#I just wanted a chance to defend myself y'know?
AITA for defending a teacher in my friend group?
Ok, preface : I've stopped bringing this up because I understand it bothers the friends in question. Also, this might be stupid and me overthinking, but it annoys me.
I (18,he/him) am in first year of college and I've made a few friends. Notably, Dan (18M) and Sarah (18F) - fake names obv. Important detail, we're all French in France and we're doing English studies, so French isn't our first language but we're pretty much all bilingual.
One of our teachers, who I'll call M, speaks only in English during our classes, likely because he's American (he understands French and probably knows how to speak it, but his classes are oral practice ones so it makes sense he'd use exclusively English). During one of our first classes, maybe the second or third week, he told Dan to go sit somewhere else because he was being too loud, and that he'd have to stay sitting away from the friend group until the end of the semester.
Dan is understandably upset by this, not incredibly so but you know. Except this really isn't an injustice, like at all? Dan (and Sarah) is very very loud and speaks a lot, generally not of the topic we're supposed to be discussing during the class, and generally in French. During the class when M told him to move, he told him like 3 or 4 times to speak less loud, speak in English, speak of the subject.
I personally think, as an aspiring teacher, that it was smart of M to immediately move Dan instead of giving him chances upon chances continuously until it was the end of the semester and he had disturbed the class all the way, but again - I understand Dan would be upset.
The problem is that I did defend the teacher to Dan and Sarah, who were very adamant that he was being excessive and should have at least given Dan a second chance. Eventually they questioned why I was so passionate about this and I stopped talking about it.
What makes me annoyed is that when I complained about another teacher for taking his powerpoints off the uni's website (out of annoyment that not a lot of people came to his classes - out of all the classes he's one of the few where there's no attendance and you can just. go) Sarah said that actually he was kind of right, and said I was being stubborn about it (because I complained particularly about the fact that this teacher had like an Italian accent which combined with the shit microphone made it difficult to understand what he says).
I'm also kind of worried about something else about all this : me (and M) are white, and Dan and Sarah are black ; the latter two like to joke saying that M is racist (which idc, it's like when I say someone's transphobic for annoying me or smth it's a joke) and stuff and I'm afraid I'm being unconsciously an asshole and on M's side instead of Dan and Sarah's because M's white or smth. I'm probably overthinking it, I'm not racist, none of my entirely poc friend group has ever told me I was being racist except for a joke (the same kind as said earlier) but y'know.
Even more INFO, I know it might just be a question of me actually being too passionate about this, because I get really bothered about this kind of things especially in scholar situations (I tend to defend endlessly and usually uselessly both students and teachers, but usually more students because I've had a lot of shit teachers). Plus, I want to be a teacher, and I've been told a lot growing up to try and put myself in the teachers' place to understand why they do X or Y. On another note, I absolutely do not reproach being loud to Dan and Sarah, I am very loud without meaning to all the time and I talk a lot all the time.
tdlr; aita for being too passionate about defending my teacher's decision to move my classmate?
What are these acronyms?
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 1
When I first opened my eyes, everyone around me looked the same. We were all clones of Jango Fett. But for some reason, everyone avoided me. I didn't know why until I looked into the mirror for the first time.
I never looked like the others. I was a girl. The rest were all guys. I always ate alone in the cafeteria, and sometimes I talked to this clone called 99, who was defective, just like me. 
I've seen these clones who don't look like the others before, but I never really got the chance to talk to them, I was mostly put with the regular clones. 
The regs said that I was a mistake, that I shouldn't have been created, but I didn't really care much. I was gonna be a soldier and serve the Republic, just like them, right?
A few days ago, I saw 99 on cleaning duty, so I went to help him out a bit.
"Y'know what they do to defective clones like us?" 99 asked. I shook my head, I probably didn't wanna know the answer either way.
"They make us do jobs like this, transporting weapons and stuff, cleaning up after the others."
"Mhm. And soon enough they're gonna make me do that as well, aren't they?" I asked. 
I could understand why, though. I was also physically weaker than the other clones, which would be a disadvantage on the battlefield. 
If the Kaminoans were gonna make me do that kind of shit for the rest of my life, I was gonna have to make my own path.
Jango and Boba Fett were living on Kamino, and I knew for a fact they had a ship. So when a Jedi ship landed on Kamino, I snuck onto Jango's ship and hid there. Wasn't really hard, cause no one seemed to care about (biologically) 14 year-old me anyways.
Soon enough, the ship took off and we landed on Geonosis after a totally calm ride through an asteroid field.
I mostly stayed in the ship during that time, not wanting to get noticed. It was only when the blaster fire died down that I ran to a hangar, stole a random ship and flew off to a place in the outer rim, where hopefully no one could find me.
I mainly survived on cantina leftovers, and found a knife on the floor which I always kept with me in case I needed to defend myself.
That definitely came in handy when the Separatists took over the planet where I was. I hid in the alleys when battle droids patrolled the streets, and whenever they came into my territory, let's just say they didn't come back out.
I remembered when the clones came to clear this planet of the Separatists, I remembered the blaster fire, and I was covering my ears hiding in an alley, curled up into a ball when battle droids came in.
Instinctively, I reached for my knife and sliced the head off of one battle droid, and the others pointed their blasters at me, about to fire.
I managed to stab another in the head before one of them shot me in the shoulder. It felt like that area where I got shot was being burned, and I winced, holding my shoulder and backing up against a wall, the battle droids still pointing their blasters at me.
Suddenly, the battle droids were shot from behind, and I saw a clone in white and blue armour standing there, pistols raised.
"You alright kid?" he asked.
I nodded, still holding my shoulder. 
The clone examined me for a moment. I could feel my heart pounding in my head.
Please don't recognize me as a clone, please don't recognize me as a clone-
"Are you a clone?"
Ah shit.
There was something different about this clone though. I felt like I could trust him, I didn't think he would turn me in to the Kaminoans.
I nodded silently.
"You're a...female clone?" he asked.
I nodded again.
"Cmon. We should get you patched up. That wound on your shoulder looks nasty."
The clone held out his hand, and I hesitantly took it, following him to a republic ship.
"Now just stay here, the medic will come in a while, I'll come back in a while."
I watched as the clone ran off to the battlefield, rubbing my shoulder.
When the medic came, I asked him,"Who's that clone in the white and blue armour?"
"That's Captain Rex," the medic said as he bandaged up my shoulder. "He's a good soldier. Why'd he bring you here?" 
"Just lucky, I guess," I replied.
The medic chuckled a bit under his helmet. "Name's Kix, what's yours?"
My voice was quiet. "I...don't have one. Back on Kamino, I was just assigned a number."
"You're a clone?" Kix asked.
"Mhm, female clone, I was never meant to exist but, here I am. And I swear if you bring me back to Kamino I'm gonna make sure you're gonna have an injury that you can't fix." I said, motioning to the knife on my belt.
Kix laughed. "I won't turn you in, we're not snitches."
"Good for you."
A few hours later, Rex and the others returned. The other clones all gave me this "who tf is this dude" look, and Rex motioned for me to follow him, which I did. He led me to a room and sat me down on a bed, and took off his helmet.
"How're you feeling kid?" he asked.
I just nodded as a response.
"Clones your age should be on Kamino, not out here."
"Don't bring me back, I don't wanna be on cleaning duty for the rest of my life," I said quietly.
"Why would they make you do that? You're a clone, just like all of us are. We were bred to be soldiers."
"I'm physically weaker than the others, you could say I'm a defective clone." 
"That doesn't make you any less valuable than us." Rex put a hand on my good shoulder.
I shrugged my shoulders. "The Kaminoans gave me basic military training but not much else, I'm quite alright with a knife but I don't mind using a sniper either."
"I could train you myself..."
I immediately jumped up from the bed. "HELL YEA LES GOOOOOO"
"But it's not gonna be easy, and you can't just back out halfway through."
I sat back down on the bed, nodding.
Rex smiled. "Do you have a name?"
I shook my head. "I was only assigned a number on Kamino."
"Well, there was this jedi general who was really good at her melee skills, used swords and everything when she was transported to another realm and found her way back here. Her name's Aris, leader of the 504th Legion and general Skywalker's sister. So let's just call you Aris for now, how does that sound?"
"That sounds like a cool name," I replied, nodding.
"Okay then, Aris. Welcome to the Grand Army of The Republic."
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
even without textual evidence id love to hear your thoughts on kotoko not killing anyone directly!! i never hear 10 theories, & especially not ones that dont revolve around her beating up the prisoners. if youre comfortable, i would love to hear your thoughts on my wife ~with love
Ahh so sorry for how long it took to me to answer this ask my brain has been gone for the past few days. But you're right!  How could I pass up an opportunity to talk about Kotoko? She deserves so much more love than what she's given. Kotoko appreciators please interact I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So we already know I subscribe to this particular theory:
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Since it serves as a extension of the parallels found in the prisoners. It also fits with Kotoko since she states she'd be an innocent person outside of Milgram:
Kotoko: [...]To defend and protect the weak, there’s always situations when you can't do anything else. I say again, what I did is, “facing an urgent and illegal infringement, an action taken out of necessity to protect the rights of myself and others”. You do understand what that means, right? Es: "Criminal law, the 36th paragraph, article 1. Justifiable self-defense." Kotoko: "Looks like someone has studied. So in reality, my case, if taken to the judiciary, will also be judged as justifiable defense.
(Kotoko you did nothing wrong so true so true!)
Though, I'll admit this doesn't outright confirm she didn't kill directly anyone. However, if we work back from the idea Kotoko commited an indirect murder then you start noticing a lot of weird details in her case.
— The Warehouse
First off, Kotoko didn't directly killed the warehouse guy. We know this because her actual victim died in a nearby street in Sendocho, Kyoto.
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There is the possibility there's multiple murders underneath her belt but she hasn't mentioned it hereself:
Kotoko: I did kill someone. This is why I believe in the power of Milgram.
And, unlike other prisoners, Kotoko has no reason to lie about herself. She admires the prison and believe she's done nothing wrong. If she wants to become our fang then certainly she'd jump at the chance to mention all the villains she's defeated.
Which is amazing and everything but. . . if Kotoko's victim didn't die in the warehouse then why is it the climax of Harrow? It's obviously meant to be presented as her murder. Why are there so many strange details included in the warehouse scene too?
I pointed this out in a seperate post but there's three major strange details in the warehouse scene:
1). A car suddenly appears the second time Kotoko enters the warehouse.
2). Kotoko's outfit shifts midway through entering.
3.) Despite that, her cap still appears on the ground.
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(I don't even think Takao, the warehouse guy, is even bleeding...! I've been told otherwise but I turned up the saturation and stared at the image like twelve different times but I think its shadow. Why is it obscure anyway??? Just make it outright!! Some of us have vision problems y'know!!)
I don't have any answers for why these details are here but it's weird. This is only time I can think of in S1 where the "real world" has muddled up details like this. (Apart from maybe Rei's change of eye colour which is more subtle than this).
Which isn't to say her victim isn't Takao. Again, it's the literal climax of the song and her wolf imagery comes out full stop while dealing with him. She's been hunting this guy down for possibly two years and he's done inexcusable harm to children.
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Several news article through Harrow Flash news: A girl's dead body was found near her home, presumed to be another victim of a killing spree targeting little girls
New evidence: tire marks, same as the marks found near where the girl's corpse was abandoned. The culprit seems to have kidnapped her by car, murdered her, and dumped her body near her home
 The person who killed 10 people in two years was the spoiled son of an upper-class citizen. He ran over an elementary-school girl and she died, which may have been concealed due to his father's power
It also fits with her theme of protecting others as opposed to Mikoto's theme of protecting himself. Murdering a serial killer who's done inexcusable harm on this level can make it harder to punish her in the future. She did a very, very good thing by taking this guy down.
Her smile also matches up with the shot in Undercover where she's presumedly beating someone to death.
