dark humor. I like you Florence.” Benny smiled, pulling out his notebook.
“A lot of people like me, I like myself. But you’re cool too Benny.” Florence bit her lip to contain her laugh.
“Oh my god.” Benny rolled his eyes, slightly shoving Florence.
“Eat lunch with me so I’m not alone?” Florence proposed, smirking at Benny and his rosy cheeks.
“Sure.” Benny took Florence on her offer. The rest of class was Florence dying of absolute boredom and Benny stealing glances at her.
“Was it just me or did you take in absolutely none of that?” Florence giggled as her and Benny walked out into the hallway.
God Benny couldn’t take his eyes off her. She didn’t wear the frills or skinny jeans that every other girl wore or the hot pink.
This whole 70’s vibe he saw on her made her more appealing. Florence flashed him a bright smile that Benny was convinced would make his eyes pop out his head right there.
“Hey brother.” A girl with dark black hair and bangs said as she whacked Benny’s arm walking beside him.
She wore straight leg, distressed jeans and a Queen T shirt with high top black converse. Her matching green eyes stared at Florence as they stopped.
“Florence this is my stupid little sister Dakota.” Benny rolled his eyes gesturing his hand between the two girls.
“Little your ass, by 2 minutes.” Dakota spat back, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you twins?” Florence asked raising one of her eyebrows at the siblings.
“Sadly. But I’m better than Benny so. Dakota March. Benny is my dumbass brother.” Dakota smiled, holding her hand out for Florence.
“March, like Little Women?” Florence asked s as she took Dakota’s hand.
“I wish. But I’m not that cool. Benny surely isnt.” Dakota rolled her eyes.
“I’m leaving. See ya Florence. Dakota ugh.” Benny groaned as he walked to another class leaving his sister and Florence to talk.
“Hey how was school?” Amelia smiled up from feeding Scout on the couch as Florence dropped her bag on the bench.
“It was actually really good.” Florence grinned as she walked into her bedroom closing the door softly behind her.
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spider-stark-loser · 3 years
Well i gave my Ninjago oc's better ref sheets
They have basic information about them just to understand them a little bit
Ok first we have Alev, the first oc i did and well i changed her not a lot but with sime stuff i think she needed
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Then there is Kyle, he changed for good and including the color scheme of his element the old color i used on him i have seen it on other oc's that have the glass element so i decided to make it more original
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Oof Dakota the brother of Alev, honestly i had him as an old oc but he needed a new start and well he is an ally to the ninja
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Then there is my adorable bean Etsu, i decided to change a few pretty good things on him and well the purple paint he had on his eyes became a mask like the one Harumi had
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Also Dakota and Etsu don't have a weapon cause Dakota uses his powers more and well Etus Is still a kid
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vidimillion · 4 years
Okay, so jasico hcs, umm, what about their wedding?
i got very carried away with this, since "wedding" is rather broad. we'll get to the actual wedding part eventually, i swear.
i asked @/ariihen a while ago about who would propose and her answer is 100% accurate to me
nico spent a rather long portion of all his relationships kind of believing that they would one day end
the past few years of his life have done a pretty good job at slowly undoing that mindset, but old habits die hard
nico knows jason had the same problem. for the longest time jason had never been secure in his relationships, from when his mother gave him up to when his family at camp jupiter didn't search for him
nico hated doing the laundry, so jason normally did it with no qualms
on a random, insignificant day, nico noticed jason waking up every morning dead on his feet, either going to do homework for his college course or work on building more temples. being the good boyfriend he is, nico decides to lessen jason's workload by doing their laundry
putting jason's laundry away, he finds the ring box stuffed into a pair of clean socks. months later he'll tell jason it was a pretty good idea on his part— jason's socks have got to be the only thing he owns that nico doesn't steal
nico doesn't even register what it is until he opens it in confusion. later on, he described the sight of the ring as a punch to the fucking face
jason was left behind by his own mother. he was left behind by his sister who believed he was dead. he was left behind by his camp which he had been serving dutifully for his entire life. he was left behind by his two best friends when he was dead for a year
but he was brave enough to buy nico a ring. he still had so much love pouring out of his heart, for people he was never sure would stay. he was brave enough to let himself believe nico would stay. he loved nico enough to brave through his insecurities about himself, to let nico know he wanted this to last forever.
nico doesn't know how long he cried but afterwards, he felt tired enough to fall asleep. he hid the box right where jason had put it, hoping he wouldn't notice something off.
he doesn't know if he should wait for jason, but something tells him he should buy him a ring too. he doesn't see how it would be a bad thing, so he does.
it's a few months later and the whole group is together. the seven + reyna, dakota, the stolls, and a few more. nico was too happy to see them all together to wonder why jason put so much effort into wrangling everyone up.
waterworks started before jason even got on one knee, because he'd already told everyone he was planning to propose. nico knew jason would've told them, so he didn't tell anyone he bought jason a ring too.
the proposal story is one for another day, but let's say everyone had a chance to both cry and laugh.
nico wanted connor and travis to come because they mean a lot to him. they were his first friends at camp back when he was ten, and they were the only people who greeted him when he was going in and out between ages ten to fifteen. they treated him like a brother and never stopped.
will was invited, because he and nico got on amicable terms after their breakup. nico thinks will is always gonna be a good friend to him— they weren't the one for each other, and they didn't need to be. they were best friends, will being one of the first people at camp to be his friend. it's better if it sticks to that.
do i even need to mention reyna? she was one of the first five fuckin people on the guest list
jason and nico tried to keep the guest list small and personal. they did not realize how many people they actually liked and were friends with.
(nico oddly enough became rather good friends with sadie kane and anubis, so the egyptians were invited. he and jason also became friends with magnus, alex and sam— the whole event was very inter-pantheon)
the only gods that were formally invited were hestia, hades and persephone. that didn't stop the wedding being broadcasted to the entire godly world over hephaestus tv, but at least the small and subtle cameras weren't very intrusive.
hades insisted on funding the most beautiful wedding the godly world has ever seen. for once, nico didn't fight him on the money because he wanted everything to be as perfect as possible. all jason cared about was getting married.
nico plans most of it. the color scheme stays classy, with white cream colours, minimal bits of gold. there's a little bit of red too, in the flowers and tiny details— nico says it's because jason looks damn good in red. he's right, of course, but there's another reason.
red was the di angelo family signature color, back in the 1930s. nico remembers most of his life before the casino now, and even if there's nothing he can really do about it, he wants his family there. even just a little bit of them would be enough.
they get married at dusk in the most beautiful park in new rome. they have the ceremony in the grass, tall greek pillars squaring the area off from the rest of the park. billowy white fabrics hang from above but leave the setting sun visible. the only lights are persephone's special flowers, glowing softly in every color of the rainbow and scenting the air with ambrosia.
nico and jason both get to walk down the aisle, but nico goes first. he wears a black three piece suit, complete with a subtle gold collar link and lapel chain. it's a little tight, but that's kind of the reason he picked it. he slicked his hair back for this too.
he couldn't pick a best man for this, so there isn't one. by his side are connor, travis, will, and frank— and hazel and reyna, in red suits.
on the other side of the altar, jason's side, there's percy, leo, dakota, piper and annabeth.
nico's mother was a singer. her music was italy's treasure, almost hidden from the rest of the world. they play one of her most beautiful songs as they walk down the aisle, one nico can faintly remember her singing to him. her voice is like a siren's, like a goddess's— otherworldly, ethereal, elysian.
but the music stops when he sees jason.
he wears a white three piece suit that cinches his small waist and stretches over the broadness of his shoulders. he wears a boutonniere of small, light blue hydrangeas and a gold collar link that matches nico's.
everything about him matches nico. matches him, compliments him, completes you in the perfect way your opposite tends to complete you.
nico thinks "opposite" sounds too aggressive— like they were enemies. jason wasn't his enemy. jason was his soulmate.
