#I knew this book would be bad
hedgehog-moss · 9 months
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I bought a cushion for my fireside chair with a mouse from Beatrix Potter's Tailor of Gloucester and it's the best financial investment I've made in a while, I smile every time I see it
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inkskinned · 2 years
i. about 2 weeks ago, i was told there's a good chance that in 5 or so years, i'll need a wheelchair.
ii. okay. i loved harry potter as a kid. i have a hypothesis about this to be honest - why people still kind of like it. it's that she got very lucky. she managed to make a cross-generational hit. it was something shared for both parents and kids. it was right at the start of a huge cultural shift from pre to post-internet. i genuinely think many people were just seeking community; not her writing. it was a nice shorthand to create connection. which is a long way of saying - she didn't build this legacy, we built it for her. she got lucky, just once. that's all.
iii. to be real with you, i still struggle with identifying as someone with a disability, which is wild, especially given the ways my life has changed. i always come up against internalized ableism and shame - convinced even right now that i'm faking it for attention. i passed out in a grocery store recently. i hit my head on the shelves while i went down.
iv. he raises his eyebrows while he sends me a look. her most recent new book has POTS featured in it. okay, i say. i already don't like where this is going. we both take another bite of ramen. it is a trait of the villain, he says. we both roll our eyes about it.
v. so one of the things about being nonbinary but previously super into harry potter is that i super hate jk rowling. but it is also not good for my mental health to regret any form of joy i engaged with as a kid. i can't punish my young self for being so into the books - it was a passion, and it was how i made most of my friends. everyone knew about it. i felt like everyone had my same joy, my same fixation. as a "weird kid", this sense of belonging resonated with me so loudly that i would have done anything to protect it.
vi. as a present, my parents once took me out of school to go see the second movie. it is an incredibly precious memory: my mom straight-up lying about a dentist appointment. us snickering and sneaking into the weekday matinee. within seven years of this experience, the internet would be a necessity to get my homework finished. the world had permanently changed. harry potter was a relic, a way any of us could hold onto something of the analog.
vii. by sheer luck, the year that i started figuring out the whole gender fluid thing was also the first year people started to point out that she might have some internalized biases. i remember tumblr before that; how often her name was treated as godhood. how harry potter was kind of a word synonymous for "nerdy but cool." i would walk out of that year tasting he/him and they/them; she would walk out snarling and snapping about it.
viii. when i teach older kids creative writing, i usually tell them - so, she did change the face of young adult fiction, there's no denying that. she had a lot more opportunities than many of us will - there were more publishing houses, less push for "virally" popular content creators. but beyond reading another book, we need to write more books. we need to uplift the voices of those who remain unrepresented. we need to push for an exposure to the bigotry baked into the publishing system. and i promise you: you can write better than she ever did. nothing she did was what was magical - it was the way that the community responded to it.
ix. i get home from ramen. three other people have screenshotted the POTS thing and sent it to me. can you fucking believe we're still hearing this shit from her when it's almost twenty-fucking-twenty-three. the villain is notably also popular on tumblr. i just think that's funny. this woman is a billionaire and she's mad that she can't control the opinions of some people on a dying blue site that makes no money. lady, and i mean this - get a fucking life.
x. i am sorry to the kid i was. maybe the kid you were too. none of us deserved to see something like this ruined. that thing used to be precious to me. and now - all those good times; measured into dust.
/// 9.6.2022 // FUCKING AGAIN, JK? Are you fucking kidding me?
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raspberryzingaaa · 1 year
Listen I love "I am no man" as much as the next lady who was once a barefoot girl who ran around with a sword. But it irks me Every Time that she sneaks off to battle because Theoden and Eomer a) genuinely want to keep her from experiencing this Horror and b) maam you are third in line to the throne imagine if all three of you died. Do you have no love of country and land???
