#I keep hearing ‘what are we going to do without you’
woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Irene Paredes x Teen!Reader
Summary: You and your sister's wife
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"You know," You say, voice thick and rough with sleep," My sister will get annoyed if she catches you sleeping in my bed."
"Lucía sent me to get you."
"And you're doing that by getting in bed with me?"
You flutter your eyes open, rolling over until your face to face with your sister in law.
Irene looks down at you, a smile on her face as she reaches out to pinch your cheek.
You squawk at her, swatting her hand away with a little yelp. "Stop it! You're so mean!"
"And you slept past your alarm," Irene reminds you," You need to stop doing that."
"Who are you? My mum?"
Irene grins. "I mean, technically-"
You groan, pulling a pillow over your eyes to block her out.
With your parents failing health and your own dedications at La Masia, they had signed their rights away and transferred your custody to your sister, Lucía.
Irene had put her own name on the paperwork too - something about it running smoother if it was clear it would be a couple taking care of you and not just Lucía.
You feel a poke on your shoulder and you swat blindly at Irene.
"Leave me alone," You say," Why can't you just let me sleep?"
"Because we have training," She replies, continuing to poke you," And you take ages to get ready. You're worse than Mateo."
"Mateo's practically a baby," You say," If he takes long to get ready then it's Lucía's fault."
"What's your excuse then?"
You sit up, shrugging. "It's Lucía's fault. She got me ready as a kid too. She's the reason I take so long."
"Go and get dressed, hermana," Irene says with an eye roll," I'm leaving in ten so if you're not ready by then I'm leaving without you."
"No you won't!" You yell after her.
You don't think she will but you still rush to change just in case.
Irene's stood at the door when you get downstairs, throwing her keys up and down while Lucía bustles around the kitchen with Mateo.
"Kiss your sister goodbye," Irene teases as you scoop up your bag and approach.
You groan. "You're so annoying."
"I don't hear you telling your sister how much you love her."
You make sure to drag your feet all the way over to Lucía, pressing a kiss to her cheek before doing the same with little Mateo.
"Be good at practice," Lucía reminds you," And if Irene gets on your nerves, tell me and I'll keep her in line."
You grin against Lucía's shoulder. "She's not all bad."
"Don't tell her that. She's already got a big head. Don't make it get bigger."
"I'll try."
"Let's go," Irene says, getting a bit impatient and you pull away from your sister.
"You're the one that made me say goodbye."
"Oh? So it's my fault?"
You pretend to think. "Yes. Yes it is."
Irene rolls her eyes fondly as an arm is thrown over your shoulder. "Love you Lucía, love you, Mateo! I promise I won't kill your sister!"
The car ride is an easy one, familiar.
You'd signed your first professional contract with Barcelona in the summer, rising through the ranks of La Masia before taking your place as one of the new centrebacks Barcelona signed for the new season.
"You nervous?" Irene's eyes are on the road as she speaks.
You rolls your eyes and scoff," No."
It's a complete lie and you think Irene knows that because one hand leaves the gearbox to gently rub your shoulder.
It's a little annoying how good she is at doing it while she's driving.
"You're going to do great," She soothes, the same voice she uses when Lucía is anxious and Mateo is crying," It's going to go so well for you. Everyone's friendly and no one is going to make fun of you."
You stare out the window. "You don't know that."
"Tell me if they do." She's gone serious now, pulling into a line of traffic and turning to look at you. "I know you like to solve things yourself but I'm serious. If anyone says anything or they make you uncomfortable, you come and get me."
"I know, Irene," You reply," You've been saying that kind of stuff for years."
She grins at you. "Just making sure you remember. No one is going to be mean to you but just in case."
"You're not going to hover, are you? Because I'll tell Lucía. She says you need to stop that."
"Lucía's not the boss of me."
You both exchange looks before bursting into laughter.
"Yes, she is."
Irene rolls her eyes. "Fine. I won't hover if you tell me if someone's making you uncomfortable. Deal?"
"Good." She looks back the queue in front of her. "Now what do you want from the drive through?
You frown. "Lucía said last night we weren't allowed to get breakfast from the drive through."
Irene winks. "I won't tell if you won't."
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afterglowkatie · 3 days
enchanted to meet you: recovery ˏˋ°•*⁀ steph x mccabe!reader, social media
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liked by katie_mccabe11, stephcatley and 55,987 others y/nmccabe seeing others do these posts, I never thought I'd be the one doing this. I see and hear all the support and will forever be grateful for every one of you. Thank you, keep supporting the girls and I'll be back out there before you know it ❤️🤍 coyg | coygig 💚☘️
katie_mccabe11 love ya sis, we got you 💚 ↳ y/nmccabe love ya, score some bangers for me 💚
stephcatley you've got this baby, i love you ❤️ ↳ y/nmccabe i've got you so i know i'll be okay, i love you so much ❤️
gracemoloney1 gonna miss you 💚 ↳ y/nmccabe keep annoying katie for me until i'm back 💚
leahwilliamsonn love you, we've got you ❤️ got a bunch of sudoku books for you ↳ y/nmccabe maybe you and your sudoku agenda will finally win me over 😭 love ya Le ❤️
deniseosullivan10 we've got you 💚 ↳ y/nmccabe love ya lots 💚
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liked by alessia, victoriapelova and 40,948 others y/nmccabe every day made easier with the right people ❤️
stephcatley smashing it 🔥 ↳ y/nmccabe all thanks to your magical healing powers 😂 ↳ stephcatley where would you be without me 😎
caitlinfoord @ katie_mccabe11 you can be nice? ↳ katie_mccabe11 i'm the greatest sister ↳ y/nmccabe questionable...
bethmead_ yeah look at you go 💪🏼 ↳ y/nmccabe myle and calvy helping me get stronger
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stephcatley just added to their story
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liked by bethmead_, kyracooneyx and 42,382 others stephcatley so incredibly proud of you, smashing all your goals. not long til you're back on the pitch with me ❤️ tagged: y/nmccabe
y/nmccabe thank you for staying by my side and everything you do for me ❤️ ↳ stephcatley i'd do anything for you, i love you ❤️ ↳ y/nmccabe i love you more ❤️
kyracooneyx well this is a bit cute stephy ↳ y/nmccabe she just looooves me that much 😙 ↳ stephcatley close to taking this down 🙃
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stephcatley just added to their story
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stephcatley just added to their story
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liked by stephcatley, leahwilliamsonn and 36,986 others y/nmccabe thankful to have had all this quality time with you, so glad you're my forever ❤️ tagged: stephcatley
stephcatley calvy has definitely enjoyed all the extra attention over these months ↳ y/nmccabe think i'll miss him the most when i'm playing again ↳ stephcatley what about me? ↳ y/nmccabe we play together, i'll still get to be with you everyday..
katie_mccabe11 get a room 🙃 ↳ y/nmccabe go away 😘
alessia we're all missing you on the pitch x ↳ y/nmccabe miss being out there with everyone x
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katie_mccabe11 just added to their story
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stephcatley just added to their story
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, stephcatley and 54,578 others y/nmccabe I'm back 💪🏼 It hasn't been easy but I'm so happy to be back where I belong. I'll never be able to thank everyone enough for all the support, especially to my two biggest supporters through this Steph: my love, thank you for taking on the weight and responsibility of taking care of me and helping me. You came to every appointment, you were by my side through so much and I'll never be able to thank you enough. I love you more than you'll ever know Katie: You might be annoying and I might dislike you a lot sometimes, but you never fail to show up for me when I need you the most. I love you and so glad to have you close through all of this
stephcatley you did all the hard work, i'm just glad i could give you the help and support you deserve. you're so strong and i'm forever proud of you. i love you ❤️ ↳ y/nmccabe i love you Stephy, thank you ❤️
katie_mccabe11 first match back, first touch is a goal. you've always been one for dramatic comebacks but i'll always be proud to call you my sister ↳ y/nmccabe you know me, just like to be centre of attention 🙂↔️
leahwilliamsonn i know just how hard you've worked to be back here sooner than expected. so proud of you and to be able to call you a friend and teammate ❤️ ↳ y/nmccabe it means a lot hearing it from you, Le. here's to making more memories on the pitch together ❤️
gracemoloney1 always been a little star 🌟 see you next camp, ireland's missed ya 💚 ↳ y/nmccabe i've missed everyone, can't wait to be back in green 💚
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liked by katie_mccabe11, alessia and 45,987 others stephcatley A couple games back now and it's like you never left ❤️
y/nmccabe couldn't have done it without you baby, my rock ❤️ ↳ stephcatley my stargirl 🌟
kyracooneyx puts the gun in gunner 🔥 ↳ stephcatley for once i agree with you 🔥
bethmead_ it's nice to have everyone finally back out there together ↳ stephcatley it's been a long time coming
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yooie · 1 day
𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙤𝙡𝙡.
PAIRING: jake x fem reader
CW: jake is a little (lot) pervy, smut and more smut
summary: bf jake is obsessed his little doll gf.
- literally. just a a random ramble. i did not proof read and im dyslexic so pls dont make fun of me thank u ☝🏻
you already knew how much jake loved when you dressed up for him. from your pretty skirts to the little details of jewelry, lipgloss or some cute frilly socks. which is why it made you even more excited to do so. you got up early for class and got ready for hours, you wore his favorite absolute favorite skirt, obviously one that was a little too short. after finishing the last touches on your makeup you were ready to leave.
second period was the only class you two had together, physics, and when 1pm came around you walked in, without looking for him in his seat walking past him and to your own seat. you didn't need to look, you could feel his eyes on you. practically burning holes into your skin. and not soon after you had sat down you heard your phone ding
jake: not even a hi? :(
jake: you look so pretty baby..
jake: how am i supposed to pay attention now...
jake: did you wear that pretty skirt for me?
you watched as your phone repeatedly went off, causing you to turn off your ringer, smiling at your phone as you read the texts that repeatedly came in.
you: you better !! how else am i supposed to study your notes... you are all thats getting me through this stupid class :(
fuck. the more he stared at you the more he felt the fabric of his pants straining. he tried to take a deep breath before pulling his hoodie over his lap. you were just so cute but all his brain could think about was how cute youd look with his dick inside of you.
class went by slow as. hell. for the both of you. more for him, you just liked his attention, you knew he wouldn't be completely focused so you did try to pay attention some, taking some notes of your own.
as soon as the professor concluded the lesson jake shot up from his seat like a magnet, he needed to be near you. soon you felt him behind you, grabbing your backpack and putting it on his other shoulder. "hi babydoll," i smiled softly giving your head a small kiss which immediately resulted in your cheeks turning bright pink. his hand had found its way to your lower back, guiding both of you out of the classroom.
"i missed you~" you smiled glancing up at him, his hand carefully moving some of your hair aside. "yeah? wanna come back to my dorm, we can... study" he smiled with a small chuckle. "i still have 1 more class jake.." you pouted - "skip it." "jake-" "please... " he pouted like a little puppy, he was so clingy all the sudden, and you loved it. "fine," he smiled as you both walked through the campus toward your dorms.
"did you like my outfit?" you hummed, "what kind of silly question is that.." - "of course i love it,.. my perfect little doll~" he cooed, gently playing with the lace hem of the skirt between his fingertips. "so pretty for me.." he muttered softly, that alone was enough to make your brain start going fuzzy. thankfully not long afterwards you had both reached jakes dorm, letting you in and leading you to his room, setting both of your things down and plopping his self onto the bed. thank. fucking. god. you two were finally alone. he didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep his hands to himself. "cmere baby,"
jake signaled you over to him, patting his lap for you. you walked over and compliantly sat down in his lap, his hands wasting no time starting to roam your body. "fuck, you make me crazy, you know that?" he finally had no filter. you could feel your heartbeat racing with every touch. he quickly lifted one of his hands bringing it to your chin and guiding your face to meet his. "that was a question doll," - your mind sputtered for a moment before replying ever so quietly, just enough so he could hear, "i know.." ,he hummed contently as you answered him.
jakes hands snaked down, caressing the curves of your waist before running down your thighs, stopping before sliding them up your skirt and gripping your ass. "m,.. just these little panties?... my naughty doll..". your breathing hitched as you felt the wet spot in your underwear grow, trying to shift your hips around to hide it, which only resulted in him pulling your skirt up further. "ive been dying to fuck you all day.." you felt his large bulge pushing against your clothed cunt, earning a small whine from you. Jake smirked as he heard the beautiful sound leave your lips. he wasnt typically this forward with you, but you could see in his expression he was different than normal, his eyes darker, more needy, like he couldn't think straight.
"did you want my attention baby?" "m?, is that why you dressed up in my favorite skirt~?" you slyly nodded your head, "words baby,-" he carefully turned your chin leaving one of his hands fondling your ass. "yes jakey... wanted your attention.." you mumbled, he kissed your lips softly in reward. but before you knew it he was giving you the exact attention you were now craving, his lips pressed against yours moving rhythmicly together, the kiss was needy, sloppy, and above all hot. he carefully guided his tongue into your mouth, feeling your hips shift around needlessly, causing him to chuckle a little into your mouth, making you whine. "as pretty as this little top is, i dont think we need it," he whispered before asking and then carefully removing it from your body along with his aswell.
he quickly went to work, trailing wet kisses all over your neck down to your chest, he physically couldn't get enough of you, he would devour you whole if he could. he trailed kisses all the way down to your tits, carefully sucking on the skin, slipping his tongue down to play with your nipples. earning small whines and moans to leave your mouth as your head hung in his shoulder. "jake.." you whinned, you could feel your wetness soaking through your panties onto his pants at this point. he pulled away just to look at the mess you made, "oh baby, look at the mess you made.." he pointed to the wet patch on his pants, your cheeks were beet red at this point. "want some help?" you nodded quickly in response.
he wasnt going to tease you anymore, at this point his dick was painfully hard and he needed to fuck you before he would actually explode. jake quickly lifted up your hips pulling your panties off before setting you down on the bed and taking off his pants and boxers letting his cock finally spring free of its restraints. "what about-?" you asked as you still had on the mini skirt, "keep it on." he smirked
— too be continued?
honestly my first time writing and i kinda think its shit so idk if i should keep going or not, but honestly if at least like 10 ppl actually want me to write the rest, i will!! let me knoww...
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#hand jumper#webtoon#sayeon lee#heron#ig??? BRUH..................#these fireworks are going to SET ME ON FIRE!!!!#but that's alr i guess!!!!!!!!!#because charcoal grilled prawn literally solves all my problems#before thinking about killing people i need everyone to sit down and think of their favourite food#and manifest the version of them that has it!!!!!!!!#maybe then all compulsions and intrusions of the mind can just go away#what if we all just pictured better versions of ourselves and just did it!!!#if we all stretched out our hands and tried we can at least live in the world knowing we did try!!#and it's better than not trying!!!!! AND BEING USELESS PIECES OF ROTTING GARBAGE!!!!!!#idk i've had a shit three years man i don't think i can take this any longer#IGNORE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AND INSTEAD NOW LET'S THINK OF THE GOODIES YOU'RE GONNA GET IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#or now if you offer up your wallet to OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR sleepacross#and for the SMALL price of 5USD that's right 5USD!!!! this is to the people with credit/debit cards ofc#YOU CAN ACCESS THE GOATACROSS QNA BECAUSE IT IS PEAK!!!!!!#but just because the juninators[on here in case they aren't in the server] need to hear this so we can all sing happy birthday to her#INSTEAD OF MISSING IT FOR TWO YEARS#AND HAVING A WHOLE WINTER/CHRISTMAS COMPETITION IN DISCORD WITH MEMES AND ALL WITHOUT THIS CRUCIAL INFORMATION!!!!!!!#I THINK BECAUSE I KEEP THESE IN TAGS IT'S SAFE TO SAY THAT HER BIRTHDAY IS DEC 24TH AND WE SHOULD ALL SAY HAPPY LATE/HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY#TO OUR BELOVED QUEEN JUNI CHANG#BECAUSE NOW I JUST SHAFTED A 40K WIP I NEVER FINISHED FOR LAST YEAR'S WINTER SEASON FOR THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE OF 2024 IN THE RECYCLE BIN!!#BUT NOW WE CAN GIVE HER QUINTICE THE AMOUNT OF GIFTS THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! SO LET'S DO THAT INSTEAD!!!!#ONE FOR HER BIRTHDAY!!!! ONE FOR CHRISLER!!! ONE FOR CIVIL SERVICE APPRECIATION DAY!!!!!#ANOTHER FOR BEING PEAK MENTOR!!!!! AND ANOTHER ONE FOR BEING GOD'S SILLIEST SOLDIER!!!![in our hearts!!]#APOLOGIES AS ALWAYS IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR HERE!!!! AND A GOOD EVENING TO YOU ALL!!!!
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The Past - Jude Bellingham x Female Reader - Part One
Summary: You and Jude have been best friends since you were babies and have been inseparable since but things altered when Jude left for Dortmund. You gradually lost contact and both started living life without the presence of one another. But what happens when Jude returns back home from Spain for the holidays… memories and feelings that have been swept under the carpet start to resurface…
A/N: This will be a series and please keep in my mind this is my first so I’m open to constructive criticism and feedback!! Also I’m still adjusting to tumblr!