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— The Alley way
If we're discussing a potential victim here then it's more likely to be Mikio Oshii, the man she beats up in the alley way. However, I'm not convinced of this either because it's never given full confirmation.
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An article from Harrow: "Mikio Oshii, a man wanted for theft was found unconscious yesterday night and taken to the hospital, his face and stomach beaten up. Footprints of a man's sneakers were found at the site, and the police are searching for a male culprit."
(transmasc kotoko so true!! handsome boy!!)
It's possible he could've died later in the hospital—like, genuinely I believe it, there's plenty of evidence, and I don't have a direct argument against it—but for the sake of this theory I don't think this is the case.
Unless Mikio laid a hand on her prior, tracking down to corner a thief and beating him until he's unconscious wouldn't constitute as self defense. If this was the case then why not show the audience?
As for the indirect murder part, there could be a debate over whether a death caused later constitutes as murder but I don't think it'd be an interesting debate.
It's also a pretty tame murder in the context of Milgram. Kotoko "I defeat evil doers" Yuzuriha beat up an old guy, didn't even finish the job, and he died by blood loss. Not only is this the legal definition of murder (Kotoko had the intent to harm + the victim died as a result of her wounds), the literal children of Milgram have done worse. When Amane wanted to kill someone she atleast brought a steel pipe and aimed for the head!
However, this isn't to say her victim isn't Mikio. Atleast, not entirely. The alley way matches closest with the Sendoku street and beating up someone is presented as her murder. This scene is definitely important to understanding case.
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—So Like, What Is Her Murder Then?
Haha... remember in my original post when I this theory was half-baked and had little evidence? I can croon all I want about how it's not Takao or Mikio but she had to killed someone, y'know? There's no other character in Milgram where you couldn't reasonably guess the victim based off of the first trial alone. I've also noted why it still could've been either of them too. This also isn't conclusive evidence she didn't directly or indirectly murder them either.
Personally, I think Kotoko's crime should be an extension of Milgram prison, similarly to Fuuta. Her judge/jury/executioner vigilante traits fts this already but I think it could go even further. I'm thinking she might've turned to a higher authority and they recieved a lethal punishment of some kind? That's kind-of just my shot in the dark through.
Kotoko's case interests me the most because of how simple is appears to be while having so many elusive elements. For instance, who're the two girls and the man with the hammer? One of the girl's could've been Kotoko herself too which makes for an incredibly interesting backstory. There's also this line in her voice trailer:
Kotoko: "From the begin I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Which is strange because every voiceline happens before their time in Milgram. Who is she talking to and why does she need to defend herself while talking to them?
This conclusion is a bit of a mess but wow I'm really excited for Deep Cover. Recieving confirmation on anything is going to make me ecstatic. Inno Kotoko truther through and through I adore her.
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poisonarrow98 · 13 days
soooo the whole omen drama from the recent episode? the voicemail of viper defending herself in front of brim when shit hit the fan?
ngl her voicemail made me empathize a lot with her in a sense that, if i were to put myself inside her headspace, i wouldn’t blame her for feeling a certain type of way for being portrayed as ‘the villain’ in the narrative now that everyone suspects what really happened to omen :(
almost as if her fears of being perceived as a monster were becoming a reality.
and it made me wonder if anyone besides brim or sage would try supporting her/checking up on her while the others tracked omen’s whereabouts . . .
mmhmm mmhmm soviper hc time — this one w/meaning too
yeahhhh so i can't stop picturing sova being that person to make sure viper's okay after all that went down. realistically bc sova was on that mission w/omen, reminding him about how viper wanted a report from them when they returned.
maybe sova's concerned smth serious will happen, if omen's tone towards viper was anything to go by? maybe part of him is worried about viper so he checks on her just in case?
also what makes sova a good choice for this is the fact that his convo w/viper about omen leaving would actually make progress bc:
sova doesn't have bad history w/her; he makes for a good neutral party
they've known each other/worked together for a long time as the OG agents to understand each other's POV as well as omen's
sova has such a compassionate, warm nature that their convo would be more for viper's benefit where she can voice out all her frustrations w/o judgment from him
(just really give her the safe space she needs y'know?)
more importantly i think sova comforting viper can tie very well with his voiceline where he asks her if there's any other way of finding peace ;w;
that voiceline is soooo important bc he genuinely didn’t know—probably still doesn’t know—the full story of how she came to be the way she is. what made her go down this path of violence? how far is she willing to go?
having viper willingly share a piece of herself with sova can create such a beautiful and intimate moment between the two. it can give him some clarity about her history; it can give viper the chance to self-reflect, maybe work towards forgiving herself for her own past doings.
(kinda like everything coming back full circle, so to speak)
ANYWAYS that’s how i would hc it for soviper.
ofc during their talk sova would never ever pressure viper into oversharing; he respects her boundaries and will take what she’s willing to give. really just making sure she’s heard when it comes to her side of the situation while reassuring her on how her past actions don’t make her a bad person overall—more importantly he doesn’t see her as a bad person.
omen will eventually understand her pain in due time if and when he's ready to come home to them . . .
as sova takes a step back ready to leave, viper will be the one to surprise him when she pulls him in for a long embrace. basically her way of saying 'thank you for being here with me; thank you for supporting me'.
finally allowing herself to fall apart from the weight of it all as he holds her close.
finally allowing herself to be at peace.
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therealbadegg · 18 days
ooc/hi, I'm 'you can just say war' anon, I see someone explained some stuff to you, but I'd like to clarify myself. I am not trying to hate on you or bully you or drag out drama, I'd just like to clarify my opinion.first of all, "I don't know if you've ever experienced war in your country" I have, I do right now, I am ukrainian and I say all that from that perspective."it would be really shitty of me to use this situation as a way to further Misha's backstory" I agree that you have the right to not bring up war in your rp, that's fine, but you already do, the only difference is that you're not making it clear which is worse than 'namedropping war' you said it yourself you just don't *explicitly state that the war is happening* also, this is characterization question, but why wouldn't misha want to bring up war. as you said, he has a deep love for his home country. and it's exactly why he would talk about the war. we're talking about Misha "So thank you Canada for killing my mother🖕(talking about chornobyl)" Bachynskyi? Misha "vladimir putin can eat the bag of dicks" Bachynskyi? every ukrainian I know would scream about the war any chance we've got, because it's personal to all of us, "y'know.. stuff" is *less* personal. ukrainians want to not be forgotten and you have no idea how happy I am when, for example, in rtc rps someone acknowledges the war because that means that we're seen. also, I can't at all understand your "if I were roleplaying as a russian" comment, can you explain what you meant?
Hi. I really am sorry for my response, I know I’ve said this before, but I didn’t understand why it was insensitive for me to not mention the war. Thank you so much for explaining your ask further.
Honestly, I can’t fully remember what my thought process was when I put those words, I believe it was something along the lines of “if I were roleplaying as someone on the other side of the war, would I want to portray their character as someone who talks about the war in a positive way or prefer to not mention it.” Looking back on it, that was a really weird conclusion to draw. It was also quite stereotypical of me. I’m aware that as individuals, not all Russian people agree with the war occurring right now. It also didn’t help my case anyways, which was dumb.
In reference to the characterisation, I genuinely did not remember that Putin quote. But yeah, Misha would probably be angry as hell about the war. I’m not entirely confident when portraying characters of different cultures than mine, which is a mistake on my end, and I was basing my words more on how I would behave in that situation. I was trying my best to respond in character as Misha based on my limited knowledge on the war at the time, which was quite thoughtless of me to do at the time as well as double down by defending it in my response.
While I can’t take back my words, I do understand that the circumstances are different for us, since I am not Ukrainian, and my perspective on the war is very different from a Ukrainian’s. Again, I apologise for misrepresenting your culture, especially with something as serious as the war, and I am very thankful that you explained your reasoning, rather than being more aggressive in your response like I was.
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repo-net · 2 years
Broken Families
Gloomy, red clouds devoured and covered the entirety of the dusk sky over Towa City. The atmosphere similar to that of a warzone wasn't helped by the smoky pollution in the air caused by factories and buildings spread over the city, and the metallic smell of blood wafting everywhere.
Completely emotionless to it was a blue boy on standby, pressing on what was a black earpiece closer to his head. The boy was sat on top of an enormous mechanical robot just towering over citizens and the smaller-sized houses around it. The robot resembled that of a guerilla soldier, with a brown and sandy color scheme, and topped off as it was armed with a sniper rifle.
He was in the middle of a conversation with someone on the other side, as he fidgeted around with the joysticks on the controller for his robot that was strapped around his neck. In a passive and soft voice, he'd speak.
"Do I have to do this? There's only a couple of demons in this part of town, I really doubt it's necessary for me to have to go here myself when we could just throw a few Monokumas here and call it a day. I'd rather be spending my time disciplining that new servant we captured..."
"Are you backing out, Nagisa? Don't tell me that you don't want to get rid of those horrible, demonic adults we all hate? Monaca thinks you're acting very strangely right now..."
"N-No, it's just... I feel like this is a waste of resources..."
His voice was full of mixed emotions, from a frugality that wishes he didn't have to be using precious bullets on a single household, to the annoyance that was having to deal with smelling the stench of dirtied air, or the small, locked away part of his heart that really just doesn't want to be involved with killing people.
"All the other Warriors of Hope are happily doing their job. Masaru's been super proud of his score, y'know... you're the one with the lowest points out of all of us by far. Monaca's just giving you a chance to play the game she loves so much, Nagisa. Don't you like playing games?"
... Did his behavior and repeated indifference to what they were doing not give any hints to her? He scratched his head at that.
"Not particularly..."
"You know what? Monaca'll tell you this; if you can rack up more points than anyone today, Monaca will give you a super, duper huge reward when you get back! The greatest of all! Don't you want to save the children of this world? You have the Monokuma Kid helmets with you, right? Then all Monaca asks is that you get rid of those disgusting demons, and turn any remaining kids to our side. And if you don't, well... I'll be very disappointed in you, Nagisa."
His heart froze and his mind turned blank at those last few words. She'll be let down? Because of his selfishness and laziness to not complete a simple task such as this? When he's done it plenty of times in the past already? How dare he. He was taking her for granted.
To think that she was generous enough to even give him an apparent 'reward' if he just played along with them for once... that feeling of refusal to disappoint his princess and be praised for his hard work overwhelmed any sort of resistance that his brain had for the current situation.
"No no no, okay! I understand... Alright, I'll handle this side of the city myself. I'm already here, anyways..."
"Wonderful! That's our ever reliable sage Nagisa to you! Always ready to do his job. When you come back, Monaca will prepare a biiiiig surprise for all of us! Okay? Good luck out there!"
With the sound of the signal in his earpiece cutting off, he took a moment to collect his surroundings and relax for a bit. A sigh left his body as he eyed down the streets that he watched from up high on his trusty mech.
In the corner of his eye, he spots it...
Two demons; one male, and one female. A trail of blood following them into an alleyway. Adult-sized. The woman was clinging and using the man's shoulder to even move. They seemed to be struggling... unable to even defend themselves.
A pitiful sight. But Nagisa knew only one thing left in his head; put them out of their misery.
Pressing the stick forward and having it's gun ready and aimed, he led it to the alleyway that the two adults had cornered themselves in. He realized quickly that the mech was too large to fit and move around properly in the area, so he begrudgingly took the backpack that had the Monokuma Kids helmet inside of it and put it on himself, then dropped down with the help of the cape on the mech's back, sliding down on it's side like it was a pole before falling safely.
Arming himself with a gun that fired injection needles rather than bullets (it was still more than enough to kill people while avoiding the damage the power of a regular bullet can do with it's recoil) in his hand, he followed the bloody trail, turning a few times, before finally encountering the nameless adults.
"It's okay, it's okay... it's going to be okay. We're almost there. Just please, hold on to me a little longer..."
Those were the words Nagisa walked in on as he arrived at the scene.
