#I know I already said this a million times but this jacket is so adorable!!
felixstark · 2 years
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
felix’ outfit!! look at it🥺 it’s so damn cute..
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deadpresidents · 4 months
"No fewer than twenty-nine of my [research] cards document [Ronald] Reagan's detachment. He was at once the most remote and the most accessible of men. Although he reveled in the constant flesh-pressing of the Presidency, and ate up flattery with a spoon, he needed regular spells of 'personal time.' Glance through the Oval Office peephole and you would see him happily writing in longhand, always with his tie straight and jacket on, ensconced in an egglike solitude that the curvature of the lens only emphasized.
Adored by so many, he was a man with no real friends. This was not due to any inherent misanthropy...Until he remarried in 1952, earnest, bespectacled Ronnie was said to be 'best friends' with [actor] William Holden, and after that with Robert Taylor. But neither man was more than a barbecue buddy. Hundreds of political supporters and associates claimed to be close to him when he was Governor of California and thousands during his Presidency. Former Senator Paul Laxalt spoke for all of them when he said, 'I guess I know Ronald Reagan as well as anybody. Of course we never talk about anything personal.'
Sooner or later, every would-be intimate (including his four children, Maureen, Michael, Patti, and Ron) discovered that the only human being Reagan truly cared about (after his mother died) was Nancy. For Laxalt, disillusionment came when the President called to thank him for his campaign help in 1984, only to pause in midsentence and audibly turn over a page of typescript. For William F. Buckley Jr., it was when Reagan showed polite relief at his inability to accept an offer of hospitality. For Michael Reagan, it was the high-school graduation day his father greeted him with 'My name is Ronald Reagan. What's yours?'
Patti Davis, Reagan's younger daughter, writes in her 1992 autobiography:
'Often I'd come into a room and he'd looked up from his notecards as though he wasn't sure who I was. [Youngest son] Ron would race up to him, small and brimming with a child's enthusiasm, and I'd see the same bewildered look in my father's eyes, like he had to remind himself who Ron was...I sometimes felt like reminded him that Maureen was his daughter, too, not just someone with similar political philosophies.'
Reagan's scrupulously kept Presidential diary is remarkable for a near-total lack of interest in people as individuals. In all its half-million or so words, I did not find any affectionate remark about his children. He conscientiously named every visitor to the Oval Office, having a printed schedule to refer to, but in conversation he tended to rely on pronouns. Nor did he pay much attention to faces. 'Nice to meet you, Mr. Ambassador,' he greeted Denis Healey, the former Defense Minister of Great Britain, while the real British Ambassador stood by. 'But I've already met him,' his Excellency [the Ambassador] complained, 'eleven times.'"
-- Edmund Morris, Ronald Reagan's authorized biographer, on President Reagan's aloof personality, "The Unknowable: Ronald Reagan's Amazing, Mysterious Life," The New Yorker, June 28, 2004.
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Keith and Allura are still my favorite bestie pair.
Mkay, hi! This post is kinda sorta in continuation to another post I wrote.
You don't really have to read the other one to understand this, but it's a similar idea.
Big thanks to @haunted-glassesgurl who gave me the idea for this, go check out her account, she writes thing occasionally.
Waiiiit. Our convo was kinda long. Am I gonna be here for like forever?
Keith is in Allura's room yet again, this time with the princess sitting elegantly in front of him while he paints her.
For some reason, no matter where she is, the light always seems to hit her just right, and she always looks so effortlessly perfect. It makes her the perfect painting subject, her surreal beauty is quite literally alien to Keith.
But he knows that she's also caring and funny. It's hard to take someone seriously when you've watched the them snort like a pig because she was trying not to choke on food goo while watching Keith do a handstand on top of a ten foot tall bookshelf while singing House of Memories at the top of his lungs. It's a long story.
Anyway, he finishes and shows her his latest work. He's painted things for her dozens of times, and she always looks amazed.
She stands abruptly after glancing at the portrait for a couple seconds. Keith does not fall of the bed in surprise, shut up Allura.
"Keith Kogane of planet Earth, I name you the Official Royal Painter."
She says it with a teasing glint in her eye, but Keith looks shocked anyway.
"Really?" His eyes are starry with disbelief and happiness.
Of course, Allura had not been serious when she said that, but she had forgotten that Keith is a very angsty socially deprived child, and therefore cannot tell when someone is joking.
But how can Allura admit that to Keith when he looks like this? It's not possible! His way-to-adorable-for-his-own-good-kitten-puppy-eyes are on full force.
So now, when Keith is super stressed, he drags Allura into one of their rooms and just paints her for hours. She isn't exactly fond of sitting still for that long, but anything is better than seeing her best friend overwork himself to the point at which he regularly has to spend his nights in a healing pod in order to function.
And, sure, to anyone else it would seem like Keith is a creepy stalker who has nothing better to do than make artworks of Allura and stash them all over his room, but who cares? It's not like anyone will be snooping in there.
Lance realizes too late that he shouldn't be snooping in Keith's room.
It's not his fault! Keith had left the door to his room open for once, and how can anyone resist taking a peek in their crush's room?
So, really, Lance blames Keith entirely for his heart shattering into a million pieces.
He had decided to take a look in Keith's closet and see if the guy actually owns anything other than that stupidly short jacket. (How does it even provide Keith with warmth? It covers like 25% of his chest. Is he just a natural furnace??? Does he even take it off when he sleeps or is he just that committed to wearing overly cropped clothing and messing with Lance's weak heart?)
What he finds is painting after painting of Allura. Sure, she's pretty, but this is like an obnoxious amount of portraits.
Before, Lance had hoped and wished and thought that maybe, just maybe Keith might return Lance's feelings.
But now there is no doubt, Keith has a crush on Allura.
Keith can't deal with this right now.
He has already had a stressful week, and now his crush is aggressively flirting with his friend.
Allura just laughs it off every time, but to Keith, it just drives the knife further into his tragic, gay heart every time Lance says something cheesy or winks in Allura's direction.
Why are all the best people so painfully STRAIGHT?
Keith can't decide if he wants to punch or kiss Lance's stupid face.
At this point, it shouldn't bother Keith. He's watched the energetic boy flirt with absolutely anything, (seriously. Keith once walked in on Lance practicing puck-up lines on a trash can with a sharpied face and bikini on it) but for some reason, he can't stop feeling his feelings.
So now, instead of being mature about this, he's ignoring Lance. Shiro keeps looking at him and shaking his head every fifteen seconds, but if Lance is gonna be an unintentional douchebag, then Keith is allowed to be petty.
Their old rivalry is back, an Keith can't help the tightening in his gut when he realizes that he and Lance are drifting apart once again.
Allura is very close to strangling someone.
Honestly! Keith and Lance both clearly like each other, and yet they’re both set on restarting this silly rivalry of theirs.
If Lance says ‘Keith and Lance neck and neck’ one more time, Allura will have his neck.
She’s tried being subtle. She has dropped so many hints that everyone on the ship has figured those two out by now.
And now she’s done. Those idiots are going to kiss each other, and they are going to enjoy it, because Allura has put way to much effort into them.
After dinner that night, Allura grabs Lance by the collar and drags him onto a deserted hallway.
He yelps and complains until he meets her icy glare.
Allura has never shut someone up so quick, and it satisfies her greatly.
“Listen up Lonce. Not only have been flirting with me shamelessly for months, but you’re also failing to see what’s right in front of you. I don’t know about you, but the look Keith gives you every time you dismiss him breaks my heart. So, if you don’t fancy being ejected into space right now, you will go confess to that boy and kiss him like you mean it.”
Lance blinks at her in shock before responding.
“But- the paintings! And he’s in your room a-all the time!” he splutters.
Allura drags her perfectly manicured hand down her face with a groan.
“Well excuse me for being a good subject for his art. If you haven’t noticed, we’re friends, and that’s it. Now shut your trap and go find him.”
The next day, Allura almost combusts when the pair walks into the kitchen bickering. That is, until she notices their find smiles and tangled fingers.
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New Years With You (SeungCheol x reader)
Part of the Over a Decade Series.
Summary: Its New Years and Y/N is wasted.
Seventeen Masterlist <3
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“Yah, y/n’s knocked out, how are we gonna get her home?” 
“I can get home” you slurred and almost passed out.
“We’re screwed”
One of your friends puts her head in her hand. You were drunk as hell laying on the floor of one of her friends' empty house. It was New Years and you and your friends were drinking, you were too excited you ended up drinking even before it was 12 and you were also out before it was 12.
They were pacing around while suddenly one of them clicked on one of your friends. 
“Choi Seungcheol is in town”
On the other side of the neighborhood, Choi Seunghcheol, who came back from uni to celebrate Christmas and new years with his family, receives a distress call from your friends about you being completely wasted. It was one of your first times getting drunk. You didn’t even know your capacity.
The girls greeted Seungcheol as he was their senior in school. He squats down to your level and you sit up.
“Yah Who is this?” You ask, you weren't even sure who that was because your vision was so blurry. You poke his cheek with your index finger to feel his dimples.
“He’s handsome” you say and this bring sone giggles in the room.
“Y/N calling me handsome? Oh, You’re a goner” he sighs.
“Let’s get you home” he pulls you by the arm and up on your feet.
He ends up helping you out of the house. It was a small neighborhood you could just walk home it was that close.
You were singing some random kpop song really loudly and could hear him say “we’re screwed” under his breath. You stumbled while he helps you not face plant into the concrete.
“Is it 12 yet?” You ask suddenly and you stop singing.
“Not yet, 5 minutes more” he looks at his wrist watch.
“Quick make a wish” your drunk self says.
Your drunk self joins your hands as you try not to wobble and lose balance. You start a monologue.
“I pray for eomma, I hope she’s healthy and happy, I hope she gets a million customers for her restaurant”
Cheol giggles at that.
“Appa... don’t have one”
His heart sinks listening to what you had just said. He was not sure if you were sentimental or just straight up stating facts.
“Next is..... the number one friend in my entire life” she does a little twirl when she says the ‘entire.’
“Choi SeungCheol, my best friend of more than 10 years, I wish him happiness and success, but we fought, a few months ago” you say, tearing up a little. Boy, Alcohol really did a number on you.
“I miss him”
His heart melts hearing it. He puts his hand under your chin to lift it up to see your eyes. “Yah, you're crying?!” He asks you chuckling and fixing your jacket that was almost falling off, it was freezing outside.
“He’s so nice and kind, I’m so thankful that he’s constantly looking out for me, I wish allllllll his problems go away and he’s always happy,” you continued covering your face with your hands.
"Wait" Confusion took over your face.
“Would being happy all the time drive him insane?” You ask the air. 
“Ah whatever” You brush it off and that makes Cheol laugh out loud. “He’s my best friend” you drunk cried.
Seungcheol found this adorable. He pats your hair saying ‘aigoo aigoo aigoo’ while you hold on to his bicep trying not to trip on your feet, it felt like the road beneath you was floating away, like you were on a treadmill. He had gotten a lot more buff since he started going to uni. A lot more manly. He became a lot more attractive than he already was.
The sudden fireworks really scared the shit out of you and you jumped.
“Is it 12 now?” You ask confused. “I guess so”
Your drunk self pulls Cheols by his jacket to press your lips against his. Seungcheol froze under your touch but snaps back to his senses like a second later. You could hear the fireworks behind you. He pulls away not knowing if this is something you want or you were just being drunk. 
“You have to kiss someone at 12, its a rule! You don’t know the rules?” You say after you pull back but still close.
Seungcheol was frozen, he never fully realised these feelings that come and go. It drove him nuts that he could never figure out how he felt about you. His eyes don't leave yours.
"I don't, I don't know" he responds softly.
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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Eddie in the Bathroom
Pairing: past!Steddie
Summary: Eddie and Steve used to date, they were in love, or so Eddie thought. Then Steve dumped him right before Tina’s annual Halloween party. And now Nancy Wheeler is tucked under Steve’s arm and Eddie can’t stand to look. He’s now hiding out in the bathroom, drowning in his thoughts and memories.