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My sides!
So whilst I wait for my motivation to pick back up for the Demigod au, I'll give you something that I've done already. Concept art for my sides! I only have the picrews for now, but I'm working on art for all of them. And boy is there a lot. As I discover new things about myself, I've uped it to about 8.
First, the sides you know from the actual sanders sides.
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This is Remi, my anxiety. They use They/Them pronouns.
I've been getting to know Remi a lot since I found out I had them. They represent the Anxiety that I can recognise and prevent. They work with me.
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This is my creativity, and their name is Max. They use They/Them and Xe/Xim. pronouns.
Max is just your run of the mill Creativity, but if you call them dramatic they will take offence and possibly cry.
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This is my "morality", Chrystian. They use They/Them pronouns.
I put morality in quotes because they aren't really morality. I think they might be a part of anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, or something. But for a long time, they masqueraded as my morality. In truth, my morality isn't a side. They're more of a subconscious thing and they don't need a physical representation. But this side does.
They present lies as fact. So yeah, they may be a part of deceit, but I mainly use them for "Lying to others" instead of lying to myself.
Mainly though, I just needed a representation for someone who said things like: "You're a bad person" Or, "You're so stupid."
I've learned that I can't reason with them. I have to say, "That isn't true, and you know it," and try to move on.
Remi, my anxiety, is more of questioning. I can reason with them and even change their mind. They'll ask things like: "Oh my gosh what if they didn't like us?" Or, "What if you're a bad person?" And I can assure them that things are alright.
I can't do that with Chrystian.
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Then we've got Sam, who is my logic and uses They/Them and Fae/Faer pronouns.
Their personality is the most like Pattons. Fae gets very exited about new things I learn about myself, and makes it faer mission to know everything about my latest hyperfixation. Fae has started working closley with Max with projects, and has started to hang out with Remi, Dee, and Austin to help work me through my problems in the most logical ways possible.
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This is Ava, my Deceit, and they use They/Them and Fae/Faer pronouns.
Ava works diligently to lie to others, covering up mistakes, coming up with split-second lies when I panic even if they aren't necessary. Their favorite lie is saying "Yes" When I'm asked if I'm okay, or "No," When asked if I need anything.
Currently, Ava and Dee work very closely, and Ava will come up with nonsense to spurt up to days in advance.
But I'm working on it, and hopefully, Ava will become less a part of my life soon.
Alright! Now moving on to sides that aren't based off original characters! They're listed by time they were discovered.
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This is Dakota or Dee Dee. They use They/them, Fae/Faer, and Xe/Xim pronouns, depending on how I'm feeling.
Dakota is kind of an all-purpose OC, but Fae originated here. They're rambunctious, wild, sensitive, and an all-around awesome side.
But Fae's gone through a lot.
Before I knew about my Anxiety, ADHD, or Autism, I kind of lumped them all together and labeled them, "Things that are wrong with me."
I know that isn't true now, and a few years ago they went through an alteration. This isn't like DID or anything, just me changing how I view certain aspects of myself and how that reflects on the characters I've made up. Anxiety and ADHD are two different things now.
But very recently, I found out I have Autism, and Dee changed again. Now, the two are like Remus and roman and are twins. Anxiety is not related to them because they're categorized differently and it doesn't work for the dynamic.
So anyway, once again Xe has been left to pick up the pieces, Creating xier own Identity, and seeing which parts were them, and which were Autism.
Their stims are shaking xier hands, chewing, and bouncing.
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This is gender identity and dysphoria, who's name is JD.
They look kinda evil, but they're really not. Just cryptic and confusing. Their color scheme is the nonbinary flag, (Black white yellow and purple, and it symbolizes how gender isn't black and white. (Cause those are the main colors)
I edited it myself on a crappy art thingy so don't mind it.
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This is my Autism! I just found out about them recently, so I haven't decided on a name, but for now I'm just using Austin.
They use He/Him and They/Them pronouns. (They identify as agender, they just like those pronouns.)
I don't really know much about them. He's usually nonverbal, and when he's stressed his hair starts growing which is a sensory no-no for them.
He loves his sibling and is pretty tolerant with Sara studying them to figure out how they work.
Their stims are chewing, vocal, and texture.
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linerwriter · 5 years
Gone Girl
This was, if you haven’t guessed it yet, the thing I’ve been working on for the last couple weeks. It was inspired by multiple prompts by people who wanted something involving kidnapping with Wild, and I got really inspired, so here we are (and this isn’t even done, this is the first part of a series)
To be honest, I’m not completely happy with this (the pacing is really fast at times, in my opinion) but if I didn’t decide to post it now, it wouldn’t ever be posted, so eh. I’ll go back and fix it later.
Word Count: 1483. For the @linkeduniverse AU. I hope you guys like it!
“Hey,” a man nudged the desert woman beside him, “That one seem good?” He pointed toward a figure on the other side of the pond in Kara Kara Bazaar.
The man’s partner arched her perfectly manicured eyebrow, a smirk settling on her features. “I think she does. Great job, Dakota, you’re learning.”
The man grinned wolfishly, “Must mean you’re a good teacher, Iesha.” The pale skinned Hylian scanned the girl up and down. She was currently surrounded by men who all looked slightly similar, so family, perhaps? She was tiny and flat chested and wearing the traditional Gerudo Town outfit in the color blue. Most of the girls they picked up were tall and busty, but their current client specifically stated tiny, so who cares?
The girl, sensing someone’s gaze on her, looked around in confusion. Her instincts screamed at her that something was wrong, but for the life of her, she couldn’t find anything. At one point, she locked eyes with a man on the other side of the pond, but his eyes smoothly slid past hers. After finding no culprit, she shrugged and paid attention to her traveling companions.
Iesha’s grin widened and looked possibly even more intimidating, “Yes, she’ll do nicely. Now,” she sashayed away toward the inn, “come, Dakota. We have some planning to do.”
Unknown to the two criminals, someone had seen what they were up to, and noticed how focused they were on a certain individual. Time, always vigilant around unknown areas, looked at the duo discreetly as he softly called out to his descendant. “Twilight.”
The younger hero swiveled his head at Time’s faint call, “Yes?”
Time scanned the people in question as they entered the building, “Keep an eye on those two.”
Twilight looked at them with a critical eye, “Got it.”
Time nodded his head, then addressed their crossdresser, “Wild.” The young adult looked at Time, “When you go to Gerudo Town, be aware. Not everyone is as they seem.”
