#I hope we don’t have to wait too long for it
ja3hwa · 3 days
♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞 | 𝐉𝐘𝐇 ♡
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Day Two - Masturbation
【Synopsis】 : You couldn’t wait any longer for your boyfriend to finish the match, so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
『Word count』 : 998
-> Genre: Smut. Gamer au  
Pairing: GamerBF!Yunho x GamerGF!Reader  
[Warnings] : Fingering. Swearing. Pet names. Dirty talk. Dominance play-ish.
Networks: @cromernet @illusionnet @wonderlandnet @atzhouse @k-vanity
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Yunho was so concentrated on Valerant that he didn’t even notice you walk into his room, let alone strip yourself bare only a mere foot away from him. You had grown tired of waiting for your boyfriend to finish his campaign. You weren’t mad in any way, given you were a gamer yourself, but when you had died for the fifth time, you felt like you needed a little pick me up. The way Yunho grunts and growls into his mic, while your headphones were on full volume, was not helping your case either. You had decided to play on opposing teams to test each other's skill set. But you missed being his teammate. He had only three more rounds until the match was over, and you had died way back at the beginning cause one of your team mates can gotten you cornered, so you had to wait….
Stripping yourself of your sweats, you were left in Yunho’s large hoodie and some cute lacy panties. Your whole body shivered when the cool air hit the wetness that was forming on the soft fabric between your legs. Everything about your boyfriend got you riled up, including his physique, his voice, and his personality. He was perfect in your eyes from head to toe. Taking a seat on the couch behind him, nicely out of his line of sight, your devious plan set into motion.
You sighed as you felt your finger dance around your aching clit, jumping slightly at just the little bit of pressure you gave yourself. You whimpered through a bitten lip, feeling some of the tension from the game slowly melt away. Your fingers weren't as god-like as Yunho but they’ll have to do it for now. Pulling your panties to the side, you let a single finger slip into your soaked cunt. This caused you to tilt your head back against the couch cushions trying your damned hardest not to moan. Yunho grunted, mumbling something to his teammates. Fuck, did you wish he growled like that in your ear right now. Just the image of him pounding into you deeply, with sharp controlled thrusts, made you weak. “Yu…”
You sighed, remembering the way he would throw your legs over his shoulders to get a better angle. Or the way he would slap your ass if you were just a little bit too bratty for his liking. But in truth, he loved your bratty nature. Or dare you say, he loved taming it. Adding two more fingers into your pulsating hole, you could feel yourself creep closer to the edge, but you needed more. You needed to feel Yunho inside you before you combusted. You craved for him to empty a load or two, or three deep in you, that you’d be leaking for hours after. You needed— “What do we have here?”
You sat up quickly, your eyes snapping open to see Yunho had turned completely around on his chair. His computer was logged off, and his headset was perfectly placed on its stand… How long had he been watching? Your fingers stopped pumping at the suddenly low tone your boyfriend grumbled, making your head spin in the process. You were so close, you just needed a little more, and now you had stopped, causing the hairs on your body to stand up straight in an ache for pleasure. “Yun…P-please…”
“Oh no, baby, don’t stop on my account I want to see how this plays out,” Yunho smirked, sinking more into his chair. His palm rested dangerously close to his crotch but he wouldn’t touch himself, not yet when he was so hypnotised with the image of you spread out in front of him.
“Yunho… I need you.” You pleaded, desperate for some sort of relief. You shifted your ass side to side, spreading your legs wide in hopes to entice your lover to give you what you need but instead ... He laughed.
“You better make yourself cum, baby. Otherwise, you are going to be punished for this stunt you pulled.” This time his tone switched from a low calming one to almost sinister and pissed off. Your eyes widened as he continued to speak. “I could hear your sweet little whimpers through my headset. You weren’t exactly as quiet as you thought you were. What do you think our friends are gonna think? I wonder if they heard you over the mic?…naughty little thing aren’t you?”
Your fingers had picked up the pace once again, feeling a tingle from Yunho degrading you. Every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire and Yunho was the one holding the match. Just a little more you thought, just a little bit. “I’m sorry Yuyu. I got so angry with the game. I wanted some relief… but I didn’t want to bother you.”
Your thumb pressed down on your thumb as Yunho rolled the gaming chair closer until he was only centimetres away from your dripping cunt. He could practically feel the heat coming off your body against his legs. Closing his eyes for the moment he took a deep inhale before smiling. “I could never be mad at you. Poor thing just wanted to cum… Come on, why don’t you come right now? Do it for me, baby.”
You kept the pace, moaning out little whimpers as tears swelled in the corners of your eyes. You finally fell over the edge as Yunho groaned, placing an open palm on your thigh, spreading your further. He watched you come undone around nothing, sticky slick dripping out of you as your high slowly came to an end. Your ears were ringing, and your vision was fuzzy. You almost wouldn’t have heard what Yunho said if it wasn’t for him grabbing your jaw so you would hazily stare into his dark gaze.
“There’s my good girl.”
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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simplygojo · 1 day
The Devil He Made Me - Ch. 8
Authors Note: I really hope you guys like this chapterrrrr, we are finally getting to the good part of this series and I am SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!! I hope you guys are liking the direction of this series, and i think this chapter adds some long-awaited spice...
You guys have given me so much support since re-joining Tumblr as a writer, so I wanted to give back to y'all by hosting a giveaway event! Here are the details for those interested: SimplyGojo1K
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f/reader
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Chapter Summary : After Mahito shows up, y/n and the first years are forced to fight him, but somehow, he recognizes y/n, and toys with her. Meanwhile, after frustrating Gojo beyond his threshold, you two have a heated argument about what it is you're doing...
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: mention of d*eath, light smut (👀 )
Taglist: @mawhoreagaa; @peqch-pie; @blue-serendipity; @simplyyyuji; @starrnai; @sorcerersseestars; @n1vi; @angryglitterperfection; @krak-jj; @coweringbear; @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni; @cococola-cocaine; @sdv98o; @theendx888; @dvmb4ssbiatch; @sugxryratz; @kinny-away; If you’d like to be added to the series tag list, leave a comment below:)
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*link to the ch.8 teaser if you'd like to read that before hand*
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You hadn’t seen a curse that looked so human-like before. Despite that, though, his figure still oozed an errieness that you felt at your core.
“I get to fight my natural enemy, Yuji Itadori, the famous Satoru Gojo…and you… the new experiment…I don’t think I can touch your soul…but oh god, I wonder how your soul feels, y/n y/l/n,” he purred, his voice dripping with twisted curiosity. 
“Oh, this will be so fun!” His grin widened, and for a second, you thought you saw a flicker of something darker, something far more dangerous than his playful demeanour. 
His gaze flitted between the group, but it kept landing back on you.
“Let’s see how well you break.” 
The curse’s grin stretched wider, and the next moment, he lunged with terrifying speed, targeting Yuji with a flurry of vicious attacks. 
The group immediately scattered, their instincts kicking in as they took defensive stances.
“Yuji, Megumi—split off and handle the cursed spirits!” Gojo’s voice was sharp, his usual playful edge completely absent as his eyes followed the curse’s movements. 
“Nobara, keep your distance and strike from range.”
You barely registered Gojo’s commands, your heart pounding as the curse turned toward you again, its eyes gleaming with twisted amusement. 
It came for you next, a blur of motion that sent you skidding back, blocking a strike aimed at your chest with your shield technique.
His voice slithered in your mind, almost a whisper. 
“Let’s see how far you can push that little black flame inside you.”
Your breath hitched, and your eyes widened with the meaning of his words—the mention of your cursed energy triggered a sharp spike of fear and anger. You felt the power of the black energy—stirred, unbidden, a dark pulse echoing inside you.
“I’m not afraid of you,” you hissed, channelling your blue cursed energy into a defensive barrier, pushing back against the curse’s oppressive aura.
Gojo, Yuji, and Megumi engaged in a barrage of attacks, Yuji charging forward with his fists, while Megumi summoned his Shikigami to overwhelm the cursed spirits. 
The battlefield turned chaotic in an instant, the clash of cursed techniques lighting up the space with terrifying intensity.
But the curse was unrelenting. He deflected every blow with disturbing ease, his eyes flicking back to you as if waiting, watching for the right moment.
“Y/n, get back!” Gojo’s voice cut through the chaos, but you were already too deep into the fight, your cursed energy swirling out of control. 
The blue shield you’d summoned started flickering, and before you could stabilize it, a dark, familiar surge erupted from within you.
The black energy shot from your fingertips—wild, unrestrained. You gasped, the force of it ripping through the air and slamming into the patch-faced curse with an impact that shook the ground. 
But instead of retreating, the curse laughed, absorbing the blow like it was nothing.
“Wow, impressive!” The patch-faced curse voiced with satisfaction, and a terrifying grin grew on his lips. “You’ve got more control of that curse than I thought you would.”
Gojo’s eyes darted to you, frustration flickering in his usually calm expression. “Alright.” He said matter-of-factly.
“We’re done here. I’m taking you back to the school.”
You turned toward him, disbelief and anger flaring in your chest. 
“What? We can’t just leave! We could get more information from him!”
“This isn’t a game, y/n,” Gojo snapped, his eyes narrowing, the weight of his presence crashing down on you like a tidal wave. 
“We’re not getting anything useful from him right now, he’s just muttering bullshit, and you’re out of control.”
Your hands clenched into fists, the sting of his harsh words pushing you further. 
“I’m not out of control—I can handle this! We’re finally getting closer to the truth, and you want to just leave?!”
The curse let out a low chuckle, as if enjoying the conflict. “Oh, I’m happy to stay and watch this unfold…”
Gojo’s patience visibly thinned, his jaw tightening as his frustration mounted. 
“This isn’t up for debate. I’m not risking your life over—”
“I’m not leaving!” Your voice broke through the tension, your stubbornness ignited by a mix of fear and anger. 
“If we run now, we might not get another chance! I want to know more!”
His expression darkened, and for a moment, you saw a rare flicker of something intense behind his normally teasing eyes. 
“What…do you want to die?” His voice was low, sharp, cutting through your defiance like a blade.
You froze, the question hanging in the air between you. His words echoed in your mind, and for the first time, you saw something raw in his gaze—an emotion you couldn’t quite place, something far deeper than just frustration. 
Your eyes searched his, darting back and forth as you fought your emotions. 
The curse, however, was far from done. “Ooh, this is getting interesting,” it purred, lunging at Yuji again, forcing everyone back into action. Gojo let out a grunt in frustration. 
Yuji and Megumi were locked in combat with the cursed spirits. Nobara’s nails flew through the air, striking from a distance, but even her attacks weren’t enough to slow the curse down.
And yet, the curse kept coming back to you.
The curse’s laughter rang in your ears as it lunged at you again, its movements swift and relentless. You dodged another strike, barely managing to evade its claws, but you could feel your blue energy faltering, weakening with each second.
Then, you felt it—the black energy surging up again, darker, more sinister than ever before. It clawed at your mind, tugging at your very core as if it wanted to consume you. 
But this time, instead of retreating from it, you let it in.
With a sudden, sharp clarity, you pointed your fingers into the shape of a gun, your black cursed energy coiling at your fingertips like a loaded weapon. A strange calm settled over you as you aimed directly at the patch-faced curse.
Without thinking, you pulled the imaginary trigger.
A sharp, piercing bolt of black cursed energy shot from your fingers, cutting through the air with terrifying speed. The curse didn’t even have time to react. 
The attack slammed into his chest with a resounding crack, piercing clean through his body.
The curse’s grin faltered, his eyes widening in shock as he stumbled back, blood oozing from the gaping hole in his chest. The air around you went still, the intensity of the blow leaving everyone momentarily stunned.
Even Gojo’s eyes flickered with a flash of surprise.
Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara froze, their battle with the cursed spirits halting as they stared at the scene in shock. 
The power, the precision—none of them had seen you unleash anything like that before.
The curse coughed, blood dripping from his lips as he glared at you. 
"Well...this just got interesting," he muttered, his voice rasping with pain, but he quickly healed himself.
The black energy still crackled at your fingertips, wild and uncontrollable. You could feel it pulling at you again, urging you to strike once more, but before you could lift your hands again, Gojo was suddenly in front of you.
His voice was hard, all traces of playfulness gone. “You’re staying behind me from now on, got it?”
You opened your mouth to protest, but the intensity of his gaze stopped you cold. He wasn’t playing around anymore, so you just nodded in response.
The battle raged on around you, but Gojo’s words rooted you to the spot, the weight of them sinking in deeper than you’d expected. 
Before you could respond, the curse launched another attack, this one aimed directly at both of you.
Gojo stepped forward, his cursed energy flaring like a bright blue star, his power surging in response. 
“Enough games.” He raised a single hand and spoke loudly, as a blue orb appeared in his palm, aimed at the curse in front of you. 
The patch-faced creature stopped in its tracks and smiled sheepishly.
“I do not have a death wish, plus this was just for fun!” The curse muttered. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon y/n y/l/n,” he said enthusiastically before slithering into the shadows, disappearing into the distance.
The battlefield went quiet, minus the heavy breathing of your teammates. 
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your heart still racing, your body trembling from the surge of energy coursing through you.
Gojo turned to you, his expression cold. “We’re leaving.”
You nodded reluctantly, knowing there was no more room for argument. He hadn’t really been upset with you before, but you couldn't stop yourself from worrying. 
Was he mad at you? And why did you care so much?
Gojo had teleported all five of you back to the school, although it wasn’t overly safe for you there either at this point. 
“There is way too much happening right now,” Megumi said, his tone stressed as he ran his hand through his black hair. 
“First y/n’s execution and now that thing popping back up?” 
The weight of his words hit you harder than you expected. Your execution—an event that had loomed over your head for what felt like forever—suddenly felt very real again. You could see the tension rippling through the group as the reality of the situation set in.
Yuji shifted uncomfortably beside you, his usual lighthearted demeanour subdued, his eyes downcast as if he was trying to process everything that had happened. 
“We can’t even catch a break long enough to figure out what’s going on.”
Nobara crossed her arms tightly, her jaw clenched. 
“You think they’re connected?” she asked, her voice sharp. “Y/n’s execution order, that curse... it’s all happening too fast to be a coincidence.”
Gojo, who had been silent up until this point, leaned against the wall, his eyes hidden behind his usual blindfold. 
Despite his casual stance, you could feel the tension radiating off him, the weight of everything pressing down on even him. 
He tilted his head slightly, “You’re not wrong, Nobara. Nothing’s ever a coincidence in this world.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications.
“Then what are we dealing with?” Megumi asked, his voice cutting through the silence again. “We barely got out of that fight with him, and now we’re back here with no answers. I really don’t think this is just about y/n anymore.”
His words struck you like a blow to the gut. 
He was right. It wasn’t just about you—it was about everything, all of it spiralling out of control. 
The cursed energy within you, the execution order, the curse you’d just fought. They were pieces of a larger puzzle, but the picture they formed was still out of reach.
You clenched your fists at your sides, trying to suppress the surge of frustration welling up inside you.
“We need answers,” you said, your voice a little sharper than you intended. 
“We need to figure out why they want me dead and why that curse is after us. If they’re connected, we—”
“What we need,” Gojo interrupted, his voice calm but carrying an undeniable edge, “is to keep you alive first. You’re not gonna find answers if you’re dead, y/n.”
His words were harsh, but there was a thread of concern woven through them, barely masked by his usual casual tone. 
He was right, of course. But the helplessness of the situation clawed at you, gnawing at the edges of your resolve.
“And what if staying alive isn’t enough anymore?” You shot back, your frustration boiling over. 
“What if there’s more going on here? More than just me being executed or this curse showing up? I can’t just sit back and wait for things to get worse!”
Gojo’s expression didn’t change, but you could feel his eyes on you, his posture stiffening slightly. 
“You think I don’t know that?” His voice was low, almost a growl. “You think I haven’t been trying to figure this out too?”
Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara stood frozen for a moment, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden shift in Gojo’s demeanour. 
Yuji, always the one to break awkward silences, glanced between the two of you, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Uh…maybe,” he muttered, “maybe we should… give you guys a minute?”
Megumi shot Yuji a pointed look, one that clearly said, ‘You think?’ but he didn’t say anything, instead taking a step toward the door. 
His hand was already on the handle, though he hesitated for a moment, glancing over his shoulder.
Nobara, however, wasn’t one to leave quietly. 
She raised an eyebrow at the tense exchange between you and Gojo, eyes darting from one to the other. 
“Yeah, okay, we’ll just… be outside. Probably for a while,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she followed Megumi to the door.
Yuji shot you a sympathetic look, then glanced at Gojo as if he wanted to say something more, but ultimately thought better of it.
The silence that followed was almost deafening, and now that the others were gone, the room felt larger and more suffocating all at once. 
You were left standing there, face to face with Gojo, his presence overwhelming as he continued to watch you, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.
You could feel the tension, thick and unrelenting, making it hard to breathe. His normally light-hearted energy was nowhere to be found, replaced with a hardness that made your heart race, though not in the way it usually did around him.
“You don’t get it,” you finally snapped, breaking the silence. Your voice wavered the frustration that had been building all day now spilling out. 
“I’m not just some liability, I can help—We need information, and I can get it!”
Gojo’s jaw clenched, the lines of frustration between his eyebrows tightening as his hands balled into fists at his sides. 
His eyes narrowed, his blindfold hanging around his neck as his eyes searched yours, but you didn’t need to see them to know he was glaring at you.
“This isn’t about you helping,” he shot back, his tone sharp and biting. 
“This is about you doing something reckless—again. You think I don’t know that you’re strong? You think I don’t know how far you’ve come? But that dark energy—you don’t know what it is…and you’re just charging ahead like it’s nothing, like you don’t care if it kills you!”
You flinched at his words, but your anger only flared hotter. 
