#I have never had grilled cheese before 💀
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v6quewrlds · 3 months ago
for like a dad joe idea what if their kid keeps asking them questions 😭 like i saw on twitter some said that u realize u don’t know much when ur kid asks u “why” all the time 😭 idek if that makes any sense 💀 idk happy thanksgiving!!!
you stood in the kitchen, your eyes scanning the countertops for any stray crumbs that had escaped the chaos of lunchtime. the sun peeked through the windows, casting a warm afternoon glow across the tiles and the stainless steel appliances. the air smelled faintly of melted cheese and buttered bread. it a comforting scent that never failed to make you smile despite the mess.
joe was sitting at the table, a picture of calm as he bottle-fed baby noa. her tiny fists clutched at his shirt, pulling it slightly as she hungrily drank her milk. he had that look in his eyes, the one that told you he was in daddy-mode, fully focused on your two daughters.
"but daddy, why can't i have ice cream for lunch?" amara asked, her voice filled with the sweet innocence that could melt the most stoic of hearts.
joe looked up from noa with a raised eyebrow, his mouth twitching with the faintest hint of a smile. "because it's not a food group, pumpkin. unless you've discovered a new food pyramid that includes ice cream and sprinkles?"
amara giggled, her cheeks flushing pink as she took a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich. "what's a food group?" she inquired, her mouth half full.
you couldn't help but laugh as you rinsed the plates. "it's like a family of foods, baby," you explained, turning to face your daughter. "we need different types to stay healthy, like veggies, fruits, and proteins. ice cream's a treat for after we've had our good stuff."
amara pondered for a moment, her eyes narrowing in thought. "do you eat all the food groups, mommy?" she asked, her voice a mix of challenge and genuine curiosity.
a playful grin spread across your face. "well, i try to, munchkin. but sometimes, mommy has cravings just like you."
joe took the opportunity to jump in. "yeah, and when mommy has those cravings, she eats an entire pint of ice cream and calls it 'balance'." he sat up a bit straighter, burping noa gently. "but we don't talk about those days."
you shot him a glare, which only made him laugh. "very funny, joe," you said, shaking your head despite the smile on your lips.
amara's eyes lit up. "can i have ice cream tomorrow, daddy?"
"we'll see," joe replied, his tone a perfect blend of firmness and amusement. he knew you would have the final say, but he wasn't about to spoil the fun just yet. "maybe if you eat all your veggies at dinner."
you rolled your eyes, but held your protest, unable to hide your amusement.
"veggies?" amara scrunched up her nose. "but i don't like veggies."
joe simply shrugged his shoulders dramatically. "well, then i guess you're out of luck, pumpkin." he playfully poked her tummy with his free hand.
you stepped closer to the table, your laughter subsiding as you saw the look of determination in amara's eyes. "don't worry, baby," you said, your voice soothing. "we'll find some veggies you like. maybe we can try those carrot sticks you liked last week with some ranch dip?"
amara considered it for a moment before nodding. "okay, mommy. but only if i can have chocolate ice cream."
"deal," you agreed, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. you knew the terms of the negotiation would likely be forgotten by the time dessert rolled around tomorrow night. you turned back to the sink, the warm water rushing over the plates and mixing with the suds. the sound of the faucet and the clinking of silverware filled the room, a comforting backdrop to the chatter.
"what's for dinner?" joe asked, finally breaking the silence that had fallen between the bites of grilled cheese and sips of milk.
you scrunched your nose as you rinsed a plate. "you and your daughter sure do ask a ton of questions," you teased, glancing at joe.
"i'm making a new recipe tonight, remember? it's a surprise." you knew he didn't like surprises when it came to food, but you enjoyed watching him try new things.
"surprise?" joe echoed, crinkling his nose at the sound of the word. noa stared back at him with wide eyes, seemingly surprised by his reaction. he laughed softly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "i'm sure it'll be great, babe. right, pumpkin?"
amara nodded vigorously, her dark curls bobbing with excitement. "yes!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled by the last bite of her sandwich.
you dried your hands and took a seat at the table, your gaze drifting to the clock on the wall. "alright, miss burrow," you said, turning your attention to amara. "let's get you cleaned up. you can play outside with daddy after he's done feeding noa."
amara's face brightened at the mention of playing outside. she hopped down from her chair, her feet landing with a soft thud on the floor. "daddy, can i ask you a question?" she said, her little feet shuffling towards joe as her round brown eyes looked up at him expectantly.
joe, ever the good sport, nodded. "always, amara. what's on your mind, pumpkin?"
