#I know the final boss is Robot Type-0
n41r · 7 months
Oh shoot, are you doing okay there? Hope you don't experience any stomachaches and doing well now, even though on bad prophecy yesterday-
I brought in good news if it can make your day a bit better, in fact an Oreca Battle machine was discovered! It's on Amazone AEON BSD at the third floor, specifically at Tangerang. There's only one machine there and last I visited this Tuesday, it's at New Chapter 1 where Robot Type Zero appears! The light seems to be doing well but it's on the left corner instead on the right, so it's better to bring a flashlight for the machine to scan the cards properly. Printer wise though, well... It needs to be checked daily to see if it works properly, from what I got on asking the arcade staff and I used the trick on seeing how many cards the machine can print out from your post (thank you for showing the trick-), and it turns out it can print about 500 cards. The pricing on weekdays for regulars are 15.900 and for VIP are 14.250
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Funny enough, I got a card printed out in all yellow two weeks ago before this Tuesday- It's just one battle where there's one 2☆ Ares on both my team and the enemy team and both of them used Fervor!, so... probably the two of them are way too heated up in battle to the point of affecting the printer's ink not working XD
Also, also! The staff said that the updates at the arcade are slow so no New Chapter 2 for the time being, but the staff also told me that there could be some places where the updates are at New Chapter 1 or 2 up till New Chapter 4. Again, not sure if it's confirmed or not so just hearing it reached New Chapter 4 just makes me a bit glad on the updates is still happening even though really slow at times-
I am currently doing fine, even tho my stomach still grumbling a little bit-
AEON Mall BSD is actually one of the places I set my eyes on visiting if I ever come back to West Java, and I'm very surprised and happy to not only hear you've visited them, but also found an Oreca Battle machine there! Sounds like the machine is on pretty good condition, and 500 cards are pretty plenty!
Also, very interesting to hear that they are still at New Chapter 1 If fortune could befell us, maybe they are planning on releasing it slowly with Enki's limited time event on New Chapter 2??? The chances are slim, but we could hope, right???
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Also, RIP to the respective Ares teammates on that battle, that must have been one fiery battle-
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megamanrecut · 2 years
might as well get this one out of the way too (hindsight should have grouped it with other one lol)
Centum’s Motivation in Become the Night (slight spoilers for Become the Night and The Day the Moon Fell, Part 3) under the cut
So a few thoughts on Centum’s motivation 
As maybe said before, while I always thought Syndicate!Proto AU premise would be fun to write, one of the major roadblocks (short of rewriting characterizations which tbf why not) was I didn’t feel Centum had motivation to go along with it, especially not in season 0. While that’s still largely true, I did think of one scenario in which the premise of Become the Night *might* happen:
So when Elec Man captures Proto, he takes him to Centum (er, remotely perhaps). This meeting happens largely in secret (which is typical Syndicate protocol). Centum’s natural reaction is to send Proto back to Dr. Light (who is a civilian of whom the Syndicate does not have issue with) and despite being a crime boss, it’s not Centum’s nature to steal robots from civilians (he can build his own!). 
However, after looking over Proto’s schematics, he noticed Proto is programmed with self-determination (i.e. free will), and decided to interview him first before making a final decision. During this interview, he noticed how depressed Proto is, and began to feel sorry for him (in season 0 Centum has absolutely no grudge yet against Proto, who has yet to steal robots from Centum). Centum becomes less certain that sending him back to Dr. Light is a good course of action; while he might *admire* Dr. Light from a distance as one of the best roboticist ever, Centum also doesn’t *know* Dr. Light, and feels like this might be one of those ‘I guess its true when they say you shouldn’t meet your heroes’ cases, meanwhile he has Proto on his hands.
So this is the situation as Centum sees it: He wouldn’t send a rogue robot back to a bad situation, otoh since Proto is technically a civilian Centum wouldn’t want him in official Syndicate business, otooh no getting around that Proto is definitely a criminal now, so Centum arrived at this solution: *For now*, keep Proto out of trouble by keeping him with the Syndicate until Proto cools off a little. Since Proto ran away, it’s not technically stealing? Regardless, this would be a positive temp solution for Proto until Centum can think of something better…which tbh Centum is extremely busy and juggling many problems at once.
Similarly, he had interviewed Elec Man about Proto, and noticed Elec Man describing Proto as arrogant and smug, totally different than what he witnessed from Proto, and intuitively felt that they could be good peers for each other. And if Proto is kept at Fulmen Financial, he won’t be far away from creator if he gets homesick, plus Elec Man is a good boy, he will be a good influence on Proto. Besides, if Centum reprograms Proto to obey Syndicate orders, what mischief could he possibly get into?
...Little does Centum anticipate what type of influence Proto can be on Elec…and vice versa
(btw It was just cleaner for Become the Night if Proto was rogue at this point, so the Syndicate taking him wouldn’t leave Dr. Light wondering what happened to Proto. It also lead to more interesting possibilities if Proto was not yet Proto Man, the Red Bomber, even if that screws with Recut’s timeline a little)
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Week in Review
07/14/2024 – 07/20/2024
Week 23 of missing Cipher Academy
Undead Unluck was pretty cute this week. It’s great to see that even in this loop, Tatiana still loves Panpanda…I’d love to hug the Panpanda mascot too…
One Piece is so good…get them robot boy…
Nothing whoops
Chainsaw Man…
After playing it feverishly for the past week, I finally 100%d Kirby and the Forgotten Land (and on Wild Beast mode, too). I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means, and this is what one might call a “game for babies,” but man some of the true final bosses were really tough. The game as a whole was super fun, though – I love games where you look around for collectibles, and this one certainly had those in spades. But I also appreciate that they designed each level in a way where if you had to replay it, you can just speed through it pretty quickly. All the little achievements and challenges were super fun (…most of the time), and I loved upgrading these familiar Kirby abilities into bigger and cooler things. And of course, all the Mouthful abilities are pretty funny. My favourite ability was Ranger – I loved just sniping enemies from afar and using the space blast and auto lock-on to cheese bosses. Speaking of the bosses…this was like the Dark Souls of video games for me, but I surprised myself by actually getting decent at memorizing patterns and dodging attacks (again, the most action intensive game I’ve played other than this is has been button mashing my way through Yakuza 0). And even though the coliseum wrecked my thumb, I had a lot of fun getting through it, and managed to beat the weird final boss orb thing by the skin of my teeth. And of course, all the gachapon figures were super cute and fun to collect. Overall, I’d give this game a 9/10.
I ended up dropping City of Girls because after we got to the theater, the story didn’t seem like it was going to be the vibes I was looking for…and after checking some reviews, I think my intuition was right. It seems like it’s more of a young girls having reckless fun story rather than a Revue Starlight We’re Already On The Stage type story, so I didn’t feel the need to read any further.
The new Oshi no Ko chapter is so annoying lol we’re just hitting all the cliché thriller beats now, huh? First the tragic misunderstanding and now the eleventh hour twist that the true culprit was an actual “crazed fangirl,” okay… After Oshi no Ko wraps up, I probably won’t read anything from this writer again. I’ve just completely lost all faith in their ability to wrap up a compelling story and make good on an interesting premise.
Started reading A Magical Girl Retires, which caught my eye with its gorgeous cover and intriguing premise. So far, the opening chapter spoke to me so much that it was scary, but the actual prose feels a little lacking.
Alright, I finished A Magical Girl Retires, and god I wish it was a 300 page novel or a 24 episode anime instead. There really just wasn’t enough time to get to know the characters and see them developing a bond with each other, especially when it came to the light bit of queer love between the protagonist and Ah Roa. I feel like the ending would’ve been a lot more impactful if we had time to properly meet the supporting cast, explore the mystery of the protagonist’s ability before the truth is revealed, and slowly develop the tension of the true antagonist. The prose was also so stiff throughout, and lacked any personality or flair to this story all about beautiful magical girls. I get that they were trying to take a realistic approach to the genre, but if they’re going to have magical items and transformations anyway, I would’ve liked for them to have been written more descriptively. And the message we’re supposed to take away from this story at the end was fairly basic and almost cheesy… The overall themes feel so well considered, though, if you think about the intersection between capitalism and paying the price and how that manifests through our protagonist, so I think there’s a really good skeleton in this book. It was just the execution that was sorely lacking for me. Unfortunately, the best thing about A Magical Girl Retires is the cover art (and also she should’ve been called the Magical Girl of Balance…c’mon the credit card imagery is right there).
I also caught up with the ending of Akuheki and it’s fine. I can see they’re trying to maintain some hints of deviancy and darkness in the main relationship, but it’s just such a far cry from how they were in the beginning, and I’m not invested enough in the characters to be happy for their picturesque happy ending. I liked the bonus chapter with the co-worker and the housekeeper guy, but…c’mon…not even a smooch? Damn… Akuheki had a lot of potential for me in the beginning, and I think my enjoyment of the story peaked around volume 2 or 3, but overall I have to give it like a 6/10.
Started reading He Who Drowned the World, and I was worried about it not living up to the first book, but then we got a politically-motivated blowjob in the first 50 pages and we are SO back. It was never actually over but we are SO BACK.
Touched grass and bought a physical copy of Seishi Yokomizo’s The Village of Eight Graves today.
0 notes
punchdrunkdoc · 4 years
Updated K-drama list (4)
This list is getting looooong,  because I’m well and truly addicted to these shows and can’t stop watching them. 
I think its because each show is so self-contained - one series, 16-20 episodes and its done. A clear beginning, middle and a satisfying end. That, together with all the tropes in play (SO MANY TROPES!!) makes each show feel like a novel come to life. And when I start a good novel, I have to finish it in one go. This usually results in me staying up till 2am because I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS. And it’s the same with these shows. I’m getting very little sleep, but I’m having a hell of a good time!
1. Crash Landing on You
He’s from North Korea. She’s from South Korea. They never should have met, but they’ll change each other’s lives.
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This was my first K-drama, and its still my favourite. The full cast of characters is great, the lead romance is ANGSTALICIOUS and its genuinely, laugh out loud funny (when its not making you cry or swoon).
Male lead: Officially the best boyfriend ever. With added dimples.
Tear-jerk factor: 4/5
2. Healer
The lives, and pasts, of a hot shot reporter, a spunky young tabloid journalist and a mysterious thief-for-hire intersect.
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This was so addictive - the plot was tight and engaging, and this is one of the few shows I’ve watched where there didn’t seem to be a lot of filler. I loved the central 3 characters, and the romance was amazing. I especially loved that the male lead started off such a brooding loner, but he became super-affectionate as soon as he admitted his feelings. So many good hugs and lots of face-cradling in this one.
Male lead: Effortlessly beats up 2 henchmen while comforting his girl over the phone. What more do you need?
Tear-jerk factor: 1/5
3. Itaewon Class
A young man’s life is forever altered when he runs afoul of a powerful family.
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This felt like a big step up in quality from everything else in this list, in terms of the production, soundtrack (which was brilliant), the lack of annoying sound effects, and just the overall ‘real world’ feel of the show. All of the characters were fleshed out and 3-dimensional, and they all had their ‘moment’ to shine. The story itself was gripping and so well done - some of the twists and reveals had me gasping! And what can I say about the 2 leads? I love them, both separately, and together. He is so wise beyond his years, and his journey will break your heart and inspire you. She is borderline sociopathic, but I adore her.
Male lead: Tenacious, principled, kind, innocent, caring, driven, loyal…and he can cook!
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
4. Descendants of the Sun
A special forces Captain meets a capable and beautiful trauma surgeon. They feel an instant bond, but their jobs and philosophy on life get in the way, threatening to tear them apart.
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Halfway through this show, I seriously thought this might overtake CLOY as my No. 1 fav. I absolutely LOVE the male lead character, and the romance was beautiful…but it didn’t quite nail the angst and the last minute was a bit twee which dropped it down the rankings a bit.
Male lead: A cocky, charming, absolute BADASS with the most adorable, cheeky smile.
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
5. Love in the Moonlight / Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
A young woman poses as a eunuch in the Royal Palace and falls in love with the Crown Prince
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I wanted to try something different so I opted for this period piece and OH MY GOD am I glad I did. The start had a really light comedic tone (and a lot of modern anachronisms - high fives everywhere!) and I loved all the identity-concealing hi-jinks. But then the romance kicked into gear and the DELICIOUS angst started flowing, and I became obsessed with it. It's like loads of bits of my favourite regency historical romances were mashed up and transported to the Joseon Dynasty. I loved it so much!
Male lead: Manages to look amazingly handsome despite all the period headgear, kicks ass with a sword, and doesn't allow himself to be manipulated by the corrupt officials surrounding him, which was refreshing. Also acts like an adorable goofball when he's in love.
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
6. My Holo Love
A lonely woman falls for a holographic AI and then meets his creator...
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I love the concept of this show (I’m a big sci-fi nerd), and it was beautifully shot. The lead relationship is well developed and it doesnt fall into a typical love triangle. I’ve come to realise it utilises a lot of K-drama tropes (face-blindness! shared childhood trauma!), but it does it really well, imho.
Male lead: Tortured loner genius. My catnip.
Tear-jerk factor: 2/5
7. Goblin
A 900yr old immortal guardian finally meets the ‘bride’ who will end his existence
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Once I got over the slight ick-factor of the age difference between the two characters at the beginning, I really fell for this show and it’s world. It had me in tears. And I especially loved the secondary character of the Grim Reaper.
Male lead: Surprising innocent and funny for a 900 year old
Tear-Jerk factor: 5/5
8. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim
An personal assistant decides to quits her job in order to get a life. Her boss has other ideas.
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I loved the female lead in this - I’m a sucker for uber-competent people, and the actress is STUNNING. Her boss is self-centred, entitled and vain...but over time, somehow that just becomes endearing! Possibly because he’s played by Park Seo Joon, who can do no wrong in my book! The central romance is super cute - I can rewatch their scenes again and again. 
Male lead: Like I said, somehow makes vanity and narcissism endearing. Also not afraid to get his shirt off and flash his 6-pack. Bonus.
Tear-Jerk factor: 0/5
9. Legend of the Blue Sea
A mermaid comes onto land to find the man she loves
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The (literal) fish-out-of-water scenes in the first half of this show were hilarious - the actress is a comic genius! The romance was nicely done, and there wasn’t a lot of extraneous plot or too many characters. I couldn’t stop watching this one!
Male lead: Cocky, arrogant conman with a soft mushy centre
Tear-Jerk factor: 1/5
10. Fight for my Way
Two life-long friends decide to go after their dreams
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I fast-forwarded large chunks of this (I wasn’t interested in the secondary couple at all), but it still made my favourite list because I love the leads - both as separate characters and as a couple. This is one of the best friends-to-lovers stories I’ve seen, mainly because you truly buy that these 2 have known each other their entire lives (their  bickering and teasing feels so natural). And then when they take the next step, they’re so affectionate and refreshingly open with their feelings.
Male lead: The third Park Seo Joon character on this list! I love his contradictions. He’s goofy and childish…but can really turn on the sexy charm; he’s a badass MMA fighter…who loves when his girlfriend sticks up for him and protects him.
Tear-jerk factor: 0.5/5
11. Suspicious Partner
A young, hardworking lawyer has her life turned upside down when she is put on trial for murder.
