#I just like non human redesigns ya know
ignihyde-resident · 5 days
More redesigns !!!!
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And some close ups
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AND I made a version for silver without makeup, cause I don’t think he’d do it every day
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And here’s my Baul edit too!!
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peony-flowerking7 · 7 months
Size part 1 (Warning: Nudity)
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I told ya Wukong was a short king. ALL HAIL SHORT KING WUKONG and yes I know I could've done my own designs but I decided it to be easier to use their show designs. I only put them more structure on body and face. So let me explain.
Wukong body is a muscular chubby build as we saw in the latest episode he has a dad bod and I love it because it makes him more squishy and handsome AHEM! No I don't not have a crush on him I just appreciate dad bods. When he's extremely or rageful his actual eye color will come out since you know, his eyes burn when being locked in the furnace. I wanted to give Wukong a beard, but I will in his human form don't woryyyyyy. Also he has a crooked nose BECAUSE I SAID SO it beautiful! And monkey feet
Macaque body is more skinny, yet more muscular. AHEM TITTIES! He got an ass and titties for days because I am GAY! I am a lesbian for this hoe. He also has scars he hides across his body with that glamour spell. And I think it is confirmed that he can't see with the other eye so he's blind which is something I will put in my fanfic btw. But yeah he's blind. HE'S AN ALBINO MACAQUE MONKEY I'M CALLING IT! He also has a beard but only in his human form. Also underneath the red markings is his scar he covers it with glamour and the red markings.
Duzhe as you know they curvy and chubby. They have stretch marks on their lower half and are they strong? Kind of and kind of not. Duzhe is only getting strong because of Wukong and Macaque training so you might say they're a bit muscular too I love muscles. I gave them a belly button piercing and they only liked to wear puffy pants. If they wears shorts they may feel insecure on that, I want to make a comic on that though. But they don't like wearing shorts, they are shy on their legs but the rest of their body they're confidence on. This is indeed their official design I have redesign them so much I had to stop myself and do an official design on Duzhe. It a freaking problem with me.
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I drew them nude because it will help me with body their body figures and Duzhe vitiligo. Also I usually sometimes call Duzhe a they/them and sometimes I use she/her pronouns but they are both. Duzhe is a she/they but mostly on the non binary side, there is a reason why. But I won't tell ya! Also no I can't draw nipples please don't criticize me why I did draw nipples on Macaque and Wukong but not Duzhe IT DIFFICULT OKAY!
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First off, I wanna say that I mean no disrespect to the artists who worked on Hazbin Hotel. It’s just that I’ve been seeing people make redesigns of Hazbin characters, and though I don’t usually participate in stuff like this (it seems fun, and you are all incredibly talented. I just feel kinda bad tinkering with someone else’s work like this), the show made me frustrated, and frustrated induced brain-vomit started sloshing around in my skull so noisily that it’s been keeping me up. And, well, I had to get it out somehow.
So…here ya go, I guess. It’s nothing crazy or new. It’s just a few disgustingly rough ideas for this very specific version of Charlie that I kept seeing in my head. They’re far from polished or anything, and they’re definitely missing some key details because I’ve been hyper-fixating on trying to get the face right lol. I might make a full body illustration later, but I have commitment issues so who knows how far this’ll go. That is to say, don’t expect any more of this or the other characters unless 1) my brain decides to torment me with more literal demons or 2) I, by some miracle, become a more productive person. Plus, Tumblr’s a new thing for me, and I don’t know what I’m doing with this yet other than posting art and then disappearing for years. Seriously, you have no idea. It’s a wonder that I posted for a second time.
Anyway, the direction of this design is pretty obvious. I went with the lamb/goat motif because I liked the idea of inverted/parallel symbolism. I was toying with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” concept where they appear to be a lamb in this form but actually shift into a more wolf-like dragon sorta thing when prompted. Their wardrobe is supposed to be an extension of the innocent lamb deception as the ruffles and looseness are meant to be kinda reminiscent of fluff while communicating a sense of privilege (a white untainted by the grit of Hell… something that probably wouldn’t last long). I was also inspired by white goth and catholic goth aesthetics (I blame Ethel Cain) as well as those insanely beautiful ball-jointed dolls. I don’t know if I captured that well (to be honest, the more I look at those digital renditions, the more I hate them). I considered adding a pair of spectacles coz I thought it was cute lol, and because I thought it could be a way for them to try and seem more human.
If I were doing a rewrite (which I have ideas for, but I should probably focus on my actual original characters instead) then:
1. They would be agender and androgynous (I’d go the Good Omens route and make most angels/non-human entities largely genderless as gender is a human construction, one that most angels wouldn’t really concern themselves with)
2. They would be kinda elitist and naive but still sweet
3. Their intentions would not be entirely insincere, but they would not be acting without selfish goals
4. They would be an eldritch abomination
5. There would be possible exploration of their role as an antichrist as well as basically being a tool of war for their papa’s self-gratification
6. Their pops would suck
7. More horror
8. Like, it wouldn’t not be funny…but horror’s my genre so….
9. They would not suck at fighting, but death is traumatizing and so is being the cause of it (squeamish)
10. That being said, could make friends with Death??
And that’s all I feel like writing. Hopefully I update this lol
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artist-heart83 · 9 months
VivziePop and her “POC characters”
I said “see ya in january” but Vivzie and her fans had been talking non sense every day after my bingo post, so let’s talk about this, shall we
You know the deal, this start because of the hazbin hotel cards and one specifically talking, the Alastor card
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The card in particular had voodoo symbols and yeah, look at first I didn’t know anything about voodoo or what was the problem so when I start seeing all the tweets related to the situation and explain it why it was bad, I was “ooh… that’s not good”
Also people reacting (for second time) that Alastor is suppose to be black. Like I didn’t know it at first, until I start watching redesign videos and seeing people drawing him with black features
But people would go and said (you know, trying to defend Vivzie) “oh but you don’t had to” and my honest opinion is:
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Like I said, it’s important because that how you can tell a character is supposed to whatever ethnicity(? is, otherwise people are gonna making them white
“Even if they are not human?”
