#I have never been called goose lord before
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omar-rudeberg · 5 months
Hi Lili! I just wanted to say that I love your fics and I've re-read them multiple times each and they still feel just as special in a re-read as they do the first time around. Inside is no exception. It was so beautiful, loving, but heartbreaking and devastating at the same time (I even shed a tear – or five). It really feels like you just get Wilmon, you know?
And it got me wondering how you think their first time having sex once they're back together (for good now) would happen post episode 6. Like in terms of their feelings and would it be rushed or slow, etc. I'm just really curious about your thoughts on the matter :)
Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and thoughts (even in tags) with us 💜
hello my beautiful beautiful human bean what a love letter you've left me ?! hearing you like and are moved by and go back to my silly little words? wild. astounding. unbelievable. thank you for reading & thank you for coming here to tell me. ahhh 'get' wilmon !! is there any greater accomplishment !! i sure hope you keep feeling this way !!
i've been pondering your second question for so long and i've landed somewhere i hope you agree with...
(fuck me this got more detailed than i bargained for, here have a read more whoopsie daisy)
i have this gut feeling that the first time they have sex post-canon (wild that we can now call it that !!) is ... weird. different. i don't know i can't really explain it, but why i think so is that their intimacy has always been this like, almost homing beacon for their relationship you know? it's been a northern star, a sturdy monolith of everything they feel and need from the other that they can't put into words, a balm that soothes any rough edges that arise from the many many incompatibilities of their individual existences.
it's been tender and exploratory, sweet and gripping, urgent and learnèd and all-encompassing, but it's never been ... slow? it's never been particuarly awkward. they've never had time, really, because with the exception of maybe the fish scene, every time they've had sex has been either a hello or a desperate goodbye.
all this to say that i think the first time they find to have sex post-s6 - and for some reason i picture them in simon's room when they finally get there? can't explain it - i think they fall back into this pattern of urgency and desperation and desire, but then something stops this in it's tracks. honestly i have this vision so clear of like... one of them unable to get it up the first time they want to fuck post-canon hahaha and again i can't explain it but it's true !! in my head it's wille, maybe, and it's something akin to the way - have you ever had that thing happen where you get sick right as you take leave from work to go on a holiday or something? like your body realises you don't have to be switched on for weeks and decides to give you a head cold? something akin to that. wilhelm's adrenaline has run its course and his body's not working the way it did before, it's taking a break, now. finally.
so to finally finally answer your question i think they'll want it to be fast, and suave, and smooth and sexy and dirty and similar to like ep3, but they'll be forced instead into awkward. into slow. into soothing. i picture like, lots of kissing, slow deep kissing, and nuzzling, and grinding (lord, so much grinding), and breaths fanning hot over goose-pimpled skin. i picture them slowly talking, whispering, realising they have it now - t i m e - they have time, now. they don't even have to fuck (the whole shebang) tonight if they don't want to (they do, oh they do want to but they talk about how they don't have to). they spend a lot of time not fucking anyway, just being close and naked and together. i picture them both working wille over so slowly - so gently - finding out together what places on his body react to being kissed, what has his belly pulling tight and having his dick interested, finally. i picture simon being brought to the edge once - twice, maybe - before wilhelm's finally in any state to fuck him, and then god save simon when wilhelm actually does enter him he's so hard and so sensitive and so just as;dkfjas;ldkfj;lsad
okay fuck literally everything i'm so sorry and/or you're welcome? is this what you bargained for? asd;lfj;lsadkjf
(if you made it this far go to my request for prompts next please i think i've put you in the right mindset)
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saywhatjessie · 10 months
Angels on Richmond Green
Day seven of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 6: Making snow angels. Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie & TedTrent 1.2k[Ao3]
“I don’t know if it’s fair for Jamie to be out here doing all the work,” Ted said, frowning.
Roy snorted. “Nah. He needs this too. Trust me.”
They were on the fifth day of the heaviest snowfall Richmond had seen in decades. Business had closed, schools were shut down, and Nelson Road had kicked out all footballers and coaches, citing canceled matches and unsafe working conditions.
At first Jamie had been excited, bouncing around Roy’s kitchen.
“I never got snow days in Manchester,” he’d told Roy. “Everybody’s too used to the cold and shit, This is mint.”
That attitude had lasted exactly one day.
“Good Lord,” Trent said, fascinated, “I’m not sure if I ever had that much energy.”
Roy grunted. “Pretty sure the kids will flag before Jamie does.”
When Roy had found himself shut inside his house with a bored and whiny Jamie and an equally bored and whiny Phoebe – staying with them while her mother dealt with all the things that could go medically wrong in a fucking blizzard – he’d turned to the Diamond Dogs group chat in desperation, hoping maybe Higgins with all his fucking kids could find him some solution.
What he’d found instead was Ted and Trent, snowed in together at Ted’s, with an equally desolate Clara and Henry.
Ted had proposed they all meet up at the Richmond Green and let the kids get their sillies out. Roy had the better idea to let Jamie get their sillies out while the three actual adults sat nearby on a bench to kvetch.
Well, Roy and Trent were kvetching. Ted was just happy to be there.
The three of them watched Jamie run around in the snow, little Clara Crimm on his shoulders as the smallest of the three children as Phoebe and Henry chased Jamie around and tried to push him into a snow drift. Roy didn’t try to hide his smile as Jamie laughed. Ted and Trent were more embarrassing about each other than he could ever be about Jamie. Probably.
Clara shrieked and threw her arms wide, saying something the three older men couldn't hear, but marking the rest of them cheer with her, Jamie lifting her from his shoulders and placing her on the ground so she could barrel toward them with the other kids.
Phoebe got their first. “Uncle Roy! Uncle Roy we’re making snow angels!”
“Great,” Roy said. “Sounds fun.”
“No, we’re making snow angels,” Henry said, gesturing at all of them. “You guys, too!”
“Oh, are we?” Trent asked.
“Yes, Daddy!” Clara said, breathless from her little legs doing the run. “And Jamie will judge!”
“Wait, why doesn’t Jamie have to do it?” Roy asked, brows furrowed.
Jamie loped up, cocky grin on his face. “Wouldn’t be fair, would it? I’d win right off.”
“How you figure that?” Asked Ted, looking more amused than insulted.
Jamie snorted, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket. He’d taken off his big heavy coat when he’d started running around. “S’all about muscle control, innit? You gotta be strong enough to move the snow but now flail around or you’ll ruin it. I got the best muscle control.”
Trent hummed. “There’s some truth to that.”
Roy pulled a hat out of his pocket and stuffed it on Jamie’s head. “Put your jacket back on, you muppet.”
Jamie grinned, grabbing Roy’s wrist before he could pull his hand away and kissed his palm. “Keep your hair on, grandad, I’ve got like four layers on. And you’re the one about to lay down in some snow.”
Roy growled, making the kids giggle.
“Well, no time like the present!” Ted said, brightly, and then hurled himself onto an untouched patch of snow.
“Dad, no fair!” Henry called, jumping after him. “You got the best spot!”
“Snooze you lose, mother goose!” Ted said, brushing his arms and legs back and forth. “Remember: Jamie said muscle control.”
Henry laughed, finding a smaller fresh patch near Ted’s head. Phoebe and Clara shrieked to go find their own snow spots.
Jamie grinned over at Roy and Trent. “You better find some good snow or your angels will be shit.”
Trent turned big sad eyes on both of them. “But my hair.”
Roy rolled his eyes, yanking Trent closer to him, making him stumble a bit. Roy steadied him before reaching around Trent for his hood and pulled it up over the beautiful hair Trent was so worried about. He tucked some wayward strands away, buttoning the neck to keep it closed and pulling on the strings to keep it secure. He ran his hand down the hood to check his work and gripped Trent lightly on the neck, affectionately.
“There,” He said, taking a step back in satisfaction. “Hair’s all tucked away.”
Trent was just staring at him with wide eyes before looking around him at Jamie. “He really does just do that, doesn’t he? How do you usually react?”
Roy turned and saw Jamie shrug. “Half a chub, usually. Sometimes butterflies or whatever. It’s kinda sweet in a daddy way.”
Roy growled and Trent laughed, a little disarmed.
“Excuse me for solving a fucking problem,” Roy grumbled. “I’m making my fucking snow angel over here.”
“Need help getting down, grandad?”
“Fuck you.”
Jamie did end up having to help Roy up. Not like it mattered: his shit knee didn’t give him the proper range to make a decent snow angel. He knew he’d lose.
“S’alright, babe,” Jamie said, reassuringly, his arm gripping Roy firmly around the middle. “The angel’s skirt is just asymmetrical, innit? That’s fashionable that is.”
“Fuck you,” Roy said, but he put his arm around Jamie’s back and held him closer, anyway.
All the kids had already bounced back to their feet and Ted was helping Trent to carefully step out of his own angel.
Ted was frowning at Tren’t hood. “I miss her.”
Trent patted his chest, comfortingly. “She’s there, darling, just didn’t want to pick ice out.”
Ted still pouted so Trent gave him a little peck.
Jamie made a loud buzzer sound. “That’s a point deduction. There’s no PDA in snow angels.”
“Oh? Then what’s this?” Trent asked, gesturing at Roy and Jamie’s walking snuggle.
“We’re clearly just bros, ain’t we Royo?”
Roy grunted, moving his hand to grope Jamie’s arse.
Jamie didn’t even jump, just smiled wider.
“Jamie, who wins?” Phoebe asked, giving her puppy eyes.
Jamie hummed, rubbing his hand over chin before nodding decisively.
Ted whooped, pumping his fist while the kids all groan.
“But wait!” Trent said. “Doesn't the winner buy hot chocolate for everyone?”
“That they do, Trent Crimm!” Jamie grinned, and the kids all cheered.
“Well hot dog, all right. If that’s the price of victory.”
The price of victory, or hot chocolate for seven, couldn’t have been more than £40.
The nap that Jamie and Phoebe fell into when they got home, each curled into Roy’s sides on the couch, was definitely worth way more.
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scotianostra · 9 months
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Thomas, Lord Erskine was born January 10th 1750. During his lifetime he became Britain's foremost advocate, through his defence of people accused of treason and corruption.
His defence of Thomas Paine, accused of high treason for his work, The Rights of Man, cost him his position as Attorney General to the Prince of Wales. Later, Erskine totally alienated George IV by defending Queen Caroline against the king's attempt to deprive her of her rights and title.
Rather go into all the boring education, career stuff I will focus more on the man, the character, for I think Lord Erskine was a bit of a character, he had a favourite dog with him at all his consultations in Chambers a favourite a large Newfoundland dog called "Toss". He taught it to sit upon a chair in chambers with his paws placed before him on the table. Erskine would put an open book before him, a wig upon his head and one of his advocate's bands around his neck. What his clients thought of this exhibition we do not know, but it is unlikely that they would have forsaken him for another counsel.
He was obviously an animal lover a dog he kept by him was one he had rescued from some boys in the street when they were about to kill it. Later, on March 2, 1811, he sent a bitch to a fellow peer with a note to say that, "her name is Lucky and may all good luck attend your Lordship".
He also had a pet goose which followed him about in his grounds, a macaw and a great many other dumb friends. He even had two special leeches which he believed had saved his life when he was ill and which he called his "bottle conjurors". These he kept in a glass and, he said, he gave them fresh water every day and had formed a friendship with them. He would often argue the likely result of a case on how they swam or crawled.
Erskine said he was sure they both knew him and were grateful to him. They were called "Home" and "Cline" after two celebrated surgeons with quite different dispositions. He amassed the company at a party given at his villa in Hampstead, near "The Spaniard's Inn", by talking about his regard for animals and, in particular, those to whom he was attached. He then produced the leeches in their glass which he placed upon the table. It was impossible, however, wrote Samuel Romilly who was present, "without the vivacity, the tones, the details, and the gestures of Lord Erskine, to give an adequate idea of this singular scene".
He introduced into the Lords a Bill for the prevention of malicious and wanton cruelty to animals, saying that it was a subject very near to his heart. Disgusting outrages, which he said
"were too painful to describe, were being perpetrated upon animals whilst the law did nothing. This was because animals were considered only as property. They were entirely without protection from cruelty and they had no rights. Yet man's dominion over them was not given by God for their torture but as a moral trust.
