#I have other ideas but this is just a LITTLE look into her character
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pythoness94 · 2 days ago
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Need to talk specifically about these tags. I always hear people hating on Mike for not having romantic feelings. And while we all probably know byler is endgame at this point, even if Mike didn't like Will, that is no reason for any of the characters to hate him.
Heres something the Fandom doesn't get that I think the show portrays really well, you don't owe someone your love and they don't owe you yours. Steve loved Nancy, but Nancy didn't love him back. She didn't owe it to him to stay in love, she didn't owe him shit. Robin may have loved that girl but that girl wasn't in the wrong for not being in love with her back. Joyce doesn't owe Lonnie shit, that's why she throws him back on her ass. And here's the part where the Fandom struggles most,
MIKE, despite being Wills best friend since kindergarten, DOESN'T OWE WILL JACK SHIT.
And here's the kickers, THATS THE POINT. WILL KNOWS THAT.
Will KNOWS that Mike doesn't need to fall in love with him, he isn't owed it by some mystical power of the universe. He knows that the universe doesn't owe him anything just because hes been given a bunch of shit to go through. Despite what some of this Fandom thinks, just because poor Will Byers is targeted doesn't mean he automatically gets a get out of jail free card. Will knows that because of the circumstances he is in, he doesn't get to pass go. he doesnt get to collect 200, he gets to sit there and try to cope and theres not much he can do about it.
Mike is his own person and has much as Will wants to mope about it, he can't force Mike to love him back. That's the point of this. Will is so upset, he's so angry because hes been dealt a bad hand and no matter how hard he tries, he just cant find a way to get over his crush. The point of the story is for Will to realize that mike loved him all along, that the only thing holding them back is that they were both to scared and angry to do anything about it. They let the fear win when they knew that they shouldn't have.
So what's all this yapping for? Well, I see some people in this Fandom talk like Mike owes it Will to do this. Or that Mike owes it to Jonathan or the Byers, or that he owes it to the party even. Fact of the matter is, Mike is his own person and when you write Mike, you have to write it like that. Don't write Mike with the intention of him ending up with Will, don't have that be your only goal in mind when you put the pencil to the page. He isn't some barbie that is made specifically to be Will's little boyfriend like I've seen some posts treating him. He's a person, he's the heart of the party, he's dating El, he loves Will, and he's scared. He's scared and he doesn't know what to do when everyone looks at him for answers. When Will says that he could lead them, he's touched but he's hesitant. He doesn't know what to do. If Jon were to cut Mike off, not only would that be a disgrace on Mike but one on Jon too.
Jon knows, more then anybody, that you can't make someone like you. Constantly isolated, parents divorced, bullied, unloved, and his first relationship being Nancy who was dating Steve at the time of him gaining his crush, he knows. He knows that you can't make someone love you, he knows that you can't make people fall in love AGAIN. So when he comforts will, he's comforting him with the idea in mind that even if Mike doesn't love him, it's none of their faults. If he were to confront Mike, he wouldn't be pissed or prickly, he would be understanding. He would be a bit cold that Mike was treating Will like that but at the end of the day, the actions of 5 months of change don't outweigh over 10 years of good friendship. A friendship that Mike and Jon bonded over almost dying for. They know each other in a way that mist don't.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk lol.
Chat, I desperately need to know how to write Jonathan's and Mike's relationship without Jonathan hating Mike. I FUCKING hate it when I see that trope, Jonathan would never hate Mike for simply not reciprocating his brothers' feelings. That's stupid has hell. Mike is basically Jonathan's second brother, he knows Mike, he's known him all his life. He's seen how sweet Mike is to Will, he was there when Mike starting sobbing while Will was possessed. HE WOULDN'T HATE MIKE! He would be CONCERNED! But all the fics and character analysis I'm reading for the two always paint Jonathan as hating Mike, so you see my dilemma here >:(
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ddejavvu · 1 day ago
Hiii, hope you’re doing well! I’ve been obsessed with rewatching The Nanny and there’s this episode where Fran (the mc) reveals she has a tattoo but not the place, which leads to Maxwell (her love interest who she has an absurd amount of tension with) wondering where it is. Fran teases him constantly, and Maxwell checks her out endlessly and spends his time thinking about the tattoo and how hot it is that she has one. Could you write smth like this for poly!marauders? Maybe when theyre friends or at the start of their relationship. Honestly you could pull so many ideas from this series for fanfic. Thank youu so much!
"It's gotta be a tramp stamp." Sirius decides, "There's no other place on her body she'd be trying to hide from us."
"She could show us her back," James scoffs, "I bet it's, like, on her thigh or something. Y'know, right by the- well, she'd have to take off her pants. That's why she won't tell us."
"Maybe it's between her tits." Sirius snickers, "Or right on her left asscheek."
"Why the left and not the right?" Peter asks, "Maybe it goes across both."
"Right. It's James on one side and Potter on the other." James nods, blinding grin in full force, "She just can't admit that to me or she'd be embarrassed."
"Nice try." Remus had refrained from joining the conversation until now, but he leans in to murmur, "Marlene says she's seen it before."
"Where is it?" Sirius's eyes blow wide, surely jealous of the Gryffindor girl, "And what is it?"
"She wouldn't say." Remus admits, "But that means we're probably right. It's somewhere she can't show us."
"It's confirming our hypothesis." James nods, mouth set in a thoughtful expression, "We're using the scientific method."
"You're a genius," Remus snorts, "Anyways, I'll keep asking around."
"I'll ask Lily," James hums, faux-casually, "I think this time she'll-"
"She'll never tell you. I'll ask Lily." Sirius decides, "And you stick to Alex."
James's nose scrunches in displeasure at the thought of having to interrogate your unsavory ex, but their curiosity is eating them alive. They make to get up and fan out to search for more clues, but you come and plop down on the bench beside Peter, your hand already reaching for one of the breakfast platters.
"Morning boys." You hum, and Remus's eyes catch on black ink dotted over the base of your ring finger, "How was practice, James?"
"What's on your finger?" Remus blurts before James can begin rambling, and he realizes that the ring you typically wear is absent.
"Oh." You glance at your hand, shoulders stiffening slightly as you realize your secret is out, "I forgot my ring."
"That's your tattoo?" Sirius exclaims, incredulous and feeling just a little cheated, "Two letters? On your finger? What's scandalous about that?"
"I never said it was scandalous! I just said it was embarrassing." You defend yourself, "And it is."
"What is it?" James asks, and perhaps he's the only one that could have gotten it out of you, with the gentleness permanently present in his voice.
You groan, "It's the initials of a boy I like, okay?"
Sirius's head jerks back, surprised, "Were you together?" Then his eyes narrow further, "Are you together?"
"No! No, we're not together, he's-" You stammer, stuffing a bite of egg into your mouth to delay the inevitable, "He's not even real."
Silence and confused looks greet you, and you sigh, voice dejected, "He's a character from a book. Okay? And I was a little drunk and I thought it'd be a good idea for a stick-and-poke, but it was not as temporary as I thought it'd be."
"He's pretend." Sirius realizes, glee filling out his expression and making him beam, "You've got a fake man's initials on your ring finger!"
"Here comes the bride," James snickers, "Marrying a bloody book."
"Easy boys, let's not tease her." Remus seemingly takes pity on you, nudging his foot against yours beneath the table, "She's gonna be pretty beat up when he doesn't show for the wedding - we shouldn't make things worse."
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breakindishesinaelevator · 16 hours ago
Invincible & Blue Diamond!Reader
(yes these will be put in parts)
these bbls killin yall 🥀🥀
i never really watched steven universe so ive been doing super duper research and hope i got the idea of her character right
and this might just be platonic rather than romantic idk
if theres any romance in this it might be cecil and/or nolan
1.5k words tho i might be a beast (/j 🥀)
fic under the cut :P
“Mark, there’s some kind of giant that’s causing tsunamis, hurricanes, and some real fucked up storms up on the west coast. It’s also abducting people at random! I need you to go and settle this immediately! Before more lives are lost and more people go missing!”
Cecil’s voice cuts out from the comm in Mark’s ear. Mark sighed, he was enjoying his time chatting and having a nice barbecue with his friends. Rolling his shoulders and stretching out his limbs, Mark stands, preparing himself for what could be a possible fight.
“Well! See you guys later, I guess.”
Mark makes a move to walk away from the group before Eve speaks up.
“Another mission from Cecil? God, he can’t give you a break, can he? I mean, you just got back from those two bank robbers who do the same shit every week. What is it now?”
Putting her hand on her hip, Eve is very unhappy with how Cecil is overworking Mark. She stepped away from the team to do her things to help the world and stop being badgered around by the old fart. Why couldn’t Mark do the same? Sure, he needs to get his mind off of things after what happened with his dad, but he needs to know his limits…
“Some… giant on the west coast… Nothing big! Nothing I can’t handle. It’ll be quick! I’ll- I’ll be back for some more wings though!”
Mark’s expression goes from confident to a bit nervous. Yeah, he’s been in this hero business for about a year and a half, but giants were still a bit troublesome to him. Preparing to take off soaring into the sky, he stops after Rex speaks up.
“Hey, man! Why don’t we come and help!”
“Oh- no that’s not- you don’t have to…”
Rex gets up, a big stupid grin on his face. Placing his hands on his civilian clothes, he explodes them into his hero suit.
“If the giant is nothing big then we could come with and wrap things up quickly and have a long time needed beach vacation! We could beat that giant and tan in the sand afterward! And if Cecil needs the Guardians, then fuck him! He can have Samson and Immortal help him out!”
Monster Girl giggles, getting up along with Rudy. Rae smiles, standing up as well, and placing her hands on her hips.
“That’s not a bad idea. I’m so down for a beach day!”
“Then it’s settled! Robot! Fire up your little doohickey and let’s go take down a giant!”
The others exclaim in agreement and preparing for the trip over to California, Mark smiles warmly. He is so happy to have some hero friends like them. Even if they’ve had their arguments and scuffles from time to time (mostly from Rex), he’s still grateful to have allies and friends with them.
Sighing, you look down at the tiny humans running rampant. Scanning everyone as much as you could, one caught your eye. Is that who you’re looking for? Reaching your hand out, you grab the human’s arm, dragging him up towards you.
The human screams out in pain as his shoulder dislocates from your handling. Dangling him in front of your hooded face, he looked close to who you were looking for. Mustache and seemingly young. It has to be him. It has to be Nolan. He’s probably the closest one you’ve found so far, along with the other 34 humans you’ve caught.
Humming, you move to put him in the bubble you have trailing behind you. A bubble that contains the aforementioned other 34 humans you’ve taken. The bubble wasn’t super uncomfortable for them— it contained little rock formations you found, along with fruits and fountains that could prove useful to them ever if they needed it.
Before you could place him in the bubble, you hear a whizzing sound, then boom! The human is gone!
Flipping around, you search for him, before locking eyes on some pink figure floating a couple of yards in front of you. The same pink figure is holding your human.
You reach out to take him back from the random figure before the pink figure begins to fly towards the shore. Panicking a bit, you move through the ocean and follow her.
“Give him back!”
Now being closer to shore, you’re also closer to the flying pink thing. Reaching out once more, you flinch back as some sort of projectile hits your hand, blowing up on impact.
Whipping over to see what that was, you see a bunch of humans on, what looks to be a flying rubbish contraption, another projectile is thrown at you. The human throwing them laughing maniacally, obviously getting a kick out of hitting you with the explosives.
Grunting and getting annoyed very quickly, you watch the contraption fly around you. A robot on the contraption begins shooting beams at you, not like it was doing anything to you, just irritating you more. And as if those things weren’t annoying enough, some green ogre thing jumped off and gave you a mean left hook to the face before landing back on the contraption.
“Grrngh- enough!”
Swatting the contraption out of the air, the humans (and robot) rush off of it in order not to get injured. You reach out to grab them but then, the pink thing comes back, wrapping some kind of pink rope around you. Struggling to move, you get ready to break out of it before another flying being, this time a male, comes at you with a right hook. The force of it knocks you down completely. You gasp, knowing only one being who had that kind of strength.
Now down on the ground, bound by the pink bonds from the pink figure, you look up at what brought you down.
Gasping heavily, a blue aura comes from your body in waves, causing the ocean to stir and also causing the heroes in front of you to weep profusely. Tears coming down your face as well.