Warnings: mentions of weed and porn (no descriptions of usage), mention of alcohol, anxious and depressive thoughts. Very angst heavy. No happy ending.
Word Count: 1182
A/N: This is totally based on the song Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill. @writer-in-theory said Steve will now be our third jail cell buddy for angst crimes. And as always, thank you, friend. 💕 This fic is for my C3 square in @harringroveson-bingo
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Today. Halloween, 1983…
Tina was hosting her annual Halloween Bash, the biggest party of the fall, and Eddie could care less. Normally he ate up Halloween, adoring getting in costume, watching slasher movies, and most of all, the money he got from his “sales.”
Last year, he had a blast. He dressed as Jason Vorhees and made bank, and then he got to make out with his boyfriend in the back of his van for hours on end.
This year, though. He didn’t have a boyfriend, which was crushing to say the least.
Five days ago…
Eddie met Steve in “their” spot by the quarry, and Steve looked worse for wear. Eddie went to wrap his arms around him before he was met with Steve’s hands shoving at his chest.
“No!” he shouted.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed. Had he done something? Was Mr. Harrington home? Did someone find out about them?
“I just can’t be with you anymore, okay? And when we go back to school tomorrow, keep pretending like we don’t know each other,” Steve’s voice wavered and he walked away, heading back to the Beemer, leaving Eddie more confused and heartbroken than ever.
He was dressed as Willem Dafoe’s character in ‘Loveless.’ While in the middle of a sale, he happened to see Steve making his way into the party, dressed as Indiana Jones. The shirt unbuttoned down to his navel was enough to make Eddie’s mouth water. Oh, Steve looked so good, but Eddie couldn’t touch. He pocketed the cash and began to make his way over to get a better look when a flash of white tulle caught his eye.
Eddie stopped in his tracks. Steve brought someone? Surely not. They only broke up a few days ago, there’s no way that Steve has a date already, let alone a girlfriend.
He wouldn’t do that…
And there she was, Nancy Wheeler, clad in a white tulle dress, looking pretty as ever, as Marion Ravenwood. They were matching. It was a fucking couples costume. Eddie felt sick. Replaced. He met Steve’s gaze briefly before his feet began moving themselves. There was no time to unpack what emotions were in Steve’s eyes before he was stumbling into the bathroom and locking himself in.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Eddie muttered, pacing in the confined space. It was hot and this leather jacket was suffocating him. He clumsily fumbled with the zipper, practically ripping the material from his body to allow his skin to breathe.
Eddie slid down to the floor, resting against the porcelain bathtub that felt like ice against his back. He felt like he was going to hyperventilate if he didn’t ground himself quickly. Seeing Steve after the break up was hard enough, but knowing he was here with someone else?
Why? Why was he here with Nancy Wheeler? Why was he not good enough? They were together for a year. They were in love. Eddie was, at least. He thought…
Six months ago…
“When I graduate, where do you wanna go?” Steve asked, curling into Eddie’s side. It felt like home, like nothing could ever go wrong.
Eddie chuckled, fingertips tracing the curves and dips of Steve’s back, “Did you have something in mind, Stevie?”
Steve tilted his head up to look at Eddie, flashing his million watt smile, “I was thinking Pittsburgh. We’d be more free to be ourselves and you could pursue music like you’ve always wanted. I’ll have time to figure out what I wanna do.”
Eddie looked Steve with the fondest of grins before leaning in to press a kiss to the mole just under his hairline.
“We’ll have all the time, sweetheart.”
Now Eddie is the one hiding in someone’s bathroom, meanwhile Steve is flaunting around Miss Perfect, as if the last year didn’t exist, as if it meant nothing. Eddie hadn’t realized he was crying until he heard an incredibly off-key rendition of Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart.’ He felt the tears drop down onto his bare chest and he decided it was time to suck it up and
“Oh, great,” he muttered, standing up on shaky legs to look at his reflection in the mirror. He was flushed, eyes red from crying, and his hair was sweaty around his temples. Surely there couldn’t be a sadder sight tonight. Maybe he can pass it off as being stoned, or he got beer in his eyes from people sloshing the shit around with their horrible dancing. He had enough to deal with, what with being “The Freak,” “The Loser,” “The Stoner,” he didn’t need to add “The Wuss” to it too.
They didn’t know him. They knew a name and one thing about him. They didn’t know he could create intricate stories, that he played guitar in a band, that he loved fiercely, or that he wasn’t as stupid as he seemed. They knew nothing. They didn’t even notice him unless he was selling pot.
A little over a year ago…
“You’re so pretty,” Steve whispered as they sat across from each other in the library.
Eddie startled, dropping his pen against the wooden table, earning him a glare from the librarian.
“Dude, you can’t just say shit like that!” Eddie hissed, kicking Steve’s shin under the table.
Steve bit back a laugh and the urge to pull Eddie by the collar and kiss him.
“Be mine,” he said, simply. Except it wasn’t simple. It was fucking po-dunk Indiana and they were two guys.
Eddie gaped and glanced around to be sure no one heard them. He was shoved around enough, he truly didn’t need another reason added to that apparently very lengthy list.
“Meet me at the quarry,” he murmured finally, lips turning upwards in the faintest of smiles, “So I can give a proper ‘yes’ to my boyfriend.”
Eddie turned the knob of the sink, splashing his face with cold water, ignoring the knocks on the door. If someone had to piss that bad, there was an entire back yard and loads of empty bottles and solo cups.
“Big mistake. You should have stayed home, Munson. No cash was worth this,” he grumbled to himself, drying his face with the little hand towel on the ring. His head hurts now- the anxiety and crying brewing into a booming pressure in his skull. Shit, watching porn, and being miserable and alone in bed would have been better than this. Even the fleeting low, dark thought seemed like a better option. He’d never do that to Wayne, though.
He grabbed his jacket from the floor and opened the door, expecting to be cussed out by some couple who wanted the bathroom to make out, but no one was there. Passing the threshold, he met Steve’s eyes again, this time Eddie made a beeline for the front door. He couldn’t do it. He didn’t know how the hell he was meant to make it through his senior year when Steve was there.
“Awesome party,” he said flippantly as he passed Tina, “I’m so glad I came.”
He wasn’t.
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The Masterlist of Masterlists
Stranger Things Masterlist
Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
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Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!  Thank you @aheathen-conceivably and @jenplayssims for tagging me! 
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
It feels like I've said this a million times by now, but of course my favourite time period was the 1910s. I have so many plans for future generations and can't wait to actually get to play it out so I'm kind of excited for all of the upcoming time periods. If I have to choose, I'm probably most looking forward to the 40s, 70s and 90s.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
I have used this jacket and cap by happylifesims multiple times on various of my sims and I can’t get enough of it. And of course I keep using every item from lilis-palace to furnish my builds. I can’t thank them enough for making such incredible historical cc!
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
I've loved creating storylines for Frances and Harry and I love them to bits, but right now Esther has been my favourite. Maybe it's because she's a relatively new sim of mine, but I already think she has a lot of personality and I'm very excited about what I have planned for her in the future.
4. What is your favorite world?
My favourite world is Henford-on-Bagley. I used it briefly at the beginning of my story but I had already played with it so much before so I decided to move away from it.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I'm definitely more story focused, but with growing together I realized how much fun it was to just devote myself to gameplay, so in the future, I might want to combine it more.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
I love having pets in my game, but I don't always include them in my storytelling. Both Arthur and Jack had a dog from a young age, but I don’t think I mentioned them much. Frances also had a cat when she was young, but I sort of forgot to mention her.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
It's annoying when they use their phone, as well as when a career or skill-building requires them to use the computer.
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
I don’t actually know. I use so much cc that I forget, but I guess everything that came with cottage living?
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
I want vehicles! I adore the look of vintage cars and would love to have them functional in the game, as well as horses and carriages. That would be a dream.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Cottage living ofc! I also love seasons, since always brings so much life to the game.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
The timeless mod is amazing for historical gameplay.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
Preferably as small as possible. I don't like playing with overly large families, because I feel way too overwhelmed. In addition, it is difficult to pose large families in different contexts (weddings, funerals) so I have tried my best to avoid it. However, I'm feeling a bit more confident now and hopefully, there will be a bigger family in the 1930s...
13. Do you use poses?
Yes, I use poses all the time. Sometimes I sneak in some gameplay in my screenshots, but I mostly use poses.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yes! I use natural knitting, better babies, and a suitcase replacement.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
I think played off the grid in the 1890s but I honestly can’t remember? 
16. What lifespan do you play on?
I play with normal lifespan, just because I’m used to it. Recently I have paused the aging a bit because thing where going too fast and I realized I could just pause and make my life easier so I had time to enjoy the game as well as moving the story forward without stressing about it.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically? When I read pixelnrd story I got really inspired and started playing historically, but without posting on tumblr. Then I got a new computer that could handle a bit more cc (and use reshade) and that made me decide to give it a try!
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nerdforestgirl · 2 years
Note: A tradition continues even if I don’t really write anymore. Enjoy.
Sheldon pulled another box from the bedroom closet. He opened it, and it appeared to be another box of knickknacks from Amy's past. He pulled out the card right on top of the pile of items inside.
“I gave you this card,” he said with a smile when he showed it to her. Then he set it back into the box and started to set the box in a larger moving box. They were getting ready to move into the house they just closed on.
“No you didn't,” Amy told Sheldon as she took the card from him and showed him that there was no signature on the card. That didn't matter because she knew exactly who gave her the card. Well, sort of. Either way, it wasn't her husband.
“Yes, I did,” Sheldon argued.
“Not this one. A weird stranger gave it to me like fifteen years ago,” Amy said. She remembered the day clearly.
Amy groaned and put a pillow over her head. It didn't dull the noise of that awful alarm clock much, so she decided to just turn it off instead.
“I don't wanna go to school today,” Amy whined to no one. She was all alone in her apartment just like she was every single day of her life. She knew that no one would find her joke to herself funny, but no one else was around to care. Sure, UCLA was a school, but it was also the workplace of Amy Farrah Fowler.
Normally Amy adored her job, but it was the day that was really the problem. Amy hated her birthday, which happened to be today. She didn't hate it for the typical reasons of getting older or reflecting on regrets or mistakes, but because something bad always happened on Amy's birthday. Last year, the restaurant where she joined her parents dropped an on-fire baked Alaska on her lap. The year before that, she had been rear-ended on her way home from work. And the year before that, her grandfather died. Amy's birthdays were always bad, and she didn't want to have them anymore.
Maybe I'll just stay home, Amy thought to herself. She had a million vacation days built up that she was never going to use. She could call in and stay home in bed where nothing as dangerous as a flaming dessert could get anywhere near her.
After Amy called her office to let them know she wasn't coming in, she rolled over and went back to sleep. Her plan was to do exactly nothing all day, and sleeping in seemed like a good way to kick that off.
By nine Amy got back out of bed out of boredom more than anything. She liked to keep her bedroom free of distractions to make her sleep easier and more restful. That meant that if she wasn't sleeping there wasn't much of anything interesting to do in there. She wandered out to the kitchen and opened her fridge. Normally Amy would have a quick bowl of cereal or a granola bar, but she had time to make something good.
“Do I have the ingredients for a Dutch Baby?” Amy asked herself as she pulled food from her fridge and pantry. She thought that maybe this wouldn't be the worst birthday ever since she actually had everything. Plus a few of her favorite toppings like lemon and raspberries.
Amy set about making the batter for the pancake and melting the butter in her oven. She almost even forgot that it was her birthday as she pulled the now hot pan from the oven. As she turned to close the oven with her free hand, the contents of the Dutch oven exploded and sprayed hot, melted butter all over her face and pajamas. In her surprise, Amy dropped the Dutch oven on her left foot.
“Ow,” Amy cried before limping over to her couch to inspect her foot. It was swelling quickly and was very painful to move. She debated a trip to the urgent care to have it looked at, and she decided since she had already called off work, it was worth at least an x-ray.
