#I hope it doesn't take me several months lmao
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vasattope · 6 months ago
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lilasamaaa · 10 months ago
Ignorance is bliss | Max Verstappen x Reader
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Genre | Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Word count | 3K.
Warnings | Brief mentions of sexual activities, panic attack, Max and reader get in a fight.
Summary | Max and you have been dating for several months, and everything is going well. Except when paparazzi start chasing you for no reason. Is your boyfriend hiding something from you?
Author's note | This was requested by @butterflyexe ! Thank you lovely for the great idea! I tweaked it a bit though, so I hope you like it! I loved writing this piece but again, sorry for the crippling angst lmao 🥲 Not proofread as usual, oopsie
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The doorbell of your apartment rings, and you leap off your couch, opening the door and throwing yourself into your boyfriend's arms.
"Oh, wow," Max says, pressing a kiss to your head. "Did you know it was me or do you throw yourself into the arms of everyone who rings your doorbell?" he adds, laughing.
"Of course I knew it was you," you reply, laughing too. "I've been waiting for you all week. And I noted that your flight was landing an hour ago, so it lined up," you explain, taking his hand and leading him to the couch, where you both sit down.
Max looks tired, the bags under his eyes casting blue and gray shades on his pale skin. He moves to lie down on the couch, resting his head on your thighs, closing his eyes.
"How was the work trip?" you ask, playing with his hair.
"It was great," he finally replies, opening his eyes and meeting yours. "Quite tiring, but interesting. It was nice to, erm. See my colleagues again," he says.
"I still can't believe your company paid for the trip all the way to Australia," you whisper as Max closes his eyes again under your caresses. "If I had known the automotive industry required you to travel that much, I would have applied for the job."
Max doesn't respond, simply taking one of your hand in his and gently stroking your knee with the other.
"You must feel so out of it with the jet lag..." you continue, concerned. "It's a good thing they gave you a few days to rest. When are you expected back at work?"
"Not until next week," Max says, playing with the rings on your fingers.
"And you said you're going to Japan after? That's such a weird ass schedule," you say, making him laugh. "I feel like you travel more than most influencers... Or even athletes," you state, making him open an eye.
"Perks of the job," Max says before planting a soft kiss on your lips, and standing up. "Can I borrow your shower?"
"Of course! You know the way," you wink at him, heading towards the kitchen. "I'll fix us something to eat in the meantime."
Sitting at the small table in your kitchen, illuminated by a few candles and the lights of the city outside, Max devours the plate you placed in front of him a few minutes ago. You silently observe him, both fascinated by the man before you and disturbed by a thought that has plagued you in his absence.
"I've been thinking," you start, making your boyfriend look up.
"Yeah? Tell me," he says, covering your hand with his.
"How come I've never been to your place?"
Max stops chewing, his light eyes fixated on yours.
"I didn't know you wanted to?" he replies, brows furrowed.
"Well I've never asked to, but isn't that how it usually works in a relationship? Once at mine, once at yours?"
"I'm sorry," Max replies. "I didn't realize it was important to you."
You suddenly feel guilty and squeeze your boyfriend's hand, giving him a warm smile.
"Forget it, sorry," you say, getting up to rinse your plate. "That was stupid. You're right, we're fine here."
After dinner, you and Max settle on the couch again, watching some show on Netflix. When you notice Max fighting against sleep, his eyelids heavy and his breath short, you grab the remote before turning off the TV. The sudden silence jolts him awake, and you laugh before pulling him by the arm and leading him down to your bedroom. You make a quick stop in the bathroom to remove your makeup and brush your teeth and, when you come back to the room, you find Max fast asleep under the covers. The sight is endearing. You press a kiss on his forehead before settling next to him, your cold body against his already warm one.
The next morning, you wake up alone in a cold bed. A familiar smell tickles your nostrils, and you make your way to the kitchen, your eyes still heavy with sleep.
"Good morning!" Max says, already dressed up, and looking much fresher than yesterday. "I made us breakfast."
"Wow, that's so sweet of you," you say before sitting at the table, taking a hot pancake from the plate in front of you.
"I'm sorry for falling asleep so fast yesterday," your boyfriend starts again. "To make it up to you, I'd like to take you out to lunch."
The offer takes you by surprise, and you stare at your boyfriend, mouth agape. It's been five months since you started seeing each other. Five months since you bumped into him by chance at the Monte Carlo casino while you were out dining with friends. Five months of being inseparable, but also five months of very limited outings. Max travels a lot for work, and you don't necessarily have the means to go out regularly in Monaco. Most of the moments you share therefore take place within the four walls of your apartment, and you're thrilled to get some fresh air with him for once.
"You seem happy," he says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I am!" you say, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Where are we going?"
"What about Nobu?" Max says.
"What? Max, that's way too expensive," you reply, furrowing your brows.
"It doesn't really matter, given I'll be the one paying."
"No way," you say. "We're splitting the bill. And I'm not paying three grands for some sushis, as delicious as everyone claim they are."
"They really are. So please, let me do this for you. Just this once? I can afford it," your boyfriend says, making you frown.
His words remind you that you don't know what your boyfriend does for a living. He's talked to you about cars, mechanics, but you're having trouble understanding what kind of job in the automotive industry requires so much traveling around the world. A job that apparently pays very well, given the restaurants he frequents. Realizing there's no point in arguing and not wanting to pick a fight with Max, you simply nod, lips pressed together. However, you're counting on one last point to escape the pricey restaurant and hopefully eat elsewhere. Somewhere more affordable.
"Well, if you insist," you finally say, popping a strawberry in your mouth. "I doubt we'll get a table for noon, though," you add. "I heard you have to book months in advance."
"Don't worry about that," Max says, stroking your cheek. "I need to stop by my place real quick before, can we meet there?"
Two hours later, you're sitting at one of the finest tables at Nobu, facing the sea. The fuck just happened, you think, watching your boyfriend immersed in the menu with a raised eyebrow. How? Before you have time to question it further, a waiter brings two champagne flutes and a bottle in a Nobu-stamped ice bucket to your table before hurrying away, thanking you two profusely for coming.
"Did you order this?" you ask Max, making him look up.
"No, I didn't. That's so kind of them."
"What the actual fuck, Max?" you snap, eyes wide. "What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" your boyfriend asks.
"Did you somehow not notice how everyone's been bending over backward for us since we walked in? I think the waitress behind you hasn't taken her eyes off us for the past thirty minutes. And since when do they bring champagne to people who haven't ordered anything?" you say with a worried look. "Are they confusing us for someone?"
"Why are you so worried?" Max asks, giving you a look that's meant to be reassuring but just looks uncomfortable. "Just enjoy the moment. And the view."
You sit back in your chair, biting the inside of your cheek. Something isn't right. You can feel it. Max adjusts one of his hair strands, and the sleeve of his shirt slips down slightly, revealing a watch you've never seen before. It takes you a few seconds to recognize the model, and when you do, your heart skips a beat.
"Is this a new watch?" you ask, trying to act nonchalant.
"What? Oh, yeah. Bought it in Melbourne."
"You casually bought a Rolex Daytona?" you ask, tilting your head.
"I didn't know you knew about watches," Max says, adjusting the collar of his shirt.
"You don't need to know about watches to know that this model costs almost a hundred thousand euros," you say, eyes boring into his.
The tension at the table has risen a notch, none of you uttering a word. As an anxious waiter places several plates in front of you, you glance around, suddenly realizing something you hadn't noticed before, absorbed in your conversation with your boyfriend.
"There's no one here," you say, still looking around. "It's noon on a Saturday, and the restaurant is empty."
Max sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I know," he finally says, carefully meeting your gaze. "I wanted us to have some peace."
"What? What did you do?"
"I've privatized the restaurant," he says.
"How did you do that?" you ask, unintentionally raising your voice.
"I paid," Max simply says, grabbing a sushi.
"How much?"
"Several thousands!" Max almost shouts, making you wince. "What's up with all your questions?"
You're completely lost. You don't recognize the man you've been seeing for the past five months. The man who comes to your place by foot, usually in sweatpants, who spends evenings watching Netflix with you. Taking baths with you. Passionately making love to you. You have no idea who this new man is, covered in expensive clothes and accessories, on whom all heads turn and who raises whispers as he passes by.
"Who the fuck are you?" you simply ask, feeling your eyes start to water.
"Baby," Max says, finally realizing how uncomfortable and lost you are. "Please, can we just enjoy the meal? I'll answer all your questions at your place. I'll explain everything, but please. Let's not make a scene," he implores.
You swallow hard, staring at the ceiling to dry the tears in the corners of your eyes. For the rest of the meal, Max talks, telling you about his trip, about his life. You politely answer the few questions your boyfriend asks you, remaining silent the rest of the time. You don't even have an appetite anymore, having swallowed three sushi pieces before your stomach threatened to turn.
At the end of the meal, Max slips a credit card into the folder that a waiter has placed on the table, then adds three hundred-dollar bills. Tip, you think. More than what I earn in a day of work. The price of discretion, probably. The waiter leaves with the folder before coming back, and just as he's about to ask for something, Max shots him a look that makes him close his mouth. Your boyfriend thanks the young man before walking around the table, extending a hand that you grasp to rise as well. You thank the still-empty restaurant staff, giving them a genuine smile despite the anxiety twisting your stomach. Max opens the door for you, and you walk out on the street, thanking him.
For a moment, you curse yourself for forgetting your sunglasses at home, as the Monaco sun blinds you instantly. You blink in surprise, but your blindness persists as Max grabs your wrist and pushes you behind him. You try to open your eyes, but flashes keep assaulting you, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that they're coming from huge cameras pointed just inches away from your face.
"Max?"' you ask with a high-pitched voice, starting to panic.
Max turns around, pressing you against him and covering your eyes as he guides you through the screaming crowd. People push you in all directions, pressing against you, touching your arms, your face, crumpling your clothes. Screaming. At first, you can't make sense of what the voices are shouting, with all your senses being overwhelmed. But suddenly, you hear it. Max. They're screaming his name. Max looks up, and a new series of flashes burn your retinas as your boyfriend holds you even tighter against him, one arm around your shoulders.
"I'm so sorry," you hear him say among the voices.
"What's happening?" you ask, panting.
And, then, you feel it. The panic attack. Even though you've never experienced one before, you immediately understand what's happening to you. You recognize the signs. Your legs give way, and you have to cling to Max to keep from falling to your knees. Your heart rate and breath quicken until they're suffocating, while tears stream down your cheeks.
"I can't breathe," you croak, so weakly that you're not even sure if Max heard you.
"Hang on, baby," your boyfriend says, still walking. "We're almost at the car."
The flashes continue, and so do your tears. Max grips you as tightly as he can, shielding your face, lifting you halfway to help you walk. After a few seconds, the longest of your life, you hear a car door open, and Max gently pushes you into his car before closing the door and jumping in. He wastes no time in starting the engine, cutting through the crowd, disappearing into the alleys of Monaco.
You don't say a word. You're unable to speak. Unable to breathe. Still trembling. Crying. You don't realize it, but Max struggles to tear his eyes away from your body, which seems so small, so battered at this moment. He doesn't speak either, biting his lips until it draws blood. He hates himself. He knows he'll regret making you go through this for a long time. But now, all he can do is explain. Lay all the cards on the table. Something he should have done a long time ago.
The journey seems to last an eternity until you catch sight of a gigantic building, and Max drives into an underground parking. He parks the car and rushes out, opening your door, helping you out. You're still in shock, and Max supports you as he guides you to an elevator. A few seconds later, after twist of his keys, you find yourself in a vast penthouse overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. You don't even have the strength to ask questions anymore. To ask where you are. You sit down on the large couch, wiping the tears from your cheeks. Trying to calm your breathing.
Max watches you, standing at the foot of the couch. Bewildered. Not even daring to come close to you. The two of you stand in silence a few moments, until he finally speaks.
"I know it won't fix anything. But I'm truly, sincerely sorry."
You don't reply, head low. playing with the rings on your finger.
"I owe you some explanations."
No reply.
"I'm a Formula 1 driver."
You finally look up, and the mascara streaks on your cheeks squeeze his heart in the worst way.