Nature had provided the same organs and feelings for enjoyment and happiness to animals as to man -- seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, the sensations of pain and pleasure, love, anger and sensibility to kindness. Such creatures might have been created for man's use but not for his abuse. Towards them, as in all other things, men's duties and interests were inseparable. Extending humanity to animals would have a most powerful effect on men's moral sense and upon their feelings and sympathies for each other."
When the speech was published as a pamphlet, its editor suggested in the Preface that it should be introduced to families and schools and deserved to be circulated "among the lower classes of society by the clergy, and by all moral and pious persons'.
When the Bill was in its Committee stage, Erskine pointed out that during his 30 years of Parliamentary life he had never before proposed any alteration in the law. He still had no wish, he said, to link a statute with his name; he had a better motive. If the Bill were enacted, it would not only be an honour to the country but would mark an era in the history of the world. In the event, the House of Commons proved not to be ready for animal rights and the Bill was defeated but eventually went through in 1809.
Lastly and briefly, perhaps our Lord Erskine was also a wee bit of a romantic, he survived his first wife, Frances, she passed away in 1805 after 35 years of marriage, on October 12, 1818 he married Sarah Buck in Gretna Green, he was 20 years her senior.
It is said he never missed a day in court and led a very healthy life but in 1823 Erskine set out by sea on a visit to Scotland with one of his sons, hoping to see his brother the Earl of Buchan. But he became ill with a chest infection on the journey and was put ashore at Scarborough.
He managed to travel to the home of his brother Henry's widow in Almondell in West Lothian, where they were joined by the earl. He died at Almondell on 17 November 1823 and was buried in the family burial-place at Uphall in present day West Lothian.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
First off I absolutely LOVE your content, we need more jikookers like you! I found you from a jikook YT and I've binged like hell down the rabbit hole that is Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. Thank you for all that you do!
Tae's recent behavior has been the most confusing thing cause its gotten alot worse and and I believe it WILL get alot worse with the upcoming album releases. I always trusted that jm and jk would cut that off if they minded and I know we don't see what happens off camera, but it seems like jimin has been pulling away from him?...atleast according to Tae. Could we take that as them now loosing patience with him? Hybe will push JK cause he's their "golden goose" but they must also know how popular Tk is, especially with media companies using taekook to market cause ofc it trends well and certain ppl *cough cough* eat it up. So do you think they'll try to go extra hard on this TK agenda during promos ( like yoonmin ) and if so how would JK /JM react cause idkk if bargaining to trade off TK content with equal jikook content will work..you mentioned before this is most likely what JK does already. And god why does Tae not just confirm his relationship...I really want to judge him as a friend buttt jikook like, care for him, and know him, soooo I'm dearly trying to stay neutral that this will all redeem itself in the long run...in terms of the absolute vileness that gets thrown at jimin on the daily...I really hate armytwitter😑
Me? On YT? How tf did I get there?!?!
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Hybe are stupid. They refuse to utilise Jimin who would bring it all the mulah, and now a possible pushing of Taekook. I am still so bitter about them using Yoonmin to promote Busan. Twice! That shit made no fucking sense.
Again, if hybe do anything with Taekook for Taekookers they are dumb as hell. JJKs and Jkkrs are the ones who are gonna carry the whole thing. I never know whether to count true ot7 Army coz I ain't sure if there's that many left. But tkkrs aren't gonna do dick!
I already talked here about how they never sell out V's shit. They yap all fucking day but never put their money where their mouths are. And some people mad at V's current behaviour think even he knows this.
I am hopeful that if JK is doing his shit now, that means his and V's will not entwine. Which is awesome! So that's all I'm crossing my fingers for anon.
As for how Jikook will deal with this they won't really have a choice. Well, Jimin won't. He's not the one being asked to do stuff with V. Its JK we should be wondering how he will handle this. I think he's gonna have to work really hard on his poker face.
I will say this one thing though. It really is up to V whether or not he wants to confirm his rlship. The fact that they even gave us Paris was a miracle. It should be their call really. I know people are frustrated but he don't owe us dick just coz tkkrs are mental cases.
That being said I will pull out my fucking hair if we get continuous content about Taekook. I swear. I'm gonna go crazy. So Lord please have mercy. Don't let them do this to us.
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buffalojournal · 1 year
Two Poems by Jessie Lynn McMains
is I stabbed summer      watched it twitch and spurt, dark, arterial        crunched the husks of late cicadas esoteric as the leaves                 we use to cross our sacred wounds            mystic is her lemonlips         the fuzz soft above        them charcoal smudge of shadow                   over her clavicle I wanna wake up in       November with a sprig       of verbena planted        in the pocket of my leather jacket       her fingers fuzzing on the stubble of my                  brooding clouds crisp wind rustle in        the oaktrees how sweet how soft she                 sing to me
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in Mid-October
everyone’s loonier than a junebug in a Canadian goose- feathered bed. One middle-aged fella in a Van Halen t-shirt with the sleeves torn off stuffs his mouth fulla straws and whistles “Dusty Crabapple Pie.” The old-timers in the back booth play poker for packets of non-dairy creamer and Sweet n’ Low, sling stories of glory days hunting Mud Mermaids and Wild Men. There’s a drunk lady who’s 30 or 45 or maybe 67, she doesn’t need anybody but she wants somebody to love. She stumbles from table to table, asks every man and half the women if they want to go neck in the bathroom. Her hair is the color of motor oil puddled on the floor of Moore’s Auto Repair, and if she’s especially fond of ya she’ll pull her shorts down and give you a flash of her star-freckled ass— but she’ll smack ya if you try to trace the constellations.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October they have a secret menu. Sure, you can get the Grand Slam Slugger or the Moons Over My Hammy, but you should ask about the house specialities. Like Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo, where they cut the flapjacks into crosses and arrange the bacon in the shape of a gun, and the eggs are boiled hard as bullets. Or Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving—a deep-fried turkey leg stuck through with lit sparklers. Sometimes, if the fishing was good that day, they have fillet of Mud Mermaid. Once in a blue moon you can get The Elvis Platter.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October they only play one song, which is a mashup of songs by the most famous Hoosier musicians. It’s called “Hurts So Good Runnin’ With the Devil Billie Jean in Paradise City.” It would be obnoxious if you could hear it over the din of spoons and trash talk, if you weren’t so tired you’d pass out facedown in your flapjacks if you didn’t have to get back on the road to Michigan.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October the night manager—who’s also the host—is the spitting ghost- twin of latter-day Elvis. Fat and bedazzled with a queasy quaalude smile. When you arrive, he greets you with a ‘hunka-hunka-burnin’ love,’ and when you leave he says: “It’s so good to see ya, darlin’. I haven’t seen ya ‘round here in years.” When you tell him you’ve never been to that Denny’s, or to Michigan City, before in your life, he says: “Of course ya have. I knew ya when you were knee-high to a soybean. We’d go down to the Town of Pines and boogie with the Wild Men. We’d go up to the state park and have hotdog-eating contests on the sand dunes. Don’t ya remember?”
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October you say no, you don’t remember, that wasn’t you, he must have mistaken you for someone else. “Not possible,” Elvis says. “Not possible.” And at the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October when you’re goose-tired and fulla greased hash and headed for Kalamazoo you never know. Darlin’, you just never know.
🦬 Jessie Lynn McMains
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xihe1874 · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
tagged by @pollyna (thank you so much for tagging me love!!)
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Here we go----
Hangman's Good Plan (complete, Top Gun, icemav, hangster)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin never feels nervous. No, negative, not in a million years. So when he stands out of the office of Admiral Kazansky - the COMPACFLT - in his best suit, his forehead sweaty, he regards his crazy heartbeat as…positively wound up, yeah.
2. Icarus (complete, Top Gun, icemav)
Ice has known the story of Icarus since he was eight. He still remembers the day when his father told him the myth in his stern way.
3. The Black cat (complete, Top Gun, icemav)
After they moved in together, Maverick found a little stray black cat in their backyard and immediately decided to adopt it. Ice just rolled his eyes and said he had no interest in fluffy animals, refusing to pet its head when the cat rubbed against his leg.
4. Plans (complete, Top Gun, icemav)
Maverick never makes plans. He bases his judgment entirely on intuition. He didn't plan anything, excited at the randomness and freedom. He is flying both in the sky and on the ground.
5. Where Past and Future are Gathered (WIP, Top Gun, icemav, goosecarole, hangster)
Rooster leans forward on his chair and keeps his eyes firmly ahead.  Cyclone is going on and on about tomorrow’s mission, some shit like patriotism or sacred duty, maybe. He lost concentration a long time ago but still fixes his gaze on the sturdy admiral, even when his mind is blurred by the tedious speech and meaningless lip movement.
6. Then I Open my eyes and see you (WIP, Top Gun, icemav, goosecarole)
“Wallpaper?”Pete Mitchell, endearingly called by his close friends (or friend, honestly, who is walking beside him right now) as “Maverick”, takes the cup of iced black coffee from Nick Bradshow, or “Goose”, co-founder of M+G Design Ltd. 
7. 轮廓 (complete, Top Gun, icemav, Chinese)
8. Moonlight, Sunshine, and Baby you are Mine (WIP, Top Gun, Brooklyn-Nine-Nine, icemav, peraltiago, background goosecarole)
“Room 99, 99…” Pete Mitchell - or, as he prefers, Maverick - walks down the hallway, murmuring to himself, his blue rucksack hanging off one shoulder. He peeks at the door beside him and shakes his head. “Come on, Goose. We are not there yet.”
9. Be my Love in the Rain (complete, Top Gun, icemav, goosecarole)
It was raining outside. Or, more accurately, it was raining buckets, and the said buckets had the same capacity as the Amazon. Ice glanced at his watch again, surprised that it had only been five minutes since he last checked the time - feeling like a century already. The world was blurred and hazy out of the windshield, all the objects blending together like watercolours. 
10. Season of joy, Season of Love (WIP, Lord of the Ring, Faramir/Eowyn)
My dearest Faramir, Winter is approaching - I can feel it from the chill in the air and the water. This morning I woke up and found my feet freezing. I have to ask Holdwyn to add logs in the fireplace - can you believe it, my dear? I never feared coldness before.
No pressure tag: @abliafina-18782 @derpinathebrave (and anyone who is interested!!! Sorry my brain has abandoned me and I can't even think properly right now...)
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camping-with-monsters · 8 months
Considering what I’ve just posted is pretty vague, I wanna talk a little more about their deal. So here’s the basic gist and the beginning:
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A lot of Tags of Whistlegrimm’s cast have always been mishmashes of different fairy tales. In Duck Duck Goose, I mostly stuck with one’s most are familiar with. But in Blind Man’s Bluff, my plan is to branch out a little more and include some universal representation.
Case in point, Robin, Nightingale, and Snow’s first idea came from a Native American folktale called “The Robin and The Bear”, which tells the story of a persistent robin trying to ignite a fire for a freezing tribe against a bear who keeps blowing the fire out at each turn until the Robin’s fire overpower’s the bears ability to blow out— in turn, this is how the robin got it’s red chest. The choices of how I could apply this to already existent fairy tale characters were not hard picks. The robin as Robin Hood, of course, and the bear being represented as Snow White, considering the cold winter the story took place during. Nightingale is the fire the robin continued to ignite.
Considering this disdain the robin and the bear kept against each other, Robin and Snowie were depicted as strong enemies who wanted nothing more than the other dead for reasons we may never get the full picture of. But what starts their story? How do they get forced upon each other to create the rest of the plot?
These two are ruthless, and despite what anyone may assume, are both generally unlikable people. Not the ripest of the bunch for sure, and it’s almost like these two are trying to eliminate the other to be the least likable person in Whistlegrimm! Which is… props to them? But is trying to kill the other over their differences really optimal?
The plot will be sure to say otherwise.
Against their hatred for one another and how often they find themselves going at each other’s throats, their wandering battles enter some pretty risky territory… that of royal territory, of course. You know, where you’d typically see the king. Well, they make an awful mistake that day. One of the tenders of the garden catches wind of the scene and runs in to attempt to disperse the two or otherwise figure out what the issue is and why bring it here at the kingdom. But in the process, the two are so focused on getting the upper hand that neither suspect the oncoming patron, and when they do catch up, it’s already too late to react when both attack so mercilessly and the unsuspected incomer gets mutilated in the crossfire, and dies on the scene.
