#I have less than 1k of crystals as of now
ataraxiaspainting · 7 months
There’s a Certain Slant of Light.
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Yan (Soulmate) Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: Something is different. But what could it be?
Warnings: Yandere themes, the reader is unwillingly a Spider and from Meteor City, mentions of religion/religious imagery, implied drugging, manipulation, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
i’ve been seeing a lot of chrollo being paired with a phantom troupe member reader and i just think that the concept is very interesting! :D
credits for og art piece here!
Your sword, while having the ability to stab and slice just about anything, is still by far the most frail weapon at your disposal. It is a slight sadness that fills Chrollo’s mind, then, once he realizes this. The feeling is small, minuscule, just like most of the other emotions Chrollo’s heart cannot beat with, the blood that flows through his veins frozen with the concept of what he wants to be. He feels next to nothing as if he were a walking corpse, a prisoner who has just been released from the deepest depths of hell, not once being able to see twinkling eyes and shining stars. Light is a concept unknown to people like him, and people like you, foreign, as alien as a coup made of peasants storming a palace larger than ten of their villages combined. 
Your two true weapons are your lips calling out his name, and the thin red string that connects your little finger and your fate to his thumb and his future. Despite the thread being wispier than that of paper, it has a will stronger than one forged in diamonds and never had to be a carbon crystal to be so. Chrollo is thankful for it, more so than he is for most things that he would rather leave in the past. It has linked you two together for so long and has been the key for chaining down your animosity towards him whenever he had gone too far. All he had to do was tug, and you would be right back wherever he had placed you. But even diamonds can shatter when a love made in a less-than-fortunate childhood turns more and more into hate.
This entire act is like a balancing beam. He must not be too loud, but also not be too quiet. He must always have cards up his sleeve for any potential mishaps down the line. Inside one hand is the key to your freedom, but inside the other is the key to a false route to such fantasies, the trap of reality. Even Chrollo does not know which is which, for he is a dreamer himself at heart.
“Good morning, sir,” It is a rare sight, you yawning, your posture nowhere near how put together it usually is. “How are you today, sir?”
“Very well, thank you.”
“I must have been quite exhausted last night; my apologies, sir.”
“I told you if you ever wanted to take a break here, you are more than welcome to.”
“I’ve always declined such an offer for a reason, sir.”
“Just as I’ve always told you that you may call me just Chrollo for a reason, [First]. I think I haven't heard you say my name without an honorific since we were both still children if my memory serves correctly.”
The provocation of the past seems to hurt you more than him it seems, from how you flinch at the word children, and from how he smiles at your discomfort. 
“We are not with the rest of the Troupe right now, it is quite alright if you want to relive prior times, wouldn’t you say?” He asks, and with his eyes appearing to look back at his books, he sees yours darting around the room, looking for an escape route.
They move left, to the tables at the back of the sitting room which hold lamps and framed photos and paintings. Then right, to the fireplace and the large but still solitary couch, covered with leather and embroideries. Then up, to the crackless and spotless white ceiling, and then down, to the wooden rosewood planks of the floor.
“I saw a book in your satchel. Crime and Punishment, hmm?”
“Yes. Please do not say how ironic it is, sir.”
“Very well.”
To you, perhaps the room feels deathly still. To him, it feels like the scene right before the climax. Slow, steady, full of tension and dread. Though Chrollo will never let the curtains that cover your very soul close ever again. It would not be hard to get them to open up again, you have known each other for so long after all, but regardless he needs you to stay within the palm of his hand forevermore. Only then will he be able to feel something so warm and soft once more.
Oh, how he wishes that he could open the floor below you and trap you there. But he cannot. At least not yet.
“...Where is my bag?” At your question, Chrollo pulls his thumb towards him, and you move accordingly. “It is not in the room.” You continue, your eyebrows furrowing as you attempt to resist. “Sir?”
Desperation. Then a hand raise and a pause.
“Stolen treasure from the last meeting.” Chrollo begins curtly. “A contact list full of people I have not permitted you to speak to. Keys to a car that is not mine.” He proceeds to say. “Tell me, [First], what is all of this, hmm?”
Something akin to a mix of a horrified chuckle and a choking sound emerges from your throat as if his hands were squeezing and squeezing until you burst. He sets the book he was reading down, and without his hands covering both the front and back of it, you see the title, the synopsis.
“Crime and Punishment, hmm?” He repeats, and for the first time in what must be a few years, he sees you terrified, shaking, and near to tears. “A clever way to code your plan.” Chrollo crosses his legs. “By the way, it is an hour or so past sunset by now.” He hears a small gasp from you. “You missed your flight a long time ago, sweet thing.”
“...I… I…”
“You were planning on leaving us, weren’t you?” When you don’t answer, instead looking straight towards the door, he raises his thumb again. “I know you never wanted to join the Troupe, per se, but still… this hurts.” He pulls and pulls, and being forced to be a puppet for the umpteenth time since the soulmate string has appeared in Chrollo’s vision, you are placed where he wants you to be. 
Close to him.
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savventeen · 2 years
take it easy (slowly carve out my heart)
you had always been the target. always. he knew this. he knows this.
so why does wonwoo feel like he's the one who's dying?
pairing: assassin!wonwoo x gn!reader rating: M wc: 0.8k prompt: @diamondyjh wanted angst so i repurposed an old namgi fic hope u enjoy :') summary: wonwoo's assignment: become your husband and bide his time until given the command to kill you. a simple mission, really — one that shouldn't have been hard. except, he never accounted for the fact that he might actually fall in love with you. too bad he's the perfect little soldier. warnings: major character death (reader), graphic depictions of violence, stabbing, blood, assassination, grief/mourning tags: angst, and i mean ANGST, no happiness here sorry folks, only as much pain and sadness as i could shove into less than 1k a/n: the prompt for the original fic was 'a whisper in the ear' for the 'ways you said i love you' prompt challenge, and the friend who'd requested it had specifically said "but make it hurt" so. here we are :')
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The brick of the deserted alleyway is freezing through the back of Wonwoo's jacket, but he doesn't really feel it. Just focuses on the way the chill greedily seeps under his skin, sinking down through muscle and sinew and deep into the marrow of his bones.
He needs it, the cold — more than he needs the air in his lungs or the blood in his veins or that overbearing muscle that continues to beat inside his chest. That terrible, frivolous thing.
So he needs the cold, needs it to numb everything except the machine that he thinks has always dwelled within him.
("Never forget who you really are, Wonwoo-ssi — what you've been made into.")
("It's the only way you'll survive.")
"Where'd you go?" Your call comes from just outside the entrance to the alley, cutting softly through the otherwise quiet of the night.
That thing in his chest gives an obstinate thump, but he ignores it. He is numb.
"In here, y/n," he replies, just loud enough to be heard from the street. He takes in a deep breath, the winter air a painful comfort as it crystallizes inside his lungs.
"Baby?" Your voice is closer now, and Wonwoo tilts his head to see you peering down into the alley. He meets your eyes, your brows furrowing in concern, and you quickly make your way toward where he continues to lean against the wall. "What're you doing out here in the cold? Are you okay?"
He is numb. He is numb. He is numb.
He tells himself this over and over again, wills it to be true as you stop in front of him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Sorry," he murmurs, "I'm fine. Just needed to get some air."
Before this moment, the lies had always fallen so easily out of his mouth, like sand between his fingers. (Were they ever really lies?) But this one weighs heavy on his tongue.
"That's usually my line," you quip, a half-smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
You move your hand from his shoulder to his jaw, gently stroking the cool skin of his cheek with your thumb. Your other hand comes to rest on Wonwoo's waist, the touch just as gentle even through his thick winter coat. "We can stay out here for a bit, hmm? Until you're ready to go back inside."
You close what little distance is left between the two of you and press your forehead into his neck. "Or if it's still too much," you mumble into his collarbone, soft and warm, "we can go home. Whatever you need, baby."
I am numb.
He whispers, "Okay, love."
I am numb. I am numb. I am numb.
Three deep, slow breaths later, and he believes it enough to do what he was always meant to do.
It's quick, the way he pulls out the knife and shoves it between your third and fourth ribs in one swift motion.
It's so quick, in fact, that you don't even scream, just choke on a strangled breath as your body jerks in Wonwoo's hold. He twists the blade — "like a key in a lock, Wonwoo-ssi" — and yanks it out, letting it fall from his gloved grasp to the dirty concrete below.
You choke again, hands sloppily trying to find purchase on Wonwoo's chest as your legs rapidly lose their ability to support your weight, but you don't let go.
I'm numb.
And neither does Wonwoo. He can't.
You had always been the target. Always. He knew this. He knows this.
I'm numb I'm numb I'm numb I'm numb—
So why does Wonwoo feel like he's the one who's dying?