Yes fulanita, even if they’re not human, Steven Universe had gems with some black features (kinda not the best example, but i can’t come with other right now)
I’m like I said before, fans of Vivzie start defending her and specifically one doing a thread about “other POC characters” if you see the thread you know what I going to talk now
Half of the characters are:
1. Stereotypes
2. Non human that you can’t tell if they’re black, latinos or whatever, only if you see their voice actor
3. Majority of the characters are created by people of the staff
When I talk about to brother how Alastor is supposed to be black he goes: “maybe she doesn’t know how to draw black people” and “that should be hard” and I stop him because that bullshit.
I start to explain him that is not hard because she just had to give some texture to the hair and add some features, and hard? To her? The one who made complex design? Can draw a different hair? Nah man, that woman is just racist, like pretend to be shocked. Of course he understands my point.
And the thing that definitely is pissing me off, is how Vivzie decide to ignore this, but not stuff like “my name is Caine I’m your bitch” or “Charlie discourse about what she is supposed to be”, and of course blocking people talking about the situation and trying to explain why is bad
So in conclusion. If you want to introduce any topic in your series 👏 do 👏 the 👏 proper 👏 investigation 👏 because you don’t know if it bad or just a stereotype. And we should expose all the bullshit that VivziePop had done before and still do
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xxduncandonutxx · 8 months
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And that's all the characters I'm redesigning, I ain't touching anyone else (probably).
So here's Shadow who actually looks like an assassin and not some guy wrapped in charcoal toilet paper.. I know that Will was trying to make him a ninja but ehhh.. I also made them Non-binary but they use He/They/It pronouns since I think it fits it. Also they have what looks to be Vitiligo thanks to The Endermaster's potion and it would remain like that forever since ya know. His Enderman form also reflects this Vitiligo and the green eyes are kept in. It's hair color is actually inspired by some kid's fanart of Shadow without his mask on and so, I decided to implement it into their redesign. And if ya wondering, no, I'm not gonna do Click-clack or The Endermaster next.. The reason I ain't gonna do Click-Clack is because that'll be hard to redesign and the only thing I could really do for him is give him a Quiver behind his back for storing arrows. I MAY redesign The Endermaster + His human form but I'm not sure, and I might draw the mentioned 'Katie's older sister' character that I mentioned in her redesign. Here's their original design:
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Some info about them: - When Shadow was just a baby, his parents abandoned him due to not being able to care for the child so he was taken in by a group of Assassins at the 'Assassin Society', a secret academy where people (neutrally orphaned children) are raised and trained to be future Assassins. Shadow was considered a 'star pupil' to their Master that was until, when Shadow hit the age of 18 it was time for it and the other 18 yr old students to prove their worth of being an assassin, each were given the task to fight and kill a couple of Minecraft zombies that were brought into the guild and a homeless minecraftian that the assassins had kidnapped for this last lesson. However, when it was Shadow's turn, They'd managed to the kill the zombies but, when he came face to face with the homeless Minecraftian who pleaded for his life and started talking about how their has a child back home.. Shadow's humanity was returned to him and he couldn't bring himself to do it. It's master was disappointed, he ordered the assassins to kill the homeless guy for Shadow before vanishing them from the assassin's academy. Shadow's plan was to start over in the Main city, overhearing that's where the homeless Minecraftians came from however.. he'd ended up encountering some Endermen who just came back from raiding and destroying said city, they were both sitting around a campfire speaking about how the city was destroyed by an Enderdragon. They ended up managing to steal one of The Enderman's Endblades but when he was about to kill one of them, they had already left. Shadow later on ended up finding Colin and Miles, even helping to defend them from the Endermen that was spying and planning to attack them. - Shadow is AroAce having no interest for romance or sex at all. - Shadow can teleport just like any other Enderman could, and just like any other Endermen, they couldn't touch or drink water otherwise he would die or hurt theirselves, so keeping clean and hygiene is a pain for them. - Shadow's Enderman form is base on the 1.8 green eyed Enderman kinda like Endreai who has green eyes and use pink dye to dye them pink so he doesn't look like an outcast. - Shadow carries not just an Endblade with them, but a small assassin knife as well.
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
mekaru cuz she's neglected tbh 🥺?
im so fucking guilty of neglecting her. i neeed her to make friends so i can start spinning her in my mind with characters im already obsessed with so she can be More in my brain as her own character. mekaru pls pls just start being more authentic and love urself-
cw she has so much internalized homophobia. that’s all tho
-My identity hc for them
canon lesbian!! has a lot of comphet tho. like, a lot. like, only character to upload the “fact” they’re het to their report card. 
