#I hinted what what year this is but if I hadn't such a big mouth in the comments in the first drabble it would have been a better surprise
tigorrrr · 3 months
𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗧𝗶𝗲𝘀 || 𝔐𝔶 𝔇𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰!!
Banners made by, and AU belongs to @another-vampire-au
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Diya could hear the sounds of one of her oldest brothers, Tomáš, sparring with their fellow clansmen as she stalked through the hallway to the training grounds.
"Ah! They're back!" Diya mused to herself and wondered when will her brothers be called in for the next mission by the highest of pure-bloods when they just returned, which would leave her all on her own in this big complex for another unknown period of time.
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The cold night air stung her cheeks, but Diya was used to the harsh conditions of the mountain that going barefoot on the cold, wooden floor did not made her shiver anymore. She welcomed the challenge as it made her feel alive in between her 'inhuman' family. Living for so long as a human in a vampire clan, she had learned to adapt to the harsh elements of their mountain home.
Diya had always felt a deep connection to her vampire family, despite her human origins and the fact that she's adopted.
The sound of swords clashing and grunts of exertion filled the night air, adding to the sense of excitement and danger that surrounded her. She paused for a moment on the veranda to watch Tomáš in action, admiring his strength and skill as he effortlessly dispatched his opponents.
His movements were swift and precise, his eyes ablaze with determination — the baby blue color had more of a chilling, caribbean glow. That's how Diya knows Tomáš is enjoying himself amidst training. As she watched her brother move with precision and speed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration.
The vampires of the Lin-Kuei were known for their fierce fighting abilities and unwavering loyalty to clans they branch under, as the noblest of warriors of their kind.
She pushed open the door of the Grandmaster's office and stepped inside, the familiar scent of ancient paper and blood hitting her senses - while nauseating for others she found comfort in the familiarity.
Diya found him sat behind his desk that faced the entrance, one neat pile of papers on each side and an unrolled tube of paper was stretched in front of him. She could only guess Bi-han is writing a message of their finished objective to the Huǒ clan.
"How did it went with his majesty Guangxu?" she asked after a bow in greeting which he doesn't pay attention to, nor does her brother spare her a glance when she sat down on a cushion in front of him.
"Empress Cixi was lurking over his shoulder, as always. It went spectacularly..." because of the dryness poisoning Bi-han's tone Diya found his annoyance hilarious.
For someone who sometimes doesn't understand sarcasm, a sardonic comment slips from his mouth now and then.
Diya scooted closer on her knees, nonchalantly peering at his writing. "Where is Kuai Liang?"
"He went on a journey to the East, not long after sundown."
"... To the Dragon's lair?" she wetted her lips before asking, a little curious furrow twitched on her white, almost translucent brows.
"No." Bi-han paused his scribbling on the scroll's paper to look up at her and add; "I hope not."
A thought crossed her mind that it was a little village - a special someone living there - at the East-South side that inspired Kuai Liang to go on a journey this soon after a mission.
Bi-han didn't return to his writing as soon as he replied to Diya's surprise. His cold, brown eyes scrunched in a studious frown that bore into hers.
And, for a moment, Diya thought he knew. That he knew before she even got to tell him herself.
"Where were you last night? Searching for a new 'goat', I pressume." laying down his ink brush, Bi-han leaned back with crossed arms, observing her mastered, laid-back posture.
There was relief that swelled underneath her breast, even if only for a short while. Right now seemed like the best time to fill him in. Diya thought herself a fool for thinking she's prepared to have the conversation with him, she does not feel ready at all. "Well... Not exactly, brother."
An uncomfortable silence stretched at an unknown period and Diya fixed how she's seated on her bare heels and cleared her throat before batting her pale lashes at her older brother.
"I visited our.... neighbors."
"Who?" Bi-han grunted, already not liking her attempt at appearing 'innocent'.
Diya's reply was a little rushed but calm nonetheless. "Those under the Altay mountains..."
After another pregnant pause, Bi-han blinked out of his frozen state. He leaned forward on his elbows, nearly topping over his desk and spilling his ink. "Diya..."
"... Yes?"
"You. did. not."
"I did."
"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" palms that slammed into the wood rattled the small table on its small legs. Bi-han bolted from his seat, blue eyes of a storm pierced down at his adoptive sister.
Diya caught the ink bottle before it spilled all over the place and exhaled softly albeit a little shakily. "Brother, please, do calm down."
Bi-han walked over to the closest window and briskly stopped by it, gazing outside at the landscape with glittering snow underneath the moon's rays and rubbed harshly at his square chin as he surpressed a growl from escaping beneath his ribcage.
"They could have killed you!" he hissed into his twitching digits. "Or taken you prisoner to feed on you...!" the very image of it made his stomach churn. He had sworn to protect her from harm, it has like that for so lonf, and yesterday night it was a close call.
They nearly lost her. And he wouldn't have even known.
Diya couldn't talk him into having second thought about those gruesome scenarios, although she wishes to stand up for the Tarkatans she indeed felt more like a slab of meat than a guest yesterday. However, she couldn't bring herself to blame them for it, it's within their nature. If she could forgive one young and daft Lin-Kuei soldier years ago, she can forgive a hungry Tarkatan now.
Bi-han marched to the table only to go around it and stare down at his sister while being right by her side.
"And you told me you'll be out searching for a gullable person for the next full phase!" his sharp words stabbed her for her betrayal was just as hurtful to him. "The time is short and we can't sacrifice one of our own like last time!"
She didn't look him in the eye, when she continued to keep her sight on her lap Bi-han exhaled longly and ran his digits through his black roots up to his bun up-do.
He paced slowly away from her, close to the door before he returned to her side, a finger wagging distressingly in the air. "You— you disappointed me, Diya. I would have expected something so foolish from Tomas, but from you?"
"I know...! I know! And I'm sorry!" Diya squeezed her eyelids shut, her flat nose scrunched ever-so-slightly as she raised her voice to get rid of some of the heft from her chest. "You wouldn't have let me go if I told you— or listen to me. You'd have only locked me away like some fragile pet."
Bi-han bit onto his lip, with displeasure he acknowledged he couldn't argue about that, when he had already done that before. He stomped back to his seat and sat down with a huff.
"So, start explaining yourself!" he yipped with a sharp exhale and looked her in the eye. "What were you doing there with those freaks?!"
Diya was a little reluctant to answer after the tone he used at her, but she decided to rather play offended later. It would not be wise to be stubborn right now. "I proposed an alliance between us."
"Alli— An alliance?!? What for!?"
At any other time she would have giggled at how his mouth hung open and his eyes were open wide.
Diya inhaled quickly and continued to explain herself before he got the chance. "We need all the help we can get. And it's not fair we let them live the way they do, Bi-han! It's not their fault they're the way they are! We have to break that cruel cycle!"
"Don't be absurd, sister! There is still plenty of us not to be of concern! Not to mention we cannot be working along with the likes of them." Bi-han glanced at his tightened fists on top of the wooden surface, his jaw taut, his cuspids had slightly elongated from what she could see underneath the lantern's only light in this room. "There were not supposed to be half-breeds to begin with and as far as I know they are not our problem, unless we are given orders from the Arai."
He's agitated. And maybe rightfully so. Bi-han doesn't really like change, especially when it concerns the Lin-Kuei code and rules. And while he always aimed for his clan to be better, accepting allies such as Tarkatans is not one of those things he imagined for the future — new Lin-Kuei era under his rule don't do better, like Diya is hoping to achieve, because they are already immaculate.
"The hunters are coming in larger numbers than ever before, and they certainly won't wait for dusk to have a fair fight." Diya reminded him, leaning closer to the desk.
"The Lin-Kuei will bring them to their knees. Do not concern yourself with this, you will not be on the frontlines when the day comes."
Diya's cheeks puffed with a little pout and hung her head, clutching the loose fabric of her red Qipao dress only to let go of it when she saw her ivory fingers were stained with black ink.
"Ach, nein! Mein Dess!" she gasped, arms flying to anywhere but near her clothes.
Diya accidentally but succesfully startled her brother. Bi-han pushed himself up to see the damage on her lap before huffing to mask his groan. "Diya. It's just a micro smear. Not the end of the world."
"Kuai Liang gave me this dress! From Hong Kong!" she whined, fanning her hands in front of her as if she's swatting away bugs. "It's one of my prettiest! And I ruined it! Aahhh...!"
"Don't be so dramatic, after a good wash it will look like it had never happened." Bi-han didn't hold back from rising his orbs at the ceiling, he propped up his elbow to have his point and middle finger push against his temple and thumb against his cheek.
"Brother! Ink is so hard to wash off! Now I need a new dress!"
"You already have more dresses than there is all of Lin-Kuei together." Bi-han scoffed and idly looked over the message he has been trying to write down for Liu Kang who will pass it over to the higher branch of clans.
"Which is still not much considering I am a lady." Diya humphed, resting her stained hands on the table but far from his papers.
A grunt was his retort. Brisk and short.
Bi-han eventually broke the settled silence with another exhale, returning to the interrupted topic. "And what did they say?"
"Hm? Oh. That they don't trust us."
"Mhm..." Bi-han didn't say more to her astonishment, it's his thoughts that were full of comments.
"But are willing to accept if we prove to them they will be treated with respect first."
Diya could tell that from the grimace he's pulling on she will have to try harder. She can't read minds like them but his face said all; "as if they don't deserve it to begin with". Diya never understood why they hate half-vampires when it's them who created them to behind with, no matter if by accident or intentionally.
"I want for our family to be safe. The others won't help us when they know the hunters think that our clan is the only clan left to purge and have the only lead on, we are on our own." she reached his cold hand, her gentle fingers curled beneath his fist as her palm cupped over the rough knuckles. Thumb caressed over his thenar eminence when he didn't pull away.
"The Lin-Kuei... has always been on their own." Bi-han cut in while his sister was grasping for more thoughts she wished to share. "We don't ask for help, we don't recieve help, we help to ourselves, and serve the head of all the sub-clans." he expounded to her the way the live as if she hadn't heard that before.
"But why does the Tarkatans have to suffer when they, too, share your blood? I thought that, since the hunters will come after them, we could have joined forces."
"That may be a good strategy of a leader, but very against our code — Lin-Kuei aren't selected or just picked off the street, we are made." Bi-han twisted his hand to held hers when he felt her losing her hold, he couldn't look her in the eye when Diya's gentle-sculptured face contorted to exactly how she feels: upset, confused, helpless.
She would have continued her verbal assault but it's like talking to an ice wall. Getting an ice burn was enough. She's getting nowhere with his hard-headedness today.
The only choice Diya has is; she has to let this settle between them until next time when he'd be mellow and not so up-tight.
Diya stood up, escaping his somewhat comforting hold, bowed her head and left his office and Bi-han didn't look up at her until it was her back that faced him. A part of him wanted to comply to her idealistic wishes but a bigger part of him have to stay resilient to stay true to his clan his late father just recently left in his hands.
She closed the door behind her without a word and exhaled tiredly before looking ahead the vast hallway and listened to the inhuman people she came to love frolic around after their training session.
Diya saw the younger brother come her way when he turned a corner, silent on his feet as ever, and she immediately hurled herself at him. "Tooomaaaaas!!"
"Eej-ej!?" Tomáš' language switched to his native one as he exclaimed when his sister's face buried into his chest. "What is up with you? Did Bi-han give you a hard time?" his voice quickly lowered to coo down at her, patting her upper back as she smothered herself between his pecks for comfort.
"Mmmhnno." Diya's voice was muffled against the cotton of his uniform before she tore her face away for a proper air and hugged him properly. "I just missed you~ Very, very much." she chirped and her brother swooned.
If Tomáš noticed she gave him a little white lie, he said nothing.
"So did I!" he took her hand in his and began to lead her aimlessly through their big home. "Things are a lot better when we have you around. I swear, your smile pacifies even our cold, brooding Grandmaster."
"... I need to ask you something... You better reply with honesty." Diya murmured when a soldier passed by with a slight bow which she quickly returned, she only paid a little to no attention to what he just said.
"Sure. Go ahead! Ask me anything." Tomáš shouldn't sound so elated but he couldn't help it when he thought they were having a secret conversation. Just between them two. Diya doesn't have the heart to tell him not to be so childish when it's charming in its own way.
"What am I? Other than an amateur witch. Than a pet?"
"My little sister." he didn't even blink or had second thought when he answered, very certain to what he said is very true from his heart.
Diya exhaled softly and tried not to let her shoulders slump. In a way, this wasn't the answer she was looking for. "Tomas..."
"But you are, you dummy! Can't you see the resemblance?" he grinned toothily and fixed her white, stay lock behind her ear.
"Brother. you. are greying." Diya pouted at his response but the corners of her lips still quirked up involuntarily.
Tomáš' hand shot to his breast as he dramatically gasped. "Ahh, you don't say. Maybe it's because of the stress my little sister puts me through! Thinking she's not as brilliant for us, like she is!"
A blush bloomed on her ivory cheeks at her brother's theatrics that left all the Lin-Kuei around stop and stare. "Oh, hush! You're too loud!"
"So?" he snorted and pulled her closer to his side before she could briskly walk off from him, hugging her close. "I'm Slavic. We are loud when content!"
Although Diya will always adore that dopey grin on his face she will never say it out lout or she'll never hear the end of it.
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It was a bit harder to go to sleep after that 'eventfull' talk with Bi-han. Diya stayed wide awake until sunrise and although her eyes stung with sleepiness her mind was anything but.
The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting a soft golden light over the snow-covered landscape.
As she made her way up a rocky incline Diya accidentally stepped on her white dress' hem and her red pump suddenly slipped off her raised foot, it tumbled down the rocks, out of reach.
"Not my other dress, no..." cursing under her breath in a Germanic language, Diya made a futile attempt to retrieve her shoe after hitching up her dress higer before realizing that it was long gone.
Frustrated, she turned to continue up the path when a sudden movement caught her eye.
A tall, muscular figure mildly splattered with bright crimson blotches emerged from over the boulders that split the main path in two and gave her quite a scare.
He looked up from the shoe he caught at Diya, equally as surprised to see her out in the open and near the mountain's most slippery, dangerous parts nontheless.
"B-uhh... Baraka?! Why- how—??"
She couldn't smell the burning flesh, nor did she hear the sizzle of frying. No smoke nor fire vapoured off of his pale, scarred flesh.
Diya couldn't decide what was more concerning — that he's not burning up, or that he's came out here (hopefully) alone to the Lin-Kuei territory... Perhaps both.
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luvvixu · 3 months
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mind over matter pt. 4
synopsis: witness how your marriage was bound to fall apart with you on the front seat and your husband gojo had missed the show—now, he gotta figure out the story on his own.
content: arrange marriage au, angst, husband!gojo, mean!gojo, mention of blood, strong languages, some unsettling scenarios, emotional trauma, read at your own risk
a/n: ok, im such a bad author now huhu, i always broke my promises about updating the new chapter :((( should've just wrote in advance but i'm afraid i don't have that enough free time oqsjjanswjaj anyways, here's the anticipated chapter!! THANK YOU FOR Y'ALL PATIENCE <3 MWUHEHEHHEEHHE
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previous / masterlist / next
the next day comes and you've got yourself some visitors. megumi, yuuji, nobara, maki, and inumaki was in your room and they were all seated around you as you talk.
panda and your two third years were not around at the moment because this is a non-sorcerer hospital and people would freak out to see a big ‘talking’ panda. during your two third years, they were out of town and were on a mission but they still text you to get well and even send you some fresh flowers.
“wait, i still can't believe that he's your husband.” nobara couldn't explain his shock at the revelation. out of all, she didn't think that her goofy teacher was someone's husband.
you chuckled at her reactions as you turned your gaze on megumi, who's still his mouth hanging. “megumi, i thought you're getting a hint?” you tease the boy. although it was true, you actually thought he already had an idea because you've known him for almost his entire life and even once lived with you as a kid.
“no…” was only his answer.
“so, gojo-sensei was the one you're talking about when you said that he was a busy man. most of his job requires being out of town. but he never fails to shower you with love and he is making sure that you two would still communicate despite his busy schedule?” your eyes widened when yuuji literally just said what you had said from before, word-by-word!
“i—i supposed he is.” everyone in the room sweat dropped at your answer.
what do you mean you supposed?!
“y/n-sensei, is it okay if we ask your baby?” maki chooses the gentlest approach because she heard that post-pregnancy can make the mother quite crikey, sensitive, and is prone to depression. but to her relief, you respond to her warmly.
“oh, the baby is being treated since they're premature. i really can't wait to meet them once i get better. but right now, shoko was the only one who had seen my baby.” you smiled softly at the thought of your baby.
“gojo-sensei still hadn't seen the baby?” maki’s eyes went wide.
you nodded. “yeah, he said we should go together so i must heal quickly for that to happen.”
the door suddenly opened and it revealed your husband with food in his hand. you smiled at the packages not because you're hungry, but because you had finally persuaded satoru to go out and leave you even for just a few minutes.
how did you do it? well, you just give him an earful after what he did yesterday night and he's like;
“i don't know how you did it but you should've just gone to the convenience store or the hospital canteen just for an oatmeal and eggs. and look, i'm not upset over the fact that you just had the ‘very easy to get’ food delivered on this doorstep. what concerns me is you seem not to trust me very well to handle myself— well in fact i've been doing it since i was a kid and blah, blah, blah, blah…” it was your turn to yap but a little longer than he did. you even probably bought up some of his minor mistakes like not taking out the trash on random sunday night.
and he was like, “i'm sorry. i won’t do it again ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)”
“y'all done backstabbing me?” satoru teasingly smiled at you all.
“oh, we're just getting started. so why don't you take a seat and hear us out?” you patted the empty space of your bed beside you.
satoru playfully huffed and gave the foods to his students and let them distribute it themselves. sitting beside you, he gave you the separate plastic with food and helped you feed yourself. the two of you had your moment with you telling satoru to just let you be and stop feeding you like a kid, but satoru was like nuh uh—and it goes on and on.
meanwhile, the students watch you two with surprise in their eyes. they still couldn't digest the fact that you two had managed to hide your marriage for like five years or so. and out of all spouses out there, they couldn't believe their eyes that you married a guy that is a total opposite of you.
“i still cannot really believe that you're married and have a baddie wife.” nobara almost never tears her gaze towards you two.
“yeah, much more is that they look so in love!” yuuji agrees to what nobara said as his words made you two stop bickering instantly.
like a cold water being poured, you two were suddenly experiencing a reality check that this so-called in love was very far from the two of you actually is. coughing slightly to hide his awkwardness and nervousness, he just let himself chuckle. while you? you're an expert at this, you maintain a smiley expression and wordlessly (and also forcefully) agrees to what the boy said.
“oh my, do we?” putting a hand on your cheek, you smiled with your eyes closed. your act looks so legit but satoru has seen this multiple side—he knew this facade was all fake.
maki suddenly puts herself into attention by calling your name. “anyway y/n-sensei, i've noticed you two don't have a ring—” before she could even finish her sentence, you already beat her to it.
“that's because the two of us, mostly him, are constantly fighting curses and both involve using our hands when we use our techniques. it would be risky to wear it and we're scared that we might get it lost or damaged.” you explain meticulously.
you watch the students agree to your explanation, while satoru is looking at you with meaning. you stared back at him too, hoping that he would get your telepathic message.
“alright guys, your y/n-sensei needs to rest now. we'll just see you guys soon or you can all just drop by tomorrow after your training.” satoru called everyone's attention by clapping his hands then started to playfully shoo the students.
you watch them pack their things and wave you a happy goodbye, in which you return their enthusiasm as well. when they all left, you let out a sigh and started to gently lie your body on the bed. satoru, who was done cleaning just now, sit at the end of your bed and carefully massage your legs.
“did you have fun with them?” you just lazily hum at his question and proceed to rest your eyes.
“i…i'm surprised you managed to convince them about our marriage.” satoru continued quietly.
opening one of your eyes and looking at him, you said, “of course, i've been doing it to a lot of people for the past five years.”
that alone made him shut up.
satoru looked down to his hands, which were still busy massaging your legs. you've noticed that his eyes were casted down and his behavior was somewhat familiar to you, he's feeling something that is related to guilt and regret.
clicking your tongue, you're in no mood to deal with his behavior today. so to find a solution to this problem, you just put yourself to sleep and let all of this just go on without a single care.
it has been two days and you're getting better day by day. today was probably the bestest day so far because you're about to finally see your own baby!
“calm down, mama. do you want your stitches to open again?” shoko holds your knees to stop it from shaking anxiously as you were currently sitting just right outside the neonatal intensive care unit (nicu) where your baby was.
you understand that the doctors need to prepare the room first before you all come in, but you wished that they speed it up.