With Eve now feeling immense sadness, her powers begin to weaken. She looks to the others as they’re now groveling in the sand sobbing. Even Rex! She looks out to the coastline and sees the waves crashing into each other and coming to the shore in big waves. Gasping and looking back to Mark, she sees him staggering in the air, feeling the effects of the giant woman’s power as well. Not as much as them though, due to his Viltrumite genes.
Before the waves could sweep up her and the team and possibly drown them, she used the last of her strength to gather the team and fly them out of the giant’s range so they could recuperate.
“Mark! W-we’ll come back-! Urgh-!”
Mark nods to her in acknowledgment and understanding and Eve takes off with the team. Seeing that they’re gone, Mark flings himself at you, hoping that another few punches would make you stop inflicting this feeling on him and any possible person within a 30-mile radius.
Getting closer and closer to you, he reels his hand back mustering whatever strength he could into his fist. He is stopped though, your hands immediately clasping around him, bringing him closer to your face. Your hood coming down, Mark could see your face in full clarity and the giant tears that were treading from your eyes. You were… ethereal…
“Nolan! I finally have you back!”
Through your tears, you smile greatly, your aura intensifying and your waves getting bigger. Mark looks at you in confusion, his head tilting.
Bringing him closer to your face, you nuzzle your cheek against him. Your ginormous tears almost drowning him, he sputters trying to find air. You pull him away from your face a little, fully taking in his appearance before gasping.
“You look worse than ever! In what universe could that possibly be fine?!”
Now bellowing loudly, you crunch over on your knees, sobbing.
“I’ve waited thousands of years for you to come back… Now look at you… Weak… Frail… How can you come back to Homeworld looking like this?”
Oh… The giant woman thinks Mark is his father. …Awkward. Mark squirms uncomfortably. You’re a bit calmer now though. Your saddening aura lessening substantially. The tears on Mark’s face slow down but yours still go. Mark’s vision beginning to clear up, and he finally got a good enough look at you. Long hair, long lashes, blue skin, curvy. Damn. He quickly tried to speak about the moment on hand. The unnatural disasters and the abducted people. But, the only thing on his mind right now is how you know his father and what your relations are with him.
“Uh- The- Where’s-? I’m not- Well- I don’t-“
You place a giant finger on his lips, shushing him.
“No, no. Don’t speak. You must save your voice and energy for the trial.”
“Trial? What trial?”
“Why, yours, of course.”
What. What’d his father do this time?!
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princeloww · 2 days ago
if you draw or have drawn TOTA fanart and would like to be involved in a little project please reach out to me!!! either in replies or dm, i don't mind.
the idea is to put together a little book of TOTA fanart to send to donna franceschild. the goal is basically just to show her that people still care about the show and are still impacted by it to this day. she was astonished (to use her word) that someone my age even knew about the show, so i thought it might be nice to show her just how many fans there are :)
you don't have to draw anything new, just give me permission to print your TOTA art and make it into a book of some kind (unclear how i'm gonna do that just yet).
also particularly looking for stuff of the other characters, not exclusively campbell
thanks!! please reblog if you can
edit: i'm tagging @fishyfutaba because i have dragged them into involvement
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collectivephilosopher · 23 hours ago
(An analysis of Arcane's missed opportunity and what could have been. The title might be a little confusing but since I've started by it, I've decided to stuck with it to avoid anyone feeling gaslighted :p)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
About Vi and the enforcer.
To be frank, I'm not against the idea at all. I knew she was a cop in the game so I figured she will be too in S2.
Didn't think they'll botch it but sure.
I made a post asking for anyone's opinion about Vi becoming a cop, specifically in act 1:
See the post here
And from there I can take some points as to most people's problem with this topic.
1. It could work but it was not handled well. I thought people would be against the idea altogether but I was wrong.
2. Vi's shift to my sister is gone was not shown/too fast.
3. Vi feeling sympathy for the councils makes no sense. And if the point was that she was feeling sympathy for Caitlyn instead, it still not believeable enough that she would wear the uniform of her oppressor.
As for me, mostly I agree with this reblog.
It would be believeable that she was guilt tripped into joinning the enforcer in act 1.
I do like the fact that Vi looked awkward and clearly doesn't really want to wear an enforcer outfit in episode 2. That character point was fine. The problem is whatever happened that leads to it.
1. The Jinx part
I agree that it's so jarring that Vi so quickly decided on her sister is gone. Even if this is a character trait (however you want to spin that), we need to see what lead Vi to this conclusion. Aka not having it happened off screen.
You can say Vi stopped seeing Jinx as her sister in the end of season 1 but like... why? Jinx never said they're not sisters anymore. Jinx just said they both have changed.
Even so again, I need to see the innerworking of Vi's mind. Show me her lamenting about Jinx, thinking about her sister for once because all the scene before that is Vi looking at Caitlyn and looking sad/guilty (which I will discuss more in the next part).
2. The councilors part
This is yes, I agree too. Why the hell is Vi feeling bad about dead council? Just in S1 she watched Jayce (accidentally) killed a child and her reaction was showing Jayce her knowledge about the reality of the shit happened in Zaun. She's aware of the councilors' doing. Like, it doesn't have to be her, just look at other Zaunites. No one gives a shit about the councilors dying (they give too much no shit in fact that it became another problem which i will not discuss here) and from episode 4 we know that Zaunites will jump at the chance if they have the strength like Jinx.
Mind you, Vi ending up in stillwater is because the councilors wanted a pound of flesh for Piltover (whether Marcus' doing or whatever lead to that).
"Oh she's feeling bad for Caitlyn not the councilors."
Okay but still not enough. Not enough for her to suddenly think her sister is gone, not enough for her to accept the badge. And it was true. Vi rejected the badge.
Until like, the memorial attack. I don't really get Vi's line of thinking here.
First, she really should be stoned that pilties have funerals and a fucking memorial. Second, I guess she feels bad for that one crying child...? Third, she accepted the badge because caitlyn said,
"Everywhere I slice it, if I go after your sister alone, one of us comes back in a box. It's all coming apart."
So what Caitlyn is saying is basically if she goes after Jinx alone, either Jinx or she will die. And she won't know which one will happen. And Vi's response was... I'll help you... to... what...? To make sure it's my sister who died instead...? I guess at this point she doesn't see Jinx as sister anymore... so... okay man.
3. The Zaun part
I need to see more of the grey too. First we're not gonna discuss Caitlyn's usage of the grey because I'm honestly tired of it. But I need to see how Caitlyn convinced Vi to do it to Zaun. Vi should know about the air quality down there. She grew up with it. But I guess the arguments is that they only use it against "criminals" and they "deserve" it. Y'know, if we ignore how gas works.
My quick fix to this is honestly? Just make Jinx go through with her promise of war. Make Jinx terrorize Piltover more. Make her bombed more enforcers daily. If the attack has not stopped, it would convince Vi more to stop Jinx. It would also help shaping Zaun's image of Jinx.
I don't usually bring League's lore but In Lol Jinx is the mad bomber that Zaunites have mixed feelings on. On one side she put Piltover on their place but on the other side, she also have hurt Zaunites too.
I'm not gonna talk too much about Jinx here since I'm gonna discuss about her in my next post.
And honestly about the entire Vi being an enforcer thing would've make so much better sense if the show showed us Piltover on interpersonal level. As in, showing us what it is like to be normal piltie, not just the high standing houses. The most we get is Jayce who was a toolmaker and Viktor who was a Zaunite living in Piltover. What about other piltovians? We were not shown them as individual but rather a system. And as a system, yes, they are in the wrong.
Enforcers too were only shown as monsters (in S1) and incompetent (in S2) except for caitlyn. We were never shown other type of people who joined the enforcer because let's be real here, they can't just be a collective group of monster.
And you know what? Thinking about that I can't think of any worst wasted potential than these guys:
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First, why are they in the show if the show isn't going to expand more on them? I talked about how Isha's potential was wasted as narrative tool for Jinx's character arc but these guys are way worse because they don't provide any function for Vi's character arc.
The most they do is Maddie being Caitlyn's rebound and Noxus' spy. (But let's be for real, that happened just because the writter wants a "third person in a relationship" character to be hated on.
My poor sweet summer child was made to be hated and cheered when killed.
Oh hey it rhymed
Seriously we don't know their back story, their motivation as enforcer, their feelings, something that made them human. Scratch that, fish guy Steb doesn't even have a line.
Why were they even chosen to be in this super elite team? Hell Maddie was just a junior officer.
My quick fix to this is to just make them all Caitlyn's trusted friends or something. That'll give Caitlyn a motivation to choose them.
Imagine if these guys actually have a character. Imagine that they're actually super excited to hunt down Jinx because Jinx is this hot topic myth amongst the enforcer at the moment. Imagine if Loris joined the enforcer because he was from the undercity or knows someone from the undercity, or just someone close to him really, who were hurt by the mobs down there so he thought joinning the enforcer will make the undercity a "safer place". Imagine if Steb is actually Caitlyn's senior had it not been for Caitlyn's "DeCorATeD OfFiCer" thing and he had a brother who was falsely accused and was thrown in stillwater (SOMEONE would certainly relate to it) so now he joined the enforcer to reform the system but he's struggling. Maddie could openly have a crush on Caitlyn and her and Vi could bond together in that topic, idk. LITERALLY ANYTHING.
I honestly can't think of any other way of Vi's character to progress as enforcer (alright to be fair they did drop enforcer vi plot in the middle) without going with the Attack on Titan route.
Eren came to his enemy's land expecting to see devils. But he then he ate the same food as his enemies, sleep in the same bed and live in the same roof and he realized they're not devils but humans. Children who has been taught doctrines about their enemies. He understand that and still he chose to be a monster and kill all of them.
This could've been Vi's route. That she thinks oh not all of them is bad. There are normal people too like me. People who were working, struggling to make ends. People who are trying to fight, to make the system better.
Now with this information, Vi can then CHOOSE for herself (despite the maybe her rocky guilt tripped start as an enforcer). Whether she'll think these people don't deserve the grief and terror Jinx brings upon them OR she could even think of how these people, struggling as they were, still have ten times better lifestyle than Zaunite. And she can chose to go back to Zaun. But by then it'll be Vi's decision.
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yanderes-galore · 1 day ago
Hi! Would it be okay to ask for some yandere! Iris romantic concept from Fire Force? She’s an underrated favorite! Thanks so much!
Yandere! Iris Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Isolation, Clingy behavior, Dubious relationship.
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Iris in Fire Force doesn't seem like a very... intense yandere.
She isn't even a character who's in combat.
She gives her team and the Infernals they slay prayers to make sure they make it to the afterlife.
She's a nun... I don't see her as overly violent.
Although... Murder isn't the only horrific thing yanderes can do.
Iris is really quiet when it comes to being a yandere.
She most likely has somewhat of an idea about how bad her feelings are.
You're part of the same Fire Company as her.
She's no doubt used to you prioritizing her safety as a Sister of The Faith.
She has barely any combat training... which has resulted in some moments between you two.
Maybe she was put in danger during a prayer and you rushed in to protect her due to having more combat experience.
Iris, when she originally met you as part of Fire Company 8, had been curious about you...
Yet having you save her... It might spark an interest in her.
Whenever you save and protect her during missions, she finds her cheeks heat up.
She tries to tell herself it was just the heat from the attacking Infernal, but...
Now whenever she looks at you, she feels... different.
Iris is a shy person and would only be even more shy around her obsession.
She stutters when speaking to you, praying her face isn't red.
She may even ask you to pray with her on your breaks... that is, if you aren't training.
Maki no doubt asks Iris about what she's feeling around you often.
Maki has always been the romantic type....
Maki's questions can be annoying to Iris, so she usually ignores her friend's prying.
Iris would probably die on the spot or kill Maki if Maki asked YOU about her behavior... (Not literally....)
Iris tries her best to not acknowledge her feelings since she's supposed to focus on her tasks.
At first it no doubt starts as small feelings of jealousy.
This jealousy is what warns her that her feelings aren't... normal.
Iris does her best to commit to her prayers.
Yet she's occasionally distracted....
For example, she'll see you speak to Maki or Shinra... maybe even Hibana...
Then she just feels... tense?
She doesn't get it... Why is she upset?
She... shouldn't be upset, right?
It's normal for you to get along with members in your Fire Company...
