#I know I just did one but I forgot a couple I meant to add
userlaylivia · 1 year
@maya-matlin, @hydesjackiespuddinpop, @terrilynn88, @madscline
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eveningrainstorm · 5 months
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my take on teenage raz and lili!
some design notes under the cut:
They're intended to be about 16 here! I didn't go for anything too drastic in terms of changes -- these are largely just what I'd consider natural evolutions of their canon designs
For Raz, my main focus besides just making him look older was to add a bit more resemblance to the other Aquatos in his design, since his relationship with them wouldn't be strained like it is during canon
Raz is shown with very straight hair in canon, but since most of his family's hair is more wavy or curly I tend to imagine he styles it that way on purpose as part of his Sasha Nein cosplay or whatever. He wouldn't still feel the need to do that at this point, though, so for this design I wanted to make it more curly, similar to Augustus or Frazie, while still similar to his canon style. This turned out to be incredibly difficult and I'm still not entirely happy with where I landed, but it's good enough
I didn't think he would still wear the helmet but I didn't want to discard it entirely, so the goggles were a compromise. I meant to give them some visible scratches and wear and tear since they're presumably the same goggles he's been wearing since he was 10, but I forgot. rip
Obviously the most notable change to Raz's outfit is the scarf -- I wanted something that would tie him visually to the other Aquatos while still fitting with his general look. I imagine they gave it to him as a gift, sort of an acknowledgement that even if he doesn't perform with them as an acrobat, doing his Psychonaut work is his own way of being an Aquato
Raz's outfit here is honestly very similar to his PN2 outfit. This is because in my eyes "long coat and turtleneck" is Peak Character Design and cannot be improved on. (Hence why I may not be the best person to redesign Raz.) He has an actual coat rather than just an oversized blazer this time though, so that's an improvement. With the turtleneck I was was vaguely intending for it to be color-wise something of a middle ground between the Sasha-style green striped turtleneck and the Aquato blue/green and white stripes, but it ended up basically just being the PN1 stripes with the PN2 color. which, you know, that works
I went back and forth on what their heights should be -- I thought it would be kind of funny if Raz ended up short and Lili ended up taller than him, but then I decided to just make them more in line with their families, with Raz being tall and lanky and Lili being average verging on short. Except then I accidentally made Lili tall anyway because I was only vaguely considering her height relative to Raz. I guess Lili's probably taller than her dad now? good for her ig
Most of their facial features are just slight variations of how they look in canon -- slightly smaller eyes and so on. the only real specific change is that Lili has a more defined nose now, similar in shape to her father's
Lili's outfit here is more different from either of her canon outfits than Raz's is, but there's still not much that really requires a ton of explanation. The goal was to make her look vaguely cool and fashionable, although as I am neither of those things I cannot guarantee I was successful
I tried a couple different hairstyles for Lili, and I'm still not entirely set on this one -- Originally what I settled on was to give her two braids, which I did like, but I kept doing sketches of her where I just drew the top part of the hair and was like "ngl this kind of works on its own" and so I ended up going with the short hair. I also briefly tried an asymmetrical haircut but I couldn't get it to look right. I think this one suits her though
Lili's tattoo (on her left wrist) was a later addition to the design, and even in the later stages of drawing this I wasn't sure whether to keep it. I like it conceptually I just haven't figured out a consistent design for it yet, only that it has to be of plants
god these notes got way longer than I meant them to be I am so sorry. Uh basically I'm still figuring out the details of these designs but for now here's Raz and Lili, they're teenagers now, thanks for reading
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yetanothergreyjedi · 3 months
Left and Returned: Definitely Nothing Wrong
Danny Phantom x Supernatural Crossover
Chapter 2
Dean orders the largest burger on the menu, Bobby orders something with potatoes that will absolutely have him commenting that he could make a better one himself. Sam orders a salad. Danny orders chocolate chip pancakes off the breakfast menu and Dean looses any reservations he had about refering to the young man as 'kid'. Realistically he's probably not much younger than Sam, but if he has a problem with it he can start acting like an adult.
No. Dean isn't huffy about the handstand thing. Why do you ask?
"So it's following you, but you haven't seen it. Like haven't seen it like, invisible or like being watched from afar or what?" Then again, the kid was asking good questions.
"Like its invisible, but can't hide its presence, realizes its making a mess then pisses off."
"Because its afraid of being noticed or because it doesn't want to do harm?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"Gut instinct," Sam adds, which makes more sense than 'vibes'.
"It shattered every window in the place. I don't think its scared."
"I know a psychic, a couple hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking." Bobby suggested.
"Hell, yeah. Its worth a shot."
"A psychic..." Danny tapped the table, "Okay, sure. Why not?"
"What the hell is this?"
"An ipod jack... It's been my car for a year, Dean."
And what could he say to that? Instead Dean points sout the part that is far worse than douching up his car with modern niceties. "Its pink."
"Yeah... well, it's not mine, it's Jazz's. She left it in here and if I move it I'll forget to bring it back to her."
"Huh," Dean had no idea what he expected. Maybe some comment about how pink wasn't that bad? He turned the key and some girly romance song filled the compartment. "Really?"
Sam smiled a little at the song, and Dean hit pause on the device instead of throwing it into the back seat.
"Soo, she your girlfriend or what"
"That's complicated."
"Of course it is, the hunting making things weird?"
"No, actually. Her family hunts."
"But not her?"
"Only when necessary, she's in medical school."
"I'm, uh, noticing some parallels, Sammy."
Sam laughs. "Thats part of why its complicated."
"Just part, huh?"
"What about Ruby? She still around?"
"Probably. She shows up when she thinks she can make a case for wanting the greater good or whatever... there was a whole thing. When I was still convinced I could bring you back..." Sam trails off, clearly deciding how much to say. Sam had tried to bring him back?And failed? Did Bobby know about any of this? "That's done now.”
"Huh...You been using your freaky E.S.P. stuff?"
"Every time I think its behind me something weird happens."
"It shows up at weird times, stressful situations. Afterwards its hard to tell if it was real or not."
"I know, look, one thing at a time okay? We worry about this for now."
"I am curious... why aren't you doing this yourself?" Pamela asks Danny.
"You're a psychic?" Bobby asks.
"...I guess I could count? I tend to only talk to the dead when they're right in front of me."
This, of course, meant Pamela forgot she had been flirting in favor of talking shop with Danny. Which meant he didn't get a chance to chat with the lovely lady, instead got to listen to her quiz him on ‘'energies'' and 'conduits' and other psychic mumbo-jumbo. Like really, he just got outta jail, why can’t he enjoy it? It's probably for the best though, the kid, in his own words, "knew enough to do some incredibly stupid things." So, Dean figured letting Pamela explain the basics of a safe seance was probably saving someone a whole mess.
Not that he thought Danny would intentionally be stupid about it. They'd have done this four hours ago in the back of the kid's van, if he'd thought he could, and who knows how that would've ended.
He's less willing to accept it when Pam decides Danny should be the one touching Dean's shoulder.
"Jesus, kid! You been holding ice cubes?!"
"Don't judge my hobbies." Kid quips, settling his hand back over the handprint. "Just poor circulation, chillax."
Dean immediately regrets glancing at his brother. At least Sammy has the decency to stifle his smirk, but really, taking your not-actually-brother-in-law-because-its-complicated's side over your own flesh and blood: Rude! Just rude.
"Okay." Pam begins, her tone both sharp and comforting. The unspoken command is heard and they somber, close their eyes.
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." She begins, her voice clear and authoritative.
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." She repeats, energy runs between their circle linked hands. Dean couldn't let go even if he tried. What was this?
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." Something turns on, a television or a radio, Dean doesn't know. He's a link in a chain meant to bind, every sense is dull except the feeling of clasping hands and the brand on his shoulders. Accept the single sound that rings in perfect clarity.
"I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."
"Castiel?" Dean repeats, how he says it, he isn't quite sure, chainlinks don't have mouths.
"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back."
"Warning, not threatening." Gasps the link that connects Pamela to this link. The static grows, the space beneath them shakes. The world itself wants to tear the links free from the chain, but they hold. Power runs freely between them, they are as much a conduit as they are a chain. They will not break, they cannot break, keeping hands linked is effortless.
"I conjure and command you, show me your face." Pamela chants. The cacophony around them grows louder and more hazy, her voice is clear through each repetition.
Another link says something. This link does not hear it.
"I almost got it. I command you, show me your face! Show me your face n—"
"No," The link between them breathes.
The link in the chain is a body. The body is Dean. The burn on Dean's shoulder ache's with the absence of a relieving cold removed.
Dean crashes backwards. The impact of his back on the floor knocks the wind from his lungs. Sound returns. Breaking glass and splintering furniture, someone is screaming. He gasps. Three, four, five breaths before he's aware of the broken chair beneath him. He grabs a leg of it, and holds it like a weapon as he scrambles to his feet.
Bobby has already gotten to Pamela, she's covering her face and muttering about sight. Dean catches a glimpse and turns to Danny as Bobby shouts to call 9-1-1.
He can hear Sam stumble over scattered items in the direction of the phone. He kneels in front of his brother's friend.
Danny's eyes are closed, but he has eyelids, so Dean thinks that's a good sign for now. Blood is gushing from the kid's nose.
"He's beautiful." The kid whispers, clearly dazed.
"You okay, kid?"
" 'm not'a kid, 'm 24, plus all that time that didn't happen, so I'm even older than I am."
"Right, Sammy's calling the 9-1-1, you're gonna be—"
Danny jerked away like someone had soaked their hands in ice water before grabbing his shoulder. "No hospitals."
Dean remembered that the kid was also a hunter, but a lot more vivid than that, was the image of Pam's eyes seared out. "Okay, okay, let me see your eyes, then we'll decide what to do."
Danny obeyed. He blinked his eyes open, and while bright green irises' surrounded with angry red lines, they were like, normal levels of bloodshot and not 'stared into eye gouging power' bloodshot. So that was good, better than Dean had hoped. "Okay, you come with us while Bobby handles the EMT's."
"Yeah, promise."
Danny nods. "He's beautiful, Dean. Like something past hoping, like the things that live in the silver."
"Um." Dean regretted his choices.
"Neverborn and Neverdead for sure. But not the embodiment of a concept I dont think. Maybe something like a wisp? If wisps liked to burn your corneas off."
"I don't think it was a wisp, buddy."
"No, Castiel isn't a wisp name. Wisps have names like:" Danny whistled a few notes.
"Are you sure you don't need a hospital?"
He wiped his nose with his sleeve. This succeeded only in smearing the blood around his face and getting his sleeve dirty. . "Yeah'm sure. Don't ask me to do anything with depth perception though."
"Danny, I don't think—"
"You promised." And Dean had promised.
"What'd Bobby say?"
"Pam's stable. And out of I.C.U." Sam returned to their table.
"And blind, because of us."
"No, it looked a lot worse than it is, she should retain some eyesight, but we still have no clue who we're dealing with."
"We're dealing with Castiel." Danny muttered from where he was hiding his face from the "oppressive concept of LED lights". Dean was pretty sure the lights in here were normal, but he wasn't gonna argue with the kid who might be concussed about if the diner lights were a reasonable brightness.
"That doesn't exactly help us, though."
"Sure it does, With the right mumbo-jumbo we could summon him, bring him right to us."
"You're crazy. Absolutely not."
"We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did?"
"Pam took a peek at him and her eyes burned out of her skull, Danny's..." Sam looks at Danny, who may as well be a sweatshirt artfully arranged on the table. "You want to have a face to face?"
"You got a better idea?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. I looked, there are signs of Demons in town."
"Okay." Dean doesn't like where this is going, but he's aware of how strongly he doesn't want this to be a demonic plot, so he keeps his mouth shut.
"So, we go find them. Someone's gotta know something about something."
Dean opens his mouth, then shuts it again as the waitress approaches. Ah the awkward silence of 'don't freak out the locals.' They didn't have that in Hell, he doesn't miss it.
Three plates, each with a perfect slice of pie, makes their way to the table. They didn't have this in Hell either, this, Dean missed a lot. The sweatshirt on the table must agree, because it revives into a human person and pulls his plate to himself. It's the first thing the kid did since the seance that doesn't make Dean regret letting him skip the hospital.
Then, before Dean can dig into his own slice with the same intense focus, their waitress joins them at the table.
"You angling for a tip?"
"I'm sorry. Thought you were looking for us." She smiles as her eyes go absent of light. Then the man behind her does the same, then the cook in the kitchen. The front door locks with a resounding click.