“You’re right, I don’t care about that! I care about figuring out what's wrong with me! That way, I won’t be just another weak burden in this world, and then maybe I will be able to help people! We don’t have time to be cautious!”
Gojo took a big step towards you, his posture growing even more rigid. 
“That’s bullshit, and you know it!” His voice rose, a rare outburst of emotion that caught you off guard. You were a mere inches apart now, both of your faces washed over with anger.
“This isn’t about the greater good, y/n…and for the record, you have never, not once, been a burden to anyone here. This is about you! You think I don’t see what’s happening? You’re spiralling, and you’re using this ‘burden’ thing as an excuse!”
You stared at him, stunned by the sudden intensity of his words. “I’m not—”
“Yes, you are!” He cut you off, leaning his body towards yours, making the already small space between you smaller. You felt the heat of his anger grow hotter as he spoke. 
“And it’s going to get you killed! You think I can just stand there and watch that happen? You think I’ll let you throw yourself into danger just to prove a point?”
“I’m not proving a point!” You shouted back, your frustration boiling over. 
“I’m doing what needs to be done because we need to act now!”
Gojo’s eyes flashed with something dangerous, something raw. His lips pulled into a tight line, and for a moment, you could see the storm brewing beneath the surface.
“You want to die? Is that it?” He growled, his voice dropping lower, full of barely contained fury. 
“Because that’s what’s going to happen if you keep acting like this. And then what? You die ‘n I’ll have to bury you too?”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind from your lungs. You hadn’t expected this—not from him. Your eyes were wide with shock, like a dear in headlights.
You opened your mouth to argue, but nothing came out, the weight of his words sinking in, leaving you breathless. 
For a moment, he searched your eyes, and you searched his. 
The room seemed to close in around you, the weight of his words pressing down on your chest. Gojo’s usual aloofness was gone, replaced by something raw and exposed. 
You had seen him frustrated, playful, even protective—but this was different. 
This was personal.
You swallowed hard, trying to form words, but your mind was spinning. “Satoru…I-” you started, but your voice faltered. 
You had never seen him like this, never thought he could be this vulnerable with you.
The tension in the room thickened as his voice, once sharp and biting, softened.
"You don’t get it," he continued, his tone no longer laced with irritation but with a vulnerability you rarely saw from him. Emotion clung to every word, weighed down with a gravity that made your chest tighten.
“I’ve lost people before. Too many.” He paused, his jaw clenched as if wrestling with the words he couldn’t bring himself to say. His eyes squeezed shut briefly, the weight of the unspoken hanging in the air between you. 
“But losing you—” His voice faltered. He shook his head, unable to finish the sentence, as if the mere thought was unbearable.
A lump rose in your throat, and you swallowed hard, your heartbeat echoing in your ears. The look in his eyes wasn’t just frustration or anger. No, it was something deeper—something raw and unguarded. 
You saw fear flickering in his gaze like a storm brewing just beneath the surface. Not just any fear—fear of loss, fear of exposing himself, of being vulnerable in front of you.
The realization hit you like a wave crashing over your head. How much he had been holding back, how carefully he had concealed the depths of his care for you.
“I didn’t realize…” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, shaky from the emotions swirling inside you. 
Your pulse was racing, pounding so loudly that you wondered if he could hear it too. 
"I didn’t know I was that important to you."
Gojo exhaled a rough breath, its warmth brushing against your skin as he leaned in closer. His face was so near now that you could see every detail, every fine line and imperfection that made him so infuriatingly perfect. 
His striking blue eyes, unobscured by his blindfold, bore into yours, the silver strands of his hair falling messily across his forehead. It was as if time had stopped, and all you could focus on was him.
“Yeah, well, now you do,” he muttered, his voice rough around the edges, but not without that familiar sarcasm. 
His hand hovered just above your arm, fingers twitching like he wanted to reach out and touch you, to ground himself in your presence, but something held him back. 
His restraint, however, only made the moment feel more intimate, more charged.
“So stop acting like your life doesn’t matter," he continued, the frustration still there but overshadowed by something raw, something real. 
His voice wavered, just slightly, as if the emotion threatening to spill over was too much even for him to hold back. "Because it does. It matters to me."
The weight of his words crashed into you, heavier than any curse you’d ever faced. 
There was no bravado left in his voice, no shield of humour to deflect from his feelings. Just honesty. Sincerity.
The air between you felt electric, as if every unsaid word, every unexpressed emotion was swirling around you, charging the space with a thick tension. 
Neither of you moved, and yet everything felt different now—more fragile, more real.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the electricity in the scant space separating you. His closeness was overwhelming—every sense attuned to him and him alone.
You felt the weight of what he wasn’t saying, all the fear and pain buried beneath his flippant exterior. For a moment, the world narrowed to just the two of you, the sounds of the school fading into the background. 
The tension hung thick in the air, undeniable and almost suffocating.
You blinked, trying to steady your breath. 
‘Say something,’ you urged yourself, but the words caught in your throat. 
His familiar scent—clean with a hint of something warm and intoxicating—enveloped you, making it hard to think clearly. 
The way his eyes searched yours, earnest and unguarded, sent a shiver down your spine.
His gaze dropped briefly to your lips before returning to your eyes, a flicker of hesitation crossing his features. 
The air seemed to grow warmer, the silence stretching on as neither of you moved. The unspoken tension was nearly tangible, a magnetic pull drawing you closer together.
“Satoru,” you finally managed, your voice soft, barely above a whisper, “I didn’t mean to…”
“Damn it y/n, there ya’ go again, sayin’ my name like that…” His voice was a low murmur, thick with something you couldn’t quite place, but it made your pulse race.
Before you could make sense of the moment, Gojo closed the distance between you with a swift step, so sudden and forceful that it stole the breath from your lungs. 
Your eyes widened in shock, your body freezing for a brief second as the reality of what was happening hit you—but only for a moment. 
The warmth of his lips, the undeniable pull between you, melted away your hesitation. You responded instinctively, your body moving on its own as you leaned into him, your lips moulding perfectly to his, moving in sync like you had been waiting for this all along.
His movements were charged, deliberate, as if the restraint he’d been so desperately clinging to for so long had finally snapped.
His hand found the back of your head, pulling you into him. His lips crashed into yours with an intensity that made your head spin, heat coursing through you from the sudden contact. 
The kiss was anything but gentle—it was raw, heated, desperate. 
It felt like he had been holding this back for far too long, and now, all the pent-up emotion, the frustration, the desire—it poured into that kiss, overwhelming every one of your senses.
His other hand moved to your waist, pulling you against him as though he couldn’t get close enough. 
His touch was firm, possessive—fingers pressing into your skin through the thin fabric of your clothes, and you could feel the heat of his body seeping into yours. 
Your own hands found their way to his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt for balance as your knees grew weak under the weight of the moment. 
The world around you blurred, fading into nothing but the sensation of that beautiful blue-eyed man—his lips pressing insistently against yours.
The way his fingers tangled in your hair, the intoxicating taste of his mouth—It was overwhelming. 
A small gasp escaped you, and Gojo took advantage, deepening the kiss. 
His tongue brushed against yours, and the sensation sent a shockwave of pleasure to your core, making you press closer to him. 
The heat between you was almost unbearable, the electric tension crackling in the air as his hand slid from your waist down to the small of your back, pulling you even tighter against him.
You let yourself give in to it. You kissed him back with equal fervour, hands moving up to his neck, fingers grazing the soft skin just under his jaw.
You felt him groan into your mouth, the sound low and vibrating against your lips, sending a shiver down your spine. 
His grip on your hair tightened, tugging you impossibly closer, and his arms wrapped around your body, every rational thought dissolving under the sheer force of what was happening.
The air between you was hot, charged with a need that neither of you could ignore anymore. 
His hands roamed, one sliding down your back, fingers pressing into the curve of your spine, the other still in your hair, holding you firmly in place as though he was afraid you might slip away. 
Each touch ignited something deeper within you, something that had been simmering just beneath the surface for far too long.
Gojo pulled back just enough to catch his breath, his forehead resting against yours, eyes half-lidded as they searched your face. 
His breath came out in ragged gasps, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and you could feel his warm breath on your lips. 
For a moment, neither of you said anything, the weight of what had just happened hanging heavy in the air between you.
“I didn’t want it to come to this,” he muttered, his voice rough, almost pained. “But damn it, y/n… I can’t keep pretending like you don’t mean something to me.”
You swallowed hard, struggling to regain your composure as your mind raced, still reeling from the kiss. 
The warmth of his body was intoxicating, and you could feel the tautness of his muscles beneath your fingertips as your hands rested on his chest, a reminder of the intensity of the moment. 
“Satoru, I—” you began, your voice barely above a whisper, but the words caught in your throat, tangled in the whirlwind of emotions swirling between you.
Just then, the door swung open, and a familiar voice broke through the heavy silence like a sudden downpour, startling you both. 
“Gojo-sensei!” He shouted, and your heart dropped as you instinctively took a dramatic step away from Gojo, a rosy wave of shame flooding your cheeks. 
Your eyes fell to the floor, unable to meet either of theirs, the embarrassment washing over you like a tidal wave.
Yuji’s expression was a mix of confusion and shock, the realization of what he had stumbled upon clear in his wide eyes. 
Yet, being the kind-hearted person he was, he chose not to address the tension hanging in the air. Instead, he fumbled with his words, glancing nervously between you and Gojo. 
“Uh, um, I’m not sure if this is helpful, but Megumi said the clan elders and higher-ups are gathering in the big meeting hall,” he said, his tone almost sheepish. 
“He, uh, said it might be important.”
The awkwardness of the moment lingered, but the urgency of Yuji’s news snapped you both back to reality. 
You could sense the tension still coiling between you and Gojo, an unspoken promise hanging in the air, but the pressing matters at hand demanded your attention.
Gojo’s jaw tightened as he took a step back, shaking off the weight of the moment you had just shared. The fire in his eyes reignited, and his voice was low and menacing. 
“I’m putting an end to their shit, now.”
Before you could process what he meant, he teleported, the air crackling with energy in his wake, leaving you and Yuji standing in the aftermath of the charged atmosphere.
The silence that followed felt heavy, thick with the unspoken tension from the moment you had just shared with Gojo. 
You turned to Yuji, who looked equally startled, his eyes wide and glancing towards the door where Gojo had just vanished.
“Wow, uh…” he began, a teasing grin spreading across his face. “Looks like things got… a bit heated with Gojo-sensei, huh?”
Your cheeks flushed a deep crimson, heart racing as the memory of the kiss replayed in your mind. 
“Huh? Uhm, Yuji…” you stammered, desperately trying to collect your thoughts. You felt exposed—like every little detail of that moment was on display for him to see.
Before you could find your footing, Nobara burst into the room, her eyes bright with curiosity. 
“What’s going on in here? Where’s Gojo-sensei?” She asked, scanning the room.
Yuji shot you a knowing look, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned closer to Nobara. 
“Y/n and Gojo-sensei had a heated moment…” Your eyes widened in horror, panic rushing through you. “Yuji, don’t—”
“Oh my god! You kissed Gojo-sensei? Ew!” Nobara exclaimed, dramatically pressing her hands to her cheeks. 
“That’s so gross!”
You felt your face heat up even more, the embarrassment flooding through you. 
“It’s not like that!” You blurted out, crossing your arms defensively. “It was… it was nothing!”
Yuji laughed, folding over with amusement. 
“Nothing? You mean a legendary make-out session with the strongest sorcerer in the world?” His laughter echoed off the walls, and you couldn’t help but sink further into your embarrassment. 
Your hands flew up to cover your face, barely peaking through your fingers.
Nobara chimed in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Well, I hope you’re ready for all the rumours that are about to fly around Jujutsu High. You might as well be his girlfriend now!”
“Stop it! You guys are making it sound so much worse than it is!” You protested, covering your face with your hands as if that could shield you from their teasing. “It was n-o-t-h-i-n-g!”
Yuji leaned against the wall, arms crossed and a cheeky grin plastered across his face. “I bet Gojo-sensei is already telling everyone how he has a crush on you!”
Nobara burst into laughter, and you could feel your heart thumping in your chest, a mix of mortification and amusement washing over you. 
“Can you imagine? The strongest sorcerer in the world is crushing on Y/n! That’s something out of a romance novel!”
“Guys, please!” You groaned, feeling the heat rise to your ears. 
“You’re not making this any easier for me! I have to go!” You quickly made your way to the doorway, squeezing between your two friends as they made smooching sounds in your face.
Meanwhile, in the meeting hall, Gojo materialized in an instant, his presence instantly commanding attention. The atmosphere shifted as he entered, a palpable tension hanging in the air.
The room fell silent, the elders seated at a long table exchanging wary glances. Their expressions shifted from surprise to concern, knowing all too well the gravity of his arrival.
“Gojo, this isn’t the time for—” Gakuganji began, his voice shaky, but Gojo cut him off, stepping forward with a fierce intensity that radiated through the room.
“Let’s not dance around the fact that I will kill you if you don’t get your heads out of your asses and deal with this situation properly.” His tone was deadly serious, stripped of the usual playful arrogance that defined him. 
“There is no valid reason for you to execute y/n y/l/n, other than the fact that you’re all weak...”
The elders shifted uncomfortably, unease settling into their expressions as Gojo continued, his voice rising with each word. 
“Y/n is not a pawn in your games. She’s more important than you realize, and I won’t let you sacrifice her or anyone else to further your twisted agendas.”
As he stood there, his aura crackling with barely contained rage, the room felt suffocating. Gojo’s fury was palpable; the energy radiating from him made it clear that he meant every word. 
The higher-ups fidgeted, their confidence faltering under the weight of his glare.
“I don’t care about your political bullshit or whatever plans you’ve concocted. If you do not call off her execution, then you’ll have to answer to me.” His eyes narrowed dangerously, the challenge unmistakable in his gaze.
Naobito Zenin finally spoke, his voice strong but laced with obvious caution. “Satoru, you know we have to consider all—”
“Consider this,” Gojo interrupted, his voice like ice, cutting through the tension. 
“You have one chance to make things right, or I will ensure your names are nothing but footnotes in history. You think you’re safe behind your titles? Think again.”
The atmosphere grew thicker as his words sank in, the elders exchanging nervous glances, their authority slipping. Gojo stood tall and unwavering, like a soldier ready to fight for what he believed in.
“You think I won’t do it?” He challenged, his voice low and menacing. 
“You underestimate me. I have no qualms about tearing down this entire institution if it means keeping y/n safe. Make your choice—now!”
The room fell into stunned silence, every eye locked on him. Gojo’s resolve was a force of nature, and there was no turning back now. He was ready to go to war for you, no matter the cost.
“Please, Satoru,” one of the older higher-ups pleaded, voice trembling. 
“We must consider the bigger picture. This isn’t just about y/n; it’s about maintaining order—”
“Order?” Gojo spat, his tone incredulous. 
“You think maintaining your precious order is worth sacrificing her life? You’re all blinded by your own self-interest.”
The atmosphere shifted as unease morphed into fear. 
The elders looked at each other, the gravity of the situation finally sinking in. They had underestimated Gojo, and now he stood before them like a storm, ready to unleash chaos if they didn’t relent.
After what felt like an eternity, principle Gakuganji took a deep, shuddering breath. 
“Alright, Satoru. You’ve made your point,” he said, his voice steadying slightly. “We’ll… we’ll call off the execution. For now.”
Gojo’s expression did not falter, still wary. “For now? If I hear you’re plotting anything against her again—”
“I understand,” Gakuganji quickly interrupted, raising his hands in a placating gesture. 
“We will reevaluate the situation. I promise you, we won’t proceed with the execution. We will take the necessary time to assess everything properly.”
Gojo held his gaze, his expression fierce and unyielding. “You’d better keep your word. If I find out otherwise, you will regret it.”
With a final, lingering look, Gojo turned on his heel, the tension in the room finally beginning to dissipate as he walked out. 
The elders sat in silence, shaken and unsure, realizing that they had narrowly avoided a catastrophic fallout.
Outside, Gojo exhaled, his relief tainted by a simmering anger that refused to fade. He wouldn’t allow you to become a casualty of their twisted politics. 
You weren’t just another sorcerer to protect—you were someone who mattered deeply to him, far more than he’d ever thought.
Whatever darkness loomed ahead, at least he had managed to put an end to the execution order—for now.
But in his gut, he knew this fight was far from over.
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maevebabyy · 3 days
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lara raj x fem reader
req! - “fluff and suggestive flirting and things like that(if your comfy with it obvi) , dream academy! contestant reader and dream academy contestant Lara”
a/n - i hope i did u justice 🩰 anon, I LOVE THE FIC IDEA BTW
wc - 1.4k
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you groaned out loud as you fell face first into the inviting couch of the dream academy’s shared household. the day had finally caught up to you after a long day of dance practice and rehearsals, the training schedule you had been following for a few months now had not gotten any easier.
you sighed contentedly as you feel yourself sink in the comfiness of the couch, melting in it.
“becoming one with the couch, y/n?” sophia giggles lightly.
sophia, your first and closest friend here, rolled you onto your back so that you were now looking up at her.
“gimme 5 minutes” you murmur out, closing your eyes once more as you feel your muscles relax after a long day.
“no, not 5 minutes. now, y/n.” sophia nagged at you, like a mother would. “apparently someone new is coming in tomorrow, and you have to clean your side of the room.”
you furrow your brows, someone new?
