#I just love Bart a lot man I don’t know
maricoelquelolea · 1 year
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Recently decided to re-read Impulse because he’s my fav and this particular character development has been living in my head for years and years
(Issue 23- Issue 66)
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toulousewayne · 10 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 17-21
Timothy Jackson Drake, was a little menace. Y/n knew that from the Time she found him on her doorstep. Tim was the first person Y/n felt like she had to really be careful of her actions in front of. Not because Tim would copy her but because she felt like she was supposed to set an example something she never had to do.
Tim becoming Robin was a bit of a blur for her, she just remembers them patrolling a lot and Tim asking her a lot questions in the beginning.
Tim didn’t live at the manor right away in fact it was a bit into his career before he fully moved in after his parents respected passings.
Tim felt guilty for not saving his father and Y/n spend a lot of time with him to help resolve this feelings because it wasn’t Tim’s fault.
Tim was the little brother she always wanted, he steal her eyeliner and she storm into his room and pick with him while Kon,Bart and Cassie would come over. They loved Tim’s cool older sister and she liked them.
Tim had trouble with words, especially with his feelings. It was no surprise to anyone that Tim walked into his sister’s room on a random Thrusday Night with blush on his face.
“What is it Little Bird?” She inquired while still having her face shoved in a Physics textbook.
Scratching the back of his neck and breathed out a strangled sign,” How do you know when you like someone?”
Y/n turned her gaze to him,”Like or Like Like?”
“Like like.”
“Boy or Girl?”
His blush grew even darker,”Well uhh..”
“Doesn’t matter to me, but just be your normal dorky self. Just don’t word vomit. You tend to do that Little Bird.”
Tim came out to his older sister first years later because she made Tim feel seen but not like it wasn’t a big deal.
Tim and Y/n formed a a very fun bond, it even rivaled his bond with Dick which made the older man a little jealous but it made him become more active with his younger brother which was something Y/n wanted him to do.
Patrol with Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing were the most comical nights Gotham had seen. You had a detective smartass Robin, a chatty hot headed older Bird, and the sassy and mysterious Batgirl. Riddler still has nightmares.
But things began to change and soon other additions became known.
Y/n had made it clear to Bruce that she wanted a sister, not that she didn’t enjoy her time with Tim and Dick and even Jason. But she wanted someone who could relate to her.
One night after patrol Y/n returned to the Clock Tower and was introduced to Cass. She didn’t talk and once Barbara told her about what happened to her it only made Y/n more protective of her.
Between her and Babs Cass began to think for herself and not like how she was programmed by her father. Barbara taught Cass more about personal and emotional development, but Y/n showed Cass how to be a teenage girl.
She took her to the mall with Tim and let her pick out clothes she felt comfortable with, she let Cass take clothes from her closet in the end because it made her feel connected to people.
Y/n was training and Cass enter the room,”Sorry didn’t realize I was taking so long, I’ll clear out if you like.”
“No,your fine.” Cass responses. Cass takes a stance in front of her. Y/n gets in stance and they too spar. Cass can quickly match Y/n’s attacks and defenses.
The two sparred for a few hours before calling it. “Not bad Sis, how about a Root Beer Float on me?”
Y/n wraps her arm around Cass and the pair walk out the gym. They two Wayne Sisters scare Bruce. And most men except Alfred.
Y/n was getting ready to graduate Gotham Academy with Honors and she felt kinda sad and Cass appeared before her and engulfed her in a hug.
“She would be proud.” She knew Cass was referring to Y/n’s Mom. “Thank you Sissy.”
Everyone attended,Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Barbara, Tim, and Cass. She was so happy and Bruce threw a party at Wayne Manor for the graduation class.
Y/n took Cass from a group of kids she met at school and took her to her room.
“Cass I your aware that I’m leaving in a few weeks for college in Metropolis.” Cass nodded.
“As much fun as it would be to tag along with Uncle Clark, I just won’t have to time or really need to patrol. Which is why I talked to Babs a few days ago and I’m stepping down as Batgirl.”
Cass understood what she was saying but she also knew how hard Y/n worked to become the new Batgirl.
Y/n took a black box and handed it to Cass. “Me and Babs think your ready and I couldn’t ask for someone else to carry on the mantle.” Cass tore open the box to find her own Batgirl suit.
Tears formed in Cass’s eyes and she hugged Y/n
“I won’t let you down.”
“I know sis, your gonna rock.” Y/n smiled and hugged her back.
Y/n had taken a step down from being Batgirl full time meaning for a short time Robin patrolled alone. She felt guilty but soon she learned that her little bird had a friend.
Y/n meet Stephanie when Tim and her became official, this was only a few months before she totally resigned from the mantle but she did get to work with Steph a hand full of times.
One of the last times was when ClueMaster escaped from Blackgate and threaten Stephanie’s Mom.
Spoiler spring into action and Batgirl responded to Oracle’s request to assist her. The two formed a plan of action to enter Stephanie’s Mom job and save the hostages.
“You take the left side and I’ll go right. Take the goons out swiftly and hard.”
“Rodger that Batgirl.”
The pair made quick work of the goons, and finally found ClueMaster who had Steph’s mom hostage.
Once they save her she was anything but thankful and resented her daughter for re-prisoning her father.
Batgirl called her own and made the woman feel bad but the damage was done as Stephanie told Batgirl on a rooftop later that night, she learned that she wasn’t to blame for her parents choices nor should she have to atone for her father’s sins.
“Your Steph, never let anyone tell you stop being who you are and never stop being a light for others.”
Even once Stephanie and Tim relationship became more friendly and less romantic Y/n loved the blonde just as much.
Steph would drive up on the weekends with Cass and visit her in college. They would go shopping, try new restaurants and go fun amusement parks.
Stephanie and Y/n become really good friends and if Y/n needed to talk someone who was her siblings or Dad Steph was always willing to listen.
Jason Pt 2:
When Red Hood first emerged Y/n was away in school and no one told her. She had a long weekend and came home to surprise her family. Alfred was the most surprised to find her at the door but by the look on his face it didn’t seem like she was the first surprise this week.
She soon found out about Dick’s bruised ribs and broken leg, and Tim being attacked at Titan’s tower. Even Bruce had token a beaten from his last encounter with Red Hood and Y/n was furious.
“HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL YOU GOT HURT!” She scolded her father.
“y/n, please we didn’t want to worry you, we have everything under—“
She scoffed,”Like Hell you do! Your hurt Dick is black and blue,and Tim looks like he just did three tours in World War Two.”
She bit her tongue,”Who is he Father?”
Bruce sighed,”Y/n..”
“I won’t ask twice.”
Bruce didn’t answer her but instead pressed the button on the computer that light up with the DNA test he just got the results back minutes before her arrival.
Over the course of a minute several different emotions washed over her face and it landed on stoic. She turned on her heels and left the cave with Bruce calling for her to wait.
In a hours time she stood in front of a door in an abandoned apartment complex and knocked on the door. When no once answered she kicked the door down. And in the center of the room was a man laughing with a sack on his head as he was tied and chained to a folding chair.
She marched to him and ripped off the sack and there was bloody and bruised Joker.
“Ooh hello your the beautiful Wayne Daughter that left. Welcome back cupcake.” He chuckled. The sound of the gun clicking filled the room with Joker’s blooded laughing.
“Turn around.” The deep voice ordered. Smirking to herself, “if you were gonna shot me you’d pull the trigger already big brother.”
The room is silent and before Red Hood screams in pain, when Y/n turns around his hand is bloody and a Batarang is on the ground.
“Stand down Jason, he’s not worth it.” Batman brooded.
“You never understood me Old man, I never wanted to kill innocent people. Not Harvey,not Bane just him. He took me away from you..from her. From everything.”
The two had a heated argument and fight that ended with Bruce shielding Y/n from the explosion of the building.
Y/n returned to Jason’s grave and laid flowers. Sighing to herself she stood up and turned to the tree adjacent to his grave.
“You could have found me, I would have helped you Jay. I still can.” Jason appeared in a hoodie and refused to look her in the eyes.
“You always saw the best in me, even when I didn’t deserve it.”
“Bullshit Todd, you can play that song all you want but it doesn’t work on me.” She snapped.
He finally met her gaze, it was the first time since prior to his death did she see his face. His blue eyes now a deep green, a white tuff of hair at the base of his hair, a scare on his left cheek, his eyes look tired as well.
“I’m not who I used to be, I’ve changed, I’ve killed and I can’t change that. They don’t see it but what I do is stop the murders, rapistst the monsters from hurting people.”
She signed,”I won’t lie and say Dad’s ways have flaws but so do yours,” she glanced at the tombstone and dusted it off.
“I remember you taking to me, you visted me all the time.” He grinned .
“And now your back.” She smiled
He didn’t meet her gaze,” it’s not gonna be happy in the Manor, maybe never again.”
“You could try to find out what you want Jay, not many get a second chance at life.”
He nodded and with that he sighed with a grin,”I make no promises, I’ll see you around sis.” And he left the graveyard and she sighed to herself knowing that it was possible but it would take sometime for them to get Jason back.
When she returned to the manor she heard shouting and screaming. She rushed into the living room where Bruce and Dick were trying to keep Tim and and a young boy from killing each other.
“That fucking Demon cut me!” Tim shrieked.
“And I’ll draw more of your pathetic blood imposter.” The boy hissed being held in a tight grip by Dick.
“I can’t leave you idiots alone for five minutes!” Y/n snapped and all the eyes turned to her.
