#I know over time opinions will mellow out
redr0sewrites · 2 days
My Marauders Hcs
🥀A/n: most of these aren't intended to be x reader, but some of them are !
🥀Character(s): James, Sirius, Remus, Peter
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff
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James is the type to have a planner and obsess over it the first week of owning it, and then forget about it immediately afterwards. every school year he tells himself that this is the year he's organized, and then by the third week the planner is rotting under his bed and he's going by memory
constantly running a hand through his hair. it started off as a nervous tic, but soon became soothing for him. whenever he's upset or frustrated, he always finds himself ruffling and messing with his hair. a lot of people think its on purpose, but its not, and he gets really defensive when people point it out.
simultaneously smart but dumb. James is an intelligent individual, but he just doesn't apply himself and would probably be top of his class if he tried- he just doesn't care too. not that his grades are bad per se, but they aren't as good as they could be
James is one of those people who's actually quieter once you get close to them. he overcompensates and acts more extroverted than he is in most social interactions, but once you get close to him he mellows out and becomes quieter. you can tell when James is really comfortable with someone because he's very relaxed and calm around them, he doesn't feel the need to be anything more than he is
sooo loyal. we already know this, but seriously, if he's dating you, he's the most loyal person there is. you would never ever even suspect he's cheating, he gets grossed out if other people even flirt with him. if he's dating you, he's whipped!!
on top of this, James is not afraid to show you off. he never understands how someone could be embarrassed of their partner, or pretend they aren't a couple because of others' opinions. he understands being private about a relationship, but if someone directly asks who he's dating, he's going to say that its you- and he's proud too!
tiny shirt + big pants combo>>>
let marlene do his makeup once at a party and, while he thought it was cool, didn't really think it was for him. he'll wear makeup if you want him too, and occasionally he'll put on mascara or tinted chapstick just for kicks, but i don't think he would spend a lot of time on makeup of skincare or stuff like that. he just doesn't have the patience for it
in my head he's half arabian and 1/4 african, with his father being mixed and his mother being fully arabian. his hair is sooo curly, and it took him a while to learn how to take care of it and keep his curls from getting frizzy or dry
James let Sirius attempt to pierce his ears sometime during fifth year, and wanted to try it the "muggle way" which, predictably, went badly wrong- but he's fond of them anyway! so, now he has slightly crooked ear piercings that he just puts plain black studs or a small diamond in. he also forgets to take his earrings out for Quidditch a LOT, so Peter was always reminding him about it
we all know about the headcanons about him wearing red converse, but i also vividly see him wearing the dirtiest high top vans you've ever seen- something like this but heavily used and loved
if a sweater or hoodie is too long, he has to push the sleeves up to his elbows. James cannot stand the feeling of sleeves brushing against his hand or wrist, its so specific but it would piss him off so much
tries to learn French so he could understand Sirius' and Regulus' conversations (especially when they were talking about him in front of him), and has an insane duolingo streak. like he's failing half his classes just because he's lazy, but his duolingo streak is like 400+
curses in Arabic a lot, and also calls his friends nicknames or petnames in Arabic as well
James has a really loud, boisterous laugh that practically fills up a room and makes everyone turn to look at him- like genuinely he can NOT be quiet when laughing
he made "potions" in the shower as a kid
Sirius cuts his hair on his own, and gets really nervous about asking other people to cut it. its a big sign of trust for him if he lets you cut his hair, as Walburga used to cut it short as a punishment. he genuinely prefers to just do it himself, but that means that more often than not his hair is pretty long because it's tough to reach the back
has at least 4 rubber bands on his wrist at all times- one for himself, one for Marlene, one for Lily, and then one extra. he oftentimes has even more, and he forgets that he has them on and will wake up in the morning with literal creases in his wrist because he kept them on for sooo long 😭
in his first/second year, Sirius had a french accent that he desperately tried to get rid of. he eventually succeeded, but it still slips out occasionally
he started painting his nails to piss off his parents, but soon became pretty good at it. now, Sirius and the girls of the friendgroup all hang out and he does their nails for them! in my mind, he has medium-short nails. they aren't completely flat, and he keeps them very smooth and rounded and pushes back his cuticles as well
has a comfort leather jacket that he wears almost constantly. the texture and weight is so familiar to him that even taking it off feels uncomfortable sometimes. when he's anxious or upset, he'll wear the jacket to help calm himself down and a lot of times, he has woken up with it on after a stressful night
Sirius has a complicated relationship with cleaning. his parents were far too strict about neatness, and he's associated cleaning with lots of negative memories, including being yelled at and stuff like that. this being said, he struggles a lot with cleaning up his own space and gets very easily offended if you even imply that himself or his space is dirty. Sirius also struggles with self care and bodily upkeep for similar reasons, even if its just basic things like combing his hair or brushing his teeth. he gets those tasks done, but he doesn't enjoy them and it's very draining for him
wears a lot of jewelry because he likes to fidget with it, and is a dedicated believer in wearing only gold. he's always afraid that he'll accidentally burn Remus if he's wearing silver jewelry, so he makes a point to only wear gold or copper or something similar
pierced his own ears, and also got his nipples pierced at a muggle piercing studio just to piss his parents off- even though they never found out
exclusively wears mismatched socks for no reason
is very gender nonconforming and is also probably genderfluid, he doesn't really care how he's perceived if that makes sense but feels more feminine and more masculine at different days or times
complains about little things but keeps bigger issues to himself. like Sirius will complain for an hour straight about how sore his back is from quidditch until everyone is begging him to shut up, and then turn around and neglect to tell anyone that his mom cooked him in a stew and fed him to a goblin or something (until he eventually breaks down about it)
gets angry really quickly and hates himself for it
wore a fake nose ring for years before actually getting it pierced
lowkey thinks bullying someone is a flirting tactic and when he's into someone he's a little mean and teasing towards them
cant eat strong flavors in the morning such as fruits or sugary cereals bc it makes him uncomfortable or nauseous. only sticks to bland breakfast foods like eggs or toast when he first wakes up, but will eat more flavorful food later on
a tiny bit scared of the dark but won't admit it. he always keeps a nightlight nearby though
Remus gets bad migraines around the full moon and wears noise canceling headphones to help keep the loud sounds to a minimum
had a lisp and a crossbite at a young age but after a few years of dental work + speech practice its barely noticeable unless he's really upset (but he still has to be consciously aware of his lip movements nooo im not projecting...)
hates constricting clothes, has to be wearing baggy clothes or he feels like he's going insane
surprisingly good listener. he never plays the devils advocate, always gives good advice, and is overall a great person to vent to
can NOT sleep with his closet or bedroom door open it creeps him out sooo bad
this is going to sound a little insane but. in my head he sort of like. kisses with his nose. LET ME EXPLAIN i imagine him w like a slightly crooked nose and so whenever he kisses someone he always sort of? boops noses w them? bc his nose is like relatively big,,? and he just sort of does that??? idk it's just really adorable in my head
also adding onto that- he's a very gentle kisser. cups your face, rubs your back typa guy. definitely doesn't rush in
allergic to shellfish
one of those people who puts their entire soul in their notes app. he has lists, reminders, quotes, random pictures, information, and everything in between in his notes app. Remus is also the only one who can navigate through his notes as there are SO many and any normal person would go insane just from looking at all of it 💀
picks at his lips and nails until they bleed or peel
HATES when food touches on his plate- can't stand when food mixes and will often seperate food into little piles but then EATS MULTIPLE TYPES OF FOOD IN THE SAME BITE in an attempt to concoct like the perfect bite. like if he's eating idk chicken cutlets mashed potatoes and peas he can't have any of those touch on his plate or else it's disgusting but then he'll eat a piece of cutlet with mashed potatoes and peas on top in one bite??? idk maybe im projecting but this just seems like sum he'd do
very big on studying. he's smart, but if he doesn't study he absolutely blanks on tests and assignments so he always needs to have stuff memorized- he also takes extra notes for his friends so that they can copy it whenever they need
once he ties his laces on shoes, Remus never unties them and prefers to just shimmy in and out and fight for his life to put them on and take them off
Remus' ears get cold really easily so he wears earmuffs and a scarf often! his cheeks and nose also turn pink when he's cold and it's always very obvious and adorable
while he isn't a big fan of quidditch or sports in general, he truly enjoys supporting his friends and making sure they know that he's there! even if he has no real interest in it, he attends every single one of James' and Sirius' quidditch games
i love the headcanon that he befriends Regulus before any of the other marauders, and that he's in a study group with Reg, Lily, Mary, and Dorcas
enjoys muggle comics, and has a HUGE comic book collection! Peter can also name nearly every superhero, and has soooo many comics memorized. like you ask him "what was the original comic in which *insert superhero* appeared" and he'll reply with the full comic title and author
you can't convince me that Peter wasn't a huge flannel person LIKE HE WAS THE TYPE OF KID TO HAVE A DIFFERENT COLORED FLANNEL SHIRT FOR EACH OUTFIT
huge gossip but in a good way. him and the girls all have a little gossip circle, and i looove the headcanon that out of all of the marauders, Peter is the most aware of all of his friends romantic endeavors. whether you ship wolfstar, jegulus, jily, dorlene, or anything else- Peter KNEW before even the people involved knew they liked eachother. always pretends to be surprised when people inform him of stuff like that as though he hadn't already known for two years or sum
i like to think Peter also played quidditch, but did it moreso to have fun with his friends rather than being super into the game. he liked it, but he only did it because his friends did
ridiculously good at chess, and holds that over Sirius' head allllll the time. probably also in his own little chess club or something similar
Peter is smart, but only when he applies himself. most of the time he's fine with being average, so he has decent grades, but certainly nothing outstanding. however, when he tries? he's very intelligent and can excel academically- he just doesn't feel like it
learned to braid Marlenes hair when they were younger, and then taught Sirius how to do it too! he'll also sometimes braid Sirius' hair for him if he's bored and needs something to do with his hands
unlike his friends, Peter isn't very confrontational and prefers to handle conflict with a softer approach. this often makes him take on the role of the peacekeeper in the sense that he communicates between both parties when his friends are fighting. that doesn't mean he can't stand up for himself, he just only does so as a last resort
Peter doesn't laugh, he GIGGLES. genuinely teehees when he's excited about something !!!
