#I just think it would be Neat and Interesting
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ethankyou · 21 hours ago
I don't think we have ever had a canon confirmation that this is make-up or not, but they've supposedly confirmed it outside the show:
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Though I couldn't load that tweet. It might have been deleted or the account privated. I also found this nugget:
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...and went "Oh boy Garak's doing makeup now too? 👀" Rewatching the episode he does have a some blue applied to the spoon in the scene where he's having lunch with Odo (and the next scene or two he's in). Neat!
I also remembered that Ziyal appears without any blue marks. I can't find any pictures of Ziyal wearing blue - if we saw a canon picture of her wearing blue on her spoon at some point, that would just about confirm it.
And before anyone else mentions that she is only half cardassian, I'm aware. But if the blue colouration was sexually dimorphic instead of makeup, we should expect to still see some colouration either on the spoon or neck. Though I will admit we don't know that for sure.
When I was pouring over pictures of Ziyal I did find this though:
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Which was labelled as Ziyal in a fanwiki of some sort, but this is just a shot of Kira in the episode Second Skin. So still notta for Ziyal. Interesting they dabbed some blue on that thang before they woke Kira up though! Maybe this weakens the make-up theory, idk!
But for now at least I feel that the blue being makeup is about as conclusive as it can be without having a character say "I applied blue pigments to my spoonamathing and neck rufflidges!"
Now as far as blocking out certain wavelengths of light, that is possible! So as I said before, the blue pigment would block everything except for blue light.
If we presume that is the purpose, we have to ask two things:
What benefit does blocking all light except blue on a parietal eye give cardassians?
Why do females (typically) apply this pigment and not males?
But first we gotta talk about something I mentioned previously, which is the cardassian sun.
Our sun in the sol system is a yellow dwarf sun and gives off a majority of light in the visible spectrum. Is that lucky for us being creatures that just so happen to be able to see this light? No it's not luck! We see this light because we evolved from species who adapted to the light given from our sun over millions of years!
Astrophysics is not my field, but I understand that other types of suns would still give off light in our visible spectrum, but may produce a majority of light in other wavelengths. So a sun that produced more infrared light (such as a red sun) would produce nore infrared and less visible (to us) light. Light with shorter wavelengths are cooler colours (purples, blues) while longer wavelengths are warmer (reds, oranges).
But "visible" light of course is a very human-centric perspective as even on earth there are many organisms who can see outside of our visible range (and some who struggle to see our visible range at all!). We just evolved from organisms who adapted to the light that was the majority produced by our sun.
If humans were to have evolved on a planet with a different kind of sun, such as an orange sun, then we might have adapted to view whatever range of light was the majority produced. This would probably lean more into the infrared compared to our yellow sun and our vision would be adapted for that. If you took this hypothetical human who has adapted to a visible light spectrum that has leaned towards infrared, they might have a harder time seeing shorter wavelengths of light - what we perceive as blues & purples.
Now researching the cardassian sun, low and behold it's an orange sun!
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So would you look at that, the Cardassians are our hypothetical humans!
But I'm not sure there's any evidence to suggest that they perceive colours differently from us, or that they perceive infrared or other longer light wavelengths than we do, despite their different sun. On the contrary, we know Cardassia Prime is dark. What does that actually mean for a planet to be dark? Well its a hot planet so they can't be far from the sun. It's a humid planet ao there might be a lot of cloud cover. But if the more of the light the sun gave off was outside of the visible spectrum, the planet would certainly appear darker to us and them.
So unless evidence is given to the contrary, we'll have to assume they perceive the same visible light spectrum that we do.
Now. What benefit does blocking all light except blue on a parietal eye give cardassians?
The best working theory we have about the spoon is that if it has a function at all, it functions as a parietal eye. That is the assumption I will be making here.
In species on earth, the parietal eye detects the presence of light and uses this to regulate circadian rhythm. Some species can also use it for navigating or to detect predators (if it's light above you and then suddenly dark, you might be about to be eaten!), but I'm not sure that's relevant to this question. Or rather we don't have a way to explain, test, or find supporting evidence for it. So I wont.
The parietal eye is basically a cluster of photoreceptors, usually rods (black & white) but sometimes also cones (colour vision). A blue pigment would filter out everything but blue light. If their parietal eye was just rods, then a blue filter means it would only detect the presence of light if it was blue spectrum. If their parietal eye was rods and cones, or just cones, then it might distinguish between multiple wavelengths of light, but the blue filter would restrict all but the blue spectrum.
If blue light has the same disruptive effects on cardassians as it does us, then this blue filter would not protect them. In fact it would ensure that is the only light that affects them! So what are the disruptive effects then?
