#I just wanted to geek out about it atm
teamcavota · 2 months
i know lots of people have waxed poetics about the line and I'll make it clear I wont be saying much that hasn't been said before right now but
i just fucking love the line, "you're Cavendish, waddya gonna do?" it isn't just about the central thing behind the line which is that Dakota could not imagine taking any other actions than he has because Cavendish just means that much to him, but also because the line could have been "you're my partner/best friend, so waddya gonna do?" and purely highlighted the relationship aspect. however, with the line in the show there's an aspect of Dakota saying that if the world knew Cavendish like he did they'd all agree too ("he's Cavendish, waddya gonna do.") that Cavendish absolutely being worthy of what Dakota has done for him is as "objective" as the sky being blue.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 3 months
Help me! I'm hypnotized...
The loser roommate I got stuck with did something to my brain. I didn't think it was possible, but that pathetic fag somehow put me in a trance. I don't remember how: with a pendant or spiral; but it doesn't matter! What matters is that at any second he can say a trigger word, and I end up like this: smiling and flexing like a fucking idiot 'till he releases me.
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Sure, I look like I'm alright, but I've been stuck in this pose for two hours. My biceps ache and my shoulders are on fire. Add to that a leg cramp that I cant walk off and you'll realize how awful this torture is.
I'd just been trying to finish an essay (his essay to be exact.) I might be on the football team, but this lazy geek is forcing me to do his homework for him! And even though he ordered me to do that, against my will, he calls me up and says my fucking trigger word! It's fucking ridiculous! I used to go out and party with my teammates on nights like this, but now I'm stuck being this dweeb's mannequin-on-command.
I just know he's going to boss me around when he finally gets here. He'll probably make me cook him dinner again. I'd spit in it if I could -hell, I'd probably poison it if I could- but I know I'll be stuck in my own body again. I hate it when he tells me to smile and serve him like a waiter. God, its humiliating...
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He makes me workout during my free time, which I have a lot of now that I can't speak to any of my old buddies. I gotta say that my body's never looked better. I guess their is one upside to being under his control: whenever he tells me to train harder, I have to do it.
The gym is the one area of my life where I can at least pretend that I'm not someone's trained monkey. Still, the fact that I can't even shower without his permission is a pretty harsh reminder. Whenever I get back from a workout, my legs march straight to the table where I sit, flex, and smile while I wait for him to tell me what to do. It doesn't matter how tired or hot I am. Sometimes, he doesn't even let me shower. He just tells me to mop the sweat up with my shirt and then put it back on.
I think the nerd has a thing for sweaty jocks or something. The thought of this creep making me do all this to get his little dick hard pisses me off more than anything...
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I applied for a job today. It wasn't because I wanted to. My roommate decided that he wants more spending money, so he turned to me and said that I was going to earn it for him. So it wasn't enough for me to be his personal chef, maid, and eye candy! I have to be his fucking ATM now too?!
The tie wasn't my idea either. He told me to go buy some fancy clothes to make sure I impressed my "future employer." He's such a dweeb, and now he's making me dress like a loser too.
Obviously I nailed the interview. It wasn't hard when he programmed me to say things like "I've always wanted to deliver pizzas," or "I want to be the best employee you've ever had!" He made me sound like such a kiss-ass for a stupid minimum-wage job. Even the guy interviewing me thought I was being a bit excessive! I got hired on the spot, and I'm already scheduled every night this week, because my roommate specifically made me ask for as many hours as possible.
Now that I'm done with probably the most humiliating thing I've ever done, I'm stuck flexing with a tie on 'till that asshole gets home...
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I got my first paycheck after a long couple of weeks doing his classwork during the day and delivering pizzas at night. My roommate texted and told me to wait by the front door with my paycheck. Apparently, he's going out tonight with some of his loser friends and wants the cash now. I can't believe I'm about to hand it over to him.
"Hey, handsome," he calls, shutting his car door.
"I'm glad your home, sir. How was your day?"
I do not give a shit about his day! He ordered me to say that whenever he gets back. He's also programmed me to get up and hug him like I'm a fucking queer in love!
"Better now," he purrs, squeezing my butt cheek while we hug, "You should come with me and my friends tonight."
The last thing I want to do is be around him and his pansy-assed friends. "Yes, sir," I smile.
"We're going to a gay bar, and I think you would be an excellent wingman."
My stomach drops at the sound of a gay bar. I don't want to be anywhere near that place, and I really don't want the guy with total control over me parading me around that place like I'm his fucking slut! Where is this going? He wouldn't make me do anything gay, right? The terrifying truth is he could. He could order me to act like a stripper there, or...or worse. Fuck! I don't think there's anything he couldn't make me do. He could order me on my knees right now, and I'd do it with this stupid smile still plastered across my face. He could make me blow his tiny cock, and I'd be helpless to do anything other than enthusiastically suck! I don't want to go to that gay bar. I have to escape.
"Yes, sir," I hear my voice gleefully ring out.
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
Get To Know Me pt 1
Thank you for the tag, @sheepdogchick3 !
1. Were you named after anyone? My middle name is my paternal grandmother's name.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up a bit Tuesday night but fully sobbed was probably last Friday.
3. Do you have kids? No BUT I have a bonus kiddo in the form of my foreign exchange student!
4. What sports do you/have you played? Softball and figure skating when I was in school.
5. Do you use sarcasm? My therapist once said "I can't picture you being anything but witty and bitingly sarcastic at the slightest provocation" so take that for what you will.