- Thoughts on their home life/family
ya know. i think she’s lying to herself about how much she likes kids. i don’t think she’s inclined to them but playing babysitter all the time has made her p child adverse. however admitting this means realizing she can’t gain “i am a normal respectable non-offending person who no one has any reason to have any issue with” points by raising 2.5 kids. so. yeah she just chooses to keep lying to herself
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
tbh i think i do a bad job portraying her comphet? buuut. to take a step back and think neutrally about things, i think that’s predominantly a result of, again, the role she plays in the story, and the fact we’re not in her head. we can judge how well i write her comphet when we get to pick her brain a bit more in ftes. id rather have a more subtle, more accurate depiction, then one that’s made inaccurate with how in your face “wow my bestie is so pretty if only girls who liked girls were real…” it is. (<- not that portrayals like that are bad/wrong, it’s abt enjoying yourself while not feeding into negative stereotypes! i just don’t really want to depict her comphet in that more lighthearted manner).
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
again. this is prolly just gonna be stuff which didn’t happen in canon but could’ve if things were different? w/mekaru i think if she studied psychology more and like. Dedicated herself to it she could easily rise to shsl psychiatrist level. this is canon but i think that she’s specifically interested in medicine when it comes to treatment of the human condition. she likes and grasps it all, but the history of assorted pills is where she Shines
- My number one favorite ship for them
okada my beloved <3. (obligatory: okada aimi is mekarus bestie! she’ssss. sapphic, i don’t have anything more specific/anything otherwise canon for her. she likes mekaru and thinks mekaru likes her back (she’s right), buuut. she hasn’t confessed because she thinks she’ll be rejected (she’s right, again.) she’s trying to gently tug mekaru into having a Revelation but it hasn’t been going v well for her.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
i used to say that like. tomori was probably her gateway into her moment of Realization. i can still see that being true but i think it was less genuine desire to date and moreso.  mekaru projecting what she feels she needs to be onto tomori then seeing tomori being queer and going. hmmm. anyways tho. i kinda like her w/kurokawa but i think kurokawas just v shippable? poor okada tho i think she’d would be crying and throwing up if she found out mekaru dated a girl from hpa before dating her.
also tho i kinda think she’d be cute w/hatanami. sorry okada :(
- The thing i will NEVER ship
she is in fact still a lesbian, folks! uhh past that tho im rotating her with different girls and i don’t like the idea of her and inori like. at all for some reason
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
i think it’d be neat if she. i don’t know got to have friends. id like to chat abt her interacting with tomori more!!
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
im really happy with her redesign! her personality and demeanor changed from the first one she had here, but her fit didn’t change, and it really just didn’t work. also it’s kinda matchy with linujs actual beta design for rei iirc? so that’s funny
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
lol. little miss perfect from write out loud/etc. uhh past the obvi one i had to list… first love/late spring - mitski comes to mind less in a. struggling with growing up and loving seriously as an adult and moreso. fear that comes with realizing ur in love with ur bestie (u are a teen with severe internalized homophobia). again apologizing for my inability to stick with what the song is actually about at least this one was semi accurate. please know i will go to war when it comes to respecting mitski as an artist and not dismissing her experiences and what she’s saying. 
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
I promise I'd just like to hear your thoughts on this and I'm genuinely not looking for permission or anything, but years ago I saw how some people really disliked "genderbent" designs for some valid reasons. I was nervous to do it wrong or upset anyone so I avoided doing it ever since. But now I know better, and I'm under the impression it's better to do them without obnoxious stereotypes? And not tag it as "bent" but maybe as redesigns? Idc about them that much so I can also never do it too.
Ima be honest anon I genuinely thought we had already reached the “who give a shit” era for ‘genderbents’ but I guess there’s still some uncertainty around it, so I’m gonna give you my personal opinion but please know that each trans person has different feelings about it so feel free to take what I have to say with a grain of salt.
Truly I think with anything, just don’t be weird about it… what I mean by this is, don’t be transphobic, know what harmful transphobic stereotypes there are, especially when it comes to transmisogyny. Racist stereotypes as well especially when doing a genderbend with or involving a character of color! Don’t over sexualize minors when gender bending them (obvious but I have seen it too many times), don’t be homophobic about it, like if there’s a canon gay couple where they are both clearly gay don’t change the gender of one character just to make it straight (again seems obvious but I do still see this, if one of them is bi again ‘who give a shit’). Remember that sex and gender and gender presentation are 3 separate things, but also the concept gender and sex is so fluid and gray and most of the rules we made up as humans so like, sometimes there’s a gray area between a genderbend and a trans head canon and or trans interpretation so keep that in mind! Honestly drawing genderbends helped me and a bunch of other trans friends realize we were trans and explore our gender in a safe and fun way, but even if your’e cis, like as long as you’re not being weird, go for it, I don’t care! Like even if you’re sexualizing an adult with your genderbend… as long as you’re not being like fetishistic and weird I also don’t care, especially if it’s funny, like if you’re genderbending the entire Big Bang theory cast and give Sheldon huge anime tittles like honestly go for it, I do not care LMAO 😭😭😭 but again this is my own personal opinion and keep in mind I’m non-binary so I’m already like ‘who cares’ about gender bends cause most of the time people don’t even do anything fun or interesting with it, they just wanna be horny, which again, I don’t care as long as it’s not like some poor kids cartoon. Which is probably why at this point most people just do trans interpretations cause they will always always always be way more interesting that some guy wanting to draw SpongeBob with a fat ass so there ya go.
