#henry cavill x frankee newhouse
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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‘This is my cab,’ I tell him.
He doesn’t even seem fazed. ‘I don’t see your name on it.’
He is already one foot into my cab, when I poke him through his coat. Very promising if I may say so. ‘Oh, you’re quite the comedian, I see. Well, let me help you out here with some free advice on how to be a decent human being: I hailed this cab, so I get in and you wait here. After all, ladies first.’
He scoffs. This man genuinely scoffs at me and when he actually wants to step into the cab anyway, I cannot control myself anymore and I hit him with my umbrella on the top of his head. He lets out a groan of surprise.
‘Get your ass out of my cab.’
ever after boutique by keanureevesisbae
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @crazybutconfidentaf // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @omgkatinka // @oddsnendsfanfics // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace // @summersong69 // @gearhead66
40 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 8
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Summary: Frankee decides to visit Mister Cavill, because she needs to talk about last night.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: Sex (like literal gentle love making, orgasms and stuff like that)
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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Yeah, what happened last night, I don’t think that’s supposed to happen. Will I forever dream about this, though? Probably. Did this man just raise the bar for everyone I’m ever gonna sleep with in the future? He sure did.
I still see the dark look in his eyes. No one is supposed to look this hot during a hate fuck/punishment.
While I’m still a little bit angry about the fact he seemed to take the side of mrs my husband is the senator and I’m also a low-key racist, I somehow manage to push that to the back burner.
For today’s outfit, I went for a simple black pair of pants and short shirt combo, however, I did pair with with one of my favorite boots with a heel. I don’t have to go to work today and for once I don’t know what to do with my time after I posted my outfit on my Instagram story. Usually I spend my spare time either chilling around or shopping, but today those options don’t seem good enough today.
So I did something I never expected me to do: I texted Leona for mister Cavill’s address. Obviously I lied to her, telling her he left something at the store and I want to give it back. She fell for it, because she gave me his address.
And the son of a bitch lives in a townhouse on East 82nd street in the Upper East Side. Talk about next level wealth.
And here I am, standing in front of his door. I have walked through this street by foot a few times, but I feel people will call the cops if I keep on cruising. I press the doorbell and nervously wipe my clammy hands dry on my pants.
The door opens to reveal a man in his fifties, wearing a suit. He has a gentle and friendly smile on his face, a pair of black round glasses on his nose and in a polite matter says: ‘Good day, dear. Can I help you?’
Am I at the wrong house? ‘I was looking for mister Cavill,’ I hesitantly say. ‘I believe this is his address…?’
The man seems surprised, almost making me assume mister Cavill does not live here. ‘I was not aware mister Cavill was expecting guests.’
Quite the relief I am indeed at the right place. ‘Should I have made an appointment?’ I ask him.
‘No dear,’ he chuckles. ‘Mister Cavill doesn’t have guests over a lot.’
In other words: never.
‘Can I see him?’
‘Of course, dear. Come on in.’
It feels like intruding, but I still walk inside, almost bow at the—I think—butler out of some sort of misplaced politeness. Goodness gracious, this house is so expensive looking, but also very boring.
I hate it here.
‘My name is Godfrey, I’m mister Cavill’s butler,’ he tells me, after taking my coat to hang it up.
‘I’m Frankee,’ I introduce myself. ‘I work in Ever After Boutique.’
‘Aha, so you’re one of Mister Cavill’s employees,’ he notes. ‘You are the first one to ever visit. Miss Leona usually sends cards around Christmas and his birthday.’
‘I see,’ I say with a nod, not quite knowing what to do with this information. Godfrey the butler escorts me towards the home office and he knocks on the door. I have never seen someone open a door so gently as Godfrey does, however that comes with the profession, I suppose. ‘Mister Cavill, sir, you have a visitor.’
A sigh emerges from the office. ‘Who is it, Godfrey?’
‘Miss Frankee, from the boutique.’
There is no answer. I totally overstepped here, I think.
‘Let her in.’
That’s a surprise. I almost don’t know how to respond to it. He doesn’t sent me away?
Godfrey steps to the side and says: ‘Miss.’
I carefully walk inside the office and the door closes behind me. Mister Cavill is staring out of his office window, his back towards me and no intention at all to turn around. He wears a pair of jeans and a simple black turtle neck tucked into it, but what the suits sorta hides from the rest of the world, this outfit accentuates every single muscle. That ass, those shoulders, that muscled back…
And we had sex yesterday.
I had sex with this gorgeous piece of man.
‘Sir?’ I ask, not quite knowing how to start out this conversation. I have no idea how to bring up our hate fuck in the back room of the boutique, but a simple ‘sir’ will start up some sort of dialogue between us.
‘Miss Newhouse,’ he simply says. Finally he turns around, his eyes distant and slightly cold. ‘You look good today.’
I don’t know if he means it. ‘Thanks,’ I manage to choke out. No witty remarks, no sarcastic comment. Just me being polite. I barely recognize myself, so I decide to put on my big girl shoes. ‘How are you?’
‘Miss Newhouse, you showing interest in my wellbeing makes me highly uncomfortable.’
I roll my eyes. ‘Geez, I’m sorry for being polite.’
He leans against the windowsill and pushes his hands in his pockets. ‘What are you doing here?’
An excellent question. ‘I figured we needed to talk.’
‘Because I want to talk,’ I say. ‘Sir, we had sex in the backroom of your boutique. I mean, don’t we need to discuss the matter?’
He shrugs.
I gasp out of realization. ‘You do this with every employee?’ I then ask and maybe that’s what has been bothering me all along. I don’t want to be some girl he does this type of stuff with. I don’t want to share this kind of experience. ‘Oh my gosh, you took everyone there to the backroom as some sort of initiation thing for when you work here, didn’t you?’
He scoffs. ‘You seriously think that?’
‘You’re not denying it, so it must be true.’
‘For fuck’s sake, Newhouse, you are so immature. I never had an employee this stubborn, this annoying as you.’ He stalks over to me and we’re standing so close to each other, that I can look deep into his eyes.
And that’s when I see it.
While I want to bite back, I realize it wouldn’t help my case. ‘Sir,’ I say in a softer tone, ‘I just wanted to talk.’
His gaze softens a bit. ‘What?’
I bite my bottom lip and ask: ‘You got anything to do now?’
He frowns. ‘What?’ he asks again, like the broken record he is.
‘Answer the damn question, sir.’
He sighs. ‘I’ve got nothing to do.’
‘Then we’re going out for a walk.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Mister Cavill and I have been walking for awhile now, even bought some coffee, however we haven’t spoken yet. While it's quiet between the two of us, it’s not bothering me, because I can feel him soften up. The tense aura he first had, is slowly dissolving.
Once we reach the park, he offers: ‘Come on, let’s sit.’
Without even waiting for me to answer, he walks over to a park bench and plops down. When I finally caught up with him, I say: ‘I’ll stand.’
‘You always need to be so difficult, miss Newhouse?’
I send him the stink eyes. ‘You kinda bruised my ass yesterday, sir. Sitting on it is kinda painful.’
And then it happens. He lets out a chuckle, one that totally reaches his eyes. It’s the most relaxed he has ever looked, both today and prior. He pats his leg and says: ‘Come on, sit. You have been walking miles in heels. You must be tired.’
I wonder if the barista put some alcohol in this man’s drink, because this is absolutely out of character. ‘You being nice to me makes me highly uncomfortable, sir,’ I say, a rendition of what he said to me back at his place. Besides, I’m not lying. This is unlike him.
‘Just do it.’
I carefully sit on his lap, making sure the sore flesh isn’t touching his thick thigh. Only then I realize this isn’t as uncomfortable as I figured it would be. It feels kinda normal, like we do this all the time.
Which is confusing on its own.
‘So,’ I say, ‘you ready to talk?’
‘About what?’
‘I don’t know,’ I say, but I realize I do know. ‘I just want to understand you better.’
‘Why do you want that?’
‘You can’t be like this without a reason,’ I say. I look at my coffee cup and say: ‘Come on, you bend me like a pretzel yesterday, you can spill the beans about your life now.’
He rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his coffee.
‘Wanna hear what I think?’
Mister Cavill shakes his head. ‘I don’t, but there is a hundred percent chance you’re gonna say it anyway.’
‘For someone with that much money, you sure don’t seem to be happy with it. You’re the worst workaholic I have ever met and that is from a girl whose dad had a heart attack once he retired. He is fine now, but that was next level workaholic. You on the other hand put him to shame.’
Still silence.
‘You work on Christmas, always doing something business related and going to these banquets. I have seen mister Cavill, business man, owner of a boutique a million times. You never let your guard down and show anyone who you truly are.’
‘You must have hobbies,’ I say. ‘Something you do in your spare time.’
He shakes his head. ‘No.’
That is so sad. This man doesn’t have hobbies. ‘No? Really?’
‘Why not?’
Mister Cavill sighs deeply. ‘Because that wasn’t permitted back home.’
I managed to crack through his masterfully build wall. A glimps of the painful past that is always bothering him . ‘Why?’ I ask him.
He leans back. ‘I had to raise myself,’ he says. ‘My parents were always working, never home and when they were, they kept pushing I need to work hard to achieve the highest goal possible. So, at age eleven, I started to work at different places. Paper routes, stock clerk, the movie theater. You name a job, I did it. I was insanely rich by the time I was eighteen, since I had to save it and not spend it on something fun. My parents paid for college and I graduated a year and a half early. After that I started working and working.’
‘And your parents?’ I ask. ‘Where are they now?’
‘They live in Canada now,’ he says. ‘Earning more money, even though they are in their seventies now. I haven’t seen them in years. They send a newsletter to me and my two sisters from time to time.’
While that must’ve been the most impersonal thing I have heard in ages, I ignore the newsletter thing and focus on something else. ‘You have sisters?’
He nods. ‘They’re quite a bit older than I am. They live somewhere in Asia, building an empire there.’
‘I see,’ I whisper. ‘Who is the richest?’
‘Not me,’ he says and his tone is almost a little mocking. ‘I’m the loser of the family.’
‘You know,’ he says, but I don’t. ‘I am not charming.’
I can’t stop my chuckle. ‘You are,’ I say. ‘It’s hidden, but you can be charming.’
Mister Cavill rubs his face. ‘I’ve never told anyone this.’
I wrap my arm around his shoulder and he lets out a pained sigh again. ‘Well, sir, allow me to say you had a shitty childhood, your parents are lowlives and you might not be the richest of them, you’re nowhere near a loser.’
‘Is miss Newhouse saying something nice to me?’
I’m glad he can joke around a little. ‘Frankee is saying something nice to you,’ I say. ‘I might not always like being around you, but… It’s nice to see a bit through that wall you masterfully build.’
‘You’re the first one to attempt to break through it,’ he says, a smirk toying on his lips.
‘I’m persistent like that.’ I stand up again to throw away my empty cup and I usher him to give me his one as well. ‘Come on, let’s walk some more.’
✰ ✰ ✰
For the first time, I feel like I can actually like Henry (who kept pushing me to not call him mister Cavill anymore, since we were passed that station). He isn’t cold and distant anymore. He is quite caring and sweet from time to time. The actual charming gentleman. He walks on the road side, he offers me his arm before we cross the street and continues to pay for every coffee we have to buy, because I need to use the restroom of that particular cafe.
We stop in front of the door of my apartment.
‘You walk well in heels,’ Henry says.
‘I keep on surprising.’
‘You sure do.’
It feels like the end of a date, I think to myself. I stand on my toes to press a kiss on his cheek. ‘Thank you for today, Henry.’
‘Of course, miss Newhouse.’
‘Frankee, how many times do I have to say it?’
He chuckles. ‘Quite a lot, apparently.’ Henry leans down, to kiss my forehead. ‘See you later, Frankee.’
But I don’t want him to go yet. ‘You know what,’ I say, ‘maybe I’d like it if you came in.’
That catches him by surprise. ‘Sure?’
‘Sure,’ I say. I grab his hand, pulling him in after I pushed open the door. He follows suit, kicking off his shoes after I insisted on him doing so and we hang up our coats. ‘Want something to drink?’
‘Sure, some tea would be nice.’
I usher him to follow me as we walk towards my kitchen, where I turn on the kettle after I filled it with some water. ‘Sir, you’re staring,’ I say. ‘Why?’
‘Nothing.’ He crosses his arms as he leans with his hip against the counter. ‘Just… Thank you for today. You might bring out the worst in me, however you didn’t do that today. You brought out a side of me I haven’t been connecting with for a long time.’