Now in shock, the two realize what’s happened, and there’s no time to react before they are immediately pinned by the guards and presented to the king for their tyranny.
Lord Whimsical Whistlegrimm (yes, that is indeed his name) is skeptical of why this would be necessary. Upon allowing the two to argue, he’s quick to decipher that the death was not warranted by either, and was completely by mistake, actually aiming for the other. Lord takes some interest in this strange set of circumstances, and orders the two be locked away until he knows what his next course of action is. When presented to the warden, he makes a special request that they be in the same cellar.
Robin, Nightingale, and Snow are all pretty helpless. Their desires to kill the other seem futile as they’ll likely be beheaded for their crime anyway. They can’t bring each other to fight the other at this moment, and when Lord returns, he has… a proposition. These two are curious and he wants to see if they really value their own lives as much as they hate the other’s. Lord informs them of a concoction they can create— one they need a plethora of ingredients for that are scattered around Whistlegrimm’s Wonderlands, that is spoken to raise the dead— to revive the innocent gardener they mistakenly slayed. And if they can create the tincture, their punishments will be severely lowered if not retconned.
But considering in Whistlegrimm that actual magic is rare and a risky practice, the two are skeptical of the authenticity. But who are they to question the king? If it means living a little longer— maybe so they can actually succeed in outliving the other— who are they to refuse? They take the offering that’s given, but not without a special catch. The king provides a little bit of magic for each— magic in the form of a durable red string that wrings around the necks of the trio. If they want to be at each other’s throats so bad, than so be it. The string will only remove when their end of the deal is confirmed— and they have to be together to do it. If they get careless and one of them perishes during the journey… they’ll have to carry the weight for the rest of their lives, figuratively and literally.
Lord is asked about what his prediction will be about this. Can he be so sure they won’t come back empty handed or come back at all? Ah, Lord cannot confirm either… he almost feels bad.
So off these two go to erase their debt. But it’s not going to be simple considering the predisposed hatred they have. Protecting each other is not going to be fun when all this time they’ve known each other they’ve been actively trying to end each other. But… if this means fixing their mistakes to the kingdom, they only have one way to go— onward!
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threebetrayals · 2 years
✿ NAME:    grey ✿ PRONOUNS:    they/them ✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:    discord’s always infinitely better than tumblr ims, but i actively use both ✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):    scaramouche/kunikuzushi/kabukimono/shouki no kami/wanderer wow god he’s got a lot of names for someone with literally no true name. i also have 4 other blogs of muses but i won’t list them all here lmao
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):    christ. uh. i’m not even sure, but it’s definitely over 10 years. we?? might even be approaching 15 at this point??? i’m fandom grandpa ok
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:    forums, dreamwidth, little bit of discord, but i’ve always come back to the hellsite that is tumblr.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:    i don’t have only one, i’ve had a LOT of amazing experiences in rp over the years. discovering the tumblr rp scene with my qp partner, writing all assortment of character dynamics & relationships with said qp partner, creating two ocs entirely for the fictional world he created, meeting some really amazing people who’ve followed me across all number of blogs regardless of fandom & muse (s/o to rook, holly, & reiikon honestly, i do not Deserve), playing in some really great panfandom games back in my time on dreamwidth & getting some character friendships i never thought i needed out of them, and... most recently, losing my mind over kazu/scara with goose because that’s already like, my favourite thing to happen on this blog ok
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:    mmm... my big dealbreakers are people who basically spam the dash with stupid levels of ooc (i’m fine with some spam!! but there is a point where i can’t handle it) or, worse, gifset after gifset after gifset. also obligatory drama mention, but i’ve been really fortunate to have avoided a lot of that sort of stuff for several years now.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:    i love writing all three, given the right muses & circumstances! but i’m forever a huge fuckin sucker for angst. i have a type when it comes to muses and it usually involves haunting trauma which i really love to dig into to explore them more as a character. muse/character exploration as a whole is the the biggest draw for me when it comes to rp, and i like to go DEEP.
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:    i love a healthy mix of both!! plots are great for very specific things i want to have play out or explore, and that structure can be really nice. even just some plotted pre-established relationship before jumping into a thread goes a long way for me. memes on the other hand, i adore as well. prompts to respond to will forever be easier than writing a starter with little to nothing to go off of and honestly? i’ve discovered some interesting interactions/aspects of characters i didn’t expect through memes & memes turned into threads.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:    not to call myself out or anything but i’m gonna go ahead and say both again. long replies will always be my top favourite because lord knows i can get really long-winded while writing. i love exploring a character’s thoughts & feelings in response to things and long replies will always be the best way to delve into those in as much depth as i like. short stuff can be good too though, given sometimes you wanna write but don’t have the energy for paragraph after paragraph lmao. plus?? there’s a lot of fun & silliness that can be had in shorter threads that i’ll never turn down.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:    whenever i have the attention span. honestly though, that seems to be evenings for me, maybe with a little afternoon mixed in.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):    uhhh... i won’t deny that i tend to pick up muses who i can relate to in some capacity. scara... i wouldn’t say i relate to him a TON, but we do share a sort of... lostness. i used to know what i wanted too, but things fell apart, as they do, and i still feel kinda just. lost in limbo. can also relate to wanting to stomp all over your emotions, so. yeAH LMAO if i’m like him at all, it’s in small ways.
tagged by:  the best goose @rosemourne tagging:  UHM. i never know who to tag. let’s see... @florafound, @chronal-anomaly, @luckuki, @alatusatlas, @lupusmatra, & anyone who’d like to be tagged?
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darlenefblog · 1 year
If you read historical romance books then you'll love this article about Michaelmas Day. I'd wondered but never bothered to look it up. It's not just English, it made it to America too. I received this article as is in an e-mail from the following blog...
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Happy Michaelmas Day!
St. Michael the Archangel
Michaelmas Day, celebrated next day on September 29, is a day rich in religious and secular traditions in British culture. It’s also called the Feast of Michael and All Angels, including the angels Gabriel and Raphael.
In the Christian tradition, St. Michael is considered a mighty warrior angel who defeated the devil during the war in heaven. A holy day since the Middle Ages, Michaelmas falls near the autumn equinox and is associated with the beginning of the fall season.
Michaelmas also one of Britain’s four “quarter days,” a way to divide up the year. Traditionally, quarter days were when law courts and universities began their terms, magistrates were elected, rents were due, and servants were hired.The Company of Pikeman and Musketeers as they leave the Royal Courts of Justice and head south to the River Thames at the 2011 Lord Mayor’s Show
On Michaelmas Day the mayor of London is elected. Following the mayor’s inauguration in November a colorful street parade marches through the city. The Lord Mayor’s Show is a tradition that dates back to the 13th century, and is a popular annual event.
In addition, Michaelmas is also the name of the first of the four terms in the legal year in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In the United States, the Supreme Court has a schedule similar to the British model, with their annual term beginning on the first Monday after Michaelmas in October.
Quarter days not only represent holy days on the Catholic/Anglican liturgical calendar but are closely associated with the change of seasons as well. They are:
Lady Day, March 25 (Feast of the Assumption) just after the spring equinox
Midsummer Day, June 24 (Feast of St. John the Baptist) just after the summer solstice
Michaelmas Day, September 29, (Feast of St. Michael and All Angels), just after the autumn equinox
Christmas Day, December 25 (Feast of the Nativity) just after the winter solstice
The Michaelmas quarter day was especially important because it marked the successful completion of the harvest and signaled the start of a productive new farming cycle.
Like her contemporaries, Jane Austen would have been familiar with quarter days, especially Michaelmas – after all, her father was not only a clergyman but a farmer as well.
Austen mentions Michaelmas in the opening pages of Pride and Prejudice, when Mrs. Bennet gossips about her new neighbor, Mr. Bingley:
“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”Michael the Archangel defeating the devil, by Guido Reni, 1636
In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, the Archangel Michael successfully fights against Lucifer and his fallen angels. So, as a battle-tested warrior, Michael is a good choice to protect mankind against the encroaching darkness and potentially evil forces of the autumn and winter. (We all know what kind of evil forces Halloween can unleash!)
A traditional Michaelmas feast includes a roast goose, along with whatever remains of the just-completed harvest.
Why a goose? Well, as the saying goes: “Eat a goose on Michaelmas Day, want not for money all the year.”
The idea of eating a “good luck goose” on Michaelmas goes back to the reign of Elizabeth I. Legend has it the queen was eating a roast goose on Michaelmas Day in 1588 when she got the news that her royal navy had defeated the Spanish Armada. That was certainly a lucky day for Elizabeth and her country!
The association between geese and Michaelmas made its way to America as well. Michaelmas Day traditions were brought to Lewiston, Pennsylvania, by an English settler in the late 1700s. Today, the Juniata River Valley’s annual Goose Day Festival is a weekend event that includes a corn maze and a pumpkin fest. And geese, of course.
Another bit of folklore says you shouldn’t eat blackberries after Michaelmas Day. The reason? Because they were cursed by the devil.Queen Elizabeth I, the Armada portrait, circa 1588
The story goes that when St. Michael threw Lucifer out of heaven, the devil landed on a thorny blackberry bush. In retribution, Satan, not known for his even temper, did all sorts of things to the berries – stomped them, scorched them with his fiery breath, even urinated on them – to make the fruit dry, sour, and just plain inedible.
So, along with roasting a goose, a blackberry pie is traditionally baked, to use up all the good berries before Michaelmas Day.
Finally, Michaelmas Day is often represented by the Michaelmas daisy. This pretty flower provides a burst of color in autumn that outlasts most other blooms as winter approaches.
“The Michaelmas Daisies, among dede weeds, Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds. And seems the last of flowers that stood, Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.”
(The Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude is on October 28.)
Whether you indulge in a roast goose on Michaelmas Day or enjoy a vegan alternative, I hope you have good luck that continues all year!
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Michael the Archangel defeating the devil, by Guido Reni, 1636
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jmalchanceux · 3 years
They make breakfast for you (Headcanon) - Family Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento and Mother Miranda
Alcina Dimitrescu
- She can't cook, in fact she hasn't cooked in her life before, growing up in a castle surrounded by servants she never had to do anything for herself until she joined the lords, then you came along and took care of every little detail of her life so that everything is perfect;
- And Alcina wants to repay that somehow, but the tall woman doesn't know how to express her feelings properly and when she wakes up early on a Sunday morning has the bright idea to show how much she appreciates you by making breakfast for you with the intention of serving in bed, the girls offer to help;
- The smell of smoke reaches your shared room, the sound of commotion taking over the residence and you immediately believe the house is being attacked by villagers, so you go downstairs with a piece of wood to protect yourself, your wife and daughters, but what you find is a quartet running around throwing water on the burning stove;
- "Would you like an omelet, Iubiera mea?" she asks with a shy smile on her lips stopping in the middle of the kitchen as the three girls struggle to put out the fire.
Bela Dimitrescu
- We know this girl is a bookworm and surely she got the idea from some novel book or got excited about a recipe she found, just like her mother she never had to cook before so she tries to learn and recreate several times until she gets it right;
- She tries something more elaborate and orders several ingredients with the Duke to make the dishes more soborous and full of life, the bonus is that she gets addicted to using spices;
- Bela always tries to innovate in the kitchen since she learned to cook for you, also started decorating them, so when she finally decides to introduce you to her new skill and prepare you a breakfast she can't resist decorating a tray with a great variation of dishes, a glass of natural juice, another with a red rose and a goose on a napkin in the corner;
- "Wake up, little baby. I brought something for you." the blonde wakes you up with a soft kiss on the lips and you have to scratch your eyes to believe the luxurious breakfast served in the bed and made by your caring girlfriend.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
- She is the only Dimitrescu who can actually cook, despite hating humans Cassandra has always been curious about the outside world, beyond the village boundaries, and the cuisine they could offer, so she knows a large number of different recipes;
- It is common for her to make breakfast for everyone and she usually asks you what you want to eat for breakfast the night before, the brunette has a list with all your allergies and food preferences;
- On days when the castle is quiet she wakes you up early so that she can cook with you, Cassandra loves it as it is one of the rare times when you can be alone without Alcina charging her or her sisters teasing you;
- "You didn't wait for me." you whisper with a fake pout and then smile as you find the table on the balcony full of plates and goodies while your girlfriend finishes putting away the silverware, with a smile from ear to ear happy that she managed to surprise you with breakfast on a rare warm and sunny morning on the Dimitrescu estate.
