#I hope he had a safe flight home where he can now freeze like the rest of us
alwayscaskett810 · 8 months
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herofics · 24 days
Hey Hey! 👋🏾 Can you do the trend where the reader is randomly scared of something and screams and run for the jjk men reaction I hope you seen that trend on tiktok 😂😂
A/N: I don’t actually have a tiktok. I assume you mean the trend where the other partner acts like something is scaring them, like a spider or something, but it’s just a prank. I have this post about another tiktok trend too. I wrote the Toji one with the reader not being a jujutsu sorcerer and not being able to see curses, but with Nanami the reader is a sorcerer. The Nanami one didn’t end up being particularly light-hearted and funny, oops…
~Toji Fushiguro~
•When he hears this terrified scream coming from the other room, his first reaction is to just sigh
•He has exceptional senses, so he would know if there was something really bad going on in the apartment
•Also he’s seen you watching those prank videos on your phone, so he’s pretty sure he knows what it’s about
•Toji isn’t a big fan of pranks, and his reaction to them is pretty bland, unless it really piques his interest
•So when he finds you standing up on the bed and pointing at a pile of clothes on the floor telling him there’s a huge spider under there, he’s like “Yeah, sure, I’ll take care of it”
•He just picks up the hoodie and holy shit there is actually a pretty big spider under there
•Toji freezes for just a second, because he wasn’t actually expecting there to be anything under there
•Since a spider is not exactly a threat, he doesn’t really care about it, he would rather just kill it and get it over with
•His fight or flight response is triggered by way different things than yours, and the spider doesn’t come even close to triggering his, so while you’re still refusing to come down from the bed he’s just looking kind of tired of the whole thing
•The spider crawled under the wardrobe so there’s not really anything you can do about it now
•Toji’s pretty much like “Seriously baby? It’s just a spider”
•He’s always kind of nonchalant about everything and it does sometimes seem like he doesn’t really care
•He does, he just doesn’t show it as enthusiastically as some others do
•In conclusion, your “prank” wasn’t a prank like he thought, and he feels kinda bad that he wasn’t able to catch/kill the spider for you
•He picks you up, throws you over his shoulder and tells you “I’ll carry you around until I find that spider if that’s what it takes”
•It made you laugh and you said you’d gladly take him up on his offer
~Nanami Kento~
•Nanami is protective, so when he hears you scream in terror in your shared home, he’s ready to fight
•He isn’t a big fan of surprises or pranks for that matter, especially ones like this
•So when you start laughing after he breaks down the door, he’s confused to say the least
•The moment you saw the fear and worry in his eyes though, you stopped laughing, because you realized you had actually really scared him
•You tell him that everything’s fine and that you were just pulling a shitty prank on him and that you’re sorry
•He’s still looking around the room, making sure everything’s fine and that you’re safe
•Nanami tells you it’s fine, but asks you would not pull that kind of prank again
•You apologize again, but you can see he’s sort of disappointed or something like that
•You ask him about it, because he still seems pretty tense about the whole thing
•Nanami doesn’t really know how to explain it, as soon as he realized it was a prank an immense wave of relief washed over him, but he was also kind of angry, because that’s a kind of shitty prank to pull considering the line of work you’re both in
•How is he supposed to know you’re not actually in danger and that it was just a bad prank
•You feel bad about scaring him, but he assures you he’s fine, even though he’s not 100% sure 
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evlia · 16 days
Christmas ideas? 👀
Oh yes yes
I’m currently obsessing about workplace AU where john and gale work in the same company/office and john is obviously that one employee who everyone gets along with, everyone likes and everyone has a crush on and gale is a new one, who doesn’t really try to get to know his colleagues, who is quiet and reserved and just sticks to his desk and work at hand.
When the Christmas time comes john starts wearing ugly sweaters, humming annoying Christmas tunes and laughing all charming and perfect when the flustered girls point out the mistletoes above them.
Gale doesn’t like Christmas, doesn’t celebrate any holidays really, because his family never did and even when they had a dinner to “celebrate” his father would make sure to make everything taste bitter. So naturally Gale doesn’t like john, doesn’t like the way he smiles all bright and happy, doesn’t like the way he sings the stupid songs even though he knows he’s bad but doesn’t care, doesn’t like that everyone gets his attention but gale.
Meanwhile john is trying his very best to get gale’s attention, is making a fool out of himself in hopes that he will somehow see the glimpse of a smile on his face but the man seems immune to his charm, sometimes looks at john all moody and brooding and john is pretty sure that in the back of his mind he’s picturing punching john in the face.
The very last day before the holiday weekend, before Gale leaves the office he hears the news about the incoming storm and the warning to stay inside and safe. He leaves his desk 15 mins early (which never happens) and rushes to his car to make it home. When he circles around the building he sees john egan standing there, in the falling snow, dressed like the most dumb person ever, thin jacket and not even a scarf or a hat, nose red and shivering and gale knows he’s about to do the stupidest thing in his life.
To quicken things up gale learns that john was planning on flying to his family for holidays but of course his flight is canceled and of course there’s no taxi and gale thinks “he’s going to freeze to death” so offers him to take him home, but because the weather is getting worse and dangerous they can’t make it that far. When they are close to gales apartment he starts to realize that what he’s about to do next is THE stupidest thing he’s ever done but he still offers john to stay over his, until the weather gets better and john obviously agrees.
That’s how john egan appears in gale’s apartment, where there’s no Christmas tree, no decorations, no lights. They spend the time together and even though it’s awkward at first they both discover that they misjudged each other, they start to get to know each other and exchange little details about their personalities over the dinner that gale cooked and eventually john learns why Gale doesn’t like Christmas, learns why Gale prefers to be alone, learns that Gale is actually very funny and has this dry sense of humor that keeps john on the edge, matches his teasing with sarcastic comments and john has never felt more connection with anyone else in his life.
John stays the night and keeps tossing and turning in gales guestroom, can’t stop thinking about the evening he shared with him and about the fact that he has to leave in the morning.
When the morning comes, it seems that the storm has ended and roads have been cleared so they share awkward conversation about how john can leave now and he can get a taxi no need for gale to drive him he has already done enough. When the taxi arrives and gale walks him to the door they both linger there, like both of them want to say something and don’t know how and maybe both start speaking at the same time
“Maybe you want to…”
“I don’t want to…”
John laughs and nods at him, urging him to go on
“I just wanted to ask you if you’d like to.. uh.. maybe stay? Here, with me? In my apartment I mean.. I know you think I don’t like you but I do, I really do, always have actually so.. I was just wondering if you’d want to…” when Gale sees john face, eyes wide and mouth open in shock, he immediately feels stupid for saying all of that.
“I’m sorry, forget it, you’re going to your family to spend the holidays with them, why would you want to.. forget I said anything”
“Will you punch me if I kiss you right now?”
Gale thinks he imagines it, there’s no way john actually said that but then he comes closer, closing the space between them and his gaze flickers to his lips, he raises his hand, like he wants to reach him, touch him but it just lingers in the air, unsure
“I will punch you if you don’t “ and john laughs that bright laugh, but his gaze stays fixed on his lips, briefly moving to his eyes and his laugh softens into the fondest smile as his hand finally sets on gale’s jaw and leans in…
Yeah, anyway, I have another ideas too but as you can see this got out of hand real quick
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Hi! Could you write a story where the reader and Azriel are on a mission and the reader gets hurt and Azriel takes care of her? Thank you!
Hi, thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took me so long to get to it. Trigger warning for blood & violence! This is the first time in a long time that I've written a reader insert so I'm sorry if it's not good.
It was supposed to be a simple mission that shouldn’t take nearly as long as it has. You and Azriel had been asked to interrogate the High Lord of the Autumn, Lord Beron. Rhysand was hesitant to send you, his little sister, but thought sending Azriel with you as your guard would help keep things from getting messy. 
You had arrived in the Autumn court three days ago and had promptly been ignored by the Autumn King himself who happened to be too busy to see to you. Your room was promptly changed on the third night. “No, she’s to stay with me,” Azriel argued with the guards, putting you behind him as his gloved hand inched toward his knife. “She’s to be moved under the King's orders. If you want to speak with him any time soon I recommend backing down.” The taller of the guards spoke. Lifting your hand, you gently place it on Azriel's leather-clad arm and his sharp gaze lands on you. “I’ll be okay Az, the sooner we can speak with Beron the sooner we can go home. I can handle myself, you know that.” He takes a few deep breaths before looking you in the eye a gloved hand coming to cradle your face. “Be careful.” He whispers, low enough for only you to hear. “I’ll be safe.” You assure him and his hand drops as he moves away from you. Promptly you step in front of Azriel and nod to the guards, they flank you and lead you to your new room. You knew Az sent his shadows to follow as they circled your ankles like excited puppies. Once the guards let you to your room his shadows fell back and you promptly changed into a thin red nightgown and went to sleep. 
It was still dark when your door creaked open, eyes shooting open as you fought the drowsiness of sleep, two large figures approached your bed as you sat upright, “What are you doing?” You croak out as one of them pulls you from your bed, cold hands encircling your left upper arm as your bare feet hit the chilled floor. Your nightgown hardly reaches your mid-thigh providing no warmth at all to the now freezing room. “You’ll be coming with us.” The guard on your spits at you as the other guard comes to your right and grips your other arm, dragging you through the halls as you thrash, though their grip only tightens. They’d leave your upper arms bruised for the days to come. You cuss and try to draw attention to yourself, hoping somehow Azriel can hear you but one of the guards clamps a hand over your mouth, seeming thoroughly annoyed with how much of a fight you’re giving them. The slight chill down your back let you know Azriel's shadows had started following you providing a small comfort until suddenly they were no longer there. 
It feels like forever that they drag you down hallway after hallway, down flights of stairs until you’re finally dropped knees first onto cobblestone flooring, causing a bite of pain in both legs. You push yourself upright and onto your feet and access the new area, cells line both sides and there are a few torches lit around you, providing a small amount of light as the door behind you shuts with a loud bang. The guards who were carrying you step in front of the door, seemingly the only exit to the chilled dungeon.
“You and I need to have a little chat,” Beron says, leaning up against a stone pillar not even a few steps away from you. “I intended to speak with you in the morning.” You spit and he chuckles. “Yes well, I’m not too fond of your pesky little Shadow Singer so now is when will talk darling.” He strides over to you, his hand sliding under your chin to force you to look up at his menacing eyes. His hands are warm on your chin as he grips it more tightly. “Why has Rhysand sent you both to my kingdom yet again? I’ve specifically said only you were to come if he insisted on having me questioned.” “My High Lord wanted Azriel with me, he felt like a solo mission to see you was a bad idea. Considering the last time someone from our court came here alone they came back a step away from death's door.” He scoffs as he releases your face, taking a step back as you wrap your arms around yourself tightly to fight the cold seeping into your bones. “Maybe your High Lord should stop insulting me and listen to instructions when I tell him who to send or who is allowed to enter my kingdom.” He shrugs, looking indifferent as you back away from him trying to get as much distance between yourself and Beron as possible without getting too close to his guards. He smirks as he watches your cautious movements, he moves and grabs two wooden chairs putting them in front of each other with little space in between. He sits in one and ushers a lazed hand to the other, “Come sit and we can discuss whatever nonsense your precious High Lord would like to accuse me of this time.” You shake your head no and he rolls his eyes. He waves a hand and one of the guards moves, you try and move away from the guard but he gains on you easily, pinning your arms to the small of your back and roughly guiding you into the chair. Only letting go so he can force you down by your shoulders, another bite of pain lances from your neck and down into your arms as you sit. His rough hands don’t leave your shoulders as Beron starts again. “What does Rhysand want now?” Your jaw clenches as you glare at him. “Your soldiers have been spotted on our border repeatedly in the past few weeks. Why are they there?” “Simple training exercise dear. Had he bothered to open the letter I sent he would’ve known that.” “He did respond, he told you to and I quote ‘fuck right off and knock off whatever bullshit you’re doing.” “Ah yes that, frankly I don’t care for the disrespect so I didn’t count it as a proper answer, maybe I should send him a message to learn to respect me or there will be consequences.”  He mulls and you fight back a flinch at his words, levelling a glare at him as he cockily smirks at you. “Who better to send that message through than his precious little sister.” 
 He stands in front of you as the guard moves his hands to your wrists again, pressing them harshly into the back of the wooden chair. You fight against his hold as sharp pain lances through the side of your face, once, twice a third. You lose count as your head swims and at some point, blood drips from your nose and lip, the assault on your face stops and you suck in a sharp breath before pain explodes in your chest, Beron's foot hits your left side and suddenly it's hard to breathe. You cough and sputter the metallic taste of blood pools in your mouth. Roughly, Beron grabs tightly onto your hair as he whispers in your ear “Tell your precious Rhy’s that if he continues to disrespect me I will make him regret it.” He lets go and stands, leaving the room as he yells over his shoulder. “Do what you want with her boys, just don’t kill her.” The door slams shut and you’re now left with the two guards. 
The one who has been quietly at the door now approaches but just as he nears you the room falls into complete darkness, you can’t see anything, but the pressure on your wrist is suddenly gone and you try to move out of the chair, falling onto the floor and hitting your head on the chair that Beron was just sitting on. A cold wisp against your face tells you Azriel is close, it brushes your hair out of the way and comfortingly strokes your cheek. Light filters back into the room and you faintly make out Azriel’s form, blue siphons catching your eyes as he quickly approaches you and crouches in front of your crumpled form. “Where are you hurt, Little one?” You groan, the usually endearing pet name doing nothing to calm you. His black-gloved hand comes to wipe blood from your face and you wince, shying away from his touch. “Hurts.” You yelp and he sighs, moving to pick you up bridal style and you cry out as sharp pain shoots through your chest, at least a few ribs being broken. Azriel slows his motions as you whimper, every small move causing extreme pain. Your arms lay limply against him as he moves, sending shadows out to clear your exit path. His lips kiss your forehead as he whispers “Let’s get you home.” 
The moment he starts up the stairs the pain becomes so blinding that your vision darkens. “Az.” You whisper and his concerned eyes meet yours as you fall into darkness. 
Soft blankets are the first thing you register, the next being a warm body circling yours and you quickly fight against their hold, heart racing as you try to escape. Pain lances through your side and head as you do so, warm arms pull you closer and pin your hands against their naked golden-brown chest. Soft words finally break through your panic. “You’re okay, you’re home. Shh I’ve got you little one, it’s just me.” Azriel’s warm and calming voice registers as you cease your attack on him, looking up you’re met with his concerned hazel eyes. “Az?” You choke out as he lets go of your hands and moves to pull you back into him. “You’re okay, I’ve got you.” Your eyes water as you fist his shirt, trying to steady your breath as he holds you against him. His hands reassuringly rub your back, trying to soothe you as your heart rate calms down. “Rhy’s, I need to speak with him-” You rush out. “No, already taken care of, you need to rest.” His hold on you tightens slightly to keep you from getting up. “But Beron’s soldiers-” He cuts you off. “Being taken care of as we speak. Now will you please just let me take care of you?” You nod a simple yes and he moves, laying your back against the bed as he moves off the bed to grab salve from the nightstand. “I need to take a look at your ribs, Madja said they would take longer to heal, this should help.” You bite your lip and move to lift your shirt just under your breast. Wincing as your fingers brush over the large collection of bruising. Az moves to your side of the bed and dips two of his scared fingers into the pot and moves them down to your skin. You hiss as the cold cream touches you. “It’ll be over soon I promise. Just be a good girl and let me take care of you alright?” He offers you a small smile as you nod and move to stare at the ceiling instead of him. His leathery hand moves quickly and softly against your bruised flesh as the pain begins to dull to a slight throb. “How bad?” You whisper and Azriel sighs. “3 broken ribs, a fracture to your skull and cheek and your nose was broken. Madja managed to heal your nose and cheek, your ribs will take longer and she was worried about your head. She said  you should be fully recovered in a few weeks and to expect some pain and dizziness.” He squeezes your hand and you sigh. 
“Also Rhy’s knows about us.” He says softly and you groan, scrubbing your face with your free hand. “Please tell me he took it well.” “He put me in charge of nursing you back to full health.” You look to Az confused lowering your hand back to the bed. “He said it’s my ‘punishment’ because you’re a terrible patient.” You give a small laugh at him though it results in you wincing and closing your eyes in pain. “I’m not that bad.” “I can think of a few ways to keep you in bed anyways, I’m not too concerned about it.” Az shoots back as heat rushes to your cheeks. “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” His lips kiss your hand, then your wrist and up your arm until he gets to your neck, softly biting the spot that makes your toes curl.  You let out a breathy moan as he moves to kiss your lips, soft against your own. He pulls back slightly “Something along those lines, I’m sure I can find a few ways to keep you in my bed.” You smirk at him. “I think I’m okay with that version of bed rest.” He chuckles and moves away from you. “Get some rest sweetheart.” You grab at his hand, pulling him back towards you. “Can you hold me?” You ask softly and he smiles down at you, kissing your forehead. “Of course.” He moves around you and onto his side of the bed, pulling you carefully into his side as he drapes one of his wings over the both of you. “Sleep now Little one, I’ll be here when you wake.”
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Part Four of my as yet untitled Dark City Doctor Schreber fic! Idk why I keep posting these but maybe some of you will enjoy them :3
Part One
Part Two
            It was hard to believe that Kat had only worked at Doctor Schreber’s office for about three weeks. It felt like she’d been there for years. Things were going well for her lately. She had a great new job, she could pay her rent and afford to eat on one paycheck, and she was even able to start paying down her debts. And her boss wasn’t a creep, she couldn’t forget about that. Finally working for someone who seemed to actually respect her as a person had changed her for the better, and it showed in her outlook.
            Before she’d gotten this job, life hadn’t always been kind to her. She had no family, no friends to speak of, in the City or anywhere else. She was on her own. Usually she liked it that way, being on her own was what she knew, just getting by without the help of anyone else was how she lived. She’d been proud of making it on her own for the time that she had, before that last job threw it all in the gutter.
            She had been walking absentmindedly for a few minutes, her mind wandering through these thoughts as easily as she wound through the streets of the City she’d grown up in. She was lost in though when a man stepped in front of her, blocking her way out of the alley she’d been walking down. He was tall, heavyset but not fat, wearing a long duster coat and sporting a black fedora on his head.