"I should have told you earlier. I should have warned you, but I couldn't. With you, I discovered normalcy. Anonymity. I discovered what it was live to have an ordinary life, away from the hustle, the stress, the constant judgment."
"So you knew how precious it was," you say, squinting your eyes. "And yet, you chose to expose me to all of those things."
"I hadn't planned for it to happen. I didn't want it to happen. I tried."
"I can't do this," you reply, feeling fresh tears roll down your cheeks.
Seeing you cry again, Max sits on the couch, pulling you close to him as another sob shakes your body.
"Why?" you ask, crying. "Why did you let me fall in love with the person I thought you were?"
Each of your words, each of your sobs break his heart a little more, but he takes it. He knows your anger is justified. Deserved.
"Because I loved you too. And I didn't want this to stop."
"You lied to me," you say between two sobs. "I trusted you. I trusted you so much."
It's too much. Even for him. A tear runs down his cheek. Max wipes it away angrily.
"If you never want to see me again, I understand. I'll come get my things. I'll erase your number. I won't stand in the way of you living a normal life, of finding love with someone normal. You deserve the best, even if it's not with me."
You hate him.
You despise him for having been himself, his most vulnerable self, with you. For charming you with his awkwardness, his foreign accent, his somewhat strict manners. You hate him for being the perfect man for you. You hate him for making your heart beat so strongly. But above all, you hate him for building your love on a lie, on fragile foundations doomed to collapse and sweep you both away in the wreckage.
"I hate you," you sob, making his heart stop. "And I hate myself even more. For not being able to let you go."
"Baby", he says, moving to kneel in front of you. "If you give me this chance, a chance to rebuild everything with you again, I swear that nothing will ever happen to you again. I won't let anyone near you, anyone touch you. Not even a glance. I will rebuild everything around us. We'll be untouchable. Indestructible."
One month later.
"Are you ready, baby?" Max asks, meeting your gaze. "Once I post it, there's no going back."
"I think so," you say, biting on your fingernails. "Let's get this over with," you add, sitting on his knees while the driver presses a kiss to your neck, softly stroking your leg.
"Okay. Let's do this."
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karuuhnia · 2 months ago
TF2 Chapter 7 - Karuuhnia's analysis
Christmas came early for the TF2 fandom this year, didn't it? (Well, it really came 7 years LATE if we're completely honest lol)
It was an emotional rollercoaster and had a happy, wholesome ending and conclusion for both the mercs and for us. Several mysteries from the past comics were resolved.
And you know me: I love to overthink and overanalyze every bit of lore and story that I can get my fingers on lmao
So here's my essay:
A) Solved mysteries
1. What the Administrator was planning
It turns out: There WAS no evil plan of world domination or whatever. Just pure hatred for a man who ruined her life - apparently. It's been so long she doesn't even remember the reason. But the thought of revenge was enough to fuel her every life choice.
And to think, it all could have ended in the 1850s already - if it weren't for smart-ass Gray Mann and his narcissistic tendencies to brag about his knowledge and plans. (How he himself figured this out is never explained.)
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He was the one who introduced the Administrator to Australium in the first place, around 1850ish. If he hadn't told her that it could bring people back from the dead and prolong life, the senseless Gravel War would have ended with Blutarch's and Redmond's natural deaths.
Well, on the other hand we must be glad that the conflict didn't go on even longer.
Since Dell stated that none of his family members ever went into the room where Zepheniah was kept, the Administrator must have build all of that herself, right? That would certainly explain why it looks so crude and consumes so much Australium. I mean, look at this construction and then compare it to the one Dell built:
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The Mark 5 machine gave her ~6 months of life for just a tiny flask of Australium. Imagine what would have happened if one of the Conaghers had improved Zeph's machine as well! She could have kept the zombiefied corpse in a living nightmare for many centuries more instead of burning through tons and tons of Australium so quickly. Good thing it didn't come to that.
2. Who helped the Administrator
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Well, we didn't get a clear answer, but I think it's safe to conclude now that it was the Administrator's elite merc teams A-E that obtained all the Australium during the 6 months Miss Pauling and the TF2 team went off the grid. Which only further proves that the Administrator did not really care for Pauling at all and only came to her and her "team of rejects" as a last resort, after everything else had failed.
It's really heartbreaking how much Pauling admired her and wanted to be her trusted second-in-command while the Admin apparently never even invited her to the secret HQ. Nobody there even KNEW of Team Fortress after all. It was such a relief to see Pauling let go in the end and choose a free life instead.
3. Scout's second chance
Well, not really a mystery here, but I really like how Scout had an epiphany that there were other girls out there that would like him as he was and moved on from Miss Pauling. There was no heartbreak, no animosity, no rejection. They are still friends and support each other! I love it!
And then Scout even saved all of humanity by having sex with several women so that God wouldn't have to destroy the world! What a great, selfless guy he is!
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I really love Spy and Scout after the time skip. No more bickering, no more annoyance, no more mean comments, just kindness. Spy is also so sweet to his grandchildren! ADSGFSDAF
I hope they all remain in contact and on good terms. Because let's not forget: Scout's health isn't good and he even has a confirmed death date. Which is only 8 years into the future of 1979.
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All of his orphaned children would still be minors at that point. When it comes to that I hope Spy and Scout's Ma can take care of their grandchildren.
4. What Charles Darling and Maggie were planning
Darling stated he wanted to obtain Australium in order to make his rare animals immortal and in return he would get Saxton's company back.
The way Maggie always reacted to Saxton led me to believe she knew Darling was planning something ELSE and she felt bad for not telling Saxton and having to betray him in the end:
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But turns out, I probably just misinterpreted Maggie's facial expressions. She looked so sad because she loved going on adventures with Saxton again and just hated the thought that he'd go back to Mann Co. afterwards.
I'm very happy that in the end Saxton let go of the company and spent the rest of his days punching wild animals with his true love! (Although he might have started a war again, now between Reddy and Bidwell lol)
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B) Unsolved and new mysteries
However, as much as I loved the last chapter, I feel there are still a lot of things that were never cleared up or adequately explained.
So after re-reading every single comic and update page these are some other things I still find inconclusive:
1. Olivia Mann's mother
Not really that important to be fair, but still: Is she really the biological daughter of the 150 old mummy Gray Mann? If so, who is the poor woman who… mated with him and where is she now?
Or was Olivia adopted, abducted or grown in a lab? Well, at least she gets to live a happy and free life now and is provided for by the dad who stepped up. Good on you, Saxton!
2. Darling's knowledge
Back to Darling real quick: Why DID Maggie start working for her nemesis?
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HOW did Charles Darling learn about Australium's properties and the Administrator's history?
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There is also the fact that the Mann triplets' mother was a Darling!
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These things were never brought up again! Whyyyyyyyy?????
3. What was all the set-up with the TFC mercs about?
The TFC mercs made several ominous remarks that made us believe there was more to them:
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Both Virgil and Greg were trying to say something interesting, but then got cut off before the revelation. And especially TFC Heavy talked about dying as if it was an immediate danger to all of them. Sure, they were old, but they were still going strong, being able to kill all of the Admin's elite teams after all.
4. Fred's destiny (and identity?)
In Chapter 6 Spy disguised as Fred, trying to trick Virgil. After being found out, the two had this conversation:
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Spy managed to impersonate Fred really well apparently. That means he must have studied Fred's personality, mannerisms and way of speaking before he went to Virgil. That also means he must have spent quite a while talking to and studying Fred. Did he and Sniper capture and interrogate him? But more importantly: What happened afterwards? Tbh, they probably just killed him off-screen after learning what they needed.
Because I no longer believe that Fred was Dell's father, as much as that sucks. It would have made for a great plot point and possible conflict within the team.
But Fred obviously had no idea about anything related to Australium or the immortality machines.
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Since later on in Chapter 7 Dell says that neither his grandfather, his father nor he himself ever set foot in that basement, we can conclude that they all knew that the Administrator was hiding something nefarious down there. Which also means they WORKED for her and thus must have also worked on her immortality machine. So it makes no sense that Fred would not know anything about that if he really were Dell's father.
That still leaves us with the question: Why was young Fred in the photo with child Dell? Or WAS this guy even Fred?
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I mean, a lot can happen in 40ish years between those two pictures:
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But my new headcanon now is: These two are not the same person. TFC Medic had to replaced by our beloved Dr. Herbert Ludwig (still not over that name btw lmao), so who says the original TFC Engie wasn't replaced too at one point? TFC Heavy was very obviously worried about his friends dying one after the other.
Virgil said he knew Fred since before the war. So maybe after Dell's father died/left the team, Virgil told TFC Heavy about his old comrade Fred who also happened to be an Engineer. And only then Fred became part of TFC.
But as I said, that's just my headcanon. In reality it's probably just an inconsistency over the many years of convoluted lore. lol
5. Soldier's cave, covered in Australium
In A Cold Day in Hell Soldier and Zhanna have the following conversation:
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First it's a stink-barn, then he claims to be homeless. But in Chapter 7 Heavy suddenly says that Soldier lives in a cave.
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And it turns out there is tons of Australium in that cave! Now of course I wonder: When did Soldier move into that cave and where is it located? We were always told that Australium only exists in Australia. But I highly doubt this American patriot owns a cave in Australia. Also, how is it possible that the Admin and the elite mercs never managed to find this cave? Did they just not bother to look in America because all known Australium is in Australia?
So in return, does that mean that Australium is NOT exclusive to Australia after all? If so, there could still be hidden caches of the stuff anywhere on Earth. At least the Admin and Gray Mann are no longer around to collect it and Miss Pauling does not look for it anymore either. The only one who still has an interest in it is Charles Darling. Him again...
6. Soldier with the photo of the Mann family
Quick reminder: This is the only version of the family photo we'd seen up until this point:
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But when Soldier and Merasmus are held by the mafia and the wizard asks him why he needed so much money, Soldier pulls out an intact, unteared photograph of the Mann family!!!
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His thumb conveniently covers up the still unknown person standing in the middle. How did Soldier obtain this photo? How does he even know who everyone is, considering he's, well, Soldier?
Could he have any relations to the unknown person in the middle? And why DOES he need so much money (granted, it was only like 20 $ in the end, but still lol)?
Am I just overthinking this? Has anyone an explanation??? Is he and if yes, HOW is Soldier connected to the frigging Mann family??????
*cough* Anyway. This concludes my analysis of the TF2 lore. For now. If I come up with more things or if Valve ever decides to continue the story (That was a joke, haha, fat chance), I will come back to this. In the meantime, thank you for reading this and please feel free to share your own ideas and opinions! I'd love to read all of it! ❤️
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konigsluvr · 2 years ago
Hey hey! I'd like to request König headcanons please. I was thinking more of his childhood but it can be anything really :D thanks x
Also I'm an Avatar fan too! Don't seem to know a lot of people who are into both #teamneteyam
Hey!! I looooove Avatar so much, I haven't been reading it much lately but 2 months ago I was on tumblr all day, everyday just reading various Avatar fics (best days of my life). I miss neteyam so much :(( I really hope this is to your liking<3 i have included some NSFW headcannons, but there will be a warning, if you are uncomfortable, just skip. Reposts are highly appreciated. I will literally marry you. And of course, here I present...
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König Headcanons
Includes: Childhood König. König x fem!reader. Fluff. Spice. Smut.
☆ As said in his biography, he has suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life. This probably started developing in maybe late childhood/early teens.
☆ I can picture him as the quiet kid in school. Had a couple chill friends that he was comfortable around and hung out with after school.
☆ I think König was average grade student (like me lmao), not bad grades but not super good either, he just did what he had to do at school.
☆ He liked helping around the house so he could contribute and help his parents save time.
☆ He applied to the military at 17, having a job that allows him to blow off steam would help with his anxiety sometimes but if it's a more dangerous mission than usual, his anxiety might peak but he could have coping mechanisms.
☆ Even though he is 6'10" and literally all muscle, he can't stay still. Due to his anxiety again, he is fidgety at times depending on the social situation he is in. Now this leads onto the relationship stuff.