Also people are aloud to not like what you end up doing… but I don’t think it’s immoral or evil or anything to draw like Saul Goodman as a hot babe, I certainly don’t care, but others are absolutely within their right to voice any opinions about it, just cause that’s show business babeyyyy. But again I think you’re probably fine, especially since it sounds like you’re already aware of what not to do and are genuinely being thoughtful so, I say go for it! Who give a shit! <3
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Chuckya (again)
Debut: Super Mario 64
Welcome to our first Weird Mario All-Stars post! I have been thinking a lot about Chuckya lately. I have a lot to say about it. But first, let’s review what I said about it in the original post! 
What is Chuckya? Chuckya is Chuckya. It is really not anything else! It resembles a Bob-Omb, what with being an orb with a thing sticking out of the top, white eyes, and a wind-up key (in its DS redesign), but it’s really not. Chuckya doesn’t explode! All it wants to do is chuck ya. Is that even a fuse on top? If it is, maybe the bobbly-bop on the end is to stop it from being ignited. Chuckya is really no bomb whatsoever! Although...
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Let’s discuss King Bob-Omb for a moment! The king of all Bob-Ombs, a Bob-Omb himself, “baron of all blasting matter”, and “king of ka-booms the world over”. Despite all that, though... in 64 and its remake, he never does any exploding himself! Even when he is defeated, rather than exploding, he shatters. He attacks by picking up and throwing Mario, and is defeated by being picked up and thrown himself. Nothing at all in common with a Bob-Omb... but a whole lot in common with Chuckya! 
Two large, Bob-Omb-adjacent entities from the same game, both of which attack by throwing Mario, and are defeated by being thrown BY Mario! Could these commonalities be meaningful? Perhaps larger, elite Bob-Ombs, being less expendable, prioritize the use of physical strength, exploding only as a last resort! Although, in later games, we have seen that the King is indeed capable of exploding, and, like many bomb-based characters, is not necessarily destroyed by his own explosion... but that varies, anyway! Maybe a Chuckya COULD explode, if made angry enough, but they just never expect Mario to attack from behind!
...Wow! All that written and I basically haven’t even gotten into what I PLANNED to talk about! This was all sudden realizations while writing! More under the cut! A lot more!
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So. Chuckya! I love it. And what is it? I’m not done answering that question yet! One thing’s for sure, and that is that Chuckya is a Funny Robot, one of the best Funny Robots I have ever seen in my life! A bobbly antenna, eyes as the only facial feature, boxing glove hands, a wind-up key... those are a bunch of the best robot features possible! And then there’s the point. The point! Somehow, Chuckya maneuvers on nothing but a little metal point. I assume it’s done either by constant vibration or perhaps spinning, and whatever the truth is, it’s SO COOL!
When talking about a robot, there’s a special opportunity not present when talking about a “natural” creature, and that is the opportunity to ask... who made this?! Who created this sorta bomb-shaped robot that throws instead of exploding? Was it made from large spare Bob-Omb parts, rebuilt for an entirely new purpose? And of all places, why put one in Wet-Dry World? You’ve already got Mario-flinging automatons there! Just asking, of course. Not COMPLAINING. 
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There’s an easy and reasonable answer to all of this, and that answer is “Bowser did it”. But guess what! I’m still not done theorizing! Chuckyas chuck. And so do everyone’s favorite kind of Pianta! You all know Chucksters! So, what I’m getting at, is... what if there’s a connection HERE? What if the town in Wet-Dry World was originally inhabited by Piantas? Perhaps for whatever reason, they found it necessary to build machines to do some of the chucking. The Chucksters can only be in one place at once! Or maybe a physically weak but highly intelligent Pianta, envying the Chucksters’ ability, experimented with building robots to chuck vicariously through? Heck, maybe this group of Piantas just really missed Cataquacks! Whatever the reason, though, such unregulated chucking was far too dangerous for the community. After evacuating the area, Piantas vowed to only leave chucking to the professionals.
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Finally, and I promise this is the last point of the post... let’s compare the two designs! I am honestly not sure which I like more. I love the proportions of 64′s, with its great big eyes and round mitts. But I love that DS’s has boxing gloves and a wind-up key, instead of the weird black plate on the back of 64′s! I love 64 Chuckya’s weird arms-outstretched pose, but I also love DS Chuckya’s arms held out proudly, like this very non-human thing is assuming a human-like stature! I think my ideal design would have the proportions of 64, but with the extra details of DS. And that is exactly how Linkandorf portrays it here! This is really the ideal Chuckya.
And that is the end of the post! To think that so long ago, I only had a paragraph and a half to write about Chuckya. What a fool I was. Not anymore though! Now I’m smart, and you can tell because I just wrote 834 words about Chuckya.
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an1malcannibal · 4 years
hi ok when i watched ninjago as a kid i hated kai for some reason but rewatching it has made me appreciate him like he deserves. anyway do u have any kai hcs ud like to share
So sorry for the late answer! Glad u changed ur mind abt Kai.... he is SO important.... Anyhow, here are some more headcanons!
-I headcanon that like.... all elemental masters are varying shades of Not Human.... every elemental master has certain non-human traits that may or may not get passed down (claws, sharp teeth, patches of scales, weird eyes, etc), SO, because Kai (and Nya but we r talking abt Kai rn) is the child of not just one but TWO elemental masters... he’s one of the most non-human humans in all of ninjago! I hc he has sharp teeth (SHARK GANG SHARK GANG SHARK GANG-), and his eye color is red! With slitted pupils (like a cat!) and maaaaaybe claws (I’m thinking he develops like... black demon claw hands as he gets older, or he gets them after he uses his powers like.... a LOT. Love the idea that the non-human traits get more pronounced as an elemental master uses their powers more.....) so yeah. Kai and Nya are cryptids.