            “Where do you think you’re goin’ little lady?” He grinned, revealing a gold tooth on the right side of his mouth. He smelled as if he hadn’t bathed in several days and in that time had gone a bit overboard on the liquor, though these details she wouldn’t remember later to relay to the police, her panic sending her into fight or flight. Or freeze apparently because that’s all she’d done so far during this encounter. He slid behind her, an arm around her neck, and led her backwards into the shadow of the alley.
            “I was just gonna rob ya, but now I think I’ll have a little fun while I’m at it.” He chuckled as she felt the blade of a small knife at her throat. She panicked at this, slamming her body backward into the man, throwing him off balance and freeing herself from his grip. She turned, kicking him hard in the groin before running away as fast as she could (faster than she thought she could, for that matter). She heard him grunt and hit the ground as she ran. She hoped she’d left the bastard with at least a nasty bruise for his trouble, she’d realize later she’d also left him her bag as a consolation prize, but at least she’d gotten away safely.
She was closer to work than she was home, so she went there, it was the only place she could think of to go, hoping the Doctor would be there. She didn’t want to be alone right now. The elevator attendant eyed her strangely as he pulled the lever to take them to the third floor.
“Bit late for you to be here isn’t it?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She replied shortly before giving a nervous laugh. They’d arrived at the third floor. She got out of the car and thanked him.
“Well have a good night, little lady,” he said before disappearing into the floor.
His words sent a fresh wave of panic through her and she slid to the floor, back to the wall, while she attempted to catch her breath. The doctor must have heard the elevator door clanging on its way down, as he appeared at the door of his lab a moment later. He looked around, confused and a little worried as to who might be visiting him at this hour, expecting the worst.
Then he saw Kat, hunched over with her back against the wall. He rushed over to her, kneeling in front of her.
“Katherine, can you hear me?” a bit of panic tinged his voice as he spoke. He took her hands in his, they were cold. She was breathing rapidly and he felt as if he could hear her heart hammering. She was in shock. He gently helped her up and led her to the room where they’d conducted that first interview, helping her to sit down on the overstuffed leather couch and wrapping a blanket he’d found in his lab around her back. He pulled his chair up close and checked her pulse, it was slowing.
“Katherine, can you hear me?” he repeated after he’d situated her as comfortably as he could. She slowly looked up at him as if seeing him for the first time. She nodded.
“I can hear you,” she stated flatly, tiredly.
“Katherine, what happened?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, I just… I didn’t know where else to go,” her voice was choked as if she were holding back a sob. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”
Gently he coaxed the story of what happened from her, his anger growing over what she’d been through that night. He wouldn’t let this happen again. Once she’d calmed down he called the police. About a half hour later two officers finally showed up to take her account of what happened. He stayed with her while they questioned her, his hand on her shoulder and a protective eye on her.
After the ordeal was over and the police report filed, they found themselves alone again.
“I’m so sorry about this, Doctor, I’ll just-”
“I’m sorry?”             “You can call me Daniel, Katherine.”
“I guess this means you should call me Kat,” she responded with a small smile.
Part Four Section One
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Can you create a fanfiction where your favorite hetalia otp is stuck in a christmas hallmark or lifetime movie?
You know what, I've actually been meaning to do this. Now a full-on fic would require multiple chapters, but I could give you a small section. For context, I'm basing this off a Hallmark themed dress up thing I made once:
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Rating: T
Pairing; GerEng
Word Count: 1602
Read on Ao3
A Puppy for Christmas
Arthur Kirkland--or more widely known by his pen name A.K. Walker--had made a plan: Spend Christmas with his eldest brother Dylan in their hometown in the heart of the English countryside and perhaps stir up some new ideas for his next novel. But life had always had that psychotic way of toying with you, and Arthur had been faced with one of those moments.
Instead of his cozy childhood home in the middle of nowhere, he was stuck in a small, but bustling tourist town in Michigan after an emergency landing. Though he’d love to do nothing more than scream, he wasn’t a child, and that wasn’t going to help him. Collecting his suitcase, and tightening his coat around him, he set off into the freezing vortex.
Though the rest of the town lay dark save for the Christmas lights lining the street, one building stayed lit. It was a grand home made of weathered brick, mossy trimming, and a homey wrap-around porch. Vintage, just how Arthur liked his buildings.
Garland strung with golden lights swayed in the wind as Arthur approached. It looked like something out of a Christmas card. Safely under the roof of the wrap-around porch, Arthur could finally read the sign: Beilschmidt-Übernachtung mit Frühstück and in smaller print: Beilschmidt- Bed and Breakfast. Thank God.
Arthur shuffled in, not realizing how cold he was until the warm air of the in brushed against his chilled body. He brushed off the snow from his coat and stomped his boots on the carpet.
“Good evening,” an accented voice called.
Behind the reception desk stood a tall, broad-shouldered man, with light blond hair kept neatly back by gel. His blue eyes pierced into Arthur, far colder than the snowy world he just escaped.
“H-Hello…” Arthur stammered. He felt something wet against his hand, and he immediately pulled it away. Looking down, he found two adoring brown eyes looking up at him.
“Berlitz, don’t scare the guest,” barked the receptionist, “Heel.” The dog obediently trotted behind the desk and promptly laid down. A blink and you’d miss it smile spread across the receptionist's face as he praised his dog. But his sharp eyes and frown quickly returned when he turned back to Arthur. “How may I help you?”
“Uh…I was hoping to get a room. I’m a little stranded at the moment."
“You’re lucky, I have one room left. I hope you don’t mind two double beds.”
The receptionist sounded pissed or at the very least annoyed. Arthur bristled but tried to remain polite “I’ll take whatever you have,” he replied tightly.
“Here you go, room 202, just up the stairs. Breakfast is from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.”
No ‘enjoy your stay’ or ‘have a nice night.’ Of course, a handsome, tall, blond receptionist with a body carved by God Himself had to have something wrong with him. Before he blew up over something so small, Arthur made his way to his room for the night.
- - -
As soon as Arthur awoke the next morning, he immediately booted up his laptop only to discover that his flight was still grounded. With a groan, he rose to his feet despite the cloud of jet lag that hung in his brain. He looked over at the clock. Shit 10:30. He quickly threw on some clothes, brushed his teeth, and rushed downstairs, not even bothering to try and tame his bedhead (he always looked like he had bedhead anyways).
He was in such a rush that Arthur didn’t notice the large German Shepherd napping in the sun and the center of the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t notice until he was falling face-first into the pine floor.
But the impact never came. No hard cold floor, no throbbing face, he almost felt like he was floating. Opening his eyes, he found himself suspended mid-fall. Arthur looked back and meant those cool eyes from the night before.
Arthur felt as though he was being strangled under the intense gaze. The receptionist pulled him back up, causing Arthur to collide with his sturdy chest. His face burned.
“Uh…A-Are you alright?” The blond man asked, sounding much more unsure than he had the night before.
“I-I’m fine,” Arthur stuttered out, “I overslept a bit. Jetlag and all that.”
“Understandable, but there is no need to run.”
Feeling like a child who was being scolded, Arthur looked away. “S-Sorry…”
“It’s okay. Now go take a seat, I’ll make you something.” But the receptionist's hold lingered a few minutes too many before he seemed to shake himself out of whatever state he was in, going back to that cool, calculated man from before.
The dining room, just like the rest of the inn, was as if it was trapped in time. Dark wooden floors, cream-coloured walls, tables, and chairs right out of the Victorian-era novels that Arthur had loved as a preteen and well into his adult years filled the room. He took his seat.
“Hello there,” a gravelly voice called from behind, “I sure hope my brother hasn’t scared ya.”
Arthur turned to see a man with eyes as sharp as the receptionist's, but much more fire behind them. “Not at all.”
The man grinned. “Good... I just want to make sure no one feels uncomfortable. Both him and all you guests. Anyway! Can I get you some juice?”
This guy must have been the owner. “Orange is just fine.”
“Coming right up. Now, if you need anything during your stay, just call Gilbert or Ludwig, and we’ll help you out.”
Arthur nodded.
Breakfast came out minutes after Arthur had gotten his juice. Pancakes, covered with apples, cinnamon, and sugar with syrup and bacon on the side. Dipping his finger the syrup and giving it a tentative lick, Arthur concurred it was real maple syrup and not the ‘sugary fake shit’ as his cousin Matthew would say.
He poured a generous amount over his pancakes before digging in. Of course, nothing would beat Matthew’s pancakes, but these were a very close second.
Well-fed, Arthur decided to see what this little town had to offer while he waited for any news that he would make it home for Christmas.
The streets were bustling as residents and tourists alike browsed the colourful storefronts. So many shops full of little knick-knacks, artisan goods, and Christmas decorations you couldn’t find anywhere else. An old-fashioned bookstore that reminded Arthur of the one his late mother once owned particularly caught his eye. He made a mental note to ensure he stopped there on his way back to the B&B.
But what had truly taken Arthur’s interest was when he spotted the receptionist–Ludwig–struggling with a few gift baskets. Without thinking, Arthur rushed over, taking one of the baskets before it fell.
“Danke,” Ludwig said breathlessly.
“You’re quite welcome.”
Ludwig straightened himself out, cheeks flushing slightly. “Um…would it be too much trouble to ask you to help me bring these in?” He nodded towards a small brick house. Or at least it looked like a house, but the outside pens and the sign deemed it an animal shelter.
“None at all.”
A cheery auburn-haired man with a strange curl greeted them. “Ah, Luddie! You brought them.”
“Yep, this is the last of them.”
“Perfecto! Can I get you and your helper to take these to the back?”
Ludwig looked over at Arthur hesitantly.
Arthur nodded and followed the auburn-haired man to the back, Ludwig following close behind.
A cat spotted with patches of orange, brown, black, and white lay on the office chair. It stretched as they entered and blinked at them slowly.
"Hello Pookie," the auburn-haired man cooed, scratching the kitty behind the ears. "Just place them on the table with the rest of them.”
Arthur and Ludwig unloaded the baskets amongst the others. Arthur took a moment to look over them all. One full of toys and games, another full of craft supplies, one for a movie night, soaps and creams, chocolate and sweets, and so on.
“Great! Other than decorating the rec center, we’re all set. Thanks again for everything Luddie.”
“Good to hear. Just let me know if there is anything else you need me to do.”
“You’ve already done so much. And with that storm, I’m sure you’re busy at the inn.” For the first time since they got there, the auburn-haired man’s eyes fell on Arthur. “Oh! You didn’t introduce me to your friend. I’m Feliciano.” He extended his hand to Arthur.
“Arthur,” Arthur replied, shaking Feliciano’s hand.
“I sure hope you’ll be coming to the fundraiser next weekend. We could use all the guests we can get.”
Feliciano nodded so quickly that it looked like his head would snap off. “Yes! For the animal shelter. We’ve…um…we’ve been struggling a bit. Too many animals, not enough homes.”
“Ah. I-I’ll see. I’m not from around here.”
Feliciano’s face fell slightly. “Oh. Heh, sorry.” He shook his head, and his smile returned at full force. “Don’t let me keep you!”
Ludwig and Feliciano exchanged a few more words before Arthur and Ludwig took off.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” Ludwig said as they exited the shelter.
“Oh uh…” Arthur wasn’t even sure why he had waited. “I-I uh…I don’t want to get lost on my way back.”
Ludwig tilted his head slightly. Arthur couldn’t blame him, after all, it was just down the street. But thankfully Ludwig didn’t say anything and just started walking.
Arthur stumbled behind, mentally slapping himself for such a lame excuse.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 6 - Riddle Family Massacre
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Thursday did come around. Where she was expecting the Knight Bus, wide eyed she stood underneath the bus stop watching the covered carriage pulled by four invisible Thestrals. “What is that?!” she cried out to Sirius who sat on the front seat of the carriage, smiling madly now that he was with his adored one he hoped to marry one day to see this mystery through to the end with some luck on this trip alone.
“Magical carriage, don’t worry Muggles will think it’s an old busted down Plymouth and they can’t see Thestrals, which only Wizards can see them if they’ve seen death, and they’re the best navigators around. Tried to get Narcissa’s beau Lucius to lend us his family enchanted car, but he wanted in on the action and we were not about to let him tag along. Up front or in the back?”
Under her feet the gradually rising snow crunched to her every nervous step closer. Internally at a loss for if she was seeing a mirage of some sort. The impossibility of the unknown answer of her ancestors and this mode of transportation heightened the urge to shiver beyond reason of just the dropping temperatures that enabled the snowfall. Sharp and quick the draw of a curtain blocking the windows on that side of the carriage facing her had her flinch and freeze. Regulus’ hand off the drawstring to let her see him released to give her a wave matching his widening grin at seeing she’d showed up wearing the same scarf Sirius had pondered she might wear for hours the night prior.
“I’d suggest up front!” Alastor called out from the window in the back he’d opened to do just that, “Everyone should have that experience just once. If you don’t like it you can ride back here on the way home.”
“Hear there’s some incredible sights along the way off our wireless,” Regulus added as a sort of reminder to his older brother on things they looked up he could point out to help keep conversation from dipping into a lull.
Heavily she huffed and walked closer to the carriage. Sinking each step much more as the mounds around the path of the wheels had been pushed up in their arrival. Invisible pressed hooves on her right that made crunches of their own had the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Nothing was there, and yet round hoof like impressions marked the places of four Thestrals who were pulling the carriage. Her body aimed at the front bench and said, “So help me if I fall off, I will kill all of you.”
Hand out to take her raised one Sirius helped her up, ensuring she was safely seated and smiled at her with a renewed grip of the reigns. “Be hard to kill me I’m already in heaven.” Accented with a wink. Up to his chin her hand rose to press in a swipe motion that forced his head forward, “Off we go lads,” clicking his tongue and a flick of the reigns he named the town they were headed for. Soft at first the carriage began to roll forward in the start of a trotting pace of the flighted invisible creatures that by thirty feet had the carriage back up in the air again.
The sudden jolt urged her body to scoot into his side. A reflex answered by his, a raise of his arm to let her dip and latch around his middle. Chuckles muffled inside the carriage from the pair who had seen that move they guessed might happen. Widely Sirius grinned to himself, even at the awkward fold of his jacket to jam an internal row of buttons securing a spare magical warming layer into his ribs underneath her arms. “You are sure we won’t be seen?!” she checked.
Around her back his arm lowered to rest there and help her feel more secure in time. “Cross my heart, whole thing is enchanted, even our seat, no one can see us except for Wizards in flying vehicles or on brooms.”
“Why did I let you talk me into this?” she squeaked and he simply held her a bit firmer until she began to calm down at least at the wind, but not the height that after a few stolen peeks out over his other arm she ducked back to burrow her head into his chest. Ignoring the flap of the collar of her double breasted coat in a timed thwack against her face due to the shifting wind currents around them.
Begrudging ally or not, by the time the first trip to the theater had been over she had begun to know that there was at least some room for trust brewing between them. She might not be overly sure as to what his intentions might be exactly, but until he showed otherwise she felt she could give him a chance to be trusted by her with some things at least. If in anything to be a distant relative to warm up to in time and mingle with on random holidays should things with Lily keep growing sour. The room once echoing of giggles long past bedtime now sat uncomfortably silent on both sides of an invisible line drawn between beds they sat upon not looking the others way.
Glints of edges of buildings grew more visible to the drop of the carriage. A town with rows of shops and homes in wavy patterns ended with flat ends between blocks became more obvious the closer they got. A city far from the euphoric place she had heard of from her parents under this blanket of snow shielding all that was meant to be so magical about this place that gifted her to them. Just streets and buildings between the scattered bodies of children exploring their town and creating frozen kingdoms of their own with dreams of magic now lost to her were to be seen blocking off any joyful sensation in being here. Only fear, heart thundering louder than hooves and wheels that met the cobbled road almost made her miss notice of the landing.
Right outside the city they did park the carriage. Regulus was first to pop out of the back with hold of a container that let out the unmistakable scent of blood into the air when opened. Four trays, now the lid was off, slid apart to help the four claim their own snack Alastor helped him to hold. Off the carriage the duo on the front bench climbed into the trench the carriage and other two made, to wiggle and stretch a few of their most stiffened joints. “What is that?” Jewels asked aloud before she’d realized it.
“Raw meat. Best cuts we have in the supply for the family herd.” Sirius answered and she looked up at him lost to what the boys might be feeding.
The invisible bodies clearly snacked on in gratitude, noisily naming their locations for the young girl who moved closer with a trembling hand raised to land awkwardly on the neck of one of the invisible bodies. Each muscle under her hand shifted around the meal in the rise of the head to swallow it whole. “How, how do you take care of them if you can’t see them?”
Regulus answered, “Our Gran had a bad bout of sickness few years back, passed on during our evening talk she wanted with us, we can see them just fine.”
Alastor added when she looked his way, “Had a stage hand take an untimely step too many on a hanging support to a heavy prop. Good thing was the fumes of the cloud of dust it let off killed him before he hit the stage, after he’d hit a few more props on the way.”
“Oh,” she replied and Sirius shook his head, helping to guide her hand to its head.
“Think black eagle head on a winged horse’s body.” Sirius explained to help distract her off that morbid topic.
“Oh,” she said, then asked, “Like a Hippogriff?”
“Um,” Sirius answered, “Maybe if you plucked the Hippogriff, these don’t have feathers. More leathery.”
Contently it let out a puff of an exhale laced grunt of approval to the contact of the curious girl. “You have a herd of these?” she asked and the brothers nodded to the fall of her eyes onto the pair.
Regulus answered, ticking his head to the side, “Yes, well, Gramps does. All our family properties are linked to the family mansion that’s hidden away on unplottable land. We all have stables and the herd can be brought from that land to let out the carriages on an empty street nearby if we’re close to Muggle lands. Which our house is smack in the middle of London, comes in handy.”
After giving the Thestral another pat she said, “We should go now, I can pet them again later. Maybe even feed them.”
Regulus smiled as his brother still had hold of the now lowered hand, stating for him, “We brought tons of snacks for them. They’ll surely love you after that.”
Walking away from the carriage they were glad to have all worn warm pants, socks and boots to counter the accumulated snow now being joined by more to settle atop their jackets and chosen knitted hats, the latter matching their sweaters and scarves. Much deeper than the prior stop, and much harder to not whip out their wands to carve walkways as they did at school to spare that small struggle. The quiet little town wasn’t used to guests this time of year, but at the gossip shared of an adoption record inquiry with the post office the other day the curious visitors, if bothered at all, would be taken as the ones who had called.