“what do you mean someone new?” you sit up slowly, finally opening your eyes. “didn’t they send naisha home recently?”
sophia shrugs, moving off the couch. “i don’t know either, y/n, but you need to clean your side of the room because i wanna leave a good impression.”
before sophia can leave to go join the other girls for dinner in the kitchen you quickly ask her a question. “wait, soph! do we have any info on her at least?”
sophia grins as she answers, “her name’s lara, and she’s your age”
meeting lara for the first time was definitely an experience.
you hadn’t been able to see her until it was almost the end of the day, whereas everybody had already met her earlier during their rehearsals/practice times. that’s why you almost dropped the iced matcha latte you had gotten from starbucks as you walked into your shared bedroom with sophia when you noticed your roommate and a stranger in your unkempt space.
this stranger was pretty– stunning even. she had long flowing black hair that framed her face effortlessly, complementing her symmetrical features. her eyes were dangerously captivating, making your heart skip a beat when you made eye contact. she had various types of gold jewellery on her, but it was her bindi and nose piercing that stood out to you the most. she oozed confidence, which was definitely intimidating, but you found yourself strangely allured to it.
striking, you thought.
“this is y/n!, she joined us a couple months ago, but she’s super talented! i’d say she’s our most well rounded contestant.” sophia grins brightly at the new girl.
your roommate shoots you a look, snapping you out of your thoughts as you introduce yourself. “uh, sorry, i’m y/n. i’m guessing you’re lara?” your gaze lingering on her just a moment longer than necessary
lara turned to you with a smile that made your heart flutter. god, you had just met this girl and you already found yourself feeling the butterflies in your stomach. “yeah, that’s me. nice to finally meet you, y/n!. i really like your room too, do you play?” she asks, pointing towards your guitar.
you smile awkwardly at lara, realising you really should’ve cleaned your room. “ah, yeah, sorry for the mess by the way.”
sophia clicks her tongue in response, giving you an ‘i-told-you-so’ look’, which you could only chuckle at.
“nah, it’s fine” lara’s smile was warm and genuine, and you felt your cheeks heat up as she extended her hand for a shake. “i’ve heard a lot about you from sophia.”
“only good things, i hope?” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. as she laughed lightly, the sound wrapped around you like a cozy blanket.
“definitely good things! she says you’re quite the dancer,” lara said.
“just trying to keep up with everyone,” you shrugged, smiling softly at the compliment though. “what about you?”
“i like to sing a little.” a smirk tugs on the corner of her lips. 
a little was an understatement as you and the other contestants sat on the side of the dance studio and listened to lara sing. how does someone even sing so effortlessly like that? 
you find yourself speechless as lara grins brightly as she finishes singing, heading off into the direction of daniela, megan, and emily.
“holy shit, sophia” you looked at your best friend, who swatted your shoulder.
“language!” she laughs.
“sorry!” you chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief, “but it’s true, she wasn’t playing around.
you watch as lara chatted animatedly to the three girls, her smile lighting up the entire dance studio in your eyes. a wave of admiration washing over you, and the same damn butterflies you felt from yesterday. unknowingly, a soft grin appears on your face.
sophia follows your gaze, eventually landing on the indian girl as well. “no way-” the filipina covering her laugh with a hand over her mouth.
you turn to your roommate in confusion, “huh?”
“you’re like, the gayest girl i know” sophia continued laughing. 
you roll your eyes at the girl beside you “it’s not like that–”
sophia quickly runs away from you and towards marquise, who was talking to manon, to defend herself from you.
the days turned into 2 weeks, and the initial excitement of meeting lara settled into a comfortable rhythm. you found yourself stealing glances at her during practices, each stolen look igniting that same flutter in your stomach. you’d caught her eye more than once, each time exchanging shy smiles that lingered just a bit too long.
lara had a way of weaving herself into your day, whether it was sharing a laugh over a missed step or playfully challenging you to keep up during practice. it was light and easy, but underneath it all, there was an undeniable tension—a connection that felt electric and yet so fragile.
one evening, you found yourself playing your electric guitar, the other girls leaving the house to go eat out. the house had settled into a comfortable silence, one that came rarely considering you lived in a house with about 10+ other girls. you picked at the fretboard absentmindedly, letting the distorted and amplified sound ring around the room. the soft vibrations of the noise echoed against the walls, blending with the fading light of the sunset outside.
just as you started to get lost in your music, you heard the familiar sound of footsteps approaching. looking up, you were pleasantly surprised to see lara leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“is this a private concert just for me?” she teases, looking the same way she does, never failing to make your heart beat faster.
“i thought you went out with the rest of them?” you chuckle, stopping your playing.
she giggles back, sitting on your bed beside you. “i did, got tired though so i went home earlier.”
a silence falls between you two as you take in the close proximity between you two. she smells good, you note. like coconuts and sandalwood.
you clear your throat, trying to focus on the moment at hand rather than the way your heart is racing. “uh, so, did you wanna try to play something…?”
lara shakes her head no, giggling lightly, “no, i just wanted to listen to you play. you’re really good y’know?”
lara wasn’t lying, you were good at the guitar. you had been playing on and off since you were 7 years old. 
your cheeks flush at the girl’s compliment, “thanks, i’m just messing around though.”
“messing around or not, you still sound good y/n” her eyes locked on yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter. “you must be really good with your fingers.”
her last sentence catches you completely off guard, a rush of heat flooding your face. “I, uh, yeah– i guess i am?”
lara leans in a little closer, a teasing smile on her lips– enjoying your reaction. “i’d love to see how good you really are, maybe you could teach me sometime?”
you don’t know when you two had gotten so close in terms of proximity, feeling her breathing on you. “s-sure?” 
lara giggles before pulling away, “i’m holding you to that, y/n.” she gets up from your bed as she stretches her arms above her head, the movement highlighting her graceful form. “but, for now, i’ll leave you alone, i’m still feeling a little tired.” 
you watch her as she moves, the way her hair cascades down her back and the playful glint in her eyes that makes your heart race again, eventually she leaves your room, closing the door gently.
what just happened?
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a/n - i should continue this me thinks 🤔🤔
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holylulusworld · 3 days
How deep is your love? - Flufftober 2
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Title: How deep is your love?
Summary: Dean is in love.
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, love confessions, romance
Trope: Friends to lovers
Idea by the lovely @elle14-blog1
Square filled for @jacklesversebingo: Square 13: Free Space
Square filled for @eclipsingbingo (expired): Square 9: Walking home together
Square filled for @julybreakbingo (expired): Square 15: Free Space
Square filled for @spnfluffbingo (expired): Square 25: Best friends to lovers
Square filled for @anyfandomfluffbingo: Square 2: First date
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2024
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“Wanted, dead or alive,” Dean sings along to the song you chose. He’s an awful singer, but you giggle and sing along. Because, let’s be honest, you’re a horrible singer yourself, and it’s fun. “I’m wanted…”
“Dead or alive,” you end Dean’s line. Sam groans in the back of the car. He’s pissed because he hates sitting in the back with his long legs. “That was an awesome jam session.”
Dean chuckles and looks at you like a lovesick puppy, making Sam roll his eyes. The only person not getting that Dean is head over heels in love with you seems to be you.
“How about some food?” Dean hopefully asks. “I could have some food. What about you, sweetheart?” He pats his tummy while looking at you. “Food, Y/N.”
“Food, alright,” you say while looking for a place to get Dean some food. If he needs food, he’ll get food. “What do you want? Burgers, pizza?”
He places his hand on your thigh, making you giggle as he leans closer to whisper in your ear. “Pie, sweetheart. Drive anywhere you want to as long there is pie for this man.”
“Pie. Got it,” you reply. “Navigate me in the right direction, Mr. Winchester. I’ll drive you to your pie.”
“Alright,” Dean grabs his phone to look for a diner nearby. “Hmm…the Sweden Cream?” Dean furrows his brows. “What kind of name for a diner is that?”
You snicker. “Sounds naughty. Let’s go there. Maybe they sell nice cream...”
“No—” Dean grunts and looks for another one. “Let’s see. Oh, that one sounds nice. The Cozy Inn Café.”
“Dean, we visited all of them already,” Sam huffs in the backseat. “Dude, did you forget we ate at that place not two months ago?”
“Shut up, bitch!” Dean snaps at his brother. “No one asked you.” He tries to hide that he wants to make you laugh about the diner's name.
You bob your head to the next song while listening to Dean fight with his brother. You giggle and snort when they start to call each other a bitch and jerk.
“Cozy Inn Café it is. I hope they have great pie,” you say to stop them from fighting even more. Poor Cas is sitting in the backseat too, and you don’t want the angel to get in between the fronts.
“I love me some pie,” Dean happily sighs and leans back in his seat. His hand is still on your thigh, but you don’t mind. You’ve always been very touchy when it came to your friend, and he was the same.
“I know, Deano!”
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When you want to walk inside the diner, Dean opens the door for you, holding it open. Sam and Cas exchange a look before they decide to sit and wait if they finally realize what’s going on.
“Wait, let me pull the chair for you,” Dean hastily says. He pulls the chair for you, whispering your name. “What do you want, sweetheart? I pay.”
“Everything on the menu,” you tease, and shoot Dean with a finger gun. “If Dean Winchester pays, I’ll take everything.”
“You’re cruel,” he whines, but flashes you a smirk. “If you can eat it all, I’ll pay for it.” Dean challenges.
“Is that a challenge, Mr. Winchester?” You ask, grinning at Dean.
“Is that a yes?”
“Not today, Winchester,” you say, before you stick your tongue out. “Next time.”
“Alright,” he nods. “What do you want?”
“Surprise me!” You giggle when he pecks your cheek. “Dean, eek… You’re so scruffy.”
“You love it!” He walks toward the counter to order for you. Dean didn’t even ask what Sam or Cas wanted.
“You wish!”
“I know you love me!” He looks over his shoulder and grins. “I just know it.” He says a little quieter as he watches you bicker with his brother.
Dean returns to your table a few moments later. He sits next to you, thigh-brushing yours because he chose to sit as closely as possible to you.
While you place your hand on his bicep to squeeze it, making fun of his strength because he threw a ghoul through a wall last time, Dean longingly looks at you.
“Christ, get a room, you two!” Sam has enough. He throws his hands up and sighs. “It’s impossible to eat while you are all lovey-dovey.”
“What?” You quirk a brow while Dean stares at your lips.
“Shut up, bitch,” Dean grunts. “I’m not getting a room.” Your face falls at Dean’s words. You got your hopes high, and now you’re disappointed Dean doesn’t feel the same. “Y/N is not some random guy. I’ll ask her out on a first date before we even kiss!”
“OH—” Your cheeks heat up, and an odd noise leaves your lips. “My, oh my,” you stammer. “Dean…” Before Dean can say a thing, you cup his face and press a soft kiss to his lips.
His eyes widen, but he kisses you back. “Dean…”
“Sweetheart,” Dean purrs against your lips. “Uh—would you give me the honor and let me walk you home?” He grins because you moved your hand to his thigh.
“Guys, we are like two hours away from the bunker. You can’t walk home,” Sam points out, but Dean shushes his brother.
“Yes,” you peck his lips again. “We can walk home together.”
“Let me handle this,” Cas says. Before you and Dean can protest, he touches you and zaps you out of the diner. You end up in Dean’s bedroom, confused and a little dizzy. “You’re welcome. Sam and I will drive Baby home.”
...and then Cas is gone, and you and Dean are alone, in his bedroom.
“Well, technically we already had our first date at the diner,” you whisper against Dean’s lips. “How about we enjoy the fact that Sammy and Cas aren’t around?”
“Hmm… I didn’t get my pie. How about I eat something sweeter tonight?”
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Close Despite the Distance pt.3 ✈️🌍
Mapi León x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
pt.1 ; pt.2
summary :
You and Mapi are in a long-distance relationship, juggling between the demands of her football career and your life back home. Despite the distance, love always finds a way.
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You sit on your bed, phone in hand, scrolling through pictures of Mapi. It's been weeks since you last saw her in person, and the familiar ache in your chest returns. Long-distance relationships are never easy, especially when your girlfriend is one of the best football players in the world, always traveling from one city to the next.
As if on cue, your phone buzzes with a video call from Mapi. Her name lights up your screen, and you can’t help but smile as you answer.
"Hola, cariño," her voice is warm and familiar, a comfort even across miles of distance.
"Hey," you reply, your heart lifting at the sight of her. She looks tired, but the smile on her face is enough to make you forget your loneliness for a moment. "How's Barcelona?"
"It's good, busy as always. Training's been tough, but you know me—I love a challenge," she grins, the playful spark in her eyes making your heart flutter. "I miss you, though."
"I miss you too," you admit, leaning back against your pillow. "It’s been hard not having you here."
Mapi’s expression softens. "I know, I hate it too. But hey, it's just a few more weeks, right? Then I’ll be back, and we can spend some real time together."
The two of you talk for a while longer, catching up on life. You tell her about your day, the small, insignificant details that you know she loves to hear. She shares stories from training and the team, making you laugh with her witty comments and infectious energy.
But as the conversation slows, the reality of the distance creeps in. The calls are wonderful, but they never truly fill the void of her presence. You miss the way she would tease you in person, the way she would drape her arm around you and kiss your forehead when you were feeling down.
"You know," Mapi’s voice breaks the silence, "I’ve been thinking. After the season ends, I want to spend more time with you. Proper time. Not just these short visits."
Your heart skips a beat. "What do you mean?"
"I mean… maybe I could stay with you for a while. You know, a couple of months. I’ll talk to the team, figure something out." Her eyes are sincere, filled with a hope that mirrors your own. "I don’t want to keep doing this forever. We need to be together."
The thought of having Mapi around for more than just a fleeting visit makes your heart soar, but you're also cautious. "You think that'll work? I mean, with your schedule and everything?"
"I’ll make it work," she says firmly. "You’re worth it."
You smile, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. "You’re worth it too."
The call eventually ends, and though the distance remains, so does the hope. The days ahead might be tough, but knowing that Mapi is just as committed to making this work as you are brings a sense of peace.
And in the end, love is always worth the wait.
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💕 @lovewomensfootball 💕
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chapter 4
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table of contents
we know the steps anyway
Jamie might have stretched the truth. He has an appointment, yes, but not a medical one, like. There’s enough doctors and shit on staff at Richmond. But no one there has fucking critical thinking or whatever, so he’s able to go early. He goes to the shops and doesn’t pray he remembers what you like, instead he prays that it hasn’t changed.
He gets recognized but he hopes the flowers in his hand don’t signal anything to the fans. If anyone asks he can just say they’re for his mum or something, it’s not totally fucking unrealistic, but his lying’s gotten progressively worse recently. Probably because he’s out of practice, but he doesn’t actually want to get back in practice, if you know what he means.
He also prays that your address is the same. You loved that house and he’d be surprised if you moved but it’s almost a year since he last saw you and much longer than that since you were actually together.
Maybe he should have become Catholic so he could say a proper Hail Mary. But he isn’t one, so instead he just hopes harder than he has in a while and knocks on the door. The doorbell’s taped off with a note that says, baby sleeping so he thinks he probably has the right house after all 
He hears footsteps, has the quickest panic attack known to man, then the door opens to reveal you.
Jamie has never wanted to make a baby more than this moment, if he’s being honest. He can tell you’re in the middle of work but the way it takes a split second too long to figure out what’s happening and the pen behind your ear. You look the same, but assured and he knows it’s because you don’t need him. He wants to unbutton your shirt and also tell you that he loves you more than he’s ever loved anyone in his whole entire life and he knows he’s a fucking idiot but his thoughts have never been good at finding their way to his mouth so instead he just says, “Hey,” and pulls the flowers from behind his back.
Jamie doesn’t miss the way your eyes widen in what he can only construe as fear at the sight of him. It subsides into wariness when he hands you the flowers, but he doesn’t like that the fear was there in the first place. He understands you want to be cautious, but fear?
That’s not good at all.
So he telegraphs all his movements as best he can. Shoulders down, hands at his sides and unclenched. He takes half a step back but asks, “Can we talk?” and watches you play a million outcomes in your head at once.
You don’t want to let him in, but Clare’s asleep in the living room. And the flowers are an indicator that he’s here for some positive reason so you step aside and say, “You can come to the kitchen.”
Jamie knows he’s on thin ice so he barely looks any other direction than straight to where you direct him. He doesn’t sit. He stands in the middle of the kitchen and awkwardly holds the flowers before you take them from him and set them on the counter. He opens his mouth to say something (he’s not quite sure what yet) and is saved by the baby crying in the other room. 
The baby. 
You sigh and go to get her and he scans the room as best he can for any indicator as to her name. He doesn’t see anything but photos stuck to the fridge. You come back into the room before he can move to look closer. 
“Her name’s Clare,” you say offhandedly. “You’re not on the birth certificate. You’ve always said you didn’t want to have kids, and I’m pretty fucking sure you wouldn’t want them with me. And-” you pause. Clare’s awake and staring right at your face. She really does look like Jamie.
“And,” you continue, “I didn’t really want you to come back just to fuck off again. Clare doesn’t deserve that. And you’ve been acting like a right fucking idiot all over national television, so.”
Jamie nods. “Makes sense.” 
You wait for him to say something else but he doesn’t, just looks so uncharacteristically lost that you sigh.
“You’re not here about custody, are you,” you. Jamie’s eyes widen.
“Fuckin’ hell, that’s what you thought this was about? I’m not- I wouldn’t- I’ve been to going therapy.”
You raise an eyebrow. That’s new. Maybe that’s what fucking Keeley Jones meant about decent. But he’s not getting off so fucking easy, if at all. 
“So what, you go to therapy a couple times and now you’re fixed? And you want a family? Or to apologize? You haven’t made it entirely clear why you’re here.”
Jamie says, “I’m here because I miss you,” and you scoff. 
“No- shit, I mean- I’ve missed you for a long fucking time but my texts weren’t going through, so I figured you blocked me. And Madeline is fucking terrifying, babe. But I was looking for you the other night because I wanted to apologize. And see if you wanted to get back together,” he says, and you’re not entirely sure how to react.
