#I know I pretty much never shut up about Guilty Gear but my other passion is weird poetry and ancient stories
solradguy · 2 years
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight has a dragon in it for like 2 seconds and they never elaborate on it other than that Gawain encountered one and it is the Biggest tease in the entire story. They didn't even put it in the movie.
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Truth or Dare
For the Anon who requested : Hey! Could I request a fic where Harry has a cute puppy love on this popular, pure-blood Slytherin reader? Maybe her friends set the reader up to play with Harry and break his heart in like a bet but then y/n starts actually liking him?? 
Harry Potter x Slytherin!Reader
You took a swig of fire whiskey, before passing it to your dorm mate who took a gulp between giggles. It was your first night back at Hogwarts and you and your dormmates were celebrating with drinks and games; truth or dare of course. 
“Okay, okay, it’s Y/N’s turn. Truth or dare?” Your roommate asked and you smirked, leaning back on your elbows. 
“OoooOOoo,” They all sang, giggling and leaning on each other for support, you rolled your eyes but joined in on the giggling. 
“Alright, I got one!” Your best friend spoke up with a sinister grin, and you knew that look. You didn’t like that look. 
“Oh no,” 
“I dare you,” She paused for dramatic effect, “To pretend to date Potter!” Everyone broke out into hysterics at that. 
“A Gryffindor!” One of the girls hollered, spitting out her mouth full of firewhiskey, “Brilliant!” 
“Come on,” You complained, “That’s mean.”
“Everyone knows he likes you,” Your best friend grinned, “He doesn’t ever stop staring at you, just ask him out. Date him for a week, then break his heart.” 
“Make it a month.” One of the girls countered. “Let him get really into it, then just tell him it was a prank.” You frowned feeling slightly bad. You might’ve been a bitch, but you weren’t evil. And your friend was right, everyone knew Harry Potter, the boy who lived, had a huge crush on you. You thought it weird he was in love with a Slytherin girl, but you were pretty and popular amongst all the houses, even the Gryffindors didn’t find you terribly obnoxious. But this was too far. 
“You can’t say no, you picked dare.” You groaned, accepting the bottle when it made it’s way back to you. You drank from it, allowing it to burn at your throat. 
“Fine but only a week.”
“A month.” 
“Two weeks!” You argued.
“Three, and you have to snog him!” You handed the bottle to someone else and laid back on the floor, looking to the ceiling. 
“You’re terrible.” It wasn’t that you disliked Potter, you had nothing against the boy, but you definitely didn’t want to date him, let along snog the bloke. He wasn’t ugly or anything, just not your type. Besides, he had barely ever spoken a word to you. Whenever you were in his presence he became a stammering mess, three weeks of that sounded like torture. 
“Do it tomorrow.” 
“Okay, okay, fine!” And with that, your deal was set in stone. 
The next morning you and your friends sat huddled at the Slytherin table, whispering to each other. 
“Do it now,”
“No way, I can’t just go up and be like, ‘oi potter care to be my boyfriend?’ He won’t buy it.” You argued, fidgeting nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear. You looked over at the group of Gryffindors and caught Potter staring at you for the millionth time, he immediately dropped his gaze going beet red. All your friends saw the exchange and grinned. 
“Yes you could.” 
“You could probably do that with any guy in this room, Y/N.” You sighed. 
“Go ask him to the first Hogsmeade weekend, then ask him out there.” You whined, shaking your head. 
“But that’s in two weeks from now!” 
“You don’t need to talk to him until then, you go to Hogsmeade, confess your undying love, and ask him out. Easy peasy.” Your friend nudged you, “Go ask now.” The girls began to chant go, and just to shut them up you stood from the table, straightening your uniform before glaring at them all. 
“Fine.” You walked to the end of the Slytherin table, past Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and then turned down the aisle for Gryffinor, confidently walking towards the middle of the table. Some people turned to look at you, wondering why you were over this way. You got to Harry’s group and the girl, Hermione, looked up at you surprised. Next Weasley and Potter’s head turned, looking at you. You smiled sweetly and pointed to the seat beside Harry. 
“Is this taken?” 
“N-No.” He answered, flushing deeply. You sat down on the bench and smiled again at the group.
“How was your summer?” You asked him and he gawked at you. Weasley mouthed, ‘close your mouth’ at Harry and he slammed it shut, nodding his head vigorously. 
“It was good. Alright. I’m glad to be back though.” You nodded your head, twirling a lock of hair around your finger as you leaned on the table. 
“Yeah, me too!” He opened his mouth a few times before nodding his head and looking at anything besides you. You swallowed a laugh and rested your head on your hand, peering at him. 
“Any plans for the first Hogsmeade trip yet?” You asked and he shook his head, looking at you with wide eyes. “Do you want to go with me?” You asked. He looked gobsmacked, and you suddenly felt guilty. This was cruel, but a dare was a dare. 
“With you?” He repeated. 
“Like a date?” Weasley asked, hanging onto every word of the conversation. You giggled slightly and nodded your head. 
“Yeah, a date!” 
“O-Okay!” He squeaked. You nodded your head, smiling at him before standing back up again,
“Brilliant,” You spoke, “I’ll see you later.” 
“Yes,” As you walked away you saw Weasley reach across the table, patting Harry on the shoulder in congratulations. 
“Good one mate!” You smirked to yourself and kept walking. 
The two weeks flew past, and on Saturday morning you woke up early, getting ready for Hogsmeade. You picked out a cute outfit and a light jacket since it was just starting to cool down, and you applied some light makeup for fun. When your friends left you went with them, but hung back in the entrance to wait for Harry as they all kept walking. You were looking at the ground, kicking a rock around slightly as you waited when the boy approached you. 
“Hello, Y/N,” You looked up and smiled. 
“Hiya, Harry,” He glanced over you and flushed, lifting a hand to fix his glasses that were slipping down his nose and you smiled again. “Alright?” 
“I’m good,” He assured, nodding his head vigorously. “You look stunning, by the way.” You grinned, pushing yourself off from your spot leaning on the wall. 
“Thank you, you’re sweet. Are you ready to go?” He nodded his head again, eagerly. Harry didn’t speak much as you walked down the pathway towards the little town. You were finding it hard to strike up conversation with him as well, he wasn’t giving you much. You could tell he was nervous by the way he kept fidgeting awkwardly. 
“Where do you want to go first?” He asked and you hummed thoughtfully, shrugging. 
“I’m not too picky, maybe Honeydukes? I could use some chocolate, the stuff I brought at the start of term is already almost gone.” You admitted and he managed to chuckle.
“Is chocolate your favorite?” 
“Oh yes, you know us ladies, we love the stuff.” You joked, nudging him slightly, trying to get him to loosen up. 
“Which is your favorite?” He asked, genuinely curious. You weren't used to talking to boys who were ever genuinely curious in what you had to say. 
“Honeydukes Peanut Butter Chocolate bars are the absolute best. Anything with chocolate and peanut butter is good in my book!” He chuckled again and you smiled up at him, watching him blush once more. He did that a lot. You reached Hogsmeade and took Harry’s arm, confidently steering him towards Honeydukes. Together you entered the bustling building, which must have currently held half of Hogwarts. You grabbed a basket and began to load it up with goodies. Chocolate bars and chocolate frogs, even a few licorice wands and sugar quills. Harry watched you, following you around like a puppy the entire time. 
“Don’t you want anything?” You asked, glancing over your shoulder. He shook his head and smiled. 
“No my- a family friend gave me a bunch of stuff before I came back, I still have plenty.” You smiled and nodded your head before glancing over your basket. 
“I think I’ve gotten enough to hold me over until the next trip.” He smiled back at you and nodded his head, gesturing towards the payment line. You made idle chat as you waited, and when you got to the counter you both reached for your coin purses.
“You’re not paying for my chocolate,” you scoffed, giggling, “It’s fine,” 
“Please,” He shoved your hands away from the counter, “It’s a- a date. A gentleman should pay.” You were slightly surprised by his boldness, not expecting it. Maybe he was warming up. 
“You don’t have to pay, you’re already being a gentleman.” Harry smiled at you but simply continued to count out the amount you owed, handing it over and taking the bag for you, refusing to hand it over. “So you’re carrying my things for me now, too?” You smirked and he chuckled. 
“Yes, ma’am,”
“Please, ma’am is my mother.” You joked and he snickered again as he led you back out of the still busy store. Next you went to Quality Quidditch Supplies so Harry could look for a pair of gloves. You didn’t care much for Quidditch but you found it interesting to look around at all the gear you didn’t understand, and you enjoyed seeing Harry excited, it was endearing. He tried to explain the rules to you, grinning, and you could tell it was something he was very passionate about. 
“Want to go to the Three Broomsticks?” He asked, “We can get butterbeers and chat more?” You nodded your head and began walking with him in that direction. 
“Sure, just don’t try and get me drunk,” You teased, he flushed for the first time in over an hour, shaking his head wildly. 
“I would never!” 
“I know, Harry, I’m only teasing you.” You promised and he relaxed slightly. “You’re a gentleman, remember.” He nodded, offering you his arm with a flourish as you walked. 
“Kind sir,” You chuckled, taking his arm as you entered the dimly lit and slightly smoky tavern. You found an empty table in the corner and sat down, taking off your jacket as Harry sat across from you. Madam Rosmerta came up to your table and you ordered two butterbeers before she whisked away again to go and retrieve them. You continued your earlier conversation about Quidditch until your drinks arrived, you took a large sip and sighed. 
“Oh this hits the spot.” 
“It always does,” He agreed, sipping his own and coming away with a foam mustache. You giggled and reached over, wiping it off with your thumb and a smirk. “Thank you,” He muttered, looking down at his drink with bright red cheeks. 
“Of course.” You smiled, before swallowing thickly. Now was your shot. “I have to ask you something.” He looked up nervously. 
“Do you want to go out with me?” 
“Like,” Harry paused, “Like boyfriend/girlfriend?” He asked skeptically and you nodded your head. 
“Exactly like that.”  He looked around the room in shock and for a moment you thought he might actually turn you down, you grew nervous. 
“I would really like that, yeah.” You smiled and took another sip of butterbeer, winking at him over the rim of your mug. 
“Alright, brill.” 
You spent a lot of time with Harry over the next week, mostly at the bequest of your friends who demanded you, ‘made it look real’. Not that you minded too much, Harry was growing on you, and his company wasn’t bad. You studied together in the library a lot, chit chatting about nothing in particular. It was one of those times, you were seated on the same side of the table, giggling to yourself when a group of Hufflepuffs glared at you, shushing you for the third time.  Harry looked at them apologetically. 
“Maybe we should go,” He stated and you felt your face fall slightly. You were enjoying yourself. “We can go back to my common room?” He offered, brushing his hand gently over the back of yours. 
“You’re sure they won’t riot? A snake in the lion's den.” He chuckled, shaking his head and beginning to pack up. 
“Nah, you’ll be fine. It’s you after all,” You frowned. 
“What does that mean?” He seemed to realize what he said and shook his head. 
“Nothing! Nothing bad, just, everyone likes you, like, everyone. So no one will mind if you’re there.” He assured, and you relaxed, smiling. “Besides, you’re my girlfriend, you should be allowed in my common room, people bring in students from other houses all the time. No biggie.” Harry loved calling himself your boyfriend, it was almost like he had to remind himself every so often, that you were, in fact, his girlfriend. You felt guilty again, but tried to swallow it down. Harry carried both of your bags as you made your way up to Gryffindor tower, he spoke the password and you smirked. 
“Now I can sneak in, give you a haircut while you sleep.” He chuckled, holding the portrait open for you. 
“Please don’t,” 
“Harry!” Ron called from a sofa near the fireplace, and Harry put a hand on your back as he led you over. You were going to hang out with his friends?
“You brought Y/N,” Hermione spoke, smiling softly, “Good, sit down,” You and Harry took a seat in the only free seat, an armchair and you glanced at him. You hadn’t really been this close together yet, your bodies touching as you sat close together in the chair. 
“How are you?” Hermione asked politely, closing her book and setting it aside, Ron simply looked at you and Harry, smirking slightly. 
“I’m alright,” You nodded, feeling slightly out of place, which wasn’t a feeling you got often. “Starting to get more and more homework, they’re not holding back this year are they?” You asked and she smiled sympathetically, nodding. 
“Not at all, but it’s for our benefit,”
“How so? I won’t be of any benefit if I’m dead from stress.” Harry chuckled and Ron groaned. 
“Don’t get her started on how important preparing for the NEWTs are, please, Y/N, I already got the speech once today,” You smirked slightly, looking at Hermione who glared at Ron. You couldn’t help but wonder if they dated as well, but you decided not to ask. The three of them chatted and you occasionally joined in, Harry kept glancing at you, and you’d smile slightly everytime he did. You still felt awkward and out of place amongst your boyfriend, fake boyfriend’s friends. Eventually it got late, and you yawned, leaning slightly more into Harry as he continued to argue with Ron about the best Quidditch team, and who had the best chance at the world cup this year. 
“Sleepy?” Harry asked you, hesitantly putting an arm around around your shoulder. You enjoyed the comfort of it more than you were willing to admit to yourself in that moment. 
“A bit.” 
“Let me walk you back to your common room,” You shook your head as the boy got up. 
“No, Harry, no point in your walking to the other end of the castle and back, I’m a big girl, I can make it.” He shook his head back at you, smiling and offering you his hand. 
“Humor me,” You sighed and took the outstretched hand, allowing him to pull you into a standing position. 
“Fine, goodnight Hermione, Ron.” They both said goodnight to you, and Harry led you by your hand to the exit of the common room, swinging the portrait hole open. You walked, hands linked, in comfortable silence to the dungeons. When you got to the entrance of the Slytherin common room, you stopped, turning to him but not releasing his hand. 
“This is my stop, Thank you,” You grinned. 
“Of course,” He assured you, eyes going from your eyes to his lips. You watched him, tilting your head slightly and wondering if he had the guts to kiss you. It had been a week after all. Harry brushed a piece of your hair behind your ear and gazed down at you, and you found yourself hoping he would muster up the courage. 
“Yes, Harry?” 
“May I kiss you?” He asked and you nodded your head slightly. The hand that had brushed your hair back, moved to your cheek, cupping it gently. He pulled you slightly closer before leaning down to gently press his lips to yours. It was sweet and gentle and before you knew it, it was over. He pulled back, blinking his eyes open and you giggled releasing his hand. 
“Goodnight,” You whispered.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” 
A week and a half later, and several kisses later, you were four days from the end of your bet, and you found yourself dreading Monday. You didn’t want to hurt Harry, you’d grown to enjoy his company, and once he got over how nervous you made him he was sweet and funny and lovely to be around. You were wandering the castle together, late at night, past curfew, and you were surprised by how willing Harry was to break some rules. You hadn’t seen each other in a few days, busy with class and school work, so he had suggested your little midnight rondevu. 
You were walking aimlessly, holding hands and talking about your week. Harry nudged you and you smirked up at him. 
“What?” He asked, laughing. 
“Oh nothing,” 
“No tell me,” 
“I’m just surprised is all,” You admitted. 
“About what?” 
“You. You’re not exactly what I thought you’d be.” He frowned. 
“In a bad way?” You shook your head and squeezed his hand tightly. 
“No, in a good way. I never expected you to be the sneak out late to see your girlfriend type.” He smirked down at you, nudging you back. 
“I’m full of surprises.” You smiled, swinging your hands playfully as you walked. At the end of the corridor a cat appeared suddenly, it’s eyes illuminated by the torch light. 
“Mrs. Norris!” You whispered loudly, yanking on Harry, “Come on,” Harry allowed you to lead him in the opposite direction, but the sound of footsteps were quickly approaching so you ducked into the first broom cupboard you saw, pulling Harry in with you and shutting the door quietly. 
“What if he checks?” Harry asked, eyes wide. You smacked a hand over his mouth hissing out a ‘shh’. The cupboard was tiny, and you were practically pressed against Harry fully, and you were shaking mildly. You played a senero over in your head; Filch finding you, owling your parents, telling them you had been found, after hours, alone, with Harry Bloody Potter in a broom cupboard. They would kill you. Harry felt you shaking and wrapped you into a hug, pulling you against his chest. You wanted to push him away, but you found it too comforting, so you wrapped your own arms around him, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes tight. 
The footsteps came down the hallway quickly, and came closer and closer to you. You held your breath. Then they went directly past you, and continued on down the corridor. You let out the breath you had been holding and felt the tension leave your body. Harry rubbed a hand over your arm, kissing the top of your head. 
“We’re alright, Y/N.” He promised and you pulled back just far enough to look at him, smiling softly. Your faces only inches apart. Harry gazed down at you, openly adoringly. That’s one of the things you liked about him, how open he was in liking you. Most boys you had dated before barely even tolerated you; they just wanted to be able to say they were dating a pretty popular girl. They didn’t like you. 
Harry smiled, pressing his forehead against yours and you leaned in to give him a small kiss. When you pulled back he was blushing again. 
“Will you ever stop blushing?” You teased lightly, brushing his curls from his face. 
“No probably not, you make me blush.” He leaned in and kissed you again hesitantly, but you kissed back immediately. Right when you thought he might deepen the kiss he pulled back, blushing furiously. 
“Why are you sorry?” 
“I don’t want you to think I’m trying to take advantage of you.” You giggled, pulling his head down again. 
“You’re not. I’m taking advantage of you,” You promised jokingly. Harry laughed against your lips, trailing his fingers over your sides as he kissed you. You felt his tongue tease at your lip curiously, and you began to wonder if he had ever snogged a girl before. You parted your own lips slightly, poking your own tongue out to meet his. Harry’s hands on your waist tightened. He opened his mouth more, pressing his tongue into your mouth as he began to explore- you allowed him. He tested the waters, and you occasionally ran your tongue over his. You didn’t know how long you stood there kissing but he eventually pulled back, smirking lightly down at you. 
“You’re... good at that.” You almost made a joke about how practice makes perfect but thought better of it. 
“Thank you, you’re a quick learner.” He frowned slightly before giving you a lopsided smile. 
“It’s obvious I haven’t done this before?” 
“I just figured,” You admitted. Usually boys who snogged a lot were much quicker to the draw. 
“Don’t apologize to me Harry, I’m glad I was your first proper kiss.” He moved his hands from your body and took your hands in his, lifting them to his mouth as he peppered the back of your hands with kisses. 
“Let me walk you back to your common room, make sure you get there safe.” You nodded your head. That was Harry, that’s what you liked about him. 
“How’d the break up go?” Your friend asked, plopping down on your bed beside you with a wide grin, you had been avoiding all of your friends for the past three days. You didn’t look up from your charms essay. 
“I haven’t done it.” you admitted, and her eyes widened. 
“What? Why? The dare was over three days ago!” You shrugged your shoulders, flushing deeply. “What?” You friend repeated, “Oh, Y/N, don’t tell me...” She placed a hand over her mouth, eyes wide. 
“I’m not going to break up with him.” You shrugged again, refusing to look at the other girl. 
“You like him!” She gasped.
“I’ve definitely started to,” You admitted, putting your quill down, rubbing your hands over your face. “I don’t want to hurt him, I don’t want to... stop seeing him.” She nodded slightly.
“But he’s a Gryffindor.”
“He’s a lot more than just his house,” You argued and she looked at you skeptically. 
“Are you sure?” You nodded. “Then don’t.” You both smiled smally at each other but then her face grew serious. “But I would tell him about the dare, if I were you, it’ll come out eventually. You don’t want that to happen.” Your face went blank. 
“Is that a threat?” 
“No.” She assured you seriously, “But it’s true.” And you knew she was right. Damn her. 
“I’ll go... find him now.” She patted your shoulder, and offered you a reassuring look. 
You went to Gryffindor tower and waited nervously outside the portrait hole until you saw a familiar face approaching. 
“Hi Neville.” 
“Hello Y/N, alright?” You nodded. 
“Can you do me a favor, can you ask Harry to come out?” He smiled.
“Of course.” He disappeared into the common room and you went back to waiting nervously. A few moments later and Harry came out, grinning widely. 
“Hey, Y/N,” He saw your face, and your nervous demeanour and stopped. “What’s wrong?” 
“Can we talk?” You asked, offering him your hand. He took it and nodded his head, eyes worried. 
“Of course.” You led him down the corridor finding a small nook you could tuck yourselves into for some privacy. “What’s wrong?” He asked again and you sighed, looking down at your entwined hands. You didn’t want to tell him, you didn’t want to see the look of hurt on his face when you admitted your relationship started on a bet. All you could do was hope he understood that it was no longer that way, and that you had fallen for him. 
