#I have so many different poses of him in my camera roll lol
frank-kastled · 5 months
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what kind of sleep is this
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starkwlkr · 6 months
Could you do fic for James Vowles with wife reader? James and Alex had been lounging and capturing pictures around the track and he decided to take pictures of her because well she's beautiful in his eyes. So, when someone gets hold of the camera, they decide to give them an album for their anniversary. And that picture is on it. Just something fluff and cute. I don't know if it makes sense. Thanks!! :)))
happy anniversary | james vowles
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no faceclaim i just like putting pictures lol 🫶🏼 @pear-1206
requests are closed
recently alex had gotten a camera. he wasn’t going to follow lando daniel’s footsteps of making an instagram account just for his pictures, this was for fun. he was on the track with his team principal, james, trying out different setting and taking pictures of anything he liked.
“the sunset is pretty.” alex commented as he held his camera up to take a picture of the sunset. before he could take the shot, he noticed his girlfriend, lily, and you, james’ wife, walking the track. he decided to take the picture anyway. “maybe i should change my career.” he joked as he showed james the picture he just took.
“i still need my driver.” james replied. he took a look at the photo and smiled. after many years of dating and marriage, he fell more in love with you everyday. “do you mind if i borrow that for a minute?” he gestured to the camera.
“go ahead, i promised lily we would go to dinner. you can leave it in my driver’s room.” alex said as he left to go get lily so they could go to dinner.
from his spot, james watched as lily and alex left the track, leaving you behind. that’s when james got the bright idea of taking multiple pictures of you.
“you look beautiful, my love.” james called out as you were getting closer to him.
“james! no, i look horrible.” you playfully rolled your eyes. “at least get my good side.”
“every side is your good side, now show me your beautiful smile.” he instructed as he positioned the camera.
you followed his instructions. you weren’t sure how many he was taking so you stopped posing which caused him to groan.
“don’t stop, you look really pretty.” he lowered the camera and showed you the results.
“isn’t this alex’s camera? i think he’ll find it weird that his camera is filled photos of his team principal’s wife.” you looked at the other photos. “oh my god, i do look pretty!”
“that’s what i was saying!”
eventually alex did find the pictures of you when he got his camera back. he didn’t mind, after all it was just for fun. when he showed lily, she found it adorable.
“wait, i think their anniversary is in a few days. we can make an album for them with these pictures! we have to do it!” of course alex said yes, who could say no to lily?
so after a quick trip to the store to buy an album and print the pictures, lily and alex spent the night making your anniversary present.
a few days later, you were in james’ office sitting in the chair across from him at his desk. you were enjoying lunch together when a knock interrupted you. james wasn’t expecting anyone and his team knew it was his lunch break so he was confused.
“come in!” he called out.
seconds later, the door opened revealing lily, alex and several williams team members. even you were confused, probably more than james.
“sorry to disturb you, but we have a gift.” alex announced as he revealed a wrapped gift complete with a bow. “happy anniversary, we hope you like it.” he gave the present to you since you were closest to him.
“alex, don’t i will cry.” you said as you looked at james. “do you want to open it or should i?”
“go ahead, my love.” he nodded.
so you teared open the wrapping paper to reveal an album that had your and james’ names printed on it. you quickly showed james then opened it to reveal the pictures that your husband has taken of you.
“oh my god, this is beautiful.” you commented. “i mean, yeah it’s me, but still.” you said making everyone laugh.
“we also put in some pictures from your instragam, mrs. vowles, you know the ones from your wedding day, the day he proposed. it’s all in there.” alex added.
“i think i am crying, thanks alex i’m crying in front of my pasta!” you joked then stood up to hug the couple for the present. that’s when you noticed the williams team had been recording your reaction.
“this is definitely going every williams social media account.” james laughed.
it was definitely no secret that social media loved the vowles’ and now, they loved you even more.
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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luvnami · 3 years
𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - aa my first time writing for kny!! i hope you like it~ the title is a play on the word ‘pillars’ lol hopefully that makes sense... enjoy!! likes, comments and reblogs really help me a lot <3
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - @/amjustagirl​ (muacks)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 - mention of food
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 - what if the pillars were... cats?
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𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐠𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢
- the CHONKIEST fella you’ve ever seen in your entire life
- seriously, this cat feels like a brick when you try to pick him up
- yes, his fur is dense. no, he does not get any skinnier when he’s matted down with water
- a lovely, calm cat abandoned by his previous owners because they were moving out of the country
- he loves lazing in the sun and his brown fur turns golden in it!!!
- is a lap cat but doesn’t understand that your legs turn numb way too fast when he’s purring away like a little truck motor 
- (his purrs are so deep……. put him on an asmr youtube channel already!!!!)
- once, you had a dream that you were drowning. you found him sleeping on your chest when you woke up gasping for air
- broke a flimsy cat tree once and is now terrified of heights 
- a big baby :( kind of needy, always welcomes you at the door when you come home with chirps and gets frisky when you don’t return till late
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𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢
- …
- the quiet cat that seems like it might murder you in your sleep
- you adopted him together with kanroji because he simply wouldn’t leave her side and wouldn’t leave your side so… yeah
- this cat HATED you at first
- like… he even refused to eat the food that you tried to give him :/// you had to lure him out with some churu 
- you once woke up in the middle of the night because you were thirsty and found two glowy things at your bedroom door
- yeah, he was staring at you while you slept
- you didn’t dare to get a glass of water and just went back to sleep
- dark gray short fur with heterochromia! you think that he might be kanroji’s sibling but the centre said that they came in at different times
- he goes crazy for catnip oh my goodness
- he rolls himself in it and purrs so LOUD……….. ok iguro……..
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𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢
- so! affectionate!
- you adopted her from a local centre… seriously, who abandoned this pretty baby!!!!!!!
- (iguro insisted on being adopted as well. they come in a pair, do not separate.)
- is a white short fur with heterochromia <333 she looks so magical omg
- when you visited the adoption centre, she wouldn’t stop meowing and curling herself around your legs
- how could you not take her home!!!!!
- she tries to steal all kinds of food (even yours). please don’t own any plants, she will try to chomp them as well
- one time you came back home and heard some loud rustling from the door. you were terrified that it was a thief but when you switched on the lights, the cat had somehow managed to raid your pantry :/
- loves loves loves cuddles!! will even let you touch her soft tummy and play with her toe beans (only for a while though!)
- you wish she’d stop jumping around and getting into the hardest to reach spots…….
- loves trying out new collars, toys and even outfits!
- grooms iguro a lot and loves playing with him <3
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𝐤𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮
- y’all know the cats that play nice when you’re petting them and then bite your hand immediately after… yeah
- the childhood cat that gives you trauma after it scratched you one too many times
- but very lovable and social!! loves meeting new people and then giving you a smug look as she crawls into their lap
- is not tempted by treats… she will do a trick when she wants to
- siamese, brown to white with a tail that flicks too much when she’s irritated
- this cat pushes your glass of water off of the table while looking you in the eye
- will lay herself over your keyboard when you’re trying to work
- has and will chew up your socks again
- scratches your furniture even after you sprayed it with that ‘no-scratch’ spray
- HOWEVER she will occasionally let you scritch her chin when she feels amiable…….
- tries to groom you sometimes
- jumps around too much for her (and your) own good. has caused the shattering of many things and now you cannot place fragile objects on shelves
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𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨
- the most!! active and happy tabby cat you’ve ever seen!!!!! 
- meow! meow meow meow!
- man i have no idea what you’re saying rengoku but you look happy and adorable so have a treat
- probably a family cat that your dad brought back home (much to mom’s dismay) but he’s part of the family now
- VERY vocal at night no matter how much you try to tire him out in the day… rip 
- will wake you up because! human! it is night time and my water bowl is an inch out of place!
- has the most gorgeous coat ever… really. it’s an envy for many cat owners
- he struts around with his head in the air and demands many pets from you while yowling and pawing your leg
- loves outdoor walks, actually. will attack a dog on sight if given the chance so please keep him on a leash
- give him little booties to keep his paws clean!!!!!!!! he fell over the first time you put them on but now he’s used to it and he looks so cute omg
- very nurturing!! takes to other cats very easily and is a joy to have around if you’re fostering other animals (besides dogs)
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢
- this bastard cat
- hisses if you pat him for too long
- hisses if you don’t give him attention
- hisses while you’re pouring out his food and will NOT hesitate to bite you
- if you touch his paw pads, you can goodbye to your fingers
- i’m thinking……. gray shorthair with green eyes!
- probably a stray cat that you took in (which came with a lot of coaxing, snacks and wrangling) who got into one too many fights 
- he took a while to get used to staying indoors, often hiding in obscure places and was oddly possessive of your sofa
- no, he did not let you sit on it for a whole month
- he’s very protective and territorial! when he’s feeling like it, he’ll rub against you and get into your closet to curl up and scent your clothes (getting fur all over them)
- once, when you had some friends over, you had to lock him in your bedroom because he wouldn’t stop snarling at them
- no one dares to come over to your place after that
- (he’s secretly addicted to butt pats)
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𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
- black shorthair that literally appeared in your house one day
- you have no idea where he came from but you let him stay for a few days and he’s never left since then
- sometimes, he wanders outside (while chasing a butterfly or something...) but always comes back in time for dinner
- has the clearest emerald eyes!!
- he’s so quiet oh my goodness. you swear you’ve never heard him meow or chirp or purr once………. you think he might be a ghost cat sometimes 
- moves around silently too. has scared you on more than one occasion when you turned around and found him staring at you, or felt something furry brush against your leg while you weren’t expecting it
- doesn’t initiate affection much but will let you pet and smother him with love!! he kinda just… chills lol
- loves snuggling in the warmest places! sometimes you’ll come home and find a suspicious bump under your covers… lift it and you might find a friend within <3
- hates hate hates collars
- will literally bat at you if you ever try to put one on him
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𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮
- loves water so much its crazy
- you have to lock your bathroom door because he’s somehow managed to figure out how to open the doors in your house
- like, he’ll actually jump into the shower with you 
- you brought him home one day when you found him as a kitten in the rain outside :c (ur the hot anime character now)
- he’s really quiet! rarely meows and prefers to headbutt you (which can be slightly inconvenient, like that one time you were pouring coffee and nearly scalded the both of you)
- his fur is always messy. sticks up everywhere no matter how much you try to brush it
- black fur of medium length and thickness!!! puffs up SO MUCH when winter comes though
- it’s insane, he looks like a ball of soot
- exceptionally fast. when you try to play fetch with him, all you’ll see is a black blur darting back and forth
- easily scared
- you have to be careful when rounding corners or petting him because if he doesn’t expect it he’ll jump like five feet in the air
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𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧
- if you do not change his collars or outfits at least once a week or brush him daily he will start yowling
- you decided to adopt him after your neighbour moved to an apartment that didn’t allow cats
- unfortunately, your neighbour was also the most outrageously extravagant person you’ve ever met and spoiled uzui too much
- a good chunk of your monthly spending goes to the cat
- will not eat cheap cat food (how can he tell the difference…?)
- occasionally buries himself in the back of your closet because it’s dark and smells like you but please help me i’m entangled in a scarf and can’t get out!
- loves posing for photographs and being cooed over!! if you run an instagram account for him you’ll be sure to get popular really quickly
- he just… knows the camera is there lol
- hates having his nails clipped omg
- he will run around the house just to escape you and will only be bribed by a fancy new outfit or a churu
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babbushka · 3 years
The Zodiac mood board seems so fun! My 4 placements are: sag sun, virgo moon, libra rising and sag Venus and hmm let’s go with Mob! Or Bond!Kylo 🤍or whoever fits the moodboard the best. (My libra rising is showing 🤣) hope you’re doing well, Z 🌷
A/N: Thank you so much for submitting! I hope that you enjoy this vignette!! (Also lol hell yeah libra gang unite!)
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If you hadn’t been used to this by now, you suppose, as you sit tied up by one of Kylo’s security measures, you’d be rather pissed off. But, you are used to his antics, because that’s entirely what this game is -- and right now, you’re the mouse in his trap. Really it was quite clever, you had to admit. Who knew one could train sharks?
The one thing that you do hate, though, is the fact that you are soaking wet and still in your scuba gear, sitting in one of the many holding rooms. Didn’t the cronies get the briefing that you weren’t actually to be treated like an invader? Apparently not, you shiver, hoping for your...well, you didn’t know what to call him. Hoping for Kylo to come get you and give you something warm to wear.
Speak of the devil, the doors open to reveal your target in a plush velvet smoking jacket and slippered feet, looking you up and down and offering, “I don’t know why you don’t just use the front door.”
“It would have been too obvious.” You retort, making him chuckle out a plume of smoke.
He unties you and immediately helps you out of your spy outfit, toweling you down and wrapping you up in a robe of your own. Normally there are words exchanged, banter that you’ve come to expect, but today there’s none.
Instead, he takes you through this large and spindling castle -- if it’s not a castle, it does an excellent job of looking like one -- to his bedroom. Through the hallways, you look out through the windows and see such a different world than the one you are used to. This was nothing like the big cities that you called home, here there was nothing but dark forest for miles and miles, the only clearing for a field where Kylo kept horses in the distance.
In his bedroom, you notice something, a large painting of a beautiful woman reclining in a lavish bed. You stand there, admiring the artwork as Kylo admires you.
“Do you know her?” You ask, trying trying trying not to sound jealous (you’re not sure if you succeed).
“No, I...acquired this artwork only recently.” Kylo replies with a smirk, meaning it was likely lifted from a museum in some heist you were sure to hear about back at headquarters. “Would you pose for me like that?”
“You’re an art aficionado now, are you?” You can’t help but tease, but his eyes are sparkling with a playful energy that has you shucking the robe off, and climbing into his bed.
“I always appreciate the beautiful things in front of me.” Kylo points out, before rummaging through one of the large secretary cabinets and pulling out a film camera.
Rolling your eyes with fond exasperation, you glance at the artwork and arrange yourself in a similar manner, holding still for him to take the photo. Once the flash goes off, you relax, chuckling to yourself, only to be startled by another flash.
Kylo approaches the bed, and he too removes his robe and slippers, and after he has indulged a good while of kissing you and laughing with you, he fills up the rest of his roll well into the night.
Tagging some friends! If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please fill out THIS form!
@sunflowersinthesnow @iamburdened @Painttheskylineforme @safarigirlsp @mrs-gucci @valxntinex @darkhairedmenrule @whateveryousay-dude @baubub @einmal-im-traum @justlenastuff @Simpin-mama @empressofalderaan @angel-bxby3 @depressedkyloren
Credit for the images from this twitter thread!
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
watermelon sugar - harry styles
i’m sure that a lot of people are writing about this or something similar since the music video just came out, but i hope this is new and everyone enjoys:) (Also sorry if I used your names as some of the models, I made them up as I went lol)
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“Are you sure about this?” I ask while adjusting the strap of my swimsuit over my shoulder. I catch his eyes in the reflection from the mirror in front of me. I’ve only been sitting in the chair for a few minutes, the makeup is very minimal for the shoot.
“Absolutely.” Harry takes a step forward and hugs me from behind. “They don’t know we’re dating yet, and then once we decide we’re ready it’ll be a fun little easter egg for them to discover”
“Only, if you’re one hundred percent sure. I don’t want us getting out there before you want it to.”
“Of course, love.” He leans forward to press a kiss to my temple, “I think it’s only right to have the muse for the music in the video.”
Harry gets called to set shortly after that and I go hang out with the other girls for the shoot while they get everything ready and Harry films the first scene by himself. It couldn’t have been planned for a better day, the weather is perfect.
“Hey, Y/n.” The girls greet as I walk over.
“Hi!” I smile, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet almost all of them already. We had a few test shots together to get over with before today. All of them have been beyond kind and more than happy to keep Harry and I’s relationship a secret. Sometimes I think they’re more in love with our relationship than I am, which is saying something.
It wasn’t hard for them to figure out between the whispering and the glances exchanged. Plus Harry can be a very affectionate person, and he doesn’t want to hide our relationship from anyone, but the press.
“How’s it going?” Angela asks, everyone looks over the options from craft services.
“It’s alright, I’m excited. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“I find that hard to believe!” Heather chimes in, “You could easily be a model. I could totally refer you to my agency.”
“Well, let’s just see how today goes.” I laugh.
I never saw myself as a model, I know that I’m attractive, but never saw myself to that level of desirable. Harry has helped my confidence in so many ways. He can find beauty in almost anything.
“Who here needs sunnies?” One of the assistants on set asks as she lugs a basket with a variety of them.
All of us move forward to look at the options, attempting to match them with our outfits. They all have funky shapes and a colorful tint.
“How about these?” I ask, throwing on a purple pair. I pose a few times making everyone laugh.
“No way.” Jen pulls them off with a giggle, “Blue is totally your color for the day. It matches.”
I take the shades she hands me and my view takes on a blue haze.
“They’re not too big for my face?”
“I think they look great.” A  familiar voice calls over my shoulder.
“You think?” I bite my bottom lip, hiding a smile. “I’m not quite sure I’m sold. I feel very blue.”
“I like them.” He pulls them off my face and puts them on himself. He checks his reflection and smiles, a sure sign that he probably wants to steal them.
“I think they look better on you.” I peck his lips, “You have a big head.”
“Hey!” He pouts, wrapping his arms around my waist as his head drops to my shoulder. I laugh and wrap my arms back around his shoulders, rubbing up and down his back.
“It’s a compliment! I need to find a new pair to wear though seeing as you’ve taken mine.” I turn as best as I can with Harry still weighing me down, not relenting his grip.
“One pair left.” Andy hands me the last pair and I thank her. She hands me a red pair that I tuck on the top of my head just in time for us to start filming.
“C’mon love, I know you can do better than that. I’ve seen ya do it better.” He teases, a proud smirk hiding behind the camera.
“Yeah, usually it doesn’t involve a whole crew staring at me.” I give him a dirty look.
Of course faking an orgasm on camera in front of a whole crew would be something easy to him.
“Do we have any tequila on set?” I tease.
“Y/n, it’s not even noon.” Harry reminds with a laugh.
“Says you.” I roll my eyes.
It takes some time and letting lose a little to get shots that look good. It got easier each shot we did. We got several takes that the director and Harry approved of.
If you had told me a year ago that I would be faking an orgasm in a swimsuit on a beach with a watermelon between my legs, I would’ve called you crazy.
“You did it, love.” He tackles me down in the sand. He knew that this was the part that I was least excited for.
“Hey, you got sand all over my watermelon.” I look at the slice that he’s successfully knocked onto the beach.”
“Oh is it now?” He raises his brows, a wide smirk gracing his face.
“Shut up!” I push him off.
“You set yourself up for that one!” He calls after, still laughing.
The other girls film some takes and I’m relieved to have some of the pressure gone. It settles me a little that some of the other girls struggle too, trying not to laugh.
We move on to the next scene which is a group scene. We’re all laid out on the beach, Harry central to everyone. He kept trying to pull me in closer, but I fought to stay by some of the other girls.
“This is just supposed to hint at our relationship, Styles.” I pull my ankle from his grip.
“But, I want to be next to you.” He pouts.
“Aww.” Heather sighs, giving me puppy dog eyes.
“If you feel so bad, you can kiss him for this.” I tell her with a laugh, laying back down on my beach towel.
“Ya don’t even want to kiss yer own boyfriend?” He huffs. He scoots a little closer and reaches an arm out. I expect him to run a hand through my hair, but I’m surprised when he pulls my sunglasses off my face.
“Would you stop stealing my sunglasses?” I yell trying to reach for my pair back. He pulls me close to his side, locking his arms around my waist.
“You just make them look so cute.” He grins.
“Ass.” I mutter as I wiggle from his grip.
“Excuse me, miss, what was that?” He laughs pulling me in closer.
“Get off me.” I can’t fight off the laughter anymore.
We start filming and it takes a lot of shots to get a good mix of everything. Harry being fed fruit, Harry admiring all us girls, and just a lot of overall touching. Touching is a common thread in this video. Heather and Nadra end up being the girls to kiss him on the cheek, but I give in when Harry wants to lay on my chest and be the one to feed him. I’m sure we got a lot of bloopers from it because there were many takes that one of us would breakout laughing.
We move to the next location where we are all supposed to take a group picture, eat more watermelon, and fall into a big group of touching again.
Harry’s fingers are intertwined with mine while my limbs are tangled with someone I’ve only met twice. We lay around for a while, for a full day on set with filming it’s kind of relaxing. We move on to the next bit right after, everything between scenes moving quickly. We’re attempting to film it all in one day so avoid lighting issues between days.
“You better lookout, you keep making music videos with orgys and you’ll get a reputation.” I tease, whispering over his shoulder.
“You’re so in for it when we get home.” He shakes his head while still smiling at the camera.  
“Can’t wait.” I smile.
The other girls laugh, of course they heard our conversation we’re all standing or sitting close together for the picture and filming everything. I hover over Harry’s shoulder, liking my spot in the back.
“Alright, so we’ve done all the shots for this spot, we’ve just got one left. We saved it for last because it’s when everyone is eating, Everyone try to get Harry to eat your piece.” The director instructs before calling action.
I share a piece with a girl named Adaline before moving in on Harry, I hold out my piece for him, while I lean in closer to him and bite down lightly on his earlobe. I catch his eyes half close for a second and smirk.
Before he knows it, I move on to be with the other girls and the director yells cut.
“You are something else today, baby.” He shakes his head, still seemingly a little dazed.
“C’mon, babe, we only have one more spot to film.”
I reach out my hand for him to follow as we go down to the beach again. The sun is setting now, casting a completely different light from earlier today. Our director informs us that this is just going to be placed between other shots. More montages of us with Harry, running around on the beach.
“Christ, the water is freezing.” Anna takes a step back out of the water's reach. We’re filming in Malibu, but it’s still technically winter so the water isn’t exactly comfortable.
“Yeah, that’s why we’re running.” Harry laughs, “We barely need to get our ankles wet.”
It doesn’t take long to get enough takes, these scenes are supposed to seem carefree, so they aren’t really planned out.
“Alright, I think we’ve got it all.” The director announces and we all let out a cheer. I give the girls all hugs and find Harry thanking them.
“Hey.” I smile, I kick up a small amount of water on his leg to grab his attention. He turns and there’s already mischelf in his smile.
“Don’t you dare.” I hold out a hand to stop him. I recognize that evil look in his eyes. I take off in a sprint, but his long legs don’t take long to catch up. He reaches around and hooks me into his chest. Before I know it, my feet are off the ground and Harry and I are going in. The water was cold before, but now that I’m enveloped in it, it’s freezing.
