#I hope this whacky thing makes sense
the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Gooooood day to you wonderful author! I hope you’re having a swell time and that those pesky wasps called negativity are swatted and shooed away. I’ve scrolled your work and have thoroughly enjoyed your stories and thoughts, so maybe if you would be so kind as to hear me out, I’d gladly pay you a penny for my thoughts!
The TADC work is brilliant, and thus I had an idea! What if this rambunctious crew, met a their S/O who is rather cartoony in nature and take to the world of the circus rather well, being bouncy, stretchy and all around a ball of joy as they embrace this toon power they’ve been given.
The idea came to me when I was fiddling with a sticky hand, whilst rewatching the pilot, and thought how amusing it would be to see someone embrace these looney toon abilities.
TADC cast x cartoony!reader !
yahoo i now have some down time to take a crack at requests today! im making gingerbread cookies, peppermint macarons w/ white chocolate ganache, and double chocolate macarons! all for a friend as a christmas gift! yahoo!! waiting for the first bath of macarons to dry out before baking; cant do both since i only have one decent sized pan that can pit my silicone mat without it bending... bent macarons..... thinks also dullahan by worthikids has me in a death grip rn so im playing that on loop while i tackle these requests i am going to go insane!
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oh this man fully embraces it... in fact he even encourages it, i think! i mean caine himself is pretty whacky and cartoony, it only makes sense thats hes going to really enjoy you. i think his approval may lead to you being a little more rowdy than you normally would be with anyone else... likes to use IHAs to see how far your funny physics can go... bonus if you get those little... emote things when you're feeling an emotion particularly strongly (ex. hearts for adoration, the red vein for anger or annoyance, the blue line things to express sadness or disgust and the like. stuff like that idk i just think that would be neat). you guys get outright silly with it, totally funky, completely strange you know? whimsical, even! plus i like to think that caine has a touch more "cartoon physics" than the others but thats just admin being silly
obligatory "pomni is put off by it at first thanks to her being new and having to adjust to the physics of this new digital world.... well adjust to the digital world as a whole" so without a doubt, shes going to look mildly uncomfortable or confused when you just fully embrace to funky cartoon physics of the world. in fact it even looks like your physics are even more cartoony than everyone else's... odd.... i think it would take her some time to get used to it, but she wouldnt try to be rude about it or make you feel bad for her surprise discomfort, you know? doesnt like when your rambunctiousness makes you a little reckless, though, but thats just her care for you showing! you can be a little overwhelming for her, sometimes, by being all... bouncing off the walls... literally and physically... communication is key here if you guys want a decent relationship; be it romantic or platonic
for the most part she loves you for who you are, and your randomness and shenanigans do put a smile on her face more often than not. she just finds you so endearing, and finds your funky physics to be just as cute! buuuuut.... sometimes you can get overwhelming... ragatha already has so much on her plate, with being this beacon of optimism for herself and others, the IHAs, having to make sure no one is at each others throats.. i mean i know we only have the pilot to work off thus far but ragatha gives me mediator vibes. so getting back on topic, i do think that sometimes she needs to be firm and let you know to tone it down, or to let her have a moment to herself because the last thing she wants to do is make you feel bad if she gets too irritated... holds
another obligatory thing but you can stretch and squash hes going to try to find a way to tie that in with a prank or one of his jokes. now if youre teaming up with him or the one being pranked really depends on how jax feels; because i think even his "partner in crime" wouldnt be immune to his bullshit. but consider, given the readers personality, what if theyre a little bit of a prankster themselves and they utilize their extra bounciness for pranks; effectively starting a prank war with jax. like imagine the chaos that would spew from something like that. i could go on a tangent for that, but the admin has a pea brain rn TToTT
has probably crushed you down into a ball shape and used you as a bowling ball. throws you. au where reader is in the circus but theyre the bowling ball jax throws at kinger
honestly he might mistake you for an npc at first and be wary of getting close to you because... well you arent real... except you are..! it takes him a while to realize that, he didnt know someone as whacky as you could exist, and hes been here for a long while! that said when you guys do befriend each other. please try to tone down any recklessness that may come with your rambunctiousness, this poor old man is already stressing out enough about things...! dont give him a heart attack,..! though i guess the bonus of having funky whacky body physics is that you give good hugs and/or cuddles since you can easily and comfortably wrap yourself around the other person.... ponders... so you know what, at least hes comforted via that
easily irritated so you guys are going to have to work together to make things word; so zooble doesnt too overstimulated and so you dont have to change or greatly suppress yourself. say it with me: communication is key, baby!!! definitely takes a lot of time to make something work.... stealing this idea from jax's part, but if youre in the middle of a prank war with jax, where its just you and him going at each other zooble is going to be sliding you ideas and perhaps might come up with ideas to utilize your weird anatomy... very evil, they just want to see jax get karma, i think...
also can get easily overwhelmed with your wild personality, but not so much in an "overstimulated" way and more so a... wait no i guess thats the best wording for it? plus gangle seems to be the type of person to enjoy her calm and quiet peaceful time, when shes not thrust into the chaos of an IHA... so similar to zooble, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication and teamwork if you want a good relationship. gangle DOES feel bad, though, like she is inconveniencing you... please reassure her... not many ideas for the whacky physics thing here, simply because i dont think she would have any special thoughts about anyone's looks or bodies if that makes sense
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rocksibblingsau · 7 months
Where do you get a lot of your inspiration and ideas for world building and lore?
For worldbuilding I overanalyze a lot of random bits of throwaway jokes or one off sentences, as well as pick random things and think of how that would apply to the world I'm working with.
For example, Rock Trolls are shown to be pretty rough with their belongings, always breaking guitars. Logically, this means they must view items differently than us, as I can't imagine breaking things constantly. So Rock Trolls probably view a lot of items as replaceable. They may have items they'd prefer not to be smashed, but if they get smashed on accident it will be a lot less of an issue than if you or I had something of ours destroyed.
Some inspiration for that comes from a post I saw years ago, from a tourist who visited Japan I believe. He spoke with a local about some architecture that was in a destroyed area and asked how it was still there. The local explained it was rebuilt and the tourist said something like 'so its not the same one', which the local disagreed with. The physical form of it may have been destroyed but that was secondary to the concept of it.
I could see Rock Trolls having a similar philosophy! When Barb in the movie destroyed Techno Reef and Symphonyville it wasn't as big a deal to her because Techno Reef and Symphonyville are concepts. She destroyed the physical aspects, but those are temporary. The Reef can be rebuilt, a building can be rebuilt. I could see after the movie her being a lot more confused what the big deal is, she can spare the labor to help rebuild. If the labor or time isn't the issue what is? It's being rebuilt, why are they still upset?
A lot of my inspiration is me picking my brain for random things I've seen or thought of and chipping away at it until it slots into halfway making sense. Sometimes I'll seek stuff out, like looking up new music for the fic, but a lot of things are stuff I've just stumbled upon. Patch pants were something I just stumbled on and ended up working, for example.
Plot wise, I've read a lot of fics and through reading those I come to these ideas of 'I hope x happens next chapter' or 'what if this fic but yz instead', and I've gathered a lot of things I want or don't want. I've also gathered things I don't really see in fics that I personally want to see and so I'm gonna shove those into my fic.
