#I just spent some time in the 4 minutes tag.. those men are FUCKING every which way.
dykedivorce · 2 days
okay. why are women only kissing a little daringly while men are literally fucking raw onscreen in thai dramas. What's going on there
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gonewiddershins · 2 years
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#every twilight/thorn princess fanart i see is so hot and/or serious – something straight out of a mafia movie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 3 of 7)
18. your least favorite book ever
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One of the effects of being a shameless DNF-er is how I don't really have least favorite books. Because they can't be my least fave if I drop them halfway through and go and happily read something else instead. Least favorite book (singular) ever is even worse- why on earth would I read a book I loathe that much? The only answer is "Buddy Reads" and even for that I have drawn lines I will Not Cross. And even if those lines were crossed, I feel uncomfortable rating that book as "the worst" because making me read something I don't like makes me very, very mad and that naturally spills over to my feelings about the actual book.
So I skimmed through Goodreads and randomly picked a book that made me mad enough that I remembered being mad to this day. This actually means the book had potential, because I tend to forget books which had no redeeming features whatsoever. But this is also the third draft of this answer so it's what you're getting. (There is actually book I dislike more than this one, but that's getting saved for the un-recommend question.)
Tangled by Emma Chase is an office romcom. And it would probably be pretty entertaining (my tastes they are so low) if (a) the author did not decide that swearing was an inherently funny action and used it to indicate idk- something positive about the male lead, (b) it weren't for the unquestioned gender essentialism - you know the thing, men are like this women are like that and god forbid anyone deviates even slightly from the norm, and (c) I didn't keep getting smacked in the face with constant workplace sexual harassment.
The harassment was bad enough to have my oblivious self feel mildly uncomfortable when I first read it. When I skimmed through it again to remember why I hated it so much it almost made me want to puke. If any guy thought about me the way the ML thought about the FL I would knee him in the balls. Also, I HATE it when romances end with a "grand gesture" that magically solves everything. Especially in this case. FL, you were so fucking bland that I don't remember a goddamned thing about you but you should have kneed him in the balls. For fuck's sake.
QUOTE: (slime. slime all over my face and my arms.)
Doe Eyes may be telling me no…but her body? Her body’s screaming, Yes, yes, fuck me on the bar. In the span of three minutes, she’s told me why she’s here, what she does for a living, and allowed me to fondle her hand. Those are not the actions of a woman who is not interested—those are the actions of a woman who does not want to be interested. And I can definitely work with that.
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
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3 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
1, 9 10 13 15 16 18 23 52 53 55 60 63 71 80 86 107 121 127 134 135 for ur ask meme
okay so there's are enough of these questions that I'm gonna answer this in parts because otherwise (a) I'll never finish and (b) tumblr WILL end up earing my drafts and I wince just thinking about that. So here we go-
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Beginning by K.A. Applegate. Anyone who's spent some time on my tumblr knows about my obsession with this series. It drilled into my ear and took over all higher life form function way back when I was an impressionable pre-teen. And then after sometime, when I thought I'd found other things to obsess about, I found copies of the final arc and it decided to permanently take up residence in my brain.
The Beginning is the final installment of the Animorphs series, which famously feature kids turning into animals to fight brain stealing alien puppeteers. It's not a climax- it's a extended denouement, because the books have always been about how children people are affected by war as much as as it was about the actual war. Animorphs also ended on a very bittersweet note, something unthinkable to baby me who had never seen a story end this way before. It was a learning experience.
"Jake, you can't . . ." She took a deep breath. "You can't equate the victim and the perpetrator."
"So as long as you're playing defense it's not possible to commit a war crime?" I asked. "That's pretty close to just saying that the winner makes the rules because it's the winner who writes the history."
She grabbed my arm and searched for my eyes, forcing me to look at her. "No, Jake, it isn't. There are a lot of close calls in history, lots of wars where the blame is evenly split between the sides. This isn't one of them. Before they came to Earth no human ever attacked a Yeerk. No human ever harmed a Yeerk. This one is clear: We are the victims. They made war on us."
"That's good," I said softly. "All of that is good. We have justification. We're the good guys."
Marco said, "That's right, Big Jake, we are."
I nodded. "That's good for the big picture. See, my problem is a little more personal."
Ax asked.
"Well, Ax-man, you're right, you did call my attention to the possibilities on the Pool ship. And when you did that I guess I should have thought, Well, Jake, it's a harsh, terrible thing to do, but you're justified because, after all, you're the victim here. But that's not what I thought. You know what I thought?"
Cassie released her grip on me. But Marco just took a step up close, right in my face.
"I know what you thought, Jake. You thought Die, you filthy worms. Feel the fear, Yeerks. Feel the pain. Feel the helplessness. You wanted them to suffer and the idea of them suffering and dying made you happy. You were thrilled. You were high."
Cassie winced. She looked away.
I said, "Yeah, Marco. That was about it: word for word."
9. your favourite book of 2020 2022
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3 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 2 of 7)
13. your favorite romance novel
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You should know by now that I don't actually have favorites. I have a list of things I like and how much I like them varies with time, emotions, circumstances, and also maybe the phases of the moon. But The Duke in Disguise by Cat Sabastian was the first book I thought of when I saw this question, so it's the answer by default.
A Duke in Disguise is a standalone (technically it's part of a series, but books in romance novels series are often functionally standalones with cameos) romance story about two childhood friends- a prickly left-leaning publisher trying to keep her business afloat and an illustrator (engraver, to be precise) who turns out to be the long-lost heir to a dukedom. It's filled with class rage and ideas about what independence means and wonderful friend and family characters. The heroine is bi and filled with rage goes to her ex-girlfriend when she wants to yell about stuff. It's great.
How one was meant to feed all these people on a couple of mutton chops Verity did not know. Supper was supposed to serve four: herself, Nate, Ash, and Charlie. But Nate had come home with three friends he met at the pub, which would have been bad enough even if he hadn’t evidently also invited Amelia Allenby, the half-grown daughter of Verity’s friend. At half past seven, a carriage pulled up in front of the house and disgorged a girl in pearl earbobs and a white muslin frock, dressed as if she were going to dine with the great and good of the land, rather than pick at too few mutton chops and be an eyewitness to sedition. Amelia was seventeen and looked upon Nate with a degree of hero worship that nobody who brought three hungry radicals home to dinner deserved.
15. a book rec you really enjoyed
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4 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
1, 19, 27
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold. I mean, I love almost everything this author writes but I'd only read her space opera series before this, and space opera was (at least back then) not as much my genre as Fantasy is.
It was also a very different type of fantasy from what I'd experienced. I'd mostly read grand sweeping fantasy epics before CoC, with a dash of Tamora Pierce to even things out. But I think this was the first time I'd seen adult fantasy which was less about world domination and more about people just trying to get by in the face of curses and life in general etc. Caz is a wonderful protagonist because he's so tired and so traumatized and he juxtaposes beautifully with Iselle (who is the /thematic/ protagonist) who's vibrant and a beacon of hope. The divinity-based magic system is wonderful. The way of breaking the curse is wonderfully clever. This book made me actually weep more than once. I just- //flails
It also made me be more active about searching for adult fantasy I was actually interested in, because till that point I really thought all we could have were chosen one quest narratives.
“Any man can be kind when he is comfortable. I'd always thought kindness a trivial virtue, therefore. But when we were hungry, thirsty, sick, frightened, with our deaths shouting at us, in the heart of horror, you were still as unfailingly courteous as a gentleman at ease before his own hearth.”
19. a book that put you in a reading slump
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5 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It just struck me how the MCU is milking the hell out of a nearly manufactured out of whole cloth mentor-mentee/dad-son relationship between a billionaire superhero and a socially disadvantaged kid superhero while the dc cinematic universe, which has multiple canon relationships like that, ignored them COMPLETELY in favor of more serial killer showcases.
7 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 4)
platonic! mori ougai x f!reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
previous: the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
author’s note: it’s port mafia time! ages are still one year younger than canon
also!! my 100 followers event still has 7 5 4 3  2  1 spot open for requests!! go check out this post for more info!! i’d like to get the whole prompt list done early so i have time to write them! (event is now closed as of feb. 10, 2021)
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another doctor? oh wait, another doctor and his daughter
as you expected, ranpo and fukuzawa have not let you go easy after what had happened a couple days prior (3 days ago to be exact)
one of them, or more often than not, the two of them would go visit the bakery at least twice a day
once in the morning right before opening, and the second time right before closing
if they could, they would visit around lunch time, but that was usually yosano
tbh you were thankful that yosano hasn’t been as overbearing as the other two but you knew she probably wanted to give you a break because holy shit are they extremely over protective
currently, it was the fourth day of being watched by the two eldest ada members, but there were no said ada members with you at the moment
and boy were you overjoyed
turns out, the ada has an important escort job for a government official or smth, and on top of that, fukuzawa has a bunch of meetings to attend
even ranpo has his hands full with a couple of difficult murder cases across the country
you’re lowkey, no highkey, worried bc you learned literally 3 days ago that ranpo doesn’t know how to ride the train 😀😀
you were worried abt them, there’s no question, but on the inside you were a bit relieved to which ranpo called you out on it immediately 
that led to the two of you going at each other’s throats for nearly half an hour
let’s just say fukuzawa scolded the two fo you for a while
going back to the present, it was around one pm and you had just finished sending a text message to both fukuzawa and ranpo (cause they insisted) when a little blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a red dress matching with a red bow in her hair and red shoes walked in
she immediately went to the glass case to look at the desserts displayed
as she looked around, you watched her at the corner of your eyes and a with a smile as you wiped down one of the tables
after wiping down the table, you quickly went to go wash your hands and you walked over and stood next to her
you bent slightly and smiled bigger as she stared at one of the treats in the glass
“is that the one you want?”
she nodded without looking away from the glass
you giggled before going to the back and placing the one she wanted on the plate and held it out to her
the blonde was honestly so confused bc one, no adult supervision, and two, there was no tell tale way to know that she had money
to you, she was an open book so when she looked at you, her face immediately read “but i have no money, or a parent...??”
you simply patted her head and pushed along to one of the nearby tables and pulled a chair for her
you did not regret anything when you saw the look on her face when you told her that it was on the house
“name’s elise!” “i’m (y/n)!”
you sat with her for a while continuing to give her sweets she reminded you of ranpo in all honestly and talking abt random things
she mostly complained abt a “rintarou” though
speaking of which, when a man in a doctor’s coat came through the door near screaming “elise-chan! elise-chan!” you figured that was probably the rintarou she was complaining abt
you smiled as you watched the two interact
“elise-chan why would just disappear like that?!”
“i wanted to see rintarou cry”
“so mean!”
...their behavior was questionable but endearing ig
“rintarou” suddenly turned to you, thanking you for “taking care of his daughter bc she’s always getting into trouble”
*cue angry noises and face from elise*
he introduced himself as a “local neighborhood doctor”
you smelled bullshit but didn’t say anything bc he has been kind to you so far
he asked you how he could repay you and you were thinking that you can actually win something bc you’re not refusing an ada member oh you poor oblivious child but you were appalled when elise answered for you
it went like this
“is there anything i can repay you with for taking care of my dear elise-chan? perhaps paying for all the sweets she has eaten?”
“oh no! don’t worry abt that, it’s nothing! it was a pleasure getting to know—”
“let’s buy out all of her food!”
h u h
you knew she enjoyed your pastries and stuff but like w h a t
you inwardly sigh in relief when the doctor agreed with you that “that’s a bit much elise-chan” and you were thanking every deity out there when suddenly
she threw a temper tantrum
you watched in confusion and slight horror at the 180 of the sweet little girl you were talking to like 10 minutes ago
her guardian panicked slightly and tried to get her to calm down but ahaha no that didn’t happen
“WAHH rintarou!! but i want it!! (y/n)’s food is the best i’ve ever had!!”
“b-but elise-chan, we can’t just buy—”
“i’ll wear all the dresses i’ve ever rejected and more if we buy it out right now and keep buying sweets here forever”
your eyes twitch at the “innocent” smiles the two gave you after their “talk”
fast forward literally 5 minutes and you’ve already flipped the close sign on your door with note (saying you’re sold out) and you’re all over the place running around behind the counter trying to fit everything into boxes as the two are sitting on a nearby table lightly chatting
about 20-25, nearly 30 minutes later you finishing packing everything in the glass case
it was a lot
we’re literally talking about tiered cakes and dozens of batches of cookies, cupcakes, literally everything and anything
when the two notice you’re done they get up meet you by the register
“a-ano, you really don’t have to buy all of this...the total is going to be quite large...”
“no worries!”
honestly at this point, you kind of missed the chaotic calls from ranpo that happened like every half hour
you thought you were done being surprised for the day but next thing you know men in suits come into Sakura’s and begin to load the boxes into a black car
dealing with the detectives was already starting to be a handful and now you have to deal whoever the hell these two people where
quite frankly, you were having trouble wrapping your head around all of this
who buys out a whole bakery?!
and who has the money to buy out a whole bakery?!
what kind of job could you possibly have?!
was this guy really just a doctor?!
right before the two leave you call out to them
“a-ah wait! i don’t think i ever caught your name!”
the two blink at you before eyeing each other
“mori ougai” 😄😄
you started smelling bad shits again 
it was a weird feeling
you felt something off but at the same time, you weren’t really afraid 
and with that the two left
you were already tired from this whole thing but you now get the rest of the day off
so i guess something worked out in your favor
until the next fricking day
again, ranpo and fukuzawa canceled out on you
you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not
and as soon as you thought you were going to have a normal business day, guess who walked through the doors
yeah that’s right
“the local neighborhood doctor” and his daughter
you froze before eyeing them with suspicion
if mori was amused, he didn’t show it, only giving you a smile
elise immediately left his side and practically leaped onto you making you cut yourself with the knife you were holding
well shit now you’re bleeding
it was only 7:15 in the morning; you had literally just opened
you were cursing every deity out there
you quickly grab a nearby and press it against your wound and scrambled around looking for the first aid kit you had nearby
“oh? (y/n)-kun are you bleeding?”
“(y/n) i’m sorry!”
“a-ah, no worries elise-chan”
you really need to stop spacing out bc next thing you know, the sign on your door is flipped to close again (along with the same note from yesterday explaining you’re sold out taped on the door) and you’re sitting at a table with elise in your lap and mori wrapping your hand in a bandage
“tsk tsk (y/n)-kun you need to be more careful...but it is elise-chan’s fault”
“die rintarou!”
“but no worries! it’s not that deep so you don’t need stitches”
“thank you, mori-san, but can i ask why you and elise-chan are here again? not that i mind...”
whether or not you were lying is up to you
“oh we’re here to buy out your stock again!”
“wait what-”
the fuck???
did they not just buy everything yesterday???
frozen, you stare at the man in front if you with said man giving you another “innocent” smile
this little shit
wait till you meet dazai
but i guess that’s why the sign on the door is flipped to close bc you don’t even remember flipping it yourself or taping the note from yesterday to the door
you spent the next half hour trying to convince the two over some tea (your signature one of course) that “no you don’t need to or should buy everything i have, you’re going to deprive the rest of my customers”
cough cough ranpo
like the day before, you were losing this argument
can you just never win?
as you were losing the argument (obviously) you realized that you don’t even know why they want to buy everything again
“mori-san, why do the two of you even want to buy everything in the first place?”
“ah it was elise-chan’s request of course! but i do admit, after trying some of your sweets myself, i grew quite attached! so did the rest of my subordinates after my precious elise-chan made them try it, not like they could refuse her or me; i am their boss after all (y/n)-kun.”
*cue confusion*
“subordinates? wait are those the guys from yesterday?? aren’t you a doctor...?”
“ah ex-doctor actually, i’m the leader of the port mafia”
“ah (y/n)-kun that’s quite the coughing fit you have going on, do you need water?”
if it wasn’t obvious, you choked on your tea and had quite the coughing fit; you were wheezing and everything making elise leave you lap and settling for dangling over mori’s shoulders
“...you’re kidding”
“im afraid im not”
this man confuses the hell out of you??
w h y would he just say that, to you of all people
but it explains the bad shits you were smelling/feeling yesterday
“are you afraid?”
“being completely honest with you, mori-san, not really”
“and why is that?”
you simply shrug not really knowing the answer
you aren’t lying, you just aren’t
maybe bc yesterday, he seemed more like a doting parent than the boss of the most criminal organization of yokohama
yes, you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but just saying, if the port mafia wanted to hurt you, you’d probably be dead in a ditch by now
and they haven’t really been a bother to you, they were more like background characters in your life
until yesterday of course
mori simply raises an eyebrow and a smile seemingly okay with your very vague answer
“why did you tell me that mori-san?”
the man only smiles a bit wider at you and this time, you’re the one raising an eyebrow
“just a feeling” 
yeah you were starting to smell bad shits again
“and besides! elise-chan seems quite fond of you (y/n)-kun! i wasn’t planning on doing anything to you in the first place, but even if i wanted to, i don’t think i could! i wouldn’t want to upset my dearest cute elise-chan”
“die rintarou!”
“that’s mean elise-chan!”
your eyes began to twitch in slight annoyance
cause istg the duality of this man—
this strange strange man
oh dearest you haven’t even met dazai yet
after that has been said and done, somehow you found yourself in front of stores being dragged by elise
how did you end up there you ask? i don’t know either so there’s nothing we can do abt that
eventually, you found yourself holding a bunch of shopping bags full of dresses and clothes of the sort
some of it your size and the others elise’s
“yes (y/n)-kun?”
“why do i have bags of clothing that are fit for me rather than elise?”
“oh that’s because elise refused to go without you and if you didn’t get anything!”
that makes perfect sense, of course
you could see why elise kept on complaining abt this guy
the two of you actually bonded over making fun of him
you have n o fear
actually, maybe just a little
the three of you were out for basically the entire day and you were exhausted
cause holy shit there was a lot of money wasted, shopping bags obtained, and walking involved
it was around 5 pm when the three of you were making it back to Sakura’s
along the way you found yourself having a pleasant conversation with mori
even if he was a questionable person to be having a pleasant conversation with, you enjoyed it nonetheless
you hoped that it makes it harder to get rid of you if he ever changed his mind but we don’t talk abt that
when the three of you arrived, you immediately dumped all the bags you were holding and went straight to work packaging everything for “the local neighborhood doctor”
before they left, mori agreed to not buy out all of your stock except for some occasions but instead settled ordering massive batches of a little bit of everything every few days
how that’s not the same as buying everything you won’t ever know
you were standing outside Sakura’s watching the two get into the car that had arrived when suddenly, mori turned to you
“ah (y/n)-kun, i know that you wouldn’t tell anyone about this, it wouldn’t be like you to, but just a reminder, it would probably be in your best interest not to let anything slip to anyone okay? we wouldn’t want any enemies using you against the port mafia. so take care of yourself hm? see you next time”
and bippity boppity boo just like that, they were gone
how that man managed to get your personality down in just like 10 hours you don’t want to know
and that’s basically the story of how you started making more food/bake goods to sell
true to his word, every few days, or sometimes consecutive days, mori called you and made a large order
and i mean large
on those days, someone from the port mafia would pick it up and then you get paid
thankfully, by increasing the amount of food you made, you always had enough to put out on display and to sell even after the large order
before doing that, on those days you didn’t have a large stock, someone by the name of edogawa ranpo would weep at your feet
he will deny this; after all, great detectives don’t do weeping
or so he says
and speaking of the detective, you never did tell him what had transpired the two days he and fukuzawa were absent on checking on you
but tbh, i even think ranpo could’ve deduct this one
you didn’t tell him bc you were afraid, no of course not that’s ridiculous mori, in elise’s words, was a loser
you didn’t tell him bc you knew he and fukuzawa would flip the fuck out
and that would be a major inconvenience to you
you didn’t see the point in telling them anyway
so whatever, it’s like it’ll be important
and if ranpo and fukuzawa noticed the abundant of bags near the door leading up to the staircase when they visited you at the end of the day they didn’t say anything
of course one of them said smth
“ne (n/n)-chan since when did you like to buy a bunch of things; waste of money if you could just be using that money to make more food so you wouldn’t sell out right away and have food to feed me”
your eyes twitched
he could’ve worded that a little better but whatever
it is ranpo-san after all
“i just got carried away since i closed up early; you know it isn’t often i get to go shopping”
and if he smelled your bullshit he didn’t say anything
for real this time
that slightly concerns you ngl
let’s just say quite a few heads were turned when they saw their boss leading a bunch of lower level subordinates carrying many light pink boxes of different sizes to his office for the second time
oh and just another thing
*whispers* he was lying when elise made his other subordinates eat your food; they kept it all to themselves”
was that a ruse to help lead the revelation of his real occupation who knows
“(y/n)-kun is a very interesting person don’t you think so elise-chan?”
“quiet. i’m eating cake.”