he was the one who suggested the name The Marauders, and originally did so as a joke, but then it stuck
very rarely curses, but between being friends with the marauders and such, he probably knows more curse words than the rest of his friends combined and sometimes when he's irritated he starts cursing up a STORM
chronic sweatpants wearer. orefers the material of his clothing over anything else, and if something is uncomfortable he simply won't wear it
i like the headcanon that Peter's queer awakening was actually both Frank Longbottom and Remus, but he didn't know it until years later. for Remus, it wasn't actually a crush, but moreso an "oh he's attractive. yea i'll think about that ltr" kind of moment yk? however, i do think he had a crush on Frank and that was also part of the reason he originally joined the quidditch team
Peter's favorite color would be yellow, and his favorite flowers are sunflowers!!! idk why, he just seems like a yellow kind of guy!!! i also feel like he'd like orange too- overall, he prefers warm colors to cool colors
Peter would listen to Nirvana, you can't tell me otherwise bc he WOULD !!!
he's kind to people regardless of their house. doesn't care if your a hufflepuff or a slytherin, a gryffindor or a ravenclaw, if you're nice, he's nice!! he's also always super sweet to first years who are new to the castle, and helps with giving directions (and telling those who purposely give wrong directions to piss off) for at least the first month of school every year
made friends with a lot of the portraits on the walls, and ended up gaining their favor and getting help with some pranks. i also think that he'd get along with most of the ghosts, and Moaning Myrtle had a crush on him in his third year and it was really awkward because he tried to be nice but she ended up taking it romantically and so she thought they were dating for like two whole weeks (James teased him mercilessly over this)
while Remus always keeps chocolate on him for others, Peter always keeps gummy bears on his person or nearby in case he sees someone upset
YIPPEEE I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING!!!! i will def be doing a pt 2 with the valkyries (marlene mary n lily) and the slytherin skittles (barty evan dorcas regulus n pandora) so!! stay tuned !!!! hope u enjoyed and PLEPSOEELSLPSKSOSKD
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electric-lavender · 1 year
“Oh wow I’m so glad that I finished the sun and the star. Now I can look at the tag and see what everyone’s saying. That will be so fun.”
*people yelling at each other every third post*
“That was a lot never mind”
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moonsaver · 5 months
Context before getting into the actual idea: I recently saw some fanart based on concept art for Dr Ratio where he has slightly longer, messier hair and the fanart interpreted this as him having a bit of a rebellious phase when he was younger.
So now I’m just thinking about Reader going to school with him when he was going through this phase. He had a bit of a crush on her but didn’t know how to express it so he just messed with her constantly.
And now they meet again when he’s changed and he hasn’t gotten over her she’s just getting massive amounts of whiplash from how wildly different he is. Could be yandere 👀
Anon. I am GRIPPINT YOU BY THE SHOULDERS. Listen. Unfortunately i doubt i did this justice but i tried my best PLEASE okay
A bit long, under the cut!
Its not exactly easy to imagine Dr. Ratio of all people being rebellious, but that just makes it even more possibly believeable in my opinion. I am deeply convinced he has had his crazy scientist, jerkward asshole phase at least once and was soo deeply embarassed the moment he left it.
But listen. His professors all probably HATED him because he would probably constantly correct them, be so disgustingly overeducated to the point they'd send him to the library or tell him to get lost just so he wouldn't disrupt class. He's the infamous asshole who sits wherever he wants, and hoardes an entire table to himself if he's at the library or at the cafeteria. Any student who needs a pen or eraser or a pencil knows he's NOT the one to ask, even if it was in the middle of an exam worth half their grade and he was the only person beside them. He does literally anything he wants and no one can stop him except probably by force, and if they do, something worse ends up happening to them instead.
Anyways, here comes in reader. Probably already knows his sour reputation. Regardless, maybe you're the poor soul who's his seatmate. If the crush is already established, he's constantly bothering you. Asking for stationaries like the entirety of his desk isn't covered by it already (he likes the miniscule interaction), taking your notebooks without your knowledge and sometimes even scribbling inside of them (its his horrid handwriting, he's just trying to help you with detailed notes), he comments on how "lame" your outfit is, asking about your social life, rolling his eyes when your response isn't exactly.. pleasing (he's actually a bit content with it. Perhaps you'll hang out with him more, instead?). You note the smell of alcohol trailing him a bit everytime you interact with him.
It's not easy for him, especially when you can't seem to keep up and look so queasy around him. Aeons, his heart is so twisted up and squeezed everytime he seems to be getting more distant from you, but he just has no idea how to convey his feelings. Not when he didn't even account for the fact he'll have a crush on anyone in the first place.
Anyways, timeskip!
You're probably a researcher of some sort, maybe not so well known. Let's just say for the sake of simplicity you're a researcher on Herta's space station. It's not too soon before he runs into you, probably after the whole mess at the station's been "cleaned up" regarding the curio and whatever. Maybe he doesn't leave right after that interaction with Screwellum, and he decides to, by his curiosity, take a look around once again before he leaves (certainly not because he's heard a familiar name thrown around a few times).
And there you are. In your little research-getup, professional vernacular, hair all neat. He's probably right behind you in an instant, and you turn around to look as the colleague you were talking to suddenly starts stuttering and becoming squeamish while looking behind you. There he is, in all his (cruel?) Glory. The infamous asshole who was your classmate.
But.. it's surprising how much more mellow he's become (at least towards you?). His hair are neatly tamed, his build is taller and more muscular than it was back then, but his attire is also quite tame (if not a little.. fancy?), compared to his brash taste back then. His eyes still seem to hold contempt, but more distantly so.
Veritas figures your mouth is agape and you're speechless considering the change in his countenance as of recent. He's also not yet come to terms with the fact that his heart still twists and squeezes whenever he sees that unsure look on your face. If you were made of clay, and if he could, he'd meld the most beautiful smile on your face with his craftful fingers. Alas, he resorts to tamer methods. At least he supposes he's a wiser man, now. He's more aware of different courting methods.
He asks about your station, your current life, family, friends, etc .. in a seemingly disinterested tone. There's a bit of resignation but hidden constrain in his voice, everytime you mention a "close friend" of yours or a colleague you worked with "closely". But he hasn't been berating you the way he would have back then. His fingers slightly constantly strain, folded behind his back, trying desperately not to taper towards you – there's stray strands of hair on your face. Your headpiece is off centre. Your pen is slanting in your pocket. Your shoulders are too tense. Your eyebrows are furrowed. your eyes look tired. Have your lips always been chapped? They were fine back then.. hold on.
While you stutter out useless formalities and pleasantries, Veritas' eyes scan you over. Time has weathered you well, in his opinion. The thin line of his pressed lips dont quite indicate that. He sighs almost grimly, shutting you up in an instant. He offers you to accompany him and possibly consider joining the Intelligentsia Guild (is it not worth a shot trying? It may be foolish, but he's a tad too desperate when it comes to you). You timidly mumble out a refusal, the words barely leaving your mouth. He nods.
Catching up makes his heart squeeze and rush all over the place. Topics he once tried to teach you back then (by.. VERY unsuccessful methods,) seem to be elementary knowledge to you now. You work more efficiently, hold yourself in a better, more confident way, and you seem to be smoothsailing in your life. Granted, it's technically the bare minimum, but its been so long since he talked to you. The chirp in your voice, the chuckle you let out every now and then despite your nervousness around him, has his heart in his throat. He can't bring himself to try and even "set you straight" by giving you (unwarranted) advice or piddling your achievements, there's a soft smile he's duly hiding behind his scorning face.
He offers you again, if you are unsure about joining the Guild, and discreetly mentions it being filled with imbeciles regardless when you deny again, pulling another string of laughter out of you. Hmph, you weren't so joyful when he made those statements back in high school.
Granted,you're obviously still not quite sure about Veritas' new look. He's still got his infamous reputation as an extremely strict teacher, the oddball with an alabastor head and having worked with the IPC, it's not a pleasant image per se, but it's heaps better than his reputation back at school. You politely make a joke about it, and he groans, earning another cautious, light chuckle from you. He has become different. You prattle on about the length of his hair, his refinement of speech, the difference in how he holds himself now.. it does leave him melting a tad bit inside. You noticed it? Hm. Clever little thing.
Of course, goodbyes are seldom sweet. He does manage to pry out your contact information once again, before. If you don't budge,he finds another way regardless. Your network of colleagues aren't exactly as strong as you might have thought. He remembers this information carefully.