It's normal for you to have friends.
Yet... She finds herself feeling upset you aren't paying attention to her?
She watches from a distance, eyes slightly watery as she tries to ignore her feelings.
... what if you love someone else...?
Iris seems like she'd accidentally use emotional manipulation on you.
It would probably be something as simple as being clingy or crying, making you immediately go to check on her.
She doesn't want to be a crybaby.
In fact, she's brave.
But when it comes to the thought of not having you as her one true love...
It... burns a little bit....
Iris may be shy but she seems like she'd be super affectionate.
She'd also be a yandere who has others support her behavior.
They'd either not think she's being toxic or just pretend not to.
For example, Shinra or Maki may encourage Iris and her crush because that's all they see it as.
She's clingy and sometimes jealous because she has a thing for you, right?
Sounds right....
Maki may even be excited.
Hibana would see the bad parts of the obsession... then just ignore it.
She'd see Iris stalking you, following you around, and probably even catch diary entries Iris writes about her sinful feelings.
Then Hibana would look the other way, simply suggesting Iris acts fast if she wants to get what she wants.
Iris... isn't confrontational.
She prefers to lock away her emotions, even ridiculing herself and telling herself this is bad.
Yet she yearns for you like a lost puppy all the same.
She seems too soft to kidnap... or even murder... hopefully.
She'd probably patiently wait for you to pay attention to her.
In terms of dangerous yanderes, she's the most harmless.
You could have a relatively normal relationship with her.
She's always fantasized about saving you like you do her.
In fact... One could say she tries to be overprotective.
Except it comes off more as... a barking chihuahua....
Although... To make this darker... maybe one day she changes?
The longer she knows you, the more brave and bold she gets.
Maybe one time during a mission... You bite off more than you can chew.
By the time you wake up... You're in pain yet are in a room with Iris.
She may not be able to get rid of Infernals herself... but she can evacuate you just fine it seems.
Maybe Iris manipulates you into staying out of battle
It may even work since you two are probably dating by this point.
She may not even need restraints... not if she tugs on your heart strings enough.
After all, Iris can't bear to lose you... She needs you safe.
You understand, right?
In that case... Stay with her and rest... You don't need to fight anymore...
You can let her look after you, right...?
She'll make sure nothing ever hurts you again... just like you did to her....
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masterserris · 3 days ago
Submas Fic: “We Will Meet Again” CH.5
My friend @eusouomar (Ingo) and I (Emmet) have been working together on an rp timeline!
This timeline is based on the concepts of Yin (Ingo) and Yang (Emmet) reincarnating through the ages, much to the surprise of the twins, and how to move forward knowing this and getting their lives back to normal after bringing Ingo home from Hisui. Shenanigans and fluff and angst ensue. Let it be known a happy ending is always the goal and the inevitable future. Enjoy!
Notes: NO SHIPPING in this fic.
General Warnings for the fic as a whole: strong language, depictions of mental illness, addiction, grief, violence/gore, character death, self harm, suicide mentions
Happy Birthday!
Featuring art from @metrobound / @jugumpuppet !
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"Hmm, it's my birthday today." Ingo mused. He was doing training on another line with a depot agent. 
"Aw, happy birthday Boss! You two gonna do something special?" She asked.
 Ingo's heart nearly dropped in his chest. He had been in Hisui for nearly 30 years and had gotten used to spending it as a solitary person.
 "You okay, Black Boss?" The depot agent asked. 
"We. We have a birthday!" He pointed out. 
"Um, yeah. That's generally how twins work." She replied. 
"But I haven't gotten him anything! I've spent so much time in the past I forgot to buy Emmet a present!"
 "Oh is that all?" She laughed, "I know what you can get him." 
"Really? What?"
 "You of course!" 
Ingo frowned, "I am not a proper present." 
"Boss, I bet you $1,000 pokedollars that White Boss has wished for you for his birthday for the last five years."
Well, she was right of course. That much was verrrrrrry obvious. But it was a special day! Finally! He was back! Thankfully Ingo was on another train so Emmet could ditch out and get some things together. Ohhhh, it was hard planning something from your other half in secret, but it was so so sooo much fun! Decorations, hmm, food, yes. Presents? I had a few ideas. He giggled to himself at one of the ideas. Oh, the machinations of his mind were an enigma to be certain.
"I have to get him something." Ingo insisted. 
"WAiit. Wait. No. No, last time you left bad things happened." The depot agent pulled on his arm.
"I am in full control of my portals this time and I still have to get Emmet a present. I'd be a horrible brother if I didn't." He began to pull on his arms back.
"Let one of us get it. Just, stay here. We'll get a present, get it wrapped." She said.
Ingo shifted weight, "You can get him something tasteful?"
"Absolutely. It will be a hundred percent classy."
Ingo sighed and handed her quite a bit of money, "I expect change."
Silly Ingo. Well, Emmet had many surprises in store for Ingo later. It actually took a few hours to get everything and that was with him preordering and dashing around like a lunatic. But all the prep was done. He slipped back into Gear Station with less than an hour to spare before Ingo would get off of his training shift, so nothing looked too suspicious. 
"Here it is! Even wrapped as promised!" She presented it to Ingo.
"What is it?" Ingo asked, looking at the long rectangular box. It was wrapped in white wrapping paper with a black bow on it. The depot agent, who was only 5'1" had to get up on her tiptoes to whisper it to him, "Oh! That is very thoughtful. Thank you." Ingo nodded. She gave Ingo his left-over money.
"Try to have fun, Boss!" She waved when they parted ways in Gear Station. It left Ingo confused. He was having fun. Couldn't they tell? Shrugging he headed back to the office he and Emmet shared.
“Soooo, how’d it go today?” Emmet asked cheerfully, leaning back in his chair. “You know what today is, right?” 
"It went very well. It's coming back to me quickly now." Ingo nodded, "As a matter fact I do. Happy Birthday, Emmet." He presented the gift to his younger twin.
Emmet looked a little shocked, but smiled. “So you do remember!” He cheered. He looked at the gift and took it gratefully. “Thank you, Ingo. But you are already my gift. Your gift, however, is at home. Or should I say gifts?” 
It was a leftover from Hisui when they had so little that made Ingo blush at the fact that Emmet had given him gifts. Plural. "Oh, no. You don't have to get me anything." He told him, waving his hands.
“Bullshit, it’s been five years, that means five times the gifts. Now let’s go home!” He threw his coat back on and ruffled Ingo’s hair and hat playfully. “This isn’t optional.” 
He seemed to like ruffling his hair. Ingo returned the favor ruffling Emmet's hair and hat back.
"Birthdays were very simple in Hisui. Usually just a special meal with friends, maybe a gift of a tool or something useful. It wasn't like it is today."
“So? And?? Your point is?” Back at their condo when Emmet opened the door Ingo saw the whole place decorated. It was like a surprise party! On the table was a cake made at the best bakery in town with them and all of their Pokémon decorating it. Angel and devil food cake, of course with strawberry filling. But more than that. There were at least a dozen gift wrapped boxes all from Emmet addressed to Ingo. “Surprise!” He grinned. But that wasn’t all. Not yet at least. 
"I was just trying to make conversation and point out-" Ingo wasn't physically expressive so that should emphasize how surprised he was when his mouth dropped at seeing Emmet go all out. Most of this would've been beyond the dreams of most of the Pearl Clan. Maybe in the cities or the ultra-wealthy but none of this food had anything to do with survival. It was completely decadent and so touching. Holy shit there was more?
Emmet took Ingo’s hand and pulled him to the fire escape and onto the roof where everyone was waiting. Elesa, Drayden, some older depot agents, Drayton. It had been sooo sooo long since their last double birthday. Emmet had one last special present in a plain box. “Go on, open it.” Inside was an authentic Hisuian flute. “I found yours. It’s yours. From 200 years ago.” Sure enough, it had his initials carved on the back of it. The same flute he used to call Lady Sneasler that Irida had given him. 
Ingo clenched his brother's hand and followed him up onto the roof. What in the world-?
It seemed Emmet had managed to get everyone who was close to them. How long had it been? Well, it depended on who you asked. For Emmet it had been five years, for Ingo about thirty. He had almost forgotten what this felt like. Then Emmet gave him a plain box. Ingo's eyes widened as he saw the flute. No, there was no mistaking it, this was his flute. He knew every notch in it.
"How on Earth did you find this?" He asked Emmet. Even if his flute had survived, which it did, to the modern age Ingo would've sworn it would be in a museum. As for Emmet's gift that Ingo had gotten him, it contained a silver pocket watch. Part of the lid was concave so that Emmet could keep a photo in there if he wanted.
Emmet didn’t open his gift yet because he wasn’t done.
“One last gift,” he smiled. Palkia and Dialga peeled open a portal to the past. To see his old friends again one more time. So they knew he was okay. Irida waved and smiled. “So you found your man in white! I’m glad!” 
Adaman smiled with his arms crossed. “We missed you, but we are glad you are back where you belong.”
It must've been quite a shock to them to see Ingo so young again. It was certainly a shock for Ingo. 
"I did." He told them feeling himself tear up and gracing them with a full smile, "Thank you for understanding." Of course, he missed them but he didn't belong with them. He knew that then and he understood it now. The conductor in black turned to his twin to whisper his thanks. This might be one the best birthdays he had in a very, very long time.
“You take care of yourself, Warden Ingo. Lady Sneasler is well too. She is strong, like her old warden. And with a new litter of kittens too! In fact….” Adaman reached his arm cautiously across the space-time rift and handed Ingo an ancient pokeball. “She sends you her love.” 
A baby Hisuian shiny sneasel for him to raise. They all took some photos to always remember this day forever. Emmet would take it and put it in his pocket watch in the future. 
“Take care, Ingo! We love you!” Irida waved and the portal would close. Sneasel would be able to listen to the same tune and song from the same flute his mother listened to from the same Warden. It came with love. Everything stays, right where you left it. 200 years ago is now. 
Ingo was still smiling when he turned to Emmet, "This is the best birthday I've ever had."
He honestly meant it. It was bittersweet but in the best possible way. "I just...I know I must have said it a million times already but thank you. I can't begin to think how I can give you back as much as you gave me."
Emmet just pulled him into a warm hug and let them savor this moment. “We love you, Ingo. You’d do the same for me.” Everyone would go back inside to have cake and to open gifts. Everyone had gifts for Ingo of course. He had missed out on five years of it! Many from Emmet of course. Lots of his old favorites that he had missed out on. Entire shows he used to like that had since been completed. Model trains to build. A Hisuian replica of a pokeball making kit. It really worked! A cookbook on old Hisuian recipes. Elesa’s albums. Season tickets for the baseball park. Just… a lot of things that everyone wanted to give him but never could. Some presents were actually years old. But they never gave up hope that he would come back. Well, mostly due to Emmet’s insistence in keeping these things for such a day, but still. He was very loved. Finally, Emmet opened his gift from Ingo and saw the silver pocket watch! Ohhh he loved it! It looked so good on him too, with the chain attaching to his belt loop! Fitting too, being a “Time Keeper” of sorts, haha. “Thank you!! I love it!” 
God all of this and he only got Emmet a watch. He owed him about thirty years’ worth of presents.
"Good! Good. I can get you something else!" Ingo insisted, "Something more!"
“You are more than enough, you know.” Emmet gave him a wry smile as he cut the cake to give to everyone. He gave his brother his slice with Ingo’s own face on it. And Emmet took his. What would everyone else be doing right now? 
People were talking and eating cake, enjoying themselves. It was a much better party when what had been going on for the last five years. They even managed to witness Ingo smile, a smile perceptible to the human eye which was a feat all in itself, not to mention a literal portal opening in time-space.
"I know, I should know." Ingo nodded, "It's just after thirty years. Huh, I mean...wh-what did you do for your birthday while I was gone?"
Emmet stiffened slightly, but relaxed again. “We can talk about that later, for now, we enjoy the party, okay?” All of the Pokémon were having lots of fun. Even baby sneasel, who eventually wanted uppies to sit in Ingo’s lap. 
Ooof. He almost forgot but let it go. Gently Ingo picked up the little Sneasel kitten to sit on his lap and stroke her fur. It purred and snagged a piece of cake with its claw before taking a cat nap on his lap. 
“I always knew you’d make a great dad someday,” Emmet teased. “But in all honesty, I’m so happy for you. So glad to be here with everyone.” 