-Kai is completely heat proof (all fire elemental masters are completely fire/heat proof). He chills in lava pits with Cole as its the BEST hot tub.
-Kai, contrary to what one might think, feels VERY cold all the time. He constantly needs to dress in layers to try to keep warm, because his body is constantly expelling so much excess heat, that there’s really non left to warm himself up. AKA.... he naps in the sun like a cat! The ninja have a spray bottle to use when he does something bastardly (get OFF THE FRIDGE KAI-)
-Kai has. A small mullet. No I will NOT elaborate just trust me.
-he has piercings! Like 4 on each ear!
-shoving my Kai height headcanon in here. He is 5’10 (but he wears heeled Chelsea boots in his casual outfits so that can bump him up to 6 ft sometimes). I HATE short Kai like it drives me absolutely MAD with rage. I genuinely can’t imagine him as any less than 5’8 at the LOWEST.
-Kai has mental health issues, as well as adhd/autism (watch how hard I can project guys!)
-Kai paints his nails a lot (usually red or black)
-he is bisexual and a trans man! :)
-Kai weighs like. 130 lbs on a good day. (Childhood malnutrition will do that to ya folks)
-Kai’s hair is naturally super fluffy and spikey and sticks out EVERYWHERE. He styles it now so it’s more manageable, but when he was a kid he looked FERAL his hair was such a mess.
-hehe. Black winged eyeliner? Yessir.
-yknow how they switched his scar around for the redesign? What if he just.... had a scar on BOTH EYES!!!!! I say yessir.
-he fuckin. He fuckin LOOOOVES Britney Spears.... king shit.....
-he likes dogs well enough but he ADORES cats (real recognizes real)
-(yes I’m implying Kai is a cat. He is a cat.)
-Kai is still TEEEERIBLE with technology.... he has no social media’s on his phone and doesn’t even have any actual accounts. He just has 3 apps from the App Store on his phone: 1. YouTube 2. Spotify (or the ninjago equivalent) 3. And Minecraft (he likes to build elaborate structures and houses then blow them up). This unintentionally makes him even more of a cryptid to the ninjago population. Why isn’t the fire ninja on Twitter????? WHY?????
-Kai has really impressive pick pocketing skills (fellas he was like 8. He could not have completely run a shop on his own at 8. He definitely pickpocketed money on the side)
-zanes death hit him so hard because he was in love with him but didn’t realize it. Kai never had time to fall in love or have kid crushes. He never got the opportunity to know what being in love felt like so he had NO clue he was in love with Zane..... it confused him how much it hurt when Zane died. Like a physical wound.
And done! Here r just a few of mine! I have a lot more! U can check em out under the ask tag I think, or the Kai tag! Hope u like em!!! Again sorry for the late reply bro I wanted to think em out! :]
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kaimactrash · 3 years
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Eyy, it's technically still may 31st for 2hrs here so I'm really cutting close to the dead line, I can't deny this is due to some teething pains when it comes to drawing on my new pc, which i think its due to me using a TV over an actual computer monitor, and also the fact my chair for using while on my computer is a wooden one and its reallllly hurting my hip bones! ANYWAY! Who is this? does anyone but me know? It's a character from a limited run comic adaption of a book by the legendary author Clive Barker.
This pic is based off the comci verison of rictus, which was drawn by Kris Oprisko, who did an amazing job too, i love the abstract element of almost every non-human design, it really brings to life that discomfort i felt as child kai listened to an audio book describe these mysterious monsters.Rictus was the first and probably the most charming, i was 27 years old when i found out his name wasn't this unique word made for him but a description of a smile that is fixed in place and...oh yeah that makes complete sense, slightly facepalmed at my own ignorance.
I know this dude has almost no fanart because I had to reread the comic myself to get the images to refrence for this piece, and the ending still makes me cry.The book and the comics have an extremely special place in my heart, and like the Dark Crystal, or steven universe, it has inspiration finger prints all over my world of Frenrar, hell, i realised rictus himself has a few simailrities with the first, but not primary anatgonist to the Frerar saga, Rilo, green, tricky, willing to sacrifice their allies for the tiniest bit of power, unusually long, wears a long dark coat that is the opposite of form fitting, pointy ears. especially for beta Rilo who had a much more yellow green skintone than the recent redesign. Double hell, theres a scene near the end of the book where rictus holds a gold orb, which are identical to the beads that Dulo wears, and Rilo seems to have a few of...hmmmmm....this wasn't intentional and i didn't notice the cross over until i re-read the comic. It's amazing to me that this didn't have its momment in the YA boom in my youth, but it was realeased 2 years before I was born, and by a writer known for very graphic material, while The Thief of Always was aimed to be welcome to kids, so not graphic compared to the Hellraiser series. :P
enough chit chat I lost 25 mins of may just typing this! This is for the Obscuri-jam held by @atomictiki , hopefully I'm not too late! :P
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
list of my anti-LoK feelings
Excluding the Gaang’s treatment and trying to be spoiler free so that i can tell my brother about this, let’s go:
oh no it got long
none of this is in chronological order
- Poor mishandling of the concepts/conflicts (the Equalists being led by a bender)
- K/ya and Bum/i being treated poorly by the Air Acolytes simply because they aren’t airbenders 
- Bloodbending being the only bending subset art that’s demonized (meanwhile lightningbending gets to power Republic City)
- Harmonic Convergence - just random people getting airbending instead of people discovering they have airbending because Air Nomads are nomads and are likely to have descendants everywhere and it’s quite possible that the reason why Air Nomads are the only nation with a population that’s made up of 100% benders is because they gave nonbending children away to other nations, those kids carry on the genes but noooo it’s the most spiritual art or some random bs.