It's really just a lot of overthinking on my part I suppose. If you wanna worldbuild I recommend just coming up with a base idea for the chapter, we'll use 'Branch goes to the doctor in rock city'. I think about how you expect doctors to be and why they're like that, then I think about what they're like with Pop Trolls. I go over episodes to see if there are canonical depictions of doctors. Then I look at Rock Trolls and think about how they would approach the issue. How would they view the medical field? Perhaps Rock Troll doctors act less like professionals and more like mechanics for the human body. I think about how their biology would affect how they could treat patients and so on. For example, I personally think Rock Trolls have skin that's hard to pierce. This would make shots more difficult. What does that mean for the interaction? Would shots be less likely to be given, instead done as pills or ointments? Would shots be much thicker needles, used with force and requiring the doctor to treat Branch differently? Are there any connections between doctors and rock music in culture/art? Perhaps some cult classic punk movie about doctors that you could mix in references to? Did you once see a video of a doctor who was a bit unorthodox but effective? Rock Trolls don't care for manners so perhaps all doctors are rude and whacky but get results!
I rambled a bit, sorry! A lot of my worldbuilding is being super in my head and overthinking things, as well as coming up with random thoughts and building on them.
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bisexualseraphim · 10 months
People around my age thinking being 30+ is “old” or “cringe” is whacky to me because like… I for one actually can’t wait to be in my 30s.
My experience of being in my 20s hasn’t been the most pleasant. Due to circumstances out of my control, primarily brought on by the pandemic, I haven’t made it as far in life at my age as many of my peers. I finished college, had the odd temporary job or apprenticeship and then… that’s kind of been it. I haven’t been in work or education for the last almost 4 years and I feel like total shit for it. I also don’t really enjoy clubbing or getting drunk, and I find that many people I try to make friends or get into relationships with have no sense of commitment or permanence. Everyone my own age wants everything to go FAST FAST FAST and you’re looked down upon if you just want to relax and slow down for a minute. Your 20s are supposed to be for getting ahead and being a dumb youth after all!
People in their 30s and older, however (and I hope I don’t sound like I’m indirectly calling them old here lol) tend to be a bit more relaxed about these kinds of things. Chances are they’ve had some actual life experience that has made them more mature, and they’ve realised that there’s no need to rush anything. You’re going to (hopefully) live for 70 years or so; what’s the rush to get everything done right now? At 30 and older, maybe you’ve gone through a couple of jobs, experienced living alone, made and lost a few friends, had a relationship or two, maybe you’ve even gone back to school just because you can — and even if you haven’t, who fucking cares? Life isn’t a competition. Trying to rush anything is only going to guarantee that you have regrets.
As such, I don’t feel as much social pressure, if any at all, around people aged 30+. They don’t look down on me for not having made as much progress as I wanted to. All they tell me is “you’ll get there when you get there, there’s no rush or pressure to do anything” and that is honestly so much more freeing than hanging around people younger than me who have already had 3 jobs, 2 houses and a date for their wedding. I love having friends in their 30s and 40s. They make me feel safe and content with myself.
This isn’t me trying to be like “I’m not like other kids in their 20s… I hate anyone born after 1995 😎” I just mean that shitting on people older than you simply for being “old” is the REAL cringe lol seeing as they’ve been your age and likely know a thing or two about life better than you do. They could help guide you through your obstacles and instead you’re teasing them for idk, using the 😂 emoji or something. Not to mention the fact 30 is considered “old” now is highly concerning…
All I mean is, yes, you do owe other people the absolute most bare minimum kindness and respect and that does, in fact, include your elders. Stop calling people who are still pretty young “old” please
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onepiece-oc-archives · 5 months
Hello! Would you happen to have any tips for writing Strawhat OCs?
Thanks so much for your question! I've had this in my askbox for a while now and felt bad about not answering it but I also wanted to make sure I could give an actual helpful answer and not some uninspired jumble of words. I still don't really have the energy for a long essay of an answer, but I figured I could at least give you a short summary of what I believe to be some important points.
In the end though, every OC is unique and every creator has their own outlook on things, so if you think my points make no sense, feel free to ignore them.
First of all, your OC should be at least a little bit silly. I say this because the Straw Hats are a very silly bunch and you need to be at least a bit silly yourself to be able to take living with them on the same ship for weeks and weeks. They need to be able to handle chaos and absolutely "fuck it we ball"-ing any plans because none of them will work out, they will all be improvised. Luffy is the natural enemy of any planner, unless you're already taking his unhingedness into consideration as part of your plan.
Second of all, every Straw Hat has a dream. That's what brough them together in the first place - they're dreamers and they value their freedom. What's your OC's dream?
Third, think about how your OC would fit into the crew and what role they would fulfill, on a very basic, practical level. The Straw Hats already have a captain, a swordsman and first mate, a navigator/financer, a sniper/handiman and a cook(/ charmer in the live action). They're going to have a doctor, a carpenter, a helmsman, a musician and an archaeologist. Think about what roles are left to fill, even if only temporarily or from a different angle. Think about what the Straw Hats are still missing and what your OC could bring to the table. Even if what they're bringing to the table is just vibes.
Finally, and most importantly of all: Think about dynamics. If one of the Straw Hats likes your OC, they have a pretty good chance of getting into the crew. If Luffy likes them, those chances go up tremendously. If they're just overall weird/whacky, they're practically in. Luffy loves anything weird/unusual/over-the-top. Some pirate crew have limits on what kind of people they let into their crew, but the Straw Hats don't really have that. You just have to not be evil. Not even age is really an important factor. Zoro might have some things to say about Luffy inviting a little kid, but if the kid can fight, he's probably gonna shut up about it eventually. If the person is 40-something years old, that's not an issue either because that just means they have more experience! It's more like the middle-aged person's issue if they wanna be babysitting a bunch of chaotic children.
Generally, I don't think there's a lot you have to pay attention to when creating a Straw Hat OC, especially compared to creating someone for other crews. The Straw Hats don't even really have a theme. All you have to consider is that your future Straw Hats has to be 1) silly 2) a dreamer and 3) good at heart. They can be mean occasionally, that's not the issue. I mean, look at Zoro and Nami. And Sanji, in the animanga. But the Straw Hats generally are all about helping people and your OC should be on board with that.
I hope this helped! Have a lovely day!
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In hindsight, I think one of the reasons why DD feels like such a weird follow-up to AJ is that it borrows vibes more from the PW Trilogy than AJ.
You have the parallels to significant cases from the Wright trilogy - DL-6, SL-9, and Matt Engarde's case spring to mind. It's been said that Simon has parallels to Godot and Means is a carbon-copy of Manfred's personal philosophy. The general focus on Phoenix and how he affects the world around him also make DD feel more like a PW game than an AJ one.
I've always thought Athena and Simon's plight was a darker twist on Phoenix and Edgeworth's story in the grand scheme of things; a dear friend losing himself to the corrupted legal system and fighting tooth-and-nail to see them again, to save them from that darkness. How the trauma of losing one's parent causes one of them to lose hope and accept their guilt, the only salvation being a ridiculous leap of faith that somehow lands on its feet. Dual Destinies is, at its core (and I do consider their story to be the core of this game), irrevocably seeped in PW's ideas and narrative beats. Not AJ's.
I do love this in isolation, bringing the things we know from the series prior and twisting them into something different. Hell, it could even be a fitting return for Phoenix post-disbarment to rear up a new student going down a similar - if darker - road to his own... if AJ didn't already exist with ideas-galore to follow through on. A game that has a notably different vibe to Phoenix's own adventures, one that doesn't quite carry through to DD (which feels more in-line with the tone established in PW, just taken to extremes in places (for better and worse)).