"Oh, you will not." Danny hisses. And Dean tenses, for a moment, just a silly, ridiculous moment, he thought the kid was going to throw himself across the table, attack the demon with tooth and claw. Dean tenses, ready to drag the kid off the demon, because not even it deserves his full wrath. But Danny doesn't move, because that would be insane. The kid is not that insane, Dean has seen 0 behavior that would make him expect such a ridiculous action.
The demon locks eyes with the kid, several seconds pass, then moment is gone, and only Danny's half-given threat hangs in the air. The kid goes back to his pie. The demon turns to Dean as if nothing had happened.
"Dean. To hell and back. Aren't you a lucky duck." She tries to play it cool, to pretend that she wasn't just as rattled by... whatever Danny had done— and rest assured Dean will find out what that was— but she was rattled, and the threat of her backup did nothing to help her regain control.
She tells him nothing they didn't already know. Dean tells her nothing she didn't already know. Dean doesn't bluff, because for some reason they don't need to bluff. They finish their pie, pay and leave.
A block down the road, when the feeling of being watched by a predator fades, he turns to the kid.
"What. Was. That?"
"Uh... the demons? I thought you guys dealt with those semi-regularly?"
"No. What you did."
"Ate pie?" Dean pushes the kid against the wall.
"Dean, what's going on?"
"You're telling me you didn't feel that, Sammy?!"
"Feel what?"
Dean searched his brother's face, it was pure worry not a trace that he was hiding something. Danny however, held not a trace of concern, not even the slightest fear that Dean might hit him. Cold blue eyes watch him with morbid detachment.
"Dean, what is it?"
"Nothing." Dean lies. Releasing the kid as his brother tried to pry answers out of him.
There is something wrong with Danny, and Dean is going to figure out what.
Dean's plans for investigation are stalled slightly. Because Danny's plan, apparently, was to sleep in the back of his van. As the kid still looked like a walking corpse, and his nose had started bleeding again, Sam had taken pity and insisted he stay in the motel with them.
Dean, now half convinced Danny was in league with the demons from earlier, (yeah the theory didn't make sense but Dean didn't have a better idea at the moment. It had been a long day.) was not thrilled with this plan. Did he have an argument that would stop Sam from being protective of his girlfriend's little brother? No. No, he did not. And to be fair, the kid did pass out the instant his head hit the pillow, so he probably wasn't an immediate threat.
Dean took the other bed so Sam would have to live with the consequences of his actions. He falls asleep thinking of jokes to make for either sleeping arrangement his brother chooses.
Dean is shaken awake. He swings the moment he realizes the dark figure is too short to be Sam.
Danny blocks him easily. He grabs Dean's arm to pin him for exactly the time it takes to look him in the eyes and say. "He's here. Castiel's here."
Then he lets him go, but Dean is still frozen, still pinned by the younger man's gaze. Green eyes almost glow in the beam of an outside streetlamp. It is not the same as a shapeshifter's ‘lazer-eyes'
but it is something.
But there's no time to think about it, the television flicks on with familiar static and the radio follows. There is too much glass in here. Between windows and mirrors and why on earth did they choose a motel with a mirror on the ceiling when the thing chasing them shattered glass? He shouts a warning and barely has enough time to throw the comforter over them both before the world explodes.
They huddle between the beds in a haphazard blanket fort that does nothing to stop the whistling scream. It feels too thin to be real protection against the glass either, but it holds, and the kid's eyes are definitely glowing but it's the least of his concerns.
It's not so different from hell. The noise, the danger, the cramping in his muscles as he tries in vain to protect himself. He can't tell the difference between a few seconds and a few centuries. But he's breathing, so he counts his breaths and loses count twice.
Neither of them move the blanket when things seem to calm. Another century that is actually six breaths, and Bobby is rushing through the door, shouting for them.
The glass heavy blanket is pulled away and then they're both being checked over.
"Where's Sam?" Dean demands.
"I don't know, he wasn't here when I woke." Its probably stupid, but Dean believes him.
They have no new cuts or bruises, though Danny's ears are bleeding a little.
They have the hospital argument again, Danny is feeling better(or worse) than before, because he threatens to spit on all of their socks. When that doesn't work, he threatens to not tell them what Castiel said. That does work.
"He says to meet him at the church on south street. He didn't give a time, but he promised he'd be in a form we can handle."
Bobby and Dean share a look, yeah, they're not doing that.
But the idea that it could be a trap seems foreign to the younger hunter. Danny argues that the spirit might be offended and that "A summoning might cause him to lose concrete form, then we'll just repeat the glass nightmare."
Well that was a good point: building with no windows it was then.
Needless to say Danny loses this argument.
So Sam is lying to him, they're in some old building marking it up with every religion known to man and Danny's claimed a whole section of wall for the doodles not known to man. Bobby gets sidetracked by it every fifteen minutes, but Danny must have credible sources for the marks because Bobby tells the kid to copy them down for later study.
Dean really needs to decide what to do about the kid. He's been helpful so far... but that was how things started with Ruby.
"This is still a bad idea." Bobby tells him. They're ready.
"I second!" Danny shouts from where he's copying his symbols into Bobby's notebook.
"Yeah, Bobby, I heard you the first ten times. What do you say we ring the dinner bell?"
Bobby sighs, but begins.
Castiel tries to knock the kid out, just like he already did to Bobby. It takes everything in Dean to not panic.
"Yeah, no. Not doing that." Danny deadpans to the man-shaped thing.
"I need to talk to Dean. Alone."
"Well, you could've just asked. Going all sleepy magic on a guy is kinda rude. Dean? Want me to sit in the car?"
"Are you nuts?!" He checked Bobby's pulse.
"Your friend's alive." Bobby's pulse is even and strong.
"Who are you?"
"Castiel." "He's Castiel." Both human shaped things say. This conversation was going to be painful.
"Obviously, I mean what are you?"
"I'm an Angel of the Lord."
"Which Lord?" Danny asks before Dean can say something dumb like 'nun-uh.' Danny's question definitely offends Castiel more than any denial Dean could've come up with. The guy actually staggers a bit.
"The One True God."
"You realize like 40% of the gods I've met say that, right?" What? And with that the kid has rendered the angel speechless with indignation, Dean's not gonna lie, he's kinda impressed.
"Quit pulling our legs, angel's aren't real."
"Dean, this is your problem, you have no faith."
Dean's not sure how to describe the fact that he was suddenly aware of Castiel's wings. Not that he saw them exactly, or felt, or heard them, he just suddenly knew where they were, how they unfurled from Castiel's body and were held out in proud display. Then the moment passed and they were gone.
Danny clapped politely. It ruined the rising feel of awe inspired dread and Dean hated how much he was starting to like this kid.
"You burned out that poor woman's eyes." Dean started. He wasn't letting this guy off the hook so easy.
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steamberrystudio · 9 months
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31/12/2023 Devlog
Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for Steamberry stuff! Except I skipped one because I can't remember why.
I half-wrote it but I think I just wasn't feeling up to finishing and posting.
I haven't been doing extremely well health-wise lately but still powering through.
Finished writing Chapter 5.5 (the new chapter in WSC)
Finished editing Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Asher's path
Finished all the profiles for the GS lore book
Have started wrapping up the "side stories" and additional content for the GS lore book
Okay so in my last update I was in the middle of editing chapter 5 and was nearly to the start of chapter six in editing Asher's route. I finished up chapter 5...
At that point when I was looking ahead, I started feeling like I wanted to add in a transition scene to move between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
As I started plotting out this scene, one of my ideas took on a life of its own and I realised that it might be better to interject a new, fleshed out story incident that would allow me to slow the pacing as well as flesh out the setting and universe a little more. This incident would also let me tie into some earlier events and connect them to something that occurs in chapter 6, also foreshadowing the chapter 6 incident.
Ultimately, this became too much to call a "scene" and I decided to branch it off into a supplementary chapter (IE a chapter a bit shorter than the others and meant to be released along with another chapter.)
Then that chapter ended up being 30,000 words.
So that happened.
After finishing that I went on to finish editing chapters 6, 7, and 8. I am currently on chapter 9. I only have a few more chapters before I'm finished editing Asher's path. As always, during my edits, one of the main things I do is flesh things out.
So obviously the word count has grown from that (and, you know, the 30k extra chapter I invented).
Currently the word count is 468,000 words.
Other Stuff:
I have received several new BGs and a new BG sketch. BGs are continuing to come in at a fairly steady pace.
I now have all the BGs for The Ophelia and the artists are working on other locations finally. OwO
I've also been, here and there, doing small tweaks to the sprites, small additions and fixes.
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Gilded Shadows:
As I mentioned, I finally got through all the character profiles. There are so many more characters than I remembered in this game.
Then I got halfway through and realised that I forgot five. And had to insert them, which...meant rearranging pages, which is a pain in the butt. However, that is now complete.
What I'm working on now is finishing up some of the short stories and drabbles I have planned or partially written out and getting them into the lore book. 
As well as gathering any other content. The lore book is currently about 350 pages. And I am really hoping to wrap it up soon.
Upcoming Weeks:
Next couple of weeks I will be trying to wrap up the lore book and wrap up editing Asher's Path.
When I finish editing Asher's path I'll be moving on to finish drafting the end sequences for the four remaining characters. I'm starting to have an idea of where the word count is going to end up but will have a better idea for sure when Asher's edit is complete.
I have written over 100,000 words since mid-August, just plugging away and trying to hit at least 1000 words a day.
I hit my year end word count goal of 466,000 words for When Stars Collide but unfortunately did not finish the draft because the draft has grown in size.
But I am really hoping to finish it early next year so we can fully move into phase 2 of When Stars Collide.
I am also hoping to get the final KS stuff resolved for Gilded Shadows early next year as well (the lore book, art book, and some residual art and stuff).
For now, I shall just keep plucking away at it until it's all done.
And that is all for now. I will see you all next year.
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imagininghim · 2 years
Go ahead, try me.
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A/N: I had a very spicy dream of Nate Jacobs so of course I had to write it for you guys to enjoy too 😘
Now, this isn't fully based off the storyline of Euphoria because I know Nate had a list of standards but I wanted to change it up and match my spicy dream.
So, please sit back and enjoy!
Nate Jacobs x Plus size!Reader
Trigger warnings: smut, fingering, sex, oral (f receiving), swearing, drug use, and if I forgot anything else please tell me and I will add it.
Being Nate's best friend and occasional hookup wasn't all it was cracked up to be but who said it was?
Nate and I had been best friends since we were in the fourth grade. It all had started when Nate beat up my bully for calling me a fat pig. You see, I have always been more on the plus-size and to some people that meant I was the butt of their cruel jokes but Nate didn't.
As the years went on, Nate and I stayed inseparable. Well, that was until he met Maddy.
Now don't get me wrong, I love Maddy and she is one of my best friends but when she started her on and off again relationship with Nate I couldn't help but envy her but that all changed one night.
The power couple had gotten into another one of their arguments which eventually led to them breaking up to which then led Nate into texting me to come over.
Nate 😈
Come over, Maddy and I broke up.
I'm on the way.
This was typical of Nate, he and Maddy would break up, he would text me to come over and then we would fuck all the pent up jealousy and anger the two of us had before smoking a joint out his bedroom window.
This leads us into the start of our story.
"So, what happened this time?" I questioned taking a hit before passing it over to Nate.
"Stupid bullshit as usual, nothing new."
"Seems to be like that all the time, lately" Nate shrugged before handing me back the blunt. "I know it's not my place but, have you ever thought of just staying broken up? Instead of doing the on-again-off-again." I questioned as he chuckled.
"I have, but I don't know. Something keeps dragging me back." Reaching over, he took the blunt from between my fingers and began to speak. "Sometimes I wonder about us." I furrowed my brows at him in confusion.
"Us? What about us?" Nate smiled before turning his head to blow out the smoke.
"What it would be like if you and I were a thing and not me and Maddy. I wonder if I never had've went with her and you instead, would it be better? Would've we been happier?" I stare at Nate as he stares back.
"I wonder that too sometimes. What it would be like to wake up in your arms, to not have to watch you be with someone who brings out the worst in you." Before I knew it, we began leaning into each other, glancing at each other before he pressed his lips to mine.
At first it was slow and passionate but then it turned into rough and needy before I knew it, Nate had put out the blunt and pulled me onto his lap.
"You know something," He began, pressing kisses to my neck and occasionally sucking. "I've always thought about what it would be like to call you mine."