"W-won—," you cough, the blood that's filling up your lungs spilling messily past your lips.
"Shhhh," he croons into your hair, carefully lowering you both to the ground when your legs fold completely beneath you. "I'm sorry, love, I'm sorry. God, I'm so, so sorry."
He pulls you tighter to him, the blood rapidly soaking the both of you. Your movements start to slow, and your wet, shallow breathing turns into stuttering gurgles.
"I wish things could have been different," Wonwoo whispers into your ear. "I'm so sorry. I love you, I'm sorry. I love you, I love you, I love you."
Back and forth, back and forth, he rocks you — whispering his love and apologies over and over until your chest goes still in his arms.
And then he screams.
("Make it believable, Wonwoo-ssi. No one can ever see anything other than a grieving husband.")
He screams, and he weeps, and he begs, because somewhere along the line, it had stopped being a part to play. Loving you had never been an act, and the agonizing sorrow he feels ripping through his body will never be anything but scathingly, disgustingly, unfathomably real.
He'd never wanted it — that stupid, stupid, terrible, horrible thing called a heart. But you had given yours over so freely, so wonderfully, so wholly, that he had been helpless but to hand his over in return.
That stupid, frivolous thing.
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kradogsrats · 3 months
Prompt from @dragonprincedrabbles: Ezran + Queen Aditi, No Time Like the Present
G, ~1K words
The night that Queen Janai officially becomes Aunt Janai, Ezran went to bed very, very late. He'd stuffed himself full of spicy Sunfire cuisine and rich Katolian sweets, all of it so delicious that every time he cleared his plate, he couldn't keep from trying just a little more—not to mention that he might have single-handedly put a visible dent in the mountain of jelly tarts Aunt Amaya had insisted on to honor his mom. He'd also danced until he was completely exhausted, whirled around the floor more times than he could count by Aunt Amaya and Aunt Janai, and then by Callum and Rayla, and by a half-dozen others after, and that was only the beginning. By the time he and Soren finally managed to wheedle Corvus into a dance, the party was really in full swing, and he'd dived right back in.
So in the wee hours of the morning, tired and full and—for just one night, even in the face of Aaravos maybe ending the world—happy, Ezran fell asleep.
He didn't know how long he slept before the space behind his eyes began to lighten, as if the sun crept across his sleeping face. He rolled over to escape the intruding light, but it did not dim—instead growing brighter and brighter. He could make out a figure striding toward him, not silhouetted against the brilliant light but made from it, part of it. The light continued to brighten, and for a moment the figure became too bright to look at, forcing Ezran to squeeze his eyes shut and raise a hand to block out the glare.
When he cautiously opened his eyes again, an elf stood before him, dressed in the manner of Sunfire royalty. Her brown skin was a shade darker than his own, and the thick braids of her hair glowed like embers, auburn shifting into gold where light shone through the strands. The golden armor layered over her blood-red tabard shone no less for being battle-worn, cleaned and polished with attentive care. A crown sat on her brow like a sunrise, and a crystal-topped scepter hung from her hand like a ray of light piercing some shadowy place. Something about her face was familiar, in the strong point of her chin and the almond shape of her golden eyes.
"Finally, we are able to meet—I was beginning to think dawn would greet your revels, first." Her lilting voice carried a warm note of humor, and her eyes crinkled slightly when she smiled. Ezran couldn't help but smile back.
"I... apologize for my lateness?" he offered, raising his hands in a sheepish shrug. "I didn't realize I had an appointment."
"I have waited a long time to speak with you, orphan king," she said, still smiling. "Long enough that having waited a few hours more matters little. With my daughter's daughter's daughter and your own blood-kin bound by love in the light of the Sun, I may now greet you properly—as my nephew. I am Queen Aditi."
Aditi. The beloved, long-ago Sunfire queen, a guiding light to elves and dragons alike. So powerful and wise that she was called to divine the true dragon monarch when the throne stood empty—then vanished, just as Aaravos's plans threatened to come to fruition.
"Your Majesty," Ezran said politely, placing his hand over his heart and inclining his head in respect.
She laughed, a low, rich chuckle. "Please, we are family, now—there is no need for such things."
"Would it be 'auntie,' then?" he asked impishly. Despite her imposing appearance, he liked her. "Auntie Aditi?"
"I admit, I like the sound of that." Her smile didn't fade, but a flicker of sadness passed through her golden eyes. "I saw so little of my daughter's life—I would have liked to know her children, and their children."
"Then why not talk with Janai?" Ezran asked. "She leads your people now, and I know she'd welcome your counsel." He winced at his own clumsy words, waving his hands. "Not that I don't! I'm just—why me?"
"Janai may doubt her footsteps, but they are guided by her heart, and that is truer than any counsel I could offer. Given the chance, she will become a great queen—far greater than I." Aditi's expression turned grave. "That she will have that chance is what I am here to ensure."
"I don't understand."
"Your path has been set to cross with with a great darkness. The choices you make in facing it will shape the future of both our peoples."
Ezran swallowed hard. "Aaravos."
"Yes... and no. He is the point on which this age will turn, for good or ill, but you are called from beyond. Yours is the flame that can forge the ruins of a fallen star into the brilliant sun that dawns on a new world. The future must be different than the past, or all will be lost—but you already know that." She tapped his crown lightly with the crystal of her scepter. "Just as you already know a thing or two about forging peace and hope from violence and pain."
Ezran lifted the crown off his head to look at it, running his fingers along the smooth edges of the steel. His father's sword, now his own burden of blood and history to carry—or to release. "Will I make the right choices?"
"I can only tell you this: do not be afraid to show mercy, but defend what you love without regret. Understand the need for sacrifice, but cleave hard to what you know you will not give up. Most of all, what others see by the shadow of Moonlight, you must choose to see in the full light of the Sun—even if it means your eyes no longer meet."
She touched a hand to his cheek, warm and soft. Despite all the regal pride of her appearance, she radiated the affection of a mother and a sister in one. "You are strong, brave, and wise. You will feel all the darkest sorrows of love and all the brightest joys of loss, and your light will not be dimmed. When the time is right, that light will be what leads the whole world."
"How?" he asked. He didn't feel particularly strong, or brave, or wise—just small, and worried, and confused. "When?"
"I have found," she said, her grin blazing so bright that Ezran had to shut his eyes again, "that when it comes to forging the future—there is no time like the present."
He woke to the first fingers of dawn creeping across the floor of his tent, and the ghost of a warm hand on his cheek.
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nightseeye · 6 months
I spent several hours yesterday just. Drawin ponies and makin headcanons after an offhanded thought i had abt changelings lol
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Also a buncha headcanons under the cut also:
Thinking more abt Gossamare (changeling queen oc i just made up .5 sec ago). She was plenty ambitious, as most queens are, but her attentions were turned more towards making sure the Hive had stirdier, longer lasting structures. The reasoning was if there was less time being spent rebuilding their home after an attack, or if smthn just crumbled, than that was less stress and more energy that could be spent Elsewhere (like getting food). I think changelings were pretty nomadic as a species beforehand, and while Gossamare didn't introduce a sedentary lifestyle, it was still a fairly new thing, so permanent architecture wasnt really. Good. So it fixed that. Discovered changeling-equivalent concrete, except better bc it was also pretty damn flexible. And self repairing to some extent. Stole architecture from ponies. Even talked with celestia a few times (also fought celestia a few times) (bc she was stealing. It got cleared up but Still). Was stern and kinda strict but Fair. Left its hive in a pretty prosperous era, even if the queens after the next fumbled it kinda badly.
Genral timeline idea: crystal empire era -> [queens after it falls] -> [queen who became sedentary] -> [queen] -> [queen] -> Gossamare -> [2-3 generations of queens] -> Chrysalis -> Thorax (will be poking at this more as i figure out more changeling things, i want the crystal empire to be kinda far back in changeling history, a legend, but not quite mythical status)
• Changelings were nomadic, though they generally (peacefully) stayed around the crystal empire just bein buddies. Cue Sombra fuckin it, and bam. No more good food source and also their buddies are gone. And its Cold. Changelings skeedadle, become true nomads, separate into diff hives for whatever reasons and settle into different nations. Now following the hive that settled into equestria, changelings are. Wary. Decide to stay hidden. Prob the traditionalists+idealists who didnt want to stray too far from the empire in case it came back soon. They settle, roam around, til one day a queen just plops down and doesnt move. Thus the end of the nomad life, although changelings still have little satellite location away from the main hive. Just lil bases and shit yknow? Still not super fond of this enforced hiding thing, but reveals tend to always go super bad, if not from the get-go, then some shit happens later that usually kills the parties in question. So. Hiding it is.