Like the old days, maybe he'll manage to keep slipping notes into your reports and files. Perhaps pull a few strings back in the old days to keep you in his class, he'll slowly knot and twist a few strings to bring and budge you over to his little workplace. Sooner or later, you'll end up in his home. He's sure of it.
And just like the old days, his little seatmate is by his side once again. Care to put up with him for a bit longer? Probably forever, in this case.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 3 months
Catch of the Eye | Azriel x Hippy!Reader
Summary: After you moved into Velaris, your bright demeanor and clothing seemed to demand Azriel’s attention, as well as the rumors of the Princess of Autumn’s disappearance.
Word Count: ~ 800
Warnings: None!
A/N: This request had me cracking up while writing it bc the idea of a hippy bamboozling az into silence is so funny to me, hope you enjoy <3
Requests are open!
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Ever since Azriel had met you, since you’d moved from Autumn Court, you always managed to utterly flabbergast him in ways that shouldn’t be possible for the stoic shadowsinger.
It had all started when he’d noticed the bright, almost obnoxious clothing you always had. Some weren’t bad, like the jeans you would wear with bright floral patterns accenting them, or the flowery shirts or skirts you’d wear.
Your fashion sense was the complete opposite of his, and since you had moved to Velaris under his suggestion, he got to see your wacky outfits every day.
Sandals were a common choice, not to mention warm-toned clothes, cardigans, and knitted tops. The earrings you wore were nothing like he’d seen before, not even trying to be elegant or beautiful, just giving an extra pop of color and flare to your outfit.
It fascinated him.
He’d always seen proper noble women trying to be beautiful or elegant or alluring, but you weren’t that at all. You were just…yourself. You didn’t care about what others thought, you were a rule unto your own law. You were just so out there, sticking out like a sore thumb, but in a good way.
Your bright clothes and personality became a comforting sight for him amongst the dark color theme of Night Court, with most residents opting for black.
And your opinions?
Completely outrageous. But also funny.
Like when you rambled on about how Fae should need a license to winnow, to ensure that they weren’t endangering themselves or others if their skills weren’t good enough. Or how any winged Fae should also need licenses, for the same reason.
He will never forget the time that you told Rhysand to his face on one of your first few times meeting his family that if Velaris was already peaceful and perfect, why not expand that principle to Hewn City, too?
And when he’d tried to explain that the people of Hewn City were too stubborn and hateful for that, you’d just called his reasoning “stupid” and an “excuse” because he just wanted to live in his little paradise city and not deal with the problems of the Court.
That had frazzled Rhys.
In fact, you frazzled almost everyone in the Inner Circle. Except Cassian. He seemed to find you extremely entertaining. You’d nearly given some of them a heart attack, especially since your fiery red hair and hazel eyes oddly resembled the Princess of Autumn, who hadn’t made a public appearance in months, and some people were getting suspicious.
Once getting over the initial hurdle of them adjusting to you, Feyre invited you to her art studio, and when Azriel got there (he’d volunteered to help with some of the paints since he didn’t have any missions that week) he saw you, an absolute mess of paint, helping all the children. You were surprisingly good at it, knowing just what colors to mix for them, giving them what they needed and when, and generally working well with Feyre even if all your paintings were bright and usually neon, and hurt his eyes a bit if he looked too long.
“You’re good with them.”
He spoke to you as he walked down the street, you alongside him as you finally left her painting studio.
“I’ve handled kids before, they’re pretty fun usually.”
He raised a brow at that.
“Did you…babysit, or something?”
He asked, the mental image of you watching and caring for a child for an extended period of time not exactly a great one.
“No, I helped raise my little brother. He was always a more mellow kid, but he had a tongue on him, that was for sure. I oughta visit Luci sometime soon.”
He listened. You’d never mentioned brothers before, or any family at all, really. It didn’t help his suspicions.
“‘Luci’ is an odd name for a boy.”
He commented dryly, and you, clearly not catching onto his sarcasm, as you rarely did, only laughed.
“Boys can be named whatever, but his full name’s Lucien.”
He stopped walking at that, and you continued, oblivious to it until he jogged to catch up.
“You’re Lucien’s sister? As in Lucien Vanserra?”
He asked in a quiet but surprised tone. You only nodded, grinning at him in that lazy, relaxed manner you always had.
“Our secret!”
You declared, before prancing off to go look at the bright fabrics of your favorite salesmen in Velaris. You’d already befriended more than half of the people there, and they all seemed to like you.
Cauldron help anyone who befriended you, and definitely help the shadowsinger stuck as your mate for eternity.
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joocomics · 5 months
ಬ fuck buddies
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part one | part two | part three
pairing: fuckbuddy!yangyang x f!reader x loser!winwin | not threesome
genre: smut wc: 1k
contains: sub!reader, (consensual) angry sex, name calling, choking (f!rec), degradation kink
a/n: @teasteeper and her work made me fall for loser!wayv so this idea came to me all bc of her <3
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you’ve always seen winwin as just the loser friend of your fuck buddy yangyang, but surprisingly he turns out to be the one who finally puts you in your place…
yangyang always hangs out with big crowds, throws the best parties and never minds you coming along; he’s extroverted, popular, radiates confidence and winwin, to you, seems to be exactly the opposite. so every time yangyang invites him you wonder why.
one night as you lay under the sheets of yangyang’s bed, you finally bring up the question, wanting to know what exactly keeps them so close. turns out they’re childhood friends and according to yangyang winwin just finds it more difficult to communicate in a bigger circle. he’s not always like that, he says.
“why do you ask?” yangyang turns on his side with lazy motions. your bodies touch once again, sweaty and still overwhelmed from the previous orgasm. he traces a line on your stomach only to sneak his slender fingers into your slickness. he’s already greedy for another round, just like you. “are you thinking of changing your fuck buddy?”
you laugh at his ridiculous comment, but decide to tease him back despite both of you knowing you’d never have a situationship with a guy like his friend.
“can’t i have two?”
yes, winwin has an attractive face and a nice figure; he’s always put together too. but that’s not enough if you ever happen to consider it. you need someone who radiates confidence, lust. someone who smells like sex, and knows how to handle you with a firm confident grip. someone like yangyang.
“you can have twenty if you want, but sweetheart…” yangyang moves his lips away from your marked neck so he can peer into your eyes, “none of them should be a friend of mine.” his fingers pull out of your slick lips and squeeze your jaw, not really satisfied with the playful smile on your face. the corners of his mouth turn up a bit, but his tone is more sharp than light. it rings like a warning. “i’m serious.”
one evening you’re left alone with winwin to prepare snacks for the party while yangyang goes to buy more alcohol before people start arriving at his place. you catch winwin staring at you with expressions you cannot quite understand what they mean; he stands too close to your shoulder as you fill up the bowls and barely keep the small talk alive. in your opinion, winwin can only hold an entertaining conversation with yangyang and no one else.
“i’m not the loser you think i am if you just give me a chance…” he speaks up, taking off his glasses.
you turn to face him, but before you have a chance to respond with anything, he speaks again, this time with bigger assurance.
“i know what you think about me.”
“okay…” you blink at him, capturing the intensity of his gaze which is usually always soft and mellow. “my opinion of you shouldn’t matter to you, we’re not friends,” you reply, and as you try to walk pass him his tall broad figure stops in front of you. “don’t tell me you’re trying to kiss me,” you giggle, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
his dark eyes skim your body up and down that’s wrapped in a tight dress before they stop on your intrigued expression. your face is pretty. sexy. winwin noticed it the first time he saw you; you were in yangyang’s lap when you reached for his hand, stating your name in the seductive voice you so often seem to talk. but it still has that amused look to it that never seems to go away when he’s in your presence. he really wants to erase it from your lips and make you see him in a new light.
“you’re wrong about me,” winwin grunts only for you to grin again.
“prove it.”
so he does. a moment later your body is sprawled over the marble surface as winwin’s cock is all the way inside you; it’s gliding in a rough rapid speed that has you seeing stars by the way it sharply pokes at your cervix. his one palm is glued to your mouth, because this time he wants to do the talking.
“fuckin’ tired of the way you look at me… think you’re too good for me? just because you’re yangyang’s little whore? f-fuck.. ‘been dreaming of this for so long… shuttin’ your filthy mouth up…”
he feels your walls squeezing him tighter as his thrusts echo aggressively one after another in the kitchen. in yangyang’s kitchen. his hand leaves your drooling mouth so it can go around your neck, pulling you closer to gush at your ear.
“so hot… you’re so hot, but you’re driving me mad…”
you whine incoherently about being close; about not wanting him to slow down. the thrill from the possibility of yangyang walking in on you brings you to the edge even quicker. everything feels so… forbidden.
winwin frees your throat and presses your head against the countertop while making the last few slams into you as orgasm takes over every part of your body.
you kneel on the floor with trembling legs and winwin swears he hasn’t felt this good in a really long time; this satisfied and proud of himself. your dazed teary eyes catch sight of his flushed cock getting closer, and they remain open while the warm thick cum spills in your mouth. his heart feels close to bursting when your throat gulps it down as if his cum is something you’re already used to. although he’s still frustrated with you, he cannot help but relish this moment of you watching him innocently from below; with weakness and surprise. it’s electrifying.
both of you quickly come back to your senses after you hear yangyang opening the front door. you didn’t even get the chance to exchange any words about the events that just happened. you run to the bathroom while winwin fixes his jeans and puts his glasses back on.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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ilys00ga · 9 months
life after his enlistment.