“that’s so mean elise-chan!”
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holycafe · 4 years
I have gone full blown conspiracy clown today, but I just needed to get this all written down so I could stop obsessing over it for more than five goddamn minutes!
Look, I’ve never been a part of any queer ship that I genuinely thought was going to become. Never. Not even with my biggest OTPs, not even after 15x18 was first released, not even when I realised that the cast and crew all wanted Destiel. I never genuinely believed that the writers would make it explicitly canon.
Not until now, a week after the finale aired. So, I’ve decided to compile this post of everything that we know about this episode and why I think that it was the CW, not the showrunners, who axed Destiel. (I will update this as the story continues to unfold, so if you have anything to add, feel free to message me about it.)
Let’s start with 15x18. Castiel’s confession itself was a beautiful speech, but we can all agree that Dean’s reaction left something to be desired. At first, it was claimed to be homophobia on Jensen’s part, or just bad acting, but it is much more likely that the scene was chopped and edited and remixed to take the soul out of Dean’s side of the confession and make it easier for homophobic fans to digest (x). This includes the removal of Dean’s “Me too, Cas” from the episode, the existence of which was leaked to the fans long before the Spanish dub confirmed it (x).
Now onto episode 19, there were a few issues with this but most of it boiled down to two points. A – the pacing for the episode made it feel rushed (not uncommon for this season as they’ve truly been ploughing through plot after plot since 15x01 began). And B – Dean never mentioned Cas’ confession. So, were there any scenes cut from this episode too? A scene that was perhaps filled in with the oddly placed montage? I believe so, yes… (x)
In the end, 15x19 ended with the villain defeated but with 4 smaller plot points left unresolved. Those being the issue with the Empty being ‘loud’, the fact that heaven was still failing, Cas’ confession being unanswered, and his death being unresolved. So, surely those would be in the finale, right?
Except, no, they weren’t. Or, at least, not on screen. They spent approximately two lines of dialogue on the remaining plot points and then just left it be.
And remember how I spoke about 19 being rushed? Well, ep. 20 was the exact opposite! And that’s strange, don’t you think? How they raced through the penultimate episode and the defeat of God himself, only to pump the breaks suddenly on the finale, slow everything down, and never resolve those final plots on screen? Strange, unless the CW ordered any and every queer-coded scene to be removed from the final episodes - which included all remaining plot points because they were all linked to Cas. This left us with excessively long drawn out scenes (x) as well as some ridiculous last minutes additions (x) to fill in the timeslot. (Also, click here and here for two linked posts about cut scenes from episode 20). But it also left several loose ends, even though the showrunner said that nothing would be left ambiguous by the time the credits rolled.
Very strange indeed.
If you’re still not yet convinced by this post, you’re probably thinking that of course scenes were cut. The cast and crew have all said it was because of covid restrictions, but it was just going to be a bigger heaven scene. Well, was it? Because it seems awfully odd to have a scene where Dean and Sam reunite with all of their family, if half of said family were never even asked to appear in the episode – not even before covid forced the script changes (x).
And now I’m going to talk about another love story that was cut from this finale, and that was Sam and Eileen, resulting in the Blurry Wife Fiasco. The decision to never mention Eileen again makes absolutely no sense in the slightest… unless it was damage control for Destiel (x).
And all of this because the CW didn’t want to alienate the cishet white men and women who they are hoping still watch supernatural and will follow Jared on over to Walker (I will explain this further in an additional post when I have the energy to continue. But if anyone wants to start it off, tag me and I will link your post here too).
And finally, we have Misha’s video. Poor Misha, having to be the face in front of the CW’s words. Absolutely nothing about that tweet sounded like something that the Misha Collins we have known and loved for the past 12 years would say (rancid nuts, anyone?).
So, in conclusion:
Fuck the CW!
(27-11-20) an unofficial video has emerged claiming to be the leaked italian dub of 15x18 (x) Faked
(28-11-20) a second of an unaired scene from 15x18 has been found in one of the August promos. I did a breakdown of it and tried to place where it should have been in the episode (x)
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Once Upon a December
Chapter 4: Things My Heart Still Needs to Know
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A/N: So instead on doing this only from Rowan and Aelin’s POV I decided to add a little bit of Lysandra so we know whats happening on the other side of the continent! This was so fun especially because I love a little mystery and a certain character we learn more about here. If I forgot to tag you please tell me. Enjoy!
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
“Who are you?” Lysandra breathed, completely shocked. The man in front of her eyed her curiously, as if he too wanted to know who she was.
Lysandra usually was careful not to call attention to herself, had learned that with Yrene who had been here longer than she had, but she couldn’t help with this man. Whoever he was, he had to be related to Lin somehow.
“Who’s asking?” His voice was deep, a mix of accents making the words sound like a song. The accent from Eyllwe and… Terrasen?
“I— You—“ Lysandra was, for the first time in her life, completely speechless. Growing up in a poor orphanage in Adarlan, Lysandra always knew what to do or say to get out of a situation. Always had something on the tip of her tongue, usually a lie. But right now all she could do was stare at the turquoise and gold eyes that belonged to her best friend.
And to this man, apparently.
“I usually do leave women speechless, don’t worry.” He joked, a small smile on his lips. When she didn’t laugh, didn’t stop staring at him, the smile dropped and his eyes narrowed. “What?”
“Who are you?” She repeated, eyes wide.
“Aed!” Yrene said, coming from the kitchen. She didn’t realize the staring match Lysandra was having with the man. “It’s been a year since you came by!”
“Hello, Yrene.” His eyes softened, and he smiled at the barmaid. “Who’s this?”
“Oh! This is Lys, she’s new. Has been with us for eleven months now.” Yrene said, patting Lysandra’s shoulders before starting to retreat into the kitchen. “I’m on kitchen duty right now, but Lys can get whatever you want.”
“Hello, Lys.” His voice held humor, and Lysandra slowly came out of her stupor enough to narrow his eyes at him. The necklace around her neck was becoming heavier and heavier.
“Who are you?” She said a third time, her voice harder now.
He leaned in, whispering as if to tell her a secret. “Aedion Ahsryver, milady.” He winked at her.
Ashryver. Ashryver. Where had she heard…. Ahsryver.
“As in royal Ashryver?” Her voice came out slowly and calmly, but her mind was racing.
“As in ex royal Ashryver, yes.” He joked, but his voice held some bitterness.
Lysandra stared at Aedion for a few seconds before turning around. She walked until her hand was on the doorknob to the back door. She opened it gently, closing it behind her with nothing more than a click. She breathed in the air, not even caring that it smelled like piss and trash. She needed oxygen, needed to clear her thoughts. With extremely steady hands, she grabbed her necklace.
Lysandra had always joked that it was unfair that Lin had such beautiful necklace— a series of overlapping circles forming the shape of an eye with a blue stone in the middle— and she had none. So on her seventeenth birthday Lin had taken her to the fair and bought her a cheap locket. The real present was when Lin took her to one of the few photographic stations in Erilea, taking a picture of the two of them and putting inside the locket.
“It’s out family heirloom now. The first one.” Lin had said, a smile on her lips. “Because we are sisters. Maybe not by blood, but you are my family, Lys.”
Now, as Lysandra opened her locket and looked at the picture inside, she didn’t see Lin.
No, she saw the man inside. She saw the fallen royal of a kingdom neighbor to the one she had grown up. She saw the defining traits, the eyes, the mouth, nose and jaw.
Lysandra stared at the locket and didn’t see Lin Sirota.
She saw Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.
Lysandra vomited, barely hearing the approaching footsteps.
Lin was finally alone.
It had been five days since they got in the train and started their way to Banjali. They were currently in the middle of gods-know-where, and Lin had spent most of her day with Gav and Vaughan studying the royal family tree.
And exchanging scornful looks with Rowan, but that was besides the point. The man apparently had decided that he hated her guts with all his might, and Lin wasn’t all that sad about having someone to throw her anger at.
Around four, everyone decided to go to their own cabins and relax before dinner. They had been eating dinner in the privacy of their cabins for the past days, not wanting to draw too much attention. Today would be the first night they would go to the dining room.
Connall and Vaughan had been the first to leave. Gavriel and Lorcan were sharing one of the cabins, Fenrys and Rowan were in the other one and, as requested, she had her own. For forty minutes now she was sitting in silence, Fleetfoot asleep on the floor. The only sound was her fingers playing with the pendant on her necklace.
Aelin had asked if Gav had any books she could read. Most had been geography books, and although she didn’t hate geography, reading a whole book about it sounded brutal. Thankfully, he also had some history ones. With the excuse of keeping her studies, Lin grabbed one about the old royals.
The book was interesting, but Lin was so tired that she was dozing off when a knock came from the door. She sighed, having an instinct of who was knocking in such impolite manner.
“You can’t stay away, can you, Mr. Whitethorn?” She said as she opened the door, and there, as expected, was Rowan.
He had a frown on his face, but the sneer wasn’t there so Lin considered him in a good mood. Maybe he had taken a nap and calmed down, like those old cranky men usually did.
She took a step aside, letting him get into her cabin. As much as she had said she didn’t want to be disturbed by any of them whenever they weren’t practicing, Lin had to admit that she was infinitely curious to know what had brought Rowan here. She went back to her seat and plopped down, grabbing the book again. From the corner of her eye she could see him sitting down, giving the cabin a look that left clear all his discontent and how uncomfortable he was.
That was enough to make her smile a little.
“Look, Lin…” He forced out, as if the words physically hurt him. “I think we started off on the wrong foot.”
Oh, this was going to be fun.
“I do, too.” She said, her voice solemn.
“Ok.” He breathed.
“And I appreciate your apology.”
And just like that, the forced calm was gone. “Apology? Who said anything about an apology? I was just—“
“Mr. Whitethorn, don’t say anything else.” She raised her eyes from the book and looked straight at him. “It will only upset me.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” He asked and Lin almost laughed at the incredulity on his face. “What about you apologize?”
“And what in Hella’s realm would I apologize for?” She dropped the book, her temper rising.
“Would you believe if I told you I made the same question to myself seconds ago?” He mocked, crossing his arms.
She crossed her arms too, raising her chin. “You mean to tell me that you haven’t been awfully rude for the past days and—“
“And you have been such a charm, isn’t that right?” He interrupted her.
“And,” she continued as if he hadn’t said a word. “You want me to believe that it wasn’t Gavriel who told you to come here and set things straight?”
The moment his jaw clenched, Lin had her answer. Gav was the peace keeper and he would undoubtedly tell Rowan to stop bothering her at some point. She had to admit that she was surprised it had taken only a week.
“I was trying to be nice.” Rowan said, through clenched teeth.
“It didn’t work.” She replied with a sweet smile. “Actually—“
“Do you ever shut up?”
“You want me to be quiet?” Her jaw dropped. He was in her cabin taking up her time and he had the audacity to tell her to shut up.
“It is my greatest wish.” He slumped on his seat, and Lin wanted to jump on him and strangle his pretty neck.
“Fine!” She said louder, turning her head to the window. She knew she should kick him out, but her temper still hadn’t calmed down and she was itching to continue their sparring. She tried to soothe her nerves. She breathed in and out, watched the Oakwald trees passing by, tried to count to ten. Maybe if she tried to be civilized she would be able to kick him out faster and without further damage. “Will you miss it?”
“You talking? Hardly.”
And there was her temper rising again. “I meant Orynth, asshole.”
“Why the hell would I miss that piss poor city?” He sounded genuinely confused, and she turned her eyes back to him to see his brows furrowed.
“It was your home.” She said simply.
“It was a place where I lived. End of story.”
“That’s sad.” The words left her mouth before she could consider them, and Rowan’s gaze held so much wrath she had the mind of apologizing. “Sorry, it’s just that living most of your life without a home sounds shit. No wonder you’re like that.”
She knew it was the wrong thing to say the moment his face hardened.
“What’s up with you and homes, huh? Did you have a home, Lin? Did you have nice Yulemas mornings and happy Beltane celebrations? Did you have a beautiful house to go back every night?” His voice was dripping with venom, and that time it actually hurt. He knew she was an orphan, knew she had lived her whole life in an Adarlanian orphanage. And although he was an idiot, he wasn’t dumb. Rowan knew exactly how living in a poor orphanage in Adarlan as an immigrant and a Sirota meant.
He was just trying to hurt her by saying she never had a home either.
And it worked.
“I don’t know, to be honest.” She wanted to hurt him. Wanted to make him feel like the scum of the earth. “Because I have no memories before the age of eight so I wouldn’t know if I ever had a home. I wouldn’t know if I had happy Yulemas mornings or Beltane celebrations, and a house to call home, Rowan. As for later, the orphanage was as shit as you can most likely imagine but I did have family there, so yes, I had a home. It was shabby, shit and depressing but I would give anything to go back to it the way it was a year ago.”
She got up, and his eyes trailed her but he didn’t get up.
“Don’t try to make me be as pathetic as you, Whitethorn. You and I had the same shit, the difference is that I’m not a prick for no fucking reason.” She walked to the door, and even though she knew that this was her cabin and that he should be the one leaving, she couldn’t stay here. “Talk about my home like that again and I will fucking gut you while you sleep.”
“Lin…” He started, but she slammed the door after her, walking down the corridor.
She was fuming. She wanted to go back there and tear Rowan to shreds, but also wanted to walk until she had calmed down every single nerve in her body. Since murdering Rowan wouldn’t make her companions too happy, she opted for the latter.
How dare he speak of her life as he knew anything.
How dare him come to her only to try to hurt her.
How dare he—
Her racing thoughts were interrupted the moment a massive body hit her. She grabbed onto one of the windowsills, trying not to fall, and looked up. The man was almost as tall as Rowan or Lorcan, his brown hair was tied in a bun and deep blue eyes looked at her with so much scorn that he could probably give Rowan a run for his money.
“Watch where you’re going.” His voice was raspy and it send a shiver down her spine. He looked her up and down, giving Lin a disgusting smile before walking away. “Or maybe I’ll have to watch you.”
Lin had survived ten years dealing with shit, with people trying to hurt her everyday. She knew how to fight and definitely knew how to kill someone if the occasion asked for it. She could protect herself.
But in that moment all she wanted was to go to the boys. She didn’t want to ever see that man again, much less be alone with him in a corridor for the rest of her life. Maybe she’d convince Lorcan to kick the man out of the train. While it was moving. It sounded like the type of thing Salvaterre would enjoy.
“He barks more than he bites.” A feminine voice came from behind her, and Lin’s soul left her body as she yelped.
Lin turned around to see Lyria standing there, arms crossed and a small smile on her face. Lin would have snapped at her, but she knew that if it had been anyone else yelping how she had seconds ago, she would have wanted to laugh too.
“Who’s the brute?” Lin gestured to the retreating form that had hit her seconds ago.
“Cairn.” Lyria scrunched her nose in disgust. When she turned to Lin again, her face softened. “I take you were talking to Rowan.”
“Do I look this mad?” She replied, but a small smile also played on her lips.
“I don’t even want to know what he said.” Lyria sighed, putting her hands inside the pockets of her skirt. “Rowan can be brutal, but he’s a really good person when you get past his defenses.”
Lin was taken aback for a moment. This girl standing in front of her had nothing to do with the one in the platforms. This one seemed nice and warm, still holding a little of love for Rowan. The one in the platform had been cold and distant, wanting nothing more than strangle Rowan.
Lin would probably like the girl a lot if she did strangle her ex boyfriend.
“I thought you didn’t like him.” Lin admitted, and Lyria raised a brow, her warm eyes dancing with humor. “Or me, for that matter. In the platforms earlier you weren’t exactly…”
“Pleasant? Yes, I am sorry for that.” She seemed genuinely sorry, even bowing her head a little. “But appearances matter a lot, Lin, don’t forget that.”
Lin didn’t know what to respond to that, so she only tucked that piece of information in the back of her mind to analyze later.
“Would you like to have tea? Or coffee? With food, of course. Dinner isn’t served until eight and I am starving.” Lyria asked, her voice a little hopeful.
Lin knew the girl worked for the queen, and that should have been enough to make her suspicious. But Lyria seemed ok, nice even. If she was here with men like Cairn, her travel must have been brutal for the last couple of days. Lin didn’t need a new sister, she had Lysandra, but maybe having another woman that she could talk and befriend would be… Wouldn’t be terrible.
Lin’s smile was genuine when she answered Lyria’s question. “I’d love to. I have tired of my companions already, anyways.”
Lyria’s laugh at that had been genuine, too.
“You are a women’s charmer. No one is at your level. Unparalleled, honestly.” Fenrys was saying and Rowan wanted to punch his teeth in. “In one week, one week, you managed to piss off Lin so much that now she’s chatting with you ex. It’s a record. Isn’t it a record, Gav?”
Gav snickered, as did the rest of them. Around seven, all six of them had decided go to the lounge to drink something and talk.
All of them had been shocked the moment they saw Lin and Lyria sitting at a table, laughing and talking as if they had been friends for years now.
“Can someone please shut Fenrys up?” Rowan grumbled.
“I have been trying for twenty years now.” Connall sighed, and Vaughan laughed at his husband. “Nothing works, unfortunately.”
“Poison, maybe?” Vaughan helped.
“Don’t kill my brother.” Connall turned to Vaughan.
“Yeah, don’t kill me, dickwad.” Fenrys butted in.
“Fenrys is right, though.” Lorcan said, his usual sarcastic smile on his lips. “What did you do to the girl?”
Rowan could feel his cheeks heating, and he looked at Lin again. He had been horrible.
Absolutely and disgustingly horrible.
Lin could get under his skin so fast that he didn’t even realized how pissed he was until they had started arguing. She was too sarcastic and too smart and the fact that she had taken a dislike in him the same way he had taken one in hers annoyed him endlessly. When arguing earlier, she had poked a sensitive part of his life and in that moment he hated her for it.
Now, he realized that there was no way she even knew it was a sore topic, but at the moment his emotions had been screaming so loudly that he didn’t even consider his next words. And they had been mean and low and he was so deeply ashamed that he didn’t know how he would even talk to her from now on. He should apologize for being purposefully mean, for using the little bit of information he knew about her to make her feel like shit.
Even though they only knew each other for about a week now, Rowan could notice that Lin was a secretive person. Whenever talking about her life, her hobbies or anything that would give them insight on who she was, Lin had been vague and superficial. She didn’t want them actually knowing her, and after today Rowan only had himself to blame.
And now she was chatting with Lyria as if nothing had happened.
The sight was strange. He hadn’t seen Lyria so free and talkative since she went to work for Maeve. After that, she had distanced herself, becoming colder and colder. It had broken Rowan’s heart in the beginning. Although she seemed to not think so, he had loved her. Rowan had loved Lyria in whatever way he knew, in whatever way he could. She had been the love of his adolescence, and she would always be a part of his story even though both of them were so different now.
There were things he hadn’t told her, but not because he didn’t trust her, but because he couldn’t voice them. Lyria had been so bright, so pure and lovely that Rowan couldn’t stand smudging all those qualities with his dirty past. Maybe it had also been his fault that they didn’t work out. He used to think it had been all about her working for the woman he hated, about her distancing herself from him, but he realized that he had been doing that for far longer than she had.
Gosh, he was a piece of shit.
“I’m a piece pf shit.” He said as much.
“Yes, you are!” Fenrys replied happily. Rowan turned to scowl at him, and Fenry’s smile immediately dropped. Not because of Rowan, though.
“Oh, fuck.” Gav muttered.
“Well, well, well… If it’s not dumb, dumber and dumbest.” Fenrys scoffed, staring at the doors to the lounge.
Standing there was Cairn, Cain and Perrington. All of his companions, and Rowan included, were familiarized with the three men. Whenever Lyria went to talk to them again, one had been flanking her back. The three were part of Maeve’s inner circle along with Lyria.
Rowan sometimes wondered how Lyria, who had been so sweet, endured working with those three pieces of shit. They reeked of cruelty and violence. Cain was known for doing Maeve’s hands-on dirty work, and Perrington was the one that did the political dirty work. Cairn was just a fucking sadist and Rowan shivered whenever he wondered what dirty work he was in charge of.
Rowan felt, more than saw, all his brothers tensing up when Cairn approached Lin, putting a hand on her shoulder. Despite Lin’s protests and announcements that she had no interest in befriending any of them, the cadre— as she liked to call them— had taken a certain liking and sense of protectiveness of her. Rowan was sure that Lorcan and Fenrys were about to walk up to Cairn when Lin got up, aggressively brushing the hand on her shoulder off and turning to the man with so much hate in her eyes that Rowan was glad he had never pissed her off to that point.
She mouthed something to him and Lyria bit her lower lip, trying not to smile. Lin, however, gave Cairn an ironic smile, turning back to Lyria. She said something, and the brunette only nodded, a smile on her lips.