“Right,” you say, “well, that’s not fucking happening. You dumped me after a year, called me a two in the morning five months later, so yes, I blocked you. And you should be fucking scared of Madeline because I had to forcibly restrain her from ruining your goddamn life despite the fact that I actually wanted her to go completely apeshit. I have more important things than some twenty-six year old footballer who’s only just now getting his life together when I’ve had it together since I was eight. I have a job and a baby, and I’m handling both in the house that I’ve owned since I was twenty-two because like I said before, Jamie Tartt, I’ve had my life together since I was fucking eight years old. I had the same damn childhood as you and yet I’m not the one who has only recently learned what the fuck empathy is.”
Your rant upsets Clare, who begins crying. “Shit,” you sigh. “I’m sorry, Bean. You hungry?” You glance at Jamie. “I’m going to sit on the couch.”
“Right. Yeah,” says Jamie as he follows you to the next room. He sits gingerly on the couch across from you and you sigh again. He’s relatively harmless, and you’re well-versed in what he looks like when he’s up to no good. You pat the spot next to you and he sits, still carefully, while you adjust Clare. It isn’t until you sit down that you realize how fucking tired you are.
“She’s so fucking small,” Jamie whispers. “How the fuck do you ever get anything done? I’d just be looking at her.”
You laugh, but it’s short and brittle. “Things need to get done Jamie. She’s hungry, she needs to be changed, I have work to do and I’ve got to eat, but I’m sick of ordering in so I try to meal prep as much as I can but I don’t ever sleep and I’m afraid of burning the house down, so most of the time I eat frozen dinners at four a.m. because she’s awake.” Jamie doesn’t say anything, just listens. He’s inched closer or maybe you have or maybe both, because your thighs are touching and it sends the same shivers up your leg that it did two years ago. “I’m tired all the time,” you whisper. “It’s like my bones are tired. I think Madeline’s the only one who has any idea what it’s like and she can only help so much. Besides, she’s it’s her last night in fucking Milan and I’m not about to be that mum friend who’s constantly making everything about her baby. It’s just so much work, Jamie. You have no idea.”
You shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t but Madeline isn’t here and what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, so you rest your head on Jamie’s shoulder.
He freezes for a moment before tilting his face to touch the top of your head.
And you’re furious. It should have been like this before and as soon as it’s over your going to wish that it were like this more often. It’s a fantasy.
But you’ll indulge a little while longer before seriously considering moving somewhere else. Probably Chelsea if you’re being honest; it’s not too far away but it’ll give you the space you need to remind yourself that Jamie isn’t for you. He’s for someone else, someone like Keeley.
And anyway as soon as you want to let Madeline find you a man, you know you’ll have no shortage of options.
It’s not about that, though. It’s about the fact that you’ve been on your backup plan ever since Jamie left and you’d give anything to feel like you’re in control again.
Jamie murmurs, “I want to help,” and you shake your head slightly. 
“Don’t need money, my darling. I need someone to change her diaper at one in the morning.”
“That’s what I mean,” Jamie says and you chuckle.
“And when do you have time for that?” you ask. “Don’t you footballers have a strict sleep schedule? And you’d have to be here in the guest room because there’s no way I’m taking Clare to yours.”
Jamie shrugs and you sit up. “Don’t take this the wrong way love, but plenty of footballers ignore their sleep plan to fuck around. It’s got to be healthier and shit to take care of a kid, yeah?”
“No,” you say. “You can’t just show up and slip back into my life like that. I haven’t talked to you in almost a year and now you’re here on my couch, which is fine, but you can’t just come all the way back.”
Jamie frowns. “So what do I have to do?”
You shake your head. “That’s something for you to figure out without me.”
Jamie replays the whole thing from the time he gets back into his car to go home to the time he falls asleep. And then starts again when he wakes up and heads to the Dogtrack. The only person who looks at him twice is Higgins, although that may be more to Jamie’s choice of lime green sweatpants than his mental state.
He can’t get Clare’s face out of his head. He can’t get the feeling of your body on the couch next to him out of his system.
He wasn’t sure what he wanted when he returned to Richmond, he just knew he wanted something different. Maybe this is it.  
He’s so wrapped up in his thoughts that he knocks completely into Roy on his way to get his lunch.
“Fucking watch where you’re fucking going,” Roy grunts but Jamie barely acknowledges him.  
And that’s how Roy knows something is wrong because the little shit is never one to back down from an argument. But he’s Roy fucking Kent and the last thing he’s going to do is ask Tartt about his fucking feelings so he just walks away and forgets about it.
In hindsight, he thinks it probably would have provided some fucking context to what he’s seeing in front of him. 
A very apologetic Keeley Jones hangs on his arm while he watches some short brunette march into the locker room as if she owns it, grab Jamie by the ear, and start swearing at him.
No one seems to know what to do, probably in too much shock to stop Madeline from dragging Jamie (still by his ear) out of the room and presumably to the car park. 
Roy catches Beard’s eye, entirely by accident, who shrugs. Ted claps his hands and says something to the effect of, “Everyone’s made poor decisions when it comes to women, Sam go check on Jamie,” before following Roy and Beard to the coaches’ office. As soon as the door is firmly shut, Ted says, “What in the Sam Hill was that? I know Jamie’s ruffled a few feathers in his time, but I’ve never seen anything like that before, no sir.”
Everyone looks expectantly at Keeley. After all, she was the one chasing Madeline’s heels as she shouted, “God DAMN it Tartt, I’m going to fucking kill you!!” down the hall.
“Well you see,” Keeley begins, voice mousy, “I was in Milan where I met Madeline. We were chatting and we both found out we knew Jamie. And she’s friends with this girl who lives here in Richmond, and it turns out she and Jamie dated right before he was with me. I don’t know what he did but he did something awful while we were away because she got a text, said, “Fucking Tartt,” and then stepped out to take a phone call. She came straight here from the airport; I think her taxi’s still outside, actually.” She lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “I’m just surprised Jamie’s fucked something up again. He’s been doing so well recently.”
“Jamie has a kid,” Beard says like he can’t hold it in any more. He’s met with shocked silence until Ted says, “Well I’ll be. Jamie Tartt’s got a little tartlet,” and then everyone’s talking at once. Mainly, how does Beard know and what does that have to do with his arse getting hauled to the car park?
Ted’s just thankful this debacle happened at the end of the day, because the team can’t afford to miss any training with the Aston Villa game coming up. There’s a knock on the door, and Ted opens it to reveal Sam. 
“Jamie is going home with that angry young woman,” he says. 
Ted asks, “Should we be concerned?” and Sam shrugs. 
“He did not seem as though he needed rescuing,” he replies, and that makes sense. From what anyone could tell, it almost seemed as though Jamie felt like he deserved whatever Madeline was saying to him. As if he expected it. But no one has any more answers so they all just sort of disperse to their various homes. 
Keeley though, Keeley is so fucking curious she thinks she might explode. So as soon as she’s at Roy’s and seated on his sofa she opens her laptop and scrolls through Madeline’s entire fucking instagram to look for clues. It’s hard, what with all the brand deals and photo dumps, but Keeley’s a professional. She has a list of girls who occur in multiple photos throughout the years, checks off their socials, but comes up empty. 
Well, almost empty.
Half of Madeline’s friends are private, so those are Keeley’s top suspects, but there’s one friend whose photos switch from being full length to shoulders-up only about nine months ago. And there’s a selfie of Madeline in a hospital bed with this same friend buried in a photo dump from two and a half months ago with the caption, “she lived, bitch.” It’s focused on their faces and nothing else, but Keeley’s one hundred percent positive this is the girl.
Keeley spends the rest of the night on her computer scouring the internet for as much as she can possibly learn while Roy makes her tea and reads next to her.
next chapter
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seenoversundown · 2 days
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Twenty-One
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: 18+ Smut! (sexy warnings will be last so you can skip if you want! read otherwise 🫶🏻) An Emergency Meeting, Pining, Yearning, Fluff, Romantic themes, (Jake is a whole sweetheart, we know this) Some light teasing, Discussions of Sex, 'Captain' is brought up, some brotherly banter, light mention of alcohol (it's still in the bar but not aggressively?)
Smut Warnings: Oral (M Receiving) Fingering (F Receiving) Unprotected Sex (P in V- you get the drill & wrap it up at home folks!) there's like a subtle moment that gives cockwarming so, there's that.
Word Count: 6.4k
Summary: Jake has a bit of a moment over his feelings about Charlotte and decides to reach out to the only people he knows will be helpful.
Author's Note: I know I say this every week- but wow, I love them. A very sweet chapter for some very sweet babies. I hope that this fuels your dreams a little more with the two of them. I know we're all waiting for the actual confession but, hopefully this can hold you over until they figure themselves out. 🥰
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Jackie And Wilson - Hozier "I need to be youthfully felt, cause God, I never felt young- She's gonna save me, call me baby, run her hands through my hair."
“I’ll see you later, right?”
Her smile beamed at me, her hands pressed against my chest, and she giggled, “Yes, babe. I promise.” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll let you go then,” I tell her, moving my hand to hold her jaw. “Actually–  wait, one more.” I pull her in, keeping the kiss for as long as I can. 
“Baby,” she laughs against my lips, her hands tapping me as I pepper her face with little pecks. Anything to hear her laugh. “Okay, okay, okay!” Her hands grabbed my face and pushed me away, but the way she was looking at me made my insides want to explode. 
She sits in the driver’s seat, looks back up at me, and cuts me off before I can even spit out anything. “Yes, I’ll text you when I get there.” 
“Drive safe, Hun,” telling her as I push her door shut. I was slowly wandering back to the bar, just scrolling through emails and hearing the chime ring, when I pulled the door open. 
Tossing my phone onto the counter and going to the back room to grab a few things, I hear the back door open. 
“Goodmorning!” Josh’s voice sings into the hallway. 
Walking out to find him, an arm full of beer, I see him making his rounds throughout the tables. 
“Well, good morning to you too,” I chuckle, watching him fight with one of the chairs as the feet are puzzled in with the table leg. 
I’m stocking beer and checking to see what else we need when I feel his presence behind me. 
“How’s Charlotte?” he asks, and I can hear the smirk on his face. I should have known that it would come up; I’ve been distracted lately, so we’ve not had a chance to discuss it. 
“Uh, she’s good,” I let out timidly. He’s aware of the agreement she and I made originally, but I haven’t really said much about how I’m feeling to him yet. “How’s Quinn?” 
“They’re great—,” he says. “You’ve been spending a lot of time together, huh?” 
Shit. I glance over at him, fighting the urge to smile, humming, “mhm.”
Grabbing a towel and starting to wipe down the bar top, I feel him grab my shoulder, making me look at him. 
“I haven’t seen you this happy in a while,” he pauses for a second. “It's refreshing.”
I guess I hadn’t realized that my mood, in general, was different.  The smile creeps onto my face as we look at each other, “It really is.” 
“Are you still just ‘friends’?” He asks, adding the quotes for emphasis. 
I nod reluctantly, “Mhm.” 
“You know, you’re lying to yourselves, right?” He laughs loudly. 
Yeah, but I don’t want to scare her away. 
I look over at him, “I’m just letting her call the shots, and if she doesn’t want to claim it’s something else, then..” 
“Oh, you lovesick little puppy,” his head falls to the side as he looks at me. “She’ll come around. From what Quinn’s said, she definitely enjoys you.” 
My heart shakes at the thought; I really hope she does. 
The door chimes as a supplier walks in, distracting us finally from my weird love life situation. But just because Josh and I stopped talking does not mean my brain did. 
What if she doesn’t come around? Maybe she really is just in it for the sex while she’s here? There’s literally no way that she needs to be still training Mel at this point.. Josh was done in like two days when I had him take the certification. Oh..oh my god? Wait– it’s an online thing, why is she..? My thoughts run rampant with what ifs and why’s, making my hands shake as I sign for the delivery that just came in. I need to figure out how she’s feeling, but I can’t do this with Josh. The idea hits me.  
Me: hi so I need some … help.
I text into a group chat, hoping that they’ll be receptive and not make it worse. 
Quinn: are you okay??? 
Willa: 👀 what kind
Mel: oh??
Me: just girl related help and I can’t ask my brothers. 
Me: will you come get coffee to make this easier? 
Mel: I just have to drop Iris off real quick
I wait out front of the coffee shop down the street until I see them coming up. 
“You didn’t have to wait for us,” Willa says as they get closer. 
I prop open the door for them, gesturing for them to go first, “Oh, I don’t mind.”
I followed them all up to the counter and gave them a second to look at the menu before asking, “Do you know what you want?”
A resounding ‘yes’ came from them, so I walked up, ordering first, and then nodded to the rest of them. They ordered whatever they wanted one by one, and I quickly handed my card over to cover it. Listening to all three of them quietly yell at me for paying, but knowing they are taking time out of their day to come listen to my woes, it’s the least I can do. 
They all let out a ‘thank you’ of some sort as the girl handed my card back to me. 
Once everyone was situated and we found a comfortable spot, they just stared at me, waiting. 
“Alright, kid, spill,” Quinn pipes up as they go to sip on their drink. 
“Well… I sort of don’t know what to do about Charlotte,” I admit. The nerves hit me immediately when it came out. 
Quinn quickly asks, “What do you mean?” There’s no way they don’t know.  
“Uhh.. I just.. she and I have been… um,” I hesitate to say it, but Willa cuts me off before I can. 
“Been what? Spit it out!”
I can feel the heat in my face, asking, “You guys really don’t know?” 
I watch as they all look at each other, but nobody is really reacting. How? 
“There’s no way you don’t,” I mumble as I side-eye them.  
Quinn caves first, “Okay, yes, we know.” 
“But, tell us how you feel, though!” Mel chimes in right away. Oh, that’s a loaded thing to ask. 
“I mean, she’s incredible,” I start, but I can’t stop. “She’s so sweet, even if it took a little while to open up. She’s secretly so funny and nerdy, and my god, she’s beautiful. I just–” 
Willa stopped me mid-thought with a loud “OH.” They all glance at each other again; I hate this. “We knew you two were sleeping together, but–”  
My face is absolutely bright red at this point, and I reluctantly ask, “I’m assuming she’s told you about that, then?” 
“Nothing.. Crazy..” Quinn’s voice trailed off, glancing over to Willa. 
She chimes in with, “Obviously just the normal stuff..” passing the look over to Mel. 
“Girls have to share stories sometimes, you know?”  
My hands run through my hair as I watch them beat around the bush about it, letting a small ‘oh no’ slip out. 
Quinn quietly says, “Don’t get too stressed about it, Captain.” They’re hitting me with a wink after they say it. FUCK. I hide my face in my hands for a second, listening to the three of them giggle at my pain. 
I can’t stop the “Well, shit” from coming out. I should have known. Quinn naturally would hang onto that just to torture me. 
“All outstanding reviews, though. Don’t worry,” Willa says, her eyebrows raised as she sips on her coffee.  
My head whips up to look at her, “Really..?”
She nods quickly, as do the other two. 
“What does she– no, that’s not important,” I stop myself from getting distracted.  “I just don’t know.. how she feels, and it makes me feel a little insane.” 
“Wait, what else are you feeling?”
“Yeah, give us more details.” 
I sighed before starting, “She just makes everything better. She pushed me not to check my phone when we went to Salem so I could enjoy the day off, and it was.. great. She can distract me enough from everything else going on that I forget about being stressed out. I’ve never slept better than when she stays the night with me. I mean, I just..” 
“Oh,” Quinn lets out, looking at the other two. Mel’s hand flew up to cover her mouth, and Willa’s shit-eating grin was plastered across her face. Oh god, that’s not good. 
“What?” I ask, knowing I might regret that.
“Jake…” Willa starts before whispering, “You love her.” 
My hand finds comfort on the back of my neck, and the blood rushes back into my face when I stumble over my words, “I.. haha.. Um..”
Quinn laughed, “Oh, I might cry.”  
“Don’t- if you start, I will too,” Willa joins in.  
“I just don’t want to mess up whatever’s going on, and I want to figure out how she feels because I don’t know if I fucked up by letting myself fall for her,” I admit.  
Mel finally chimes in, “Jake- you didn’t fuck up. You can’t control who you fall in love with.”
In love. 
“There’s no way that she isn’t at least on kind of the same page as you,” Willa immediately tried to help, which naturally was followed up quickly by her counterpart. 
“We see how the two of you interact. Even if she isn’t maybe as far down the rabbit hole as you, she’s at least sitting on the edge of it blushing and kicking her feet,” Quinn says. God, they really do spend too much time around Josh.  
“Okay. I think I’ve just been too in my head about it. I also hadn’t really processed the feeling, but then the other night, I don’t know what was different,” I can’t stop letting out little truths. 
“It’s okay to be scared, Jake,” Quinn says quietly, rubbing my arm. 
I shake my head subtly, “I know, and I just-” Mel’s voice playing in my head again, in love. 
Mel speaks up before I start to spiral, “If she doesn’t feel the same way about you, she’s dumb as hell.” 
“Honestly!” Willa chimes in quickly. “And Jake, just because she isn’t outwardly saying how she feels about you doesn’t mean it isn’t in there.”
They’re all right. It’s normal to be scared. There’s a chance she feels the same way. I can’t control it. 
“Thank you,” I let out quietly.
Quinn speaking up again, “Do you feel better?” 
I nod before sipping on my coffee again, unable to fight the urge any longer and asking, “So.. what did she say about me?” My eyebrow raises, looking amidst the three of them. I’m still a man at the end of the day, and knowing she told them about our sex life.. I need to know. 
They all laugh at the question, but naturally, Willa is the first to say something. 
“I didn’t think you had it in you,” she says, making us all laugh. “You’re so quiet and unsuspecting; when she told us I almost didn’t buy that it was you.”