6. First thing you notice about people? Generally their demeanor, I will tiptoe around people who seem mad and like they might direct that anger at me. Second, probably height lol
7. What's your eye color? Hazel
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I am NOT a scary movie person! I just don't like being scared like that. I love roller coasters, I love suspense but I'm not big on horror.
9. Any talents? The closest thing I have to a talent is probably writing. I'm also a pretty decent cook and baker. I was a decent actor and director back in the day but now I mostly just use those skills to be a decent public speaker. I also did speech and debate all through high school and college (so if you were on the college forensics circuit in 2008-2011 we probably bumped into each other at least once.) That's about it, I don't have much going for me lol
10. Where were you born? Texas but I don't live there anymore! I love leaning on my Texas history when writing pre-or-no-outbreak TLOU fics though lol like hell yeah I'm going to include little Texas things in there like HEB and Shiner Bock and kolache and Dublin Dr. Pepper FIGHT ME (please don't I will lose)
11. What are your hobbies? This lol But I read a lot, play a lot of board games and D&D (if you want to geek out about these things please DM me I'm so serious), we go hiking and camping a fair bit. I also love film and am going to be starting my big Oscar movie binge probably this weekend.
12. Do you have any pets? One dog named Yondu! He's a lab/pit mix and he's my baby boy, I birthed him myself. He's also incredibly stupid but he's just the sweetest dog you will ever meet, I love him. He's currently wearing a sweater because he loves being warm and he's a snuggly thing.
13. How tall are you? 5'10" (I know, I'm a giant)
14. Favorite subject in high school? English, psychology, theater, journalism.
15. Dream job? Novelist and columnist who is sometimes a talking head so I can get paid to rant about my political opinions. I was a columnist for a few years in there with some syndication when I got picked up by wire services but that's the closest I've come!
NPT: @tightjeansjavi @diversemediums and anyone else who wants to do this! My brain is oddly fried atm and coming up with tags is overly difficult lol
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hood-ex · 5 months
Finished JJK 0
I didn't know the movie was a prequel. I just wanted Yuji to show up the entire time lmao. The blorbo effect of me having a hard time focusing unless blorbo characters are involved.
No but I did manage to focus well enough, and I like that I got to know the year 2 students (or year 1 in this case) better, especially Maki. It makes things more interesting with her sister as well.
I've decided I hate the fact that Toge can only say a handful of curses before he has to tap out. I get that it's a weakness factor of his ability, buuut I still wish he could spit curses for longer than that.
Hearing "goddamn" in a Japanese accent was funny.
Oh yeah the heart nipples dude like what lmao.
I'm interested in seeing how Yuta and Yuji will interact with each other. I feel like their priorities are a bit more in sync in terms of saving/protecting people.
Todo and his Takada-chan agenda lmaooo. That's honestly such a hilarious motive to kick ass faster.
The entire time I was like is Kenjaku that forehead scar dude from season 1. I don't remember if his name was ever revealed in season 1, if so, I clearly didn't hear or memorize it. And then I always just recognized him by the forehead scar, so since he didn't have that in the movie I was like hmm is that the same guy. Are they different men entirely.
Naaaur I just wanna see Yuta and Yuji kicking ass together tbh. Not sure if Yuta returns in season 2, but I feel like he would since the movie was about him.
Ughhh I keep wanting to refer to the characters by their last names instead of their first names since in the sub they always go by their last names. Gojo feels more correct to me atm lmao so anyway I get Gojo's eyes are doing something but idk what, and I don't really care, I just know shit will rock harder when his mask comes off (*cough* Kakashi vibes *cough*) . And no yeah keep your mask on please sir bc those eyes are like elves on cocaine at the Christmas shindig.
Ummm what else... Nanami being a boss as usual. I don't usually buy geek merch, but I'm suddenly wanting a Nanami something of sort. Sticker maybe. Maybe I can slap him over the Nightwing sticker on the back of my phone case.
Kasumi is just a cutie patootie. Looks like a cinnamon roll... could actually kill you. Her hair makes me want to eat a blue Icee though.
I've been wondering who Gojo's teacher was and bam. No teacher reveal. But! Gojo and uhh what's his face... scar man. Scanning my above points quickly to try and find his name... oh Kenjaku. Yeah them being classmates wasn't necessarily surprising. Just because Kenjaku obviously knew a lot about Gojo based on season 1.
I don't remember if I was distracted or it simply wasn't mentioned, but I don't know what Yuta's skills are now. Like what's her face dead girl love monster, her curse self died, and so he shouldn't have access to her assistance now, right? But is her curse energy still embedded in the sword? So he's just a cursed sword user now? Or is he still insanely powerful?
Welp on to season 2 I suppose. I need Yuji's loud annoying ass back in front of my eyes pronto.
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jones-friend · 1 year
Both of these play up to 4 but we only had 2 today. I think they would have been stronger if we had 4 and we are looking to replay them with 4! Brass Birmingham is also the top game on Board Game Geek atm.
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Brass Birmingham is not a game I would seek out on my own. Its industrial revolution baron style theming and aesthetic isn’t one I personally gel with, but I was quite taken by the level of interaction in this game. In Brass Birmingham players use cards to expand their empire, building various productions like coal mines, ironworks, cotton factories, etc. Where this game shines is how the board throws everyone together in the thunderdome.
Cities hold 2-4 slots for buildings. Cities are connected by canals/trains. You can spend coal from your opponent’s coal mine building to build your textile BUT doing so can “flip” the tile, turning over your buildings/realizing the potential of your industries scores you victory points and raises your income. The game also has a brilliant market system where players buy cubes off the board for iron/coal, when a new ironworks/coal mine is built you seek to refresh the market first getting money immediately for each spot refreshed. This means if there’s 4 spots open on the iron market and you make an ironworks with 4 iron it immediately empties and flips getting money, income, and victory points in the same move. And that’s not even mentioning the build up mechanic or beer as an industry.