☆ With him being fidgety, I feel his love language is physical touch. He can sometimes struggle with his words but you always know that he loves you when he cuddles you or does little things like playing with your hair or holding your hand whenever you are in public.
☆ König isn't the best at working with technology but you'll show him how he can text you and phone you, so whenever he has free time at base or whenever he isn't with you, expect him spamming you with texts because he misses you so much :((
☆ He has a gym at home for when he wants to work out but with him having such a physical job he doesn't feel the need to workout everyday, maybe 3 or 4 times a week when he's home with you but at base he'll do it more as its like the only thing to do there.
☆ He enjoys going on walks. When he's home with you he'll love going on a walk in the woods or just wondering around town with you, go shopping to get food for supper or something, he'll sneakily buy flowers to surprise you. At base, he sometimes can't sleep well so he'll just walk around for some fresh air to clear his mind.
☆ His down time with you would be watching your favourite show or a random movie. He would do it just to cuddle up or be with you but he will get invested. Like I watched the notebook last night and I was thinking about König crying as you watch the notebook together.
☆ Like you'll be watching the movie and a sad scene comes up, you are already crying and you hear a sniffle but it isn't from you. You turn to your left and see a tear rolling down Königs cheek. This will make you cry harder as you wipe away his tears and cuddle into his neck.
☆ With König having a high payed job, he has a lot of money that he doesn't know how to spend. Lucky him, he has you. You would tell him its no bother, that you have enough clothes and pretty jewellery to last you a lifetime but he drags you to the car to your favourite store and you can't help but give in.
☆ He would get a former guard dog and train it to only command you and him, this dog would stay at home with you all the time. You would take it out walks and just spend your whole day with it. He wants to make sure you are safe all of the time.
☆ He likes to take it slow, make ethereal love to you and treat you like your made of glass. You would let a few tears roll down your cheek from his sweetness.
☆ Pussy eater!!! He is like a god with his tongue. Worships your clit like its his favourite thing while his fingers work in and out of you. It doesn't matter if you are crying from overstimulation, you have a safe word. His only mission is making you cum.
☆ Loves face sitting, literally just loves your pussy on his face and your thighs pushing against the side of his head. You would tell him that you are too heavy, he huffs frustrated and pulls you down on him and instantly gets to work. Let's just say, you forgot about what you said 3 seconds ago.
☆ Breeding kink. Sorry, not sorry. In all his fantasies about you, it's you all pretty n pregnant with his baby. You will have that pregnant woman glow and he just can't keep his hands off of you. He doesn't really wear condoms but you'll usually be on the pill, he still struggles to pull out but it's nearly impossible for him. But when he does cum in you, he finds it the sexiest thing ever. He'll use his fingers to plunge his load back into you to feed his growing hunger.
☆ He loves when you top him and take your time with him, but he also enjoys being in charge and having his sole focus on you, even if you just came for the fourth time from his tongue and his cock is rock hard.
☆ The ratio between him giving you head and you giving him head is very diverse. He loves a good blowie but only does it when you want to, he will never ask you.
☆ Isn't one for quickies, he wants to take his time with you. He wouldn't like the risk of someone else seeing you being intimate with him, that is a sight only for him to see.
☆ Isn't afraid to make noise in the bedroom. Whimpering. Moaning. Whining. Groaning. He does it all.
I hoped you liked this!! If you have any more requests don't be shy. Stay safe and take care of yourself my lovies xx
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genericpuff · 7 months ago
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got me that concerta babyyy! I'm really hoping it helps at least take the edge off, my ADHD has been particularly rough these past several months, there are a lot of bees in my head and I'm hoping this will help them chill out a bit LOL (or at least put them to good work so they aren't running into each other in there!) The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is my blood pressure, I had to send it into the physician because obv this is a stimulant and we want to make sure it doesn't make my heart explode LMAO I do unfortunately have naturally high blood pressure, this is due to a combination of genetics, diet/lifestyle and the physical toll my unmanaged mental health has taken on me. BUT she mentioned that the medication should help with the anxiety and semi-constant state of fight or flight that I'm in (which definitely isn't helping my blood pressure LOL), and also considering I can't drink coffee on this stuff it should hopefully balance itself out (though the medication being a stimulant means I should hopefully see a decrease in caffeine dependency anyways as I was basically using caffeine to self-medicate). I'm starting with 18mg for a week and then switching to the 27mg! After that I have another follow-up appointment to check up on how I'm doing, and, if all goes well, continue my prescription!
I will still have to make some lifestyle changes, but as I mentioned to my physician, those changes will hopefully be a lot easier to make with the medication managing my executive dysfunction (at least that's what it'll hopefully do). I've always found it really difficult to maintain good habits with my brain because, duh, ADHD! The executive dysfunction really does make a mountain out of the simplest efforts on a daily basis, so I'm really hoping this will help me focus on getting on a regular schedule again where I can make time for my health. If this fixes my issues with sleep, I'll actually cry.
Assuming my physician doesn't email me back with a "do not take, you will explode" by the end of the day, I'll be starting it tomorrow! I'm terrified but excited! Wish me luck y'all! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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if-mirrormine · 1 month ago
as an alternative to "if you have writers block, kill a character", may i try (likely in vain, i am aware 💀😔💀) to give you my professor's advice that's helped me??
he said "you can only be affected by writer's block if you believe it exists" which, at first, made me go "bitch? ive felt it?? youre so wrong?"
until he continued and said "writer's block is a nebulous problem with no consistent or reliable solution. and when we eliminate that as an option, we are forced to be specific about what is wrong. it can be burn out, fatigue, stress, Depression, a lack of discipline, time blindness, ADHD or autism, some medical or pharmaceutical variable, a mixture of multiple reasons, or any meriade of any other reason or reasons to justify and validate why writing needs to go on the backburner for a bit or even several years. but the big difference is all those specific things: unlike writer's block, they do have treatments, cures, and/or accommodations"
and to that, i do agree, i see his logic in "take writer's block off the table". though i see it moreso as We Should Reframe Writer's Block As A Vague Symptom Of Something Instead Of As A Diagnosis, kind of like how chronic pain as a symptom could mean ANYTHING in regards to diagnoses yet is still an important puzzle piece to finding that diagnosis
that is specific to me though. but i was told that re-framing back in 2018 or so(?), and ive never had writer's block since. i HAVE not written for months at a time, don't get me wrong, im not churning out pages everyday with writers block no longer in my life. but i do feel like i am making progress in dealing with my Other Stuff which then is me maintaining an opening to write (as opposed to cleaning up a block) and just being too tired by said maintenance to often indulge in writing. and not the stagnant "this is how itll be forever"-maintenance, but rather more like the kind of maintenance you have to do after a natural disaster for relief, bc i got a Lot Of Diagnoses who eould normally give me the symptom of writers block that im still in the early stages of unpacking and accomadating and etc. so, hopefully soon, ill have less and less maintenance to do and more and more energy to write. but yeah, thats just me. idk whats going on in your life, in your head lol
and this is, in fact, me hoping and praying and begging that you go "i prefer this" and not killing a beloved character
bc i wont lie. would sure love you NOT to kill someone i love in your game lmao
uhhhhhhh, alternatively kill the dad instead. itll fuck us over about learning timey-wimey stuff, add more plot-conflict as a result, and we get the weird feelings of grieving a parent you didnt know/like. idk. i just want my faves to live and he is Not One Of Them lmao ill give you a $20 to, if you GOTTA kill someone, have that one soul be his lol
i appreciate the advice and yeah, i can get behind this explanation of things. i mean it makes sense; motivation or simply just the ability to write doesn't just grow legs and walk away from you, there's gotta be other contributing factors.
i do feel the need to say though that how ever and when ever i kill off characters, i don't mean in game lol. i already have the whole game plotted out, adding in an unnecessary death would make things messy and we don't want that. so while i do have some deaths planned, some literal others not, any new deaths would only take place in drabbles.
atp i just need to get words on paper. or google doc ig.
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erin-unknown · 14 days ago
I think I missed the part of Veilguard where Solas was completely absolved of all responsibility for the things he's done.
And yet I keep seeing this sentiment. If you choose to talk him down at the end, I think it was actually pretty reasonable for Mythal to acknowledge that she's asked him to do some fucked up things—and that she hurt him (someone she loved, who also loved and trusted her) in doing so. But that wasn't her fully accepting the responsibility for the fucked up stuff they did together? Mythal was accepting her share of the blame.
She says this pretty explicitly, too. And I think it makes sense that he would need to hear that from her to more easily bear the weight of his own responsibility in all of the atrocities they and the rest of the ancient elven warlords committed. I mean, wouldn't you? There aren't many people left to bear that responsibility and someone has to. At least let the person who hurt you grant you some closure and lighten that load.
It's also worth pointing out that the game acknowledges several times that the memories you collect are unreliable and say more about how Solas feels about what happened than they say about what actually happened (the subject of all these memories is really Mythal, but I think it's a pretty big leap if you take this as Solas or the writers definitively shunting off all blame onto her—if fans are doing this, they are also wrong). But then the person who most explicitly tells you that these memories are unreliable (with total derision lol) is the shred of Mythal he's essentially held in isolation for ages. She does not like him very much. So I don't think she's reliable either. It's messy, is my point. Grains of salt required, all around. I'm sure someone smarter has a more complete analysis.
For that matter, I also think the idea that he's redeemed without having actually done anything is a bit off as well?
He hasn't really done much beyond not tearing down the Veil, true, but I also don't think we're being asked to accept that he's 100% fully redeemed at the end... instead I think we're meant to see that he's started on the path to redemption. Like, the man ties his life to the Veil and willingly dives into a blighted nightmare for what will probably be the next few millennia to help sooth the Blight. He's getting to work, not fucking off on a long vacation lmao.
Tldr: his "redemption" ending is pretty clearly only the beginning of his redemption, imo.
I'm not arguing whether or not he deserves to be redeemed because that's a personal choice. Rook doesn't know what will happen in that final confrontation, not when the people who love him are just asking you to hope that he can be swayed and, like, I get how that won't be enough for all of us. Y'all are totally valid if you'd rather deck the egg than try to talk him down.
These are just some of my thoughts based on several months of fandom conversations that have floated in and out of my space so ymmv. I just think some of these interpretations of the game's text are weirdly all or nothing, so this is me gently disagreeing.
I'm always willing to consider new info and different perspectives—I am not all-knowing! There's almost certainly stuff I've forgotten or missed.
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littlespoonevan · 10 months ago
*slips you a fiver* hi i'd like to hear about those abby/tommy parallels please
oh anon, i am Obsessed with you for asking me this question askdjf let's go!!!
okay. so rewinding to 5x04: the thing that endeared me most to buck/tommy as a pairing and the reason why i'm more on board with them than i ever was with buck/taylor or buck/natalia is mostly because of buck's reaction to tommy during the kiss. it's been over a month but i still haven't quite come to terms with just how lovely???? his reaction was???
because buck, in the immediate aftermath of the kiss, is just so in awe. and so shocked at the possibility of this thing that he never thought he could have. and it honestly really reminded me of how he was with abby??? i think i made a post about it at the time but in both instances it felt like a moment where buck was realising, "oh i can have this if i want it???"
in abby's case, the 'this' in question was romantic love. the possibility of real feelings and a real connection with somebody who wanted him back.
in tommy's case, the 'this' is obviously the idea of romantic love with a man and discovering a part of himself he never lingered too much on before.
in both scenarios, it offers us up a side of buck that's just so genuinely happy and excited and giddy almost??? most likely because of how real it feels and how much he's letting himself feel it??? like, idk if you've rewatched s1 recently but s1 buck is just so Open with his feelings for abby????? and regardless of what happened afterwards or if you ship them, seeing that side of him is just askfja it makes me giddy lmao.
and i definitely think we're seeing something similar with buck now. like, it's a little different - buck being open in s1 meant him being very charming and very upfront about his feelings whereas in s7 buck is more open in the sense that he's not shying away from his feelings for tommy even though coming to terms with his sexuality is obviously a very big thing too.
and i just don't think we've seen that from him with ali/taylor/natalia. with ali, it's understandable since she was barely in s2 and it was really just his attempt to start moving on after abby. with taylor, i think the 'buck is taylor's abby' theory still holds a Lot of weight and i think he never really knew how to be all in with her the way he was with abby. and with natalia, well, we all know that didn't really get any development. so seeing him like this now is just very refreshing, y'know???