I smile. ‘If working at your boutique doesn’t work out, I could always try for therapist.’
He shakes his head. ‘I don’t want to miss you.’
‘Miss you in the boutique,’ he clarifies. ‘Remember what I said back at the party a while back?’ After I nodded, he continues by saying: ‘I am thinking about branching out and with the way you work, how you are with customers, you can handle a boutique of your own. Maybe not right now, but in the future you can.’
I blush, but to mask the slight flustering, I say: ‘Even with how I treated the customer yesterday?’
‘Even then,’ he says. ‘She was a racist bitch anyway.’
‘Oh, you’re taking my side?’
‘Took me an embarrassing amount of time, but yes.’
I hook my finger behind his belt buckle and attempt to pull him towards me. He humors me and takes a step closer. ‘What did you think of yesterday?’ When he simply frowns, I say: ‘That was the main reason really why I came to your house today.’
He curls a lock of my hair around his finger and asks: ‘What did you think?’
Answering a question with another question. Normally I’d kick his butt, however with how open he has been today, I let it slide. ‘I enjoyed it,’ I say in all honesty. ‘But you’re not always like that.’
His fingers wrap around the hem of my shirt, before he pulls it off. Compared to yesterday, this is so gentle, so careful. ‘I’m not indeed,’ he agrees, undoing me from my pants as well. He wants to pull me closer to him, by placing his large hands on my bottom, but I wince. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘You spanked me yesterday,’ I say. ’That can hurt the day after.’
He smiles. ‘I was a little too rough yesterday, wasn’t I?’
I shake my head. ‘Maybe I deserved it a little,’ I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer for a kiss on his lips. ‘Besides, I thoroughly enjoyed it.’
‘Allow me to make it up to you,’ he says, taking off his turtle neck in one swift motion, causing his hair to ruffle. Seeing him less pulled together makes him look even more approachable. Gosh, his chest is so toned, it makes me want to drool. ‘Because you deserve that too, Frankee.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Being punished by Henry and making love with Henry is a world apart. Yesterday he barely seemed to muster up sympathy for me, but now, he is so tender. He kissed my entire body, not missing a spot. He soothingly caressed my bottom, careful not to handle the area to rough. He watched me fall apart over and over again. By his lips, his fingers. As the waves of pleasure still run through my entire body of my—I believe—third orgasm, I feel his fingers on my chin, gently forcing me to look at him.
‘What?’ I ask him.
‘Nothing,’ he says, but this is not just nothing. The amounts of vulnerability in his eyes, is uncanny. I wonder if he let anyone see this side of him ever before. Almost like he wants to continue to have some form of dominance, he pushes in his thumb passed my lips. ‘Just… I just needed to see you.’
The pad of his thumb pushes on my tongue and never has someone done this before.
I wrap my legs around his hips, before I fold my fingers in the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His hard member brushes over my sensitive clit, as we’re chest against chest. I don’t know what to say to him, but I don’t need to say anything to him, our eyes locked. His thumb exits my mouth and I see it as an opportunity to press my lips against his. His tongue evades my mouth and I can’t help but moan against him. My hand slides in between the two of us and he stiffens a groan when I wrap my fingers around him, my thumb spreading the drops of pre cum over his sensitive tip.
I line him up near my throbbing entrance, so desperate to feel him stretch me out again. He presses his forehead against mine, before he pushes himself deeps inside of me. My breath gets stuck in my throat, as he bottoms out. I swallow hard, as place one hand on his lower back, while the other one feels the face o’clock shadow on his jaw scraping my palm.
My brain feels so foggy, the aftermath of the prior orgasms catching up with me now.
He turns his face to give me a kiss on the inside of my hand. ‘Are you okay?’
‘I am,’ I whisper.
His movements are slow, calculated and sensual. Every time he pulls out almost completely, before burying himself back in my quivering cunt, a soft moan leaves my lips. Just like yesterday I feel him so deep, but this is so different.
‘You’re close again,’ he concludes and his conclusion is correct. I’m on the brink of cumming again and I cling onto his strong body. Henry holds me so tenderly in his arms, as I shudder on the mattress, gasp like moans filling the room. It’s so sensitive down there, as he is about to chase his own high. ‘Almost,’ he whispers. ‘You can hold on that long?’
I nod. ‘I can.’
He buries his face in the crook of my neck, sucking on the delicate skin. His noises are soft, but as he spills his seed, I can hear faint grunts escape his lips. He makes sure not a single drop goes to waste, as he completely stills his movements, bottoming out completely once again.
Henry lifts up his head, his hot breath against my lips. ‘You’re alright?’
‘Mister Cavill, it makes me highly uncomfortable when you continue to ask me if I’m okay,’ I joke, causing him to laugh. ‘It was amazing. Hands down the best and most intimate sex I’ve ever had, though yesterday was pretty wild too.’
‘You’re impossible.’
I don’t want this to end. This moment cannot end, I think to myself.
His member softens, causing him to pull out and he is quick to carry me to the bathroom, whispering: ‘You deserved a shower, miss Newhouse.’
✰ ✰ ✰
After we’re all cleaned up, my naked frame is pressed against his as we’re in my bed. My head on his chest, his arm around my body as he scrolls through his phone, contemplating what we should order for dinner.
As he is making the choice, I look up and kiss his jawline. He looks down and asks: ‘What?’
‘Nothing,’ I say. Just wondering how long this is gonna last, because part of me doesn’t want it to be over. ‘Just admiring you, that’s all.’
He chuckles. ‘Frankee Newhouse is sentimental,’ he notes. ‘The fact I have lived long enough to experience that.’
I exaggerate a gasp. ‘You meanie.’
Henry gives me a kiss. ‘It was a joke, Frankee.’
It feels so natural to be around him when he’s like this. And I so hope it’ll last a lot longer than I imagine it will be.
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace // @summersong69 // @gearhead66
90 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Ever After Boutique - Epilogue
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Summary: Frankee has got her job back at Ever After Boutique, but something changed in her contract.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 1.1k
Warnings: None
A/N: And unfortunately, that is the end of Ever After Boutique. I've got to admit, it was an amazing journey. I've got to write enemies to lovers, which was so much fun to write. The wit, the hate, the sex and the setting, it was wonderful! Thank you so much for reading and I cannot wait for you to read my other works! Love you xx
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
2 months later
While a lot of things have changed in the boutique, there is still one thing that has remained the same: the second Henry enters Ever After, the other girls start to giggle like schoolgirls. Something that has changed, is Henry’s response to it. It’s no longer simply muttering out a hello, while barely paying attention. He now smiles, secretly laughs at their silly behavior and says: ‘Hello ladies.’
And today is no different, however he holds up his hand, a non verbal sign he’ll join us shortly. A customer stops him in his track, to tell him something. She comes here quite often and it would be an understatement to say she’s fond of him.
‘Still cannot believe he is your boyfriend,’ Vivvi says to me. ‘Does he have hot friends?’
I shrug. ‘Don’t know. Didn’t ask. Don’t care actually.’
‘Well I care,’ Vivvi pouts. ‘Please, your girl over here is desperate.’
‘Yes, Frankee, do it for your friend,’ Amanda says. ‘I mean, how else is our pancake flat friend gonna get laid?’ Amanda jokes.
Vivvi slaps Amanda, while Chrissy barks out a laugh. ‘I have told you a million times: my ass is just a little bit hidden, that’s all.’
Henry walks over to us and places a large hand on my back, before pressing a kiss on my forehead. ‘Hi sweetheart.’
While we still clash from time to time (okay, we clash on a daily basis), we are a good match. We insult each other, we roll our eyes when the other person says something (whether it’s stupid or not), but that’s just the way we work best. Of course I get stunned by him having all the money in the world and me being absolutely appalled by the way he spends it so effortlessly, but I’m learning and getting used to it.
My closet is very happy and my dad as well, because I’m not plundering his credit card anymore.
He visits my place from time to time (though we’re mostly at his place, because he has a butler, a private pool and a sauna and I don’t), is a way more relaxed boutique owner and approachable during events. Especially if he asks me to join him, because I’m forever the queen of mingling with bouché people and he still has a lot to learn.
The plans of expanding the place are still there, but also still in a rough draft. Nothing has been set in stone yet and for now I don’t want it to be. I want to enjoy this job as it is a little while longer.
Henry is definitely more open, though we still are working on that. Every time he tells me something, it’s followed by him shutting me out the next day.
But that’s still a work in progress.
‘Leona,’ Henry says, ‘I’m stealing this one for tonight, hope you don’t mind.’
‘I do mind,’ Leona says, ‘but you’re the boss. You’re allowed to steal her away from us whenever you want.’
‘I’m so jealous,’ Vivvi sighs, but then she realizes she actually said that out loud, when all eyes are on her. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she quickly stammers, her face heating up. ‘Oh no, this is so embarrassing.’
Chrissy wants to be a supportive friend, pat her on the shoulder and silently letting her know it’s all okay, but instead she bursts into laughter. ‘Subtle,’ she even adds.
‘You sure you can miss me?’ I ask Leona, diverting the attention from poor Vivvi to something else. ‘I can stay, you know.’
‘No, honey, please go with your boyfriend,’ Leona says, with the emphasis on boyfriend. ‘You’ve been working really hard these last few weeks. You deserve a bit of a break.’
I say goodbye to the girls, before I walk with Henry towards the entrance. I scoff when my eyes land on his car. ‘Oh look at that,’ I note, ‘who went out of his way to park in a way I don’t have to get in on the road side?’
‘In case you don’t understand: it’s an act of love.’ He opens the car door for me. ‘Usually people thank the other for it, but I figure that might be too difficult for you.’
I stick out my tongue, before I take place on the passenger’s seat. When he gets in the car as well, he leans to the side to give me a kiss. ‘What’s on your mind?’ I ask him.
‘You do have something on your mind.’ I look over my shoulder and see in the back a garment bag. ‘Oh my gosh, did you buy me something?’
‘You totally did!’ I want to lean back to grab it, but he is quick to stop me. ’No, no, no, just wait until we’re back at my place. I’ve got some lingerie for you to put underneath it there.’
‘Oh, mister Cavill, you naughty boy,’ I say in a teasing tone, slapping his arm.
‘Well, what can I say? You bring out that side of me.’
✰ ✰ ✰
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✰ ✰ ✰
You can tell Henry works in fashion, because this light blue set is absolutely gorgeous. It hugs my figure in all the right places and with the shoes he bought me last week, I look like a million bucks.
And according to the millionaire himself, I look worth more than a million bucks, especially because of the white lace lingerie I’m wearing underneath it (and I’ve got to admit, it’s both super sexy and comfortable, the best of both worlds).
We’re waiting in front of the elevator doors in the lobby. Henry has placed his hand possessively on my lower back, more towards my bottom, but you know what, I absolutely don’t mind. I love it when he shows me off like that.
‘Have I already told you how beautiful you looked?’
I nod. ‘Certainly sir, even told me I looked like million bucks.’
He smiles as the doors slide open and we step inside. He presses the right button and when the doors are closed, he pats my bottom teasingly. ‘Do I need to tell you to behave?’
I chuckle. ‘Always.’
The people in the conference hall look bouche and while Henry is definitely nowhere near my level of mingling, he is getting better, friendlier and much more charming, so this is gonna be an easy crowd for him. Opening up from time to time has helped him crack that rock hard shell he has around himself for protection.
After he has provided me with some champagne, we both scan the room for our next victim, however Henry is this attractive, rich people walk towards us like kids are pulled towards candy.
‘Hi there,’ Henry says, shaking the hands of the elderly couple. ‘I’m Henry Cavill and this is Frankee Newhouse.’ My employee at Ever After Boutique I expect him to say. Despite the fact I have been actively trying to change our titles at the store—because stylist still sounds so much cooler—he has been calling me his employee at Ever After Boutique when we go to these types of banquets. Henry squeezes my side and then says: ‘My lovely girlfriend.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @crazybutconfidentaf // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @omgkatinka // @oddsnendsfanfics // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace // @summersong69 // @gearhead66
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 10
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Summary: Frankee regrets her decision.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warnings: some mentions of flashing and groping. Some nakedness
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
The work is fucking terrible. I have never hated a workplace this much. The fact I’m being groped on a daily basis by perverted old men, have one co-worker who is moronic and doesn’t understand a single thing I tell him and that combined with the fact customers are dirty assholes as well thinking I'm the one for sale, makes me realize mister Burke is a sleazy old man. I fear that if I were to work here a day longer, he might flashes his dick. He seems like the type of pervert to do that and not taking any chances, I decide to quit.
After four agonizing weeks.
