Libra/Scorpio, Writer, Crazy Cat Mom Ask's or requests are always open
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Genuine mental health question-
How do you let go/get over it? Maybe I'm doing therapy wrong but I've been in therapy 2 years and I'm never really told to "DO" anything. No books to read, I was given a topic to look at once but that's about it. I like my councilor, but I feel like I'm in exactly the same place. I have a lot of old and recurring micro traumas because those people are still in my life, but 2 years I feel like something should feel better. I would like to at least be like kinda happy.
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If you love Gilmore GIrls you should definitely pick up Kelly Bishop's book The Third Gilmore Girl (Audiobook is better imo). It's mostly about her life outside of the show but she is so wonderful.
I have thought that Emily had a bit of Lorelai's personality when she was very young and society and perhaps her own mother trained it out of her. That bit is Kelly peeking though.
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your life is not on hold, this is your life!! every day is all there is!!!
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New story
(I SWEAR this one will be short)
Heart to Heart-general to teen audience + After Red has a heart attack we see some of what we missed on the show. Jackie and Hyde eventually talk about their relationship. I might leave this one open ended.
If you are looking for a happy feel good story this is not it. It's angsty and sad, and I was going through it when I wrote it.
Chapter One & Two on AO3
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I swear I think my brain broke on me this year.
I need approximately 6 chapters to finish my story. I got 4 finished. Unfortunately, they're the 4 in the middle, and I have no idea what to write for the first one. It's B-plot but it's an important one that would leave a giant plot hole if I left it unfinished.
I've written 15k in a day but I can't figure out essentially the writing version of 1+x=2 here 😭
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I'm finally getting a minute to sit and read- it is criminal that this series doesn't have more views/kudos and comments. 4 stories around Valentine's day and they're all so cute and perfectly written.
They're all a quick read so take some me time and read them. Right now. Do it.

New That '70s Show FanFiction-Valentine's Day in Point Place
Installment I- Sweethearts
Collection Summary: A small collection of mini oneshot stories for the day of romance, Valentine's Day! Short, sweet stories with some of our favorite couples. Each new installment is a new couple.
Installment Summary: Starting off with Fez, Laurie, and some fun Valentine Candy.
Author's Note: It's been awhile, stuff happened, wasn't in a big rush to return but I've missed the T7S community here an on AO3 and while this may not be the best story to make a return with, there are more fluffy Valenintes stories with more popular pairings coming very soon! Hope you'll give this one a shot in the meantime.
Tagging those that I think and hope might still be active and reading fanfic. @thatseventiesbitch @those70scomics @queenbookbuff @zenmasterlover @randomwriter23 @crimsinsky @tht70sblog @70s-show-diary @alittlebitofeverythingsworld @bosesmikas
Hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did sorry! Let me know for next time! 💛
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The wild thing about writing fanfiction for a canon source that's comparatively short is that some day you might have written more of the characters and setting than the original author ever did.
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My friend writes fanfics, she's mentioned them. But much like we don't discuss our tumblrs, she has never offered to let me read hers. Neither of us is normal but we have this one don't cross line lol. I would die if she read some of mine.
I have friends with whom I happily share the fanfics I wrote, and friends from whom I hide the fanfics I wrote. this doesn’t mean I don’t love or trust the friends who fell into the latter category, of course I still love them, it’s just that they’re normal and would be petrified if they ever read the shit I wrote. my hiding my ao3 from them is me protecting them
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If Luke and Lorelai weren't in a fight over the car accident, I'm pretty confident that Luke would have been at her business school graduation. We were robbed over teenage pining 😭
Imagine the eyes they're trying/failing not to make in front of her parents.
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I'm listening to my favorite audiobook series while using a special blanket yarn I got for Christmas to relax because my brain won't let me write- and I seriously despise the yarn lol. It's so much more time consuming than my normal yarn and I've already spent longer on it than I would for an entire bigger blanket and I'm not even done with one skein.
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Body Language
When someone is...
Avoidant/reduced eye contact
Drooping eyelids
Downcast eyes
Raised inner ends of eyebrows
Dropped or furrowed eyebrows
Quivering lip/biting lip
Wrinkled nose
Soft pitch
Low lone
Pauses/hesitant speech
Slow speech
Voice cracks/breaking voice
Slouching/lowered head
Rigid/tense posture
Half formed/slow movement
Fidgeting or clasped hands
Sniffing or heavy swallows
Self soothing gestures (running hands over the arms, hand over heart, holding face in palms, etc)
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That's a lot of pressure idk if this is too easy or not but-
QUESTION: What is Kitty's Maiden name?
Quiz Time (Continued)
Answer in the replies. First person to answer correctly can reblog this post and ask their own T7S trivia question.
The use of Google is discouraged. Challenge yourself! 😊 If you don't know, you don't know. It's okay.
Question: What is one of Kitty's long-held grudges against Red? Be as specific as possible.
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I got Hulu and started watching old shows. As someone who works in customer service I SO wanted to talk to people the way David Spade does in Just Shoot Me.
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I need this.
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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