The man begged as he tried to comfort the woman holding on to his shoulder, who had a dry red leaking out of her mouth. He himself was on one knee, panting from exhaustion. Now that the blue-haired boy got a closer look at them, there was a sharp wound on his ripped shirt in the pattern of a claw. Survivors of a Monokuma attack, huh?
Eyes narrowing in both disgust and suspicion, Nagisa walked closer to them, aiming his weapon at the two adults, then speaking in a cold and sadistic voice.
"You two. Don't even think of escaping. This is the end of the road for you."
"Huh?! Who's there?"
The man finally broke his attention that he tried to focus completely on the expiring woman on him, before he looked at the boy that was standing in front of him. His expression was that of anger, fear, and hatred... this was...!
"You...! You're one of those kids that's been taking over this city and causing chaos everywhere, aren't you?! Why?! Do you even see what you're doing right now?! How could you do such horrible things...? My wife is on her last legs because of you!"
"Because of me? That's comedic. You adults only have yourselves to blame. Treating children horribly, using them for your own vices, taking out your frustrations on their innocent souls... you're only now being made to be paid back for everything you've done to us."
"To you?! What have we done to you?! We were just living our lives freely, until you cane along! Why did you have to hurt people like us?"
"You don't get it, do you? Adults... demons like you are the reason this city is unsafe. You're the reason children are afraid to live with people who were meant to protect them.
"Meant to... huh?! Why you...! Listen, just listen to me, kid. Your parents... you have parents too, right? Where are your parents right now?"
... That made Nagisa lower his gun just a little. His tone grew in disdain, practically spitting out his next words.
"They're not here."
"Well, if they were... they'd be ashamed to see their kid turn into such a horrible monster!"
Nagisa's brain pulsed.
"... Excuse me?"
Unconsciously, he took a step closer to the two adults.
"Just look at you... look at what you've turned into! You had such a bright future ahead of you! You could've done so much in your life! But you've thrown it away, and for what? To hurt people? And for why?"
The grip on his gun got stronger. Another step. Closer, and closer.
"Stop... talking. You don't know anything...!"
And yet, the man didn't shut himself up. And what was next, was enough to push Nagisa to the point he'd have no remorse for what was coming next.
"To think they expected so much from you, and yet-"
Yelling as he fired a lethal syringe into the man's heart, the adult screamed in an indescribable and seething pain. A dark red liquid started to flow out from where he had been hit.
Still not content with a shot that's already signed a death sentence for the two adults (the woman already seems to have gone down, her eyes were shut and her limbs had grown limp), Nagisa closed the distance between them and was about to personally beat up and cover his hands with their blood despite his usual opposition to getting so up close with his victims.
As he was going to do that though, whether it was out of survival instincts or adrenaline, the larger man caught him with a fist to his gut, and the young boy's frail and pale body recoiled in pain, collapsing to the ground as he tried to catch his breath.
"Haahh... Damn it, I need to get out of here... I need to get back to her...!"
Using the last of his strength, the adult man carried his wife's body on his back as he continued to bleed out as he dashed from the alleyway.
Nagisa caught a glimpse of them trying to escape, as he forced himself to get up despite the pain in his body from the earlier punch that got thrown at him. He was going to massacre them now, he thought. His bloodthirst and abhorrence towards adults had hit a high, and he was hellbent on making sure he personally made these demons felt hell.
Chasing after them, he slowly but surely caught up to them, witnessing them go into a house as he followed them.
The adult man desperately tried to lock the younger boy away, but all that accomplished was that he got pushed down with his lifeless wife with him along with the door after it got kicked by Nagisa, who now had his needle gun pointed right at the man's face.
"To think you'd be stupid enough to retreat to your own house... I suppose when a person is on their last legs, they won't think too rationally. This is the end for you, either way... that needle in your heart is much more than enough to get rid of you."
Grabbing the dying man by his collar, Nagisa put the gun right against the man's forehead, a callous grin on the child while a look of terror and acceptance was painted on the adult's expression.
"Any last words, then? Maybe you'd like to take back what you said earlier about my parents."
"I... you..."
Coughing out blood as he was slowly starting to pass away, Nagisa tilted his head, and put his finger on the trigger.
"Hmph. Well, I still have someone to come back to. Say hi to all the demons on the other side for me."
Just as he was about to finish the job, the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs shook him out of it, and both men turned their attention to a small, elementary school aged girl walking down the stairs, looking down in horror at the scene before her.
Nagisa's eyes widened in surprise, as the expression on her face told him the entire story. His face quickly turned pale as he saw the emotion that she showed, and it quickly translated into an ache in his heart growing at an infinite pace.
"... Dad?"
"... !"
Reaching out his arm, the father tried to move his body towards his daughter that was standing at the top of the stairs. But to no avail.
His world would fade, and in an instant, his body went numb and entered death's door, right next to his wife.
"Dad... Dad! Mom, too...! DAD!"
Rushing down the stairs and walking over to her departed parents' side, she tried everything - shaking them awake, pulling the needle away from the father's heart, trying to kiss the mother's head back to life. Just to try and make them come back.
Nagisa's eyebrows shifted in worry and a massive weight crushing his shoulders. Did he just kill this kid's parents...? One that clearly, very evidently, loved them, and parents that reciprocated that feeling?
Why did he feel... envious? Why did he feel... so regretful?
Yelling out in tears as she cried out for her family, Nagisa hesitantly took a step closer, reaching out his hand...
But took it back once he realized that she didn't want anything to do with him. When she finally realized his presence once again, all she gave him was a look of disgust and panic. Trying to get his words out, he spoke, his voice full of uncertainty.
"I-I... didn't know... they..."
"Get away from me... get away from us! Why did you take my parents away from me?!"
He had to answer her. Even with how much she would hate him for this, he had to.
"They were... demons."
"Demons?! DEMONS?! Mom and Dad... loved me! They did everything for me! Don't you dare, ever, ever call them demons! After what you did, you're the only demon here...! You're the demon! It's your fault! IT'S YOUR FAULT! GIVE ME MY FAMILY BACK!"
Too stunned and too full of culpability to answer back, his eyes closed. His world was spinning around him and his emotions and thoughts were an incoherent mess. He was blocking out the yelling and crying the now orphaned daughter directed at him, but as he tried to open his eyes and get the words out to apologize...
All that he saw was the smaller girl passed out in front of him, lying next to what remained of her family, embracing them tightly.
Nagisa didn't say another thing. His hands felt petrified, and he wanted to just... leave her alone. Maybe it'd make his conscience feel better.
But he had a job to do. No matter the pain, he'll grit his teeth and push through it. For her, he'd do anything. Just to make her acknowledge him... and tell him he did a good job.
That much... made every single painful act he had to do worth it. Because to him, she cared for him more than anyone... and that alone was enough.
Pulling out the Monokuma Kid's helmet from his backpack, he slowly moved towards the younger girl's body and positioned the gear above her head, then speaking to her, knowing full well she can't talk back.
"I'm... sorry about your parents. I wish... mine cared about me even half as much as yours did. I know it hurts to have to remember them, so consider this... an act of mercy. So long as this is on your head, you'll never have to feel that pain ever again."
A sigh.
Twisting and attaching it... he finally put the helmet on the girl.
That was the end of the mission.
So much happened... and he'd been reminded why he hated having to do things like this himself. He couldn't just shut himself off from emotion. He had to convince himself he was doing the right thing, because if he couldn't even do that? He'd be forced to see the reality of his actions. But that's the way it is. It has to be like this. He'll always tell himself that.
Every single time, he's reminded of things he never had. But when someone offers to give you the love and attention you've craved so much for in your life...
He was willing to destroy the love other people had just to get a taste of what that was like.
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swallow17 · 3 months
I guess we still need rituals.
Today, one of my friends had a freaking big exam. The freaking big exam, the one she was crying over on my kitchen floor three months ago. It's a tough one, one I passed six years ago; you have to pass two parts of that thing, and, even if you do, there's no guarantee you'll get the job. And it was extra difficult for her; she didn't study the degree that gives you the best chance to pass the first part of the exam —that one that basically examines you of the contents of that four-year degree she does not have.
And she passed the first part. With a 70%, no less.
You can believe me if I tell you that's a lot. She basically had to study a degree all on her own, while working, and she freaking did it. So, big accomplishment; but today was the second part of this exam, and, for me, personally, the worst one. 'Cause it's the one in which you don't have to write, but to speak. You have to defend your project in front of a comittee that will decide if you're suit for the job or not, and you must do it perfectly. No mistakes allowed.
So yeah, she was nervous. And I didn't have the stomach to let her face this shit alone, even though she insisted. "I can do it on my own," she said that like a hundred times. Followed by about a thousand "I don't want to bother you", "It's a lot to ask", etc. Well, the thing is she wasn't asking. I wanted to help, so I didn't give her the chance to say "no". I travelled early to the city where she had the exam, that is not the home place of any of us, drove her from the hotel to the examining board, waited there with her trying to keep her calm, and took care of her things when she finally entered the exam. Then, I had two hours for myself.
I honestly didn't feel like sitting there for two hours. I literally can't just wait around, so I decided to search a church on my phone and go light a couple of candles. I really don't know if I believe in God and all of that, but that's what my grandma would have done if I was the one facing the exam. And I feel strangely compelled to keep her alive, somehow.
So, I found a church. I lit some candles to the carving of Mary, 'cause I feel a certain sympathy for her and she makes me think of nature, forests and rebirth. Also, I bear her name, so in case there's really someone listening, she might be proner to help me. I stayed there for a while, looking at my little flames, enjoying the coolness of the air inside the temple, the silence.
I left a bit later and I found a supermarket where I grabbed a couple of sandwiches, a giant bottle of Nestea and some chocolate, and run to wait for my friend outside the place where she was doing her defence. I assumed she'd be hungry, after such a long morning. I don't know. Sometimes I just act on impulse, but I like to think that's what anyone would do. Trying to help, I mean.
She exited the premises a few minutes later, and she was a mess. She was immensely happy 'cause the ordeal was finished; she was kinda satisfied 'cause she felt the committee liked her work. She was shaking from the stress and anxiety she'd been juggling for months. And she bursted into tears when I handed her the food. It was like watching the breaking of a dam; once the water started to leak, it couldn't be stopped. So I hugged her, at my best capacity, and let her cry until she was finally relaxed. Then, we walked to my car.
She was talking non-stop then, about everything she wants to do this summer, all of her plans for the future, and also the ones for our shared part of this future. And then, suddenly, she said "I'm gonna cry a lot when I finally see you in your wedding gown, y'know?" I don't remember what my answer was, but I guess I joked or said something silly, 'cause that's what I always do. I drove her to the train station, so she'd catch the train that would take her back to the place she was born, the stretch of land between the desert and the sea, under a million stars. She made me promise I'd visit her there soon. I guess I'll go, if I can.
So, after that, I hopped back in my car and drove back to the city, to meet another friend. It is amazing, the number of friends I have for the unbelievable dull person I am. Anyway, we spent the afternoon walking around this fairytale forest, right by the river banks, under the shadow of Snow White's castle. And I kept thinking about those words.
Why would anyone cry just by seeing me in a wedding gown? I'm getting married next year, yes, but that can't be unexpected to anyone. I've been in love with my fiancé for the last ten years; we went back and forth a lot, that's a fact, and there were other in the middle, but our comicly messy love story would make for another full post. Anywise, our wedding is something that's been largely anticipated. It's just a confirmation, a way of putting into the eyes of gods and men what's already been obvious for everyone; that I love that man, and I'll do until my dying day. And that he feels the same way about me.
So, why all the fuzz about the wedding gown?
I couldn't reach any conclusion, so I just enjoyed the coolness of the river. July in Spain can be boiling hot, so we refreshed our hair with water from a nearby creek and, after a while, I headed back home, in a different, duller town. No fairytale castles. No magical rivers.
Why would anyone cry over my wedding?
I arrived home, greeted my beautiful giant cat, waited until the nightfall to open the windows and refresh the house. Then, I hopped in the shower and open the cold water tap.
