#I have three others I plan on finishing as well but I need to grant my back and sleep schedule some mercy
inkyminx · 7 months
Just a thing I did for fun during Halloween last year ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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And a little extra cause the urge to draw these two dingalings was strong ~
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easy-there-leftovers · 3 months
A Question Unasked
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Written with season 1 Spencer in mind
Summary: In which your ambitious, workaholic nature makes Spencer wonder if you've got a crush on Hotch. This slight hitch in his plan causes him to miss a few signs.
[A/N]: Can be seen as a filler from Spencer's perspective of certain scenarios from "Mixed Messages" and a prequel to "As Cool As I Think I Am", but can also just be a standalone
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem! (mentored by Hotch!) reader | cw: slight spoilers for s1e04, allusion to inappropriate workplace dynamics (it's not true, relax lol), slight description of canon-typical violence, mildly inaccurate timeframe | word count: 4k
Spencer looks up from his endless stacks of files on his desk to look at the girl on the other side of his desk. Only a single carpeted walkway really separating them.
He could easily just get up and walk right to her. Ask the burning question that's been on his mind since the Arizona case, but he can't.
Why is that?
He's been your friend for a while, and he's known you for a while longer.
With his eidetic memory, he remembers so clearly when you first started working together. He remembers your starched blazer and pressed blouse, a stark contrast to his swimming-in-sweaters look, and how that alone let anyone know that you were serious about uniform and protocol.
You were, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, and a fresh graduate just like him.
You were smart, beautiful, and started working at the BAU as early as he did.
And because you were new and young, one of the senior agents had been assigned to supervise your progress. So much like how he was mentored by Gideon, you had been mentored by the unit chief himself; Aaron Hotchner.
He'd like to think that he learned a lot from Gideon. He wasn't the type to hold his hand throughout a case, which he is thankful for, but he had been there to encourage him to think more outside the box. To let his mind be more flexible and creative. To see things from every conceivable angle. Leaving no stone unturned.
He supposed you learned a lot from Hotch as well. With your calm exterior, polite demeanor, and calculating mind that occasionally colored your less polite vocabulary-- He didn't know what Aaron must've been like in his junior years, but he supposed that having you as his colleague was essentially the same experience.
What he does know, however, is how close you are to your boss. Or is it your work?
Either way, you being glued to your work almost always meant that you were glued to him by proxy. You two being the first ones in and the last ones out showed that you spent three-percent more of your time with each other than the rest of the team, and two-percent more than with him.
Granted that had changed as of late, but still!
That didn't leave him a lot of time to ask you if---
"Dr. Reid, if you keep staring at me, I don't think you'll be able to finish your action reports on time." You had said without lifting your eyes from your folder.
Having been caught, he cleared his throat with a small 'sorry,' and directed his head back down to his still endless stack of files. The action earning a couple of chuckles from the bullpen where the rest of your colleagues had certainly seen, or at least heard, the exchange.
Not long after however, he saw Hotch from the corner of his eye lean over the railing outside his office. Calling for you both to meet him inside with his usual stern expression.
Spencer noticed how you got up, eyes still zeroed in on one of your files, and continued on your way up and into the unit chief's open door.
A clear sign that you had been invited there often enough that you didn't need to see where you were going.
You expected it.
He sighs and makes his way into the office as well. Dreading what the meeting could even be for, though he's confident he hasn't done anything wrong.
"As you might have noticed in our previous cases, I've paired you two to work on the more analytical aspects of it together. With these changes, we've been able to work twice as fast, and we’re thankful for the help."
Whatever Spencer had been expecting, it was not this. His raised eyebrows evidently agreed with him.
It wasn't everyday that Hotch complimented someone like this, much less in the proper environment. And if your respectful posture, but shining eyes in slight pride were anything to go off of, this was something new for you too.
As he was about to voice his thoughts, you had spoken up.
"Sir, Dr. Reid's knowledge in a wide array of subjects has certainly helped with our investigations. Though I'm afraid I haven't done much aside from ensuring it's accuracy and-"
"No! I mean--," He looked to see you already looking at him in slight confusion before continuing.
"She's been a huge help so far and has allowed me to exchange ideas with her to build a more accurate profile. Not to mention that her ability to mediate between departments has been beneficial to gaining access to pertinent information! So I think she's done plenty for the investigations as well." His voice dwindles as he realizes he's rambling on praises and he suddenly feels warm under the scrutiny of both his boss and his colleague.
He just didn't want anyone thinking you weren't doing anything by being humble. Especially since you're both so young.
Thankfully, it's Hotch who speaks up again after a beat.
"So what I'm hearing is that you're both satisfied with this arrangement?"
You both nod carefully and he smiles a small smile at that.
"Then we'll be carrying on with this pairing into the foreseeable future. Should there be any concerns about this arrangement, see to it that it goes through me. We can't afford to lose either of you." He says it with a finality that prompts both Spencer and you to leave with a nod, but the thought is instantly corrected when he speaks again.
"Oh and agent?" He looks only at you, but Spencer looks back as well out of instinct. "A private word, if you please."
Spencer sees you nod without a second thought and he takes it as his cue to hurriedly leave.
It hasn't been that long, Spencer argues with himself, since he left the unit chief's office. The blinds aren't drawn, he would know since he'd been looking at them periodically, so he also knows that nothing untoward is happening.
Yet something is bothering him about it.
From his position on his desk, he can see you and Hotch discussing something on his table very seriously, but he also sees how your eyes rarely leave the face of your superior. He can't quite see your expression due to the distance and the light, but he has this sinking feeling that it's a lot like the one from earlier.
He scoffs at the thought. If he wasn't thinking so rationally, he would've thought-
"Does she like Hotch?"
"Who likes Hotch?"
The new voice makes him whip his head back so fast to see Morgan with a confused face. Upon further examination, he sees him holding something that was definitely supposed to be flicked at him if he hadn't been caught so off guard.
He internally debates to voice his opinion, but he does anyway.
"Do you think that she likes Hotch?" He gestures with his eyes to their supervisor's office.
"You're asking me if I think 'little miss perfect' has a crush on a man that's hitched?" Derek echoes back with the use of your nickname. One that he coined as a playful jab at your no-frills behavior.
Spencer cringes when he hears it back though. He didn't ask this to get you in trouble, but it might come across that way now.
"Who has a crush on married man?" Elle joins in, and he only shrinks into his seat more.
"I'm not asking if she has a crush on him! I just want to know if she might like him and--what it is that she likes about him..."
The two exchange looks before looking back at him. Fully knowing that that's not the reason why he's asking, but they humor him anyway.
"Reid, what makes you think she likes him and not literally anyone else?"
"Well. there's her preference for prolonged eye-contact, a common indicator of interest for one. Her being in constant proximity to him, a sign that shows comfort in certain contexts, and then there's the amount of time they spend together."
The last one might be a bit of a reach, considering how you all work in the same area, but at this point he just wanted someone to tell him that he was either absolutely right, or crazy.
"Kid, that's crazy."
Duly noted.
"I'll say.” Elle chuckles out her response. “I haven't thought about it all, but those signs don't really mean anything. It just sounds like she has a habit of looking at whoever's talking to her." She notes, sharing her experience of being on the receiving end of your rather intense gaze.
His other friend adds onto that.
"And the whole closeness thing? You've seen her, she's like a computer with the way she works. She's a workaholic. And Hotch is another. It's just math, Reid."
Spencer furrows his eyes at the man's statement but before he can ask further, he sees you coming out of the office and staring at the small crowd that has now formed at his desk.
"Is something going on here?" You ask with tense brows. Eyes flickering to and fro.
He couldn't really think of something on the spot, but thankfully Derek had one at the ready. "Was just caught trying add my stack on to pretty boy's plate."
He sees you let out a small 'hm,' and you eventually turn your back to them to reach your desk.
He sighs in relief as he feels a firm pat on his back from Morgan.
"Next time, try looking at what she does when you're the one talking." He says before leaving to go to his own desk as well.
Spencer doesn't know what good that would do, especially now that he's worried one of his colleagues have caught wind of him liking you, but he at least takes note of it.
He does not, in fact, take note of it until very later.
The team had been called to San Diego to deal with someone they had been calling, "The Tommy Killer." An unsub that had a preference for gluing his victims' eyes open.
As they were reviewing the scene in the jet, they had noticed a few stanzas of a literary work had been left behind at the scene.
"It's a ballad from the late 1600s. A Dialogue Betwixt Death and a Lady." Spencer had mentioned from where he stood.
"A 17th Century ballad?" Morgan had asked him incredulously from his seat, but it’s you who answers.
"One where a woman tries to bribe Death with all that she has in exchange for a little more time to live. Naturally, he doesn't allow it. Claiming that she was undeserving of an exception that even kings were denied of."
Spencer looks up from his own copy to see you still looking at your own from beside Hotch. With your brows furrowing in thought, he almost sees the actual gears in your brain turning.
"So what, are we looking at a literature professor of some kind?" Elle asks which immediately perks him right up.
"Well, actually anyone with access to the internet today. You should see what comes up when you type in the word, "Death" into a search engine." He laughed absentmindedly.
"Reid, no wonder you can't get a date."
Morgan's words made him frown, but he brushes it off.
Hotch, as previously discussed, then called on for the both of you to look deeper into the messages. To see if there was anything new that could be inferred.
He nods at him, and looks up. Expecting you to still be looking at Hotch as well.
Instead, your eyes meet his, but you quickly look back onto your file.
Reid thinks it's just a coincidence.
"Creepy, huh?" JJ had asked you two as she approached where transcripts of the written messages were tacked onto a board.
Spencer had been focusing so hard that he was caught off gaurd by her sudden appearance. Fully expecting the area to just be for you and him so he told her what first came to mind.
"Actually, conversations between Death and his victims was a fairly popular literary and artistic theme throughout the Renaissance."
Though perhaps the delivery wasn't as as good as he thought it was as JJ only stared back at him with an unreadable expression.
He thought it was interesting, really, but he supposed his slight stutter and breathy laugh at the end must have distracted her from his point.
He turned to look at you for help, but you too had been focusing on the messages and wouldn't be available to do that. So he just agreed with JJ’s sentiment, which seemed to be enough for her to leave.
He sighed out in relief.
"The lady never answers. Have you noticed it yet, Dr. Reid?" You turn to him as you ask.
He immediately refocuses on to the case and tries his best to reply after his prior blunder. "Oh uh-- Right, the dialogue in the ballad seems to be fractured. Well, it's more of a monologue than a dialogue seeing that there is no exchange of information."
A small smile graces your lips at that, and you gesture with a nod to go report your findings.
"So it is. Let's get going."
He follows you to where Hotch and Elle were discussing the sexual aspect of the crime and sees you take your place next to your mentor. The same position you were in when he was blowing out his birthday candles, as he also inserts himself into the discussion.
"Sir, we believe what the unsub has written at the scenes are most of the first three verses of the same ballad." You deliver, prompting your mentor to raise his brow at that.
"Most of?"
"Yeah, it's only one side of the conversation." Spencer adds. "There's no betwixt." He takes pride in your shared effort, which makes itself known by the smile that adorns his face.
Unfortunately, his satisfaction, isn't met with a positive reaction either as he sees Elle desperately trying not to make eye-contact, and your supervisor staring at him very pointedly.
He's thankful though at the little chuckle that you quickly try to hide behind a cough and a cover of your mouth to appear more professional. Quickly looking down at the ground.
He's happy that at least someone thought his joke was well-placed.
He continues to explain your theory about how the Lady in the narrative never answers, and that's enough for both Hotch and Elle to at least think about it.
Their attention is quickly stolen away however at an incoming call about a failed attempt nearby the precinct.
Quickly excusing themselves to get onto the scene as soon as possible, you see them call Gideon on their way out. Watching them as they leave the department doors.
But Spencer keeps his eyes on you as the thought just dawns on him.
You were the first one on the team to laugh at his jokes.
The more cases he works for the BAU, the more he realizes how much of his work isn't theoretical anymore. He feels it in the weariness in his eyes, the weight on his chest, and the shake of his hands.
Or maybe the shake is from the cold.
After all, he had dressed for the warm, California air. So now that he was in the cool, air-conditioned jet, he was seriously regretting not packing a sweater, at the very least.
He makes his way to the back of the aircraft after another successful investigation, and that's where sees you.
You had opted to shed your typically structured blazer on the seat beside you, leaving you in a softer blouse, both in color and form, that made everyone around you know that you were officially off duty.
It's a nice look on you, he thinks. A slight departure from your usually stern and hardened exterior. He wouldn't mind seeing a more relaxed version of you every once in a while.
A version of you that looked more your age and not constantly under the pressure of doing well.
He momentarily wonders if that's part of your mentor's influence as well.
He freezes a bit, as if catching himself in some depraved daydream, and takes a few steps back to return to the more vacant areas of the craft.
Before he can get any further though, you see him and beckon for him to come over with a tired wave of your hand.
"How's the flight treating you, Dr. Reid?" You ask, drowsiness lacing your tone as he sits on the seat opposite of you.
"Oh, it's the same as always, I guess. A little colder than usual, but that's to be expected. By the way, we’re actually lucky that we haven't experienced some semblance of turbulence yet on our flights, considering that the likelihood of it has increased by seventeen-percent in the last decade."
You laugh at that. "You really know just what to say, huh?"
He doesn't see it as funny as you do, so it seems. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or--" "There's no need to apologize, sir. I find everything you have to say interesting, whether you mean it to or not."
He stays silent at that, suddenly nervous, and tries to make himself comfortable. He does so in the hopes that he can finally steel himself to ask you that question.
He talked to Elle earlier when they were waiting for the unsub's call. Asked her if she thought it was weird that he knew what he knew, and if it had anything to do with his inability to get a date. She had reasoned with him that it was because he didn't ask, but it couldn't be that simple, could it?
He mulls it over in his head before sighing. Opting to give up and just wait for a more opportune time.
Besides, jury’s still out that you could very well be pining over his boss.
The action, however, seems to remind you of something.
"Before I forget," You look into your baggage, rummaging around before finally finding what it was you were looking for.
You ask him to close his eyes, which he obediently does, and you place a thick rectangular box into his awaiting lap.
The sudden shift in weight causes his eyes to open, and he is certainly surprised to see what was on there.
"What is this?"
"It's your birthday. There wasn't a good time to give it to you, so might as well."
He takes the box into his hands and shakes it a little.
From the sound alone, or near lack thereof, there could be a multitude of things inside it. He looks at you questioningly and you only smile and gesture for him to open it.
He takes his time in doing so, and he doesn't know how or why, but he finds your reactions to his movements much more amusing than whatever could be in the box. As if you were more excited for him.
He finally peers into the now open box to see some sort of purple cloth. A ribbon of geometric designs cutting through its middle and he stares at it in wonder.
"It's a scarf!"
You smile at him, and he was thankful that the rest of the team were either asleep or just not paying attention as it allowed the both of you to savor the moment with at least some semblance of privacy.
"I've noticed that you had a tendency to wear a lot of layers. I wasn't sure if it was because you were cold, or you just liked dressing that way, so I made an educated guess and got you something practical."
And just like that, he's over the moon.
He immediately goes to put it on with a wide smile, paying no mind that it paired so badly with the short sleeves of his button up.
Not that he would know, nor care.
And just when he had been feeling cold earlier too! "Thank you so much. This means a lot to me, especially since you don't usually give gifts."
You shake your head. "I don't, but it's not everyday one spends their twenty-fourth at the BAU."
He continues to observe the cloth that now hung around him. Smoothing his hands over it as he does with an expression unreadable to you.
You worry a bit and hurriedly mention, "I'm sorry if it isn't your color. I see purple show up on your mismatched socks more than any other color, so I just assumed. If it's any consolation, purple is a great color to contrast the warmer hues in brown eyes?"
He flushes at your admission, but matches your urgency to set you straight. "No! Please, I actually really like it-- It's beautiful."
You breathe out a sigh in relief and nod slowly at that.
"Speaking of the color, did you know the origin of purple dye is actually quite fascinating?" His voice filled with enthusiasm. With his eyes, bright, and filled with a child-like fascination that makes your chest feel warm at the sight.
"Historically, purple dye was incredibly rare and valuable, which is why it became associated with royalty and nobility. The earliest known purple dye, known as Tyrian purple, was produced by the ancient Phoenicians around 1200 BC. It was derived from the secretions of a particular type of sea snail, the bolinus brandaris, found in the Mediterranean Sea."
He paused for a moment, wondering if he was boring you, but sees that you're still very much paying attention to him.
"The process to obtain this dye was incredibly labor-intensive and complex. It required thousands of these sea snails to produce just a small amount of dye. The snails would then be collected and left to decompose in large vats. After several days, a gland from the snail was extracted and crushed to produce a purple mucus. This mucus would then be exposed to sunlight, undergoing a chemical reaction that transformed it into the deep, rich purple dye we commonly associate with our modern day equivalent."
As he kept going, he suddenly remembered what Morgan had told him all those weeks ago.
"Next time, try looking at what she does when you're the one talking."
So he does just that.
He observes the way that your shoulders are more relaxed, how your eyes never stray from him, and how the small upturned curve of your lip makes itself known as you rest your cheek onto your propped up fist.
How he has your undivided attention and yet you don't even look the least bit bored of what he has to say. Only silently appreciating and subtly nodding along with the slow blink of your eyelids.
All clear signs of unguarded comfort, and or interest, in his presence.
Had you really been looking at him like that all this time?
Now the idea of you liking your boss seems silly. Especially when you’re looking at him the way he imagines himself looking at you.
"I did know that, actually, Dr. Reid. At the time, Tyrian purple wasn't only desirable for its rarity, people said it was also incredibly lightfast. That it was resistant to fading under the sun and the weather. Not to mention all that hard work that just to get a single gram of it. Then again, modern studies do claim that its lightfastness was, in fact, not an accurate feature as it's color diminished when it was exposed to light and UV radiation."
You laughed a little again, as if remembering some anecdote, and that sound was steadily becoming one of his favorite sounds. Following only after your speaking voice.
"Fortunately for you, doctor, I could only afford a synthetically purple-dyed scarf. Though that means that you won't ever have to worry about it fading under the sun."
Hands up in faux surrender, you give him a tired smile that he returns with one of his own.
A calming silence enveloped the both of you as you continue to bask in each other's presence.
At some point you doze off, draping your blazer on top of yourself to shield yourself from the cold, and that's when he starts considering Elle's words again.
"Do you ever ask anyone out?"
"That's why you can't get a date."
He nods to himself, and reclines a little more into his seat. Snuggling into his new scarf that still has the faintest smell of you.
Maybe he will ask you out on a a date later.
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jetblack4realz · 1 month
lake days i - jake "hangman" seresin x reader
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summary - when you and jake get stationed in your hometown, you decide to drag him with you to a lake day with your family - it taking a much different turn than expected.
!split into parts & takes place years and years before the uranium mission!
pt ii , pt iii , pt iv , pt v
warnings - none
word count - 5.7k
the hawaii mission wasn't the first time you'd met jake seresin, but it was certainly the first time he caught your attention.
you both had been put in a position to compete for the mission, but in a surprise turn of events they just threw you both in. jake led, which he never let you forget, but your captain had decided that he needed you as a wingman, which you never let him forget. you knew his reputation and you'd seen it firsthand, but he was a surprisingly good partner to you. the mission was a success, of course, and you both finished out the last four months of assignment together. as your six months finished out, you found yourself hoping to be stationed with him again.
and you were.
admiral hensley called you both to his office when giving you new orders for the next 18 months and you couldn't help the small smile pulling at your lips. when you exited, hangman pulled you into his side with a laugh.
"excited to be my wingman again, sweetheart?" he asked.
"i think this time you'll find it's the other way around," you answered, winking as you laughed and pulled out of his grasp.
"we'll see about that," he said, smirking.
you both arrived in fort worth, texas with wide grins on your mouths.
"home sweet home," jake said. you hauled your bags onto your shoulders, striding off the runway and towards base. you began to walk towards the office, phone in your hand as you began typing in a local number.
"bronco," the man called with furrowed brows. "you not going to the bunks?"
"this is my home base," you replied. "i've got a place just a half hour out of here."
"how are you getting there?" he asked, quirking a brow with a simple smirk. "your boyfriend picking you up?"
you laughed, shaking your head. "don't got one. don't have time for one. my dad and brothers are coming, i haven't seen some of 'em in almost two years."
"glad you get to now," he told you with a surprisingly genuine smile. you nodded, smiling back.
"yeah, me too," you said. he nodded once before turning again, presumably to his room on base. "hey, hangman."
he turned, eyebrow raised in question.
"aren't you from texas too? anywhere around here?"
"odessa," he answered. he breathed a laugh. "so, no."
you watched each other for a few moments as you very openly debated something in your head. you breathed out slowly before finally just throwing it out there. "you like boating?"
your question caught him off guard. "boating?"
"yeah," you nodded. you quirked a brow, smirking slightly. "you ever been?"
"well, yeah," he nodded slowly. "like, twice."
"twice?" you exclaimed, shaking your head. "that's no good hangman. you should come with us this weekend. my family's property is just 45 minutes off of eagle mountain lake and we were gonna head over saturday. if you don't already have plans, we'd love to have you."
it was memorial day weekend, and your family always spent it on the lake. in light of your fresh transfer, your new admiral had granted you and jake both the monday off and you were definitely taking advantage of the three day weekend.
"you sure?" he asked, raising a brow. "i don't want to intrude. you haven't seen them in so long and i-"
"hangman, if you don't get to see your family, at least come see mine," you answered with a small smile. "they're very welcoming."
he debated for a few moments before huffing a breath. "you're very kind, bronco."
"so, that's a yes?" you asked, grinning. before he could answer, you began walking backwards to enter the office. "i'll take you back with me after shift friday! see you tomorrow!"
you mock-saluted him before turning on your heel and throwing open the door, slipping through it with an excited blush on your cheeks. hangman laughed to himself, shaking his head as he turned to make his way to the bunks. he couldn't believe you'd just invited him back to your family's house - but he couldn't say he wasn't glad you did.
"ready?" you asked, hand on your hip with a grin as jake approached you with his small dufflebag thrown over his shoulder. he nodded.
"as i'll ever be," he answered. "where you parked?"
you led him outside to a beat up brown subaru, pulling the driver's side door open. he quirked a brow as he examined the car, fingers running over the chipping paint.
"didn't imagine you a subaru gal, bronco," he mused, restraining a laugh. you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"i'm not. it's my mom's, she's letting me borrow it while i'm here," you answered.
"we gotta get you something better than that," he laughed. "for one, your mom outta want her car back and for two, i can't be seen in a - what year is it?"