Harry and I both come up sputtering for air.
“You ass.” I fight and wrestle with him trying to pull him under again. We’re both laughing while fighting for the upperhand.
“Alright, lets go.” He pulls me up with him. I pull him down one more time, this time for a long kiss. HIs lips are warm and familiar. We walk up the shore a little bit, finding the crew again.
“Thank you for today.” His arm wraps around my shoulder. We both found towels to fight off the teeth chattering.
“Of course, I had so much fun.” I grin. “Plus, I think I’ve made some new friends.”
“That’s lovely. Now let’s get you home.” He pats my bum and scoops up my legs and takes off running.
We filmed the video months ago, and today is the day it’s finally released. It’s been done for a while now, but Harry thought with quarantine and everything it might be a nice pick me up for everyone.
“Ready?” Harry asks as he pulls up the video on the TV.
“Yes! It’s been killing me not seeing it.”
Harry has been in the know of everything, giving his input and changing parts that he wants to. I have been in the dark to it all, seeing the video at the same time as the world. As soon as the music starts and the screen starts to play it a smile grows on my face.
“Oh my god, it’s Angela, and Heather, and Nadra, and Adeline!” I name each girl as they come across the screen. “I miss them.”
I have to fight the urge to cringe when it’s me on the screen. It’s beautifully done, a masterpiece, but I don’t want to think about my parents seeing this.
“Alright, we get it love, you’re friends with em all now.” He teases.
“Shut up!” I slap his chest, “You kind bond with someone when you film a clothed orgy with them.”
Harry’s cheeks turn pink while he fights a smirk.
The video continues and it’s a reminder of what an amazing day it was. It’s cool to see the way it was edited. The way all of us girls were blended together, and small touches were magnified. Everything just feels so sexy. I feel Harry poke at my sides any time that it’s the two of us on the screen, which I have to say might be a tad bit more than other girls. I know for sure that the other girls didn’t get an intense slow motion zoom in if they ever nibbled on his ear. Now it’s my turn to blush.
“Baby, you’ve smashed this.” I comment as the video comes to an end.
“You too.” He presses a kiss to my lips.
“I also have a little surprise.” He reaches for his phone from the coffee table.
“And what would that be?” I prompt, turning to face him on the couch, my legs finding home on his lap.
“This.” He hands me his phone and it’s another video from the day. It’s all of the shots that they filmed on the retro camera for film. It’s a lot of behind the scenes, stuff I never even knew that they were filming for.
Harry giving me hugs while I was in hair and makeup.
Harry and I trading off sunglasses, Twice.
Harry and I’s conversation from when we were taking the group photos.
Harry throwing me in the water and us playfully fighting through shivers.
Harry and I walking away on the beach, as he scoops me up and takes off running.
It was all captured, and I was none the wiser.
“What is this?” I smile, handing him his phone back.
“The video I’m posting...tonight. To confirm our relationship, because I don’t want to hide you anymore. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Especially after that video.” He smirks.
“I love you.” I sigh, pressing my lips to his a few times.
“I love you too.”
“Play it again.” I lay my head back on his shoulder.
“Just for you, sugar.” Harry grins.
this was cute, hope you enjoyed:)
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purpleyellow · 4 years
A guide to Resonance: Bee edition
NCT 24th member / Dream 8th member
Bee’s Masterlist
a/n: Guess who’s back?? Our favorite chocolate lover shorty!!. Idk if it translates but the format I was going for is the one of those guide youtube videos lol. anyway, enjoy!
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Parts in the discography and a little rant because I got carried away
Make a wish
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she had three of the “put your hands together, make a wish” lines, “it’s your birthday, make a wish” in the English version. 
some fans joked that she wanted Jaemin’s lines because it talked about sweets (someone protect this kid istg) but in the end half of the fandom got fooled into thinking it was true, which then, led to chenle mentioning in his radio that she wasn’t as naive as everyone thinks bee literally beat him up for saying that when she wasn’t around to defend herself, also a total of 0 people believed him but moving on
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her and jaemin have a little “showdown” starting at 1:41 with a fun little dance move where they point at each other as they sing: 
B: Yo dream rush 
JM: We don’t stop 
B: No break 
JM: Going dance
and after that she finishes off the line leading up to the prechorus (the one renjun does one irl)
Dancing In The Rain
*vocalist yunhee has entered the chat*
unlike many dream songs, where her voice is usually used as background vocals, this time bee basically took over the chorus. and adding her little rap at 1:31-1:36 this song was the one she was most perminent in during both albums
she had the intro verses ( Between busy shoulders, I take quick steps like I'm a kid / I feel like I'm dreaming, I pinch my cheek / Oh my, it's real ) and did a little of backing vocals as well
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there were mixed opinions on this but she was given a total of 0 lines in the whole song. some said it’s because she got center position during one of the dance breaks, and others argued her voice wouldn’t match the vibe of the song. but at the end of the day, most people agree that the sneaky wink she sent the camera was nothing but iconic
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little moments during promotions
let’s start with the form 
to be more exact, some interesting things fans picked out about hers and the members’ answers
it kind of caught a lot of people by surprise when she put jungwoo as the member she wanted to get closer
and it was even more surprising the fact that she said xiaojun was the one she had a good chemistry with
because as much as she seemed to have a good relationship with Kun, Winwin, and Lucas, nobody expected her to be close with someone “newer”
especially while not talking as much with jungwoo who’s been around for as long as she had 
also, worth mentioning haechan said she had the name that best matched, but instead of writing bee, he wrote yunhee.
cue the million compilations of haechan refusing to call her by her stage name during vlives
and to end the form thingy, it was the funniest to everyone that lucas answered himself to everything BUT the question about who he would want as a sibling
yes, he answered bee but she actually wrote doyoung instead and he pretended to be hurt about it, so beexlucas autumn fight i guess 
jumping into another topic, the vlive relays
or to be more exact, the infamous nomin+xiaojun vlive
again, everyone was shook at how comfortable xiaojun and bee were together, especially when him and jaemin, despite also being in the same unit, were the mess they were
but don’t get me wrong, the whole thing was still very very very awkward
she cringes even remembering
BUT at least she wasn’t the awkward one this time
though at some point, it did look like she and xiaojun were having a complete different conversation from what jeno and jaemin were talking about
also, nct world 2.0, maybe I’ll write more about it later
during the first episode, her task was to balance herself on top of a tilting table and hold a ballet pose
the recipe for a disaster considering she’s a bit of a clutz
so jaemin and hendery (who were next to her) tried to sneakily cheat and hold the thing stable
cue electronic voice getting mad and a few consecutive fails
she ended up doing it quite fast though since it wasn’t that complex
and lastly, chenji giving her the mask necklace thingy
bee got super whiny that they never invite her to do crafts with them
chenle literally rolled his eyes and threw the package at her face
and she kept saying she could have done better without even checking the orange chain with yellow ornaments
yeah, bee loved it after she took a look at it
and when she went to hug them as a thanks they ran away from her 
unintentionally starting a game of chase that lasted for a good three seconds before she gave up and walked away
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Angel (Pt. 2)
Angel (Pt. 2)
Harry Styles x Reader
A/N: This one was inspired by Harry’s song Only Angel. It’s five parts in total. If you like it, be sure to give it a reblog and check out the other parts linked below. Thanks, and enjoy <3
Warnings: Ummmmmm anger? Alludes to sex. That’s about it. 
Part 1  -  Part 3  -  Part 4  -  Part 5
My first walk went by in a flash. I hardly realized I was out there before I was disappearing behind the curtain again. Still, I was filled with adrenaline and exuberance when I stepped off and realized that I was a true Angel now. Unable to stop myself from laughing, I allowed myself to be ushered to the rack of clothes holding my outfits for the night. I completely forgot that Harry was even there as I quickly changed and got ready to walk again. With every pass on the runway, I gained confidence. Before too long I was having fun and interacting with the performers, just like the Angels who had been doing this for years.
The show passed by all too fast, and suddenly it was time for the final segment, the Goddesses. As the assistant strapped on my wings, I realized that this time I would have to walk while Harry performed. My nerves returned in droves as I lined up with the other girls and Harry made his way onto the runway.
Harry’s song filtered through the air and Romee started her walk. I closed my eyes as I waited my turn, allowing the smooth voice of my brother’s best friend to fill me. Despite everything that had happened, it still relaxed me, and by the time it was my turn to walk, my nerves were all but gone again.
“Couldn’t take you home to mother in a skirt that short,” Harry sang as I stepped forward.
I smiled as I remembered a time when he had told me something similar. I was fifteen at the time and wearing a mini skirt for the first time. Harry, who was a few years older than me, had whistled and told me both our mothers would kill me if they saw me. With an eye roll I had told him to fuck off, which earned me another smart-mouthed comment. Five minutes later my mom saw me and yelled at me to go change. Harry teased me about it for weeks.
Seconds later and I was stepping onto the runway, a large smile on my face. Harry’s back was to me as I walked forward, but it wouldn’t be long before he caught site of me. A small part of me admitted that I was excited to see his face when he saw me walk the runway for the first time.
I was at the end of the runway, just finishing my pose and preparing to turn back, when Harry sang the line that made everything about this song click into place.
“Told it to her brother and she told it to me, that she’s gonna be an Angel just you wait and see,” Harry sang, causing me to almost stumble.
My eyes snapped to him, barely concealed horror on my face as I realized that this song was about me. He had written a song about me, of all people.
Then he smirked, holding my eyes and forcing my heart into overdrive as he sang, “When it turns out she’s a devil in between the sheets and there’s nothing she can do about it.”
It took every ounce of my willpower to not drop my smile or blush or stumble. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me because I knew that even though the world didn’t know he was singing about me, both our families did. Unfortunately though, I had to finish my walk with enthusiasm and a smile, all under Harry’s amused gaze.
As soon as i stepped backstage, my smile dropped and my hands began to shake. I made my way to get changed into my final outfit, but I could barely breathe. He had taken the simultaneously best and worst event of my life, written a song about it, and shared it with the world. I knew, even then, that that’s what he did, he wrote songs, but I never thought he’d let the world hear a song about that. To make matters worse, he chose to sing it at the fashion show I had been working toward my whole life. He knew how important this was to me and what seeing him, let alone hearing that song, would do to me. He had ruined this fashion show for me, and had nearly ruined my career, and I was pissed.
I embraced my anger, using it to help me pull myself back together. By the time I was stepping back onto the runway, it was like nothing had happened. Harry was singing the first verse of his song again, but I refused to be swept up in any memories. This time I walked stronger, still with a smile but no longer as playful as I had been before. And this time when I turned at the end of the runway and let my eyes meet his, all that there was for Harry to see was rage.
He didn’t falter as I had hoped, he was too good for that, but he sang the next line with a softer look in his eyes.
“My only angel, woo ooh-ooh,” he sang, his eyes pleading.
Smiling a smile I knew he would notice was fake, I blew him a kiss. harry placed his hand against his heart with a smile that was more genuine than mine and continued singing. Focusing my eyes forward again, I finished my walk. I knew that no one would catch the undertones of the exchange. To them it looked like childhood friends having fun with each other on stage, but to us it was very different. Harry knew me well enough to see the hostility of the action and how angry I was at having my hurtful past forced into the open like that; and I knew him well enough to see the apology in his eyes and the acknowledgement that our pass hurt him too. We were always really good at reading each other, I just didn’t care about his pain anymore. Not after what he did to me then, and especially not after what he just did to me now.
I didn’t have any time to rest before we were lining up for the final walk. Harry stepped off the runway and the first model stepped on. I could feel Harry’s eyes on me but refused to look at him, instead focusing on Martha’s wings in front of me. He would hear from me, but not till after my job was done.
The final walk was exciting, everyone on stage together, confetti falling from the ceiling. But like everything else, it was over all too fast, and we were popping champagne backstage to celebrate. Not in the mood, I made my way back to my rack to get changed into my street clothes. 
“Y/N!” Elsa called just as I was slipping my t-shirt on, “You’re coming to the after part right?”
I grinned, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Yay!” she squealed, giving me a hug then running off to get changed.
I chuckled at her energy, allowing myself to revel in the moment. I had just walked in a Victoria’s Secret fashion Show, as an official Angel, and now I would go to an official after party. Chuckling again, I thought about Harry’s song and how perfect it really was for the show. I told him I would make it, and I finally did. But I was still going to kill him for releasing that song.
Pulling my phone out of my purse that was sitting next to the rack, I searched for Harry’s contact. It had changed a lot over the years, but he always sent me the new one, and for reasons I wasn’t going to admit, I always saved it. Quickly finding it, my thumb hovered over the “message” option, stopped by his contact picture.
It was the same picture it had always been, from long ago when things were happy. Harry was standing with his arms around me, holding me tight against his chest. He was pressing a sloppy kiss to my forehead, and I was making a face at the camera, but it was obvious that I enjoyed it. We were both happy, and our happiness was shining from us like a light. It was after we had realized how we felt, but before everything went wrong.
Sighing, I pushed back the emotions bubbling up at the sight of the picture and clicked on the “message” option. I typed out a quick message and hit send before I could second guess myself.
‘Are you coming to the after party’
Within seconds the little typing bubble popped up. I held my breathe as I waited a few seconds for his reply.
‘Do you want me to?’
I rolled my eyes and contemplated just ignoring him. Of course I didn’t want him to go, but I also wanted the chance to yell at him for that song. Deciding to let him sit and stew for a bit, I gathered up my things instead of replying.
Once I had my purse, shoes, and jacket on, I pulled my phone back out. I decided on, ‘We need to talk’ so I didn’t have to actually answer his question. He replied almost instantly.
‘Is the party really the best place to talk?’
‘Yes, there will be too many witnesses for me to kill you.’
I smiled to myself, pleased with my answer.
‘Lol. Really, angel? You, kill me?’
I huffed, annoyed at his use of the nickname he had given me years ago when I insisted I’d be an Angel one day. When I was younger it was cute, but after the first night we… it wasn’t cute anymore. 
‘Yes. Are you coming or not?’
I waited about a minute for a response, but when I didn’t get one, I decided to head to my hotel room. I still had to get ready for the party after all.
My phone dinged just as I got into a cab. I told the driver the name of the hotel we had been put up in, then took out my phone.
‘Yes, I’m coming. But this would probably be better in private. Come to my hotel room. 839 at the Park Hyatt.’
I laughed and rolled my eyes. Of course he was staying at the same hotel as us. But, he was right. There would be a lot of cameras and people at the party, and this wouldn’t exactly be a casual conversation. I would probably yell, and he would probably try to remind me of the happy times, and I didn’t really want anyone to hear that. Not only would it end up all over the Internet, but the girls and I weren’t exactly close. They don’t need to know about my past.
Huffing, I typed out a reply just as the cab pulled up to the hotel.
‘Fine. I’ll be there in 5.’
I paid the cabbie and thanked him for the ride, then slid out. Summoning my anger back to the forefront of my mind, I stormed through the lobby. Before I could get onto the elevator, however, I heard someone call my name from behind. 
Turning, I saw Alessandra making her way toward me with concern on her face.
“Hey Ali,” I sighed, “what’s up?”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. You haven’t really talked to any of us since the show started,” she said softly.
“I’m fine, I promise,” I smiled softly, appreciating her concern, “I just have something I need to do before the party.”
“Ok,” she said cautiously, not convinced that I was actually fine, “But promise to call me if you need anything.”
My smile widened, knowing she really meant it, “Ok mom, I will.”
Alessandra laughed, pushing my shoulder and telling me bye as she walked away. I smiled after her. She really was like a mom, and I was honestly glad that I had her here with me. Especially since I didn’t exactly have my family anymore.
Sighing, I hit the button for the elevator. I tapped my foot as I waited, my nerves bubbling up full force. I was pissed, but I was also nervous. I hadn’t been alone with Harry in five years, and the last time I was, I made the mistake that cost me my entire family. He was so charming, and so good at getting me to forget why I was mad. But I couldn’t let myself forget, not this time.  This time was too important, and he had ruined my life too many times already.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Taking a deep breathe, I steeled my nerves and stepped on. It was time to face the music and to finally face my past.
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Adventures in Prague
Word count:6105 Genre: Smut, but with like plot and romantic stuff. Pairing: Tobias Sammet x Reader Warnings: Smut Summary: Reader is a photographer for Avantasia and also Tobi's gf and the band has a concert and then a day off in Prague. And there are some adventures and fun stuff to be had.
You also can find this on Archive of our own.
A/N:I think that this fanfic is like my come back to writing fanfics lol. It took me like 3 months to write it and it's really different from the other ones I've written. This one was proofread by my friend ♥♥ P.S. I've never played Fifa so if it's incorrect I'm so sorry.
Another night, another concert. Usually it’s like that, but not this time. This time we’re anticipating an off day in the beautiful city of Prague. Just one more concert night.
I don’t dare whine even a tad bit to Tobi because I know that his job is harder and is more tiring than mine, but I can’t help showing how excited I am that we’ll have an off day exactly in this city.
My camera’s battery is fully charged and ready, lenses that I’ll need are unpacked, and I am ready for another three and a half hours of work. Tonight, Tobi seems to be in an extra good mood, probably because he loves performing in Czech Republic so much. I know that my job is to capture the best moments of the concert, but I can’t help smiling when Tobi or one of the other guys tells a joke. I mainly stay by the stage, but a few times I go to the backstage to rest a bit or to capture some moments from a different perspective. I don’t forget the fans either. I know, I’m mainly a band photographer, but capturing emotions of the fans is a good thing as well. Tobi seems to have upped his posing game for this show, or maybe it’s just me. I haven’t had more intimate moments with him for a while. Kissing or hugging doesn’t count. But enough whining. Every time Tobi spots me or comes to one side of the stage where I am and starts his silly poses, I can’t help but feel a bit hot. I smile as I take pictures. A few times he lets his tongue out for a picture, and I hear some fans screaming louder. Yes, fans do love that. Of course, I also take pictures of the other Avantasia guys. They pose less, but that’s okay for me. It makes my job more interesting.
Finally, the show is almost over. I go up on stage and take pictures of the band and the fans. Then my job for today is over, and I can go back to the hotel. Sometimes I hang around the backstage to take more pictures, but today I am done. All I want is a hot shower and bed. And Tobi of course, ehehe. I get to the hotel first. It’s a public secret between the band that I am with Tobi, so of course we share a room. I take all my clothes off except for my underwear, then turn on my laptop and let all my pictures be transferred to it. Then I jump in the shower.
Later, Tobi comes in and finds me all comfortable in bed with my laptop, quickly editing pictures. We smile at each other. I can see that he is tired. He surely gave his all tonight, and I’m not surprised that he goes for the shower straight away. After a good thirty minutes he comes out and flops beside me on the bed. I look at him and suddenly I get this strong craving. I think I know where it came from. I also know that he won't fall asleep right away, no matter how tired he is. Adrenaline from the show hasn't worn off just yet. So I put down my laptop and get closer to him. He finally opens his eyes and looks at me. “Want cuddles?”
“Always.” I giggle a bit. “But first, let me take care of you. Let me do something that will make you feel good.”
I see him wanting to protest and quickly put my finger on his lips. “I know, it's not what you think it is, and like I said, please, let me take care of you. You won't need to do anything. Just lie here, relax, and enjoy.”
He knows me, and he knows my sex drive, which can be high, and, sadly, when he is touring he is usually too tired to have some intimate time, even if we are in a hotel. Of course, his sex drive acts up too, but he can ignore it. I, on the other hand, really struggle with that, and sometimes I have to take care of it myself if I'm not fast asleep. It's kinda frustrating, but tour life is tour life - he warned me about this. Probably that's why the other guys leave their significant others at home. Of course, Tobi could have decided to choose someone else as a band photographer, but I guess his emotions got the better of him, and he chose me. And I was glad to be included into this happy family on the road. I don’t wait for his response, but I know that even though he is tired, he is also curious about what I'll do. I straddle him and start kissing his face. Nose, cheeks, forehead, and finally his lips. He giggles and smiles at the kisses. I let myself kiss him for some time. I always love kissing him, and lucky for me he loves kissing just as much. I break the kiss, then kiss down his jaw to his neck. I give his neck so many kisses until I am down to his shoulders. Then I move to his chest and keep slowly moving downwards. He sighs and makes some quiet noises. I feel his relaxed heartbeat and smile against his skin. I feel myself getting aroused even though I didn't do anything yet. I smell the shower gel, but also his natural scent comes through it, and it makes my head spin. So I have to remind myself that it's all about him. I move down to his stomach and feel his stomach muscles flex at my kisses. He has a towel around his hips, and I take it away and continue to kiss his body even lower. I kiss his thighs, then stop and just run my hands down his body. I look up, and from his face I can see that he is relaxed and content. I briefly wonder what he is thinking about. Probably me. I slightly smirk. I was soft, but now the urge to make him moan and come is taking over. I’m not taking my eyes off his face as I lightly run my fingers up and down his cock. I know he wasn’t expecting this, and his surprise is clear on his face. Without any pressure, I rub his tip with my thumb a bit. He makes a sound. I stroke him more, but after a few minutes I can’t help myself and lean down, taking his tip into my mouth and just sucking on it as my hand slowly strokes him.
“Oh, yesss!” he moans lightly and smiles. I keep my eyes on him, and his sexy reaction makes me smile internally as well. I swirl my tongue all around and listen to his sounds. This is one of the most effective ways to make him hard pretty quickly. And it seems it’s working magic. That’s the advantage I can take because I know that he hasn’t been sexually active for a few weeks. So he’ll be desperate to come, and oh, if it would be a different situation, I’d tease him long and hard. But now, I got him almost all hard already. His hips twitch a bit and I know it’s time for something he always loves so much. I take my hand away and slowly take him all in and as deep as I can.
“Ohhh, fuckkk..,” he moans louder and I feel goosebumps appearing on my skin. He looks so sexy like this – mouth a bit open, his head leaning back on the pillow. I moan too. When I’m sure I have him all the way I stop a bit, letting myself drool a bit too. I feel one of his hands tangling in my hair. Oh, this is perfect! I slowly move my head back up, creating this slow rhythm. Now he moans more often, though not as loud. I think he keeps in mind that we are in a hotel and the walls are thin. I close my eyes, not noticing him actually opening his eyes and looking at me. I hear him murmur something in German, probably some endearments or so. I smile internally at that. I moan a couple of times too, both to create some nice vibrations for him and, of course, because I enjoy this just as much as he is.