When Lin noticed the other two men behind Cairn, her brows furrowed. She looked around until her eyes fell on them, and Fenrys gave her a subtle nod and walked a few steps in her direction. Lin turned back to the three man from Maeve’s inner circle, flipping them off as she walked to Fenrys. She looped her arm in his, and by the tightness on her mouth, she knew that Cain, Cairn and Perrington were still watching her.
“It was stupid to think Maeve would let all of us leave Orynth with just a few questions.” Connall said as his twin brother approached, Lin in his arm. “We should have realized when Lyria was in the platform days ago.”
“But the whole inner circle?” Vaughan asked, giving up his stool for Lin to sit down.
“Erawan is still with her.” Lorcan grunted, his eyes on the three man now sitting with Lyria. Where a laughing girl had been just minutes ago, now was a tense, cold woman.
“They are going to Melisande’s capital. Lyria told me.” Lin said, taking a sip from one of their drinks. By the way Fenrys narrowed his eyes, it was his.
Rowan wanted to bet twenty coppers that Lin knew exactly whose drink she was taking and knew that it would have been better if it was Vaughan’s or Gav’s.
“And why would we believe Lyria?” Lorcan asked, turning his head to her.
She merely shrugged. “I didn’t say we believed. I actually didn’t say anyone believed it.” She said calmly, taking another sip. Rowan didn’t fail to notice that she was ignoring him, refusing to let her gaze fall on him as she looked at the other five. “But I do, if you are wondering.”
“And why is that?”
Another shrug. “She’s nice.”
All of them were shocked, Rowan knew. Lin didn’t seem like the type to make friendships so fast, especially with people that could be a threat to her.
“She works with the new queen.” Vaughan said slowly, as if talking normally would scare Lin back into her shell.
“And so I have been told.” Her bored mask slipped, and a small smile played on her lips.
“She would turn you in if she knew what we were doing.” Fenrys said without Vaughan’s gentleness.
“Would she now?” Lin looked extremely amused by this conversation. “I take you guys know her well, then.”
And for the first time since she sat down, her eyes fell directly upon Rowan.
Part of Rowan wanted to ask what they had talked about, and the other part was too scared to even wonder.
“She tried to recruit us for Maeve’s inner circle a few times.” Lorcan’s voice sounded when Rowan didn’t respond to Lin’s silent inquire.
“Always with one of those pieces of shit with her.” Connall grunted, his eyes burning holes on Cain’s back.
“Every time she went to ask you to join she was with one of them?” Lin asked carefully, something shining on her eyes. Rowan tried to grasp what it was, but it wasn’t working.
Gav nodded, also studying Lin.
“Hum… Appearances matter a lot…” She muttered, but somehow Rowan knew she wasn’t talking to them, only thinking out loud. When she raised her eyes, Rowan finally identified what was gleaming on her turquoise and gold eyes.
Lin had understood something in that moment and after their fight today, Rowan knew she wouldn’t be inclined in sharing. She turned her head to Lyria at the same time Lyria turned to her. They shared a barely perceptible nod.
“What was that?” He finally said, his voice a little harsher then he expected.
Lin merely shrugged again, ignoring the cadre’s eyes on her while she sipped Fenrys’s drink.
If Rowan wanted to know what was going on, he would need to get in Lin’s good side.
And for that he would need to apologize.
He would do it that night, he decided, after dinner.
The moment he decided that, Lin’s eyes snapped to his as if she could hear his thought. The gold ore in her eyes looked molten, burning. The tightness of her mouth, the small crease between her eyebrows and her flaming eyes showed Rowan he would need to apologize a lot.
The girl was wildfire and she wanted nothing more than to burn him alive.
Lyria was playing a very, very dangerous game if Lin’s assumptions were correct.      
And maybe because the girl reminded Lin a little bit of Lysandra, a little bit of herself, she couldn’t help but worry about her safety.
The same way she thought Lyria wasn’t all that loyal to Maeve, she had no doubt her three companions were. And they didn’t look like the merciful type, the I-take-prisoners type. No, those men reeked of violence and sadism and Lin could only imagine what would happen if she was right and Lyria was caught doing something she shouldn’t.
The first moment Lin found Lyria’s situation a little bit strange was when they met in the corridor and the girl said something about how appearances were important. And then, during the hours they sat and talked… Lyria didn’t seem like a cruel fanatic, blind by her queen’s wishes. No, she sounded like a lovely twenty year old. She never once sounded angry or bitter, even when talking about Rowan. The girl was extremely open about her emotions and past, and didn’t seem to hold a grudge.
Nothing screamed mean bitch as it had in the platforms days ago.
And then when Connall said that there was always someone else from Maeve’s inner circle with her… Lin could have been wrong, but an insistent voice in the back of her head kept saying that she was right. That there was more she wasn’t seeing.
She kept the rest of the evening quiet. She ate with the cadre, and if they noticed how serious and voiceless she had become, none commented on it. They talked about what they would do in Perranth in a few days. The train would stop there for a few hours, and there were some things they needed to buy before leaving Terrasen. Lin only wished to buy a few books of her liking and maybe clothes that actually fit her size.
She wanted to talk to Lyria before going to her cabin, but Cain, Perrington and Cairn never left her side, and this wasn’t a conversation to have with people listening. So she only bid farewell to the cadre— pointedly ignoring Rowan— and went to her room.
She was still fucking pissed at Whitethorn, even more so that he hadn’t apologized. But she had to admit that she was also ashamed. She wasn’t innocent in all of this, and she had said some things she regretted.
She had half a mind of going to talk to him, maybe settle things. They could live in silence, never talking to one another instead of bickering all the time. That’s what Gav had sent him to do earlier, wasn’t it? But if she went to talk to him right now, not knowing what to say beforehand, the argument would probably escalate even more.
Better to leave it alone than to make it worse.
She took a quick bath, the water running cold a little bit too quickly for her liking. Fortunately it was already hot, so she wasn’t freezing by the time she stepped onto her silky nightgown and started drying her hair. The long golden waves fell down her back, and although Lin knew that shorter hair would be more practical, she couldn’t bring herself to cut it.
Lin eyed the mirror. She knew she was pretty, it had been a fact that brought her a lot of undesirable attention during the past ten years. She supposed most girls liked being beautiful, and she did too, but she also knew that her life would have been easier of she had common features.
Fenrys kept saying that she had the face of a royal. For the first time, Lin considered his words as she analyzed herself in the mirror. Her skin was flawless and creamy, the pimples from her younger years long gone. The only markings were a small scar above her left eyebrow and an even smaller one on her upper lip. Her nose and cheeks were peppered with freckles, a small mole under her right eye and mostly hidden by her lashes. Small straight nose, pinkish full lips and high cheekbones, Lin supposed she could pretend to be a princess.
“Eyes of a queen, though.” Fenrys would say, giving her a wink. She stared at her eyes then, the turquoise bright under the moonlight and the circle of gold looking molten.
Yes, she could pretend to be royalty just fine.
She felt a sharp pain in the back of her mind, and for a moment her vision swayed and she was in another room, a younger girl staring at the mirror. Same eyes, same hair but the features showed a chid no older than nine. The little girl smiled as two figures walked into her room, a brown haired man and a woman that looked so much like her that it could only be her mother. The girl opened her mouth to say something, and Lin let out a moan of pain as the vision disappeared and a headache formed between her brows.
She was breathing hard, her reflection on the mirror showing her red eyes rimmed with silver. She blinked forcefully and a tear slid down her cheek, the headache worsening.
She really though she had left the whole insanity thing behind.
Sighing, Lin went to her small bed, pulling the covers up to her chin even though it was burning hot now.
The pulse in the back of her head came back full force, a little bit different from the headache. The pulse was exactly like the one she had felt that day in the castle, the one she had felt when she first saw Rowan.
Unable to sleep and starting to sweat under the covers, Lin threw them back, grabbed her silky robe and put it on. She didn’t know where she was going, but as she started walking towards the end of the train, the pulse became stronger, quicker. She didn’t know why she kept going, but when she reached the last wagon, voices fluttered from inside.
Lin took a step in, watching five figures standing by the end of the wagon. She narrowed her eyes trying to see something in the darkness as a hand came around her mouth and one around her waist, pulling her inside a hidden alcove.
She was starting to panic, reading to start trying to scream when her back hit her assailant’s chest. A chest she had hit before. Part of her nerves calmed at that, and when the voice she had known for the past few days whispered in her ear, even the pulse inside her head stopped.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rowan whispered, his voice barely audible to her. She turned her head slightly, staring at his pine green eyes.
He looked furious.
Good, so was she. He scared the hell out of her.
Lin moved her mouth against his hand, and he understood what she wanted. He took his hand from her mouth, but kept the one on her waist as if to hold her in case she decided to do something very, very stupid.
“I can ask you the same!” She said in the same tone he had, but made sure by the look on her face that she wanted to be screaming at him.
Rowan was interrupted when the hushed voices became louder, a particular one making both Lin and Rowan tense up.
“Please.” Lyria’s voice pleaded.
@morganofthewildfire​ @alyx801​ @ladywitchling​ @westofmoon​ @rolltide7​ @queen-of-glass​ @alifletcher2012​ @rattlethestarsdarling​ @rowanisahunk​ @bilkul-sharam-nahi-aati​ @faerie-queen-fireheart​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @chemicha​ @jlinez​ @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato​ @abookishfreak​ @courtofjurdan​ @acourtofglass​ @linshryver​ @punkassbookjockey26 @acourtofaelinbryceandfeyre​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​
*tags in bold are not working
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Thanks // Jay Halstead x Reader // Pt 4
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Description: Jay reaches out when he needs it
Warnings: Emotional Whump
Pairing: Jay x Reader (Eventual), Reader x Mouse!Platonic, Jay x Mouse!Platonic
Words: 1620
A/N: No worries, our favorite best friend will be back in the next part. I’m on a roll, the muse assisting to keep the creative juices flowing!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You checked in with the ED, knowing Jay got discharged later that day despite his doctors wanting him to at least stay the night for observation. He was stubborn, you were learning. Though, you’d be surprised if he wasn’t. You felt bad though, knowing he was going to be on desk duty for a while. It seemed as if he’d been through it before, knowing the routine pretty well. 
It took a couple days for your phone to ring, an unknown number flashing on the screen. You’d just gotten home from work, tossing your bag on the couch. Honestly, you’d just been looking forward to a bath, some TV, and a glass of wine before bed. 
“Y/N,” you told whoever was on the phone as you answered it. 
“Hey, hope I didn’t interrupt anything,” Jay answered, a smile quickly forming on your face.
“No, I just got home. What’s up?” You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and the bottle of wine out of the refrigerator. 
“I don’t want you to have to move your schedule around on my part to visit Mouse, so I’ll just tag along whenever you go.” There was something more to it, though. You could tell by the uneasiness in his voice, stopping yourself from opening the wine just yet. 
“Yeah, that’s fine. I usually go on Mondays and Thursdays. You okay, Jay?” you finally asked.
“Honestly.” You heard him sigh on the other end of the line. “I’ve been better. Just a little stir-crazy you know? On medical leave for a little bit, and I really don’t want to take a taxi anywhere.” He chuckled nervously. “And Hailey’s at work, which makes sense. And so is everybody else. And Will is still pissed off that I got shot. I know he just worries but…”
“You’re rambling, Jay. Do you want me to come over? We could order a pizza, watch a movie? Just until somebody gets off work,” you offered, knowing it was going to be a 50/50 shot that he’d take you up on the offer. 
“You sure? I’m not always the greatest company.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll pick up a pizza on the way. Just text me your address,” you assured him, putting the wine back in the refrigerator, glass in the cabinet. There went your plans for the night, but spending it with Jay seemed like a better option. 
You were at Jay’s apartment less than an hour later, pizza box in one hand, pack of beer in the other. You weren’t sure if he was on pain meds or not, but figured it wouldn’t be a long shot that he was more of a beer guy than a wine guy. Making quick work of the stairs, you knocked on the door. 
“It’s open!” you heard him call out, letting yourself in. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course,” you assured again, setting the pizza down on the coffee table in front of him. His lap was covered with a blanket, a pair of crutches right next to the couch. It was a well kept place, not overly fancy, but not a shit-hole either. Being a detective must have meant he made some pretty decent money. “You want one?” you then asked, holding up the six pack.
“Maybe later. The kitchen is right over there, if you could put it in the fridge. You’re more than welcome to have one though.” You followed the direction of his pointed finger, placing the pack in the fridge before going back into the living room. Quickly, you kicked off your shoes and shrugged off your jacket before joining him on the couch. 
He’d turned on a documentary, eyes fixed on the screen except when he reached out to grab a slice of pizza. You knew better than to push it, knowing there was something more just under the surface. There had to be a reason he’d called you and not somebody else. It reminded you of sitting with Mouse, though you knew Jay was more than capable of expressing whatever was on his mind. 
The documentary came to an end, Jay flipping through channels before settling on the hockey game. You’d propped your feet up on the table, leaning back onto the couch. 
“You gonna be okay?” you asked him softly, Jay looking at you finally. 
“Eventually,” he agreed with a nod. “I just...I don’t like being cooped up, you know? Gives me too much time to think.”
“I get it. But I’m here to listen if you want to talk. Not as a doctor, but as your friend,” you reminded him, Jay nodding again. 
“I’m going to get one of those beers. You want one?” he asked, uncovering himself and grabbing his crutches. You tried not to look, didn’t want to make it seem like all you were going to focus on was his leg -- or lack thereof. But you noticed the white bandaging on the remaining section, shorts covering most of it.
“Yeah. I’ll take one,” you agreed before he walked over to the fridge. He had it all down pat, how to get around and grab what he needed to. That’s what thirteen years of being an amputee would do to a person. He handed off the bottle before sitting back down and covering back up. 
He didn’t drink the beer though. He’d popped the top off, held onto it for a few minutes before discarding it on the table. 
“It’s the same every time,” he finally said, your brow furrowing as you tried to understand. The two of you looked at each other as he continued to talk. “The first time I got shot on the job was a through and through on my right shoulder. That’s what got me into the unit I’m in now. It’s a running joke. You get shot, you get to choose your unit. The second time was after my dad died. Grazed my side, but no lasting damage. The third time I almost died. Right shoulder again, hit an artery though. The doctor said I should have died. That it was a miracle. And it’s the same every time. The ‘pop’ of the gun, the searing pain.”
“I can’t pretend to understand what it’s like,” you reminded him.
“I know. It was different, though, in Afghanistan. Here, I know I could get shot. Over there, it was just a question of when. A few grazes, nothing major. I mean, there was a firefight every day. But here, it’s the same every time.” He was repeating himself, that was the first thing you noticed before the shift in body language, hands gripping the blanket a little tighter, the stiffness in his shoulders and jaw. 
“Jay.” You put on the psychiatrist voice, the soft and soothing voice. You didn’t move to touch him, staying firmly where you were. “You’re not there.”
“I know. I know. I just- God, what’s wrong with me?” he confirmed, shaking his head as if it was an etch-a-sketch trying to get rid of the picture. 
“Nothing’s wrong with you. Like I said the other day, trauma can bring things up that we try to push away. It’s completely normal, a natural response. But the only way to work through it is to talk about it. Not to push it away.”
“Now you’re sounding like my last therapist,” he joked with a small laugh, despite the tears brimming in his eyes, running a shaking hand over his face. 
“It is what I do for a living. But you do need to talk about it, Jay. To anybody, doesn’t have to be me. Doesn’t have to be a professional. A friend, a coworker, just someone.” This time, you reached out, letting your hand rest on his arm, rubbing circles on the flesh with your thumb. 
“Mouse and I didn’t get to come home together. He was still in a coma, clinging to life in Germany. I got to come back though, knowing most of our team was dead or dying. And I walked away like this. It took a while. Will was in New York partying. My dad never liked that I joined the military. And my mom...she was really sick. So, I suffered alone for a long time. I learned to compartmentalize, to deal with the nightmares and flashbacks. Not in the healthiest way at first, a lot of drinking. A lot of drinking.” He nodded. “And when Mouse did get to come home, I threw myself into making sure he was okay. He was what brought me back time and time again.”
“You have a support system now, Jay. Your brother cares about you, that much is obvious, though he may not always understand. Your team is there. You were talking about your partner Hailey. I’m sure she’d listen and support you. There’s always Mouse, though he may not give the clearest advice at times.” You both laughed at that. “And you have me. You’re not in this alone anymore, Jay.”
“Thanks for coming over. It means a lot. Can we talk about something a little less morbid than about how fucked up my head is?” 
The rest of the night was spent talking about his job, your job, how you grew up on military bases. It was the same type of conversations you would have with Mouse. It was normal, familiar. And that’s what he needed, letting him lead the conversation. As the night continued on, the sun long gone over the horizon and moon in the sky, there was one thing you became sure of. Whatever drew you to volunteer knew that you needed these two men in your life as much as they needed you. 
Tag List: @yzas-stuff @gemmafountainloves @ceiliesla @corebore123 @annaallicce @fullwattpadmusictree @bethii1 @thevelvetseries @mich-lynne3 @itmejado @music-is-my-escape71 @not-onlyedmlyrics @supergirl000983 @mandybug39 @okiegirl24 @haileymatthewss @httphiddlestan @capmanranger @ahhh0ahhh @bookgiver @daenerys-targaryes @galacticsmoon @beachfan412 @wearesodrica @danielacastellon @genericcaner @halsteadsway @theskytraveler @miranda0102 @amyarondottir @onechicago18 @lovecatystuff @doramstr @itsdesiree86 @raveenasblog
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amoosewritesfanfic · 5 years
One Last Hit +18
[Part 4]
[I own none of the characters nor any art posted.]
[warnings: language, mentions of blood, non consensual, soft sex, alcohol.]
[Bakugou Katsuki X Female Reader]
[Mafia Bakugou X Stripper Reader]
[Tags: @hxneyy-beee ]
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"What the hell do you mean Kirishima and Deku went missin'?! Was it not your fuckin' job for you to phone 'em Icy Hot?!" He was pissed off, his blood was boiling.
Both Kirishima and Izuku were missing, they were both suppose to check in not even ten minutes ago, but something was wrong and Katsuki couldn't put his finger on it.
"I don't know myself but Yaoyorozu said she's looking into it with Jirou." Todoroki spoke calmly, but Katsuki knew that the half and half mobster was already in a panic.
"Fine! Just tell me when ya find 'em!" That's all Katsuki said, he went off into the kitchen to get a glass of water of course checking his phone.
He hadn't checked it but panic built up in his chest seeing that red alert.
Y/N was missing, his lover was missing...
It started out as means to just have her at his side, but... after the time they had spent together he had fell in love.
He didn't care that she was a stripper and other men had looked at that body.
He was the only one that got to fuck her senseless every night.
"Fuck... you gotta be kidding me... how the fuck did she get to that part of town?!" He quickly went back into the room where Todoroki was on a call.
Katsuki had waited a moment for Todoroki to get off of the phone.
"They took her."
"Y/N! Who the fuck else Icy Hot?! We gotta go find her. If she's there theres a chance shitty hair and deku and there too." He spoke with confidence, he had a feeling that something was wrong and gods knew he couldn't handle losing her or Kirishima... hell even Izuku.
You were stripped down to your bra and panties. You were standing up now, hands above your head, being held up by cuffs and a chain hanging from the ceiling.
Dabi trailing his fingers along your stomach and between your breasts to grab hold of your face so you could look at him.
"Look at this~ the body of an ex stripper." He hummed.
You felt embarrassed, this was different to when you consensually stripped your clothes off...
"What do you think?" As he spoke he looked back at Kirishima and Izuku who had their gaze fixated on the ground.
"Oh what a shame they're embarrassed~" Toga teased as she lifted Izuku's head to look up at you.
You knew he had no choice especially with a knife against his throat.
Kirishima was also forced to look up as well.
You noticed how his jaw was clenched too, was he in pain?
"Let's see..." his free hand trailed down your spine unclipping your bra which loosened letting your breasts bounce free, he burnt off the rest, that blue flame singed your skin causing you to bite your cheek.
"Careful Dabi.. don't hurt her too much we still wanna use her in the future." Shigaraki spoke, it looked like he didn't really care much for what Dabi did to you as long as he didn't damage your body too much.
"Right right, I'll do my best not to destroy her." As he spoke he started pinching at your nipples.
Pinching, tugging and twisting he even latched his mouth onto it.
It felt nothing like Katsuki's tongue rubbing against the small nub.
Dabi switched nipples and did the same to the other.
His free hand trailing along your spine to grope your ass, causing you to whimper.
It was too rough.. rougher than when Katsuki did it, it wasn't as pleasurable.
"S-stop..." you mumbled but he continued his hand moving into your panties, his index finger running along your slit.
"Oh? You're wet~ you're enjoying yourself a bit to much for someone who is in love with that asshole." He mumbled as he pulled up and started nibbling your ear as his finger rubbed against your folds.
