#I have many thoughts about pippin took
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I don't think that Pippin Took is not intelligent, or smart.
I think he's an incredibly bright, young hobbit with the self-preservation of any 16-year-old human who just wants to know and understand everything.
Going by the books (because I love Pippin in the books), it's fairly clear that he quite clever, just reckless and very, very curious to the point that not knowing something is an irritating itch that he just has to scratch.
To me, Pippin seems like the kind of child who was told that he asked too many questions and needed to sit down and be quiet, which led to him seeking answers himself, regardless of how dangerous it might seem. Hence dropping the stone down the well (who doesn't want to see how deep a very dark pit goes?), touching the palantír (in his defense, he didn't really want to but he felt something pulling him towards it. Whether it was his curiosity or something ulterior in the palantír is up for interpretation in my mind), even joining the conspiracy to uncover what Frodo was really doing when he sold Bag End.
Pippin is just someone who craves knowledge and is unafraid to go and find answers himself, probably because everyone constantly tells him that he asks too many questions and that he can't possibly wish to know everything.
#There's a lot to unpack here#A lot of people may think that's still very childish of him#Which is foolish#Because there's nothing wrong with wanting to know everything#But I think it also reinforces Pip's naïvety and youth#My mini analysis is that Pippin represents youtu and all things associated with#And the impact war and the world and growing up in general has on young people#But also the resilience and hope of children and younger people too#There are many little tidbits in the book that nod to pippin being very intelligent#I'll have to compile a list#But it's not the obvious traits of knowing absolutely everything#Because intelligence isn't the amount of knowledge you have#But (in my mind) the amount of knowledge you seek#Every “foolish” act he seems to do is because he's seeking answers to questions that people won't tell him#Which is pretty typical if someone who's stubborn bright and very curious#And probably also highlights that he's been told to stop asking questions a lot when he was younger#So instead of asking he finds out for himself#Which makes sense because hobbits are very reclusive folks#Who don't want to know/care about dealings outside the shire#And as long as they have their comforts everything is well#I mean hobbits are very quick to spread rumours instead of finding out the truth#Perhaps Pippin's curiosity was the catalyst to him being involved in the journey at all#Perhaps he didn't believe that Frodo had gone bankrupt#Or wanted to know why#Or how he lost all of Bilbo's money#Anyway#I have many thoughts about pippin took#Pippin took#Peregrin took#Lotr
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Got inspired recently to write a Legolas x Reader angst fic, but I'm not sure if there's a market for it. Will possibly continue if people are interested :)
(Part two || Part Three)
“Lady Arwen, may I ask a question of you?” Asked Frodo, looking up to the tall she-elf who stood before him. He had followed her fluttering navy skirts into one of the lush, green courtyards within the citadel of Rivendell. Originally, he had been searching for someone else in particular but had trouble finding her. Naught for lack of effort, but it had only been a few days since the incident on Weathertop, and he was yet to become accustomed to the breezy walkways of the forest city. He figured that is if he could not find the she-elf he had the intention of finding, then the lady Arwen would surely have answers. Arwen turned to face Frodo with effortless grace, and Frodo found himself once again understanding the admiration Strider had for her.
“Ask away young hobbit,” Arwen encouraged with a soft smile on her face.
“Who was the lady that rode with us to Rivendell? In my delirium I did not see her face and I was to thank her for her efforts,” Frodo asked in return, thinking of the (H/C) hair which flowed on the accompanying dappled horse behind him. He had searched for another maiden but had yet to see her. Arwen’s smile softened even more if possible, and a care took over her eyes.
“That is Elron’s youngest daughter, my sister (Y/N),” Arwen replied sweetly, clearly remembering her sister fondly at the mention of her name. “She is one of our finest riders and is quite knowledgeable in many arts. She rode with us as a precaution, Strider feared your injury graver than what it thankfully was.”
“Where can I find her?” Frodo questioned further, eager to see the youngest child of Rivendell again. Her touch had been tender and kind, and Frodo was not the type of Hobbit to not properly thank those who had helped him. Arwen’s face however fell slightly in the slightest of ways, a quiet grief overtaking her eyes while her soft smile remained for Frodo.
“She will be in her chambers now. She does not oft leave them…” Arwen trailed off, her body turning towards one of the many quarters in Rivendell, evidently (Y/N)’s. Frodo raised an eyebrow at this, and he continued his line of inquiry.
“Why does she lock herself away? Especially with all the visitors here now,” Frodo commented, thinking to how the day before numerous messengers, nobles, and representatives from all corners of Middle Earth. He himself had been overwhelmed, and he recalled hiding behind a balcony with the other Hobbits. Merry and Pippin had joked about all the royalty that had arrived, while Sam and himself simply watched. They had never seen so many important people in one place, and Frodo’s stomach had grown heavy knowing it was about the burden he now carried. That was partly why he had tried to find (Y/N) in the first place, he wanted to occupy his mind with thoughts beside that of the Ring.
“The man she loves is here,” Arwen replied lightly. Frodo raised an eyebrow at this.
“So then why is she hiding away instead of seeking his company?” He inquired further.
“He does not love her in return,’ Arwen’s tone was light, but Frodo could tell by her gaze, which still lingered on her sister’s chambers, that there was a slight grief to her words. Frodo was startled by this, thinking of the (H/C) haired lady’s ethereal beauty that rivaled that of the elf in front of him. He thought of how she effortlessly kept up with her sister and was unflinching in her dedication to helping him. Both of Elrond’s daughters had been dauntless in the face of danger, and even if Arwen’s courage was more forthcoming, he had heard (Y/N) instructing her sister of the route, aiding in their swift return.
“What happened, if I may ask?” Frodo asked softly, looking up hopefully to Arwen as she turned once again towards him. Her hair fell softly from her shoulders as she turned forward, before she gracefully seated herself on one of the many marble benches that occupied the courtyard. She gently pet the empty spot next to her on the bench, inviting Frodo forward to sit with her. He did as she said, however with a bit more difficulty as he clambered up, hurling himself on top with his upper body strength.
“It is a tale well-known to all Elves, so I see no reason to keep it from you dear Frodo,” She replied, before sighing softly.
“(Y/N), as Elrond’s youngest daughter, has always felt a need to prove her value. Since she was a young elfling she engrossed herself in studies of nature, manners, politics, battle, all areas she was allowed to. She was always outgoing, in fact I have fond memories of beckoning her to climb down from the tall trees surrounding Rivendell. My entire family cared dearly for her, she is my only sister, and being the youngest girl she is treated as fragile. Despite her efforts to prove herself worthy of admiration from others, I know my sister is insecure of her worth beyond being a high-born elf. Father, however, was immensely proud of her, and upon seeing her interest and natural aptitude in politics asked her to accompany him on diplomatic journeys since she was a girl. That is when she first met the elf she loves.
On a journey to Mirkwood she met their Prince, Legolas, a skilled archer and sworn protector of Mirkwood’s forest. She had previously struggled to prove herself in front of other high elves but found herself floundering even more upon meeting the prince. In the words she shared with me when she returned from this trip, he was tall, handsome and unfathomably skilled in archer and leadership. At that time, he was the head of a division of Mirkwood’s forces, and I believe he himself was struggling to prove himself to his father. (Y/N), upon seeing herself in Legolas, made great efforts to impress him with her skills. Legolas did not take well to it at first, believing her to try and embarrass him in front of his father, the king of Mirkwood. He retaliated with similar efforts, ultimately causing great rivalry between the two.
It was this way for decades, and I saw firsthand their hatred towards each other when Legolas came to Rivendell with his father. I could tell however that beneath her hateful façade, (Y/N) cared deeply for Legolas. The few times they were not fighting they would sneak off together, and although (Y/N) told me they were simply competing to see who was more adept in various skills, my brothers and I could tell that she was falling quickly for the blonde-haired prince. Slowly, over a long time, Legolas softened toward my sister, and they often snuck away from the respective citadels to spend time together in the forest. I caught them both once, in a similar position to my sister when she was younger. They sat upon the top branches of one of the highest trees bordering Rivendell, laughing heartily to each other as they gazed across the landscape together.
At one point father suggested an alliance between Mirkwood and Rivendell through their marriage, but I was quick to inform him of my sister’s true, underlying feelings. Though she had confessed to me that she was falling for Legolas, she feared he did not feel the same. She recounted to me all their time together, the soft touches and tender words which had made her fall under his spell. They had a shared love of the forest which has ultimately led to the end of their rivalry, and the beginning of their shared companionship. She told me about how once Legolas had absent mindedly given her a purple wildflower which sprouted from their favourite shared tree, and that she had it pressed in her favourite book. Although she knew she was infatuated with him, she also thought that Legolas did not love her the same, let alone think of her that way. Upon telling her of father’s suggestion, she endeavoured to tell Legolas her feelings herself to confirm her thoughts.
Father held a feast in honour of Legolas and his father, and (Y/N) asked Legolas to sneak away with her. Soon after Legolas returned to the feast without her. I rose to find her, but Legolas halted me in my efforts before going to find her again himself. Days later, when Legolas and his father had left to return to Mirkwood, I found her sobbing in her chambers. She told me all that had happened. She had told Legolas of her love and admiration for him, and he had frozen for a moment, before responding that he did not love her in return. She had fled to her chambers, only for him to find her later and stay by her side late into the night as she cried. Apparently, he claimed to care deeply for her despite not loving her and could not bring himself to leave her in such a state. He watched her sob throughout the night, before she finally could not bare his presence anymore and bade him leave her chambers the following morning. For many moons she did not leave her chambers, and I feared she may die of a broken heart. When Elves love someone so strongly, it may chance destroy us. Although in recent years she has left her chambers, she still refuses to see Legolas and hides herself away whenever he visits. That is why even now, when Middle-Earth is in most peril, she cannot find it in herself to face him,” Arwen finished, before her eyes lit up softly as she gazed at her sister’s chambers. Frodo, after finally processing the heavy tale presented to him, followed her gaze to finally spot (Y/N). She had emerged from her chambers to stand on her balcony, her own eyes unusually heavy for an elf. She was smiling softly to Arwen, though it did not reach her eyes, or even her cheeks really. Her gown, a gorgeous flowing violet that most vibrant of flowers Frodo had ever seen, was slightly crumped, and Frodo assumed this was due to her hiding away in her chambers. (Y/N) waved enthusiastically to Arwen, clearly trying to summon as much energy as she had to greet her sister and the Hobbit beside her. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair flowed in the light breeze, creating a halo around her form.
As Frodo waved back kindly to her along with Arwen, he found himself wondering who Legolas truly was, and how he could reject this beautiful elf. From what Arwen inferred; Legolas had not exactly made an effort to repair (Y/N)’s trust after her confession. There was a distinctive rumble of two sets of boots along the marble floors which led to the courtyard, and Frodo turned to see who was disturbing the peace of the greenery he shared with Arwen. As he and Arwen turned to face who had approached them, the two smiled upon seeing Strider, or rather Aragorn. Arwen rose quickly to greet her lover, while Frodo looked beyond the embracing couple to view the other man behind them. A tall, lean and blonde elf stood behind them, watching them embrace with an almost unreadable expression. His posture was refined, and Frodo found his eyes trailing to the quiver strapped to the elf. He was an Archer. He watched as the elf’s eyes turned to where Frodo had been looking before, looking sad and longing. Frodo turned, desiring to see (Y/N)’s react to the elf, only to see a peak of her violet skirts retreating back into her chambers. Oh. This elf must be Legolas.