(i'm not saying he didn't care about those partners, he obviously did, but the sense of anticipation there now is very much something that i feel is only on a par with his pursuit of abby)
and then ofc, on a more basic level, there are parallels in them both being older and having a lived a Life outside of buck that maybe he doesn't full comprehend yet and them both being a sort of guiding hand to him as he navigates a new part of himself.
but in terms of where things'll go now and how it might affect buck? i think buck is a very different person from season 1. he's also lived a Life (several really at this point) and his current personal life is so much more full than it ever was when he was dating abby so i don't think he'll be pinning all his hopes on tommy the way he sort of did with her. i think he can definitely still get swept up in his feelings (as we've seen lol) but i also think he's willing to take this thing between him and tommy for what it is and not put pressure on it like he would've before.
tl;dr it's not necessarily about the tommy/abby parallels and more about the buck parallels when he's with both of them, y'know??? :')
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crazylittlejester · 7 months ago
Disclaimer: If nothing I say makes sense, it's probably because I'm so stressed I almost set the microwave on fire.
I'm glad to see that the Warriors knits headcanon is alive and well. In fact, it is thriving. This brings me immense joy because I've been losing my mind over it for the past several months, and it looks like it's here to stay. :) The best part is when someone writes a scene where Legend is embroidering/sewing and Warriors is knitting, and they're BONDING OVER THEIR CRAFTS.
In other news, I am seriously considering making glowing Warriors' power and having it be kind of like those glow-in-the-dark stickers people put on the ceilings of their kids' bedrooms. Hear me out. He can be powered by the sun, like a solar panel, and store the extra energy to do Cool Superhero Stuff with. The unfortunate side effect being that he tends to burn off excess energy by glowing in the dark. This means he has been explicitly banned from working night shifts because his cover would be blown.
It also means that he's the perfect nightlight for kids with nightmares.
I'm really looking forward to writing up more of the first meeting stories now that I've gotten the one about Legend & Wild posted, but since I'm making myself wait until I get the next chapter of Hyrule's fic up I'm just going to ramble at you about it instead.
I haven't decided which one to do next, but I have thought about the one for the trio (I also need a better name to refer to them). Anyway, I'm thinking that Twilight and Warriors actually grew up knowing each other, but sort of lost touch for a little while. Twilight was busy with the Twili stuff and getting used to his new abilities, while Warriors was in the middle of the mess with Cia. Sometime after that, they get back in touch, and they've both decided that they want to move out. Twilight wants to leave Ordon because he feels uncomfortable there now, and Warriors wants to move to a different district in Castletown to avoid anything related to Cia. Right around the same time, Sky is looking for roommates because he doesn't want to go to college in Skyloft or something. Ghirahim probably has something to do with it because I kind of doubt that he'd be very chill about Sky killing his master... Regardless, they get introduced to each other and the rest is history.
Slightly related to that, Sky is going to be an interesting combination of ideas here and is quickly becoming a favorite of mine for this project. He's kind of similar to Time because he's an incredibly powerful individual that dropped off the radar. He showed up, kicked villain butt, and then vanished (curtesy of Sun). I'm poking him because I have a lot of ideas about that. Maybe he doesn't like thinking about it? Maybe he doesn't remember what he did? Maybe it wasn't actually him and he was just possessed or something? Could he maybe be the source material for the experiment that made Wild? Is he just like this or is it trauma or his power(s) or did someone else do this to him?
Gnawing on all these questions as if I don't have things due tonight.
IM SO SORRY DUDE. they call me the kitchen appliance killer, i think the only thing safe from me is the stove and the blender- but i’m also afraid of fire so like, i don’t go near the stove anyway lmao 🕺 but fr I really hope you feel less stressed :(
YES YES YES. I love the wars knits headcanon it’s everything to me, i’ve been tryin to find a good place to throw it in a fic. AND WARS AND LEGEND BONDING OVER CRAFTS IS JUST PEAK
ooooooh okay okay, i like it >:)
istg the ‘hero/vigilante’ type au turning sky into peoples favorites is a real thing, it happened to me writing FH9. He’s my FAVORITE character in that ENTIRE au 😭 im so excited to see what you do with him in this 👁️👁️
remember to take care of yourself 🫶 get some water and snacks if you need em
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ghoulangerlee · 1 year ago
Post last ritual, Copia and Dew talk about the future :)
I'm a firm Copia doesn't die truther so don't look to me for death. Copia lives a happy and long life with his ghouls post retirement lmao
"So, that was the last one, huh?" Dew asks as he lets himself into Copia's dressing room, the last one of the long line of dressing rooms he'd found himself in over the last several months.
Copia, as always, is sitting in a chair in front of a vanity mirror, a nicer one than some of the previous, carefully wiping his papal paint from his skin, "Last one," he confirms after a long moment of silence, looking back at Dew through the mirror. "How does it feel?"
Dew comes further into the room, pulling his helmet off and placing it down on the first surface he can, "It's bittersweet," he admits, "This tour has been...enlightening. A lot more high energy than previous ones," he carefully rests his hands on Copia's shoulders.
He's already out of his show clothes and is wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants; he looks good like this, content and happy, comfortable. Settled into his skin after several long years of trying to prove himself.
"You've done well, Papa," Dew says, leaning down to press a kiss into Copia's hair.
Copia hums, a happy little sound as he places the paint stained rag on the vanity before leaning back into Dew, "I couldn't have done it without my ghouls by my side," he says, soft and full of meaning. "Having you here has meant so much to me." His hand comes up and he covers Dew's on his shoulder, bare skin on bare skin. "Thank you for never giving up on me."
Dew scoffs a little, but there's a smile on his face, "None of the mushy stuff until we're out of the venue," he says, "You know Rain or Cumulus are better suited for that shit."
This time, Copia laughs and he turns in the chair a bit so he can look up at Dew, a happy smile on his face, "I mean it Dewdrop," he says and then he grows serious, "Having you here has kept me sane more times than I could count."
And well, Dew's not sure what to do with that, so he leans down and draws Copia into a kiss that he hopes is able to convey that he's here. He will always be here. That he doesn't make arbitrary promises in the middle of a traumatizing elemental transformation for just anyone.
When they part and Dew pulls his hands away from Copia's face, he makes a face at the smeared mix of white and gray transfer on his fingers. "You missed some," he says, wiggling them at Copia.
Copia's smile is private, fond and smitten as he turns around and picks up the washcloth, handing it to Dew, "Take care of it for me?" He asks.
Dew rolls his eyes but takes the rag, carefully tilting Copia's head to one side so he can wipe away the paint and sweat accumulating under his jaw and behind his ears, quiet all the while.
"Aether used to do this for me too," Copia comments quietly, a far away quality to his voice. "It'll be nice to see him again."
Dew feels something soft tug at his heart as he thinks of Aether, waiting for them to return to the church. They have so much to tell him about the tour. About Aurora and Aeon's part in their pack now.
"I can't wait to see his dumb face again," Dew says, his voice full of emotion, disgusting human emotions that Dew can't help but feel being fed into his and Copia's bond. Love. Care. Admiration. Longing.
They lapse into a silence and Dew continues to carefully wipe away whatever paint he finds that Copia's overly eager swipes had missed.
"When I name my successor..." Copia begins after some time, slow and careful, tasting the words in his mouth like something foreign. A thought he hadn't considered in almost six years. "Will you continue on as a band ghoul?"
Dew hasn't thought much about it, beyond what happens when they return to the church. Beyond Copia assuring them—with paperwork, notarized by Mr. Saltarian, the senior most member of the Clergy, and the oldest living member to date, that Copia's place in the church was as elevated leader, beyond Papa—he hasn't really considered what he might do.
The Ghost project will always be around. It will always be the way they entice people into joining, into spreading the Word.
But as Dew looks at Copia, eyes closed and content in Dew's hands, trust apparent and love blooming over through their bond, he just knows.
"I think Aeon would be a fantastic lead guitarist," Dew says, his voice uncharacteristically soft as he pulls the washcloth away from Copia's skin and tosses it over to the vanity once more. "I think, my place has always been with Aether. With you. I think, I would be content to stay at the church." He brushes his thumb across Copia's cheek, "Maybe it's just my old age and all, but I think it might be time to settle down."
Copia opens his eyes and looks at Dew, "Oh?" He asks, "You and Aether finally ready to make an honest man out of me?"
"Something like that." Dew says, though the fluttering in his chest tells him just how much he likes that thought.
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ri47 · 11 months ago
[Q1-2024] A RI47 Heavy Industries Not-Quite Quarterly Report: The Power of Paranoid Thinking
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So let's do a quick summary to avoid scaring anyone: Ri47's fine, Rin's (hello!) health isn't really any worse than it usually is, no major projects have been cancelled besides a standalone short story, we have a new mascot, and we're staring down the barrel of several simultaneous releases. 2024, god willing, if all goes to plan, is set to be a busy year... but a normal year.
That's it! You can scurry along now if that covered most of what you were curious about. It's rambles past here.
I promised I'd put something together like this, and since I've set aside the time today, when better to make some announcements and clarify some things going on under the bonnet. It's nothing especially massive, but radio silence felt less ideal as an indicator of the fact I'm hard at work
Without further ado, let's get into the thick of it
A New Face
You might have caught that there's a new face around here. The girl in the black hat is named Łucja (/ˈwu.t͡sja/) and she'll be taking over as the actual mascot for Ri47 Heavy Industries going forward!
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There were a lot of motivations around making Łucja, but it can mostly be boiled down to wanting a design to represent the creative side of Ri47 which also doesn't appear as a character in any of the works proper. As much as Pagan is a dear character to me, she's just not an excellent mascot (or author mouthpiece, given that she's an awful person lmao)
She's entirely monochrome, she's got a distinct funny hat, and her outfit is partially stolen from a band I enjoy. Perfect.
Additionally, Łucja is entirely incapable of death, although it still doesn't feel great. It's probably best not to bother her with that sort of thing.
What's up with VesalBlood?
The next chapter of ALTERNE: Diesem Fernen Traum is nearing its release (about 80% done), so if you've been following that series, I hope that's welcome news!
VesalBlood's releases slowed down a bit in the final months of 2023 and the early months of 2024. I wish I could say it was because I was working on something more impressive, but the actual reason is that money is money and I needed to work on projects which produced that sort of thing
There is no actual hiatus on VesalBlood besides my usual glacial pace, but I'd be lying if I said that my work hasn't been eating into my ability to write at the pace I'd like. It's neither here nor there, but it simply is
In a perfect world, I'd probably devote all my time to finishing one long-term project at a time, but that's just not a viable way to be a working artist of my type under any economic system at the moment. The Kishar System setting survived the latter years of my schooling, so rest assured it's not going anywhere unless I go somewhere as well
There may be a few surprising announcements relating to VesalBlood coming at some point in the next few months, but there also might not. To keep a little transparency here, it largely depends on whether I get some calls back
What's up with Armored Blade Jetkaiser?
Armored Blade Jetkaiser continues apace, albeit I've had to delay it a bit as well, due to some surprise complications necessitating the reworking of some key aspects of the combat system
I'm still weighing whether I want to release the first pre-release editions without the dogfighting ruleset to get it out the door faster, but it feels like that'd be a bit of a betrayal. Maybe I'll put it up to a poll soon? Who knows.
At any rate, Armored Blade Jetkaiser is Armored Blade Jetkaiser, and that means it's a solo project that I'm working on in my second layer of free time (what I do after I do the things I do in my free time) so it was always bound to be a little extra slow
What's up with OMEN/CONSTANCE?
OMEN/CONSTANCE is coming. No delays are expected, because I didn't actually set a release date. At any rate, it's coming about as fast as expected!
It should be entering the final stage of work soon, since we're only a song or two short of release. Look forward to it! There might be a few surprises on this one
RI47? In My Project?
