#I hope they're eating well
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I miss my (on hiatus) ships, guys... I miss them a lot
#I hope they're eating well#I crave new comfort ships#how will I survive exams and defend my thesis without them#skip to loafer#shimamitsu#rwby#rosegarden#your smile is a trap#morgana and oz#mine
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A Blorbo You Treat Nicely, Right?
#non mdzs#ask#I've seen what people do to tumblr blorbos. I cant go back in the horse plinko again...please my bones aren't strong enough#I'm made of a gelatin like substance. Very Flammable. Terrible for plinko. Ill just bounce around and wail miserably.#You cannot fool my by putting 'horse' on the box. Yeah It made me curious and wander over here. Yeah I wanna see the horses.#Oh they're in the plinko? Oh well then-#jokes aside I am very touched to have reached silly blorbo status. I hope to keep bringing you joy!#I am simply just having fun and I'm glad people enjoy my little jester dances!#Yeah one of these asks is from June...I'm slowly eating away at the backlog....I promise....#theres so many sweet and funny asks I want to properly draw for...I promise I read them all and go -> B*)
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hi there !! i was over here because you had reblogged a really pretty photograph a while ago and i wanted to see what other lovely posts you might've found in the corners of tumblr.
i looked at your account and noticed, oh, pro-life! i was a bit wary at first because many people i've seen as pro-life are misogynistic sexist idiots who say it's a woman's fault if she's raped, even if the 'woman' in question is a fourteen year old girl. i hope you forgive my initial scepticism.
however, i read your post on the pro-life argument with the way you see it (it may have been a reblog of someone else? i can't quite remember) and i have some questions. i myself am pro-abortion, but with certain restrictions (mainly the current law in many places of you can't abort the child a month before birth because it's a human, and that aborting a child for its disabilities isn't ethical in the slightest).
what about when a twelve year old child is raped? is she meant to carry the strain of a child, scorn from parents, lack of support, blame, maybe have permanent harm or disabilities from childbirth? i have an old friend who got her menstrual cycle at eight years old. if she were raped, would she need to carry the child? in my worldview, no. a child gets raped and then the next day the "morning after" pill is administered so an elementary schooler (or middle, or even high schooler) does not have to suffer.
another question: sometimes, conception happens hours or even days after the actual ejaculation. would a "morning after" pill be outlawed? because there's no way to be sure if conception has actually happened, and if it hasn't, then taking a pill or some other action to prevent conception from happening in the first place isn't "bad".
and what about women whose children died in the womb? would anti-abortion laws still apply, would she charged with murder?
what about women who due to an illness or some other reason cannot have a child because they will die in the process, killing them and the child? would the pro-life worldview condemn both lives, or would they allow this person to take a pill and cut off the few cells that could not in any world be called a human?
if some vile person killed a woman who had conceived two days prior, would they be charged with double murder for that which is not yet a blastocyst (the zygote phase is four to five days after conception).
i'm very sorry if these questions seem accusatory or rude-- i'm genuinely trying to understand the other side, because i don't feel like i can actually justify abortion if i don't know how the "other" side would approach ethical questions. i put "other" in quotation marks because while we have two very much opposing sets of ideas on how abortion should be approached, above all we care for the welfare of people and want the best for everyone.
so sorry for putting this big chunk of text in your askbox, and feel free to ignore it, but you're one of the first genuinely nice people i've seen that is pro life who isn't trying to justify arguments with religion (because separation of church and state means no religion as sole justification for law, which is what many people i've seen try to do)
thank you!!
Hello! Thank you so much for your detailed questions! I'm happy to answer as best I can. I had thought this might take a while to answer, because I had to find a few resources I knew I had linked somewhere that helped me as I was sorting through the logistics of my own convictions surrounding being pro-life. Turns out this was how I'd spend my evening, lol.
I still have gaps and I'm always happy for civil discussion. (As you know, a lot of my thoughts are under my pro-life tag. Apologies in advance that several of my links just shoot back to posts I've reblogged, but they're more comprehensive than a single webpage. I can also direct you to a couple of tumblr folks I follow who have even more resources and cover different facets of the issue than I usually reblog or that I'm still investigating.)
As you might have guessed, this got long, so I'm tucking it under a read-more. But before I do, here is my most important resource: What actually happens during an abortion. I rarely say anything is so important that everyone needs to see it. This is one of those times.
i was over here because you had reblogged a really pretty photograph a while ago and i wanted to see what other lovely posts you might've found in the corners of tumblr.