I can feel the heat rushing back into my face, almost regretting the decision to ask, but it’s interesting to hear what she would have said to them. 
“Also– is it just ‘captain’ or does she call you other things too?” Quinn asks. 
I about choke when I hear it, quietly saying, “I’m not going to answer that.” I scratch the back of my head as I’m trying to avoid eye contact. 
The three of them almost scream at the response. No, maybe I do regret asking. 
“I mean, she must also be something if it’s bringing that out of you,” Mel says, wide-eyed 
I shake my head at the statement, “You have no idea.” Thinking of the fact she initiates a lot of what we do, the way she just takes control, she’s comfortable being in charge or letting me throw her around. “If you thought, I was deceiving, holy shit.” 
“I’m so serious, she’s..” I pause, not really even sure what word to use. My eyes just go wide trying to come up with a good word. 
“That good huh?” Quinn taunts, making me laugh. I lean back into my chair, covering my face, why am I embarrassed? It’s not that big of a deal. 
A collective ‘OOOOO’ from the peanut gallery makes me laugh harder, knowing that they’re eating this up. I am grateful to have a handful of people in my life that I can at least bring this up to; there’s no way I could have had this conversation with the boys. 
“Okay, okay, that’s enough torture for today,” I try to cut them off. We all sit there for a little bit longer, just talking about the plans for Thursday, since basically all of us will be with my parents anyway. Danny usually joins us at some point because my mom loves him like her own, so I’m sure Mel and Iris will be hanging out with us, too. Which is completely fine and I’m not at all jealous. It’ll be nice to spend the day with everyone and not be at the bar, I hope. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
After we all left the emergency meeting, I came back to help Josh out for a bit and make sure everything was put away and written down. It distracted me for a bit but, once I was almost done, it hit me. She hasn’t said anything. I tap my phone and see my lock screen empty. Glancing around the bar, I’ll just make sure she’s good; I toss my phone into my pocket and then find Josh to let him know. 
The cold air hits me as I walk out into the alley behind the bar, pulling my phone out and tapping on her name to call her. I know she’s realistically okay, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling nervous. 
“Hi,” her sweet voice rings through my phone. 
The instant relief of hearing her– indescribable. 
“Hey, you. How are you?” 
“I’m good? Why are you-” she starts to ask, but then a little gasp leaves her. “Oh my god, I didn’t realize how late it was.”  I can’t help but laugh at her being shocked. “Hey! Don’t laugh at me! I was working and apparently was very focused on it.”   
I choke back another laugh at her scolding me, “I’m sorry, honey.” 
“You don’t sound sorry,” She mumbles; I can see the scowl she probably has on her face in my head.                  
Dramatically holding over my heart for the effect and pulling out my English accent to really drive it home, “Oh! I am so so sorry, my dear Charlotte. I would never laugh at you for such a responsible and honorable act!” My heart swells at her laugh; I want to listen to that forever.  
“Okay, now I believe you,” she giggles. “I can leave in a few minutes to come back.”
The bar isn’t that busy since it’s .. Sunday.. Josh probably wants the money anyway. 
“I can come to you,” I ramble out quickly. She always comes here, and it’s the least I can do. 
She’s quiet for a second, “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” I tell her. “You drive here enough. Just send me the address.” 
Her voice gets small when she says, “Okay.” 
“Do you want me to bring you anything? Do you need food?” 
“No, I’m okay,” She tells me through a little laugh.  “Just bring yourself; that’s enough.” 
My chest feels weird when she says it, I’m enough. I hate that she makes me so nervous. I stumble over my words, “Uh, I can do that, definitely.” 
“I’d hope so,” she laughs. “Let me know when you’re about to leave?” 
“Of course.”
We both pause, and the silence feels deafening. The urge to let it out, I love you, is so strong, but I choke it back.  
Opening the back door to the bar, I clear my throat semi-uncomfortably, “I’ll be there soon.” 
“Okay,” her voice is soft. “Drive safe.”
I quickly find my way back behind the bar, standing close to Josh when I ask, “Hey, you’re fine closing tonight, right?”
“That is what I’m scheduled for,” he chuckles to himself.  “Do you have plans?” 
“I may have made some.. Like two minutes ago,” I tell him quietly, rubbing the back of my neck. He knows me a little too well. 
“Yes, I can close the bar,” he says, turning to look at me.  “Go get laid!” 
I laugh and shove his shoulder gently, “That’s not why I’m going!” 
“Are you trying to tell me it isn’t going to happen?” His eyebrow may as well be touching his hairline with how high it’s raised. 
I hesitate for far too long, he’s right. Finally letting out, “..Touche. Have a good night.” Patting his shoulder a few times before saying, “Love you bub! Thank you!” and scurrying down the hall, pulling my phone out to let her know. 
Me: I’m on my way
Charlotte: okay drive safe baby 
The drive isn’t terribly long but, long enough for my mind to wander. They have to be right. There’s no way that we’ve hung out and spent so much time together, that she doesn’t at least have some feelings for me. The visual of her smiling at me in Salem as we went to take a picture together sits in my mind. She looked so happy, her hand gently sitting on my stomach, the way she looked at my lips to get me to fully smile for her. Maybe I am lovesick, Jesus christ. 
The way she’s started just calling me pet names rather than ‘Jacob’ all the time, makes my stomach turn. Always calling me ‘baby’ and I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of hearing it. Anything if it keeps her around. 
I run my hand over my face, looking down at my phone, seeing I only have a few minutes left. I turn the volume up on my music to try and just focus on driving for a second before I let her infiltrate my every thought again.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
As I pull into her driveway, I see her standing outside at the top of the steps. The grin was already plastered on my face as I quickly parked. 
“Hiii,” her sweet voice rings quietly as I walk up to her. Her arms stretch out as I get closer, leaning into me before I can climb the three steps to meet her. She wraps her arms around my neck in a hug, snuggling her face into me immediately. 
“Why are you out here?” I mumble into her. 
Her voice was muffled when she said, “I missed you.” 
“Ohhh,” I coo. “Honey, I missed you all day.” 
It feels ridiculous to say that it’s the truth, but it is. I’ve been so spoiled with her presence so much the last week that spending any amount of time away from her feels like torture. Lifting her off the step, she wraps her legs around me with a slight giggle in my ear. I tighten my arms around her; nothing feels close enough. 
She leans back, looking down at me, her sweet little smile as she stares at me. Beautiful girl, I could stare at you forever. Taking a few steps up before mumbling, “Let’s get you inside. It’s too cold for this.” 
She walks me through to the living room, where her laptop is still open on the coffee table. Crawling back into her spot, she pats the cushion next to her for me. 
“I’m sorry. I just have a few more things I wanted to try and finish,” she tells me, sounding guilty for working. “It shouldn’t take that long.” 
“You watch me work almost daily,” I laugh out. “Do what you need to; I’m happy to just keep you company.” 
She spends a few minutes just clicking on different things and then copying and pasting things into emails before I finally break the silence between us. 
“Okay, it is a little weird to watch you work like this,” I whisper as I watch her speedily reply to an email. My arm stretched behind her on the couch; I couldn’t stop myself from fiddling with some of her hair. Though it’s odd to see her so focused on her work, I could absolutely just sit here in comfortable silence with her. 
Her soft laugh as she looked over at me, “It's a little less exciting than your job.” 
“I can make it more exciting,” I tell her. It benefits me, too. Her eyebrow raises while she looks at me. 
“How are you doing that?” 
I can’t fight the smirk, “How many more emails do you have?” 
She scrolls through quickly and looks back over at me, “Only three.” 
I reach over, pulling her face to me. I pressed my lips into her bottom one, pulling it back slightly before going back in for another kiss. 
“I’ll give you another one once you’re done with another email,” I whisper against her lips, feeling her smile. 
I watch her frantically open another email, her eyes scanning it at a ridiculous pace. I relax into the couch more, watching whatever movie she has on the TV. 
Did I selfishly decide to play this little game with her? Maybe. But also, she seemed disappointed that she had to work, so at least if I do this maybe she won’t feel like I’m upset with her. 
It only takes a few minutes before her little voice chimes, “Done!” She turns to face me, this time her hands reaching out for me. She pulls herself closer, planting herself against me. 
The way she’s always kissing my top lip makes my head spin. Her mouth moved against mine slowly, fighting every urge to deepen the kiss. She still has more to respond to. 
I pull back, kissing the tip of her nose. Her eyes are still shut, and I swear I can’t breathe. The visual of her eyelashes against her cheeks, the little trail of freckles over her nose, those lips. 
“Two more?” 
She nods quickly, and we repeat the process. I watch her, typing at the speed of light until she looks over at me, ready for her reward. Letting the kiss last longer since she only has one email left. 
Once she starts writing the last email, I lay back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. She has to feel similarly about me, right? She wouldn’t be so okay with this if she didn’t. My thoughts run rampant until I hear the sound of her computer shutting. 
Before I can sit up, she’s crawling over me, lowering herself to kiss me a few times. She giggles in between, making my heart rattle against my chest. 
“You have all my attention now,” she murmurs against me. “Actually, let me grab you a drink.” Climbing off of me, she disappears into the kitchen. 
I look over to see a book on the coffee table with a bookmark hanging out of it. Reaching over and grabbing it, I look at the back cover. 
Friends with benefits is written right into the description. My face heats up at the thought of her reading this and realizing that it was an option. I carefully open it to see where she is in the book without moving the bookmark. My eyes go wide when I skim through a paragraph. 
‘The headboard slams against the wall, matching the rhythm of his—‘ 
The sound of her fridge shutting startled me; I closed the book and slid it back onto the table. Oh my god. No wonder she’s a little spitfire in bed if that’s what she’s reading. She was worried about me, but good god— I feel like I’m the one who should be scared. 
“All I really have is water; I hope that’s okay,” her voice gets louder as she comes back. I sit up, watching her set it on a coaster beside her book. I just nod as she plops down next to me. She quickly pulls me closer to her, which gives me a better idea. 
I pat her leg a couple of times, “Lift up for me?” As she does, I slide my hands underneath her, holding her up as I move into her spot, bringing her back down onto my lap; she curls herself into me right away. Smiling against me and pressing little kisses into the side of my neck. 
“You’re so warm,” she mumbles. Nerves will do that. 
I grab the throw blanket next to me, pulling it over us, “There you go. Trap all the heat in there for you.” 
“You’re so nice.”
“So I’ve heard,” I giggle, raising an eyebrow at her. 
She pushes my chest lightly, “You can’t use that against me!” 
“I’m just stating what I was told,” I laugh out. 
She tries to pout but is failing miserably when she says, “I didn’t know what else to say! Plus, you are way too sweet to me.” 
What are the other reasons, then? If that was just the one she wanted to admit.
“Well,” I start. “Are there other things you would’ve said?” 
Her face turned a little pink at the question, pulling her bottom lip in slightly with her teeth. “Maybe,” she lets out. 
“Anything you want to tell me?” 
“It could be partly because I think you’re sooo..” her voice trails off. “Handsome.” Her giggle after tells me that isn’t the word she wanted to use. 
“Oh, is that right?” 
“God, yes,” she breathes out. “Everything about you— your outfits, your hair, your hands.. you’re soo.. mmm.” 
My head falls back onto the couch as I laugh at her, can’t say I’ve had someone spiral like that before over me. Lingering on the fact she mentioned my hands, I can’t help myself, “So.. my hands really do it for you, huh?” 
Her face is bright red at this point. “I mean, I just-“
Gently, I grab her chin, making her face towards me, and press a kiss against her pouty lips. “I think it’s cute.” 
“Good, because I’ve been staring at them since we met.” 
That must be why her eyes light up when I wear rings. 
“Anything else you wanna share? Or was that tortuous enough?” I ask. 
“Mmmmm,” she hums. “I can’t give away all my secrets at once.”
We lay there watching whatever Hallmark Christmas movie is on, slowly sinking into the couch. I can feel her drifting off, her breathing slower as she does, but flinching and waking herself up. 
“Do you want to go to bed, hun?” I whisper, not to scare her more. 
She just nods, moving the blanket off of her and getting up. She looks back at me, reaching her hands out towards me. 
“Will you stay?” her tired voice melts my heart. 
I kiss the back of her hands before looking up at her, “Of course I will.” 
She pulls me along to her room, flipping the lights off as we pass the switches. Watching her slide her leggings off, crawling into bed in just her sweatshirt and thong. Jesus Christ. 
I text Josh to let him know that I won’t be home before setting my phone on her dresser and starting to undo my belt when I feel that I have an audience. I glance through my eyebrows as she’s watching me from the bed. 
“Take it off, baby,” she quietly cheers, letting out a small ‘woooo!’ I try to fight the smile but can’t when she’s acting like that. I slide my pants down, folding them and setting them with my phone, but as I’m facing away from her, she pipes up again, “There it is.”
I whip my head around to her, wiggling her eyebrows at me. Her giggle rings through the room when I slide into the bed with her. 
“You are a monster when you’re tired, huh?” 
She scoots herself close to me, her hands sliding up my chest, her eyes hardly open as she looks at me, “I’m sorry, you’re hot, okay?” 
I’ve never had someone compliment me as much as she does. 
I let out a quiet ‘mmm,’ pulling her into me. Every night, I fall asleep with her, which only makes my feelings for her worse. It’s hard not to fall for her when she attaches herself to me, kissing every inch of skin she can get to. I’ve never felt this kind of love before if that’s even what this is.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The feeling of her turning over wakes me up, but I’m certainly not upset by it. My hand sneaks around her waist, pulling her against me, sliding my leg between hers and letting my hand slide down her leg and bring it back up to her hip. 
“Mmm, hi baby,” she mumbles, turning her head to try and look at me. 
I lean forward, kissing her cheek and letting out a small ‘hi honey’ before stretching to give her a small kiss. Her hand reaches up, holding the side of my face, letting her thumb rub against me gently. She presses her ass into me a little more, wiggling slightly. 
I run my hand up her stomach, sneaking it underneath her sweatshirt and lightly running my thumb over her piercing, grazing her nipple slowly. It’ll always be hot that she has them pierced. Moving my hand, cupping her breast, and letting my thumb repeat the process until she lets out a quiet ‘mmm.’
Her hand moves from my face, and she snakes it behind her to slide down my stomach and into my boxers. She wraps her hand around me, slowly stroking as I’m lazily pressing kisses into her neck, just enjoying the feeling. 
I move my hand to her hip, letting my hand trail over the round of her ass. Sliding the fabric to the side, my middle and ring fingers slip into her, matching the speed of her hand. Her face turns towards me again, so I push myself onto my elbow to hover over her a bit. Our lips moved against each other slowly, feeling her breath, listening to the mix of how wet she was and the quiet whimpers she was letting out into my mouth. 
I feel her pushing on the waistband of my boxers, and I carefully lift myself so she can push them down. Her fingers tapped my wrist and then pulled my hand away from her gently before she brought her hand back to my cock, lining me up with her. I move my hips forward a little, pushing into her. She lets out an ‘Oh’  as my hips make contact with her ass, and I just sit there for a second, enjoying the warmth, feeling so close to her. 
She starts grinding herself against me, still at a crawling pace; nothing about this sex has been rushed. Her hand found the back of my neck, pulling me back in, leaving kiss after kiss on each other, our tongues dancing between us, anything to feel as close as possible while my hips lazily thrust into her. 
I lift her leg, draping it over my hips as I slide my hand down between her legs. Letting my hand just hold over her for a moment before lightly adding pressure to her clit. My hand tiredly rubbed against her, not wanting to rush anything. The way she moans into my mouth would make my knees weak. 
“Baaaby,”  she moans against me. “You’re so good.” 
My heart pounds as she tells me, and I can’t contain the quiet moan that falls out at her praise. 
“My sweet boy,” she says, moving hair out of my face for me. She mumbles, “You’re so beautiful.”  
My breath catches as she says it, never having anticipated having someone call me that. Someone who looks like her, no less. I stare into her eyes for a second, even if it feels like hours, until it finally slips out, “Oh, honey.”  Her lips pressed into mine, her tired smile making my heart throb. I love you, is all that I want to tell her. Endlessly, over and over, until I’m blue in the face. 
Our hips start to move a little quicker against each other, so I let my hand move faster against her clit, pulling a string of moans out of her. Her back arches as I thrust into her, watching her eyes flutter shut at the feeling. I press my arm against her, sliding myself underneath her more so she’s lying on top of me, her head landing perfectly on my shoulder. 
I turn, letting my lips graze the shell of her ear, “Does that feel good, hun?”
She just nods in response as my hips are thrusting up into her. 
“Mm mm, use your words,” I hum out. 
“Yes, baby.”
The pet name made me smile against her. I could feel the way my voice was affecting her, which made me want to keep going. 
“We’re all alone, Char,” I start. “You can let it all out.” She immediately groans, her hips shifting, meeting my thrusts. “Do you need more?” 
She whimpers, “Please.” 
“Sit up for me,” I tell her, helping her get there with my free hand. I nudge her arm before telling her, “Touch yourself.” Her hand slides down, taking the place of where mine had been. I grip her hips before thrusting up into her, listening to the moans that are falling out of her. 
“Oh my god, babe,” she lets out. “I’m so close, Jake, please.” Her head falls back as she moans my name, making my hips move faster into her. The sweet sounds of her moans as she gets closer and closer to her orgasm only encourage me to try harder. 
“Come on, honey. Let me have it,” I tell her, lowering my voice. I can feel her tense up before she lets out any sounds. Her shoulders go forward as her petite frame shakes on top of me; my name litters the air as she rides out her orgasm. 