And I realize I only took this job to never ever face Henry again, but in all honesty, I loved working there. Ever After Boutique was the family I o so miss right now.
After I mindlessly strolled through New York City for a while, I somehow end in front of Ever After Boutique. I could do it… I have been texting the girls every once in a while, of course never telling them about the dumpster fire I worked at. No, according to the texts, working as an assistant manager was amazing.
I push open the door, only to discover it’s pretty in the boutique. The girls are working their asses off, running around to make sure the customers are being helped, but Vivvi and Chrissy drop their boxes and rush over to me once they see me.
‘Oh my, we missed you so much,’ Chrissy says, clinging onto me.
‘You look so tired,’ Vivvi says. ‘Have you been eating well?’
I missed them so much. Vivvi’s comment and Chrissy’s hug almost make me tear up. ‘I’m fine. You just seem so busy here, I’ll come back later.’
Right before they can say something along the lines of that I need to stay, Leona exits the backroom and smiles widely when she sees me. ‘Newhouse, with me,’ she says. ‘Chrissy, Vivvi, make sure the boxes are unpacked, there is someone behind the counter and the dressing rooms are clean.’
‘Done!’ The two of them spread out over the store and I walk over to Leona.
‘I was just wondering how you guys were, but you’re busy,’ I say. ‘I don’t want to slow you down.’
‘We are indeed very busy,’ Leona says, ‘and that’s why we need you. No one can fold clothes as fast as you can. Come on, with me.’ Like I’m some sort of puppy, I walk behind her and like that, we are secluded from the hectic back in the boutique. ‘The job isn’t treating you well,’ she says. ‘You look drained.’
‘I know why you took that job,’ she then says.
That takes me by surprise. ‘What?’
‘I saw it coming, with the way you and Henry were. Normally, he’d fire someone like you in a heartbeat, however you stuck around way too long, a clear sign he was pretty into you. Fold that.’
As I’m folding the pile of clothes, Leona continues.
‘You taking another job, seemed weird, especially because Henry had been telling me about expanding the place. Opening another location, or literally expanding this place, by buying the floor above, so we could sell men and children’s clothes. He told me he wanted to make you assistant manager if not manager, because you could handle it. But then he didn’t show up anymore and on your last day here, I saw you two kissing near his car.’
Oh my gosh…
‘So when you were gone, I confronted him and he kinda spilled the beans on what happened. The stuff you did here—I heard you and him both deep cleaned the place, for which I’m forever grateful—the day after that, when you made him open up and how that all scared him.’
My cheeks are burning up, because my boss knows I had sex with the bigger boss in this particular room. I clear my throat. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Why?’ Leona asks. ‘For falling in love? Honey, it’s okay.’
‘No, I’m sorry for quitting.’ I stop folding the pieces, as I look to the side to Leona. ‘I shouldn’t have taken the other job. The place I worked at fucking stunk. It was terrible. I should’ve been more mature and confronted my problems, not go out of my way to avoid dealing with them.’
Leona sighs. ‘It was that bad there?’
‘Bad isn’t even enough to describe it. When I call it horrendous, it’s an understatement. I even quit today.’
She nods. ‘Well, normally I’d say that once you quit, you quit forever, but I can see this choice of yours was made purely out of fear and slight ignorance. Besides, you are the best employee we’ve ever had here.’
Oh dear… ‘Is this what I think it is?’ I ask, slightly hopeful.
‘You want your job back?’ Leona asks with a smile. ‘The offer stands for the next minute.’
The easiest choice I have ever made. ‘Of course, of course! I’ll take it,’ I say.
‘On one condition.’
‘After you finished here, you go talk to Henry. Clear the air.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Godfrey was happy to see me, because he hugged me tightly when he saw me on the doorstep, however I’m not too sure if Henry is gonna share that same enthusiasm as his butler. I end up in the private pool and I hate the fact Henry has this, including a sauna, inside his house. How on earth did he think he was the loser of the family? In my family, he would be considered the absolute champ.
I see him swimming a lap and I walk towards the edge of the pool. His back is strong, I can see every muscle as he swims. Gosh, this man. He stops near the same edge I’m standing at and he looks up. ‘Miss Newhouse,’ he says, not fazed at all, which either means Leona called him to tell him about me going here or he just does an excellent job hiding it. Weirdly enough, I suspect it's the latter. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Telling you I quit my other job and I’m working at Ever After again.’
He gets out of the pool and I try not to get distracted by the fact Henry is shirtless, wearing some pretty tight trunks. ‘I see,’ he says. ‘Eyes up here, miss.’
Oh dear, I am totally staring, which is rude and incredibly perverted. Maybe I should’ve stayed at the other boutique. Would fit right in.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘For what?’
‘For staring, for leaving, for not talking to you like a real mature woman would do. I am so terribly sorry, Henry. The real reason I left was because I was scared. Scared you didn’t want me anymore. Scared of facing you and… Despite the fact I mostly throw sarcasm and some borderline mean stuff towards you and vice versa, I realized that not seeing you wasn’t an option anymore.’
Henry sighs deeply, before he makes eye contact with me. ‘Join me in the sauna,’ he says. ‘We’ll talk there.’
Okay, that’s a good sign. I think? I watch him walk towards the sauna and as he opens the door, like the real tease he is, he steps out of his trunks right before he gets in. I’m almost one hundred percent sure this is a positive sign.
I strip out of my clothes, neatly folding them up, before I walk towards the sauna. I open the door and I spot him on the wooden bench, taking a whole lot of space. I close the door behind me, leaning against it. ‘Are we good?’ I ask him.
He nods. ‘More than good,’ he says. ‘I’m so sorry for not being mature enough to face you,’ he says. It’s soft, almost like he doesn’t want me to hear it. ‘I shouldn’t have avoided you like I did. After I told you about the things I haven’t thought about in years, I felt this vulnerability. I felt exposed. Facing you meant facing the stuff from my past.’
‘I understand.’
‘So for that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every shitty thing I have done to you.’
I bite my bottom lip, walking over to him. I stand in between his thick legs, placing my hands on his shoulders. ‘I am sorry for leaving and all the other shitty things I have done to you, because I know it’s quite a lot.’
He chuckles and it even reaches his eyes, making him look a lot less like crap. ‘Yeah, that’s true. For starters, you hitting me with your umbrella.’
‘I apologized for that,’ I exclaim. ‘Over and over again. You on the other hand have never apologized for stealing my cab.’ When I see him laughing, his shoulders shaking as he leans his head back against the wall, I let out a snicker too. ‘So, we’re all good?’
‘We’re good,’ he confirms. ‘Just promise me you’re not gonna leave Ever After again. Don’t know if I can handle that.’
‘I promise, as long as you promise to not shut me out again.’
‘And a little birdie told me you were thinking about expanding the boutique and make me assistant manager. Just so you already know, I’d love that job, so please don’t hesitate to offer me that job.’
‘Leona…’ he groans. ‘She seriously told you that?’
‘Yes, but please, don’t feel obligated to offer me right now. I was just joking.’
He smiles. ‘Come on, sit,’ he says, his tone soft and deep.
I straddle his thighs and wrap my arms securely around his shoulders.
‘What’s going on inside your pretty head?’
‘Nothing,’ I whisper. ‘Just that I missed you a whole lot. That’s all.’
‘I missed you too,’ he admits. ‘You got anywhere to be at tomorrow?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I start on Monday again. Why?’
Henry squeezes my bottom. ‘Because you know… You misbehaved.’
‘You’re gonna regret that,’ I chuckle, so not meaning it, because with the way my heart rate is going, I am already waiting for what comes next.
He smiles, before he kisses my lips. ‘I don’t think I will.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace // @summersong69 // @gearhead66
66 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 7
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Summary: Frankee meets an insufferable customer and Henry decides to teach her a lesson.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut (just sex, blowjob, slight spanking)
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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✰ ✰ ✰
Today had been a draining day. It’s nearing closing time and because mister Cavill is here, the others have left. Thirty minutes. Thirty more minutes and then I can close that damn door and no one can harass me with their annoying presence anymore.
I am standing behind the counter, while mister Cavill is in the break room. The door is open and we are actually communicating. ‘You got more parties coming up?’ I ask.
‘No,’ he says.
‘Shame, I really enjoyed it,’ I tell him. ‘I mean, it was probably the easiest way I ever made money. Oh, wait, speaking about money: how much extra is gonna be on my paycheck.’
‘Remember what I told you before, miss Newhouse. Patience is virtue.’
I roll my eyes. ‘There you go again, being boring.’
‘We had such a lovely conversation,’ he says, his tone not budging.
The door opens and I hear someone walk inside. ‘Good evening,’ I say. ‘Welcome to Ever After Boutique. How may I help you?’
The woman lays her eyes on me and she actually seems disgusted to see me here. ‘Where’s the blonde girl?’ she asks. ‘The one with the shorter hair?’
‘She’s off. Can I help you?’
The woman clenches her jaw, obviously not happy. ‘No.’
‘Okay, let me know if you need anything.’ I turn around again and I lean in the doorway that separates the store and the break room.
Mister Cavill seems so concentrated on whatever he is doing, that he almost seems relatable. Just a man who works really hard, but in my honest opinion, he is obsessed with his work. I wonder what he does in his private life.
If he even has a private life at all.
‘Is there an order on the name of Huntington?’ the older lady asks.
I close the door and say: ’I’ll check for you right away.’ I grab the folder from the drawer and check if there’s something for Huntington. I shake my head. ‘I’m terribly sorry, but there is nothing here on that name.’
Mrs. Huntington (I think that’s her name, because this woman seems rich enough to have someone pick this up for her, instead of the other way around) frowns deeply, almost as if she can’t believe I said that. ‘What?’ Her tone is harsh and crude.
‘It’s delayed,’ I say, already done with this woman. ‘I’m so sorry. I can see Vivvi signed it, so I’ll ask her first thing in the morning.’
‘No,’ the woman says, ‘I want it now. I need it now.’
‘It’s still somewhere in Texas at a depot, so I can’t just fly there to get it for you.’ Can’t believe I’m gonna say this. ‘If you want I could help you find another outfit.’
She rolls her eyes. ‘Can’t believe this happened. This store is an absolute shame. Especially because it’s becoming invested with all those new girls.’ She looks disgusted, though I can’t quite understand why.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Ever since that Leona woman is in charge, this store is going down hill.’
‘Well, that Leona woman happens to be the one of the most amazing manager a store could ever have.’
‘As if you could understand,’ she says. ‘The ratio Caucasian and import is becoming sickening.’
To say I’m dumbfounded is an absolute understatement. What did she just say? ‘That’s it,’ I say. ‘Get out. You get your outfit somewhere else. I can speak for everyone who works here, we’re not serving racists.’
Her eyes nearly pop out of her sockets. ‘Excuse me, do you even know who I am?’
‘You could be the damn Queen of England, but I do not allow you to talk about me or my co workers like that. I deserve to be treated with respect. Now get out!’
She hesitates for a second, but then she storms out of the store and I close the door behind her, not even willing to risk her barging back in. ‘Can you believe that?’ I yell to mister Cavill, who opened the door and stands in the doorway now.
‘Do you have any idea who that was?’ he asks. ‘Any idea?’
Judging from his tone, I feel like I should, but I really don’t know. While I close off properly, I answer: ‘Some racist dumb bitch, who didn’t get what she wanted.’
‘That is the wife of the senator,’ he says between clenched jaw. ‘With a great reputation.’
I scoff. ‘I don’t care. What I do care about is the fact she’s never coming back anymore. I can’t wait to tell mrs. Kensington about—’
‘You don’t understand,’ he interrupts me. ‘This is gonna cost us a lot of money, a lot of good press.’
I’m not impressed. Despite the interruption, I still can’t wait to tell mrs. Kensington about it. She has grown to be a very protective customer of me. Almost like a mother goose, who is protecting her ducklings.
‘Sir, with all due respect,’ I say, but he scoffs, like he can’t believe I said that. ‘What do you want me to say?’ I then exclaim. ‘I’m sorry?’
‘For starters.’
‘Well, I couldn’t care shit about who her husband is, especially because I didn’t vote for him. As a matter of fact, I hate the son of a bitch. Thanks to this moment, I can hate his wife with a valid reason.’
Mister Cavill runs his fingers through his hair. ‘This is unbelievable. This is gonna be detrimental to the store.