“I need to tell you something, it’s going to hurt you and I am very sorry.” He nodded his head, trying to get you to look at him but you couldn’t. “You’re going to be cross with me, just know I really really like you, Harry.” 
“You’re breaking up with me?” He asked in a breathy whisper and you shook your head no. 
“No, I’m not. But you might want to break up with me.” 
“Tell me, Y/N, please.” You took a deep steadying breath and finally looked at him with tears in your eyes. 
“On the first day of the year, my dormmates and I were playing truth or dare.” You decided to get directly to the point, “They... they knew you liked me. A lot. Everyone did. They dared me to ask you out.” You watched as his face fell, a look of horror overcoming him. “I was supposed to date you for three weeks, and then break up with you- but I can’t. I told them I can’t, Harry. I like you too much. I don’t want to break up with you, I am so so sorry.” You were crying. His face went blank.
“It was a dare?” 
“At first! Just at first, but you’re so kind, and good to me, and handsome, and sweet. You’re such a gentleman, I’ve never met a boy like you, let alone dated one. 
“A dare.” He repeated and you tried to take his hand again but he yanked it away. “Don’t.” 
“I’m sorry,”
“I don’t want to hear it.” The look of hurt on his face was too much for you and your shoulders shook with tears. “How could you do that to someone?” He asked angrily and you winced. 
“I didn’t want to, I told them I didn’t want to hurt you, but a dare was a dare.” Harry stood up suddenly, looking down at you. He was sad and angry and you couldn’t blame him. 
“And what? Now I’m supposed to just believe you’ve changed your mind?” He asked and you nodded and shrugged. 
“I won’t blame you if you don’t. But it’s the truth. I like you Harry. A lot. I don’t want to lose you.” He shook his head and turned, walking a few steps away before stopping. He turned to look at you, once more, before turning again and he was gone. You sat for another few minutes crying pathetically to yourself before you got up and made your way back to your dorm, locking yourself in the bathroom for hours. You really screwed up this time. 
Over a week had passed and Harry hadn’t spoken to you. He barely even looked at you, and you were miserable. You sat in the great hall not eating, just pushing your peas around with a fork.  You looked like shit, you’re usually effortless demeanour was crushed and you were hurting badly. You looked up across the room to Gryffindor door table and made eye contact with him. He held your gaze until you looked down, wiping furiously at your eyes. You couldn’t cry in front of all of these people.  
You kept your head down, your hair forming a curtain from the world as you continued playing with your food. Misery didn’t suit you. A few moments later someone cleared their throat behind you and you didn’t move. 
“Y/N,” they spoke and you jumped slightly, recognizing the voice. You turned and saw Harry standing there, he looked down at you sadly. 
“Harry.” You croaked out. He stood there for a moment before he moved, leaning down and pressing a searing kiss to your chapped lips. When he pulled back you looked at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly open. “Wha-”
“I believe you,” He stated, eyes warm. He was looking at you like he used to. “I needed time, but I miss you too much. I believe you, and if you are willing, I want you to still be my girlfriend.” Your eyes welled again. You stood up from the bench and wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. 
“I would love that.” He rubbed your back and a few nearby students, including your friends clapped and laughed, whooping. You were never ever playing truth or dare again.
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doreamu-san · 3 years
An analysis of SolKy
Hello! Thank you so much for clicking on this. A while ago, I was asked to do an essay explaining why people ship SolKy other than the whole rivals/opposites attract reason, and I got a lot of feedback stating it was useful for newcomers to the ship! As a result I’ve decided to post this on tumblr, but just on the ship’s tag as to not bother uninterested people.
A couple of disclaimers before I begin. This is firstly just my own opinion, so whilst it makes sense for me, other shippers may disagree with my points. I’m also not claiming they are canon because they are not. But I do hope it’ll give some insight into why some people like me enjoy them together.
Even once you’ve read this essay, you can still dislike SolKy. This isn’t an essay stating you have to ship them.
This will be extremely long as I basically cover every single interaction they’ve ever had with each other since I know some people sort of gloss over their dialogue, so grab yourself a drink, get comfy, and I hope you enjoy reading!
(Last edited: 09/05/2021. This will be updated again when Strive releases!)
How this all began
If we’re starting right at the beginning, it’s common knowledge that Ky and Sol weren’t exactly on great terms and often clashed most of the time due to their conflicting beliefs. Ky saw the world in terms of black and white, and had very strict rules on what constituted as right and wrong. Sol seemed to think differently and went against that, which was a stark contrast compared to the other Order members at the time.
Considering that they were in fact, in the middle of a war, you would think that generally people would be willing to put their differences aside and work together.
But Sol wasn’t like everyone else, going off and doing his own thing instead of actually listening to orders, so it’s understandable why Ky found him rather irritating.
However, Ky did grow curious of Sol. Obviously curiosity does not equate to love, but it is the basis of Ky wanting to become more friendly with and know more about Sol. There seemed to be something that Sol knew but Ky didn’t, but how was that possible..? As a result, despite how infuriating he could be, Ky sought to seek out the truth and so fought him for answers.
In regards to why exactly they fight (aside from the fact that this is a fighting game), Ishiwatari wrote something called ‘Hostility is Akin to Love’ right above a picture of them fighting:
Hostility is akin to love Thinking of your opponent’s actions to fight, Reading your opponent’s inner thoughts to fight, Planning attacks that will hit your opponent to fight, And then transmitting your thoughts with those attacks, The more you think of your own advantage, at the same time you think of your opponent, In the instant you mix with your opponent, a passionate feeling arises, and blood boils, Reality is hurt, and you wound your opponent, Hostility is akin to love. — Guilty Gear Isuka Mook
It states how fighting someone can be close to feelings of love because you have to think about what your opponent is doing, as well as how you’re going to respond to your opponent. Overtime, you start to memorise how your opponent thinks, and as a result you’ll know them on a deeper level.
So considering the above, this explains how even though they weren’t on friendly terms, they still formed a bond with one another.
Now we’ve established how exactly their relationship started, and why Ky was curious about Sol in the first place, let’s look at things from Sol’s perspective.
Sol’s attitude towards Ky
We know that Sol was also pretty annoyed by Ky, which was totally justifiable given the extreme way in which Ky thought the world worked. But Sol didn’t exactly dislike Ky.
In order to provide some evidence that Sol cares about Ky, let’s cover that infamous scene everyone likes to reference which shows Sol crying over Ky’s dead body:
Sol:     "I came to pick you up." Ky:      "Always coming late... you never could fix that..." Sol:     "You..." Ky:      "As to be expected... until the very end... I could never beat you..." Sol:     "Don't say anything!" Ky:      "I have... a request..." Sol:     "I said shut up!" Ky:      "After Commander Kliff... carry on... the Holy Order..." Sol:     "Stop it... that's your job!" Ky:      "Please... promise me..." Sol:     "Dammit..." Ky:      "If it's you... you can do..." Sol:     "Hey.... what's wrong. Hey! KYYYYYY!" — Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Red, Battle of Rome — Deathmatch
A lot of people bring this quote up when discussing SolKy and yes, it does show Sol cares about Ky considering how Sol never really cares about anyone in general, but the fact that Ky’s death managed to make him emotional shows what an impact Ky had on him. There are however more quotes that show Sol’s feelings.
There’s this scene in the GG Xtra manga, Ky and Sol get attacked by a mountain-sized gear. In order to save them, Sol rips off his limiter and Dragon Installs. This scene is very poignant when you take into consideration what Sol said in After Story A:
Sol:     "Back during the Crusades, before we met... Kliff told me this rumour about a prodigy swordsman." Sol:     "If you couldn't guess, that was you. I didn't give a shit at the time..." Sol:     "But then I saw you on the battlefield." Sol:     "I saw someone out there who surpassed all of my expectations. Or perhaps I should say 'something.'" Sol:     "No openings, no wasted movements, no carelessness, no hesitation, no embarrassment, not even any honor. No chivalry or mercy. A being unaffected by emotion." Sol:     "You were a killing machine. Taking down gears with brutal efficiency." Ky:      "...That was a long time ago." Sol:     "I'm not done talking. I've seen the face of the 'serious' Ky." Sol:     "Then one day, you challenged me." Sol:     "You wanna know what I thought right then?" Ky:      "..." Sol:     "I was afraid. Hell, I was scared shitless." Sol:     "'He figured out that I'm a Gear, and he's come to kill me.' That's what I thought." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, After Story A
Sol admits that he knows just how scary Ky can be. Since Ky was extremely against Gears, if Ky found out that Sol was a Gear, then Ky would have most likely attempted to kill him. But Sol knew this and was willing to die for Ky’s sake, and transformed anyway:
Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      (Really... that's really..) Ky:      (That's really you!?) Ky:      "SOL!" Sol:     "Shut it..." Sol:     "I didn't do it..." Sol:     "To help you out—...." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
Going off on a bit of a tangent from Sol’s feelings, but I just want to point out Ky’s state of mind at this point. Ky in this time period was still very anti-Gear, as it was only through this moment and his encounters with Solaria and Dizzy later that made him change his way of thinking. It took a long time for Ky to accept Gears, and he still had the remains of that mindset in him when he had Sin, as he refused to make eye contact with him because Ky was ashamed of having a Gear child. So the fact that Ky knew Sol was a Gear, believed all Gears were evil, but still decided to accept Sol into his life and wanted to support him regardless of that, is interesting.
Back to Sol, another small quote that manages to show Sol’s feelings towards Ky is this:
Sol:     (Maybe I'll finish them off while I'm at it...) Sol:     (But that would mean breaking my promise to Ky...) — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 2
Now, Sol doesn’t care about 99% of what other people do as long as they don’t get in his way. The fact that he intends to keep his promise with Ky suggests that he holds Ky in somewhat ‘high’ regards compared to others.
There’s also this quote that shows Sol is thinking about Ky in Overture:
The frustrations of the man wielding a giant sword were piling day by day, and a familiar face appeared in his head. What’s he up to right now? “Hmph, whatever…” With a feeling of self-contempt, Sol Badguy shook his head. What am I getting sentimental for? — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #0 “Noise”
And when Sol encounters Raven later on after seeing Ky incapacitated, Raven points out how he can tell Sol is upset, meaning Sol’s not really doing a good job of pretending he’s still indifferent to Ky.
Raven: "You're as ruthless as ever, huh, monster?" Sol:      "Look who's talking." Raven: "Can you not put down your sword and talk? I understand you're upset with Ky Kiske defeated." Sol:      "I'll ask your corpse for answers." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #5 "Gaze of the Chronicle"
Sol’s thoughts about Ky become even clearer during his confrontation with Sin when he’s under the influence of Valentine, where Sol defends Ky’s actions and tries to make Sin understand Ky is not 100% at fault:
Sin:     "Can you see it? Can you feel it? This is my real power. This is my mother's strength." Sol:     "But it's light. It must be from your father." Sin:     "Shut up! Don't ever mention him!" Sin:     "He abandoned my mother and me using justice as an excuse!" Sin:     "Who cares about the King!? Who cares about the people!? That man, and that Kingdom, not one of them can protect a damn thing!" Sol:     "I don't give a damn about your family." Sol:     "But you know what, Ky may be a stubborn idiot, but at least he's true to his beliefs." Sol:     "A punk like you is still alive thanks to his justice." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #15 "Roaring Compass"
Okay, that’s the pre-Xrd era for Sol done, now to focus on Ky’s pre-Xrd’s emotions.
Ky’s attitude towards Sol
We’ve established earlier that Ky was annoyed by Sol and disliked him in the Crusades. However, afterwards it seems as if Ky saw himself as friends with Sol:
Ofc1:   "All of them seem to have been destroyed by... fire?" Ofc2:  "Yeah... why could that be?" Ky:      "........" Ky:      "Change our course!" Ky:      "Head towards the Eastern United States!" Ofc1:   "May I ask why, Chief Ky?" Ky:      "To meet an old friend." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 4: Former Friends
We know that Ky outwardly expressed his first signs of liking Sol when Sol stole the Fuuenken and Ky chased after him, only for Sol to win in their duel, and Ky says this:
Ky:      "Promise me one thing..." Sol:     "..What?" Ky:      "We'll meet again." Sol:     "Hmph... Well, if fate brings us together..." Ky:      "..That's fine." — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 1
It’s pretty interesting that Ky wanted to see Sol again despite how Sol never used to listen to his orders, and how Sol never even tried to act like what the Order expected their men to act like (chivalrous, putting the people first, etc). It at least shows us that Ky saw possibly the potential of becoming friends with Sol. And Sol didn’t even say straight up ‘no’ or ‘in your dreams’ or whatever Badguy-esque notion he usually would’ve done, so we can assume he doesn’t mind seeing Ky again either.
Then they don’t speak to each other properly for 5 years until the tournament that Testament holds, though they have probably ran into each other a few times within those years.
A common misconception people have is that during those 5 years, Ky was obsessed with Sol and would constantly try to find him. Obviously, this is not true. Ky was busy with IPF stuff and Sol was hunting Gears down.
However, it’s not as if Ky completely forgot about Sol — he was just probably at the back of his mind, and Ky does admit that he has been chasing after Sol the most more than anyone else:
Ky:      (Waiting outside for me when I left the ship... burning red flames. Soon, they seem to take the shape of a man... and he appears before me. Yes... it's him. The one I've been after the most... it's him.) — Guilty Gear X Drama CD, Vol. 1: Track Seven — Crater
There’s also these two other quotes:
Ky:      (Sol...) Ky:      (Why are you so stubborn about doing things alone?) — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
You can interpret this in two ways: either Ky wants to help Sol out and/or he’s curious as to why Sol always does stuff alone.
And then there’s this:
Ky:      "Maintaining peace, law, and order. That is my duty." Sol:     "Whatever..." Ky:      "You and I, we are cut from the same cloth." Ky:      "How long are you going to keep that facade?" Sol:     "..." Ky:      "Answer me Sol!" — Guilty Gear Judgment, Sol and Ky Ending
Being ‘cut from the same cloth’ is quite a strong statement. The phrase means that Ky thought he and Sol were similar somehow, and that he shared something with Sol. Regardless, the ‘how long are you going to keep that facade’ at least shows that Ky knows Sol is intentionally acting distant/rough/etc. and that its not actually who he is.
Jumping to pre-Overture, just before Ky gives Sin to Sol, Ky is in a really depressive state due to all of the stress he’s been going through. This leads Dizzy to contact Sol. The fact that Sol is called means that Dizzy knows that Sol is possibly the only person who can help Ky at that point, which puts some emphasis on just how much Sol means to Ky or at least affects him.
Before I move onto Xrd, there’s this part where Ky gives his son to Sol. This proves he trusts Sol so much considering he was asking him to take care of Sin for a long period of time.
Ky:      “Sol....I want to request something...” Sol:     “...hnn?” Ky:      “My son....Sin..can you take care of him for a while?” Sol:     “...what did you say?” Ky:      “I know it’s unreasonable but...I still want to ask...” — GG2: Overture Story, Sol's Story
The Xrd era (because it is so long, it needs its own section)
The Xrd era is extremely interesting to me, because Sol and Ky have some more in-depth conversations, and boy, do they have a lot of conversations.
Focusing on Sol first, theres a scene in REV where Sol asks Ky why he isn’t interested in his past:
Sol:     "Why don't you ask me already?" Ky:      "Ask you what?" Sol:     "About my past." Ky:      "I can ask you?" Sol:     "I guarantee, it won't be interesting." Sol:     "Every other word that came out of your mouth was 'Duel me,' or 'I challenge you!' You were so eager to fight and..." Ky:      "........" — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
Given that Ky was constantly pestering Sol about his background in the past, it makes sense why Sol is suddenly a bit confused about Ky’s sudden change in behaviour. But it also shows that Sol wants Ky to know about his past. After ~170+ years of being alive, Sol wants to finally open up to someone again, and he specifically chose Ky for this. It shows in the very least Sol trusts Ky and knows him well enough to decide to let him know about who he used to be.
And then Ky says this, which is basically him just showing Sol how much he cares and understands him:
Ky:      "Sol. Of course I have an interest in your past." Ky:      "But wanting to understand someone and trying to understand everything is completely different." Ky:      "Right now, Sol Badguy's future matters much more to me, than Frederick's past." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
There’s also this scene in SIGN:
Ky:      "I don't know your history." Ky:      "I don't know if you had friends once, or if you fell in love, or why you burn with such hatred for That Man and the Gears..." Ky:      "I don't even know your real name." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "But I do know a great deal about a man named Sol Badguy." Ky:      "Blinded by vengeance, he lost sight of himself, and now he runs from the truth that frightens him." Sol:     "...Say that again." Ky:      "Tomorrow always comes, Sol." Sol:     "..!" Ky:      "If tomorrow promises to be cold and dark, I cannot stand idly by... even if I know my efforts will come to nothing." Sol:     "... The self-righteous apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Ky:      "I don't expect the world to change tomorrow, but I do hope that, today, perhaps my words will reach you." Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      "I'll be waiting for you. We'll all be waiting for you. Sin, Dizzy..." Ky:      "Once all this is over... come home." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
Three things to take away from this:
Ky admits that he doesn’t know anything about Sol’s background, but that he knows a lot about the current Sol, and then goes on to explain how Sol acts. Which to expand on, means that although Ky used to care about Sol’s past, he doesn’t really mind about it anymore because Sol’s past won’t really change much who Sol is to Ky now. Also, the part where Ky explains how Sol was ‘blinded by vengeance,’etc. shows that Ky knows Sol’s current personality well enough in order to be able to distinguish his behaviours. Which is interesting because nobody has been around Sol long enough to be able to know him really well unlike Ky (Aria and Asuka count too, but they were around Sol when he was Frederick, and Sol seems pretty adamant on the idea that he’s a separate person from Frederick.)
‘Come home’ is pretty significant, as it implies that it’s almost like Ky is saying home is with Sin, Dizzy and the Valentines, and so when Sol is done getting revenge on That Man, instead of letting Sol just wander off alone, Ky wants Sol to be a family with them.
The fact that says Ky says ‘I’ll be waiting for you’ separate from ‘we’ll all be waiting for you’ implies that either Ky’s want to wait for Sol is somehow different from everyone else’s or it’s just for the sake of being dramatic. I interpreted this in both ways, as it seems like Ky knows that Sol treats him differently compared to others. So in a sense, by Ky emphasising that he’ll be waiting for Sol, it might make Sol more likely to ‘come home’.
There’s also a scene that shows Ky knows Sol’s personality well:
Ky:      "When I look at you, Sol, I see a man who is afraid." Sol:     "... What?" Ky:      "It became clear when I watched you caring for Sin." Ky:      "You work very hard to keep everyone at arm's length." Sol:     "..." Sol:     "I got Gear blood in my veins, and it ain't friendly. It's always there in the back of my head, whispering that I oughta just destroy all of this." Sol:     "The only way I'm gonna get some closure is tracking down That Man and beating some answers out of him." Sol:     "And if he doesn't have 'em..." Sol:     "Then maybe there really isn't a good way to live." Ky:      "That's why you close your heart off." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
There’s also this:
Ky:      "Not all people have the strength to stand on their own." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "If only life were simple, and the right path was laid out before each of us..." Ky:      "But even then some would leave it, and some would struggle with walking it. Such is human nature..." Ky:      "The truth is that no path will ever be 'right' for all people. Each of us must find the one we are meant to walk--and sometimes that is where none exists." Ky:      "That is what I learned from you." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
This just shows that Ky actually learnt something from Sol. Which I think is important because Ky is someone who always used to be very strict to his ideals. The fact that he learnt something from Sol that had an impact on his mindset means that Sol actually managed to have a great impact on Ky.
There’s this scene where Sol finds out that Aria isn’t dead when he confronts That Man, and he has somewhat of a mini mental breakdown. So Ky excuses them from the room, and goes outside to talk with Sol:
Ky:      "Sol. The grudge you hold is certainly not something that can be taken lightly. And, whatever answer you think you've found, I doubt any of us will be able to stop you from seeing it through..." Ky:      "But we have very little time left. Right now, we need the Gear Maker's help." Ky:      "So, I'm begging you... Just for now. Why don't you stay outside with me." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 06, Cause A
The last line that Ky says is interesting because it’s obvious that he’s just trying to calm Sol down, and Ky thinks that if he stays with Sol outside for a bit, he’ll be able to help him calm down. Furthermore, Ky thought it was more necessary to pause everything and help Sol out rather than keep listening to the plans of what their next course of action would be.