"2005," you muttered.
"in a 2005, brown subaru outback," he said, clicking his tongue against his teeth thrice.
"oh, you can't be seen in it? i have to drive this thing to a naval airbase every day of my life," you laughed.
"we'll find you something better. with all this driving you're doing, you definitely need it," he told you. you rolled your eyes again.
"just get in the car, hangman," you said, slipping into the driver's side.
he laughed, tossing his bag in the backseat. "alright, alright."
the drive went smoothly, conversation with jake was never real difficult. as you pulled down a dirt road, passing under a large metal overhead sign announcing that it was the l/n residence jake watched it, a smile pulling at his lips.
"now before we get there, i've gotta warn you," you started, glancing at the man next to you. "all my brothers are in town for this and so are their wives and kids. it'll be a mad house, but it's all love i promise you. just, be prepared for a barrage of questions and kids wanting your attention."
"how many brothers do you have?" he asked.
"three older brothers - logan who's married to brynlee, barrett who's married to alice, and gideon who's thriving single, and two younger brothers - joshua who's married to kyrie, and darren who's 17 so he's single. and all in all, i think i have four, no five nieces and nephews. oh, but alice is pregnant with their first, so like five and a half," you answered, breathing in deeply after the long-winded explanation. you glanced at him with a nervous chuckle. "i told you, it's a lot."
he was smiling widely, shaking his head. "it sounds wonderful. really. i've got a big family too, just all sisters and brother-in-laws. i'm excited to have all those people around again."
your nervous smile softened and you nodded, pulling into the driveway. "i'm glad."
you both climbed out of the car, jake moving to grab his duffle from the back but you shook your head. "leave it, we'll take it back to mine after dinner."
"oh, right," he answered, forgetting entirely that you had your own place and that he was staying there, with you, alone. he trailed after you as you approached the beautiful oak front door.
you turned to him with a grin, hand gripping the door handle. "brace yourself, hangman."
with that, you threw the door open with a yell of, "honey, i'm home!" jake laughed as he watched three kids instantly attach themselves to your legs, the oldest little boy looking about five.
"oh my gosh, you guys are hug!" you exclaimed.
the little boy looked up at jake, his head cocked to the side in evident interest.
"auntie y/n, who's that?" he asked. just as you opened your mouth to answer, a teenager walked in with a teasing grin and answered for her.
"that's her boyfriend," he said in a sing-song tone. you rolled your eyes, whacking him in the shoulder.
"shut up, darren," you said. you picked up the five year old, turning to jake with a smile. "finn, this is jake. jake, this is logan's oldest, finn. he's five."
jake smiled, offering him a little wave. "hey, finn."
you gestured to a little girl at your feet. "and this is leila, finn's little sister. she's three." there was another girl next to leila. "and everleigh, also three. but, she's josh's." you whacked your little brother in the shoulder again, a wry smile on your lips as you tried to not laugh at his dramatic outburst of pain. "and my little brother, darren."
"hi," jake laughed. darren stretched a hand forward, grinning widely.
"welcome to the family," he teased as jake shook the boy's hand. jake laughed heartily.
"thanks, glad to be here."
introductions with the rest of the family continued in the dining room, the remaining two nephews sitting in their dad's lap.
"y/n!" the family chorused.
"hey guys," you grinned. you turned to let jake step forward, your brothers smirking at you as he did so. "everybody, this is jake seresin, my wingman on my last mission." he looked at you with raised brows and a breathy laugh, shaking his head slightly. you concealed your laughing with a slim grin, continuing. "he's gonna be spending the weekend with us."
your mother approached with a sweet smile on her face. "jake, how wonderful to meet you. y/n's told us so much."
"oh has she?" jake asked with a grin in your direction. he shook her hand gently, a small smile directed at the older woman.
"enough for us to be glad to have you," your dad chimed in. "we hear you're competitive. you good at water sports?"
"can't say i've tried any," jake laughed sheepishly. you exchanged grins with your brothers. you patted his arm.
"don't worry, we'll change that," you told him. you turned your attention back to your family. you took your time to point out each brother and sister-in-law, and your remaining two twin one year old nephews, brigham and beckham, who were josh's.
everyone was very welcoming towards him and he found his heart swelling at the experience of being with so much family. as they all conversed and ate, he began to realize where you had gotten all of your snark and sarcasm - he supposed that's what growing up with five brothers got you. but, as he watched the way your mother treated everyone and how your father ensured the teasing never reached a tipping point, he also began to understand how you tended to know the balances of things and always be cordial to others. it was a talent that slipped his mind some of the time, but in the presence of such kind people he made sure to do.
darren had taken an extreme liking to the 30-year-old, asking him all sorts of questions about what he flew, how he flew, what missions he'd been on (which he obviously couldn't tell him), and everything about the navy. this got finn excited too, the little one climbing on your lap just to lean over to jake to catch his attention.
"you do realize that i'm in the navy too, right?" you asked darren with a raised brow, pulling finn back to keep him from slipping off your knee as he held onto jake's arm. "everything he's done, i've done. you've never asked me before."
"you're not as cool, y/n," gideon teased you in response, darren laughing and nodding in agreement.
"i'd have to agree," jake said, winking at you as your brothers laughed.
"so, where are you from, jake?" your mom asked with a smile.
"odessa," he answered, matching her smile. "born and raised texan."
"good," your dad nodded. "your family still back there?"
"yes sir," jake said. "mom and sisters at least. dad died a few years back."
"sorry to hear that, son," your dad said, giving him a small nod.
"odessa," your mom hummed. "what did you say your last name was again, honey?"
"seresin," jake answered politely.
"your mom's maiden name?" she furthered. jake laughed, glancing at you momentarily.
"sorry, mom grew up in odessa," you told him with a short laugh, shooting your mom a look to stop interrogating him. "sure she's just trying to make connections."
"oh, it's fine," jake said. it was a common occurrence in texas. "she was a gilbert."
"gilbert," she repeated again. her eyes lit up. "alyssa gilbert?"
"yeah," he laughed. "you know her?"
"we went to high school together!" she cheered. "how about that? we're friends on facebook but haven't talked in years. i'll have to tell her i've got you over here, maybe they can come over sometime! have a barbeque, go to the lake. you got a lot of siblings, jake?"
"four sisters," he nodded, smiling at her enthusiasm.
"oh, wonderful! that would be so fun, wouldn't that be so wonderful y/n?" she asked, turning to you. from next to her alice and kyrie were about to burst into laughter, barrett winking at you. you pulled a thin smile, trying to avoid estranging jake because of your overly-enthusiastic mother.
"yeah, that'd be something, ma," you answered, returning your attention to the potato salad on your plate.
"i'm sure they'd love that," jake said, appeasing your mom.
after a few hours and several slices of pie, you were leading jake back out to your car. darren followed you to the door, grinning widely.
"drive safe!" he called as you threw yourself into your seat. "no fun allowed tonight! i mean it!"
you slammed your door shut, flipping him off through the window, though he could barely see it with the dim light in the car. jake laughed loudly, getting in his seat as darren returned inside. as soon as his door was shut you let out a breathy laugh.
"well, that was fun," you said. "i think they like you."
"i think they do too," he said with a small smile. "i really like them, y/n."
"i'm glad. they're my favorite people," you told him.
you reached around to buckle and he followed your lead as you backed out of the driveway.
"so, where's your place at?" he asked as you turned onto the dirt road, continuing further into the property.
"just a few minutes down the road," you answered. "my parents promised each of us some land if we wanted to build on it. the only one who doesn't have a place out here is gideon, he lives in houston. says he doesn't need it because he isn't planning on getting married and having a family anytime soon."
"oh," jake said, looking at you intently. "but, you've got a place out here."
"yeah, so what?"
"are you planning on a family anytime soon?"
you glanced at him, furrowing your brows slightly. "i was. saved up for my place since high school, got some of my dad's buddies to give me discounts, designed it, helped build it when i could while going to college. then, well, my plans changed. i dropped out of college and went into the navy, got shipped out two years later. my house was finished though, so i kept it."
he thought on your answer for a few moments. "you didn't answer my question."
"the answer is i don't know," you sighed, pulling into your garage. "would i like to have a family? sure. is it gonna happen for me? probably not. and hey, i have things to do, i love my job... life's okay for me."
you laughed shortly, looking back at your fellow aviator.
"what?" he asked.
"wasn't expecting to talk to you about that today. don't really tell people things like that."
"then why'd you tell me?"
"why'd you ask?"
you both paused, a small smile pulling at your lips before you turned away, pulling your door open. he followed suit, grabbing his bag and following you into the two-story farmhouse. it was beautiful, he had to admit.
"you designed this?" he asked, looking up at it while you turned the key.
"yep," you answered. "my pride and joy."
"that's such a texas thing," he laughed, following you inside. "you built your own house? if a girl i met at the bar said she built her own house i might just marry her right then and there."
"that's a weird thing to admit, seresin," you laughed, gesturing for him to follow you upstairs.
"what? i like a blue collar woman," he shrugged. he grinned widely. "they're usually way sexier too."
you rolled your eyes, sighing, "there's the hangman i know."
you approached the first door to your right, pushing it open. "this is you. there's a bathroom attached and you can keep your things in the dresser if you'd like. i'm just down the hall here."
he entered the room, tossing his bag on the white comforter. he looked around with a nod. "thanks bronco. i owe you one."
"you don't owe me anything," you said with a shake of your head. "well, except for a promise to try everything i tell you to tomorrow."
he laughed. "deal."
"you're in for it," you promised. "we need to meet at mom and dad's at 7, so be up by 6:30. i'll come and knock to make sure you're up."
"sounds good," he answered.
you smiled, nodding slowly as you stayed leaning in the doorway for a few moments. "i'll, uh, i'll see you in the morning. goodnight, jake."
"goodnight, y/n," he said. "thanks again. i'm excited."
"me too." you disappeared from his sight, the man leaning to watch you walk back to your room. he smiled slightly before turning back to his bag, beginning to unpack the few contents into the dresser next to the bed.
it was 6:35 when you finally rolled out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. you knew you had to get up, you just desperately didn't want to.
you pulled yourself out from under the covers, walking slowly to your closet. you grabbed the navy blue swimsuit you'd set out the night before: a longline bikini top that you knew would stay secure during water sports and matching high-waisted bottoms. you pulled a pair of denim shorts over, not bothering with a shirt.
you pulled open your door and then walked into the extremely bright hallway. with a hand blocking the light from your eyes, you approached jake's door, knocking slowly.
it was swung open quickly to reveal an all ready hangman, clad in dark blue swim shorts and a white tee shirt you were sure would be coming off as soon as water was in sight. that's how he was anytime you and the crew would lounge the beaches of hawaii and you were confident it wouldn't be any different here.
he eyed your swimsuit and you eyed his, both letting out short laughs.
"looks like we'll be twinning out there, darlin'," he teased. you shrugged.
"makes for cuter pictures," you answered, smirking. "grab your things, i'll be down in a sec."
he nodded and you turned back to grab your sunscreen, sunglasses, and hat before jogging down the stairs to find jake sitting on your counter.
"ready?" you asked. he nodded, hopping down and following you out the door and to your car.
when you pulled up to the house, darren was quick to comment on the swimsuit situation.
"and you say you aren't a couple," he said with a smirk.
"well, we're not. it's just a coincidence," you said with a roll of your eyes, pushing past him to get to where your dad was loading up the jetski and canopies.
"ouch," darren said with a laugh, turning his attention to jake. "she's in a bad mood."
jake shrugged. "it was just a coincidence."
he followed your lead and took some camping chairs from your mother, smiling graciously as he loaded them into the back of the truck. as you finished strapping down the jetski, logan pulled up with a beautiful white and blue surfboat.
you were shaken out of whatever mood darren's comment had put you in as you shook jake's arm and ran to where logan parked, jake following you with furrowed brows.
"jake," you said with a grandiose expression. "this is my pride and joy, my beautiful bluey."
"bluey?" he laughed. "you named your boat?"
"technically, it's our boat," logan corrected.
"right, but still," you shrugged. "a beautiful, 2014 cobalt surf boat, one of the first they've ever made. way better than the crappy mastercraft we used to have."
"what's wrong with a mastercraft?" jake asked, realizing very quickly that he was incredibly out of his element. logan laughed, shrugging.
"it's the honda of boats," he answered.
"ah," jake said, understanding as he nodded his head.
"alright everyone, pack it up!" your mom yelled.
as everyone piled into the two trucks and one ford explorer, jake looked at you, wondering where to go.
"there's some more seats in josh's," your mom told you, but you shrugged.
"too cramped," you answered, instead stepping onto logan's back tire and sitting down in the bed of the truck. jake grinned, following quickly and plopping down next to you.
"we got some nice privacy back here," he mused, winking at you jokingly.
you laughed, rolling your eyes. "oh yeah, take advantage of it, seresin."
"i might just," he said.
when you all pulled up to the lake, you and jake hopped out of the back.
"i'm gonna drive the boat out," you told him, "as logan backs it into the water. do you wanna just get in with me?"
"sure," he agreed, walking with you a few steps until you were at the back. "need a hand?"
you were, in fact, slightly too short to be able to get on it while it was still on the trailer. you nodded. "that'd be great, actually."
he held his hands down and boosted you up as you stepped on them, the man quickly following.
"shoes off," you instructed, slipping off your sandals and throwing them under one of the seats, jake following your lead. as you stood in front of the seat, you slid the key in and gestured for logan to back it up into the water fully.
jake watched in awe as you worked the boat expertly, yelling instructions and giving hand signals to direct your brother as far back as you needed, eventually having jake jump out to unstrap the sides and give you a little push off until you were able to turn the boat and blower on and push it out yourself. as he pulled himself back in and came up behind you, he watched the way your hands worked the steering and throttle.
"impressed, hangman?" you laughed, glancing back at him. "i'm surprised - i fly planes for a living, you think i can't drive my own boat?"
"no, i'd be disappointed if you couldn't," he laughed, sitting in the passenger seat as you pulled off the ramp and started towards your previously decided beach spot. darren was on the jetski, following you from a distance.
"just wait until we really get going," you told him with a grin. "you can be impressed then."
"counting on it, darlin'," he said.
when you found your family you let logan grab the larger anchor and tie the boat to the beach as you and jake exited the boat, your shorts and his shirt coming off before you dropped in the water.
you glanced at him before slipping into the water, refusing to blush at your friend's abs. you knew he was attractive and you knew he was toned - you'd been to the beach with him before. but still, you couldn't deny that jake seresin was a sight to see.
on the flip side, he couldn't deny that you looked good. like, really good. he'd seen you in a swimsuit before too, but he always found it difficult to keep his eyes off. you were drop dead gorgeous, he'd admit that to anyone, any day of the week - except for your family, right this moment.
not that they needed to ask. they could tell. or at least, a few of them could.
"how do you spend time with him and not just fall in love?" kyrie asked you in a hushed whisper as you dropped into a camp chair next to her. you laughed.
"he's... hangman. he's just hangman. we're friends," you shrugged.
"any chance you want to be more?" brynlee asked, wiggling her brows as alice and kyrie giggled.
"oh, keep to your own lives," you said, leaning back in your chair.
"our lives are boring, we've already got our men - you're still working on yours," kyrie said.
"i think you've already found him," alice said with a small smile. she nodded to where darren was punching around with jake, jake finally shoving him into the water where the boy tripped back and soaked himself. jake laughed loudly before getting attacked from behind by finn, turning to pretend fight the boy off.
"aw, he's so sweet y/n," brynlee said, grabbing your arm with a smile, effectively shaking you out of your trance. he had been so good with your family so far, you wondered if this was how he was normally - without all the bravado required for aviation.
"yeah, i guess he is," you mumbled. you cleared your throat, looking back at your sister-in-laws. "he's usually a lot louder and cockier than this. you'll see later while we're playing around. he's a tease."
"i think you're the tease right now," kyrie laughed. "you didn't see the way he was looking at you when you were walking up to the beach. you looked hot and he knew it honey."
"no way," you said with a shake of your head. "we're just friends."
"you might've started the weekend that way," brynlee said, standing up with a teasing smile. "but you won't end it that way."
your mouth fell open in shock as she walked to logan, scooping leila up in her arms and laughing as the three year old did. you shook your head, turning your attention to the other girls.
"she's right, you know," alice said. "don't look behind you."
and so you didn't, instead watching as the grins on their faces grew and grew until someone had grabbed your chair, lifting it from behind and making you stand. you landed on your feet, turning quickly to find jake with a grin.
"what?" you asked.
"come one, your dad's decided that me and you are going first," he told you.
"on what?" you asked. he paused.
"don't know. just, come on," he said, grabbing your hand and dragging you over to where your brothers and dad had made a group.
"what am i doing?" you asked with a laugh as you approached them.
"kneeboarding," josh answered. "easy."
and "easy" is what you told jake when you were in the middle of the lake, life jackets on, with kneeboards in your hands, just finished with giving him instructions.
"yeah," he nodded. "i got this. easy."
"you got this," you agreed with a laugh.
"but, when do i pull up on it?" he asked.
"after the boat starts going but before it gets up to speed. just - i'll tell you when," you told him, earning a nod in return.
the look on jake's face as you yelled "ready!" to logan was priceless. he was focused - so focused. maybe even more focused than you'd seen him in a jet. and as logan began moving, his face only hardened that much more.
"okay, pull yourself up!" you yelled, sliding your knees onto the back of the board and shimmying your way all the way up. you strapped the velcro strap over your thighs, settling in as the boat pulled you along before looking over at jake.
his entire board was shaking as he tried to move his knees up, his hands clutching the side desperately. eventually, he managed to get up, leaning back with a sigh and finagling with the strap.
"got it?" you called.
"yeah!" he called back as he secured it. you leaned forward, hands gripping the wide handle. before you pulled it off its knob that kept you attached to the boat, you looked at jake for affirmation. he nodded, grabbing his own and watching you as you pulled yours off, leaving just your hands on the rope keeping you to the boat.
"lean back! relax!" you said over the sound of the water, laughing as he leaned back, causing his board to twist a little and his eyes to widen as he regained balance. "good!"
he looked at you with a grin, holding his hand up in the 'hell yeah' sign, or really just 'aloha' surfer sign. you laughed and did it back. you leaned to the side, skidding up next to him.
"wanna try some tricks?" you asked.
"yeah, you go first," he said, nodding at you. you grinned.
"alright, first we'll get you to go out of the wake," you told him. "you just gotta get some momentum and lean hard. don't twist your board, just lean. watch, and if i wipe out just let go, k?"
you leaned back to your side, your board catching speed and exiting the wake. you did his little hand signal back to him with a laugh, hanging out of the wake for a while. the waves were a bit choppy that day, but you decided to still attempt what you've been wanting to since you knew you were going kneeboarding.
"watch!" you yelled, but jake's eyes had been on you the whole time anyways. you moved one hand to the side of the handle before quickly leaning, flipping around and reaching around the back to grab the handle again.
your brothers whooped in the boat as you grinned, leaning back in to enter the wake.
"pretty cool, huh?" you asked.
"i bet i could do that," he said with a shrug. "easy."
"alright then, go for it," you said teasingly. you were sure he wasn't gonna get it.
but, as he leaned out and successfully got out of the wake, which was a struggle for first-timers normally, your confidence faltered. he slid his hands to the side like you did and turned sharply, then again, and suddenly he had accomplished the goal it took you three summers as a kid to achieve.
"screw you," you laughed as he came back in next to you.
"got anything else?" he asked with a smirk.
"jump the wake," you said, nodding to the side. "get some height, seresin."
"do it at the same time," he replied.
you agreed and you both broke for opposite directions. you tried to get as much speed as you could, but just as you reached the break of the wake, your board caught and you were down.
you found the surface with a cough, glaring at the boat as it turned around to come get you. a little ways away jake was holding his board, a cocky grin on his lips as he waved at you. you rolled your eyes, grabbing your board and trying to not let him see your smile as it formed.
"what was that y/n?" josh laughed as they pulled up next to you, grabbing your board.
"i'm out of practice, okay?" you answered, pulling yourself up onto the surf deck on the back. gideon grabbed jake's board as he swam over to you.
"yeah, well he's had no practice and he still got it," your brother laughed as he set the board next to yours. jake pulled himself up next to you, grinning at you.
"you okay, sweetheart?" he asked.
"you got it?" you asked with raised brows.
"i thought you said it was hard?" he asked. your eyes widened and you searched for words, causing the man next to you to bust up laughing, as well as gideon.
"who's next?" your dad asked.
"me!" darren cheered as he jumped into the water. josh laughed and followed him in. you laughed at the boys before standing, pulling off your lifejacket and hanging the dripping wet thing off the side of the boat, gesturing for jake to give you his own. when you had buckled them to the side, you offered jake a hand which he took, letting you drag him up and to the bow of the boat. you sat back on the front, facing jake as he took the seat opposite to where brynlee was laying out with full intention of tanning. you tucked your legs by his to keep out of her way, but the man didn't look bothered.
you grabbed a towel from the compartment behind you, wiping your arms and hair before tossing it to jake. he dried his chest before balling it up and leaning on it like a pillow, laying out like brynlee.
you sat there for a few moments before standing and approaching the glove box, grabbing yours and jake's hats and glasses. you walked back up, dropping his glasses in his lap and pulling his hat down backwards on his head.
he grinned at you as you sat back down, tucking your legs to the side of him again. you pulled your hat on backwards too with a teasing grin his way.
"twins, right?" you asked. he laughed as you leaned back, settling your glasses on the bridge of your nose.
afterwards, you stared at him, eyebrows furrowing after several moments. he quirked a brow at you, finally asking, "what?"
"your glasses are cooler than mine are," you told him, jokingly pouting like finn whenever you didn't give him his goldfish crackers. you both had basic black glasses on, but his were cool, classy aviators that he definitely spent more that $15 on as opposed to your walmart ones.
this caused him to smile and he leaned forward. "here, sweetheart."
he pulled your glasses off your nose as he pulled his own off, dropping yours in his lap for a moment so he could situate his 'cool' sunglasses on your face. he pulled yours on and leaned back again, patting your leg. "better?"
"much," you laughed. out of the corner of your eye, brynlee was smirking at you both, turning back to grin at her husband when neither of you would look at her.
she pulled her phone from the cupholder next to her, flipping to the camera. she waved her hand at you guys. "scoot in, i wanna get the glasses."
you rolled your eyes with a smile, scooting from your position at the front to be perpendicular to where jake was laying, the man moving to the side to let you in before leaning towards you, an arm wrapping around your torso so as to give you more room. you looked at him briefly, his wide grin with your slightly girly glasses on his face making you laugh, your smile more legitimate than it had been before as you looked at brynlee. he rested his cheek on your head after a moment, your smile unintentionally widening again.
when she lowered her phone, you leaned over to see the picture - and it actually was really cute. the only pictures you had with jake were in your flight suits or decently drunk at a pool table, so you were kinda glad to have one normal, decently cute one now. even though you were just friends, of course.
