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steamberrystudio · 3 months ago
2024 wrap-up and 2025 plans
It's been a really weird year for me and the last few months have been particularly challenging - so much so that I can't really remember much of the start of the year. There's been a lot that has happened and yet it feels like almost nothing has happened.
With a personal move in the works at the moment, and lots of lists and packing and cleaning, the last couple of weeks have felt like a blur of limbo as well.
But rather than just complaining let's jump into the wrap up and plans for 2025.
2024 Progress Wrap up
When looking back over a year of visual novel development, it can be really easy to forget progress and victories because it all smears together into an indistinct timeline.
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You know stuff happened but you lose sight of the details of that stuff.
Even while writing this last night, I forgot that A Faerie's Tale was something completed and released this year. I remembered it just now while doing a final proofread of this post.
Development is such a long and repetitive process that you forget all the individual steps it took to get where you are. When I look back over 2024, I admit I feel like I somehow didn't do that much...that time slipped away while I did very little actual work.  
And of course, that isn't true. (Or is it?? Self-doubt assures me that I didn't do anything noteworthy this year.)
When Stars Collide
At the start of 2024, When Stars Collide sat at 485,000 words. I was finishing up editing Asher's route but had portions of the other routes to draft. The UI was still the old design, most of the backgrounds were incomplete and none of the additional features like the flowcharts and affinity meters were set up.  
I wanted to release an updated demo and the more new people told me they were playing the demo, the more I died inside because it was not at all reflective of the project any more. But I was missing critical backgrounds that I actually got only a few weeks before Episode 1 went to beta.
The point is that back at the start of 2024 the game was still very unfinished but I had big plans. My goal was originally to start releasing episodes in June of 2024 but editing and coding just took so much longer than expected that it just wasn't possible.
From a writing perspective, I learned that drafting and editing a game in this overlapping route style was hard. It was just genuinely so much more difficult than the separate route structure I'm used to. It really requires different processes and styles of planning than what I've done in the past. The burden of meticulously matching a timeline of events across 6 routes simultaneously is really tricky with the way I write and form the choices in my games.  
You kind of have to either never refer back to anything that happens within a choice scenario or you have to remember and track a lot of variables and conversations and events. Additionally, writing one plot line from multiple relationship perspectives is actually quite tricky. Things have to align in very specific ways but you also kind of want to make sure that each play through is interesting. You don't want the conversations within the LI-specific content to be identical but they have to be similar enough you can manage the difference with a few key variables.  
I honestly found it a really exhausting way to write. There's so much less complexity and so much more freedom when you are writing separate routes. And for that reason, the writing took a lot longer than I am used to.
One day I want to write up all my thoughts on route structure in visual novels but I haven't had time yet.
Ultimately I drafted about 172,000 words this year. The total word count of the game before I coded it was around 657,000 words - plus an additional 8-10k or so of bonus content. Of course, that shrinks when I code it but that was the total uncoded word count. So that is quite a jump from the 485,000 words I started with this year.  
I always say that working on VNs really skews your view of what "a lot" of words is. To me, as weird as it is to say, 180k doesn't feel like that much writing, which is silly because it's like writing two YA novels.   
But between the end of the Kickstarter for Gilded Shadows and the end of that year, I think I wrote about 250,000 words. That's 70,000 more words but in less time. I think it just shows how much more difficult writing WSC has been due to the structure of the routes.  
I remember having a conversation with someone once where she told me that writing a game like Gilded Shadows is *definitely* harder and more work than writing a game like When Stars Collide. GS has multiple plots and a lot more words. In WSC, the routes share a plot, they share scenes and content, there's only one plot line and there are far fewer words.  
I think it really underestimates the simplicity buff and the freedom buff that you get from having a single separate route in its own space time where you don't have to care as heavily about continuity across routes or a shared timeline of events or all of this other stuff that was such a burden to me when writing overlapping routes.  
I maintain that I'm really glad I wrote When Stars Collide the way I did. I learned so much about game structure and choices and all this mechanical stuff about how visual novels work that I'd never really had to think about for. It was really, really enlightening.  
But I will never do this game structure again. Lemme just say that.  
Drafting aside, I had to also edit all that writing which was its own special layer of hell.  
And then the art. The art has been enjoyable. I really love this game's aesthetic and the character designs. And the characters. I really enjoy them all so much. They are the most adorable crew of nerdy gremlins out there.  
But the art has had is own challenges. I've done about 20 CGs for the game so far and a lot of them are easy enough but the colour slider MC is definitely a bit of a challenge for the CGs. With GS where I recoloured by hand, there were times that I had to slightly tweak Morgan's default colours to look good in CGs. For instance, one of her skin tones looked quite odd next to Magnus, who is very pink. And I had to just slightly tweak that skin tone in his CGs so they looked okay together side by side. It was easy to test that sort of thing before the CG even got into the game.
