#I know hyde wasn’t perfect but that didn’t make him as bad as kelso
eternalpassions · 2 years
Ugh Hyde haters on Tik tok are annoying. Give it up you got nothing especially when you stan Kelso without admitting his gross behavior throughout the show!
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crimsinsky · 3 years
Sooo I might be obsessed with Jackie and Hyde dating without the Kelso intro... I wish you would write a story where Hyde and Jackie date without her having dated Kelso first. I would love to see Hyde introducing her as his girlfriend bonus if he introduces her to red and kitty!
I'm sorry it took me so long to finish and that it's so long, I got carried away.
Slight trigger warning- nothing happens but attempted non con by background character.
The school was deserted for the most part and Hyde was over it. But Forman had to get stuck staying late to work on a project today of all days.
There was nothing remarkable about today, Hyde was just in a bad mood and if he could blame someone else then he’d take the chance.
He was down to counting the minutes that Forman said he’d be done but it was too late, he needed a smoke. He wasn’t stupid enough to do that out in the open at school, you never knew who would narc on you, but he had a pack of cigarettes in his pocket and a craving he needed to tackle.
He was heading off behind the bleachers, Forman would know to look for him there, it was where he always smoked when he got stuck waiting on him.
He heard a commotion, just what he needed his usual spot taken by some horny losers who couldn’t get a room.
“Stop it,” the girl said firmly.
“Come on baby.”
“I am not your baby and I said no.”
Never one to stay out of a fight, Hyde rushed forward.
“Get your hands off of me,” the girl shrieked.
“Hey,” Hyde pulled the boy off the girl and punched him in the face.
He went down hard.
“I think she said no,” Hyde loomed over him. He’d never even seen this kid before, but his blood was on Hyde’s knuckled and streaming down his face.
“Man whatever, she’s just a fucking tease.”
The girl came over and kicked him in the stomach, making him double over on the ground and wheeze.
“You’re a disgusting pig,” she said and started to walk away.
He wheezed, “You can forget about me driving you home.”
“You think,” she shouted before turning back and kicking him in the shins for good measure.
Hyde kept a reasonable distance but didn’t want to leave her out there all alone.
Nearing the parking lot she stopped walking and turned toward her savior.
Hyde got closer.
“Thank you uh… I don’t know your name,” she said shyly.
She snorted, “That’s not your name. No one would name their kid Hyde.”
He knew he should have been more annoyed but her change in attitude caught his attention. Though he was still a little annoyed, “It’s my last name.”
“Then what’s your real name?”
“Are you always this big a pain in the ass?”
“Usually yes, so what is your name?” She asked again.
He could have just walked away after she got to safety, but here he was playing 20 questions with this irritating cheerleader. “Steven,” he growled, “but my name is Hyde.”
“Was that so difficult?” Now she looked almost timid, “Thank you, Steven Hyde.”
There was something in the way she said it, the way she looked at him, the way she looked so small. She’d gone from kicking ass to joking, and now she looked not exactly scared of him, but definitely unsure. All his irritation with her melted.
He softened his voice, “Are you okay?” He looked her over, she didn’t seem like she got hurt but you never knew.
She nodded, “I’m fine, he yanked me behind the bleachers and everyone else was gone. I’m really lucky you were here.”
“Well, I don’t think he’ll try it again with you,” He tried distracting her with humor, “did you break a rib or something?”
“No, that’s too far to the side, I might have got his gallbladder though.” She said brightly as if she were simply stating that today was sunny out.
“Hyde,” Eric shouted from the parking lot.
“Hold on a second,” he told her.
He must be a complete God Damned idiot for what he was about to do. Well, Red did always say he was a dumbass.
“Took you long enough,” Hyde growled.
“Sorry mom, my partner nearly burned down the chem lab, it was stay late or fail the semester.”
“Whatever Forman, look can you drop her off at home?” Hyde gestured towards the girl watching him curiously. He’d told her to hold on so she would. Either way, she was curious about him.
Eric raised an eyebrow, “What have you been up to while I was in class?
“Fighting actually.”
“Yeah, that makes the most sense, but sure I can drop her off.”
Hyde ran back to her, “You want a ride home?”
“You’re seriously offering to take me home?”
“Well, you’re ride seems to have left for some reason.
“That would be great actually,” she said relieved. She hated walking home after practice. After school, she didn’t mind, but now it was a little late to be walking alone and with what just happened she didn’t want to be alone.
She followed him to the parking lot.
“So Hyde who’s your friend?” Eric asked. It was so rare that they ever saw Hyde talk to a girl let alone offer her a ride home Eric was not about to squander this opportunity.
“Uh,” he realized in their fighting over his name he never asked her for hers.
“I was wondering if you had any manners,” she said coyly to Hyde. “I’m Jackie Burkhart.”
“I’m Eric,”
Jackie turned to Hyde, “See how easy that was Steven.”
Eric’s face nearly split in two, “Steven, have you been rude?”
“You want me to hit you because I will.”
Eric smirked at him, a silent promise that he would bring it up again.
They got in and Styx started blaring from the radio.
“Styx really?” Hyde groaned at Forman.
“I’m driving, it’s my car, I pick whatever music I want,”
“Maybe Jackie doesn’t like Styx.” He was hoping that having ears that worked she would agree with him.
“They’re not bad,” Jackie said. “But I like ABBA more, they’re my favorite.”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “You cannot be serious?”
“I am, they’re amazing.”
Eric had a perfectly awful idea, this cheerleader seemed to be annoying Hyde and he was taking it probably because she was a girl. But his torture could go a little farther.
“Hey Jackie, some of our friends are hanging out at my house if you want to hang out for a while?”
“Really, who’s there?”
“There’s that foreign exchange kid Fez, Kelso, and my girlfriend Donna. We’re probably just going to watch TV but someone is bound to do something stupid.”
“Alright, it sounds fun,”
Hyde shot him a look that meant he’d kill him. Well, he hadn’t done it yet, so Eric didn’t worry about it.
When they walked into the basement they saw two boys trying to duct tape fireworks to a suit, and a redheaded girl with her head in her hands.
“Is everything okay?” Hyde asked Donna.
“I hid the matches but they’re still stupid,” Donna said without looking up.
“Hey, everyone this is Jackie,” Eric announced.
At that, Donna looked up.
“Oh thank God, another girl.” Donna was desperate for anyone who was not one of her stupid friends to talk to. “Please save me from this idiotic amount of testosterone.”
Jackie made a beeline for Donna and plopped down next to her, “You must be Donna, Eric talked about you on the way over.”
Kelso finally looked up from his firework suit.
“Oh my god she’s hot.” He jumped over to the couch. “Since you’re a cheerleader we should totally go out,” Kelso said.
Donna sighed, “I told you, stupid.”
“Why?” Jackie looked up at him blankly.
“Cuz you’re like super hot.”
“I know that, but why does that mean I should go out with you?”
“Burn,” Fez looked to Eric hopefully, “did I do that right?”
“You’re getting the hang of it buddy.”
The girls chatted and tried to ignore Kelso and Fez.
“We were talking about going to the disco in Kenosha, that seems like it would be up your alley.”
“Absolutely, when are you going? I will totally go.”
“Donna, really, disco?” Hyde asked, he hated disco.
“Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean we all can’t be seen in the only club within three hours for a night,” she shot back.
“But who are you going with? Like you shouldn’t go alone,” Kelso said trying to push himself into their conversation hoping to get an in with Jackie.
“Hmm, I’ll go with,” Jackie’s eyes roamed the three single boys landing briefly on each of them, and lingering a little longer on Hyde.
“Donna. She did invite me after all.”
“You can’t go with Donna, you have to go with a guy?”
Hyde smirked at Kelso not getting his way.
“Who said I do? And I don’t really know any of you, so Donna will you go with me and these boys can do whatever?”
“You know what sure, except Eric definitely has to go with us because of the car.”
“Because of the car? Really, is all I am to you a set of wheels.”
“No, just when we want to leave town.” Donna turned back to Jackie, “We’re going on Saturday,”
“Perfect. Do you have a dress we could go shopping before then?”
“That would be great.”
They hung out for a while until Jackie finally called her dad to pick her up before her curfew. “I have to get going, but this was fun,” she stood and headed for the door, “It was nice meeting everyone.”
Once she was gone it was like the volume dropped three decibels.
“So, looks like Donna has a new friend too.”
“Jackie’s cool, energetic like crazy but she’s cool. Though she did call me a lumberjack because of the flannel shirt.”
“How did you meet her?”
“Oh, I didn’t,” Eric grinned idiotically, “Our boy Hyde here met her while I was stuck in the Science Lab. Now how did that happen?”
“Get bent,” Hyde replied.
“Manners like that, no wonder she agreed to hang out here. She was totally swept away,” Eric kept egging him on.
“Some guy was hassling her and she was alone alright,” Hyde crossed his arms and went back to watching TV.
“So you swoop in and try to get some with heroic gratitude nice,” Kelso said.
“Hey, Kelso come here,” Hyde waved him over.
Kelso stood beside him and Hyde nailed him in the side.
“Sorry, ow,” he pouted.
“Say something like that in front of Jackie and she might do worse, she did to the guy that was bothering her.” Hyde suppressed a smile.
He didn’t smile, but still, the memory of her as little as she was, kicking the crap out of that guy, it made him kind of fond of her.
Hyde humiliated himself over and over, he didn’t know why he did it. He also didn’t know why he was going to this stupid club, other than watching Kelso get rejected that never got old.
But Red saw right through him and Kitty spent the next few days teaching him to dance. He wasn’t great but he could manage.
Plus he’d seen Kelso dance before. Hyde was practically Fred Astaire in comparison.
Hyde was waiting outside for everyone since Donna wanted to see Eric’s reaction to her in girly clothes.
He looked up when he heard a car door shut.
She was stunning. Gone was the cute little girl he’d found behind the bleachers, she looked radiant with her hair curled but loose ringlets framing her delicate face.
“Wow, you look beautiful,”
Her smile turned almost shy at the praise. “Thank you, you clean up pretty good yourself.”
“Yeah, well.”
Before he could say anything else Forman and Donna came outside and they were followed by Tweedle Dee and Dumb.
“What no flowers?” Jackie asked Donna.
“You asked me remember?”
“Hmm, I guess you’re right.”
“Hey, stop trying to steal my girlfriend,” Eric joked realizing he too didn’t have flowers for Donna.
“Don’t be so hasty Eric,” Kelso said. “Just see where the night takes it.”
Everyone except Fez hit or kicked him at once.
“Alright everyone in before my mom tries to get pictures.”
“I’m not sitting next to Michael,” Jackie declared.
“You take window, I’ll sit beside you, that work?” Hyde asked.
“Yes,” she agreed easily.
“Great let’s get in the car and go.” He desperately wanted to get going before Mrs. Forman found them all.
Kelso asked her to dance, which Jackie refused, she’d watched him dance alone on the floor, she wasn’t sure if he was going to hurt someone and she didn’t want to be liable.
Fez asked her next when she refused he and Donna went to the dance floor.
He was a great dancer, she admitted.
The truth was she didn’t want to dance with them, she was interested in someone else.
“Why aren’t you dancing,” Hyde asked her,
“I didn’t want to dance with Kelso or Fez.”
“But you want to dance?”
“Yes,” she said honestly. She had that timid look from a few days before and he couldn’t help himself.
He had after all spent days learning these stupid dances. Might as well use it.
“Come on,” He held out his hand and she took it immediately.
They danced closer than Fez and Donna did.
Jackie felt the rush of being so close to him electrify her skin.
“You’re a really good dancer,” Jackie told him.
“Thanks, so are you. So why weren’t you dancing before?” He wanted to hear it from her, she’d nearly ignored Fez and Kelso but put up zero fight to dancing with him.
“The right person didn’t ask me.”
“And I’m the right person?”
She smiled up at him, and his breath caught. “
You just might be, Steven Hyde.”
She annoyed him, but she intrigued him more. She was bossy and bratty, but she’d won over Donna and maybe even Forman. There was just something about her he couldn’t help wanting to discover.
“You want to go out sometime?”
“Like on a date?”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, on a date.”
“I would love that, Steven.” Jackie stood on her toes and kissed his cheek gently.
For some reason, he didn’t mind her calling him Steven. It was weird that he didn’t, but something told him he’d have to get used to that.
A few weeks later
“Red, Mrs. Forman, can I talk to you for a minute?
“No,” Red growled leaning over the engine of the car.
“Sure, Honey what is it?”
“I just wanted you to meet someone,” He waved her over from inside the house, “this is my girlfriend Jackie.”
They’d hung out in the basement a few times but they tended to go off by themselves to get to know each other without the hassle of the others.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jackie said nervously. She knew how important the Forman’s were to Steven.
“Steven,” Kitty jokingly scolded, “you didn’t tell us you had such a cute girlfriend.”
“Don’t tell her that, she’ll get a big head.”
“Steven, I already know I’m cute. And thank you, Mrs. Forman.”
“See,” Hyde reiterated.
“Yeah, well I need to fix this cute carburetor,” Red went back over to the cruiser.
“Do you need some help?” Jackie offered.
“I think I need to go get my camera,” Kitty said rushing off into the kitchen.
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Black Peonies preview
A/N: This is the first chapter of the J/H soulmate AU fanfic I’ve been working on for a really long time. I do not plan on posting it on AO3 or ff.net for now, because I have yet to finish writing the last couple of chapters.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this sneak peek.
Trigger Warning: Explicit child abuse
Chapter one:
January, 1970
Steven Hyde walked through the dark streets of Point Place alone. Mr. Forman’s brother from Chicago got hurt, and the whole Forman clan went to see him for the weekend, which means that Hyde had nowhere to go.
He stayed with Kelso and Donna for a big chunk of the day, but Bob doesn’t like when Donna has boys over after it was dark out, so he and Kelso had to take off.
He walked Kelso to his home, because Hyde was not in a hurry to get to his own house. It was a Saturday, and Edna tends to go a little crazy on Saturdays, that’s why he would often sleep over at the Forman’s.
He was lucky Bob and Midge made them snacks too, because Edna rarely buys any food for the weekends. She tends to spend the little money they have on booze and drugs.
He spent as much time as possible walking around, trying to avoid going home to Edna, but there wasn’t much he could do, it was very cold outside, and he didn’t have a nice jacket to keep him warm, he needed to go home. It was trashy, but at least there was heat. He hoped Edna would be passed out by now, but he doubted, it was still early.
The minute he reached his block, he sighed. He could already hear the sounds of beer bottles clinking and the voices of his mom’s stoner friends, she definitely was not asleep, crap.
Someone threw a beer bottle at his direction, and the glass shattered all over the shitty pavement. He glanced at the direction the bottle came from, and saw his mother’s laughing figure sitting on the porch. Fucking fantastic.
“Home already, kiddo?” She asked, slurring with her words and blowing the smoke from the cigarette in her hand.
“It’s cold” He shrugged, and tried to get inside the house before his mother would start with her usual drunken ramblings, that usually ended up with her blaming him for her shitty life.
His mother grabbed his arm to stop him and he sighed in frustration.
“You couldn’t have stayed with your friend today?” She asked bitterly
“He’s outta town with his folks” He answered, hoping she would drop it and let him go to his room.
“It wasn’t enough for you to ruin my career, now you have to ruin my weekend too?” She said, puffing out another cloud of smoke
“Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if I had somewhere else to go” Hyde answered 
“Aren’t you a smartass?” Edna taunted him, and laughed slyly.
“I want to go inside, it’s cold” Hyde said simply, if he learned something from all of his 11 miserable years with Edna, is that there was no use in arguing with her.
“I know something that will warm you up in a second” She slurred out and laughed, forcefully grabbing his right hand on her bony fingers and putting out her cigarette on his skin.
He felt his skin burning and tried to pull his hand off her tight grip, the pain brought tears into his eyes and it was almost unbearable. But she held on tighter, pressing the burnt stub onto his skin as she laughed.
"Tears?" Edna mocked at the sight of Hyde's teary eyes "Aren't you supposed to be a tough guy?"
He held himself back. He wanted to tell her to fuck off so badly, but he knew better. If he did, he would have to spend the night wandering the streets, and he wasn't in the mood to freeze to death.
She flicked the bud onto the snow, and finally let go of his hand. The pain didn't go away though, in fact, it got worse. He thanked a God he wasn't so sure he believed in for making Wisconsin winters so cold. He would be able to hide the burn by wearing gloves and ease the pain by shoving his hand onto the snow that probably accumulated by his bedroom's dingy window.
Hyde glanced one last time at his stoned and drunk pathetic excuse of a mother and headed inside the house, holding his right hand on his left one.
Sometimes he wished the soulmate thing wasn't real. He doesn't like the thought of an innocent girl suffering all the pain his mother puts him through.
But he knew better, the universe never cared about his wishes, otherwise he would have a different mother. He just hoped that the girl who had the bad luck of being his soulmate had a strong support system or whatever, because his shitty reality isn't changing anytime soon.
Meanwhile, in Point Place's community theater…
10 year old Jackie anxiously tried to peek through the closed blinds, today was probably one of the most exciting days of her life, she was about to play on her first piano recital ever! She was trying her hardest to not be nervous, because she’s a Burkhart, and Burkhart’s excel on absolutely everything they do – according to her mother. She practiced every day for hours, she wanted to be perfect, because both of her parents promised they’d watch her play today.
“Miss Burkhart, it’s almost time, are you ready?”
“Yes I am, Mrs. Crawford! I have my sheet here with me – even though I don’t need it, just as a precaution” Jackie said excitedly, and her music teacher smiled
“You’re going to do great, Jackie” She said with a small smile “Go wait over there, you’re up next” 
Jackie nodded and went to wait where her teacher indicated. Her heart was beating so fast, and she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She couldn’t wait to be praised by her parents.
They already missed her dance recital, and neither of them were there when she won the trophy for “Prettiest Ballerina”, but they promised they would attend her piano recital, that’s why she decided she would play one of the hardest songs, so she could impress them.
She knew none of her colleagues had the ability to play this song; most of them were playing “Fur Elise” or “Ode to Joy”. She wanted to be the best, so she chose “Clair de Lune” by Debussy, one of her father’s favorites songs. He likes to listen to it when he’s smoking his cigars, so she made sure to learn just to make him proud.
When she heard Mrs. Crawford calling her name, she’d put on her stage smile, the one her mother taught her so long ago. When she entered the stage, she glanced at the audience, trying to find the familiar faces of her parents. She didn’t see either of them, and she had to repress the urge to cry.
They bailed on her, again. They promised they would make it!
She took a deep breath and saw Martina’s familiar face. She was giving her a sad smile, and Jackie sighed. She likes Martina, but she would never fill the hole left by her mother. It’s not like Martina wants to be there anyways, she only went because she’s paid to do so.
Jackie quickly forced a smile and went to sit at the piano bench. If her parents didn’t want to be there, that’s their loss. There was a good amount of LOPP’s mothers there, she hoped they would tell her mother later how she played beautifully, and her mother better feel bad.
She stretched her fingers the way Mrs. Crawford taught her, and placed the music sheet on its proper place. The second her fingers touched the piano keys, she felt herself relaxing a bit, and when she started to play, she genuinely smiled. The first couple of minutes of the song went smoothly, some people even clapped when she mastered the transition from the slow part of the song to the slightly faster one.
Then she stopped playing, and not because the song was over.
Out of nowhere, she felt a blinding pain on her hand. She whimpered in pain and held her right hand with her left one, tears involuntarily falling from her eyes.