I’m home for the holidays from uni and it feels so comforting to be back. I’ve really missed my family and friends from back home so it’s nice to see them again. I especially need a support system after the break up I’m currently going through. I am very grateful for the girls from uni who have all been so kind and supportive throughout this terrible ordeal. My ex, Brandon, was two timing me and what broke my heart even more was that he chose her over me. But I’m so done with wallowing in self-pity. Hopefully when I do return to uni after the break, I wouldn’t be the same person I was before I left.
I’m currently helping my mum in the kitchen prep for the big annual party we are having tomorrow. My family love to go all out when it comes to parties. My parents and younger brother have honestly been such a distraction for me but in a positive way; they have honestly made me see life beyond my toxic ex. And this is exactly what I wanted and definitely needed. It’s just so refreshing and kind of nostalgic. Moving to a whole new city has been very exciting but it can be daunting at times. Being back in my hometown is so warm and sentimental.
“Y/N, me and dad have invited the Bellingham’s for this year’s party. It’d be nice to see the boys, wouldn’t it?” I freeze. I nod a yes and a ‘mhm’ simultaneously in response to my mother. I grew up with the Bellingham brothers, Jude being a year older than me and Jobe being a year younger. I was more close with Jude and Jobe was close with my brother, Nathan, as they were the same age. I still talk to Jobe here and there, mainly because of my brother, they are still very close. Me and Jude on the other hand, we aren’t anything close to what we used to be. We drifted apart when Jude moved to Dortmund, it wasn’t instantly but it happened over time. We now still do still talk to each other via text, the last time we spoke was when I congratulated him for signing with Real Madrid, which was a few months ago. And the time before that was during the World Cup. It’s only for things like that but other than that, we don’t talk. Not even small conversations like checking up on one another and asking each other how we are. Our conversations consist usually me congratulating Jude for big things in his career and him appreciating my support. The last time Jude initiated a conversation was when I first started uni. If you were to see our bond and friendship before he moved away, you’d think we are not same people as we are now. We used to tell each other everything, even the smallest of things. Jude knew all my secrets, well all except for one. It’s a big one but there’s no point going over that. We practically used to see each other every single day. It hurts that we aren’t close as we used to be, I never in a million years thought things would be like this between us. I immensely miss him and our friendship but this is life. And I have to accept it, I don’t usually think about him when I’m away at uni. But everything back home reminds me of him, there’s a memory lingering in every corner.
I’m currently in my room, watching Netflix. I hear knock on my door, it’s Nathan. I invite him in, “Hey sis.” He says as he walks over to me, he sits on the other end of the bed. I smile at him and whisper a “hey” back. “Just to let you know, Jobe and his parents are coming over for dinner.” This instantly gets my attention, “Really?” “Yeah, mum and dad invited them, it’s been a while since we all got together. They’re coming to the party but mum and dad just thought of us all spending time together without so many other people.” “It’ll be just like old times.” I say with excitement. Our families used to be so close and they’d come over to ours often and vice versa. We haven’t been able to do this for years, mainly because we’ve all been busy. Jude and Denise abroad, Mark and Jobe moving away, me at uni, my brother busy with work and all of my parents’ time consumed due their business as it has gotten more successful over the years. Things were definitely different in the past but it’s so nice to see everyone involved in bigger and better things. Then I suddenly remember that Nathan didn’t mention a name, Jude. Why won’t he be here? It’d be so nice to see him again after such a long time, the last time I saw him in person was when I went to visit him in Dortmund and that was like a month after he moved. So it’s been quite a while. But then another part of me thinks it’d be so awkward and strange to see him after all this time. Maybe he’s changed, like maybe he’s become arrogant and not the same Jude he used to be. Not my Jude. The big secret is that I’ve always had feelings for Jude, probably since I was 12. I’ve never confessed my feelings to him because I was scared of rejection and it ultimately ruining our friendship. I’d rather bottle up my feelings than lose Jude, but I guess that’s already happened without me ever expressing my romantic feelings. Maybe I should’ve, then I wouldn’t be wondering about a lot of “what if” situations. I’ve see Jude being rumoured to be in relationships with a lot of girls which has made feel jealous but I don’t think I should be. I was Jude’s best friend, not his ex. Everything was very platonic between us. He probably doesn’t care about me anymore or our friendship. Maybe Jude not coming to ours for dinner is a good thing, a lot of feelings from the past will stay in the past.
I’m currently setting the table for dinner, I’m really looking forward to this. I haven’t seen Denise in years, she’s like a second mother to me. I’ve seen Jobe and Mark but rarely, so it’d be pretty nice to see them too. I hear the doorbell ring which indicates they are here. My dad opens the door, and there is a round of enthusiastic hellos and genuine smiles. Denise comes over and hugs me, “Y/N! It’s been way too long!” “It really has! I missed you! “I missed you too darling! You look so beautiful!” Then Marks pulls me into a warm hug, followed by Jobe. “Jobe!” “Y/N! So good to see you.” My parents invite them into our living room for a drink. Jobe and Nathan head upstairs, most likely to play video games. I sit next to Denise and catch up with her, Mark and dad engaged in their own conversation while mum hands everyone a drink. We hear the doorbell ring again and mum goes off to get the door. I hear mum greet the person and I hear a deep, masculine voice. Sounds a little familiar but I can’t quite make out who that it might be. Maybe it’s just another one of mum and dad’s friends they’ve also invited for dinner. Mum enters the living room behind her is the last person I expected, Jude. He looks so much more hotter than before. I mean I’ve seen pictures of course, but he looks way better in person. “Hey, sorry. I was just outside taking a quick phone call.” “It’s alright, Jude. It’s good to see you.” “You too.” He says with a sweet smile. His eyes finally meet mine, he looks at me with an even bigger smile. “Y/N, why don’t you and Jude head over to the kitchen. You can get him a drink that he fancies and you two can catch up.” I don’t say anything and nod awkwardly and lead Jude into the kitchen as he trails behind me. “Hey.” He says. “Hey. It’s been a while.” I say. He pulls me into a hug, those hugs I’ve missed. He honestly gives the best hugs. This also makes me realise he’s gotten taller, although Jobe is taller than him. I think it’s more crazy to think Jobe being taller than me because Jude has always been taller even when we were younger. “What would you like to drink?” “A glass of water is just fine.” I pour him a glass of water and hand it over. “Thank you. So how’s uni been?” Ugh, I really don’t want to think about that. It just brings back thoughts of Brandon. “It’s okay… just a little stressful.” “Oh, how comes? Sorry, that’s a silly question. Of course you’re gonna be stressed with uni.” “Yeah, especially law.” “Don’t worry, you’ll smash it! You’ve been always been so smart Y/N, no wonder why you’re studying law.” I blush at Jude’s compliment and he chuckles. “So how’s everything going on with you, Mr. REAL MADRID!” “It’s good. It’s always been my dream, so it feels surreal but I feel very grateful for everything I’ve accomplished so far. And I can’t wait to see what the future holds with my career.” I smile, it genuinely makes me so happy to see him living his dream. “Y/N… there’s something I…” Jude says and then is interrupted by my mum entering the kitchen with Denise behind her. “Y/N love, go get your brother and Jobe. It’s dinner time.”
After dinner, the parents are all downstairs, Nathan and Jobe are resuming with their video games and I bring Jude up to my room so we can catch up more in private. “Your room looks the exact same.” He comments. “Yeah I plan to keep this way, my room in my uni dorm is much more… well mature-looking. I think when I do finish with uni and move out, I’ll have a more appropriate room for adults but I want to keep my room at my parent’s house how it’s always been.” Jude chuckles, he goes and lies in my bed and looks at the pictures hanging on the wall. “Those pictures are bringing back so many memories…” “Yeah… I miss those times.” I say lying down next to him. Jude then looks at me and I face him and we look at each other directly in the eyes. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach, “I missed you, Y/N. I’m sorry how things have changed between us..” “I missed you too, J.” Oh that nickname, I miss calling him that. “It’s none of our faults, we both got busy with life.” “It should’ve never happened, I should have put more effort in. The long distance, my career, you starting uni are no excuses for our friendship to be how it is now. I love you, you are my best friend. Me being here with you tonight feels like no time has passed. You don’t feel like a stranger, you feel like my best friend, my Y/N.” Wow. I thought Jude didn’t care about me or wasn’t bothered about our friendship. But boy, was I wrong. I grab his hand, “Jude, I love you too. I should have put in effort as well, it takes two to tango. There’s nothing we can do about the past but I think we can work around it. I can come visit you in Spain, you can sometimes come over and visit me in uni when you are back in England because I am mostly there. We both just got a bit too busy with our new lives, and when it came to weaving in our old lives with our new, it got a bit too hard for us both. I want to be part of your life and you want to be a part of mine, so I am sorry J for not texting you more often and calling you perhaps instead of just texting. I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to be a bother.” Jude cups my face, “Y/N, you can never be a bother to me. You are my best friend. But you are right about what you said, it was hard sometimes to blend our old and new lives together. It’s not that my new life was better than my old, I was just young and naive and I just didn’t know what to do then. I didn’t just feel devastated leaving my dad and Jobe behind, but you as well. I missed you so much. My life has never been the same without you, all my friends from here, Dortmund, Madrid are amazing but nobody is you, Y/N.” I smile at Jude and I feel his face coming close to mine, then there’s a knock on the door, we instantly get up and I shout “Come in!”. “Jude, we need to go.” Jobe says and Jude gets up from the bed and before he leaves my room, “Y/N, we should hang out some time whilst we’re both on our break. We need to go to that new restaurant in town.” “Yeah sure, that’ll be nice.” I respond with a smile, “Anyways, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow for the party.” “Yeah can’t wait! See you tomorrow, Y/N.” He pulls me into a hug and heads off home with his family. I can’t keep stop thinking about that moment just before Jobe interrupted. Why was Jude moving his face close to mine? Was he about to kiss me? But I don’t think he would kiss his best friend on the lips. This is most likely my imagination. I’ve got my best friend back and I can’t let my imagination or my feelings ruin this. I love Jude too much to lose him.
Part 2 coming soon…
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thisapplepielife · 2 days
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Written for @steddie-week.
Seen Nothing, Heard Nothing
Day #4 - Prompt: Trade | Word Count: 833 | Rating: T | CW: Steve's S3 Injuries, Spooky Vibes, Language | POV: Eddie | Tags: Canon Divergent S3, What If Eddie Crossed Paths With Steve and The Upside Down Sooner?, What If Steve and Robin's Run-In With The Russians Happened Just Bit Differently?
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Eddie freezes. Utterly fucking freezes. The stilted male voice that has come from somewhere around him sounds ethereal, floating. Like it's an echo. Bouncing through the trees. Like it might be right next to him, but also far, far away.
Ignore it. 
That's what his grandma always taught him. You've seen nothing, you've heard nothing. 
Mind your own business.
"Hello? Is somebody there?"
The voice is familiar, less creepy this time, but he can't place it. The familiarity doesn't mean safety, though. Mimicking known voices isn't at all unusual in the realm of weird, and it's best to not engage. Rule one: Do not invite anything of that world into your own world.
So, Eddie ignores it and keeps gathering up his stuff, acting like he's not in a hurry, even if his heart is hammering behind his ribs.
"I need some help."
Then he hears the rustling through the trees along the well-worn path, and his heart drops. It sounds like something is tromping towards him, getting loud and louder with every step. 
He slings his backpack over his shoulder, and takes three big steps away from the picnic table, away from whatever that thing is, without running. Not that he has anywhere to go. Not really.
That's the way out, and unless he wants to just stumble through the thick woods, getting lost, he's kind of trapped.
He's never felt scared here before, and he hates it.
So, he decides he'll just forge past whatever it is. Without acting like he's heard a damn thing.
He really hopes it's invisible. He can ignore noises, voices. But if he has to see something? He's gonna freak the fuck out and get himself disemboweled, for sure. He'll scream like a little bitch and freeze.
Then he'll run.
He just knows that about himself.
You've seen nothing, you've heard nothing. 
You've seen nothing, you've heard nothing. 
You've seen nothing, you've heard nothing. 
He keeps telling himself that as he walks up the path, trying desperately not to run. Hawkins is weird, but it's never been this kind of weird, as far as he's seen.
But this has scared the shit out of him.
"Eddie? Eddie Munson?" 
Eddie stills. That voice is closer, and crystal clear.
And definitely Steve Harrington. 
"Thank god. Dude, are you deaf, or what? I've been asking for your help for ten minutes. Goddamn."
Okay, not a monster.
Just a dumb jock.
Eddie wheels around, snarking, "What's the matter, Harrington. The big bad wolf take a bite out of ya?"
And the next words, the next bit of sarcasm, dies in his throat. 
Steve's face is wrecked. His body, too, Eddie suspects by the way he's limping along. Eye nearly swollen shut, covered in a dark purple bruise. He's missing a shoe.
And he's in a sailor suit. Like the ones from the ice cream shop in the mall. Does Harrington work there? Surely not.
Eddie drops his bag, and bounds towards him, "What happened to you? Who did this? Or what?"
Steve looks at him from his one good eye, and sways. 
"Robbin'," Steve says, and Eddie grips his shoulders, forcing him to back up until he can sit down on the bench of the old picnic table.
"Robbing? You were robbed?" Eddie asks, and Steve's mouth is swollen, too. Blood staining his front teeth, dried on his face where it came from his broken nose.
"No. Robin," Steve repeats.
"Who's Robin?" Eddie questions.
"Robin. Buckley."
"From band? Robin Buckley from band did this to you?"
Steve looks exasperated, and like he wants to cry at the same time.
"No. No. The Russians. She made a trade. I said no, I did, but she was scared, and I was…this," Steve says. "We have to go back. I just need help. They drugged me."
"The Russians?" Eddie asks, his eyebrows shooting up. 
Steve nods, "Under the mall."
"How'd you end up out here in the woods?" Eddie asks. Because he's a long way from the mall, even if what he's saying is true. That's on the other side of town.
"They dumped me," Steve says. "I think they thought I was dead."
"Well, you look it," Eddie says, and then regrets it. 
"We need to find Nancy Wheeler. She'll know what to do."
"Steve, are you sure this is really something that happened? And not just in your head after whatever accident you've clearly had?"
Steve sighs and holds his head in his hands. He's missing a fingernail, like it had been plucked right off. Like he was tortured.
Shit. Okay.
"Okay, okay. We'll go back. We'll find Robin."
Eddie isn't at all sure what he's agreeing to, but Steve can't do anything by himself. Not in this condition. They'll find Nancy Wheeler, and Eddie isn't sure what a little priss like her is gonna do, but whatever Steve wants, they'll try.
"Thank you," Steve breathes, and as sure as Eddie is that he'll regret this, he's in it now.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-week and follow along with the fun!
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penkura · 1 day
last forever [10/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: I kind of hate how Zoro dresses in Dressrosa. He doesn't look right. Oh well. This isn't how I thought this chapter would go, but, I hope it works. I'm more excited for the last couple chapters! (don't worry, we are not glossing over Dressrosa in where you belong, it's way too important for that)
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9]
Trafalgar Law doesn’t get you and Zoro, he’s not sure he’s seen two crewmates as close as you two are without there being something romantic going on, whether hidden or not. While your crew was separated, you were lucky enough to miss being body swapped with another of your crewmates, choosing to stay with them and watch over the children they’d tried to rescue while Zoro went with Brook and Sanji (in Nami’s body at the time) to bring back the Samurai missing his torso. You’re sure you didn’t miss too much, and that Sanji or Zoro would fill you in later.
Once the alliance between your crew and the Heart Pirates is set in place, you start trying to speak to Law more, even with your personal issues, you’d like to make friends with him l though he seems like he doesn’t care for the most part. Sanji just tells you to ignore it and not take it personally if Law doesn’t really talk to you, he doesn’t appear to be the talkative type to him. You still try once all of you, including Kin’emon and Momonosuke, are back on Sunny, Law beginning to open up a little bit and talk to you, which makes you smile.
He still notices how you’ll hang onto or around Zoro more than anyone, how he doesn’t push you off, he almost looks like he leans into you, especially when you start to say something to him. You are very odd, both of you. If there’s anything going on, nobody shows that they know anything, so Law leaves it alone. It’s not his problem anyway.
When you hear that this alliance is going to lead you towards Wano, Law thinks he’s the only one who notices the slight flinch that comes from you, giving you a side eye that you try to ignore. You’ve had no problem being around Kin’emon and Momonosuke, but hearing Wano be mentioned is enough to make you act differently, just slightly. Zoro noticed this too, giving you a confused look while you just smile at him, you don’t want to explain anything yet. Not right now anyway, another time.
It's not like you’re going to run into your fiancé or anything.
“So, have you been to Dressrosa?”
Law shakes his head at you, you’d walked over and again struck up a conversation with him, leaning against the railing. Everyone else is doing their own thing, whatever Sanji is making for dinner is making you hungry while you wait.
“Have you? Seems like you know about Wano.”
You flinch a tiny bit again, but shake your head in return.
“No, never been to the New World until now. My parents have been out to Wano before…”
“They never brought you?”
“I…never wanted to go…”
Before Law can try and get more information out of you, information you may not be comfortable sharing, Zoro calls for you to follow him to crow’s nest, and you quickly tell Law you’ll talk to him later as you run off. He still can’t tell what it is with you and Zoro, but there’s something he’s missing, he's sure of it.