After some time, I move my head faster and now he tugs my hair more. I hollow my cheeks and hum a bit to give him the best experience and oh, that pays off wonderfully. “Oh, you are such a good girl,” he praises me and caresses my hair. I really can't help but moan. He knows how much I like being called that. I feel his hand that’s in my hair shiver a bit, and I can tell that he won't last long. I slow down again and every time I move my head up, I run my tongue over his tip and then slowly take him deep. I open my eyes to look at him, and he is biting his arm to not be so loud. But I can still hear noises and moans, and I wish I could hear them all normally. But of course we don't want any weird looks or complaints. One of these times when I take him deep, I feel his hand pushing down on me, then I hear him moan wordlessly and feel him coming down my throat. I swallow it all. After a few seconds, I feel his body and hand relax, and I slowly take him out. I look at him. He is breathing hard and has a happy smile on his face.
“That was amazing,” he says, sounding sleepy.
I smile. “I told ya. I just wanted to take care of you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much”. I kinda wonder if I should bring up that I'm hella aroused now. But seeing him so sleepy looking, I just can't bring that up. He needs to rest, and I can always get off on my own or just wait for tomorrow. I crawl up to him, give him a little peck on his lips, and get both of us under the covers. We cuddle up, and unsurprisingly Tobi falls asleep after about five minutes. I feel his relaxed body close to me and his arms around me, and I smile. The ache between my legs is almost unbearable, but soon I feel tired too. I force myself to calm down, and soon I follow him into the dream realm.
It's an off day, and we are definitely catching up on sleep, but just a bit. I had an alarm set from yesterday and it goes off at 10am. I wake up immediately to turn it off and yawn. I hear sleepy noises from Tobi and smile. I hate mornings, and even though we had a really nice and long sleep, I could still use some more hours of sleep. “Morning, lovebird.” I hear his sleepy voice in my ear and giggle. Then I turn around to see his totally cute face.
“Morrrrrrrning,” I intentionally roll my r's and giggle more. He hugs me close to him and kisses me. Looks like someone's in a good and loving mood. I wonder why… I kiss him back and run my hands on him. This really wakes me up and my body as well. Oh, how I wish I could have some intimacy now, but that impossible. In thirty minutes we’ll have breakfast, and then who knows what we'll think of. I feel his hand playing with my hair, and I smile between kisses. After we satisfy our kiss needs, I just smush my face into his chest and hug him more. He giggles and starts drawing patterns on my back with his fingers. I feel goosebumps on my skin and shiver a bit. By now he knows me and my body so well that he can tell what I crave and want. After a few minutes though he pokes my side which makes me twitch a bit.
“I know what you want, but we have breakfast to attend to, and we don’t wanna be late”.
I look up at him and pout, but he gives me a kiss on my cheek as a silent apology. I sigh and disentangle from him. As he is getting up, I can’t help myself and give his ass a slap. He giggles and shows me his tongue. I giggle too. We are happy because we love each other and because we can be silly. I stretch and then get up too.
On band off days I usually get an off day too. Sometimes I go and take some pictures of the other guys, and sometimes I just go explore by myself if Tobi feels too tired or wants to hang out with others. This time though I’m spending it with Tobi. After breakfast, we decide to have a walk. I promised to take him to a few cool places, and I also agreed that we won’t take too long because he wants to rest at the hotel and play some video games. I am more than okay with this because I love video games as well.
Of course, I’m bringing my camera with us. It’s such a good opportunity to take some pictures of the city. And of Tobi, too.
It’s a nice and warm spring day, and we find ourselves in the city centre.
“Can we keep away from the main streets and go somewhere with fewer people? I don’t really want to meet any fans, you know”.
“Oh, sure,” I smile to him. “I know this little nice pub that we have to visit, and then I want to take you to another really cool place”. I take my phone out to see where we actually are and how we can get to where I want us to be. We walk away from the centre, and Tobi seems happy and looks around when we turn onto a small unknown street. I point out interesting houses or pretty architecture. A few times we stop because I see something cool and want to take a picture, and then we stop some more because Tobi wants me to photograph him near this house or that one. It’s nice like this. A few times he insists on taking a selfie or two with me. We don’t really talk too much, but that’s okay because I'm taking in the vibe of the city. As for him, I think his coffee still hasn’t kicked in. I look at him and can't help but smile. My heart is full of joy and love and happiness. So I "secretly" take some pictures of him when he isn't looking my way. I want to freeze this moment so I can always look at these pictures and remember how I was feeling, and of course to show him how lovely he looks when he isn't posing for the picture.
My knowledge of the city and the ability to orient myself in it finally lets us arrive at the cute little pub. I stop and wait until he comes to me and says “well then, show me around. You know this place better than I do”.
I smile and lead him into the pub. Inside there isn't much room to sit. We greet the bartender, and then I lead Tobi out to this nice backyard where there are more tables to sit at. We choose one that's closest to us and sit down. “This place is also a hotel. I've stayed here once. It's a nice, quiet place”.
Tobi looks around. I see him opening his mouth to say something, but then the waitress comes to us and gives us a menu. We both love Czech beer, so we choose the same one, and as a snack we get ourselves some nachos. As we wait for our food and beer, we both get on our phones, not because we don't enjoy each other's company, but because it's the first time today we both get to check on things. Soon our beer arrives followed by the nachos, and we dig in.
“You know, after this tour is over, we need to come back here for vacation,” I’m taking the last pieces of nachos. “I understand that you might want to be at home and get some rest, but I’m sure a week spent here won’t hurt”.
Tobi takes a few sips of his beer. “I guess you are right. I like it here. I like the atmosphere and the feeling this city has”. I smile when he talks and drink my beer.
We talk more about things that we’re gonna do after the tour ends. I’ve been planning to move to live with him, so we talk about that as well. Talking about all things except our jobs is good.
We finish our beers and pay for everything. “Now where to? Our hotel?” Tobi asks.
“Nah, I wanna show you this amazing church and the park outside of it, and I just want to spend some time there with you.”
“Church you say, huh? Is this a hint about you wanting to marry me?” he grins.
I can’t help but giggle. “Well, maybe it is” — I show him my tongue — “but you know, you have to propose to me first.” As an answer he just wiggles his eyebrows. Being silly like this is the best.
After a good half hour we reach one of many bridges. As we are crossing it, I point to my right. “See, that’s the church I was talking about. It looks badass.”
He looks that way, and I can tell he likes what he sees. “It looks a bit sinister, but I like it!”
I smile and sneak my over hand to his and take it. At first, I can tell he is hesitant, but then he takes my hand too and oh, I’m sooo happy. He loves holding hands, but usually does it when we are in private or somewhere without many people, and on tour it’s just a no-no. But it seems he gave in this time, maybe because nobody is really paying attention to us. I love holding hands and this thing of his kinda makes me sad, but I understand him.
We cross the bridge and choose to walk on the quay. So peaceful, so nice. A few times I have to take my hand away because I want to take some pictures of the Vltava river. A few other times I ask him to sit down and take some great shots of him. Once I sit beside him, and after I take the pictures, I just can’t help myself and kiss him. He’s surprised but pleased. I don’t know why, but after that kiss I giggle and blush and feel more in love with him than ever.
Finally, we reach the hill and the church on top of it. I speak. “Ready? It’s not gonna be so hard because it’s not so hot”.
He gives me a nod, and we start climbing up. It’s a nice place, some sort of park, and as we’re going up the noises of the city slowly go away. We see some park benches, and I take a mental note to sit here when we’re going back.
We are at the top, looking at this beautiful church. I kinda wanna go inside as I’ve never been inside it, but then we hear some sounds from the inside and decide to just look around. I take some pictures and then point to the cemetery next to the church. “This cemetery is really pretty. C’mon, let’s look around”.
But Tobi shakes his head and says “maybe next time. If we can’t go inside that church, then let’s go back”. I pout a little but say nothing and follow him downhill. As we are halfway, I spot a bench and run to it and sit. “Come here! It’s a nice place to chill!”
I really picked a good spot because the city panorama is before our eyes as we sit. I place my head on his shoulder and say nothing, just enjoying this little moment. Tobi looks at me and smiles. We both look at the beautiful city before our eyes for some time, and then I take one of his hands and start playing with his fingers. Eventually he leans his head on mine.
“You know, I’m so glad to have you in my life, and I know I say this a lot to you, but really, you mean so much to me, and I can honestly imagine being with you for all of eternity…” I’m almost whispering, but I know he hears me perfectly. “I know that sometimes you struggle with voicing out your feelings, but you make me happy, and you always make me find more reasons to be in love with you even more. Even if it’s your stupid jokes or random noises or anything else.”
I pause for a bit because, damn, I’m feeling a bit emotional, but I know that he is smiling and he is listening, so I sigh and continue, “I know that maybe it’s a bit too early to talk about marriage, but let me just tell you that when we’ll be ready for that I’ll gladly say yes to you.” This is actually important because he knows that I don’t really like marriage, but if I’m saying this it means that he and me together is a big thing. He moves, and now we are looking at each other. I can see in his eyes that he is looking for the right words to voice out things he wants to say, but his eyes also tell me a lot.
He takes my hands in his. “I’m so happy to be reassured that this, us, is serious, and I’m also happy that somehow I changed your views on marriage. You make me happy, and I love you with my whole heart.” Then he leans in, and we kiss. And we kiss for a long time until we are both out of breath, and still our lips search out the way to kiss each other again. Moments like these are always my favourite. It doesn’t need words. We both feel the same, and we make it feel either through kissing or when we make love. It’s something I only discovered when I met him. Magical stuff. We kiss again, but it’s a shorter kiss this time. As we break away, we giggle as we both feel the same. We go back to the hotel holding hands all the way. I think this was the first time Tobi didn’t care if anyone might see.
Back in our hotel room, I change into more comfortable clothes while Tobi sets up the game. Of course it’s Fifa, his favourite game. I sit on the bed near him and take my controller.
He picks the team first and of course he picks Bayern. I poke him. “Hey, ladies first, you know.”
He looks at me with a grin. “Oops, I forgot that. But hey, it’s your turn now.”
I show him my tongue and pick Manchester United. I’m not as good at this game as he is, but I’ve beaten him a few times before, and now I’ll do the same.
“I’m tempted to let you win this time and you know why.”
“That would be soooo boring, but I’m sure I’ll beat you anyway.” I put on a confident look on my face. Tobi giggles, and the game starts, and his focus and mine are on it.
I’m not particularly competitive at the moment, but Tobi seems to be really into it even though it’s not even five minutes past when we started. He swears in German when the character he is playing fails to get the ball, and I can’t help but giggle. My focus shifts onto him, and I just admire how cute he looks when he is so into the game. I’m not even noticing that I’m basically just looking at him, so when he suddenly shouts “YES!” I jump a bit and look at the screen. He got the first goal.
Tobi looks at me. “Why didn’t you try to stop me? You could’ve tried at least.”
“Sorry, I got distracted a bit.”
“Distracted? By what? OH!” he looks at me again but with a grin now. “You got distracted by me, didn’t you?”
I roll my eyes a bit and blush but don’t say anything. The game progresses, and I get my first goal too. Bit by bit, my focus on the game is back. Soon I’m into the game just like Tobi is.
Three minutes left of this match, and we are both shouting at our characters, aaaaand “YESSSS!” I shout as my team gets another goal and wins the match.
I put down the controller and poke him. “Told ya that I’ll win.”
Tobi pouts for a second, but then he puts his controller down as well and launches at me and tackles me down on the bed. I wasn’t ready for this, so I only made a surprised sound as I found myself being down on the bed with him on top of me. He giggles and grins. “I might not be able to win that game this time, but I know another game which I’ll definitely win!”
I have no time to think what he has in mind because he starts to tickle me, going right for my weakest place, which is my sides. I laugh and squirm and wiggle. Trying my best to get out of it but failing. I grab one of his hands and try to take it away, but he is of course stronger than me. He takes my hand instead and pins it to the bed. I whine and squirm more. We look at each other as we know that we both have one free arm. I’m quicker and pull him into a kiss. Tobi is surprised maybe for a second, but then he relaxes and releases my hand as he kisses me back. I hug him immediately. This kiss is different from the last one though. This one is more passionate and communicates my need without me having to use words. But it seems he isn’t getting the hint because his hands just go to my hair. Usually when he understands what I want, he does something, like his hands starting to wander. I break the kiss, and I roll us to the side so now I’m on top of him. I know I wouldn’t be able to do this in any other situation, but now he is all relaxed and so easy to move. He looks at me with surprise and opens his mouth to say something, but I lean down and kiss him again. He immediately hugs me and just lets me do what I want. Soon, I break this kiss to kiss down his jaw and his neck. I ABSOLUTELY love giving his neck attention, and he loves it just as much. I kiss his neck all slowly and hear him sigh and make quiet noises. I smile against him. But how can I leave his neck without some marks? His neck looks wonderful with my marks. So I bite his neck in a few places, making sure to make pretty marks. He moans at the biting. His moans are such a big turn on that I can’t help but whine as I feel myself getting more and more aroused.
“I need you so much right now, my love,” I manage to say between all my whining and biting.
His response is his hands, moving them to the hem of my shirt. I get what he wants to do, so I straighten up and let him take it. My bra goes next. Then both his hands go to my breasts, massaging them and pinching the nipples. My whole body shivers and I can’t help but make noises. I try to grind but realize that we both still have our pants on, and I whine. He gets why I’m whining and fiddles with my pants’ buttons, and then his hands are back on my breasts. I smile at him and run my hands under his shirt, slightly scratching him when he pinches my nipples. But he gets the hint, and soon his hands leave my body to take off his shirt. I roll off of him and wrestle off my pants but leave my panties on. Then it’s time for his pants to go, and I help him with that. Finally, I straddle him once again. I am so turned on that I can’t help but shiver. I start grinding on him, and we both moan at the same time. I lean over to kiss him as I move my hands to his hair. I feel his hands moving to my ass and squeezing it and pushing it down on him. We go on like this for a bit, exchanging kisses and little moans and breaths.
“Fuck, I really need you inside me,” I whisper against his lips. I feel him shiver at my words.
“Yes, yes! I want it too.” His voice changes when he is aroused. It gets sexier. I smile and straighten up and move a bit lower and slide his underwear lower too. He takes his cock and holds it for me. I pull my panties to the side and sink down on him. We both moan loudly at this. We both needed it so much. When he is all the way in, I keep still for a minute enjoying how perfect he feels. He is doing the same.
“You are so beautiful, so hot when you are like this,” I hear Tobi say and then feel his hands on my hips, moving to my belly and then back up until he cups my breasts again. I smile so big. I’d blush, but my cheeks are already red.
I finally open my eyes and look at him with a smile. “You look hot and pretty like this too.” I find his hands and hold them as I start to move up and down. His hips thrust too, helping me. I look him in the eyes as we both create this slow pace. I moan a few times feeling how I’m falling into this realm where only this pleasure and the look in his eyes exist. He makes noises and moans too, and they are oh so delicious. Eventually we let go of each other’s hands, and mine rests on his chest, both as support and because I like feeling his skin and heartbeat. He moves his hands all over me, not really resting them anywhere for too long, and I love that. I move a tad bit faster and my head falls back a bit as I breathe out a moan.
“I wanna make you come so bad!” he says as one of his hands is already moving downwards.
“Oh, yes! Please…” I look at him, but then moan when his fingers touch my clit and start to slowly rub it. I close my eyes again. I’m noisier now, and with his fingers rubbing at me I can feel it coming faster.
“Oh, Tobi…” That’s all I manage as I feel it coming. He still keeps rubbing slowly, and I’m moving at the same pace too. The orgasm starts washing over me, and I arch my back and don’t hold back any moans or noises that escape my mouth. I stop moving too and just shiver. I slowly start to relax, and my hips twitch, and he finally stops rubbing me. I make quieter noises now and slowly open my eyes. I’m realizing that my nails dig a bit into his chest, so he’ll have some nail marks too. Finally, my eyes make the way up to his face, and I’m greeted with a smile.
“You were so beautiful. And so hot that you almost made me come too!” Our eyes meet, and we both know that this isn’t the end.
I smile and lean down and kiss him. The kiss communicates all the words I wanted to say. After a bit, he slowly moves his hips in small thrusts. I’m still sensitive and break the kiss to moan lightly, and I just rest my forehead on his. I feel his hands going up and down my back and sometimes squeezing my ass. He moans a lot more now, and I feel that he wants to go faster, but he is being gentle for me.
“I love you so much, Tobi,” I whisper and caress his hair.
He smiles big, and I feel his hands going around me in a hug. “Love you so much too. You feel so perfect. I missed this feeling…”
I kiss his lips briefly again and then settle for his neck. His hips snap faster and harder now, making me bite him and making him moan more.
“I am ready when you are ready”, I whisper in his ear and also buck my hips to match his thrusts. That makes him throw his head back more on the pillows.
“I’m close, my love”, he manages to say between all his noises and breathing. I raise my head to his, then bring my hand down between our bodies and start rubbing my clit again. Soon we are both moaning out each other’s names. I feel him squeezing me tight and coming in me which just makes me shiver more. Everything starts to wind down, and we both go limp. My head is in the crook of his neck, and his hands are loose but still around me. I don’t even care that I still have an arm in between us, and it’s not really comfortable. We both breathe heavily, and when he shivers feeling the afterglow, I shiver too.
I don’t know how long we stayed like this, but both of our senses start to come back to us and we almost simultaneously start giggling.
Tobi tries to speak first in between giggles. “I wonder if we’ll get away with how loud we were…” I bring my other arm back and then finally raise my head.
“Ah, who cares about that. This was AMAZING, and that’s all that matters.” I give him a giggly kiss.
After some more time, we finally disentangle. I still refuse to leave the bed so Tobi gets up first. I'm all satisfied and happy and even more happy seeing him strut around all naked. Finally he gets back from the bathroom.
"How and when did you manage to mark me up like this? Now I'll have to wear my scarfs even more," he pouts playfully.
I giggle before I can respond. "I'm not gonna be sorry for this. Your neck looks even prettier with all the marks. And besides, you wear your scarfs almost always anyway."
He only shows me his tongue, but doesn't say anything more. He knows I'm right, and secretly he likes that now his scarfs will hide a little secret of ours.
I use the bathroom too. We get dressed up and go to dinner with the other Avantasia guys. No one really questions why Tobi wears his scarf and no one says anything about what happened earlier. Either they don't know, or they know but don't say anything.
After the dinner, I leave Tobi hanging out with the guys, and I go back to the room as I feel really tired. This is the last day in Prague, so I pack my luggage. Before I go to bed, I look through the window at the lights of the city and daydream a bit. Suddenly I feel very familiar arms going around me, and I smile. Tobi's here. He hugs me from behind, and we stand like this for some time.
Back in bed and just before I fall asleep, I think about all that happened, and my heart once again fills up with love and joy. Then I cuddle up with him even more and fall asleep. Tomorrow we'll go back to Germany. The tour continues, but we both will remember Prague for a bit longer this time.
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floatingpetals · 4 years
My Faire Lady || Ch. 1
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (Renaissance Faire Au!)
Warnings: Nothin’
Word Count: 3300+
Summary: Going to a Renaissance Faire wasn’t what she had planned to do over the weekend, but a drunken promise between friends can’t be broken. Full of magic and festivities, she never thought she would enjoy the fair as much as she did. Nor did she ever dream she’d catch the eye of not one, but two gorgeous Knights of the Queen. Bestowed with their tokens of affection, she found herself swept into their arms for a weekend she’d never forget. She was under no illusion, there was no chance this could ever be more than a fantasy at the fair. They would move on, and so would she. It didn’t mean she wasn’t going to enjoy this while she could. (18+ Only Story) 
A/N: The first part to I don’t know how many parts!!! I have this whole story planned, fortunately, but as you can tell from the very first chapters word count, it’s gonna be another long one lol. I’m super excited about this story! I hope you all enjoy, please please please reblog and comment! Thank you and enjoy!! 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 *Coming Soon* | Series Masterlist
“Oh come on!”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the whine from her couch and ignored her friend. She leaned closer to her computer and tried to focus on the editing at hand. She needed to get these pictures finished so she could send them to the publisher for print. She didn’t have time for Coby’s whining.
“Pleaassseeeee?” Coby threw her head back against the pillows and let out her loudest and most obnoxious whine ever.
Y/N scoffed and shook her head.
“I told you no!”
“But you have to come!’ Coby whined again. She sat up and twisted around on the couch, hanging over the edge. “You promised!”
“I didn’t promise you anything!” Y/N argued, straightening her back to turn and glare at Coby. She wasn’t dumb enough to ever promise anything to her friend. No matter how much she might love her best friend of ten years, Coby fought dirty to get her way. Y/N learned from her mistakes and swore to never do it again.
However, when she turned to glare over her shoulder, she stopped short at the wicked grin on Coby’s face. Her blood drained from her cheeks, fear coursing through her veins. Oh no.
“Oh but you did, dear lady friend,” Coby replied with a diabolical sneer. She pulled out her phone and unlocked it, tapping away a few times before the sound of Y/N and her whispering filled the room. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. Oh no. How did she forget about that night?
“Oh god,” The recording of Y/N groaned. There was a slight slur to her words from the drinks she’d gone through already. “It’s Tim. Please dear god don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over-Oh no he’s coming over.”
Coby laughed, then the sound of shuffling and Y/N’s voice groaned again.
“Coby, please. Do something!”
“What do you want me to do?” Coby stifled a laugh.
“I don’t know! Get rid of him!”
“And what do I get out of it?” Coby inquired. At the time, Y/N didn’t catch the underlying treachery in Coby’s voice, but now she heard it loud and clear. She was really hating past drunk her right now.
“I don’t- Jesus. I don’t care! Anything you ask-just please get rid of him!”
“Anything? You promise?” Coby drawled. Y/N on the recording grumbled in response.
“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Just get rid of him! I’m not spending another night listening to him gloat about his big his dick is again.”
“He doesn’t do that.”
“Bragging about your daddies company you did shit to earn when the man retired is the same god damn thing. Coby!” Y/N hissed the panic mounting. Coby laughed and she could hear her friend begin to stand.
“Alright, I’ll get rid of him. But you better be ready to keep that promise.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Coby!”
The audio shutoff and silence rang through the room. Coby smirked triumphantly and tucked her phone away in her pocket with an extra flourish. Y/N’s mouth fell open, mentally running through the number of ways she could get out this. Yet at every corner she took, she hit dead ends. Now she was backed against the wall and there was no knight in shining armor to come save her. Coby clapped her hands together, that wicked smile back as she pinned Y/N with a stare.
“You’re coming with me this weekend. And that’s final.”
Y/N gulped. She was never drinking again. True, she was not a fan Tim but she wasn’t that desperate to sign her life away to the devil’s incarnate. This was going to be another plane jump trip, wasn’t it? Coby saw the way Y/N blanched at the prospect she was going to be dragged someplace to do something dangerous once again and snickered.