Mrs. Crawford quickly ran to see what was going on with her best student, and she sighed when she saw a black peony forming on the girl’s hand. 
“It’s burning, Mrs. Crawford” Jackie cried, and the older woman placed her hand on her shoulder.
“I know honey, you know what that means, right?” She said, and Jackie nodded.
That means that her soulmate was hurting. Again.
Last week Jackie got a new flower on her shoulder, and the week before that, she felt like someone was slapping her on her face.
Thank God that bruises on the face don’t leave flower marks, otherwise people would see her as a freak, because she feels like she’s being slapped or punched on at least once a week.
Mrs. Crawford guided her out of the stage, and made her sit on a small bench near the dressing rooms. Jackie carefully rubbed her hand, the pain was starting to subside a little, the black peony marking the exact place where it was hurting.
“Do you want to go back and start again, Jackie?” The woman gently asked, and Jackie shook her head.
All she wanted to do was go back home and pray for her soulmate to get the help he needs. She doesn’t know why he gets hurt so often, but she wanted it to stop. For both of their sakes.
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Hey! I was wondering if you could do promt #3 for Hyde x reader? (Love your story telling btw)
I (fake) love you - Steven Hyde x reader
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a\n: this somehow ended up as a fake dating au but i’m not mad
trigger warnings: cursing, weed mentioning, Hyde and reader are pretending to “do it” as Kelso would say, i’d say it has some angst and fluff but nithing too extreme.
I was always good at reading people. Normally, I could talk to someone for 5 minutes and know everything there is to know about them, for example, the first time I met Michael Kelso, I knew immediately he’s dependable, loyal and likes to be pushed around. Most people thinks it’s his lack of smarts that makes it easy to manipulate him, but the truth is he just seeks attention, he grew up in such a big family, and as just another sandwich kid, he never got that much attention. He’s more than just a good-looking, brainless goofball.
Eric Forman? Smart kid, heart of gold. His father crashed his self esteem and his belief he has no worth sunk so deep into his brain he’s not even trying to prove it wrong. He’s not just a nerdy smart-ass, too bad he’s scared of his potential.
Donna Pinciotti is the girl who will go far. She’ll make history, i can tell you that. She is passionate, and she will not hesitate to fight over what she sees right, yet will admit if she did you wrong. She grew up in a loving family overall, but she doesn't want to end up like her dad: rich, lazy and stuck in a small town. She’s a big city kind of girl.
Fez is sweet, desperate and eats candy to cope with his loneliness. He’s not afraid of his feminine side, and cares about his looks in a different way then Kelso. He might be weird, and have a tendency to say the most inappropriate things, but he never looks to hurt someone or make them uncomfortable, he just wants to feel loved.
Jackie Burkhart was a bit harder to crack, and her first impression on me was semi-wrong. I could tell she’s more than a spoiled brat, I just didn’t know if it’s in a good way - like, she might be smart and kind, with a broken point of view in the world but she’s willing to look at it from a different point of view. On the other hand, she could be a mean, spoiled brat who’s going to succeed big time by manipulating the hell out of everything around her. Turns out it’s a little bit of both - she’s kind, and she learns the world is not all glitter and unicorns, but she manipulates to get things her way. At least she doesn't make a fuss when she doesn't get what she wanted. Well, not as much.
With all that, there was still one mystery in the little group I found myself a part of: Steven Hyde.I could not tell you a thing about him. I knew the basics - his name, the fact his parents are not there, and that he likes weed, beer and Zeppelin. He hid every sign of emotions behind sarcasm, and had walls taller than anyone i’ve ever met.
I started hanging out with them when I moved here. Kelso made a move on me the second he saw me, and he still tries to this day, but it’s obvious our relationship is strictly platonic and it’s not going to change, even though he thinks it’s better. One time I jokingly agreed and he said, and I quote, “ew, no, you’re like a sister to me”, but he keeps on making sexual advances on me for the sake of the joke.
I quickly befriended the rest of the guys (and girls), and even though i learned to love all of them, there was someone i really loved. Not Kelso, he’s practically my brother, it was Hyde i was so into, but i can’t tell you why. Maybe it was his sense of humor, maybe it was his kind heart or maybe it was the challenge.
“Hey, (y\n), penny for your thoughts?” Donna said, breaking the silence. The TV was on, but it was clear my head is somewhere else. “She’s thinking ‘bout Hyde” Kelso was quick to tease. “Shut up” I growled at him, and suddenly everyone’s focus was on me. Hyde wasn’t there, Kelso might have zero tact, but he would never throw me under the bus, cause he knows i will get into the bus and run over him. It was me and him on the couch, and Donna and Eric across from each other on the chairs as a way to avoid them making out instead of hanging out with their friends. “(y\n), do you want to tell us something?” Eric asks. “I- no, it’s stupid. Kelso is stupid, remember the time he ate a blueberry on a field trip and it ended up being the poisneus one we were warned about when we arrived?” i said, hoping it will drive the attention to tease him and not me. “Oh, that was funny, but not as funny as the time he revealed you have a crush on Hyde” Donna said, “but good try”. I sighed. “Look, it’s not like i’m in love with him or something, he’s just a mystery I want to solve. A mystery with a kind smile and great sense of humor. Look, it’s nothing, Kelso is just obsessed with the idea his best friends will date” i said. “oh, Tell them what you told me, come on! It was hilarious” Kelso said, ignoring the last part of my confession, and when I refused he decided to share my words he did it himself. “God, Kelso, his voice is so hot, i can listen to him for hours even if it’s just the stupid car that runs on water non-sense” He said, immitating a high-pitched voice that didn’t really sound like mine. “That is not what i said” i tried to redeem myself, but Eric and Donna were too busy laughing to hear me. “I just said he’s voice is calming” I kept trying.
“Who’s voice?” Hude asked as he jumped over the couch and took the open spot next to me. “Y-” Kelso started, but i hit his chest, “-our mama” he changed the ending of the word, “BURN!”. “I was talking about the weather guy” I made up, but did I lie? “You’re so weird, man” Hyde sighed, stretching and leaving his hand on the couch. “Well, kelso, we have this thing, you coming?” Donna said, “with Jackie, the double date i can’t believe i agreed to”. Kelso looked confused, “it’s tomorrow”. “No, it’s today” Eric insisted, winking at him and nudging his head at me and hyde. “What? Jackie is going to kill me-” “we won’t tell her you forgot” Donna plays along. I saw right through the act, but kelso really thought he forgot. 
He left the basement along with Eric and donna.It wasn’t the first time me and Hyde we’re alone, but usually it was Kelso ditching me and Hyde when the three of us hung out to try and get a girl to sleep with. I’m telling you, one day he’ll get someone pregnant.
“What’s with them?” Hyde sighed and got up to get a popsicle. “Who fucking knows?” i replied, trying to think of a way to change the subject. “You saw how Eric pointed at us? Like what, are they trying to get us alone?” Hyde continued, handing me a popsicle as he sat down. “I- yeah” i admitted, “Kelso has this crazy idea, he wants us to date cause we’re both his best friends or something” i explained, leaving out the part i was on board with the idea, and the fact that it was originally mine. “Oh, we should totally prank them!” Hyde said, “like, let’s pretend to date and be the most annoying couple ever”. I looked at him confused. “Like, we can use cutest couple names, ditch them to be alone or just make out in their face constantly” his smile got wider and wider, and I can't say no to that smile. “Sure, yeah, could be fun”.
The next day, I walked in the basement wearing your favourite outfit, ready to annoy the heck out of my friend. The moment you entered the room, Hyde got up and pulled you onto a hug. “Hey, lover boy” I said, kissing him on the lips. We had to practice doing that without laughing. We kissed like, 10 times yesterday when we planned the prank, his reply kept breaking us and we had to do it again. “Hi, apple pai” he said, kissing me one more time. Everyone looked at each other, exchaging “what the fuck?”s with their eyes. Hyde placed his hand on my waist and walked me to the couch, “Steven!” I laughed when he picked me up in bridal style and sat down, resting me in his lap.  “God, babe, you look so hot today” Hyde said, sliding his hand down my side, settling on a not too sexual but not that friendly spot on my thigh. It was all planned, and fake, but the blush on my cheeks was as real as it gets. “Well, lover, I wanted to dress up for you” I said, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. “Uh, guys, what’s going on?” Jackie was the first to speak. “Oh, well, yesterday Kelso, Eric and Donna, pulled a little trick to get me and Hyde together, and it worked” I smiled. “Yeah, guys, thank you so much for helping me get with the most beautiful girl in the world” Hyde agreed, looking at me through his rosy sunglasses. I took them from him. “Hey!” he said, but before he got them back I put them on. I slide them down my nose and look up to him. “That was hot, so i’ll let it slide this time” he said, taking the glasses off of my face. The script we wrote was absolutely perfect.
The days have passed, and soon they turned into weeks, and our little show kept going.  I’ll admit, kissing Hyde and ditching the gang to hang out with him (we pretended to leave for a different reason, tho), the fake double dates… it was fun. The longer we pretended to date, the more our couple-y behavior stuck with us, like, one time we met up for a pretend-date and he kissed me when he saw me. I kissed him back, it just felt natural. We got a good laugh out of it, but it happened more than once. I knew I had to ask him to stop this, because my feelings kept growing but he had none, plus I know he kept fooling around cause i’ve seen girls flirting with him, and they always left together.
We were in his room now, pulling another trick. “Oh, lover, yes” i called, trying to sound as breathless as i can. “Oh, buttercup, you're soooo hot” Hyde called, and jumped on his bed, making it creek. I had to really hold my laugh as I joined him.
“Oh, babe, you’re so good” I called, adding some moans in between words. “Nice” he whispered. We heard the door knob being messed with. Hyde was quick to push me down on the bed. He took off his shirt, hinting me to do the same as we got under the sheets. He got on top of me and pushed his lips against mine just as Michael opened the door.
“Dude!’ Steven called and pulled the covers over us as he fell on his back next to me. “Dude, we can hear you, that’s so gross. You two are-” Michael started. “Well, you can just take your hangout somewhere else, Kelso” i said, throwing the first thing I could grab in his face. It was my shirt. “Yeah, we are kind of in the middle, man” Hyde said. The moment Kelso left, Hyde and I started laughing like crazy.
“That was..” i said as he got up. “Yeah, i’m so good” he said, mimicking my breathless voice. “K, give me my shirt back” i said, trying not to look at his bare chest, and not luckily, he was already putting on his shirt.  He went up to the door. “Kelso took it” Hyde said, grining. “Well, shit” I sighed, but he had a solution. “Take this” he said, and tossed me a Led Zeppelin shirt. “Thank you, lover boy” I said, staying under the covers. He looked at me, waiting. “Well, turn around, creep” i said, laughing. “As your boyfriend-” he started, but gave up when his eyes met mine, “fine”. He turned around, allowing me to put on his shirt. “You can look now” I said, fixing the shirt. “How do i look?” I asked. “So hot, buttercup” he replied, smirking and wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing me, forgetting that we are not actually dating. “Hyde, we need to break up” the words slip out of my mouth.
“what ? why?” he asked, “i mean, this is the best prank i ever pulled, and the most enjoyable” he said, his lips stretch into his familiar smirk. “Because-” i tried, but couldn’t come up with a good reason other than the truth. “I mean, you have to admit it’s fun” he said, his hands still around my waist. “Well, yeah, but not for the reason you think” i say, and the confused look in his eyes hurts me. “I- Hyde, this is.. Look, I know you’re sleeping around and that’s gonna blow our cover ``I finally find an answer, “you don’t want your friends to think you’re a cheater”. He looked even more confused. “(y\n), i haven’t touched any other girl since we started... this” he replies, pointing at me and at him. “But i saw you-” I insisted. “I couldn’t, every single time” he admits. Taking the sunglasses resting on his cabinet and putting them on. “Why would you do that? You really expect me to think a horny teenager gave up making out, possibly more, with really hot girls because of what? He’s fake dating a random girl?” I laugh sadly. “No, god, (y\n), you are not some random girl” he says, resting his hands on my arms. “Why-” “because i love you!”.
I don’t know who was more surprised at his words - him or me. We stayed quiet. “Are you- are you gonna say anything?” he broke the silence. “How about i’ll do something instead?” i said, taking a step closer to him. As I moved closer, I placed my hands around his neck. “What are yo-” he tried to ask, but I pulled myself up and connected our lips. Even though we kissed before, this time it was different. His lips moved against mine in a mix of relife, passion and love. He tasted like mint, orange flavoured popsicle and weed. “I forgot to mention, I love you too” I said, breaking the kiss. “Whatever man” he said, re-connecting our lips.
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
Hey bestie! could i get a ship for that 70s show?
i’m a 5’6 nonbinary (she/they) with short hair and curtain bangs my hair colour is done to look like narcissa malfoys (dark brown with platinum blonde on the underside). I have blue/grey eyes.
i’m an INFP, Ravenclaw, and a Taurus. My hobbies are making music, and playing pranks on my sister lol. I love marvel, harry potter, and criminal minds.
ive been told i’m very cocky and my ego is through the roof. I’d consider myself a very kind person who’s easy to talk to. i like to joke around a lot with my friends and sarcasm is my first language,
My aesthetic conveniently is very 70s/vintage, and my music taste is also a lot of throwbacks.
what i want to do when i’m older is forensic psychology!
hope you get to mine but if not that’s fine! Love your writing!
Thank you bestie! You sound like an amazing, interesting person! (And gorgeous too) I got you! And thank you SO much for reading my content. You, are amazing <3 
Who’s Up For A Challenge?
Michael Kelso x reader
-Y/n L/n was new in town and found enjoyment in messing with the players of the town.
-She was known as “that chick”
-She was incredibly witty, sarcastic, cocky, but so kind and beautiful.
-She may have accidentally had a couple of good guys fall in love with her.
-She had to gently turn them down and that actually broke her heart.
-She loved a good challenge though.
-She was sitting in the Hub with her college lab partner, Donna, when the none other than himself, Michael Kelso, walked in.
-Y/n had heard about him.
-The infamous Michael Kelso. Playboy of Point Place.
-Donna called him over and as he sat down, he noticed her.
-Of course, he had to hit on her.
-When he asked her out, she, of course said yes.
- “Alright, I’ll be here to pick you up tonight.”
-Y/n smiled as he walked away.
-As Donna leaned in and started to warn Y/n about him, Y/n cut her off.
- “I know.”
- “You know?”
- “Yes. I’ve heard of this dillhole and I’ve got a plan.”
-Donna was intrigued as Y/n started unraveling her plan. 
- “I’m going to make him fall in love with me. Then I’m going to break his heart and make him feel what he makes every girl here feel.”
-Donna wasn’t so into it, but knew she couldn’t stop her.
-So, Y/n went through with the plan and met up with Kelso that night.
-He got her a burger from Fatso Burger and took her to Mt. Hump.
-He started kissing her neck and making out with her.
-She knew she was good at sex and everything else.
-But she refused to give it to him on the first date.
-She was a classy person after all.
-Kelso had set up a challenge to get in the sack.
-She already knew that though, because well duh.
-She ended up befriending Donna and Jackie over it.
-Jackie was thrilled and squealing.
- “Finally, he’s going to feel the hell that he put me through,” Jackie said.
- “You scare me,” Donna said. “Besides, you’re with Hyde now. It shouldn’t matter.”
- “Oh, whatever. Revenge is dish best served cold.”
- Y/n laughed and threw an arm over Jackie’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, girl. I got you. I’m going to drag him through the mud and then hang him out to dry.”
- “Oh, I love you!” Jackie squeaked and hugged Y/n tightly.
- “Okay, now you both scare me,” Donna said.
-Donna tried to warn Kelso, but of course he didn’t listen to her.
-He just took it as her being jealous that he wasn’t going to nail her.
-Even though she was back with Eric.
-Kelso this time took Y/n to a drive in and bought her the classic: popcorn and a coke.
-Y/n was down to date 2 out of 10.
-He started kissing her again, softer, gentler, but started getting handsy again.
-Y/n smacked his hand away multiple times before he finally up.
- “Well, damn, Y/n!” he cried out, shaking his hand. 
- “Keep your hands to yourself, lover boy,” she threatened.
- “Yeah, or what?” he challenged.
- “Trust me, you don’t want to challenge me.”
- “Maybe I do.”
- “Trust me, sweetie, you don’t. I can snap you in half.”
-His eyes lit up. “You must be hot in the sack!”
-Y/n couldn’t help but laugh. “Take me home, you jerk.”
- He chuckled. “Yes, dear.”
-When he dropped her off, she turned to him. “Pick me up Friday for dinner at 8pm.”
- Kelso nodded and smiled at her.
-Eric, Hyde, and Fez caught onto the challenge and decided to make it a bet.
-Hyde said Kelso would make a fool out of himself and end up being dumped.
-Eric said Kelso would actually score.
-Fez said he just wanted to be part of the action and said Y/n would win.
-Doesn’t mean Hyde didn’t try to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso wrong information.
-For example, he told him to pick up Y/n late instead of on time because it shows that he’s desperate and clingy.
-Which is what the idiot did.
-Y/n was NOT pleased.
-She made him buy her lobster and flowers.
-At the end of the night she ended up giving him a hot make out sesh, but left him to take care of himself.
-Date 3 out of 10 down.
-Now, Eric was trying to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso tips how to get laid.
-Which Kelso laughed at until Donna spoke up.
- “You got to invoke her mind, man,” Eric said. “People like her like to be intellectually challenged.”
- “Yeah right,” Michael scoffed.
- “No, Eric is actually right for once,” Donna said, bored. “Y/n isn’t like the other girls in this town. She actually has a brain.”
- “And some nice jugs,” Fez said earning a glare from the group.
- “Try talking to her about literature and psychology and music. She likes that kind of stuff. And leave out any kinds of ‘doing it.’ Intelligent people like her don’t like that.”
- “But I wanna do it.”
- “I know, but you got to make her think you want her mind, not her body.”
- “Yeah, that’s a good idea!” Kelso said and ran out the door to spontaneously surprised Y/n at her house with flowers and a...book.
- “Donna, what the hell are you doing?” Hyde asked.
- “I know, I’m such a bad friend to her,” Donna said. “I’m going to hell.”
- “No, not that. I’m trying to get her to dump him for being stupid. Don’t give the guy pointers!”
-Kelso showed up at Y/n’s door with a picnic basket, a blanket, flowers, and a gift.
-She was definitely surprised.
-He found the perfect spot under the tree and laid out the blanket. 
- “I got you something” he said and gave her a gift sloppily wrapped in paper. 
-She opened it up and it was a vintage psychology book from the late 1800′s.
-She was genuinely impressed. “Where did you find this?”
-Well, I heard you talking about your love of psychology and vintage things and found this at an antique store. Thought you’d might like it.”
-Her eyes actually filled with tears.
-Even thought it was their fourth date, she felt touched by the gift and allowed 2nd base.
-The next few dates ended going the same flow. 
-He’d take her out, hoping for sex, she would tease him and then leave him to take care of himself.
-By their 7th date, he was beginning to grow frustrated.
-So, far Fez was winning the bet.
-On the eighth date, Y/n introduced Michael to her parents.
-They were spectacle, but polite to him nonetheless.
-Eighth date consisted of the carnival.
-As the lights shown down on y/n’s beautiful face, he realized he might actually feelings for her.
-Y/n knew she started developing feelings for him after the fourth date, but she refused to say anything. It was just a reaction to the sweet gift.
-Even though she knew he had a kid with another woman, it didn’t stop her from feeling the way she did.
-He won her a stuffed elephant, a goldfish, and bought her a hotdog.