Wild nodded and refocused his attention on Wind, who was showing him something. Time settled back, shifting restlessly as his eyes lingered on the area the two characters were standing. Guess we’ll just have to see what happens.
Over the next couple days, the pair plotted their scheme. The girl consistently went away from her companions for a couple hours, most likely toward Gerudo Town, and came back loaded with supplies. A few times, however, around the usual time she came back, a young man would show up in her place. The first time this happened, the dumber of the two criminals panicked, worried they had lost their chance. The next morning, though, the girl came back, letting Dakota have a sigh of relief.
Finally, after hours of observing and planning their attack, the two were ready. At 8:00 AM, exactly 30 minutes after the girl had left, the criminals signed out of the inn. Once safely out of the bazaar’s sights, they sprinted down the path until they had the girl in their sights. Once they caught up, they hid around a dune to prepare.
“Alright,” Iesha said to her companion, “Wait until you see my signal. If I don’t give one, run back to the bazaar, possibly to the stable. Got it?”
Dakota nodded, “Stay safe out there.”
She sent a cocky smile his way, “When am I ever not?”
As she was walking away, he grasped her hands tightly, making her turn around in surprise. “I’m serious. Be careful.”
Sensing the reality of the situation, she adopted a solemn expression. They exchanged a nod, and then she was off, her long red hair billowing in the hot wind. Dakota looked at her wistfully, then settled in for a long wait.
As Dakota looked on, Iesha stalked toward her target, then slowly galloped into a stumbling run. As she got closer, she forced her breath to come out harsh and winded, almost gasping. “Ma’am! Wait, please!”
The girl turned toward the desert woman, who grinned viciously in her mind. Gotcha.
The blue-clad girl tilted her head in question, a guarded look on her face. Iesha doubled over herself, acting like she was out of breath. “Please, I need your help!”
Immediately, the girl’s stance shifted to be more welcoming. Strangely, she didn’t say anything, merely tilted her head in question.
Iesha didn’t let this odd behavior stop her, “M-my friend, she just collapsed! I don’t know what to do!” She wailed.
The smaller woman put her hands up and waved frantically, trying to calm down the “distraught” pleader. The girl (who Iesha dubbed Blue at this point, it was getting too repetitive to just say girl all the time) gestured toward the general direction Iesha came from and set off.
“No, wait!” Iesha cried, “She’s not over there!”
Blue turned back with a perplexed expression on her face, as if she was saying, Then why’d you come from that direction?
“She’s in the middle of the desert and I had to find a trail!”
Do you still know the way?
“Yes, I know where she is!” Iesha snapped, “Just follow me!” She stormed off the trail toward a foreboding sand storm, the tiny blonde following.
All the while, a gray wolf watched them, ready to pounce.
“Hey, shouldn’t Wild be back by now?” Warriors questioned aimlessly from where he was propped up by the pool.
Time’s frown deepened, “Yes, he should, and that’s what scares me.”
Suddenly, a commotion by the entrance to the bazaar interrupted them. Twilight, in wolf form, burst from the sand and swerved under the guards’ spears. He came to stop in front of Time, panting viciously and holding something in his mouth.
Time walked over and kneeled in front of the wolf, gently taking the object out of Twilight’s mouth. It was a piece of fabric, light purple with an odd pattern on it. Time’s eyes widened, Oh no.
“Hey! You! Is this your animal?”
Time looked up at the shout from a guard. He nodded, “Yes, it is.”
The guard stalked toward him, “Wolves are not allowed near the bazaar.”
“I am aware,” Time said calmly. He could hear the others shuffling toward him, looking at the scene worriedly. “But I have better things to worry about right now. It seems that one of my companions has gone missing.”
“Missing?” At that word, the other guard stepped forward. It seemed like this one was the more senior of the duo, “Describe your friend.”
Time listed off Wild’s distinct features, phrasing them as if he was their sister. “Recently, we’ve been sending her to Gerudo Town for supplies for the next couple months.” Time said, “We don’t want to stop at any town for too long, so we’re stocking up. Today was going to be the same, but I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen, so I sent my wolf after her to make sure she’s safe.”
Throughout Time’s explanation, the guard was thinking, “You said she’s gone missing?” A nod from all the assembled Links. The guard sighed, “If it’s what I think is happening, then it may be too late.”
Legend burst forward, “What do you mean, too late?”
The senior guard looked him in the eye, “There’s been a case of females going missing over the last few months, all related. We don’t know who the culprits are, and we haven’t been getting much headway for it.”
“Why not?” Wind cried, “Shouldn’t this be top priority?”
The younger guard glared down at the boy, who glared back. The older Gerudo laid a hand on the woman, calming her. She addressed Wind, “We’ve been trying, but we haven’t gotten many clues for it. From what we’ve gotten from witnesses, the victims have been lured in by a false statement of some sort meant to isolate them. Doesn’t matter what; could be their friend got hurt, their stuff got stolen, whatever.”
“But why would they ask women that?” Warriors mused, “There aren’t a lot of female warriors outside of the Gerudo, to my knowledge.”
“Well, these ones are,” the guard said with a sigh, “After they convince the girl to help, they take her to an unpopulated area. We’ve narrowed it down to two places, but both are known to have frequent sand storms, so we don’t know where they go afterwards.”
All of them digested the information. “Do we know what they do after they kidnap the victims?” Hyrule asked softly, his brows furrowed.
The guard looked at them with a knowing gaze. “They trade them.”
The Links gasped. The guard continued, “Several neighboring countries still have underground slave systems in place, and due to the Calamity, Hyrule slaves are extremely valuable.”
“Do you at least have a name for the one in charge?” Four asked desperately.
Both guards’ expressions darkened as the younger one spoke, “Her name is Zara.”
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outhereontheprairie · 5 years
Sheyenne River Academy Campus, North Dakota 2
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Welcome to part 2 of our adventure through the old Sheyenne River Academy campus! Check out part 1 here. 
Would you like a full, immersive experience of our visit to SRA? Let the music take you back while you scroll along!
Click here for the secular playlist for 1970s SRA.
And click here for the special SDA playlist!
When we last left off, we were at the camp meeting cabins. Something I didn’t know existed on this campus. Let’s go!
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So here are those bathrooms that the campers and cabin dwellers used. 
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And on the side we spotted a sign from after the SRA days.
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In keeping with SDA tradition, they did not allow alcohol on the grounds even though it was no longer an SDA school. Interesting. 
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Here are the cabins! Rows and rows of them. I had no idea these were in existence. 
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Apparently dad’s grandpa’s cabin was somewhere in here. 
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If you had the means, you were able to rent your very own little cabin and use it for camp meeting. Dad said each cabin had the owner’s name on a sign by the door. 
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There were so many rows of cabins!
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We headed over to where dad’s family cabin was. 
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So much junk was again piled up outside the cabins. 
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Dad checks inside a cabin he believes belonged to his parents, below.
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I peeked inside the same cabin. The old curtains were charming to me. Dad said he believes those curtains were hung by his mother - the pattern was familiar to him.
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Despite the piles of junk crammed in every cabin (why!?) they seem to be holding up fairly well! I was impressed. 
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They’re quite basic but apparently, according to one of my family members who did not grow up with much, if you had your own cabin you were really something! She had to camp, so the cabin dwellers were very privileged in her eyes.