Ingo chuckled at its antics. It was going to be a handful, he could tell. "So am I. It was worth everything I've been through." He told Emmet. All the battles, and harsh cold conditions, even getting trapped in the Yin space. Hopefully it was the same for Emmet.
It most certainly was. Eventually the party had to end and they said their goodbyes to everyone, thanking them for making this day so verrrrrry special. Emmet glanced around. “Ah. Well, I suppose it’s time to clean up.” 
"At least let me help you clean up. It's your birthday as much as mine." Ingo insisted.
"Sure, we can get it done double fast!" And sure enough, they tidied things up real well. "Another win for the wonder twins. Well! I dunno about you, but I'm beat. I'm glad you enjoyed today. I worked hard to make it all come together." He sat on his bed and flopped over. "Whew. Tomorrow is another day!"
"I know! You did an excellent job! Conducted with real precision." Ingo toed off his shoes before laying carefully down on his own bed.
"Do you suppose it's later enough?"
“Hm. I suppose. Though if you want to go to sleep in a happier mood, I would leave it for tomorrow. It’s alright, Ingo, it’s all in the past.” 
He would be lying if he said he wasn't drowsy. Ingo nodded and climbed into some sleep clothes. Perhaps it was better just to end on a lighter note like this. He gave a yawn and curled up into his pillow, "H-Happy Birthday, Emmet." Yeah, after a full dinner and cake sleep sounded good now.
Emmet smiled to himself. Sleep was always a wise choice. Tomorrow was another day! They were 31 now! 
31 although Ingo supposed he was technically 61. But it didn't matter and while he was always curious to learn more about Emmet's life without him he wouldn't push his brother to tell more than what he was comfortable with.
They would sleep soundly and the morning light was bright. Emmet got ready for the day with a happy hum, putting his new watch on his belt loop and admiring it. He loved the little ticking sound it made and the intricate gears it had. It also made him feel really official, like the original train conductors. Thank you, Ingo. For everything, he thought to himself. 
Ingo had one of his little not-smiles at Emmet looking at his watch. He was glad he (well, one of the depot agents) could get something that Emmet liked in such a short time.
End of chapter 5
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en-trashy · 22 hours ago
Shadow 西村力
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Niki and y/n are roommates by accident and their relationship is not the best. Sunshine fem character and dark aura Niki (kinda rude)
Is angst at the end with no comfort
4.9k words
Tw: rude roommate, opposites attract, slight description of depression but never catalog like that, mentions parental abandon (but just a little), suicide thinking (if you deal with this ideas always seek for professional help), slight description of suicidal acts
It all started because of a mistake with the real estate agency, confusing her application for a girls shared apartment and pairing her with Nishimura Riki. She moved first bringing all her colorful life into the tiny space placing green cushions on the white sofa, a pink knitted blanket on a basket in the living room, an orange vase with tulips in the coffee table, the colorful mugs and plates on the kitchen, every space she went in had now a splash of color imprinting her personality in this new home; Riki arrived a week later finding the living room decorated with balloons and a welcome sign, while she's holding a strawberry cheesecake, the first thing she thought when she saw him is how handsome he was, his sharp features and black hair.
-hi my name is y/n is a pleasure to meet you, we're gonna be roommates we're gonna have so much fun 
Riki wasn't so happy about this arrangement, her dark clothes clashing with all the colors, he rolled his eyes annoyed by her high pitch tone, full of excitement, he directly ignored her going straight to the empty room, she followed him there, in the bed was a basket with a lot of different things as a welcome gift.
-I bought some hygiene products, I just didn't know you were a boy. I should have bought you something different but I guess you can still use them, those are my favorites and…
-look this is a mistake I should be with someone else, I called the agency they told me there's no other option but for us to be together as long as our contract says, so there's rules, one keep your things for you, two don't bother me, three never come into my room again, four we're here because of a mistake we're not friends or nothing don't talk to me
His tone was harsh while pushing her out of his room slamming the door locking it, she was puzzled and a little taken back, decided to not let this tiny mistake to actually ruin her mood, she cut a piece of the cheesecake for her storing the rest in the fridge with a flower post-it and Riki's name on it.
Days keep passing and things didn't change a lot between them, Riki avoids her as much as he can, only coming together at dinner when he would search for something in the fridge even if she cooks enough for both, and she would serve both plates but end up eating alone in the kitchen table, Riki did eat the food once she was inside her room and next morning she would find the clean plate in place with the rest of the dishes, only sometimes he will be with her during dinner eating and listening to her conversation, thanking her for making the food even more rare just a couple times he would compliment her cooking skills, even if this whole deal wasn't what she was expecting it made her happy that he enjoyed at least something from her, learning his favorite food to make it one of those days when he didn't feel at his best. Their routine was always the same, Riki would wake up before her to shower, make coffee and breakfast eating before leaving for college, by the time she was in the shower he already left, taking the meal and the coffee Riki left for her packed on her yellow lunch box, always stumbling into classes almost late but barely just on time; they shared a couple classes but he always acted like they are strangers, Niki, as most of the people called him, was with his group of friends all the time, he had that dark aura that pulled people like magnets his cold personality made everyone revolve around him and his friends, the sport and frat boys; meanwhile she wasn't able to have friends even with her bright personality she would say hi to everyone in the corridors, sometimes someone will acknowledge her and say hi back, rarely she had small and trivial conversations with someone else, just that always ended up alone for group projects or lunch time.
Things started to change between them gradually, it started with Niki leaving snacks for her, slowly the snacks become her favorite gummies, he bought flowers for the vase in her room always different colors and types, each month Niki did the grocery shopping never forgetting pads for her and ice cream, once she found a shopping bag from a vintage store she usually goes to have a look finding a beautiful green dress along with a post-it “hope it fits”, even if they still haven't a close relationship or talk a lot she was feeling seeing for the first time in her life, even appreciated, she cooks for the both of them and do the laundry, he takes the trash out and vacuum moving the heavy furniture, it was a perfect balance for them. Y/n talks and Niki listens, she dances and sings around the house and he admires her from afar.
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The months keep passing but during a particular time of projects and assignments, y/n was overload with homework, Niki managed to do it with his group study that happens to be his friends, she did her best to do the assignment meant for three people all alone, it was late at night on a Friday night, almost midnight and she was nowhere to be found in the apartment, the rain outside was heavy and even if Niki pretend that he wasn't worried about his roommate he was, usually at 9 she was there, never longer than that, no parties, friends or boyfriend that he knew for her to be out this late with this weather, it was almost one am when she stumbled through the door soaking wet with dark circles under her tired eyes, she managed to get into her room and change clothes before passing out in her rug, the loud thud alerted Niki finding her door open and she on the floor unconscious, he quickly picked her up putting in bed, she was burning in fever stirring uncomfortable, he stayed awake all night to cool down her by the time she woke up he was uncomfortably sleeping kneeling on the floor and his head on her mattress, her mind did have blurry memories of how she got there finding the cloth he used along with the thermometer, putting the pieces together realizing that Niki took care of her, she flustered like a teenager, his cold roommate actually cared about her; happily she got up straight to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of them, she didn't even care about the ache on her body of how she just experienced an exhaustion episode she was thrilled because of Niki, for as long as they lived together she couldn't deny how handsome he was maybe he was opening to her because he liked her back.
-what do you think you're doing?
Niki's voice deep and a little angry pulled her out of her daydreaming, seeing his face makes her stutter
-I I was making breakfast for us
He just sigh letting her finish with that and waiting sitting for her to plate everything, once they finished he washed the dishes before going to his room, to change his clothes and going out of the apartment slamming the front door, that day in particular she couldn't take him out of her mind waiting for Niki to be back by lunchtime or dinner, which didn't happen it was late at night and she was curled up in the couch waiting for him, by the time the frat party ended Niki stumbled a little tipsy inside making her jolt from her spot.
-Ki, are you okay? Let me serve you a plate I made us hot pot I'll help you into your room-Niki slapped her hand off him, when she was trying to help him remove his jacket
-stop trying to undress me… whatever you try… not happening… not tonight
-just shut up, my head is killing me… tomorrow we can do whatever you want-Niki went inside his room, she happily put everything on a tray, his food, a glass of water and a painkiller leaving it at his door and knocking softly, knowing it is better to give him the space he wants.
That night she went to sleep with a thousand butterflies on her tummy, thinking that she may have an opportunity with Niki, all those little details about him replayed on her head, how he always left her cup of coffee and breakfast ready, how if he buys a treat for him always leaves one for her labeled with her name, how he folds the laundry but always respect her undies basket, how he started to buy her flower because one time she forgot to buy them and he replaced them bringing her favorites and then he did it every time, all those little details about him made her feel sort of in love.
Monday morning she woke up early to make breakfast for them, waiting sitting for him, by the time he arrived at the kitchen and saw everything nonchalantly he just sit to eat trying not to be as rude as last night
-good morning Ki-she said with a big smile he responded only with a grunt, she started to talk about a hideous project she had to do alone- so my friend Jinni she likes this boy so she tried and actually get it now they're starting to date… that's why I end up alone for the project but it's okay… then my other friend Ryujin she's busy with the female soccer team and her colleges decided to pair with her but it's alright calculus is not so difficult this semester and it's the only time I'll have it in my major that's why I didn't worried
Niki got up hoping for her to stop talking, taking his empty plate to the sink and washing it immediately, he dried his hands while she washed her plate, he started to go and she rushed to catch him, putting her shoes quickly she runs to be next to him, holding her bag and trotting alongside him to keep pace with his walk, he put on headphones and she just stayed in silence with him by the time they reach their college Niki walked straight to his group of friends she stayed a couple steps behind.
-you have a little shadow today, a colorful one- Heeseung the captain of the basketball pointed at her she waved happily to them, and all of them responded, Niki rolled his eyes pushing his friends to go inside
-she’s driving me insane since I woke up, I can't get her to shut up or leave me
-she looks friendly, can't be that bad- Jake looks back at her and how she tried to follow them but also tried to give Niki the space he asked
-try to live with her, all my apartment looks just like her, she's always talking nonsense and now seems like she wants to be glued to me- Niki got inside his class preferring to wait for his professor instead of being a minute longer with her, his friends didn't understand him but they know better not to dig on it.
For her the day went as usual, she tried to reach for him but didn't saw him anymore, so she went home alone, cooked for them and waited for Niki he arrived late and straight to his room, she left the tray with his meal at his door knocking on the wood hoping he would eat it, she went inside her own room playing some music and doing her homework.
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The winter arrived sooner than she expected, somehow she was closer to Niki, every Thursday night when all his friend were busy with training or something related to frat they had a movie night, they both have snacks and a list of movies to watch that they were trying to accomplish, in college most people started to recognize her as Niki's colorful shadow following him every chance she had; another turn in the co-living was that every two Fridays his friends will come to the apartment to play videogames, one of those nights she received the message from her parents “sorry we can be together this time of the year, your dad got a good deal for a cruise ship will see you in the summer for the vacations, we love you honey have fun with your friends” she blinks a couple times just staring at the message, it was the second year they left her alone for holidays and she though this time maybe will hurt less, but it wasn't like that, she tried to cry silently in her room, specially because Niki's friends were there and could hear her, when he started to invite them in, she thought that maybe he wanted for her to be comfortable around his friends too, at first she was excited for their roommate situation to escalate gradually, however Niki asked her to not come out of her room and now she was grateful for that not wanting for anyone else seeing her cry for something silly like being left out of her family plans.
By the time his friends left the house she was starving and already ran out of tears, the hole in her chest was still there and it hurt making a couple sobbings escape her, Niki heard it doing the same she does putting her dinner on a tray leaving it at her door with a soft knock, she smiles when she opened finding this little detail, she contently ate the pizza he left and went to sleep with hope that maybe Niki will also stay with her for the season.
The last day of classes she was behind Niki all day, buying him his favorite snacks, waiting for him outside of his classes. The only moment alone and in peace was when he and Minju got some time alone, he confessed to her and thought that everything will go smoothly but Minju rejected him.
-listen Riki I like you and all of that, but we all know about your girlfriend
-what, no wait what girlfriend?- he was beyond confused
-the girl, the colorful one, the one that lives with you and follows you everywhere, we know about what you have, you're the only thing she talks about, only about you Riki, sorry… maybe another time- she gave an apologetic smile leaving him standing with the bouquet of flowers
In that moment y/n found him, going alongside with him and talking about her classes of the day, he was so done with all of that about to snap just when Jake and Sunghoon pulled him.