“but sho, i'm finally seeing my baby!” you squeal at your friend who just ruffles your hair and tells you to be patient—in which you definitely can't.
meanwhile, satoru, who was standing beside you while you and shoko were sitting together, has been eyeing you since this whole waiting. he understands that you're excited about seeing the baby because he is too, he is excited. but he couldn't help but to feel a sensation that you would rather share your excitement with others than him.
he knows that he sounds ridiculous and undeserving to say that in the first place after what he did to put you through, but he still couldn't help it and he wouldn't even dare to say it to you.
the door of the nicu just opened and it revealed the doctor who was wearing protective gear to keep bacterias and viruses from entering the room and harm the baby. before he lets you all in, he first instructs you all to change the same gear as him and then proceeds to give you all some explanation in which you actively listen and take notes.
and after that, he finally lets you go inside.
the moment your eyes traveled on a crib, you saw your child laying down there with some breathing apparatus that is connected to their little body. you could feel your eyes swell with hot tears as you inch yourself towards the bundle of joy who's their crib was also protected with glass and only small holes on both sides were there.
satoru and shoko watched you with pure warmth at your sight—it was a nice scene of mother's love. finally, a tear escapes your eyes the moment you get a whole view of your child.
“isn't he pretty?” shoko said beside you, someone who you didn't notice had come near you.
you gasp, “he? m-my baby is a boy?” your cries go even harder, but it was just pure happiness. you couldn't bring yourself to tear your gaze away from your child even though he looks fragile for being premature but you love him dearly.
“can i touch him?” you look at the doctor who assisted you earlier without caring that you might look like a crying mess. you're far more thrilled to be with your child than to be pretty at this moment.
the doctor smiled at you and he agreed. he pointed out the small hole on the side, telling you to stick your hands out to feel your baby. you do what he said with your shaky hands, and when your fingertips touch his warm skin—you feel like you could die from the burst of euphoria.
“my b-baby, my baby is n-now here!” you really can't hold your emotions back as you keep on passing your fingers through your baby's arm until it reaches his closed hands where you slightly and gently open it for him to grab index finger. and when he does, your smile becomes even wider.
“hi baby~ this is me, your mommy. it's so nice to finally see you.” you whispered softly, hoping that despite the glass, he could hear your words.
this is the bestest day of your life. your baby was here and that's all you need.
the scene continues to unfold with you still getting emotional and shoko was just watching you with a smile on her face. while satoru, the father of the child, the husband of the mother, was a little distant but he could still see the baby. he was all quiet and couldn't bring himself to utter a word but he's not speechless.
his eyes behind those glasses were trailed on the child, but most of his gazes were on you. satoru watches you become all smiley—this is probably the happiest smile he had seen on your lips for the past years of your marriage.
and he would absolutely never forgive himself if he breaks it—but he already did.
shoko notices his odd behavior and promptly leaves your side for a while (but you're busy having a baby talk with your baby to notice her leaving) to go talk to him.
“what? you're just gonna stand there and watch y/n?” yup. still the same as before, hostile towards the man. satoru let out a sigh and didn't give her attention. instead, he walked towards y/n and just focused on his family.
“you’re so tiny!” you continue to cooed at your son who keeps on moving slightly which is a good sign that your son is responsive and fighting. you also noticed that satoru was now right beside you and is looking at your son too with adoration tinted in his eyes.
“i don't think i could let myself be away from him anymore.” you said. your cheeks were now hurting from constant smiling but you don't mind.
satoru only looks at you briefly because his attention was now on his son, fully. “hello, it was nice finally meeting you.” his eyes trailed on his own flesh and blood with the most care of all.
on the other hand, you're not dumb to not notice that satoru was acting hesitant towards this scene and you knew what his reason was. you think that satoru thinks that he was undeserving to be here, and you're correct about his assumption.
but as a woman who grew up with an experience of being inside a shattered family, you absolutely would not want that to happen to your own child. and as much as you would also like to satoru be away at least for now because you're still that sensitive about what he had said during those conversations in the clinic and hallway, you respect his role as a father.
you'd give him a chance to prove his worth as a father to your child, but he's far worse to have a chance to prove his worth as a husband to you. if he messes this up real bad and without any proper explanation, this will be all over—satoru would no longer have you and your child as his own family.
“stick your hand on his hole, that way you could feel him.” you guided his hand towards the hole that you had said before and watched his hands turn shakey as he reached for the baby.
once satoru had finally experienced a skin-to-skin touch with his baby, he wanted to cry so badly but he didn't allow himself to, at least not yet. he felt like this was one of the best moments in his existence.
satoru would like to punch himself for questioning the baby for his plans as he seemingly thinks it would affect him. but just when he look and touch his baby, all of his recollection about the mixed emotions he felt when the baby is on the board has suddenly vanished and it was replaced with gratefulness and adoration for both of you.
it was like a full 360 degrees turn was done after the early birth of his first born. plus, he had seen you be ever so happy that you are with him. and deep inside him, satoru deniably hopes that this kid, this child, can at least help him save this marriage that was destined to fail and doomed.
because he now finally realizes that you're slowly wrapping him around your tiny fingers.
your tears had made him be a better person, your recent experience had made him behave. it almost cost you and your baby's wife just for him to realize the importance of your five years of marriage, and he's planning to tell you that soon.
“have you finally decided what name we should give him?” shoko asked you and she didn't fail to see your eyes sparkle at the mention of name.
ah yes, baby names.
that was something that a mother and father should decide together because it comes very crucial because the name that your baby will get is a symbol of you two's relationship. but the thing is, you and your husband hadn't talked about a single thing or just anything related to this matter.
that's probably why you're still embarrassed whenever you think about nanami accidentally seeing you open a website into one of the school's computers about unique baby names with its meaning.
you're four months pregnant at that time and you're spending your free time in a teacher's lounge. you're very invested in your mini research to the point that you didn't notice an old friend peeking at your screen. you actually only notice his presence when you're about to stretch but accidentally bump his torso, and to your surprise, he was there.
and then the rest becomes a story and history. nanami helped you pick baby names for both genders or even unisex until you came out with…
“kazuki. let's name him that.” a soft smile was decorated on your lips as you watched satoru, who's looking at you, plays with the hands of your son.
“kazuki…that's a nice name, y/n.” satoru said happily. however, you can see his disappointment behind those words and you know why. you didn't even invite him to search for your baby's name because why would you?
“does it have any special meaning?” shoko asked you.
you nodded and said, “of course, kazuki means hope of peace—and i really need that.”
taglists: @mistymuii @kalopsia-flaneur @sherryuki-callmeyuki @aish777 @tttttttf @slyhersophia @rirk-ke @labelt-san @shinruo @testrella @sad-darksoul @kurookinnie @mountvesuvu @chwesuh-imnida @cole-silas @elernity @maddie-jayne @yozora7154 @kawaiivillainess98 @forourpoets @aishies-stuff @numblytemporary @souyasplushie @catarinemirandax @aerithsthingss @h1gh4ru @ssetsuka @jskodn @khoiyyu @the2ndl @vebbiewuzhere @kouyoumarryme @dreamyescapesfromreality @local-mr-frog @haesify @blkmystery @bleppt @leavem3al0n3 @arminloverlol @megumisthirdog @shirabane @sheismaryy @tragicgirl444 @vampsins @miizuzu @kurobo @anxious-chick @p1nkliquor @mshitachin @chxrv @lolsasuke @username23345 @netyxms @lvstru @roscpctals99 @buttermilktea11 @berenevenstarzetaestelar @jiupark @hotsauce247 @veryverysadauthor @skepticalleo @opentheyoor01 @slowlyshycomputer @babybarbs12 @thickemadame @yaninnaacu @foggypostshark
[part 5 will be just there right around the corner — ©luvvixu2024]
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ginnsbaker · 3 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (17/17)
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Part Summary: “I firmly believe that when you do the right thing, everything will eventually fall into place. It might not turn out exactly as you hoped, but you’ll find a sense of understanding and peace with your decision.”
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader | Word count for this part: 7.600+ | Tags/Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of smut Author's note: Wow! Those five months went by so fast. Thank you so much for being with me on this journey. It's been my honor and pleasure sharing with you this story :)
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV I Part XV | Part XVI
“Tell me that your love is a sure thing” - Golden Vessel, Emerson Leif (“Hesitate”)
“Do you think I should ask Y/N to come with me?” Leigh asks, idly twisting a gold bauble between her fingers. She stares at it a beat too long, like she might find the answer in the curve of its shiny surface. 
It's three days before Christmas, and true to Shaw family tradition, they're just now getting around to setting up the decorations. It wouldn't have happened at all if Amy hadn't taken the initiative to remind them. She was supposed to help, but she's vanished again to meet another “friend.” Leigh and Jules are suspicious, thinking their mom might be seeing someone in secret.
Jules, teetering slightly on the ladder, twists around to give Leigh a raised eyebrow. “To the Harrison’s bash for New Year’s? Hell yeah, why not? She’s a blast. Could shake things up a bit.”
“No, not that,” Leigh exhales, now regretting even bringing it up. “I mean the comic book tour for Matt.”
Jules steps down, one rung at a time, until she’s down to Leigh’s level. “Oh. That’s…quite a step. But, why not? Sounds like an adventure for you both,” she says.
Logan zips by, a sheeny red bauble in his mouth, set on a mission to place it next to his bowl in the kitchen. He keeps fetching or chasing after the scattered Christmas balls, sending them rolling all over the house. Leigh and Jules have been running around, picking them up and putting them back on the tree.
“It’s not just that,” Leigh says, glancing out the window where the first hints of evening are brushing the sky. “Asking her to come means asking her to leave everything here behind. Her life, her responsibilities. It’s different for her—she has a real career.”
“Hold up—what we do is a real career too. We’re improving lives with healthy habits, remember?”
Leigh laughs sardonically. “Come on, Jules, we're kinda just floating, working for Mom. Y/N is a doctor, owns her clinic, has staff. That’s...”
“That’s a big deal,” Jules agrees with a solemn nod. “It’s a huge ask, for sure.”
Silence hangs for a beat, the only sounds being Logan’s light panting as he settles down, ornament forgotten. 
“Do you think she'd actually say no?” Jules suddenly pipes up, climbing back up the ladder to resume her decorating. Leigh spots a stray ornament a few feet away, points at it, and calls out, “Fetch!” 
Logan springs into action, scampering to retrieve it. As he returns, triumphant, Leigh gives him a pat on the head and passes the ornament up to Jules.
“Actually, it’s quite the opposite. She’d jump at the chance,” she tells Jules.
“So, what’s stopping you?”
“She might regret it later,” Leigh says quietly. “And that could mean losing her.”
Jules frowns, understanding the bind her sister is in. She stretches out a hand, and Leigh takes it, their palms pressing cold and warm together. “I’m sorry.”
“And if I leave her here, I might lose her anyway,” Leigh adds, the heaviness of two futures making her shoulders sag. 
Jules gives her hand a firm squeeze. “But what if you both end up regretting not taking the chance? It’s only a few months. Maybe Y/N can sort something out with her clinic?”
“It’s still too risky for her business. She’s poured everything into that place, Jules. Asking her to step away, even briefly—it’s…it’s selfish.”
“Life’s full of risky asks, Leigh. Sometimes, you gotta bet on what’s scary. Risk a little heartbreak on the chance it’ll bring you both something remarkable. Maybe this is one of those times?”
Leigh releases her hand and moves to another bare section of the tree. “Is that the kind of thinking that made you decide to look for your biological parents in Vietnam?”
Jules snaps the tinsel down, her response coming quick and a bit sharp. “Yes.”
Leigh winces slightly, realizing her question might have prodded an unintended sore spot. “I didn’t mean—”
“I get it,” Jules interjects, sighing as she tries to bring the conversation to a close. They’re both dealing with their own issues, and as much as she loves Leigh, she knows she’s not in the right headspace to offer solid advice—especially advice she’s not even sure works.
Leigh clamps her mouth shut. She doesn’t want this to turn into an argument either.
“Maybe just talk to her? See what she thinks? Who knows, maybe the biggest leaps make the most sense when you’re doing them for the right reasons... for the right person,” Jules says after some time. 
“You really think so?” Leigh asks, her voice threaded with hope.
“I do,” Jules nods, her hands busy rewrapping the tinsel Logan has graciously returned. “Just talk to her. It’s either a ‘what if’ or a ‘what now.’ Better to find out which.”
Leigh comes with her mouth open, but no sound escapes. Her body trembles as she experiences what she knows is the best orgasm she's ever had—though she remembers saying the same thing about this morning’s quickie in your bathroom. It just seems to keep getting better each time.
You slowly climb up from her pussy, trailing soft kisses along her stomach. As you move upward, you let your tongue lightly trace a stripe across one of her nipples, eliciting a shiver from Leigh. She’s still catching her breath, but when you finally reach her lips, she pulls you in for a deep, consuming kiss. The way her tongue wrestles with yours tells you she’s already eager for more, her hands tangling in your hair as she holds you close.
You break the kiss, smiling down at her. “Hi,” you murmur, almost shyly.
Leigh, still a little dazed, brushes the strands of hair off your forehead and gently traces your lower lip with her thumb. “You know something?” she asks, her eyes wandering over the marks and lines on your face.
She kisses the corner of your mouth. “You're kind of amazing,” she says softly.
“That good, huh?” you tease, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
Her hand, which has been cupping your face, slides down your neck before she pulls it back to herself, biting at her index fingernail.
“I’m sure you can tell,” she whispers, her voice low and sultry. To emphasize her point, she arches her hips, the slickness between her thighs evident against your skin.
“You’re going to have to give me a minute,” you sigh, letting your head fall to her sweaty chest. “You’ve completely worn me out.”
Leigh laughs, a soft, melodic sound. “Really? Getting tired already? What happened to your stamina?”
You don’t bother to retort, content just to lie there listening to the rhythm of her heart. “It’s hard work keeping you satisfied,” you say after some time, your voice muffled against her skin.
She tightens her hold around you, the gentle stroke of her fingers in your hair making every thought slow down. The security of her embrace makes everything seem right in the world, and it emboldens you to voice a thought that's been on your mind more and more lately.
“You know,” you start, lifting your head to catch her eyes, “I was thinking… maybe you should move in with me.”
Leigh stiffens just a bit, her eyes darting away for a moment, and you instantly regret how fast you’ve blurted it out. You sit up, trying to backpedal, “Only if you want to, I mean... it was just a thought. You're here most nights anyway, and your toothbrush is already—”
Before you can ramble on, Leigh leans in and silences you with a gentle kiss. “Slow down,” she whispers against your lips, her smile reassuring.
You chuckle, giving her a sheepish, lopsided smile. “Right, right,” you agree, settling back down beside her. 
Leigh shifts to lie on her side, propping herself up on one elbow. Her eyes, still dark with want, sweep over your body—flushed, soft, and still quivering slightly from your efforts to pleasure her. She catches herself, though, and with a more composed motion, she pulls the blanket up to cover you, tucking it around your chest.
You look up at her, your expression ironically innocent, waiting for her to say what's on her mind.
“I’d love to,” Leigh finally says. “But do you really think it’s the right move?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we’ve just started exploring what this is, what we could be, and I’m already planning to leave. It feels like I’m setting us up for...” Leigh doesn’t finish the sentence, but she doesn’t have to.
Matt's book tour looms over both of you, an ever-present shadow no matter how tightly you try to cling to each other. It's as if you believe that by melding into one with Leigh, you could somehow will her impending departure into nonexistence.
Though before you can say anything, your phone rings from the coffee table beside you. You reach over and grab it, your mom's name flashing urgently on the screen. A quick glance at the time sends a jolt through you—you were to pick her up at the airport but completely lost track of time.
Leigh sits up too, clutching the sheet to her naked torso. “What is it?”
You wince, the irony of the situation not lost on you. “It's my mom,” you explain hurriedly. “I should have left, like, half an hour ago to pick her up at the airport. She’s staying with me for a few days until right before New Year’s.” 
A moment ago, you were discussing moving in together, and now you find yourself needing to ask her to leave. 
Leigh raises an eyebrow, smiling coyly as she realizes the implications of your mother’s arrival. “And let me guess, she's staying here? In your one-bedroom palace?”
“Yeah,” you say, scrambling to get dressed. “Which means I need to air out the place, change the sheets... make it look like I live like a monk.” You stop for a second, looking at Leigh with an apologetic frown on your face. “And I kind of need to ask you to leave now. Please don’t be mad.”
“Mad?” Leigh laughs as she swings her legs out of bed and starts gathering her clothes. Once she's collected them all, she steps closer, gives you a quick kiss, and murmurs right next to your ear, “I’m furious.”
You kiss her hair gently before stepping in front of the mirror to check your appearance, making sure you don't look as disheveled as you feel.
“Gives us both some time to think about everything. The tour, us moving in, all of it,” Leigh says, slipping into her jeans.
“Absolutely,” you agree, watching her.
“Change those sheets well, huh?” she teases, zipping up her bag. “You know how moms can be.”
You grimace jokingly at her comment. “Please, don't ever use 'sheets' and 'mom' in the same sentence ever again.”
Leigh laughs again, clearly enjoying you squirm. She slings her bag over her shoulder, waiting for you to finish getting ready.
As you cap your lip gloss, an idea suddenly strikes you. Seeing Leigh's expectant look reflected in the mirror, you ask, “Hey, how about you join me to pick her up at the airport?”
Meeting your mom seems like another huge step in your relationship, but she doesn't hesitate.
“Is it okay with your mom?” she asks, a bit wary.
You shrug, taking her hand confidently. “Why wouldn't it be?”
Apparently, you’re the spitting image of your mother.
At least, that’s how Leigh sees it as she watches you both hug it out in the arrival section of LAX. As a fitness pundit, Leigh immediately notices your mom's excellent posture, despite her petite frame. It's the first thing she observes in anyone, and your mom is no exception. Beyond that, you both share the same quick smile and the way your eyes light up in laughter—deep brown, the color of rich coffee, which Leigh finds particularly striking. Even the gestures are mirrored; the way you both tuck hair behind your ear when nervous, or the confidence in your strides.
What distinctly sets her apart from you, though, is how intimidating your mom appears to be.
As you walk to the parking lot, holding your mom’s hand in one of yours and Leigh’s in the other, your mom chats animatedly about a hot spring resort she discovered near your hometown. Leigh keeps half a step behind, doing her best to stay engaged while keeping up with your pace.
“So, how was your flight?” Leigh asks, finding a moment to wedge herself into the conversation.
Your mom barely glances back, responding briefly before turning her attention back to you. “Long, but it’s always nice to spend Christmas with my daughter,” she says, squeezing your hand affectionately.
Leigh tries again. “It's pretty nice weather here, isn't it? I bet it's a lot colder on the East Coast right now.”
“Oh, it’s freezing out there, Leigh,” you chime in, completely oblivious to the awkward interaction between your mom and your girlfriend. 
Your mom nods but doesn't elaborate, her focus still on you. “We should stop by that bakery you always gush about,” she says, eyes bright with excitement.
Leigh's grip on your hand tightens slightly, and she lags further behind. “Oh, that store closes at five. It’s seven already,” you say. 
Desperate to connect, Leigh tries for the final time. “There are special light installations in the park for the holidays. Would you like to go see them?”
Your mom finally looks back, but her smile is thin. “I’m not much into these ‘light installations’. Too much walking.” She quickly shifts back to you. “How’s work been?”
“Work’s been busy, but manageable,” you say, glancing back at Leigh, who offers a small, strained smile.
The three of you continue to the parking lot, the conversation feeling increasingly one-sided. As you reach the car, you open the trunk and help with the bags, all the while trying to think of a way to include Leigh more naturally.
“Leigh and I were thinking of checking out that new restaurant downtown,” you say, making an effort to draw your mom's attention to her.
“Sounds nice,” your mom replies. “But actually, I'm not hungry—just a bit tired.”
Leigh’s expression falls just a bit, but she quickly masks it, helping with the last of the luggage. She figures that’s her cue to leave. 
You can’t hide your frustration. Your plan was to have a nice dinner, a proper introduction. “Are you sure, Mom? It doesn’t have to be a long meal,” you push back gently.
“Let’s just get your mom home, she’s had a long day,” Leigh tells you softly.
You glance at your mom, silently pleading for her to reconsider, but she only smiles. “Maybe another time, dear.”
Reluctantly, you agree.
You lead your mom into the living room, urging her to make herself comfortable while you hurry to get the bedroom ready. The sheets need changing, the windows thrown open to freshen the air, and the whole space needs a bit of tidying. 
“I’ll be right back,” you mumble, disappearing into the bedroom.
In the bedroom, you work quickly, stripping the used sheets and flinging the windows wide. You hustle, smoothing on fresh sheets, fluffing pillows, and straightening up—getting rid of all the evidence of what you and Leigh had been doing all week. 
Meanwhile, your mom isn't one to just sit around. She takes in the scattered magazines, the couch cushions askew, and the dishes piled up in the kitchen. With a small sigh, she gets up and starts putting things in order. She straightens up the living room and moves on to tackle the kitchen. Before long, the sound of running water and clinking dishes fills your tiny apartment.
When she’s done setting things in order, she starts rummaging through your fridge and pantry. With only a few ingredients at hand, she decides to make do with what you have. Soon, she's boiling spaghetti and slicing hotdogs to toss into the mix. This dish was a childhood favorite of yours and remains a go-to comfort food. As soon as the familiar aroma wafts through the air, you find yourself irresistibly drawn toward the kitchen.
“Is that...?” you start, a delighted smile spreading across your face at the sight of the generous layer of shredded cheese melting over the thick red sauce.
“Sit down and eat while it's hot,” your mom commands with a warm smile.