Amy didn't even bother changing out of her nightgown. She just made sure all of the kitchen appliances were off before she threw her jacket on over it and went down to her car.
The urgent care wasn't terribly busy, but there was still around a handful of people in the waiting room. Amy played with her phone and even checked the dating website her mother had recommended to distract herself. She hated the site, so she closed it and opened Angry Birds instead. It was almost forty minutes later before they pulled her back to have her foot looked at. The x-ray took another hour. And in the end, Amy's foot was broken in two different places. She was given a boot and a pair of crutches and was sent on her way.
Amy's head was not at all in the present. Instead she was fantasizing about a giant fast food milkshake that she planned to pick up on her way home as she left. It was maybe a mistake because she was already unsteady on the unfamiliar boot with the crutches propping her up. Though all of that would have been fine if it weren't for the parade of nine or ten years olds who came running by her. One or two bumped into Amy's crutch and sent her and her belongings flying to the ground.
Amy took a deep breath to keep herself from crying. She could cry and scream and be as upset as she liked at home, but she was in public now; she needed to keep her composure. That was until two men practically stepped all over her as she tried to gather her things.
It's bad enough they don't want to help, but these men can't even be bothered to go around me, Amy thought. She glowered up at them. They both looked like they were dressed as children. One was in a hoodie while the other wore some t-shirt with cartoon characters on it. And they were talking about some video game.
Tears welled in Amy's eyes as she reached for her crutch. She could cry when she was safe in her home. Until then, she needed to focus on getting back on her foot with her crutches safely under her.
“Wait,” the taller man in the cartoon t-shirt said as he came to a sudden stop.
“What?” the shorter man said, startled by the sudden exclamation by his friend.
“Go help her,” he ordered the shorter man. He gestured to Amy who was now easily a dozen feet behind them.
“Oh my God! Did we just walk over you?” the shorter man with glasses asked as he ran back to help Amy up from the ground. “We didn't knock you over, did we?” he added with even more horror in his voice.
“You did walk right past me, but the ten year olds over there were the ones to actually knock me over,” Amy explained as she pointed to the group of kids who were now in front of the ice cream shop on the other side of the parking lot.
“I'm so sorry. I guess we were distracted,” he told her as he helped her up. He then picked up the rest of her stuff from the ground. She expected him to hand her her things, but instead he just asked, “Which way?”
Amy pointed to her car, and the shorter guy helped Amy carry her stuff to her car and he even helped her get in. Meanwhile his friend seemed to completely disappear. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, but at least the helpful one had stayed.
“I don't know where your friend went, but I hope you can catch up with him. Thank you so much for helping me back to my car,” Amy told him. No one had been so nice to her in what felt like years. Despite this birthday being right up there with some of the worse, it was a nice little present that this stranger had been so kind.
“He can't get very far. He doesn't drive,” the man with the glasses told her.
That was when the taller friend reappeared right behind the man with the glasses.
“Here,” he said as he shoved a bag in window of Amy's car.
“What's this?” Amy asked.
“Neosporin and bandages,” he told her stiffly. “You cut up your hand when you fell. You should clean it up as soon as you get home. These sidewalks are disgusting.”
“Thank you,” Amy said with a firm nod. “This is the nicest birthday present I have received in a long time,” she admitted earnestly. She wasn't quite sure why she told these guys that it was her birthday. She knew they didn't care, but Amy wanted to let them know that the kindness had meant extra to her that day.
“One moment,” the taller man ordered before walking back into the pharmacy where he had purchased the bandages.
“Is he okay?” Amy asked.
“I have no idea. He's always like this.”
The pair sat there in an awkward silence while they waited for him to come back out. It didn't take too long, but long enough for the strangeness to stretch it into an eternity.
“Here,” the man shoved another bag at Amy when he returned. He didn't wait for any kind of response. Instead he just started walking away.
“I hope your foot feels better, and happy birthday, I guess,” the man with the glasses said before he also left. He didn't even give Amy a chance to say thank you again.
“What was that about?” the man with the glasses asked his friend.
“I don't know. She needed help. You would have helped Penny,” the cartoon t-shirt man responded.
“Not that we helped her. Obviously we should've helped her. Though I am a little surprised that it was your idea. Normally you'd yell at me for wasting time if I stopped to help a stranger. I meant running off the pharmacy,” the guy with the glasses said.
After that the two men were too far away to hear. Amy watched as they walked into a comic book shop that was in the same parking lot. They really were like oversized children, but at least they were nice. That reminded Amy of the second bag. She opened it right then. Inside was a Snickers bar and a birthday card that he left unsigned. It was strange, but the tears that slipped down her cheeks now were happy ones. She opened the candy bar and looked at the card that seemed to be for a small child. Elmo wished her “The Best Birthday Ever.” It definitely wasn't that, but it was a little better for the kindness of the two men.
“Oh my God! You gave me this card!” Amy shouted at her husband.
“I told you,” Sheldon said.
“Why didn't you tell me that we had met before?” Amy asked.
“I had never made the connection until I saw the card. I knew the girl was pretty and sad, but I didn't even connect that it was you,” he told her.
“I was a mess that day,” Amy admitted. Maybe she had been almost unrecognizable even to her husband with the eidetic memory.
Sheldon nodded in agreement, but he had stopped for the pretty girl, not a mess. It was more likely that it had just been a couple years between that day and when he had first met Amy for real in that coffee shop, and Sheldon had no real reason to think on that day often. Sheldon could never truly believe in soulmates, but there was something between Amy and himself. He felt like they could've met her at any time of his life, and he would've been drawn to her. He actually felt better now because he had always wondered why he had insisted that Leonard help the girl.
“That card reminded me that birthdays weren't all bad. That even if something bad happens like food poisoning from your fiance, someone cares. I kept that lucky birthday card all of these years because it was a reminder that even a stranger might go out of their way to wish you a good day on your birthday. It fixed them for me,” Amy explained.
The Amy carefully put the care back inside the box for safe keeping. She didn't want Sheldon to sign it for her now. She didn't want to mess with the magic of the lucky birthday card from the then stranger, now husband who made all of her birthdays the best he possibly could.
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“Sylvia. Sylvia, for the love-,”
She keeps pacing, pulling at her hair and biting her lip. Pacing. Pacing. Pacing.
“Sylvia, just sit down.”
She looks to Dallas then, eyes a little glossed over and her lip bleeding from where her teeth tore at the sensitive skin. Hesitantly, Sylvia moves to sit at the foot of his bed, just as she had a million times before. An entire lifetime ago. “He… you can’t be mad, okay? Promise me you ain’t gonna be mad-,”
Dallas rolls his eyes, turning his chin to the floor to hide the steady-growing smirk. “I ain’t gonna be mad, Sylvia.”
“He asked me to marry him-,”
Dallas knows already. Tim came by and asked for his blessing.
“-I said yes.”
Dallas didn’t know that.
She’s twisting her hands together in her lap, eyes trained on the young man in front of her when Dallas turns around ever so slowly, smoothing down the collar of his jacket, running his tongue over his teeth. “You love him, don’t you?”
“It’s not that simple, Dally,” she whines. It almost makes him grin. He shouldn’t, but Dallas can’t fight the ember of pride in his chest. They’re adults now, real big kids. But the image of Sylvia justifying her love to her childhood crush is just laughable. “It’s not that I never loved you-,”
She’s gotten a lot more comfortable with the word after having Loretta. Dallas still isn’t used to hearing Sylvia admit she loved him so easily. “I didn’t ask if you ever loved me,” he says flatly. “M’askin’ if you love Tim now.”
“I still love you, Dallas, I never stopped.”
“But you started lovin’ Tim after I left, didn’t you?”
He faces her just in time to watch her nod. Sylvia wipes her eyes frantically as she does so, before any real tears can race down her face. This was supposed to be a happy day — the day she got proposed to. But here she was instead, crying for no good reason.
The mattress sags, the bed frame creaks. Dallas sits next to her, her cheek falling into place against his shoulder. “He stayed when I didn’t. He took care of you when I didn’t. He loved you when I…” Even after all these years, Dallas can’t say he ever stopped loving her. “He loved you when I wasn’t around. You’ve loved him for a long time- an’ I’m sure Tim’s loved you just as long.” Probably longer. Definitely longer.
“You’re my best friend, Dally,” she mumbles into his shoulder.
“I better be,” he mumbles back.
Her fingers wind through his, thumb gently running over his knuckles. The words slip over her tongue as gentle and easy as ever, but he’s finally starting to believe her. “I love you, Dallas.”
He turns his chin, placing his lips against her hair in a single, tender moment. “Save those words for your wedding day,” he tells her, “it’ll make Tim feel all special.” She laughs and wipes her eyes again, he throws an arm around her in an awkward hug. “Love you, too. That’s why I gave Tim my blessing.”
You come in here (my inbox) and deposit these little tokens of love and I couldn’t adore you more-
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
"You looked so cute when you were little." + Rulie because you KNOW Ray would break out the photo albums eventually
Julie hums as she stirs marshmallows into everyone’s hot chocolate. Two for Reggie, one for her and her dad. She pops another into her mouth in honor of Carlos, who’s hit that stage of teenage euphoria that consists of driving around and spending most of his time with friends. 
He’ll be back before she and Reggie have to return to campus, though. He adores Reggie.
Who is she kidding? Her whole family adores him. Carlos steals him away to play video games or cause chaos. Tia’s always loading him down with casseroles and pinching his cheeks. Her dad was won over as soon as Reggie opened his mouth and let his personality bubble out, destroying the impression his ripped jeans and leather jacket tend to create.
It helps that Reggie’s following in her dad’s footsteps, in a way, studying photography. He’d insisted on seeing some of Reggie’s stuff, too, which had made him more flustered than he’d been while introducing himself as her boyfriend. 
He’d practiced said introduction in the car. It was really sweet. 
So yeah. Julie totally gets it. Reggie’s easy to love, earnest and kind, funny and charming. He helps her write songs and takes a million (mostly) flattering photos of her and plays piano. He sends letters to his grandma and cries during romantic dramas and always gives her the last bite of his egg roll.
She knows, deep in her heart, that her mom would've loved him, too. 
He’s family. He’s home. 
It still sends a wave of mortification through her when she walks into the living room with the tray of hot chocolate and Reggie smirks at her, balancing a large photo album on his knees. 
“Julie! Why have you been hiding these from me? You looked so cute when you were little.” 
She scowls at her dad, who shrugs and continues to pull more albums from the shelf. 
“What, mija? He’s right. And we’ve already gone through the rest of my albums. It’s been long enough that I really didn’t think you would mind if he looked at those.” 
If she were Carlos’ age, she’d stomp her foot. Honestly, if she wasn’t carrying the tray of hot chocolate, she might do it, anyway. She settles for groaning. 
“It doesn’t matter! Those photos will always be embarrassing!” 
“No, seriously!” Reggie insists. “Jules, come on. You were adorable.”
He nods to the spot beside him. She sighs, gingerly setting the tray on a nearby table, and crosses the room. He drapes his arm around her as soon as she collapses onto the sofa and kisses the side of her head, which makes her smile in spite of herself. He taps the page. 
“Look at that loveable little face! Tell me that you don't want five."
Her dad coughs, and Reggie flushes. His eyes go wide with panic. He rushes to add, “Not right now, obviously, that’d be insane, and I don’t even necessarily mean—I just meant, generally—” 
“Maybe not five,” Julie muses, pressing her lips to his warm cheek. 
She regards the little girl in the photo he’s pointing at, with her butterfly-studded braids and her gap-toothed grin and her messy overalls, covered in glitter from her first day of kindergarten. Her glasses dwarf her face. She's proudly holding her arm up, showing off her first friendship bracelet.
There definitely are some embarrassing photos in here, but she does love that girl.
"Do you want to know how I ended up getting covered in glitter?" 
Reggie brightens. "Yes? Tell me everything!"