The boy with the deep copper skin and jade eyes was the first to speak,”Is she another one of your bastards you plucked off the sidewalk.” He hissed at Bruce.
Y/n eyed the boy before she turned back to her father,”And who might he be.”
“Damian, he’s your little Brother Y/n.” A tired Bruce clarified.
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calaisreno · 10 months
Yes and No
“Do you love her?”
It had taken them less than thirty minutes to go from the Rizla game to just asking each other random questions. The only celebrities that Sherlock knew were nineteenth-century chemists and twentieth-century criminals, which had more or less spoiled the game, and Sherlock had declared it pointless.
Then he suggested Yes or No, which at least required some deductive reasoning, and John agreed. But Sherlock was very good at this game, having deduced nearly everything about John in the first days of their acquaintance. Without asking any question, he deduced that John would choose violin, a human liver, Mrs Hudson’s nephew, and Sherlock’s old mouse-coloured dressing gown.
John gives up. “Fine. What don’t you know about me?”
Do you love her is a real question, he gathers— from the look on Sherlock’s face, which is serious and a bit sad.
The answer, which should be yes, of course I love her, instead comes out, “I’m marrying her.”
“People marry for reasons other than—“ Sherlock stops, appearing to realise he is going in a direction that can only lead to bad feelings. “Sorry, not a fair question. Better: When did you know that you loved her?”
He remembers grief. The intense pain of the days after he saw Sherlock die on the sidewalk in front of Barts. There are few details he can recall after that moment. It was as if the pain had receded just enough to let him breathe, and a kind of grey fog had descended. Pain, then sorrow.
Somewhere during the sorrow part, Mary had appeared. She may have been there sooner, but he hadn’t noticed. At some point he became aware of her bringing him coffee, talking to him, urging him to come out for lunch. Always there, cheerfully bullying him back into life. Eventually he noticed that he wasn’t quite as sad, and that she was rather pretty.
But the pain was still there, a tender spot in his memory, and most days he still felt defeated. Mary helped, though, and he thought that if she stayed, everything would be easier. He didn’t need to explain; she understood. He could keep the memories at bay when she was around.
By then he was having sex with her. He didn’t remember exactly how that had begun. Maybe it was a pity fuck one night when he’d had too much to drink. He woke up in her bed hungover, waiting for the darkness to descend like a weight on his chest, and she was there, making him a cup of tea, urging him to have some toast, sweetly solicitous and not accepting any excuses.
Does he love her?
Sherlock is still looking at him, the question in his eyes.
“She was there when I needed someone,” he says. “I just knew.”
He’d known that morning that he needed to move on, to leave what had happened in the past and live his life. And there she was.
“Your turn,” Sherlock says.
John thinks of all the things he’s ever wanted to know about Sherlock, but has never asked because it has never seemed a good time. Sherlock has a way of warding off questions with just a look. An armour that does not allow anyone in, not even John. He’s wondered about a lot of things, but asking has never been an option. Sherlock never has to ask; he simply deduces. John is terrible at deductions, as Sherlock often reminds him.
“Have you ever been in love?”
Sherlock doesn’t hesitate. “Yes. Twice.”
“That was a yes-no question, so I get follow-up. So, the first. Who was he?”
Sherlock smiles. “You’re assuming it was a man.”
“Wasn’t it? I thought… you’re… erm…”
“Gay? Yes, I am.”
“You loved a man,” John says. Obviously.
“Well, a boy. I was twelve. I suppose it wasn’t love so much as infatuation and hormones. His name was Victor. I never told him until I met him again at uni.” He gives John one of those looks that makes him feel like he is being x-rayed. “Have you ever kissed a man?”
“I’m not gay,” he says at once. “I mean, why would I kiss a man if I knew I wasn’t gay?”
“Follow-up question, then. When did you know you were not gay?”
John’s mouth may have been open for a bit. It’s an odd question. Everybody knows they’re straight until something happens and they know they’re not. Isn’t that the way it works? “I just knew. When did you know you were gay?”
“When I was twelve. I was at a stupid birthday party my mother made me attend, and we were playing Forfeit. I was asked a question I didn’t like to answer and took the forfeit. Up until then the penalties were stupid things like singing a song or doing a dance, but this time it was kissing a girl. The girl was willing, and I was curious, so I agreed. That was when I realised girls weren’t my cup of tea, so to speak. I wanted to kiss Victor.”
John says nothing, though it’s his turn. He remembers a similar party, a boy who wanted to kiss him, and feeling terrified that his parents would find out if he did. Harry had just come out, and he was trying very hard to make up for all of her shortcomings.
Sherlock asks, “How do you know you’re not gay if you’ve never kissed a man?”
“I’ve kissed lots of women,” he replies. “I don’t need to kiss a man to know I’m not gay.”
Sherlock shrugs. “I assumed that I was like everyone else, that some day I would meet the right girl, get married, and have children. That was how it was supposed to work, and I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t like girls that way. All my fantasies were about boys, but I thought I would eventually be attracted to girls as I got older. That kiss told me I would never love a woman.”
“You think I should kiss a man just to see if I’m a bit gay?” He laughs.
“It’s your forfeit, for not having an answer.”
“I’m not going to kiss some random bloke just because you—“
“Not a random bloke. Me. Kiss me.”
This is dangerous ground. Somewhere in his libido lies something that he’s thought about. Maybe he’s even fantasised about kissing a man. Having sex with a man. Just a lark, maybe. Don’t lots of men go through that? It doesn’t mean anything.
But, Sherlock. He lived with him for a year and a half, and they’d been friends. And he grieved when Sherlock died. Not grieved like a friend. He’d lost friends before, and this was nothing like those losses. Pain, darkness, unending regret. Even after Mary, some of that darkness remained. Moments when he remembered something Sherlock had said or done, a stab of pain. If it hadn’t been for Mary—
And it came to him. Mary was balm for his wounds. She brought him back from the edge. He is grateful to her. But gratitude isn’t love. Being in such pain for so long, and then a bit of light— that isn’t love, it’s relief. He’s seen patients in physical pain become almost giddy when given a dose of something that takes their agony away, not even enough to make them high. Relief feels like intoxication when pain has gone on so long.
If it hadn’t been for Mary, he would have understood what he’d only begun to see. She helped him, saved him even. But she was a distraction from the pain, not a cure.
He glances at Sherlock, who is pulling back, looking like he wishes he hadn’t just asked for a kiss. Maybe he’ll make a joke about their game, move them towards goodnight, goodbye, see you at the wedding.
“Yes,” he says. It’s an answer to everything— regret, grief, sorrow, love. It’s an apology for not seeing sooner, for the night at the Landmark, for his anger and cruel rejection of the man he has loved for years. “Kiss me.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Sherlock is right. The kiss tells John things he’s tried hard to forget. It tells him that has loved men before, but called it friendship, that he has wanted to touch men and kiss them, and called it lust, or fantasy, or a phase that all men go through. Women attract him too, and he grabbed onto heterosexuality like a life-raft because he was afraid of the alternative. His sister and his father, yelling. Harry thrown out of the house. His father, looking at him, saying not you too. Never you, my boy.
The kiss tells him that has already met the love of his life.
“I need to call Mary,” he says when they break away.
Sherlock looks sad. He nods. “Of course.”
“One more question,” John says. “Who was the second person you loved?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” he says. “I’m about to call my fiancee and break our engagement just days before the wedding because I’m in love with my best friend. So please, answer the question.”
Sherlock’s face does something John has never seen. It crumples and tears fill his eyes, and then he’s laughing and crying and not able to speak.
John kisses him again.
Author note: This is an old ficlet, from Trifles, posted here.
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chainsawcorazon · 7 months
reading yj in true publication order is legit insane bc bart was really going into a superhero team after waid, messmer-loebs, and co. pretty much ironed out that despite max being the zen master of speed and everyone’s mentor/uncle-figure… max was not ACTUALLY equipped to be a father. if anything, he shoulda been a weekend caretaker at best, but between him and wally, bart was completely screwed. him joining yj off the heels of max’s repeated failures at connecting with bart just makes so much sense cuz it’s like…. bart learned a LOT under max, but even after 40+ issues together, max still didn’t UNDERSTAND bart because he WAS NOT a good foster parent and he shouldn’t have been a parent at all! and max knows that… helen too. and i suspect bart did too, but he forgave him for it just like he’s forgiven most ppl in his ‘family’ for their transgressions.
bc what choice does bart really have at the end of the day? he’s still a refugee and his mom still can’t bring him home, so he’s got no choice but to make the best out of a shitty situation bc otherwise he’d have to admit that maybe he was better off dead. which is truly heartbreaking when you get to the yj piece of his story bc even the others look down on him and don’t treat him the best all the time. but he loves them anyway, bc what and WHO else does bart allen have left? when you’ve been ousted from your own century AND forced to live with people who’ve made it clear numerous times that they don’t want you there, what else can you do but put on a smile and brave through? you don’t even love yourself, but you love others SO much and willing to sacrifice yourself for it. you didn’t even get a lightning rod until 20+ years AFTER your debut. bart allen, the man that you are
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sillygoosealert · 7 months
Could you please do a follow up to the post you did of Bi-Han yelling at you making you flinch and cry where after Bi-Han made you cry you decide to completely ignore him where you don't talk to him or make eye contact, you leave the room whenever he enters the room, you don't cook for him anymore, don't take baths with him or give him massages and you even start to sleep in separate bedrooms for several weeks now. Bi-Han immediately recognizes that he fucked up bad by getting mad at you when you were only trying to help him so he corners you before you leave the bedroom and tries to forcefully get you to notice by saying something to him even if it's to say hurtful things to him which you don't even do so then he tries to kiss you but you turn your head and even try to push him away from you aggressively and slaps him hard across the face which stuns him long enough for you to run out of the room. Bi-Han eventually comes to his senses and realizes that you don't love him anymore and he breaks down crying in his sleep until he feels the bed dip and arms wrapped around his body bringing his head to your chest where he continues to cry more constantly apologizing to you and asking for your forgiveness. I got inspired by an old episode of the Simpsons where Marge completely ignored Bart after discovering he got caught shoplifting and I wanted to see how you write the scenario since your writing is excellent.