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luck-of-the-drawings · 9 months
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IMAGINE. working at ur stupid uhhh job or whatever. pulling into your drive way and ready to work on some crazy project in your garage. opening the door to the most unfamiliar silence. did your wife and kid leave for something? could you imagine knocking on your kids door, hardly getting an answer, and opening it to find the splattered remains of your wife across his room your child is scared! hes hardly consolable, in a state of shock and terror. you are too, but youre the adult here. you need to take charge. you need to protect him. you need to do something. you need to do something.
#cw gore#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi pd spoilers#ashe winters#LOOOORRRD HELP ME THIS IS A YEAR OLD AND I HAAAATE LOOKIN AT IIITTTT ALL I CAN SEE ARE MY MISTAAAKESSS RRAAGHHHGGG ITS FINE THOUGH#ITS FIIIINE ITS ALL FIIIIIIINE!! IM HARSHER ON MY ART THAN ANYONE ELSE ITS FIIIIIINE IIITTSFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEE#ANWYAY SO I THINK ALOT ABOUT THE FACT HE KILLED HIS MOM. FUUUUCKED UP. POOR GUY.. i wish i could learn more about what that day was like#the lil scenario wrote is my own silly little headcanon. but what really happened on that day? was mark there? or did he come home to it?#how violent was it really? was ashe awake the whole time? does he remember exactly how he killed her? does he remember?#who was mrs winters? what was she like? i like to think she was the one that gave ashe the book. taught him what she could before. yknow.#did ashe or mark try to destroy it afterwards? i could imagine mark throwing it into a fire. only for it to reappear with ashe#maybe ashe couldnt destroy it but i could imagine him hiding it. hiding away from it. and yet when we find him he holds it so close#its the only thing he can do! no super powers or anything. this was it. why would he ever throw away the only thing hes good at?#AND GOOD GOD MARK... TURNING TO MERCENARY WORK OVER IT ALL... SELLING HIS SOUL TO A LAbortory that changed him in immense ways#when did it get bad enough for him to start covering his face? what was ashe thinking? he knew his dad was up to something but what?#maRK HAS SUUUCH A CRAZY KILL COUNT TOO. I THINK THE HIGHEST IN THE SERIES IF WE'RE NOT LOOKIN AT THE GODS OR WATEV#MASS MURDER. MAN HAS COMMITTED MASS MURDER AND BROKE OUT OF SUPER VILLAIN PRISON WITH A PEN. MAN BUILDS IRON MAN SUITS IN HIS BASEMENT#OKay okay enough of my ramblin okayokay i just REALLY LOVE THIS SSHHOOOOWWW DUUUDEE EEUUGHTHTHHRHGHGH I LOVE THE WINTERS FAMILY...
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farrowkeene · 7 days
everyone lied to me about the bergman brothers these books are kind of bad
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jestercoven · 7 months
its so easy to fix magnifico in two different ways and it baffles me that neither were the actual outcome of the movie...
you can't give this man a sad backstory and understandable motivations and then make him an irredeemable unfixable evil!! LIKE THAT ISN'T HOW THAT WORKS!! THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!!
you either make it so the powers of the book are taken from him and he's returned to normal (and must still face the consequences of his actions while realizing he fucked up genuinely) OR!! you make him a genuinely evil asshole from the very beginning. make him hoard all the wishes because hes ALREADY been using them to make himself more powerful. LIKE WOULD EITHER OF THOSE BE SO HARD?? :(
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Characters that should’ve been in the Loki show but weren’t (fuck everything):
-Theo Bell
-Verity Willis
-David Alleyne
-Leah of Hel
-any of the Warriors Three
-any frost giants at all
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francy-sketches · 1 year
"tlou doing so well is proof that following the source material pays off, hotd should take notes 😌💅" well you see in order to do that the source material has to actually be good
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schalotte · 2 months
just finished a really bad horror novel <3
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jayaorgana · 8 months
Okay so I started reading COPL again because I need something to read on my phone on the train that I don't really want to focus on anything serious after class and yeah 12yo me was so right when she thought Isolder was mind controlling Leia. Literally the only explanation for this
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vaugarde · 5 months
im reading two different books with a main trans male character back to back and i am almost in shock at how jarringly different these portrayals are in terms of quality. (at the risk of ppl getting pissed but i wanna say it anyways, first book was “every heart a doorway” and the book im reading now is “the thirty names of night”) like it helps that the second one im reading was actually written by a nonbinary person and has several things to say about bigotry and being transgender and syrian, but the first one was basically begging for brownie points by constantly having kade experience and recall transphobia at kinda random times that really didnt add anything to the story that we didnt already know, and kade never really gets to talk about his trans experience beyond being misgendered and disowned. and that’s not to say i think the first author is transphobic and got off on his suffering or anything, i think she had good intentions and wanted to talk about bigotry towards kids, nor that no trans man will ever read this book and feel seen by kade and appreciate his character, which i think matters the most at the end of the day, the actual execution just feels clumsy. meanwhile im only one chapter into the second book and it already has more to say about how transphobia affects the main character and how it affects his relationship with teta and they even have an uncomfortable gynecology scene that perfectly captures the dismissiveness and dysphoric interactions but does so with just enough respect and intent that it feels authentic without being exploitative.