Wow, he really doesn’t see it. ‘She offended and insulted me. Was talking shit about Leona. Talked about how the caucasian/import ratio was like. She could be the First Lady, but that doesn’t change the fact she’s a racist. Do you even have an idea of the amounts of crap I already get over me on my Instagram, sometimes on the street? How everyone calls me Ling Ling on the street, how they pull the corners of their eyes to pretend to be me? Oh wait a second, you’re a white guy with pretty privilege, so you have no idea what it’s like.’
I walk towards the back room, but I hear him following me. I want to say something, but when I turn around, he is shockingly close. I almost forgot what I was mad about.
‘I don’t know,’ he says, ‘however, what you did… It’s bad for business. It was wrong.’
I sigh, cocking an eyebrow, because this is one lousy excuse. ‘Well,’ I say, ‘teach me a lesson then.’
Seconds pass by, while Henry stares at me with eyes dark of lust. And then he finally does it. He slams his lips on mine and way too quick, I melt against his touch, open my mouth on his. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, as his hands slide to the curve of my ass. He unzips the skirt on the back and lets it drop to the floor.
He is not wasting any time.
His hands roam over my bare bottom, as I’m only wearing a thong underneath it. ‘You work like this?’ he asks. ‘Could’ve seen this coming.’
His hand makes contact with my bare bottom and I let out a gasp.
Oh, we’re going that way?
‘What are you gonna do about it?’ I ask, unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his hairy but toned chest. Shit, he is toned.
A harsh smack after smack lands on my naked bum, as I press my lips on his. I whimper a little, earning me a dark chuckle. He pulls back a little, unbuttoning my shirt as well and even unclasping my bra, desperate to get me as naked as possible.
I’ll take it as a compliment.
‘On your knees,’ he says.
I listen a little bit too quick, because I sit on my knees and he unzips his pants, pulling out his hardened cock, guiding it towards my lips. My head is a little drowsy, so without a fight I part my lips and he slides himself into my mouth.
He is one lucky fucker that I have had quite the practice with blow jobs back in college, because I practically have a non existent gag reflex. I feel him in the back of my throat, sliding down even further and I hear a groan leave his lips, his fingers intertwined with my hairs.
‘You’re quite talented,’ he says, as my nose nuzzles in his groomed pubes. ‘At least you're good at something.’
I dig my nails into his muscled thighs, trying to breath through my nose, as he uses my mouth. He chuckles darkly, pulling at some strands of hair. Our eyes meet and I groan around his thick member, earning me a bucking of his hips. He lets out a strangled moan, before he pulls my hair and his hard cock exits my mouth. He only needs to nod at me, for me to stand up again. I’m slightly wobbly on my legs, which is weird, because I am wearing my heels and my balance is at its best when I stand on them.
Not now.
He turns me around and bends me over the cold table where we usually fold the clothes. It’s quite confronting to see myself in the mirror. Mister Cavill knows what he’s doing. If this is his way of punishing me, he is grandly succeeding, because this is quite humiliating, seeing myself in the mirror like this.
He teases his thick member near my soaking wet entrance and I bite my lip, dropping my head as I hold onto the edge of the table. And then, slowly he pushes himself inside. I feel a moan nearly escaping, but I’m not letting him see how much I’m enjoying this.
By the time he bottoms out, he grabs my hair and gently pulls my head up, forcing me to look into the mirror. ‘Frankee Newhouse isn’t so witty anymore, huh?’
I groan. ‘Drop dead.’
I hate how very little is necessary for me to reach my high already. His ruthless pounds, the way he’s making eye contact through the mirror and how he actually slaps my ass a few times. My knuckles turn white as I clench my hands to fists and my legs shake, a dead giveaway of me nearing that point. I clench around him and for the first time I can’t stop moaning out loud. Waves of pleasure flow through my body and he actually stills his motions as I shudder on the cold table. I can barely stand on my legs anymore.
Mister Cavill pulls out and turns me around. Without much difficulties, he lifts me on the empty table and stands in between my legs. I tilt my head. ‘You can’t keep up?’ I ask, as he is taking in a deep breath.
Knowing that would get on his nerve, he holds my hips in his hands, before pushing himself deep inside of me. It’s all so fucking sensitive, but I’m not letting him in on what he’s doing to me.
But then, the fucking tease, lets his thumb brush over my clit.
I dig my nails in his shoulders, as I have to hold on to something. ‘Fuck.’
As he pounds in and out, while assaulting my overstimulated bundle of nerves, I cry out. ‘Can you keep up?’ mister Cavill asks in a low tone.
I press my lips on his and gosh is this messy. My lipstick will be ruined, I’d probably will look totally fucked out by the time I reach my cab, but do I care?
No, not in the slightest.
His tongue evades into my mouth, as he sloppily kisses me in the same roughness he uses to thrust in and out of me. I cry against him and I even catch myself clinging onto him. My fingers unbutton the last bit of his shirt, before I push it over his shoulders. I hear a soft thud as it drops near his feet, before I bury my head in the crook of his neck, desperate to leave marks on his delicate skin.
‘There you go again,’ mister Cavill chuckles. ‘You can’t get enough of me, can you?’
I want to tell him off, however my eyes roll back as I cum again. And then I feel it. Mister Cavill filling me up, thick ropes of cum deep inside of me. I can barely think anymore. I place my head on his shoulder and he squeezes my hips.
‘If I hear something like this happens again,’ he says, ‘you probably didn’t understand and just know I’m not hesitating to punish you again.’
I chuckle, but the insides of my body start to feel all warm and fuzzy. Doing this again? Sign me the fuck up. ‘On my way insulting customers on a daily basis.’ I pull back and smile. ‘That was sarcasm.’
He isn’t too sure of that. ‘No, it wasn’t,’ mister Cavill then concludes and maybe he is right. He pulls out and gosh, do I feel like the dirtiest bitch living in New York City. After he puts makes himself decent, he walks towards the door. ‘I’ll continue closing off,’ he tells me, buttoning up his shirt.
I grab my clothes that’s scattered over the floor and then some tissues to clean myself up a bit and the table. After I deep cleaned it with some cleaning supplies. I quickly put on the clothing and on wobbly legs I walk towards the front of the store. He seems so calm and collected, like we didn’t just fuck in the backroom.
‘Alright,’ I say, my voice pretty steady for someone who just had her guts rearranged a few moments ago, ‘I gotta go.’
‘I’ll finish up here,’ he says, walking towards the door to open it for me, after he handed me my coat and purse.
When we’re standing in the doorway, we’re both cramped between door posts. I decide to just mess with his head a little, so I stand on my toes and press my lips on his.
He hums in content, his hand slipping in my open coat. He places it on my side, before his hand slides down to the curve of my ass, giving it a few pats.
Fuck, I could get used to it. Imagine working and he is there and just gives it a smack when I walk by. Telling me I’m doing a good job.
I’ll have plenty to dream about tonight.
‘Behave,’ he says, as he pulls back.
‘I’ll try my hardest.’
He nods. ‘Goodnight, miss Newhouse.’
‘Goodnight, mister Cavill.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 9
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Summary: Weeks have gone by and Frankee is sick of waiting.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 1k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
Three whole weeks have gone by and in those weeks, mister Cavill hasn’t shown himself at the boutique. Not once. He even stayed absent when it was time for the annual check up at the boutique, to see how things are going. He canceled. The asshole canceled. I wonder if I had something to do with it.
Well, I don’t need to wonder. I know what we did had something to do with it. If the situation weren’t as complicated as it already was, I would’ve texted him.
But the situation between us has gone way beyond complicated.
Me, Vivvi, Amanda, Chrissy and Leona are all working today and when we finally close the doors, we all plop down in the break room, tired of how dreadful this day was. Customers came and went, came and went. I have been on my feet non stop today.
‘Mister Cavill cancelled today?’ Vivvi asks.
Leona nods. ‘Again. Don’t know what is happening to him. It’s unlike him to cancel three weeks in a row.’
All of the sudden I feel all eyes on me. ‘What?’ I ask.
‘No sarcastic remark?’ Amanda frowns as she leans over the table, to take a closer look. ‘Are you sick? You’ve been acting weird for a while now.’
‘I’m not sick,’ I say in a defensive tone. ‘Just a bit tired, that’s all.’
But in all honesty, I feel kinda sick, but maybe that’s because there is this void. I’m lonely and vulnerable, two feelings I haven’t felt in such a long time. I know so much about Henr— I mean, mister Cavill and now he doesn’t even show his face. Was I that terrible? Inconsiderate? Does he hate himself for letting go like this?
My phone vibrates on my lap and I check it a little too quick, hoping too see Mister Poo Poo Head on the screen, telling me to meet him somewhere, that he’s sorry or whatever, but it’s an unknown number. I get up from my seat and excuse myself. I walk out of the room and say: ‘Hello?’
‘Hello, is this Frankee Newhouse?’
‘Yes, this is her. Who’s this?’
‘Mister Burke, dear.’
Mister Burke is calling me?
‘Oh, sir, what a surprise.’ How the hell did you get my number?
‘Dear, I have a proposition for you. Fancy a drink?’
✰ ✰ ✰
So, I have a new job. As assistant manager of a boutique near Madison Park. It’s luxurious, it’s fancy and the fact I’m assistant manager, makes it even greater. While me having a new job and being an assistant manager is fantastic, telling my colleagues was dreadful. They understood me leaving this place to become a manager. They all knew that one day I’d leave, I’d accept a job better suited for me.
As we are reminiscing in the backroom, about all the things that happened in the time I worked here, the door opens and mister Cavill walks in.
He doesn’t look too good. Almost like he hasn’t slept for days on end.
‘Mister Cavill,’ Vivvi, Amanda and Chrissy say, all with a blush on their cheeks, as they straighten their backs.
He seems confused, as to why their eyes are red and puffy, why I haven’t said anything yet and why Leona is dabbing her tears from her cheeks. ‘What’s going on?’
‘Frankee is leaving,’ Leona says, causing Vivvi and Chrissy to cry out loud again. ‘She got a job offer as assistant manager.’
‘I see,’ he notes. ‘That’s too bad.’
That’s it?!
‘I dropped a special order on the counter.’ After he told us he’s gotta go, his eyes land on me. ‘Good luck, miss Newhouse.’
And with that he leaves. I’m absolutely stunned. The son of a bitch has the audacity to just simply leave like that? ‘I’ll be right back,’ I say, walking behind him to the exit. ‘Good luck?’ I say in a harsh tone, causing him to stop right before he gets in his car. ‘That’s all I get?’
‘What else do you want me to say?’ he asks, turning around.
‘Show me some damn interest in where I’m going would be nice. A heartfelt goodbye. Come on, sir, you cannot do this to me. To us.’
He isn’t saying anything. He runs his fingers through his locks. ‘Where’s the new job?’ he then asks, not making eye contact.
Not impressed, but slightly better. ‘It’s a new place near Madison Park,’ I say.
He nods. ‘Well, you’ll do fantastic and I mean that.’
I know he does. I managed to be brave back in Ever After, however I feel the tears burn in my eyes. I don’t want him to see me cry, I really don’t. However, I still have to dab my cheeks clean. ‘Be kind to the other girls, okay?’
‘I will.’
‘So… This is it?’
He nods. ‘This is it.’
While every fiber in my body tells me not to do it, I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, nuzzling my face in his chest. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whisper.
‘Don’t apologize,’ he says, snaking his arms around my upper body, warming me up as I’m slightly freezing. ‘You deserve to be happy.’
‘As do you,’ I whisper and I know he heard it. I pull back a little and stand on my toes, to give him a soft peck on his lips. When I want to let go, he doesn’t let me. What was intended to be a short and simple kiss, changes into the way he kissed me weeks ago. Tender, gentle and caring.
‘I believe in you and if there is something you need, let me know.’
I highly doubt he means it. He might just say it to sound nice. ‘Okay.’ I take a few steps back, so he can step into the car. I hold his door before he can pull it shut. ‘Goodbye mister Cavill.’
He doesn’t look at me. ‘Goodbye miss Newhouse.’
✰ ✰ ✰
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✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime //@needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace // @summersong69 // @gearhead66
66 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 6
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Summary: After making an impression, Henry takes Frankee along with him, on one condition: that she behaves.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 2.k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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A light green skirt with a matching crop top and jacket is the look for tonight. Yet again, the outfit is way too cold to face the icy weather of New York City, especially the white heels, but for fashion I’ll do anything. Even if that means certain body parts are gonna freeze off.
Fashion is pain.
Mister Cavill is already waiting in the lobby for me. He’s wearing a black suit, one that totally shows off his broad frame. Gosh, is it allowed to be this handsome and so annoying at the same time?
‘Hello,’ I say, when I’m near him.