The next day:
After last night with Nate, I swear he was falling for me but little did I know I was dead wrong. I was standing at my locker, getting ready to head home for the day when Kat approached me.
"Hey (Y/N)! Did you hear Maddy and Nate are back together?" I felt my blood run cold.
"What? When did that happen?" I questioned still staring into my locker and trying to avoid making eye contact with her.
"Apparently last night, Maddy said that Nate had called her and told her how much he fucked up, how she was the only one for him, and a bunch of other bullshit." Kat said with annoyance lacing her tone. Trying to keep a facade on for her, I turned closing my locker and faced her just as Nate and Maddy made their way down the hall.
"Hey bitches!" Maddy said coming towards Kat and I. Nate stared me down as we talked.
"Hey, I see you or two are back together." I responded not taking my eyes off of Nate.
"Yeah, we made up last night. You know how it is." Maddy said clutching Nate's hand. "(Y/N), are you coming with Cassie, Kat, and I to the carnival tonight?" Breaking my eye contact from Nate, I looked back at my friend and responded without thinking.
"Uh, I'm not sure. I might have plans with someone." I blurted out before I had the chance to think about what I had just said. This made Nate's eyes narrow at me.
"Oh yeah, with who?" Nate finally spoke.
"Just someone. Anyways, I gotta run but I'll try to make it tonight!" And with that I brushed past Nate and made my way down the hall.
As, I made my way down the street I began to think of ways to get out of the plans for tonight when a car horn breaks me out of my thoughts, turning to look, I was surprised to see Aaron Jacobs staring back at me.
"(Y/N), right? Nate's friend?" He questioned, I nodded in response. "Did you wanna ride? I'm surprised Nate didn't offer one." I was surprised at first before nodding again and walking over to his car.
"Yeah, he and Maddy are back together so I didn't wanna wait around and be a third wheel." Aaron nodded back before starting the car and making his way down the street.
"Understandable, to be honest, I always thought you and Nate were dating. Every time I asked about you, he would get all defensive and protective." My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Nate being protective of me.
"You asked about me?" I questioned looking over at Aaron who stared back at me.
"Yeah, I always thought you were really pretty and was kinda hoping you were single." Until now, I never put much thought into Aaron. I only ever seen him as Nate's older brother but now that I really get to look at him, I've taken note he's really cute and sweet.
"Awe, that's so sweet and yeah, I am single."
"Really? Would you maybe wanna go out sometime?"
"Yeah, sure! How about tonight?" I questioned with hopefulness.
"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 7." The car came to a stop as I got out and waved to Aaron.
Nate will never see this coming.
Time skip:
"I had a really great time Aaron." I said with a smile as we approached the Jacobs chilly table. Nate's head shot up at the sound of my voice, his eyes immediately narrowing at the sight of my hand intertwined with Aaron's.
"I did too, maybe we can do it again sometime soon?"
"Yeah, I would love that." Aaron leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips to my surprise. After a few moments, I kissed him back. Once we pulled away, I looked over to see an extremely angry Nate.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Marsha said coming towards Aaron and I. "I have to say, I didn't see this coming (Y/N). I always thought you would end up with Nate and not that god awful Maddy." With a small chuckle, I responded.
"Nate and I are just friends but I ran into Aaron on my way home from school and he asked me out on a date! So, here we are!" I smiled but as Marsha was about to respond Nate stood up.
"(Y/N), can I talk to you for a moment?" Before I had the chance to respond, Nate had ahold of my wrist and was dragging me into a dark alley between two trailers.
"Nate, stop! You're hurting me." He turned and let got my wrist and wrapped his hand around my throat while slamming me against the wall of the trailer.
"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, coming in here and thinking you run the fucking show but news flash you don't." Nate seethed with anger. My nails clawed at his hands as I tried to get him to loosen his grip.
Through baited breath, I sneered out "Fuck you Nate Jacobs." I could see his jaw clench from anger as he stared me down.
"No, but you will." And with that he released his grip on my throat for a second to only flip me around so my cheek was pressed against the cold metal of the trailer and reposition his hand onto the back of my neck. "You like acting like a little whore out there? Trying to make me jealous with my own brother." Nate spoke into my ear, his hot breath sending chills down my neck as his hand laid a smack onto my ass, all I could do was whimper. "Did you fuck him?" I could hear the slight concern in his voice.
"What if I did?" Nate made an animalistic growl as he layer another smack onto my cheek.
"You'll regret that you said that." Ripping down my bottoms and panties, he laid another smack. "I bet you Aaron didn't make you this wet, did he?" I felt Nate's fingers slide down in between my legs and between my now soaking folds. Teasing my clit, he whispered. "Nobody is allowed to fuck you but me, do you understand?" Before I had the chance to respond, he slammed two fingers into me as his thumb massaged my clit.
"Fuck, Nate!" I moaned out, his fingers were moving at an ungodly pace.
"I asked you a question, do you understand?" He questioned, stopping altogether.
"Yes! Yes! Nate, please don't stop." But instead of continuing, he pulled his fingers out completely.
"Get dressed, we're leaving." I stood up and pulled my pants and underwear on before following Nate out of the alley and to his truck. Once we got to his truck, he opened the door and helped me in then slammed the door shut. Walking around, he got in and immediately put it in drive without saying a word.
"I don't understand the issue, Nate. We're not together, and you're with Maddy. Why does it matter if I went on a date with Aaron or even fucked him?" I watch his grip on the steering wheel tighten.
"Because it does. I don't want you hanging around Aaron or even talking to him." I scoffed in response.
"Who are you to tell me what to do? You don't own me!" I snapped back at him.
"Just do what I said, is that so fucking hard?" This time I laughed out loud.
"Why should I? You can fuck around with whoever you want, whenever you want but I don't? News flash, it don't work that way! I can d-" Before I could finish Nate screamed out as the truck came to a halt.
"Because I'm in love with you!" I stared in disbelief. "I have been since the fourth fucking grade but I never thought you'd go for someone as fucked up for me so I never told you but seeing you with Aaron fucked with my head, how could I not be good enough but that asshole was." I was speechless.
"What? But you've always picked Maddy. Every time you guys would break up I would wait by the phone for your text, hoping one day I would get the chance to be with you." Nate stared back at me. I have been so in love with you for years, the other night when you guys had been off again, and we talked I could've sworn you were falling for me but when I came to school and heard you were back together, I knew there was no chance."
Nate didn't respond this time, he got out of the truck and made his way to my side. Opening the door for me, he helped me out and walked me to his front door. Walking in, he began to speak.
"Let me show you how much I've been falling for you." And with that, he picked me up and laid me on the kitchen island.
"Nate, what are you doing? Your parents could walk in at any moment!" I yelled out as he slid me pants along with my panties down my legs, situating himself on a bar stool in front of me, he spoke up.
"They won't, they'll be at the carnival till late." He said with a shrug, placing each of my legs onto his shoulders. Placing kisses onto the inside of my thighs, he spoke again. "Now, let me enjoy my desert." Before I had the chance to respond, he immediately began sucking my clit.
"Oh fuck, Nate!" I moaned out, his hand reached up and held two fingers up to my mouth. Without another word, I took his fingers into my mouth and sucked, he removed them with a pop and slid them into me.
"You're mine, (Y/N). No one else's." His fingers sped up as he placed his lips back onto my clit.
"Yes, Nate, Yes!" I threw my head back in pleasure, he sucked harder as I felt my orgasm approaching. Reaching down I ran my fingers through Nate's hair and his fingers fucked into me at an ungodly pace. "Nate, I'm gonna c-com-" I screamed out as he sucked harder on my clit. My orgasm hit me hard but was cut short by the sound of someone saying,
"What the fuck Nate?!" We both lifted our heads to the sight of Aaron standing in the doorway, staring back at us. Nate lifted his head and sat up, reaching up he's swiped his thumb across his lips and licked off my remaining juices with a smirk.
"Yes?" I immediately went red with embarrassment. I sat up, attempting to cover myself in someway.
"What the fuck?! You knew I liked her! We just went on a date!" Nate stood up without a response, reaching down he picked me up into his arms and made his way to the stairs but stopping by Aaron on the way.
"It sucks to suck, she's mine now." And with that, he led me upstairs.
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des1gnersadness · 2 years
if ur taking requests could you maybe do billy lenz with a sub! male reader nsfw? , theres not a lot of male reader content for him so im desperate LOL
if ur not taking requests i am sorry and its okay! thank you and have a nice day/night!! :3
sorry this took so long !
the smut is right under the cut.
thank you for requesting anon, i hope you like it!
Silent Night — Billy Lenz x sub!male reader smut
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gif isn’t mine!
warnings: dom/sub, slight choking, some exposition at the beginning, reader isn’t that submissive at first but trust me — he is, reader is male, blow job, teasing, smut, and anything else I’ll think of I’ll add.
You were bored — well, as bored as one could be when you were in the middle of a party that Barbara Coard was throwing. Everyone was dancing, drinking, and smoking — you weren’t that interested though, partying hard was never your thing — you preferred to go to small get togethers where people would play cards or watch movies. “Oh my goodness! Y/N!” Jess Bradford called through the crowd as she made her way over — drink in hand.
Smiling at her, you stood up from the bench you had been on — glad to have someone you knew here, it was her sorority house too. “Jess!” You exclaimed happily — the two of you hugged before Jess took your hand and led you through the crowd to the kitchen.
“I didn’t even know you were gonna show.” Jess said with a genuine smile — she took a sip of the liquid from her cup. You shrugged — “I didn’t think I was going to in the first place but, then I thought about hanging out with you and I changed my mind.” To people on the outside — you and Jess looked like a picture perfect couple when in actuality, you were best friends — Jess was already in a relationship and you… you were working on that.
It was hard to find a gay guy in the seventies.
“Oh! I can’t believe I forgot to tell you!” Jess’ voice made you jump slightly — you looked at her as she spoke, “So, there’s this weird guy calling the house every night — it’s definitely just some prank calls but… they’re so strange that I’m starting to be freaked out by them.” She became nervous, “So I was wondering — could you spend the night here? Just for protection — please?” If it was any other person you would’ve said no but, this was Jess. You nodded, “Sure.”
You had settled in on the couch. Jess had given you some blankets along with a pillow — after she bid you goodnight and went to her room, you stayed up. The light from the lamp in the hallway was what you were staring at — day dreaming — your mind drifted to the guy Jess had been talking about earlier and you couldn’t help but wish the phone rang so you could be the one to answer it. Maybe Jess was exaggerating and you could give discipline to whoever kept calling.
Instead of the sound of the phone ringing — a meow and hiss came from upstairs — your eyes darted to the stairs and you suddenly felt scared. Getting up — you did what someone should never do in this situation — you went to the sound of the meow and came across the door to the attic.
Maybe you were just delirious and making things up.
Now that, that came from just behind the attic door. Your motherly (fatherly?) instincts kicked in — you were going to rescue that cat even if it meant getting dirty.
Climbing up into the attic, you tried your best to look around in the darkness — the moon seemed to try and help but it didn’t illuminate enough to where you could see. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty — where are you?” You whispered loudly — hoping to not scare off the feline. A clatter of things falling startled you. You turned to where the sound came from and saw nothing. You furrowed your brows as you soon realized something else was breathing in the same exact way as you.
Holding your breath — you heard the ragged breathing of someone rather close to you. Doing something you usually wouldn’t do — you reached out blindly and touched something soft. It was a sweater, that much you could tell — your hands lay flat against it. Your fingers splayed and that seemed to make the person grumble. “Piggy.” Was all they said and your eyes widened in fear. Before you could pull away — the person held your hands in place. “Billy w-wants more~More.”
The mystery person was a guy whose name was Billy and who was clearly wanting you to touch him in places you usually wouldn’t when you first meet someone. “What..?” Is the only thing you can get out before you’re pulled close to Billy — his mouth latching onto your own, drool from his own mouth covers your chin. The kiss was hurried as Billy groaned in an animalistic way. Your teeth clatter as Billy slides his tongue into your mouth and fights against your own. He grabs your hips, rutting against you as he repeats the word “more.”
Honestly, you were aroused — it’s been a while and being touched like this made you hard. Billy’s hand went to your head and shoved you down to your knees — so you were now eye level with his growing erection. He was straining against his jeans, that was for sure, he urged you on and even squealed when you took a second too long to get his pants off and around his ankles. “Suck Billy’s fat c-cock.” He said through a giddy laugh which sent a chill up your spine. You slid off his underwear and his erection sprung up — slapping against his belly. Pre-cum leaked from the mushroom tip.