Well, whatever it is, if it doesn’t mess up the plan, it’s not Law’s problem right now. There’s more pressing matters to worry about, not your weird relationship with Zoro.
You end up on the Caesar drop off team once you all arrive in Dressrosa, being with Robin, Usopp, and Law. Zoro at first doesn’t like the idea, he feels like you’re getting too close to Law, even after you constantly telling your husband that you love him. He partly wonders if his only stating that his stating that he knows and thanking you is making you drift away, but even if it is, he can’t force you to stay with him, despite your relationship. It’s still new no matter how long you’ve technically been married, Zoro doesn’t want to hinder you from going where you want, you’d had enough of that living with your parents.
You deserve to do whatever you want, he’s not going to stop you from going with Law, especially since Robin and Usopp will be with you.
Zoro does surprise you before letting you go back to everyone by kissing your forehead and telling you to be safe. It’s still weird to you sometimes how soft he acts, but you don’t hate it at all. It’s a stark difference from how you two started off, how he acted after your impromptu marriage, and a very welcome change.
What’s not so welcome is all that happens while you’re in Dressrosa. The initial plan to drop off Caesar was going well, even with your encounters with giant sea beasts that threatened your safety crossing the bridge, up until you, Usopp, and Robin are basically kidnapped by the Tontatta people, who come to view Usopp like a savior despite your side-eye towards him that he fights to ignore.
When you eventually make it back into Dressrosa everything moves so fast, you aren’t sure what’s happening half the time. You knew where most of your crew still in Dressrosa were, you knew the Sunny had taken off towards Zou with the rest of them, and knew Luffy and Law were in the middle of fighting Doflamingo, while the birdcage the Warlord had set up was beginning to close in on the country, moving buildings and causing the citizens to run for their lives.
You do your best to help direct them, alongside the Marines that were around, not one of them bothering to try and take you in due to the situation. There’s so much going on and so many people screaming in fear that you don’t even stop moving towards the center yourself while you call for people to follow you. You aren’t even sure how it happens but a boy and his little sister end up attached to you, the girl having you carry her since she’d twisted her ankle as her brother holds onto your hand while you keep moving, telling him to keep running too.
You don’t stop until you see the strings are fading away, giving you the relief you need to finally breathe, the kids both gripping onto you like you’re their only hope for safety (not even a Marine could get them to let go of you).
The two are still holding onto you when Zoro finds you a bit later, he’s trying not to make the worry he felt for you the whole time visible. Of course he was focused wholly on his own battle against Pica then attempting to stop the birdcage, but every second he didn’t see you had him concerned underneath it all.
“Hey! There you are!”
You barely have a moment to realize it’s even him before Zoro has you pulled to him in a hug, nearly squishing the little girl you’re still holding, though she doesn’t seem to complain. Her brother is the one to say something, making you pull yourself away from Zoro, who looks confused as to why you’re carrying this toddler with her brother gripping your shirt still.
“I was helping them run from the birdcage, the girl twisted her ankle. I…should go help them find their parents, huh?”
While you laugh at the situation, Zoro doesn’t say anything else, instead just nodding while you crouch down to eye level with the boy, giving him a smile and asking him to help you find their parents. Zoro does go with you, not wanting you out of his sight again to ensure you get back to the rest of the group safely, keeping one of his hands on your back to make sure he doesn’t lose you, moving to your shoulders after you finally find the parents of the kids and hand them off, not without copious amounts of thank you’s from them, especially their mother.
“You almost seem disappointed.”
Looking up at Zoro, you raise an eyebrow as he continues to lead you back to Luffy and everyone else.
“Handing them back to their parents. Almost like you wish they were yours.”
“Oh,” Shaking your head, you smile a bit, “No, I’m glad they’re back with them…I’d like to have one or two someday, but not now, you know? We’ve got bigger things to do.”
Zoro nods and agrees with you, but he doesn’t tell you his own thoughts about that at the moment. Another time perhaps, he’ll let you know that he wants the same thing later on, once everything has been settled with your respective goals.
He’ll become the world’s greatest swordsman and you’ll become a world renowned swordswoman, one day.
Then after that, you can revisit that idea of having kids together.
If you stay together, that is.
Leaving Dressrosa, finally, you’re excited to get back to the rest of your crew and the Sunny, and, you suppose, head for Wano next. The thought still makes you feel nervous, but what are the chances you run into your parents chosen suitor for you while you’re there?
Very slim, this is the time of year he takes off to one of his current wives’ hometowns, likely showing off his wealth or their newest child, whatever the case you’re glad for Zoro rescuing you from such a life.
Still, it’s the only hang-up with the alliance and your coming arrival there, making you more nervous the closer you get. Robin knows your reason why, you’d told her and Nami recently about the situation, and both promised to keep the man away from you should they see him, or, well, hear of him, since they don’t know what he looks like. Law notices you acting strange, different from how he’s come to perceive you, though he doesn’t say anything, it’s not his place to do so, he thinks. Usopp, Franky, and even Luffy seem none the wiser, not noticing any changes from you.
Zoro however does, and keeps you close to him where he can just in case you need him. A few times while on Bartolomeo’s ship, you leave his side to talk to Robin or Law, maybe Luffy if he’s nearby, but Zoro keeps an eye on you, he can tell something is up but he isn’t sure what.
That doesn’t change when you all arrive and make it to the top of Zou, as you work your way through the remnants of what looked to be a city and then the forest, before you’re finally guided to the rest of your crew by the Minks. The absence of Sanji is obvious and when you hear the explanation as to why he isn’t there, you feel your heart drop at the words ‘arranged marriage’ from Brook. So you two had the same problem, parents trying to decide what’s best for you and how you should live your life, forcing you into loveless marriages. Somehow it makes more sense as to why you and Sanji are so drawn to each other, why your friendship is so strong. He’s gone through his own struggles too.
Your swordsman’s watchful eye stays on you after that, even as a party is thrown that evening to celebrate the Minks safety, Raizou reuniting with Kin’emon and Kanjuro, and possibly your arrival. Zoro doesn’t let you out of his sight, even while you’re across the way with Nami, Robin, and Ikkaku from the Heart Pirates. He watches you quietly talk with them, laughing every now and then as you down drink after drink and he’s wondering what’s gotten into you. You don’t normally drink or eat this much, but it’s almost like something has triggered you to do so.
He knows you’re going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning and you might get sick from everything you’ve eaten, making Zoro sigh when he does get up from his own spot, leaving his drink there, to cut you off.
There’s got to be something you aren’t telling him.
“How much did you drink?”
Your slurred speech and incessant giggles make Zoro roll his eye while he takes you to a room the Minks set aside for you to stay in. You're over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, which you'd normally complain about, but the amount of alcohol in your system is keeping coherent sentences from leaving your mouth.
“Dumbass, you know you can't handle your liquor.”
“Hehehe, sorry…” you giggle again and try to lift your head, but it makes everything spin so you just let yourself hang while Zoro takes you to your room. “Drinks good.”
“I know.”
“Food good.”
“I know that too.”
“Nausea not good…”
“You throw up on me and I'm dropping your ass on the ground.”
Your giggles and hiccups make Zoro smile slightly. You were more than likely coping with Sanji not being there with everyone, seeing as how he'd become your closest friend and confidant, but that didn't mean you needed to try and match Zoro, of all people, in how much you could drink. Hell, you even tried to match Luffy with the amount of food you ate, it was no wonder you felt nauseous, though, Zoro does realize that the way he's carrying you isn't helping. So once he reaches the set of treehouses you'd been granted by the Minks to stay in, he adjusts you to where you've got your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist to keep you from falling, telling you to hold on or you'd fall to your death which made you laugh and tighten your hold on him.
“You'd never let me fall…remember?”
He does, he remembers telling you that after you landed on Skypiea, when you were nervous about joining them on the cloud sea. How drunk you could bring that up, and sound so sentimental about it at the same time, he doesn't understand.
Once Zoro gets you to your room, he drops you on your bed and moves to leave, before you grab hold of him and almost start begging him not to go. It's several minutes of you telling him to stay, and Zoro denying, before he notices your demeanor, how you're about to cry.
He'd forgotten how emotional of a drunk you could be.
“Hey, what's wrong with you?”
“I…I just…I missed you.”
Your statement confuses Zoro immensely. You two had stayed in Dressrosa together, you'd been on Bartolomeo's ship on the way to Zou, how could you have possibly missed him?
Granted, yes, he understands you two had been separated for a good portion of your time in Dressrosa, and then again on your trip to Zou as you were helping Robin and Law with various things while Zoro was minding Luffy mostly, but you two still had time to talk and spend time with each other. Even a few nights sharing a bed because you couldn't stand to be away from him, despite your still not being sure where you two stand as friends or a couple or what you are.
“What do you mean you missed me?”
“I…I don't…” You sniffle a bit before covering your face with your hands, biting your lip and trying not to cry more. Zoro thinks you're so wasted you don't even know what you're saying, but he still tries to get an answer out of you.
“Hey, come on, talk to me. I know you're drunk but I wanna know what you mean.”
“I just…I missed you…while we were all apart. Did I…I ever tell you?”
You hadn't, not until now. Everything had moved so fast after you all came back together in Sabaody, that you'd not really gotten to talk to each other about your two years apart. Zoro figured you missed him, especially with how you attached yourself to him lately, but didn't think it was that bad. Something had seemed slightly off at times, but he never knew what it was.
“I had…nightmares about you…”
His brows furrow and Zoro finally relents to you, letting you pull him into your bed and hug him close, like you thought he was going to disappear. Zoro returns your hold and keeps you close as possible, before he quietly responds to you.
“What happened in the nightmares?”
Surely it couldn't be that bad, it wasn't something that made you afraid of him that was for certain. Even sober, you'd never be so close to him if you were afraid of him.
“You…Thriller Bark and Sabaody…I…I thought you were gonna die…”
Finally, Zoro has an answer as to why, after everything that happened at Thriller Bark, you were in his bed in tears nearly every night before your crew was separated. Why you had attached yourself to him even more than usual. It wasn't nightmares about your parents, about the man they wanted you to marry, no. It was nightmares about him not making it through those events that took place.
He wants to tell you that those are stupid nightmares and that he wasn't dying anytime soon, he wanted to tell you that.
But for some reason, he doesn't. He's not even sure why, the words just won't come out. He knows it would soothe you to hear him say that, even if for that night, but if more nightmares come?
He's not sure simple reassurance is enough.
“Do you…still have those nightmares?”
You shake your head, snuggling yourself closer to Zoro, hoping he'll stay with you.
“No…I'm okay now. Cause I know you'll come back to me.”
Zoro still doesn't say anything, just watching you finally fall asleep. He's not even sure if he believes you, but the fact that you hadn't gone to his bed in tears every night since you all reunited, he views as a good thing, you probably are telling the truth. It is annoying, that he feels responsible for your distress when he didn't really do anything to cause it. The life you live is a dangerous one, you know that and Zoro knows that, better than anyone most likely.
So, that's why, while he quietly, gently kisses your forehead, Zoro brings you closer to him and makes a promise you don't hear and even if you did, you wouldn't remember in the morning.
“I promise, as long as I'm married to you, I'm not gonna die. You're my wife…and I'm gonna keep you safe too.”
With everyone getting ready to leave the next morning, Nami stops just long enough to give you a raised eyebrow when she comes to get you. You’ve got a blanket around your shoulders and the grumpiest look she’s ever seen from you, but that’s not what has her attention.
It's the fact that Zoro is still in your room, mainly the fact he’s in your bed, and she starts to get ideas that make her give you a sly look. You’re about to slam the door in her face when she throws an arm around your shoulders and brings you close to whisper.
“Give me all the details and I won’t charge you to keep this a secret~”
“Nothing happened, Nami. I was drunk and fell asleep, now please, get me some medicine and water, my head is killing me.”
Rolling her eyes, Nami doesn’t fully believe you, but she shrugs it off.
“Whatever. So,” pulling you closer, your navigator gets even quieter, just in case Zoro or someone else is listening, “Are you going to be okay…? Going to Wano, I mean…”
“I don’t think Luffy will care if you come with us to get Sanji back, but Zoro might.”
You sigh and nod, your head still aching but you glance over your shoulder to Zoro still asleep in your bed, thinking. She’s right in that Luffy would likely let you go to retrieve Sanji, but Zoro may fight against that if you did so. Not because he thinks you’re weak or anything, but because it’s for Sanji, you and Nami know very well how those men are with each other.
After another moment or two, you finally nod again.
“I’m going to go to Wano. Zoro will be there…I’ll be okay, Nami.”
She’s not sure she believes you, but Nami gives you a hug anyway, that you return without saying anything else.
“I’ll get Chopper to bring you some medicine. See if you can wake your boyfriend or husband, whatever you guys are calling each other. Breakfast is about ready.”
“Sounds good, thanks for everything.”
You wave each other before you’re caught off guard by Zoro wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Feel okay, wife? Not gonna get sick on Traffy’s ship when we leave, right?”
Giggling a little, you shake your head.
“No, I’ll be fine, Zoro, thanks.”
Nodding, Zoro hugs you a little tighter, making you look up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you smile a bit, which causes Zoro to do the same in return, “I know.”
Everything will be okay, nothing bad is going to happen, not with Zoro around.
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stevesjockstrap · 3 days
I’ll See You at the Reunion
For @stevieweek 👏
Steddie • Rated E • read on ao3 • no UD, transfem Stevie, classroom sex, lap sex, lingerie
Hand wavey timeline things where Steve and Eddie are in the same grade, it’s fine everything’s made up and the points don’t matter
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The Hawkins High gym seemed smaller than he remembered. Eddie frowned as their class president handed him a name tag. He tried to put on a more pleasant face for her as she bristled at him.
Slapping the sticker onto his black dress shirt, grumbling as he was proclaiming himself ‘Edward Munson,’ he immediately sought out the snack table.
The awkward small talk as they all ate tiny hors d’oeuvres was about what he had expected. He kept an eye on the clock, the same big black clunky thing he’d remembered from his time here, wondering how long was enough to make an appearance and get out of there. He’d much rather be warming his bar stool at his regular dive bar shooting the shit with the boys like any other Saturday night.
A flash of highlights and big brown eyes caught his eye, drawing his attention to the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Picking his jaw back up from the floor, trying to tune back into the conversation he was supposed to be in, he couldn’t help but sneak glances at her from the corner of his eye.
He excused himself instead to lurk. From what he could tell, everyone wanted to speak to this woman as much as he did. Every time someone walked away from her, someone else took their place. The woman would speak politely to everyone, engaging adorably and charmingly with each person who approached. Eddie couldn’t place how he knew this person, but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew she was familiar. He hoped she wasn’t the wife of one of his classmates.
Unable to help himself, he creeped closer from where he had been staked out in the corner, staying to the wall but needing to be able to see and hear more.
Then he saw it, a flash of the name tag on her tight red dress. Harrington. Written in a looping cursive — nothing like the handwriting on his own name tag. She must have had to improvise.
Steve Harrington, now even more beautiful and soul crushing as Stevie. Now he realized the voluminous hair, the gorgeous eyes, the moles and freckles all should’ve given it away immediately. All the same features he had memorized years ago.
Even with this new information, maybe especially so, Eddie couldn’t keep himself from staring. He wished he could somehow get the courage to go talk to her.
Almost as if the universe heard his prayer, he watched as Stevie excused herself from the current crowd around her and walked towards him, but without looking at Eddie walked through an exit door. Without thinking, Eddie followed.
In the dim hallway, he looked around quickly before frowning. Where had she gone?
“Are you following me to fight me or fuck me, Munson?”
Chuckling, he turned and found Stevie tucked into a doorway. “Well we know I’m not a fighter.”
She smirked at him. “Oh? So what are you then?”
Eddie couldn’t help but move closer to her, pulled in by the sight. Like a moth to a flame. His mouth took over before his brain caught up. “Whatever you want me to be, baby.”
He could tell that equally shocked and satisfied her, a demure smile breaking across her face, her eyes sparkling. “I always wanted to do it in Mrs. Thomas’ room.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie breathed as his hand was taken and she lead them through the dark corridors.
As soon as they entered the familiar classroom, Stevie pushed him down into the teacher’s chair and straddled his lap. His hands slid over her hips and to her tiny waist, marveling in the way the dress hugged her. “You’re so gorgeous,” he panted.
Stevie smiled, making her eyes sparkle again. It was unlike all the polite smiles he’d seen her bestow on everyone in the gym, and he was already becoming addicted to it. “You know, I always had a thing for you, back in the day.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “Wh-what? You’re joking.”
She slowly unbuttoned his shirt, smirking at him. “No, I was always jealous of the way you got to be yourself. Loud, jumping on cafeteria tables to preach to everyone. Obviously I, well, couldn’t. In a lot of different ways,” she gave a small sad laugh.
“I was sort of obsessed with you,” Eddie blurted out, making her laugh for real.
“Oh yeah?”
He nodded as they pulled his shirt off together. “You were so perfect. Are so perfect. I didn’t realize, but you were the basis of my, uh, tendency to date beautiful bitchy people.”
“Bitchy, huh?” But she didn’t seem insulted. She giggled as she traced her fingers over his tattoos, the whine he let out as she thumbed over his pierced nipples.
“Bossy, authoritative, knows what they want, you could say,” he grinned as she reached behind her to unzip her dress.
“Uh huh. And how’s that been going for you?”