While I'm not at liberty to discuss the specifics of it quite yet, I'm going to be featuring on a few projects! Watch out! Or don't! I'll be here, regardless. I'll make a point of saying more once I can.
As it stands, the projects are game-related, and I don't have to actually make the games for once
Lovely! Lovely!!
Wrapping Up?
Mostly! Before I forget, I'll probably throw Chivalry Without Honour on Bandcamp as a single at some point in the next few days. If you enjoy that track, you can pick it up, probably!
Also, I've finally worked out the ideal portion of salt to cut the burnt taste from my instant coffee! I won't write it down here, because discovering that is an important (and personal!) milestone in every frugal caffeine addict's life, kinda like learning which brand of inexpensive vodka won't make you sick.
You've really gotta learn it for yourself! But it's worth it!
See you soon!
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feuqueerfire · 9 months ago
Wandee Goodday Ep 1 - 5 Live Blogging
When I watched the GMMTV 2024 Part 1 announcements, I was still going through my show slump/apathy phase, so wasn't super hyped about this show. However, as time went on and my interest in series and BLs reignited, I started anticipating this more and now I can't wait to watch this show until it finishes airing because people have been liking it so much.
I've seen Great in Manner of Death and I watched NetJames' side story in Catch Me Baby, so I didn't actually see Great much for that. I know Inn was in Miracle of Teddy Bear but I didn't watch that.
I tried watching 23.5 while it was airing but was terrible at keeping up with it weekly, I ended up practically just doing 2 small binges. BUT it's fine if I can't keep up weekly with this because I'm in the middle of some other cool show when this releases or whatever, I'll just... catch up on 2-3 eps at once when I have the chance. It's fine. I'm just watching it because it seems fun and I wanna be in on the general conversation since everybody seems to be watching and enjoying this one. I hope it holds up until the end.
Fun to see this post on reddit r/GMMTV that highlighted how Great and Inn used to have shippers back in the day lmfao and now a decade later, a main lead in a BL. The post is literally from August 1, 2023, months before the Wandee trailer, I think Inn joined around that time (while Great joined earlier).
Also fun to see them talk about how they actually became a pair. Interesting to see that Great was promised Beauty Newbie (side) and Wandee Goodday (main) if he signed and was told Inn would be the partner if he signed; I wish Inn spoke a bit about what he was promised if he signed, was it just Wandee since he's not in any other 2024 series.
Long preamble because I'm stalling until it's 12am and the new month starts so that I can finally start this because I don't wanna start it in May lmfao, 10 more minutes. I'm browsing reddit wandee posts before release and they seriously posted some cute photos from when they were shooting.
Ep 1 (June 1)
ah, Wandee's character is the one who doesn't wanna kiss?
3 Days Ago
Wandee means good day
asexual Drake (Kao) yayyy
heroic Wandee
Are Yak and Cher the same age? With Oye being older than them?
oh, Yak and Oye are brothers fr?
aw, Yak secretly meeting a girl behind his brother's back but Cher knows, that's cute, I like their teasing dynamic that still has space for them to share stuff with each other
Dee is soooo in love with Dr. Ter lol, he's wide-eyed like this O.O
is ter purposefully torturing Dee lmao does he know about Dee's big big crush
8 years?! he's had this crush for that long?
Wandee's supposed to not be the original doctor but is being asked a favour
ah, their first meeting
Waited so long to watch it that I have to go to sleep but great start
antagonistic start
Yak is so rude, please
ah, fast beating heart
"I hope we don't have to see each other again, Dr. Wandee" well
scholarship to study abroad: Dee vs Ter
Wandee's so cute with this boss Doctor too lol
waittttt Yak's definitely several years younger than Wandee right? hehe. because Wandee's a full doctor and doesn't seem he's a new one either while Yak's in his final year (may have been taking longer than graduate than usual, so maybe older than 22 but not that much older?)
Taem being paid by Yak to do his homework lol
lol Taem rejecting Yak before he even finished asking. "I'm yet to finish my delivery to your doorstep. You returned it before it reached there."
Yak getting rejected and Wandee will be rejected
I will Need Kao to get a boyfriend by the end btw
8 years ago he was a freshman, so Wandee is ~26 years old? If Thai uni starting age is also ~18
please, not Wandee literally letting out an exhale-laugh and saying "I'll let you say it again" when Ter says he likes girls
ah, the Too Vanilla comment
and chasing after Dee to ask for the scholarship lmfao
wild Dee is so embarrassing at the club, idek how I'll make it through the convenience store scene (I'd seen clips/gifset of it before but I didn't have the knowledge of their antagonistic initial meeting back then)
a chance meeting and Dee following Yak
pleaseeeeee I can't loll
the condom is actually sending me, the audacity omg
the cashier being like oh condom only? lube is essential too
ah, drunk with the trash
Room 609 (Bedtime Story? Another P'Golf show)
ah, Yak's into it as soon as he steps through the door. Wandee's embarrassing display actually worked lmfao though I guess he was attracted to him before then too
it's like 2am
Yoryak means giant?! pls
loll The Eclipse cameo
so much talk about Yak's dick goddamn
the shaking causing "Ordinary days that will never be the same again" book to fall
this part had me pausing and holding my head so much ahhh
Inn as Wandee has such wide sparkly eyes, feels like glitter effects should be on screen sometimes when he blinks. Reminds me a bit of Triage's Tol played by Tee. Also JamFilm To Sir With Love/Laws of Attraction's Film kinda.
But also Wandee's so... him being pushy like why don't you like me >:( at Ter (though he dropped that quite quickly) and then just openly following around and harassing Yak was wild lol
Ep 2 (June 1/2)
I'm trying to only watch 1 ep a day so that I don't have to wait too long for ep 6 but I also just want to binge what's out, so we'll see how long I do 1-1.25 eps a day
oh, we're picking up right where we left on - in the middle of the sex on the couch with the Eclipse playing
Wandee's insecurities + being mad about being called vanilla lol
my Akk and Ayan witness to all this
"once is enough" they keep saying things like let's hope we never meet again and once is enough, like don't you two know you're main leads in a romance drama?
Dee not giving Yak his contact
Dee fr locked that man out
they're antagonistic again
I like established Yei and Cher
lol ofc Yak spending the night is apparently uncharacteristic for him
wtf did Ter try to speak on behalf of Dee to forfeit the scholarship? let's kill him
omg let's fucking kill Ter, him using Dee's feelings for him to be like give up the scholarship for me? please? and we can def talk about your feelings after I come back <3
lol Yak really waited and schemed until he got Dee as his doctor
ah, Yak saw the convo between Ter and Dee
ahhhh Yak redirecting from almost holding Dee's hand to pretend he was curious about the pen
plssss this cow costume for his school project video
oh yeah, Yak likes Taem
I like Taem
Yak thinking of vulnerable Dee even when he's with Taem
are these two people sinister? wait, are they gonna drug Dee?
agh, scary. Personally not a fan of attempted sexual assault/rape/noncon recording or whatever else being portrayed just so our ML can sweep in and be the hero because these are serious and scary things and make me feel other emotions than just <333 yay I'm glad our ML is here to help <333
Less Expectations More Satisfaction neon lights over the bed kills me every time
pls not the freaking sponge bath at 1:30am
Yak's like already so into Dee, whelp
I kept noticing the clock; I don't think it should've been at 1:38 by the end, maybe 1:4_
SEVENTY PERCENT?! not on the written part but on the campaign for the department that'll be voted by other doctors/nurses/etc?
hehe the cafe and P'Golf as a server, is it the same cafe as The Eclipse? Does both The Eclipse and the cafe in it exist in Wandee Goodday lol
and even in the show the character is named Golf
ah, here's the grandma
damn, Dee's parents are dead?!
okay, I'm back in the morning after having slept
Does Yak still like Taem? does he just wanna hang out with her as a friend? Does he realize that he's falling for Dee? Is he just in the habit of asking Taem to things?
oh, he's wistful so I guess he does indeed still like Taem
Dee taking care of Yak kinda and wanting to know what's wrong
woah, Direct
[Linguistics] Yak refers to Dee as Maw/Khun Maw/Doctor and Dee refers to Yak as boxer guy but right now, he used 'Nai.' I think they also use Khun with each other
the FWB proposal and establishing rules
first kiss? oh, Dee
[Linguistics] oh, Yak doesn't like that Dee refers to him as with Nai 2nd person pronouns and wants him to use his name.
omg I am so shy when watching them but have so much fun. Yak being like i like you moaning :) let's have another round and Dee being like okay but this time you have to play with my dick longer like okay, let's go, talking about what we want
loll the costumes come about because of the concern about Yak getting into a scandal?
Kao and this security guard?
the A/C service one when Ter's also in the elevator is sooo good
[Linguistics] cleaning fridge = rimming euphimism in Thai, I've learned. how fun
oh my god i love how puppy Yak is when Dee's wiping his head
damn, the mood is so romantic. almost kiss from Yak and giving him the necklace and kissing his chest. different than the more fun/sexual-tension-filled vibes of their other scenes
When I binge, I like episodes to be 40-45 mins but when I watch weekly, I'm mad that it's not 55 mins at least lol
I wanna know how old Yak is because he referred to himself as a grandpa student.
Sometimes this BL touches on interesting topics and just the whole aspect of FWB-while-we-both-have-other-crushes to kind of get over their crush and battle their loneliness is engaging on its own. It feels somewhat mature in its discussion around sex and what they each like or want. Still, it also sometimes feels immature, like the spiking (+ planning to take noncon videos of him?!) that's only there so that Yak can rescue him (the topic itself is really dark but the way they deal with it feels so... handwavy) or the scholarship being 70% popularity contest.
I don't know, I hope the narrative is coherent throughout the whole 12 eps and I continue to like it. Unfortunately, I can't hope for "Less expectations, More satisfaction" because I'm only watching this on-air because I'm expecting to love it, so I hope I don't regret that. I'm having fun so far.
Also, I guess it was indeed AJ who was also in the Eclipse because this is so funny: "I also appreciate that P'Golf's determination to make AJPloy happen is so great that she turned one character into a girl and completely created another one out of thin air."
Their short Ep 2 reaction
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Look how puppy
Ep 3 (June 2)
2nd episode of the already oof
oh yeaa, i saw the 69 gifs
such a cute su su na
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Yakalso has deceased parents?
cheek sniff kiss
ahh the lack of vs the acquiring of the necklace being noticed. it's like they're leaving their marks on each other (though they told their friends/family that they're just FWBs)
omg Yak is a known generous person when dating
just realized Dr. Kwan is Emi
office gossip
voice message about missing Yak... video of him doing situps to Dee... girl.
why does Yak look so confused when confronted with his own video that he sent lmfao
Dee's apparent flaw... he loves to win
Dee likes to order Yak around lol being like say you miss me and also change my lightbulb
Dee's nodding when Yak's like let's see if this works is very cute, very puppy also
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oof, they mentioned last ep 2 the costs of running this gym and now they're bringing up financial troubles again
ah, and Yei doesn't want to let on how much things aren't okay + doesn't want to borrow from Cher's (presumably rich) mother
Dee the fucking clown
oh noo this kid has cancer
is the not having enough skilled physicians gonna come back?
aw, video call
the nurses all being women and feminine gay men is interesting ig
anyway ig it's fine that they're also gossipy/mean(?) since there are several other non-villainous gay/queer people in the show, although none are quite as feminine as these 2. though there aren't many women, just Taem and possibly Kwan but they both have small parts
and this is how the fake boyfriend thing starts
Dee's thinking of getting Yak to be his pretend boyfriend but like, didn't Yak not wanna get caught?
[Linguistics] I have no idea if Yak's saying "then take back your paper kha" but I wish I knew if he was or if it's just part of the word
no fr how is Dee even asking this of Yak and it's not even a real relationship!! "Please come out for this fake boyfriend stint even though you're afraid it'll affect your career"
Dee is at the gym?! girl
Yei notices Yak's necklace
[Linguistics] Okay, Yak definitely used kha when he says Doctors are rich
Dee is a menace, let the man alone!