You don’t need to be told twice.  Fork in hand, you dive into the spaghetti as though you haven't eaten in days. Considering your usual diet of takeout and quick fixes, that's not too far from the truth. You chat about small, inconsequential things—the new coffee shop you tried last week, the remarkable cases you’ve encountered in the clinic this month, the shows you’ve been watching on Netflix. 
Finishing your meal, you lean back with a satisfied sigh, feeling truly content for the first time in a long while.
“Yes, dear?”
“So... what do you think of Leigh?”
“So that’s Leigh, huh?” Your mom pauses, setting down her cup of tea with deliberate care. “The widow of the guy you unknowingly dated for a while, not realizing he was married?”
“Yeah, that’s her,” you confirm, nodding slowly as your nerves start to build. The last time you brought up Leigh to your mom, you were almost ready to throw in the towel until she urged you to give it another shot. Now, more than anything, you're hoping she'll give her approval.
She nods thoughtfully, then with a sly grin, says, “Well, she's definitely out of your league.”
“Mom!” you exclaim, embarrassed.
She chuckles, clearly pleased with her little joke.
“Come on, be serious,” you plead.
Your mom clasps her hands on the table, and gives you that look—the one that means business. You can't help but roll your eyes at her theatrics, clearly aimed at getting a rise out of you.
“Leigh seems lovely,” she says. You can tell she’s sincere and that makes you sigh in relief. “And I really appreciate how she tried to engage with me earlier.”
You relax slightly, but then, as you replay the earlier interactions in your mind, you realize Leigh seemed frustrated and your mom wasn’t as welcoming as she usually is. Your face scrunches up as this sinks in.
“Wait, you were really standoffish to Leigh earlier!”
She holds up her hands in a half-shrug, her smirk fading into a more thoughtful expression. “Oh, honey, I didn’t mean to come off that way at all,” she says. “I guess I was just being overprotective. You know, considering how everything started between you two.”
You appreciate her motherly instincts but wish she'd given Leigh a fairer chance from the start. “I get it, Mom. But Leigh is really important to me now. It would mean a lot if you could try to get to know her better. For me?”
“Of course, sweetie,” she says. “What do you need?”
“Well, for starters…” you start, pausing as you try to find the right way to explain. You're about to share that you'll be spending Christmas dinner with the Shaws this year. It's always been just the two of you for the holidays, so you're not sure how she'll take the news of including others she hardly knows. “You’ll have an opportunity to bond with her the day after tomorrow.”
“What’s on Tuesday?”
“Christmas Eve dinner,” you reply. “At the Shaws.”
“Dinner at your girlfriend’s?” she clarifies.
You nod, your lip catching between your teeth. It still feels a little surreal—exciting, actually—being able to call Leigh your girlfriend. “Yeah, Mom. I thought it’d be nice for us to join them this year.”
Instead of giving an outright yes, she asks, “What should I bring? I want to make a good impression.”
You stand up and walk around the table to give her a hug. She wraps her arms around you and plants a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you,” you mutter into her shoulder. “Maybe bring your blueberry pie? Everyone loves that.”
“You love it,” she says cheerily. “Consider it done.”
Slipping back into old habits, you start clearing the dinner dishes, just like you used to when you lived with her. As you stack dishes and run water in the sink, your mom begins unpacking her bags in your bedroom. As you scrub the dishes, thoughts of following Leigh and leaving everything here behind start to overwhelm you. Once the kitchen is spotless and the last dish is put away, you realize you can't keep these feelings bottled up any longer. 
You call out to your mother as you dry your hands on a kitchen towel. A few seconds later, she reappears in the living room, her face expectant.
“Hey, uhm,” you say, not knowing how to start. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”
“Go on,” she urges gently.
You take a deep breath before continuing, “Matt’s comic book is getting published posthumously. The publishing company wants Leigh to join a tour to promote the book, and I'm… I’m thinking of joining her.”
Your mom's expression becomes inscrutable as she processes the information. She walks to the couch and takes a seat. After a long pause, she asks, “What will happen to your clinic here?” 
You look down, fidgeting with the towel in your hands, and then meet her gaze. “I’ve thought about that,” you say. “I’d need to find someone to cover for me. It wouldn’t be easy, but... I feel like I need to be there for Leigh. This is important to her, and… she’s everything to me.”
You try to read her reaction, but every line on her face remains perfectly still and composed. “Is it because you want to be there for her,” she says slowly, “or because you're afraid that if she leaves, you might lose her?”
Your eyes drop to the floor, and that's answer enough for your mother.
“Come here,” she says, patting the empty spot on the couch next to her. Wordlessly, you oblige.
“It's okay to be scared,” she whispers. “Loving someone means taking risks. Just remember, you need to be true to yourself as well. Leigh is important, but so are you.”
“I just don’t want to regret not giving my all to see this through with her,” you say.
“You love her,” she states, not as a question, but as a fact.
“I really do,” you say quietly.
“I firmly believe that when you do the right thing, everything will eventually fall into place. It might not turn out exactly as you hoped, but you’ll find a sense of understanding and peace with your decision.”
Your mom's words stay with you throughout the night. As you lie in bed, you can hear her soft breathing, her back turned to you.
You’ll find a sense of understanding and peace with your decision.
Your phone vibrates gently beneath your pillow, and you smile when you see a message from Leigh.
Leigh [10:45 PM]: Can’t sleep. I miss you.
You [10:45 PM]: Miss you too.
She doesn't reply, but she fills your head well into the night. The future is uncertain, but one thing feels right: going with Leigh on her tour is the decision that brings you peace.
Christmas Eve dinner arrives sooner than you expected.
Pulling up to the Shaws' house, you're amazed by the decorations that the siblings have tirelessly worked on for the past two days. The house is transformed into a festive wonderland, with twinkling lights draped over every surface, garlands of holly framing the windows, and a towering Christmas tree visible through the living room window, adorned with shimmering ornaments and tinsel.
You watch your mom's reaction as you both step out of the car, seeing the lights reflected in her awe-filled eyes. You beam at her, proud of your girlfriend's decorating skills and holiday spirit.
You and your mom walk up to the doorstep. She clutches her much-loved blueberry pie, which you’re looking forward to having a hearty slice of tonight, while you carefully hold Leigh's gift—a Lego typewriter modeled after a vintage 1950s design. You feel a twinge of nervousness about how she’ll receive your gift.
Moments later, the door swings open to reveal Leigh, all dressed up, and for a moment, you're speechless. Leigh has always been beautiful. No matter what she wears—be it casual joggers, sleek dresses, or even just her underwear—she never fails to leave an impression. Tonight is no different; she takes your breath away all over again.
“Merry Christmas!” Leigh greets brightly. “Almost, anyway,” she adds with a nervous laugh.
“Your decorations are incredible,” your mom says, smiling at her.
“Oh, thank you!” Leigh replies, her cheeks flushing at the unexpected compliment. 
“Where should I put this?” your mom asks, holding up her pie.
“You didn’t have to, but wow, that looks amazing! Come on in, I'll show you,” Leigh says, stepping aside to let you both in. She leads you to the kitchen, where the smells of holiday cooking are even stronger. “You can set it right here,” she points to a spot on the counter already laden with various dishes and desserts.
Just as your mom sets the pie on the counter, Amy walks in. Leigh introduces her mom, and the two women share friendly greetings before Amy’s attention quickly turns to the blueberry pie. They dive into a lively discussion about cooking, swapping recipes as if they’ve known each other for years.
Leigh turns to you, her eyes shining. “I'm so glad you’re here now,” she says softly, her fingers lightly brushing against yours. Craving more contact, you gently grasp her hand and guide her to the backyard where Logan is nonchalantly marking a geranium. With no one around now, you draw Leigh close and kiss her deeply. Leigh responds just as fervently, her hand coming to rest on your waist and then squeezing, making you moan into her mouth. She takes advantage of the moment, slipping her tongue in. Her other hand finds its way to your neck, pulling you even closer. You can feel her heartbeat against your chest, matching the rhythm of your own.
When you finally pull back, breathless, you rest your forehead against hers. Leigh's eyes are half-lidded, her lips slightly swollen, tempting you to lean in once more. Just as you're about to, she finally takes notice of the enormous box under your arm.
“Is that for me?”
“Yes,” you say, handing it to her. “I hope you like it.”
Leigh's eyes widen as she takes her gift, her excitement further lighting up her soulful green eyes.
“I've got something for you too,” she says, giving the box a little shake. “It's upstairs in my bedroom. Want to get it now?”
You shake your head, matching her giddy smile. “Maybe later. If you take me to your bedroom now, I can't promise we'll be back in time for dinner,” you say.
Leigh chuckles. Honestly, she feels the same way. “Well then, can I open this now?” she asks.
“Absolutely! Go ahead. I really hope you like it.”
Leigh quickly starts unwrapping your gift, her fingers deftly tearing through the wrapping paper. As the paper falls away, her eyes widen in pleasant surprise at the sight of the Lego typewriter.
“Oh my gosh, it's perfect! Thank you so much!” She carefully places it on the ground before wrapping you in a tight embrace.
“You're welcome,” you whisper, circling your arms around her waist and pulling her close.
When she pulls back, her eyes are brimming with happiness and something deeper—pure, unfiltered love. She stares at you, her gaze soft and intense, as if she's seeing you for the first time.
“I can't believe you remembered,” she says, referring to a conversation you had weeks prior. “This means so much to me.”
You smile, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I just wanted to make you happy.”
Something in your words strikes a chord within her. Without thinking, she blurts out, “Come with me to Matt's comic book tour.”
Her eyes widen slightly as she realizes what she's just said. But she doesn't take it back; instead, she buries her face in your neck, breathing in your scent. With each breath, she finds the idea of being apart from you increasingly unbearable.
“I want you to be there with me,” she continues with more conviction. “I can't imagine doing this without you.”
She pulls back slightly, needing to see your reaction. In your eyes, she finds the same depth of love she feels for you, mirrored back at her.
“As you wish,” you whisper, leaning in to seal your promise with a kiss.
Dinner is a success, largely due to Amy's and your mom's excellent cooking skills. The pasta prepared by Leigh and Jules wasn't a total disaster, but it had its mishaps. After the first batch turned too soggy—practically mush—Jules had to dash out in the middle of dinner to buy another pack of pasta.
Leigh’s father made a brief appearance with his new family, stirring a bit of awkwardness between the exes. Luckily, your mother defused the tension by suggesting a family game. It wasn’t long before laughter filled the room, with Jules energetically shouting clues at those struggling to guess the words on their foreheads.
In the middle of the game, Leigh volunteers to do the dishes. You offer to help, but Jules quickly drags you out of your seat to be the next one to guess the word. While you’re preoccupied, your mom quietly slips out of the living room and follows Leigh into the kitchen.
Leigh is surprised to see your mom. “I've got this,” she assures her with a polite smile. Despite your mom having considerably warmed up to her, Leigh still feels a bit anxious in her presence.
Your mom simply picks up some dinnerware that has already been washed and starts wiping them dry with a towel. “Do you know why Y/N became a veterinarian?” she asks casually.
Leigh smiles, recalling your story about Max, the first animal you ever helped. “Yes, she told me about rescuing a pup. It was really touching,” she says, her eyes softening at the memory.
Your mom observes Leigh, who has already returned to busily washing the dishes. “That’s right. But there’s more to it,” she says.
Leigh stops what she’s doing and tilts her head. “What do you mean by that?” she asks.
“Y/N did get into veterinary school,” your mom begins, placing a dry plate on the stack. “But she dropped out after the first semester. She had this deep-seated dream of traveling the world.”
Leigh listens attentively, wiping her hands on a dishcloth.
“Her father and older brother are both veterinarians, running a small clinic in our town. Naturally, they encouraged her to follow the same path,” your mom continues, “and while she loved animals, she also wanted to explore every corner of the world ever since she was a kid.”
Leigh's hands pause in the sudsy water as she absorbs every word.
“Her father gave her his blessing, and off she went. She traveled the world for two years.”
“What brought her back?” Leigh asks.
Your mom takes a deep breath, her knuckles whitening as she grips the towel more tightly. “H-Her father and brother were killed in a car accident,” she says, each word seeming to be painfully forced out of her.
Leigh's hand flies to her mouth in horror. “Oh no, I... I didn’t know,” she stammers, feeling a rush of guilt and confusion. Why hadn’t this crucial detail come up before?
“It was a terrible time,” your mom says quietly, “but it brought her back home.”
Leigh is silent, guilt gnawing at her for not knowing such a significant detail of your life. She’s been so caught up in sharing her own thoughts and plans, and you’ve always been the listener, never pressing her to ask about your past. She realizes now how little she’s asked about your family.
Leigh abandons her chore altogether. “W-What happened then?”
“After the accident, without their expertise, we couldn't keep the clinic running,” your mom replies, her voice steadier now but still tinged with sadness. “We had to put it up for sale. It was devastating to lose what they had worked so hard for.
“For a long time, Y/N was depressed. She blamed herself for not being there in the last two years, for putting her own interests first. And with the clinic gone, she felt like she had failed to preserve their legacy.”
Leigh is at a loss for words, her eyes growing bleary. “I’m—” 
“Being a housewife all those years, I suddenly found myself needing to help put food on the table so Y/N could go back to school,” your mom explains. “For a year, she was just a shell of herself, hardly the vibrant person you know now.”
Needing a moment to process all these revelations, Leigh moves to the dining table and sits down. Her legs feel weak at the thought of you being so heartbroken. She knows grief all too well. Losing one person she loved nearly destroyed her; she can't imagine losing two at once.
“Y/N is the most… beautiful, wonderful and well-adjusted person I know,” Leigh says after a while. “I wouldn't have guessed she went through all that.”
“My daughter is a miracle,” your mom states with a soft smile.
“Thank you for telling me all this,” Leigh says sincerely.  “It means a lot to understand what she’s been through.”
Your mom nods and says, “I'm not telling you this just because you're her girlfriend. I'm telling you because I know she’s planning to follow you and leave her practice here in LA behind.”
Leigh's breath hitches as she takes it all in. Learning about your father and brother, she realizes she nearly forgot what she asked of you just hours ago. It's not just a job or a business you're leaving behind—it's a dream that keeps their memory alive, a part of you where they still live on.
“Please, don't ask her to leave everything behind,” your mom says, her voice almost pleading. “Just promise her that you'll come back for her.”
It’s not an easy promise to make—or keep. The mere uncertainty of what lies ahead holds her back. She can't stand the idea of breaking a promise to you or betraying your trust in any way.
Leigh's silence stretches on, and your mom speaks again. “If you can't promise to come back for her, just end it. Don't let it drag on. She's tougher than she knows. It'll hurt, but she won't be alone—I'll be there, and so will her friends and coworkers.”
Leigh balks at her. “I don't want to rush into a decision.”
But your mom isn't listening. Her concern cuts through her caution, compelling her to share more. “After we lost half our family, she was never the same. She’d sacrifice everything for someone she loves, always skeptical of a second chance. She loves like there's no tomorrow.”
It’s the one thing your mother said tonight that rings truest about you. You do love as if it's the last thing you'll ever do.
Before Leigh can respond, Amy walks in, sensing the tension immediately. “Is everything alright?” she asks, her eyes darting between Leigh and your mom.
Leigh suddenly realizes she's been crying, and so has your mom. Your mother excuses herself to the bathroom, leaving Amy looking concerned and bewildered.
“What was that about?” Amy asks.
Leigh, shaken and overwhelmed, struggles to speak. “I-I need to get the gifts for everyone. They're upstairs,” she stammers, then quickly heads to the bedroom, needing to escape and collect herself.
Amy watches Leigh leave, then reaches for the blueberry pie, trying not to read too much into the haunted look in her daughter’s eyes.
It’s a cold January evening when Leigh finally gathers the courage to talk to you. Your mother flew back to Maine three days after Boxing Day, and the rest of the holidays passed by in pure bliss. The two of you are curled up on the couch, a blanket draped over your legs, the remnants of dinner still on the coffee table. She’s been avoiding this conversation, clinging to the hope that something might change. But the more she thinks about the family you lost when you were younger, the more convinced she becomes that your mother was right.
“Can we talk?” Leigh’s voice is soft, almost drowned out by the movie playing in the background.
You mute the TV and turn to her, a look of concern immediately crossing your face. “Of course. What’s on your mind?”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us, about our future,” Leigh says slowly.
It doesn’t immediately ring any alarm bells in your head, but your heart starts to race. “Okay…” you murmur. You can't help but notice her hands twisting nervously in her lap. You reach out to steady them, and as she looks up, her resolve breaks.
“I love you. You mean the world to me, but…I don’t know if it’s right for you to come with me.”
You frown, eyebrows stitched together in confusion and denial. “Leigh, what are you talking about?”
She looks away, her hands slipping from your grasp as she inches further into her corner of the couch. “I can’t be the reason you give up everything you’ve worked so hard for,” she says.
“I’m not,” you reassure her, trying to keep calm. “It’s just for a little while, right? Less than six months on tour. And it's not like we'll be non-stop; the schedule allows breaks. We can come back home in between. We’ve discussed this, remember? We have a plan in place.”
Leigh grows quiet, her gaze fixed on a spot on the floor. She takes a long breath through her nose, as if preparing herself for something even harder to say. “That's the thing,” she whispers. “I might not come back.”
Everything around you stills.
“What do you mean, you might not come back?”
Leigh’s eyes remained glued to the floor. “For the longest time, I’ve thought about leaving. Now that Jules is embarking on her own trip to Vietnam, and Mom is planning a long vacation in Europe, it feels like the best time to explore what's out there.”
“Leigh, we've been planning this together. It's just a tour. We'll be back,” you reiterate in frustration, starting to grasp at straws.
She merely shakes her head. “Everything about this place reminds me of Matt—both the good and the bad memories. Maybe I—”
“Great. The Matt card again,” you snap.
Leigh bristles at your comment. She stands abruptly and begins to pace. Seething. “Card?” she retorts sharply. “This is my life, my pain—”
“And you’ve just been running away from it all!” you counter, standing up too. “Running away from me!”
“Didn't you?” she fires back, her voice breaking. 
“Didn't you do the same thing when you lost your—” Leigh can't finish the sentence. It hurts too much to even say it.
You take a step back, shocked. “How did you—”
“Your mom told me.”
The room certainly feels like it's closing in. Unable to stand any longer, your legs give out, and you collapse onto the couch, burying your face in your hands and massaging your temples. Leigh watches you for a moment, then sits beside you. She reaches out tentatively but pulls back, unsure of what to say or do.
Your hands fall away from your face, and you turn to her, your eyes filled with pain and betrayal. “You learned about me losing my dad and my brother, and your response is to... leave me as well?”
Leigh's eyes fill with tears again, and she looks away, unable to hold your gaze. “It’s not like that,” she whispers, her voice trembling.
“What if I promise that the clinic will be okay? Foreman can manage things while I’m away, I trust him,” you suggest, your voice wavering as the reality of the situation starts to consume you.
Leigh shakes her head, dabbing at her eyes with the back of her hand. “I can't,” she murmurs. “I can’t feel good about myself knowing I'm pulling you away from something important to you.”
“But you're what's important to me, Leigh,” you argue weakly.
“That’s not how it works, Y/N,” Leigh says, trying to fight more tears threatening to spill over. “It’s too imbalanced. We don’t need a relationship where one of us is sacrificing too much. That’s not healthy for either of us.”
You sit in stunned silence, her words sinking in. You've always been willing to sacrifice for the people you love, but now you see how it could be a burden for Leigh. 
You swallow hard, trying to compose yourself, the words sticking in your throat. “And you think the best for us is to be apart?”
She nods reluctantly. “I think the best for you is to not have to choose between your love and your life's work. I can't ask you to put anything on hold, not for me.”
“But I choose you, Leigh,” you say, tears now streaming down your face. “Doesn't that count for something?”
Leigh can’t help herself any longer. She moves closer, needing to comfort you despite being the source of your pain.
“It does,” she whispers, gently wiping away your tears with her thumb. “It counts for everything. But I need to know that you're not losing yourself to be with me. I can't live with that.”
With that, she pulls you close. You hold each other tightly, falling asleep on the narrow sofa, clinging to each other as if letting go would mean losing everything.
But by the time the sun has risen high in the sky, Leigh is already gone.
There are days when you feel bitter about Leigh deciding to break up with you, especially with weeks still left before the tour begins. You oscillate between anger at her decision and a reluctant acceptance that it might have been the right choice for both of you. More often than not, the anger prevails, leading you to drink yourself to sleep, only to wake up the next day to discover that nothing has changed.
Leigh is still leaving.
To your surprise, Amy willingly provides you with Leigh's flight itinerary out of Los Angeles. In the days leading up to her departure, you find yourself constantly formulating and discarding plans. Will you show up at the airport and whisk her away? Convince her to change her mind? Perhaps even show up with your own suitcase, ready to join her if you can persuade her at the last minute that she’s making a huge mistake?
Ultimately, none of your scenarios play out. However, you do find yourself at the airport, arriving ten minutes before her boarding gate closes. There, you spot Leigh standing in the lobby with a small suitcase. In that instant, you feel like you’ve accepted—for real this time—her decision to do this on her own.