He was distracted as she shrugged out of the straps of her dress, letting his gaze follow the delicate lines and lace of the bralette.
“Oh, um.” He shook his head to clear it, but unable to stop his hands from tracing around and over the black lingerie. “None of them were right, in the end.” Leaving his hands cupping her, he looked up into her eyes. “None of them were you.”
Their lips met and Stevie quickly deepened the kiss, rolling their hips together. She pulled away to gasp as Eddie’s hands found their way down to her bottom.
“This ass of yours, baby,” he panted, squeezing and encouraging her rocking in his lap. “You don’t want to know how many dreams I’ve had of it. Can’t believe they’re coming true.”
She pulled at the length of her dress between them, going up on her knees and Eddie got the idea quickly, helping her pull the dress up over her head. His hands returned to their rightful place, even sliding the tips of his fingers beneath her matching lace panties.
“More black lace, huh?” He teased her, grinning up at her flushed face. “Did you know someone would be peeling off your pretty dress tonight?”
She kissed him hard, making him groan as her teeth found his bottom lip. “I hoped,” she sassed. “I wasn’t sure if you would show.”
“Oh fuck,” he breathed again as she restarted the movement on his lap, circling her ass on his hard cock.
“Not this time, big boy, but I think maybe soon, if you play your cards right.” She flashed him that same cocky smile he loved from years ago.
Eddie groaned, tightening his grip on the cheeks in his hands, determined to leave bruises. Marking her.
“Anything, sugar, anything you want,” he promised, trying to hold back his orgasm.
That spurred her on, speeding her hips up as he used his hands to pull her hips back and forth. When she started kissing down his neck, he pulled the bralette up to play with her, figuring out what she liked. A quick hard pinch to her nipples had her crying out, echoing around the empty classroom.
“Oh fuck,” she whimpered.
“Go ahead, baby. Dirty up those pretty panties for me. Wanna see.”
Stevie leaned back, changing the angle and looked deep into Eddie’s eyes as they rocked together. She was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen.
“Sweet talker,” she gasped and he realized he’d said that out loud.
“That’s nothing, Stevie. You’re not going to be able to shut me up. You’re so perfect. Love watching your tits bounce. You’re gunna make me come in my pants like a teenager. Oh fuck, please tell me you still have the beemer. Need to see you all sprawled out on it as I-“ he chuckled against her lips as she kissed him, presumably to try to quiet him. It did it’s job however, as they rutted together, both coming apart as they devoured each other’s mouths.
When they’d caught their breaths, Eddie pushed her hair away from her face. “So, you staying around here? I can’t deal with Jeff’s fucking know it all face if I brought you back to mine.”
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Divider by @/fuctacles 🖤
Title from Reunion - Bon Jovi
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reddesires · 2 days
Hiii, I would like to start by telling you that the way you write is really good!!! 💗 I really appreciate the hard work you put into each of your writings thank you for all of your work🫶🏻. Now I came here te speak up for my Caesar girlies ( including myself🤗)we need ( or at least I NEED) some NSFW alphabet head cannons!!!
Caesar NSFW Alphabet
[Caesar x Human!Reader]
A/N: hehe 🤭 writing for Caesar always got me giggling and kicking my feet. Thank you so much for the support. It means the world to me! And I want to thank everyone who has been my avid supporters. You're the reason why I'm motivated to keep writing ❤️ love you guys
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Caesar is definitely a gentleman when it comes to Aftercare. He'll soothingly rub your aches if the sex was too rough and bring you sustenance. you can tell he's a big softie when it comes to your needs, you are his mate and he'll do anything to make sure your comfortable and satisfied in every way (if you know what i mean 🤭)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of his is hands, he likes the way you crumble when he has his hands on your body, when his fingers are inside of you and your struggling to contain your moans make him go wild. He's definitely a boobie guy. He likes watching the way your boobs bounce with every thrust of his hips and how malleable they feel in his hands. You are absolutely perfect.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Yeah, he's a breeder LOL he's gonna cum inside of you every chance he gets, I mean it's innate for him so he can't really help it plus he likes to watch the way his seed drips out of you. The thought of you carrying his child really gets him going.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There is times when he goes hunting and you will be ovulating at the time and your smell really gets to him so when he has time away from the others during the hunt, he'll masturbate just so he won't be distracted by your scent.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
At first, not so much, he's never been with a human before, but he's a fast learner, and it'll seem like he always knew. He'll know how to fuck you in all the right ways, you'll never leave the nest unsatisfied, he knows everything there is to know about your body.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, he likes watching the expressions you make while he pounds into you, how you wrap your legs around his tapered waist. He also likes watching how your boobs bounce.
If he's really in the mood, your on all fours and he's fucking you nice and hard just so he could really hear your moans echo throughout the nest and if you beg him enough he'll pull your hair if you want it rough (you obviously taught him that one)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not all honestly, Caesar is very down to business when it comes to fucking you. Mating with him is usually sensual or rough, it really depends on his mood but either way your totally down for it (I mean who wouldn't he's fucking hot)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's an ape. He's got hair all over LOL
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Caesar can be stoic but he definitely has a romantic side to him, he has his moments where he'll show you how much he adores you, you are after his chosen mate and he cares for you very deeply. All you have to do is ask, and he'll be gentle with you all night long if he has to.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Caesar is the kind where he'll keep it on the downlow when he's jacking off but he's totally not above masterbating when he thinks of you and your not there to satisfy him but you can bet you'll be getting dicked down when you do come back.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding Kink - Like I said before, he likes to cum into you whenever he gets the chance, it's only natural to him plus it feel so damn good. The thought of you carrying his children only encourages this Kink.
Mutual masturbation - He'll watch as you touch yourself basically torturing the both of you as he jacks off himself, it'll go on until finally he snaps and absolutely fucks you into elated delirium.
Hair Pulling - When you first suggested it, he was hesitant since he didn't want to hurt you in any way but when he finally gave in and tried it, it seemed like it awoke something in him and now you don't even need to ask twice.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He'll do it anywhere, he doesnt care if your nowhere near the nest, he'll fuck you in the forest, behind the horse stables, behind some random tree for all he cares, your gonna get that dick regardless.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your scent could pretty much gets him going, especially when you're ovulating it makes him go pretty much feral. He'll be in your personal space not even caring that the others are staring at his blatant display of affection as he's burying his face in your hair and you embarrassedly try to ignore the eyes watching you two.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that could hurt you, he refuses to inflict any type of pain that isn't enjoyable onto you. Also, nothing involving bodily excrement. He's just sophisticated like that.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to giving, he'll eat your pussy like he pro, he just knows how to work his tongue. He loves the taste of you and to edge you to your limit, the grip you have to fur on his head and the cage your legs illude to drives him crazy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on his mood. If he's stressed from his duties as the ape king, the tension catching up to him and needing an outlet, he'll fuck you fast and rough with all intention of leaving you a panting and sore mess.
If you tease him to his limit, then expect to be bent over wherever you two are. He'll show you what happens when you test him.
But there is also times where he's slow and sensual, when you are in need of a sturdy and loving sex session or when he feels like you really deserved to be worshipped by him as your chosen mate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn't too big on Quickies, he enjoys taking his time with it but he isn't opposed to it when there's little time to indulge and you insist on it, he's weak when it comes to you seducing him after all you are his mate and he thinks your sexy as hell.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yeah, he is. He's open to doing whatever your willing to teach him, afterall he enjoys pleasing you and he enjoys learning new ways to make you hot and bothered.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
At first he didn't last long but overtime he built up the stamina just so sex was more pleasurable for you, since your a human and it takes more time for you to cum he wanted to take that into account so you enjoyed it as much as he did.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, unfortunately since the decline of the human population that also means the disappearance of toys to try out 😪 but you'll always have the hands and magical tongue of Caesar.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll have his moments where he'll tease the hell out of you, he's very smug and coy about it.
I mean he does enjoy to deny the two of you of touching each other until it's almost tortuous so he's down to tease you just cause.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not really loud himself, grunting and low sounds of pleasure escaping him at most besides it's hot to hear him lose himself while he's inside of you right into your ear.
Now you are a whole other story, he better hear your moans for all to hear, he doesn't give a fuck what they think afterall he is too deep inside of you to even care.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He does enjoy pushing your panties to the side and fucking you that way, for some reason he just finds it incredibly sexy. He especially loves it when you two are outside of the nest, your panties are definitely being pulled to the side.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's about average, 4-5 inches, but he serves girth! Baby! And you'll most definitely be feeling him in all the right ways since he knows how to dick you down just right.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gives you about 3 rounds, but there's always too much of a good thing, so the minimum is a good 3 rounds. But if we're talking Oral wise, yeah, he can go as long as you can take it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He waits for you to fall asleep. He enjoys watching your sleeping face. He, in general, always watches you fall asleep in his arms, gently soothing the skin on your cheek admiring his mate in all you perfect glory. He loves you so much.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 days
For @steddie-week July 4: body swap
Steve wakes up slowly, he's so comfortable and is surrounded by luxurious silk sheets, a million pillows, and a cool dark room. He blinks for a moment thinking maybe he's still asleep, maybe this is still a dream. His overworked mind thinking of the height of luxury instead of his flat above the coffee-shop he manages working odd hours and barely sleeping. He's making it, but just barely, were it not for Claudia and Dustin Henderson and the casseroles sent weekly he's sure he'd be malnourished. I mean, food or bills? Well, he can get a few tiny staples, but the bills need paid or it's sleeping in his tiny car, the Beemer having been sold out from under him at 19 when he finally told his father he wasn't going to work for him, he was queer, and he was going to find his own way if they couldn't accept him. The fight that ensued insured he'd never be considered a Harrington again, oh he could keep his last name, but make no mistake, that was the day Richard and Diane Harrington's son died. So here he was hallucinating a life he could only dream of, he raised a hand to wipe at his eyes and noticed the ink littering his skin. Black nail polish, and as he sat up long dark curls cascading over his shoulders and face. He rose immediately searching through the dark for a light switch and then spinning to find a mirror only to see the front man of Corroded Coffin staring back at him. He gaped at his reflection turning this way and that, his eyes roving over the body before him before landing on the bare hips in the mirror. To his left the phone rang, and he launched himself over the bed to retrieve it.
“Hello?” He said quietly.
“Hey, yeah, hi.” His voice said back, what the fuck, his voice? How? “So, uh, it seems like I'm either hallucinating, or, and hear me out, I body swapped with whoever you are. I'm um, standing in your…. apartment I guess you'd call it, and uh, honestly I have no idea what to do here man. But, I have a sold out concert in two days and I kinda need my body back to go perform. No offense, I'm sure you're really nice and talented and all, but I, just..” the voice trailed off, he could hear the nerves in his own voice.
“Yeah, uh, not hallucinating. And I'd prefer to give you your body back too. It's a nice body and all, but I am so not equipped to be a metal singer man, I can barely listen to it without getting migraines. Tell you what, are you in Indy? I haven't left your…home? Yet or anything, actually I haven't even found where you have your clothes at, and I'd prefer to have some semblance of clothes on. But maybe you could come to where you live and we can talk?”
“Yeah, yep, that uh, that sounds good. You fell asleep in jeans and tee so I'll just come by in this, and oh your keys were in your pocket. Cool, what kinda car do I look for?”
“It's a small white car just outside the coffee shop downstairs. If anyone tries to stop you just say you have a family emergency and will call them later.”
“Sounds good, uh if they try to stop me what name do I answer to if called?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Steve, my name is Steve. “
“Sounds good Stevie, I'll be there as soon as I can.”
Steve hung up the phone when the dial tone started and looked around, he noticed a door painted black with a red dragon and decided to open it, he was greeted by an immense collection of black clothes and pulled out the first things he saw, on the table next to it there was a dish with some scrunchies and hair ties, he chose a silk one to tie up the curls after finger combing them carefully. Once he was done with that he made his way downstairs wandering until he found the front door, a small bench sat next to it with boots and other shoes lined up carefully and he sat, waiting.
Before he knew it a knock came to the front door and he opened it to see his own face looking at him wide eyed.
“This is real then.” He watched his mouth say, he nodded and swallowed.
“Hi, Eddie. I want so badly to say it's nice to meet you, but uh, every time I've thought about meeting you it was more running into you, or maybe going to a concert with my ear protection but having the backstage passes to meet the band, flirting and then…well. Anyway, ahem, why don't uh you show me where your coffee is and we can brainstorm how to change us back?”
Eddie led him into the kitchen and he sat on a bar stool while he flitted around making them some coffee. They started talking, it lasted for hours and finally Eddie looked at him for a moment, and then took a deep breath.
“Okay, I want to try something, and if it doesn't work please don't punch me.” He began, and leaned over to pull Steve into a kiss who immediately saw stars behind his eyelids and melted into the embrace. Either this kiss was world shattering, or the cosmos conspired to find Steve a boyfriend. Eventually they pulled apart both panting and slowly opened their eyes. Steve found himself looking at the rockstar now and giggled.
“It worked.” He whispered. “You're you again, and I'm me.”
“That it did sweetheart. I know this seems fast, but do you want to maybe go on a date with me? I don't think I'm going to forget you anytime soon.”
“I'll go on all the dates with you Eddie Munson.” And Steve pulled him back into a sweet passionate kiss.
They would spend the next weeks and months getting to know each other, but they felt as though they'd known each other in every life, for eons. Fate brought them together and they fell hopelessly, emphatically in love.
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cry4mina · 1 day
Are You Really Okay? - Take Me Back To Eden - Part 6.5
(Mina x gn!reader)
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Take Me Back To Eden Series Page
Word Count: 7k
Angst/Fluff/I don’t know what to call this
Summary: This takes place at the end of place after reader passes out in Part 6! Please read that for context! This is also in FIRST PERSON (gasp!) from Mina’s perspective! See what Mina sees at the end of *THE* scene and some of the consequences of Nayeon’s actions.
TW: Guns, violence, abuse, sex/mentions of sex, medical stuff and lemme know if I miss anything! (I so did)
A/N: We are experimenting a little bit on this one with first person pov! Thank you to @2wiceasnice9 for making these gifs for this! I appreciate it very much 🖤
Thank you guys for reading as always! Ask/Dms always open! 🖤 Love yall, have a great day!
“Nayeon, you can’t do this!” Oh my god, she’s really going to shoot me. Y/n is on the floor bleeding out right in front of both of us and she’s going to fucking shoot me?!
Panic ices my veins as Nayeon opens her mouth to reply. Tears are filling my eyes and I can’t seem to blink them away fast enough. I hear Nayeon hit the floor, shouting out and the gun skidding out of sight.
Nayeon’s rage is heard but no longer seen, the sounds of struggling bouncing off the walls from behind the desk. Hearing Y/n’s grunts of pain make me nauseous and panicky. A hefty sinking feeling that weighs me down, physically trying to slow me while I come up with a plan to stop everything around me.
If I want to put a stop to this, I need that gun.
Seeing a glint from the metal on the edge of the room against a baseboard, I race over to pick it up.
In my race to turn around I see Y/n getting the shit beat out of them on the ground. Nayeon gets up, scanning the floor to try and find the gun that was already in my hands.
I don’t want to do this! God, I really don’t want to fucking do this! Deep breath in, exhale slowly, finger around the trigger and…
The shot louder than any sound I’ve ever heard, reverberating the ache in my heart harder as the scene before me unfolds in slow motion and deafening silence. Nayeon mouth opens and face turns red, reflecting anguish when her knees hit the floor. She coddles her abdomen, mask contorting from hatred, to pain in the blink of an eye.
I drop the gun and immediately run over to Y/n. She’s bleeding all over the floor, I cup the back of her head to try and halt the loss of her life force but I’m so worried it’s already been too much spilled, the puddle of blood growing larger with passing seconds.
Y/n is so disoriented, I can barely catch her attention. Pulling her head into my lap, trying to talk to her to keep her here but she keeps looking at me with fluttering eyes. I can’t even hear my own voice, crying out for her without even an echo in my head.
I can’t hold myself together anymore, my tears start to fall endlessly down my cheeks. I can’t lose her. Even in such a short time, I’ve grown to truly care for this human that lays in my lap, bruised and bloodied.
The look of hope beaming through her eyes in an attempt to focus on me. My heart cracks just a little more. Someone had to have heard the gunshots. Someone had to call for help, right?
“Y/n! Y/n! Look at me, it’s going to be okay! We are going to get you ou-”
A heavy jolt of pressure slams into my chest.
Air ripped from my lungs at a pace that’s indescribable.
Unable to even hear my heart beating in this deafening silence, my eyes water and my breathing tries to regulate but hyperventilating was the only response my body had.
I look up and see Nayeon with her hand over her wound, slouched in the corner of the room with the gun pointed right at me.
Y/N’s body starts to vibrate in my arms, I look down for a split second to see them screaming in agony. The thick crimson liquid drips down my torso rapidly when it registers what’s happened. That’s where the burn starts. A stinging, fiery, gut wrenching blaze of panic that drench the tension in something that can only be explained as pure terror. Nausea and sweat are immediate following the outpour of blood.
My breathing picks up rapidly, my body finally catching up with my brain and trying to save itself. I keep my hand on the back of Y/n’s head, and bring my other up to cover my own wound. Watching as Nayeon keeps her eyes on the scene unfolding, a grimace on her face when Y/n passes out in my arms.