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This has been officially bumped up to my favourites list - partly because I’m now a massive Ji Chang Wook fan, and partly because I’ve rewatched scenes with better subtitles and its made it 10x better. Its still overly long, but the serial killer plot had some nice twists and it was central to the story, so it didn’t feel extraneous like some of these types of plots do. I really enjoyed the central romance - the 2 characters sparked off each other well and I loved their evolution from sort-of enemies to lovers. This is another show where I can endlessly rewatch their scenes together.
Male lead: Its Ji Chang Wook! He’s so good at playing serious guys who are secretly big dorks.
Tear Jerk factor: 0.5/5
These are shows which I completed and really enjoyed but they had flaws which kept them out of the favourites list.
1. The K2
An ex-mercenary takes a job as a bodyguard protecting the illegitimate daughter of a politician. A sort-of Snow White retelling.
This started off really well, with some amazing fight sequences (hello, shower room scene!). However, the back half became too bogged down in double crosses and manipulations, and it focussed too much on the politicians. The writers did well to give these characters some layers, but they were all essentially doing bad things for the wrong reasons, and I just didn’t care about them. The show was much better when it was following K2’s journey. The romance also started off well, but was a bit underdeveloped (mainly because they barely interacted).
2. I Am Not a Robot
A man who is allergic to human contact finds companionship with a robot…or does he?
I honestly thought I wouldn’t make it passed a couple of episodes of this - the concept was just too ridiculous. But I’m glad I persevered, because it developed some real depth and some proper good angst towards the end and I LOVED the central relationship.
3. Extraordinary You
A high school student discovers she's a supporting character in a comic book
The plot of this was so unique, and the way the comic story played out interspersed with the characters 'real lives' was really well done. Plus the central couple were so adorable. It dragged in the middle section (several versions of the same conversations were had, and the same exposition was spelled out multiple ways for no apparent reason) which kept it out of my favourite list, but it redeemed itself with some good angst at the end, and it had a really lovely ‘epilogue'.
4. My Love from the Star
Alien stranded on earth meets an actress soon before he’s due to be rescued.
I finally gave this another chance, and I’m glad I did. The female lead got a LOT less irritating, and I enjoyed the present-day romance and all the flashes back to the past. However, the ending was really abrupt and disappointing (which kept it out of my favourite list). There should have been 1 less filler episode in the middle, and a decent, fleshed out finale instead.
5. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
A young talented weightlifter experiences first love
Honestly, I wasn’t sold on this at first; the female lead was a bit much (lot of gurning and over-acting) and there was a weird disconnect between how she was described (big, overweight, manly, unfeminine) and how she actually looked (thin and beautiful!). But the back half of this show saved it; her relationship with Joon-Hyung was sooooo cute. He is adorable, and they were both so supportive of each other’s dreams. I finished this with a big smile on my face.
6. Because this is my First Life
A rational-to-a-fault software designer and an aspiring screenwriter come up with an unconventional way to solve their housing problem
When I started this, I thought it was going to be all light and fluffy (the main character's job in the beginning was to insert the product placement in Korean dramas - hello, Red Ginseng! - which I found hilarious and meta) but it had a surprisingly melancholic tone throughout and touched on issues of workplace harassment and gender roles. I didn't warm to the male lead until right at the end (which was probably partly intentional - he's very remote and closed off) but overall I found the story quite lovely. Plus it had a really great central female friendship and their conversations actually passed the Bechdel test!
7. Strong Girl Bong-Soon
A woman with inherited super-strength gets a job as a bodyguard for an eccentric young CEO
The lead couple in this are AD-OR-ABLE and I loved their relationship. But there was a weird tone issue in this show. The romance is super cute...but there’s a whole dark sub plot involving multiple women being held captive by a psychopath. I ended up fast forwarding most of that, and just concentrated on the romance.
I finished these shows and liked parts of them, but they ultimately didn’t set my world on fire.
1. Her Private Life
A talented art curator tries to keep her professional persona separate from her fangirl obsession with a pop idol.
This was cute and I loved the central relationship - he was so supportive of her, and their interactions were refreshingly mature and their banter felt really natural. Ultimately, it was a bit forgettable (I’m not dying to rewatch any of it), and the last minute tacked-on childhood trauma subplot was really unnecessary.
2. Touch Your Heart
Star actress rocked by scandal works at a law firm to prepare for her comeback role
This starred the secondary couple from Goblin and I really like them, even though they are playing very different characters in this (more opposites attract, than doomed lovers). At first I found this too ‘cutesy’, but I’ve since realised the sound effects/graphics are a K-drama thing and not unique to this show, so I’m not as down on it as I was. I still had to fast forward a lot of the secondary romances which I wasn’t invested in.
3. Hyde, Jekyll and Me
A woman becomes involved in the lives of 2 men, who share one body
This stars Hyun Bin from CLOY and he is sooo watchable, especially as the slick-haired, glasses-wearing, uptight Seo-Jin. And the show started well...but quickly went off the rails into a convoluted, dragged-out revenge plot.
4. Melting Me Softly
Two people are accidentally cryogenically frozen for 20 years. They have to navigate the modern world and their new lives together.
Another good concept, but it ultimately descended into little more than a light work-place romance. Had a couple of good kissing scenes, but it was overall a bit forgettable.
And the DNF:
My Secret Romance
I started watching this because I was looking for something a little less PG - the characters have a one night stand in the first episode! But I couldn’t get passed the bad acting and cheap production.
Master’s Sun
I liked the premise but the 2 leads weren’t very attractive (at least in comparison to the insanely beautiful actors/actresses in the shows listed above). Call me superficial, but I couldn’t see myself spending 17 hours watching them and willing them to kiss.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Elliot x reader where the reader and Elliot work together and at one point are kinda forced to make small talk and at first it's really awkward and embarrassing and just ANXIETY but as they kinda keep the conversation going forcefully they sorta relate to each other (ok thanks I love your writing happy late St Patrick's day 💚☘️)
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“Alderson. Y/L/N. I want you to run penetration tests on Friday’s network patches. Shouldn’t take you more than a day or two, depending on what you find.”
The sterile-white meeting room suddenly felt about 10 degrees hotter than it had a moment ago, and when you moved your hands from the table to your lap, you noticed the remnants of a foggy imprint left behind on the cool surface. You swiped at it, hoping no one noticed, least of all your new partner.
No one wanted to get paired up or put on a team with Elliot Alderson.
He was quiet, sometimes twitchy, always unapproachable, and went out of his way to take up an indiscriminate amount of space in the office. Granted, you weren’t a social butterfly, but you did say your required good-mornings and good-nights, understanding that this was a social expectation and if you adhered to it, people accepted you. Acceptance was nice. It was normal.
So, you played the game, but only when you left the office behind did you really breathe. You knew that it generally took about 30 minutes, door to door, before you were home in your quiet, cozy apartment, wrapped up in what you called your “introvert’s paradise.”
You often wondered if Elliot was the same. Well, you knew he definitely was not the same considering the great lengths he went to avoid human interaction, which led you to believe there was a lot more going on behind those grey eyes than he’d care to let anyone know.
Ah! And there was the rub.
Elliot Alderson may have been strange, but he was attractive.
During these meetings, you always found yourself wishing for something that later made you feel guilty—you wanted him to talk. It was obvious he hated to speak in front of any gathering larger than, well, 0, but you couldn’t help yourself. You hoped your boss would need his input, which he often did. Another thing everyone knew was that Elliot Alderson was the smartest person in the room.
Yet another reason why your palms were now sweaty as you gathered up your laptop, notebook, and pen and chased after Elliot.
He was always the first one to leave a meeting.
By the time you crossed the office, Elliot was already settled at his computer, his fingers working to push in his earbuds. Before he could get the left-side in, you appeared in his line of vision.  
He stared at you, his lips parted, and had you known better, you would have thought he was a statue, perhaps a modern art piece, titled: “Startling Your Co-Worker in the Age of Digital Communication.”
You weren’t expecting him to be completely unaccepting of your presence, but maybe he wasn’t even listening during the meeting.
“Hi, Elliot.”
After several heartbeats passed and you were bordering into the territory of awkward, he lowered his left earbud and said, “Hi.”
Nothing. He wasn’t going to say anything else.
Alright, the conversation would have to be carried entirely by you.
“Uh, so … the penetration tests?”
Elliot looked at you like he had never seen you before—and maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he didn’t even know your name. You had never worked on a project together before, but you had talked during meetings. You passed each other in the elevator, around the office—an office of only about 25 people.
Again, nothing.
“Listen—do you, like, even know who I am?”
Elliot blinked, his large grey eyes disappearing for a moment, and in that moment, you felt a sense of relief. Making eye contact with Elliot was like being scanned by the TSA.
“Y/N,” Elliot answered, his voice low and flat. “You—”
And then he cut himself off, his mouth snapping shut as his eyes scanned your face before settling on the edge of his desk.
“Okaaay,” you said slowly. “First name basis, established. Were you paying attention during the meeting? I mean, I zone out sometimes, too, because Gary’s an asshole, but he assigned us to—”
“Run penetration tests on Friday’s patches,” Elliot said in a mumbled rush.
“Right. Yes. So, I guess you’re the master of penetration—oh my god,” you said as a blush of mortification crept up your neck.
As soon as the words, “master of penetration,” left your mouth, Elliot looked up and his eyes had doubled in size while his lips once again parted. He pulled his lower lip in, biting at it before he swallowed, watching you with what you could have sworn was amusement.
Amusement … or pity.
“I meant that everyone knows you are the best white hat here,” you said slowly so as not to put your gigantic foot back in your idiotic mouth. “It would be foolish for me to look for the vulnerabilities when you are the better hacker.”
“Okay,” came Elliot’s monotone answer.
Okay?!? your mind was screaming. Not a giggle, not a ha-ha-ha, Y/N, I understood what you meant, no big, break the ice, let’s be friends.
Just … Okay.
It was clear that Elliot was going to do absolutely nothing to quell your anxiety, so fuck the attempts at small-talk.
With a determined raise of your chin, you sat down next to Elliot and opened your laptop. You could feel him shift a little away from you, and you tried not to take offense. There was already enough space to fit two people between you, but if he wanted more, okie-fucking-dokie.
“Go ahead and remotely access my laptop, I’ll split screen so I can watch you code while I document the data. Just tell me when you find a flaw so I’m sure not to miss anything.”
Before you had even finished speaking, your screen was mirroring Elliot’s. You quickly split the screen and got a doc ready to record the data.
You looked over at Elliot who had his fingers poised over the keyboard; he was peripherally watching you, so as soon as he saw you glance at him, he started working.
Time passed slowly, awkwardly as you sat side-by-side without saying a word. At first, there really was no need to talk, you figured, but normally, most people needed a break from their screen to at least stretch and blink.
Apparently, Elliot was more robot than man.
“Hey!” you said, making Elliot jump, his keystrokes faltering.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” you said, embarrassed again.
Elliot shrugged his shoulders and went back to typing, but you weren’t done.
“Well, wait a minute,” you said, his keystrokes faltering again.
“You found and fixed a flaw without telling me—that was the first one, wasn’t it?”
“Well, the point of me documenting is that we, ya know, talk about it.”
You turned your body toward him and blinked a few times.
“Because … we have to put this in layman’s terms for the analyst? Didn’t you ever wonder what the next step was after the penetration and documentation?”
“No,” Elliot said, finally turning a quick glance in your direction.
“Give me a second,” you said, quickly typing in your document.
Elliot stayed perfectly still, his fingers hovering over his keyboard.
“Alright—read over this and make sure it’s correct.”
Elliot glanced at you again before scooting in his chair about an inch closer in your direction. You suppressed a laugh and turned your laptop toward him so he could more easily see.
Then, Elliot chuckled. The most ridiculous excuse for a laugh huffing out of his mouth for a nanosecond before he snapped it shut again.
“You misspelled ‘penetration.’”
You furrowed your brows and slid your laptop closer and a small laugh bubbled up from your throat.
“Good god,” you said through your giggle. “I blame you for that.”
Elliot shrugged his shoulders, but you caught the faintest hint of an upturn of his lips. It couldn’t be called a smile, much like his laugh couldn’t be called a laugh, but it was something human.
You resumed your work, but this time Elliot did pause when he found a flaw. Communication became easier and you found that the workday was starting to fly by.
“Hey! Did you see that?” you interrupted, but this time you didn’t startle him.
“See what?”
You reversed the direction of the code and watched as the screen recreated the last few lines Elliot had run.
“Shit … I mean. Shoot,” Elliot said, flustered. “I missed it.”
You chuckled, “See? I’m not as dumb as you think I am.”
Elliot stopped and turned his chair toward you, his intense gaze locking your eyes onto his.
“I don’t think you’re dumb.”
You rolled your eyes and said through a shy smile, “Of course you do. You’re Elliot Alderson. God of hacking.”
Elliot tilted his head, almost like a dog when it was listening to its owner.
“God of hacking?”
You turned your chair to face him, your expression serious.
“You’re the most intimidating person in this office, Elliot.”
“That’s a nice way to say people don’t like me.”
“People just don’t know you. You’re . . . ” you trailed off, unsure if this was a conversation Elliot wanted to have, but he was still looking at you, eyes focused and head slightly tilted.
“You don’t say good-morning … or good-night. You don’t speak unless spoken to. It’s like,” you paused for a moment to think, “it’s like you run a different daily program than everyone else.”
“Oh,” he said, his eyes falling and his hands smoothing over his thighs, rubbing back and forth in a repetitive, nervous motion.
You reached out to comfort him and just with the tip of your finger on the top of his hand, you pressed for no longer than a second.
Elliot looked up at you.
“Try it sometime. Say good-morning. I’ll even let you practice on me,” you said with a sweet smile.
And, to this day, you’ll never forget that Elliot smiled back. And when he smiled, you felt your heart flutter. He wasn’t just a good-looking guy—he was beautiful.
“Ready to run some more tests?” you asked, feeling shy all over again but for an entirely different reason.
“I am the god of penetration,” Elliot deadpanned, his lips quirking into a grin as you groaned, but suddenly turning to correct him.
“I said master of penetration.”
“I know,” said Elliot, his voice containing the smallest hint of coquettish laughter.
Your mouth popped open in surprise before you shut it, shaking your head and grinning to yourself.  
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rainbowserenity · 4 years
I finished the FF7 Remake, and oh boy do I have THOUGHTS!!!! It’s been like an hour and a half and I’m still riding that high omg
if this was just the first part, I can only imagine how the rest of the game’s gonna go...
Anyway, rambly thoughts under this beautiful screenshot of Tifa I took:
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- This game was seriously SO FUN???? I honestly can’t remember the last time I had so much FUN with a game...they really did so well with all the gameplay mechanics and having a good balance of everything, so A++++ for that!
- They weren’t kidding when they said this would basically be a ~full~ game on its own, despite only being the first episode....I got close to 50 hours of gameply (although a lot of it was just me farting around doing nothing lmao) and nothing felt like it was lacking :D
- I really liked (most) of the new VAs! I was kinda worried about Barrett in the trailers, but he came through for me lolol even the NPCs sounded awesome!
- We all know Don Corneo’s a pig, but I actually really enjoyed his scenes because his VA was clearly having so much fun with it ahaha~ And I LOVE that they kept in the “I’ll cut them off/smash them/rip them off” lines pffft. Too classic!