"send that to me," you told her with a smile. you slid back to your original place, pushing jake's legs out of the way to give yourself space. he rolled his eyes at you, scoffing, but you knew he was just teasing.
you pretended not to notice how jake's hand fell back onto your leg, instead just letting the wind blow your hair around with a smile as you watched your brothers get on the kneeboards. you also pretended not to notice how the entire time they did so, jake's eyes never once travelled back to them, instead resting on you.
this was gonna be one fun trip.
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anadiasmount · 9 months
a taste of something sweet - ruben dias x reader.
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quick sum: fiance! ruben coming home after the cwc final, and not being able to spend a single second away from reader. seeing her with family has him confessing more than he originally proposed for. insta au included at end! tiny smut, so minors dni! 🤍🎄
wc: 1.7k | masterlist | ruben’s masterlist
psa🗣️: hi angels!🤍 miss you all! it’s been a MINUTE since i posted for ruben, but here’s something for us ruben girlies for christmas time! hope you enjoy! 🤍🎄
“ruben!” you squealed, waiting for him to fully come in before throwing your arms over his shoulders. ruben let out a deep chuckle, and picked you up behind your thighs, sighing in content at being with you again. you had the biggest fear he wouldn't be back before christmas eve, and that your plan to have both families over would be ruined. expect that wasn't it, and here stood your world champion. 
“i missed you so much princesa,” ruben set you down and kissed you deeply, grunting in delight at tasting your cherry lips again. “me too you have no idea, but you're back and that is all that matters to me,” your foreheads leaned into each other, as you ran your hand through his hair. 
“i passed by to get the last minute stuff so we could pack into the coolers, and i got you these as well,” ruben walked to where his luggage stood, locking the door first and then pulled out a bouquet of white and red roses, smirking at your awe reaction. “they’re are gorgeous ruben,” your finger traced the petal, bring the bouquet to your nose and smelling the flowers. “thank you belo.” 
ruben blushed at acknowledgment, wrinkled crinkling in his eyes. he kissed your forehead before dragging you into the kitchen. “i know i called you earlier, but i want you to know how proud i am of you handsome. a treble winner, supercup, and now a world champion? you have no idea the immense feeling i have for you, and to see you smiling after these past weeks? my heart is just full of joy.”
ruben had been quiet these past week, from training, to recovery, to the games and unexpected results, it was taking a toll on him. he didn’t show much emotion, let alone tell anyone how he truly felt, but you could read him from the back of your hand. if he needed you there he was, you vowed to that after he proposed after the unforgettable night in istanbul. 
if he needed space you would respect that, waiting as much as much time he need to process and then come find you fully. if he wanted to talk and express how he felt, he would pull you into his chest, whispering and not fully saying too much out loud, just enough for him to get into a stable mindset. if there was anything ruben looked forward too or longed for, it would always be you.
“my heart is complete with you, always princesa, eu te amo,” ruben said with a deep and groggy voice, enlightening a spark inside you hearing the three words you would never get tired of hearing. it didn't feel real, to have a man like him make you feel this way, to be head over heals, to finally find that stability and security with a man who never has taken you for granted and appreciated you through the good and bad. 
ruben and you spent the whole night finishing last-minute gift wrapping, and he went on to teach you his favorite portuguese cookies, opting to also make some for his family and yours. you hadn't seen your parents or sibling in weeks, and this time was perfect, being all together in a cabin, and spending your favorite holiday all together. 
ruben couldn't go to sleep for some reason, continuing to talk about the season they were having, and also about the final they had just won. he also made some wedding talk, surprising you since he usually wasn't one to give an opinion unless it was about a venue, food, or invites. part of him was also nervous to see your families all together, unsure how it would play out. 
he eventually fell asleep, feeling slightly guilty since he knew you were tired, and stayed up specifically to wait for him to come home. he kissed your nose and whispered a small goodnight, eventually falling asleep on top of you, finally getting the earned sleep since he could only do that when you lay with him. 
ruben ensure your luggage and coolers were safely secured in the car, making the trip up north to meet your families together. the two of you were the first to arrive, having time to go buy some groceries, and unpack. although that became hard as ruben couldn't keep his hands off of you, whispering dirty words into your ear that finally made you cave in. 
he longed for this. craved for this. he took his time with you, relishing every single second before your families came. groaning at the sounds you made, his name falling from your swollen kissen lips, the scratches you were leaving all over as the pleasure became to much. he was utterly obsessed with you, hitting every spot till you crumbled beneath him, ruben not far behind. 
maybe it was your hormones, but you shed a tear or two when seeing you parents all over again, especially your brother who brought his wife and newborn baby up to the cabin. it was not different with ruben’s family, giving them a hug and kiss on a cheek, asking how their drive up went. catching up with his mom, and cousins.while making dinner for a whole. 
it was a great idea you had gone shopping prior or else you'd be stuck, as the snow immediately came down after 4 pm. that night was spent with pure laughters, sharing old memories, drinks being poured every other few 30 minutes, and proposing goals for the new year to come. 
the day of christmas eve, everyone was up to go skiing, the tour guide showed the spots you could go and safely succeed skiing. you were more than grateful it was a private part of the cabin, no cameras or fans coming up to you, you knew it came with a footballer boyfriend, now fiance, but you would never quite get used to it. 
ruben was attached you, some could say maybe had separation anxiety as he always looked around to ensure you were okay, like a lost puppy. he would plaster a huge grin when he met your eyes, sending you a glance to check in if you were okay, you would nod and send him a wink. 
after coming back from skiing, everyone either took a nap or began to get ready for the evening. the tree was filled with gifts, the kitchen smelt like homemade ingredients and scents, and every corner you turned was decorated with lights. you turned on a few candles and set the table, ensuring everyone had a glass and utensils. 
ruben and you snuck in a shower together, avoiding his hands as he clearly desired more, but it felt too risky. you wouldn't have been able to look at anyone the same if you did had done something, or even heard you in the smallest way possible. 
“gatinha, you look so beautiful,” ruben whispered, as he came up behind you, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist and placing a small kiss on your neck. his nosed traced all the way way to your shoulder, not being able to get enough of how you looked and smelled, it was driving him crazy. you wore an emerald-colored silk dress, with small white kitten heels, and your hair down. 
“I know we have been together all day, but it feels like i havent been able to see let alone hold you,” ruben sighed, sounding slightly upset about it. you swiftly turned around and kissed his lips, feeling as he suddenly pulled you closer, releasing a small giggle from you. “i know me too, but i promise, once everyone is asleep we can make good use of the fireplace okay?”
ruben reluctantly agreed, walking out hand to hand out to see everyone either playing a game of poker, cooking, or watching tv. you insisted on helping in the kitchen, even if it meant washing dishes or almost slightly burning yourself. your mom and his mother conversation flew, as they talked about their teenage/ adult years, and apparently a romance show the two couldn't stop gushing about. 
later on, so your sister-in-law could get a break, you offered to help her watch the baby. to ruben’s surprise, he found himself glancing from time to time, a part of him wanting that with you one day. the way you cradled the baby, swayed side to side, kissed their cheek, and adjusted their beanie and blanket to make sure they weren't cold. right then and there ruben knew you were forever for him. 
“come here, i know your still cold,” ruben said, bringing you to his lap, the weighted blanket covering both your bodies as you watched the fire grow slowly. it was late, too late, but the two of you couldn't sleep. ruben rubbed your back, constantly placing kisses on your head and the bridge of your nose. 
you held onto the mug filled with hot chocolate, ruben dipping the cookies he made into the drink and eating them from time to time as you discussed your futures. he loved the sound of your voice, just like you did as well, it was a common thing shared among you. “i hope you know one day you'll be the mother of my kids one day y/n…” he randomly rambled.
“you’re gonna be such a great mom one day, and i can’t wait for us to finally have mini us in the house. you mean so much to me i never want to be apart from you, i want to share everything with you,” ruben confessed, watching as your eyes went crazy to search for a tint of lies or regret. but with ruben? everything was always honest and serious, which you loved, as you valued communication. 
“thank you for staying through my best and worst. for keeping my head up high and never letting me down. for me to able to come home to the woman of my dream waiting for me. to have an inspirational and loving person along my side anywhere i go,” ruben continued.
“we made that promise no? when you proposed to me? nothing will ever separate us, and i hope you know that you won't get rid of me that easily. you’re it for me ruben, have been since the first day i met you. and i can’t wait for what's to come for us,” you said smiling, kissing the red tip of his nose and then lips, where he immediately closed his eyes and snuck in. “i love you querida.” just like the fire grew in the fire place, the fire inside your chest did as well. “merry christmas, ruben.”
“merry christmas, y/n.”
rubendias posted on their feed!
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liked by: johnstones, bernandosilva, cancelo, yourusername, joaofelix, nathanake, pepteam, and 534,274 others.
rubendias: lovely way to spend christmas after being a world champion! merry christmas cityzens! 🩵🤍
tagged: @yourusername
username6000: handsy aren’t we now ruben…
johnstones: sure that picture wasn’t meant to be left in your photos?
↪️ rubendias: nope ☺️
bernandosilva: love you two! merry christmas 🩵
↪️ yourusername: thank you benny 🤍 tell isa we send our hello’s 🤍
username3928: y/n why are you allowing him to post these selfies? 🙄🙄
↪️ yourusername: i haven’t. he knows he can’t post stuff like this knowing i’ll go 😵‍💫😵‍💫
joaofelix: tu mano ruben 😂🤣
username1087: y/n my gf 😣
↪️ rubendias: she’s actually my fiance ☺️
mateokovacic: 🩵
327 notes · View notes
thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
The Fuck Up Chapter 1
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
Next chapter
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Y/N and Bucky had been best friends since they were teenagers. They met on the first day of high school in English, both groaning over the fact that the assigned reading was The Grapes of Wrath, considered an American classic but an incredibly boring read. They were paired up in a project together and became inseparable ever since. Y/N had no family, having been passed from foster home to foster home until finally being placed with the family she was with now who were willing to keep her. She had a hard time trusting people, and Bucky liked a challenge. They quickly became the most important people in each other’s lives. They were teased about dating each other, and as much as they each had moments of having more romantic feelings towards the other, nothing had ever come to full fruition. Bucky’s family took Y/N in and treated her like their own. Even with her new adopted family, she had never felt so loved in her life.
After high school they had planned to go to college together, but the housing market crashed and Bucky’s parents, Winifred and George, had to use his and his sister Becca’s college funds to keep their house, and no companies were giving out scholarships as they all tried to protect their assets. Y/N had been able to use a grant system to get into college. Bucky came from a military family, and although he had had no plans of ever joining, it seemed he had run out of options. He enlisted in the Marines. Y/N was upset, not wanting him to risk his life, but understood. She supported him as he went through boot camp and then the rigorous special operations training, but the military was hard on him. Bucky had always been an emotional person, and Y/N hated watching him have to deal with the PTSD and the group mindset that the military instilled in him, changing him from the happy-go-lucky kid she’d known to an anxious, trauma-ridden mess. She finished college and got a digital marketing degree, working for a major online company while doing some photography as a side hustle.
Twelve years later they were both in their thirties, barely getting to see each other but keeping in touch. Bucky had had a few close calls while on special ops the last few years and his family was pushing him to not re-enlist.
“Please, Buck, no more,” Winifred begged him. “You’ve served your country well. You’ve almost died three times over the last few years. Please stay,” she cried as he looked at the re-enlistment papers.
“I know, Ma, I know,” Bucky sighed, setting them down. “I…I just feel like I got one more tour left in me. I need to do this.”
“Hey everybody!” Y/N called as she entered the house.
Winifred spun around. “Y/N! Come here please!”
Y/N followed her voice to the kitchen. “Hey Winnie…wait,” she looked between them. “What’s wrong?”
“Bucky is thinking of re-enlisting,” Winifred said, sniffling sadly.
The look on Y/N’s face when her head snapped towards him made him flinch. “You…” she stuttered, her eyes wide and her brow furrowed. “You just got back.”
“I know, honey,” Bucky walked up to her and grabbed her arms. “I just need to do this. One more tour.”
“No,” she replied, pulling away from him. “You said you were done. We wrote to each other about it. You promised me,” Y/N’s eyes started to fill with tears.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N,” Bucky begged. “I can’t handle it when you cry.”
“Well that’s TOO DAMN BAD!” Y/N screamed at him. Bucky stepped back, surprised by her reaction. Winifred gasped, also shocked by her outburst. Y/N was not one to normally get emotional or react out loud to things. Y/N shook her head and closed her eyes, trying to breathe normally as her hands clenched at her sides. “You promised me,” she whispered.
Bucky sighed and bit his bottom lip. “Y/N, please understand—”
“No, you need to understand something,” she interrupted him, her eyes opening and glaring at him. “I don’t know where this weird obsession came from with you wanting to run into danger. You joined the military so you could get help with college. But then you re-enlisted, and re-enlisted. And now you have this codependent relationship with an organization, in a government, in a country, that doesn’t care about you!” She walked closer to him until she was toe to toe with him. “You are just another body to them. If and when you die, they’ll easily replace you. We can’t replace you!” She gestured to Winifred and herself. “I need you,” she cried, the tears finally falling down her cheeks. “You are wanted, appreciated, and loved here, at home. Why is that not enough?”
“It is enough,” Bucky said, blinking rapidly to stop any of his own tears falling.
“Obviously not,” Y/N whimpered, her chin wobbling as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. “I can’t…I can’t do this,” she whirled around and left the way she came.
“Y/N, hey wait,” Bucky called after her, following her to the front door. “Come on, honey, please don’t leave, let’s talk about this!” Y/N didn’t answer him, continuing to walk through the front door and out to her car. “Y/N…honey please!” She didn’t even spare him a glance as she got in her car. He tried opening her door, but she had already locked it. She quickly backed up and left his parents’ house, her tires screeching as she peeled down the street. “Fuck,” Bucky grumbled, running his hands through his hair.
He knew she was right, that it was stupid of him to re-enlist and put himself in harm's way. He had made a lifelong friendship in the military, and through some misguided idea of brotherhood had promised his friend he’d come back for another tour and join him for more special ops. But he had also promised his girl he’d be done after this last time. His girl?
**picture found on Pinterest...can we all agree that A.I. is dangerous just for this picture alone? #buckywiththelonghair
120 notes · View notes
rileyglas · 4 months
The List ~Pt. 12 - Conviction~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: As you train for Extermination Day, your power intensifies, granting you visions of a dark future. Determined to save those you love, you battle through the Exorcists, facing relentless challenges. Things take a turn mid battle, leading to an unexpected twist of fate.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery, sassiness, cursing, fluff, actual plot, slow burn, Rosie is the sweetest, eventual smut, and of course 18+
4.2k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 (You're on it!)
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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When Alastor said you needed to train together, you weren’t entirely sure what he meant. You half expected to just practice fighting each other but the reality was more exhausting. You both felt your abilities expanding, yet you’ve been struggling more than anticipated. It is one thing having to adjust from small needles to heftier daggers, but the focus it takes to stop objects is an entirely different challenge. When you did it at V Tower it was in the heat of the moment, you didn’t have the time to think about it. Now you’ve spent almost three days trying to hone in the new ability with no luck. 
After multiple failures Alastor suggests to up the stakes. “Maybe you need to feel threatened in order to channel the power?” he teases half joking, half serious. Vaggie overhears this and is quick to volunteer, throwing her spear directly at your chest from across the lawn. You reach your hand out but nothing happens. Oh shit. A dark shield surrounds you, making the weapon bounce off and clatter to the ground. You snap your head to Alastor to see his cane omitting green sparks, “How did you do that?!” 
He shrugs, “Quite an interesting development, I suppose.” Charlie runs over excitedly, “If you’re able to cast that over the hotel, it could buy us needed time and protection! What do you think?” The two start to scheme how and when the shield could help against the Exorcists. Within a few tries, he effortlessly produces one large enough to surround the hotel. Feeling utterly defeated, you huff in frustration. I need to focus, I’m no use dead. Why is this so difficult NOW? 
“Must I be the one near death in order for you to do this, dear?” You feel Alastor’s hot breath suddenly breeze across your neck. You scoff and shake your head, “Apparently!” Vaggie enthusiastically picks up her spear again, more than eager to throw it at Alastor but you’re quick to shut her down, “Don’t even think about it! I do not wish to test that theory!!” She pouts and walks away disappointed.
Finally you’re able to get away from the madness. You plop onto the couch in the foyer, leaning your head against the backrest. I just need a few minutes to rest my eyes. The instant your eyes close, you feel your mind slip away from exhaustion. 
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Golden blood rains on top of you. Angels, if you can even call them that, fall left and right. Screams of battle fill the air. It seems as though all the training and planning with the rest of the hotel and cannibals is actually working. “Eat shrapnel fuckers!!!” Cherry Bomb releases her grenades into a group of Exorcists. You toss a few angelic steel daggers to finish off a few she missed. “Fuck yeah! Keep it going girl!” she yells over her shoulder. Nifty runs around stabbing the already fallen angels while also collecting your weapons. Carmilla managed to get you a small handful but it was plenty so long as Nifty could return them to you quickly. She hands over the bundle manically laughing, “Stab, Stab, STAB!!!”
Looking up, you see Alastor battling Adam atop the roof. His shadow demons swarm the Exorcist leader making him curse and lose focus. There you go, keep a distance and you’ve got him Al. A smile creeps across your face, amazed by how well Charlie’s plan is working. 
You pivot your focus to a few cannibals in need of healing. The amount of energy it takes to heal so many injuries back to back is draining but not impossible, especially with Alastor close by. As you finish mending a wound on Rosie’s shoulder, a pang hits your chest. 
The neon sign above the hotel flickers as Alastor’s tentacles flail and throw Adam around. A voice thunders overhead, “- Radio is fuckin’ dead!” Adam swings his guitar, slashing Alastor nearly in two. You watch his lifeless body flip over the roof railing and plummet to the ground. 
Any power or sense you usually have of Alastor disappears completely. You stumble over to him, violently heaving from the sickness settling in your stomach, but it’s too late. Even as you cradle his body, kissing him, begging him to wake up, it’s all in vain. This can’t be it. This wasn’t supposed to happen…You hear screams echoing around you. It takes a moment for you to realize it’s your voice filling the air. 
“Hey Toots - Toots! Stop yelling! Come on, snap out of it!” You open your eyes to a very concerned Angel trying to shake you awake. “Kid, you alright?” Husk rests a hand on your shoulder. Your brain catches up and brings you back to the present, regrounding yourself in the lobby of the hotel. You shake your head trying to answer, voice hoarse, “Al - where -” 
“What is going on? Is someone hurt?” Alastor paces through the lobby having heard the commotion. His smile falters seeing the disheveled state you’re in. He rushes to you, unintentionally (or probably intentionally) shoving aside Husk with his cane. He drops to his knees to grab your face, “What is it? What happened?” his voice wavers in a mix of worry and anger. 
You throw your arms around him, making him grunt from how tight your grip is, “Nothing. Just - Just a nightmare.” you whisper into his neck. But was it really a nightmare? Everything was so vivid and clear. It was as surreal as when you dreamt of your life on Earth. It felt real. You let go to sit back on the couch, taking both his hands, “I think the stress and exhaustion is getting to me. Nothing a good night's rest won’t fix.” He nods but his eyes reflect doubt. He knows you all too well by now.
“Really, I’m fine. Let’s get back to training.” You attempt to put on a more confident voice for everyone. Angel and Husk walk away to the bar, mumbling something about the possibility of cracking under pressure. You know it’s far from the truth. You spent years on Earth preparing, training, and enduring the battles of war. It wasn’t a foreign feeling, quite the contrary, it was nice to have some familiarity even under these insane circumstances. But this dream truly felt different. 
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Alastor insisted you go to bed early and you happily complied. As soon as your head hits the pillow you’re out. However, the “dream” returns, exactly as before. The raining of blood, Cherry Bomb, Rosie’s injury, and then -
“My dear I’m right here, what’s going on?” he wraps his body around you, pulling you out of your nightmare. Your throat strains once again. A cold sweat covers your body but your blood feels like wildfire. You sit up and brush back your hair, “I - I don’t think this is just a dream anymore Al. This entire time we’ve been training, trying to grow our power together and I think…maybe mine has evolved into seeing flashes of what’s to come. Is that possible?” your chest heaves trying to regain some composure.
He ponders for a moment, “Well it is entirely possible I’d say. The question is, do you receive the visions to change the future or is it foreshadowing the inevitable -” “Don’t say that.” you cut him off sharply. He recoils at your sudden aggression, then softens when he notices your eyes beginning to well up. With a deep sigh, he places a kiss on your temple, “You’re dreaming about Extermination Day, aren’t you?” You remain silent, unable to find the right words without crying. The back of his hand gently brushes your cheek, “You can tell me, my love. It can only help for me to have some insight.” 
Fighting through tears, you tell him every detail of what you’ve been seeing. There had to be a reason you were given the vision, you refuse to believe otherwise. After explaining the dream you begin to ramble, “You can’t fight Adam. He’s too strong. Let me do it or maybe I can join you or maybe we can get Lucifer -” He shakes his head, shushing you, “No - no, the plans have already been put in place. You need to be on the ground to assist the others. Besides, we both know Lucifer will only step in if Charlie is in danger. You’ve given me enough to predict how Adam will fight. I can use that to my advantage and have the upper hand on him. Things will be different.”
You rest against his chest, entwining your fingers with his, “I’ll hold you to that.” you mutter under your breath. He brings the back of your hand to his lips, “Get some rest. We have two days to gather our strength. Should - or rather when - we get through this, we still have the deal with Lucifer to handle.” You nod. The pit in your stomach weighs heavily at the thought that there is still another battle awaiting at the end of all of this, but you try to shake off the feeling, knowing your mind needs to stay clear for the sake of the hotel and your friends. Rule #3 K̵e̷e̴p̴ ̷t̸h̴o̴s̷e̵ ̷y̶o̴u̵ ̶l̴o̷v̶e̴ ̸c̶l̴o̷s̴e̷
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In the blink of an eye it was already the eve of Extermination Day. Charlie delivered a more than fitting speech, giving everyone a glimmer of hope. How this charming, sweet, hopeful woman was the daughter of someone like Lucifer, you didn’t know. Maybe it was the fall that jaded him? Maybe the loss of Lilith pushed him over the edge? All you knew is that she radiated a warmth that everyone could feel, even Alastor. 
“Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?" you overhear him from the balcony as you sit at the bar with the other hotel members. Angel grabs your attention with a few pokes to your side, “So, are ya really an Overlord? I thought that line o’ work required you to be a ruthless asshole.”
You take a swig of whiskey and chuckle, “Even in Hell, kindness can get you far, so long as you put your trust in the right people.” A scoff comes from across the bar, “Interesting take considering your choice in men.” Husk grumbles, cocking an eyebrow at you then up to Alastor. You slide your now empty glass over to him as a silent refill request. 
“Last I checked that man and I are the only two saving graces you all have for tomorrow. I know you aren’t friends, but maybe show some appreciation towards his willingness to help. I don’t see Lucifer jumping in on the front line.” You bite harsher than intended. There is a part of you that harbored pity for Husk. Going from a prestigious Overlord to nothing but a pet had to come with its share of personal demons. You try not to take his bitterness to heart.  He growls as he slides back a filled glass, “I had a feeling there was more to you than you let on. Al wouldn’t take an interest in just anyone.” “Oh I think he has more than just interest in our friend here. Heard her screaming his name from down the hall yesterday!” Angel jeers but the grimace on your face erases his smile. You stare vacantly into your glass remembering the night before, the blood, the screams, Alastor’s limp, lifeless body. “Hey dollface lighten up! I’m just giving yous a hard time. What ya do in the bedroom is -” “That’s not the reason I was screaming last night.” you say abruptly. Husk and Angel share a brief look of concern. “I’ve been having nightmares about tomorrow. Every single one ends the same and every time I wake up yelling out for him.” you throw back your drink and slam it against the bar. They continue to stare, speechless, while you stand to shimmy on your jacket. “We will make it through tomorrow, I promise.” Rule #2 D̷o̸n̷’̷t̵ ̴b̸e̶ ̸a̸f̴r̸a̶i̴d̵ ̶t̵o̶ ̸s̷h̶o̵w̸ ̴y̸o̶u̷r̴ ̴p̵o̴w̵e̵r̶ With a grim smile you walk out of the lobby, needing a walk and some fresh air. 
You only make it a few steps from the door when a voice calls out to you. Turning, you see Rosie sitting on a bench out front. Though you’d never formally met the woman you recognize her immediately from the Overlord meetings. She waves you over and motions for you to take a seat, “Ya know when Alastor came to me saying he fancied someone, I knew they had to be something quite special. He didn’t mention, however, what an absolute gem you are!” You share a bashful giggle. Alastor has talked about Rosie a few times in the past, always alluding to her being one of his closest friends since arriving in Hell.
“Thank you Miss Rosie. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you. We all truly appreciate your assistance with the cannibals. Will you be joining us tomorrow?” You make conversational pleasantries, as if you didn’t already know the answer. “Oh, of course! Though I might be more on the sidelines. The townspeople can get pretty rambunctious when given free reign.” Her sweet demeanor radiates much like Charlie’s. Even with the darkest thoughts spiraling behind your eyes, you can’t help but smile hearing her enthusiasm. 
A question pops into your mind. If anyone knows Alastor and his past, it’s Rosie. You look around to ensure no other ears are around, dropping your voice so it doesn’t carry, “Miss Rosie may I ask an unusual question? It’s regarding Alastor.” 
Her black eyes widen with curiosity, “Well of course darlin’. Anything at all! What’s on your mind?” You take a deep breath and focus nervously on your hands resting in your lap. “I know about his deal and I know about Lilith. Did he ever…have any feelings towards her? Or rather made her think he did in an attempt to sway her in some way?” As soon as the question leaves your mouth, a twist of regret and embarrassment sets in. Here you are, the night before possibly losing the most important people in your (after)life, and you’re asking mundane things like this. I’m so stupid…
“Oh my -” she sits back, taken off guard by such an inquisition. There’s a tense silence for a few moments which only makes your heart sink deeper in anticipation. A small smile returns to her face after having collected her thoughts, “Alastor has done a lot to get to where he is today. You’re aware of that I’m sure. When he spoke of Lilith and his plans, there was always something more sinister behind that smile of his. He only became truly passionate when he mentioned the power he would obtain and the possibility of being more than just an Overlord.” 
She sets a light hand on your shoulder. You turn to meet her gaze and her voice softens, “But in all my years of knowing Alastor, I’ve never seen him so smitten when talking about someone. I see how his eyes follow you around here. He holds the look of a man willing to set both Heaven and Hell ablaze for you. Does that help answer your question?” 
A warmth builds in your chest, you smile and nod through a few tears of happiness, “I think it does. Thank you.” Rule #1 B̶e̸ ̷o̵p̶e̶n̶ ̶t̷o̶ ̷t̴r̸u̸s̸t̵,̶ ̷b̸u̵t̴ ̶n̵e̵v̷e̸r̷ ̷d̶o̵ ̶s̴o̷ ̴b̶l̷i̴n̵d̴l̷y̶ You pat her hand still atop your shoulder. She takes your hand, fiddling with the few rings you have on, “You share something so special with him. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you two.” She glances behind you and lights up, “Speak of the handsome demon - Alastor, dearie, how are you this evening!?” she waves at him while you try to brush away the tears without him noticing. “Ah, marvelous as always, my dear. I see you’ve already acquainted yourself with my darling other half?” his smile widens as he sets a possessive hand to your back.“Yes and she is just a doll! It’s almost unbelievable such a gal would become entangled with the likes of you!” Rosie teases playfully. She pats your arm and stands, “Such a pleasure to finally meet you, but it is getting late. I’m off to rest up for tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening you two.” She gives a quick kiss to Alastor's cheek, mumbling something to him before gliding gracefully into the hotel. Alastor slides in beside you on the bench, crossing his legs and wrapping an arm around you. “Good company is never hard to find with Rosie.” he sighs contently, “How are you feeling, dear?” You snuggle closer and lean your head against his chest, “As good as I can I suppose.” He hums agreeingly. A comfortable silence falls between you. The closer he is, the more at ease you always feel. In the quiet of the evening an idea stirs. 
“I’ve been thinking Al…I know your contract limits your power. Maybe for the sake of tomorrow, we can try to break it before the fight?” His fingers tighten against your skin, “Absolutely not.” he answers sternly. You pull away, surprised by the brunt response, “But - it could be just what we need to -” He raises a hand and cuts you off, “I said no. We don’t know what predicaments that can cause.” A small pout makes your lip quiver. I only want what’s best for him. If it would help, I’d be more than willing to take that chance. His finger hooks under your chin to pull you closer, “I appreciate your sentiments dear but you will need to trust me on this. Everything will be handled in due time.” he whispers above your lips before closing the space. 
What starts as a soft peck swells into something more passionate. His hands smooth down to your waist and he presses into you hungrily. You return his intensity, threading your fingers through his hair. After a few moments you break away, breathless, “Don’t do that.” “Do what?” he pants through a smug smile. Your finger glides across his lower lip as your eyes burn into his, “Don’t kiss me as if it’s our last.” His toothy grin spreads under half-lidded eyes, “Of course it’s not! Though after tomorrow, I hope you know we will not be leaving our room for a few days. The heat of battle just might awaken something more between us.” he growls into your ear while his fingers tease the hem of your shirt. You giggle and push him away, “Let’s just try to get through the next twenty-four hours, shall we?” 
He chuckles, offering his hand, “As you wish. Off to bed then?” You take his hand and within a second you’re back in your room. Only a few hours of rest before battle, something that felt all too familiar. Your entire future in Hell relies on what happens tomorrow. You try to hold onto any bit of sheer hope as you relax against Alastor’s chest and drift off. Rule #4 T̷u̵r̷n̸ ̸y̵o̶u̵r̴ ̶w̵e̴a̶k̸n̸e̶s̶s̶ ̴i̷n̶t̷o̶ ̴s̴t̵r̵e̴n̵g̸t̷h̵
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Everyone stands outside the hotel, weapons in hand. As Heaven opens up, Alastor’s shield forms around the perimeter. Only a few Exorcists make it through and they’re easily disposed of. “It’s working!” Charlie exclaims excitedly. 
Just when you think the last of the Exorcists are dealt with, Adam’s fist shatters the entirety of the shield. Shit - ready or not Al, here he comes. You continue to fight alongside the others, using your daggers in between healing some of the more vulnerable cannibals. Then it begins. 
Golden blood begins to drop from the sky. Cherry Bomb. Nifty. Your chest pounds reliving the very nightmare you’ve watched unfold multiple times. A shout of pain brings you out of your horror filled haze. You watch an Exorcist throw a spear into Rosie, luckily only hitting her shoulder. You swiftly toss a few daggers to drop the Angel and grab ahold of the Cannibal Overlord. 
“Miss Rosie, I got you.” You press a kiss to her hand, flinching slightly from the pain radiating through your shoulder. Her expression is both shocked and impressed, “Handy little thing aren’t ya? Thank you, dear!” She lovingly pats your face then begins tearing apart the Angel on the ground. 
The flickering of the neon above you makes your heart drop. You freeze, watching the battle on the roof. All the air leaves your lungs as Adam swings, only instead of hitting Alastor, you hear a metallic snap followed by a wail of pain. Fuck fuck fuck I need to get to him. As you rush towards the building a black shadow slides up your legs, holding you in place. “No! Let me go!” you scream to the ground.
An eerie silence falls over the battlefield. Charlie runs over and clings to you, “Please…it’s Pentious…tell me you can do something!?” She starts to sob into your shoulder, “Please…Adam zapped him and the Egg Bois…” she whimpers. You look around but don’t see them anywhere, “Charlie, I’m sorry. I can only heal what I can see and touch…I - I can’t bring back the dead…”
She screams out, transforming into her demon form and taking off on Razzle towards Adam. You remain held down by Alastor’s shadows. “Take me to him now!” you beg the shadow attached to your legs. Your pleas go ignored. Enraged, your hand begins to glow, “GET OFF!” you scream as your power pushes the shadowy fingers off your legs. Finally free, you continue towards the hotel. Before you hit the door a large blast rips through the center of the building, making the walls crumble around you. The shadows once again flood around your feet but this time the world around you fades out. Your body swims through darkness. In the past you’ve always been sent straight to another location. This time, however, he holds you within the shadows. 
After who knows how long, the world begins to fade in again. The demolished remains of Alastor’s tower surround you, clouded by dust and smoke. Being held in the shadow state for so long felt like being on a ship in a storm. You stumble to your knees trying to regain your balance. “Alastor?” You call out, coughing from the thick air. 
Pained grunts can be heard to your right. You stagger over and find Alastor sitting up against a broken beam. Blood gushes from a wound across his chest, “Damnit…” You mumble, straddling his legs to get a better look at the gash and keep him still. “Don’t!” He snaps as your hands run across his chest. 
You sit back on your heels with a puzzled look, “Don’t what? Heal you? Are you stupid? You’re going to bleed out!” You place your hands on his shoulders, pinning him in place, “Hold still, I can -” “I said don’t!” he shoves your body to the side and shuffles away from your reach. You freeze watching the blood continue to drip down his body. “I should have had him. He was weak!” he huffs angrily through the pain. “At least if this kills me, we won’t have to worry about Lucifer’s deal.” 
“Not funny.” you whisper, slowly crawling back towards him. He holds a hand out in protest, “You’re already weakened from healing the others. I don’t want to risk what this could do to you!” you ignore his resistance and continue to climb over him. Your legs cage him in and your hands gently press his body to the floor by his shoulders. His eyes flicker between red and black as he pants under you. 
“Please, my love, this is not your pain to bear. You’re not strong enough. Not after everything -” he pleads weakly through a raspy voice. His eyes begin to glaze over and his smile fades. You cup his cheek, grinning through teary eyes, “There was only ever one choice when it came to the deal with Lucifer. I love you, and I’d die a thousand times more if it meant saving you.” 
Before he can respond, your lips crash into his. He captures your screams of pain with his mouth. You feel his arms wrap around your writhing body as a hot white fire burns across every fiber of your being. You peek through blurred vision long enough to see a single teardrop fall from his eyes. 
He breaks the embrace and sits up to cradle you, “You stupid, stubborn, beautiful woman…” he coos while brushing the hair away from your sweat soaked face. You spasm in his arms, the fire still tearing through you, gasping for any air your lungs can contain. Your eyes start to roll back and he shakes you gently to keep you awake, voice wavering, “No, you don’t get to leave me now. There’s too much we still need to do.” 
Through the blinding pain, you feel him slip something onto your finger. He leans down and kisses your forehead. “I choose to never live without you.” He breathes against your skin. You can almost make out a bright glow of pink and green growing around you before your vision fades and your body goes limp in his arms. 
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers 
@alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @ohnah2022 @catticora
@eris-norwega @kaylopolis @littlebluefishtail @little-slyvixen @laudrawin 
@qu1cks1lversb1tch @diffidentphantom @rapturenyx @purplerose291 @mcntsee
@iheartalastor @written1nthest4rs @cloverresin20
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oceanbug · 10 months
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
24. clarity.
“Yujin, what the fuck?"
Yujin stared down at her feet in embarrassment and fear. She tensed up in preparation for the cruel words that were bound to be spewed at her.
Jimin looked fuming. Her face was bright pink, and she looked as if she were about to explode. Whether it be from anger or tears, no one could really tell. She opened her mouth and let out a chocked-up
“How could you? What’s wrong with-“
But before Jimin could finish her sentence, Y/N cut her off.
“You came up with this elaborate plan because you thought we would just abandon you?" You had tried your hardest to hold back tears, but couldn’t stop them from flowing. It was hard to wrap your head around. How could you ever possibly abandon your best friend? Just for some girl? Granted, that ‘girl’ was the beautiful, talented, and kind Yoo Jimin. Still, throwing away years of friendship seemed out of the question for you.
Yujin’s eyes shifted around. She was nervous. The three of you never sat down and had a serious conversation. It always felt like the wrong time to bring up something so serious, like it would kill the fun mood.
“I guess, yeah? You seriously don’t think you would’ve still needed me, would you? From the moment you locked eyes with Jimin, you never stopped talking about her. It was all you talked about.” Yujin let out a sigh, cringing at those past memories.
“That’s not true. What about the amusement park we went to in 10th grade? Jimin caught a fever and couldn’t go, so we went together."
“Yeah, we did. Except we couldn’t go on any rides because you were so focused on winning Jimin a giant panda plushie that by the time you won it, the park closed. You took three hours.”
“Oh… Well, what about when we volunteered to paint the school mural in 9th grade? We had fun drawing dicks on it in secret!”
“I drew them. While you gawked at Jimin playing volleyball next door, If I remember correctly, you only volunteered so that your mom wouldn’t freak out about you staying after school. And 'Watching Jimin practice' wasn’t a good enough excuse, so you dragged me into volunteering.”
“Of course, I needed an excuse to stay late; we couldn’t let Jimin walk home alone after practice."
Jimin turned to you and cocked her head to the side.
“Y/n, my dad always picked me up from school? Until I get my license?”
You paused for a second and felt your face getting hot. This whole time, you convinced yourself that you stayed late for Jimin. In reality, were you just staying late because of Jimin?
"Just face it, Y/N, our whole friendship was the Jimin show.” Yujin’s words sounded tired. It was as if she had relayed this message to herself constantly. She always knew this in her heart, and it always hurt her. Jimin’s previous anger had subsided. It was replaced with confusion. Confusion about her feelings toward Jimin. And the situation at hand.
The room was silent.
Until you began to break down. You sobbed, sitting on your dorm room sofa. Sitting around with the two people you thought meant the world to you They were your everything, and yet you had hurt them. All three of you were hurting.
Is high school supposed to be fun? The best years of your life. Yet, all three of you felt nothing but fear, pain, and anxiety. And they never felt comfortable enough to express it to each other. Is this really friendship?
You felt Jimin scoot closer to you on your right side, while Yujin got up and sat next to you on your left. They hugged you as you let out your emotions. Each one of you did.
"I got into Yale.” Both you and Yujin whipped your heads to look at Jimin.
Jimin was always a hard worker in high school, so it came to everyone’s shock when she decided to go to an in-state university. Jimin always seemed to have a bright future ahead of her. Like she could accomplish the biggest things. Everyone always expected her to go off to a big, expensive school and do something amazing with her life.
“Senior year, I got in. It was even a full ride. But I turned it down. I couldn’t think about leaving the two of you. I know everyone wanted me to do something special in life, but I couldn’t imagine doing it without the two of you. I always feel pressured, all around me. Everyone expects me to be perfect. But when I’m with the two of you, I can take a break. I can be a teenager. I can be me.”
“We would’ve moved with you!” You exclaimed, while Yujin nodded her head.
“Most definitely.”
“We could’ve gone to school in Connecticut.”
“Def not Yale, but something close.”
“Probably would’ve preferred it than you locking lips with Ning.” Yujin added. Jimin chuckled slightly and looked off to the side. Feeling embarrassed by how her one act of 'rebellion' led to disaster.
“But, Jimin, no matter what you do, we’ll always support you.” You went to her other side and gave her a tight squeeze, while Yujin stayed on the right and embraced her as well.
It seemed like everyone was venting tonight. pent-up emotions the three of you have faced for years.
“Now would’ve been a perfect time to confess my love for you, huh?” You laughed, looking at your lifelong crush.
“Nah, the rejection would’ve killed the mood.” Jimin pushed you slightly and chuckled. It felt good to joke and tease about these things.
Yujin laughed along with you two but abruptly stopped. She hung her head low again.
“Man, I really screwed things up with us, huh?"
You exchanged a glance with Jimin, both of you having a similar thought. You turned to Yujin and held her hand.
"Yeah, you did.”
“Incredibly so.” Added in Jimin.
"But it’s okay. Apparently, so did all of us. So it cancels out, right?”
Yujin perked her head up and let out a small smile.
“Yeah, that’s how math works! I learned it in geometry!”
“You slept every class?”
“Blah blah, numbers, shapes!” Yujin rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. All of you could do it and laugh. Just like old times. Just like your trio always did.
“So… Can I move back in?” Yujin asked.
“No.” Jimin turned to you, confused. It seemed like everything was working out. Why the sudden decision on your end?
“How else are we getting insider information on the bitch Wonyoung?” It was clear who common enemy number 1 was. And it was time to take her down.
“You’ve got a plan, Y/N?”
“You know it!”
“Ha, yeah! Operation Take Down Bitchyoung is a go!” Yujin got up and cheered.
“You still messed up, Yujin, so we expect a lot of help on your end.”
Her cheers became slightly softer, but Yujin was still glad to be part of your life again.
Before you could grab your phone and let everyone know you finished the conversation, Jimin tackled you all onto the sofa and embraced you both.
“I love you guys.”
No matter what happened, You always had each other. It was obvious now. It’ll take some time before everything returns to its old ways. Or maybe it never will. All that matters is that you know you can count on each other, no matter what.
masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist(open): @azraism; @kimsgayness; @sewiouslyz; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon ; @rdfgfv ; @beawolfbealionbeyou; @manooffline; @captivq
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luimagines · 1 year
Take the Potion
Another commission!
They asked for stubborn Links in which they refused to take the health potion.
Content under the cut!
“Wild.” You approached the young man steadily, as one would a cornered wild animal. “Care to explain what happened?”
He gives you a tired, almost angered look. “I was up a tree.”
“I got the eggs to make breakfast.”
“I fell.”
You have to bite your lip. His clipped answers were new. Granted, he wasn’t exactly one of the more talkative of the bunch, but he was never this snippy. “And then what happened?”
“I broke my arm.” He glares at the space just around you. You think he’s frustrated with himself. And while that may be true- it’s not a far off guess to say that he was also genuinely annoyed that you’re asking him of this.
You can’t help it. You snort and sit next to him. “Did you tell anyone about it?”
He looks away, poking the dropped arm with a neutral expression. He doesn’t want to show how much pain it’s in. Or he has high pain tolerance. It could go either way with this one. At least it doesn’t look broken. So he either put it back into place himself (also not surprising) or it’s not that bad.
You hold out the potion. “I have something for you.”
“Don’t need it.”
You scoff. “Don’t be stupid. What if one of the guys punched your arm?... Or we get attacked? How are you going to explain that not only can you not use your sword but you’re out of luck with your bow as well?”
Wild doesn’t answer for a moment. Instead he chooses to look away from you. Out of sight out of mind, right?
You sigh and shift around him, reaching around to shake the bottle in his peripheral vision. “Don’t make me tell Time-”
Wild snags the bottle and uncorks it with his teeth. “This stays between us. Not a word to the others, understand?”
You grin, feeling satisfied and happy with the results. “Of course, Link. Anything you say”
At first there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with the Hero of Legend. He was walking normally and rough housing and bantering as he normally would have. But then he started walking slower. Not a big deal. No one thought much of it, they just passed him, thinking he couldn’t fall so far behind. Then he started walking with a limp.
Then you noticed the steadily growing blood stain just under his boot-
“Link, stop right there.” You command.
Legend- and Time unfortunately, stop dead in their tracks. Both of them turn to look with confusion in their eyes. Legend’s is mildly laced with irritation until he sees that you’re looking directly at him- and you don’t look pleased. His looks softens into something a little more sheepish after that.
Time looks between you both and promptly backs out of it. Every man for himself.
You march up to Legend and point to the injury. “How long were you planning on hiding that?”
“Pssh...” He waves you off. ”It’s nothing.”
“You’re limping.”
“Well it itches.”
You smack the side of this head. “Idiot. You’re not superhuman.”
“I’m fine.” Legend moves away from you and begins to walk with the rest of the group.
You grab him before he can leave and hold him while you search through your bag with your other hand.
“Come on, this isn’t necessary-”
“Here.” You all but push Legend away with the strength you chive the potion into his chest. “Drink it or so help me, I will make you.”
“Alright, alright, by the three-...” Legend takes the bottle with more dramatic flare than you think is called for. “If it will get you to calm down.”
He opens it and takes a small sip. “It’s not like we have a lot of these, you know-”
“Just drink it.” You cross your arms.
Legend pauses again before taking another sip. “...What? Are you just going to watch me finish it?”
“I’m not that bad!”
“I beg to differ.”
“I’m fine.” Warrior groans, pushing you to the side. Granted, he’s not rough with it. He can’t afford to be. An arrow has been fully logged into his forearm from the inside and it’s been hard to put any pressure on it.
You’re not impressed.
“Ok, so tell me why is there blood on your shirt then?” You point to it with your free hand. Your other hand still has the health potion extended towards him and you’re not ending this until he takes it from you and drinks it.
“Well It’s not mine.”
