#I hope I censored this right Q-Q
jenny-toons · 6 months
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TW: Blood, some guts hanging, and trypophobia. Uncensored version is under the [Keep Reading].
I always considered Mr. Death something that latched onto her ghost, so I thought it'd be cool to have it be her protector of sorts. They're both stuck in these haunted woods, filled with ghosts and other wicked creatures. So they spend their days tormenting some of the crueler things lurking around.
These are the usual four fiends Sally likes chasing around the woods.
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Here's the uncensored version and the references!
I'll definitely post more ideas with her and the other ghosts in the haunted forest. That'll also include some sketches from my drawing books!
Hope you enjoy!
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pommunist · 3 months
hey, I hope alls going well and that it’s fine to ask questions about the current situation.
Question: What are the doxing laws in France? And is it valid to criticize Lea for doxing? As no matter what actions done against you, she committed a crime. In addition her response was that they (Qstudios) committed more crimes than me so it’s fine rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing justifies doxing just like nothing justifies mistreating your workers, multiple wrongs do not and never will make it right. So could Lea be sued for doing this? Should she? Would French law protect her? Whose law would this fall under in court, French, America, Mexico? I do hope Lea and all the workers gets compensated for their time and effort and that Quackity is doing alright with being doxed by said former worker. Is that a fair opinion? I’m trying to give her some credit it’s an accident and she is rightfully angry at him but it still doesn’t justify causing danger to someone (at least in the opinion of me).
I slept on the topic and pray I worded it well. Hopefully, this doesn’t come across as hateful, I’m not towards any party. However, I just don’t agree with the methods she used to act on in this case or her apology (or lack of one), it came across as “I’m a victim who cares little about the person I just hurt because the stress made me do it”. People’s response are almost as bad. “We forgive you for doxing” - Not your apology to give, You Are Not Affected, “Doxing is bad so I am valid in not taking your words to mean anything *” - Not understanding that she is a victim of his workplace abuse just as he’s a victim of her doxing. Am I stupid for think that?
Also felt the need to add: Thank you again for the translation document. The amount of work to do that is absolutely incredible and you (all of you who worked on it) should feel so proud to have been able to fully commit to that. If you reply thank you so much in advance and let the rest of your day be amazing. Sorry if you already answered something simulair.
Well first of all anon, you can criticise anyone you want for any reason you want, you don’t have to ask me first ! Personally I don’t believe she should have shared this publicly or at least not without making sure private info was censored.
Secondly….Do you hate me anon 🥺? Making me look up law stuff ? /j
I’ll try to answer as best as I can, just keep in mind that the legal field doxxing falls under isn’t something that I’m specialised in. So, take it with a grain of salt, always.
(tbh i don’t think we’ll see the day a minecraft cc will do something that fall under my area of expertise but if it ever happens drop them immediately ahah)
French law
The closest we have to a law against doxxing is :
-« Endangerment of someone’s life by divulgation of private information in regards to their professional, personal or familial life »
-« Divulgation of data with intent to harm »
-Just general legal protection of someone’s private life.
Legally it would be difficult for a lawsuit against Lea because of her tweet to have a legal standing. Not only it would be very difficult to prove she had the intent to doxx anyone (not saying she did). But also because the information that she posted, and the informations people found because of it are extremely easy for anyone to access.
I know this because around a month ago when Léa first came out with her story, I stumbled upon it b, with just a very simple google search, while I was just trying to know in which US state Q’s company was registered. (I was curious to know under which state’s legal jurisdiction it was).
So both the malicious intent and the private element of the information would be incredibly hard to prove.
US law :
From what I understand, there is no federal law against doxxing in the US.
There are some state law, like in California, where doxxing can be considered a misdemeanour if you prove that it was done with the goal to harm someone.
I looked up some articles to help me answer this and I found this which can hopefully shine some light on how doxxing is seen from a legal standpoint. (Doesn’t mean doxxing is a good thing or that it doesn’t affect people’s lives, this is, again, just from a legal perspective)
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There may be more but US law, not my thing at all so I don’t know !
Conclusion : I’ll be honest I can’t see her being sued for this, from a legal standpoint.
My own personal take on this is that no, Léa shouldn’t have posted what she did before making sure no personal info was on it, even if she had probably no intent to spread personal info. But also no, this could barely count as doxxing because like I said it’s very easily accessible information (don’t mean you should go look for it because like, why ?). Now she deleted it and it’s quite difficult to see what she had posted, good. There’s no point defending her nor hating on her for this.
I’d rather go back to talking about the main issue, workers rights and workplace abuse, than spend time pandering whether or not one of said workers is a bad person and how she should act. Not saying people should NOT talk about it just that it’s not something I’m interested in discussing✌️
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swords-of-a-soilder · 5 months
Remove Problematic CCs
Section 1 part 2
Charlie's Problematic past
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Charlie did in fact apologizes as stated before, I'll give them the tiniest bit of credit, sometime they get it right, but as for using it in his apology, I'm sorry that's stupid, he censored the word firstly and did so to make it Clear what word he said.
But hey it's kinda ironic isn't it, how the non English side was getting drag for the N word and Now Charlie for the B word.
Full fuckin circle.
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Also I hate when people say only blank is allowed to forgive, I disagree, you can accept someone's apology if you're not the targeted audience JUST DON'T GO TWITTER AND RANTING ABOUT HOW YOU FORGIVE THEM you can forgive just don't talk about it.
It's weird behavior to say, oh it's not your place to forgive them, public statements are made for a reason, don't make people feel guilty for forgiving someone.
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Quaickty has a lot of things on him from his early YouTube days, let me say me and big Q are the same age and I was watching him as a teen laughing along, if I wasn't mature enough to see the error on his behavior I can't except him to.
He did however apologizes
Okay lighting round
Veggeta allegedly made fun of Non binary people he has yet to apology. (I say allegedly because the account posting proof was deleted and now all we have is hearsay)
Take with a tablespoon of salt.
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Carré made fun of an Asian who raid him I have yet to see an apology
Fitmc interacted with the dubed "racism mobs" and got called racist as a result, He has not apologize.
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OK I need y'all to stay with me on this don't jump to anything let me explain, Which is one of the reason I decided to do this draft.
Cellbit keeps catching strays for being an "Abuser", now here's the thing. He WAS a toxic boyfriend, that was over Seven years ago, since then he's seen a psychiatrist and moved on to a relationship with Lore and the victim doesn't want it brought up anymore.
Tô call Him am Abuser seems a little misleading because it make it sound like he hit her, it was emotional abuse yes that's still abuse and just as important but like they're is a moral difference right?
I chopped these up together because he says a lot and image limit, but I hope I get the point across
I'll leave a link for you can read it yourself.
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sapybara · 4 months
I've been a huge q fan in the past so I know all his history. I am not even surprised, how long has it been since we found his server management to be sketchy, not even talking about his merch compagnie. 
In no fandom have I ever truly called anyone a BITCH and a cunt . But he is one. Hey, I never expected anything from him about Shelby/ or Wilbur and forever, we know who he is and he does not give a fuck, but to lie so blatantly about how much involvement he has in the qsmp management, that a scrum!! Dude, how could anyone believe him?? It makes NO sense!
Exploiting workers, literally putting anti unions mesures , stealing people ideas (fans on twitter) then blocking them (probably not him who did it but he still got credited for the ideas and said nothing)
That's to ONE thing I will get entertainment CC crucified for. It's not difficult to not be a greedy corporate snake, especially when you are already so rich! 