“You can stop freaking out.” Coby snorted. “I don’t have plans to go shark diving until the summer. I got plenty of time to get you to come then.”
“The fuck you will!” Y/N’s eyes bulged in their sockets. Coby threw her head back and cackled at the horror in Y/N’s eyes.
“Oh stop, you know you’d have fun. But seriously. This isn’t like that.” Coby waved her hand. “I want you to come with me to the Renesaasnce festival this weekend.”
“Uh-huh….” Y/N squinted, her heart still racing at the threat of swimming with the sharks. This, however, wasn’t as scary as that venture but still not any less comforting. There had to be a catch. “That’s too easy for you.”
“Well, of course, it is,” Coby smirked. “I don’t always want to get my heart pumping every chance I get. I do enjoy the simple things.”
“You’re not simple.” Y/N interjected flatly. “You’re the furthest thing from a simple person.”
“Shush.” Coby waved her off. “Anyways. Like I was saying, I want you to come with me this weekend to the Renaissance Faire. Josie’s mom got sick and she needs to help take care of her, so I have one free ticket for the weekend with a meal plan and a free beer in the beer garden each night. I know you’ve been working nonstop with the magazine and even if it’s just a weekend, you need a break.”
Y/N blinked, actually amazed. For once Coby wasn’t using this as a means to see how far she can push Y/N out of her comfort zone, but instead wanted to help? What the heck happened to Coby and where did they take her friend?
“Don’t look at me like that.” Coby bristled at the alarmed expression on Y/N’s face. “You’re coming. That’s that.”
“Really?” Y/N raised a brow. “You aren’t going to make stand up against a wall and let people throw knives around me? Or shoot arrows at an apple on my head?”
“I never said that wasn’t a possibility. Is it so wrong to want to spend the weekend with my best friends?” Coby shot back. Y/N was taken aback at the hurt in Coby’s tone, but also could smell the catch quickly creeping up on her.
“You keep saying the weekend.” Y/N uttered slowly. “What do you mean by ‘weekend’ Coby?”
“Oh right, that. The tickets include access to the campground.” Coby smiled innocently. “And I already have our tents for us.”
“Wait. What?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “Coby I’m not sleeping in a tent for a weekend at the fair!”
“Oh, it’ll be fine. They have showers and bathrooms, so running waters no problem. And besides, the closest hotel is almost an hour away and I do not want to waste time sitting in traffic trying to get in place.”
“I’m not-.”
“Or if you want,” Coby examined her fingernails, picking at the cuticles. “You can say no and I use the promise for the sharks.”
Y/N’s mouth snapped shut at that. Coby knew she had her when she looked back up, that stupid smirk on her face.
“Best get packin’ sweetheart. Cause you and I both know this is the lesser of two evils.”
Y/N let out a hot breath of air, her shoulders sagging in defeat. Coby was once again playing dirty. She didn’t have to do the pros and cons list. Sucking it up and going on this weekend trip would be a thousand times more enjoyable than being forced to go in a cage in the middle of the ocean. And Coby knew it.
“Fine. What time do we leave?”
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“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!” Coby slammed the trunk shut and bent to grab her bags and her tent bag. Y/N grumbled next to her, holding her own bags, tent, and camera case. “Oh quit whining. This’ll be great.”
Y/N just rolled her eyes and followed her friend to the entrance. The fair wasn’t open for another hour, Coby insisted on leaving at the butt crack of dawn to get here. While the two-hour drive up was rather uneventful it wasn’t until they reached the turn for the road that led to the fair where Y/N understood why Coby was so adamant about the time the left. The cars were backed up all the way to interstate and they were forced to sit for what felt like hours just to get in the parking lot. She wouldn’t admit it to Coby, but the idea of staying on-site and avoiding that whole mind-numbing ordeal was sounding a lot more appealing than the alternative.
Even though this wasn’t exactly her plan for her weekend, Y/N was ready to make the most of it. Once she got some caffeine in her. Coby chatted about everything they had here, from the food to the archery lessons, to the different shows throughout the fair. Not to mentions the shops that Y/N was itching to get a look at. Most, if not all the buildings were built as if they were taken straight from a fairy tale book and had Y/N excited to snap a few photos of. Perhaps she could even get a few people to pose for photos in front of them.
“Why don’t we go set up our tents and put our stuff up, by then the gates should be open and hopefully the line will have died down some.” Coby interrupted, eyeing the mass of people stating at the entrance. Y/N hummed and nodded, following her friend as she led her to the other entrance.
Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes away from all the people dressed up. There were plenty of other sprinkled in there that wore regular everyday clothes, no doubt just wanting to enjoy the fair, but then there were those that wanted to fully immerse themselves. Men, women, and even their children were dressed head to toe in loosely accurate portrayals of medieval outfits. Men wore puffy shirts and leather vest tucked in their dark cotton pants with leather boots. Some women sported similar outfits while others wore dresses and corsets that did little to the imagination. Some were dressed as characters from Lord of the Rings, there were even pirates, fairies, and elves. At one point, she swore she spotted a few Tieflings from Dungeons and Dragons, their faces painted with horns to match. There was so much going on and she was finding it hard to focus on where she was going. The atmosphere was bubbling with excitement and Y/N felt a smile stretching across her face. 
Coby had to reach around and tug Y/N’s arm to face her forward when the other woman started to drift, the corner of her mouth turned up into a smirk.
“I swear you’re like a child.” Coby joked. Y/N scoffed and stuck her tongue out.
“Oh shush. I can’t admire their confidence?”
“Mhm,” Coby smirked her wicked smirk and led them through the campground gate after flashing a ticket to the attendant there.
“Okay, so we’re in section V, plot 15 and 16.” Coby stopped at a map right at the entrance, showing the rows of campsites in the gated off area. There were already several dozen tents up with a few dozen more that were being pitched as the stood there. Y/N was surprised how large the field was, and how organized it seemed. She could see the markers in the rows with the letter down a middle path. “Ah, there we are, towards the back! Ohhh we’re next to the worker's sites too!”
“Is that bad?” Y/N frowned.
“Nope, it means we might get lucky and they’ll hook us up with some free food and beer if we’re nice.”
Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes at Coby.
“Come on,” Coby resituated her bag on her shoulder. “Let’s get this set up and then we can go in. I don't’ wanna deal with it later after we’ve been in the sun all day.”
Y/N followed Coby, still marveling at the number of people around her getting ready in their costumes, most adding the final touches. The closer they got their spot, the more she saw of the costume. It made sense, if the workers were right next to them then they see a lot of them. She was a little envious of their tents, tall pavilion, and marquee tents made of thicker material than her camping tent, some stripped or decorated with symbols like the ones she’d seen in movies. Clearly, they wanted the workers to look the part, even at night away from the crowds. 
Coby eventually stopped at two empty spots and tossed her stuff on the ground a motioned to the plot next to her, clearly marked with the number 16.
“That’ll be yours. There should be instructions in the bag.” Coby started unpacking hers and paused to look up at Y/N. “ Need help with your tent? ”
“Nah,” Y/N shook her head. “I’ll figure it out.”
Coby snorted. “Alright, but don’t come crying to me when your tent becomes a kite cause you forgot to stake it to the ground.”
Y/N just rolled her eyes again and went to work. After twenty minutes of wondering what the heck the instructions meant by attaching J to H, Y/N set up her tent, a round top with plenty of space for at least three other people, and secured it to the ground.
“Remind me again why we can’t just share tents?” Y/N asked, standing outside both her and Coby’s tent with her hands on her hips. Coby shot her look that told her everything she needed to know. “Oh for the- why did you get me a plot further away from you? I don’t have to hear that!”
“I’m not saying it’ll happen!” Coby chuckled and ducked in her tent. “But I’m not passing on an opportunity if it arrives!”
“It’s one weekend! You can’t last one weekend without a booty call?” Y/N groaned. When Coby didn’t reply she crawled into the ten to see what her friend was doing. Coby was bend over her bag, the second one that Y/N thought was odd she brought and was pulling out a few folded pieces of fabric.
“What are those?” Y/N eyed the garments nervously. Coby paid her no mind and continued pulling things out. She set a dark leather corset aside along with matching lace-up boots. “Coby. What are those?”
Slowly, Coby turned to Y/N with her wicked smirk.
“Why our outfits, my dear friend.” She replied ominously.
“What? I’m not wearing that!” Y/N sat back on her heels.
“Yes, you are,” Coby replied with a no-nonsense tone. Y/N blinked.
“Um. No?”
Before she could argue further, Coby spun on her heels from her squat position and pinned Y/N with her stare.
“You promised.”
“Yeah but not this!”
“It’s apart of the promise! We’re here, we’re gonna enjoy this weekend and we’re gonna be part of the fun. That means dressing the part. Do you really want to spend all weekend complaining cause I’m making you wear this?”
“I’m not going to feel comfortable in a dress!” Y/N tried. Which wasn’t completely false, but she really didn’t want to get all dressed up in a tight corset that she’d be sweating in later. It was already warm as it was in the tent, just imagining the leather boots and leather-wrapped around her waist made her overheat. And the chaffing, she didn’t want to think about the chaffing. Coby raised a brow, see right through that feeble attempt at arguing, and sat back as well.
“Two words. Shark. Cage.”
Y/N opened her mouth, but the protest died before she could even start. Once again, Coby had her there. She let out a grumble and stuck out her hand, a sign of defeat. Coby nodded with a smug smirk and handed her the pile of clothes and a pair of brown lace-up boots from her bag. Y/N noticed there was just a brown belt instead of the corset Coby seemed to have.
“Now go change and I can make sure you put it on right.”
“Yes, mom.” Y/N grumbled and crawled out to go to her tent. When she zipped her tent up behind her and unfolded the clothes, she was rather surprised by the dress. It was a heavy cotton dyed robin egg blue with a fitted bodice that flowed out at the waist. It was relatively simple, it didn’t have an intricate pattern save for the embroidery on the collar. The front was laced up with brown leather string, and the sleeves appeared to be detachable from the dress, the same brown laces trying the fabric together. There was an off-white long sleeve slip made of a lighter material she figured would go underneath the dress to hide her skin exposed from the where it peaked out from the lace. The belt itself was just a simple brown leather belt with a ring loop. Surprisingly simple and something Y/N actually wouldn’t mind wearing. Of course, Coby would have thought this through. Now she felt bad arguing, Coby might enjoy terrorizing her from time to time, but she wasn’t heartless.
Letting out a heavy breath, Y/N began to undress and slipped the costume on. She was surprised how it fit her body, hugging her frame in a way that flattered her more than she could have expected. The dress did flow out, not too long that she was worried she’d step on it when she stepped and let enough air up the skirt to keep her cool. She did have to re-tie the lace on the front to the right adjustment for herself, but all in all, it didn’t feel horrible to wear. Coby knew her size, so this shouldn’t have come as a surprise. How long had this woman been planning this?
She was sitting on the ground tying up the laces to her boots when Coby unzipped the tent and stepped in. She had changed into her own dress, and Y/N felt infinitely better with the dress she was given. Coby the ever daring had a dark red skirt with a black puffy off the shoulder top. Her black corset was tied as tight as it could go, and her already full chest was practically spilling out the top. She had pulled her hair back into a pretty braid that fell over her shoulder and even had on a pair of hoop earrings. Now Y/N really understood the reason for the two tents and wondered if she could possibly find some earplugs somewhere.
“Oh good! It fits! I knew you’d want something simple and I guessed on the height, so I’m glad I got it right.” Coby beamed and set a brown leather bag beside Y/N. “Here, use this to carry your stuff in. We can’t have you walking around in the dress and then ruin it with your everyday purse.”
Y/N didn’t even argue this time, just took the bag, and tossed her stuff from her purse into the back. It was unassuming, just like her dress but fit the style and timeline she was trying to go for. It was also big enough she could slip her camera inside if she took the lens off.
“Alright. So the gates should be open, but I was talking with one of the workers and they said we can come in the employee gate since the lines so long.”
It never ceased to amaze Y/N how Coby could just do things like that. She could charm just about anyone into doing what she wanted with a smile. A part of Y/N was always a little envious of how Coby had little to no fear when it came to meeting new people. Y/N wasn’t shy exactly, but her anxiety and passed relationship troubles always reared their ugly heads and made it harder for her to open up. She just wasn’t as naturally charismatic as Coby and was perfectly fine admitting she never would be.
“I want to grab something to eat first since all we had was those breakfast burritos on the way up here. Then I wanna go-.” Coby climbed out of the tent and started listing off all the things she had planned, the woman going a mile a minute. Y/N was just here for the ride. Stepping out and zipping up her tent, Y/N followed her friend and smiled along with Coby, her friend's excitement contagious. Even though she was nervous about the dress and everything, Y/N was still excited for whatever the weekend had in store.
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Forget Me Not (5/15) ⊰
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader
Summary: After you wake up from a coma and realize that your memories from the last five years have been erased, Keanu works to bring back what you have lost.
Words: 3.1k
Warning: none (i’m giving you guys a break here lol)
A/N: Loved reading everyone’s responses to the previous part, but it will be awhile until you find out the truth 😈 Sorry that this was up later than usual, I’m currently drowning in finals which is thankfully ending this week. I hope you enjoy this one!
Part 4
The sound of birds chirping a sweet, melodious tune stirred you awake, and you rubbed the remnants of sleep from your eyes once they fluttered open. For a moment, you snuggled deeper under the duvet, pressing your cheek to the cool, silk-cased pillow. The soft fabric felt smooth against your skin as you laid there breathing in the scent of it—fresh cotton, with a hint of Keanu, or at least, that’s what you believed he smelled like.
This must be his usual side of the mattress, you thought. The other being yours.
After you had fallen asleep on the car ride home yesterday, you didn’t rouse until Keanu parked his car in the driveway and turned off the engine. Still drowsy from taking your medication, he guided you to the front door and then up the stairs to the master bedroom. He showed you the bathroom and the closet, pointing out where you usually kept the clothes you wore to sleep. When you assured him enough that you would be alright for the rest of the evening, he wished you good night before retiring to the guest bedroom across the hall.
It felt strange being alone in an unfamiliar room, much more sleeping in a bed that didn’t feel like yours. Despite this, you had woken up from the best sleep you’ve had in a long time. It could be because of the soft and comfortable king-size bed you had slept on or the calming lavender diffuser on the nightstand. Perhaps it was the fact that your life seemed to be better now than it was before, even though you had still had a lot to learn. Whichever it was, it didn’t matter at that very second.
Because for now, you would much rather bask in the peacefulness of the world around you.
It wasn’t until when your stomach growled did the tranquil silence fall apart, hunger forcing you to throw back the covers and leave the warm solace of the bed. Slipping on the silk robe that you had found hanging behind the bathroom door, you then stepped out of the room and into the narrow hallway. Immediately, you were greeted by the delicious aroma of eggs and sausages lingering in the air.
Carefully, you descended the stairs, pausing for a few moments to glance at the framed photographs of you and Keanu on the wall, providing glimpses of your happy relationship. There were four in total, all of which were taken similarly, the two of you smiling brightly with radiant eyes. The settings in each one were different; the first had you posing by a lakefront, the second was at a movie premiere, the next at a fancy restaurant, and the last at a garden.
Once you reached the last step, however, you realized that there was a vacant space for a sixth picture.
Turning your head, you caught sight of the photo that could have been displayed there resting on a console by the front entrance. Curiously, you walked towards it and picked it up with your hands, quickly noticing the large crack on the glass. 
The picture was a selfie taken at a scenic overlook in what appeared to be Los Angeles. You had one arm draped behind Keanu’s neck, pulling him close as you kissed his stubbled cheek while he grinned at the camera. It was such a sweet captured moment, and it must have fallen off the wall recently.
“Morning,” Keanu’s voice startled you as he came up from behind, nearly dropping the picture in your grasp. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You giggled slightly as you turned around, unable to stop the breath hitching in your throat when you saw him. He was dressed in gray sweats and a simple white tee that was just a smidge too tight around his arms. His dark locks framed his face nicely as he gazed at you with his chocolate-hued eyes.
Keanu was surely a sight to see first thing in the morning.
“It’s okay,” you finally replied. “I was too busy looking at this and didn’t hear you coming.”
“I forgot to put it back up,” he noted after seeing what you were holding. “Can’t believe I missed that while I was cleaning the house. I’d have to go out and buy a new frame for that.”
“No rush,” you added, your attention returning to the picture. “When was this taken?”
“Around three years ago,” Keanu answered as he neared you, looking over your shoulder. “That spot is actually special to us. It’s where we shared our first kiss, and since then, we’d always revisit that place.”
You smiled softly. “Really?”
“Yeah. Usually, you and I would take the bike up there to watch the sun go down and wait until the stars appear in the sky. It’s nothing like what you would see if you’re just standing out in the backyard.”
“Wait, a bike? Like a motorcycle? I rode a motorcycle up to the hills?” You spoke incredulously.
Keanu nodded, giving you a small smile. “Yes, you did. I know you’ve never been on a bike before you met me.”
“Don’t get me wrong, those things are cool, but I can’t imagine myself being on one.”
“Well, you grew to love it—the thrill, the excitement, the freedom. I even taught you how to ride by yourself,” Keanu revealed, much to your surprise.
“I must have been the worst,” you chuckled, setting the picture back on top of the console before wrapping your arms around your chest. “It took me years to learn how to get on a bicycle.”
Keanu laughed, brushing his hair back, and you suddenly felt the butterflies in your stomach. Something about his laughter as it reverberated in his chest brought you absolute joy. It also made your heart race, knowing that you were the reason for it.
“No, you weren’t that bad,” he said with a shake of his head. “Honestly, you’re pretty decent, but I promised that we would continue working on it.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, Ke,” you responded jokingly, the nickname rolling out of your tongue so effortlessly at the end.
For a beat, you saw the smile on Keanu’s face fell, but before you could ask him what was wrong, it returned, albeit a bit forced. You didn’t want to think too much of it, however.
“Um, I made breakfast by the way,” he stated in an attempt to change the subject. “I’m not the best cook, but I did my very best. I didn’t burn the sausages, unlike last time.”
“It does smell delicious in here,” you commented, feeling your stomach rumbling once more. “I can’t wait to try your cooking.”
“Good, and maybe afterwards, if you’re up for it, I can show you around, give you an official tour of the house.”
“I’d like that very much,” you smiled, nodding at Keanu before he began leading the way, and you followed.
After breakfast, you tried to help Keanu with the dirty dishes, but he insisted that he took care of them, wanting you to relax and take it easy. As he cleaned up the kitchen, you decided to brush your teeth and take a quick shower in your bathroom upstairs.
Peeling off your robe and clothes, you stood in front of the mirror, staring at the scars on your body. Although you knew that they would fade away in time, they would serve as a reminder of that fateful night—a night that remained mostly unknown to you.
Stepping into the shower, you turned on the water, adjusting the settings using the dial on the wall. The water cascaded your back with the perfect amount of pressure and temperature as the warm steam floated around you. Your mind eased as you stood underneath the gentle downpour, letting the mixture of water and soap careen down your body to the drain below.
You closed your eyes briefly, thinking back to earlier when you and Keanu were eating the food he had prepared that morning. He used that time to tell you more about himself. He started off with basic facts such as his family, his childhood, and his favorite hobbies. Then he got a bit deeper, sharing things that most people didn’t know about him. Slowly, you were getting to know the real Keanu, and from what you’ve learned so far, he was a great guy. Sure, he wasn’t perfect, but he was sweet and kind, and that’s what mattered, right?
Once you finished showering, you headed to the walk-in closet in your room with a towel wrapped around your body. Keanu had moved most of his stuff to the guest room, making the closet seem a lot bigger. For a good minute or two, you felt overwhelmed standing there, seeing all of the clothes that you apparently wore but wouldn’t have five years ago. Some pieces appeared to be too expensive for you to even afford, and you couldn’t believe that you owned so many pairs of shoes and purses.
Deciding to put on a black shirt with the word “Arch” emblazoned on it and a pair of jean shorts, you then heard a knock on your door, and you sauntered over to answer it.
“Hey, are you ready?” Keanu asked, smiling. “Nice shirt, by the way.”
“Oh, thanks. I found it in the closet,” you replied as you joined him out in the hall. “Show me around?”
Truth be told, the house wasn’t as large as what you expected Keanu to have. It was smaller than the houses nearby, but more modest compared to those extravagant ones other celebrities lived in. It had three bedrooms and three bathrooms, and a spacious front yard with flowers that you’ve planted yourself. The furniture and decor inside were tasteful, reflecting both of your personalities in each room.
The garage was big enough to fit four cars but instead were filled with Keanu’s most valuable possessions— his motorcycles. You listened intently as he talked endearingly about his bikes, almost the same way a child would gush about a new toy. It even made him excited when you showed genuine interest, especially after mentioning having his own motorcycle company, Arch, which explained your shirt.
Keanu then brought you out to the backyard, which quickly became your favorite part of the entire house. Not only was there a sparkling swimming pool and a patio area for barbeques, but it also had a breathtaking view of the rolling hills and the city skyline in the distance. You had to pause for a moment to take in the view. It was unlike anything you’ve seen before, and you had to remind yourself that this was your home now.
“There’s one more thing I want to show you,” Keanu said after a while, and the two of you went back inside, heading to the living room.
He gestured for you to sit down on the sofa as he walked to the bookcase by the television, pulling out what seemed to be a thick photo album. He carried it over to where you sat, placing it down gently on the coffee table in front of you before flipping it open to the first page.
“Our story,” you read the words written on the paper out loud, and you recognized your own handwriting.
“You love taking pictures,” Keanu began as he turned to the next page. “On our first anniversary, you surprised me with this album. You filled it with all of the photos we took together, showing the many adventures we went on. As time went on, we only added more to it.”
“I always say photographs immortalize precious memories,” you said, looking at each picture with fondness in your eyes. “Mom mentioned that I’m currently working as photographer.”
Keanu nodded. “You quit your office job to pursue your passion. You dream of opening up your own studio one day, but you wanted to gain experience first.”
You hummed in response as you lightly traced a finger over the edge of the page, softly smiling at the pure love radiating out of the images. Behind each of them was a story which Keanu recounted, hoping that it would jog some of your memory back. Although nothing came, you loved the sweetness in his voice as he spoke. He was a fantastic story-teller, bringing up every detail of the moment the picture was taken and making you feel as though you were currently there.