Ky does have the habit of comforting Sol. One of the more significant moments is whenever Sol refers to himself as a monster:
Ky:      "Yes, he took away some of what makes you human, but that doesn't mean he altered your mind or your soul." Sol:     "So what?" Ky:      "I want to believe that you'll fight for the people of this world." Sol:     "Are we seriously having this conversation?" Sol:     "Look, kid. I'm a monster. I'm here to do two things: Destroy That Man, and kill all the other Gears." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
To expand a little on Sol’s mindset, it’s common knowledge that Gears were generally in the past regarded as akin to monsters. Now we don’t have any solid proof Sol is referring to himself as a monster because he’s a Gear, or because he feels guilt about the whole Gear Project, etc. But we do know it’s something he’s affected by given that he constantly refers to himself as one.
So the fact that Ky constantly reassures him that he’s not one, and that Ky didn’t treat him differently after finding out he was a Gear, must be comforting to know.
Then at the end of REV, there’s the scene where Daryl is about to shoot Sol, because he (quite rightly) doesn’t trust the fate of the world to be left to Sol. And so, the kids get beamed up, but Ky asks to be left behind:
Ky:      "But, if you plan on targeting Sol, then you must leave me behind, as well." Daryl: "What!?" Zappa:"60 seconds until impact..!" Sol:     "What the hell are you doing?! Stay with Sin!" Ky:      "I am well aware that this is a one in a million chance..." Ky:      "But, if I survive at the expense of my dear friend, then there is little reason left for my ruling this world as king." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Final Chapter, Fireworks
This was a really odd moment because Ky’s life was never in danger at that moment. If he had been sent on board Daryl’s ship as originally planned, he would have been safe. But Ky intentionally chose to risk his life, and its kind of startling because Ky has always put his people above everything. There were times when he put the people above his own family, like when he kept his family a secret instead of coming out with the truth about them in order to remain as King to protect his people.
So Ky suddenly going ‘I would rather die with Sol than take care of my people’ is really extreme. Also Ky was willing to leave his family behind, which is even more extreme. So this just really proves how highly Ky regards Sol considering how he would rather die with him than live without him.
Some concluding notes
I think Sol and Ky’s personalities do work really well. Perhaps not in the Crusade era, but if we take a look at the Xrd era, they have shown to get along and have deep conversations with one another that they both enjoy. They know each other extremely well; they know how to support one another when life gets a bit too much and they’re also capable of telling one another when the other is wrong.
Sol teaches Ky that life isn’t as simple as it seems, and that (figuratively speaking) he shouldn’t stick exactly to the textbook. He’s able to see under that perfect image Ky puts up about him being able to cope with everything, acting as a source of stability when you consider how Sol has been the only person who’s been around Ky since the very beginning.
Throughout all of Ky’s life, he’s been under so much pressure. From being Commander in the Crusades, to becoming the Head of the International Police Force, to becoming King. In every situation, people are constantly relying on him, and his environment is changing rapidly. But despite everything, Sol has always remained the same. He looks the same, acts the same, etc. Ky can rely on Sol and trust Sol. He’s like a source of stability for Ky in those hectic times.
And Ky provides something similar to Sol too, given how often he ran into Sol time and time again. When you’ve been alive for so long, it’d feel reassuring in the very least to see a familiar face. And Sol does seem to get less annoyed each time they meet each other again, considering like how in Overture he voluntarily went to go see Ky after seeing himself on a wanted poster.
Ky also gives Sol the chance to open up to people again and form connections with them, something that Sol has been reluctant to do. Sol needs someone to care about him, and Ky proves that by constantly reassuring him and never giving up on trying to help Sol, even though he kept getting pushed away.
They may not be canon but I really do love how they work together. Yes it’s true some people may like them because they are ‘rivals’and seeing rivals get together and bicker is great, but actually I think when people focus more on how much they support and rely on each other, as well as the fact that they do get along, them being in a relationship is more convincing.
Whilst this essay focused on their canon interactions, there’s plenty of other great material out there. For instance, the Guilty Gear 4KomaKINGS manga provides plenty of great SolKy interactions (like the time Ky wanted to have a friendship diary with Sol, only to get rejected and start crying about it. Of course, take these interactions with a pinch of skepticism considering the frivolity of the source material.)
And that, was my very long SolKy essay. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading! Though you may not have agreed with everything I have said, you still continued reading, and I am grateful for that. Thank you for showing such enthusiasm and loving this franchise.
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soda-drabbles · 4 years
Doodle Break | Arin x Reader
Request by @nonsense-on-main : Tiny lil x reader thing where Arin finds a drawing of him that you did and you get super embarrassed about it but he absolutely loves it (and possibly gets a lil flustered but like in a good way)?
Type : Fluff
Pairing : Arin x Reader
Art was always your passion. Growing up, your sketchbooks and pencils were your best friends. During recess, instead of playing with other kids on the slide or playing tag, you sat on the ground with your pencil and paper and doodled whatever you liked. Nothing about it has changed much since then other than you just don’t draw as much since you’re an adult now and working a full time job.
That still never stopped you from bringing your sketchbook and a pen during your spare breaks, drawing whatever was on your mind. The break room was your preferred and perfect place to get some good sketching done while you ate. You even had your own special spot, one farthest away which worked well since you were a little insecure about others seeing your art.
Thankfully, the room looks fairly empty today. You assume your co-workers went out for lunch this time and with a ding on your phone, your suspicions were correct. A message notification was staring you back in the face, from Jory specifically.
‘We’re gonna get some McDonald’s so let us know what you want. ‘
With your free hand, you type out what you want and hit send. Afterwards, you place your phone back in it’s pocket. Although you’ve been to the break room plenty of times, it never ceases to satisfy you with how peacefully quiet it can be. Which is honestly laughable, considering that rooms over Dan and Arin were probably giggling themselves shitless right now.
Thinking about it now, your mind drifted to Arin. Nothing that unusual nowadays, as he took over most of the thoughts.
His name pops into your head and you can’t help but sway a little. As cheesy as that was, nothing was cheesier than the fact that you actually ended up drawing him more. It sounds like it’d be better suited for some high school Disney movie. Yet here you were, flipping through many already drawn pages to a new clean one.
Your pencil traces out the features you can remember. His broad nose, those delicate eyes, his warm soft smile. Things that for some reason you can’t forget, the little details. Sometimes you found yourself getting annoyed after drawing, as if somehow drawing him over and over will make you forget about him. Of course it doesn’t, and sometimes you’re glad for that.
“Holy shit, where is everybody?”
Speak of the devil.
“Uh, I, they-“ Your words nearly trip over themselves, an underlying guilty tone in them as if you were caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. “They went out to grab something.”
“Shit, really?” He groans, as if he’s been betrayed. Your eyes watch as he brought his hand through his hair in a frustrated manner, the blonde streak and brunette being pushed back. Your throat dries, the muscle under his arm clenches and you notice. “You didn’t go with them?”
“Nah,” You clear your throat, tapping the table repeatedly with the eraser of your pencil. “Jory texted me like, five minutes ago, asking me what I wanted. I thought he would’ve texted you or something.”
His hand falls from his face to his pocket, the once held up ball of hair falling back around him. Arin’s once frustrated expression settles into a relieved one, one that is also a little annoyed with himself. “My phone was on silent,” Another Arin groan. He quickly texts them back and his phone returns to his pocket. The attention is back on you now, as he walks over. “What’s on the drawing menu today?” He takes it upon himself to lean over the table some, elbows resting on the table. It wasn’t unlike him to ask something like that. Working at the Grumps office for nearly a year brought you guys close, a lot closer since video games and art were something you had in common.
Still, in this case, this art was on the secret menu for your eyes only. Your arms were over your work nearly instantly, cheeks feeling like they’re on fire. You can’t imagine how red you must look right now.
Arin’s eyes slightly widen and he teases, “Dude, if you’re drawing hardcore porn, at least let me give an opinion on it.”
A soft crack fell on your flushed face, lips curving into a bit of a smile. Maintaining your serious look was hard, especially when Arin decides to crack jokes like that. Jokes that were meant to fluster you. “It’s not porn, Ar. It’s not really anything bad but..”
He laughs and puts on a dramatic scrunched pouty face that made you snort. “Not even if I say pretty please?”
“Especially not that. God, don’t ever make that face again.”
His face falls back to a neutral yet pouty face. Your heart is practically heaving in your chest but the relief settles in. You think that you may have ceased his curiosity or at least put it off. Now though, his eyes were practically setting on you and the gears in his head were turning. Problem was that they’re looking more curious than before.
“Ah!-“ A light feathery poke near your side was all it took for your arms to jolt downward, drawing a sharp gasp from you. You were hugging yourself at this point, to defend yourself from any new attacks. “Arin!-“ Your scolding falls short, eyes landing on your now bare sketch of Arin for all to see. Your eyes fart away and the heat that fills your cheeks is immaculate.
Thankfully, with your head turning the other way, it was impossible to see how he looked right now. You really weren’t sure if you want to either. Sure, he was a popular Internet personality and yeah, you were sure he’s seen his fair share of fan art (some dirtier than others) but still, this held a much more deeper meaning to you. Especially since you have a crush on the guy. At some point, you gather to courage to finally look at him. Instead of the look you expected him to have, Arin was seemingly stunned. About what is something you’re unsure of.
“When did you draw this?” He asks, bringing the sketchbook a bit closer to him. “Is this me?”
“I don’t know. Maybe five minutes ago.” You find yourself murmuring now. “Yeah, it’s uh, it’s you. Why?”
Arin breathlessly chuckles, in awe. “Dude, this is fucking amazing for five minutes. I also gotta say, I look hella handsome in your style~.” Although he’s teasing you right now, you turn to get another look and he looks sort of, what’s the word, flustered? It’s a look you’ve only seen Arin have once or twice.
“So you like it?” You ask, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck. “If it’s weird, you can tell me. Seriously, I-“
He shuts you up by giving your shoulder a firm pat. “I think it looks awesome. Seriously.” He smiles, a light tint of pink dusting across his face. A part of you knew he wasn’t lying and the relief dawns on you once again. Another part of you knew that you probably shouldn’t worry as much as you do, as things usually went the opposite from what you assumed they were.
“McDonald’s train coming through!” calls Jory, who comes bustling through with a bag of McDonald’s that holds yours and Arin’s order.
Arin’s hand leaves your shoulder to grab the bag, leaving the spot warm and tingly. “Thanks, Jory.” He says, sitting the bag on the table.
“Woah, that’s really good, (Y/N)!” Jory exclaims upon seeing your ‘doodle’. “I knew that you drew in your free time but— wow.”
You awkwardly laugh, not being as flustered as you were when Arin got to see. Arin smiles again, sounding like a proud dad. “They’ve got talent. No other artist has been able to capture the Hanson essence like (Y/N)~”
“...Anyways.” You say after letting Arin’s cocky comment sit a moment of silence, which brought the burliest of laughs from him. Your heart sort of flutters. The fact that you can make a man like him laugh like that kind of brings you hope about your little love situation.
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gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Bare Necessities | JJK
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“When you ask your boyfriend for a relaxing vacation you don’t exactly expect him to take you to Disneyland out of all places. Luckily, Jungkook knows just how to get you to relax — being needy is definitely not the way. Or is it…”
This is part of the BTS Smut Club summer collaboration; Setback. ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff ›› Rating: 18+ explicit sex ›› Pairing: JJK x Reader ›› Word Count: 11.8k Warnings Include: Mentions of anxiety and being stressed, plus a talk about consent. Sexual content: sex, blowjob, deepthroating, handjob, ruined orgasm, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, riding, barebacking (wrap it up guys! they are taking precautions), creampie, minor cumplay, dirty talk, switch!Jk. A/N: These tags make it sound so nasty lol, it’s rlly sweet I promise :((
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Normally, you ease your feelings of anxiety by finding a way to tightly hold on to your boyfriend. Now, as you sit in the car stuck in the worst traffic you’ve ever been in, you have to opt for holding his hand. Jungkook lets you play with his fingers, only pulling away to shift gears.
His hand is warm, and his soft voice accompanies the gentle tunes that the radio is playing right now. You wish you could relax, but you’re already so on edge that every little shock of the car makes you want to yelp.
“Can’t you just tell me where we are going?” you whine for the sixth time. To be precise, you’d asked for a relaxing vacation. Jungkook keeping the destination a surprise was not relaxing. Nor was the fact that he’d forgotten his phone charger and that you were now stuck in traffic because you had to go back home and get it. “Please Jungkook.”
He sighs deeply, fingers squeezing yours. “We’re going to Disneyland.”
Abruptly, you drop his hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t  think I heard you right. Did you say Disneyland?”
He smiles, a sight that you adore more than anything. However, right now as you ponder over the thought of having to spend your relaxing vacation in Disneyland, you don’t find yourself returning the gesture.
“Yeah, Disneyland, that’s what I said.”
You zip your mouth shut, pursing your lips and opting to stare out the window. Jungkook knows you. He should know you’re not a fan of theme parks or anything crowded like that. On the contrary, you hate it. You said relaxing, not seriously nerve wracking, but you don’t know how to tell him this without coming across as a total bitch.
He must’ve spent a lot of money to get the tickets, and from how excited he was the entire morning you know that he’s hyped about going. You just wish you’d feel the same.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, grabbing your hand and jostling it.
You shake your head. “Nothing, just keep your eyes on the car in front of you please.”
It’s not that Jungkook can’t drive. It has more to do with the fact that you’re stuck in traffic and Jungkook’s attention span seems to be shortening by the minute.
The last time the two of you got stuck in traffic was about two years ago, when you’d barely started dating officially. He’d taken you out to meet his brother and somehow you’d ended up spending half your day on the road. The other half was spent on the side of the road because he’s hit the car in front of him when he’d stopped paying attention.
You’ve been dating for a little over two years now — two years and two months, to be precise — happily so. Jungkook means everything to you, even if he’s put you through some seriously scream-worthy situations. Though, if he hadn’t crashed his car that day he might not have asked you to be his girlfriend so early on. Truth it, you‘d do almost anything for Jungkook. However, you’re already in a bad mood today and you’re not sure if you’re willing to go to Disneyland for him.
Even if you’re glad for every second you get to spend with him, you’re bummed you’re going to have to share that with thousands of other people. He could’ve probably rented a secluded cabin somewhere for half the price.
“You’re upset.” Jungkook doesn’t phrase this as a question — he doesn’t have to. He takes a proper hold of your hand, fingers encasing yours completely. “Talk to me.”
You sigh. “What part of me asking for a relaxing vacation did you not understand?”
“What?” Jungkook looks at you briefly, this time with wide, concerned eyes. Upon the sight you feel the guilt settle in your chest.
“Kook, sweetheart, theme parks and relaxing don’t exactly go hand in hand in my mind.” You choose your words carefully, if anything you don’t  want to upset him. You‘re not mad, you’re just…stressed.
“Oh.” He falls silent, lips parted as traffic finally starts clearing up again. Jungkook drives in silence, eyes forward on the road with both hands on the wheel now. You know he’s mauling over his thoughts, not sure what to say.
Neither are you to be honest. You already feel so guilty for saying anything in the first place that you’re not sure if you can mend the impact of your words. He’s hurt and you want to comfort him, tell him it’s okay. However, it’s not okay, you’re not excited to go to Disneyland and you wish you could do something about it but you can’t.
You find yourself sitting curled up in the passenger seat, stomach twisting anxiously as Jungkook takes you to the planned destination. The mere thought of having to stand in line, go through masses of people to get food, and be surrounded by screaming kids and crowds the entire time was not helping your emotions. It’s not that you’re especially anxious in social settings, it’s just that you’re tired and this is your first weekend off in months. You just want to be along with your boyfriend, sleep, eat, relax, and maybe have sex — definitely cuddle.
After what feels like an eternity in awkward silence, Jungkook finally turns onto the parking lot. Not that it means you’ve arrived. No, it takes him at least thirty minutes to find the one free spot among the mass of cars.
Jungkook parks the car, taking a deep breath. “Do you want me to drive back home?” He gives you the same concerned look, a pout threatening to form on his lips. “I’m sorry that I didn’t think this through. If you want to go back and spend the weekend at home that’s fine with me too.”
You shake your head immediately, turning towards him and taking his hand from where it’s still grasping the wheel. “No, Kook. It’s just that I’m stressed and I — You spent a lot of money on this, and I know you meant well. So lets just go and try to make the best of it. Yeah?”
Jungkook’s eyes light up again at your words, nodding excitedly and exiting the car. Once you meet him by the trunk he catches you off guard with a bone-crushing hug. His arms wrap around your waist and you’re easily lifted off the ground. You squeal, but return the hug and giggle into his shoulder. Even now, when you truly feel like shit, Jungkook is able to alleviate your mood just a little.
Being with Jungkook didn’t come easy. At first you didn’t think you were compatible in the slightest. You never thought you’d ended up dating a highly energised boy with a strange combination of passions for working out, video games, and singing — in that order. Even if Jungkook is good at everything he does, there’s one thing that made him defy all odds and capture your heart. It’s the way he makes you feel at ease. All you need is a simple smile, or a good look at those big, sparkly eyes and you feel like you’ll be able to get through the day.
Now lets hope that you’ll get through three days in giant-playground hell.
It comes to no surprise to you that Jungkook managed to scrounge up enough money and get you a room in the most expensive hotel on the premise. It’s all soft pinks, blues and whites and you want to glare at him for even daring to spend this much money on you. What got into his pretty little head. There was no need for him to break the bank on a simple holiday. Sadly, your boyfriend is incapable of doing things half-assed.
“Come on.” Jungkook grabs your hand again, something that comforts you a little as you move through the people who stand in the lobby. It luckily didn’t take too long for him to get the key, and now you’re finally on your way to the room.
Due to the horrific traffic, you’ve lost most of your first day already and you just want to get into bed and snuggle up to him. If anything that might make you feel better about this entire situation. You want to cuddle with him and sleep in really late, order breakfast in bed. Maybe you can make this trip a little more relaxing that way.
You gasp when Jungkook gentlemanly opens the door for you. It’s massive, a four post bed standing against the wall — it even has little pink drapes. “Jungkook!” you gasp, both in surprise and slight annoyance.
“I know, it’s so pretty,” he states, ushering you inside.
Once there, he cups your face in his hands and kisses you. His lips are soft with the texture of his cherry lip balm, and you can’t help but smile a little. He seems eager, leaving the suitcase aside and holding you close as he smooths his lips over yours. Jungkook is warm, and you’re eased by the press of his chest against yours. The fabric of his thin sweater is supple beneath your fingers where your hands slide up his sides.
A tiny moans comes from you as he traces the seam of your lips with his tongue. You part them eagerly, meeting him in the middle with a deep sigh. Within seconds your lost in him, kissing in the middle of the room with your arms wrapped around his narrow waist. It’s romantic, the way he loves you like this. Jungkook is physical, more so than vocal or emotional, he speaks with his body and right now all he’s saying is that he loves you.
It’s when he tries to guide you to the bed that you stop. “Jungkook,” you whisper.
He looks at you with those big eyes that make you want to kiss all over his face.
“Can we just cuddle tonight?” You know Jungkook, how he thinks, feels, needs. He was probably already planning on having sex with you in that gigantic bed tonight — that, or he was trying to make up for ruining your ‘relaxing’ vacation. Regardless, you’re way too tightly strung to have sex right now. Maybe once you feel a little more calm.
He pouts a little as you step away to open the suitcase on the bed. You know it won’t last, his pouting, because he knows that you only say no when you mean it. Right now you’re not going to give in to his cute little face.
Jungkook watches your eyes move as you unpack some of your toiletries and set them down in the bathroom. He’s half naked when you get back, sweater discarded on a large chair by the window. His abs flex as he stretches and you throw him the shirt he usually wears to bed — you’re not going to let yourself get wooed by his body. Even if he looks delectable beneath his clothing, he knows as well as you do that cuddles come first.
He remains shirtless as he follows you into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you take off your makeup. There’s a slight hum in his chest as he nuzzles you hair, only to kiss down and and gently mouth at your neck. The feeling of his lips is tantalising, they’re so soft and supple. He knows exactly where to touch you, your shoulders leaning into his ministrations.
“Jungkook,” you try again, but he doesn’t seem to mind your ingenuine protest. He keeps kissing up and down your neck, tongue trailing your skin as he sucks lightly — it’s not firm enough to leave a mark, but it feels good still. So good that you can feel your body relax in his grasp. “Jungkook, stop,” you giggle as his kisses turn more into little nips.
He chuckles against your skin, setting you more upright again as he meets your gaze in the mirror. “Are you sure you don’t want serious stress-relief tonight?”