“Frodo, I want to introduce you to Legolas, my close friend and confidant,” Aragorn confirmed Frodo’s thoughts as he turned back to face the three taller figures. Aragorn now stood beside Legolas, clasping a hand amiably to his shoulder. Arwen stood beside the two and regarded Legolas quietly. This surprised Frodo, as he assumed that Arwen would harbour hatred for the prince. Instead, she looked at him as if he were a friend, and knowing of Aragorn and Arwen’s relationship, it almost made sense that she did not despise him. Yet, underlying all that outward friendliness, Frodo noted something deeper, almost a look of pity. He did not understand it, but perhaps there was more to Legolas and (Y/N)’s story than what had been shared already.
It was evening in Rivendell now, the full moon illuminating the halls which shone back quietly in return. Legolas found himself drawn towards her chambers after the meeting of the Ring. He would be leaving tomorrow with the Fellowship, and as always when he was in Rivendell nowadays, he felt he had unfinished business. He knew the pathway like the back of his hand, and his feet carried him with a heaviness he felt only in her presence. Usually Legolas was agile, lithe on his feet, but the closer he got to her, the more he felt like a bumbling idiot. Earlier that day he had seen her again, if only a glimpse of face when he had met the ring bearer in the courtyard. (Y/N) had scurried quickly back into her chambers upon seeing him, and Legolas felt mournful as he was unable to see her beautiful face clearly. He endeavoured to at least say goodbye to her, after everything that had happened between them, she was still one of the closest friends he had ever had. As his feet carried him further into the night, he fondly remembered the many times they had spent together. The one that sprung to mind in particular was when he snuck out of the official arrival ceremony once to try and surprise (Y/N) with his presence. Instead of finding her within the citadel of Rivendell, he had found her nestled under a one of the fuller trees in the forest. Shaded completely from the midday sunshine by the evergreen leaves, she sat with a book open and surprisingly, an eagle by her side. The eagle, mighty in wingspan and intimidating in aura, was instead snuggled in her side, hidden partially by her flowing (H/C) locks. Although she was convinced that she was intimidating force, he knew in that moment that her influence and power was one which stemmed from kindness.
Legolas smiled faintly to himself as his mind retraced the memory that it had held so dear, until the smile dropped completely to allow for a solemn frown to occupy his lips instead. He had arrived at her door.
“(Y/N), may I speak with you?” Legolas asked tentatively, his voice almost getting lost in his throat. How long had it been since he had tried to talk to her last? Years, decades, perhaps more? He cursed himself softly, both at his lack of confidence and inability to speak to her. He racked his mind, trying to find a reason for his cowardly actions toward her when suddenly her door opened. There she stood, as beautiful as she had ever been, and yet his eyes were immediately drawn to her tired face, her deep (e/c) eyes flat as her once full cheeks instead showed tracks of tears. This was why he never approached her. Even now, being in her presence he knew what he was doing to her. He was breaking her heart even more, and that broke him in return.
“I know you are leaving tomorrow. I know you are part of the fellowship. I know you came here to wish me goodbye as you may possibly die on the journey. I know you wish to settle this matter between us, but I will tell you again what I told you decades ago,” She spoke directly before breathing in deeply, and Legolas once again saw that sharp mind he admired so. It wasn’t just that she could his mind now, no she had been doing it to everyone for over a century now.
“(Y/N), wait-” Legolas attempted to interject while she was drawing in breath, but she spoke over him.
“I am unable to stop loving you Legolas, and it seems my burden to bear that I will love you until I die. So, if you came here to try and make amends, then I am sorry, but unless you have suddenly decided you love me back, then my feelings have not changed. I will think of you often on your quest and do my best to keep you safe where I can,” She whispered the last part softly as tears started to stream down her face again, and she paused to give Legolas the right of reply. Once again though he hesitated, despite his heart straining and hurting at her words, her confession and the tears that would not give her respite. He cared for her so deeply, deeper than he had Tauriel or anyone else platonically or elsewise, including Aragorn. Yet he could not say it, not out loud or to himself. (Y/N) could see this, her broken (e/c) gaze dropping to the ground as she moved effortlessly to close the door.
“Goodluck Legolas, I wish you goodnight,” She whispered as he stood there, paralysed once again by her confession. Every time she said those words, told him that her love was undying, Legolas felt trapped in his own body. He couldn’t tell, couldn’t comprehend his own mind in those moments. His body always became overwhelmed, his heartbeat rapidly and he felt as if he may ill. He thought it was because he did not feel the same, that his body was physically reacting negatively to her words. But as he stood outside her door once again, unable to even speak to her because his appearance caused such severe heartbreak, he found himself second guessing everything. On the eve of leaving her again, possibly for the last time ever, he suddenly was unsure what his feelings were. Legolas opted to return to his chambers and chase whatever sleep he could before tomorrow, because he knew in his bones that there was nothing he could do tonight. Besides, he could decode his feelings over the many gruelling months ahead of him.
As Legolas walked with the fellowship out of Rivendell, he couldn’t help but look back longingly towards the forested citadel. Arwen had wished them goodbye, but her sister, as usual for Legolas, was nowhere to be seen. His heart yearned to see her again, and Frodo picked up on the Elf’s gaze quickly. As they walked further away, Rivendell barely a vision, Frodo finally spoke up, directing his words quietly to Legolas.
“Do you love her?” Frodo asked, a concerned look for his companion on his face. Legolas brushed his blonde hair out his face, frowning. He had heard this question many times, but finally this time, he had a different answer.
“I don’t know.”
#LOTR#lord of the rings#legolas#legolas x reader#legolas greenleaf#x reader#legolas x you#legolas x y/n#aragorn#fellowship of the ring#lord of the rings fellowship of the ring#lord of the rings x reader#lotr x reader#lotr#arwen#Frodo
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Some highlights from the Director/Writer Commentary of The Return of the King with Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, and Fran Walsh:
As they mentioned in TTT, they were originally going to put the Smeagol vs. Deagol fight as a flashback during the Dead Marshes. Before they decided to use it to open RotK, their placeholder idea for a scene to open RotK was to do a sped-up helicopter shot from the Paths of the Dead, across the plains of Edoras, to the Golden Hall where Aragorn wakes up from a nightmare (and then goes and talks to Eowyn). Very glad they went the direction they did!
In the final shot they used when Smeagol takes the Ring out of Deagol's hand, the actor playing Deagol actually blinked, but they liked Andy Serkis' performance so much, they had Weta go in and freeze Deagol's eyes so they could use the shot XD
You know, I forget sometimes that they didn't even have Saruman in the theatrical cut at all. Boggles the mind.
In the scene where Aragorn comes out of the Golden Hall and goes to stand next to Legolas, who's looking out at the night...Viggo and Orlando weren't in the country at the same time, so they shot them separately and then put them together @_@
You know, I never thought about this before, but when Gandalf touches Pippin's face, they had to make sure his hands looked extra big! So they used an actor called Big Paul, who had the biggest hands they could find, and Ian McKellen directed him for how to move his hands in the shot XD And Big Paul is the Rohan guard who gets shoved aside when Merry and Aragorn rush up to the top of the wall to watch Gandalf and Pippin leave!
THEY SHOT A SCENE OF LEGOLAS TALKING TO TREEBEARD ABOUT THE ELVES LEAVING MIDDLE-EARTH?!?!?!?!?!?! :O Originally, it was going to link the Isengard scenes to the scene of Arwen and the other Rivendell Elves going through the forest, but then because of all the Edoras stuff in between, the connection was lost. They also said something about Legolas reciting a poem! And joked again about putting it into the 25th anniversary edition. THAT TIME IS COMING UP, PETER JACKSON!!!! I WANNA SEE THIS SCENE!!!!!!
a;lkdsjs;kdfljds;fjl NOW THEY'RE JUST TEASING US. They talked about a "library scene" during the whole sequence where Arwen goes back to Rivendell and confronts Elrond about how he saw her son, etc. They wouldn't say what happened in the "library scene," but talked about how they should include that in the 25th anniversary edition too. a;ldkfjs;dkfljsd;kfljdslfk
The people on set who had a crush on Sean Bean were called "Beanstalkers"! XD That's the best; every fan to this day ought to call themselves that!
Similarly to the scene with Legolas and Aragorn, the little bit with Legolas and Gimli as everyone's getting ready to leave Edoras was filmed separately because Orlando and John weren't in the country at the same time. So they filmed Legolas' shots with Brett, John's scale double, then filmed John's shots later, filming both of them against greenscreen. Then they took some unused footage from the Edoras set and put it in the background. It just boggles my mind how many of these cobbled-together scenes there are, because it feels so much like all the characters are together in the real location!
RED ALERT RED ALERT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!! They mentioned Beregond!!!! 8D When talking about why they put in the scene where Pippin and Faramir talk (when Faramir says the uniform Pippin's wearing was made for him when he was a child), in order to forge the connection between them that will ultimately lead to Pippin saving Faramir's life, they talked briefly about Beregond! They describe him taking Pippin under his wing, showing him about the city, and called the relationship between them "quite sweet" :3
Another little connection between Pippin and Faramir I don't think I've ever thought about before, that apparently Billy Boyd thought about when doing these scenes, is that Pippin is the only son of the Thain of the Shire, so there may have been a certain amount of pressure and expectation on him. Obviously, he's so young and probably didn't spend too much time worrying about that while scampering about the Shire, but maybe that's something he thinks about while watching the way Faramir and Denethor interact. Maybe a contrast to the way he would interact with his own father, maybe a reminder of the way he would be scolded? Hard to say, but it's interesting to think about.
Uuuuuuughghghg, so frustrating to listen to them talking about the scene on the steps where Frodo sends Sam away DX No matter how many times and how many different ways they explain why they did it, the explanations never quite make sense to me. "We needed there to be more tension." WHY WAS IT NOT TENSE ENOUGH THAT THEY WERE GOING INTO THE LAIR OF A HUGE EVIL SPIDER?! "There wasn't really anything happening on the steps otherwise." YEAH, BECAUSE YOU PUT THE WHOLE CONVERSATION ABOUT STORIES IN THE PREVIOUS MOVIE! Also, why not just cut from one or two shots of them climbing this awful staircase to a shot of them entering the cave? "There needed to be a payoff for Gollum's scheming." WHY WAS GOLLUM BETRAYING THEM TO SHELOB NOT ENOUGH OF A PAYOFF?! "We knew InStInCtIvElY that Frodo needed to enter the cave alone." WHY? WHY?! I've never understood that. They get separated eventually in the book, so why not just ramp up the tension of that in the movie, instead of making the characters so OOC? "We knew it would shock readers of the book, and if we'd changed that, what else might we have changed?" You know...I really, really love these movies, and I appreciate what these three were able to accomplish so much...but sometimes I kind of hate them too -_-
The horses didn't want to walk down the hill on the cobbled streets of Minas Tirith, because their steel shoes were so slippery on the stones. So they all had to be re-shod with rubber shoes. What were horseshoes made of back in ye olden days, though? Iron? Did people run into the same problems back then?
I never really noticed this before, but Aragorn never wears Anduril on his belt! He straps it to his horse, and every time you see him with it, he's just holding the naked blade. This is because they made Anduril so long it was really hard for him to wear it from his belt or to pull it out of the scabbard in a natural way XD
The aerial shot of all the Rohirrim leaving Dunharrow was originally shot to show Gandalf's cart heading into the Shire, but since they didn't use it for that, they repurposed it for RotK!
To get Elijah Wood to foam at the mouth when he's stung by Shelob, they gave him two Alka-Seltzer tablets to put in his mouth and work up some foam with his saliva. I've always wondered how they do that sort of thing in movies, but no one's bothered to explain until now....