I was still thinking about the wedding thingy. I imagined the moment at the altar, that moment where I would say the words, "I take thee to be my lawfully wedded husband" and all of that (in a different language, ofc) and I suddenly started giggling like a teenager over the thought of kissing my husband there. My husband.
I have been called "cold" in multiple occasions. I am afraid I am, indeed, quite cold. I'm not good at physical contact, it makes me overly anxious. I'm not good opening myself to others, the words just refuse to leave my throat. I'm excedendly good at being alone. I kinda like being alone.
I guess I am, somehow, cold even with myself. I still don't completely understand what makes me so happy about the wedding, but it does.
In the end, it comes all to the same place. The little flames in the church, my white gown and the red poppies on the wedding invitations. None of those mean a great deal by themselves, but there's a shine that only our hearts can provide. The candle which is hope for a better future, a bearer of good wishes. The white dress my mum and one of my friends helped me pick, that makes me feel beautiful. The red poppies that combine his favorite color with my soul raised between wheat fields.
None of those are that important, as such. But they're part of a ritual. A ritual of asking for help for those we can help no more; a ritual to celebrate love, life, a shared future.
So here I am, writing down my thoughts. Putting them into words, in a language that's not my own, trying to force them to make sense, capturing them in such a way I can get some distance. In a way I can understand them. Because that's the ritual I've always used to survive.
Society has grown out the need of many things. It appears that we don't need faith anymore, nor traditions, nor all of those rituals that marked the years and seasons for my gipsy orthodox grandmother, for the celtic catholic one. Churches are more of a touristic atraction than a place of worship. Local festivities revolve around loud music and alcohol. And I don't see that many people paying attention to legends and folklore, though there's a sort of revival of that last one in some circles.
But my friend will cry when she sees me in a wedding gown. I'll giggle at the thought of saying "I do". My dad will read the words I asked him to in a cracking voice, because he'll be giving his daughter away. It does not matter if I already live with my fiancé. If does not matter if, for the last three years, we've been inseparable. It will be in that place, at that moment, when it will be palpable, undeniable.
It is a ritual. And, for us, it's the ritual what makes it real.
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syrupspinner · 3 months
i just defeated wall world
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you wanna talk about verticality?
i had no idea what to expect when I got this game. I vaguely recognised the title from around the time it came out (maybe someone streamed it?) but I had no idea what the gameplay loop would be. well it turns out it's a mining and defense game. you spawn in the middle of a wall, and you climb or descend into different biomes where you can bore into marked spots and venture for ore
the first friction is the... xyzzy? whatever the alien things are called. there are two timers denoting when your spiderbot starts getting attacked: a meter for a swarm of basic enemies and a timer for a boss fight. this is really interesting! the first thing it reminds me of is terraria, but sideways. you've gotta balance going mining and defending yourself, only instead of watching for both pretty simultaneously, it's entirely segmented. you only mine on foot, and you only defend in the spider. I've played roguelikes with time management elements, but they've all been rewards for speedrunning. this is the only one where it's enforced, and it's actually really fun! it's kinda like... y'know how some people bounce off of stardew valley because they get intimidated by the daily time limit? it's like that was weaponized as a central mechanic, and I'm totally here for it. "do I have the time to run back for those extra materials, or will I not be able to make it back when the attack begins?" it never stops being an engaging question.
sometimes those exposed mining spots don't have proper caves, just little alcoves with what may or may not be lore. that brings me to the first real issue with the game, and it's communication. a lot of roguelikes struggle communicating their rules to new players, and this is no exception. I understand experimentation is an expectation, and that death is entirely reasonable in this genre, but it still feels bad as a player when things are simply unclear. for example: it's pretty easy to Intuit that each biome has a unique material in addition to... y'know, I don't even know what it's called. it's like, kinda pearl shaped? it's the material you find in every mine. anyway, the game isn't really clear on how that works, mostly because the random generation plays pretty fast and loose. like, the centre biome sometimes makes pearls and.. quartz? but also pearls and emeralds sometimes, even though theres a jungle biome that also kinda does the same thing with different rarities, and there's also bleed in from another biome that has... bismuth, and... dice? I think all I'm asking for is a glossary here.
speaking of mining, this is a roguelike with a heavy emphasis on meta progression. you earn... currency? sparks, dust, microplastics even. nothing in this game has a name. whatever, you earn metaprogress points every time you break a block, and you spend those upgrading your mech. but after only a few hours, which is pretty small for a roguelike, I had more money than I could spend. all my base gear was fully upped, and whenever unlocked a blueprint I could buy it without even thinking. 
that's not the only pacing issue. good god, the fucking crypto keys. disclaimer that this game came out before cryptocurrency ruined that prefix. anyway, if you make it alllll the way to the end of a cavern, there's a chance there will be a chamber. this chamber usually has a chance of having either a blueprint (metaprogression) or a chip (free upgrade for that run), unless you by chance happen to get a weapon spawn instead. but in all this, there is a very small chance that you get a cryptokey instead. now do me a favour and reread that paragraph, but every time you read the word "chance", I want you to stare at the wall for an hour. I love myself some good random generation, but you need *five* to beat the game. it took me seven hours of gameplay to get two. I think Markiplier said it best: it feels awful to do everything right, but still be denied victory for reasons out of your control. like, in binding of Isaac, imagine if instead of needing to beat mom's heart a few times before it let you go to the womb, the heart just insta-killed you unless you picked up the missing poster in at least five runs. like I'm sorry but that's just not fun. I get that it's to stop the player from beating the game without spending enough time with it, but it's totally artificial. there's gotta be a better way
either way, i got all they keys and beat the game. the ending was... pretty underwhelming. theres no boss fight, you just... dont get instakilled this time. you find a little opening with grass and trees and stuff, but its not the top of the wall because you can see more above it. and then the credits roll. okay?
this game was fine enough. i got it in a fanatical bundle for what amounted to a few dollars, and i think it was worth that. its a good type of game to keep you busy, yknow? it was good for something to keep my hands moving while i listened to a video essay. its just not very substantial beyond that. but i think this is to the games detriment, because it all settles into being repetitive work and hoping you get lucky enough for it to end. its a very flawed game but its not unenjoyable per se, its just not... that good. lame ass fast food ass game
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ask-the-shorty-squad · 8 months
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You're telling me you never once thought about what you were even doing..? You think.. That just because you didnt know and that you just wanted to make some bitch proud.. That you think you can be forgiven straight off the bat?? You think that makes your crimes any less bad?? A crime is a crime. You deserve to be locked up behind bars for what you did..
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You can explain your whole fucking sob story to me but that wont change my mind.. Everyone fucking suffers, bitch. You arent special.
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"Oh! But Ruruka!! I was manipulated!! Controlled!!! Sexually assaulted and abused and blah blah blah!!!"
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Oh fuck off!!! I'd be surprised if I met someone who didnt go through atleast one of those things!!
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Listen, you dont get special treatment or deserve to have a gentler punishment just because you have trauma. You dont get to beg or plead for your life nor do you get to defend it. Think of the people who probably pleaded and begged for mercy.. Think of the poor little kids who still had years left. But you took it all away from them.. Families destroyed.. Lives crushed.
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And here you are.. Trying to defend for your actions by saying "You didnt know it was wrong". You didnt fucking know it was wrong to chop up someones mother and feed her remains to people? You didnt know thrusting a knife through somebodies heart was a big bad No-No?
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Now, tell me why you deserve redemption. Tell me why you think you deserve everyones kindness and encouragement. Why dont you tell me why you think you deserve sympathy points just because you didnt know what you did was wrong.
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Go on.. Tell us, 𝐘𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐢.
*Yayoi is silent for a moment. He questions to himself the very question Ruruka is asking him now. Why does he deserve redemption? Why does he deserve a second chance? He thought deeply about this. It was something he wondered to himself rather often. It didn't take long for him to find an answer. He looked fiercely at Ruruka. The expression he wore was determined. And for once, a little bit angry.* (Sprite edit made by @genderless-queen)
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Y'know, you make a couple good points. I did do awful things. Horrible things. Things that I can never take back no matter how hard I tried. Things that no absolutely great explanation, story, or reason can excuse. So what can I do now? What could I possibly do at this point in time, in my near to far future, and in this moment now? I. Can. Be. Better. I can learn. I can understand. And I can be better. I want to be better. If not better than myself back then, then at least better than you now.
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thiefkingyall · 3 years
Well, since it’s been brought to my attention in a very childish way that some people (and I’m not into callout culture, so I won’t be disclosing the groups involved. Even though they had no issue calling me out...) think I’ve been “stealing art”. And since they didn’t give me a chance to defend myself there, I’ll be defending myself here to the audience of no one who’s interested lol.
A while ago I, in private, started a redraw of a piece of fanart for a gift for my girlfriend, since its one of her favourite pieces of art. We both knew of the original pieces existance, obviously. No one was pretending I owned the rights of the drawing. I at no point shared this art with anyone but her. Once I got a bit further in the piece and I was proud of how it was coming along, I decided to contact the original artist and ask her if I could share it and reference her and her piece in the post. She was happy and agreed to let me. I have receipts of such conversation that don’t need to be posted unless asked for because that artist doesn’t need to be dragged into any petty bullshit.
At 4:58am last night, cause I had stayed up talking with said girlfriend watching Paddington (which was silly, but overall pretty good and lighthearted... in case anyone cares...), I posted progress of my work in a discord channel- FORGETTING that the art was heavily referencing this other artists work. I stupidly didn’t credit her in the post, but to my defense I had been up a long time and wasn’t thinking. That was a mistake, yes. I understand that people could have taken that at face value and seen it as claiming work as my own. Had I been able to speak in the chat again before I awoke the next day to find myself banned and blocked, I’d have brought it to their attention. In hindsight, I see my own error and don’t fault them for thinking what they did. I do, however, fault them for calling me out in the chat, trashing my name and jumping to false conclusions, digging up past art and listening to the opinions of fandom members who think they’re somehow detectives for being able to google search. We can all google search, love.
I won’t be posting that art, since it’s now a cause of contention and was only ever meant as a gift for my girlfriend anyway. Who, despite me reassuring her it wasn’t needed, tried to defend me as well-- which was instantly shut down and she was also banned. Why so desperate to not let someone accused defend themselves? To the one person I saw try and ask them not to talk about me behind my back, I’m thankful. That was kind of you... I’m sorry you also got snapped at on my behalf.
No amount of defending myself will ever change the minds of people who want to see the worst in someone. I’m not trying to change thier mind. I’m trying to assure anyone who will see my art in the future. I don’t trace art. I wouldn’t steal anything anyone has worked so hard on. I know how much time and effort go into making a piece and I know how badly it can feel for that to be taken from you. Anyway, this has become an entire rant and all I did was come here to explain myself. I, too, put a lot of effort into the things I create, and it can be hurtful to be judged, tried, and metaphorically convicted of something you didn’t do with no chance to defend yourself.
((below is one of the pieces of ‘evidence’ used against me for tracing.))
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All in all I know I’m just speaking to the void- the people who have accused me have so kindly blocked me and banned me so I can’t plead my case to them. Not that it would matter in the slightest, they’ve decided what they have and won’t change their minds. I just want it to be know that I don’t trace art. Thats hurtful and not true.
To whoever listened... thank you. If anyone has any questions or comments or concerns, I’d be more than happy to answer. Please don’t come to me to bash me... I’ve heard enough. If you feel like I’ve done something wrong, just unfollow me and move on.
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sexyandcringe · 2 years
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Content/Warning: Hurt, comfort, implied racism (not from Sakusa), insecurities related to skin/skin colour.
Character(s): Sakusa x Reader
A/n: This is... A very personal fic lol, the first time i've talked about something like this w someone was with Dee (omfg i hope you don't see this), and idk i just thought that maybe someone else in this fandom feels the same way, so i wanted to share this hurt/comfort drabble for every brown or black reader (or even reader who has skin related problems) who feels like their fave wouldn't like them because of their skin. Lies. They would absolutely love you bc you're a hot bitch.