Alastor had memorized the maps of this town and named the way to the others. Each silent to let each sound rippling from between the rows of buildings and grouped blocks of houses almost bowl them over as the wind hoped to do. She wanted answers. To know what mother she belonged to. But in that came the terror of the notion that like her birth father that woman could be anyone.
Morfin Gaunt was no saint, having served time in Azkaban back in the late 20’s and early 30’s in prison for assault on a Witch, his own sister no less. Same as their father who died shortly after his release from the same prison. Known widely to be poor, somehow there was a woman to have been lured to marry into the Gaunt family. A man of short temper surely was the source of hers, now she had to know what she gained from her mother. All by means of a single undocumented name on her birth certificate.
The noise of each street they passed by had their eyes swiveling to take in what surrounded them as if an attack could come and evasive maneuvers would be called for. A void of noise had their hair prickle in a rise up when they stepped in front of a row of offices. Frail and quiet Jewels was able to ask, “Why did it go quiet like that?”
Alastor replied, “Land keeps a memory, like certain spaces feel sinister, not haunted. We’d see sign of a ghost or two. More like they tore something bad down.”
Regulus asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice for how Jewels would react to hearing it, “I thought only the orphanage had been torn down, right?”
��Mummy did say they wouldn’t have left me there,” she murmured back.
A step closer to her side Sirius pushed through the snow to say in a comforting tone, “No shortage of novels with sad goings on at orphanages. Now we have to find a much more likely haunted Nunnery.”
Up at him she looked with pointed gaze for the unnoticed borderline joke Alastor cut in to say plainly, “Now Padfoot, ghosts are not the goal for a top notch Nunnery. Just need the penguins and some bells for that.” That was enough to get her to look his way and he pointed forward, “Two streets and we take the next curve to the end atop the hill. Not far now.” She nodded and they pushed onwards past the quiet pocket, back into more echoes of the more playful city residents out and about and those just being nosy about the visitors passing by.
Right to the center of the main road in town easy to be gotten to by everyone the Nunnery was located. Fixed to the back of the church and the side of the Midwife and Doctors clinic, that unlike the demolished orphanage was sure to be in use for decades to come by the townspeople. Almost painfully the town grew under the shadow of the ledge hanging over the front stoop. Silence hung over the teens who had shaken themselves free of snow in reading the notice the bell was broken and to use the knocker. Silence broken by Jewels, who saw her hand rise on its own to clack the heavy ring against the wooden barrier between her and the information promised to her.
“Maybe they’re deaf?” Sirius muttered on the cusp of the third minute to pass by in their wait. But the chatter of the boys broke when the door opened and one of the eldest Nuns opened the heavy door lowering her eyes to land on the shorter group that all flinched up anxious waves. “Hello, how might we help you?” she spoke aloud in a curious tone.
Jewelia answered, “I was adopted out of Wool’s Orphanage, I hoped I could see my adoption file.”
“Oh yes,” she said elatedly and stepped aside, “Come in, yes, we did get a call about an adoption file.” Behind them she sealed the door shut again and gestured her hand to the side to lead them along when she turned around. Back to one of the back rooms she led them all, asking along the way, “Would you happen to know your birth parents’ names, or merely your adoption date?”
“The father is listed as Morfin Gaunt.” The girl answered in what she hoped to have been a steady tone.
“Gaunt,” she said. Into a cabinet of drawers now ajar for the letter G her fingers flit across the file folder tabs inside. Closing the two beneath the first with her foot and knee once she had located the proper collection of files, lifting one out of the bunch to check, “Merope Gaunt?” blindly to her side she passed to Jewels that the girl opened in the drop of her eyes, “And a, Morfin Gaunt, odd.”
“Both siblings left children here?” Regulus asked his brother in Latin, who shrugged.
“No record of a kid for Merope in our ledger,” Sirius muttered back in the same tongue.
The Nun looked up as she shut the drawer to the girl who’d already been reading the notes on the first page of the file. “This says she had a son,” Jewels read.
Regulus said, “Morfin’s sister was Merope, you have a cousin.”
The Nun smiled and offered Jewels her file, “Daughter, adopted by the Evans, correct?” Jewels nodded and she said, “I will leave you the room a few minutes and fetch you all some tea.” Out of the room she walked and the teens looked around moving to the spare open square of chairs along a corner of the office muffling noise of the other Nuns at work throughout the clinic on the other side of the far wall.
“What’s it say about him?” Regulus asked when they’d all settled around her, with her right in the corner seat to give them all fair view of her reactions or the file if need be.
“Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr.” Jewels’ brows furrowed, and she said, “This says he went to Hogwarts.” That had the guys huddled around her to look a bit closer, “Apparently he was a thief and an arsonist.”
“Riddle,” Sirius said to himself, “Where have I read that name?”
“Something about a bunny, and moving his room to a new secluded room.” She turned the pages filled with disciplinary notes and ample with other things hastily compiled surely over the years between medical check up receipts. “He left at 16 and never came back, there’s an article in here about, Riddle family, massacre.” Her voice broke off and Alastor took hold of the Daily Prophet cutout the Muggles must have taken as scraps left around his room that were included in his file.
He continued, “Says the only believed suspect was Morfin Gaunt, who after nearly two decades wanted revenge for the death of his sister in childbirth of the son she had from the Muggle husband who abandoned her. Something about an earlier sentence and charges he was let loose after their father Marvolo died. Killed the whole Riddle family. But there was no proof, couldn’t even get a memory out of him on it.”
“So, my birth father killed his in laws, and still left the boy here?” She asked more herself in shock for what her father did than the others.
Alastor said, “Least now we know the name to dig into the Prophet archives for. We can write them today when we get back. Something seems fishy about this massacre too. All we know this Riddle Jr was a sick puppy when he graduated, went home to find his father and got curse happy.” Story of how the orphanage was shut down also came in a bit of a mystery as the Matron in charge had been found dead in another terrible accident not long ago enabling the office building developers who wanted the land on that block an easy time in buying it up.
The camera Regulus had brought was used to make copies of the whole file as she watched, not willing to open her own file just quite yet. Changing the film three times, the final time he sealed the camera back again and slid the used roll into his pocket designated for them. “What’s your file say?” Alastor gently urged her to finally break the front cover that revealed how she had been orphaned.
Sirius helped her to situate the top page right side up that had a read out of the Muggle police report of a rather inexplicable death for the couple that left a little girl an orphan. “This doesn’t make sense, how is this an accident?”
Sirius shook his head, “This wouldn’t be an accident. Someone killed them.”
“I remember the day you were brought to the clinic,” the Nun spoke upon her return pushing a tea cart loaded with mugs of warm drinks and some hard biscuits to nibble on while it cooled. Her smile spread in the fall of her eyes on the girl again. “Eyes like no other, heard tell some imagined your eyes to change colors, hair too.” A chuckle left her in the offer of the mugs to each of the teens who welcomed the warm treats with soft thanks. “Brought right round here to ensure you were healthy. The Doc wouldn’t say what had befallen your parents, only you were heard crying behind a closed door your mother had collapsed in front of.”
Gradually away from her lips to blow on the tea in her mug Jewels lowered the mug, unable to take a sip yet off what she had heard. “Do, you remember her name?”
The Nun shook her head, “Can’t say we were able to uncover one. City records show no marriage and our public notice came up nil in leads for any relatives or missing persons.” Wrinkles on her face formed in the force of a smile onto her face, “Only, I recall something of some siblings in the family who adopted you?”
Jewels nodded, “I have two sisters.”
“See, all is well that ends well.” To the tick of her brows up so the woman could sip on her own tea Jewels dared to take a sip of the drink far beyond able to comfort her now.
“What do you remember about her cousin?” Alastor asked and a sour look flinched across the Nun’s face when the mug lowered from her mouth.
“Foul little creature. We heard terrible stories from some of the girls who came to join our order before he just vanished into the wind at 17. Should be my age now,” then she nodded and reached out a hand to pat Jewels’ knee. “Best not search for him. Cannot trust so much as a bunny rabbit with that one. That one is no kin to a kind child like you.” Off Jewels’ face to the file she looked asking, “Why have you come in search of the orphanage?”
When their eyes met again Jewels replied, “Mother’s name is blank on my birth certificate.”
“Oh yes, truly, I do wish we might have been of more help to you on that front.” A phone call had the woman set her mug down and rise to go and fetch it in the lift of a finger stating she would return again.
“Pictures,” Regulus said, hurrying to reach over and collect her file to snap pictures of each document and return it while the woman seemed to be locked in a conversation that drug on longer than she hoped.
“Little Hangleton,” she muttered to herself when they were again alone on that same stoop now facing the other way. “How far would you imagine that is?”
Sirius smiled widely and said, “Not without grasp of our steeds. Thestrals can find anyplace. Natural navigators.” Back to the carriage and waiting steeds he led her, not allowing her body to lock up in the whirl of her mind over what she had learned about her birth family. Chance to offer some raw meat snacks of her own had Jewels a bit relieved by the distraction between this discovery and the continued search now extended to the house she was taken from.
Little Hangleton wasn’t far off from the previous town, and out of the dozens of houses here the one the Gaunts lived at wasn’t hard to pick out for Jewels. Who at the sight of the house out of her years of nightmares fainted when she couldn’t seem to catch her breath.
“Jewels?” the guys all asked as she came to, each huddled around her inside the divot of snow they made to help keep her out of the cold wind that only helped to stop her from scooting away from the house that had her eyes fill with tears.
“That’s the house, I keep seeing that house, there’s a woman trapped in there.” She whimpered out in her panic bubbling out of her trembling self.
“Okay,” Regulus said. He nodded his head trying to calm her down, “Let’s scope it out.”
Sirius and Alastor helped her up, the latter asking, “What’s the woman look like?”
“Me,” she answered shakily and he wet his lips, stealing another glance at the house then looked back to her. He now saw the tears that broke loose down her cheeks out of fear that had the roots of her hair and brows turning black in a gradual loss of her ability to keep her disguise.
“Jewels, it might be a trapped memory. Of when you lived there, they didn’t have an exact birthday for you in the file.” Alastor said in as supportive a tone he could muster to the fall of her tears Sirius helped to wipe away.
“But we’ll check it out.” Sirius said.
Answers did come, none calming as they stood wordless at a headstone that left her mother without a name outside a long since emptied house they couldn’t find a way to break in without getting expelled for it.
Alastor as promised did dig into the Daily Prophet records for any bit of news he could find on the Gaunts and any semblance of a wedding or birth announcement linked to them. The paper would name that Marvolo died alone inside the house before his son could be released from an assault charge against Ministry members who talked to them about their danger to the Muggle Riddle clan, of which Merope bore a fondness for one of them.
Bloody revenge was the claimed reason for Morfin’s second sentence in Azkaban. Against the same family his sister had abandoned him and their father to marry into and bear a child for. Yet decades later he and an unknown Witch got caught in some unfortunate accident as the Muggles claimed the Gaunt line had been cut off entirely by their research. No courtship, no marriage and most certainly no baby was noted. Thus stalling the family standings without an heir noted to retrieve custody of what little the Wizarding World saw them flaunt and all they imagined to be hidden away.
Day after day on lunches the guys would share what they had dug up in their turns at the hoard of Prophet news clipping copies Alastor had divided to not handle alone by their girth. Nothing to reassure her any of the three Gaunts had endearing qualities to lure a presumed young spouse to wed them. Daily her hair when she got home grew darker and she found a place to sit with legs curled up to her chest unable to know who to talk to in all this.
“That theater troupe was supposed to be a happy thing.” Petunia said, having finally broken to chatting with her baby sister who was seated inside the spare coat closet in the back of the house.
“It is,” Jewels replied softly.
Down into the closet Petunia moved to settle herself down at Jewels’ side, “This is where you reign in ecstatic glee then?”
“I’m related to one of the founders at school,” she said softly, but not soft enough that Lily walking by couldn’t hear, urging her to stop and listen in to what she’d been missing. “I found my adoption papers and the boys who go to theater with me have been helping me to hunt out my birth parents.”
“Have,” Petunia squeaked out in a loss for what to say, “Have you found anything?”
“I found the house, in my dream, where the woman is trapped. My birth father is dead and we haven’t been able to track down his wife’s name yet. Apparently Witches don’t keep records like we do, it’s all in bloodlines.”
“That must be maddening.” Petunia said and leaned closer to Jewels’ side as she sniffled and tucked forward into her legs.
“I just want to know where I came from,” she squeaked out, “In case one day you don’t want me anymore.”
“Mummy and Daddy chose you, if anything we would kick Lily out long before you,” she said deliberately to make Jewels chuckle but only made her feel a bit worse. “You get so sad little bunny,” Petunia sighed cuddling her sister closer. “No one is ever going to ever be able to stop you being an Evans. You are stuck with us I am afraid, as we are stuck with Great Aunt Gertrude.” That had Jewels giggle and sniffle to Petunia’s hint of a grin in their shared dislike of the woman who fawned over Lily and never cared to show them any mind. “For now, we must get your face washed and your hair in those bows,”
“I hate those bows, they pinch my head.” Jewels whined in reply.
“I know,” Petunia replied wearing a pair of their own. “But if we are ever to compete for some praise at the table we must endure the pinches until one day we dole out our own.” Muffled grumbles followed on the way down the hall to the bath where the elder sister helped the youngest to freshen up and fix her hair that was steadily creeping back to maroon again.
Lily however faked a trip to the bedroom as if she’d forgotten something only to come back out and find her sister to ask, “Where did you get that broomstick?!”
Jewels turned from the mirror and replied, “A gift from Sirius and Regulus.”
Lily scoffed, “Since when do you have anything to do with Sirius Black?! And just who is Regulus?! You are supposed to be taking acting lessons not flirting with random boys!” she stormed out of the room.
And where Petunia might have assumed Jewels might burst into tears at the insinuation the adopted daughter stormed herself downstairs to create her own path of fire and brimstone bringing up each and every fault James had. The very same boy who gifted Lily the bracelet she had shown off all day who was far crueler to their joint friend until eventually the both of them were sent to bed by their parents without supper, away from their amused visiting relatives, in separate rooms.
 Pt 7
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Can you maybe or if you want to make a season 7 yandere Scar fanfic? Like when he was the mayor?
Only if you want to!
And if this a bit awkward this is my first ever request that I made.
It's alright This fuelled me. S7 was the first I watched from the beginning so it holds a special place in my heart. I woke up, saw this request, and immediately wrote the whole thing. The sheer amount of "I know what to do" was incredible, and I thank you very much for sending this one in. It was very fun, and I do hope you enjoy it!
Oneshot Contains: Yan!Scar, Yandere Tendancies (manipulation, guilt tripping, possessiveness), Angst, Married Couple ------------------------------------------------
As the ceiling smashes open you panic. You weren't supposed to be out, let alone here of all places.
You duck under the table while the debris still blocks sight, Grian shooting you a worried look as you do.
"Well, well well, look what we have here." You can almost hear the smirk in your lovers voice. He's been searching for this for months.
"Scar." Grian says, voice full of venom. "Oh, don't worry, I'll give you three seconds to escape starting now." Scar begins the countdown, you can hear the other hermits rockets going off. You have to try.
You stand, sprinting in the direction of where you know the exit. You fire off a rocket, but your elytra doesn't unfold. You don't lift into the air.
"Times up!" Scar says. You freeze, back turned to him. He can't recognise you like this.
You were sure to cover up any traces to you as best you could. You borrowed clothes from the others specifically in case this happened.
"Just one hermit left. I didn't see you at the table." You can hear his footsteps creeping closer. Those perfectly shiny black shoes he always wears loud against the quartz floor.
You take in a deep breath, holding it. Scar spins you around, smug smirk quickly falling into a frown once he sees your eyes. He reaches up, ripping the mask from your face and pulling down your hood.
Now you exhale, the Mayor looking ever so displeased with you. He stares for a second, eyes hard.
Hearing footsteps approach him from behind Scar smiles, stepping forward to pull you into a hug. "Oh, Y/n. I'm so glad I found you. Those awful Mycelium Resistance supporters had no right to take you from your home. I'm so glad you're okay."
Mumbo and Bdubs look at each other, soft smiles on their faces. They believe him. "Come on Y/n, love of my life, let's get you home safe." He pulls back from the hug, and although the smile on his face is still present, the look in his eyes tells you just how much trouble you're in.
The trip home is painfully short, Scar holding your hand the entire flight back. He knew if he let go you'd leave.
Once back he bids farewell to Mumbo and Bdubs, who insisted on escorting the two of you home. "I'll be sure to drop off some diamonds for your help." Scar smiles, "I might not be in the office for a few days, I have to make sure Y/n is okay." The others nod and say their goodbyes, leaving you and Scar alone.
Once they're out of sight Scar turns to you, ushering you inside the house. "Go get changed." You hang your head and you do, returning to him as fast as possible.
"Good, now there's no visible signs of your betrayal." Scar takes your hand and leads you into the lounge. He closes the windows and draws the curtains, not wanting anyone outside to know what's going on inside.
"What is my number one rule?" Scar asks you, removing his sash and monocle, placing them neatly on the coffee table. "Don't leave the house without approved personelle and your permission." You mumble. You broke that rule a number of times.
"Good, and what is number two?" He asks this time, removing his jacket as he did, the sash. "Don't say or do anything that may ruin our public image." Scar nods, undoing the cuffs on his sleeves.
"So if you know both of those rules, tell me, Y/n, why I found you out alone, surrounded by people that are in the Mycelium Resistance no less. People that are and always have been against my mayoral campaign?"
You cast your eyes down. Scar huffs, walking over. "Answer me, my love."
"I never wanted you to be mayor. I wanted us to live a normal life, and you promised me we would, we'd be happy. You're not the same man you were, Scar. Your time in office has left you corrupt, hungry for profits over the people." Scar laughs, usually it would fill you with joy. This time it fills you with dread.
"You helped me run for mayor, you helped me set everything up and now you tell me you never wanted that. Oh, you are funny." His smirk doesn't waver, nor does his attitude as he begins to pace before you.
"I'm not the bad guy here, you joined the bad guys." Scar says, "you joined them, you went against me. The man you married, happily betrayed over a thought of corruption that isn't even true." He stops, turning to you.