Sean Astin's audition scene was holding Frodo after Shelob ;A; Apparently, they (or at least Philippa Boyens) were a little skeptical that an American actor would be able to do Sam's character right, but actually a lot of the English actors who auditioned for the role had a hard time with the Shelob aftermath scene, but Sean nailed it :')
Other than the close-ups, they used a dummy for Faramir on the pyre most of the time. Now I'm just imagining John Noble crouching on top of the pyre, cradling a dummy XD
The first Orc that Aragorn kills on Pelennor fields is played by his son Henry! XD
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME. They actually filmed Sam pushing past the sort of psychic barrier of the Watchers at the gate of Cirith Ungol, but they didn't put it into the extended edition! I love that part. Like...I'm not even sure why, but I've always thought that was such a cool little detail, and I've always been a bit bummed it wasn't in the movie, though I was thrilled to see the actual Watchers at least there as a sort of homage. And all along, they'd actually filmed something for that after all and I never knew! :O
You know, I never thought about it before, but it makes sense that they had to replace the sky digitally in a lot of scenes in Mordor, because of course when they filmed it, the sky wasn't always completely cloudy, but Mordor needs to have a complete cloud cover at all times.
When Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens first saw the footage of Sam carrying Frodo up Mt. Doom, they sent a fax (lolol 1999/2000 technology) to Sean and Elijah. They made the first page look all formal and official, and then on the second page it just said, "You made us cry." :')
Andy Serkis refused to have Gollum stand on two feet until the scene in the Crack of Doom. There were a few times that PJ directed him to lurch onto his feet or something, but Andy wouldn't do it. He wanted to show the difference in Gollum physically when he has the Ring again. What a cool detail!
Originally, the whole part where Frodo's hanging off the ledge and Sam is begging him to reach for him happens after the Ring is destroyed. It's really interesting to consider the slight nuances of how different that would be. The final version makes it almost seem like the Ring is still calling to Frodo, like he wants to fall into the lava and join it, whereas originally it was more like "I've lost the Ring and now I have nothing left to live for."
PJ made a sweet comment in the scene where everyone bows to the four hobbits: "This is a moment where there's always a huge sniffle in the audience when the movie's going, and it's usually me." XD
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! They shot scenes of what happens to the other characters when the hobbits return to the Shire! There is footage out there somewhere of what Legolas and Gimli do, what happens with Faramir and Eowyn!!!! ;aldkfjsd;fkldslfkjd 25th anniversary edition LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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More Reading Thoughts: The Prologue
I will never not love Tolkien’s framing device of “my fantasy epic is 100% a translation of an ancient historical book like Beowulf, it’s totally real, you guys, definitely”
“[Bullroarer Took] was surpassed in all Hobbit records only by two famous characters of old; but that curious master is dealt with in this book” is an incredibly intriguing line to me. You’d think it refers to Frodo and Sam, because of what they did to destroy the Ring—but the rest of the hobbits didn’t really care all that much about that. They saw Sam as just another mayor (if a very tenured one) and Frodo as a strange recluse. I think this line refers to Captains Meriadoc and Peregrin, actually, for their courage and leadership during the Battle of Bywater.
“To the last battle at Fornost with the Witch-lord of Angmar they sent some bowmen to the aid of the king, or so they maintained, though no tales of Men record it.” This cracks me up. First of all, the fact that hobbits claim to have sent some aid to the King’s war, but either they’re lying or mistaken or they’re literally so small and unremarkable that everyone completely forgot they were there. Secondly, this is the first and not the last time hobbits are gonna be a pain in the Witch King’s butt
“They were, in fact, sheltered, but they had ceased to remember it” is a line that goes so hard bruh
Today’s vocabulary word is “ramify, v: form branches or offshoots; spread or branch out; grow and develop in complexity or range.” So “large and ramifying tunnels”, in this case, paints the picture of the hobbit holes sprouting rooms and hallways that branch off like tree roots. Fascinating.
The fact that Merry probably has some Stoor blood in him still makes me giggle because they’re the only hobbits that could grow any sort of beard. I still maintain the headcanon that Merry has three (3) hairs on his chin, and he shaves them regularly and is inordinately proud of them.
“Sometimes, as in the case of the Tooks of Great Smials, or the Brandybucks of Brandy Hall, many generations of relatives lived in (comparative) peace together in one ancestral and many-tunnelled mansion.” That little interjection of “comparative” was not mine, it’s right there in the text, and it has me cracking up X-D
Merry’s little personal asides in “Concerning Pipeweed” are absolutely darling—including the shade at Breelanders, the almost wistful descriptions of how much better the plant grows in Gondor, and the fond way he speaks of Gandalf.
Okay so I once claimed that the book never refers to Frodo as Bilbo’s nephew, only as his young kinsman; but here at the end of section three he is actually called “Frodo his favorite ‘nephew’”, with the quotation marks and all. So the idea is already planted in our minds that their relationship is sort of avuncular (throwback to that old vocab word!) before we start the story.
“With [Thorin’s company Bilbo] set out, to his own lasting astonishment…” 🤣🤣🤣
Boy I still need to do Bilbo-With-Glasses someday
Tolkien taking several pages of prologue to explain the inconsistency of the riddle game in The Hobbit will never not be funny
“And no one else in the Shire knew of [the Ring’s] existence, or so he believed.” Except for Merry, who watched him put it on to escape the Sackville-Bagginses that one time.
It’s called the Red Book of Westmarch because it came from Undertowers!! Guarded by the Fairbairns!! ELANOR’S KIDS!! HI HELLO I’M HAVING EMOTIONS
“The original Red Book has not been preserved, but many copies were made, especially of the first volume, for the use of the descendants of Master Samwise.” I AM HAVING ✨EMOTIONS✨
The fact that Merry wrote so many books and Pippin wrote none is honestly so in-character for both of them
And Merry frequently visited Rivendell!! You guys I cry
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Something I don’t see a lot of people talk about is the fact that Pippin has three older sisters! I imagine that he’s very close with them and they’re very protective of him because he’s the baby of the family. How did they feel when he was on the journey? I mean the fellowship was gone for over a year (closer to two if I’m not wrong?). Did they think he died? Their baby brother going off on an adventure in the big scary world with their older cousins and then not coming back for so long? Dude they were probably so scared. Pippin is really young. Like 17 comparatively for hobbits? And then their home gets destroyed. They’ve never seen conflict in their lives at all. All of a sudden no where is safe. Then their baby brother shows up three inches taller in armor from a far away kingdom and saves the shire. I have many more thoughts about them but I just I think that we should talk about the Took siblings more :)
#lotr#lord of the rings#the lord of the rings#pippin took#peregrin took#pimpernel took#pervinca took#pearl took#took siblings
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Lord Of The Rings With a Platonic, Child Reader From Our World
Characters included : Frodo Baggins, Legolas, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin ' Pippin ' Took and Meriadoc ' Merry ' Brandybuck
Note(s) : They don't have the time to turn around, so you sort of get roped into joining them, at least until they find a place for you to stay.
Also, in this the reader knows about the Jackson movies but never really paid attention to them, and they haven't read the books.
Frodo Baggins
Ah, yes, Frodo. Resident ring bearer and anxiety magnet. He was quick to defend you if any suspicion arouse of your random arrival, you're a human and can't even reach his height, the Hobbit that can't reach an elves or humans chest, so, you must be incredibly young. Because of this, Frodo can't help but want to help you, especially on the quest.
He's very sweet and caring with you and makes sure you get enough rest. Frodo can't exactly carry you, so if you get too tired to walk the most he can do is hold your hand and guide you along. Despite that, he helps in other ways.
Like how he's always giving you extra food and maybe even a spare coat or blanket that's laying around, he makes sure you get enough sleep even if it means he gets less. Given he's the most important part of this mission to destroy the ring, he's usually a bit babied and overprotected, not so much that's it's immediately noticeable, but it's there.
So, he understands how annoyed you can get when it happens with you, though he definetly thinks your situations are different considering he's technically an adult and you aren't even close to being one.
Frodo isn't too sure how to help you when it comes to you being afraid, or angry, or even just in a state of depression about your situation. He doesn't exactly realise how strange and overwhelming it must be for you, until or if you begin to start wearing down mentally. His solution is to try and read you stories, no, he didn't exactly bring any books with him, but he has certain books memorised.
It may help, it may not, but the thought is what counts, and he is trying to help you the best he can with the unfortunate situation he's in.
If you ever claim to know him or the fellowships story, maybe Bilbo's, or even accidently letting in on events to follow, he's stunned. At first given the fact you claimed to be from a land nobody, not even Gandalf, has heard of, the strange reactions you had to their foods and way of life, among many, many other things, he became convinced you weren't human. That, or you were from a different time, the future specifically, he'd never fully believe it or bring it up, but it's always a sneaking suspicion you aren't what you claim.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe village, you're clearly unhappy, wanting nothing more than to stay with the Hobbit who helped you through your toughest hours. Yet, he understands you mustn't come with him, it's far too dangerous for you. And so, he leaves, leaving you heartbroken.
When he eventually returns, the ring destroyed, Middle Earth saved, he can't help but feel empty. His time spent with you becomes short lived, a few months at most, before he decides to move on, leaving you alone again, I suppose it makes leaving Middle Earth to return home easier, but all the more bitter.
Legolas understood how weak humans are compared to his kind, and to see a human child so alone made his heart break. He couldn't help but become your protector, especially when you seemingly had no idea how to function in this world. Sometimes, if you're too tired and the rest of the group isn't, he'll pick you up, it can make you feel a little weak, but he assures you it's just because you're young. He'd treat any other child the same.
I think he may be one of the few to actually understand in part what you mean when you say you aren't 'from here'. He won't clock in immediately, but after seeing just how different you viewed life and just everything in general, how you can't do the most basic of tasks without some help, or how you looked at him with such familiarity, there's just a lot he notices that makes him raise a brow.
If you tell him, Legolas may believe your making it up, you're a kid after all, one that's going through a lot. But, after realising you're dead serious he wracks his brain trying to remember if anybody has ever mentioned something like this happening. He wants to try and help you go home, and plans to bring you home with him so he can find a solution somewhere. And if he can't find one? He wants to help you find peace in your predicament as long as you stay there.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe haven, he is sad to leave you behind, you're a little friend, after all. But, he understands it must be done, and explains to you exactly that, which makes the ending a bit more sweet than bitter.
Eventually, he does return, and meets with you once more, he understands that in a blink of his lifetime you'll be dead, but, that doesn't stop him from being your closest ally during all of this. However, you do need to return to Earth. He finds himself mourning you far sooner than he expected.
Samwise Gamgee
Sam becomes a literal dad, you're a random human kid in this traumatic journey to destroy one of the most dangerous items in the entirety of middle Earth, and you claim to have no idea where you are. He's giving you extra food, holding your hand and picking you up, if you get too cold or scared in the night he'll try hugging you for a while and telling you stories of misadventures in the Shire. As plain as they may seem compared to a journey to destroy the most dangerous object in the entirety of Middle Earth.
If you're sad, the most he can do is offer comfort in the way of cuddling, or a story, sometimes he even has to ask Gandalf for help because he's just so lost. Anger is something he can deal with a little better, he holds your hand and tells you why you should be angry, but you shouldn't keep it bottled or use it unfairly against others.
I think at first Sam would just believe you come from a strange human place, and that's why your behaviour is so off. That's until he notices some things, when asked about things he'd consider basic knowledge, you are completely blank, sure, maybe you know what an elf is, but after that you sort of just stare at him confused at what he's talking about. You even believed him to be a dwarf at first!