-Back in the car, they were making out again. “I think I really like you.”
-She smiled into the kiss. “I like you too, but you’re still not getting any.”
- “That’s okay,” he whispered, shocking both of them.
-He ended up panicking to the guys later on that night.
- “So? Just go bang the next chick you see. You did that to Jackie a lot when she didn’t want to sleep with you,” Hyde said.
- “That’s the problem. I can’t,” Kelso said and ran a hand through his hair. “I tried but every time I went to, I just couldn’t find myself to do it. They’re not her, man.”
-The guys gave him crap and started taunting him.
- “You love her!” Fez said and tried to make kissy faces with Eric.
- “Yeah, we don’t do that,” Eric said, pushing Fez’s face away from his.
- “What’re you going to do?” Hyde asked seriously.
- “Just...try to make her mine at this point.”
-On the ninth date, Y/n was freaking out.
-How could she have fallen for him?
-She’s never felt this way after messing with a guy like this.
-Stupid, stupid, stupid--
-The doorbell rang.
-He stood there with a dozen red roses.
- “I got something special,” he said.
-He ended up taking her to the lake with a complete romantic dinner.
-Candles, wine, chocolates, and pasta that he had help from mom make.
-Y/n’s eyes pricked with tears.
-No one has ever done this for her before.
-Throughout the evening, he had actually engaged in intelligent conversation and opened up to her.
-He talked about his hopes and dreams, his fears, and his loves.
- “People don’t give you enough credit,” she said. “You have a lot going for you. You just don’t show this side to people. Why?”
- He shrugged. “It’s funnier this way. I don’t want them knowing this side of me, Then they’ll start...expecting stuff from me and I don’t want that pressure.”
- “Well, you’re secret is safe with me,” she said, taking a sip of wine.
- “Well, come on, you have a lot more going for you. You want to be a forensic psychologist. That’s awesome, whatever that is.”
-Y/n chuckled and explained it to him while he actually listened to her!
-She actually changed the playboy of the town!
-Y/n wasn’t sure if it was the wine, but she couldn’t take it anymore and brought him for a hasty kiss. “I want to go all the way with you tonight.”
-At this point, she didn’t care if he broke her heart, she just needed him before he could.
-The moment was actually beautiful.
-He was so gentle and and sweet, making sure she was actually okay with it.
-And it was the best sex either one of them ever had.
-As they laid down in the back of the car, they confessed they ended up confessing their feelings towards each other, including the plans they each had for each other.
- “I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before,” y/n said. “This really bit me in the ass this time.”
- “I’ve never felt this way before period,” he chuckled. “I guess it bit me in the ass too.”
- “Are we dumb for doing this?” she whispered.
- “Totally.”
-They laughed together and ended up doing it again the second time that night.
-On their tenth date, he took her to the carnival again, but he had something more special planned.
-He took her to the top of the Ferris wheel and when it got to the top, he grabbed her hand and nervously asked her if she’d officially be his.
-She grinned at him brightly and nodded yes.
- “Great, now I can give you this,” he said and took off his hoodie that he was wearing. “You’re my girl now and I want you to have it. It’s my favorite hoodie.”
-She kissed him deeply and put it on.
-She wore it everyday from then on.
-One day she was over at the Forman’s and while they were waiting for everyone to join them, they started making out on the couch.
-The door opened, revealing Hyde, Eric, and Fez.
- “DAMMIT!” Hyde shouted.
- Fez laughed. “Pay up!”
- “Wait,” Eric asked. “Did you guys do it yet?”
- Kelso smiled. “Totally.”
-Eric turned to Hyde with his palm turned upwards. “Pay up, bitch.”
- “What’s that not fair!” he bitched.
- “Oh, it totally is,” Fez laughed.
- “No, I’ll tell you what’s not fair. Michael didn’t get hurt like he was supposed to!” Jackie said.
- “No, he got something better,” Donna said. “True love! And someone to kick his ass into shape.”
- “A matchmade in Heaven,” Fez joked while Hyde handed him his cash. “Thank you Hyde.”
- “Yeah, shut up.”
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sandalaris · 5 years
ooooh how about jackie and hyde for the parent ask! :)
Future parents Jackie and Hyde! (Full disclosure, I’ve not seen every episode of That 70′s Show, but I’ve seen most.)
who panics over everything? Hyde has silent freak outs that are more vague in nature, but encompasses the entirety of “everything.” But on the surface it definitely seems like Jackie is the one with the most panicked moments. The fact that she can’t hire a nanny is an added stress for her. Not because she doesn’t want to deal with her kids, but nannies are experts and she wants the absolute best for her children. It takes a comment from a friend for her to suddenly realize she has what might just be something even better, the Formans. Red and Kitty don’t mind, it’s nice to have the house full of little ones again (that aren’t theirs).
who lives on google and webmd to look up everything the baby does? Eric actually starts it (assuming a time bumb for canon here) when their first born gets whooping cough. Jackie had the frazzled mom part going on but for the most part was handling the whole thing fairly well after a visit to the doctor and being told what steps to take. Donna doesn’t help by falling down the WebMD rabbit hole and sharing her findings with the group (she just thought the stuff she was reading about was cool and wanted to share). That’s enough to send Jackie into a bit of a panicked spiral that Hyde has to calm down by pointing out that he didn’t receive any medical attention growing up and the kid’s got at least half his genes. They’ll survive the freakin’ plague. (The physical health of his kids is the one area Hyde is not worried about.)
who’s on the fence about vaccination? At one point or another they each were, but at different times and for different reasons. Jackie is determined that her children deserve the absolute best and those anti-vaxxers get to her at first, before Donna gives her some actual research on the topic and she changes her mind. Hyde full on believes that the medical system is a scam and isn’t too sure that vaccines aren’t just ways for doctors to make more money. But he also doesn’t buy that vaccinating kids does any damage to them either and is more reluctant to pay money to those greedy pharmaceutical corporations.
who bothers the doctor at 3 AM? I’m going with neither. Hyde doesn’t trust the system enough (hospitals are fine, but doctors, man) and while at first Jackie wants to run to the ER with every minor bump or scrape, they both trust Kitty more. If you were to ask who bugs the RN at 3 am… Jackie with the physical stuff and Hyde with the psychological. He’s deathly afraid he’s going to screw his kids up mentally, and while he goes to Red a bit more often, especially when he knows deep down he’s being paranoid, when he’s got a legit concern he goes to the person who can honestly tell him if his kids are alright.
who nudges the other in the middle of the night to go handle the baby? Jackie does. Hyde will straight up shake her awake if he doesn’t want to get up for whatever reason, but Jackie likes her sleep, and usually has to work early the next day, and Hyde is cool with stumbling into the nursery in ass crack of dawn to check on the baby.
who pretends to be asleep when the baby is screaming? While new parents, they both rush to the baby every time it lets out anything resembling a noise of distress. After a bit, Hyde becomes the default for when the baby is screaming. He just likes handling the baby at these times, calming them down and soothing them with a low voice and gentle bounce, although he’ll never admit that part out loud. Jackie fully backs his claim that he’s just better at it, but draws the line at him even implying she’s in anyway bad at taking care of her baby. (In his defense, it was suppose to be a tease about Jackie not being perfect at everything. He didn’t realize how it sounded until after she was already fuming mad.)
who takes pictures and videos of everything? Jackie. They have boxes filled with albums filled with photos at anything even hinting at a milestone and many things that aren’t. They don’t get looked at much, but Jackie feels better knowing they’re there. 
who accidentally drops the baby? (let’s be real: it happens) Hyde did it when Jackie wasn’t home. It’s one of the only times he rushes to the doctors without so much as a complaint, and he swears their friends to secrecy (the ones who were there.) The baby was fine, and Red will sometimes use that as an example of why Hyde’s a good dad when he comes to him with his worries.
who has more trouble adjusting to parenthood? Hyde. Neither had good examples growing up, but Jackie took to it with a determination to be the best damn mom she could be. She knows she can do it if she just puts her mind to it. Hyde’s own home life left him with the belief that he’d be better off not becoming a parent and before Jackie, stuck pretty strongly to that belief. If it wasn’t for the support of Jackie, the Formans, and all his friends, he’s pretty sure he wouldn’t be doing half as good a job as he is. (He’s doing just fine, btw.)
who falls asleep with the baby on their chest? Hyde. And you bet your ass Jackie got multiple pictures of it.
who plays airplane with the baby and ends up with puke on their face? (alternatively: in their mouth) Kelso. Hyde plays airplane when the kid is older and asks for it, and Jackie doesn’t see the point of her doing it (”That’s what dads are for”). Neither of them were happy to come in to find Kelso making engine noises while “flying” their baby around the room. (”What they hell are you doing, man? Put my kid down.”)
who gets overwhelmed the easiest? Jackie’s determination to be the best mom she can be means she’s a little less forgiving of herself for when she screws up. She’s got a lot of confidence in herself, but no one’s perfect and having a career and a family and social life takes it toll and sometimes something’s gotta give. Loudly. Hyde’s overwhelmed moments are a little quieter. It’s not that he doesn’t get overwhelmed, he’d just rather deal with it privately.
who scalds themselves when testing the bottle temperature on their wrist? Hyde. In his defense, he does most of the bottle feedings.
who dresses the baby up in funny outfits? Jackie, which Hyde absolutely hates. “It’s cute! And really fashionable right now!” “I don’t care! You’re not dressing my kid up like fucking cartoon character!”
who rocks the baby to sleep while singing to them? Jackie tries but it didn’t work. She’s found putting on a record helps though. She’ll never admit to Hyde that the baby likes Aerosmith. When it’s really late at night and everyone’s asleep, Hyde will sometimes sing to the baby when they’re getting a little fussy. The fact that he sings what he secretly considers his and Jackie’s song is a fact that he will take to his grave.
who accidentally adds too much soap to the bath so the baby ends up in a sea of bubbles? Hyde didn’t bother to measure and just dumped like half the bottle in. The oldest loved it though and it became a tradition on nights when Jackie has to work late. Just as long as they get everything cleaned up before mom gets home they’re good. (Jackie totally knows. She thinks it’s adorable.)
who lets the baby try/eat/drink anything and everything they have? They both do to an extent. Hyde read like all the parenting books while Jackie was pregnant with their first kid and knows babies explore the world with their mouths. And Jackie asked Kitty to make sure beforehand but figures letting her kid try some of the things she’s having won’t hurt (within reason).
who is the baby tamer? (AKA who is the one that can calm the baby down with no problems whatsoever) Fez. Kids cry and scream sometimes for no reason, which Jackie and Hyde learn the hard way. They do pretty well, but sometimes Uncle Fez is the only one who can calm the kid down. They keep waiting for him to get tired of it, but he loves being needed/being good at something. When his marriage with Lori falls apart and he’s about to be deported, filing the necessary paperwork for a work visa seems so logical. Fez gets to stay in the country and Jackie gets that nanny she’s been wanting.
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pain-somnia · 4 years
(1)so, i've been re-reading AOY for like, the third time, and i just wanted to tell u how much i appreciate the way you write all of the characters. i feel like you approach them with empathy, or at least an understanding of some sort. like, you don't ignore their flaws or their virtues, you don't get viciously against or in favor of any of them. and even if your fic is focused on Hyde&Jackie and their relationship, u give depth to almost all of the characters,
(2) none of them could be replaced with a cardboard cutout, u know? and the dynamics in the group are fantastic, everyone matters to everyone in one way or another (although there are different degrees of closeness, of course). a long time ago i had started reading the eric/buddy fic u mentioned, and while it was well written and intriguing, i couldn't get past the first few chapters bc i can't handle fics that are too biased (not to say that it was bad, it just wasn't my thing).
(3) plenty of other t7s fanfics are biased too (to a certain extent), which is fine and completely normal, but idk, i just love that u seem to care for everyone at least a little bit. it's one of the things that makes AOY so compelling to me. i'm looking forward to what's next, especially bc i wanna know how Hyde&Jackie are gonna deal with their new-but-not-really relationship,
(4)and i NEED more Buddy&Fez, and Jackie&Donna. i also i have a good guess as to the ship you're gonna introduce, so i'm excited to see how you're gonna tackle them 👀. anyway, i didn't mean for this message to get so long lmao. hope you're doing well 💕.
First, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY WORK I’m in awe that you re-read it that much (I’m always in awe when ppl re-read my work)
I’m blushing so hard from your compliments. When I first came up with the idea to do this time travel fic I did mostly focus on Jackie and Hyde but then I started to think about the other characters and how Jackie isn’t entirely selfish and she is a compassionate person, so why shouldn’t relationships with other characters be mentioned or highlighted in some way?
(gonna try and put everything under the cut so I don’t clog up the dash but if it doesn’t work I’m so sorry)
Besides the fact that the show was about the group of friends, a huge bit of inspiration for giving more attention to the other characters especially having them do activities with each other especially outside of the basement actually came from my own years as a teen and into my early 20s. The zenmasters fandom is still really new to me unlike the sasusaku fandom so many don’t know about how I got really sick and lost the closeness I used to have with my irl friends due to my illnesses and inability to do all of the things I used to do with them. This is my way of capturing my love for my old friends in a way.
My home used to have the same feeling as Eric’s basement (every time my family moved my house was still THE house) and I was one of like three friends that were licensed (even up to our mid 20s) and I was the only one everyone fully trusted to drive. So in a way I was the Eric of our friend group especially when you add in my mom’s train of thought when it came to my friends and I which was that she would rather us eat everything in her fridge in kitchen and have her go broke feeding us than for us to be out doing stupid shit. It didn’t stop us from doing stupid shit but that was our life lol
we used to trespass into places (abandoned houses, abandoned asylum, parks and fields and lakes when they were closed at night), I had an ex that stole a golf cart from a security guard cuz it was there and the keys were in the ignition and we all fucking scattered when the guy showed up, we would fuck around at my house or another friend’s house and drinking and weed (and acid and shrooms) were usually involved (I was the mom friend so I always took care of everyone and was designated driver), we went to concerts even if we had to drive to other states and also went to Warped Tour almost every year until I got sick af. We would find the perfect places to watch meteor showers and hold bonfires at a friend’s house (although we did start a bonfire in a soccer field we had no business being in at that time at night).
And we would drive around for hours with no destination. We typically told our parents we were going bowling when we did and we never fucking went bowling lol
There’s so much that we did
This is all the energy of my personal experience being a teenager with access to a minivan and then my own car that really made me think about the T7S gang and even though I want to focus so much on Jackie and Hyde and their romance, I feel like I would be doing such a disservice to the friendships in the show by not having them be actual friends in the story.
I’ve had a friend abandoned by her mother and she moved in with a bf and we all helped her (I had to teach her how to cook rice in a pot cuz her bf didn’t have a rice cooker and my mom made sure she knew she could come live with us if she got fed up with her bf’s family) and my family has opened their home to my friend and her family when they were in between homes. I’ve had to help friends through bad trips. We’ve all had our hearts broken. Some of us have dealt with being queer and learning about our own identities and the struggle with finding out who we really are. I found out my father wasn’t my biological father when I was 20 lol
And we all had each other during those moments. Just like how the T7S gang had each other. So I felt personally invested in making sure to elaborate on moments where they were hanging out and being friends to each other.
And I know. God that fic. Whenever I re-ead that fic I actually skip a lot and my last re-read of it made me feel like I couldn’t read it again just because it is way too biased. Like it completely absolves a certain character of everything and I kind of lost it when Brooke had to apologize to him in the fic....I feel like, you should definitely be able to criticize things that you love and that it doesn’t take away any love to recognize the bad with the good.
Like right now I have to show some bias against Kelso for the part of the story but I keep editing it so it’s not complete hate against him. It’s just for this part of the story he is well just being him which is unfortunately ugly and it has to be ugly until he can grow. But I feel guilty about it lol don’t hate me too much for what he has to go through first
Jackie and Donna. I have such a weak spot for them in my fic mostly because for the longest time I didn’t really have many girl friends. I was always too much of a boy, too weird, too ugly for the other girls so I didn’t have someone I was truly super close with until I was in like 8th grade. And there’s this sisterhood with Jackie and Donna that I wish they did better. Like ignoring s8 completely, there just could have been more. But the sweet moments we got were amazing. I just feel like the writers knew fuck all how to make the girls proper friends without feeling like they were losing the characters and how they were.
i will probably be introducing that ship in chapter 8. I’m just struggling wrapping up the last bit of chapter 7 aka the January 31st part. I’ve just been staring at page 56 and wondering if I’m doing it right.
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zen3to5 · 5 years
J/H 3-25: The Promise Ring
And here we are - the end of Season 3! Subtext from last time comes out as text, and the path into Season 4 is laid. How's it look? Read on!
(I had originally planned on re-writing the "B" story of "Canadian Road Trip," but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had no real ideas that would tie into a Jackie/Hyde project like this. All I had was a dislike of Jackie's line about never having to think again if she were a model. I still hate that line, but as I said at the off-set, I wasn't looking to "correct" anything about the series just because I don't like it. To the extent you can talk about "filler" in a sitcom, "Canadian Road Trip" is filler anyway, a fun one-off episode that could play at almost any point in the series, with the characters at their most basic.)