And that’s how the rest of the day mostly went for you and Keanu, only stopping to make sandwiches for lunch before going back to the couch. You were so engrossed in each tale that you didn’t realize the sky outside growing darker until Keanu turned on the lamp resting on the end table, illuminating the space around you.
As you ate dinner together, you couldn’t help but smile at all of the adventures you went on with Keanu. It was more proof that you were at your happiest when the relationship started. You now felt grateful to have met him years ago because you couldn’t even begin to imagine what life would be like if you hadn’t.
Before going to sleep later that night, you read the get-well cards that your loved ones had sent you while you were at the hospital. Most of the names that you recognized were of your family and friends from back home, and until today, the rest had been unfamiliar. Now you know that Betty was the owner of the book shop you and Keanu frequented, Lillian was your old neighbor from the apartment you used to live in, and Harry was someone from work.
It was already past midnight, and you still weren’t tired, even after taking your medicine. Instead of tossing and turning in bed, you decided to pass the time by going through the photo album again. You recalled the vivid way Keanu described the memory, and your head played each moment like it was a scene from a movie. Sighing, you shut your eyes and silently held onto that feeling of bliss the picture gave for as long as you could.
Suddenly, you heard a loud crash from downstairs, followed by a curse. Swiftly, you rushed out of the bedroom and headed to the living room, finding Keanu kneeling down and picking up winter boots from the floor. You assumed he was trying to reach for a box inside a nearby closet but had dropped it.
“Sorry for waking you up, I was searching for something,” he mumbled as he sat on his heels and ran a hand over his weary face.
“Don’t worry, I was still awake,” you reassured Keanu, helping him back up on his feet. “What were you looking for?”
“A camcorder,” he answered before storing the box back on the shelf in the closet. “We brought it with us on our trip to Italy and recorded a few things on it. I wanted to find it and show you the videos, but I think we might have left it at your parent’s house last Christmas.”
Keanu sighed heavily as he padded over to the couch and sank down in one corner. Meanwhile, you trailed behind him, sitting down in the middle as he glanced off in the distance. You could tell that he was exhausted, and you wondered what was keeping him up so late at night.
“What’s wrong, Ke?” You questioned, facing your body towards him as he rubbed his eyes.
“Nothing,” he uttered although he wasn’t very persuasive.
“Then, why are you still up?”
Keanu sat up, clasping his hands together on his lap, leaning forward. His hair shielded his eyes from you, and you carefully reached out to tuck it behind his ear. You didn’t let your hand drop right after, however. Instead, you placed it on the side of his face, softly caressing it with the tips of your fingers as you urged him to look at you.
“Keanu,” you whispered his name as he covered the back of your hand with his own. “You know you can tell me anything.”
He released a breath as you felt him lean into your touch, his eyes fluttering close. When they opened again, his lips finally parted to speak.
“It’s the nightmares. They came back last night, and I wasn’t able to sleep. I tried going to bed an hour ago but just couldn’t do it.”
“What kind of nightmares are they?” You inquired, still holding him.
Keanu averted his gaze as you stroked his cheek with the pad of your thumb. “It’s about your accident. I keep dreaming that you didn’t make it, and all that’s left for me to do is just blame myself for letting it happen in the first place.”
“Why would you blame yourself? I was the one driving in the middle of a storm. You had nothing to do with this.”
You noticed him instantly tense up at your words, and when he tried to move away, you kept him from doing so. “Ke, why would you say that?”
Keanu’s glossy eyes returned to yours as he shook his head. “I-I don’t know.”
You smiled sadly at him, choosing not to push any further for both yours and his sake. You could see that he was having an internal battle with himself, and although it was worrying you, you didn’t want to complicate things even more. “Okay, you don’t have to tell me now. Not until when you’re ready.”
“I want to tell you, but…” he trailed off, and you nodded.
“It’s okay. Whatever you did, I’ll understand. I just want you to get some rest tonight,” you replied as an idea came to your mind. “You probably know this already, but I like falling asleep with a movie quietly playing in the background. Maybe we could try that?”
“You don’t have to stay up for me,” Keanu declined, but you were already reaching for the remote on the table. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.”
You gave him a shake of your head as you turned the television on and quickly found a channel where a film was showing. “Nope, you took care of me yesterday at the restaurant. This is the least I can do.”
Keanu sighed in defeat as he sat back on the couch and calmed down. At first, there was a bit of distance between the two of you. Then, gradually, you began leaning into him, feeling your own exhaustion settling in. You didn’t notice the arm wrapped around your shoulder until half-way through the movie, and you couldn’t help but snuggle deeper into Keanu’s warm side.
Eventually, your eyes began to drift close as the sounds of his light snores filled the room. Not wanting to disturb the peace, you decided to stay there in the comfort of his arms for the night, and something about it simply felt right.
Part 6
Tags: @penwieldingdreamer @fanficsrusz @toomanystoriessolittletime @awessomness @meetmeinthematinee @ringa-starr @ficsnroses​ @iworshipkeanureeves​
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Ice Cold ~Part 7
A/N: Hi everyone here is the next part. Sorry I’ve been working a lot the past three days but starting Monday I have 5 days off so you are about to actually be bombarded with content lol Enjoy!
I got off the subway at Union station and quickly found Amy before heading to the arena.
"Hey are you okay? You seem really quiet."
"William has just really pissed me off that's all."
"That's so shitty, what did he do?" She asked as we walked into the back halls to get to our stuff.
"I'll tell you about it later. I don't want people to hear me talk about him in a negative way." I whispered.
"Fair enough. Oh! Not to make your day any worse but Peter is going to be here too."
"Uuuugh why?" I whined, throwing my head back.
"He's got an article to write about Auston. I don't know details but I do know he's going to be wandering around the arena until the end of the game."
"Let's go where we need to be for warmups and just ignore Peter alright?"
"Fine. I might lose it though. I haven't talked to him since our little fight about William."
"Does William know about that?"
"Yeah I told him. He doesn't like Peter at all."
"Can't really blame him, all the shit he talks in his articles."
"He's a tabloid writer not a journalist." I said rolling my eyes opening a door that led to the empty space behind the boards. Once we were set up and taking pictures of the boys Amy brought up Will again.
"You gonna tell me what he did now that we're relatively alone?"
"He just said some shit that really upset me."
"Like what?"
"He said he doesn't trust me. He was keeping a huge secret from me and he told me. Now Auston has it in Wills head that I'm going to tell everyone the secret. Like tell you and Peter. As if. It's not my secret to tell and no one's getting hurt or in danger so I have no reason to break that trust but he doesn't even have it for me in the first place."
"That's such a shitty thing for Auston to do and for William to say! Who do they think you are exactly? Because I haven't known you any longer than they have and I know you'd never share secrets that weren't yours."
"Auston just fucking hates me for no reason. I never did anything to him and won't ever do anything to him. Or any of them. He just won't see reason at all." 
"That's shitty that he can't accept that you love William and wouldn't hurt him."
"Wait how'd you know that?"
"What that you love him?" I nodded and she laughed. "Oh darling, everybody sees how you look at him. Have you told him yet?"
"Yeah I did last night. He said it back but then everything went shitty this morning."
"That's good that he loves you too!"
"But does he though?" I asked sadly, looking at him skate past. He had a frown on his face when he saw me. "If he really loved me wouldn't he trust me?"
"I would say yes but I can't deny the way he looks at you either. I think he does love you, he just listens to Auston too much."
"That could be. I'm just so frustrated. He didn't want to fuck without sharing all his secrets I wanted the same thing but now I don't know if I should even tell him mine. If he can't trust me how do I know I can trust him?"
"If it's the secret I'm thinking of?" I nodded. "Then you'll have to tell him if this is going to work. That was an awful thing that happened to you and he needs to know what hurts you and what triggers your pain about it."
"I know that you're right I'm just so sad and salty right now."
"You have every reason to be. He's being a fucking idiot."
"Who's being an idiot?" Peter asked coming up swinging arms over both our shoulders. I pushed his arm off.
"Kasperi is bothering Freddie." Amy said casually.
"Ah gotcha. Sounded like you were talking about someone else."
"What's it matter?" I said in a snarky voice. "Need something juicy for your next story?"
"Look, you misunderstood what I meant that day."
"(Y/n) come on."
"No. I'm trying to do my job here Peter."
I ignored them both for a while and took a lot of pictures. Probably over 600 during the game. Peter didn't leave at all, just stared at me the whole time. We all walked together to the locker room once they were done showering and changing. Amy was supposed to film the interview with Auston and since I was her partner I had to come too but I really didn't want to. I didn't want to face Auston or William. 
Once we got there, there was a lot of people in the room. Players, security, and press mostly. I was very out of place and nervous in this room until I saw Mitch come in and sit down. I walked over to him.
"Smile Mitchy!" I said holding up my camera and snapping a picture.
"No fair I wasn't ready!" He said making me laugh. "Stop giggling, I probably look so ugly."
"No you don't but I'll take another if you want?"
"Okay good. Get my good side this time." He said posing with a serious look.
"Love, all your sides are good and you know it." He laughed and I snapped the picture. "Congrats on the win."
"You don't mean that."
"Sure I do. You're my friend, I'm proud of you for playing so good."
"Us winning was all you and Peter."
"What do you mean?"
"Auston was angry that you didn't tell them. William is angry mostly with himself but now is also angry you're keeping something from him, don't know he loves you, and that Peter was with you the whole time."
"But how did that help?"
"The angrier they are the less they hold back the power they have."
"I don't want William to be angry with me."
"I know."
"Is he gonna confront me about it?"
"He's planning on it, yes."
"Does he really love me? I know you don't want to butt in too much but please?"
"He does. He loves you more than anything I've ever experienced. You better go see Amy, she thinks she lost you. Or that you ran away."
"Okay I'll go, but we're talking about this later mister." I said pointing as I left making him laugh.
"Hey (y/n)!"
"Hi Kappy! Good game." I said giving finger guns as I walked up to Amy. "Hey Mitch said it looked like you were looking for me."
"I was! You just disappeared and I know how you are with crowds and your feelings.. I got worried."
"I'm okay, I promise. I just went to say hi to Mitch."
"Friends with everyone huh?" Peter asked with a weird emphasis on 'friends'.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It's just funny that you're friends with so many different hockey players. You think you'd stick to just one whatever he is."
"Look you ass, who those boys are to me has literally nothing to do with you. And you're not going to trick me into telling you my relationships with them so stop being manipulative. My life isn't a fucking article for you to cover and tell the world."
"(Y/n) listen." He said sighing, realizing he couldn't trick me into talking. "Let me take you out to dinner and we can clear this whole mess up. We can go wherever you want. How does that sound?"
"Um..I uh..Peter I um.." 
"She's actually coming out with us tonight." William said, interrupting my blabbering.
"She could've said that."
"You're making her uncomfortable."
"William stop." I muttered quietly.
"I'm trying to fix that William. Trying to explain myself."
"Cornering and manipulating her to feel bad and share things she doesn't want to doesn't seem like an explanation to me."
"Good thing I'm not trying to explain to you then isn't it?"
"Guess so."
"Guys you're acting like fucking children. Peter let's go. We need to head to the office to upload the interview footage." Amy said rolling her eyes at them.
"Do I have to come too?"
"Nope. Just take the camera card home and store your pictures on the hard drive. Cameras stay here since we're coming back tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely." She hugged me tight and whispered, "talk to him."
"I will." We broke apart. "I'll see you tomorrow. Message me when you're home."
"Will do. You message me too. I don't care how late or where just let me know you're safe." 
"Okay I will. Bye."
"See ya!" She said pulling a pouting Peter out by his arm.
"Thanks." I said quietly to William.
"You don't have to thank me baby." He said finally relaxing his body language and kissing my forehead. "Do you want to come out with us? Or would you feel better at home?"
"What would be better for everyone? For you?"
"For me better would be you with me."
"But it would be better for Auston if I stayed away."
"No. I get it Will. Auston is never going to be okay with me. Go have fun and celebrate with the boys. I don't want to make things harder on anyone. I've never wanted that."
"You don't make things harder. I promise. The rest of them love you and want you around more. It's just Auston's stubbornness that's an issue."
"But I don't want to create an issue."
"Do you want to come out with us? With me?"
"Of course I do I just-"
"No. No, you're coming then. If you want to come you're coming."
"Kappy would love to drink with you. I think you'd enjoy it too. He's pretty fun."
"That sounds fun."
"Let's get out of here. We can meet the boys there."
"Okay sounds good." I smiled at him before he lead the way out of the building. It was lightly snowing outside and I shivered as he held my hand.
"Sorry did I make it worse?"
"No, give me back your hand. It's the least you can do after how shitty you made me feel all day today."
"Darling I'm so sorry."
"William you know I would never hurt you guys like that. You know. You had Morgan confirm. You had Mitch reading my mind and still. Still! You didn't trust me at all. I don't know why you told me in the first place if you were gonna regret it like this."
"I don't regret it. I don't want secrets. I feel so much better that I can be myself and not worry about how human I seem."
"All I want is for you to trust me and be that comfortable around me. It really hurt that you didn't trust me. That you'd believe Auston over Morgan, Mitch, and I."
"I promise you right now, that will never happen again (y/n). I'm willing to prove it to you every day. I will believe everything you say and do here on out no matter what. Unless it's something dumb like saying you're fine when I know you're not."
"Alright sounds fair." I said smiling pulling him down for a kiss. It was a soft sweet kiss.
"I have to ask you something about what you said to Amy."
"Oh God okay what is it?" He stopped our walking again and held my face in his hands.
"Do you really doubt my feelings for you? You think I don't love you?" He asked in his warm murmur liquidy brain voice.
"Sometimes." I said honestly. "It just seems like some kind of dream I'm going to wake up from any second. Like you're going to realize how much better you can do and leave."
"My sweetheart, who on earth made you think you were so hard to love? Loving you has been the easiest and most natural thing I've ever done. I adore you (y/n)."
"I love you." I said getting teary eyed.
"Why are you crying?"
"No one has ever made me feel like this before. I've never felt this wanted when sex isn't involved."
"Darling you are so much more than that and I intend to show it everyday even when sex is involved."
"So you do want that with me? Like sex I mean?"
"(Y/n) of course I do! Why would you think otherwise?"
"I don't know how it works with you guys."
"It works exactly the same. And baby?"
"Yes?" I asked before he lightly pushed me against a building making me gasp.
"I may be a vampire, but I'm still a man and you my love, are so sexy." He whispered, kissing my neck making me shiver in pleasure. He stepped away and took my hand making us walk again.
"God Will, you can't just do that!"
"Why not?"
"Because now I fucking want you that's why not. Because I have to go sit and try to not think about it so Mitch doesn't see what I'm thinking."
"Kind of lame that Mitch gets to see your fantasies and I don't."
"That is not my fault. I can't control who sees my brain."
"I know I'm just jealous."
"Well don't be. You'll see soon enough."
"You'll have to tell me your secret first though." He said making my face drop.
"You didn't forget about that huh?"
"Not a chance. Why would you keep something from me? Especially something that seems so bad."
"Because it is so bad. Like really bad. I don't usually tell guys about it unless I don't have a choice."
"Oh darling that's awful. I don't want to force you into telling me."
"You're not. You can ask Amy, I was planning on telling you."
"How come Amy knows?"
"It's easier to share trauma with girls who understand. Even if things haven't happened to them they get the danger and the fear. It's just a lot easier."
"I can respect that."
"I just don't want you to see me as lesser."
"I will never see you that way. I promise." He squeezed my hand a little before stopping in front of a club. "We're here. Do you still wanna go in?"
"Yeah of course, it's time to celebrate!"
"We could celebrate at my place if you'd prefer?"
"No I was excited to do this.. do you not want me to?"
"Babygirl no, I do want you to. I just also want you to myself." He said,  pulling me close to him by my hips.
"I could stay the night if you want?"
"I would definitely enjoy that." He said with a smirk.
"Alright deal. Let's go in. I'm getting a drink before we go to the boys though." 
I pulled him through the door and loud music flooded my ears. He ordered me a drink and we sat at the bar so I could drink it. He got himself a few shots while I drank two mixed drinks.
"William, just so you know I am a lightweight."
"A what?"
"I get drunk really fast on not a lot of alcohol. If I stand up right now I'll be swaying a bit."
"You silly girl. You're adorable. Are you buzzed enough to go find the boys?"
"Yes. I am ready! Let's go!" I jumped down and wobbled a bit. William steadied me before leading the way to their table. "Ehey! Kappy!"
"(Y/n), Will! Fucking finally. Thought you'd never show up."
"I needed a drink first." I said matter of factly.
"Well we're glad you're here now. I'm Stephanie!" The girl beside Mitch introduced herself.
"Stephanie." I said nodding before going in for a hug. "Nice to meet you!"
"I've heard a lot about you from everyone."
"Listen Steph, can I call you Steph?" She nodded as I took another sip from my third drink. "Okay cool. Listen Steph. Don't listen to a word Auston says about me because he's being a total fuckhole right now."
"Hey!" Auston said with a frown.
"Don't you even start Auston Matthews." I said, waving my finger at him.
"You're a brat."
"Only for Willy." I said making William choke, Kasperi and Mitch laugh, and Auston make a gagging noise. 
"Baby you can't just say stuff like that." William said with mischief in his eyes.
"Fine, whatever, sorry!"
"Sit down darling." He pushed me into the booth beside Kasperi with him on the other side.
"Okay fine bossy." Kappy laughed at that.
"Poor little (y/n)."
"I am poor little me thank you for noticing."
"How much have you had to drink?"
"Not enough for her to be acting like this." William said laughing.
"Hey I said I was a lightweight!"
"Yeah but I didn't think like this."
"I'm sorry." I said getting quiet and taking another sip of my drink.
"Hey babes come with me!" Steph said excitedly.
"Where are you taking her?"
"Calm down William I want to dance. I'll take care of her."
"Go with Mitch."
"He won't and she's an adult."
"Willy move or I will climb over." I said excited.
"Baby you can barely stand."
"Climb it is." I said as I jumped up and over him only tripping a little. Steph caught me as everyone except William and Auston laughed. "I'm gonna go dance with my new friend Stephanie. You sit here all broody and angry with Auston."
We turned around and left the table on our way to the dance floor. They were playing a lot of older party music so I was really excited jumping around and shaking my hips to the music. Me and Steph had been giggling and dancing for a while until I had to go to the bathroom. 
"You're not going by yourself. Let me come with you."
"I can do it by myself."
"At least let me stand outside and wait for you?"
"Okay. Okay deal. Yes. Where is bathroom?"
She took my hand and led the way through the crowd to the bathroom. I went in and was shocked at the sight in front of my drunk eyes. Auston was in the girls bathroom. With a girl. But something wasn't right. She wasn't moving and his eyes were red and veiny underneath. He also had blood dripping from his teeth.
"For fuck sake it couldn't have been anyone else.." he asked looking up in frustration. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"
"Gotta pee.." I said sounding dumb even to myself.
"Listen to me, you didn't see anything." He said sitting the girl down in a stall and coming over to me.
"I mean it. You saw nothing. You're not telling anyone about this. I could do that to you in a second, do you understand?"
"Stop I'm not gonna say anything." I winced as he blocked me in by his arms loud against the wall.
"I don't know what the fuck Will sees in you but if you say a word no one will ever fucking see you again until they find your skeleton in a shallow grave in the woods. Aww poor baby is crying." He wiped a tear from my cheek and I shivered.
"Please don't. I'm not gonna do anything I promise. Even if I did I'm drunk no one will believe me."
"No. No! There's no 'even if I did'! This is why we can't fucking trust you!" He snarled in my face.
"God Auston just stop!" I said louder trying to duck under his arm but he used his arm to push back against my shoulders and neck. I panicked as he pushed and eased off making it hard for me to breathe. He laughed.
"So frightened. Good." He pushed a little more and I was gasping for air. "And while I have your full attention. These people are my family, and if you hurt them in any way I will kill you. Don't think for a second that just because William loves you that you're safe. You're not."
"Auston I promise you I won't."
"You better not." He said lifting my feet off the ground by his arm. A lot of pressure was on my neck and I started clawing at his arm.
"You think you can hurt me? Pathetic."
"Auston you're scaring me!" I yelled as loud as I could in his face.
"Good!" He roared.
"Auston Matthews what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He was as shocked by Stephanie's appearance as I was and dropped his hand, causing me to fall in a heap on the floor.
"It's not what it looks like Steph."
"I don't want to hear it. Get out before I call security for Toronto's golden boy perving on the girls in the bathroom."
"You wouldn't."
"Oh I so would Auston, I so would. Get lost."  He left quickly and I stayed on the floor crying. "Honey let's go find William okay?"
"No! No I still need to go pee." I pushed her away and got up to the bathroom. Once I was done she made me sit on the counter.
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah I will be. I'm not right now."
"I know hun I can tell. Let's go back out okay?"
"Okay. Don't tell anyone please?"
"What (y/n) you have to tell someone? He can't just do that to you."
"I'll take care of it just don't make things harder by telling everyone please?"
"Okay fine. But if I hear that no one has heard about it in a few days I'm going to tell."
"Fine that's fair."
We left the bathroom and got to the table. Auston was nowhere to be found thank goodness.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"Nothing Will I'm fine."
"(Y/n)-" Mitch said, worry and shock on his face.
"Mitchy I'll talk later okay?"
"Alright fine but you're not getting out of it."
"Okay." I sat down and took a shot of whatever William was holding.
"William I promise I'll talk about it later I just can't right now." I said tears gathering in my eyes again as I thought of everything.
"Willy maybe you should take her back home. She clearly doesn't feel safe right now." Mitch said in his ear.
"I think you're right. Darling do you want to go home?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder.
"You house. Wanna go to your house. Mitchy is right, I don't feel very safe right now." I said against his shoulder.
"Would you feel safer if Kas came too?"
"I don't want to ruin his night."
"You won't. Sit here with Mitch and Steph while I go find him."
"Steph can we have a second?" Mitch asked softly.
"Of course babe, I'll get us another drink." She leaned in for a kiss and he rolled his eyes a little before giving her one. I made sure to hold that in my brain for later.
"(Y/n) you need to tell him everything. I'm sorry I didn't come help. With this many people it's hard to focus on just one. Literally for all of us it all just gets mixed up. I wish Auston would stop blocking his thoughts from me."
"I'm sorry he's doing that to you Mitchy." I said giving him a hug.
"Don't you dare apologize for his dumbass behaviour as if what just happened didn't happen."
"He threatened me Mitchy. I couldn't breathe.. I thought I was gonna die again, I-" he interrupted my crying panic with a hug. I still cried harder though.
"Shh it's okay. It'll be okay. Just talk to Will."