But I colour Wil in greyscale and I don't see them in colour until I test. And each colour available on the slider is represented by a number. And there are essentially 100 of them. So testing all of those isn't really viable. I do test multiple skin tones from my saves. But in some ways it's more cumbersome to make sure all of that looks good.  
Wil also has 8 hairstyles…in two colours (which are recoloured manually because a couple of the hairstyles just don't really looks as good recoloured automatically (it's my art, not the dynamic colour slider tool).  
It's a lot of work. Hair 5 usually puts my hand out of commission for the rest of the day (so I save it for last. Ha ha). I don't regret it and again, it's something I wanted to to do as an experiment. I knew that 5 hairstyles was probably manageable and 8 was definitely pushing and I was right so no hard lessons really learned there.  It's sometimes valuable experience to push yourself right to that line and really see where the division between "feasible" and "too much" really is. Because then it's no longer hypothetical. You know where the line is.  
A lot of how WSC is set up was me testing if the line was where I thought it was.
Beyond the art, I also got all the other new features set up and experimented with a few things I hadn't been planning on. Many of those features had the core elements set up and coded by wonderful programmer friends and colleagues (Feniks and Windchimes and Jeneara) but I still had to implement all those things in the code to make them function as part of the game.  
Which, for things like the flowcharts - is time consuming. Flowcharts are like that.  
The flowcharts in WSC use a different method than the ones in GS. It's a brand new tool and I'm still learning how to use it but there are also some kinks that rear their heads (not those kind, you guys! The annoying kind that break the game!)  
I think the feature most people are most excited about would be the save screen. It's quite popular. Ha ha.  
With all of that stuff done, I was able to finally….*finally* release the official version of Episode 1 to Patreon and on Itch.  
And I released Episode 2 (minus two CGs that have been delayed by an abrupt move to a new place and me just not having time to draw right now) to Patrons in early access. (and the Itch version should go out mid-January. I hope).
So the point is…that is actually a fair amount of work that has taken place this year. And a lot of challenges that have been met and overcome.
A Faerie's Tale
Another thing I did this year was finish and release A Faerie's Tale as part of Amare Fest and with a team of friends to help out.
AFT is a concept I've had since about 2020 (prior to WSC actually). It was based on a dream I had as was always meant to be a cute little side project. But it kind of fell by the wayside in favour of my larger projects.
Being able to get it released was definitely fun. Jen and I definitely want to go back to it and release Lachan's route though - it was something we didn't have time for previously and it would be nice to get it truly complete.
And while I haven't specifically mentioned it anywhere outside of my server and Patreon...
The truth is...
I've secretly been planning my next project. But not really all that secretly since I have mentioned it a few times.
I've been torn, for a while, on two projects I'd like to tackle. One is called The Crown Wheel and the other is called (tentatively) Thornewood. I still go back and forth over which one I really want to do next. 
Crown Wheel is the one I *really* want to get out there. It's another story that's close to my heart with some ancient characters of mine that I really love and would love to throw out there for other people to enjoy. But…
Thornewood is a bit more solid a project when it comes to planning and plot. Crown Wheel is a little more nebulous in terms of where the story would go. I'm getting side tracked…I'll get into this more in my 2025 plans.
I have not been working on any other project regularly or in any truly significant way. I've really been working on outlines and character profiles more than anything and I typically do it late at night when I can't sleep but can't draw any more because I'm resting for the day and while I just don't want to be working on WSC because I worked on it all day.
I think I have about 13000 words of outline. I did a rough summary of each route and have been trying to expand those and detail them out a little bit more. So technically that is work I've done this year too.
2024 still somehow feels like a weird year for development. I can't articulate why but it definitely was an odd year for sure.
So What are my 2025 Plans?
That's really the big question at this point. What is in store for Steamberry Studio?
First and foremost, the plan is to get When Stars Collide fully released. This isn't as straightforward as it seems though. With the writing complete, I'm focused on the coding and art, but...
Coding expressions is currently a bit tedious because there have been a ton of group scenes in this game so far. This is because it is somewhat of a 'closed set' so when you are not 1x1 with a love interest…you tend to be with a group. This will diminish in upcoming chapters as the plot kicks off more and you also get longer scenes with the love interests. But unfortunately it does come back in the last few chapters.  
But for now I'm looking forward to heading into parts of the game that are more 1x1 or at least smaller groups at a time.  
Additionally the CG situation has been somewhat up in the air for me. I was originally planning to do CGs in every chapter but I wasn't sure if that would a) be sustainable for me and b) make sense.  
I suspected that there would be chapters coming up where there just weren't necessarily any good CG moments. So the "CGs in every chapter" thing was always going to be a bit squishy.   