The funny thing is that used to be 90% of my blog until like two years ago, and now here we are 😅 (I lost a lot of followers when I started actually using this like a blog. I also found a lot of great friends.)
i looked at your account and noticed, oh, pro-life! i was a bit wary at first because many people i've seen as pro-life are misogynistic sexist idiots who say it's a woman's fault if she's raped, even if the 'woman' in question is a fourteen year old girl. i hope you forgive my initial scepticism.
Yeah, can't say I'd care to associate with those people, either, and I'd love to challenge them on their own convictions (only, 1. I'm not really one for heated debates and 2. I'm pretty sure I, a single 20-something woman, would be immediately ignored, so why waste my time).
however, i read your post on the pro-life argument with the way you see it (it may have been a reblog of someone else? i can't quite remember) and i have some questions. i myself am pro-abortion, but with certain restrictions (mainly the current law in many places of you can't abort the child a month before birth because it's a human, and that aborting a child for its disabilities isn't ethical in the slightest).
While I was born and raised in a pro-life family, being pro-life as an adult is a conviction I claim and have searched out for myself. I know, and science affirms, that life begins at conception. (Yes, all of those frozen embryos stored at ivf clinics are unique and full human beings. I'll be so honest with you and say even I have to grapple with that and no, I haven't begun to grasp the implications.) Every single human being is deserving of dignity, from womb to tomb. It is never permissible to murder a human being for being inconvenient. (Canadian and British government healthcare systems, I'm looking at you. Also, Iceland, I see your claim that you've eradicated Down syndrome and I know you're a bunch of lying cowards.) It is never permissible to murder someone because they have the potential to be inconvenient. I could be hit by a car tomorrow and end up with brain damage. I could lose my job and plunge into horrible poverty. I could meet some random guy and end up in an abusive relationship. If it's not ok to kill me because of less-than-ideal circumstances, it is not ok to kill a child because they might be born disabled, or into a poor family, or into an abusive situation. We need to fix their circumstances, not kill them.
(Before I get much further, this post is a collection of a lot of my favorite resources on the impact abortion has on women. More facts and figures here. Unfortunately I cannot find the link to the study, but I have seen it cited often on here that a large majority of women who considered abortion but did not go through with it, within five years, are glad they didn't get an abortion. I believe the number is between 90 and 95% but again, can't find the link.)
For the last eight years, I've worked at an organization that provides care for individuals with disabilities, many of whom have the sort of disabilities that would make doctors suggest abortion. Not one of those human beings would be better off dead. The world is richer for them being in it, and I'm happy to know them. They deserve support and dignity, not death.
There is no magical point at which a preborn baby becomes human or becomes a person. They are human from the moment of conception. I have a friend who was born nearly two months prematurely; did she have to wait a month post-birth to be considered human?
There are also no non-person humans. Personhood is not merit-based. Again, if I end up with brain damage and have to rely on other people for the rest of my life, do I cease to be a person?
what about when a twelve year old child is raped? is she meant to carry the strain of a child, scorn from parents, lack of support, blame, maybe have permanent harm or disabilities from childbirth? i have an old friend who got her menstrual cycle at eight years old. if she were raped, would she need to carry the child? in my worldview, no. a child gets raped and then the next day the "morning after" pill is administered so an elementary schooler (or middle, or even high schooler) does not have to suffer.
It is a fact that abortion protects abusers. It is a fact that rapists and sex traffickers force women to have abortions to keep them in those horrible situations. Abortion is anti-woman, because it helps horrible men dodge all responsibility, and it prevents society at large from having to address the actual causes that often drive women to abortion.
Rape accounts for about 1% of all abortions. I'm not saying that makes it ok and I'm not trying to dismiss it, I'm just observing that it's nearly always treated as the main driver behind abortion when it is not. What it is is one of the most horrific things that can ever happen to a person, and the offender needs to be dealt with, with extreme prejudice. Killing a child helps no one. The mother deserves protection, she deserves support, and she deserves medical care. I don't know all the ins and outs of how best to handle this situation, but I believe the best case scenario is eventually a c-section. (A book I really appreciated that covered a situation like this is I Am the Exception by Anna Richey [video linked]). There are countless testimonies of women who were in this situation who chose to save their children and they are glad they did. They know the answer was not to kill children. There are countless testimonies of people who were conceived in rape who are glad their mothers chose to give them a chance at life. They know their lives have value and are worth living. Mother and child are both victims who deserve justice, not trauma heaped upon trauma.