"I promise." I pulled away from him in time to see Kasperi and William walk up.
"Oh my God (y/n) what happened to you?"
"Talk about it later." I said going back to William.
"William you better listen to her. She's terrified." Mitch said seriously as William nodded.
"Let's go sweetheart." He pretty much dragged me out of the club. Before I knew it we were back at their apartment. I took my shoes off and locked both locks on the door. The boys looked at me weird for that.
"Um.. I know that looks dumb and it's not gonna protect me more than you guys but it makes me feel better."
"(Y/n) I'm really worried about you. Please come sit and talk to us." William said on the verge of tears himself.
I sat down on him and started telling them everything that happened in the bathroom with Auston.
"You've got to be kidding right now?!" Kasperi said in shock.
"Why would I lie?" I yelled through the sobbing. "God I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I knew you guys wouldn't believe me."
"Baby no come here." William pulled me into a hug. "We believe you. We're just shocked that Auston would go against Morgan's wishes like that."
"I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It sounds terrifying."
"I thought I was going to die again." I said softly.
"What do you mean again? Has he done this to you before?" William demanded.
"No someone else did. An old boyfriend. I broke up with him because he was abusive and crazy. He broke into my old place and raped me to show that I was his whether I wanted him or not. It was really violent. He strangled me until I passed out. What Auston did just brought me back to Tommy.. that's why I'm freaking out so bad. I'm sorry. I've ruined everyone's good time again."
"You must still be drunk cuz that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Kappy said hugging me from the other side.
"Baby I'm so sorry that happened to you. You never deserved that."
"Can we talk about him later? I don't want to think about it anymore tonight."
"That's completely reasonable."
"Guys I'm scared."
"Don't be. Morgan is on the way to talk to us about it."
"Did Morgan see this coming?"
"He said no. He didn't see you and Auston in that bathroom at all. So it was a split second decision by Auston. I don't know if it makes it any better but he wasn't planning on doing that to you in advance."
"That doesn't make it better but it's good to know." I said softly. There was a knock on the door and I jumped.
"It's just Morgan." William soothed me.
"Can I check?"
"Yeah go ahead." William got up and came behind me while I looked through the peephole. Seeing that it was just Morgan I moved so Will could open it. I grabbed on to William as he locked the door behind Morgan.
"Thank you. I know it's silly.." I whispered.
"Anything that makes you feel safe isn't silly." He kissed my forehead and brought me back over to the couch to the other boys.
"(Y/n) I understand that you're afraid." Morgan said softly in a voice similar to William's warm one.
"Yes. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. I'm probably gonna die now." I said wiping a tear.
"You won't. I can promise you that. We will protect you."
"But Auston is your family, I can't let this happen."
"But you're William's soulmate. We can't let either of you hurt the way that would hurt." Kas said.
"I'm just sorry and scared and still a little drunk."
"How about we go lay down? I'm sure Mitch filled everything in and Kappy knows it all if he left stuff out." William asked combing his fingers through my hair.
"Okay. I would like that."
William carried me to his room and put me down on the bed. I took a second to look around. 
"What is it?"
"Not what I was expecting your room to look like. I thought it would be more hockey."
"No I don't want to think about hockey in here."
"What do you want to think about?"
"I'm sure you could figure it out love." He said smirking and winking at me.
"Oh? OH! Aah gotcha." I said blushing a lot as he got in bed beside me and squeezed my hip.
"You're so cute. What happened to the earlier confidence when you told the whole table you were my brat?" 
"I was drunker then."
We were quiet for a bit. I curled up to his side and he kissed my head then taking a deep breath. I was thinking a lot about the vampire thing. I still had so many questions but only one seemed really important right then.
"Does me being warm feel as good to you as you being cold does to me?" I asked into his chest. I felt the vibration of him laughing.
"Darling I can't even explain to you how good it actually feels. I love when you touch me because it makes me feel warm. Nothing but a living person can make me feel warm."
"You never feel any different to me."
"That's because my skin can't warm up but I get the sensation of being warm inside. It's the same feeling probably as when you jump into your bed under your millions of blankets." He joked poking my nose. I scrunched it up and he laughed. "I love you."
"I love you. But you're not allowed to make fun of my nest ever again. I want to be cozy."
"Of course love, I'm sorry."
"Can we go to sleep? I'd really like to sleep."
"You can do that." He said reaching across my body to turn off the light. I grabbed onto his arm to stop him though.
"Am I safe? How do we know I'm safe?"
"Honey are you sure you want the answer? It'll take some explaining."
"I wanna know."
"Okay. So vampires can only die one way but we can be hurt bad enough that we should die. When that happens we go unconscious for a few hours."
"What do you mean?"
"Like a broken neck for example, would knock us out for a while."
"Morgan broke Auston's neck."
"Oh my God no! William! I didn't want that!" I yelled sitting up in bed.
"Baby shh.. lay down." He pushed my shoulders back down and leaned over me, trapping me. "None of us wanted this but he posed a big threat to all of us. He was more being punished for what he did to that girl than anything else."
"How come?"
"Because we don't bite people unless we're changing them. That's Morgan's rules. This happens to everyone who goes against the rules. The last thing we need is for a random person to go to police or media saying that one of us drank their blood."
"This is fair. So where is he then?"
"There's kind of a cell in the basement." He said with a dark laugh. "I decided to skip that part of the tour."
"Smart move." I nodded. "So what's keeping him in there? I know you can bend metal so what's the deal?"
"Have you ever heard of vervain?"
"The stuff from vampire diaries?" I asked, scrunching my nose in confusion making William laugh.
"It's a real herb. It's got pink flowers. It's an old healing herb. It's considered holy."
"Ooh okay."
"It has pretty much the same effect as on that show."
"So if he touches the bars at all he'll burn the shit out of his hands."
"Yes exactly."
"What about the game?"
"Mitch is going to tell them that he's got the flu. Can't stop puking so he can't even call and tell them."
"You guys have done this before huh?"
"We had to do it with Mitch a couple times when he first turned."
"You guys'll never have to do that to me."
"Don't talk like that."
"Fine whatever." I said turning my head.
"There's my little brat." He teased kissing my cheek making me blush.
"So Auston is locked up. For how long?"
"Two maybe three days tops."
"You're safe. Kas is here, I'm here, Mitch is going to be here too once Morgan leaves. He's there so someone is there when he wakes up but he'd rather it be Morgan for some reason."
"Okay. I think I want to sleep now. Now that I know I'm safe. I'm really tired."
"Alright darling, good night." He kissed my forehead, turned off the lamp, and curled up with me. I drifted off not long after.
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ukulelecal · 5 years
The Big Easy (Photographer!Ashton)
In which Ashton and Ellie explore New Orleans.
Pairing: Photographer!Ashton x OC
Warnings: language
A/N: sooo today in my snapchat memories a one year ago today thing came up and apparently, one year ago today, i was in new orleans for spring break! and i was like, damn, i miss it, and then this idea came into my head lol. since i’m struggling with writing the whole photographer!ash backstory, i figured i would just do this so you guys can meet the oc i made, ellie, and get a little taste while i figure out everything else lol (so yes there will be more photographer!ash and ellie, if you guys want!!! so lmk lol). this is my first fic with an oc so i hope you guys enjoy this 3.1k words of fluff!! love you pumpkins x 
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“Ready to go, pretty girl?”
Ellie finished tucking her top into her skirt before turning around to face Ashton, an easy smile on her face. She always seemed to be smiling around him, always peaceful and calm. He was her rock in her crazy lifestyle as a touring musician. He kept her grounded and was always there to support her. 
“I’m ready.”
He reached for her hand with a dimpled smile, and the two headed out the door of the hotel room, making their way to the elevators.
“First stop is Cafe du Monde for breakfast, I hope?” Ellie inquired as the elevator descended, peering up at him with a cheeky grin. Ashton chuckled and nodded in response, adjusting his camera that was slung around his neck, like always.
“I promised, didn’t I?”
Ever the foodie, Ellie fell in love with beignets the first time she visited New Orleans on tour, and she always made sure there was time in the schedule to go to Cafe du Monde every time. 
It didn’t take much for Ashton to figure out how much Ellie loved the city. When they stopped there during the first tour with him as her photographer, she gushed endlessly to him about how excited she was, telling him stories of the shows she had played there in the past and all the fun things she did if she had downtime. When he was with her, there wasn’t much downtime at all, so he decided it was time for them to take a vacation to one of her favorite places. She didn’t have to worry about playing shows or doing promo; it was just Ellie and Ashton. 
The couple exited into the street from the lobby, and frankly, there was nothing spectacular about the French Quarter of New Orleans in the morning. It smelled and there was garbage that covered the ground from the copious amount of partying that happened every single night. The mess always got cleaned up and the smell faded away decently fast, but it wasn’t pleasant at the start. Ellie scrunched up her nose as they carefully stepped over everything on the ground, willing herself not to breathe too deeply.
“I hope I’m not this gross when I’m drunk,” Ashton grumbled with a disgusted look that matched Ellie’s. She giggled, gently nudging his shoulder with hers.
“I promise you aren’t,” she assured sweetly. “You’re a very affectionate drunk, actually.”
“And you’re very giggly and loud,” he teased, with loving intention, of course. Ellie rolled her eyes playfully, nudging him once again.
Soon enough, Ellie and Ashton approached the infamous Cafe du Monde, the smell fading away the further they got from the heart of the big party area. It was crowded, like it usually was, but both of them were quickly on the lookout for a table. They were lucky to spot another couple just getting up to leave, and they quickly made their way over to snag the table.
“That was pretty good, huh?” Ashton wondered aloud with a grin, taking the seat across from Ellie. 
“We definitely got lucky.”
A waitress was quick to come over and clear off the table, and Ellie’s mouth practically watered at the sight of the beignets that other customers were already enjoying.
“Alright, are you two ready to order?” The girl asked, glancing at them expectantly.
“Want to split an order?” He mumbled to Ellie, who nodded in response before he turned back to the waitress. “We’ll do one order of beignets, please, and I’ll take a large iced cafe au lait.” 
“I’ll take one, too,” Ellie piped in. The waitress bit back a smile, clearly recognizing the singer but not saying anything. 
Ashton pulled out some cash to hand to the waitress before Ellie even had the chance, and the girl quickly scurried off to put the order in. 
“We didn’t get to come here when we were here on tour,” Ellie commented, hands resting on the table as she picked at her nail polish, a habit of hers. Ashton immediately reached to grab one of her hands. He always did when she started to pick.
“Yeah, and Luke had to come here to get beignets to go for you,” he chuckled, and Ellie shrugged innocently. What would a trip to New Orleans be without beignets? Thankfully, the sound tech had been more than willing to run out and grab them for her. Needless to say, Ellie was a very happy camper when she went on stage that evening with a tummy full of sugary goodness. 
It didn’t take long for the food to come out, and the grin on Ellie’s face had Ashton practically melting. He lived to see her smile, and it always made him smile too. 
He was sure he could never love someone as much as he loved Ellie Sullivan.
“Hang on, pretty girl,” he mumbled when she quickly reached for one of the three beignets on the little plate that the waitress had placed on the table. He gestured to the camera slung around his neck, and Ellie knew exactly what he wanted to do. Being a photographer, it was natural for him to want to take pictures of everything. He found so much beauty in the world and felt it deserved to be captured. Once he met Ellie when he was hired to be the photographer for her world tour, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, she became his muse. He took countless pictures of her, not just on stage, but in every setting. Sometimes she posed for him, some were candids, and he loved every single one of them. Some made it to the Internet for the world to see, while others were kept between the two of them, intimate and special. 
“Let me see that, ‘I finally got my beignets’ smile,” he continued, focusing the shot as she let her natural smile get even wider, tilting her head to the side, and Ashton couldn’t help but grin lovingly from behind the camera. He quietly hyped her up and gave her encouragement as he always did when he photographed, as well as suggesting poses when she seemed lost.
He took many pictures of his favorite girl, some featuring her holding up the beignets or pretending to take a big bite from them, before he finally put the camera down and they dug into the food. 
“Fuck, they’re so good,” Ellie moaned, cherishing the flavor. They didn’t have classic beignets like this in LA, so she always thoroughly enjoyed them whenever she was in New Orleans. 
“I think we’re going to have to come back here for dessert after dinner tonight, yeah?” Ashton suggested, and Ellie nodded excitedly. She was always down for some beignets, no matter what the time of day was. 
After they finished, the two left the restaurant with their iced coffees in hand, ready to explore the city further. They walked hand in hand over to Jackson Square, where many people sat out on the grass to relax in the sun. It was a beautiful day, and Ellie gladly breathed in the freshness of the air. 
“It’s so pretty here,” Ashton mumbled, and Ellie turned her head to find that he already had his camera out, snapping pictures of the gorgeous scenery. She couldn’t help but fish out her phone and take a few photos of him, in his element. He was always the one behind the camera, but she saw him the same way he saw her; beautiful, deserving to be captured. Her pictures weren’t quite as good and skillful as his, but with him in the foreground, she thought it was nearly impossible for it to really be a bad picture. 
“Can you stand by the fountain for me, baby?”
Ashton’s voice snapped her out of her trance as she looked at the pictures she took, and she didn’t bother arguing as she put her phone back in her purse and moved to the spot. Whenever she tried to argue about him taking her picture, he would always give her puppy dog eyes and a pout that she could never deny, so she always posed for him and let him do his thing. 
He took a few pictures from different angles, loving the view of the St. Louis Cathedral in the background. He stood up from where he had kneeled on the ground when he was satisfied, making his way over to Ellie with a smile.
“My pretty girl,” he mumbled softly, cupping her face in his hands. Ellie closed the already minimal distance between them without hesitation, hands finding his broad shoulders. His camera poked her chest from where it hung from his neck, but the feeling was familiar and she hardly even noticed anymore. 
“Love you, handsome,” she murmured as they pulled back, back to grinning.
“Love you, too.”
Ellie and Ashton let their hands fall before they interlaced again, walking around the square a bit more. Ashton couldn’t resist snapping a few more pictures of Ellie with the greenery before they moved on. They weren’t in a rush to see everything right away, as they had a few days until they had to head back home. 
The couple slowly meandered through the streets of the French Quarter, throwing out their empty iced coffee cups along the way. There was always something to see there, something to be looking at, and they loved the constant engagement. 
They eventually passed a shop that sold masquerade masks, and Ashton cocked his head towards the door.
“Want to look in there?”
“Sure,” Ellie agreed simply, and Ashton held the door for her and let her step inside.
The walls were lined with all sorts of masks. The colors and designs varied greatly, as well as different levels of extravagance. There was so much to look at, it was nearly impossible to focus on just one thing. 
“It looks like Mardi Gras threw up in here,” Ellie giggled, slowly starting to browse the masks with Ashton by her side.
“I think that’s the point, baby.”
One particular mask caught Ellie’s eye. She held it up to Ashton with a grin.
“This one reminds me of you.”
It was an ivory white color with gold feathers and details, a big golden sun right at the top. Ashton reminded her of sunshine, and the  mask just seemed so fitting. He smiled sheepishly, taking the mask from her hands and trying it on.
“How do I look?” He asked dramatically, striking a pose. Ellie giggled, reaching up to adjust the mask slightly so it was straight on his face.
“You look amazing, babe,” she answered mid laugh. The bright colors were a contrast against his dyed black hair, and she thought it looked nice on him. “It suits you.”
Ashton glanced at the wall for a moment before picking out a bright blue one, covered in sparkles.
“I think this one suits you, pretty girl. Matches your nail polish.”
She placed the mask on her face and copied him, striking a pose. He laughed, quickly reaching for his camera. He took lovely photos of her pulling silly faces, both of them giggling throughout one of the many mini photo shoots they had. 
“Now I want one of both of us,” she announced with a pout, reaching for her phone again, but Ashton stopped her short.
“I can take it on here, and I’ll send it to you once I get them on my computer.”
Ellie agreed and positioned herself next to him. He held up the camera backwards, and Ellie could never figure out how he could manage to get both of them perfectly in the shot without seeing the screen, but he was the professional, not her. Both smiled big for the camera, and he took the photo.
The two eventually left the mask shop after deciding to forgo buying the masks they tried on, and continued to wander the streets of the French Quarter. They ducked into multiple other shops to see what they had. There were souvenirs, art, voodoo, anything one could possibly think of. Ashton was itching to take some mysterious photos in Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo, but there was a strict “no photos” rule, much to his disappointment. 
Thankfully, New Orleans was a very photogenic city. There were plenty of other places for him to indulge in his art, and he had an absolute field day. The architecture that was purely New Orleans amazed him, and he took numerous pictures of Ellie standing in front of the unique buildings. A few fans recognized Ellie and came up to say hi, and Ashton gladly took pictures for them. 
The sun had begun to set, and the couple started to get hungry for dinner. It didn’t long for them to decide on The Gumbo Shop, and they started to make their way there. 
“Stop right here, pretty girl.”
She gave him a pointed look, trying to bite back the smile forming on her face, but she was sure she was failing at that.
“How do you still have any space left on your camera to take more pictures? Seriously, you’ve taken, like, a million just today,” she commented, and he chuckled and shook his head.
“I have room for more, trust me. Just stand right here for me, yeah? Perfect.”
There was a fence behind you with vines and greenery growing in and around it from behind, pink flowers growing on them. It was a pleasing sight, and the pale pink of Ellie’s skirt matched the flowers wonderfully. Plus, it was golden hour, and he adored the way she shone in the setting sunlight. Ashton kneeled on the ground, camera at the ready.
“Smile, pretty girl.”
She tucked her hands behind her back and angled her body slightly, softly and sweetly smiling at the camera. He adjusted the angles and the focus to get the shots he wanted, and Ellie switched up her poses. She was so used to modeling for him, she could usually figure out what he wanted her to do before he said it.
He eventually stood upright and let the camera hang again, opening his arms for her to come to him.
“So fucking gorgeous, sweetheart,” he mumbled, wrapping her in a hug and pressing a kiss to her forehead. She melted into his embrace, resting her cheek against the bare skin that his slightly open shirt exposed. Ashton never failed to make her feel special, make her feel beautiful, and he treated her like a person, not a celebrity. It was one of the many things she loved and appreciated about him; he loved her for her. 
“Can I take one of you, handsome? Please?” She asked, glancing up at him with wide eyes. Ashton was very protective of his precious camera, but Ellie was one of the few people he trusted enough to take a few photos with it. He grinned and nodded, planting one more kiss to her forehead.
“Sure, baby.”
He removed the camera strap from around his neck and placed it on hers, making sure she had it before letting go.
“Remember which button it is?” He questioned, and she nodded. There were far too many buttons and knobs on the device in Ellie’s opinion, and Ashton knew what each of them were for, but she could make do with just the one that took the pictures.
They switched spots and Ashton stood in front of the fence. He wasn’t used to being in front of the camera, and he was a little awkward when it came to posing, but Ellie didn’t care. She loved it when he let her take pictures of him; it was kind of fun to be in his shoes for a moment, get a taste of what he did everyday. 
“You look so good, babe!” She cheered after she took a few, smiling widely at him. He only chuckled and shook his head as he made his way back over to her, taking the camera back.
“Thank you, but I much prefer taking pictures of you, pretty girl,” he mumbled, reaching for her hand yet again.
After a delicious gumbo dinner and a stop back at Cafe du Monde for dessert, they decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel. They would hit the bars another night.
While Ellie popped into the shower, Ashton got comfortable on the bed with his back against the headboard and his laptop sitting in his lap, camera next to him. He knew Ellie would want to see the pictures as soon as possible, so he loaded the pictures onto the computer right away.
They had just finished loading when Ellie came out of the bathroom, wearing one of Ashton’s shirts and a pair of panties. She was just finishing putting her wet hair into a braid as she made her way to the bed, crawling in next to him.
“Did you get the pictures up?” She asked, glancing at the screen. He nodded.
“Yep, they just finished.”
Ellie excitedly cuddled into his side and rested her head on his chest, ready to see all the photos taken that day. Ashton slowly scrolled through them, both of them examining them. Some didn’t come out great, as to be expected, but others were beautiful, and they would look even better once Ashton got around to editing them. 
“You’re so talented, babe,” Ellie sighed contentedly once they reached the end. 
“The pictures wouldn’t look nearly as good if you weren’t in them, pretty girl,” he mumbled sweetly, shutting his laptop and moving it to the bedside table. “Doesn’t matter how good the pictures are if I’m not taking a picture of something worth photographing.” He pressed a swift kiss to her forehead before standing up to get himself ready for bed. 
“You flatter me,” she teased, crawling under the blankets to wait for him.
“It’s the truth!” He called from the bathroom, and Ellie sighed happily again.
A few minutes later, Ashton emerged in just his boxers, crawling back into bed, and Ellie was quick to snuggle into him again. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he reached to turn off the lamp, cascading the room in darkness. 
“Had so much fun today, Ash,” Ellie whispered, pressing a kiss to his bare collarbone. “Thank you for taking me.”
“Of course.” He shifted slightly to get more comfortable, but kept a firm hold on Ellie. “I had fun, too.”
“Goodnight, handsome.”
“Goodnight, pretty girl.”
Ellie and Ashton fell into slumber, ready for another day full of good food, fun sights, and many, many more pictures. 
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Shinso Hitoshi x Fem Reader: Chapter Nine
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Chapter Summary: Shota takes (Y/n) and Shinso to the USJ to get some specialized hostage training done. But things rarely go to plan, and (Y/n) gets to play the role of the victim to her dismay. But there is one thing she knows for sure, she’s not a tease. 
Series Summary: When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Author Note: Me updating two days in a row? Unheard of lol. Also this chapter is 5K, so enjoy the fest. I tried to make this some more wholesome, but also...I like to keep some action going. 
Warning: Near drowning, avalanche, flashbacks    
Last Chapter: Eight
Next Chapter:Nine
Hostage Training 
It had been a few weeks since my run-in with Kira, and Hisoka's accident. Despite looking for the animal that hurt Hisoka, we found nothing. Just like the police still hadn't found Kira. It was unsettling but manageable.
   I was sitting on the porch waiting for Shota to pick me and Shinso up for training. Hisoka was cuddled in my lap, lazily pawing at my exposed thighs. Per Shota's request, I was to wear my paired down training uniform and lose all the camo elements.
   Still, I wasn't a big fan of showing off my body. Lately, I hadn't been so hard on myself about it, after nearly being kidnapped, I was thankful that my body was still my own. Grateful that Hisoka enjoyed my soft thighs and stomach. Thankful that I was able to even move and fight.
   Mom would be happy that I wasn't skipping meals or hiding in my room all day. I should really try calling her, I just don't know what I'd begin to tell her. Maybe about Shinso?