- I LOOOOVE all the stuff they elaborated on....it was nice to see more of Midgar and hang out with the AVALANCHE nerds. I remember not really giving much of a fuck when they died in the OG, but I was full on sobbing at Jessie’s death scene in this game a;lskjf;laiwjef
- I thought the battle with Rude was kinda clever, that he wouldn’t really hurt Aerith but just kept putting her to sleep when you switched over to her...so RUDE hahahaha B)
- I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO SEE CAIT SITH???!!! It makes me wonder if they’re gonna have a different way of introducing him, or if he’s gonna have a different sort of role...maybe Reeve will finally tell us how he operates a robot cat with a Scottish accent
- I loved the little details in the animation, like how when you climbed all the stairs in the Shinra building (because of course I did that lmao), Cloud gradually got slower and slower...or how when you controlled Tifa, she was naturally faster. And how Barrett sort of ‘limped’ when he climbed the ladders cause he just has one hand......I love tiny details and effort like that ahhh it warms my cold black heart!!!
- speaking of which, if you watch Red XIII pull the levers....you can kind of see how he’ll be able to pull off the sailor suit later on lmao I love him
- WALL MARKET!!!!!!! Definitely my favorite chapter omg alskdjflaiwejf The dance sequences were PERFECT!!! When did Cloud learn to dance?! I can’t wait to go back and replay that chapter lmao
- So much of the game gave me XIII trilogy vibes....a lot of it was the music, but the gameplay and some bosses made me feel it too :D
- Am I crazy.......or were practically all the scenes with Sephiroth amazingly gay??? like idk if it’s just Hoech doing that, but........damn
- I officially ship Cloud/Tifa/Aerith as an OT3, but Tifa/Aerith were so cute and gay ahhhhhhhh~ Even if you don’t have shipper goggles, they did amazing at really elaborating their friendship!
- Honestly, all of the relationships between everybody were SO well done without it seeming like they were trying too hard. It felt so natural and easy, even between the NPCs, A++++ to the writers
- Battle-wise, I liked playing as Tifa the best, mostly because I typically enjoy using speedy characters. I actually liked playing as Aerith the least, even though I also enjoy using mages...Barrett took some getting used to, but he grew on me. And of course Cloud was lovely~ It’ll be interesting playing as Red eventually, I think he’ll be really fun to control
- I wonder if Yuffie’s eventual appearance will be handled differently, because they really kept emphasizing the whole “AVALANCHE IS WORKING WITH WUTAI!!!!!!!!” angle....and I doubt Yuffie will be an optional party member, so there might be some more story stuff there. I bet with Vincent they’ll just make waking him up mandatory lmao
- Going back to Wall Market....am I crazy, or was Chocobo Sam the only possible straight one of the trio 8D Madam M was clearly pansexual, don’t @ me
- tbh I’m still trying to wrap my head around the ending, so there may be rambly tags in gifsets eventually, but....
- AND THAT “I’LL GO GET KUNSEL” LINE????? EXCUSE ME???????????????????????????????????????? WHY WOULD THEY PLAY MY HEART LIKE THAT?????????????????????????
- ........................................................I don’t much care for Zack’s new VA :(
- Though I think I’m just biased because Rick Gomez was PERFECT and always how I pictured Zack’s voice....this new one just doesn’t quite do it for me and that makes me sad :( - BUT HE’S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZACK EXIST AND MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- seriously, how was it possible for him to get MORE beautiful???!!!?? I’m gonna cry just thinking about it rip
- I was talking to a friend about the ending, and she had what I think is a good theory that the Whispers have seen things play out before and this is just a reoccurring timeline. It would explain why Cloud had visions of Aerith praying for Holy, why Tifa saw Meteor, how they saw Red running around in the future... (plus, this was sort of the plot of Type-0, so it wouldn’t be the first time it’s been done lol)
- tbh though, I’m not sure how the possibility of Zack not going to Hawaii will play into things. Cloud’s cocky personality is a result of his trauma from Zack’s trip to Hawaii....so if that happened differently....
- Maybe Asshole Hojo picked Zack up??? Because he did seem to know who Cloud was and was all interested in furthering his ~experiments~ so it’s entirely possibly he’s a dick and has Zack locked up somewhere again....
- OR maybe Zack’s just in hiding and that’s what the “I’LL GO GET KUNSEL” line was all about, since Kunsel knows all?? IDK MY HEAD HURTS
- That being said, I need to think about things more and as I mentioned, there may be rambles in my tags in the coming weeks ahaha~
OVERALL, this game was a BLAST!!!! I loved it so much, and like I said, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing something. 10000000000/10, highly recommended to the world and I can’t wait for the next part!
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anpannkko · 5 years
Here's my entrance exam for @taiyuu-high-oct
Kiru bounced her leg, growing antsy. The pit in her stomach that had formed when she arrived has been filled with the prickly thorns of impatience. She’d been in the waiting room for what felt like actual years. The rest of the students had slipped into a sedentary state, idly checking their watches or cleaning their nails, or even just staring at the wall. Every so often, someone would jerk their head, fighting off the tendrils of sleep seeping into their bodies.
"STUDENTS!" the over-enthusiastic voice crackled over the intercom, jolting the examinees out of their stupor. "Prepare yourselves for the most dangerous exam of your lives! This exam is fraught with peril, fear, and…" The voice, who Kiru supposed was a woman, trailed off. "Buckskin, what's another word for danger?" 
"Er, maybe it'd be best to get to the exam part, Miss Laccadaisie." A soft voice (Buckskin, apparently) replied.
"Ah." There was a pause, then a scraping sound, like the microphone was being pushed across the table. "Your turn, then." 
Buckskin sighed. "Anywho. Students, pay attention to this bit. Your entrance exam will be given in the form of an obstacle race." Low whispers snaked across the room. Some students, like Tokachi and Hiraku, brightened. Their quirks were well suited for a race. The others looked deflated, Kiru among them. How was she supposed to show off her quirk in an obstacle race?
"Some of you may be feeling downcast," Buckskin said as if reading her thoughts, "but don't fret. We've taken care to ensure that all quirks will be usable." The room let out a collective sigh of relief. 
"You will be scored in three categories. The first: heroics, which is measured by how many enemies you defeat and bystanders you save. The second: speed, measured by how fast you defeat each obstacle. The third: co-operation." Kiru raised an eyebrow.
"You will be taking the exam with an assigned partner."
Oh boy.
Cries of indignation filled the room.
"What?! This a group project?!"
"I hardly know anyone here!"
"Oh...what if I'm no help?"
Laccadaisie cleared her throat pointedly. Everyone quieted down immediately. Buckskin muttered a quiet thanks, then continued. "Your pairs will be displayed on the screen to the right, and then you may leave through the door on the left. Remember, your points are cumulative, so don't try to sabotage your partner." He coughed. "Er, we wish you all the best of luck.
"And don't forget to have fun!" Laccadaisie chimed in. And with a click, the intercom shut off.
Kutou was the first to pipe up. "Whoever gets assigned with me, you better not expect me to carry you." 
"Vhy vould anyone trrrrust you enough to carrrry zem?" A girl with purple hair and grey skin muttered. 
The screen on the right flashed. 
Kutou stood up and trudged her way over to the door. "Come one, bunny girl. Let's get this done." Tokachi stood up begrudgingly, glaring with all the powers of Hell at Kutou's retreating back. Kiru whistled lowly.
 She never wanted to be on the receiving end of that glare.
The two of them slipped out of the room, and after that people started trickling out into the most important moment of their careers. The screen flashed brightly, sealing each pair's dates. 
 With each person that left, the tension grew heavier and heavier until Kiru could practically taste it. Her potential partner options grew slimmer and slimmer. She had a sneaking suspicion who hers was gonna be, but she kept praying it wouldn't be so. Soon everyone had left except for…
She hadn't even bothered to learn his name. Why waste time and energy getting to know someone you'd never plan on talking to by your own free will?
The look on his face told her that her line of thinking was paralleled. 
She sighed. "Well, howdy doody, partner? What's your name? I didn't catch it over the sound of your stupidity whilst you were preening earlier."
He scoffed and pointed to the screen.
           "Personally, I'd rather avoid speaking to you more than is necessary," he drawled. "Don't want to give the impression that I tolerate you." 
             Kiru rolled her eyes. "Your loss, McSalty, you're missing out on a stellar personality." She strode over to the door and opened it, giving him a comically over-the-top bow. "Ladies first." 
             "What an elementary insult."
             "Honey, if you thought that was an offence, you've never looked in a mirror." She shut the door behind her. Kanzou opened his mouth, probably to give some poorly thought out retort, but was cut off by a rather distracting explosion. 
               Kiru ducked instinctively and turned her attention to the scene before her. Several surprisingly human-sized robots were darting around; breaking windows, throwing around bricks, and harassing passerby. There were screams of citizens (which she hoped were simulated) echoing around. Above them all, a significantly larger robot floated above the chaos, clearly meant to be the final boss.
                She whistled. "They really went all out, didn't they?" Silence. "Alright then. Can you handle a couple of robots while I do some rescues?" 
                "Let's just get this over with." He rushed off and started hurling...sugar? At the robots? How was that supposed to help? 
She shrugged and ran off towards the nearest citizen, who was being attacked by a villain. The citizen was a different type of robot, more round and friendly-looking. The enemies were sharper-looking and had screens on their faces, which was currently displaying “>:)”. Kottoba rushed over and tugged the attacker off, throwing it across the street. It was surprisingly light. She turned back to the citizen and helped it to its feet. 
    “You alright, man?” The friendly robot brushed itself off and gave Kiru a thumbs up before running off. She smiled. That wasn’t that hard. She ran to the next group of citizens and herded them away from the fight. Then there was one pinned under a bit of debris. Then a child-sized one stuck in their house. Then a couple, clinging to each other, being beaten by a whole gang of robots.
    She obliterated them all. 
    Feeling more and more confident with each moment, she turned around to check on Kanzou. 
    “Oh, brilliant.” 
    The narcissistic rat was challenging the boss. There was a random assortment of small fruits and vegetables floating around him. He was hurling sugar everywhere, occasionally spicing it up with a piece of produce, which didn’t seem to have a be super effective. The boss was attacking him so fast, it was a wonder Kanzou wasn’t shredded to bits by now.
    “Oi! Raisin-brain! What are you doing?!” Kiru yelled out. 
    Kanzou glanced over and at that moment the boss was able to land a hit. He dropped to the ground.
    “Frick-” Kiru rushed to him, prepared to help and possibly perform CPR, but Kanzou kicked her as soon as she was in range. 
    “Ow! Why?” 
    “Get down, you stupid friking idiot.”  he hissed. Kiru dropped immediately. 
    “Why the heck were you fighting that thing? You were supposed to get the little ones down first.”
    Kanzou rolled his eyes. “Did you forget the entire point of this thing? It’s a race, dummy. Obviously, the big bad is the obstacle. We've gotta defeat it and then find the exit." 
    “Okay, then, what do we do?” 
            He put a hand on his chin and furrowed his brow. "Obviously, it's a tough one, considering my skills were barely able to make a dent in it. We'll have to rely on trickery." 
            Kiru gave him an incredulous look. "Your skills? You mean throwing potatoes at a robot?"
            He gave her a harsh glare, cold as ice. "Well, you haven't done anything significant this whole time." 
             She sputtered. "I'm the only reason we even have points! You're the unhelpful one! All you've done is chuck fruit and I could do that without a quirk!" Kanzou opened his mouth to argue, but at that moment The Boss hurled a handful of small building chunks at them. One piece smacked Kiru in the head, and it hurt.
             To put it delicately, Kiru lost it.
            "Oh, rust off, you bucket of bolts!" She popped up from their shoddy hiding place, anger boosting her new-found energy. "You are the sorriest excuse for a villain dummy I've ever had the displeasure of meeting! You're not even doing anything, you stupid hunk of garbage! Your mother was a roomba and your father came from a scrapyard! What are you even made of, brainless steel?!" The Boss stopped suddenly, its facial screen glitching. Sparks flew from its joints, and it jerked violently. Kiru backed away. It was going crazy. The robot stopped convulsing, its facial screen briefly displaying an ":0" face.
              And then it exploded.
             "Gah!" Kiru scrambled out of the explosion's range. Flaming pieces of robot rained down, making it 100% more dangerous. A hand tapped her shoulder and she jumped. It was Kanzou, who was pointing to a door that had opened up on the other side of the fire. 
             "That has to be the exit!" He exclaimed. Kiru nodded in agreement. 
             "How do we get there?"
              In response, he flicked his hand and drew out a white powder from one of his pockets. "You need to follow me closely, otherwise you'll get burned." He took off, laying down thick layers of powder in front of him. Kiru bolted after him. The powder seemed to put out the fire almost instantly. After they had gotten through the worst of it, he spread his arms in a grand gesture, and a flurry of powder settled over the remaining flames. He turned back, satisfied. Kiru grinned.
              "Race you to the exit." Kanzou rolled his eyes, then dashed ahead of her. "Hey! I didn't say go yet!" She yelled, but she wasn't really mad. She ran after him, but he totally got there before her. "Rude."
             "Don't be offended,I'm just better than you." Kiru snorted. She pushed open the door, giving him a comical bow.
            "It's still ladies first." 
            "Excuse you, I'm a queen." He strode in and yelped. Kiru quickly followed him. 
            "What? What is-" she gaped.
            In front of them, there was a large screen, displaying their rankings among the other examinees. 
            "Second place?!" Whatever Kiru was expecting, it wasn't that. "Heck yeah, dude!" She raised her hand for a high five. Kanzou just scowled.
             "I could've done better if you hadn't slowed us down." He meant it to sound insulting, but Kiru thought he sounded more mad at himself. 
               Or maybe her brain was filtering it to sound that way as not to ruin her mood. Whatever.
              "Well, we're in the school now. Schools are for improving, right?" She grinned. "I'll just have to work hard to turn my stupid into strategy." Kanzou didn't respond, but he didn't scoff or roll his eyes, so Kiru took that as a sign he'd taken her stellar advice to heart.
                Ah, yes. Kottoba Kiru, dropper of hot wisdom, maker of puns, master of flirtation…
                Hero hopeful.
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supercasey · 5 years
Sanders Sides Battlebots AU Part 1: The Bots, Drivers, and Lore (for the time being)
Okay, people actually seem interested in this, so @elvis-has-been-dug and @evelyn-paine, this one is for you two (and also to all the people who liked the first post, lol). ((Putting this under a readmore because... it’s about to get LONG. ALSO: for people who don’t know, Janus is my headcanon name for Deceit, Romulus is my take on Original Creativity (AKA before The Split), and William is my OC for Thomas’ Procrastination!))
Okay, I fixed it and added everything, but I swear to god, if Tumblr makes the formatting shit, I’m gonna eat a brick.