"F-fuck you!" You growled glaring at the male.
It was odd, no one was paying attention to you yet it felt like everyone was looking you...
You had no clue what Toga was doing to Izuku but you heard shuffling and the male mumbling for her to stop.
Kirishima was silent. Nothing going on with him... you wondered what they were going to do with him since you and Izuku happened to be occupied.
"Darling I would gladly let you~" Dabi teased sliding a finger into your hole cause you to whimper.
"N-no... fuck not there.. stop it...~" once again your voice betrayed you, your words came out in a moan.
"Fuck you here? Well of you insist princess~" he teased now nibbling on your skin, his finger now pumping in and out of you at a somewhat fast pace, you couldn't hold back the whimpers and moans escaping your lips as you tugged at the chains holding you up.
Shigaraki chuckled slightly.
"That's an awful lewd expression you got on your face y/n, you look like a complete slut." He remarked as Dabi worked your most sensitive spots, even adding a second finger which had your hips almost buck.
"Not fighting back?" He teased, his finger had hit your most sensitive spot, causing you to moan again, your legs tensing up slightly.
He kept hitting that same spot over and over again with little to no remorse, your body tensed up and your walls clamped down on his fingers.
You gasped out and started cumming, your love juices squirting all over his hand and of course it soaked your panties.
But as Dabi pulled his hand from your panties there was a knock on the door, normally he would carry on, but almost everyone was in the room that needed to be there so the chances of an unwanted guest was extremely high.
Before Dabi could approach the door there was a huge explosion, busting down the door.
Everything felt like it went by in a huge flash.
Ice surrounded Dabi and Kurogiri almost instantly.
And Shigaraki was bound up tight with what you think is tape...?
You didn't know what happened behind you but you heard another explosion.
In came Katsuki, Todoroki and Sero.
You assumed whoever had come in from the back was allies as well, you heard Kirishima breath out a sigh of a relief.
"Thank God you're here Yaomomo, you too Jirou." The red head said happily, but his voice was a bit husky, you could tell he was tired.
Shoto had his right hand pointed towards Shigaraki who looked like he was ready to pounce, but a few officers came in behind the two and started gathering everyone up, ensuring that they avoided eye contact with you.
It was odd... but you suspected that Katsuki somehow bribed the police force into making these arrests.
Katsuki walked over immediately and unchained you, pulling you in close. You let out the breath you didnt realise you were holding...
This didn't feel real. It.. it felt like a complete and utter dream.
"Fuck... baby never leave like that again... did they hurt you?" He asked as he cupped your cheeks looking at your face for any signs of trauma.
"Other than emotionally I think I'm okay Katsuki..." you mumbled, you cupped his cheeks in your hands and gave him a deep kiss.
You felt those warm strong hands trailing along your skin relieving the tension built up from Dabi.
"You better be careful Katsuki Bakugo! One die you'll die by my hand and I'll have Y/N by my side." Shigaraki snapped as he was being dragged away.
"Yeah yeah good luck with that in jail you fuckin' took." Bakugou said flipping him off but not looking in his direction.
No he kept his eyes on you.
He had even taken off his jacket and draped it around your shoulders, being engulfed in his scent made you happy.
"C'mon baby... let's get you home." He said, lifting you up bridal style.
"Oi Icy hot take care of this will ya?" He then said as he walked past Shoto, motioning to the situation behind them.
"What? Darling Y/N or that?" He pointed to the group that was checking on Kirishima and Izuku making sure neither of them had too much damage on them.
Katsuki growled and flipped him off, but you weren't really paying attention.
Your face was buried in Katsuki's neck, you were breathing in his scent, feeling of much of him as possible.
Anything to forget those harsh hands on your body.
"Ah, Shoto, there was two bags that were brought here... could you take it back to Katsuki's apartment. I have no clue where they were put." You said before Katsuki walked out of the room.
Shoto just nodded and told the police to look for it instead.
"Do you think we could go to a hotel...?" You mumbled, you weren't particularly in the mood to go back to your apartment.
"Of course kitten... I'll even get some champagne and chocolate for ya." Katsuki mumbled kissing your forehead.
The drive to the hotel was pleasant, you were carried up and met by rose petals and a bottle of champagne on the bed.
A box of chocolates also set down on the bed.
"This is romantic even for you~" you teased as you were set down on your feet. You removed his jacket and stripped off your panties.
Hunger glazed over his features but he held back for you.
"Felt like being romantic for ya~" he teased as he sat down on the edge of the bed watching you.
"I wanna shower first... is that okay?"
"You never need to ask me permission baby girl." He mumbled as his hands trailed along your arm as you walked past.
"I'll be right back then.." you said as you gave him a quick kiss and then slipped into the bathroom.
Your shower was short, you wanted to be by Katsuki's side. You had managed to wash your hair as well which was good.
When you came out of the bathroom, towel wrapped tightly around your torso you saw Bakugou was sitting and waiting for you. The chocolates were moved out the way and the champagne was poured into two glasses.
Scrolling through his phone, his gaze shifted from the phone screen to you almost immediately as you stepped closer.
He set his phone down on the dressing table and pulled you in between his legs.
His hands trailing along your body as you leaned down to kiss him again.
The kiss was more passionate than usual, hands a bit more gentle as they trailed along your thighs before pulling off the towel and pulling you on top of him as he leaned back onto the bed, his hands resting on your lower back.
"Hmm~♡ please touch me..." you begged quietly as his hands started moving along your spine, he shifted one hand and rested it on your breast.
His tongue trailing along your jawline, but he ended up flipping so you were beneath him.
His tongue dragging along your skin as his hands grope at your ass and breasts.
His mouth latched onto your nipple causing you to groan feeling his tongue drag along the sensitive nub, his teeth nipping at the skin as well.
His free hand found its way between your legs stroking your thighs teasingly, purposely avoiding that sensitive spot you oh so desperately wanted him to touch.
He switched nipples as his finger teased your clit causing your hips to buck slightly.
"Hmm~ is kitten ready for daddy to fuck her?" He asked huskily, pulling away from your nipple as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock.
He was harder than usually. His cock was throbbing against your folds already.
"Yes daddy~♡" you moaned happily, you were eager, you were becoming drunk off of him again. Addicted as though he was a drug.
"Good kitten~♡" he growled as his tip slipped between your folds making you moan his name under your breath.
His cock was stretching you out, your body was trembling beneath his as it always did whenever you felt him inside you.
As soon as his tip was pressed up against your womb you could feel yourself melt. Your body tensed up a little but almost immediately went into pleasure as he started moving his hips.
Slamming himself inside your deepest parts over and over again.
He was placing soft tender kisses against your skin, marking you as his.
Your moans of pleasure were audible.
"No one else gets to fuck you... no one. You're all mine baby~ I'm gonna make sure everyone fuckin' knows that your mine... this pussy is mine alone~" he growled into your ear, causing you to squirm beneath him, fingers digging into his back as you moaned his name over and over.
Telling him how good he was making you feel.
Your legs trembling as your pussy started tightening around his cock.
"F-fuck... daddy I'm gonna cum.. d-daddys gonna make me cum~♡" you moaned out tilting your head back in pleasure.
His hips slamming harder into yours as he gave you a deep kiss.
Rubbing his tongue against yours, you know he was about to cum too, the way his cock pulsated inside your slick cunt when it was about to release its load was all too familiar with you.
It had you moan against his mouth as he gave one last final slam against you and came undone along with you.
His body staying pressed against yours.
"I love you Y/N..." he mumbled.
That was the first time he.. ever said I love you...
You had never said it to him.
You were shocked...
"I.. I love you too... Katsuki." You replied quietly to him, he just smiled.
Pulling out of you and pulling you close handing you the glass of champagne.
And that's how you had spent the rest of your evening... drinking champagne, eating chocolates and just enjoying each others company.
(Some wholesome stuff. I'll probably not do a part 5. Not for a while, just until I figure out some stuff. But I'll keep writing got some spicy ideas :3)
Part 1
Part 2a
Part 2b
Part 3
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
For the ask meme. Aesudan.
cracks knuckles
Sexuality Headcanon: luke you specifically know about the way i interpret this. for the rest of you, straight*
Gender Headcanon: aesudan does not really lend herself to gender nonconformity and for that reason i think she is cis, but i haven't like tried to see all the angles on it like i haven't had late nights or spent more than 10 minutes thinking about her gender in my waking hours. i think if she wasn't cis she wouldn't really know or care enough about it to change how she presents. the dream i had where she was trans notwithstanding because she was one of many including the big man himself
A ship I said with said character: who the fuck ships aesudan like honest to god question. i know there was one person in the aesudan tag like 4 years ago who shipped her with elhokar. one day i will get around to inventing men for her to have affairs with in my little headcanon world or boyfriends pre marriage but those aren't Ships they're just worldbuilding
A BROTP I have with said character: elhokar pre gavilar death... i mean their relationship (IN MY HEAD like i could talk about speculation using knowledge we have about their relationship pre gavilar death but this is just my inner headcanon world where everything is how i want it) is not necessarily Healthy but they do rely on and lean on each other a lot and they do do friend things. so probably that. i've toyed around with lalai (Lalai. not ialai.) and her being besties but i haven't developed any of it
A NOTP I have with said character: elhokar/aesudan. listen i know this might sound like then reading about her in any effect would be unpleasant since they're married but actually its really not cause like. they're so??????????? whatever they are. they're not close like that. elhokar doesn't know her circa oathbringer like At All cuz he's so flabbergasted by all these things that she's been doing for Years. the only scene they have together is them arguing (and in the row prologue navani is briefly like oh look aesudan is talking to elhokar For Once instead of other men). even more than what was maybe supposed to be implied cheating circa row prologue. they just. I DONT KNOW!! THEYRE JUST FUNNY!!! other than elhokar like i dont give a shit if you shipped her with anyone else in the world. i swear i saw someone at one point talk about aesudan/jasnah and i laughed my head off but like if it floats your boat man!!! WAIT I DO HAVE ONE MORE THING callout post to my tomodachi life save for trying to get dalinar and aesudan together like 3 times
A random headcanon: she internally promised herself not to let elhokar name their child after he named his horse Vengeance. also she draws Stylized Art like she's the kid in middle school art class who gets told to stop drawing anime by the teacher and she goes "No 🖤" and keeps turning in "referenced" pictures of anime guys for every assignment. but she's on roshar and anime doesn't exist so basically she draws but she just didn't start with the fundamentals so her drawings look Cool but also Off like in the anatomy or whatever. but elhokar who likes art but doesn't have a Refined Eye for it goes crazy for it since everything else he sees is realism
General Opinion over said character: thats a big question. she is Bad and i will be the first to point out her flaws because i know all her sins that have been talked about. i love her though cheer every time she's on screen or mentioned like YES!!! CAUSE PROBLEMS!!!! i dont think i need to elaborate i trust that you guys understand and/or comprehend liking a character without condoning their actions. i like that i basically have her to myself because while some people in the world also give a shit about elhokar, no one gives the shit about aesudan. im the only mf out here as far as im aware, and i have scowered internet spaces for people talking about aesudan. i have this message i wrote from march 2021 which haunts me which reads "i wonder if anyone out in the world genuinely cares about aesudan". its you. you do.
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summertime sadness .5.
work day
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (fingering)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: Loki adds to your workload.
Note: Right, here we go, here we go, here go again. Girls, what's my weakness? Men! Sorry, minor detour there but are we ready for the darkness? Y'all hold onto your panties. Thanks everyone for their support and I love you all! 💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
You didn’t sleep much. Every time you closed your eyes, the scene flashed behind your eyelids. Loki standing over you, the image on his phone, his hand on your chin. And then you thought of Bucky. It was hard not to; your phone buzzed all night as you ignored his messages. Steve’s too. It had finally caught up to you and it felt worse than you could imagine. A man you admired thought you nothing more than a floozy. Well, maybe you were.
Saturday shone through your window and you rolled over. You were exhausted; mentally, emotionally. Your hours were spent reprimanding yourself. Going over all your mistakes; every single choice that had led to such disaster. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You moved slowly, your body cramped from the tension.
The grind of your coffee machine filled the apartment as you sat at your desk. A mark of your guilt. A gift from one illicit lover; another having defiled you a top it. A year ago, to think of all that had transpired, you would’ve been appalled. You were. You’d sold your integrity for fleeting pleasures. You felt cheated. By yourself more than any.
You filled a mug and grabbed your phone from beside your bed. You hadn’t looked at it since you laid down the night before. Missed calls, unanswered texts, unread emails. You answered Bucky first, a simple ‘I wasn’t feeling well. Sorry.’ Besides, he had plans with Tanya, or was busy dodging her.
You texted the same to Steve and his response was swift. Your phone vibrated as his ID flashed across the screen and you answered the call after several rings. You were weak, breathless.
“Hey,” You said quietly and sipped your coffee.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked.
“Fine,” You lied poorly. “Work’s kept me busy and… I guess it’s gotten ahead of me.”
“Oh,” He uttered. “Any plans today?”
“Rest,” You shrugged and sat back in your chair. “After I sort through all my work emails and catch up.”
“Bucky?” He asked.
“I… I’m tired.” You grumbled. “I… need a break.”
“I’m sure work would understand if you took a day to yourself.” Steve said.
“No, no, I can’t do that,” You said suddenly. “I wasn’t talking about work.”
“What do you--”
“You shouldn’t be calling me. You should call Kylie. See how she’s doing.” You interrupted. “And Bucky should worry about his students. About marking and whatever. And I need to think about myself and my job.” You stood and paced around the small space of your apartment. “I’m sorry but… you said it yourself. It’s okay to be selfish, so I’m going to be selfish and think about my future because fucking old men isn’t going to get me anywhere.”
You hung up before he could respond. And then your heart sank. Why had you said that? It all had spilled from you so quickly. You cringed and your phone began to buzz again. It was Steve. You let out a shaky breath and dismissed the call. You set your phone to do not disturb’ and tossed it on your bed. Maybe your words were rash but it didn’t make them any less true.
Monday. You walked into Adder Press with a pit in your stomach. You were jittery from more than your morning coffee. You gripped the strap of your bag tightly as you passed Stacey. Everything around you seemed distant, obscured by the haze that fell over you. You sat at your desk, numb, and began to set out your stuff as you always did. In a desperate attempt to make it all feel normal again.
As you waited for your computer to boot, you felt a subtly weight on the back of your chair. You looked up at Loki as he gripped the chair and smirked down at you. You blanched and your pen slipped from your hand. He bent to grab it before you could and as he rose, he dragged the lid against your leg. He held it out and you snatched it from him.
“Morning meeting in five,” He said as he stood before you. “Then I wanted to go over layout with you. A useful lesson if you ever hope to be anything more than a freelancer. You have to have a good eye… for detail.”
You gulped and nodded. “Yes, okay, yeah.” You set the pen down on your desk. “Five minutes.”
He winked and left you there to stew in your shame. You glanced around but no one else seemed to notice your tense interaction. They were all too concerned with their own schedules, their own presence at the meeting. Really, who cared much about the summer intern?
You were antsy as you walked into the conference room. You hid between Vanessa, a political pundit, and Jory, who covered local business stories. Loki sat near the head of the table as the marketing head went over the final prints of the Pride issue. You folded your hands before you but couldn’t concentrate. 
Your eyes wandered from the powerpoint and you found the editor-in-chief peering over at you. Another sinister grin sent a chill through you. You looked back to the screen and prayed for the day to go quickly. Your heart felt as if it would explode.
When you broke out, you dragged your feet and were the last out of the room. You lingered at your desk as you grabbed your notebook and pen. Loki’s office beckoned to you ominously. He stood in the doorway watching you; waiting for you. You neared him as his lips curled.
He shut the door and you jumped at the click. He brushed past you before he rounded his desk. He pulled a chair with him and placed it beside his. He waved you over. You took a breath and crossed to him. As you sat, he pinched your ass and you pressed your lips together to keep from yelping.
His hand settled on your thigh as his other moved his mouse. He opened a page from last month’s issue and kept his eyes on the screen as he kneaded your leg. “We’ll go over composition. How to draw the reader’s eye and using layout to enhance your words.”
You nodded stiffly and shakily opened your notebook. He kept his hand on your thigh as you place the book on his desk and uncapped your pen. He circled the title with his cursor, entirely unfazed by your discomfort. His fingers slipped closer to your pelvis.
“Titles are easy but you’ll want to position them according to article type as well. Is it an editorial? Review? Reflective?” He continued. “Now, most editors would leave this to marketing and such but… I try to be hands on with every aspect of my business. My seal is on every page, ever word, that goes out.”
You scribbled down a jumble of words as his hand slid between your thighs and he squeezed. You flinched and he let out a soft chuckle under his breath. You kept your wide eyes on the monitor and he carried on his lesson. His hand never quite reaching its target. He was teasing you. Asserting the new power he held over you.
When he finished his spiel, he drew away and turned his chair to face you. His legs were far apart and you tried not to look at the obvious bulge in his pants. You kept your head down as you slipped your notebook down onto your lap. 
“I’ve got an important lunch date tomorrow,” He said. “I should like you to accompany me, darling.”
You peeked up at him. “Okay.”
“Sceptre Press is looking to expand its mediums. The director of Celestial has agreed to discuss a partnership.” He said coolly.
“Oh?” You breathed. “They… do podcasts?”
“Mostly,” He confirmed. “But, my dear, do wear something nice. A skirt.”
You crossed your legs. Your straight-cut pants felt thin enough. “Alright.”
“No panties.” He licked his lips. “Our little secret… well, another one, yeah?”
“Okay.” You said. You bit down and your pen rolled out of your grasp once more. 
His eyes followed the pen and flicked back to you. “Well, go on,” He mused. “Very… clumsy today.”
You bent to retrieve your pen and he caught the back of your head. He held you there and rolled his chair closer so that his lap was only inches from your face. He snickered as you tried to pull away but quickly gave up. His other hand stretched over his crotch and he grasped his erection through the thin fabric of his trousers.
“I could make you do it right now,” He slithered. “Hmm?”
“Yes,” You uttered. 
“I’m tempted,” He rubbed himself and shifted his hand as he pushed you closer. “Kiss it.” You closed your eyes and kissed his bulge. He shivered and let you go. You sat up, dizzy, and he grinned at you. “Not yet.” He preened. “But I do have to take care of this…” He ran his hand across his lap again. “So if you would excuse me. I am certain you have work to catch up on.”
You stood and back away slowly. “Yes, sir.” You turned as you rounded the desk.
“Sir? I like that,” He called from behind you as you neared the door. “Oh, darling, one more thing.”
You spun back to him and shielded your chest with your notebook. “Yes?”
“I’ll need some inspiration so before you sit down, go to the lav and take a nice photo for me.” He made a show of unzipping his pants behind his desk. “I bet you’re wearing a sweet little white bra, aren’t you? Maybe a precious pink number?”
Your throat tightened as you stared back at him. “Okay.” You forced out. “Is that all?”
“For now,” He shooed you away with a wave of his fingers. “As you will.”
You had few skirts to choose from. You settled on a lavender one that ended just above your knees. With it, you wore a blouse with a Peter Pan collar and a grey blazer with three-quarter length sleeves. It wasn’t as enticing as any other outfit you owned; which was not at all. Perhaps that would work in your favour.
When you arrived at the bistro, Loki waved you ahead of him as you followed the hostess to your booth. You slid across the bench first and he was close behind. He took out his phone and checked it before he set it face down on the table. He asked for water and nothing else.
Your leg shook under the table nervously. He grabbed your thigh to still you. The waitress returned and he thanked her, his hand still on your leg. When she departed, his fingers slowly gathered your skirt. You reached to pull it back and he tssked.
“Our associate has informed me she’s running late.” He grinned. “About twenty minutes or so.” You squirmed as his hand slipped beneath your hem. “I think we can fill our time accordingly.”
“L--Mr. Laufeyson,” You gasped. “Someone might see.”
“They’d have to be watching us very closely,” He leaned against you as his fingers crawled along the top of your thigh. “Now,” He shoved his hand between your legs roughly. “Let’s have some fun, darling.”
You parted your legs reluctantly and he tickled along your cunt. You grabbed the edge of the table and your eyes searched frantically. The other diners were occupied with their own meals, their own company. You felt as invisible as you had back at the office. He rubbed you slowly. He lifted his glass with his other hand as he continued.
“After our meeting, I think we’ll head back to the office and call a conference. We’ll need ideas for prospective podcasts,” He swirled his fingertips and you let out a long breath between your teeth. “Of course, if this all goes to plan.”
You whimpered as you felt yourself getting wet. His fingers glided easily along your folds as he spread your arousal. You planted your elbow on the table and held your chin as you bit your lip. Mortified, you tried to hide your face.
“Uh uh,” He grabbed your wrist and shoved it down as his fingers dipped inside you. “Look at me.”