Blue light acts as a signal to our brain to stay awake longer. Our brain does this by suppressing the production of melatonin. All light does this to some extent, but studies have shown blue spectrum light has a much stronger effect on this than other spectrums of light. It's also been theorized that blue light can have damaging effects on our eyes, which is why little devices held up to your face - such as the one I keep writing out these theses on speculative cardassian xenobiology - can cause eye strain and thus damage as well. Try to remember to take lots of breaks from your phone and don't forget to blink folks!
So will the blue pigment protect from this? Well, no because blue light is the only light getting through. But even if it was an orange-yellow pigment to block out blue spectrum light, kind of like our blue-blocking glasses, it probably still wouldn't help. Studies have shown our blue-blocking glasses don't seem to do the things they claim to do.
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Either the technology isn't there for us yet or there's more going on with light and our bodies than we understand. Who would have thought, we are complicated biological machines afterall!
If we assume that blue light has a similar effect on cardassians as it does to us, perhaps there is a benefit to just allowing blue light through? Blue light messes up our sleep but put another way it reduces fatigue - what better way to stay awake than to bombard your eyes with the Stay Awake Beam? There is also some evidence to show that blue light can increase attentiveness, but there's not a large enough body of evidence to say this conclusively, but we're already speculating about the theoretical organ of a fictional alien species so sure, we can have a little unsubstantiated claims as an treat. So dabbing that thang with some blue would allow this to happen. But you know what would also allow this to happen? Not dabbing that thing with some blue! Having no filter means just as much blue light would pass through, but it also means that other spectrums of light would pass through too.
So perhaps spectrums of light other than blue have the disruptive effects on cardassians that blue light has on us. We can speculate on that but that's pretty much all we can do. So what else might be happening?
We said Cadassia Prime has an orange sun. If we are assuming that cardassians see the same spectrum of visible light that we do, this means their orange sun would produce less purple snd blue light. Still some, but less than our yellow sun. If there is less blue light produced overall, perhaps having a filter that allows you to detect the presence of blue light at all, might have a benefit in the environment they adapted in. What that benefit is, we can only guess. But if there's less of something that you want to find, having an enhanced ability to detect it would be an advantage!
But if it's an advantage, why do females (typically) apply this pigment and not males?
As I've mentioned before, cardassians are an intelligent and ruthless people. If dabbing that thang with blue would give them an advantage men would do it too. So why don't they? Except for Elim Garak.
There could be a sex difference in how light is perceived by the spoon between males and females. But if there is, then we don't have any evidence to back that up. Sadly we can count on our hands how many female cardassians we meet through the whole of star trek and it ain't many.
In fact I'll do it off the top of my head!
There was Gul Ocett, girlboss, and i believe first cadassian we see with blue on the neck ridges. There were those two female cardassian scientists. There was that one cadassian that put O'Brien on trial. There was Natima Lang who also had a little chest spoon that we haven't seen before or since (though we don't see a lot of cadassian chests). She also had a female student. There's the cardassian that Kira was gaslit into thinking she was. There's Ziyal, of course. And who could forget Elim Garak's nanny. There's certainly more I missed, but the fact of the matter is there isn't many! All of which (except Ziyal) have blue on their forehead spoon. Some have blue on their neck ridges, but that seems to be less consistent.
We can speculate about how wavelengths of light might effect females differently from males, but beyond the presence of blue pigments, we don't have any evidence for differences between the cardassian sexes. But even if we assume there is a difference, and that the blue pigment serves a function on the spoon, why do some cardassians then also dab a little blue on their neck ridges too? Certainly there can't be parietal eyes there too, and if there's some other special organ what are the odds that an additional pair of theoretical organs on the neck would benefit from the same blue pigment as the head spoon.
The simplest explanation is of course, it's just make-up. Without some evidence to suggest that there's a sex difference, if dabbing blue gave some kind of advantage males would use it just as commonly. Garak is the only male we have seen dab that thang and it goes unremarked the single time we see it.
That might also seem like the boring answer, but it's interesting to think about what social dynamics or pressures may have led to them dabbing some blue. Is blue associated with arousal and this is like a blush situation? Is this ornamental, but just something that females do (and also Garak), like when women from earth wear different colours of eyeshadow and other makeup? Is this a hierarchical thing that female cardassians do and this is why the neck ridges are inconsistent? Why only blue? Are we just dead wrong in assuming it's make-up and it's actually a dimorphic trait? Still lots to speculate on even with the "boring" answer! But perhaps that's more the realm of specualtive xenoanthropology than specualtive xenobiology.