The Builders/Bots (In order of experience)
Bot Name: Undercover Driver: Janus Salem Driver’s Age: 45 Weapon Type: Wildcard Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 27 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 5 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: A very adaptable bot, Janus will make Undercover anything he needs it to be. Whether it’s a vertical spinner, a full-body spinner, a horizontal spinner, an axe, a wedge, a flipper; you name it, Undercover’s probably been made into it at some point for a match. In any case, Undercover is a very well built bot, and is difficult to strategize against, but what it has in strategy it lacks in driving, as Janus doesn’t have the razor sharp reflexes he once possessed as a young man. About the Driver: Janus has been involved with Battlebots since the very beginning, founding the first public competitions alongside Romulus. He actually had romantic feelings for Romulus, but due to the competitive (and somewhat homophobic) atmosphere they were surrounded by, the two of them had to keep their relationship a secret, which was just fine by Janus. Unfortunately for everyone who knew him, Romulus died at thirty-six from a sudden heart attack, and out of sympathy and genuine love for the kids, Janus adopted Romulus’ twin sons; a controversial move at the time, to say the least. Nowadays, Janus is still involved with Battlebots, despite the pressure to retire, and is intent on winning at least one more Giant Nut before he throws in the towel; besides, he has to teach these new kids who’s boss!
Bot Name: The King Driver: Romulus Magnus Driver’s Age: 46 (Deceased - Died at 36) Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Princess Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 17 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 4 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: Horrifyingly powerful horizontal spinner, The King is up there in deadliness with the likes of Tombstone and Minotaur. He’s fairly durable, due to his driver having over a decade of experience under his belt, and every wound seems at most a temporary inconvenience. Princess is more for show than anything else, but she still packs a fiery punch when used correctly. Unfortunately, The King and Princess have both been retired for many years now, but their designs still inspire many bots into existence, allowing their legacy to continue. About the Driver: One of the veterans of Battlebots, Romulus is one of the first names people in this competition associate with the idea of being gone too soon. Alas, Romulus died at thirty-six from an undiagnosed heart condition, which triggered a heart attack, killing him within twenty-four hours of his heart attack happening. While alive, Romulus was a bit unpredictable in the ring, switching between being everyone’s kindly father figure and the Battlebox miscreant. Nowadays, his twin sons Roman and Remus continue his legacy, most assuredly making their father proud from wherever his spirit now resides.
Bot Name: Tuff Pupp Driver: Patton Picani Driver’s Age: 27 Weapon Type: Wedge Mini Bot: Pretty Kitty Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 7 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Very cutesy looking bot; sturdy, low to the ground, and very fucking durable (on par with the likes of Duck! tbh). Can survive several hits from Tombstone on a good day, but don’t expect those giant googly eyes to stay on after a fight. Pretty Kitty is a fan favorite, and although it usually gets busted pretty quickly, it’s become famous for once crippling Undercover and winning the match for Tuff Pupp (it’s also a favorite because Patton let’s kids in the crowd drive Pretty Kitty for him, and then gives them a cat-themed baseball cap afterwards). About the Driver: Patton Picani has been raised in the midst of Battlebots since he was a young teen, on account of his father being the arena announcer for the show. After he came of age and went through college, Patton built Tuff Pupp and entered the ring. From the very beginning, Patton has been a big fan favorite, his iconic puppy onesie and cat baseball caps for the kids making him rather endearing. He may seem like a total softie, but his bot is anything but, and while the fans adore him, fellow bot builders know to fear him and his building skills.
Bot Name: Falsehood Driver: Logan Wu Driver’s Age: 26 Weapon Type: Flipper Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 6 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Hydraulics flipper on par with the likes of Bronco (they tested which bot could launch a dryer the highest, but Bronco won by a few feet). Not a lot of real flashiness to the design, but is painted black with dark blue accents. Durable, but not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp. Very reliable, but it’s hydraulics have failed on it before in the ring. Keep an eye on this one in a Free for All match; it’ll launch you the minute you look away. About the Driver: Logan Wu is a college graduate who made his first appearance a few years back with his college robotics club and their bot, but after a very embarrassing loss it seemed like his club would never return to Battlebots again. The next year, Logan returned, but this time with his OWN bot, and with him as the driver. He managed to get to the semi-finals with Falsehood, and has since been considered one of Battlebots’ best builders. He’s not as flashy as the likes of Tuff Pupp and Princey, but he still has a very loyal fanbase (and he definitely earned some new fans that time he wore his unicorn onesie for a match against Patton).
Bot Name: Princey Driver: Roman Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A fairly large full-body spinner that clearly took a great deal of inspiration from The King, save for plenty of modern day upgrades and improvements alongside Roman’s own creative touch (plus it’s a full-body spinner, unlike The King, which only had a small horizontal spinner). Princey is very much feared in the ring, capable of taking down bots as durable as Tuff Pupp and Duck! on a good day, though he isn’t invincible. More often than not, Princey ends up breaking himself on anything he hits too hard; it’s a good thing that Roman’s so great at repairs. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Roman has always dreamed of being one of the big stars, wanting to compete with the likes of Tombstone and Bronco. He originally thought he’d grow up to inherit his father’s bot, The King, but after Romulus passed away from a heart attack, Roman committed himself to building his own bot, and has indeed become one of the stars he always dreamed of becoming someday. He’s not as rambunctious as his twin brother, but Roman is definitely famous in the Battlebox, and he’ll be damned if anyone takes his spotlight.
Bot Name: Forbidden Fruit Driver: Remus Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: Jeffery Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 2 About the Bot(s): Very similar to Princey, but it’s a little smaller and is painted neon green instead of red (though it has a few red “blood splatters” in order to tease Roman). Somehow even less capable of taking it’s own hits than Princey, but it does much more damage, as Remus more or less put all of it’s weight in kinetic damage. Jeffery is a bit of an odd mini bot, oftentimes doing more harm than good, but he’s a fan favorite, and usually gets a lot of laughs from the audience when he (inevitably) breaks himself on something midway through the match. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Remus has been dying to get a genuine taste of the action. Unlike Roman, he never wanted to pilot The King, and his father’s passing, while absolutely devastating for him, at least removed the pressure to pilot his dad’s bot someday. Now having his own bots in Forbidden Fruit and Jeffery, Remus is infamous in the Battlebox for his cheap tactics and maniacal laughter, resulting in him being either hated or adored by builders and viewers alike.
Bot Name: Procrastination Station Driver: William Jackson Driver’s Age: 25 Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Chippy Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 4 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Secretly based off of The King, Procrastination Station is quickly becoming infamous in the ring for it’s incredible build and it’s excellent driving. Not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp, or as strong as Forbidden Fruit, or even as adaptable as Undercover, PS makes up for it’s shortcomings in all out speed and maneuverability, making matches with it intense and usually very long. Not exactly a big time winner, PS is still very much feared in the Battlebox, and is more than capable of winning the Giant Nut someday… there’s also Chippy, but he’s more of an accessory than anything else. About the Driver: Unlike most of the drivers/builders currently competing, Billy didn’t have any sort of family members or connections to Battlebots, instead growing up watching the matches from the couch at home. Once old enough, and after graduating with high honors in college, Billy started making a name for himself in Battlebots with his beloved Procrastination Station. Though he doesn’t have the benefits of following a legacy, he also doesn’t have the setbacks, something he considers a great advantage. Billy comes off as a bit slow, at least at first glance and in interviews, but anyone who’s faced him can testify that he’s incredibly brilliant, just quiet about it.
Bot Name: Charlotte Driver: Virgil Salem Driver’s Age: 19 Weapon Type: Vertical Spinner Mini Bot: Lil' Reaper Mini Type: Wedge Years Competing: 2 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A small but deadly bot, Charlotte has already racked up an impressive amount of knock-outs since her debut last year, and is known for showing little mercy on the battlefield (unless your insides are exposed, of course). Charlotte is a tiny, black painted vertical spinner, complete with purple “patches” all over her. Lil’ Reaper isn’t much for damage output, but it’s been very useful for pinning bots for Charlotte during matches. About the Driver: Virgil is currently the youngest driver/builder in Battlebots, but has been driving since he was even younger, as his adoptive father- Janus Salem- has been bringing him along for every season since he was adopted, even letting him pilot Undercover a few times as a young teen. There are rumors going around that Virgil and Janus had a falling out, based off of their explosive interactions in front of the cameras and in the ring, but it’s all for show (well… not ALL of it, but Virgil doesn’t want to talk about that too much). The unspoken outcast/prodigy of the competition, Virgil is here with something to prove, and he’ll do anything to escape Janus’ shadow over his Battlebots career.
Little Headcanons/Things in the AU (So Far!!!)
Thomas and Jaun are the commentators for Battlebots, going very much with a best friends/occasional frenemies routine.
Talon, Terrance, and Valorie are all the judges.
Remy is the Battlebox commentator (basically that means he runs around interviewing all of the builders/getting into shenanigans with them (AKA pulling pranks with the twins)). He definitely has a very sassy attitude, and let’s be honest, he’s getting bleeped (alongside Jaun, of course) every third word he speaks.
Picani is the battle arena announcer, and unlike the amazing Faruq of real life Battlebots, his starting lines/jokes are always very family friendly/adorable. However, whenever Patton is battling someone, Remy will sometimes be made to take over for announcing the fight (which leads to him cussing like a sailor, much to Picani and Patton’s horror (like father like son, lol)).
Janus and Romulus are the veterans of Battlebots, but with Romulus gone, this just leaves Janus as the “Battlebox Grandpa” according to everyone else (Virgil got him a “World’s Okayest Grandpa” mug and he unironically loves it… secretly, of course).
Janus and Virgil have a fake “Father vs Son” rivalry thing going on; it started in Virgil’s first season of Battlebots, when he was eighteen, and has continued into the current season. Janus is fairly convinced it’s all for fun, oftentimes having to hide his laughs/chuckles whenever he playfully makes fun of Virgil. Virgil, on the other hand, is actually a little angry with Janus, so it’s not all fake for him. The worst it’s gotten is a staged “fight” they had between matches, which was quickly broken up by security; neither of them were disqualified or anything, since no one got all that hurt, but Janus had a blackeye and Virgil’s knuckles were sore afterwards.
The twins 100% have a legitimate rivalry going on, which has resulted in several fistfights that have nearly gotten them thrown out of the competition altogether (their father being a fan favorite is pretty much all that’s kept them from being banned, plus the competition runners know it’s (mostly) in good fun and not actual attempts at fratricide). They also play pranks on each other constantly, but will occasionally team up to prank a fellow competitor (last year they rigged one of Logan’s pens to spray him with ink, which resulted in a famous clip of Logan running after the twins while soaked in blue ink, screaming bloodymurder).
I don’t really have a lot of ships for this AU other than Romuceit (Romulus/Deceit), seeing as there’s a lot of family stuff going on, but I’ll probably have hints at Logicality and repressed Prinxiety (Prinxiety I’m a bit scared to fiddle with, seeing as they grew up together, but I dunno still).
Back to the lore: the shit surrounding Romulus and Janus’ families (oh fucking boy).
Only a few years into his Battlebots career, Romulus got news that an ex-flame of his from college had given birth to twin boys; not only were they his, but she didn’t want anything to do with them anymore (they were about three years old at the time). So long as Romulus agreed not to publicly shame his ex/say who she was, she told him that she’d give him full custody of the twins, and he immediately agreed, taking both boys a month after he found out about their existence.
Fans and fellow builders alike believed that Romulus would take a season off to take care of his kids, and a few even feared he’d retire, but to everyone’s shock, Romulus appeared the very next season (this all happened during the off season) with both Roman and Remus riding on his shoulders, Romulus appearing happier than he had in many years.
Romulus took to fatherhood quickly, and with the occasional (secret) helping hand from Janus with babysitting/raising the boys, he continued with his Battlebots career, even winning his first Giant Nut the year he brought in the twins (there’s a famous picture out there of them posing with their dad in front of the Giant Nut).
After that, Romulus considered his boys good luck, and brought them for every single season he competed in. This delighted both fans and builders, as the twins were now considered to be just as much a part of Romulus’ bot as the bot itself (though, the twins occasionally got into trouble when they got older, mostly from pranking other builders, but they never sabotaged anyone or anything extreme like that).
When the twins were around eight years old, Janus adopted a four year old out of the blue (well, out of the blue for viewers and strangers, but he’d been wanting a kid for years before even Romulus got his kids). The kid was named Virgil, and he too quickly became famous in the Battlebots community, oftentimes found being carried around by Janus or napping underneath his father’s workbench.
As expected, the twins became fast friends with Virgil, but unlike the twins, Virgil was very quiet, and was selectively mute until he was about seven years old. Even so, Virgil was still a fan favorite, Janus having him push the button for battles and even letting Virgil occasionally pilot Undercover once he reached twelve years old.
Unfortunately, when the twins were thirteen and Virgil was nine, Romulus very suddenly passed away from an unexpected heart attack. This caused a great deal of drama within the community, viewers and builders alike unsure of what would happen next. After all, didn’t Romulus have sole custody of the twins? Who would take them in? And what about The King?
In an unexpected turn of events, Janus offered to take custody of the twins. This sparked an uproar within the builders community, many speculating that Janus, who was already infamous for his cheap tactics and antisocial behavior, was only taking in the twins so he could steal The King and misuse his blueprints.
In the end, it took Janus agreeing to not touch The King in order to have custody of the twins (something that shouldn’t have been necessary, as he didn’t even want The King, but rumors spiral), and even then there was great unrest, as some truly disgusting rumors started flying around, especially when Janus and Romulus’ romantic relationship was outed to the public.
Nonetheless, Janus adopted both Roman and Remus, and continued to bring them and Virgil along for Battlebots competitions. There was an obvious shift in moods among the boys, all three of them mourning their dead father, but within a few years they returned to being Battlebots’ unofficial child stars.
((There’s more I’ll probably talk about later, like how the twins are getting along (they’re not) and how Janus and Virgil’s falling out happened, but I’ll do that later on; I wanna see if people even give a fuck about this AU first.))
General Rules/Things concerning Battlebots for anyone who knows fuck all about Battlebots
1. More or less, this is a fighting robot competition, but not like the stuff that was on-screen for a few minutes in Big Hero 6: if you want, I can link people with some really good fight examples if you’re curious of how these fights go down.
2. Battlebots is a robot fighting competition, and is one of the most famous ones in the world, located in the USA.There are two Big Trophies (that my dumbass knows of) that you can win in Battlebots: the most coveted prize is the grand prize, that being the “Giant Nut”, which is awarded to the last Bot standing at the end of the competition. The other trophy/prize is the “Giant Bolt”, which is awarded to the season’s Desperado Tournament. (The Desperado Tournament is basically everyone’s last chance to get into the final 16/the true championships, so if your Bot has had a shitty season so far, it’s not a terrible idea to enter the Desperado, but beware, it tends to leave your Bot pretty fucked up by the end, so you’d better be able to repair it afterwards.)3. While it’s all about wrecking/destroying the other team’s Bot, there IS a sense of common courtesy in the competition. It’s good sportsmanship not to kick a Bot while it’s down (unless the Bot’s builder consents/requests you to, which oftentimes happens late in the game/just to please the crowd), and it’s considered very disrespectful to purposefully destroy someone’s internal wiring (say a Bot busts open, and all it’s wires are hanging out of it: it’s considered very inappropriate to then wreck those wires, and you’ll probably get a lot of shit for it in the Battlebox afterwards).4. Battlebots is already somewhat of a “family” thing for a lot of teams, so I’m not just pulling that one out of my ass. One of the most famous family teams is “Son of Whyachi” and pretty much everyone in their family is now involved with Battlebots.5. The gimmick thing that some Bots have isn’t just a dumb joke for Patton: look up the likes of Witch Doctor, Rainbow, and Kraken to get a taste of what I’m talking about.6. I think that’s most of the general stuff… if you have anymore questions, shoot me an Ask/PM and I’ll try to help as much as I can (Just please don’t spoil any of 2019’s Battlebots for me, as I’m not caught up with the show yet)! I’ll post more in-depth rules later on, so if you don’t want to read through all the technical garble on Battlebots’ rules document, I’ll have you covered soon enough!