You watch from the shadows as her gaze darts around as if searching for someone. Your heart swells with a mix of hope and sorrow, realizing she might be looking for you. You stay hidden, watching as she pulls out her phone and dials a number. Your phone vibrates in your back pocket. With your eyes still on her, you answer it.
“Hey, it's me,” Leigh starts awkwardly, as if implying that you might not remember how she sounds. You haven’t spoken to each other in weeks.
“I know it's you,” you reply softly.
“I'm about to board,” she says, and you can hear the reluctance in her voice.
“I see,” you say, struggling to contain the emotions that might slip through the cracks of your nonchalance. “Did you pack some food for the flight?”
She laughs, a tearful sound that squeezes your heart. “Yes, I picked up some donuts.”
“Sounds unhealthy, Ms. Shaw. Try to order some broccoli in-flight,” you tease her lightly.
“I hate broccoli,” she deadpans, her voice layered with a stubbornness you know well.
Then, she asks the harder questions, “Where are you? What are you doing?”
You mull it over, caught between honesty and the need to protect her decision. “I'm just hanging out in the clinic,” you lie, unwilling to reveal that you are there, watching her last moments before departure. “Will you call me when you land?”
She sounds like she wants to protest, but you cut in, “I need to know you're safe. It would really help me to know you're okay out there.”
After a few seconds, she agrees softly, “Okay, I'll call.”
“I’ll wait,” you say. “However long it takes,” you add, leaving the meaning of those words open for her to interpret.
They announce final boarding.
“Listen, I—I have to go,” Leigh says quickly. “Please, take care. Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, Leigh,” you manage to say, your voice catching as you watch her walk away.
You end the call and pocket your phone. Watching her wipe away a tear and head towards her gate is almost too much to bear. You allow yourself a moment, a small smile playing on your lips, proud of her courage and saddened by her departure. You’ll be waiting for her call, but if it never comes, you'll understand. These moments don't erase the past several months you've spent getting to know Leigh.
And you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
At exactly ten in the evening, Leigh calls you from Boston.
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its-avalon-08 · 4 months
Hello! I loved the seb vettel breathe baby breathe fic! can u make one where seb and y/n are dating and they gte into a really wierd silent flight. they have been super distant for two months now. y/n works as a engineer in ferrari whilst seb is in redbull. they just lost the spark. seb gives one word replies and everything is wrong. one day y/n is sobbing silently in the kitchen and seb comes running. y/n and seb confront eachother. make it majot angst happy ending. thanks!
silence is the killer (sv5)
message from anon - "Hi! Sorry can u change the kitchen to balcony? I want it to overlook the sunset and stuff. sorry for the inconvenience"
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The private jet hummed with an oppressive silence. Y/N stared out the window, the clouds mimicking the turmoil in her stomach. Two months. Two excruciating months of strained conversations, stolen glances that held a universe of unspoken hurt, and a gnawing sense of distance that had grown between her and Sebastian. It felt like they were on a high-speed train hurtling towards a destination neither of them wanted.
Earlier, as Sebastian zipped up his duffel bag, a question tumbled out of Y/N, a question that felt heavier than it should have been. "Going out tonight?"
"Party," he replied, his voice clipped. A pang shot through her. He hadn't bothered to invite her. It wasn't like him. They used to spend every spare moment together, decompressing after the pressure of the races, sharing stolen kisses in the motorhome, whispering dreams and secrets under starlit skies.
Their careers had always been demanding, both chasing the ultimate prize in Formula One. But this felt different. The spark seemed to have sputtered out, replaced by a cold, empty space where laughter and warmth used to reside. Every attempt at conversation was met with a one-word reply from Sebastian, punctuated by long, heavy silences that stretched on for what felt like an eternity. It felt like she was talking to a stranger wearing his familiar face, a ghost of the man she'd fallen in love with.
The silence was shattered by a ping from Y/N's phone. A message from Kimi, their teammate at Ferrari. "Big congrats on the promotion, Y/N! You deserve it!" Her heart swelled with a mixture of pride and a deep, gnawing sadness. A promotion – a culmination of years of hard work, a testament to her dedication and talent. Maybe this was a new beginning, a chance for a fresh start in her career, even if her personal life was crumbling around her like a sandcastle under the relentless tide.
Just then, Sebastian spoke, his voice laced with a hint of confusion, a stark contrast to his usual stoicism. "Promotion? How come I didn't know about this?"
Y/N's smile evaporated faster than champagne bubbles. "I told you," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. The words felt heavy on her tongue, a constant reminder of the conversations that never happened, the silences that spoke volumes.
Sebastian's brow furrowed. "What? When?"
"Weeks ago," she said, her voice thick with unshed tears. "When you were...busy." The last word dripped with a bittersweet irony, a painful reminder of the long nights he spent training, strategizing, anything but spending time with her.
A flicker of something – regret, maybe, or realization – crossed Sebastian's face. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He blinked rapidly, a sheen appearing in his eyes that mirrored the cityscape lights reflecting in the car windows. Y/N saw it, the vulnerability beneath his stoic facade, a vulnerability that chipped away at the wall of resentment she'd built around her heart. But a bigger part of her was numb. The silence returned, heavier than before, a suffocating blanket that wrapped itself around them, stealing the oxygen from the conversation, leaving only the raw, exposed nerve of their fading connection.
The plane touched down with a soft thud, a jarring contrast to the turmoil within. They disembarked, the familiar routine of retrieving luggage a stark contrast to the turmoil within. Now, they sat in a car, Sebastian driving, the cityscape blurring past the window. Neither of them made a move to break the silence. It was a heavy silence, pregnant with unspoken questions, hurt feelings, and the fading embers of a love that might have been saved, if only they'd spoken sooner, if only they'd fought for what they had. The question hung in the air, a silent accusation: how did we get here?
seb's pov :
Frustration gnawed at me. The silence was suffocating, a tangible entity pressing down on us. Y/N stared out the window, her face a mask of what I could only imagine was hurt. The guilt gnawed at me, a dull ache in my gut.
The truth was, I didn't know how we'd gotten here. Everything seemed to be happening at breakneck speed – championships to defend, sponsors to meet, endless travel. Somewhere along the way, the laughter had died, the late-night talks dwindled, and the space between us had grown wider.
Pulling into the usual spot, I killed the engine. "Lunch?" I asked, the question heavy on my tongue. Y/N shook her head, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.
"No thanks, Seb. I have a mountain of paperwork to catch up on."
The dismissal stung. Back in the day, she'd have insisted we grab a sandwich, stolen a moment together amidst the chaos. Now, it felt like every interaction had to be negotiated.
I watched her disappear into the building, my gaze falling on Lewis strolling next to her, a playful jab at her shoulder eliciting a short laugh. It was the first real laugh I'd heard from her in weeks. A strange mix of jealousy and relief bubbled up inside me. Relief that she wasn't perpetually shrouded in sadness, but jealousy that it was someone else who'd managed to coax a smile out of her.
The rest of the week was a blur of meetings and debriefs. There were stolen glances across the paddock, a brush of fingers that sent a jolt down my spine, and the lingering scent of her perfume in the air after she'd left for the day. Every night, she leaned in, a ghost of a kiss landing on my cheek before she disappeared into her room. It felt like a plea, a silent attempt to bridge the growing chasm between us.
One evening, I found myself drawn back to our room after dinner. Y/N sat on the balcony, her phone clasped in her hands, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. My heart ached. I knew then that the distance wasn't just the result of our hectic schedules. It was something deeper, something I couldn't quite grasp.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the balcony. "Hey," I croaked out, my voice thick with emotion. Y/N startled, quickly wiping away the tear.
She turned to me, a flicker of hope sparking in her eyes before fading just as quickly. "Seb," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
We stood there for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. The silence stretched on, threatening to swallow us whole. But this time, something was different. This time, I wouldn't let it. I had to know. I had to fight for what we had, even if I didn't know where to begin.
The dam broke. Y/N's shoulders started shaking, a choked sob escaping her lips. Before I could react, she spun around, burying her face in her hands. Her body wracked with silent tears, the sound echoing like a gunshot through the quiet night.
My heart shattered in my chest. I rushed to her side, panic clawing at my throat. "Baby," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. Tentatively, I reached out, my hand hovering over her shoulder.
She flinched at first, then leaned back against me, the floodgates finally opening. Tears streamed down her face, hot and silent. My own vision blurred as a wave of guilt and regret washed over me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close, the scent of her shampoo a familiar comfort amidst the storm.
"Y/N," I choked out, my voice raw. "I'm so sorry. So incredibly sorry."
She didn't speak, just clung tighter, her sobs muffling against my chest. In that moment, the silence that had plagued us for weeks was a distant memory. The only sound that mattered was the ragged rhythm of her breathing, the steady beat of my own heart echoing the frantic rhythm of a race.
Holding her felt like holding onto the last shred of something precious. It was a desperate attempt to rewind time, to claw back the moments we'd let slip away.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her sobs subsided into hiccups. She pulled back slightly, wiping at her tear-stained cheeks. Her eyes, red-rimmed and puffy, held a vulnerability that tore at my soul.
"My heart hurts, Seb," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "It hurts so fucking much, how did we get here seb? When did everything go wrong?."
The words struck me like a physical blow. The weight of her pain was a tangible thing, pressing down on me. I cupped her face in my calloused hands, forcing myself to meet her gaze.
"Mine too," I confessed, tears tracing warm paths down my own cheeks. "More than you'll ever know. Please lets just talk about it, don't give up on us baby please don't.."
The unspoken apology hung in the air, a silent promise to mend what we'd broken. We stood there for a long time, two souls battered by the storm, seeking solace in the wreckage. The path ahead was uncertain, but in that moment, we were together. And for now, that was enough.
We clung to each other, the world fading away into a blur of moonlight and the rhythmic chirping of crickets. Slowly, Y/N disentangled herself from the embrace, wiping away a stray tear with the back of her hand.
"Talk to me, Seb," she said, her voice hoarse, but laced with a newfound determination. "What's going on?"
Shame washed over me. I hadn't realized how much I'd needed to hear those words. To finally break the silence that had choked the life out of our relationship.
"I... I don't know," I stammered, my voice thick with emotion. "The pressure, it's been building. The championship fight, the sponsors, everything just feels so overwhelming." My voice cracked, a sob escaping my lips. "I just... I shut down. Pushed everyone away, especially you."
Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision. Y/N didn't flinch. Instead, she took my hand, her touch a beacon in the storm. Gently, she brushed away a tear that traced a path down my cheek.
"It's okay," she whispered, her voice surprisingly steady. "Let it out."
And I did. The words tumbled out in a torrent, a jumbled mess of anxieties and insecurities. The fear of failure, the weight of expectations, the constant feeling of being on the edge. I spoke of the loneliness that had gnawed at me despite being surrounded by people, the way I'd convinced myself pushing her away was somehow protecting her.
The entire time, Y/N sat beside me, a silent pillar of strength. She listened with a patience I didn't deserve, wiping away every tear that escaped, her touch a soothing balm on my raw emotions.
By the time I finished, I was drained, emotionally spent. I looked at her, bracing myself for the inevitable storm, for the anger and hurt I knew I deserved.
But all I saw in her eyes was understanding. A soft smile played on her lips, laced with a hint of sadness. "It's not your fault," she said, her voice gentle. "This sport, it gets inside you, twists and contorts everything until all you see is the finish line."
Relief washed over me, warm and unexpected. "You... you understand?"
She nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Of course I do. We're in this together, remember?" Her voice hitched slightly. "But you can't keep bottling things up, Seb. Talk to me. Let me in."
The words were a revelation. The realization that pushing her away had only served to push us further apart settled in my stomach like a lead weight.
"I will," I promised, my voice thick with emotion. "I'll try my best to communicate."
We sat in silence for a while longer, the weight of the conversation hanging heavy in the air. But this time, it was a different kind of silence. A hopeful one, filled with the promise of a new beginning.
As the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of pinks and oranges, I knew we had a long way to go. But for the first time in weeks, I felt a spark of hope flicker within me. We were broken, yes, but not beyond repair. And with Y/N by my side, I was ready to face the challenges ahead, together.
We sat on the cool floor of the balcony, the city lights twinkling below like scattered diamonds. The weight of the confession had lifted, replaced by a fragile hope. The silence, this time, was filled with a tentative peace, an unspoken promise to rebuild. Y/N leaned against me while I played with her hair.
"So," I began, my voice rough from crying, "tell me about this promotion. You barely mentioned it."
Y/N chuckled, a fragile sound. "It all happened so fast. They needed someone to fill a senior role, and apparently, my name came up."
I couldn't help but feel a pang of something akin to jealousy. "Why didn't you tell me? We should've celebrated!" The words tumbled out before I could stop them, the memory of Kimi's congratulatory text a fresh sting.
Y/N's smile faltered slightly. "I tried, Seb. But you were always so… distant. Lost in your own world."
Her words hit a nerve, a stark reminder of my own failings. Shame burned in my gut. "I'm so sorry. I was a complete idiot."
Y/N reached out, her fingers brushing against mine. "It's okay. Just promise you'll listen now." Her voice held a note of playful challenge.
I squeezed her hand, the warmth seeping into my cold fingers. "Always."
We talked for hours, catching up on the lost weeks. I learned about her anxieties about the new role, the pressure to deliver, the long nights spent buried in technical manuals. She listened patiently as I recounted the grueling training sessions, the never-ending strategy meetings, the suffocating pressure to win.
"And those parties?" Y/N asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Stress relief, or just a way to avoid me?"
I winced. "Neither, honestly. Just… a way to escape for a while. I shouldn't have shut you out."
"Well, maybe next time, you could invite me to escape with you," she said, her eyes twinkling with a playful glint.
A relieved laugh escaped my lips. "Deal. But only if you promise to keep me grounded."
"Always," she replied, mimicking my earlier words before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on my lips. It was a simple gesture, but it felt like a spark igniting a long-dormant fire.
"But seriously, Seb," Y/N continued, her voice turning serious. "Are you taking care of yourself? Eating properly? Getting enough sleep?"
The concern in her voice washed over me. "I… I try," I admitted sheepishly. Travel, training, and the constant mental strain often took a toll on my well-being.
She shook her head playfully. "Trying isn't enough. Promise me you'll make an effort. For yourself, and for me."
Looking into her eyes, the love and worry shining back at me, I knew I couldn't refuse. "I promise my love," I said, my voice filled with newfound determination.
The night bled into morning, the city lights giving way to the soft glow of dawn. We still had a mountain of issues to navigate, the road to recovery wouldn't be easy. But with open communication, a newfound understanding, and the unwavering presence of the woman I loved by my side, I knew we could face anything, together.
"There's something else, isn't there?" Y/N asked, her voice gentle as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. The air hung heavy with unspoken thoughts, and I knew she could sense my hesitation.
"It's stupid, really," I mumbled, avoiding her gaze.
"Nothing's stupid if it's bothering you," she insisted, her touch a soothing balm on my conscience. Taking a deep breath, I met her eyes.
"Seeing you laugh with the other drivers," I admitted, shame creeping into my voice. "It felt… strange. Like you were a world away."
Y/N's brow furrowed in understanding. "Oh, Seb," she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of sadness.
"I know it's ridiculous," I continued, my voice defensive. "We're competitive, all of us. But seeing you smile… it just reminded me of how distant we'd become. When Kimi texted you about the promotion, I damn near wanted to strange him. All those time I declined lunch and Lewis came over and made you smile, I haven't hated myself more."
A small smile played on Y/N's lips. "Jealous of Lewis getting a laugh out of me?" she teased playfully.
"Maybe a little," I admitted sheepishly. "But mostly, I just missed seeing you happy, and having it be because of me."
The raw vulnerability in my voice seemed to soften her even further. She reached out, her thumb gently stroking a tear that traced a path down my cheek.
"We were both drowning, Seb," she said, her voice soft. "The pressure, the distance… it took its toll on both of us. But seeing them smile, seeing you smile, that's not a bad thing. It just means we know how to find joy, even when things are tough."
Her words resonated with me. Maybe, just maybe, she was right. Perhaps seeing her connect with others wasn't a sign of her drifting away, but a testament to her strength, her resilience.
"I guess I just…" I fumbled for the right words. "I just want to be the reason behind your smile."
Y/N's smile widened, brighter than the sunrise painting the horizon. "You are, Seb," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "You always have been, and I hope you always will be."
She leaned in then, her lips meeting mine in a kiss that spoke volumes. It was a kiss filled with forgiveness, a promise for a new beginning, and a reminder of the love that had weathered the storm. We might have been bruised, but we were far from broken. And as we sat there, bathed in the golden light of dawn, a new chapter in our love story began.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ avaspeaks - anon ur such a star <3 i hope u enjoy this ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Clementina pt4
A/n: hey guys! This is officially the final part of this series. Please do leave your opinions in the comments, leave a like or re-blog. It’s all appreciated so much xx
Summery: The Shelby family are in for a shock when they find out they have a sister hiding in plain sight.
pt1. pt2. pt3
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Word count: 1,177
Clementina did not say a word to Tommy, his icy blue eyes pierced through the air, making her feel like he could see into her soul. The man did not smile at her, his face blank of emotion.One glance of those blue eyes told Clementina that he had a lifetime of struggles that hadn't been put into words, much like herself.
Eventually, when the doctors allowed Clementina to be discharged, with the help of Polly the young girl get herself dressed into a dress that Tommy had brought her a couple of days prior since the one she had at the orphanage was ruined by the blood and dirt from the years she had worn it and the previous girls that had it before her.
It had been arranged that Clementina would stay with Tommy since he now had enough money to get Clementina proper education, clothes, food and she would be with other young children, charlie and ruby. Polly did not want the young girl to be alone since she had been brought it up a dozen of other children.
On the way home to Tommys house, Clementina did not say a word. The air was brisk, over night it had snowed, not much but enough to leave a thin blanket of white on the ground. Clementina hadn't seen snow in her young life. She had heard of it in books that she had read but had not seen it with her own eyes.
The young girl adjusts herself in the seat beside Tommy, kneeling as she sticks her head out of the window, she wanted to see and smell the coldness on her face. The weather was a sort of cold that would freeze the blood of those who did not take adequate care to be warm at heart and core.
Tommy glances at the young girl, noticing that she was smiling to herself as she looks up to the sky, the clouds were a dark silver and black, they adorn the sky as if they long to kiss the land. Tommy wouldn't be surprised if it started to snow before the end of the day.
“ you'll catch a fever”  he warns, a hint of worry laced in his voice.
Clementina quickly sits back down in her seat, wrapping the blanket ,that Polly gave her for the ride home,around her shoulders it was the most beautiful blanket she had ever seen. It was woven with a wool as soft as what Clementina imagined the clouds would feel like. The blanket is the colour of lilacs. A stark contrast to the black interior of Tommy's car. The blanket brings together all the colours of springtime daydreams, bringing Clementina a welcoming heat hugging her delicate body.
“sorry” the young girl apologises, feeling a warm glow rise up to her cheeks, the young girl barely knows the old man, the only thing she knows is that he is her brother, but she knew she didn't want to make him angry like the nuns, she was scared that he would react the same way.
“why are you apologising, ey?” he smirks slightly, raising an eyebrow “ Shelby's don't apologise” Tommy shared, his tone light making sure Clementina knew he wasn't angry at her.
Clementina looks towards Tommy, not saying anything. For the rest of the car journey Clementina leans her head back on the seat, watching the trees pass.
As soon as Tommy turns the corner into his estate, Clementina sits up and her jaw drops ever so slightly, her eyes widening in disbelief as an involuntary gasp leaves her mouth quietly “woah”
Tommy chuckles ever so slightly, he drives around the fountain that sits in front of the house, Clementina quickly looks towards Tommy “ you live here” she asks amazed, she had never seen a house quite so big for only one family.
“ indeed i do, and you'll be living here as well” Tommy climbs out of his car, walking across the gravel to help Clementina out of the car. She gently grabs his hand, stepping out of the car. The curtain to Tommys office twitches making Clementina look towards the window as Tommy places his hand on her back guiding her into the house.
Clementina eyes sparkled as she looks at the different paintings on the walls, making the corner of Tommys lips to tug upwards as he guides her to his office. The young girl had been told before leaving the hospital that her other brothers, her sister and her son will be at the house waiting to meet her.
When they get to Tommys office, Clementina held Tommys hand as he opens the door, her heart beats faster in her chest, she could hear the blood pumping through her veins. She was anxious. Her hand in Tommy's begins to sweat as she glances between the group of people as she entered the office.
“hello” she whispers, her voice small compared to the others. She waves slightly, staying close to Tommy as he sits at his desk. Everyone begins to introduce themselves, Clementina immediately getting comfortable with Ada.
Tommy watched as Clementinas curious green eyes slide over her surroundings, observing everyone and everything. Could her really give her a better life? Would she be safe with him?. However, Tommy realised that it was a risk he'd have to take not just for himself but for Clementina. As she speaks to everyone one by one, she felt less anxious and more relaxed. Clementina was stood by Polly now, watching as the last man to introduce himself walks over to her.
“i'm Arthur, the funny brother” Clementina looks down at the hand that Arthur outstretched towards her. She crept closer to him, then shakes his hand gently.