You leaned back against the booth as you looked over at him. He smirked as he moved his fingers steadily in and out of you. He pressed his palm to your clit and the sensation made your legs shake again.
“Is this what you like? Sneaking around?” He taunted. “Is this what he does, hmm? Or maybe he bends you over his desk?”
“Mr. Lauf--” You swallowed down a moan and clapped your hand over your mouth.
“I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it,” He sped up and your thighs squeezed his hand. “Are you going to cum? Here in front of everyone? In the middle of this restaurant?”
Your eyes rounded and you grabbed his shoulder pleadingly. You couldn’t speak, afraid you would cry out instead.
“You like being a naughty little girl, don’t you?” He curled his fingers and you heard a subtle squelch as your walls twitched around him. 
You bared your teeth and latched onto his arm. You rocked your hips without thinking as you came. You let out a shuddery breath and he slid his fingers out of your cunt, sure to drag them along your folds. He untangled his arm from your grasp and you fell back against the seat and pushed down your skirt.
He raised his hand and ran his wet fingers over your lips. He pressed against your mouth until you opened it. He stared into your eyes as he made you suck your own cum off his knuckles. He withdrew them and used a napkin to wipe away your saliva.
“It is a pity, however, that this lunch should set you behind, darling,” He crossed his legs and drank from his water again. “You will have to stay late tonight… to catch up.”
“Yes, sir,” You ceded.
He smirked and looked around. A moment of silence before he perked up and stood. He buttoned his jacket so it hid his bulge and greeted the tall woman who approached you. He shook her hand with the same one he’d just had between your legs. You stood in kind. Your legs felt weak.
“Valerie,” He purred. “Thank you for fitting us in today.”
“Us?” She looked between you. “And sorry about the delay. Traffic was… traffic.”
“My intern,” He introduced you by name, “She’s shadowing me for the day. To get an idea of the business and all its little quirks.”
You shook her hand and you sat down as she did the same. The server was quick to appear and offer you menus. You eagerly took yours, hoping to hide behind it for the rest of the meal. Especially as that familiar and irresistible tingle nestled in your core.
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rosemary-morgan · 4 years
John Marston X F.Reader: The sky in her eyes - Part 5
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(pictures found on pinterest, Johns picture is mine 😋)
Hello lovely ones (❁´◡`❁)🌹
Here comes the new chapter of “The sky in her eyes” 😊 Thank´s so much for all the likes, reblogs and comments 🖤🖤 Means a lot to me!!
@fangirl-ramblings​ @gangofgunslingers​ @viiimcmxc​ @justcallmesweets​
(If any of you want to be tagged so as not to miss the latest chapter, let me know 😘)
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, violence, blood
I added a link to a song. I think it fits the atmosphere in this chapter 😋
After dark  
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4
(¯`v´¯)                                                      (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´                                                        `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (`’·.¸(`’·.¸  ¸.·’´) ¸.·’´)  (¨*•.¸ (¨*•.¸`•.¸ (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•               •`¯¨• ¸¸ `•. `•.¸) `•.¸) `*.¸.*´                                                       `*.¸.*´
The sky in her eyes - Part 5
The hot midday sun shone down on John without mercy as he did his work on the fields. The sweat ran down his forehead, no matter how many times he ran his hand over it to dry himself off. Sighing heavily, he paused in his work. It was time to take a break. John put the shovel aside to take off his sweaty shirt. A fine sweat film lay on his masculine torso and his strong back. A beautiful sight for your eyes - that was the first thing you thought when you descended the steps of the porch. You had prepared a sandwich, and something to drink for John since he has been busy doing his work. It was time for a break. "You should eat and drink something, John." When John saw the delicious sandwich on the plate, his stomach immediately growled. You giggled softly, handed him his snack, and a glass of lemonade. "Here. Enjoy it." "Thank you very much, Y/N." You really were an angel, and John was very grateful to you for worrying about him. It was a good feeling. John hadn't expected you to still be so nice to him. After all, the truth about him hadn't been a harmless thing. But you seemed to have forgiven him. "It will be a good harvest this year", you said as you leaned down to the plants to look at them. John watched you as your delicate fingers carefully stroked the green leaves. God, you were so tender, so delicate. He had to smile while looking at you, and suddenly, he was no longer interested in his sandwich. Your long, soft hair was much more pleasant for his eyes. The tender shoulders, your feminine neck... John cleared his throat before drinking the glass of lemonade.
The days passed. John was glad that your relationship hadn't suffered. On the contrary, you were still very helpful and kind to him. You worked as hard on this farm as he did. And in the evenings you relaxed together in front of a campfire, enjoying spending time with each other. John had even told you some stories from his past life. You had to admit that his stories were really exciting. The last night, you and John had spent hours talking, so you were very tired this morning. John was sitting at the round table in the kitchen, drinking his coffee. He hoped that the black liquid would keep him awake. You stood at the kitchen counter, filling your glass with fresh milk that you had boiled last night. You wanted to sit down at the table with John, taking a sip of your milk. However, you were so clumsy, that you dropped the white liquid directly on your blouse. "Oh, no..." You sighed annoyed because you had just put this blouse on a few minutes ago. When you opened the first three buttons of your blouse, and John saw the bulges of your breasts, he choked on his bread. The young man had to admit that the sight of the white liquid on your chest reminded him instantly of erotic things. The milk ran between the crack of your breasts, and he couldn't do anything about it, but his cock reacted immediately, pressing against the fabric of his trousers. He cursed silently, biting his lower lip painfully. >>Not now! Shit! Shit!<< "I'm going to change my clothes," you said and left the kitchen, not knowing what John was thinking about this situation. The young man looked after you, his eyes instantly fell on your firm, and round butt, which was hidden under your long skirt. "Christ alive!" John couldn't think of anything else that day than you. He just hadn't forgotten what had happened in the kitchen this morning, and he had to grin when he thought about how beautiful it had been. But of course, he kept these thoughts to himself, enjoying it silently.
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
"Off... what a day..." You lay down in bed with a heavy sigh. You had worked a lot today, and therefore, you were very exhausted. The soft pillow and the fresh sheet under your body felt like heaven. With a smile on your lips, you were about to fall asleep until loud shots tore you out of your peace. Startled, you sat up, looking around in confusion. Did you just imagine these shots? But when you heard these loud noises again, you realized that you and John were in danger. Immediately, you jumped out of bed, and grabbed your dressing gown, pulled it over your nighte to cover your skin. When you entered the living room, you saw John pulling his suspenders over his shoulders. He must have been surprised in his sleep too. "John!" The young man turned to you, the shotgun that was always hanging over the fireplace, was lying in his strong hands now. "Y/N!" John wasn't happy to see you right now. He didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't want anything to happen to you. But one thing John could say with certainty: They were in danger, and those people had no good intentions. "Please! Go back to your room and lock the door!" "No! I'll go with you!" "Are you insane?! No!" John couldn't stand the thought that anything could happen to you, and he knew the dangers a young woman was exposed to. You didn't have any chance to talk to John, because he was stubborn, and he would never allow you to follow him. "Stay. Here!" That was the last thing John said before leaving the house to face the uninvited guests. But you were just as stubborn as John. Immediately, you went to John's room and grabbed his revolver out of a drawer...
"What are you doing on my property? Get the hell out of here!" John saw four men. They sat on their horses and they were well-armed. Whatever these strangers were up to, it wouldn´t be a good thing. "Take a look at this! This farm boy is threatening us!" "Didn't you hear what he said?!" Suddenly, you were standing next to John. Fearless and with a revolver in your hand. John swallowed hard when he saw you. Why the hell weren't you in the house? But at the moment it wasn't the time to argue. "Ey! Look at that lady! Is that your wife, farm boy?! Surely, you won´t mind if we borrow her, don´t you?!" said one of the men, grinning provocatively at John. When John heard that, his eyes became dark, and he immediately stood protectively in front of you. John would never allow them to touch you. Still, John had to remain calm since this situation was very dangerous. John knew this type of man only too well. They were unscrupulous. "Go back into the house, Y/N", John said to you quietly so that only you could hear him. "No, John. I won't let you down." Your eyes were soft, your voice a whisper. You wouldn´t allow that John will be taken away from you! You had lost so much in your life. John was the only thing left to you. You wanted to reach for his hand now, but it was the wrong moment. Suddenly, one of the men aiming the revolver at John, but John acted immediately. He shot the man without hesitation, and he fell dead from his horse. The other three men didn't realize what had happened at first, and that gave both of you time to take cover. "Y/N! GO! NOW!" John pushed you back into the house, and when the door closed behind you, you heard the men shooting wildly again. "JOHN!" You winced terribly each time you heard the bullet hit the wooden wall. You couldn't describe in words how great the fear you felt about John's life was.
The situation was out of control and extremely dangerous. John's only care was to protect you. Fortunately, this was not the first time that John was in such a critical situation. He concentrated, kept calm, and managed to shoot another man. Now there were only two men left, but John was out of ammunition. "Shit..." Sweat ran down his temple. What should he do now? These men were two and armed. He wouldn't survive that. John thought of you and what would happen to you if he died. You were such a brave woman, and he appreciated that you wanted to protect him. But John would never let you get hurt because of him. "What is it, farm boy?! When we're done with you, we'll fuck your whore!" "Let´s get out of here, man! He killed Sam and Tommy, damn it!" "I bet he runs out of ammunition and is now hiding from us!" John heard the man laugh, but his laugh passed the next moment - His friend just rode away. "What?! HEY! YOU COWARD! GET BACK HERE!" There was only one man left now, and he was getting very nervous. He and his friends had thought that they could terrorize another farmer and his family. But they thought wrong.
It was quiet outside, and that worried you. You leaned your ear against the door, tried to hear what was going on. Your heart pounded like crazy, your stomach contracted painfully with fear. "John... oh god, please! Save him! I don't want to lose him...", you whispered in fear. That would break your heart! "John... please, please!"
"Where are you?! Show yourself farmers boy!" John had suddenly disappeared from the stranger's field of vision, and therefore, he was getting more and more nervous. With every little movement that seemed suspicious to him, he shot blindly. Two of his friends were already dead, and he didn't want to be the third victim. "SHOW YOURSELF!" John sneaked up behind him with a hunting knife in his hand. But his enemy noticed him before John could have cut his throat. He hit John's face, and John dropped his hunting knife. "Son of a bitch!" He was about to shot a bullet between John's eyes, but when he pulled the trigger, there was only a loud click, but no bullet shot out. "Shit!" He threw his gun to the ground and John didn't give him time to take another step. John rammed him to the ground, starting to punching his face, but that guy knew how to defend himself. He brought John under his body, and start to beat him. "I´m going to kill you!" "You dirty piece of shit! You will end up like your friends!" John gripped the man's throat tightly, rolled over his enemy, and regained control. But with a skillful movement, the man managed to push John away from him. Without hesitation, the man hurried to the hunting knife, which was thrown several meters away from them in the duel. He immediately reached for it, and it had only been a moment when John had been careless - The stranger rammed the knife between his ribs. John cried out in pain as the cold blade pierced his flesh. "That´s it, boy!", he hissed to John, growling deep like a wild animal. He pulled the blade out of John's body to stab him again. John heard his blood roaring in his ears, he saw his own blood on that blade, and the only thing he could think of right now was you. This animal would rape you, and John couldn't stand that thought. He saw the blade was coming toward him - slowly, as if time was going to stop. John was unable to do anything. Would his life end like this? But suddenly there was a loud shot, and a bullet shredded his tormentor's brain to pieces. He immediately fell lifeless on the dusty floor. John was still shocked.  "Sweet Jesus..." John looked at you with wide eyes, saw that you were still holding the revolver firmly between your hands while looking at the dead body of the man. "Y/N!" He woke up from his trance, feeling the stinging pain on his body. "Ahhh!" The young man reached for his injury. Blood covered his entire hand, dripped between his fingers, and the young man groaned again in pain. John tried to move toward you, trying to ignore the pain. You seemed to be somewhere else with your thoughts. Your shoulders trembled, your hands trembled, and the look on your face told him that you were in shock. "Hey... hey. It's okay..." His voice was gentle, his eyes worried as he slowly reached for the revolver in your hand. "It's over, Y/N." His voice calmed you, the warmth of his skin spread to yours, and you felt yourself slowly awaken from your rigidity. But you also became aware of what you had just done. It wasn't easy to cope with the fact that you killed a man. Again. But to protect John, you would make every sacrifice. John's hand touched your neck as he carefully put the revolver aside, but he didn't take his eyes off your face. "Shhh... it's okay..." The next moment he pulled your head to his shoulder, and you nestled against his strong body. Suddenly, he winced in pain, instinctively reaching for his wound. "Hssss!" You free yourself from his embrace, looking at him with your eyes wide open. "John! Oh my god!"
You had to do something, and quickly! You put your arm around his waist while John placed an arm around your shoulder. "Ahh...! Christ!" The pain was unbearable, and with every step John took, it only got worse. But with your help, he made it into the house, and there he sat down on a chair. "Hold on!" Tears moistened your rosy cheeks. To see how much he suffered hurt you deeply. You would take care of him immediately, and you would do your best. John saw your tears, seeing how worried you were about him. A gentle smile was on his lips, and he reached out for you, gently stroking your cheek with his fingers. You saved his life, and he would never forget that. "I'm so glad nothing happened to you..." John whispered, and those words almost made your heart explode. "John..." His smile grew, and he couldn't take his eyes off your pretty face, nor was his pain very important right now. But at the moment it wasn't the right time to get sentimental, so you hurried out of the room to get the tools you needed to take care of John. When you returned to him, you helped John unbutton his shirt, pulling it over his head. It was very tiring for John, and at the same time painful. He gasped sharply as he leaned back against the chair. "Fuck... ahhh..." You knelt in front of him, immediately got to work. You knew you couldn't spare him any pain, but John took it all in silence. Of course, he hissed now and then in pain, because the injury was quite deep. It had to be sewn. "It'll hurt badly now" you said, and John nods in agreement. There was no other choice. Your right hand began to tremble, and of course, John didn't miss that. He had to do something to calm you down. He reached gently for your wrist. "Y/N... look at me." You looked up at him with worried eyes. You had never done this before, and you were very afraid. "I trust you, Y/N." You nodded slowly, feeling his thumb gently stroking your delicate wrist. "We'll do it together." You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment. "Okay..." You followed John's instructions, and when the needle touched his injured flesh, John bit his lip hard. God, he could hear the needle being pushed through the delicate flesh. But more pressure would be needed. "Okay... hhnngg! Stronger... push it stronger through ... nghh... my skin..."
Every further stitch was the purest torture for John. The only thing that made his pain more bearable was whiskey. "Jesus... hssss, ahh!" John reached for the bottle. He had already drunk half of it. He took a long sip, felt the burning liquid sliding down his throat. When you finally finished your work, John's face and body were covered in sweat. It had been so hard for him to endure this pain. The young man was completely exhausted, and so was you. Your fingers were smeared with blood, which had already dried on your skin. With a pitying expression on your face, you looked up at him, sighing with relief. "It's over, John", you said softly, whereupon the young man opened his eyes, looking at you completely exhausted. With a faint smile on his lips, he nodded to you. "Good work..." God, you couldn't describe in words how glad you were that he was still with you. If you hadn't taken care of him, maybe John wouldn't have made it. This thought was very frightening, and it made you cry. John was looking down at you, his eyes filled with affection. He would like to hug you now, but John barely managed to stay awake. He was so tired. "Hey... don't." You couldn't do anything about these feelings. The shock was still deep inside you. The feeling of fear broke over you like a big wave. He could have died! This wonderful person was almost taken away from you. "it's okay, Y/N..." "John..." You sob softly, wiping the tears from your cheeks as you looked up at him. "I almost saw you die before my eyes. This pig... this pig..." You sob again, this time louder than before. The sight of that animal pulling the blade out of John's body to stab him again... God! That was horrible! "Y/N..." John was touched that you were so worried about him. His stomach started to tingle, and his heart burned. He hadn't felt this emotion in years. "I couldn't stand the idea to lose you, John," you whispered as you slowly placed your head in his lap, closing your eyes. The young man glanced down at you. With his hand he stroked gently through your full hair, trying to give you back the tenderness that you gave him. "Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for having such a good heart."
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
Since that night, everything had changed between you. John had lost his heart to you, and he couldn't imagine anything better than spending his time with you. You were an incredible woman. You were brave, strong, and beautiful. You saved his life, and he was very grateful to you. Three weeks had passed since that night, and John had recovered well from his injury. You had ordered him to rest, and you hadn´t accepted any contradictions from him. You had worked a lot for this ranch in the past few weeks, and John had a guilty conscience since he hadn't been a great help. "Can´t you sleep neither?" Your gentle voice pulled John out of his thoughts. You were standing in front of him, in a dark green dressing gown, which looked lovely on you. John's eyes admired you, but he didn't want to be rude by staring at you. So, he closed his eyes for a moment, smiling, and shaking his head softly. "Uhm... yes. Can´t sleep tonight," he replied softly. You went to him, sitting next to him on the couch. "Are you alright?" John smiled, looking at you. "Well, I haven't been helpful in the past three weeks. You worked very hard." "But John, we've already discussed that." "I know, Y/N. But now I´ll able to work again, and I want you to take a break for a few days." "But..." John shook his head when you tried to protest. You deserved a few days off. "You are exhausted, and I can see that you need a break." You sighed softly when John said that, and you had to admit that he was right. Yes, you were very exhausted, and you hadn't taken the time to deal with the events of that fearful night. "Yes. You are probably right." You sighed, but smiling while looking at your lap. John was such a kind person. "You know John, I grew up on a farm. My parents taught me a lot." John turned to face you so that he was able to look into your beautiful eyes while listening to you. You hadn't told him about your past yet, and he would like to know more about you. "Believe it or not, but my father taught me how to cook." John had to smile when he heard that. It was indeed a rarity. You told John about how you grew up, and that your parents were very loving people. They had taught you what was important in life, and you had always taken their advice seriously. Unfortunately, John hadn't been very lucky to grow up with loving parents. He had lived on the street for years until Dutch van der Linde found him. He and his gang, had once been his family, and John had also suffered many losses. He would never get over the death of his friend Arthur.
But John still didn't understand one thing.  How did you end up living on the street? That question would surely torture him all night if he didn't ask you. John wasn't a curious person. He just wanted to understand what had happened to you. "Y/N. What happened? Why did you end up on the street?" You sighed softly. It was a long story, and the memories were painful. But maybe it would be a good thing to tell him about your feelings. "You know John, my parents died in a fire many years ago." John instantly regretted asking you because he could imagine how disturbing those memories must be for you. "Y/N... I- I'm sorry! I...!" But you shook your head, telling him he didn't have to apologize. "After this tragedy, I went to Saint-Denis to live with my aunt and my uncle. But that had been a different life, John. I didn´t like the moral views of that family. Eventually, I ran away to live my own life. Unfortunately, without success." Other things happened after that. Back in Valentine, when this terrible outlaw and his gang showed up, and destroyed the whole town. You hadn't told anyone about it before. You were disgusted with these hideous thoughts of being almost raped. You killed your tormentor. God, it was a terrible night. Your eyes stared in the crackling fire in the chimney, watching the dancing flames. "I killed a man in Valentine, John," you said quietly, not taking your eyes off the fire. John frowned when he heard that and his intense gaze rested on you. You felt that. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes before continuing. "He... uhm..." You bit your lower lip, fell silent again. The memories of that night were painful, and it was harder to talk about than you thought. "He and his gang killed a lot of people before my eyes." Your eyes were sad when you looked at John. John didn't respond, just listened to what you had to say. "I killed him out of self-defense, John. He almost raped me." When John heard these words, he gasped sharply, looking at you in shock. "I was so shocked, and I was terrified of what his men would do to me. I fled from Valentine, John. I had nothing with me. No money, no clothes. Nothing." You felt cold when you thought about what you saw in Valentine. So much violence, so many corpses of innocent people. "I... uhm..." Suddenly, your voice began to tremble. The images in your head started to torture you. God, you just wanted to forget. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." You said nothing, staring into the chimney to see the fire dancing in it, but the view became unclear by your tears. "Y/N..." You felt John's warm hand on the back of your neck, which made you gasped softly. It felt so good to be touched by him. You closed your eyes, and the first tears fell over your cheeks. John gently pulled you to his chest. You heard his calm heartbeat, which made you relax. His body was so warm, and you felt safe with him. That was exactly what you needed right now. Another person's affection and love. "I'm with you, Y/N" John whispered as he placed his strong arms around you, kissing your temple. John was shocked by what you had experienced. "I will never let anyone hurt you, Y/N." John would give his life for you...