He asks Boromir and Aragorn if they know any human places that you're talking about, neither know, so he's even more perplexed at what on middle earth you're talking about. He begins to believe you're making it up, he's not condescending like most adults, and he pretends that he understands if to give you some peace of mind, but all it does is make you more frustrated and scared. You just want to go home.
Your short time as friends comes to an end, he must leave further on in the journey, and you must stay behind, you both understand, well, he does and you partly do, all you can do is wait for the ring to be destroyed.
Sam returns, and he takes you back to the Shire with him, where he introduces you to everybody, you're almost like a child to him, but then you leave to go back to Earth. He can't stop his heart from breaking, even more so when Frodo leaves.
Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck and Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
The fact you're incredibly young, found yourself in a traumatic and confusing situation, let's not even mention the fact there's little people with gigantic hariy feet and no shoes, you'll probably try and cope. Whether that's with humor or shutting down, Pippin and Merry are a package deal, no matter if you like them or not, a young and confused presence egnites their curiosity.
Besides, Gandalf specifically told them to not be overbearing and or overwhelm you, so what does Pippin, master of disappointing and angering the grey wizard do? That's right, he becomes overwhelming. And Merry, master of attempting to one up his dear friend, does the exact same.
How they do this depends on your mood, if you're depressed and very shy they'll try cheering you up, asking questions about your home, if that makes it worse? They begin acting even more childish than usual to make you laugh, to the literal pain and torture of Gandalf. But if you're trying to cope with humour, they are more so just tagging along, making jokes that distract you from your pain.
Neither will clock in that you're from an unfamiliar world, sure, you're weird, but so are they. Both assume your strange actions are simply just a result of you being a human, do Boromir or Aragorn act the same? No, but you're a human kid so, that probably factors in somehow.
Both laugh you off if you try to explain the truth, they don't believe you, and reduce it to a good story that they can give to Frodo to write about. You may get angry, sad, or just decide to go with it, neither really notice that you're not lying until someone else points out how dumb that idea is.
When it finally comes time to drop you off, you want to stay with the two, because while they're in part strangers and this is a strange land, they're at least familiar, unlike the place they're basically abandoning you at. Pippin and Merry feel the same, and so sneak you with them.
The situation may become dire, and you probably get incredibly unhealthy and sickly in your time with them, but when it's all over, you feel like you've gained two older brothers. Which will make it so much more painful when you have to say goodbye.
#Lord Of The Rings#LOTR#The Lord Of The Rings#lord of the rings preferences#lotr preferences#LOTR x reader#Lord of the rings x reader#Lord of the rings preference#LOTR preference#LOTR x gn reader#Lord of the rings x gn reader#samwise gamgee#frodo baggins#meriadoc brandybuck#peregrin took#pippin#merry#merry and pippin#frodo#sam#legolas#legolas greenleaf#pippin x reader#merry x reader#frodo x reader#legolas x reader#pippin x gn reader#merry x gn reader#frodo x gn reader#legolas x gn reader
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In Which War Is Safer Than This Family Reunion chapter 3
Bilbo was most decidedly not eavesdropping, people of his age didn’t eavesdrop that would be terribly undignified, for the likes of young Pippin and even he had supposedly matured. Whether he believed it or not…. well he himself had matured in some ways after his own adventure but in others he was bizarrely unchanged. So if when he was passing the library he happened to pass by the dining room and try to catch a glimpse of what all this drama could have been about, well he was a thief after all.
‘Oh I almost forgot,’ said in the tone of someone who had never forgotten anything in her life, ‘I brought some of my Naneth’s baking for afterwards, she’s very excited to meet you by the way darling, I thought you might like to try them,’ the elf maid that he was calling Woman Who Looks Disconcertingly Like A More Passive Aggressive Elrond In A Dress or Elrond Clone for short, said in a cheerful way that made it clear she was setting up to insult someone around the table.
Glorfindel however perked up slightly at this, ‘This wouldn’t happen to be some Doriathrim nut confection would it, my lady?’
She smiled back perfectly pleasantly as she took a polite bite out of the venison in front of her, ‘It would indeed, walnut and pear roulade to be specific.’
Glorfindel leaned over to Elrond and whispered in his ear, ‘Maybe I was too hasty, perhaps this wasn’t such a terrible idea after all. The Sindar I knew in Gondolin certainly knew how to bake and I’d imagine Nimloth is no different.’
However he sent a look to Elrond afterwards making very clear that he took his words back when Elwing continued, ‘I on the other hand, as you might remember from any attempts at lembas during your youth, did not have a very thorough education in such matters due to unforeseen circumstances,’ she chuckled in a way that should have been self deprecating given the statement but with the way everyone in the room tensed and she made direct and ever so slightly manic eye contact with I Know Elves Are Tall But This Is Ridiculous who shot her a smile in return that was perhaps the most terrifying thing he’d ever seen and that included the giant dragon.
She did not stop. ‘You know I detect some Sindarin techniques in the dinner, Celeborn must have taught you, such a good influence and role model for you to have isn’t he?’ Bilbo saw people actually wince. That was even less veiled than all the jabs so far, if anything over this dinner had been remotely restrained.
Still Too Tall But This One Has Black Hair chimed in, with that unique look of someone ready to finally let loose after one probe too many that he recognised from many an awkward party, despite the redhead shooting him a warning look identical and in sync with Elrond’s ‘Really? Because I believe that this meat is cooked exactly how I would have taught him-’
‘Oh you taught him to cook! I wonder how you went about that, everyone was so low on supplies from what I’ve heard of the state of things around then,’ Anxious Looking Blonde Who’d Barely Spoke So Far spoke quickly in a, very obviously to everyone who’d been paying attention so far, futile attempt to assuage tensions.
Cutlery scraped just a little too sharply across plates in the room as Ridiculously Tall smiled appreciatively at the change of subject, ‘Yes there was quite a challenge but we mostly tried survival meals, for in emergencies such as our own and such, we’d start by lighting a good outdoor fire-’
‘Oh of course you’d know plenty about that.’
Anxious Blonde rested his hand on that of Elrond Clone and said ‘Could we please try to be more pleasant? We’ve all come a long way and the important thing is that we’re here with our son-’
Maglor decided to go in for the kill, ‘Earendil, do you really think you ought to weigh in, you do realise the only reason you haven’t been attacked for your parenting style yet is that there isn’t any to critique?’ Well that was so blatant he could understand it without any of the seemingly centuries of context needed to catch the rest of this conversation, wait a moment Earendil-
‘Don’t you dare speak to my husband like that-’
Elrond placed his fork down delicately before slamming his hands onto the table to silence the argument and speaking with a soft fury that Bilbo would have thought him incapable of. It sent shivers running down his spine even knowing Elrond was as kind a person as you could find. ‘Alright, that is quite enough that. Can you not just get on for one dinner? I really didn’t think I was asking too much considering the fact that, if we are being fully honest here, none of you would win any parenting awards for the shambles that was first half century of my life.’
He raised an eyebrow as if inviting anyone to disagree. None did.
‘Oh and another thing. Don’t believe for a minute I don’t know what you’re trying to do,’ he looked pointedly at Tall Black Hair, ‘and it’s not going to work. I asked you to come here because I wanted to see you and I don’t appreciate you attempting to manipulate me into making you leave. I’m frankly insulted you think I’d fall for that, you didn’t raise an idiot; you’re not getting out of this that easily, you kidnapped me, you’re stuck with me now.’
What? Kidnapped- what in the world was going on?! The rest of the conversation barely registered, so great was his confusion, and he slipped back to his rooms in a daze. Several hours later he found Elrond alone in the room picking up shattered dishes from the carpet and his heart broke for him, he must have been trying so hard and Bilbo had tried to believe everything would be alright but it had been impossible to ignore the thundering voices in several languages even from the other side of the house. Elrond turned to greet him while picking a salad leaf out of his hair.
‘Well, that went quite well if I do say so myself,’ Elrond smiled, genuinely cheerful, as if what had just happened was anything less than a worst case scenario for any family gathering. Which was saying something because while the good family reunion was a rare and beautiful thing the disastrous one came in many shapes and sizes and Bilbo liked to think himself in expert in the latter by now but nothing he’d seen or heard before scratched the surface of whatever he’d just witnessed.
He thought of how to enquire tactfully and then decided there was no need to start now, ‘Did it? How did these all get broken then?’
Elrond chuckled, ‘We threw them of course. I think it did rather a lot for all our ease of mind actually, venting and all that. I’ve always said throwing things can help, though this is the first time it’s actually been at my parents rather than pictures of them pinned on doors for knife practice- don’t tell anyone I said that Bilbo. They seemed in a better mood when they left anyway, they all promised to return anyway.’
Bilbo was definitely not imagining the howl of agony he heard from Glorfindel’s chambers down the hall at this last remark.
‘Oh. Well I suppose your family business is your own but I have to say there is one thing that still puzzles me.’
‘Only one? Well go ahead Mr Baggins, ask away.’
‘Who exactly divorced who?’
He did not get an answer, in fact only more questions from the way Elrond broke into a fit of laughter and grabbed a pillar for support. He’d just have to ask Glorfindel then, he seemed to know something.
#silmarillion#tolkien#lord of the rings#lotr#elrond peredhel#bilbo baggins#glorfindel#maglor#maedhros#elwing#earendil#Humor
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"Your father loves you, Faramir, and will remember it ere the end." (The Lord of the Rings, obviously)
I am a Denethor apologist. Yes, he really did some horrible things, but his decent into madness was understandable.
The man thought he could wrestle with Sauron for years, and he paid the price. Denethor is such a tragic character. As his enemy cherrypicked all the worst things for him to see, he fell victim to despair.
And yes, he did love Faramir. Not as much as Boromir, he certainly showed favoritism, but if Faramir had died and Boromir had lived, he still would have wept. Maybe he wouldn't have given up, but he would have mourned.
I breed poultry for exhibition, so I have suffered losses to sickness and predators, and I also cull birds that don't meet the Standard. I am fortunate that I have never yet lost any close family members, and I can only imagine what it is like.
When I lose birds suddenly I can get this apathy and helplessness, and I realize I don't have the control to protect the ones you love. So I try to control the things I can control. I am not a healer. A quick death is easier for me to handle than a bird that is suffering with sickness. I am helpless to help it, usually, except to end it's suffering. While I don't condone how Denethor acted, I can sympathize with him.
It's interesting that Denethor liked Boromir more even though Faramir was more like himself. I guess he had a little bit of self-hate in there somewhere.
Lastly, Denethor's jealousy of Aragorn is kinda understandable. When he was a younger Steward, it is likely that Denethor just worried that Aragorn was better than him, but when he got older, he had been running Gondor well for many years and the Stewards have run Gondor well for centuries and actually didn't see why this upstart (only a year younger than him) should come mess it up.
Obviously, Denethor had some deep flaws, but for a while, I wanted to talk about the trauma that shaped such a tragic character, instead of the flaws that are always talked about.
I would argue that what makes Boromir a beloved character and Denethor a hated one is in the manner of their ends. But Denethor really did live a long and productive life for 89 years before that end.
Also, Pippin Took liked him, and I am optimistic enough to think Pippin is a good judge of character.
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Forge of the Heart
You were sent, along with your older brothers Thor and Loki, to the Council of Elrond on your father, King Odin’s, behalf. While at the Council, you were met with odd stares, especially by the men of Gondor. You took the interaction as one of curiosity, not many have seen an Asgardian, let alone an Asgardian woman. That was until you heard whispers of how a woman was accepted into the discussion chambers and how it may ‘scar your fragile mind”. Before you could speak out on your behalf, Aragorn, a Ranger you had met a handful of times in your travels, spoke,
“That is y/n Odinsdottir. She deserves respect as much as you would show her kin.” You turn your head to Aragorn and give him a nod, he nods back. You take your seat and wait for the meeting to begin. Elrond took his seat and started the meeting. It was about a matter of great importance, what to do with the One Ring. Many shared their opinions, a few of which came from your eldest brother Thor.