I can see why people would prefer it to follow a hypothetical AJ trilogy instead of being smack-dab in the middle of the one we have. It could have been a return to form in that way, similar to how Phoenix returns to the fray in that game (one that can be earned over the course of a trilogy instead of in-between games). It's not that it doesn't have its ties to AJ - Apollo's attitude to Phoenix makes more sense with it, as well as his descent into paranoid doubt. Defense attorneys like Means being bolstered by Phoenix's fall from grace, that it would contribute to people's growing doubt over the (frankly abysmal) legal system, is literally in the text. It's the focus on Phoenix, his return to the defense bench along with vibes more in line with PW:AA, that makes people feel like it doesn't connect at all. If it was focused on Apollo and his new whacky assistant and Phoenix filled a more Mia-esque mentor role, the two may have stuck together in people's heads better. It already has a worthy follow-up story in exploring his growing distrust of the people around him (partly thanks to Phoenix himself if you can believe it); the body is there, but the heart feels like its in the wrong spot.
To say nothing of how people feel that Athena and Simon's story is plenty on its own given room to breathe.
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turmoilcity · 4 months
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Front is Lillian. We know her. She's an angel with a constant hunger for love. She's got a long list of lovers and heartbreaking (she's unbeknownst to the heartbreaking).
Behind her to the right is Bella, her twin. Of the twin set, Bella is the rough edged tomboy who loves to skateboard and headbang to punk music. She's not as feminine and likes punching things.
To the left of Bella is Lillian and Bella's younger brother, Justin. Justin's the sibling with common sense and maturity. He's always been the brother Lillian and Bella drag along on their "whacky" adventures. Justin's very smart, scientifically speaking. He's built many robots and machines.
The redhead behind Justin is Meghan. Meghan the "Girl's girl" of the group. She has a lot of money and fashion tips.
To the right of Meghan is Jenna. Jennas the leader when Dylan (the teams leader) isn't around. She's quiet and very articulate with fighting.
The guy with short black hair behind Jenna is Manny. Mannys not on the team anymore. He's evil. But I did make this picture of him recently
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To the left of Manny is Collin. Collins the chill guy who is Bella and Mannys best/brother friend. He's a simple guy.
To the left of Collin is Savannah who's the awkward girl of the group. She's not the best with being confident as a hero. Someone drew me fanart of her and Bella 🧡💙
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Aaaaaaaand that's it!!!
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pentechnics · 2 years
You’re Safe
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Din Djarin & gn!reader
Rating: G
Summary: scary dreams have been plaguing you. Din tries to comfort you.
Warnings: mentions of bad dreams, anxiety, depressive thoughts
Notes: don’t mind me, loves. Just helping myself through something. I didn’t really edit it too much. You’re welcome to interpret this however you wish — there’s nothing explicitly romantic going on. I hope you enjoy, and if you also need it, that it helps! Much love! ❤️
“Hey, it’s okay,” he set a hand on your shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “Let it out.”
Silent tears slowly trickled down your cheeks, leaving your eyes tingling with a bitter dryness.
“Scared you that bad, huh?”
You nodded. How long had it been since you’d had a dream that palpable in all the worst ways? You couldn’t recall. Nor could you recall how you convinced yourself to sleep again after it had passed.
“I just-“ you cut yourself off with a sigh. “I can’t help it. It felt so real, I just don’t want to go back to anything like that.”
“And you’re worried it’ll happen again if you sleep now?”
You nodded again. His arm weaved around both of your shoulders, pulling you into his side. The gauntlets were hard and cold against your skin, even through your clothes, but you refused to move away. His paradoxal body heat seeped in from his side, like a gentle caress that grounded you to him.
“I get that. But there’s something you should remember.”
You turned to face him, finding that dark visor trained on your face.
“For every bad dream like that is another great dream just waiting for you.”
You frowned. If your dreams hadn’t been so whacky all week long, maybe that would’ve worked.
“Tell that to the thousand other bad dreams, Din. Doesn’t seem like a very even trade-off.”
You turned forward and pulled your knees into your chest, your blanket wrapped around them. A small modulated sigh sounded beside you, and a pang of guilt rang through your frustration. He’s only trying to help, you scolded yourself. No need for this attitude.
But the deadly combination of constant fatigue, long days, and lack of proper rest did not help your mood one bit. You’d been snapping at pretty much anyone the past few days.
“… what do you think is causing them?”
You took a breath as you contemplated an answer. Things hadn’t been so out of the ordinary as of late, though your mind always seemed to find a way to torment you. Intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depressive states that had you literally dragging yourself along just to get through a basic every day function. Even when Din decreased your workload and gave you time off, you couldn’t shake the paralyzing weight of existence.
“I don’t know,” you breathed. “I just… everything’s felt so much harder lately. I don’t really feel like myself. And I don’t know, I guess it just hasn’t felt… worth it. I don’t know if that makes sense.”
The hand on your shoulder squeezed. Din’s gloved thumb began running up and down your shoulder blade.
“… I know what you mean.”
His voice was so soft. It cracked, as if someone had knocked the wind out of him. When you looked at him his gaze was trained in front of him, helmet pointed down towards his lap.
“I had no idea it was that kind of dream. I’m so sorry.”
His tone made your chest ache. This wasn’t the sturdy, unmovable Din you were used to. It was as though he was part of you in that moment, subverting any physical boundary to enter your conscience and figure out what was going on within.
And somehow, it seemed to be working.
In an instant his helmet found you again, the strength returning to his body and voice as if it hadn’t abandoned him a moment prior. His grip was firm as he turned to bring you both face to face, both of his hands now holding your frame in place.
“But I need you to know this. That dream, those thoughts, they can’t hurt you. They won’t hurt you. They hold no power over you. Your mind and body might be using them to process some things, but I promise, you are not in danger.”
His thumbs gently rubbed into your muscles in small circles. You gulped as you digested his words.
“You’re safe, okay? Nothing’s gonna hurt you — I would never let that happen.”
Those last words had a fresh set of tears flooding your vision. The sincerity, the confidence, the genuine care, it all flowed out of his voice and straight into your tired heart.
For the first time in what felt like ages, your body released its tension. You fell forward into his embrace — hard, and cold, but somehow still a comfort.
Din stopped your head from completely faceplanting on his cuirass, instead maneuvering you to lay on his shoulder, now lacking a pauldron. He squeezed you close, rubbing a hand up and down your arm.
“Come on. You’re exhausted. Let’s lay you down.”
You didn’t protest as he resituated you in your cot, drawing the blanket up over your shoulders. You turned on your side when he knelt at your bedside, bringing out a hand to silently ask for his. When he obliged you gave it a squeeze and offered him a small smile.
“Thank you, Din.”
He merely nodded and ran his thumb over your knuckles.
“I’ll be right here, okay? You just sleep.”
You nodded and nuzzled into your pillow, giving him one last grateful glance before closing your eyes and drawing in a deep, slow breath.
“That’s it,” he whispered.
As your mind relaxed more and more, consciousness fading away, you let out a yawn.
“Goodnight, Din,” you mumbled.
“… Sweet dreams.”
The sound of his deep timber and the slight presence of a hand on your head were the last things you registered before drifting off.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years
Shifted - The Plan (Chapter 1/?)
A/N: This is my Secret Santa gift for @jensengirl83 for @spnfanficpond's Secret Santa Fic Exchange! This is just Part 1 and I honestly don't know how many parts there will be or how often I'll get to post them. I have goals, but we'll see if I meet them. Anyway, Brandy mentioned in her list of wishes, "established relationship, fake dating, [that sort of thing]," and my brain did what it always does and became that girl from the taco ads. "Why not both?" I hope this makes you smile in spite of what I've done!
A/N2: This is not beta read by anyone, but both @torn-and-frayed and @katbratsupernaturalwhore have helped with brainstorming for this one!!
Summary: The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don't go quite to plan.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word count: 1354 words in this part.
Warnings: So far, nothing. This will be updated as I go, though, if anything crops up. I'm posting as I write, for the first time EVER, so I can only say I hope this will be more fluff/crack than anything else.