• (Re; the crystal empire: canon says its been gone 1k years, but LUNA was gone 1k years, so ive decided its maybe like. 7k years for the crystal empire. Or just, longer than 1k!!! I want that to be a collective fail on Celestia AND Luna's part, not just Celestia)
• Theres probably stories in changeling history referring to crystal ponies, and a good portion of the empire's population are changelings, or have changeling heritage. Possibly when changelings intially fled, there were a good portion of crystal ponies among them, but their descendants are now just changelings (maybe with a slight sparkle, or having an easier time shifting into ponies.idk)
• When the Crystal empire returned, there definitely an awkward readjustment period, not only from Sombra's tyranny, but that a solid third or more of their population was now... disdained, to put it lightly, by other ponies and now also their new monarchs! And when they found out about the whole Canterlot wedding incident, well. They kept that to theirselves. Its not til Thorax is accepted as a citizen that the crystal ponies reveal that some of them are crystal changelings as well, and it goes over-! Pretty well! A little strained, and more awkward readjusting happens, but overall it goes well (Cadence is pretty sad that she made her citizens feel they had to hide this, but understands. Thorax is mildly upset but it puts some earlier events before that episode happening into better perspective)
• Queens generally die one of 3 ways: Being overthrown and killed, dying against an enemy, or starving bc the amount of love gained can no longer support their appetite. Generally the 3rd happening tends to cause the first, as sometimes those particular queens will start eating into the stores of love meant to support the hive as a whole, thus starving the entire hive along with her. So the hive kills her to stop that. Other times the queen will go out as gracefully as possible, either dying against an enemy in combat, or simply. Starving. Its stressful as fuck to watch, esp if the changeling respect that queen, even if its known to be the better of several options. Theyre generally pretty long lived (abt 500 years give or take) but when its over its Joever (at least until Thorax but not talkin abt that).
• Job is ya gender. Changeling language doesnt really have singular pronouns, mostly just [job][description][name] type deals. Queens have special pronouns though. Changelings have also adopted pronouns from other languages sometimes, but it tends to be more of a like. Curiousity than anything super serious
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axigailxo · 2 years
Cola | PJM (Drabble)
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summary. essentially, jimin is the worlds biggest fuckboy and he notices you at your workplace.
pairing. fuckboy!jimin x grocery store employee!oc or jimin x reader
genre. implications of smut, drabble (less than 1k words!!)
a/n: this was originally supposed to be a long smutty one shot but i’ve had it in my drafts since september (😭) and never finished so i figured i’ll release this as a drabble and maybe write an extended version in the future :)
*title inspired by the one and only lana <3
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It wasn’t the fact that there was nobody else in the store, that part didn’t matter. It was the fact that he, the customer you’ve been seeing for a week straight, was in your department again.
Surely he’s there for you. He has to be.
Usually, you aren’t so sure of things. Especially when it comes to men like that wanting you. But a week is too many days for his appearance to be a coincidence.
But until he approaches you, you’ll continue to mind your space and finish stacking the last of your apples onto its display table.
You noticed his attire is essentially the same as it’s been for each time you saw him this week, suffocating black jeans and a black tee with that damn black jean jacket.
It was pretentious, really, but you didn’t mind it. In fact, you spared him a glance just now to see it.
Big mistake.
Just as you turn around, your body crashes into a harder one, apples that were in your hand falling harshly to the ground with a thump before scattering in several directions.
But you have bigger problems.
An “oomf” from you is all that’s heard before the man in front of you is instinctively grabbing your elbows to help you straighten up. And of course you’re the only one who’s been knocked into— his hard, stern body barley having moved.
“Sorry about that.”
And of course his voice is silky smooth. Why wouldn’t it be?
Still too shaken up, literally, he chuckles through his nose as he waits for you to pull yourself together. It’s almost annoying how he’s fully aware he’s capable of making you nervous.
“It’s fine.” You clear your throat discreetly. He still sees, though. “Can I help you with something?”
His smirk comes before his short second of laughter and you drag your eyes from his perfect teeth and down to his perfect shoes instead.
“Can you?”
“That’s my job, I kind of have to.”
He laughs again.
“Can you walk me to the strawberries?”
It’s a short walk. In fact, It’s at the other end of the table. You don’t know if he’s only messing with you, but nonetheless, you turn the corner with shaky legs and gesture your hand to the table of strawberries.
“Anything else?”
Your tone is vague and quiet and no other human would have been able to detect it. Except for him and his ridiculous observational skills. He smirks again.
“Yeah, actually.”
You wait for him to continue with an expected look, completely masking those nerves of yours that are still crystal clear to him.
“You seem nervous.”
“I’m just trying to help. Do you need anything else?”
He bites his lip for a quick moment, quick enough for you to squint your eyes at the gesture.
“Are these strawberries sweet?”
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t really eat strawberries.”
You do. They’re your favorite, actually. He doesn’t need to know that, though. He can figure that out himself— anything to get him to leave. You need at least one more day to prepare yourself before you can actually talk to him. But given you’re absolutely blowing it right now, you don’t think the chances of seeing him again are high.
He chuckles to himself at your words, but before you can ask what’s funny, he beats you to talking.
“That’s good to know, but are yours?”
“Are my what?”
“Are your strawberries sweet?”
A scoff audibly releases from your mouth, but before you can scold him, you take the opportunity to make fun of his ridiculous flirting instead.
“Really? You sound like a high schooler.”
“Who said I’m not talking about actual strawberries?”
“Your ego.”
Call it bad customer service, but too incapable of continuing this absurd conversation, you make your way to the back— an area off limits to him.
That doesn’t stop him, though.
“You can’t be here, sir.”
“But you want me to be, no?”
And somewhere in that highly conceited sentence of his there’s truth.
Truth is, you don’t mind being alone and hidden in the back with him. You don’t mind that he’s walking closer, and you certainly don’t mind the way you feel his breath against your nose in this new proximity.
“What are you thinking about?”
Him. Just him. And what’d it’d be like to take him right here and right now, in the back room of the produce department. The thrill. But you’re not insane, and you’re definitely not willing to get fired for such things.
Stepping back and putting a reasonable gap between the two of you, you don’t dare to meet his eyes as you walk away.
“I get off at nine. You can talk to me somewhere other than my workplace.”
Jimin grins as he follows you out the back.
“So you’re interested?”
Striding, you don’t look back as you call out your next words.
“Talk to me when I get off!”
a/n: this had so much more planned than a quick drabble 😭 it was gonna be smutty asf and have an actual plot BUT i never finish my oneshots so therefore enjoy this lil snippet 😭🫶🏻
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meisteralready · 2 years
To a man I will never really know but celebrate nonetheless
It feels like
We are at least an hour behind
In our spot,
The place we are
As opposed to Crystal Lake
Where we are supposed to be
For the funeral
Of Matt
My brother-in-law
That I barely know.
We’ve had numerous occasions,
Birthdays, first communions,
Other such family must-haves,
And beyond taking the piss out of each other,
Or the random, banal talk-of-sportstalk,
Nothing of note truly happened.
No histories shared
(I’ll most likely meet his three brothers today,
None of which I knew he had),
No common history or even hobbies
(He loved to cook and I loved to eat,
Yet I never saw him do the latter- he stood and surveyed as we would devour his holiday dinners-
Us standing in as his yearly restaurant)
But others knew him,
Knew him well.
He loves my sister,
The one I know least
(I left home when she was six
And stopped talking to that family for many years as she formed
- (I am like a distant cousin but with a past formed in grudges and regrets, even secondary relatives get more disjointed respect than I)-
And my parents loved him,
Contribution a cool 1K to his
GoFundMe/Funeral Fund,
Because he didn’t think to think ahead,
Even though he had a bad heart
And a pacemaker
And a defibrillator installed
For years before.
It was easy for Rich & Shelia to give,
They went to their house for countless dinners,
Gifted them hand-me-down, barely-used sectionals and plasma televisions.
They visited me in the city once,
Exactly one time,
On my daughter’s first birthday,
She’s 16 now
And she couldn’t give anyone who requested
their first names
If demanded to do so,
Even though they only live
An hour-and-fifteen-minutes
Matt died in his backyard,
Playing catch with his beloved retrievers?
Some dog…
As my sister,
The youngest of my three,
And apparently the healthiest of cardiacs, shoveled the front drive
Because Matt could not.
Tell Bob the Dog to drop the ball.
Throw again.
Yet after a while,
Cara just heard unbroken barking,
And Bob,
Wanting a toss,
Could not be satiated,
And my sister,
Interest piqued,
Stopped her shoveling,
Rounded the corner
And found Matt face down,
Dead in their backyard.
A nurse by trade,
Cara quickly sought yet found no pulse,
His lips were blue
From death and snow,
She yelled for help and began CPR,
Eventually so heightened,
That she would fracture his sternum,
Trying to rouse him
From the other side.
“He was dead before he hit the ground,”
The cardiac surgeon told us.