Also, people who say that he is just shocked because Wilbur was one of his bff so he doesn't want to go into (any) detail about that: Q and Wilbur haven't been close for half a year and Shelby posted her video a long time ago. Even Tommy said something for fuck sake!
You are literally talking with dtblr last quackity main™ believe me I know what you're talking about, I'm not surprised either.
His stans are being all "they were close friends! Give him some time!! You're all being cruel" well first of all they were not. Second of all, I do not want a statement, a simple kicking him out and asking people to support victims would've been enough. But no, he talked about it for the grand total of THRITY SECONDS, didn't mention Shelby or any victims, didn't mention he's an abuser, and made it all about him. How this is hard for HIM and how sad HE is, etc etc.
He goes on saying he "didn't know the volunteers weren't being paid" and that he thought it was a process were they would eventually (!!!) get paid. Excuse me? How do you not know? One thing is asking the admis not to spoil you what will be tomorrow's event and another radically different thing is saying you don't know what's going on in YOU OWN TEAM of YOUR SERVER. Especially not when it's your money ffs, do you not know where's that going? Do you not know who do you work with? You can't just brush it off as "not knowing" when it's your fucking enterprise. And im not even mentioning the whole NDA thing and how no one could even speak to CCs or other admis off stream, how they were requested to censor themselves in their personal accounts because "controversies" (real life crimes) could stain the server's name. Be for fucking real.
He doesn't even talk about all the merch problems, the fake giveaways and how ridiculously sketchy his merch company (that he/his family owns!) is.
Look I'm not trying to be a hypocrite here, I don't wanna apply dranti logic and demand a perfect apology and explanation the second all exploded. I'm not gonna ask him to know about every little conversation that goes on inside his server or discord. I'm not gonna say he doesn't have the right to mourn whatever friendship he may have had. But that doesn't mean I'm not fucking pissed and none of that excuse him for not knowing what's going on with his employees, his merch and reducing the actions of TWO abusers to "controversies". He needs to be held accountable, but, funnily enough, his fans are too parasocial to realize they're babying him and telling everyone who listens how he's not responsible for anything and it's the higher ups fault. His name is literally everywhere, he prides himself of being the owner and sole inventor of the server, how much higher can you go from there?
I'm upset about the poor guys who are being exploited and actually pity the fans that truly can't see what's before they eyes. Hope those people have it better from now on, but Quackity? He can go cry about it on stream if he wants, this entire thing has been a mess since before it started and I'm happy to see it crashing down. Deserved!
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elthadriel · 2 years
For Neyo/Ponds if you have any thoughts, please 20. Who holds a grudge the longest? 27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other? 31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky? 32. How do they resolve their arguments? 33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them? (Sorry for the many q's, I am just very intrigued by this pairing)
I am also very intrigued by this pairing. They're on my list to write more of, but my to write list is just so long.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Ponds has learned from growing up with Fox and Cody to let a lot of stuff go pretty easily. He’s got enough on his plate without carrying grudges around. 
Neyo doesn’t really care about anyone’s personal opinions of him (Ponds aside) but he does take professional incompetence very seriously. If you fuck up at your job he is going to remember that, and he’s going to act accordingly.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Neyo gets hyper fixated on stupid space mobile games. I don’t know why my brain decided this, but that’s what’s happening. He is scary good at them (professional gamer AU when????) and spends a lot of his downtime on them. 
So Ponds can’t see anything like that without being reminded of Neyo.
Neyo compartmentalises. He tries not to think of Ponds while he’s on duty, but Ponds hates having to read shoddy paperwork (he does however love getting to complain about having to read shoddy paperwork) so Neyo will send him ridiculously censored copies (he takes rules about confidentiality very seriously) of shit he finds in the stuff he reads. 
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
I think surprising everyone it’s pretty smooth. I’m sure the beginning was rocky, while they were figuring out exactly how to get what they both wanted from their relationship, but I also like them having been together for a long time, since they were the equivalent of 15-16ish. And look, relationships at that age are just a little messier. 
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
I don’t actually think they fight that much, but when they do I think they’re both in a really good spot because of all the little negotiating their early relationship too to very much externalise the problem and treat dealing with is as a problem solving issue they need to work together on. 
They also just communicate very well. Neyo doesn’t really like shuffling around issues. He’ll say what he means with no hidden meanings. Once Ponds figures that out, as long as he can match that straightforwardness they can talk through stuff pretty easily. 
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
I think they both have their fair share. 
If I’m kind and let Ponds survive that shit with Boba I think that really rattles him. Ponds has learned that being very direct with Neyo if he needs somethign is the way to go. Neyo isn’t great at comforting people in general, but if Ponds is like, I need you to touch me, or I need you to talk to me, about literally anything, that’s something Neyo can do. Sorry, Ponds, I hope Neyo telling you about his requisition reports are what you needed right now.
Neyo won’t acknowledge there’s a problem at all. Clones are the perfect soldiers. Perfect soldiers don’t have nightmares. He’s a clone, therefore he doesn’t have nightmares.
(If sometimes he accesses Pond’s vitals via his HUD and watches them in the middle of the night that’s unrelated..)
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Cipher Academy ch. 7 thoughts
[This Reminds Me of a Puzzle]
Picking up from the revelation that Oboro has a pair of AR glasses like Iroha, Oboro uses Ice Cold Reading to help her solve the puzzle. However, we learn that her colored sunglasses work differently from Iroha’s spectacles; instead of highlighting hints and sorting data categorically as necessary, Oboro’s glasses reportedly can only sort by color
I said last time that this revelation made it highly likely that other girls in the class might also have AR glasses, and Nisio Isin must’ve figured he wouldn’t be able to make it nearly as surprising subsequent times, so he just goes ahead and has Toshusai reveal that at least six more students also have them. Karigane’s glasses and Koshibai’s sunglasses were particularly obvious, and it was so funny that I was right about Anonymity Requested’s censor bar, but what I’m really impressed by is that I was right about Hahakura’s bang. Somehow I missed Mamushishishimeki’s eyes obscured behind her bandana and Nohime’s closed eyes, but to be fair I did generically say “anyone whose eyes are hidden,” so honestly I might just have neglected to point them out specifically. Porbably in part because I didn’t want to type Mamushishishimeki. I hope Iroha or someone gives her a nickname. Anyway, being shown those six specifically doesn’t rule out anyone else, and honestly it might be a misdirect, but for now we’ll assume that it’s just those six
What specific abilities their devices have are anyone’s guess, but I’m going to assume that Anonymity’s blacks out anything irrelevant
As Toshusai explains that others have similar “weapons” as Iroha, she refers to Kogoe as a flirt and calls Iroha out for thinking that he was special in Kogoe’s eyes. Toshusai stops midthought and is disgusted at a memory of Kogoe saying that Toshusai is the only one who can truly appreciate her value. Iroha immediately catches on that Toshusai isn’t just talking to him, but herself as well. The knowledge that Toshusai holds a bitter resentment towards Kogoe presumably because she tricked her with sweet words in the past really recontextualizes the previous six chapters. This will obviously develop further as the story goes, but I wonder exactly what sort of relationship did Toshusai think they had before whatever incident separated them?
I’m unsure how many days passed between the first day of class and when Iroha met Kogoe, definitely at least one since the assignment was submitted late, but if it was a few days then that would be more than enough time for Toshusai to catch Kogoe giving AR glasses to multiple girls, which was likely the scenario when Kogoe was running from her to the library. For her to be so upset, though, I have to imagine that Toshusai spent a decent amount of time believing that she was special to Kogoe. Perhaps Kogoe worked for Kick Attack Planning and became childhood friends with Toshusai?