“Mina, you should be happy!” mockingly loud, spat at me through the ringing of my ears.
“At least she won’t have to watch you suffer!” Nayeon brings the gun back up, pointing it right in my line of sight before her head swings to her right and she locks eyes with something behind me.
Nayeon’s eyes widened at the door that’s violently flying open. My hearing fades slowly back in. Turning my head towards whatever Nayeon was looking at, Jihyo storms in and is yelling and aggressively flailing her arms.
What is she doing here?!
Confusion sets in, the blood spills from my chest, and it’s getting harder to breathe.
Jihyo continues to point when she looks over and sees the state of Y/N and I. Her eyes widened with pure terror and rage, storming over to Nayeon and attempting to grab the gun from her. Nayeon points the gun at Jihyo and kicks her legs out weakly, trying to keep Jihyo away from her.
“I don’t want to shoot you, Hyo! Baby, please!” Faintly heard through the ringing of my eardrums trying to reset.
“LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE, NAYEON! The police are already on their way, I told them everything about your plan!” Jihyo snatches the gun from her. She’s absolutely bawling her eyes out in disgust at how far Nayeon was willing to go.
My vision starts to blur leaving light trails behind every thing that moves. Nayeon stands and lunges at Jihyo, throwing punches and kicking her, trying to reach for the gun again.
“Why would you FUCKING tell them?! I thought you were loyal! I thought you loved me!” Nayeon screeches in a fit of rage, mustering every ounce of energy she can to wrestle Jihyo to the ground.
My body starts swaying back and forth. I'm losing the will to stay awake. I look down at Y/n, passed out in my arms. Her breathing is shallow.
I have to keep my eyes open for her.
I start coughing harshly, tasting the blood that is spewing out of my mouth, coating my tongue in an iron laced flavor. The taste of defeat is present in the moment, if I’m coughing blood…that mean that the bullet is probably in my lung…I’m going to drown if I don’t pass out from the blood loss first.
I’m trying my best to keep pressure on my chest and on the back of Y/n’s head but my strength is wavering far too much to be successful in both.
A warm hand on my back that has a sense of urgency startles me. Attempting to focus, I look up to see Momo bawling her eyes out next to me. Her hand flies over mine to put more pressure on my bullet wound.
Momo is trying to understand everything happening around us, eyes frantically trying to absorb everything one by one. The bullet hole in my chest, Jihyo and Nayeon fighting it out on the floor, Y/n’s bloodied state, and then right back to her hands, that are now covered in my blood.
“How did you know we were here?” I choke out between shallow, hoarse breaths.
“Jihyo called me on her way here. I was on the phone with her when I heard the first shot.”
My head feels too heavy to hold up. I slouch a little, swaying and trying to keep my eyes open and the pressure tight when a loud smack startles me and Momo both.
Both of us looked up immediately to see Jihyo shaking her hand in pain, knuckles bloodied, and Nayeon trying to stand back up but struggling to stand on her own two feet.
Nayeon tackles Jihyo to the floor again, large hands around her neck, tensely squeezing our leader's throat. Jihyo is trying everything in her power to pry Nayeon’s fingers off her throat, gasping and tugging at her digits, trying to hit Nayeon but nothing would remove her.
“I’m sorry, baby, but I couldn’t end up with you. You just aren’t Y/n.” Nayeon hisses above Jihyo before lifting her head by her neck and slamming it into the ground.
Momo stands up to try and come to Jihyo’s defense, ready to defend her and help her get Nayeon subdued until the police arrived.
A bang shatters every reality between what should have happened and what did happen.
Colors wash out of my sight when I see how Momo freezes in front of me, unmoving in a statuesque fashion, breath being held in a death grip.
I call out to her, barely hearing my own voice when her body shudders, turning away and bringing her attention back to me and y/n. I can see and hear her sobs in whispers and grey wash.
Looking over to where the struggle happened, Jihyo is still laying flat on her back sobbing with Nayeon on top of her, too still for comfort.
“Momo…what happened?” I squeak out.
Her eyes are lifeless. Someone who has just witnessed something horrific squatted before me, hands shaking, struggling to apply pressure to my chest and unable to look me in the eyes.
“Why did you do this?…why?” Jihyo cries out through sniffles and rage filled tears.
The clunking sound of someone rolling into the floor catches me off guard, watching Jihyo stand. She’s drenched in blood and making her way over to me.
“Momo…” I croaked with the last bit of my energy, when my vision started to fade to black.
“Stop…Y/n’s blee-…”
The last thing I felt was my back hitting the floor and coldness.
Everything is hazy and unfamiliar for a moment, lucidity is not something my brain feels like it’s familiar with. I can’t tell if my eyes are closed but I feel cold. Prickling in my skin does nothing but annoy as a rush of chemicals tells my body it’s okay to be okay.
It’s going to be okay, right?
The burning sensation I can’t quite pinpoint eases rapidly after the sharp stick in the divot of my arm. The voices I hear are unfamiliar, except one. The tone brings comfort, but I couldn’t tell you who it was or what they are to me. All I know is this clouded darkness behind my eyes.
I fall into what feels like sleep. Calm, quiet, almost nurturing in the way of comfort. It envelops me completely. What a joy to feel something other than fear and pain.
Just calm.
I hope she’s okay.
A loud slam of something metal around me brings me into a state of conscience that I have never felt, shifting me into something recognizable and familiar. The darkness in my eye lids slowly fades into warm lighting, laughter and playfulness is heard through out the room I find myself in.
I’m at Jihyo’s house?
How did I get here?
“Oh my GOD! Baby, what are you doing here?!” Nayeon screams and runs out the front door.
Baby?…What is happening?
Y/n and Nayeon walk in, hand in hand. Smiling at each other and everyone is running over to meet the girl that Nayeon has been gushing about. I feel a pang of jealousy in my stomach. Y/n would never do this to me, after what Nayeon did.
Trying to stand to confront them both, I can’t force my body to move.
This is the party where we met for the first time.
One of my favorite memories.
She’s sitting there quietly and I just can’t help but watch her take everything in. Her energy is so warm. So peaceful.
I mirror her, silently taking her in, watching her body language, watching how she is with the other members. Politely listening to others speak about their individual interests. I see her eyes shift to me.
“Mina, I know we actually have some hobbies in common! You like legos and video games too, right? Minecraft is what Nayeon told me.” quizzically from across the way.
I can’t believe this is who Nayeon was with. This is not what I pictured at all. Usually she dates obsessive fangirls that she can use and throw away when she’s done, but this person she has just introduced us all to…was nothing like that. She was kind, considerate, very good looking, and someone who brought life into a conversation.
The first of a few conversations, usually that she started. I was always too nervous to speak to her without her prompting it, though I desperately wanted to. I was and am so fascinated and intrigued by the fluttering in my stomach with every word spoken in that angelic voice.
Faces start distorting when I come to the conclusion that this must be a dream.
I must be dreaming.
The walls drop and everything snaps to darkness. My legs whisking me forward trying to find some sense of direction when I blink, I’m in a hallway? Where am I? And then I see her.
Walking down the same hallway laced in gray paint, the embodiment of sunshine, the light in this monotone building. Y/n walks right past me and offers up a small smile. A soft “Hey Mina. It’s so good to see you.” And a somber wave in my direction, the gentle tears streaming down her cheeks, I remember this…
The corridor zips out from underneath me, shrinking in the distant void to a mere sparkle. I’m alone in the darkness again. Why did I just hop from a memory to another memory…?
The sound of yelling brings be to another familiar place. Half warm, half ice. The energy here was a weird sense of home, comfortably uncomfortable.
I’m at Y/n and Nayeon’s apartment…the girls are in the living room but Nayeon and Y/n are nowhere to be seen. The music is just loud enough to muffle the shouting in the other room but I’m close enough to the door to hear it.
“Fine! Do whatever you want, Nayeon!”
“What do you mean? You’re supposed to come with us!”
“I don’t want to be around you, so you go! Do whatever you want, you’re going to anyway!”
The door opens, Nayeon steps out and I see Y/n hunched over in a chair with her head in her hands, body shivering, obviously holding back sobs. Nayeon closes the door quickly to avoid the detection of the fight.
Making eye contact with me as she spins around, I smile at her and pretend I didn’t see. Y/n needs her right now, and she’s just going to leave with us? What kind of a partner are you?
The sound of her cracking open a beer can throws me forward, through a sliding glass door.
I’m on a balcony? I can hear the girls inside laughing and having a good time. A sniffle rings out against the laughter in a contrast that makes my stomach sink.
Looking to my left, I see Y/n sitting with her back against the wall, curled into herself, elbows resting on her knees and hands covering her obviously crying face.
My heart breaks in that moment, in a way it didn’t the first time. In a way I didn’t know was possible. Just as I did in the memory, I sit next to her in silence. The memory wouldn’t allow me to change it’s already pathed out course, this moment I would never change.
She looks up at me when our shoulders touch, eyes red and swollen.
“Oh! Mina…Hey!. Sorry, I’m okay. Just…uh…having a bad day.” through the tears that descend down her soft cheeks.
“Are you really okay?” I wish I could say more. I know she’s not okay. I’ve known for a while but it’s not my place to tell this person I barely knew to leave her partner. It seems like Nayeon has manipulated Y/n into thinking that what was happening between them was healthy.
Super sweet love bombing.
Calm conversations with carefully chosen words to belittle, betray, and knock down.
Nayeon’s perfectly crafted nightmare of subtle abuse was so laced in other tastes that it was almost impossible to spot from any perspective, you had to be paying attention very very closely to see it. It makes sense why she lost her mind when she did. The plan falls apart when the object of your manipulation realizes they have free will, or you get too sloppy and they flat out leave.
She stops moving, frozen in the question. The pain behind her eyes sears my heart in ways unexplainable. How I wish I could take that pain away from her.
Y/n leans her head on my shoulder, tears stop falling momentarily. Her body relaxes in a way I was unfamiliar with before…was she always this comfortable around me?
A knock on the slider blends with the sound of something being thrown across the room that materialized right in front of me.
Suddenly, I’m in Japan for our group interview, walking in on Jihyo and Nayeon having a very heated conversation.
“What am I supposed to do? If the public finds out…the company will have a fit!” Nayeon is in tears, fists bawled and red in the face. Jihyo is holding her, rubbing her back in a soothing manner. Her hand glides up Nayeon’s spine in a very…intimate…way.
“Don’t worry, honey.” swiping a tear gently off Nayeon’s cheek, the loving look in her eyes was something I’d never seen them share. I had never seen Jihyo react this way to anyone’s tears like that, not even Sana.
“We can figure it out, okay? We can make a plan for when Y/n and you talk and keep our story strai- Hey, Mina!” Jihyo jumps back from Nayeon, seemingly nervous about what I’ve seen.
“…is everything okay?”
“Yes, Nayeon and Y/n got into a fight…they’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Jihyo assured me, though at the time, I didn’t know what I was hearing in that conversation. Nayeon’s glare at me was enough to speak volumes.
She must’ve always known my fascination with Y/n.
“Alright girls, I’ve got a plane to catch back home…are you going to be okay, hon- I mean unnie?”
A freudian slip.
“Honey.” said out loud, just like when I heard it for the first time and again, without my own free will.
Nayeon scowls at me, Jihyo is shocked I said anything and I’m not so confused about what was happening here anymore. At the time I had not realized how close they were, or what was transpiring between them. I can still hardly believe it, even with proof.
The sound of footsteps towards me sends me to memory, turning into my own steps while I pace on the phone with Momo, talking about how Nayeon and Y/n have broken up and what Nayeon did to her.
The upset that all the information she is telling me over the speaker floods me with upset. A rage unseen by most, even hearing it a second time causes me to seethe. An innocent person, broken by the hands of someone unworthy.
Little did I know how broken she would actually get. I thought maybe I could help put the pieces back together, I never imagined it would turn into what it did…
“Hey, Momo, will you send me Y/n’s number? I’d like to check on her.” I still feel the nervousness behind the question along with the cheerfulness of seeing her again.
Even if this broken record moment in my brain is just a figment, it’s making me feel the same way, almost layered in a sense. The before feeling, and the after feeling.
If you really think about it, memories are just mental photobooks. Bottles of feelings and images contained for when you hear a sound, smell something familiar, or are around a specific person that makes your heart scream in agony at the sheer amount of love that seeps into every orifice you have when in their presence.
I am simply living in them.
“Sure, I’m sure she would love to hear from you, Mina.” replied when the phone in my hand vibrates. The text Momo sent has a contact labeled “Y/nnie” I can’t help but chuckle at the cute nickname again. I watch myself, from my own eyes, save it and not change the name.
I hesitate to call, the worry of if she would agree to hang out with me sits on my stomach again. I can do this, I know I can…Okay okay, here we go.
Reliving the excited feeling of calling her for the first time was less excruciating this time, the phone ringing until I heard her yell through the speaker.
“Can you stop calling me? I obviously don’t want to talk to you.” the tone heavy with annoyance, I remember thinking this was a bad time to call.
“..Y/n?” the hesitation when she realizes that I wasn’t the person she assumed I was adorable. Small notes of confusion in her silence was something I wish I could have witnessed sooner.
“Oh…uhm, sorry…I thought this was Jihyo. I don’t have this number saved in my phone…”
“That’s alright” I giggled, feeling a little awkward just as I remember.
“It’s Mina.”
“Mina?”the shock in her voice was noticeable, voice pitched up, and I could visualize her brows furrowing.
“Momo told me what happened and I asked for your number… I hope that’s okay.” the sounds of the call change drastically, going from crystal clear to a little hazy and to the sound of squeaky brakes.
“Yes, that’s totally fine…uhm, sorry, I’m…a little all over the place right now.”
“I know we don’t really know each other too well but…uhm, I know we have some common interests and that you could probably use a friend right now…so I figured I would call and see if you wanted to get a coffee or something…or maybe just sit on the couch and play videogames or…  something.” I really should’ve thought about what I was going to say before I called her.
“That sounds…really nice. I’d love to. Would you…want to text me your schedule for the next week or two and we can plan it from there?” My heart flutters again when I hear the sound of her smile beaming through the phone.
“Sounds good, I’ll text you.” hanging up before I got too giggly on the phone. I wasn’t trying to be weird about it to her…I just wanted to get to know her and be around her warmth again.
The sound of my phone locking sends me to her front door, 2 coffees in hand. A deep breath before the door opens. I was so nervous to see her and a little worried about the anxiety that she had been feeling.
The crack of the door ushers me inside and I offer her the coffee she didn’t ask for. We curl up on separate couches and play video games together and just talk.
We have intellectual conversations about almost every topic we stumble upon, I see her back unclenching as the day goes on and I know that we both need to eat.
Heading to the Japanese cafe that was so close by we could walk, our hands brush against each other. To feel that all over again ethereal. Bursts of adrenaline, the flashes of cold, the fluttering of the butterflies, the way it ignited something in me. I was meant to hold that hand.
“These shops seem cool, maybe we should come back another day and explore them.” My ears are burning at the question and the overwhelming tension I feel inside myself about her. I do hope we can go back to those shops someday.
We ordered sake and I asked her if I could order food for her. Paying attention to what she said when we spoke earlier when I was describing the food my mother makes, it seemed like it would be a fun idea.
I ordered the food in Japanese so the meal would be a surprise when it arrived at the table. The way she looked at me when I did was absolutely adorable, seemingly nervous now- scratching the sides of her fingers.
Reaching my hand out, I lay it on hers. Her shoulders relax and her jaw unclenches, our eyes are locked and I’m swooning. Even in a nervous state, this celestial being in front of me was devastating to my heart.
The way the emotions flickered in her eyes and on her face were telling of the last person who held this hand and the damage she left behind.
I touched her without permission, my hand retracted rapidly as I apologized. The food arrives in the middle of her trying to tell me why she reacted the way she did, cutting off the conversation all together.
She notices the similarities in our plates, asking me if we got the same thing. I tell her I remembered the little details from what she used to eat when she came to the studio, so I took off what she didn’t like and had them rearrange things.
She tells me the entire story of what happened with Nayeon over the food that night. I still can’t fathom the type of human that could hurt someone so tender.
The clinking of the plates after we finish our meal puts me in the cafe, paying for the bill. I thanked the lady at the podium and turn to walk out the front door when I see them.
Nayeon is outside with Jihyo, trying to throw herself at Y/n, what the hell is she doing here? I get so angry thinking about the pain that she’s gone through and with a little liquid courage from the sake, I take my stance next to Y/n and grab her hand.
“Are you ready to go, my love?” I make sure to raise my voice a little so that Nayeon and Jihyo can hear what I’ve said. I refuse to let her try to bully Y/n into submission. There will be no opportunities for that, at least not with me around.
“You can’t be serious right now, Y/n! After last night, are you on a date with Mina? A member of my group? Do you not have your own friends to filter through? Did I not satiate you enough? …Maybe we should’ve gone one more round.”
Nayeon is absolutely floored, so mad that she’s here with me. Seeing it all play back in my mind's eye, I should’ve noticed the signs. I should’ve seen what was going to happen. Maybe I could’ve protected her.
Wait…did she say a date?
I mean…I guess this is a date…I never thought about it like that. I wonder how Y/n felt when Nayeon said that…I know now how she feels about us, but I can’t help but wonder what was going through her head while we were here.