His pacemaker lost rhythm,
His defibrillator fluttered and missed,
Both “common” the doctor said,
Which the rest of the family seemed to accept,
Except all I could think of,
Was which lawyer friend of mine I’d call
Regarding a malpractice inquiry.
We’ll land in about an hour-thirty,
And I’ll rent a car in my own home city,
Because I don’t own one
And no one can pick me,
And I could Uber,
But with that other one back to the airport,
A day-and-a-half later,
The car rental,
More-or-less equals out,
And I get more freedom.
I threw $100 towards the GoFundMeFuneral,
That’s all could do,
Because I am into this for $298 for the plane ticket,
$143 for the car rental,
Not including the gas,
Which, I know, sounds trite
And you should know
That I don’t care.
I’m kinda working for free this week
On account of these expenses
- no offers of a flight home here, $1K or otherwise-
And I will give due respects
And have appropriate amounts of grief,
Because I am fairly certain,
Matt would have probably done less for me and mine
Though he’d go on behalf of the bind shared of my cousin/sister,
But they’d leave early
For the fact,
He hardly knew me.
0 notes
red-lobster-man · 4 years
I spent way more than i shud have cuz here i am being a s i m p yet Jinhua Ham is still not home
I am now sad and miserable
And cuz im a s i m p i just want to say i love him so much, his character design, esp the smirk and the emo-looking fringe with the dark red aesthetics
And most importantly, the fact that he uses a crossbow
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joyfulpiefactory · 4 years
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
✨koko’s hair✨
Are you trying to invoke the power of random creativity 😂😂💕 or something? Oh, well... Okay the drabble is not a drabble anymore. Dun dun dunnnn💀 | w: use of alcohol, inebriated reader
ANON LISTEN! You!!! You smart little icon with dark glasses!! I could do smth like this for my 1k event... Oh... The possibilities.
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“Koko! What is this thing?” You gawked at the very exotic and expensive-looking bottle on his table. It was this brownish color with an elephant on the label.
“Some liqueur that Mikey sometimes orders because it's very sweet,” Kokonoi didn't look up from the document on his desk. “It’s called Amarula,”
“Can I try some?” You were curious; the bottle had caught your attention. “Please, just a taste!”
Kokonoi nodded without paying much attention; the drink was not very strong, so Koko didn't think much of it. “Just fill a glass with ice to the top and pour a little.”
You excitedly skipped towards his minibar, taking out a whisky glass and filling it with ice. You had always liked the shape of those mini glasses. “Koko! Like this?” you showed him the amount of ice in the short crystal. Glancing your way, he nodded. Opening the sealed bottle, you poured some in your glass—watching how the liquid melted the ice with sparkling eyes.
Less than a third of the bottle down, you already felt kind of weird. The flavor was good, and the thick texture felt nice against your tongue. Of course, you weren't supposed to have more than one sip... But Koko was very busy, and Takeomi and Sanzu weren't here yet to report to Koko. Then you all could leave. So you decided to kill time with your new liquid friend.
Kokonoi didn't notice you getting tipsier by the minute; he also didn't see your tumbling form nearing his desk. It was too late. You pounced on him—scattering all his papers and some pens everywhere. The long-haired man barely had time to catch you on his lap. “Y/N! What in the-” Kokonoi was cut short by your cheeks being shoved against his face. Your hands explored the long strands of silvery-white hair—a small giggle left your lips.
“You’re so soft,” you even began massaging his scalp as your face kept caressing his own, “I love your hair, but don't let Koko know, okay?” You purred—hands still very much deep in his mane. “Oh, you’re so pretty,” you cooed.
Kokonoi Hajime, Bonten executive, was currently under attack, and he was losing the battle. His red-heating face was proof of that. No words could come out of his mouth as you kept throwing praises his way.
The sound of footsteps alerted Kokonoi. Sanzu and Takeomi had arrived. The flustered man tried to pray your hands off of his face and hair but to no avail. You resisted, nuzzling even more against the man.
As soon as the Akashi brothers stepped in, they saw your very cat-like state. Were you curled up against Kokonoi?
“What is going on with Y/N?” Sanzu couldn't help but notice your strange behavior. You were still playing with Kokonoi’s hair.
“I- I think she’s drunk,” muttered Kokonoi—having already given up on trying to stop your activities.
“What?” Takeomi couldn't believe Kokonoi let you drink so much, “What did you give-” he saw the uncapped bottle of Amarula on the table and an empty glass. “Koko, what the hell? It’s 17% of alcohol!”
“So?” asked now Sanzu, confused. Takeomi facepalmed at the pinknette remark.
After Sanzu and Takeomi filled their reports by themselves because Koko was very busy with a handsy-drunk-you on his lap, you all left the office. But in the hall, your steps faltered, causing the three men to go to your aid.
“You shouldn't touch me!” You swatted their hands away, “Bonten executives won't like you touching me; you’ll be skinned alive.” you said with a serious expression.
“And why is that?” Sanzu played your drunk game with a broad smile on his face.
“Because silly, I belong to them, duh.” the duh broke them. Sanzu doubled up in laughter as Kokonoi and Takeomi fell to the walls, hitting the surface with their fists while laughing. “This is not funny! Your lives are in danger!”
Yes, indeed, they were in danger but of your lovely drunk behavior.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
something in the rain   — todoroki shoto
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ೃ you and shoto were once childhood best friends and sweethearts who had lost touch and communication. 12 years has passed since then, and on a fated summer day in june, there was something in the rain that brought two lost souls back to each other’s arms.
ೃ  pairing: shoto todoroki x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: childhood friends to lovers, tooth-rotting fluff
ೃ  warnings: none! 
ೃ wc: 1k
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
ೃ song inspo: film out by bts
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Puppy Love…
What a sweet and trivial concept.
Was it not?
You and Shoto met each other at the tender age of 7. Roughly two years into his intense and odious training brought upon him by his father. His mother who still unwaveringly continued to support him, would sneak the half and half boy out in between his trainings. Whether to bring him out to play in the local playground, run around in the flower fields, or to just go shopping in the local grocer. These simple things were enough to make the boy happy. Even for just a short moment.
Then, during one fated day, the sun was about to go down, and no other child was frolicking around the playground.
It was just you.
Alone on the swing, your eyes cast down on the ground, wriggling your feet and dipping them into the play sand. You hear a faint creaking sound of the seat next to you and now you were accompanied by a boy the same age as you were. Heterochromatic eyes filled with innocence and love, a smile that looked like it never left the curves of his face, floofy half red and white hair that gave him a very distinct yet striking appearance.
“Why are you all alone?” He inquires, tilting his head. “It’s almost night time too. It’s going to get scary…”
“You came here alone too.” You snapped back, averting his gaze and your mouth forming into a pout.
He shakes his head, “No I didn’t. My Mommy is just there.” He points to a faint silhouette of a woman not far from the two of you.
“Oh.” You blink. “Well, um- my house is just over there! So, my parents don’t need to always keep an eye on me!” You cross your arms, pointing to your house a few feet away from the playground.
“You’re lucky. My dad keeps an eye on me a lot. He’s scary most of the time too and I think it’s because of my quirk…” His shoulders visibly slump as he breathes out a hefty sigh. “Mommy takes me out to go play when I’m done with my training and I’m happy because of it!”
“D-do you wanna play on the slide?” You ask him, twiddling with your fingers. A faint shade of pink present on your cheeks. “If it’s okay, I wanna share my happiness with you!“
His eyes sparkle. “Sure! But…. wait! I don’t even know your name yet!”
“Ah my name’s (Y/N)!”
“I’m Shoto!” He grins, his eyes sparkling once more and you can’t help but become flustered even more.
 Oh, how you wish to see those bright blue and grey eyes again. His fluffy white and crimson hair, and just… feel his lingering presence in your life once more.
Why did time have to go by so fast?
Why did he have to leave?
After a year of feeling nothing but the purest and most blissful emotions whenever you were with him, that all came crashing down when Shoto and his family moved to another city. The reason why was because the neighborhood that you lived in wasn’t “healthy” for him or rather, it was too friendly and Shoto was getting attached to you even though he shouldn’t.
Heroes are built to be as strong as steel after all. Emotionally and Physically. Endeavor doesn’t want his son to be a soft little marshmallow who only beams so brightly whenever he hangs out with the little girl from the quaint neighborhood.
…It’s been 12 years since then.
You’re now a perpetually tired and no-nonsense sophomore college student. Studied hard enough to get a scholarship at one of the most prestigious universities in Japan and now it feels like you’re drowning in a massive amount of school works and extra cred.
Now, looking back at your whimsical childhood life that was only made possible because of one particular Icy-Hot boy, you get a sudden feeling of euphoria course through you as you reminisce the good times.
There was a feeling of inevitability when you met Shoto.