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Nerves fluttered in your belly as you directed Dean through your old neighborhood to your childhood home. Maybe the holidays weren’t the best time for your family to meet your boyfriend for the first time, but hunts had been keeping you away since you’d joined the Winchesters. Your parents didn’t know what you did, and you wanted to keep it that way so they wouldn’t worry about you. As far as they knew, you and the boys were private investigators, with the boys doing the more dangerous cases and you finding lost relatives and cheating spouses. Your family had no idea that you’d decapitated a vampire just the other day.
Sitting forward in the back seat so your head was almost in line with the brothers’, you tapped an erratic beat into Baby’s leather while you noted the changes since you’d been in town last.
“Honey?” Dean said to prod you out of your worried thoughts, “want me to turn on some music so you have a beat, or do you prefer the whacky drum solo you’ve got going on?”
Reflexively stilling your fingers by curling your hands into fists, you gulped and mumbled an apology. “Sorry. Just nervous. I’m not good at lying to my parents and my sister. I’m taking bets in my own head about how long into the weekend we’ll make it before they figure out I’m lying about almost everything.”
Sam turned back in his seat to look at you. “Hey, don’t stress about it too much or it will just get worse. Remember, keep the lies honest and—”
“—the extra details to a minimum,” you finished with him. Sam had been helping you get past your mile-wide honest streak so you could present yourself as an FBI agent without giving everything away in the first conversation with local law enforcement. Dean had always found subterfuge in those cases easy, but it was hard for you. Sam had taken you under his wing and coached you on how to improve without feeling like you were doing something bad. “I know, Obi-wan. But this is my family. They know all of my tells! I never got away with anything growing up! And they’re going to be judging how Dean and I are with each other to make sure we’re happy and everything, so anything that makes them doubt me will blow up in Dean’s face. And I like Dean’s face!” Giving Sam a playful smirk, you said, “It makes up for his hair!”
Dean’s injured outcry mingled with Sam’s laugh and your gigglesnort. “Since when are long, flowing locks a good idea in our profession, huh? My hair makes way more sense than Sam’s ridiculous mop.” He pouted in such a way that you knew he wasn’t hurt, but glad that you were able to joke around through your nerves.
Baby pulled onto the street where you grew up and into your parents’ driveway as you extolled the virtues of longer hair on men. “Yeah, but it’s nice to have something to hold onto sometimes, you know?” You winked as Dean glanced back at you and rolled his eyes with a smile while Sam groaned.
“I don’t need to know about what you guys do during your private time!” With a wave of his hand, he shifted away from you and Dean and looked out the window at the big house looming above the car. “Wow. Big house!”
“Yeah, it’s been in the family for generations. The taxes are hell. Anyway, there’s plenty of room for all of us.”
Just then, as Dean turned off the ignition, the door opened and your sister came out carrying a big box followed by your parents with more boxes and bags, heading to the garage. A million feelings swelled in your chest and made you smile. It had been a while, and you were happy to see your family again, in spite of your fears.
“Oh, shit,” Dean swore, looking at your family.
Your eyes nearly bugging out in worry, you looked at your boyfriend with panic. “What? What shit? No shit! There can’t be shit! What shit could there be? What shit, Dean???”
The panic on Dean’s face only made yours worse. “I think I met your sister before. Long story short, a while back, before we met you, a shifter decided to see how much tail Dean Winchester actually gets. He hit on a girl while wearing my face, went back to her place with her, and they started making out. I followed them, of course, looking for a chance to take him out and save her. She got a little too frisky, clawed him a little too roughly, and got an extra handful she didn’t want, because, you know, shifters shed. As she freaked out, he tried to calm her down, and when it didn’t work, he hit her. That’s when I busted in, grabbed him, dragged him out, and never looked back. I have no idea if she saw me clearly enough to know that I looked just like him. Who knows what she’ll think when she sees me!!”
Both you and Sam were staring at Dean, now, with jaws dropped, only half words coming out of your mouths. It took a couple of seconds for your brain to fully comprehend what Dean was saying.
“You mean, my sister thinks she picked you up in a bar, took you home, literally scratched your skin off, and then you were dragged off by your twin brother?
Your family was now exiting the garage, chatting amiably about something you couldn’t hear while you sat in Baby, trying to reconcile everything Dean was saying. Panic flooded your system.
“Yeah?” Dean answered though he sounded nervous and unsure. “She won’t hold it against me and tell your parents and make life difficult for us, will she?”
You turned on your boyfriend with panic in your eyes. “Of course, she will!! I’m her little sister, and you’re a douchebag with a skin condition!!! She’s going to rip you apart! Considering what she thinks she knows about your skin condition, she may try to actually rip you apart, thinking she can!”
Dean paled, while Sam focused on your family quickly approaching the car.
“Okay, so we’re just going to have to explain everything to at least your sister. Monsters, hunting, shifters, everything,” Sam said. “Maybe we can get your sister alone before she blows everything up to your parents.”
As Sam spoke, your sister stalled halfway across the driveway, staring at Dean. Your parents stopped walking a step later, turning back to see what had stopped your sister. Tracy gestured at Dean and said a few words, which was enough for your parents to stiffen up.
“Yeah, too late for that, I think,” you said, despair overtaking your panic. Your parents would never understand your need to hunt monsters. That was assuming they’d even accept that monsters exist and not throw you in the nuthouse immediately.
Half a second passed before Dean spoke up. “New plan: Sam, you’re Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m the shitheel brother who may or not be rapey. They won’t accept me as your boyfriend, but you can’t choose your boyfriend’s brother. I’ll figure out a story to apologize to your sister, get her to think I just look like the guy but I’m not the guy, or maybe that I’m the hero and not the molting rapist, so they at least don’t call the cops.”
Sam made a weird choking noise in chorus with an unusual whimper that came out of your mouth. But there was no time to argue. Your family was now standing outside the car and Dean was opening his door to get out. This was the worst plan, ever. Explaining that monsters were real would be faster and easier than this. But Dean was already out of the car, heading to the trunk to get your bags. You and Sam looked at each other with wide eyes but silently agreed that there was nothing you could do at this point but go along with the plan.
Part 2
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Ye olde forever tags list: @datfandombitch @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @chelsea072498 @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @lynn1712 @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278
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breezy-cheezy · 10 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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ghost-in-cyberspace · 8 months
Percy Jackson and The Olympian's Season 1 vs The Lightning Thief.
Hi everyone,
I'm back again and planning on doing regular blog posts.
Now, since I've read a lot of Rick Riodran's books, I've decided to start my regular blog posting spree again, by doing a comparison to the TV series vs the books, whilst hoping that the books are better than the tripe that they called movies. And the Olympians and Nine Muses must have heard my prayers.
Now beware spoilers and a very long blog posts. In fact I might be finding out if Tumblr has a character limit.
Now I'm not going to go into too big a deal over character looks. This is more about comparing story events and characterization etc.
Series wide there's 3 things.
Percy's knowledge of myths: Now this one isn't too surprising nor is it unwelcome. In the books, Percy wasn't too knowledgeable about the Greek Myths he's end up fighting. Most of the time it's Annabeth or Grover etc, who explains things to him. The most he knew was about Perseus (his name sake).
Grover's abilities to smell monsters, and empathy: This one made less sense to me to cut out. Satyrs are sent out to gather demigods, cos like monsters they can smell them. And Grover seems to be the best out of all the Satyrs at doing just that. Some spoilers for Book 3, but he finds a couple more powerful demigods there. But Satyrs can also smell monsters in the books, unless they're underground (Underground air smells like Monsters). Satyrs are also capable of detecting emotions. In fact their psychic empathy talents play a big role in Book 2 Sea of Monsters.