Jihyo is silently crying and getting back into the car but I don’t think anyone else notices. While I view her as a huge part of the problem, I can’t help but feel bad for her. Look at her standing there so uncomfortable she can barely even function.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her from now since you can’t satiate her, apparently.” I wink at Nayeon and lead Y/n away from this mess.
A sneeze places me on Y/n’s couch with her wrapped around me, cuddling into me with her hand on my torso. My heart is full like this. I hope to experience more of moments like these with her.
My body jolts from her pushing down on me, gasping for air in a way that’s rushed and eager. She’s immediately up crying and pacing back and forth in the living room. A panic attack happening before my eyes, I spring into action and comfort her the best I can.
Y/n parts from me, stripping her hoodie off so she’s just in a sports bra. I’m attempting to be respectful about not staring at her half naked but having the hardest time with it. I just want to give her everything she deserves.
I catch her by her wrist as she paces, pulling her into my arms and telling her she’s safe. Y/n pulls back, looking me in the eyes from mere inches away. I can feel her breath against me, I just want to lean in and press my lips on hers when she scoots in a little closer to me.
I take this as permission, meeting her in the middle and the lightning that shoots through me is so powerful that all my nerves burn with the essence that is Y/n. Trying to keep things calm but she starts to lean in harder so I take control.
I push her onto the couch and once my hands hit the couch, the glass shatters and we are surrounded by police and clothed again. The police are questioning my poor Y/n. I wish she could catch a break.
The click of the officers pen and I’m taping up the window for her, turning around to see her completely lost in thoughts with glass in her foot.
The snap of the first aid kit brings us back to her bed, where she’s telling me she feels safe and my heart is racing to tell her all the feelings that have built up.
Next thing I know, I’m between her legs tasting the slick off her folds. She’s moaning underneath me and the sound is godly. I just want to devour her but this isn’t the moment. That will come soon enough. Right now, this is about her.
What she wants.
What she needs.
Cumming into my mouth, the sounds are that of angels singing to me and only me in that moment. I wrap my fingers around her throat and squeeze a little just to hear her moan for me again.
Leaning down to kiss her again, when our lips part I’m on the phone with the police.
“Hello, we’ve called to update you on the case that you filed last night. We’ve arrested Park Jihyo. She admitted guilt when confronted about the vandalizing of house.”
“What?” I still can’t believe she would have taken the fall for Nayeon like that.
When I hit end on the phone call, I spin around to Y/n telling me to lay in her lap and I happily do so. There’s so much comfort in her touch, I can’t explain the calm. It’s calmer than the void at the beginning of this weird live action trip down memory lane. I sink into a deep sleep while she plays with my hair.
When my eyes open, I’m on the phone with Momo. At this point, I’m just letting this memory train whisk me away. I’m not going to question why this is happening.
She’s wondering where I am, I remember the banquet and then I’m throwing my shoes on by the front door when Y/n asks me on a date…an official date. I’m consumed with joy. Finally, Ill get to show her what love actually looks like.
When the door shuts behind me, I’m suddenly at Momo’s house getting ready with her and Dahyun.
“Soooo…you and y/n, hm?” Momo pokes at me to get more information.
“Well…I think so. These past 2 days have been…kind of magic? Even with all the crazy stuff that’s been happening with Nayeon.” I want to shout how excited I am from the rooftops but my body won’t allow me to.
“I really hope yo- wait, what did you say?” The confusion on Momo’s face is laced in concern as she stares at me, waiting for me to fill in the blanks.
I tell her everything. The confrontation at the restaurant, the way Nayeon called Y/n that morning, the rock through the window, and lastly Jihyo taking the fall.
Momo and Dahyun both are stunned by this new information, jaws on the floor. I just nod my head at them, trying to not think about the negatives of this because I have a date with Y/n and the closeness we have has made me so smitten.
“Wait…you were with Y/n this morning? I thought you had plans yesterday…?” Dahyun is confused about the story she has just overheard.
“Uhm…yes. She didn’t want to be alone last night so I stayed with her.” I admit quietly, hoping for no further questions. Not that I don’t want to talk about it, but it feels so fresh.
“…did you sleep on the couch? Or?” Dahyun is smiling so big at me that I can’t help but laugh.
Momo doesn’t even try to stop her from asking questions because she’s curious as well, it’s not like Y/n gave her any information while she was on the phone with her.
“I did not sleep on the couch.”
They both gasp at this. They aren’t stupid. They know what happened.
“Wait did you guys have se-”
“I’m going to go call Y/n and see if she’s on her way.” I step out of the room and dial the phone, stepping outside to get some privacy.
When the door clicks behind me, I’m blasted into the memory of her crying in my arms because Nayeon showed up to her apartment and bombarded her, yet again.
I tell her to stay with me tonight after she expresses she doesn’t want to see Nayeon again. Y/n announces she doesn’t want to impose and I just kiss her to shut her up.
I pull on her blazer to keep her close and feel her hands travel up to my neck. I’m going to take her here.
Right here.
I untuck her shirt, run my fingers along the edge of her waistline when the door flings open.
“Hey, Mina did you talk wi- OH?!” Of course, it’s Momo interrupting the moment. How embarrassing.
“Sorry to interrupt! Should I go back inside or?” Dahyun sneaks out behind Momo through the door and shuts it.
The sound of the lock latching sends me to the table we are all sat at, eating dinner and making light conversation. I’m focused on Y/n, who is toying around with her food and not really present in the moment.
Leaning over to her, I make sure to look Y/n in her eyes when I ask her if she’s okay the first time. A small nod of the head, I lean back into my chair, and continue eating my dinner. I know she’s lying, it’s written in the way her eyes are tracing every detail of the table and avoiding mine.
Maybe she just doesn’t know how apparent it is. I take another few bites, leaning in one more time.
“Are you su-”
“I get that we aren’t together but can you stop doing whatever this-” moving her hands around in a dramatic fashion. “- is, in front of me? Kind of rude, don't you think?”
You are kidding me. I can’t believe she just said that in front of everyone. We are not supposed to be the focus tonight.
“Nayeon, not now.” Momo chiming in like she already knew what any sane person would be thinking watching this all play out. More annoyed than I will allow myself to display, especially after knowing what was going to happen after this.
Especially now, knowing exactly what Nayeon was capable of.
“You think she can do for you what I did? You think she can be who you need her to be for you?! WE are supposed to be here together, not you and Mina! Mina, of all people!” body language threatening and almost violent in nature.
Me? Of all people? What the *fuck* does that mean?!
Everyone around us is completely in shock, with the exception of those who knew what Nayeon was, who Nayeon could be. I see some avoidance from a few of the members, not wanting to encourage her or draw attention to the situation.
Reliving this makes me just as enraged as it did the first time.
“I bet she doesn’t fuck like I do or do you need another reminder of how I fuck you?”
Oh, good god. I still can’t believe she said that out loud for everyone at this table and around us to hear. This is not the fucking place for this.
“I can’t believe you wouldn’t want to work on thi-”
I take another bite of my meal, before setting my utensils down. Looking over at my stunning date, making sure to make eye contact. The fury behind my eyes is enough to prompt her to do what I so desperately wanted to.
“Nayeon, why don’t you tell everyone where Jihyo is?” the malice inflected in the statement sends chills down my spine. This assertive dominant part of her that I was meeting in full form for the first time…I was happy she was spending the night at mine.
I feel the way the warmth fills me, starting between my legs and creeping up as she puts this vicious bitch in her place.
“Y/n…I- I don’t know what you mean. H- How should I know?” That’s right. Panic.
“Oh, sure you do!...Weren’t you with her last night?” Everyone is staring at her now, confused and concerned.
“Wait-” Tzuyu starts and then everything is silent. I look around, waiting for the room to change to the memory I know is next.
Everyone around me is frozen in place, unwavering in complete and total stillness. I stand and fix my dress, this is the first time that I have control over my body since this montage of memories started.
Walking towards the room.
The room.
The room where everything happens.
The room where Y/n gets hurt.
The room where I get shot.
The room where Jihyo ends Nayeon’s life…
I step in with no hesitation, before I realize that the entirety of the room is pitch black and there is no floor.
I fall.
Dropping through a tunnel of nothingness, just trying to catch anything that will keep me from descending into this pit of darkness. The void calls and I’ve returned against my will again.
A halt jerks me out of the dissociated state that I found myself in. How long did I fall for? How long have I been in this state?
A small pinhole of light shines through the ether, steadily growing and getting brighter.
Is it getting closer?
“Mina?” An echoed whisper reverberates every bone in my body. Shaking me violently, the void cracks, shining the beams of another realm through the shattering façade around me
“Mina…darling, you have to wake up.”
Dull beeps pipe through the whispers and into my brain. My throat feels hot, why doesn’t my throat feel hot?
“Mina, please…”
The light is blinding now as a vision of my parents shine through, my eyes flutter open and try to focus on their faces when the smell of hospital breaks all my senses.
The tube down my throat keeps me from speaking, my parents are crying in happiness that I’m awake but the tears I cry are of fear.
My eyes search helplessly, unable to communicate what I’m looking for.
Who I am looking for.
My father notices my panic, trying to calm me when the pain starts. The same burn in my chest from earlier. I try to look down at my chest at my wound when the nurse comes in and greets me.
“Mina! Welcome back! Your family missed you!” cheered through a beaming smile.
I start weakly mimicking writing with my hand, looking around the room for someone to understand what I’m asking for.
My father grabs the whiteboard at the end of the bed with my medical information on it, wiping it clean and holding it next to me. He uncaps the marker with his teeth and spits it out onto the floor, wrapping my hand around it so that I can write.
“Mina, we are going to pull the tube from you now to make sure that lung is functioning the way that it’s supposed to, okay?” the nurse chimes in as I’m writing.
The doctor comes in, trying to usher my father to the side so he can do what he needs to. I grip my dad’s forearm to signal him to stay in place.
“Please, she’s been asleep for so long, can you just give us a moment?”
I write the last few letters quickly before the doctors get to work, I watch my parents brows furrow at what I’ve written. My father takes the whiteboard out of the room, my mother staying with me for the remainder of the removal of the tube.
Gasping for air, my body is trying to recalibrate to the new surroundings. To reality.
“Where…” my voice is gravely and horse, barely coming out in a whisper.
“Is…” I swallow, trying to build up my strength to say the last word I needed to.
Thanks for reading! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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jakesangel · 2 days
the third date - 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 event request
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preview : jake being the most repeectful man you've ever meet, but his needs and clingy wes also interfer
word count + genre : fluff + 918 words ( not proofread but when will it be ㅎㅎ )
warning : none, they kiss tho
jake been a total sweetheart. tho i'm not dating him yet, he never fails to put me and my needs first, respecting my wants to take things slow. he still takes the lead to plan our dates, surprising me but making sure of my date likings.
i'm now here, a beautiful red picnic blanket spread on the green grass, the moon is shining on us with a smiley jake looking at me. what ?, you ask smiling, expecting a flirty joke but you're faced w a genuine jake, nothing you just look really good tonight, he nonchalantly says going back to his desert. he always surprised you, you can never expect what his answers would be or what is about to come. once second he can be serious, then become very flirty or starts w the funniest joke and then becomes very needy, almost puppy like.
he suddenly wipe his lap as he stands and offers his hand to help you get up, would you please, come with me. i want to show you something, he ask with the softest voice. and as much jakes has different sides, he is a trustworthy person, allowing you to feel safe with him. so you take his hands, and follow his lead, without a question.
the both of you walk to the end of the park, the moon shining even more here. what do you wanna show me ? you ask as you look at him. just look ahead, he answers kissing the hand he is holding. so you look back in front of you, and waits until the thing to come.
and that's when you see the the prettiest firework to ever witnessed. not because of the colors or the shapes, but because of the lovely boy by your side, currently stroking your hand with his thumb. he truly put a lot of thoughts into this date, you've only mentioned about doing a night pic nic once, in early talking phase, and tho it's chilly, your heart feels warms. but what you don't know is that, ahold you think about him, looking at the firework, jake, never looked at it. how could he when your surprised face is this lovely ? he wants to tell you that you're pretty one more time, all the time, but right now he keeps it. he will tell you. but later.
as the firework starts to dies down, the night wind makes its appearance. he uses it as an excuse to interlace your fingers together and pulls you closer, are you cold ? he ask, his eyes strained on ur arm's goosebumps. your eyes goes to your locked hands to his concerned face, finally understanding that no one will ever come close to him. his kind and caring behavior made you fall for him, and tonight you want him to stop taking it slow, this night is perfect actually, you tell him, looking up to him because of your closeness. i'm having such a good time, jake. you try to start, but as the wind goes, your hair keeps flying around your face. both of his hands come domestically to the side of your face, rearranging your flying hair. the both of you chuckle, trying to ease the romantic tension between you. he, then tucks, the last loose hair behind your ear and keeps his hands on the side of your face. you stare up at him, as he does so, a fuzzy and imaginary bubble, forming around you.
he can only think of kissing you, but he also want to be respectful and keep your steady and slow pace. but seeing your round eye, expectly waiting for him to do something, your hands unconsciously coming to his chest, he brings your face closer and kiss your forehead, a good comprise for each other needs. he then pulls you even closer, hugging you, a coping mechanism to control himself. i'm sorry, i couldn't stop myself. i hope i’m not making uncomfortable, you softly hear, his arms blocking his voice. but you can hear his hope that you aren't mad at him or uncomfortable and you just can't believe he is truly a total sweetheart. you wanted him to kiss you, but he still respected you. you've got yourself a man, so willing to protect and respect you and your needs. tho it is the bare minimum, he does it with so much care and perhaps love. you can only give up with the slow pace, you once wanted. so you back up a bit, just enough to be able to look at him. jake, you've been amazing. you dont have to apologize for anything, you reassure him. i actually wanted you to kiss me, you shyly admit, breaking the eye contact. you wanted me ... to kiss you... ?ᩚ he excitedly says, his puppy tails wagging, can i still ? he hurrydly and expendly says, showing you the brightest smile of his. you can only look back to him, smiling back at him. and the second you nod, he grabs your waist and you cheek, and softly dives in. the kiss is soft and tender, just like how jake is. you wrap your arm around his neck, a hand on his nap, fingers on his hair, making him smile in the kiss.
you're the one who stop the kiss, but he still keeps you close, his forehead coming to yours, god, he contently sigh before, did i told you you looked pretty tonight ?
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notes : hai anon bby >< i loved your request so so much, i had so munch fun writing it, i did it in one go n almost 1k words ?ᩚ i hope it's more enjoyable to reading than to writeᵎᵎ lemme know <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍓୧⋆ ˚。⋆ tag list : @dreamiestay @jakesprincess1
perm tag list : @allurecile @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @erenmyman @driedflowwr @hoonion @jlheon
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thesilmarillionblog · 9 hours
Summary: Reader asks her friend, Soldier Boy to take her virginity.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: +18! (MINORS DNI), virgin reader!, smut, language, rough Soldier Boy, beard kink, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, friends with benefits
Word Count: 4052
A/N: English is not my first language.
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You grabbed the gun from Ben's suit and placed it in your bag without even waiting for a response since you knew he wouldn't refuse you. “May I take this?” you said. “Just for safety issues.”
Ben joined the team to kill Homelander months ago, and because you two have been on missions together for so long, you two have kind of gotten to know one another. He frequently teased you, and most of the time he really got on your nerves. Another thing Butcher's wanted from you regarding Ben was to make sure you kept an eye on him while he was high or furious. 
He sighed, “You are already in safe hands,” and then gave you a little push toward the car, where Butcher and the other members of the team were waiting. “You know that you are something different. Trying to protect yourself with a firearm in spite of the fact that you already have three supes with you, me included, who are the strongest and greatest.” 
“After the job is completed, even the biggest dicks become smaller. I wonder if your gigantic ego will ever be smaller one day, Ben.”
“Not mine,” he winked at you in between his laughter before the two of you entered the car. “How on earth does a naive virgin speak like that? I must discipline your dirty mouth at some point.” 
He pushed until you reached the other side of the seat, and you muttered, “Shut up.” Your face flushed. “You leave no space for me.”
“Do I look like your personal driver?” Butcher growled at Hughie to come in too, questioned in a disapproving tone. Then Butcher turned back to Hughie, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and said, “Where the fuck is your girlfriend?”
“She arrived earlier with the others. They were driven there by Frenchie already.”
“Will you shut up and drive?” Ben messed with your hair for a while while ignoring what you said that he was going to ruin it, saying to Butcher in an irritated manner. 
“Good boy gone bad, huh?” Ben ignored you and filled the entire seat between your complaints. Butcher murmured, “Let's fucking have some fun there since we may not be finding any free time soon, Navy girlies.” 
Luckily, Butcher managed to locate a club devoid of supes, but it was still massive and insane, complete with loud music. Hughie's gaze found Annie right away, and Butcher followed after him while he winked at the girl who was staring at him with a chuckle. 
You gave Ben a drink and complained, “Do I have to babysit you?” Even though all of the girls were capturing his attention, he was undoubtedly hearing what you were saying. 
He patted your head and said, "Babysit me?" with a look of astonishment. "Sweetheart, it's me who has been watching you for several months. After all, it's easy for you to get into trouble." 
"Me?" As he messed with your hair, you giggled and attempted to push his hands away. "You're always on the verge of being furious for no reason at all, and I have to keep your ego boosted when you are about to lose it." 