She climbs off of me, getting comfortable next to me again, leaning up, pressing a slow kiss against my lips. She curls herself up, laying her head against my hip and wrapping her hand around me again. Feeling her head shift, her lips wrap around the tip of my cock, letting her tongue swirl around me for a second. She moves a little further down, still stroking me with one hand and barely bobbing her head, but god, everything she’s doing feels incredible. 
My hand rests on her ass, lightly grabbing it when she moves her head more. Her hand starts moving a bit quicker, and I can feel it building up. She slides more of me into her mouth, letting her lips drag up the length of me. 
“Oh god.” fell out of me; my hand gripped her tighter, which made her moan around my cock. The vibration from it made my head spin, and my whole body started to feel warm. “Char, don’t stop.”
She takes me fully into her mouth, bobbing her head a few times before I was gripping onto anything I could. Her lips slowly made their way up, and then pressed a small kiss against my stomach before looking up at me with a smile. 
She slips back into bed after cleaning herself up and curls back up into me. 
“3 a.m. sex was worth it,” she giggles. 
Brushing loose hairs out of her face, I look at her, “Well, you started it, so I would hope.” 
“Hey! You were into it,” she whisper-yells at me. 
I choke back a laugh before saying, “A beautiful girl basically asking me to rail her? Yeah, like I'm gonna turn that down.”
I can’t fight the laugh when I ask, “What?” 
“You started off so cute, and then Jesus Christ,” she laughs. “Also- I hardly think that counts as getting railed.” 
She giggles against my lips, pressing a few kisses into me. “I rode your ass, if anything,” she taunts me quietly. 
“Hey now, I was still doing things,” I tried to defend myself. 
“Yes, you were, and you did a good job, baby.” 
A smug little smile grows on my face, mumbling, “Thank you.”
“You’re allowed to be a pillow princess sometimes,” she whispers. 
I bark out a laugh, “Oh my god. I know you like being in charge anyway; don’t act like you're mad about it.” 
“It is cute when you beg me,” her eyebrows pop up a few times. 
I let out a sigh, “Annnnnd, we’re done. Okay, good night!” I pull the blanket over her, blocking her face from seeing me. Thank god it’s dark because I can feel how red my face probably is. 
“BABE,” she laughs out, pulling the blanket away from her face. “Ohhhh, is someone embarrassed?” teasing me once she gets a good look at me. 
My eyebrows pull together as I shake my head, “Absolutely not.” 
“Good, because I think it’s sexy that you’re comfortable with that stuff.” 
Oh? I didn’t know that was something that would help, but I’ll take that win. 
“I’m glad you think so,” I tell her. 
She just nods, “Mhm. I feel like most men are too shy or uncomfortable to let their guard down on things. It’s nice that you don’t seem to mind.”
“Helps that you’re hot when you’re bossing me around so,” I tease. She pushes my chest as she laughs at me. 
We lay there for a while longer, just talking about whatever came to her mind, even if I was fighting sleep the entire time. I’d listen to her talk forever if she’d let me.  Eventually, she drifted off to sleep, tucking her face into me as she did. I could feel her breath get slower against my skin. I kiss the top of her head before resting my cheek against her. 
God, I love you.
Chapter Twenty
FDOG Master Post | Masterlist | Playlist
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pepi1989 · 20 hours
Good luck with your surgery, hope everything goes well!! ❤️
I am starved of Ben content, so maybe something angsty about the reader being unsure if they are even compatible (maybe reader is a fellow Tennis player) and there is A LOT of chemistry and longing and Ben finalld convinced reader to give him a chance and their relationship a try? (I also love love love happy endings lol)
Again, good luck and love your writing!!
Hi love, thanks for the request 💖
More Than Just Chemistry - Ben Shelton
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It’s not like you didn’t see it. The way Ben’s eyes found yours whenever you were near, how he’d throw that lazy, irresistible smile your way after a successful match, or even how his hand would linger just a little too long on your arm after a hug, like he was waiting for you to realize something.
But that was the problem: you did realize it.
It was impossible to ignore the chemistry, the way your heart raced every time you were around him, how even in the heat of competition, you felt like you were in sync with him, like somehow, in the world of chaos and schedules and matches, Ben Shelton just…fit.
Yet, the gnawing doubt in your chest remained.
Were you really compatible? Tennis wasn’t just a game for either of you; it was your life, your career. And as much as you admired Ben’s easygoing, playful nature, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was enough. Would the chemistry between you even hold up against the demands of a professional tennis life, or would it fizzle out like so many relationships before?
You sighed, tightening your grip on the racquet as you stood on the practice court, eyes flicking to Ben on the other side. He wasn’t even looking at you, but that only made it worse. How was he always so calm, so sure? Meanwhile, you were a mess of overthought, trapped in a whirlwind of what-ifs and maybes.
“Your serve.”
His voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you blinked, focusing on him. That smile was there again, teasing and warm, making your heart skip for the thousandth time. With a silent nod, you tossed the ball up, your mind not really on the game as the familiar routine carried you through the motion. You knew Ben could tell. He always did.
The ball landed out.
“Again.” His tone was light, but you could hear the concern laced beneath it.
Your chest tightened as you got ready to serve again, but this time, your hand faltered, and you just let the ball drop to the ground, unable to hold it together any longer.
“Hey.” Ben jogged over to you, the racquet hanging loosely in his hand as he stopped in front of you. “What’s going on? You’ve been off today.”
You swallowed, the tension building up until you felt like you might burst. But how could you tell him? How could you look into those bright eyes and admit that you were afraid you wouldn’t work, not because of him, but because of you?
“I just…” You trailed off, frustrated. Ben waited, patient as always, but you knew that look. He wasn’t going to let you walk away from this conversation. “I’m not sure we’re compatible,” you blurted, and the words hung in the air, heavier than you had imagined.
His brow furrowed, and for the first time in a long while, you saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes. “You’re not sure we’re compatible?”
You took a shaky breath, willing yourself to be brave, to put it all out there. “I mean, look at us, Ben. You’re so laid-back, you always know what you want, and you make everything look so easy. But me… I’m overthinking everything. And tennis, this is our life. How do we fit something like this into all of that?”
Ben stared at you for a moment, his jaw tight. You could tell he was trying to process it all, trying to find the right words. “You think we don’t fit?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, voice barely audible. “Maybe we’re just good on paper. Maybe it’s just…chemistry.”
“Just chemistry?” He laughed, but there was no humor in it, only disbelief. “You think what we have is just chemistry?”
You looked away, the ache in your chest growing heavier by the second. “Ben, I don’t know what we have, okay? I know there’s something between us, but it’s complicated. You have your career, I have mine, and I don’t want to ruin that. What if we try, and it doesn’t work?”
He ran a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated. “What if it does work?”
His words were simple, but they hit you hard. What if it did? What if everything you were afraid of was just that, fear? But how could you take that leap?
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you whispered, eyes searching his for an answer.
Ben’s expression softened, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, he reached for your hand, his fingers brushing yours. “You’re not going to hurt me. I’m a big boy, I can handle a lot more than you think. But you know what I can’t handle?” He stepped closer, his voice lowering. “The thought of not even giving this a chance. You feel it, don’t you?”
Your heart pounded. Of course, you felt it. Every second you were around him, you felt it. But was that enough?
“I’m scared,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I know.” His voice was soft, reassuring. “But you don’t have to be. I’m not asking for a perfect relationship, or for us to have it all figured out right now. I’m just asking for a chance. We’ll figure the rest out along the way.”
The sincerity in his voice made you feel like the ground beneath you was shifting, your doubts slowly crumbling under the weight of his words. Could it really be that simple? Just…trying?
You looked up at him, your heart in your throat. “Okay,” you said, the word falling from your lips before you had the chance to overthink it again. “Let’s try.”
For a moment, neither of you moved. It felt like the world had paused, holding its breath as you made that choice. Then, in the next instant, Ben’s face broke into that smile, the one that made your knees weak every single time.
“You won’t regret this,” he murmured, pulling you into his arms with a grin so full of relief that it made your own doubts seem foolish.
And suddenly, just like that, the tension, the uncertainty, everything you’d been holding onto so tightly…it all fell away. In Ben’s arms, you didn’t have to have all the answers. You didn’t have to know what was going to happen tomorrow or a month from now. For once, you let yourself be in the moment, trusting that what you had was more than just chemistry.
Maybe you didn’t have it all figured out yet. Maybe there would be bumps along the way, and sure, tennis would always be a priority for both of you. But you knew this now, you fit. Not just on the court, but off it too.
And as Ben pulled back to look at you, his forehead resting against yours with that same soft smile, you felt a sense of peace. “We’re going to be just fine,” he whispered.
You smiled, finally letting yourself believe it. “Yeah, we are.”
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audiovideodisco · 2 days
I know you, let me in.
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Where you’re a doctor on House’s diagnostic team, and the end of a particularly hard case causes a severe panic attack.
cw: panic attacks, medicine and medical jargon, dissociation, breathing difficulties
word count: 1.2k
requested?: no
sfw?: yes
ship: reader x wilson
characteristics: n/a
It’s the end of a long case, your patient was rapidly deteriorating and for a while it was touch and go. After a few days of that spiralling hell hole, House managed to connect the dots of their symptoms and save their life, with the help of you and the other ducklings.
You sat on a bench in the hallway, just short of the DDX office. You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath, clutching a hand to your heart as if it might help your lungs take a fucking chill pill - it didn’t.
After a few minutes, it had gotten worse, a lot worse. At least it felt that way. Your vision was swimming, your chest was burning and your lungs were screaming for air, as if you were trapped in a room without oxygen. There were faint voices, but you had no idea if they were coming from around you, or if they were fabrications of your mind. There was pressure on your shoulders, pushing you- no, pulling you? You couldn’t tell that either. Suddenly you felt yourself falling miles down, but that same pressure appeared to cushion your fall.
“Hey- can you hear me? [L/N]? Get me some diazepam, quickly!” Wilson shouted to Cameron and then to Chase,
“Get me a resus bag-“ Within a minute, he had both, injecting the diazepam, while Chase used the resus bag to help regulate your breathing. The diazepam began to work, and the help breathing allowed your body to stop hyperventilating. After a while, Chase moved the bag off of your face, pushing your hair away to check for any injuries when you fell down from the bench. He looked at your eyes with his light, and noticed your pupils responding slowly to the light.
“I think they’ve dissociated… We need to get them out of this bloody corridor.”
Wilson and Cameron nodded in agreement, Wilson sliding his arms under your legs and back, lifting you up and taking you to his office, placing you on the couch as gently as he could.
“Are they alright?” Cameron asked, shifting nervously on her heels.
“Yeah. They’re… Physically, they’ll be alright. I’m going to wait for them to come back around.” Wilson basically mutters, turning the light off and turning on a lamp in the corner.
“Don’t you need us to-“ Chase started, but Wilson stopped him,
“Uh- no, no… I’m just going to get some paperwork done while I monitor them. They’ll be okay. I’ve got the resus bag if I need it.”
“Shouldn’t we admit them?”
“No- they’d walk out and never come back. Especially over a panic attack.” Wilson says, closing his blinds to make sure House wasn’t able to nosey around if he was still here.
“How did you know it was a panic attack?”
“I’ve… I’ve seen it before. Although not that bad. They made me promise not to tell anyone. Doesn’t matter when you were both there to see it.”
Your fellow doctors nod and look at each other, feeling a little guilty you felt you have to hide it from them.
“Call if you need anything.” Cameron offered, before leaving and shutting the door with a soft click behind them.
Wilson’s gaze moved from the door to you, seeing how exhausted you looked.
Wilson wasn’t able to bring himself to do any paperwork, he was too worried about you. Instead, when he received no answer, he walked over to the couch and sat on the arm, letting his hand reach down to your face. Your eyelids twitched a little as you stared at nothing, and it made his heart clench at the sight of you suffering. His fingers lightly stroked your cheek as he looked down at you, lying on the couch. He hoped the gentle touch might help you escape your own mental prison, he wasn’t complaining that he had to be so close to you, he just wished it wasn’t in this situation.
After a little while, you began to come back to earth, feeling super disoriented and groggy.
“Hey… there they are… you feeling alright? Breathing okay? [Y/N]?”
“Why- When did I come to your office? I remember being on the bench and then- then I couldn’t breathe…”
Wilson hadn’t stopped gently stroking your face, listening to you intently.
“You had a pretty intense panic attack. Needed diazepam and a resus bag to bring you out of it. Then you sort of, just, dissociated… Chase checked your pupillary reflex…”
“Shit… I’m sorry.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for, love, it happens. All that matters is that you’re okay.”
Your heart almost stopped at his words… love?
“Uh, Wilson…?”
“Yes, [L/N]?”
“You’ve never called me that before.”
“What? [L/N]? Yes I have-“
“No… love.”
Wilson went bright red and suddenly his fingers on your face stopped in their tracks, and you immediately regretted saying anything.
“It’s… It’s okay, Wilson, I-“
“I’m so sorry, [Y/N], I really hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” He said, clearly annoyed with himself as he moved away from the couch, pacing a little.
You sit up, feeling your face where his fingers were.
“I don’t mind…”
Wilson stopped in his tracks and looked at you.
“You don’t?”
“No- I- well…”
Wilson walked slowly over to sit on the couch next to you, turning a little so he could look at you, your knees touching.
“I think, maybe I should’ve said this a long time ago, fuck it, I really like you. If I’ve misunderstood then we can pretend I never said-“
Your eyes widen and you feel your heart racing again, this time more pleasant than the last.
“You do?”
“Yeah. House has been bullying me about it for months. I’m surprised you never noticed.”
“I just assumed he was trying to get a rise out of me…”
The tension in the room grew thick as your eyes met, his hand resting on your knee, then slowly gravitating along your thigh. Your faces got closer as you both leaned in without much thought, breath fanning against each other’s faces, until…
Wilson closed the gap, pressing his lips to yours and his other hand threading into your hair. The kiss was soft but passionate, and as your breathing grew erratic again, you gripped his shirt, a little scared, but not pulling away.
In response, he moved his hands under your thighs, pulling you onto his lap, then gently rubbing circles into the small of your back, helping you to relax again. Kissing him a little deeper, a smile spreads across your face into the kiss.
Eventually you both pull back, resting your forehead against his.
“So… can I take you out for dinner tonight? Or tomorrow if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“You sure you want this? I’m not the easiest person to- well- I’m kinda messed up…”
Wilson smiled with a small chuckle, putting his hands on your cheeks,
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He looked you in the eyes, moving closer and whispering softly against your lips, before kissing you again,
“I’ve got you.”
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gaybananabread · 19 hours
••@hexalianrebel-blackfeathers - I'm thinking #4 (Hide and Seek) with either Miguel or Doc Ock as the ler and our favorite Spider-Gang as lees.••
TickleTober Day 4 - Hide and Seek
~Okay, I’ve been so excited to write this one! I need to show the Ocks some more love, and I absolutely adore these two! This is stupidly long. I have no regrets. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!~
Lees: Miles, Pavitr, Gwen, Hobie
Lers: Otto Octavious (Alfred Molina), Olivia Octavious
Summary: When stranded in another alternate dimension, Otto is recruited by an unexpected variant of himself. Things get complicated when the Spider-Gang tries to stop their heist. Finding a heart, Otto offers an ulterior method to win against their young adversaries.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Otto's life had been…well, interesting was a word for it. Just when he thought he was done being tossed from universe to universe, a random portal opened and yoinked him out of the current wrong dimension, leaving him lost once again.
The new world seemed…animated, in a sense. Otto definitely didn't fit the style, what with everyone’s 3D animationesque appearances. There was no way he could get around without being recognized as an anomaly, but he couldn’t very well stay where he was…
Before he could slip further into his thoughts, a small band bounced off his head and fell into an open robotic tentacle; he didn’t know it, but it was a Spider Society day pass. A woman’s voice called from above him, sounding eerily smug and conniving.
“Come with me, Octavious 96283. We have some pests to exterminate.”
“So…you built all of this alone? Without funding?” Otto looked around the small lab, wondering how on Earth the woman managed to construct such high-tech equipment by herself. It was in an abandoned office building, sure, but it was still a solid facility.
“Yes. It was a hindrance to use purely damaged technology and scrapped fragments from Alchemax sites, but I think I’ve created an adequate workspace.”
Otto would hardly stop at “adequate” to describe the place. There were monitors, a small dissection area, multiple glass test tubes with various liquids, and a research station; it’s a lab his teenage self would undoubtedly be envious of.
“You mentioned pests?” He tried to steer the conversation in a more manageable direction; maybe she’d help him get home if he fed into her plot.
“I did, yes. There have been more and more of these spider pests popping up since the creation of their little Society. After their mistake ruined my research, I figured I’d refocus my efforts on eliminating them all together, starting with unlocking the mechanics of their interdimensional travel.”
Olivia didn’t stop for a single second, flitting around her lab while she spoke. “I need your help with acquiring a few parts for my newest portal prototype. Just a simple heist, nothing too flashy.”
He should’ve known that was bullshit.
I mean, who actually told the truth when they said “just a simple” anything? Running through the bustling, animated city with thousands of dollars of technological advances in his arms. Olivia was a version of him, after all; he never told anyone the entirety of his plans.
Things went from bad to worse when he heard the tell-tale sound of web shooters firing.
“Damn those brats!” Olivia’s hiss put him more on edge than the possibility of being arrested. The spider he was most recently with was quite nice and empathetic, but he wasn’t sure how this universe’s protector carried themselves. Wait…did she say brats, plural?
“Drop the tech, tentacle heads!” A younger-sounding voice called out right before a ball of web fluid came flying at Otto’s face. He used a tentacle to catch it, but the mechanics of the triceps were immediately clogged.
The man got a closer look as the boy – probably, he wasn’t sure – approached: black suit, red details, thin frame, wide eye mask. Yeah, that kid definitely wasn’t old enough to be risking his life like that.