He stands up. ‘Evening.’ He checks me out from top to bottom and says: ‘I got you something.’
‘A gift?’ I ask him. My eyes widen, before I let out a laugh. ‘I didn’t get you anything, except my wonderful presence.’
For the first time since I met him, I spot a hint of a smirk. Finally, my—if I may say so myself—witty remarks are paying off. He holds out a bag (oh dear, it’s Gucci!) and tells me: ‘Open it.’
I carefully open the bag, only to see a black trench coat, but it’s padded on the inside, meaning it’s warm! ‘Oh my, it’s gorgeous,’ I say, when I spot the golden accents in the buttons and near the pockets. Even the seams are gold.
‘So you can look fashionable, but still be warm,’ he says.
That is actually really thoughtful. I almost cannot believe it. ‘Thank you.’ I shimmy out of my teddy coat, before throwing it on the couch.
Mister Cavill gently pulls the trench coat from my hands and without words tells me to turn around. He helps me in my new coat and for the first time, he seems so tender, with the way he places it on my shoulders, makes sure the collar is neat and it doesn’t wrinkle on my arms. I should cherish this rare moment, because I fear this will never happen again.
‘And?’ I ask him, as I twirl around in a pirouette. ‘What do you say? I personally think I look gorgeous.’
Mister Cavill nods. ‘Like a million bucks.’
I gasp, totally exaggerated, but there is still some truth in it. Did he just say that? ‘Says the millionaire.’
‘Can you leave your coat at the reception or do you need to go upstairs?’ he asks, ignoring my comment.
Knowing this isn’t my easiest audience, I decide to simply nod and grab my teddy coat. I leave my previous coat with the receptionist, telling her I’ll pick it up later. ‘Who’s the hottie?’ she asks, eyeing mister Cavill and not even subtle.
‘My annoying boss,’ I say. ‘Emotionally unavailable, so I wouldn’t even try.’
‘He gave you a new coat, though. That’s available enough for me. Is it Gucci?’ she asks, eyeing the bag I put my teddy coat in.
‘It sure is.’
‘Ugh, why don’t I work in fashion?’ she groans. I stick out my tongue and she wishes me a great evening.
Mister Cavill holds the door open for me—what a gentleman—and together we get into the limo. When we’re seated, it’s painfully quiet, but that doesn’t surprise me.
‘So,’ I say, when the silence is becoming too much, ‘it’s just mingling? Making sure you look good.’
‘Come on, you asked me to join. Now you gotta give me more than a ‘mhm’. Remember, people adore me and I can tell them everything.’
‘Well, it’s just mingling and if you could make me look good in the process, that would be nice.’
Was it truly that hard, sir? ‘All I fucking asked.’
‘Did you just curse?’
‘Maybe,’ I mumble, crossing my arms. ‘Are you paying me for this or do I need to pull the ‘give me personalized cheque’-trick up my sleeve again?’
‘I’ll make sure you’ll see it on your paycheck,’ he says, not sparing me a glance. Then he realizes I said again. ‘Wait a minute, again?’ he asks. ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘Well, last week I got a personalized cheque. I bought these gorgeous Jimmy Choo’s I had been eyeing for a while now and they are finally mine.’
Mister Cavill frowns. ‘It was a cheque for you?’ he carefully asks.
‘Yes sir. A cheque from this kind gentleman, mister Burke or something along those lines, to Frankee Jane Newhouse.’ I smile and add: ‘Oh, relax, if it were a cheque for Ever After Boutique or you, I’d given it to you. No worries.’
‘Do I even want to know what you did for you to get a cheque?’
‘I gave him a blowjob,’ I deadpan, only for Mister Cavill to nearly choke in his spit. ‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding. No, I just gave him some compliments, told him I liked some of his art, which I do not, but he doesn’t need to know the bitter truth.’
He shakes his head. ‘This is unbelievable,’ he says. ‘Absolutely unbelievable.’
✰ ✰ ✰
The elevator of this building is absolutely gorgeous. Everything seems to match perfectly. The red carpet, with the velvet walls with tiny diamonds. It’s like I’m inside of a wedding ring box. As I check myself in the mirror, mister Cavill says: ‘You better behave.’
I scoff. ‘You’re telling me that or yourself? Last time I checked, you’re the asshole of the two of us and I am the face of Ever After Boutique.’
He groans. ‘Can’t believe people actually like you.’
‘I know it’s hard for you to believe people can actually like someone once their eyes land on the other person, but trust me: it’s possible.’
The doors slide open and we’re fashionably late I see. You can say of mister Cavill what you want, but this is a move I like. We’re arriving at the party and I actually recognize a few people. I leave mister Cavill be, as I am happily greeted by a couple who were so kind to me the other night.
I even speak to mister Burke a little, who has decided to become my sugar daddy apparently, because I have yet another cheque in my hands and while it’s not five hundred dollars, I do think I can buy some skirts with this amount. I whisper in his ear something about investing in Ever After Boutique and almost like it was a spell, he nods and tells me he’ll look into it, after writing it down in his little notebook.
As the night continues, I barely acknowledge mister Cavill. However, my eyes finally land on him chatting with an older couple and even from a distance I can tell it’s not going well. I do have to say, these pruny old people don’t look like the nicest people, but I wonder what has turned mister Cavill in such a bitter man.
I walk over to them and I hear the conversation isn’t going good, as I thought. I wrap my arm around mister Cavill’s—dear Lord, does he work out like crazy?—and smile, gaining the attention of the couple. When they aren’t saying anything, I decide to speak up. ‘You know, mister Cavill is an excellent boss. Very friendly and is always willing to go an extra mile for his employees.’
That obviously comes as a surprise. ‘Really?’ The man looks at his wife, back to me. ‘And who are you?’
‘My name is Frankee, personal shopper and stylist at Ever After Boutique. How do you do?’
They carefully nod as they take me in and I can feel mister Cavill looking at me. Officially I’m a sales assistant at the boutique, but personal shopper and stylist are titles that just sound a whole lot better.
‘When I was stuck on JFK, a few days before Christmas to visit my parents in Florida, he kindly offered me to fly with him on his own jet,’ I say. ‘Even when it was not on his route.’
‘Oh.’ The couple seems genuinely surprised, which tells me something about his cold and unlikeable image.
I turn to the side, smiling at Henry, giving him a squeeze in his thick upper arm, as I use my other hand to caress him over said upper arm. Gosh, this is maybe a bit too much, but I need to soften up this man in front of these people. He sure has chosen them.’Besides, working at Ever After is absolutely amazing, but that is mostly because he makes sure all the employees have what they need.’
The older couple nod in approval and I flash Henry another smile.
‘I’m so lucky to work there,’ I continue. ‘It’s like a dream come true.’
‘He trusts you with the place?’ the lady dares to ask.
I nod. ‘He totally does and that trust was there since day one.’
Mister Cavill’s gaze meets mine and I see this hint of a smile. He looks a whole lot more approachable when he does that. ‘Well, look at her outfit,’ he says, placing his hand on mine, which makes me feel a whole lotta things. ‘She’s more than capable of managing my place. Maybe once I open another boutique, she’ll be in charge.’
I’m not sure whether or not he is serious, but for now I’ll just believe it. Wouldn’t that be amazing? A boutique that is mostly mine? I’d be like Leona—only better.
Don’t let her know I thought that.
The pair leaves after we chatted for about fifteen minutes, but not after leaving their cards and a cheque of a thousand dollars. I hold it in my hands and stare at it. ‘It’s directed to the boutique, but I feel like this is all me.’
‘Careful now.’
I hand it over to him and say: ‘Smile more, give compliments and be patient. Really, mister Cavill, you can do it.’
He sighs deeply. ‘You’re quite the lady, miss Newhouse,’ he says. ‘I get why people are keen of you.’
Fine, he doesn’t want to talk about his slight issues. I tell him to put the card and cheque in his pocket, before dragging him with me. We talk, we laugh and slowly but surely his cold facade is melting. Sure, it’s not much, but it’s nice to hear a chuckle—even though it’s fake—from his lips. But, he’s quite the actor. He places his hand on the dip of my waist, he allows me to pat him on his chest and when someone asked whether or not we had something going on, he didn’t push me away, not even when I said: ‘I don’t kiss and tell.’
The fact people actually fell for it, says something about our acting skills.
After hours, he helps me back into my coat and we walk to the limo. By the time we’re both seated again, he says: ‘I almost thought you liked me back there.’
I let out a laugh. ‘Well,’ I say, ‘I’m just that charming, because you are still saved in my phone as mister Poo Poo Head and I’m not sure if I’m ready to change that.’
‘Very mature.’ He sounds like his old, colder self, but when I look to the side, he smirks. Briefly, but he smirked and I saw it. ‘Well, I appreciate you were there with me.’
‘Sure,’ I say, ‘please invite me more often. To call it even, you could give me the cheque.’
He scoffs. ‘You were doing so well,’ he says. ‘Leave it to you to ruin it.’
‘I have the phone numbers of everyone in the room and I can tell everyone you are a big fat jerk. If my lies were convincing, imagine the truth.’ I send him a daring wink and he rolls his eyes. ‘But, jokes aside, you were doing better than earlier in the evening. Remember: you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.’
The limo stops in front of my place and he gets out, holding the door open for me. After I got out, I straighten my skirt and say: ‘Thank you.’
‘For what?’
Tonight. The coat. Allowing me to hold you. Holding me (believe me, it has been quite awhile). ‘For the extra two thousand on my paycheck.’
Mister Cavill sighs. ‘Goodnight, miss Newhouse.’
I can’t help but laugh. As I walk up to the entrance of my building, I say loudly: ‘Goodnight, mister Cavill.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace
58 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 3
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Summary: The hatred between Frankee and Henry only intensifies.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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Mister Cavill kept his promise. He did come back later that week and was literally breathing down my fucking neck the entire time, watching every step I made.
To say I hated it, is a severe understatement. I almost screwed up multiple times. Not because he is my boss and he can fire me any time he wants, but because he is gorgeous. That made me nervous.
Thank the stars mrs. Kensington walked in with a few friends and since she adores me (and her friends are literally a copy of her and love me as well), she kept praising me in front of mister Cavill.
In any normal situation, it would’ve helped my case. But not with this man.
Did you know I apologized more than once for the slight slip up with my umbrella? He didn’t even acknowledge it. Rich asshole. I hate him. I hate him so fucking much.
Today is one of those days where he again rushes me, follows me everywhere like he is my shadow. Tonight, I have to close off, because everyone has something to do in their private lives and I’m the only one apparently without a social life, therefore plans.
But he still doesn’t trust me, because he closely watches ever step I make. ‘I know how to close the store,’ I say to him, as I lock the door, before letting the shutters down in front of the store. ‘You don’t really need to follow me around, like you’re some sort of officer.’
‘Need to know whether or not the store is in good hands.’
‘I think you can trust Leona on that one,’ I deadpan. ‘Otherwise she wouldn’t let me close, don’t you think?’
He is insufferable. Sure, it’s probably my own fault, because if someone were to hit me with an umbrella, I’d probably hate their guts as well, but at least I got a chance to apologize. Yet he still doesn’t appreciate all my efforts.
He cannot deny the fact that I’m one of the best employees here in the short time I have worked here. I work hard, barely complain (at least not to his face or when he is within hearing distance) and I have become the best of friends with all these bouche ladies who shop here, causing them to brag about it to their rich friends and bring them the next time around. Word Ever After Boutique is a heaven for everyone is spreading like a giant oil spill.
I grab another box to bring to the back room and like the suspicious boss he is, mister Cavill follows me like a duckling follows around its mom.
It would be so much easier if he weren’t this good looking, allowing me to not dream inappropriately about him. But no, my insufferable boss has to have a jawline you can cut yourself open with, beautiful Greek Mythology like features and thighs and an ass to die for.
‘Did you do this with the other girls?’ I ask.
He decides to ignore me and for that I want to strangle him.
I’ve had it. I’ve absolutely had it with this jerk. ‘You are the most annoying man I have ever met in my life, did you know that?’ I snap, as I place the box on the floor. I turn around when I say: ‘I’m serious, mister Cavill, never ever— Oh no, watch the door!’
The door clicks close behind mister Cavill, who looks slight confused. ‘What?’
‘You moron!’ I exclaim, walking over to the door, trying to open it, but I can’t seem to open it.
It was one of the first things Leona told me and she has yet to call someone to change the lock.
‘If you knew your damn store, you would’ve known you cannot close this door, because you can’t open it from this room.’
He frowns a bit deeper. ‘Did you just call me a moron?’