“you have a funny looking thing on your face” she states innocently, pointing to his moustache, causing everyone in the room to laugh. Tommy smiles, chuckling as he shakes his head.
“i told you Arthur, you need to get rid of it” Ada joked, tutting.
Arthur scuffs “ alright.alright” he grumbles, walking back over to the seat he was sitting in.
Clementina walks back over to tommy's desk, going to sit on the seat that he had placed there for her when she sees the most beautiful horse in the field. she rushes over to the window and smiles “ you have a horse” she asks, her whole face glowing from happiness.
Tommy stands up and walks over to the window, standing beside Clementina “i have five” he corrects her, taking a puff of his cigarette “ do you like horses?” Tommy questions Clementina, looking down at her, watching as she jumps up and down on her feet slightly as she observes the horse walking around the field.
Clementina nods eagerly and looks up at Tommy “ they are my favourite animal, i had a toy horse but it broke” she explains.
From the corner of the office, Polly chuckles and shakes her head “unbelievable, we have another Thomas Shelby” she smiles.
“ god save us” Polly mumbles.
A/N: well that's the end of the story about Clementina. i hope you enjoyed it. I actually can't believe i have completed my very first fanfic series.
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ashwhowrites · 7 months
What about an Older! Mechanic! Eddie x Reader who's the daughter of Eddie's best friend, (Steve, Gareth? Idk) but in the beginning they hated each other, like they didn't have anything in common, but after a night when reader was kinda drunk she just found Eddie and he helped her getting to her house, and reader says something like you're cute, but you're an asshole and some days after Eddie's still thinking about it, they end up finding each other again at some shop in the town, and they decide to get something to drink and they end up finding out that maybe, they really don't hate each other, and start flirting a lot! Eventually they became a couple and Reader's dad is like I knew you liked Eddie, but he's not mad bc his daughter's an adult
I love older! eddieeeeeeee. I always picture him with a beard and it's so hard not to constantly write about that detail of him. But I never know if Eddie girls, guys, and thems also like Eddie with a beard? Well anyway, I wrote this fic and loved it, then realized I slowly slipped away from some details of the plot you included. So I truly hope this fic is okay and you still absolutely love it. I hope it's what you wanted, even though some of it was changed. I just really liked the scenes I wrote and didn't have the heart to delete it. It felt too good to me. As always, thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Cute, but an asshole
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Y/N couldn't stand when Eddie came over. She understood he was her dad's best friend, but he was rude, a single loser who slept around town and everyone was obsessed with him. Sure, he was attractive and charming, but she couldn't handle all her friends hoping he'd stop by.
Her friends loved it when Eddie was around. He'd sit and flirt with all of them, they'd flirt back and Y/N was left watching. Maybe there was a small hint of jealousy she felt, knowing her friends caught his eye but she hadn't.
Eddie did notice her, he noticed her in ways he never should have. Gareth moved away after high school, got married, and had a kid. Twenty-three years later, he came back and Eddie met Y/N. And he knew he was in big trouble when he noticed how gorgeous she was. The easiest way for him to keep a distance from her was to simply ignore her existence. He knew it worked when she began to glare and snarl whenever he was in the room. Then she started getting mean back and her smart mouth pissed off Eddie in many ways.
Then she got a boyfriend and Eddie swore he'd never been so jealous in his life.
"So, Randy what do you go to school for?" Gareth asked, slowly twirling his pasta as the table sat in silence. Y/N smiled towards Randy as encouragement, and he happily answered. The two stuck in a conversation as Eddie rolled his eyes.
Y/N noticed his rude behavior all night. Whenever Randy talked, he'd mock him, discredit him, and belittle him.
Randy kissed her goodbye at the door, her smile quick to come off when she turned to march towards Eddie. He sat at the table with a smirk and drank his beer. Gareth in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes, unaware of the heated tension in the dining room.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She snapped, her foot coming forward and kicking him in the shin.
He bit his lip as he groaned in pain. "You can't seriously like that guy." Eddie said, trying to hold back a laugh. "he's a total square."
"I do like him! And there's nothing wrong with being well-mannered." She sassed, her eyes giving Eddie a look over. A look to tell him that he was the exact opposite.
But Eddie was older, and he knew exactly how those young guys wound up. "trust me, honey. Those guys stick around to get in your pants, then he's on to the new thing. He's a rich spoiled kid, he'll get rid of you once you aren't a shiny pretty thing anymore." Eddie said, standing up as he mockingly patted her head.
She swore steam was coming out of her ears. She smacked his hand away and marched off to her room.
What did he know, he was in his late forties and single. He knew nothing about relationships.
But when Y/N walked into a bar on what was supposed to be a romantic night, she thought Eddie deserved more credit for his wisdom.
Tonight was meant to celebrate her and Randy's five-month anniversary, but he never showed. She felt like an idiot for liking the guy. Sure, she knew she didn't love him, but she liked him and he was a good distraction. In ways, he made her feel confident, beautiful, and special. Which was all taken away within hours. She called and called, no answer on his end as she sat at the restaurant.
She didn't want to believe Eddie was right, but he was. Y/N knew the second she finally had sex with Randy that she'd regret it. And here she was, not even two days later being ghosted. Instead of moping at the restaurant, she went where everyone drank away their problems.
That's when Eddie found her, completely drunk and flirting with the bartender.
Eddie was a regular at the bar, he didn't have much going on in his life and enjoyed the social drinking. But he didn't expect to see his best friend's daughter completely wasted and batting her eyelashes at the bartender. He gave in, of course, and Eddie couldn't judge him for it. If Y/N looked at him like that, he'd be a puddle at her feet.
"Alright, sweetheart. Think you've had enough." Eddie said as the bartender slid her another glass. She pouted and whined as Eddie slid the drink back over.
"Don't think so. Hand it over, Bobby." She slurred but Eddie interfered again.
"Stop! You're not like my dad or boyfriend. So fuck off." She spat, successfully getting the drink as she chugged it down.
"I'll fuck off after I get you home, safely." He said in a stern tone. Cash was slammed on the table and he was fast to grab her hand and began to pull her off the stool. When the room started to spin, she lowered her guard and let him take her home.
The car ride was dead silent, the air was uncomfortable and she wasn't sure if she needed to puke.
"I need air." She managed to get out as she gagged. Eddie was quick to pull over, helping her unbuckle her belt and then getting out of the car. She was surprised by how gentle and caring he was. The way he helped her out of the car and sat next to her on the curb.
The fresh air called her stomach and she took deep breaths. She knew the hangover tomorrow was going to be an ass to deal with.
"What are you helping me?" She asked, her eyes closed as she concentrated on not puking.
"Because I'm not a terrible person." Eddie shrugged. His eyes were on her, taking the chance to admire her up close. He never allowed himself this close to her. And even if she reeked of a run-down bar, he wanted to be closer.
"Ha, funny." She faked and laughed. "You are the biggest asshole I've ever met. Well until Randy anyway."
Eddie let the name-calling slide as he focused on the second part. "what did he do?"
"Not like you care. You'd probably get to tell me I told you so and rub it in my face that I'm some stupid young girl who doesn't know anything." She scoffed, her eyes open just to glare at him. She wanted to glare the soft look in his eyes away. Why was he looking at her like that? Did he always smell this good? Finally being face to face, inches away, she instantly knew why girls never looked away.
"I do care about you. And you're not dumb, he's dumb. You are young, but that doesn't mean you don't know anything. Talk to me." He said, his hand softly resting on her knee. She tried to ignore the way it made her heart flutter.
If she was sober, she probably wouldn't have given in. But she was drunk and the words rolled off her tongue.
"We had sex, and he disappeared on me. I mean you were right," she said as she turned her head to fully face him. The pain was easy to tell in her eyes as Eddie felt his stomach drop. "I'm not a pretty shiny thing anymore. He got what he wanted and that's all I was good for." Tears filled her eyes as she looked away. She felt embarrassed to admit to Eddie he was right.
Eddie wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her body into his. Her head was in his neck as she softly cried.
"I shouldn't have talked to you like that. Yeah, he's a dick and I knew that. But I'm sorry for ever making you think you are just a shiny thing for boys. You are beautiful, so smart, and incredibly sexy. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You are worth so much more than sex. Don't let that idiot make you think differently." Eddie said into her hair, his chin on the top of her head as he rubbed her arm.
"If I'm all those things, why do you hate me so much?" She asked, keeping herself hidden in his neck.
"I don't hate you."
"Yes you do," she scoffed, pushing herself away from him. But his arm still lingered on her shoulder. She wiped away her tears, "You always ignore me, you never notice me! But you notice all of my friends and spend all your time flirting with them. So there's something you don't like about me" She rolled her eyes as she finished speaking.
"You're right," he sighed, Y/N tried to hold back more tears, "there's something I don't like about you." His hand reached down to her chin and moved her head to look back at him. Her wet eyes looked into his. "I hate more than anything that you are my best friend's daughter and that it's completely inappropriate to feel the things I feel for you."
Y/N wasn't sure what to say, her eyes stuck on him as she listened to his words. She didn't want to admit anything unless her sober self did it first.
"You're much cuter when you're not being an asshole." Y/N laughed, trying to ease how tense their conversation became. But the confession made her heart swell.
"Let's get you home, kid." He laughed, standing up and taking her hand.
It's been a week since that night and Eddie found himself too nervous to see Gareth or Y/N. He confessed all his thoughts to a drunk Y/N, who probably didn't remember the night.
He felt guilty for ignoring her for his benefit. He didn't connect the ways that she could have felt hurt and it made sense why she built that wall with him. But now he wanted her to break it down, and he wanted her. He wanted to make her feel special and worthy.
But he knew he caused some wounds and the hurt lingered on her and it wasn't his place to rush her healing.
Eddie was lost in his thoughts as he stared ahead at the cereal aisle.
"Thinking hard, huh?" He heard a voice come from behind him. He jumped out of his thoughts and turned around. Y/N stood there with a cart and a smile on her face.
"Hi, stranger. How have you been?" Eddie asked, he hated how nervous he felt but she looked happy and she spoke to him, so that had to mean something good.
"I've been good. Things with Randy are done for good." She said, Eddie nodded. That means she remembered that night. "and I wanted to thank you for helping me get home that night."
"It wasn't a big deal. I'm happy to help."
"Well I need to go, dad has me on a time limit." She laughed, Eddie smiled but felt a little bummed their talk had to be cut so short. She began to walk past him, then stopped and looked over her shoulder.
"Oh Eddie," she said, he turned to look back at her. "I have inappropriate feelings for you too." She sent a wink and walked off. But Eddie was frozen in the aisle with a smile on his face and a flutter in his stomach.
A few days later, Eddie was pulling up to Gareth's house. A case of beer in his hands as he knocked on the door.
And to his delight, Y/N opened the door. She was in sweatpants and a tank top, a night in.
"I'm sorry, my dad got called into work. But you are welcome to come in!" Y/N said, stepping aside as Eddie walked in.
"Beer?" He asked, holding up the case.
Half the case was gone as they settled on the couch and talked all night. It turned out they had more in common than they believed. They had a similar taste in movies and music. Same opinions on food and people in town.
The more they talked, the closer their bodies got.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Y/N whispered, her face inches away from Eddie's.
"Oh absolutely, darling." Eddie laughed, moving his face closer to hers. Practically nose to nose.
"I've always thought you were so fucking hot. I mean, I still do. You have this strong jaw, aged eyes, and major sex appeal. I can't tell you how many friends I stopped talking to after you flirted with them because I was so jealous." She explained a confession she was sober enough to make.
Eddie fought off the huge blush he felt on his cheeks.
"That jealous? That's so hot." Eddie whispered, a dark look over his eyes. "Want to make them jealous?" His lips were inches from hers as he cupped her jaw.
Y/N knew what he was hinting at and god did she want it.
"Definitely," she smiled, his lips pressed against hers as he devoured her. The kiss was heavy and hot. Set her body on fire and made her see stars. Eddie moaned in the back of his throat as she climbed on his lap. Her hands ran down his toned back.
He couldn't control himself, his hands worked down her body and landed on her thighs. He gave them a quick squeeze before he moved them to her ass. She moaned as his hands squeezed her ass, her hands moved to under his shirt, her fingernails scratching his chest and feeling his chest hair.
Their moans and groans filled the empty house as their tongues battled and tasted each other.
After their heavy moment together, the flirty looks and comments couldn't stop. Whenever Eddie was over to see Gareth, Y/N couldn't help herself. Whenever her dad left the room, her lips and hands were on Eddie in seconds. That not he complained, kissing her was his favorite thing in the world.
It didn't take long for them to start going on dates and becoming a couple. Gareth knew Y/N was dating and had a boyfriend, he just wasn't sure who it was. He had a feeling it could have been Eddie, he knew his daughter and she was easy to see through. Eddie had a better poker face so that's where Gareth was stuck.
Y/N could have been dating a different guy but had a massive crush on Eddie. But it wasn't his place to force answers, he'd wait until she was ready to tell him.
Y/N was waiting by the door, Eddie was on his way to pick her up for their date. Gareth respected her privacy and didn't sneak to see who's been picking her up.
"Hey, kid. I got to tell you something." Gareth said, Y/N walked over to the opening of the living room where he sat on the couch.
"What's up?" She asked her eyes on the clock.
"I know you have a thing for Eddie," Y/N froze in her spot and her eyes went wide. She went to deny but her dad kept on taking it. "And I just wanted to tell you before you got your hopes up. But he's dating someone. He's never been serious with anyone before but this girl he's locked into."
Gareth watched as a tiny smile that was quick to appear was also quick to disappear from her face. But she didn't look upset, and that's how Gareth felt like he already knew.
"And you aren't upset at all," Gareth said with a smirk. "I thought you'd be crushed."
"Oh well, you know. Just a crush." She said as she tried to brush it off.
"Y/N, I know the girl is you," Gareth said, taking a sip of his beer as she stood shocked. "I have a feeling why you both tried to hide it, not very well might I add. If you wanted it a secret, maybe don't let him feel you up in the hallway. But I want you to know, you are both adults, and I just want you to be happy."
Y/N blushed embarrassed at the thought of her dad watching her boyfriend feel her up. But she felt happier than ever to know her dad accepted Eddie.
"Thank you, dad." She said, she walked over and leaned down to hug him.
"I'll still kick his ass if needed."
Y/N laughed and bid her goodbye. A bright smile on her face as she walked out and met Eddie halfway.
"What's with the big grin?" Eddie asked
"My dad knows," before she could finish her sentence, Eddie was already running to his car and starting the engine.
He may have been older, but he still reacted like a child sometimes. But hey, she wouldn't want it any other way.
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espinosaurusrexex · 2 years
Serious Questions
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader
summary: Bucky agrees to go on a date to make his colleagues shut up. Now, he just feels sorry for the poor woman that has to spend an entire evening with him. He really tries to make it work, though, because he actually enjoys her company.
a/n: This was a request by the lovely @alana-32. Hopefully, it meets your expectations 💙 I haven’t written pure fluff in a hot minute but this was fun!
word count: 2.9k
warnings: nervous and wholesome Bucky, super fluffy, just a really beautiful bond unfolding 
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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You should get out more, Bucky. Meet people and make friends, Bucky. You need to get laid, Bucky.
Sam’s words echoed through Bucky’s head as he pushed open the door of the restaurant. The warm air welcomed him and the little bell at the entrance rattled when he entered. He didn’t know how it exactly happened, but all of a sudden Clint had pitched into the conversation and urged him to meet his cousin. And Bucky had agreed. Well, the desperate attempt to make them shut up backfired. Big time.
He didn’t want to date. Apart from the fact that he didn’t wish himself on anybody, he didn’t think he could handle a relationship like that. Hell, Bucky barely realized how he made friends in the past year, so how the hell was he supposed to date? He hadn't done it in ages. It was probably different now than it was 80 years ago. 
The waiter looked at him with wide eyes - fear visible on his face - when he entered and chose a quiet place in the corner, though the whole restaurant was fairly empty. What would he even talk about? His hand started to sweat. This had been a bad idea. A really stupid bad idea. His eyes swerved to the door and then back to the waiter standing behind a small bar. Was it too late to back out? 
But then the bell above the entrance chimed again and he knew that he had missed his chance. 
“Hello.” You smiled at him, clutching your bag with nervous fingers. “Are you James Barnes?”
Bucky scrambled to stand up and held out his hand to you with a tight smile. He nodded and gestured for you to take a seat after you told him your name. 
He could do this, he thought. Especially because you seemed just as nervous. The first thing you two had in common, right?
“I’m really sorry, this is kind of awkward.” You looked down at your hands beneath the table with hesitance. “I... uhm... I haven’t done this in a while,” you confessed with genuine eyes. And Bucky could see a hint of comfort washing through your face. 
“I doubt your last date is as long ago as mine, doll. You’ll probably do a lot better than me.”
A small laugh pressed past your lips and Bucky’s heart warmed at the sound. It felt good to make you laugh. He wanted to do it again.
“Let’s rush through the basics then so we can get to the interesting bits. I think that first half hour is what makes these things so awkward.” Your mouth spread into a grin as you straightened up.
“Sounds like a plan.” Bucky nodded. 
“Well, you already know my name... I work in a small bookshop in Brooklyn, I am an only child but never wanted to be. I love dogs, cats, ducks - all the animals, really, but I don’t have any pets because my landlord doesn’t allow them. Well... I have fish - I had to settle for fish because they're quiet. But that’s their problem, you know? They’re quiet and you can’t play with them or pet them.” You shrugged. “Uhm... I like to read - I do that a lot, and I think that’s it.” Your speech ended with a bright smile and Bucky couldn’t help his own from spreading. 
“My turn?”
“Okay...” He straightened ups as well, a little giddy about the situation now. Normally, Bucky wouldn’t react this way to something he didn't like, but he wanted to try it this time. You were just so sweet and he didn't want to ruin the date... for you. “My friends call me Bucky, I grew up in Brooklyn, I have a sister... had a sister. And I think I’m more of a cat person - if I had to choose. I don’t have any pets. I work a lot, I guess it keeps me distracted. And... I feel like my back story doesn’t need to be explained, you probably know all about it.” He didn’t give you much, Bucky knew that. But those were the things he could say easily and really, he wasn’t sure how you’d react to most of it.
“Bucky... I like it. What’s it short for?”
“Buchanan. ’s my middle name.”
“Like the President?”
“Hm... I guess that’s kinda cool.”
“I guess.”
"Can I call you Bucky?"
He felt weirdly content with you saying his name. "If you want." There was no regret in his decision as he watched your face scrunch in excitement.
The shallow topics went on for a while, and Bucky was surprised to see that talking to you was easy. He didn’t worry about what you thought, because you reacted to his replies with intrigue and adoration. He felt heard. And he had to admit that he actually enjoyed the little meeting his teammate had set up so far. He learned a bunch of stuff about you. And he picked up on little quirks you had and he celebrated every new one he noticed. Like the way your nose slightly crunched when you didn't believe him, or how your finger grazed over the table when you talked about something you really liked - back and forth. It was comforting to be in your presence.
Bucky leaned back in his booth as he emptied his beer, watching as you ordered another drink for yourself. He found himself smiling into the bottle when the waiter agreed to add an extra peppermint leave, making you bite back a bright smile. The waiter smiled as well, a lot less tense than he had been before you had arrived and it fascinated Bucky how contagious your good mood was. Then you turned your attention back to Bucky and he had to regain his composure. His arm slipped from the back of the booth and fell to his side as he waited for you to talk again. 
“Okay, real talk, now - and I need you to answer this question honestly.” Your fingers pressed on the table like he’d seen important politicians do and Bucky had to hide a smile. 
“Hit me with it.”
“If you could be a mix of any two animals, which combination would you choose?”
Bucky was baffled for a second. He had expected everything but this. And then - out of the blue - he laughed. A real can’t-hold-back-the-snort-if-I-tried-laugh and it felt so unbelievably good, it scared him a bit.
You gasped appalled, but the small smirk behind your hand couldn’t be hidden. “This is serious, Bucky. It says a lot about you.”
“Really, how?”
“Well, for example, I would choose an elephumblebee because it would look freaking adorable. A tiny elephant with wings and a furry butt, are you kidding me? Why the government hasn’t made that happen yet is truly beyond me.”
Bucky got it, then. It really did say a lot about you. You were fun and cute and he could imagine a little clumsy at times - just like he would imagine an elephumblebee. And even though it still felt foreign to him to engage in a silly activity like this, with you, it was fun - and he wanted to. So he thought really hard, his eyes focusing on the wall behind you and you waited patiently and ordered another beer for him. 
Who would have thought that James Bucky Barnes would ever sit in a restaurant and think about how ridiculous a dog with a giraffe’s head would look? Certainly not Bucky. But it was almost comforting to do so.
“Alright, I think I got it.” You just nodded in anticipation. “I think I would be a spider-wolf... a spi- a spolf.” Bucky was satisfied with his answer: A lone wolf and someone people didn’t really like - pretty accurate if you’d asked him. 
You just watched him with a tilted head for a while and Bucky felt a little uncomfortable with his answer now. Had he said the wrong thing? 
“What?” Your lips just pursed in response. 