(There's a whole discussion to be had here around child marriage and sexual abuse but unfortunately I don't have the material to even touch it. I can say making pedophilia a protected "identity" is so far off the mark that the radar can't even pick it up.)
(I will briefly sidebar to wave at the legislation being put into place to teach human development in schools via the Baby Olivia...project? [I forget what the whole initiative is called which is horrible because I've seen it around a lot lately.] I think that's actually pretty awesome. Kid-me would have been fascinated [and a bit grossed out because yeah, I was an awkward kid].)
another question: sometimes, conception happens hours or even days after the actual ejaculation. would a "morning after" pill be outlawed? because there's no way to be sure if conception has actually happened, and if it hasn't, then taking a pill or some other action to prevent conception from happening in the first place isn't "bad".
I have to disagree there. It's still bad. Especially because, in the overwhelming majority of cases, we're talking about sex between two consenting adults who are looking to disrupt a natural process and divorce it from all natural responsibility for the sake of convenience. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. If you don't want to have a kid with that person, don't have sex with them. Simple as. Biological children are not a human right, and neither is sex.
(If you poke around at enough of my blog you'll notice I'm straight-up against birth control. For one thing, it is extremely harmful to women; for another, it is a band-aid that has completely stalled the improvement of women's healthcare; for another, it is seriously damaging the average Western woman's understanding of her own body and biology; and there's the whole disrupting-a-natural-process bit. But I digress.)
and what about women whose children died in the womb? would anti-abortion laws still apply, would she charged with murder?
Reading any of the laws in question shows that ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages aren't at all included in those laws. Those are not abortion because the pregnancy is nonviable and it has become a medical situation. Abortion wouldn't even help those situations; if anything, it would only make everything worse, and risk the life of the mother. Abortion is not medical care. Ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages have to be treated medically. All of the cases I've seen where "a woman was charged with murder for miscarriage" end up being something else like "woman miscarried and tried flushing her baby down the toilet" (yeah that was an actual thing in the last month and she was charged with improper treatment of human remains which... = human dignity.)
what about women who due to an illness or some other reason cannot have a child because they will die in the process, killing them and the child? would the pro-life worldview condemn both lives, or would they allow this person to take a pill and cut off the few cells that could not in any world be called a human?
Abortion is not healthcare. If a woman is already at risk of complications, abortion will only make those complications worse. They will not help her. There is not a single situation where pregnancy is so dangerous that the only answer is abortion.
Those "few cells" are human. I'm also a clump of cells; I'm human. If I'm drowning (unlikely because I avoid swimming because I suck at it), is it ok for the lifeguard to hold my head underwater instead of making me calm down so they can tow me to shore?
Any reasonable human being who recognizes that the woman in question is carrying another human being, her child, would recognize that what they both need is medical care. The mother can be monitored, her condition treated as best as possible, and there's always the option to deliver early. Modern medicine allows us to support babies who are almost as early as 20 weeks premature! The answer is to take care of these people, not kill one because the other is in danger.
And in case anyone is wondering, this goes for babies who are "incompatible with life". 1. Doctors make mistakes and it's proven they often make mistakes where fetal development is concerned. (My sister got the scare of her life when a stupid tech told her that her third baby had "spots on her brain". I told my coworker, who said the same thing happened to her 15 years ago and one doctor bandied about the word "abortion" in front of her. Friends, the baby's brain was still developing. My sister's child is fine, and stupidly adorable to boot. Please.) 2. Even if that baby is "incompatible with life", the answer is not to kill them more quickly (and far, far, far more painfully). The answer is to treat them as best as medically possible, support their parents, and afford them the dignity deserving to every human being. Palliative care is a thing. For heaven's sake, let's use it more.
(My mother used to be a volunteer photographer for an organization where she went to hospitals and took pictures of babies who either had just passed or who didn't have long to live, to give their parents something to remember their children by. I also have so so many relatives and friends who have suffered miscarriages and stillbirths. I don't know that grief firsthand, but I know what it looks like, and I know that parents and siblings need support, not murder.)
(We also really need to stop treating all pregnancies like medical situations or a disease. They aren't. Pregnancy is natural. It is only when there are complications that it becomes a medical issue. I love modern medicine by and large. I love that it can help improve our lives. But sometimes doctors need to butt out and let women do what they were built to do.)
if some vile person killed a woman who had conceived two days prior, would they be charged with double murder for that which is not yet a blastocyst (the zygote phase is four to five days after conception).