Daniela Dimitrescu
- A total chaos! In short, the girl is a total disaster but she is extremely passionate and devoted to you, so she doesn't mind trying to do something different to pamper you, even if it takes her out of comfort zone like learning to cook;
- She seeks help from her sisters to learn the basics, which resulted in two explosions that stained the kitchen walls forever, Dani spent hours scrubbing every corner of the room while the duo just teased her;
- The younger Dimitrescu eventually gave up cooking for a few days and when her aunt called her to help with some orders the girl grabbed the opportunity to learn from the best cook she knows;
- In the end it was worth every scare and choke she went through trying to cook, because as soon as Dani saw your smile upon waking up with a vast breakfast in bed she almost cried happy that you liked it "And I'm going to learn to cook more things, just to see your smile, pet."
Donna Beneviento
- Breakfasts are prepared by the two of you, she loves to keep you close and cook together, even though you are just watching most of the time, an intimate and cute moment that the doll maker appreciates very much;
- The Beneviento's have many family cookbooks, of course Donna would teach you how to make each one and always turns breakfast into something special, soon you start your own cookbook to add to the collection;
- She loves to spoil you with anything you wanted to eat. Did you wake up in the mood for cookie pie and tea?Within an hour will have a piece on the table and a warm cup;
- When Donna wakes up early or on special days she usually prepares breakfast and brings it to bed for you to enjoy a good meal while enjoying the cold weather, sometimes being interrupted with an energetic and chatty Angie wanting to join in.
Mother Miranda
- She can cook but she doesn't usually do it, nor has there been time being an authority on this line-up, so household chores like preparing meals have been left to you;
- Miranda is not one to express feelings, it is to be believed that she doesn't even have any, don't expect compliments or thanks, but there are silent ways to read the woman, she gives a small smug smile when finishing the meal or wrinkles her nose if it's not that good, she also usually eats the leftovers during the early morning hours or steals the ingredients while you cook;
- Even though she is the way she is and barely remembers what it's like to be human, she sees how hard you work and is so exhausted at times, it's not easy to fulfill all her and her clan's needs, on a routine morning she lets you sleep past your bedtime and puts her hands in the dough;
- You wake up to a yummy smell of something baking and curious you walk towards the kitchen finding Miranda in a strangely fluffy apron as she pulls a carrot cake out of the oven, humming. "Good morning, little birdie! Sit down, today you will do nothing but eat and rest."
Buy the author a coffee / Masterlist / AO3
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crazy4myself · 3 years
No Harm List | Pt. 13
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Word count: 5k
Warnings: Violence, explicit language,
Summary: You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy’s life, not knowing that he is the most powerful crime lord's heir. And you have just been put on the no harm list.
Beta reader: @punkisnotdead2318
Banner: @bangtanloverboys
A/N: hello lovelies I am back! And posting this from my cellphone so sorry if this formatting is shit I’m doing my best. I’m a married and working woman now so writing is a bit harder in my new phase of life but I hope to continue bringing you this story 💕
UPDATED 3/26/24
✨Plz reread pt 12 for maximum drama✨
It was a quiet night in for Seokjin.
A luxury he planned to milk for all it’s worth as he settled into a recliner with the book he’s had for months, but never got around to reading.
Namjoon locked himself in his study tending to god knows what business, but with Yoongi hiding out for the next few days, he knew his lover could only keep himself busy for so long.
Maybe he could convince Namjoon to turn in early this evening, this was the first time in a long time they had the house to themselves.
Hoseok’s mission this morning was mostly a success, but the potential spotting by cops and their ability to trace the security camera’s signal disruption back to Yoongi had both men hiding in a safe house for the next few days. If he thought about it for too long, Jin was unnerved that Tate Hyde’s team bothered to trace Yoongi’s surveillance back to him and send out cops to hunt down Hoseok.
They had arranged for this event to happen after all, and while a wild goose chase made the event more believable, this goose chase wasn't wild at all, it was accurate. Suga and J-Hope planted strategic evidence to get the cops off their trail. But the investigators blew right past it and Jin’s sources confirmed both men were on the suspect list. They may have to actually find a shooter to use as a scapegoat if the cops don't end their digging.
Before Jin could even finish the book's first chapter, his phone rang. He sighed as he recognized the number from V’s burner phone and swiped to answer.
“Thank you for calling Domino’s” Jin greeted, partly as a joke, partly because answering the phone with “hello this is Kim Seokjin of BTS” would definitely blow V’s cover if he was caught.
“Pull in your men,” V ordered, breezing past any kind of pleasantries. He didn't even huff a laugh at Jin’s joke.
“Why?” Jin asked suddenly on alert.
V had been in deep cover in the Black Tips territory for the better part of two weeks now. And his involvement there had been vital for BTS to stay ahead and avoid any other major attacks while they were still recovering from the shooting at the Bulletproof.
“Fin sent out some of his top guys this evening, and they haven’t come back yet. And someone in his inner circle just bragged that they’re taking a hit on BTS tonight. Call in anyone on the street and warn Bulletproof to be on high alert.” V briefed.
“How long ago did his men leave?” Jin asked, already typing out a message to Jungkook and Jimin, both were out taking care of a big shipment of methamphetamines in the warehouse district this evening. If the deal went south, BTS would take a massive hit. But not as bad as if Jungkook or Jimin were hurt during it.
“Just over an hour ago. Tell Suga to have his eyes everywhere he can, but don’t have anyone on the street.” V continues.
Jin responded as he finished his text to Jungkook “Suga’s offline for the rest of the week.”
“What? Why?”
“He and J-Hope have to lay low, you don’t need any more details.” Jin explained as he reached for the tablet on the coffee table. There was no need for V to have any major updates on BTS’s plans while in deep cover like he was.
His cousin cursed under his breath, “Well, get Jungkook or someone on surveillance.”
“I’m on it right now, is that all you have to report?” Jin asked as he opened up the surveillance feed from the tablet, checking out the lobbies of the Bulletproof Casino first.
“Not at the moment. If they send a second group out to help clean up whatever damages they caused, I’ll try to get in on it and report back afterwards.” V responded, Jin could hear the tension in his voice.
“Don’t do anything too reckless, and don't worry, with this heads up I doubt there will be any messes,” Jin assured.
V grunted in agreement, not wanting to accept the pity praise his cousin offered him. He was about to give his goodbye and hang up when he heard Jin cuss.
“What is it?” V demanded.
Jin was silent for a moment as he took in what he saw on SugarDaddy’s security cameras. His heart sank at the sight of the wreckage.
“They’re in the bakery, it’s totally wrecked and it’s smoking like it might be on fire.” Jin explained as he moved to the cameras in the kitchen hoping they would still be in use. He was confused to see four men wandering around the kitchen, directionless, with no signs of wanting to leave.
“Shit.” V hiss, realizing he dismissed a very important asset. “Who closed?” V asked, already dreading the answer.
“Ella, but she must have gotten out because-” he cut himself off as he checked the final camera to the lab where he saw you pacing before taking a swig from a glass vial. “Taehyung, can you get out of there and to the bakery without getting caught?” Jin asked, his voice so serious it made V’s blood go cold.
“Yeah, I’m right on the edge of the sixth ward.”
“I’m heading there now,” Jin said, getting up and making his way to Namjoon’s office. “Jungkook and Jimin will be on their way. We’ll meet you there.”
And with that order, the line went dead.
The sound of the disoriented intruders rang clear through the bulletproof door to the lab.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself before pulling the trigger on another gas canister, opening the door, and launching it into the kitchen. The bakery was hazy with the smoke now, but you could see the silhouettes of four men in the clouds.
They grew quieter as the effects of the gas began to set in.
You made your way for the one nearest to you, he was swaying- lost to the influence of the smoke. If slight exposure made someone as disoriented as you experienced first hand, you couldn’t imagine what prolonged exposure at this intensity could do to them.
He didn’t even seem aware of your approach as you snuck up on him and made quick work of jumping on his back and wrapping your arm around his throat; pressing down on the back of his head while squeezing the column of his neck.
He let out a strangled sound of surprise at the attack, reaching up and clawing at your forearm.
The other three men were startled at the sound, but instead of coming to their partner’s aid they abandoned them and made their way back out to the kitchen.
You gritted your teeth, squeezing tighter in an effort to keep your grip. The man under you bucked, trying to throw you off him, growing more frantic as the pressure into his head grew.
You felt a rush as he tipped onto his back crushing you under him. Your vision exploded into stars at the impact, but you forced yourself to keep your grip even as his weight knocked the wind out of you.
Finally, his thrashing ceased and he went limp in your arms.
You ignored the ache of your muscles as you released the tension in your arms and crawled out from under the gangster’s weight. The towel you wrapped around your face already hanging limply around your throat. You pulled it off quickly before it felt like a phantom arm wrapping around your own throat.
It seemed that whatever antidote Jimin had made in his lab was working so far. Other than slight discomfort caused by breathing the thick air you were left unaffected by the effects of the smoke. You made quick work of getting up and taking in your surroundings, adrenalin still pumping through your veins as you look for your next target in the hazy kitchen.
A loud shout rang out from the front of the store, and a looming figure made its way through the kitchen doors easily maneuvering around the bakers’ rack. He wasn’t built like any of the others you saw this evening.
Did they send for backup?
Spine straight despite the thick smoke curling around him. He made his way towards you, his gait so confident it filled you with unease.
Was it possible for a member of the BlackTips to be immune to Jimin’s smoke?
You moved into a fighting stance, centering your weight as the figure got closer, reaching an arm out for you. You didn’t hesitate before wrapping your hand around his wrist, pivoting in place, and launching his body over your shoulder. You flipped the man onto the ground.
He landed with a loud smack but kept his grip on your own arm taking you down with him. You lost your balance, toppling on top of him and landed nose to nose with Jeon Jungkook.
“Glad to see you remember what I taught you.” He greeted, with a smirk.
Jungkook and Jimin were already driving back to the den by the time Jin called. The deal had happened fast without any hiccups. And they decided to take the product back to the Den for safekeeping until they knew it was impossible for the warehouse to get breached despite the new security system.
They were just a few blocks from the downtown side of the seventh ward when Jin broke the news about Sugar Daddy.
Jungkook didn’t hear anything else once Jin mentioned you were still trapped inside. He pressed the pedal to the ground, tires screeching as he sped to the bakery.
For a moment, his mind was scarily quiet. Y/N was at the bakery, trapped in Jimin’s lab while some punks wrecked the area.
It seemed simple enough. Get there, take down the guys, and get to Ella.
Jimin’s lab was one of the most secure rooms Yoongi had designed. The door was bulletproof, as long as she was in there she was safe.
But a countless number of ‘what if’s’ began to creep into his thoughts.
Jimin stayed on the line with Jin, getting information on the men and the condition of the bakery before he ended the call and immediately reached to reload their guns.
“Did he say how many men were in there?” Jungkook asked as they pulled onto the road. Headlight shone behind him and he knew it was Jin and RM catching up.
“Four.” Jimin answered.
And that’s all he needed to know as he pulled up to the wrecked building.
The sound of screeching tires caught the attention of one of the thugs, the welcome bell chiming as he pushed the door open and tried to escape down the sidewalk.
Snatching the gun out of Jimin’s hand, Jungkook barely put the car in park before he was out and making a start to run after the deserter.
Suddenly, out of the shadows, V’s long form appeared, grabbing the man mid-run and pinning him against the wall in one hard motion.
“Marcus, you’re fucking dead.” V growled into the man's face.
“You got him?” Jimin called, making his way toward the two, gun pointed at the pinned culprit.
Considering that situation under control, Jungkook turned his focus back to the bakery, gun in hand as he made his way inside with Seokjin and RM.
Everyone knew Jin wasn’t one for violence. He avoided it when he could, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of holding his own. He just had the most restraint out of the seven of them.
At the sight of wreckage, Jungkook watched a look of devastation flash across Jin's face as he took it all in before it morphed into a cold rage.
There was a large man behind the counter looking as if he was trying to break into the register.