-I hope you're ready for our trip I'm so excited, the cheer team is also coming with us- Jake, known to be not just the smartest in his major but also a charismatic playboy, she tried to keep the pace with them
-Finally this is over, one more week and my eyes will pop out because of stress- Sunghoon was extremely popular for his looks but also because he was the captain of the hockey team- you're gonna come with us too?- she was surprised to hear that Sunghoon was talking to her
-I don't know, Ki haven't invite me- she almost whispers
-oh Ki such a bad boy- Jake said in a mocking tone- we leave in two days, to ski, don't forget to bring warm clothes princess, we don't want his little shadow to disappear- he said in his characteristic flirty tone
She could only nood feeling her cheeks burn while they walk away from her, maybe that her parents left her wasn't so bad after all, she would spend some time with Niki, impatient for that day to come she went home quickly and started to pack her winter clothes, she ordered his favorite take out for both, waiting patiently on the living room with a movie, when he got inside the house he didn't look so happy to see her, but she didn't noticed that.
-ki I ordered your favorite… I'm so excited for us to go on a trip together, I thought I'll be alone all season because I couldn't be with my parents and all my friends are going back to their families- her tone was high pitched, just like every time she talks about something she likes, Niki rolled his eyes taking his food and going inside his room
She stayed there until late night watching the movie alone, she fell asleep on the sofa curled up trembling a little, in the morning she woke up covered by a blanket and the living room clean, the sound of the shower alerted her that Niki was awake, she got in the kitchen to make breakfast making extra effort to have perfect pancakes for him, she uses her heart shape pan for the first time giggling with the results, when Niki entered the kitchen and saw everything he rolled his eyes but still he sits and eat.
-I’m so happy to spend time together, I already packed my things, I know we still have today to do it but I just couldn't wait, I went skiing just once I hope I still can do it- her voice was just noise for Niki, he didn't pay attention to her neither what she was saying, he opted to wash the dishes and let her keep talking.
He tried to do his own things but she followed him constantly even inside his room, he even put on headphones but even if she didn't talk she didn't leave him alone following like a shadow even sitting on his gaming chair while he packs a couple thing for the trip, just watching him, by the afternoon his friends arrived to take him to the mall and shop for everything they need it, Niki felt peace washing over him of finally have a time without her around, or he thought so.
-why don't you come with us? Sunghoon told me you're gonna come skiing with us, we're gonna buy equipment- Jay the leader of the fraternity invited her with a really nice smile, she basically squeak in excitement taking her purse and sweater, sitting in the back seat next to Niki
The shopping day was smooth most of the time, Niki managed to be away from her while he was with Jake and Sunghoon buying the snowboards, Jay offered to go with her to search for a padded jacket, she choose a pink one trying on, Jay was a gentleman and she understood why half the campus was in love with him, he helped her to tie her shoes kneeling in front of her, asking about her major and why she likes to study fashion design, it was the first time someone listened to her, really listened to what she likes, she was giggling when she saw Niki again going straight to him holding his hand.
-look I found a really pretty one, is pink and Jay told me it looks really nice on me- Jay nods confirming that she looked good- can't believe I'm going with you skiing Ki, feels like a dream
Niki removed his hand from hers, but she holds him again intertwining their fingers, talking again about the trip, once in the parking lot Niki was so done with her, but what made him snap was the mention of friendship
-Ki can't believe I'm your friend… even tho I like you a lot, but it's okay just being friends not gonna be weird about our relationship- she whispered for him and gave him a warm smile but he couldn't take it anymore, he removed his hand a little violent from hers, almost pushing her, everything pent up in him, how she never got the clue of him wanting space, the way that was the reason Minju rejected him, how everything in his apartment had a piece of her and her personality, he pushed her by the shoulder making her almost trip and fall on her butt
-I’ve told you that we're not friends, for you and me being together it was a mistake, I can't even stand you, you're so annoying not just for me but for everyone, that's why you don't have friends, allegedly you do but why you end up alone in every project, you eat alone too?, because no one sane wants to spend a minute with you, hearing your voice is enough to make anyone's ears bleed, and what's worse you look like a kindergarten painting book, you and I will never be friends, not even your parents wanted you for holidays what makes you think I do? I didn't invited you, they did because they feel pity of you- Niki said each word with venom on his voice and she just froze hearing him, her eyes fill with tears ready to spill them
Niki went inside the car slamming the door, Jake looked at her with pity before going inside too to scold Niki for what he did, Jay and Sunghoon tried to reach for her but she stepped back, wiping her tears and smiling.
-I forgot to buy something… I'll go for it, I'll call an Uber for me later, see you around- she tried to talk normally but her voice cracks at the end
-let me take you home, is not safe for you to go like this- Jay tried to reach for her again but she stepped back and basically run away from them
-wait y/n, please let us help- Sunghoon tried to catch her but she disappeared, he found only her shopping bag lying on the floor he picked it and went back to the car where the other ones were scolding Niki for being so rude- man you cannot treat girls like that, no matter what, you have sisters you wouldn't like someone talking to them just like you did to her
Once all the rage left his body he felt ashamed to have treated her like that, he was just angry because he was rejected and blamed her, Niki asked for his friends to stop at a bakery that he knew she likes and asked for macaroons, he went inside the apartment finding everything dark, with heavy steps he knocked on her door.
-I know you're probably angry with me, but I'm sorry that I talked to you like that. I didn't mean it- he didn't receive an answer- is okay if you don't want to talk to me but I bought you this little cookie you like and I have your bag with me… Jay hyung told me you looked so cute with your new jacket, maybe you can try on your outfits and show me
Niki peaks inside the room, it was empty and dark like the rest of the apartment she was nowhere to be found, he waits for her in the living room but she didn't came home it was late night already, it was pass midnight and she didn't even call, but how was she supposed to call? He didn't provide his number in case of emergency and he didn't saved hers when she wrote it in a post-it for him, he stayed looking at the door as long as the sleepiness allowed him, she opened the door at 3 am, all this time staying in a 24 hours café, seeing Niki sleeping on the couch instead of make her butterflies revolve made her nervous that he would wake up and say more hurtful things to her she tiptoe to her room locking herself inside avoiding Niki, early in the morning his phone started to ring his friends calling so he can hop on the car and they can go, he didn't notice a change in the house giving up for now in solve things with her, he took his bag and went downstairs, when his hyungs asked for y/n Niki lied about it telling them that they solved things but she felt ashamed and didn't want to come anymore.
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She woke up nearly midday feeling like a truck ran over her, her body feels drained and her headaches, all his words keep replaying on her mind and something she was always afraid since childhood was growing inside of her, she is afraid of feeling this way, replaceable, even if she tried so hard to be nice to everyone no one ever stayed by her side, it was true she didn't had friends or someone who worried about her, if she just disappears probably nobody would notice, her parents only called for her birthday sometimes, all the darkness inside her started to grow and she felt repulsed by all the colors she insisted to put on in everything with the hopes that all those dark feelings in her eventually would disappear, she didn't feel this empty and lonely since she was ten and tried to jump from a bridge, those memories flooded her thoughts erasing any coherent or rational feeling; she wasn't pretty, or popular, or important, she was just that colorful shadow that people started to notice once she was behind Niki.
In an automatic like movements she took a box filling it with all the decorations she once put on display on this tiny apartment she tried to make her home, in the coffee table she left the money to cover the next month rent and a note, she changed her clothes for her favorite green dress it was short and not suitable for the weather outside, she put on a cardigan and her shoes, going out she left the box with her belongings next to the trashcan and walked to the park near the building she spent this past semester, she was never good in reading people, but she thought that maybe this time was different and Niki would be the exception, she didn't though that her small crush for him would hurt like this, she got next to the bridge leaving her cellphone and removing her shoes there, she stands on the edge looking down her toes numbing, the water was not freeze yet but it wouldn't be long for it to be a gigantic ice cube, she closed her eyes before surrender and jump…
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Niki was back to their apartment just a couple minutes after, the trip was cancelled because of the bad weather on the way to the mountains, it was not safe and the news alerted everyone to stay inside, he noticed the box of her things in the trash, picking it up and bringing it inside again.
-i'm back, I know you're here, you left your things outside- Niki called from the door leaving the box on the floor- c’mon I'm sorry is not for you to throw away these things you love
Niki noticed the letter and the money, when he reads the words on the paper he feels all his body turn cold: “Hi Niki, when you read this I'll probably be gone, it wasn't my intention for everyone to hate me, I'm sorry to be a bother all this months I already took my things out, if you call my mom she will come to pick my clothes her number is on my nightstand, probably she will come after her cruise ship hope you don't mind keeping them for a little, I left the money for my rent in the meantime you find a new roommate, I hope you had fun on your trip, tell Jay that I'm sorry the jacket still have the tag he can return it and have his money back. Thank you for being my roommate. I really enjoyed our time together” Niki was confused, why would she left without her things, where she went? Her parents weren't even in the same country, he took his jacket and run outside maybe he can still catch her, the bus station was a couple blocks from there, he ran and on the way he saw the sirens and the ambulances near the bridge, he recognized her baby blue shoes and the flower case on her phone, he ran to get there seeing how the paramedics and police take her unconscious pale body from the water, the green dress he once bought for her was sticking to her body, a cop stopped him to get close to the scene, close to her.
-no, y/n, let me go, she's my roommate I'm her emergency contact, please let me see her- Niki fight to be released, one paramedic informed that she'll need someone to be with her at hospital to provide the info about her, that's when the cops let him be near her, Niki took her shoes and phone he got inside the ambulance next to her unsure to touch her, holding her cold hand- hey don't be like this, please I didn't mean all those things I said, we have to go back to our apartment, you have to help me place our decorations back in place, the trip was cancelled we'll go next week you have to show me how you look with your new jacket… please don't go
She looked so fragile and for the first time all the color she always put in everyone's else's life was gone, that little spark was no longer there and Niki felt afraid to lose that part of his life, that color he got used to and now was comfortable with.
I appreciate feedback if someone reads this, thank you in advance little stranger
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theresnottimeinhopi · 2 days ago
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I thought to myself; "what if there's ever a character who parallels Ren in many aspects and who did everything in their best to help him after finding him one day again, after 'mysterious' months of being missing, with the necessities and afterwards with fateful bittersweet departure, they thought they helped him to return to normalcy in the end, without ever knowing how deep down psychologically fucked Ren truly was because he never really showed his actual self around them and did not tell them what truly happened to him throughout those months."
And also,
"what if, the said character, is also someone who isn't meek, someone who went through horrors just as well but managed differently and can and is an actual physical threat who can fight back." (realistically, I don't think a fox can withstand the sheer compact muscular and downright menace force that is an oversized jungle cat whose natural instinct is aiming straight at the back of your cranium, maybe the prefrontal cortex if feeling extra).
Genuinely, jaguars are horrifying, they have the most powerful bite force out of the rest of the big cats which can break the bones and armour of a crocodile and they bite directly through the skull of a mammalian prey between the ears to deliver a fatal blow to the brain, unlike most cats reaching for the neck. Cherry on top, superb stealth hunters, they may look steroid-ridden ridden but they're as silent as the crickets.
So of course, I had to create Renée Sereno Novo, my beautiful babe (Zach Hadel's voice), my librarian lady turned to academic librarian in a prestigious university that Derek used to enrol in (let's be real, Derek definitely did not last here long, a nepo baby after all, my original headcanon, do not steal plz) because not only do I want to make a character that is blunt and takes no bullshit yet with the perfect balance of exemplifying "my God, where were you when I was at my worst with those impeccable communication skills and emotional intelligence, babe", trust, being able to communicate your feelings is sexy, but also someone who can kick Ren's buttocks (both BTD2 + TPOF), because there times when I feel that twink needs to be humbled (affectionately). But more heavily towards Fox, I need that politician-looking clown to wear a dunce hat and have tomatoes thrown at him (affectionately).