"how did noa get in mommy's tummy?" amara asked, her eyes wide with wonder.
joe chuckled nervously, a hint of surprise flashing across his features. you stifled a laugh, cooing as you reached for your infant, brushing your thumb over her plush cheek as she started to fuss in joe's arms. you watched as joe's expression shifted into a slightly panicked look, his mind racing to find the right words.
"uh," he began, clearing his throat before opting to redirect his eldest's thoughts. "who wants ice cream before we go play?"
amara's eyes lit up, and she squealed with excitement. "me! me!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down.
you couldn't help but laugh. "not so fast," you said, taking the now-empty bottle from joe. "first, let's get cleaned up, and then we'll talk about ice cream."
joe handed noa over with a grateful look, standing up from his chair. "you heard your mom," he said, ruffling amara's hair. "wash those hands and we'll figure out this ice cream situation."
you shook your head as amara rushed down the hallway to the bathroom, leaving joe standing in a daze. "nice save, dad," you said, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
joe shrugged, his eyes following your four-year-old's retreating figure. "i thought i had more time before we had to explain how babies were made," he murmured, half to himself.
you chuckled as you held noa close to your chest. "you know she's the curious type," you murmured, rubbing the baby's back gently, coaxing her to sleep. "we might as well get used to it."
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hyperfixated-on-hensper · 1 year ago
Random Henry Danger canon things I think are wild:
Canonically, Henry, his parents, Piper, Charlotte, and Ray, have all drank Jasper's blood.
Jasper eats raw eggs.
The was a dude who was pooping in playgrounds was never caught. (Sidenote the dude playing him was Jace Norman's stunt double)
Jasper is scared of bunnies but not spiders.
Schwoz created a disease.
Nurse Cohort shaves Dr.Minyak's back hair for him.
Schwoz got married to a computer, then killed her.
Nurse Cohort also thinks Captain Man is hot (same).
Charlotte was trapped in Henry's dream for 4 hours.
There's cameras installed in Henry’s house and room.
Schwoz has had multiple relations with computers/Android women.
Jasper tazed himself multiple times (before and after) accidently telling Ray that Charlotte and Henry were 'dating' because he felt bad.
Henry doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom.
Schwoz has tattoos.
There's mirrors in the man cave showers.
Ray also has a hot tub in his room.
Henry was a girl once.
Mole ppl exist.
Schwoz went skinny dipping with Ray.
Jasper has a metal plate in his head from an injury he got from teaching a donkey how to kick field goals.
Ray dispite being to space and seeing himself that the earth is in fact round, believes the earth is flat.
Jasper once tied up the janitor (thinking he was a villain) and tazed him repeatedly.
Ray was a theater kid.
Jasper has a belly button piercing.
There's a hot tub somewhere in the man cave.
Charlotte is dating a famous singer.
Henry and Ray robbed a bank.
Ray dressed in drag in an attempt to sneak into mom con.
Henry went to flower camp.
The Love Shuttle.
Jaspers' favorite meal is fish sticks and peas
Piper can't cook.
Schwoz has stolen 2 girlfriends from Ray.
Jasper became a dad briefly. (And was the best parent in Swellview, btw)
Eating grilled cheese makes Henry feel masculine. (Same)
All the main characters have been to jail.
Jasper participates in Yodeling Karaoke club and has won companions.
Charlotte would rather get eaten by a lion than kiss Henry.
Jasper drinks raw eggs.
Piper went to LA
Schwoz and Gooche took a vacation together in Palm Springs.
Jasper squeezes all the cream out of his doodle cake (nickelodeon version of twinkies) before eating them.
Henry ate a hamburger out of Jasper's underwear.
Jasper believes that Charlotte has a crush on him and has never once pursued it.
Sydney dresses Oliver every morning.
Ray doesn't use shampoo.
Jasper listens to Celine Dion.
Oliver can break dance.
Ray uses vibrating soap 💀
Jasper's grandma died at some point during the show, and Piper pulled a prank at her funeral.
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luvyuki0 · 7 months ago
Amber ── .✦01.
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✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.