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   A chill night in the usual hangout. ERIC sits on the couch, counting dollar bills. KELSO paces behind him, whacking a paddleball continuously and loudly.   HYDE enters through the basement door and nods at Eric.   HYDE: Hey.   He starts to cross to his chair but is blocked by Kelso, who keeps paddling as if he hadn’t noticed Hyde’s entrance. Hyde’s head bobs slightly as he watches each whack of the paddle, the noise becoming more and more pronounced. Finally, Hyde rips the paddle from Kelso’s hands, pulls the ball free, tosses it back toward his room, and whacks Kelso in the arm with the paddle before shoving it into his hands.   Eric looks up from his money and smiles at Hyde.   ERIC: Rough day down at the precinct there, champ?   A scowling Kelso wags the paddle at Hyde.   KELSO: (slow, deliberate) It’s not the paddleball’s fault you’re on probation, Hyde.   He stomps back toward Hyde’s room to look for the ball. Eric resumes counting money and Hyde makes his way to his chair.   HYDE: (to Eric) What are you up to?   ERIC: Just counting my secret stash. I’m getting something special for Donna. ‘Cause, you know, she and I have been fighting a lot lately...   Kelso, with the ball in one hand and the paddle in the other, jumps over the back of the couch and sits at the other end.   KELSO: I wish Jackie and me were fighting. I’m used to that. But ever since the Ted Nugent concert she won’t even talk to me.   Hyde stirs with interest. Eric takes note.   ERIC: (flat, to Kelso) Oh, no. How awful.   He gives Kelso a look of mock-sympathy. If Kelso gets the sarcasm, he ignores it.   KELSO: Man, I thought for sure we were gonna get back together there. I mean, that second first date kicked ass. But she got all upset right at the end and wouldn’t even tell me why. I don’t get it.   He shakes his head, turns his attention to the broken paddleball. He looks back and forth from the paddle to the ball, trying to puzzle out how to reconnect them.   Eric and Hyde regard him coolly, then turn to each other when they realize he’s not going to figure it out.   ERIC: (to Hyde) I’m gonna get Donna a promise ring.   HYDE: Careful, Forman. You get mushy with Donna, she’s gonna see the secret girl inside the man. Now trust me. You won’t wanna let Erica out.   KELSO: (laughs) “Erica.” That’s a good burn. You can’t do that with Michael, I’m lucky.   HYDE: Oh, really, Michelle?   Kelso pouts, turns to Eric.   KELSO: Don’t listen to him, Eric. Hyde obviously doesn’t understand mature relationships, but I do. And a promise ring is not only a gift from the heart, but it also means more sex and less mouthing off.   Eric gives him a long look.   ERIC: Really, no idea why Jackie wouldn’t want to get back together?   KELSO: None!   He throws his hands up in the air as Eric and Hyde share a look.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   The next day. THE CIRCLE. Eric, riding a good high, holds up the PROMISE RING he’s purchased.   ERIC: Ah, the ring of love. Just holding it makes me feel mellow and content. (beat) Actually, that might not be the ring.   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: Guys, what if the reason Jackie didn’t wanna get back together is because she doesn’t wanna be with a guy like me? I mean, sure, I’m good-looking – but I can’t be trusted!   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Come on, Kelso. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I mean, sure, you cheated on Jackie, lied to her all the time, and kept talking about breaking up with her behind her back – but it’s always great for us watching all that come back to bite you in the ass.   Pan to FEZ.   FEZ: Why is everyone but Fez in love? If I don’t get some romance soon, I’m going to give myself a blister. Well... another blister.   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: (to Kelso) Yeah, Kelso. You and Jackie are like the perfect couple. You do the bad stuff and she tries to catch you. She’s Smokey to your bandit. (beat) God, it’s like that movie applies to everything!   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: Man, why is everyone always against my love? Especially you, Hyde. When it comes to Jackie, you’re always bringing up the bad times, trying to get me caught doing bad stuff, or cutting in on all my master plans. You’re like one of those bitchy cheerleaders on Jackie’s squad. Hyde... alisha... (to Eric) Quick, what’s a girlie name for Hyde?   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: Uh... Hyde-ringa?   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Hyde-ephanie?   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: It’s Heidi, ya morons! Heidi!   He shakes his head in disgust.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – NIGHT   A calm, peaceful night. The Vista Cruiser is parked in the driveway. Eric and DONNA lie on the hood, looking up at the stars.   ERIC: That was fun, huh? It was a good movie. It was one of those love movies like you like, huh? And who took ya? (points to himself) This guy.   DONNA: Yeah, it was great.   ERIC: You know what else this guy did for you?   He pulls out a ring box with a red ribbon and a card attached.   ERIC (cont’d): Got you a present.   They both sit up. Donna takes the ring box and reads the card.   DONNA: “To Donna. Love, This Guy.”   ERIC: Yeah, that’s me.   Donna gives him a smile and opens up the box. She takes the ring out, holds it up.   DONNA: Oh, my God.   ERIC: It’s a promise ring.   DONNA: Eric, it’s... it’s beautiful.   ERIC: I’m so glad you like it. ‘Cause... look.   He takes her hand, the one holding the ring.   ERIC (cont’d): Even though things have been a little weird lately...   With perfectly bad timing, RED and KITTY step out from the kitchen and see the kids.   KITTY: Oh! Look how cute on the car! (laughs)   Eric and Red look mortified, but Donna smiles and hops down. She holds out the ring for Kitty to see.   DONNA: Here. Look at what Eric got me.   Kitty takes the ring.   KITTY: Oh, my... (to Red) Red, go get the camera.   RED: Kitty...   ERIC: Mom, I -   KITTY: (to Red) Go! It’s – it’s in the drawer near the cheese grater.   Red heads back inside.   ERIC: Mom, no.   KITTY: Hush. (to Donna) Donna, now, make the face you made when Eric gave you the ring.   She hands the ring back. Donna rolls her eyes.   KITTY (cont’d): Oh, now, see – I don’t think you rolled your eyes! (laughs)   Red appears in the patio doorway, but doesn’t come back outside.   RED: Kitty, I cut myself on the cheese grater.   Kitty tuns to look at him. Eric and Donna, seizing their chance, take off down the sidewalk. Kitty turns back around, too late.   KITTY: Oh, now you get back here and smile, dammit!   They do no such thing. Defeated, Kitty heads back inside to tend to Red.   BUMPER   INT. HUB – DAY   A sunny afternoon, modest business. Donna and JACKIE are at the wall table, Donna in the booth seat and Jackie across from her. Donna has the promise ring on her left index finger. She holds her hand up so Jackie can see the ring.   DONNA: Can you believe it? Isn’t it pretty?   JACKIE: Oh, it’s beautiful... and Eric found a ring size big enough for your giant hands.   Donna gives a quick eye roll, then turns back to admiring her ring.   JACKIE (cont’d): Donna, why aren’t you wearing it on your left ring finger?   DONNA: (shrugs) I dunno. ‘Cause I like it on this finger. What’s the difference?   JACKIE: Donna, a promise ring is sacred. If you don’t wear your promise ring on your left ring finger, it totally cancels out the promise that you’ll be together forever.   DONNA: Wait, that’s what I promised?   Her right hand closes around the left, hiding the ring from sight.   Hyde enters and crosses to the girls’ table.   HYDE: (to Donna) Hey.   Jackie looks up at him and glowers.   JACKIE: Oh, hello, jerk.   HYDE: Good afternoon, wench.   The insult cuts. Jackie stands and elbows Hyde as she runs into the bathroom.   HYDE (cont’d): (to Donna) Hear that? The sweet sound of silence.   He grins and sits. Now Donna glares at him.   DONNA: Shut up. Jackie told me what you said to her after the Ted Nugent concert. You know, that’s why she and Kelso aren’t back together yet.   HYDE: Oh, yeah? Hey, you think that would get me off probation early? You know, for the vital public service of keeping morons split apart.   DONNA: Hyde, the “distant jerk” act’s not gonna work on me, okay? We’ve been friends for too long. I know what’s going on: you like Jackie... for some twisted reason... but you’re too in denial to own up, so now you’re mad at her for wanting to get back with Kelso and you’re worried he’ll hurt her again.   Hyde pulls a stunned face.   HYDE: Oh, my God, you’re right! And that dream I had last night, where I was Sonny Corleone and kicked ass at the toll booth, that was really my unconscious mind telling me how I want to kill my father! Thanks, Sigmund!   He blows a raspberry. Donna wipes the spittle off her face.   DONNA: Look, I think it’s a bad idea too, but believe it or not, Jackie has thought this through. It was weird, sophomore, cheerleader thinking... but she has been more careful this time. And Kelso actually has worked really hard to show her that he’s changed.   HYDE: But he hasn’t, because people don’t change.   DONNA: Come on. That’s not true.   HYDE:  It’s true where I come from.   Donna leans back and regards Hyde. She sees where he’s coming from now.   DONNA:  Yeah, well, Kelso is not your parents.   Hyde jerks in his chair, but Donna doesn’t stop.   DONNA (cont’d): He’s your friend, and so’s Jackie. She really looks up to you, and this time, you’re the one who hurt her. And you could’ve taken a shot yourself if you weren’t so proud. If you’re not going to do that, you could at least respect that Jackie made a choice and thought it through, even if you think it’s wrong.   Hyde gives Donna a long look, his shades a mask to what he’s feeling.   Jackie comes in from the bathroom. Hyde gets up and leaves before she finishes sitting down. Jackie looks away from the door.   Donna looks back down at her ring. Jackie takes notice.   JACKIE: You know, Donna – I really need to introduce you to my good friend, nail polish.   She holds up her perfectly manicured nails. Donna frowns at her, then turns back to her ring.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - EVENING   Later that day. The Vista Cruiser is out in the driveway. Hyde and Eric play basketball while Kelso and Fez lean against the car.   KELSO: (to Fez) Man, I just – maybe I should go to Jackie, you know? Lay it all on the line. But what if... what if that’s it? I don’t think I can take that again.   FEZ: I understand. You are a sensitive man, Kelso. Tender. Delicate.   HYDE: Girlish, even.   Donna and Jackie come up the driveway. Eric, who has the ball, tosses it to Hyde and crosses to Donna.   ERIC: Oh, there you are. The movie’s about to start.   He takes Donna’s left hand and starts to lead her around the car when he notices: the ring isn’t there anymore.   ERIC (cont’d): Where’s your ring?   DONNA: Oh, I put it on a chain so I could wear it around my neck.   She lifts the ring and chain up to show him, crosses to the patio. The others start to make their way around the car.   KELSO: BURN! Oh, super burn! The wedding’s off!   ERIC & DONNA: Kelso, shut up.   Eric crosses to Donna. The others all follow, right behind him.   ERIC: Donna, why aren’t you wearing the ring on your hand?   DONNA: I don’t know. I didn’t really think it was a big deal.   JACKIE: That is not true! (to Donna) I told you – (to the others) I told her it was a big deal!   DONNA: Look, Eric, why don’t we talk about this later?   ERIC: Well, there’s not really anything to talk about. Unless – you don’t want to wear the ring.   KELSO: OUCH!   Everyone gives him the same dirty look.   KELSO (cont’d): Sorry – I’m sorry.   He gestures for Eric to continue.   Eric looks back to Donna. She looks back at him, then laughs and shakes her head.   DONNA: It’s great. The ring is great.   She unhooks the chain and slides the ring onto her left ring finger. For good measure, she holds up her hand.   DONNA (cont’d): See? It’s great.   ERIC: So... we’re good?   DONNA: Yeah, fine.   ERIC: Okay, good!   They head to the passenger side of the Vista Cruiser. Eric opens the door for Donna. Just as she’s about to step inside, Kitty rushes out from the kitchen, camera in hand, and snaps a picture of them. Eric flashes a sheepish smile; Donna wears a long face.   Kitty looks up from the viewfinder.   KITTY: It’s my God-given right as a mother!   She disappears back into the house. Donna gets inside the car.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - DAY   The next day. Red, Kitty, BOB, and MIDGE sit at the kitchen table. Red has a PHOTOGRAPH in his hand; it’s the picture Kitty took the night before. The parents study it carefully.   KITTY: (beat) Well, now – now that is just so... oh, dear.   MIDGE: When they got home, I asked Donna how it went, and she said “fine.” (shakes her head) But she didn’t seem fine.   KITTY: And Eric has never been good at knowing when “fine” isn’t fine. It runs in the family.   RED: (to Kitty) No, it does not!   KITTY: (cold) Fine.   RED: Okay! Good.   He smiles, oblivious.   Bob takes the photo.   BOB: I dunno. She doesn’t look that unhappy. (to Midge) She kind of looks like you.   MIDGE: I’m unhappy, Bob.   They all look amongst themselves. Kitty breaks the silence with a nervous laugh.   CUT TO:   INT. DONNA’S BEDROOM – DAY   Concurrent with the previous scene. Donna is in bed for an afternoon nap. The promise ring is in her right hand. A slow zoom in as we cut to:   INT. GAME SHOW STAGE   DREAM SEQUENCE. Donna is on LET’S MAKE A DEAL, complete with stupid carrot costume. She bobs on her feet as MONTY HALL comes up to her, microphone in hand.   ANNOUNCER (v.o.): Welcome to “Let’s Make a Deal!”   MONTY: All right, Donna, which is it going to be? Your future behind Door Number 1, Door Number 2, or Door Number 3?   DONNA:  Oh, my God, I don’t know!   She jumps and claps.   DONNA (cont’d): Okay – Door Number 3!   MONTY: Door Number 3? All right, let’s take a look at what you didn’t choose behind Door Number 1.   Door Number 1 opens. There is a writing desk with a typewriter and a coatrack with a leather jacket hanging on it.   MONTY (cont’d): It’s a leather jacket and a typewriter, which you could have used when you became a globe-trotting rock n’ roll journalist!   Donna’s shoulders slump.   DONNA: Wow... that would’ve been nice.   MONTY: Yeah, too bad. All right, let’s take a look at what was behind Door Number 2.   Door Number 2 opens. The U.S. Constitution, framed, is displayed between the Wisconsin and American flags.   MONTY (cont’d): The U.S. Constitution, which would come in handy when you became the first woman president!   DONNA: Oh, Monty, these prizes are bitchin’!   MONTY: Yeah, truly bitchin’. Now, let’s take a look at what you did choose behind Door Number 3.   Door Number 3 opens. Eric is sitting on a donkey, beaming and waving, as terrible country music plays.   MONTY (cont’d): It’s your boyfriend and a promise ring!   ERIC: I love you!   He blows Donna a kiss. The “zonk” sound plays. Donna’s face falls as we cut to:   INT. DONNA’S BEDROOM – DAY   Donna wakes from her dream. She curls her right hand in toward her and looks at the promise ring.   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   Concurrent with the previous two scenes. Kelso is in Hyde’s chair, his leg restless, while Fez reads a comic on the couch.   KELSO: This is it, man. If Jackie won’t take me back, I’m done with chicks for good. I’ll be like a monk. Or an ugly person.   Hyde comes down the stairs, a beer can in hand. He’s almost on a march.   KELSO (cont’d): (to Hyde) Hey, how’d you sneak the beer? Is Red still looking at that -   Hyde tosses the can aside. He grabs Kelso by the collar, hauls him out of the chair, and throws him back against the water heater.   HYDE: Are you now, or will you ever again be shacking up with Forman’s skanky sister?   He isn’t completely drunk, but the beer’s loosened his tongue and temper. Kelso, cornered, tries his best to shrink down.   KELSO: Why, did she say something about me? (Hyde frogs him in the arm) OW!   HYDE: I’ll ask the questions here, dirtbag! Now – yes or no?   KELSO: No!   HYDE: Do you now, or will you ever again sneak out back behind the gym to make it with Pam Macy?   KELSO: It was also in the gym. And her car. (Hyde frogs him in the arm) OW! No!   HYDE: Are you now, or will you ever again look to get any action on the side with whores, trash, or sluts from Sacred Heart?   KELSO: NO! And – dude, Hyde, you need to get off probation, ‘cause all that time around cops is having a bad influence on you!   FEZ: I disagree. Once he outgrows his rebellious phase, I think Hyde would make an excellent cop. He projects an air of masculine authority.   Kelso and Hyde give Fez a look, then turn back to each other.   HYDE: I’m not kidding around here, Kelso! Now, I’ve had a shot! I’ve had a good shot! And I’ve been holding that shot! And if I keep holding it, so you can have your shot, because that’s the shot she wants to take, then I need to know damn well that you’re not gonna blow your shot!   KELSO: (beat) Wait, I’m confused. Are we going hunting? (Hyde frogs him) OW! Why the violence?   FEZ: (to Kelso) He means Jackie, fool!   KELSO: All right, fine! Look, Hyde – I don’t know what’s going on with you and Jackie – if you like her, or if her dad hired you to be, like, her secret bodyguard – and, if he did, he’s getting his money’s worth, because – damn!   He massages the spot on his arm where Hyde’s been hitting him.   FEZ: (to Hyde) See, another career opportunity for you. What a productive afternoon.   KELSO: (to Hyde) Look, I don’t need you or anyone telling me I screwed up before with Jackie. I know, okay? I know every time I see her. And I can’t do anything to take it back. And when I try to change, and be a better guy, nobody believes me. But I think I have changed. And I think Jackie does too, which means more to me than anything. So, if I have a shot, I’m gonna fight for it.   He stands up a little taller. Hyde regards him, his hands clenched in fists. His shades mask his thoughts.   Hyde grabs Kelso by the collar again and drags him behind as he marches to the basement door.   KELSO: No, wait – I didn’t mean that kind of fight! (to Fez) Fez, come on, man! I NEED A WITNESS!   Hyde throws the door open, and they exit. Fez runs after them.   CUT TO:   INT. THE HUB – DAY   A short time later. Business is slow at the Hub. Jackie sits alone at a small round table near the center of the Hub. An empty food basket is on the table. Jackie gathers her purse and stands to leave.   Hyde enters just as Jackie reaches the door. They each take a step back from the other.   HYDE: (beat) Hey.   He gives her a chance to reply; she just regards him coolly.   HYDE (cont’d): Um... I’m just dropping off...   He glances behind him; no one’s there. Scowling, he throws open the door to the Hub and sticks his head outside.   HYDE (cont’d): (shouting) Will you get in here, you big baby!   Kelso skitters to the door, Fez right behind him. They stay as far back from Hyde as they can while still making their way inside.   KELSO: (to Hyde) You are a scary, scary man, Hyde!   Hyde cuts him off with a look. He jerks his head in Jackie’s direction and motions for Kelso to go to her. Jackie looks back and forth between them.   JACKIE: Michael, what’s going on?   With one last nervous look to Hyde, Kelso takes Jackie by the hand and leads her back to the middle of the Hub. Fez hangs back by Hyde.   KELSO: Okay, Jackie – look, I know our second first date didn’t end so great. And I know we’ve got some bad history, and I’ll understand if you don’t want to go back to that. But I just – there’s something I need to tell you: from the first minute that I saw you, I knew that I wanted to fool around with you.   Jackie’s face scrunches up. She looks over at Hyde, who shakes his head and shrugs.   KELSO (cont’d): And then, after we did that, and I still wanted to talk to you, I knew that I never wanted to be without you. And I feel like we’ve got another chance to make that happen now, and I want to take it, but it’s up to you. So... will you please take me back?   Jackie studies Kelso’s face. She looks back to Hyde, who gives another, smaller shrug. “Love is the Answer” by Utopia comes on the jukebox.   JACKIE: (beat) Yeah. Yeah, Michael, I will.   She smiles, and Kelso smiles back. They both open their arms wide and embrace, Kelso lifting Jackie off her feet.   Over Kelso’s shoulder, Jackie looks up at Hyde. He gives her the smallest of smiles. Eyes watering, she smiles back before pulling her head back to kiss Kelso.   Hyde looks away, and he sees Fez struggling to hold in tears.   HYDE: Oh, God, what are you crying about?   FEZ: (sniffs) You know what, you magnificent, selfless bastard!   He throws his arms around Hyde. Hyde tries to fight his way free from the hug, but Fez just keeps holding on as Jackie and Kelso continue to kiss.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   Much later in the day. Hyde sits in his chair, sunglasses off. He has a pack of cards in hand; one by one, he tosses them on the coffee table.   Eric comes down the stairs, crosses to the lawn chair. He looks over at Hyde and grins.   ERIC: Hey. So, I hear Jackie and Kelso got back together. And I hear they didn’t do it alone, nuh-uh. I hear they had help from a curly-haired cupid. An angry, violent, curly-haired cupid who may have just broken his own heart and Kelso’s humerus.   He laughs silently. Hyde doesn’t look up, just keeps tossing cards.   ERIC (cont’d): Man... could you just tell me what you were thinking when you -   HYDE: Where’s Donna?   ERIC: (beat) She said she had to study.   HYDE: Huh. So, everything’s cool?   ERIC: (beat) Okay, look. I don’t know what everyone thinks is going on, but Donna and I are not only fine, we’re great. Everything’s finally settled, so... (beat) We’re happier than ever.   HYDE: Well, one of you is.   ERIC: What is that supposed to mean?   Hyde lets out a long sigh. He sets what’s left of the deck down on the table and looks straight at Eric.   HYDE: Look, Forman. I get what you’re trying to do. You know, you’re trying to lock her up. Seal the deal. And I’ll I’m saying is... maybe Donna’s not that kind of girl.   Eric’s face hardens. He stands and points at Hyde.   ERIC: Okay, you don’t know as much as you think, Hyde. So you need to just shut up.   He runs back up the stairs. Hyde glances after him, then leans back and puts his feet up on the coffee table.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - NIGHT   Immediately following. Donna sits on the hood of the Vista Cruiser. She has her promise ring in her hands; she fiddles nervously with it.   Eric steps out from the kitchen, still seething. He brightens up when he sees Donna, crosses to sit on her right.   ERIC: Hey. What are you doing out here?   DONNA: Um... I wanted to talk to you.   She looks up at a still-smiling Eric.   DONNA (cont’d): Oh, this is gonna be hard. (beat) Um... Eric, I love you. A lot. But I have to give you your ring back.   ERIC: What? Why?   Donna looks up, as if searching for the words. She turns to face him head-on.   DONNA: Okay. How do you see the next twenty years?   ERIC: I don’t know. I guess I always figured that we’d go to college together and come home -   DONNA: Yeah, but Eric, you know that’s not what I want. I mean, I’ve told you that. And who knows? I may want to go to school back east, or maybe in Paris.   ERIC: Okay, well, you know what, Donna? Whatever, okay? The important thing is that when you see yourself in Paris, or... wherever, I’m there, right? (beat) Right?   DONNA: I don’t know... not always. I mean, it’s not like there’s anyone else, but sometimes I’m... by myself. I mean, all I’m saying is, I don’t know. Neither of us does. And this ring is just a stupid high school promise. If we’re meant to be together, then we’ll end up together.   ERIC: No, the way we end up together is by saying we’ll be together, and then – being together.   DONNA: Eric, come on! We’re together now! Isn’t that enough?   ERIC: No!   He gets off the car and begins to pace.   ERIC (cont’d): I mean, damn, Donna! If you can see a future for yourself without me, and that doesn’t, like, break your heart, then - we’re not doing what I thought we were doing here! And you know what? Maybe we shouldn’t be together at all.   DONNA: Wait a minute...   She stands too.   DONNA (cont’d): Are you breaking up with me?   ERIC: Well... are you giving back that ring?   Donna tries to choke down her tears; she can’t.   DONNA: Yes.   ERIC:  Then... yes.   Donna tries to say something, but the words won’t come. With one last look at Eric, she leaves the promise ring on the hood of the Vista Cruiser and runs down the street, crying.   Eric picks up the promise ring in his right hand (MUSIC NOTE: “Thirteen” by Big Star). Slowly, he climbs back onto the hood of the Vista Cruiser and lies back. Looking up at the night sky, he slams his right hand down in a fist. Tears come to his eyes as we slowly crane up.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   Another night. Eric and Hyde sit on the couch. Hyde’s shades are back, but both boys look forlorn. The radio plays in the background.   DJ (aud. only): Well, it’s a beautiful night out tonight in the greater Oshkosh area, and I hope all the lovers out there are making the most of it. But for those poor fellas without a lucky lady, you don’t have to spend the night alone and inside. We have just the place for you to go to...   “Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis Presley begins to play.   ELVIS (aud. only): Well, since my baby left me Well, I found a new place to dwell Well, its down at the end of the lonely street At Heartbreak Hotel Where I’ll be – where I get so lonely, baby I get so lonely I get so lonely, I could die...   HYDE: You know, I’m really starting to hate this station.   Eric rolls his eyes and throws his head back.   END.