“Nothing, nothing..,” you trailed off and Bucky couldn’t stop staring at your lips. “I was just thinking, you know - I think I’ve never seen a real wolf before. It’s not on my bucket list or anything and I heard they are so much bigger than you think, but like... have you?”
“I actually have. In the wild - amazing animals and yeah, bigger than a dog, that’s for sure.”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up. “Wow, that must have been such a unique experience.”
Bucky smiled sadly, nodding. “To be honest, I didn’t really realize it when it happened. I couldn’t appreciate it the way you would.”
“Oh well, still. It’s awesome. The most extraordinary animal I have ever seen in ‘the wild’ was a raccoon. There’s not a lot of wildlife potential when you never leave the city.” You shrugged as you pressed your lips in a straight line, but Bucky chuckled.
“Not much of the vacation kind?”
“It’s not that...” You paused and sighed. “I just love the bookstore too much. There is this one lady. She comes in every Thursday at exactly the same time and she just sits and reads and she has the most amazing stories to tell. And then there is the little stray cat that comes by every day and we have a little cuddle session. Oh, and I can’t forget about the quiet tatted college kid that secretly reads romance novels in the back isles for hours on end. I would miss them too much...”
Bucky just sat and listened to you ramble on and on about all the individuals you were so attached to, even if they didn’t know. And he was reminded yet again how much he enjoyed this initially dreaded evening. It didn't feel forced and you were so authentic and kind. Bucky was relaxing with every second he spend in the cozy little restaurant with you. He was sure that he could spend a whole day here with you, without getting bored.
He leaned forward as he watched the corners of your mouth tug up and your eyes sparkle with joy while you talked about the bookstore. And he couldn’t help but ask himself how he ended up here. How had he gotten a date with the most caring person in the world - no, really, what were the odds of that happening to him? But the most present thought swarming his mind was: How is a woman like you still single? 
You suddenly stopped taking and Bucky was catapulted back to reality. You looked at him with wide eyes for the fraction of a second and then they softened and your gaze averted to the table. Had he just said that out loud?! Bucky didn’t know what to do. He was frozen to the booth, his hands tightening around the bottle and he held his breath - didn’t dare breathe until you gave him a new reaction.
After a beat, you sighed and looked him in the eyes apologetically. “I... I don’t know.” Your hand moved over the table and nervously began picking on the toothpicks in the glass jar. “I guess, I don’t seem to be the taste of most men around here. I don’t like wild parties and spending my weekends wasting away with a hangover.”
Bucky felt himself cringing at how uncomfortable he had made you. You clearly were embarrassed talking about this, but he would let you talk - or chose not to anymore. Either way, he would respect your decision.
“I... uh... I just haven’t had any luck so far. When I talk about my interests, everyone’s eyes just glaze over and then I never see them again. They think I’m boring, but that’s... I like concerts and dancing... I just don’t need the whole-” Your hands flailed in front of your face before you sunk back into your seat. 
“You’re not boring, doll. I completely understand what you’re saying. I don’t need all that-” now his hand flailed in the air, “either.” Which made you break a smile that got brighter when he returned it. And Bucky felt a little pride swell in his chest when he watched your mood lift again. 
“Can I ask you something?” You suddenly said and Bucky felt a little nervous at the piercing stare you gave him.
“Uh... sure.”
You bit your lip before finally speaking again. “You don’t really strike me as the social type, either.”
Bucky waited for you to continue, but you seemed in thought all of a sudden. “That’s not a question.”
You laughed nervously. “Right. I guess my question is... well, why did you agree to this evening? Clint didn’t really make it seem as if there was a lot of convincing involved.”
Bucky already facepalmed himself mentally for what he was about to say next. But he didn’t want to lie to you - it didn’t feel right. No, you deserved the truth - especially after you had answered his stupid question earlier so honestly.
“To be completely honest, I didn’t know how else to make my friends- uh...shut up. But I don’t regret coming here if that’s what you’re getting at.” He rushed that last part when he saw your face sadden. “I don’t get out too often, that’s true. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t want to... I just don’t know how to do this very well - talking to people. Usually, I get weird stares or fearful glances.”
Your eyes gleamed with something unintelligible before you leaned forward, your elbows resting on the table. “I don’t know how anyone could be scared of you, Bucky.”
“That’s very sweet of you to say, doll. But I don’t blame them, I would probably react the same if I weren’t... me.” His eyebrows furrowed with the last word and he could see a shiver of sadness wash over you.
“I think you’re pretty great,” you offered with an encouraging tap on his hand and Bucky felt his stomach churn.
A short silence overtook you and Bucky tried to keep his composure. The mood had shifted slightly, not uncomfortably, no - but just enough to leave his mind free from any topics he could talk about. Which usually wasn’t a problem, but he wanted to talk to you - tell you more and get told more. Which was why he was extra grateful for your breaking the silence after a couple seconds.
“So... I guess we can check off the heavy stuff as well?”
“Seems so,” he chuckled, holding on to the little feeling of relief you had sparked in his chest.
For the next hour, you actually got Bucky to open up a little more. He hadn’t even realized you were the one talking most of the time because he enjoyed listening to you so much. He came to realize, however, that it wasn’t so bad to talk about himself. He liked the way your eyes lit up at his stories about Clint, or the occasional ‘what, really?’ you threw into his anecdotes, making him feel important.
After another 30 minutes, you had made it outside. And as Bucky stood outside the restaurant door, hands buried deep in his coat pockets, helooked at you with an honest smile, while you adjusted your mittens.
“Thank you for giving this a chance, Bucky. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Your words built puffy white clouds in the air, but other than those, the butterflies in his stomach didn’t dissipate.
“I did, too,” he confessed, realizing for the fourth time today, that this was really true. “We should do this again.”
You bit your lips as your shoulders jerked with reluctance, but before you turned fully, you stepped towards Bucky and hugged him tightly. “Definitely.” 
The cold weather seemed a lot more bearable all of a sudden. Bucky caged you to his chest with his arms and pressed his smile into the crook of your neck while an excited shiver ran through him. He felt incredible, safe, content, and he realized how much he had missed hugs - real, affectionate hugs.
“And you’re not a spolf,” you mumbled into his ear, squeezing him a little tighter. “You’re a curtle - a cat-turtle. Because you have a hard shell and you don’t trust very easily, which might make people feel like you don’t care. But you do - you’re just a little misunderstood.” You pulled back with a sad smile and Bucky felt his hands tighten around you as he stiffened. Though despite the surprise, his lips split into a bright smile.
He gazed into your eyes for a little longer before he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek, making a giddy smile appear on your lips. “Thank you, doll.” 
And then, with a final wave ‘good night’ you turned and walked down the street. Bucky watched until you rounded the corner, unable to wipe the stupid grin off his face.
“So... how was the date?” Sam teased as Bucky entered the main area of the compound. But his friend just wanted to go to his room and revel in the serenity, you had brought him, a little longer.
“That’s none of your business, punk,” Bucky grumbled, passing the sofa. 
“Why, did you more-than-kiss her goodbye?”
Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned with an annoyed expression, but not even he could hide the blush on his cheeks from deepening at the thought of actually kissing you. His heart was pounding in his chest.
“Oh! Wait? Did you really?!”
“Shut up, Sam.” Bucky wanted to deny it for your sake, but he liked the thought of it too much. So he swiftly decided to simply not spill in front of his friends and your cousin. 
“Holy shit.” He heard Clint chuckle while he made a beeline to his room, missing how the two avengers exchanged a $10 bill behind him.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 5 months
19. “I want you. I need you.” Agatha Harkness
Agatha Harkness x Big Boss!Fem!Reader
Summary: Agatha always brings you breakfast, and you want to reward her for being so good.
Word Count: 958
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, strap sucking (A sucks R's strap), R is overworking herself
A/N: Idk guys the last half of this I wrote while I was high~
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Agatha had always been someone who always knew what she wanted. If she wanted someone's attention she took it and if she wanted someone's love she had it. With you though it had been different.
You were young, smart, rich; Agatha was immediately smitten by you and she tried to make it obvious, but all of her advances went ignored. Sure you were nice enough to her, you took the coffees she gave you and the bagels every morning like clock work.
You'd always be here before her and she wondered if you ever slept or left the office for that matter. You were the first one in and Agatha was sure you were the last one out. It's no surprise you had made team manager in less than a year and by the next year director of the floor.
One morning Agatha came in like always and made her way to your office. Before the door opened one hand was up ready to take the cup. Agatha smiled at you. You looked like you hadn't slept which was probably true with the deadlines coming up.
You absolutely needed the coffee. You'd been holding off taking a break knowing Agatha would show up. As you finish up your thought for an email to send out, taking the first sip and tasting your favorite blend with a smile.
“Thank you Aggie. You have no idea how much I need this.” You felt the ache in your back as you tried to stretch. You'd been hunched over your desk and laptop for hours now. An empty coffee cup and energy drink forgotten on the other side of your desk.
Agatha set down the bagel next to you with a smile as she tidied up your desk. Unwrapping the bagel, stuffed with cream cheese; you take a bite. Your stomach is thankful to have something other than caffeine and sugar.
“You don't have to do that sweetie. You aren't my assistant.” You say through a mouthful.
“Didn't your assistant quit last week?” Agatha raised an eyebrow, making you look away. You had a reputation for making your assistants quit. It wasn't your fault they couldn't keep up. “Besides I don't mind helping dear. I want to help you.” Agatha was the only one you allowed to give you a pet name. If anyone else did they'd be lectured about it.
“I appreciate it sweetie. I appreciate you coming in with breakfast every morning. I appreciate your attentiveness to everything about this job.” You caught Agatha off guard as she just stared for a moment before coming over to you.
You looked up from your seated position until she dropped to her knees, startling you momentarily until she looked up at you. Your heart fluttered and your stomach flipped. She looked perfect beneath you. Without thinking in your sleep deprived state you reached out, running your fingers through her hair. Your hand ran through her dark locks before swiping back so you cupped her cheek.
“You're always such a good girl sweetie. You know good girls deserve rewards.” You spoke, your voice dropping into a sultry tone. You felt Agatha shiver under your touch and words.
“I want you. I need you. All I've ever wanted is to be good enough for you.” Agatha admitted, a plea in her voice as her hands tightened on your pants.
“You should have said something sooner.” You brush your thumb over her soft skins, admiring the feeling.
“I tried dropping hints…” She tried to look away but you pulled her back.
“I'm not good with hints. I'm a very direct person sweetie you should know this by now.” Agatha nodded in understanding.
“I promise I'll be more direct from now on.” You smiled at her, the eagerness to please you.
“You're going to be a good girl for me aren't you?” she nodded eagerly. You unbutton your pants, pulling out your strap you wore almost all of the time. “I know you want to suck me off. Go on darling.” You helped guide her onto your faux cock which her lips wrapped around perfectly.
You watched her head bobbed magnificently, her movements shifting the strap perfectly against your clit. A low moan coming out of your mouth.
“Just like that darling. Keep going gonna make me cum sweet thing.” At the mention of cumming her movements speeding up. You threw your head back as she took you over the edge. “Fuck…Aggie…” You rolled your hips and she easily kept taking you down her throat until you fell back. Her lips popping off your cock. Her eyes sparkling up at you. “Did such a good job.”
She brushed up against your thigh before getting up as you tucked yourself back in. Getting yourself ready to get back to work.
“What are you doing?” Agatha asked.
“Getting back to work?” You looked up at her.
“It's Saturday dear.” She told you, your face scrunching up.
“No, it's Friday.”
“Dear…look at your phone.” You did and your face dropped.
“Oh so it is.” You looked back up at her. “So, wanna come back to my place?” You raised an eyebrow as you stood up, turning off your laptop.
“I would love to.” She smiled, grabbing your bag and coat, the two of you heading out together. You reached out, grabbing her hand and interlocked your fingers together as you headed down to the parking garage.
Agatha sighed, your body on hers as you breathed in and out evenly. Her fingers running through your hair.
“You know I didn't have this in mind, but this is what you needed dear.” Agatha whispered, kissing your forehead, making you smile in your sleep. This was exactly what both of you needed.
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
bad liar / mason mount
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request: heyy! can i request something like where the reader and mason mount are in a secret relationship and one time mason accidently called a woman by your name while hanging out with his teammates? thank you x
author's note: this is like the oldest request i have rn 😭 sorry that it took this long. hope you like it!! feedback is always appreciated, tysm<3
word count: 1k
you had never talked about keeping it secret in the first place, but it felt good to keep your relationship between you, close to your chest and away from judging stares and evil whispers behind your back. the fear that they could label you as unprofessional due to how you two had met in the first place -being part of the staff at the national team, and mason being a player- sure creeped in the back of your mind from time to time, making you doubt about everything you two had built during the year you had been together. but mason, being the incredible understanding and loving person that he was, always assured you that you two weren't doing anything wrong, and that your job was safe.
still, only your families knew about you two: not even his teammates at chelsea, and certainly not his mates from the national team.
you were certain that no one suspected anything yet, but you also knew that your boyfriend was like a little kid trying to hide what he got you for your birthday: he can't keep his mouth shut, even if his life depended on it, and ended up spilling everything as soon as someone questions about it. but he had been committed, gladly, to your request: when we tell the world, it had to be in your terms. and you had to congratulate him for how well he was holding up, lasting a year with no hints or slip ups.
at least, until tonight.
he spoke, in a joyful tone, maybe a bit taken by the alcohol already. "thanks, y/n- i mean, sasha". he had tried to thank jack's missus, for passing him the snack bowl, when your name spilled from his mouth before he could catch it. in that second, he sobered up instantly and prayed that everyone at the couch was too busy watching the game jack had practically begged to watch, to even heard his lapsus. his prayers went unanswered, he realised, when he saw his teammates' faces, shocked in recognition at hearing your name exit his lips.
"wait, what? did you say y/n?," jack inquired.
"what?" mason tried to act nonchalant, knowing damn well that he never could hide the smile that adorned his lips when he lied. it was even worse that the fact made him remember you, how you always tease him about how he's such a bad liar, which again, made it even harder for him to appear innocent.
"y/n, as in our physio at england camp, y/n?" john reassessed again, providing context for those who hadn't quite understood what was the matter with the name that had exited their teammate' lips.
"you're hearing things" the chelsea player tried to downplay the situation, gulping a big sip of his beer, which he had noticed that he was holding onto the bottle with excessive force, as his fingers were turning white. "i think john heard just right," assured his best friend with a growing smirk on his face. he had picked about it the last time they were at camp, but mason had denied it every time, so he dropped it. until now.
"shut up, declan" the boy grumbled, already annoyed at the topic, but mostly at him, knowing that there was no way that they would drop it if he didn't admit that, yeah, he had accidentally called your name.
"well, she's pretty cute if you ask me" said conor, coming to the living room again after he had gone away to do god knows what. mason's patience was running low, and even more with the flirty tone his teammate at both his club and the national team had used. of course, he didn't know that you were already taken, but it had made his blood boil nonetheless. "if you don't shut your mouth now, gallagher…", mason said, with a threatening tone.
"oi, getting jealous now, aren't we?" stones joked, and he noticed that, in the heat of the moment, he had gotten neck-deep into the entire thing, and couldn't back down now. at least not without accepting defeat, which he was reluctant to do. he knew you wouldn't get mad at him if he told his teammates, but he still felt bad for doing so without talking to you about it first.
jack's eyes, now bright with the spark of mischief in them, pushed the subject further, wanting to hear his friend say what he had been thinking since the topic was first brought up. "is there something that we should know, masey boy? do you have a girl that you didn't told us about?," he continued with the banter, encouraged by the cheers the boys were shouting. along them were some of their girlfriends, like sasha, who slapped her boyfriend to try and stop him from embarrassing mason further.
"absolutely not. we're just colleagues," he was too quick to answer, feeling how his throat was drying alarmingly fast. he took another sip of his beer -that was already getting too hot for his liking-, which elicited a weird frown to grow on his face. "then call her right now and we'll see how she responds," suggested declan, and he immediately choked with his drink when he processed what his friend was asking of him.
"what does make you think that i have her numb-" he was interrupted when his phone, that was placed on the coffee table in front of him lightened up, showing his lockscreen with the notification that had prompted his screen to turn on in the first place.
message by y/n 🤍
thankfully, something had happened in the game which made all the boys focus on the tv screen rather than his friend who had rushed into the coffee table to pick up and hide the electronic device deep on his pockets. but john, who was seated next to him, got to see who had messaged mason and understood perfectly why he had reacted the way he did. he patted him on the back, before getting close to his ear to mutter "i personally don't have my colleague's contact saved with her name and a white heart emoji, but you do you, brother," with a mischievous smile on his face.
safe to say, the next time that the boys had to join the national team for international duty, your interactions with mason were closely watched. the fleeting glances and the lasting soft touches shared by you two only made their assumptions more real for them.
it was only a matter of time.
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purplefox00 · 10 months
So imagine nico and will have been together for a few years, nicos around 18 and wills like 19 or something and he's been at university for a year or so and recently nico been noticing some strange behaviour when they talk over IM/Phone at first he brushes it off as the stress of studying and a long distance relationship but after awhile he starts to get suspicious so next time will gets cagey and end their call early because he's "tired" and needs to get some "studying" in before he goes to bed. nico waits 10 minutes before shadow traveling into wills dorm and surprise surprise what does he see? Will fucking someone else.
The guy wills with spots him first and freaks out like "Who the fuck are you? You creep!"
"Me?" nico points at himself eyebrow raised "until just this second I was his boyfriend of 4 years. Who the fuck are you?"
Of course will starts panicking
"it's not what it looks like, it's not what it looks like, I can explain"
The side piece is pissed "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?"
Nico is not amused "not anymore he doesn't" he drawl deadpan with a hint of something dangerous
Anyway it's a big mess and nico dumps his ass and goes back to camp of course the seven and reyna want to kill will. percy and jason are especially angry and ready to destroy him but nico, nico is calm and collected weirdly so.... Suspiciously so,
Now nico is a son of Hades of course he hasn't forgiven will and of course he's not gonna let him get away with this but he's got a plan he knows exactly how to get back at will
So when nico looks at his friends sat around him discussing their rather imaginative plans to... Dispose of will and says "no. you're not going to do anything to will I know exactly what I'm gonna do" when multiple whats? Are chorused back at him he smirks sharp and dangerous a glint in his eyes a little to similar to his fathers "I'm gonna fuck his dad" he drawl slow and confident "well I guess it'd be his dad fucking me but you get what I mean" he flicks his wrist nonchalantly.
Now the last few years have been good to nico having a somewhat safe place to live, eating regularly, sleeping properly and not spending as much time in the underworld have done wonders, he's healthy and to put it simply he's hot! He's grown some he's still skinny but in a toned healthy way he's still pale but his natural olive undertones are back he's a real Italian beauty and in the last year or so people have been more jealous of will than they have of nico
So none of them doudt he could when he says he's going to sleep with apollo but it is a shock to hear, percy bless him chokes on his drink and nearly dies, annabeth seems like she already knew what he was going to say and is to busy patting percy back to give much more of a reaction, jason falls backwards like he was hit, piper and leo are just fucking cackling, Hazel looks horrified but reyna looks vaguely proud a little smirk pulling at the side of her mouth.
And that's that he's decided he's going to have sex with apollo.
Months later when wills arrives back at camp for summer brake he spends hours looking around camp for nico before he plucks up the courage to approach the seven (reyna, Hazel and Frank came to visit just to witness the figurative murder about to happen) and asks if they knew where nico was he almost pisses his pants from the looks alone and fears they might have killed him if a yellow Maserati hadn't chose that exact moment to barrel out of the sky an park outside of the dining pavilion
"dad? What's he doing here?" will mutters as apollo steps out and round the car before opening the passenger door and no no no this can't be happening will thinks to himself almost hysterically staring wide eyed as none other than Nico Di Angelo steps out looking deliciously sex mussed, hair ruffled, lips kiss swollen and so so red and pretty, hickeys lining his neck there's no mistaking what he's been up to especially when after closing the door apollo has nico pressed between the car and his body leaning down to pull him into an absolutely sinful kiss that goes on way longer than is appropriate for such a puplic setting not that nico or anyone other than will really seems to care
Then apollos pulling back and making his way to the drivers side calling out "see you later angel" with a wink before getting in and driving off leaving nico to make his way towards will no no not will... nico bushes past him without even sparing him a single glance will turns to watch as nico situats himself at the table between percy and jason and jump right into a conversation like nothing happend and will is starting to realise as he glances around that no one seems to be reacting to what just happened other and some campers sending him some sneering smirks that is, which... Which means... This.. This isn't the first time something like this has happened is it?
He must look like an idiot standing there gaping at nico but he can't help it he had assumed those moths ago when no pissed off member of the seven turned up on his door step ready to kill him that nico had asked them to leave him alone that he must have still loved him and that there was a chance he'd take him back if he apologised enough obviously he was wrong
When nico finally looks at him says "can we help you?" .. "actually never mind I don't care, go" flicking his wrist in a shooing motion casually with an air of disinterest
Will thinks this may be worse than if nico had just let his friends have their way with him which thinking about it was probably the point......