Series masterlist| previous| next
"JUST SHUT UP! PLEASE!" Her cries echoed throughout the house, covering her ears as she laid on the floor. She couldn't deal with it anymore, the constant gaslighting and the mental abuse was getting to the point where it was too much. "I should've listened when they warned me, but nah I ignored them 'cause my dumbass didn't know any better, cutting the people I loved off FOR YOU! just so that you could be happy, for us to be happy!" She screamed while crying. He stood there confused as if he didn't know why she was crying, as if he wasn't the reason her mental health depleted and still is. when she finally looked up at him all that could be seen in her face was disgust. Disgust with they were he was looking and acting towards her over the years. "You know what I'm done with this bullshit." She got up wiping her tears, leaving the male's apartment ignoring all sounds and stares she received. All she could think about was why she never realized sooner......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Esme's POV:
        "Should I be doing this right now?" Biting my fingers anxiously as my decorated camera sat on my bed. I knew I would have to come back to making YouTube videos eventually,as it was all I knew and I would be nothing without it and my subscribers. I just never expected it to feel so foreign to me. Honestly I don't even know if I'm ready to get back but I know many of my fans miss me, and of course theres some who thought I'd be gone for good, and honestly I don't blame them for that knowing I did take a 6-month break with no heads up, not only on YouTube but on all my social media platforms, kinda like I just disappeared but if not now then  when?
I sigh grabbing my camera and turning it to start recording. "Hey guys! I know it's been a while and y'all are probably wondering where I've been, what I've been doing and more some of y'all were right and I did break up with Rome but I'm not gonna go into full details about it, cause I'm not ready yet when I am though you guys will know the full story and understand why I took a break but lemme not ruin the mood it's a time of comebacks and celebration! now I am going to get back on my routine, posting weekly and spamming my socials!" As I speak, I can just feel some of the weight I've been holding on being lifted off my chest.
I clasp my hands together before I continue talking. "To be honest with y'all I wasn't even going to start recording again this soon, but Jazmine and her Lil boo invited me and one of his friends to a trip to Hawaii!!! Like y'all don't understand how hyped I am right now! Like I may regret this later but who am I to say no to a trip to Hawaii." I shrug my shoulders jokingly.
"I didn't plan much for this video honestly, but I did want this video and the Hawaii flight video to be separate, and since I and Jaz are going tomorrow imma drop COCO off at my mom's, and hopefully jaz is gonna be home by the time I get back so we can pack together and hopefully make some cute matching fits." I explain to my viewers what I have planned for the day though it wasn't much. (A/N: coco is the name of her Pomeranian I didn't put her in the characters cus she wouldn't be mentioned much💀)
"Come here coco! Y'all why he tryna act like he dont know mee! get a hold of Coco who was trying to run away, I grab my keys, slip on my slides, and lock my door, leaving my apartment complex as I make my way to my car.
I prop my camera on my dashboard, so it won't fall, and put on Apple Music to play "Normal Girl". "As always y'all we're gonna stop by Starbucks so I can try a drink I saw going viral on TikTok then I'll head over to my mom's house to drop coco off." I look back at coco than at my camera as I speaking
"So, this is the drink I got and y'all already know I had to get my grilled cheese! Tew good." I showcase my order to my camera as I get the drink and my grilled cheese sandwich. I eat and drink my order as I make my way over to my mom's house.
I get there and ring the doorbell repeatedly to which she opens the door. "Esme gimme the damn dog so I can go back to sleep too damn early for this shit" she speaks groggily with an attitude.
"It's actually one though...and I don't even get a hello wooow" I joke with her knowing we were on the phone last night.
"Esme quit playin' with me and give me the damn dog."
"Damn here, Bye coco bye mama." I hand her coco and walk back to my car hearing her hum bye back.
"Ok so now that I dropped Coco off imma just head back home and hopefully Jaz is back so we can pack together." I talk to my camera as I start driving back home. . . . . .
I finally get back, unlocking my door to see Jaz in the kitchen getting a snack. "Oh, hey Esme" she turns and greets me.
"Hey sweetheart, did u have fun with your Lil boo," I ask with a smirk.
"Girl yes I have to fill you in on literally everything so fir-".
I cut her off before she started ranting on about what she and Yoongi did. "Before you even start let's pack while you tell me what y'all did because I know you ain't start yet and I know you gon be talking for a good minute. "
"You right" she laughs knowing what I said was true.
We both go into my room and start packing for the trip tomorrow.
A/N: I edited this chapter WAYY more than the second time and I'm actually happy with the beginning chapter and I made this chapter before the whole Starbucks boycott  so that's why they were mentioned I DO NOT SUPPORT them at all not even to the slightest degree
Please like and comment 🙏🏾
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 7 months ago
Thursday, August 15th, 2024!
4:24am: ............ Yesterday was so bad I wanna give you a ZERO. But I can't so I give you... a 1.
FUCK two of my barriers encountered again, my boss bought me lunch AND it was a place I had never been to before AND it was Mediterranean which I LOVE but the portion was out of CONTROL.