You’re too kind Tehe
Ignoring Bi-Han and making HIM cry (^_-)☆ (how silly)
Thank you so much for the Specific request, it helps me a lot when thinking of how to put things into words <3 ^.^ (and for the compliment, I'll be giddy for weeks ♡)
I made you a nurse again, I’m sorry, it’s just instinct 😔
Also this one is longer than my other ones, so yahoo for me !!
Tw-mental stuff, crying, loneliness, rotting Bi-Han
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Bi-Han has been even more stressed out ever since you’re breakdown- because you’ve made sure to take your help out of things. You don’t make him little snacks anymore, not that he ate them but he would eat about anything you touched right now. You don’t bathe with him, making sure he properly took care of himself despite his schedule. Now he starts to find little knots in his hair, and his skin doesn’t feel as nice or clean. His back is filled with knots and is chronically hurting without you offering to give him massages anymore. You don’t even look at him- he didn’t mean to yell, he just..well he didn’t know why he did it either.
He has trouble sleeping after you stopped sleeping in the same bed as him. Sometimes he uses your pillow instead of his because it feels more intimate- something that you would do. He just feels sad and tired, like how you felt. He wanted to fix everything with you when he had the time... He would even move all your stuff back to his room and make breaks so you could have time alone together. He would do a lot right now, but he’s too busy to tell you he misses you and wants you. He doesn’t have time to be the man you need, but he’ll try if that means you’ll stay in the same room with him.
He finds you walking into where Lin Kuei keeps the medical supplies, so he takes his chance to tell you how he misses you- and he wants to give you a genuine apology. But when he corners you you freak out. Telling him to leave you alone, that you don’t want to talk or be near him..? He didn’t do anything that bad, why won’t you just talk to him...
‘Leave me alone, we’re not together, there is nothing between us.’
‘Listen to reason, I beg of you to reconsider. I miss you. Please come back to our room…’ you don’t move, and you look docile enough to move towards. He cups your face, he didn’t realize he leaned in until you pushed him away and ran out of the room. Oh, okay..
This does not make him stop, as he continues to try to re-court you into a relationship. But he can’t, you won’t let him. He’s in his bathroom now, sobbing as he tries to recreate the bath you used to make for him. He knows you used bath salts, and some oil or something… but he doesn’t think it feels as relaxing compared as when you do it- nor does it smell as good. He finishes his bath and dresses in the pajamas you said would help him sleep better, this is the first time he’s tried them out. He wishes he listened to you better, they are quite nice.
He lays in his bed as he cries into your old pillow, it doesn’t smell like you anymore. It just smells like swear and tears- his sweat and tears. He curls into the fetal position and shakes hard, his breath is coming out in harsh, jagged, moments. He almost doesn’t hear the knock at the door, but it’s persistent and hard.
He wasn’t going to open the door until you asked him to, he didn’t want to make you reconsider your visit. He opens the door only slightly before going back to sitting on his bed. You walk in and close the door behind you.
‘You look a mess..’ you say this to lighten the mood, but also out of worry. You wipe away some tears and lean your head against his shoulder.
‘I’m not mad at you by the way…’ you whisper, then he breaks down again. He didn’t mean to, he never means to.
‘Shh..it’s okay..’ you’re laying down with him now, his head is held close to your chest. He knows he’s holding you tight, but he’s scared, he’s scared to let go.
He falls asleep like that, close to you. He missed you
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syrupfog · 3 months
Penguin can’t help but be a little disappointed when he finds out Killer’s age. 
The thing is, it’s not a big deal. In any way. They’re practically the same age, just like how Penguin and Shachi are practically the same age, and in a world where every year you’ve managed to stay alive is a gift, Penguin knows he’s lucky to still be here, fighting alongside the best crew in the world. 
It’s just that, well, Penguin is old. 
Not in that way where he’s hit middle age, or crested the hill or whatever.
But in that way where he’s always been old. He’s always had Shachi, for as long as he can remember, and he’s always been the older one. 
Then along comes Bepo and Law, and suddenly— although, sure, Law’s the captain— Penguin finds himself responsible for three kids instead of one
Not that he would ever tell Law he views it like that, but— it’s hard not to, when he’s watched him grow up, helped keep him steady in tough moments. 
It was always Penguin’s job to look after Shachi, and then it became Penguin’s job to make sure everyone was fed and together. And sure, he’s managed to take a back seat as the crew’s grown, but it’s a joke that comes around every year when his birthday does, that he’s the elder, the old man. Even after Jean Bart joined, the jokes persisted, and they just— wear on him a little.
Maybe Penguin’s tired.
When he started seeing Killer— in back alleys for sloppy neck kisses, first, and then later Officially, mingling between each others’ crews— Killer had just seems so larger than life. Literally. The man has a good few inches on him in height and even more in width. Penguin had just assumed, naively, that Killer was older, too. He acts as the older brother to a lot of his own crew, after all, barking orders and keeping them in line when they pull dumb shit. 
And Penguin feels stupid now for assuming it, but he had really liked the idea.
The idea that he’d found an older man. That he wasn’t the Adult anymore, that maybe he could just.. relax. 
So when he learns the truth, that Killer is Shachi’s age, he freezes for a moment. Has to rewrite their relationship in his mind. Feels that weight of responsibility again.
Killer, ever perceptive (damn him) (love him) picks up on his turmoil. “That okay?” he asks. “You upset I didn’t mention anything when my birthday happened?” 
“Well, yes,” Penguin says, because it is March now. “But I mean, that’s not—“ he draws a frustrated breath. “It’s fine.”
Killer gives him an unimpressed look. “Never known you to stop talking before the important bit,” he says. “What’s actually wrong? You’re not robbing the cradle, we’re the same age.” 
“We’re not the same age,” Penguin exclaims, kicking his feet up in the air.
Killer’s face goes carefully blank, which Penguin knows from experience means he’s trying not to laugh. “Okay,” he says slowly. “You’re right. You’re an old man compared to me, aren’t you?” 
Penguin somehow, at the ripe old age of 29, feels like the oldest guy on the Grand Line.
“Yeah,” he says. “I am an old man compared to you.” 
Killer huffs and stands up, dislodging Penguin from his lap, although Penguin squeaks in protest. 
“Peng,” says Killer. “What’s the actually about?”
“You’re making a big thing out of nothing,” Penguin says, but under Killer’s withering look he acquiesces. “I’m just— I’m always the old one, alright?” 
Killer raises his eyebrows. “I wasn’t aware you had that many previous relationships.”
“I haven’t!” Tugging on his hat, Penguin looks up, up, up from his spot on the bed to Killer’s face. “I mean, like, in life! I’ve always been the old one. The— Ikkaku calls me the mom friend.” 
Killer nods, thoughtfully. He grabs two flasks of water and tosses one to Penguin before returning to the bed. 
“Okay, so you’re the mom friend,” Killer says. “You’re not the mom boyfriend. I don’t need one of those.” 
Penguin snorts. “I’m sure you don’t,” he says, thinking of the way Killer manages to manipulate Kid into eating vegetables against his will.
Killer downs his flask and Penguin watches his throat hungrily. 
“What’s the problem then?” He asks, throwing the empty container aside. 
Penguin fiddles with the cap of his own. “There’s really NOT one,” he says again. “It’s just a, like, personal problem.”
“Mhmm,” Killer hums. 
“It’s like, I just— it’s selfish,” Penguin says. 
“Mhmm,” Killer hums, again. 
“I just want to feel like I’m not the responsible one, for once,” Penguin rushes out, voice getting squeaky, before he throws off the cap and gulps down the whole flask.
“Slow down there,” Killer says, pulling the drink away from his lips. “Okay, sure, that’s understandable.” 
“Is it?” asks Penguin. He doesn’t feel like it is. 
“Sure,” says Killer. “So with us, don’t be the responsible one.”
Penguin frowns. “I can’t just turn that off.” 
“I think you did just fine right up until you learned I’m the younger one,” Killer points out. 
“Y-yeah, but—“ 
Killer, in one fluid motion, surges over Penguin, capturing both his wrists in one hand and straddling his hips, pinning him to the bed. “If you don’t feel like you can stop being the responsible one,” he says, “I’ll just take the choice away.” 
He pulls Penguin’s wrists up the bed until his arms are taunt. Penguin’s face feels like it’s on fire. He tips his head back in order to slide his hat further over his eyes. 
“How’s that sound?” Killer asks, his breath ghosting over Penguin’s neck. “Can’t worry about being responsible if you’re not able to do anything either way.” 
Penguin might combust, actually. Definitely. “Yes please,” he squeaks.
Later, after Killer’s carried Penguin and his jelly legs to the bath, he starts making notes of what mental load Penguin carries. Because hell if he’s going to let HIS boyfriend get too bogged down in being the adult. 
Even if Killer does love having an older man.
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cardiacass · 11 months
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Getting real sick of your tsundere shtick here man like u just started living for yourself maybe learn to party?
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Look at him struggle.