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starlitangels · 11 months
I missed my children OMG it feels so nice to have them back 1.9k words
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Natalie shouted. Her little feet thundered down the stairs. She had excitement in her voice but David still looked up in concern. "Look, look, look!"
She ran into view around the corner.
"Ta-daaa!" She spun in a circle.
Oh, thank God, David thought.
His six-year-old daughter was standing in a black-and-white checkered overall dress with a white shirt underneath and her red rain boots. Her hair had been pulled into a pair of pigtail braids. There was a basket on her arm.
The obvious clue of her costume was the vibrant red cape with the hood pulled up and bobby-pinned to her hairline.
His mate had, once again, outdone themself. Not that he was surprised. They loved dressing the kids up for Halloween. And them being them, always had to be Extra™ about it.
"You look so good, Natty!" David said with a small smile.
She giggled and ran at him, leaping for a hug. David caught her and hoisted her up to sit her on his hip.
"Are you excited to wear your costume to school today?"
She nodded so hard it seemed like she'd almost throw her hood off even with the bobby pins. "Uh-huh! It's gonna be so fun!" She balled her fist in the chest of David's shirt. "Guess what Gabe's going as!"
David leaned closer to her, conspiratorially (as if his mate hadn't told him months ago). "Who?" he asked quietly.
Natty giggled again. "I'll give you a hint! It goes with my costume."
David pursed his lips. "Hmm... who are you for Halloween again?"
His baby laughed. "Daaaaaddy! I'm Little Red Riding Hood!"
"Oh! Of course." He booped the end of her little nose. She squeaked through her giggling. God, she took after his mate. "So then I'm guessing Gabriel is... a loaf of bread."
She shook her head—her whole body following with the enthusiasm of the movement. "Nooooo!"
"Is your brother... a cookie?"
She shook again. "No!"
"Hmm... is he the grandmother?"
She squealed with laughter. "No!"
"Well, then, I'm stumped."
"Daaaaaddy!" Natalie protested. "It's not that hard!"
At that moment, another set of footsteps thundered down the stairs. "Rrraaawwwrrr!" Eight-year-old Gabriel tore into the room in a button-down plaid flannel and jeans. There were tufts of fake fur glued to his hands and the sides of his face, all disappearing under his shirt. He had some fake teeth in his mouth. His face had been dusted in a slight layer of paint to match the fake fur better and the end of his nose had been blackened in a triangle with some face paint.
Natalie shrieked in delight and squirmed in David's hold to put her dad between her and her brother.
"I am the Big, Bad Wolf!" Gabriel cried, trying to growl and failing through the fake plastic teeth in his mouth.
David chuckled quietly. "You will be one day," he said.
Gabriel preened. "I know! I'm excited."
"I'm gonna be even bigger!" Natalie teased.
Gabriel blew a raspberry. "No you won't! You're a girl!"
Natalie growled—more successfully than her brother if David was honest—and moved to lunge for her brother. David held her tighter to him. "Nope," he said. "You're not going to ruin your costumes before you get to school."
"Daaad! He's being mean to me!" Natalie protested.
"Gabriel. Be nice to Natalie. Natalie, no tackling your brother while you're both dressed up."
Natalie bared her teeth in a childish snarl at Gabriel. Who tried to do the same around the plastic ones in his mouth.
David's mate made it down the stairs at that point. Bits of face paint stained their fingertips where they'd been helping Gabriel. They smiled at the sight of Natalie fighting to free herself from David's hold to attack her brother. David met his mate's eyes. They smiled.
"Alright you two," David said with the quiet, firm, but loving authority of a man who'd been an alpha long before he was a father. "Let's get in the car."
Gabriel grabbed his backpack and David gave both the kids their lunchboxes after setting Natalie back on her feet. They both went running for David's mate's car—where Natalie's car seat and Gabriel's booster seat were buckled in. David and his mate put the kids in their seats and piled into the car to drive them to school.
Natalie filled the whole five-minute drive with rambling. Guessing what her classmates were gonna be dressed up as, expressing excitement for Trick-or-Treating, and so on. Another normal morning for the Shaw family.
When they got to the school and started getting the kids out of their seats, a familiar little voice "Rawr"ed from nearby.
Gabriel leapt from his booster seat in time to collide with Evelyn—who was dressed as Spider-Man. Asher was laughing a couple cars down the drop-off lane as he shut the back door to his mate's car. He jogged over while Gabriel and Evelyn wrestled. Gently, so they didn't mess up their costumes. Asher leaned against David's mate's car with his arms folded.
"I never want them to grow up," he said softly. "They've grown up enough. They can stop now."
David couldn't help but chuckle in quiet, bittersweet agreement. "Yeah," he agreed.
"Uncle Aaaaash!" Natalie exclaimed, barreling into Asher's legs for a hug.
"Oof! There's that strong girl!" Asher said, bending and scooping her into the air while she screamed in excitement. She kicked her legs. "How are you doing, Natty?"
"Put me down!"
Asher kissed the top of Natalie's hood and set her down. David's mate caught her hand before she could run off. They smiled at David. "I'll walk her to her classroom. Make sure Gabriel gets inside?"
"Of course."
They nodded and handed Natalie her tiny backpack and lunchbox before walking off holding her hand.
David and Asher watched the two of them go. Gabriel and Evelyn kept wrestling, like they didn't even notice.
"You ever wonder if we made the right choice?" Asher asked.
"Sending them to normal elementary school. Instead of the same school Lily, Danny, and Micah go to?" Despite Asher still being Asher, he'd improved a bit at not breaching covert in public.
"No. I don't wonder. Both of our mates thought it was important for our kids to have some normal schooling before puberty. And now that they're here, I agree with them both. I think it's done our kids a lot of good."
Asher sighed. "Just don't want to break their hearts when they go to middle school and lose all their friends."
David leveled a look at Asher that was so full of sarcasm it would have frightened a lesser wolf. "I don't think our girls could lose their friends if their friends wanted them to," David said. "Or have you not noticed we've got the most gregarious girls in the pa—family?"
Asher laughed. "Touché," he said. "And good point." Asher shoved off David's mate's car and snatched Evelyn around the waist. "Nuh-uh-uh, Ev. No pulling on Gabriel's costume."
Evelyn growled, her warm black curls shaking in the weak autumn morning sunlight.
"C'mon, my little monster. Let's get you to your classroom."
Evelyn snapped her teeth playfully at her dad, who wasn't fazed and just laughed.
Gabriel turned to David with wide eyes. The same green as David's own. "Time to go already?" he asked.
"Yeah. But today's gonna be fun. You're gonna have a good time and you'll be home before you know it." David grabbed Gabriel's backpack and lunchbox and handed them to his son. Gabriel shimmied his backpack onto his shoulders and held a hand out.
David took it and walked Gabriel to class.
Gabriel hugged David around the middle before going into his classroom. David passed a friendly wave to Gabriel's teacher before going back to the car. Asher waved to him before driving off himself.
David waited for his mate to come back. "Ash is right," David said to his mate when they returned from dropping off Natty at her classroom.
"That's rare coming from you. About what?"
"The kids are getting too big. They need to stop growing up now."
David's mate gave him a smile. "Awww. Sappy. It's sweet." They popped a kiss on his jaw and went to get in the car.
David climbed in as well. "I just don't want to miss any of this. One day they're gonna be teenagers and they're gonna hate us."
"You think so?"
"Isn't that what teenagers do?"
"I didn't. Did you?"
David thought about his dad. "... No."
His mate shrugged. "Then maybe we'll get lucky."
Ten Years Later...
"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" Natalie ran down the stairs, a beaming smile on her face. Micah Collins and Danny Greer close on her heels. All three were dressed up. Natalie had on a black cloak and purple, gothic dress with fake fangs in her mouth.
David looked up from his laptop on the kitchen counter. "What is it?"
"Micah's uncle is gonna come pick us up and we're gonna take Rose Trick-or-Treating, if that's okay." Natalie pointed over her shoulder. Micah's vibrant cyan pixie cut had been sprayed white. She looked supremely out-of-character, dressed as a fairy. The glitter and the short pink-and-green dress contrasted with her claw scars from shifter wrestling.
David raised his eyebrows. "Did you ask—"
"Yes, yes. Your mate said yes, Uncle Milo and his mate said yes. Micah's parents said yes. Micah's uncle said yes," Natalie said. "Just hoping for you." She gave him an anticipatory smile.
David gave his daughter a small grin. "Then go ahead."
Natalie beamed and bounced a little in excitement. "Thanks Dad!" she rushed forward and kissed his cheek around the fake fangs in her mouth. "I've got my phone. We'll be back by ten!"
Micah and Danny both grabbed at her arms and the three of them all rushed out of the house, talking excitedly and clinging to one another. Danny tripped over his Superman cape. Natalie and Micah caught him. "Love you!" Natalie shouted over her shoulder. The front door shut behind them right as David caught a glimpse of Vincent Solaire's Porsche SUV parked on the curb.
The three climbed into the SUV. Micah in the front, Danny and Natalie with Rose in the back.
Vincent gave David a wave. David returned it before the car drove off.
David's mate appeared. "Natty and her Musketeers leave?"
"That would have been a good costume for them this year," David deadpanned. "Yeah. Vincent just picked them up."
His mate nodded. "Good thing Rose is eleven and still can Trick-or-Treat so those three can 'supervise'," his mate remarked, perching on his lap. He wrapped his arms around them and rested his forehead on their arm. Their other hand played with his hair.
Upstairs, Gabriel was yelling at Evelyn and Lily while the three played a video game together.
David felt his mate rest their cheek on his head. "Wanna go downstairs and watch a movie?"
David blinked. "Sure. Which one?"
"That one that scares Gabriel."
"Guaranteeing we get a couple hours alone, angel?" he asked, almost teasing.
"I plead the fifth," they replied, sliding off his lap.
With a low growl, David pursued his laughing mate down the stairs.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @pinksparkl @arialikestea @shellssstuff
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
omg bettty!! can i play 💖
S5, @, 🖤
Maisie my darling!!! I was hoping you would...
your Person is Biker Steve
your Place is a Swimming Pool
your Thing is a Photograph
word count: 584
18+ONLY, hints at depression and a bit of angst I guess? Gender Neutral reader. I'm so in love with him, he makes me want to crawl out of my skin babes.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," his voice was harsher than he intended as Steve crawled through the hole in the metal fence that night at the long-abandoned city pool. The water had been drained years ago, and was now filled with graffiti, frequented by skateboarders and often teens guzzling MD 20/20.
But right then, it was just you, sitting on the ledge, legs dangling into the open abyss. Just you, the night birds, and a few mosquitos dead set on feasting on your plasma like little bug ghouls.
"Did you hear me?"
"Yeah, I heard you. Why are you shouting?"
"Because I miss you," he closed the distance, shoving hands in the front pockets of his jeans, sunglasses pushed up into his hair.
You'd heard his motorcycle rumble by several times in the past hour, and wondered how long it would take him to pinpoint your location. With his stubborn tenacity, you knew he'd always find you eventually, no matter where in the world you went.
"I don't feel like talking right now," you mumbled, tucking your chin.
"That's okay," he dropped down onto the porcelain ledge beside you, bracing his hands on either side of his hips as if he were about to jump down into the concrete cavern. "I'll just stay here and protect you, in silence."
"I don't need---" you were about to protest the offered protection, but then his hand was on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Shhh, I know, alright?" He wet his lips, watching your mouth, craving a kiss, but sensing it was the wrong time. "Just let me....be here with you."
He laced his fingers behind his head and lay back on the concrete with a sigh, as if it were a mattress, ready to stay there all night if he had to.
"I see the big dipper," he chimed. You had to stifle a laugh, being that you knew he couldn't stay silent for more than a few seconds.
The sky was clear that night, the stars plentiful and bright. Eventually, you gave in, shifting back to lay with him.
"Here," he shifted up with a grunt to take his Coffin Kings leather off to offer it to you as a pillow, and you accepted. He made a move as if to put an arm around you, but then awkwardly shifted it away, sliding his hands behind his head again.
Adjusting yourself, you heard something crunch, like paper, and twisted to see there was something white sticking out of the pocket of his vest, poking into your jaw, just under his "TAZ" insignia.
"What's this?" You asked as you pulled it out, settling back to unfold it above you so it blocked your view of the sky.
"It's a photo," he cleared his throat. "Of you."
"Of me?" You asked softly, grinning when you realized it was, indeed, a photograph he'd taken of you a while back. You hadn't expected him to have a disposable camera in his hands that day when he shouted for you to turn and look at him, so your expression was a mix of distraction and shock.
You lowered the photograph to your chest and turned to look at him, but his gaze was fixed on the sky.
"I keep it next to my heart."
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firawren · 6 months
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Anna/Kristoff | rated E | 3,276 words
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Porn with Feelings, Vaginal Sex, Couch Sex, Dirty Talk, Anna has a filthy mouth, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Charades
What if Elsa hadn't heard the voice and gotten weird during charades in Frozen 2?
Kristoff tries to propose to Anna right after the game of charades, but he's not able to get the words to come out right. So he resorts to a bit of impromptu charades to ask the big question. Anna says yes, of course—and then is so excited that she uses charades herself to make a suggestion of what they should do together next. The clues are: two words, first word sounds like “pets,” second word sounds like “duck.”
Written for Frozen Smut Week 2024, @kristanna-days
Read on AO3 or start with the excerpt below:
He and Anna were no strangers to each other’s bodies. They’d been a couple for three years now, and though Kristoff would have waited until they were married to do anything sexual, Anna didn’t have that kind of patience. He’d been terrified, at first, that he was going to get caught fooling around with the princess and get banished or something, but everyone in the castle seemed to turn a blind eye to the hints of their physical relationship. Even Elsa, apart from one extremely mortifying conversation about the importance of preventing pregnancy before one was married, was willfully blind to the whole thing.
So Kristoff didn’t feel bad about squeezing Anna’s butt and grinding back against her as they continued to make out in a castle sitting room. All the servants knew to knock by now.
But then Anna suddenly broke away from him and pushed herself out of his arms. He assumed she wanted to take this to his bedroom, but instead she held up two fingers and gave him a coy smile. “Two?” he said. “Two what?”
She raised her eyebrows at him and jerked her two fingers in the air for emphasis. “Oh, are you doing charades now?” he asked. She nodded. “That’s cute, but I liked kissing you bet—” He cut himself off when she gave him a stern look and stuck her other hand on her hip, still holding up two fingers. 
He sighed with an exasperated but fond smile. “Okay, fine. Two words,” he said. She held up one finger. “First word.” Cupped her ear. “Sounds like.” She bent down and made a petting motion, like she was stroking a dog or cat. “Petting?” She held her hands close together. “Pet!” She linked her little fingers together, the sign for plural. “Pets!” Her face lit up and she tapped her nose while pointing at him.
“Okay, sounds like ‘pets.’ Bets? Debts? Let’s?” She nodded happily and tapped her nose again. “First word is ‘let’s.’”
Anna held up two fingers. “Second word,” Kristoff said. She cupped her ear. “Sounds like.” She put her hand up to her mouth and nose, pointing her fingers outward, and opened and closed her fingers against her thumb. “Um, beak,” Kristoff guessed. She started waddling around the room. “No, bird! Duck!” She nodded vigorously and cupped her ear again.
“Sounds like ‘duck.’ Buck? Stuck?” She planted her hand on her hip again and tilted her head at him, an exasperated look on her face. “Okay, okay, two words, so the phrase is ‘let’s…fuck’?”
“Yes!” Anna exclaimed with a triumphant smile.
Kristoff laughed at how ridiculous it was to mime that instead of just saying it, and yet how cute and fun and Anna it was, too. He stepped toward her and grabbed her butt again to pull her back against him. “Yes, let’s stop playing charades, and let’s fuck.”
Read "Two words, sounds like 'pets duck'" on AO3
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (I.5)
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V. Back Home
Chapter Summary: You never expecting entering Hogwarts was going to bring you… so much change 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, 
Wordcount: 2.1 k
Notes: I’m cutting first year to 8 chapters only… jeje they are just babies yet and like I said, this is for setting the tone for what comes next… jeje
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You were fairly smart, you were, the point is, you were truly outstanding in things that TRULY interested you, so you learned when the Slytherin Quidditch team practiced, and you would sit in the boxes no matter how early or how late, scribbling in a small diary you started to call your playbook, writing and describing all the plays, it was quite fun, even Marcus Flint and Terrence Higgs, the players noticed and waved at you
“Are you going to try out next year?”, he asked 
“Of course”, you’d answer happily
And from then on, you became some sort of cheerleader for the team, even helping them in planning plays after the Hufflepuff VS Ravenclaw match that of course you watched and made Draco watch it too.
You were happy, you felt at home in Slytherin and even in potions class
“Who can tell what would happen if I add to the concoction a rat’s tail?”, asked Snape, “Basilik?”, you swallowed hard and looked at home ide eyed
“It would cause a purple colored-explosion?”
“Are you asking me?”, he asked back, annoyed, raising one of his eyebrows. It was the longest seconds of your life, you stammered as Granger raised her hand
“no Ser, i’m saying”, you managed to mumble, and you could swear you saw a hint of a smile on his face
“Indeed”, he said quickly, “5 points for Slytherin, anyways…that is why you must be very carefully in selecting rat’s hair on the back of said rat instead…” and the class continued without a hitch, you and Draco exchanged big smiles at the points given
And the smile couldn’t be wiped out of your face for the rest of the day. No matter how much Matthew teased you, Draco was making everyone laugh telling you how the Gryffindor team was going to replace Potter with a wide-mouthed tree frog.
You always admired Draco’s sense of humor
The days were already shorter, and even started snowing, Snape’s class was in the dungeons and it got really cold down there, so you had to put on your gray jumper under your cape, but you were really happy because, you had been paired up with Theodore for a couple of classes for a special brew, and it made you giggle
Theodore Nott, your housemate, friend of Draco, he was very cute and sweet, he smiled softly at you, he had this beautiful green eyes that look a bit sad but its because they way they are shaped, you and daphne had discuss it at length 
You acted a bit dumb when you were near him, but you thought Snape had paired you both together because you could defend yourself pretty good in Potions, but he was useless in that subject, you had to carry it for four weeks, but you were happy to do so.
Now you were in the common room with Theo, you weren’t allowed in the laboratory after classes, so, the only place you could hang out and study properly, besides the library, but they didn’t let you bring potion making instruments… So here you were.
“It’s ¾”, you said softly, “not 3,4”
“Oh sorry”, he muttered, you only smiled, knowing that little error could make the potion exude a lethal smoke that would kill you both
“You still on that?”, the peace and nice atmosphere that you had created was eliminated by barely a sentence of Draco, who showed up accompanied by his own partner, Matthew
You could see Theo’s face twisting in discomfort
“We just hadn't had the time”, you said simply
“We finished days ago”, they didn’t leave, they just sat there in the leather couch next to the table that you were working on 
You finished the best you could, feeling like you were being watched, and you had to use the loo so you left them to go to the bathroom
When you came back, you heard them
“I don’t know why she keeps insisting on the potion, maybe she fancies me”, muttered Theo, “and that’s why we keep working together”, and that broke your little heart. Draco frowned at this, without noticing you
“She doesn’t fancy you”, he said, with a disgusted face, and you had never been more grateful, especially with Matthew laughed at Theo
You pretended like everything was fine, you tried to ignore Theo’s guilty face, he was embarrassed, it was him that didn’t understand potions, but he was embarrassed to say so, and then, you were relieved that Draco stayed there with you.
“So, if I make this potion wrong it can explode?”, muttered Gaunt as he read your scribbles in the parchment, “interesting”
“No it's not”, you said quickly, “many potions could explode”, you said then quickly, Mathew and Theo exchanged looks that didn’t promise anything good.
They actually made the potion explode, underneath Filch’s desk, luckily he wasn’t there but Mrs Norris’ tail caught on fire that thankfully they were able to extinguish without much damage to the poor cat.
You found it horrible
But Matthew and Theo laughed 
You loved cats, and even though her being there was a sad accident, you couldn’t shake the bad feeling of your gut.
Matthew was a bit mean, and when you remembered him bringing the pumpkin to life… before he started carving it, it brought you chills.
Professor Snape was called, and Slytherin was taken 50 points.
When you were alone with Theo, he kept being nice to you, and the last class that you needed to work together, he ripped the page of the potion off of his book, and he folded you a snowflake with magic
You felt so happy you became giddy, even though he had lied to your friends 
As the weeks went by, the floor started to become white, as the snow started to stick 
But snow would only mean one thing… that you were most excited about
Christmas is coming!
Between classes, and making friends, days turn into weeks and even months, and you were barely realizing it, Christmas was around the corner.