Grabbing his shaft — you slid your thumb on the slit on the tip and slid the pre-cum as lube. You placed your mouth around the tip and began to go down further every time you bobbed your head. “More~” Billy groaned as he began shoving your head further down his dick. The girth made your throat hurt slightly — your gag reflex wasn’t that good so as he began to fuck your face, you were getting closer to gagging, and once you did, Billy giggled happily. “Gag on Billy’s fat cock p-piggy.” You moaned against him but before Billy came, he pulled out of your mouth.
A rope of drool was connecting your mouth and his dick. You looked up at him through hazy eyes, “Wh-?” Before you could even think of finishing your sentence — Billy pounced on you — he began taking your pants off at a rapid rate. “Billy wants to f-fuck your tight h-hole~” He exclaimed making your eyes widen. You let him take the lead and he made sure to get the perfect angle to your tight hole. He spit on his fingers and began to fuck you with his fingers — instantly starting off with two fingers.
“Fuck!” You moaned out at the feeling before enjoying the feeling — your eyes closed in satisfaction before Billy pulled away. You looked at him and right as he did — he thrusted himself into you. You moaned loudly, making Billy place a hand on your neck, tightening slightly, “Shhh, p-piggy needs to be quiet o-or else those c-cunts will hear.” He mumbled making you hold back your moans — you bit your lip as you whimpered.
Billy grinned and began to pick up his pace, he breathed heavily. You felt yourself getting close — the knot at the bottom of your stomach felt like it was getting tighter and tighter — Billy’s hand tightened around your throat and that let the knot unravel as you came — your cum spilling all over yourself. Billy drooled at the sight as he quickly came right after you did. He slid out of you without warning which caused you to hiss. Billy placed another kiss on your lips before he spoke.
“Goodnight p-pretty piggy.”
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lovergirly · 2 years
double dates 🕸️
the first fic i’m posting!! i admit it’s a lot less dialogue then i would’ve wanted, but definitely leave a like if you enjoy!!
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who would've thought wednesday was capable of going on a normal date? wednesday certainly wasn't. yet here she is walking up to her girlfriend about to see a scary movie.
"OMG i'm already scared! Ajax will you hold my hand?"
oh and y/n totally forgot to mention enid and ajax were also coming. she totally didn't just not tell wednesday knowing wednesday wouldn't go if she knew. what y/n? never...
as wednesday neared the group, she made all of them jump. the wearwolf and gorgon were ready to yell at her (if they weren't so scared of her), but you simply beamed.
"hi my love!" she simply kisses your knuckles and mumbles a "hello mi amor"
"as adorable as you guys are, we can't be late! let's go."
you guys all walk into the theater as wednesday prepares herself for the next two and a half torturous hours of her life. 
wednesday always pretended to not care about other people.  deep down, she enjoyed the fear she inflicted on others.  that's why she was so confused as to why you would turn to her for comfort every time  the movie had a cheap junpscare.  the movie could've easily looked more realistic and wednesday was certainly the scariest person in that entire theater, yet you trusted her to keep you safe.  she's thankful the movie theater is dark because it would be utterly humiliating if anyone saw wednesday being so vulnerable with her beautiful y/n.  always grabbing her hand or stroking her hair when she would jump in her seat.  she felt like her father when he obeyed her mothers every wish.  she must admit, however, the fear in your eyes getting immediately replaced with love the second you see her warmed her little black heart (just a tiny bit).  little did wednesday and y/n know that the other couple was watching the interactions and snickering every time wednesday would try and comfort you. 
when the movie finally ended the two couples decided to go out to a restaurant. 
"that movie was truly terrifying." enid said while buttering up a dinner roll.
"for real.  that chick was crazy, even compared to wednesday... no offense,"
"none taken," wednesday replies to the stoner quickly.  as stupid as he was, he made enid happy.
"i'll be right back you guys.  i'm going to run to the bathroom." you reply.  wednesday allows you up, but when you're out of sight she can see enid and ajax laughing in her face.
"what do you two imbeciles find funny?"
"nothing roomie-"
"you're just such a simp for y/n!" enid and ajax reply at the same time.
"i am not."
"umm wednesday you so are.  you were holding her hand and letting her hide into your side that whole movie.  if anyone else even accidentally touched you you'd murder them."
wednesday was quiet for a moment.  she never even expected herself to fall in love, now her friends are making fun of her for being passionate towards her lover? her reputation was getting ruined by the days.  but something about her didn't care?  she was an addams.  addams are meant to be passionate.  she was made to be passionate. 
"if anyone else touched me i would cut off every one of their fingers.  y/n is not anyone else.  y/n is my girlfriend." she didn't add anything else, but didn't leave room for the other couple to argue.  they more so sat in a rather uncomfortable silence until you came back from the bathroom.
when you got back wednesday simply gave you a kiss right on your lips and allowed you to sit back down, but not before giving a look to her best friend and her boyfriend.
okkk!! let me know what you guys think!! i’m not the most proud of this one, i wrote it pretty quick just to get something out! definitely leave me some requests though!! 💋
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loveislandthegame · 5 months
thoughts on todays volume! in case you are unaware, android users got to play the volume very early, while ios users were given a late release. lmao. (i have both ios & android, but my phone is old & i didn’t want to add “slideshow frame rate” to a game that’s already glitchy af) somehow i managed to escape the horde of unmarked spoilers 🙏🏽
first off, felicity is stunning !!! i'm surprised she had an actual sprite rather than getting the zeph & cassius treatment . if she's not coming back that's such a waste of a really cool & pretty design
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friend is really generous, jin . i get OG LI is trying to be nice or whatever but be so fr 😭 the only thing that sienna has been is a boring antagonist, she’s not shown not one single ounce of personality besides being delulu and coming at MC sideways (and it’s mainly because FB now struggles with writing multi-faceted characters…which is why they have AI allegations in the first place…)
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speaking of delulu : theo , girl... how many times do i gotta tell you i'm all in on claudia unless they actually let us be poly at the end
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MC somehow came out unscathed in movie night, plot armor for the win ! the guys pull MC for a chat before the boy's choice recoupling. the pit in my stomach when i read that.
theo flirts again, but this time our responses are flirty, rude af, or "you should focus on claudia." i didn't want to pick any of these but i picked the flirty one because at first i thought it could be "jokingly" said. interestingly enough, he says something among the lines of how he didn't expect MC to be interested in him because she's with claudia . i didn't want that to bite me in the ass later so i just replayed and picked the rude option (so it seems that it's "canon" for theo & claud to simultaneously crush on MC? at least if she's bi/pan etc.)
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i saw this coming but still, this has to be a joke … 😭😭😭😭😭
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there’s like what, three volumes left ? unless FB decides to drag this out with a “season 8.5,” this should’ve been a players choice recoupling (hell, it technically could've still been boys choice, with MC getting first pick for winning the heart rate challenge, or because she was selected by the viewers, literally anything lol)
it'd be one thing if OG LI was like, "i chose you because i wanted to keep you safe . even if we're not meant to be, i still care for you, i want you have a chance with the one you want," blah blah blah, but FB never lets us be in a friendship couple, he's just gonna keep pining for MC ... moving on
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i forgot to screenshot the first part but it was basically claudia fantasizing about her and MC living in a huge house like the villa, MC was like "how are we gonna afford that"
my MC is a musician, so cuteee
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i...what ? 😬 genuinely , what . i read this like 5 times and i still don't understand. unfortunately he did couple up with me, that's why i'm forced to hang out with claudia in the damn shower instead of being out in the open with her . somebody get this grandma to bed
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i kinda love the cowgirl outfit. it's terrible, but i love it in a kitschy way . also i just kinda went with it because the mermaid outfit was clipping through MC's braids (as you can see the hat has some weird layering issue, but it's the lesser of two evils)
claudia's outfit wasn't paywalled, and i didn't get the gem option to give jin the viking outfit so he came out looking like this lmfaooooooo
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okayyyyyy cowboy carter!
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logan arrived way too late imo. again, unless FB plans on extending the season (or he's not romanceable ?) people who get with him are gonna get less time than oliver, angie, youcef romancers. you know how little time that is ???
as for the whole hazel and liam thing ... horrible. , she really deserves better, like me 💋 
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fandomxo00 · 22 days
House Of Gold - Part 11 - You're on your own, kid
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characters: Logan Howlett!Human!AU x Audra Everly!OC
word count: 2.4k
warnings: Weed use, smoking, driving while high (do not condone this), Audra giving stoner vibes, flirting, kinda just an Audra chapter in the beginning
The next day everything started to fall back into what you could consider your new normal. Logan and Laura went home, though that same night he was adamant about the two of you calling before bed. He had really wanted to stay the night, but he agreed that Laura needed structure, and she needed to be home. Logan wanted to be upset, think that maybe you were pushing him away, but he also knew that you'd been distracted from the shop and that you were right about Laura. 
But they stayed for supper, Laura entertaining the table with her many stories, Logan's hand rested on your thigh, and he kept looking over at you. You hadn't ever been with someone who paid as much attention to you as he did. But it made your heart feel warm, knowing that you really meant something to him. It was hard, your body naturally accustomed to sleeping next to Logan the last couple days, it was hard to be apart. You also needed to fall back into a routine, though you were prepared for the change that was slowly happening over time. Logan taking up more and more of your life as he became more important. 
Things at the shop were off, you thought that maybe your grandma forgot to order restock. You waited a few days to see if she just waited to place shipments because of budget cuts. But when   you tried to use your phone to reboot the system, but the shipments were cancelled, permanently. That's when you went to Mary, asking her about it and that's when she dropped the bomb. "I'm selling the shop."
"What do you mean?" You pressed. "I can run it, grandma."
"I know you can sweetheart but that's not what you want for your life." 
"What are you talking about, this shop is my life."
"Well it won't be anymore, we have to be out by the end of the month." 
"Are we keeping our house?" You asked, scanning your grandma's face as she leant forward to grasp your hand over the table. You pulled away, shaking your head. "Where are you guys going?"
"To Florida, we're retiring. That's why we're selling, with our savings and morgage, we'll be able to find our perfect home." Your grandpa, Wayne, explained, he was sitting next to your grandma on the right, decaf coffee in his hands as you stared down at your hands and sighed. 
"I can't be mad can I?"
"You can be sweetheart." Mary assured. "But we aren't just doing this for us, you don't need us anymore."
"Logan-?" You started, shaking your head again. "He's my boyfriend, your my grandma."
"He's your future. I want you to open up your own shop one day, I want you to work for it. You've come so far, Audra, your father would be so proud of the strong, resilient and kind women you are." She said, tears coming to her eyes as she reached for your hand again, you grasped it, looking into her eyes and squeezing her hand. "I wouldn't say this about any boy. I know you haven't been together long and you don't have to anything you aren't comfortable with. If you don't want to move in with him than we will find you somewhere to stay." 
"Why do you think he'd just be okay with that?" You laughed.
"Because he loves you."
"Grandma." You flushed, looking away from her. "You don't know that."
"I know I've never seen a man talk about you the way he does. You know that little look in his eyes? It's because he is thinking or seeing the women he's in love with." Mary continued, the hopeless romantic coming out. 
"I want all of this to be true, Ma but it's only been little over a month." 
"Me and grandma got married when we'd only known each other for a week, time doesn't matter intention does. If you truly choose each other, it won't matter what you face or what you feel, if you want to be with each other, you'll figure it out." Wayne added. 
"How do I know that he wants that, though?" You questioned.
"You ask him." Mary concluded as you rolled your eyes. "You know we will always be here for you, if you need anything."
That's the night you decided to go out with Eva, the two of you driving around to different places to shop. You spoke to her all about what's been going on and what happened with your grandma. She started going on and on about her wedding, as her bridesmaids, she started getting every ready for you to do. Her and her mom made lists about things that needed to be done and of course you volunteered. 
"Oh and now I have to put you in for a plus two huh?" She joked. 
"Hopefully." You smiled, shrugging as you brought your sandwich up to your mouth. "God, I want his babies." You grumbled as Eva laughed. 
That's when you got a call from Logan, checking the time you realized that you were supposed to be over at his place thirty minutes ago. You smiled to yourself before bringing your phone up to ear. "Hey, Lo." 
"Hey, pretty girl, how's your night going?"
"It's okay, got alot to talk about with you tomorrow."
"You still want to go on our hike?"