Anw imagine him just learning to let go of the constant need for control. Like the Strawhats kinda bullied him into that already but it would be so funny seeing it reflected when he’s with the hearts. Bonus headcanon being: all of his crew are older than him (minus Bepo), and are basically waiting for the prime opportunity to mother him.
Law asking Penguin Bepo and Sachi to look after the crew during wano celebrations. Law seeing it as a logical step because he’s still recovering from the battle, he can’t keep an eye out for everyone. Them taking it as an absolute sign of trust because it means Law might actually get drunk and let himself go (in the presence of everyone else) for once.
Jean Bart, once a Captain himself, egging Law on to make a celebratory speech. Like yknow, they really made it this far and everyones alive (especially post-dressrosa-suicide-mission Law). Law not knowing how to express verbal gratitude in any degree and becoming wild eyed and flustered, looking back at Jean Bart for…direction? Assistance? He suddenly looks 16 again.
Ikkaku finally finally challenging her younger brother to a drinking match- Law abiding partly because of guilt (they almost lost him forever) and partly because he really needs some alcohol in his system. She lets him win, and gets rewarded with a rare cheeky smile.
Cilone and Hakugan start a game of poker with the other crews. Law coming in to scold them about “being too chummy with the enemies” but getting roped in anyway. He ends up losing and gives away one of his rare commemorative coins. (Its worth a lot if you find the right collectors! He swears!) Cue sulky drunk Law. Cilone drags him away to grab some water which Law stubbornly rejects in a fit of “Imnotdrunk’nstopbabyingme…” Cilone spikes his next drink with water.
Drunk Law being more affectionate + irresponsible with his powers. Queue Law teleporting alcohol away from crew he thinks are “getting in over their heads”. Uni becomes a victim and tries to manhandle the drink back. After an entanglement of limbs and Uni yelling “you have no right to take that from me! We almost lost you again!” a flustered Law hands him back his drink while mumbling “M sorry…I..” and letting Uni hug him.
Penguin finding them and laughing at an exasperated Law. Penguin joining the hug because when else can he be stupidly affectionate with him? Law squacks in protest but doesn’t move away.
Sachi finding them and going “heyyyyy no fair!!” and trying to join. Law becoming overstimulated and teleporting away. He finds Bepo, of course, and starts pouring his heart out. How he feels undeserving of all this, how he doesn’t know how to repay them, how he wishes he can tell them how much he loves them in kind. Bepo lets him ramble while steadying him with a soft but sturdy hug. He lets Law even out his breathing and tells him “I don’t think love can be traded like money captain, we just love you a lot?”
Law hears echos of Sengoku’s words and starts sniffling into the bears fur. Sachi eventually finds them to get his fair share of celebratory cuddling. In the comfort of his closest crew, Law finally cries.
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
Funny scene imagine it
Boomerang and Bart talking about anything and having fun
Hal huh? Who knew that kangaroo actually is good with kids can you believe that Barry 
Barry looking at boomerang like he’s the only person in this room hal knowing that look too well
Screams out Flash no are goddamn serious. Barry caught off guard. Wait what
hal of all of the men in this world and the women him why him Barry looks at the hand that he pointing at to boomerang wait no no no no no no no that’s no oh don’t lie to me I know that look Barry I don’t like him like that I promise hal you sure cause your face is turning red OK fine so it’s not a big deal a big deal. He’s a criminal well your girlfriend was once a criminal your ex-girlfriend you did not pull that card Barry I did. Hal
Come back to boomerang then Bart what the bloody hell are they screaming about I don’t know should we go stop them boomerang no kid let’s see this play out.
Henlo Snail Anon! :D why won't I write the scene out a little ;>
Also, poor Wally, he didn't connect the dots yet :')
Bart and Digger share few things with each other - their hatred to boredom, their inability to think some things trough and stop moving being one of those, so when Barry sees them meet, he honestly expected them to at least understand each other.
The Suicide Squad (or something something force X) is helping Justice League with some type of mission, which is centered around the Bat, so unsurprisingly not many of them know exactly what is the mission about or what is the danger they are helping with, but it leads to the squad meeting up with a lot of sidekicks.
Of course all the Robins know Harley and Deadshot, Aquaboy or however he's called at the moment also know King Shark.
(said Villain waves at the kid almost shyly and Barry can see Hal roll his eyes in fondness - man was always weak for animals and after sitting trough Guy's drunk rants about sharks and how they're misjudged, he might've grew a soft spot for them which he's not proud of)
Surprisingly for him, Wally barely even knows Boomer. He blinks few times after somebody mentioned that Captain Boomerang was a Flash Rouge and looks closer, which causes few of the more vigilant sideckis to stop in their tracks and look from Kid Flash to the villain.
Digger, being one of the first to notice Wallies confusion, scowls visibly and just averts his eyes. Flash couldn't stop the slight grimace at the scene, feeling bad for the man. That is, until Bart, always his actions faster than his thoughts (though he's learning to do better) gets inside their meeting place and starts running circles around Boomer.
"Cap! Cap! Cap!" a show of affection in his way, chanting his nickname and running circles, while every person that can see above Bart could notice Digger bite back a fond smile.
His Speedforce gauntlet shines lightly while he grabs the kid behind his neck and pulls him up with an amused huff.
"Me, me, me." he repeated after the boy, slowly letting him down.
Somehow, ignoring the shock of few people around them, the two jump into conversation like it's their second nature. Bart still moves around like normally, but Digger does the same, if slightly slower.
When they finally stop for a second, all people can decipher is "Barry talks about ya do much." and then they brush it off, continuing.
Hal, gods bless Hal, doesn't notice it. He's smirking slightly, pointing at their general direction with his hand, while with the other he practically hangs himself on Barry.
"Who could've guessed that the kangaroo is good with kids! Especially since he put bombs in two of 'em..." he wants to carry on, but he can't help but catch the way his friend stares at his Rouge.
Barry has a light smile on his face, soft and so admiring that it's almost loving. His eyes are squinted and shining with delight at every silly joke Boomer and Bart make to each other. Green Lantern's jaw is on the floor so quickly, that he could be mistaken for a speedster himself.
"No, Barry, no." he shakes his friend lightly, to not cause a scene, but his eyes are wide enough for Flash to know he's serious. "Bar, there's no way--"
"What? What's wrong now?" his head moves in his way, he's eyes confused, even if they jump back to Boomer and Impulse whenever a loud cackle or a snort is heard. "What's with you?"
"With me?!" Hal slightly loses the control he had on his tone of voice. "I'm not the one thirsting for a goddamn Villain-!"
Flash stops him with his hand against the other's lips, his eyes darting around the room making sure that no-one heard the man. Somehow in the back of his head he can hear Wally also joining Bart's and Digger's conversation, though he's way more subtle than Impulse.
"Shush! It's not like that, I have no idea-"
A hand grabs his writs and Hal pulls his mouth free.
"Like hell you have no idea! If I'd look at anyone the same way you look at him, you'd probably play wedding bells!"
Barry can feel his face starting to match his suit and he grimaces at the sight of a prideful smirk on GLs face.
"Okay, maybe, but it's not a big deal!" he hissed back at the man, who looks at him like he's the biggest idiot here.
"Not a big deal-?! He's a rouge, your very own one! He tied you to a giant Boomerang once!"
"Okay, first of all, it was the funniest shit ever and it wasn't even that serious, second of all, the name Carol Ferris rings any bells?"
"Oh you did not-!"
"... Does anyone know why Bar and Hal are arguing over there?" Wally asks, staring at the pissy fight his two elders have, somehow in disbelief when Flash grabs the other by the hair and pulls almost lightly.
Bart and Digger don't stop talking about their favourite Just Dance dances for longer than a second, just to shrug at him.
With a heavy sigh, Kid Flash is still trying to put together how does Captain Boomerang know Impulse, since the only person Barry actually talks about is this silly Harkness guy or George, whoever he might be.
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crashcitycentral · 1 year
[ Concept: Bart uses the Camcorder Preston gave him to leave Preston a message vlog style that he’s given after his death, cause the concept was there but never touched and I want Preston to know his best friend didn’t just disappear. ]
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Bart sets up the camcorder on the top book of the stack on his desk, angling it to face the chair he had sat in front of it. It was the one Preston gave to him, and he finally figured out what he wanted to record. A little memo for Preston to find.
He flips open the screen and presses the power button.
The video starts with Bart’s arm still outstretched to the camera, tongue stuck between his lips as he fiddles around with the controls. “Oh. The red means it’s on, right? Shoot!” The clip cuts to static for a few moments before it’s back again and this time he’s in his chair.
“Got it to work! Man, technology here is so confusing. Nothing like from my time.” He shakes his head. “Hey, Pres. you may know me as Bart, or daredevil Allen. If you’re seeing this, well, I’m guessing I’m not around anymore. But that’s okay! I probably went out super cool.”
“Man, where to start. I guess I wanted to tell you my secret but I didn’t know how. Max says I have to keep it hush hush but. I dunno, I don’t want to. Not from you.”
“Carol knows, though she kinda figured it out. It was an accident really, I ain’t never been too good at this secret identity stuff but here goes. I am Impulse.”
“Saying that finally is… wow. I’m sure you have a lot of questions so I’ll try to go over everything in this before i run out of space on this rinkidink camcorder you gave me. Er, no offense.”
“The Flash is my Grandpa and second Flash is my second cousin, once removed. I was born in the year 2980. Crazy, right? That will probably make some stuff I did or said make sense now, huh?”