I know, for instance, that chapter 6 probably won't have any because there aren't any good moments for it to be honest?  
Anyway. I am thinking that I may take a less formulaic approach to CGs and focus on making sure there are CGs in every episode if not every chapter. Maybe chapters 5, 8, 10...and then...Idk. One or two of the ending chapters. 
Even if it's just four of the remaining chapters, that's still 24 more illustrations for the game. Which I feel like is a very reasonable amount considering there are already about 20. 
Another thing I'm really going back and forth on is the nature of episodes moving forward.
Do I want to continue with 2 chapters per episode or do I want to drop to 1 chapter per episode? I battle myself on this all the time. It's such a hard call for me.
One challenge with moving into single chapter episodes is that I just feel the episodes would be less satisfying with only one chapter. Realistically the chapters aren't that small - even the short ones are more than 30,000 words each. That's...half a YA novel.
But, again, *realistically* when we reduce that to a play time, it's not that much.
People consume unvoiced visual novels at a rate of about 250 words per minute. That means 15,000 words per hour.
So 30k is just two hours of content. When you start dividing this up between "main plot" and "LI route content", you start whittling away at how much content *per character* there is. If there are 20,000 words of "LI content" - yeah, that's more than half the chapter. But that gets divided by 6 characters. And that means 13 minutes of playable content *including all the choices* for each character which isn't a lot. And most people are not going to play through every choice option.
Which means people could be getting through the unique content for their favourite character in less than 10 minutes.
By combining chapters, that means we get episodes that are 70,000 words or 90,000 words. It boosts the amount of content per character by a significant amount and that is really what I'm looking at when I consider episode layout. 
I try to think about what is going to make for the most satisfying episode for players. The drawback of 2 chapters per episode is that it's…a lot. It's a lot of expressions. It's a lot of flowchart work.  
It just takes more time.
Regardless of whether it's just 1 chapter at a time or whether it's 2 chapters at a time, I really want to move forward with steady releases and get the game fully released to players in 2025. That is obviously my primary focus going forward.   
The story is finished. It's burning a hole in my laptop. (Not really). But I want to get it released.
Having the story already written but delivering it in smaller bites to players is doing a lot to save my drawing hand from inevitable doom but it's so hard for me mentally. I know the things coming up in future episodes and I'm so keen to release it and see reactions and talk to people about it. And it's just so difficult to not be able to do that as fast as I want.
I'm trying to be patient and I hope all of you are willing to be patient with me.
In other work…
I will likely continue to plan out my next game on the side, though I don't intend to start working on it or writing it until WSC completes. It's too hard to manage two projects like that - at least for me - most of the time.
When it comes to Thornewood (the most likely contender for 'next project'), it is a 'dark fantasy' in that the setting is gritty and grimy fantasy with an underlying darkness in the world. It's not really a dark romance though.
I always view dark fantasy as including settings where the darkness comes from outside the main character interactions. The setting is dark and the stories have danger and darkness....
But dark romance is when the relationships themselves are also dark. And I feel like I don't really write dark romance. I don't write perfect relationships either but I wouldn't describe them as 'dark' by any stretch.
Either way I'm looking forward to working on something more overtly fantasy again.
I've been dabbling in science fiction for a long time now (since 2019 - that's when I started Gilded Shadows!!) and I've been wanting to move back into fantasy settings for a while now.  
Even just working on the profiles and outlines and world building for fantasy projects, it feels like the Fae and the magic are calling me back home. So I'm really eager to wrap up WSC and bury myself in a more fantasy themed setting again.
But I have a long journey to get to that point.
There's a lot to do in 2025 and I still have a lot of stories to tell.
I hope you will all be here with me for the journey.
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amaregamesdb · 2 months ago
Developer Page WIP
Been working on the Developers page for the website the last few days when I have time. A few things I'd like to fix around accessibility and some extra features but otherwise it's going well Responsive design in action
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acrossaskywardsea · 2 years ago
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Pirates and plundering and plot-twists, oh my! Across a Skyward Sea is a steampunk meets romantasy story where you are the keyholder to a treasure.
You are brought onto The Minnow, led by Captain Johnny Delacourt and his merry band of troublemakers. Will you find the treasure the crew so desperately seeks... or will they give it up for a greater calling? (Only one way to find out)
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silentstaresfanficandfanart · 10 months ago
Hateshinai umi update
One cutscene image is done!
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Poor shark papa, he's such a cute little guy. Ketsueki is such a smol bean and he makes my heart happy to draw <3 shark shark <3 Ketsueki is a litlte upset but it's okay <3
told you guys I was going to try to improve the graphics and add some cutscenes <3 and I'm getting better at it all the time! fufu!