There was something about him that drew you in.
Even at such a young age, you had the sense that the two of you would be together.
That a moment in time would come in where he would look at you in a certain way and the two of you would cross the threshold of friendship into something so much more.
Which proved to be true, as he has always felt the same way as you did.
The two of you knew each other a little better than everyone else.
All the little secrets shared through giggles and fits of laughter, the embarrassing moments shared in a small and dusty playground, and the sweet little memories that the two of you were too young to understand, but what your prying yet loving mothers both noticed.
Your lives were fated to converge like some cosmic dance. Like two shooting stars descending from the night sky. It was always fate.
It was fate that the two of you met. It was fate that the two of you would become friends, playmates, and childhood sweethearts.
But you guess it wasn’t fate that the two of you would remain friends forever.
You are still hoping for a sign in the sky or a word from the stars.
If the two of you are fated to meet again.
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The soft boom of thunder and sparkle of lightning awoken you from your slumber.
You had fallen asleep whilst studying for your finals. Just ten minutes of rest. You whispered to yourself.
Those ten minutes ended up becoming an hour and a half wasted and instead of studying and memorizing the chemical formulas, you ended up dreaming about ramen instead.
Some pages of your chemistry book were creased as you had ended up using it as a pillow. You pay this no mind as you mindlessly rub your eyes out of habit, looking out the window, as rain had begun to pour outside.  
You continue to observe the rainfall as the soft sound of droplets hitting the windowpane was so soothing to you, giving you a momentary peace of mind.
Your short meditation moment was soon interrupted with the grumbling of your stomach.
“Mom and Dad aren’t home till 9…” You stretch your arms, groggily murmuring to yourself. “Might as well have a trip to the convenience store.” You hop out of your chair, reaching for a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants from your closet, trying to channel the comfy girl look as you head out.
You lock the door to your house, opening your umbrella as you whistle your way to the convenience store, taking each step carefully hoping you don’t step on any dirty puddles and hoping you see some cute little frogs on the pathway.
You stop in your tracks when you notice a black sedan parked not too far from your house. You raise suspicion a little bit until you remembered that a new family was moving in the house near you, so you decided to just brush off your skepticism.
“Welcome to Conbini! May I kindly ask you to leave your umbrella by the door?” The cashier greets you, trying to force a customer-friendly smile. They might have had a rough week and you don’t want to be labeled as those jerk kinds of customers so you nod at her and leave your parasol at the entrance.
“Oh my god.” You were about to drop the bags of food in your hands when you notice that your umbrella was gone from the parasol stand, another customer possibly mistaking their umbrella for yours. You sigh in defeat. “You know what, heck it. I could care less at this point.” You pull up your hoodie, dashing your way back home, hoping you don’t end up getting sick from this careless situation you’ve put yourself into.
You stop in your tracks once again when you see a dashing-looking man standing in front of the gates of your house.
tall, well built, half and half colored hair that was wet and tangled, wearing a long and patterned coat, hands in his pockets… it felt as if he was waiting for someone to come out of your home.
Could this be…?
He was alerted by the sound of your steps rippling with the puddles in the pavement, turning to face you, his umbrella twirling with him.
His eyes grow wide at the sight of seeing you, and you notice his chest rise up, like a feeling of relief and of hope.
These are still the beautiful heterochromatic eyes you know and love. Only this time, it had a darker hue reflecting from his orbs. These are eyes who have seen and who have gone through so much.
You can’t even believe it.
Here he was, standing right in front of you. The boy you loved all those years ago.
Even more handsome, mature, and striking, and yet you could feel this broken emptiness radiating from him. Emotional scars that still run deep through him and… at this moment, you just want him to bare his heart to you. All this pain and suffering he has felt all these years.
You feel droplets of water sliding down your cheek like crystal teardrops.
“It’s really you…” You were about to drop the bags of food in your hands due to your blissful bewilderment but Shoto rushes to you with his umbrella, shielding you from the storm.
He was a bit too close and you could feel the heat rush up to your cheeks again, a feeling you have not experienced in so many years.
“Ah. I’m sorry.” He steps back a little from you and you can hear yourself internally monologue “nooo” as he takes a few steps away. “It’s been 12 years isn’t it?” He catches your attention again.
“It is. Yeah...” You nod, still looking up at him, a certain twinkle in your eyes and an inexplicable feeling growing in your chest. “W-what brings you here?” You add, your voice soft and sweet, whether you did this on purpose or not will forever remain a question.
“My family… we’re moving back here.” He replies quickly. solemn, yet there was a tint of excitement in his tone. “My father thought it was best if my mother, my siblings and I lived in a different house than him after… all the pain that he made us go through… and so… here we are.”
“Oh! Would you like to come inside and have some coffee?” You ask, pointing your finger to your humble abode. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” You giggle jokingly, trying to keep the atmosphere light and warm despite the cold weather present around you.
You start heading to the direction of your house, knowing that Shoto will follow you inside until… 
he grabs you by the arm, enveloping and pulling you in for a tight yet soft and comforting hug. A feeling that you’ve been wistfully longing for such a long time. 
A feeling that only Shoto Todoroki could give.
“I missed you so much (Y/N)… can you share your happiness again with me?”
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In the midst of the rainy summer season that brought nothing but dim and grey skies, wet and damp atmosphere, and endless floods of sorrow, you were his spring. The rosebud opening in the watery sunshine.
The whimsical girl with grass-stained knees running around the meadow with him… like a prophecy telling him that new beginnings were about to come, your personality and your appearance reminded him of the cherry blossom trees that symbolized a time of renewal.
You were the rainbow after a storm. Spreading light and color to those around her…
The one who brought back light and color to his life again.
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 “from all the memories stored in my heart”
I only picked up and connected the ones of you.”
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  ೃ taglist: @chibishae34  @lovelytarou​ @ramunegoddess​, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​
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writeformesinpie · 3 years
Midnight Turquoise
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Wooyoung x Fem!Reader
Word Count - 1k
Genre - Smut
Summary -
Wooyoung may be unpredictable but when he invited you up to his penthouse, you knew just how the night would end.
Warnings -
Use of alcohol
Shades Of Blue Masterlist
KPOP Masterlist
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   Walking into the penthouse apartment you look around in awe. Like the owner himself, it screams elegance. From the deep blue walls to the cerulean sofa covered in plush throws and decorative pillows, even the silver and gem art pieces on the mantle added to the flare of the place. He tells you to have a seat as he walks into the kitchen and you almost don’t want to - everything in his home clearly costs more than you make in a year - but you do anyway, making yourself at home. The material melts against your skin and you lean into it, letting it cradle your body as you slink even further in. There’s a small smile on his lips as he returns with the bottle of wine.
   “Do you want to listen to some music?” He asks as he unscrews the cork from the bottle, the muscles in his arm tensing against his silk shirt. Several buttons are undone and reveal the toned flesh beneath. He’s made himself at home and why wouldn’t he? After all, he is home. You’re the intruder here.
   “Sure, oh!” The sudden pop of the cork ejecting from the red wine catches you off guard (even though you knew it was coming). You laugh off your embarrassment. “Sure, I don’t mind.”
   “Let’s let it breathe a moment,” he says, pouring the Château into the oversized glasses, pristine and smudge less, before making his way over to a record player. With a push of a button it turns on, the music slow and sensual. “Just setting the mood.”
   “Are you trying to imply the mood needs to be set? Is that why you invited me up here?”
   “I was clear in my intentions.” He dims the lights above the sofa, the strange design beautiful in its uniqueness. The glass surrounding the bulbs looks like crystal and you wouldn’t be surprised if they were some kind of rare gem. “I want you and I know you want me too.”
   “True.” You can’t deny that; you had been flirting with Wooyoung all night. His aura is intoxicating and you want to suffocate in his scent. “But can’t a girl play hard to get?”
   “Isn’t it a little too late to play hard to get now that I have you in my apartment?” He smirks. Lifting the glass and breathing it in, he teases it first before bringing it to his lips. He closes his eyes, licking his lips, a sound of satisfaction on his tongue. “Try it. It’s divine.”
   “The wine? Or you?”
   “Why not both?” He says taking another sip, his eyes gliding over your body like a lion assessing its prey. You want to try both but you start with the wine.
   Bringing the dense ruby liquid to your nose you are confronted with a luxurious bouquet of chocolate, cedarwood and licorice. Lifting the wine to your lips, the immerse and vibrant flavours of black figs, cocoa and dates fondle your tongue. You may not be a connoisseur but you can taste the luxury in each overpriced sip.
   “I like this song,” you say, in an attempt to change the subject. You may have made a mistake agreeing to come here. This isn’t where you belong.