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stilldoingscience · 1 year
people really need to get a grip. The pale blue eye is a book set in 1830s, why are you surprised that there’s misogyny in the film?
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rangercorpstherapy · 1 year
Will falls in love again after Alyss dies but he's too afraid of remarrying so she just moves into the cabin and they live together and never marry and grow old together and are happy because Will deserves happiness
i'm so glad this is anon because I have received hate mail for disrespecting Wilyss like this
which like sorry, it's not disrespect, i just think that Will is very dependent on other people and i truly don't think he would be happy living alone after Maddie leaves just saying ok bye
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dark-falz · 1 year
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I realized I wasn’t paying attention to spell check and “seperatre” is suppose to be “separate” but it’s too late for me to fix ok ok so the Algolian Seal is based of a Hexagram seal right ok we’re here. .....drawing this up was easy but explaining it will not be...I apologize for sloppiness in advance.
The rotating bits I think. So the entire seal itself rotates in use, but the highlighted parts rotate differently. In a seal, this would mean these are the roots for power/energy/magic to be created. The phrase “I wish it at an alliance from several years ago” can be considered an “invocation chant”. The planets are the natural (you could even say natal HEH) source of power this magic would take from, which is why they are also rotating.
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Also note the planets with the rule of 3 in the seal. Yes there’s the 3 planets but looking across the seal those planets are in line with 2 more circles. This signifies the structure and how I came to the conclusion the Algolian seal is based off a Hexagram seal, as shown in the Lesser Key of Solomon. And now we know this is based of Abrahamic religions. However, when it comes to the general magic premise of Phantasy Star, I believe they took a more Hermetic approach to it based on the use of Zodiac symbols on Falz’s arena, the use of planets as power, mention of reincarnation in seals, and how they mention “Crowley” in PSP2I. (but we aren’t in that universe yet. Go ahead and google “Crowley” tho you’ll find him.) Hermetics also largely deal with Theurgy, which is what magic circles would be used in. (Theurgy is working with Divine through ritual, invocation or envocation, and can even get into possession. The ultimate goal in Theurgy is to unite with the Divine)  But, alchemy is huge in Hermeticism, and I do feel there is a lack of alchemy references. Unless I’m missing them but I’ve been really going out of my way. It could be on a science level beyond my understanding, and relevant to Photon energy. Dr. Montague using corrupt Photon energy from monsters to make weapons is something I’ve considered, but I’d also like to know more about Dr. Osto and his experiments. There’s also, you know, the whole turning things into things using things which is a totally valid point but maybe I wanna know the how’s and why’s to that too ok.
Ok back to the seal right so Arabahamic religion ok so the Photon Blasts would be the Angels written in that middle circle. Specifically middle circle. The Angles in the middle circle indicate the time the seal was created, the date it was created, the time it will be used, the date it will be used, their “companies” (which I don’t fully understand yet) some other stuff, you get it now the Photon Blasts are Angels. I can’t say if the order here matters or not.Theurgy is also very prevalent in the Arabahamic religion, and Angels and Demons would fall under Theurgy.