   "Why so contemplative Kitten? Trying to remember how to tie your shoes?" Shinso kneeled and did up my laces, double knotting the bow.
   "No," I puffed my cheeks and pouted when Hisoka ran off to the koi pond. "I was just thinking about my mom is all."
   "What about her?" Shinso sat beside me, leaning back on his forearms.
   "She moved to a care facility around the same time I moved here. Her quirk lets her make burning coals, and for some reason, it's started activating inside her without warning. She lost one of her lungs not too long ago because of it. So she's partaking in a special quirk related illness program." I stopped myself. "That was maybe too personal. Sorry, I just need to call her at some point, that's what I was thinking about."
   "Your mom is the Ash hero?" Shinso raised his brow.
   "Um, yea. She was the ash hero, but she doesn't really like to bear the title anymore." I twiddled my thumbs, kicking my legs out to distract myself.
   "She was pretty big in the underground. She rescued the same civilian twenty-seven times. It's a record."
   "That was my dad." I laughed. "Mom said she married him just so she could find the spare time to breathe. They ran into each other so often, they just couldn't help but fall in love."
   "I didn't know that. Your quirk makes sense, though, the coal mixed with the ability to make gemstones." Shinso hummed, sitting up to match my pose.
   "Yea. I managed to hide my gem quirk till I was a teen, then- then things happened." I pushed my hair in front of my face.
   Shoved in the back of a van. Gunshots. Taking a curve so fast, I bust my head open against the trunk.
   I gripped the back of my head, a small bump remained. "You spaced out again."
   "Hmm," I glanced at Hitoshi, his gaze focused on my hand.
   "I said you spaced out again. You do that during training a lot. I don't want to push it, but you want to tell me why?" He slid his fingers over my scalp, tracing the outline of the bump.
   My fingernails became the most exciting thing in my world. The way they were chewed to the quick, the cracked polish and rough cuticles poking through. "I was kidnapped a couple of times, actually. It turns out that the same people who liked to take my dad thought I would have his quirk too." I forced a laugh, pushing my cuticle down. "Of course I played dumb right up till they threatened to kill my best friend. It was like tv you know, they showed her on a camera and one of their goonies walking right behind her. Needless to say, I got so stressed sapphires started to sprout from my eyes."
   "I'm sorry," Hitoshi scooted closer to me, his arm resting aginst mine.
   "Don't worry about it, Lint ball. That was the easy time around. Besides, my mom saved me that time, and the group was so keen on keeping me a secret they didn't tell anyone. Plus, I never made them diamonds." I sat up and popped my fingers. "Looks like Sho is here, let's go. I'm going to wipe the floor with you today."
   "Thank you for telling me that." Shinso stood, and I suddenly realized how much taller than me he was. His hand rested on my shoulder with a firm squeeze.
   "Yea, like I said, it's not a big deal." I held my hips and smiled the best I could. My eyes stung, but I couldn't let anyone know.
   "Let's go Kitty." He nodded for me to follow him to the car, and I did without fuss. Shinso was a strange man, but he was really decent under all the dry humor and teasing. I could try playing along for now.
   "This place is huge." I gawked at the many different disaster simulation zones inside the vast building. The USJ was a top-notch training facility, and Shota had pulled his strings at the school to let us practice inside today.  
   "Listen closely." Shota walked to the edge of the stairs, turning to face Shinso and I. "Shinso, we're going to be working on search and rescue today. (Y/n), we are going to be working on hostage behavior. Since you are still healing, we'll be focusing on finding the best places to hide and knowing when to run."
   "So, I'm learning how to be a useful victim?" I cocked my head to the side and blinked a few times.
   "Basically." Shota sighed, looking out at all the different zones.
   "This feels kinda sexist for some reason…" I mumbled. "Why can't I rescue Shinso or you?"
   "That will be for another time. Just focus on how you can survive until help arrives today." I knew what Shota wanted from me, I knew it was a good plan, and I knew it was beneficial. But did it have to be a kidnapping scenario? After I confess part of my past to Shinso, now he's just going to be looking for me to zone out. Well, I'm going to rock this challenge.
   "We'll start off with the desert." Shota leads the way. We passed several other biomes and just how vast the building was amazed me. Shinso smirked, nudging me so I'd keep up. I pushed him right back and passed him to walk by Shota.  
   At the desert biome, I got to go out into the sandy hell first. It made sense why I was told to lose the camo part of my outfit now. Shinso needed to be able to see me to "rescue" me. Shota was right behind me as I climbed up the hill. The humid air already doing things to my hair.
   "If you turn your feet when you walk, it will be easier," he instructed, quickly walking through the grit.
   "I'll try," I did as told and didn't slip as much in the sand. "How do I keep the sun from burning me out?"
   "You need to wrap your head in a cloth, and possibly wet it with urine." Shota didn't sound like he was joking. Pausing my climb, I wait for him to say sike still.
   "Noted, don't get caught in a desert." Shrugging my shoulders, I kept walking. Once at the top, I slipped on the dune and skidded down the other side. Rolling fast, hot sand filled my shorts, lighting my skin on fire. I stopped myself at the bottom and spat up the grains in my mouths. Ugh. Jumping to my feet, I bounced around till my shorts were empty.
   "What would you do if that happened with a real villain?" Shota asked me, gliding down the slope. Not once jerking to regain balance.
   "Run for my life?" I offered, sitting up and dusting myself down. Licking my lips, I laid back on the ground, resting my eyes in his shadow.
   "That would be wise." Shota nodded, an underlining message with his words.
   "You want me to run? But you're teaching me stuff?" I cocked my head but got to my feet once I saw him frown.
   "At some point, I want you to run and hide. Give Shinso a real challenge in search and rescue. I can't tell you much about our current case, but if you can really give him a hard time, that would be for the best." He paused to give it some thought. "Really think about how a hostage would act in each scenario. How the elements affect what you're willing to do."
   "Is this how you prompt him?" I asked, going deeper into the desert. While I lost my chance to bolt, I wanted to keep talking. This was not my biome to start getting active.
   "Yes," Shota took my hand and pulled me up the incline. He grinned, tapping my forehead before shoving me down another hill. "Just have fun with it."
   "Wha-"I squealed rolling like a soup can, but with more momentum. Sand-filled my shorts again, but it got past my undies too. After I stopped and got my bearings, I looked at the hilltop, Shota had a captured weapon around his hand. So Shinso had caught us super-fast.
   Trekking back up the slope to help, I resisted the urge to sneak to the exit. I knew I was supposed to give Shinso a hard time, but this wasn't the biome that I wanted to use all my energy in. It was hot and draining; if I was a hostage, I'd be sticking it out with the villain.
   "Oh, Mr. Hero, save me!" I put on my best American accent and waved at Shinso. Having fun, pretending to have been poisoned by the sun. Which wasn't hard to imagine at that point.
   "Hold on-"Shinso tried to offer a comforting phrase, but was distracted long enough to let his guard down. Their fight went on for a while until finally Shinso got Shota down and tied in his scarf.
   "My hero, you are so brave." I pretended to stumble into his arms and whack his chest. "I've been in the sun for three days. I can't remember my own name, surely you can help me find it."
   "How will you handle this, Shinso?" Shota asked, not fighting against his ties. "What should you do with a delirious victim?"
   "Delirium, that's my favorite drink. We should get drinks at some point." I don't know what it was about the accent that made me a flirt, but I was clinging all over Shinso, gripping his arms and making him blush. "Such a strong young man. Oh, how much do you train?"
   "Don't worry, ma' ma, I'm going to get you some help." Shinso grabbed his scarf and my hand, dragging Shota and me behind him.
   I looked at Shota with an evil grin and asked permission to make it even harder. Shota nodded no, and I held back my scheme of accidentally letting him loose. I could try again in the next biome.
   It was the blizzard zone, and of course, I didn't have a jacket with me. Shota offered the bullshit answer that I needed to figure something out if this was real. I knew what he was inferring, but I didn't like it.
   Goosebumps broke out over my arms as we took the ski lift to the top of the mountain. I held myself and followed behind him, using my coal quirk to heat myself. Shota turned and deactivated my power.
   "As my captive, I'm not going to let you waste your energy on coals when I want diamonds." He reminded. "What is your best move?"
   "Follow instructions till I see an opening." My teeth chattered, the snow wetting my socks as I trudged through. "Why did we go from a dessert to a blizzard. We're all going to get sick." I slid down a small section of the hill and grabbed a pine for support. Now I noticed the snow that had piled on top of the branch.
   "I can't move," I pretended to tug on my foot, gritting my teeth.
   "Come on, don't slow me down," Sho was onto my rouse, but I knew I could convince him.
   "Then leave me to die and let my power go to waste asshole." I spat, making small grunts while pulling the large branch down further.
   "Fine, come here, brat." He smirked, once in range, I let the limb go and sprinted down the hill. "Wait, get back here!" Sho yelled, covered in snow.
  Saving my breath, I activated my quirk to create coals. The only place I could make coals was my hands, but that was more than enough heat to keep me warm if I was smart.
   I spotted a small cave and did a few laps around it to cover my tracks. Jumping into the small hole, I slide on the icy bottom finally out of the wind. Wasting no time, I made a pile of coals and started to heat the cavern. This time I was doing really good; maybe I could even save myself in this scenario.
   To be fair, I wasn't in the snow very long, but my socks were soaking wet. Now I was heating up, all the snow was melting and putting me at risk for hypothermia. Sighing, I took my shoes off and lowered the intensity of the coals. Shinso would hopefully capture Sho and be here to 'rescue' me soon.
   How could I make it harder for Lint ball? Hiding was already a challenge, but what else… Maybe fake a broke arm or ankle. Well, I wouldn't want him to carry my big ass off a mountain, that wouldn't be fair. The snow crunched outside. I held my breath and waited.
   "There you are." Purple hair and a faint smirk greeted me, his head poking in the hole.
   "Who are you?" I scooted away from Shinso, picking up coal to 'toss at him.'
   "I'm a hero. You need to come with me." He fumbled for his next words. "It's going to be okay."
   "That's what the last guy said….how do I know you're a hero. You're not on tv." I reasoned, making another coal, and getting in a defensive position.
   "Here's my hero id." He pretended to pull out a badge, and I exclaimed it. "We need to hurry before the villain wakes up."
   "Hey, don't rush me, I've just had the worst day of my life." I reminded him. "Besides I can't go, my shoes are wet and I-"
   "Come on," Shinso grabbed my hand and pulled me out, putting my shoes on. "It's a small hike to the bottom of the mountain. I can carry you, but we need to hurry."
   "I can walk just fine-"I puffed, turning my back to him. His coat was draped around my shoulder, and he tied the sleeves around my neck. "Hitoshi-"
   "We need to move." He used my confusion to his advantage and had me on my feet. He crouched and wedged his hips between mine, quickly catching me off guard.
   Latching my arms around his neck, he adjusted me once and started running. It was dumb to go sprinting downhill with a victim on your back, but I trusted his reasoning.  
   "Why do we have to hurry?" I asked, wondering how cold he must be getting.
   "There's a chance there might be an avalanche." He was panting, the strain of my blubbery body, and the cold stressing his lungs. The fast pace and quick moments made my head spin. My every muscle was stressed, trying to help him keep a good grip.
   A scarf wrapped around my upper body, jerking me into the powdery snow. Shota held the other end and reeled me towards him. Kicking with all my power, I tried to get free. Shinso nose dived but was getting his baring again. "Hero, you forgot to make sure I was bond down." Shota grinned, tugging me back up the mountain. Changing my tactic, I dug my heels into the earth.
   "Don't worry (Y/n), I'll save you." Shinso charged up the hill, ready to take on Sho. Only the mountain top rumbled. In the middle of the two men, I was about to be fucked up alone. I prepared to be at the mercy of the tumbling snow, praying that I didn't crush Sho or Shinso.
   "You failed to keep her safe once, are you going to fail again, hero?" Shota was around four meters from me at this point. The snow working in my sandy shorts. The mountain still rumbling with a panicked fury.
   "Run." I yipped, the snow moving like a wave overhead. Shota seemed startled, as well. Shinso ran up the hill at full speed. The wave already got Sho, but Shinso grabbed me just in time. He undid the binds, cradling me as the snow hit us.
   I didn't know what came over me, but I created a swirling ruby, wrapping it around our bodies like a cage. The snow was able to get through the large cracks, but it kept us from hitting any trees. My stomach did flips, as my world was put through the rinse cycle.
   Shinso had my head pressed in his chest, so I couldn't see if my ruby was breaking or not. All I could do was feel my essence in the gem, and keep pouring energy into fixing any impurities. Waiting for the avalanche to stop, I prayed. This was a simulation, but I knew it was not a joke.
   Shinso squeezed tighter, snow impacting us from all sides. It would be hard to know which way was up or down. Still, we finally slowed down then stopped, the snow kept settling and getting heavier around us. "You okay, Hitoshi?" I mumbled, spitting out the ice. My legs were so numb from my shorts, I had to reach down to make sure I wasn't bleeding; it was so cold.  
   "Are you hurt anywhere?" he ignored my question, using one hand to dig up some headspace. I expanded the ruby, a headache coming on from the large gemstone.
   "Peachy, now which way is up?" I rested my chin on his collar, taking shallow breaths. While training was making me stronger, I didn't have a lot of stamina built up. Even if I wasn't hurt, my body was stressed.
   "This way, I think." He held up a twig and dropped it to test the gravity. With each breath, I brought my life into my palms. With two large coals, I turned up the heat, melting a path. Unfortunately, I had to straddle Shinso, but he was being a good hero and not teasing me.
   I wavered for a moment and crashed back into our little cave. There was plenty of space, but the bottom was still tight. Shinso propped me up and pressed his hand to my forehead. "I'm fine, just worn out…here. Can you dig for a minute."
   "Yea, I got it." He took the coals and used his scarf to wrap his hands before working on the exit.
   With the cold air swirling in my lungs, I took deep breaths. Lifting my palms together, I pushed out even more coals. With the fresh supply, Shinso was able to break out faster. Without his coat, I could admire his toned arms digging through the packed snow.
  Tugging me out of the hole, Shinso adjusted his jacket around my shoulders. "We need to find Mr. Aizawa." He pushed my hair back. "Just stay here, and look for signs of movement." he started looking around where we landed, and a hand popped up in the distance. "Mr. Aizawa." Shinso jogged to his mentor. Finding it in myself, I hobbled over. "You okay?" Shinso asked Sho, checking him over.
   "Yea, I see you two made it out. That's some good work." Shota dusted the snow out of his hair. "Let's get ready for the next one."
   "Wait I'm killed, can't we take a break?" I asked, seeing the exit was just a short walk away.
   "We will, after this next one." Shota opened the door, and we both filed out.    
   I shrugged off Shinso's jacket and handed it to him. "You did a fairly good job at keeping the hostage calm this time. Though maybe lie about the avalanche in real life."
   "Noted." He nodded, and when I followed after Shota, I swore his eyes scanned me up and down. I told him I was okay.
   Still, Shota did let us use the body regulator before hopping into our next scenario. UA was really a top-notch school, I couldn't imagine how much money they floating around to pay for such high tech items.  
"This time, we'll do the shipwreck situation. Shinso, give us three minutes and then come in; however, you see fit." Shota used a small boat to take us to the bigger one in the center of the pool. All I had to do was watch him row, and be a good hostage. It was honestly surprising that none of the training had triggered me yet. Shota was right, I was having fun with it…like I was above the reality.
   Once on top of the deck, he tied me with his scarf till I couldn't move my upper body. "How did I do, Sho?"
   "That's what I want from you. Make it different each time, give him a real challenge. But remember to save energy for the next." Shota looked over the side of the boat. "I enjoyed your little ditzy act."
   "Thanks, I don't know why that accent made me take on a campy flirty character, but it was kind of fun."
   "Here, he comes." Shota got into position and watched as Shinso decided to go headfirst into the fight.
   When he got on deck, he was soaking wet, his hair still fighting off gravity. "Help help help, he's got a bomb on the ship!" I yelped like a child, wriggling against my ropes. "Mister, do something."
   "I got this, don't worry," Shinso was in hand to hand combat with Shota. I noticed he was trying to get him to speak, but Shota wasn't going to fall for his quirk.
   "Watch out!" I screamed, seeing that Shinso was dangerously close to the edge. Of course, he knew what he was doing, but I was challenging a scared kid.
   What would a kid do if they thought a hero needed help? I stood up and ran full force to try to knock over Shota.    
   "Stay back-"Shinso warned, but I kept going, surprising even Shota. Still, Shota dodged and caught me before I could fall from the edge. He tossed me back the way I had come, but instead, I tumbled backward on my feet.
   My ass hit the lip of the guard rail, and I dropped back. Headfirst, I crashed into the water below. Sucked down by my own weight,I kicked till my legs were underneath me. I was twelve feet deep at a guess. At least I had a good breath before going under, but I didn't know how long I'd have to wait. Well, a kid would try to swim up top, but my kicking isn't getting me anywhere.
   Shota would see this as a great training experience. I hoped he knew I was moving at a turtles pace. Changing my tactics, I wiggled like a mermaid with more success, but it wasn't enough. Maybe I was deeper than twelve feet. Why didn't they look over the side, this is just a training.The tension in my throat was building … I wasn't drowning. There was no way that I was drowning. I stayed calm and kicked again to no avail. Seconds ticked by, then a full minute.
Desperately willing my body to the surface, I gasped, the air in my mouth floating above me. Did they not remember I was tied up still? Shit. They are going to wait for the last minute on this, or they just think I can float. Another bubble escaped last my lips. The burning spread down my throat and to my legs. I kicked slower but with broader motions, closer to the top but still too far. Then I put my legs together and did another mermaid kick.
   Nothing. It wasn't working fast enough. Another bubble left my lips, and I took water in. The next gulp was deeper. The burning urge to cough and breath. I swam harder, trying to make the distance—finally, a splash.
   Hitoshi's body was several meters from mine, but we locked eyes quickly. He made frantic motions and grasped my binding once it was in reach. I coughed, taking in yet another mouth full of water, and then another and another till my lungs were almost nothing but water. He clamped his hand over my mouth, swimming up.
   Another gulp in, my vision was blurring, my muscles felt like they were ripping. Hitoshi pushed me up with all his might, and I broke the surface. A nasty gasping, retching, gurgle left me. I needed to retch, breath, and cough all at once. I bobbed under again, but Hitoshi got me in his arms, floating on his chest. He undid the scarf and started to paddle to a piece of the wreckage.  
   Hacking, spitting, and crying wasn't a good look on me, but I was finally calming down once we reached the floating mass. My arm held firmly on his neck.
   "I'm sorry that it took too long." He rubbed circles on my back, turning me on my side so I could expel the water. "I finally got him to answer me, though. Then I lost sight of where you landed, and I figured you could swim."
   I grappled with pulling myself up, then rinsed off my face. Still trying to catch my breath. "Thank you- for saving me. For the record, I can swim, but not like that. I knew you would help me, I just couldn't hold my breath any longer. I stayed calm, but a stranger would probably have flipped out." I flopped back against the wood and coughed up a little more water. "Well, I'm safe now. You should go make sure the villain is tied up."
   "He's preoccupied at the moment." Shinso glanced up and then back at me. "Where are you hurting?"
   "Well, my body slammed the water, so everything tingles. The good thing is the captured weapon must have reinforced my chest. So no broken ribs that I can feel. Though, I don't think I'll be able to donate mom a lung anytime soon. Not that we're the same blood type, but you get my point." I wheezed, rolling over onto my side, and taking a look at my torso… my bra was very obviously visible under my shirt. Covering my chest, I turned.
   "I'm not looking." Shinso countered, treading the water.
   "Then why do you know what I'm concerned about, hmm?" Glaring back at him, I pursed my lips.
   "I didn't think you'd be a pink person." His face went red, he head hanging low.
   "Then it's too late. Damn it." I shivered, a cold breeze from the blizzard biome drifting by. "Come on, hero, I wanna go home." I slid into the water, still holding to the wreckage. "Lead the way."
   "Hold onto my back." He twirled, patting his shoulder.
   "I can swim still." I raised my brow, still covering my chest. Of course, this was all just a drill, but I didn't like touching him so much.
   "I need the practice; come on, Kitten." When he didn't move, I rested one hand on his back and took a deep breath. I assumed he'd bob under or realize that I was too heavy and awkward to swim with like that. But I was able to effortlessly hoover over his back. He used my floatation to our advantage and took long strokes towards the pool's edge. Of course, he was good at everything, that's how he got so smug. Working smarter and not harder, I couldn't blame him.
   "You really are stronger then you look," I complimented, resting my head on his back. "Don't let it get to your head."
   "Is that because you cooped a feel earlier?" He glanced back at me with a smirk.  
   "No, that wasn't me. That was an American socialite that had been kidnapped. Besides, I realized you were strong long before then. I just thought I'd remind you of how weak you look versus how strong you really are."
   "So a backhanded compliment." He slowed his pace.
   "Of course," I answered, biting my lower lip. "It wouldn't have to be so backhanded if you weren't such a tease."
   "I'm the tease?" He reached the edge of the ship and twirled so we were facing each other. He pulled me flush against his chest. "Since when do I tease you?"
   "Nearly every second we're together." I sulked, looking at the ship in the distance. "Like right now."
   "Besides now, when have I been a tease?" His breath tickled my throat, his hair blocking my line of sight.
   "Like when you make fun of me for going red. Or when I ran into a spider. How about when I forgot to turn the rice cooker on." I listed a few, feeling the heat work up my neck…no I wasn't going to turn red now.
   "Don't I kill the spiders? Turn on the rice cooker. And make sure you're not getting sick?" His lips were inches from mine, the heat radiating. Water dripping from his hair onto my forehead.
   "You do," I admitted. "But-" He bit lip his bottom lip.
   "Do you want me to stop?" There were only millimeters between us. The thumping inside my ears clouded out my panting. Sweat pooled down the side of my chin. Fuck. I needed to focus on anything but his lips.
 "No-." His hands gripping on either side of my waist. The smirk he always wore softening to a tender smile.    
"We're going to the swell zone next!" We broke apart as Shota yelled from the top of the boat, dropping a rope between us.
   "Shota, I need a rest," I hollered back, my entire body equivalent to jell-o. Treading water on my own, making it more apparent.  
   "One more." Shota climbed down the side of the ship and back into the little boat.
   "I'll make it fast this time. How about that?" Shinso winked, offering me his hand, and I splashed him.
   "Yea, I'd like to see you find me in under two minutes." I got out of the water and offered him my hand instead, which he took without hesitation.