“Monsters don’t have red blood.”
“It’s not monster blood then.”
You growl, shoving the potion towards him again. “Don’t make me do something drastic, hero.”
The word stings your tongue and Warrior flinches. The way he had gotten injured to begin with was nothing short of a hero complex. He had bitten off than he could chew and his impulsive and brash nature had gotten the best of him this time around
“It was an accident.”
“I know. That doesn’t change this.” You glare.
To be completely honest, you're more upset about the injury than the man in front of you, but he doesn’t need to know that just yet. You shake the bottle to emphasize it. Warrior glances away like a petulant child.
“You’re full of it.”
“I am not!” He snaps back snagging the potion before he registers what he did. He did it with the wrong hand.
Warrior grimaces with a pained cry and drops the bottle. You catch it and uncork it before he can change his mind.
With a shake of your head, you hold it out again. “Believe me now?”
Warrior whines. Your heart and attitude softens a bit at the sound. Maybe you’re being a bit brash yourself. “Here.” You tilt his head towards you with two fingers. “Open.”
Warrior does as you say even if he closes his eyes. He drinks the potion and relaxes. The magic does its work and you both calm down. “Thank you.”
“Are you ok, Old Man?” You had asked him. He seemed to be breathing a little heavily even if there didn’t seem to be anything too bad going on with him. But he did get hit in the fight. He got hit hard enough that the wind was knocked out of him. He had to be dragged out of the fight so he could catch his breath.
“I’m fine.” He grunts.
“You don’t look fine.” You press. It could have gotten worse. “Is it the hit?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Link.” You glare. “How bad is it?”
“Not bad at all.” He meets you head on.
You reach out and poke his side.
Time reacts as if you’ve burned him and he hardly manages to kill the pained cry that leaves him from the contact. You pull your hand back slowly with wide eyes. You hardly touched him. But you could feel it. His ribs are broken.
“You really are getting old.” You smile awkwardly. It was supposed to be a joke but it falls flat. “Um… Here. Hold on.”
You bend down, taking your bag out in front of you so that you can look through it. “I might have something left over.”
“I’m not going to take your-”
“Found it!” You cry out happily. You take out the health potion and hold it out to him. “Here. This should help.”
Time’s look softens but he puts his hand over yours, pushing it down. “Keep it. You need it more.”
You give him a deadpanned look. It’s such a striking contrast from the moment before that it startles a laugh out of Time. “Which one of us is hurt here, me or you?”
Time sighs. It dissolves into an impromptu staring contest. A test of wills.
You push it forward again.
“Alright, fine.” Time grimaces and takes the bottle. He uncorks it and takes a generous swig of it before he looks you in the eyes again. “Thank you.”
You grin, albeit weakly. “It must be worse than I thought. You didn‘t put up much of a fight.” 
“I don’t want to drink it!”
You frown, holding the health potion in your hand. “Wind, don’t be ridiculous. You have to or it’s going to get worse.”
He turns his violently to the side. A hand comes up to knock the bottle away “I won’t drink it. I’m tired of that stuff. It tastes disgusting.” 
“Don’t be such a baby.” You frown, pushing his hand away from yours. You push the healing potion towards him again. “Just drink it fast and don’t let it touch your tongue. That’s how I do it.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Well you don’t see me complaining do you.” You challenge him. “So stop whining.”
“I’m not doing it.” Wind meets you head on. He’s glaring.
You stare back for a solid ten seconds before you yell out, “Time, you were asking about who was the one who dropped all the fish food in the lake earlier?”
Time turns his head as Wind pales. Wind reaches out to cover your mouth with both of his hands. Wind turns his hand to the leader. “They’re lying.”
Time just raises an eyebrow. “Are they now?”
“Yes.” Growling, Wind snatches the bottle from your hands. “You play dirty.”
“You’re the literal pirate.” You stick your tongue out at the boy. Wind uncorked the bottle with little difficulty. He stares at it for a long period of time. He’s clearly hyping himself up to drink the contents within. You wait and wait. You turn to Time. “Wind just so happened to-”
“Shut up!” Wind kicks your shin, throwing the health potion back like a shot.
You laugh at the way he seems to shiver from the liquid going down his throat. He coughs and gags. You take the bottle back. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was awful.”
“Are you done complaining?” You raise an eyebrow, getting comfortable in the spot next to him.
Wind looks to you with an unimpressed expression. “I’m never doing that again.”
“You said that last time.”
“Well I mean it this time.”
“Come on- just one sip.” You plead. The bottle full of liquid sloshes around with your movement.
Hyrule shakes his head, only for it to flop. “Dun… need it.”
“I beg to differ.” Your voice drops, entering the gravely portion that you try to avoid. It’s a voice that shouldn’t belong to you and it catches his attention.
“Go drink… some water…” Hyrule raises his arm to point- but he can’t bring himself to point and he only gestures to the rock wall beside you. The hit to his head was incredibly bad but he’s not in a state to either be cooperative or forced to take the potion.
“Link, honey, this is for you.” You try a different approach and put the bottle in his hand.
“What issssss……it..” He lifts it the best he can but you can see him struggle to get his vision in order.
“Water.” You grin tightly. You uncorked the bottle. “Here. This will help you feel better. But you have to drink all of it, ok? Otherwise it won’t work.”
Hyrule hums and brings the bottle to his lips. You press the top of your fingertips to the bottom of the bottle and tilt it slowly as he drinks it. His eyebrows furrow when he registers the texture and taste of the potion but you tilt it a bit more. He has to drink more of it to keep up with the inertia of the liquid.
He coughs and you pull it away.
The light returns to his eyes for a moment to glare at you. “Rude.”
“Better?” You press the bottle to him again.
He looks away for a moment, still upset before he sighs. He takes the bottle from you and admits defeat. “...Yes.”
You sag. “You’re as stubborn as a mule, Link.”
Twilight grunted as he pushed himself up against the wall of the dungeon. Admittedly, it was not his best performance but he got the job done. 
There was a deep wound in his side. The blade of the monster had cut him deeper than he wanted to admit. He was thankful that he wore as many layers as he did.
Twilight took a breath. He calmed down. All he had to do now was wait for someone to come get him and they would be able to call it a day. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He could hardly feel it if he had to be honest with himself.
That’s it, he decides. He’s going to just keep going. He’s fine. He doesn’t need to have anyone else wait on him.
“Hello hello?” You call down the hallway, trepidatious and nervous.
Twilight relaxes. He’s happy to see you. “Hey there, yourself.”
You also seem to relax at the sight of him, but then your eyes dip down. “....Link…”
Uh-oh. You said the name. His name.
Twilight suddenly gets a tad sheepish. “Yes?”
“What… happened to you?” Your jaw drops and you instantly drop to your knee, taking your bag out from behind you.
“Oh, this?” Twilight takes his arm off of it. It’s all red. “It’s nothing.”
“Link.” You stress, taking out a potion. “Why are you like this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Twilight pushes forward. He may trip, but he blames it on the rocks on the floor and not the blood loss.
You are undeterred. In fact, you deadpan. “Link Ordon.”
“Not the full name.” Twilight whines.
“Take the potion.” You glare. You shove the potion towards his chest.
Twilight takes note of your furrowed brow and your pout. It’s your serious face. Part of him knows that this isn’t to be trifled with. ..But you’re so cute.
He sighs, trying to make it seem more of an effort than it really is and takes the potion out of your hand. “If I take this, will you stop pouting?”
“I’m not pouting!”
Twilight smirks, uncorking the bottle. “Uh-huh.”
Gasps and hisses were the only things to fill the air during the quiet night’s watch.
“What on earth are you doing?” You hiss back. “You’re going to wake someone else up and they’re going to think that you’re doing something inappropriate.” 
Sky just grunts in reply and you stand- almost afraid to see what he was really up to. You run your hands through your hair and begin to close the distance. “Don’t expect me to cover for you when Time or Wind- oh by the golden three-”
He’s trying to put a bandage around his forearm. You don’t know but it’s bleeding profusely and Sky has the bandage in his mouth to try and keep it tight enough to wrap it around.
Your stomach drops for a moment and you have to turn your head to keep the contents within yourself. “I’m not going to ask.” You say instead. “But give me one second…”
You turn and make it back to your bed roll. You fall to your knees and take out your pack. It’s dark and your back is against the firelight so it’s hard to see. You have to fiddle around for a moment before you manage to take out what you were looking for.
You make your way back and drop the bottle unceremoniously on Sky’s lap. “Drink that.”
Sky drops the bandage from his mouth and looks up to you. “Thanks, but you should save that for an emergency.”
“You’re hurting.” You deadpan, not willing to deal with this during the witching hour. “Enough so that it woke me up. Just take it. I’ll get more.”
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Sky argues, holding your potion out to you. “Keep it.”
You frown, taking the bottle and bashing it over his head. The glass shatters and the potion seeps into his body anyway- healing the hit and the cut simultaneously.
Sky freezes as the glass rains down his face and body.
“Retail taught me that one.” You say and move to go back to bed. Stubborn man. You’re not going to play those games.
“How did you manage this?” You frown, putting your hands on your hips.
Four winces and slowly laying backwards against the stone floor. “I have no idea but it certainly wasn’t my greatest moment.”
“I’ll say.” You take the potion on reflex and sit down next to him. “Come on, drink up. I’m not going to carry you out of here.”
“Nah.” He doesn’t even look at you. “Save it. Just give me a moment and then we’ll be on our way.”
“And if you’re bleeding internally?” You raise an eyebrow.
Four doesn’t react. “My blood is all on the inside anyway, that’s where it’s supposed to be.”
You flick his forehead.
“Drink the potion.” You press, putting a hand on his chest. His breath leaves him with a wheeze and he has to push you off.
“That’s where I got hit!” He croaks, trying to get his breath back. “Don’t just touch it!.”
You poke it again. “I would hurt less if you drank the potion.”
Four grunts, sending you one of the nastiest glares you’ve ever received from the young man.
You shake the potion in front of his face.
Four growls and takes the potion. He has to force himself to sit up again and it’s clear he struggles to make it all the way. You push him up as gently as you can. Four puts his attention into opening the blasted bottle while you hold him steady.
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me.” He complains as he takes a sip.
“You love me.” You shake your head. “You wouldn’t put up with half of the things I do if you didn’t.”
“Lucky you. And lucky me.” He takes another sip, a bigger one this time. You don’t dignify that with a response.
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shewrites444 · 9 months
earned it part 2 [thomas shelby x mafia reader smut]
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[ apologizes for not posting in what seems like ages. i've been working and in school so i haven't had much time, but here is a continuation of one of my old thomas shelby imagines i managed to finish up. i loved this trope so much i needed to write a part 2. check out part 1 here ]
word count - 2.3k
[ summary - following the events of part 1, the reader abruptly meets with the peaky blinders at the races to discuss their unfinished deal. thomas takes note of her unkind, frustrated nature, and intends to loosen her up. ]
[ warnings - dirty talk, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex ]
the front door was opened for me by one of my guards, the ballroom guests granting me several admirable stares and nods, but nonetheless, eyes still coated with fear, given everyone in the room knew who i was. if not, they were about to.
i sigh, reaching into my purse and pulling out a small revolver and holding it towards the crowd.
"i don't plan on shooting any of you, i don't even know you." i begin, hearing the doors shut behind me. "i'm just making a point. i need someone to direct me towards the peaky blinders."
a shorter, scruffy man, who seemed to be the ballroom assistant, walked towards me with his hands up, gesturing me to follow him to another room, down a long hallway, to a shut, windowless door on the right. he opened it for me as i flag off my men to stand outside.
the door opens to a view of thomas and his two brothers, smoking cigars with three glasses of whiskey on the table and a bottle closest to the one brother with the thicker mustache, who i assumed was the oldest, given his drunken look and far more aged face. the three of them look to me, thomas displaying a bit of confusion, while the others smirk, the oldest nudging the other.
"i didn't know they sent us up a whore, johnny boy!" the oldest chuckled, setting down his cigar. "she's a pretty looking one, too. i didn't know italians worked around this area."
thomas coughed to stop his brother from speaking any further. "this is [y/n] [y/l/n], arthur. leader of the sicilian mob. please, have a seat, [y/n]."
i grin, looking to his brothers as their faces redden with embarrassment, their laughter stopping in quite literally, half a second. i sit next to thomas, taking a cigarette and letting him light it. i sigh, looking to his brothers.
"nice to meet the two of you." i say, setting my purse on the table. "i am armed, so i don't mind shooting either of you if you call me a whore one more time."
thomas chuckles, glancing down to look at me, up and down, observing the silk red dress and the black coat that complemented it. he took a sip of his drink. "to what do we all owe the pleasure, miss [y/n]?"
"i think you're a bit late on our agreement, mr. shelby." i look up to him with a serious face. "i wanted you to talk to those men, get them to my state, and it all goes away, hm? that would make life so much easier for our families, wouldn't it? if you did your job. i can't do mine until you finish yours, you know."
he smirks, putting out his cigar. "i think we could discuss this later, don't you think? my brothers and i are sorting through completely different business at the moment."
"well, it seems to me that business was waiting for a woman to suck off each of you. at least, that was their business." i stand up, grabbing thomas's half full glass and sip it nearly full, setting it back down and grabbing my purse. "i would say it's been a pleasure, thomas and thomas's brothers, but it has not. have fun at the races."
i open the door and walk out, back towards the ballroom. arthur immediately looks to tommy, shaking his head and nudging john on the side, the two of them cracking up with drunken laughter.
"you fucked her, didn't you?" arthur leans back, watching tommy look down with a flushed grin. "i'm impressed. i didn't think mob bosses went for peaky fucking blinders. i've got to find myself one now, eh?"
thomas chuckled, glancing down at his empty glass and tapping his ring softly against it. “good luck with that, arthur. last thing she’d want is you.” he stood up, filling his glass before getting out of the booth. he held it up to his brothers. “i’ll be back, boys. business.”
arthur and john laugh, gesturing their glasses back towards thomas before he shut the door. thomas sipped down the whiskey as he walked down the hallways, his eyes darting around the room to search for myself, unknowingly aware that i was in the bathroom fixing the pins in my hair.
it seemed he must’ve talked to one of my guards because the door was soon knocked on and opened before i could even respond. i glance over to thomas, rolling my eyes as he leans against the frame with a smirk. i tuck my hair behind my ears, facing him with a blank expression.
“you are aware i came here for business and business only, mr. shelby. i didn’t mean to interrupt you and your brothers, or accidentally share more information than what was given to your family beforehand, but this needs to be taken care of soon.”
he smiled at me, never breaking eye contact during my words. he gestured his glass towards me before taking a sip. “i hear you loud and clear, miss [y/n], but you’re not the only person i have agreements with, eh? i’m a pretty busy man.”
“and i’m a pretty busy woman, mr. shelby. you’ve mentioned it yourself, in our previous encounter, that i was quite a powerful, driven woman, hm? i’ve got other deals to fulfill other than ours, but i can’t do much until you’ve done your part.”
he walked closer to me, his free hand locking the door behind him. he set the glass on the bathroom counter, stepping close enough to corner me into the countertop. i sigh through my nose, crossing my arms. “just do your job, mr. shel-”
“i will.” he interrupts, leaning down to cup both my cheeks, lifting my face up to lock our eyes. “why don’t you let me do something else for you in the meantime, eh?“
i take his hands and pull them off my face, shaking my head and step to the right towards the door. “i told you i came here for business.”
thomas snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me back towards the counter, his grip still soft enough for me to pull away if i wanted to, but i didn’t, feeling him press me against the counter. he leaned down to kiss me gently, which i returned, feeling his hands slide my coat off in the process of it all.
i reach down to unbuckle his belt, then unbutton his pants, sliding my hand down his boxers and onto his forming erection, lightly stroking his cock while he reached behind me to unzip my dress. he slides it off my shoulders and it falls to the floor. i step out of it and scoot it to the side, now left in nothing but my underwear.
he broke the kiss, looking down to my nearly nude figure as he wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and sitting me on the cold countertop. he slipped off his jacket, unbuttoned his white dress shirt, and removed his pants, until he too was left in his underwear.
to my surprise, he leaned down, onto his knees, beginning to kiss my lower thighs, trailing his lips towards my inner thighs, softly licking and kissing and biting my sensitive flesh, until he was inches away from my already wet pussy, which was already visibly coating my white underwear.
“you know, i can’t seem to get the taste of you out my mouth, miss [y/n].” he began, reaching his right hand up to push my underwear to the side. “spread your legs for me, won’t you, love?”
my cheeks redden my stomach tightens and i begin to do so, but hesitated after a moment. it seemed this would be more entertaining and worth while if i presented him with a challenge. “what makes you think i enjoyed it the last time?” i smirk, looking down at thomas. “or better yet, what makes you think you deserve it?”
he chuckles, leaning up to face me again, eye level, and kisses me again, his hands holding me by the shoulders. “oh, is that so? just imagine how i’m going to talk to you when you’re on your knees before me, miss [y/n]. you’re going to be begging me to touch you.”
thomas takes me off the counter and gestures for me to get on the floor, which i do after a few seconds, watching him pull his underwear down, exposing his large erection, my face going red as i look up to him nervously.
“no touching you until i cum, so go on ahead.”
i lean closer, opening my mouth wide and sliding him inside and i begin to suck him off, looking up to lock eyes while i pump his cock with my right hand, which quickly collected spit from my mouth. i feel his hand hold the back of my head, pushing me towards him as his cock shoves itself down my throat, making me gag unexpectedly, while he thrusted himself towards me.
he pushes himself deeper down my throat, and i blink, stimulated tears rolling down my wet cheeks as he throat fucks me, my own pathetic gargles and gags weakly muffled through his cock. he smirks as we lock eyes once again, his balls slapping against my chin as he continues, his free hand reaching down to wipe the tears.
“you want to act like you’re so deserving and so authoritative, miss [y/n], but you’ll let me shove my cock down your throat in a minute.” he chuckles, no break in his rhythm. “you’re gonna swallow every last bit of me, eh? well, you don’t really have a choice with my cock so deep inside your mouth anyway.”
he releases his orgasm down my throat, pumping himself through it as he swallow every last drop. upon pulling himself out of me, i gasp, regaining air and weakly standing up with his help. he leaves no time to waste, kissing me passionately and quickly turning me around, pressing me against the countertop and angling my body towards him, pushing his cock into my folds after coating it with my wetness.
i moan loudly, feeling him reenter my warmth, and it feels just as good, if not better, than the last time. he reaches his hand over to play with my clit, which only causes me to arch my body more towards him, sinking him deeper into my pussy. i glance over into the mirror, his face resting aside me own on my shoulder, locking our eyes through the glass.
he presses a kiss against my cheek and snakes his other arm around my waist, pushing himself deeper inside of me, earning a gasp from my wet lips. he grins at my response, leaning my body up a bit to where i could see below my waist. the mirror that sat on the countertop was tall and long, providing me with a view of thomas’s cock thrusting in and out of me, along with his fingers as they played with my already swollen and overstimulated clit. i stare, my whimpers coating the the room while thomas groaned, fucking me so hard that i could feel the tip of his cock in what felt like my lower stomach.
“i-i wanna watch you cum inside me, thomas. i wanna feel you inside of me.” i moan, my hands holding the edges of the counter. “please fill me up, fuck, please!”
he nodded more to himself, looking me in the eyes through the glass once more as he held me tighter, fucked me harder, and moved his index finger on my clit though a circular motion, the two of us reaching our orgasms soon in harmony, his filling up my insides within seconds of release. he slowly pulled out of me, my own wetness coating his cock and small remains of his cum dripping from my pussy, down my thighs.
i watch him grab a towel from the rack to the side of the toilet, wiping my cheeks and my mouth and then wiping off his cock. he handed it to me to wipe off my pussy, and i then tossed it into a basket of towels aside the rack.
“begging to finish inside of you now, eh? seems someone is losing up their high nature, miss [y/n].” thomas teases as he begins to get dressed.
i shake my head, biting my lower lip as i do the same, slipping on my dress and turning around for him to zip it up. “let’s pretend i didn’t ask you to do that, if you’re going to rub it in my face, mr. shelby.”
he leans down to hand me my coat, reaching into his pocket and grabbing a cigarette, gesturing it towards me and then lighting it for me. he begins to smoke as well, opening the door for me to leave first.
“perhaps the next time i’ll be the one on my knees, if i deserve it, hm?” he jokes, looking down at me with a smirk as i scoff, rolling my eyes.
“i wasn’t lying about that, mr. shelby. you want to taste me so bad, i’ll be the one fucking you like a whore, but that is an act i don’t think a man like you is quite ready for.”
he shakes his head, now upon reaching the room his brothers were still in. he takes my hand and kisses it lightly, his other hand on the doorknob. “i’ll finish my side of the deal this week, miss [y/n]. next meeting of ours, i’ll be ready to see what you have in store for me. i’ll see you then.”
“if you say so.” i grin, winking before i turn the other way and walk back towards the bathroom where my guards stood. i wipe my mouth and hold my head high as i walk down the stairs and towards the doors of the building.
i wasn't someone to give up authority so easily, but thomas shelby was something and someone else. i couldn't even imagine how our next meeting would be after our deal concluded, but whatever it entailed had to involve me having the upper hand.
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
I'd know you anywhere - 3/5
Set when Hangman first meets Rooster. Bradley and Bradford Bradshaw are twins. Most people know this. Some people need to be brought up to speed. Quickly.
Explicit out the gate. Also an everyone is alive AU because I need the softness when I’ve got two other fics on the go with DADT and canon deaths.
                Jake gets used to it, the purely professional interactions he has with Bradshaw. Theres none of the playful banter he remembers from their first meeting, or the flirty looks. Bradshaw’s eyes just pass over him like nothing ever happened and he hates it. Hates that Bradshaw is also a damned find aviator, matching Jake up in the air and whooping with joy. He compliments Jake on his flying and Jake just smiles tightly and nods, can’t bring himself to say anything, worried he might start spitting poison. They have to work together. He can be professional even if it’s killing a little part of him inside.
                Everyone calls him Roo, even though his helmet has Kangaroo on it. Someone calls him BradBrad and gets an eyeroll in response, a punch to the arm. Jake calls him Bradshaw and gets Seresin in response with a range of polite to friendly but nothing else. Ever. Jake lets the annoyance and bitterness fester a little, but Bradshaw is just so friendly, and well liked and he still finds himself liking him and wishing things were different.