The funniest explanation to me however, which I've needed this whole post of background just to reach, is that perhaps cardassians just cannot see blue - we established on their orange sun planet they may have shifted their visible spectrum of light - and the pigment they dab on is just some sort of "colourless" salve or ointment that is used more by females. It goes unremarked by other cardassians because it blends in with what they perceive as fleshtone, and it goes unremarked by everyone else because no one wants to ask the ladies the insensitive question of "why you got blue up on there?" Which leads to countless starfleet debates on the social or biological purposesnof the blue, but the reality is just like "sometimes the spoon and neck gets itchy."
As a quick but important tangent, a lot of cardassian uniforms also seem to emphasize a tear or diamond shaped mark on the chest right where Natima Lang's was. This might imply that all cardassians have another spoon right in the chest. And if they do have a matching chest spoon to their forehead spoon... It kind of begs the question of why? If it's another parietal eye (i guess it would be more like... A thoracic eye?) they don't mind covering up so it certainly doesn't have any function that cardassians care about. The reality of all this is the killjoy one that i mentioned at the top if my last post, which is that a lot of this stuff was just designed in the 90's without a thought about functionality.
However I would like some to write me a 4-5 page essay on the function of the chest spoon next. Chop chop!
And for the love of the prophets people it's not a bullet or phaser hole... They don't even use bullets anymore unless evil Picard packs a six shooter just for executions...
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I have been thinking about gul dukats skull all day and I need a moment alone with the cardassian lovers to discuss why the spoon would have a Hole. Its like the soft spot of a babys skull… what are the anatomical implications here…
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wihellib · 3 days ago
Some more Jesus references from Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel. Neat.
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Lucifer looks to have no hard feelings towards Jesus, in fact he seems pretty positive.
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Raphael doesn’t care about Jesus at all.
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Now, when Gabriel said we should thank him, I really thought that he was going to try to take credit for humanity’s salvation since he was the angel who told Mary she had been chosen by God to conceive and give birth to Jesus, the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit (known as the Annunciation).
But he doesn’t mention this, which I think is a big thing to gloss over. Instead, we see that he’s not a fan of Jesus and kinda wants to kill him.
Based on the Trinity, he shouldn’t feel this way since Jesus is fully God (despite being a distinct person from God) but I guess that’s enough of a distinction for Gabriel to not love Jesus as God (more blasphemy from Gabriel).
Again, I’m really wondering if Jesus left with God, because it would make sense that he would, but Gabriel here says that humans are still receiving salvation, which implies that Jesus is still around, so which is it?? I’m so curious.
Also, I find it interesting that they never say Jesus or Yeshua, they always just refer to him as the Son of God.
The previous Jesus reference was in Asmo’s artifact.
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 days ago
Aemond HCs
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mix of sfw and nsfw ofc 
Warnings: 18+ my attempt at hcs 🫣 , mention of drugs, sexual themes
Authors Note: these are just my thoughts and opinions, if they vary from what you think that’s totally ok!!! so with that im not starting each thing with ‘i think’ im just speaking it into existence 🙂‍↕️🤗
Word Count: 500 -  if i end up adding more ill update this and prob just self reblog or something
never understood why he didn’t get a dragon egg - caused a lot of resentment from a young age 
hated that rhaenyra’s kids got eggs - and love
he would go back to his chambers and cry after watching his brother and nephews train with their dragons  
needs to be the best at everything 
needs to know everything - will never admit to not knowing something 
will info dump about things he finds interesting
if he’s wrong he’s actually not 🙂
when he gets really angry he cries - and then gets even angrier 
claiming vhagar is his most proud moment - which was then overshadowed by his eye being taken - this was the night it was really solidified that viserys didn’t care about him (‘your king demands an answer’ don’t even get me fkn started!!!!!!!!!!) 
is vain fs - that hair is laid the waist is cinched - like man literally has a whole gem in his eye 
has other gems for his eye but wears the sapphire the most bc his mom gave it to him after he healed 
loves his mom but thinks she’s weak - he sees her in himself 
prides himself on his strength 
clean and neat 
everything in his chambers has a place 
hated you at first bc he thought you were perfect 
wants you to watch him train but won’t ask you 
brings you books he thinks you’ll like 
offers to read to you 
shows you vhagar and blushes when you shower him with compliments of how brave he was 
a secret switch - lucky you if you unlock sub!aemond
missionary and doggy only
but first time he lets you ride him he’s a changed man 
jealous fucking 
will tie you to his headboard 
overall just destroys you in bed
then gives you kisses and reads to you while you soak in a bath
modern additions: 
has so many eye patches but only wears his all black one 
wears sunglasses in place of the eye patch from time to time 
fkn scifi nerd 100% 
also getting pc gamer vibes??