The sweet smell in the air told Jungkook that Y/N laced it with some of Jimin’s gas. He grabbed the bandana that was around his neck and pulled it over his nose. This must be why the thugs were slow to react to their entrance.
“Stay alert,” Jungkook cautioned the others as he held his gun up at the man waiting for Jin and RMs orders on what to do next.
Jin stormed right past him, grabbing the man by his shirt and pulling him over the counter to his side of the coffee bar. The man flailed and his leg got caught, but with a feral grunt and a hard tug Jin slammed the man on the ground, before kneeling down and slugging the intruder in the jaw with all his might.
Jungkook and RM both winced at the sound.
The sound of Ella and a man's shout echoed from the kitchen and Jungkook was instantly in motion, he could barely open the kitchen door thanks to a bakers rack acting as a failed barricade.
The smoke in the room still hung thick in the air, but you were still visible as you pulled your body from under one of the fallen men who Jungkook realized was unconscious.
Jungkook sighed with relief and pride, both flooding his chest as he moved towards you; cautiously, not wanting to scare you any more than you already were.
He should have seen how that could have come off as intimidating, should have said something to reassure you that you were safe now.
So he was more frustrated with himself when you flipped him as hard as you did. He was honestly impressed with your technique and the fact that you were still awake with so much smoke in the air.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You snapped, pulling back in shock. Your hand was still curled into a fist, your breathing restricted to short pants.
“Saving your ass” he explained like it was obvious.
“Saving me? No, I needed saving 45 minutes ago. I'm handling the situation.”
He opened his mouth to argue when you heard another loud shout from the front of the shop.
“It’s Jin and RM. They’re outnumbered, but don’t worry.” Jungkook assured as you pushed yourself off him to get up. His body yearned for your warmth against him again.
He didn’t realize until this moment how scared he was.
But you were safe, and that's all he could think about.
You were safe. You were safe. You were safe. Not only were you safe, but you successfully protected yourself from four men.
He waited a moment, taking in your cautious expression as you hauled yourself up, eyes skimming over the destruction of the room. You stood to your full height and offered Jungkook a hand.
“Ella are you okay? How many were there?” He asked pushing up with you.
“Four, but I knew one of them.”
“Did they touch you?” He asked a fierce protectiveness in his eyes so unguarded it took her off guard.
“No I’m-“ you took a moment to glance at the unconscious man behind her, shocked to realize they hadn’t, not really. You won this fight. That reassurance steeled you and gave you the strength to look in his eyes. “No, nothing I couldn’t handle, apparently.” The concern didn’t leave Jungkook’s eyes and as he stepped towards you. You instantly pulled back, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” assured again, unable to handle any kind of comfort right now.
There was a low thud and a groan.
You and Jungkook both turned to see the fourth man who they didn’t even realize was still in the room leaning heavily against the countertop as he rose. He must have been hiding or the smoke knocked him near unconscious.
He was clearly disoriented, leaning heavily to his left like a drunk man walking with a tilt. But his face was determined as he reached for the gun strapped to his side.
It felt like time froze as you took in the situation. Instantly, Jungkook was reaching for his gun too, and fear spiked in your chest at the potential of either one of these men firing off a shot this close.
You slammed your shoulder into Jungkook, knocking him off balance as you reached for the broom against the wall. Jungkook yelled out in protest but in two quick movements, you secured the broom, stepped forward, and smacked the intruder’s arm that was supporting his weight on the countertop. He cursed as he lost his balance nearly collapsing. Another step forward and you kicked him onto the ground snatching the gun out of his belt before he had time to react.
“Stay down!” You ordered the man while pressing the end of the broom into his sternum, right between where his ribs met. You knew the pressure would be uncomfortable enough for him to not try to push up against it in his state.
The man lifted both his arms in surrender and laid flat on his back pliant.
Jungkook took in the scene with his mouth agape. He did not teach you that.
“Are you going to help?” You snapped at him.
He blinked rapidly before stepping forward aiming his gun at the man as he did.
“You’re in a room full of knives and you use a broom as your wepon?” he questioned teasingly.
“I thought you would be happy I kept my shoes on.” you teased back, “and put that thing away.” you ordered pointing at the gun, “You’re going to kill somebody if you shoot from this close a range.”
Jungkook held his tongue to keep himself from saying ‘That’s the point.’ and settled with “Can you go tell the guys to bring me some rope so I can tie this one up?”
You agreed before stepping out into the wrecked shop where Taehyung and RM were now tying up three unconscious men.
“Ella are you okay,” immediately you were wrapped into a hug from Jimin you stiffened before melting into his welcomed warmth and hugging him back. The weight of what tonight meant for your friend settling in your gut.
V stood up at your entrance, his expression unreadable, but after assessing that you were not physically hurt he pushed past you and into the kitchen to help Jungkook offering you a single nod as he passed.
“Jimin I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t stop them” you pulled away to turn to a sullen Seokjin “Jin I’m so sorry” your voice was thick but you refused to let tears well in your eyes.
The gang needed you to stay composed at this moment. You needed to keep it together for yourself. This was their safe space and it had been wrecked because you got too sassy with your interrogator.
“Y/N, stop,” Jin had his hands on both your cheeks as tears began welling in your eyes you began shaking your head no as if that could stop them. “Y/N. You’re safe and that’s all I could care about right now. Let’s get you home before you go into shock.”
“I’ll take her,” Jungkook said making his way out of the kitchen.
Jin hesitated.
“V is finishing up the guys in the kitchen, he said he was going to take them to the greenhouse with RM. You and Jimin should both work on damage control for this. Let me take Ella back to the Den so she can get a breather before you question her.” Jungkook negotiated.
Jin looked at you as if asking for permission and you nodded in silent agreement before following Jungkook out into his car.
“Adjust the temperature however you need,” Jungkook offered already reaching to turn on the heated seat. And you realized you were shaking.
You fiddled with the knobs silently adjusting the temperature the way you liked before settling back into the seat and looking out the window. You knew you should be scared and your thoughts should be racing a mile a minute. But your head was empty. Your adrenalin was crashing and you felt numb as if you were watching yourself outside your body. Not numb you felt defeated and powerless.
You had successfully protected yourself from four men, sure. But you felt helpless to the fact that a group of men could barge in at any moment to question you. You felt like it was out of your power to prevent something like that from ever happening again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Jungkook finally asked breaking the silence.
“Not yet,” you muttered.
“Ella,” Jungkook sighed and you knew he didn’t want to push you, “I don’t want to pressure you. But you should be trying to remember everything you can before the effects of the gas really start to set in. You were exposed to a lot.”
“I took Jimin’s antidote and it worked. I don’t feel any different,” you replied but your voice sounded hollow even to yourself. You wanted to sound more alert, feel more alert after everything that's happened. A part of you wished that you could take an Adderall right now. That would wake you up and probably get you to be more responsive to what the gang needs. But your pills were in your purse which you left in the bakery. You left everything in the bakery: your purse, your phone, your keys.
“How much did you take?” Jungkook asked surprised. The antidote was something Jimin has been working on nonstop since the night of your graduation party.
“All of it I think.”
Jungkook kept his face neutral. He didn’t know anything about chemistry or how the chemicals would affect you. But made a mental note to ask Jimin about any potential side effects or if it was possible to overdose on the antidote.
“Still can you please tell me what happened? Try to picture this from my point of view,” he begged.
You sighed, you knew you should comply despite the way his request annoyed you. Everything about him annoyed you at the moment. You didn’t want to look at anything from his point of view, you were still mad at him for the way he’s been acting for weeks.
Seeing him in the bakery made you feel so much relief. You had been fighting for your life and he was a life preserver cast out in the water for you. A sense of safety. And for a moment everything felt natural the way he joked with you in the midst of a fight You had forgotten about the kiss or the way he tormented you these past weeks. But now that you were alone with him in the safety of his car you felt yourself being thrown right back into the seas of confusion.
But you couldn't let such petty things distract you right now he did deserve answers.
So you gave him a quick and dirty version, “Some dude came into the bakery to ‘talk’ with me. He offered to free me from BTS, pay off my debt, and some other pretty bribes in exchange for spying on BTS. I told him no and he had his goons wreck the bakery. They got a little excited and tried to come after me so I hid in Jimin’s lab and well you know the rest.”
For one peaceful moment, Jungkook was silent as he processed everything you said and turned into the main entrance of the Den. But as they approached the garage all the questions flooded out.
Who was questioning you?
How did they know you were affiliated with BTS?
What did they look like?
Did they say what their motive was?
Did they threaten you?
And your answer was “I don't know” for each one except the last, which to your shock was no. The man had not threatened you directly he only tried to bribe information out of you.
“Jungkook, I’m done for now.” you sighed as you followed him into the kitchen.
“You told the guys I get a breather before they question me and I want it.”
Jungkook bit his tongue to halt himself. He wanted to push you and tell you this information was very important for your safety and everyone else's. But you were right him finding out now versus him finding out in a few minutes when everyone gets back won’t make a difference.
With a sigh, he nodded “You’re right. So what do you want to talk about?” he asked sitting down on the couch next to you. It was important he kept you talking. He was scared if he left you to your own thoughts you would retreat in that little shell inside yourself. You always got quiet when you were stressed, but Jungkook knows from experience if he can distract you or keep you talking you can push past that defense.
He didn’t expect you to have an answer. So already he was wracking his brain for conversation topics. Something stimulating and engaging but also not too silly. He was taken completely off guard when he heard your soft voice ask, “Why did you avoid me?”
He looked at you surprised and you held his gaze as if you could read the answer in his eyes. He glanced away guiltily.
“Why did you avoid me after we kissed?” you asked again your voice clear.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Thomas, Lord Erskine was born January 10th 1750.
During his lifetime he became Britain’s foremost advocate, through his defence of people accused of treason and corruption, nothing changes with politics does it!
His defence of Thomas Paine, accused of high treason for his work, The Rights of Man, cost him his position as Attorney General to the Prince of Wales. Later, Erskine totally alienated George IV by defending Queen Caroline against the king’s attempt to deprive her of her rights and title.
Rather go into all the boring education, career stuff I will focus more on the man, the character, for I think Lord Erskine was a bit of a character, he had a favourite dog  with him at all his consultations in Chambers a favourite a large 
Newfoundland dog called “Toss”. He taught it to sit upon a chair in chambers with his paws placed before him on the table. Erskine would put an open book before him, a wig upon his head and one of his advocate’s bands around his neck. What his clients thought of this exhibition we do not know, but it is unlikely that they would have forsaken him for another counsel.
He was obviously an animal lover a dog he kept by him was one he had rescued from some boys in the street when they were about to kill it. Later, on March 2, 1811, he sent a bitch to a fellow peer  with a note to say that, “her name is Lucky and may all good luck attend your Lordship”.
He also had a pet goose which followed him about in his grounds, a macaw and a great many other dumb friends. He even had two special leeches which he believed had saved his life when he was ill and which he called his “bottle conjurors”. These he kept in a glass and, he said, he gave them fresh water every day and had formed a friendship with them. He would often argue the likely result of a case on how they swam or crawled.
Erskine said he was sure they both knew him and were grateful to him. They were called “Home” and “Cline” after two celebrated surgeons with quite different dispositions. He amassed the company at a party given at his villa in Hampstead, near “The Spaniard’s Inn”, by talking about his regard for animals and, in particular, those to whom he was attached. He then produced the leeches in their glass which he placed upon the table. It was impossible, however, wrote Samuel Romilly who was present, “without the vivacity, the tones, the details, and the gestures of Lord Erskine, to give an adequate idea of this singular scene”.
He introduced into the Lords a Bill for the prevention of malicious and wanton cruelty to animals, saying that it was a subject very near to his heart. Disgusting outrages, which he said 
“were too painful to describe, were being perpetrated upon animals whilst the law did nothing. This was because animals were considered only as property. They were entirely without protection from cruelty and they had no rights. Yet man’s dominion over them was not given by God for their torture but as a moral trust.
Nature had provided the same organs and feelings for enjoyment and happiness to animals as to man – seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, the sensations of pain and pleasure, love, anger and sensibility to kindness. Such creatures might have been created for man’s use but not for his abuse. Towards them, as in all other things, men’s duties and interests were inseparable. Extending humanity to animals would have a most powerful effect on men’s moral sense and upon their feelings and sympathies for each other.”