You playfully roll your eyes, turning to face him and holding him by the waist. Jungkook is always especially warm there, huggable and pliable. “Only if stress-relief means cuddles.”
“But baby,” he whines softly. “Isn’t sex like…a bare necessity?”
Stunned, you snort at his words. Even if you won’t deny that it’s a little funny, you can’t believe he just made a Disney pun about sex. He got you pretty good there. Sadly, his grade A joke doesn’t get him any further with you.
“You know what’s also a bare necessity?” you say before giving him a soft peck. “Having a relaxing shower with your girlfriend without getting handsy.”
Jungkook stares at you.
You grip his bare waist more firmly. “I’m just tired, and stressed, and all I want right now is to hold my boyfriend — for him to tell me it’s all going to be okay. Can we just do that for tonight?”
He nods now. It’s probably the excitement, or the guilt he must’ve been feeling. His eyes have changed, his posture straightening up. You can’t blame him for not realising how stressed you actually were, you’ve been hiding it pretty well. But when he pulls you into a hug you’re relieved he’s as understanding as he is.
Despite Jungkook’s incessant ability to whine to get his way, he will quit when you’re being serious. He knows you well enough, doesn’t walk on eggshells around you like lot of people do. Just because you get anxious easily doesn’t mean that you’re to be treated like a sensitive child. On the contrary, you want to live life to the fullest, and Jungkook’s helping you do that.
It’s nice, the way he kisses you gently as he undresses you further.
“Can you keep it in your pants?” you ask as you turn the water on. The shower is large, but you know you won’t be needing much room. As always, Jungkook likes to stick as closely by your side as humanly possible.
He raises his eyebrows. “Do you think I have no self-restraint?”
Mimicking him, you raise yours too.
“Okay, okay, fine,” he sighs. “I promise, no frisky business. Now please get in the shower I’m going to freeze.” He shivers audibly and visibly, the hairs on his arms standing up in the cold bathroom.
The water on the other hand is warm, and you immediately feel your muscles relax as you get under the stream. Jungkook follows you, pressing himself tightly against your back as you let the water cascade down your bodies. You hand him the soap, letting him lather you up slowly and thoroughly. He massages the knots in your back and shoulders, thumbs digging into the muscles that are still aching from the long car ride.
He knows not only you, but your body, and you let out a satisfied little moan as he rubs the back of your neck. In response, he chuckles, kissing your temple and continuing his massage.
“Kook, if you want you can massage me properly later. Let me wash your hair before we shrivel up.” You motion for him to turn around as you fetch his shampoo from the sink. It smells like orange and cloves, a calming scent that now reminds you of him. He’s always preferred more natural scents over the ones that are usually used in things like men’s deodorant. It’s not something he’ll admit to, but he often steals your deodorant because he thinks it smells better.
His hair is soft, a strawberry blonde now from where he’d dyed it cherry pink on a whim weeks ago. When he’d come home with his new hair your pillow cases had already been weeping, but you’d surprisingly grown to love it. For all the years you’ve known him, his hair colour has ranged mainly between dark, chocolate brown and black. Seeing him with pink was like a breath of fresh air, and blonde is doing just as well.
It takes a lot of care, to keep his hair soft despite the bleaching. So you thoroughly massage the strands and rinse them out. He loves it when you wash his hair, it calms him as much as it calms you. He’s grown silent beneath your touch and you’re afraid he might just fall asleep on you. Driving for over six hours definitely wore him out.
Jungkook silently returns the favour, turning you around and washing your hair with care. He even goes as far as to put conditioner in and brush out all the little knots. There’s a comfort in the silence between the two of you and you find your bad mood clearing up more and more.
Once clean, Jungkook insists on drying you off, and you giggle as he wraps you into this huge, pink, fluffy towel. “Are you feeling a little better?” he asks when you sit wrapped up on the closed toilet. Another little quirk of your boyfriend is that he has to completely dry his hair before he goes to bed, so you watch him quickly take the blowdryer and turn his hair into a mess. You get a good look of his back muscles as he does so.
“A little,” you hum. You’re still stressed — mentally at least. Your body however is ready for snuggles and sleep. “I’m going to get dressed, don’t overheat your hair.” When you pass him, you press a stray kiss into the cusp of his shoulder that now smells like oranges and cloves.
As usual, you wear on of Jungkook’s oversized t-shirts to bed. The fact that he wears tighter shirts to bed than he does when he goes outside has always been a mystery to you. Just another one of those little things you learnt to love about him. His shirt is huge on you, the white material soft and lightly scented from a recent wash.
Your heart flutters a little when he exits the large bathroom, his hair all fluffy and soft. It makes him look a lot younger than he is, though many people often take him to be older. Luckily, you’re aware that he usually acts younger, his pouting and whining attesting to that. You love him no less because of it, if anything it makes you love him more.
Jungkook is very attuned to the people around him, he’s observing and caring. Depending on the situation he can be more serious, or childish — definitely one of his strong suits. The one thing about Jungkook that you wish would change is how hard he could be on himself. Something that shines through now as he stares as you sitting on the edge of the large, canopy bed.
There’s an awkwardness in his steps as he pulls his shirt over his head, a hesitation to join you on the bed. You grasp his hand, pulling him to stand in front of you so you can look up at him.
“Jungkook, tell me what’s on your mind.” There’s callouses on his fingers that are rough against your palm as you hold his hands tightly, slightly swinging from side to side.
He sighs, shoulders drooping. “I’m sorry.” There’s a little waver in his voice that you know all too well.
You stand up quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him close. He sinks into you, arms hugging you tightly around your waist — so tight you can barely breath for a moment. The slight nuzzle of his nose into your still damp hair hides the shakiness of his breath as he tried to hold himself in.
“It’s okay Jungkook,” you say as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles, “I just thought that coming here would make you feel better, because you’ve been so stressed the past months. I completely overlooked the fact that you wanted something actually relaxing. I just wanted to make you feel happy and I fucked up.”
You shake your head, cupping his cheeks. “Look at me.” He casts his eyes up and you’re glad to find them void of tears. “You didn’t fuck up. You tried your best, I know you did this for me and I should’ve been more appreciative. Lets just go out tomorrow and see how it goes.” You kiss his cheek, smiling gently at him.
Luckily, he eases up, returning your hug once more before catching you off guard by throwing you onto the large bed. You almost scream when you bounce on the soft mattress.
“If you throw me around one more time jungkook! I swear to God I will smack you!”
He laughs at your dramatic state, pulling the sheets from under you and quickly settling under them. Jungkook holds you as close as possible. Luckily for both of you, the air-conditioning in this room is good and you can comfortably settle into each other’s sides without sweating buckets. Not that that ever stops him, but it’s not something you’re particularly fond of.
His nose is pressed into your hair as you lay your head on his chest, right over where you can hear his heartbeat. He wraps his arms around you, fingers settling on your waist to make sure you can’t escape in the middle of the night. Sleeping like this is routine for you, even if you haven’t moved in together. Your apartment is usually your choice of home, and recently there’s been unfinished talks of the two of you living together — mostly in the form of fleeting comments and little jokes. But you really do think about moving in with him.
“Babe?” Jungkook whispers.
“Tomorrow, can you promise to give me control over the tickets and stuff? We can get a map and mark all the attractions we want to see first. We can get fast-passes and try to skip as many of the long lines as possible. Just let me take care of everything, okay? I promise I’ll look after you.” His voice is muffled by your hair and you seek out his hand to intertwine your fingers.
Giving Jungkook the control over the trip has you a little uneasy, only because you’re normally the one making sure everything runs smoothly. But, if you want to relax this might be the way to go about it. “Okay, I think I can do that.”
He tightens his fingers around yours, shifting into a more comfortable position. “If at any point you feel tired or stressed, we can just go back to the room. I want you to have fun, I don’t want this to drain you even more.”
You nod, pressing a small kiss to the skin just above his collar. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He settles into you, holds you and protects you from whatever may come. Like this you feel safest. Now you can relax and hope for sleep to find you. Nothing heals you more than being in Jungkook’s arms and you hope it’ll be enough to make you properly enjoy the next few days.
The next morning you wake to an empty bed and you stretch your fingers over the spot where Jungkook was supposed to be. Waking up alone wasn’t how you planned to start this day. “Kookie,” you whine, still half asleep. There’s no reply that follows, and you turn onto your back with a huff. It’s not until his soft grunts reach your ear that you realise what’s going on. “Jungkook,” you deadpan. “Are you really doing sit-ups right now?”
“Yes.” His answer is short, the exertion clear in his voice.
You find him lying on the floor by the foot of the bed, exercising his stomach muscles — truly an unnecessary practice at this moment. His abs are great, they will not disappear if he decides to cut this nonsense and sleep in with you for once. “We’re on a holiday, can’t you like…rest for once?”
Jungkook collapses onto the floor, cheat heaving after completing his reps. He gives you a stern look. “I’ve explained you before that if I want to maintain strength and muscle mass I wi—“
“Yeah, yeah.” You wave him off, sitting up. “Just go shower, it’s already 9am.”
He laughs, bending over the bed on his way to come kiss you. His chest is covered in a thin sheen of sweat and you try to push him off when he starts kissing down your neck teasingly. He chuckles into your skin, your fingers trailing up his bare sides out of habit.
You know where this is going. After dating Jungkook for this long you know what makes him tick — post workout sex definitely being on his list of needs. It’s something you certainly had to get used to. With a hand carding through his hair you turn to kiss him him softly.
He pouts. “But—“
“Oh please,” you chuckle. “I love you, I love having sex with you. You know that. But I’d rather not wear let you wear out before the day has even started.”
With a sigh, he plops down beside you. “But you’re going to be tired tonight, no?”
“Most likely.”
An exasperated groan leaves his lips as he gets up from the bed to go shower. He gives you one doe-eyed look, a playful one that contradicts his previous actions — he’s not usually this cute in bed.
You chuckle again. “If all you wanted on this vacation was to have sex with me, you should’ve gone for a resort. We could’ve had sex all day long. You’re the one who chose to spend money on a theme park — money that I refuse to let go to waste.” As much as you still weren’t looking forward to being amongst a mass of people and noise, you know you’ll feel guilty afterwards if you don’t go. Maybe you can take Jungkook upon his ‘stress-relief’ offer tomorrow. You’re certain he has some tricks up his sleeve.
He narrows his eyes at you, knowing very well that you have a solid point. If anything he can decide to jerk off in the shower because you’re not caving to him right now. It’s the price he’ll have to pay for taking you to Disneyland. Not that he would ever actually get mad at you for saying no. He’s no stranger to the fact that his sex drive is much higher than yours. You’ve never taken his pouting and slight begging as any sort of pressure, he never intends it as such. It’s just what he does, with everything.
Jungkook showers while you braid your hair in the bathroom and you have to keep wiping the mirror to make sure you can properly see yourself. The room is filled with the sounds of Jungkook singing Bare Necessities way too perfectly in tune even with the water pelting down on him. He showers quickly, and dries off only to meet you fiddling with the backpack in the bedroom.
“Stop that,” he says, pressing his warm chest into your back. The bag is taken out of your hands. “This is mine for today. You get to carry around your phone and your wallet. That’s it.”
You want to object, but you know what you agreed to the night before. Still, you’re stressed. You wonder if this is a good idea — you wish you could just snuggle back into bed with him again. Maybe you should’ve let him keep kissing you.
“Hey.” He turns you around, brushing his lips over the tip of your nose. “It’s going to be okay. What was it that Timon said? Hakuna Matata?”
“I think it was Pumbaa who said that.” Your voice is a mumble that dies into his kiss. His lips are indulgent, sliding over yours in a practiced manner. It’s a gentle kiss, one that comes with his hands smoothing down your back and your eyes fluttering closed.
Jungkook giggles into your lips when you stumble back a little, and he holds you from falling. “I’m pretty sure it was Timon.”
“Was not!” you exclaim, narrowing your eyes.
The discussion goes on for a while, he isn’t sure enough of his statement to pull out his phone and google it. Jungkook gets dressed, you put on your makeup, and you’re out of the door still low key squabbling about who exactly said Hakuna Matata first. Truly, you’re certain that you’re right, but you let Jungkook argue with pursed lips and wide eyes just because it’s cute.
Once outside you’re immediately hit with a mass of people. There’s a gigantic line in front of the park that makes you want to crawl back into bed. You should’ve left earlier, before the lines. This was a sign of how long of a day today would be, and you haven’t even had breakfast yet.
Jungkook takes your hand, interlacing your fingers and pulling you close to his side. He’s wearing an oversized t-shirt and those loose, dark grey pants he’s been wearing a lot lately. They have those little pockets and belts on the legs that look really good on him. Though, you’re still impartial to his tight, ripped skinny jeans.
In line, you don’t talk much, you’re a little overwhelmed with the amount of people and Jungkook tries to reassure you that it’ll be calmer inside the park. Maybe you do have a bit of an issue with crowds, or it’s just because you’re already stressed. Whatever it may be, having your boyfriend by your side makes you feel a little more secure. He seems to be holding himself back a for your sake, normally he’d be jumping up and down in a situation like that. After all, he’s still a kid at heart.
The crowd does disperse a lot inside, and you walk around freely near the entrance area in search of some food. You opt for donuts and some hot chocolate, walking further down to find a calm place to sit. You’re amazed at how beautiful the park is — all bright colours and pretty building and you stop to stare at the big castle marking the centre. It’s tall, and you wonder if you can go up to the top.
Jungkook chuckles as you stop, hand still clasped around yours. “We can go there if you want.”
You look up at him. “We can ?”
He nods, both his hot chocolate and your bag of donuts in one hand. “Yeah, I think you can take the stairs to the top. Would probably be a good workout for your cute butt.”
“Jungkook!” you scowl. “We’re in public!”
He’s laughing, bright smile showing bunny teeth that earned him one of the nicknames you use for him — sparingly so. He doesn’t always like being called ‘bunny’, especially around his friends. It’s cute that he lets you call him that sometimes, it’s something that just sort of slipped in.
The same way that Jungkook manages to easily slip you off to one side of the park after you’ve finished eating your breakfast. You immediately find yourself standing in line for an attraction. It quickly becomes clear why he chose this one. The Buzz-Lightyear themed ride features a shooting aspect and boy foes he do a little victory wiggle when he beats you.
You‘re not sure if he intentionally chose this, but you find yourself way more focused on the ride than your stressed out feelings when you go for a rematch. With all your power and ability you try to do better, but Jungkook still beats you by far. So, he gets to choose the next ride. Conveniently, his choice is right next door.
With a gleeful grin he pulls you towards the dark building housing some sort of rollercoaster. Space…something? You’re not sure because as soon as you’re inside the dark passage way for the line he pulls you into his chest and kisses you. It’s full of smiles and lingering touches and you find yourself seeking support on his shoulders as he stands against the wall. Both your arms circle around his neck as he lightly sucks on your bottom lip. There’s tingles running up your spine as he parts your lips with his, a soft groan tumbling from his throat.
You’re soon interrupted by the sound of people coming through the hall you’re currently hiding in. Jungkook parts from you, quickly turning to guide you forward as if you weren’t just starting to make out right there. With flushed cheeks you reach the end of the line and Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear about almost getting caught just now.
Where he seems unbothered, you feel a little more uneasy about it. Though, you’re not sure if the pounding of your heart is because Jungkook kissed you out of nowhere like that, or wether it is because people almost caught you. The feeling of his lips on yours lingers and he gives you a knowing look, leaning in to peck your lips a few times in quick succession.
You find these — you’re not even sure what to call Jungkook catching you off guard like that almost every other place you go to. Kissing him like that feels a little risky, but you can’t deny that you struggle to focus on anything else but him when he kisses you. Like the way he folds his fingers over your hips, or how he slides them into your hair. The warm feeling of his lips and the slight tease of his tongue against yours. It’s toe-curling.
“Jungkook,” you chuckle as he kisses you by the carousel. “There’s kids here, stop this.” His hand hovers dangerously low on your back and you shove him with your shoulder. The laugh he lets out fills your chest with warmth and you make sure he doesn’t stray too far from your side.
By now you’re certain the shape of his fingers is moulded between yours. He makes sure to keep holding hands when you’re walking around at all times. It’s comforting as you follow him around the park. Luckily, you’ve already gotten to see the one attraction you marked on the map, the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
Now, you find yourself joining the line to the Teacups even if you’d just eaten a bunch of snacks. Jungkook pulls you to lean against his chest as you wait in the shade. You toy with one of his bracelets as he places his hands over your stomach, kissing the top of your head.
Someone suddenly pulls your boyfriend’s shirt, making both of you look down to find a little boy standing next to you with a Mickey Mouse shaped lollipop in his hands. “Don’t you know she has cooties?” the kid exclaims with wide eyes.
Both you and Jungkook laugh at the comment. “Well,” Jungkook starts, pecking your cheek. “I’m not afraid of her cooties.”
You step on his toe in warning, worried that he’s going to make this weird somehow. “Jungk—“
“Why not?” the kid questions as the mom takes his hand and shoots you an apologetic look. Both of you wave it off.
“I’ll tell you a secret.” Jungkook lets go of you to get on his hunches in front of the boy. “She’s my girlfriend, and I love her very much.”
You blush as his words as if he doesn’t tell you he loves you every single day. Yet, it’s still strange to hear it come out of his mouth like this to a stranger.
The boy stares at him in awe, little eyes wide and confused. “So you ‘re like Aladdin and princess Jasmine?!”
Jungkook smiles wide with a nod. “Yes, exactly like that. And one day,  you will find your princess too.”
At his words the kid immediately scrunches up his nose. “Ew, no! I don’t want a girlfriend!”
The conversation is sadly interrupted by the line moving on, and you find yourself laughing until your stomach hurts as Jungkook does his best to make your teacup spin as fast as possible. Both of you stumble over yourself when you exit, holding onto the rails and eachother white painful check from how wide you’re smiling.
Later, you find yourself slowly climbing up the countless flights of stairs in the castle. You said you wanted this, but the burning in your legs makes you regret your decision. Jungkook on the other hand seems fine, and you curse yourself for not going to the gym with him more often. The pain is worth it though, from the top balcony you can look out over the entire park.
Jungkook is holding you tightly to him and you turn to look up at him and seek out his lips. They’re sweet, and he seems a little taken aback that you’re the one kissing him this time. He responds with a small gasp followed by a sigh, one hand coming up to cup your cheek as the other rests over yours on the balustrade. This time however, the kiss lasts longer, both of you forgetting that you’re not alone. His tongue slips past your lips and you meet him halfway, kissing him with a slight smile. Your toes curl at the feeling, so full in your chest. Jungkook dips a little deeper, nose brushing against yours while you trail a hand up his back.
The second you hear someone clear their throat you stop, cheeks turning red and hiding your face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. He  apologises under his breath, nosing into your hair while both of you calm down a little. Your chest is pressed against his and you force your stomach to stop fluttering in excitement.
“We should probably go back downstairs,” Jungkook whispers in your ear.
You nod, following him down the stairs and finding yourself in a shop trying on various weird headbands. Most of them have Mickey Mouse ears in various colours, but you opt for the ones that are a plain black, checking yourself out in the mirror.
Jungkook has briefly left your side to go check out the t-shirts. His sudden whisper in your ear scares the living day-light out of you. “Please fuck me with those Mickey Ears on.”
You whirl around, relieved to see that nobody is near but you smack him in the chest anyways.
“Hey!” he yelps, rubbing his harmed peck.
“Jungkook! We’re in public, you need to stop trying to rile me up!” you squeal.
He frowns, stepping closer. “Is it working?” There’s a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows that indicates he’s joking but you still shoot him a glare. “Well, I for one think that I’ll be thinking about that kiss just now for a few days.”
Quickly, you cover his mouth with your hand. “Stop it!” It’s half-hearted, because you laugh while doing so. It’s the lick he gives to your palm that makes you retreat. You wipe his own spit on his shirt with a scowl.
Jungkook ends up buying you the ears, saying that they do actually look cute on you — not that you don’t believe him. It’s just that now you’re actually thinking about having sex with him while wearing them, which is not much of a pleasing thought. He really knows how to get you just annoyed enough to pout at him but never annoyed enough to get you angry. A magic line.
“So, where to now?” he asks, munching on a cookie.
“I know that it’s not here, but I want to go in that hotel thing.” You remember seeing it on the map when you were eating breakfast, and it looked really fun. Normally, you’re not one to go for scary rides, but that one looked interesting. That said, Jungkook will pull you to do anything so you’re gradually being forced out of your roller-coaster fear. He just needs to stop joking about taking you bungee jumping.