finds a lot of comfort seeing ppl w eye scars in his fav movies - and how all the girls react to it - but doesn’t think it applies to him
smokes cigarettes - lowkey hates the habit 
has an anon acct on goodreads and tears apart ‘best sellers’ - he’s always right tho
has both electronic and physical copies of books - prefers physical reading
prefers tea over coffee but still has both everyday 
drugs - just weed and he’s very particular about who he smokes with - will not buy from aegon 
orders toys and restraints online bc he doesn’t want to go into the store 
masterlist 🔌 
i couldve went on w this forever
taglist ✍️
@ka1afbr @ninihrtss @daintylittlesunflower @primroseluna @alexxavicry @misspendragonsworld @papichulo120627 @ashovertheriver @gabriella-aesthetic @moonymoo1 @faenyra @uwuuness @lizzylovebooks280501 @nostalgiagoth03 @multilover19 @summer-and-sunflowers @eternalwinters
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lexicorp · 2 days ago
Yeh! This post has a link to the fic~
Mmhm, in the fic Megatron has Sunstorm made because he regrets /actually/ killing Star. And constantly calls Sunstorm Starscream like nothing changed
Looolll that line is so goofy and she jus uno reverse it. Arc rlly just has her priorities straight fr, she only gives a damn about her own bitches. I can definitely see the alignment
My immediate vision of her slapping Optimus is jus her backhanding him into a 360 twirl and it's so funny
Arc being her own flavor of feral is pretty fun pairing her with Starscream where there isn't that dynamic of her wanting to fix him on some morals bs, unlike most ships I see, is neat. We support women's wrongs XD
And holy shit Meg betraying her behind stars back and her begrudgingly falling to the autobots for help? Fuck yeah I love those types of angles it can lead to such interesting drama. But man I can only imagine what star would think-- Meg would prob have him convinced that /she/ betrayed /him/
I just had a huge realisation yesterday and I wanted to share this after going through some pretty horrible stuff over the weekend: Something I've always asked myself ever since getting into G1 Transformers was "why do you like Starscream so much even though he's a narcissistic bully? Why are you, someone who is a victim of narcissistic abuse, taking comfort in a narcissistic character?" Well, I think I finally figured it out. Because Starscream is also a victim of that very same abuse. I mean, he's beaten, called names, bullied, unappreciated, abused, and put through the wringer…and he internalised all that abuse because he knew no other way. He had no one to turn to, and the few bots who did support him, he treated like dirt. Once he had that freedom and power, he abused it and became the very thing that abused him. I have no doubt he was always self-centred, selfish, had a huge ego, etc. before all that but honestly? I think Megatron's abuse caused him to turn out the way he did. I could have turned out that way and it's a little scary, some of the parallels I'm drawing with him.
@ichbinmeltdown wrote a great analysis on Starscream that I want to share here:
"Megatron was abusive as hell to Starscream. He treated him horribly, and I legitimately almost cried a few times watching it. There's an episode called Starscream's Brigade that introduces the Combaticons, and I think that perfectly demonstrates the cycle of abuse. The entire world is against Starscream at pretty much every turn throughout the series, but none more so than Megatron. Every word out of his speech synthesizer to Starscream is to berate him, and he's constantly throwing him around, beating him, even ripping out his speech synthesizer in a scene from a previous episode (Hoist Goes Hollywood, IIRC). His own teammates don't like him, and even his brothers- Skywarp and Thundercracker, going off of the idea they're brothers- just... allow Megatron to abuse him. (Not to get into headcanons here, but I personally believe that Megatron's abuse fractured the Elite Trine's family dynamic. They are still brothers and love each other, but they're all too afraid of Megatron to really... stand up for each other as they did in the past.) And Starscream seemed to just snap in this episode. He treated the Combaticons poorly, and even when teaming up with Shockwave, he subjected him to a lot of the same ridicule and torment that Megatron put him through. He failed to realize Shockwave was the one of the only bots who would give him a chance- and unfortunately lashed out at him, which ruined his chances of Shockwave ever being a true friend and ally to him. Once Starscream had finally gotten a taste of power and not being under another bot's boot, he too became the very thing that he lived in fear of. And that really is how the cycle goes- when you're finally free from abuse, it can be tempting to overcompensate and take back all the power you were robbed of, at any cost whatsoever. Starscream, like D16 in Transformers One, snapped up this opportunity."
And the sad thing is, I've seen this in real life and I've internalised some of the abuse I've dealt with too. I'm not proud of it. Like the Seeker Trine, my own family dynamic has been fractured by similar abuse. I know there's traces of narcissism in my behaviour too, and I'm NOT proud of it. Maybe this is why I can forgive Starscream for being a narc, because I can see a little bit of my own personality/attitude/behaviour in him. Maybe it's because I know where it came from, I get why he acts that way and it's not just random and out of the blue. Maybe it's because--and I know this is a bold statement--I don't think he would do some of the stuff my own family did to me (blah blah blah he's a fictional character).