That’s all I’ve got so far (I’ll probably provide more rules if people want them, and as stated, I’m more than happy to provide good battle examples... I’ll also try to draw/design the bots, but no promises because I’ll certainly suck at it)! Feel free to fuck around with this AU, but please tag me in anything you create, as I’d love to see it!
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itsbenedict · 6 years
Kingdoms and Koopas: Ep. 3
K&K is a Fate Accelerated campaign set in the Mario universe, which I’m running for three players:
Bee @thebeeskneesocks​, playing Kandace Koopa
Jovian @jovian12​, playing Cozmo Naut
Malky @sleepdepravity​, playing Dr. Chevy Chain
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Previously on Kingdoms and Koopas: the party disturbed the restless dead, including Kandace’s gym coach, and managed to retrieve the Music Key from the Heart of Darkness. Then they tried teleporting out, and found themselves... out, but surrounded by hostile Koopalings. Whoops! They should probably do something about that.
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(pictured: maps! of the Koopa Kingdom capital, Bowserburg Shellington New Bowseria Whatever It’s Called Today. above, and below.)
So, to recap their predicament in a little more detail, their teleport took them to the cloud of a Lakitu, who, upon suffering the effects of the Vacuum Shroom toxin they teleported into his cloud, proclaimed himself “the Storm God” and began terrorizing his fellow students. At least, until Kandace cast a spell to make them heavy and sink down into the fountain below, where it all got washed out and they all return to normal.
To normal, except they’re in this big indoor courtyard foyer thing, and they’re surrounded by five of the seven Koopalings. And... see, the Koopalings attend Kam Ekademy, the school across the street from Kammy Koopa’s Academy For Young Witches and Wizards. These two schools... have something of a rivalry. And a rivalry between two magic schools populated by irresponsible troublemakers... it’s more of a prank war type of deal. And wouldn’t you know it- the party contains a Kammy’s student!
Chevy, as usual, attempts to just roll the fuck outta there, but, uh... well, Kamek’s school uniforms are blue, and Kammy’s school uniforms are purple. And Chevy is purple, and seemingly with Kandace, and so the Koopalings jump to conclusions. “The Skammies are trying to escape!” Lemmy yells.
So... Roy is the first to act, firing a cannonball at Chevy. The way the rolls go, though... I guess Roy’s cannon is no match for a charging chain chomp, and it glances right off. Morton tries to stop her, too, and manages a little better- they tie, and Chevy manages to shove him to the doorway but not out. Cozmo tries to follow Chevy’s lead, doing the standard-issue X-Naut bum-rush. Lemmy tries to roll over to block him, but again the rolls are not in his favor, and Cozmo just knocks the ball out from under him and charges past. Kandace also attempts to flee, and also shout taunts at the Koopalings, but Ludwig grabs at her broom. And... just gets a handful of bristles as she speeds away. Larry tries shooting spells at them from the second-floor railing, but misses.
So as they get out the front door of Kam Ekademy, they’re attacked from behind as Wendy O. throws a ring at them from the balcony above the door. She also misses, though, and Kandace fires back with her heaviness spell, targeted at Wendy O.’s bow- causing her to lose her balance and fall off the balcony. The lot of them proceed down the front path... only to be blocked by Iggy, the final obstacle! Who... also misses, and knocks some of the pursuing Koopalings back a bit with the stray blast. They breeze right past him.
As they leave by the front gate (which the Koopalings aren’t allowed to pass out through, as school is in session), a “psst” gets their attention. Kandace recognizes the source of the voice as that shifty junk dealer that tries to sell useless crap to the kids at Kammy’s at a huge markup- looks like he also hangs around by the Ekademy.
Cozmo does not recognize that this brown Shy Guy in a trenchcoat, wearing an enormous fake mustache, is actually his boss, Shady Guy.
Chevy, with no patience for this, takes off for the hospital, but Cozmo and Kandace check out Shady Guy’s Deals Guy’s wares. There’s some weird yellow mushrooms, green dried shrooms, some weird little metal thing that he calls a “good’un” (or “G’un”), a ratty old umbrellla, and... ooh, a collapsible stunt bike!
Before buying anything, though, Kandace gets suspicious, and tears off Deals Guy’s mustache- revealing that it was, in fact, Shady Guy all along! Shady Guy tries to snatch it back, but fails- and Kandace ransoms it back in exchange for the bike. Hooray for robbery! Good thing there’s no way Shady Guy would ever go to the police about this. Cozmo gets the bike, and excitedly heads home.
Kandace returns to Kammy’s, Music Key in hand. On the way, though, she encounters... the hooded figure with the pink beak. It gestures for her to hand over the Music Key, but Kandace is suspicious. She instead insists that it escort her to Kammy personally, at which it balks, but ultimately agrees. Or, pretends to- as they’re almost there, it attempts to snatch the Music Key but fails. (Kandace cast a spell that creates a protective but freezing-cold ice bubble, before it could get her.) Kandace, vindicated in her suspicions, hamster-ball-rolls into the school and heads to Kammy’s office.
Kammy, for her part, seems surprised and slightly distressed that Kandace has returned with the Key successfully, and that it wasn’t somehow stolen from her. Odd, that. She weasels out of her promise to hand over a magic item from her treasure vault- modifying clarifying the terms of the deal such that, okay, it’s one magic item per orb for whoever turns it in, so four total- but they’re only handed out once all the Music Keys have been collected. So... Kandace better get back to work finding the rest!
Kandace isn’t happy about this, but whatever- she’s guaranteed at least one, as long as Kammy gets all the Music Keys, so if she can find the rest, cool beans.
And... cut to black, because we’re moving to the next day. Cozmo has decided to take his new collapsible stunt bike out for a spin at Plumber’s Folly, one of those incredibly deadly natural obstacle courses that occur in this neck of the woods. Kind of a companion to The Part That’s Supposed To Stop Mario But Doesn’t. Anyway, uh... Cozmo finds out the hard way that the collapsible bike “purchased” from Deals Guy has the emphasis on “collapsible”. It breaks underneath him and sends him flying into a lake of lava, causing his lives to go down from 3 to 2 and landing him with severe injuries back on shore.
He’s found by Party Guy, his direct superior at the talent agency. Shady Guy owns Shady Guy’s Talent Agency, but doesn’t do much management- that end of things is left to this clown. This literal clown, a guy who’s attended every Mario Party and knows how to have a good time. He takes Cozmo back up the hill to the talent agency, but Shady Guy calls him inside to deal with something urgent, and he leaves Cozmo on the ground after calling Kandace to come pick him up.
Kandace finds her way down past the Koopa Katacombs (think the ones in Paris, except it’s just sort of an underground apartment district for Dry Bones), and the Cavern of Gratuitous Spiky Peril, which she’s able to just ride her broom over. She picks up Cozmo and takes him to the hospital, where Chevy reluctantly patches him up again. 
...Oh, while they’re in the waiting room there, Kandace and Cozmo overhear- from a heavily-injured superhero wannabe Pokey named Pokey Man, who works for Shady Guy’s Talent Agency- that the boss was seen carrying a shiny orb into Plumber’s Folly. Weird!
Anyway, Chevy decides that she needs to see Cozmo’s place of work, and find out what conditions are like there. There has to be some reason this guy keeps getting horribly injured! So... they decide to take what should be a shortcut, since the Cavern of Gratuitously Spiky Peril is harder to navigate with three to a broom. They take the underground below the hospital, and find... one small tunnel, and one big tunnel. The big tunnel has a broken bridge, though, so they can’t go that way at this point in the plot. They take the small tunnel...
...Which suffers a cave-in, due to the fact that I came up with it just then as a way for them to bypass certain obstacles I hadn’t finished setting up on the real path. So they won’t be using that one again. But they escape the cave-in, by running really fast in a panic, and arrive at the big cavern where Shady Guy’s Talent Agency is situated.
Cozmo decides to take them on a tour! Weirdly, the receptionist, Goomfried, is absent- but there’s a lot of noise coming from the dance room. They go check that out, and find... well, as usual, a particular couple new recruits are there. This guy Mike, some kind of robot, is DJing, and Jamie Thang is cutting a rug like there’s no tomorrow. Or, well- there’s no rug, it’s one of those light-up colored grid floor things, but you get the idea.
Also in the room is Party Guy, talking to... incredibly famous Mushroom Kingdom actor/director Zip Toad! Apparently the talent agency finally has an actual client! Zip Toad, who we decide sounds like Tommy Wiseau (because Party Guy and Cozmo are already sharing the surfer dude/stoner type accent), is looking for stunt talent for his new film. Cozmo’s eager to show off, so Zip Toad, Party Guy, and the party head off to Plumber’s Folly for Cozmo to show off.
Cozmo makes two rolls, here. One roll is with +Flashy, to see how totally sick his stunting is. The other roll is +Careful, to see whether he sticks the landing and doesn’t wipe out on the Plumber’s Folly hazards.
Cozmo’s Flashy is +3. His Careful is +0. The outcomes of these rolls are exactly as you might predict.
So, Chevy has unraveled the mystery of why Cozmo is getting injured so often. It’s because he goes out of his way to do the most dangerous possible things, all the time! Wow! The case is closed. She goes down to try and peel Cozmo off the spike wall he impaled himself on, while Kandace...
Kandace has that magical ability to sort of sense the direction of nearby Music Keys, and... huh! Seems like there’s one down, down deep in Plumber’s Folly! Weird. So, of course, she heads right inside, heedless of the dangers. And then... oh, boy. Oh, boy, the dangers. A wall of rock cuts her off from the others, and then more walls of rock erupt from the ground and knock everyone else off their feet! The party and company begin to tumble down into the depths of World 9-5. Next time: we’ll see how well the party manages doing plumber’s work!
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boss-hoody · 6 years
A Kingdom Hearts 3: world-by-world review I guess
when I say “Area” I mean parts of the world separated by loading screen OLYMPUS Consisting of 3 areas, Olympus had itself a major upgrade from its past appearances. The Colosseum is nowhere to be seen, (same with the underworld), and has been replaced by a large town and Mount Olympus itself. The third area you visit in Olympus is “realm of the gods”, and the presentation of this area’s entrance was a legitimate “Stop and look at how pretty this is” moment The gameplay in this world was pretty varied, as it served as your tutorial world, teaching you the various forms of movement and combat the game has to offer, as well as showing you early that enemies can have elemental weaknesses. Story wise, Sora is there to ask Herc’s advice on how to regain the power he lost and ends up showing up at the wrong (right?) time as Hades has finally put his 18 year plan into action and released the titans (All four of them this time)
The (very nice) cutscene that brings us into this world is also the one and only mention and appearance of Final Fantasy characters (Cloud and Auron) in the entire game’s story, which is extremely disappointing and a mark against the game as a whole. 4/5
TWILIGHT TOWN I was really looking forward to jumping back into Twilight town, exploring the streets, the tunnels, and all that again. But sadly, Twilight town, while receiving an aesthetic upgrade, only consists of 1 area consisting of Tram common (Now called “the neighbourhood), the forest and mansion, and a single tunnel connecting them (the hole in the wall is gone). There is no exploration of the mansion.
Its also home to the cooking mini game
2/5 (1 point for cooking mini game which is surprisingly fun, and 1 point only because of the atmosphere created by the NPCs and music)
KINGDOM OF CORONA This world is where the game really sines for the first time. Olympus was great, but it was clearly designed as a tutorial area, and Twilight Town lacked anything resembling gameplay content, but Kingdom of Corona makes up for that quickly with a vast forest and a small lively town to explore. Rapunzel constantly wanders off to look at things, which create a number of small character moments and not-quite-mini games you need to do to progress and also helps to make Sora seem more involved. The dancing actual-mini game in the town square was pretty fun once I got the hang of it and realized the symbols on the floor corresponded to buttons based on color, not shape.
Story wise it was a bit janky. The story follows the plot of the movie (Unlike Toy Box, which seems to take place somewhere between Toy story 1 and 2), but Sora becomes separated from Flynn and Punz a couple times, and story progresses without him or us present. At some point Flynn told Rapunzel his real name apparently? And Flynn was knocked out and tied to a boat but we never see it happening. He’s just suddenly tied to a boat an unconscious. Rapunzel’s healing hair comes out of nowhere, as does the song sung to make its magic work. When she rubs her hair on his wound and starts singing as he lay there dying, you might be extremely confused if you hadn’t seen the movie. And by “Might” I mean “WILL”
This world did something interesting with its music that I wish Toy Box had done. When you enter a certain area of the forest, the music (and battle music) change to suit the atmosphere of the area. It was a small touch but it was appreciated and missed once I got to Toy Box...
This is also the first world where we encounter the Nobodies.
4/5. It loses a point for the janky story, but everything else was great
TOY BOX Consisting of two areas, Toy box becomes massive as soon as you leave Andy’s room. It was bizarre running around in a photo realistic suburban street as a tiny toy, (and the fact that you’re a toy in this world is the only reason I like it) and the toy store, Galaxy Toys, is a massive 3 floor area full of toy mechs (seriously they spawn in with regular enemies, you can end up with 5 of them on you very fast).
The mech gameplay was surprisingly fleshed out for a one-world wonder. There are three types of mechs, red, blue, and purple, and they seem to work in a rock-paper-scissors type of deal. Purple has an advantage on red, red has an advantage on blue, and blue has an advantage on purple. Each of the mechs has a different amount of health and firing speed to balance them out further.
The world loses points with me however due to the fact that an instrumental version of “You’ve got a friend in me” is playing throughout the whole world. It became grating very fast and its still stuck in my head.
MONSTEROPLOUS  Taking place almost entirely in doors, this world feels a lot like Kingdom Hearts 2 in the worst way (Hallway, arena, hallway), broken up by rail segments. The “arena” sections at least try to keep things interesting though, with one becoming a  “the walls are a hazard” type of deal. This world introduces us to the Unversed and is actually the only world where they appear, so there’s not many of them.
The battle music in this world was also great. I don’t know, there was just something about it that jived with me.
Story wise, this world takes place after the first Monster’s Inc movie. Sully is the CEO, and laugh energy is the new hotness. Randal is back thanks to his new friend and literally wants to make all children suffer chronic depression forever because, while its not as strong as laughter, sadness is a far more abundant form of energy or something.
Other than that, there’s not much to say about this world. Its not bad, but its not great
3/5 (the fact that it has its own story instead of following the plot of the movie earns it an additional point.
ARENDELLE This was the first world where it really felt like “Disney shenanigans”. Sora was just kind of there while the plot of Frozen happened, and like with Tangled, the story progressed without Sora or us present, and again, if you hadn’t seen the movie, you’d be lost. Unlike tangled, it lacked little character interactions to at least make Sora feel connected in some way.
The boss in this world was a combination of amazing cinematic attacks and a rehash of Scar in KH2, and your Disney buddy for this world was a legitimate surprise.