It cuts again, this time to him upside down in the chair, back on the seat and feet kicked up in the air. “I want you to know you’re my best friend. Which is why I’m tellin you all this.”
“Max isn’t really my uncle, but he is my Guardian after Wally… anyways, he’s got superspeed too but he like, never uses it. Lame. He just coaches me on the sidelines. And Helen, she’s great! Like my big sister. She’s Max’s daughter but doesn’t have powers.”
“Oh! Y’know my dog, Dox? He’s got super intelligence! Not entirely sure how…”
“The first superhero I was friends with was Grant. Er- Damage. He’s cool, you’d like him a lot. I haven’t seen him much nowadays.”
“I’m on a new team now. ‘Young Justice’ they call us. Awful name, right? Like hellooo, we’re trying to get out of our mentors shadows. I’m not even a sidekick!”
“I met Rob on a skii trip before we met in the masks, can you believe that? He’s smart. Like Carol. I hope they never meet or we’d be doomed!”
“There’s superboy. He’s kinda like the block-head jocks at our school but he has moments where he’s okay.”
“Wondergirl is awesome! I saw her pick up a car a few days ago. Wish I got it on camera for you, you’d love it.”
“Secret and Empress are really cool as well. Secret is like, super nice and matches my energy. I don’t know if you’d know who Empress is, she just joined us, but she’s got a sword! Won’t let me use it…”
“There’s Slobo, he’s a pretty rock and roll kinda punk, pretty sure he’s goth or somethin. One of them head-whippin’ screamers we hear on the banned radio stations.”
“There’s this girl, Arrowette. She’s like, my superhero best friend. Or maybe I just befriend blondes.” He pauses a moment and looks up at the camera. “You’re still my number one, though.”
“Even with all these heroes and powers, you, Carol, and Roland are… different. I dunno how to describe it. It’s like… you’re normal, and treat me like I’m normal, y’know? We’re just kids when it’s us. No responsibilities.”
Bart goes quiet and the tape cuts again to him stacking cards into a tower. “I’m not really sure what I’m expecting to happen to me. Max says I’m ’danger deficit’, whatever that means. I just want you to know that.. I’m not really gone? If I have to go away for a mission somewhere far away or if I fall through a wormhole, you’re still my best friend.” He huffs a sigh, the breath knocking down his cards.
The next cut shows him juggling a rubix cube, bouncy ball, and boomerang. “Did you know I have a brother? Yeah, me neither. Remember that time my mom visit? Well, she’s from the future too, like me. She told me she had another son named Owen who’s in this century too. Think I’ll ever get to meet him?”
“I never met my dad but I heard lots bout him from Mom and future Grandma. He was killed right after I was born by my other grandpa. Sprocked up, huh?”
“There’s my cousin Jenni! You remember Jenni, right? She was my partner for the talent show last year. Her hero name is XS and she works with superheroes in space! It’s awesome, right?? That’s where I met Brainy too. He’s kinda mean but in a funny way.”
He’s back in his chair again, chin propped on both his palms and legs kicking out under him. “Grandpa says he doesn’t believe in me. Wally says I’m annoying and negligent. All I wanted..” he shakes his head and covers the camera with his hand.
He’s up again, this time wearing his Impulse suit, holding his arms out like he’s showing off. “Cool, huh? Batman named me Impulse, though he said it was a warning. He’s kinda a stick in the mud, but the whole ninja stuff is cool. Too strict for my taste though, I wonder how Rob puts up with it.”
“I guess I don’t have much else to say. I hope you get this someday and I’m not making a fool of myself, talking to a camera for nothing. Don’t tell Max. I’ll see you later, Pres.”
The video ends.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
Ask Game! A, C, and L please?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
timkon!!! also timkonbart and konbart (especially queerplatonic konbart). tbh in my mind there is a specific-ass timkonbart scenario in which it's romantic timkon, qp konbart, besties timbart, and fairly blurred lines about types of affection, aka they're just all generally all over each other in a big ol puppy pile. i like them. bart is aroace but he's like. 100% still a life partner in this relationship you know??
otherwise im just lately losing my mind over clois bc ive been reading postcrisis superman stuff and man. they really invented love. ummm also kara/thara is real and i know it. but also kara/lori luthor. women ive heard of them
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
hm. tim/ber i think tbh. or super/bat but im more just very ambivalent about super/bat vs tim/ber i actively dislike. i like lois lane too much to stand most super/bat shippers (and generally im just more interested in superfam, and seeing supers get characterized as just bat accessories is boring and eyerollworthy to me), but at least i can see where they're coming from bc some of those comics. hm. something fruity going on there. i see it.
whereas tim/ber just pisses me off because tim drake: robin is genuinely the worst comic i have ever read. in order to enjoy this ship i would have to throw out what of it exists in canon and rebuild it from the ground up, at which point its like not even the same ship it's me liking a tim/my oc story. there's just nothing in canon that sparks any joy to me about them. it reads like yaoi fanfic by a 13 year old on wattpad, complete with putting down the girls tim dated before bernard and everything. reading tdr made me a little homophobic i think. deeply disappointing tbh, but alas.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
mae kent is... interesting. i very much liked it when she went off the shits and nearly killed lex luthor. i wish she'd gotten to go off the shits more. go queen fuck him up
alphabet ask game!
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eirist · 2 years
As It Was
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T (A bit suggestive but tolerable still)
Note: AU. I am currently in love with the song As It Was (Prep’s version) and had it on repeat. You know that certain instance when you’re listening to it and suddenly a random scene for your OTP will just playout from out of nowhere. That’s what happened here.
I know it’s late. But this is a Happy Valentine’s ZoNa piece and my supposed entry to the ZoNami jukebox event in here.
And yes, this is a companion fic to The Cat Burglar one-shot (#30 in the Little Bits and Pieces collection). Enjoy!
Summary: She couldn’t pinpoint when was that exact moment when something between them shifted. All she knows is that it’s not the same as it was.
Nami quietly watched the scene outside from the tinted window of the car as it sped past the crowded street. The weather was a bit cold tonight, yet she was surprised to see a lot of people still loitering about enough to cause a slight traffic.
She chewed at her bottom lip—a bad habit really, whenever she feels edgy—and folded her arms on her chest, creasing the front of her coat at the movement.
“We’ll be there in a few minutes Nami-senpai.” The driver, Bartolomeo, politely informed her. They were on their way to her apartment and he must’ve sense her impatience… or saw it from the car’s rear view mirror.
“It’s alright,” Nami smiled at him. Usopp had told her before that he was in-training to become a low-rank official hence the chauffeuring them around stint. “Don’t worry about it.” She wasn’t that much in a hurry to be honest. She got nowhere to be tonight of all nights.
Her gaze riveted back outside, silently observing the people hurrying to and fro while holding flower bouquets and gifts in heart-decorated wrappers with big red bows around them.
It was Valentine’s night. And here she was, braving the traffic so she could get home after sneaking out of the party at the Mugiwara estate to spend the rest of the night soaking in a nice, warm, bubble bath with lighted candles around her and glass of expensive red wine in one hand.
Normally, she loves attending those parties and spent time there mingling and rubbing elbows with the rich, flirting with handsome, gullible guests and steal a thing or two from them before the party ends… but tonight she was not in the mood.
Maybe because a lot of guests there tonight have dates and she unfortunately and accidentally ran across some pairs cozying it up in some of the vacant rooms like five times already.
The mansion has numerous rooms! Why the hell did she keep stumbling into one that was already occupied by dry humping people?
She decided to just call it a night. Honestly, she can’t take seeing one more pair in a state of undress. She doesn’t want to barge into another quickie session or she’ll start charging them for using the rooms in the first place.
Besides, what’s with all those horny people? She didn’t see any oysters were served for dinner earlier.
Unless their gluttonous boss was able to get his hands on them… or if someone intercepted it on their way out of the kitchen…
Wasn’t Sanji-kun in charge of the food tonight?
Nami rolled her eyes when it clicked into place.
Thank her lucky stars Bartolomeo was around, ready to drive anyone anywhere at a moment’s notice. When Luffy motioned for his top men to go upstairs for a private meeting, she decided to high-tail it out of there.
Speaking of that…
“Hey Bart,” she called out to the Mohawk hair-styled man. “Got any idea how long that meeting’s gonna be?”
“Uh…” Bartolomeo scratched his cheek, looking apologetic as he glanced at Nami from the rear view mirror. “Apologies, Nami-senpai. I’m not sure about that.”
“Oh. Alright.”
“But it looks like it’s gonna take longer than usual,” he continued on. “I heard Luffy-senpai’s brother arrived earlier.”
Nami settled back on the seat, thinking. “If that’s the case, then it’s gonna take some time.” She pondered more for a moment. “Hey can you swing by Baratie first? I want to get something to go.”
“No problem, Nami-senpai,” Bartolomeo nodded. “You want me to call first so they can get it ready?”
“I’ll do it,” Nami pulled her phone out of her purse and dialled the exclusive number for the restaurant Sanji-kun had given her.
If she’s going to spend tonight of all nights alone, she might as well splurge for herself right?
A haggard-sounding chef answered her call. She reached inside her purse for her lipstick while she was enumerating her requests. Her fingers snagged an unfamiliar object and she pulled it out to look at it.
Nami stared at it for a long time. When the call ended, she already made the decision on how to best enjoy herself tonight.
The scenery outside the window changed as the car made a smooth turn to the right and began an uphill climb. They had left Baratie about fifteen minutes ago and was now driving along a rather lonely road with thick trees bordering both of its sides.
There wasn’t any lamp post on the area and only the head lights of the car illuminated what was ahead.