   "You got a deal," he shook my hand and caught a towel that Shota tossed his way. I grabbed my own towel and cocooned inside it. Shinso had entered my personal space; he made my heart race and got inside my head…He really was such a tease.
   The rest of the training had been to plan. I no longer played the reckless child, and instead settled for a tired businesswoman. True to his word, Shinso found us in under two minutes, but he struggled to use his capture weapon in the windy zone.    
   Once that was done, we hit the showers at the gym, then loaded the car and headed home. Shota went over our strengths and weakness and made a remark that I should be paid to be a crisis actor. It wasn't a bad idea, the preliminary hero license was coming up, and I could use the cash since my jewelry gig was up.
   "I could look into it," I mused, kicking my legs out in the back seat. Thankfully there had been a few old sets of school uniforms in the gym, so I was wearing a comfy jumpsuit home. "I gotta keep my payments up for school, and after the whole fake jewelry shop incident, I don't think I'm ready to face that industry for a while." I twirled the gem around my throat and chewed my lip.
   "We should look into less dangerous lines of work first," Shota nodded, "it would be best for you to lay low till Kira is caught, but if you want to rush things, we can ask the school."  
   "I think I will start applying around, what the worst that can happen?" My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I saw a message from an unknown number. It never failed; every day at three, I'd get a cryptic message with a blurry picture.
   I knew there was nothing I could do to prove it was or wasn't Kira to the police, but it was unsettling.
   Shinso was watching me in the rearview mirror. As soon as we locked eyes, I turned my phone off and closed my eyes. Today it was a picture of a pomegranate and the letter C. There was no way I was going to change my number again over this. It would be the third time in three months, and that just makes life that much harder.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Chemistry - Shawn Mendes
im pretty productive, bringing something new almost every day lol  thanks for the request on this one for the anon! hope this lives up to your expectations!
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A warning knock makes you jump, snapping your head towards the door.
“Yeah?” you call out holding the robe tighter on your body as an assistant pops her head inside with a warm smile on her round face.
“Can we start in ten?” she kindly asks, but there is some mild instancy in her tone and you can’t blame her. You’ve been really taking your time getting ready, but you still don’t feel like you are able to walk out. It’s unknown why you even agreed to do this in the first place and now you are chickening out.
“Um…” You rush to the door hitting a more confidential tone as you continue. “Ca-Can you please get Shawn for me?”
“Is something wrong?” she asks, genuine concern in her green eyes as she holds her clipboard to her chest.
“No!” you reply in an instant probably sounding crazy. “No, I just… I have to talk to him. Can you please tell him to come here? We can start after I talked to him.” You force a smile to your lips that most likely looks frightening at the moment, but she nods her head before backing out of your dressing room closing the door behind her.
You lean your back against the door as you cross your arms on your chest. It’s not even that cold in there but you have chills and your fingers are so cold you know Shawn will complain about them so you dig them under your arms to warm them up a bit. You start chewing on your lower lip when you realize you shouldn’t make it swollen before the shoot so you quickly stop yourself.
Another knock is heard on the door behind you and you immediately open it, revealing your concerned boyfriend who is wearing a robe matching yours.
“What’s wrong? Is everything alright?” he bombs you with his questions, but you just grab onto him and pull him into the room shutting the door closed.
“I-I don’t think I can do this,” you jabber, a wave of anxiety washing over you and making you sweat.
“What? Why? What happened?” Shawn is out of his mind, not bearing to see you like this. He hasn’t seen this side of you too often, you like to appear as collected and focused as possible, being the supportive person, but right now you are just losing it.
When Shawn first presented you the idea of you and him having a joined shoot for Calvin Klein for their new campaign you were unsure about it, but he easily talked you into it. You knew it would be iconic and that you would be pretty much the first “non-celebrity” face for the brand, posing with your insanely hot boyfriend in nothing else but your underwear. It seemed like a pretty good idea, but right now you want nothing else than to run out of the building, don’t stop until you get home and hide under the safety of your covers. Under the robe you only have your CK panties on and nothing else. You somehow agreed to not wearing anything on the top, covering yourself with props, your arm or Shawn himself. In your mind it looked cool, but in reality going out and pose only in your panties in front of the camera and about twenty people working on the set is just scaring the shit out of you.
“I’m uh… I just don’t feel comfortable. I don’t think I should be doing this.” You shake your head, feeling your throat closing up. Shawn steps closer and cups your face in his warm hands, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“Baby, calm down. Everything is fine, just breathe.” You sync your breathing with his as you keep eye-contact with him, feeling your body loosening up a bit. “Good, you are doing amazing. Now tell me, what made you panic?”
His thumbs run across your cheeks before his hands drop and take yours, lacing your fingers together.
“I just don’t feel like I’m the best person to appear in such a huge thing. I mean, I’m nobody compared to the people who has worked with this brand.”
“First of all that’s bullshit,” he declares immediately. “No one is more than anyone. Second, you are the best person because they wanted a couple and if you haven’t known already, you are my girlfriend so I wouldn’t be able to do it with anyone else.”
You can’t help the urge to roll your eyes at him. He is twisting your words out.
“But I’m not a celebrity, why would people want to look at me on the posters and stuff?”
“Baby, have you seen your killer body? Anyone would love to look at it all day long, especially me,” he scoffs making you smile and blush.
“You don’t need a photoshoot and a national ad campaign to see it,” you mumble under your breath.
“I know, but this is an amazing way to show everyone what they are missing,” he jokes kissing your cheek shortly. “But seriously. They chose us because they want the pictures to be real and they love the chemistry we have on photos.”
You can’t argue with that. Since your first appearance together out at a restaurant a year ago you managed to have quite a lot cute paparazzi photos taken of you. It’s not like you’ve been trying hard to look so in love and happy, it’s the way life has been with Shawn and they just captured those little moments. If you were responsible for finding a couple that would give real emotions away in a shoot you’d choose you and Shawn too.
“If you don’t want to do it we can still cancel. But I think you can do it, let’s just go out, be ourselves and let them capture whatever they want. Just try to imagine that I’m the only one there, okay?”
“If we’d be alone that would turn into something else,” you comment with a knowing look, earning an amused laugh from him.
“Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself for a few hours, okay?” Leaning down he kisses your lips shortly before looking into your eyes once again. “So, are we okay? Can you do it?”
“I guess,” you answer unsurely, but a lot more calmly now.
The set is pretty minimalistic, a king sized bed with crispy white sheets and a white backdrop that has a slight grey tone to it setting a nice difference between the sheets and itself. Shawn doesn’t let go of your hand as you walk out and adjust to the setting. The photographer, Glen introduces himself kindly and you feel relieved he is all about making you as comfortable as possible.
“I know this is pretty new and strange for you, I want to make it as pleasant for you as possible,” he tells you in a confidential voice. “If you don’t feel comfortable with anything please just let us know.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out thankfully.
You have a short session on the bed, just Glen showing around what he had in mind, showing the angles and settings he imagined and what makes you feel secure is that he actually wants input from you and Shawn. You do a couple of shots with the robe on to figure out the best ways to cover your nudity in different poses and it assures you it won’t turn into something too erotic.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let the world see what I see in the bedroom,” Shawn murmurs into your ear as he takes his robe off leaving him in a pair of white boxers.
“Shut up,” you chuckle as you untie yours and with the help of an assistant you take it off while covering yourself at the same time. You won’t just go around and be totally topless with a bunch of strangers around you, that’s just not happening.
“Okay, let’s start with what we talked about, but honestly, do whatever feels right and I’ll work with it.” Glen shuffles to the left and right a bit while you make yourself comfortable on the bed holding the sheets to your chest. Your fingers hold onto the fabric a bit too tight and Shawn notices as he shifts behind you, putting an arm around your waist.
“It’s okay, baby. You look incredibly hot.” His breath is tickling your neck and when he presses a soft kiss behind your ear you can’t help but giggle at the feeling.
“That’s perfect!” Glen beams and you realize he has already started shooting without you even noticing.
“See, we are doing just fine,” Shawn smiles at you and you finally give in and do what was told. Just be you.
It doesn’t take too long before you completely forget about your surrounding and put all your focus on Shawn. It’s really not too different from a typical morning when you are lazily messing around in the bed, you just have your hair and makeup perfectly done and a guy shooting pics of you relentlessly. Basically all possible poses appear on the photos. Shawn hugging you from behind, his arms covering your chest, then you pressing yourself against him, looking over your shoulder, his hands on your bare back. The same pose just the two of you kissing passionately. Right after this Shawn throws himself down pulling you with him, making you laugh as his arms curl around your body. Glen is running around the bed, snapping photos from different angles as you rest your head on his chest, curled up by his side.
It goes like this for about an entire hour. The number of kisses is uncountable, while the number of photos taken is probably around a million. Luckily you and Shawn managed to move in sync and keep yourself covered enough the whole time, but you can tell some pictures are still quite steamy, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Amazing, you guys did such a great job!” Glen cheers as you finally put your robe on. “I knew it would turn out wonderful, your chemistry really is the best.”
“It’s easy if you have the right woman with you,” Shawn grins down at you making your blush immediately as you hug his waist with one arm.
You check out the raw photos together and you totally see why Glenn is so happy about the outcome. They look amazing, he managed to capture so many intimate moment that are just so real and honest, it’s quite the aesthetic.
“So, are you ready to see these back on billboards?” Shawn teases you as Glen shows you his personal favorites from the shoot that will most likely be featured in the final campaign photos. One is from when he was hugging you behind, you are the only one looking at the camera as Shawn’s eyes are glued to your face, his strong arms covering your chest while your hands are on his arms. Another one is one of the steamier ones, you are lying on top of him and it was captured right before your lips met for a kiss, eyes already closed, lust all over your faces. You love them. All of them.
Turning to Shawn you gift him with a wide smile.
“I’m more than ready,” you happily state making him smile down at you proudly.
“That’s my girl.”
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
Nero having an affair with a S/O who does nude portraits for a living. She finds it amusing when he just has eye sex with her until things start getting heated up.
(I’m gonna make it that Nero is single and reader is the one having an affair because Nero would never do that to Kyrie lol. Not saying that you lovely people would either but, ya know…) I should stop writing these in my “drabble format” because this is like 3k words… which isn’t a drabble haha. 
You were laying on a large white block with a thin, transparent sheet draped over your naked form that did absolutely nothing to hide your nudity. You had worked up to this particular set of photos, starting off modelling underwear and lingerie, but now it was the final stretch and you were posing nude for the camera. You were confident in your body and didn’t mind the many prying eyes staring at you in the studio, all of them seemingly entranced by your curves and the sensual poses you positioned yourself in. 
You arched your back off of the block, showing off your bottom and breasts as the large lights shined on you, hands in your hair and legs stretched out in front of you. The photographer told you a few different poses to try, some times coming over and moving you into position to what he found to be attractive. You were having fun with it, some times cracking jokes and pulling funny faces just so it wasn’t too awkward for anyone, which in return got a few laughs. It was a fun job, in your opinion, the art of it all was beautiful. 
Your boyfriend was there watching you the whole time, a proud smile on his face and a hint of lust in his eye. You could also tell he was a little upset that all these people got to see you naked when it should only be him, but he never disrespected your work or you. However, his eyes weren’t the ones you were working for. You felt a tingling sensation running down your spine every time your eyes met the white haired, blue eyed man. He was unbelievably attractive and every time you saw him, you kind of wanted to ask him to pose with you. 
He stood at the back of the room, head tilted to the side slightly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and trailed his eyes down every inch of your exposed form. You had known him for almost two years now, since he’s your photographers body guard of sorts. Nero had told you of demons, and that there were a few after your famous cameraman for whatever reason, so he was being paid to keep an eye on him while he did his work. You only got to see him every few months though, only whenever the photographer called to tell you he was in the area and wanted to do a shoot. Nero lived in the same area as you, but you never met up when you weren’t working. 
You met him long before you started dating your boyfriend. The two of you instantly had an attraction to one another and you both acted on it, sleeping together after your first shoot with him there. And after you had a taste, it was almost impossible to stop. You were only hooking up a few times here and there, but you never turned what you had with him into anything more than just sex. There was no romance between the two of you, at least on your side. Nero had asked you on a few dates here and there, but you always politely declined, not wanting to get caught up in your feelings for him. 
When you started dating your boyfriend, you met up with Nero to tell him there was going to be no more sneakily meeting up just for sex. He respected that, though he was disappointed. You shared one last night together, almost as if you were saying goodbye… but, it didn’t last. While your boyfriend is great, and you love him dearly, he lacks the ability to please you properly in bed. So, one night you go really desperate, having done a photoshoot with Nero’s eyes on you the entire time… lets just say, you’re lucky your boyfriend didn’t attend that shoot. The two of you stayed behind, waiting for everyone to leave before you pushed him into the backroom and had his moaning your name.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts, rolling onto your stomach to raise your backside in the air when the photographer asked you to do so. The sheet bunched up at your waist and if it weren’t for its transparency, it would have hidden your bare ass from everyone. This was a sensual shoot after all, some times you do ones with other people about body empowerment or whatever the artist desires to show through your naked form. This one was a favourite of yours however, getting to tease the young devil hunter who couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
Nero had your attention the entire time. You made sure to not look at him too much, not wanting your boyfriend to notice your staring, but when you did glance at him, you made sure to show him how much he was effecting you. Whether it be with your eyes or how you let your hands roam sensually down your curves. He held a cute, cocky smirk, very clearly thinking some inappropriate things. He was a very easy person to read, every emotion and thought painted on his face for you to see.
After a while you found yourself wanting to relive that little moment you had with him all those months back, sneaking away to the backroom with him. However, there was always the nagging guilt that came with what you shared with Nero. You felt like a horrible person, sleeping with another man when you’re in a committed relationship with someone who is kind and loyal to you. You find it sad that you can’t say the same things about yourself. But, Nero is like an addiction and you had tried stopping seeing him so many times, and it never worked. You always found yourself crawling back into his bed. 
“Okay, take a break, beautiful. We’ll take this up in five for the last couple of shots, then we can all go home” The photographer nodded at you, smiling kindly. You sat up and let the sheet fall off of your body, leaving it on the white block as you hopped off, smiling back at your cameraman. A young lady came over to you with a robe, helping you put it on without a word then leaving you alone quickly. You met eyes with the white haired male, smirking slightly when you saw how hot around the collar he was, folding the robe closed around your form, hiding your nudity from the room for the five minutes you had to do so. 
“Hey, babe. You were stunning up there” You boyfriend is quick to come over and whisper in your ear, his arm wrapped around your waist and bringing your attention to him. You giggled, placing your hand on his shoulder as you stood on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the lips. You wanted to pull away, but he kept you there, his grip tightening around your waist, pulling you into him as he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip before finally pulling away. “I love you” He whispered with a cute smile. 
Ouch, stab to the heart. 
“I love you too, babe” You smile back, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes, but your words were true. You didn’t want to leave him, he was so good to you and you considered him your best friend. You just felt horrible that he was so unbelievably in love with you when you were sneaking behind his back and fucking another man. In any one else’s mind, it would be simple. Stop sleeping with Nero. However, it wasn’t so easy in your mind. “I’m gonna go get a water, you want one?” You asked, noticing the demon hunter standing right beside the snack table. 
“Yeah, thanks” He replied, not letting you go until he pressed another quick kiss to your cheek. You laughed and playfully pushed off him, walking away and shaking your hips teasingly. God, what were you doing? You either needed to accept that you’re a horrible person or call a quits… with either of the two men that chased after you. 
You walked up to the table and Nero inched closer, facing the same direction he had always been in. You took your time looking at the small foods, not grabbing the waters just yet as you wanted to talk to the blue eye’d hunter for a little while. He sucked in a breath, eyes darting to you, but keeping his movements subtle so he didn’t draw any attention to the two of you. 
“You know, if you’re going to tease me like that, you could at least do it when your boyfriend isn’t here” Nero sighed but you knew he was playing around, a cocky feel in his tone. 
“Don’t try anything when he’s here…” You stated in a warning tone. 
“Why don’t you just dump the poor looser and let me have you all to myself?” He made out like he was joking but you could tell there was some hope he was holding on to, wishing he could be your boyfriend himself. You lifted you eyes, keeping your head down so it didn’t look like you were conversing with him. You grabbed a water bottle in each of your hands, ready to walk back now, but you opened your mouth to speak. 
“Cause maybe I don’t want to…” You huffed, gazing up ever so slightly to see his somewhat hurt expression. Great, now you were hurting the two men chasing after you. You sighed, shifting on the balls of your feet and already forming an apology before you stopped yourself. Instead you shook your head and said “Stay here after hours? I’ll get him out of here for a while so we can… you know.” 
“Yeah, okay” Nero replied shortly and huffy, clearly a little mad, or just upset. You didn’t have time to apologise, the photographer calling out for you to come finish the shoot quickly grabbed your attention and you whisked yourself off, handing the water bottles to your boyfriend on the way past him. You slipped off your robe and got back on the block, being handed another sheet, but this one wasn’t transparent and was more silky. You felt like there was a tension in the air now, only between you and Nero, but it was enough to make you happy you could cover up a bit with the new sheet. 
“What did you tell him to make him leave again?” Nero pants, a sheen of sweat coating his now naked body. He was lying with his back on the floor, his arm being your pillow while his other hand tickled your thigh that was resting over his abdomen. You closed your eyes as you focused on your breathing, the previous events having made you both sweaty and breathless as you try to regain some energy by lying on the floor of the backroom. Your hand rested on his chest to feel his racing, but slowing, heart beat, trying to match yours to his. 
“Just that he should go get my favourite dinner thats all the way across town… It’s gonna be cold by the time it gets here” You huff, having not thought through that plan and disappointed in that little detail. Nero chuckled, his fingers on your thigh stilling as they ride up higher, cupping your ass cheek as he turns a little to face you, pulling you against him and making you jolt as your bundle of nerves pushes against his hip. “Don’t tell me you’re ready for round two? That was the hardest we’ve ever gone” You chuckle, shifting your head up to look at him and smirking at his supernatural stamina. 
“We’re lucky everyone left, cause you were so loud” Nero scoffed, resulting in you slapping his chest playfully. He laughed, having caught his breath now, his chest vibrating under your palm and spreading warmth through your body. “You might want to cover the hickey on your neck too” Nero poked you, just under your ear, but he was quick to speak again since the look you gave him was more than a warning “I’m kidding! I’m kidding. We made a rule of no marks, no matter how badly I want to suck and bite your soft skin” His once humorous tone turned into a seductive growl, his lips inching to your neck to press a soft kiss. 
“You are ready for round two, aren’t you? Too bad naughty boys who try to piss me off don’t get what they what, hey?” You smirk, pushing yourself up to sit, grabbing your bag of clothes that lie a just beside you. You also grabbed Nero’s clothes that were close enough for you to reach, that only being his pants and boxers, while his shirts and coat were off on his side of the room. You tossed them over your shoulder to him, opening your bag and pulling out what you wanted to wear. 
You began pulling on your shirt first, then panties and shorts while you heard Nero shuffling behind you, also getting dressed. You pulled your jacket out, not bothering to put it on just yet, but settling for draping it over your arm as you stood up and swung the bag over your shoulder. Nero still sat on the floor, having only put his pants on that you handed him, but made no move to grab his shirts and coat. He watched you, most likely having been watching you the whole time but you didn’t mind. He had a far away look in his eye, a hint of sadness that made you frown in curiosity and worry. 
“I think we should stop this…” He stated softly. Out of everything you thought he was going to say, that was the last on the list. Your eyes widened, almost opening your mouth to say ‘no! I need this!’ But you quickly stepped yourself, knowing that he was right, and this should have stopped months ago. “I was stupid to think you’d leave him for me. I hate that I even thought that in the first place. But, its clear you love him, and I love you, so it’s best if we just… stop” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
That was the first time he had ever said he loved you, you kind of figured he did but that little word had never left his mouth before. You found yourself staring at him with sad eyes, not even shock, just sadness. You didn’t want him to leave you even though you knew it was for the best. If Nero was out of the picture, you would be able to be happy with your boyfriend and have no worries at all. Nero didn’t help your racing, panicking heart as he pushed himself off the floor and walked towards you. You knew what he was doing and you felt your heart breaking. 
“Don’t. Don’t kiss me or it will feel like a goodbye and… I don’t want to say goodbye!” You placed a hand on his bare chest, holding him back as you sounded like a child cracking a tantrum. Nero seemed a little shocked at your sudden outburst, though he didn’t push. He kept his distance and didn’t dare touch you, needing you to figure things out on your own without his distracting hands making your mind fuzzy. 
“Say you love me, and you can have me. If you don’t then I will leave and you’ll never have to see me again” He whispered, a hint of urgency in his voice. He didn’t want this either, but he needed it. This couldn’t go on any longer. You hated sneaking behind your boyfriends back and Nero hated being the wedge in your relationship. He wasn’t the kind of person to ruin a relationship so he could steal the girl. “Say you love me… and you can have me” That way if you uttered those words he was asking to hear, it would be your choice and yours alone. 
“I can’t just leave him!” You yell, feeling overwhelmed. Your boyfriend is so kind and loving, it hurt you enough to be cheating on him but now you were considering leaving him? Maybe if those thoughts are already in your head… maybe that means your mind is already made up. 
“Don’t think about him. Don’t even think about me. What do you want?” Nero asked you, his eyes pleading to at least get an answer. There was a long pause, your mind racing with that one question. it was clear what you wanted… but… 
“We’ve been doing this for almost two years. And we’ve tried stopping many, many times. So, say there is no stopping for us, and I get married or have kids… I can’t be here with you, doing this anymore. But, in my mind, I can’t see us stopping. Ever…” You thought out loud, Nero didn’t interrupt but he hung onto every word you were saying, feeling what you were feeling. “…I love him. There’s no denying that. But, maybe I love you too and that’s what’s making me so confused.” 
Another long pause. Pieces falling together in your mind the longer you thought. 
“So, I‘m going to talk to him. Confess to everything. The least I can do is tell him the truth.” You sighed, watching Nero nod in agreement, a slight hint of confusion on his face. Those words leaving your mouth already took a heavy weight off your shoulders, the acceptance of knowing you have to tell the truth makes you breathe a little easier. 
“What does that mean for us then?” He asked softly, both worry and hope written all over his face. You can always tell what he’s thinking, he’s an easy person to read. The words he said to you earlier echo in your mind, causing you to smile and step closer to him, placing your hand on the back of his neck. This is the right choice, a voice whispers in the back of your mind. 
“I love you” You whisper, before pulling him in for a kiss. 
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