“I agree with you Thor Odinson. The ring must be destroyed.” Elrond proclaimed. You looked around the chamber, collections of elves, dwarves, and men all looked around at each other undecided about what to do next. Suddenly, a dwarf with auburn hair and beads in his beard leaps up out of his seat and reaches for his battle axe.
“Then what are we waiting for?” The dwarf, you’d come to know later as Gimli, wields his axe above his head and drives it onto the pedestal on which the ring lay. His weapon shatters as he himself goes flying backward. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the young hobbit, Frodo, keel over and grasp his head.
“The ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft we here possess. The ring was forged in the fires of Mount Doom, only there it can be unmade.” Elrond spoke eloquently. An uproar began in the chamber of who would be the one to take the ring to Mordor. Men, you thought as you rolled your eyes, they always bicker and never come to a resolution. Even your brother Thor joined in on the squabble while you and Loki watched.
“I will take it!” a small voice echoed out. Everyone in the chamber continued quarreling but it caught your attention. The voice became louder as the one who spoke stood up and approached Elrond’s chair. “I will take the ring to Mordor!” Frodo. Those around quieted down and began staring at the halfling. “Though, I do not know the way.” Then, one by one members of the council offered their services to escort the hobbit to his destination. Your brothers, Thor and Loki, watched as the brave members stood in an assembly line next to the halfling while you were waiting for one of your kin to offer their support. But it never came. Fed up with the lack of incentive to help, you stood up from your chair and approached Frodo,
“I will serve you as best I can Master Baggins.” Standing next to the wizard named Gandalf, you glanced and saw Thors eyes, he was displeased.
“Oi! We’re coming too!” Two more hobbits came out from behind the pillars of the chamber. Merry and Pippin were their names.
“Besides you need someone of intelligence on this sort of mission… quest… thing!” You snickered quietly.
“Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”
“Sister, do you understand the gravity of the mission you have signed up for?” Thor's voice boomed through the stone halls as the three of you went to your assigned shared bed chambers.
“I understand there are risks brother.” You sigh, readying your belongings for travel.
“Then perhaps you should rethink this. Come back home instead.”
“And break my vow to Frodo? My honor will not allow it! Besides, neither of you offered your aid, someone from Asgard had to represent.”
“Father will be furious. He told us to only observe.”
“Really Thor, must you always do what Father tells you?”
“As the eldest and next in line for the throne, yes I will do what our king tells us.”
“Even when it’s against your beliefs?” You face your brother, hands on your hips giving him a defiant stare. Loki chortles as he watches from the sidelines. When it came to personality, you were a mix of the two brothers. You are loyal to those you care about, headstrong, and always up for creating mischief. Being the youngest of King Odin's three children, your brothers always teased you were father's favorite and claimed you got away with a lot. Thor, married to Lady Jane, next in line for the throne, had to uphold the responsibility that came with that title. Loki married his longtime friend, Sylvie, you’d swear they were the same person with how similar in personality they were. You? You either declined or ran off every suitor that came calling. Your mother and Queen, Frigga, always badgering you about making your debut in high Asgardian society, you were repulsed by the idea. You would not be caught dead with any pompous dukes that could not spar worth a damn. Nor would you change for any man, they would either accept you for who you were or they were sent packing.
“Brother, you know as well as I we cannot change y/n’s mind. She is as stubborn as a mule. We’ve had our fill of adventures and glory, it’s time y/n to have hers as well.” Loki finally speaks, and he sets his hand on your shoulder. “I just hope you know what you’re doing. Promise me you’ll send a raven if you need help.” You smile at the second eldest and out of the corner of your eye, Thor shakes his head. You place your hands on both of his shoulders and say,
“Thor, I know you care. We’ve dueled countless times and you’ve said yourself that you pity the fool who crosses my path. Brunnehilde ensured that she personally trained me to be the best I could be before we left. Behind all the fury in your eyes, I see that you are scared. You have nothing to fear. I can do this.” Thor shifts his feet back and forth and then scoffs after a moment of silence.
“I do not get scared.” A smile spreads on his face and he grips you into a fierce hug, you hug him back with as much strength. While the three of you don’t always see eye to eye, there is no doubt that your brothers love you, and you them.
#lord of the rings#lotr#frodo baggins#aragorn#legolas#legolas greenleaf#gimli#lotr gimli#gimli son of gloin#merry brandybuck#gandalf#pippin#boromir#the fellowship of the ring#the fellowship x reader#eomer simping disease#eomer#eomer of rohan#eomer x reader#eomer eadig#loki laufeyson#thor odinson#reader insert#female reader#asgardians
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End of Year Fic Recs
Thank you @emyn-arnens for tagging me, it actually made me remember to leave comments on some fics I've read while on holiday. I haven't read or written many fics this year, particularly not long ones, hence why I've gone with my own sections but here we go!
Fics from 2023
Something of Home by @emyn-arnens (G, Faramir & Finduilas of Dol Amroth, <1k) Heartbreaking, precious portrayal of Faramir's relationship with his mother at the time of her death. It is canon to me now.
Something Burrowed, Something Blue by @scyllas-revenge (G, Took/Fairy Wife, 11k) How the Took ancestor met his wife. Funny, sweet and so hobbit-like, I loved Milo and Beryl, the author writes fairy nature perfectly.
cold be sleep under stone by Feanoriel (Ar-Pharazôn, <1k) Ar-Pharazôn in the Caves of the Forgotten. So many chills reading this, the writing style is so vivid, I could feel the undead misery in the darkness.
On These Hither Shores by @emyn-arnens (G, Boromir & Frodo, 3.2k) Frodo and Boromir discuss their hopes and fears. I keep thinking about this fic, it's one of those stories which follows you around and won't let go, it's a great depiction of Frodo and Boromir and their relationship.
The Last Midwinter by @sallysavestheday (G, Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, other fellowship members, 1.3k) Sam and Rosie devise a plan to lift Frodo's spirits. This filled me with so much joy (of the slightly sad kind) it's so sweet.
Untitled by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor (Elros/Elros's wife) I love the complex relationship that is encapsulated in this snapshot and the unsettling youthfulness of the peredhil.
The Farewell Feast by @searchingforserendipity25 (G, Gandalf & Galadriel, 2.4k) Wonderful exploration of Galadriel's thoughts at the end of the Third Age and her relationship with Gandalf.
what the shadows hid by @swanmaids (T, Luthien/Thuringwethil, <1k) Thuringwethil leaves her mark on Luthien. One of those fics where every line is so expertly crafted, flavoured with my favourite horror undertones.
Untitled by @vidumavi (Vidumavi/Valacar) Not enough fics about these two but this is such a heart-warming snapshot of their relationship.
The Broken Shield by @sotwk (G, Thorin, Frerin, Thranduil, Thranduil's wife, 9.5k) In which both Thorin and Thranduil lose one whom they love. Great depiction of elf-dwarf tensions in the midst of their alliance.
Fics from pre-2023
Nine Fingers by Prackspoor (G, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, 6.3k) The hobbits encounter a mysterious stranger on their way home. Such well done suspense, I was so nervous reading this and it's such an interesting concept.
Burn Like Cold Iron by @scyllas-revenge (T, Boromir/OFC, 155k) An absolutely elite take on the ninth walker trope. Funny, heartfelt and perfect characterisation, plus a great main character. All relationships, romantic and otherwise, are so thoughtfully written.
Warming Hearts and Hearths by @starspray (G, Gandalf & hobbits, 1.3k) Gandalf encountering hobbits, what more do you want? My heart was certainly warmed.
Queen Under the Mountain by @imakemywings (T, Dís, Dáin, 2.9k) Such a heart-wrenching exploration if Dís's grief and all the complicated emotions surrounding the return to Erebor.
consuming by siraetha (T, Khamûl, Sauron, <1k) A great concept explored so vividly, I could feel the heat and the horror while reading this.
Use Well the Days by @cycas (G, Círdan/Lalwen, 2.7k) Círdan and Lalwen discuss whether they have a future. I am rapidly warming to this ship and really enjoyed how this fic explores tension between the elves.
The Floor Is Molasses by @scyllas-revenge (G, Boromir, Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, 2.6k) Hobbit chaos plus Boromir lives and of course absolutely hilarious.
My fics from 2023
Too Burdened to Fly (G, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, 3k) A look at Finduilas' thoughts during her final moments.
A Monster in the Shadows (T, Éowyn & Théoden, 3k) In the aftermath of her parents' death, Éowyn is plagued by fear. Nineteen years later, it returns.
At the Death of a Friend (G, Saruman & Galadriel, 3.4k) Saruman has not heard Galadriel's voice in years. But in the aftermath of Gandalf's death, they speak one last time.
And there we go, just about in time for New Year!
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I Will Gladly Be Yours
This was supposed to be my submission for last week’s Weasley Wednesday for the “wet” theme, but alas, my deadbeat brain and personal life got in the way! I hope you enjoy it :)
Word Count: 2K
Pairing: Garreth Weasley x F!MC (house not specified)
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but with some implied impure thoughts
Notes: Read on AO3 [here]

“Tell me again whose bright idea it was to go foraging for potion ingredients in this weather?” MC huffed as she folded her arms.
Garreth chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, MC, we just need a couple more things and then we can head back to the castle.”
She looked up at the looming black clouds that were heading their way. “Let’s just hurry this up, please.”
Earlier in potions class, Professor Sharp paired up everybody and gave each couple a piece of parchment specifying which potion they will need to make in their next class. Garreth and MC were given the task of brewing Draught of Peace; a potion that relieves anxiety and eases agitation. Everyone had to research the ingredients, the preparation and how to stir it all together correctly.
Since Garreth considered himself a prodigy on the subject, he instinctively took lead of the project. Not that MC minded, she rather admired his enthusiasm.
“What else do we need to get?” she asked, nodding at the note Garreth had in his hand. She shivered at the cool gust of wind that blew through them. A reminder that they needed to make haste if they were to beat the weather.
“Let’s see. We need to find the Hellebore plant for the syrup and somehow find a unicorn horn.” Garreth frowned when he mentioned the latter. “I think we’ll struggle to find the unicorn horn unless we go to J. Pippins or Brood and Peck.”
MC bit her lip. It was fairly rare to come across one out in the open since most people acquired it after the animal had passed away of natural causes, and if either shop had any stock, they were sure to charge more than a few Galleons for it. Money they both didn’t have right now.
Garreth rubbed his chin with his fingers. There must be a way somehow! He thought. Their next potions class was in two days’ time, so they didn’t have a lot of time to gather and prepare.
MC’s eyes glanced at the dark clouds again. They were almost above them. The wind had picked up and the temperature was rapidly declining. It wouldn’t be long until the first drops of rain would fall.
“Let’s try the Forbidden Forest,” MC blurted out. She sounded almost desperate. “I’ve heard there’s a unicorn den there. That may be our best hope.”
Garreth’s eyes widened with horror. “Are you mad? The forest is full of dangerous people and creatures! Not to mention every student is banned from entering. If we’re caught, we’ll find ourselves out of Hogwarts before we can say Quidditch!”
MC shrugged. “I’ve dealt with the horrors in there before many times. You’ll be safe with me.”
Garreth took a moment to think about it. What other choice did they have? If they couldn’t buy one, then they had to source it from somewhere!
He exhaled and slowly closed his eyes. “Fine, but let’s make this quick! I don’t want us in there when it’s sundown. I’d hate to become a spider’s dinner!” He shuddered at the thought.