I enjoyed the reindeer Heartless in this world too. Not only do they take huge damage from fire, but it also melts their antlers, preventing them from using their annoying attacks. However Donald the super-genius would often hit them with Blizzard which would give their antlers back...
THE CARIBBEAN  This world. THIS FUCKING WORLD Its so good. Its perfect. Its like its own game There’s a huge ocean full of little islands to explore, the under water combat WORKS and is FUN. The primary heartless you’ll run into under water is a fish that changes color, and is weak to a different element depending on said color, giving you something to think about while fighting it. You can just wale on it if you want, or you can use magic and work out its weakness to dispatch it quickly.
You get your own pirate ship. SORA FINALLY LIVIN THE DREAM! The pirate ship can be upgraded for more health and canons by finding white crabs (Can’t explain how that works without spoilers), it has its own reaction commands that devastate enemy ships, OH and there are ENEMY SHIPS. SHIP BATTLES. SHIP ON SHIP COMBAT
Again tho, like with Tangled and Frozen, the story likes to progress while Sora is off dicking around. However, the supporting characters do a better job of explaining what happened while Sora was AFK than anyone in Corona or Arendelle did. The fact that Sora is already familiar with most of the cast thanks to KH2 also helps this along a bit tho. Sora doesn’t feel completely tacked on despite being completely tacked on.
Despite the negatives, the gameplay of this world makes up for all of it
7.5/5: Too much water
SAN FRANSOKIO The story does what Kingdom Hearts 3 worlds haven proven to do best and does its own thing. Sora arrives in San fransokyo some time after the events of Big Hero 6. Hiro has built a new Baymax but is still torn up about the original his brother built being lost to the void, and now weird robot heartless are attacking (Hint: Bring thunder) Sora makes fast friends with the crew (as he tends to do) and through helping them with the heartless, gives each member ideas on how they can upgrade their gear.
The world consists of 2 areas. Hiro’s garage, and downtown San Fransokyo, which is basically mini spider-man PS4. While in Hero’s garage, you can choose to explore the city during the day or night. Heartless do not appear during the day, so if you just wanna run around and explore, find treasure and hidden mickey’s, hit the town during the day. But if you’re looking to level up (and this is the final world with enemy spawns so you will be) then you should hit the town at night.
While the downtown area is small (especially just coming off the open seas of the pirates world), it makes up for it in both verticality and density.
4/5 (Extra point added for the presence of Thigh queen Go Go Tomago)
100 ACRE WOOD Its a single area with 3 almost identical mini games, it’ll take you about 20 minutes to get through, there’s a keyblade at the end, 0/5
KEYBLADE GRAVEYARD This is the final world of the game and serves as the site for the final battles with the organization. Its basically a series of arena matches where Sora teams up with one or more of his friends to take on multiple members of the organization at once. It dominoes into the final conflict with the 3 main Norts. Young, Heartless, and Nobody all at once while Old man watches and throws Keyblades at you occasionally. 
Gameplay is all boss combat. Story is all PLOT
5/5 on both counts
THE FINAL WORLD Okay no THIS is the final world. Literally. Its entirely main plot based so I won’t go into any actual detail. It consists of a single room which is a giant cube puzzle (Not like the movie “Cube”, like you’re standing on a big cube thing). Which would be SUPER cool if it weren’t for the fact that Sora’s flow motion abilities completely break it.
Plot wise 5/5 Gameplay wise 1/5
SCALA AD CAELUM OKAY NO THIS IS THE REAL FINAL WORLD FOR REAL A city located in the past, this is the site of the true final battle with Xehanort and his 12 selves. you go up against the 12 all at once (they seem to share a health bar tho so its not that bad) as they utilize their own weapons (Xigbar’s guns, Marluxia’s scythe, etc, etc) to just honestly beat the hell out of you. A small section of town serves as your arena, making this perhaps the most geographically diverse fighting arena in the game’s history.
Once those naughty bois are shut down, Xehanort is like “Wanna see something cool?” and tosses you into a legitimately disorientating arena for the beginning of the final showdown between peace boy and naughty grandpa
There’s no gameplay here outside of combat and plot but its a 5/5 none the less
FINAL THOUGHTS This game was at its best when it wasn’t rehashing the plots of the worlds it visited (Tangled, Frozen, Pirates), but either doing its own thing (you know, the Kingdom Hearts plot?), creating new plots set in the worlds visited (Big Hero 6, toy Story, Monsters Inc.) or somehow doing a combo of the 3 (Hercules)
I found it EXTREMELY disappointing that all traces of original Square Enix characters are just gone. We get a single mention of Cloud and Auron in an exposition dump at the beginning of Olympus and thats it. And before you mention the main Nomura OC cast: they’re owned by Disney, not Square.
The game wrapped up pretty much all the major plot points and answered a lot of long standing questions, but also didn’t answer one question in particular that I’m sure has driven a lot of us into the depth of insanity. It also posses a couple new questions, such as “Who?” and “How?” and “What the fuck?” 
Overall, this game is at its best when its focusing on the main plot, with everything in between feeling more like filler... So a standard Kingdom Hearts game.
In the end, despite the lack of FF, and the falling into disney shenanigans, this was a great game and an excellent ending to the dark seeker saga. Going forward, I hope the future games (and there definitely will be future games, this is by no means the end of Kingdom Hearts) don’t do what this saga did and spread the plot over 200 games on 200 different consoles over 200 god damn years. If thats the case I think KH3 will be my jumping-off point. However, if they’ve come to their senses and choose to release the next saga of games like normal human beings instead of depraved madmen, I am 100% on board. However, seeing as Nomura is a depraved madman (see FFXV development for details) I am extremely cautious in my optimism.
Final score from me is 4.5/5: WHATS IN THE BOX?!
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Transformers Prime: Zombie world:Shattered Glass
(Shattered Glass is an alternate universe where the Cons are the Good guys and The Autobots are the bad guys.)
word of warning this is probably going to be my goriest chapter yet! Hilary is basically a female Negan.
"Whoa... is that?" Temperance said stopping her caravan in middle of the road. her three friends stopped too, as they got out to examined what she was looking at "what is it?" Olivia smith asked as they approached a large metal structure 
"It's a friend of mine's ship..." the blond said as the brick trowel she replaced her left hand with curiously tapped at the outside of making little *tink, *tink, noise.When suddenly the ship hummed to live causing the humans to back up as giant metal door opened and giant white robot step rubbing his head.
"Urg...that must have some crash...is everyone all right?"
"Still Online and Kicking big M!"
"That's good to hear Soundwave check on the others and give me a damage report."
"Will do boss Man!
Temperance smiled hearing Megatron's voice while Olivia gasped and backed up at the sight of the giant robots, then looked at the ash blond fearfully as she began walking towards them! "Temperance! are you out of you mind they're-"Decepticons." The gray eyed woman said getting Megatron's attention"Miss Monroe? what are..." 
he froze noting her haggard appearance and bloodied clothes, he picked her up gently as he could as she tucked her left hand into her hoodie pocket "What happened to you? are you injured?" she sighed a nodded the rebel leader wasn't buying it.
"But, there's blood-"
"Not mine E-type remember? I bleed energon."
"If it isn't yours then whose blood is it?"
"look, a lot has happened since you decided to go hermit on us..."
Megatron's blue optics narrowed and went to comm Knock-out only for, spark stopping scream the pierce the silence causing Temperance and the con to jump he put her down and before he could even order her to stay put. The blond girl had already took off like a bullet where the screams were coming from.
When the rebel leader and the rest of his crew rushed after her the only thing they could describe the sight before them as carnage, as what appeared to be sick and mutated humans attacking a convoy,
Temperance  over a teenage girl who was struggling to get an infected man off her, the blonde grabbed him by his hair  and stabbed in the back of his head with her trowel as one snuck up on her only for Olivia to slice head off they watched as the man head flew off his body stopped at their peds.
they watched in morbid amazement as it kept moving and growling at them "what the hell...?" Sideswipe said as he and Knock-out leaned in to get a closer look at it. only for the girl Temperance saved to shoot it in the eye with her crossbow, "God damn fucking stiffs..."
 she growled as the cons finally snapped out of their stupor and helped the humans, Megatron was confused and actually tried to reason with a few of the infected he even went as far as to knock them off their feet till.
Knock-Out spoke "Megatron I just scanned them there's no pulse! They're already dead!"
"Wha- preposterous! then why are they?"
"We just saw a severed head move around, that one child you trying to hold back has been offline for 6 days..."
"...*It's mercy*...Forgive me."
With a heavy spark Megatron shot into the hoard of the undead leaving piles of seared flesh and ash as Temperance and her convoy sat down to catch their breaths, "Crap I hope She won't take points off for running late." the teen said as the ash blond sighed then looked around "where's that guy she sent to watch us?" The teen looked around fearfully ,when an odd noise caused Olivia to look under the truck, "Oh no...Temperance?"
Temperance looked under the truck and froze when she saw a zombified man with the mark of the Outcasts tattooed to his arm, he turned hearing them gasp to showing the his ripped out throat; as he gorged himself on what looked like a squirrel, 
The gray eyed woman cussed under her breath as Starscream. lifted the truck from the ground to allow Temperance to stab the guy through his ear putting him down for good. she frowned as the SiC Put the truck back down "Fuck...damn it!"
Temperance punched the side truck causing Olivia to put her hands up "It's Okay maybe..maybe she'll understand when we tell her we were attacked." the black haired woman said and the distraught blond let out an hollow laugh, as the decepticons watched "Oh yeah she'll fucking understand..." She turned her anger onto the black haired woman.
"Just like how she Understood, that we had nothing to do with Kendra running away and joining our group," she pointed her good hand into Olivia chest who backed up a bit "and look what happened! she had Gates and Ratchet blind your daughter and cut off my fucking HAND!" 
Temperance face suddenly felt sore as she looked in front of her and saw Olivia with her hand up as she glared at the ash blond "Look, I understand! alright we are in a very dire situation, But, don't you ever mention Piper in this again!" the shorter woman hissed as a familiar voice broke the tension
"What do you mean blinded? What did those Autobots do to my Femmeling!?" Olivia froze she knew that voice she looked around "Shawn?" she heard her daughter's birth fathers voice. but ,couldn't see the blond haired hippie anywhere, before a large green and blue visor invaded her space "Answer me squishy! where's my daughter?!" Soundwave growled,
"Soundwave Stand down!" Megatron pulled him away from the human. he was upset too, that was his niece they were talking about but, he'd seen enough death for today as his eyes stayed glued to Temperance who tucked her bloodied trowel hand back into her hoodie, as Olivia gawked up at the Green bandanna wearing mech.  
"S-Shawn? is that....how?"
"My real name in Soundwave, sorry I never told you now where's my daughter?"
"But, she can't be your- Piper is human!"
"No, she's a type of Cybertronian called pretender, that scan and assume the form of that planets dominate life form; then integrate into that species society for recon purposes."
Olivia was stupefied all these years her baby girl was one of these metal beings? possibly millions of years older then her? but, if that was true and if this whole zombie thing didn't happen? what then were they planning on leaving? and taking Piper with them and what of Piper's true form? was she as big as these giants? she didn't want to believe it.
a snapping noise brought Olivia out of her thoughts. she was met with her reflection staring back at her as Sh-Soundwave played a fingers snap sound as he stared at her "Well? Are you going to tell me where Pinknoise is?" the black haired woman looked at him confused "Piper, her real name is Pinknoise." he said not missing the cringe and hurt in the tiny femme's eyes as she swallowed her emotions "She's at our camp."
Olivia said Soundwave stared at her for a few moments guilt and pity started gnawing at him "Sorry you had to find out this way." he said before standing up and silently helping Breakdown, Knock-out and Sideswipe depose of the bodies in the road, As Olivia silently go into the truck and rested her head against the dash and cried while Temperance watched over her.
Meanwhile at Quarry 47...
Hilary was enjoying her little tour with Optimus he was in his holo-form as the both wondered around Kendra's house with Billie who was pointing a gun at her younger Twin's head as the deranged couple looked through the hostage girl's comic book collection and cds.
"Read it, heard it, this one’s crap, oh cards I might call the neighbors up, for game of poker, what do you think darling?~" she purred at Optimus who smirked while holding a copy of the secret garden, when a jingling sound caught the three intruders off guard "What was that?" the Brown haired woman demanded as Kendra swallowed
"the house settl-..!" Optimus suddenly slammed her head into the kitchen counter and pinned her "Tsk tsk I don't like liars little Girl~" he hissed as he, Hilary and Billie dragged her up stairs, they looked around and found a black door with those crappy glow-in the dark stars stuck to it, "House settling my aft open it." Optimus ordered Billie as her sister protested.
"Billie do-"
"Uh-ah I don't think my Oppy gave you permission to talk~"
*punches her in the stomach*
"urg" *cough cough*
"Do it."
Billie opened the door and stood stunned for a moment before moving aside to let her leaders see, both Hilary and Optimus smirked at each other "aw well look at this handsome little sweetheart~" Hilary cooed before walking into the room which turned to be a nursery,
handing Billie her mace Hilary picked up a baby boy who stared at three strangers curiously, while Optimus kept Kendra in a firm grip watching the woman's reaction along with his femme and hey weren't disappointed "Now, I wonder where this little guy could've come from." the psycho said looking between the twins, while Hilary happily tossed the kid around and played with him
Billie seemed angry while glaring at her sister, While Kendra just kept silent "oh, Think I know, he looks somebody i killed a while back what was his name?" He pressed as Kendra tried her hardest not to attack them as the mech yanked her straight up to face him "I said what was his name?"
Optimus glared as Kendra winced in his grip "m-My bro-brother, s-Sam." was all she said as Hilary happily cheered "yay! was that so hard?~" the browned haired woman looked at the baby "Your aunt's a slow one isn't she?~ I should just kill her now and take you with me? hm~" she said booping the baby on his nose he giggled oblivious to what was happening.
before someone knocked on the front door, the couple and their guard frowned and Hilary put the baby back in his crib as Optimus dropped the younger twin who coughed holding her neck as sister silently walked passed not even sparring a glance at her.
as Hilary opened the door to find a man, if she recalled his name was Gavin, she and Optimus walked "What? I was busy in there." she huffed pointing back at Kendra's house,
 the man fidgeted earning some attention from the outcast leader. "You wan't something from from me, don't you?" she purred making the guy blush at her tone "well it can't be me, I belong to someone else." she smirked at Optimus who smirk and blew her a little kiss, then gave the guy a predatory look, Gavin swallowed hard as he found his voice.
"I want Temperance gone."
"Come again? I don't think i heard you right?"
"I said I want Temperance gone we don't need her here, she's too outta line."
"Hm she's outta line, huh?"
Hilary suddenly wrapped an arm around his neck and lead down the road Optimus followed as he awkwardly, explained how his brother was the original leader of Q47 and how he was better then Temperance, "and you think you can do a better job?" she said with mock interest the blond man shook his head "no, I know who is in charge now...but, I know one day she'll snap and everything my brother built will fall apart"
Gav said looking at the short woman who seemed to think it "And what are you proposing I do about it?' she asked pulling away from the guy as the other Outcasts and Autobots watched from their posts curiously, "I am just like my brother I can lead like him, That's what we need, that's what you need." Hilary and Optimus both looked at each other
"So she should put you in charge hm?~" Optimus mused Gavin jumped as the holoform snuck up behind him, putting a hand on the lesser males shoulder who stuttered "S-she'll be much better off." he insisted the autobot leader gave him a toothy grin as The Outcast leader though over what Gavin was selling and she wasn't buying;
"Y'know Gabbie I've been thinkin' about how Temperance promised to kill me and she clearly despises me.~" Gavin looked at her with an arrogant smirk as Optimus grin got wider as his femme got that look in her eye the one that gets his energon flowing as she looked at the wimpy male before her, "But, here's the thing doll~, she's swallowing that anger and pride to gather MY supplies so my group and Oppy's boys don't slaughter the lot of you. she out there getting shit done, now that takes balls, and then there's you."