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elementalwriter67 · 5 years
The Void Chapter Ten
Pairings: (eventual) Jason Todd x Reader
Word Count: 3308
Tag list: @wittedhat @clea-nightingale @grey-water-colors @reclusive-chicken-nugget @undertheredhood 
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, 9
Summary: The Void is a hellish place filled with screams that echoed throughout the place at all the hours of the night, and where pain is a very close friend. You’ve spent your entire life in the Void, having been there since you were ten and you’ve just recently gotten a new cellmate… Who’s a little more hopeful than you are that either of you are going to make it out of this place alive. Though you have to admit that maybe his hope is rubbing off on you because you slowly find yourself hoping that the two of you do get out of here.
“Selina? What are you doing here?” Dick asked as him and Roy walked up the stairs to the upper layer of the Batcave where Selina was standing with the others around the Batcomputer. 
“I ran into Bruce when he was going to investigate Falcone, he filled me in on what’s been going on.” Selina’s voice tense as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Do you know about the Void?” Roy asked and Selina nodded. 
“Course I do, every villain in Gotham knows about the Void and they were people that I was hoping you would never have to deal with, yet here we are.” She said the tenseness leaving her voice and being replaced with a bitter resentment as she looked towards the screen where Tim was messing around with video feeds. 
“Did you two find the van that matches the tire tracks at the hospital?” Tim asked, interrupting whatever conversation they could have continued to have. 
“Yep, we got the picture of the licence place like you asked.” Dick said as he pulled out his phone. Tim snatched it out of his hand and tapped at the screen a couple of times before handing it back to Dick. 
“Alright, cool, do you want to tell me what that was all about or what?” Dick asked, looking between Tim and the others.
“Well after we got back from checking the Rich guys house, he was a serial killer by the way had a whole as torture room down in the basement really fucked up, Tim decided he was going to take another crack at the security cameras in the area. Turns out on his first look through he missed something.” Stephanie said from where she stood with her arms crossed over her chest and leaning against the computer. 
“What did he-”
“They were on a loop. All of the security feeds in a two block area either way out of that alleyway were on a minute long time loop.” Tim answered Roy’s question. Roy’s brow shot up as he looked at the feeds.
“How did we miss that on the first watch through? We practically invented the use of loops, how the hell did we miss that?” Roy muttered as he walked up to the batcomputer leaning against the keyboard as he watched the feeds.
“Right so while those two figure that out, what did the rest of you find?” Dick asked looking away from those two and towards the others.
“Penguin checked out. One of his guys was on the other side of the city getting rid of a body, we’ve notified the GCPD of the bodies location.” Damian told him crossing his arms over his chest he glanced over at the computer, Tim and Roy muttering to each other as they both worked on the feeds.
“Black Mask’s van was busy being used for an arms deal near Amusement Mile to some low level gang from Los Santos at the time of Jason’s kidnapping. We’ve already notified the LSPD that one of their gangs are buying weapons from Black Mask.” Kate said and Dick nodded.
“What about Falcone Bruce?” Dick asked as he looked towards Bruce who was watching Tim and Roy closely.
“Falcone at the time was busy making a business deal with me and all of his men were there as far as I know. But Falcone isn’t one to make deals with the Void, I’m still honestly surprised that Scarecrow made a deal with them in the first place usually we all try to avoid the Void at all costs.” Selina stated her brow furrowed slightly in confusion as she thought over it. 
“Guess they managed to make a deal with him that he couldn’t refuse.” Dick said and Selina hummed going to open her mouth to say something but before she could Tim spun around violently in the chair. 
“We got the original videos.” Tim stated before he swung back around to face the screen. 
“I’ll give this to the Void those fuckers are thorough as fuck. They buried the original video feeds so damn deep into the system that they’re almost impossible to find. Almost.” Roy said as he typed on the keyboard while Tim did something at the other end of the control panel for the computer. 
“If they’re so thorough, why bury the original feeds? Why not just delete them and be done with it?” Selina asked as she stepped up to the computer. 
“Oh they did, but because you can never truly delete something that’s on any form of online they had to bury any possible trace that they could have left.” Tim said as he slid back over towards Roy, who stepped out of the way letting him take back over.
“And because of that we’ve got traffic feeds of the van as it’s leaving the alleyway, a traffic feed that just so happens to contain the licence plate of the van.” Tim said as he forwarded the feeds to the exact moment where you can see the licence plate as the van was driving away. Tim zoomed in on the image, clearing it up to properly display the licence plate. 
“Are you-”
“Yes we’re running it through the Gotham city system right now, we’re just waiting for a hit.” Roy interrupted Barbara before she could finish and before anyone could say anything else the computer made a sound. 
“And those would be the results.” Tim muttered as he wheeled himself back over to the other side of the computer tapping a couple of buttons as the results popped up on the screen. And everyone’s shoulders slumped almost immediately at the sight of the results. 
“They don’t match.” Tim breathed out falling back in the chair as he stared up at the screen. 
“They don’t… they don’t… they don’t fucking match?! They don’t fucking match!” Roy shouted as he stared at the screen in complete and utter disbelief his jaw slack and eyes wide. 
“But… but… how?... How is that possible?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” Dick shouted slamming his hands down on the computer making everyone jump. 
“I don’t get it! The tire tracks match the van, they match, so how the hell do the plates not match?” Tim asked as he started running it through the system again, only for it to come back a few moments later with the same results. 
“Maybe they switched the plates?” Barbara offered as she shoulder Roy out of the way and started typing on the computer running the picture of the licence plate through the general system instead of trying to compare the two. Just as they started working again a ding sounded from the computer and everyone stopped in their tracks as they stared at the message that appeared on the screen. 
“Tim.” Bruce stated taking a step towards the computer. 
“On it.” Tim said as he started typing everyone taking a step back from the keyboard so he could work properly.
~The Void~
~Dr. Roberts~
“Dr. Roberts! Dr. Roberts!” A guard shouted as he jogged down the hallway, pushing past nurses and other doctors as he tried to get to Dr. Roberts. 
“Give me one second please.” Dr. Roberts said to the nurse as he turned around an annoyed look on his face as he looked at the guard watching as he pushed passed as he finally reached the Doctor.
“This better be good Sanchez, I’m a little busy.” Dr. Roberts stated his voice firm and full of annoyance. The guard cleared his throat as he shifted his weight around. 
“It is sir. Security found a message that was sent out from one of our computers, and you’re gonna want to see this.” The guard said and Dr. Roberts brows furrowed.
“And why is that?” Dr. Roberts asked his tone cold and the guard cleared his throat again.
“Security traced the origin of the message back to the computer that Subject 314695 broke during his escape attempt.” The guard said and Dr. Roberts tensed as he stood up straighter. 
“We’ll continue our conversation later.” Dr. Roberts told the nurse as he started walking motioning for the guard to follow him down the hallway as they made their way towards the security room. People moved out of the way when they saw Dr. Roberts stalking his way down the hallway the guard having to jog to keep up with him. 
The entire security room fell silent as Dr. Roberts walked into the room, everyone turning to face him silently staring. 
“Well?! What the fuck does it say?!” Dr. Roberts shouted and everyone jumped into action.
“Over here sir!” The head of security called and Dr. Roberts made his way towards his desk. Leaning down against the desk Dr. Roberts eyes scanned over the message his face hardening as he stared at the screen rereading the message.
“Did this get out?” Dr. Roberts asked not looking away from the screen.
“No. He was able to get through the first firewall but the secondary one we put in place after he was grabbed managed to stop the message from getting out, barely. The wall took a massive hit apparently he had enough time to put a bug in the message that would eat through any other firewall that it came across.” The head of security stated and Dr. Roberts hmmed as he looked at the screen. 
“Did he know about the second firewall?” Dr. Roberts asked and the head of security shook his head. 
“No, we don’t think so. We’re guessing by the nature of this message he was attempting to reach his adopted father, the bug was meant strictly to get through that firewall judging by the quickly put together code. Our guess is that the message was meant to go through a backdoor in his security that would have been week enough for this coding to break through.” He said and Dr. Roberts nodded along with him a thoughtful look on his face as he stood up. Bringing his hand up he rubbed his chin while still staring at the screen, biting the inside of his lip as he thought. 
“Ok. Save me a copy of the message, bug and all I want everything that comes with this message saved on a flash drive and then transferred to me, once that’s done send the message to its original destination.” Dr. Roberts said. The head of security’s eyes widened as they looked up at Dr. Roberts like the man had suddenly grown two heads.
“What?” The guy asked and Dr. Roberts looked down at him with any annoyed look on his face.
“Did I stutter?” Dr. Roberts asked and the guy rapidly shook his head as he turned to face the screen, typing at the keyboard. 
“No, sir, it’s just that… are you sure that’s a good idea? This is most definitely being sent to Batman what if they manage to trace it back to us? What if they manage to find us?” The man asked and Dr. Roberts rolled his eyes. 
“They won’t and even if they do it doesn’t matter we’ll be able to handle it so don’t worry about it. So do what I asked you. Now.” Dr. Roberts ordered as he stalked away from the guys desk and paused at the door looking to the two guards standing there. 
“You two go get me subject 314695, now.” Dr. Roberts ordered as he walked out of the hall and towards the elevator the two guards jogging down the hallway in the other direction towards the stairs.
“Well?” Dick asked as he stopped pacing the length of the room looking over to Tim, Barbra, and Roy who had stopped working the computer just seconds ago. 
“It’s clean. Came in through the back doorway, the one that Jason usually uses.” Tim said turning around to face Bruce in the chair and Bruce hmmed as he looked at the screen.
“Do you think it’s actually from Jason?” Bruce asked before any of the others could say anything and Tim was silent for a moment as he glanced over at Roy and Barbara who looked back at him before looking at Bruce.
“We think it’s a possibility.” Barbara stated her hands clasped together behind her back. 
“It is the same back door to your system that Jason always uses when he wants access to your computer, so it’s a pretty high possibility.” Roy added on and Bruce was silent for a moment everyone staring at him as they waited for him to respond. 
“Open it master Timothy.” Alfred finally commanded when Bruce didn’t say anything after a couple of minutes. Tim spun around and clicked on the message opening it up.
“B, it’s JRH. Nabbed by Void. Dr. Roberts.” Tim read aloud as he stared up at the screen rereading the message about five times before anyone said anything. 
“It's certainly from Jason that’s his short hand message technique. But how did he get a hold of a computer though to send the message?” Roy muttered as he reread the message trying to see if there was something hidden inside the message that might indicate something worse. 
“Maybe he got a hold of someone’s cellphone?” Dick offered up and Selina shook her head. 
“With how organized and careful they seem to be I doubt they would allow their people to have their phones on them when handling the people they captured, especially someone like Jason. Especially since they now know who we are, there’s no way they would let their people keep their phones.” Selina said watching as Dick began pacing again.
“It’s more likely that he tried to escape, and judging by the fact that he’s not currently walking through that door, it’s more than likely that he failed and there’s no telling what they do to people who fail in escaping.” Kate stated her arms crossed over her chest as she thought about all of this. 
“Tim find who this Dr. Roberts is, what hospital he belongs to. Whichever one he works for will be the one that the Void is at.” Bruce finally said and Tim nodded as he moved the message to another screen and started typing again.
“What makes you think it’s actually the hospital Bruce? The plates don’t match the van we found at the hospital or any plate that we have in our system, plus Dr. means nothing that could just be what-”
“Found him!” Tim called out interrupting Dick’s anxiety fueled rant and Dick froze mid stride looking over at Tim.
“You’re kidding right?” Dick asked and Tim shook his head pulling up the information that he had found.
“Dr. John Roberts is the Dean and chief of staff over at Central Gotham Medical Center, it’s one of the smaller hospitals in Gotham’s lower side.” Tim said as scrolled through the web page on the hospital.
“Alright. Dick, Tim, Damian I want you two to head out to check out the hospital see what we’re working with, more importantly see if you can find any indication that the Void is located in the hospital or has any connection the hospital to begin with.” Bruce said and the three of them nodded as they got up and made their way over to the armory before heading out. 
“The rest of us are going to work on coming up with a plan to infiltrate the hospital if this place really is connected to the Void then we’re going to need to be able to get into there without getting caught. They’ll be expecting us.” Bruce said as he walked over to the computer taking a seat as everyone started getting to work.
~The Void~
~Jason’s P.O.V~
Jason was sitting on the floor of your shared cell his back pressed against the wall  next to the head of your bed with one of his knees pulled up to his chest so that his arm could rest on top of it. He had his head tipped back so that he could stare up at the ceiling a small smile on his face as he replayed a memory inside his head. 
“I’m tellin ya (Y/N) you should have seen it I’ve never seen Alfred so mad at us before I swear I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes again.” Jason muttered with a small chuckled. He continued to stare up at the ceiling for a little bit remembering how the four of them had to sit through what had to have been four hours of lecturing for having had a paint ball war inside the batcave. Sighing he looked over at you the smile on his face turning bitter as he dropped his head down, properly looking at you.
“When you wake up maybe I’ll tell you this story again, so that way you’ll actually remember it.” Jason added on as he looked away from your face, watching as your heavily bandaged chest rose and fell for a couple of seconds before looking back at your face. He was silent for a couple more moments before sighing heavily again as he dropped his head and furiously scrubbed his hands through his hair. Dropping his head back against the wall he groaned heavily.
“Christ (Y/N), I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just waited like you said, or hell if I hadn’t decided to try this in the first place then none of this would have happened to you. If I had just been a little better then maybe we would be out of here, but we’re not and it’s all my fault and I’m so, so, sorry (y/N). You were the last person I wanted getting hurt in all of this.” Jason mumbled as he reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. His heart clenched and his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the sight of the darkening bruises that littered your face and the twitch of your facial features when the tips of his fingers accidentally brushed against your black eye.
He had to make this up to you somehow, had to find a way to make this better, to show you that he was sorry about what happened, he had to do something, anything to show you he was sorry… Christ when had he gotten so attached to you? So concerned about what’s happened to you? Sure he thinks you deserve to get out of here because clearly you’ve been here and suffered more than anyone else here but there was no need for him to get this so attached especially since he knew so little about you. He’d never gotten this attached to anyone before, especially not someone he was trying to save and yet here he was caring far too much about you but not enough at the same time.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you never talked to me again, I know I deserve it for causing all of this but I just want you to know that-” Jason cut himself off as his gaze snapped to the door his body tensing as he saw the guards standing there. 
Gritting his teeth Jason pushed himself up on to his knees, ignoring the flaring of pain as he moved to a standing position. His hands balled into fist at his side as he stepped forward so that he was between you and the guards. He watched them s they opened the door, a sneer forming on Jason’s face and a barely suppressed growl growing in his chest as he glared at them. 
“Stay away from her.” Jason growled out and the guards shared a look before looking back at him. 
“Get him.” One of the guards ordered and they all moved forward at one.
Jason growled again and took a step forward fully intending on attacking the guards but he was easily subdued one guard grabbing each of his arms and pulling him back and away from you as they forced his arms behind his back. 
“No! No! You stay away from her you bastards! Stay away from her!” Jason shouted struggling against the guards even as they cuffed his hands behind his back. The three of them surprised at how much fight he still had in him despite the beating that he had gotten and the pain that he most certainly still feeling. 
“Oh, don’t worry. We’re not here for the little bitch. We’re here for you.” The first guard said and Jason’s brow furrowed as he stopped struggling and stared at the guard. 
“What?” He asked and the guard smirked before punching him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and causing his knees to give out on him as he gasped for air. 
“Get him out of here.” The guard said as he nodded towards the door and the other two guards nodded as they began to drag, Jason out of the cell the first guard following after them.
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wrestlingisfake · 4 years
Bound for Glory preview
Eric Young vs. Rich Swann - Young is defending the Impact Wrestling world championship.  This is only Swann’s second match since suffering a legit knee injury in January.  He returned to the ring for  a five-way title match at Slammiversary on July 18, where he eliminated Young.  Eric “reinjured” Swann’s leg to cost him that match; when Swann was forced to “retire” on August 4, Young assaulted him again.  Since then Young has gone on to win the world title, while Swann has been doing a whole “come out of retirement for revenge” storyline.
It’s funny to think about how these guys are headlining this show, considering that most fans would probably remember them best for being lost in the shuffle at WWE.  But this is Impact’s level, and it has been for years.  Just because these guys would be working a dark match on Smackdown doesn’t mean they can’t have a compelling main event here in a much smaller pond.
The basic “Rocky movie” approach to booking this feud would be to have Swann overcome adversity to conquer his most dangerous rival and finally win the big one.  But Impact has a long history of trying to outthink that logic, and I have a long memory of them swerving away from big coronation moments.  It was only a few months ago, in fact, that they were building up Ace Austin for an inevitable run on top, and then they just...didn’t do that.  So Swann might win, or they might tell a story that he has a lot of ring rust to shake off before he beat Young.  Nevertheless, my gut still says Swann wins the title here.
Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Ethan Page & Josh Alexander vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton - This is a four-way match for the Impact tag team title, currently held by the Motor City Machine Guns (Shelly and Sabin).  Per standard four-way rules, the only way to win is by pinfall or submission, and the first man to score a fall on any opponent wins the match and the title for his team.
The North (Page and Alexander) held the title for just over a full year as various other teams broke up or drifted away from Impact, so they got to be able to say they cleaned out the division.  Then Sabin and Shelley came in as the wily veterans to get a big push (which is sort of ironic when you consider their history with this company).  Austin and Fulton came together earlier this year as a “rising top heel and his enforcer” act, but they ended up as a tag team when they began feuding with the Good Brothers (Gallows and Anderson).  All along, there’s been a sense that the Machine Guns are just keeping the titles warm until they put over the Good Brothers.
I could see any of these teams getting the title, but it’s pretty clear Gallows and Anderson are top attractions in this company, so one way or another the title picture is going to revolve around them.  One interesting wrinkle is that the Good Brothers plan to work for both Impact and New Japan, and New Japan has a tag team tournament coming up, leading into their biggest show of the year.  If I’m Don Callis, I want to send Gallows and Anderson to Japan for a couple of months to soak up that exposure, and I’d want them do it while wearing Impact title belts.  I’m probably getting ahead of myself with that speculation, but since I’ve got no other clear way to pick a winner, I’ll let that be why I’m going with Doc and Karl.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kylie Rae - Purrazzo is defending the Impact women’s title.  Kylie earned this title shot by winning a battle royale on July 18, the same night Purrazzo won the championship.  Since then Kylie has won the Warrior Wrestling women’s title, but that belt isn’t at stake here.
It was just about a year ago that Kylie debuted here, coming off a surprisingly abrupt exit from AEW.  It’s always felt like Impact wanted to do a slow build to her as the face of the women’s division.  And yet, Impact has also given Purrazzo a strong push since her debut in May.  Each of them would be my pick to win against any other woman in the company right now.  But against one another, it’s real tough to choose.  Feels like almost every match on this card is a pick-’em, which is a good thing.
I’m gonna go with Kylie to win just because she makes me happy.
EC3 vs. Moose - Moose has spent most of the year as the self-proclaimed “TNA world champion,” but EC3 stole his belt and I’m not sure what happened to it and I’m not sure either guy still cares about it at this point.  EC3 gained his widest exposure to fans in his NXT/WWE run, but Impact viewers know he really made his name in this promotion, back when it was called TNA.  “EC3” literally stands for “Ethan Carter III,” from when his gimmick was that he was the (kayfabe) nephew of longtime TNA owner Dixie Carter.
The story is that after EC3 was laid off from WWE, he decided he had to exorcise his old failures, which I guess are symbolized by Moose carrying around the belt he once held.  So EC3 started interfering in Moose matches and stalking him and playing cryptic videos for him and other weird stuff.  This has been going on since July but EC3 has yet to wrestle for Impact in all that time.  Aside from a couple of indie shows, and some ROH stuff that hasn’t aired yet, this will be his first match in 2020.
Back in July I assumed that EC3 would sign with Impact.  Then when I heard he was doing stuff with ROH, I figured it was a side project before he fully committed to Impact.  But after three months with no Impact matches, I’m starting to wonder if his Impact deal is a one-and-done.  Actually, the fact I’m wondering that helps the match, since if I was sure he was sticking around, it’d be super obvious that he has to beat Moose.  As it is, I’m still leaning toward EC3 winning, but that little doubt in my head will keep it interesting.
Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock - I lost the plot on this one, but as I recall Edwards had a vicious feud with Sami Callihan in 2018, and then Shamrock had a vicious feud with Callihan earlier this year, and now Shamrock and Callihan both hate Edwards for some reason.  Incidentally Shamrock is being inducted into Impact’s hall of fame this weekend, so it’s kind of weird that they decided now is the time to turn him heel.
I think the easiest way to sum both of these guys up is that neither of them knows when to quit.  They both look grizzled and stopped-giving-a-fuck, which makes them scary in the way that convicts in movies seem scary.  Now that I think about it, I’m surprised it took so long for this match to happen.