MC agreed. “Then let’s hurry!”
They both decided it would be quicker and safer to travel by broom. They flew above the Forbidden Forest with MC leading the way. She had a rough idea of where the den could be from her many escapades there. She made her descent northeast of the forest with Garreth not far behind her.
As they landed, she immediately pulled out her wand and scanned the area. She remembered that a spider cave was nearby, so there was a risk of the creatures being close.
Garreth mirrored MC with his wand. As much as Gryffindors were known for being brave, he couldn’t deny that he was afraid. He’d only ventured in the forest a few times, but he was never in there for long. He wasn’t a natural duellist by any means, but he could put up a good fight if his life depended on it.
Garreth noticed how MC was in a protective stance in front of him, ready to shield him from any oncoming beasts without hesitation. He rather liked the idea of being cared for in a way that she would be willing to fight off danger. Not many friends would do that.
Friends, he thought. That’s all we are.
Garreth wouldn’t admit it, but he had developed a crush on MC in the last year. He was delighted at being paired “the new fifth year,” as she was known at the time, in potions class. She was the talk of the school because of starting so late and beginning the term in a very… unusual fashion. Not many people can say that they had a near miss with a dragon!
He tried to play it cool by asking her to retrieve a Fwooper feather from Professor Sharp’s office for his “special concoction,” but in true Garreth style, the feather caused the contents to blow up the cauldron and it splattered all over their robes. He thought she would take an instant disliking to him afterwards, but she found the whole ordeal hilarious (much to his relief!).
Ever since then, the pair would spend as much time together as possible. For the first year, she was whisked away by Sebastian a lot of the time doing Merlin knows what! At one point he convinced himself that they must have been courting. However, MC explained that they were only friends, and she harboured no romantic feelings towards Sebastian. Garreth was pleasantly surprised at the revelation and felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Luckily, their sixth and present year left MC with a lot of free time. She didn’t need to fight poachers or loyalists anymore, and Sebastian was currently courting Poppy Sweeting, so he requested MC’s help significantly less.
A blanket of darkness shrouded MC and Garreth and they looked up to whatever sky they could make out through the trees. The storm had arrived.
“Shit! We need to be quick!” Garreth exclaimed, looking around at the few possible directions they could go. “Which way from here?”
MC took a moment to make sure no beasts were nearby. They seemed to be in the clear for now. She turned to her right. “This way! I think the den should be just further down those trees.”
They both took off running in the direction she pointed. They could hear distant noises of a troll battling something, no doubt it could either be spiders or rogue poachers – luckily, they seemed to be going in the opposite direction to where the grunts and roars were coming from.
MC slowed down when she reached a clearing in the trees and carefully made her way behind one of one of them to peek around. Garreth gingerly followed suit and stood directly behind her to also remain sheltered. He was so close he could smell MC’s cherry blossom shampoo, along with her complimentary perfume of citrus and sandalwood. She was intoxicating!
Focus, Garreth!
MC turned to face him in excitement, before realising how close her face was with his. Their lips mere inches away as she could feel his breath.
“Um… we’re here. At the den.” She purred, her eyes purely on his lips.
Garreth noticed her gaze and felt a little surge of confidence within him. He gave a little smile before leaning in-
A sudden loud clap of thunder jolted MC into Garreth’s arms as she gripped his shirt with her fists. Garreth instinctively wrapped his arms around her as he was startled himself.
Dammit! So close! He cursed the weather.
A cool raindrop landed on MC’s cheek, she looked up and saw some of the leaves twitching at the falling rain. She realised her fingers were still entwined in Garreth’s shirt, she blushed and immediately let go to smooth the creases. “I… I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting the thunder to be so close.” She gave a slight embarrassed chuckle.
Garreth pined at the loss of her touch. The warmth where she was against him fading away to a chill. “S’alright,” he sighed.
MC peeked round the tree again. “It looks like the unicorns are away. Come on, let’s check the den before they return.”
They left the cover of the tree and approached the entwined archway that stood in the middle of the glade. The rain began to fall faster and heavier as the thunder and lightning continued all around them. Garreth and MC had little cover, as the thick trees only partially covered the sky from where they stood. MC had resigned herself to the fact that she was going to get soaked, and casually began her search without fuss.
Garreth followed suit and checked in the opposite direction. Every now and again he’d steal a glance towards MC. Her hair now heavy and slick and clinging to her face, the pink hue of her skin could be seen through her white blouse as it clung to her body, and the chemise she was wearing underneath was now peeking through.
MC turned around and noticed Garreth’s stare. His eyes slowly making their way from her face, down to her neck, and then down to where not much was left to the imagination. It took a second before he realised what he was doing and quickly turned his back to her. “I-I’m so sorry, MC,” he gulped. “Please forgive me for my behaviour, it was completely unacceptable.”
Well done, Garreth, you’ve done it now!
He may have been hearing things, but he could have sworn he heard MC giggle! It was hard to make out for definite in this downpour.
The next thing he knew, a hand grasped at his forearm, gliding down before entwining their fingers with his. Garreth’s breath hitched, and he immediately turned around. MC was standing directly in front of him, looking up with a soft, knowing smile on her face. Garreth’s cheeks felt hot as he blushed at the beautiful sight in front of him.
“It’s okay to look,” she purred. She brought his hand up to her lips and slowly kissed his knuckles. Her eyes were firmly locked on his as she studied his reaction.
Merlin! Is this really happening?
It didn’t matter anymore that the rain had made him freezing cold, the girl he loved was kissing his hand! He’d been dreaming of something like this for months, and now it finally looked like it was going to happen!
“MC… what are you doing?” Garreth was breathless. As much as he was enjoying this, he was also slightly perplexed. She had never given him any indication of her affections other than friendship – until now.
MC slowly closed her eyes, allowing the cool rain to wash away the doubts in her mind. It’s now or never.
Before she opened them, she cupped his hand to her cheek and nestled against his touch, allowing his warmth to caress her cool skin.
“Garreth Weasley… you have no idea how long you’ve been driving me crazy,” she whispered. Her eyes finally opened to see that his expression was filled with a mixture of surprise and adoration. Lips slightly parted to exhale his heavy breaths. “My heart swells at just the thought of you. Being near you ignites a fire within the very core of me. And now touching you like this sets that core alight all over my skin.”
Garreth lifted his free hand to sweep some of the wet hair away from MC’s eyes and stroked down her cheek, tracing his thumb across her jawline. He pulled her chin towards his lips and rapidly closed the gap with a passionate kiss. Teeth almost clashing as their tongues swirled in motion together, almost like a dance. It seemed their mouths were a match made in heaven!
MC wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in closer. Garreth moaned into her mouth at the contact – this excited her! She deepened the kiss and they continued for at least a couple of minutes. They both eventually, yet reluctantly, parted their lips to catch their breath. Arms still enveloped around each other.
“Bloody hell, MC. That was incredible!” he panted.
MC giggled. “It seems this excursion in the rain wasn’t quite so tedious after all.”
Garreth chuckled, “We should do it again sometime,” he then softened his smile into a more sincere gaze. “I must confess, I have also been harbouring feelings for you for quite some time now. I guess we were both too afraid to admit it. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, as that alone is precious to me.”
MC held her breath for a moment. She scanned his emerald eyes and they twinkled with a certain truth to his words. “I didn’t want to lose our friendship either, but after the way I saw you look at me just now, I wanted to take the risk. My heart couldn’t bear the ‘what if’ scenarios anymore.”
Garreth exhaled deeply and he leaned his forehead to touch hers. Both slowly closed their eyes, he then whispered:
“I will gladly be yours.”
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#garreth weasley#garreth weasley fanfiction#.weasley wednesday#garreth weasley x mc#weasley wednesday#eternalremorse writes
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pippin is not dumb, nor is he purely for comedic relief
i will die on this hill
#Today on I finished the first half of the two towers book#Which goes up to pippin and Gandalf riding to Minas tirith#My boy is very smart thank you#Friendly reminder that he is also a CHILD#like the equivalent of a 17 year old or something#Some people disagree but logically in my head that makes the most sense#Anyway I have a lot of thoughts about pippin#There are many many thoughts#But he is not dumb#Or just a “fool of a took”#Thank you#That is all#Goodbye#Pippin took#Lotr#Lotr book
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Happy birthday!
I would love to see what playlist Pippin has for Maglor
Thank you!! And let’s see what Pippin comes up with. 🎶
“A song for Maglor?” Pippin repeats, before falling quiet. He looks deep in thought, pondering over your question. Eventually, he asks, “Which one is Maglor again?”
Gandalf sighs. Without further ado, he launches into a long explanation of Maglor’s importance to the First Age – as musician, as king, as an enemy of both Morgoth and quite a few of his own kin.
“–And some say that Maglor is still wandering along the shore, lamenting the loss of his family and the Silmarils.”
“That’s quite tragic,” Pippin murmurs. “It sounds like this Maglor had many sides to his personality.”
“Mm.” Gandalf nods. “Sometimes cheerful, sometimes solemn. Sometimes vicious.”
“I’ve got it!” Exclaims Pippin. “How about “Point of Know Return” by Kansas? It’s got an upbeat melody, but the lyrics are dramatic. Plus, it’s got an ocean theme to it. That seems fitting.”
“That’s not terrible, Peregrin Took.”
“Thanks, Gandalf. I think. Also,” he tells you, “if you don’t like that one, maybe “Blood in the Wine” by AURORA, to play into the drama of Maglor’s life. Here, I’ll have the band play them both for you!”
As the music starts, you thank Pippin and continue on your way at the party. You wonder what Maglor would think of the songs. If he were here, he’d definitely ask Pippin to play the Noldolantë.
Send me an ask for my Tolkien birthday party, Hobbit Style!
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For anyone who's into LOTR I am rereading (again) and took notes on the weirdest/most interesting bits this time:
There are/were other magic rings beside the main ones, which is part of what makes it so hard for other characters to believe that Bilbo's ring is actually The ring
At one point Tolkien jumps into the POV of a random fox walking by our protagonists' camp and then never brings it up again, no big deal
The ever-controversial Tom Bombadil has several other names we just never talk about? And the elves (at least in Rivendell) know about him and have known about him for many years now
They also consider giving him the ring but ultimately decide it would be a bad idea because "he'd probably just lose it"
A lot of what happens to Frodo after he's been stabbed by the Nazgul is less symptomatic of dark magic and more of just...having a severe shoulder injury?? Like "oh no my hand is numb and I'm weak and can't move it, must be the evils of Mordor" bro you probably just have nerve damage and blood loss
Bilbo straight up writes and sings a song about Elrond's dad in front of him and a bunch of other elves in Rivendell like. The audacity.
There's a river called "Wetwang" (yes it's called Nindalf in Elvish, but that's not important here)
Aragorn never tells anyone else that Boromir admitted to trying to take the ring, it's implied he even keeps it secret from Gandalf once he reappears
The "Two Towers" actually refers to Orthanc and Minas Morgal, not Orthanc and Barad-Dur as the films suggest
Eomer has met and possibly was friendly with Boromir
Also Aragorn, who doesn't look that old, straight up tells Eomer he'd met both his father and Theoden when they were younger and he just...has zero reaction?? Like if a guy who looked not much older than me wisely said "ah yes, I met your father and uncle long ago" in a way that implied they'd worked together as somewhat equals I'd be. A little uncertain to say the least.
Oh and he also hung out with Denethor back in the day
Eomer and Gimli have a running disagreement on whether or not Galadriel is real, and if so, how hot she is
This is common ish knowledge but there are elements of actual Old English embedded into Rohan's worldbuilding (esp. the names/ "Rohrric" language) and the whole location is genuinely just Tolkien's fantasy version of Anglo-Saxon Britain. He is very not subtle about it.