Whatever the case, Toshusai becomes irritated that Iroha is able to read her expression so well despite not being able to read the room that it’s not something she wants to talk about and changes the subject to focus on the puzzle. Iroha briefly considers using his glasses on the basis that since everyone else is, it’s only fair that he be allowed to, but because he’s Iroha, he decides to give it his best shot without them first, especially since he’s concluded that he was given the easiest of the three puzzles
As I suggested last time, Iroha’s puzzle resembles kana, which he also picks up on to arrive at what Toshusai believes to be a dummy answer; “just filled in the gaps.” That’s a pretty fun dummy answer, as it sounds like it’s calling out the solver for not thinking it through hard enough, and it’s fitting that it be the first conclusion that Iroha came to since he did something similar with Q.8 (thinking that it was just “question” backwards instead of “answer” sideways)
Toshusai realizes that the puzzles need to be overlaid, and the pieces that match will reveal the true answer. This reveals that, despite the fact that the jigsaw puzzle was harder for a group of three, finding the next solution is actually easier because it’s clearer which tiles need to be eliminated
Also, during this exchange, Toshusai and Kasuri both note the other’s speed while also propping themselves up, which is a cute addition as it makes it clear that both are self-aware of their talents, aware of other peoples’ capabilities, and are at least a little competitive
The three realize that the kana that are left over basically make a nonsensical phrase, so by considering that they’re working with a jigsaw puzzle (a bunch of jumbled pieces) they must actually be looking at an anagram. They eventually land on the phrase Rosetta Stone, which would be a neat solution on the basis that this is a tablet that uses ideas from multiple languages to arrive at a solution, but the word itself doesn’t make sense contextually as the solution
More importantly, though, Iroha realizes that that solution was only possible at all with three puzzles, implying that none of the pairs in the class could have been capable of reaching it. With this in mind, Iroha decides to enlist Oboro and Umitsubame, concluding that they must be friends with Kogoe because they have weapon glasses. Oboro doesn’t take kindly to this, proclaiming not to be the same as Iroha and expressing serious doubts in Iroha’s abilities as a prospective class leading private
Iroha responds with the declaration that if he becomes class leading private, he will end all wars in the world. That’s honestly a pretty silly thing to say, especially since the two ideas are pretty disconnected, but there’s nothing wrong with dreams being larger than life. Even Iroha himself thinks he was being ridiculous and expects to be mocked, but Toshusai reveals that at Cipher Academy, no one laughs at each other’s dreams. I’m willing to bet that someone is going to do exactly that later, most likely whoever the main antagonist is going to be revealed to be, but for now, this has allowed Iroha a chance to show off his convictions to the class, which seems to be enough to get Oboro to hear Iroha out
Iroha realizes that the name “Casse-tete Quartet” didn’t actually refer to “a puzzle with two steps being solved by two people,” but instead meant quite literally “four puzzles,” a hint that two groups needed to bring their four puzzles together to get the answer. Iroha’s three-person squad ended up being the hint that the class needed to figure that out, which not only allows Iroha to show that he’s clever enough to potentially become class leading private, but also means that Oboro’s plan to sabotage him actually completely backfired, which is a fun little bit of comeuppance for her brief stint as an antagonist
With the four puzzles, the final word seems to be “tootasu,” or “tortoise,” but Iroha is clearly still not satisfied because the word doesn’t seem contextually appropriate. Finally, using Q.8′s ambigram as a hint, Iroha realizes that he needs to read the word “tootasu” backwards; as the kana for “tootasu” would actually use a choonpu, a symbol to represent an elongated vowel, the true final word wouldn’t be “sutaoto”, but “sutaato” or “Start.” In other words, the Casse-tete Quartet was never meant to be the definitive selection for class leading private, it’s the starting line
Nikueda reveals that this is in fact the correct answer and proclaims that those who did not produce results this time will have the chance to later over the course of three sessions, implying that Iroha (and presumably his group) have earned some kind of points that have put them in the lead but could still easily be overtaken later. I’m willing to bet that Iroha will quickly fall behind, only to either jump back to the top or to lose out to Toshusai at the last second. I’m leaning towards the latter, since I think it’s too early for Iroha to be proven the most capable in the class, but Nisio Isin also isn’t the type to do things the traditional way, so maybe he will after all
Every step of this puzzle was a lot of fun, and I’m really excited to see what happens next. This is shaping up to be a sort of tournament arc, which is definitely not what I expected in this manga at all, but it’s just as engaging as I expected it to be
As a final note before I finish this week’s review, I’d like to point out that Iroha asked Oboro for her charger, as he finally seems to have realized that he FORGOT TO CHARGE HIS GLASSES! That wasn’t even a factor for him deciding not to use them this chapter, he just acted like it was morally beneath him to do so when the reality was that he literally couldn’t! This boy is so dumb
I love him
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3rddimension · 2 years
I'm really glad all this evidence is in one place, as opposed to scattered across a year and a half of IG posts... and also Discord hell, lmao. When I recently made that long IG rant discussing that Shourtney was almost definitely real and to respect their privacy, some guy still wanted to know where this "proof" actually was. And it's tough because some of the evidence seems kinda icky to just pass around because a lot of it was taken down pretty quickly, thinking they were unintentional. 🤷‍♀️
At this point Courtney seems to not really care about if people know ("if you know, you know" kind of thing), but also doesn't actually have the desire to address it for the time being to avoid accidentally creating a "public relationship" even if she doesn't want one. That can be tricky, fans can get entitled REAL quick... And I think it staying under wraps is awesome! It's like a fun "open secret" that only the hardcore fans know about right now. She kind of gets us because she's talked about how she shipped One Direction members way back when and had fun with it. It's kinda all the same. Just don't be weird, y'know? 😌
Oh hey, so you are the one who posting that IG rant! Thanks for that btw. I'm a newer fan and never know about the discord stuff before. I've learned about it from your post! I'm in disgusted about what those shitty fans do (C even took a jab at that in her anon Q&A video) and I don't want it to happen around here again. Which is also why my post will consists just public evidence that they're sharing by themselves and also censor other people if it's come from fans to protect their privacy. (Except that family photo one, which at first I really don't want to share but it's a crucial one and it has already spread out in the internet. So I just cut to show just them and protect other identities.)
Yeah, I think she does not care anymore and might be even more comfortable sharing with us recently (there's like 3 selfies of them just in a month!) but she still walking through this in her own pace like she said in the community Q&A video. Hoping she'll be including S more regularly on her social soon. Right now I'm just happy that she willing to share more stuff with us!
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danhoemei · 3 years
To point out some good things about MXTX official English translation (from suika’s twitter thread):
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The books are going to be uncensored, with glossary standardized across 3 novels, footnotes, and chara guides. And they’re keeping gege, er-gege, and shizun :D
Also MXTX is getting paid and 7seas may consider licensing more danmei titles if this goes well. Imagine being able to easily buy your other beloved novels!
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For more info here is Q&A from 7seas page:
Will the books ship/be available internationally?
Each series will be available in North America and in many bookstores around the globe, but in case they’re not in a store near you, many retailers such as Book Depository will also ship internationally.
What about the manhua/comics?
These licenses are for the original novel series. The Master of Diabolism manhua is currently available in English digitally on WeComics, while Bilibili is releasing the Heaven Official's Blessing manhua.
Does this include all the short stories?
Yes! Our English editions will include all the material given to us by the licensors, which includes all the short stories as previously seen in print and digital editions.
Will you censor anything?
We’re working closely with respected translators in the danmei community to ensure a smooth, faithful translation with all content included (including all short stories). The books are rated ages 17+ for violence, language, and sex.