The x-factor here is Callihan, who will undoubtedly be interfering on behalf of Shamrock.  I don’t know who the hell Eddie can get to counteract that; usually when he needs backup it ends up being his wife Alisha, which works better than you might expect but still not all that well.  I guess if Davey Richards was going to return, this would be a cool way to set it up.  But failing that, I don’t think Eddie can win this match.
Rohit Raju vs. Chris Bey vs. TJP vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Trey Miguel vs. Willie Mack - Raju’s “X division” title is on the line.  This is being billed as a “six-way scramble match.”  I tend to think that’s just a cute name for a standard six-way match, where whoever scores the first fall on any opponent wins the match and the title.  Of course, in WWE a “scramble match” was a specific stipulation where whoever scores the last fall in a specified time period is the winner.  But I think if Impact was trying to bring those rules back, they’d have made a bigger deal about it, and I would have heard something about it by now.
The backstory here is that Bey was getting a big push and beat Mack for the title, and Raju started lobbying to be his henchman.  This led to Bey vs. Raju vs. TJP, with the idea that Raju would help Bey against TJP, but Raju went into business for himself and won the title.  So now everybody is gunning for Raju, including Trey for some reason I forget, and I think Grace just got thrown in there to make it more interesting.  Basically, Raju was a prelim guy before any of this happened, and he’d be the underdog against any of these opponents, so you’re supposed to think he’s doomed in a match against all of them.
I’m a tad surprised Grace is involved, because it wasn’t all that long ago that it was Tessa Blanchard as the woman chasing the X title, and then the world title, and that didn’t work out so well.  Then again, Tessa’s gender was hardly the reason that run fell apart, so maybe Impact is determined to do it again until they get it right.  Thing is, if you want to seriously present a woman winning a men’s championship, you want the champion that puts her over to be stronger than Rohit Raju.  So if they’re gonna do it, I’d say they should do it later, with Grace challenging one of the other guys for the title one-on-one.
Anyone could win this match, but it’s a real old trick to have the most hated heel be the biggest underdog, and then he steals a win after his opponents destroy each other.  So I’m going with Rohit to retain.
20-person “Call Your Shot” gauntlet match - This is a timed interval gauntlet match, similar to WWE’s Royal Rumble.  Two participants start the match, and each additional participant enters at regular intervals.  (I don’t think they’ve said how long the intervals are, but I’m guessing 90 seconds or two minutes or something.)  For most of the match, a competitor can only be eliminated by leaving the ring over the top rope and placing both feet on the floor; however, once all but two wrestlers are eliminated, the rules change so they can only lose by pinfall or submission.  The last person left in the match is the winner and earns the right to a title match against the champion of their choice.
So far Impact has confirmed eleven participants, seven men and four women:
Acey Romero, of the XXXL tag team
Alisha Edwards, whose last singles victory in this company was in 2018 against AEW’s Rebel/Reba
Brian Myers, formerly known as Curt Hawkins in WWE
Havok, aka Jessicka Havok in the indies
Heath, formerly Heath Slater in WWE, with the gimmick that he hasn’t yet secured a contract to work for Impact
Hernandez, once a rising star in TNA, now some sleazy guy backstage with a giant wad of cash
Larry D, Romero’s partner in XXXL
Rhino, the former ECW/WWE star who’s been trying to help Heath get signed
Taya Valkyrie, probably best known from AAA and Lucha Underground
Tenille Dashwood, formerly Emma in NXT and WWE
Tommy Dreamer, the ECW legend, who has been feuding with Myers
The order of entry is supposed to be random, but the results of an October 20 match slotted Hernandez as the last entrant and Rhino as the first.  The added stipulation for Rhino and Heath is that their jobs are on the line: If either of them wins, Rhino stays and Heath is signed, but if neither of them win, Rhino is fired and Heath can’t keep coming around asking for work.
It feels like this match has to end with Rhino or Heath winning, to pay off that storyline.  In fact, I could easily see it being a deal where one appears to be eliminated, and hides off-camera until the other is thrown out, and then Josh Matthews can play Michael Cole being all shocked that there’s still hope.  It feels so obvious that I’ve seen speculation that Heath needs to turn on Rhino right after one of them wins, to keep it interesting.  But I think we’re all overlooking the alternative, where they’re both kicked out of the company but nevertheless keep appearing in comedy skits for weeks until they get some other chance to earn contracts.  Personally, I’d just keep it simple and have Heath win leading to Heath and Rhino challenging for the tag title.
Dez & Wentz vs. Cody Deaner & Cousin Jake - This is being advertised for the pre-show.  Dez (Desmond Xavier) and Wentz (Zachary Wentz) are, along with Trey Miguel, the stoner team of the Rascalz.  Cody Deaner has been Impact’s resident redneck good-ol’ boy on and off for years.  Jake is better known on the indie scene as Jake Something, the current Black Label Pro champion.  Between the two teams, I think Impact is more committed to pushing the Rascalz, but this is another one where it could really go either way.  This whole show has been really hard to predict.  Let’s hope it still seems unpredictable after it’s over.
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Three Soldiers and a Baby | Part Nine
summary: Three handsome bachelors find their day to day operations disrupted when an unexpected new roommate (who comes complete with a diaper and a pacifier) shows up at their doorstep. How will they deal with this new and baffling responsibility without losing their minds or killing each other in the process?
pairings: Bucky x Reader (eventual) featuring Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
warnings: none, just make-believe goodness and cute boys with a baby
a/n: Who’s ready for more domestic soldiers?! I know for damn sure that I always am. Heck, that’s why I wrote this series! To provide all the fluff and angst-free domesticity for y’all. Sorry if that may seem a little boring to some, but I think we all deserve some nice easy reading every once in awhile. Love ya’s!
*warning to mobile users, the “keep reading” tab may not work so apologies in advance*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
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| previously |
Bucky didn’t even notice Sam walking away as he slowly inched closer and closer. He was just glad no one called him out on taking his sweet time getting there. When he finally reached the edge of her bassinet, Bucky felt as though all the air left within his lungs rushed out in a single exhale. Looking down at the slumbering face of his daughter was almost too surreal for Bucky to handle. In that moment he was sure that she was the most beautiful being in existence. “Holy shit. She looks just like her mom,” Bucky quietly whispered, his voice hoarse from all the emotions flowing through him. “She’s fucking beautiful.”
Steve had remained quiet as he watched the scene between his best friend and his daughter. He too was overcome with emotion, but was holding it together better than Bucky was. He walked forward to join the pair and noticed the moisture building up in Bucky’s eyes while he continued to stare at Ellie. “Yeah she is, Buck. Congratulations, man.”
Bucky finally looked away from his daughter, a light stream of tears flowing down his cheeks as he reached out to his best friend and pulled him into a tight hug.
Bucky was still staring down in wonder at the small bundle that slept without a care to the changing world around her. It was still the middle of the night, but none of the men felt like they could sleep now that Bucky had returned home early from his mission. During the earlier debrief of the baby situation, Bucky took a minute to explain why he had come home so soon. The truth was as simple as the mission being easier than they had initially anticipated and there was no reason for him to stay behind for any cleanup procedures. Now here he was, back in the same home he left behind, but everything was different. His entire life was set to change and he hadn’t even known about it until only an hour ago.
Sam returned from his late night shower in a robe and waved his arms trying to grab the attention of the two men still staring down at the baby. “Alright I’m off to get some much deserved beauty sleep back in my own bed. Barnes. Good luck, buddy.” Sam turned on his heel and slowly walked towards his door. At the same time, Steve yawned and started to walk away as well. “Yeah me too. Good night, pal. We’ll see you in the morning.”
“Wait, what?!” Bucky spat out in a panic. “No no no. You guys can’t leave me alone!” 
“You’re a big boy, Bucky. You can handle this,” said Sam with a thumbs up. “Just like we did.”
Bucky gawked in disbelief. “But you guys did it together! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here!”
“You’ll figure it out.” Steve suppressed another yawn and turned away again.
“But wait, what if I...what if I hurt her,” Bucky quietly expressed his true fear, looking away from his two friends and down again to the young innocent life before him. Then he looked to his left arm, the one made of neither flesh nor blood. It had been years since it was last used as a weapon for the forces of Hydra. The Wakandan tech was the most state of the art advanced technology that existed and Bucky had never had any reason to mistrust it. Yet, he wasn’t ready to take any chances on his daughter’s well-being. 
Sam and Steve shared a look of understanding, but it was Steve again who spoke his reassurances to the neurotic new parent. “Bucky, you’re making excuses now. You haven’t felt self-conscious about your arm in a very long time. You’re in complete control, over the arm and your mind. Something tells me it has a lot to do with how this baby came to be here in the first place.” Steve referred to his time spent with you. “I had a feeling that whatever was going on with the two of you, she went a long way towards making you feel a certain kind of way.”
Bucky’s face depicted a range of emotions battling through him as he listened to Steve’s words, knowing that the man was right about every single thing he said. “Yeah, she did,” he confirmed. “She made me feel whole.”
The other two men smiled appreciatively, happy that their friend could finally admit the integral part you played in his life. Only hoping that it wasn’t too late for the two of you. “Alright then, Buck. We’ll see you two in the morning, okay?” Steve said, settling that this was how it was going to be. Bucky took in another series of deep breaths before nodding somewhat confidently.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I can do this.” Bucky looked down to his daughter and finally smiled. “I have to.”
It was at that exact moment that a wave of odor bloomed upwards from the bassinet. It started out faint, but soon burst into one of the most offensive odors Bucky had ever experienced. He tried to keep his face from contorting in reaction to it, but after another waft hit him he couldn’t help but reach for his nose to plug it. It took a second longer for it to reach Sam and Steve and by that time they were already on their way out of there to the safety of their rooms.
“Woah, wait a minute!” Bucky yelled out in horror. “What the hell have you guys been feeding my kid?!” By the time he looked down at the baby then back up to his friends they had already left and Ellie was starting to stir awake. At first her cries were soft and barely there, Bucky figured it was now or never to make this happen. Also, the last thing he wanted to hear were the uncomfortable cries of his little girl.
“Okay I can do this. C’mon, man. Get it together.” Bucky psyched himself up, unknowingly much like Steve had the first time he had changed Ellie all those days ago. He didn’t have time to think of the weight of the situation. The milestone moment of picking his daughter up for the first time as he pulled the soft white blanket away from her squirming body and reached in for her.
Distant memories floated through his mind of picking up babies in a past life, but much had changed since then. This time would be different than all those others. His head felt light as the little bundle in his hands felt even lighter still. She was tiny and soft and squishy. The smell emitting from her didn’t even seem to phase Bucky anymore, especially the second she opened her pretty little eyes and looked up at him for the first time. 
Bucky was petrified in that instant. What if she cried? What if she didn’t like him? What if she was scared of him? Each question tore at his chest one by one, but he wouldn’t let his fears keep him from being here in this moment with his child.
“Hello beautiful,” he spoke his first words to her tenderly. The low timbre in his voice must have triggered something in her because instead of wailing cries of terror, Ellie smiled. It was more akin to a grin than anything, but Bucky swore that this was the most magical moment he had ever experienced.
It took time and a lot of guesswork, but Bucky eventually succeeded in changing Ellie’s diaper for the first time and he couldn’t have been more proud. Of her. She had just stared up at him the entire time, babbling in her cute little baby talk and being patient with him as he figured out how to clean her from the mess she made. Once he was finished and the offensive diaper was disposed of, Bucky wasn’t sure what to do next, but he knew he wasn’t ready for this time to be over with her. The future was unpredictable and even so far as tomorrow was an uncertain time.
He needed to cherish every moment he had with her, so for the next half hour, Bucky spent his time walking around the apartment with his little girl in his arms. Talking to her was quickly becoming his new favorite thing to do as she seemed to cling to every word he said. Completely enraptured in the way his lips moved and the sounds she couldn’t comprehend. The times when she would smile or giggle were the best and Bucky was sure his heart stopped each time. 
The next morning Steve and Sam woke up earlier than usual, practically jumping with anxiety about Bucky’s first night spent at home with the baby. Upon reaching the living room, though, they learned that all their fears had been completely unfounded. There on the large living room couch was Bucky with his hands protectively cradling Ellie, both sound asleep.
Feedback is always appreciated, leave it here!
part eight << part nine >> part ten
Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Four
Authors Note: Ok so this chapter carries on immediately from the last one. Idk I’ve rewrote this like 5 times & it never comes out quite how I want, so if it’s kinda shit I’m sorry 🤦🏼‍♀️ Feedback is welcome!
Warnings: Language (of course), drugs, Beth being a hoe
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @fire-and-blood-got @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror
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*Vinces POV*
That fucker.
I watched that smooth motherfucker pull the girl that I should be fucking down on to his lap. Beths face flushed crimson as Sixx whispered something into her ear. She stood up angrily, shot him a look before smoothing out her skirt & adjusting her hair. Nikki didn’t take his dark eyes off of her once as she marched over to the bar & that wicked, self-satisfied smile grew wider as he watched her snatch the bottle of Jack out of Tommy’s hand & take a large swig.
“T-Bone, can I have a bump?” I heard her mutter, nervously glancing around to see who was within earshot. She momentarily caught my gaze & I raised my eyebrow & smirked at her. Just when I didn’t think Elizabeth Reynolds couldn’t getting any fucking hotter, she turns out to be deliciously audacious. Tommy choked on his drink, before a huge grin spread across his face. “Doll, for you, anything.” He winked & took her hand.
I don’t know what the fuck Sixx whispered to her, but that fucking asshole was one bad influence.
*Beths POV*
I felt the intensity of Nikkis glare as I walked past his booth, hand in hand with Tommy, towards the shithole bathrooms of the Whisky. I glanced at him & smiled. I’d wiped that smug, asshole smirk off of his face, at least.
Tommy ushered me into the bathroom & we both crammed into a stall, giggling like kids at our close proximity.
“Ok, so you’re sure about this Beth?”
“Oh just fucking show me how it’s done, you’re basically a pro now right, Mr Rockstar?” I laughed.
Tommy chuckled as he produced a little draw string bag & emptied out a razor, a pre rolled dollar & a little baggy of white powder. I scoffed at him.
“Jesus, do all coke heads come this prepared?!” I teased, just before Tommy clapped his hand round my mouth to silence me. We stood there & listened to someone enter the bathroom & start using the urinal. I could feel the alcohol taking affect, clouding my judgement & I desperately tried to stifle my giggles as I watched Tommy cut 4 lines neatly on the top of the toilet tank. The door to the bathroom opened & shut once again, signalling that we were alone in there again & I breathed out a sigh of relief before letting out a nervous laugh.
“What the fuck am I doing?!” I mumbled, watching Tommy expertled snort two of the four lines.
Tommy stood up straight, rubbing his nose, & looked at me curiously, almost as if he was worried. “Dude, I don’t know what Sixx said to you out there, but if you’re like, trying to prove something to him-”
“I’m not trying to prove anything to that asshole.” I snapped, defensively, crossing my arms across my chest.
“Ok, ok, that’s all good, I just thought, yanno, maybe he’d wound you up about not partying with us or-”
“I wouldn’t party with that piece of shit anyway.” I said sharply, cutting Tommy off again. I looked down at the white lines waiting for me & a little voice in my head told me how stupid I was being, that this wasn’t me, that I could stop now before I’d even started. “I don’t know T-Bone, I just feel like whenever I hang out with you guys, I’m always missing out. I don’t drink, I don’t party, I don’t have any fucking fun. I’m tired of always being the sensible one & I don’t know, Nikki said some shit tonight that made me feel..” I blushed, remembering how much I craved him in that moment. “Oh I don’t fucking know, he just got in my head & I just felt like doing something that wasn’t me, you know? Try something fucking new.”
Tommy let out a little laugh, “Well, cokes one way to do that doll. Look, there’s no pressure, they’re there if you want them, if not, more for me.” He shrugged, flashing me that cute boyish grin.
I stared at the coke, trying to ignore the feeling that my father was going to burst in any second & drag me home like a teenager caught drinking at their first house party. Nikkis face kept swimming into my vision & I swear, I could hear that low, velvet voice tormenting me, telling me I wouldn’t do it. My mind couldn’t help but wonder back to the feeling of his lips lightly brushing mine & I suddenly felt that flame of desire reignite. God, I wished I’d leaned into him..
I shook my head, snatched the rolled up dollar out of Tommy’s hand & imhaled one of the lines, without giving myself time to think too hard about what I was doing. I wanted to block out whatever fucked up attraction I was having towards Nikki fucking Sixx.
I stood up straight & looked over at Tommy, who looked somewhere between shocked & in awe. He burst out laughing, clapped his hands together & then pulled me into a tight bear hug.
“Doll, you fucking did it! You can officially party with Mötley Crüe!” He teased, kissing the top of my head. “How do you feel?”
I stepped away from his hug & assessed myself. Well, I wasn’t dying, I wasn’t hyperventilating or throwing up, so that was a win in my books. In fact, I just felt alert & excited, like this was the start of a really fucking good night.
I looked at T-Bone & smirked. “Like I could do that again.” He snickered at me & gestured to the last line of coke, laid out ready. “It’s all yours dude.”
I snorted up my second line with more confidence & ease & stood up giggling with Tommy as he elbowed me in the ribs & made jokes about being a proper groupie now. I playfully shoved him before unlocking the cubicle & walking out, straight into Nikki. He was stood casually, leaning against the bathroom wall, arms crossed, with one leg bent as he rested his leather boot against the wall. Fuck, he looked good.
I stumbled back into Tommy & Nikki raised an eyebrow at me. “Can’t handle your drugs, Princess?”
“Sixx, what the fuck man, you scared the shit outta us.” Tommy laughed, giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder as he walked past & out of the bathroom.
“Why are you creeping out here, haven’t you got some other chick you can stalk?!” I snapped at him, looking in the mirror & adjusting my hair.
“Me, creeping? You know that you’re in the men’s bathroom, don’t you?” He smirked, walking up behind me, bending down slightly so his lips were at the level of my ear. “So, I got in your head, did I?”
I spun round to look at him, anger written plainly on my face. “You’re not creeping, yet you’ve spent the last 10 minutes in here, evesdropping on my conversation with Tommy?!”
“Well, you weren’t talking particularly quietly..” He said as he took a step towards me, forcing my back against the sink behind me. “So you were saying something about how I made you feel.”
“Like my skin is crawling.” I whispered back at him. Nikki chuckled darkly, my sharp wit taking him by suprise. He lightly dragged a finger across my shoulder & down my arm, testing my words. How was it possible for him to touch my arm & start a fire in my mind? I didn’t recoil from his touch & he noticed.
“I think you’re lying to me, Princess.” He smirked.
I could barely breathe as desire flooded through me once more, making me crave those smug lips on mine. The coke was making me feel brave. Or stupid. Or both. “Well why don’t you test your theory,” I dared.
Nikki let out a low laugh & his eyes flashed wickedly as they wandered down my body & back up, resting on my lips. He held them there for a second, almost debating his next move.
Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs, just below my ass & roughly picked me up & threw me on to the sink, forcefully pushing my legs apart so he could stand between them. He put his fingers under my chin & tilted my head back. I looked up at him with wide eyes, panting slightly from the shock. I bit my lip instinctively, which caused Nikki to smirk sinfully.
“You’re so fucking pretty when you look at me like that.” He whispered, amusement evident in his silky voice.
I played dumb. “Like what?”
That satanic smirk spread across his lips once again. “Like you fucking want me.”
“Who says I want you?” I whispered, breathlessly, wondering how far I could push him.
Nikki smiled arrogantly & brushed his lips against mine once again, my body burning with lust. But I held my own, not giving into his satisfaction just yet.
The door to the bathroom swung open as Mick, Vodka bottle in hand, strode into the bathroom, startling us back into reality. He casually looked at us, shook his head & pushed past us to get to the cubical.
Nikki turned his attention back to me. “You’re going to be easier to break than I thought, little angel.” He spoke softly, but almost threateningly, as hint of danger flashed across his green eyes that were coloured dark with a desire.
“You’ll never get another chance.” I taunted, snapping out of my trance & coming back to sound mind. I jumped off of the sink daintily, a pushed past him & strutted out of the bathroom with my head held high, knowing his eyes were fixated on my ass as I left.
*Later that night*
“Babe, come on, I think you’ve had enough.” Laughed Sophia as she swiped the bottle from my hands before I had chance to pour another drink. “Plus, you know all of this comes out of our pay check, right?!”
“Leave me alone, I’m having fun!” I shouted, slurring my words slightly. I’d only been drunk a handful of times in my life & I’d forgetten how fun it could actually be. Tommy & Vince had convinced me to play ‘never have I ever’ with them, except they’d changed the rules slightly, meaning that I had to drink every time they said something that I hadn’t done, which turns out, was a lot.