And this actually ends up contributing to a main plot in the third book
Instead of the Palantir falling out of Saruman's pocket when he dies like in the movie, Gandalf shoots a spell at Saruman and makes him run back inside Orthanc and Wormtongue chucks the Palantir down at him from the window in retaliation
I know the potato scene is *iconic* but let's be real the fact that Sam risks a fire and takes the time to make a full rabbit stew plus seasoning while they're on a dangerous secret mission to sneak into the Darkest Of Dark Lords' fortress is kind of hilarious
Minas Morgul is some serious eldritch horror cryptid shit
Denethor is honestly such drama queen. Like I know he's supposed to be a threatening and tragic character but holy shit.
Also the entire houses of healing segment is unintentionally comedic
Like between the old lady who runs the house giving absolutely zero fucks, and the herb master and Aragorn having a mini nerd off about what Athelas/Kingsfoil is called in different languages, and also Aragorn and Pippin roasting Merry - who has JUST woken up from an Evil Coma by the way - about not being able to find his weed
"This weed is better than I thought" -- actual quote by Ioreth re: kingsfoil
This is something I noticed that a lot of people don't mention - the "Evenstar" that Arwen gives Aragorn in the movies that's tied to her lifeforce/immortality isn't really a thing in the books. The closest to it is this green brooch that she gives him via Galadriel in FOTR - but the only necklace she gives to anyone is actually to Frodo, as a token that basically means if he ever wants to go to the Grey Havens (as he ultimately does) he'd essentially be taking her place because she isn't going
Ok the scouring of the Shire is pretty common knowledge but are we going to talk about Lotho Sackville-Baggins became Saruman's dealer and helped smuggle drugs pipeweed into Isengard (see I told you it would come back)
Also!! Lotho was possibly EATEN by Grima Wormtongue, or at the very least Saruman believes he was, yes this is an actual canon thing
Legit quote from ROTK: "Worm killed your Chief, poor little fellow, your nice little Boss. Didn't you, Worm? Stabbed him in his sleep, I believe. Buried him, I hope; though Worm has been very hungry lately[]"
Seriously what the fuck
Saruman is killed by Wormtongue (who is then shot by a bunch of Hobbit archers) and promptly....disintegrates?
Anyway if you're a casual fan who's only seen the movies, or if you haven't read the books in a while, I'd highly recommend.
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BUCKLE UP, FOLKS, IT'S TIME FOR SOME BIG THOUGHTS ABOUT SEPTEMBER 29THS NEWSLETTER ENTRY! (this took so long omg, I got very busy) VERY long post incoming.
First of all, the entire barrow scene is INCREDIBLY creepy, but I want to highlight this bit in particular:
'What in the name of wonder?' began Merry, feeling the golden circlet that had slipped over one eye. Then he stopped, and a shadow came over his face, and he closed his eyes. 'Of course, I remember!' he said. 'The men of Carn Dûm came on us at night, and we were worsted. Ah! the spear in my heart!' He clutched at his breast. 'No! No!' he said, opening his eyes. 'What am I saying? I have been dreaming. Where did you get to, Frodo?'
Hey, what's happening here??? Is Merry being possessed by the unhoused spirit of a man of Arnor?? This is another one of those things that is just dropped in, never explained, and then moved past and it's REALLY SCARY.
Then, does this line remind anyone else of Macbeth? Specifically the scene where he sees the line of Banquo's descendants. Like, compare these two texts:
The hobbits did not understand his words, but as he spoke they had a vision as it were of a great expanse of years behind them, like a vast shadowy plain over which there strode shapes of Men, tall and grim with bright swords, and last came one with a star on his brow.
A show of eight kings, the eighth king with a glass in his hand, and Banquo last. MACBETH Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo. Down! Thy crown does sear mine eyeballs. And thy hair, Thou other gold-bound brow, is like the first. A third is like the former. [...] A fourth? Start, eyes! What, will the line stretch out to th’ crack of doom? Another yet? A seventh? I’ll see no more. And yet the eighth appears who bears a glass Which shows me many more, and some I see That twofold balls and treble scepters carry.
Obviously it's not a one-to-one comparison, but the Vibes are similar. (The use of the phrase 'crack of doom' in the Macbeth passage is also interesting, although I think that's probably a coincidence rather than anything else) LotR obviously has other well-known Macbeth connections, but this is one I only just noticed. (I really hope this comes off as similar to someone else and I'm not just coming up with nonsense)
As soon as his back was turned, a dark figure climbed quickly in over the gate and melted into the shadows of the village street.
I LOVE THIS MOMENT because reading it for the first time, anyone's first assumption is that this is going to be a Black Rider, but (spoilers) IT'S NOT! What a brilliant little subversion!
Frodo, Pippin, and Sam decided to join the company. Merry said it would be too stuffy. 'I shall sit here quietly by the fire for a bit, and perhaps go out later for a sniff of the air. Mind your Ps and Qs, and don't forget that you are supposed to be escaping in secret, and are still on the high-road and not very far from the Shire!'
If only they'd listened to Merry... I feel like Merry's practicality and good sense gets overlooked a lot. In these early chapters his status as 'most well traveled of the group' really comes across
Suddenly Frodo noticed that a strange-looking weather-beaten man, sitting in the shadows near the wall, was also listening intently to the hobbit-talk. He had a tall tankard in front of him, and was smoking a long-stemmed pipe curiously carved. His legs were stretched out before him, showing high boots of supple leather that fitted him well, but had seen much wear and were now caked with mud. A travel-stained cloak of heavy dark-green cloth was drawn close about him, and in spite of the heat of the room he wore a hood that overshadowed his face; but the gleam of his eyes could be seen as he watched the hobbits.
Words cannot express how much I love this description (and Strider's introduction as a whole)
There is an inn, a merry old inn beneath an old grey hill, And there they brew a beer so brown That the Man in the Moon himself came down one night to drink his fill. [...]
*The Cat and the Moon from the LotR musical starts blasting in my head*
And now... the Aragorn list... (my thoughts are in list format because otherwise I will just be pasting large chunks of the entry here, and I've already done enough of that)
what was he doing behind the hedge on the Road???
"I slipped over the gate just behind them." and there's the payoff to that spooky moment earlier!!! It goes from 'oooh a Black Rider might have followed them' to 'nope, it was actually just this dude who wants to help them' to 'OH SHIT THE BLACK RIDERS WERE ALREADY HERE' a little later. Good stuff :D
"a secret that concerned me and my friends" I'm curious which friends he means here. Probably the Dunedain, maybe the sons of Elrond as well? Anyway, it's a fun little note
Okay now I need to break the list format because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT ARAGORN'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RIDERS
'[...] They will come on you in the wild, in some dark place where there is no help. Do you wish them to find you? They are terrible!' The hobbits looked at him, and saw with surprise that his face was drawn as if with pain, and his hands clenched the arms of his chair. The room was very quiet and still, and the light seemed to have grown dim. For a while he sat with unseeing eyes as if walking in distant memory or listening to sounds in the Night far away.
So uh, Aragorn doesn't just know OF the Riders, he knows the Riders. He's obviously speaking from experience here, and iirc this is never expanded upon. What happened between them? And when did it happen?
'[...]I am afraid my only answer to you, Sam Gamgee, is this. If I had killed the real Strider, I could kill you. And I should have killed you already without so much talk. If I was after the Ring, I could have it – NOW!' He stood up, and seemed suddenly to grow taller. In his eyes gleamed a light, keen and commanding. Throwing back his cloak, he laid his hand on the hilt of a sword that had hung concealed by his side. They did not dare to move. Sam sat wide-mouthed staring at him dumbly. 'But I am the real Strider, fortunately,' he said, looking down at them with his face softened by a sudden smile. 'I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will.'
Chills. I love him. So much. Also, SURPRISE! It's art time!!
[ID: A digital drawing of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. He has pale skin and shoulder length dark brown hair. He is wearing a brown quilted vest, brown trousers, a cream shirt with puffy sleeves, and a dark green cloak. He is looking slightly down and to his left (image right). His left hand is resting on his chest and his right hand is resting on a sword belted at his waist. The drawing has dark, blue-gray lighting and the background is a rough blue-gray rectangle. /end id]
Andddd now for one more thought: there is no mention of him having a second sword, which implies that his ONLY WEAPON in these DANGEROUS TIMES is just the shards of Narsil. Unhinged behavior, I love that for him
Moving on from Aragorn now! (although I will have many more things to say about him later)
'[the Black Rider] seemed to make off up the Road, eastward,' continued Merry. 'I tried to follow. Of course, it vanished almost at once; but I went round the corner and on as far as the last house on the Road.'
MERRY. WTF. Okay so this is 1) extremely brave and 2) not actually a terrible idea in theory. Trying to find out where the Rider was going and what it was doing would be smart, IF IT WASN'T ONE OF THE ENEMY'S MOST DANGEROUS SERVANTS THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS
[Merry said] "I could hardly help myself. I seemed to be drawn somehow."
FORESHADOWING????? Actually looking at both this and the thing with the wights that I talked about at the beginning of this ramble, merry actually has a pretty strong link with the wraiths from the beginning, which is INTERESTING!
Okay I think that's everything I wanted to say. I'm so sad this took me so long to write because now there's been a whole WEEK of entries that I haven't talked about or done art for :((( Weathertop at least will probably get some love at some point, but rn my art brain is telling me to draw the entire cast of the musical so we'll see how I balance things :)
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Okay so I just read your Professor Sharp and Garlick fic and I honestly can’t tell you how much I loved it. So I was wondering if you’d be interesting in writing any additional Professor Sharp smut.
It could be with Garlick again or perhaps someone outside of Hogwarts (like someone who works at Hogsmeade or the Ministry) or even a muggle if you wanted to go that route. Obviously I’m terrible at making decisions so feel free to pick whatever scenario intrigues you the most!
As far as the details of their relationship I guess it depends on the scenario but I wouldn’t mind something sort of similar to your last fic where they’ve at least known each other for a while and can call themselves friends who are in love with each other (I also wouldn’t mind a tiny bit of jealousy being sprinkled in somehow if that’s not too many things all in one🙈).
Also please don’t feel pressured to write this if it’s not particularly igniting anything for you! I love your writing so much so thank you for even just reading this!💕
Thank you for the request, and sorry it took longer than I thought it would, life can be a real sod sometimes!
I decided to use this as an excuse to continue the Sharp/Garlick fic of before, because why the hell not? Hope it’s what you wanted 💚
Word Count – 2.7k
Warnings – Smut (MDNI 🔞) Jealousy, PiV, Fingering, On the Desk
It had been almost a week since Aesop had allowed himself a single night of indulgence with the fire-haired enchantress that had captured his mind, body and soul with a single look. He could almost pinpoint when he had first become truly entranced with the young and beautiful Mirabel Garlick, the moment she had returned to Hogwarts as no longer a student, but a professor, and his curiosity with her bloomed into obsession.
The years of secret, seemingly mutual pining had paid off, for they had finally ended up tangled in the sheets together after a night of drinking with their colleagues, and everything about it had been perfect. Well, it would have been, were it not for the fact she’d been gone by the time he woke up, leaving nothing but single, long red hair on his pillow and an ache in his cock to convince him it hadn’t all been a dream.
The following days meandering through the quiet halls of Hogwarts reminded him somewhat of a Confundus Charm. When he saw her in the corridors or at meals, she was as cordial and polite and pleasant as she’d ever been, offering wide, warm smiles and engaging him in spirited talk, just as she did with the other professors. Aesop frowned. Surely there would have been some change? Had he really disappointed her so severely she wished to pretend nothing had happened between them?