Every year you spend Christmas Eve with your Aunt, and then the next day you were invited to the Manor to spend the day with the Malfoys and their friends until the evening where you attend their annual Christmas Ball, it was always breathtaking, witches and wizards in their best dress robes ni black, white or red, and the decoration and food was out of this world
And this year, according to your aunt, it was going to be no different, you had three weeks of christmas break to go home, and you were going to spend it with Draco, the Malfoys and your aunt
You packed your trunk religiously, and even Umbra hooted in her cage happily, like she knew she was going back home
None of your teachers had left any homework, unless of course Professor Snape, who had given you a list of items you could find to make potions, so you needed to fetch them from your house or garden, he assured you they were things that could be easily found, trying to prove that potions could be brewed from almost anything
You found Blaise in the great hall, he was staying at Hogwarts for the Holidays
“My mother is spending christmas in Greece with her new husband”, he muttered sadly
“I’m sorry Blaise”
“Other people are staying, so it's fine”, you had to go, Draco, from the other side of the Hall, was waving at you to go 
The train ride back to London was very pleasant, Draco couldn’t stop boasting about his list of presents and how he was sure he was going to get everything he wanted, he asked you about what was in yours, but you only had three items… a Nimbus 3000, Quidditch riding gear of the Holyhead Harpies and a dragon
You knew you were being silly, but you always wanted a Dragon, a small one would suffice, you had seen them, miniature versions of real dragons, that you could handle. 
And you promised your aunt that you could sell your current broom, a Quicksilver 2.0, so you wouldn’t have two, you were hopeful, you had been saving from your allowance, but still, professional brooms such as those had to be purchased by an adult 
So you were now even more hopeful, but you were surprised to discover actually Matthew was going to spend Christmass in the Malfoy Manor as well
When you’d ask Draco about his family, he would answered with evasives, probably he didn’t know who he was either
But still you found it odd
You forgot about personal compartments, your group of friends had gotten so big you preferred those open ones with tables on both sides so you could all speak to each other
You had gotten accustomed to being around them all day and even nights, it was going to be a bit sad when you got home, only you, your aunt and some house-elves.
“Are you going to the ball?”, you asked Pansy who was sitting right next to you, as you were seated on the other side of the aisle with the girls
“Yes, my parents were invited”, she muttered
“Mines too”, muttered Daphne
“It will be fun”, you said with a big smile
“Why are you and Draco so close?”, asked Milicent as she leaned in and whispered to you
“We are best friends”, you said softly
“But why?”, she insisted
“We know each other since I can remember, our parents are really close”
“Do you like him?”, she teased
“No”, you answered quickly, “he is my best friend”, all girls were looking straight at you, like they were cornering you, “for real”, you insisted, and that seemed to calm them as they giggle
“I think Theo is really cute, you were so lucky to had that huge project with him”, fanned over Daphne
“I think Matthew is cute”, added Milicent, you were leaning over the table and whispering, so they wouldn’t hear
“I don’t think any of them are”, you said with a sad voice, thinking of Theo
“My mom is having my robes custom made for me”, said Daphne with a soft smile, “for the Christmass ball”
“Really? how lucky! I think we are just going to Madam Malkin”, muttered Pansy
“Lucky you because my mother loves to shop in those muggle stores in central London”, said Milicent
“Some of those stores are nice”, you offered, you really liked muggle fashion sometimes, your aunt would take you in London and you were only able to watch at the showcases, some dresses were truly astonishing
“They are muggles”, she said as that was reason enough
The trip became longer than the one that goes to Hogwarts, it that made any sense
Now that you weren’t at Hogwarts, you wanted to get home already.
“Anything from the trolley?”, asked the sweet old lady, bringing her cart full of sweets
“Uh! me! Do you have any chocolate frogs?”, you asked
“Of course dear”, she said, passing one you exchange for a couple of Sickles
“Thank you”, the boys bought thighs to, you frowned when you looked at the frog, the spell not starting yet
“I’ll do it”, said Draco from the other side, you passed the package, he opened and the frog came to life, before it could jump, he snapped one if its legs to break the spell, not it was just chocolate
He passed it back to you
“Thank you”, he ate the chocolate leg and you ate the rest
“Why?”, asked Parkinson
“I don’t like it when they move, they look too real”, you said simply, “Uh! I got Cirse! I’d always wanted her!”, you admired the ancient witch in that card
Your aunt, as always, was waiting for you
She hugged you tightly, caressing your hair softly, you had missed her 
“Let’s go home”, you greeted the Malfoys, and from afar you could see Theodore, who was being received by an old man, you guessed he was his father.
“We will see you at Christmas”, my aunt muttered, and you started walking. Meek, your house elf appeared, grabbed both your hands, as you had your things in the other hand, and he apparated you back home, as easy as that 
Tea was served for the two of you, with your favorite small sandwiches and pastries
“Now, you will tell me EVERYTHING!”, she said with a wide smile 
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 9
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Warnings: 18+readers only, smut, pet names, slight (could be considered) dubcon
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
"WONDERFUL NEWS." YOU SAID AS YOU skipped into breakfast the next morning. You'd spent the night with Thor in a night of passionate love making. The fact that you could even skip was a miracle- your legs had been jelly last night.
"What is it?" Tony asked, looking up from his coffee. He looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep last night and if you were all being honest- he probably hadn't.
"I finally heard back from Elizabeth." You said, thinking back to last nights texts. You were frustrated with her for the late response considering you almost hadn't heard from her for a whole month! But the fact that you had finally gotten a reply was enough for the moment.
"Oh?" Sam asked, looking up at you now from his own coffee. "So when is she coming or when are we going?"
"She said that she'll come here." You said, feeling pleased with the prospect. You knew that she'd given in, in the end. As much as she hated the city- or perhaps pretended to you weren't sure- you knew she had to see the Big Apple at least once. "But she wants to give it another month. Our father wants to wait before fall harvest before that happens."
"That sounds reasonable." Steve nodded, but you couldn't help but hate the look of disappointment on Sam's face.
"It's okay Sam, she'll be here soon enough." You replied.
Sam smiled at you gently. "I know. I just hate the anticipation and nerves that comes with the wait."
That was understandable. The nerves you'd felt in Tony's car when he told you he could introduce you to the rest of your soulmates had felt like you were going to vomit. You supposed he was just wondering if she would reject him or accept him.
You hadn't had any doubts. You were the first born in the family, so you had all the rights to the soulmates. Though, you hadn't expected that some of them would already have soulmates. But even then, you weren't as worried as Elizabeth might be.
After all Elizabeth was a second born, which meant a lot of things in a polite society. She would marry the soulmates second after all. At least in a polite society anyways. In some more outcast rugged societies, it didn't matter who married who first.
It was a great thing that you lived in a polite society. You were glad that you got to marry them first. And Elizabeth couldn't possibly be ready for marriage because you weren't entirely sure you were ready to marry all of them and she was even younger than you. You felt that if you waited a few more years, then things would be amazing.
"So she is coming here?" Tony asked again, rubbing his eyes.
"Yes." You said with a faint hint of amusement in your voice.
"What do you think she'd want for her bedroom? I can start having things moved in." Tony said.
The idea of him spending money on your sister when you knew she wouldn't appreciate it made you feel guilty. "Not to much. She really isn't one on material objects. I think as long as she has a bed and maybe a bookcase with books in it she'll be fine. But I can ask her if that makes you feel better about it."
Tony nodded. "Sounds like a good plan. I would hate for her stay not to be up to her standards."
You wanted to tell him that half the time Elizabeth preferred staying in the barn loft in the dirty hay than her own nice warm clean bed, but didn't. Then it would sound like you were bad mouthing her instead of just sharing a random fact.
"What are you going to be doing today doll?" Bucky asked you as you finally settled yourself down at the table with a plate of food.
You shrugged. "I wasn't sure. I guess whatever you want to do, Buckaroo."
Bucky looked pleased with this and suggested that you, Steve, Sam, and him all take a walk down to the museum.
"Okay." You nodded your head and ate a strip of bacon to hide your disappointment. A museum? There were so many other fun things to do in New York and he wanted to go to a museum?
But, he was your soulmate, you figured, and an old one at that. Old people did generally like museums over everything else. Your parents had dragged the two of you to DC once to show you the culture and history of America- which you really didn't care about. It was just a bunch of monuments and museums. Yay. And you barely ate any great food.
But a date was a date and after breakfast you headed to your bedroom to look for something to wear. You decided on black panty hose, a grey skirt, a burgundy shirt, with a black jacket over it and black heeled boots. You brushed out your hair, still marveling at how short it was, before putting in green jade earrings. Grabbing your matching black purse, you headed out the door to meet the others downstairs.
"You look fabulous doll." Bucky grinned, wrapping his metal arm around your waist to pull you in for a hug, and then dipped you slightly to kiss you. You kissed back as you tasted the bitter raspberries and the sweetness of the sausage. You thought, almost for a moment, that he tasted like home.
"Alright c'mon." Steve teased. "You two keep kissing like that and we'll never make it to the museum."
"Later." Bucky muttered, nipping at the skin under your ear, letting go of your waist to take your hand instead.
"Later." You repeated with a giggle, letting them lead you from the tower.
To be fair, the museum actually wasn't that bad. There was a WWII display that was meant specifically for Steve Rogers. There were mentions of Bucky in there, as well as other soldiers who had fought alongside them. There was also a woman mentioned there, a Peggy Carter. You glanced over at Steve, who seemed a little sad looking at her picture and decided it was better not to ask.
There were other, less exciting exhibits, but you soldiered along for them. They seemed to enjoy it and that was all that really mattered to you.
"Did you have fun doll?" Bucky asked as he kissed you.
"It was a really interesting exhibit." You admitted. "I had no idea you guys had done all of those things. Was it scary or did you guys think you could just do it because you had Captain America on your side?"
Bucky thought about it, "It was still scary, fighting you know? You can always die. . . but it was a huge comfort that we were taking down HYDRA. And Steve was by my side the entire time. I knew if I was ever in trouble he'd save me. And if he was in trouble I'd save him. He's more than my soulmate, he's my best friend and he's my soul. Now you and Sam are too."
You smiled at that, wondering what it would feel like to rely on someone else so completely. Especially when it came to your life.
"That's sweet." You murmured, your hold on Bucky tightening. Maybe you would learn to rely on someone like that. Maybe that someone would be your soulmates.
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ELIZABETH PITCHED FRESH HAY INTO THE loft up in the barn. Hogun helped her. He had fit in well, the two of them almost dress identically in jeans, flannel shirts, and cowboy boots. They both even had their hair pulled back, though Elizabeth's was in her typical ponytail and Hoguns was in his traditional warrior bun.
Once the hay had been traded in for fresh hay, the two of them went ahead sitting up there. "It is comfortable up here." Hogun murmured, laying back on the hay. It was soft, the strange, potent smell intruding his nostrils. It was almost a musky sweet smell.
"I love it up here." Elizabeth's voice was soft. She didn't speak much, preferring to ask simple or intricate questions and listen to him talk. She loved his accent and his manner of speaking, hanging on his every word that she had never done before. "Did you have a special place for you to go on Asgard?"
"Yes." Hogun said, reaching out for her. Elizabeth rolled to him, laying her head on his chest, his arm around her. "There's this very secluded spot by one of our large lakes. There's a great many trees that surround it. It's a quarter of a days ride from the castle. Lots of people go there, but no one knows about the spot behind the waterfall. Except maybe Loki and Heimdall. I hope I get to show you soon."
"It sounds beautiful." Elizabeth whispered, closing her eyes. The sounds of the cows and horses settling in for the night, the sounds of the dogs barking to round up the sheep, the sounds of pigs splashing in mud, chickens clucking softly to her, and just the barest sound of the dishes clinking in the sink through the open window were as familiar to her as a persons favorite song.
Hogun looked down at her as she slowly drifted off to sleep on him. It was the first time he had felt something like peace. On Asgard, he was either fighting or training. The few times he relaxed weren't peaceful. They were fun, hanging with Fandral and Volstagg and Sif. And Thor of course. But they weren't peaceful. They were chaotic in another way, in a fun boisterous way.
Asgard was in an era of peace, had been for the past few years. He could easily see himself settling down with Elizabeth, even here on Midgard which he had only visited once or twice before. He liked it here. He liked it here with her.
A sudden thought struck him. He leaned over to kiss her forehead. "I'll be right back." He whispered and slipped down the ladder of the loft and hurried back to the house.
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YOU AND IVY WERE DNACING ON THE disco floor of one of the close New York clubs. Tony and Stephen and some of the other less uptight Avengers were here as well. They were mostly sitting in the booth though Nat and Wanda were both somewhere on the floor as well.
You and Ivy were laughing and singing, drinking your problems away as Tony called for more shots. By the time you all got ready to leave, you and Tony were laughing, falling over drunk. Stephen was amused and so was Clint- who was only semi drunk.
"Designated driver." Stephen said, yanking the keys out of Tony's hand, sliding into the drivers seat.
"I'll see you later Y/N." Ivy said as Kaylee hooked her arm through her and two of them staggered down the street in a fit of laughter.
You and Tony curled up in the back of the car, making out. You could feel Stephen's eyes on the two of you in the rearview mirror. Tony moved his lips to your throat. "Fuck Y/N, you're gorgeous."
You blushed, both from intoxication and his words. "Well you're gorgeous too Mr. Stark."
"Not in the car." Stephen deadpanned.
"It's my car." Tony slurred, slipping his hand under your skirt, teasing your clit through your knickers.
"Hmm, that's true." Stephen said, eyes darkening as you let out a high pitched whine from Tony's teasing.
"Tony." You whimpered.
Tony slipped two fingers into your warmth. The rough feeling of the pads of his fingers against your clit made your hips buck slightly into him. You drifted one hand down, unzipping his pants and started to stroke his cock.
The two of you pleasured each other as Stephen pulled into the parking lot of Avengers tower. The minute he parked, he tossed the keys onto the key rack and portaled the three of you to their bedroom.
"You two are such unnecessary teases." Stephen growled, stroking your face with his hand and then sighed, "Pity you two are drunk. I won't be taking advantage of you both."
"Stephen." You whined.
"Both of you go to sleep." Stephen demanded, undressing on the other side of the room to get into his pajamas.
You and Tony exchanged a glance and then grinned. Tony grabbed his hands, slipping the sling ring off his fingers. Tony actually managed to tie Stephen's hands behind his back, shoving his back up against the wall.
"Tony." Stephen groaned before gasping as you took his length into his mouth, his eyes rolling back into his head. His hands jumped in his bonds, attempting to free himself from the fabric tie. "How the heck did you tie this so tight?"
"It's a specialty of mine baby." Tony murmured, nipping at his ear and kissing down his jaw line, leaving bright purple blossoms on his chest.
Stephen attempted to stifle another groan as you licked his entire cock from base to tip. Tony ran his hands down Stephen's chest until he was fondling Stephen's balls.
Stephen's legs started to shake as the both of you teased him relentlessly. He kept his head thrown back against the wall, bracing himself against it, eyes closed, mouth slack.
"Fuck." Tony murmured straight into Stephen's ear. "Being such a good boy, aren't you baby?"
Stephen's cock twitched in your mouth and you could taste the salty precum even more now. You swirled your tongue over the tip like an ice cream, helping Tony as you stroked what didn't fit into your mouth.
"God if you weren't drunk." Stephen moaned, cock twitching in your mouth again. "The things I'd do to you for restraining me."
"Aw, but you like being restrained, don't you baby?" Tony continued to tease and through your slight haze you wondered if he really was as drunk as he had been acting. Or maybe he had just spent so much of his past life drunk he was practically sober. "You like being submissive to us, don't you?"
His words were Stephens undoing as he spilled into your mouth. His knees nearly gave out as you pulled away. Stephen's turquoise eyes stared into your own as you got to your feet, smirking at him sweetly.
"You're both in so much trouble when you're sober." Stephen muttered, tossing you over his shoulder to stagger over to the bed. "But I'll take care of you tonight, don't you worry." And to prove his point, he lowered his mouth to your pussy.
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ELIZABETH'S FATHER STARED AT HOGUN from across the room. Hogun had come into the room in somewhat of a hurry. It was a bit strange, her father thought looking at the man. He was usually calm and collected, but at the moment he seemed rather frazzled.
"I-" Hogun finally spoke and then swallowed, gathering his courage. He was a warrior and shouldn't be feeling like this. "I want your permission to marry your daughter."
Your father shifted only slightly to rest his chin on his hand. "Do you now?"
Hogun's heart was attempting to leap out of his chest. He had faced down hordes of monsters and armies of a thousand men. How was it possible that simply asking for your sisters hand in marriage was so nerve racking?
"Yes." Hogun said thickly. "I have waited for her for a thousand years and I do not wish to wait any longer. There is something about her that captivates me. I long to be in her presence when I am not and cannot imagine a life without her by my side."
Her father nodded slowly. "We live in a polite society where she, as a second child, cannot, or perhaps the better word is should not, marry before her elder sister."
He watched Hogun's face grow stricken with this news and then with calmed measure he replied, "On Asgard there are no such matters. After her sister gets married, we could have an Earthly ceremony. But if you are alright with it, I would love to marry her immediately on Asgard."
Her father felt pleased with this answer and he openly grinned, "You had my permission before you walked through that door this evening. I've never seen anyone make Elizabeth as happy as you have in these short months. You have my permission to get married immediately, I have no taste for polite society, they've certainly never done anything for us. Marry her here, marry her on Asgard, just let me walk her down the aisle."
"Of course sir." Hogun said, feeling suddenly as though the breath had been knocked from him. "Thank you."
"But," Her father continued with a small smile. "That being said I should warn you. You hurt her or break her heart, I have two shotguns and several other guns. I don't need a gun to kill you either. I have crossbows as well as shovels. You've been warned."
At this, Hogun smiled at the idea of the farmer killing him, though he understood the real message underneath his words. "Believe me sir, I would never hurt her on purpose or an accident. I love her to much. And for us Asgardians, that love never diminishes once we find it."
Her father nodded sharply at this. "Go and propose to her."
As Hogun bowed and took leave of the room, her father smiled to himself. Elizabeth was his favorite, this was no secret. The way that you were your mothers favorite.
He chuckled. "Elizabeth married before Y/N. Wonder how she'll take the news. Not well, I suppose, but what to do."
At that moment, your mother entered the room. "Y/F/N, was that Hogun who just left here? Where is Elizabeth?"
Your father smiled. "Take a seat Y/M/N, you're going to want to be sitting down when you hear this news."
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amydimmer · 5 months
Hi (: I just saw your blog that read you love to yap about the lore of your ocs. And I would love to hear about it! Especially Leonardo and Elizabeth (I just love old married couple characters, they’re always so sweet) . But Aina seems also pretty cool.
Oh and also Leonardo is the personification of Portugal and Elizabeth of England, right? I wasn’t so sure from your post. Btw I’m sorry you got banned but it led me to find your work and even though it’s not that much yet but it looks very cool. (Sorry if I’m not making much sense, English isn’t my first language)
Hi there! Yup. I'm a professional yapper Graduated top of my class at Yapology of Old Couple Ships.
Let's dive into that!
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I think I didn't develop my idea enough, I'm so sorry! I make ocs out of countries, yes.
This all started out in school for me. I enjoyed imagining countries as single people instead of full governments. As a kid, it's just an easier way to digest history classes :) It was a fun exercise too, and I ended up wanting to illustrate that concept…Here we are now. If it says anything, my major is International Affairs/PoliSci…Yeah. I grew attached.
Leonardo and Elizabeth are my favourites to write about, they're just lovely…Although deadly. We know how history goes down with these tiny-but-mighty islands.
They met ages ago, in a siege in Lisbon. Elizabeth was sailing somewhere else, but the weather seemed to be turning on her and her crew. It was safer to stop and go back to the seas whenever the skies cleared out.
She'd been meet by the people living by the shore, and asked if there was any way she and her crew could stay somewhere in town, to avoid the storm, and get some supplies they were running out of. Leonardo was on his way to Lisbon, as it was being stormed. He didn't have much time to give each member of that foreign crew a bed and meal for the night, so he bought a bit of time with a deal. If Elizabeth and her crew could help he and his men protect the city, then they could stay. And deal! I guess you can say their first "date" was in a battlefield. How romantic is that? I guess very romantic, because Elizabeth stayed there for a couple more days.
Though they weren't victorious, these two found a little spark.
Elizabeth admired Leonardo's kindness on helping her friends, and also the cheerfulness and spontaneity he had when they left battle. He has this BIG laugh, he's very silly with his friends, even if the battle wasn't taking good turns...Really charming to her.
As for Leonardo, he had gotten himself hurt in the big fight. He would've gotten a worse wound, if Elizabeth hadn't seen it coming and hadn't pushed him away. She dragged him to the palace when it all ended, and put herself to clean and bandage Leo up. He liked that she was so handy with it, and so smart (and also gently scolding him for being so reckless in the middle of a fight). He likes how grounded she is, compared to him.
They kindled a sweet friendship from then on…But if you ask me, Elizabeth was getting butterflies in her stomach since the day she left that silly guy ;)
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They met many more times and exchanged letters very often. They liked going to the beach together, or just going for a walk. Even just sitting and chatting, they just liked being close.
Oh, what a mouthful they are. I thought start at how they met was good! Of course, being immortal means you have a few more hundreds of years of history, and these two alone have more than a lifetime together! This is just the very beginning of this old timey sunshine x raincloud duo.
I must say, this a very SLOW burn. Leonardo takes his sweet time to propose, even when Elizabeth dropped all the hints!
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying so far :) I was a bit sceptical about coming back to this blog, but I'm remembering what made it so fun back in the day!
Alas, since you got this far reading, here's a treat:
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Ps.: Your English is good, I'm sure Elizabeth is proud ;)
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