Cher calls Yei Phi, Dee Phi, but not Yak. so he's same age or older than Yak but younger than Dee, which confirms that Dee is older than Yak (in the novel Yak's apparently 20 while Dee's 29 but that's not happening here lol)
lol cute, Yak teaching Dee how to box. i wanna take up boxing too
the way Dee grabs Yak's hand to place it on his own thigh is so good somehow
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man, Dee being sad is pitiful but like Yak was extremely clear that he won't do it and Dee's the one who's chasing him and keeps asking him
oh, we're suddenly getting Dee having flashbacks to his parents' death
sharing food <3
[Linguistics] Yak using Rao as 1st person pronoun with Dee
CCTV in his room where he fucks would be crazy lmfao
not the fireworks as Yak is sufficiently convinced to be fake boyfriends. i imagine something will go wrong for him down the line though, oof
bro why are they acting like taking up the scholarship competition is some sort of challenge against the senior specifically when they were both offered the chance to compete for the scholarship by higher-ups
why are they doing all these dramatics in front of patients waiting too, bruh
naurrrr not public flower bouquet gift to show people that Dee indeed has a bf T.T I don't wanna press play, I actually cannot with anything public esp when it's not fake and played up like this T.T
Yak is instantly recognizable to the patients, girl I hope this doesn't have a blowback on your boxing career, you know the traditional and masculine field which I expect has homophobic tendencies (and Yak knows it too). but also Yei has a legit boyfriend and mans was a world champion or something too, right? or are they a secret?
please, their acting
why are we doing PDA I'm skimming, finger on the forward button bc ahh embarassing
going from fake boyfriends in public to domestic FWBs cooking together in private lol alright
I kept wondering if the necklace was going to be given back when they weren't speaking and Yak was like this is over but that never happened. interesting ig
I muted the tag after episode 3, so eps 4-5 will mostly be new stuff for me, though I know some general stuff too
Ep 1: Yak saves a pathetic Dee from the trash cans. Ep 2: Yak saves a drugged Dee from those fuckers (I still don't like that they used this plot point). Ep 3: Yak saves Dee by agreeing to be his fake boyfriend after his genuine pathetic monologue about why he needs a bf and why it needs to be Yak.
I hope Dee also helps out Yak or initiates things, especially because I think the last thing he promised Yak was that the boyfriend thing won't get out of the hospital but uhh I don't think that's gonna be possible. Dee's insistence on the fake-BF thing as he ignores Yak's nos for most of the eps is blagh, but I guess it stems from his need to win. So we'll see whether he can ever "lose" to Yak or be there for Yak when he needs him or what.
Ep 4 (June 3)
55 minutes long, fun
they were pretty grown when Yak's mom died, I'd thought he'd be younger
Ter doesn't like to see Dee move on but is it for sinister reasons or for hidden feelings reasons
Dee and Yak running into Kwan dropping food off for Ter early in the morning. them living in the same condo allows for such shenanigans
[Linguistics] Dee using Ai'Yak
Ter room#: 666 lol and he's imagining the good times when Dee used give him food
eating tons of food in the show while Great was dieting/starving/dehydrated af while filming with all these shirtless scenes
Yak telling Dee about Taem, interesting. but does that mean he really wasn't jealous of Dee possibly still liking Ter? they're literally discussing Taem and Yak's crush on her now.
[Linguistics] ahhhh Dee said "You don't know how to flirt, do you? Do you want Phi to teach you?" and Yak defff uses kha with Dee sometimes, especially in a teasing moment
goddd they're practice-flirting
omgggg and Dee getting into the fake-confession as he thinks of his time with Yak
and Yak is OBSESSED with wanting to kiss Dee bruh
omg and now Dee's the one who's like fuckkkk as Yak's excited about asking out Taem
ah, Yak probably doesn't want to be a boxer and that might be why he's wanting to finish up his degree? but also mans does not do work for that degree, he pays Taem to do it lmfao
Cher being like well, idk if you still like Taem but Yak's like I'm not somebody who changes his mind easily. is that why he's still holding onto (past?) feelings for Taem even as he's falling for Dee?
plsss horny thoughts during situps
Yak is literally dizzy with horniness, that's so funny lmao
ohh Taem appears. and Yak's like :D while Dee's like :(
the music and mood change between Taem/Yak's convo vs Dee's angry boxing (but he can't even box properly so his hits are weak)
hints that Taem likes Ohm and Yak knows that Taem likes Ohm
oh nvm not even just hints lol he calls and then appears and they're coming and going together and Taem is eager in a way that she is not with Yak
i love her little 2-finger salute she does to say hi and bye
Taem also notices the Yoryak necklace lmfao everybody clocking them
"A jealous man has been sighted at the boxing club" Dee, girl... make that 2 men
Dee being speechless and uncomfortable knowing Yak's planning on hitting on Taem fr
plsss Yei and Cher spying on them in the hot spa or whatever
oh yeah, what does Kao work in again? I assumed something with sexual health because he talked about his patients sometimes going from ONS to FWB or whatever. i love you, our asexual sex and sexual health doctor
plsss her listing stuff out they've tried
her: "i tried everything, even if it's not me." him: "should i try having sex with somebody else?" i actually can't
Dee at least realizing he's getting jealous over Yak
I'm nervous that somebody at the hospital's gonna overhear their convo and know that it's a fake relationship
aksdjfl;kasdfj Kao smiling and wanting to strangle Dee when he says he promised Yak he'll help pursue his crush
ah, Kao telling Dee to hold off on his heart and not fall deeper or whatever and that def makes sense to not fall for your FWB/fake-bf who you're helping pursue his "real" crush but wrong advice for a romance drama lol
neither Yak nor Dee have armpit hair (from the sauna scene and swimming scene).
the thumbnail has them with faces really close but I don't think they've kissed actually
Yak almost kissing Dee once againnnnn girl
Ter saw them at the pool...
at least Ter has enough brains to realize it's fake lol
oh, apparently everybody at this hospital goes on break at the same time lmfao
Ter wanting Dee to wait and saying he was just confused before... stfu
glad that even though Dee kinda goes in a daze sometimes, he hasn't yet given in to Ter's manipulative tactics at all
physiotherapy lol
idek why they need to sleep in the same room or why they need to mention it in front of everybody instead of just Yei or Cher lol
oh, they're certainly orchestrating some IG stories lol it's clearly so planned bro, could've at least made it seem more casual by like having a sliver of Yak in the shot when pretending you're focused on some cool food or smth
Dee hanging out and having dinner with Yak, Yei and Cher
is him graduating Yak's mother's dream?
Dee tutoring Yak, somewhat of a parallel to Taem tutoring him
pls, even Kwan catching Ter looking at Dee's story lmfao anyway ig I feel bad for her if she likes Ter. I hope she gets over him quickly and finds somebody better
Yak boxing and Dee also cheering him on through the screen at work
and bragging about Yak to Kao lmfao
Kao being like girl... you two aren'ts fake boyfriends anymore, y'all like each other
Kao's Sleepless Sleepwear lmfaooo hey friend, can you try on these costumes for sex that I made and lmk how it goes?
Yak has a little bunny tail awww cute
Yak getting mad that Dee doesn't consider him a close friend cuteee
i love Dee sniff kissing Yak's cheek like Yak's always kissing Dee, so I like it the other way around too
okay, extra post-credit scene
omg talking about HPV vaccine and how just condoms can't prevent all STIs, we should be aiming for safer sex
Dee gets me when he calls Yak Big Doggie, I keep calling them both puppies
It's not just for Dee, it's for Yak too, we're all protecting ourselves
Yak apparently is recognized by everybody, including the nurse. and dee did say hundreds of thousands of people watch the matches live
Grandma coming over to visit next ep, heheheheheh
Ep 5 (June 3)
i'm so excited to see the grandma but not excited to be all caught up and have to wait weekly for 7 more weeks eughhhh
damn, Yak's also here with Dee to surprise the patient child? Isn't Yak himself Dee's patient too lol
they're quite familiar with each other, so I guess they've met the patient several times before
lol peeking at birthday. Also Yokyak knowing down to the minute how long they've been together... okay
P'Golf plsss "I watch [boxing] for the eye candy"
Dee being Baffled at P'Golf wanting him to take the photo of her and Yak lmfaooo it's like P'Golf has brought the two of you together and she can also tear you apart
since they've been together for 1 month (I'm assuming since the fake dating began? or around then), there are 3 months left of their deal?
I think straight up half of Kwan's lines are just saying Wandee and his bf are cute together
Kao conducting an Interview about his animal pyjamas for sex
he's giving them sex homework i'm crying
Dee loves to win and losing bothers Yak
damn, what's Yei thinking about at night? money problems?
it's strange to see them fighting and to see Yei be kind of apathetic since he's always all up on Cher
I like this because it's like even though Cher puts up a (typical in BLs) perfunctory fight and says to stop when Yei kisses up on him and hints at sex, it's not real protest because they're just playing lol and Cher's desire for Yei to initiate it when he hasn't for a few days shows that
aww Cher's 2nd time asking if Yei has somebody else or is bored of him already :( the second question seriously reminds me of LITA Sky to Prapai
they're so cuteee Yei being like how many nights do I owe you
they're wearing fucking bunny and tiger ears after presumably having sex looking at outfits for Yak that will impress Taem
Yak boutta change himself for Taem (and she still will continue to like Ohm) while Dee likes him just the way he is
grandma is so fun hehe
"keep pulling the pants up" plssss
a dick plush pillow pls
bro i'm so confused with the use of the word faen, like I thought it included Exclusivity? but the way Dee talks about Yak having a faen during that breakfast convo before finding out about Taem or here when he tells his grandmother than Yak has a faen, it doesn't seem to imply that Yak's literally cheating on his faen but nor does he mention any polyam situation or anything. why doesn't he say crush instead of faen?
Dee being like I shouldn't develop any deep feelings for him but they getting up to watch Yak sleep and crosses the invisible line...
aw, they've gotten used to cuddling
cuddling in couch and bringing up Taem, it's almost like Yak brings Taem up whenever he feels like he's liking Dee too muchor something
don't give your grandma the bunny ears you wore for sex!!
introducing your fake boyfriend to your parents when you take him to their graves while he wants to be introduced just as regular real boyfriend
ah, Yak's already implementing the outfit changes. that's legit what Ohm was wearing lmfao
not Cher following Yei
aghhh I know we're not getting answers for that this episode though because I saw somebody guessing what Yei's hiding, meaning we don't find out. and i'm not gonna just have the next episode available alksdjfkladsf >:((
gathering votes
legit laughed at the huge ass banana right after them eating the hotdog sausage thing
pls i get so embarassed/shy watching this show
they're baking together, how cute
got stressed thinking about cleaning all this flour everywhere
oof, Ter taking Kwan to the restaurant Dee took him to... He's just using Kwan right? They don't want us to like Ter right?
fitting lyrics... it's an OST right?
Yak wants to kiss on the lips and Dee's ready for it too
Yak's been taking videos of grandma and Dee and now even posting a Gooddy photo on his IG
sudden position argument WandeeYoryak vs YoryakWandee like it's a funny moment but girl y'all are already fucking, how is it a question? you know the answer
Very fun so far, I'm really enjoying it. I do wish these Thai BLs were like the het dramas that release 2x a week so that I don't have to rely on getting less than one hour a week for 2 more months.
I'm curious about their first kiss, what the Yei secret is, how they'll deal with their growing feelings, and I really hope it's all explored well and coherently pleaseeee. I can't watch a show as it airs, wait for many weeks to get to the end and have it be bad, I'll lose my shit. Wandee Goodday, I believe in you!
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nordic-language-love · 2 years ago
Hello! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you could give me some advice when it comes to furthering my language learning. I’ve been learning Norwegian on Duolingo for almost 5 years now but I feel like I’ve barely made any progress into actually learning the language. I’ve seen you mention that Duolingo isn’t the best way to learn a language, just on its own. What more can I be doing to actually learn Norwegian? I appreciate any insight you might be able to give. Thank you!
Hi there!