"Or maybe I act it this way to get you even more anxious; what do you think? Your human face looks so funny when you're trying to calm me," he smirked and remarked with arrogance. 
Punching him in the chest, you said, "You're impossible," although your wrist ached. You sighed in agony, "Fuck, Ben," and made sure everything was okay by looking at your hand. Thankfully, there were no physical wounds. 
"Why the fuck have you tried to punch me now? Haven't you still learned I'm built to last?" he complained, gently massaging your hands. 
You muttered, "You're so annoying," while he sighed and released your hands. "I can't imagine why almost nobody likes you." 
"All you do this evening is talk rudely with that lovely mouth of yours and spit poison. Also, you are to blame. How many times do I have to tell you not to try to punch me? Wish to adopt a tough-ass persona? You're just a little sensitive, soft doll," he continued to tease, causing you to flush with rage. 
"Remember the day I gave myself a Temp-V injection? When I really punched you, you seemed rather surprised, and I'm sure it hurt." 
“I didn't think being a temporary Supe could happen, and that was a while ago.” Ben continued to smirk and replied, “Keep that in mind. I was merely trying to comprehend the change in your scent when you unexpectedly struck me and pushed me against the wall. You know, I should have been doing that. Of course, I'm not referring to the punching; rather, I'm speaking to the second one, but more gently.”
Ben flirted with you, giving you a tiny pinch on the chin and a wink. He was perhaps the most flirtatious man ever, but the reason he acted this way was that you told him you were a virgin, and even when he understood you were becoming too shy and a little anxious, he continued to tease you verbally. You didn't feel uncomfortable about it, though. 
“Whatever.” You rushed to end it, fearing he would start talking even more profanely. You tried to silence him by putting your palm over his mouth. “When are you going to shave this beard? It's really lengthy.”
He murmured, “I thought you liked it longer and thicker,” as he combed his facial hair. 
This time, instead of being annoyed, you giggled. “You're impossible.” 
You said, “I'm going to check on Annie and others,” feeling a little guilty for something you didn't even understand when you saw him searching for women who fit his tastes. “So that you can have your fun.”
Ben, who had just bought a drink for himself, approached a redhead who had been staring at him passionately ever since he entered the bar. You led the way to join Annie and the rest of the team, but you were carrying a heavy weight that you couldn't quite explain. You did your best to ignore the stupid ache in your heart and laugh out loud at Butcher's half-made-up stories. It was a rare, heartfelt moment of calm after months, shared by all of you as you briefly watched the redhead woman take Ben's head and lead him to the second floor.
Ben's social batteries ran out after a few hours, and when he got into a fight with Butcher, you volunteered to take him home in your car because you were starting to have headaches too. Annie and Kimiko were dancing in the center; it appeared like they were just getting started. Either their heightened enthusiasm was to blame, or you simply didn't feel like having fun at that particular time. Ben was the source of your annoyance because he preferred to spend his time in the club having fun with other women and left you kind of alone.
You just said, “I will drive Ben back; just stop arguing for once,” and snatched Butcher's keys. “I assume everyone will be arriving home late. It appears that Kimiko and Annie won't be calling it a night anytime soon.” After observing them for some time, they realized you were right. Kimiko was high as fuck.
Ben didn't have a shower in his own room, so he quickly took one in yours once you drove home. Surprisingly, he hasn't complained to Butcher about it in any manner, and you've allowed him to use yours anytime he needs to, even if he occasionally takes a shower a bit too frequently, leading you to believe that he does it on purpose to irritate and enrage you so that you two can argue. But no matter what, his unique word choice never failed to make you chuckle.
As he was taking care of himself in the bathroom, you considered something you had long since ignored: your virginity. You could never go one step beyond, not even if you were in your mid-20s. You just didn't want it to be just one fleeting, pointless act, and you didn't feel anything at all. Perhaps you were a shamefully traditional person who was eagerly awaiting the realization of your real fate.
Ben used to make jokes about your virginity, which you didn't mind, but tonight it kind of got under your skin and made you feel uneasy, like there was something wrong with you. It just didn't seem right at all to be a virgin in your mid-twenties. 
“You appear to be lost in thoughts. What's consuming your mind so much?” Ben queried. 
His long beard and damp hair were pouring over the floor as he emerged from the bathroom, his thick, muscular belly wrapped in a towel. Your eyebrows are raised between your sighs. Though you always knew he was extremely attractive, he seemed even more so at this moment. 
Ben glanced at your short dress too, seeing that you were staring at him as your lips parted slightly in a hint of yearning. He smirked, conceited, seeing your legs pushed together. 
“I think I can make a guess.” He walked over to sit on the bed next to you and mumbled. 
You hesitantly said, “I was thinking something,” not quite sure what to say exactly. 
You abruptly asked, trying not to flush too much as you moved the bed and fully turned your body to face him. “Would you take my virginity?” 
Ben exclaimed, “What?” with his lips parted in wonder as he tried to understand what you meant and raised an eyebrow. 
“You already heard me.” 
Ben laughed and ignored your request, saying, “Are you drunk or do you need to jerk off? You're going to be a good nun when you grow up.”
“I'm serious here,” you said, blushing red from embarrassment and rage at the fact that the fact that he didn't take you seriously at all.
Ben's mocking expression changed to one of confusion as he realized you were serious. “I thought you were waiting for the love of your life or something. Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?”
“I wasn't waiting for someone,” you denied right away. “I decided being like this bothers me, and I want to change it.”
You continued, “We have known each other for months, and I think we kind of formed a good friendship during this time,” before he said anything, you added, “It must be okay to ask your friend for help, and it's better than to be with a total stranger, right?”
“I'm not the right person to share something like that.” Ben said in a serious tone, “I don't know why you made this decision so quickly, but you'll regret it tomorrow, I promise. If you are horny, I can give fingerfuck you, though.” It was clear that he was not hearing you clearly. 
“It's not really that significant, is it? I didn't wait for someone right away, as I had said. If I knew I would regret saying it, I wouldn't have said it in the first place. What's the purpose of friends?”
Hesitantly, you reached out to touch his damp arms to gauge his reaction while also conveying your concern. You felt your small confidence begin to fade as you noticed he was staring at you with the same expression, so you brought your hands back to yourself. “Well, of course I won't try to convince you to take my virginity if you don't want to get into such an intimate interaction with me,” you said, trying not to seem offended or disappointed. “It's a different issue.”
Your heart raced under your thin dress as you anxiously awaited his response. 
“I would fuck you with pleasure; it's not that I don't want it,” he added, examining your bare legs and breasts as they rose and fell in time with your heavy breaths. He whispered, placing his rough palms on your chin. “But I can't promise it won't hurt, and I don't want it to be just a one-time thing.”
You muttered, “I know it's going to hurt,” and at last he relaxed and seemed to agree. 
He smirked and continued, “I'll fuck your cunt whenever I want,” staring right into your eyes and making you tremble at the sensation. “You'll spread your legs for me and beg me to fuck you.”
“It's better,” you said as his hand lowered to your throat, causing you to become even more thrilled. You chuckled awkwardly and murmured, “Practice makes perfect, right?”
Your lips parted in ecstasy as his thumb massaged your hardened nipple, and he gently pinched it between his fingers through your dress. He didn't even slightly break eye contact with you, as if he wanted to watch every move you made. 
Ben mumbled, “I wonder if you're dripping under there already,” as he climbed on top of you. Feeling uncertain about what action to take, you placed your quivering hands on his large chest. 
His palm stroked your pussy through your underpants, and you clenched around nothing, murmuring, “I feel like it.” You were already embarrassingly drenched; you knew that. 
“Ben,” you murmured quickly, and his hand instantly froze there. He stared at you, confused, not knowing if you wanted to stop or not. You grabbed his wrist and stopped him just as he was about to return his hand to himself. “Can you do the entire job for tonight” you said in a hesitant manner. “I have absolutely no idea what to do.”
Ben surprised you with a kiss on the forehead and said, “Of course I'll do the entire job. You just lay down and relax. I'm going to take care of you well, okay?”
You nodded quickly, trusting that Ben knew what to do when he started to rub your pussy through your underwear again. Your hips rose higher to meet his movements as he played with your clit with a gentle thumb. “Let's get rid of your dress, huh?” he said, helping you to remove it from your body. You were lying under him naked, except for your underwear.
You wanted to hide your body with your hands because you felt a little shy, but you forced yourself to look at him with courage because you wanted this to be good. Even if he was already erect under the towel, he ignored his own needs to give you the pleasure you needed first.
Then he pinched your nipples once more and added, “You have such lovely tits.” Before you could respond, he put his warm lips on one of your tits and started sucking, giving you very light bites. You were a little scared that he could harm you because you had a big power imbalance since he was a supe, but you chose to put your trust in him because you knew he had experience having intercourse with normal people just like you.
As he continued licking both of your nipples, you placed your hands behind his hair and pulled. You pushed his head to your tit as you raised your hip to match his movement, but you moaned loudly when he ripped off your panties and inserted one of his meaty fingers inside of you slowly, even though you were trying really hard not to scream. It was difficult to take even one finger, so tears welled up in your eyes, but you didn't want to ruin the moment.
Groaning, “Fuck, you are tighter than I expected,” he lifted his head.
When he noticed your pained expression, he began to gently massage your clit with his thumb once again. Thankfully, this helped you feel better, and after a while, you began to slowly tighten around his finger.
He asked in a rough voice, “Do you like me fingering you?” and continued to push his finger in and out. “Your pussy is so adorable and swollen. You so desperately need me to fuck you raw.”
He commanded, “Tell me it's just for me,” tensing up his motions as you continued to tighten around his finger.
You said, “Just for you,” and he attempted to press another finger, but you were simply too tense to take it. You said, “Ben, be slow,” in a panic.
“In order for you to take me easier, we need to properly prepare your little pussy. Now spread your legs and don't cover that adorable cunt,” he gave another command. It was then that you realized you were attempting to press your legs together.
You spread your legs so he could see you as per the directions he gave. You let out a loud cry of pleasure and agony as he carefully inserted another finger. Ben swallowed your groans and stretched you with two fingers, his warm lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
You were moaning inside his mouth while his tongue and fingers dominated you. Ben felt your wetness on his fingers, your hips rising to match his rhythm, and he felt like he might come without even touching himself.
With a harsh voice, he commanded, “Cum on my fingers,” and proceeded to fuck you while your walls tensed up. With a loud moan and his name between your lips, you nailed his biceps while he watched you orgasm under his touch. “Good girl. You are so easy to make cum. Fuck, you're a needy one.”
You continued orgasming and wetting them while Ben held your fingers within. Even though your pussy felt extremely sensitive, he continued to finger you without giving you a minute's break after your climax had passed.
“Ben, it feels sensitive.”
“Fucking take it,” he growled. “You'll come as much as I want you to.”
You muttered, “I don't think I can,” as your legs continued to shake uncontrollably.
“You can and you will,” Ben responded, and he proceeded to fuck you even more forcefully than before.
The bedroom was filled with obscene noises, and your eyes welled up with tears of pleasure.
“Cum to me,” he commanded again, and you instantly clenched around his fingers. Putting your hands over his head, you kissed him, pressing your lips to his in an attempt to stop your moans.
As you orgasmed, you sensed him grinning slightly against your lips throughout the kiss. He whispered, “You're so fucking tight, you're almost going to lock me inside your pussy,” as you calmed down after your climax subsided. “I guess you're ready now.”
Your eyes widened with fear and dread as he removed the towel from his belly and threw it to the ground, revealing his firm cock. Ben began to give himself brief strokes while spreading your legs apart. Aware of your discomfort, he smiled slightly at you. “I'll do my best to be gentle. You're enough soaked already.”
You nodded to him, waiting tensely as you watched him pump himself between his rough hands. You tensed up abruptly as the tip of his cock touched your entrance, and he took himself in hand after giving it enough strokes.
He said, “Relax,” and kept pushing the tip inside. “Fuck, take it already.”
You attempted to let him in, your legs trembling with desire and dread, but you couldn't stop clenching.
You whimpered, your eyes welling with tears, as he thrust his cock inside with a forceful move. You also pulled his hair around his neck. Your hips were being held in place by his hands, preventing you from moving them. You were certain that it would bruise badly.
You cried out in fear, “Ben,” as he persisted in pushing. Tears fell from the corner of your eyes onto the covers when you were nailing his arms.
He groaned, “Calm down,” and gave you some time to relax. “It's just the head.”
“Sorry,” you said, ashamed that you weren't able to bear pain and adding unnecessary difficulty to the procedure.
His eyes widened at the sight of your face, and he planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. He whispered, “Hey, it's okay. You take me so good, so warm,” in between kisses and proceeded to place his cock inside of you once more. You knew it was a major step for you when you felt like he broke your hymen. This time, his hands gently remained on your hips as he sensed a change in your feelings.
Thank goodness, you relaxed between his kisses and compliments, and your wetness allowed him to enter at last. Ben gave you time to get used to his size after his cock completely filled your insides.
After planting another hard kiss on your lips, he asked, “Are you okay now?” and stroked your cheeks. 
You responded, “I'm okay,” as the agony lessened and you began to get pleasure from his cock pulsing inside of you. 
Ben put his hands on the sheets, and as he started to move slowly inside of you, you locked your legs around his hip. 
He groaned, “You're so tight around me,” as he began to move faster. “I should have fucked you sooner.”
He gave you quick kisses, and his bushy beard tickled your chin as he began to fuck you quickly and roughly. “I'll turn this little cunt addicted to my cock.”
As you continued to moan beneath him, he gave another order: “Tell me you want me to fuck you hard.”
You murmured, “Please,” and he slowed down. 
Ben wrapped his hand around your neck and said, “Beg me properly,” but he wasn't using force against you. 
You sighed, “Fuck me hard, please, Ben.” You moaned as you saw his mucsles stretching as he continued to penetrate you quickly and roughly. Your hands nailed his chest and broad abdomen. 
He put your legs on his shoulders and stated, “I'm going to fuck you every day; make you my little cumslut. Do you enjoy having your friend fuck you? Does this turn you on?”
When he kept talking filth, you couldn’t stop clenching around his cock.
He moaned, “Fuck,” in between hard strokes. “Look at this pussy clench. You really get turned on by it.”
Ben intensified his movements as your legs trembled with pleasure around his hips, and you felt your climax strike with a loud moan and a cunning sneer on his face. You tried biting your lip to muffle the moans, but it was difficult as Ben fucked you raw, on top of you, dominating your whole body. 
He whispered, “I'm going to fuck your face another time,” and put his thumb inside your mouth. “Suck it. Prove to me how much you crave my cock inside your mouth.”
You groaned in displeasure as he slowed. Ben strictly said, “Suck it, show me how badly you want my cock inside your mouth, and I'll fuck you as you need,” when you lifted your hips to get him to return to his previous rhythm. 
With the expectation that he would like it, you put your lips around his thumb and started to lick it with your tongue. 
He mumbled, “Fuck yes, gonna cum inside that mouth,” and started fucking you quickly and roughly once more. 
He muttered, “Almost there,” and continued to fuck you while staring at your bouncing tits. 
His hardness continued to throb inside of you as you tightened around him one more time and orgasmed. He moaned and spilled inside of you, filling you with his thick and warm ropes. 
Ben continued to fill your pussy as your climax subsided. You felt incredibly satisfied because you felt so full of his seed. 
When he was finished, he carefully pulled out his cock, exposing the blood at the tip. Ben gave you a long, hard kiss on the lips when he noticed you were staring at it. 
You offered him a tiny smile as he whispered, “Come closer,” and he embraced you with his large arms. “Are you alright?” 
You continued to stroke his beard while responding, “Yes.” Actually, you've never felt better. 
A/N: Maybe I was drunk writing this one shot story. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated. <3
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mustainegf · 1 day
Ello^^ - I saw your posts and I’d like to a request:) with James Hetfield
I was thinking more of a kill em all era James x the reader - James is embarrassed about liking the reader and everyone knows but he denies ever liking them and they over hear. The reader stops showing interest in James until they went out to celebrate after a concert and the reader was being harassed by a man. James gets jealous, angry and then everything escalates? With a bit of fluff, angst and if you feel up to it maybe some smut?
I love your stories :)
THIS IS SO CUTE kill em all James has my heart forever, he’s so bf
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I've always known there was something different about James Hetfield.
From the moment I first laid eyes on him, his persona shot electric energy into every nook and cranny, which one could hardly ignore. The way he played, the way he laughed, the way he demanded your attention without trying.
But the thing that really got to me was his smile, that real candid grin that skips a beat in my heart every time that I see it.
From day one I had a crush on him, who wouldn't? I tried to keep it subtle, small acts of kindness, peals of laughter at his jokes, extra attentions here and there.
I thought maybe, just maybe, he feels the same way. But every time I looked at him, he seemed distant, almost like he was avoiding me. I couldn't get to the bottom of it, but I wasn't going to let it get to me. Not right then, at least.
Then one day, everything flipped.
I was backstage, waiting for the show to start, when without realizing it, I began to hear James conversation with the guys flowing into my ears. I could feel my pulse because I knew they were talking about me. I went a little closer, just enough to pick up the conversation.
"Come on, man," Kirk goaded. "We all know you like her. Why don't you just admit it?"
James laughed nervously. "What? No, I don't like her. You're crazy. I mean she's cool, but I don't see her that way."