…            …            …
                Bradford laughs and rolls his eyes at the anecdote Lee is telling him. They don’t usually talk much, just send memes back and forth and argue through their phones, save their bitching and moaning for when they’re in person, which is going to be soon. He’s close to being finished with his current deployment, spirits are high with only days until they make landfall and everyone is making plans for their leave. He’s in the rec room finalizing his and Lee’s plans to surprise their parents for their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Something Ice and Mav have been helping them plan for nearly a year, and he knows Ice has pulled strings to ensure that both he and Lee are on leave and returning to their home port for ease of logistics.
                A small group of other aviators enter the rec-room and he sits up from where he’s been lying on of the sofa, doesn’t want to seem like he’s hogging all the space, or that they’re unwelcome. He’s not on the phone with anyone he needs privacy for.
                “Just chatting with my little brother.”
                “Fuck off!” Lee says through the phone and Ford laughs again, spots the wince on Seresin’s face and holds back his own annoyance. He’s given up trying to figure him out or make friends. Some people just aren’t interested.
                “You may be older but I’m definitely bigger.”
                “Yeah, a bigger jerk.”
                “Whatever. I’ll see you next week.”
 …           …            …
                He relaxes into the comfort of their shared apartment, glad to be back in a familiar space. Hugs Lee, glad to see him. They have dangerous jobs and neither of them take for granted the event of coming home safe. They order takeout, settle on the sofa with a couple of beers. When they were younger they always had to have dinner with their parents their first night back, but now their mom has seemed to accept they’ll both be in far better moods if they’re allowed to catch up with each other first if and when the rare occurrence of them both coming off deployment happens at the same time. He’s recounting something, a training exercise, using the little model planes they’ve had since they were kids when he mentions who he was flying with.
                “Wait. You were deployed with Jake?”
                “Uh. Hangman? Yeah. Him and hundreds of others. That guy does not like me…”
                “What do you mean?”
                “Uh. He doesn’t like me? I never asked him why, just… He was fine. Professional. He didn’t mention knowing you.”
                “Oh my god…”
                “I… I had sex with him.”
                Bradford stares at him, processing the words.
                “You slept with Hangman?”
                “Wait. You slept with a guy without doing the whole dinner and dates first?”
                “Fuck off Ford…”
                “Oookay… what the fuck?” Ford asks, because Lee and him banter and take the shit out of each other plenty, but this is hurt Lee, angry Lee, the one that lashes out with his barbed tongue and then has to apologize and grovel later. Ford is generally far more even-keeled and calm, but he’s usually the one that enjoys the no-strings attached sex.
                “He ghosted me.”
                “He ghosted you? When did all this go down?”
                “Right before you left,” Lee mutters. Bradford feels a sinking sensation in his stomach. Oh shit… “He just… blanked me. Didn’t answer my messages and then blocked my number.”
                “Hahaha…” Ford laughs nervously. “Uh. Did you tell him you had a brother? A twin?”
                “I know you think you’re the center of the universe, but no, I don’t make a habit of talking about you to the guys I sleep with.”
                Bradford pulls a face, because yeah, he gets that. However Lee doesn’t make a habit of sleeping with guys he’s just met, so most of them hear about him during dinner conversations. At least… this has never happened before. Not this. Fuck. He needs to come clean.
                “So… I think I may have fucked this up for you.”
                “Uh. Well. Firstly, not on purpose or anything. I had no idea. Seresin approached me the morning we had breakfast with Mav and Ice…”
                “You mean that morning you went to the gym without me?”
                “Yeah. Because you got home at ass o’clock, out most of the night getting your dick sucked apparently!”
                Lee is glaring at him but Bradford just shrugs and makes a what are you going to do gesture, because he knows he has tone. Asshole. But he’s still his brother. He’ll make this right.
                “What did you say to him?”
                “Nothing. And I think that might actually be the issue. If he thought you were going to do your whole romance thing –”
                “I was!”
                “Yeah, of course you were. But I had no fucking clue who he was so I just… said something about flying with him –”
                “Oh my god, you didn’t…”
                “Well I didn’t know you’d slept with him!”
                “I’ll make this right. Trust me.”
                “Wait. What are you going to do?”
                “Tell him we’re twins obviously. It’s not rocket science Lee.”
                “Tell him? How?”
                “Are you serious right now? With words. I’ll talk to him.”
                “I can talk to him! Explain!”
                “No. You’ll either get angry over something stupid, or make him angry. Let me find out where he’s staying.”
                Lee hovers the whole time, but Ford’s in touch with most of the squadron and finds out where Seresin is staying, base accommodation because this clearly isn’t home for him. That’s okay, it’s close enough. He gathers up his jacket and keys, is pulling his shoes on when Lee suddenly realizes he’s going somewhere.
                “Where are you going?”
                “We went over this. I’m going to talk to him. I’ve got his number but he already blocked you so I don’t think that’ll work…”
                “He hasn’t blocked you though.”
                “Lee. He thinks I am you. He’s going to think you changed your number so you could call him after… not acknowledging that you slept together for four fucking months. Oh my god… I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”
                “I’m coming with you.”
                “Yeah. Fine. Whatever. But you’re staying in the car until I’ve talked to him.”
                “Why can’t we just both go to the door?”
                “Ambush him? Yeah. Cause that’s a great approach.”
                Lee is scrambling for his own shoes, pulling on one of their dad’s old Hawaiian shirts rather than a jacket and Ford just shakes his head. No accounting for taste.
…            …            …
                It’s after nine o’clock so the knock on his door is surprising. It’s obviously someone with security clearance, but he isn’t expecting anyone. Is already dressed for bed, so tempted to simply not answer, but then the knocking happens again and he huffs out a breath, moves to the door to open it and blinks in surprise.
                “Bradshaw. What… are you doing here?”
                “Hey. Seresin.”
                The guy looks a little spooked and Jake crosses his arms over his chest. They aren’t friends, aren’t anything, and he sure as hell isn’t a booty call, no matter how good the sex was. He’s effectively been ignored the last four months, and he’s not going to simply forget that.
                “I need to talk to you about something. You got a moment?”
                “No. It’s late,” Jake says, and he starts closing the door but Bradshaw sticks his foot out like the dickhead he is and Jake would kick him but he’s in bare feet.
                “Yeah. Sorry about that. But look, I really think you’re going to want to hear what I have to say,” Bradshaw starts, and Jake is still scowling and trying to push the door shut. Bradshaw is just as strong though, leaning his body against it almost calmly. Fucker. “I have a brother. A twin brother. Identical.”
                Jake pauses briefly, it’s a novel excuse but he’s certain that’s all it is, because why would he be here alone if he actually had a twin brother. He must look angry, because Bradshaw is leaning back, like he’s worried Jake might punch him.
                “Fuck off. Stop making excuses and just leave me the fuck alone.”
                “Oh. Okay. You don’t believe me. Wait… I can prove it. Let me show you some photos.”
                That makes Jake pause again and Bradshaw goes for his phone, quickly unlocking it and opening the album, and then he’s passing it to him.
                “That’s from tonight. We had to send a selfie to our parents.”
                Holy shit.
                “Holy shit…”
                They are identical. He zooms in, and there are some little differences but they could totally pass as each other if they were apart, or in uniform, or someone didn’t know there were two of them walking around. He looks up at the second Bradshaw in front of him and now that he knows he’s pretty sure he’s going to be able to tell them apart easily. If he gets to see Bradley again. Shit. He blocked him.
                “So, you’re not Bradley. What’s your name then?”
                Jake can’t help but pull a face, getting a flashback to when Bradley had told him his name.
                “Your parents called you Bradley and Bradford Bradshaw?”
                “I know. We both know. Trust me.”
                “Where’s Bradley?”
                “Hopefully in the car where I left him…”
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heretoreadfanfic1 · 5 days
Stay With Me
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Human!Reader 
Warnings: NSFW smut and blood 
Word Count: 2,932 
You and Kol had been sneaking around for a few months now and things were going great. When you two met there was an instant attraction but you both knew things could get messy fast due to you both running in opposing circles so to speak. Kol was an original after all and you, well you were just Carolines cousin visiting Mystic Falls for the summer. 
You had met Kol at Carolines house while he was trying to hunt down his brother Klaus who seemed to have some sort of infatuation with your cousin. Of course, you had known all about this being extra close to Caroline. You two talk on the phone almost every day about the new gossip in each of your lives and naturally boys are almost always a topic of conversation. However, Caroline never mentioned Klaus had an exceptionally charming and good looking younger brother. 
When he knocked at the door you weren’t expecting anyone home for hours and were, for lack of better words, indecent. Frankly you weren’t planning on answering the door or getting up off the couch until you finished the latest season of your current favorite show. Kol though, is quite persistent until he gets exactly what he wants. You finally broke about 10 minutes later, getting annoyed with all the knocking, and answered the door dressed in a thin baby pink pajama set that was a little too tight and a little to see through for your lack of a bra.  
The tall and shockingly attractive stranger looked down at you, a bit taken aback. His mouth quickly turned up into a smirk as he leaned against the door frame saying, “Well this was not what I was expecting but I love a good surprise, Darling.” 
“You know it’s rude to bang on peoples' doors when they are clearly ignoring you. Do you have a hard time taking hints?” you respond harshly.  
“Mmm, I like pretty things with sharp tongues. I don’t mean to be rude love, I’m Kol.” He takes your hand and places a soft kiss on your knuckles. He continues without letting go, “I was just looking for my pain of a brother and assumed he’d be up to no good with his sweet Caroline. Either way I’ve never seen you around here before and I think my first priority should be changing that.” He chuckles. Kol licks his lips while looking you up and down undressing you with his eyes, not that your clothing leaves much to the imagination.  
You pause before replying, already falling for his captivating nature, “Oh, you’re Klaus’ brother? Caroline never mentioned any brothers. I’m (y/n), Caroline is my cousin and I'm just here visiting for the summer, but I definitely need to make some more friends around here so I might grant your wish of getting to know me.” You say slow and seductive biting on your lower lip and looking up at him.  
The way Kol was staring at you made your body tingle in anticipation more than you had ever felt before and you knew you just had to have him. It wasn’t long after that interaction that you two began seeing each other. You were careful not to draw too much attention to yourselves, so far as not even telling Caroline he had been to the house that day. Kol had vaugly explained the relationship his family had with the rest of the gang, and you didn’t want to be bothered by their opinions on who you chose to associate yourself with.  
Fast forward a little over two months later and you were sneaking out to see Kol at least three times a week. He was like a drug you just wanted more and more of, like you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to. A few weeks into your relationship he told you almost everything, at least what you needed to know, about Mystic Falls such as the vampires, werewolves, witches, and the truth as to why he and his family don’t see eye to eye with Elena and the rest of the Carolines friends. At first you didn’t believe him about any of it until he showed you who he really was.  
Seeing his face change with deep veins running down his under eyes and sharp fangs poking out of his teeth was terrifying at first, but Kol reassured you he wouldn’t hurt you, unless you asked him to.  
“Darling, why must you care so much about what those idiots are doing anyway.” Kol said laying down on his king sized bed reading some old book he picked up off his bedside table.  
“I don’t, well, I guess I do. It’s just it gets on my nerves how Caroline always is sneaking off with Elena to do things that I have to pretend not to know about when really, she should be spending time with me who came down here to get to see her in person for once.” You rant pacing around the room, annoyed with your cousin and her group of friends who treat you like you’re some innocent child. 
Kol slams the book shut in irritation having listened to you ramble about nothing of real importance for the last hour or so and tosses it onto a nearby chair “That’s enough, I quite enjoy you, but I cannot stand to listen to another word about those blithering fools.”  
In the blink of an eye Kol grabs you and pins you against the door, arms held above your head by your wrists. You gasp and look up at him through your lashes breathless waiting for his next move.  
He leans in close whispering “If you continue talking about nonsense, I'm going to have to punish you, and you don’t want that now do you sweetheart? So, are you going to be a good girl for me?” 
“Yes, sir.” you choke out a heat igniting in your core. 
“Good answer darling.” Kol lets go of your wrists grabbing you under your ass and picking you up. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist while he grinds himself into you and you can feel him harden between your thighs. He grabs a fistful of hair from the back of your head pulling you back and kissing you roughly. You moan into his mouth your hands finding their way to his hair tugging on the messy brown strands to try to fight for dominance, but it’s a losing battle.  
He pulls away from you and you gasp for air as he makes his way down your neck with hot sloppy kisses pausing at just the right spot. He inhales and lightly drags his teeth across your skin. You know exactly what he wants from you, but he can’t bring himself to take it.  
“Please Kol, I want you to do it.” you plead in a quiet yet needy voice. “Drink from me, I'm all yours just take it.” You've been wanting to see how it would feel for him to feed from you but never knew how to approach the subject. You couldn’t deny the jealousy that grew deep inside you when you thought of him drinking from other women. In fact, you wanted to be the only one he got his fix from. 
He looked up at you to confirm this is what you wanted and when he saw the lack of hesitation in your eyes, he sped you over to the bed laying you down ripping your shirt clean off and throwing the tattered fabric to the floor. He takes a moment to let his eyes graze over your figure and admire the black lacey bralette that highlights your curves before sinking his teeth deep into your neck. You let out a little yelp from the initial sting of pain but that soon was replaced with absolute pleasure. Your head started to feel light and as he was drinking his right hand made its way down your body and into your pants pushing the fabric of your panties out of the way as his fingers began to tease your clit.  
A loud moan falls from your mouth and your eyes roll back as he plays with you just how he knows you like it. Just as you start to feel lightheaded, he stops himself from feeding, making sure you didn’t lose too much blood and bites into his own wrist placing it to your mouth and telling you to drink to heal the wound on your neck.  
“Aren’t you delicious.” He breathes out softly and licks excess blood off from where he punctured your neck. “And I’d bet in more ways than one.”  
Kol stops playing with your clit pulling your shorts all the way off and removing his shirt before dropping to his knees on the floor. He pulls you to the edge of the bed by your hips and you whimper in anticipation. He teases you kissing your inner thighs creeping closer and closer to your middle before stopping. 
“Beg for me.” He pauses and looks up at you  
“Please Kol, I just want you to touch me I need it. I can’t wait any longer don’t tease me right now.” You whine bucking your hips towards him while he laughs quietly.  
“Only because you listen so well.” He says before dipping his tongue between your folds. 
“Oh my god!” you shout. Your legs subconsciously trying to close from how much pleasure you’re feeling. Kol forces them apart and keeps going dragging his tongue across your pussy drawing little circles around your clit causing you to arch your back screaming out in satisfaction. 
“I’m so close.” you shout gripping at the sheets almost unable to take it anymore as he pumps two of his fingers inside of you. He continues to drag his tongue against your sensitive bundle of nerves while stroking your g-spot with his fingers. It isn’t long until pressure builds in your lower body and your legs start to shake uncontrollably. Screaming out you arch your back, eyes squeezing closed as waves of euphoria crash down on you. 
Kol pulls away looking content with himself “I hope I didn’t wear you out too much darling, the fun is only beginning.”  
He gets up off the floor and you sit up undoing his belt and unbuttoning his jeans hastily. As soon as the task is complete, he pulls his pants the rest of the way down letting his erection spring free. No matter how many times you were with him his size still made your eyes go wide. Immediately you take him in your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip and using your hands to compensate for what doesn’t fit. Kol tilts his head back groaning and grabs the back of yours urging you to take him in deeper.  
The action makes you go faster bobbing down onto him eager to give back at least a fraction of the pleasure he just gave you.  
You make sure to give him a show hollowing out your cheeks for extra suction and looking up at him through your lashes. You let out little moans as he hits the back of your throat allowing him to feel the vibrations of the noises causing him to grip the back of your head even harder. Soon you can feel his dick start to throb which you know means he’s close to his own release, but just before he cums he pushes you off of him. 
Kol wastes no time turning you around ass up and pushing your chest down into the bed. You grip the bottom of the headboard to steady yourself bracing for what you know will come next. To your surprise instead of slamming into you he starts to tease you again with his hands pumping his fingers in and out of you and then sliding them down to graze over your clit. You bury your face into a pillow and whimper wanting nothing else but to feel him inside you. 
“God you’re soaking wet, love. Is this what I do to you?” He pulls his fingers away and spanks your ass hard making you yelp.  
“It’s all for you Kol. My pussy is all yours only yours.” You reply gasping. 
“How did I get so lucky” Kol utters to himself, but before you can respond he thrusts himself into you harshly. 
You cry out adjusting to his size as he fills you up completely. Kols fingers dig into your hips pulling you deeper onto him if that's even possible. He picks up the pace fucking you nice and deep until you're a moaning mess. Hungry to ruin you, he bends over to reach around your body with his right hand and uses it to play with your clit as he fucks you.  
“I can’t take it” You scream out overwhelmed with how good he makes your body feel. 
“You’re going to take it until I say so darling.” Kol grunts out not slowing down one bit. 
Your body is aching for release as Kol slams into you repeatedly and you can no longer hold back your orgasm. You start to shake as all your muscles tighten up and your vision blacks out. All you can hear is a loud ringing in your ears and all you can feel is Kol inside of you as you cum for the second time that night.  
Kol feels you cum on his dick and can’t contain himself as you tighten around him further. You screaming his name out in pleasure only makes him go harder not caring if you're still able to walk tomorrow or who can hear you loudly proclaiming who is making you feel this good. He follows not far behind you with his own release, groaning loudly filling you up with spurts of his warm liquid. Kol gives you some more thrusts, feeling territorial, wanting his seed deep inside of you to mark you as his own.  
As he comes down from the high of his own orgasm, he pulls out rolling over and collapsing beside you pulling you closer. You’re feeling exhausted after all the energy Kol had taken from you and begin to drift off while lying on his chest.  
“Not so fast (y/n), we have to get you cleaned up first.” Kol says softly kissing your head before getting up. 
All you can manage back is a low groan as he walks into his ensuite bathroom. A minute later he came back in holding a warm damp cloth and began to clean you up. When he finished, he sped downstairs and returned with a cold bottle of water. Getting back into bed he sat you up against him and gave you small sips out of the bottle. 
“You did amazing darling.” He praised while playing with your hair. “You can rest now. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
“You promise?” you spoke softly relaxing into his body. 
“I give you my word. Now hush and close your eyes.”  
It was so fast you didn't even realize you went to sleep until you woke up a few hours later still in Kols arms. However, you noticed at some point he had picked up the book he had been reading earlier. When he noticed you had woken up, he gently set the book down smiling gently down at you. 
“Well would you look who's awake?” Kol teased. “Are you hungry love? I can go get you something to eat if you’d like?” 
“No, I'm ok but thank you for the offer.” You smile until a somber look crosses your face.  
“What’s going on in that head of yours (y/n)? Kol questions sensing the shift in your mood.  
“It’s nothing, I just was thinking about how I need to leave to go back home soon and not to scare you off but... I don't want to leave you.” You break eye contact, look down and pick at your fingernails, afraid of what he might say. “I know this is just casual I don't mean to-”  
“Don't leave.” Kol cuts you off grabbing your chin to make you look back at him. “I'm sure Caroline would love to have you stay with her for the school year and if not, you could just stay here with me. I have grown quite fond of you (y/n), that is if you’re willing to let our secret out to Caroline and the others.”  
Your eyes widen, not expecting him to feel the same way let alone ask you to stay. 
“My parents would never allow it, and shouldn’t you talk to your family before offering to let me live here?”  
“Your parents won’t be a problem and if they are I have a few tricks that will make them more than happy to let you stay as long as you want. As for my family, they won’t mind. Rebeckah would love another girl around here to hang out with and I could care less what Elijah and Nik think, besides they owe me one after how many daggers they stuck in my chest.” His eyes narrowed as he spoke the last sentence.  
Your heart skips a beat happy to know that Kol wants you just as much as you want him. You can’t respond fast enough excited for the extra time you'll get to spend with him even if that means being a little more involved in this crazy town full of secrets.  
“In that case, I would love to stay as long as you’ll have me.”  
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s-creations · 9 months
Wishes - Mario x Geno One-Shot
Every day, since the Star left, Mario would talk to the night sky. About what's been happening since the adventure ended, how he'd been handling life, what was new but also the same.
How he missed Geno.
How he wished he could see the Star on more time.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Additional Tags: Other characters are at least mentioned, Missing Someone, If you constantly wish will they come back?, They're gay your honor, And that's in no way a bad thing.
@nintendonut1, this one's for you. Fun little 2 hour exercise to write this up. And another 2 for typing and editing.
Link to Comic Reference.
“Um, hey Geno… It’s been about a week since you left. I hope the reconstruction of Star Road is going well. I’m kind of assuming it is. I mean, I’ve been seeing a lot of small…I don’t know, miracles happening? That’s the best way to put it, I suppose. Maybe small wishes? Either way, good moments have been happening again and I know…I know that has to be you.” 
“I hope you’re okay. Mallow misses you. He’s talked to Peach and I a few times. Gaz was nice enough to give the doll to Mallow after learning what happened. And Mallow…gave it to me. Gave you to me… Said I probably needed you more than he did…”
“I really want to see you again. I know that’s a really big ask. I’m sure you’re busy. But I really, really miss you. Just…Just one more day. If you could manage that. I’ll take an hour, a minute even! Just…”
“I wish I could hold you again…”
“Hey again Geno. I’m seeing a lot more of your handy work. Only after 23 days, that’s impressive. You must be close to finishing it all up, if not already done. I mean, I’m sure you had help, it wasn’t all just you. The other Stars you were talking about helping out. You all no doubt working together to get everything finished.” 
“Luigi’s still curious about you. Well, he really wants to know what it’s like to kiss a Star. B-But he also keeps asking me to retell the different portions of our adventure. How I met Mallow, what it was like working together with Bowser, how stubborn Peach is as well as how she is as a fighter.”
“How…How we met, what you’re like, your experiences while being down here. When I fell for you, the first time we kissed, what I…admire about you…”
“I think he’s trying to make sure I don’t forget about you. I mean, I never could. But…he knows how I’ve been feeling lately… He is my brother after all. He knows I miss you and…he knows I’ve not been myself. His questions…help me focus on the good times we had…”
“I wish you could meet Luigi, I think you two would get along great.”
“Hey Geno. It’s been about a month and a half since…since our adventure ended. Luigi thinks saying ‘since you left’ isn’t the best way to think about it.”
“Um, things have been going pretty well. Peach is as supportive as ever, she and Luigi have really helped me. Mallow’s done well falling into his title of prince. It helps that he has so many people supporting him.”
“We’ve finally heard from Bowser. He’s been quiet since…well, you know. He asked us to come to his keep. All three of us, if you can believe it. We were a little concerned for a moment thinking he was planning something devious. But he just wanted to show us around. Show off what he and his minions had been able to clean up and rebuild. It’s quite impressive.”