   “Shall we dance?” He asks but doesn't bother to wait for a response, holding out his hand until you reach out and his fingers are able to link with yours. He leads you over to the other side of the room, close to the record player, where there is a large open space left in the corner for, you’re sure, this very purpose. His hands snake their way around your body, holding you close, graceful as he spins you out and back into his embrace. Guiding you with his fluid movements, he makes you feel like an extension of him, your own body limber as the two of you flow across the floor as if this isn’t your first time dancing together. He’s exciting and you want to know more.
   Continuing to dance you relax, letting your guard down, your head resting against his shoulder. The sweet aroma of willow trees and honeysuckle lingers on his skin. His hands roam across your flesh, your bodies joined skin to skin. The song slows to a lethargic pace as you shuffle within his arms, trails of fire following his every touch before his eyes hold yours, the music fading as his breathing becomes all you can hear. His scent, the taste of his lips on yours, the desperate longing that fills you to your core and surrounds you both within a bubble of need.
   Your hands grasp for him, your hunger demanding more as you tear at his silk shirt. His tongue frolics within your mouth, your own tongue thirsting for his as if he was the first thing you’ve had to drink in years. And maybe he is - none of the drinks you’ve had before tasted like this. The insatiable thirst has you tossing your shirt over your head as you unbuckle his pants. You want him.
   Wooyoung keeps pace with you, his pants on the ground as he slips a hand around your leg, pulling your skirt down. His hands glide across your lingerie, setting off a ripple of heat from within. Every touch is more electrifying than the last. The flick of his fingers across your nipples, his thigh brushing up against your core, his lips brushing against your neck.
   “Beautiful,” he murmurs as he stares down at your semi-naked body and you want to agree as you savour his toned frame. He is perfect. “I want you.”
   “Then fuck me.”
   “Do you like the feeling of fucking on the edge of the world?” Wooyoung smirks, pushing you firmly against the glass and forcing you to take in the breathtaking view of the dark city below. It lights up as if just for you as he slides his hands up the length of your body. “I’m going to ruin you tonight.”
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this content! If you did, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging and/or following, and check out my masterlist for similar content. Have a great day!
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: Hi! I hope your day is going well I just wanted to say I loved your Hank Voight imagine and I wanted to make a request if that’s ok? If you could do one where the reader gets seriously hurt and Voight goes out for revenge and Voight gets even more protective of her than normal.
❚❙ WORDS: about 1k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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The stab took you by surprise. You didn't see it coming. Patrolling the streets on foot in broad daylight. You were distracted talking with your partner about going to Molly's after finishing your shift.
Then, you felt the cold blade trespassing your blue shirt and ripping your skin and being sunk deep inside your guts. Before twisting it to cause you a worse damage.
Your body went into shock as the blood drew out of your body, falling down without being able to hold yourself from your partner.
Trying to not close your eyes, feeling life abandoning your chest, the voices around calling for an ambulance became farther and farther, until you couldn't hear anything.
Voight and you broke up, after almost two years of relationship because of some trouble you had with him through the fault of Justin, but you never changed your emergency contact.
So, he was the first person to be called from the hospital.
When he came, you were still in the surgery. And the doctors didn't know how much it was going to take them in.
Hank decided to catch your attacker in the meantime, after the situation drove himself insane waiting for less than five minutes without being able to do anything for you. Just being able to walk in the waiting room from one side to another, like a locked lion.
And of course he caught him. One hour after, the man was handcuffed inside the cage of the Intelligence Unit.
Hank used him as a boxing bag, the ten minutes Platt let him to be alone with your attacker.
When the cops came to pick him up and saw that he was bleeding all around, Hank just claimed that he fell down the stairs.
But there weren't any stairs.
The first thing you feel, as you wake up slowly, is a hand tightly holding yours.
Using your free one to take off the tubes stuck in your nose, you move your head to the right over the pillow.
The mattress sinks close to your body, a second before that a pair of rough lips are pressed on your forehead.
You're disorientated, opening your eyelids to find Hank's crystal eyes.
You can't help but show him a fleeting smile, watching him lying by your side to wrap your body with his arms, carefully to not rip off any other tube from your wrist and chest.
“What happened…?” You whisper with a dry tone of voice, because of the lack of wetness in your throat, coughing inevitably.
“Shh… don't worry about that now, baby. It's okay, I took care of it. I will take care of you”.
After three days in the hospital, Will discharges you, trusting in Voight's words.
He's not going to leave you again.
He has asked for a couple days else to be with you at his house.
He has prepared consciousness every corner of his house and he has already gone to yours to pack enough clothes and other things you can need.
Hank's attention is twenty four hours on you, being sure that you take your meds, that you're comfy on the sofa, that you have your favorite snacks and your favorite drinks.
He blames himself.
The 21st District is the most secure in Chicago, in reality. But when you two broke up, you asked for a transfer to the 9th.
This wouldn't have happened if you would have stayed in his district.
You have heard him crying in the bathroom, in the middle of the night, waking you up.
Dragging your feet over the cold floor, pressing a hand against your side when you receive a lash of pain after the effort of getting up, you step out from the room to cross the hallway and place your ear against the door. The sorrow installed in your chest, being aware that he thinks this is his fault, you can't help but push the wood with your other hand.
Hank stands up as soon as he sees you, clearing his tears with the back of his fingers to pretend that he wasn't really crying. He's about to say something when you interrupt him, leaning on your tiptoes to reach his lips with yours. He doesn't move at first, but it takes him only one second to surround your body with his arms.
Your lips move in sync, spreading all the tenderness you can feel for each other. It doesn't matter how many months have passed, you still feel the same love that united you one day. And without breaking the kiss, he squats enough to grab your legs and lift you up, urging you to put them around his waist. You don't utter a single word, placing your hands on the back of his head as you slowly deepen the kiss by sliding your tongue in his cavity to find his.
“I love you… I've never taken you off from my head. I've been thinking of you every single second of my days, since you left”. His throaty voice leads on your lips like a soft and gentle touch, lying you down carefully back on his bed. Your bed. “I don't want anything in my life, but you. Only you. And I'm sorry for all the things I said, for all the shit I did to you, because you didn't deserve it”.
Keeping you embraced between his arms, against his chest, Hank spreads dearly and sloppy kisses all around your face. Taking his time. No rush. His thumb caresses your cheek, while he rests his head over the pillow. Nose against nose.
“Let me take care of you. Stay with me, please”.
Closing your eyes, you just nod getting comfier sinking your face into his neck. You have missed him, you can't lie and say that he hasn't been your first and your last thought after waking up every morning and before going to sleep every night.
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sevlgi · 3 years
i smile
requested: no
group: blackpink
pairing: lisa x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst
contents: socialite!lisa, ex!lisa, chaeyoung is lisa’s wife, reader crashes a wedding
warnings: implied cheating
synopsis: Crashing Lisa’s wedding might be embarrassing for her and dangerous for you.
a/n: does this suck? yes. is it worth y’all’s wait? absolutely not. but whatever  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
word count: 1k
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The dark night of Seoul provides a deep blue backdrop to the shimmering fairy lights of the wedding, and out of spite, you almost wish that the sun would appear at midnight to ruin the ambience.
Of course, that isn’t possible. You watched the sun set during your taxi ride to the rooftop, and you know that it must have been gorgeous behind the wedding ceremony. 
You came late and turned heads as you did, foregoing the entire first half of the wedding completely. As a result, you haven’t seen the bride at all.
“Well, aren’t you fashionably late?” Jennie rolls her eyes next to you, but clears her bag off of the empty seat next to her anyway. The white crystals embedded into her hair make it seem like she’s the bride, and you resist the urge to ask whether that was her intention. “Come on, you’re just in time for dessert.”
“Dessert, huh? I was trying to make it before the meal,” you joke. “Where are the happy newlyweds? Escaping to be on their own already?”
Jennie swats your arm. “Ew, no. As far as I know, they have an outfit change planned before they cut the cake.”
“Okay, okay.” Head swiveling, you survey the guests; unsurprisingly, you don’t recognize most of them. The overtly pretentious guests are probably all invited by the brides’ families rather than the brides themselves, since you doubt that Lisa or her new wife would prefer middle-aged women over the friends you all made in college together. “Where are Minnie, Jisoo, Bambam-?” you whisper.
“Not invited,” Jennie sighs, then raises her eyebrow. “I’m surprised you were.”
“Who said I was?”
Just as you swipe Jennie’s flute of champagne, Lisa appears from the other side of the rooftop, the woman who you assume to be her new wife at her side. “Her name’s Chaeyoung, in case you don’t remember,” Jennie whispers to you. “Or  Rosé, if you want an autograph.”
Chaeyoung’s certainly pretty, with pale blonde hair and a tiny waist, accentuated by the sparkling champagne wedding dress that she wears. No matter how jealous you are of her, there isn’t anything bad you can say about the actress, not when she’s one of the prettiest people you’ve ever seen. 