I don't know all of the legalities of double homicides in the case of pregnancy. I'm fairly certain that if it is known that the woman is pregnant, regardless of whether or not that motivated the murder, then the charge is double homicide. I would assume if the pregnancy was unknown, it doesn't apply? (I watch too many murder mystery and police procedural shows to have any faith in how these things are determined.) Morally, two people have been killed regardless, but I have no idea on the legalities.
Also, note that zygote and blastocyst are stages of human development, same as embryo, fetus, newborn, infant, toddler, adolescent, and adult.
i'm very sorry if these questions seem accusatory or rude-- i'm genuinely trying to understand the other side, because i don't feel like i can actually justify abortion if i don't know how the "other" side would approach ethical questions. i put "other" in quotation marks because while we have two very much opposing sets of ideas on how abortion should be approached, above all we care for the welfare of people and want the best for everyone. so sorry for putting this big chunk of text in your askbox, and feel free to ignore it, but you're one of the first genuinely nice people i've seen that is pro life who isn't trying to justify arguments with religion (because separation of church and state means no religion as sole justification for law, which is what many people i've seen try to do)
I don't think any of this comes off as rude or argumentative in any way! You laid out every point very clearly and it's nice to be able to discuss it as clearly as I am able (which, admittedly, is sometimes as clear as milk) instead of feeling like I have to defend myself (usually in that case I just give up and delete the ask). Again, I'm happy to look into any of this further and to provide better resources if there's something lacking in any of my points. I'm by no means perfect, and my arguments, while driven by a deep-felt and sincere conviction, are not as thorough as perhaps they should be. That's on me to work on, but I'm happy to do my best in the meantime.
Part of my convictions are grounded in my belief in God, but as you are aware, they can't be my whole foundation, and if the person on the other side of the conversation doesn't share that belief, we need another point of common ground for our discussion. (Secular Prolife is an excellent resource if you want more in-depth, non-religious discussions of this topic. I know there are others, but I don't have the list in front of me.)
And it is important to explore all sides of the issue! It's kind of hard to argue coherently otherwise. I see this discussion all the time from people "on the other side" or on the fence, both people I know and total strangers. I'm familiar with a lot of their arguments, both the ones they consider good-faith and the ones that are obviously driven by vitriol. Listening to them only helps bring clarity to my own knowledge and convictions.
I know so many people who are "for abortion with exceptions" are sincerely motivated by concern for other people. The onus is on them to figure out why, for them, that means killing some people for the sake of others. It's not enough to say "Well, I've never been in that situation, so I don't have room to speak". Abortion is a human right's issue. We all have a place at the discussion. Because at the end of the day, it comes down to one thing:
Abortion is the intentional killing of a child, a human being. It doesn't matter the reason behind that killing, whether it's a question of health, social circumstance, situation in life, or fear. It is murder.
And it is never ok.
For further reading (the majority of these are actual links, not links to tumblr posts):
This post and the notes are my-go to for the breakdown of the key abortion arguments.
Carrying To Term
New Wave Feminists
The Human Defense Initiative
Birthright International
Rehumanize International
And again, if you are looking for more nice and rational people who are willing to discuss things like adults, I can give you a list!