Julie steals a glance at her dad. He lifts his mug of hot chocolate, eyes twinkling. 
“Wait ‘til you get to the infamous arroz con pollo incident—” 
It’s okay, though. Reggie’s mom is more than happy to return the favor the next time they see her, and it’s his turn to pout as Julie coos over his floppy hair and his doe eyes and his crooked grin, which he hadn’t grown into, yet. She finds herself wavering. 
For a moment, five sounds perfectly reasonable. 
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noctumbra · 3 years
summary ─ he couldn’t say anything. his brain was screaming at him to say something, but his tongue wasn’t cooperating. the lump in his throat wasn’t helpful, either.
pairing ─ fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ angst, ANGST, implied smut, language, alcohol consumption, reader is drunk, phone calls, emotions are bitch is the short version lol 
a/n ─ henlo, i’m back but without a smut this time because something like this was mandatory lmao hope you like it! please let me know if you do and what you think about this, thank you <333
the (after) party [part one] ─ loft music [part two]
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Bucky frowned deeply as he lifted himself off the bed and ditched the condom. The brief satisfaction and relief came with the sex had already washed away from his body, leaving him with a miserable feeling that he desperately tried to ignore but failed almost all the time.
He reached for his jeans after ditching the condom in the trash he spotted in the bathroom and cleaned himself with a couple wet wipes. His t-shirt was thrown over the chair at the corner of the room, so Bucky walked there to get it. He vaguely remembered his shoes being discarded at some place that was close to the door, but he had to find his socks before he got to his shoes.
“You’re leaving already?” He heard Dot ask. Her voice carried the typical disappointed tone. Bucky nodded instead of answering verbally, his eyes were searching for his socks ─ they were on the ground by her closet. Bending down, he grabbed and put them on. “I thought we could cuddle a bit,” she whined. Bucky barely surpassed his eye-roll. He didn’t like very much when women he had been with whined other than having sex.
“Got things to do,” he murmured distractedly. He checked for his wallet and phone by patting his jacket’s pockets. Both were there, so he only had to get his shoes and he could leave.
“You always say that,” she whined again. Bucky sighed harshly but stayed quiet. He pulled his jacket on and briefly ducked into the bathroom to fix his hair. When he decided that he didn’t look debauched anymore, he walked out.
“Because I have things to do,” he gritted through his teeth. As he walked out of the room, he heard the rustle of the sheets and her soft but stubborn footsteps.
“Can I see you again?” Dot asked, moving in front of him before he could open the front door and sneaked out. “I really had a good time, baby.” She batted her lashes, gave him a sly smirk, mischievous sparks were going off in her eyes. Her hands grabbed front of his jacket, and she lifted herself on her tiptoes; now they were nose to nose. “Like tomorrow? Can I see you then?” Bucky shrugged, making her hands fell from his jacket and he took a step back.
“No,” he said. “One night stand term means one night,” he added, practically hissing. He made a move to the door but froze when he heard her.
“Then why did you fuck Y/N for months?” Dot snarled. “Everybody knew, knew that you fucked her for months and saw her again and again─” Bucky turned his body to her. In a blink, he was in front of her and crowded her against the wall. She looked at him, fear all over her face.
“You’re not her,” Bucky hissed. “You’ll never be her. Talk shit about her like that again, it won’t end pretty for you, baby.” Bucky looked at her for another couple seconds and then stormed out of the apartment.
As he walked down the empty street, his body was strangely cold. His chest was heaving with harsh breaths, his eyes were stinging and he had to blink to clear his sight before he realized that he had fucking tears in his eyes.
He sniffed as he wrapped his jacket around his body and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Shoulder up to his ears, Bucky walked down the street with his eyes stinging from the tears he’s been desperately trying to hold back. He didn’t remember a time where he wanted to cry, where he felt… vulnerable. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, couldn’t see any reason for it, except─
Bucky sighed. The words he said to Dot filled his mind. Shit, he thought. Dot was so going to tell that to everyone. When Bucky took a moment to think about that, that Dot telling everyone what he said to her, he found himself not giving any flying fucks about it. He didn’t care. She could tell anyone she wanted to, Bucky didn’t care.
Because it was the truth.
Dot was not you, would never be you, not in a million years. It really wouldn’t end pretty for Dot if she were to continue talk shit about you ─ which Bucky assumed Dot was going to because she’d most likely to be jealous now. Good, Bucky thought. Dot was great in bed, Bucky liked how vocal she was and how she told him whatever she wanted at that moment, but she wasn’t a very good person other than that. He could care less.
Bucky took a deep breath. There was a lump sitting in his throat, eyes stinging still, and his nose was burning a bit. He wanted to let go, but he didn’t know how. He never let go before.
Just as he sniffed and blinked a couple times to get rid of the tears, he heard his phone going off in his pocket. Pausing for a second on the sidewalk, he pulled it out only to see your name flashing back at him on his phone screen. Bucky frowned. The worry filled his chest, and whoa, it never happened before, and he accepted the call.
“YN/?” He said, the frown still visible on his face, and his eyes were still teary but there was worry in them, now. “Are you okay?” He didn’t hear anything for a short while. There was no sound, no background noise or your voice ringing in his ear. Frown deepening, Bucky pulled the phone off his face to check if you were still on the line, and you were. “Y/N? Are you there?”
“Why didja hav’to fuck me up like t’at?” You finally said, words slurring. Bucky blinked. Were you drunk? You never slurred unless you were drunk out of your mind.
“Y/N, where are you?” Bucky asked immediately. His mind was going off places where you might be, and some terrible imaginative scenes were playing in his mind. “I’m comin’ to pick you up,” he said. “Where are you, baby?” He didn’t mean to call you that, but it became a habit after all the time he spent with you.
He heard you chuckle adorably in his ear. “I love when you call me that,” you said, making him smile faintly. The worry was still there, though. “Makes me feel like ‘m somethin’ precious.” Bucky swallowed the words ‘it’s because you’re’, only to make the lump sitting on his throat bigger. “Why didja have to do it?”
“What do you mean?” Bucky asked right back. He had no idea what you were talking about and figured if he made you talk, you might tell him where you were. He heard you sniff and some glasses clinking. There was a faint cheering sound on the background. “Baby, where are you?”
“You made me fall in love with you,” you murmured, and it was the most sober you sounded since he picked up. Bucky froze. His somehow already cold body was even colder now, his lungs were rejecting the oxygen and he felt his eyes burning even more. The muscle in his jaw clenched. “I loved you, but you walked away. Why did you do it?”
What could he possibly to say to that?
Because I was scared that I love you, too?
Because I’m a fuck up, and you deserve better?
Because I love you so much, I’d kill for you?
None of the answers would justify what he did, he knew, but goddammit, he was fucking scared. He didn’t want to get hurt again; he went through that heartbreak once and it was enough for him for a lifetime. After that phase of his life, he became cruel to his partners, he knew this, too. He took his pain and anger out of them most of the time, and the thought of he might have fallen in love again was terrifying.  
“You left me behind at that party,” you continued. “I know we broke up way before that─” You cut yourself off with an emotionless laugh that sounded much more like a sob. “Did we even have a relationship, Bucky?” You sounded so upset, so small and sad, all Bucky wanted to do was to reach out to you through his phone and give you a big hug. “I always thought we did, but I knew you never see me in that way. I know I’m not enough.”
Oh, it hurt.
It hurt like motherfucker.
Bucky felt his heart skip a few beats, seizing up in its small cage, as the tears in his eyes finally rolled down his cheeks. The tears burned their way down his frozen face, his tingling nose was a great company to its burn. He couldn’t say anything. His brain was screaming at him to say something, but his tongue wasn’t cooperating. The lump in his throat wasn’t helpful, either.
“I loved how special you made me feel,” you murmured with a small voice, it felt like you were smiling. Sniffing lightly, you continued. “I liked how you got to know me so well. It made me feel like I was being cared for, like someone was finally giving their attention to me fully.”
Bucky tried to swallow the lump so that he could say something, but it didn’t budge. His throat was burning with the urge to scream; tears still rolling down on his cheeks and wetting his face, his body was an ice cube, but your voice warmed him up a bit.
He knew he had to come forward with his feelings, he had to face with them, but he was scared; so scared that it was making him slowly lose the best thing in his life.
“You broke my heart, but I love you anyway,” you whispered. “Why I love you still, Bucky? I don’t want to. It only hurts me more.” Bucky’s chin trembled. You didn’t want to love him, and he made that. He caused that. He hated himself for it. He hated how fucked up he was to make you hate to love someone.
Sniffing, Bucky cleared his throat. “Y/N,” he started. “Where are you?” He heard you sob, more glass clinking and suddenly, all the noise was cut off. “Y/N?” Please, he thought, please tell me where you are, please.
“It hurt me to kick you out the other night,” you said instead. Bucky closed his eyes, sending another wave of tears down his cheeks. “All I wanted to do was to snuggle with you like we used to, but that night at the party… You hurt me so much, James.”
Fuck, Bucky forgot how much heartbreak could hurt him, how much pain it had brought with itself. His heart was skipping beats, his body felt cold and strange to him, his hands were trembling and his eyes kept producing more tears.
Bucky was hurting. He was hurting so much.
He hated himself for being a coward.
“Y/N,” Bucky said. “I’m begging you, please, please, tell me where you are, baby. Please.” He listened to your sniffs and soft sobs for a minute. He waited patiently for you to answer him. His head was buzzing, a headache was slowly tearing its way through, his eyes were hurting from all the silent crying he was doing and he was cold.
He craved your hug. They always made him feel warm.
“Transviolet,” you whispered. “I don’t wanna see you, though. Just makes me wanna cry.” Bucky sighed. He knew where you were now, and even though it was going to hurt you to see him, he had to make sure that you were alright and safe. Taking a deep breath, Bucky looked around. Surprisingly, he was very close to Transviolet.
“Five minutes, baby,” he said. “I know you don’t wanna see me, but I wanna make sure you’re alright. Don’t go anywhere, okay?” Bucky quickly crossed the street, using his long legs to his advantage; he started to take big steps, almost running. “Stay with me. Stay on the phone.” He heard your soft hum of approval.
“Dunno if I ever stop,” you murmured when he round the corner to the street that led to the bar you were waiting for him.
“Stop what, honey?” Bucky kept the conversation going, he had to. He couldn’t let you go non-verbal on him while you were this drunk. You could go as much non-verbal as you wanted to when he was near you.
“Loving you,” you answered him, and Bucky stumbled over his next step. All this time, Bucky somehow always knew that you were in love with him, but hearing it was a total different experience. He didn’t know hearing it could get addictive, though, it was new.
Clearing his throat lightly, Bucky carefully voiced his words: “Do you want to? Truly, I mean.” You hummed. Bucky started walking again, and he could actually see the sign: Neon purple color was winking at him in the middle of the night. His feet quickened their pace.
“No,” you murmured. “But I should.” Bucky felt his heart break into the nth piece with your words, but he deserved them. He deserved to hear those words, but he did not deserve you. He sighed. “You hurt me so much, but make me feel like I’m someone who can be loved. It’s weird.” Bucky faintly smiled at your whiny voice.
“Is it?” He said, just to keep you talking. He was so close now, and he could actually see you standing in front of the bar. You were against the wall, arms folded against your chest, and you were trembling slightly. Bucky frowned. “I’m almost there, honey,” he murmured. You hummed again. Looking around, Bucky started running towards you when he didn’t see any cars on the street. His arms were itching to wrap around you.
Bucky ended the call when he stepped onto the sidewalk you were standing on. You lifted your head and looked at him a little sleepily. “Hey there, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered. You smiled widely. Bucky smiled at you right back. Scooping you up in his arms, he held you against him tightly. “Let’s get you home, alright?” You nodded, leaning into his touch. He called an Uber while never releasing his hold on you. You probably had your coat and bag inside, and he had to get you your coat, you were freezing. “C’mon,” he murmured as he led you inside. You shivered when the warm atmosphere of the bar hit your frozen body.