Gavin's brows furrowed as Hilary started to advance on him "The coward who waited for Tempy to leave so you could sneak over here a try to convince me to take her out like a conniving little bitch, and just take over?" the her brown eyes locked on to his blue ones as he tried to avert. but, Optimus grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her "N-no I didn't,..!" she silenced him as she leaned in to his face wrapped her arms around his neck
"Y'know what I think? I think you can't kill Temperance because you don't have the balls!" Gavin screamed fell forwards as sharp pain shot through his groin he looked down saw blood falling down his legs as Hilary's knee dug into him a few more times, before pulling away to revealing the blade protruding from the knee cap before retracting back into her metal leg.
She pulled away as he fell to the ground clutching what was left of his mutilated crotch, as the Outcast leader used her boot to tilt him chin to look up at her "Or maybe you did, guess we'll never know.~" she teased as Optimus's holometer brought her mace down on the male's back breaking it "no backbone neither." the autobot leader joked before the sound of an engine caught everyone attention "ah, speak of the devil, they're here.~" Hilary squealed as a truck came through the gates, but, something was missing her brown eyes narrowed as Temperance climbed out of the truck.
"where the hell is Issac?"
"Excuse me? what do you mean he's dead?"
"We ran into a roadblock, a rotten one."
Hilary tsk'd as Temperance noticed two dead bodies, laying in front of her "we had a deal you said you wouldn't hurt anyone!" the blond hissed as Hilary sneered at her "Oh, yeah we sure did, but. You see while you were gone that bitch" She pointed at a gate guard "took out two of my people. and this ball-less loser tried get me to kill you." Temperance gaze turned cold as she locked onto Gavin's body as Hilary came up to her wrap an arm around her.
"But with Isaac gone I think some retribution, is in order...kill that old bat." before any of the Quarry residents could Register what the Outcast leader said Billie already had her gun out and "No!" Temperance shouted as Kendra's older twin fired on an old woman hitting her right between the eyes dropped scaring everyone gathered in the courtyard,
"What's the big deal? she was old I was doing her a favor.~" the brunette reasoned, when suddenly Sunstreaker came drive towards them opening his door for Billie as Prowl yelled "The Avenger is heading this way! sir!" Optimus looked at his SIC "what how did they get that ship back in the air?!"
the prime growled before turning to Hilary "Let's go Sweetspark!" he growled his holometer disappeared as he attached the trailer from Temperance's truck and drove off with his bots and the Outcasts "See ya around Tempy!~" Hilary screamed from the window as Optimus honk at them.  
As Temperance stood there in stunned silence as the Avenger slowly docked over the quarry landing on one of the limestone cliffs over looking the settlement as Megatron came down from the ship "Temperance? why were the autobots here?" she couldn't hear him it was all just static to her,
he watched her silently stand up and walk over to Gavin's corpse as it began to reanimate in front them "you hated me, you always did...but, your brother knew that you wouldn't survive in this world, you were too weak Gav, so he made me leader...and you hated me for it and look where it got you." she said before stabbing Gavin in the head putting him down "look where it got me." Megatron stayed silent activated he Holo-meter and hugged her from behind.
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Info dump about anything! Go!
lmao you'll soon regret this in the interest of remaining true to the spirit of infodump, I'll try to type this all off the top of my head without looking anything up. people sometimes wonder if a series should be viewed or played in release order or in canonical chronological order, and I've wondered this too. but having thought long and hard about it, I think release order makes the most sense.
naturally there are some exceptions, like availability, or letting a series make a good first impression, or what have you. but taken as a whole, I think a cohesive work usually makes the most sense and feels the most satisfying if you move through it in the order that the author worked on it.
there are some advantages to this. for one thing, you can feel the craftsmanship and the aesthetic sensibilities grow over time, so there's a logical sense of continuity in the style. for another thing, sometimes the information doled out to flesh out the worldbuilding makes the most sense in the order that it's written, even setting aside timeline hopping. this might make literal sense or thematic sense. or both! to illustrate this point, I'll now blab on to some extent about the thing I know best and most: the Metal Gear Solid games.
everyone talks up a storm about how these games are nonsense and batshit insane, which is not untrue, but I personally think that they make way more sense than people give them credit for! granted, it mostly makes sense when I leave out all the little details, but whatever. incidentally, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure operates a bit like that too, but I don't know that series backwards and forwards, so I'll leave that to someone else. or I'll tackle it another time in a fit of hubris, who knows.
I was originally gonna sum up every major Metal Gear game here, but I just can't help myself from getting into the nitty gritty, and even I'm losing patience with myself lmao. so here's the fast version.
In theory, you could play through the Metal Gear games in canonically chronological order. You'd see Big Boss' start of darkness, his rise to warmongering mercenary fame, his downfall at the hands of his clone Solid Snake, and Solid Snake's attempts to deal with a shadowy conspiracy that Big Boss was also fighting against. And that technically makes sense. But the presentation and storytelling would fluctuate up and down all over the place, and so would the gameplay.
the gameplay evolves more naturally, iterating each time to add in more dimensions to steatlh, improving the gunplay, trying out new ideas with camouflage and stamina gauges, and eventually going so far as to simulate company management in the later Big Boss prequel games.
thematically and plot-wise, the games kinda riff off their last iteration, counting on what the player has already seen and known. the first games are standard action plots, followed by a pseudo-reboot that takes apart the notion of a cool action hero while also delving into the ramifications of being a clone held to certain expectations and possessed of known traits and capabilities. kinda fitting considering that this game is more or less adapting the same plot as the last one, just with higher production value. then the sequel to that goes even bigger picture and ruminates on whether or not it's possible to break out of any pattern, not just genetic ones. it introduces a conspiracy, since that's way harder to fight than a super soldier or a giant robot. and a conspiracy is nothing but patterns and expectations, so it all works out. appropriately, it's also commenting on what it even means to be a proper sequel, expected to be the same yet different. and then everyone got sick of that, so the next game dodges any unanswered questions by going the prequel route, with a much more straightforward james bond style plot filled with romanticism and intrigue. and then the finale game juxtaposes those lofty feelings with a bleak dystopia that follows up the conspiracy setting with a cynical holding pattern that produces potentially endless profit and arbitrary human suffering. and all that's left for the characters to do is to break free of that pattern. and then since the publisher of these games wanted more money, we get some more prequel games that show the beginnings of that distant dystopian future.
And then there's the myth arc that the games build in the background concerning the Patriots, the shadowy illuminati-style presence. in timeline order, there's a fairly straightforward explanation for them, but in release order, there's this fascinating mystery to them. at first they seem ephemeral and abstract, then the next game implies that they once had a concrete form, but simply became shapeless through degrading tradition. and eventually their actual beginnings are revealed and the details surrounding it become even clearer in the next few games
Actually now that I've typed this all out loud, maybe there is some kind of exception to be made. if it had to be one or the other between release order and canon timeline order, it would have to be release order every single time imo. and that works perfectly for gameplay and most story purposes. but maybe most ideally would be something similar to Star Wars' Machete Order. Here, that would look like release order, but then you'd do not just the first prequel game before the finale game, but all the prequel games before the finale game. The gameplay experience would look kinda wonky towards the end, but that's the most narratively sensible way to look at it. though it does rob the surprise in one department, it arguably makes for much better build up and lends some gravity to the payoff.
lmao do whatever you like, I guess. the Yakuza games have a much stranger problem where the early games are janky and amateur as hell and kinda don't hold up super great. but then there's the prequel game that elevates the first game's story and makes that game's payoff so much more dramatic, but the prequel's writing quality is so many leagues above the early games that it might be a tough pill to swallow experiencing things that way. but nowadays I'm thinking that doing Yakuza 0 first is just a kinder, more impressive first impression. and you know how it is, you can only ever get one first impression.
0 notes
ladala99 · 5 years
Spyro Reignited Countdown: Attack of the Rhynocs
Back on the GBA, we get the first Spyro game with a semi-continuous world: Attack of the Rhynocs.
And we’re back to games that give me nostalgia. It’s the first Spyro game I beat all by myself, and ranks up there with the Insomniac trilogy for Spyro games I’ve beaten the most times.
Digital Eclipse had a formula that worked, and kept with it. Camera no longer gives me motion sickness like it did in Season of Flame, and everything else is as solid as ever.
It’s not quite as varied as Season of Flame, though, as minigame portals are no longer a thing and very few minigames exist. But what’s there works very well.
Additional Playable Characters
As is tradition with Digital Eclipse games, we get two additional game modes. This time, it comes as Sgt. Byrd and Agent 9 missions.
Sgt. Byrd is actually the one I like less. It’s in 2D, but the main issue is how hard you have to mash the A button to fly, because you need to press it to flap Byrd’s wings, every time he flaps his wings. And when you’re rescuing the penguins, you don’t get as much air when you flap, making you flap more often the more penguins you rescue at once.
Honestly though, aside from thumb fatigue, I really enjoy these levels. You go around the map, shooting enemies and bringing trapped penguins back to base. And the music is by far the catchiest song in the game, and I might even daresay the entire franchise.
Agent 9... I don’t hate. This time it’s stealth missions, and honestly that’s how I prefer to play games with a ranged attack: shooting opponents before they see you. It’s still 2D and plays similarly to his parts in Season of Flame, but it’s all about not being seen rather than shooting first. You get a vacuum gun that replaces the enemies with decoys, and you have a grappling hook to swing over gaps above enemy heads. There’s various pieces of cover to hide under from cameras. While I still prefer Spyro’s gameplay, this is the only instance of Agent 9 in the series where I enjoy his levels.
Are really all over the place in this game.
So we have Gems as always. They’re collected in the same way as always, but aren’t needed for progress if I recall correctly. Still, if you 100% the game, you will end up having 0 Gems. Moneybags sells you cosmetics and his area’s Heart, charging you so much overall that you will have nothing at the end. And you have to literally rob him to get that much.
The main collectable this time is Hearts. But unlike previous games, these collectables aren’t everywhere, nor like Talismans are they easy to get. No, aside from some freebies from bosses and the one Moneybags sells you, Hearts come from NPCs after you collect all of their lost items. These lost items are scattered around each world, some in easy-to-reach areas, others in much more difficult areas. Most of these collections have at least one piece hidden in a chest, which you need two key pieces to open, both rewarded for completing both a Sgt. Byrd and an Agent 9 Mission.
You are almost guaranteed to end the game with just the freebies. There is so much backtracking in this game. Because you’ll go through the levels in order, right? You’ll get the keys as you come to them. You won’t be completing any keys until halfway through the game, and there’s some chests in early areas that require keys that have pieces in literally the last area of the game. So you’ll make a chest sweep after you get all of the keys. And then, finally, you’ll go through and give the items to each NPC in exchange of the Heart.
There are no temporary powerups in this game.
Breath Abilities
And here we solidify the permanence of breath abilities.
You start the game with Fire and a weak Wind ability. Fire is as it always has been, and Wind allows you to flap your wings to push some wind forward. Useless in combat, but essential for pushing yourself across water on various types of boats.
As you go on, you gain Ice Breath (which acts as it has in previous games), and upgrade your three abilities: as you hold down the breath button, you charge it up. Once it’s fully charged, you can release it for a different effect.
Fire breath upgrades to shoot a fireball far forward. You can use it to hit faraway targets and enemies.
Ice Breath upgrades to freeze certain patches of water so you can walk on them. Why does some water work and not others? There’s really no reason.
Wind upgrades to create a tornado with a lightning storm cloud on top. It’s used in specific boss battles, but otherwise is too unwieldy to use in normal combat.
Digital Eclipse did well to keep each breath ability unique and for all of them to have their uses. I’d say this is the best use of Breath Abilities in the Classic series.
They’re unique and okay. Each is fought a different way, and they often involve using the environment and/or your upgraded breath abilities to your advantage. These bosses are definitely far superior to the ones in previous games.
My brain refuses to accept that this game has levels in the same way other Spyro games do, but whatever I think, it does. It’s just that there isn’t a clear exit for any level other than its entrance, and without something like Talismans, there’s not a clear endpoint to any particular level. Yeah, you get a new power every one, but you get that power pretty early in a lot of them. If you wanted to speedrun, it’d be easy to basically enter, get the ability, exit, and you’d have hardly touched what there is to do in the level.
But, the theming is well-done, and a lot of the levels are unique and have interesting mechanics. I can’t fault them for doing what they try to do. It just feels weird.
The Professor shows Spyro his new invention, a telescope that peeks into Ripto’s world. He also shows Spyro another new invention: a robotic butler named Butler.
Butler malfunctions, and when Spyro shorts him out to deactivate him, the portal to Ripto’s world opens. Ripto comes in, bringing his Rhynocs (since they’re definitely his at this point), and they go about wreaking havoc. Now, Spyro needs to go throughout the realms and get Hearts, a power supply that will seal the portal again, as well as, of course, stopping Ripto.
Overall this plot brings up a lot of questions (why is Ripto living in the Rhynoc world? Why is he even still alive? What purpose is there to spying on him? And that’s not even getting into the returning NPCs) and contributes to the weird feeling this game has.
For the first time, it doesn’t feel Spyro-y. And I don’t know how much of it’s the plot and how much of it’s the level design.
Unique in the Series?
Yeah. There’s certain abilities Spyro gets that are never seen again (Wind powers, glowing in dark areas, the ability to teleport but only to a specific area, limitless access to powered-up attacks).
Butler only appears in this game, and all of his related mechanics.
It’s the only Spyro game with a dedicated tutorial level.
It’s the only game Moneybags squeezes every last Gem out of you and doesn’t give any back.
It’s the only Spyro game with a stealth section.
It’s the only Spyro game that scatters a bunch of unrelated items everywhere, requiring a lot of backtracking to gain the main collectables.
It characterizes everyone in a way unique to the series, like Bianca being a magician, Zoe being a librarian, and Ripto being a raging toddler.
It’s just so different that it hardly feels like the same series, even compared to its Season predecessors.
Is this a bad thing? Not at all. Digital Eclipse finally stopped trying to recreate the Insomniac games and put their own spin on the franchise. It just didn’t stick.
I still love this game. It’s still one of my favorites, and is definitely my favorite GBA Spyro game.
But you can’t go into it expecting more of what previous Spyro games were like. And this is going to be the new trend of the series.
Perhaps it was Enter the Dragonflies’ failure that caused Universal to allow studios to make these changes. Perhaps it was that it no longer was Universal but Vivendi in charge. Whatever the case, from this point forward, Spyro was never the same again.
And it all started with a humble GBA game experimenting with characterization and gameplay. A Hero’s Tail didn’t come from nowhere.