Also i wanted to make this more angsty, maybe a scenario where he confesses and you're like ??? how?? But i know myself and i would NEVER be able to tell someone smthing like this if im not 100% comfortable w them, so i trashed that idea. Hope this is enough comfort for you all. ♡
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"Y'know... I never thought that we would be able to make it until here"
Kiyoomi furrows his brows in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Well, i... I never thought you would like me." you shrug, adjusting your position in his lap and sinking your nose further into his neck.
He takes this moment as a chance to rub your forearm, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. "Are you being serious right now? I think it was pretty obvious that i had a huge crush on you. "
"Well that's what you thought. I didn't know what went through that mysterious mind of yours." you defend yourself, looking up to meet his onyx eyes before slumping down again, "I thought you hated me." you mumble.
Kiyoomi doesn't try to hide his bewilderment as he hears your words.
"What do you mean by that? Why would i hate you?" He questions. He knows that he can be a little blunt sometimes, but he never thought that he had done or said something that would make you think he hates you.
"I don't know, i-" you take a break, a deep breathe, because you know the weight of your next words is heavy; it's something that even your shadow didn't hear of. You can't even imagine the expression he is making as the words come out of your mouth: "Maybe because of my skin. I thought you might find me dirty or... disgusting. I don't know, it's dumb." You daren't look at him in the eyes, opting to keep your gaze on your hands, fiddling with your fingers.
There is no answer for a while.
You feel your heartbeat accelerate.
Kiyoomi gently holds your waist to shift you from his lap so he could sit in front of you as he takes your hands in his.
"Hey... what are you talking about?" he holds your face gently with his free hand.
"There is nothing wrong with your skin colour." It's barely a whisper, but its so, so comforting. "You are perfect the way you are. You are not dirty or disgusting, never was and never will be. I love you, so much." he looks at you in the eyes the whole time, as if to show you how real his feelings are.
Kiyoomi never lies to you, not about something like this, you know you can trust him with everything you've got.
But you are not used to... Well, to being loved liked this, you are not used to hear such comforting words from anyone at all, because you never tell people your worries and insecurities, opting to hide them under a fake confidence and humour.
His pained expression make your eyes glassy, or maybe it's because of the overwhelming feelings that are coming down onto you, but you don't cry, you nod silently and bury yourself in his arms once again.
"Thank you. I love you, too."
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
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"SYABM genuinely believes [complete and absolute lie that resembles nothing I've ever said, inexplicably put in quotation marks]."
Class, this is what's known as a 'double bind'.
If I say nothing, they continue to lie. If I defend myself, it just "proves" that I can't leave an argument alone. Even though this wasn't an argument, it was a personal attack by cowards who want to talk smack behind my back in a public forum, but not give me a chance to defend myself.
So screw 'em. They're either liars, or just plain wrong.
Somehow the guy who regularly chats with slashers who are also anti-SJW totally believes slashing inevitably leads to being an SJW. It’s not like I mock the way some people use SocJus rhetoric to justify their shipping. 
It’s not like I do the exact same when antis use similar rhetoric to justify harassment.
I also like how the person slagging me off behind my back says I'm the one who has to take and win every argument, when I regularly say "I'm done arguing, I'm going to leave now and let you have the last word."
I have a tag specifically for the times I was wrong, to keep myself humble. Not to mention the many times I decide not to get in an argument, which you usually don't see because, y'know, I don't post them. And for reasons which will be detailed later, I doubt witchyyy is a regular reader of my tumblr.
Irony: I get in less arguments and make shorter posts than I used to when I started this blog, for physical and mental health reasons.
As for the movie Overlord, I still enjoyed it, I just assumed it was taking place in an alternate universe or was taking artistic license or something. Especially when I realized it was inspired by COD Zombies.
Incidentally, I last reblogged something from renard in May 2020. And I was, uh, agreeing with him. I don't know where this enmity came from, or why he has me blocked.
And as long as we’re throwing around personal attacks;
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Gee, I wonder why witchyyyyyy - who I’ve never interacted with - is lying about me. Totally not because she’s a SJW. Couldn't possibly be because I mock SJWs exactly like hir, especially "non-binaries" and people with pronouns in their bio.
Also: >Sashibun said I responded on a post where someone was being “hyperbolic” in their criticism of the Vox from Bioshock Infinite<. Which sounds an awful lot like “I don’t want to believe someone on my side would actually make such a stupid argument.” 
>Especially since I mostly seem to see Sashi when she’s making excuses for SJWs and the left.< (EDIT: I checked, and I was wrong.)
And sure enough, it was someone strawmanning wildly and hiding it under the guise of humor. And more importantly, I was responding to someone who sincerely agreed with OP’s point. >And it turned out the second person was wrong<. AMy point at the end was literally “OP’s ‘satire’ is such a distortion it’s not even real criticism anymore,” even if they wanted to make some kind of point about racism.
I literally criticized it for being too hyperbolic. >Twice<.
Somehow, Sashi took my criticism and turned it into a justification.
@nerdylilpeebee​, sashi was lying to you. Or misremembering. Same diff.
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hanasaku-shijin · 2 years
I hadn't wanted to say details for fear of sounding too much like a bitch, but I really need to rid myself of the negative truth of the fact that I was dumped on our 8-month anniversary via text in a fucking Walmart parking lot.
I spent a long time trying to defend her cuz like, she didnt know where I was when she sent that text but like goddamn. Goddammit, y'know? That's the story of my life right there. That's my luck. Incredible.
Still bitter, still sadder than ever, still heartbroken. Yet I still wish the best for her. I just want what I deserve, too. I want my happy ending. Where is it.
And like? The real kicker? I stayed closeted my whole fucking life. I didn’t date anyone unless I was really damn sure it had a chance of working out. And even when I did date those very few people, I didn’t tell anyone about it for months in case it ended up falling through. I didn’t wanna come out and tell people “I have a gf!” just for it to end and then everyone saw it as a phase/joke.
I date my first gf in secrecy and to this day no one in my real life knows about that. My second real gf I dated for weeks before I told only my mother, but didn’t tell anyone else, and lo and behold 2 months later she broke up with me. Same with the next one I dated, she broke up with me after a few months, glad I never told anyone about her either.
But Mel? I dated her with my whole heart and soul. I waited until I was sure we could work out before I invited her to my house, to meet my parents, which no one I’d ever dated before had gotten to. I waited half a year before officially coming out to everyone else in my life and revealing that I had a gf and was happier than I’d ever been in my life. I waited 6 fucking months.
And what happened anyway? The very same thing I’d been trying so hard to avoid. She dumped me a few weeks later. Just like that. Like those 8 months had meant nothing at all. So I ended up coming out to everyone just to get tossed aside. To put that relationship status from “in a gay relationship” to “single again” within the course of a few weeks. My whole damn life I walked on eggshells trying to avoid humiliation and heartbreak like that. I waited half a year of dating her to finally make that revelation.
And what ended up happening anyway? The exact thing I was trying to avoid. Years and years of being closeted because I didn’t wanna come out with a gf who’d just end up dumping me anyway. And that’s exactly what I got. Even though I waited so long, and made fucking sure we had something real. Even though I waited until we said “I love you.” Even though I did literally everything within my fucking power to ensure it would be my happy ending.
Gone. Completely gone. Wasted. Over.
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sweettodo · 3 years
beggars can’t be choosers.
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levi ackerman x reader x eren jaeger.
includes : threesome, cockwarming, edging/denied orgasm, oral, swearing. whole lotta smut, not a lotta plot.
wc : 4k.
synopsis : a promiscuous sequel. eren knows you’re missing levi and him, and he’s gonna help out his desperate little friend to get the captains attention.
✰ a / n ,, thank you for almost 1,000 followers, i love you all ! <33.
The night after it all transpired- you were like a new woman, the unusual smile on your face made the others query your motives when you appeared at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, even on missions.
'What has her so lively?'
You were fulfilled, there was nothing that could top that night- that night was the embodiment of your fantasies. Both your Captain and long time friend, with you right in the middle.
For the most part, your affairs with the two dwelled to be the same, your comrades still unable to tell something had gone down between the three of you. Eren invariably sat next to you; you teased each other just like always and your Captain still treated you like a peon.
Though not even you could disagree to the fact that you were like an addict, just itching to be touched like a pervert, you longed for the littlest bit of attention- per usual. And it was more painful when Eren purposely chose to torment you, little pokes and prods, long hugs and squeezes sent you over the moon, this was a game to him, and he played it good.
You didn't concede this to Eren, but he could tell you had these twisted ideas in your mind without a word needing to be spoken, watching you doze off into space. Whilst your mind was filled with vile notions of that night- at every waking moment of the day- Eren much less thought about that evening with Captain Levi involved, he would rather make his own remembrances with you.
Giving your feelings the time to fester meant nearly dropping to your knees if anyone so little as gave you a high five.
And Eren loves to use this to further his objective, he finds it a good source of entertainment to watch you shiver, or whine because, ‘she doesn’t even hide it, she wants me so bad.’
On one end, Captan Levi was his usual cold self, and you still flirted with him... For the joke.
While on the other end, he liked it- of course, he did, he liked the chivalry enough to drag you into his office and show you how much he liked your trifling behavior.
Whether he liked it or not, he found himself thinking about it too. Not enough to divert his attention on more crucial aspects of his life and job of course, nor did he act on his thoughts.
It was so pitiful, laying in bed looking at your ceiling as you touched yourself- for what felt like hours- feeling both of them filling you up and giving you what you yearned for. The feeling almost too real, and you yearned to feel it again. You needed it again, no matter the cost.
Your mind filled with only Levi Ackerman and Eren Jaeger.
"What are you thinking about?"
Breaking out of your reverie, seeing Connie parking his rear in the dining halls bench, "oh, nothin' just tired." He hums in response, slowly nodding.
"Dreamin’ about me, I hope."
"Only in your wildest dreams, Springer."
Jean, who's sitting beside his friend and throwing a loose arm over his shoulder, "who'd be daydreaming about you?" he cackles, Connie shoving his best friends’ arm off of him and frowning.
"Don't worry Jean, I have enough love for the both of you."
"I don't-"
"You love it though, right, horse face?" peeking a look to your side, the familiar brunette is claiming his seat next to you, grinning at his friend who's flustered and kicking Eren under the table.
Jean struggles to play it cool, rolling his eyes and tossing his hands behind his head, "I already have someone on my mind."
"Shucks, I can't play around with you anymore?" wriggling your eyebrows, devilish smile growing on your face, Jean shakes his head.
"Nope, doesn't work on me anymore."
Connie interjects, "don't listen to em', he's always gonna be a slave for your little flirts."
"Am not!"
"Yeah, you are, everyone knows it."
Armin and Mikasa walk into the arguing, giving each other a side-eye before hesitantly settling at the table, hearing Jean try to defend himself against his friends, "guys, no need to yell so early in the morning." Armin hushes, sighing.
"Jean, you know you love it."
"Even Armin likes it!" Eren laughs, pointing at his best friend, "he won't deny it either!"
Armin smiles cheekily, scratching the back of his head, "we're not talking about myself right now."
You had a skill, almost like it was an art- reeling any man in as you pleased, and they loved it, who wouldn't?
You suck in a corner of your bottom lip, looking down at your lap.
"Why are you be so loud, Eren?"
The table instantly falls mute, heads darting to face the man in charge, "sorry Cap."
"I want you all outside in ten minutes, be on time."
As quick as he comes, he's gone, not looking at you indifferently. 'This was seriously going to be a one-time thing?'
"You look antsy, y/n." Eren leans over to your ear, "what's on your mind?" he asks, you look at him, he knew exactly what was on your mind.
"You know what's on my mind, Eren,” smug look on his lips, patting your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze, "don't tease me, Jaeger." You mutter, placing your hand on top of his own to remove it from your leg.
"Y'know, now all of a sudden you don't like it when I touch you because it makes you think of that night, it's obvious."