Does this support the creator?
These are official English editions licensed from the Chinese rights holders, so every new copy purchased��ebook or paperback—will support the original creator, like the official editions in various other languages.
Will there be merch included with the books?
The English editions will all include exclusive art and internal illustrations, and the paperback editions will be deluxe and oversized. There is no merch planned for the series’ debut on December 7, but that might change for later books.
Will there be an audio book?
No audio book is being announced at this time.
Will Seven Seas be publishing any more danmei series?
If these books sell well, that increases the chance that other danmei will be published officially in English!
Will the books have content warnings/ratings?
The books will all be rated 17+, due to adult content in the text. Seven Seas does not include specific content warnings on books, but the rating will be printed on the back cover.
The only concern I have is the deal between MXTX and the stakeholders, I hope MXTX is not getting ripped off (but we still don't have power over that, it depends on their legal contract).
Schedule for the releases (courtesy of @yinginannoying on twitter):
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Is there an ebook version?
Yes! From 7seas page: “Volume ones of each will debut together on December 7th, 2021 in both print and digital editions.“
Shipping prices...
Book Depository is shipping for free internationally 😘 I preordered for Europe and had to pay only for the books.
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fiddleabout · 3 years
just because some people reclaimed it doesn’t mean *everyone* has. there's still people being abused and bullied and harrassed by the word q***r every day and you're fucking disgusting for dismissing their experiences and ridiculing them for tagging a slur associated with their trauma
i hope you feel good about yourself making fun of traumatised people
“ there's still people being abused and bullied and harrassed by the word q***r every day”
there's still people being abused and bullied and harassed by the word lesbian every day.  i know because people have abused and bullied and harassed me using the word lesbian specifically since i was eight years old and didn’t even know what it meant.  and yet you don’t see me out here telling lesbians to censor their identity.  that would be absurd because it’s their identity and who am i to tell them that their identity is degrading, or abusive, or a slur? 
i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, though i don’t know why, and assume that you’re not parroting this line because you’re terfy and gatekeeping and instead are doing it because you are, in fact, traumatized by the word queer.
even so: your-- or anyone else’s-- right to demand space for their trauma ends at inflicting trauma on someone else.  full stop. 
the word lesbian is reminiscent of trauma for me?  okay.  that’s a bummer.  but i don’t get to tell people that they can’t use that word to describe themselves, because me telling lesbians “you can’t call yourself that because it’s associated with trauma for me” is inherently inflicting trauma on them by telling them that their identity is harmful.  the word queer is reminiscent of trauma to you?  okay.  that’s a bummer.  but you don’t get to tell me i can’t use the word to describe myself because that’s inherently inflicting trauma on me by telling me that my identity is harmful.  your right-- and it is a right-- to protect yourself from reminiscence of trauma is not all-encompassing and does not include the right to inflict it on other people. 
and just, seriously, okay: every word that anyone who isn’t straight has used to identify themselves has been used hatefully, cruelly, and abusively against them.  this is the nature of how language works: when someone is part of an abused and marginalized group, just the name of that group can and will be used as an insult by people who want to insult them.  this includes lesbian, this includes gay, this includes queer.  all of them. 
and yet which one are people now constantly up in arms about?  the one that includes everyone who isn’t cisgender or heterosexual.  that’s not a coincidence.  aside from the fact that “queer is a slur” is inherently insulting and abusive towards anyone who identifies as queer because it declares their very identity as disgusting, it’s also gatekeeping and used aggressively and widely as a way to exclude people-- trans people, ace people, nonbinary people, agender people, and countless others-- from community support. 
so tl;dr queer is no more of a slur than lesbian or gay or homosexual is and you don’t get to trample on my identity or anyone else’s under the guise of protecting yourself.  most charitably, your ignorance is actively inflicting harm on other people; more likely, you’re trying to exclude people who aren’t lesbian, gay, or bisexual from your interpretation of the community we’re all a part of because you think the rest of us don’t deserve to be part of it.  either way, you’re in fact doing the exact fucking thing you’re accusing me of doing, so congratulations.  your moral high ground is a drainage ditch.  well done.
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nagiwrites · 2 years
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Mikey x fem reader ( kill bill inspired au )
(Sorry for the delay but here it is finally)
Warnings: graphic violence, gore, basically dead dove at this point, also the physics is questionable but whatever it’s fiction. Disclaimer: I said yuzaha in the last chapters but I got the names mixed up I meant kokonoi yikes!
notes: italics indicates readers inner thoughts, - indicates flashback. I will censor cussing.
Part 2 / part 3
When you crossed me didn’t know what you had done. A chain reaction happened now it’s too late to run…..
You tap your finger on the steering wheel and step faster on the pedal of the truck you were driving. You arrive at the tall building with a sign that’s says silent orb films. You get out a book you have in your bag full of weapons in case needed and the single white page reads koko. Your first stop, he seems like the more of the calmer ones in the gang. You thought you could at least get some sympathy out of him well you were wrong.
- you looked over to the white haired male and saw the most annoying smirk on his face. He then walks away to go sit down on the benches. He stretches his arms out in the bench and says “you know I never liked her, he clothes are cheap” he then laughs. He looks over to you and gives you a slow smile.-
I’m going to ruin him. You found out that he’s working for this new filming agency. For a person with so much baggage he sure is stupid to be this open. He should be filming something big this year. A horror movie. Poor him getting killed off in a cliche Friday the 13th copycat. Multiple doors are located in the back of the building. Getting caught will be easier if I try to check them all. I’m really not trying to have innocent people in this. You then hear footsteps coming from behind you. “Hello who’s there!” A mans voice said. You then quickly put him in a headlock and threaten him to let you in the building. “Look there’s no- no- no one in there at these times.” He says. “Ok well then tell me about koko and maybe I will let you go alive.” so much for innocent people. “ ummm well today he has a shoot for a new movie-“ “YES I KNOW, I need location details stuff like that.” You yell. “Ok he’s going to the blue waters to film tonight, that’s all I know really!” You push him away and then run. Once you make it back to your car you start speeding off. The blue waters a vast woods that many teenagers go to for summer break. It’s lively but you would not want to be there by yourself. Wow he’s going all out for this role… well so am I.
An attractive laugh fills the cabin “yes I am so excited for this role, I’ve never did this kind before.” Koko says to his phone. He was live streaming on kinstagram right now. “Could you keep it down, I’m trying to handle these calls for you.” His assistant says. He sighs “then leave me be.” He pauses the live. His assistant stares at him and then sighs, she then gets up and leaves out the front door. “ ok back to my q and a” he exclaims. “You know I really worry about him sometimes.” The assistant thinks out loud. She does a quick scan of the area, seems safe for now, she thinks. “It’s getting kind of dark… but I can’t go back in there right now he’s a pain to deal with.” She then walks to go sit under a nearby tree. After a few moments she falls asleep “he’ll be okay…..”
You see a cabin in the distance and walk silently toward to it. You sneak up to peak in the window. It looks like you are next too the back door. You see a white haired freak laughing on the phone. I have to find a way to lure him out. You look around and then see a locked wooden box sticking out of the building. You look in your bag to get a hammer and then hit the lock. You open the box and you hit a switch hoping it was the lights. Once confirmed it’s now dark inside, you start heading deep into the woods. I’ll be waiting.
He stop talking on his phone and then gets up to go out of the back door to see the box that’s been tampered with. He looks around and is now highly suspicious that someone is here and something is off. He isn’t a top member of a gang for nothing. Well if they want a show then I’ll give them one, he thinks. He holds his phone up and says “guys do you want to play a game?”