Demigods understanding Ancient Greek: Again another alteration that doesn't make too much sense to me. But Greek Demigods have dyslexia because their brains are hard wired to understand Ancient Greek, but in the TV series that hasn't been mentioned yet. (Fun fact but the reason Rick Riodran wrote them like that was because his son was diagnosed with the double whammy of ADHD and dyslexia as well. Knowing his son would have a difficult time learning to read, Mr Riodran read to him Classical Myths to help him learn. When he ran out of stories, his son encouraged him to make up his own, and Mr Riodran gave them those 2 learning differences so they'd be like his son).
Now I don't seem to have hit a limit yet, so lets continue on to the episodes:
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Episode 1: I Accidently Vaporise My Pre-Algebra Teacher
Chapters adapted:
I accidently Vaporise My Pre-Algebra Teacher Three Old Ladies Knit The Socks of Death. Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Trousers My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting.
BTW guys I'm British. If I typed Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants trust me, that would raise my eyebrows.
So the first episode is based on the first 4 chapters. Which more or less introduces Percy, and therefore you to the whacky magical world he's part of.
Now the sequence of events for both are:
Percy ends up vaporising his teacher, Mrs Dodds, aka the Fury (Or Kindly One) Alecto. He gets kicked out of his latest school, Yancy Academy. He goes back home. Goes to the beach cabin, in Montauk Long Island, NY with his Mum. Where during a storm, Grover shows up in full Satyr form and then the Minotaur shows up and chases the three of them, first in the car, then on foot when a lightning bolt blasts the car causing them to crash. Sally Jackson sacrifices herself trying to distract the Minotaur. And Percy kills it with it's own horn.
Some of the differences are:
Percy playing with Mythomagic cards. Okay I added this for laughs as in the books, Percy never played it. That was the obsession of Nico Di Angelo whose introduced in Book 3: The Titan's Curse. Though I do like that during that scene they kept the fact that Percy hates bullies with how he tried to go after some that messed with Grover. (Percy always was unpopular in schools as he befriends the outcasts).
Percy's other expulsions and odd things in childhood, which I assumed they left out for pacing, but Percy has been kicked out of every school he's ever been in. Yancy was his 6th school in as many years. Usually he got kicked out after something strange happens during a school trip, hence his nerves for the Yancy trip to the museum. Highlights from the books include: Some how blowing up his school bus with a civil war cannon, hitting the wrong lever on a catwalk, so his class got dunked into the shark tank during a visit to an aquarium. Strangling a snake in his cot at nursery, and a cyclops stalking him on a playground.
Also Percy got to keep his sword, Anaklusmos (Ancient Greek for Riptide) a lot sooner, and also isn't named in the TV series. In the TV series he was given the pen after his pencil breaks in the museum. Another side note, I love how they showed his dyslexia there, and he kept it since. But in the books, he was thrown the sword during Mrs Dodd's attack, and Chiron reclaimed it afterwards. He wouldn't give the sword properly and permanently until Percy goes on his quest.
Mrs Dodds attack is a bit different in the show as well, as she just straight up pounces Percy as soon as he accidently uses his hydrokinetic powers to pull a bully, Nancy Bobfit into the nearby fountain after taunting him telepathically (something that monsters seem able to do here). But in the books, after she witnessed it, she lures him into the museum first. Also there's no telepathy, but she just demands that Percy returns what he stolen. Percy, who of course nicked nothing and knows nothings, is confused and then terrified when Mrs Dodds' attacked, and then Chiron throws him the sword.
Also the attack happened during the spring time in the books. And was actually the start of a difficult time for Percy in school, as Chiron had tried to fool him with the Mist, like the other mortals, but Percy had started to awaken to his heritage, and could remember it. He might have accepted the fact he was hallucinating except for the fact that Grover is a terrible liar, and would flinch whenever Mrs Dodds is brought up. So Percy started picking fights and acting out in class in the books, out of the stress and fear of that incident until the headmaster expelled him near the end of term. In the tv series, it was just for shoving Nancy into the fountain, which Grover stitched him up for, so he'd get sent to Camp Half-Blood before the attacks get worse.
So the three old ladies knitting the socks of death straight up don't show up here. They show up in a later episode. But here, that's one of the reasons that Percy ditched Grover in the books. As the two of them, on the bus ride back to Manhatten, spot the Three Fates themselves. Percy, of course, doesn't know what that means, but Grover does and freaks out when Percy witnesses the Fates or Moirai (specifically Atropos) cut the thread of life. The reason for Grover freaking out is because what Percy just witnessed was an omen of death. But Grover's freaking out meant that Percy ditched him at the bus station to go home alone. Which led to the following events.
So coming home, not much difference there, except Smelly Gabe is definitely unemployed and earns through online gambling, instead of being a manager of an electronics store and not going to work. Also Sally Jackson is more explicit in standing up to him. In the books although she's still stubborn (she does keep her maiden name in both) but she charms and persuades Smelly Gabe.
Not much changes about the Minotaur attack. The storm in the books arrives in the night as a freak hurricane, which was mentioned a few times as a series of odd weather phenomena that mortals noticed but was due to the fighting between Zeus and Poseidon. And Sally wasn't planning on sending Percy to Camp Half-Blood just yet, she was considering whether or not to try another boarding school as sending Percy to camp might mean she'll never see him again. In the TV series, she obviously was and Grover's arrival was a surprise to her as he came EARLY. But other than that the chase sequence plays out the same until the crash, as Grover was knocked out in the books. So he got to witness the fight, first between Sally and the Minotaur, and then Percy killing it. But in the books, Percy didn't have a weapon. The storm had boosted his strength so he could break the horn straight off, and use it to stab the monster. In the TV series he uses the sword first, then the horn. Finally in the aftermath in the books, Percy dragged the unconscious Grover to the Big House in camp. In the TV series, the campers came out to find him and Grover collapsed on the ground.
I hope you all enjoyed this Blog Post. I'll cover the other episodes soon.
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soul-wanderer · 2 years
06x09//Come As You Are - weekly recap
this should be a short one, because well, what the hell was that episode?!
- Maya trying and failing to meditate was pretty relatable
- Andy and Vic dancing and singing. Maybe the writers are gonna remember that these two used to be friends a few seasons ago, you know? Just in case they forgot, which they would never, right? RIGHT?
- The only storyline that wasn’t utter crap in this episode was the one with Theo (and Vic). The writing did have its weak points, even in those scenes, but overall this storyline might turn into a pretty solid one and Theo can do no wrong, if you ask me
- Do we need to talk about Carina and that pregnant lady? I mean, do we? I’m not even upset about what happened, I am just upset at the horrible writing and how cringe it was that Carina shared all these things about her marriage and fertility journey with a stranger (yes, this is the Grey’s universe, but still), who extremely awkwardly flirted with her out of the blue. Also, how is Jack suddenly the one who’s so concerned about people cheating? Make it make sense.
- The one good part about that fight between the two guys was the fact that British Dude got sucker punched. That’s it, that’s the highlight of that scene.
- I refuse to give Beckett more than one sentence at this point (yes, even if his uncle is sick)
- Vic and Theo talking. I love that. I love how they communicate, even when they argued before. I love how they resolve. I love Vic’s little smile when Theo “accuses” her of being like Diane. And I loved that she mentioned code switching instead of accusing Theo of being fake. We need this.
- Andy agreeing on a date with The British Dude *screams into pillow*. Guess we don’t need strong, independent women. Guess we need *looks at smudged writing on hand* Andy with yet another questionable guy, that’s right. We need that. Just ask the writers.