Un-fucking-believable. ‘Oh, that you heard? The fact we’re stuck here, you just ignore?’ I let out a scoff like laugh. ‘If I didn’t hate your guts already, this would be the moment I’d decide to do so. You better have your phone with you, so you can call Leona, tell her what a stupid idiot you are and how you’ve closed this door.’
Mister Cavill scoffs, before grabbing his phone, bringing it to his ear. ‘Leona, hi,’ he says and for once he actually sounds approachable. I wonder how many times these two slept together. They would make quite the couple, if I’m being honest. ‘No, miss Newhouse and I got ourselves locked in the storage room.’
Excuse me, what’s that now? ‘Mister Cavill got us locked here,’ I say loudly, loud enough for Leona to hear it.
He glares at me, probably skinning me alive in his mind. ‘I see … Yes, thank you … Bye Leona.’ He hangs up the phone. ‘Seriously?’ he asks me.
‘What?’ I ask, playing dumb.
He closes his eyes, probably counting to ten so he doesn’t explode. ‘Leona is gonna be here in an hour, maybe a bit more.’
An hour with him in one room? I hate my life.
✰ ✰ ✰
So, I folded everything here, with my back turned to mister Cavill. I even cleaned up a bit, organized some things, but that is mostly to keep me from doing nothing. Normally I’d grab my phone, but the ever so faithful employee I am, it’s in my coat I hung up in the lunch room, so I’m not gonna check it during work.
That is officially history as of today. That phone is coming with me everywhere I go.
I don’t know how much time has passed, but I think it’s at least forty five minutes, meaning Leona will be here in around fifteen minutes, twenty tops.
I look over my shoulder at the clock, to come to the shocking discovery that only fifteen minutes have passed and it’s gonna take at least forty five minutes for Leona to be here.
Mister Cavill leans against the wall with his back, his eyes focussed on nothing. He must sense I’m looking at him, because he asks: ‘What?’
‘Time passes by incredibly slowly.’
‘Patience is a virtue, miss Newhouse.’
I wanna slap him, oh, do I wanna slap him. ‘Asshole,’ I mutter underneath my breath.
‘Did you just call me an asshole?’ he asks me.
‘I did,’ I say, my emotions getting the upper hand here. I might get fired, but at least I’m being fired with a bang. I stood up to the idiot boss, that makes me somewhat cool.
But… This boutique is so amazing…
I don’t really want to get fired.
He groans. ‘You do know I’m your boss, right?’
‘I know,’ I say, ‘but as you can probably tell: I don’t care. You have been so rude to me. It all started when you literally wanted to steal the cab I hailed. Yes, me smacking you with my umbrella wasn’t very nice, but I apologized multiple times. However, despite the fact I’m an excellent employee, am best buddies with mrs. Kensington, you still pretend like I’m an idiot. Like I’m incapable of taking care of this boutique. You trust Leona and she trusts me. What is so damn hard about trusting me?’
I’m really risking my job here, but I cannot help it. I pace in front of him as I continue my I’m gonna lose my job anyway, so I’ll tell you the entire shit load that is bothering me about you-speech.
‘I think the problem here is you,’ I say.
Henry clenches his jaw and he turns to me. He marches up to me and within a second I’m trapped in between the wall and his thick body.
This shouldn’t turn me on or make my panties drop, yet here it is happening anyway.
I wish he was ugly.
‘Listen to me,’ he says, ‘you are such a blood sucking woman. I cannot believe Leona and the others are actually happy with you. You think you are so amazing, with your semi okay Instagram account, your lucky shots at the boutique and your arrogance.’
‘Arrogance?’ I parrot.
‘Yes, you better tone this entire I don’t care facade down a notch if you want to keep your job.’
‘Listen, mister Cavill, I despise guys like you.’ I poke him in his chest. Fuck me, he is toned. ‘And I cannot believe you call my Instagram account semi okay. I have checked out yours and it is dull. At least my feed is aesthetically pleasing to look at.’
‘Oh, that you care about.’
‘Well, let me tell you this then,’ I say, taking a step forward. It genuinely surprised me he actually walks back, because he kinda has the dominant no one can and will walk all over me-vibe going on, yet here he is, walking backwards. ‘And I know what your damn problem is. You are such an insecure little man, who hides behind the facade of fashion, fame and fortune, when in reality you have nothing but a pretty face and okay skills when it comes to running a business. But listen carefully to me when I say that if you even dare to fire me, I’ll get multiple lawyers by my side and will make your life absolutely miserable. Because, mister Cavill, everything you can do, I can do a whole lot better.’
He doesn’t respond. Maybe I impressed him, I think to myself, but then he laughs.
‘You’re gonna get your daddy to arrange lawyers?’ he jokes in such a condescending way.
I’d hit him, but if I were to build a fucking case against him, hitting him is a poor choice.
The door opens and I see Leona standing in the doorway. ‘Here I am, a lot earlier than I was supposed to,’ she chuckles, ‘but I arranged an Uber who literally knew NYC like his back pocket.’
I take a few steps back and smile. ‘Neat. I’m sorry, Leona, but I really need to go.’
‘Oh honey, don’t you worry about it. See you tomorrow.’
‘See you tomorrow,’ I quickly say, before grabbing my stuff and rush out of the boutique. Within record time I hail a cab (he must’ve sensed my desperation to get home) and I plop in the backseat, thinking about all the things I said to Henry. Will they talk about me now, I think to myself. Are they discussing about firing my ass?
I mean, I’d fire me if I were Henry.
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace
70 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 1
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Summary: It's Frankee's first day at work
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist //
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On a scale of one to ten, how self obsessed does it sound when I tell my boss that I’m late on my first day of work, because I was too busy taking pictures of myself?
I fear a good twelve.
While I’m not really too keen on this very slow cab driver, this does give me the best excuse to tell my boss, so I’ll take this as a fortunate win. However, my leg cannot stop bouncing up and down and I wipe my clammy hands on the seat of the cab.
Oh no, I’m very very nervous.
It’s not just any store I’m starting at today. Ever After Boutique is the most high end clothing store of the entirety of New York City—if not the whole country—and now I get to work there! Finally my hard work on maintaining a decent and very fashionable Instagram profile with tons of outfit pictures paid off: the Leona St. Johns, manager of Ever After, send me a DM to ask me if I wanted to come in for a job interview.
Honestly, did she think I would say no? This has been the greatest opportunity I’ve ever gotten! Working at Ever After Boutique? I think I let out the highest pitched scream once she promised this wasn’t a scam and realization truly kicked in that there was a chance of me working at the boutique of NYC.
Back when I was younger, my parents were the first victims of me and my baby steps into the world of fashion. When I told them I wanted to study Fashion at NYU, my dad wasn’t that big of a fan. First of all, he didn’t like me moving from sunny Florida, to New York City and second of all, studying fashion wasn’t a study with a secure future.
I agreed. Of course I knew this, but fashion was my life. This was and is what I was born to do. I know not many people make it in this world, but deep down I felt I was gonna be the one that would make it.
So dad caved—like he usually does anyways—paid for a studio apartment in Soho and my tuition. I still live in said studio in Soho and usually it takes around thirty minutes to get to the Upper East Side, but it’s chaos at this time.
When we haven’t moved for over five minutes, I realize this is useless and it would be a whole lot faster if I would just walk to my job. Sure, the heels aren’t ideal, but I’ll manage. I feel like I’ve been walking on heels since my senior prom, so I’ll think this’ll go fine.
Besides, it’s not raining now.
The weather has been absolutely dreadful this fall, with a lot of rainstorms, thunder and just shitty weather all together. I had my romanticized fall walks all planed out. A cute hat, some coffee, some funky boots, but I’m not going to defy the harsh winds, rainstorms and puddles of disgusting brown grayish mud.
After I paid the driver and got out of the cab, I start walking in between the loads of people who are also desperate to get to work. I can already see the boutique and though I’ve walked passed this place quite a few times, it just hits different now.
Leona invited me to a coffee place for our job interview, so today will be my first time in the boutique as an employee. This is the boutique where I’m gonna spend a lot of my time.
And I cannot wait.
I take a deep breath, before I open the door and walk in. ‘Hello?’ I ask.
The door at the back of the counter opens and I see Leona, the woman who I had my job interview with, the same woman who reached out to me on Instagram, who thought I had an amazing sense of style.
She has her long bob straightened today, dangerously high black stiletto’s and a grey pants suit that looks stunning on her. However, she doesn’t look amused. ‘You’re late,’ she says, placing her hand on the counter, tapping her nails against the wood.
Oh, I already fucked up.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I say. ‘I couldn’t help it.’ I was so busy taking pictures of me in this gorgeous blue set that I totally lost track of time. ‘Traffic sucked. I had no idea it would be this crowded on the road. I’ll be on time tomorrow and all the times after that.’
Leona smirks. ‘Just messing with you. Vivvi, one of the other girls, was late the first three months she worked here. You’ll be fine.’
‘I heard that and I can’t help it that I have zero sense of direction. New York is very crowded in the mornings and I just lost my orientation for a few months.’ A beautiful girl with legs to die for walks out of another door with a box in her hand. ‘Oh my, is this the super awesome Frankee whose name ends with double E?’ She places the box on the floor in the middle of the boutique and on her high heeled boots trots over to me. ‘You are so cool. Leona showed me all of your pictures on Instagram. Maybe you noticed me following you.’
She turns around her phone and shows me her account on her very broken screen. Geez, I can barely read what’s on there, how does one function with these types of cracks in their screen?
‘Uh, I haven’t noticed yet,’ I say, a little bit taken aback. ‘I’m Frankee, nice to meet you.’
‘I am Vivvi,’ she says with a smile. ‘It’s so cool having you here. Leona told us a lot about you.’
Vivvi is beautiful and I wonder why she is working here, instead of being a model. She has the face, the body and the height for it. I gave up on a modeling career when I wasn’t growing any taller than 5’4. Besides, I don’t think I’d be suited for a catwalk career. I start walking funny when a construction worker lurks at me, imagine what would happen if people with an actual sense of style look in my direction.
‘Viv, I’ve been calling you for a good minute now. Are you deaf?’ Another woman enters the store through the same door Vivvi just walked through. She places the box on the floor as well and runs her fingers through her blonde hairs. ‘Oh, hi, Frankee. Nice to meet you. I’m Amanda. Beware, Vivvi is the laziest co-worker you’ll ever meet.’ She looks so serious, so I’m not really too sure whether or not she is joking or if she means it.
‘Okay, you girls open up, I’m gonna give Frankee a little tour,’ Leona says. ‘Walk with me. I’ll show you where you can put your coat, your stuff and where we eat our lunch.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Conclusion: working at Ever After Boutique is absolutely amazing. Leona showed me everything. The register, the storage in the back and the break room where you also place your bag and all and where Leona does her paperwork.
Honestly, this is the place I was born to work at.
Surrounded by fashionable people, sweet customers and people actually appreciating your outfits for a change—unlike the other stores I used to work at. It’s a dream come true.
‘So,’ Vivvi says, ‘you’re quite the catch. You are probably one of the most hard working girls here.’
‘Excuse me?’ Amanda says. ‘I’m literally cleaning up behind your flat pancake ass.’
‘My ass isn’t flat. Just a little bit hidden.’ Vivvi cocks her eyebrows at Amanda, before turning to me again. ‘Anyways, Frankee, you are so amazing. You know, I’ve been following you for a while. You are so super duper awesome in real life.’
She knows how to flatter me. ‘Oh thanks,’ I say with a smile.
‘Oh, look at that,’ Amanda says, who still isn’t too sure about me being here and whether or not I deserve it. ‘It’s mrs. Kensington.’ It’s the way she says the customer’s name, that makes me suspicious. ‘Frankee, how about you help her out?’
Vivvi gulps. ‘Amanda, are you sure?’
‘Mhm, show us what you can do.’ Amanda smirks, almost like she’s daring me and cannot wait for me to fail.
But I’m never too afraid of a challenge. I know what I can do and I will definitely show her that I can take mrs. Kensington.
‘Be right back,’ I say with a confident smile, before turning on my heels and make my way to mrs. Kensington. ‘Good afternoon,’ I say with a gentle customer service smile, ‘how can I help you?’
Mrs. Kensington is the type of lady my great aunt was when she was still alive. Very classy, rich and posh. This woman has earrings in that is probably worth the same amount of what I spend on my apartment every month.
I wish later on in life I can look like her, or at least live my life like her, because that is the ultimate goal obviously.