Comment 1- YES I LUV U
Comment 2- um what???
Comment 3- sure??
He smirks at the phone and then turns and walks calmly out into the woods. “If I hit 300k views I will kill whoever is messing with me right now.” He smiles.he starts to laugh and it’s definitely heard. “they must have a death wish right now!” He says playfully. As he’s walking You then trip him over with your leg and he lands on his back. You stare at him and he is wearing a red fur jacket with a white shirt and jeans. He has some nerve calling me cheap. You stare coldly at him. He eyes widen a little “you guys look! It’s my long lost friend.” He laughs. “Wow you really are amazing”. You scoff ,”Yeah keep complementing me while you meet your doom” you say. He then stands and dust himself off, “you got catch me first though” he giggles. He then runs away deeper into the woods. This coward. You run after him, you are trying to jump over logs and end up tripping. Small tears and bruises are forming on your legs. I’m gonna get that runt. Dirtied up by now , you end up near a river with a lot of land. You don’t see anyone around and you start to panic inside. Sh*t. You back away but then you feel a hard kick to your back. You fall and cough up blood. He then leans his foot on your back. “You guys we are a few viewers away from 300k.” He says stepping more on your back. You can hear the cracking of your ribs. “ you’ll get to see the one and only koko murder someone”. He laughs. You then slide your body down and then kick your leg backwards to hit him. You miss but he stumbles and you get up. You are now bloodied from the impact of the slide. Ha! Look at you, you are not any different from back then”. You then feel rage boil inside of you. You run full force to tackle him, he falls backwards close to the bed of rocks. You start to get emotional “i… thought we were friends or somewhat, why did you do that too me.” You say quietly. He smirks, “ your stupid to think we ever cared about you.” He spat. “No.. you do…who would put that much energy into setting me up.” You laugh a little. You both sat in silence for a little. He tries to hit you but you grab his arm to twist it until it breaks. You hear a crack and he gasps. You then stand too get into a fighting stance. He blows out a breath and then gets up, his white hair is now red, outfit dirty. “You look great.” You smile and say.
- “I’m gonna teach you this powerful kick get up.” Mitsuya says. You sat on the floor tired from all the training. “when the opponent gets visibly riled up then they will do anything to take you down”. He looks at you. “When they get unstable I want you to attack”. You nod.
It had to been almost 30 mins since you started fighting. You are both breathing heavy, staring at eachother from a distance. Only the faint sound of birds can be heard in the distance. You run towards him and your elbow connects to his face. Blood then spills from his mouth. This isn’t gonna work we will go in all night at this point. I have to get him more mad. “You know, you have lost your spark, where is the ruthless koko?” His eyes widen, “you know I can’t stand you, I never did, I don’t know how shinchiro even put up with you”. He yells. Wow you never fail to amaze me with your comebacks. To lost in your thoughts he slaps you and pins you down to the ground. He then uses the back of his forearm to push your neck in. Struggling to breathe you try to reach into your pocket to grab a small boning knife. You make a slash across his face and he stumbles backwards. His hand reaches up too his face in disbelief.
Comment 1- oh no!
Comment 2- what is happening
Comment 3- visit my page for a follow :v
He breathes heavily “you stupid f**king c*nt- this is your chance to deliver the final blow. You stand up and dust of your knees. As he continuously yells profanities at you you come running towards him at an abnormal speed. He eyes widen and before he could do anything you turn to deliver a forceful roundhouse kick. You can feel parts of his ribs shatter against your foot. He goes flying back a few meters and falls into the bed of rocks by the water hard. He gasps as he hits the ground and you can hear sputter out blood. You stare at him as he struggles and see the life leave out of his eyes. He’s just left staring at the sky as you walk away from the scene.
You walk back towards the cabin and you break in and go straight to the shower. As you get ready to leave your car you hear a scream in the distance. You smile and continue walking to your car.
Comment 1- wow this is the best movie promo I’ve seen in a while….
Comment 2- koko your such a good actor I luv you!!!!
Authors note: I am so sorry for the delay I didn’t expect to be this long but I finally got it done. Again if you want to be tagged just send me an ask. I also accept prompts and ideas so feel free to talk to me. If anyone wants to be my proofreader also then send me an ask. Thanks for reading.
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replicant-jinx · 2 years
Okay, this pride month I need to talk about something important to me. Stop censoring the word “queer”, you’re doing more harm than good. Queer has been reclaimed as a way for people to identify themselves in many many many different way. This goes for people who both understand their identities and don’t. For me personally, I know I’m neither cis nor straight but have trouble pinpointing exactly what my identity is, so I’ll actively identify as many things at once (such as lesbian or gay depending on the situation). This makes it easier for me to just outright call myself queer. People who know their identities and have words to define them also use queer because it just feels right! You don’t have to identify as queer, you don’t have to use the word to describe yourself, and I sure hope that people do not identify you as such unless you say you want to be known as queer, but please don’t tag it as a slur. It’s an identity, and by making it out to be a word that needs censoring, you’re telling me to censor my identity. If you happen to see this post and regularly tag the word queer as “q slur” or “q word” or anything along those lines I sincerely hope you learn better.
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Verily, 'tis "Veritas".
What distinguishes a prison and a dungeon?
Ha, Khan is a "Space Seed". I like how they just drop in episode names.
Why is the map just like, a board? Wouldn't a data chip be more sensible? How do they read it?
Are they using the white headbands to cover their unpointed ears? Nice reversal there.
Does Rutherford get a 'Welcome back' from his implant every time he wakes up? I kinda hope he does.
How does the Gorn wedding fit in?
I love Tendi and her censoring of events.
Between Tendi and Rutherford, looks like our main cast could definitely hold their own in a fight.
And Tendi just goes right back to cleaning, haha! I guess taking things in stride is kind of a necessary skill for Starfleet officers.
Honestly, I'd be surprised if anyone on a starship knows what's going on more than half the time.
Does Q just go around to mess with every Starfleet crew at least once? Because at least after "Encounter at Farpoint", I think he has.
But salt vampires did die out... right? I guess there was another population somewhere?
Giant Spock is canon! And as I recall, "The Infinite Vulcan" implies that Spock Two is functionally immortal, so he could pop up in person on Lower Decks...
Boimler giving us a heartfelt speech about exploration and learning and moving forward despite lacking answers.
Alien trial 101 - is that an actual class at Starfleet Academy? Because it probably should be. Or at least a unit in whatever class covers all those weird things that are just going to happen eventually.
But what about the eels? Our ensigns have a lot of very good and valid questions here.
Shoo, Q.
This episode raises so many questions, and it's good and fun.
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afrosarah · 3 years
On God, the users who are always showing up on queer people's posts to tell them they can't call themselves (and only themselves) that bad word are almost always users that have uncensored slurs right there in their fucking USERNAME or else first thing in their Tumblr bio.
Like, just say you think different rules apply to you because you think your reclaimed slur, which you know full fucking well has been and will be weaponized just as if not MORE than "queer", is valid, but ours is too inclusive! Just say you're an exclusionist, block the word, or block the user, and go away lol! If you're so distressed by seeing this word, why are you taking so much time to scour tags to seek it out???
I have so much more respect for people who don't try to justify themselves with transparent bullshit and are just honest.