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Even overgrown, I found the cabins charming and pretty in their own simple way.
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We went back behind a row of cabins. Dad said that during camp meeting they’d run around all over campus. So the kids played back here a lot. Now it’s just occupied by more junk.
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We turned around and walked back toward the main part of campus. Note the No Trespassing sign - that’s why you get permission from the owner! 
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I wandered back to the other side of the Ad Building. 
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There are trees growing on the roof and most of the windows are knocked out. 
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I followed this path to the side of the building to see inside. 
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More junk out back. 
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More knocked out windows. The state of this once beautiful building was tragic to me. 
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Looking into a ground level classroom that was once the elementary school. 
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There was no getting through these doors. There was too much junk in the way.
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And...some horse friends. I felt so bad for them. 
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I walked over to another ground floor classroom. Spot the horse face.
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There are still cabinets on the walls but there’s like a foot of horse poop and junk on the floor.  This was once the science department.
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Why hello there, horse friend. 
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Poor horse. This is no way to live. The building is imploding and reeks of mold and decay. 
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Below: two photos from the SRA 1976 yearbook, taken on the second floor of the Ad Building.
This photo was of a SW corner classroom, second floor. Dad remembers having an English/Lit class there. Also auto mechanic classes.
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And this was taken in the student center. 
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I had to step away from the old Ad Building. It was too sad to go on. 
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Instead I focused on the boys’ dorm. 
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Dad pointed this area out to me.
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See the railing? It went down to a half-basement that housed the plumbing shop and connected to the boiler system. 
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I spied this through the window. That’s dad’s class! 1976. 
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And apparently the class of 1972 sucks. Ha. 
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I walked to the front doors of the boys’ dorm. 
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Dad ran inside first. 
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The doors were hidden among old farm equipment and overgrowth but I could already tell it was going to be in better shape than the girls’ dorm. But only marginally. 
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Already the entrance was full up with junk. 
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Dad observes what used to be the entrance to the boys’ dorm. 
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If you can look past the junk you can kind of see what it would have looked like. 
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The smell of decay and mold was overwhelming. 
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Dad turned right around and left, saying it reeked, and my husband didn’t even bother due to the mold smell meeting him at the door. But I pushed past the smell.
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I wanted to see where at least one of my parents spent their years of school. And this was it. 
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I’m guessing this was the front desk. Perhaps a student would have been watching the phones, perhaps not. At least that is how it was at DAA.
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Here’s a photo from the 1975 SRA yearbook taken in this same spot. That’s my dad, second from the right, top row. And his friend Arlo, on his right. 
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The decay was very, very bad. Worse in some parts than others. 
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And of course the junk was overwhelming. 
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I would imagine some of this furniture belonged to the school and was left behind. 
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I noticed the stairs. My feet literally squished on the soggy carpet. 
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Looking downstairs - it didn’t seem promising. 
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A group of sinks had been pulled out and sat at the bottom of the stairs to the second level. 
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I looked up toward the light. I wanted to see what was upstairs. So I went.
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On the second level I reached this drinking fountain. 
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Beside the drinking fountain was the way to the showers and toilets - as you can see by the painted sign on the wall. I wanted to go back there, but the carpet and floor in general was squishing under my feet so badly, I didn’t. 
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Looking down a hallway.What was with the paint scheme in this place? All bright, primary colors.
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Another room just full of desks. 
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I wanted to take one with me so much. My mom probably sat in one of these! And my dad, and their siblings, and all their friends. But I never touch anything in any place I explore - I leave everything as I found it. 
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At this point dad was back to check on me. I think he was afraid I’d fallen through the floor or something. 
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I asked him about the big writing around the water fountain: “Drinking Fountain Mineral Springs”. Dad laughed and said “As if it needed a label!”  Dad isn’t a fan of stating the obvious. He said he recalled thinking it was rather goofy even when he lived here. Regarding the labels and primary colors throughout the dorm, the new dean (his junior or senior year) had tried to exercise his "artistic ability" to try and add some accent to the old place; he said you really couldn’t blame him for trying to liven things up a bit.
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A clock, fallen off the wall and smashed. 
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I looked through another doorway. It looked like a nice room, once. 
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I made my way through to what dad said was the dean’s apartment. 
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I can see how this would have been beautiful once. The big windows letting in all that light. And such nice, big rooms too! 
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Dad shooed me out. But he couldn’t get me out the door quite yet. I ventured to the stairs to the third level. 
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I saw the windows and marveled at how pretty they were. 
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I wish my photos had turned out better. Light streamed into the crumbling stairwell. Also, again, paint scheme. Why? Bright yellow and blue and at the top - bright green. 
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Once on the third level I only briefly stood on the landing looking back and forth down the hall. 
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Looking down one direction - bright orange, green, and blue doorways. 
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And in the other direction, a pretty view. 
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You can see the Sheyenne River Valley. It’s so lovely. Why would you abandon this beautiful campus and location? I’m sure there are many practical reasons, but the dreamer in me refuses to see them. 
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Quickly I turned to leave. Dad wanted us out of the crumbling dorm so we could go on with our day. But I paused one last time at the top of the landing, carpet still squishing under my feet. The view overlooking the campus was bucolic. I tried to picture, briefly, students from many eras hurrying back and forth. My mom and dad meeting out on the campus, perhaps to walk to a class together. My mom skipped a grade to graduate early with my dad. She must have studied so hard here at SRA. 
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Back down the stairs I went to the second level. 
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And then to the first. The clutter and decay was making me more and more sad.
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Goodbye, boys’ dorm.
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Out the door I went, away from the smell of mold and rot. 
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Here’s a picture of that newest addition to the boys’s dorm where the entry was. 
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And there is the window to my dad’s dorm room with an auger sticking out of it.
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We walked back the way we came, chatting about all we had seen.
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I stopped to photograph the pretty brick pillars, one with a light still sagging to one side. 
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How I would have loved to see this place when it was open. And I can’t help but wonder, how would my life have been different had I attended SRA instead of DAA? Perhaps no different at all, but I’ll never know. 
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We walked back to the former principal’s house, currently the parsonage for the  Harvey district SDA church pastor. 
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Here are two photos from the 1975 SRA yearbook taken in the general vicinity we were walking through. The sports fields were in this area. Top photo shows a flag football huddle, the bottom is (L to R) the Bible teacher, maintenance director, and principal.
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We stopped on the road for one last look.
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Dad said this is the road where he got his snowmobile up to 80 mph - just shooting down the road. Of course all I could think about was - oh my word the school’s liability. I had to chuckle. How times have changed. 
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Then I got a few photos of my dad beside the entrance to the school.
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This is my dad. Mark Seibold. Class of 1976. Eventually married to Neta Lunday. Junior year coal hauler. Resident of the first floor boys’ dorm, and master of wiring his room so he could have a radio. Haver of his own snowmobile at school. Lifelong close friend to many, many people he met here at SRA who I grew up with as a part of my life, who remained by his side when my mom died. SRA was defining for my dad. His high school years were very good. He truly made friends for life.
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Thank you dad for finally making my dream of seeing SRA come true! It was pure fun to walk through the campus and hear all of your stories. And I’ll cherish the memories of our tour for the rest of my life! 