The elements? O-oh yeh uh..I mostly threw those in there...They could have different placement. They could have something to do with the alchemy now that I think about it, but honestly when it comes to these magic circles, it seems the elements don’t have to be fire/air/wind/water related. The elements of the series are another thing I don’t have a great enough understanding of to speak about yet. Lets figure out Photon first.
“Great Light Power” would be the supreme god. The creator god. “GOD” god. And remember, “Light makes darkness. A pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist” And it SEEMS A LIIIITTLE BIT TO MEEE that Pioneer 1 & 2 might have created a pair with the power of “MUUT DITTS POUMN” the energy Falz was sealed with, and caused their own problems. OR! It could have been the rule of 3′s with counting the uses of “MUUT DITTS POUMN” in magic. There’s...5? sets of 3′s going on now? Angel numbers are a thing, there’s a wholeass divination method that uses numbers called “Numerology”. I nearly failed math because of dyslexia with numbers so if someone else wants to figure that out, amazing, cause I probably won’t :3 (I’d help tho :D) I also was pointed out how the pillars used to open the ruins share a symbol used in the original series, proving again the ruins was literally a spaceship used to seal Falz from the Algol star system. If its a reference to the Great Light Power I have no honest clue yet :)
Next thing I’ll be getting into is probably the seal for Falz’s arena leaning on the fact that the zodiac signs are the 4 heros, for now. (meaning I won’t be getting too into that lmao)
A few refrences I’d like to share are A forum where I found the original Phantasy Star refrences since idk shit about them atm (the lore here is juice) A Reddit post on the properties of Magic Circles
Because the rest of my information comes from books like the Magus and The Lesser Key of Solomon which I have on play books (Cause I’m impulsive!), a few books I have on Hermetic Magic that are less recent purchases, and the information I’ve gained on magic over nearly...20...years....I’m realizing and that feels really weird (I started meddling in books around age 10 and kept a Hermetic approach to magic until falling into a faith, maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I only realized those things about 2 years ago. I’ve been writing spells for at least 7 years now and it started with using the planets and zodiacs as sources of power. Ultimately, Yu-Gi-Oh, or specifically the Dark Magicians brought me to magic. So to put it bluntly without saying too much, after my realizations, now the main magic I attempt to replicate is “Heka.” If anything I research ties into Egypt AND IT DOES scratch the surface, I eat it the fuck up so this is a win-win for me you feel.
Also I’d like to note if I’m researching a magic that is specific to a religion other than my own, I feel its important for me to treat this information with respect. Some practices of Arabahamic religions are closed, meaning not for just anyone. (Another closed practice example would be Voodoo) Since Abrahamic religion has little to do with what I practice, I skim for relevant information only, meaning its easy for me to miss something. If I don’t know whether a religion is open or closed, I treat it like its closed. (I don’t want additional information anyway unless it says Egypt lmao)
Ok bye & I’d love to hear input on this or another take on it, or additional lore :)
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kendallroygf · 10 months
One thing that goes crazy is those distant screaming calls for help you can hear in the background of off to the races. Like the whole basic premise is this lolita inspired dynamic between this young lonely girl and this much older man where she swears that nobody else in the world would even have her except for him and this in itself is a feat because she’s ‘crass’ and has a ‘broke down life’ etc and the whole thing is entrenched in denial. He loves her in spite of all these things wrong with her, all he asks is that she does what he wants, he’s like an omnipresent figure for her - watches her in the bathroom, getting dressed etc. and the almost hyperbolic way she describes herself smitten with him and how she believes she needs him, she’s nothing without him, the dependency borders on the paternal. It’s not that she’s unable to leave it’s that she believes she has nowhere else to go, he’s made it so she’s so enmeshed that she simply thinks she could not survive without him. he’s ‘saving’ her from herself and she’s in even more debt to him for it (sorry that im misbehaving!!!) and imo she’s almost a parody of herself bc she doubles down on this narrative that’s she’s a seductress and insane and crazy and she needs looking after by this mature older man when in reality she’s so troubled, under constant observation but she twists it so it’s like she’s running away to be caught by him rather than to escape. And in the end her calls for help can barely be heard under the passionate repetition that he’s her one true love