When the speech was published as a pamphlet, its editor suggested in the Preface that it should be introduced to families and schools and deserved to be circulated “among the lower classes of society by the clergy, and by all moral and pious persons’.
When the Bill was in its Committee stage, Erskine pointed out that during his 30 years of Parliamentary life he had never before proposed any alteration in the law. He still had no wish, he said, to link a statute with his name; he had a better motive. If the Bill were enacted, it would not only be an honour to the country but would mark an era in the history of the world. In the event, the House of Commons proved not to be ready for animal rights and the Bill was defeated but eventually went through in 1809.
Lastly and briefly, perhaps our Lord Erskine was also a wee bit of a romantic, he survived his first wife, Frances, she passed away in 1805 after 35 years of marriage, on October 12, 1818 he married Sarah Buck in Gretna Green, he was 20 years her senior.
It is said he never missed a day in court and led a very healthy life but in 1823 Erskine set out by sea on a visit to Scotland with one of his sons, hoping to see his brother the Earl of Buchan. But he became ill with a chest infection on the journey and was put ashore at Scarborough.
He managed to travel to the home of his brother Henry’s widow in Almondell in West Lothian, where they were joined by the earl. He died at Almondell on 17th November 1823 and was buried in the family burial-place at Uphall in present day West Lothian.
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ladymercysletters · 4 years
A Gentleman’s Eye
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Word Count : 1264
# = your first initial 
You’d heard a Bridgerton had started coming to Lord Granville’s parties but you’d never seen them there before. You yourself had only been to one once before. Henry had insisted you came as soon as your obligatory year of mourning had finished. Your old and lecherous husband had kept you practically locked away at your estate since he married only a few years previous. His greasy, sweaty palms had only touched you once or twice – trying to produce an heir, before breathed his last in some East End brothel and left you with an estate and your title.
You wandered the halls of the party for a while, wearing a half mask that just about concealed your identity. Still thinking about the Bridgerton in attendance you occupied your mind trying to decipher which one of them it could be. A brother, obviously – no unmarried lady of standing would risk being seen here, lest she completely leave behind her reputation. So, a brother. The eldest was a known rake, but an artists den didn’t seem like the type of establishment he’d frequent judging by the last conversation you’d had with him. The younger, Colin? If you recalled, perhaps the poor boy had been led here unawares. No, you had your money on the second son, he’d always had a wandering eye when it came to society and you were fairly sure of your guess as you thought on it more.
Slipping through the gatherings of small groups with your wine in hand, you could have missed him – being obscured by an easel, where it not for Sir Granville calling out for you and guiding you into the artists den. Henry talked away, explaining the theme of the evening and introducing you to some of the artists as you payed no mind at all. Caught in the captivating image of Benedict Bridgerton, illuminated by the glow of the fireplace, concentration clear on his furrowed brow and curved lip.
‘My dear, I have lost you’ Sir Henry jested, seeing you otherwise occupied.
‘No n… not at all, I am sorry’
‘Don’t be. Had he not had that effect on me I doubt he would have found his way here at all’ he chuckled, sipping at his glass. You both looked on. The concentration he gave to his work was undeniably attractive, but the open waistcoat and rolled sleeves made your corset feel tighter that it had before entering the room.
Feeling warm all of a sudden and completely out of your depth you made your excuses and returned to the hallway, feeling cooler already as you went in search of another glass of wine, and more platonic company.
Your husband had never spent much time with you, thank the lord, only the occasional weekend where he would lock himself away in his study with his steward. It left you a lot of time to read, and drink, and wander the painted halls alone, and untouched.
The evening wandered on and the few glasses of wine you had indulged in had taken slight effect, leaving you rosy and less guarded than before.
Benedict leant against a wall as he watched the hoards around him, leaning back to take a drag of his cigarette. Deciding on another glass of wine to fill the void left by his art he turned for wherever the source of the wine had been previously and almost toppled over a figure in his path.
Falling off your heel you were saved from toppling completely by two large hands coming around your waist to save you. As you pulled the fallen mask from your face you saw you were mere inches away from the face of Benedict Bridgerton, the man who had taken over your thoughts for the entire evening.
‘Lady Y/N’ Benedict exclaimed ‘I do apologise, I didn’t see you’
‘The fault is all mine’ you interrupted as he pulled you to your feet
‘No, I insist. I payed no mind to where I was going’ he carried on, taking your hand in his. You noted his other hand was still holding the small of your waist. ‘t least let me get you another glass’ he noted, looking down at the crystal shards strewn on the floor. He looked up at you through his lashes and you locked eyes, his crooked smile making your chest flutter as he led you gently through the halls to another glass of wine.
His conversation enthralled you – for the brother of Anthony Bridgerton you half expected him to know nothing of art and culture, however his knowledge and charm exceeded all expectations and you practically hung on his every word as you discussed the great renaissance painters. Your quiet corner of the house remained so as you talked between yourselves, only candlelight to accompany you as talked about your passions and wants in life.
The closer you became the more you enjoyed the warmth Benedict’s body emitted, his scent surrounded you and you wanted nothing more than to curl into it. Benedict was leaning in to you as well. Although he usually attended these parties in the hopes of forming more intimate relations with a woman for the evening, he found you utterly captivating. Your mask long gone he took the opportunity to drink in your features, mulling them over as only an artist could.
As you continued talking about an exhibition you had seen at Somerset House the year previous Benedict took it upon himself to brush a stray curl away from your eyes. The action took you both off guard and your closeness became apparent to both of you when his soft fingers trailed slowly down the side of your face.
‘You are unutterably beautiful; do you know that?’ Benedict whispered lowly.
‘Do you say that to everyone you bump into?’ you quipped back, wine slowing your speech
‘Never in my life’ he growled, towering over you as you pressed a palm to his chest.
‘I am a Lady’ you sighed – his closeness enough to set every hair on your body on edge. His breath bringing goose bumps out on your skin.
‘And I a Gentleman… My Lady’ Benedict whispered into your skin as he laid one solitary soft kiss to the bared skin of your shoulder. Your breath caught in your throat. Never in all your years had anyone treated you with such softness. As he pulled back, he brushed the tip of his nose gently across your jawline, separating you both mere inches as you had been before. ‘I have never met a woman like you before.’
‘You shouldn’t have met me tonight’ you smirked, knowing that this couldn’t go any further than you both wanted it too. It was already dangerous enough being here without your mask, but in a darkened corner with a gentleman, you could be ruined.
Benedict leaned back, wiping his hand over his face to sober himself up. Of course - he could ruin you like this, and however much he desired you he couldn’t be your downfall. You slipped out off of the bench and out of the soft grasp of his fingertips, fleeing through the open door; holding your mask to your face before your carriage swept you away into the night. Benedict watched through the frosted window as you were carried away into the night. Already missing your presence he turned to see you had left your handkerchief on the table – Initials decorating the corner read #P. Pocketing the item as he stood to retire for the evening he determined that he would find you again.
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anxious2dsimp · 4 years
General Dating Headcanons | Sero, Todoroki & Bakugou
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Pairings: Sero x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Bakugou x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Headcanons​
Warnings: Cursing bc Bakugou 🙄 (as if I wasn’t the one who picked him lmao)
Request: :))) hellooooo :D hmmmm may i get general dating headcanons for sero, todoroki, and [insert your favorite character]? 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 @smexy-goose
Hi again!! Omg yes, I’ll gladly write some hcs for the best bois! I had a hard time picking a fave, but since I have written for Kami and Kiri in the last request I decided to go with blasty boy❤️ (Also, I’m trying a new way to post requests, I hope it works!)
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Sero Hanta
I feel like Sero is genuinely so fun to date, just like he said in that one dorm episode, he’s always the wild card.
He’s a goofball, so he adores making you laugh and smile as much as he can. I love him omg😭
Will definitely take advantage of his height (he’s among the taller ones in the class) and give you surprise hugs from behind and rest his head on yours.
He’ll also use his quirk on you for everything from pranks to just randomly pulling you to him to give you a quick peck or a hug :’)
He’s pretty standard with PDA, so he won’t go around making out with you in public but he will do little gestures like those <3
In private I feel like he’s definitely cuddly, he’s just so happy to be with you!
He loves having you over at his room to just chill or be in each other’s presence, even if you’re doing stuff individually.
Speaking of, the bakusquad definitely complains about you having privilege in using the hammock in Hanta’s room. 
Denki will whine like; “why does y/n always get to use the hammock? You said it was out of bounds!”
“That’s on pretty privilege, sorry! And you’re just jealous you don’t have a cool s/o like mine,” Sero will say and poke his tongue out from the hammock where you’re swinging togehter :’) 
I’m warning you now, if you had a healthy sleep schedule before going out with him, you can kiss it goodbye.
Sero will absolutely be up till like 3 am sending you memes and tiktoks that remind him of you.
And with him blowing up your phone you’ll most likely end up talking into ungodly hours of the night, the *sleep deprivation* only causing funnier conversations.
Those will end up becoming inside jokes that he’ll bring up to make you laugh while the rest of the class is like ???
That also results in some weird ass nicknames sorry not sorry
So he’ll sometimes call you regular stuff like babe and other times... he’ll call you things like “Bert” (FOR NO REASON??) or “Candied Blood Pumping Organ” instead of sweetheart lmao
Overall you two are just THE chaotic couple (and if you’re not generally that way he will bring out that side of you)
Pranking your classmates? Pranking each other? Random ass adventures? Trying weird food together? Dancing in the kitchen at midnight while sharing late night snacks? By going out with him you said yes to all of the above.
From sneaking out of the dorms for late night food runs to occasionally skipping class to go to the arcade or the beach, you usually can’t go a week without doing something fun togehter.
This one time you two were out with the Bakusquad and y’all stopped by a supermarket to get food. 
So you had to ask Bakugou to buy you something bc you and Sero had to stay outside and just hand him the money.
He was like “tf?? why? Just buy your shit yourselves!” You had to explain you two were banned from the store because Hanta had accidentally crashed a cart he was driving you around in into a display of cereal boxes.
Ah yes, good times.
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Todoroki Shoto
I feel like he’ll definitely need a small push when it comes to relationships bc of his past, but once you’re with him he’ll care deeply about you and will try to make you as happy as you make him :’)
I’m begging you, please give this boy some luv and affection!! For the most part you’d probably initiate PDA because he’s too nervous to do it himself
At the beginning he wouldn’t even be comfy cuddling, solely because he’d be afraid of hurting you somehow :(
But once you’ve reassured him he complies, and from then on out you just have to open your arms and he’ll instantly know it’s *cuddle time*
It’a one of his favorite pastimes bc he just feels so safe and loved <3 he also just loves the feeling of you playing with his hair
Luckily you get to do it year round since you cuddle his hot side in the winter and cold side during the summer
I feel like he’s secretly insecure, so the fact that you trust him and love him for who he is makes him feel like he could melt <3
Because of that you’re the only one he truly opens up to and shows his real feelings to, not to mention the only one who can touch his scar
And though he isn’t great with words, one look at him during one of these personal moments when its just you two, and you can just see it in his eyes.
Especially if you kiss his scar, his eyes might even get teary this sweet boy I 😭
That’s also probably why he shares his precious cold soba with you
Since you’ve been together, Shoto has just been so much happier, so his siblings and mother LOVE you.
They’re constantly inviting you over for dinner when Endevour is working (bc he’s a huge buzzkill to say the least), and his mom adores when you come with Shoto to visit her :)
Todoroki really enjoys seeing you get along with the people he cares the most about...
 BUT what he hates is THE EMBARRASING STORIES HIS FAMILY TELLS YOU OMG (you live for them, but I wouldn’t tell him that if I were you)
“Fuyumi remember when Shoto-” “Natsuo, no💙“ your bf will say as he unconsciously squeezes your hand, both of the siblings laughing at Shoto’s glare.
You had to hold in your laughter so hard omg
Though he isn’t that talkative, you guys definitely have that kind of relationship where you two could be silent and still feel completely comfortable (oh I’m so jealous of that but nvm)
He’s definitely observant, so expect the most considerate gifts and the most assertive observations, he’ll always know what you need.
The type of observant that gives you a water bottle before you even notice you’re thristy during training, or switches sides while walking so you loop your arm with his on his warm side when you’re cold.