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I could wax poetic about how I if I was a millionaire I would pour the money into this campus and restore it. That isn’t reality. Reality is that this once beautiful place is a hazard and probably nearly beyond saving. It’s become a junk yard. A dumping ground for all sorts of scrap and trash, and an animal pen on top of all that. I’m usually never one to advocate for demolition, but seeing the state of SRA it seems it would have been less cruel to just tear it down than to let it sit and rot. Then again, I wouldn’t have gotten to take this great tour with my dad had they demolished it. 
And I’m so glad we went. I’m deeply thankful - to my dad and to the owner for letting us take the tour. We were safe and didn’t get to go inside many places due to hazards or junk. So if you want to visit, make sure you check with the owner first! And be very, very careful. 
I’m aware that this place isn’t going to be precious to everyone. My own dad was fairly unbothered by the state of it. The practical side of me understands buying up the property for cheap and just using it as you see fit. But the sentimental side? All I can see is the place where my parents met and aunts and uncles and grandparents attended and the state of it gets me down. And how would I feel if my alma mater looked like this? Well, that’s another story entirely. In the end, I’m just romanticizing a place I never really knew.
Now, let’s take a quick look at photos from when SRA was still open courtesy of my parents’ yearbooks! Years 1975 and 1976.
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First, my mom. I had to share these beautiful photos of her, 1975. I wish I looked half as well put together when I was in high school!
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And here is my dad and a bunch of his classmates in 1975! My dad is in the western style shirt. Comment from dad that made me laugh: “The look on my face - channeling Michael Jackson?”
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My mom, her junior year! She is top row, second from left. And the fun thing about these yearbooks is that I recognize so many people. They are either family, former classmates’ parents, current friend’s parents, or family friends. That’s how long most of these people stayed in my parents’ lives!
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Below: my dad (and other classmates) his junior year of academy. 
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Below: my mom is front left. 1976.
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It was an SRA tradition at that each class was expected to come up with some memorable way of announcing class officers. Might have been a short skit, or simply some dramatic entrance at an unexpected moment when all students were gathered, maybe chapel or rec time.  Janelle, the bride and new class secretary, joked the rest of that year that she and my dad were married, and called him her “husband”.
...Kind of wondering how my mom felt about that? Haha! 
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I love this photo. My dad is in the cowboy hat - iconic. One of the people in this photo has been my dad’s friend since elementary school! They remain friends to this day. That’s Arlo, bottom row, left.
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Here is dad again. 1976.
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Spot my dad! His senior photo, 1976. 
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And my mom’s photo, 1976. I walked by these photos on the walls of DAA, and eventually my parents’ photos hung across the same hallway from my own. 
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If you have memories of your time at SRA to share, please leave a comment! Did I happen to photograph your room? A classroom you remember? What was your favorite food the cafe served? What was your job on campus? Do you have a fun camp meeting memory? 
*And remember - please be kind to me and others! No need for nasty comments.*
Thank you for taking the tour with us! It takes time to photograph these places and edit the photos, and I happily share for all to enjoy. If you’ve enjoyed or appreciated this trip back in time to SRA, please consider supporting me with a donation of a couple bucks! You can donate here, or if you’re interested in prints you can find them here! If you can’t find the print you’re looking for, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help.
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aledethanlast · 6 years
On the Road
The Last Dance looked exactly like it had the last time Andrew had stepped through the door. Faux leather seats, vinyl floors, and a color scheme straight out of Grease. There was even a jukebox in one corner. Every single time, as the smell of fresh fries and burgers hit his nose, Andrew wondered how this place could exist outside of a postcard or the afterlife.
Though by this point, he was giving such thoughts less attention than he used to, in favor of the boy behind the counter.
He had his back turned to the door, giving the almost-empty diner full view of the back muscles straining against the mint green shirt, rolled-up sleeves revealing strong biceps, and auburn curls failing to stay tucked under the paper hat.
“Hey,” Andrew said as he sat down at the bar, leaning the monkey wrench in his hand against the seat. He’d been at repairs for a good hour and a half now, and as soon as this little break was over, he was going right back to it.
That was the plan, anyway. But Andrew’s noticed that he wasn’t the only patron susceptible to sudden changes of heart somewhere between the jukebox and the pinball machine. Not everything that came to the Last Dance left the same way.
“Hey yourself,” Neil said as he turns around, handing Andrew the root beer malt he somehow already knew to make. “How are things? It’s been a while.”
Andrew took a long sip of the malt before he answered; it was perfect, like it always was, like this place always was. “The car was making some weird noises, and I saw you by the side of the road so I figured I’d check it out before something exploded.”
Neil’s face scrunched up in a smile. “Aww, you wanted to seee meee,” he half sang, and Andrew could feel his face heating up. “Where ya headed from here, by the way?”
Andrew shrugged. The short term plan was New Orleans, but suddenly here he was between the jukebox and the pinball machine and he wasn’t so sure anymore. Maybe east?
Neil raised an eyebrow. “Cali to Oregon to Utah To South Dakota to—” he made a show of craning his neck to look out the window. “Missouri?”
“To Louisiana.” Neil gave him a questioning stare. “Where ya headed, Andy boy? Where’s your family?”
Andrew avoided needing to choose between objecting to the nickname and explaining the contents of the folio he got on his 18th birthday from social services by taking another sip of the malt.
The plan was to head to Columbia, at first. The folio said his brother (his actual, honest to god twin) lived there, and with nothing in California worth living for, he decided to take the gamble.
But he blew a tire fifteen miles outside Sacramento, and it took all his skill to head the car into the parking lot of the gas station just a little further down the road. Thankfully, the place also had a repairs shop, and their prices were open to negotiation.
When he stepped out of the office, the Last Dance was staring at him from across the road. He’d gone in, thinking he’ll just grab a burger while he waited, and that would be that.
Somewhere between the jukebox and the pinball machine, he changed his mind.
This was his fifth time at the Last Dance, a diner with no yelp page nor a fixed geographical location, and Andrew hoped to god that there would be a sixth.
It was time for a change of subject, Andrew decided. “I never get to ask anything about you,” he started. Neil smiled coyly and made a go ahead gesture, then resting his elbows on the counter. “How long have you been working here?”
Neil cocked his head, considering. “I started right around the elections, I think?”
“Which elections.”
“Hell if I know, I don’t follow politics.”
He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was omitting key details, but Andrew didn’t mind. The Last Dance was a mystery, but its seemingly sole employee had quite the following in some circles.
Maybe it was time to do away with the subtlety. “Why do you work here?” Andrew asked. “Why not just stay dead?”
Now Neil’s smile grew mischievous. “Oh, I’m still quite dead, thank you. One lifetime is enough, thanks.” He took Andrew’s empty cup—when had he finished his malt?—and put it on the window into the kitchen. “And the reason I work here, instead of enjoying a nice frolic on the other side of the pearly gates? Well.” He leaned in close, so close, and Andrew’s breath caught and of course Neil’s didn’t. “The folks ‘round these parts are just way more fun.”