To his surprise, three more costumed teens – again, not a known fact, but they definitely seemed young – backed the black-clad spider up. The varying styles shocked him: ornate reds and blues, black and white with pops of color, and all-out punk outfit with the classic colors beneath. Yeah, they were definitely from different dimensions.
Olivia, on the other hand, sprang into action. She snapped a few lines of web that were shot her way, obviously used to fending off all four of them at once. Otto couldn’t help but wince as the ornate teen was whacked into the brick alley wall by one of her tentacles.
The one in white called out and ran to him – he assumed she was a girl, given her costume and intonation – while the punk charged Olivia. Otto was playing defense against the boy in black and red, trying not to hurt him.
While the man was putting up a pretty good fight, the black-and-red Spider-Man still managed to grab his duffle bag of stolen tech. Olivia started to shout at him to get it back before a small web smacked her in the face, covering her mouth. That enraged the woman to a new extent he hadn’t thought possible.
A lot of things fell into place for the man when Olivia lobbed a steel trash can at the lanky punk; they were fighting children, or at most very young adults.The rage in the woman’s eyes… Yeah, no.
Were the teens trying to arrest them and foil Olivia’s plan? Yes. Did that stop Otto from caring that they were probably minors who definitely shouldn’t be taking that many hard hits? Abso-fucking-lutely not.
Otto reached for the bag, hoping to get it away from the boy so they could just retreat. One of his tentacle claws managed to grab the boy's side, meaning to hold him still; what he hadn’t expected, however, was the boyish squeal that ripped from the black-clad spider’s throat.
In the midst of Otto’s surprise, the teen managed to slip out of the mechanical grip and…disappear? An invisibility power would have been incredibly helpful for the boy – that is, if the duffle he was carrying wasn’t still visible.
God, these kids need some proper training…
Despite his associate’s murderous rage, the punk seemed to have grabbed Olivia’s duffle as well. Behind him, Otto caught a glimpse of the ornate boy and white-clad spiders zipping up to a rooftop. Sensing that they were fighting a losing battle, the other two followed them up, duffles in hand.
“Damn it! I need those parts, or all of this will have been for nothing!” Olivia moved to charge after them, but the man held out a mechanical arm to stop her; her fiery glare was hard to ignore, but he did his best.
“Wait. I know they’ve been pains in the asses, but we can’t… Is there really a reason to truly harm them? You have to know that they’re hardly old enough to even consider doing what they do.” Otto spoke from his heart, hoping at least a fraction of his words would hit something human within the woman.
“What do you suggest we do then? Let them get away with hours of careful preparations and the keys to my plans?”
“I have a better idea. One that involves less…aggressive tactics. You’ll still get your revenge, of course.”
Olivia quirked a brow, eyes still trained on the rooftop the young heroes fled towards. The anger was still burning on her features, but a slight tweak of contemplation tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I’m listening, 96283. Make it fast.”
Welp, Miles was dead. Or rather, he was going to be dead very, very soon.
One Doc Ock was already hard enough to handle, but two? Even with his fellow spiders’ help, the teen doubted they’d be able to do much against the two forces. Retreat was one of their only smart options, but he could hear the thudding of mechanical claws behind him. The duffle bag in his arms seemed to weigh more by the second, burning with the knowledge that they’d be on his tail until he either forked it over or somehow managed to find enough time to portal out.
His friends scattered around him, fanning out in their practiced formation. They’d meet up behind a small bakery before portaling back to the Society. Unfortunately for Miles, that meant he had to find a way there by himself.
As Miles swung by an alley opening, a robotic tentacle shot out at him from the darkness. He managed to keep the duffle bag out of its grip, but the four synthetic claws closed around his chest in its tight grasp.
“GYAH- get off!” Miles’s heart sank as he watched the owner of the tentacle emerge, her cold eyes gleaming behind iridescent green lenses.
“Hello, little spider. I believe you have something of mine~” Olivia grabbed the duffle with her other tentacles, but Miles held strong; he did have super strength, after all.
“Fine. I’ll get that bag one way or another, you pest.”
Before he could wonder what kind of painful torture he’d endure, Miles felt the synthetic claws dig into his stomach. Caught off guard, he couldn’t help the giggly squeak that escaped him.
“GYEEhehe! Wh-whahahat?!” Miles wriggled and squirmed in the tentacle’s grip, the lenses on his mask wide and confused. It was almost cute, though Liv shoved that thought as far back in her mind as it would go; weakness wasn’t going to get her that tech.
“What? It’s pretty obvious: give me the bag, or I make this a lot worse for you. I don’t have anywhere to be, sweetie~” Liv teased him as she worked, trying to tug the bag out of his iron-like grip. She could’ve just ripped the bottom and taken the parts…but where’s the fun in that?
“D-dohohon’t cahall me thahahat!” Beneath his mask, Miles’s cheeks warmed with red. She was just trying to kill him a moment ago; why’d she switch to doing that?! He didn’t really want her trying to kill him either, but it was an insane jump!
“Thihis ihis stuhuhuhupid!”
“On the contrary, Spider-Man, I’d say this is quite informative. I get to learn all of your weak points in just a few minutes; I’d hardly call that stupid.”
As if to prove her point, Olivia dragged two of her free claws up the red marking on his suit, stopping right below his underarms. The shrill squeal the action received was utterly adorable.
Ugh, Otto got to me, didn’t he?
“NOHOHohohooo! Lehemme gohoho!” The teen clamped his arms to his sides, still somehow managing to hold on to the duffle. He was starting to wonder if it was even worth it… No, it was; the parts still needed to be returned, even if it meant sacrificing his dignity.
“As soon as you let go of my technology, Spider-Brat.” Okay, enough games; Liv wanted that duffle bag. Forcing his arms above his head, she sent two tentacles to claw at his armpits.
Miles was not proud of the sounds he made after that.
“NAHAHAHAHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE!” Miles’s mind nearly went blank from the intense sensations shooting through his nervous system. He released his hold on the duffle bag, trying to slam his arms down.
Olivia snatched up the bag, stopping her assault to securely wrap her tentacles around it. Miles was sort-of gently put down, curling into a ball on the alleyway pavement. What the hell…?
“Was that so hard?” She dangled the bag in front of his face, taunting him. Miles tried to get back up, but he was utterly exhausted; the best he could do was shoot a web, which missed Liv by around two feet.
“As much as I’d love to rub this in, I have places to be. Try to stay out of my way, little spider~” With that, she used her tentacles to scale the side of the alleyway, taking off on the rooftops. She had an annoyingly truthful variant to find.
Miles wanted to go after the woman, but he was spent; it would’ve endangered both himself and his team if he tried fighting in that state. Shakily getting to his feet, Miles made his way to the bakery.
Hopefully the others would fare better than he did.
Otto almost felt bad for the spider kid he was holding. It had barely been a minute, but the guy was absolutely losing it, snorting and laughing so loudly that Otto wondered if the one he was trying to bait had gone deaf. Where was that punk?
“Stop it! Let him go, tentacle head!” Gwen shouted and squirmed in the metal tentacle’s grasp, trying to get to Pav. He wasn’t injured when he got thrown, but she still didn’t want him to be getting…tortured? She had no idea what the villain was trying to accomplish, but she wasn’t about to watch her friend struggle without a fight.
“Tentacle head? Really?” Otto smiled slightly, turning his focus on Gwen. Pav was still getting his stomach attacked, of course, but the claw on his neck left to go toy with her. “Here I thought you spiders were supposed to be funny.”
Gwen squirmed as she saw the tentacle coming towards her, but didn’t back down. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Pavitr’s stomach was just stupidly ticklish; she could tough it out until either Miles or Hobie arrived to help. Probably���
“N-NOHOHOHOT HEHER! PLEHEHEASE!” Pav did his best to try and save Gwen from his fate, but it really only made the older man chuckle. The kids were ridiculous; it was kind of adorable.
“Sorry kids, but your friend has something I need. Don’t worry; I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
With that, the claw began squeezing at Gwen’s sides, her laughter soon joining Pavitr’s in the alley. Otto severely doubted the punk had gone very far; he just needed the boy to take the bait.
He wasn’t disappointed.
“OI! Drop ‘em, ya big sashimi!” Hobie swung into the mix, the second duffle bag hanging securely off his back. He slammed his boots into the tentacle holding Pav, causing it to drop the tired boy onto the ground. He holds up a shaky thumb before being waved away by Hobie.
“You kids and your octopus jokes.” Otto chuckled, watching his hostage stumble to his feet and swing away. The trust the kids had in each other was sweet, albeit a little optimistic.
“H-HOHOHOBIE! WHEHERE’S MIHILES?” Gwen continued to try and escape the tickly tentacle, but it was a lot harder than it looked; those things were strong. Hobie couldn’t help but roll his eyes at that. She’s being held hostage, and Miles is the thing she’s worried about?
“Ge’ your priorities straight, Gwendy!” Coming back around, Hobie fired off a barrage of webs, trying to jam the claws grabbing at him. It’s three against one, though; a claw managed to catch him by the wrist, yanking him up and into the air in front of Otto.
Hobie struggled in the tentacle’s grip as Gwen continued to laugh and kick at the one holding her. Otto knew his objective; he was just gonna goof off a bit before completing it.
“Now, I’m gonna need that duffle bag, kid.” Otto sent one of the tentacles out to try and grab the bag off his shoulders, but Hobie kicked at the biotech the moment it was in range. Fine by him; the hard way was so much more fun.
“Alright then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, kiddo.” With that, he stepped forwards, squeezing the boy’s sides. Hobie tried to punch him, but one of his free tentacles came to hold the teen’s other wrist.
Hobue refused to giggle at first, just kicking his feet and trying to escape. When Otto reached his underarms, however, that dam practically exploded.
“GEHEHE’ OHOHOFFA MEHEHE!” Hobie thrashed about in the claws’ hold, his cheeks quickly heating up. Damn it, why’d he have to be so ticklish?!
“Wow. I mean, I wasn’t expecting my plan to fail, but you kids really are ticklish. It’s kinda adorable.” Otto teased them, willing the claw on Gwen’s sides to take things a little easier; he was mainly focused on Hobie.
“Shuhut uhuhup!” Gwen’s squeaky voice rang out beside him as she struggled. While she was grateful for the slight reprieve, Otto was still a villain. She was gonna escape and haul his strangely non-violent ass back to whatever dimension he came from.
It was at that inconvenient moment that Liv found Otto. I mean, it wasn’t hard; the sound of Hobie’s laughter and Gwen’s squeaks could be heard for at least half a mile.
“Seriously, 96283? Just keep him still.” Rolling her eyes, she went behind the squirmy teen and unbuckled the strap on the bag. It easily slipped off his back, falling straight into Liv’s arms. “Don’t mess around for too long. Those little menaces multiply.”
With that, she left Otto to his devices, getting away with the stolen goods. Hobie groaned, struggling against the claws to try and follow her. That struggle quickly changed focus when one of the wiggling claws moved behind his knees. He snorted, nose scrunching as a red hue burned on his face.
Okay, that was embarrassing. For once, he hoped Miles and Pav disregarded team protocol; they could really use some back-up.
Thankfully, those two could almost never listen.
A chunk of rubble slammed into the tentacle holding Gwen, causing it to reel back and drop her. A flash of red and blue scooped her up before she could hit the concrete.
Before Otto can react, a web ball smacks him in the face. He stumbles, the tentacles holding Hobie dropping him in favor of protecting their master. A black streak catches the tall teen, setting him down a safe distance away.
“T-toohok you lohohong enouhuhugh!” Hobie shouted after the other teen, struggling to recover from his rather silly predicament. Miles just stuck his tongue out at him before whirling on Otto.
Once Gwen was set safely aside to recover, Pavitr got back into the fray. He used his bangles and webs to sling-shot himself at the man, catching him in the chest and knocking him off balance. Miles followed suit, weaving around the tentacles to try and get as many shots in as possible.
Otto groaned, staggering as he tried to at least block the kids’ hits. He didn’t want to fight them, but…well, he did need to get back to his dimension.
“WAIT! Just- surrendering! I surrender!” Otto staggered backwards, holding his hands up defensively. Miles went to lunge again, but Pavitr grabbed his shoulder to stop him.
“Hey, hold on. He’s done.” For safety, the two webbed otto up, restraining his arms–organic and metal–before checking on the others.
Hobie, while winded, was okay; he didn’t seem too happy, though. “Whahat the fuck, Octavious? Seriously? Ticklin’?”
“Would you rather I have fought you by swinging hundred-pound metals at your heads?” Otto just smiled, apparently not that upset that he’d been caught.
“No, but…why?” Gwen walked over as well, still holding her sides; she played it off as crossing her arms. She scanned Otto with her watch, locating his universe; it was the newer, much more humane way they were returning the criminals to their dimensions.
“You’re all children, are you not? I figured it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary.”
All four of them froze at that, sharing one quick “oh shit” look. How did he know? It was literally the first time any of them had seen him; what tipped him off?
“Hey, calm down. I’m ready to go home, not guess at secret identities.” Otto’s tone was strangely paternal, though the group chose to ignore that fact.
“I…whatever. C’mon, guys.” Gwen ushered the villain forward, dissolving the webs right as he stepped through the glowing orange portal.
After a moment of healthy silence to process whatever the hell just happened, Pav broke the silence.
“Well…that was eventful.” He chuckled as Hobie shoved his shoulder, happy to break the tension. Hobie used his watch to make a portal to his universe, tugging the joyful boy in to go watch bad movies and forget about the silly mission.
Miles took a few tentative side-steps towards Gwen, hoping to dissolve some of the awkwardness around her as well.
“Ya know…I don’t need to be home for a good few hours. We could go check out that new record shop in my universe, if you’re up for it…?”
“...alright. Can we get shakes afterwards too?”
“Yeah, no problem. Vinyl and peanut butter fudge await us.”
“Await us?”
“We’re doin’ a Shakespeare analysis, gimme a break!”
Oliva set down her duffles of parts, satisfied with how the day went. Sure, her variant was captured and relocated, but she got what she needed out of him. With the tech they’d managed to scrounge up, her plans were perfectly viable.
While getting the pieces organized, Liv couldn’t help but think back on the heist. One of her tentacles had a small glitch; she’d need to run a few diagnostics to see what went wrong.
She also thought about the hellions that tried to ruin her plans yet again. The method Otto implemented to subdue them, while ridiculous, had been surprisingly effective. The supposed teens’ laughter had been rather…well, adorable, for a lack of better words.
When he caught her reflection in the screen, she saw a smile, of all things, greeting her. It was a weakness, finding joy in such frivolous matters. Damn that variant and his infectious ideals!
Still, he was right; it was much easier to tickle them instead of fight.
She’d have to try it again in the future…
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ravennaortiz · 8 hours
Moaning in the Morgue
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Summary: Tig and reader get naughty in the Morgue. As always 18+. *Consensual/planned out roleplay with paralytic drugs mentioned as well as minor knife play*
“This is probably our most expensive role play yet” chuckled Tig as he glanced up at you as you made your way into Charming’s newly renovated morgue. He had gotten there earlier to setup in a smaller room that hadn’t been used yet in the new building. Cameras and screens were on and facing the stainless steel table in the middle of the room. He had a thin heating mat on top of it to help keep you comfortable. Tools and a syringe were laid out neatly on the mayo stand next to it as well as exam gloves.
“Is this too crazy? I mean fucking in a morgue is one thing. Sedating myself with a paralytic to give a more real feeling?” you inquired as you set your bags down on a table. You had not gotten ready yet as Tig wanted to see you for the first time on the table for authenticity. Your face scrunched with worry as you turned to him.
“Getting cold feet already Doll?” joked Tig as he grinned at you making you roll your eyes. Tig walked over to you and pulled you into his arms kissing your forehead. “Jokes aside. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want too” he murmured as you leaned into him. You mulled his words over as you took in his soothing presence. You two were adventurous to say the least and this had been just as much your idea as his. The two of you had planned this out well. Even roping Chibs in to hangout in the hall in case of an emergency due to his medical knowledge.
“I still want too. Let me go get ready”. You gave him a kiss before grabbing your bags and going to get ready.  Tig smiled as he watched you disappear before he went back to double checking everything was in place and ready. Moving over to the thermostat and turned it down before turning the main lights off before going to change himself and wait.
Tig glanced up as Chibs stepped out of the room and gave him a quick nod before taking up his seat outside the door. Taking a deep breath he made his way inside. His eyes zeroed in on the table where you lay. He chuckled as he approached. You were completely covered head to toe in a white sheet, ever the perfectionist. Whistling he grabbed the sheet and whisked it off, tossing it casually to the floor.
“Wow” he murmured as he looked over your naked body. You had used body paint and makeup to make yourself look very much dead. His fingers traced along your cheek noting how cold you felt before moving his thumb along your lip . He then leaned over and planted a gentle kiss to them before moving back to put on the exam gloves.
You followed his movements on the tv screen above your head. It was surreal to see him touching you but not be able to feel it. Too know he was running the blade of a knife around your nipples making them harden before tracing the knife down your abdomen to your core.
“Wet already Doll” he stated in amazement as he pushed your thighs apart. Your arousal glistening in the overhead light. Carefully Tig slid the knife through your folds before bringing it to his mouth and licking it. His eyes locked on yours the whole time. “So sweet”. Setting the knife down Tig grabbed a couple clamps from the stand and attached them to your nipples and clit. You noted these weren’t the usual ones you too played but it didn’t take you long to realize his plan.
“mmm” you choked out somehow when the pulses of electricity coursed through your body as Tig fiddled with a remote. “I hoped that would work. Feel good love?” questioned Tig as he caught your eye waiting for your blinks. “Good” he stated once he got the affirming number of blinks.