For those who know Goodnight/Oyasumi Punpun (and I vividly imagine Ren's life after Strade's death to be the same functions that of adult Punpun, as to how he manages to become a wealthy man afterwards years later is a mystery to me, if not us, but I see suggestions of him possibly being a landlord because of constantly moving in and out and I believe it quite frankly), she is essentially a bit similar to Sachi Nanjou, and the Sachi to Ren's Punpun, especially regarding one trying to help the other get back on his feet and the troubles that transpire from it (because of course Ren, low self-esteem yet also wanting to gain control over his own life and rejecting pity).
Hm, I need to reread that manga after years, not the best option during those lockdown years but goodness gracious was I enthralled in the writing and psychology.
Now, I wonder if I can finished that WIP...
On a little note, I feel like that Beastkins, lore-wise, are so heavily underutilized and there are so many ideas and potentials you can get around them, I plan to give out my headcanons because I am afraid it will make the blog long enough as it is.
Another note is that, in my humble opinion, when making a Beastkin oc, design-wise, GO WILD, GO CRAZY, take advantage of that creative juice and try to add some traits that the animals they're based on have, because my God, it is so thrilling and really makes a proper distinction between them and humans besides the typical ears, tails and claws. For example, Renée's nose is purposefully reminiscent that of big cats as seen by her wide nose and even in the eye shape instead of the atypical upturned eyes, since big cats actually have round eyes, it's just their eyes are hooded and they have that natural kohl eyeliner that makes it seem snatched as well as their long and sharp inner eye corners, it makes a *mwah* significant effect and emphasises the feline traits, perfect example are the Navi's, obsessed with their facial anatomy.
But that is all I have, time to ponder if I will ever fully write her backstory down on paper or if I will mentally write and leave it stored in my wrinkly brain as always.
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justarkive · 5 hours ago
TABLE 3 | JJK ch11
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“For good service, and cute waitresses.”
pairing: pre!military jk x waitress/secret fuckbuddy!oc
Before Jungkook enlists in the military, his life takes an unexpected turn when he visits a local restaurant with friends and meets a waitress who doesn’t recognize him. Surprised by your lack of star-struck reaction, Jungkook finds himself drawn to your down-to-earth nature, especially his previous struggles with the pressure of constant drama on social media regarding his relationships. Little do you know, Jungkook is about to leave for the military, which inevitably bring’s complications to their connection… do they find a way to fix it?
warnings: profanity, angst, humour, fluff, celebrity au, idol!jungkook , mentions of other kpop groups/idols, inner conflict, insecurity. jungkooks enlistment, its EATING him up. oc is so oblivious. nari as usual, jungkook overworking himself, boring chapter ngl.
wc: short
this fic is not meant to represent the real jungkook or any other characters mentioned!
taglist: @jenniebyrubies @dreamersparacosm @darklove2020 @rayyrayy10 @elinaki92 @alana4610
a/n: u guys dont understand how much i was stressing abt this chapter like, i had no idea what to write for them… like another date? should they fuck again? but i figured this was good so we can get closer to his enlistment without dragging it out too long. so sorry freaks theres no smut today!! and its pretty boring so apologies :( as always thank u for reading my loves. also, a recent comment i had to bring to attention was how it looks like theres a lack of attraction on jungkooks side (in reality there isnt, that man is WHIPPED) : pls note this is completely intentional and youll find out why in this chapter!!
masterlist | < prev | next >
You realize you can’t spend every day with Jeon Jungkook.
The thought is jarring, unsettling in a way that makes your stomach twist as you count the tip money at the register. It’s not that you thought you could, realistically speaking. You have a life—one that doesn’t revolve around whispered “good mornings” and teasing kisses over breakfast, or the way his fingers always seem to find yours in the quiet moments.
But the past two days have been… intoxicating. Like stepping into some kind of alternate reality, one where time bends in your favor, where you can exist in a warm, golden haze of laughter and lingering glances and the subtle press of his body against yours when he thinks you’re not paying attention.
And now, you’re here. Back to fluorescent lights humming above you, the faint scent of coffee and grease mixing in the air, and—
“Oh hell no, bitch, I’m gonna kill someone. Who the fuck—”
Nari’s voice cuts through your thoughts, sharp and irritated, as she holds up a napkin between her fingers like it personally offended her.
You glance over, noting the scrawled handwriting in what looks like smudged eyeliner, and sigh. “Another one?”
“The fifth one today,” she deadpans, before squinting at the message. “‘I like my girls like my coffee, hot and steamy. Call me?’” She blinks. “Oh, gross.”
You can’t help but snort, shaking your head as you swipe the napkin from her hands and toss it straight into the trash. “At least they’re tipping.”
“At what cost?” Nari groans, slumping dramatically against the counter.
And just like that, reality anchors you again. The warmth of Jungkook’s presence, the way he had become so seamlessly woven into your daily routine, feels like something distant. Because this is your life—bantering with Nari over questionable customers, counting tip money, working double shifts until your feet ache. And you realise how much you miss it.
You can’t spend every day with Jeon Jungkook, but speaking of. He hasn’t stopped texting you details about his concert.
At first, you said yes without hesitation. The words slip out so easily, like second nature. “Yeah, of course, I’ll come.” How could you not? It’s Jungkook. It’s his concert. It’s something important to him, and the way he had looked at you—eyes wide, hopeful, waiting—had made it impossible to say anything else, but there was also something strange about how he’d asked you, how he blurted it out so suddenly.
But now, in the unforgiving clarity of daylight, when your phone pings with a message from him about the details, the hesitation creeps in.
You hadn’t even thought about the price.
It’s stupid, really. You don’t need to go, and yet, now that you’ve said yes, the idea of backing out makes your chest tighten uncomfortably. The tickets alone are expensive. Very expensive. The kind of expensive that makes your stomach churn, that has you mentally calculating how many shifts you’d need to cover the cost. And that’s not even considering the logistics—the sheer chaos of being in a packed stadium, the fact that you’d be one person in a crowd of thousands, that you’d have to navigate the whole thing alone.
Well, not alone. You made sure to demand one condition: Nari has to come with you.
Jungkook had said yes without hesitation. But even with that reassurance, you find yourself hesitating with every new text he sends. You keep your responses brief, not enough to raise suspicion but just enough to stall.
It doesn’t work.
Jungkook [11:24 AM]: u okay? you seem off.
You [11:25 AM]: just tired
Jungkook [11:25 AM]: You sure?
You [11:26 AM]: promise
The dots appear, vanish, reappear.
You stare at your screen, willing him to let it go.
He doesn’t.
Jungkook [11:28 AM]: You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, you know.
Your heart lurches a little. That’s not it. You do want to go. But what do you say? Hey, I know I agreed to this, but I can’t really justify spending that much money on a ticket, and also, I don’t really know how to do things like this, and it’s kind of overwhelming to think about?
Before you can even figure out how to respond, another text comes in.
Jungkook [11:29 AM]: If it’s about the ticket, don’t even think about it. I got you.
You blink.
You [11:30 AM]: What?
Jungkook [11:31 AM]: Backstage pass. Special entry. No crowd, no stress. Just you and Nari.
Your mouth goes dry.
He clocked you immediately. Of course, he did. You should’ve known. Jungkook is a lot of things, but oblivious isn’t one of them. He caught on to your hesitance faster than you could even process it yourself, and before you could spiral too deep, he’d already fixed the problem.
Just you and Nari.
The tension in your shoulders eases—just a little. Because the money was one thing, but the thought of pushing through a crowd of thousands had been gnawing at you more than you wanted to admit. But this? This is something you can do.
You [11:33 AM]: You didn’t have to do that.
Jungkook [11:33 AM]: Yeah, I did.
You bite back a smile.
You [11:34 AM]: …Okay. Thank you.
Jungkook [11:34 AM]: Don’t mention it.
A pause. Then:
Jungkook [11:35 AM]: Actually, do mention it. Like a lot. Maybe call me the best person ever or something.
You roll your eyes, typing out a quick absolutely not before locking your phone and exhaling.
Crisis averted.
For now.
The bus ride home is slow, the kind of slow that makes you regret not just walking. The city hums around you, neon lights flickering past the windows, the occasional car horn breaking through the low murmur of conversations. You’re exhausted, the long shift weighing down your limbs, and the warmth of the bus isn’t helping.
You lean your head back against the window, sighing. And then, as if on cue, your phone buzzes.
Jungkook: did you eat yet?
You stare at the message for a second, lips pressing together.
You haven’t. But that’s not the point.
You ignore the way your stomach flutters—you’re not dating, you’re not dating, you’re not dating—and type out a quick, Yeah, just got home. It’s a lie, but a small one.
The bus slows at a stoplight. You tap your fingers against your thigh, suddenly remembering something. Something you’d forgotten during work today.
The concert. Oh. Oh, shit.
You blink, processing. The concert is in five days.
You were supposed to be thinking about that. Planning for it. Maybe even, you know, acknowledging it. But somehow, between work and everything else, it completely slipped your mind.
You don’t know why you suddenly feel nervous. It’s just a concert. And it’s not like Jungkook didn’t make sure you’d be safe—backstage passes, seats away from the crowd. He handled everything.
But still.
You bite your lip, debating, and then press call.
Nari picks up on the third ring. “Why are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be busy thinking about a certain superstar?”
You roll your eyes. “I have a question.”
“Go on.”
You hesitate. “…Are you free in five days?”
There’s a pause. Then, suspiciously, “Why?”
You shift in your seat, staring out the window. “Because I may or may not have forgotten that Jungkook’s concert is in five days, and I want you to come with me.”
You wince, holding the phone away from your ear as Nari screeches. The few people around you on the bus glance over, and you lower your head, trying to pretend you’re not part of this conversation.
You blink. “That’s…longer than you actually have.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “So, is that a yes?”
Nari exhales like she’s carrying the weight of the world. “Obviously, yes. But I’m mad about it.”
“You’ll live.”
“No, I won’t.”
You stifle a laugh. “We also have backstage passes, by the way.”
“…Come again?”
“Backstage passes. Jungkook got them for us.”
There’s another pause. Then, a deadly serious, “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do. Because what I’m hearing is that you have exclusive access to one of the biggest concerts of the year, and you FORGOT?”
“I need you to know that I’m never letting you live this down.”
“That’s fair.”
The bus slows, your stop approaching. You shift forward in your seat, grabbing your bag. “We have to book the day off.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” Nari mutters. “And you’re especially lucky that I will never pass up the opportunity to stand within ten feet of Kim Namjoon.”
You snort. “It’s a solo concert Nari.“
“Let a girl dream.”
You hang up with a smile, stepping off the bus and into the cool night air.
It’s only after you get home, slipping off your shoes and setting your phone down, that you notice another text from Jungkook.
Jungkook: Liar. You’re still on the bus.
You freeze.
And then—
Jungkook: Caught you through the reflection, didn’t I?
You groan, flopping onto the couch.
You really, really need to stop underestimating him.
The floor against Jungkook’s back is cold. Too cold. It seeps through his damp shirt, cutting through the heat of his skin like ice, but he barely registers it. His chest rises and falls in quick, shallow breaths, sweat slicking his temples, his neck, his arms.
“Again,” he mutters, more to himself than anyone else, but the choreographer hesitates.
“Jungkook, you’re overdoing it.”
He hears it, but he doesn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he pushes himself up, rolling his shoulders back. The mirrors in the practice room reflect him mercilessly—messy hair, the sharp set of his jaw, the frustration tightening his muscles like a coiled spring.
Frustration at himself. At you. At the fact that when he told you about the concert, he was supposed to say something else entirely. I’m leaving for the military soon. That was what was meant to come out. Instead, it had been Come to my concert.
And you’d said yes. Just like that. No hesitation. But then came the shift—those tiny pauses in your texts, the slight hesitance in your words when he brought it up again. You weren’t saying why, but Jungkook knew.
The price.
He’d seen it immediately. The way you didn’t want to say it outright, the way you tried to brush it off. He hated that. Hated that you even thought you had to hesitate over something like this. Because if it was up to him, you wouldn’t have to worry about a damn thing.
That’s why he’d handled it. Special backstage tickets, no issues with the crowd, no stress—just you, there, like he wanted. Like he needed.
So why does it still feel like he’s done something wrong?
“Jungkook,” his manager’s voice cuts through the silence. “That’s enough for today.”
Jungkook exhales through his nose, pressing his tongue into his cheek. “One more run.”
“You’re already ahead of schedule. And you’re distracted.”
He bristles. “I’m not.”