"Yeah, do you still wanna wake up at the butt crack of dawn?" You pressed, Logan laughed softly. "We can talk more in the morning, I'm with Eva."
"Oh alright. Just needed to hear your voice." 
"It's like your obsessed with me."
"Don't even start, kid." 
"What will happen if I do?"
"I'll show just how obsessed I am with you."
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
"Audra." Eva groaned in disgust as you smiled over at her.
"A promise, sweetheart." He murmured. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lo."
"See ya tomorrow, Auddie."
"Fuck I hope I don't ruin this." You grumbled, setting down your phone and glancing over at your best friend.
"Way to be a pessimist." Eva chortled as she grabbed her bag and rooted around for a lighter and then a blunt. The two of you park out here in the middle of nowhere, to eat your fast food, talk, and smoke. You smoked regularly, it just a part of your routine, Logan didn't say anything when you took a gummy every night to relax. It was helped you sleep through the night and eased your anxiety for the next day. Otherwise, it was nearly impossible to keep your anxiety under control, you try everything, exercise, eating right, therapy, all the anxiety work books and self-help methods. If you didn't feel it emotionally, your body felt it. At home you had a set up to take dabs, a low percentage of THC because too much gives you a headache. You honestly thought that weed was for everyone, whether it was CBD, Hemp or real weed, you felt like something helped everyone. You also used CBD regularly, it was how you got through your shifts at the shop, especially if they were busy. It was the one place where you needed it to be calm, though you also liked feeling calm in all sorts of situations. It's helped with the panic and unproductivity you get, helps with your depressive episodes, and you genuinely just liked using it. Plus its helped in your recovery from your childhood trauma, an agent in helping you stay calm and present in situations that stressed you out. You couldn't stop yourself from being triggered, but you didn't have to let it control you and become you. 
Eva rolled down her window before lighting up the blunt and taking the starting drag, usually having to light it up one more time before passing it to you. Your window was already down a smidge as you held the smoke in, feeling the slight burn in your lungs before blowing out the window with a soft cough. You took another drag before passing it to Eva. The two of you were best friends when you were little but there was some time when you went your separate ways. When you were 18, you found you both smoked and decided to hang out again, you would hang out once in a while but not very often. It's what brought you together in the way you were today, best friends, once again. 
"You're in love with him." Eva started. 
"Eva." You groaned, laying your head back against the seat. You usually didn't smoke blunts; you already felt the different effects start on you as you glanced over at her. "My grandma said that he loves me." You laughed, shaking your head and feeling a blush cover your cheeks as you thought about him. 
"Oh my god, you are!" She laughed, rolling her head back as you passed her the blunt. 
"I'm fucking nuts is what I am."
"He's just the right guy, Auds!" Eva exclaimed before coughing harshly into her hand and passing it back to you. She smoked a lot of blunts, she was used to the high and she usually let you smokes a lot. "Shouldn't known you'd hold out for a guy like that."
"You love Justin." You snorted. 
"He's my dream man! And you waited for yours." Eva gruffed, her voice bubbly with air from the choking feeling you get when you smoke. You've learned to deal with it, and you don't cough very much anymore, just make sure you're drinking a lot of water. 
"We sound fucking cheesy." 
"God I know, you remember when you would play this shit for fun?"
"It's so different." Your voice was deeper as you let out smoke from your nose. You laughed softly as it made you sneeze, you still were gonna blow it out your nose anyway. 
"I know." She breathed. "I'm getting fucking married." 
"I'm gonna have to move in with Logan."
"Is that really a bad thing?" Eva probed. 
"No, I just hope he's okay with it."
"Logan is clearly obsessed with you." She mocked. "Plus Laura loves you, he literally has nothing to worry about." 
"I'm neurotic as fuck."
"Pretty sure he knows that."
"I'mma marry him." You sighed, your eyes shutting a bit as you squinted before giving Eva the rest of the blunt and leaning back into your seat. "Said that outloud didn't I?" You blurted out laughing as Eva started laughing with you. 
Eventually, you were starting to desperately miss your boyfriend. You hadn't seen him in days and you were incredibly high which meant you were horny and confident. You knew that you liked high sex, you were extra sensitive, loud. You even had lingerie packed for when you got over to his place. You even prepared him in a text, telling him that you definitely wanted hot kinky sex tonight, though you might've only told him 20 minutes ago, but he was receptive. You also knew that Laura was gone for the week, you didn't know how he did this back and forth, but you supposed he had no option.
When you got to his place his porch light was on and when Eva parked and said goodbye. As you told Logan you were out front before going to his front door. He was there when you got there, opening the door with a soft smile on his face, all the light in his eyes as you darted forward to hug him. You could smell his fabric softener and pumpkin soap, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into the house. Then he pressed you up against the door, his hands coming to your cheeks and pulling you into him. You moaned into his mouth, dropping your bags on the floor and moving your hands to his waist to pull him into you. 
You loved being high, don't get it wrong, but it also meant you had a very loose filter. As you moved back to breath you blurted, "My grandma is selling the building."
"What?" Logan said, surprise lit up his face, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you winced at your confession. 
You knew that you could shut down right now, tell him that bare minimum and talk about it later. But you weren't supposed to shut down, not with him. "They're retiring, moving to Florida." Your hands were on his chest and he paused. 
"Let's sit, huh?" 
"Yeah." You nodded as he let go of you, but put his hand behind your back to lead you to the couch. You sat down across from him, your knee touching his thigh as he sat next to you and put his arm out on the couch. His fingers lightly touching your shoulder, as he looked at you and squinted. 
"Are you high?"
"Maybe." You giggled. "That doesn't matter. I'm sorry for just blurting that out but I had to say it. She wants me to move in with you and-I want to move in with you, but I know it's early and you'll have to talk to Laura about it."
"I would love to have you here." Logan admitted, as he moved in closer to you, his hand now cupping your shoulder and rubbing his thumb across your shirt. "I'll talk to Laura but I'm sure she won't mind. Now is that it, princess?"
"I mean--yeah." Your brain immediately went to Eva's words in the car, 'You're in love with him'. But before you could say anything he hauled you into his lap, your legs spreading on his firm muscley thighs. Your hands went to the nape of his neck as you sealed your lips over his. 
"You said you wanted hot kinky sex now?" Logan whispered as he trailed kisses down your face before his teeth nipped at your ear lobe. Your hand running up to Logan's hair as you pulled him back into your face to smash your lips against his. His tongue slipping between your teeth and taking control of you. 
"I did." You breathed out, shakily as you reconnected your lips. "But your just-." he pecks your lips. "Your just okay with me moving in? This isn't too fast?"
"Do you want to slow down?" Logan murmured, pausing his kisses as his hand came up to brush your hair away from your face as you sighed.
"I don't know, I don't want to push you away but we went straight to sex and only been on a few dates." You admitted as Logan's hands went to your waist, moving up and down as he looked into your eyes.
"So we slow down but we commit." 
"Yeah." You nodded. "You can't get into my pants but can I move in with you?" 
"I don't need to get into your pants for you to move in, kid." Logan affirmed, kissing your cheek, as he pulled you closer into him. "How about we watch a movie?"
"And cuddle?"
"Yeah we can cuddle."
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
fic update: give a dog a job
ok so i forgot on friday but here it is today. and yeah there's a mild inconsistency i'd meant to smooth out but couldn't, so i'm not worrying about it (a mention of something "habitual" i'd just come up with and hadn't figured out where to add in a mention of earlier, so it's out of nowhere, but listen that's sometimes how life works). this chapter covers some juicy ground but ends on a lil bit of a very mild cliffhanger. we're at 8/10 and i have failed to write the big dramatic ending but still have a couple weeks to get it done, so we shall see how that works out, LOL.
chapter 8, on AO3
Iorveth was leaned against the kitchen counter, one hand idly braced on the counter edge, long legs crossed in front of him, gesturing with his free hand as he casually drove Strega insane with teasing that he was going to throw something for her. “Now, now,” he was saying, “when would I ever play fetch in the house? You know better, girl. You know-- oh but what if I did. Oh! But what if I did.” Strega capered, panting. Nosewise was marginally involved, mostly concerned that there might be treats that somehow he might not be given. Dukat was watching in confusion; he was, for once, not taken in by the deception, because he was not bright enough to have picked up on what was being teased. Flash was in the chair in the corner of the room where it turned into the living room, watching them all with arch displeasure. His entire posture eloquently conveyed that such shenanigans were beneath his dignity, but if there were treats to be dispensed, it would be both tragic and typical if he were neglected. But the thing that caught at Roche’s attention was that probably Strega had spent time in Iorveth’s house being spoken to like this; that was implied in what he’d said. And he himself was never going to get to see the interior of Iorveth’s house. But the dog had, and would. She might even sleep in Iorveth’s bed, if Iorveth took daytime naps like Roche did. (Or had she gone missing overnight before? She’d gone missing at night, for sure.) So the dog-- He wasn’t jealous of the dog.
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cognitiveleague · 7 months
Truly one of the more frustrating recurring experiences of trying to navigate life as a grown-ass person with ADHD is that like… it’s so goddamn hard to keep my brain (which is, y’know, diagnosably deficient in Reward Self for Accomplishing Task juice) motivated to put forward the effort to take care of chores and errands and shit, because I have so many unpleasant memories of failing at that sort of thing and I feel so little sense of reward (or even relief) when I do get things done that it’s this huge effort to not just… ignore tasks until they develop into a Bullshit Avalanche that I can no longer ignore? And when I do force myself to Do Something, running into obstacles can make me feel so frustrated and embarrassed that it’s almost as if I’m being punished for trying to accomplish the task and it would have been better not to try in the first place
Like today I noticed that I’d worked about an extra hour over the last few days, and instead of doing overtime I was like “ok, it’s payday and the ‘get your oil changed, bitch’ light has been on for a while, let’s clock out at the 40 hour mark and go do that before it’s time to pick my wife up from work so I don’t have to try to make that happen this weekend”
Which meant not just the actual task of taking the car to the oil change place, but also sheepishly explaining to the folks there that a) I did not have the financial means to be upsold on anything that was not likely to be a life or death issue before tax refunds come in so please don’t bother unless you are literally afraid for my life if I don’t get the additional service, and b) I actually already know about the headlight that’s out and the old-ass air filter but please don’t replace them, I have the replacements in the car and just keep forgetting to install them myself and only remembering about it when I don’t have time or the engine is too hot for me to go feeling around for where the fucking headlight bulb goes
And to add insult to that injury, they finish up and I’m like, oh. Right.
I lost my debit card like 2-3 weeks ago (yay, absolute garbage perception of time) and KNOW it’s on the floor of the car or maybe in my apartment somewhere so I haven’t reported it lost to get a replacement I just need to find it but the car’s a huge mess and I keep always being too tired or busy when I think about it. And also it’s hard to not be underemployed when I don’t have the spoons to look for a better paying job on top of holding down the job I have, and my wife has similar issues, and the cost of living these days, guys, am I right?? And we’ve got a little windfall coming soon that will help us pay off our debts, but crucially. That is still ‘soon’ and hasn’t happened yet. Anyway so the credit card is apparently maxed out from us having to use it to get around not being paid a living wage the last couple of years :))))))) And the “emergency use only because the bill goes to my parents’ house and I don’t want to abuse the privilege of having parents who can afford to and are willing to help financially when I really need it or to keep being a burden on them, and also they WILL judge me if anything unnecessary is on there” card in my wallet is expired and the new one is somewhere in the kitchen (or living room?) mess at home so I can’t use that right now either
So I had to explain in front of the other customers that I just straight up forgot that the only functioning card in my wallet was maxed out and like, stand there while she looked at records to confirm I was a regular client who’d never pulled shit like this before and also put a note on my file so they could like, know about it and refuse service in the future if I didn’t make good on my promise to come back and pay once I pick my wife (and their debit card) up from work in an hour and a half
And the embarrassment of all of that so thoroughly outweighs whatever minuscule satisfaction my brain can derive from “but I got the task done!” that it feels like I didn’t accomplish anything and also like I put myself through a shitty awkward experience for (what feels like) nothing. And it’s that, but with like…. every fucking thing that I have to deal with when I get home from work and I’m tired and my meds have worn off. So I just have to keep powering my way through a wall of experiences telling me “you will have all of the suffering and experience none of the reward, OR you could not bother and do something that does make you feel nice instead because wow fuck that” for EVERY GODDAMN LITTLE THING.