I didn't mean for this to turn into a long rant, so
TLDR: I finally figured out that part of the reason I love and relate to Starscream so much despite him internalising some of the abuse I went through, is because he was the victim of that same abuse.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 days ago
I wanna lock Shigaraki Tomura and Kurama in a room together. Just to see what happens.
Specifically tho, late stage "let's destroy everything (except for the things my comrades love)" Shigaraki who had inexplicable unbeatable rizz in getting people to be loyal to him
And early stage "man FUCK this, FUCK humans, get me the FUCK out of here" Kurama
I think it'd be neat.
There's also an interesting parallel (if you squint) in AFO stealing Tomura's body in the final chapters and Kurama being under Madara / Obito's control to raze Konoha. Just fun to think ab, I dunno
I feel like Shigaraki "freaks of the world fall under my banner, let's go break some shit" Tomura would get over the demon fox thing like. Not fast, but faster than most.
Adapt! Improvise! Overcome! Help the demon fox escape his prison (maybe involving some light accidental child murder...) then demand he acts as ur tour guide in this other world as payment
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spec-s · 2 months ago
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hi *transgenders your lester*
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swampybogg · 4 months ago
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serge-starr · 2 days ago
BEFORE YOU HEAD TO THE COMMENTS, I am reblogging one of my old posts so I can explain further why I hate Elon Musk because, while I supposedly made things clear about Trump, people in my comments seemed to be more focused on why I hate Elon because apparently I didn't give enough reasons.
Personally I think the reasoning I gave was more than enough but just to set things neat I'm going to give more AND ellaborate. The least ellaborated reasons are at the very end.
THE WAY HE TREATED HIS CHILD. He has a trans daughter called Vivian who, by now, has completely cut him off and lived away from him because, as she explained, she no longer wants to be associated with him. Elon constantly deadnamed his child, said that she is not a girl, said that she has "been killed by the woke mind virus", etc. When Vivian was a child, she was pressured by her father to act less feminine and deepen her voice. He is literally transphobic, and thinks that being called "cisgender" is a slur or offence. Elon said that he's going to pull out of business in California because he disagrees with the way trans youth is being protected.
HE LIED TO GET RICH AND FAMOUS. He started his first company with money from his Dad and his rich friends. He sold it for 22 million dollars to a bigger company that was just trying to squash all competition and then he got even more money. His online banking startup had a security flaw that was so bad you could transfer funds from anyone else with just an account number. He got fired because he was financially ruining the company but he still made 180 million dollars when it sold. He wasn't the one who found Tesla, be bought into it. He became CEO then started a media campaign to get loans and investments. Someone said they would invest if they got a department in energy loans, so he lied and claimed that that had happened. Then he applied for the department of energy loans and put their involvement on that application. He gained 451 million dollars from the government for lying. Now, Tesla makes money in an interesting way, selling carbon credits. The company's carbon emissions are capped and Tesla reduces emissions so they earn a lot of credits. They sell them to the companies that go over. The few quaters that Tesla was profitable were mostly thanks to this. When Elon tweeted, "Funding secured. Tesla going private at 420 dollars", that was a LIE, and it inflated the stock price of Tesla. Now he's being sued for 248 billion dollars. He says he's going to "save the planet" and "save humanity", while he exploits people as well as the system. Elon has gained fame, which he has used to gain more money and THEN gain fame.
That's all! Thanks for reading
If you hate Donald Trump and Elon Musk like I do, I need your advice, please read this
Red text - Why I hate them
Blue text - My problem
Green text - Why it's a problem/why I need advice
Genuinely, do I even really have to explain why I hate Trump? Is it not ovious enough? He is one of the most evil people ever known and there is NO SUCH THING as a "good trump supporter". THEY'RE ALL BAD. He is openly a misogynist and talks about women so poorly. He talks about them like they're s-x objects and says that women deserve punishment if they get abortions. He's been accused of SA by DOZENS, literally DOZENS of women. He even sexualises his own daughter and says that he would date her if they weren't related. Furthermore, he's cheated on all of his wives.
And what else? He is racist. Straight up, he is literally just racist. AND transphobic. He also openly admires dictators and said that he wants to become one himself. He said that he wants an army just like (Germany mustache guy)'s. He has a friend called Nicholas Fuentes who also has openly said that he admires (Germany mustache guy), is a Holocaust denier and said, I quote, "your body, my choice" and "there will never be a female president". Trump has unfair tax policies that only benefit rich people and fuck over the middle and lower class. I struggle to explain this and why it upsets me to my parents because my parents don't care about politics or understand me as a person. Even if they did they wouldn't have the same views as me. They're conservative and I'm alternative.