Quickly finding your bag and coat, Bucky put them on you but slung your bag over his shoulder. You were leaning into him fully, now, totally taking advantage of his newly renewed body heat. Your hair smelled like your shampoo, and Bucky felt tears collecting in his eyes again. He blinked them away. To distract himself, he pulled out his phone and opened his group chat with his friends.
what would y’all say if i were to tell you that i’m in love? pls answer honestly, he pressed sent and saw Steve and Sam writing their responses.
i would say you’re bullshitting me, Sam said, and Bucky rolled his eyes. you don’t love, barnes, he added.
ditto, Steve sent. you only make them fall in love and just walk away. that’s your brand, pal. Bucky felt the hurt poking him harshly again, and he closed his eyes for a second, focusing on your sweet scent to calm himself down. His phone pinged. It was Clint and Loki.
you usually just fuck them, man, you don’t love, Clint said. Ouch, Bucky thought.
sometimes you drive them to the brink of suicide, too, Loki sent, and Bucky clenched his jaw. He could see Steve, Sam and Clint objecting immediately, but it was true. It had happened once. Biting his lip, Bucky wrote a reply with shaky hands.
i do, though. i really love her, he sent. The other immediately started writing something back. i’d die for her, y’know. i really would. The ‘writing’ thing disappeared. Bucky heard a honk and looked outside. gotta go, he sent quickly and locked his phone.
“Come on, honey,” he murmured softly to you, and you whined. “Home, love, we’re going home.” You looked up at him, sleepy expression all over your face. Bucky smiled. His fingers fixed your hair with gentle moves. You closed your eyes and nuzzled his hand when it cradled your cheek.
“Mmm,” you purred adorably. “Love you,” you whispered. Bucky surpassed the soft whimper that almost crawled out of his mouth. Instead he kissed your forehead and led you to the Uber waiting for you guys outside.
Once inside the car, Bucky cuddled you against his body. Your sweet scent filling up his lungs, body next to his, he relaxed a little. You were almost asleep when he whispered: “I love you, too.”
You just hummed, burying your face into the crook of his neck while holding onto him tightly. Bucky placed another kiss on your forehead and rested his cheek on your hair.
Then, Bucky took a deep, deep, breath and let go. He let the hurt and tears mix as he cried and cried silently all the while holding you against his chest, cradling you in his arms as if you were something precious.
“I love you so much, too,” he whispered again just because he could and buried a soft sob into your hair.
It hurt so much, the pain was leaving him breathless most of the time, but Bucky was used to it.
He had been used to it for a long time. He could handle it like he did before. 
He just wasn’t sure if this time he would be able to survive it. 
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lily-drake · 3 years
Jason: holy shit- she's so tiny!
Dick: *agitated* Jason, focus, what do we do??
Jason: *coos at the baby Marinette* I haven't seen her this small in forever.
Dick: we need- Jason! Focus! what do we do???
Jason: *shrugs* wait it out? I don't know.
Inspired by @bambicambi
Annoyance coursed through Marinette’s veins as she saw the new Akuma of the day.  Of course it happened when her family came to visit.  Looking up to the sky and praying for strength she turned her back to the chaos, something she would soon regret.  Her brothers were asking her what the heck was going on, and as she opened her mouth a baby pink ray of light hit her, and Marinette poofed and in her place sat 4-year-old Marinette Wayne.
Jason and Dick stared at the small child on the ground in shock and after the moments were over Jason eagerly picked her up and spun her around.
“Holy sh*!  She’s so tiny!”
Jason called out as he held the small giggling girl to his chest.  Dick, was rightfully frustrated and walking in small circles and quickly said,
“Jason, focus, what do we do?”
Upon hearing Jason making cooing noises, he swiftly turned to look at Jason.
“I haven’t seen her this small in forever!”
He exclaimed, nuzzling his nose against the small Marinette.
“We need-Jason!  Focus!  What do we do?”
Jason shrugged as he held Marinette against his hip.  She giggled and tugged at his jacket.
“Wait it out?  I don’t know.”
Dick opened her mouth, but stopped when Marinette began to speak.
“Jay-Jay!  Ride!  Ride!”
Jason’s grin grew and gently set her down while holding her hand.  He squared down and carefully released her hand.  He could not express the pure amount of joy he felt when she climbed onto his back and wrapped her tiny hands around his neck.
“Jason, have you just forgotten the weirdly dressed flying child that not only turned Marinette, but all of Paris into kids?!”
He…had forgotten.  But can you blame him?  Marinette was so tiny when she was a kid, and he hadn’t seen her like this in forever.
“Look, contact Zatanna while I keep her safe and distracted.”
Dick sighed in relief replying,
“Alri-wait a minute.”
Jason was already running with a giddily screaming Marinette.
“No fair, I want to cuddle my baby sister too!”
He sighed in frustration, and no he was not pouting.  Quickly pulling out his communicator he dialed Zatanna.
“Hey, so I’m in Paris visiting some family, and this flying kid in really weird clothes is going around de-aging people.  Could you come see what’s going on please?”
“Pardon, but what?”
“Yea, it sho-“
Dick quickly ran through the streets dodging beams that were now directed towards him.  Why did stuff like this always happen when they traveled?
A few moments later a portal opened and he had never been more relieved to see Zatanna in his life.  Zatanna looked around and looked at the villain.  As she studied it and was about to jump in, a neon butterfly mask appeared over the child’s face and she realized what this was.
“I can’t do anything, sorry Dick.”
“What?!  Why?!”
“This is ancient magic, probably the most ancient magic in the universe.  There should be others…, see,”
She said pointing to a cat-like figure in the distance.  Dick stared in confusion, what was happening?
While Dick was trying to figure everything out Jason was having the time of his life with Tiny Mari.  He was especially thankful that when she was blasted that her clothes were transformed into a white t-shirt and overalls with lions stitched throughout them.  He had taken so many pictures of them.  We’re people running around everywhere scared, yes, yes they were.  But that didn’t stop him from enjoying as much time as he could with his tiny sister like he used to.
“Jay-Jay!  There’s a fairy in my pocket!”
“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”
He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!
“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”
Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!
“Marinette, you need to help Chat Noir defeat the akuma?”
“Akuma matata!”
Marinette called out with a giggle.  Jason would have laughed, if it weren’t for the flying bug thing talking to his sister, who was currently 4, telling her to help someone defeat the crazed villain.
“Woah!  Are you insane?!  Look at her?!  How do you expect her to fight?!”
The thing looked conflicted before sighing and saying,
“Well, do you want to fight it?  You just need to wear the earrings, I can run you through what you need to do!”
Marinette screamed.
“I want to be like you and daddy!  It’s my turn to help people!”
“Marinette, you're too young.”
Tears began to well up in the small child’s eyes.
“I-it’s no fair!  You al-always say that!  I want to help!”
She finished stamping her foot definitely with a sharp glare.  Jason sighed in exhaustion and turned to the floating creature.  He mumbles under his breath,
“Can’t believe I’m letting this happen.”
He knew by the way Marinette was gripping at her ears and the definence in her stance.  He could easily take them by force, but he didn’t want to hurt her or make her angry and feel betrayed.
“Can you assure above all else that she will be completely and utterly safe.  I will join as well in my hero suit to make absolutely sure.”
“Yes, she has a partner as well who will watch out for her.”
He sighed in relief at that, but there was a new and very heavy weight on his chest that wouldn’t leave until this event was over.  He listened to the fairy tell Marinette what she needed to do and almost smiled at the determined face she was making.  Her cheeks were so chubby and-no, focus!  He pulled out an extra domino mask he always carried with him and zipped up his leather jacket.  When he turned around there was a burst of pink light and where Tiny Mari once stood stood his sister in the cutest outfit he had ever seen!  It was similar to his old Robin outfit, but closer to Tim’s as she thankfully felt that there needed to be pants.  She had small wings on her back with a black cape with red bottom edges that shielded them from view.  And in her hands was a tiny yo-yo.  Before anything else could happen, he quickly pulled out his phone and took pictures.  He wanted to show this to Bruce and brag, sue him.
Soon after that they both left to the rooftops.  He was honestly surprised by how easily she maneuvered around the roofs and how easily her yo-yo grappled and released from things.  They soon landed next to a Cat Woman knock-off who turned to look at them in surprise and exhaustion.  When Marinette saw him she quickly turned to him and tugged on his sleeve.  Jason crouched down and Mini-bug leaned close to his ear and whispered,
“Does Selie have a son?”
Jason snickered and glanced up at the kid.  He seemed to have heard them if the ears twitching and confused look said anything.
“No Pix.  He was just inspired.”
“Oh, okie-dokie!”
“So, I’m assuming you two know each other and she was hit out of suit?”
“Yep, basically.”
“Right.  Well, we just need to break the wand, but I can’t get close.”
“Little Lady, cast your charm.”
Mini-bug puffed up her cheeks making her old —and most adorable— thinking face before yelling out while throwing the yo-yo into the air,
“Lucky Charm!”
“A red and black spotted rubber bullet dropped into Mini's awaiting palms.  Jason promptly took the bullet and loaded it into his gun, it was the perfect fit.  The hideously dressed child flew over to them and flourished her wand creating the opening Jason needed.  With one quick shot the bullet flew through the air and hit the wand causing it to snap.  A black and purple butterfly began to fly out and mini quickly caught it.  She quickly released it bouncing on her heels in pure joy as a wide smile grew onto her face.
“Told ya I coul’ do it!”
“Yes you did, good job Pix.”
Chat Noir, who they hadn’t noticed disappeared, came back with the bullet and handed it to the small girl.  She threw the bullet into the air jumping up as well and yelled out,
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Millions of Ladybugs flew through the air repairing damages and Turing people back to normal ending with Ladybug herself.  Ladybug looked around confusedly and saw Chat on her right and Red Hood on her left.  Memories of the past hour flashed through her mind and she promptly hid her face in her hands and a deep blush bloomed across her face.
“This is a disaster, a complete disaster.”
“I don’t know Bug, was it?”
Jason asked with a crap eating grin.
Came her mumbled response.  Jason laughed and ruffled her hair, Marinette was too miserable to care.
“We should go make sure golden boy isn’t panicking too much, don’t ya think?”
Marinette sighed tiredly and nodded, I guess so.
“Sorry Chat, I promise I’ll explain later.  Bug out.”
And as quickly as she could she swung away with Red Hood laughing and not too far behind.
“B is going to hate that he missed this.”
He called through the air causing a loud groan to escape her lips.
“Don’t show him!”
“Too late Pix, already sent them all to the group chat.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you to Babybug.”
Marinette groaned again and Jason laughed all the way to where they found Dick and Zatanna talking in an alleyway.
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess @buginetye @miraculouslydumb @aurcad123
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
The Tree Hunt
A Venom Imagine
Eddie Brock x Female Reader
680 Words
🌲Day 1 of Christmas Countdown🌲
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-The Tree Hunt-
You make Eddie help you find the perfect Christmas Tree.
Happy December ❤️
"I don't understand why we had to come all the way out here," Eddie protested, the snow crunching under the weight of his boots.
"I wanted a real tree," you pouted. "Why are you so grumpy?"
He paused his stride, allowing you to catch up to him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and you wrapped your hand around his waist.
"I'm not grumpy," he said. "I guess it's because I have never done this before, and I have a perfectly good tree at home."
"An artificial one," you quipped, glancing at the towering green trees that surrounded you. There were so many different sizes and textures, and it smelled like Christmas. "Come on, Eddie. Where's your spirit?"
He caught your eyes, and a gentle smile graced his lips. He gave a little sigh, drawing you to his front. He used one hand to pull your hat a little further down your head.
"I love you," he whispered, his forehead knocking with yours. "Even when you drag me out to the middle of nowhere in the damn cold."
You chuckled, reaching up to peck his lips. "Love you most."
You pulled away and continued down the path. Finally, a tree caught your eye. It was perfect, with no bare spots and the perfect triangle shape. It was nice and full and would hold lots of ornaments. You were filled with excitement with the idea of decorating your first tree with Eddie and Venom.