“You are.” His manager crosses his arms, looking at him through the mirror. “And I don’t need you injuring yourself because your head’s somewhere else.”
Jungkook stays silent, flexing his fingers at his sides.
His manager sighs, voice lowering. “Look. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I do know you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. I also know that whatever’s eating at you isn’t just about the tour.”
Jungkook’s jaw tightens.
“I get it,” his manager continues. “You’re stressed. But you’re making it worse for yourself. Just… chill. Whatever this is, let it go for tonight.”
Let it go?
Jungkook almost laughs.
If it were that easy, he wouldn’t be here right now, forcing himself through routine after routine, trying to physically burn you out of his system. Trying to drown out the sound of your voice in his head. Trying to silence the part of himself that knows—knows—he’s in too deep.
Because at first? This wasn’t supposed to be like this.
He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated with himself for even letting things get this far. What did he expect? That it would be easy to switch off the emotions, to walk away without feeling something? He wants to push away the growing awareness that maybe, just maybe, you’re more than just another distraction.
But now he’s stuck. There’s a reason he hasn’t told you everything. It’s easier to keep you in this safe, manageable space—where things are light and easy, where you don’t need to know about the chaos that’s coming. About how soon he’ll be gone. About the reality that his time is limited, and yet, for some reason, it feels like you’re already becoming more important than he can afford to let you be.
He was wrong. And that realization stings more than he expected.
And now? He’s stuck somewhere between wanting to pull you closer and fearing he’s already too much. That he’s already crossing lines.
“One more,” he says again, voice firm.
His manager exhales sharply through his nose, but he doesn’t argue this time. “Fine. One more. Then you’re done.”
Jungkook doesn’t waste another second.
He throws himself into it, movements sharp, precise, but there’s a new edge to them now. Something more aggressive, more punishing. His muscles scream at him, but he keeps going, pushing harder, faster. He doesn’t just perform—he fights. Every stomp of his foot, every swing of his arm feels like he’s battling something invisible.
His own damn emotions.
He dances like he’s trying to outrun them. Like if he moves fast enough, hard enough, maybe he can lose them in the chaos. Maybe he can forget, just for a moment, that you’ve completely consumed him.
But by the time the music stops, by the time he’s standing there, breathless and burning, he knows—
It’s useless.
“I get it,” his manager continues. “You’re stressed. But you’re making it worse for yourself. Go home. Rest.”
Jungkook doesn’t respond right away, but the weight of the words settles in his chest. He swipes his water bottle from the floor, chugging a few mouthfuls before slinging his bag over his shoulder. His body aches, every muscle screaming in protest, but none of it is enough to quiet his mind.
He checks his phone the second he steps outside.
No new messages.
The urge to text you is immediate—something teasing, something easy, just to make sure you’re still there, still thinking about him, too. But he hesitates. You’d already been weird today, your replies shorter, slower, like you were pulling away.
Like you were trying not to need him.
The thought unsettles him more than it should.
Jungkook runs a hand through his hair, exhaling sharply. The thing is, he doesn’t know what to do with this. With you. You’re different. A breath of fresh air in a world that’s constantly moving too fast. He likes you. Too much, probably. And that should be a good thing, should be easy—but it’s not.
Because he doesn’t know how to ask for more.
He’s spent his entire career learning how to hold back. How to be careful, how to measure every interaction, every word. But with you, he doesn’t want to be careful. He wants to be selfish. Wants to see you whenever he wants, touch you whenever he wants, kiss you just because he feels like it.
And that’s dangerous.
His fingers hover over your contact for a second before he shoves his phone back into his pocket, shaking his head at himself.
He just has to be patient. That’s all.
If he’s lucky, you’ll realize soon enough.
That you’re already his.
Until he has to go.
By the time he steps outside, the air is thick with the remnants of rain, the streets slick with reflections of neon lights. His phone vibrates in his pocket.
You: Get home safe
Simple. Casual. But Jungkook stares at it for longer than he should, fingers hovering over the keyboard before he finally types out a response.
Jungkook: you too.
He hesitates.
Then, before he can overthink it, he adds—
Jungkook: And don’t lie to me next time.
You: shut up 🙄
Jungkook doesn’t respond. Instead, he exhales slowly, tilting his head back, staring at the ceiling as if it’ll hold all the answers he doesn’t have. The military is looming over him like a shadow, growing closer, heavier. And now there’s you—this thing between you, whatever it is—pressing against his ribs like a weight he can’t shake.
But for now, he just ignores it.
Because in 5 days, it’ll finally be 3 weeks exactly till he’s gone.
The unease follows him, clinging to his skin like sweat.
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questionablecuttlefish · 3 days ago
Ok so now that you have a "Lux goes to Zaun" fic and a "Jinx goes to Demacia" fic, which spot do you think they'd be happier in? Zaun? Terbisia? someplace else entirely?
Lol what fascinates me about this is that I didn't even realize until I was like three fics deep into "Beyond the End" that I had actually made an AU of my own fic.
"Beyond" Lux and Jinx are essentially the same characters as "Omens", right up until their timeline forks at the Council Rocket for Jinx and Terbisia for Lux. And the butterfly effect makes them dramatically different people, but unlike all the other fics I've done where they're physically different people in alternate universes, Omen's and Beyond are both "Arcane + Main Runeterra canon", so they're the literal same people at different points in their timeline and shaped by different experiences.
As for which place would be better...I don't know, I think that depends on Which Lux and Which Jinx.
I wanna say "Terbisia, because the air, water and food aren't slowly killing them both" but that's a little unfair to Jinx's hometown.
I think while Terby is a physically healthier place to be, Jinx would struggle a little to live in a place so dramatically technologically and culturally different to her and so set in its ways, while Lux is so rooted in her Demacian identity she would pine for Demacia and her family in Zaun.
But Lux is also an open minded person who's curious about the world, so I think she'd thrive in the new experiences PnZ offers, and there are characters around her like Ekko, Caitlyn, Vi, or even Mel with whom she shares a lot of traits and would naturally bond.
And Jinx is inventive and adaptive enough that she'd be able to find ways to adjust to a version of Demacia that is JUST quirky and full of outcasts enough to pique her interest, and there are ideas I have for what that might look like that'll come up in the next "Beyond" fic that I don't want to spoil...
So "Beyond" wise, I think a post S2-Jinx who's lost everything and is exhausted by loss will really appreciate the quiet community support and opportunity for constructive uses for her talents she might find in Terbisia. While "Omen's" Lux, who's been totally uprooted from her world and had to flee everything she ever knew, gets a new found family to ground her and support her on her journey of self-discovery.
Pros and cons, there's challenges either way. I might even see their 'forever home' being something different entirely...he he he...
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lazysoulwriter · 8 hours ago
every loss is a win. - chris sturniolo. ✩
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*✧・゚:*✧・゚:i dont have any idea how this game works but whatever *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Chris was sitting on the couch in his living room, controller in hand, a playful smirk on his face. His girlfriend, who had just stepped into the room, was looking at him with a raised brow.
“You seriously want me to play Fortnite with you?” she asked, crossing her arms, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes.
Chris grinned, eyes sparkling with excitement. “I do. You’ll love it, I promise. And if you mess up—” He paused, winking. “I’ll kiss you every time.”
Her lips curled up in a teasing smile, clearly intrigued. “Kiss me every time I die, huh?”
“Exactly,” Chris said, leaning back on the couch, clearly confident in his ability to teach her. “It’ll be fun, trust me.”
She sat next to him, reluctantly grabbing the other controller. Chris set up the game, his fingers moving quickly as he navigated the screen. “Alright, babe, here’s the deal,” he said, eyes still focused on the screen. “Just follow my lead, and you’ll get the hang of it.”
She nodded, though she wasn’t exactly confident. She had zero experience with Fortnite and had no idea what she was doing. But... the idea of Chris kissing her every time she died sounded like a win in her book.
The game started, and her character appeared on the screen. Chris quickly explained the basic controls: how to move, aim, and shoot. She pretended to listen, but her eyes kept drifting to him. The way he gripped the controller, the intensity in his eyes—it made her feel… something.
The game was off to a rough start. She died almost instantly, and before she could even react, Chris was leaning in to kiss her, his lips warm and soft against hers. She closed her eyes, savoring the kiss, but something inside her stirred. A wicked thought entered her mind.
What if… what if she purposely lost, just to get more kisses? The idea made her smile.
She died again—almost immediately, actually—and Chris was quick to lean in and press another kiss to her lips, this time lingering just a little longer.
She bit her lip, suppressing a giggle. “I think I’m getting the hang of this game,” she said innocently, but her plan was already in motion.
A few more rounds, a few more deaths, and Chris kissed her each time. He had no idea. But she did. The game wasn’t really about winning anymore.
“Damn, babe”
“I know,” she said, feigning innocence. But in reality, she was just waiting for the next kiss. And when it came—this time, a little deeper, a little hotter—she couldn’t hold back anymore.
Before Chris could even react, she pulled him closer, her lips crashing into his with a newfound urgency. He gasped, momentarily taken aback. “Woah, what’s going on?"
She didn’t answer, instead pushing him back onto the couch, her hands tangling in his hair as she kissed him desperately, passionately. The game was long forgotten at this point. Her body was closer to his, her hands moving down his chest.
“Do you—do you want to stop playing?” Chris asked, breathless, clearly taken by surprise at the shift in energy.
“Yes,” she whispered against his lips. “I don’t want to play anymore.”
Without another word, she leaned down, kissing him even deeper. The world around them melted away, and for the next few moments, there was no game, no controller—just the two of them, consumed by each other.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
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satureja13 · 1 day ago
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After Sai woke up, he went to his little computer corner and tried to work for a while. But even though he spent hours there, he didn't get much done. He's still in the aftermaths of his first woohoo and high above on his fluffy cloud of bliss. This was by far the best thing that has happened to him is his whole life. He must have scared Jeb a lot by blissing out - Jeb's biggest fear was to hurt Sai - and Sai has no idea how to face Jeb after scaring him to death and being the cause of his meltdown...
Taking a look across the cargo bay, Sai saw Ji Ho and Kiyoshi sitting in front of the open transporter chamber ö.Ö' What is this now again? Why didn't they consult him? Oh - right. He was out. Not the leader/captain anymore. No member of this crew. And not having to wear these unspeakable uniforms anymore! Just a mere passenger on this ship. He wouldn't have to deal with this madness anymore.
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But he could still ask, right? A little interest in his friends wouldn't hurt. But when Kiyoshi told him that they'd found the meteorites and future Jonathan's setup and that Jeb and Jack currently are ingame to get the Night Shadow, Conny, Val and Jino out, Sawa's heart sank. Saiwa: "We didn't even get the chance to say good bye..." Kiyoshi: "Don't worry. They'll be back in no time. Ingame time runs faster and they just have to go in and show them how to get out again."
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Ji Ho: "Poor Tiny Can still isn't fully fixed, so we have to pay extra attention. As soon as the four of them log out, we need to send them back to their universe - to avoid ... eh... whatever happens when our universes collide ö.Ö' Since we can't exist twice in the same time and place, you know?" The first ingame pic plopped up on their monitors. Ji Ho: "Ah look, they're at the castle! I wonder what Princess Jihovere and her King are up to. A lot must have happened since the others got sucked in. Too bad it runs so fast. But Jeb and Jack can tell us everything once they're back."
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And really, Jeb and Jack made it sucessfully back ingame. They logged in near the castle. So they should be able to rescue Jino and Val first. Which should be easy.
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They found themselves locked up again. Just like Jack the first and second time he logged into the Therapy Game. But this time, Jack knows what awaits them. Jack: "Don't worry. This is just another arena fight. I'll go easy on you." Jeb hates fighting. He hasn't forgotten when he had to spar with Vad beyond the Veil...
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After the gates were opened, Jack and Jeb did their fighting thing and they're happy to see that Jino and Val were sitting at the podium, together with the Queen! Jack's heart skipped a beat and he made an extra effort to impress her.
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Then something unexpected happened... Jeb produced a laser gund and shot at him??? Jack hissed at Jeb: "What are you doing? That's out of character!" Jeb whispered back: "I don't know! Something is off!"