#woof#that took....so much longer than I meant it to#.... guys it's 10:00#HOW IS IT PAST 10:00???#I was supposed to do my laundry and set up my sewing pattern and read a book and eat dinner and and and#ah well#that's my brain y'all#@ anon: thank you AGAIN for being so cool!#it was nice to get to break it all down point by point and I hope I helped at least a little#I nearly killed my computer making it open a bunch of bookmarks all at once (it's a baby; there were never more than two dozen at at time)#again: I am always open to anons on this topic provided they're polite and seem to actually want to discuss this#cheers!#pro-life#discourse tag#asks#mine
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i ate a cupcake recently without first spending five minutes talking about how logistically stressful it is to eat a cupcake, so. i am capable of growth
#i just don't understand how you're supposed to do it without making a mess#why would someone design a food that seems like it is specifically impossible not to get smeared somewhere?#like just design it differently idk??? but everyone else seems to be fine with it so i guess it was a fine decision and i'm the problem#this time i didn't want to say anything about cupcakes being stressful to eat because i was being given a cupcake by the person#who had made the cupcakes and also it was her birthday. so. would have been kind of a dick move.#instead i just unwrapped the cupcake very slowly to give me time to observe how other people were eating theirs#and then i decided i didn't like their methods and did something else#this makes it sound like i've never seen someone eat a cupcake before or eaten one myself but i have many times#i just have never liked it. and i keep holding out hope that someday i'll see someone do it in a way that makes sense#i want someone to crack the code so i can just eat cupcakes. i don't think they're very interesting but it would behoove me socially#to be normal about cupcakes. since everyone else seems so into them for some reason#food#my posts#that said i do know the wrongest way to eat a cupcake and that's the way my younger sister does it (or used to do it)#which entails eating the entire wrapper as well as the cupcake#so in my quest for an acceptable way to eat a cupcake i have at least ruled out several including that one
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putting together a grocery order this week like
MAYBE THIS TIME I'LL WIN ♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬♪♫♬
#maybe THIS time I will cook all the food and eat all the food like an adult#the tovala meals I started about a year ago ended up being a sweet spot for me prep-wise#like it's real food enough that I don't feel like shit eating it#but the basics of 'put raw protein in tin put sauce/spices on protein put protein in smart oven press button' were doable for me#so I'm trying to now take that and segue into cheaper options#using my own protein and other premade sauces and spice mixes#I can still use tovala's presets so it's still hopefully just going to be protein + topping + button#and if i'm lucky then the same setting will cook some frozen veggies#I'm really just trying to reduce prep as much as humanly possible without eating fully just only preprepared foods#which are generally expensive and unhealthy#tovala meals work really well for me but they're pricey so#here's hoping this past year has trained me well enough that I can make this transition lmao#I have a tendency to be like 'no now I'm gonna COOK like an ADULT' but then I run out of spoons#and the food goes bad and I feel even worse ;A;#I aim too high I think#so I am going to aim as low as possible while still eating legit food now lmao#protein + topping + button
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It's a good thing we have two competent adult doctors in the colony now. Hopefully, Vasso is very appreciative of Bella's help with all these sick people.

We've built some "Alien Compliance Centres" around our colony so that the bizarre weather and red fog doesn't give us a mood debuff... But we didn't expect them to get quite so excited about the weather, either!

Vasso's wanderlust trait has been putting him in a very sour mood lately, and our stockpiles of choice meat are dwindling, so Brax's offer of a psylink neuroformer, camp loot, a chance to leave the colony, and hopes for replenishing our supplies is readily accepted! It did mean we had to drag Laursen and M.M. out of the hospital to come help, but I'm sure it will all be fine.
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#rimworld#gracie plays#The Children of Ecthuctu#art#my art#traditional art#rimworld art#unpolished art#“Sleeping Sickness” does not sound fun#I hope everybody gets better quickly#With Bella and Vasso's care they're sure to be recovered in no time <3#The Alien Compliance Centre makes me viscerally uncomfortable#But in a cool way y'know#I feel like it's good for the horrible eldritch cult to be mind-controlled every once in a while#Hopefully the grocery run goes well!#We need more human meat asap#everybody is whining that they haven't had any for ages#with any luck they'll be eating properly again soon!#have a fabulous day <3 <3 <3
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Hmmm. I need to draw more for other links meet aus
#i need to get UUUUP [< bone tired]#hope u are all well btw ^_^#was thinking of drawing some more pink haired links. they're always some of my faves#txt#i also. ☝️ need to eat 🏃♂️
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it WAS 1:30 am and now i've got finals in mere hours so obviously this is how i should be spending my time. behold: screaming and crying publicly over @get-rammed's montgomery gator doodles
starting off STRONG with this beauty:

THE FULL-BODY HUG???? THE SKIN ON SKIN CONTACT??? one thing you MUST know about me is that i am WEAK for when the bigger partner wraps themselves around their s/o WEAK I SAY
(also monty's nose????? it's absolutely darling and so perfect for his lil face)

specifically the face................ he looks so dejected...................so tired................ so sad...................baby has had a ROUGH night and i desperately want them to be better 😭😭😭 (the HAND HOLD???? THE TEAR STAINS??? AUGHH)
we already KNOW how i feel about this one after all i'm that motherfucker who was so consumed by this doodle that i asked ram if i could clean it up and otherwise go insane over it we already KNOW that this doodle has me on my fucking KNEES

again THE FULL BODY HOLD??????? THE SAD EYES???? HE HOLDS ONTO THEM LIKE THEYRE SOMETHING PRECIOUS 😭 monty is trapped in a life he pretty much hates and they've gotta be one of his only sources of comfort 😭😭😭😭 i imagine the anon has to pull wayyy more hours once monty becomes a glamrock so they're constantly exhausted but desperately wants to be there for their struggling friend and vice versa for monty (and how pissed monty must get w/the virus bc why the fuck should he feel bad for them when it's HIS life that got screwed over?)