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lovebreunablog · 4 years
Dakota Johnson Cosmetic Surgery
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Like many of us, the 26-year-old actress has done her fair share of charm testing throughout the years-- particularly with her hair. She's played with different cuts (from bangs to bobs), structures (wavy and straight), and hair colors. Click for best site about plastic operation famous people!
With her blue eyes and all-natural brown hair, Dakota is a color chameleon that can pull off blonde, brunette, and red. However, it had not been till she committed to a rich brown with bangs for her breakout role in Fifty Shades of Grey that she began exhibiting actual star power. That's what happens when you toenail your Life Cut and Colour, folks!
That claimed ... I do believe she's likewise had some medical enhancement in the process. Let's have a look at her transformation, and I'll allow you to decide:
The year 2003
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Would you have identified Dakota here? She was just 14 and sporting what I assume is her natural hair color, a cozy mid-brunette. Additionally, her natural nose! I believe she fine-tuned it later, yet maybe not her lips-- as you can see, the upper one was always quite full. Is any individual else obtaining a Jennifer Lawrence vibe? I think it's the lighter hair and the eyes.
The year 2004
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Dakota started her blondification at age 15. It's amusing, the Youthful Hollywood event is still happening currently, 12 years later on, and also the celebs who go to are so hyper-groomed. Back then, it wasn't the instance-- Dakota's hair looks un-styled, she's not wearing much makeup, and it doesn't appear like a stylist was involved with her jewelry choices.
The year 2006
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Two years later, Dakota also went blonder as well as obtained bangs. She likewise began dialing up the eye makeup (as you do, at age 17). You can truly see just how the tip of her nose made use of it to be much longer.
The year 2007
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Surprise! Dakota had strawberry blonde hair at one point, and I LOVE it-- the shade looks extremely all-natural with her blue eyes and also freckles. This appearance is still on factor, thanks to the soft makeup, stained lips, long bangs, and beautiful wavy texture.
The year 2008
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Alas, the red did not last lengthy. In 2008, Dakota cut it into a long split bob and went back to blonde. I don't discover it almost as flattering, neither do I like the hefty eye makeup on her. This does not have that trademark Dakota ease, you know?
The year 2010
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Fast forward one more two years, as well as Dakota, was 21. She took her hair even blonder, expanded out the bob, and took on a fresher makeup scheme. By now, I think her nose has been tightened and the pointer reduced. (Perhaps this occurred as early as 2007, yet it's hard to tell from the side angles.) However, her lips do provide me a stop because the top one appears thinner than the other photos. Hmm ...
The year 2011
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Occasionally, when you go blonde, you fall under the blonderexia catch. It's occurred to me, and also, I believe that's what happened to Dakota below. The blonde is even light for her complexion and washes her out. (Yet that's the essential things-- you lose perspective as well as want to be blonder as well as blonder and blonder.).
The year 2012
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Dakota got to peak blondeness in 2012. She was 23 right here. The bangs are back; therefore, it is her all-natural straight texture-- it's just the color that does not collaborate with her skin tone. Notice her return to dark eyebrows, which frame her eyes nicely.
The year 2013
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Wow! Going darker was a HUGE transformation for Dakota. All of a sudden, she looks fresher, younger, and 100 percent extra elegant. It makes her blue eyes pop (additionally thanks to the smoky-shimmery eye makeup) and flaunts her perfect skin tone. Her brows are much more developed-- a little fuller, wonderfully angled, as well as with the desirable "followers" at the internal corners. She has to've started collaborating with her A-list beauty group at this point! I'm merely unsure about her top lip. Boosted or au naturel?
The year 2014
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This was Dakota's first significant red carpet occasion after being announced as the 'Fifty Shades' star. Lastly, she's arrived on her trademark style: bangs and lengthy brownish hair, often with Ombré, and sophisticated makeup. I like this because she appeared generic as a blonde, yet she truly shines as a redhead.
The year 2015
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In 2015, Dakota was shooting How to Be Solitary, and I love her hair in that flick and this picture. It's a darker, extra-strong brownish and a shorter bob size; adorable. This visuals eye makeup is also super-creative and also strengthens her brand-new "awesome woman" condition on the red carpet. Once more, unsure what's occurring with her upper lip, it looks a lot larger than the lower one.
The year 2016
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That brings us to 2016, and also Dakota's still obtained the darker brownish hair and bangs; she expanded out the length a little (well, actually, I believe it's extensions). Her charm appearance is improving as well as much better! There aren't enough starlets utilizing makeup to make creative, sophisticated means instead of the typical Kardashian-Esque contouring. I likewise locate it exceptionally rejuvenating to see a carefree all-natural hair structure instead of rigid, over-styled waves and also updos. Now, whether her nose or lips are natural is an additional tale ... but overall, I assume she looks fantastic.
The year 2017
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In 2017, Dakota expanded out her bangs for a while, pinning them off her face ... I do not like it! With a freshly darker brunette color and also darkened eyebrows, it seems merely extreme. Well, the selection of gowns wasn't helping issues, either.
The year 2018
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Now, this is a Dakota appearance I can support! Lastly, she recognized bangs did suit her and brought them back in a face-framing, Bardot-inspired drape design. Do you know what else always works for her? A red lip, fresh skin, as well as defined lashes-- absolutely nothing also "done." (Even if her lips and also nose have been tinkered with in other means!).
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Like I always say, most celebs in Hollywood have had nose surgery. It's just the way it is-- a career decision. Dakota is no exception. It's clear from skimming these images that she has altered her nose ... and also assume the outcome did turn out fantastic.
As for her upper lip, I'm unsure! It does look quite full in the earlier shots, yet it seems to have blown up a lot more in much more current years. Plus, lip shots are the trendy thing to do nowadays-- so it would not stun me whatsoever if she were getting them.
Nonetheless, the adjustments I discover most intriguing here are the hair color ones. Numerous people (including me!) undergo the same procedure as Dakota before finding out our Life Colour. Typically, blonde is the initial quit-- but as you can see, it's not always the most effective option in any way.
I believe (I wish!) we may be seeing a trend far from cookie cutter bleached blonde. As Dakota demonstrates, there are so many other attractive hair colors, and also, it's everything about what flatters your complexion. So a person might provide recently's Before & After, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, that memo!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Review: Damage From the Inside
This Fear the Walking Dead review contains spoilers. 
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7
The last time I struggled to write a review for Fear the Walking Dead was the season 4 finale, “…I Lose Myself.” I wrote at the time, “Several false starts and a couple thousand words later, I realized I wasn’t writing a review for a lackluster episode. Rather, I was writing a eulogy for a show I once loved.”
Unfortunately, history seems to be repeating itself. And this is a difficult thing to admit, since season 6 showed so much promise. If this season could be described as a single color, it would be greige, the nearly nonexistent color that exists between beige and grey. Greige is the color of long-in-the-tooth zombies. It is the color of leftover oatmeal. Greige is, in a word, the very color of boredom itself. Season 6 hasn’t been all bad, of course. After all, I gave very high marks to “Alaska.” But if that episode represents a high point for the season, “Damage From the Inside” is most certainly its nadir. Plans go awry, again. Tables are turned, again. Characters do baffling things, again. And Morgan turns up to stir the plot yet again. 
