#I hope it worked stylistically?
overchromatic · 9 months
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attempted to give Kieran a cooler hairstyle.
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bonus-links · 8 months
Hey random question for you, but how do you decide when to draw the actual literal background in panels vs putting in a screen time or a design or a super simplified version? I've been doing a comic for a little while now, and I'm just realizing that I draw the literal actual background every single time lol
that's a good question! it's not necessarily 'wrong' to draw the bg in every panel, but it is a lot of extra work! it's not any one thing that decides it but mostly it comes down to: do I need the background in this shot to understand what's happening?
are we introducing a new place or area? are we establishing a new angle? does this pose make zero sense without context? probably need a full background
beyond that, it's a matter of visual balance. I think of those color/pattern/texture bgs as a kind of '"free space" or an opportunity to tie the color palette together. if the page feels like it's getting too dark or one color is too dominant, I'll use one of those free spaces to try and balance it. it helps maintain the reading flow. if the background is unimportant or i've simplified the characters a lot, I'll blur out the bg for just the impression of it, or I'll simplify it down as well to match.
you could also take out the bg when you want to emphasize an emotion a character is feeling. action lines, patterns and even your color choices can make the same drawing read differently!
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kickingshoes · 1 year
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T/W Blood and Injury
"Come and See" by avoidingavoidance gripped us by the throat and wouldn't let go until we drew this. WW with plant "markings" is everything I didn't know I needed.
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blametheeditor · 2 months
Do you have descriptions for all the FNAF bois? Very curious. Love your work. :) - 🧡
I have completely neglected to give true descriptions for them.
The audacity I have! I am unworthy of any love for any writing! We shall right this wrong!
Presenting: the FNAF bois
Scott Cawthon (A.K.A. Phone Guy, PG for short and Boss unironically)
Physical characteristics, he's 5' 9" with sandy hair and looks perpetually exhausted. You will never catch this man standing farther than 5 feet from a coffee mug if there's not one in hand, nor will he be caught dead in any kind of uniform or professional wear. It is strictly shorts and graphic t-shirts of his favorite bands.
As a wise person once said, his personality is overworked and praying that retirement is right around the corner it's never gonna happen. His life revolves around Fazbear's, every waking moment is either spent doing paperwork for the company, or physically at one of the locations to complete tasks like inspections or covering for a manager after they 'mysteriously' went missing. There's still a little bit of his dad side left, and it does come out from time to time, especially when certain employees act like disobedient children despite being full grown adults.
Disclaimer: he has absolutely no ties to the creator of FNAF Scott Cawthon. Not in personality, appearance, or otherwise. He just so happens to have the same name as the aforementioned creator, and has no one to blame for his life decisions but himself.
Vincent Wright (A.K.A. Purple Guy, Mutated Grape for those who are brave enough)
This one's literally purple, specifically hex# 5C00AC, from head to toe including his long hair he always has in a ponytail. Coincidentally, he perfectly matches the standard Fazbear night guard uniform that got discontinued after '87, never seen wearing anything but the short sleeve collared button down and slacks, though he refuses to hear a tie. This does not help the allegations he is a genetically engineered grape made to look and act like a human. And neither does never confirming nor denying if he is, in fact, human. Though he is happy to confirm his height is 5' 11". Did anyone ask? They didn't, but he confirmed!
Much like Scott, his sole purpose is to work for Fazbear's, tending to things happening behind closed doors. He's never really seen outside of the main offices of Fazbear Corporation, but when he is it's when he's following Scott, though if someone who's not supposed to know he exists spots him...And he doesn't follow to help oh no, he just likes to argue about the order in which inspections should be done, and really, Scotty, Foxy's the best animatronic? Foxy, when Bonnie's right there?
David Harrison (A.K.A. Douche Bag, prefers Mr. Harrison but stuck with just Harrison)
Picture this: the living embodiment of CEO. Never seen in anything except a perfectly tailored suit, so egotistical it is impossible to comprehend just how highly he thinks of himself, acts like it is an absolute pleasure to simply be in his very presence despite the fact he will guarantee talk down to you and yell the moment something isn't done to his near impossible standards. It doesn't help his 6' height and broad shoulders gives him quite the advantage considering he literally has to look down at you. Don't call him out for spiking his black hair in the attempt to give him another inch for bonus intimidation.
And he's been hired by the William Afton himself. Given his track record of helping hundreds of businesses rise from being on the boarder of going bankrupt to a thriving name of their respective industry, surely he can bring Fazbear out from the hole it dug itself and erase all the rumors if missing night guards and children disappearing from the restaurants. How hard can it really be?