Quickly he slipped two gloved fingers into you clamping his eyes at how wet you were as he pushed In and out of you. The only sound that of your wet pussy as he finger fucked you into an orgasm. “Think I’m going to have to go deeper” grunted Tig before opening his doctors coat and pumping his cock a couple times before moving to the foot of the table. Grabbing your legs he gave you a tug and pulled your ass to the end. He put one leg over his shoulder as he lined his cock up with your entrance.
While holding eye contact he slowly pushed into you. Biting his lip as he moaned as your soft walls gripped and fluttered along his length. Once he was all the way in he turned the electrical clamps on low to pulsate randomly.
“Fuck baby” he hissed as you tightened around him in response. “So tight” he groaned as he started to slowly fuck In and out of you. You watched the screen as he fucked you and your body was shocked. Breakthrough moans and whimpers escaping from your mouth every now and then. Tig was panting as he fucked you harder and faster his pace starting to falter. A rush of fluid and your clenching body told him you had cum again. Pulling from you he flipped your body over in a swift movement before shoving himself back inside of you. Grabbing your hair in one hand he used it to pull you back towards him while the other hand slapped your ass. Tig frantically pumped in and out of you a few more times before he released himself deep inside you calling your name as he did.
After a couple minutes he pulled from you slowly. His eyes fixed on your core as he dripped out of you before turning you back over and pushing you back onto the table. Carefully he climbed onto the table his cock hardening again as he looked over you. Grabbing your hips he lifted your lower half onto his lap, angling his cock to notch the head at your ass. Your eyes widened a bit.
“You are okay Doll. Just like normal” soothed Tig as he pushed two curled fingers up into your pussy as he started to push his cock into your ass. You felt full on top of the warm and floating sensation. The room was soon once again filled with Tigs moans and grunts, the slapping of skin and the squelching of your pussy as Tig fucked you. After a few minutes he came again with a snarl.
“Can’t wait to fuck you while we watch this. Have your legs locked around my waist as you claw my back up.” Murmured Tig as he sucked at your neck before kissing down your chest to your breast. This was going to be a long night you thought to yourself as you saw his cock starting to rise again as he sucked at your nipples.
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hrtiu · 2 days
I finally got around to writing some Solavellan fanfic! Thank you to @namedbrina for the prompt! It's not exactly what you suggested, but hopefully the spirit remains. Also sorry it took me so long to actually write 😅 You can find a link to the fic on AO3 here, or simply read below. I have a whole long story plotted out, but we'll see how much actually gets written ><
Solas has never liked necromancers and is surprised to like Lavellan. But she has always respected spirits and wisps, so perhaps it shouldn’t be as surprising. She who wears Falon’Din’s marks, who even Dorian is a bit in awe of/scared of, and who never leaves a battlefield without using the last of her mana in a Dalish ritual to soothe whatever might remain. As the only elf and perhaps mage around, she teaches this ritual to Solas so he might be able to do it if she has no mana? Idk.
Of all the titles Solas had carried in his long years, his favorite was healer.
Perhaps that was why he was enjoying his time with the Inquisition so much. To many of the folk around Haven, he was known only as the reclusive, slightly odd elf healer. There was something freeing about the many centuries of baggage his name and face carried being stripped away. Solas the healer. Mender of bones, salver of wounds, fixer of broken things. He quite liked that.
Atishal, the so-called Herald of Andraste, enjoyed no such reputation. Oh, the people of Haven respected her, and were all too willing to place their hopes on her thin shoulders. But her Dalish traditions and strange magic warded off any reputation for wholesomeness that might otherwise develop. Necromancy had a way of doing that.
There was something mesmerizing about her magic. Necromancy had always left a bitter taste in Solas’s mouth, but the Herald made it seem natural, almost elegant. Together with Varric and Cassandra, they fought through the chaos of apostate mages and rogue templars, but always his gaze was drawn to her. He was so preoccupied by the sight of spirits from the Fade willingly lending Atishal their strength that he never saw the templar’s arrow coming. 
“Ah!” He let out a pained grunt as the arrowhead buried deep into the flesh of his shoulder. He sank to one knee and grimaced, the hand not holding his staff moving to grip the shaft of the arrow.
“Solas needs help!” Atishal shouted above the fray.
Varric tossed a red bottle his way, and Solas managed to catch it with one functioning arm. Solas pulled the cork out with his teeth and drank just enough to muster the energy for a fade step. He stepped through the veil and ended up on a small hill just out of range of the still-battling templars. He caught his breath, intending to reenter the fray when he got the chance, but Varric, Cassandra, and the Herald didn’t seem to need his help any more.
“How are you doing, Chuckles?” Varric asked, hefting Bianca over his shoulder as he trudged up the hill towards Solas.
“Let’s get back to camp,” Cassandra said. “He can rest up there.”
“No need to wait until then,” Atishal said.
Her soft footfalls barely seemed to depress the grass as she made her way to Solas’s side, kneeling down to get a better look at his wounded shoulder. Ginger fingers tested the flesh around the injury, and she hissed in sympathy.
“I don’t have the strength right now to numb it, but I can heal it after the shaft is out,” she said. “Do you want me to do that now? Or should we wait until we get back to camp and we can get you some willow bark for the pain? Or a lyrium potion so you can heal it yourself?”
“Just do it now,” Solas said, not wanting to make the hike back to camp with an arrow in his shoulder. “I’ve dealt with worse.”
“Got it,” Atishal said. She gripped the arrow shaft with one hand and braced her other hand against Solas’s shoulder.
“One, two, three.”
Searing pain shot through Solas’s body, his grunt of pain pushing through gritted teeth. Then, in an instant, the pain disappeared.
Atishal’s hand against his shoulder felt warm. She was still murmuring words of healing under her breath, her eyes closed and her brow unforrowed in an expression of peace.
He blinked in confusion and surprise. Her spell had worked marvelously—he couldn’t have cast it better himself. That was… unexpected.
“Are we ready to go, Herald?” Cassandra’s no-nonsense voice broke through Solas’s daze. “It isn’t safe to stay in one place for too long.”
Solas pushed himself to his feet as elegantly as he could manage, nodding to Atishal in thanks. “Yes, Seeker. I am ready to go.”
They moved in near silence down the rough Hinterlands trail. The battle had taken a lot out of them, and with nothing but more long days of closing rifts, facing down rogue templars, bandits, or mages, and struggling to make a name for the Inquisition, nobody was in the mood for chatter.
They reached camp—a cluster of tents by a tranquil pond—and Solas gratefully took the stew Scout Harding offered him. He didn’t usually eat much, but he was famished. He pressed carefully at the place in his shoulder that had held a templar arrow only hours earlier, but the flesh was whole. A little tender, but whole.
Atishal sat next to him on a large rock by the water’s edge, a short distance from the gathering of Inquisition scouts around the campfire. Far enough away to create some sense of privacy. Solas wondered if she thought they were in some kind of Elven guild, and the thought brought a grimace to his lips. 
“How is your shoulder?” she asked, her deft fingers unbraiding her long, brown hair.
“Feeling good,” Solas said, rolling his shoulder in demonstration.
“I’m glad.” She let her hair fall in thick waves over her shoulder, still lovely despite the sweat and dirt of the day weighing it down.
The conversation lapsed, and Solas let the ambient sounds of the dusky forest fill the silence.
“You are quite a skilled healer,” Solas said eventually.
“You sound surprised.”
“I don’t think many necromancers make the effort to learn the art of healing.”
“Really?” she said, turning to him with a raised brow. “I don’t see necromancy and healing as being so different.”
“Healing the living versus drawing wisps into the vessels of the dead? What could be more different?”
She didn’t respond for a long moment. Solas looked over at her, noting the tense line of her mouth. He recognized her expression, of course. He’d grown used to offending people since waking from his long sleep.
He waited for her to leave. He knew her well enough by now to know that the Herald of Andraste tended to shut down rather than confront. But though he gave her plenty of space to make her exit, she stayed.
A mourning dove let out a plaintive cry, and the sun slipped behind the trees. Twilight transformed the woods around them, marking a boundary in time and space. 
Atishal picked a stone up from the ground and tossed it into the pond. It made a satisfying thunk as it landed in the water, and she watched the ripples slowly expand for a long moment.
“I used to be a healer,” she said quietly.
Solas raised his eyebrows. “Ah?”
“Do you think a Dalish tribe has much use for necromancy?” she asked, eyes still trained on the last remaining ripples in the pond. “For the first twenty five years of my life, it never entered my mind to practice necromancy. I soothed scrapes and bruises, mended broken bones, guided women through difficult childbirths. Easing peoples’ pain and healing their bodies was my calling.”
Was. There was pain in that word, pain that felt familiar to Solas. He, too, used to be a healer. He could no longer claim such a simple title—at least not by itself. No matter what the people in Haven thought, he knew the truth.
“What happened?” Solas asked.
“A plague. It wiped out more than half of my clan in a single year.” She said the words plainly, without sentiment. “After that, I realized among those who needed healing were the dead along with the living.”
“Healing for the dead?”
“Yes. I know… I think their souls are gone. Inviting spirits to inhabit their bodies doesn’t change that. But so many spirits clustered around our tribe, feeding off of sorrow and tragedy. I found that allowing these spirits space to act, to work through the pain… It was beneficial both to the spirits and to those loved ones who remained.”
The way she talked about spirits… Solas began to regret the condescending tone he’d struck in their earlier conversation. She clearly had a conception of spirits that was much closer to his own than he’d realized—much closer to his than most of the people in this strange half-world. And the way she interpreted necromancy was novel to him.
“I’ve never considered that,” he said. Words rarely spoken.
“I hadn’t either, before the plague. Necessity is the greatest teacher, after all.”
Silence fell between them again, and Solas pondered her words. It made sense, in a way, that necromancy would develop new depth and meaning in this hellish world he had created. The people here were so numerous, their lives so cheap.
“You have given me much to think about, Herald,” he said.
She looked over her shoulder at him, a rare smile gracing her lips. “Somehow, from you that feels like a compliment.”
From him, it certainly was.
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90s-suplex · 3 days
Austin overstimulating you while wiping your tears!!!
He is so sweet when he talks (only 4 u) but at the same time so dirty :(
anon, you‘re a genius 🙂‍↕️🫶
thank you for the request, i hope you like it 🥺
praise kink go brr
tw: overstimulation, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink, dubcon
(If i missed any warnings, let me know :) )
nsfw below the cut, afab reader
minors, don‘t interact
What a pretty sight you were.
He loved watching you fall apart over and over, holding on to him for support with shaky breaths every time you climaxed, thinking you had reached your limit and couldn’t possibly take any more. Oh, how he loved proving you wrong each time, again and again. This little game was about to start anew.
"C‘mon.. one more," Austin rasped. "Just one."
Breathing heavily and your hair all ruffled up, you squirmed beneath him. Austin pinned your hips down to stop you from wriggling and looked up at you from in between your thighs. You had become a whimpering mess under him and he loved every second of it.
Austin kept his eyes on you and continued eating you out. He could tell you were close by the way your breath started hitching again. Still pinning your hips to keep you from squirming, he turned all of his attention onto your clit. He flicked his tongue before he started sucking on it, gradually increasing the pressure, spurred on by the sweet moans he drew out of you. 
You were desperate for your release, as all the pent-up pleasure became too much to bear. A particularly lewd moan escaped your lips the moment you felt his fingers at your entrance, but you were too far gone to feel any embarrassment. Each orgasm had left you more disheveled than the last one and you couldn’t even imagine what you must have looked like right now, drool running down your mouth and eyes glazed over.
He slid his fingers into you with ease and the combined stimulation was too much. Your limbs grew numb and you came with a strangled moan.
Soon after you came down from your high, he grazed his thumb over your sensitive clit, waiting for your reaction. Too soon. You writhed under his touch.
"H-hey," you panted. You had lost track of time, all you knew was that you were exhausted. You propped yourself up on your elbows, "..don’t think I can go any longer."
He flicked his eyes up at you. He twichted his fingers inside you, causing you to let out a small groan since even the smallest motion was too much. 
Your ears were ringing. "No, wait, I’m s-serious it this time." 
Austin let out a dry chuckle and didn’t respond at first. His lips were curled into a patronizing grin, and his eyes bore into you as if he was searching for something. You tried to hold his gaze but couldn’t.
"Ain’t the first time I’ve heard that today," the same hand that was pinning your hips down moments ago was now caressing your trembling thighs, "so, I think you can understand that I find that a little hard to believe."
He straightened himself up, kneeling on the bed, towering over you, all while his fingers were still inside you. He was still fully clothed while he had undressed you a long time ago.
Finally, he pulled out his fingers, accompanied by a wet, slick sound - they were covered in your cum. 
"Well," he mused, and his satisfied smile made your stomach churn. "Would you look at that."
"Look at how much you came for me.. How many times was it? 6? Did you keep track, dollface? I was a lil’ too busy to count," he chortled. "I’ve been spoiling you, don‘t you think so?"
You watched him get up and sit down next to you on the bed. Your breathing had slowed down, but your mind was still fuzzy with endorphins.
"But, alright, I‘ll stop.. we don’t wanna overexert you, right?" he spoke, but the hungry gaze in his eyes told you otherwise. When Austin put one arm around you, you shivered under his touch and your hair stood on end. 
"But I need some help from you first. You gotta help me clean up."
He brought his fingers up to your still slightly parted mouth and you gasped when he brushed his fingers on your lips. He wanted you to taste yourself. The thought excited you, so you granted him entry. 
Austin chuckled at you fondly as he dipped his index and middle fingers into your mouth. You let your tongue swirl around them, being able to taste yourself on his fingers.
When you were done cleaning him up, he took his fingers out of your mouth and grabbed your chin instead. "Thank you," he mumbled and tilted your face in his direction. Seconds later, he recaptured your mouth, softly biting down on your lower lip and you felt dizzy. 
Austin’s hand slowly traveled downwards your body while his tongue explored your mouth. A hazy fog clouded your senses, making it hard for you to keep up with what was going on. His hand slid down to your neck, then started tracing your collarbone before eventually groping your breast. His beard scratched your face and to your surprise, you moaned into his mouth.
Before you knew it, his hand had found its way back to your core. His mouth left your lips and settled on your neck instead, biting it lightly as he flicked his thumb over your clit.
"Y‘know, I’m trying to keep my hands to myself, I really am."
Lowering his tone before he continued, he murmured, "Too bad you look so pretty when you‘re cumming for me.“
He started circling your clit, slowly adding pressure. Your skin was on fire. You jerked your hips and gulped down the lump in your throat, gripping the bedsheets. Austin‘s movements sped up and you whined softly.
"Sound pretty, too," he chuckled.
The familiar warmth had crept its way back into your core once again, bundling inside your stomach. You were so, so tired but you craved more.
"But since you asked so nicely, I’m gonna restrain myself." 
His movements came to a halt. 
You wailed at the loss of contact - you needed him to soothe the ache deep inside you. Blurting out incoherent strings of words, you pleaded for him to continue.
"Look at you getting all needy again..," he snickered. "I knew you still had it in you."
Austin’s finger started moving again. With each motion, he sent new electric shocks through your body. Your stomach was in knots and your vision became blurry as the sensations became overwhelming - too much, too fast, too good. If he hadn’t supported you, you would have already dropped back onto the bed.
Austin knew you were getting close. Your forehead was covered in sweat and your breathing became erratic. You arched your back and turned your head away with furrowed brows. Tears were trickling down your face.
You were just too adorable. All for him.
"So good," he cooed. He pulled you closer to his chest so that he could bring his hand up to your face without you dropping onto the bed. Wiping your tears away with his thumb, he mumbled, "You‘ve been doing so good for me. Just a little more, can you do that for me?"
You opened your mouth to say something, but the words got stuck in your throat. 
"I know you can..,“ he whispered. "Just one more. I promise."
"M-mhm..," you bucked your hips, choking out a moan. You squirmed in his hold as you became desperate for more friction. "..need.. I-I need..,“ you mewled and closed your eyes.
"I know..," he shushed you. Austin brushed some loose hair strands out of your face before letting you down gently onto the cushions.
You were thankful that he didn’t torment you with any more questions. At this point, you had trouble forming a coherent thought, let alone voicing one.
He shifted on the bed, sucking in a sharp breath. His gaze was fixed on you while he settled himself between your thighs once again, prying your trembling legs open. He let his fingers run through your folds to collect some of your wetness before he slid them into you. He was pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them at just the right angle. You were already short of breath, but when you felt his mouth on you, you thought you were about to pass out.
Desperate for more friction, you couldn‘t help but grind your hips deeper into his face. Austin hummed in approval, and you shuddered when you felt his voice vibrate through you.
He mumbled something into you, but you were focused on the pleasure that was building up inside you. A wave of heat flooded through you and your whole body went rigid as your walls pulsed around his fingers, still stroking you through your climax.
Once the pleasure subsided, the fog cleared. You could think a little more clearly again and opened your eyes, only to find him in between your legs, not moving an inch. 
He lied.
Just like the previous times.
That wasn’t the last time, he wasn‘t done with you.
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yeyayeya · 8 months
Want to know the worst part about waiting for Season 3 of the TGCF donghua? Is knowing exactly what it’s going to cover
Book 2 was the point where I paused my reading and thought “oh shit, this is… this is fucking getting serious and dark real fast”
I will be sad that there won’t be much HuaLian moments, but that Book 2 is so important and I feel I am going to cry
And then Season 4 rolls around and oh boy
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khytal · 2 years
Final Trigun stampede episode when Vash snaps out of it and wakes up and his hair is in his OG style really messed me up emotionally for some reason
I watched the finale with my friend so I didn’t have time to process it bc we were talking but oh my godddddd the HAIR. and it was animated incredibly well too!!!! I’m so used to being let down by endings but stampede DELIVERED
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supernovaa-remnant · 10 months
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