I usually dont enjoy tycoon games but this one’s beyond the normal quash the market. This one is cutthroat and tight, if youre an avid board gamer check it out.
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Scarface 1920 got a rougher shake being played with 2 people. It really should be 3-4, there were unrealized chances for interaction here and there but anyways. Scarface 1920 has wonderful theming. The board looks great, the pieces are great, the money tokens are great, the art style is exactly where it should be. Aesthetically the game is wonderful.
Mechanically you’re securing booze and guns during prohibition to sell to various neighborhoods as “public goals”, wresting control of these neighborhoods is an important game mechanic. I imagine with 4 there’s less wiggle room (we just made engines and played badminton with cops). Then players have “private goals” in the form of Jobs. These can give powerful passives or game changing interrupts. Build up your neighborhoods, tune up your “gang” in a deckbuilding component.
I also liked how flexible this game is. Each round consists of players playing till they need to reshuffle. When they do we bump the newsie token closer to EXTRA EXTRA when a news event flips. This is the mob looking to exploit some new happening and it works well in flavor and mechanics. It also means the larger your deck the less often you reshuffle and the less often you trigger EXTRA EXTRA. There’s also a crime meter, as you make bigger moves you attract the attention of cops. Make too many big moves and you trigger a raid. Everyone gets hit by the raid, whoevers closest to the top gets hit hardest. An FBI token raises each EXTRA EXTRA giving you less and less wiggle room for your crimes. Whoever has the most money wins.
The flavor is fantastic with this game. It feels great. Setting up and adding to dealers, flipping nightclubs, in a 2 player setup we saw just about everything but the interactive bits. I’d want to play this again with more people. I do think some cards are especially swingy but it was hard to tell. I do recommend giving it a shot if any of these bits caught your eye!
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Hello love 🌿🤍 I wanted to ask if I could have a lotr match-up please?
My pronouns are she/her, I'm bisexual, tho I'm more attracted to men. I'm an Aries sun and leo moon, my mbti type is infj.
I'm quite introverted, tho I'm coming out of my shell more as I get to know people. I can get very stubborn and don't do all too well with criticism. I've always been quite good at school and I like to read, tho I can't seem to concentrate well atm. I'm very creative, like to draw and paint and working with textiles (I've started sewing, knitting and crocheting my own clothes a few years ago).
I absolutely love mythology and really enjoy documentaries and podcasts on history and different lore of ancient cultures. As for music, I listen to almost every genre, tho mostly folk and slower cottagecore-y stuff with a few showtunes here and there. Taylor Swift and Johnny Flynn are my top artists atm. I've played some instruments, accordion and clarinet for gge longest time, and currently I'm trying to master the ukulele and sing occasionally.
I'm going abroad in a few weeks, so I'm both excited and a bit terrified to be far from home for a long time, but I'm trying to romanticise my life there, so that everything will be alright.
Sorry, for oversharing 🥲💕 anyway, who do you see me with? Thank you so much love, I hope you have a lovely day 🤍🤍🌿
hello darling, absolutely you can! really sorry I took so long btw! lotr and grishaverse, i got that right hopefully. you didn’t overshare at all, actually you could’ve given me even more info, so you're fine!
so for lotr,
I ship you with...
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Arwen can be very fierce and very gentle at the same time, but she's confident nonetheless. She's not the in-your-face kind of extroverted some people are, she's very observant, perhaps more introverted, but still very sure of herself. And she's super compassionate - so she's always there for you, always holding your hand, always beside you when you're insecure or not feeling as confident in yourself.
I believe she knows a lot about history and culture, too, but since she's an elf it'll be quite different to what you know. Which just gives you the opportunity to educate each other, to talk about your interests a lot. She'd love to teach you, but she'd love even more to be taught by you.
She really admires your creativeness and what you can do. She loves to watch you draw or paint or sew or knit or crochet - I mean, she loves to see the results, yes, she's amazed every time at your skill and your prowess, but she loves watching you do it even more.
Because elves give music a special meaning, she can also most definitely play an elven instrument, but again, she'd love learning one that you can play that she can't. And she loves dancing, too, so she's dancing with you whenever she hears music, or she's dancing whenever you play.
as for shadow and bone, 
I ship you with... 
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First of all, Nina is so confident. She's so outgoing, so extroverted, so she's really the opposite of you, but that doesn't clash in the slightest. No, absolutely not: she's the best person to motivate you, to hype you up, to make you feel confident in yourself. At the beginning, sometimes she went overboard and made you feel a little uncomfortable, but she always realised quickly and apologised and bettered herself.
Nina, just based on her education alone, can also totally play an instrument, and she knows a shit ton about culture and mythology, which means that the two of you can geek out. And/or form a band. Like, you wouldn't need podcasts because she could just tell you so many things. But she'd also absolutely listen to those podcasts with you. So.
Plus, you sewing clothes? Holy shit. Nina is in love. Nina has fallen head over heels. She knows she looks good and she loves fashion, styling herself, I bet she's tried to make her own clothing before too, and now that you do it? Now that she's found someone who can? Oh. She is begging you to make more and more clothes for her and every time you do, she is just over the moon. Like, you've never seen her happier.