Do not dare derail this post with "queer is a slur" or "some people are uncomfortable with that word 😬" like yeah bitch! Don't I know it! I know a thing or two about slurs - I'm a queer black chick in Kentucky lmao! Speaking of which - it seems all you non-black folks on here suddenly have a perfect understanding of slur reclamation and identity politics when you know not to cone onto black folks' posts to ask us not refer to ourselves as "nigga" 🤔
I use the word "mulatto" to identify myself despite its history as an offensive term for mixed black/white people. Like - that's me, baby! That's an important part of my identity! It's a good word because I'M good, homie! I love being mixed, I love being mulatto! But I'm not gonna label other mixed people that way, because they might think it's offensive, and that is ok! But if I'm on the internet talking about myself and somebody asks me to stop referring to myself that way because it's a bad word.. FUCK OUTTA HERE. I'm not calling you that word! - if you don't want to see it when *I* call *myself* that word, then you gotta block the word using the tools given to you, or you gotta block me. But I will not censor that extremely important part of me for your comfort, I'm sorry.
It is perfectly valid to be upset by the word "queer" and I hope everyone who is distressed by it is able to curate their Tumblr experience in a way that they will be protected. But! You should not rely on others to protect you when the tools are in your own hands. There are certain sounds and subjects that trigger my PTSD and I am careful to block and filter out posts that might contain them. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there is any good faith reason to need to ask someone to tag their posts "q slur" if they are uncomfortable doing that, when "queer" or "q word" will be content-filtered just the same. The ONLY reason would be to scold them and remind them of the negative aspect of that word, when for them it is a positive word, just like how "mulatto" is positive for me.
Anyway, I'm not gonna sit here and see teenagers fresh out of clown school graduation with "fag" and "dyke" and "tranny" in their USERNAME and plastered all over their blogs try to police the word queer on account of it being "harmful to see UwU". Either you realize you only have a problem with "queer" and aren't actually trying to protect anybody's feelings from being hurt by seeing certain words, or else your lack of self-awareness is borderline clinical. Fuck outta here.
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kyovtani · 3 years
I hope it goes away soon tho, #freezade2021
imma pray that you never ever get into horny jail bc we need you and your art bestie, amen ✨
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 Appearance: Joe Yokomizo (Writer / DJ) Die (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/) Toshiya (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/)
Notes before reading: This is the  translation/notes of the second part of the  Q&A section from the Special Talk livestream.  This whole section comes after The Freedom of the Expression part, you can check that translation here.  You can read the first part of this translation here as well. Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts. ----------- (.....) Die: Under these circumstances…. not being able to do lives.... is tough… Joe: It’s hard… Die: I started a band because I wanted to do concerts, right? I make songs because I want to play them in a concert….if there is no concerts…..gradually the motivation (fades)….of course we wonder where we should take that motivation from….because only for CDs… Joe: I see Die: That’s why the thing I want to do the most….is concerts…..The concerts we have done before…. now they feel like an illusion, it feels like... we will be able to come back to that?....doing lives…. Joe: This is my perception but, the power you get from concerts is amazing…. It’s such a cool feeling…. Die: There are many things that happen in that space (venue)…. at the end of March…. we did a live without audience, right? It was the first time we did something like that but, you can’t do that two or three times….even if you do it, it just goes one way (the interaction)….it feels like a music video… *Toshiya stands up and starts walking around the room* Joe: Really.....at the comments…..they are writing “that’s what I feel too, concerts are my reason to live”, “I hope you can do a concert soon”, “I want to go to a concert” “I’m waiting for it”; there are a lot of comments like that….So, the first thing that Die wants to do after this Corona situation is….concerts. *Die nods* Die: Yes, that’s it. Joe:  Ah? Toshiya is not in the screen frame right now. Are you there? Toshiya: I’m here, I’m here. Joe: Oh, you came back! Toshiya, what about you? What’s the first thing you want to do once this Corona situation ends? Die: You want to swim in a pool, right? Toshiya: Well…. not that… Joe and Die laughs. Die: Do you need a bath towel? Toshiya: Please…. (as… I don’t have one, please lend me one) Die: Ok (laughs) Toshiya: Well…. What it would be? I want to eat regional delicious food….. Joe: That’s something you do during tours…. Toshiya: Yes *Joe nods* That’s the thing I’m looking forward the most… Die: Where is the best food during a tour? Toshiya: I like the food everywhere…. everywhere… Die: You really have checked up properly…. Toshiya: I did…. I checked up the saunas in the whole country too…. Die: Swimming pools too?.... Toshiya: I don’t go to swimming pools…. Joe bursts into laughter, Die laughs as well. Toshiya: Pool……that’s just with you! ♥ Die: Host clubs as well? Toshiya: Should we go together? Die: Should we? What about tomorrow? Until the early morning…until there is no shops (open)….at 6 o’ clock in the morning…. They keep talking about that, but Joe cuts in to bring them back to the topic. Joe: So, what Toshiya wants to do it’s to eat delicious food in different places during a tour… Toshiya: That’s it…. of course if you make me that question….I also want to see  all the fans too, but I’m sorry, I want to eat delicious food…. Joe: You want to eat delicious food….I want that those wishes can happen soon….everyone who is watching this has the same hope, that you can do concerts again soon….finally, I think that If you too deliver a message for those who are watching today…..they would be happy….is it ok? Die: Well,  what I said it before…..about lives….now we are recording, making songs….the release of a new single has been decided for this summer….but I really want to do concerts again….but in the end I just can wish for it (to be possible)….let’s hope we can meet at the concerts…..with the fans….in the same place (venue)….that’s it…. I live with that hope… Joe: That’s it…let’s do our best for the next time we can meet…. Toshiya, what about you? Toshiya: He raised the bar high, right? Die and Joe burst into laughter. Joe:  It’s high, right? Toshiya nods. Toshiya: Well…. what could I say?.....eh….*Die starts laughing, ,making Joe and Toshiya laugh as well* Why are you laughing?.... Joe: I’m sorry…. Die: Would you like some wine? Toshiya: The bar is high….. Die: Let’s drink wine at a pool’s side…. Toshiya: *laughs* That’s it… Die: At night…. Toshiya: That’s it…. I think that at some point we will be able to do lives again but, if this situation in which we are not able to do lives continues….well, it’s ok….to do again something like this… Joe: Is that so? You just said it…. Toshiya: Let’s do it next to a pool…. Die: Next to a pool, eating crab…. Toshiya: Then, I wouldn’t talk …. (cause I would be eating) Die: While you are eating…..I will talk…. Toshiya: I see…. Die: Wait wait wait!!…while you are swimming as well, I will talk….when you are swimming, I will talk… Toshiya: When I’m swimming, would you insert some self-limitation(censoring) measures? Die laughs. Joe: Like blurring it and so, like a degradation…. Toshiya: Yes, yes…. Something like that… Die: Would be a tray ok?  A tray…. *makes the gesture of carrying the tray to cover that zone* Toshiya: But what if accidentally it falls! Joe: An accident (laughs)… what about wearing a bathing trunk? Die: No, no… naked…it has to be naked…. he has to do it in his birth suit…. Joe and Die laugh, Toshiya is drinking with a smiley face. Toshiya: You just raised the bar more… Die: That’s the only way it can be “Toshiya 100%”*.... *Maybe a pun with Toshiya’s brand? Joe laughs. Joe: So cool…..there are a lot of comments…..”I want to see them soon”…..”I want to go to a concert soon”…..there are also lots of comments from overseas….  A lot of comments…..”thank you for this fun time”…. the time is getting closer (for the end of the livestream)….so if there is a next time….we will do it at a pool’s side….eating crab…. Die: Don’t forget about the tray…. a silver one…. Joe: A silver tray…. Toshiya is laughing and mumbling. Die: A large silver tray… Toshiya: For real?.... Joe: A large one…. *Die is doing hand gestures about size of the tray* Then, I will be there reporting when it happens…. Die: Please… Joe: The next time it will be at a pool’s side….or at a live’s venue…. Toshiya: I’m in the mood for an  (time) extension….(of the livestream) Joe: An extension…. what should we do…. I already received a LINE from the staff…. Die: Let’s keep going…. Joe:  If we keep doing the livestream….a LINE from the staff came telling me  “Joe, it’s time to finish the livestream”….I’m feeling the pressure….