Anyway I love my brain for so many things, but goddamn it would be great if the “positive reinforcement machine broken” issue impaired me as little as ableists seem to think it should
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sirowsky-stories · 5 months
The Flowers Always Know
Chapter 9 - Spaghetti Fixes Everything
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Description: Working at HQ wasn't just challenging, it was threatening to completely burn you out after just the first few days. Of course, it didn't help that you were so stressed you forgot to eat most days.
**Beware! Author chooses NOT to display warnings on the individual chapters of this story. Read at your own risk!**
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Word Count: 4657 (1649 words added) Masterlist (this story)
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   The weeks passed way too quickly after that.    You couldn’t understand how the clock reached 8pm so damned fast every day, you never seemed to be even halfway done with your tasks, even though you arrived a half-hour early and worked at least three hours late every single day, including weekends.    As if you’d been dropped into a black hole, and time had gotten warped, no matter how many hours of work you put in, it never seemed to add up to anything.
   You’d quickly learned two things on your first day. One, that your predecessor had left so abruptly he hadn’t even cleaned out his little wardrobe. And two, he had not kept his house in anything resembling order.    How the man had been able to get anything done, at all, astounded you. There was no order or structure to be found in his wake, and when you’d complained about it to Mrs. Moreno a couple of days later, she’d completely stumped you by saying:
   “Yes, well, now you understand why I wanted you to take it.”
   You’d sort of frozen in place right in the middle of transferring a file from one stack to another, with the shock of realizing she’d actually paid you a sideways compliment, but then she’d immediately ruined the moment by adding:
   “So, stop dilly-dallying and get that mess sorted out already.”
   You’d felt a lot less guilty about calling her horrid, then.    That was about two weeks ago. Or was it three?    Shit, what day was it now? You genuinely had no idea.
   Marcus had tried to stay in touch with you, popping his head in whenever he passed by your office, and calling or texting if he hadn’t found or seen you in too long.    While he was technically still working in the field, he didn’t go on every mission, electing to oversee and direct things from the control centre instead. So, most days he was just a few floors and corridors away.
   But you just never had the time to actually talk to him. When he stopped by, you were almost always heading out, or on the phone, or in a meeting. And while you always answered his calls and texts, the replies were short and mostly just apologetic.    And since you always worked late, and got up extra early, there wasn’t really any free time to just hang out either.
   In short, thus far, you were not very happy with your job.
   But today had been the worst one yet. You’d been in meetings all day, not even having enough time to squeeze in a tea-break in between, much less lunch.    You’d also managed to piss off two reporters, damned near broken your toe when you’d bumped into a railing, walked straight into a poor assistant on his way to deliver a bunch of documents to someone, sending them flying across the hallway, and just when you’d given up and decided to call it a day, the fucking phone rang.
   You had just gotten out of the chair and put your jacket on. Ten more seconds and you would’ve been close enough to leaving that you wouldn’t have bothered to answer the damned thing. But you did.    And to put the cherry on top of this disaster of a day, the person calling was a designer friend of yours who you’d reached out to for help on a project involving the supers’ children.
   He was calling to let you know that unfortunately, despite already being a week into it, he wouldn’t be able to do it. There’d been a family emergency, and he had to pull out. Which effectively meant you’d have to start over.    And of course, that project was the one thing with a deadline which simply could not be pushed. Andy had been your first choice to help you with this, and you’d been so thrilled when he’d agreed, because you knew he’d understand what you were looking for.
   You’d been tasked with creating something like a gym-hall for the powered kids at the local schools, because they needed physical exercise as much as the next kid, but they could so easily hurt the normal children. But of course, the budget wasn’t great, and Management wanted you to do as much as you could with existing buildings and materials.    And that’s where Andy had sprung to mind, because he was a genius when it came to material and repurposing.
   But this was also why you were now in serious trouble, since no one could do what his mind was capable of, and Management was expecting your proposal within the next week.    The clock was already after 6pm when you got the call, and since you’d gotten used to working until eight or nine, you decided you might as well get started on trying to salvage this right away, rather than go home and still not be able to sleep because you’d be stressing over it.
   You took off your jacket and sat back down with a heavy sigh, then reached into your desk to retrieve the project file.    It was thick and heavy and slammed down on top of your desk with a thud. You opened it to the first page and started to look over what would have to be scrapped, and what could possibly still be utilized, already knowing you weren’t gonna be out of the office until past your bedtime, with such a thick folder to get through.
   So, hunched over your desk, leaning on your elbows with your head resting against one palm, tired, starving and completely engrossed in the papers in front of you, you never heard the light knock on the door, or when it clicked open and then closed again.    You didn’t notice the slight ruffle of clothes, or the presence of another person in your space, you just wanted to get this done so you could go home and crash.
   But you did notice the warmth of his arms as they came around you from behind and pulled your back into his chest and didn’t let you go again. You noticed his breath on your neck before he kissed it, slowly and ever so softly.    You noticed when he pulled you up and out of the chair and turned you around so that he could hug you properly.
   The file and the problems which were stacked a mile high on your shoulders, all disappeared when he brushed his lips against yours and that heat instantly flared somewhere in your chest and abdomen.    You made no attempt to control yourself, at all, letting your exhausted body decide for itself what it wanted right then, resulting in what you could only describe as another attack.
   The heat surged through you until every single inch of you felt red hot. You kissed him with every bit of passion and desire you were capable of, while your hands made their way to his belt and tugged his hips closer.    And he responded in kind, lifting you up on your desk and parting your legs with lightly quivering hands. You were wearing a skirt today and he pushed the fabric back all the way to your groin, before settling himself flush against you, letting you feel his arousal.  
   And damn, did he feel good.
   He broke the kiss to allow you both to breathe, and nuzzled into your neck, but when he felt you flex your hips against him, he growled and lightly bit your shoulder as his hands started squeezing and massaging their way along the outsides of your thighs.
   “Hermosa… if we keep this up for much longer, I don’t know if I can uphold my promise to take things slow,” he cautioned, with an unexpectedly feral vibration to his voice.
   “Mmh… You started this,” you retorted, receiving another growl as you ran your tongue along his jawline, tracing back towards his mouth to kiss him again.
   “Sweetheart…” he tried again, after very reluctantly pulling away from your lips, “Either ask me to stop now, or this office will be christened in bodily fluids in a moment.”
   For a few seconds, you were confused, because surely, you’d somehow been transported to a bedroom by now. That was where your head was at…    But no. A quick glance around revealed the mental image to be fake, and the dull cappuccino-coloured walls and sound absorbent ceiling to be the reality you were still mercilessly trapped in.    And that killed the mood like sand poured over a campfire.
   “Okay. Stop,” you grumbled, disappointed to have to leave the fantasy.
   He instantly pulled back and loosened his grip on you, but kept his hands on your thighs, and your hips close together, possibly to hide his very obvious erection from anyone happening to walk in. Like Anita…    For a minute, you just looked at each other’s blown pupils while trying to calm your breathing down, then he smiled.
   “Hi. How was your day?” he politely inquired, trying to distract himself most likely, but he couldn’t have chosen a worse question.
   “Ugh… If you ever need to quell my desires, trust me, that’s all you need to say.”
   And you weren’t kidding. The frustration, exhaustion, stress and general feeling of inadequacy slammed down on you like a concrete slab, and suddenly you felt impossibly heavy.    He noticed the shift in your energy and took his hands off your thighs, snaking them around your waist instead. He stared intently at you for a beat, and you could almost see his mind working to try and figure out which level of exhaustion would lead you to say that.
   “Oh, preciosa. You’re trying too hard. Ask for help, delegate, don’t try to do it all by yourself.”
   “I do delegate, Marcus. Fuck, some days all I do is delegate!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air with hopelessness. “But that asshole, Turner, left behind a bigger mess than anyone even realized, so no matter how much I get done, there’s always another fifty problems left.    And now Andy bailed on me, which means I have to start all over again on the schools, which of course has the shortest deadline of everything I’m working on, and which was the one thing I thought was handled.    I really don’t know what more I can do?”
   You sagged against him, resting your forehead on his chest, wanting so badly to cry but you were somehow too spent even for that.
   “I can’t do this. I’m so tired,” you whimpered, and he started softly running his hands over your back again.
   “Why do you think I have sofas in my office? Naps are your friend, my dear,” he hummed, but you scoffed at that.
   “I haven’t even had time to eat today, when exactly am I supposed to-…”
   “What do you mean, you haven’t eaten?” he cut you off with a dead serious look and his voice was suddenly sharp against the quiet of the room. “Since when?”
   Taken aback by his sudden shift in temperament, it took you moment to remember you were supposed to reply, and then you had to try and recall when exactly you’d last eaten something.
   “Uh… Yesterday, around 7pm, I think. I ordered something. No wait, that was the day before…” you fumbled, genuinely unable to remember, and the Heroic was apparently most displeased with this.
   “Ne creo en mis oidos…” he said, in a tone you interpreted to be incredulous.
   You had no idea what the phrase meant, but he sounded almost angry as he untangled himself from your legs and reached for your jacket.    Sitting there on your desk, you couldn’t help but shrink a little at the thought that he was probably angry with you, even if you didn’t understand why. And you were so exhausted that even such a small thing was enough to make you want to run away, when you would have normally just challenged him.
   “Come on, hop off the desk, you’re coming with me,” he declared then, holding the jacket out for you so you could just slip your arms into it once you were off the table.
   “I can’t just leave all th-…”
   “Sweetheart, I admire your loyalty to your work,” he brusquely cut you off, “but get your ass off that desk right now.”
   Not even bothering to ask why or where you were going, you simply did what you were told, and he slipped the jacket on you and led you out of the building, having to help you stay upright by keeping an arm around your waist the whole way to his car.    You dozed in and out of sleep as the vehicle hummed its way along the roads, having no idea where he was taking you. But at some point, you must have fallen asleep for real, because you woke up to the passenger side door opening, and him reaching over to unbuckle you.
   “Hey, we’re here. Come on,” he beckoned, and when you looked out in front of the car, you saw a house which wasn’t yours, but didn’t think any more of it as you forced yourself to get out of the car and let Marcus drag you to the front door.
   “Hey, dad. You’re late,” a voice called out as soon as you stepped inside.
   “Hey, sweetie. I know, I’m sorry, but I had to help a friend,” he answered just as the person the voice belonged to came skipping into the front hall.
   Oh… His house, of course. Where else would he go at the end of the day?    His daughter. Possibly the most adorable human being you’d ever seen. If only you’d had the strength to greet her as politely and warmly as she did you.
   “Welcome to Casa Moreno. You’re the first woman my dad has ever brought here, I’m very impressed,” she smiled and winked at you, and you so wished you could’ve played along.
   “Missy,” her father cautioned, but half-heartedly at best, and his daughter knew it.
   “What?” she countered, sounding innocent but defiantly crossing her arms, daring him to try and deter her from enjoying what was apparently a rare moment for these two.
   “She’s exhausted, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t eaten in anything between twenty-four to forty-eight hours, so just be nice, please.”
   “I am being nice; it was a compliment,” Missy tried to deflect, feigning absolute innocence, but it got her nowhere.
   “Don’t even try that with me, young padawan. Go set the table,” he ordered, before following her into the kitchen where he raided the fridge for leftover spaghetti and meatballs.
   You couldn’t help but smile at them as they continued bantering while they worked. But you got so lost in their lovable conversation that you didn’t even remember to ask if you were invited to sit down, and after a minute, the room started getting darker. Which was odd because the sun had already set, hadn’t it?    Still, it kept getting darker, until you realized it was all in your head. But by then you were already falling.
   You woke up to an extremely worried Marcus fidgeting with wet towels and… Was that a blood-pressure machine?    Then, out of nowhere, you suddenly felt completely panicked. You practically bounced up to sitting on what was apparently their living-room sofa, and immediately scrambled yourself into a tiny ball in the furthest corner of it.    Your entire body was shaking with fear, but you had no idea why.
   “Dad… What’s wrong with her?” Missy whispered from the other end of the sofa, and she sounded so worried.
   “It’s okay, sweetie, she’s just scared,” he tried to reassure her, but she was a smart girl, and this had apparently truly rattled her.
   “Of what? She was fine a minute ago.”
   “I’ll explain later,” he said, meeting her eyes so she’d know he meant it, but also using the moment to move back and give you more room before he tried to reach past your fears. “It’s okay. I promise you’re safe. You’re not trapped, you can move, you can talk, you’re not lost in the darkness.    You’re right here… with me.”