So my problem is that my Mother says that all politicians are narcissists. I tried to reason with her and explain that politicians might just be people who stand for something and want to make change. She said that all politicians are power hungry and all they want is money and fame. I told her that I was passionate about politics and I cared about it a lot. She said that I shouldn't care about politics. I tested her standards and told her "what if I want to work in politics? Does that make ME a narcissist? Or does it not apply to me because I'm your child?" My Mum said that I would never make it as a politician because I'm too soft.
My Dad on the other hand, has bought a tesla, for multiple reasons. Firstly because they're good for the environment, and also because he liked the car's design/functions and he liked that he didn't have to pay for gas. I have begged my parents multiple times to not take me anywhere in that car (we have other cars). My Dad asked me to explain why and I told him that it went against my beliefs to go in the car. The company of tesla is partially owned by Elon Musk who is the richest man in the world and oh my God he is an ASSHOLE. He has so much fucking money that he doesn't even need and once he literally prevented money from being donated to a charity for children's cancer. He is the definition of a priviledged asshole. And of course he's a fucking Trump supporter. My parents believe that I'm being unreasonable but I don't think they understand how much it truly upsets me. At this point, it's not even political opinions, it's a political fact. I don't support Donald or Elon, I never have, and I never will. It is not justifiable to support them.
I need your advice because my Mum has continuously forced me to get in that car and take me places with it, like school, my art club, to town or literally just anywhere. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people seeing me get out of it at school. It's embarassing. My parents don't understand. My Dad said that if I don't want to get in the tesla then I can just stop going to art club and other places. He asked me to explain why I hated the tesla and I told him it was difficult to explain.
What if people at my school think I'm a trump supporter? Look, I'm always one who doesn't care what other people think, but that's only if I'M BEING AUTHENTIC AND MY TRUE SELF. That tesla is not me, it's not my thing and it never will be. I hate going in that car. I hate its size, I hate its design, I hate its company, I hate everything about it. I'm sick of worrying that my friends and classmates think I'm a priviledged asshole. I wish my parents had a sense of reality and would just understand this.
Please, if you have any kind of solution, tell me. And don't say something like "Oh just try explaining to your parents how you feel and why you're uncomfortbale". DUDE I'VE TRIED THAT 9892423 TIMESSS. THEY WON'T LISTEN. THEY DON'T GET IT.
Who can I call? Who can I reach out to? Who can I ask for help? WTF DO I DO???!?!
That's all! Thanks for reading
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casualbluebirdmentality · 9 months ago
what's so interesting about religion in the dnd world is that since their deities are proven real, religion isn't a matter of faith, but a matter of patronage. it's a matter of "i like this deity/ruleset/thing better". it's like sports teams.
kristen, meanwhile, has a deity who may very well be gone. dead. so not only is she already one of the most skilled clerics to have ever lived--she's resurrected herself from the dead, and single-handedly created gods--but she's got a religious one-up on every other priest, cleric, etc. out there, even though her religion has a total population of 1 person:
kristen applebees is quite literally the only cleric to practice actual faith.
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blackkatdraws2 · 10 months ago
There are more things in the Parable than Stanley knows about. [Blank Scripts AU]
#hoh boy i was going to make a comic to introduce these monsters but#i couldnt help myself and made an animation instead#because i just think they're so neat and cool okay#listen i cant for the life of me just infofump about my AU and OCs#because i just think that making actual content about my lore and stuff will not only raise the chances of people being interested#but also it will also raise my motivation to actually produce more content other than the same old recycled front-facing-profile drawings#i need to get creative with my stuff or I'll also loose interest and I DONT want that#in order to be happy with what i have i cant just think about it and expect to be given something new NOOOO i need to MAKE it ughh#i cant believe in order to get more content out of my own au i would need to draw it and feed myself ugh ugh ugh unbelievable (kidding)#but also#i wanna make a little music video or animation again for youtube#its been a hot while since ive uploaded anything in there at all#maybe an animation reel will do for now?#i hope so :(#because ive been working on expanding the Black Scripts AU#and honestly i dont regret it#i had a lot of fun making up scenarios and comics for Stanley and the Narrator (Black)#but yeah!#apart from this little video#you wont be getting an explanation on what these things are supposed to be#and why theyre there#actually i was originally gonna make this into a full fledge animation with sound effect/music/frame-by-frame movement/etc.#but i got lazy HAHA#tsp blank scripts au#tsp au#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#tsp
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callsign-coolsquirrel · 2 months ago
The General's Daughter
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janamelie · 1 day ago