"Isn't it perfect?" you asked. "It'll look so good by the fireplace. Our first Christmas."
Eddie couldn't deny his own bit of excitement, despite the fact that he did not find this activity enjoyable, but he would do anything to make you happy, and he adored the smile that lit your lovely features.
He glanced at the handsaw in his palm a bit unsure. He had never used one in his entire life, and he was a bit embarrassed to admit that to you.
"Wimp," Venom's voice said, catching onto his hesitation. "You couldn't impress a girl even if you tried."
"I don't need to impress anyone, I already have the best girl," Eddie whispered.
"We do," Venom corrected. "Allow me."
You watched Eddie talk to himself for a minute. You knew he had no idea how to use the saw. It was cute that he didn't want to admit that to you.
Eddie's arms grew thick and long and black as part of Venom emerged. He gripped the base of the tree and pulled it right out of the ground, roots and all. He dropped it harshly at your feet.
"That was easy," you grinned.
Eddie chuckled. You were so cheerful and cute. "Can we go now?"
You helped him move the tree to a tarp so it was easier to drag back to the car.
He extended his now normal flesh hand and you laced your fingers.
"We'll have to go ornament shopping too," you said, tugging on his hand.
"And get some hot chocolate to drink while we watch all of the Christmas movies," he said, rolling his eyes playfully. You had recited this to him a million times already.
"What color ornaments should we get?" you asked.
"I'm happy as long as you're happy, baby," he said sincerely. You smiled brightly up at him.
"Can we make gingerbread houses?"
Eddie stopped, turning towards you. "You're beautiful, you know that? But I draw the line at gingerbread houses."
"What do you have against them?"
You reached the car, shedding your jacket as the walk had warmed you considerably.
"Venom makes enough mess as it is," he said, following your move and shedding his own coat, stepping up behind you.
He was warm, pressed against your back, and you turned so you were facing him.
"I'm happy we get to start traditions together," you told him, hands winding around his back. He dipped his head, his lips brushing against yours.
"Me too. We can do them every year-"
"Oh, really," you smiled cheekily. "Did my tree hunting grow on you?"
He hummed, "Maybe a little."
If you want to be tagged in my Christmas Countdown, or want to read the other Christmas fics, please go HERE.
also here's my Masterlist
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babybluebex · 2 years
so are you gonna do it😐
where the hell is my baby pryce nephew, i told you to do it i triple dog dare you
i need this little redhead in my life
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Jack had been restless all day, ever since you told him Daddy was coming home. Seth had been gone for several days on a looping mission and, while Jack didn't know exactly what his father did for a living, he adored him. Jack had always been like that, ever since he was born; when he was still a little wriggling baby, only Seth's grip could calm him down.
Seth was understandably terrified when you first had Jack. You were both still young, and Seth had no plans on having children anytime soon. He quickly owned up to the role of daddy, though, and he was there for everything that Jack did. Seth said that he didn't even remember his dad, and he was intent on being the best father he possibly could, and, so far, he had upheld his promise. He was too deep in the business of looping by the time Jack came around, so he had no choice but to keep going and doing his job until his loop was closed.
Jack sat at the window all afternoon, watching the cars pass, getting excited whenever he heard a motorbike roar past. "Mommy!" he whined after the third motorcycle had passed by without stopping at the street below. "When's Daddy comin' home?"
"He told me today, sugar," you said, sitting down on the couch next to him. Disgruntled, Jack folded his arms on the top of the couch and pouted, and you titled your head as you watched the tiny copy of your boyfriend settle his chin on his arms. Jack was already a hyper kid, again something inherited from his dad, and getting him to sit still for any amount of time was an accomplishment. It was surprising that he had been window watching for as long as he had, but then again, he was waiting for Seth. Jack would wait a million years for his dad.
Finally, the roar of a slatbike sounded from the street below, and, when Jack stretched to look, his eyes went as big as dinner plates. “Daddy!” he cried, and you looked down to see your Seth on the street, wheeling his bike into the garage. It had only been three days since he was gone, but Jack was as excited as if it was ten years.
It took a moment for Seth to reach the flat, your run-down apartment building not having an elevator, and he was out of breath as he pushed the door open. He saw you first, his eyes tired but alert, his beautiful ginger hair hanging half in his face. His jeans and jacket both looked just a little too big on him and you could see that it had been a few days since he had showered, but it was your lovely Seth. He cast you a quick smile, acknowledging you, but Jack’s shouts of “Daddy, Daddy!” couldn’t be ignored.
Jack hurtled his tiny self into Seth’s arms, and Seth playfully groaned. “God, you’ve gotten big!” he exclaimed, squeezing Jack tightly. “Were you always this big?”
“I missed you,” Jack mumbled into his father's neck, and Seth stood to his full height, settling little Jack on his waist. Jack started to ramble about what had happened while Seth was gone, all the things that a five year old deemed important enough to tell his father, and, while you could tell Seth was listening, you could tell just as much that Seth was more focused on admiring his mini-me.
The two did look strikingly similar, even as far as fathers and sons go. Jack had Seth's round cheeks and bushy eyebrows, his hair just a touch lighter than Seth's dark-ginger. They had the same big, round, muddy-green eyes, and Jack had an innate ability to stare right into your soul when he wanted to. Jack even had the same bump on the bridge of his nose that Seth had.
"Hey," Seth said softly, lightly brushing Jack's hair from his face. Jack instantly stopped his rambling and turned his owlish eyes to his daddy, and Seth gave him a gentle smile, and you watched a single tear drop from Seth's eyelashes. "I love you, Jackie. You know that, right?"
"I love you too," Jack told him, and he placed a kiss on the tip of Seth's nose, giving a big "mwah!" as he did it.
With his son still on his waist, Seth came to properly greet you. Your lips met in a kiss, and, when it broke, you could see more tears welling in Seth's eyes. It looked almost like he had something to confess, and you hesitantly said, "What is it, babe?"
Seth sealed his lips in a tight line and looked at Jack, who had resumed his talking about school. "They closed my loop," he said softly, just low enough for only you to hear. "Thirty years started yesterday."
Your breath caught in your throat, and Seth's free arm went around your waist, holding you tight. "Hey, listen to me," Seth said firmly. "I got paid in gold this time. Jackie's gonna be well taken care of, and you too."
"That's not it," you sniffled. "Seth, honey, they closed your loop. Y-You just told me that you've got... We've only got so much time with you!" Your distress caused Jackie to pause again, and he instantly started to whimper, seeing your tears. "Seth—"
"Why's Mommy cryin'?" Jack whined, and Seth clenched his back teeth as he kissed Jack's head.
"It's hard to explain," Seth mumbled. "Jackie, one day... One day I won't be here for you. You'll be all big and grown when it happens, but I'll have to leave and I won't be able to come back."
"I'm just sad because I don't like talking about that," you explained to your baby, sitting there in front of you, looking like the carbon copy of your boyfriend in death row. "I don't like thinking about how Daddy won't be here anymore. But please don't worry about that, let Mommy worry about it, okay?"
"Is it soon?" Jack asked, and Seth hoisted Jack a bit higher on his hip.
"No, baby, not soon," Seth said. "In thirty years. You know how long thirty years is?" Jack shook his head, and Seth said, "You're five years old, so everything you can ever, ever remember has happened in only five years. Think of that, but five times in a row. It's so far in the future that I can't even imagine. Baby, I'm thirty now, I've got a whole 'nother lifetime to be with you, and I'm spending every second I've got with you. Okay? Does that sound good?" Jack nodded, and Seth sniffled as he wiped a tear off of Jack's cheek. "Good boy. I love you so much, Jackie. I love you so much, it hurts to think about it."
Jack pressed his cheek into Seth's shoulder and, as Seth pulled you into the hug, you heard your son whisper, "Love you too, Daddy."
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the-only-ace · 3 years
Hey I know you are really busy with all the request and job and all that but can you do shinee's reaction to s/o stealing their t-shirts and hoodies?? You can make them one shots of you want too😁
shinee reacts: their s/o wearing their clothes
heyyy~ i really liked this request because i personally love to do this. for this request, i want to try something new since you gave me an idea with the one-shots part. so instead of describing their reactions, i'll convey it in a form of a short story. it will still be per member! i hope you will like this one (heads up though, the posts is a bit longer than my usual shinee reacts) <3
p.s. if you guys can, kindly let me know if you like this kind of format for shinee reacts. thank you!
send in your requests here!
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onew / jinki: you sighed for the nth time within just 10 short minutes. you were staring and pouting in front of your closet for you can't find the perfect clothes for your brunch date with onew. it was a hot day today and you just wanted to wear something cute but comfortable. however, it seems like your wardrobe doesn't offer that kind of outfit.
your eyes slowly traveled toward onew's part of the closet. his side was full of quirky graphic tees which you always find adorable. you don't usually borrow his clothes but you can't help but to take a peek at them and take the one that caught your eyes.
it was a white oversized shirt with a cute box cartoon drawn in front of it. you tried it on and it stopped perfectly on your thighs, making it look like a cute dress. surprisingly, it even matches the pair of sneakers you were wearing.
before you can even decide whether you were keeping it on or not, onew walked into your room. his hair a bit damp and he was only wearing a towel considering that he just took a shower.
"oh, is that my shirt?" he pointed at you.
"uh... yeah. do you mind? i just wanted to wear something that is yours." you sheepishly replied.
"no problem!" he beamed his big bright smile before proceeding to get his own outfit.
you muttered a thank you then went to your vanity to finish touching up your makeup. afterward, you grabbed your phone and wallet and placed them inside your shoulder bag.
"alright, I'm ready to go..." you trailed off as you saw what he looked like. "what the hell are you wearing, lee jinki?"
"your shirt?" he raised an eyebrow, clearly feigning ignorance.
he was wearing your favorite grey t-shirt and it looked pitiful on him, it was as if it can tear at any moment. it barely covered his abdomen and was stretched to its limit.
"no shit, sherlock." you facepalmed at his usual weirdness. "what i want to know is why... why are you wearing it?"
"i thought we were doing a thing wherein we wear each other's clothes." he shrugged as if his response should be expected.
"what? no! please have mercy on my shirt and put on your own clothes." you can't help but laugh at him as you pushed him back to the dresser.
"alright, alright! i just wanted to make you laugh and look, it worked perfectly." he playfully pinched the tip of your nose before taking off the top he borrowed. "also, you should keep that shirt since it looks a hundred--no, million--times better on you."
"thanks, love," you whispered as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into a warm hug.
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key / kibum:
after the long busy months, you were finally having a girl's night with your best friends. you stood in front of the full-length mirror in your room to give yourself a final check. your hair was styled into textured waves and your lips were colored with the boldest red lipstick you can find. your nude heels matched the little black dress you were wearing. your outfit looked almost perfect and you just knew what you were missing. you quickly snatched key's gold leather jacket and put it on. ah, perfection.
this was the norm for you. your boyfriend's wardrobe was beyond incredible especially his outerwear collection and you just had to wear them every chance you can get. to be honest, key was very stubborn in letting you borrow his clothes... at first. after all the compromising, begging, and crying you made, he eventually budged and gave up. of course, it does not come for free. he practically made you sign a contract that once you stained his clothes, you have to shoulder the bill of the laundry and the shop will be chosen by him. however, if you damaged or god forbid, lost his clothes, you have to replace them. you immediately said yes to all of the conditions in a heartbeat. so far you only paid for 2 incredulously expensive laundry bills.
now, you were finally ready to leave. you walked out of the bedroom and made your way down the living room. there, key was sitting on the couch watching one of his favorite tv series.
"I'll be going out now," you announced as you grab your car keys near the front door.
"hey, hey, hey!" key clicked his tongue upon seeing your clothes. he was now looking behind his shoulder and giving you a stink eye. "is that my jacket?"
"um... maybe?" you gave him an awkward smile.
"of course, it's mine." he shook his head disapprovingly. "only i can pull that off, by the way." he sassily added.