   His honey-soft voice soothed you, making you wonder how he could know exactly what to say to help you?    How did he know it was the darkness that had scared you? You hadn’t even realized it yourself until he’d said it.    At those last two words, his current came flowing through you, and it was like a balm, moving through your nerves, coaxing them to relax.
   “Hermosa,” he finally whispered, not with expectation or pressure, but as though the word was an invitation for you to have a safe haven within him.
   Willing your body to move again, you crawled towards him, and he helped you by meeting you halfway and then hugging you so tightly.
   “It’s okay, hermosa. You’re safe, I promise,” he mumbled into your cheek, and you tried to stop yourself from shaking but it didn’t work.
   “I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened,” you cried, still too tired for the massive cry that was still clawing around inside your chest, looking for a way out.
   “You just got lost. We all do sometimes.”
   “What’s wrong with me?” you asked, your voice breaking with too many emotions to name.
   But Marcus pulled back to look at you then, and there was something very reassuring about how much he seemed to believe in what he said next.
   “How many times do I have to tell you, sweetheart? Surviving what you did was impossible. Did you really think something like that wouldn’t stay with you?    There’s nothing wrong with you. Being afraid of things that have seriously hurt you isn’t wrong, it’s wise. You were trapped in darkness for a long time, feeling helpless and weak. It’s only natural for you to be scared when faced with those same sensations again.”
   There was nothing wrong with his logic, you just couldn’t understand where the depth of his insight was coming from.
   “But… how did you know that that’s what I was feeling?”
   “I was with you all the way, remember? I saw every stage of your recovery. Every hurdle, every obstacle, and every victory, big and small. I know you,” he said, shifting one hand up to your face to catch the tears as they finally began to fall.
   If you’d had a crush on him before, you were now certain that you absolutely loved this man. And you really wanted to tell him about it, but perhaps not in front of his daughter, still standing by the end of the sofa, when he clearly hadn’t told her about you yet.    Not that there was much to tell, it wasn’t like you’d even been on a single date yet, you’d just… made out.    You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your cheek into the comforting warmth of his palm. This really had been a terrible fucking day.
   “Hey, you still have to eat something, or you’re gonna collapse again,” he gently reminded you, while beginning to rise.
   You let him help you to your feet and over to the kitchen where he sat you down at the table before getting back to re-heating the leftovers.    Having fully expected Missy to keep a safe distance after watching you have a breakdown, you were quite surprised when she brazenly came to sit next to you instead, plopping down in her chair as though this had been the most normal, inconsequential evening ever.
   “So, you’re the one,” she pondered, but with that cleverness children had to their tone when they were equal parts curious and sure about what they already knew.
   “Huh?” was all you responded, confused by the notion that she would know anything about you.
   “The one the mad scientist… hurt,” she elaborated, and it sounded like that little pause was her catching herself before saying something else.
   It made you wonder how much she might understand about what had been done to you, and whether what she’d been about to say might’ve been something like “tortured” or “killed”, either of which would’ve been technically accurate, but perhaps harsher to hear.    The mere fact she’d stopped herself said a lot about her maturity and sensitivity towards others, and it softened something inside your chest as you listened to her continue to explain.
   “Dad wouldn’t tell me too much about it, but I read some articles and I saw a few of the news reels,” she confessed, quietly, in the hopes her father wouldn’t overhear and scold her for circumventing his efforts to protect her from the horror of it. “And he did tell me how you were so sick no one knew if you’d ever wake up. And then when you did, he said he needed to help you because he seemed to be the only one who could.    He wasn’t home much for those few months.”
   She finished on a thoughtful note, but it made you terribly sad and regretful.    You’d known that Marcus had needed Anita’s help to look after her while he’d helped you, but you’d had no clue of how extensively he’d been absent. Now that you thought about it, though, you could remember countless evenings of his diligent efforts, never hesitating to keep working well past his regular hours if he felt it was needed.    All for you. Which made it feel like your fault.
   “Oh… Missy, I’m sorry.”
   “No, no, that’s not what I meant!” she hurried to correct you, and you felt like it was important to her that you understood this. “It’s not your fault, of course it isn’t.    What I’m trying to say is, I’m really glad all his efforts helped you in the end. Cause dad… Well, he was so sad all the time you were in the coma, until he started being able to help you, and then it was like… he came alive too.    It means a lot to him, you know. That you made it.”
   Her father had his back to the two of you, while he worked on the leftovers, so you couldn’t see his face. But you were close enough that he should’ve heard most of this conversation, and something about the stillness of his movements told you he had, and that it was probably affecting him deeply.
   “I couldn’t have done it without him,” you replied, a little louder to be sure he heard it, before turning your full attention back to his daughter. “And I’m sorry you had to see me freak out like that before. I’m not normally this… fragile.”
   “It’s okay. We’re all allowed to have bad days, right?” she chirped, and you chuckled, but entirely without humour.
   “Yep. I just wish I could have a good one someday soon. Or I think I might really break.”
   You’d turned sombre and serious again, and if anything, you’d have expected her to not know what to say to that.    But contrarily, her eyes brightened, and a sly smile filled her face.
   “I’m sure my dad can help you with that too,” she grinned, actually cocking an eyebrow at you as she got up from the table.
   She then skipped over to a flabbergasted Marcus, the poor man too flustered to know how to react, hugged him goodnight and then disappeared down the hall, having already had her dinner at a reasonable hour.    You watched her disappear down the body of the house, realizing with both joy and dread, that you already loved his kid as well.
   “Um, I’m really sorry about-… She’s nev-… I’ve never seen her behave like this before,” he stammered once she’d left, clearly seriously rattled by Missy’s not so subtle attempt at matchmaking.
   “Don’t worry about it. I think she’s amazing,” you reassured him, and he threw a nervous glance over his shoulder, visibly relaxing when he saw the earnest smile in your eyes.
   You wondered if some part of him had been anxious about the two of you meeting, or thought you might not like her, for some inexplicable reason. Which then made you think it was possible he hadn’t just not brought any women home before, but possibly not even gone on a date since the loss of his wife.    Because you couldn’t think of any other reason he’d be so nervous about all this.
   Once he’d recovered, he brought the plates over and all but ordered you to dig in, while he did the same.    You didn’t really feel all that hungry anymore, mostly you just wanted to sleep. But with each delicious bite it was like your body began to remember it actually needed this stuff, and you ended up helping yourself to another large serving.    Which Marcus heartily approved of.
   “Now, that’s the appetite I’m used to seeing with you,” he grinned. “Feel better?”
   “Loads,” you admitted, noticing how a full stomach seemed to have made so many of your troubles seem a lot smaller.
   You leaned back in your chair once the last bite was swallowed, holding your glass of water and taking slow sips, when he reached out and took your other hand, resting on the edge of the table.
   “Hey. You can’t skip meals. I don’t care how hard you’re working, without fuel you will crash, that’s just a fact,” he admonished, and you stared at your empty plate, feeling like a kid being scolded for skipping class.
   He squeezed your hand, looking for a response and when he didn’t get one, he pushed his chair back and turned his whole body towards you.
   “Look at me, hermosa,” he demanded, and you did.
   “You. Can. Do. This,” he articulated, believing every word himself. “Find a way to do it on your terms. Find a way to make the tasks fall in line behind you, don’t let them try and climb onto your back and stack themselves on top of you. Force Management to hire you your own assistant if that’s what it takes.    You’re stronger than this, I know you are. Stop trying to shape yourself into a manager and start making the manager shape itself from you.    My hermosa doesn’t let a fucking job dictate her life.”
   Yes, everything he said was good and made you want to believe it. But in the end, all you really registered was one thing.
   My hermosa.
   You put your glass down and leaned over to kiss him, and for the first time, you didn’t lose control. You just kissed him. Warmly, lovingly, with your hands on his cheeks. And he just kissed you back. With no demands, no expectations.    But as much as you loved the intimacy and the comfort of being so welcomed by him, your body had been fed a huge meal and all remaining strength was now being rerouted to handle all that nutrition.
   He noticed how limp you were getting even before you did, and quickly helped you to your feet before you fell asleep at the table. Then he practically carried you to a bathroom, where you found some extra reserve of strength to brush your teeth and use the toilet, before he brought you to a bedroom. There, you flopped down on a soft and cool bed while he took off your shoes and helped you get under the covers.
   “I’d ask if you want me to help you undress, but I might get ideas,” he whispered while he pulled a few errant strands of hair back from your face.
   You could hear the smile in his voice, and you wanted to say something clever in return, but you were only seconds from unconsciousness by then, so all you could manage was a less than sexy grunt.    The last thing you were aware of before you succumbed to the blissfulness of sleep, was his lips brushing against your temple, and a whisper to sleep tight.
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fuckmelifesucks · 2 years
Quick note: so i wrote this bit on June 9, 2022 and left it in the draft and forgot about it and then found it again and couldn't remember the exact end point of this. It's just a half assing of some theory, i think. I honestly don't remember. But hey it's basically a rant on my part and me over analysing things. Feel free to scroll past or if not, add to this if u like🤷‍♀️ well, that is if you do understand in it. I just posted it because I wanted to. So, eh.. why not.
Mating bonds
Let's talk about mating bonds in acotar. So far we know that it's some kind of a bridge of connection between souls and that a mating bond is the most sacred thing for fae and that they are super rare (yeah, not like everyone is getting a bond right and left 😐).
So, Rhys and feyre had the best mating bond by far. Theirs was one that was of pure love and connection. Feyre only accepted her bond with Rhys after she started falling for him. Similar with Nesta and cassian.
Now elucien mating bond. Their bond is similar yet so different from the feysand and nessian mating bonds. It is similar on the surface level. Like Lucien's need to taste, touch and smell her. But emotionally, it's so different. Because there seems to be no emotional connection at all.
Anyway, so we know the whole thing how people want elain and Lucien to end up together cuz of the bond between them, even though it's evident that the bond makes both the parties uncomfortable af and that both don't actually want it.
And i don't know about others but I'd rather not read about a couple who's been forced to be together without any actual sense of choice. But, what if their bond is not meant to actually be a start of their romance but rather something to help with furthering things. Like something with a different hidden meaning to it rather than a way for a happily ever after.
So here is how Rhys described the mating bond and its true nature.
And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So we know it's not some soulmate uniting bond but just something that may help in the long run of things sometimes.
Mating bonds that didn't go so well and are examples of this exact thing were tamlin's parents and rhysand's parents.
“You said your mother and father were wrong for each other; Tamlin said his own parents were wrong for each other.” I peeled off my dressing robe. “So it can’t be a perfect system of matching.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So again it's probably not for finding your soulmates. But it's also said that a mating bond can have a reason behind it. If not love then something else entirely.
Many mated pairs will try to make it work, believing the Cauldron selected them for a reason.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So there has to be some reason why two persons are picked to be together. And i believe that a mating bond is initially just something that brings two people together and that every mating bond has so sort of ulterior motive and not just love.
Let's talk about reasons why Rhysand's parents were mates. Why, out of all people, rhysand's mother was mated to the high lord of the night court. She was a local illyrian seamstress. From what we know there is nothing that special about her. Then why was she mated to rhysand's father? He could've been mated to any illyrian female if it had to be an illyrian, specifically. And he was 900 years old. So why, after 900 years did he get mated to rhysand's mother? He was one of the strongest high lords and his mate an illyrian female with no particularly exceptional powers. Because there were ulterior motives for the mating bond snapping between them.
Firstly, because of their union, Rhys came into existence, becoming the most powerful high lord to walk the lands of prythian.
That brings me to the question of how? Again rhysand's father was the powerful one. And his mother was in no way his father's 'equal'. Or maybe she did have some powers or so sort of lineage we do not know know of but still. Rhysand's father could've been mated to anyone else. Preferably someone who was considerably powerful too. Maybe that would've resulted in an even stronger offspring.
That indicates that their bond was more that just production of the strongest offspring. There were more ulterior motives to their bond than just the birth of rhys.
And now let's look at what's happened due to rhysand's parents' mating bond.
Rhys being the strongest High Lord with his night power, wings and possibly some of that illyrian killing power too.
Since Rhysand's mother was illyrian and it was custom for (half)illyrian youngling to train at the illyrian camps, Rhys was sent to the windhaven camp to train.
Rhys with his power combined with the illyrian training made him even stronger.
And windhaven is where he met cassian and azriel, his brothers.
Rhys, who would eventually grow up to be the strongest high lord, united with Azriel and cassian, two bastards who would eventually grow up to become two of the strongest illyrian warriors to ever exist with each possessing seven siphons for their massive killing power.