I realize it seems a bit unfair to judge “Damage” as a mid-season finale. Certainly showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg never intended it as such, but because of happenstance (re: the pandemic), this is the last episode of Fear AMC has in the pipeline. So I’m willing to cut “Damage” a bit of slack in that regard. Still, the episode simply doesn’t work on its own merits.
Honestly, I don’t know what to say about Fear at this point as it’s difficult to witness so much squandered potential yet again. Remember season 4’s strong start? New characters were brought into the mix, like John Dorie and Al. Morgan, too, was brought over from The Walking Dead to kick off what was meant to be a fresh start for Fear. And for a while, this gamble to overhaul the show initially paid off, only to eventually go off the rails with weak antagonists like the Vultures, and later, Martha. By the end of season 4, “Fear 2.0” was slowly sabotaged from the inside. So maybe it’s fitting that the death knell for this current iteration of Fear is titled “Damage From the Inside.”
At this point I think it’s safe to assume that Ginny’s sister Dakota (Zoe Colletti) is responsible for much of Lawton’s current woes. As we learn in “Damage,” Ginny (Colby Minifie) killed their parents, which seems like pretty sufficient motivation for Dakota to undermine her sister’s accomplishments. She even hints as much to Strand (Colman Domingo) during his mission to escort her to a safe house. She also conveniently summarizes Ginny’s recent setbacks: Tank Town, gone. Ginny’s hand, gone. Two scouts, dead. And Ranger John Dorie? Still missing. In other words, it’s the perfect time to put Strand’s escape plan into effect. That is, until the convoy is ambushed and Dakota is kidnapped.
Enter Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) who is summoned by Strand to track down Dakota. As much as I enjoy Debnam-Carey being back in the mix, “Damage” doesn’t really know what to do with her. The only agency this once-powerful character possesses is the ability to hold a grudge—and that’s about it. Once a formidable zombie killer, Alicia can barely hold her ground against a reclusive taxidermist.
In tracking down Dakota, Alicia and Charlie (Alexa Nisenson) discover a remote hunting lodge tucked away in the woods. There they encounter Ed (Raphael Sbarge), a creepy, off-kilter taxidermist. Which, fine. Creepy can be good, right? Especially since Alicia’s initial exploration of the lodge reminded me a lot of earlier entries in Capcom’s Resident Evil videogame series. The lighting is sufficiently eerie and the distant strains of classical music contribute to the mounting mystery and dread. “Damage” doubles down on the Resident Evil vibes by revealing that Ed is turning the dead into disturbing works of art to scare off would-be intruders. Which, again, fine.
But what rankles me about “Damage” is that it cedes the stage to Ed. Rather than bring something new to the table, Ed airs the sorts of grievances and revelations that no longer hold any shock value in this world—for its characters, or for viewers. Ed’s mistakes killed his family? Fear has already been there, done that. Plus the whole case of mistaken intent/identity didn’t do “Honey” any favors, either, so why would it work here when Ed drugs Alicia and straps her to a table?
Ed’s familiar backstory is a big part of why this episode simply doesn’t work. He exists purely to help Alicia understand some basic things about herself. His life, his missteps, they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Which is why his grand sacrifice is more of an empty gesture robbed of any profundity. That Alicia would be so rattled by his death just doesn’t play. (Plus what was left of him to bury after being ripped apart by zombies? A femur?)
Which finally brings us to Morgan, who shows up just in time to save the day. But any kind of happy reunion is quickly undone when we learn it was Morgan who ambushed Strand’s convoy and killed the rangers. Why? So he could capture Dakota and use her as leverage to rescue Grace. This was basically Alicia’s plan, too—to hand over Dakota to buy her and Charlie their freedom. 
Which, again, fine. Everyone has their own agenda. But how many conflicting plans does a single season really need? I’m all for conflict, but who thought it would be fun or effective to see Morgan repeatedly butt heads as he tries to push through his own plan—his own version of the “Queen’s Gambit”, if you will? This popular gambit requires sacrificing a pawn, but Alicia has suddenly decided Dakota is more than a mere pawn, thank you very much.
But the queen has an important pawn of her own—namely Grace (Karen David), who she’s kept in a secret room in Lawton. Why Ginny would trust Strand with this vital bit of information is truly baffling, especially since her kingdom is crumbling around her. 
Viewers will have plenty of time to contemplate these questionable choices, especially now that Fear enters an extended hiatus. Perhaps the intended mid-season finale will eventually reveal Dakota as the saboteur. Maybe Lawton will fall. And maybe, just maybe, Grace will go into labor, providing a bookend birth to the one that kicked off the season.
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In the meantime, while we wait for Fear‘s return, stay safe, and stay tuned.
The post Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Review: Damage From the Inside appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2UQrjQd
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10 Tips For Making A Good Stamped Colored Concrete Patio Cost Even Better
Labor is A part of this concrete leveling or slab jacking estimate. Rate accounts for pumping slurry into drilled holes to raise standard of sunken concrete slab and stabilize subsoil. Supplemental demand for pouring new concrete, concrete removal, concrete demolition, or tree elimination.
Dakota Clay is often a basic brown earth-tone color that complements heat color palettes and deep brown trim and landscaping.
Such as, darker colors are good for driveways and walkways Considering that the Sunshine will boost the speed of snow and ice melting. Nonetheless, for any pool deck, dim concrete will surely be warm to stroll on.
These flowable polymer-modified toppings have a chance to self-level with no trowelling, making them A fast Answer for smoothing and levelling worn or uneven concrete.
If your cracks are comparatively compact, don rubber gloves and smear the patch into compact cracks by hand. Be sure that total crack is crammed completely. For bigger cracks, scoop the patching material using a tongue depressor or a putty knife.
As their contractor, we acquire it on ourselves to introduce them for their options and tutorial them in creating their color assortment.
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Generally execute a demo run, putting mats in the region prior to the pour. The crew must know in advance in which the first mat is going to be put, in addition to conscious of regions where a regular mat will not suit, and in what direction stamping will move forward. Always strategy appropriately to be certain best results. It is critical to bear in mind The situation of growth and Management joints(The skinny traces the thing is in almost every thing concrete). These will be required and could disrupt the visual sample you experienced prepared for. Your installer can immediate you extra With all the options.[one]
Area mats tightly alongside one another to avoid messy grout line patterns. Continue on with mats on hand, leapfrogging the mats as They may be taken off and changed from the concrete. A minimum of 3 mats must be employed for lesser pours. Greater tasks involve more mats.
The worth of stamped concrete becomes noticeable in its overall performance, longevity and aesthetics when put next to other elements accustomed to cover outside surfaces.
GWC Decorative Concrete gives concrete stamping as well as a number of other decorative concrete expert services in Portland, Oregon and the encompassing parts.
"Our encounter was fantastic. I'd personally advocate LJ's development to any individual wanting concrete work carried out. They also removed trees, stumps and large rocks without any issue.
There are a variety of aggregates which may be possibly added to your concrete itself or seeded into your surface area. You may as well introduce coloured oxides into the concrete by itself at the batching plant to go well with different colour schemes.
Stamps and stencils are common decorative concrete applications to produce a beautiful patio. Preferred stamping patterns for patios involve cobblestone and herringbone. Or for a far more contemporary sense, consider slate and bluestone.