Eventually, Jungkook manages to navigate you back to the entrance and towards the other park where that ‘hotel thing’ is. Well, it doesn’t appear to be what you thought it’d be. You quickly find yourself holding onto your boyfriend’s arm as you are shoved into a tiny room with a bunch of other people.
“Don’t worry, it’s just part of the show,” Jungkook whispers into your ear as he strokes his fingers up and down your back. Meanwhile, your eyes can’t stop eyeing the screen on which an eerie video starts playing. It’s upon the loud crashing sound of thunder that you jump and Jungkook has to shield you from whatever is happening. Once you enter the next waiting aree, he’s laughing about it. Sadly, your heart Is still pounding and it takes him a few seconds to realise that you’re actually terrified.
His laughter quickly dies then, and he spends five minutes hugging you and trying to make sure you’re okay — even asking if you want to leave. To this, you shake your head. You’re determined to stay because you didn’t just go through all of that to just walk out. Jungkook holds your hand, all the way into the elevator.
He doesn’t let go once the ride goes up, and you squeeze his fingers when the ride suddenly free-falls thirteen stories. Your stomach lurches and tingles with the drop, a scream being forced out of your lungs followed by ecstatic laughter when the ride goes back up.
Once you exit, you’re giddy, adrenaline rushing through your veins. Jungkook follows you, catching you around the waist and crashing his lips to yousr for what seems like the hundredth time that day. However, this time it’s different. His lips are demanding, forceful on yours and you let him slip his tongue into your mouth to seek control. The way he suddenly moans into you has a shiver running up your spine.
His blonde hair is soft as you grip it, Jungkook not stopping. He keeps kissing you, swallowing all the little sounds you make as he nibbles and sucks on your bottom lip. Your fingers dig into the back of his neck, scratching lightly over his scalp. Your heart pounds and you feel like your floating. Both of you part with swollen lips and flushed cheeks — one look between the two of you is enough to know.
“Hotel room?” Jungkook asks, wiping a little smudge of lip balm from under your bottom lip. His are stained with the tint, and inviting sight.
You stare heaving chest, no longer paying attention to whoever might have just seen you make out with him. “Yeah.”
Now he’s excited, smile beaming and making butterflies erupt in your stomach. Jungkook and you all but sprint to the hotel room, rushing through the crowds, laughing and kissing on your way there. You stumble into the room, making out well before you get the door open.
Jungkook’s tongue slides into your mouth again and you keen, fingers digging into his shoulders. The door is shut, and the adrenaline finally starts to dissipate from your veins. Your heart steadies, the kiss slows, until the two of you are just lazily making out in the middle of the room. There’s little timid moans coming from his throat and you muffle them as you keep the kiss going. The same floating feeling appears again, gentle and steady as he holds you.
Kissing Jungkook has always been amazing. It’s something he does very passionately and tenderly. He’s able to tailor his kiss to the moment and right now, his kiss this is all you need to finally let the last bit of worry slip from your fingers. You realise — as he stops kissing you — that aside from your little breakdown in the Hollywood Tower Hotel, you’ve been having an amazing day. It’s been all smiles and laughter and just pure enjoyment. You haven’t even thought about work, or anything worrisome ever since you entered the park.
Is Jungkook’s strategy working?
He’s panting against your lips, forehead resting on yours. It seems as if words are lingering on his tongue but he’s unsure of how to say them — hesitating. He brushes his nose against yours.
“You okay?” you ask.
Jungkook nods. “Yeah, I just — I want to make sure you’re feeling okay.”
You frown, leaning back a little. “Yeah, I’m great, why are you asking all of a sudden?”
A sigh leaves his lips, fingers tightening around your waist. “I feel bad about whining for sex, and I don’t know if you want to right now or if I’m still overstepping.”
“Overstepping?” you repeat. “Jungkook, you were never overstepping baby.” You touch his cheek, making sure he keeps his gaze on you. With your hand in his you pull him to sit down on the bed. “Don’t worry about such things, I know you’d never to anything to pressure me. You stopped playing and whining as soon as I said I was serious. All is good bun.”
The same pout you are mentioning appears on his lips, slightly jutting out as his eyes widen in concern. “I just feel bad.”
“Well,” you say, swinging a leg over his and settling in his lap. “You don’t have to. I trust you to respect my boundaries but if you’re really worried about overstepping we can always be more explicit with consent.”
Your fingers trace the collar of his white t-shirt, his hands settling firmly on your waist as you rest on his thighs. Jungkook awaits your words with parted lips, cheeks still tinted a slight pink. Every word you said was truthful, you didn’t think he would feel this way about his own actions. In your eyes, Jungkook’s soft begging is just a cute quirk, not a manipulative trick. Hell, he whines even when you do give in to him.
There is one solid way to make your point however. You slowly trail one hand down his chest to grip the waistband of his pants through his shirt. “Do you want me to suck you off, baby?”
His eyes widen, eyebrows raising to disappear under his light fringe. “Are you being serious?”
You let out a chuckle, breath fanning over his cheek as you lean in to his ear. “Very serious. I think you deserve a reward for taking care of me so well today.” Your fingers settle tighter around his waistband, fingers pushing the fabric of his shirt deeper. “But only if you want to.”
“Yes, please,” he begs almost, eyes fluttering closed as you place a soft kiss on his earlobe. Immediately, he turns more pliant upon you peppering soft kisses down his jawline and neck, soft sighs emanating through the room. The faint scent of orange and cloves still lingers on his skin from his showers, but it’s mixed with the faint smell of sweat and his perfume. It’s familiar, and almost comforting. He presses your chest to his, a tempered moan breaking his resolve as you properly settle over his crotch.
It’s never taken a lot of work to get him going, he’s as eager as always. Eager to please, and to be pleased. Jungkook is never static, never the same, and tonight you can feel his willingness to give you some of the reigns.
“Will you undress for me?” you ask, kissing back up to his cheek.
Jungkook looks at you, still coming back from wherever his mind had wandered as you kissed him. He shakes himself, licking his lips. “Wait, when you’ll give me a blowjob, do you mean…” he trails his words, too shy to speak what he’s thinking.
This is why you never worried about Jungkook crossing boundaries — you had a really long and hard talk about it when the two of you became more serious. Both of you were completely transparent about what you liked and disliked and neither of you ever went past that. When Jungkook gives you a doe-eyed look you know what he’s asking, and you’re willing to give it to him.
“Yeah, I do. So undress for me and lay back on the bed.”
Now he gives an eager nod as you slide off his lap. You turn your back on him, walking over to the suitcase to retrieve some stuff in cause you’d need it. It’s never certain how things are going to play out for the two of you, but you’re happy to see that Jungkook has listened to your request.
He’s sitting against the mass of pillows by the headboard, only wearing his boxers that fit snugly around his hips. There’s no denying his obvious arousal already straining against the light blue fabric. It gives you a sudden surge of pride, knowing that you can turn him on so easily.
The way his expectant gaze falls upon you makes you grow even bolder. You unbutton your jeans, slowly sliding them down your legs as he watches, no words spoken. There’s no rule for that, but you quickly learnt with him that he likes being obedient from time to time. It’s something you’d originally been hesitant about, but after one try you’d definitely learnt to love it.
Once you have discarded your jeans, you crawl over the bed, sliding your hand up his bake leg. You whisper his name, kissing up his stomach. He hums in reply, closing his eyes and throwing his head back as you keep going up and up and up until you reach his collarbone. There, you slightly sink in your teeth. “I said, undress. That means everything.”
He blushes all the way down to his chest as you speak softly into his skin. Under you, he shifts, quickly getting rid of his boxers and laying down more properly.
“Good, now relax for me baby.” With a hand on his chest you reassure him. You kiss back down his chest, mouth hovering briefly over his nipple to flick your tongue at it and watch him arch his back into it. The little gasp he lets out is like music to your ears.
By the time you’re done lavishing your mouth over his torso he is fully hard and waiting for your with squirming hips. You press him down, and he whines in the back of his throat as your fingers brush so close to where he needs you. Though, he knows you won’t go down on him until he lays still, so he obliges with your gesture.
“Please,” he begs as you suck on the skin right under his hip-bone. He marks so easily there, you can never resist to nibble a little firmer.
“You ready?” you ask, tracing a pattern with your tongue right beside the base of his member that lays hard on his stomach.
He nods again, eyes shut tightly, head buried in the pillows. “Yeah, please just — fuck.” He groans loudly, fist coming up between his teeth to stifle his sounds as soon as you put your tongue on him.
You lick up from base to tip, savouring the salty taste of him as you curve to tease right under the crown. It drives him insane — he’s very sensitive. The second you wrap your lips around his tip he bucks his hips into your mouth and you have to give him a warning pinch at his side. He stills with a whispered apology, trying to control his breathing as you put your mouth back on him.
He is hot, twitching as you swirl your tongue around him. Jungkook whines — a gorgeous sound that you know you’ll hear a lot more of tonight. There’s nothing that makes him come faster than your mouth sinking down on his cock and sucking hard. He loves it. This is why most of the time, blowjobs are reserved for quickies — or a very long drawn out session that has him coming more than once. Tonight, it’s the latter.
You sink down, hand steadying him as you stretch your jaw to accommodate his length. With your tongue flattened at the underside, you hollow out your cheeks and start a tight rhythm that has him moaning loudly before you even manage to take him all the way. His sounds are like a symphony, sweet and drawn out. You’re spurred on by it, taking a deep breath before letting him slip into your throat.
Jungkook’s the one who chokes, hand coming up to your hair to hold you down. You breathe steadily as you let him, looking up to find him still with eyes closed. To grab his attention you touch him, hand sliding up his stomach to brush over a nipple.
“Babe — shit.” His words die as soon as he sees you looking up at him with glazed-over eyes and his cock stuffed in your mouth.
You chuckle, vibrations sending him into a frenzy. There’s no need to draw this out, you know he won’t last long. So you set up a steady bobbing, lips closed tightly around him as you watch him intently. His eyes are set on you, unable to look away as you make sure to flick your tongue over his slit every time.
The second his stomach starts to tighten under your hand you know to choose for pace over depth. Tonight, giving him head is only a means to a further play, one of which the thought alone could arouse him.
That’s the other reason he’s already bowing off the bed in pleasure. He grumbles, hand sliding from your hair and whining that he’s close.
You slide off with an obscene pop, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his tip. The sight of him so lost is enough to make you want to touch yourself, but you know that you’ll get your fill. It’s just a little more waiting.
With a tight grip you stroke him just right, short little bursts right over his tip. He moans, back arching off the bed again and then, you stop.
Jungkook trashes, blonde hair sticking to his forehead, lips pulled into a tight line as he hovers on the edge.
“More,” he whimpers as he sinks back into the mattress, breathing ragged.
You follow his guidance, wrapping your hand back around him to take him that little bit further — giving him that extra push until he —
Jungkook’s hand flies up to your wrist, stopping you mid motion as he twitches. You stare, his cock jumps once, twice, until cum starts to dribble from his tip. His entire body shivers, fingers almost bruising around your wrist as he moans softly.
As he comes down from his ruined high you straighten up, sliding your absolutely soaked panties down your legs and sitting over his lap. Jungkook’s eyes snap open the second he feels you over him. His hands immediately flying up to your thighs, fingers digging in.
“Wait,” he pants, trembling as you wrap your fingers around the base of his member again.
You soothe him, stroking him once to get him to whimper with overstimulation. There’s a little pool of cum on his stomach and you trail a finger through it, spreading it over his skin.
“Fuck,” he whispers as you stroke him again. After his peak he remains half-hard. Ever since you accidentally ruined his orgasm once, he’s gotten more and more into it.
With a small kiss to his chest, you meet his eyes briefly and shift up to position him at your entrance. “You ready?”
Jungkook whines again, fingers digging deeper into your thighs. There’s going to be bruises tomorrow, but you can’t care. Each little movement of your hand causes him to twitch and brush against your core as he’s slowly growing fully hard again.
“Words Jungkook.”
“Yes — fuck — yes, please.”
There’s nothing else you need to hear, finally letting him slip inside. You’re so wet and aroused you barely feel the stretch of him as the head breaches you easily. Jungkook shivers, thighs trembling as you sink down slowly. This is still one of the first times you have sex without a condom, and you’re still not prepared for the feeling. It’s like you can feel ever little ridge and vein as he presses against your walls. You have to hold yourself steady on his chest. Getting an IUD was the best decision you ever made.
Jungkook trashes violently, stomach muscles tightening as he hisses when you clench down on him. You can’t help it, it feels so, so good. It’ s divine and you feel your entire body quivering as you sit up. He slides even deeper, a choked moan coming from you as he hits all the right spots.
“Wait,” he croaks when you go to move, fingers tight on your waist to keep you to him. “I feel like I’m going to come already — just please wait.”
You listen to his words, spreading your thighs to rest comfortably. He slides so deep you have to control your own pelvic muscles, but you manage to relax a little as he waits for his sensitivity to pass. His chest heaves so beautifully, muscles straining and covered in sweat. Jungkook trembles, hands attempting to hold you as still as possible.
There’s nothing that could’ve prepared you for how good this would feel, and having him still bask in the pleasure-pain of overstimulation under you is only adding to your arousal. You don’t think either of you are going to last long this way. With deep breaths you try to control yourself a little, hands soothingly rubbing his sides.
His breathing slowly evens out, and you draw a hesitant circle with your hips. He groans, but doesn’t stop you. You don’t move much, just a gentle back and forth of your hips that is enough to make both of you moan loudly. He’s so hard — you can feel every inch of him inside of you — it’s too good.
You take his hands from your waist, interlacing your fingers. This you use to steady yourself, hands leaning on his as you slowly start to move more and more. The slide is smooth, the friction just right, and at the angle you have he brushes over the bundle of nerves inside of you every time you sink down.
There’s something intimate about this moment that makes your heart swell. The way you’re holding hands, how his eyes keep skimming your body only to settle back onto yours. His pupils are dilated, almost completely black as he holds your gaze. Every single time you bottom out he falters a little, lips parting with a gasp.
“More,” he groans, straining his neck.
Sliding your thighs close to his body, you lift yourself until only the tip of him is inside. Then, you slam down, ass smacking against his thighs as you do so. You repeat, picking up a slow, hard pace that has him groaning deeper and deeper.
There’s a change in him, the locking of his jaw, the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Jungkook’s brows furrow as he closes his eyes, grumbling something under his breath as you try your best to keep your rhythm despite the burning of your thighs. You’re growing tired even as your pleasure keeps building. You try to focus on him, the way he reacts to you, in order to stave off your own impending peak.
Jungkook lets go of one of your hands, gripping your ass firmly instead. He zones in on where he can see his dick disappearing between your folds, your thighs shaking from exertion. There’s an ease in pressure as he helps lift you — guiding you into a more smooth rhythm that has you almost collapsing forward. He knows the angles, knows where you like it best — more so than you do.
“Kook,” you whine.
“Can we switch?” he asks, voice deeper than before.
It’s not unusual for Jungkook to take a sudden change like this. To go from being absolutely wrecked underneath you, to fucking you hard in a few seconds. “You want to top?”
He gives you a firm look. It has you almost whimpering. “You feel so good bare like this,” he says. “I want to make you come.” His voice has morphed into a deep drawl, ruined from moaning and whining. You can feel the vibrations go straight to your core and when you clench you find yourself pathetically whimpering at the sensation.
You’re close, too close almost, and you know he must be too. The way he twitches inside of you is a tell-tale sign. There’s no way he couldn’t be, with how good it feels to have each other like this — intimate in the dirtiest way possible.
“Okay,” you breathe, taking your last bit of strength to slide off him slowly. Both of you hiss loudly when he slips out, cock slapping down onto his stomach. It’s wet, your juices having dripped all over him and your thighs.
Where you barely have any strength left, Jungkook helps you roll over and finally pull your shirt and bra off your body. You find yourself on your back, nestles comfortably against the pillows as he kisses you. That is what you missed, that little thing you needed to feel complete. His mouth, warm and familiar, kissing you deeply as one of his hands massages your thigh. A pathetic little sound comes out of your mouth as Jungkook reaches between you to grab himself and tease your folds with his tip. He keeps kissing you all the while he does so.
“Jungkook,” you moan, nails digging into his back and legs wrapping around his waist. “Just — yes.”
He slides home in one smooth trust, bottoming out and pausing with his hips pressed flush to yours. Your open-mouthed kiss has a soothing feeling that makes your mind swim easily. The way he feels inside of you, the slight stretch, it’s even better at this angle. That, combined with his tongue languidly gliding across yours — you’re seeing stars already. Little tingles dance over you skin.
“I love you,” Jungkook whispers against your mouth.
“I love you too.”
It’s as if he’s spurred on by the affection — suddenly moving with a new-found vigour. He goes steady, smooth and shallow. He makes absolutely sure to hit all the spots you need him to, circling his hips every time he bottom out. He doesn’t falter when you start clenching down on him not when his own moans start to pick up. Even when you whine his name he keeps on steadily. All he is focussed on right now is making the two of you come.
That delicious feeling pools in your stomach, climbing and climbing until it’s strung so tight you have to beg him for that little extra push. “Please, Jungkook.” You slip a hand between your bodies, fingers seeking out your clit.
“No,” he almost growls where his head is hidden in the crook of your neck.
Withdrawing your hand immediately, you close your eyes tightly. He feels amazing, rubbing against your walls. Jungkook laps up the side of your neck, licking and sucking at random intervals. One of his hands finds yours, fingers intertwining beside your head. Your heart fluttering easily at the gesture.
Like this, you feel more connected than you ever have. With his face buried in your shoulder, hips and chest sliding against yours as both of you moan in chorus.
There’s a heavy feeling in your chest, one that adds to the one inside your core as you run your fingers through his hair.
He leans up to look at you, eyes heavy-lidded with pleasure and lips red from kissing you. “I want you to come like this — fuck.” There it is, your own little crux. Like overstimulation for Jungkook, dirty talk is the one thing that will send you straight over the edge. “Want you to come from my cock only. Can you do that for me baby?”
You nod quickly, fingers brushing his cheek. “Kiss me.”
He does, lips moulding over yours as he increases his speed more and more. Your hand that isn’t intertwined with his, scratches down his back, coming to grab at his ass to spur him on. He presses his hips flush to yours, rolling motions making you feel his length entirely. How snug he is inside of you, the pressure of it — you can feel yourself tumbling towards your orgasm fast.
Jungkook keeps rutting into you, trying to hold himself back for you. You can feel it in the flex of his muscles, hear it in his strangled moans that are drowned out on your tongue. “Fuck, I’m so close,” he groans. “Come for me.” The consistent drag of his cock against your walls combined with those words falling so naturally from his lips are enough to send you over the edge.
You can’t even warn him on time. With a silent scream you fall apart around him, body shuddering as he presses his chest to yours. Jungkook holds you, grounds you, fucking you steadily through your orgasm.
The stars behind your eyes slowly disappear as Jungkook’s moans peak and he comes with a grunt inside your still twitching core. His hand tightens almost painfully around yours as he does so. You moan as soon as you feel him come — the sensation of him cum filling you up entirely new. It’s warm, and as he rides out his high you’re almost sent into overstimulation yourself.
He stops right as you whimper, still lodged deep inside of you — as is his cum. “Fuck.”
You let out a giddy sound, a wonderful feeling spreading through your body as you stroke his sweaty hair. Jungkook’s still half lying over you, legs tangled as he softens inside of you. “Baby,” you whisper, pressing your lips to the top of his head.
“Just a little longer,” he mumbles into your chest, mouth grazing your nipple. There’s no urgency, no purpose behind the gesture — Jungkook just gently kisses and sucks at your chest and neck as you both come down. It’s warm, snug, and you feel so full everywhere. Your fingers tremble, still holding his hand tightly over your other side.
He reaches his free hand down between your legs, spreading your sensitive folds where you’re still connected and sliding his fingers through the mess he finds there. There’s a gentle warning before he pulls out slowly. You hiss at the feeling — whimpering as soon as his cum starts to dribble out of you. Jungkook can’t stop looking at it, entranced by the sight of your pussy dripping with him.
“Fuck, this is so hot,” he mumbles, fingers sliding over your folds to collect the mess and gently press it back inside of you. “We should’ve done this sooner.” In between the look of pure captivation and lust, there’s a sense of fondness as Jungkook gently toys with the mess between your legs. You’re still sensitive, and he’s wary of it, only slightly pressing inside of you.
You let him, basking in the feeling of him enjoying you so much. There’s love in his movement, care in his touch that smears over your thighs. “Kookie,” you whisper, grazing between his shoulders.