My heart sank. The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt my face flush with embarrassment and hurt. What a stupid me it was, thinking maybe he would actually like me back.
I felt the sting of the tears in my eyes but blotted them, forcing myself to remain calm. I quickly got out of the backstage area, not wanting anyone to see just how upset I was over something so stupid.
From that day forward, I withdrew from James. I no longer made special efforts to talk to him, stopped laughing at his jokes, and ceased to scan crowds for his pretty golden hair.
It was hard, but I could not stand the idea of continuing to hold on to something that obviously was not going to happen. I threw myself into whatever I could, trying to forget about him, but an ache in my heart just wouldn't go away.
Weeks later, when yet another concert ended, the band wanted to go out and party, like always. I didn't want to go, but Lars persuaded me. "Come on, you need to loosen up a bit. you've had a stick up your ass the last while!" He dragged me along.
We wound up at some crowded bar, way too loud music and the drinks too strong. I tried to have a good time, but my heart wasn't in it. There I sat at the bartop, watching everybody else have all the fun, laughing and dancing.
A drunk man, someone I didn't recognize, lurched over to me. His breath smelled of beer, and his eyes were sort of glassy. "Hey there, pretty lady," he slurred, swaying a little too close for comfort. "What's a girl like you doing here all alone?"
I tried to blow him off politely. "I'm just here with friends," I said, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone. But he didn't.
His hands dug into my thigh. "Come on, don't be that way, doll. Let's have some fun." The low, mean voice itself started my heart beating in fear.
"I'm alright, sorry." I shooed, begging with everything in me that he would just go away.
That's when his hand, if not already pushing the limits, began to creep under the hem of my denim shorts
I looked everywhere for help, but everyone was too caught up in their own world to observe.
That was when I saw James. He stood some feet away, talking to Kirk. His eyes met mine, and for a second, I saw a flicker of concern in them. My eyes pleaded with him, pleaded fir him to help me.
Then his expression turned cold, and he started towards us. His jaw was clenched and set at the fists.
"Hey!" James yelled across the noise of the bar. "Fuck off!"
The guy turned, a sneer on his face. "And who the hell are you?"
James didn't bother to reply. He reached out and jerked the guy's arm, pushing him away from me. The guy stumbled but caught his balance quickly. "You think you're tough, huh?" he spat, his face red with anger.
"Keep your dirty fuckin' hands off of her." James didn't back off an inch. "If you don't leave her alone, I'll make you regret it," he said, his voice dangerous enough to slit any throat.
I was shocked and thankful for James defending me like this, with how shy and introverted he was, it showed me that on some level, he actually did care.
The guy took one more step closer. For a second, everything seemed explosive. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let James get hurt because of me.
I reacted before thinking, reaching out to take James's wrist in mine. "James, stop," I said, my voice vibrating. "Please, let's just go..."
His eyes were steamed with anger as he turned his gaze on me. He remained there for a little, and I was scared that he wouldn't back off after all. But he slowly cooled down. He gave the guy one last fuming look and then turned back onto me. "Alright," he said softly. "Let's get out of here. I'll take you home."
James walked me to my car, his hand sat lightly at my back, making my cheeks pink. But I was still shaken from the whole experience earlier. I could feel the stress oozing from his body, anger wound up and simmering like a pot ready to spill over.
At my car, I turned to him. "Thank you," I said, my words just barely a whisper.
His eyes didn't leave mine as he nodded. "I couldn't just stand by and watch it happen." He turned to me slowly. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, but the truth was that I wasn't. At least, not really. And it had nothing to do with the man in the bar.
The hurt from before still lingered. I didn't want to be alone tonight. I needed him, even if he didn't feel the same way.
"James," I caught his attetion. "Would you stay with me? Just for tonight... I don't want to be alone."
He looked at me for so long, his face practically unreadable. Then he nodded. "Of course," he said softly. "I'll stay."
The drive to my house was dead silent, the air thick. We finally pulled up to my apartment, and I got out, leading him inside. With how nervous I was, I wasn't quite sure what to say or do. But looking at him, all I saw was that boy with whom I had fallen in love, who just saved me without a single hesitation.
We stood in the living room. "James," I started softly, "I- I just want to fall asleep with you. Can you to hold me..?"
His eyes softened as he moved a little closer toward me and took my hand in his which instantly made me flush. "I can do that," he spoke very softly. "Come on, let's go to bed."
We walked to my room. Something about having him here with me felt right. We lay down on the bed, and James wrapped his arms around me, holding me close like it was the only thing he'd ever wanted.
I could feel his breathing, strong and comfortable as we lay there intertwined. Closing my eyes, his warmth, the rising and falling of his chest, was soothing. And in that moment, I realized just how much I cared about him, how much I loved him.
"James," I whispered, my voice hardly audible. "I… I heard what you said. Backstage. That you don't like me."
He tensed a bit more, his grip on me tightening. "I'm sorry," he said, pained. "I was scared. I lied..."
I looked up at him; our eyes met, breath so close. "You don't have to be scared. I love you, James. I have a long time..."
James took a very long pause as he soaked in my words, eyes never leaving mine, not even for a second. "I love you too," he admitted, just enough for me to hear from only inches away. "I guess I've been too scared to tell you."
I smiled, he loved me. James loved me.
"You don't need to be scared," I told him. "I'm right here."
He bent down, pressing a light kiss against my forehead. "Me too..." he whispered. "I promise." to matter.
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wordsarelife · 11 hours
—bigger than the whole sky
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: you get bad news and theo is conflicted about it being his fault
warnings: sad, but ends in (kinda) fluff, trauma, mentions of war
theo was watching you as he always did as you sat at the avenclaw table, chattering with your friends.
his friends were used to that weird habit of his, it seemed like wherever you went, theo was close to watch over you.
"what is it with you and that girl?" mattheo's voice made theo raise his head.
"y/n?" theo asked surprised.
"of course, y/n" blaise rolled his eyes next to him. "what other girl could he possibly mean? all you ever do is stare at her"
"we're friends" theo shrugged. it was true. you guys weren't the best friends in the world but would occasionally meet up on the astronomy tower since you had run into each other there in third year. theo had recognized the book under your arm and you had spend and hour sitting and talking about it.
you often came there now to exchange books and read in silence or talk about them after you had finished them.
"yeah, looks like it" draco said sarcastically as he watched theo's eyes glide back to your form.
"just admit you're in love with her and they'll stop bugging you" pansy nudged the tall boy next to her and theo just shrugged.
"i don't know"
"you don't know, what?" draco asked with a raised brow "you don't know if you're in love with her?"
theo nodded his head and his friends sighed simultaneously.
"how can you not know that?" enzo spoke for the first time "have you never been in love?"
"just because you fall in love with every girl you see, doesn't mean we all do" mattheo joked and enzo frowned at him.
"i'm just not sure, okay?" theo said defensively, without taking his eyes off of you "and even if.. it would never work"
without theo noticing, pansy smiled at him, as he watched his eyes light up as you noticed his eyes and raised your hand, waving at him. "how do you feel around her?" pansy asked softly.
"warm" theo simply said, before he continued "when she looks at me, it feels like the sun glazing my skin during the summer. and when she laughs it sounds like the wind moving the trees. i have the need to keep her safe all the time, even though i know that nothing will happen to her here"
"i think you have your answer, mate" blaise said and theo had never noticed him sounding so sincere and serious. he looked between his friends. they all spotted a similar expression, atleast until his eyes fell on pansy, who looked like she was about to cry.
"that was beautiful" she muttered, while she snuffled her nose "why don't you ever say things like that about me, draco?"
draco's eyes widened in surprise, before his face spotted an expression similar to betrayal, as he turned his head to look at theo. "thanks, mate, for raising the bar to the sky"
pansy slapped his arm and draco's eyes were back on her again, just like theo had already turned his head back at you, not even hearing a word of what draco had said.
you threw your head back, laughing at something the girl next to you had said, before you turned your head and raised your eyebrows in surprise as an unfamiliar owl landed on the table in front of you.
theo raised his eyebrows too. he watched as you ripped open the letter and your eyes scanned the paper. he could not read the expression on your face and was wondering what you were thinking, when you quickly muttered something to the girl next to you and stood up, rushing out of the hall.
"was she crying?" blaise asked surprised and theo quickly remembered seeing a few tears slipping over your cheeks.
and then he knew what letter you had just gotten.
"a ministry owl" he said for his friends to hear. he didn't have to further explain. they all knew what that meant
"oh" pansy said and all color vanished from her face. "do you think..?" she left the question unfinished and theo just nodded.
"where do you think she'll go?"
"i know where" theo muttered "but i'm not sure that i should be the one to comfort her now"
"what? why not?" mattheo shrugged "you clearly love her"
theo looked up from the table and his friends noticed the hint of tears in his eyes "what if it was my father? i can't possibly try to comfort her, when i'm one of them, can i?"
"you're not one of them" pansy shook her head "you're not you're father, none of us are our parents"
"that doesn't matter. there's a war brewing and when it comes down to it, i'm on the wrong side"
"you're still her friend" draco argued.
"draco is right and that you're conflicted on all this shows how much you care enough to not let your beliefs come between you two" pansy said.
"go" enzo nodded.
theo stood up from the table and walked out of the hall in a quick step. he took two steps at once when he walked up the astronomy tower. just like he expected you were already there.
you were staring down to the grounds of hogwarts, while quite tears ran over your cheeks. they were reddened just like your eyes and despite it all, theo thought that you were incredibly beautiful.
you turned around when one of the floorboards made a sound when he stepped closer, but quickly relaxed once you noticed it was him.
"hey" theo muttered, before he sat down beside you. "is it alright if i sit with you?"
"you already are" you shrugged, but there was no malicious intent in your voice and theo relaxed.
you sighed, before you pushed the letter from the ministry in the taller boys direction. theo's eyes scanned the words on the page.
"they burned our whole house down" theo looked up from the paper when you started speaking. "they didn't find my parents once the aurors arrived. they're not sure if they could flee, or if the death eaters took them"
"i'm sorry" theo muttered, while he folded the paper. "i hope they're alright. i wish i could do something"
"you've come here" you said softly, before you moved closer to him, before you put your head an his shoulder. theo reluctantly raised his arm, before he gently rested his hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer.
"do they know who did it?"
"do they know which death eaters--" you sat up suddenly and theo fell silent.
you frowned at him, scrunching your eyebrows together as you thought about what he was implying with that. you were not stupid, you knew that many of your classmates parent's were involved with the wrong people.
theo just stared at you blankly, while you did the same. neither of you said a word, before he tried to look away.
"what are you talking about?" you asked, bringing his attention back to you.
"nothing, i just--"
you could read the sadness and regret in his eyes. he looked like he was personally at fault for whatever had happened to your home and family.
"you think your father could have done it"
his eyes widened when he heard the anger in your voice. he watched as you stood up from the floor and walked to the middle of the tower.
"y/n" theo muttered, as he rose to his feet and followed you. he was interpreting your anger in the wrong way. "i'm sorry, i know that i--"
"that you what?" you said angrily as your turned around to look at him. "this is not your fault, theo. you don't get to think or say it is"
theo raised his eyebrows as he realized what you were really angry about. you weren't angry that both of your lifes had been dedicated to opposing sides through the acting of your parents. no, you were angry that he thought he was somehow to blame for something that had been decided before he was born.
"i don't know what i can do, y/n" theo said helplessly "i want to comfort you, but how could i when there's a chance that i'm a part of what caused your hurt" "you're not part of any hurt, theo" you shook your head "what's happening out there has nothing to do with you and me"
"but what if it has?" theo gulped and tears shimmered in his eyes "what if the war comes and we have to kill each other"
"i won't let it come to that"
"how can you know?"
"i don't know anything, i just know that right now, all i want is for you to hold me"
theo looked at you for a few seconds and you weren't sure if he would just turn around and walk away, but he softly nodded his head, before he opened his arms, so that you could step inside.
after a few minutes, you softly stepped back and took his face in both of your hands.
"i don't know what's going to happen to us, theo" you whispered as theo watched you closely. he felt the warmth of your hands on his cheeks and your touch felt so familiar that he wasn't sure if he could ever live without it. "all i know is that we will not become the victims of our parents decisions"
theo nodded and you did the same. he softly kissed your forehead, before he brought you back to his chest and just held you for what felt long enough to fix anything that had not yet happened to you.
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detectivereads · 2 days
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Dungeon Meshi Thursday!
Ok part 2 of the Red Dragon Arc, we need answers of what happen with Falin. I do have a lot to say about certain characters so this might be long.
I may rehash a rant that I had in Vol 5, just because it shows up a lot in here. I will get into it when it’s in full swing. But I also have some thoughts on what Laios did as well. I would like to apologize if I tend to go on a tangent about Shuro. This volume has a lot of drama.
Ok, Vol 6 it picks up where Laios’s group meets up with both Shuro’s group and Kabru group, after some friendly-ish banter between everyone, and getting a meal ready to eat.
I have issues with Maizuru, yes, I can see her as the brains of their group, however I don’t like how she comes off as superior towards Senshi. (I don’t like people being mean to Senshi. Senshi is a precious bean.)
With that aside, I did like Chilchuck in this volume, thinking which of the two people Laios and Senshi he needs to stick by in order to do damage control if they irritated someone of in the new groups, he picks Senshi. I can see with his enthusiastic nature towards dungeon cooking.
However, Chilchuck picked the wrong person to keep an eye on, because while that was happening Laios had given a play by play to Shuro on what happened, how Falin was brought back from the dead. Shuro freaks out, and when looking at the method of using old magic when it has been forbidden a non-magic person would freak out about.
I can see both sides.
Laios wanted his sister back and Marcille could do a spell that could bring her back. Now, Marcille knew what she was doing, and even said that the spell was nothing nefarious.
While Shuro being a non-magic user hearing this and obeying the law of black magic is outlawed, would immediately end relationships with Laios and Marcille.
This is the start of Laios being moved down in my favorite character tier. Laios was almost expecting Shuro not to tell anyone top side. Granted, I understand that Laios told Shuro out of respect towards the man.
Ok more drama happens with Chimera Falin entering the fight and totally whoops everyone, but at one point she retreats.
With a good chunk of the group dead, they bring back the magic users, but refuse to allow Marcille’s help fearing that she would cast black magic again.
Ok new rant time
Shuro had traveled with Marcille I want to say a for a while. Shuro should know Marcille by now she would cast powerful magic only when she needs it too. Marcille also probably could also read the room that everyone is on edge about the ancient magic she casted to bring Falin back.
I also understand since Shuro is not a magic user he and the other non-magic users have more of a reason to be a bit wary.
I am sorry, Shuro is one of my least favorites at this point when he does get into a fist fight with Laios. Shuro complains that Laios was unbearable to be around that he never takes the hints that Shuro wanted to be alone.
This is another thing that bothers me, again traveling with Laios and the rest of the group before the first red dragon fight. Shuro should have picked up that Laios to put it bluntly is not the brightest blub in the box.
My friend made a nice comparison, that when Chilchuck is getting annoyed with Laios he will tell Laios without beating around the bush. Laios then understands and backs off. Shuro doesn’t voice his issues with Laios. Some people may not pick up the hints that person A wants to be left alone, you have to be direct about.
Ok, rant over.
After the fight and some planning Shuro and Kabru’s group are going topside to tell the lord that there is a more powerful monster in the dungeon.
While Laios’s group is going to defeat the mad mage of the dungeon.
Laios group runs into some shapeshifters, that have taken on the form of the group. As the whole group agrees that Laios is Laios, they locked up the fake Laios and some very obvious fakes of the 3. Everyone agrees that Laios should be the one that figures out who is real and who is fake.
Now we meet a new character, a beast person named Izutsumi, ok I will tell you know I really didn’t like her when I first met them. She is demanding and she threatens the group if they don’t help Izutsumi, she will murder/hurt them.
Izutsumi wants Marcille to take the beast part of her curse off and keeps threating if they don’t help, she will kill them.
 Senshi being the generous soul that he is, makes her some risotto.
But Izutsumi is not really well versed in how to whole eating utensils, having issues holding a spoon but is still shoveling the food down quickly. I can overlook that no one is perfect, but Izutsumi doesn’t like mushrooms (Ok, I don’t care for mushrooms either.) But she lets them fall to the floor.
Senshi has the patience of a saint, but it looks like Senshi patience has run out (psyche! Senshi is a sweet bean) But then Izutsumi’s curse is activated and a Japanese looking ghost (I’m sorry the name of the ghost with a oni looking mask and craving knife escapes me at the moment.)
So, once again Senshi giving so wise wisdom and being a bad ass taking down the ghost/demon, why using utensils a certain way will maximize the usage.
However, Marcille breaks the news to Izutsumi, her curse is not going to come off. Which crushes Izutsumi. (Or Marcille is unfamiliar with the process of the removal, she also goes into detail about the different types of ancient magic. While she specializes in one type she doesn’t know this type.)
The last chapter, I got newfound of respect for Marcille.
Marcille is facing a nightmare and Laios goes into her dream and tries to help. Through his adventure, Laios understands the fear that Marcille faces being part elf.  I will leave it at that.
Ok I know I had some rants throughout this volume, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like it. I have my favorite characters (if it’s not obvious) while throughout the journey I get new respect for others or others are moved down on my favorites list.
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