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eydi-andrius · 7 months ago
I am at this point in my life where selling boob mousepad (men otome game characters) seems like a good business venture
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nagisaamane · 2 years ago
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Hi! I am currently working on an indie fan otome game about dating the persona protagonists in a wonderland scenario! (it makes sense, please- hear me out!) Currently mapped out the story for White Rabbit (shown above) and I still need to script the others! But I first need some funds to commission the rest of the models for the game! I now have Alice, our lovely heroine, and White Rabbit, our first love interest!
Here's the rest of the designs for the cast! I have commissions open, so it would mean so much to me if you could comm me so I could help pay for these models and other assets ^^
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I have more designs for the rest of the protagonist cast (Kotone, Aigis, Maya, Shin, and Wonder) that are planned out for a DLC wave after this first wave is done. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE THANK YOU, COMM ME PLEASE! It would mean so much to me if you would comm me to fund these! Donations ar also appreciated! More info in my carrd!
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twoandahalfstudios · 2 months ago
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(art by the wonderful @aimeryaa go follow em!!!)
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sourmiiiilk · 2 months ago
❤️Online Obsession - New Yandere Game
❤️Chat with your online friend and meet him in real life in my upcoming yandere visual novel game.
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❤️ The demo is coming out this February 14th on Steam and Itch!
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❤️I am the only developer, so reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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paganprankster · 5 months ago
Has anyone else seen the trailer for Homicipher on Steam? it's a female-targeted language deciphering and exploration ADV based on the concept of "romance with horror men." once i read romance w horror men and saw the romance options... IM SOLD. IM BUYING IT. IMMEDIATELY
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I am going feral
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insecretplaces · 3 months ago
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Fledgling Manor is brand new visual novel about Rocky Alvarez, a cute metalhead stoner guy who goes to deliver some groceries and wakes up the next night as a VAMPIRE on a VAMPIRE REALITY SHOW where eliminated contestants are EXECUTED!!
on Steam || on Itch
Features include:
Free demo of the first two in-game nights
Feral farmer yaoi
Toxic best friend femdom
7 foot tall nonbinary sewer monster you can kiss
Multiple endings
Eight different Fledglings to get to know and condemn to death
Beautiful art and excellent writing
Cool original soundtrack
Only $9.99 USD through 12/17/24!!
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blank-house · 6 months ago
Keyframes Updated!
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Well, folks. Our eyeballs are falling out and the last two weeks have felt a little like cramming for an exam— which is very funny considering none of the leads have been in college for a minute— but we did it. The Spring Semester demo that isn't really a demo is up!
You can now finally(!) enjoy the last two weeks of your semester with Deja, Cameron, Elio, Jamie, and Percy. Play from five new events, completely free on our itch.io page— including partial voice acting, eight CGs, and about 280,000 words total!
As we've mentioned before, we are releasing this update ahead of the Kickstarter!
If you haven't already heard, the Kickstarter only aims to fund production for Summer. We'll explain the reasons for this in full detail later, but for now, keep an eye on our social channels for news!
It's been a long year of development and an even longer wait, and we're excited to hear what you all think. We'll be taking a short break to recuperate, but our askbox is open! (But if you encounter any bugs, please send a report to support@blankhousegames.com.)
Until our next update, happy gaming everyone!
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sincerelyyourslilly · 3 months ago
It's what you've always wanted, isn't it?
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a continuation of the 'bad ending', if you will
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amaregamesdb · 1 month ago
Collabs and Contributions WIP
I've been working on a feature for the website that allows developers to be listed as collaborators/contributors on projects and not just the main developer. This will allow people to have games they worked on in different ways show up on their developer profile. Still some UI work to do as I want it to list the position as well but it's getting there.
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acrossaskywardsea · 2 years ago
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I'm a little sad that these didn't quite make the cut for New Artwork Purposes, but hey, reduce reuse recycle!
I might add on Coralie and Dr. Kim in this style, and maybe we can get some prints outta these? :D What do you guys think?
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rei-inari · 4 months ago
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The lovely devs over at @twoandahalfstudios were kind enough to send me the art of the outfit I got to design for Casper as a KS backer! It came out perfect, I'm so happy I got to support them.
I'm forever thankful I got to be a part of my favorite game (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) If anyone ever draws fanart of him wearing this please feel free to tag me cause I'd love to see it <3
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eydi-andrius · 2 years ago
My surprise when I did not see any "Nusantra: The Legend of the Winged Ones" post on Tumblr??
It was such a good indie Otome game. 😩 I love how gentle Mitra was. I just wanted to hug a guy who looks like a giant cuddly teddy bear. Reksa is the best but I want Mitra because he was huge and shy and kind.....you know........... 😩
If you haven't played it yet and you love visual novel otome game....you should give it a try!
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