He looks up at you, eyes slowly softening as you both withdraw the veils of pleasure. “You okay?”
“I am. I just want to go clean up. ’S that okay?” You caress his cheek, stroking the smooth curve of his cheekbone. As he leans in to kiss your palm you smile, knowing that this is where you want to be for the rest of your life — in Jungkook’s arms.
Slowly, he helps you up, body tired from the entire day. As much as you both loved this new feeling — Jungkook coming inside of you — he still helps you diligently rinse yourself in the shower. You’ll probably get used to it, especially if he’s going to run you a bath every time you have sex now.
You find yourself sitting between his legs, head resting against his shoulder as he rubs soothing circles on your stomach. It’s peaceful, no words need to be said but you speak them anyways — because you want to. “I love you so much.”
As if startled by your confession, he stops his motions, taking a few beats to answer you. “I love you to. But — and don’t get me wrong — why are you saying it like that?”
To your own surprise, your throat constricts as you sit in the tub with him. He was so attentive, making sure that all your needs are met before he even considered sitting down with you. You’re certain not a lot of guys would do the same — you are lucky with him. He is one of a kind and you wish you could hold on to him forever. “Nevermind,” you whisper, holding the tears that sting in the corners of your eyes. From this angle, you’re sure he can’t see.
His lips glide over your shoulder. “No, it’s okay, you can tell me.”
A deep breath reveals how unsteady you are, and Jungkook looks up in concern at the tremble. “I just love you — a lot, and I want us to last. I want to have you in my life for a very long time.” You speak so silently you fear he might not have heard. “I think you are the most beautiful, gentle, and fun person I have ever had the chance of being with and you know me so well. You’re always here to take care of me. I enjoyed myself so much today, I didn’t even think about anything bad the entire time we were out. And I don’t want to loose that happiness you give me — I don’t want to lose you.” You’re rambling and Jungkook’s awfully silent, lips and nose pressed into your shoulder as he listens to your words. “Can you just…stay with me?”
“Where else would I go?” he asks, wavering voice giving away his emotions.
You shrug. “I don’t know. Away?”
He shakes his head, kissing your cheek. “I’m not going anywhere babe, I promise.” Jungkook cradles you closer, folding you against him as you lean to press your forehead to his temple. He lets you, fingers slipping between yours where they are home like you are home with him.
You don’t cry despite the lump in your throat, because you feel too happy to cry — too safe. The feeling of loving him — being loved by him — it’s overwhelming you so suddenly. It’s settled deep in your chest and you find yourself craving him closer even like this. “Move in with me?”
“Okay,” he answers, so easily that you’re stunned.
“Are you serious?” You ask wide-eyed, twisting to look at him properly.
Jungkook nods with sparkling eyes. “Yeah, I’ll talk to my landlord when we get back. I’ve been meaning to ask but I wasn’t sure if you were…ready to take that step yet.”
You shake your head at him vigorously, almost slipping in the tub when you lean up to kiss him. “I can’t wait to wake up next to you every day,” you mumble against his mouth.
His lips stretch into a smile, even feeling it is more than enough to make your heart flutter. “Me too.”
© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
3K notes · View notes
I Hate Me More!
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Virgil, Roman.
Relationships: Prinxiety
Summary: Virgil has had the worst day of his life. Well, it's up that alley anyway. Roman isn't helping with being as extra as he is, but they eventually get to talking about what's going on. And it makes Roman start to think that, just this once, violence and murder was the way to go.
Word count: 2254
A/N: PLEASE!!! Read the tags!! This is very angsty (for me, and I wrote it)! I had to take many breaks from writing this due to the sheer amount of angst and crying! I don't know how angst writers do this every day!
This was inspired by an incorrect quote made by @MusicalsAndLove on Twitter.
Please stay safe my lovelies!
(This was also written on Virgil’s birthday... so happy birthday, Virgil?)
AO3 link
I Hate Me More!
Virgil was having a bad day. Well, all days were bad days, but this one was even worse. He’d been kicked out of his parents’ house a month ago for being himself. Like, come on. It was almost 2020. Get with the times already. Being trans and gay was nothing new at this point.
He’d moved in with his childhood friend and present boyfriend, Roman Green, after that. Roman Green he was going to kill! He loved Roman, don’t get him wrong. He really loved Roman. But sometimes he could be too much. Especially on his really bad days.
Roman was currently singing at the top of his lungs in the small apartment's living room. Being too extra about it, as well. Princey-style. He’d just come back from his last lecture of the day, Virgil had been home for a few hours at that point. And was just recovering from a panic attack.
Virgil stomped down to the living room from their shared bedroom down the hall. “Could you shut up for just one minute, Princey?!” Virgil asked, irritated. Roman stopped belting out songs as soon as he heard Virgil’s voice.
“Greetings to you too, my lovely Stormcloud. And nay to your question. Otherwise, how would I be able to serenade the most beautiful man in the world?” Roman smirked, turning around to look at Virgil.
“Stop already! You’re so infuriating sometimes! ARGH!” Virgil went to grab at his hair but stopped himself last second.
Roman dropped his smirk into a frown. Something was off. This wasn’t their usual daily after-class banter. “Are you alright, Virgil? What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he asked. He shouldn’t have.
Virgil metaphorically exploded at being called pretty. He usually didn’t mind it, but after today’s events, it was the worst thing Roman could’ve chosen to say to him. “PRETTY?!” he all but screeched. “Is that all I am to you? Just a pretty face?! Someone to pity and show off? To show what a saint you are?! Ooh, look! It’s poor little Virgil who can’t figure himself out! He was kicked out of his own house because he was so fucked up! Let’s help him to show the world what a good person I am!”
Something was definitely off, but Roman’s mind only fixated on Virgil’s words. His statements. Roman saw red. How dare he insinuate that! “What’s wrong with you, Virgil?! How can you even think that?!”
“I’m right, aren’t I? I’m just a pity-project!” Virgil shouted.
“No! No, you’re not! God, what do you want from me?!” Roman yelled back.
“Nothing!! Absolutely nothing! I want nothing to do with you!” Virgil all but roared. It stirred Roman further into his red set of mind.
Before he could think about what to say next, he heard himself say the biggest falsehood in his life, one that was spurred on by the heat of the moment.
“Oh, my g- I hate you!” And Roman went silent. Had he just said that? Why did he say that? He loved Virgil! More than anything and anyone!
Virgil went silent as well. Tears in his eyes. And the wheels in Roman’s brain started turning again. “Yeah, well I hate me more.” His voice went quiet, and Roman almost didn’t hear him. “I hate me more.”
And the gears clicked. Why Virgil had acted out. His family. “I- I didn’t mean it, Virge. Please, babe,” Roman said with the softest voice Virgil had heard from the other man. And Roman slowly went closer to Virgil. Closer and closer. Until he was only a breath away and embraced him. “We’ve talked about this. You have to tell me when you’re having a bad day.” Virgil was hiding his face in Roman’s chest, sobbing his heart out. “You have to tell me right away when your parents try and get to you. I love you. I won’t let them get to you. I swear it,” he quietly continued as he rubbed soothing circles Virgil’s back.
Roman’s heart broke at the sound of Virgil’s sobs. “I’m s’ry. ‘M s’ s’ry! I-I…” Virgil’s muffled cries came from Roman’s chest. And that sound shattered Roman’s heart.
“Shh, hush, darling. It’s not your fault. I love you so much. But please, tell me what happened. At your own pace. I love you so, so much!” he mumbled as he kissed Virgil’s head.
Virgil nuzzled into Roman’s touch. “Mm, love you too, Ro. I-” Virgil moved a bit to look at Roman. “Can we move to the couch, please?”
Roman’s heart was in danger of bursting from heartbreak at the look in Virgil’s eyes. So pleading and red and hurt almost beyond repair. “Of course, Love.”
After they had settled on the couch, Virgil started crying again. “I’m s- so fucking sor-sorry, Ro-oman! I-I didn’t mean it! I-I just-”
“I know. Love, I know.” Roman kissed Virgil’s hair once more. “But you have to let me know. It doesn’t matter if I’m in class. You tell me right away! Please,” Roman said seriously while looking Virgil in the eye.
Virgil sniffled and rubbed his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again and hid his face in the crock of Roman’s neck.
“What happened, my darling Stormcloud?” Roman was getting very worried. He’d never seen Virgil like this except for when he stood at Roman’s doorstep a month ago after his parents kicked him out.
Roman moved Virgil so that he was sitting in Roman’s lap. The recently turned 18 art student looked down at Roman’s chest, to scared to look him in the eye after what he said, even though Roman semi figured out what was going on with him.
Virgil softly placed his hands on Roman’s flat chest, one hand starting to softly trace it. God, he wanted a flat chest like his handsome boyfriend. Tears began to blur his vision once more.
“Virgil?” Roman spoke so softly that you couldn’t really blame Virgil for immediately surging up to kiss him. Roman was surprised at first but reciprocated it after only a moment. It was wet and sloppy but passionate.
They broke apart after a minute. “I’m really sorry for saying those things,” Virgil whispered his mouth only a breath away from Roman’s lips. He leaned his forehead on Roman’s before continuing. “My parents-” his voice broke.
“You don’t have to tell me right now. We can just cuddle until you feel a bit better, Love. I’m not pressuring you,” Roman murmured before kissing Virgil again, just a little peck on the lips.
Virgil smiled at the love and affection radiating from Roman and directed at him. “But I want to. I need to.” Virgil sighed, and his smile dropped. “I ran into them today.”
Roman visibly tensed. Virgil could tell he was trying to not show his anger towards them. When Virgil stood in front of Roman’s door on his 18th birthday, Roman had to really control himself so he wouldn’t take off and take out the rightful anger he felt on Virgil’s behalf on his parents.
Roman nodded for Virgil to continue. He wanted to know what the hell they did to his precious Stormcloud!
“They- it was in Remy’s coffee shop. I don’t know when or how they found it. Remy said they’d never been there before. Reina hadn’t seen them before, either. I didn’t see them at first. Was sitting with my back against the door. They-” Virgil’s voice broke again, and he had to swallow past the lump in his throat. “They deadnamed me.”
Roman was seething. Absolutely seething. He considered violence an atrocity but was at that moment planning two murders. Those people knew not what respect was at all!
Virgil hugged himself back into Roman, seeking comfort. “I- they- they said ‘well, i-if it isn’t our p-pretty little daughter, Victoria’. I fr-froze. It didn’t sound l-like they were the by ac-accident,” Virgil said, voice barely above a whisper.
Roman stiffened. “So that’s how I set you off? By saying you’re pretty? I’m so sorry, Virgil! Had I known, I would never have said it! Please forgive me!” Roman hid his face in Virgil’s neck. He was close to tears himself. Stupid! He should’ve noticed Virgil’s mood wasn’t one of banter sooner! Shouldn’t have called him pretty! What was he good for?!
Virgil sniffed out a small laugh. “I know, Ro. You would never do that. You didn’t know, so you don’t need to ask for my forgiveness. But… I forgive you.” Virgil breathed in Roman’s sent. So nice and calming. He smelled like the forest they used to play in when they were younger, with just a hint of lilacs and old books. Bottom line: he smelled Perfect with a capital P.
“What happened then?” Roman asked softly. He had a suspicion but hoped that that was it; what Virgil had told already. Of course, that sadly wasn’t the case.
“They- they started shouting and belittling me, and I didn’t do anything! I just sat there, all frozen.” Virgil was sniffling again, he was very close to tears once more. “If it weren’t for Remy and Reina, I don’t think they would’ve stopped. I might’ve even gotten physical between them and me. I feel so fucking guilty for leaving Ann behind! She has to live with them for two more years! I just wish I could’ve taken her with me out of that hell-hole…” Virgil trailed off, remembering what came next. Roman was going to flip when he told him. Virgil just knew it.
“I love your sister like she’s my own sister, so I get it, Virgil. But we have to stay strong. Maybe we can find something on your parents that’ll make them lose custody over her. I’m sure Remus’ partner, Dee, would be more than happy to help! They could definitely find something we can use against them!” Roman declared, mentally striking a dramatic pose.
Virgil hugged Roman even tighter because he knew what was about to be said was not pretty.
“Hey, what is it, Virgil? Did something else happen?” Roman asked, sensing Virgil’s discomfort. Virgil nuzzled himself closer to Roman in response. ”I’ll take that as a yes. You feel comfortable telling me?”
Virgil took a deep breath. He could do this. He slowly pulled back to look at Roman, tears in his eyes. “Remember how I got a new number after… you know?” Roman nodded. “Yeah, well, I made sure Ann got it so we could keep in touch, as you know.”
Roman didn’t like where this was going. “Yeah? What does that have to do with your parents being assholes to you?” Roman was very worried by the way Virgil avoided his soft gaze.
Virgil fished his phone up from his pocket and shoved it into Roman’s hands. Roman looked quizzically at Virgil.
“When I got back here I-I got a call from Anastacia.” Virgil paused. This was gonna be tough. “Except- except it wasn’t her. Mom and dad they- they got a hold of her phone. They were the ones calling me. I- I thought I’d gotten away from them! And when they called- I didn’t hang up! I let them scream at me over the phone! I- I didn’t say anything, though. So they hung up.” Virgil chanced a glance at Roman’s face, and Roman was no longer contemplating committing murder. He was actually going to do it!
But for now, Roman was going to be there for Virgil. And hear out the rest of Virgil’s story. So if he held him a little tighter? Well, you couldn’t blame him in the slightest.
Virgil nuzzled his head against Roman's chest again and listened to his heartbeat. “Open my phone, and it will tell you the rest,” Virgil sighed. And check it, Roman did.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with them?!” The phone was filled with hateful texts from his parents. Both from their phones, but also from Anastacia’s. And just as he was about to turn back to kiss Virgil, another text message dinged in.
And Virgil froze. “What does it say?” he asked after a lot of internal debating and at least a minute of hesitation.
Roman didn’t really want to indulge Virgil but knew that it was better that he saw it now, together than later when he was alone. Roman felt sick at what it said. ‘Think of what you did, you sinning little faggot. Learn your place in the world!’ is what the text said. “We’re gonna get a hold of Dee right now! I think this’ll help us get at least a restraining order!” Roman practically growled.
“So, worse than the rest,” Virgil whispered. Not a question, but a statement. “Can we- can we stay here for a while? Just. Cuddling? Text Remus, but please just stay?” Virgil asked, voice so quiet and doubting.
“Of course, my beautiful dark angel! I would love nothing more! And I will text him. But for now; cuddles,” Roman whispered back, kissing Virgil’s hair before softly using his hand to tilt his head up to give Virgil a tentative and caring kiss, trying to pour as much love in it as he could muster.
“Mmm, cuddles,” Virgil mumbled as he slowly broke away from the kiss to curl up in Roman’s lap, starting to dose off, the excess anger and anxiety had left him rather tired. This day had just turned from the worst to the not worst. “Cuddles. Cuddles good.”
Endnotes: And if you want to kill Virgil's parents? You're not alone! I wanna kill them, too! All throughout writing this, actually.           
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shirolovesu · 6 years
Can I request a Shiro x gender neutral reader where the paladins + the reader get back from a huge battle and they are all badly wounded and Shiro gets a ptsd attack and the reader takes him back to his room to you know heal him or whatever. But like there’s comforting and confiding and whatever else is angsty. Maybe it ends in a makeout session idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I live for those angsty comfort scenarios thankyou so much
You can see that Shiro’s holding his side despite his armor and your heart immediately drops. Over the comms, everyone had checked in and reported no major injuries, but Lance is limping, Keith is already headed to the healing pods without a word, and Shiro… Shiro is leaning against the wall and avoiding looking at anyone else. It’s hard to tell from this distance, but you’re pretty sure he’s shaking.
“That was a hard battle, but thanks to all of you, the Castle is mostly undamaged,” Allura says. She’s still in her battle gear and even she looks exhausted from the hours-long fight to defeat the Galra ambush. “The scanners don’t show any remaining ships in the area, so there is time to rest and recover. We’ll debrief tomorrow and go over any important information. You’re all free to go now.”
With that, the paladins scatter in the direction of their own quarters, eager to shed their armor and tend to their wounds. You’re as beaten up as any of them, but your injuries are pushed to the back of your mind as you trail after Shiro.
“Hey,” you call softly, but he doesn’t stop. Maybe he didn’t hear you. You follow him until he pauses at his door and half-glances in your direction.
“Thanks, Y/N. But I’m okay. Go take care of yourself.” He moves quickly, entering his quarters and shutting the door before you can argue.
He says he’s okay, but you’re not convinced. Any time that he refuses to look you in the eyes is never good, and he’s kept his back to you since he returned from the battle. Also it’s not like him to be so distant; he barely glanced at the team and he didn’t stay around to make sure everyone’s injuries were taken care of. That in itself sets off alarm bells in your head.
You knock at the door, expecting and receiving no response.
“Shiro, I just want to check on you.” Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself. “I’m going to open the door now.”
There’s a hiss of hydraulics as the door slides open, but inside the room is silent. All the lights are off and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust. Finally you can make out Shiro sitting hunched on his bunk, still wearing all his armor.
You take a step forward and the door shuts behind you, dimming the room even further. “Hey. You with me?”
You can tell that he’s lost in his mind and the last thing you want to do is startle him. Finally he stirs and looks up; his expression is invisible in the darkness.
“I’m worried about you,” you say again. You’re desperately hoping for some sort of response – a brusque dismissal, a chuckle at your anxious hovering, anything. But he only stares at you for an uncomfortably long time without a sound.
“Can I sit down?” The question is rhetorical, more to give him a heads-up than to ask permission. Nevertheless, as you wearily sink to the mattress next to him, Shiro shifts away ever so slightly. It makes your chest hurt that even now, after all your time together as friends and more than friends, he could still harbor any unease in your company.
You know that drawing any attention to that will only make him feel guilty, so you decide to take a safer approach. “My shoulder really hurts,” you say, which isn’t a lie. Your whole right arm throbs with growing bruises where an explosion flung you against a wall. “I can’t reach around to unbuckle my armor. Can you help?”
Maybe it’s cruel of you to use Shiro’s eagerness to help against him, but right now you’re far more concerned with his uncharacteristic silence and withdrawal.
There’s a long minute when you’re not sure he’s going to respond at all, but at last he shifts to face you and waits for you to turn your back to him. He’s still not talking, but this is progress, right? You try to tell yourself it’s a good thing even though his hands shake so badly that you can feel it through your armor. He fumbles with the buckles for longer than necessary and finally works them free, letting your chestpiece drop to the floor.
“Thanks,” you say, honestly meaning it. You carefully stretch your arms and roll your uninjured shoulder; it feels good to be out of the hard, restricting shell. “Want me to help with yours?”
It’s hard to see, but his head gives a slight nod. More progress. Good, good. Now to coax him into talking.
You have a feeling that anything dealing with the battle or the Galra are bad topics right now, so you wrack your mind for something safe to talk about. But before you can settle on anything that won’t possibly lead down a darker road, Shiro lays a hand on your arm.
You still instantly, the buckle on his chestpiece half undone.
What is it? you want to ask, but the look in his eyes stops you.
He stares up at you, dark eyes lost in the shadows on his face, until he finally lets out a breath you never noticed him holding.
“You’re really here.”
Of all the things you expected him to say, you don’t know how to respond to that. “Yeah, of course I’m here,” you respond. You raise your hand to his face and brush your fingertips lightly along his cheek. “What made you think I wasn’t?”
He moves again, turning away from you and bowing his head. “I’m not sure. I’m not even sure where I am right now. I don’t know what’s going on…” Shiro’s voice is soft, yet it strikes pain into your heart.
“You’re right here with me,” you say, kneeling down to try and see his face. “You’re on the Castle, safe, with all the other paladins. There was a big battle but everyone made it through okay.”
Well, okay may not be the best word. You’ve seen Shiro’s panic attacks before but this is something new.
“I feel like I’m going to wake up at any minute.” Shiro clasps and unclasps his hands – with his gloves on, both hands look the same.
“This isn’t a dream, if that’s what you’re thinking. There’s a bit too many bruises for this to be a good dream.”
He shakes his head. “But this is one of the good dreams. You’re here to take care of me and I feel safe and like I might actually make it out of here. It’s too bad…” he flinches before forcing himself to continue, “too bad I’m just going to wake up in the arena again.”
Shock stabs through you. “What? No!”
“No?” Shiro smiles wanly. “Come on, none of this is real. You’re just a part of my mind. And since I might wake up any time, can’t I at least get some happiness while I can?”