You’re saved from more less-than-righteous thoughts when the couple make their way to the cake, Lisa ringing her spoon against a champagne glass to grab the guests’ attention. “We’re back, everyone,” she smiles. It’s the first time you’ve seen her in such a dress in a while, and you have to admit that she looks absolutely perfect. “We’ll start cutting the cake now, and you can get in line. Orderly, please!”
Jennie drags you to your feet and pulls you to the back of a line that really isn’t too long. Standing there, closer to your ex than you have been in a long time, you wonder whether there’s an alternate universe where you would be the one smiling at her side in a pretty dress, or whether there’s one where you would be laughing on the beach together, surrounded by your friends.
Watching the way that she interacts with Chaeyoung and with her guests, you conclude that there isn’t.
“Jennie!” Chaeyoung exclaims when the two of you make your way to the front of the line. Lisa looks... horrified, maybe, or just shocked when she sees you, but her wife keeps the beautiful smile when she turns to you. “Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Ah. Y/N,” you answer, reaching your hand out. “I used to be Lisa’s assistant and... an old friend.”
“Glad to see you,” Chaeyoung bows, taking your plate from your hands. “Lisa, don’t you want to talk to your friends? I can keep going by myself.”
“Um... sure,” the Thai girl nods, guiding you aside. “It’s really good to see you, Y/N, I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Well, I gathered that, since I didn’t get invited.” Lisa winces at that, but you shake your head and hold a hand up. “It’s fine, I don’t really care, and I understand not inviting me. I’m sure your parents still hate me.”
Lisa sighs, “You know that’s not why I didn’t invite you.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s probably just the same reason why you didn’t invite your best friends,” you raise your eyebrow. 
“And what reason do you assume that to be?”
“None of us have a net worth above five million.” You take the surprised expression on the other girl’s face to be a sign that you got the right answer. “I’m worth something after all, huh?”
“I never said otherwise to you,” Lisa frowns. “But you’re right. How did you figure it out?”
Nodding at the people scattered across the venue, you answer, “That’s the new CEO of BigHit right there, isn’t it? Plus all the socialites wearing jewels worth more than my lifetime’s salary kind of hint at that.”
Snatching a glass of wine off a passing waiter, Lisa takes a sip and asks, “Why didn’t you ever try to become a detective of some sort? God knows you’d make more money using those brains of yours than you did following me around my office.”
“We both know I did a lot more than follow you.” But despite all your bravado, you quiet when Chaeyoung approaches again with a slice of cake in hand.
“Jagiyah, your mother is looking for you,” the actress smiles. “Y/N, it was so lovely meeting you.”
“You too. ‘Till death do you part and all that,” you call out as you walk away, raising a glass to your mouth as you do.
Lisa throws back, “Well, don’t send an assassin after us to ensure that.”
It’s probably a joke, though Chaeyoung scolds her wife for it, but you turn around, tilt your head and smile, “Wasn’t that always your specialty?”
And with that, you turn back for good with a sigh. It won’t be long until Lisa calls you up again anyway-- it never is.
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aerynwrites · 4 years
Star Wars x Reader Masterlist
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Dear Soldier Universe
Soldier!Boba x F!Reader
After deciding his team unknowingly sign him up for the “Dear Soldier” program, Boba receives an unexpected letter in the mail. A letter from you, a little librarian from a small town thousands of miles away. Neither of you expect much more than a simple correspondence, but the program leads you both to so much more.
What Lies Beneath
Clan Leader!Boba Fett x Fem!Reader
After becoming the new healer for a small village on a small planet, you find yourself fascinated and borderline enamored with the fearsome and mysterious Clan Leader. However, your surface feelings soon turn into much more, and what happens when you find out that the man of your affections feels the same way? (this will be a 2-3 part miniseries)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (?)
Mysterious Man
Mob Boss!Boba Fett x F!Reader
Reader is a waitress at a local diner and manages to attract the attention of one of the regulars in the diner. However, little does he know that the waitress has the same feelings as him. Now...he just has to break it to her that he’s one of the most wanted men in the city. (This will be a disjointed series in the fact that parts may not be in chronological order and appear as more of slices of life.)
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Regret  - After a close call, you have a moment to think about things you would have regretted if it had gone worse. So, you finally act on your feelings towards Boba, and it leads to more than you thought it would. 🔥 (2.9k words)
Scars - Boba is finally returning home from serving in the armed forces. However, he is also coming home with some new scars and is terrified of your reaction. (1.4k words)
A King and His Queen - Boba buys the reader a gift, and he can’t wait to see her wear it. (Part of my lingerie series) (1.7k words)
Hunter - When waiting on a planet to capture a bounty, Reader gets bored and challenged Boba to chase her. It ends much differently than she intended. 🔥 (3.5k words)
Spectre - For the first time, Boba encounters a bounty he unable to beat. (1.6k words)
Post-Sarlacc Moments - This one shot was inspired by this art piece by @/ollovae3. It follows Boba and Ollo’s OC Bee as she cares for him and his chronic pain following the sarlacc pit. (1.2k words)
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Soup - Boba takes care of you when you fall ill. (759 words)
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What They Don’t Know - After a long time away from home, Paz returns to you and shows you just how much he missed you. (2.3k words)
Forever - “There's only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling” (1k words)
Cabur - When a mission to collect supplies for the covert goes awry, you and Paz find yourselves in a less than ideal situation. (2.3k words)
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The Chase - “There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close” (634 words)
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Stardust -  Soulmate!AU: You feel it when your soulmate dies, its world shattering…but then you get an unexpected visitor. (3k words)
“You’re bleeding.” + “come here, let me fix this.” (1.1k words)
Delicacy - Cassian deals with his feelings for a certain droid mechanic. (written for a request asking for a wheelchair bound Reader) (1.7k words)
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Home - “Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap”
Liminality - Cassian’s last moments with you on Scarif
After - The reader is faced with dealing with the aftermath of Cassian’s death
Dog Tags - The reader loves seeing Cassian in his dog tags, and now she final;y asks about them.
The Open Road - short blurb about a going on a road trip with Modern!Cassian
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Surprise! - Reader decides to celebrate Rex’s birthday and Rex has many emotions surrounding it. (1.4k words)
Unattainable - The reader brings up their thoughts about the future, a topic that Rex likes to avoid for reasons he finally tells you. (1.1k words)
A Tumultuous Task - Rex finally decides to ask reader out of a date. Except it proves to be much harder of a task than he was expecting. (1k words)
Crystal Waters - While separated from the 501st and 212th, you and Rex find a hidden paradise. (1k words)
New Beginnings - Reader finds out shes pregnant just before a large battle...Rex watches over her after she’s injured and also asks an important question. (2.2k words)
Dreams - The Republic won the war and everyone got their happily ever afters. This is yours and Rex’s.
Firsts - Reader decides she’s finally ready to take the next step with Rex. Rex does everything he can to make her comfortable. (4.1K words)
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Surprising Rex with Lingerie - (884 words)
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Whole Again - You reunite with Hunter after Order 66 and you have very important news to tell him. (1.4k words)
Conflicted - Crosshair struggles with the influence of the inhibitor chip and what it’s making him do to the one person he truly cares for.
Coming Soon!
Unexpected Feelings - season 2 finale fix it fic. After Tech almost sacrificed himself, reader is furious but then terrified after they both find out some surprising news.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Ocean Currents
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A/N: Since how SOMEONE had to go looking all cute after I already posted a fic about his dumb ass, here’s a part 2 to Ocean Currents that no one asked for. Reading Part 1 is not technically necessary, but highly encouraged.
Word Count: 1k
And away, and away we go!
30 minutes didn’t give you a lot of prep time, which meant that you didn’t have a lot of time to overthink things as your replacement came in and you quickly changed in the small bathroom inside the lifeguard tower. As you changed you were glad you opted to grab a sundress today rather than your usual shorts and tank top. 
“Whoa, got a hot date?” your coworker asked as you stepped back onto the landing of the lifeguard stand.
“Something like that, yeah,” you smiled.
“Give me the details tomorrow, yeah? And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Or do!” they called out as you made a beeline for the pier.
Ashton had his back turned, arms resting against the railing of the pier as he stared out at the water. He looked a little different as he had changed into a regular pair of shorts, and thin long-sleeved white button down shirt. “Hey, you,” you said softly, walking up to him.
He turned, smiling. “Hey! You look… wow.”
“Friends ditch you?” you asked, looking around.
“They’re around somewhere I’m sure. I’ll find them later. Or I won’t. Not a big deal.”
You laughed. “I take it you guys took separate cars. Or still a little butthurt at their teasing you earlier?”
“Little bit of both maybe,” Ashton laughed a little. “Anyway… you ready?”
“Yeah of course! There’s a great little diner here at the other end.”