"wow, i didn't know the fashion police was here. you should have given me a head's up, babe ." you bit back with a scoff. the last time you checked, you looked damn fine in it.
"just stating facts, baby," he replied in english.
"alright, then why don't you take me shopping then? so you can buy me a new set of clothes that will satisfy your standards." you challenged and if he said yes, you were clearly the winner.
"excuse me, i do call you 'baby' but i am not your sugar daddy. go now, you'll be late." he shooed you off.
"okay bye," a playful smirk appeared on your face. "daddy."
this made key rolled his eyes before turning his back on you. he would very much rather ignore you if you keep on acting that way.
"it's bye now, for real." you giggled as you open the door. "love you!" you called out before stepping out.
"love you too, brat." key mumbled with a small smile.
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winter was approaching and the air was slowly becoming colder than usual. it was the best time to stay in the comfort of your warm home and enjoy hot cocoa with your loved ones. a perfect time to wear your sweaters and hoodies indoors. however, this was not the case for minho for his favorite hoodie was missing.
"hey, babe?" he called out from the bedroom. "have you seen my black hoodie? the one with the white writings on it."
"what's that, i didn't hear you?" you went inside a few seconds later.
and there it was, his favorite hoodie being worn by his favorite person. you looked smaller while wearing it since it was way too big for you. the hem almost touched your knees and your whole arms were lost inside the sleeves. he can't help but smile at the sight.
"nothing, i was just looking for my hoodie but it looks like i found it." he gestured at the clothes you were wearing.
"oh, shoot. sorry, i didn't tell you that i borrowed it." you hit your forehead with your palm.
"it's okay. you're free to use them anytime, anyway." he patted the top of your head.
within the last few weeks, minho noticed that you sometimes wear his clothes. it was not a daily thing though and you even asked for his permission. slowly, it became every day and he would just be surprised to see you walking around the house parading his jackets and sweaters. he didn't mind it though, he was just curious about what you do to your own clothing. also, he hoped that he still had some remaining tops for himself during the cold season.
well, guess luck was not on his side.
his eyes were staring at his closet wherein there was only one jacket left, one. you followed his gaze and you promptly felt the warmth raised to your cheeks. you were surely red from embarrassment now. you were happily wearing his clothes that you didn't have the time to count how much was left.
"oh my god, i'm sorry! i didn't--" you cut yourself off as you watched him put on the lone jacket from his dresser. "i'm sorry, i didn't notice it. i just... can't help myself. your jackets are so comfortable and warm compare to mine." you tried to explain yourself. also not to mention that they all smelled just like him.
"don't worry about it." he reassured you as he placed his arm around your shoulder. "just be mindful next time. i might end up half-naked someday, you know."
"how can you be so sure that's not my goal?" you teased before sticking your tongue out.
he laughed at your silliness and then pressed a soft kiss on your warm forehead. you decided to make a cup of hot cocoa for him as a peace offering.
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it was past midnight and it was raining cats and dogs outside. you visited taemin in his apartment for a stay-at-home dinner date but a storm came before you can even go back home. taemin then convinced you to spend the night there instead. it was not a big deal anyway since you stayed over a lot of times already. you just didn't bring your sleepover bag with you and the dress you were wearing was definitely not comfortable to sleep on.
your caring boyfriend of course promised to ease your worries. the two of you shared a warm bath after dinner and he lent you his clothes for you to change to. so that was how you ended up on his couch, fighting off sleep because the show you both were watching always had a cliffhanger ending per episode. you two needed some answers before you can drift off to sleep peacefully. it was the weekend tomorrow anyway so staying up late won't hurt that much.
your head was laying on his lap while his right hand was playing on the locks of your hair and his left one was comfortably resting on the top of your hip. his hand would occasionally rub circles on the exposed skin. as much as you hate to move from your cozy spot, you had to or else you might end up dozing off right there and then. not to mention, him playing on your hair does not help at all.
you slowly got up from the sofa as you tried to stifled a yawn. "i'll just go get some cold drink." you pushed yourself up from your seat.
you then raised your arms and stretched with a satisfied groan. your shoulders and back were sore after laying down for more or less 3 hours. you can even hear your joints cracking from stretching out. also, you felt the shirt you were wearing raised up.
taemin's shirts were not overly huge for you whenever you wore them. the hem barely covered your behind and right now you were sure that a tiny portion of your buttcheeks was peeking through the white tee. you weren't conscious about it, taemin saw much more than that anyway.
suddenly, you felt a slap across your behind which made you freeze on your spot. you looked behind and saw your boyfriend confidently leaning on the couch with his legs crossed.
"did you just slap my butt?" you inquired.
"uh-huh," he nodded with a cocky grin. "want me to spank you again?"
you frowned a little as you processed the sudden change of mood. taemin won't deny it though, seeing you in his shirts always made his heart skip a bit and his breathing ragged. you always looked effortlessly sexy in them.
"sure, why not?" you replied wickedly after a few seconds of silence.
taemin processed your answer in a split second and he hastily grabbed you by the waist and threw you on his broad shoulders. he did not forget you give you another smack on the ass when he made his way toward the bedroom, the television was completely forgotten.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 6
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Summary: After making an impression, Henry takes Frankee along with him, on one condition: that she behaves.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 2.k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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A light green skirt with a matching crop top and jacket is the look for tonight. Yet again, the outfit is way too cold to face the icy weather of New York City, especially the white heels, but for fashion I’ll do anything. Even if that means certain body parts are gonna freeze off.
Fashion is pain.
Mister Cavill is already waiting in the lobby for me. He’s wearing a black suit, one that totally shows off his broad frame. Gosh, is it allowed to be this handsome and so annoying at the same time?
‘Hello,’ I say, when I’m near him.
He stands up. ‘Evening.’ He checks me out from top to bottom and says: ‘I got you something.’
‘A gift?’ I ask him. My eyes widen, before I let out a laugh. ‘I didn’t get you anything, except my wonderful presence.’
For the first time since I met him, I spot a hint of a smirk. Finally, my—if I may say so myself—witty remarks are paying off. He holds out a bag (oh dear, it’s Gucci!) and tells me: ‘Open it.’
I carefully open the bag, only to see a black trench coat, but it’s padded on the inside, meaning it’s warm! ‘Oh my, it’s gorgeous,’ I say, when I spot the golden accents in the buttons and near the pockets. Even the seams are gold.
‘So you can look fashionable, but still be warm,’ he says.
That is actually really thoughtful. I almost cannot believe it. ‘Thank you.’ I shimmy out of my teddy coat, before throwing it on the couch.
Mister Cavill gently pulls the trench coat from my hands and without words tells me to turn around. He helps me in my new coat and for the first time, he seems so tender, with the way he places it on my shoulders, makes sure the collar is neat and it doesn’t wrinkle on my arms. I should cherish this rare moment, because I fear this will never happen again.
‘And?’ I ask him, as I twirl around in a pirouette. ‘What do you say? I personally think I look gorgeous.’
Mister Cavill nods. ‘Like a million bucks.’
I gasp, totally exaggerated, but there is still some truth in it. Did he just say that? ‘Says the millionaire.’
‘Can you leave your coat at the reception or do you need to go upstairs?’ he asks, ignoring my comment.
Knowing this isn’t my easiest audience, I decide to simply nod and grab my teddy coat. I leave my previous coat with the receptionist, telling her I’ll pick it up later. ‘Who’s the hottie?’ she asks, eyeing mister Cavill and not even subtle.
‘My annoying boss,’ I say. ‘Emotionally unavailable, so I wouldn’t even try.’
‘He gave you a new coat, though. That’s available enough for me. Is it Gucci?’ she asks, eyeing the bag I put my teddy coat in.
‘It sure is.’
‘Ugh, why don’t I work in fashion?’ she groans. I stick out my tongue and she wishes me a great evening.
Mister Cavill holds the door open for me—what a gentleman—and together we get into the limo. When we’re seated, it’s painfully quiet, but that doesn’t surprise me.
‘So,’ I say, when the silence is becoming too much, ‘it’s just mingling? Making sure you look good.’
‘Come on, you asked me to join. Now you gotta give me more than a ‘mhm’. Remember, people adore me and I can tell them everything.’
‘Well, it’s just mingling and if you could make me look good in the process, that would be nice.’
Was it truly that hard, sir? ‘All I fucking asked.’
‘Did you just curse?’
‘Maybe,’ I mumble, crossing my arms. ‘Are you paying me for this or do I need to pull the ‘give me personalized cheque’-trick up my sleeve again?’
‘I’ll make sure you’ll see it on your paycheck,’ he says, not sparing me a glance. Then he realizes I said again. ‘Wait a minute, again?’ he asks. ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘Well, last week I got a personalized cheque. I bought these gorgeous Jimmy Choo’s I had been eyeing for a while now and they are finally mine.’
Mister Cavill frowns. ‘It was a cheque for you?’ he carefully asks.
‘Yes sir. A cheque from this kind gentleman, mister Burke or something along those lines, to Frankee Jane Newhouse.’ I smile and add: ‘Oh, relax, if it were a cheque for Ever After Boutique or you, I’d given it to you. No worries.’
‘Do I even want to know what you did for you to get a cheque?’
‘I gave him a blowjob,’ I deadpan, only for Mister Cavill to nearly choke in his spit. ‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding. No, I just gave him some compliments, told him I liked some of his art, which I do not, but he doesn’t need to know the bitter truth.’
He shakes his head. ‘This is unbelievable,’ he says. ‘Absolutely unbelievable.’
✰ ✰ ✰
The elevator of this building is absolutely gorgeous. Everything seems to match perfectly. The red carpet, with the velvet walls with tiny diamonds. It’s like I’m inside of a wedding ring box. As I check myself in the mirror, mister Cavill says: ‘You better behave.’
I scoff. ‘You’re telling me that or yourself? Last time I checked, you’re the asshole of the two of us and I am the face of Ever After Boutique.’
He groans. ‘Can’t believe people actually like you.’
‘I know it’s hard for you to believe people can actually like someone once their eyes land on the other person, but trust me: it’s possible.’
The doors slide open and we’re fashionably late I see. You can say of mister Cavill what you want, but this is a move I like. We’re arriving at the party and I actually recognize a few people. I leave mister Cavill be, as I am happily greeted by a couple who were so kind to me the other night.
I even speak to mister Burke a little, who has decided to become my sugar daddy apparently, because I have yet another cheque in my hands and while it’s not five hundred dollars, I do think I can buy some skirts with this amount. I whisper in his ear something about investing in Ever After Boutique and almost like it was a spell, he nods and tells me he’ll look into it, after writing it down in his little notebook.
As the night continues, I barely acknowledge mister Cavill. However, my eyes finally land on him chatting with an older couple and even from a distance I can tell it’s not going well. I do have to say, these pruny old people don’t look like the nicest people, but I wonder what has turned mister Cavill in such a bitter man.
I walk over to them and I hear the conversation isn’t going good, as I thought. I wrap my arm around mister Cavill’s—dear Lord, does he work out like crazy?—and smile, gaining the attention of the couple. When they aren’t saying anything, I decide to speak up. ‘You know, mister Cavill is an excellent boss. Very friendly and is always willing to go an extra mile for his employees.’
That obviously comes as a surprise. ‘Really?’ The man looks at his wife, back to me. ‘And who are you?’
‘My name is Frankee, personal shopper and stylist at Ever After Boutique. How do you do?’
They carefully nod as they take me in and I can feel mister Cavill looking at me. Officially I’m a sales assistant at the boutique, but personal shopper and stylist are titles that just sound a whole lot better.
‘When I was stuck on JFK, a few days before Christmas to visit my parents in Florida, he kindly offered me to fly with him on his own jet,’ I say. ‘Even when it was not on his route.’
‘Oh.’ The couple seems genuinely surprised, which tells me something about his cold and unlikeable image.