Then the bat boys together won the blood rite, becoming Carynthians. Hence, resulting in cassian and azriel being no longer looked down upon (kinda).
Rhys in that camp with Azriel and cassian resulted in mor meeting them, which resulted in mor giving her virginity to cassian to get out of an arranged marriage she didn't want. The consequences were brutal, yes but at the end of the day, she was freed from the clutches of the court of nightmares.
Then they met amren, the fallen angel, who helped Rhys control his own power so as to prevent it from consuming him.
And then the formation of the inner court.
These are the few things that took place because of the mating bond of rhysand's parents.
Now what would've happened if they weren't mates.
Rhysand probably not existing or if he was hypothetically, then he's not the strongest high lord.
Not meeting azriel and cassian which would've probably led to the two not achieving siphons or being able to take part in the blood rite.
Mor would've probably been the lady of autumn 2.0 cuz she would've had to marry Eris.
Mor wouldn't have been able to get away from the court of nightmares either.
They wouldn't have found amren so if there was Rhys, say, with incredible power, his power would've probably consumed him.
No inner court.
Rhys probably wouldn't have been who he is and maybe would've ended up actually being a cruel high lord.
You get the drill.
Anyway, so these were few reasons for the mating bond between rhysand's parents and it being them specifically.
Now why i went into this long ass rant...
Elucien bond is quite similar to the bond that rhysand's parents had. It's painfully obvious.
Both Lucien and elain do not like each other.
They are uncomfortable with the bond.
The only reason why they could be together would be the mating bond.
No choice for either of them.
Both had been thrown at each other.
They can't stand to be around each other for long, much like rhysand's parents.
Now it's already been discussed by many other that the mating bond between elain and Lucien could have other reasons behind it.
What are the possible ulterior motives for the cauldron to make them mates since now we know that many of the bonds are not based on love and equality between two people but with other intentions.
They could have really strong offsprings. Maybe even the next most powerful high lord, given, Lucien is the sole heir to the day court and elain is the made cauldron blessed seer.
Their bond could help in defeating koschi or at the least free vassa.
Lucien being son of helion the spell-cleaver, could also help in other things like helping elain somehow free the fae trapped in the stones of the prison.
Somehow, just maybe, the helion and lady of autumn drama would also unwrap more and possibly solve their problems too.
And many more.
What has happened till now because of the mating bond...
Lucien left the spring court and tamlin.
He traveled to the human lands to help find vassa, hence meeting with papa Archeron and the other humans, helping them come to the battlefield.
He met vassa.
His friendship with vassa and jurian.
Him finding a place for himself in the human lands and the band of exiles.
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clatterbane · 1 year
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New batch of pickles just dropped!
I had one big zucchini left that I didn't know if I'd get eaten up soon enough, so why not. It still feels very strange turning out a jar or two of pickles at a time, but that's apartment living for you. May as well work with what you've got.
Today that also included a big carrot, because why not.
The direction I decided to go in was pretty close to this:
Only, I also threw in one pretty generic pickling spice blend, hillbilly style. Mustard seed, peppercorns, a few allspice berries, red pepper flakes (before I remembered we have some whole chiles stashed in the freezer), bay leaf. That got sliced ginger and chopped frozen garlic, since I forgot we were out of fresh bulbs.
The turmeric is still sitting on the bottom there and hasn't colored the brine yet, btw.
A few green tea leaves have worked really well in the past for a touch of tannins to help keep things crispy, without adding any strange flavors. Here's hoping the leaf Assam black tea--which was the best option we had today outside of bags--won't get overpowering. I thought these pickles might be spiced enough for the tea not to overwhelm, but I guess we'll see.
Considering I am still not so used to working with the coarse salt we have, this time I did actually go ahead and get the weight of the combined veggies and water, to add 3% of that in salt. Weight to volume can vary an awful lot depending on the crystal size you're using, and may as well play it safe. IME summer squash can also be touchier than some other vegetables, so yeah.
I cut part of the carrot into sticks, to help hold those sliced vegetables down better under the Kilner pickling weight meant for a narrower mouthed jar. Wedged-in carrot can work pretty well to keep everything else from floating up to the surface of the brine and molding, even if you don't use a weight. One minor lifehack I figured out through some kitchen MacGyvering years ago.
Originally, I was planning to use one of those Kilner jars with an airlock lid--which won't fit anything else in the house 🙄--but the one I had out to use escaped to the floor and broke. (Leading to some fun cleanup last night, since it happened to be mostly full of some old dill pickles Mr. C made last year and promptly forgot about in a cabinet. I took it to dump the contents down a toilet, so thankfully the jar did meet its end on the tiled bathroom floor rather than wood. I am still getting whiffs of Swamp Pickle in there, though.)
Anyway, I said fuck it, and just grabbed one of my old trusty saved jars today. This one is actually from some Polish brine dills. An airlock provides some extra insurance against anything you don't want getting in, but basically any jar will work fine for fermented pickling. Just make sure everything is well covered with brine, leave the lid a little loose to avoid jarsplosions from the CO2, and you should be good to go.
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And, going! Banished to one of the pantry cabinets for probably a couple of weeks. Definitely in a container to catch any brine overflow once it starts bubbling away, especially with no more headspace than I left in the jar. 😒
I am planning to check it periodically for the first few days, and also scoop out any floating bits of seasonings or anything else. Pieces of the sliced onion are already wanting to bob up around the edges of the weight, because of course they are.
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pickerelstripe · 1 year
Hi hi hi! @troutfur from main here and I'm very !!! about Claymew. I've got a couple questions I wanted to ask:
Does your conlang differ much grammatically from base Clanmew or is it meant to be much the same just with lexical changes?
Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns? I for one would be really excited to see what alternative opening particles and forms of evidentiality others may come up with!
Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much to how they are portrayed in canon/Better Bones? If so do you have vocab to reflect that?
What sorts of words related to the arts does ClayClan have? Theater in particular I find very intriguing.
Oh hello! :D Yessss questions... also thank you, it means a lot that you like this project!!! I'm excited to share more, I've already got some posts planned out haha. These answers got long so they're under the cut! Enjoy some rambling (and words for theater!)
Does Claymew differ much grammatically from base Clanmew?
At the moment, no, as I've been focused on filling out the lexicon - I just finished the tree expansion but I've still got 50+ plants to name before I consider it really complete (and even then I'm sure I'll keep finding stuff to add).
I also don't know a whole lot about grammar haha, that's the one part of language I struggle with... but! I do hope to learn more about unique grammar structures and possibly implement some, I think it'd be a lot of fun.
2. Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns?
Pretty much the same answer as above, in that I'd like to dig into this once I know more about it!
I think evidentiality in particular is very interesting, so that's probably the avenue I'd explore first. An aspect of base Clanmew I really like is the particles that differentiate methods of attaining information (sight, hearing, etc), so I'd like to pry into that and see if there's anything I can play with... ClayClan is so communal that I could see them having multiple particles for "I heard this from someone else", differentiating information from family members, Clanmates, outsiders, etc. I'll have to look into it!
3. Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much in comparison to canon/Better Bones? Is there vocab to reflect this?
I really enjoy base Clanmew's perception of families, especially the mi/ba* system, so as of right now I'm running with that! The story of Heart Rot involves a lot of family drama, though, so I might mess with it to enhance that.
Actually now that I think about, I really ought to have a special word for a ClayClan cat who left honorably... For a second I also thought "oh and a word for QPRs" but then I remembered iwaw*, haha.
The family structures explored most directly in Heart Rot are the relationships between sisters, father-daughter bonds, and abusive partnerships, so if I do add new vocab it'll most likely be related to those.
OH AND MUD-KITTENS! Holy cow I forgot about those!!! A kitten found abandoned on the territory is a mud-kitten, a gift from Silverpelt to the Clan. They're always adopted in and raised unless their parent comes to claim them. The new word for a mud-kitten is glefmew, "raw clay kitten", a kit that's fresh from the world and ready for metaphorical molding.
4. What sort of words does Claymew have for the arts?
Plenty! I'm planning a full post about artsy words, so I'll just put the theater terms here for now. I make a lot of words with inspiration from base Clanmew, so those original words will be marked with an asterisk, as always.
Stage play - Paopapp (pao*, papp*) Musical - Paopayana (paopapp, yanana*) Rehearsed - Umnabana, umnaba, umnab (umnem*, ababab*) Stage - Sheshee Actor - Rrubab Cat who prepares the stage - Washrubab (washa*, rrubab; a "shadow-actor"!)
Yes ClayClan has musicals, yes they have musical kids, yes this is a hilarious concept to me as well. I was a major theater kid and still enjoy working backstage, so I looove exploring ClayClan theater! It's a concept I haven't seen explored much in WC fanwork, I'm glad you like it.
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 96 - A Slice of Paradise
It's been a rough couple of days. Ophelia had a funeral to plan, which was last night, on top of caring for a newborn, but she's powering through.
Xander: How about we give Mommy some alone time this morning? Let Daddy get you a bottle.
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Ophelia might be mourning, but she doesn't want to mope. Her gran would hate that. She focuses her energy into finishing up her first song, and it's ready to send off for licensing.
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This song is about Xander, but Ophelia has to thank her gran for her influence to follow her passions in the first place.
Ophelia: Hope I keep making you proud, Gran.
She mails out the lyrics. Some extra royalty money will be nice!
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Ophelia needs some alone time with her little one. She relieves Xander of his daddy duties.
Ophelia: I can't wait 'til you're not attached to this bassinet. I wonder if you got my hair or his…
Gemma isn't much of a conversationalist. She just likes drinking milk.
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I had Xander fix the washer and I forgot to make him throw out the trash. Ophelia caught Marshmallow eating it.
Ophelia: No, bad girl! We don't eat trash! I'm not buying that expensive pedigree food for you to eat literal garbage!
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Marshmallow gets the message loud and clear. She doesn't look too happy about it, though.
Marshmallow: nobody in this house understands me
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The next day in Tartosa is a bit gloomy, but Ophelia works in her garden to keep her spirits up. Xander's on Daddy Duty.
Later in the afternoon, they're dropping Gemma off with Hilary and visiting Kaipo. He wanted to talk to Ophelia about something important.
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It's not long before they arrive at Eve's former home in Sulani. Ophelia checks in with Kaipo.
Ophelia: How are you holding up?
Kaipo: I'm trying not to wallow. Eve wouldn't want that. It's difficult though.
Ophelia: Same for me. Luckily the baby's been keeping me busy.
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Kaipo: I know how busy you are. Thank you for coming out to meet me.
Ophelia: Of course. You meant a lot to my gran. Did you need help with something?
Kaipo: No, no. We just didn't have a chance to talk about your inheritance while planning the funeral.
Ophelia: Inheritance?
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Ophelia: She sold me my first house for practically nothing. I thought that was enough.
Kaipo: Oh, no. She wanted me to let you know this plot of land is now yours.
Ophelia: You're being serious?
Kaipo: She filled out the paperwork and made it official before she passed.
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Ophelia: That's so generous of her, but what about you? I don't want to make you homeless.
Kaipo: You are kind, my dear, but my time with Eve was more than valuable enough. I will go to live with my daughter and her family. Eve wanted you to do what you please with this plot.
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Kaipo: Whether you want to move here when you retire as she did, or replace this house with a vacation home fit for a growing family, Eve wanted to give you one final gift.
Ophelia: Wow. I don't know what to say…
Kaipo: You don't have to say anything. I'm just the messenger
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Ophelia: Thank you for being so good to my gran, Kaipo. I'd love to stay in touch. Are you on Social Bunny?
Kaipo: Yes, my grandson can show me how to add you later. I will let you and your husband have some time to yourselves. And, for the record, loving Eve was an honor.
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Ophelia looks out at the splendor of Sulani while Xander hugs her from behind.
Xander: Your gran was a generous woman.
Ophelia: Yeah. I can't believe this place is ours… We can bring Gemma and our future kids here on vacation whenever we want.
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Xander: So there's going to be more? During labor, you begged the doctor to make it stop. I thought maybe you were done.
Ophelia: I was so overwhelmed… but I know what to expect now. I'd like Gemma to have some siblings. I was always so lonely growing up. I want more for her.
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Xander: Well hey, now we have a place to conceive our other kids that isn't underwater.
Ophelia: We're going to have to do some serious remodeling first. I'm not woohooing in my gran's bed.
Xander: Fair enough.
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