everything i just said applies to this one too except with more melancholy bc it feels like when you have to wait for your loved one to fall asleep so you can slip away quietly (but, of course, monty is holding on, so he'll be disappointed sooner rather than later)


but seriously this one is just SO cute 😭 gator golf monty were such simpler times and it DESTROYS me knowing where they go from here :( ik both of them heal together in the end but they hurt so much between those two points AUGHH THEY DONT DESERVE IT 😭😭

THE SHIRT??? THE SKIN-ON-SKIN CONTACT???? literally what else is there to say i rest my case moving on

THE CASUAL INTIMACY????? THE SKIN ON SKIN????? THE ANONS SILLY LIL SMILE AND ALL THE LOVE BITES?? look im down bad for monty as much as everyone else here but good LORD there's something so tender about non-sexual touch (esp with minimal clothing) 😭😭 its so special to me............. they're so happy to have each other i am ILL



look at them they're up to MISCHIEF they're up to NO GOOD <3 and freddy is RAPIDLY APPROACHING (side note SWEETS??? 😭😭 i love all of monty's nicknames but something about "sweets" makes me AUGH................. it's so cute...............)

MORGAN <333333 WHAT A MASSIVE W TO TRANS-MASCS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wouldn't wanna be represented by ANYONE else

feddy <3
last but not least the comment i left (with my user and pfp blocked out bc you don't get to know me like that) on part one of project starlight that strikes fear into me to this very day. ignore my spelling mistakes i was going through it

i would've also grabbed a screenshot of the monty plush bc i feel special every time i look at one bc ram thought my comic was cool and it instantly became a core memory but this post has taken LONG ENOUGH!!! SLAP A SHIPPING LABEL ON THIS BITCH AND SEND IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#im not gonna put like any main fnaf tags on here bc none of this is mine lmaoo#i also used this as my opportunity to spew my headcanons bc they're so special to me#anyway#thank god remaking the post didnt take more than an hour#the og one took like an hour and a half but i could steal all of the talking points#if i do manage to recover the original i'll edit it a bit and post that bc im sure its better than this one#REGARDLESS#i hope u enjoyed my incoherent screaming ram this is just the surface#this is only the stuff i can put into words#layer on a deafening amount of sobbing and rabid sounds and youll get the idea#im climbing up the curtains and ripping out carpet. eating grass if you will#I FUKIN DID IT YIPPEE#alr i gotta get ready to leave for class#time well spent i say#my post
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to be completely frank i think most of the people i've seen with major complaints regarding RGG 8's story are forgetting that 99% of what they're saying can be applied across the whole series
#this is not aimed at anyone in particular i've seen these sentiments all over#but things like 'well the story was mid' ok well come back to me after you've replayed yakuza kiwami. no optional majima everywhere allowed#and things like the ending falling flat - sure. but so did 7's#the pacing in the end chapter + chekhov's failboy were like. huh???#i'm never gonna call RGGS perfect but they're NOT regressing at all.#if anything gaiden and 8 have got me extremely hopeful for whatever comes next#like it's their 20th anniversary this year they've left so many loose ends in 8 they can carry on from they've got forever to keep going#MY only complaint is that they couldn't have retrofitted more of gaiden into IW but i can't exactly fault them for that#idk for all of the dooming i'm seeing i want to say something more positive about the game as a whole#even if this post is still pretty doom & gloom#people just let their expectations get way too high for this one game and i'm not even sure how that happened in most cases#it met all of mine - hell it EXCEEDED them. but i recognise i may be privileged on that front lol <- kashiwagi likers are eating so well rn#text#8#again i don't mean to attack anyone in particular it's just a general frustration i've been having#and i only hope that if there comes a time when people play over again that they're able to dig further into the meat of the story#and recognise that this game isn't uniquely 'shit' or 'mid'
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read this article and holy shit there must be something in people who are on twitter that makes them go crazy go insane at the smallest most eh whatever thing. sure yeah there's this invisible maybe not pressure but surely temptation to be one of the cool kids and always have a snarky one-tweet response to everything, but it's not all. there's also... i don't know, siege mentality?
everyone has those snarky responses, and they appear on top of a quoted tweet instead of below it, so at least visually you're taking control of the "narrative", making your comment more important than the original tweet, and if the original tweet is the first part of a thread, chances are most people won't even click through to read it -- they just read the clapback, nod in approval and move on. on top of that, there's such a fuckton of accounts -- sometimes you see a dumbass tweet and it's already got 5k retweets, how is that possible? so maybe it makes everyone automatically convinced that they're surrounded by haters? and if they don't Speak Up, they'll get eaten?
but at the same time man. adult professional writers. not teenagers. adult. professional. writers.