I turn to the side, smiling at Henry, giving him a squeeze in his thick upper arm, as I use my other hand to caress him over said upper arm. Gosh, this is maybe a bit too much, but I need to soften up this man in front of these people. He sure has chosen them.’Besides, working at Ever After is absolutely amazing, but that is mostly because he makes sure all the employees have what they need.’
The older couple nod in approval and I flash Henry another smile.
‘I’m so lucky to work there,’ I continue. ‘It’s like a dream come true.’
‘He trusts you with the place?’ the lady dares to ask.
I nod. ‘He totally does and that trust was there since day one.’
Mister Cavill’s gaze meets mine and I see this hint of a smile. He looks a whole lot more approachable when he does that. ‘Well, look at her outfit,’ he says, placing his hand on mine, which makes me feel a whole lotta things. ‘She’s more than capable of managing my place. Maybe once I open another boutique, she’ll be in charge.’
I’m not sure whether or not he is serious, but for now I’ll just believe it. Wouldn’t that be amazing? A boutique that is mostly mine? I’d be like Leona—only better.
Don’t let her know I thought that.
The pair leaves after we chatted for about fifteen minutes, but not after leaving their cards and a cheque of a thousand dollars. I hold it in my hands and stare at it. ‘It’s directed to the boutique, but I feel like this is all me.’
‘Careful now.’
I hand it over to him and say: ‘Smile more, give compliments and be patient. Really, mister Cavill, you can do it.’
He sighs deeply. ‘You’re quite the lady, miss Newhouse,’ he says. ‘I get why people are keen of you.’
Fine, he doesn’t want to talk about his slight issues. I tell him to put the card and cheque in his pocket, before dragging him with me. We talk, we laugh and slowly but surely his cold facade is melting. Sure, it’s not much, but it’s nice to hear a chuckle—even though it’s fake—from his lips. But, he’s quite the actor. He places his hand on the dip of my waist, he allows me to pat him on his chest and when someone asked whether or not we had something going on, he didn’t push me away, not even when I said: ‘I don’t kiss and tell.’
The fact people actually fell for it, says something about our acting skills.
After hours, he helps me back into my coat and we walk to the limo. By the time we’re both seated again, he says: ‘I almost thought you liked me back there.’
I let out a laugh. ‘Well,’ I say, ‘I’m just that charming, because you are still saved in my phone as mister Poo Poo Head and I’m not sure if I’m ready to change that.’
‘Very mature.’ He sounds like his old, colder self, but when I look to the side, he smirks. Briefly, but he smirked and I saw it. ‘Well, I appreciate you were there with me.’
‘Sure,’ I say, ‘please invite me more often. To call it even, you could give me the cheque.’
He scoffs. ‘You were doing so well,’ he says. ‘Leave it to you to ruin it.’
‘I have the phone numbers of everyone in the room and I can tell everyone you are a big fat jerk. If my lies were convincing, imagine the truth.’ I send him a daring wink and he rolls his eyes. ‘But, jokes aside, you were doing better than earlier in the evening. Remember: you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.’
The limo stops in front of my place and he gets out, holding the door open for me. After I got out, I straighten my skirt and say: ‘Thank you.’
‘For what?’
Tonight. The coat. Allowing me to hold you. Holding me (believe me, it has been quite awhile). ‘For the extra two thousand on my paycheck.’
Mister Cavill sighs. ‘Goodnight, miss Newhouse.’
I can’t help but laugh. As I walk up to the entrance of my building, I say loudly: ‘Goodnight, mister Cavill.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace
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emikadreams · 3 years
I can just see Hope by Nathan Wagner as a Feysand song-- it's just so :')
I LOVED THIS!!!! hope you like this Nonie 💖
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Rhysand was the luckiest bastard alive to be marrying the love of his life in front of his friends and family during Starfall.
Never in a million years had he thought that he would be this fortunate, to be able to see his mate wake up next to him, to hold her close knowing that she wouldn’t be taken away from him in a week, having someone to hold him and soothe his tremors when he couldn’t separate his nightmares from reality.
Seeing her smile grow wider at the sight of him and their son threatens to explode his shattered heart. He knew that he had done something right in his long life to be granted her love and adoration.
Feyre Archeron was his best friend, lifeline, salvation, mate and most importantly the mother of his child and the love of his life.
He loved her with all his heart and soul.
He loved her more than his crown, his territory, his life and he had gone to the mat to protect her from all evils, but today he could let all his masks drop and revel in the joy that he was finally marrying her. Even though she was already the High Lady, she deserved a big party filled with happiness and joy with all the citizens of Velaris and our friends. He secretly wanted to take part in the human tradition of saying vows to each other.
That was how they found themselves in two different houses, getting ready for their wedding. Rhys was growing giddy with happiness and nerves as each second passed. Cassian and Azriel were his groomsmen, as they are called in the human realms with Nyx as his best man, he was over a hundred years by now, he grew to become a remarkable young man, Rhys found himself staring at his son who was with his brothers, head thrown back in laughter, tears glistening in his eyes.
Nyx looked so much like Rhys but his laugh was all Feyre, the silvery melody was the most beautiful sound in the world, his throat burned with a tightness he chose to ignore. He took two calming breaths and tried to focus on the matter at hand. He would be back at Feyre’s side in an hour and then everything would be perfect. He straightened the lapels of his jacket and fixed his crown so that he could do something with his hands.
His brothers and his son looked towards Rhys, who had gone silent, they glanced at him with quizzical looks on their faces, Rhys shook his head conveying everything he felt as words failed him, his groomsmens’ faces softened as they walked over to him.
“Going soft on us High Lord?” Cass asked teasingly while Rhys laughed wetly.
“ Nah, he’s just extra emotional today right old man?” His son spoke with his eyes glistening with mischief, the said old man couldn’t help but mock, “Careful Nyxer or I might have to set Valerie on you sooner than I thought.”
Nyx visibly paled at the mention of his cousin sister who promised to gut him if he misbehaved today. “Well she is my daughter,” Cass grinned toothily while Az sighed. “I’m not scared of her or anything,” Nyx mumbled eliciting a chuckle out of Rhys, “Sure you’re not kiddo,”
“I’m not I-” Nyx was cut off as Mor blew into the room, smiling like a cat. “We’re ready boys, and right on time, the show is about to begin so places people.”
She rushed them out of the townhouse before saying, “We’re winnowing only.” Rhys opened his mouth to ask only to have Mor rudely shush him, “No questions now Rhysie, you helped with everything else, all you have to do now is show up and look pretty.” Rhys laughed and nodded gesturing for everyone to take his hand as they winnowed to the venue.
Their guests were all seated and the music was playing a familiar rhythm, Rhys felt at ease as he looked at the gathering from a distance, all his loved ones surrounded him, for once in his life he waited to go to a party for he in this one he would not be alone.
Mor told his brothers to go and find Nesta and Elain while Nyx made his way to the alter but not before hugging Rhys and whispering,
“I’m so happy for you pops, so incredibly happy, you deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you.” He pulled back to find that both their eyes were silver-lined, Rhys was awestruck at the man that they had raised and nodded, “I love you too my little darling.”
Nyx grinned and with one last hug, he proceeded to walk down the flower-strewn aisle to stand at the alter.
He was reminded of another life- another wedding, a horrible circumstance but it was the beginning of a better, happier life with his love.
As Mor circled her arm around his elbow he breathed in deeply as he saw that the flowers were jasmine and lavender, he was speechless at the sight, his cousin’s giggle tore his attention away from the flowers. He must’ve looked like a fool for Mor offered, “Feyre, she arranged the flowers. She told me that they were what she first saw of the night court and,” more smiled as she said the next part that broke Rhys, “Lavender for your eyes,” Rhys couldn’t take it, the tears started flowing, “God I love that woman so fucking much,” “Then, let’s get this show on the road.”
Rhys nodded and gestured to Mor, she wiped away his tears and they started to walk down the aisle.
He looked at all the familiar faces and smiled without restraint at each of them. Today he was just a male getting married to his love and he revelled in the knowledge. Mor looked at him while she said with affection shining in her eyes, “I’m so proud of you, you know that right? Your mom would’ve been too” he could only nod in response, she let go of him with a hug to stand at his other side, with Feyre, she was her maid of honour while Feyre’s sisters were her bridesmaids.
He looked to find his son smiling at him as the music shifted to another melody. Clotho was going to be their priestess, she stood at the centre of the alter looking at him with a smile, she wanted to be the one to say a few words. The ceremony was going to be said out loud by Gwyn but Clotho was going to be the one who would head it.
After he had taken his place his brothers and his sisters in law floated across the aisle, and he smiled at them but Rhys only had eyes for the next person as the music swayed and melded into a piece he knew like the back of his hand.
The song that he shared with Feyre to help her ease her despair under the mountain started playing as his starts eternal walked towards him.
He started crying at her sight.
She looked ethereal, resplendent in a shimmery black and white gown that hugged her curves only to gather at her ankles in an epitome of grace and elegance, she was glowing with happiness, a veil flowed down her back. Her crown was the one she had chosen a lifetime ago, she was unadorned of jewelry except for her diamond cuffs. In her hands, she held a bouquet of lavenders, like his eyes.
Rhys drank her in greedily as his tears flowed without stopping.
The music beat in time with his heart as he watched her walk up to him and stop midway, as was the custom in the night court he met her halfway.
He looked at Feyre and words failed him, she was his everything. He swallowed as he entwined his fingers with hers, Feyre gave him a breathtaking smile that stopped his heart, only then did he notice that she was crying too.
“You look breathtaking my darling, like an ethereal Goddess,” he whispered into her mind and Feyre blushed, “You look like the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” she repeated the word that she had thought the first time they met and Rhys was left dumbfounded yet again.
They made their way to the altar and faced each other, like two stars in a galaxy, existing for each other and each other alone. Gwyn began as Clotho’s voice filled Rhys and Feyre’s minds. “Dearly beloved-” the ceremony went by quicker than Rhys expected as he stared at and soon they were at the vows, “High Lord, your vows,” he nodded and began pouring out his heart,
“ Feyre darling,” his mate grinned at her name, “When panic was the closest thing to me, you helped me breathe. When darkness had possessed all of my being, you shined on me.”
Feyre was crying openly by now, her face shining with admiration and affection Rhys placed a hand on her cheeks wiping away the tears while Feyre leaned into his touch, “And this boulders heavy but you took the load, and these storms have gone crazy, But you took the blows and I can’t offer anything. Still, you won’t let go. You take this broken man of stone and made him whole.”
Rhys looked deep into her tear filled eyes and said, “I swear to you my darling angel that I will spend the rest of my life trying-” Rhys’s voice choked with emotion and he cleared his throat feebly with a smile, “ trying to make you happy for I love you with every fibre of my being.”
He dropped his hand from her cheek only to hold her hands.
As their sobs turned into cries Rhys slipped Feyre’s ring into her hand yet again as he had a century ago. “High Lady, your vows,” Feyre nodded and grinned devilishly, clearing her throat, she began
“ Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord, Rhysand is the most clever High Lord, Rhysand is the best lover a female can ask for,” Rhys’s jaw was on the floor as she said her vows, he started laughing, his heart squeezing with emotion, he whispered, “I love you so fucking much you amazing woman,” but then her face softened, “I have a million problems, a million scars, and a million reasons not to open up my heart,” she took a deep breath to compose herself before continuing, “But the trauma vanquishes in perfect love. When you know my darkest parts and don’t turn and run.”
She squeezed his hands, “When chaos was the only thing I’d see, You gave me peace,” It was her turn to wipe away Rhys’s tears as she said, “ When I knew the world wasn’t meant for me, you rescued me, my night triumphant, I shine brighter in your light my love,” she said the next part in Rhys’s mind as she slipped his ring onto his finger, “ And I want you to know that I will spend my entire life proving to you that you are worthy of my love.”
Rhys cried out and waited for one as he pulled her into a passionate kiss, letting her know how much her words meant to him.
As the stars began to fall, Rhys and Feyre were united in mind, heart and soul like the spirits making their journey in search of each other.
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