- the name of Republic City - whyyyyyyy you could’ve named it the People’s City in Chinese or something 
- Bu/mi getting airbending and apologizing to a statue of his dad for not being enough
- Te/nzin being the only Cloud kid with a family - because apparently airbending can only be passed down if there’s an airbending parent instead of bending being a wheel spin, coin toss, and draw of the hat chance combined with genetics so both Bumi and Kya could’ve had kids,,,but they didn’t. 
- “There’s LGBTQ+ rep!!!” yeah one of them is in the Fog of Lost Souls and a terrible person, Ky/a’s sexuality was confirmed in a comic that a good majority of the fandom doesn’t read bc the ATLA comics are notoriously abysmal, while Korra and Asami were shoved in last minute
- Kor/rasa/mi being shoved in last minute and that’s not because Nickolodean wouldn’t let Br/yke do it, they literally had no endgame ship until the last minute.
- the Spirit portals. Ah yes, make the Spirit World more accessible and make the Northern Water Tribe have an easy way to invade the Southern Water Tribe
- Water Tribe War of Why Would the North Want the South Except for an Ego Boost - oh stars i could write an essay on this: first of all there’s no reason for the two to unite - they’re on opposite ends of the world, two nations are between the two tribes so the constant travel between the two tribes is just too much. Secondly, we don’t do colonization in this household but apparently the North wanted to be like So/zin-Azul/on-O/zai’s Fire Nation. Thirdly: why. just why.
- The Western fashions and architecture - why is there a big ol’ statue of Aang in Republic City waters a la Statue of Liberty style -_- and why is there Western fashion asfjakjfkdj give me qipaos and i’ll shut up about it. (literally if everyone was wearing a qipao to be fancy i would give LoK less grief except for like “kind of boring but at least you tried”)
- As/ami is treated as a side character instead of one of the main four because she’s “Not a bender” (being removed from major fight scenes)
- Asa/mi being everyone’s emotional support and no one gives support back (sounds like someone we know...coughkataracough)
- non-benders having their roles being downplayed, and I don’t mean the Equalists being scary and then poofing out of existence after the first season. Benders get to be in all the action, but non-benders are mainly left out and only brought in to prop up the benders 
- immemorable/bad lines/immemorable characters (I can’t remember who was in what spot lol)
- the Spirit World looking more like Spirited Away rather than what it originally was (someone drew a bunch of Spirited Away LoK AU and I thought it was a bunch of Spirited Away screencaps until I saw little kid!Ko/rra and was like “????”)
- “spirits should live in harmony with humans” - world proceeds to get invaded with “spirit vines” along with ATLA fans going “wait what about spirits like Koh the Face-Stealer or an angry Hei Bai”
- non-con kisses. love triangles. didn’t need that but okay
- wait i just looked up the screenshots for that wedding and now i’m mad again
- I do not care if they’re Water Tribe. This world was inspired by China, we’re applying the full-on white outfit = mourning color to all nations because I can and I will do that.
- relationships having drama and I mean the type of drama that makes you groan and turn off the TV
- Bo/leska being played for laughs (switch the genders and this whole ship is a nightmare upon nightmare)
- Tenzi/n looking like an A/ang clone and doesn’t even have a hint of anything to suggest he’s half SWT - would it have killed the designers to give him Water Tribe arm wrappings???? 
- okay I said i wasn’t going to talk about the Gaang but I’m talking about Tenz/in so whatever. anyways neither T/enzin nor any of his kids look like they have SWT heritage and like. skin color can skip a generation and get into another. One of the Cloud grandkids could at least be a little tan instead of the entire family being the same skin tone. Ik/ki could’ve had hair loopies. Me/elo could’ve had a SWT name, and R/ohan could’ve been a waterbender.
- Ko/rra going to confront Zah/eer with Mak/o, everyone thinks that because Ma/ko was with her for a very emotional time that they’re probably going to get together because that makes sense, right? Heck, both of them are there for each other in the Big Emotional Scenes.
- The framing of the K/orra-Za/heer confrontation - Zahee/r is higher than her/is equal to her height, visually symbolizing that he still has power over her. This is very different from TSR where Ka/tara faces down her demon (Y/on Rha), all cards are in her hands, he’s sitting on the ground while she’s standing tall. 
there’s probably more but I’ve salted enough for now
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evilblot · 4 years
It's King Francis Petty here again. I want to know how you make an OC and if you have any opinions about Toon/human relationship discourse.
Full answer about HumanxToon shipping here, tl;dr: people will always find something to complain about, so just do what makes you happy and live deliciously within your self-indulgent shipping fantasy as long as you wish.
And now ladies, gentlemen and assorted folks I vaguely present you...
✨ ʜᴏᴡ ᴇᴠɪʟʙʟᴏᴛ ᴄʜᴜʀɴꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏᴄꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ꜰᴇᴡ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ꜱᴛᴇᴘꜱ  ✨
AKA a quick and absolutely non-comprehensive guide into the madness that is my creative process.
In my 26 disastrous years of life on this wretched planet, I have learned that there are about 3.5 ways in which an original character can be given birth by me, and they’re all related to a matter of narrative pragmatism and personal mood.