#This was so hard there's so many interesting dynamics and ones that have such strong potential#Ultimately went with Kochanski and Rimmer though because the parallels fascinate me#Their dynamic was sadly underutilized in series VIII. Cassandra is the best of that series but it replaced what could've been a more complex#relationship between two characters who don't fit in with the universe they find themselves in and the group they're a part of with#Hey what if man wants to bang woman. Hey wouldn't that be funny#Anyways it's completely understandable why Cat and Lister is winning (atm) because I definitely love their relationship too!#Imagine you're a stray that's been (nearly) on your own for years when the guy who is supposed to be your species' god shows up#and takes you in and now you're just best friends. Love that gradual shift in Cat it's very sweet#Kryten and The Cat should have more one-on-one scenes because outside of the mandatory jabs all of the crew take at each other#they seem to be on chill terms and I think that's fun. Both of them should commiserate over the human strangeness of their fellow crew#Both of their relationships with Kochanski are interesting to think more deeply about as well#As much as both parts of Pete blend together and become a dull haze in my mind one post bringing up the three of them doing their own thing#without Lister and Rimmer is so true and funny. Going hands off with that duo as the two get back on their bullshit#Cat seems to also fall into the dynamic with Kochanski of man thinks woman is hot but I think it'd be fun to see him have#some more respect for her in her style than the other humans he knows. And I know Kryten's opinion of her improves when he thinks of how#he can look after her and Lister’s kids but I think it would be neat to picture a more gradual change#that's a much better reason for him to be in the women's section of the Tank than to set the scene for Krytie TV. ugh.#I've already made a couple posts about Kryten and Rimmer so needless to say I think their deal is intriguing#The Cat and Rimmer are as well for similar expressions of their relationship as Rimmer and Kryten even if the reasons differ#Oh god I've noticed how long I've been rambling whoops! Didn’t even get to Lister and Kryten#(though it doesn't even feel like I'd need to get into why I love their dynamic)#or any with Holly (which also have a lot of potential)#Ohh all of the characters make me go crazy. Love them all <3
Good tags. :D
Favourite Dynamic?
Excluding Lister / Rimmer and Lister / Kochanski, which of these dynamics do you wish had more screentime in Red Dwarf? Holly refers to either Holly and Kochanski to either Kochanski.
By "dynamic", I mean either platonic or romantic. Your choice.
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otaku553 · 1 year ago
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years ago
listen i know we all love steve “completely ignorant of queer culture to the point that bisexuality is a surprise” harrington being roasted and educated in turns by robin and eddie, yadda yadda, good stuff. i read “they made a horror version of rocky?” in a fic recently and cackled. also a big fan of “he knew he was bi from the start and just never talked about it” as a trope, love it excellent well done
but what about steve who realizes after starcourt that the most important person in his life now has this thing that’s a major part of her life that he knows nothing about, and what if he fucks it up? what if he says something ignorant or rude by accident, and hurts her? what if he loses her because he didn’t know the right thing to say? what if he can’t keep her safe because he doesn’t know what to look out for? absolutely fucking not, this steve says
and listen she’d never say anything, because she can tell that he can tell how much she likes teasing him and teaching him things, so he plays dumb, and she thinks it’s very sweet. but she notices when the zines she keeps under her bed that she buys at that one secret bookshop in indy when she can sneak away on family trips start going missing, always one at a time, and replaced in a few days with another disappearing. and she finds the new ones he must have gone to buy the weekend she was at her aunt’s house hidden in the back of his closet when she goes to steal one of his sweaters. and she notices when he slips more of her queerer movie recommendations into his personal take home pile rather than the movie night stack when he thinks she’s not looking.
she doesn’t notice when he drives to indianapolis after she tries to explain to him why she can’t just ask out a cute girl, tries to impress on him the fear attached to every moment of attraction that he simply has never had to feel, but later she finds a crumpled receipt from a diner in one of his jacket pockets when she’s looking for his keys, and the address is across the street from the bar the gorgeous woman at the bookstore told her about, the one she memorized the address of but hasn’t worked up the guts to think about visiting, and she knows he must have gone looking for a place like that, must have been trying to understand, must have been scoping it out to make sure it was somewhere she could feel safe, after she told him she never had.
so when eddie nearly pops a blood vessel when they clock each other and she mentions that steve is the only person she’s ever come out to before, her hackles come up. because she gets it, she does, he’s only known king steve until recently, so it makes sense that he would be afraid, be concerned for her safety.
but steve is her person, and no one- no one- has ever made her feel as protected or as cared for as he does. no one has ever tried as hard to understand her, no one has ever put so much work into making her feel safe and seen and loved. and she thinks maybe even if no one else ever does, that’s ok. because she has steve, and more importantly steve has her, and that means no one gets to question his ally credentials in her presence without a dressing down to remember, no matter how well they mean or how recently they helped save the world.