- Carina isn’t ready to come back. Maya isn’t ready for Carina to come back. They both have work to do and I hope we see Carina getting psychological help too.
What’s next?
- I love the whacky idea that the pregnant lady was introduced so the writers can kill her off and have Carina and Maya adopt the baby. Not because I am a fan of the idea, but because at this point we have fully descended into chaos and I would absolutely believe that the writers would do this
- Real talk, we need some sort of fucking sign for how many days this team has been trusting The British Dude without ever questioning what he is up to. We all know he is up to something, it’s just a matter of if he’s after Travis or Andy and it’s not going to end well. Seriously, stop trusting this dude, guys.
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oraclemoontarot · 2 months
yes thank u for replying! kpop always seems crazily obsessed with there always being some kind of drama, or "scandal" in general and lately idols seem to either be apologising to mere (imho) non issues and little things that really dont need an apology for.
but whats crazy is theres these whacky ass adults in charge of debuting minors but they dont seem to act conciousky towards if that makes sense? someone else mentioned a lot of rumors get spread bc of staffs looking at phones so they cant catch a break from such gossips and false evidences that seem to get a member kicked out or leaving a group or two. they also havent actually been protecting idols that well esp not online.
its sus is what im sayin.
i 100% agree, and no problem !! don't get me started on the drama, because tell me why defending yourself against sasaengs, dating someone after being in the industry for years, or having a pimple of all things is enough to garner an apology 💀
but it does feel like they're apologising for more mundane and useless things a lot more frequently these days? like, it's as though their company doesn't care and to get the problem out the door, they just shove a piece of paper and pen in their hand to get a quick and unnecessary apology out.
the minor thing though... that always rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning, how is being 20+ too old to debut now too? And how are 14 year olds debuting okay? but with what you mentioned, they debut minors and yet do far less to protect them compared to anyone else, it's just bizarre and kind of sad tbh, but people forget as soon as they drop good music, and this turns into an endless cycle.
The staff too. I wonder how the idols manage without falling deep into trust issues when their own staff etc. leak their info. I noticed that a lot of companies just brush these things under the rug in hopes people will simply forget about it. But what happened to protecting your artists and not treating them as robotic money making machines? I don't know, the industry is messed up and lazy when it comes to dealing with false accusations, removing members without a statement, and throwing out more apologies than comebacks.
you're definitely right, it is weird as hell
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seasideretreat · 10 months
The whacky differentiation of readiness in lifelessness overcomes us in the verisimilitude of insane victimization: I am stuck in lovelessness, and what's more, I despise so many people. There's just a bunch of silly things to do, that have nothing to do with hard labour, but in fact, only correspond to rectifications in the simplicity of arduous adventuring in the extreme excesses of normal dispondency in the endless infinity of being yourself, well, the things will not happen the way they are supposed to happen, and we will lose our immediate agency in the violence of sheer normality, because there is only more shit to be done; but we can do what we can do, and there is certainly an escape from the limitation of the ultimate necessity that we require: let there be similitude, in the vastness of creative endeavors that we desire, because we are all simple souls lost in the sea of tonality, but there might be extrications from the horror of limited necessity, that we do and that we desire, because there is a constant requirement in the visuality of normal existence, that we need, because the stresses of sheer virility and deathly work go together in our hope to be calm and virile in the final event of normal work, but we might see the essences happen, in the great analysis of happy creativity, still connected to the variety of glad requirement, still requiring the limitation of visual creativity in the nonsense of creative endeavoring, that will forever tie itself to the way of normal action, that we know is real, but we cannot let it make sense on its own, because it does not connect to any normal recollection of the fishy entirety of despondency, that needs something to be done by the renegades that move their iron shoulder-machine towards the edges of visual manifestation; and so it goes on all the time.
But our normal activity will always continue down the track of callous disregard for the lives of simple-minded souls that really do hope for a happy end in the final analysis, because there is a way out of the freaky impasse in which all our brothers and sisters are caught: and we might end up requiring some happy accident from the simple people in the final analysis, that will liberate us from the simple renunciation of the material world that is absolutely necessary but that we do not need, because there is no ulterior recollection to the fishy fundament that is so real in the happy orientation of work in the vastness of space and time; and in this wise, we may begin to move towards ends that are really founded in the normality of sheer action that we can do and that is minerally opposed to real power which is full of determinate deliberations, true to the main hold of figuration, but always pointing back to the beginning of the reconquest of the Islamic fortresses, that are however, always, just points on the map to Jerusalem or Rome or what have you, any old religious hometown, that for some reason connects to serious activity in the silly beliefs of the wise men that regurgitate the fallow Earth and make a move to hopeful disorientation, which is what we need in the grand scheme of things and in the last analysis, and this is what we connect to the vast totality of serious work which liberates us from the fawns of simple direction in the normality of idiotic ideology, necessary for salvation, but let loose on the structures of normality: structures that we need, moreover, because the synonymic attenuations of hopeful directionality are mundane and fallow in the vastness of space and time, and this gives us the chance to reoperate the machinery of the New World Order to which we all belong; because as all men should know, the holy ones are on the lookout for God's new creation, and the burden of new powers are gifted to us with marvelous dispondency to the motions of the visceral damnation of the cornered animi that occupy the realm of visceral movement that will ultimately free us from the libertine trajectories of sententious normality that will forever contain the secrets of crazy work that will not quite contain the similarities of dislocated anger that forever connects us to the divine will, because there is a reality that is happening forever, and the things go on and will supply a variety of things to the meaningful structure of life in the normality of pure existence.
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willowfey · 11 months
messages on hinge are always like “whoa! that’s one crazy hat 👀 i’m getting the sliiight vibe that you must be a crazy girl hahahaha hope there’s a fun whacky explanation for that one! i’ve got some stories myself that you wouldn’t believe. if things go well remind me to tell you about the time i went out for drinks with my buddy on a casual monday and ended up making engaging conversation with a pretttyyyyy well known pop culture figure. bet you can’t guess who ;) 😂 anyway, in this modern world where genuine connection is fleeting, i can see us vibing but ONLY if your a true genuine person who can just hang. none of that fake shit and i don’t do small talk. what’s your favourite tarantino film and how do you think it reflects back on your own sense of self? (also i’m 6’2” because apparently that matters these days….) hmu if your down for some intellectually stimulating fun and local spirits, i know the owner of the best place in town 🙏🏻💯 i don’t wait around tho so if your the type that doesn’t reply for ages i’ll probably assume disinterest and move on to the next adventure just so you know!”
or “nice”
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beatricethecat2 · 7 years
out of place, out of mind - 2
REMINDER: This story is meant to replace “Instinct,” so the timeline starts after 4.14 and moves forward with it’s own trajectory. It does cull hints of plots from episodes afterwards (for instance, Claudia becomes caretaker, you’ll glean the rest) but then spins off in it’s own direction. It's a fix-it on many levels and requires some knowledge of the show (as well as “part 1,” linked above). There will be typos but I’ll fix them later!
(Read first) one step forward, two steps back (v.2.0):part 1+ part 2 (Previously) out of place, out of mind: part 1
A ruckus erupts outside, and Myka wavers on cue, wilting with no acting required. Men rush to prop her up then ferry her behind closed doors, her maids following to assist. When the men leave to join the scuffle, Myka instantly perks up and hugs both maids goodbye. She slips out a back hallway and exits near the stables, meeting a masked, uniformed, now armed Helena by a horse.
"Are you hurt, Miss Mary," Helena says, darting forward to collect her.
Helena hugs Myka with equal intensity then holds her at arm's length, eyes beaming at her swollen belly.