Technically, it's not actually that hard. What is hard is keeping up with the literally bullshit he's constantly being handed. Such as Scott constantly bitching and demanding progress reports, a mutated grape, certain assholes just appearing in his restaurant and distracting him when he has better things to do than babysit. But does William listen when he has genuine complaints? No, the man just bushes him off like some low level employee. The moment his one year contract is up he's gone.
James Stiller (A.K.A. Snitches 'N Stitches, no, Stitch Snitch...Snitch Got Stich fuck)
He is 5' 9", with brown hair and brown eyes, and is someone who looks completely unassuming. Someone you can meet, exchange words with, and completely forget he ever existed even if the interaction had been him saving your life.
He's a doctor who works, well had worked, in the pediatrics wing of a hospital before Scott offered him a job to be on call across all Fazbear locations. He hadn't hesitated because a well known doctor who is trained for the ER, has a masters in psychology, and has written a few scholarly journals is clearly above a below minimum wage job running around children restaurants that should've been shut down a long time ago. He was only concerned about certain rumors about employees disappearing without a trace and didn't like Scott's insistence on having a lawyer on standby to read over the contract before signing it.
Eventually, he found a good middle ground with a contract after several meetings with William. Signed it. Almost immediately got berated by Scott because he broke the uniform code by wearing tennis shoes, to which he fired back it's either the shoes or the professional collared button up t-shirt turning into graphic shirts a certain supervisor clearly has nothing against. The shoes stayed, and he invited Scott to run with him sometime. The invitation has yet to be accepted.
Eggs Benedict (A.K.A. Been A Dick, pronounced been-uh-dick)
The literal embodiment of chaos. A gremlin, if you will. Fuzzy from Mario trapped inside a human body complete with blond hair, blue eyes, a thin 5' 10" frame, and a knack for getting on anyone's nerves within 5 seconds flat. Plainly said, the oldest sibling with younger sibling energy.
This thing also happens to be a genius mechanic. Will he ever tell anyone that? Psh, no, what's the fun in telling people he's competent when he can jump out like a jack-in-the-box and go gotcha bitch after getting praised by William for doing a flawless repair on the Funtimes! The answer is it wouldn't be fun, and neither would be telling someone what his favorite color is and instead taking it to the grave while joyfully announcing what he did in order to get suspended for a week while in college.
The best part is he wasn't even hired as a mechanic. Started off as a glorified janitor for Afton Robotics, the dream job in all honesty. All the glory in saying he works for Fazbear's without needing to actually do anything except chill with murderous animatronics and teach them how to properly play Uno. But then he possibly misjudged how close Funtime Foxy was to the door. Baby threatened to destroy his precious collection of mothballs if he didn't repair her. And now he's promoted so hey, win win!
Mike Schmidt (Michael when he's in trouble)
The reason for everyone's nicknames, and there's no way to get out of them because that's the only way he remembers you. Most people think he never calls anyone by their actual name because he's an asshole, and even though that's true it's because his memory isn't very reliable. Nor is his impulsivity. Side effects from an accident that left him with scars covering his entire head, ones rarely seen considering he always wears the night watch ballcap issued with every Fazbear uniform. The one's peeking out on his forehead are usually missed, because once you're that close, people tend to focus on the unnatural ashen completion and piercing blue eyes promising a fist if they don't back away.
There's good and bad that comes with those scars. It's hard to hold down a job when he curses tend to slip out, at least until he applied to become a Fazbear night guard. Then it kept him alive every night for several months. On one hand, the impulse to hunt down the animatronics one night when a certain rabbit started shit talking a little too much almost ended with him getting fired since a metal pipe left noticeable dents on the shells and needed to be repaired. On the other, he didn't get fired and even earned a bit of respect where even Bonnie admired his bravery and stupidity.
But he isn't anything if not loyal. Will be by your side no matter what happens, including facing off murderous animatronics with nothing but his fists. May not get social ques, but one word and he's happy to back off. Respect him, and you've earned a companion for life. Don't comment on his only outfit being the standard long sleeve uniform for Fazbear's or when he curses, and your teeth won't get knocked out. And if you ever try to disrespect those who've earned his loyalty, you're lucky if you get to live another day.
Jeremy Fitzgerald (A.K.A. The Jerber, Skitzgerald when Mike isn't around to hear)
When you look at him, the word 'stilt walker' comes to mind. He just looks a bit too tall for his own good. 5' 10" is an average height, nothing really special, but he makes it seem like he's 6' off the ground while looking shorter at the same time. It doesn't help he constantly looks nervous, like something is going to come after him at any second. Grey eyes always wide open with his head tilted down in the hopes his brown curls will hide his face.