(and maybe she’s not as surprised as she could be when he figures out bisexuality all on his own, because she’s been reading all the same pamphlets he has, after all. and she’s seen the way he looks at eddie, i mean come on. maybe no one else has noticed, but then, nobody knows steve harrington like she does.)
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jailofhorns · 1 day ago
First off, totally respect all the reasoning/character break-down, and in fact love it! The reasons you have above are actually in part why I ship Sonadow, and actually paint a beautiful picture of both how Sonic and Shadow work with others interpersonally and why the ship in a more cannon context is so neat!
To be honest, I wana do more character deconstruction real bad. Mostly to do with how people in positions of power/stress and people with prior trauma tends towards social distance, and that Shadow and Sonic are prime examples of different ways people handle that irl. I'm gunna try to focus a bit less on why tho and more on how it would go, imo.
There is a directly related take from your analysis that I enjoy, which is that if Sonic and Shadow were to be in a relationship it likely would not be very romantic and likely even fairly distant, which is okay! That kind of relationship is relatively out of popularized norms, and not as easy to depict, with a lack of character interactions. In some personal anecdote, I myself prefer relationships like this, and the beauty of them lies in the firm confidence that when push comes to shove that person will be there for you, and that distance doesn't matter because it can't shake that confidence. Additionally, I tend towards sporadic "adventures" where I kidnap people to go do wild stuff for high-quality time together.
They would likely have rather uncommon mutual love languages, like preferring/respecting quite a bit of personal space/time, rather than crave what some might consider fairly typical love languages. However, like above they may focus more on a strong bond, occasional quality time (full of chaos), sparring, and intentionally riling each other up. (Two of my love languages as well lmao)
I find them fun/relatable imo, but not for everyone more married to cannon. Also goes without saying that yes, they'd likely have to work on boundaries a bit with the riling, something I myself have had to do lmao. Additionally, yes, this likely has quite a bit of projection within my interpretation of them. Those two act eerily similar to how I do with close friends/partners so what can I say lmao. They're just a bit more spikey ;)
That aaaaalllll being said, depict and do the things you love! Not feeling it cuz cannon perspective doesn't seem realistic for you? Sweet! Not feeling it cuz you're not into fanon takes? Sweet! Definitely no explanation needed, but I think it's sweet that you let peeps know you're not interested in sonadow anymore. Most of the time people just casually walk away from stuff, which is just as fine, haha.
guys what would you think if I told you how I don't ship sonadow anymore
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vaguely-concerned · 16 days ago
just for fun this time during 'sea of blood' I counted out all the venatori corpses I think we can be pretty sure were lucanis' handiwork before we show up (not including the ones he kills in his initial cutscene, and with an assumption that he's been at work mainly up and down in the areas we move through until we find him, not behind the locked door -- I think that's mostly the work of rampaging undead and other venatori-hoisted-by-their-own-petard suchlikes). can thus happily inform you lucanis has killed at least 32 venatori before rook and company get there. at least one of them he's impaled on their own weird crystal spike things the venatori mages cast as an AOE attack and that they're trying to keep him contained with when we find him. so he's clearly been keeping busy lol. that's my boy dispensing poetic justice and claiming some enrichment in his enclosure while he's at it good for him!
#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#lucanis dellamorte#I think he's been scouting around found what's techincally the way out realized he can't leave without his blood#and been shepherded/cornered in the room where you find him. or just as likely he lured them in there to take them all out at once#and also he's not a mage. how the fuck is he going to actually get the door out open and then not just drown if he does#even though he found it. lucanis dellamorte's very bad no good extremely awful horrible day (300+ day streak)#CAN the non-mage venatori get in and out of here without a mage to take them. many questions#him coincidentally escaping right now seems to be down to everything falling the fuck apart down there after zara officially voided#whatever OSHA regulations they ever had and the fallout of solas' ritual made magic run wild across the continent#it's interesting to note that the ossuary we see in this is actually pretty much emptied -- she's already retrieved#what she considered her successes. there used to be way more experiments down here until like a week before this#it's just lucanis and the other rejects left lmao#I do like (well. like is probably the wrong word) to imagine that lucanis has spent a sisyphean year of nearly escaping in there#he's killed a guard gotten to look around for intel for five seconds and been thrown back into his cell multiple times before#this time he's just got chaos and rook (basically synonymous terms right lol) on his side#also to all the 'why is he in his full armor and already with a neat beard' complaints -- because this is a video game#and getting a whole new model for him done for all of 45 mins of content max would not be a wise or fruitful use of resources#hope that helps!#if we're going to go watsonian about it he must have been wearing something when he got there and he probably had luggage#so idk he found those in a store room or something b/c callivan... not the brighest bulb in the lamp store clearly
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