Okay, so - before you get mad...XD
1. This re-write runs through the beginning Season 5 - we've got a long ways to go.
2. Remember that a major goal of this was to keep the Jackie/Hyde tension going through this period of the show in proportion to everything already there. It's been tough to do that without sacrificing Kelso's character development, which is there at this point in the series - he does try to change and be faithful to Jackie. But I think I've found some fun ways to work with that in Season 4 that you'll all enjoy.
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those70scomics · 5 years
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MistyMountainHop’s That ‘70s Show Fanfic that Never Was: #12
Note: I likely came up with this idea after reading heatherlea75‘s T7S stories many years ago. The initial premise reminds me of her fic For Her Sake. 
Jackie Is Missing
Jackie Fakes Her Death Jackie and Hyde are married. They have a young infant child (maybe eight-months old). Jackie's father has gotten into some bad business, which causes her life to be threatened. Jack helps her fake her own death, even using a corpse in her stead. Hyde is left to raise their son on his own. He's completely devastated by her death. He doesn't know how he's going to raise their son alone. Kitty, Donna, Eric, and W.B., Angie, and even Red say he won't be doing it alone -- he'll be doing it with them. So the first part of the story follows him raising the kid with his family and friends' help. After Jackie's “death,” Hyde begins to shut down. He's an emotional robot. Eric tells him he can't do that. Eric says, “Don't raise your son the way Red raised me.” Hyde says Eric turned out fine. Twitchy, but fine. Eric asks if Hyde wants his son to turn out twitchy, too. Hyde doesn't.
Eric also reminds Hyde how Hyde felt growing up with his alcoholic parents. Does he really want to do that to the child he shares with Jackie? Hyde says no. And this wakes him up. But it also means he's in constant pain from the loss of Jackie. Hyde's quicker to anger than he used to be, but as the years go on, he regains a good portion of his emotional distance back, his Zen. Not all of it, though. As the kid becomes a toddler, everyone says that the kid looks so much like Hyde, but all Hyde can see is Jackie. The kid has blond hair, but this darkens as he gets older to Jackie's brunette. The kid does have Hyde's curly hair, though. When Jackie “dies,” Donna is pregnant with her first child. She wanted to share that news with Jackie but never got the chance. Jackie, however, is not dead. Jack goes to her hiding place and relates how her funeral went. Jackie doesn't want to hear it. But Jack stole Hyde's eulogy about her. Jackie's surprised he wrote anything down. Jack says Hyde didn't stick strictly to the eulogy, but the same sentiment is there. Jackie can't bring herself to read it. She stuffs it deep into a drawer. Jackie is very nauseous. She and Hyde had made love before Jack told her she had to “die”. She breastfed her son (using a breast pump) and falsely believed she couldn't get pregnant while breast-feeding. So she and Hyde didn't use protection. Turns out she's pregnant. Jackie freaks out. She says she has to go back to Steven and their son. She can't deprive them or this child of their family. Jack says she has to if she wants her children to survive. Jackie eventually gives birth to a daughter. Next part of the story, Hyde's son is seventeen. He's been affected more by Hyde's grief at Jackie’s absence more than Jackie’s absence itself. In the son's POV, we get that Hyde has this broken piece inside that's never healed. But the son also feels very loved by Hyde. The love/affection Hyde felt for Jackie, he gives to their son. Hyde's overprotective because of what happened to Jackie. This has created a rebellious streak in his son. He’s very much like Hyde. How is he like Jackie, though? When Hyde tells his son the dangers of smoking pot, the son argues that Hyde was a major burnout as a teenager. Hyde says that pot was different then. It's been bred to be way more potent. As usual, people fuck up a good thing. The son knows he looks a lot like his dad. But he looks at pictures of his mom to see how he looks like her. He also asks Hyde what Jackie was like. Hyde tells him. The son also sees happy pictures of Hyde and Jackie together. This has a strong effect on him. Hyde did date during his son's childhood; he had plenty of sex. But no relationships stuck until, maybe, when son was sixteen. Hyde might have a woman living with him; first serious relationship. Maybe it's someone we know from the show. Hyde felt okay to do it once son reached fifteen and was more independent. Hyde raised his son next door to Eric and Donna. Son became best friends with Eric and Donna's daughter. She has low self-esteem when it comes to her looks -- like her dad. Donna's always taught her to value things beyond her appearance. The girl is very, very smart. She has Donna's blue eyes and Eric's brown hair. She has Donna's temper and playfulness, and Eric's depreciating sense of humor and compassion. And Hyde's son is in love with her. But Eric and Donna's daughter thinks she has “a goofy face” because “nothing's symmetrical”. One of her eyes is slanted slightly to the right. The bridge of her nose is curved. One breast is bigger than the other, etc. But Hyde's son likes that. To him, that makes her even more attractive. He likes what breaks from the carbon-copy, plastic, sterile societal idea of perfection (so much like Hyde). Donna and Eric's kid is eight months younger than Hyde's son. She's in the grade below him. That summer, though, Hyde's son goes to rock n' roll camp and meets his sister. He feels instantly connected to her, and that scares him. She looks like Jackie except she has Hyde's blond hair and steel-blue eyes. He's spooked. When he goes home, he tells Eric and Donna's daughter he met someone who looks so much like his mom. She was a loudmouth, too, like Hyde told him Jackie could be.
Eric and Donna's daughter gets jealous, says, “Did you kiss her loudmouth?” Hyde's son says Eric's daughter is sick. He couldn't hook up with someone who looks like his mom. Hyde's son is unsure if he should share this info with his dad. His dad finally seems, if not happy, less pissed off with his girlfriend. Hyde's son doesn't want to open up this can of worms. Eventually, though, the son tells Hyde about it. Or Hyde's son maintains contact with this girl, through letters, and invites her to where he lives to bring her guitar, hang out, and jam, etc. Jackie's daughter was unnerved by the boy she met at that camp. Jackie told her Hyde was dead. She also said his name was “James,” not Hyde or Steven. Jackie never showed her pictures in case her daughter wanted to seek him out (worried she didn't trust Jackie's story about him being dead). Jackie's daughter also thinks that her last name is what Jackie's current fake last name is. And she doesn't know Jackie's real first name. So when Hyde's son asks her her mother's name, she tells him a name other than Jackie, and that crushes Hyde's son's theory. Hyde's son, though, theorizes that maybe his mom's alive. His friends, including Kelso's twin sons, think his conspiracy imagination is acting up again. Hyde's son was raised around Kelso's family, too. Betsy was always the untouchable, unattainable  hot chick. Fez and Laurie's son is their friend, too. Eric and Donna had a son seven years after their daughter. Hyde's son is protective of him. When Jackie's daughter tells Jackie about Hyde's son, Jackie breaks down. She knows exactly who her daughter’s talking about, the name, the physical appearance, and the behavior give him away. She hasn't seen her son in over sixteen years. Jackie's grief is re-opened, and she weeps, and her daughter freaks out a little. Eric may not like that his daughter is dating Hyde's son. Eric thinks Hyde's son is too much like Hyde was pre-Jackie. Hyde gets pissed at this. And later, Hyde's son proves how great he is. He protects Eric and Donna's daughter and/or their son from being hurt by a dangerous situation or person. Jackie only comes out of hiding when the people after her dad are dead -- or she believes they're dead. They might have pulled the same trick on her as she had on them. Jackie became a florist when she went into hiding. A humble florist, someone says, and she says, “Hardly.” She entered contests (rose, etc.) and got high/top honors. Jackie, Hyde, and their children eventually reunite. Hyde, like Jackie, didn't know Jackie was pregnant when she faked her own death. When he learns of his daughter, tears rise to his eyes. He can't help it. He has a girl, Jackie's girl. But the tears aren't just joy. He missed out on (however many) years of her life, her firsts. She didn't have her daddy around to protect her. She grew up without a dad like he did; even when Bud was living with him and his mom, Bud wasn't really present. Hyde also gets worried about the kind of men Jackie brought around their daughter. Hyde grew up with a succession of “uncles,” some better than others, but most were pretty horrible. Jackie reassures him, though, that she didn't date anyone -- which may not have been the best thing. Their daughter doesn't have a great view of men -- or boys.
Which is something her brother will help her with, enough for her to start connecting with Hyde. But Hyde's influence sweeps through her strong, deep, and quick. It's remarkable, and Jackie is grateful for both Hyde and their son's effect on their daughter. Jackie's daughter is also angry at Jackie for keeping her away from her father and brother all these years, even though she also fiercely loves her mom. Jackie is a great mom. So the daughter represses her anger at her mom. She feels guilty for this anger because she understands, intellectually at least, that her mom hid them to protect them.
So who draws out her anger? Her brother. Her brother says feelings are complex, often crashing into each other and making a mess. He got that understanding from his dad, but he doesn't share this fact with his sister (not yet) because she's not into trusting Hyde yet. But once she starts engaging with Hyde, she realizes her brother is so much like their father and that he got a lot of his wisdom from Hyde (not all, though). Jackie and Hyde's daughter's first impression of Hyde: He was a quiet man, on the outside at least. Or maybe he was just guarded, assessing situations before acting. Eventually, she sees how gentle Hyde can be and how fiercely protective of the vulnerable he was -- like her brother.
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Blame The Eagles, Man
Summary: Eric’s drive home from Buddy’s house ends up being a lot more eventful than he expected it to be. He blames his stupidity on The Eagles. 
(I tried my best to check the timeline - this takes place around ‘The Good Son’ hopefully. This is my first time writing for them so I’m still trying to figure them out! The rest of my Buddy/Eric content from now on will be posted to my account for them here! )
(This is not the fanfic for them that I’d been working on. I just got this idea like 2 days ago while listening to ‘Ol’ 55′ and I accidentally wrote it.)
‘That 70′s Show’
Words:  4,271
Ships: Beric? Eric x Buddy 
The sun was setting and it left the most pleasing reflection on the hood of the Vista Cruiser and for once in the car’s sad little life, Eric really felt like it was cruising. There was no huffing or puffing, no off-putting sounds and not once had the glove-box fallen open (scaring the shit outta him) because Kelso had shoved more crap into it. None of that. Just a dead small-town road and a sunset he’d keep to himself. If he wasn’t driving, Eric might’ve curled his hands behind his head and lounged. 
‘And he’d never had time to do that! There was always something. Some stupid little roadblock that became a new problem and sure, it was usually all his own doing but he just had bad luck.’
But today was a good day. He might not even call it just a good day, it deserved something better. He had that stupid little grin on his face, the one that Jackie said made him look high which he took as a compliment cause there really was no better feeling then that so anything that made him look it deserved praise. Eric wanted to stretch out the feeling for as long as he could before things got stupid again...before he got stupid again. 
So he reached for the radio and was pleasantly surprised by the moment being instantly heightened. ‘The beginning of a good song. The beginning! He hadn’t missed most of it or had to change it because his friends! Life was good.’
‘So good it was suspicious.’ Eric felt like he was in a movie, the itch of a daydream was under his skin. The sun was leaving the most beautiful hues of orange as it fell closer to the ground as The Eagles sang to him. Thank God for small favors because if Hyde (who was with him more and more now that he’d moved into his house) had been with him or even Kelso, he would’ve had to change it. ‘It wasn’t one of The Eagles best songs. Too mellow’. Eric rolled his eyes and huffed.  
'I'm on my way home from your place.... Now the sun's coming up, I'm riding with Lady Luck...’
The sun lowered in contrast to the song but left that same array of colors it would have if it were the other way around. Eric took it all in behind his windshield and smiled wider. “Yes, yes.” He spoke to himself in that smug happy tone he liked. The crushing weight of it being a school night dawned on him and it had the potential to ruin his mood but it fizzled out, much to Eric’s own shock. 
The particular school night was Tuesday. So when the song faded out and Eric sighed, reaching out to change it, another Eagles tune kicked in. Two for Tuesday. “Oh Hell yeah!” He laughed, tongue sticking out momentarily for the sake of rock and roll, and sat back with his hands on the wheel. 
‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’. That was again, eerily too perfect. That was his favorite. Well...not his personally...the ‘his’ in that sentence was referring to Buddy. Eric wiggled his eyebrows as he thought. 
He’d spent the whole day with Buddy and it wasn’t the first time he’d done that but it was always a little weird when he didn’t hang with his gang. But he liked to keep Buddy separate and for now he didn’t think Buddy minded all that much either. Though it was becoming a struggle considering it had been a long time now since they fell back into their friendship. But It made Eric a little uncomfortable considering Hyde & Donna truly knew Buddy’s secret. He felt dirty about that, Buddy didn’t know they knew. Apparently Fez had known the whole time too. Kelso and Jackie might know but it hadn’t been confirmed for them. He wasn’t even sure they were aware just how much he’d been hanging with Buddy again. 
So Eric didn’t want them all around Buddy again yet. 
‘I got a peaceful easy feelin' And I know you won't let me down...’  
But he sure liked being around him. Truthfully, Buddy kissing him had been so awkward that Eric wanted to avoid him. But, he wasn’t raised that way and that seemed like ages ago now. He just didn’t have a rude bone in his body, like his mother he was polite and kind....he had a smart-mouth but that was all. So it was never likely that he’d just never talk to Buddy again. He really liked him anyway. Plus it’d be hard to avoid your lab partner. So after an awkward period, Eric made sure to let Buddy know they were ok. They fell right back into that easy friendship and now months had gone by. 
So here he was, one his way home from another day together. It was always different then when he spent the day with Hyde or Kelso or Fez. He felt like he could let more of his dorky side loose. Not that his friends didn’t like him for him, it was just more instinctual for them to make fun of him first. Buddy usually appreciated it and even laughed. It was that same kind of laugh he’d done in the school parking lot...when he called Eric cute. Eric didn’t really know why but that kind of encouraged him to say more things like that around him. 
‘I get this feelin' I may know you As a lover and a friend...’
Maybe that meant something. Eric shifted in his seat, his back a little sweaty and sticking to his shirt. He’d think about it more if he didn’t feel oddly guilty about it. He wasn’t sure why but his mind always stacked Buddy against Donna...he blamed Buddy for bringing Donna up before he’d kissed him that night at the theater. They were on the same level in his head but different. If he thought about Buddy too long, he’d try and switch back to Donna, his girlfriend. 
He audibly groaned as he turned the car down another street. Maybe it was that cinematic feeling the Eagles were really encouraging him with but Eric let himself stew in these thoughts. No switching to Donna. 
Buddy was just...really fun to be with. That had to just be it. Eric nodded to himself. Although, he thought about that stupid little grin he had on his face just moments ago. It came with the memories of the day, naturally. No overthinking and no nerves. It was the same kind of smile he’d seen on Jackie’s face whenever she tortured them by talking about Kelso. 
“Ughh.” He shook his shoulders, not liking his comparison to the bratty girl. 
He drove around, feeling the need to pass his own street to buy himself some more time, not really sure why. 
‘He was just confusing his feelings because he knew Buddy liked him. Yeah, that was it.’ 
Eric rolled his lips together and sighed, he could go home now. He’d thought about it enough and came to his conclusion and The Eagles were slowly fading out. He turned his blinker on, sat at the stop sign and waited his turn. 
The sound of his blinker seemed to get louder, annoying him. “Damn.” He shook his head like couldn’t control his own stupidity and made the quick change to go forward instead, heading back for the busy street. It was suddenly important to him that the Eagles keep playing, maybe a dumb little attempt to grasp onto the movie mood a little longer. But with the desert vibe right there in the music and the sun setting on the cruiser...he really felt like he was on Tatooine. And Luke Skywalker would know what to do, wouldn’t he?  
Maybe not. Luke hadn’t faced anything quite like his dumb Point Place problems. ‘There was no doubt he was meant to be with Leia just like him and Donna. Luke would never for a second wonder if he was supposed to be with-..with Han? Would he?’
‘Sure he’d been so happy when Han had come back and even basically jumped into his arms to hug him at the end. And yeah, Han had asked Luke to come with him before he left...’ 
“Ahhhh.” Eric waved his hand like he had company in the car, which he very clearly didn’t. He pulled into the store he’d been looking for and decided to make this a quick stop. So quick in fact, that he almost forgot to put the damn car into park. He didn’t even want to think about how bad that could’ve been. 
He got in and out in a matter of just a few minutes and hopped right back into the cruiser with his small haul. The plastic bag shifted in his lap as he reached his hand inside and pulled out a Crunch Bar which had not been what he intended to buy but he couldn’t resist. He happily bit into that while he freed his new 8-track and got it ready to play. 
When the Eagles kicked back in, he momentarily felt eager but when the sound of his own chewing became apparent and the fact that he was sitting in his car alone, he felt ridiculous again. “I should go home.” Eric spoke to himself as he put his car in gear. 