#plus lana’s voice going higher during the chorus as if she’s making her self sound more youthful and childish compared to ‘says it sounds#like heaven to him’ which is so sardonic and cry. almost as if she’s making fun of him. and the gimme those gold coins line. like it’s equa#*dry#in some way if she’s getting something out of it too. waving golden jewelry in her face buying her things etc#like the fire of my loins line is not misplaced at all bc this song is so obviously abt lolita. but it’s like. humbert humbert’s perspectiv#almost completely overshadowing dolores’ i.e the calls for help in the background . like soo much of it is based on lines and passages from#the book . she literally cried every night !!! . ‘you see she has absolutely nowhere else to go’ + i love you i’ll never leave you they#would rue the day i was alone without you. like it’s so obviously humberts perspective on himself and how dolores feels abt him. but#modernised in a way. like i fully believe lana knew what she doing with this one. her philosophy degree coming thru …#sorry for analysing and going crazy over a lana song do u stil think I’m sexy ….#but also! that’s why this song pertains so well to fucked up paternal dynamics this is why you see every sicko on this website use this son#like there’s so many layers to it. like sorry but if i think abt succession and breaking bad to this song no i don’t. there was a while#where i was like this is sooo pre s1 tomshiv also. but yeah lol#just.. SONG OF ALL TIME#.
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Nope, I'm still crying
#i wish literally anybody from school remembered me#literally only 2 people i was friends with hace talked to me in the past four years#i had the realization tonight that i was never given the choice to nurture most of my friendships#everytime i tried outside of school hours including trying to join clubs my mom would make me leave halfway through then lecture me#that she didn't have time to drive to town and get me#but as soon as my brother wanted to join junior air force she suddenly had all the time and energy in the world to devote to that#so what I'm getting here is that my friendships and interests weren't important enough or worth her time#i wasn't interested in Junior air force 1 cause it wasn't offered to me and 2 I'm not a boit licker#no#i was interested in the video game and board game clubs cause my friends were in them and they WANTED me to join#but after not getting to stay for more than one full session after a month i left the board game club cause it wasn't fair to the others#and i only went to the video game clu once and i don't remember much of it cause i was too anxious that she was gonna flip on me#i kept waiting for her text but instead she showed up at the classroom and made me leave#so when the same teacher that ran the board game club asked if i wanted to join the chess club cause he knew i liked chess#i told him i couldn't cause i was too busy because i didn't want to deal with begging my mom to let me join#she would have said yes but would have continued not letting me stay and being super passive aggressive#I'm not even in the year book for the year my friends graduated#the one thing she did let me do was drama and i hated every second of it. it was genuinely a bad experience for me#yeah i had friends in drama but it's not the same as hanging with my nerdy guy friends playing a star wars ttrpg#the worst part is she gets so defensive when i bring it up and won't give me a reason outside of 'I guess I'm just the worst parent'#it's in those moments i really remember she's the youngest in her family#OH!! it gets worse! she told me when i was younger that she had to be an honorary cheer leader cause HER MOM absolutely refused to#let her join cheer and she's alsways been bitter about it but then she turns around and did basically the same thing to me ffs#at least she was allowed to hang out with people after-school i wasn't allowed to do that either#no. instead i spent the hours after shcool alone most days and my weekends home alone in my room. and she wonders why my social skills are#maybe if I'd been allowed to work on my relationships outside of a classroom i wouldn't have felt so abandoned when everyone i knew#graduated without me. maybe if i didn't have to start back at square one socially again and had people to text and hang with after class#i wouldn't have dropped out. and i think only atlas knows i dropped out. idk how to text these people without spunding like I'm looking for#sympathy when they ask what I'm up to. like yeah I'm stuck at home with an anxiety disorder and unemployed trying to get on disability#prisma vents
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