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hey, sorry to bother you, but you always seem in the know; do you happen to know why sites like seat geek are already seeming to “resell” 5SOS tickets if they’re not on sale yet? I just find it weird…
I have to travel for this tour and I’m so scared that I won’t get tickets. It sounds like so many people want tickets (can’t blame them), but I’m worried that we all won’t be able to get them. That it will be like Taylor Swift 2.0 😭 what are your thoughts?
No bother, I'm happy to help! Your instincts are right, those tickets aren't on the up and up. Those listings are known as "speculative" listings, meaning that the seller does not yet own the tickets they're promising (usually because they're not on sale yet!) and they're simply "speculating" that they'll be able to fulfill your order. This type of listing is supposed to be against the rules of third party sites (Ticketmaster marketplace, SeatGeek, VividSeats, StubHub, eBay, etc) but still pop up quite a bit. I don't have the stats on how often they turn out but I feel confident saying it's not a wise purchase as there's no way to guarantee you'll get exactly what you're paying for.
As far as the ticket sales go, I won't jinx everyone by saying there's nothing to worry about but I will say I think the fandom is an echo chamber of unnecessary hype and worry atm. I know everyone's excited (and a lot of us - myself included - are rightfully still smarting from the Eras fiasco) and a lot of that excitement is taking the form of nervous chatter but I personally don't see reason to assume demand for this tour has increased in any significant way, especially given the fact that in most markets, these dates are going on sale less than a year from the previous tour. It's not an exact comparison of course - there's less dates but in some cases, larger venues and ofc demand is going to be higher than typical for the areas they don't frequent - but I think it's worth noting that even at the height of their mainstream fame, day 1 sell outs were not the norm.
And of course, if for some reason you can't get what you need during presale or general sale, third party sellers are always an option. Again, fandom socials often dwell on the worst case scenarios but not all alternative sellers are scammers trying to steal your money or professional resellers overpricing to maximize profit! It takes patience and diligence sometimes but it is often possible to find real tickets at reasonable prices.
In any case, there can be successful, pleasant ticket buying stories, we just hear about the bad ones more often because misery loves company and when people are upset they want to feel heard and validated in their reaction. But at this point, until tickets go on sale, all we can do is hope for the best, plan for the worst and try to keep a level head until we see what happens! I have my fingers crossed for you and I hope you have exactly what you need at this time next week! 💙
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I was tagged by @soft-girl-musings - thank you!^^
Last song: I think it was Judas by Lady Gaga. I haven’t even heard that song all but maybe 1 or 2 times, but one event on a game I’m playing caused that song to play in my head so had to listen to it to remind myself how it sounds.
Currently watching: I’m not watching anything atm, I feel so burnt out, that it’s a miracle I can even invest in a game.
Currently reading: Currently on a break (bc of that feel of being burnt out), but I have several books I’m currently reading:
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (reread, last time I was 12 years old)
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley (reread)
Yön sydän on jäätä by Virpi Hämeen-Anttila (reread, it’s a Finnish detective novel, a first part of a series about an employee of interior ministry who helps police to solve crimes in 1920s)
Currently obsessed with: Kingdom Come: Deliverance game. Found it last year thanks to my friend, had a break for several months, and got back to it, more addicted than before. xD Finished my first playthrough and started another one, after I got the DLCs. I just love the medieval setting, and that the story is set in Bohemia, not in the most used places, like England or France. And me, a history geek, LOVES how the story is based on actual historical events, and even many of the characters in the game have existed irl. Wonderful roleplaying game about Bohemia in 1403, and I love that I can talk about it with my friend, bc she plays it, too.
Tagging (no need to do, unless you want to): @knight-engale, @syntymatitahna, @possiblyseph, @mxgicthot, @misery-lake, @vissentasenadz, @devoraqs ❤️
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I think he was a little flirty today 🤭
So as soon as I got to school I was finally able to check my phone when I see that my professor sent an email that class was cancelled 🙃 so I got more time to hang out with Gary :) and we brought our yearbooks today so it worked out perfectly. So he ended up bringing one of his yearbooks from middle school and he was telling us funny stories and that man looked so different especially bc he had short hair. Oh yeah but before we decided who was going first with their yearbook, I was like well I'm least important since I just started hanging out with them and he was like no you're just as important and my brother's female friend was saying the same and Gary was like you're so important it's unhinged and I was like oh okay. It was funny too bc he realized just how much older he is than me, (he's currently 4 years older ATM but after my birthday it'll be 3) especially when he realized that as soon as he left high school, I was just entering and he was like I feel really old. But it was funny bc in one of my yearbooks I pointed out how there was a new p.e. teacher that was actually young and good looking and he was like I'm assuming the teacher you had was none of that and so I pointed at the pic of my old p.e. teacher and I was like he wasn't my type and Gary pointed out 3 things about him and my brother's friend said to Gary, well you're only 2 of those things, one of them being old bc well Gary's not bald but when their friend said that in my mind I was like 😆 so some time later Gary, my brother, and his friends were geeking out over a video game and saying how they can ironically dress like the characters (in a casual way so it's not costumey) and Gary was wondering who he'd be and I pointed out my fav character and when some of their other friends joined in he was like she said I should be this character so ofc I'm thinking aw is he really taking what I said into account. Before I had to leave, he wanted to go get some lunch and he was like oh but you're about to leave and he still went and as he was leaving I said you better run and he was like well if you wanna say bye to me so badly. And when I was leaving, we did our handshake and he was like your nails are better than mine so it looks better when you do it
- 🍓
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trashcritter · 2 months
Tag Game!
@haru-sen kicked me down on the playground, stole my lunch money, and twisted my arm until I agreed to fill this out.