But then he thought about actually going back home and having to pin his thoughts for later...and then eventually he’d just put it off forever. “Nah. I’ll drive around.” 
Eric didn’t really know why he spoke out loud to himself but he did that a lot when he was stuck for a decision and it really annoyed his friends sometimes. He shoved the rest of the crunch bar in his mouth and drove right back onto the busy street and bought himself and the Eagles some more time by cruising. 
The day had gone by pretty quickly and Eric found himself wishing it had all gone by a little slower. Buddy had insisted they take the Vista Cruiser instead of his awesome car for the day. But that was not an uncommon request of his, Eric noticed, Buddy really liked the cruiser. That was one of the most confusing things about him, Eric really needed to ask him why. Buddy was fascinating to him, it seemed. He already asked him why he liked him, which had been embarrassing but that was a while ago now....
Eric turned his wheel and wondered for a half second or so if Buddy still liked him. It had been a while now, hand’t it? About enough time for a crush to fizzle out. The thought that Buddy might be over his crush should’ve eased Eric but instead he found himself a little disappointed. ‘He couldn’t lie to himself, knowing Buddy had a thing for him made him feel good about himself. He found that many times he had made a real effort to look good in front of him and did straight people do that?’ 
Eric widened his eyes and attempted to push that questioning away. He didn’t have to think like that because he had Donna, so obviously...“Whatever.” Eric rolled his eyes. 
‘Oh, loneliness will blind you in between the wrong and the right Oh, coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you, one of these nights...’
Eric sighed, the sky was getting to be a darker shade and his friends were probably waiting for him. But suddenly Eric wanted this to be the night he figured everything out...he stumbled over his own thoughts and pulled his confused face. 
Things with Donna had been fuzzy lately. He really tried not to think about it though because for so long, Donna had been his dream. He just loved her from the minute he saw her and she became this-beginning & end in all his daydreams.
But some of that spark was gone. He wanted to tell her, badly, but he wasn’t good at things like that. He’d never want to hurt Donna so he consistently put it off until things felt good again and he could forget. ‘But then Buddy came along. It was such a new thing to him...not just Buddy’s sexuality but the idea that someone else might have actual feelings for him! Eric Forman! He just never really expected that. He was confused....and Buddy had said that was ok, didn’t he? Right before he kissed him.’ 
Eric shivered. 
But his feelings for Donna had started so early, that had to mean something and he always guessed like soulmates or something. But maybe that was kiddie shit? Puppy love? The kind of love that made him want to carry her books for her or walk her home...a kind of love that wasn’t meant to live past thirteen. He just hadn’t wanted to let it go. 
“-You know, we always had each other, baby I guess that wasn't enough Oh, but here in my heart I give you the best of my love...”
That hit too close to home. How long had he been driving? He’d tuned out into his thoughts for at least six whole songs. Maybe the Eagles were right. He kinda trusted them more than he did himself after all. Eric rolled his lips together and remembered the feeling of Buddy kissing him and then the way Donna felt. 
“Oh shit.” He whispered softly to himself and before he knew it, he made another drastic decision and turned his car around. 
He didn’t speed but he went as fast as possible and tried not to think too hard because this was a dumb idea, he was sure of it. But he didn’t want to go back on it again. 
So he drove until he got to a familiar curb, pulled over and jogged to the front door. He almost pounded the door but thought better of it and knocked with manners. A man he’d only met once, that day too, answered the door and made a displeased face before calling back into his home
“Buddy, that friend of yours is back!” 
He walked away from the door-frame only when Buddy came down the stairs and took his place. His dad really didn’t care for Eric all that much. 
Buddy scrunched his face up a bit and squinted....Eric liked that face a lot and he felt a bit giddy. Sensing his dad’s displeasure, Buddy came outside and shut the door behind him.“Eric-?”
“Listen Buddy, I just came back to...” ‘Oh god, why did he come back again?’
Buddy crossed his arms and leaned back on his door, a little smirk pulling at his lips with amusement. 
“I think I left my-?” Eric tried to think of a plausible excuse but found nothing “dignity at your house...apparently.” He rubbed behind his ear and sighed. He really was bad at facing his feelings and acting like a normal person. However, Buddy just seemed pleasantly surprised. He was giggling in that same way he always giggled at Eric. 
“You sure lose that a lot, Eric.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled.
“Yeah, Yeah I do, don’t I?” Eric felt a little more relaxed as he laughed with him.
“What’s the real reason you’re on my porch?” Buddy gently poked his arm and let his hands fall back before habitually bumping his fists together (Eric had noticed he did that a lot). 
Eric felt a blush threaten to bloom over his cheeks as heat rose in his body. He wanted to say something. He really did but he hadn’t thought about what it was clearly yet. “I’m an idiot.” He laughed, a nervous one and shook his head. 
Buddy was still standing against his red door with that look of amusement, his smile grew wider as he chuckled. “You really didn’t need to come back just to tell me that, I know that.” 
Man, he really liked him. Because Eric knew he was an idiot and Buddy seemed to love that about him. He grinned and felt some more of the cinematic energy rise within him again. Maybe Luke did like Han. Maybe Eric had crushed a little on Luke. Maybe he crushed a whole lot more on Buddy now. He knew what he wanted to say but would he be able to? Probably not. 
“Hey, do you still like me?”
Buddy blinked and his face fell a little bit, he looked away with embarrassment.
‘Nice going, Eric’
The sun was now almost gone but the hues of the sunset were nicely laying over Buddy, it was...nice. Eric felt bad for spoiling the sight by being an idiot. 
“No, wait. Buddy I’m sorry. I-um...” Eric interrupted Buddy just before he began to speak and the boy turned with interest. “I came to tell you...that I think I might...”
Buddy’s eyes widened and he crossed his arms, Eric felt a bit like throwing up into his bushes but he highly doubted anyone would appreciate that. “But-I don’t know. I really thought I had this figured out in the car-” Eric pointed his thumb over his shoulder to the car. “-S’just with the music and I was really...huh.” 
Eric sighed and rubbed his hand over his forehead and tried to pretend he couldn’t feel Buddy’s eyes on him. 
“So, you came here to tell me that you might um, have feelings for me?” Buddy asked, subtly shifting on his feet. He might beat Eric to those bushes and for some reason that calmed him a bit.    
Eric looked up and nodded. Buddy didn’t look too surprised nor did he look that troubled. In fact, he smiled a little. He took a small glance towards the sun and breathed in, turning back and licking his lips. And he laughed. 
“You came right back to my house to tell me you might have feelings for me.” He repeated and laughed, not in a mocking way. No. Buddy looked absolutely delighted. He bounced a little on his feet. 
“Ummm yeah. Yes I did. But I fully blame the Eagles for my stupidity.” He gestured and waved with his hands while he spoke, a nervous tick. “I mean, I was just really into the music while I was driving and It made me...think about some things.” He nodded, mostly to himself for reassurance. 
“You came here while you still have a girlfriend, Eric.” Buddy reminded him and Eric felt extremely guilty. Not just for leaving Donna in the dark but for what now seemed like he was teasing Buddy. 
“I-um...I’m confused.” Eric mumbled and finally looked him in the eyes, most likely coming across utterly embarrassed. Buddy could have easily been mad for the surprise visit or for Eric’s vague half confession or for the fact that he had a girlfriend while confessing what might be romantic feelings for him. But instead Buddy looked understanding and offered him a small smile. 
“It’s ok to be confused, Eric.”
They were silent for a few seconds, both smiling a little at the familiarity of the situation. Buddy looked behind him at the closed red door and rolled his lips together. “Do you wanna talk about this? I mean, I really wish I had someone I could’ve talked to. We could go for a drive?” 
Eric wondered how mad Red might be if he stayed out late but found it was worth it if he could have his head cleared at least a little bit. “That’d be great Buddy. Thanks.” He wasn’t sure how he felt about all of this but he wanted to get to talking. Buddy patted his arm before going back into his house, most likely going to talk to his father. 
The sky was now a dusty blue color and the moon was slowly coming into his vision. Anxiety bubbled into his chest when Buddy came right back out with his brown jacket in his hands. He looked perky despite the serious situation which Eric couldn’t understand but he followed him and Buddy walked right over to the Vista Cruiser without a second thought. 
As luck would have it, ‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’ happened to be the song that played next on Eric’s tape and when he turned the car on it filled the silence. He didn’t have to look to know that Buddy was smiling. Eric didn’t mind at all that this was the second time he’d heard it that day. 
“So Eric, what were you thinking about that...brought you back to me?” Buddy suavely managed to make this conversation look casual. He turned his body to face Eric and rested his arm on the back on the seat, his head balanced on his palm. 
“Do you remember when I said that sometimes I felt like I was playing a part with Donna?” Eric was glad he didn’t have to look at Buddy, just the road ahead of them. 
There was a few seconds of silence in which Eric assumed Buddy had nodded before realizing he actually had to speak since Eric couldn’t look at him. “Yeah I remember.” 
Eric felt his throat close up because he really didn’t want to talk about this. It felt wrong to talk with someone else before Donna who was not only his girlfriend but his best friend. He couldn’t bring himself to explain any further, a mixture of guilt and embarrassment. Buddy seemed to recognize that and didn’t really push the conversation forward. They just listened to the music for a while before Buddy spoke up again. 
“I can’t speak for you, Eric, but I know this might be really heavy on you.” Buddy began softly, just over the volume of the music. “I remember what it was like for me and that was the most difficult time of my life...” 
“You always seem so relaxed about everything. So comfortable with yourself.” Eric felt like he would never be comfortable calling another guy cute in the school parking lot ever in his life. Buddy buried his nose a little deeper against his palm and let out a small muffled chuckle. It sounded as if he had a million thoughts weighing on him, he sounded older for a second there.  
“I am now, for the most part.” He lifted his chin and let his hand fall. “But it wasn’t the greatest time in my life when I had no clue what I was or what that meant.” He started picking at a loose threat on his jeans and looked back towards the windshield. 
“It’s a scary time, Eric. Figuring yourself out in a world where it’s only really accepted to be that one thing you’re doubting yourself on.” Buddy laughed, a miserable laugh that made Eric’s stomach drop. “That’s why I really would like to help you...if you need it that is cause hey, maybe you are and maybe you aren’t, you’re a little confused on that.” he shrugged. 
The cruiser rolled to a stop at the red-light and Eric felt a small smile come over his face despite the way he was feeling. “You thought I was.” He thought about that kiss again and he guessed Buddy caught his drift by the way his chipper attitude came forward again. He chuckled. 
“Yeah. Maybe not my greatest moment.” Buddy shook his head and Eric suddenly felt the need to reassure him. 
“It was smooth, I’ll give you that.” He laughed and Buddy rolled his eyes, blushing just the slightest. 
“Oh yeah, Thanks a lot....you were really funny that night though.” Buddy giggled, rubbing his curled finger under his nose. 
“Oh sure, Laugh it up.” Eric turned to look at him with the convenience of another red-light and mocked Buddy’s laughter which only made Buddy laugh way harder. And then they were both laughing so hard there were tears in the corners of their eyes. 
“Don’t look at me again or I swear to God I’ll break a rib.” Buddy wagged his finger in the air and Eric held up one hand innocently. 
“I’m driving Buddy. I couldn’t look at you even if I wanted to.” 
Buddy figured it was safe and looked back towards Eric only to find him still looking at him with that look on his face again. A dopey little smile. Buddy could not for the life of him explain why he just thought that was so funny. There was just something about it. “Oh my God, I hate you.” He shook his head and held his stomach until he could ease out the laughter. 
There was another silence before Eric spoke again. “Do you-..Do you still like me?” He knew it was a bad time to ask, not only was it inconvenient but it also ruined their moment of fun but he just had to know. 
“How about we come back to that once you’ve got yourself figured out, Eric?” Buddy asked, softly and with earnest kindness. It made Eric feel a little guilty for asking him again. He nodded. 
They were quiet again for the whole of the next song but Eric could hear Buddy tapping his foot and he felt some anxiety fizzle out. He knew they were ok. He thought about what his next steps were...figuring out what his feelings for Buddy were and talking to Donna. It was all very daunting. 
But Eric relaxed into the front seat of his car and listened to Buddy humming along to the song. For a few moments, he really felt like he could just take it easy. 
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simplylove101 · 6 years
Influential TV Shows
Okay this is kinda random and why I prob won’t tag the shows I list cuz this is more just something I wanted to get out of my head after watching J&J’s latest podcast where they were talking about this topic. They kept it to 7 shows each and while that would certainly be interesting to try, that’s kinda hard. lol I went about grouping some of them - shows that shaped me growing up, shows that impacted me/stuck with me, comfort shows/watch with the family, taught me about fandoms, etc. And saying something about each of them. Anyway, this is stupid but here we go lol:
The Shows Growing Up:
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Sailor Moon: Okay, nobody make fun of me. lol This is the first show I remember really watching as a kid that wasn't Barney or whatever, something I decided to watch by myself and it actually had an ongoing story. And ofc it took time for me to realize that this was just an English dubbed version that they would play on Cartoon Network. Looking back on it, it’s a little cringey (the voice readings, Serena being a bit of a crybaby) but seeing girls, even if it was animated, kicking ass over evil as a group made an impression on me so it’s no wonder I would watch it religiously after school and was sad when they stopped airing it. And ofc I watched all the movies too. I was a shameless fan. lmao I also eventually read the manga and appreciated it.
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Hey Arnold: As a kid, I would watch Cartoon Network & Nickelodeon (& eventually Disney when I got a little bit older), and I think one of the Nickelodeon shows that really stuck with me as a kid, like Rugrats, was this one. It had a wide range of really distinct characters. It was genuinely funny. And I did love the dynamic between Arnold & Helga (who was interesting & sometimes they would let her be the protagonist of an ep instead of him, like the therapist one which is a def fave) even if her crush was kinda as stalkerish as you can get why maintaining innocence. lol And you know what? I did totally watch the recent movie they did where it tied up loose ends like getting these two together and allowing her to grow as a character. Gotta say it was rewarding after all this time. lol  
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All That: I feel like I gotta put this here because I watched this show all the time as a kid. And I think it’s something that really taught me about comedy. I had seen things from Saturday Night Live growing up cuz of my parents but this was my Nickelodeon version with people that weren’t much older than me at the time so I could really get what was going on/enjoy it. It’s also the first place where we saw people like Amanda Bynes & Kenan Thompson & Kel Mitchell (which is partly why I later watched things like The Amanda Show and Kenan & Kel) What can I say? As a young person, it was just really cool seeing kids being funny. Yeah, there was some cheese but I didn’t care. It stayed with me.
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Boy Meets World/Sister, Sister/Lizzie McGuire/Even Stevens: I kinda cheated here and bundled these shows because these are four of the shows I watched on Disney growing up (Disney showed reruns of Boy Meets World & Sister, Sister for the record) There were others like That’s So Raven, Suite Life, Wizards of Waverly sort of, Proud Family to name a few but these shows I picked have such iconic episodes that I still remember well and love. Like Even Stevens - musical episode hands down Idc. Boy Meets World - Scream-inspired Halloween ep for sure. Yes, there was cheesiness with all these shows. Sometimes very after-school special, but they shaped me I think. Also gotta mention, I remember thinking of Hilary Duff as my idol. lol
The Ones I Watched With the Fam:
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That 70′s Show: Now the thing with my family is that we were one where for a time we would watch tv while eating dinner and my dad would have control of what channel we watched. It was always this way, which meant it would either be Law & Order or Seinfeld (the second one I was cool with and I almost included it on here cuz it’s such a staple comedy but eh,,, I appreciated it more later on. It felt more forced on me at the time) This is probably one of the only shows I can say my whole family truly agreed on watching all together tho, including my sister who generally watches trashy reality shows. This show will always remain one of my faves, because it was hilarious. It got a little weaker towards the end (We do NOT speak about Season 8) but I loved how it was a true ensemble sitcom where everyone brought something to the table and enjoyed the different dynamics between the group. The funny running gags, Jackie & Hyde still remain one of my all-time otps, and Kelso is probably the funniest & lovable dumb character I can think of (If nothing else, Ashton Kutcher was meant to play this part ok) It was nice to have something my whole family could enjoy together. It was a rarity so this show has a special place in my heart for that alone.
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Joan of Arcadia: Another show that has a place in my heart, despite it only lasting 2 seasons and it ending on a bad note (major cliffhanger, still never fully making things right w/ Adam after destroying his character, ultimately S2 was problematic but still) because this is a show that I watched religiously (pun not actually intended here lol) with my mom every Friday it was on. What I loved about it was that the concept is centered around Joan talking to God yet it generally wasn’t being preachy. Joan wasn’t always willing to do what God wanted her to do, and things didn’t always turn out how she wanted. It was a kinda perfect blend for me and my mom to watch together. After this we were more willing to watch stuff as a pair cuz we were close but this started all that. I remember always being curious how God would appear to Joan cuz it was always changing, but there were some fave recurring ones like Cute Guy God, Goth God & Old Lady God to name a few. heh Joan was played wonderfully by the awesome Amber Tamblyn who could always make me cry (naturally she played my fave Tibby in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movies too lol) and she had awesome friends in Adam & Grace (who were my faves) and family. I rewatched this show and you know, I’d say S1 holds up and even the first half of S2. Heck, the episode where Joan & Adam break up towards the end of it, while totally heartbreaking and PISSES me off cuz bad writing for Adam, was solid simply for the acting so there’s that. lol
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Putting this show under this category because this was a show that I mostly got into because my sister loved it growing up. I was really young when it came out so I mostly remembered bits & pieces when I later watched it when I got a little older. It stuck with me tho cuz ofc the awesome Sarah Michelle Gellar playing badass Buffy (she was my sister’s idol) and it was a genuinely funny and smart show. It also got dark too. It wasn’t always solid towards the end, but I think it mostly nailed the actual ending (why Anya had to die tho... Spike I got but ugh) Anyway, this was kinda a big deal cuz it was the only thing my sister and I really watched together that wasn’t bad reality television or me barely paying attention to Dawson’s Creek at the time lol This showed that my sister could have taste when she wanted to (lmao sorry)
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The Carol Burnett Show: I had to mention this show because this is one that got me, really my family, through dealing with my mom’s dementia. We chose to care for her at home instead of putting her in a nursing home. We did this for 2 years until her death. And the one thing we (excluding my sister cuz her & old stuff don’t mix) could always count on cheering us up was this show. My dad told me that my mom loved this show growing up and that’s why we turned on for her. So luckily memory or no memory, she still had a sense of humor and she knew when to laugh. And with good reason. This show is hilarious. So iconic. Carol Burnett was/is rightfully loved dearly for this show. I wish I had more I could say, but this was truly a comfort show when I desperately needed it so I am forever grateful that it existed.
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Honorable Mention: Young & Hungry - another show that got us through that dark period, my dad actually really enjoyed this, despite seeming skeptical, and eventually started calling it the “Josh & Gaby Show” lmao Only thing is we never finished it together so oops. Not so much influential maybe but worth mentioning it felt like since it was underrated, got me thru a tough time, was hilarious and I loved that cast a lot. Emily Osment deserved to be the lead of her own show. Comedy queen.