Your eyes squinting to scowl at him, glancing around to see if anyone had heard what he said; they didn't, all of them either throwing away garbage or talking amongst themselves, "why don't you just stir things up again? You want to, I can tell."
You sit there silently, allowing him to rev up your engine, this was something you craved to feel, he wanted to see you act up, enticing him and his friends, "do what you did before, Captain is bound to give you what you want."
You listened to every word he said, his hand still on your thigh as you closed your legs, squeezing them together as your body throbbed, he was right, and you were desperate, "why don't you go tell him how much you want it?"
You lick your chapped lips, throat bone dry as you're uncomfortably struggling to find words, "Eren," he flashes you a smile, 'she's falling apart with just me looking at her.'
"I can't tell him anything, and you better not either," you grit, eventually gaining some self-control, standing from your seat as he remains in his, "shouldn't we go? Everyone else is gone."
Eren stands, stepping over the bench as he takes a look around, the room was nearly empty, "Levi's gonna be mad at us, maybe he'll even punish you if you're lucky."
You shake your head, "just let me help you," you gaze up at him whilst the two of you follow behind your friends, "I can help you get what you want."
You pondered the offer, "yeah?"
He smiles, "of course," Eren tried to contain himself, even the idea of having you under him made his dick twitch under his belt.
"What do you have in mind?" you spoke, he hummed quietly, "wanna' get me in trouble?"
The tension between the two of you rose, holding your breath as you reached the empty field for sparring, he nodded his head, "of course I do."
You brainstormed, how to get attention from your Captain, but what you didn't know was Eren was already putting his plan into motion, already telling your friends what would land you right in his bed.
Hours later, the time dinner came around, the table was just like the ordinary, chatting and eating after a long day of activities; but unbeknownst to you, Eren was counting the seconds before the Captain would come storming into the room.
During the day, while you sparred with Jean, Eren found himself talking to Connie right in front of the men in charge- both Erwin and Levi listened in as Eren purposely filled Connie's ear with intentions you had. Vile thoughts, Levi and Erwin looking at each other, the Commander blown away, 'yeah, she said to me she wanted Captain to chain her up and everything, torture her, even,’
'Are you serious?' Eren nodded slyly.
‘That’s y/n for you, kinky, isnt she?’ crossing his arms.
'She is one freaky bastard- better not let Captain find out.'
But- to no avail, it was a little too late for that.
His voice split through the talkative room in an instant, voice booming as you quickly looked up, swallowing your food, "Eren, Y/n, my office- now."
Connie and Eren exchanged looks and you caught them, "what's that look for?"
"Don't worry about it lets just go."
Levi had already left the dining hall, you walked beside Eren, "what did you do, Eren?"
"Nothing." He defends, shrugging as you inched closer to the familiar wooden door.
Eren stopped in front of the door, he wasted no time, knuckles knocking on the old wood, "calm down, it's all fine."
Letting out a sigh, hearing his voice on the other side of the entrance, the two of you slipping past the doorframe and right into his office, he sat there, arms crossed in his chair, "do you have anything you'd like to say for yourself?"
Before you get the chance to speak, Eren perks up, "what do you mean, Captain?"
You choked, throat dry from the awkwardness in the room, "I'm confused on what you mean, sir." Levi scoffed, shaking his head. He was angry, nearly incensed as he watched you shuffle around, your eyes stuck on your feet.
The sound of his chair pushing backward sends shivers up your spine, he stands, "I don't know where to start with either of you."
"Tell him why you did it, y/n."
Your head practically spinning off your shoulders to face the man who stood beside you, "what do you mean, Jaeger?"
Your eyes bulging out of your head, squeezing your fists as you glared at Eren, "say it, cadet."
You looked at Levi in dismay, "I don't know what he's talking about, sir."
"I should've brought Connie in here too for listening to the bullshit you were spewing."
'Bullshit I was spewing?'
"All I was saying was what she told me, Cap."
"Yeah, apparently, y/n."
You meet eyes with your Captain as he's rounding his table, "you want it that bad?"
Avoiding his question, praying for him to step back, feeling weak from his intense glare, sending you into a nervous turmoil.
"Answer me."
You defended yourself, unable to give the boss an answer. Levi was mad, he was beyond humiliated at not only did Erwin hear your perverse ideas, but now big-mouth Connie. And he was fed up- once again- with your behavior.
He’s angrily stepping away from you and opening his bedroom door, "bring her, Jaeger."
Grabbing your wrist, Eren is nearly flinging you into the dimly lit bedroom, stumbling over your feet as the door is clicking shut. You rubbed your wrist, looking at Levi who stands before you, looking up at him.
His strong hands sitting you on the edge of his bed, his finger meeting under your chin and tilting your head up as you stared at him breathlessly, "you want things to be your way, right?"
You nodded, Eren standing next to your Captain, "things won't always go your way, cadet."
You gulped, the restriction growing under his grasp as he slid his hand down your neck, squeezing, "you're lucky I'm even doing this for you, you should be locked up."
Glancing at Eren, who's gradually unhooking his belt, "use this, Captain."
The leather belt being pulled from around Eren's waist and being placed in Levi's hand, he graciously seizes it and pushes you to get up, "lie down and be quiet, understood?"
Before reaching the other side of the bed, your captain is linking the material around your wrists behind your back and using his knee to push you on the bed, your body vulnerable as you can't catch your fall. Knees just barely hanging over the edge of the bed, someone's feet kicking your legs open.
"So I've been on your mind? because it sure seems it."
Digging your head into the sheets, you're nodding, "disgusting."
The weight of the bed plunges in front of your head, fingers entering your hair and pulling you up by the roots, "you think I'll be easy on you this time around?"
You shake your head, "no sir."
With Levi in front of you, Eren is using his foot to slip off your shoes, his hands crawling below your waist, blindly unbuttoning your jeans and tugging them down your thighs.
Pushing you onto your back, Levi is sliding off the bed and you're trying to blow your hair out of your face, Eren steps out of the Captains' way, Levi pushing your knees up and placing your feet on the bed, "you've been acting up again, misbehaving won't get you what you want, y/n."
"She probably wanted this to happen again."
You did, you prayed for it to happen again, but you didn't intend to be tied up, unable to do anything, "I didn't ask to be tied up, though," you muttered under your breath, pulling against the material.
Eren laughs, unbuttoning your blouse while your Captain pinned your legs against your stomach, squirming around under his tight grasp.
“You go around and tell everyone how desperate you are,” you feel his thumb slowly press against the sensitive nub concealed by only your thin underwear, “have you been thinking about us fucking you again, y/n?” calculatedly pushing his thumb up and down, applying more pressure while he keeps your leg in a firm grasp against your body.
“It’s disgusting, really.”
He knows you you hate to be teased, Levi knew if he had even given you a taste of what you begged for, you'd become greedy. Eren on the other hand was sadistic, he would tease and tease and tease, that's how he would get off.
You're caught up in the painstaking abuse of his thumb, not giving any thought to the question he had asked you. He stops, looking at you with a bitter glare, “didn't I ask you a question?” you whine, pressing your head deeper into the mattress.
“Yes, Captain- I've been thinking about you fucking me.”
He's gratified by your answer, knowing that the inquiry would humiliate you.
“Dirty- fuckin’ dirty.” He taunts, picking up where he left off. Levi stands beside his subordinate, Eren pressing your other leg up and finding his fingers hooking around the wet fabric, and trying to get a look at your cunt.
Eren moves out of the way, allowing Levi to push your body back farther, he lowers to his knees, leaning against the edge of the bed, “do you enjoy giving me a hard time?”
They never failed to get you under their complete control, your heart beating out of your chest whenever either of them gave you as little as a glance with their lust-filled eyes. It was so incredibly wrong, so immoral, but it was your guys’ thing, this was your little secret.
“You’ve always been such a troublesome girl.”
Weakly, you're shaking your head, trying to keep your breathing under control as his fingers are raking between your sopping folds, spreading them apart with his calloused index and middle finger, admiring your beautiful body. ‘God- if you weren't such a pest.’ Levi pushed those thoughts to the back of his head, you'd always be his little annoying flirt, nothing more- nothing less.
Though both Eren and Levi seemed to enjoy pleasuring you until numb, your captain knew he needed to instill some discipline, he couldn't let himself be seen as a push-over just because he couldn't stop thinking about how you squeezed his cock so perfectly.
The thought of his fingers being knuckle deep inside your pussy brought him close to reaching bliss in his jeans, you didn't even have to touch him.
Curving his fingers up into your tight, textured walls, feeling your heartbeat throb around his two fingers as he made sure to send shock waves throughout your body. The pad of his thumb rubbing deep and slow circles around your clit, each time he hit a nerve your legs twitching, he hit every spot.
Eren stood beside you, loosely pumping his cock in his fist, watching you squirm and cry out, trying to free yourself as your wrists were falling asleep from the weight of your body, “l-let me go, please.”
Levi and Eren dismissed your pleas, trying so desperately to close your legs from the strong thrusts of his fingers, the overstimulation making your back arch, sucking his fingers in for more, and more.
That coil tightening in your stomach was unmistakable, head spinning, moaning out blubbers of swears and incoherent words, “go on, cum.” They know how bad you've been waiting for this, both men knew it needed to happen again, it was sad seeing you feral like a dog looking for any sort of notoriety.
That's all you wanted to hear, selfishly pushing your quivering hips onto his fingers, he knew this would make you furious, Levi was ready to make your night hell.
All of it stopped. His digits pulling out of your clenching hole as he smirked, standing up onto his feet, pulling you farther and farther away from the peak of your climax.
Gasping like a fish out of water, lifting your head to see Levi on his feet, you sobbed, pain filling your body as you were so prepared, so close to releasing, “Captain,” crying, your foot shaking from the awful tension erected in your lower stomach, your pussy mindlessly twitching, trying to make up for lost touch.
He leans towards your face, gripping your jaw, slipping his slick-covered fingers down your tongue, “that's what happens when you aren't good, I'm sure you understand that, right?”
“Yes- sir.”
He pitties you, almost feeling bad for leaving you a mess in your tears and exertion, but Eren, on the other hand, loved it. “If you take good care of Eren, you might get what you want.”
Eren helps you up, keeping your wrists bound as he can now take advantage of your wet throat, “she knows how to take good care of us.” Eren praises, petting your head and peeling the stranded hairs out of your face, “you’ve always been so good to me.”
Levi scoffs, “besides when she's being a tease.”
Your captain unzips his pants, pushing them past his thighs.
Sitting on the bed and leaning his bare back against the bed frame, “come over here.”
Like a feeble idiot, you're bringing your body closer to his, he grabs you by your waist, lifting one leg and yanking you over his lap, Eren gets on the bed, his tip spilling precum, “you're gonna sit still while you help your friend out, yeah?”
Levi prepares his cock by stealing some of your slick and lubricating hmself with it, lifting your hips so he can ease you onto his cock.
Pushing yourself onto his hips only made him annoyed, “don't you dare,” you groan, he keeps you somewhat upright by keeping a hold on Erens belt.
Eren gripping the back of your head, directing your mouth onto his cock, your lips wrapping around his tip whilst looking in his pretty eyes, his thick eyebrows furrowed and twisted from the satisfaction your mouth is endowing his needy cock with.
Your tongue licking the bottom side of his cock as you pressed your throat until it was filled.
He just wants to hear you gag, messy face while your throat tightens around him, adjusting to his size.
Your pussy crying and burning from the lack of movement, your Captain torturing you, whining on Eren’s cock, hoping Levi would just move a little, although you knew better than to attempt anything.
Eren rocking his hips against your throat, spit spilling from your chin as he throat fucks you, Levi sees how good of a job you're doing, rutting his hips into your dripping cunt only once to keep you going- cueing you to hurry and swallow Erens load so you can convince them to fuck you.
Pulling out of your throat, strings of spit connecting to his cock as he stops himself from releasing down your throat.