"Scar, I-" "No." He chuckles, walking back over. "I see what's going on."
You take an involuntary step back, Scar following. "If you were bored you could have just said so, I could have made sure you had things to do. Instead you betray me." His smirk disappears, instead replaced with a more neutral look.
You feel a pang of guilt strike you, his words hurt. "You betray me, your husband, because you want to entertain yourself."
"Scar, listen, I love you and-" he cuts you off. "You love me? You do?" You nod.
Of course you love him, you married him after all. Sure, he doesn't always make the best decisions but.. you do love him.
"If you love me so much you'll listen very carefully to what I have to say next." You nod again. He already feels betrayed by your actions, you don't want to make that any worse.
"Good, now. We're going lay out some new ground rules. First, unless it's with me you do not leave this house. Understand?" It's more restrictive, you should have expected this.
You should have known your actions would lead here, but you thought you could get away with joining the Mycelium Resistance. You thought he'd never know.
You thought wrong. "I understand." You mumble, unhappy with the fact you're agreeing. But you don't want to make things any worse.
"Second, you tell me everything you know about the Mycelium Resistance, I'll let you stay in contact with them through letters, but you tell me everything." His eyes are bright, he's clearly proud of the plan he came up with. He knows you can't say no.
This time you don't verbally respond, opting to just nod your head instead. "Excellent, now. Rule three. You don't ever call me corrupt again, because I'm not."
You open your mouth to protest, to tell him he is. To tell him how many things have changed about him since he was elected mayor. But you can't. Once again, you find yourself silently agreeing.
Scar looks proud, proud and very smug. "Good. I'm glad you could come to your senses." He smiles before turning and leaving the room.
You can hear him go upstairs, humming a little song. Your favourite song, one the two of you used to dance to before he was elected. Back when life was simpler.
You miss the old Scar, you still love the one you have but he's changed. Things aren't as easy anymore. You don't feel.. free.
"Miss me?" He smirks, entering the room again. You feel your heart flutter at the familiarity of his outfit, the plain brown pants and off-white shirt a reminder of the man you fell in love with.
You smile softly, Scar coming over and wrapping you in his arms You close your eyes, enjoying the moment while you can.
"You're safe with me, you know?" He begins, holding you just that little bit tighter. "That's why I can't let you go out alone anymore. I need you here, safe, mine. I love you."
"I love you too." You reply. Opening your eyes is a mistake, your eyes landing on the coffee table where the vibrant purple suit jacket, blue sash and monocle lay, taunting you.
You close your eyes again but the colours are burned into your mind. A reminder that this Scar, although he looks the same and sounds the same, is corrupt by power.
Power he has over the hermits, the shopping district. Power he has over you.
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starsofmilos · 2 years
Let you down (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: can you write something where the reader kills a bad guy for the first time and doesnt know how to deal with it so adrian comforts them?
I sure can! I hope you like what I’ve written!
Warnings: violence, death, angst, comfort, cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of kidnapping, a bit of gore
You know in horror movies when the protagonist thinks they’re safe and suddenly that’s when the killer makes their grand appearance?
Those scenes always scared you. Only because you knew yourself personally. In a situation of fight or flight, you always chose the third option freeze. 
Adrian knew this and on most occasions found it cute. You would freeze burying yourself into him anytime you were scared. 
It made him feel special to know that you felt safe with him. He comforted you. Anytime you watched these horror movies, Adrian always made a promise that you would be okay..
He’d always protect you. 
Tonight was going to be a normal night. Adrian had been picking up extra work shifts as of late wanting to gain a bit of extra cash. Your birthday was coming up and he desperately wanted to get this necklace he spotted a few weeks back.
You didn’t ask for it, but he saw it and just knew it was perfect for you. “Do you have to go?...” You whined leaning on his back as he buttoned up his pants.
“I do..You know I’d stay if I could, but I need to make up the hours from how much I’ve been patrolling.” You sighed as he turned around enveloping you into a tight hug.
He laughed as you pouted as best as you could at him. “Dude stop being all cute and shit. You’re making me wanna stay.”
“Good. You should do that stay.” You grumbled into his chest latching onto him. 
“No don’t do this to me!!” Adrian whined picking you up. You smirked slightly kissing his neck moving up to him mouth.
“I’ll make it worth your while. We can do anything you want-” You laughed as Adrian threw you on the bed. 
“Stop you evil witch!” You giggled as he kissed you pulling back to blow raspberries on your neck.
“Adrian stop!!” You tried to push him away as he lifted your shirt blowing raspberries on your stomach tickling you.
He pulled back grinning, “As much as I hate to do so, I have to go now.” You nodded kissing him once more.
“I know..I love you..”
“I love you too don’t stay up get some sleep okay?” You nodded as he stood up taking off. 
It was hard to fall asleep without Adrian near you, but you knew he’d call during his break so you got as comfortable as you could eventually letting sleep consume you.
It didn’t last long.
You were always a light sleeper. Adrian knew this so he never bothered being quiet you’d wake up anyways. That’s how you knew the second you heard the front door open. It wasn’t him.
You grabbed your phone wanting to see if you had any messages from Adrian there was none. He always messaged when he was coming home. 
Doesn’t matter if you’re asleep. He’d still send one. You froze hearing footsteps approaching the hallway. You didn’t snap out of it till you heard them stop at your door. 
Hurriedly you ran to the door locking it. The door knob jiggled harshly. You took steps back stopping once your back hit the wall. Your breath hitched as the person banged on the door a bit angrily jiggling it again. 
Grabbing your phone, you didn’t hesitate calling Adrian. “Pick up..Pick up..Pick up..please...”
“Hey my cuddly little-”
“Adrian..” You cut him off with a soft shaky breath.
“Y/N?..Is everything okay?”
You whimpered as the door knob jiggled again. “Someone’s in the house...”
“What?..” Adrian felt his heart drop. He froze at your words feeling his body go ice cold.
“Adrian..I’m scared someone is in the house. They’re trying to get inside the room..”
“Okay..Okay..Calm down..I’m on my way!” Adrian didn’t hesitate running to his car.
“Do you know who it is? or what they look like?”
“No I haven’t seen them..I can’t..Adrian I can’t breathe or move..”
“Yes you can. Take deep breaths for me hun...Under the bed my knife is there grab it.” You nodded trying to will yourself to move. 
“Come on sweet girl you can do it..” You took a deep breath willing the courage to move. You grabbed it gripping it tightly as you tried not to cry out as the door began to shake.
“Adrian..They’re gonna get in..” You sobbed a bit terrified. Adrian clenched the steering wheel basically stomping on the gas.
“I’m on my way..I swear I’m going as fast as I can..Stay on the line. Hide in the closet.” Taking shaky steps you ran to the closet hiding in the far corner hoping Adrian would get here in time.
“Adrian..I’m really scared..If this is it-”
“No it’s not! It’s fucking not! So just please hold on! I’m going baby..I swear to you.” You nodded covering your mouth once the door was broken down. 
Adrian’s breath hitched as he heard the person rummaging the room. You jumped as their phone rang. “Hey boss...No I’m looking for her right now..I know she is the one you wanted and I promise to deliver so let me find her right now.”
You gripped the phone. Who were these people after you?
Adrian felt dread filling his body as he begged to get there in time. You sat for a few minutes staying quiet hoping you wouldn’t be found. A moment passed by and you started to relax...
Only for the closet door to open. You screamed as you were grabbed tossed on the floor. “Y/N!!! Y/N!!” Adrian yelled out for you.
You grunted crawling away as the man stood before you with a smile.
“Found you..”
“No..No..No..” You cried as he stalked to you.
Move..You have to move..
Adrian’s voice became distant as he screamed out for you scared practically petrified at the thought of you getting hurt. You were frozen. Scared to your core of this man before you. 
“Look I don’t wanna hurt you..My boss just thinks you’re cute looking and if you don’t come willingly then I’m gonna have to kill you..So make a wise decision.”
Your tears fell from your eyes as you sobbed from fear. Adrian was cursing in your phone. “Please be okay! Please!!” 
His cries snapped you out of your frozen state as the man walked to you. Once he got close enough you used the knife still in your grip stabbing his shoulder screaming as you did so.
Standing up you grabbed your phone that you had dropped when he dragged you out, “Adrian!! Adrian!” You cried out for him screaming as you were grabbed. 
“Y/N!!” You struggled trying to fight the man off of you. 
“Fucking little bitch! You should’ve fucking chose to just come willingly!” You bit his hand against your mouth with all your strength heading for your backyard door in the kitchen. 
You had to live. You wanted to live. Adrian needs you. You need and wanted to be alive for him. 
“No!!” You yelped as you were thrown against the countertop harshly.
The man gripped your hair slamming your head on the table. Everything went fuzzy.
Your head was throbbing as blood spilled from the side of it. He pulled the knife out from his shoulder straddling your waist.
You gazed up at him weakly before widening your eyes as he raised the knife aiming to strike down at your chest. 
Adrenaline kicked in as you grabbed the knife stopping it from stabbing you. Your phone laid in the distance. Adrian kept begging for you to be okay and hold on crying as he tried to focus on getting to you. 
The ride from Fennel Fields to your home wasn’t too long of a drive, but this was the longest ride of Adrian’s life. He swore to fucking end the person who was hurting you. For laying a hand on you.
You gripped the knife staring at him screaming as you managed to force the knife away making him stab the ground. Raising your elbow, you hit him harshly in the head rendering him. 
You crawled out from under him grabbing the knife. Without zero hesitation, you stabbed him in the chest when he lunged for you. He stopped looking down in shock falling down.
You panted angrily screaming as you pulled it out kicking him to lay on his back. He stared at you in shock as you sat down stabbing him once more crying and screaming. 
“Plea..” He tried to beg before choking on his blood. Everything just went dark from you as you continued stabbing him. Blood splattered all over your face and clothing, but you didn’t care upset by this man.
He hurt you. He tried to take you away from Adrian. He deserved this you convinced yourself. 
Blood leaked from him smearing all over your legs as you cried finally stopping. You sobbed continuing your stabbing although it was weak. 
Adrian crashed into the lawn not caring for a moment about his car not being off as he raced to the door. He didn’t hesitate with unlocking the door either opting to kick it down. 
“Y/N!! Y/N!! Where are you?!!” Adrian’s heart dropped to his stomach as he saw some blood on the carpet. 
“No..No!!” He sobbed out running to the kitchen stopping by seeing all the blood on the floor. Adrian didn’t want to find the source, but he knew he had too.
Right before he could see the damage you had done, he heard a sniffle. Adrian looked finding your wounded blood stained self continuing your stabbing as you sobbed angrily. 
“Oh thank fucking god!!” He cried out running to you. You looked up seeing him fall to his knees in front of you. Adrian didn’t care about the blood staining his work pants nor the blood on you. 
He grabbed you hauling you to his chest gripping you tightly. “Oh thank fucking everything..” Adrian cried into you in relief. You finally broke down hearing him cry against you.
You began to sob into his chest screaming as he removed the knife from your blood soaked hand. Adrian gripped you tightly as you gagged a bit seeing the body you had left behind.
“It’s okay..You’re okay..I’m here baby..I’m here..Don’t look..” Adrian covered your eyes turning you to keep you tucked in his neck. You cried weakly in his neck feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. 
Adrian made a phone call carrying out of the kitchen. “Sit here-”
“No please..Please don’t go Adrian..Please..” You begged him throat raw. Adrian nodded.
“Okay...come on we need to get you new clothes..” Adrian helped you pack a bag as Emilia and Chris came in.
Emilia took you to sit in the car as Adrian grabbed more things and to fully see the man you killed.
“Wow..” Chris muttered out seeing the mess. 
“Dude even for you this is pretty gruesome-”
“Y/N did it not me..” Adrian whispered to him as they both stood in the kitchen seeing the body. Chris whistled slightly impressed that you the girl who cried when you accidentally stepped on a dogs foot brutally killed this man.
“John’s already searching for the people who sent him, but he knows it has nothing to do with us..I think they were just regular kidnappers..” Adrian took a shaky breath clenching his fist angrily. 
“Fucking lucky she killed him.” He walked away. Emilia sat comforting you as best as she could in the car.
“We’ll take care of it..Leota booked you both a hotel room go take her to get cleaned..” Emilia whispered to Adrian. He nodded thanking everyone as he went to you.
“Come on..” You fell into his chest letting him drive you. Adrian silently drove you both to the hotel. Once getting in the room, he sat you on the bed gently before moving to sit in front of you.
“I’m gonna start a shower okay?” You nodded grabbing him.
“I’m not going anywhere I promise..” He kissed you palm cradling your face to lay gentle kisses on you. He didn’t care about the blood on you. He needed to feel you close. 
You smiled a bit as he pulled away. Adrian grew teary eyed as he saw the small cut on your forehead.
“I’m..I’m so sorry..I’m so fucking sorry...” You grabbed him as he fell on to your knees crying into them.
“I let you down Y/N...I’m so fucking sorry..” He hiccuped a bit as you shook your head pulling him up.
“You didn’t...if anything..I let you down-”
“No. You do not say that..Y/N I’m so fucking happy you’re here..I..Thank you for fighting..I promise you will never have to do this again..I’m sorry you had to kill that man-”
“I was so scared of leaving you.He was trying to take me away..I was so fucking scared Adrian..”
You whimpered crying into him weakly. Adrian nodded helping you up to head to the restroom. 
“Everything is gonna be okay..You’re gonna move in with me and we’re gonna be okay..I’ll never let you down again..I promise..”
“You didn’t let me down..I.I just feel bad..He tried to beg and I just wouldn’t stop..” Adrian nodded holding you close after turning the water on.
“I know..I know...The first time killing someone is always hard for some people...I’m here now though..I’ll take care of everything from here now okay..”
Adrian sniffled kissing your forehead, “You fought so fucking well..I know I shouldn’t be saying this nor is this the right thing to say right now..I’m so happy you fucking killed him..I’m gonna find who sent them though..I promise. You will never have to do this again..”
Adrian always kept his promises. You knew you could trust him. At the moment you were so happy to be alive. This was a moment you would never forget, but you were here. Adrian needed you here..
Once you calmed down once more, Adrian stripped you both helping you step in the shower. There was nothing more that needed to be said beside soft reassurances from Adrian.
He gently washed all the blood off of you smiling a bit as he saw barely any wounds on you. He couldn’t help but to feel proud. You fought hard. His forever person did that.
Once you both finished in the shower, Adrian dried you both off getting you into comfy clothing. He tucked you into the bed climbing in beside you. “Come on pretty girl..” You nodded sliding into his arms.
“I love you..I love you so fucking much..I promise to say it more often because it is true..I do love you Y/N..”
“I love you too...” You whispered as he gripped you tightly. Adrian would never forget this day, but tomorrow is a new day. Things would get better.
It would take you both a while, but as long as you had each other. There was nothing you both couldn’t bounce back from. 
He swore he’d never let you down again..
(So small note would you all be interested in a part two for this?)
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Yandere Intro to the Cardverse Drabble - King of Clubs Russia
Oh boy, when the King of Clubs took a liking to you when he viewed you through the mirror that can see into different realms he was enamored by you and how you choose to live out your life. Simple but there was something about you that made his mind run rampant with possibilities.
He’s been watching you live your life for a while in his courtroom with some of his subjects passively watching. Since it prevented him from being as crazy and unruly as he normally would be if he didn’t have any distractions. His daydreams and fantasies of you will eventually manifest themselves in his partially sentient and beloved scarf.
It wished to fulfill the desires that he held close to his heart.
The king of clubs is going to get his way.
A Yakutian Laika in a gorgeous white coat that was full and fluffy. Powerful yet playful. You thinking nothing of it when the innocent hound came towards you on your way back home from work. The dog drew you in like a moth to the flames with its angelic mauve eyes and pure white coat. Its appearance was borderline hypnotic it’s eyes also looked like they held the galaxy within them. There were specks of stardust that glazed the top of the dogs' irises. All you could think to do was pet him. Doggo was beckoning to you. And you weren’t going to ignore a siren song.
I hope you don’t like your own autonomy because you are about to lose it when you pet the dog and allow it to come in contact with you. Your gateway key.
You’ll be taken by surprise when you stop petting it that your surroundings are no longer within the confines of the human world.
You are no longer in your reality.
Vulnerable to the 4 Kings and their followers.
“What in the world where am I?”
“Home. You must be dazed and confused but I can help you.” You hear a man's voice with a thick Russian accent ring out from in front of you. His smile is saccharine but his body language read as menacing. His left foot inches closer to your now collapsed figure.
“You come with me.” He reached out his gargantuan hand towards youtube you refused to take it. You scoot backward on the grass that had strange species of flowers that you’d never seen before. Clover blooms were white and green with hints of holographic gold that refracted the light that hit its leaves.
‘Yep, I’m 1005 on a drug trip right now.’
You didn’t appreciate the way your lucid dream wasn’t letting you voluntarily break through the veil of fantasy for it had become your new prison.
That prison may have been lined with rainbows, a playful violet and azure sky that blended together in an ombre fashion that was perfect and mesmerizing.
“ I see that you do not have trust in me sunflower.”
A scarf had been draped over your eyes and you could feel it move but the man in front of you was hovering over you motionless.
‘This thing is… ALIVE?!?’
It coiled around your next as if it were trying to comfort you. You were trembling by now and your mind was unable to come up with any good plan on how to react… you freeze as if you were the main subject in a photograph.
‘They’re cute when their fight or flight has kicked in.’
A warm but comforting sensation filled your body as if you had just entered a piping hot sauna. You were oddly calm.
You actually allow Ivan to pick you up unconsciously. Your much smaller form is engulfed by his larger and more imposing form. Your limbs twist around his neck in a feeble attempt to stabilize yourself.
You wanted to feel safe and this was the closest to safety that you would be able to attain.
His scarf will intertwine your bodies closer in a subtle way of sealing your fate to the Clover King.
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
yandere!EraserMic x Reader
Mic skips a couple of steps and brings their darling home earlier than planned.
18+ only
tw: mention of blood, kidnapping, restraints
Hizashi felt panic bubble up his throat as he aggressively ran his fingers through his hair. This wasn't good, he wasn't good. He fumbled around trying to pull out his phone so he could message Shota.
-Sho, when are you getting home???