Some things about me
Favorite Color: blue
Last Song: London Calling, The Clash
Currently Reading: whatever is up on my AO3
Currently Watching: nothing atm, just finished Geek Girl
Currently Craving: a nap
Coffee or Tea? Coffee, though there are occasions when only tea will do
Continuing the cycle and tagging in @cinnasalmon @poetryvampire @el-inle and anyone else who wants to, I don’t make the rules
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Genre? Yes. It's whatever we decide is our vibe when we roll into practice. It's very fun for me honestly cause I'm the bassist (most.importsnt part) and singer so I just get to fuck about and find out making noises. We list ourselves as indie rock but kinda depends one how we feeling because we all have different musical backgrounds and influences which makes some really interesting dynamics. I can't name the band because then I'd also be letting people know who I actually am irl unfortunately and also I don't want anyone being like "omg its the tumblr fanfic boy" at a gig (I live in fear)
Solo stuff I mostly post on YouTube or do the local uni radiostation shows. Just cause its easier for me. Tend to write more within the vein of the same genre as the 1975 with more folk thrown in because I'm more limited when it's just me lmao. Did do a Midwestern emo phase tho because it was funny. Atm im starting a new YouTube and I'm doing a concept ep of Greek mythology based songs and also some songs for @byyourside28 and her fic series (I'm lame I know)
Dude, noooo THAT ACTUALLY SOUNDS MIND BLOWING 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 for real like that’s amazing. This shit is hardddd. And the fact that you’re doing it when nobody’s making you means you do it cuz you love it. That’s what it’s about. Tremendous respect and admiration for that.
And I totally understand you not wanting to name the band. I have some regrets about casually putting everything about myself on here HAHA.
THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY SOUNDS FUCKIN COOL BROOOOO. I’m a massive geek for that sort of thing so like that sounds like the sort of thing that I’d be legitimately excited about. And, I’ve only just started re-acquainting myself with @byyourside28 ‘s work (cuz I have ADHD and will read something then forget to come back to it again or for part 2 etc) but I can already understand why would be happily doing that.
Sounds fantastic, no exaggeration. I hope that you can flesh it out into a sustainable career after uni!
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
is this one still up? looks really fun!
Send in a couple things about you, personality + gender + gender preference,, and I'll give you a character I'd pair you with platonically (add your fandom!!)
so, im an intp, i love horror movies and mystery books (my favs at the moment are those from stalking jack the ripper series yk), im a rock/metal music lover, i draw some stuff and write abt romance&horror (usually they walk together), i play rpg and atm im trying the dungeon master thing. i dont talk to alot of people, that takes tooo much energy, few people think im rude cause tbh i dont have much patience and i dont let people step on me yk, still i care too much abt others (i just dont like them to know it), so i help anyone that asks for it on my own way, but i hate being helped cause talking abt my problems makes me feel weak. also i go for she/her and i dont have any gender preferences.
my fandoms are stranger things, twd, supernatural, wednesday, hp and alice in borderland (yep you dont write abt some of these but i like to talk abt them:])
yes all my events are still up!
like you said, i don't write for all your fandoms, however i can give you a matchup for; stranger things, the walking dead, wednesday and harry potter!
we actually have a LOT in common,, you just seem cooler than me tbh
(id love to talk to u about horror btw)
stranger things -> this one id like to put you with eleven hopper!
the way id mostly support this is you seem a lot like max, and those two have one of the best bonds (though i ship elmax this friendship would be platonic)
youd help her with bullying problems and would NOT let her ever feel bad about herself
and tbh i think you guys could be a badass duo (not side kick way cause youd both bring equal amounts to the table)
plus i think will would warm up to you and im sure you could help him with his sexuality issues (we all know he thinks badly of himself)
but el would just really adore you, and you her i think itd be a good friendship all around
(i genuinely think shed be scared of horror movies and then she sees a slasher and then is a fanatic tbh)
the walking dead -> i think i want to put you with glenn
hear me out, him being a poser before the apocalypse and you GENUINELY teaching him about punk/rock, and horror culture
like when hes passionate about something he stands his ground,, and you stand his ground with him (you two always win bc youd always be right)
the two of you BOTH going on the ride in his red car
being friends with him since day 1 of the apocalypse and bonding
helping him in your secretive ways and him noticing it >>
he would hes very good at detecting things like that,, and would be v thankful but wouldnt tell you cause obviously you dont want to talk about it
plus hed silently understand your feelings so u dont need to express them
wednesday -> i give you ajax!!
see hypothetically, i think xaviers the type to also be super into horror and punk/rock
so ajax is already heavily exposed to your interests + i think hed be into some horror
and hes the type to enjoy a light amount of rock/punk
i think hed be big on apocalypse shows for some reason
i feel like neither of tou are comfortable sharing emotions you just kind of know everything about eachother and act accordingly
you guys could geek out over new horror movies and such!!!
plus you and enid would get along really well so you three would be best pals
i think youd bud heads with xavier so the two of you would probably argue a lot and Ajax would bully the two of you about it
Harry Potter -> I want to pair you with Fred and George
i cant even explain this one
you guys just are best friends
and youre the only one that ever gets serious (when you need to ofc)
plus they def dont discuss feelings to one another lets be honest
I hope these work for you!!! :)))
0 notes
cyncerity · 2 years
the last post did so much better than expected! i’m genuinely really surprised, thanks for all the support on my short little shitty comic hsjsksl
Anyway, here’s pt. 2!!