Die: Champagne…. the champagne tower…. Toshiya: Give us champagne…. Die: I want to see that… Joe: The people who is watching this is asking for an extension too….they are saying “an extension” “an extension” but I don’t want the staff to get mad at me…. An extension of time….really… Toshiya: I want to see the (champagne) Tower…. Joe: Ah, a champagne tower? *Toshiya nods*I want to see it too….as we are going to extend the time, everyone is spontaneously donating money *Toshiya laughs*…..I don’t understand….so….the extension is here….*reading comments* “I’m looking forward to Toshiya 100% at the pool” side… Die laughs. Toshiya: Stop (saying) that! Joe: They are asking if Die is going to be at his 100% too…. Die: That would be good…. Joe: “What percentage would be for Die?”…. Die: Maybe, I‘m going to mess up (and not being at my 100%)…. Toshiya: Die is going to be at  his 1000% Die: 1000% *laughs* Joe: *sings* “You are going to be at your 1000%” …..Oh I said that singing ….. Die teases for his signing, and they are joking for some seconds. Die: Can I talk about something? Joe says yes, and Die starts talking about an old Dorama 「愛し合ってるかい!」 (We all love each other, right?) in which actor Takanori Jinnai plays the role of a teacher and lives alone in an apartment with a rent of 70万 yen (5900 EUR/6500 USD). Joe and Toshiya can’t believe it and are really shock. It seems this high price was due to the Japanese asset price bubble (1986-1991) in which real estate and stock market prices were greatly inflated. Die: I think it’s interesting…. That price for a salary man…. Joe: That’s totally impossible. Toshiya: Maybe Shinya is the only one who can live there…. Joe: Well, I feel like this talk is getting dangerous again so.... *Toshiya burst into laugther*…. a LINE from the staff came….They told me “Let’s finish”, so before we give ourselves away/show our true colours, let’s conclude this…. Die: Thanks to Shinya…. Toshiya: What about the extension? Joe: The extension was until now… next week’s guest is Kyo…. Toshiya: I’m really excited…. Joe: Really? ….. Please say a few words for Kyo…. Joe asks them if there is something, they want that Kyo talks about or a message they can talk him, because he is going to take some notes. Die: A message? Joe: Yes… Die: Wait a moment…. With these feelings (mood), we are passing the baton to him……… Toshiya: Totally…. Die cuts in. Die:  Why don’t you go to Nichome again with Toshiya, the two of you? Toshiya laughs. Joe: But that’s something that has nothing to do with Kyo…. Toshiya: No, no…it’s related… Joe: Is it? Toshiya: We were walking together at the Nichome park…. Joe: Ah! I see I see…. So, the message from Die is “Why you don’t go to Nichome again with Toshiya?” Toshiya laughs. Die: But it was a joke…. Joe: I already wrote it down,Die….Do you have any message for Kyo, Toshiya? For next’s week… Toshiya: Well….. this person…..he is really a foodie…. Joe: Oh! Kyo…. Toshiya: Yes, something like “Do you know any place where they serve delicious food?”…..somehow…..”Please tell us”…. Joe: That’s a good one…. please tell us… Toshiya: Before, I told him about a Ramen place…. Joe: Oh! To Kyo? Toshiya: Yes, he said he will try to go…. Joe: So, next week I’m going to ask Kyo if he went to that place or not, if he can tell us about some good place….I’m going to ask him that… Toshiya: That’s it… Joe: So, I received a LINE from the staff telling me to end this livestream so…..*Die laughs*….I think we are going to end it here… Toshiya: I wonder if this (livestream) was ok? Joe: Yes, it was….well, everyone….was it fun?.. “It was fun”…how was it? How was it?....”it was fun”…..”Good Job”….”it was really fun”….it seems like everyone had fun….”thank you so much, it was fun”…. Toshiya: *signs in relief* That’s good…. Joe: Thank you, everyone! Die: That’s because we gave our 100% Toshiya burst into laughter. Joe laughs. Toshiya: This is not the end….*Die laughs* Joe: Well, Finally….let’s make a toast…. Toshiya: I already finished my drink…. Joe: Let’s do a final toast… Die: Did you finish it? Pour some champagne there…. Joe: Let’s make an air toast…. the people who is watching too….for the end…. Toshiya: Let’s make a toast… Joe: Yes, let’s wish that everyone can attend a Dir en grey live soon….please Die, say some words for the toast… Die: Well…..(let’s toast for) Toshiya 100%.... Toshiya laughs. Toshiya: You are more, 1000% right? The three of them laugh. Joe: Let’s raise our drinks… Die: I already finished…. Joe: Cheers…..cheers…. Die: I finished…. Joe:  Cheers…..cheers….(in english) Ok, this was DIR EN GREY SPECIAL TALK with Toshiya and Die…..Thank you for watching!....Bye! Toshiya: Thank you!   
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Sandor Clegane
Request for our favorite grumpy boi. I hope yall arent tired of these, i just think theyre neat!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Because he’s always been given so little, Sandor is unsure on how to express affection to you. When you showed it to him it was almost uncomfortable, even if he liked the warmth of your fingers and the comfort of your embrace. Once he was used to your attention, and confident that you really did feel for him, he was more comfortable in being more physically affectionate. 
It would start with being more open to holding you after you both were intimate, especially since you always let his head rest on your chest. He’d pull you closer when you sat next to him - or just place you on his lap - and when you both walk down a crowded street, he’ll have a protective hand on the small of your back or your waist. When he’s drunk, the affection comes more easily. If you’re drinking together, you are going to end up in his lap. There’s no escape. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As long as it takes to earn Sandor’s trust and friendship, once you have it, he’s fiercely protective and reliable. He’d be his usual grumpy self, some days he’s more prickly, but he’ll really want to make sure you’re safe and not being an idiot. He’ll tell you if he thinks you’re doing something utterly stupid, but he won’t try to control or shame you.
Starting a friendship with him would take some time and patience, considering his prickliness and how often he pushes others away. He doesn’t believe he deserves kindness like that and has trouble accepting it. Just giving kindness and helping him out of the occasional drunken fight or battle can go a long way.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’d scoff at the idea of cuddling, but he doesn’t try to push you away if you need the affection and closeness. He secretly likes how much you want it, although he was unsure at first. The first few times you both slept together, he didn’t think you’d let your guard down so much, and he wasn’t ready to do the same. After a while he began to crave the affection, and eventually he became comfortable with initiating it. His hugs are all-encompassing and very, very warm. Sometimes they’re too tight, and even when he’s relaxed it’s a firm, protective grip. It’s easy for him to totally wrap you up, given how big he is. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Sandor didn’t think he’d ever get the chance to “settle down”, it almost never crossed his mind. He was so sure he’d die in some battlefield or winesink somewhere. Even when you two were together, he had doubts that you’d want such a life with him. 