Probably in a few hours...-
Shaking, the blonde continued:
-I brought her home
Hizashi was convinced he'd burn a whole in the rug with his pacing. Staring at his phone screen it looked like Shota was responding, then it stopped, started, stopped, and started. Finally after what felt like forever he got a simple reply:
I'll be home in 15 -
"Mic, what did you do?" Aizawa sighed. The grumpy man intended to scold his partner but he couldn't bring himself to do so when Mic was so close to a full on panic attack.
"She agreed to meet up with her ex, he was talking about getting back together and I panicked."
Aizawa sighed; he understood where his partner was coming from. Even though Hazashi had abandoned their plan to wait, he was no longer surprised by Mic's actions. There was an understanding between the pair as the atmosphere softened.
Mic lead him down the basement stairs, instead of using the overhead light there was already a dull glow from nightlight that allowed the Pro Heroes to see well enough. On the bed in front of them the comforter rose and fell along with the breath of their darling.
"She should be asleep for another hour or two," Mic whispered. "I only cuffed one wrist to the bed, I figured without her quirk she won't be too troublesome."
Aizawa lovingly rolled his eyes. His partner was such a softy. Nodding in agreement he moved the blanket aside to see the clunky metal quirk-cancelling cuff encircling her ankle. The two had plenty of equipment from their jobs that allowed them to make a "safe" space for their girl.
The couple had stumbled across you on accident; you worked at the new cat cafe that opened near their home. The two quickly became regulars and you snagged their hearts when you recognized them as cafe regulars. They went every Sunday, you had their orders memorized and even told them which cats seemed to miss them the most. Hizashi fell hard and fast. It wasn't until Aizawa found you crying in the ally after one of your shifts that your fate was sealed. You told him that one of the cats ran out of the cafe earlier that day got hit by a car. Learning about the death of a cat wasn't the only thing breaking his heart.
When he got home that evening he told Hizashi. They both agreed that you needed to be protected, shielded from the pain of reality, and never subjected to cat-death-by-car ever again. Essentially they baby proofed their home for you. Anything dangerous (from silverware to chemicals) was locked away. Eraserhead installed cameras throughout the house that streamed to both of their phones. The windows were locked and shatter resistant and they even installed a top of the line security system.
Then came the stalking, both kept tabs on you - in their minds they both casual about it. Aizawa even visited you (broke in) one night to bug your phone. This was how the learned about your ex. The breakup was amicable enough that you two occasionally checked in on each other. After all, you had been together from middle school all the way through your teens. The two of you just wanted and were ready for different things.
Sure enough, two hours later they could hear your faint scream travel up from the basement. Mic had taken care of the acoustics, of course. He made sure that not a peep could be heard from outside of the house; even before you were in the picture this was in place for his quirk. Between each floor of their house he also added sound minimizing flooring and installation. They needed to be able to hear you but also maintain their sanity.
"M-mr. Yamada? Mr Aizawa?"
Your wide eyes were filled to the brim with tears. As Mic sat on the edge of the bed you withdrew as far as you could from him.
Aizawa seemed more conscientious of your space; instead he knelt in front of the bed so he was at least on your level.
He was the first to speak, "There's no need to scream, y/n, you're safe here. It's just Zashi and I."
The tears finally spilled over. You tried asking them to let you go, that you wouldn't say anything. You told them you had work this evening (even if you didn't) and that they'd know something was wrong if you didn't show up. What made it worse was that the men just kept nodding, taking in every plea you made.
Finally Mic cut you off, "You don't have to worry about work anymore, me and Sho are gonna take care of you, it'll be great. We won't have to wait a whole week to spend time together."
"You can't," You hiccupped, "this is illegal. Once they find out you'll be in trouble."
It was as if they didn't hear you. Mic just kept rambling about what you three could do together and how perfect everything was and how you'd love living with them.
Aizawa on the other hand sighed and indicated to Mic that he should get off the bed. "It's a lot to take in right now, new environments can be scary. You should get some more rest, Zashi gave you a pretty strong sedative."
That explained the pounding in your head. You didn't bother to keep yelling as the ascended the stairs. Instead you focused on not crying. You kept telling yourself that now wasn't the time for tears. You needed to get away from your abductors. You had never been in handcuffs before, you tried pulling against the bed frame in hopes that something would give way. As you expected, nothing really happened. The cuff was secured tightly around your wrist and with every pull came a dull pain in your hand. There wasn't anything useful within your reach.
After crying on the bed for what felt like an eternity you were all out of tears. You thought back to a movie you saw last summer, this detective was cuffed to a furnace and he pulled his hand free. However, that guy definitely lost the flesh on his hand and probably broke something. Your stomach churned at the thought. Then your mind wandered to terrible things the men could do to you. What if they were cannibals? Or wanted to sell your organs on the black market? Weighing the pros and cons you began to pull violently away from the bedpost. The metal dug into your skin and you couldn't help but scream. Hopefully your captors wouldn't come until you were free. There was a small window at the very top of the adjacent wall maybe you could squeeze through.
The searing pain became too much and you stopped to collect yourself. There were already gashes along the base of your wrist and blood coated the handcuffs. You stifled a cry as you resumed your work. You let out a blood-curdling scream when you felt a pop. Instead of freedom, you felt even more trapped. Your thumb looks wrong and looked like it was caught half way in the handcuff and halfway out. Movies make everything seem so much easier.
Light poured in as the door to the basement opened. Panicking you concealed the evidence under the blanket. Both of your hands and parts of your clothes were painted with blood.
"Hey kitten," Aizawa cooed. "We brought you some water. Are you feeling any better."
It was Mic who noticed first. You flinched as his hands cupped your face, his thumb ran along your cheek and you felt something slick.
His voice was rushed and panicked, "Sweet girl, this is blood. Shota come here, y/n is bleeding."
The blonde man handles your face and neck trying to find the source of the bleeding.
You pulled the blanket tighter, "I'm okay, please let me go."
Then Aizawa noticed the specks of blood on the sheets. He tugged at the blankets until you couldn't hold on any more. You were really only holding on with one good hand. You couldn't recall seeing that much emotion on his face in the past.
"Mic go get the first aid kit, now," Eraser's voice was strained and quiet but it sent the other man scattering up the stairs. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the cuff. Instinctively your cradled the hand to your chest, crying for the umph-teenth time that day. The scruffy man pulled you on to his lap, cradling your head to his chest like you would a child.
"You're okay, Mic's gonna get the first aid kit and we're gonna get you all taken care of."
When it came to flight or fight involving direct confrontation, you chose the third option: freeze. You focus on your breathing as the man continued to soothe you. You could hear Mic nearly throw himself down the stairs as he made his was back to your side.
Mic was gentle with your wound, after cleaning the blood off the cuts were visibly deep but not as bad as it seemed. Aizawa told him that it looked like your thumb was dislocated and that he would fix it once the bleeding stopped.
As Hizashi continued to apply pressure you were able to hear him sniffling as he held back tears of his own. Aizawa reached over to comfort Mic as he continued his fawning over you, "You're safe, everything's okay now. We should've known that you would get scared, all by yourself down here. We won't leave you alone again, especially while you're adjusting to your new home."
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love4buckybarnes · 3 years
Summary: Stuck for the night in Brooklyn, New York, Y/N meets a stranger at the bar. At first it seemed like a one night stand, but the more time they spend together, the harder it is to let go.
Bucky Barnes x Reader. SMUT WARNING-unprotected sex, oral receiving male&female, and steamy hot.
A/N: hope you enjoy this one. I had a pleasure to writing this one. My inbox is open for anonymous requests.
“This can’t be happening right now!” Y/N exclaimed at the woman behind the desk. “When will the next flight be?”
This was the cherry on top of one of the worst weeks of her life. Her asshole of a boss sent her on a work trip to Brooklyn, New York, in the middle of winter. She worked as a marketing agent for a sales business. Earlier morning on this day, she pitched her strategies to a potential client. It was important because this was the last opportunity to prove herself to her boss. Unfortunately, they rejected her ideas and upon hearing the bad news, she was fired on the spot over the phone. So, here she was at the airport only trying to get back home.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, there’s nothing I can do,” the check-in clerk apologized to calm the frantic woman the best she could. “Because of the oncoming storm, all flights have been canceled until further notice. We will post new flights once we feel it’s safe.” She turned her attention elsewhere to help another customer.
Y/N stood there for a minute, dumbfounded, before storming away. “This is bullshit,” she muttered under her breath.
White powder fell from the sky, covering the ground in a blanket of snow. Icy, bitter air nipped at any exposed skin. Y/N could see the fog of her frustrated breaths. She tightened the thick coat around her as the snow quickened its pace. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, mixing with the cold. Everything felt like it was crashing down on her. Finally, after waiting in the freezing snowfall, the headlights of the cab appeared in the distance.
• • • • •
Bucky laid there on the couch in his living room, listening to the low hum of the TV. All he wanted was to get some much-needed sleep. Whenever his eyes closed, instead of darkness, he would see memories of his past fill his mind. He’s seen a therapist. Any progress he makes, the doubts that whispered in his head held him back. It wasn’t going to be that easy, he knew that. Nothing he could do can change or erase what he’s done.
Instead of some shut-eye he grabbed his coat, and he found himself wandering outside in the cold. He made his way to the local bar down the street.
Bucky took a sip of the bitter liquid that calmed his nerves. Even though he couldn’t get drunk, he still enjoyed the taste and the burn in his throat. With enhanced hearing, his ears picked up the faint sound of boots walking to where he was sitting. In the corner of his eyes, he watched the woman sit down next to him.
“3 shots please,” she requested to the bartender, voice distressed. She choked one down as soon as they have been set down in front of her.
His head cocked to the side to get a better look. Her beauty struck him. She was absolutely breathtaking. Bloodshot eyes met his briefly. He noted the puffiness around the fragile skin as if she had been crying.
Bucky couldn’t help himself. He leaned over, so she could hear him over the loud music and voices. “Rough night?”
The second shot glass was raised up and she paused, looking at him. “Could be better,” she replied dryly. The clear liquid passed her lips. She cringed at the taste in her mouth.
“Yeah, mine too.” He took another sip of his beer. “Are you from around here?”
She shook her head. “I’m here for a business, or was,” she explained. “My boss fired me today because I didn’t get the contract... I was supposed to fly back home tonight until they canceled the flight. So now I’m here.”
Bucky’s face scrunched up at what she said. “Yeah. You’re night is much worse than mine. I’m sorry. That definitely sucks.” He swiveled the stool around that he sat on to face her and stuck out his human arm. “I’m Bucky.”
She looked down at his hand, hesitant at first, before placing hers in his. “Y/N.” She shifted in her seat to get a better look at him, she recognized him. “Wait a second, you’re the Winter Soldier. I’ve watched you on the news.” Y/N found him attractive. The long dark hair she’s seen him with on TV was cut short, and he had the most striking blue eyes she had ever seen.
Not being used to people recognizing him, he looked away. He was mostly afraid they would judge him for the bad things he did, instead of the good. “Which side of me have you seen?”
Y/N frowned at this. “Both. I like the good Bucky.” She drank down the last shot.
Bucky went to say something else but tensed up when her arm reached out, a hand grabbing on to his. Normally, he would freak out whenever someone touched him out of nowhere. That was then, so he relaxed.
She tugged on him. “We should go dance. This is my favorite song.”
At first, he stalled, staying in his seat. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I don’t really dance.”
Y/N ignored his protests and continued to drag him on to the dance floor. She stumbled on her own feet, feeling fuzzy from the alcohol.
Bucky was a bit uncertain, but he followed her anyway. She swayed her hips to the beat with a grin on her face. He stood there, not knowing what to do, nor did he have any intentions to join her. That was until a pair of arms wrapped around his neck. On instinct, he placed his hands on her waist. He decided he needed to loosen up and live a little, mimicking her movements.
Y/N had a boost of confidence from the booze running through her veins. She pushed herself up on to her tippy-toes and pressed her lips on to his.
For a second he was frozen in shock. A rush of something unexplainable came over him, telling him to kiss her back. His palms moved to each side of her face as the kiss deepened. “Want to get out of here?” he asked against her lips. Y/N nodded, and that’s all it took for Bucky to lead her back out into the cold.
• • • • •
As soon as they made it inside of his apartment, she was against the wall, Bucky hot on her tail. Their mouths locked in an intense kiss. Bucky kicked the door closed with his foot as he moved his mouth roughly against hers. His human-hand was placed at the small of her back, guiding her hips to brush against him. Y/N panted for breath when he tore away to pepper her exposed neck with kisses, her head lolling to the side to give him better access.
Bucky had a sudden sense of nerves, causing him to pause his pursuit. “To be honest, I haven’t done this in a long time.” The words he spoke came out in shaky whispers.
She looked at him in a dazed way, her eyes filled with lust. “Do you want to stop?”
To answer her question, Bucky kissed her again. His tongue that wove into her accepting mouth found hers, and they danced together. He hoisted her up by her thighs, her legs wounding themselves around him. By the time they reached his bedroom, most of Y/N’s clothes were thrown every which way, leaving her in only her bra and underwear. Bucky’s mouth made a trail from her lips to her neck. His lips traveled further down to find the curve of one of her breasts. With ease, he popped the clasp of the undergarment and tossed it behind him. Y/N arches at the warmth of his tongue flicking against her nipple. He sucked it into his mouth. Teeth grazed the swollen bud while his hand massaged the other.
“You’re overdressed,” she said, breaking the silence. She gripped the bottom of his shirt. He lifted his arms to assist her.
For a second Bucky’s insecurities got to him and closed his eyes tight, scared of what she’ll think of his metal arm. But all his fears washed away when she didn’t even acknowledge it, pulling him closer towards her. Y/N’s hand found the zipper to his jeans and he kicked them off, his briefs following in the same direction.
He hooked his hands, one on her hip and one on her thigh. Before she knew it, she felt the dip of the bed under her weight as she sunk into the sheets. Their bodies pressed ever so close together, skin to skin. Lips locked, his fingers lacing into her hair. Once again, he let his lips wonder her body until they reached the spot where she wanted to feel them the most.
Hot breath brushed against her clothed core. A cool sensation ran along her slit. Without a warning, her thong was torn off. Light feather kisses littered the inside of her thighs.
A breathy moan seeped out when she finally felt his wet mouth encase her pussy. He suckled on the bundle of nerves. The flat of his tongue licked up in a slow motion. He wrapped his arm around her to pull her closer. The cold feeling came back. She shivered in response as it pressed its way into her entrance. She twitched and writhed under his touch.
Tension rose inside her as she was reaching her peak. At the sound of her moans and motions of her squirming, the movements of his tongue on her clit quickened its pace. His metal fingers moved in a rhythmic motion inside her. She screamed out his name. Her orgasm washed into his mouth, and he sucked her clean.
Bucky crawled back up and kissed her, the taste of herself on his lips exciting her. She flipped them over, wanting to return the favor. Without wasting time, she took his rather large length in her mouth. Tongue flicked and circled around the head.
“Shit baby. That feels incredible,” he said through gritted teeth. His hands found themself tangled into her hair.
She bobbed up and down, massaging his balls. He quivered at the sensations he was feeling. Before he could let go just yet, he pulled her up and was back on top, his knee spreading her legs apart.
They shuddered in unison when the tip of his groin brushed against her entrance. Not being able to contain it any longer, he shoved the rest of his dick all the way inside as far as it could go. He groaned in pleasure at her wetness.
Bucky went slowly at first. He wanted to avoid hurting her, but she urged him to speed up. Her nails dug into his shoulders, crying in ecstasy. His breath fanned over the side of her face and bare skin.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum,” he growled out in a hungry tone. He pounded in to her in fierce strokes. She felt extraordinary against him.
“Me too,” she moaned out, her eyes rolling back.
They both let out a series of almost animalistic moans, the rush of their release sending them into complete bliss. Bucky collapsed on top of her, propping himself up so he doesn’t crush her. He rolled to one side of the bed. Y/N followed him, her arm and leg slung over his torso. Bucky pressed a kiss to her temple, wrapping his arms around her too. The two laid there breathless, like they had the wind knocked out of them.
• • • • •
“Careful, it’s hot,” Bucky warned her, handing her a mug of steaming hot tea. He took a seat next to her on the couch with a cup for himself.
“Thanks.” She sighed at the warmth the mug gave off to her hands, the heat soothing her insides. They were fully dressed and shared a large blanket that bundled around them.
The rest of the night was spent sat on the couch together, talking and getting to know each other. Y/N spoke about small bits of her life, and he told her some things he remembered before he became the Winter Soldier, back when Captain America was his best friend. Soon enough, they both drifted off to sleep against each other. And for once, rather than nightmares, Bucky had pleasant dreams.
The weather cleared up the next day. Bucky and Y/N spent most of it wondering around Brooklyn. He showed her around to some of his favorite places.
Bucky quickly grew fond of Y/N. He felt at ease around her, which is something that he hasn’t experienced in a long time. Was it crazy to say it is love at first sight? The things he was feeling, he wished it would never go away. Everything about her made him crave and want more. The little quirks she did like her laugh and the way her eyes crinkled. And when she got shy, she would play with her hair. Y/N’s presence enticed him. The usual worries, the negative thoughts, and all else that beat at Bucky daily went away.
Y/N sensed it too. She saddened more when the day went by. Being around Bucky, she felt light on air as if she was floating and like she was on Cloud 9. There was something in her that was begging her to stay. It told her not to board that flight and go home. But she was afraid of being vulnerable so fast. She was also not used to change.
Later on, they found themselves at a park. Both sat down on a bench, watching families play on the snow and people all around them.
Bucky turned to her. Those steel-blue eyes that were starting to tug on the strings of her heart held sadness. “Do you really have to go?” he asked, his voice gloomy.
Y/N thought for a moment. She almost wanted to say no. “I should get back home.”
“Or you could stay,” he pushed. “You’d like it here and would be happier here. It’s New York. There are opportunities here, you could find a better job, and there’s me.”
Something rubbed her the wrong way. She stood up, whirling around to face him. “You only met me last night, and you already think you know what’s best for me?”
He was taken aback at her outburst. His hands went up in a defensive stance. “No, not at all,” he said quickly. “I’m sorry that you thought that. I just don’t want this to end.”
“You’re just being selfish. I’m sure there’s plenty of girls that you could pick up at the bar that I’m sure would be happy to have sex with you,” Y/N snapped out. Her own words surprised her. As soon as they left her mouth, she regretted them.