NUMBER ONE: Eyebrows on Fleek - Most of my OCs fall into this category. Over thousands of hours of research to find the best name, outfit, behavior, weaponry, alignment chart, zodiac sign, shoe size, EVERYTHING I need to make their bio as perfect and canonically sensible towards the franchise in which I intend to put them in. That’s why you rarely see actual content of my characters, because I take ages to design them and I’m never truly finished nor satisfied with my work lmao
Number One & a Half: What are Those?? - This necessary corollary concerns the act of redesigning a canon character in order to give them more depth, thus giving them some actual lore or at least something resembling a bio, or just to make them look better in terms of aesthetic. I’ve done it several times in various franchises, both to cater my tastes and to give these characters some love. In most cases I refer to them as transformative characters since I’ve made them something different from their original self without altering the canon itself. I’m just filling the blanks, ya know 😏
NUMBER TWO: Do it for the Vine! - These OCs exist to to play lesser roles, like side/support characters for the main cast. They’re basically less complex version of the guys from the first category, meaning they still have quite a fully-fleshed bio but not as consistent. To compensate for this lack, most of the times they end up getting a definitive design before the main characters. They can become one of them if the story requires so or if I enjoy them a lil too much.
NUMBER THREE: What up, I’m Jared - A rare and quite mythical event known as spontaneous OC birth. No canon, no lore, only an empty simulacrum that satisfies my needs. Eight times out of ten, just very horny/self-indulgent designs. They belong to absolutely nothing but the vibe/mood of the moment and I usually forget about their existence in a matter of days unless I find them a purpose.
And that’s p much it folks, I hope I haven't bored you too much, thanks again fro the ask and see you next time! 💜
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ahadowsleftshoe · 4 years
Things I Think Either Would Be Interesting In A Sonic Game, I Would Like In A Sonic Game, Or Think They Should Bring Back
A List™
A game that takes place in Silver's future
Heck playable Silver again while we're at it
Silver's own game ft. Blaze??? C'mon Sega/Sonic Team 👀
Exploration into the origins of the chaos emeralds!!! Like, the start start ya know
Tangle & Whisper in a mainline game!!!
Return of the custom character! Maybe a side story of them and Infinite???
Oh yeah closure on what the heck happened to Infinite would be nice
Spin-off series following the custom character! Maybe something that runs in the background of the events of the mainline games
In game upgrades making a comeback (I.E Soupshoes, lightspeed dash, etc)
Character themes!!
Non-mandatory sidequests with side characters!!
Hubworlds were players can accept said sidequests
Return of the sword mechanic, don't know how, but it'd be a nice return if done right
Maybe Sonic doin some funky chaos powers and that being a new mechanic???
Speaking of, why the heck aren't Shadow's chaos powers specific mechanics for his character???
Slight character redesigns for a singular game (like the werehog in Unleashed)
Platonic-non-romantic human subplots!!!
I'll end it here or else it's just me rambling sksksk
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ideahat-universe · 6 years
Zombie Animatronics
So I kind of fell into Fnaf again. I didn't say anything for Fnaf World or Sister Location. I kind of felt like it was over and I was just waiting for the film to flop come out but when Fnaf 6 came out it was like the ultimate gift to anyone who liked the series in every possible form. 
Fnaf 6 basically ties up all the loose ends and then Ultimate Custom Night is like a love letter to anyone that genuinely likes the main gameplay mechanic in a fnaf game. 
The dream of anyone who loves a franchise game with a large cast of characters is for all the characters to be in one game and Ultimate Custom Night basically does that. I can probably count on one hand the characters that didn't get to show up at all. 
It’s fantastic but it doesn’t leave us with just fan service (and that’s not too much of an exaggeration) but lore bits; I’m going to wait for matpat to give his theory before I give mine (hopefully in that time he can figure out that Golden Freddy is Cassidy).
I’m going to talk about the fandom which kind of died after Sister Location. Makes sense Sister Location was good but it was just a palate cleanser for Fnaf World so we put the franchise behind us. 
Digging deep into the fanart of the Fnaf community is almost as surreal as the game franchise itself. I remember when Purple guy was named Vincent and he was always a security guard. I call that the Phone Guy Era. 
Now Vincent Purple guy is persona non Grata. Ya got your Springtrap or your Scraptrap. Human purple guy more than likely just wears purple and the actual Purple Guy is his son Micheal (Michael?).
People do some, odd things with William Afton. I thought Vincent shipping was playing fast and loose but Jesus Christ. Why do people ship William Afton?
Tumblr media
Fnaf is already an AU after 4 you know that right? Once the first book was written and some of the book leaked into Sister Location we were already in layers of despair trying to decipher what is and isn't canon between two different canons in one series. 
It’s a lot fucking work when you want fan art that celebrates what actually goes on in the Fnaf world and fills in the blanks of what doesn't take place in the game or puts what does happen in greater detail. 
Another AU that wants to insert a lot of things that make sense in any of the previous Fnaf canons is messy. Just make your own original story. Do a Five Nights at Candys where you have your own world inspired by Fnaf but you aren't really in the Fnaf world. 
Also this. 
Is there um. Is there Mercury being burned in that discord server? 
Ya know I have a theory for this fandom. My theory for the fandom is that the Fnaf Fandom IS Fnaf World. 
Think about it. 
For starters Fnaf world was entirely non canon except for the part where it’s canon (and the part where it crosses over with Chipper and Sons).
Soft reboot and retcon of past lore in favor of something entirely new. 
Author insert.
Almost complete glossing over of the fact that dead children bring these devices to life in favor of treating the animatronics like cartoon characters with no real baggage. 