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Steve has been worried sick for days thinking his little brother was killed by their resident human meanwhile Dustin has acquired a new big brother
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
I couldn’t stop myself.  Apparently, the posts I made earlier about Angie using a wheelchair to get around when she’s a snake in Monster Falls struck a chord with me, because they inspired me to write this whole thing the second I got home lmao.
             Ford held up the amulet Angie had purchased from the Crawlspace, inspecting it closely.  Light glinted off the cabochon citrine about the size of a pinky nail.  White freshwater pearls surrounded the citrine, making a design akin to a flower of some sort.
             “And what did you say this was?” he asked, running the thin gold chain through his fingers.
             “A Glamour.  It’sssssss to disssssguisssssse me assssss a human,” Angie replied.
             “Fascinating.  So it will transform you?”
             “No.  It’sssssss more of a portable illusssssssion than anything.  It won’t caussssse physssssical changesssss.”
             “I see.”  Ford looked at her.  “May I try it?”
             “Ah.”  Angie grimaced.  “It’sssssss bessssspoke.”
             “Unique.  Made to order.  It’ll only work fer the perssssssson the charm wassssss dessssssigned fer.”
             “Hmm.  A shame. I’d like to use one myself.”
             “I tried it out a bit ‘fore I bought it,” Angie said.  “It made me awful itchy.”  Stan snorted quietly.  He and Angie had just returned to the cabin from their latest shopping trip at the Crawlspace.  Stan wanted to go back to his cave and curl up with the various objects he’d procured, but Ford insisted on going over each and every item.  So he was stuck in his human form, which still needed some work in his opinion, while Ford geeked out over the magical things.
             At least I’m not the only one who just wants to go to bed.  Angie kept glancing at the ramp that led to the attic.  A few days ago, Fiddleford had replaced the stairs with a smooth ramp, making it easier for Angie to slither up to the attic room that she had taken residence in.  He planned on replacing all the stairs eventually.  C’mon, Sixer, this is the last magic tchotchke, you don’t need to spend ten years looking at it.
             “You tried it out?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded.  “So it works, then.”
             “Yessssss.  If it didn’t, I wouldn’t have bought it.”  Angie yawned. She daintily covered her mouth with her hand, but the gesture didn’t fully obscure her vicious fangs.  “I ain’t a fool.”
             “I’d imagine this was far from cheap,” Ford remarked, still peering intently at the necklace.  Angie turned pink.  Stan stifled a snicker.  He’d been there.  He knew exactly how much the seller asked for.  “Is there an ATM of some sort in the Crawlspace, where you can convert human money to the currency magical creatures use?”
             “Ah, no.”
             “How did you pay for it, then?”
             “Well…”  Angie rubbed the back of her neck.  “Yesssssss it cosssssst a pretty penny, but I wasssss able to barter.  I traded sssssssome unicorn hair fer the Glamour.” Ford’s head shot up.  He stared at Angie.
             “Unicorn hair?” he asked.  Angie nodded.  “How did you get your hands on unicorn hair?”  Angie’s gaze flicked over to Stan briefly before returning to Ford.
             “Found it,” she said cagily.  Ford narrowed his eyes, evidently not believing her, but he dropped it nonetheless.  Fiddleford, sitting in the corner tinkering with some bits of metal, hamboned something. “I’d love to ssssssshow ya, Fiddsssss. In fact, I wassssss plannin’ to. But I can only do ssssssso if Ssssstanford ever givessssss it back to me.”
             “Ah.”  Ford handed the Glamour to Angie.  “My apologies.  Please, demonstrate.”  Angie slipped the chain of the necklace over her head.  She closed her eyes and muttered the trigger word.  With a puff of yellow glitter, Angie stood before them, fully human.  She opened her eyes.  Part of Stan felt saddened to see them look so human.
             Those snaky slit pupils are sexy as hell. Fiddleford clapped, making Angie smile and blush.
             “Remarkable,” Ford breathed.  “Fantastic, you’ll be able to go into town with Stanley to fetch supplies for the cabin.”  Ford glared at Stan.  “He keeps forgetting the essentials in favor of beer and toffee peanuts.”
             “Those are essential,” Stan argued.
             “You don’t consume either of them anymore, nor do you even live here!”
             “Old habits die hard.”
             “Sweet Moses,” Ford said, shaking his head.
             “Unfortunately, I can’t go into human town,” Angie said quietly.
             “Why not?”
             “The Glamour actsssssss weird when I move around,” Angie mumbled.  “I don’t think it knowssssss how to transsssslate a ssssssnake tail into human legsssss.”
             “What do you mean?” Ford asked.
             “I’ll jusssssst ssssssshow ya.”  Angie moved forward.  The illusory legs buckled under her without giving way.  Stan winced as he watched the legs alternately limp and drag. Fiddleford let out a quiet grunt of distress.  “Fiddsssssss, remember, I didn’t actually transsssssform.  Thissssss issss jusssst an illussssion.”  Fiddleford hamboned at her.  Angie rolled her eyes.  “I know, I know.  It’sssss sssssstill upsssssettin’ to ssssssee yer baby sssssisssssster ‘walk’ like that.”
             “I see how this poses a problem,” Ford said. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.  “Hmm.  Perhaps you could bring it back and ask for some adjustments to be made to the charm?” Angie shook her head.
             “The guy she got it from is the best in the business,” Stan answered.  “He said he couldn’t do anything about it.”  Fiddleford hamboned.  “Translation?”
             “Fiddssssss wantssssss to know how we know the sssssseller wasssss the bessssst,” Angie said.  She looked at her older brother.  “My naga friendssssss recommended him.”
             “They knew you wished to procure a Glamour to appear human?”