But Nami wasn’t afraid. Not a bit. The road was private that was why no one was allowed to use it. A few minutes passed and a black, large gate loomed before them.
“Nami-senpai,” Bartolomeo called her name to get her attention. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Nami grinned at him. “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’re off the hook.”
“Just trust on this me alright?”
Bartolomeo looked hesitant but Nami only motioned for him to continue ahead.
He nodded weakly, just as the gates opened for them. He drove the car inside and in a few more minutes, he was circling the driveway and pulling to a stop in front of a dark house.  
He stepped out of the car in a flash to open the door for Nami and assist her in getting out.
“Thank you,” she winked at him. “And don’t worry I’ll handle it,” she assured him with a pat on his shoulder.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here Nami-senpai?” Bartolomeo asked again in an uncertain tone. He swallowed a lump in his throat. If something happens to her, Luffy-senpai and the others would make sure he wouldn’t die a peaceful death.
“Yup,” Nami nodded as she scanned the house in front of her while Bartolomeo waited nervously beside her with the paper bag from Baratie and the bouquet of flowers the wonderful head chef Zeff had given her.
She slipped out the keys she found in her purse earlier and she could swear Bartolomeo’s eyes widened as looked at her.
“Y-you got the keys to this house?”
She winked at him again and brought her forefinger to her lips, a sign to keep his mouth shut about it. Nami motioned for him to hand her the food and the flowers before heading towards the front door.
“Just try not to rat me out ok?” She reminded him before slipping the key inside the lock. 
The temperature outside seemed to drop some more as the night wore on. The tall, thick trees surrounding the vicinity didn’t help with that at all… they only made it colder.
But Nami seemed oblivious to it as she turned the key. Either it was tolerable or she doesn’t mind because of the coat she was wearing. There was a clicking sound as the key unlocked the door and she pushed it open.
What idiot still uses only one lock for their front door when keypad locks are a thing now?
Not that any of those will stop her. She can pick a lock and override a keypad as easy as one, two, three.
She stepped inside the foyer, just as Bartolomeo pulled out of the driveway to head back to the mansion-slash-headquarters in the Mugiwara estate.
Nami flicked a switch to her right and the whole floor was immediately bathed in warm white lights.
“I’m home!” She announced in a sing-song voice to no one in particular. She snickered at that. She knows the house is empty… save for her. With one hand, she was able to shrug off her coat and left it on the couch.
Nami caught sight of her reflection in one of the mirrors lining the wall that was separating the living room and the dining/kitchen area. She had to admit, she looks dazzling tonight in her sparkling gown. Too bad no one will be able appreciate it.
Her high heels made click-clacking sounds against the marbled floor as she made her way to the other part of the house. She set the paper bag and the flowers down on the kitchen counter top and looked around.
It was really a gorgeous house and it was a shame it was not being appreciated enough.
She had seen enough of it to fall in love with it. With high ceilings and glass walls, it had a great view of the outside especially at night time where you can see the city lights.
And you can also see the Mugiwara estate from there. Which is no surprise at all because the area where she is now, belongs to them.
The house was smack in the middle of thick trees, giving it enough privacy. And it didn’t matter if all the lights were on because it can’t be seen from the outside. You won’t even know it is there.
It was a perfect hideaway place.
Nico Robin told her that it was Franky who designed and built it. That’s why everything inside and outside was set to perfection.
She unwrapped the bouquet Zeff has given her so she can replace the almost withering flowers in the vase on the middle of the dining table. She’s going to make the most of her stay here, so that means everything has to look good.
Nami discarded the flowers in the trash and proceeded to set the dining table with the exquisitely made, hand-crafted plates she was sure Sanji-kun was the one who was responsible for.
Come to think of it. This house has something from everyone from Luffy’s core group. She’s sure the flowers from earlier were Robin’s flower garden.
She moved purposely for the next few minutes: setting the table, selecting an expensive red wine from the wine collection, pouring some in her glass before proceeding to arrange scented candles in strategic locations and dimming the lights to give the place a more subdued ambience.
Everything was perfect.
Then she left the kitchen—one hand holding her wine glass while the other clutched the bottle—and she went upstairs. She casually strode towards the empty bedroom and headed straight to her main objective.
Because hands down, this place has the best bathroom, the best bathtub, along with the best view for a relaxing bubble bath. It would honestly put any expensive hotel to shame. 
All thanks to Franky.
She raised her wine glass in salute to her comrade before downing it and proceeding to prepare a luxurious bubble bath for herself.
A few more minutes and a blissfully content Nami was submerged in the large tub, wine in hand, eyes closed while a soft music played from the bath’s hidden speakers as the calming scent of the candles she lighted wafted in the air.
It feels like she was being lulled to sleep. It was so soothing. She could honestly live like this for the rest of her life.
At times like these, she can’t help but think that working for the Mugiwara family was one of the best decisions she ever made.
How long had she been with them? Two years? Two years since that green-haired man walked into her bar and whisked her away in a world more dangerous than before.
She had honestly thought that was the end of the line for her. But surprisingly—and thankfully—it was her excellent skills at thieving and treasure hunting that saved her.
And when they found out that she’s also a genius cartographer. That sealed the deal.
When she was brought in the presence of the Mugiwara family’s head… to say she was shocked was an understatement. He wasn’t what she was expecting. Nor what she heard through the grapevine. Especially when Monkey D. Luffy made an offer to her to join the ranks of those working directly under him.
After all, it was a waste to not to put all of her skills and knowledge to good use.
She made a choice to join him.
And she loved every minute of it.
Though there was a price to pay… she had to let go of her bar, as joining him would definitely place her in a tight spot with the other families who usually frequents the place. It would definitely make her a target and put her in more danger.
It broke her heart to shut it down. The bar was something constant in her life. It was her safe place despite how crude and violent her customers were. But she understood that sacrifices need to be made if it will bring her closer to her dream. And if she played her cards right, she might reopen it again in the future.
“Why are you here?”
Nami’s eyes shot open at that voice. Deep and cold as ice. It send shivers up and down the spine and not in the most pleasant way. She had seen men tremble at the sound of it. Seen enemies almost shit their pants when they hear it.
Nami pouted at the intrusion. She moved her head slightly towards the bathroom doorway and her eyes settled at the tall, green-haired man who seemed to appear out of nowhere. She inwardly cursed at how stealthy Roronoa Zoro can be. She didn’t even hear a car pulling up the driveway.
She just threw him a smirk, batted her eyelashes at him and purred, “Welcome home baby.”
Zoro just scoffed at her attempt to tease him. She grinned as she settled back in her bath and watched him marched inside, removing the cuff links from his shirt and dropping them haphazardly on the sink countertop.
Nami rolled her eyes at his carelessness. She’s pretty sure he’ll be losing them in the next few days. Just like all the cufflinks that came before them.
“Why are you back so soon?” She wondered out loud when he started to pace around the room, shedding articles of his clothing like a snake and leaving them on the tiled floor.
He had the gall to snort at her question. “It’s my house.”
Nami puffed her cheeks at that. “So? Shouldn’t you still be at the meeting?”
One steely eye narrowed at her as he began to pull at his tie. “Shouldn’t you be anywhere but here? This is called intruding you know.”
The orange-haired woman only chuckled at that. She shifted from her relaxed position, resting both of her arms at the tub edge so she can watch him idiotically try to choke himself with his tie.  
“Hmmm… I wouldn’t call that intruding if I have your keys.” She declared in a cheeky tone.
Zoro stopped fumbling with his tie and glared at her. “Why do you have my keys?”
She sighed exasperatedly, leaning her head on one arm. “Because you are an idiot?”
“I’m not an idiot!” He immediately retorted and Nami threw her head back to laugh at his expense.
“Only idiots leave their keys anywhere for others to grab.” She threw a smirk his way and he frowned at her.
“I’m pretty sure you nicked that from me.”
“Oh,” Nami feigned surprise at his accusation. “Me? Steal something from Roronoa Zoro’s person? Hmmm… you flatter me.” She winked at him.
It is fun seeing this usually unrattled man get flustered whenever he’s up against her in a war of the words. Working for Luffy made her realize that Zoro wasn’t all that he seems.
He wasn’t all ruthless, uncaring and cold. That was reserve for their enemies. And also, for the newcomers who still have to gain his trust. Kami knows how long it took for her to acquire it. And it wasn’t that easy. How many times did her life had to be on the line and he had to save her ass before she was finally able to crack his supposedly impenetrable shell?
Too many to count.
But once she did, once he was able to look at her without that distrust in his eye... his company had been nothing but pleasant and rather enjoyable much to her surprise.
Especially when she realize how easy it was to take him down a peg or two.
“Stop fumbling with that, you’ll end up choking yourself to death,” she lost her patience when he still—for the life of her—cannot figure out how untie his tie. “Come here and let me!”
Zoro just glared at her. Again. He’s really unamused at how she’s getting too comfortable with bossing him around.
Nami, likewise, glared back. Oh he doesn’t scare her anymore like when she first met him. He had used up all that privilege in one go.
“Do not make me stand from here and pull you by that tie!”
Grudgingly he obeyed her, moving closer and leaning down so she can help him.
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” Nami narrowed her eyes at him as she worked on the knot around his neck. The silver tie looked so sleek on him. Too bad it can also be the cause of his death.
“How can you have difficulties with something as simple as this when you can maim anyone without even looking their way!” She complained when she was done. He muttered something under his breath. She wasn’t sure if it was gratitude or an expletive.
He pulled the tie away from his neck and grumpily threw it on the sink.