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sevenmothz · 6 years
my kh3 experience
howdy guys, been a long ass time since i’ve written any of my own posts on this here blog. part of it is because i just haven’t gamed a lot in the last few months, and part of it is i also haven’t used tumblr in a long time too. xD
anyway, i played through the story of kh3 the week it released and while i was doing all that gaming, i pretty much liveblogged on mine and my friend’s discord with all my immediate thoughts/feelings of the game (whether she as awake to lol @ my nonsense or not xD).
so, of course, i went through and typed up most of that shit and am copypasting it here for random strangers’ enjoyment!
naturally, there will be spoilers, so don’t look if you care about that shit.
oh my ggooooodddd the new dearly beloved fuuuuuuck
ooh this place is pretty
oh boy there’s water oh man i bet this white place is gonna be a pain in my ass to get through fucking hollow bastion all over again
sora you’re so beautiful 😭
oh jesus do i really gotta do this stupid tutorial shit again at least now we are finally rid of that awful KH1 Sora model
hey it’s the tsunami from the frist game!
am i playing a diddly dang prequel of 3? are those FUCKIN’ LOADING SCREEN PAGES FUCKING INSTAGRAMS also lol sora got nerfed
aahhhh learning curves i hate have to get used to how this game handles
uh oh sora is worried about what xigbar said to him
eat shit, titan
also i’d like to say sora runs ridiculously fast now
sora’s such a brat “awww what about new clothes for meeeee??”
i can’t computer
stop being a bitch, buzz buzz killyear
oh yeah so when playing olympus hades was all “IVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR 18 YEARS” it’s been 17 years since KH1 came out 18 since it was in development god kingdom hearts is a junior in high school
gdi rex stay put oh no buzz oh noes i’m in a video game lmao
omg a cactaur
yeah you go woody
oh how i miss timed events/reaction commands. makes dealing with these fuckers you gotta climb on top of a lot easier to deal with
square why don’t you have the gotdamn kh3 soundtrack on itunes i need to be able to listen to this title screen music ALL THE TIME
sully just fuckin’ chuck vanitas through a door like “NOT TODAY BITCH”
of course they’re gonna do let it go.. they really did the whole thing
climb all the way up the mountain and larxene blows us off of it rude
wow are they really gonna do all the songs or wut
keep forgetting i can switch keyblades
annnnd back down the goddamn mountains lmao sora is so done
srsly we’re going up again
damn this boss fight is epic makes the slog through the world worth it unlike the fuckin’ toy box boss hated that fucker oh no marshmallow
fuck off larxene let people be happy
lmao stfu ventus keep volunteering sora to resque aqua
demyx :<
oh hello piercings dude
these pirate nerds little pirate sora is so cute
yeesh that elizabeth voice is terrible
guh it’s always a slog getting through the disney story stuff cuz it’s just worse rehashings of the movies at least fransokyo will be new content never seen big hero 6 xD
o mai assassin’s creed lite
jack you dumb bitch
oh man davy jones voice is bad too
jesus that second luxurd battle fucking terrible
god i never through elizabeth’s speech could sound so terrible how can you let someone butcher one of the most iconic moments from the third movie so bad?
oh thank god the kraken is easy to beat
lmao luxurd taken out by jack’s breath
eat shive, dave
lmao vexen “gdi it’s a real heart organ” “WE NEED A METAPHORICAL HEART YOU ASSHOLES”
damn sora throwing hands i was wondering how sora woudl react to one of his disney pals dying wasn’t expecting bodily assault
oma lea axel* whatever i wanna see his new dudes
ansem gonna talk to ansem oh god kids do’t get killed oh boy what happening now nobodies fightin’ ansem the bad WHO DUN IT GDI oh it was vexen DOUBLE AGENT??? or is he. filTHY LIAR they’re not gonna tell me pricks
“omg a robot :D”
keyblade hero 3 omg sora why
omai visor oh wow chill music
baaah sora showin’ off
holy shit i found me a new fav strength weapon the keyblade from caribbean love it even more than the toybox one xD the fuckin’ formchanges are amaze
THAT AIN’T SEA SALT ICE CREAM <gasp> roxas rude
replica riku~
damn microbot was a pain in the ass
WOT WHAT NOMURAING THIS SHIT ALL UP is this groundhog day i s2g
is that gotdamn terra
yen sid can actually do shit
damn this a long endgame
ah there we go. good ol’ Plot Device Kairi and there i thought she’d be useful lmao man tho i seriously rolled my eyes when xehanort struck an unconscious kairi down i was just like “yeah that seem about right..” storywise, sora has such a stronger connection to riku barely talks to kairi lea talked to kairi more in one game than sora ever did in 9+ i’d ship kairi and lea if there wasn’t such an obvious age gap lmao and WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHICK THAT DIAPPEARED ON LEA AND ISA? like is that answered in this game or was it answered in a previous game?
Roxas is a REAL BOY now
gotdamn those dudes were tough
fuck man barely gives me time to block stupid goat head lemme guess tho that isn’t the end of course not because kingdom hearts can’t just let us defeat him c’mon man let me reload my potions at least man fuck off with this boss shit motherfucker did you really just force me into rage form “I AM MORE POWERFUL EVEN THO YOU KILLED ME LIKE 2 TIMES”
omg donald and goofy’s voices from the controller speaker
just fucking die already
this bitch really thinking he was the good guy the whole time
jesus the x-blade is bigger than sora
mickey and donald finally get to be hoooome
axel and xion in their new clothes~ EVEN ISA
maleficent is gonna find that fucking box isn’t she and we’re not gonna see what is in it i’m guessing its the box the Master of Masters gave to his apprentice cuz that’s the only notable box in the series i can think of
but yeah this game this game was supposed to bring an end to the Xehanort saga so they fully intent to make moar games so we’ll get a new annoying big bad and more weird dumb lore
ok we’re getting into the dumb credits like PR manager and shit so i think they’re coming close to the end ihope never know until you start seeing the gotdamn logos
that fuckin’ xigbar THE OLD MASTERS fuck it is i knew it I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING GOING ON i was betting he was master of masters but no it’s luxu
fak FUQ fuck off with your games eraqus
HELLO SORA and Riku THEY”RE IN INSOMNIA no wait verum rex GAH
what if Demyx is Master of Masters
Final Thoughts: me: there were pretty much no FF cameos so 0/10 AzuraSpyte: lol I give it a 5/10 for Axel alone me: lolol minus 1 for making him wear the organization coat the entire game
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megadads · 7 years
When it first leaked earlier this year that Ubisoft and Nintendo would be teaming up to create a video game starring Mario and the Rabbids, many people were understandably… skeptical. It didn’t seem like the most natural of fits, and the hints that it might also be an RPG made it even more unconventional. But when the game had its official unveiling during E3 this past summer, people seemed to get on board with the unusual premise. Critics were impressed with their hands on time (our own Adam not withstanding) and were anxious to see more. Now after months of speculation the game is finally here and to our surprise it’s actually… really good!
The premise of the game is silly and the story pretty inconsequential to the action. Some Nintendo super fan is developing a pair of VR type goggles with the ability to merge two items into one. Something obviously goes sideways and the worlds of the Rabbids and the Mushroom Kingdom are smooshed together into a weird amalgamation of the two. Now Mario must team up with his friends and a series of Rabbid doppelgängers to track down the Rabbid responsible for it all and with the help of their robot guide BEEP-O, restore sanity back to the world.
The game is a turn based strategy game that will feel familiar if you’ve played games like XCOM. You pick your squad and wage war on a grid based battlefield, taking turns against an army of ever evolving Rabbids until you complete your objective. Your goal can differ from round to round, from defeating a set number of opponents to making it to the other end of the stage in one piece. The also game introduces a steady stream of new enemies to keep things interesting, each with new behaviors and abilities to keep you on your toes. Just when you think you know what to expect, a new foe will appear and throw off your entire strategy. The game does a great job of changing things up and keeping things interesting throughout the 4 different worlds you’ll explore.
It’s not just the enemies and objectives that offer plenty of variety, you can also customize your squad by purchasing a variety of creative and humerous weapons and unlocking new abilities using a skill tree. It’s a surprising amount of depth for a game full of silly characters and crude jokes. But for as deep as it is and as much strategy as it takes to play well, they do a good job of starting you out easy and slowly showing you the ropes. My daughter has played a fair amount of the first world and has managed to grasp the mechanics, but I fear that she’ll be in for a rude awakening once she advances to the later levels because this game gets HARD.
Early on in the second world it became clear that I was going to have to pay closer attention and strategize my plan of attack. And by the end of that world I was getting my ass handed to me if I made any careless moves. The boss of world 2 was especially grueling, and the first time I faced him I spent about 30 minutes working away at him only to be defeated and had to start from the beginning. It was frustrating, but I couldn’t be too upset because the defeat was all on me, all you have to do is plan ahead and study both your enemy and the battlefield and you’ve got a fair shot. Just be forewarned that this game might be a bit too difficult for youngsters who might want to play just because they know the Rabbids from the cartoons.
And speaking of the Rabbids, I do have to say that while I don’t find them TOO excrutiatingly annoying, they certainly don’t add anything by being in the game and I think they could have just as easily created a new group of characters from scratch to play the role and it would have been just as affective but without all of the ear piercing screams. But it is what it is.
One of the biggest compliments I can pay the game is in regards to the presentation. The visuals are bright and colorful and really make the characters pop, but the star of the show for me is definitely Grant Kirkhope’s soundtrack. If you’ve played games like Banjo Kazooie or Viva Pinata then you’re familiar with his work, and this is some of his best music to date. Both his original compositions as well as his takes on classic Mario themes are just outstanding and were a joy to listen to.
As I make my way through the final portion of the game, I look forward to seeing how the difficulty ramps up and what new enemies it’ll throw at me. Stay tuned for final impressions in the coming days!
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  Review: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle REVIEW IN PROGRESS When it first leaked earlier this year that Ubisoft and Nintendo would be teaming up to create a video game starring Mario and the Rabbids, many people were understandably...
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
93% off #WordPress Academy: Master WordPress step by step – $10
Master WordPress in a practical, project based approach. Includes PHP theme development & eCommerce stores.
Beginner Level,  – 7.5 hours,  78 lectures 
Average rating 4.7/5 (4.7 (197 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
A willingness to learn new things Basic computer knowledge, such as saving, renaming, copying files etc You should know basic HTML & CSS No prior WordPress knowledge is required
Course description:
Take your HTML & CSS skills to the next level, by mastering the worlds most popular content management system for building websites: WordPress!
COURSE UPDATED: 30th December 16: New WordPress Multisite / Network Installation section added!
Master WordPress from scratch in a fun, project based approach.
This course is for anybody looking for a career building WordPress websites or themes, or even hobbyists looking to learn a new skill.
Here are some recent reviews:
“Very easy to follow and clear instructions. So far this is a very impressive course. Have always wanted to create a blog/website and this looks like it will give some solid base to start from.”
“Good course and better instructor. I’ve learned a lot of new stuff, instructor was always there to help when I was stuck. I’d recommend this course to anyone willing to learn WordPress.”
“Great course, easy to follow and lots of good information about wordpress”
“The course moves at a steady pace that allows you to easily keep up. There are plenty of opportunities to practice what is being explained and it doesn’t feel like a course where you just copy what the instructor is doing like a robot! I’ve tried WordPress courses before and always felt like I’d missed something, but with course I really feel that I have gained a solid understanding of WordPress and what it can be used for!”
We begin the course by getting familiar with WordPress and looking at how to install using a localhost. We then look at the WordPress essentials such as blog posts, pages, navigation menus and installing themes, all while building your very own blog website. 
Once we have the basics covered, we move onto customising our blog using sliders, widgets, header images and working with the customiser. You will also get the chance to optimise your WordPress website for search engines and create backups. 
The second project takes your WordPress knowledge even further. We create a fully functional eCommerce T-Shirt store. More techniques are introduced throughout this project such as child themes, dealing with products, categories, shipping, taxes, all while building a beautiful, custom website. 
After completing the first 2 projects, we move things on even further by introducing you to WordPress theme development by converting an existing HTML & CSS website to a fully functional WordPress theme. This section involves coding in PHP, however if you are new to PHP there is a PHP basics section to get you up to speed.
This project introduces new techniques and you will gain a deeper knowledge of how WordPress themes are created. You will learn how WordPress templates are used and learn about various WordPress functions to build our theme.
Finally, the last section will be focused on useful techniques to add to your WordPress knowledge. Here we will cover exporting your localhost websites to a live server, various plugins etc.
All images and files etc you will need is included to download, there is also no extra software, subscriptions or purchases etc to complete or take this course.
We even have a section dedicated to setting up and administering a WordPress multisite network, along with bonus material to be added to over time. 
So are you ready to take your web design or WordPress skills to the next level?
Join me now and I look forward to having you on board!
Full details Confidently create different types of WordPress websites Convert HTML & CSS websites to WordPress themes. Understand how WordPress is structured Gain confidence using the PHP programming language Install WordPress locally then transfer to a live server Choose and install plugins and themes Add WordPress contents such as pages, blog posts, menus etc Manage users permissions and comments Add custom header images Integrate with social media Understand what WordPress widgets are and how to use them Add sliders and contact forms Apply basic SEO best practices to improve pag
“Chris did an excellent job of taking me from zero to competent and confident in a short amount of time. The concepts were clear, well planned, and well explained. The delivery of the material was easy to follow, even if I had to rewind or replay parts on CSS and HTML. The material was consistent and repetition of WordPress installation and configuration helped me to recall what to do. For anyone looking to learn WordPress, and add some great skills and knowledge, this is an excellent place to start.” (Stacey C Panczak)
“Great course with a lot of new and mostlt easily understood information for building a WP website. Chris is good at answering questions pretty fast to resolve my problems. But I missed a better explanation and understanding of the php functions in the section about exporting of a static website to WP. Just copying doesn’t give you deeper understanding. Perhaps another course? And as a newbee it is not easy to know the excact search term in Google, i.e. ‘WordPress conditional tags’. I would recommend a demonstration of how to search the Codex through the menu structure. Therefore the last star is missing.” (Niels Salling)
“Great course. It was easy to follow along and covered allot of material. I would definitely recommend if you are interested in getting started with WordPress.” (Justin Doty)
  About Instructor:
Chris Dixon
Hello, My name is Chris and I am a web developer and online teacher. I am passionate about what I do and about teaching others. I have started various online and offline businesses. Whatever your reason for learning to build websites you have made an excellent career choice. My personal motivation was to become my own boss and have more freedom and flexibility in my life. I also enjoy the technical challenge it provides and the way it constantly evolves. I built my first website back in 1999 and i have watched the web evolve into what it is today. I try to make my courses enjoyable and try to remember what it was like when I was learning. I also believe the best way to learn is by doing and try to include as many practical examples as possible in my courses. Thanks for taking an interest and I look forward to you joining me. Chris
Instructor Other Courses:
Get Creative With the HTML5 Canvas Chris Dixon, Web Developer and teacher at CodeSmart Academy (0) $10 $20 Version Control Basics for Programmers & Web Developers Understanding Javascript: Learn the language of the web …………………………………………………………… Chris Dixon coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Web Development course coupon Udemy Web Development course coupon WordPress Academy: Master WordPress step by step WordPress Academy: Master WordPress step by step course coupon WordPress Academy: Master WordPress step by step coupon coupons
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