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pairing: yoongi x reader
synopsis: how life/the relationship was like after he enlisted.
genre: fluff, established relationship, yoongi enlisted, they are trying their best, idk if I should call it angst or hurt/comfort, but there's some kind of ✨️melancholy✨️ in this (predictable much), I effing miss him sm more now :(.
warnings: t.w: if u are just like me, prepare to be missing yoongi sickeningly after this. gosh, it feels like a hole in a chest rn. idk what to do w myself. oh btw some ideas mentioned here are purely my own opinions, so it doesn't have to be "facts" or "all true." if u have different opinions or if u disagree with any it u can reach out to me about them, I would like that, but that's that, enjoy!!!!!!!!!
A/N: this was a request made by @kimvante2013 I hope it meets ur expectations! this was so fun to write, I liked this a lot. feel free to send more reqs or anything u want :)
PS. English is not my first language, so you know the drill.
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
the problem wasn't that you couldn't see him, no.
since his duty was different from that of an ordinary individual, you both were able to spend the nights in each other's arms.
when he comes back home after duty, sometimes he's met with an empty house where he'd wash up and start preparing something for you to enjoy munching on once you get back home at a later hour of the day. other times, he comes to a busy, warm house. you blasting your favorite drama on the TV while doing the laundry in the middle of the living room, or just chilling and waiting to welcome him with mellow hugs and kisses.
and when he's on duty, he can't always contact you, but he whispered kisses laced with promises into your lips before leaving on his first day, and he would never dare to break them. not that he wants to anyway.
sometimes you'd wake up to post-it notes sticked on random surfaces and items around the house, or good morning messages of love and kisses. sometimes he calls during lunch breaks to check up on you, reminding you to drink water and eat well because that's yoongi's most precious habit of showing that he always just cares.
"don't forget to layer your outfit today, I just saw that it's gonna be awfully cold."
"did you like the bouquet I sent? want more? cook me ___ tonight xx"
"hi, don't forget to drink a cup of water right this instance or you'll shrivel up and die."
"it snowed on my way here this morning, let's go out this weekend and have some fun :]"
when days are too hard to handle, weighing one of you—maybe even both of you at the same time, cause life is a bitch like that—down and burying you under the ground, you'd send long voice messages to the other. never expecting an immediate reply. just simply pressing record and spilling all the bottled negative energy that clogged your brains and chests.
so, the problem wasn't really that you couldn't see or talk to him..
the problem was that neither of you were used to any of that.
you weren't used to being away from each other for long hours throughout the day (even though he often went on tours and job events aboard), or not being able to talk and/or see him whenever you wanted to—atleast whenever your shift agreed to let you. you're stuck on this routine for months. you were so not used to that.
over the years, you and yoongi grew to become a pen and a paper: two different items that are meant to only function and be paired together. one can't be capable without the other.
yet you try to avail yourselves of the situation and take it all easy. slowly, like waking up and leaving a warm, comfy bed at 5 in the morning to gain some purpose somewhere out there.
so, while staying away from one another for several hours a day comes with heavy challenges and even melancholy at times, that doesn't mean it can't be fruitful for your relationship.
since for it to grow healthier, a couple, intentionally or not, sometimes needs to take some "time off" to preserve the connection and intimacy between them.
you always remind yoongi of how much you had missed him during the day, which is something that never failed to put a smile on his face and trigger a stream of butterflies in his stomach.
love and yearning are two inseparable powerful emotions that one can't defeat, and absence makes the heart grow fonder. that's the beauty of the challenge your relationship was subject to at this new stage.
"I am still me, you are still you. everything's gonna be alright." yoongi would say as he hugs your face into his chest.
he always reminds you that this new chapter the two of you have entered together, hand in hand and with shaking hearts, is one that he'd been dreading but looking forward to for a very long time.
a chapter that made him understand how much he needs your existence in his life. to be himself and to be the somebody you need and deserve.
and he makes sure to translate that into your skin as he traces it with his lips and fingertips when you finally fall into each other's embrace.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
I see a lot of ftm Miguel content but what about ftm Peter B
what's ur opinion on that
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One More Time
Pairing: FTM! Peter B. Parker x Top! Male Reader
Synopsis: In which both Peter and you learn that one more time doesn’t always mean one more time
Content tags: 18+, MINORS DNI, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
“One more time”You breathe into Peter’s ears, to which he responds with a whine, legs tighten around your waist as he nuzzles into the juncture between your shoulder and neck.
You don’t know how many times you’ve actually said those words to him. All you know is that it was just so hard to pull away when you’d see his cunt slick with arousal as he takes your fingers or mouth, or the way his thighs and stomach jiggle as he meets your every thrust, or even hair mussed cheeks flushed, looking absolutely fucked out as he agrees to another round- much like the way he does now.
You know he’d safeword if he couldn’t take it but he hadn’t yet, not when you were thrusting three fingers into him, not when he was sitting on your face, not when he was riding your dick and especially not now while you’re murmuring “One more time. Come on, come on, one more, one more please baby” into his ear.
Although he agreed it’s clear that he’s grown tired now, sweat coating his entire body, limbs aching as he does his best to meet your thrusts.
One more time and no more after this you promise yourself.
“Please please please” he slurs out, face scrunched up and head tossing side to side.
“You gonna cum again pretty?” You say under a shaky breath as you continue to thrust into his cunt at a steady pace.
It takes him a moment to respond, words slurred and mind delirious as he takes the onslaught of thrusts.
“Want - ah -want you to cum” he manages to say, nails dragging along the length of your back as he does his best to stray off his own climax.
“No no no you first pretty “ you say before you slot your lips together, feeling yourself inching closer to the edge.
He pulls away and shakes his head, purposely squeezing around you, knowing very well that will send you over the edge.
“Peter” you try to say in warning but it comes out as a drawn out moan.
A shaky hand cups your face and Peter’s voice sound absolutely wrecked and desperate when he says “Please need you to cum please please please”
“Peter!” this time his name comes out in the form a wretched sob, feeling your body going taut, as cum shoots out in hot spurts, and paints his wall.
You gently slide out of him, before you slump onto his chest, taking a moment to catch your breath
“Good?” Peter asks as he caresses your back. You hum out in response still dazed from pleasure.
Just as your breathing mellows out you raise from his embrace and Peter looks at you confused as you slide down to the end of the bed.
“Let me make it up to you “ you say, propping his legs up so that they bend at the knees before slinking your arms around his thighs and spreading them apart for easier access.
“But-“ he tries to say
“Just one more time?” You say eyes wide mouth agape, hot breath washing over his cunt as you wait to see what he’ll say.
“Alright alright okay” he says under a shaky breath, but it quickly turns into a squeak as you dive back between his legs.
One more time and no more after this you say to yourself
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elswing · 22 days
in defense of elrond
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it is ironic that elrond keeps accusing galadriel of being too blinded by pride while he's fallen equally victim to being blinded by his own frustrations. neither of them are being particularly rational about the situation because they're both hurt and feeling betrayed, and i think elrond's remark about how galadriel only sacrificed herself to save the ring instead of the company perfectly encapsulates that—because, yeah, that is a fair interpretation of it, but she did just tell him five seconds ago that she was only there to protect them, a fact that exists simultaneously with her possessiveness over nenya.
it isn't One Or The Other, just like both of their opinions on the rings, because in actuality they are both right about them. elrond has a limited perspective on it, but from his pov he is completely justified in hating the three feanorian crafted shiny magic jewels that everyone around them covets (🤨). all he knows is that sauron had a hand in making them and no one can possibly know how much influence he has over them because the true art of his craft is subtle. as in, you don't know it's happening to you until you're suddenly slapped with the consequences of it. it is equally fair of him to be suspicious of galadriel herself, because it is impossible to rely on whether she now believes herself to be free of his corruption when she never knew it was there to begin with. also, again, for emphasis—she knew sauron walked among them, she knew he'd helped make the rings, and she let it happen anyway. that doesn't exactly inspire trust, especially when it's the exact antithesis of the point she's trying to prove to elrond and she hasn't done anything to try and rectify that breach of friendship except offer an apology that does sound quite empty given she is still championing the rings.
on the other hand, galadriel is the one who spent time with sauron all this time. galadriel is the one who befriended him, and while even we as the viewers can't be sure which parts of halbrand were an act and which were genuine moments of connection, the main point is still clear: whether she wants it or not, they understand each other. even without their friendship, you can't spend thousands of years dedicating your life to hunting someone down without them becoming familiar to you in some way, and i think there is a specific manner of vulnerability that loss and grief gave her and it just tore her wide open for all sorts of habits and traits to take root. she became so devoted to her vengeance against sauron that the lines between identity and purpose began to blur.
i am not of the opinion that galadriel loves sauron (or vice versa, but that's a whole other post), as fascinating as their dynamic is to me. i do think that she is a passionate individual who was made for love and boldness, and losing everything she did was never going to mellow her out or slow her down. in her, vulnerability takes the form of rage, and it is there, in that twisted, not-quite-galadriel version of herself, that sauron was able to find a reflection.
there is no way elrond can possibly understand any of that, even despite suffering similar losses, because that's just not who he is. galadriel has the better intuition on sauron's manipulations, and she has a far better understanding of the depth of them, so of course her opinion should count here.
the issue is that they're both too raw and hurt that neither of them are willing to say "okay, so we BOTH have good points here. let's hear each other out instead of waiting for one of us to see reason and blindly agree with everything the other is saying"
i think it should also be noted that galadriel does end up being right about the rings' capabilities as a force for good, especially since the One to control them hasn't been forged yet. as unlikely as it might seem to elrond, her intuition isn't leading her astray here. we just haven't reached that point in the story yet (nor have we reached the point where galadriel begins to humble herself to the elves and seeks to redeem herself like morfydd mentioned, but i have a feeling they're getting into that now. after all, she did give nenya up to the guy who hurtled face-first off a cliff hoping to destroy them, so that's gotta count for something. baby steps!)