#shrimp thoughts#i feel like it's... yknow how people interpret 'eat the rich' to mean like... actors and not multi-billionaires? and they're like 'well#celebrities are not people! they're rich! i hope they choke!' because they can't really tell the difference between a million grains of ric#and a billion grains of rice. they just know it's more than their 100 grains of rice and a LOT more and that's enough#i feel like many people look at like. 'online platforms' this way. like 'if i see this online it means ANYONE can see this online which in#turn means that it's potentially INCREDIBLY influential and THEREFORE‚'#which is obviously bullshit. a random person saying one mean thing isn't 'reinforcing a systemic problem'! but oh waaaait this one#random person was quoted in an article/has this or that many followers! BIG SCARY PLATFORM etc#i don't know i'm kinda talking outta my ass here but it's fascinating
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#tsv 36#liveblog#I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP IT WAS SO TENDER IN THE BEGINNING BUT THE CHAPTER TITLE IS 'ALL LOVERS PART AS DUST' BUT WE GET A GLIMPSE OF HAPPY#MOMENTS IN THE TRAGIC SHOW YOU CAN'T HELP BUT SAVOUR IT. YOU GET HOPEFUL#you expect to see the other shoe drop but it didn't for so long so you maybe mayybe can try to settle into the comfort AND THAT'S WHEN IT#GETS YOU I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M BACK IN ESKEW#ESKEW PRODUCTIONS WHEN I CATCH YOU. WHEN I FUCKING CATCH YOU#STOP PLAYING WITH MY HOPE AND DESPAIR OMFG I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE (CLICKS ON THE NEXT EPISODE)#actually i think I'm gonna need more time before i eat the next one. this one is. fuckkkkkk#i didn't even have the emotional time to savour carpenter and haywards bickering THEY'RE SO CUTE (PLATONIC)#ANYWAY HOWWWW DO THEY DO IT SO WELL. IM FEELING BOTH HOPE AND DESPAIR TOGETHER#it's. you feel the same to Sebastian. when will the other shoe drop? when will the hotel be taken away from Sebastian? when will the#horrifying tragedy happen to dev and seb?#i kept guessing what's the worst thing to happen to them to try and prepare myself for it but honestly I'm glad I'm terrible at guessing#the dream ending. the dream ending. sorry limbus company canto 7 weighing heavy on my mind#the dream. ending#tsv#ALSO I CAN'T BELIEVE!!!! THEY GOT KISSING NOISES IN THE SILT VERSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#KISSING NOISES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#eskew is like. being incredibly aware will not make the problems out of your control better you will only be very aware and maybe feel#vindicated if they come true but you will not feel any better#<-projecting
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Love the art!!! Do you ship Beetlejuice and Lydia by any chance??
Thank you!! But no, sorry. I don't mind the beetlebabes at all, what others ship isn't my business, but it's definitely not my cup of tea 😔
#ask#answer#beetlejuice#Feel free to peruse my art and interpret it however you like#I did USE to ship them for a very brief moment before I realized that wasn't very healthy for me as I was projecting unto lyds too much#But obviously none of my art will be made to cater to that ship anymore#I can get behind the ship but only in a timeline where they never spent any or much time when she was a kid#it scares me too much to imagine her being groomed - even if by accident- you know?#This goes for any universe - movie - toon - musical - whatever.#Anybody's safe here btw. Just putting that out there cus I know the fandom space has gotten really weird and mean about this shit again#Still upsets me people have twisted the meanings of “anti” and “proship” to be something they're not in the past years but oh well#Pardon the rant in the tags but if you know me you know I tend to do this sfdgfhssdfghgdsfg#I hope you have a good day and I'm really glad you enjoy my work!! Remember to stay hydrated and to try and eat something if you haven't!