In his defense, he has every right to be nervous when he was hired as bait for murderous animatronics! All he needed was a job in order to survive considering he is living all on his own after just graduating high school, and no one else was hiring other than Fazbear's. He couldn't afford to be picky even though it's below minimum wage, not that he's ungrateful or anything! But if he's going to get killed then why can't they pay him enough to at least afford rent and food!
Honestly, it's a miracle he managed to survive as long as he has. Scott had been kind enough to schedule someone to train him, but one week was not enough to prepare him for doing this day after day, week after week, with nothing but his imminent death in his foreseeable future. At least Mike was nice, and if he's ever close to losing the game, the man said to just call and backup will arrive. He, uh, might be slightly worried what exactly 'backup' is supposed to mean...though the Toys are nice too when they're not trying to kill him.
Fritz Smith (A.K.A. Irish Jig)
The worst part about being a teenager is looking like a teenager, and his 5' 4" height isn't doing him any favors, nor does his big green eyes and freckled face lend any sort credibility. And to top it all off, he specifically looks like a rowdy one, because try as he might his red hair never cooperates and always looks like he just ran a mile. But rowdy teenagers who can get out of trouble with a single look are bad for hiring. Because how can a business trust he won't cause any issues while working, or even quit the same day he starts once he realizes it's all work and no play?
That's not something he would ever do, and he genuinely wants to work! But there's nothing he can do to prove himself until he gets hired, but he won't get hired until he proves it, and it's a never ending cycle he can only escape from by growing older. That is, until he stumbled upon Fazbear's, who didn't blink twice when he stepped through the doors to ask about the waiting staff opening. Essentially got hired on the spot and almost immediately had a pizza shoved at him with the demand to deliver it.
Within a few months he became employee of the month, even became the animatronics favorite after mastering the art of entertaining children who wanted his attention while making sure he never missed an order. He worked so hard and got so good at his job that even Scott himself took notice. Pulled him to the side one day to say he was getting transferred to another location with better pay and animatronics that moved during the day. The only thing he asked was if he could still stop by to say hi to Mike and the gang on the weekends. He’s a little ashamed to admit it, but he might’ve used puppy eyes to get a yes. Completely on accident, though!
Caleb White (A.K.A. Hell Spawn, and sometimes Crying Child)
There's two things people immediately notice, that being the fact tears constantly stream down his face, and there's a small golden plush bear being hugged protectively. The more they look, the more they notice his uncombed brown hair, pleading brown eyes, the dull color to the plush that says it should be tossed into the washer. And if they look for too long, the bear's black eyes with white pinpricks will stare directly into their soul.
At least, that's what Fredbear tells him. And he trusts Fredbear, more than anything, which means he needs to start combing his hair better but he'll never put the bear in the washer. Not when he's only 8, and 8 year olds aren't allowed to know the right buttons to press, so his brother says he'll make sure Fredbear gets clean. But he'll put Fredbear in the washer without knowing how to use it long before he ever gives his brother his only friend. Because if he does, he'll never see Fredbear again. And then who will help him keep the Nightmares away?
William Afton (A.K.A. Mr. Asshole, Afton disrespectfully)
The color maroon is an interesting one. Not quite brown, not quite red, and there is a delicate balance that needs to be struck so neither color overpowers the other. To create a harmonious blend is a near impossible task. It can be accomplished, however, if someone is skillful enough. And contrary to what some may believe, he is aware of where his strength and weakness lie.
Such a regal color. Especially on a well-tailored suit made to accentuate someone's height. Certainly compliments black hair and blue eyes quite nicely, wouldn't you agree?
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killherfreakout · 7 months
oh they’re everything
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strawberrylind · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you check your notes on here, but I added some information about visceral body fat to your tutorial zine that I think would be really helpful for people. It's a factor that's always left out of the conversation when people talk about the appearance of body fat and I think that's just because nobody knows about it!
hi! i appreciate your input! just wanted to clarify something in what your tags mentioned. i understand that my tutorial wasn’t very inclusive towards amab body types (and that fatpos tutorials usually lean toward afab representation, which i agree) but that’s mainly because i was 17 when i made that post and didn’t have as wide a lens artistically or observationally as i do now. i’m working on creating a sequel tutorial including the difference between visceral/sebaceous fat, and i loved your addition on it. i definitely didn’t intend to exclude fat amab folks from my post, that just wasn’t something i felt knowledgeable enough to speak on, drawing from my lived experience. obviously to improve my work i’ve studied more extensively since then, and i hope my next tutorial will be full of more updated info and new contexts. <3 but of course thanks for adding it on, all of the additions (except for fatphobic people) on that post are wonderful! i’ll make sure to include this in the next one ^^/
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barry2018-2023 · 8 months
My hair stylist invited me into her friend group today and im going to a galentines party with them next month. It took two and a half years but I might finally be making friends here lol I'm so excited.