THEN I felt like I was already fucked for the day and I wanted a TREAT after my work yesterday went SO WELL ❤️ so I went and got ayce sushi 😑 which was good and I ate a lot less than normal (❤️) and I didn't make myself sick but still ate a fuck ton. 😔
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Hahahahahahha I was looking for this and I found it
Having a Powerade thing rn (150 cal) and trying to figure out where to go from here. That hypoglycemia really scared me earlier in the week but I just need to see it as a learning curve and not a reason to give up! ❤️
9:41am: Water w lime. Carrots (150 cal) and hummus (720 cal) oops I ate the whole container
1:38pm: CFA 1080 cal, ok so I'm still out of control. Not really, more like oops I have a free fries coupon (700 cal) and grilled nuggs (380)
7:12pm: Ugh today has been an interesting day lol. I still want to get some different seasonings instead of buying dips/hummus/ sauces for my veggies. I keep thinking about getting those popcorn flavor shakers but for vegetables, like butter and cheese and ranch flavor. I'm sure the salt is still a barrier, but the dips and hummus have salt too so it's just one problem instead of two. Today could have been better, but it's ok.
7:54pm: I've been very hard on myself lately and tbh I am overthinking eating way too much. I am already worried about hanging out with my friend again tomorrow bc they always want to go out to dinner and it just derails the beginning of my weekend, but I don't want to look like a freak.
I want to start being more positive thinking, not like oh no I have to beat myself up for eating hummus but more like wow I'm so excited to eat veggies tomorrow think of all the seasonings I could put on it and really hyping up the good choices vs berating myself for bad ones.
12:28am: wtf why am I awake 💀 sleeping meds are straight up not working anymore but it's because I've fucked my sleep schedule so bad
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nanograms · 2 years ago
Leona x GN!Reader - Grilled Cheese - A short Drabble
I may or may not have been inspired because of a convo I had with my friend on discord 💀
Possible OOC Leona but shhh
Leona’s ears twitch as his head rested on your stomach. The afternoon sunshine shone down on both of your bodies as he lays on top of you. Your hand finds its way down to his head and you gently comb your fingers through his hair. Leona stirred for a moment, satisfaction courses through his body.
Leona was slowly pulled away from his slumber as hunger envelopes him whole. He frowns and furrowed his eyebrows as Leona slowly opened eyes. He lets out a big yawn and licked his lips. Leona craved the taste of something specific today, and that item was cheese.
Grilled cheese, to be more specific.
It doesn’t really matter what type of cheese he wants, all he cares is that he wants it grilled. Leona rolls over until he faces you. You look at him and he looks at you, before he decided to poke your nose.
“Oi, Herbivore. ‘M hungry.”
You raised an eyebrow. And what did he want you to fo with it? You sat up, removing your hand from his hair. Leona grumbled is displeasure. His head rolled onto your lap as you stared at his face with a confused look.
“Whatcha lookin’ at me for? I told ya, ‘m hungry. Make me grilled cheese.”
What a spoiled fuckin’ lion he is. You scoffed and told him to get it himself if he’s so hungry. You weren’t gonna grill him cheese. You were just too comfortable right now to move a muscle.
The lion furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at you with the most pathetic sad eyes he could give. Crocodile tears poured into the corner of his pretty green eyes. His bottom lip trembled. His ears flatten against his head. Was he.. seriously about to fake cry just for you to make him grilled cheese? Yes. Yes he was, because before long, you have a grown ass lion on your lap fake crying loudly at you. Fake tears ran down his cheeks and staining your shirt and pants.
And that’s how you found yourself in this situation. In the kitchen, grilling Leona a grilled cheese sandwich. The scent of bread mixed with cheddar cheese melting is intoxicating. It smelled fucking delicious. You used the spatula to press the sandwich down before flipping it to the other side to cook both sides of the bread until it was crispy.
You turned the stove off and placed the bread on a plate. After cleaning the station you were using, grumbled slightly and walked back to Savanaclaw, where your lazy ass of a lion resided.
Instead of handing your sandwich to him like a normal person, you chucked it at him, getting crispy pieces of the sandwich on his bed. Leona jolted, not expecting food to be thrown at him on this lovely afternoon. He slowly got up, cursing at the crumbs that were now on his bed. He’s gonna get Ruggie to clean that up later.
Leona picked it up and stared at your sandwich, studying it like it was the most interesting historic relic he has ever seen. He looked at you and the back at the sandwich before he finally spoke.
“..I asked for grilled cheese, not a grilled cheese sandwich.”
You punted his ass to the sun that day.
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