Nami eyed the innocent article of clothing that was now officially the bane of Zoro’s existence.
That cool persona of his was just really a front. Away from the frontlines, he was a downright bumbling… idiot.
“Need any help taking off your other garments?” Nami innocently offered. Now she wasn’t really sure if he can unbutton his shirt without turning it into a sort of battle royale.
His face colored and he spat out a really loud ‘no’.
Nami sniggered. “Come on Zoro. We are way past modesty here. See? You’re already undressing yourself right here while I’m taking a bath baby.”
“Stop calling me that!”
She burst out laughing at his outburst.
“You witch!”
“Yeah I know. Can it Zoro.” Her shoulders were still shaking as she tried to dwindle down her laughter. Boy, he was really making her night.
“Why are you still here?” Zoro was practically snarling his question at her. He’s probably had enough embarrassment for the night, care of her.
“Be nice Zoro,” she hummed as she settled back again on tub, lifting a feet up and playing with the bubble foam. She glanced at him and he was now leaning back at the sink, glowering at her. “And here I stopped by Baratie on my way here to get you a steak.”
“A steak?”
“Uh… steaks?” She corrected when he sounded dissatisfied.
He folded his arms over his chest and asked crankily. “Why?”
“Nothing much. I figured I needed to bribe you so I can use your bathtub.”
“You’re already in it.” Zoro pointed out.
“True,” Nami agreed. “Thought the meeting’s gonna take long enough for me to slipped out of here without you knowing and just leave you something as a thank you.”
“Didn’t take that long,” Zoro grunted and he reached beside him to pull open the smartly hidden cabinet which stored liquor bottles. He grabbed a glass and poured himself a drink from a bottle he just randomly grabbed. “Besides, Bartolomeo ratted you out.”
“Tch! I knew he would,” Nami said, playing with the bubbly foam in front of her. “He’s more scared of you than me.”
“Don’t be too hard on him. It’s not his fault you lost your keys.”
Zoro was halfway into bringing his glass to his mouth to drink. “I’m not. And I told him I know you filched it.”
Nami smiled haughtily at him. “Maybe you should stop leaving it carelessly anywhere?”
“Can I have my me time now Zoro?” She shot him her signature pleading look that never fails to make any man a putty in her hands… well except Zoro. “I promise I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I’m done.”
Zoro scrutinized her from the rim of the glass he’s drinking. Then he sighed.
“Fine. Do whatever you want.”
She blew him a kiss. “Thank you! Feel free to enjoy the steaks I brought. They are inside the paper bag. I already set the table for you in case you want to eat like you’re out on a date tonight.”
“It’s not a date if you’re alone.” Zoro grunted.
“Oh?” Nami intoned as a Cheshire cat grin lit her face. "Want me to call for someone to accompany you?” She offered in sickeningly, sweet tone.
Zoro pinned her with an icy glare.
“Or do you want me to accompany you?”
Zoro was silent for a moment, observing her. Then he set his glass down on the sink countertop and folded his arms over his chest.
“And what will that cost me?"
Nami leaned against the tub again so she can look at him straight in the eye, resting her arms against the tub’s edge. This time her grin is more mischievous than ever. And so is the look in her brown eyes.
"Diamonds from Jozu Island.” She answered without missing a beat.
The green-haired man stared down at her with a serious expression on his face. He looked like he was contemplating. Then he pushed off the sink and moved to approach her.
Nami was absolutely beaming as she gazed up at him.
It was just a joke. She just wanted to see him lose it at her inane request. It just feels sooo good to tease him. She wasn't even sure anyone can when she first met him because he was so... expressionless.
"Consider it done."
She stared at him incredulously. Her jaw dropped open from astonishment at his answer.
"You want it. You'll get it."
That was all he said before he leaned down and captured her lips with his.
Stunned she maybe at what he said, she was still able to return his kiss eagerly. To be honest, she had been craving for it, for him, all night.
She was searching for him back at the party all night with the intention of pulling him in one of the deserted rooms. But certain responsibilities had prevented her from doing so. She then decided to just head back to her apartment and call it a night.
When she realized she had his house keys… she changed her plans. It was a long shot since Luffy’s meetings are notoriously long. She had little hope that Zoro will come home tonight.
But thank her lucky stars…
She couldn’t pinpoint when was that exact moment when something between them shifted.
All she knows is that it’s not the same as it was.
He only need to ask her and she would gladly join him for a late night dinner downstairs, even without those diamonds. She didn’t fix it just for one after all.
His fingers tangled along her wet hair and she vaguely felt him almost lifting her out of tub with the way he pulled her closer to him as he kissed her deeper. She fervently opened her mouth for him, so she can taste the alcohol he just had—still on his tongue—and him again and again.
When he pulled away, Nami can see familiar heat behind his grey eye as he looked at her intently. She was still pressed against him. The front of his black shirt was now wet.
“Been wanting to do that all night.” He drawled before planting a soft peck on her lips. “Join me downstairs?”
Nami grinned. “Hmm… why don’t you join me here first?” She suggested, licking her lips as she traced his with her thumb. “You can either you take your clothes off or I will step out of this tub and make a mess on the bathroom floor.”
Zoro answered her with a smirk as he started unbuttoning his shirt.
She moved away from him so she can watch him undress and admire every inch of his insanely toned body.
When he joined her in the tub, she was immediately in his arms.
“I still want those diamonds Zoro,” she whispered to remind him.
Zoro stared at her amusedly before giving her that half-smile she immediately fell in love with the very first time she saw it.
“I know.”
Her laugh was cut off by his lips pressing into hers again.
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bg-sparrow · 1 year
I had such an incredible time at Back to the Future: The Musical this past Saturday! I decided a couple of weeks ago on a much-needed solo adventure when I was able to score tickets in the eighth row for a good price!
Coming from the Pittsburgh area, it’s about 6 hours’ drive to the Big Apple. I left at 4 AM and followed the sun across Pennsylvania, sneaking a snapshot when the fog broke long enough (it was so foggy!).
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There was also some lovely flora and fauna amidst the fog at the rest stops, particularly at the PA-NJ border.
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Now, I have been to NYC three times before this in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Coming back felt like the most special and most normal thing at the same time. I missed it! While I could never live in a city, I enjoyed taking in the awe of the big buildings and novelties Times Square had to offer a couple of hours before my show (I should have went back for that Reese’s candle, but I def had NY Cheesecake for dinner).
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Now the show? Amazing. Spoilers below the cut.
First off, let me assure you that whatever seat you have, you will hear the show. I’m pretty sure my hearing was a tad damaged from the sonic booms and big chorus numbers, and I had a decent headache from it, so just be warned that it was a bit louder than anticipated. If you’re in the last row of the mezzanine, you’ll hear it all, I promise!
Some of my favorite things about the performance:
Hugh Coles makes it look like they plucked George McFly straight out of the film. He was incredible and by far the perfect embodiment of his character. So if you’re a big George fan, this is your show! If you’re not, he will make you fall in love with him! Incredible!
Roger Bart makes a joke about going to 2020 and there is no disease and a few people really cackled at that, and he broke character to look at someone and say thank you. Then, for probably 45 seconds, he broke character laughing with us over it, and Casey (Marty) is just standing there looking perfectly confused without cracking. It was a delightful way to start the second half!
Super enjoyed that when Marty meets Doc and is first trying to convince him to come see the DeLorean, Doc sees him go right for the flashlights in a drawer he couldn’t possibly know they were in, making him realize this kid might be who he says he is. I don’t know why that little detail stuck out to me as so significant, but it did. It was so satisfying from a storytelling perspective.
I loved George and Marty’s number in the backyard. We don’t get to see a lot of Marty really positively connecting with his dad in the movie unless it’s serving the “saving himself from non-existence” plot. I loved the genuine father-son feel of Marty dancing and George trying to copy him and Marty celebrating him for it. That felt good. One of those things theater is really good at capturing!
They filled the auditorium with bubbles during the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance and OH, talk about immersive atmosphere. Loved seeing everyone reach up to pop at least one bubble, like we were accepting some kind of offering. So fun!
Jennifer’s UNCLE HUEY. NICE.
The stage changes to the story were acceptable and believable. I almost didn’t realize the whole skateboard chase didn’t happen til the scene before the dance in the diner. Good job of keeping things succinct by combining various scenes and keeping the pace smooth!
This is nothing, but I saw a fake flower go flying off a bouquet and almost immediately one of the Texaco guys just tucked it in his rag when his staging brought him close enough during the number and kept going. I love seeing how discreetly the “oops” gets fixed on-stage.
After the show, I was out back to have my playbill signed by the cast when BOB GALE walked within a foot of me. I froze. I wasn’t sure. It has been my goal to ask this man the month and day of Doc Brown’s birthday for years and I BLEW IT. But he was quietly trying to get out of there I think. Someone got a quick photo with him before he disappeared in Times Square and UGHHH I can’t believe he was RIGHT THERE. (My friend who went to the 8 PM show said Alan Silvestri was there! How cool is this??)
My playbill was signed by all of the cast minus Roger Bart. He did not leave the theater that any of us saw. I did get to catch a photo with Mayor Goldie Wilson on his way back in, though!
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I also got to meet up briefly with @bri-to-the-future and give her a 60s Doc I crocheted for her! How fortuitous that we got to see the show on the same day and meet face-to-face!