             “I told ‘em I wasssss raisssssssed by a human and missssssss human food,” Angie said with a shrug.  “Not too far from the truth.”  She sighed heavily.  “But it lookssssss like I’m back to sssssssquare one.”
             “Yes.  The people in town know how to mind their own business, but even they would raise alarm watching you walk down the street in such a manner,” Ford agreed.  Ford’s phrasing suddenly sparked something in Stan’s mind.
             “What if you don’t walk, Ang?” he suggested. Angie cocked her head curiously.  “It gets all weird when you move your tail around, so all you have to do is not move your tail.”
             “Well, yesssss, but…”  Angie seemed confused.  “If I want to get anywhere, I’ll need to usssssse my tail fer it.”
             “Not if you’re sitting down.”
             “What are you getting at?” Ford asked.  Stan grinned.
             “A wheelchair.”
             “A-”  Angie’s mouth fell open.  “Ya want me to ride around in a wheelchair?”
             “Think about it.  You can just curl up in the wheelchair like when you curl up on my armchair, and then use your arms to move you around.  Your tail won’t have to move at all.  And if anyone came by, it would help explain why there’s a ramp in the house. If you use a wheelchair, you’d need a ramp to go to a different floor.”
             “It would alssssssso prob’ly make movin’ ‘round in confined sssssspaccccccesssss easssssier,” Angie mumbled to herself.  “My tail keepssssss knockin’ into thingsssss.”
             “Exactly!” Stan enthused.  Angie chewed on her lip.
             “I jussssst- won’t people assssssk why I’m in a wheelchair?”
             “If they do, you just tell ‘em it’s none of their business,” Stan said with a shrug.  “I mean, if you needed a wheelchair for a normal reason, they don’t have a right to know exactly why.”
             “Where would we procure a wheelchair?” Ford asked.
             “I’m pretty sure I saw some for sale at the pharmacy.”
             “Well…”  Ford looked at Angie.  “I think that Stan’s solution has some merit.  Do you agree?”  Angie nodded slowly.
             “Yessssss.  I’d like to try it out,” she said.  Stan grinned.
             “Great!  Uh, one thing before I can grab it for you.”
             “What?” Ford asked.
             “I’m gonna need like two hundred bucks.”
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only-kiwi · 4 years
hey, can you do one instagram post with dua lipa???
previous post with dua here
pls request more poc / men / non binary ppl i can use. my requests are literally full of white girls atm and of course i’ll do them but i don’t want my page to be just that <3
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Liked by arianagrande, harrystyles and 2,263,085 others
yourinstagram tpwk 💙
View all 71,995 comments
ynfan1 hot
ynfan2 harry liked ???
harrystyles As you should.
yourinstagram @/harrystyles ;)
harryfan1 omg
harryfan2 wait you’re so cool
arianagrande the hair the makeup the nails the earrings omg i’m obsessed with u
yourinstagram @/arianagrande bbyyyy
ynfan3 the phone case matches harry’s marc jacobs sweater.....
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Liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 5,102,792 others
View all 91,027 comments
harryfan3 SLWKWLW
harryfan4 PHEOBE OMG
yourinstagram geeking tf out because fleabag is my favourite show ever
harrystyles @/yourinstagram I know
ynfan4 not them flirting on the tl
ynfan5 this is everything
jefezoff So good
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Liked by zendaya, harrystyles and 2,867,027 others
yourinstagram don’t speak to me or my son ever again
View all 76,017 comments
ynfan6 i’m in love with you
ynfan7 my fave
harrystyles Does he need a step dad?
yourinstagram @/harrystyles ima ask him
harryfan5 outfit goals
harryfan6 🥺🥺
annetwist Cuties
yourinstagram @/annetwist <3
ynfan8 harry’s mum commented they’re definitely together wtf !!!!
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Liked by gemmastyles, yourinstagram and 5,103,782 others
harrystyles This jacket was extremely heavy.
View all 98,024 comments
harryfan7 an icon!!
harryfan8 i can’t stop watching the music video
yourinstagram literally so heavy and for what
harrystyles @/yourinstagram no reason whatsoever
ynfan9 let’s talk about how hot this is
ynfan10 wait so y/n was there when he filmed the mv??
harry_lambert Only the best for Sue
harryfan9 tpwk stans won
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Liked by harrystyles, arianagrande and 3,254,048 others
yourinstagram legend icon loml
View all 80,192 comments
ynfan11 HARRY???
ynfan12 this is the cutest shit i’ve ever seen
harrystyles Squishy
yourinstagram @/harrystyles miss the squishhhh
harryfan10 harry has a girlfriend nobody move
harryfan11 the H tattoo !!!
arianagrande the red hair is such a vibe
ynfan13 my parents
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Liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 6,249,532 others
harrystyles My lover.
View all 103,219 comments
harryfan12 i love this
harryfan13 !!!!!!!
yourinstagram i love you so much
harrystyles @/yourinstagram I love you!
ynfan13 i’m screamingggg
ynfan14 no way
gemmastyles You guys are disgustingly cute
282 notes · View notes
socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
This maybe kind of a dumb question, but say one of the greasers were to get married, what would everyone wear and how would everyone act?!
heya birdie! this isn’t a dumb question at all, but i had to really think about it. thanks for requesting it tho! my best friend @brideofcthulhu10 helped me with this one as i was stuck. so go show her some love, tho she writes for The Lost Boys! (: i hope you enjoy what i’ve written bc it’s a right mess! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
One of the Gang Getting Married Hc’s:
° Alrighty, let’s be real, it’s either Sodapop or Steve who’s getting married first.