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beetheyapper · 4 months
this is not time period accurate but i do not care. i at least tried to keep it pre-2000s. also i’m 100% projecting my music taste onto them. deal with it? spotify playlists, each of which has around 30 songs, are linked below each description ! i spent forever on this 😭
Charlie Dalton
i’m not sure that i could pinpoint very many artists he’d particularly like, but this is a classic rock boy right here. he’d be into ac/dc, motley crue, led zeppelin, etc. perhaps a bit of duran duran (this is where i’m projecting the most.) songs about s3x and women, and songs that make him feel like the rebel he is. (this playlist has been gale hansen approved on twitter btw)
Neil Perry
oh i just know this kid would be into some funk and pop, especially 80s and perhaps even new wave (i’m again projecting). now THIS is a duran duran fan (specifically their early stuff), which is unsurprising since the lead singer has a drama degree. he’d also probably like fleetwood mac, and would be well-versed in the band’s drama. duran duran, wham!, fleetwood mac, abba, maybe even some hall & oates. songs with complex lyrics and also songs that make him wanna dance. lots of upbeat stuff because though he has things that bother him, he’d rather do anything but dwell on them.
Todd Anderson
honestly, considering they’re roommates, i feel like neil would’ve had a bit of an impact on todd’s music taste, so there’s some band influence there—but regardless, i think todd would be into more mellow and emotional songs. jeff buckley comes to mind, along with the eagles, the beatles and maybe a splash of the smiths also pls pretend now and then didn’t come out last year. he would also be letting it linger i fear
Knox Overstreet
knox would be similar to Charlie, as they probably bond over shared music taste just as much as everything else. very heavy on the classic rock, but a lean more towards songs about needing someone and love songs as he pines for Chris. Tom Petty, Robert Palmer, The Cars, and a bunch of songs introduced to him by Charlie. He sticks more to genre/theme than to a specific artist methinks
Richard Cameron
contrary to what some may think, i think Cameron would absolutely groove to some rock n roll. HOWEVER. he is a 60s-70s rock n roll elitist. he thinks Billy Idol’s cover of Mony Mony is a disgrace. he wholeheartedly believes the Beatles are the best band to have ever graced the planet. The Beatles, The Beach Boys. The Rolling Stones, etc. Maybe even some Simon & Garfunkel. Him and Charlie argue a lot about which decades were the best years of rock music
Gerard Pitts
free my boy. he just wants to dance he ain’t do nothing wrong. his music taste has definitely been influenced by some of the other poets, in the sense that if he hears a song with a funky beat that makes him want to dance, it’s added to his mixtape IMMEDIATELY. for this reason, i’m thinking lots of funk and groove. play that funky music white boy! Bee Gees, ABBA, Talking Heads, Pet Shop Boys, etc. as long as he can dance to it he could care less who it’s by
Steven Meeks
another old rock, but more on the calm side with some hints of folk and fun. Donovan, The Beatles (paul is his fav for sure), The Beach Boys, and he definitely loves every white person anthem, including Sweet Caroline. he likes to groove with Pitts but also like soothing music to study to !!! i had to consult my friend on this one i fear i was drawing a blank
AND THAT is my opinion on each of the poets’ music taste. did i squeeze Duran Duran into almost all of them? perhaps. they’re my fav band let me live… feel free to listen to the playlists (please listen to them. pls i don’t want to have made them in vain.) and maybe even become spotify moots with me :D
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syndrossi · 1 month
Imagine au where in the Resonant universe Daemon is transported back 8 years when the twins are about to be born. What will he do? (Other than negotiate to conceal their origins). It's clear that at first he'll be into it out of sheer happiness and won't move away from them. Will he stay in Runestone or move to the capital? Will he go to war again, know how long it will take? Will he still seek Viserys' attention or will he pull away from him and focus entirely on his sons? What will he do about the future threat of Volantis? What names would he give them?
That's an interesting twist. I've considered the "AU where Rhea tells Daemon about the twins," but one where he has foreknowledge of the threat Volantis poses to them in the future (and how to avoid getting banished) hadn't occurred to me.
Rhea would have a lot more bargaining power here if Daemon wants her to claim them as her own, so she probably negotiates them being at least part-time at Runestone, and honestly, he probably feels safer with that arrangement. Rhea has the coin/resources for round-the-clock knight protection if he discloses that word of a threat from Essos/Volantis had reached him through "sources," while lacking Viserys's authority to take them away from him. He goes with them everywhere, so he'll be at Runestone when they're there.
The question arises of how to find their hatchlings' eggs. I think the ultimate action Daemon would try to take is to secure the Master of Whisperers position on the small council so he can build up contacts/spies throughout Essos but particularly Volantis.
He absolutely hunts down Crayne and kills him. Doesn't care that the man hasn't done anything yet--that's the only thing that earns him a clean death here.
Hostile AS FUCK to Allard, who has no idea why Rhea's husband hates him so much.
Names are interesting. I think he'd keep Rhaegar as Rhaegar even if he'd like the symmetry of naming them both after his father and uncle, to honor his son's original choice. He'd choose Baelon for Jon because fair's fair, he never chose a Targaryen name for himself!
Daemon would want the boys to have their due as princes of the realm, and he loves to show off his babies, so he would absolutely have a formal presentation at court for them. I could see Viserys being so delighted at the birth of twins that he's tempted to throw a tourney (while Otto's like...your own wife is currently pregnant, where's the tourney for THAT upcoming child??).
The Runestone dragon enclosure gets a LOT more use. If it's early enough, Daemon retreats with Rhea and Elys to the Royce's summer retreat (even though it's winter), super excited/anxious about the birth. I think those months might be what shift Rhea's opinion of Daemon, and certainly his behavior toward the twins after! Daemon's sudden maturity vs before as a whole probably comes as a shock to her.
The matter of the Stepstones is a thorny one, because it does need to be dealt with. Perhaps he convinces Rhaenys to join the effort, in the hopes of ending it sooner with double dragons. (He also has some plans in the current time for ending the war quickly that he could implement here, with Viserys's support, which he would be much more motivated to obtain.) Achieving a quick, decisive victory and getting the accolades of presenting the crown to Viserys without his reckless escapade with Rhaenyra, since this would be two years earlier and he knows better now, would be a nice boost to his cred with Viserys.
Ultimately, I think he's a bit wary of Viserys's interest, but since Viserys knows nothing about any special qualities, over time Daemon relaxes because his brother is behaving more like the doting uncle he'd expected him to be.
Other than that, Daemon treasures every day and memory with them. It's hard for him at first to overcome his resentment of Rhea for hiding them from him originally, but I think the icy tolerance mellows into a friendly partnership eventually. As I mentioned above, Daemon wins a lot of points with Rhea for being so fully devoted to the babies.
(The twins wake up earlier here, since I couldn't bear to "take" Daemon's sons from him when they're seven, which means the Volantis shenanigans get moved up in response, since whoever brought them here would know they've arrived. On the bright side, it means the hatchling eggs are on the way! On the not so bright side, that means baby/toddler kidnapping schemes are as well!)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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totally reasonable development to the American Dream plan, don't even sweat it
(and the 24+ sentences i owe to the pollers)
Toshinori bounces on his heels, feeling lighter than air with the anticipation of tonight’s activities buzzing along his nerves. He’s dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt, denim jeans, and the sneakers Gran Torino had bought specifically for their high-quality rubber soles.
And speaking of, Gran Torino should be up on the roofs somewhere…
The front door to the Midoriya apartment opens, and Izuku slips out after a hasty farewell to his mother, which is paired with a lackluster promise to stay safe. Toshinori manages a single jaunty wave before Izuku shuts it, and then his attention is turned to give Izuku’s outfit a critical once-over.
“You don’t have any other shoes?” Toshinori asks, contemplating the red hue of his successor’s sneakers. The rest of the clothes are appropriately sturdy and dark in palette.
“No? Sorry…”
“Eh, it should be fine. There shouldn’t be a lot of traffic up top anyway. Come on, let’s move!”
They make their way to the stairs, but to Izuku’s obvious confusion, Toshinori leads them further up.
“Yagi-san, you said that this was going to be a special Basic Physical Fitness Training session,” the kid says. “Can I ask… who thought of it? You, or Gran Torino?”
“Oh, this is totally my idea,” says Toshinori breezily. “I know the beach clean-up is the ultimate goal, and it’ll stay as your focus before high school, but I realized today that there are some experiences that you just can’t replicate as a holder of One for All! Experiences that even our Quirkless bodies can manage!”
They head higher. Izuku gets more nervous, but gamely follows Toshinori up the fire safety ladder.
On the roof, Gran Torino greets them with a curt, “Boys. This is the stupidest thing I can imagine for you two to do, in the stupidest place possible.” He’s sitting on the ledge, and as Toshinori requested, two lengths of steel pipes are leaned up next to him.
“Musutafu’s perfectly safe,” Toshinori counters. “And with you here, Gran Torino, there’s minimal risk of, well...”
