#tommy lee imagjne
xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Four
Authors Note: Ok so this chapter carries on immediately from the last one. Idk I’ve rewrote this like 5 times & it never comes out quite how I want, so if it’s kinda shit I’m sorry 🤦🏼‍♀️ Feedback is welcome!
Warnings: Language (of course), drugs, Beth being a hoe
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @fire-and-blood-got @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror
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*Vinces POV*
That fucker.
I watched that smooth motherfucker pull the girl that I should be fucking down on to his lap. Beths face flushed crimson as Sixx whispered something into her ear. She stood up angrily, shot him a look before smoothing out her skirt & adjusting her hair. Nikki didn’t take his dark eyes off of her once as she marched over to the bar & that wicked, self-satisfied smile grew wider as he watched her snatch the bottle of Jack out of Tommy’s hand & take a large swig.
“T-Bone, can I have a bump?” I heard her mutter, nervously glancing around to see who was within earshot. She momentarily caught my gaze & I raised my eyebrow & smirked at her. Just when I didn’t think Elizabeth Reynolds couldn’t getting any fucking hotter, she turns out to be deliciously audacious. Tommy choked on his drink, before a huge grin spread across his face. “Doll, for you, anything.” He winked & took her hand.
I don’t know what the fuck Sixx whispered to her, but that fucking asshole was one bad influence.
*Beths POV*
I felt the intensity of Nikkis glare as I walked past his booth, hand in hand with Tommy, towards the shithole bathrooms of the Whisky. I glanced at him & smiled. I’d wiped that smug, asshole smirk off of his face, at least.
Tommy ushered me into the bathroom & we both crammed into a stall, giggling like kids at our close proximity.
“Ok, so you’re sure about this Beth?”
“Oh just fucking show me how it’s done, you’re basically a pro now right, Mr Rockstar?” I laughed.
Tommy chuckled as he produced a little draw string bag & emptied out a razor, a pre rolled dollar & a little baggy of white powder. I scoffed at him.
“Jesus, do all coke heads come this prepared?!” I teased, just before Tommy clapped his hand round my mouth to silence me. We stood there & listened to someone enter the bathroom & start using the urinal. I could feel the alcohol taking affect, clouding my judgement & I desperately tried to stifle my giggles as I watched Tommy cut 4 lines neatly on the top of the toilet tank. The door to the bathroom opened & shut once again, signalling that we were alone in there again & I breathed out a sigh of relief before letting out a nervous laugh.
“What the fuck am I doing?!” I mumbled, watching Tommy expertled snort two of the four lines.
Tommy stood up straight, rubbing his nose, & looked at me curiously, almost as if he was worried. “Dude, I don’t know what Sixx said to you out there, but if you’re like, trying to prove something to him-”
“I’m not trying to prove anything to that asshole.” I snapped, defensively, crossing my arms across my chest.
“Ok, ok, that’s all good, I just thought, yanno, maybe he’d wound you up about not partying with us or-”
“I wouldn’t party with that piece of shit anyway.” I said sharply, cutting Tommy off again. I looked down at the white lines waiting for me & a little voice in my head told me how stupid I was being, that this wasn’t me, that I could stop now before I’d even started. “I don’t know T-Bone, I just feel like whenever I hang out with you guys, I’m always missing out. I don’t drink, I don’t party, I don’t have any fucking fun. I’m tired of always being the sensible one & I don’t know, Nikki said some shit tonight that made me feel..” I blushed, remembering how much I craved him in that moment. “Oh I don’t fucking know, he just got in my head & I just felt like doing something that wasn’t me, you know? Try something fucking new.”
Tommy let out a little laugh, “Well, cokes one way to do that doll. Look, there’s no pressure, they’re there if you want them, if not, more for me.” He shrugged, flashing me that cute boyish grin.
I stared at the coke, trying to ignore the feeling that my father was going to burst in any second & drag me home like a teenager caught drinking at their first house party. Nikkis face kept swimming into my vision & I swear, I could hear that low, velvet voice tormenting me, telling me I wouldn’t do it. My mind couldn’t help but wonder back to the feeling of his lips lightly brushing mine & I suddenly felt that flame of desire reignite. God, I wished I’d leaned into him..
I shook my head, snatched the rolled up dollar out of Tommy’s hand & imhaled one of the lines, without giving myself time to think too hard about what I was doing. I wanted to block out whatever fucked up attraction I was having towards Nikki fucking Sixx.
I stood up straight & looked over at Tommy, who looked somewhere between shocked & in awe. He burst out laughing, clapped his hands together & then pulled me into a tight bear hug.
“Doll, you fucking did it! You can officially party with Mötley Crüe!” He teased, kissing the top of my head. “How do you feel?”
I stepped away from his hug & assessed myself. Well, I wasn’t dying, I wasn’t hyperventilating or throwing up, so that was a win in my books. In fact, I just felt alert & excited, like this was the start of a really fucking good night.
I looked at T-Bone & smirked. “Like I could do that again.” He snickered at me & gestured to the last line of coke, laid out ready. “It’s all yours dude.”
I snorted up my second line with more confidence & ease & stood up giggling with Tommy as he elbowed me in the ribs & made jokes about being a proper groupie now. I playfully shoved him before unlocking the cubicle & walking out, straight into Nikki. He was stood casually, leaning against the bathroom wall, arms crossed, with one leg bent as he rested his leather boot against the wall. Fuck, he looked good.
I stumbled back into Tommy & Nikki raised an eyebrow at me. “Can’t handle your drugs, Princess?”
“Sixx, what the fuck man, you scared the shit outta us.” Tommy laughed, giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder as he walked past & out of the bathroom.
“Why are you creeping out here, haven’t you got some other chick you can stalk?!” I snapped at him, looking in the mirror & adjusting my hair.