Also the type to gift you that one thing you really wanted but mentioned once like months ago along with your favorite snacks/drink (you best believe he has them all memorized bc he’s just that attentive)
Over all, just a really soothing relationship were you can be comfortable with each other and feel at home when you’re together.
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Bakugou Katsuki
Ok so, I feel like you’d be a competitive couple, turning anything into a competition in an endearingly annoying way.
You’re definitely the type of couple to go to laser tag, an escape room, an arcade, etc, as dates >:) but the competitions don’t end there:
Who can plan the best date? Who can make the other blush first? Who can get the other the better gift? Who’s the better kisser? Who gets the higher score in class? Or wins at sparring?
Especially when it comes to productive stuff like training or academics, although he won’t admit it, he’s just pushing you to be your best because he knows how amazing you are :’)
All the bakusquad knows about your shenanigans and at this point they’ve learnt to stay out of it & go get the Advil just in case bless their souls lmao
I’m sorry but he definitely calls you nicknames that purposely piss you off (with no ill intentions ofc), like “gremlin”, “dumbass” or “booger”
I suggest you also call him stuff like that back, like “angry pom” or “blasty” to get on his nerves >:)
You guys also definitely friendly bicker all the time, knowing that you take it lightly (though strangers won’t, resulting in some hilariously awkward situations)
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” he’ll say rolling his eyes as he messes up your hair.
Just watch his smirk dissapears when you reply, “no, u❤️″ It gets on his nerves, I just know it.
So he’ll chase you around as you call each other random stuff. While the other people at the convenience store are just like  👁👄👁
He never means it tho, keep in mind if you’re dating the self proclaimed future no. 1 hero he thinks highly of you :)
So he’d definitely be protective while simultaneously showing you off <3
Will always greet you with a kiss and keep his hand on your back or waist so ppl know you’re with him
RIP anyone who tries to hurt or flirt with you, I say try bc Bakugou will be exploding them even before they get the chance😅
Denki’s definitely almost gotten his brows blown off his face bc of that lol
Speaking of, the bakusquad still can’t get over the fact that THE lord explosion murder has a soft spot for you,
You mean you take care of his injuries, scold him when he burns himself out, touch his hair, and hug him when his moody... and you DON’T get cussed out and blown up? Shooketh
However they don’t see what happens behind closed doors, & how you’ve helped him with all the trauma he has experienced
You’re the only one who he is vulnerable with, you’ve seen him cry and he tells you about his nightmares and fears
You do the same with him, and you promise each other to get through anything together, which you’ve done so far :’)
Bc of that his parents love you, and his mom’s always going on about how she’s so glad you “stand” his son😂
Why can’t he be real ughhh
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Words: 5000+
Rating: M
Pairing: Benimaru (TSSK) x Reader
Summary: You were husband & wife in name only.
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The moon was bright & crisp in the sky over Rimuru. Even without your candle light, you would probably be able to see clearly into your mirror as you brushed out your hair, preparing for bed. It had been a challenging day.
Keeping Shion and Shuna from destroying their Lord with their love was a full-time job sometimes. Being the buffer between them was sometimes more than your poor human body could take; a fact Rimuru-sama was often concerned about. You usually brushed it off with a ‘better me than you’ remark as his peril would be far more of a detriment to others than you, but appreciated his concern. Besides, neither ogre-ess would intentionally hurt you. Worst you’d ever come away with before was a good goose egg from Shion swinging around Hercules’s willy-nilly and caught you in the back of the head. It was an accident, and she could have easily crushed your head like a melon, but Shion still cried for almost 3 days after every time she saw you in apology.
You chuckle a little at the memory. How wonderfully problematic your life had become in this past year. You wouldn’t call it ‘blissful’. It had it’s challenges like most. But your life taken an interest, wonderful turn that had led you to this life you wouldn’t trade anything for. You were safe. You were loved. You were a respected person when just some months ago you were nobody and nothing. How quickly the world turns.
A knock at your door halted the comb in your tresses and you look up surprised by the sound. “Who is it?” You ask. Curious who would be at your door so late at night.
“It’s me.” Your eyes blink in surprise as you hear the familiar deep timber of Benimaru behind the frame. “May I come in?”
You stammer out a reply of ‘one moment’ as you adjust yourself to make your appearance more presentable and told him to come in. It was embarrassing to have him see you in your night clothes. But if he was coming here so late at night, it must be important. Your husband never came to your chambers this late at night.
The title of ‘husband’ was in name only. You and Benimaru were not romantically involved, nor had you chosen each other completely of your own free will. He had saved you, along with Rimuru-sama and the rest of the Kijin, when they defeated the great bandit army that had been sweeping the east. Once just thugs of human and monsters alike, they had grown into a real threat in the land taking anything they please. Money. Goods. Women. When they came to your small village, they had burned it down and had taken you with them when they left. You were their prisoner and slave for nearly two months before Rimuru-sama and his band had come along.
You still remember seeing them for the first time. Bright and regal. A peasant before being a slave, you had never seen such fine strange clothes before. Nor the impending presence of the man in front of you when he’d come upon you.
“I claim this woman as my own.” They were the first words he’d ever said to you. Then he picked you up over his shoulder and carried you away with his band while the smoldering embers of the great bandit army died out in the distance.
 At first, you thought it was all going to be the same. One capture was no different than the last; though you were a little concerned about an ogre being your master than a human. But how much worse could it be? The last human captor you had had been a true monster. Being owned by a real one could not be that different. Or at least that was what you thought at first.
The ogres and Rimuru-sama had been impossibly kind. They tended to your wounds from your long capture. Gave you a place to sleep. Clothes. Fed you, although there was some debate on which ogre-ess’s cooking would ‘best suit you’, and treated you as an equal. You were incredibly moved by their generosity. They were even willing to take you home. And when you told them “I have no home” they seemed genuinely hurt by that.
You of course explained to them what happened, and realized now that you really had no place to go. You thought you would die in the bandit camp. So the thought had never crossed your mind where you would go should your imprisonment be over. You were lost and alone in the world. No money. No home. No family. Even if you left, who was to say you wouldn’t be taken up by another group who found your helplessness easy pickings? Or worse, going to that life on your own because you had no other choices…..
“You’re staying here.” Benimaru had announced, much to the surprise of everyone. “You’re my woman now, remember? I defeated those fools and claimed you as my prize. This is your home now. You’re staying here.”
There was a loud commotion from the group as they all thought he had been joking but, apparently, he wasn’t. While the energetic group argued, you looked at Benimaru critically and realized what he was doing. He knew that if you didn’t belong to someone, you could easily be taken by another. If not the remanences of the great bandit army, but someone else; as you feared. Being his woman, letting him lay claim, offered you protection you couldn’t afford on your own. “Ok,” you’d told him. Your soft voice somehow ringing out over the crowd.
Rimuru-sama had of course forbade his general from ‘keeping’ a woman. He said if he wanted to do this, he would have to do the honorable thing and marry you. It had been surprising how quickly he agreed. Then asked if you would be alright with it and you’d said yes. You had been married the next day, and were then husband & wife, and that was the end of it.
Your married life was that of about the same as anyone else in the close group. You weren’t intimate. You didn’t share secrets or stories. You didn’t even sleep in the same quarters of the estate. Aside from a few group outings, communal meals, and when he popped in on Shuna when you were around, you honestly rarely saw your ‘husband’.
Which was why it was so surprising he was here now, at this late hour.
“What is it Benimaru-sama? Is something wrong?” You ask, looking up at him from where you’d been sitting on the floor before he sat down too. His expression was placid, so it was hard to tell if something was going on.
“The envoy from Blumund is leaving tomorrow.” His eyes fixed on the hardwood under your knees.
“Yes, I know. He told me. He’s a little hard to miss.” You reply with a soft chuckle.
The envoy in question was a nice man. Tall, lean. A little bit older than you, but still a jovial person. Rimuru-sama had set you with the important task of keeping him company and being his escort during his stay. His immediate council in the Kijin were nice, but they sometimes lack the social grace or understanding of human culture. He didn’t want to offend the man and trusted you could keep him company during his stay.
“He’s rather taken with you.” Benimaru then stated. Taking you a bit by surprise. “He wants to take you back to Blumund with him.”
Your bit of surprise turned into full blown shock. “W…What are you talking about??”
“He wants to take you back to Blumund with him.” He repeated. As if somehow that made you understand completely. “He said he thinks you’re very beautiful, and charming, and that it would be a better fit for you to live among humans, rather than here in Rimuru with none of them. He talked to Rimuru-sama about this.”
“And Rimuru-sama told you about this?”
“I was there.” Benimaru stated after he shook his head. “He asked for us to severe our bond so you could go with him. So you could marry him.”
Your eyes probably bug out of your head now. Were you being proposed to by proxy by your own husband?!?
“How could he ask such a thing?!”
“Like I said, he’s taken with you.”
“That’s not the point! How am I supposed to marry someone else when I’m already married?!”
“He knows our marriage isn’t consummated.” His eyes finally look up to catch yours.
You feel your whole body turn red. Now you have to look away to stare at the floor. It was true. Your marriage wasn’t consummated. It had been something done to offer you protection and stability. It had never been about love. So you have never laid with your husband as he wished to respect your virtue. “How crude.” You mutter. Embarrassed, more than anything, as you were sure people knew about your unclaimed marriage, but no one would dare bring it up until now.
“Do you want to go with him?”
You look up again and offer a soft noise of surprise at the question. “Do you want to go with him?” He repeated. “As you said, he’s a good man. He has fortune, and power. You’d be a respected woman among your people. You’d be among your people.” Maybe you imagined it, but you thought you saw Benimaru wince at that. “You don’t have to stay here anymore. You don’t have to stay with me. You’re established enough now to make your own choices. You can be free.”
Free? The word played over in your head for a moment. The sheer concept completely foreign to you at the moment.
You’d never been free. First you belonged to your family. Then the bandits. Then Benimaru. Though you had freedom on occasion, you had never been truly free. And now that you had it, you found the idea ironically suffocating. You could choose to leave. Leave Rimuru City and start a new life as a woman of prominence in Blumund. But what if you didn’t want to leave?
“D…Do you want me to leave?” The kijin looked up at you again with a confused expression at your soft words. “If you want me to leave I will. But…I don’t want to leave all of you. I love being here, and being with Shion, and Shura, Rimuru-sama and….you. My ‘people’ have never been kind to me, so I really don’t want to go back to them. I want to stay here. We don’t have to be married anymore, if that’s the problem. We can still break our bond, if that’s what you want. But I’d like to – “That’s not what I want!”
Your eyes flicker up. Startled by the red Kijin’s roar and the burning fire resting in his eyes. “I don’t want to break our bond! I don’t want you to go with him! Do you have any idea how hard it was not to tear that man’s head off at the table when he said that?! I wanted to gouge his eyes out for saying you were beautiful! I wanted to rip out his heart out for ever letting you rest in it! You’re my woman, and my wife, and he thinks he can just say those things to me and live! He should kiss Rimuru-sama’s feet before he leaves because he’s the only reason that wretch is still breathing!”
Silence passed between you for a moment as you were completely stunted into speechlessness by Benimaru’s words. You had never expected such a passionate response out of the man. Until now, you were sure his only feelings toward you were ambivalence and mild friendship. The way he just ‘my wife’ to you, however, let you know that he had thought of this more than just a marriage of convenience. Your body flushed hot again as your heart beat hammered in your chest. “Benimaru….sama?”
“Don’t go with him.” The kijin repeated. Calmer this time as his expression seemed to morph into sadness at the thought of you leaving. “I can’t stand the idea of you leaving with him. When we first met, and I took you as my woman & wife, I will admit that I did it out of pity for you. You lost everything, and had nothing. I know what that’s like and wished to spare you. I thought that, after a few months, you would have a good enough reputation as the former wife of the Ogre Prince, Commander of the Jura forces, that we could break our bond honorably and you could make your own path in the world without fear. But, as time went on, I became more and more attached to you. Your kindness in spite of everything you endured. Your determination. Your desire to work hard to make things better for everyone here. I grew to fall in love with you and I couldn’t let you go. I know it was selfish, and that I’m being selfish now, but please don’t go.”