“Granted, the moment was ruined when Bowser announced he had his next plan laid out. Still, it was a rather enjoyable experience…”
“I wish you could see the progress we’ve made.”
“Hey Geno, we’re about 4ish months out. Stopped a few of Bowser’s plans. I saw your handiwork first hand. Felt lighter on a few jumps. Found a few hidden Power-Ups that shouldn’t have been there. Thank you, for that. I mean, I know you can only help if someone wishes for that boost for me. Can you…make wishes as well as grant them? Can you see me from where you are? I can’t…I don’t think I can see you. I’ve tried…”
“I wish I could just see you up in the sky.”
“Hey Geno.”
“I wish I could know that you’re doing okay.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could hear from you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could really talk to you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you could have spent more time here.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you knew how much I missed you.”
“Hey Geno…”
“I wish you could come home.”
His soul was practically singing with joy and excitement as he descended from the night sky. Fully focused on the house with the green roof lying below him. 
He should probably get Mario’s attention. 
But he also wanted this to be a surprise.
Oh, this was going to be so great!
He was thrilled to find an open window, easily gliding in. Excitement grows further upon finding the familiar puppet. His body. Sitting so contently on one of Mario’s shelves. Kept close to where the human slept. 
Where Mario dreamed. 
He hoped he was able to provide good dreams to Mario in some way.
Floating into the familiar form felt like returning to a safe space. The return of the weight of gravity welcoming as he became familiar with his limbs once more. The weight of it all providing a way of grounding him again, to tell him he was finally back and-
Geno let out a rather undignified yelp as the shelf below him collapsed. Said puppet banging his head against the wooden floor.
Ah, yes, pain. The one thing he didn’t miss.
“Ow, ow, ow…” Geno mumbled as he carefully massaged his head. Slowly moving until he was kneeling on the ground. Slowly opening his eyes, Geno took a chance to better look around the room. 
Even with how dim it was, light only provided from the open doorway, he could still make out enough of what the room held. It was an overall simple layout. Two beds, each dressed with either a red or green comforter laying across each bed, sat across from each other in the room. Allowing enough space on either side for a dresser and desk.
The doorway leading out to the rest of the home that was providing the only light for the bedroom was quickly blocked by a large shadow.
Looking over found Mario standing in the doorway. Appearing both frazzled and shocked. No doubt startled by the loud crash. 
Suddenly feeling self-conscious by still being on the ground, Geno swiftly got to his feet. 
“Ah…sorry. I kind of wrecked your shelf.” Geno said quickly. Not sure what he should be saying at this point.
“I should’ve gotten your attention first, I was just… I was really excited to…um…”
It dawned on Geno that Mario had not moved an inch since appearing in the doorway. Gripping onto the door frame as he just stared in disbelief at the puppet. 
Had Geno been a bit too hopeful in being accepted once again?  That they would fall into their similar patterns as before? Has Geno been gone too long? Was Mario…upset?
“I-I know it took me a while!” Geno attempted to explain, “The work up on Star Road never ends, y’know? But…”
Even if Mario was upset. Even if Geno had missed his chance to return properly. He still needed the human to know what he’d done for the puppet.
“I’ve always heard them,” Geno choked out, hands pressed to his chest. The familiar feeling of tears spilling from his eyes, his throat tight as if stuffed with cotton. “All those words, for me to… To come home… I’ve heard every last one. To see you again, to see all that you’ve talked about, it sounds so wonderful…”
Geno’s eyes flickered down, “I just hope I’m not to late-”
The puppet tensed as he felt warmth pressed to his cheek. Eyes snapping back up to find that Mario had moved much closer. The human now looks back in absolute shock. Geno doing his very best to not melt into the touch as Mario’s thumbs gently brushed across his cheeks. 
“N-No way…” Mario eventually whispered out, “Am I dreaming? Is this real?”
“Is it really you, Geno?”
The puppet was absolutely stunned at how happy, how joyful, how relieved Mario sounded. The worry he felt about the quiet before completely gone with how radiant Mario now looked at him. 
Letting out a relieved laugh, Geno replied with, “Y-Yeah, that’s me! Let’s get this show on the road, right?”
He faltered slightly as tears started to silently fall from Mario’s eyes. Unable to ask if he was alright before being pulled into a tight hug. Mario calling out the puppet’s name with absolute exhilaration.
“I th-thought I’d never see you again!” Mario choked out, still crying, “But-But you’re here and you’re real and-”
Geno felt the sob that escaped the human. Mario desperately clawing at Geno to get him as close as possible as he whispered softly, ‘I can’t believe it!’.
As his own tears started to fall once more, Geno allowed himself to sink into the warmth Mario created. Wrapping arms around the human as he buried his face into the crook of Mario’s neck. Even as he was shaking from Mario’s gentle but happy cries, Geno knew this was what he wanted. 
Geno loved Star Road.
Geno loved the Mushroom Kingdom and this world.
Geno loved this body.
But he knew that it would always be Mario that he would pine for the most. 
Geno would always go back to Mario.
Mario was his home.
“Y-Yeah, I’m here,” Geno eventually whispered back, “I’m here, Mario…”
He wasn’t sure how long they remained like that. Each tangled up in the other. Soaking up the warmth and joy each other was providing. 
But Geno was broken out of the moment when something bitter entered his nose. The puppet pulled back slightly to ask, “Is something burning?”
“Mamma Mia, my pasta!”
Mario was out of the bedroom before Geno could fully process what had been said. A few seconds behind in following the human out. Freezing as his eyes landed on a large fire on the stove top. 
“How did this even happen!?” Geno called out frantically. Mario rushed as he filled another post with water and flung it onto the fire. 
It all eventually calmed down when the pot on fire was put out and reduced to smoke. Both staring at it with a mixed feeling of disappointment and residual shock. The contents inside a dried, brunt puck of food. 
“Well…” Mario broke the silence, “do you mind if your first meal back is take out?”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh, “I totally do not.”
Pizza was an absolutely amazing first meal to have. Made even better that they could sit across from each other. Regaling each other with tales from what’s happened for the past few months.
Luigi was thrilled to properly meet Geno. The puppet understood in an instant the protective older sibling feeling Mario had for the other human. Geno immediately promised to keep the younger brother safe at any cost. 
It was a joy to see everyone once again. Peach, Mallow, Gaz, it was all amazing. Seeing how they’d changed yet remained the same. 
Running into Bowser was an interesting interaction. As the Koopa was surprised yet happy to see Geno. But was also in the middle of trying to kidnap Peach when spotting Geno.
It was a wonderful experience to see the world once more.
Even more so with Mario right by his side.
Geno was finally home.
And he was more than happy to stay.
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andreafmn · 3 months
Bound | Chapter 7
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Word Count: 4.3K
Summary: Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But the universe had set out to grant her everything she could’ve hoped for in the most unconventional way and in the form of a witch. Can their love withstand the promise of forever or will Rosalie and (Y/N) succumb to the grapples of time?
A/N: all of the feels and sadness in this chapter for reader and Bea. But it's a step closer to the reader and Rosalie finally meeting. not gonna lie, this one hurt
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“Don’t you think it’s weird?” (Y/N) muttered as she examined her features in the mirror. “It’s been a couple of years, and my face has not changed at all. Not even a gray hair on my head. It doesn’t make any sense.” 
Bea chuckled as she walked over to the young witch. Her hands rested on her shoulders as she brushed away the strands of hair from her skin and left a soft kiss on it. “Maybe it’s genetics,” she mused. “Just be grateful you don’t have to deal with smile lines and crow’s feet at twenty-three. Now, that’s a travesty.” 
“How could your happiness ever be a bad thing?” (Y/N) smiled. “You’re as beautiful as ever, Bea.” 
“Oh, you only say that,” the girl chuckled. “I would gladly give you the three grays I found in my hair.” 
“My little salt and pepper beauty,” the other witch teased. “I know you’ll look marvelous with an all-white mane.”
“Oh, goddess, I just hope it’s at least twenty years down the line,” Bea whined. “Not anywhere near my twenties or thirties.”  
“Well, maybe you could give some to me,” she laughed. “I’m in serious need of some aging here.” 
“I wish those were my problems,” Bea sighed. “Anyways, as much as I would love to stay here and chat about how your skin and your hair are perfect, I do need to go to school if I ever plan to finish college. I think five years is enough time to have finished already.” 
“Everyone has their own pace, Bea.” 
“Yeah, says the girl who finished her degree in three and a half years and is already finishing her master’s.” 
“Well, not everyone can be me.” 
“Clearly,” she playfully scoffed. “Beautiful and unbelievably intelligent. Save some for the rest of us.” 
 “I’d give it all to you if I could,” (Y/N) smiled. “But for now, you’re going to have to apply yourself in school and embrace your changing body. I know I will.” 
With a hug and a kiss on Bea’s lips, the two young women left the small house and walked onto the village center to head to the coven’s entry point. They chatted amongst themselves, enjoying the cold air of October, when Margaret, a coven elder, stopped them in their tracks. 
“Good morning, girls,” the woman said. “Are you off to school?” 
“Beatrice is,” (Y/N) answered. “I’m simply escorting her.” 
“Well then, why don’t we leave that to Russell?” Margaret asked but both girls knew it was an instruction. “I fear I must steal you away, (Y/N). It’s a rather urgent matter.” 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Oh, nothing you have to worry about, Beatrice,” she smiled. “But I do need to speak with her.” 
“Russell will get you to school and back safe,” (Y/N) assured, smiling at the awaiting man. “I’ll be here when you get back.” 
“Alright,” Bea sighed. “I’ll see you then.” 
(Y/N) watched as Bea and Russell disappeared through the trees, one second there and the next gone. As much as she wanted to take off running after them, the last thing she would ever do was disobey an elder. If their instruction did not go against anything she believed, there was no chance she would ignore them. 
“Come on now, (Y/N),” Margaret called her attention. “Off to my cabin.” 
The girl followed the woman to her home, running a million scenarios in her head. She knew there were no rules she had broken, and she doubted it had anything to do with her human and witch studies. (Y/N) had always been on top of it all. She had even been assigned the role of mentor only two years before. Clearly, she had been doing something right. 
“Is something the matter, Margaret?” the girl asked as they finally reached the witch’s house, nerves building far too high for her. 
 “I was wondering the same thing, (Y/N),” the woman smiled brightly. “I just couldn’t help but notice that in the last–give or take–six years of your life, your face has remained as young as it was then. Not a single sign of aging.”
“Oh, that,” (Y/N) chuckled awkwardly as she looked down. She had been working tirelessly to find answers by herself, but no one seemed to be able to give her what she needed. Not even her magical books had given her what she had been looking for. “I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about that just yet. But I promise I have been looking everywhere for answers. ”
“Why don’t you have a seat, little one?” Margaret invited her to sit on the rocking chairs that lived on her wooden porch, grabbing a worn-out book from a shelf by the entrance of her home. “I think it is safe to assume your search for answers has been rendered fruitless. There’s no surprise there. Not much has been recorded about your particular situation.” 
“My situation? I can’t say I’m following what you’re saying, ma’am. What situation could I be in? ”
“Do you remember the teachings about soul pairings, my child?” (Y/N) nodded, unsure of where the conversation was leading. “I am sure you also remember the teachings of other supernatural beings that share our spaces. This journal right here belonged to my great-great-grandmother...” 
“Lady Esther?” the young witch interrupted. “Those are the personal writings of our first High Priestess?” 
The woman smiled at (Y/N)’s eagerness, but it pained her to know that excitement would soon die down. “Grandmother Esther made sure to record each and every situational encounter she had, preserving a possible solution to the most curious of cases. The books have been passed down from generation to generation to aid in scenarios such as yours, where not even supernatural logic makes too much sense,” she laughed. “As soon as I saw the signs, I remembered a story she had written in her personal journal–this book has been open only to our family’s eyes. When she was younger, she went through the same thing you are right now.”  
“Signs? What signs have there been?” 
“Well, the inability to age is one of them,” Margaret said. “There’s also the night of your alleged magical resurgence. And before you ask, yes, Beatrice spoke to me about it because she was worried that it could be something bad. There’s also your new ability to heal quicker than others. For example, the cut that you had two months ago that seemed to heal overnight.” 
“I just thought after that night, my magic was different,” (Y/N) mumbled. “So, you’re saying this has happened before? To High Priestess Esther?”  
“That is correct, my dear. And she was just as confused as you are,” she rocked. Margaret flipped through the pages until she landed on the specific date she was looking for, handing the open book to the expectant girl. “It was a hard time to be a witch back then–not that it’s any easier now–but somehow she had managed to skate by unnoticed. One day, she noticed her face had stopped aging, and so had her mother. Her face seemed to be frozen in time, but she didn’t know why. That was until she met the immortal Samuel.”  
“A vampire?”  Margaret nodded in confirmation. “But I’m not sure I understand. How did meeting Samuel affect her physical status?”  
“You’re rushing the story, my child,” Margaret chuckled. The girl was itching for answers, but patience was something the elder always taught. “There’s a reason I mentioned soul pairings earlier. When we are born and reborn, fragments of our soul enter the lives of others, tethering them to ours. Throughout your life, you might meet some of your soulmates, yet no connection will be as strong as the bound soul. Not many find them in their lifetime. The lucky few that do experience a love like no other. That’s what Samuel was to Esther—the love of a lifetime. Are you following?” 
“I believe so. They had a supernatural connection that tied their lives together. Mind, body, and soul.”  
“You’ve always been a smart one, (Y/N),” the woman chuckled joyfully before she continued. “As the years went on, Esther started to tie loose ends together. The reason she was never changing was because he was never changing. Bound souls are connected, body and soul. When Samuel had been turned into a vampire and, in turn, immortal, so did she. Esther wrote about how, after the first encounter, her magic was stronger, and her connection to the elements felt surreal. But the love she felt when she was with him was something unparalleled to anything she had experienced in this lifetime.” 
“But if she’s immortal, how come we’ve never met her? How are you here? Vampires can’t procreate.” 
“In those times, vampires were still heavily hunted. Samuel had gone into town one day and, unfortunately, never made it back home. They shared thirty beautiful years building a life together, isolated from society. Living in the shadows, doing their best to survive. Unfortunately, once Samuel’s life ended, so did Esther’s immortality. Her life cycle had regained its normalcy,” Margaret sighed. “She had been devastated for a long time. She describes how she felt her body was hollowed out and her magic began to falter. “Fortunately, she found love again in the man who was my great-great-grandfather, Abraham. They made a family together, creating our coven,” she smiled. “Esther never forgot Samuel, carrying his memory close to her heart every day that passed until her death after approximately 140 years of life. Her story now is not unlike yours. Though supernatural beings have now learned and adapted to the ever-changing society.”  
“But this means that as time goes by, everyone I love will pass, and I will continue on being as I am today,” (Y/N) stated, tears burning the corners of her eyes. “How do I cope with losing all the people closest to me whilst I have no foreseeable ending to this life?”  
“Death is something we all must endure, one day or another. Even immortal beings face mortality in many ways. How to handle the inevitability of death is a very personal thing. In time, you’ll learn the best way to accept it.”  
“But that means…” 
“Yes, (Y/N). You’ll one day go through the pain of seeing Beatrice pass,” the woman confirmed. “I know it will be hard, my child. But it is a moment you must endure. You have her entire lifetime to enjoy by her side. Don’t let the inevitability of her passing stop you from living.” 
The young witch remained silent as warm tears burned their way down her skin. She had grown accustomed to death from a young age. That wasn’t the problem. (Y/N) had lost her mother when she had been all but fifteen years of age, and her father had passed long before she could even remember his voice. It wasn’t death that scared her. It was living after Beatrice. What pained the girl beyond repair was that not only could she not give Bea the life she dreamed of, she couldn’t even give her the life they had planned. 
(Y/N) wouldn’t be able to grow old beside her, taunting each other about who had more white hair. She would never get to the point where they would both need canes to walk or salves and ointments for their aching joints. No. She would only be able to watch it happen to Bea while she remained the very image she saw staring back at her in the mirror. There would be no aging pains for her, no shriveling skin or weakening bones. All there would be was her and the passage of time. 
As the hours passed, it dawned on the young woman what she had to do. As much as it broke her heart, there was nothing else that would make sense for her future. If she had no chance at her happy ever after, she’d make sure that at least Beatrice would. 
She couldn’t have known how much time had passed, but when the sound of Bea’s laughter by the door rang through the house, the sun had already set. (Y/N) peeked her head out the bedroom door to find the girl saying her goodbyes to the lovestruck Russell, a bouquet of roses hanging from her right hand. 
The young witch saw possibility there. She saw right before her eyes everything she could never give her. She saw the life they had always dreamed of, the life only one of them would be able to live. 
“Sorry I’m late, darling,” Bea said as she hung her coat on the rack. “Russell invited me out to the movies. I forgot to call.”
“It’s okay,” (Y/N) responded, trying her best to conceal the sadness that had sunk its claws into her throat.  
But she couldn’t. At the tone of her voice, the raven-haired girl turned around and crossed the room in an instant. “What’s the matter?” she asked as she led them toward their couch, sitting beside (Y/N), her hands gripping hers comfortingly. “What did Margaret say?”
“I-I, uh,” (Y/N) stammered, unable to get the words out. 
And before she could say anything else, Bea noticed the tears that brimmed (Y/N)’s eyes. Her eyes were already red and puffy, a testament to the pain she was already feeling. “What’s wrong, Rubs?” she questioned worriedly. “Is it bad?”
“I don’t… I don’t know if it is or not,” she sighed. “But it’s gonna change everything, Bea. It’s already changed me.”
“Sweetheart, you’re scaring me,” Bea said. “What’s going on, (Y/N)? What changed since this morning?” 
(Y/N) could feel her breaths staggering, the nerves coursing through her veins making her tremble under the weight of the inevitable. This was it—the moment when she would lose it all. With a heavy heart, the witch set off to explain all that Margaret had told her. She told her about Samuel and Esther, about bound souls, and vampires and witches. Finally, she told her what it all meant to her. The very reason both their lives would never be the same. “She said the reason I haven’t shown any sign of aging and I had that odd attack that night was because my soul is most likely tethered to a vampire,” she explained, fighting the new tears that threatened to spill across her cheeks. “I’m never gonna age, Bea. Everyone around me will grow and die, and I will stay just as you see me right now before you. I don’t know how I could ever give you the life you’ve always wanted.” 
Bea rose from her seat as though it had burned her. Her thoughts spiraled and sparked inside her head before she could process anything that (Y/N) was saying. None of it made sense to her. She was a witch and knew of the existence of many other supernatural beings. But that? That she couldn’t get her mind around. 
The girl pressed her palms to her eyes, stopping the tears before they stained her face, but not before they pooled around her eyes and mixed with the black of her makeup. She was distraught, unwinding at the seams, unable to process her emotions properly. Bea couldn’t grasp that those would be their last moments together as they were.
“What does this mean for us, (Y/N)?” the girl asked. “What are you gonna do?” 
“I wish I could tell you I had it all figured out, Bea, but I don’t,” she cried. “I don’t want to lose you, that’s for sure. I just don’t know what I can offer you.” 
“What about school and all that? You just got accepted to Yale. How are you gonna be a lawyer like this?” 
“I don’t know, Bea!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do about any of that just yet. I just found out that I’m immortal today. There’s nothing laid out just yet.” 
The younger witch knew what (Y/N) was saying without words, and she also knew she wouldn’t say the words even if they were the only ones that had to be said. Bea wanted to believe there was a way to fight the inevitable—find a sliver of hope in the midst of their dark reality. 
“You deserve everything you’ve ever wanted, Bea,” the older witch broke the silence softly. She took tentative steps towards the other, softly wrapping her arms around the unconsolable woman. Bea leaned into her touch, even though her body screamed to get away until it was all resolved. “You deserve a wedding, you deserve kids, you deserve the big house with the even bigger garden, you deserve someone to grow old with. And as much as I wish I could give you that and the entire universe, I can’t. I can only give myself, darling, and I promise I’ll try my hardest to make you the happiest you can be with whatever time we have.” 
“You can’t promise that, (Y/N),” Bea whimpered. “As much as we want to, neither of us can promise that.”
“Why not?” she cried. “I love you more than anything in this universe. That’s enough for me.” 
“It’s only gonna be enough for now,” the younger girl sighed defeatedly. “We can’t exist on love alone, sweetheart. I wish it were that easy.” 
“What are you saying, Bea?” 
“I think it’s best that you move to Connecticut, set yourself up over there while you’re going to school,” she said, swallowing the sadness that threatened to wreck her. She had to be strong for (Y/N). She had to be strong for them both. “After, you’re gonna have to move from place to place. Never stay too long in one city or state. Never go back there until anyone that could remember you is alive.” 
“I could just stay here,” (Y/N) offered, knowing it wasn’t going to be an option. “I don’t have to ever leave the village. We could have a life here.:  
“You know that’s not possible, sweetheart,” Bea sighed. “Maybe back in the days of Esther, but I know you’ll grow angsty. You have dreams, (Y/N). You have goals you want to accomplish. You can’t stay here and wait until I die for you to start living. I couldn’t live with myself if you did.” 
“What about what I want?” she said in a voice so broken that it almost shattered Bea’s resolution. It made her wonder if there truly was a way for them to work out. But she knew. “What if all I want is you, Bea?” 
“You’ll do great things, beautiful,” she said as she turned in (Y/N)’s arms and ran her fingers through her hair. “I know everything you do will be as amazing as you are. You will go on and do all these things and see the world, and I’ll always be here, cheering you on from the sidelines.” 
“What am I supposed to do without you, Bea? We were supposed to be forever.” 
“And you’ll have forever, (Y/N),” she smiled sadly. “I won’t. And I can’t steal away a part of your life because of it. Don’t ask me to do that.” 
(Y/N) gazed into Bea’s eyes as tears blurred her vision, trying her best to plead with just one look. “You wouldn’t be stealing any part of my life, Bea,” she trembled. “You’ve shown me a life I could have. A life with you would be a life fulfilled. Why can’t that be enough?” 
“Maybe in another life, it could be,” Bea whimpered. She placed her hands tenderly on the girl’s cheeks, softly wiping away the tears that didn’t seem to stop. “But it wasn’t meant to be in this one, my sweetheart. We had the years we did, and they will always be the best of my life. And what gives me a respite is that you will have so many great years after me because I just know your life will be glorious and that I’ll continue to love you every day until I take my last breath.  And I know you’ll be happy—even after me, you’ll be happy.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t find words as they knotted in her throat. Her eyes felt like an open faucet as tears fell faster than she could hold them back. All she could do was wrap her arms around Bea and hold her as tight as she could. Because for that moment, she was still there, they were still possible. For that moment, she could pretend they were forever.