Redesigns of original characters being added along with background assets that have been almost arbitrarily promoted to being a main character. 
Atonal mashing of modern pop culture and Internet culture into a series that mostly takes place decades before all these references could exist. 
Does that not sound like a lot of the fan art people make for Fnaf?
I only thought of this recently but for the fans of the series Fnaf had become Fnaf World before Fnaf World was even a thing. We created a bizarre Fnaf inspired world that is really just comprised of shell references and nothing of value to the actual series other than the fact that this exists because fans for the real thing exist. 
Fnaf World is Fnaf Fandom incarnate. And Matpat is soul dozer.
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
How come Taako is not allowed to have nonhuman skin tones but all your unicorn ocs have nonhuman skin tones? Like, honest question, I genuinely don’t want to come across as rude but I can’t figure out what is different
1) I am just a little artist on tumblr... idk why you want to compare me to HUGE content creators but sure lets get into this!
2) They (my unicorn characters) are magical beings that are MEANT to be disconnected from humanity... it’s kind of the plot.... both emotionally, and physically? They can’t even get the nose right... sigh.... so in terms of story there’s a big reason I don’t want them to look like humans! Also! THERE ARE!!! Humans!!!! In the story!!! So I clearly have to distinguish them from the actual humans? And even then my unicorns characters can come in all sorts of colors so ya know, there’s definitley unicorns with more human skin tones (just not as common, but again trying to avoid this to distinguish them from actual human characters)... (also there’s this issue in the story were unicorns are meant to be very shitty creatures who don’t care about humanity and are overall big assholes... so I would prefer to keep a good chunk of them white coded ex: Trixie )
3) even though my unicorns are multicolored.... I try to be mindful about racial coding!! Like to me i obviously have made the twins Latine, but that’s cause they’re based off me and one of my sisters, Kay, Elly, Butterscotch and Sunny are DEFINITLEY not white coded, and if that wasn’t obvious I would be glad to try and figure out a way to redesign them so that this is clearer!
3.5) okay bonus quiz! back to racial coding, you can tell Hal is white right? And you can tell Sunny is black right? So light blue pale Taako, with blonde hair and a huge pointy nose, look at his design and tell me :) what’s the racial coding there?
4) okay back to the first point and how there’s humans in my story... so there are actual humans in this story, and most of them are kids of color, because the other half of my story takes place in LA, (aye wow that’s where I grew up!!) I wanted to focus on what it’s like being a minority in a place like LA, using both my own experiences, the experiences of my family, and of my friends! Yeyeye!! I want this world to feel very different compared to Unicopia, more human and real, with a different background style, and even what almost feels like a different art style all together??? But ye!!)
5) you are TOTALLY aloud to have your characters have nonhuman skin tones, but you ALWAYS, have to be mindful of racial stereotypes... I’ve talked about this before but, a character w Orange skin like Mel, is not inherently racist! She’s essentially an angry kid with a suit (And because the unicorn world has already been established this helps set that up as well) HOWEVER, put that orange skin on a character that has a thick dark mustache and an accent and he’ll throw a poncho on there and now you have a racial caricature! And even then! You’re always gonna want to be mindful of both how these stereotypes change and their history!! Always always!! I always try to be super careful, and I am ofc open to criticism and critique!! I want to learn and grow as a human and an artist!!! I hope everyone does too!
(Maybe this should have been the first point but yeah! You’re aloud to do “fun” skin tones but when people constantly rather have non human skin tones over black or brown... well.... that’s not very cool... and actually very shitty.... but we can have endless amounts of white blonde haired elves I guess?? And even more so for a character like Taako who has a whole story arc about his relationship to Tex-mex food... idk man... sighhhh)
6) You know what the Mcelroys need to do more of? What they did with Argo and Firbolg but with their human/elf/half-elf/halfling/etc. characters too... they said, Argo has blue/green skin w scales, EPIC, Firbolg has gray/blue skin, POGGERS, super cool and helpful!!! Why are they so afraid when it comes to let’s sayyyy a human or elf or half elf.... Well I mean come on I know the answer to that, they are white content creators and don’t want to make that call, so they leave that to us! But because of this they’ve also fallen into the “my character has no race” trap... which brings a WHOLE lot of other issues that people wayyy smarter than me have explained before!
(Even if they are in a fantasy world, everything is based off of something and it is not free of the fact that in the real world, poc exist, and we all have different cultures and unique experiences, what don’t we get to be in fantasy stories too? No issue with Europeans though... )
7) it’s complicating and context is everything!! But sometimes all you have to do is look at a design to just KNOW it’s not sitting right... I feel like blue Taako is VERY obvious but again, not everyone has the same experiences and knowledge to come to that conclusion... I just happen to be a Mex-Am with a Jewish gf, but most white people aren’t going to get it... luckily there have been essays upon essays and documentaries about harmful caricatures and racial coding, and stereotypes!! WOWIE!! Please try and educate yourself if you can! I know I will be too!
8) maybe also? I shouldn’t have to keep explaining myself so much? At this point I’m just repeating myself, and it doesn’t even matter at this point, I just want people in fandom to be aware of these things and for content creators to be even MORE aware of these issues.... but again, I’m just a little artist, what the hell do I know, I know I brought it up, but damn, sure wish people would go research and look things up before dumping all their weird sad little questions to me... I’m just one dude, and you know maybe I’m glad people aren’t sending my other friends questions like this, cause it fucking SUCKS... but anyways!
Hope that helps!!
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