Bucky was confused at her words. “You assume that I picked you up at the bar just for sex? Is that what you think all of this was? And hey by the way, you’re the one who came on to me.”
Y/N jabbed at his chest. “Yeah, well, I was upset and had a bit to drink. I didn’t think it would go any further than this.” She wasn’t even upset at him. She honestly didn’t know why she was mad. Maybe it was the fact that .
The commotion stirred attention from a couple of bystanders as they watched the scene unfold.
“I’m not just some guy that uses girls. That’s not me at all,” he retorted back, standing up too.
Y/N became distraught and emotional. Her eyes watered with fresh tears. “It shouldn’t have gone further than it has. I’m supposed to move here all because you got caught in your feelings? Well, I did too. We have to say goodbye.”
“But it doesn’t have to end now. I feel something for once in the longest time.” Bucky felt his stomach turn. His fists balled at his side, clenching and unclenched.
“I’m sorry, Bucky,” she croaked out. “I can’t stay. I can’t change everything suddenly for you when we just met.” She turned on her heels and ran off, hurrying down the park. She waved down a nearby taxi.
Bucky just stood there watching what could be the start of his life drive away. The cab disappeared, and his head lowered. He felt stupid. He knew he was in the wrong. She had every right to feel and think like she did. At first, he thought about just forgetting it and going home. But he didn’t. He couldn’t let it go. “Fuck!” he blurted out loudly, scaring the surrounding individuals. He raced down the street and flagged down a taxi as well.
Y/N grabbed her stuff from the conveyor belt. She got there just in time. The plane that will take her home had just landed. Her mind was swirling with many emotions. She felt the guilt eat away at her for being mad at Bucky. She couldn’t blame him. He had been through so much. All he wanted was something good for once. She also wanted it so badly too. But her life isn’t here. She wasn’t about to put it on hold.
Before she could make another step forward, she felt a cold touch on her shoulder. Y/N recognized it as the metal arm that belonged to Bucky. He spun her around. She went to speak, but lost her train of thought when a pair of lips came crashing down on hers.
A few seconds into the kiss, Bucky pulled away. He placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. His eyes said everything. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, doll,” he whispered. “It wasn’t my intention to make you feel like you had to change your life. You’re right. I was being selfish. I just, I felt different around you. For once, when I’m around you I was at peace. All the worries and darkness that I have, is pushed aside. It felt so good to have a sense of freedom from the constant battle I have everyday. I didn’t want to lose that.”
Tears fell from Y/N’s eyes at his confession. His thumbs quickly swept them away. “I’m sorry too, for getting mad at you. I let my emotions and doubts get to me. I know you’ve been through a lot. I’m so grateful that I make you feel that way.”
He kissed her again, this time it was soft and full of promises. “You’ll come back, right?” he asked, hopeful.
Y/N smiled, nodding. “Yes. Yes, of course I will, Bucky. I promise.”
They shared one last kiss. It wasn’t a goodbye. It meant see you soon.
Y/N kept that promise.
• • • • •
She leaned against the window, looking out. The plane has just landed. Y/N gleamed with happiness and excitement. She couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to JFK Airport. It is 7:43 pm and 60 degrees out.’
Her happy thoughts drowned out the rest of what the captain was saying. It was the end of March. The snow has melted away. Here she was, back in New York.
Bucky sat at the bar, beer in hand. His mind wandered with delight. He couldn’t stop thinking about it all day today and yesterday. Mid-sip, his extraordinary hearing, his ears perked up at the sound of heels approaching him.
“Rough night?”
His lips curved up in a grin. That voice was something he was impatiently waiting to hear again. Setting the bottle down, he swung around. There she was. The woman who has not left his mind ever since they met stood right in front of him.
“Actually, my night just became even better,” he spoke. The grin on his face broke out into the dorkiest smile.
Y/N’s matched his. “I have some good news to share.”
He arched his brow in response.
She sat down on the stool next to him. “I got an internship,” she began to say. “And if they like me enough, a permanent job. Here in New York to be exact.”
Bucky’s heart swelled, as if it was going to burst out of his chest. He reached over and kissed her. Oh, how much he missed those addicting lips. He pulled away. “That is wonderful. I’m so happy for you. Congratulations, Doll.”
“The good thing is that the people I’m working with I’ve personally worked with in the past,” she said. “So it’s almost a guarantee.”
“Well, we need to celebrate. How about I take you on a proper date?”
Y/N’s heart soared. “I can’t say no to that.”
This was the beginning of a new start for both of them, together.
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
So Much More
Summary: Riley finds his mate in the most unexpected place. Within the coven he had tried to destroy.
Warnings: angst, fluff, suggestive parts but nothing explicit or too detailed
Reader: Plus Sized Gender Neutral Reader. I tried to make this gender neutral. There’s no pronouns for the user and I tried to make the descriptions as gender neutral as possible so I apologize if the reader seems more feminine. 
Pairings: Riley Biers x Plus Sized Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1,942
A/n: This was a request by a anon: Would you please do a Riley biers plus size human Cullen imagine please? Where he escapes and they are mates and it ends happy and the reader is sassy. I hope you enjoy it!
Masterlist - Part Two (Yours Forever - Female Reader) - Part Three (Our Little Family - Female Reader)
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Riley screamed for Victoria but she never came. Her need for revenge consumed her as she abandoned him in an attempt to get to the human, Bella. He didn’t have time to feel betrayed and upset, those emotions would have to wait.
The wolf that had him in his jaws sunk his teeth even deeper into his marble shoulder. Riley screams in agony. He uses his one good hand to punch the wolf. The wolf release him for a second to readjust his grip. Riley knew the would go for his neck next and needed to act quickly.
Riley narrowly avoids the snap of the wolf’s jaws. He spins around and kicks its rips. The wolf whimpers as it falls in the snow. Riley stands and sends another kick to the head before the wolf could get up. He could hear the wolf’s heartbeat signaling that he had just knocked him out. His instinct told him to kill the wolf but the flight response was beginning to overpower his fight.
He could hear the cackling of fire and another heartbeat. He knew Victoria was the one burning in the snow. He also knew he wouldn’t be able to fight off the mind reader. Grabbing his broken off hand, Riley fleas the scene.
When he feels as if he’s a safe distance from the fight, Riley reattaches his arm. His would heal but leave his throat blazing in hunger. He stumbles upon a home in the middle for he woods. He hears a heartbeat inside.
Silently, Riley enters the home. Music plays loudly from one of the bedrooms. Riley checks the house and finds that the human upstairs is all alone. Soundlessly, Riley speeds to the upper-level and comes to a stop just outside the closed door.
The scent of the human inside flows from under the door. Riley’s eyes close and he inhales sharply. He’s never smelt something so sweet, so intoxicating. He hears footsteps coming towards him. He makes a split second decision. By the time the door opens, he’s nowhere in sight.
He doesn’t understand it. He’s unbearable hungry. Yet, when he had the perfect opportunity, he hesitated and fled. He didn’t stop running until he was in the small town of Forks. A couple of unfortunate souls falling victim to his ravenous hunger.
He knew this was Cullen territory and now he’s had a taste of their power. He knew they could tear him apart. The logical plan was to leave and never come back. He had to get as far away from here as possible but he stayed.
That scent clouded his mind. He didn’t even know who it belonged too. When it occurred to him that he didn’t even know what the human looked like he was overcome by the urge to find out. He needed to know.
This lead him to sticking around. He prayed the Cullen’s didn’t know. He kept his head on a swivel and kept moving around. He hunted discretely and never drew attention to himself. 
He stayed around Forks for a couple of months before he smelt the scent again. This time, it’s wasn’t muffled by a door. The smell almost knocked him off balance. His feet followed it before his brain could comprehend what was happening.
Then he saw you. You were as beautiful as you were intoxicating. He wondered if your skin was as soft as if looked. He imagined what your lips would feel like against his. He felt as if cupid took the time to shoot him with an arrow as he stared at you with that human, Bella, that Victoria was obsessed with.
Then his eyes fell to your stomach and hips. By God, his mouth watered at the sight of you. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around you. He wanted to touch you all over. He wanted to grip your love handles and kiss every inch of skin. He smirks as he imagines you on a bed covered in bite marks and hickies.
He wanted to worship your body. Everything about you drew him in. Once he was able to push past what your body did to him, he began to wonder who you were. Were you kind and compassionate? Did you have a dark and dangerous side? He was desperate to find out.
He followed you and Bella for a while. He knew Bella would recognize him. He needed to get you alone but she just wouldn’t leave. But when she did, he moved in.
“Oh, I’m sorry, wasn’t watching where I was going,” Riley apologizes as he ‘accidentally’ bumps into you. A jacket covers his freezing arms and glasses hide his ruby eyes. Thankfully it was bright out despite it being cloudy so he didn’t stick out too badly.
“Oh, no problem,” You assure him. Riley became desperate to hear you talk more.
“I’m Riley,” He introduces himself praying you didn’t know who he really was.
“Y/n,” You reply, shaking his gloved hand. He smirks, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it.
“You here with friends or something?” He asks looking around. His eyes quickly bounce back to you unable to look away for long.
“Uh, yeah, my friend just went to the bathroom”
“Oh, well, can I buy you a drink while you wait for them?” Riley asks hoping to have some more time with you. However, it doesn’t work out like he hoped.
“Y/n!” Bella shouts, strutting up to you quickly. “Get away from him,” She roughly grabs your arm and pulls you back. Riley can’t help but grow threateningly. He didn’t like her handling you so roughly.
“Bella! Let go,” You grumble, ripping your arm from her.
“That’s Riley,” Bella tells you. “The one Victoria turned,” She explained. You turn back to him and he gives a shrug not denying it.
“Is that why you’ve been following us all day?” You ask him. His eyebrows raise, impressed you had caught him. “Because you wanted to get Bella?”
“No,” He shakes his head. “Because I want to know you.” He tells you. He takes his glasses off, unashamedly staring into your eyes without the glasses as a barrier. “You caught my eye and you simply look too... ravishing to not know,” He flirts.
“What can I say?” You shrug trying to control the blush. “I’m a snack,” Riley smirk broadly.
“How about that drink?” He asks you, tilting his head. He continues to smirk coyly at you.
“Y/n, don’t,” Bella whispers. “We should go back.” She states eyeing Riley uncertainly.
“Sure,” You nod, accepting Riley’s invitation. You had meant to agree with Bella but something about Riley made you want to go with him. You grew up with vampires so you knew it wasn’t his vampiric attractiveness that drew you in. It was something else that caught your attention, something specifically...  Riley.
“No, let’s go,” Bella says, trying to keep you safe. She didn't trust Riley. Hell, last time she saw him he was trying to kill her. The last thing she wanted was for you to go off with him and have him kill you.
“I’m sorry, I don’t take orders.” You snap at Bella. 
“I’m sure I can change that,” Riley flirts more. You blush madly, this time there’s no controlling it. The purr in his voice sends a shiver down your smile and desperately makes you want to palm your pants but you restrain yourself. 
Bella rolls her eyes and her attitude that you’ve been dealing with all day finally makes you snap. You liked Bella but you liked Bella in small doses. At this point, you’ve had enough of her to last a year.
“Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there,” You snarked.
“Carlisle won’t like this,” Bella warns.
“Carlisle doesn’t have to know,” You says, giving her a warning look. You grew up with the Cullens. By now, you know how to keep certain thoughts private from Edward but evading Alice’s visions are a little trickier. You just hope that she isn’t seeing this.
“Fine, be that way, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Bella says, eyeing Riley once again.
“I’d tell you to go to Hell but I don’t want you stinking up my home,” You spit back before walking across the street to the nearest bar. Riley is quick to follow behind you. “I’m big, Riley Biers, I hope you can keep up” You try to flirt. 
He smirks at you. Your breath hitches when his hands don’t hesitate to grab you meaty hips. He slams your back against the outside wall of the bar with just enough force to turn you on. He growls lowly and dips his head into your neck. He takes a deep whiff of your scent.
“I look forward to it,” He growls, his voice an octave lower than normal. “I hope you taste as delicious as you look,” He growls in your ear. His hands give your juicy curves another squeeze before he steps back. “After you,” He winks, opening the door for you.
You should have known that blabbermouth Bella wouldn’t be able to keep a secret. By the time you got home, all the Cullens knew about you and Riley. The only ones that seemed remotely happy was Esme and Alice. Carlisle looked conflicted but wasn’t rude nor mean like Edward.
“What were you doing spending the day with Riley Biers? Do you know how dangerous he is?” Edward growls the minute you enter the room. You sigh looking at Bella.
“You do know what they say about snitches, right?” You ask, tilting your head. Your insinuation causes Edward to growl menacingly. He only takes two steps forward before he’s thrown across the room and you’re pushed behind someone. “Riley,” You breathe in surprise.
He had followed you home. He didn’t know how the Cullen’s would behave if they knew about your day together. He smirked when he heard your comment to Bella but it disappeared when Edward appeared threatening to you.
He acted upon instinct. One second he was watching from a distance and the next he was in the middle of the room protecting you. He knew he was out numbered but he realized it didn’t matter. He’d take on the world to make sure you were safe.
Instantly everyone’s on edge. Edward stands back up and hisses at him. Riley hisses back, holding his arm behind him as if to assure himself that you’re safe. Before things can escalate, Alice moves between the two of them. In order to ensure her safety, Jasper moves with her. His eyes glare at Riley and Edward, daring either of them to even go near Alice.
“He’s not going to hurt anyone, especially, Y/n. You know that, Edward” Alice tells him. “I know you’ve read his mind. All he wants is to protect Y/n. They’re mates, I’ve seen it.”
“Wait, mates?” You question. Riley relaxes slightly when Edward does. Riley then turns to you looking unsure but hopeful. You offer him a small smile. “I look nothing like Victoria... but hopefully you still like me,”
“You’re right, you’re nothing like her.” Riley tells you. His hand raises to cup the side of your face. “You’re everything she’s not. You’re electrifying. You awaken emotions, instincts, in me that I didn’t know I had. You’re everything I could ever want...” His hands both graze over your luscious curves. You have a moment of insecurity that’s washed away when you see the hunger in his eyes. He lips his lips and pulls you close. “And so much more,” He whispers.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
A Little Childish
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF
Summary: Corpse and Y/N go to visit Y/N’s parents for New Year’s. Corpse was promised good food, good company and A LOT of snow. Needless to say, the place didn’t disappoint - quite the contrary actually, it exceeded any and all expectations he had.
Requested by @waterflowersposts Hi there! Sorry for how long it took for this fic to be written :( I hope the final result makes up for the long wait! I also thought it would be appropriate to post it during the holiday season, so I hope you don’t mind. Hope you enjoy the read and I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback and any more requests you may have. Stay safe! Happy Holidays! Love, Vy ❤
I watch as Corpse is basically floating from one room into another in our shared apartment as he’s throwing random articles of clothing in his open suitcase. I have already packed my bags, knowing full well what the appropriate attire is for where we’re going.
I look away from my laptop when Corpse comes in for maybe the sixtieth time today, this time carrying a white tee causing me to chuckle. “Corpse, I know it’s very trademark for you, but the only way you’ll be wearing that when we get there is under a sweater for some extra warmth. I’m not looking forward to having my boyfriend freeze in my parent’s house.”
He smiles, looking at the shirt in his hands, and shakes his head, “Fine, guess I’ll do without it for a week or two.” He throws it in our room, not even bothering to check where it’ll land before he comes to sit down next to me on the couch, “Keep in mind, you have set my expectations pretty high up there. If I am not waist deep in snow the second we step off the plane, I’ll be disappointed.”
I give him a side glance, a smirk playing on my lips. Must say, taking on challenges you know you’re gonna win is the ultimate high-and-mighty feeling. “Honey, you’ve got a big snowstorm coming.”
                                                               *  *  *
All throughout our trip - I’m talking the drive to the airport AND the flight over - I have kept my eyes glued to Corpse, observing as his eyes sparkled more and more with each foot we got closer to our destination. He has told me the most snow he has seen was less than an inch and I immediately felt it was my duty to change that by introducing him to the magic of Canada - my home. My parents own a getaway cottage in the mountains of Calgary where we used to go every holiday season. My earliest memory is playing in the thigh-deep snow with my older sister and crying whenever our parents had to drag us back inside. 
The West Coast of the US was a rather odd surrounding for me, having grown up surrounded by snowy mountains, experiencing Christmas with no snow whatsoever was a true let down and underwhelming feeling. Since Corpse and I started dating about a month after Christmas time last year this will be our first time spending the holidays together and Corpse was more than enthusiastic to visit Canada when I mentioned how much I enjoyed my winters there. We couldn’t go for Christmas, but we’ll be there for New Year’s Eve and the first two weeks of 2021 and I am really excited. I have been dying to see my family that has actually expanded since the last time I visited - my sister has had yet another baby, making her and her husband parents of three very energetic toddlers. The six year old twins - Ashley and Alex - and the three year old Andrew. Or, as I like to call them: The 3 As.
I have warned Corpse about them like seven times despite the fact that he’s already familiar with their energy, convincing him that if that’s more than he can handle we’ve still got time to cancel the trip. He didn’t bat an eye though, each time telling me not to worry and focus my attention on reliving the moments I’ve missed so greatly instead of making sure he was having a good time.
“If you’re there...“ he said, “I’ll sure as hell be having a good time.“
One step out of the airport and he’s already mesmerized. His eyes are shiny reflecting the glow of the snow all around. It’s gonna be funny to see his reaction when he witnesses the real deal - the snow in the mountains. This compared to that is a pathetic excuse.
“I know it’s not waist-high, but that’s because they shovel it and melt it.“ He is looking around, not paying much mind to my words. The utter amazement and disbelief on his face just makes me want to wrap my arms around him and kiss him. He’s simply adorable! I see fragments of the child in him swimming up to the surface in the form of temptation - temptation every kid feels when they see snow: Dive in and lose track of time. “Wait till we get to the cottage.“
This manages to catch his attention, “You weren’t kidding.“
I laugh at my precious kiddy boyfriend. “Whoa there, Corpsie. If your mind is already blown, I’m worried about how you’ll react to the real deal.“ 
I have a feeling I know exactly how he’ll react cause I react similarly - I set the child in me free. After all, no parent can tell you to stop playing and go inside when you are a 23-year-old.