You’re not even sure what to say. What can you say to something like this? Shiro’s never dissociated this badly before, at least not that you’ve ever seen. The thought crosses your mind that it might be bad to bring him back to reality, the same way that it’s bad to suddenly wake a sleepwalker. And since Shiro is really here, really safe, there’s no harm in giving him what comfort you can.
“Of course,” you say. It’s clear that Shiro prefers living in a dream rather than facing whatever nightmares from his past are haunting him right now. “So tell me how I can make you happy.”
“Honestly, just being you being here is nice. I’m always alone in my cell, except when the guards come in to rough me up or drag me off to another fight. Just…”
“Just what?” From the self-conscious way he cuts himself off, you can tell he is about to ask for something he thinks he doesn’t deserve.
“Would you mind… could you… please kiss me?”
Your held breath comes out in a laugh. Of all the things you’d be willing to do to help Shiro, kissing him is the very least you would do. Never mind the fact that it’s as pleasurable for you as it is for him.
“Come here,” you murmur. He willingly leans closer and brings his left hand up to cup your cheek, as if to ground himself and prove that you really are here for him.
Your lips touch his -- a hesitant kiss at first, like he’s kissing a ghost, but it quickly morphs into pure desperation and passion. Shiro moans against your tongue and presses his mouth harder against yours, deepening the kiss. You’re more than happy to give him everything that you have and you let him plunder your mouth with abandon, responding with moans of your own.
“More, please,” he says, words squeezed into the breathless silence.
Anything for you. But you don’t say those words, instead proving your willingness to him by tugging at his lower lip, nipping gently with your teeth, making Shiro close his eyes and lean more of his weight against you.
You two stay like that for a long time, bruises and battle wounds forgotten in the comfort of each other’s embrace. Shiro’s desperation finally eases and he kisses you one more time before slowly, reluctantly drawing away.
When you regain enough of your senses to open your eyes and focus on him, you’re relieved to see a spark of recognition in his gaze.
“This really is real, isn’t it? You’re real.”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Everything you see, it’s real. You survived -- we both did. We made it to the other side and now we can be happy.”
A soft smile curves his lips and brushes a thumb along your cheek.”
“I’m so glad. Thank you... for indulging me.”
You scoot closer to him on the bed until your hips are pressed together. “Don’t mention it. I’m happy to bring you back to reality any time you need it. But meanwhile...” You roll your shoulders and feel a twinge of pain. “...we should probably get patched up. Then we can get back to making out. Sound good?”
“Sounds absolutely wonderful.”
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art-finds-a-way · 6 years
"Are you sure this is the right way...?" asked Sabine doubtfully. "Hey, I spent half of my life in ventillation shafts, I know what I'm doing." answered Ezra like this was something to be proud of. "Eeeehm..." as looking down from behind the bars though he got unsure. "It has to be somewhere here… Lets check behind that corner." With that Ezra turned right and after a few more meters he reached another ventilation grille. "This is it! I told you I will find it. One perfectly stocked storage room!" "Great, then lets get done with this quickly, we need quite a few things to collect and don't have much time to do so. Hera said the rebel cell we're helping out will do a big operation tonight and they need as much gear as possible, especially stormtrooper gear." urged Sabine but before Ezra could open the ventilation grille his senses warned him. "Wait, someone's coming." They both froze looking down through the bars as two people walked in the storage room and they shared a shocked glance recognizing the couple. Tora didn't even have time to check if anyone was around to witness them as she got dragged in a dimly lit storage room, just as she didn't have time for anything else. As soon as the door closed behind her she felt a steady hand on her waist then another on her face and eager lips were already pressed to her own. Tora let out a surprised squeak as even her hat were knocked off of her head but she didn't resist the powerful, needy kiss. When they finally broke apart she held onto the huge wide arms till she regained herself. She couldn't say anything for long seconds as she got so off guard by the passionate greeting. "You-you can't just kidnap me like this!" she said the first thing that came to her mind, just to break the silence and shake off the hungry eyes which the tall and bulky man looked at her with. "I held a training session for the rookies, they surely wonder where I went..." "Oh I'm sure they have a pretty good idea…" smirked Kallus. "That's not funny, they might think we... that we... do more than we actually do..." "Well maybe we should do more than we acually do."   Tora rewarded the answer with hitting the agent in the chest with an open palm, accompanied with a very unapproving glance. Kallus just laughed as his body barely moved by the half-hearted attempt to push him. "You can't blame me though, we didn't see each other two weeks now!" "That's not true!" protested Tora as she picked up her hat from the ground and dusted if off. "We did meet!" Kallus grabbed the hat before Tora could put it back on her head and threw it on a crate carelessly meanwhile he sat down and reached out for the lieutenant's hand. "Exchanging datapads and sitting together for ten minutes in the mess hall twice a week while being surrounded by hundreds of other personnel doesn't count!" he said with slight irritation in his voice, holding the young woman's hand. "It does count!" protested Tora slightly offended. "It's not like we were galaxies apart! Also we met this much even before we—" "Exactly!" pointed out Kallus. "One would assume we spent more time together now that we're a couple!"   Tora for some reason felt hurt but also guilty and felt like she needed to explain herself. "I told you! I warned you that I'm not... I'm not fit to be in a relationship... You knew exactly, but you insisted it's fine!" Kallus closed his eyes as if regretting his words.   "I didn't mean it that way. I'm just being selfish I guess." he said with an unusual sheepish expression, unconsciously caressing the young woman's hand with his thumb. "I want you for myself, not for the Empire..." Tora's face heated up in a second. She often felt she isn't good enough to make Kallus happy, that he would need someone prettier, someone kinder, someone better... She was just broken goods, having no social skills at all, just horrible at relationships, all she knew was how to do her job. And yet, Kallus talked like this about her... It genuinely baffled her and also made her feel warm inside. "I-I want you for myself too..." she murmured barely audible, staring down at her boots with her face on fire. Talking about feelings really wasn't her strong suit and even if there were only the two of them present she barely could say out loud these words. "I'm sorry if it doesn't show." Kallus' eyes lit up and after a few seconds of silence he yanked the small hand he was holding onto and pulled the young woman to his lap. Tora stumbled as she got off guard again and she fell on her rare in the agent's lap who already embraced her tightly. After a moment of hesitation Tora decided to let her guard down too and leaned into the embrace, burying her face in her man's neck. A whole minute passed like this, just them silently enjoying each others company, breathing together. In the ventilation shaft Ezra and Sabine would have given everything in the world if they could have teleported out of there and didn't have to see and listen to two of their greatest enemies getting intimate like this. They shared a glance but as soon as their eyes met they both quickly looked the other way, it was way too embarrassing to be trapped there and be a witness to all of this. It was so much more easier to see imperials as faceless, evil machines without any emotions, so seeing them talking about their feelings, displaying affection was incredibly uncomfortable to watch.   "So" started Kallus finally. "I checked and apparently we both should be free tonight..." Tora raised her head and looked into Kallus' eyes biting her lip with a guilty expression. Kallus without even waiting for the answer sighed disappointed already knowing the rest. "I'm sorry... You know how we lost a lot of men in that last rebel attack and…" pleaded Tora. "I know, and you're the only one who can accept double and triple shifts on the whole base..."   Tora looked at Kallus intently but this time he didn't return her gaze. "You're right." she said finally. "You’re right. They can ask someone else." Kallus turned his head towards her so fast his neck cracked. "This night the Empire will have to excuse me, I'm going to be with my boyfriend." The agent just looked at her in wonder not believing what he just heard, but then his face turned into a gentle smile and he kissed the lieutenant sitting in his lap, long and slow, trying to convey his appreciation and affection. When they finally drew back Tora cleared her throat still somewhat embarrassed. "I-I should go back now. The rookies..." Her expression quickly turned into visible annoyance as reality hit her once again. "I don't even know why I have to deal with them..." she finished in a complaint, making obvious she hated her task. Kallus chuckled. "Probably they thought a once star cadet might have a good impression on them." "I wasn't a star cadet." scowled Tora. "Your scores and recommendations said otherwise." "How—" Tora's face darkened as realization hit her. "You read my files." "I work for the ISB." shrugged Kallus with a guilty expression. "Bad customs…" Tora didn't say anything but looked at him with a very unapproving glance. She wasn't sure why but she really didn't like the idea that Kallus read her personal files, despite she knew he had every right to do so working for the ISB. "You have to admit I needed to check who I was gonna dedicate myself to." tried to save himself Kallus with joking. "I have a reputation to keep." Tora still looked at him not impressed at all. "So, am I found worthy of the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau's high ranking agent?" "More than worthy." smirked Kallus leaning in for another kiss but this time Tora pushed him back and stood up. "I really need to go now, I don't want to give reasons for gossips..." she said while grabbing her discarded hat to finally put it back on. "You really think the troopers aren't talking about us?" asked Kallus with a skeptical smile as he stood up too. Tora was already at the open door when she looked back with the most unimpressed expression on her face. "I AM a trooper, I know exactly what they're talking about. And just for the record, mental torture, interrogation, my tolerance reached high levels in the last year." With that Tora vanished behind the door while Kallus laughed at the image of Tora's squad driving the poor woman crazy with their gossips and questions about her relationship, especially Kimbly and Uzakov. He waited a couple more moments then followed the redhead. As the door shut behind the agent Ezra turned to Sabine. "If there were two people in the galaxy who I never wanted to hear having a conversation like this, or seeing doing that, it is them..." "So they are together for real!" said Sabine in awe. "I always thought they're just like a joke everyone talks about. But to learn they're actually a thing..." she shook her head. "I won't be able to look at them the same way ever again..." "Yeah, me neither... Did you know someone could hold their breath for that long...?" "Ugh, Ezra!!" "What? That could be a useful talent in some situations..." "How about we don't talk about what they were doing, like ever again… and instead do what we came for?" "Alright, we have an operation to prepare, no time to waste." he said as he opened the ventilation grille and jumped down. "I almost feel sorry we will ruin their night. Almost..."
Disclaimer: I can’t write and english isn’t my first language, please forgive me
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caliboyjaeffrey · 8 years
Study Partner (Taeyong x Reader)
Rating: M, with a side of fluff
(A/N) How goes my fellow nut busters? I’m jumping right onto the request train by giving you some fluffy and a little smutty study partner Taeyong! While our resident being of perfection may have enough sex appeal to shut down a male stripper convention, I think Taeyong/s sweeter side needs a bit more loving too. So I hope y’all enjoy this one because it was really fun to write!!
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Staring out the window of your classroom like some angsty anime character was one of your favorite pastimes. You wished every waking hour you were in this hell hole of a school to be outside, riding your bike through the streets, picking flowers in the park, playing in the stream that ran through town, anything but this class. It's not like you were bad at writing and literature, in fact, you were exceptional, the brightest in your class. But you hated the teacher, hated what he made you write. You didn't want to write about the characters in a Greek tragedy, you didn't want to analyze Jane Austin, you wanted to write soaring stories about adventurers, magic, and romance. This class made you despise writing, and you loathed that, because writing was one of your secret passions.
You loved nothing more than sitting by that stream, feet soaking in the cold spring water as the plum blossoms overhead showered you with their petals. You would have your notebook in hand, writing story after story, poem after poem, they just sprang off your pen onto paper like you were born to write. Many argue that you were a born writer, including your prick of a teacher. "_______!," you heard that deep voice snap you name for the fifth time that period. You languidly turned your head away from the window, one eye brow quirked, "Yes, sir?" He angrily furrowed his brow and squeezed the open book in his hands, obviously frustrated as he asked you, "What metrical pattern did Shakespeare use in many of his plays?" You sighed, looking down where your fingers were playing with your pink mechanical pencil as you droned, "He used unrhymed iambic pentameter, called blank verse. He diverts from this several times in many of his plays and also uses other simple forms of poetry and prose." You felt the wide eyes of your classmates as they looked at you slack jawed, your chin titling toward the window to resume your usual position. Your teacher stopped you again, "And which of his plays are we reading? Or have you not been paying attention for the past forty-" "Othello," you interrupted, looking your teacher dead in the eye. "We're reading Othello, believed to be written by Shakespeare in 1603." "Good," your teacher replied, "Why don't you stand up and continue reading for us then, Miss _______? Since you seem to know so much about it." You shot him a glare because he knew you didn't have the book on you. You had read Othello countless times by yourself, so you didn't ever bother bringing it to class. You were about to spit out at him like a viper when you felt a nudge on your arm from beside you. "Here," you turned to find the intense dark eyes of one of your classmates, Lee Taeyong, trained on you intently. He held out his copy to you, finger pointing out the line where the class had left off. You raised your eyebrows at him, lips parting as you went to convey your thanks, but felt it catch in your throat. You grabbed the book from him instead, cheeks pink as you stood up and began to read. You couldn't even comprehend the words that were coming out of your mouth, but you felt Taeyong's soft gaze on you the whole time. You were saved by the lunch bell, signaling that you were free from that wretched class and embarrassing situation. You carefully closed Taeyong's copy of Othello and handed it back to him as you mumbled, "Thank you." "No problem," he took his book, giving you a small smile. "You staying in here for lunch?" You were busy packing up your things, turning to him, "What?" You didn't expect him to keep talking to you, so you were surprised when he asked again. "Are you eating in here?," he repeated, smiling to himself when he saw you blush and turn away. "No, I always eat outside," you said, feeling guilty because you thought you were being too rude. "I eat at the picnic benches, if you want to join." "Would you mind?," he asked, putting his things into his bag and standing up, looking hopeful. "No," you mumbled, already weaving through the desks and out the classroom sliding doors, trying your best to calm the heat in your cheeks. Taeyong didn't say much, thankfully, as the two of you walked side by side through the hall. You saw numerous people whisper to one another, and some girls give you nasty looks. It wasn't a secret that Taeyong was literally the most wanted boy in the entire school, he was absolute perfection, practically a prince. You'd never really paid much attention to the gorgeous student, but you shared every single class with him, and knew that he was ranked second in the school academically. Second behind you. You held first place by some miracle, even when you did nothing at all. You were just good at testing, that's about it. To be honest, you thought Taeyong deserved it far more than you, seeing as he worked a lot harder for his scores and grades. He never seemed mad about being second though, he was a little quiet and acted content all the time, so you could never tell what he was really thinking. You couldn't help but be a little curious as to why he wanted to hang out with you, he never really showed much interest before. You never even had a real conversation with him, the most you got was when he would congratulate you once again for staying in first place. You reached the busy picnic benches that sat underneath the blooming plum blossoms, a picturesque scene that made your fingers itch to pull out your notebook. You usually did a lot of your writing at lunch, but since Taeyong was there, you didn't want him to see. It was lowkey embarrassing and your writing was pretty much a gateway to your heart and soul, something you didn't share easily. You sat down at an empty table, fixing your uniform skirt and crossing your legs as Taeyong sat across from you. The two of you pulled out your lunches and ate in a strange but not uncomfortable silence. You were curious though, sneaking glances at him occasionally while he ate, completely unaware that he caught you staring every single time much to his amusement. You cleared your throat, swallowing a spoonful of yogurt, "Thanks again for what you did in class, Taeyong, I really appreciate it." "No problem, I know how hard he is on you," he chuckled looking at you with cutely scrunched eyes, "But I think he does it with the best intentions in his heart. You're really his favorite student, you know." You scoffed, rolling your eyes and eating another spoonful angrily, "That man wants nothing more than to see me fail,  it's like it's his one mission in life." "I think it's cool how you just know everything though," the dark haired boy said, his eyes widening in admiration. "It just comes so easily to you, I don't know how you do it." "Honestly," you admitted, picking at the table, "I really enjoy literature and writing, but hate being taught it." Taeyong laughed, "Everyone can tell, you're always writing in that little green notebook of yours at lunch," he nodded to where said notebook poked out of your open bag. Your eyes widened and your face turned pink, "I-I just do it for fun, it's not like I'm studying or anything." "I know," he smiled, resting his head in his hand as he looked at you. "I think it's really cute though because you're always acting so tough." If you weren't fire engine red at that point, you would have been proud of yourself, but you could feel the heat in your face and neck. You couldn't even manage a reply, melting under his unabashedly adoring gaze, his smile too sweet for words. His mouth quirked to the side in a smirk, "Is your yogurt too spicy for you?" You gaped at him, mouth morphing into a smile of disbelief as you leaned over the table and smacked his shoulder, "You...!" The two of you laughed suddenly, something changing after that. You felt a lot calmer around him, happiness creeping into your bones as you finally found enjoyment at school for the first time. You two talked about whatever came to mind, and it felt so natural and real, you'd have never thought Taeyong was as down to earth and sweet as this. One moment you were talking like friends and then next you were flirting like your lives depended on it. It was intoxicating and beautiful. "I have a question," he said, absentmindley playing with your fingers, tracing the dainty ring your mother had given you on your birthday. "Hm," you hummed, watching the way he concentrated on the lines of your palm and shivering at the feeling of his touch. It made you squeeze your thighs together under the table and you never wanted him to stop. Taeyong stretched out his legs and tangled them with yours, brushing his knee against your inner thigh. You let out a small gasp at the touch, but Taeyong didn't seem to notice, preoccupied with his words. "Would you mind being my study partner?," he asked, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. "It's just...you're so good at everything and it may not look like it, but I'm kinda struggling to stay afloat-" "Taeyong," you stopped him with a smile, feeling brave enough to brush the hair from his eyes. "Of course I can. I need to get my act together too anyway. We can help each other." "Really?," he breathed, looking relieved as his shoulders sagged. "God, I could kiss you right now, to be perfectly honest." He looked breathless and he seemed to look at you differently for a second, eyes flashing something deeper. You were shocked but tried to save the situation quickly, "Shut up," you laughed, taking your hand from him and standing up as the bell signaling lunch range. "I need someone to get my ass into gear anyway." Taeyong hummed, wiggling his eyebrows jokingly and giving you a smirk, "I like the sound of that." You made a noise of disgust and walked with him back to class, "We can go to my place later if you like, I have snacks." "Snacks sound perfect," he said, bravely taking your hand and making you gape at him again. He carefreely swung your joined hands, like it was the most natural thing to do. "Taeyong," you gulped, feeling the stares and glares as you walked back inside. "What are you doing?" "Can I not platonically hold your hand?," he asked innocently, eyes wide and soft, but the quick smirk on his mouth said otherwise. You groaned and let him hold your hand with his sweater paws, leading you like that from class to class for the rest of the day until the final bell sounded the end of school. Your stomach churned with excitement. To be perfectly honest, you were both happy and confused with how Taeyong was acting. One moment he was acting like the best friend you'd never had and the next he was acting like your boyfriend. You wouldn't mind either of those things, but both? That would be like a dream come true. You weren't going to lie, as a writer you were a hopeless romantic, and you always imagined how everything would be when you fell in love. You couldn't even count how many tales of romance you'd written, how many poems to your future boyfriend you'd scribbled in your journal. As of now, everything was living up to your expectations, though, not necessarily with the person who you thought it would be. It was a pleasant surprise though that you welcomed with open arms. You'd always thought Taeyong was absolutely gorgeous, but you didn't know what his personality was like. You only knew he was sweet and hardworking. You wouldn't have believed he was a complete flirt if you hadn't experienced it firsthand yourself. The strange thing was, Taeyong never dated anyone, never flirted with anyone before he began to with you. It also didn't hurt that you could practically taste the sexual frustration radiating off of him. You looked over to where the dark haired boy was packing up his things, hypnotized by the way he neatly and methodically tidied everything up. You walked over to him and poked his rib cage, watching in amusement as he jumped and shot you a cute angry look. He pouted, "Hey, don't! I'm really ticklish." "Oops, many finger slipped," you grinned, to which he smiled to himself as he finished packing. "You ready to go?," he asked, sliding on his backpack. "I rode my bike here, we can ride it to your place." He was practically bouncing on his toes as he took your hand and led you out of the classroom. "Okay," you smiled, letting him pull you away and thinking about how cute he was for riding a bike to school. How much more perfect could he possibly get? You literally saw no flaws in him. You walked out to the bike rack and Taeyong unchained his sturdy black bike. He swung his leg over it and patted the handlebars and winked, "Here, I'll be really careful, don't worry." You gulped, a little freaked out by the