“Falling to your deaths?”
Izuku squeaks. He quivers beside Toshinori, and when Toshinori glances down, Izuku is staring at the pipes, aghast. “What are we doing, Yagi-san?”
“We,” Toshinori says with great dignity, “are training in the great art of parkour. The pipes are insurance for safety, supposing we see real trouble that a pro-hero won’t get to in time.”
“Legally speaking, vigilantism,” Gran Torino interrupts.
“But we’re not going to get caught.”
“Which makes you juvenile delinquents.”
“Gran Torino,” Toshinori complains, feeling delightfully young and unburdened now that he’s gotten accustomed to Torino’s incredible, mellowed-out approach to training Izuku. What trauma? What spars? Toshinori at fifteen didn’t know anything about that, and Gran Torino at his current age looked nothing like the pro-hero who haunted the end of his high school career!
“I’m enabling you, aren’t I?” the old man shoots back. “Don’t I get to express my own opinions?”
“Is it really safe, though?” Izuku asks.
“Of course!” Toshinori picks up a pipe, hefts it, and tosses it over to Izuku, who catches it while wearing a thoroughly beleaguered expression. Then he grabs the other. “Listen, Midoriya-kun. If it’s really going to be a year until you get One for All, then the American Dream plan can afford to be a little flexible! You want to be a U.A. student, right?!”
“Then we can’t just train your body!” he cries, lifting the pipe like a torch. “We’ve gotta train your willingness to get into a scrap!”
A little more wobbly, Izuku repeats, “R-right!” And because his successor is more polite, Izuku turns to Gran Torino and executes a little bow, adding, “Thank you for letting us do this, Gran Torino! And for keeping an eye on us!”
Torino sighs.
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chronic-shinposter · 2 months
I'm not sure about all of this, but can you give me a hint? The kaioshins dress very tightly and modestly because going out without clothes is considered sinful???? Was there such a thing in canon, or did fans make up a similar thing that kaioshin are like holy gods terrified of debauchery?
Warning: I go on a big ass essay that strays from your main question and of course everything listed here is opinions but with some anime/manga references to back up my thoughts. As a response to my coatless Shin post, that was just me being silly LOL. However this totally gives me an opportunity to talk about characters and I am all about that shit
A summary of my essay though: there is a moral code implied, but there's nothing specifically stated, and it's not so specific that it's about clothes and perviness and stuff. Every Supreme Kai (in canon) has a different idea of how to honor their position and their personal morals can be inspired by their duty but it doesn't mean they are one to one. Everything else is up in the air and are just personal conclusions (like, Supreme Kais all dress a specific way so it's totally possible this is a requirement, but there is nothing in canon about this) How someone treats the Supreme Kai role depends on the person though; some are way more relaxed and others are very uptight. Interestingly, sin IS mentioned in at least one of the English translations of the manga. (right to left)
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Much like religion IRL though there are people who will use these codes and behaviors, meant to spread goodness and honor, to be toxic assholes. I actually kind of hate the general description of Supreme Kais in the DB wiki honestly because it goes with the assumption that every Supreme Kai (and adjacent role) is a good person when I don't think that's really true, it's just that all of them have similar jobs and their culture encourages politeness. Quite frankly, most of them kind of have a pole jammed up their ass and look down on others all too frequently (which like, they're gods, but in the context of the series they are SO UPPITY HOLY SHIT). Let's look at Gowasu, Elder Kai, Zamasu, and of course Shin. I think they're a good spectrum of the behavioral code in my opinion
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Gowasu is one of the oldest acting Supreme Kais in the current canon. He is very polite and proper, good-natured, but has relaxed a lot over time and also just wants to have fun (bro wants to be a Godtuber in his retirement). I think because of his introduction, we kind of see that the standard for Supreme Kais is that they are mellow, like drinking tea, and tend to look at the little things. They very much have normal lives and might even teeter on the more "nothing ever happens" side, but time and peace can introduce them to ignorance just as much as inexperience can, leading Gowasu to make lapses in judgment about who he chooses as his successor.
Gowasu is honestly one of the most grounded Supreme Kais we've been introduced to because he is reflective of his mistakes and even remorseful, receptive to criticism and even questions the foundations of the god hierarchy in Dragon Ball Super. He also doesn't react much when approached casually by mortals, which shows that he doesn't believe himself to be above others even though, cosmically, he is. He is also, like, the only Supreme Kai we see actively get along with Shin as an equal even though age and experience lends him to be the "superior" one
Overall, Gowasu is experienced and looks at the good side of everything, but he is also casual and likes to be goofy. He very much understands that life is important but what use is that if you don't get to be a silly goober sometimes?
Elder Kai
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Elder Kai is more on the extreme end in which him getting shit done is more like... an exception rather than a rule, he much prefers the lazy lifestyle that being so high on the cosmic ladder offers and he's not really afraid to show it. He is experienced (though we don't know if he was THE Supreme Kai of his time) but he does not give a shit about any moral standards, very much on the extreme end of the "life's about having fun" line
Elder Kai is openly a pervert-- in the original DBZ he says he uses his abilities to watch women from afar, he has nudie mags, eagerly accepts Goku's request when Goku promises him he can grab Bulma's boobs (I think this ended up getting dubbed out later lol). He believes in honoring age, which he shows when berating Shin for their difference in wisdom, but also in taking responsibility to give himself up first after Shin offers his own life to save Goku's.
He is not a bad person and holds respect for what it means to be a Supreme Kai, but he is no stranger to being a creepy fuck. He's a good example in that a Supreme Kai (past or future) does not really have to be what is considered "pure" to do the job and they have the free will to enact what they feel is the proper thing to do.
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Elder Kai's all about having fun in life, while Zamasu goes to the opposite logical extreme: life is about perfection, and anything less does not deserve to be at all. I think Zamasu shows where this same behavioral code can go, because by all means he kind of checks all the boxes: he's polite, shown to respect his superior, takes his position as apprentice very seriously and similarly intends to take his role as Supreme Kai very seriously. He finds himself to be the most pure, but this idea is something he is so attached to that he ends up being one of the most corrupted of them all.
Similar to Gowasu, he is not above questioning the status quo-- he doesn't really put much heart into the Gods of Destruction and believes that holy beings such as the Supreme Kais should be in control of everything. In the manga, Zamasu views Shin and Kibito very highly at first because he thought that they were the ones that defeated Majin Buu. Of course, Shin corrects him and puts all credit to Goku & gang, which confuses the FUCK out of Zamasu because he believes Supreme Kais to be, well, the most supreme. Shin reflects in that the job should've been for the God of Destruction (in the manga here they loosely do imply that Beerus was asleep), but Zamasu is like "nah lol"
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Zamasu weirds the fuck out of Shin by implying anything that exists is unnecessary, but kind of brushes it off because well that's Gowasu's thing to deal with LOL. (Sidenote this is why everyone should read the manga because they actually involve Shin in a very much Supreme Kai centric plot and it is actually nuts to me they don't do this in the anime. The anime arc is def my favorite arc in Super but they still kinda do Shin dirty)
I say all this to say that Zamasu's train of thought isn't exactly uncommon because the Supreme Kais are kind of in this culture where they are the most supreme, but most of them do have an understanding of nuance and understand why, despite being "the best", they serve a role and that role does not serve them. Zamasu doesn't have this nuance and we see where that goes as he makes Goku('s body) to be the exception to the unnecessary beings rule in his head
As an honorable mention, I want to say that Kibito isn't too different in this train of thought: he definitely finds himself to be superior to others, but he values Shin's authority so much that he is much more receptive to that nuance than someone like Zamasu, who eventually dismisses Gowasu's teaching. The worst Kibito would not be anywhere close to Zamasu because Kibito still believes in goodness outside of himself.
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Shin I think is the best example of a Supreme Kai with a pure moral code that, in turn, is also not corrupted by that idea of purity. Similar to Zamasu, he's polite, shown to respect his superiors and his elders, and he takes his role very seriously. Shin is (from what I understand) the youngest Supreme Kai and also the newest, which also might be why high morals is so important to him in the current canon.
He respects Elder Kai as his ancestor, but is also horrified to learn about Elder Kai using his powers to be a creepy fuck, openly berates him for this, and reacts in disgust when Elder Kai tries to gift him a nudie mag (as Kibito Kai). Shin also states he's worried about how Kibito views the mortals, but believes him to have a good spirit and puts a lot of importance in that-- it's why Shin goes out of his way to meet Goku, and in the future timeline, why he goes out of his way to meet Trunks.
Shin is similarly disgusted by Zamasu when he reveals his true spirit and condemns him in the manga, believing that Zamasu broke the line of what it means to be a Supreme Kai at all. His values very much align with the Supreme Kai's job to preserve life and at the same time understanding that destruction is part of that sacred cycle. Shin deeply respects the current god hierarchy and doesn't question it; he just wants to do the right thing.