“Me, creeping? You know that you’re in the men’s bathroom, don’t you?” He smirked, walking up behind me, bending down slightly so his lips were at the level of my ear. “So, I got in your head, did I?”
I spun round to look at him, anger written plainly on my face. “You’re not creeping, yet you’ve spent the last 10 minutes in here, evesdropping on my conversation with Tommy?!”
“Well, you weren’t talking particularly quietly..” He said as he took a step towards me, forcing my back against the sink behind me. ��So you were saying something about how I made you feel.”
“Like my skin is crawling.” I whispered back at him. Nikki chuckled darkly, my sharp wit taking him by suprise. He lightly dragged a finger across my shoulder & down my arm, testing my words. How was it possible for him to touch my arm & start a fire in my mind? I didn’t recoil from his touch & he noticed.
“I think you’re lying to me, Princess.” He smirked.
I could barely breathe as desire flooded through me once more, making me crave those smug lips on mine. The coke was making me feel brave. Or stupid. Or both. “Well why don’t you test your theory,” I dared.
Nikki let out a low laugh & his eyes flashed wickedly as they wandered down my body & back up, resting on my lips. He held them there for a second, almost debating his next move.
Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs, just below my ass & roughly picked me up & threw me on to the sink, forcefully pushing my legs apart so he could stand between them. He put his fingers under my chin & tilted my head back. I looked up at him with wide eyes, panting slightly from the shock. I bit my lip instinctively, which caused Nikki to smirk sinfully.
“You’re so fucking pretty when you look at me like that.” He whispered, amusement evident in his silky voice.
I played dumb. “Like what?”
That satanic smirk spread across his lips once again. “Like you fucking want me.”
“Who says I want you?” I whispered, breathlessly, wondering how far I could push him.
Nikki smiled arrogantly & brushed his lips against mine once again, my body burning with lust. But I held my own, not giving into his satisfaction just yet.
The door to the bathroom swung open as Mick, Vodka bottle in hand, strode into the bathroom, startling us back into reality. He casually looked at us, shook his head & pushed past us to get to the cubical.
Nikki turned his attention back to me. “You’re going to be easier to break than I thought, little angel.” He spoke softly, but almost threateningly, as hint of danger flashed across his green eyes that were coloured dark with a desire.
“You’ll never get another chance.” I taunted, snapping out of my trance & coming back to sound mind. I jumped off of the sink daintily, a pushed past him & strutted out of the bathroom with my head held high, knowing his eyes were fixated on my ass as I left.
*Later that night*
“Babe, come on, I think you’ve had enough.” Laughed Sophia as she swiped the bottle from my hands before I had chance to pour another drink. “Plus, you know all of this comes out of our pay check, right?!”
“Leave me alone, I’m having fun!” I shouted, slurring my words slightly. I’d only been drunk a handful of times in my life & I’d forgetten how fun it could actually be. Tommy & Vince had convinced me to play ‘never have I ever’ with them, except they’d changed the rules slightly, meaning that I had to drink every time they said something that I hadn’t done, which turns out, was a lot.
“I still can’t believe you’ve never had a one night stand Beth, what the fuck?!” Howled Tommy, still in a fit of giggles.
“Ok ok, I’m not a fucking rockstar who can pull anyone they fancy, you know!”
“Yeah but dude, you’re like, fucking smoking.” Grinned T-Bone, before Vince elbowed him in the ribs as Sophia punched him in the arm. “Ow ok, I’m just saying!”
“It doesn’t matter anyway babe, because we’re gonna change that when you come back to our place at the end of the night.” Vince said confidently, his hand stroking my inner thigh. I looked at him. I might’ve been drunk & a little bit high, but fuck, Vince was hot, there was no denying that. I pondered the idea. There are definitely worse people to fall into bed with, I thought to myself, glancing over to Nikki, who was sat at the same table, but making out with yet another girl.
What the fuck was I getting so worked up about?! I asked myself. Here he was, an hour after.. whatever the fuck that was we had going on in the bathroom, already practically grinding against some other chick in front of me. I shook my head, already bored of the drama that came along with Nikki. I’d decided I didn’t care, I was done. I already knew he was a bad guy.
“Well dollface, what do you say?” Smirked Vince, his fingers moving further up my thigh, snapping me back into reality. Mine & Nikkis little bathroom tryst had left me feeling frustrated & the affects of the alcohol & coke had me craving more. I leaned into Vince & smiled.
“Maybe, after all this time, tonight is you’re lucky night, Vinny.” I winked, laughing as his face changed from confident, to surprised & then to smug.
“It’s about fucking time!” Shouted Tommy, high fiving Vince & making me cringe. Nikki stopped macking on his groupie long enough to throw in his two cents.
“Looks like Little Miss Stuck Up has finally gotten bored with her life & is craving that bad boy in her bed. Didn’t I predict it Lizzy?” He sneered nastily. I shot him a look.
“I’m happy to oblige.” Grinned Vince, pulling me on to his lap & leaning in to kiss me. I hesitated, feeling Nikkis eyes on me, before I wrapped my arms around Vinces neck & let myself go, surrendering to my craving. His kiss was delectable. I could taste the alcohol & cigerettes on his lips, just like I did in that diner way back when, except this time, I wanted more. I moved my fingers into his hair & pulled him closer, feeling the satisfaction of lips against mine after Nikki denied me twice. I heard Tommy clapping & hollering & Sophia tutting, but I was too drunk to care. I pulled away from Vince, his smirk stained with my red lipstick.
“Come on then, we’re going back to your place, right?”
I giggled as he jumped up like an excited puppy & took my hand, leading me towards to exit of the Whisky. I glanced back & my eyes caught Nikkis for a fraction of a second & I could’ve sworn I saw a hint of jealousy in his green eyes.
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