Mrs. Kensington checks me out, almost as she is evaluating my outfit and decides whether or not she wants to be helped by a girl like me. ‘Hmm,’ she says, before adding: ‘I have an appointment with the senator.’
Oh wait, she’s that type of rich lady? Okay, never mind, I don’t want to be her anymore. I want an easy rich life, just sipping wine in my satin robe at my mansion: not meeting with senators I didn’t even vote for.
‘I see,’ I say.
‘And I need to look splendid.’
‘Figured,’ I say. ‘You have a color you’d like to wear?’
‘That’s where you come in handy, sweetness.’ Is she genuinely nice to me or is this the fake nice facade some rich ladies have, but that is more the hide their secretly racist nature?
‘I need something to match this necklace.’ She shows me a cobalt blue diamond around her neck and I manage to keep in my gasp.
‘How about you take a seat right there,’ I suggest, motioning towards the chairs near the dressing rooms, ‘and I’ll be right back.’
She seems impressed, but I still have to figure out whether or not she means it. ‘Alright,’ she says, her lips tightly pursed together.
I quickly manage to get myself towards the storage room, because I saw something there and I know it’s the same color her diamond was. After rummaging through some clothing on their hanger, I finally find it. The sheath like silhouette is perfect for mrs. Kensington.
We’re supposed to get it in the store tomorrow, Amanda and Leona told me, but this is exactly what mrs. Kensington is supposed to wear to her meeting with the senator. I quickly get the right size (I have an eye for estimating the sizes right, especially when it comes to ladies her age—the only useful skill I have thanks to the old lady boomer stores I previously worked at) and rush back into the store. I grab a purse and some shoes that I know will look amazing with the entire outfit.
‘Mrs. Kensington,’ I say with a smile, ‘here you go. Let me know if you need any help.’ I hang up the dress and place the shoes and purse on the stool, before holding the curtain to the side for her.
She seems impressed again, but this time I think she means it.
‘I’ll let you know, sweetness.’
I close the curtain for mrs. Kensington and nervously wait, as doubts and fears fill my mind. What if I completely miscalculated her size and it’s way too small or big for her? What if the shoes aren’t correct?
Vivvi gives me a thumbs up and smiles brightly, while Amanda is waiting, running her hand through her blonde hairs, almost as if she is waiting for me to fail miserably.
I hear a gasp coming from the dressing room and I blink my eyes fast. Shit, I totally screwed up.
The curtain slides aside and I see mrs. Kensington with…
A smile on her face?
‘Sweetness, you are amazing!’ she exclaims and now I know for sure: she genuinely means it.
‘Well, you look gorgeous,’ I say to her.
‘Thanks to you. I look ten pounds lighter and at least five years younger. Darling, you are fabulous. What’s your name?’
‘Frankee,’ I say.
‘Well, Frankee, I want every piece of it. Including the purse. Goodness, you are fantastic!’
After she got dressed into her own clothes again, I grab the dress, shoes and purse and walk towards the register.
At that exact moment Leona exits the door behind the counter and mrs. Kensington gains her attention. ‘Leona, dear, I have to tell you that this Frankee is something! Never ever let her go.’
Leona smiles. ‘I’m glad to hear she is doing so well on her first day.’
‘It’s your first day?’ Mrs. Kensington seems delighted. ‘Oh, dear, you are a gift from the heavens. I’ll be coming back very soon soon, because thanks to you I look like a million bucks for this meeting. I bet I’ll have another dinner soon and I want you to become my personal stylist.’ After she paid and I hand her the bag with items, she blows me a kiss and says: ‘Thank you, Frankee dear.’
When she walks out of the door, I let out a sigh. ‘I did well?’
‘Oh my goodness,’ Vivvi screams, ‘you did perfectly fantastic! You are even more awesome than you already were. You somehow managed to make mrs. Kensington appear like less of a bitch!’
‘Language, Viv,’ Leona says.
‘Sorry, but I just got so excited,’ Vivvi apologizes. ‘When I had to help her, she made me cry. I never expected her to be so kind and lovely.’
Amanda nods. ‘Well done, Frankee. Didn’t know you had it in you.’
‘I don’t want you to leave, ever!’ Vivvi says, walking around the counter to give me a hug. ‘You are fantastic, Frankee Newhouse, absolutely fantastic.’
✰ ✰ ✰
After a wonderful day at Ever After Boutique, I arrive home, at my studio still floating a bit on cloud nine. The second I let my purse slide off my shoulder, I realize how dog tired I am.
However, it was all worth it. This boutique, my colleagues (I still have to meet another of my colleagues, but Vivvi told me she was lovely) and just the overall vibe and aesthetic is absolutely everything I ever wished for. Everything the other boutiques weren’t.
I plop on the couch and let out a content sigh. This is the life I’ve always wanted, I always dreamed about.
And now it’s finally mine.
✰ ✰ ✰
Taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @christhickevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella //
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
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After studying Fashion at NYU, Frankee Newhouse's dream is finally coming true: she gets to work at Ever After Boutique in the fashion street of NYC: Fifth Avenue. No more working in dull shops being the only overdressed one there, but a step closer to chic parties and being surrounded by true fashion moguls. While working at Ever After Boutique is wonderful, there is one person who she absolutely cannot stand: Henry Cavill, the beautiful, yet super arrogant owner of Ever After.
Introduction // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Epilogue
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 4
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Summary: Frankee is supposed to visit her family in Florida, but when she misses her flight, there is one person who can help her out.
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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Isn’t this just my luck? I’m stuck here at the damn airport! Okay, I admit, traveling two day s before Christmas wasn’t my grandest idea, but this hectic airport scene was also very unexpected.
I didn’t go home for Thanksgiving and now my dad has been nagging my head off, wanting me to come to Florida to spend at least some holidays with them. Because I haven’t worked at Ever After Boutique as long as the rest, I didn’t quite had the chance to arrange my vacation days. However, because I was the only one having to go out of the state for Christmas, Leona was kind enough to let me go a little before Christmas.
But boy, did I wish I was in the boutique now and not here staring at this giant board.
To make matters even worse, the plane I was supposed to be on, has taken off without me in it. Was that my own fault? Maybe, however heavy snowfall and a lot of traffic on the roads sure didn’t help me already being a tad bit late.
I fucking hate my life. This is the worst!
As I’m semi staring at the board, waiting for a miracle flight to appear on them, I hear a very familiar voice behind me: ‘Miss Newhouse, everything alright?’
I turn around and much to my surprise, it’s mister Cavill, who asked a sympathetic question, instead of a rude remark. After our little back room experience, he didn’t fire me nor had Leona do it. No, quite the contrary actually: he hasn’t been breathing down my neck anymore. I think he sorta trusts me with the store.
He came over one time, told Amanda, Chrissy and Vivvi to keep up the good work, before he looked over at me, simply nodding and wishing me a nice day.
I was so confused, that I didn’t even got the chance to respond.
And now he asks me if everything is alright? Is this man on drugs or something? I am tempted to grace him with something sarcastic, but I simply decide to tell him the truth. ’No, my flight took off without me and now I’m contemplating whether or not to sell an organ, so I can get to the first plane to Florida.’
He nods, not saying anything.
‘I really need to go,’ I continue. ‘I promised my dad I’d be there for Christmas, especially because I wasn’t there for Thanksgiving either. From the looks of it, it’s gonna take forever before there’s a flight to Florida and it’s probably gonna be way too overpriced.’ I sigh as I sit down on my trolley. ‘I know it might be hard to grasp for you, since this is an issue you would never understand.’
Mister Cavill rolls his eyes, as he fixes his cufflinks, because this is the type of rich man who travels in suit. ‘Can’t believe I’m offering you this, but come with me.’
I must have been hallucinating. ‘What?’ I ask.
‘You can travel with me.’
‘You got a private jet?’
He nods.
That’s unique, but not surprising. I’m totally not taken aback he travels like this and to enforce the whole ‘I’m rich and I travel by private jet’, it’s only obvious he wears a suit.
Fucking show off.
‘Yes and I can make a small detour to Florida.’
I frown deeply, as this does not make sense. We are supposed to dislike each other, not to do each other favors. ‘Are you serious? I mean, you kinda hate me.’
Mister Cavill groans. ‘For once, don’t be a pain, miss Newhouse. I’m offering you something incredibly nice.’
Well, this is my ticket to Florida, so… It would be stupid to say no.
‘Sure,’ I say. ‘Show me the way.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Okay, from now on, I am spoiled. The minute I set foot in this smaller, yet luxurious aircraft, I have come to the conclusion never in my entire life want to travel in a regular commercial jet. The seats, the fact I can sleep horizontally and the drinks. I mean, even the Captain was hot.
However, there is one downside to this and that is the world’s most annoying millionaire sitting across from me. Men spreading, taking up the entire seat, staring out the window with a whiskey in his hand: it’s all there.
I don’t want to talk to him, but even if I wanted to do what I was planning on doing on my original flight—which was to read a little—I have to grab my bag from the overhead compartment and if I wanted to do that, I had to ask mister Cavill.
And that is just too much.
‘Born and raised in Florida?’ mister Cavill then asks me.
’Yes,’ I say. Is he interested about my private life? That feels odd and too intimate. ‘Spending Christmas with my parents. Do you have Christmas plans?’ It feels slimy to ask him about him, but this conversation is not giving me strangulation tendencies, so we’ll just go with it.
‘Business during Christmas?’ I ask. ‘Gosh, your life must suck.’
He shrugs. ‘Well, I prefer it this way.’
I scoff. ‘Of course you do,’ I note. ‘Because God forbid you have a semi normal life.’ I bite my chapped bottom lip. ‘Where are you going anyway?’
‘Boston?’ I parrot. ‘Seriously? Florida is a major detour then.’
Mister Cavill glares at me, probably ready to skin me alive. ‘I am aware of that.’
‘Well, why don’t you get off at Boston and then I’ll take the plane all the way to Florida.’
‘I’m not gonna do that,’ he says. ’This is my plane and I might trust you with the boutique, but there are limits.’
Fair enough. ‘But it seems dumb to invite me on your jet,’ I say. ‘Specially because I’m not on the route.’
‘I am aware.’
‘Were you in some sort of psychosis?’ I ask him. ‘Because this is out of character, even you’ve gotta admit that.’
‘Please, miss Newhouse, rub it in.’
‘Tell me this then: why did you offer me?’
He leans in his seat. ‘Because I think you should be able to celebrate Christmas with your family.’
That is the most sentimental thing that has ever left his lips before, when it was directed to me. I am experiencing some severe cognitive dissonance right now. ‘As should you.’
‘I don’t have family.’
This piques my interests. ‘Why not?’ I ask. ‘They dead?’
‘They’re dead to me.’ Gosh, how much bitterness is stored in this man? He stares at me, with a look of annoyance and a bit of warning. I mean, I sure am invested in all this Cavill family drama, but after that glare, I decide not to ask any further and lean back in my seat. Two more hours, I think to myself, after I checked the time on my phone.
That should be doable.
✰ ✰ ✰
The jet has landed and I wait for mister Cavill to grab my trolley and bag from the overhead compartment. Effortlessly he grabs it and for more confusion on my side, he does something chivalrous: he walks towards the exit of the plane and descends from the tiny stairs, waiting for me in the warm Florida heat.
With my winter coat in hand, I thank the Captain, before exiting the plane as well. ‘You want me to thank you or not?’
‘It’s the polite thing to do, but I know you prefer to save that politeness for everyone but me, so I wouldn’t sleep any less if you didn’t do it.’
‘Okay, you being a cocky asshole makes the choice simple for me. Goodbye, mister Cavill. Enjoy you being a weirdo and not enjoy Christmas with dinner and family, but with business.’ I grab my trolley and bag from his hands, but in the process I touch his skin. Our eyes lock for just a few moments and for the first time I think my words actually affect him.
But then he rolls his eyes. ‘Bye miss Newhouse.’
And maybe that look wasn’t there and I made it up.
✰ ✰ ✰
Ever After Boutique Ladies (minus Leona) Chat
Vivvi: So, Frankee, how’s Florida?
Frankee: Minus a tiny set back at the airport, it’s great.
Frankee: My folks are happy I’m here.
Chrissy: I feel like your parents are really cute.
Chrissy: Can we meet them?
Frankee: Maybe one day, yes?
Frankee: Don’t know why, but sure.
Amanda: What was the set back?
Frankee: Missed my flight
Frankee: Craziest thing happened btw: I flew to Florida on a private jet
Chrissy: 😱 😱 😱
Amanda: WHAT?
Vivvi: I demand details
Amanda: What kind of rich sugar daddy offered you a flight?