Though Shin takes his responsibility as Supreme Kai very seriously, he is pretty receptive to the fact that his universe has mortals more physically powerful than him and he is even thankful for this. He takes no offense to how casually he's treated by Goku & gang and listens to them. Shin, unlike other Supreme Kais we've seen, views himself explicitly as a servant to the universe; his life is just one part of it and if he has to give it up or to knock himself down a few pegs then that's what he'll do. I think we can even say he is a little too passionate about this idea, since he's literally offered his life to preserve another's at least 2 times now (one for Goku in Buu saga, another one in the Moro arc in the manga) to Beerus's dismay lol, and this doesn't count all the times he's gone out of his way or put himself in the way to save others from danger
One of my favorite Shin moments that I think captures who he is at a whole is at the end of ToP where it's just Universe 7 and Universe 11 left, and he leans over to say hello to Khai. I don't think this is a Supreme Kai thing, this is a Shin thing. He doesn't say hello because it's his duty to always be polite, he says hello because it is giving kindness in a tense situation.
in a nutshell
The different Supreme Kais (and adjacent roles) might have some similarities and I think their upbringing can give them a proper attitude, but ultimately they're all very different people and have different ideas of what it means to be a Supreme Kai at all. I'm sure there's a Supreme Kai out there in history that was always naked or a piece of shit or something but actually totally kicked ass at their job
Thank you for reading LMAOOO I just wanted to talk about them. Hope u enjoyed
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What are your opinions on more „popular“ salt takes about Adrien and Mari, like the typical „Adrichat is an ass for for flirting with LB after she rejects him“ and „Maribug us a horrible stalker“?
Well, I'd be lying if I said that I have no idea where they're coming from. There are definitely times when I'll watch an episode and wonder what in the world the writers are trying to do, especially when it comes to Adrien's behavior as it's played a lot more straight than Marinette's. While I don't like her behavior at times, it's almost always treated as a joke, not a dramatic character beat whereas I cannot say the same for Adrien.
But these are characters in a TV show, not real people and we need to keep that in mind when judging them. It's why my go-to thought is "what is wrong with the writing staff" and not "Adrien is an incel." Because Adrien is very clearly not supposed to be an incel. Unless the writers are plotting something truly asinine, the Love Square is our end game couple. We are supposed to view Adrien as a charming and funny romantic lead. When he falls short of that role, it's not Adrien "showing his true colors." He's a fictional character. He has no true colors. If his actions and words are ever unbecoming for a romantic lead, it's because the writers are failing to write Adrien the way they want us to see him.
They consistently do this to all of the characters. Alya's supposed to be an awesome friend and a smart journalist (I think), but she can't see through Lila's BS. Marinette's parents are supposed to be loving and supportive, but they randomly believed that their daughter stole from their bakery to make a dress and didn't even try to let her explain herself. Nino is supposed to be the Chosen of Protection, but he didn't care to protect his best friend and just happily sent Gabriel on a rampage without a second thought.
Give me a character and I can point to a bunch of episodes that justify every salty take this fandom has because they're not pulling this stuff from thin air. They're picking and choosing the worst writing in the show and venting about it, which is frankly understandable. Like I get why there are so many Alya salt fics. Her writing in the Lila episodes is infuriating and I do find those fics a little cathartic at times. But it's really, really obvious that she's not supposed to be a terrible friend. She's a victim of the writers drawing the Lila plot line out for far too long and making Lila's lies far too obvious.
Similarly, a lot of the issues with Adrien and Marinette stem from the fact that you simply can't draw a romance plot out for five seasons without causing issues unless you make the romance a background plot. But they didn't do that. The love square is front and center for most episodes, but since it can't actually resolve, the writers keep adding drama that makes our leads feel horribly unhealthy.
On the Marinette side, her not being able to talk to Adrien was fine as an initial issue, but we are five seasons into this show. Over 100 episodes! You reach a point where it stops being cute and starts being concerning. It's also not helped by the fact that Marinette's crush is written like a celebrity crush and not a crush on someone she actually knows. Daily exposure to Adrien should mellow her out. Especially since he's supposed to be her friend! But if the writers let Marinette talk to Adrien, then they'd grow closer and might feel like they had to get together, so they couldn't let that. Thus Marinette being a disaster for four seasons and the terrible shoehorned plot to try and justify it in season five.
On the Adrien side, they let Chat Noir confess too soon. Prior to that, the Ladynoir relationship was a playful one where it was feasible that Ladybug just viewed her kitty as a massive flirt. This was especially true since he flirts with everyone. But once she knew that he was serious? The playfulness vanished and Chat Noir started coming across as entitled and pushy. It didn't help that they had him ignoring her preferences ("Don't call me Bugaboo") and getting them in trouble by not taking his job seriously (his flirting getting them hit in Oblivio).
In summary, the love square should have been resolved much sooner or been relegated to a b plot that got far less attention. I also would have reversed the square since it makes for a far more interesting story that you can organically draw out longer, but that's just me. I don't have any issue with people ignoring the canon problems and just writing Adrien and Marinette as the cute couple that they were obviously intended to be. I also enjoy fics that treat Adrien's pushiness as a character flaw that can be resolved because that's what canon should have done. His issues aren't the mark of a terrible person. They're the understandable flaws of a teenager who is in love for the first time and doesn't know how to express himself. If a show would actually address this kind of common tween/teen issue, then a lot of kids would get an incredibly valuable lesson that would help them when they grow up and fall in love. If you're ever watching Miraculous with a kid, I strongly encourage you to approach Adrien's character from that perspective. Talk about why his actions are understandable, but ultimately wrong and more likely to push someone away than win their heart just like we see with Ladybug.
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moonsaver · 6 months
ok this is not really a request, but what would yan!dan heng be like? i barely see any yan!dan heng content and thats probably because I don't even know how he would behave. Would he silently obsess over you? Would he not let you leave the archives, taking his life when he was young as an example, giving you books as your only respite? Would the astral express crew be in on it?
I feel like yan!dan heng would be like a pathetic wet cat about it, acting unfeelingly but then begs and begs for your affection in private, guilt tripping you without noticing and then finally giving up and taking what he wants whether you like it or not.
Hello anon!
I understand your frustration, and tbh even i struggle a bit with characterizing yan!dan heng, so i havent been able to push out any of his content.
He's not an exact favorite either, so i wasnt at all bothered by the lack of content but i understand you (sunday enjoyer here).
Honestly, i think one of the major reasons its hard to character yan!dan heng is kind of because hes actually a bit of a mellow character who's pretty cozy. Im not thorough with his backstory but it seems like he's always trying to be on the down-low, and never do things that warrant attention. Yan!dan heng would, as a result, not be so different in my opinion. However, a few of his aspects do seem to be interesting as a result.
As far as i know of his character, yan!dan heng would probably be extremely secretive as a result,kind of the stalker-ish type, who gets insecure easily and has to constantly keep grounding himself about you. But whenever you're within the vicinity, his patience wears thin. It grows dreadful to handle over time.
If his obsession gets strong enough, he'll only frequent his darling more and more through mysterious means, the kind that makes his darling more paranoid and as a result, seek out refuge in him about their "stalker", not realizing who they're actually talking to. Yan!dan heng would probably gauge out how much info his darling has about their "stalker", and if it's too much, he adapts and finds more hidden and unnoticeable means. The only time i can see him officially tie down his darling is if they take the initiative to investigate what's been going on and find out his entire archives worth of information on darling, and dan heng being confronted by it. In a bit of a panic, he'd take countermeasure and his patience finally snaps.
Another flip side of him is what you mentioned. Depending on how far within yan!dan heng's grasp you're in, he would be very starved for any form of affection. He's been constantly leaving behind everything, running away from things, to the point he probably seldom feels like anything in his life is permanent. So when darling comes along, yan!dan heng is so so desperate, he won't show it at first because he'll try to resist and give darling space, but it just constantly snaps taut strings inside of him, and he can't help but cling onto you. You'll thrash and scream and yell at him but he's so eerily quiet, gripping you and crushing you against his chest. He feels so guilty about it, but he's just so lonely. He does guilt trip you sometimes, and gets you to quiet down, but who knows how often that'll last? He can't get himself to "punish" you often either, so he just gives you strict warnings and scoldings from time to time, but then his insecurities get the best of him, and he can't help but cling to you even in your sleep, afraid you'll slip away like everything. He has self-doubt very often, and his main way would be just to seek you out, and force himself onto you in any physical form of affection, even if you grumble and protest about it.
In any case, i feel yan!dan heng would be a luckily tolerable yandere.
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cu7ie · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(ꈍᴗꈍ)♡ nahoya's sarcasm,
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⠀⠀⠀ˊᗜˋ sometimes, you just don't get it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♡
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀cw; dubious consent. i feel like i coded reader as neurodivergent. emotional manipulation. oral; male receiving.
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Sometimes Nahoya’s sarcasm is waaay lost on you. And yeah, sometimes you have a harder time picking up on intonations than other people, but something about him seems far too complicated to understand. He’s deceptive - gets you all tripped up with the things he says in spite of the way he smiles and carries himself along. A discrepancy; the lack of congruency makes your eyebrow quirk, but it didn’t feel overbearing. Up until this past week.
It happened just the other day. Normally you consider him pleasant company, since he doesn't talk as much as Baji, isn't as self-centered as Mikey, doesn't need to be told what to do like Souya, isn't intimidating like Draken,
he just smiles; you find that considerably easier to get along with.
Worst thing about him is that sometimes he can say things that confuse you terribly.
You're minding your business as usual, and Nahoya's playing your game for you (because you swear this level is fucking impossible) chatting you up and overall being good company. Nahoya's never seemed the aggressive type, but something really stupid ends up killing him, and he gets a mite bit more irate than you would have thought; throwing your controller back at you in exasperation. 