He elected to remain silent on the matter. If Mirabel wanted to act like they hadn’t done utterly sinful things to each other, then that was fine. He had the memories, at least. She was half his age, and deserved better than a crippled, scarred former Auror. He would be cordial to her, and hope his infatuation didn’t drive him to do something stupid.
He made his way to Hogsmeade, his boots crunching in fresh snow, hoping his order of rare potion ingredients had arrived at J. Pippin’s at last. An afternoon of sorting out his stores would hopefully keep his mind off the shape Mirabel’s breasts made when he slammed his cock into her.
Unfortunately, Mirabel and her breasts remained firmly at the forefront of his mind, to the point where the thoughts of her actually seemed to summon her into being as Aesop rounded the corner and saw her in the flesh just outside of Spintwitches, holding a small, wicker basket, smiling and laughing and stroking her plaits and talking to another man.
Aesop froze, the cold air nipping his cheeks as a searing fury rushed through his torso. He knew that man, the gangly little fuckwit barely four years out of Hogwarts, and if the rumours were anything to go by, firmly in the pocket of Rookwood’s notorious little gang. And he was simpering at Mirabel, his gap-toothed grin wide, his weak attempt at flirting so painfully obvious it made Aesop want to cringe.
Or curse him into oblivion.
His ingredients could wait. Aesop strode through the crowd, coming up behind Mirabel, his glower searing over her shoulder and landing directly on the pimply-faced youth, watching with satisfaction as his gawky smile faded, his wandering eyes growing wide as he stumbled back a step.
“Professor Sharp!” he gasped, and Mirabel turned, fluttering her eyelashes as she saw how close he was. “H-how nice to see you-“
“Hop it,” Aesop advised. The aspiring Ashwinder bolted almost before the second word was out of his mouth. With a satisfied huff, he glanced down at Mirabel, and his breath caught when he realised just how close they were. Neither moved away.
“I see you still strike fear into the hearts of your former students,” she said, softly, ducking her head and fiddling with her basket.
“I expect that is because that particular former student is well on his way to becoming a Dark Wizard,” Aesop muttered. He’d have to notify his former colleagues in the Auror office, especially if the little gyp was sniffing around Mirabel. He raised a hand, hesitated, then laid it on her shoulder. “Allow me to escort you back to the castle.”
“I’d like that,” Mirabel said, with a shy smile. She rested a hand on his arm, allowing him to lead the way, his scowl clearing a path through the crowd more effectively than Bombarda.
Walking the path back to the castle, he was acutely aware of the gentle weight of her hand on his forearm, sliding around to rest in the crook of his elbow, their breath misting before them. He kept his silence, longing to say something to turn the steadily solidifying air between them into something light and jovial, but he’d never been any good at that. And besides, her stalwart refusal to mention their drunken escapade made it clear to him she’d thought it a mistake.
It irritated him. This was the problem with obsessing over someone so young. They never said what was on their mind. He should move on, and stop thinking about the way her skin was a gentle peach, the way the shape of her legs showed even through her robes as she walked, the way her breasts bounced with each step…
And she’d been talking to another man. Not a professor, not even a friend, just some oik she used to know. He glowered as they entered the castle, her hand sliding off his arm as he gave her a curt nod and moved off in the direction of his office.
She followed.
Mirabel followed him all the way to his office, her light footsteps scuffing over the stone floor. Merlin, even the sound of her footsteps was enchanting to him, reminding him how light she was, how easy it was to pick her up to manhandle her, to throw her down to the bed and-
Aesop clenched his jaw. He shouldn’t be thinking like this, not at all!
But then… she wasn’t fragile. She was stronger than she looked, if the strength of her grip on his cock was anything to go by…
He cursed under his breath, shouldering into his office. He swore again when he realised he’d completely forgotten to pick up his rare ingredients. He lowered himself to sit behind his desk, wondering if Pippin would be kind enough to send them to the castle by urgent owl.
Mirabel hovered before the desk, the basket held before her legs, the V her arms made emphasising the swell of her breasts, pushing them together. “Is something wrong?”
He almost laughed. Yes, a great many things were wrong, chief of which was her bloody refusal to even acknowledge they’d slept together! But he couldn’t tell her that. If he was to have any chance of lying with her again, like he craved, he couldn’t afford to frighten her away.
But he was still pissed off.
“You should know better,” he said, firmly. “Rookwood’s little gang are notorious, and it’s not safe to associate with any of them.”
Mirabel raised her brows.
“Aesop, I’m not a student anymore,” she said, defensively. “I knew him from when we were both pupils here, he just wanted to say hello. We used to study together in the library on Wednesdays.”
“Yes, I’m sure a hello was the only thing on his mind,” Aesop clenched his jaw as Mirabel placed her basket on the desk and put her hands on her hips, emphasising their curves and pulling the material of her robes taut across her belly. He tried very hard not to look. “As a teacher of this school, it’s even more important that you’re not seen to be… fraternising with dangerous criminals.”
She frowned. “I wasn’t fraternising,” she said. “I was just being friendly. I hope you don’t think you have to watch my back all the time, I’m quite capable of making my own decisions and dealing with whatever consequences stem from them.”
A chill shivered over his shoulders, and he rose, striding to her and taking her face in his hands. Her skin was soft and warm and smooth, nothing like the rough stubble that coated his coarse skin.
“I won’t allow it,” he rumbled. “Mirabel, you must be more careful. If something happened to you…”
“I don’t need you looking out for me,” she whispered, her hands rising to his.
Aesop took a breath. Another denial, another refusal. It hurt more than he cared to admit, more than a single night of passion warranted. He had to hear her say it properly, to move on.
“I want to look out for you,” he said, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks. “Mirabel… I understand if you don’t want me, that night in Hogsmeade was… well. But I understand if you feel it was a mistake.”
Her slender brows drew together. “Mistake? Aesop, I don’t think that at all.”
He paused. A mixed signal. He didn’t like mixed signals. “You haven’t said a word about it,” he said. “You’ve been acting like nothing changed.”
“I didn’t think anything had,” she said, taking his hands from her face and slowly lowering them, his fingers drifting along her neck. “My feelings for you haven’t changed, why should my behaviour? I rather thought you believed it was a mistake, you’ve barely said three words to me since.”
He blinked. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I still want you,” she whispered, lowering his hands to her breasts, small and firm under her winter robes. “I still want to be with you. You’ve cast a spell on me, Professor, and I have no desire to escape its bonds.”
Her words sent a bolt of electricity through him, stiffening his spine and cock simultaneously. Hearing her call him Professor in that soft voice of hers, the mention of bonds conjuring the image of silken ropes around her velvety wrists in a candlelit chamber, the fact that she still wanted him, despite his fears. There was no butterbeer to smooth the way this time, no, they were both stone cold sober, and by the flush blooming over her throat as he cupped her breasts, she was as invested in what was to come next as he was.
He tucked a hand around her waist, the other winding under her plaits to cup the back of her neck, drawing her close to him. Her lips were an inch away from his own, and he hesitated, the old fears bounding through his mind. Relationships between the staff was frowned upon, and if Phineas caught wind of any affiliation other than one that was strictly professional… besides, she was too young, he was too old, she was too beautiful, he was too gruff, she was lithe and supple and perfect and deserving of more, he was in his forties and crippled and scarred and…
Mirabel closed the distance, sealing her plump lips to his with a gentle sigh. Aesop responded without thought, kissing her fiercely as she wound her arms around his neck, relishing the softness of her lips, the gentle, rose-scented breath that rushed over his tongue. He gripped the back of her robes, his hand flattening against the small of her back, and the temptation to tear them from her form was almost overwhelming, each of her soft moans slipping between her lips, into his ears and straight down to his cock, throbbing against his leg.
He pushed her back against the desk, her tongue flicking out to run over his as he lifted her onto it, her legs parting for him, rising to wrap around his waist and tugging him against her. He repressed a growl with difficulty, but a low sound rumbled in his chest all the same, and Mirabel sighed, sinking against him.
“I love it when you do that, Aesop,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him, a wicked smirk on her lips. “You have no idea what it does to me.”
He did growl this time, and he didn’t think he could have held it in if he tried. He groped for her robes as her hands slid over the buttons of his waistcoat, the cold air of his office nipping at his skin as his waistcoat and then shirt came undone under her nimble fingers. He slid her robes up over her slender thighs as she brushed her fingers over his chest, tracing the dark hair spread over his torso. Aesop returned the favour, prying apart the buttons at the top of her robes, revealing the small peaks of her marbled breasts, ducking his head to take one of the rosebuds into his mouth.
Mirabel moaned, the sound music to his ears as he wound his tongue around her nipple, savouring the sweetness of her flesh. Her hands gripped his hair, encouraging him, and with a wicked grin, he denied her, raising his head to kiss her again, his hand sliding along her slender thigh to dance over the tight curls hidden between them. She whimpered, tilting her hips up to his hand.
“Aesop…” she whined, writhing. “Please touch me.”
The keening words cut through him, flaying his desire open and leaving nothing but hunger for her. It was all he could do to restrain himself from the sinful sounds she made as he sank his fingers into her, pressing his thumb to her most sensitive parts. Mirabel whined, grasping handfuls of his coat as she rutted herself against his hand, each drawn breath expulsed in a sharp gasp.
It was a struggle to keep his focus as she whimpered and wailed against his movements, his fingers curling up to rub over the most sensitive parts of her, buried deep in the core of her being. Her hands slid down to his belt, fumbling with the fastening as he attended to her, her face pressed to his shoulder, her luscious hair coming undone from its plaits as she drew his cock out, her slender fingers gliding along him and making him shudder.
With a yelp, Mirabel pushed his hands away, the force of it enough to make him stagger back a pace. A frown crossed his brow as she gazed up at him, her expression wild. She leaned back on the desk, parting her legs further and gracing him with a full view of her sex, her parted lips and glimmering green eyes failing to draw his gaze away.
“Come on in,” she purred.
He launched forward and slammed into her, the force of it pushing her back onto the desk. She let out a cry of passion, her hands grasping at his back as she hooked her legs around him, muffling her voice against his shoulder. Aesop’s mind scattered as he was enveloped in fire, gasping some himself as she tightened her walls around him. He gripped the desk, a hand braced against her back as she writhed, a heat condensing in his abdomen as his hips flexed faster of their own accord.
Shit, not yet, not yet!
With a low growl, he drew back from her, his cock drenched, ignoring her whine of protest. He tugged her forward and turned her around, bending her over the desk, yanking her robes up to expose the perfect peach of her arse. He slid back into her, her high-pitched whimper music to his ears, pressing his chest to her back as he thrust into her repeatedly, his teeth at her neck, one hand rising to wrap gently around her throat. His other hand found hers as she began to gasp and cry out in earnest, her legs taut against his, her arse shaking with each merciless pound of his cock.
Aesop’s release was sudden and breathtaking, pitching him forward to crash against her back with an almost startled yelp as she clenched around him, draining him dry. He took a moment to catch his breath, each ragged inhale taking in the scent and taste of her luxurious hair, dishevelled and coming loose from its plaits. He raised his head, seeing her cheek pressed to his desk, her eyes half-lidded and clouded with bliss, a line of drool sliding from her lips to pool on his paperwork.
“Aesop…” she murmured. “I-if this is what it’s going to be like all the time…”
He managed a low laugh. “I hope so, Mirabel.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, unwilling to withdraw from her just yet. “But next time, let’s find somewhere a bit more comfortable.”
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