Frankee: No sugar daddy.
Frankee: Mister Cavill offered me
Amanda: Be serious now
Frankee: I am serious!
Chrissy: 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱
Vivvi: This is absolutely crazy
Vivvi: He offered you a flight on his private jet?
Frankee: He did. Dunno why exactly he pitied me.
Amanda: I thought he hated you!
Frankee: Well, you and me both
Chrissy: brb, need to lay down to process this 🤯
Vivvi: Did you join the mile high club?
Frankee: VIVVI!!!!!
Amanda: VIV!!!
Vivvi: I take that as a no?
Vivvi: What? Someone needs to have sex and I know it’s not gonna be me
Amanda: I have sex
Vivvi: With your bf, that’s not special
Chrissy: I wonder what sex with mister Cavill would be like.
Chrissy: I bet he is rough and tender
Amanda: I don’t even know how to respond to this
Frankee: Anyways...
Frankee: I’m gonna help my mom in the yard.
Frankee: Pick some apples.
Vivvi: Can’t believe your apple picking. I’m freezing my ass off here
Chrissy: What ass?
Vivvi: I’m gonna kill you
Frankee: Check my Instagram, so you can see my ass is not freezing off here in Miami 😘
Chrissy: So jealous
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Ever After Boutique taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @chaiwithchrisevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading // @aami98 // @pterodactylterrace
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - chapter 2
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Summary: Frankee finally meets the man who's really in charge: Henry Cavill
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist // Previous chapter
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It has been a whole week since I started working at Ever After Boutique and boy, do I absolutely love it. It took me a few days, but I totally know my way around now and I don’t have to ask a lot anymore. I met Chrissy, my other colleague who turns out to be an amazing woman and totally matches up with my energy. I feel like that out of all three of my coworkers, she and I would’ve befriended one another anyways, outside of this store.
While I’m not surprised, I still groan as the doors at the entrance of my building slide open, only to reveal yet another rainy day. Thankfully the intense pouring stopped, so I don’t have to use my umbrella just yet and I walk over to the edge of the sidewalk, in my black heeled boots, a pair that is rain resistant—an absolute must when you live here.
Finally a cab stops in front of me and I open the door, when some man decides to act like I’m his servant and tries to step in. ‘Excuse me?’ I ask him, and he looks up, slightly annoyed, almost like I was cutting line.
My breath nearly gets stuck in my throat, because damn, this is one good looking human being, but he cannot use his pretty privilege to get away with this.
‘This is my cab,’ I tell him.
He doesn’t even seem fazed. ‘I don’t see your name on it.’
He is already one foot into my cab, when I poke him through his coat. Very promising if I may say so. ‘Oh, you’re quite the comedian, I see. Well, let me help you out here with some free advice on how to be a decent human being: I hailed this cab, so I get in and you wait here. After all, ladies first.’
He scoffs. This man genuinely scoffs at me and when he actually wants to step into the cab anyway, I cannot control myself anymore and I hit him with my umbrella on the top of his head. He lets out a groan of surprise.
‘Get your ass out of my cab.’
Mister Gorgeous stares at me for a few moments, rubbing his head before he takes a step back and walks away.
Well, I have never ever run into someone this gorgeous, yet this rude. Goodness gracious, the sheer audacity of this man. I get in my cab and tell the driver where I have to go. The drive is long and it starts to rain real bad, so I’m grateful to sit in here. He stops in front of the boutique and I quickly pay him, before I rush inside.
‘Sorry, I’m late,’ I say.
Vivvi pretends to frown. ‘Unacceptable.’
I stick out my tongue. ‘I couldn’t help it. I had a bit of an argument on my way here.’
Chrissy, the other employee I met a few days back, cocks an eyebrow. ‘How did you manage to already get yourself into an argument? It’s seven in the damn morning, Frankee.’
‘I have no idea. You know, there was this horrible man—gorgeous, but absolutely horrid—who thought he could steal my cab. I hailed it! He even had the audacity to say that it didn’t had my name on it when I told him it was my cab. What a total tool.’
Vivvi snickers. ‘Well, remind me to never mess with you.’
‘So, obviously I hit him in the head with my umbrella.’
‘You’re so cool,’ Vivvi admits as she smiles.
Chrissy helps me out of my wet coat and hangs it up in the back. ‘You know, Vivvi has some news regarding her hot neighbor. No, wait let me rephrase that.’ She walks back in and closes the door. ‘She has the same disappointing news about him like always.’
I turn to Vivvi. ‘You didn’t talk to him?’
Vivvi and her next door neighbor is a daily subject. While we convince her he is totally into her (it’s painfully obvious), she continues to talk about him—and not too him—and she says he isn’t into her.
He totally is.
‘I just get so nervous around him,’ Vivvi says. ‘You know, he gave me his umbrella today.’
I look over at Chrissy, who simply rolls her eyes, almost visibly annoyed Vivvi still isn’t seeing it. ‘What a nice fella,’ Chrissy deadpans.
Leona walks in and says: ‘Okay ladies, get to work now. It’s gonna be a long day.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Leona was right. Today was a long day. It goes by slowly, but it’s fun nonetheless. Mrs. Kensington is bringing a few of her friends and I have to help all of them, because they solely trust me.
What a compliment.
At around eleven I’m in the back of the store, folding some clothes, sorting them a bit and simply enjoying some quiet time. While I adore my colleagues, it’s nice from time to time to just have a bit of a breather here by myself.
That quiet time is ended promptly when Vivvi walks in, unable to contain her squeals. ‘Frankee, you finally get to meet the big boss!’
They have been telling me about this handsome boss the entire morning. Apparently, he visits the boutique every three weeks or so, and after working here for almost a week, it’s finally time for me to meet him.
The other girls—with the exception of Leona—all turn into giggly school girls, whenever he is mentioned, yes, even Amanda. I on the other hand have yet to see him.
They forbad me to look him up online, because they wanted to see my reaction when I would first see him. I thought it was kinda funny, because how handsome could this man be? It’s not that I’m easily starstruck.
‘I’ll be there in a sec,’ I say.
Vivvi scoffs. ’No, you’re coming with me now. Mister Cavill doesn’t like to wait.’
‘Well, mister Cavill needs to grow some patience then.’
She gasps. ‘You do not let mister Cavill wait.’
I roll my eyes. Where is the feminist in her? Goodness me, I’m not here on this earth to please a man, certainly not the boss. Nonetheless, I stop folding the clothes and follow her. This better be worth it.
I walk out of the storage room into the boutique and a very tall man is standing next to Leona. His hair seems a bit damp. ‘Frankee,’ Leona says when she lays her eyes on me, ‘this is mister Henry Cavill, CEO of Ever After and other companies.’
The tall man besides her turns around and all of the sudden my blood stops running through my veins. Oh, isn’t this absolutely fantastic.
It’s the pretty privilege guy from this morning.
The same one I hit with my umbrella.
I feel like I’m gonna be sick.
‘You must be miss Frankee Newhouse,’ he says, fixing his cufflinks, barely sparing me a look. ‘Leona speaks very highly of you. I ran into mrs. Kensington the other day, she told me she is very keen of you.’
I am waiting for more compliments, but it stays eerily quiet from his side. Thanks to my hard work, we’ve hit our targets more than enough, because I’ve been helping a lot of people in very little time, while still maintaining professional and helpful. I sometimes convince people to buy even more.
However I don’t think he is liking me being here.
He is trying to make me feel uncomfortable and the dumb fuck is succeeding. I clear my throat. ‘Mister Cavill,’ I say, pulling my lips into a straight line, my lips curled in. ‘Pleasure.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asks.
Ass hat. ‘Mhm.’
He and Leona are talking about some things, leaving us absolutely out of the conversation. I look over at Vivvi and Chrissy, whose eyes turned into hearts. I try to gain their attention, but they don’t look at me.
Neither is looking at me, because they are too busy drooling over the hot boss. Great, now I totally lost them.
‘Ladies,’ he says, looking at Vivvi and Chrissy, who contain a squeal, ‘Leona is very proud of you two. Keep up the good work.’
They nod in unison, smiles brighter than the sun.
‘Frankee,’ he says in a completely different tone that doesn’t bode well, ‘I’ll be back later this week, to check out your work. Please keep your umbrella to yourself next time you kick someone out of the cab.’
Vivvi and Chrissy both gasp when they hear it and I simply nod. ‘Of course, sir,’ I say. ‘To prevent that from happening, maybe next time don’t step into a cab you didn’t hail.’
His eyes don’t tell me what is going on inside his head, but I think I have an idea. He hates my guts and I think it’s vice versa. He nods towards Leona, before he walks out of the boutique.
Great, the boss hates me and it’s likewise. How fucking wonderful?
‘Did you hit mister Cavill out of the cab?’ Vivvi asks me. ‘The gorgeous pretty privilege guy you hit with your umbrella was him?’
‘Maybe,’ I whisper. ‘You think I still got a job?’
‘I don’t know,’ Leona says. ‘He usually isn’t like that, but also, Henry usually gets what he wants.’
‘I’m so gonna call Amanda,’ Chrissy says, already grabbing her phone. ‘Newbie is absolutely wicked.’ She looks over at me and says: ‘You totally badass, I wish I was like you.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @jason-evans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 // @greensleeves888 // @thereisa8ella // @islacharlotte // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @needmorereading
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Ever After Boutique - introduction
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Summary: Meet the staff of Ever After Boutique
CEO!Henry Cavill x Frankee Newhouse
Warnings: None
A/N: I don't know if anyone knows the game Style Boutique (I think it's Style Savvy in other countries?), but I have all the games (even bought a new Nintendo 3DS for when the second game came out omg hahaha) and i love the premise of the games - to this day I still play it from time to time oopsie hahaha. For the people who know this game: it always annoyed the shit outta me that there was no possibility of dating in the games (Dominic, my man, I'm still waiting for you to tell me you absolutely love me and think I'm amazing at running my boutique). So, let's just write a story myself then, with some enemy-to-lover premise hehehe
Masterlist // Ever After Boutique Masterlist //
Frankee Newhouse
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After graduating from NYU, Frankee worked at not one, not two, but three terrible clothing stores. They all were exactly everything she didn't want, but thankfully this fierce young lady finally gets the opportunity she has been waiting for: working at Ever After Boutique.
Leona St. Johns
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The manager of Ever After Boutique. Is a very loving woman, who teaches the girls all of the hard truths behind running a successful boutique.
Amanda Jones
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Is the only one who works at Ever After Boutique who has a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean she cannot drool over Henry Cavill from a distance. Is known to be the wisest of the employees.
Chrissy Yamamoto
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Has very rich parents and always jokes about how she has a rich sugar daddy who pays a lot for her, but is it really a joke or is she serious?
Vivvi Moore
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Vivvi is a very sociable girl, who loves chatting with the customers, however is totally star struck whenever Henry enters the boutique. Also has no filter and will say everything that comes to mind.
Henry Cavill
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The self absorbed boss who has a team to run his social media accounts, who goes to chic parties every few nights to meet with other business people and fashion designers. Barely smiles and can come off quite rude.
Taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @crazybutconfidentaf // @christhickevans // @nothingbettertosay81 // @funfickgirl22 // @oddsnendsfanfics // @omgkatinka // @myloveforhenrycavill // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @a-little-counter-esperanto // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @sunshine96love // @abschaffer2 //
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Congrats on your milestone! Here's a challenge - pick two characters from two different stories. Imagine they met. Which of your characters would be arch enemies? Which two would be besties? x
Leave it to you to come up with the most interesting challenge ever!
I personally feel like my characters would totally hit it off and be total besties. I kinda find it kinda hard to just pick two, but I feel like I can make amazing friend groups with people who would totally be besties.
I think Darcie Angel (one cappuccino and a chocolate brownie, please), Sandy Choi (So Henry, you want to start a YouTube channel), Adelaide Park (The Alluring charm of Henry Cavill) and Amelia Jung (Coach Cavill) would totally become bff’s at first sight. They’re all calm, but a lot of fun to be around with.
Another friend group would become total besties, but also become total chaos because Winnie Monroe (Serendipity), Mia Makaruku (Protection) and Ivy Sullivan (Oblivious) would be ABSOLUTE CHAOS, DESTRUCTION AND WHAT NOT—but we love a chaotic group of friends.
A group of friends that would never ever work out is if you put Frankee Jane Newhouse, August Walker and Syverson (the one I have in mind for Oblivious), because they’d probably kill one another. No, I’m sure they would, because that much sarcasm, pessimism and all in one room is fatal.
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