When you tell him he oughta calm down, he doesn't take your opinion too well, spits out an angry "Suck my dick." and you look at him incredulous, sputtering and gasping about how inappropriate he's being;
Then he has the audacity to look confused, eyes darting up and down your frantic face, your hands flapping as an emotion you can't communicate in words starts setting in, makes your head hot and you feel upset but you don't know if that's all you feel —
"Why'd you even say that? That's nasty, Nahoya."
"I wasn't being serious." He seems a little taken aback by your frustration, perhaps a little amused too. He seems to have calmed down in the time it took you to get upset, his neutral smile crowning his expression as he approaches you, trying to get you to calm down but you're still a fair bit upset. 
It's only when he gives you that physical space do you mellow out; only to grow a little sheepish and uncomfortable with the way you reacted. That type of upset felt unbecoming of you, you try not to let things get to you (that's why you hang out with Nahoya so much, sometimes the others are just too much) but  of course, you're only human.
So the next time you invite Nahoya over (you stewed over the decision so long it gave you a stomach ache, just fear fear fear, hoping he doesn't hate you,) it's the next week and you guys are sitting on the same couch you guys fought on, an amiable silence pervading the space between the two of you. Nahoya doesn't look mad (thank God), and waits very politely until you gather the courage to tell him what you wanted him to say.
"I'm sorry I got so upset. I didn't like being that angry; even if you said what you said. So, sorry." Nahoya tosses you one of those winning smiles nice and easy (though he's always smiling, isn't he?) Takes your hand in his and holds it gently, leaning in conspiratorially; so slowly.
"You know what would make this a real nice apology?" You look at him, genuinely curious.
"If you sucked my dick." You kind of snort. Not overly amused by his antics but willing to understand it as a joke of some kind. 
But then , Nahoya - he leans in just a little bit closer? and you're asking him what's the matter, why's he got that weird look on his face.
"Because this time I'm serious." He takes the hand that he's holding and places it on his crotch. You're taken aback by the firmness of it, the outline that you now can see very clearly under his black corduroys.
"Do I have to?"
"Nah. Course not. But it would take this apology up at least six notches." He seems bored now, letting you move your hand back to your lap as you feel your cheeks burning, confused by his presentation. A dilemma but not quite.
"Well, do you forgive me?"
"Yeah. A little I guess."
"A little?" You pout.
"Well yeah. I mean, ya did ghost me for like a week, even after I said it was a joke, you still flipped out on me." (That's not exactly the truth, but something about how sure he sounds about himself makes you believe him, makes you think you really hurt him,)
"But I really am sorry. That's not enough?"
He thinks for a moment, still smiling. "If you're sooo sorry, I want you to show me." A sharper edge to his voice, a less than kind smirk.
"B-but I don't do stuff like that, Nahoya - I've never-"
"Well, now's a better time than never." He's unbuttoning his pants and shimmying them down his hips, so you can see the imprint in his boxers. He shunts them down and his cock bobs up like a buoy, uniformly thick and a little tan and long and while you're thinking about how that could possibly fit anywhere,
he's gripping your head and pulling you down, down down.
You learn that afternoon that Nahoya is not nice. You see the devil in his eyes and hell behind his smile. It’s smarmy, his hand roughly pinching the scruff of your neck as his cock slaps your lips and it takes him a couple tries to push it into your mouth, 
"Remember: Breathe through your nose and don't bite."  Is all he says before he pops your jaw open, sliding his shaft over your tongue and sighing at the hot wetness of your mouth, sinking low into the couch. He’s over eager and his true desire is spilling into the real world, humping your head under the guise of ‘savoring this apology’ , watching you drool helplessly on his cock with this amusement; something carefree bout him with the way his hand crawls almost affectionately into your hair. 
His fingers curl into it and he adjusts your pace, slowing as he meets resistance and fucking up harder, trying to beat the shape of his dick into your esophagus with carnal abandon and it’s just so - 
It’s overwhelming. All you can see is Nahoya’ s crotch and feel his balls slapping up against your chin; smelling him and tasting him and choking on-
You slap down on his thighs, which only makes him jump and your nose wrinkles because you are being pulled infinitely closer, the tip of it flattening against Nahoya’s wiry hair and the wet slapping noise pausing for a moment as he tries to cease the fog coming over him; having wholly underestimated how good you’d look between his thighs, and he’ s gonna - fuck- he’s going to-
A vein bulges on his forehead, cock twitching as his muscles tense up and he’s cumming down your throat in the next second, your whining overshadowed by his unabashed moan and sigh as his whole body relaxes and,
He’s done with your mouth; but he doesn't want to be done with you yet. You did just as well as he thought you would, those teary eyes afraid to make contact as you try to quiet your coughing and sputtering, bashfully wiping cum and spit from the corners of your mouth as you try to turn cheek and shroud yourself in the silence, 
(despite you being the one who got a taste, he looks like he wants to devour the rest of you,) 
Nahoya is quiet now. Something electric resonating beneath his skin as he takes you in like a much needed breath, fingers wrapping around your shoulder (which shocks you, you flinched) as he turns you back to face him, in spite of your reluctance, you feel weakness degradating your bones, wide anxious eyes and trembling lip, jittery little hands that can’t find the gumption to pry out the scythe digging into your shoulder. Nahoya is looking at you, like he’s allowing you the courtesy of speaking before snatching the platform from beneath your feet; hand creeping along your stomach, thigh.
 “That was … good.” He hasn’t put his dick away and doesn’t seem interested in much beyond how the rest of your insides must feel,
“I apologized. You oughta leave n-now. This.. it’s over now.” Your voice is a little hoarse and your throat stings; and don’t miss for a second how Nahoya’s tongue darts across his lower lip, his shoulders pointed in your direction, his mere silhouette striking unbidden anxiety into your chest - he doesn’t budge, fingers delicately trying to pop a button on your shorts. 
“What’re you yelling for?” His nonchalance, underlined by his level-headeness pushes you into the realm of doubt for a moment. The muscles in your thighs tense up as he tries to smooth his hands along them, abating your worry for as long as he doesn’t make any further moves. “Okay, okay. So what, you showed me a little bit of what your mouth can do - but I did all the work, didn’t I?” 
“No. Nahoya, you’re being really -” The words wither and collapse on your tongue as Nahoya brazenly tweaks your nipple, stunning you to silence. 
“Really what? Really what?” He tugs on the nodule of flesh and you crumple and whimper, trying to fish his hand from between your thighs where he’s made quick work of your clothes.
“I just don’t want you to make this mistake again, you see?” He makes you look at him; all silver toothed and poison fanged, making your skin bump up and shiver. “Next time, you ought to just skip the talking.” Soft ruffling of fabric, cool hands running along balmy skin. “Suck first. It’s hard as hell to be mad at you after.” 
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✧ P1Harmony Jongseob x gn!reader ✧ words: ~600 ✧ genre: fluff ✧ warnings: (mentions of reader blushing) ✧ prompt: nose kisses
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Watching Jongseob drag around little rectangles in different colors on the screen of his laptop leaves you fascinated and somewhat mesmerized. You know he’s working on some music, but you have yet to figure out how the program he’s using works. From your understanding, the boxes he’s currently moving around are all audio files - whether they’re instrumental or contain his voice you don’t know. And there isn’t really a way for you to tell either, because he’s the one wearing his big headphones, sometimes bobbing his head along to the music he made, other times lying still in bed while tweaking some effects or whatever other magic he may be doing on his computer. Originally you were both hiding under his blanket, wanting to stay up a little longer - in Jongseob’s case to compose, in yours to read. But soon enough his music stole all your attention away from the book you had planned to finish tonight, and ironically you couldn’t even hear it. 
It takes the boy a while to notice your intrigued gaze, but when he does, a bright smile immediately forms on his face.
“I thought you were reading?” he teases you and pulls down the headphones.
“Me too,” you chuckle in response and mimic his amused expression. 
“Wanna listen?” he asks, catching you out of the blue. You’re not sure how to react for a moment.
“I- but I thought you’re not done- is it really okay?” you stammer, and with mellow eyes he nods.
“Of course it’s okay,” he assures, lowering his voice a bit in hopes of taking the indecisiveness away from you. “It’s not done yet, but I think the first verse is okay for now. So if you want…?” He holds out the headphones to you, and you put them on. As soon as he presses the play button, you can hear a rather calm melody, made with a lot of soft synthesizer sounds, and once you hear his voice coming from the track you’re surprised by the way his rap here has a lot less impact than usually. Instead, it sounds rather comforting, and so do the lyrics. You nod along with the beat without realizing it, and once the audio stops and you take off the headphones, you notice the nervous smile Jongseob is wearing now.
“It’s good,” you say. “Like really good. It made me feel comforted.” You state your honest opinion, knowing that that’s what would help him the most. A sigh escapes him.
“I’m glad. Do you think I can keep the melody like that?” You’re surprised that he would ask you such a question, since you don’t really know a lot about music in theory.
“I think so, yes. But why are you asking me? I don’t have a clue about composing and all of that stuff.” He laughs softly, before leaning in to make his lips meet the tip of your nose. You only realize what just happened once it’s already over, and it leaves you wide-eyed and blushing.
“Because I still value your opinion,” the boy next to you states. When you look at his face more closely, you can see a blush dusted onto his cheeks as well. You feel honored, however more than anything, there’s warmth spreading in your chest. The sensation of his soft lips placing a kiss onto the tip of your nose still very much present in your mind, you lean your head against his shoulder.
“Then keep going like this. I really like how it sounds.”
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