prospect of balancing your ass on a thin piece of metal. But you trusted Taeyong and he seemed capable of maintaining his balance. You grabbed his hand and he helped you sit as comfortably as you could on the cold metal that pressed against the back of your thighs. Much to your surprise, Taeyong helped you fix your skirt, lifting you gently to tuck it carefully underneath your legs without a word. You blushed and grabbed onto the rubber grips of the handles, jumping when Taeyong slid his hands over yours and pushed off. He wobbled at first, unaccustomed to the added weight, but he quickly recovered and peddled strongly down the road, cruising past the houses. You pointed out to him which way to go and he smoothly made the turns, the spring wind whistling through your hair as the afternoon chill began to set in. Thankfully, you arrived at your house, the sun still fighting in the sky as Taeyong pulled up along the curb. The steps to your house were a perfect place for you to dismount, only stumbling a little bit as you clumsily slid off the handlebars. The two of you giggled at your less than graceful landing and Taeyong simply let his bike flop down as you walked up to your door. Goosebumps raised up your legs as you shivered in place and fumbled for your keys in your school bag. "You'd think winter would end already," Taeyong casually commented, daring enough to run his hand up and down your exposed thigh, dangerously close to the hem of your skirt. You shot him a look, but he just smiled boyishly. You finally found your key and shoved it in the lock as quickly as you could, wanting nothing more than the heat of your house to swallow you whole. It was like a wave of summer when you walked in, the dry heat feeling orgasmic on your bare legs as you took off your shoes. Taeyong did the same, looking around your house curiously, "It's really cute." "Thanks," you said in amusement, "Come on, we can study in my room." "What about snacks?," Taeyong asked, looking hopeful and hungry. "I'll bring some up, don't worry," you laughed, already trudging into the kitchen to grab some chips and grapes you had in the fridge. You heard Taeyong climbing the stairs and shouted, "It's the second door on the right!" You heard a grunt of affirmation and bounded up the stairs with your backpack and snacks in hand. You entered your room to already find Taeyong sprawled comfortably on your bed, pulling out notes and textbooks. "Comfy?," you asked, moving aside pillows and plopping down beside him. He chuckled, scanning his notebooks, "Perfectly. What do you want to look over first? I was thinking writing and literature." You huffed, popping a grape in your mouth, "If we have to, I want to get through the worst first." "It's not as bad as you think," he said, nudging you with his shoulder as you sat up and leaned your head on it. "I know," you strained, pulling out your very minimal notes. "But it's just something I don't like being taught. I want to learn it on my own, through my own enjoyment." "Enjoyment, hm?," the dark haired boy pondered, glancing at your notes before looking up at you exasperated. "_______, aren't you worried you'll fall behind?" You'd never had the feeling you were ever drowning in work or behind the curve, always being right on track regardless of how hard you tried. You shrugged, looking at him with raised eyebrows, "Not really." "Well, I'm worried for you," Taeyong said with a sigh. "You're too smart and gifted to fall behind, and I don't want to see that." "Taeyong? I've always wondered this but," you murmured, tracing a finger on a vein up his forearm absentmindedly. "Don't you want to be ranked first?" Taeyong turned towards you, his dark eyes hard as he echoed you, "Not really." Confused you inquired, "But you're always working so hard-" "And it's because of you," the handsome boy interrupted, locking eyes with you. "You make me work harder than anyone else, you make me try, and no one else gives me that." You didn't notice it, but Taeyong had leaned closer, his breath fanning over your face. His voice was quiet, a soft murmur, "If I didn't have you always one step in front of me, I don't know what I would do." "Taeyong," you whispered, his lips hovering just above yours, making your heart beat a mile a minute in your chest. He looked so soft, so exposed and vulnerable like he'd been craving to get that off his chest, to tell you. "I don't want to be ranked first," he murmured, his lips brushing yours for a fraction of a second. "I just want you." It was like a wave of feelings and sensations came crashing down on you, one minute you were a hairsbreath away from Taeyong, and next he was washing all over you. His body was pressing yours into the bed, your hands were tangled in his hair, and his lips were making what felt like love to yours. He kissed you passionately, like all the pent up feelings in his heart had just released into his body, hands and mouth driven by another force. He cupped your face softly, but his lips and the rest of his body said otherwise. His chest rubbed against your clothed breasts and you couldn't help but moan into his mouth. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue in, tasting the grapes you had eaten and groaning at the way your body moved against him. You spread your legs and welcomed the knee that slid your skirt up to your hips and pressed against your clothed heat. Taeyong's kisses were so wet, the sounds coming from your mouth made you go delirious as the fire in your stomach was stoked. Deprived of oxygen, he pulled away with a gasp, looking so fucking gorgeous with his messed up hair and swollen lips. You leaned up and pressed kisses to his sharp as a knife jawline, moaning when his hands began to unbutton his shirt. Your finger helped him along by untucking it from his belt, craving to see the creamy skin underneath. You nearly cried when he slid it off his shoulders, fingers tracing down the warmth of his skin and running down his lean abs, "Taeyong..." You pressed kisses to his chest, tasting him with your tongue as you dragged your wet muscle along his defined collarbones. He smirked at your reaction, his fingers now making quick work of your shirt, tossing it across the room as he exposed your chest, "Now we're even." "Please, Tae, I need to feel something. Just touch me," you whispered, breath coming in gasps as you sat up and placed his hands on your hips. He slid them down and under your skirt, squeezing your ass over and over as he groaned, "Come over here." He pulled you close, laying one of your legs over his thigh as he tugged you until your clothed heat was pressed against the bulge in his pants. You gasped when he began to rub himself against you, head going blank of everything except for him and the way he was moving against you. He rolled his hips into you with a groan, hands on your ass as he helped you move in tandem with him until you found the rhythm yourself. You tangled your fingers into his soft hair when he leaned down to litter the tops of your breasts with love bites, sucking dark purple bruises into your skin. You whimpered when he slowed down, your hips still eager against his as he kissed your neck, "Please..." He hushed you, taking his time as he felt the wetness through your panties soak the crotch of his uniform slacks, "Take it easy, baby girl. Take a moment," he dragged his bulge slowly up your clothed slit, "To just feel this, to feel me." You rolled your head back, drunk on the feeling off him teasing your clit with his clothed member, "Oh, fuck..." Taeyong's eyes were glazed over, small beads of sweat dripping down his jaw and neck. You leaned over and licked up the tantalizing drops, tasting the salt of his skin and humming as you pressed kiss after kiss to his neck. As much as you loved how Taeyong could have so much self control, you wanted release badly, for him to make you come all in your panties. "Taeyong, please," you whispered, panting as you looked at him pleadingly, biting your bottom lip in want. Instantly his hips began to move faster, slowly working up to a newer, rougher speed that left your body on fire. His hands found their place back on your ass and he urged you to move along with him, his eyes burning with desire as you complied willingly. He rutted his hips into you, causing your breasts to bounce as he ground into you roughly. You cried out when he inched up only a little bit and found your clit, driving hard into the spot when he noticed your reaction. The roughness of his slacks felt like pure nirvana on your sensitive bundle of nerves and your voice broke as you called his name out. Taeyong's voice was deep and husky, urging you to release as he continued to dry hump you, "Come on baby girl, soak those panties for me. Show me how wet you can make them." He took hold of your hips and turned you onto your side, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder as he drove into you on his knees. The new angle at which he rubbed against you made you see stars, and you felt your release upon you. You gave one last strained moan, gasping as you threw your head back and came hard, flooding your underwear with your essence as Taeyong continued to thrust against you, chasing his own high. A few moments later, he came crashing down as well, hips stuttering as he came inside of his pants, his member straining over and over against the fabric, so much so that you could see it twitching. You watched with half lidded eyes as Taeyong groaned, his head lolling back and languidly rolling his hips against your heat. It was possibly the hottest thing you'd ever seen and you felt your core tighten one last time as you came again. You gasped and road out the mini release, reaching down and rubbing yourself through your panties as best you could to prolong the feeling. Taeyong groaned at the sight, leaning down to kiss you again, swapping saliva with you as your tongues danced in sync. When the two of you had regained your breath, Taeyong flopped down beside you, scattering notes off the bed as he pulled you into his arms. You welcomed his embrace, burying yourself deep into chest as you inhaled his homey scent, like laundry detergent and something so Taeyong it hurt. He cradled your head and murmured against your hair, "You're so incredible, ______, you know that?" You laughed breathily into his skin, kissing his collarbones as you whispered, "And do you know how amazing you are, Lee Taeyong?" You looked up and was met with a soft smile that you leaned in and kissed gently, "I mean it," you affirmed with another kiss to his cheek, "You don't need me to motivate you because you're already so good on your own." "Doesn't mean I still don't want you," he mumbled, looking away with a blush on his cheeks. "I'm sorry if I came off like a douchebag, it's just you're so cool, ______, and I just wanted to impress you-" You stopped him with a kiss, laughing against his mouth as you pulled away to see his confused gaze, "And here I was thinking I was the lame girl with the gorgeous popular boy chasing after her." "No," he chuckled, rolling his eyes and dragging his lips against your neck. "You just get the nerdy guy who can't talk to girls without coming off like a dork." You laughed and played with his hair, gazing at him adoringly, "You're really a strange one, Lee Taeyong. I like that." "You can keep me around if you like," the gorgeous boy smiled, "So long as you be my study partner...and my girlfriend." "I think I can agree to those terms," you grinned pulling him down to kiss him way past sunset. Your notes and studying were completely forgotten as the sun sank below the horizon. The two of you had cleaned up as best as you could when you remembered your parents would be home from work. It was a comical scene, but one you would remember fondly as you and Taeyong worked to scrub the stain from the front of his pants. He even met your parents that night, introducing himself like he was born to be brought home to a family. Years later, you could still remember that whole day with amusement and love, knowing you were still happily with that sheepish boy who made you laugh until your cried.
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sadspottedpanda · 7 years
Swipe Right For Awkwardness (FFXV FANFIC) - Ch 7
Noctis just wanted Prompto to be happy, though it was chipping away at him day after day. Every now and then he tried to make something nice for his best friend, hoping Prompto would change his mind and fall for him. He felt ridiculous for trying to pry away every little bit of affection he could from Prompto; creepy, even, for being so needy of any small form of appreciation. There was a gaping hole in his heart and it was all Noctis to do to stop from falling into a dark sadness. In the meantime, Prompto was savoring every moment Noctis showered him with gifts and affection. He's already attempted to tell his best friend about how he really felt about it, but the fear of rejection and Noctis putting distance in between them kept him from saying anything. It was a huge relief when Noctis was cool about him being gay, at least. The question now was will Noct still be fine with him being around if he told him he was in love with him Noctis was getting desperate. Despite all his efforts to steal away Prompto's heart, it wasn't having the desired effect. Prompto was very vocal about his crush, saying he was like Noctis in the way of affection. It was tearing Noctis apart. If that guy was so much like him, can't Prompto turn his eyes to him instead? He was right there. They've known each other for years. ----- "So, Prom...about this guy...do you really think he's the right one?" Noctis asks during lunch in their spot under a tree in the university gardens. Without even hesitating, Prompto replies happily. "Absolutely! I mean, he doesn't know yet, but I really do think so." Noctis sighs. "What if he's not? I mean, you haven't even told him." "I don't think I can tell him yet. I'm still trying to figure out if he even has eyes for dudes. He can get pretty close to guys, but that doesn't mean he likes them that way." "So what, are you stalking him now?" Noctis teases. "No, dude! I'm not a creep!" Prompto retorts. "I do see him around a lot though. It's kinda hard when you can only appreciate him from th outside. I mean, we talk and all, but it's like there's a wall around him I just can't see over." "Why don't you bring him over for dinner or something sometime? I'll get out of the way so you two can spend some time together." "Nah. It's fine. Besides, it might be awkward. We eat together sometimes anyway when we can." "Oh, alright then..." Noctis can just imagine Prompto meeting up with some guy, laughing and talking while they eat, having the great time. He wishes he was in that position. He'd totally accept if Prompto would confess to him. The rest of their break is spent in small talk until Prompto has to head back to class. Noctis still has two hours of free time before his last class and he waves to his best friend as he heads into the building. "Alone again..." Noctis says quietly to himself. "You don't have to be, loverboy." Noctis looks up and sees Luna wearing a warm, comforting on her face. "You look like you need a pick me up." "Is vodka in the afternoon alright?" Luna's impeccable timing (and excellent hearing) was a lifeline to Noctis. He's been keeping his emotions to himself for far too long and Luna was just the perfect person to talk to right now. Luna rolls her eyes and Noctis chuckles. "Just kidding. Got time for coffee? I'm buying." "My class doesn't start in an hour, so yeah, we could go for coffee." Luna reaches out to pull Noctis up and hooks her arm in his. They walk to a nearby cafe and take their places at a small, quiet nook where they can talk privately. "Just from the look on your face earlier, I could tell Prompto's involved in this." "Am I that easy to read or are you just really good at figuring things out?" "Maybe a little bit of both. You sure seemed really bothered though." "Well..." Noctis can't quite find the words. Should he tell Luna he accidentally hooked up with Prompto? That he was doing anything he could just to feel affection from him? That he's all but a mess right now? He decides to play it safe. "You know I like Prom, right? He's in love with someone else..." Noctis recounts his conversations with Prompto and Luna listens intently, the gears in her head turning. The coffee arrives, helping Noctis loosen up a little. "So yeah, that's it." "Awfully sounds like Prompto's fallen for a clone of you, huh?" "That's what makes it hurt even more." Noctis sighs. "Why not just me instead? Prom already told me he liked guys. I do too, but Prom's not like the other guys I've met. He's special to me and I love him. There, I said it. I love Prompto. But now someone else has his heart..." Luna gives Noctis a quizzical look. It's like she's both annoyed and pitiful at the same time. "Have you ever thought that maybe this guy you're so worried about might just be you?" "Me? I don't think so." "Are you really that dense, Noct? How can Prompto be in love with someone else who sounds exactly like you and does the same things?" "Hey, it happens, right?" "Look, I may be wrong, but I have a really strong feeling you're just overthinking things. Who else does Prompto see and meet every day who meets that description?" Noctis shrugs, finding it unbelievable Prompto would fall for him. He wished it were true, but his heart has already been through too much for him to even consider it. What if it was all just a huge misunderstanding and he ends up confessing his love to someone who doesn't even love him back that way? He wouldn't be able to handle it. Luna just shakes her head, frustrated at how stubborn Noctis is and how he fails at reading between the lines. She wants to say more, but gives up. Last thing she wants is for this converstaion to end with an argument. After all, Noctis is in a fragile state right now. She shifts to another topic, hoping to at least stop him from depressing himself. ----- Prompto can't concentrate in class. He was stuck there until 5, but his mind was already home with Noctis. His best friend has been so sweet to him lately, getting him all these gifts and even trying to cook once even though he swore he'd never touch the stove again after the fire alarm incident. To him, Noctis was the perfect boyfriend for him, flaws and all. Though horribly in love, Prompto does feel guilty because he also had some needs Noctis couldn't take care for him and he's done some shameful things to satisfy those needs. Today, he was in need again, but he was already tired of just jerking himself off alone. During a short break in the lecture, he shoots a quick message to his sex friend. Galdin was a bust and he was hoping today was good. "Hey. Wanna meet again later? Same place?" Prompto doesn't get a reply right away or during the next hour, so he guesses his hookup was busy. He's already on his way home when his phone vibrates with a message from the guy. "Sure. Is 9 a good time?" "Yeah. Cya. Lights out again?" "Yep. U tired of it?" "Not really. Just curious about what u look like." "My face isn't much. Lol. Just enjoy me making u feel good, k?" "K" His sex friend was so mysterious, but Prompto did feel really good when he was doing all sorts of things to his body. He thinks nothing more of his hookup's identity and arrives home. Noctis left a note on the table for him. "At dad's until later tonight. Bought you dinner. It's in the fridge." Prompto smiles at his friend's thoughtfulness and goes to the fridge, a whole tray of lasagna sitting on the middle tray. He gets himself a plate and chills out for a bit, anxiously waiting for 9 PM. He takes a quick shower when 8:30 comes around and is getting dressed when a message from his hookup comes in. "Room 702. Same as last time. Just come in." ----- Prompto walks into the cold, dark room and shuts the door. He's taking off his clothes when he feels strong arms embracing him from behind and warm lips kissing his neck. He flinches, not expecting the guy to sneak up on him, but he lets him do what he wants. The guy pushes Prompto up against the wall and necks him gently before bringing his lips to Prompto's. The kiss is tender, not like last time's torrid assault. Something's different about the guy today, Prompto figures. He's not rough at all. He's caressing him tenderly and sensually, letting his lips and hands glide over his body. They're now locked in a tight embrace with the guy slowly grinding his hips against Prompto's as they exchange kisses and moan, their stiff cocks rubbing against each other. The guys starts moving down Prompto's body, leaving a trail of kisses until he starts working on Prompto's throbbing dick. Sensual moans begin to fill the room as the electric pleasure of the blowjob shoots through Prompto's body. After a couple of minutes, Prompto pull the guy's lips back up to his in a more passionate kiss, his hands reaching down to massage the guy's thick cock with slow, even strokes. "Don't move..." Prompto whispers' before pushing the guy on his side and changing positions so they can suck each other. He takes the guy's dick in his own mouth as the guy starts sucking on him. They both thrust slowly into each other's throats, effortlessly taking each other until they could feel their noses in the other's pubes. The guy takes Prompto's cock out and sucks his balls before going even further down to rim him. Wanting to return the favor, Prompto puts his flexibility to use and ends up making out with his partner's tight hole, flicking his tongue against the twitching ring of muscle. The guy wastes no more time getting inside of Prompto. He rolls the blonde on his back and gets on top of him, his partner's legs on either side of his torso as he enters slowly. They lock lips and the guy thrusts in deep and slow, savoring every squeeze Prompto's ass did on his cock. He eventually goes in harder and faster, a hand on Prompto's mouth as he rams him. The pressure in his abdomen grows and he moans shamelessly, his sweat dripping down on Prompto's writhing body. Prompto moves up to kiss him torridly as he gets fucked hard, causing the guy to curse and empty his balls deep inside his partner's warm love canal. He cums hard himself as the guy buries himself deeper in him, hitting his prostrate. The guy collapses on top of Prompto, breathing heavily. He embraces him and runs his hand through his blonde hair. Prompto embraces him back in response, absolutely drained and full of cum. They're both sweating buckets and are desperately in need of a shower. "Hey...shower with me? I don't give a fuck what you look like." Prompto whispers. "Go ahead...I need to catch my breath." He responds hoarsely. Getting the hint that the guy wasn't willing to show his face at all, Prompto enters the bathroom and washes himself clean inside and out. After he's through, he steps out and sees the guy on the bed, his back turned to him. He's covered himself in a blanket, except for his dark, messy hair. Prompto has half a mind to just walk over and turn him around, but stops himself. The guy wanted to keep his identity secret and Prompto wants to respect that. He gets dressed and leaves quietly. He's already in his building's elevator when he notices he's left his phone back at the motel. Prompto walks back to the motel quickly. Thank the astrals it was only 15 minutes away by foot. He turns a corner and slams straight into somebody, sending them both to the ground. "Oh gods! I'm so sorry! I - Noct?" Noctis was on his ass, hand on his head. "Ow. Watch where you're going next time!" He yells, then he realizes he's collided with Prompto. "Huh? What're you doing here, Prom?" "I left my phone somewhere. On my way to get it back. I though you were at your dad's?" Prompto stands and pulls Noctis up. "I was. I was on my way home, actually." "Oh! You didn't take the car?" "Nah. Forgot to fill the tank up when we got back from Galdin." They look at each other awkwardly, neither one willing to tell the truth of why they were actually out. "Anyway, Noct. See you at home! Just gotta make sure my phone's still where I left it!" Prompto's phone was in Noctis' pocket. He had to think quickly because it definitely won't be back at the motel. "Wait, Prom!" Noctis pulls Prompto close to him and slips the phone into Prompto's jacket pocket. His best friends looks at him with confused eyes. "Uh...be careful. Want me to come with you?" Prompto's blushing. He's always wanted Noctis to pull him like that into his arms romantically. Well, this wasn't romantic, but it was close enough. "Um. Prom?" Prompto breaks out of his little fantasy and shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Nah, nah. I got it." He runs off and waves. "Thanks for dinner, by the way!" When Prompto's out of sight, Noctis sighs and leans against a light post. "That was close..." he says in exasperation before heading home. Prompto returns to the apartment later, relieved he didn't lose his phone after all. It was in his pocket the whole time. He was hoping to catch a glimpse of his hookup too, but he had already left by the time he got to the motel. "Oh well...I won't be seeing you anyway anymore once I tell Noct..." he thinks to himself. Little does he know that the very same guy was lying asleep like a rock on the couch. Prompto carries Noctis to his bed and tucks him in with a peck on the cheek. "Night, buddy. Love you. I hope you feel the same way about me too..."
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