Levi’s pleased with you, so he wants to reward you, ‘she’s suffered enough,’ he says to himself, fucking you on his cock just how you like it. Letting out whimpers of relief; by the time your Captain had decided to fuck you, the base of his cock had already been soaking from your slick trickling down and onto his pubic bone. Erens hand palming your perky tits, watching them bounce at the hands of you riding him.
Reversing on Levi’s cock meant Eren could see your pretty little face twist up, your mouth stuck open as you looked at the man in front of you, you were so precious- if anything- you deserved him, you deserved his affection, and he wanted to give it to you.
“Cap’ gonna cum,” you're body trying to curl up in a ball as he holds you from plunging forward, the movement of your hips bouncing back and forth on him, your ass slapping on his cock, the sound of skin loud, which he used as encouragement to plant his seed in you. Such a vicious noise as Levi keeps you still, rutting his hips into yours as he's pulling your head back by a handful of your hair. Your body left with shockwaves as he fucks any sort of knowledge, words, and sounds out of you; you're silent, mouth ajar as you're eventually worthy enough to reach your high.
Your head spinning, eyes being surrounded by a warm white as you're clenching around him to suck him in deeper, your holes twitching as you're frozen still from the orgasm erupting from your body.
Levi grunting as he fills you up with his load, thrusting his hips into you to plant his seed as deep as possible into your beaten little cunt.
“That's right, so pretty- I bet that felt good, didn't it?”
“It did- ‘need more, Eren.”
Eren smirks, face glowing with pride, so vulnerable you were, a girl with needs- his girl, and he had all the antidotes for your selfish little troubles. You were always so willing, truly, you were the perfect participant.
“I think I should untie her, what do you think?”
“Go on and do it, I think she deserves it.” a sigh of relief leaving your lungs as you're set free, rubbing your raw wrists while Eren is easing you on your back, his hands caressing every inch of your sore body, gently squeezing when he gets a good handful of your soft flesh. Up your thighs, under, your perfect waist and sides, he wanted it all-and he wanted you at his disposal.
And thankfully, you wanted them all to yourself too.
Eren knew he wouldn't last long, he's been waiting too long for you, so he doesn't spare any seconds, kneading your tits; giving each of them the right amount of attention, rolling your nipple between his fingers, lightly tugging as he's pushing past your little hole, “filled with so much cum already, you like bein’ a cocksleeve? You like being stuffed, huh?”
Nodding, “yes- I love it s’much, love it!”
Levi holds your wrists above your head.
Eyes rolling back, Erens cock drilling into you, your body shaking as he tears another orgasm out of you, you cried and screamed, Levi inserting his two fingers down your throat to shut you up as Hanges room was no more than ten feet away.
You loved it, you loved it so much- you loved being the center of their attention, you adored being their little ragdoll, how they could fuck you into oblivion so mercilessly, yet make sure you get your fix.
His cock knocking into you, hitting your cervix, which sent moans flying out of your throat, gripping his wrist tightly while he held your thigh up around his waist.
You deemed it your job to please them, to take care of them, and they felt the same- it was the implicit rule of this situationship.
Erens trying to instill as much self-control as he can bear to keep, but it's merely no use, he’s slipping, and fast. His cock constantly slamming into your nerves sent you into a spiral, every thrust fucked your eyes to the back of your head, “fuckin’ you stupid huh- I missed this tight cunt.” Eren spits, the sweat from his body dripping onto your sticky body as your pussy goes numb.
“I love your cock- love it s’much Eren,” your beautiful voice could alone bring both men to climax, he uses it as motivation to cum deep into your pussy. Levi wiped the drool from the side of your lip, along with your tears as he watched you.
Eren pulled out, light moans as he shivered, spilling his seed on your stomach, a mantra of your name falling from his tongue as he tried to regain control.
With you left fucked out on the bed as they got dressed, almost like a routine- you're left struggling to put your clothes on as Levi is trying to rush the two of you out of his room so he can strip his sheets.
“Don't get caught.” He's warning, seeing the two of you out, you're practically trudging through the corridors with Eren at your side as you feel more of a mixture of your cum soak through your underwear and legs, your jeans getting damp with each step you took.
Right as you neared the bedroom door, thankful to be able to strip yourself of your clothing in only a few minutes, Eren ensures you get to your room safely, but no one is that lucky- are they?
“Whatcha’ guys up to?”
Before catching a glimpse of your face, you're gasping and looking away, Eren turning around to see Connie and Jean, “busy?”
Eren laughs, casually speaking, “does it look like it?” he looks more or less as disheveled as you did, his hair falling from the hair tie, while you looked a mess.
“She looks like she just got hit by a bus.”
Your body barreling over in embarrassment, you find it hard to look at them, Jeans’ eyes doubling in size as he sees the unfamiliar piece of fabric in your hand.
“Is that- your bra?”
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ghostietea · 3 years
Furuba autistic headcanons
With it being April, or autism acceptance month, I wanted to finally drop my list of characters from Fruits Basket that I read as autistic! This is based a lot on my own experience, as well as that of other autistics I know or have seen talk online. I hope some people can get something out of it, feel free to tell me what you think 😊, though please refrain from getting upset that I would dare suggest your fave is autistic.
Before becoming able to better control her powers, she would be constantly overwhelmed by the things she heard to the point that she couldn't even really go out in public. This reads a lot like sensory overload.
Constantly picked on in school because other kids thought she was weird. Eventually reclaimed this weirdness and turned it into a whole persona.
Seems to talk usually in a relatively flat tone.
Had trouble socializing with no friends outside her family until middleschool.
Has a very funny, dry sense of humor that I find very similar to a bunch of autistics I know, including myself.
Listen. You have seen the funky little man, you have seen the way he talks, the way he acts around others. He is, and I mean this in the best way, a weirdo. I do not know how you could look at him and see a neurotypical.
Once again, like Hana, Haru is funny in a way that feels very autistic.
Very flat, dry, tone delivery. Sometimes just Says Things that make everyone else go huh??? Suuuuper blunt. Doesn't emote facially a lot of the time.
When this man sees a social norm he doesn't get he WILL NOT follow it. Pierces his ears just because his hair got flak, defends Momiji wearing whatever he wants because sometimes y'know the social rules are just dumb and don't make sense. Especially dress codes.
Sometimes says things not befitting the current tone of the situation.
Represses (masks) a lot of his emotions, leading to outbursts that seem uncharacteristic.
His main childhood trauma revolves around adults branding him as "dumb" and ridiculing him. Haru, however, is super smart and wise!! Just in an offbeat way that not everyone may get.
Reads as very "flat" emotionally to the point that others would call her boring. Also has a flat vocal delivery.
Relies on specific habits or ways of doing things or else she gets super upset (her hatred of imperfection.
Has trauma surrounding adults completely misconstruing her intentions and thinking she's doing something malicious when she's not.
Generally behaves in a way that's hard for others to understand, one of her formative moments with Yuki was him saying he wanted to "see how the world looks" through her eyes.
Once again, trouble socializing.
Tries super hard to please her parents but in the end they still see her as somehow inherently "defective."
Listen. A lot of this one and the last two are mostly vibes, hard to verbally define. You just have to look at them and trust me.
Displays behavior very reminiscent of masking throughout the story, a huge part of her arc is about how she hides a lot of herself and has a very controlled persona. I think it would fit very well if she had other autistic behaviors that she suppresed also it helps explain why she is relatively socially adept, it's learned behavior to make people like her more.
Yes she is very good at saying what others need to hear, but especially early on she is pretty blatantly imitating her mother's words. She only gets better at getting through on a more personal level later on (see her with Rin and Akito v. early series Tohru). She does this by relating her own experiences, a very autistic way of showing empathy that often gets us written off as self centered. The way she relays things her mom said could also be seen as this, and she even worries at a few points that she's being insensitive for going on about things like that.
While emotionally repressed she is hyper empathetic and feels other's emotions so strongly she cries.
Her speech patterns are all imitated from her father and she often copies verbal things from others (see Ritchan-san). Noted in canon that people think her way of speaking is slightly off/not befitting of someone her age. Additionally, her father was polite more sarcastically, while she plays it straight and sometimes takes things very literally or fails to get the message, indicating trouble with reading tone. Has numerous strange verbal tics, including saying parts of her internal monologue out loud without context.
Very expressive with her hands including waving them around and flapping them up and down.
Does have a bit of trouble with accidental insensitivity in social interactions, like how she constantly fixates on her mom and realizes that might bug the Sohma.
Has trouble paying attention in school since it doesn't have much to do with her interests
Her only friend until she was a middle schooler was her mom
Has a pretty unique outlook on things compared to others, people seem to think she's pretty eccentric. There's always a "this girl is nice but in an odd way, she's our weirdo and we love her" vibe.
Sometimes has an "inappropriate" emotional response to situations
Has a lot of trouble with change, similar to Akito. Which oh, look at the time, next hc coming up.
But first, a disclaimer. It is cathartic for me to read Akito this way, but with that reading comes the baggage that she would, mayhaps, be showing a more negative side of things... It doesn't bother me since it's a joint hc with other characters and she does develop at the end but yeah, general villain hc baggage. This is in no way me trying to excuse her being The Worst being autistic doesn't absolve you of being able to do wrong . Also, a lot of these points can and do have other explanations related to her upbringing, but things can be for more than 1 reason. With that said, she really strongly comes off as autistic to me, in a way that's sorta hard to explain. I wrote a lot more for her than the other, both because I felt I needed more to convince people and that this headcanon was more sensitive and I needed to be careful in my explanation. Also hey! She's my special interest within a special interest.
Shown to have a dislike of summer weather due to heat and brightness, could be due to sensory issues in tandem with sickness things. Also covers her ears when people raise their voice sometimes which is partially her trying to shut down opposition but also 🤔 can read a different way. She'd also avoids louder Juuni like Ritsu and Ayame because she can't handle them.
Wears pretty much the same outfit every single day. Said outfit is also pretty loose fitting.
Always seen sitting in a pretty unconventional way. Evidence:
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Of course this is also the isolated in a cult thing and there is a level of her purposefully doing things to intimidate but: doesn't follow a lot of social rules (overly touchy with strangers, legit doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong, ect.). Repeatedly confused when people indicate she should act otherwise without explanation. Has a breakdown when this comes to a head and approximately says that "they" shouldn't expect her to know "common sense" if "they" never explained it to her, that the way that she was was her "common sense."
Often talks in a way uncharacteristic of her age when shown as a child in a more faux mature/pretentious way. Might just be the translation and idk how to explain it but her speech as an adult also seems off from what one would normally use in conversation. Additionally, when she tries to fake being friendly in her intro chapter, it comes of as extremely stiff and unconvincing.
Generally displays behavior that could be thought of as childish as an adult, but a lot of this behavior could also read as autistic (covering ears, emotional deregulation and meltdowns, ignorance of basic social norms, ect.). It's also important to note that she knows that this behavior makes her seem younger and more helpless to the older zodiac and uses it as a manipulation tactic. Has issues regarding people treating her like a child or only hanging out with her because of pity. While she does weaponize it, we can tell that this grates on her, as seen with her finally blowing up on Kureno, which is partially triggered by the maids saying some sorta infantalizing stuff about her. Irl, a lot of autistic adults and teens struggle with being infantalized for our behavior generally or treated as little babies that can do no wrong. Even in fandom, you see people doing stuff like jumping to call autistic adult characters, such as Entrapta from Shera, "minor coded." It is also common for us to have at least one bad experience with someone hanging around us out of pity. This is something that really gave me a similar feeling in Akito's arc. She's not a baby and she can understand and do better if she is given the chance to learn and break from all the freaky cult indoctrination she's been subjected to instead of just being constantly enabled. In the end, a lot of her growth is represented by her showing that she is capable of changing and being independent.
Shows particular difficulty with socialization, often sits by herself spacing out at social events. A lot of her fear is rooted in the fact that she doesn't know how normal relationships work, becoming overly reliant on the curse because she doesn't know how to make friends.