Comment: I've a few forty sq ft place at my again patio that had sewer get the job done carried out now I want concrete stamping done to intently match the prevailing stamping, the organization I employed To do that about forty five days in the past has not even begun the process there have been a lot of delicate times conducive to acquiring this started out that weren't taken benefit of now Will probably be another 4 or 5 months likely right before anything at all is finished, 50 % of the challenge has already been compensated. Conversation about what is going on on has become not so good. I am hunting for a new enterprise.
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annamaetion · 7 years
Milo Murphy's Law: The Movie
(This is the sequel to Mission: Milo)
Somewhere deep in the bowls of the Bureau of Time Travel, a desperate scheme had been hatched. A temporal transporter had been cobbled together from scraps found in the refuse bin of the temporal transporter lab.
The B.o.T.T would rue the day they ever even heard of him.
Milo Murphy was minding his own business, walking around Swamp City on an errand for his Dad. When a man he'd never met before called out to him. "Hey kid," the man's voice was rough, and Milo paused and turned around, "I think you dropped something out of your backpack."
Milo looked at what the strange man held, it looked like a remote- but with a little screen on the front. It didn't look familiar. So Milo shook his head, "I'm pretty sure that's not mine mister."
"You sure? Have a closer look!" The man said angrily as he tossed the strange device at him. Milo clumsily caught the device as the screen lit up, and a flash of light enveloped him. The strange man laughed as everything faded from view.
The light faded and Milo glanced warily at his surroundings. Where was he? And who builds a rollercoaster that runs all the way through town?
Suddenly a helicopter wielding a giant magnet grabbed up the roller coaster and carried it away. Milo blinked in disbelief, the roller coaster seemed very familiar somehow...
Milo turned his attention to the device in his hand, it was obvious to even the most casual observer that the device had been slapped together from disparate parts; the various jagged panels all different colors, with rust starting to form on some of the pieces.
The screen had a video of the roller coaster being taken away, which seemed odd to Milo. "How can this thing have a video of something that just happened already recorded on it?" Milo wondered aloud, "I guess this must be someone's camera?"
Milo looked at mess of buttons that were haphazardly placed on the front panel. Many of the symbols were not anything Milo had ever seen before. One looked familiar though, it resembled a skip button and he wondered whether the device had other video on it. Maybe there was something that would show Milo who the owner of the strange device was-
Milo wanted to be able to return the- whatever it was- back to whoever actually owned it.
After all, Milo knew how annoying it was to lose stuff; seeing as he lost important stuff (like doctors notes) before.
If he couldn't figure it out, Milo supposed there was always the lost-and-found at the police station. Milo pushed the button hoping to find a video or picture that might give him some sort of clue.
Every press of the button caused another flash of light to envelope him, and showed a different video of something that started to happen just as he showed up in the new area. Maybe this thing was some sort of hologram projector?
Showing weird and fantastical stuff, like a giant ball of aluminum foil flying through the air. Was that a teal platypus wearing a hat?
-button push-
That's a really oddly shaped building.
-button push-
Man, that's a lot of pharmacists.
-button push-
The device started to get warm in his hand, to the point that Milo had to drop it or get burned. It fell on it's face, pressing every button at once as it sputtered and shook. An ominous black smoke started fuming from both sides of the device as Milo backed away from it.
"What do you mean he escaped?" Balthazar Cavendish demanded sharply at the mission brief, "I thought he was in the maximum security holding cell!"
"He was," Mr. Nicholson, their new, and much more reasonable, manager at the Bureau of Time Travel shrugged, "apparently he's more clever than we'd given him credit for."
Vinnie Dakota looked concerned, "Do you have any idea where he is?"
Mr. Nicholson sighed, "It's...more a matter of -when- he is at this point."
A beat of silence.
Dakota shrieked in disbelief, "WHAT?!" he demanded sharply, "Mr. Block got hold of a temporal transporter?!"
Mr. Nicholson nodded, "That's the long and the short of it. Apparently he built it himself one out of the junk the temporal transporter lab had thrown out."
Cavendish blanched in disbelief, "So it's not even a regulation temporal transporter?" Cavendish rubbed his temples in frustration, "That's worrying, the transporters are temperamental at the best of times- pun not intended."
Dakota snorted, "That's an understatement- something like that is bound to overheat and explode!"
Mr. Nicholson sighed, "That is exactly what's going to happen- with Milo as the target. Looks like Block got Milo transported to a place called -Danville."
Dakota looked up in interest, "Well, what are we waiting around for?" he said sounding very determined, "let's save Milo, then we can worry about the blockhead."
Milo looked fearful as turn to run from the now shaking and smoking device he had thrown to the ground. A muffled thunk sounded behind him, was that it? Was it- over?
Milo turned to look.
"Oh!" Milo exclaimed happily, "It's you guys! How are you?"
Milo smiled at the familiar faces of the friendly pistachio vendors that he'd become acquainted with recently. Cavendish had a thing that looked like a high-tech bowl, with it's opening on the ground, where the device had been only moments ago- that must be what he muffled the explosion with!
Dakota had a giant smile on his face, "We've been good kid, thanks for asking."
"Where are we anyhow?" Milo cast a glance around, "This doesn't look like Swamp City. How'd I get here?"
Cavendish chuckled, "All good questions Milo."
He said as he pressed a button on a device that looked like a much more put-together version of the one Milo had just had. A flash of light, and he was back where he'd started!
Milo blinked in disbelief, "What? So it was a hologram projector then? Neat!"
Cavendish and Dakota exchanged glances, Cavendish shrugged, "Sure... let's go with that-"
Dakota tapped his finger to his chin thoughtfully, "Yeah, the one you had was... a stolen one- did you happen to see which way the guy who gave it to you went?"
Milo shrugged, "No, sorry Mr. Dakota- the hologram light made it so I didn't see which way he went." Milo unconsciously adjusted the straps of his backpack, "I could describe what the man looked like if you needed me to, though."
Cavendish shook his head, "No need my boy," he said reassuringly, "We've got a pretty good idea of who we're after."
Milo looked confused, "Why are you chasing after a thief, Mr. Cavendish?" Milo asked, "shouldn't you call the police?"
Cavendish and Dakota exchanged a furtive glance; Dakota coughed awkwardly, "Should we tell him?" he whispered to Cavendish, "If Mr. Block was after me- I'd want to know."
Cavendish paled slightly at the thought that flashed through his mind, "What if Mr. Block tries again once he figures out we've intervened?"
Dakota threw up his hands and whispered harshly, "What if he realized that Queen Melissa is a kid in this time period?!"
Milo shifted as he watched the pistachio vendors whispering to each other, "You don't have to tell me, I should get back to my errands anyway-"
Vinnie turned suddenly to Milo, "Can I go with you?" Milo shrugged, "If- you...want to?" "Yes, great— Balthy, you go check on ...you know who?" "I— if you're sure?" Vinnie smiled tensely, "Yeah, divide and conquer right?" Balthazar sighed, "Hopefully it's us that conquer."
-End Chapter One-
(Thanks to @murphygloss for the motivation to post this, hopefully I can find the wherewithal to continue it!)
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