Myka guides Helena's hand so it rests over her bump, smiling proudly at the child they've made together. She lifts Helena’s other hand up to her face and nuzzles her cheek into its palm.
The spell is broken by shouting in the distance, and Helena says, "We must go." She guides Myka to the horse, and helps her mount, then hops on in front of her. Myka leans into Helena and wraps her arms around her torso, burying her face in the crook of her neck. Helena shakes the reins and kicks her heels into the horse, taking off at top speed into the dark.
Their furious gallop jostles Myka into the present, and she sees how overpowered she's become by her character. Better pull herself together before it's too late or the kool-aid will take over.
When a glow appears in the distance, Myka tightens her hold, hoping they've finally reached their destination. As a farmhouse comes into view, Helena yanks on the reins, slowing the horse then dismounting.
Helena extends a hand to Myka, but Myka struggles to keep hold, her leg swinging awkwardly over the saddle. Hands swarm around her, and as her feet hit the ground, she doubles over, her nausea returning.
"Get her inside," Helena instructs, and she's ushered up wooden stairs then lowered, gently, onto a bed. Her chaperones dart about the room, drawing the curtains, closing the door, and one of them offers her a glass of water. Still nauseous, Myka declines, but breathes in deep, measured breaths, hoping to calm both her own and Mary's frayed nerves.
The low light flickers, but is bright enough to discern her aide's masculine clothes but distinctly feminine features. Guns hang from their belts and hats adorn their heads, but braids spill freely down their backs.
Helena bursts into the room and strides over to the window, parting the curtains and peering out into the abyss. A sudden distress overcomes Myka and she shimmies off the bed, worried over what happens next.
“Why did we stop here?” she asks, crossing the room to stand by Helena. "Shouldn't we should keep going?”
“In your condition, it's best Mrs. Freeman shelters us for the night.” Helena points with her eyes to Myka’s belly then returns to scrutinizing the yard.
Hooves thunder ever closer then feet pound up the stairs. Helena draws her pistol and maneuvers Myka behind her.
“Mary Louise Branson, you come out this second!” Myka's father's voice booms from the hall.
“Father, I’ll not obey you any longer,” Myka replies.
The door flies open, and Mayor Branson enters, his men streaming in behind him.
“You’ll do as I say."
“She’ll do nothing of the sort.” Helena points her pistol at Mayor Branson.
“Out of my way, you scrub!” Mayor Branson's men grab Helena, and he steps towards Myka.
“Stop right there, Mayor,” a woman’s voice, cold and authoritative, sounds from the door.
“You dare challenge me?" Mayor Branson grunts as he turns to face the woman.
“This is my territory. You’re out of your jurisdiction. You’ve no authority here."
“I’m only collecting whats mine, Mrs. Freeman."
“On my land, she’s her own property. She has free will."
“The hell she does!” Mayor Branson lunges at Myka, but Mrs. Freeman’s women surge in and surround her.
“Brazen hussies!"
“No need for obscenities, Mayor."
“Tell you what, let’s settle this once and for all, like men,” Mayor Branson looks directly at Helena. "A shootout, at dawn, winner takes all, between Jamison and that…that criminal.” Mayor Branson pats Jamison on the back and narrows his eyes at Helena.
“No one needs to die,” Myka pleads, wavering as if she might faint. The women beside her catch her before she falls.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Mary by my side,” Helena says, jerking free from the men's hold and stomping in front of Jamison.
“Only a coward would hide among women. We’ll see who’s the better marksman,” Jamison says.
“I am,” Helena sneers, shoving Jamison back. The men raise their guns, and the women target the men.
“You need to leave," Mrs. Freeman says aiming her pistol at Mayor Branson. The two stare each other down until Mayor Branson huffs, dismissively.
“Gentleman, let’s go. We’ll settle this in the morning."
Guns drawn, the women follow the men as they file out of the room.
“You two rest. We’ll keep guard,” Mrs. Freeman says, warmly, then exits and closes the door.
“Are you injured?” Helena asks, searching Myka for bruising.
“I’m fine,’ Myka says, swatting Helena away. She paces across the room and throws a hand in the air. “Whatever are we going to do?”
“We’ve a few options. Don’t stress yourself with worry.”
“Do we have food, money, shelter? Where’s this baby going to be born? And if you die--”
“I won't. Please don’t fret, or you’ll harm the child.”
“This corset’s doing more harm than I am. Help me get out of this crazy thing.” Myka flinches at her outburst, but her dress is unbearable, so she reaches behind her back to undo its laces.
“Are you feeling odd, my love?” Helena asks, scrambling to help.  
“Everything's odd right now,” Myka mumbles, stepping out of her dress. Helena loosens her corset ties, and she shimmies free from her bindings.
“Oh, thank god,” Myka mutters, breathing in and puffing out her belly. “I felt like a sausage in that thing.”
Helena arches a brow and cocks her head at the quip, and Myka kicks herself for messing up the scene. She closes her eyes and tries to “feel” her character, but whatever she’s done has killed the vibe.
Helena lays a hand on Myka’s stomach, then looks up, meeting her questioning eyes.
“I remember it well.”
They embrace.
"Why on earth are you here?”
“To bring you back. I can’t lose you, lose anyone else.” Myka blinks back a tear, suddenly overcome with genuine emotion.
“I’m so very sorry about Leena. Such a senseless, tragic event. Her light shone so brightly; the Warehouse must seem dim without her.”
“It hurts so much. I can’t talk about it yet. And Artie…"
Myka leans into Helena and Helena circles her arms around, steering her toward the bed. She lowers her down then lays next to her, maneuvering Myka's head onto her shoulder.
“If it helps at all, Artie’s beside himself. I’ve helped counsel him through his grief."
“You counseled him? When? No one would tell me where you were. Then you show up out of nowhere on this ping." Myka pushes Helena away. "Why didn't you come back after the astrolabe, after Leena?"
“You must understand, I have little agency. I was told if I followed orders, I'd be given a chance to return. And my faux pas involving you and the orb cost me."
"But you were…I mean…Emily was a security risk. You couldn’t have stayed like that."
“There are those that wouldn’t agree."
“They’re stupid."
Helena sniggers, and shifts closer to Myka.
"You died, Helena. Died to save me. You shouldn't have to follow their rules.” Myka's eyes well up. “God, these hormones!”
Helena wipes a tear from Myka’s cheek. "One act of kindness does not negate a lifetime of missteps."
“Sacrificing yourself goes beyond kindness. What good would it do to keep you locked up?"
"I’m not their prisoner. I’m free to leave at any time."
“But you said you have no agency. Why don’t you leave?"
"If I do, I’m to have no contact with the Warehouse. I’d never see nor speak to you again."
“That’s not right. That’s totally not right. You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?”
Helena inches closer and cradles Myka's jaw, kissing her softly in answer. "You had asked once, what 'this thing between us' might become and I’ve realized, life’s too short to leave such questions unanswered.”
Thoroughly charmed by Helena’s words, Myka initiates the next kiss, leaning forward, pressing their lips together. Her need to touch becomes desperate, but as she presses closer to Helena, her protruding belly gets in the way.
“I want...I need..." Myka says, slowly coming to her senses, holding a finger up to Helena's lips as Helena dips in for another kiss. "We need an exit plan."
Helena kisses Myka's finger and takes hold of her hand and presses her lips into its palm.
"H-how did you get shot instead of me? I only remember the end, and it's fuzzy.”
Heena sighs and lowers Myka hand. “I acted out of turn; hunted Jamison too aggressively. I didn’t allow the plot to guide me. I’m assuming that was in error as you’re here now.”