Clings desperately onto the notion of being "special" and in some way superior to others to be worthy and to make up for perceived inherent "flaws." It's the nd gifted kid burnout vibes for me.
Easily bothered by things that don't bother others. Feels emotions very strongly to the point of getting physically ill and has bad emotional regulation.
Relatively good at reading others in an analytical sense (though has more trouble when it comes to seeing how they feel about her since she's wildly delusional) but brings up her observations in a very cold, detached way and hurts people even on the rare occasion she didn't mean to. Has extreme trouble connecting to others and understanding their point of view. This makes her come off as pretty unempathetic even though that might not fully be the case. Also thinks that people like Momiji are trying to look down on her when they try to empathize with her. A lot of why Tohru can get through to her is that she manages to convince Akito that she's not condescending by relating shared traits and experiences. As I said earlier, autistics often empathize by sharing their own experiences with someone, and I know I often have an easier time confiding in other autistics because of a fear of being seen as lesser by those that don't understand me. I think the connection between these charachters and the way that Tohru manages to reach Akito like that while others couldn't makes a lot of sense through an autistic lense!
Additionally, when Akito herself gets around to trying to help others instead of just projecting trauma, she tries to reach out to the old maid by relating back to her own experiences. This however, doesn't work.
Has "cold" emotional reactions sometimes even to things that do make her upset. For example, how sort of calm and detached she acted after her father's death can make her seem uncaring. However, we know that this event did mess her up a lot and she is still (poorly) dealing with a lot of grief from the death of her father years later.
Copies mannerisms from others, the most blatant example is with Ren, who she directly parrots lines from as a child to Yuki.
Partly just her posturing, but gestures a lot with her hands when she talks. Also seen several times clutching her hands in her hair.
Deals extremely poorly with the idea of things changing to the point that it is a driving force of the story.
Does not understand when people tease her.
Ect. Ect. Ect. Listen, I could go on for ages but just trust me, the mean gremlin lady is autistic.
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slasherhaven · 4 years
Hello, can I make a request for Thomas? Something about him getting bullied/attacked/picked on by either people from the town or coworkers in the factory and physically strong reader standing up for him and openly liking him/finding him handsome? It can lead to a nswf moment or not, and idk if they would know each other personally prior to that... pls female reader if possible. <3 I love your work.
Unfortunately, no NSFW in this one. Just a steamy kiss!
Thomas’ Future S/O defending him against a bully
Word Count: 2311
You had been working at the meat processing plant for a while now, and since your first week you had befriended the silent and mysterious Thomas Hewitt. You first saw him when you were being given your introductory tour, your less than friendly tour guide had pointed him out and told you to just avoid him, but that only made you more curious about him.
You understandably figured that he just wasn't a friendly guy or that he had caused some trouble in the past but you quickly realised that wasn't quite right. You hadn't even finished your first week there when you realised that he wasn't a problem at all, it was actually the others that bothered him all day, while he just remained silent, kept his head down, carried on with his work, and ignored them.
He wasn't the problem, they were.
So, on that Friday, you marched over to his work station at the back of the room and asked him to have lunch with you. He seemed cautious of you, like you must be pulling a prank on him, before agreeing.
From then on, you and Thomas would always have lunch together, and a friendship formed. You carried most of the conversation but eventually he took to scribbling down what he wanted to say on some paper. You weren't sure if he couldn't talk or just didn't talk, either way you didn't mind. You had earned his trust, at least as much as anyone could right now, because you had always been so kind to him. Yes, he had thought it was a joke at first, but he really was starting to realise that you were being sincere. You were his friend.
You were one of the last to check out at the end of the day, often using the time after everyone had left to speak with Thomas some more. You really enjoyed your time together, even if he wasn't the most talkative person, you liked him.
After checking out, you headed back to the work floor, where you saw Thomas finishing up. But with him, was one of the worst offenders when it came to picking on him. One of the men who thought something of himself, thought himself to be better than everyone, especially Thomas.
He was, once again, berating the taller man. You rolled your eyes and walked over to them. "Get outta here, Pete. Ain't you got something better to do?" you sighed, hoping that the man would just leave without argument.
"You don't gotta defend him because you feel bad for him" Pete scoffed, looking Thomas up and down like he was some sort of spectacle.
"I don't feel bad for him, you're just an asshole and nobody should be subjected to having to listen to you" you crossed your arms over your chest.
"Oh come on, it don't bother ya, right?" Pete asked Thomas, acting as if the insults had just been some friendly banter but you knew better than that. "Probably doesn't even understand what I'm saying" he laughed when the other man didn't respond. "He's just some animal" his smile fell, his expression turning darker, as he glared up at him.
"Oh please, he's a better man than you. Smarter, kinder, more empathetic, better looking. You've got nothing on him, Pete" you glared at the man, suddenly becoming defensive over your friend. Your words made Thomas look down at you, shocked by what you had to say and even more by the sincerity.
"Better looking?" Pete scoffed, clearly amused by your compliment. You cringed a little, knowing you had accidently opened the floodgates, so you made sure to speak before he did.
"Have you looked in the mirror lately? I pity your poor wife" you looked him up and down disapprovingly, like the sight of him repulsed you. And in maybe ways it did.
This time, Pete didn't respond, he just glared before taking a step towards you. Though you were quite ready to handle yourself, you just looked up as Thomas moved to stand slightly in front of you, staring down at the man almost threateningly.
Pete looked up at the much taller man, looking like he was considering his chances before deciding that he would definitely lose. So, he backed down, glaring at both of you, before grabbing his coat and heading out of the door. Leaving only you and Thomas on the work floor.
"I hate that guy. I don't know why he's always picking on you" you let out a huff of annoyance as you dropped your arms to your sides.
Thomas turned back to you as you spoke...he could give you a few reasons...
"Thanks for standing up for me just then but you don't need too, I can handle myself. Anyway, I'm used to the men around here, most of them are pigs" your face and voice softened as you looked up at him.
But he still hung his head. 'Most of them are pigs', he's been called much worse but did you see him like that? Women definitely tended to avoid him like the plague, even though he really wasn't a threat to him, they seemed to think he was. Did you think that?
"Wish they were more like you" you chuckled, making him look at you again. You could see the surprise in his eyes and that made you frown a little. "Oh don't look at me like that. You're the best man I've met around here. Trust me, I feel more comfortable around you than our other co-workers" you told him sincerely but he still adverted his gaze, not believing you.
"Hey, come on, I mean it. I'm not messing with you. Y'know I wouldn't do that to you" you frowned a little, gently placing your hands on his arms. He had stopped flinching away from your touch now, something that he used to to regularly. "You need somebody to help you see how good you actually are..." you told him before insisting, "I meant everything I said, y'know."
His gaze met yours, curious but shy. You had noticed that he had rather expressive eyes.
"We both know how people look at you and I hate it because it's so wrong. I hate even more that you believe them" you sighed as you lowered your hands, stepping back to comfortably leaning back against his worktable.
"You are smart, smarter than anyone gives you credit for, all because you don't talk but that doesn't matter" you shook your head in disapproval. "You're kind and caring. You're always so sweet to me even though people can be so cruel to you. You stood up for me back there even though you didn't have too" you pointed out, "and I know you don't think it, that's clear enough to see, but...well, I think you're pretty damn handsome. And I'm sure I've told you that before".
You have...you have told him that before, always so unashamed about finding him attractive, but he always thought you were messing around.
"I know I've never seen you without the mask-" you continued, noticing how he tensed at the mention of the mask, "-but that doesn't bother me. I can see enough of your face to know you're attractive and you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen" you compliment. A smile gracing your face when you saw his blush over the top of his mask.
Only then, you realised that you were speaking a lot and probably being a little overwhelming. Maybe he wasn't blushing from the flattery but from embarrassment or discomfort and that wasn't what you wanted at all.
"I'm sorry. I'm probably being a lot right now, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable" you apologised but he quickly shook his head to reassure you. "You don't mind it?" you asked and he shook his head again.
"Well, good" you smiled before reaching out and taking one of his larger hands in yours. "This isn't really how I wanted to bring it up, after an argument with some asshole at work, but...I've never lied to you, Thomas. I really do like you" you told him.
He still didn't talk but he did give your hand a small squeeze, a silent 'I like you too' that made you smile before gently guiding him closer to you. He stepped forward cautiously, like he was waiting for you to burst out laughing and for the hidden audience to come out laughing at him for thinking that he could ever have this for even a moment.
"This okay?" even though you knew he wasn't dumb like everyone else seemed to think, you sometimes worried you were taking advantage of him because he didn't talk and tended to just let things happen to him. For somebody so large and intimidating, he could be rather timid around you.
But he nodded.
You let go of his hand but only to place your hands on his shoulders, leaning up on your toes to carefully press a light kiss to his lips, ignoring the feel of the mask. You had actually planned on inviting him around for dinner, rather than approaching this in the middle of the factory, but this would have to do because it felt like the right moment. Oh well.
Thomas' hands instinctively rested on your waist to support you, since you had to strain on your toes to even reach up to him.
You had always found his height attractive but you couldn't deny it was a little bit of an obstacle right now. Thankfully, he also lent down so that you could relax a little and not have to strain so much to meet his lips.
But as quick as your lips touched his, you pulled away again, gaze scanning his face for a reaction.
His hands were still holding your waist, not wanting to move them and alert you to their presence just in case you became aware to them and decided you wanted them off of you, but also not wanting to pull them away and stop touching you.
He felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck,  neither of you minding how he lent down for you to be able to do so.
Gaze closely scanning your face, he realised that you were watching him expectantly and Thomas froze up for a moment. You were waiting for him to do something, you wanted him to make the next move. For a moment he didn't think he could but your presence put him at ease, you always did.
You have always been so kind, so honest, and so accepting of him. Whenever you came around with that smile on your face, Thomas couldn't ignore the fuzzy feeling he got inside or the smile on his own face.
So, Thomas lent in again and kissed you.
It felt easy with you, it felt right, like this was what you were supposed to be doing. And he hoped that this was the start of something.
The kiss was a tad more forceful than you had anticipated but you blamed it on pent up emotion, and you weren't complaining at all. In fact, one of your hands moved to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss a little. You just couldn't help yourself.
At first you had control of the kiss, Thomas following your lead, learning from you. But he slowly became more confident. His hold on your waist becoming a little firmer, more sure, and taking the lead in the kiss, making you sigh happily into his mouth.
You guided Thomas a little closer, welcoming him into your personal space, and he moved willingly. He couldn't be close enough to you. He picked up on your eagerness, and even if it confused him, he didn't want to disappoint.
Each time one of you made an attempt to deepen the kiss, the other reciprocated it. The hand, that wasn't on the back of his neck, slipped over his chest and to his waist, wanting to feel more of him.
Both of you were a little surprised when your back hit the table behind you but you couldn't help but smile when Thomas' hands gripped your hips, easily lifting you up and sitting you atop the sturdy table.
Now, Thomas was able to straight up and press his body to yours better. Your arms returned to their place around his neck, sitting as close to the edge of the table as possible so that you could feel his strong form against you.
Maybe the two of you were getting a little carried away considering where you were...
But neither of you could help it. You had been pining after him for a while and Thomas felt the same. Plus, the amount of affection he was feeling and receiving in this moment was just overwhelming to him.
Just as you were completely forgetting where you were, the sound of a door slamming snapped you both out of the moment and made you pull away from each other. Both of you flustered as Thomas took a step away from you, the two of you turning to the sound.
Then the supervisor walked in, seeming surprised to see anyone still here. "What are you two still doing here. Get home, I need to lock up" he was more annoyed by you both than anything but you didn't plan on hanging around much longer.
"Sorry, Boss" you apologised as you grabbed your coat. "C'mon, Tommy, I'll drive you home" you offered as you turned back to him. Thomas nodded without hesitation and followed you out of the building, neither of you noticing the glance you both received from the supervisor.
Smiling up at Thomas, you wrapped your arm around his and guided him to your car. You knew that he usually walked to and from work, but you didn't mind giving him a lift at all.
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