I actually think Norwegian Duo's not that bad, especially compared to other courses. It got me to A2 level without my really using any other resources! But of course, A2 is still only the top of beginner level, and from thereon out it's pretty ineffective on its own (although I still used it even at B2 level as a way to refresh vocab I'd forgotten or just do a little practice every day when I didn't have the time or energy to do anything else).
There are a lot of different ways you can study Norwegian. Here are some things I did (it's an essay lmao I'm so sorry):
1) Listen to Norwegian radio. You'll probably think I'm mad when you first try it because you'll probably understand very little other than the odd word here and there, but I promise it gets easier and you'll get used to the rhythm of the language in a way Duolingo doesn't prepare you for. Try to shadow the speakers (repeat what they say just after they say it. You don't have to know the words they're actually saying; just approximate the phonemes and the melody and the stress patterns. I promise you your pronunciation is gonna get SO good)
2) Take to Youtube. Check my resources list here for some links to channels that teach Norwegian.
3) Norwegian podcasts! I made a list of some beginner/intermediate-friendly ones (check the link in point 2). The plus with podcasts is you can slow the speed down to half-speed too. Again, don't be discouraged if it's difficult at first; just focus on the rhythm and stress of the language
4) Norwegian TV. You're gonna struggle at first but you need to struggle to improve, so don't be discouraged even if several months pass without you feeling like there's any improvement. Intermediate level sucks I'm afraid. Some shows I like that don't require a VPN (as of the time I'm posting this) are Fra bølle til bestevenn (it's got dogs in it), Hva feiler det deg (game show where normal people with internet compete against doctors to guess a patient's diagnosis), 113 (documentary following paramedics in Trondheim - try not to cry at the dialects), Klassequizen (quiz show with 10th graders, pretty A2/B1-friendly), Side Om Side (popular sitcom, sometimes the second-hand embarrassment kills me but mostly it's pretty funny) and Superkrim (did you know that crime stories around Easter time are a Thing in Norway? They make a new season of this one every year but it's accessible year-round, and the language is a lot simpler than a lot of shows, and it's pretty fun and a bit silly)
Note: subtitles are in Norwegian only, and half the time they match the nuance but not the actual words being said. I recommend trying to listen without them first, then listen with them, then listen without them again and see if you can catch a few more words.
5) Textbooks, if that's your jam. I recommend The Mystery Of Nils (you can jump straight to book 2: Mysteriet om Nils if you think you're ready. It's a bit of a jump but no point wasting money/time on something that you won't enjoy) and Norwegian Tutor (from the Teach Yourself series. The first few chapters will seem pretty basic but it's great at explaining nuances and prepositions in later chapters).
6) Read things in Norwegian. You can get short stories for beginner/intermediate level online, as well as read news articles (even if you can't read the whole article, just try the first paragraph). When I was about A2 level I would print things out and go through them just translating them, highlighting new words, words I'd encountered before but couldn't remember, words I could work out from context, particular grammar patterns and words I couldn't figure out and needed the help of a native speaker to work out.
7) Follow Norwegian accounts on social media. Here's a list I made earlier.
8) If you have some extra cash, investing in an italki tutor can be helpful. I've had lessons with a number of tutors so feel free to send me a message if you want help deciding which one to go with.
9) Keep a journal in Norwegian. Look up words you don't know and write them in a different colour. Maybe try to use words you learned that day and write them in a different colour too (even if by using them you're literally just writing "jeg lærte ordet «______» i dag. Det betyr ______")
10) You can also try creative writing. I started out by writing fiction largely in English but with Norwegian dialogue. I then moved on to writing short articles and then essays, then short stories and fan fiction.
11) You can try apps like HiNative and HelloTalk to find native speakers for language exchange. If you only know English though it might be difficult to find people because Norwegians typically speak really good English and aren't looking to learn/practice.
12) Listen to Norwegian music. Get on spotify and search "norsk (music genre of your choice)" and find some songs you like. Listen to them and pay attention to the lyrics. Then find the lyrics online and listen with the lyrics. Then try to translate the lyrics on your own. Finally, look up someone else's translation and see how close they are. Then try to learn the song and visualise meaning it with your whole heart as you sing along.
13) Practise speaking to yourself. It feels super awkward when you first start, but I always manage to get into the flow pretty quickly. You can have GT in front of you so you can look up things if you need to, or you can just write down words you don't know/couldn't think of as you go along, then look them up once you're done (I prefer this method; having GT in front of you encourages your brain to be lazy and not try to actively recall the information you need). Not sure what to write? Try my Speaking In 20 Challenge prompts.
14) Flashcards. I put this one last because really flashcards are only useful as a supplement to learning through other methods. They help to keep vocab fresh in your mind until you see it in context again (and it's the seeing words in context that's gonna cement the meaning in your brain. I've never heard anyone say "oh, I know that word because it was in my flashcard deck that I reviewed every night before bed", but I hear people say things like "oh, I know that obscure word because I watched cooking shows in my TL and the host said it aaaall the time" or "it's in a line from one of my favourite songs" a LOT).
Okay, that's it, essay over 😅 Hope I gave you some ideas! Best of luck with your Norwegian-learning journey!
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year ago
28! or 37 or 39 👀
Sorry this took so long to get too! I did all of them lmao. Because of course I did :3. Hope u guys enjoy (ask game here!)
28. "...I don't hate you." "...you don't?" (Bonus: "No. Not yet.")
Jimmy stands in the entrance of Gobland, just sort of looking at it. He should go in. He doesn't really know how to, even if part of him wants too. The Sheriff isn't really sure why he's here, but he is. The blonde had simply felt a pull to come here once more. To do something probably, but he isn't sure what.
Eventually, after what's probably a ridiculous amount of time idly standing there, Jimmy decides to get it over with. He takes a few steps, rather hesitant ones, and walks into Gobland for one first time in what has to be.....well months at this point. Several of them. Maybe even half a year by now
Walking through the city is different now, after him and fWhip’s fallout. The people do not wave at him, or make small talk. No, not anymore. Now they just awkwardly shuffled past, and averted their eyes. He heard as whispers were made and spread around, making their way all around the empire in what has to be just a few minutes.
They'll reach the King sooner rather than a later. Which is either going to be good or bad, depending on if fWhip wants to even see him. He wouldn't blame him if he doesn’t, and doesn’t know if he even would want to that day.
They aren't close like that anymore. The two of them can't tell all those little cues from each other anymore.
Its almost sad, or perhaps even tragic, when you think about it.
So Jimmy doesn't, and keeps on walking.
He keeps on walking for a few minutes, navigating down paths he is no longer welcome on. The stone beneath him is more worn than before. He wonders what's been going on since their......breakup. The Sheriff wonders if he'd even be at home in this city again.
fWhip finds him in front of the storage room. The Goblin King stands at the entrance to the large room, his hands clutched at his side. Jimmy stops when he sees him, feeling his body go a little stiff. Now that there's here, he's not really sure what to do. Never quite thought that far, now did he.
"Hey, old friend." fWhip says, scanning over him catuously. His words are a call back to one of their other meetings before, when those weird little Hermits had been on the server. Jimmy pretends not to notice, and also tries not to flinch.
"Howdy." He says, acutely aware of his more southern accent and how it sounds. He's never really been too self conscious of it before, not really. (Expect for at the start, when fWhip would make blush and his heart flutter and Jimmy suddenly cared a whole lot about how the goblin perceived him. But that was a long time ago now)
"What brings you down here?" fWhip asks, idly shuffling his weight from side to side. Something Jimmy knows he only really does when he's nervous about something.
"I'm...not really sure." The Sheriff mutters, ignoring any urge to nervously fidget. He didn't feel like he should do that, lest it make this whole thing worse than it already was. "I just had a feeling...that I needed to come here."
"Oh, okay." fWhip responded, a little confused, but not saying much else.
It takes a few minutes of akward staring and standing there, before one of them had the confidence to speak once more. fWhip clears his throat, and finally looks Jimmy in the eyes for the first time that day. ".....Did that feeling have to lead you to me?"
"Probably, yeah." Jimmy says back, shoving his hands into his pockets to keep them still. Well, as still as they can be.
fWhip let out a snort, and flicked his tail in what seemed to be amusement. The Sheriff frowned at that, his ears moving downwards in displeasure as the goblin spoke. "Funny, it lead you to the one guy who hates you and-"
"I don't hate you." Jimmy interrupts, surprising even himself. He kicks his boots against the stone floor anxiously, the spurs on the back making a sound as he does so. fWhip cannot do anything but look at him in what has to be a confused sort of wonder.
"....You don't?" The goblin asks, clearly curious despite himself. It shines in his eyes almost hopefully. Like he's desperate for Jimmy not to hate him. The Sheriff doesn't want to dwell on why he would hope for that, so he keeps talking to avoid doing so.
"No." Jimmy says, wholly honest. "Not yet."
"Oh." fWhip nearly whispers it, just stating at him in what seems to be shock. The Sheriff kicks his boots against the floor again, doing nothing but simply existing under his gaze. (He wishes he could do so lovingly again. He wishes the goblin would look at him with stars in his eyes once more.)
The Sheriff soon leaves after that, not knowing how else fo further this interaction. fWhip doesn't even say goodbye, just watches him leave in what seems ro be bewilderment. Like he's processing all of that. Which is honestly fair.
In the coming days, Jimmy will wonder what would've happened if he stayed. He'll almost wish he had.
37. "Why? Why are you helping me?"
Cleo finally gets a chance to breath, quickly hiding herself behind a tree. Their chest heaves as they try to catch their breath. She'd just spent twenty minutes running from above five zombies, and was pretty exhausted from it. Cleo is amazed their rotting legs haven't literally fallen off yet from all the running and jumping and whatnot she'd been doing.
After a moment, another person slides in beside her. Cleo tries not to shift away as he does so. The person is Etho, her teammate. Or former teammate, they could say. Since he'd been infected a few hours ago. Yet still the white haired man refused to leave her side, and even gave his fellow zombies false hunts about her location.
And for the life of her Cleo couldn't not understand why.
"You okay?" Etho says, crouching next to them, a genuine concern lacing his tone. Cleo, whos plopped herself down on the floor while she can, just lightly glares up at him. Etho doesn't even seek to flinch under the harsh gaze and just takes it with grace.
"Yeah, I'm good." The zombie says, finally catching her breath enough to speak. Etho says nothing still, just starts to quietly shuffle around in his inventory for it. Cleo is almost glad, because she still wants some time to collect their very hectic thoughts.
A moment later Etho reaches down, holding some cooked mutton in his hands. Mutton from their sheep back at home. God Cleo misses home. "Here, take some extra food. I don't need it." He says, eyes blank and emotionless. Cleo wonders if these unnatural zombies can even feel emotions anymore.
"Thanks.....but why?" She asks, taking the food from him. But Cleo doesn't eat it. Some part of her is still scared that it's poisoned, even though Etho has yet to kill them. Or even try to for that matter.
"Why?" Etho repeats, titling his head to the side curiously. Like a cat. He always acts like a cat, even when he's not fully himself.
"Why? Why are you helping me?" Cleo asks, shifting a bit further away from her teammates. He is possessed now, but helps her still. She can't understand why Etho would do so, but desperately wants to.
She wants to know why he won't kill her, when his body should be screaming for him to do so.
"Because you're my teammate. And I don't wanna betray my teammates." Etho says it simply, like it's the most normal and non complicated thing in the world. Cleo just looks at him in bewilderment.
"But you're a zombie! You have a virus in you! It's not your fault if you go berserk and kill me! It's none of your faults!" She exclaims, throwing her arms up in the air. The zombie still doesn't get it. That explanation doesn't make sense. Etho isn't himself, they would never blame him for that! And they both know it!
"It doesn't matter to me." Etho says. "Your my teammate, from the start till the end." He still says it like it's the most simplest thing in the world, and Cleo kinda wants to punch the hell out of him for it.
"You promise?" She asks, filling that frustration away for later. They have bugger things to worry about during the apocalypse after all, like not dying.
"I promise." Etho says, and goes to sit down next to him. Cleo does not shuffle away.
They rest their head on his shoulder after a second, and decide their comfortable to stay like this until the rest of the zombies come to kill them once more.
39. "You have nothing to apologize for."