“Claudia told me the overall plot, the way it was supposed to happen and what went wrong. "
“I’ve deduced it's a western. A "genre" film in your times."
“No kidding," Myka says, chuckling, sliding a finger under Helena's uniform collar. “It followed a formula but had a dark ending. Claudia said it's from the 60's."
“The 1960’s? That means little to me."
"No TV in limbo?"
"Nor the bronze.”
“Books are better, anyway."
"I'm meant to shoot Jamison, aren't I, but the scene went awry."
“Yeah,” Myka says, scooting back on the bed. Helena helps her lean against the headboard then settles in beside her.
“Mary and your character were a couple in real life. By the time the film was shot she was pregnant, so they wrote it into the script."
"A romance on screen and in real-life. How charming."
"I guess.” Myka shifts to get more comfortable and Helena props her up with some pillows. "How did you deal with this? It's super uncomfortable."
"This was thrust upon you. I had time to acclimate. And it was my child growing inside of me."
"True,” Myka says, thankful it’s only temporary.
“So Jamison, and the gun?"
“Jamison and Mary dated, briefly, before Mary met 'the cowboy' but he never got over their breakup. He bought into his character, hard, and brought a real gun to the set, intending to shoot 'the cowboy' to show Mary how much he loved her.”
“Not so charming.”
“No. The gun was antique, and the kickback threw off his aim off, so he shot Mary, accidentally. The gun became an artifact when the actress died.”
“And the child?” Helena asks, laying a hand on Myka’s belly.
Myka shakes her head.
"What a shame."
“How are we going to get the gun? If we keep it from going off, we should be zapped back, right?"
"My thoughts exactly."
"We could avoid the gunfight."
"We'll be transported to the scene no matter how hard we fight it. Veering off script is difficult when the camera’s upon you."
“Then we'll have to move out of the way. We can fight it, together."
Helena's lips curl up at the ends in agreement, and Myka's heart beats a little faster.
“What’s happening now? Are we on camera?"
"It's implied that we’re…intimate."
“Intimate? When I'm like this?" Myka points at her stomach.
“Oh, yes." Helena lays a hand on Myka's shoulder and leans forward, kissing her until both parties gasp for air.
“The feeling's so strong."
"We needn't do anything you’re uncomfortable with."
"We're not ourselves, so maybe you should sleep in the chair."
"Perhaps I should."
"But I don't want you to go."
"Nor do I desire to."
"It's not bad, right, if something happens. Because we’ve already…"
"I'd like to think so."
“Then maybe we should, to stay on script."
"Perhaps, yes." Helena brushes a thumb over Myka’s cheek then kisses her, in a way that says "let’s start here and see where the night takes us.”
Myka wraps her arms around Helena and follows Helena's lead, allowing the night to guide them to places unknown.
“Father no!” Myka cries, lunging forward, nearly tripping over her dress as she swerves to avoid her maids. She skids to a stop in front Helena, holding her arms out to her sides, barricading her from further harm.
“I will not let my daughter run off with that heathen!,” Mayor Branson fumes, waving his gun at Helena.
Myka stumbles back, smacking into Helena.
“It’s alright,” Helena whispers. “We know what happens. Let the scene play out.”
Myka glances back and nods.
Helena clears her throat. “This is Jamison's fight, yet you hold me at gunpoint. You’d murder me in cold blood, as your daughter stands witness?” Helena steps in front of Myka, taking hold of her hand, staring directly into Myka's father's eyes.
“Don’t you tell me what to do, you <i>murderer,</i>.” Mayor Branson's finger tenses on the trigger and Helena smirks cockily, squeezing Myka's hand.
“I’m no murderer, and you’re fooling no one with this sham of an engagement.” Helena glares, hard, at Jamison fumbling for his gun.
“We need to get that gun,” Myka says, in Helena's ear.
“I’m aware, but we must wait. This is where my folly arose previously."
“She’s my fiancee, and that kid's mine!” Jamison snarls, wrapping both hands around the handle as he raises his gun.
“I believe you’re mistaken,” Helena answers, hand poised over her holster.
“You’re going to wish I was.” Jamison cocks the hammer using both thumbs.
Helena threads her fingers around her gun. “I won’t shoot if you put that away.”
“Give me the girl.”
“I’m the better shot.”
“Give her to me!”
“Myka, run!” Helena yelps.
Helena shoves Myka aside and rushes towards Jamison, tackling him to the ground. They tumble over twice, gun waving in the air until Helena pins Jamison down. Helena glances at Myka and Myka snaps into gear, running away as Jamison flips Helena over. Myka trips and as her face hits the ground, her consciousness fades to black.
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getting-quicker · 2 years
First Post
Been a long time tumblr. I was here once before but now I'm back seeing as this looks like THE place for a certain kink that's been taking over my life lately. This isn't a fetish or fantasy I've had for a long time but recently I've decided to take the deep dive into the no-going-back abyss and become a premature ejaculator.
I've got my reasons. Sad and pathetic as they are. I'll even open up on a confession. That being I'm a virgin. A 27 y/o loser who never made it with a lady, who never self-actualized and satisficed his pubescent desires beyond his own hand. And frankly? I don't want to anymore. It's not that I've become bitter about it (How could I? I never actually spoke to a woman outside of a school or work environment). It's more, I can see the writing on the walls. Some people will never walk, some people will never do calculus, and I'll never know intimacy with the fairer sex. Somewhere along the way, that thought became pretty hot.
Now recently this humble pervert has expanded his horizons. I've had other kinks. Started as a chubby chaser though we could say that EXPANDED into general weight gain. But now there's a new contender on the block. I started coming across prejac captions. Those were pretty fun, or I thought the humiliation aspect was. Then I started coming back to the hypnosis files and well, I guess I'm ready to commit.
Maybe those files were a bit too strong and I gone and got myself brainwashed. Oh well! Props to those who pulled it off because I've given in. Really. I've accepted I'll never lose my V-card and it's become such a sexy thought to think: What if I made it so I never would? What if I really made it so a shot of cleavage or a butt crack made me shoot one off like the beta loser I know I already am? Call me crazy, maybe I am, but it makes a lot of sense to me. Let me make a mess in my pants when I see a cute smile so I can just get on with my life! Yeah, I'm a loser, but I've still go things to do. Who has time for love for even to jack off these days? Well, maybe there's still time for latter.
I'm elsewhere on the internet doing other things. But I want to try my hand at a little blog here, see how it goes. I've scoured this whole prejac training. Maybe I only scratched the surface but I think there could be more content out there. So I'll do what I can. Let this be a blog for my journey, my fulfillment of destiny becoming a two pump chump or whatever you guys call it. Or maybe I'll write some little stories while I'm at it. There's a transformation fetish in my arsenal of degeneracy and I love the concept of guys losing their stamina, losing abs in favor of flabby guts, sporting a new chin and becoming beta losers all around.
So, yeah. Fuck it. I started out as a twig with hopes of finding a partner one day. But now I want to get fat and limp. I want to downgrade myself. I want to make myself unfuckable. But, hey. I'm in good spirits about it. Why wallow in sadness when you could have some fun? Currently I got a nice chubby belly going, what McDonald's does to a motherfucker. But now's the time to indulge on something else: The goal of becoming a pathetic prejac. We'll see how this goes. I've gained notoriety in other places and I've vanished on other hills. We'll see what becomes of this blog. Even if I just come here once in a while to have a schizo ramble about wanting to cum my pants because I accidently touched fingers with the pretty girl at the drive-thu. Whatever's fun and whatever helps me feel relief in this whacky world ready to pop. Like I said, it's been a long time. I don't exactly get tumblr completely but I'm sure it's worth a shot. From a loser on the edge, Cheers.
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