Your heart was still hammering so hard in your chest that you were scared you might faint. You felt like you could swoon at any moment. “Why didn’t you ever tell me this before?”
He looked down and started to fidget. “I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same.” His confession less confident this time. “You weren’t really given much of a choice in our marriage. I was afraid that you thought of me as just another man who had taken you. If you didn’t feel the same I could live with it, but knowing was – “That’s not true!”
It was Benimaru’s turn for his eyes to flicker up and be stunned by your confession. Apparently you had more in common than you thought. “I’ve never thought of you that way! If anything, I’ve only ever seen you as my rescuer. You saved me from a horrible existence as a slave. You gave this life that is so wonderful. With friends, and people I can’t live without anymore. I can’t begin to repay you.  Or tell you how I feel….”
All these feelings and emotions were rushing to the surface now the more you spoke. You had always been fond of Benimaru. Your strong, brave protector. You just assumed that he wanted nothing to do with you. The distance he put between you making it very clear. So you had pushed your feelings toward the back of your heart. Forgetting them until now, where they crashed to the front like a dam had burst.
“[Y/N]….” You look up into the red head’s eyes when he said your name. Whispered it, really, like it was some secret plea. His hand then reached out slowly to cup your cheek. Those battle calloused hands incredibly gentle against your skin. You really might swoon at the juxtaposition.
Those burning red orbs look at you in earnest before they flicker down to your lips. A silent request. One you eagerly receive.
The only time you had kissed your husband before this was at your wedding. To seal your bond. That, however, had been just a simple peck on the lips to meet the contract. This was a real kiss. Your lips pressing together in committed passion. Intense, but both of you still too shy it seemed to go past pressing your lips soundly together.
“[Y/N],” Benimaru said again as you press your foreheads together after your kiss. You don’t ever think you’ve heard your name sound so sweet. “Become my woman and my wife. Truly. You didn’t get a choice when we first met, but I ask you this now to make your own decision. Will you be mine?”
Your heart swelled unbearably tight in your chest before you nodded against his forehead. “Yes. Yes, I want to be your woman and your wife. Truly.”
You can feel the smile on his lips when he kissed you again. More deeply this time. His tongue snaked into your mouth against yours. The way he was kissing you making your legs feel weak to the point that you were happy you were sitting down. However, if they had buckled, your strong husband could easily pick you up in his arms. A shiver racing down your spine at the lewd thought that had just passed through you.
“Aah…I knew it. This is why I stayed away from you.” Benimaru said, finally letting you go. Your lips were kiss swollen now, and you were having a hard time understanding what he was talk about. “Every time I was near you, I wanted to claim you.” He explained. His expression looking deliriously happy as he examined his handiwork on your lips. “It was so hard to even be in the same room as you with your scent always hounding me every moment I was near. I had to stay away so I wouldn’t do anything horrible to you. But then that was its own torture as well. Near, apart. Both were an agony I couldn’t face somedays. Now that I have you though, I’ll never let you away from my side. You’ve summoned the beast in me. I hope you’re prepared.”
A loud squeak left your lips as the sneaky ogre flipped you. Instantly going from sitting on your ankles to flat on your back. Your world righted again and was filled with Benimaru as he leaned on top of you. His expression soft but heated, making you blush, before he kissed you again. His weight on top of you now making you moan wanton into the kiss this time.
Your world was filled with passionate kisses. They steal your breath away and make you squirm under your husband. You then feel his hands on your side. Touching you. Caressing your curves. You feel them fumbling around for your kimono tie, unwilling to let your lips go for even a moment to get to it properly, and place your hand on his chest.
“Benimaru, wait.”
The kijin stopped instantly and sat back off you. His eyes questing into your own to see what was wrong.
“I just….I thought I should…I mean we never…I’m not…” You stumble over the words to say to him. To explain that you weren’t the maiden he might have hoped for. The words cling in your throat as images of your former life flash across your mind. You feel unworthy. Dirty. Then his hand reached out to you brush your cheek again. Causing one of the tears that were welling up in your eyes to fall against it.
“That doesn’t matter to me.” He said with assurity and a softness that could only be described as love. “It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I love you as you are now. Not who you could be. My only regret is that I couldn’t kill those bastards 100 times more over for ever having hurt you.”
You scoff out a chuckle at the violent decree said so sweetly. You hand came up to clasp his own. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappointment.” He replied, almost instantly. Then kissed your hand as he brought it to his lips once he removed it from your cheek. “Do you wish to stop? We don’t have to do this now. I can be satisfied with you declaring you want to be my woman and my wife. Well….contented.”
You chuckle again, more light hearted this time, and leaned in to initiate your kiss this time. “I meant what I said. I want to be your woman and your wife truly. I don’t want to stop.”
A sigh of relief left Benimaru. The prince willing to stop if you wanted but clearly so glad you didn’t. You giggle and let him take you in his arms.
The momentary pause in your kissing afforded Benimaru the chance to undo your kimono tie. Loosening it and letting it fall, but not pushing the thin material of your actual robe off your body yet. You reach out for him as well to undo the clasp of his overcoat. The heavy material immediately falling of his shoulders, in contrast, once the hold was released. He seemed fascinated with your work as your hands untie his under coat as well.
“Your touch is like fire.”
“Is that a joke?” You ask when Benimaru growled those words at you. Your apex quivering at the sound, but still curious if he was making a joke.
He chuckled. Another shiver at your core. “No. But I guess I can see how it would be. I mean it though. Everywhere you touch me sets a fire in me.” His hand came up to take yours and slip it under his loose top now. Guiding it over the hard planes of his chest over to his heart. “I can’t get enough of it.”
You kiss again and continue stripping. There wasn’t much to let go of for you, as just before now you were preparing for bed, so you were quickly naked in front of him. He talked about your touch being fire, but his was burning you up inside. His hands were hot. They left a lingering heat in your body everywhere he touched, to the point that you wonder if he had activated his magic. You were helpless against his soft touches. Your body aching already before he even properly touched.
Then, when he did, your body became a livewire.
Your limbs immediately went taunt when his fingers touched your core. “Please try to relax.” He whispered to you in your hair. His own long, hard body nestled beside you. Holding you close.
You try to do as he said and relax. It wasn’t difficult after the initial shock as the pleasure made it easy to succumb to him. Those hands so skilled at fighting working your body with similar expertise. “Mmmm…Benimaru….”
“Ah…say that again.” His deep voice was in your ear again. This time sounding elated, before his tongue reached out to lick the shell of it. “Say my name again. Please.”
“Benimaru…” You repeat his name over and over again. His precious name he held so dear. The name Rimuru-sama had given to him. It fell from your lips like a prayer chant as his fingers brought you closer and closer to climax. When you did, it fell from your lips again in a shout. “Benimaru!”
He continued to touch you until your walls stopped clamping around his digits. Finally setting them free. Your spent body laid against him, and you open your eyes tiredly just in time to see him cleaning your juices from his fingers. “Ah…my love tastes so sweet. I could get addicted to your flavor.”
If you body wasn’t already flushed from orgasm, you would have blushed completely. Benimaru seemed pretty proud of himself, however, before he leaned in to kiss you. You don’t think you taste sweet at all. But the taste of yourself on his lips was something you could get addicted to too. When had you become so perverted?
He let you go for a moment and shuffled around to pull out of his pants. You watched him, in the soft light. His handsome body bare to you. Not a mark on him thanks to his skill and healing. Your eyes travel down and find the proof of his love for you staring back proudly at your face. You gulp at his size. That was going to be inside you.
“Don’t worry. I know it’s a bit bigger than a human’s, but I’ll try not to hurt you.”
“I-It’s alright.” You reply back at his concern. He had mistaken your gulp for a concern about his size. How shameful he would probably find you if he found out that it wasn’t from concern, but excitement, that had caused you to gulp. Again, when had you become so perverted? “I trust you. And I want to be with you.”
“[Y/N]….” He spoke your name softly again before he leaned in to kiss you. Guiding you back down on your back. You feel his weight press on top of you. Your legs spread wide around his pelvis to let him mount you. You can feel the tip of his erection pressing against your entrance and shiver a little at the lower kiss. “Please tell me if I’m hurting you.” Benimaru urged as he started to press into you.
You let out a wordless cry at the initial invasion into your most private place. You can feel your entrance stretch to accommodate him. The sensation a duality of pleasure and pain. And it was only the first few inches. Finally, agonizingly slowly, he was fully inside you. The kijin raining kisses down over your face and neck and everywhere else his lips could get to as you held on to him. His back tight under your fingers as he was very clearly straining to wait for you. “I’m alright, Benimaru. Please. Continue.”
You felt him nod against your shoulder before his hips pull back away from yours, then forward back into you. You both moan at the initial slow thrust. The feeling indescribable and compounding with each shallow thrust. “[Y/N]….”
“Mmmm…Benimaru….” You moan back when he said your name. “You can…go faster….” Not that you weren’t enjoying this slow entanglement, one could only describe as love making, you could tell that he was holding back and it was hard for him. “I..I want you. Please….Make me your woman.”
“I did warn you.” His voice sounded hard now, in comparison to the soft words he’d whispered to you earlier, and you think you hear the sound of nails scratching against the floor mat by your head.
His hips pull back again, this time practically pulling out of you, before they slam back in. You let out a loud cry. One readily identified as one not of pain. Then all you can do is hold on. Your arms wrap tight around Benimaru’s neck as he pounded into you. Before, where you had tried to roll your hips up to meet his thrusts when they had been soft & gentle, all you can do now is lay under him and take it. And become a babbling mess it seemed.
“Ah~! B-Benimaruuu! S-So good! Don’t stop!”
“I have no intention of stopping.” His words were stern. The cool seriousness of his intention to keep claiming you made your walls quake around him. “You’re my woman now. This body is mine. I’ll remind you of it every day if I have to. You’ve possessed me to the point of madness with this love. I can never let you go.” His tongue laved at the sweat collecting on the skin of your neck. Following it up to the back of your ear before his teeth bit into the soft flesh there. You let out a yelp, and call his name again, before you were cumming. Your nails biting him back into his shoulder.
“Ah! [Y/N]! Too tight. It’s too tight. I’m gonna-!” His hard thrusts come to a staggering halt as he spilled his seed inside you. Holding there before his hips roll softly against you as his cock continued to twitch its release.
He collapsed on top of you once it was finished. Your bliss worn body not seeming to care about the extra weight as you held him against your bosom and both tried to catch your breath. Rested, but not to say recovered, the ogre lifted himself up off your body and pulled out. You wince as he did. Those hard thrusts catching up to you, and suddenly feeling at a loss without him inside you. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You look over to Benimaru, who had apparently seen you flinch, and was looking concerned. “No. Just a little sore.” He looked a little ashamed at that and muttered an apology to you. “Don’t,” you tell him. Reaching on to touch his chest. “It’s not as if I was really complaining.”
You both blush, despite everything you’d just done, still apparently shy about intimacy, before he slid over to you. “Are you sure you’re alright? About everything?”
You nod. Both of you laying on your side to face each other. His fingers caressing your cheek before moving down to the love mark he’d nipped into your skin. “Yes. I meant what I said. I don’t regret it.” You weren’t foolish enough to think that you were going to be instantly happy as husband and wife now. You were basically starting fresh. Starting anew. Though you knew a lot about each other, you had to relearn things and uncover new things as only a spouse would know. It would take time. But you were happy enough for now to at least try to start this new chapter with Benimaru. “You’re not going to kill the envoy before he leaves tomorrow, are you?”
The man let out a boisterous laugh and wrapped his arms tight around you in a hug. “No. I would never disrespect Rimuru-sama like that. As long as he leaves, I’m satisfied. But if he touches you between now and then, I make no promise on the guarantee he will leave with all his limbs.”
The envoy, it seemed, was clever enough to take the hint in not touching you. The murderous aura & killing intent of the red kijin seemingly always just behind you making that clear. You decline his invitation to join him in Blumund. Telling him that the only time you would come to the city to visit him was with your husband. He again took the hint and left without comment. Rimuru-sama gave Benimaru a stern talking to about scaring their allies and ambassadors to their country, but you could also see that he wasn’t very serious about it. He seemed pleased enough that things had worked out, that you were staying, and his beloved friends were happy.
Ever the wonderfully problematic life in Rimuru City.
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