The Ones That Brought Out the Fangirl In Me AKA The Teen Years:
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The O.C/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl/The Vampire Diaries: Another category where I’m just grouping them up together cuz ultimately it wasn’t about high art with these shows. They were the staple teen shows that everyone was watching and well, I was one of those people. lol It all started with The O.C. It was one of those ‘at the right time’ kinda things cuz I just went into the 6th grade when S1 started and it was such a big hit that everyone was always talking about it and there were even shirts involved (I never went that far lol) but this is where my need to explore YouTube came and then I was making fanvids. Gossip Girl is the one where I actually inserted myself into a fandom for the first time. My goodness the cringe that came with it but it gave me two of the longest online friendships I’ve ever had so I don’t regret it. (Shoutout to @backtothestart02 here as one of them) And well, three of these shows taught me the toxicity that can come from fandom. So I’ve been less vocal/more aware with other shows because of it. There’s problematic stuff in all of these but they were entertaining most of the time despite frustration (lol) 
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Honorable Mention: Teen Wolf - Had to mention this one cuz this was a show where I had a group of friends who all watched this together and we talked about it til the end (even when we weren’t happy with it lol) I was never really vocal in the fandom cuz by this point I was wary of them (fandoms I mean), but it was nice to share a show with people who felt similarly about it. As a show, I truly loved it up to 3B. Some of my favorite episodes were the ones that almost felt standalone-ish (3x06 AKA Motel California still remains my fave to this day) Lastly, it’s because of this show I was introduced to Dylan O’Brien who I always refer to as my ‘always & forever’ guy so yeah lol
Maybe Superhero Shows Are Worth Watching lol:
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The Flash/Daredevil/Cloak & Dagger/Runaways: So I’m someone who growing up, beyond Spider-Man and Batman, never really jumped at superhero movies. I still don’t to an extent but I’m more willing to watch stuff now. I think because when it comes to TV, I’m willing to check out at least an ep. I got into The Flash because my friend Lauren was really into it (and still very much is now) and wanted me to check it out so I did. I sorta watched Arrow before it until a point so I’d seen Barry’s appearances on it and remembered thinking he was precious so I wasn’t surprised that I liked him as a main character. I do think these later seasons have lost some quality but I think the earlier ones were very solid and Grant is perfect in the role. Daredevil... R.I.P. That show was so high quality so the fact that Netflix cancelled it is just rude. Now... Cloak & Dagger has been one of those surprises for me cuz it was such a slow burn that when it really got going it left me wanting more. That S1 finale was so solid. Cannot wait for S2. Love the dynamic between Ty & Tandy. Now Runaways isn’t perfect but it’s my biggest fandom right now and I’m proud of that fact. It’s a show that highlights diversity with 4 PoC leads & 4 kickass ladies (Nico & Gert are my bb girls), healthy ships including an LGBTQ couple currently as the main one (tho it is Gertchase that owns my heart), and overall a pretty great cast that meshes well like the thrown together family they portray. It even got me back into writing fanfic again. A miracle tbh. lol
Overall Just Amazing:
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This Is Us: I just think that this show pulled me in the second they revealed that first plot twist in the pilot. It surprised me and then they kept doing that a bit after. Now it’s more about how it has the ability to make me cry every ep and feel things. It doesn’t always touch me the same it did in that first season (it was an emotional year for me tbh) but it does have a class act cast who can always pull at my heart strings.
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Boardwalk Empire: This technically could have went under something I sort of watched with my dad, but it is kinda a weird show to share I guess. We didn’t usually watch it together (saved some awkward convos sometimes lol) but always talked about each episode weekly and it was kinda fun cuz it was usually in-depth. My dad still quotes things from it to this day. He also once said that he considers S1 the best TV season he’s ever watched. I agree that it was great. For me, the first 3 seasons are solid while the last 2 felt different but still pretty good. There was such quality to it. Great acting headed by Steve Buscemi. What can I say? I have a thing for gangster stories. I could say more but I’ll stop. lol
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Stranger Things: The show that really turned me into a binge-watcher. I had just gotten Netflix and what show did I decide to watch on my birthday? This show. I had seen things in the media about the kids from it and I was like, they’re adorable!! And ofc I got hooked when I actually watched the show. It just has everything in it that I like: mystery, thrills, humor, hint of romance, awesome acting, music moments, nostalgia. This was my obsession for a while until I got into some other things but if you don’t think I’m totally pumped for S3, then you best believe I’m watching it all in a day if I can. lol
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Community: This is a show that reminded me how a show can think totally outside of the box and still have a lot of heart with its comedy. I love situations where a group of misfits come together and become a family. I love that this show celebrates being different. Troy Barnes remains one of my favorite TV characters ever (& omg his friendship with Abed is pure goals!!) and Donald Glover played him perfectly. And Alison Brie is just adorable as Annie. Love this group of weirdos. The quality was different after S3 but I still adore it.
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Into the Badlands: Have to mention this show because what it has been doing action-wise is just incredible. The fighting sequences are out of this world. I’m always excited to see how they top it. Also, an Asian male lead? Go dude! The whole cast is wonderful and everything is just high quality, ok? Also, that cinematography!! Can’t believe it’s ending when it comes back. Sadness.
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One Day at a Time: This is more of a recent discovery for me (had friends who watched it and knew it was good but only decided to check it out not too long ago) but it’s already made its impact on me. This show has so much heart to it. The writers put so much care into their work when they bring up these controversial issues in the episodes. All while being totally hilarious (but also trust me, I manage to cry at least 1 or twice an ep lol) A show centered on a Cuban family, plenty of good rep for LGBTQ/non-binary people while also handling things like depression/anxiety, addiction, immigration, etc. It’s definitely making its mark on TV. Also, Rita Moreno is a living legend who I adore. I love this cast so much.
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12 Monkeys: I. loved. this. show! I still think it had the best series finale that I have seen in a while. It wrapped up things so well that I was smiling for a while after watching it. I couldn’t believe that of all shows this one gave me a happy ending. lol Casserole remains one of my all-time ships because they were truly epic and pulled at my heart strings so many times. Jennifer Goines was my queen. But seriously, a show about time travel that managed to make sense? So impressed. And the visuals? gahhh
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Friday Night Lights: Last, but most definitely not least, this show is just up there as one of the all-time bests IDC. The fact that at first glance the show seems centered only about football and it got me to keep watching definitely says something. lol This show had so much heart, the cast was excellent, an ending that was pretty much perfect. Coach & Tami Taylor were relationship goals. Honestly one of the best portrayals of a married couple I’ve ever seen because they were very much a team (while yes there was the occasional bickering that you gotta love) and it just felt real, you know? Also, it’s a show that proved that you can come back from a sophomore slump (yeah S2 was the worst season) and continue to be great.I can’t decide if it’s my favorite show of all-time but it’s certainly one of the first ones to come to mind. So glad I decided to give it a chance.
There’s probably a couple other shows I could list here but some I haven’t finished yet and don’t feel ready to put them on here yet. This is just what I could come up with.
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jacquelineshyde · 6 years
A little detail I love is that we are told and shown Jackie didn’t actually enjoy sex with Kelso. 
She is a very sexual and active person, which is awesome by its own because most females that are shown like this, are put in a negative light (yest, i’m ignoring season 8 again), but in the show both, Donna and Jackie, mention they do enjoy, they love, sex and are very active.
We have Jackie only having experience with Kelso before her relationship with Hyde, and while she enjoys sex, we are also told most times, she doesn’t enjoy with Kelso or like Kelso thinks. Not because she doesn’t like sex, but because she isn’t so into it with him.
In season 6, he tells Jackie he used to give her tons of pleasure and she makes this face:
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Jackie isn’t only disgusted by the remark, that was make in public, in front of Hyde, but she also looks like him like asking, “are you damn fucking serious?” because no, she never, EVER, expresses to actually do like what she experiences with Kelso.
If so, even the times she is the one telling him, “no, we can’t go there with our friends because we are having sex tonight”, she doesn’t seem happy nor ready for more like we see Eric/Donna and Red/Kitty (and Hyde and his date for the week).
She actually rolls her eyes every time he asks for it, or more like, demands it. And then, we see in the earlier seasons that Kelso lasts less than 2 fucking minutes. For a dude that believes himself so good in bed and who gets to nail tons of girls, we are also told he is the typical guy that feels like if every girls owes him something for existing and is actually bad in bed.
I’m actually sure the only part Jackie did enjoy of being intimate with him was the connection she wanted to find, which is probably why she did slept with him after all. She did love him in a way, and she relates sex to love and intimacy.
Which leans us to Hyde,
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Hyde and Jackie are intimate in a wonderful way that not even Eric and Donna got. We know they have had sex and we know that Hyde is more experienced than any of his friends, that he enjoys sex a lot and is active, if not even a little bit more, as Jackie. Which already makes him a perfect match for her, because he also has something Kelso doesn’t: RESPECT.
In season 5, we learn Jackie’s mom has abandoned her little after her dad was put in jail. Hyde gives her his bed and his arms so she won’t be alone at night in her big ass ridiculous house. He makes it clear that they were just sleeping, she needed a safe place to stay and he gave it to her because he loves her and respects her, and cares about her.
The way Hyde sees Jackie is not only, you know, normal and healthy, it’s full of love and admiration. We know Jackie and Hyde are having sex, we know it. We didn’t need to see them naked in bed like with Eric and Donna, Kelso and Angie, we just knew.
In the way the touched when the scene wasn’t about them, the way they spoke to each other and about the other to someone else, even in little details like Jackie almost telling Kitty that Hyde knows about the bees and birds, because they are making love.
There’s no place for jokes about it, either. Because Hyde isn’t bad in bed, nor is awkward like Eric, and Jackie doesn’t need to use sex to control him, like she advices Donna to do in earlier seasons, like we saw her doing to Kelso for a year before they did it for the first time, and then for months after she took him back.
I believe this is why we, JH shippers, take Jackie’s point of view into headcanons, or more like, fanon: sex is sacred for them, it’s a way to be connected, they show their feelings for the other like this. There is no one else they want because their lust is even driven by love.
And I love that the show, whatever it wanted it or not, gave this to us. That even sex is better with Hyde for Jackie, because he is The One.
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That 70s Slasher
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Chapter Two: the disappearance of Laurie Forman
Eric Forman’s kitchen, morning.
Eric sat awkwardly at the breakfast table, his dad straight across from him and his mom to his right, he stuffed some eggs in to his mouth and watched his parents movements. “Eric have you seen your sister?” Red broke the silence and sipped at his glass of orange juice. Eric gulped and shook his head. “No, she probably passed out at the party, it wouldn’t be the first time she hasn’t come home after going out.” He forked more food in to his mouth, he wasn’t all that worried.
“Why don’t you head over to that house and get her.” Red asked but Eric could tell by the tone of his voice it was a command not a question. “Dad Laurie can get home on-““Eric, you’re gonna go get your sister or my foots gonna take residence in your ass” Red pointed his fork at him and Eric sighed, getting up and taking his plate to the sink then walking to the back door to go out to the Vista Cruiser, Laurie was an adult, she didn’t need him to pick her up, but here he was, doing as his father had asked.
He sped right past the spot of woods that Midge and bob had heard a scream the night before, he wasn’t paying attention to them; he grew up by them, there was nothing special to be had there, so he hardly even paid attention to them. Soon enough the station wagon was pulling in front of a two-story house with red-solo-cups and bottles scattered in the yard. He turned the car off and got out, walking up to the door, he knocked three times then stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
A guy answered and looked the Forman boy up and down. “Yeah? If you’re here to get your hat it got dropped in the toilet sorry-“ Eric was confused by this and shook his head. “No- no actually I’m here to ask If Laurie Forman is here?”  The guy at the door tapped his chin. “I don’t recall hearing that name, what’d she look like?”
“About this much taller than me” Eric held his hand a little over his head. “Blonde hair, kinda bitchy looking, she was wearing a white denim jacket over a slutty blouse?” the guy thought for a moment.
“Sorry man, I don’t think your sis was here.” He rubbed his eyes, clearly hung over. Eric turned around and walked back to the car, awkwardly saying a “thanks” as he climbed back in and started it up. He passed the woods again, still paying no attention to any changes to them. Laurie wasn’t at the party and she wasn’t home, he knew she had to be okay but a small amount of regret was burning in his stomach. He made it home and parked the car, getting out and heading down to the basement where his friends were watching T.V he had invited them over before breakfast; they must have arrived while he was checking the party house for Laurie.
“Eric you just mizzed the best burn.” Fez smiled and Eric jumped over the back of the couch, landing between Donna and Hyde. “Yeah I just burned the hell out of Hyde” Kelso laughed and bit a small chunk off of his Popsicle. Jackie rolled her eyes and readjusted on Kelso’s lap. “The things you find funny are beyond me Michael” after that Donna spoke. “It wasn’t that good anyway, you didn’t miss much” she snuggled up against Eric and turned her gaze back towards the T.V which was playing an episode of Gilligan’s island. “Sorry I wasn’t here, Red made me go to the house on Chicago to get Laurie, she wasn’t there. Say, have any of you guys seen her since last night?” Donna shook her head, Kelso said “Nope” Fez shook his head with an “uhuh” Jackie shook her head the same as Donna and Hyde spoke up last. “No, man she’ll show up though, she always does.” Eric sighed and watched the T.V. he knew Hyde was probably right but there was just something in him that was worried about his sister, she was a huge bitch but she was still his sister and he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
As the time ticked on she still hadn’t shown up and now more of the gang was worried, especially Kelso which angered Jackie how much it worried him. “Michael you are acting more worried about Laurie than Eric is and it’s only been a day” she glared at her boyfriend. “Well she’s my friend- and obviously she would want us to be worried if she was in danger” Kelso scoffed and avoided eye contact with Jackie. “Jackie has a point man, you’re acting really strange about the situation” Hyde looked at his friend and then at the T.V.  
“All of you are acting really strange about the situation, Laurie has been gone for way longer than this and no one ever said anything but now because Eric made her walk at night and you idiots wanted to see a horror movie, it’s got you all on edge” Donna spoke and everyone blinked a few times, realizing just how right the Redhead was.  They all settled down and went back to enjoying their show. The rest of the day passed, Kelso had gone home, Jackie following him out, fez following her out. Hyde had just retreated to his back room in the basement and turned the radio up so he wouldn’t hear Eric and Donna flirting with each other.
“I’ll walk you home.” Eric stood up and held Donnas hand as she also got up.
“Oh really now? Eric my house is right next to yours, stop letting those horror movies get to your head”
“Yeah I know- but it never hurts to hold hands while we take two steps to your back door” Eric laughed and Donna rolled her eyes, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
“Okay fine, come on you dork, lets walk to my house” Donna made her way up the stairs with Eric and they headed towards her house, hand in hand. “So… you really think she’s perfectly okay?” Eric looked at the ginger girl standing next to him. “Of course she is, well… I wouldn’t say perfectly okay, she’s probably still sloppily drunk” Eric snickered at her joke and pushed her lightly as they got to her door and kissed one last time for the night. Donna shut the door behind her and Eric strolled back to his house, looking at the sky as he walked, out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure across the street in all black clothes and a mask he couldn’t quite make out. He stared at the person and they cocked their head slightly right before turning and walking down the street out of sight. Eric shrugged it off, it was cold so the hooded sweatshirt made sense, and some people just really like black. He opened the sliding glass door and walked through the kitchen hearing the soft rhythm of Hyde’s music playing from the door to the basement. He smiled and walked up stairs to his room. He knew his sister would be okay, his friends were right, she was drunk somewhere and would come home smelling like pot and whiskey, Red would be mad for half a second until he gave in to her sad “I’m sorry daddy” and forgave her.
“Eric, help me! Help me!” the voice called out and Eric sat up in bed, a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, it was just a dream… a stupid stupid dream. He kicked his feet over the edge of the bed and looked out of the window where sunlight was shinning in. he got up and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower and forget the dream he had just had. 10 minutes later and the scrawny teen was out of the shower and headed back to his room to get dressed.   On his way down the stairs and in to the kitchen he stepped in on a conversation between his parents. “Red, honey have you seen my large kitchen Knife? It seems to be missing.” Kitty looked around the kitchen opening drawers and cabinets trying to find the knife. “No kitty I have not seen your large Kitchen knife, did you check the block?”
“Of course I checked the block, Red, it’s the first place I checked” kitty turned and saw Eric. “Oh, Eric hi. Have you seen my knife?”
“Uh No Mom did you ask Hyde?”
“No I haven’t seen him all morning” and as if she had called him, Hyde stumbled in to the kitchen scratching his head and making his way to the table. “Steven, have you seen my knife?”
Hyde looked up at Kitty and thought for a moment. “I don’t think I have… did you check the sink?” Hyde turned his attention back to the table, grabbing a banana from the bowl of fruit and peeling it. “Say, Hyde why are you so tired?” Eric asked as he sat down across from his best friend. “I stayed up all night reorganizing my room while listening to zeppelin, man” Hyde’s response was Quick but sounded exactly like Hyde, so Eric didn’t question it.
“Here it is!” Kitty exclaimed as she pulled the knife out from under a plate and began to wash it. “Thank you Steven, I just don’t know what I would do without ya!” Kitty laughed out loud in that almost iconic laugh she always seemed to have. “You’re welcome Mrs. Forman” Hyde answered and took a bite of his banana. “So Forman, did you have any plans for today?” Eric thought for a moment. “Other than hanging out in the basement, no.” Hyde was about to say something but noticed Red looking right at him. “I was gonna head over to Kelso’s place and see what he wanted to do, wanna tag along?” Hyde changed his plan and Eric nodded. ‘”yeah that sounds good”  
After Breakfast was over and the two boys were outside Hyde revealed his actual plan. “Kelso and I were gonna head over to the water tower later today, we thought you and the others might wanna come” Eric shrugged “sure, sounds like a plan” it was normal for them to go to the water tower, it was one of the few good places to be away from the adults in town which made it perfect for the kids to hang around and drink. An hour passed and the 6 friends were meeting up at the water tower. “Ladies first” Kelso stepped aside to let Jackie go up. “Michael no way, you just wanna look up my skirt” she crossed her arms and stepped back. “Let’s make Donna go up first, there nothing to look at there” she suggested.  
“Hey!” Donna scoffed and cross her arms also before deciding to go up first, which meant Eric obviously volunteered to go second, following her up soon after. Once they were all up on top they gathered around and began telling jokes and looking out over the town. It wasn’t the best but it was a pretty town from up on the tower.  Kelso leaned over the railing to look down and Hyde grabbed his shirt pulling him back. “Let’s not go see Eric’s mom at the hospital today, man.” He patted Kelso on the back and they went back to talking about the next concert they were gonna be able to go see.
After another hour of chatting and joking the group of friends decided to go home, getting in the car and heading back. “Who wants to get milkshakes?” Eric asked and looked in the mirror to see his friends reactions; they all seemed to agree so he made a right and headed towards the nearest place that had shakes. It wasn’t long before they were pulling back in to the Forman’s driveway; Kelso and fez were in the back seat pinching each other across Jackie, who was about fed up. When they parked they all got out, luckily enough before Jackie killed both boys. Bob Pinciotti was just on his way to ask Red something when the gang got out of the car. “Hey there hi there ho there” Bob happily said as he saw the kids. “Dad” Donna greeted her father. “Mr. Bob” fez greeted him. “Hey Mr. Pinciotti” the rest said, they all stood politely as the man passed them and went inside to do what he had originally planned when coming over.
“So none of you have heard from Laurie?” Eric brought the subject up again bringing a groan from all of his friends but Kelso. “Eric you are worrying over nothing” Jackie said.  “Yeah man, she’s probably fine, since when do you care this much about her anyway?” Hyde asked and looked at Eric.  
“look man, It’s been two days and she’s still nowhere to be seen, I know what you’re thinking but if something did happen to her, it’s because I told her to walk-“ Donna cut her boyfriend off. “eric nothing happened, but even if it did it wouldn’t be your fault.” She laid her hand on his shoulder, calming him.