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And then it started raining, my hotel didn’t get my reservation, and I was so mad that I just drove the six hours home (do not recommend). 🙃
It was certainly an adventure! I’m so glad I finally got to see it in-person, and I definitely recommend it! Now I can officially talk musical! 🎵 🎶
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kidflashimpulse · 11 months
A new chapter!!!! Dude it was SO GOOD
Your backstory of Bart is so so so interesting and MAN I'd love to read a prequel of it or something because BOY it sounds like he went through it
And his time travel shenanigans being public record in the future?? I can't help but think that he was the one that inspired the Legion to build time machines, that'd be so cool
And GAH his conversations with Imra and Reep?! He's a hero through and through, but we know our boi, and he's going to get that information one way or another, so interesting to see how it all started and where they are now
I feel so bad for him though, he's not having a great time lately, hopefully Ed can cheer him up
rlly glad u enjoyed it :) thank u for reading 🧡 yeah bart sure has been through a lot understatement of the year lol
yes i really would love to write something like that some time !!! i have the major events of his childhood roughly mapped out for such a story (including what happened with Owen, Jenni, Meloni, Don etc) so it’s definitely been on my mind. With how i’ve drafted the Owen Bart fic that i’ve mentioned in the past, i included most of it there cause it would really explain the specifics of my HC of their troubled relationship, so hopefully i’ll write about it sooner rather than later 👀
since i try to roughly base lore on “canon” content i think time travel is just a standard thing in Legion era that came about in different ways. For ex like mentioned by Reep in the fic, their “guy” i.e Brainiac 5 builds the Legion their time spheres. But the one LOSH used was in a museum, and from comics the origin is kinda complicated but some other guy has been mentioned to have built it. Then in YJ we see that Metron keeps Lors time sphere for himself and plays with it to set Lor up.
Basically quite a few different aliens and ppl are in involved with time travel stuff, but i like to think for Earth and human contributions Bart (and in my HC the Thawnes) are significantly involved. time travel is major part of Thawne/Bart lore and Bart is the person most associated with in the series, dubbed Space and Time expert etc. Considering his history with Timelines and the Reach, I don’t imagine it wouldn’t be public record at some point in the very far future i.e 31st century.
I rlly tried my best with the Legion conversation because i wanted to try to make it in a way where i can fit it into canon themes and not have my HCs make it vary too much but kinda naturally slot in, so i’m rlly happy u liked it <3
yeah everytime i think of bart i just think this guy needs a bed like now LOL
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clambuoyance · 2 years
What’s ur favorite scene from YJ98?
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I….have too many…and I reached the photo limit aaah.
1) the beginning scene where red tornado wakes up and assigns em the Freudian roles
2) the Halloween party scene,,,just the general way their friendship is still forming in the beginning
4) the whole binoculars thing is just so funny
5) cissiecassie. Nuff said
6) okay the entire baseball arc is my Absolute Favorite. I love when they make casts play baseball for no reason. Also Tim’s so funny like “what are they gonna do? Get scared of a kid in red and green tights?” Only for the aliens to immediately go “LOOK A KID IN RED AND GREEN TIGHTS LETS SURRENDER” fjfjfjdjjd
7) the entire campfire scene in the beginning issues but specifically the ending when everyone’s asleep except Kon and he’s lamenting about not being able to grow up and be left behind and quotes Peter Pan. I think about this scene daily, waaaah
8) the part where the supercycle goes crazy, the jokes were just so funnny idk
10) the apokolips arc in general tbh but specifically the part where Cassie is scolding tf out of kon like yessss. Also her just showing hella good leadership skills in that arc chefs kiss chefs kisssssss
Also more but not shown cuz I ran out of photos:
11) Kon stopping cissie from killing a man and then later helping cassie try to calm cissie down. Then when Cassie’s mom enters Kon flies and carries cissie while plastered to the ceiling. I loveee cissie n kon a lot
12) the part where Bart tries to cheer kon up and it’s ends up w kon on top of Bart yelling HEY BART DO YOU WANT SUSHI you know the one
13) the part where red tornado points to Anita and is like who’s this did u do the necessary procedure for letting in new members or whatever and barts just like “nah we just let her in” and red tornado is like “of course u did 😑”
14) the yj squad got locked out of their own hideout and kon wants to break open the door bc he doesn’t wanna miss his Wendy show but Tim tells him not too bc the door is expensive lmao. And then Bart uses his powers to enter and call/annoy Tim while he tries to open the door from the inside. And in the background kons just like “let me in let me in let me in” until Tim is just like CAN U SHUT THE FUCK UP and they start fucking arguing about whether Wendy the werewolf stalker is a stupid show. Meanwhile cissie is getting her ass beat inside the headquarters. Kon breaks the door anyways. It’s so perfectly chaotic .
Okay I’ll stop now but OUGH, lots of scenes I like. It’s also very funny n chaotic all the time
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singerlover9 · 6 months
For the ask game: Runner five or Peter from zr
I’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to answer!! Tumblr needs to be better at showing me these things
Runner 5
1. Favorite thing about them. The strong sense of justice. Major autism vibes and I respect it!
2. Least favorite thing about them. Uhhh… oh, god, is there anything? Maybe how many times they’ve had to fake their own death
3. Favorite line. “…” (silent protagonist lol)
4. BrOTP. Either Five and Peter or Five and Jody!!
5. ОТР. 5AM. Definitely.
6. NOTP. I don’t mind 5XPeter or 5XTom, they’re just not my thing. Probably 5XMoonchild because that’s just ALL kinds of toxic.
7. Random HC. 5 has select playlists dedicated to the types of day it is gonna be, even the stressful ones.
8. Unpopular Opinion. Uhh… I don’t know I’m still kinda new to the fandom
9. Song I associate with them. lol I know it’s obvious
10. Favorite picture of them (if applicable). N/A
1. Favorite thing about them. The funny quips! The guy is FULL of them! But I just love this man so much
2. Least favorite thing about them. Uhh… again, not really sure. He’s just so damn likable
3. Favorite line. Oh, GOD, how am I supposed to choose just one?! My favorite at the moment is (in response to the zombies being mummified) “I don’t care if they’re DEEP FRIED, we have to get out of here!”
4. BrOTP. Either Peter and Five or Peter and Sam!
6. NOTP. Besides the obvious, I’m not really sure.
7. Random HC. Peter still probably has a lot of unresolved religious trauma he needs to work through
8. Unpopular Opinion. Again, kinda new to the fandom
9. Song I associate with them
10. Favorite picture of them (if applicable)
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From Dark Crisis: Impulse
Scoffing, Bart answered him. “Superboy? You guys met him and made him a Legionnaire! Man, I was so jealous when I found that out, but you know what? He never rubbed it in my face or anything.”  “Bart, we never met anyone named Ko-”  “I know!” Bart snapped. “Because this timeline is all messed up! My father is alive, my mom isn’t trying to overthrow her crazy father, I have no idea what is going on with my grandpa but he’s supposed to be dead in this time, but I guess he’s probably alive! I’m supposed to be in the 21st century!”  “And what do you do in the 21st century, Bart?” asked Imra, the remnants of her headache finally gone but her mind was numb.  The speedster choked then he cracked. “I… nothing, really… We don’t even have a team anymore. Everyone’s gone their own separate ways. I don’t really fit in anymore. Wally has three kids who take up his attention, grandpa keeps to himself a lot, there’s Ace who is always on edge because I think he’s threatened by me because the world rebooted around him and I just… showed up. He’s always wanted to fight me from moment one, stupid. I don’t even care about being Kid Flash! He can have it, forever! Not like it matters anyway, because everyone is too busy to notice what title I might take up. And I don’t know where I’m going, as Bart Allen, or as Impulse. I’m not looking at life through the rearview mirror like Kon is, but I ain’t looking forward either, or even sideways,” he lamented and finished with one final softly spoken truth:  “I’m so sprocking lost.”  The room was very quiet after that for a few shaky breaths until Tenzil put his sunglasses back on. He stood very straight as he looked at Bart. “Gee, Bart. Sounds like that life really sprocking sucks.”  Imra glared at him. “Tenzil!”
“What? It’s true! We would never do that to him! And you heard him, his dad is dead! Weather Wizard is dead!” “It’s still insensitive and not helpful!” Imra persisted.  “N-no,” Bart said shakily as he stood up from his seat, Imra was quick to follow him. “I-I’m fine. He’s right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you worry.”  “You’re sad, Bart. Very, very, sad,” Imra spoke like she was trying to coax a feral animal down from a tree. “But I do sense that rage. I don’t know why you have these memories, but trust me when I say this, as your friend; we love you. And you will always have a place with us. The Legion will never be the same without Impulse. Understand? We need you.” She reached for him, hands and arms wide open.  Rest.  Bart blinked two large tears from his golden eyes and he reached for Imra. The embrace she enveloped him in was tight and loving, and in the far reaches of his mind Bart was reminded of Cissie and her long golden hair.  “It’s going to be alright, we’ll figure this out together.”
This particular scene was the pinch point for Bart to finally start doubting his own memories, where he started to 'fall' for the reality where he had everything he really, truly wanted all his life. It was a scene that I deliberately wove in some canon placement for Bart, it also ironically mirrors what it's like to enter adulthood where all those friendships you formed as a teen often do just drift apart and changed. Even when you never thought they would. It's grief. Grief of what he knew was perfect having totally changed on him and grief that it might not have ever been real in the first place. And he so desperately wants it all to be real. To be valid.
Note: Tenzil's comment about Don being "Weather Wizard" - Don in this little pocket reality for Bart is the Director for the Weather Control Systems and it is a sort of campy nickname, Don is sort of like a Bill Nye character but for weather and people generally love him.
Fanfic Writers Director's Cut
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