“I still can’t believe you’ve never had a one night stand Beth, what the fuck?!” Howled Tommy, still in a fit of giggles.
“Ok ok, I’m not a fucking rockstar who can pull anyone they fancy, you know!”
“Yeah but dude, you’re like, fucking smoking.” Grinned T-Bone, before Vince elbowed him in the ribs as Sophia punched him in the arm. “Ow ok, I’m just saying!”
“It doesn’t matter anyway babe, because we’re gonna change that when you come back to our place at the end of the night.” Vince said confidently, his hand stroking my inner thigh. I looked at him. I might’ve been drunk & a little bit high, but fuck, Vince was hot, there was no denying that. I pondered the idea. There are definitely worse people to fall into bed with, I thought to myself, glancing over to Nikki, who was sat at the same table, but making out with yet another girl.
What the fuck was I getting so worked up about?! I asked myself. Here he was, an hour after.. whatever the fuck that was we had going on in the bathroom, already practically grinding against some other chick in front of me. I shook my head, already bored of the drama that came along with Nikki. I’d decided I didn’t care, I was done. I already knew he was a bad guy.
“Well dollface, what do you say?” Smirked Vince, his fingers moving further up my thigh, snapping me back into reality. Mine & Nikkis little bathroom tryst had left me feeling frustrated & the affects of the alcohol & coke had me craving more. I leaned into Vince & smiled.
“Maybe, after all this time, tonight is you’re lucky night, Vinny.” I winked, laughing as his face changed from confident, to surprised & then to smug.
“It’s about fucking time!” Shouted Tommy, high fiving Vince & making me cringe. Nikki stopped macking on his groupie long enough to throw in his two cents.
“Looks like Little Miss Stuck Up has finally gotten bored with her life & is craving that bad boy in her bed. Didn’t I predict it Lizzy?” He sneered nastily. I shot him a look.
“I’m happy to oblige.” Grinned Vince, pulling me on to his lap & leaning in to kiss me. I hesitated, feeling Nikkis eyes on me, before I wrapped my arms around Vinces neck & let myself go, surrendering to my craving. His kiss was delectable. I could taste the alcohol & cigerettes on his lips, just like I did in that diner way back when, except this time, I wanted more. I moved my fingers into his hair & pulled him closer, feeling the satisfaction of lips against mine after Nikki denied me twice. I heard Tommy clapping & hollering & Sophia tutting, but I was too drunk to care. I pulled away from Vince, his smirk stained with my red lipstick.
“Come on then, we’re going back to your place, right?”
I giggled as he jumped up like an excited puppy & took my hand, leading me towards to exit of the Whisky. I glanced back & my eyes caught Nikkis for a fraction of a second & I could’ve sworn I saw a hint of jealousy in his green eyes.
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oryu404 · 5 years
Hopeless Valentine
[Link to AO3] Rogue swore on the name of every God he could think of that this was going to be the last time he’d ever take Yukino’s advice. She meant well, he’d never doubted that, but there were some things he was sure to be better off if he’d figure them out on his own. His love life was at the top of that list.
He supposed he should’ve seen it coming. All of their friends were either married, engaged, or expecting a baby. In short, they were all in serious relationships even though none of them had reached their thirties yet. He and Yukino had been the only ones left and they were fine with that. They even spent most Valentine's days together watching those sappy romance movies, armed with alcohol and snacks, laughing when the plot Rogue had predicted 5 minutes into the movie came true.
Silly, cliché, and totally unrealistic. Romance in real life was nothing like that.
He knew it was all going to change when he hung out with her one day. He could read it off her expression even before she had spoken the words. She had met someone. A young woman, tall, dark and gorgeous, who could perform magic in the kitchen, among other places. It was serious, and he’d been more than happy for her, of course he had, but now he had become that one friend.
The one with the dating history more tragic than the sinking of the Titanic. The only one who always showed up without a plus one, forever alone Rogue, and as he’d already feared his best friend was having none of it.
He tried to assure her that it was fine, joking that he’d just become the male equivalent of the crazy cat lady, but she shushed him and started a speech about how everyone deserved to find true love and that his was out there somewhere. He’d just have to find him, and the look on her face told him she’d made it her mission to make sure that he did.
He had reluctantly taken every single piece of advice from her so far, from letting her give him a makeover, to accompanying her and Minerva to the local gay bar and even getting a tinder profile. And every outcome had been a failure that exceeded the previous one.
After hours of shopping and trying out clothes that he didn’t feel comfortable in, he was finally able to convince her that his so-called “true love” would also accept him in a pair of nerdy glasses and a Star Wars hoodie. The obnoxious, loud pop music, the mixed scents of sweat, alcohol, and an overkill of body spray, and the lack of movement space caused by complete strangers brushing and grinding up against him were an instant reminder why he’d never been a fan of clubbing. And even Yukino had to admit that Tinder was a bad idea when he showed her the messages -and not to mention the pictures- he had received unsolicited.
Still, she had been able to talk him into what she’d sworn would be fun, and if it wasn’t there’d be no strings attached. The only reason he’d agreed on going speed-dating on Valentine’s Day was because she’d promised to get off his case after this. Besides, it wasn’t like he had something better to do anyway. He’d only have to spend about 10 minutes with each candidate, and he could just voice his opinion about them on the scorecard he was given. How bad could it be?
Bad was an understatement.
Out of all the guys that had taken place in the seat across him there hadn’t been a single one that made him lament the moment when the bell rang, signaling the encounter had ended. There’d been a man who must have been more than twice his age, one who was only interested in his cell phone, one who was so full of himself it surprised Rogue he still had room for the breadsticks, one who was actually in a relationship, just looking for “a playmate to spice things up a little,” and one who spent the full ten minutes undressing him with his eyes and wasn’t too subtle about his intentions during their conversation either.
Rogue was more than relieved when he was saved by the bell from that last one. He put on a forced and obviously faked smile when the guy got up and slipped him a piece of paper, winking as he mouthed the words “call me,” and moved on to the next table.
‘Don’t hold your breath.’
With a frown, Rogue turned to his scorecard, reviewing all the ranks he had assigned to his dates until now.
How interested would you be in a second date?
1: I can’t wait!
2: Willing to give it a chance
3: Maybe
4: Not my type
He added a fifth 4 to his list, scratching it into the paper as big and bold as he could without puncturing through it. He wanted to make sure there was no mistaking what his answer to this one was.
It dawned on him that there was only one more possible match left, and that made him both relieved and disappointed. Not that he’d had high expectations for tonight, he just thought it would be nice to have a click with someone again. His last relationship had ended years ago, and although he’d tried it a few times in college, one night stands weren’t really his cup of tea. Was he really that picky? Unlucky, perhaps? Or maybe this whole dating and romance thing just wasn’t meant for him?
“Hey, good evening!”
Rogue snapped out of his thoughts when his last date sat down, the number 8 was written on his tag. He looked…promising? At least he seemed to be well within an age range Rogue would say was acceptable. At first glance, he came off as friendly, and he wasn’t that hard on the eyes either. So far, so good.
“Hey, uhm…nice to meet you, I guess?”
I guess? Very smooth.
“Same! I gotta tell you, I’m not that good at small talk, but-“ the guy held up his finger to excuse himself and sneezed into a napkin, “sorry…”
“Bless you. And no problem.”
“So I’m not that good at small talk and I’m just going to be very unoriginal and ask you how you’d describe the perfect date?”
Very unoriginal indeed, Rogue had to agree, but it lent itself for a much more comfortable conversation than the ones he’d had prior to this. This was already going better than he had dared to hope for at this point.
“You’re going to get an unoriginal answer as well,” he admitted sheepishly, “I don’t really mind where I am or what I’m doing as long as I’m with someone I enjoy spending time with, but if I had to pick something I’d say dinner and a movie. Very basic, I know.”
“That’s fine, basic doesn’t automatically have to mean boring, right?” Mr. 8 waved to one of the waiters who was nearby, asking for two more glasses of wine after he’d noticed Rogue’s empty glass. He sneezed again.
“Right. Well since we’re already on a streak of being unoriginal, What do you like to do in your free time? ”
“Nothing special, just hanging out with friends, watch some movies, play some games. It looks like we’re both really good at being unoriginal,” he laughed, followed by yet another sneeze. He blinked a couple of times and then started rubbing at his eyes.
“Okay, so weird question, but do you happen to have a cat?”
“Yeah, I do,” Rogue nodded. “Would that be a problem?”
“Unfortunately, I’m afraid so. I’m extremely allergic to anything that has fur,” Mr. 8 got up, sneezing once more as he searched through his pockets. “I think I’d better take my allergy pills, be right back!”
He left for the men’s room, leaving Rogue to sigh deeply as he watched his departure.
“Sure,” he mumbled, filling in the final 4 on his scorecard right before the bell rang for the final time.
So that was it. He’d wasted a large part of his Saturday afternoon in a restaurant he’d normally never set foot in. At least the wine was good and drinks had already been included in the signup costs. And since he was now presented with two glasses of it, and doubted that Mr. 8 would be returning he’d resigned himself that he’d be wasting even more of his time here. He had gotten all dressed up anyway.
“Hi, mind if I joined you?”
Rogue was surprised, and more than confused when the seat at the other side of his table was suddenly taken. A spotless white button-up and a badge that had the restaurant’s logo and the name Sting on it told him it was one of the waiters who had been serving them. Dumbstruck, Rogue scanned his scorecard, hoping that it would give him any hint to what was going on, but all the blank spaces had been filled in by him already.
“…Now?” he questioned. He left the card for what it was and focused his attention back to his newly acquired company. “But…isn’t the event over already? And aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“The event is over and so is my shift, but there’s still half a Valentine’s Day left so I thought, since all of your dates have been kind of disastrous, I should make up for it. Something along the lines of…dinner and a movie?”
Rogue was speechless. “ Make up for it,” for him to state that with such conviction, as if he was going to be the redeeming factor of the train wreck that had been Rogue’s first- and decisively last- attempt at speed dating slash Valentine’s Day. Not that he’d even have to bring much to the table to improve the whole situation, as his -for lack of a better term- competition had set the bar pretty damn low, but the out-of-the-blue proposal was more than intriguing. There was a strangely irresistible charm to his cockiness, and good looks weren’t Rogue’s top requirement or anything, but fuck he was seriously cute.
“So… what do you say?”
Oh, right. He might want to answer.
“Uhm… sure?”
“Cool!” Sting chugged the whole glass of wine in front of him in one go, then started to untie the apron around his waist as he got up. “But not here though, my coworkers can be such a pain in the ass. Give me like five minutes to change and get my stuff, I’ll be right back!” he beamed, and just like that he was gone again.
Rogue stared off into space for what must have been a full minute, trying to process what had just happened. He pinched himself, and yes, he definitely felt that, so he hadn’t just made that all up and he was about to go on a real date for the first time in God knows how long. On Valentine’s Day. With someone he had just met minutes ago, without even a proper introduction.
On the one hand, he didn’t have much to lose, and it couldn’t get much worse from here. On the other, he found himself hoping he wouldn’t fuck this up, with no reason to explain this feeling that made any sense.
His wine met the same fate as Sting’s had, tossed back like a tequila shot at a frat party.
As he turned in his number tag and scorecard to the speed-dating event runners, panic and excitement were playing a game of tug-o-war with him, with no clear winner emerging from the battle until Sting came running through the staff door, dressed in plain dark jeans and a Star Wars hoodie.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’m horribly underdressed compared to you? If I’d known I would be going on a date after work I would’ve made a bigger effort.”
Rogue didn’t mind at all. He was thrilled to learn they seemed to have at least one common interest, and with a bright smile he replied what was supposed to be “You look fine, I wish I wasn’t wearing these clothes,” but because of his sudden excitement he tripped over the words and it came out as “It’s fine if you’re not wearing clothes.”
He felt his face heat up like a frying pan. How he’d managed a fuckup of this magnitude after just five fucking minutes was beyond him, but this would go down as one of those moments he’d still feel embarrassed about when it replayed in his head and kept him up at night.
It would be great if the earth could just open up and swallow him whole.
“Wait- NO, I didn’t mean-”
He tried to do some damage control but gave up when Sting burst into laughter, and against all Rogue’s expectations, he wasn’t the least bit deterred.
“Come on, let’s get out of here before the only place we can still get a table will be McDonald’s,” he grinned, linking their arms so he could lead a still rebounding Rogue towards the exit.
As he followed Sting out of the restaurant Rogue couldn’t help but be enthralled by this unforeseen development, and he wondered how Yukino was going to react to it.
Actually, no, that was a lie. He knew exactly how she was going to react to it. She was going to grill him, tease him, and pry as many details out of him as she could, and he had no idea if it was intuition or just wishful thinking, but he hoped he’d have a lot to tell her once he had fumbled himself through tonight.
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rorynne · 5 years
Time Lost Ch 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Summary: An accident during a mission sends you back in time to the second world war. There you enlist the help of Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes to find the object that can send her back.
Warnings: Christmas, alcohol, fluff
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: The rewrite is finally caught up! It’s all new content from here! Hurray! 
Prologue Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5
Bucky looked over the small toy soldier as Stark’s seamstress made the final adjustments to his new uniform. He couldn’t deny the resemblance of the soldiers painted blue coat to the one that Stack had designed for him. He didn’t know how to feel as he fiddled with the toy. Howard Stark had brought a whole slew of fancy new gadgets and gizmos for them to use and familiarize themselves with, but Bucky had found himself distracted.
You had left for London a month ago, and Bucky would have been lying if he said it didn’t bother him. He honestly couldn’t believe just how much he missed you, despite only knowing you for a little over a month. When he heard that there was going to be a dozen people coming with Stark to the base, he had hoped that you would be among them. However, when the convoy came in, you were nowhere to be found. He tried not to let it bother him, but the fact that you hadn’t even said goodbye hurt. Peggy had explained that you were ordered to leave immediately, but that only served to soften the blow, rather than nullify it.
The seamstress handed him back his coat and he slipped it on. It was probably one of the nicest outfits he’d ever worn. God only knew how much Stark had spent to outfit the entire team. He looked at himself in the mirror, he looked good, and it fit him like a glove after all the work the seamstress put into it. “Thank you,” he said to her with a polite smile.
“Hey, Sweetheart didn’t know you were coming to visit.” Bucky heard Stark say in the other room. Bucky rolled his eyes, Stark may have been a genius, but he really didn’t seem to give a damn about being professional.
“For the last time Stark, I’m not fucking interested. Stop calling me sweetheart.” A familiar voice said coldly. Bucky damn near fell over himself rushing into the room, where you and Stark stood near a table of his inventions. “I wanted to see what you cooked up for the Commandos.” You said, picking up a small object and inspecting it.
A grin slipped onto Bucky’s face as he watched you fiddle with the gadget. His grin widened as he thought on your comment to Stark, how quick you were to shoot him down. You didn’t seem to notice as Bucky stepped behind you, looking over your shoulder at what looked like a coin. Some kind of tracker, he recalled, but that didn’t matter to him at the moment. “You don’t like bein’ called Sweetheart, Sugar?”
You jerked slightly and whipped around to see him, a flicker of amused pride flashed through him as you looked him up and down. “I thought you liked to call me Doll?”
He smirked, stepping a little closer, “I haven’t seen you in a month, I’m a little out of practice. You don’t like being called Sugar either?”
“I don’t know anyone who would call me sweet.” You said, looking him over once more.
“I can prove that wrong right now, Doll.”
You opened your mouth to speak but no sound came out as your face went bright pink. Bucky fought every urge he had not to kiss you right then and there. He was already being far more unprofessional than usual, especially after he was rolling his eyes at Stark for doing the same thing, and Dog knew he didn’t want you to end up blowing him off like Stark. You blinked, regaining your bearings, “I see you got your new uniform, it looks nice.” You changed the subject, picking a piece of fluff off his coat.
Bucky glanced at Stark, who had already turned his focus to his gadgets, clearly uninterested in the pair. Bucky really couldn't comprehend how Stark could be so disinterested in a woman he had been trying to flirt with not minutes before, especially one like you. “Stark really outdid himself. Did you come by for a new uniform too? Or did you finally miss us after being gone a month?”
You snorted, “And here I thought you had aired all your grievances about that in the letter you had sent me.” A smile pulled onto your lips as you spoke, making Bucky’s heart race.
“What can I say? You left without sayin’ goodbye. And my Ma made sure to teach me how to write a strongly worded letter.” He teased. Honestly, it took him a damn week to write that letter, he must have gone through half a tree trying to make it perfect for you. He just wanted to give you something to read at mail call, something to make you smile just how you were right now.
“You should have seen my surprise when Phillips tossed it on my desk. The mail carrier didn’t even know where to take it.” You giggled at the memory, “Although, if that was your mother’s definition of a strongly worded letter, I might have to explain to her what ‘Strongly Worded’ means.”
“Are you trying to tell me that my Ma taught me wrong?” God how he missed your back and forths. “It that’s the case, we might have a few problems.”
You shook your head with a smile, “Careful Sergeant. I might have to accuse you of being a momma’s boy. And, for the record, no I’m not here for a new uniform. Only you commandos get that. I wanted to see the new tech.”
Bucky furrowed his brow, “What do you mean ‘us commandos’? You’re a commando too.”
You shook your head, “I’m just an agent, specifically one assigned to babysitting Russian officials apparently.” You sighed, “Talk about a waste of time.”
Bucky crossed his arms, “You’re just as much a Commando as any of us.” He argued, “I promise you all of those idiots agree.”
You scoffed, “It’s not a call for you to make.”
“Then I’ll have Steve make it.”
“It isn’t his call either.” You said, fiddling slightly with the coin-shaped device still in your hand. “Phillips makes that decision. He might keep me with you boys, he might send me to Siberia. It depends on what he needs me to do and the likelihood of it helping us find a classified piece of hydra technology.”
Stark perked up. “Hydra tech like those batteries Rogers brought back from Austria? This is the first I’m hearing of it.”
You looked at Stark with suspicion. “And it’s all that either of you are going to hear of it.” You said, “It’s highly classified and neither of you are currently cleared for that information.” Bucky studied you for a moment, curious as all hell, but knowing you, you weren't going to say anything more as you turned away from him to continue to mess with the coin.
“It’s a tracker.” Bucky said, pointing at the coin, “You snap it in half and it sends its coordinates to a machine at headquarters so we can find whoever has it.”
You looked up at him in surprise, “You’re kidding. Are you all issued one?”
“All of the equipment is issued as needed.” Stark cut in, “Before each mission, so they aren't lugging around things they don’t need.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s a fucking coin, it weighs nothing.”
“Or lose valuable technology paying for lunch.” He snarked back, clearly annoyed by your hostility.
“They aren’t stupid.” You argued, “If you were really worried about it, why make it look like a damn quarter.”
“I thought you were a spy?” Stark shot back.
“They aren’t.” You said, pointing to Bucky for emphasis. Bucky chuckled quietly, scratching the bridge of his nose. You hadn’t been back a day and you were already arguing with a damn genius on how to design his tech.
Stark rolled his eyes, “They are going deep into enemy lines, they need a level of stealth.”
“Right,” You said and pointed at the device Stark was tinkering with. “Because so many men are walking around with grappling hooks that look like hair dryers. Have you ever used a hairdryer Sergeant Barnes?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Bucky answered.
Stark scowled, “Sweetheart-”
“Call me that one more time and see what happens.” You growled, “I’m not afraid to punch a millionaire.”
Stark scoffed, completely indifferent to your threat, “It’s a work in progress.” he defended. “But you of all people should understand the need for disguise.”
“I still say these coins should be with the commandos at all times.” You said, holding the coin up. “You never what could happen. Put it in their dog tags if you have to.”
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose, “I’ll see what I can do.” He conceded. Bucky raised his eyebrows, impressed at your success. You smiled back at him smugly.
“We’re already fighting one war Doll.” Bucky whispered to you, his lips brushing your ear, “If you push Stark any further you might end up fighting two.”
You snorted, “It would be a war I would win.” Bucky smiled, of course you would, you didn’t know when to quit until you did. “It’s important. You guys are in a unique situation, we can't take chances. If we do, people die, and I’m not ready to have my friends’ deaths on my concience”
You looked up at him, somber-faced, and his smile fell, “You don’t need to worry about us Doll.” He said though he couldn’t say he blamed you. Not when the idea of you going out on missions alone terrified him as much as it did. He knew you were capable, just like the other Commandos were, but you both understood exactly how dangerous this work was. Something he wasn’t sure the others really quite got, especially Steve.
You shrugged and he noticed you quietly pocket the coin. “So, you wanna reunite me with the rest of you dummies?” you asked, forcing a smile. “From what I understand I’m gonna be sticking with you boys for a while longer.”
His lips curled into a small smirk. “Doll, it would be my pleasure.”
Time Lost Tag list: @henderwhore4life @mysterieuselizeue @mystifyign @part-time-prefect
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