                                                             *  *  *
Walking up to the cottage from the cable-car station has to be the first time I’ve breathed with my lungs’ full capacity in the last five years. The sharp cold air screams ‘home’ to me like nothing else ever did. I am still surprised as to how my sister prefers summer. My family jokes I’m a winter wolf in disguise and I think they’re right. I do like to roll around in the snow much like a wolf. No judgement! Having a few extra years added to my age doesn’t change everything.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God.“ If I could take a shot every time Corpse has repeated this phrase I’d be dead due to liver failure. He is absolutely stunned. And I’m pretty sure he hasn’t blinked at all. Who am I to talk - I haven’t either. These mountains keep getting prettier and prettier, I swear. Taking my eyes off them would be a crime.
“Told you. I wish we made a bet, I could’ve made some easy money.“ I tease him, gently bumping my elbow against his as we walk up the trail.
“I’m glad I didn’t propose such a thing. That would’ve been fucking stupid of me.“ Judging by the tone of his voice, he is not really present in this conversation, so I decide not to let it go on any longer.
Not that I could’ve done differently, seeing as how barely three seconds latter I see three smiling faces coming at me at max speed.
Oh boy.
“Auntie Y/N!“ Ashley and Alex arrive first of course, wrapping their arms tightly around my waist. Little Andrew stumbles his way to me as quickly as a three year old possibly could.
Without wasting a second, I put my bags down and crouch so I can hug them properly. “Hi my babies! I haven’t seen you in so long.” Their hugging strength surprises me and warms my heart at the same time. The twins pull away, leaving room for the little duckling in a jacket two times his size and weight. “Hi Andrew! I nice to meet you! I’m auntie Y/N. Mommy and daddy have told you about me, haven’t they? If not I’ll kick their asses.”
“Y/N, I swear, I’ll tell Amy you’re teaching her kids swears at a very early age.“ Corpse says teasingly, stealing the attention from all four of us.
“She curses like a sailor, these kids probably know more swear words than I do.“ Ash and Alex run straight out of my grasp and to Corpse, proceeding to hug him around the waist as they did with me. They met Corpse when my sister and her husband Finn visited me back in the summer. They immediately fell in love with him. I specifically remember Alex telling me I have a ‘really cool boyfriend‘ and he only uses the word ‘cool‘ when he really likes something or someone. Corpse was honorably declared cool by Alex and that still warms my heart till this day.
“Hi guys, long time no see!“ He too crouches down to hug the little demons that immediately cling to him like koalas.
I scoop up the bundle of clothes with a face and stand up, balancing him on my hip. “Let’s attempt to get inside, shall we?” With my unoccupied arm I grab the handle of my suitcase.
Corpse nods and follows my lead, picking up the bags he also left in the snow. Ash and Alex bolt it back to the house while we struggle to follow, lowkey embarrassed by the pace we’re walking with.
Andrew struggles against me, reaching out towards Corpse. I look at them both apologetically. “You’ll meet Corpse when we get inside, darling. Chill out.”
“Y/N!“ My sister’s voice steals my attention. She emerges from the house, followed by the twins, a huge smile on her face. Her eyes land on Andrew who has calmed down is now resting his head on my shoulder sleepily, “Oh I’m so sorry about them, Y/N. I didn’t know they would charge at you the second you stepped foot on the property.“
Amy motions for me to give her her son but I hand her my suitcase instead. When she takes it I use my now freed arm to hug her as tightly as I possibly can with one arm and while balancing a baby on my chest. “It’s ok! I couldn’t have dreamed of a better welcoming.” I release, giving her a big smile.
She loses interest in me and goes to hug Corpse, taking a bag from him as well before giving him a hug. “Oh my God, Corpse, it feels like it’s been forever. I’m so glad to see you.”
“Happy to see you too, Amy.“ My sister has never liked a single guy I’ve dated. EVER. Corpse is the only one she warmed up to and that’s a huge deal to me. Corpse’s happiness when I told him that was something I’d pay to have filmed just so I can watch it every time I’m feeling down.
“Let’s get you both inside, you must be freez-“ She cuts herself off, rolling her eyes at me, “Of course, you’re not.“
I laugh and blow her a kiss as we keep carrying onward.
“Um, guys?“ Corpse’s voice makes me pause and turn around. He’s still standing in the same spot, looking- unsettled, I guess you could call it.
“What’s wrong?“ I walk over to him, taking his hand in mine.
His hand automatically gives mine a reassuring squeeze, “Nothing really, it’s just that...I’m meeting your parents for the first time and-...What if they don’t like me?”
I open my mouth to go off and start stating the obvious that they indeed won’t like him. They will LOVE him. It’s impossible not to love this man! But my sister beats me to it when it comes to stating the facts.
“Look, Corpse, they already love you. Heck, sometimes I feel like they have known Finn and you longer than they have known Y/N and I! They speak so highly of you and haven’t even met you - that should tell you more than enough about how they see you.“ She waves her hand towards the cottage, “Now walk in there and blow them away.“
Honestly, I’m glad Amy beat me to it. I couldn’t have said it better myself. 
And just like that, hand in hand, Andrew still in my other arm, we walk in.
                                                             *  *  *
Corpse is officially the main attraction, stealing the spotlight from Amy, Finn and I - something the three of us are incredibly thankful for. Amy was right with every word she said - my parents are absolutely in love with Corpse. Luckily for Finn and Amy, the 3 As are all over him as well. Especially Andrew. The second someone sets him down he just waddles his way over to Corpse who picks him up and settles him in his lap while he answers my parents’ questions. 
When the kids were finally talked into taking a nap, Corpse and I snuck out to have a little walk in the snow and, of course, take some pictures. I made it my personal goal to make as many artsy and aesthetic photos of him as possible. His favorite - a hand only pic of him holding a snowball - was my idea and I think I have never felt prouder of myself.
“I am definitely posting this one.“ He says, turning the phone so I can see the screen. I give it a quick glance, thinking he’s talking about the hand pic but do a double take when I realize it’s a picture of me that he has taken without my knowledge.
I actually look rather decent, so I give him a green light in the form of a big thumbs up, “As long as you post the hand one too.”
“Hey, Y/N!“ We look back at the house which isn’t far from where we are right now. Amy is hugging the jacket tightly around herself as she approaches us with fast steps. “You know where we haven’t been in like forever?“
I raise an eyebrow and shake my head as I rack through my brain trying to dig up what she’s referring to. It could literally be any place on this mountain!
“Hello! The Waterless Lake? Ring any bells?“
Oh...it sure does.
Brief explanation: it is a huge circular dip in the ground which fills with water when the snow melts and becomes a lake but empties by the time winter comes back around. That being said, when the snow is still not melted, it’s an absolute wonderland to play in. I suddenly remember all the barrel-rolling Amy and I did there as kids and feel really nostalgic.
“Oh God, yes! I miss that place!“ I say, snapping out of my reminiscing trance. “Let’s go while it’s still light enough.”
“Finn is making dinner right now, or trying to at least.“ She rolls her eyes, turning to Corpse, “But it’d be our pleasure if you tagged along, Corpse.“
Corpse shakes his head, “I’ll politely decline. You ladies can reminisce and chat in peace, while I’ll be helping Finn in the kitchen.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips before excusing himself, “Have fun!”
“You too!“ We call back to him in unison.
Amy gives me an amazed, wide-eyed look, “He can cook?”
I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, smirking, “Oh, you have no idea.”
She laughs, linking arms with me as we begin walking our way to the Waterless Lake. The place probably has a different name or no name at all, but we named it that as kids and never told our parents where it was. It’s our spot, and it is very surprising Amy offered Corpse to accompany us there.
“Sis, you are very lucky. I hope you know that.“ She tightens the hold on my arm with hers, pulling us closer together.
“I tell myself that every time I look at him, Aims. I am fully aware.“ I say dreamily, recalling all the times I’ve spent with Corpse. Almost one full year and I could never imagine that year, nor the upcoming ones, without him.
                                                                *  *  *
Upon returning, we’re met with the most wholesome scene I have ever seen - Corpse and Finn are making snowmen with the 3 As. It seems like they’ve been at it for a while, considering there is an army of snowmen of different designs, shapes and sizes all at different spots throughout the perimeter of the clearing in front of the house.
“Oh dear Lord.“ Amy mumbles, “I had a feeling this would happen.“
The five snowman-builders don’t even acknowledge our presence when we approach them. Ashley and Alex are running around with Finn, looking for sticks to use as the snowmen’s limbs while Corpse is helping Andrew gather as much snow as possible for the body.
I don’t realize there’s a huge smile on my face up until the point I’m trying to say something. Nothing comes out, though. My words are being muffled by all the overwhelming emotions that have taken over - collapsing my senses. 
With a roll of her eyes, my sister opens the front door, taking a step into the house. The second the door opens, however, I get a whiff of the delicious smell coming from inside. Best guess, and probably the right one - this is Corpse’s doing. 
If I wasn’t already hungry, I sure as hell am now and I’m in no mood to be in that delicious food’s proximity without attacking it. 
“Come on, guys! Dinner time! Get your butts inside!“ I call out to them from the doorway.
Corpse turns to look at me with the sneakiest smirk I have ever seen. He narrows his eyes at me, “You have done the very thing you despise!”
It takes me approximately three seconds to connect the dots and scrunch up my face, picking up all the snow I can an forming it in a snow ball, throwing it at Corpse. Growing up doing this exact thing has given me great aim, therefore I hit Corpse square in the chest.
“Oh you’re so in for it now.“ He laughs, picking up snow to form his own snowball.
“Snowball fight!“ Ashley yells, ditching the sticks to make a snowball for herself.
“Oh no...“ I poke my head in the hallway just as a snowball hits my upper arm, “Aims, I need your help!“ 
Before Amy can respond, I run to take cover behind the nearest snowman that, luckily for me happens to be one of the larger ones. I hear Amy call out my name when she exits the house, followed by a surprised yelp from her when three snowballs hit her. “You are all dead!”
While she is fighting blood and fire (well, water really), I am making ammunition for us both to use. I’m on my eleventh snowball when snow showers me from above as though it has fallen from a tree branch.
“Hiding, I see.“ I am still in shock, hair and upper body covered in snow, when I hear Corpse’s taunting voice.
My vengeance instinct kicks in having me grab two snowballs and turn to throw them at him. To my dismay, he’s faster then me and doesn’t allow me to even get my arm at an angle where I could throw properly. Instead, he turns me back around and picks me up with ease, one arm wrapped around my waist, another grabbing two of my prepared snowballs from the ground.
“Let’s show them who the bosses are.“ I see him wink at me from the corner of my eye and it takes me little to no time to catch onto what he’s insinuating.
In short, with joined forces, we took out the opposite team in no time - like a true couple 😉
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The Scientific Method
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
It was hard to believe that Kat had only worked at Doctor Schreber’s office for about three weeks. It felt like she’d been there for years. Things were going well for her lately. She had a great new job, she could pay her rent and afford to eat on one paycheck, and she was even able to start paying down her debts. And her boss wasn’t a creep, finally, she couldn’t forget about that. Finally working for someone who seemed to actually respect her as a person had changed her for the better, and it showed in her outlook.
She’d even made friends with the Doctor’s little white lab rat, Archibald, who had made it a habit to announce her presence whenever she appeared at the door of the lab with an excited squeak. Bringing him a little treat with her lunch became a cute daily ritual, one that always brightened her mood.
Before she’d gotten this job, life hadn’t always been kind to her. She had no family, no friends to speak of, in the City or anywhere else. She was on her own. Usually she liked it that way, being on her own was what she knew, just getting by without the help of anyone else was how she lived. She’d been proud of making it on her own for the time that she had, before that last job threw it all in the gutter.
She had been walking absentmindedly for a few minutes, her mind wandering through these thoughts as easily as she wound through the streets of the City she’d grown up in. She was lost in thought when a man stepped in front of her, blocking her way out of the alley she’d been walking down. He was tall, heavyset but not fat, wearing a long duster coat and sporting a black fedora on his head.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ little lady?” He grinned, revealing a gold tooth on the right side of his mouth. He smelled as if he hadn’t bathed in several days and in that time had gone a bit overboard with the liquor, though these details she wouldn’t remember later to relay to the police, her panic sending her into fight or flight. Or freeze apparently because that’s all she’d done so far during this encounter. He slid behind her, an arm around her neck, and led her backwards into the shadow of the alley.
“I was just gonna rob ya, but now I think I’ll have a little fun while I’m at it.” He chuckled as she felt the blade of a small knife at her throat. She panicked at this, slamming her body backward into the man, throwing him off balance and freeing herself from his grip. She turned, kicking him hard in the groin before running away as fast as she could (faster than she thought she could, for that matter). She heard him grunt and hit the ground as she ran. She hoped she’d left the bastard with at least a nasty bruise for his trouble, she’d realize later she’d also left him her bag as a consolation prize, but at least she’d gotten away safely.
She was closer to work than she was home, so she went there, it was the only place she could think of to go, hoping the Doctor would be there. She didn’t want to be alone right now. The elevator attendant eyed her strangely as he pulled the lever to take them to the third floor.
“Bit late for you to be here, isn’t it?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She replied shortly before giving a nervous laugh. They’d arrived at the third floor. She got out of the car and thanked him.
“Well have a good night, little lady,” he said before disappearing into the floor.
His words sent a fresh wave of panic through her and she slid to the floor, back to the wall, while she attempted to catch her breath. The doctor must have heard the elevator door clanging on its way down, as he appeared at the door of his lab a moment later. He looked around, confused and a little worried as to who might be visiting him at this hour, expecting the worst.
Then he saw Kat, hunched over with her back against the wall. He rushed over to her, kneeling in front of her.
“Katherine, can you hear me?” a bit of panic tinged his voice as he spoke. He took her hands in his, they were cold. She was breathing rapidly and he felt as if he could hear her heart hammering. She was in shock. He gently helped her up and led her to the room where they’d conducted that first interview, helping her to sit down on the overstuffed leather couch and wrapping a worn blanket he’d found in his lab around her back. He pulled his chair up close and checked her pulse, it was slowing.
“Katherine, can you hear me?” he repeated after he’d situated her as comfortably as he could. She slowly looked up at him as if seeing him for the first time. She nodded.
“I can hear you,” she stated flatly, tiredly.
“Katherine, what happened?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, I just… I didn’t know where else to go,” her voice was choked as if she were holding back a sob. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”
Gently he coaxed the story of what happened from her, his anger growing over what she’d been through that night. He wouldn’t let this happen again. Once she’d calmed down, he called the police. About a half hour later two officers finally showed up to take her account of what happened. He stayed with her while they questioned her, his hand on her shoulder and a protective eye on her.
After the ordeal was over and the police report filed, they found themselves alone again.
“I’m so sorry about this, Doctor, I’ll just-”
“I’m sorry?” “You can call me Daniel, Katherine.”
“I guess this means you should call me Kat,” she responded with a small, very tired smile.
Part 4
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 4,598 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Voyeurism, Masturbation in shower, Sexting, Oral Sex, Dom/sub, Protected Sex, Established Aaron/Sophie Summary: Sophie sends Aaron a sexy video while he’s away on a case, Spencer watches it, and smut ensues. Collection: Part 1 of 5 of Present, Perfect, Patient, Promise, Pretend series Note: This is a previously published work from A03, just moving it over to tumblr because I was thinking about it today. 🤤 Link to A03 or read below! “I sprained my ankle. I’m not injured, not really. I can even walk on it,” Sophie assures as she pours them each a cup of coffee in the break room. She sets the carafe down, takes a step, wobbles, and Aaron catches her around the waist with a raised eyebrow of judgement. “Okay, so I can’t walk that well, but I can certainly sit in a conference room bouncing ideas around and drinking coffee. That’s all Rossi does, anyway.” He chuckles softly, knows she’s still… warming up, to Rossi and his idiosyncrasies.
“You know the rules.”
“Yeah, because we’re so good at following the rules,” she teases with a smirk, running her hands down his stomach, stopping at his belt. He looks over at the bullpen out of the corner of his eye, shoots her a warning look that makes her sigh and pull away.
“Think of it as choosing our battles,” he suggests, hoping that might get her back on track. “If you want to continue making out in my office, you have to stay here this one time.” She smiles, crooked, nods her head.
“Okay, when you put it that way, I’ll take the make outs.”
“I thought you might. Plus, you get to spend all day with Garcia. I figured that would be like a dream come true.”
“It is, definitely. It’s more the long, cold, nights that I’m worried about.” He sighs, because she’s being so dramatic, but he doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of making him smile again. He can’t be looking as smitten and infatuated with her as he is all of the time. “I’m going to be so lonely.”
“Oh, I think you’ll manage without sex for a few nights,” he teases, and she looks scandalized, as if that wasn’t exactly what she was getting at.
“It’s not about sex, it’s about intimacy, comfort, sharing my bed with a big heavy man who scares away the bad dreams.” She grins lecherously and he prepares to roll his eyes. “And who has a dick that won't quit.”
“Like I said,” he enunciates, taking his travel mug of coffee for the road, “you’ll be fine for a few nights. If you do decide to touch yourself, though, make sure you send me a present,” he reminds her, because they aren’t separated often, but when they are, a couple of racy pictures or videos almost always exchange hands. He bends for a quick kiss on the lips, brushes her cheek. “I love you. Behave.”
“I love you,” she murmurs, all tenderness and no heat, now. “Be safe.” Two days after taking the case, the team is on the jet for a night flight home. Spencer is tired, but he can’t sleep; JJ is stretched out on the couch, Morgan and Emily are slumped over in their seats up front with pillows and headphones, and Rossi has been snoring softly since they took off, so it’s just him and Hotch awake. They are in seats next to each other, Spencer by the window, because he knew he would be a little restless, and that Hotch wouldn’t sleep, so it seemed like the safest bet if he didn't want to disturb anyone’s rest.
He also enjoys the comforting presence of the older man, always, but especially in the calm, quiet atmosphere of the flight home.
He tries to listen to music, a podcast, but he eventually pauses it and just rests his eyes, his head, listens to Hotch as he flips pages or taps away at his phone. He’s probably texting Sophie, who’s home with a sprained ankle and who hasn’t stopped grumbling about it since. He smiles at the thought, likes when she’s comfortable enough to complain to him. Likes being someone she turns to.