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When the fight was over, the royalty praised their creative approach, but none of them was overly startled about the laser gun. Weird. Jack and Jeb had more urgent matters to adress anyways. Jack: "Val, Jino - we're here to get you out of this ga... *Jeb coughed* I mean: out of here - and back home. Just say 'out' and we'll beam you back. Sorry it took us so long!" Val: "What are you even talking about? The castle is right over there. We don't need your help." Princess Jihovere didn't even give them a second look.
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Jack: "I know this sounds weird. Don't you remember your good friends Jet and Jett? Look at us!" Princess Jihovere: "My king, we need to go back home. There's still so much to prepare for our wedding." At least Val looked a bit torn - but he still didn't believe Jack: "I really don't have time for this. The Princess - my bride - needs me. I have to leave." Jack: "Val. Vlad! Look at me. It me, your soulmate. Your best friend. There was an accident and you, Jino, Conny and the Night Shadow got sucked into this game! We need you out of here. Please trust me, hm?"
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The Queen has heard enough: "No one is going to mess with this wedding! We are planning it for weeks now! The whole country is waiting for this day!" Princess Jihovere: "Please don't listen to them. You belong here - with me." Val: "Of course I do. Don't worry."
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The royalty left. Jeb and Jack sank one one of the benches. Jeb: "How is this possible? When we played, we still knew who we were. We just - played - our role..." Jack: "I fear they'd been ingame too long. And this is a corrupted save after all. They didn't even detect that laser gun as something wrong for this setting. *Jack sighed* What are we supposed to do now? I don't even know if it's able to 'force' them to log out?" Jeb: "It might utterly mess with their brains when we do this now. They'd think they'd gone crazy. Or even worse." Jack: "Right. Let's not forget when Ji Ho almost died after the game kicked us out. Gods... We can't even contact Jonathan and the others because Tiny Can is still not fully fixed. They won't even know we have troubles here. The game runs so fast for them. They just see a blur of pictures." Jeb: "Shall we log out and figure out a plan?" Jack: "What if this causes another issue with Tiny Can and we can't log in again? They'd be trapped in here for who knows how long. Weeks or months have passed here already. It really shouldn't be any much longer given they've already forgotten everything of their real life." Jeb: "Then let's check Conny next. He is a demon here, just like Kiyoshi. He might have resisted. Or if not, we could - make a deal with him..."
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If you missed our Therapy Game chapters, they are -> here (Part 1 - Development) -> here (Part 2 - Ingame) and -> here (Part 3 - Murder Mystery)
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter 'Goats in Space': starts ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Piglets in Space' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-29
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princeloww · 14 hours ago
just to clarify on the little TOTA project I'm doing; this isn't going to be a huge art book or a properly binded zine or anything like that. I really appreciate all the messages I've got and all the people offering to help and contribute!! My goal is genuinely just to make a small booklet (A5) that will fit into an envelope. I don't want to go overboard or send her something huge.
The idea is just to show Donna that lots of people love and care about this show, enough to have created such beautiful art. I want to show her that I'm not the only one still inspired and deeply touched by her work.
On that note, if people want me to use their art, keep sending!! I think we've got such a sweet little community full of talented and generous people. I'm currently looking for art of any character other than Campbell. Thank you!!!!
also major thanks to the lovely @fishyfutaba who has been helping me out <3
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rosinaparker · 2 days ago
hiya! hope u guys are doing well, do you guys think u could wrote about a first kiss with the sbg characters?
First Kiss Scenarios
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Genre: fluff, established relationships
Pairings: Sbg!Characters x Reader
A/N: Sorry that it took so long to post😓
Ashlyn Banner
Ashlyn isn’t big on words, but she’s always been good at showing how she feels. The two of you are curled up on her bed, music playing softly from her headphones, one earbud in her ear, the other in yours. It’s one of those peaceful moments where neither of you needs to talk. Then, without warning, she shifts closer, her fingers lightly brushing against your arm.
She tilts her head up, green eyes searching yours for just a second before she leans in, pressing her lips to yours—slow, warm, familiar. When she pulls away, she lingers, forehead resting against yours.
“You looked like you needed that,” she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ben Clark
Ben isn’t one for unnecessary words. He’s never been great at saying how he feels, but you’ve learned by now that he doesn’t have to.
You’re sitting in his room, curled up beside him on his bed, the only light coming from the small lamp on his desk. It’s quiet, comfortable, the kind of peace that only comes from being with someone who just gets you.
You’re telling him about your day, and he’s listening like he always does—watching you, nodding occasionally, fingers tracing absentminded circles against your wrist. There’s something in his expression tonight, something soft, something unreadable.
Before you can ask, he reaches up, brushing a thumb over your cheek, and leans in. His lips meet yours in a slow, deliberate kiss—no hesitation, no uncertainty. Just him, telling you exactly how much he cares without ever saying a word.
When he pulls away, he lingers, his forehead resting lightly against yours. His fingers tighten around yours, grounding you in the quiet moment. And even though he doesn’t say anything, you know. You feel it.
With Ben, love isn’t loud. It’s steady. Certain. Real.
Aiden Clark
Aiden never does anything halfway. That includes loving you.
You’re both out late, way past when you should’ve gone home, standing at the edge of a rickety old bridge overlooking the river. The air is cool, the stars reflecting off the water, but Aiden is buzzing with that wild energy of his. “I have an idea,” he announces, his signature grin in place.
You already know this is going to be something ridiculous. “Aiden, no—”
“Aiden, yes.” He winks before climbing onto the wooden railing, balancing like he’s done it a hundred times. You grab his sleeve, but he just laughs. “Relax, babe. Live a little.”
And then he jumps.
Your heart stops. But before you can panic, he lands perfectly on the ledge just below, turning to look up at you like he didn’t just give you a heart attack. “Your turn!”
You stare at him. “Absolutely not.”
His grin softens, and he climbs back up, effortlessly hopping over the railing. Before you can scold him, he cups your face with both hands and kisses you.
It’s urgent, breathless, full of adrenaline and laughter. He tastes like mint gum and the thrill of the moment, his hands steady even as the world spins around you. When he pulls back, his forehead presses against yours, and he grins like he’s just won something.
“See? Heart’s racing either way.”
Tyler Hernandez
Tyler isn’t the type to make a big deal out of things. He’s not the guy who plans out the perfect kiss under the stars or waits for the right moment. No, when Tyler wants something, he just does it.
You’re walking home together after one of his baseball games, the two of you falling into an easy rhythm. He’s still a little sweaty from the game, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder, and he’s pretending not to be happy about the fact that you showed up to watch.
“You played well,” you say casually, nudging his arm.
He scoffs. “Obviously.” But there’s the smallest hint of pink creeping up his neck.
You roll your eyes, about to tease him, when suddenly, he stops walking. Before you can ask why, he turns to you, grips the strap of your backpack, and pulls you in.
His lips crash against yours, firm and a little rough—like he’s been holding back and just couldn’t anymore. His hands move to your waist, pulling you close, like he doesn’t want to let go. It’s intense, head-spinning, and completely Tyler.
When he finally pulls away, his forehead rests against yours for a second. Then, as if nothing just happened, he lets go, shrugs, and keeps walking. “You coming or what?”
You blink, still breathless. “What—That’s it?”
He smirks, glancing at you over his shoulder. “You want another one? Win a bet first.”
Taylor Hernandez
Taylor always has a way of making everything feel like a moment. She doesn’t plan it, doesn’t force it—it just happens when she’s around.
Like now, when she suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you toward the Ferris wheel at the carnival. “C’mon, trust me,” she says, grinning as she tugs you into the seat beside her.
You don’t question it. You never do.
As the ride slowly lifts you both up, she leans against you, her hand slipping into yours, her thumb tracing idle patterns against your skin. The higher you go, the quieter it gets—the sounds of the carnival fading into the background.
And then, just as the Ferris wheel stops at the very top, she turns to you, eyes shining in the neon glow of the lights. “This is kinda perfect, huh?”
Before you can answer, she leans in and kisses you—soft, slow, like she’s savoring it. The world fades around you, and for a second, it’s just her. Just this.
When she pulls away, she smiles knowingly. “Told you it would be perfect.”
Logan Fields
Logan still gets nervous sometimes, even though you’ve been together for a while. He’s not used to being this close to someone—not just physically, but emotionally. But with you, it’s different. Easier. Even if his heart still races every time you so much as look at him a certain way.
Tonight, you’re sitting on the hood of his car, parked at your usual spot on the hill just outside of town. The stars are out, the night air crisp, and Logan is fidgeting—pushing his glasses up, rubbing the back of his neck, shifting his weight like he’s trying to work up the nerve for something.
You smile, bumping your shoulder against his. “You okay?”
His breath catches for just a second before he nods, a little more determined now. “Yeah. Just… thinking.”
Before you can ask what about, he finally leans in and kisses you. It’s soft, careful, like he’s still a little unsure—but the way his fingers graze your jaw, the way he lingers just a little too long, makes it obvious: he’s wanted to do this all night.
When he pulls away, his face is already pink, but there’s a small, satisfied smile on his lips
“Sorry, it just felt right..”
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sosoribro · 2 days ago
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let's start at the beginning.
my name is miles morale- wait no
it ALL started in march 2024 where i was watching a whole bunch of poofesure's papa's videos. why? comfort probably
i became interested in the reoccurring characters in the games, and decided to look some of them up myself.
then, i was clicking around on the wiki, and i eventually found him.
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i liked him instantly. i think it was his design that caught my eye at first. i read his flipdeck and thought, "wow! he sounds like a really sweet character! :3"
and on the 12th of march 2024, i made these little doodles of him
i found his hair difficult to get the hang of.
i did the best i could, and also decided "you know what? make it longer" and so i did. and it has sort of grown over the months, i've noticed.
i find it interesting that if you were to look at my carlo art from the first drawing to this one, it would look a bit like he himself had grown.
i draw him with the features that i do (i.e freckles, pimples, long hair) because that's just what i think would make him look beautiful oh yeah did i mention that i have a crush on him because yeah
as for headcanons, a lot of them once again come from what i would find attractive. most prominently his personality and temperament.
in my opinion, carlo is a soft-spoken and very sweet person. he's attentive and gentle with people.
i also seem to have given him traits that i myself have. for example, his emotional sensitivity and his fear of being a burden to others.
also he's asexual just like me.
this is important to me.
he's very important.
initially, i thought of carlo as a very romantic person. however, currently, i view him as loving in a variety of ways. he loves his friends, he loves his family, he loves animals, he loves nature, he loves so many things.
and while i do not headcanon him as being on the aromantic spectrum, i think he would enjoy reading about and thinking about romance, but the idea of actually being in a relationship makes him nervous.
i do not ship him with any characters.
he and deano have been best friends since childhood. carlo was a very quiet child, but deano seemed to understand him in a way nobody else did at the time.
he and koilee are close friends. she made him friendship bracelets and he wears them all the time.
he and scarlett had been friends since before her band came to be.
he knew marty from when he (marty) was clover's age, since he taught him guitar (canon).
clover likes him a lot, because she feels understood around him. she knows its okay to have feelings and be afraid or sad or angry.
carlo worries for clover sometimes, as she's put herself out there at such a young age. i headcanon her to be younger than carlo was when he started performing with his family.
let's talk about his family.
he worries for bruna. she works very hard, and it's clear that it isn't good for her. when she needs it, he looks after her with zero complaint.
he looks up to gino. gino is calm and knows what he needs, when he needs it, whilst carlo can be reluctant to admit when he's struggling.
he's abundantly grateful for his father. his father always knows when something's wrong. he lets carlo know that there isn't any shame at all in needing help or support, no matter how much support you need. he knows that carlo is trying his best.
and i'll be so honest right now i barely ever think of his relationship with olga i am so sorry💀
songs i associate with carlo:
'love, me normally' - will wood
'against the kitchen floor' - will wood
'¡aikido! (neurotic/erotic)' - will wood and the tapeworms
'um, it's kind of a lot' - will wood
'you' - tally hall
'cupid' - jack stauber
wow thats a lot of will wood
in conclusion, carlo is an absolute angel who tries so hard. he is trying so hard. he's incredible but he's way too bashful to admit it. i love him a lot. i have loved him a lot for a year. and maybe another year. and maybe another year. etc. maybe? i dont know yet
but i think that carlo would say that it's okay to not know what's going to happen.
i certainly didnt know i would be here a whole year later making a huge tumblr post about this guy from a fun little series of fun little food games designed for 8 year olds but here we are.
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