And that’s what she did every day and every night for the coming three months. (Y/N) would hold Bea as though she’d turn to dust the second she let go. There was not a moment she didn’t spend with the younger witch. She even pretended to be excited about the cross-state move, showing the girl apartment listings and bringing her to buy whatever she’d need for it. Maybe if she acted like she was all for the move, there would come a day when she would be. 
There was one thing she was sure of, at the end of those three months, she’d be losing the greatest love of her life. And before she could truly prepare herself, the day had come. 
“Time flew too fast, didn’t it?” Bea whispered from the bed, watching through hazy eyes as the witch walked from side to side, gathering all she needed for the long trip to Connecticut. “Can’t believe the day is finally here.” 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) sighed quietly, whispering her next words. “Kind of wished today never came.” 
“Do you have everything you need? Remember, you’re supposed to meet up with Lance over there. He is part of our sister coven over there and knows everything about your situation.”
“Yes, Beatrice. I know what I have to do,” she spat unintentionally. “You’ve had this planned out for three months already. Almost feels like you can’t wait for me to go.” 
“You know that’s not true,” Bea bit back quickly. “The last thing I want is to lose you, (Y/N). But we both know that it simply wouldn’t work. Not in this lifetime.” 
“It could have worked,” (Y/N) cried. She didn’t care that she’d have to redo her makeup or that she’d have puffy red eyes during her train ride; she simply allowed the tears that had never seemed to stop to fall free. “If you would have given us a chance, it would have worked.” 
“For what, sweetheart?” the girl questioned softly, unable to meet the same bark that (Y/N) had. She was sad, she was weak, she was losing her everything. “You grow restless when we stay merely a day in this house. What makes you think you’d last sixty years?” 
“I could do it for you, Bea.” (Y/N) walked to their bed and sat by Bea, taking one of her hands in hers. “I would give my entire life to be with you.” 
“That’s a price I’m not willing to let you pay,” she whispered softly, using her free hand to caress (Y/N)’s wettened cheek. “You need to let me go, (Y/N). You need to let me let you go. It’s the only way either of us will be able to make the choices we need to make for our futures.” 
“I can’t.” 
“Yes, you can,” Bea smiled tenderly. “You could tell the sun to stop shining, and it would. You can do anything, (Y/N) Carmine.” 
“But I don’t want to.” 
“You have to,” she continued. “Go. See the world. Get your degrees. Open the law firm you’ve always dreamed of. Help supernatural folks like you’ve wanted. I’ll be here, always. Getting old and loving you. But don’t stay stuck. If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for me.” 
Without another word, (Y/N) kissed Bea’s lips and gathered all she would need for the trip. The air inside the house was thick with pain and sadness, but neither girl made another mention of it. They simply let things be until it was time for her to go. 
Russell had come to help with her bags, putting them in one of the few cars the village owned. He knew all that had been happening under the girls’ roof, but he never judged, never put in his two cents, and never, ever, turned them away. Maybe because he was smitten with Bea or because he respected his friendship with (Y/N), but he’d never looked at them any differently than he did everyone else. 
“We’re just about ready to go,” he announced from the doorway. “Car is packed and running.” 
“Thank you, Russell,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “‘I’ll be out in a moment.” 
With a tip of his hat, he turned to leave the girls to say their goodbyes. It was the last moment they’d ever look as young as each other. Beauty stuck in time, and love perfectly conserved in the image of a memory. That’s how (Y/N) wanted to remember them: young, happy, and full of love. 
“I’ll come back every year,” she whispered to Bea as she cradled her cheeks. “Every single year, no matter what.” 
“And I’ll be waiting,” Bea smiled, tears falling down her cheeks. “I’ll always be waiting by Bound Soul’s Bank. Every year, to the day, I’ll be there. Even when I’m old and frail and can barely walk, I’ll be there.” 
“You are my sun,” (Y/N) cried shakily. 
“My moon,” Bea responded in tandem. 
“And all of my stars,” they said in teary unison before sharing a last passionate kiss and a tight hug. 
The last image (Y/N) had of Bea was as she ran through the village behind the running car, yelling words of love and encouragement until there was no trail left to follow and the trees engulfed her figure. 
And with a shattered heart, and the promise of a never-ending future, (Y/N) did the hardest thing she could imagine. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) started to live.
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corallapis · 10 months
hello!! sorry, i just finished watching new who and i am DYING for more thoschei content. i know classic who has more obviously but i heard there are like also books and audio dramas and comics and infinite other stuff (?) and i was wondering if you could recommend like a list of things to stream in order to get to know more of these two idiots (affectionate) as i am a bit lost in between all the content. or if you could point out a source where i can look that up for myself, it would be great as well! thank you so much in advance <3 and sorry if this seems silly i am v new to the fandom rip
hey anon!! no need to apologize, i'm honored this ask ended up in my inbox! :) and it's not silly at all, there's a LOT of stuff out there. which is wonderful! but can def be a bit bewildering, too.
i'd definitely recommend classic who as a place to start! don't feel like you need to go in headfirst w/ s1e1 tho. just jump in wherever interests you! if you'd like a slightly more curated d/m list:
terror of the autons/the mind of evil/the claws of axos: okay, so it was almost impossible for me not to just rec “all the three & delgado eps,” so have the first three & feel free to continue on if you find yourself loving them (you will)
the keeper of traken/logopolis/castrovalva: a proper lil trilogy of stories that gives us four -> five & beevers -> ainley
survival: the final dw ep! seven & ainley 😼
for some not-really-classic but still on-screen essentials:
the tv movie: aka “the enemy within.” eight & roberts 🐍
scream of the shalka: an animated webcast that at one point rly was the canonical ninth doctor. shalka!doctor (r. e. grant) & shalka!master (jacobi. yes, again. or previously, rather.)
the curse of fatal death: a comic relief sketch written by moffat which features a het version of d/m getting together romantically (now why does that sound familiar?)
for audios, here's a couple that are both standalone & very d/m-focused:
master: seven & beevers. a great audio ft. an origin story that is probably one of the most talked abt things on tumblr, so def check this one out!!
the last line: ten & jacobi. when you're on trial, who do you call for help? your best enemy, of course
blood of the time lords: four & dreyfus. a must-include for me personally bc it has one of my fave d/m concepts ever :)
for books, once you're in the deep end all the novelizations of the classic d/m eps can have great tidbits. some original story recs:
the dark path: two & “koschei.” another origin story that gave us that name for a pre-master master, written by our d/m comrade-in-arms david mcintee
harvest of time: three & delgado working together & confronting the past w/ a lovely dose of master angst
the infinity doctors: infinity & the magistrate <3. don't let these names or its timeline placement intimidate you, just go into it with the idea that this is an au (ish) where the doctor & the master both returned to gallifrey & you'll enjoy yourself!
and finally some comics:
flashback: another origin story which i've uploaded here :)
the eleventh doctor year two: the eleventh doctor confronts the time war ft. my fave lil guy the war child master!
doctor who: missy: aka “the master plan.” missy breaks delgado out of stormcage while pretending to be a version of the doctor he hasn't met yet
hopefully these will get you started! for even more, the main resource i use when looking for d/m stuff is the theory timelines for the master & the master's incarnations on the wiki! i just poke around & click links until i find something that sounds interesting! enjoy!!! :)
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partyofwords · 8 months
First Night Drunk ~ *Rosho Tsutsujimori*
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Summary: This is the first time you're seeing Dotsuitare Hompo drunk. You've heard Rosho was giggly and bubbly when drunk, but he has another side of him that surprises you after he's had one too many...
Pairing: Rosho Tsutsujimori X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 1385
Warning: Drunk Rosho (Because we need more of these fics)
Never in your life have you ever seen Rosho Tsutsujimori this drunk. Granted, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him drunk to begin with. But Sasara and Rei had somehow managed to rope him into their drunken festivities for the night. You were happy watching from the sidelines, a single glass of wine in your hands that you didn’t even plan to finish.
You had to admit, it was funny watching Sasara try to get the boys to sing songs from Osaka on the table. Rei refused to participate, but he still drank his beer with gusto. Rosho, on the other hand, was trying his best to keep up with Sasara, but was stumbling and slurring his words something fierce. It was very comical seeing the duo try so hard. No wonder they used to be one of the best comedy duos in Osaka.
However, the light, playful humor didn’t last long when Rosho glanced in your direction.
He had sauntered over to you, stumbling as he did. As he sat next to you, he gave what you thought was a flirty smirk. “Hello beautiful. What’s your name?”
You tried not to laugh at the fact that your boyfriend had no idea who you were. You decided to have a little fun yourself and told him, “I’m just a stranger, passing through.”
“Well, beautiful stranger, would you like to pass through my room before you have to go?”
This time you did laugh. “Why, are you flirting with me right now?”
He frowned. “I’m trying to make a move on you, not flirt. Flirting is childish. I don’t flirt. I never have flirted and I never will flirt.”
“So you’re making a move on me?”
“Before the other two numbskulls do.”
“I see.” You nod, trying to keep your laughter at bay. You were afraid it would only upset him more as he'd think his attempts at "making a move" on you weren't working. “Why are you asking me to your room then? What do you want to do with me?”
He stood up on swaying legs and held out a hand to you. “Now with you. To you. Come with me and I’ll show you.”
You glanced at the time before standing up and taking his hand. It was getting late and Rosho was pretty drunk. You might as well put him to bed if he was determined to take you to his room. 
Nevermind the fact that this was the first time you were going to see his room. It sort of felt like you were taking advantage of him. He was a very private person, so seeing his room without his explicit consent made you a little nervous. But Sasara and Rei were too drunk to even help themselves to bed. And it was technically your responsibility as Rosho's girlfriend to help him. So you might as well get it over with and make breakfast for the boys in the morning. All three were most likely going to suffer through terrible hangovers.
He fumbled his way to his room, still holding onto your hand. You flipped the light on and were met with a pristine, yet elegantly decorated room. It was absolutely perfect for Rosho.
“So what are we doing?” You ask as he tries to make his way to his bed.
Rosho sat down and patted the space next to him. You sat and he instantly draped himself over you like a blanket, causing you to jolt in surprise. You never realized how clingy of a drunk he was. Sure, you heard he was a giggly, bubbly drunk, but clingy as well? You might have just  hit the girlfriend jackpot with his drunk persona.
In a low, husky voice, he whispered in your ear, “I’m going to show you just how beautiful I know you are and how much I love you.”
Reading between the lines, your cheeks went hot as you laughed. Gently, you tried to pry him off of you. “Alright, alright. I see what you’re getting at. Let’s go to bed instead. You're drunk, my dear.”
He pouted for a split second before he gave a knowing nod. “You want me to go first?”
You were frozen as he took off his shirt and struggled to undo his belt. You had to admit, he had quite the physique, lean yet sculpted. But you were not about to ogle your boyfriend while he was drunk. He’d be completely nude before too long if you didn’t intervene.
Placing your hands over his carefully, you said. “Alright, alright. Let’s go to bed now. Please!”
“But I’m not done.”
“I mean go to bed to sleep. Not-” You didn’t even want to finish that sentence. So instead you said, “C’mon Rosho. I just want to cuddle with you. Can’t we just do that, please?”
He frowned. “Are you sure? I thought you wanted to… I mean this is your first time in my room, isn’t it? Isn’t that what you do when you have someone in your room with you that you love and find attractive?”
You shook your head, moving so that his hands were off his belt and in the space between you so you could give them a reassuring squeeze. “Not necessarily. Cuddling is also something fun that two people who like each other can do together.”
“And you want to do that? With me?”
“Yes, I do.” You nodded, with a kind smile. It seemed that the one caveat to his drunkenness is the fact he wasn't quite as smart as he usually was. Then again, you were his first real relationship. It made sense he felt like he wanted to please you. But you were just fine cuddling with him rather than actually sleeping with him. 
He nodded slowly. “O-okay. I’m not sure how. Will you show me?”
“Of course, my dear! First, however, we should get you into some more comfortable clothes. That way we can both be comfortable, okay?”
Well, you wouldn’t be, since you weren’t wearing pajamas, but that didn’t matter at the moment. What mattered was getting your normally uptight and skittish boyfriend to actually go to bed. Which was, of course, easier said than done. He didn’t want you to leave the room as he changed, but at least he was okay with you turning around so you couldn’t see. As tempted as you were to sneak a peek, you didn’t look. You were not going to break now.
When he was all dressed, you had him lay down and you took the position of the big spoon. Cradling him tenderly in your arms, you smiled to yourself and allowed yourself to kiss his cheek.
“How’s this?”
He nodded, burrowing deeper into your embrace. “This is nice. I like this. We should do this more often.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Yes, yes we should.”
“Good night, beautiful.”
Again, you pressed a soft kiss to the top of his nose, as you were so overwhelmed with love for him. “Good night to you as well, Rosho, my dear. Sweet dreams.”
As his breathing evened out, informing you he was asleep, you sighed. Tonight went a lot different than you anticipated, but it was still fun! You got to see Dotsuitare Hompo drunk, which was always a fun time. Especially when Sasara starts to sing and tell lame jokes. You never know which song he’s going to pull out of his extensive karaoke songs list he memorized.
But you also got to see Rosho drunk. It was definitely an experience. You definitely didn’t think he would be more than the giggly, bubbly drunk, much less the clingy, flirty type. But you really weren’t complaining all that much. It was cute and he was still rather smooth in his approach towards you. Although you were most definitely not going to tell him that.
And now you had him all snuggled up in your arms. Sure, he was probably not going to be happy being hungover tomorrow morning and having you in his room was going to shock the daylights out of him. But that was a bridge you would cross when you woke up.
For now, you just needed to decide what kind of pancakes you were making in the morning for them.
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eponymous-rose · 1 year
I found it super useful to do this in a previous year, so here's all the stuff I've got going on for the next three-month quarter. Hope this is interesting to anyone thinking of going the academic route or just curious about what their professor does all day when they're not teaching!
Context: I'm a fifth-year assistant professor (tenure-track) at an R1 public university in a science field.
I'm just teaching the one class this quarter! It's a class I created myself and have taught on four previous occasions, so I have a lot of really great materials available to me. Its enrollment has also quadrupled since the first time I taught it. Womp-womp. Designing and giving lectures 3x/week, creating new assignments 1x/week (carefully ChatGPT-proofed when they're not integrating critical assessments of ChatGPT), writing two take-home midterms, grading all of the above, and, of course, innovating on the course. Trying out some fun new activities to replace the individual projects that have become unwieldy with this number of students. And, inevitably, the scheduled and unscheduled office hours.
I'm primary advisor for a great new grad student, but, in all the federal government's deadline-y wisdom, the grant proposal I was going to use to fund his research fell through. While we scramble to re-submit, the department has given me 9 months of funding, but that also means this student is going up for some highly competitive graduate fellowships to help fill the financial void. Lots of working with him to craft his very first proposal while we talk the undergrad to grad transition, classes, and These Winters Oh You Know (he's from the PNW, he's all set). His actual research is a little on hold for now, but we'll be doing some very cool stuff collaborating with a friend at another university as well as someone at a federal agency that I'm gonna sweet-talk into inviting us down for some in-person work in May. We meet for an hour every week.
As part of that, I'm meeting weekly with my co-PI on that failed proposal to craft a resubmission (we got very positive reviews, just didn't make the funding cutoff). It's a process!
My other active grad student is getting to the end of his PhD already! He just wrapped up two internships this summer and is full of ideas and new directions, which is great, but also: now is the time to find that finish line. He has his last pre-defense exam coming up soon, and my job is to make sure he has a solid story to tell that has a well-defined ending. I'd like to see him publish another paper before finishing as well, and I think he'll have no problems doing so. He's on a federal research grant and also needs to discharge some responsibilities there and make sure he has a transition plan in place for whoever takes over from him. Had a friend at another institution reach out expressing an interest in hiring him for a postdoc, and he's interested, so also going to try to get him a visit down there. We meet for an hour every week!
Said student has also initiated a collaboration with some of his friends from school back in China to do some truly wild stuff, and honestly in this case I'm just along for the ride and to gently steer them back on-course when they start getting a bit in the weeds. We're meeting every second week, and the biggest thing I have to do here is make sure he has open access to a supercomputer to do his thing. It's cool to have reached the stage where my main responsibility is to get out of his way.
Said student also independently reached out to someone with a really cool dataset, and after a meeting carefully smoothing over that e-mail from "blasé demand for free data" to "opportunity to collaborate as a team", we've got a pretty cool project lining up. Might have to wait until after his PhD defense, though.
I have another grad student who took a job elsewhere and really, really wanted to finish his Master's remotely, which is all well and good, but honestly, doing that while trying to start a new job is soul-crushingly difficult. Our department has recently created an option to get a Master's without writing a thesis, so I need to follow up on that and get him this Master's degree.
A former student has reached out about converting his Master's thesis to a journal article, and that'll be a long process, but sure? Maybe? We'll figure it out.
A colleague and I have decided to create a research project for an undergrad who reached out to us looking for opportunities to get more credits. We're still not 100% sure where we're going with this, and a lot will depend on her programming skills, but she's only a sophomore and so we'll ideally have several years to work together on this research. We meet once a week.
Said colleague and I are also working on blending our research groups a bit (mainly because it's awkward to have 3-person "group meetings"), and as part of that we're trying to find a time to have both groups do biweekly coffee-shop meetings where we discuss a cool paper in the field.
I'm participating in a weather forecasting competition that involves writing a forecast 4 days a week, occasionally sending out reminder e-mails, meeting weekly, and probably giving a briefing at some point.
Traveling in October to give an invited seminar at a very big-name university in my field. This has been happening more and more lately (I've now given invited seminars/keynotes in four different countries, to say nothing of the conference talks elsewhere) and I have a pretty solid template for a one-hour talk, but this is a group of people who specialize in my area of research, so I've gotta step up my game there. I'll also be meeting with folks there for a day and will have to figure out what to do with my course while I'm gone.
One other bit of out-of-state travel in October is to attend a meeting of a national group I'm a part of - they've thrown in an early-career workshop, and the whole thing is being paid for, so I'll be there for one extra day learning me a thing. Excited that my grad school officemate will be there!
Final travel this quarter will be during the final exam week, when I go to a giant conference in my field along with my nearly-finished PhD student - we'll both be giving talks there, and since it isn't my usual professional organization hosting it, I get to avoid all of my usual wave of volunteer responsibilities. Phew.
This isn't happening until January, but I was invited to speak at the biggest student conference in my field, and while I can't travel there, they've set up an opportunity for me to do it virtually - I need to get my materials to them by November, I think.
I'm still on the editorial board for three different academic journals, which comes with a fair number of reviews (often "tiebreakers" when the other peer reviewers are in disagreement) every month. Genuinely really enjoy it, because otherwise when the heck am I gonna find time to deep-read any new papers in my field? Also writing reviews for federal funding agency grants now, which is a longer process but also very interesting and helpful.
I'm coordinating the charitable fundraising among the faculty in my department this year - I have a meeting coming up with the head honcho at the university level about what charity drives we'll be doing in the run-up to the holiday season and then I think I just mostly forward e-mails? This is a new position for me.
I'm one of four faculty (plus a grad student) on a new hire search committee for a tenure-track faculty member. It's been interesting thus far, but due to some financial tapdancing going on at the moment, we may delay the hire by a year. Our department typically gets 100+ highly qualified applications for each position (which is wild, we're not huge and have like 21 faculty total), so that's a huge time sink once the ball gets rolling on it. We did put together the ad we were going to send out.
I extended my term on the college's scholarship committee, which generally involves a couple meetings a year of giving out extra money to students. Good stuff, especially since we received a gift at the college level recently that means nearly everyone who applies gets something.
I'm working on a research project I got funded through a small internal grant - it's been weird to have a research project that's just me doing coding and writing. I really need to block out some protected time for that! It's a fun project and I think I budgeted for two publications. We'll see how it turns out!
A while ago, I was approached by a truly giant scientific journal to write a review article about my entire research focus. I brought on three colleagues who had written similar reviews in the past, got our proposal approved, and promptly had multiple freakouts trying to get a full draft written. Recently got most of that draft completed and sent it to the editor, who had AMAZING and detailed feedback. This is the kind of article where we have an art team at our beck and call to create graphics for us. We really want to do this right.
I got pulled into a research thing with a national lab a while ago and keep forgetting about it - my role appears to be mostly done, and now I mostly just occasionally get random e-mails with dire security clearance warnings that amount to "I wrote this whitepaper report, can you confirm I properly represented your contribution?" It would be lovely if a publication came out of this, it's fun work (not military), but who knows.
A colleague and I are waiting to hear back on a really, really cool grant proposal we submitted a couple months ago. We probably still have 6 months before we hear anything, but man, I think about it every day. It would be so neat and the program manager agreed that it was an awesome idea, but of course now we're in the reviewers' hands. We might do some preliminary work in anticipation of possibly having to resubmit next year.
Speaking of grant proposals, I need to at least put a draft together for a new project. As my grad students graduate, I need funding to bring new ones on! This is also the one thing my department chair has suggested is a little weak on my CV: number of grants obtained. It's SUCH a long process, with probably 80-100 hours of work for each grant proposal written. Ugh. It is fun when it's an idea I'm excited about, at least.
I'm on the committees of about a half-dozen grad students (and am anticipating possibly hearing from one more) - my role is mostly to provide very occasional guidance on the overall research project, providing specialized knowledge the student and their primary advisor may not have, and attending all exams. I also have to keep an eye out for and help mediate any issues between the student and their advisor. That can get messy.
We have 3 weekly seminars in the department! They're very interesting and I'm mostly just glad I'm not coordinating one of the seminar series this year.
I've started getting inquiries from potential graduate students. See above re: not knowing if I'll have funding for a new student next year. Why can't we just coordinate our deadlines?
I've started working with a science advisory board for a major organization within my field, which has been interesting so far! As a more junior member, my input isn't being super actively sought yet, so I get to just learn about the processes involved and nod sagely a lot. Thankfully the two-day meeting last week was remote.
I'm on another national committee that's currently working on organizing our next big conference in late 2024. There's always a lot that goes into that (and I don't have a super high opinion of the guy running the group after he posted some crappy stuff about students on social media), but thankfully I've managed to dodge some of the bigger responsibilities.
I'm part of a very cool peer-mentoring group where I chat weekly with scientists in different-but-comparable fields about any and all of the above. It's very nice to have a bit of a place to vent!
Oh yes, and the tenure/promotion-application process kicks off this year. I have a meeting next week with my mentoring committee to see if they feel I'm ready to go up. Here goes nothing...
I think that's mostly it? It's gonna be a busy 3 months. Time to make some lists...
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