“I’m worried too, Laurie could be out there, needing my help” Kelso stepped in to defend Eric’s anxiety.
“Your help?” Jackie glared at Kelso.
“I mean our help! Damn Jackie.” Kelso retorted.
“Uh-huh, sure, Michael. You have been obsessed with Eric’s sister ever since you got that van, tell me the truth”
“The truth is there is nothing going on between me and Laurie!”
“I didn’t say there was, Michael!”
The two bickered for another few minutes while the rest of the gang watched them. None of them knew when or why Laurie became such a hot topic to them now but it was, so they accepted it and went along with the flow, well everyone but Kelso and Jackie who were constantly arguing about the matter.
Once again the group split up and went their own ways at the end of day, Michael and Jackie first, then fez, this time Donna went home before Hyde went to bed which left Hyde and Eric alone. The two friends talked about some events of the day that they enjoyed. The night was a nice night so they stayed outside sitting on the Vista Cruiser’s hood, while they talked Eric looked back across the street to see if the hooded figure had decided to return, he hadn’t but Eric still kept his eye out just in case.
While Hyde and Eric talked, Donna fell asleep and Kelso and Jackie made out, Fez was left completely alone, walking back to his house, he had to pass the Pinciotti house and the wooded lot on his way back, Fez Hated the woods at night, and there was something definitely off about the woods to his right. Normally he wouldn’t stop but something in him told him he should check the woods. They were quiet and lonesome, which made them so much creepier to the foreign teenager entering them. He almost thought about turning around when he saw it, an arm limply hanging out from behind a large Oak. He cautiously stepped over to the tree to see who was there and why. When he rounded the Oak his eyes went wide and he felt the need to vomit, he couldn’t hold it back so he turned and regurgitated his last meal on to the grass.
In front of him was the Body of Laurie Forman, Deep in the woods, leaning up against a tree. Her once white jacket was now almost entirely covered in blood and stained a pinkish red, her skin was still smooth as it was when she was alive but now it stuck tightly to her face. Fez couldn’t believe it, the girl that he and many others had once crushed on was lying against a tree, Dead. He puked again and stepped away from the tree, he had to tell someone, so he did. He turned and ran out of the woods, heading towards Eric’s house, he busted through the door and grabbed the phone, causing confusion to the two boys who had now made their way in to the kitchen and were talking while drinking two cups of tea.
“Fez man, what’s up?” Hyde turned in his seat as Fez dialed 911 “wait hold on, fez really what’s going on” Eric stood and made his way to his friend, listening closely.
“Hi yes, my name is Fez, there’s an emergency” Fez spoke in to the phone ignoring his friends concerns.
“Come on what’s goin on man” Hyde had stood up now also and was standing beside Eric, who was looking more and more distraught as the call went on.  
“There es been a murder, I found her body in the woods hurry I’m at Mr. Red Forman’s house” fez hung up the phone and turned to see Eric and Hyde. Eric felt tears building in his eyes and Hyde could see Eric’s pain. While Eric was on the verge of a break down, Hyde kept his cool, not letting the events get to him. “No… no it can’t be, Fez, tell me it’s not Laurie” Eric grabbed fez’s collar. “Tell me it’s not Laurie!” he was full blown crying now and Hyde had to pull him off of fez. Once Eric was no longer grabbing fez’s collar he was turned around and weeping in to Hyde’s flannel shirt.
He couldn’t believe it, his sister had been killed… she was dead… he would never be able to talk to her again… and his last words to her were ‘then walk’ he couldn’t deal with the fact that this was his fault… his hands gripped at his friends shirt as he sobbed, Hyde stood still, trying to keep calm, as the other two people in the room clearly couldn’t. “Forman take it easy… calm down we’ll figure this out.”
Sirens filled the night air as several Police cruisers skidded up to the Forman and Pinciotti houses. Red made his way down the stairs, followed by kitty. “What the hell is all the commotion down here” he spoke in an annoyed manner until he saw his son crying against Steven and the foreign kid rocking back and forth at the kitchen table. “Steven?” Reds voice Cracked as he spoke to the boy standing in front of him.
“Fez… found Laurie’s body…” Hyde softly let the words pass his lips.
Red felt his entire body stiffen. “she-“ Red was about to talk when he turned and was suddenly in the embrace of his wife who was bawling double the amount her son was. The kitchen was filled with sobs and lit by red and blue flashing lights. Red finally pulled away from his wife and kissed her forehead then walked to the door. “Show me where you found her.” He slid the door open and grabbed fez’s sleeve pulling him up. “Now.” Fez nodded and walked outside showing Red and the officers where Laurie’s body was still laying, the officers rushed in with guns ready, and an ambulance came to a stop in front of the woods.  Eric pulled away from Hyde, and kitty took his place, Hyde sighed, staring out the glass doors at the flashing lights.
Eric walked out in to the action; everything felt slow as cops rushed in and lights hit his face, he slowly walked past the Pinciottis house, where Midge and bob were standing solemnly. As he got to the edge of the woods he saw Red punch a tree, causing bark to fly everywhere, his eyes followed one of the pieces of bark to where it landed on a red patch of grass. This was all real… that was blood. He looked up and saw the paramedics zipping up the black body bag and carrying it to the ambulance. That was his sister… and she was dead.  
It all felt like a dream but he knew it wasn’t, no… this wasn’t a dream it was real life, someone had murdered Laurie Forman. As the thoughts flooded his mind he felt a hand on his shoulder, he swung around to see Donna, Tears in her eyes as she hugged him. This was the worst day of his life, he hated it.
“I-it’s all… my fault” Eric managed to stutter out.
“Eric no- no no it is not your fault you had no way of knowing…”
“I should have given her a ride but I told her to walk and now she’s d-dead” Eric felt anger and fear and depression all eating him up.
“Come on… let’s get back inside a-and get away from the crime scene” Donna turned Eric away; the last glimpse he got was of several officers tapping off the trees that were once just a normal part of his everyday life. This shouldn’t be happening but it was, it was happening. “I’m gonna f-find whoever did this and rip their damn throat out, Donna,” the redhead nodded and walked her boyfriend back to his driveway. “I know how you feel Eric… Remember when Tina went missing.” Eric remembered suddenly that point place wasn’t perfect, Donna’s little sister had gone missing four years ago, but they all had put it at the back of their minds to avoid knowing what truly happened, though the body was never found they all knew Tina was never coming home, and now, neither was Laurie.
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Zenmasters fanfic of the week
Fanfic #4:
Of All Things Creepy and Unnatural by CaedenceLaura
Summary: What if Donna and Eric hadn't found out about Hyde and Jackie? Hyde and Jackie managed to keep their relationship a secret for much longer. How will this change the development of their relationship without having their friends lack of support and ridicule in the beginning?
Another story with a very special place in my heart!
The summary basically says it all. In this story Donna and Eric didn’t catch Jackie and Hyde making out in the basement, which means that Jackie and Hyde were able to keep their relationship a secret for much longer.
When I first started watching s5, I was so frustrated at Eric and Donna. They were jerks. I get that it was weird for them to see Jackie and Hyde together, but they acted like Jackie and Hyde were the bad guys and Kelso was an innocent victim who did absolutely nothing wrong -- and we all know that’s not true.
They practically forced Jackie and Hyde to go public and tell Kelso, and I couldn’t help but wonder how different things would’ve been if that didn’t happen. In my opinion, they weren’t ready to go public yet, Hyde was clearly very uncomfortable with their teasing, and Kelso was almost driving him nuts with his many attempts to ruin his relationship, which didn’t help Hyde with his insecurities.
The way Eric and Donna (and sometimes Fez) teased Hyde everytime he showed a slight tint of emotion was annoying, I believe that he would've been a little more tender and affectionate to Jackie in front of everyone if it wasn’t for that.
I was so happy when I found that someone was just as frustrated as I was and wrote a fanfic with this storyline! I’ve read the whole thing in a day, with a big smile on my face.
The author managed to write a perfect story. I can’t find one single flaw in it.
Without their friends interference, we could see how Hyde grew more and more comfortable around Jackie, and how he wasn’t as hesitant to tell her his feelings as he was on the show. He’s still Hyde, which means he’s still stubborn and insecure, but he’s also such a sweetheart, and he treats Jackie like she’s the most precious thing in the whole world, it’s adorable.
Jackie’s a little more mature in this story than the Jackie we see on the show, but she’s still Jackie and we all love her. 
She and Hyde talk a lot in this story, and their private moments are honestly the cutest thing I’ve ever read.
The story itself doesn’t have a lot of drama, like the three stories I’ve recommended before, but it’s really cute and it’s very accurate at portraying a nice, healthy relationship. It’s realistic and it’s a fluffy read, it’ll make you happy.
This story has 56k words total and 16 chapters. It is not complete (unfortunately), but it does ends up on a nice place (which means no cliffhangers), so I still recommend the read.
If you have read it already, let’s chat and discuss our favorite moments! And if you haven’t... What are you waiting for? Go read it, it’s amazing!
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je t'aime too: Eric Forman X reader
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Requested by @thatsabummer02 : Could you do an Eric Forman x Female!Reader? When Eric geeks out and the reader finds it cute but the gang makes fun of him. So for Eric’s birthday the reader climbs through his window and gives him something Star Wars related and Eric gets excited and kisses the reader then gets nervous and they confess their feelings and make out or something. Sorry if that doesn’t make sense
a\n: hope you like it!
trigger warning: cursing.
We all sat at the Forman Basement, expect from Eric, who was standing in front of the freezer, talking about star wars. Most of the people around him find it stupid and keep poking fun at his love for a Movie series, but i find it Adorable. The way he gets so excited over the movie, and the way his lips moved along to the lines in perfect sync. Whenever his mission of convincing the gang to see it again… for some reason, it made me happy, and maybe I was hoping that one day he’ll talk about me all excited, and his lips would move against mine in perfect sync.
“- and that’s why Leia and Luke are perfect for each other. I mean, both are Brave, Smart, and-” Eric explains, but Hyde had enough. “Man, shut up, you’re boring my ass off” He says, punching Kelso lightly, since our tall, self-centered friend fell asleep. “Aw, man, i was having the best dream” Kelso sighed, “i was a Jedi and i went to save Leia, and then when she kissed me for luck i got to touch her boo-” “Kelso! This is so disrespectful!” Eric cuts him off before Kelso gets to finish the sentence, although we all understood what he was about to sat. “you two are fucking nerds” Steven sighed. “I’m not a nerd, I'm horny and Eric’s star wars talk makes me sleepy” Kelso corrects, and I let out a small laugh. “Yeah, Eric is a nerd. I bet you guys he is wearing star wars underwears” Donna’s turn to contribute to the conversation. “No i don’t, i don’t even own a pair” Eric says, but Donna looks at him, her eyes screaming “we both know you do so just admit it or i will pull your pants down and show everybody”. “Fine, I own a pair, but it’s in the laundry, so, you were wrong!” Eric admits, his voice high-pitched like it gets whenever the gang makes fun of him. Steven, Kelso and Donna burst out laughing, but I just gave Eric a comforting smile.
“You guys are fucking mean” i say, attempting to calm them down. “Says the girl who told Jackie she worships the Devil only to get her off of our back” Donna says. “Hey, That was for all of us” Eric jumps in, “and I worship (y\n) for that”. “Really? Will you sacrifice your star wars boxers for me?” i say, making everyone laugh. “(y\n)!” Eric’s high pitched voice is making a comeback. “I’m sorry, it’s just.. You make it so easy” i smile at him, “if it makes it any better, i think it’s cute how much you obsess over that movie”. “Burn!” Kelso screams, and I look at him confused. “Oh, (y\n), you don’t tell a guy he’s cute” Hyde’s laughing, and Eric seems to agree. “Yeah, i think i’m gonna quit the star wars talk for now” he declares and finally sits down. “Thanks, (y\n), i can always count on your non-existing boy skills” Donna smiles at me, and then Jackie walks in. she notices me and leaves so quick i’m pretty sure i was the only one who niticed.”Jackie then re-enter the room. “Hey babe” Hyde says and gets up to kiss his girlfriend.
“Hyde, Do you know she worships the Devil? How can you hang out with her? I’m so sick of this! Stop having her around, cause i refuse to let her sin rub all over me, i am not going to hell because you have a bad taste in friends!” Jackie says, and everyone’s looking at me, urging me to confess the truth. “Jackie-” “do not speak my name, demon!” Jackie cuts me off. “It was just a fucking prank” i reply, and she calms down. “Oh. sorry i called you a demon, you were really convincing when you painted a pentagon on the floor with blood, i’m assuming it was just paint, right?” she says as she’s taking a seat in Hyde’s lap. “oh , no, I dissected a frog that day in science and got some blood- I'm kidding! It was ketchup `` I say, quitting the gory lie once I noticed her eyes widened in shock.
Eric’s birthday is tomorrow, and I suddenly have the perfect idea. “Well, I have to go now, see you guys tomorrow” I say, getting up. Eric hugged me goodbye, and I knew i’m going to feel the exact place he touched for the whole day. A round of hugs and goodbyes (Jackie was still questioning me, so she just shook my finger, scared to touch hands that summon a demon ). 
It was finally the big day - Eric’s birthday, and of course I was so smart and forgot the gift. “I’ll drop it by later” I promised to Eric, since Kitty refused to let me leave the Party.  “Cool, thanks,” he replied, reaching for my shoulder’s to move me to the right so he could go talk to Donna. She’s about to leave for college tomorrow, and this party I forced Kelso to organize along with me was half a goodbye party for her, half a happy birthday Eric. Kitty had enough of her mind with Red’s heart condition, so I took over the organisation and even came by early to make him pancakes, and not toot my own horn, but at this point I don't know what he sees in Donna he doesn't see in me. Every goddamn time she breaks his heart, and every goddamn time they end up together. When she rejected his proposal, claiming that she doesn't know if they can have the future she want for herself, their relationship got awkward and they ended up breaking up for college, since she was leaving and he was staying, and when i say they decides, i mean Donna Offered so that they can date while they are far from each other. Hyde thinks they’re done for real now, but Kelso bet him a bag of “goodies” that they’ll end up sleeping together the first weekend Donna spends home. “It sucks, ha?” Kelso says, sipping on his beer. “What are you talking about?” i asked him, hoping he dosen’t mean what i think he eans, because if his idiotic ass saw right througt it, Then Eric knows for sure. “Well, you’re into Eric, who’s into Donna, much like me, who’s into Jackie who’s into stupid Hyde” kelso explains. “Shit, Does Eric know?” I sigh, and now it’s Kelso’s turn to be confused. “Knows what?” he asks me. “That i like him” i answer, “you just said it-”. “Wait, are you really into him? I was just messing with you, god” he laughs, “but you know what we should do? We should hook up to make Erick and Jackie jealous!” he says, resting his hand around my waist and pulling me closer. He closes his eyes and leans in, but I push him away before he gets to kiss me. “No, kelso, I'm not that desperate”.
Finally I get back home, take the gift and head out to the Forman’s. Eric’s window is open, as usual, however it’s less usual that he sits next to it and looks down. “I hoped you’d come” he smiled down at me. His gift was in my bag, and so I climbed up. He cleared the way and I entered his room. “Hey, sorry I ditched you at the party, it was not very cool of me” he says as I sit down on his bed. “It’s cool man, it’s your last night with Donna, you love her and all that” i reply, keeping my eyes on the wrapped gift. The paper had a space print on, and it had a card shaped like a spaceship. “No, no. I was being shitty… shity friend” Eric insisted as he joined me on his bed. No, not like that, pervs, but i kinda wish it was. I handed him the gift. “God, (nickname), this is amazing” Eric said. “You didn’t even open it” i laughed. Looking over his shoulder, excited to see his reaction to the lightsaber toy and Luke and Han solo poster, on which I glued a picture of him and me over the faces. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for him to jump up and pull me into a hug. “God, you’re the best. I’m so happy I could kiss you!” He says. “I’m so happy you’re happy, i might just let you!” i replied without thinking too much,and I was surprised when his lips met mine. He pulled away before i got the chance to sink in the feeling. “I’m sorry, that wa-” he starts, but I pull his collar to match his height and bring my lips back to his. He quickly kissed back, his fingers tightened around my waist and one of his hands brush against my stomach as he reached for my cheek to pull me closer from both my places. He spins me around without breaking the kiss, slowly bending to sit on his bed. I find a comfortable enough spot on his lap, slightly opening my mouth to hint it’s okay if he wants to turn this into a french kiss. Never really understood why they call it french kiss, aren’t they supposed to be like, polite and classy? What’s so polite and classy about having your tongue down someone’s throat? I quickly dismiss the thought since it made making out with the guy I've loved gor forever much less romantic. “je t'aime” he whispered. Looks like he was thinking about what we’re doing too.
“je t'aime too” I reply in between kisses. “Actually, you’re supposed to say je t'aime aussi” Eric says while my lips move from his to his neck, “shut up, smartass, you are ruining the moment” i say. “Make me, please, make me” he says, and since he asked so nicely, my lips move back to his.
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What do you think of Jackie's "future" in 'It's a Wonderl Life'?
This is Eric’s imagination. He only knows Jackie as Kelso’s girlfriend and nothing else. For him, she’s some lame girl that is always being dragged into Kelso’s web no matter what to the point he doesn’t even remember that Jackie had big obvious crush on Hyde that almost made his best friend lose his place at Eric’s house.
Eric is hurt during this dream, he’s depressed and thinking only about himself. I know there’s people that like to take this episode as some sort of canon, that he really was visited by an Angel that showed him the alternate universe in which he didn’t kiss Donna, but for me is obvious that it wasn’t the case.
I will talk a little about Donna, Hyde/Donna (yikes, yikes) and Eric/Donna to make my point clear.
Donna would had never accepted Hyde. Her feelings for Eric weren’t born from that one kiss. She has liked him for a while, just like Eric has liked her since forever. That’s the point of their relationship. But since Eric is hurt, he is blind to the good things of his relationship with her and the fact that, even if they are broken up, Donna loves him. Their problem is that they want different things at the moment.
Had Hyde been waiting for her, then it meant he was there when she came back home AFTER the kiss. So what? Wouldn’t he try to kiss her anyway? Boy, that arc could been resolved way earlier then. We all saw what happened when Hyde FORCED HIMSELF on her. He got slapped, rejected, and told he was an ass.
Just like that, this theory of it being real falls down. 
Donna not kissing wouldn’t had affected Jackie at all. She would had tried her best to bond with Donna because that’s what she wanted since the pilot, to be friends with her. If Donna hadn’t start dating Eric since the beginning, then they would talk about him and what can Donna do, and probably about Hyde since he would had been probably the worst to be around at the moment, thinking he has a chance with poor Donna who simply DOESN’T WANT HIM.
She would had rejected Hyde, Kelso would have cheated on Jackie and she would had run to Hyde, who would take her to prom so she would shut the fuck up (and just because I can, I think Donna would had asked Eric to go with her to prom herself), Jackie would hero worship him later, they would had gone to that date… 
But in that dream, it’s Eric’s world. And everything is about him. He has his relationship with Donna in a pedestal, and he believes they are the perfect couple. When they are not together, then there’s no love in the world and everyone’s lifes are horrible, especially his and Donna’s (also, let’s not talk how Eric actually sees Hyde /: What a bad friend, to be honest).
It’s pretty selfish of him. He doesn't know Jackie and he only pictures her as the worst and considers her pathetic (and himself superior), that’s why she is pathetic and a mess in his dream.
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