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mydream-synopsis · 20 days
me and my chipped nail polish because i refuse to get my nails done
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aeide-thea · 1 year
die eigentliche Frage: wie viel Duolingo muss ich noch machen, bevor ich hoffen kann, hier auf Deutsch zu schreiben?
(viel mehr, bevor ich etwas Interessantes sagen kann! aber die Katze sitzt jetzt auf mir, was nicht interessant zu hören, aber ganz angenehm zu erleben ist. 😽)
#lol i need 2 know SO many more words.#like. great that i have now solidly incorporated ‘Zeichentrickfilme’ in2 my working vocab#but uh#pace our friend Duo i gotta say i’m not sure how much use i’m gonna get out of that one#vs i still dk how 2 say like. ‘depressed.’ ‘genderqueer.’ lol#at least thx 2 C— i’ve got ‘dicke Katze’ down. Kaffee- und Katzeklatsch: ein Blog#also like. do i gotta caps properly in a blog context. like i will if i have 2 but like. does not spark joy#everybody wants 2 teach you standard orthography which is great but like. some of us want 2 understand the stylistic impact of rulebreaking!#anyway. in unrelated conclusion it IS maddening that i know basically 0 swedish BUT when i reach for eg ‘nothing’ i sure do end up at#‘ingenting’ before ‘nichts.’ similarly ‘och’ before ‘und’ sometimes. deeply unuseful!!#however i guess maybe someday the like. 2 phrases i remember will come in handy 4 me#‘du är vacker. jag vill knulla dig i röven. vill du också det?’#one can only hope 😇#anyway. peut-être que demain je bloggerai en français. qui sait#my mission‚ should i choose to accept it: ​bastardizing ALL languages i only half-remember 🤘#in conclusion i vaguely remember that in the construction ‘something Adjective’ you caps the adjective but not why lol#i mean i assume it’s for Substantive Reasons but like. if it’s modifying a pronoun why is it a substantive. however.#ours (whomst suck at deutsch) not 2 reason why‚ &c.#right. okay. good morning!!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
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im spot checking the places that are orange with the purple shampoo
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Fic: Some Things
This fic is for @canariie​ for the @hitsuhina-week​ Gift Exchange! She asked for something fluffy and HitsuHina in the Living World together. I have tried my best to deliver! <3
Title: Some Things Characters: Hinamori, Hitsugaya Word Count: ~3000 Summary: Hinamori heads to the Living World with a top secret special mission from her captain, with secret codes and scavenger hunts involved. Accompaniment: Hitsugaya, on "personal business." Three objects, two people, and one long conversation about everything and nothing. (Post-TYBW))
1. Something you’d kill for
2. Something you’d die for
And 3. —
[Read on AO3]
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unstatedmartini · 1 year
They were wearing the same pants too. It’s really cute that they matched 🥺
hell yes it was cute! because chaise ALWAYS understands the assignment!! they looked great individually, they looked great together, and they looked great with brian, 20/10 no notes
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westywrites · 2 years
Last Line tag
I was tagged by @onceuponanaromantic to share some recent writing! Thanks!
Here's a recently edited/rewritten conversation between Helio and Lennox from draft 3 of Essence of Stars (book one of The Corvine)
“You did what you could to better your situation and to protect your friends.”�� “It’s not that simple.” “Perhaps not, but one could also argue that there was no choice to be made at all, that fate had its own plans.” “There’s always a choice.” “It is not that simple,” they echoed back at him. “‘Spose not,” he agreed.
I'll tag @hottubraccoon @writersandpoetsunited @writey-unicorn to share a recent line (or a few) - if you are interested, I'd love to see. If not, no pressure!
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Do you guys think we'll get a new poster for Andor season 2?
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kirnet · 2 years
I’ve seen one (1) ep of absolution so far but I feel like it’s already entirely been spoiled for me just based on brief shit I’ve seen lol
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405blazeitt · 16 days
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アンタッチャブルの早速行ってみた 2024.09.03
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