Jimmy finds himself at the Olipeligo one day, his boots crunching against the sand. He's never really been to the colorful, beach side empire before, having only seen it in passing glances, so he finds himself staring at the tents and large cherry blossom tree as he walks down the empires beach. He should've visited more really, maybe even come for a beach vacation. That would've been a nice stress reliver, especially in those darker months a while back.
It's easy to find the man he's looking for, the empire's ruler and its namesake. Mostly because Oli is currently playing a tune on his little lute, the sound coming from inside the biggest and main tent. Jimmy approaches it slowly, not wanting to startle the other, and slowly peaks through the open tent door.
Oli, who's currently sitting on the floor strumming, jumps in surprise when the Sheriff's shadow fall across his tent. He makes a yelp, and whips his head around quickly to see his new visitor. He almost looks like a cartoon character doing so.
Jimmy holds back a giggle at the sight. "Hi." He says, offering a friendly wave. Oli ignores the clear amusement on his face, and stands, wiping the sand from his clothes. Jimmy has to wonder how sand even got in this tent in the first place, or if it's just permanently stuck to the other like glue.
"Hello there!" Oli says, cheerful as ever, and puts his instrument against the tent's back wall. "Haven't spoken in a while, have we Mr. Sheriff?"
"No, not since I freed you, I think. Or the rift festival." Jimmy hums in response, trying to dig right into the reason he came here for. He wanted to say sorry, for the man he was all those months ago. Staying in Tumble Town and not running had given him a lot of clarity, and made him a better man. Facing the consequences of your own self destructive actions ill do that to someone.
Oli had stayed too, inside of running off to god knows what world. And it's been over a year since they talked, at all. It feels like they cannot have a conversation without discussing what had gone on in the past between them. And today, the bard seemed more than willing to drop his usual comedic persona for a bit. Or that he just wasn't in the mood to pretend, as evidenced by the frown he was failing to fight off his face.
"Oh yeah, that." Oli says, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. he very clearly, yet understandably, does not like reminders of his imprisonment in Gobland. "Didn't really mean to cause you trouble with all that."
"It's fine, really. I've had to lock up worse criminals that you." Jimmy says, waving his hands in a dismissive manner. Oli invites him into the tent by holding the door flaps open, and Jimmy ducks his head as he steps inside. He's still surprised to feel no one swiping for his hat when he walks by, even if most people have long since stopped that behavior.
The bard goes to sit down on the carpet he had been before, his usual persona now dropped entirely as he speaks. "I still wanna say sorry for it. And for the weird stuff I said-"
"You have nothing to apologize for." Jimmy cuts him off, taking a seat next to the bard. Their decently close, and one man will occasionally shift closer, as if some magnetic field is drawing them together. The Sheriff finds he isn't bothered by that at all.
"I don't?" Oli says, a little stunned and his eyes widened. Like he had been convinced to believe that stupid imprisonment was truly his fault. Jimmy feels his stomach turn into knots at the thought of that.
"No, you don't." Jimmy says, and acts on a small impulse. He puts one of his hands over the bard's, and squeezes it in the most comforting manner he can muster. "It's not your fault fWhip has dumb rules about stealing."
"Finally someone understands a poor bard's perspective!" Oli exclaims, not even glancing at their now connected hands. He sounds more like his normal self for a moment, which reassures the Sheriff quite a lot. It shows he's not as upset or angry as Jimmy feared. Meaning this relationship is one of the fixable ones, thankfully.
"I should probably be saying sorry to you, actually." The Sheriff continues, years old memories flashing through his mind and the doubts he had felt at the time beginning to resurface. "I knew jailing you was a little unfair, but I went along with it anyways."
"No hard feelings Sheriff!" Oli smiles, bright like the sun. And Jimmy cannot help but return the expression, only doing so with a tiny bit of hesitance
"Really?" He asks, squeezing Oli's hand again. The bard squeezes this own hand back this time, and the Sheriff feels himself smile more confidently than before.
"None at all! Mainly because I quite like you, dear Jim." Oli says, and leans in like a cat would. His normal persona is back in full swing. It had been there earlier, just a little weak. Now he was doing all the endearingly weird voices again.
"You do..?" Jimmy asks, feeling his cheeks start to turn a little red at the words. Even though they shouldn't, because that's a phrase the bard would say to literally anyone. Oli sees the effect his words have, and grins an impish little grin.
"I do indeed~" Oli hums, leaning closer. Their shoulders brushed as he did so, the contact almost feeling warm and fiery. Jimmy just had to lean away from the other, the blush extending down to his neck. Not because he hated it, but because it was simply too tempting. And he didn't want to do anything stupid.
"Well if you like me so much, might as well show me around." He mutters, the Sheriff sounding a little sheepish even to his own ears. Even though he moved back, Oli had been a stupid little tease and moved closer once more. Jimmy was going to strangle him for it (lovingly, of course.) "I've always wanted to see this place!"
"Well let me take you on a tour then!" Oli says, standing suddenly. He takes advantage of their hands still touching as he does so, and locks their fingers together. Jimmy holds back a yelp as his body is suddenly jolted upwards. stumbling to keep his balance. "I'll even sing you a little tune as well!"
"That would be lovely." Jimmy smiles a little softly once he is steady on his feet again, letting Oli lead him out the tent. He ducks his head on the way out, no longer paranoid of something snatching his hat.
"....Thank you, by the way." Oli says, his shoes crunching against the sand when they are outside once more. He doesn't elaborate, because he doesn't need too.
"No problem." Jimmy says. The tour begins after that, and the Sheriff gets a pretty nice vacation day, if he does say so himself.
(And if that day ends with the both of them back in the main tent, tired and snuggled against each other in a sleeping bag only made for one, then that was for the Sheriff and the Bard to know, and absolutely no one else.)
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kirchefuchs · 2 years ago
(Luxie I am so sorry for psychoanalyzing you it's just,, you're so,,, psychoanalyse-able, yk? I just gotta psychoanalyse you...
..sPeaking of psychoanalyzing–)
my dear friend
I have thought of the greatest Lovebug headcanon (it's actually my first Lovebug headcanon actually lmao ☠️)
Imagine this.
(also let's assume that this concept is before the Stannarrator ship sailed in your AU :D)
Imagine the Lovebug Virus only going away once it is "satisfied." Like, a certain switch has to be flicked; a certain figurative button has to be pushed. Imagine the virus slowly showing hints to what the other person — in this case, it'll be Stanley — needs to do for it to go away.
Imagine that the only way to satisfy it is to kiss Luxie.
But Stanley can't do that! Luxie is only acting this way because of the virus! Kissing him would just be taking advantage of him, wouldn't it?
But here's the thing; Lovebug!Pollux is extremely affectionate. He's been hugging Stanley out of the blue a lot, holding his hand a bunch, kissing his cheek/s anytime he can, and everything similar. LB!Pollux does all of this, not expecting anything else in return.
Imagine Stanley deciding to return the affection one day.
And, it turns out, the virus can be satisfied that way; but it takes way longer than it would be to just kiss him.
But Stanley doesn't know how to kiss so he just decides to continue returning the affectionate gestures
And this goes on for several months. It started off as LB!Luxie doing the gestures first, then Stanley returnung them with little to no questions asked. Then it moved to LB!Luxie just moving closer to Stanley, and Stanley deciding to take the initiative to do the gestures. And then, it moved to both Stanley and LB!Luxie flat-out hugging and cuddling and holding hands and etc etc anytime they could.
And by the time the Lovebug Virus is gone, all the affectionate gestures turn into unconscious habits.
But Luxie — the actual Luxie — isn't used to that.
So everytime Stanley hugs him and holds him and takes his hand and etc etc, Luxie doesn't even know how to react without the Lovebug Virus controlling his every reaction. He's basically left a blushing and flustered mess because of Stanley.
In short: At first, LB!Luxie showed Stanley a bunch of love and affection. Stanley slowly got used to it and even started to return the gestures. By the time the Lovebug Virus is gone, Stanley is already used to showing so much affection, but Luxie isn't, and is now having to go through what Stanley did during his time with LB!Luxie :D
I forgot how this was meant to play out but I wanted to share this with you mwahahahaha
(Also, I feel like psychoanalyzing a random ending, soooooo do tell me any ending at all [including Bucket variants] so that I can watch playthroughs of the chosen ending and proceed to rant about what I found interesting hehe >:])
I hope I wasted your time in the best way possible!! <3 /p
toooooodlllllllllles :D
— 🅰️non || 05/10/2023
First off, this is hilarious and I love it so much. One reason is cuz I already headcanoned the lovebug taking place before they got together lmao. It just cracks me up think how awkward they would be afterwards, realizing how they acted while under the influence. It's so funny.
Also this is just such a fun lovebug concept. I just love the idea of Stanley being like "Well obviously I can't just kiss him. Guess we gotta do this the long way!" Both of them are so stupid (affectionate).
Anyways, this was an absolute delight to read, it would probably make a really good fic even. Here's a little doodle, I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to draw a flustered Stanley after reading this lol.
Tumblr media
As for a random ending for you to analyze..... hmmmm...... how about the Infinite Hole? Lmao. I just love playing that ending, it's so funny.
(Also I finally got around to making a tag for your asks btw)
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mejcinta · 4 months ago
Hey! As I really enjoy the show predictions you've made on here in the past, do you have any idea of what the upcoming "big butterflies" could be that GRRM was referring to in his blog post? I'm kind of scared to even speculate at this point, and sadly I don't think these writers are going to change much. I know for sure he's not happy about the Rhaena/Nettles situation.
Do you mean 'toxic butterflies' ? Because I can speculate on a few, and I believe we've already seen manifestations/hints of some.
Severed parent-child bonds, which is something that NEVER happened in Fire and Blood. We saw Alicent betraying her 3 sons. And some have even gone ahead to predict that Alicent will be the one to poison Aegon in the end of the story. There were also rumors from 4Chan few months ago that Ryan and Sara were considering making Jace overthrow Rhaenyra temporarily with Corlys' help because they don't find her competent enough. Another grotesque rumor is that they had planned for Aemond to lust after his own MOTHER. We're all holding our breath, hoping Harrenhal doesn't traumatize us in season 3, because a writer has a mom-son kink that gave us the Daemon/Alyssa scene as some twisted form of foreshadowing bullshit they're contemplating rather than just adapting more important themes in grrm's STORY.
Rhaenicent/Rhaenyra and Alicent become lovers rather than enemies. I don't think this needs explaining. It greatly reduces the stakes of the story and turns the leading women in this conflict into traitors against their own family members and idiots who could've ended the war before it started by just kissing and making up lmao.
Exclusion of key characters: Nettles and Maelor's absence will cause a big imbalance, especially when you notice how shallow the replacements for these characters' arcs are. Rhaena is NOT an inspiring low born girl and Rickard Thorne dying defending Jaehaera, who will live anyways, just isn't as interesting and tragic.
Tampering with asiaf lore: First thing that comes to mind is how the dragons were handled in season 2 e.g how they're claimed, who they let claim them, where they live. The writers fucked up by being wishy washy and it might cost them ahead.
Condensing the timeline: as a result some events have to be merged, especially battles e.g they writers could be forced to combine the battle of the Gullet with the taking of King's Landing, which is all too much if you ask me. Also, some characters that must exist don't (Maelor) and others that do are too young or too old (so we will never get Aegon iii escaping on Stormclooud, or him witnessing hismother be fed to Sunfyre). Do you see the problem?
Man bad woman good agenda: Exhausting nonsense that turns female characters into boring, righteous players robbed of agency in the war, while giving all the action, agency and popularity to male characters. Let's not even talk about how the women have no role, apparently, in each other's misery. There's a joke circulating in the fandom that Helaena will just kill herself because of fulfilling the prophecy rather than being moved by a fresh triggering event (and grrm has already complained about this). Why? Duh! Because neither Rhaenyra nor Mysaria can play active roles in the death of another woman, didn't you know? These things just cheapen the womens' stories, on top of making them boring and annoying. I want to nuke this gender based morality out of this world so bad! But you can be SURE you will be seeing more of it in the coming seasons.
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