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I just spent like 20 minutes thinking about soup
#i need to move out!!!!#i love my parents to be clear they're great#i just want to be in charge of my own meals again#it's not that they're bad at feeding me stuff i want to eat it's just we like different things#when it's just me i can make my soup however i want and no one's gonna say anything#Because It's My Soup#i can eat japanese chicken curry for a week straight! no one cares!#i just need to get better at eating vegetables#i want my own kitchen soooo baaad.....#my mom's sensitive to garlic. do you know how much recipes fuck if you add garlic? severely. and i can't if she's gonna eat it#i need my own kitchen so bad so so bad pleeaase#really hoping that i get my degree within like two months#and then i have to. urgh. find a job. but then i find a job and i go there#and i get Paid! money!#and once i have some money in the bank and a long term job i can try and get a flat#and once i have a flat i have my own kitchen i can order stuff online if i want and i can adopt a cat#i can have friends over i can decorate#and if i can swing it i'll be a civil servant#and if i'm lucky enough i can perhaps. give up the next 30 years of my life to a bank so i can own my own flat#god i hope. i fucking hope. i really really want to own#like not for landlord bullshit. just so i don't have to worry about where to go in a year two years five years#i want a civil servant job because that's for life and i would love to do the same thing forever#and i want to own a flat because i could make the space fit my needs and wants perfectly#and i wouldn't have to worry about where to live or old age or whatever#good luck to me finding a well situated 2 bedroom flat in one of the if not the worst city of france in terms of housing :)#but hey i've been lucky in life. maybe it'll keep going#i know what i want early! that's good#i shouldn't have a realisation that i want kids at 30yo or whatever. I Shall Not Become My Mom#ANYWAY i need my own kitchen!!!!!#wow i have a ramble tag now
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It was always difficult to talk about her mother, perhaps because she never talked about her with anyone but her father, who still loyally wore his wedding ring even decades after her passing. He still loved her, even in death, and he tried to encourage Susannah to do the same, to not hold resentment for Wilhelmina Pace: A flawed human being just like anyone else, who had her vices, and yet was loved all the same.
Susannah swallowed hard again at the thought; though she tried to think positively of her mother, to try and remember the good, fuzzy memories she had of her, she couldn't help but taste bitterness in the back of her throat when she thought of her, and thought of all that had happened in the wake of her death. She didn't want to resent her, truthfully, she tried to accept that she was not perfect, no one was, and that for all those flaws, she was a good wife and a good mother who loved her husband and daughter...
...but that was all easier said than done. Especially in the face of a world that hated her mother, and resented her for existing.
"I'm...I'm alright," she finally willed herself to say, as she polished off the roll (pillow-soft and buttery, tempering the knot growing in her gut), falling silent for a moment as she confessed, "It's...it's just always been...d-difficult for me t-to...to talk about my...m-my mother. She...she wasn't well-liked when she came here, and she wasn't well-like when she married my father and had me, m-mostly on account of where she came from.
She...she came from Ireland."
#((they're so domestic! they go to susannah's home and eat together; making sure the other eats for one thing))#((philippe asks susannah about her day; which feels a bit akin to someone asking their spouse))#((how their day at the office went; it's just little things like that that really lend themselves to the idea))#((to them already behaving like a couple! it's defidently a far cry from how susannah behaved when they first met))#((and i have a feeling tonight is gonna be the night that she both apologizes for her initial brusqueness with him))#((as well as telling him about her mother-it's gonna be a hard conversation for her; but she feels it's necessary))#((for her to be upfront and honest with him; and she hopes that he'll be understanding!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Genderbent
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boynextdoor_official: yummy
#boynextdoor#video#i hope they always eat well and never diet#they're young guys they need a LOT of food
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everyone HELLO how are we doing :)
#mädch rambles#IVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG IM SORRY i moved in with my bf recently and my schedule has been crazy but i'm trying to reel it in im TRYING#i haven't been posting on mxinfo either im so sorry su if you see this IM SORRY I WILL GET TO U LOVE lemme get thru this week#i also work this weekend so ;____; sigh#but guys IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET BACK INTO THE KPOP SCENE ive missed so many music cbs but#BUT#CAN WE FREAKING TALK ABOUT AESPA ..... WHAT THE HELL#they're just ....... eating ....... slaying#supernova on repeat ok ......#also my boy lee taeyong enlisting god help me my ults are all leaving me its hard out here lkfsdlfjsldkf#I MISS YOU ALL IM SORRY I LEAVE WITHOUT WARNING EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS i'll be better after this weekend :')#love you all hope you're doing well!!!!!!!! MWAH <3
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