He sighs. Feelings are complicated. Sometimes he hates being part of such a tight-knit team because it makes the things he feels all the more confusing, especially when the two objects of his (totally manageable) affection are in a relationship together; he feels like the odd man out, as always, can’t deny that it hurts sometimes.
He’s drifting in and out of the not quite asleep stage when he hears sound coming from Hotch’s phone, shuffling, ambiguous noises. He lifts his eyelids just slightly to see a video up on the screen, a wall that looks vaguely familiar, like a bathroom, maybe. There’s nothing particularly intriguing about that, but then he sees a pair of smooth, bare legs standing inside a bathtub and his interest is… piqued.
There’s another sound, unmistakably a shower being turned on, and then the woman—it is Sophie, no doubt; even if he can’t see her face, the tattoo on her forearm is easily identifiable—squats down, and she is so gloriously naked that he just… freezes. His body and his mind are suspended in a conflicting state of this is wrong, I shouldn’t be seeing this, and this is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and why is Hotch watching this right now, with me right next to him, and hnnng.
She pulls the shower head into view, lets it pour over her hair from what he can see of it, then down her breasts, her stomach, arms and legs; after that, she adjusts it to a stream that is harder and more controlled than one would typically use in the shower. He wonders why, thinks it could be uncomfortable, until she moves it to hover over her pussy, moaning softly, and then he really, really gets it.
His heart is racing as she runs her hand over her body, thumbing at her nipples, sighing at her own touch. She rocks back and forth a little so the stream of water hits her clit, then lower, between her lips, against her opening, and Spencer swallows hard.
“Mmm,” she sighs, and the sound goes straight through him; he feels himself getting hard as she murmurs, pressing her hand against the rim of the tub for leverage. “Mmm, yeah.” He can see that Hotch is breathing heavily next to him, eyes fixed on the screen. It’s too dark in the cabin to see his lap, but he knows he must be aching in his pants, too, wonders what it would be like if he reached out and touched him there.
Sophie is incredibly gorgeous as she works to reach her climax, bouncing lightly on her heels as the pressure builds, her moans longer and louder, but it’s when she stops moving and presses the shower head closer, directly over her clit, that he knows she’s almost ready to come.
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” she whines, pinching a nipple, arching her back, and her voice is high and breathy and addictive. He would give anything to be in the same room as those sounds, to pull her wet body close and help her get off. “Fuck, mmm,” she purrs, bringing the stream even closer, and she comes, short, loud moans that sound like they’re being ripped from her throat as her thighs shake, her chest heaves.
She drags a slow hand down her body, like she’s soothing herself, and then shudders, pulls the shower head away like maybe the pressure is too much where she’s sensitive. With a sigh, she reaches for the phone, tilts it so her face is in view, cheeks flushed and wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She turns up her lips in a coy smile. “See you soon.” The video ends.
It takes Hotch a moment to lock his phone, and he looks a little dazed when Spencer risks a glance up at his face—with good reason. If he was on the receiving end of videos like that, he would never be able to focus on anything.
The rest of the trip is quiet, certainly uneventful in comparison. Spencer makes a show of opening his eyes fully, stretching, thinks it would be too awkward now to admit he saw and heard every incredible second; Hotch looks over at him with an expression he can’t read, and then flips open a new case file.
When they land, he and Hotch are the last two to grab their bags, and Hotch brushes up against him in a way that feels purposeful, but is probably wishful thinking. “Do you have anything going on for the rest of the night?” he asks, and Spencer shakes his head.
“Nope, nothing.” Maybe masturbating—definitely masturbating—but he doesn’t need to know that. Hotch nods, thoughtful.
“You should come home with me.” Spencer looks at him with wide eyes.
“We both know that you saw the video,” he says in a low, no nonsense tone that makes him gulp. “I told Sophie, and she seemed… interested in the prospect. So you should come home with me. If you want to.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Hotch raises a hand, halting his train of thought.
“I may have had a suspicion that you were awake when I chose to play the video, so don’t be so hard on yourself.” Spencer looks at his face, trying to determine if he’s saying what he thinks he’s saying. He did that on purpose? He knew that Spencer was watching? “No pressure, if you don’t want to come over. I would never want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“I do want to… do… whatever it is we’re doing,” he rambles awkwardly, and Hotch chuckles.
“What we're doing is having sex. And I won’t touch you, or anything, if you don’t want that. It can be me and Sophie and you and Sophie.” Spencer swallows hard again, so turned on and breathless that it makes him feel bold.
“What if I do want you to touch me?” he asks, and Hotch leans in slowly, hot breath at his ear.
“Then I’m going to touch you.” When he pulls away, his fingers brush over Spencer’s jaw. “Do you want to come home with me?”
His answer is an emphatic yes. Aaron is due home any minute, and Sophie is vibrating with nervous energy, puttering around the apartment in her robe, couldn’t sit still if she tried. She waits for him on nights he has to work late and can’t bring it home, sure, but it’s almost never like this, where they are apart for days on end. It’s seriously affecting not only her sex drive, but also her mental state, which she hadn’t expected; she feels clingy, needy already, wants to smell him and touch him and taste him and be caged in by him, and it’s frankly getting a little out of hand.
It doesn’t help, she guesses, that she sent that video, but she was horny and wanted his attention… and boy, did she get it, had several texts come through a couple of minutes after she sent it, all very sweet and dirty and good.
Then she saw one about Reid, wanted to be mortified, but she just… wasn’t.
A: So, Reid saw me watching your present.
S: Oh, really? Did he like it?
A: Yeah, he liked it.
A: I bet he’d come pretty quick if he got to see the real thing.
A: Touch you… taste you.
God, how can this calm, controlled man make her such a whimpering mess with just a couple of texts? It’s unfair, is what it is.
S: Maybe we should invite him over sometime.
S: I’ve seen him looking at you, too.
S: Imagine how pretty he would look between us.
That was about an hour ago, and the only thing she received in reply was a brief message letting her know they’d landed and that he was on the way home. She hopes she didn’t upset him, knows that he’s mentioned being interested in men but that he’s never slept with one, hopes she didn’t hit a sore spot. She promises herself they will talk about it when he gets home.
But when he gets home, he kisses her so deeply she feels faint. Her body is lit up in an instant, suddenly desperate for more of him.
“I brought you a present,” he says, so low and sexy, and she grins, breathless, wraps her arms around his neck.
“Ooh, you know I love presents. What is it?”
“It’s not a what, it’s a who,” Spencer says, then, from the open doorway, and she glances between them, bites at her bottom lip. He steps inside and closes the door.
“Hey, Spencer,” she greets, but she can hear the tremble in her voice when she does. He looks to Aaron, and Aaron reaches back, wraps a hand around his wrist, guides him closer.
“I told him what you said, about how pretty he would look between us. He happened to agree, so I figured, why wait?” He looks her over intently, like he’s making sure she’s okay with this.
She is so okay with this.
She wants to speak but she’s so out of breath, her heart beating so fast, that she just pulls him down for a kiss, messy and graceless, and then she reaches for Spencer’s shirt and pulls him close as well, doing the same. She takes turns kissing them, ten kisses each, probably, until Aaron pushes her back gently with a soft laugh.
“Easy, baby. He’s going to stay the night; we have time to go slow.” Her chest is heaving, and he walks around so he’s standing behind her, unties the sash of her robe, pulls it off to reveal the lacy black bra and panties she thought would be a sexy surprise.
He kind of outdid her in the surprise department, but she’ll forgive him this once.
He runs his hands over her panties, her stomach, her boobs, and she bends her neck back, arching up for his lips, moaning against them. Spencer approaches, a bit hesitant, puts his hands on her hips and kisses her exposed throat, her chest. She feels like she’s died and gone to heaven, two pairs of hands on her, two mouths, her body pressed between them tightly. She thinks offhand that she’s glad her ankle doesn’t hurt anymore, because she could stand between them all night long, if they keep this up, would be content to never move again.
Then one of Spencer’s beautiful, incredible hands slips down the front of her panties, and they stop kissing her to kiss each other, and she whimpers, and her knees give out anyway.
“So dramatic,” Aaron whispers teasingly in her ear as he holds her up, big hands on her body, and she shakes her head, wets her lips.
“Not being dramatic. This is so fucking sexy.” Spencer—apparently not worried about the fact that she almost collapsed on them because Aaron wasn’t—slides two fingers over the slippery wet lips of her pussy, and she groans. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take all the attention,” she murmurs, moving her hips against his hand. “Kiss some more, please.” Spencer huffs a laugh and leans in, catches Aaron’s lips with his. From her point of view she can see the slide of their tongues, lips pressing together, and she groans again.
“If it’s okay with you,” Spencer says to her when they separate, “I would really like to eat your pussy now.” He kisses her softly on the cheek, and she exhales, shaky.
“Yeah, please—please do that.”
“I’ll hold you,” Aaron whispers, lips at her ear. “I’ll be right here, I promise.” She hums, leans back against him, and Spencer drops to his knees, guides her panties down. She’s so wet there’s slick on the insides of her thighs, and when he lifts one leg to hook her knee around his shoulder, he licks it away. She shudders.
She feels like she should have known how hot and skillful his mouth would be, because he talks so fast sometimes that his brain—his incredibly high-functioning brain—can’t even keep up, and she usually finds his mouth cute, but right now she finds it sexy, will probably never be able to look at it without thinking of the way he feels with his tongue in her pussy.
He is very enthusiastic, licking her quick and deep, with one hand on her waist and the other rubbing her clit like he’s got a PhD in bringing girls to orgasm, and she knows she’s moaning like a slut, gets even louder when Aaron bites at her earlobe, kisses her neck, squeezes her breasts. “Fuck, oh fuck, yeah,” she pants, reaches a hand down to wrap it in Spencer’s hair, making him groan; she rocks against his delicious mouth, which he encourages, moving his hand to her ass and guiding her closer.
“Come for him, baby,” Aaron urges, hand inside the cup of her bra to pinch her nipple. “Isn’t he pretty, down on his knees for you?” She drops her head back against him, brings a hand to his hair, too.
“So pretty.” He stoops down to kiss her as best as he can, and Spencer’s looking up at them, gorgeous, and she comes tugging on both of them, panting into Aaron’s mouth.
When Spencer stands up and kisses her, mouth soft and wet after working her through her orgasm, and then Aaron leans in to taste both of them on her lips? It’s a wonder she doesn’t get weak in the knees again. Sophie is soft and pliant after she comes, clinging onto them, and Aaron lifts her into his arms and carries her to the bedroom, Spencer following closely behind. He sets her on the bed, unhooks her bra and pulls it off; Spencer watches closely as he does, kneels down to kiss her, brush his hands over her bare breasts, and she sighs at the treatment.
“What do you want to do?” Aaron asks them, getting down on his knees as well, and he kisses them, thrills at the similarities in their soft lips, soft skin.
“I wanna suck you both,” she says, and he touches her face gently.
“Are you sure you’re up for that? You look a little fuzzy.” He didn’t think that she would get submissive so quickly, since he hadn’t actually dominated her, but can see how feeling at the mercy of two men might make her go to that place; he just wants to make sure he does what’s best for her while she’s there.
“Might not be able to get you off, but I want them in my mouth. Can I?” She looks up at him, then at Spencer, who swallows visibly. Aaron gave him a little insight on the way there about how they normally interact with each other, how she likes to ask for permission and he likes to give it—or deny it, depending.
(Aaron Hotchner’s crash course on having a submissive girlfriend—he might have to find a way to monetize that, somehow.)
“You can, for a couple minutes. Then what do you want?” He looks to Spencer to see if he has anything in mind.
“I don’t—I’ve never done this,” he says quietly, and he and Sophie both touch him, and she nuzzles against his shoulder.
“Neither have we, it’s okay. You want to, though?” He looks at them with soft, open eyes, and nods without hesitation.
“Yeah, I want to.” Aaron takes his face in his hands, kisses him deeply.
“Okay, good. Sophie,” he says softly, touches her face too, “do you think you would be alright being with both of us at the same time?” She licks her lips and frowns a little like she’s confused.
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we could lay you down, and one of us could be inside your pussy, and one of us could be inside your mouth. I’ll take your mouth,” he decides quickly, because she doesn’t like it too fast or rough and he knows her limits, doesn’t want to hurt or overwhelm her. “You’ll be full of us, baby. Do you think you want that?” She closes her eyes, nods, and Spencer touches her throat with long, gentle fingers.
“You’d give us that?” he asks like he’s in awe, and Aaron gets it, knows how much it means that she trusts them with something like this. “You’re incredible, Sophie,” he murmurs against her lips, and she sighs, pulls him closer.
Watching them make out is a very enjoyable thing, made all the more so when he decides to come up behind Spencer to unbutton his pants, untuck his shirt. The younger man moans at the feel of his hands helping him undress, and he presses back against Aaron’s chest, panting and eager. He guides him to stand, gets him naked, and wraps a hand around his long, hard cock, stroking it a couple times.
“You want her mouth on you while I get undressed?” he asks, and Spencer bucks up into his hand, nods quickly. Sophie reaches for him, pulling him closer, and she licks at the head, moans. “Gently,” he murmurs in Spencer’s ear, “let her be in control.” He nods seriously, presses a hand to Sophie’s cheek when she takes him in.
Between the two of them, their moans are so filthy, wanton, that he craves the heat of their mouths, so he captures Spencer’s in a kiss when he can, pulling off his clothes slowly so they can enjoy the time together. “Sophie,” Spencer murmurs, and she looks up at him, and Aaron’s arms around him, and whines. She pulls off of him, licks her lips looking hungry.
“I’m ready for you guys.” The simple sentence makes his dick throb, and he lays her back on the bed, kisses her soft and sweet and slow. Spencer curls around them, kisses them and rubs his hands over their bare skin.
“Spencer, can you get in that drawer and take out a condom?” he has presence of mind to ask, glad that the ones they have should fit him, and he stretches up, all long, lithe muscles, grabs one and tears the wrapper open, rolling it on. Neither Aaron nor Sophie can take their eyes off of him, and when he’s finished, Aaron moves out of his way so he can settle between her legs. She hitches up her knees, and he knows first hand how inviting that can be, understands completely when he shivers with pleasure.
Aaron kisses Sophie a few more times, whispers sweet, loving words into her ear, and then he crawls up by her head, the tip of his dick at the same level as her mouth.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks, running his hands over her breasts, and she nods, puts her hands on Spencer’s hips and pulls him closer until he is fully sheathed inside her; he keeps still, panting, and Aaron leads forward to brush his hair back. “You’re so gorgeous, Spencer,” he coos, and then he presses into Sophie's mouth, sighs.
She takes him in hand, guiding him in and out at a pace she’s comfortable with, so he just lets her take the lead and runs his hands over her body, Spencer’s fingers where they press against her thighs. He is pumping into her deeply now, an easy rhythm Sophie matches with her hand, and the room is filled with a symphony of soft, wet sounds and moans and hums that Aaron doesn’t think he’ll ever forget.
He is wholly unsurprised when he is the first to come, because watching Spencer’s hips move against her, his hands careful where he holds her down, and feeling her moan around his cock because she loves feeling full, it’s all too much for him. He spills with a groan, and Spencer watches his face like it’s art, which makes him feel warm in his chest. Something to explore at a later time.
Sophie lets go of him, panting, and he slides down to his belly so he can kiss her mouth, caress her. He looks up at Spencer, who appears to be trying so hard not to come, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, and he rubs Sophie’s clit to help get her close, so he’ll stop trying so hard and just let himself feel good.
“Oh, god,” Sophie whines, brings her hands up to squeeze hard at her breasts. “This is good, so good, mmm.” She starts bucking hard against him, her neck stretched long, and he knows the instant she comes, her mouth opening in a wordless moan before she all but howls her pleasure. Spencer groans, shifts his legs a little so he’s hovering over the both of them, and he thrusts for a few more seconds before finding his own orgasm. “Hmm, yes,” Sophie sighs, and he kisses her slowly, passionately; Aaron rubs both of their bodies as they shiver with aftershocks, and they all sink into the mattress, deeply spent.
They cuddle together for a few minutes, until Sophie complains she has to pee, and she and Spencer go into the bathroom together to take care of business. Aaron runs a hand through his hair and exhales long, because this is the absolute last thing he expected to happen, while also being one of the most unforgettable nights of his life; he knows they’ll look to him for guidance about what to do next, and he’s really not sure what to say when they do.
When they amble back into the room, they’re both smiling softly, and Aaron smiles because he can’t help it. They climb back onto the bed, Spencer in the middle, though Sophie reaches across him to rub at the hair on Aaron’s chest.
“So that’s a thing that happened,” Sophie says eventually, propped up on her elbow, looking over at their two blissed out faces with nothing short of affection. “Is it a thing that’s going to happen again, or a thing we swear up and down didn’t happen?—No pressure, only asking so I know how to compartmentalize my many, many thoughts.”
Aaron looks to Spencer and can’t help but feel like there’s something more worth exploring, there. He thinks Spencer feels the same when he pulls him in for a tender kiss.
“I think it should happen again,” Spencer murmurs, and Sophie leans down to kiss him too.
“Yeah, it should happen again.” Aaron sits up, smiles at his girl, guides her mouth to his.
“Okay, then.” They kiss again, easy, sweet, and he breathes a laugh. “We owe you for this, you know: you and your little shower performance.”
“Oscar worthy,” Spencer says with a grin, and Sophie shoves him playfully.
“Hey, a girl has needs.”
“And we’ll help you meet them,” Aaron promises, running a hand suggestively along her body, and she covers it with hers.
“No way. I’m tapped out, buddy. Unless I get sleep or pizza, no more sex from me tonight.” Aaron feigns hurt, pulls away, flops onto his back with an exaggerated sigh, and she crawls past Spencer to straddle his waist. “So dramatic,” she teases, leans down for a kiss, then climbs off the bed altogether. “I’m good with pizza—I don’t want to go to sleep just yet, not when I’ve got two pretty boys in my bed.”
“I second pizza,” Spencer murmurs, his face pressed against Aaron’s bicep. Sophie pauses in the doorway, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Do you think they’ll do a third veggie, and a third pepperoni, and a third Hawaiian? Or am I gonna have to order two pizzas?” She comes back over to the bed, kisses them both soft, affectionate, and smiles. “Always complicating things, Spencer Reid.”
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