° Just bc Johnny’s too afraid to speak to girls after the whole Sylvia ordeal. Though he’d be a likely candidate if he found someone real swell!
° Two-bit seems like another likely candidate, though, in my personal opinion, he doesn’t seem to be incredibly serious about Kathy or likely to be the type to be serious and settle down any time soon. He’s definitely the flirtatious type and doesn’t take relationships too seriously, which is just Two-bit: Though I don’t think he’s the type to flirt and mess around with other girls out of being malicious, he just seems to be the type to not adhere himself to things like Sodapop or Steve. But with the right person, he’s serious.
° Dally is definitely out of the question, particularly at the moment. I doubt he’s looking to be tied down by anyone any time soon and the thought probably freaks him out a little. Though, that’s just my own personal opinion. To me, he just doesn’t seem like the marrying type, especially not atm.
° Pony’s just too young and awkward. I view him as the baby still, no matter how old he’d be. I’m not even going into more detail lol.
° And poor old Darry! He’s so busy and tired, there’s no damn time for him to look into dating! Even though he’d be psyched to if he could. But he never thinks about that sorta stuff because Darry’s a busy, grouchy man; and rightly so!
° I believe that Steve would be one of the first to marry because of the fact that him and Evie seemed to be quite serious in the book from what I understood. They’ve got a relationship that’s clearly going strong, and it must’ve lasted for awhile since at one point he got arrested and she cried about it, staying faithful. She also seems to be someone that Soda and the other’s get along with.
° But for this piece, I’m choosing Sodapop! Now, I know y’all will be thinking that he’d have some major trust issues after Sandy, and you’re honestly not wrong. He would!
° However, I think that Soda deserves a lucky break and for something to go right for him for once! So, let’s say he’s met his soulmate and everything’s just gone all swell! He’s popped the question in the most thoughtful and romantic way possible, bc it’s our Soda we’re talkin’ about!
° He’s gonna be nervous asf and Steve’s the one to calm him down bc let’s face it, he’s his best man! The little pep talks that’ll happen before it oh my gosh!
° Soda and the other boys are pretty casual, and honestly, I’m leaning towards it just being a smaller wedding. Sodapop wants people that you both love there: Nothing to spoil the event, and quite frankly, it goes perfect.
° The wedding probably occurs in a small local church if that’s what you guys have decided, but afterwards, you guys would probably have drinks and food back at the house, where everyone’s dressed a little more fancier than usual.
° Or the wedding is a small one in your backyard, but it’s still just as special.
° I note this just because they’re greasers and they don’t have much, but they know how to have fun and how to make this day special. It’s about the feeling, not about the material grandness of the day!
° At least that’s what you keep reassuring Soda with, because you can tell he feels a little guilty about not being able to give you what a Soc could. But that’s not why you’re marrying him, right? You’re marrying him because you both bring out the best in each other!
° Well, during the wedding, there was a lot of hollering and grinning from the boys, something that was making Soda blush up a storm!
° I mean, even Dally and Two-bit are taking it seriously. The pair dressed up as snazzy as they could, joking that they’re looking as fine as ever to take away the beautiful bride!
° Darry may or may not have had to hold Sodapop back from launching cake at them both.
° Ponyboy’s grinning from ear to ear! He’s geeking out so hard because he loves you to pieces and he’s never had a sister: So having you be more of a prominent figure in his life is going to make him really happy!
° Darry’s just so happy that there’s someone to calm Soda down and settle him out: Keep his head right on his shoulders. If that’s not the case, he’s happy that Soda’s got someone just as nuts as him! Though, he feels horrible for you because of all the experimentation that you’ll encounter within regards to food.
° Steve loves you big time! He’s gonna miss his best friend, but he’s happy that he’s marrying someone so understanding and amazing. You also get on very well with Evie which is a bonus!
° Johnny’s the first to get a dance with you after Soda, and he’s blushing the whole time. You’re probably the only girl that he talks to, but obviously not in that sense. He likes you so much because you’re always getting him candy and giving him a good cooked meal, a listening ear and comfort. He thinks you’re a really sweet girl and suit Soda.
° Dallas is happy for his buddy. Although married life isn’t too much his style, he’s happy to see Sodapop finally catch a break with someone who’ll treat him right. He constantly jokes that he’s gonna pick you up and it bugs Soda a lot but Dally’s only joking.
° Two-bit’s a people person, so he gels along with you quite well and makes you laugh so hard. You also make Two-bit laugh a lot. You’re both practically joined to the hip! Two-bit’s always flirting with you, but he flirts with just about anyone.
° Definitely the one who offered to elope to Mexico with you and got a curt smack to the back of his head by Darry!
° Alright, so the gang got you a really terrible fake gift for your married life which made you two end up laughing once they brought out the real thing. It was something practical and pretty expensive since they’d all pitched in to get you guys something good because you both deserve it. Soda cried like a baby!
° There’s a ton of dancing and it’s kinda cringe. The gang dancing together makes Ponyboy and Johnny want to crawl under the floorboards like; “OH MY GOD SODA STOP DANCING LIKE DAD!”
° Darry even dances and ya boii sweeps you off your feet and you’re kinda gobsmacked because who’s switched him out for the alien?!
° Idk what else to say really, they’re all just happy for you both! The gang won’t make anything dramatic, and any drama that does occur, it’s quick to be laughed over bc they’re all pretty laid back. They wouldn’t really let anyone else shit talk you guys.
° Besides, Two-bit’s there and able to diffuse any odd tension with a joke.
° It’s the best day/night of your lives.
° Y’all got so drunk oh my god.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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