He’s absolute shit at actual cooking, but he knows how to hunt and clean game, so there’s that. He’s also not a neat person at all, in fact, he’s naturally pretty messy. He does at least take care of his armor and makes sure his swords are clean and sharp.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would  be rude and blunt, probably even angry as he tries to emotionally distance himself from you and fail miserably. He’d hate how vulnerable he’d be in that moment and would try to get it over with, probably not even waiting for a response. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’d never had a relationship like this, so it was hard for him to envision a single-person commitment before meeting you. He mostly had a string of whores and that was it. Now that you’re together, he’s grateful to have you. Still, he sees marriage as mostly pointless and wouldn’t rush you into it. You’d probably have to do the nudging if you wanted it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sandor thinks he’s shit at both, but you’ve noticed how in the beginning of the relationship he was unsure about touching you. He touched your back or your arm with a nervous carefulness. Even now when you have more tender moments, he’s careful about how he puts you in his arms. 
On the other hand, he’s awful at speaking gently. He’s just too blunt and rough with his speech, and he rarely thinks of censoring himself. More than once you’ve smacked him on the arm for something he’s said. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
You help him get used to hugs and start enjoying them, but obviously he’d deny it if you outright asked him. When he’s drunk he likes keeping you especially close, but you’re usually the one initiating it unless he had to be apart from you for a long time. His hugs are all-encompassing and tight. You feel totally bundled up in his broad arms. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’s a long time before he’s able to do this, maybe too long for your patience. Truthfully, it would be so much easier if you could say it first. He wouldn’t answer right away, but he’d pull you into a tight embrace. He’s able to actually say the words once you two have been together for some time. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sandor is absolutely a jealous man, and it only somewhat lessens after you’re together for a while. His insecurities just come rushing to the surface if you’re genuinely enjoying another man’s company, and he can’t keep himself from reacting angrily. The mild reaction is loudly telling the guy off, or standing directly behind you while staring him down. The worst is when he actually physically grabs the man or starts a fight. Once you’ve given him enough serious talks and scoldings about it, he’ll try to hold back, but he’ll definitely grumble and curse under his breath. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are firm and rough, usually combined with him holding your waist or back of your head. When he’s feeling more vulnerable, he’ll plant lighter kisses on your lips and hair. While you both are intimate, he loves kissing whatever part he can get at, but especially your neck. No shame there, he’ll leave whatever marks he pleases and just laughs when you try to find a dress to hide it the next day.
For himself, he likes any kiss you give him, but especially the casual ones you give him while you walk by or say goodbye. It’s just so sudden and genuine, the more spontaneous you are, the more it flusters him. He used to have some misgivings when you kissed the scarred side of his face, but then he noticed you kissed either side. You didn’t have a preference, which was oddly comforting. His favorite thing is how your hand gently touches whatever side you aren’t kissing. There’s zero need for you to be so gentle and affectionate, but you do it anyway, and he loves it. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s uneasy around very young ones and finds older children snot-nosed and annoying. He doesn’t realize that he talks to them like adults; Sandor really isn’t sure how you’re supposed to talk to them. He’d rather just avoid kids and babies. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He isn’t a morning person, but his duties usually have him up at dawn anyway. He’s full of tired grumbling and sluggish movements until he has something to eat. Someone who really knows Sandor will notice he’s not totally awake until the afternoon. He has the appetite of a bear when he wakes up. If you happen to cook for him and accidentally burn something, he may not even notice. Once you two are together for a while, he’ll want a kiss or a goodbye before he leaves. He won’t say that, but he’ll “accidentally” wake you up or wait expectantly by your side. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
After dealing with the shit of the Red Keep, he just wants to come home to you. Before you two were together he usually hung around winesinks and gambling dens, but being together with you in a space that you two have made is exponentially better. You can actually see the stress steadily leave him as you both unwind for the evening. He’ll want to be close and intimate with you, especially if he’s been drinking, but Sandor also likes to just watch you move around the house and do your own thing. Sometimes everything is so good and comfortable, it’s almost unreal, and that’s when he wants you in his lap. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
No surprise here, it takes Sandor some time to really openly talk about things that affected him. You may get some information when he’s drunk, but by nature Sandor tends to bitterly bottle things up. Even when he’s very comfortable with you, he won’t open up until the emotions start running high and it just starts spilling out.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s not the most patient person; he knows it, you know it. Sandor is only able to hold it down and bottle it up for so long. He’s good about not letting his grievances show when he’s in front of lords or the court, but that just means the drunk that decided to fight him in the evening picked a spectacularly bad time. He tries to be more patient with you, opting to grumble and growl instead of argue, but some topics just really set him off. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Sandor is pretty awful about remembering “non essential” things, like color preferences or the things you read, he’s better with practicality. The kind of soup or bread you like, or what you drink with him? Easy. Where you go when you have free time? Also easy, because he looks out for you. And if you’re someone with combat training, he absolutely remembers how you fight and what kind of openings you leave.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Shortly before you both were really together, but after you had talked for some time, there was trouble outside the Red Keep, and Sandor was out most of the night dealing with it. He returned in the very early hours of dawn, covered in bruises and light cuts. You stumbled upon each other, and it was hard to ignore the way you called out to him. He didn’t realize how much he wanted it until you touched him and asked if he was hurt. Sandor almost melted in your hands and let you clean and tend to the little injuries. He told himself he was just exhausted, but he stuck around long after you finished, and thought about your touches for several days after that.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s seen some of the worst men, some of them hiding behind their knightly title, so Sandor is quite protective of you when it comes to large groups of people or the inns you both visit. You’ll notice him scanning the crowds and keeping you close at hand. He wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to pull out his sword and defend you if any danger came. 
However, Sandor has never expected anyone to do the same for him. You being physically protective, like helping him in a fight, or aggressively telling anyone off if they say something rude … It would keep surprising him. He thinks your feisty and angry side is cute, too, so that’s a bonus. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Well, he’d do what he could. He’s pretty awful at remembering specific dates, so as long as you tell him a few days before he’ll probably remember. He’s pretty awkward with “gifts”, it’ll probably turn out to be something practical. He’d rather take you somewhere you like and spend the day with you, anyway. You can tell how much he cares for you every day by all the physical and intimate affection you get, also how he blushes and grumbles he loves you when you return that attention.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sandor has plenty of them, and he knows it. The biggest problem is how often he’ll bottle things up, and you know something’s wrong, but he won’t open up about it initially. He can also border on overprotective, especially when his jealousy kicks in and he doesn’t want you near certain men. He also tends to downplay any injuries he gets and doesn’t always take proper care of them.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He couldn’t give less of a shit, but maybe he should care a little more. You’ve ordered him to the bath several times and reminded him to wash his hands before eating.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
After a certain point he’d realize how lonely he’d be without you. When he’s especially in his cups, he’ll get sentimental over your relationship and the thought of you just being gone would be sickening. If you ever left, he’d alternate wildly between blaming himself and blaming you. He’d be far angrier and more withdrawn, and would probably lean too far into alcohol or fighting. This would only worsen if something terrible had happened to you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s actually fond of dogs, specifically, sweeter and calmer ones. He won’t admit this, especially if you owned one. He might even tease you about spoiling the mutt, then you’ll catch him feeding it scraps or petting its ears. To a lesser extent, he’d also like cats, but he’s rarely met a nice one. If you owned an especially fat and sweet one, he might not mind if it curls up next to him. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a heavy and loud sleeper; the snoring can be a bit much some nights, so feel free to jab and poke him until he rolls on his side. He usually ends up curling that way anyhow, which means you can cozy up to his back or torso and be extra warm. Sandor doesn’t move much in his sleep, nor does he mind you resting on him, so falling asleep on him while you two cuddle doesn’t bother him - he’s actually moved you trust him that much. He’ll insist on you staying close if it’s cold, especially if you both have to sleep outside.
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