“Sounds great.” As you fell into step with each other, his hand bumped into yours before he interlaced your fingers, the corner of his lips going up in a sly boyish smirk. And you couldn’t help the small giggle you let out at the teenage antics of it all. “So… how long have you been a lifeguard?”
“Uh… about 10 years total. But a beach lifeguard for only the last 4 or so years.”
“Was the transition hard? From pool to beach?”
“Yes, and no. I was never a pool lifeguard. I was with our parks and rec department, so I was lifeguarding lakes. Which operate enough like pools, but you still get a strong current from time to time.”
“Very cool.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely different from your traditional job I guess. But never a dull moment. What do you do?”
“Oh, I’m a drummer.”
You faltered for a half step, not expecting that answer. “A drummer? I thought you were a swimmer.”
“I said I used to be a swimmer. When I was a kid and in high school I was. And did the typical summer jobs lifeguarding public pools. Until I became a drummer and left home, that is.”
“Oh? Where is home and how long ago did you leave?”
“Australia. And uh, we left about 9 years ago. Stayed in London for a few years. Then settled here… God, I can’t remember how long it’s been. The years kinda blur after a while.”
“That they do,” you laughed as you reached the diner at the end of the pier and he got the door for you both.
“Hi! Table for 2?” the hostess asked.
“Yes, please,” Ashton told them.
“Would you prefer to sit inside or outside?”
“Um… outside?” Ashton asked, looking at you.
“Outside,” you nodded with a smile.
“Follow me,” the hostess chirped.
After you had taken your seats and ordered drinks, you picked up where you left off in the conversation. “So, drummer? Famous?”
Ashton giggled, his smile in full effect. “Some people would say that, yeah. I mean, if you Google me, I definitely show up.”
“So I bet that you’re used to people telling you that you have a really cute smile then, huh?”
His cheeks blushed and he giggled more. “Uh, surprisingly not the compliment I usually get. But yeah, it does happen from time to time.”
“And what compliments do you usually get?”
“Ones too inappropriate to say in polite company, or related to my drumming.”
“Oh!” Your eyes went wide. “That’s, um… actually kind of terrible. Never understood the oversexualizing of celebrities. The way the general public acts like you’re meant only for our entertainment, and that you’re not real actual people yourselves.”
He shrugged and waved a hand dismissively. “You learn to tune it out, sexual and hateful comments alike.”
“That’s still a terrible thing to have to learn.”
He shrugged again. “It helps that the nice comments heavily outweigh the not so nice ones. And having supportive band members going through the same thing helps you to not feel isolated in it, too.”
“Mmm, and your friends from earlier? Friends or band members?”
“Mix of the two. The guys are my band mates. And the girls are fiancées. Although Sierra, Luke’s fiancée, the brunette, she’s also a musician.”
“And Luke was one of the blondes, yeah?” you asked, trying to remember from earlier.
“Yes. The taller blonde. The shorter blonde was Michael, and he’s engaged to Crystal, the other woman we were with. And then you more or less met Calum.”
“You guys all seem really close. Like you became each other’s family almost.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I mean, we basically did. People used to think Luke and I were actually brothers. That was a weird year.”
“That’s actually kind of sweet.”
“Yeah. But enough about me and them. I wanna learn about you.”
“Well that might be a problem, because I wanna learn about you. And not from Google.”
Food dishes and water glasses laid scattered about the table, as you and Ashton spent the better part of 2 hours swapping stories and trading scars like you’d never not known each other, the sun sinking lower behind him, casting him in a heavenly glow of soft sunshine that held the smells of an ocean breeze.
He sighed, propping an elbow up and cupping his chin in his palm, a lazy smile on his face.
“What?” you giggled nervously, wiping at your face with a napkin.
“Nothing. I’m just… really enjoying myself. And kinda kicking myself a bit.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, one of my friends, not any of the ones I came with today unfortunately, is a photographer. And I kinda wish he was because he’s the only one I trust to capture how breathtaking you look right now.”
“Breathtaking, hmm?” you asked, leaning forward across the table.
“Absolutely stunning,” his breath fanned across your face from how close you were to him.
“You sure do know how to charm a woman, Ashton.”
“Wait until you learn how I kiss.”
Tag List
 @aquarius-hood1996​ @creator-appreciator​ @philthepegacorn​ @myfavfanficsever​ @cxddlyash​ @youngblood199456​ @stormrider505​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​ @hoodhoran​ @metalandboybands​ @maybeememez​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @wiiildflowerrr​ @heartskippeddabeat​
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✨ PROMPTS: "has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?" / “this reminded me of you”.
✨ MADE BY: @mayans-sauce and Juls.
WORDS: about 1k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤
❚❙ GIF credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
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“No, you hear me out, man! You better find my package and bring it in less than an hour, or I’m gonna drag you through the fucking desert!”
Everybody outside Templo is hearing Taza yelling really furious. You can’t help but look at Bishop, really surprised, trying to understand what the apache is talking about. But he doesn’t know it either. Leaving the food you have bought in your way from the hospital over a table, you walk towards the crystal door, to stick your head out of it. Your boyfriend looks furious, kicking one of the wooden chairs to make it fall to the ground with a loud crash. Sliding your body through the opening, before closing the door behind you, he notices your presence.
“Everything okay?” You whisper, not being sure he wants to talk about it.
“No, it’s not”. He grunts passing you away and stepping out of the meeting-room. “I have some important business matters to take care of, go back to work. I have no time to have lunch right now”.
Like a bat out of hell, you watch him through the window jumping on his bike and turning on the engine to disappear in just a sight. With your lips curved down, you turn around to grab back the food, being stopped by a hand on your wrist. Bishop gets up from his chair, showing you a tender grin and making a gesture to point at Templo.
“C’mon, preciosa, I will eat with you. There’s no best company than yours”.
His words make you smile. He always does with that father energy Bishop transmits you the whole time, since you met the crew.
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When your shift has finished and you already have changed your clothes, for a pair of comfy sweatpants and a baggy shirt, you sit on the bench inside the locker room, you have a look at the notifications accumulated on your phone. Your mom asking how your day has gone, your friends telling you to meet them at the bar, memes from Coco and Angel, and some texts from Taza. Opening the last ones, you read him apologizing for being rude with you and for bailing you on. But before you can text him back, his name and a heart flash on your screen with the characteristic ringtone you chose for him.
“Hey, you…”
“Hey, you”.
“Listen… I am so sorry for how I talked to you this morning. I had a problem and I took it out on you. I am sorry, mi amor”.
“It’s okay, Che, don’t worry”.
“Why don’t you come to the club? I really want to see you. I have to finish some shit here, but then we can go home, or stay here if you want”.
“Yeah, okay…”
“Only if you want, if you’re not tired. I can meet you at home later”.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m on my way”.
“Good. Drive safely. I love you, chiquita”.
“I love you too, grumpy”.
“How much, ah?”
“To the moon and back”. You can't help but chuckle, hearing him giggling at the other side of the speaker.
“See you now, baby”.
Hanging up the call, you keep your stuff in your bag, before hanging it from your shoulder to walk straight to the parking under the building.
The road to the club doesn't take you much longer than ten minutes, not stopping to think about what happened this morning and if he would like to talk to you about it. You have never seen him this angrier before and it really worries you. But pushing those thoughts away, as soon as you find him sitting on the porch, you park your car next to the bikes under the metallic rooftop.
Standing from the stairs, Taza walks towards you keeping something in his hands inside a pocket of his kutte, to welcome you between his arms in a tight warm hug. Kissing your cheek some times, he shows you a regretful smile.
“Got something for you, com’ere”.
Squinting at him and tilting your head with curiosity, he holds your hand to guide you to the nearest picnic table. Sitting over it, facing each other, you make your way to between his legs and place yours at both sides of his waist.
“Do you remember what I told you on our first date, ah?” You nod curving your lips in a proud smile. “What I said?”
“Has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?” Trying to imitate his voice, Taza breaks into laughs. “Yeah, that has been the weirdest, BUT beautiful thing someone has ever told me”.
“Yeah, sorry for being in love with your sassy ass and being an old-school man”. Giving you a funny look, he grabs from his pocket whatever he was carrying minutes ago. A small black bag made with velvet. “I’ve been waiting for this a month and I thought the guy in charge of bringing it had lost it”.
Taking his phone with his free hand, he unlocks it to show you a picture of a white stone with some periwinkle purple and air force blue reflected in it.
“When we were at San Buho last time, a friend of mine found this in the desert. You know what it is?” Shaking your head, he places his phone away. “It’s a moonstone, and reminded me of you. Strong and beautiful”.
Pouting at him, you watch his fingers moving around the laces to undone the knot and take the thing inside it. A white golden ring. A big one, very similar to the ones he usually wears, and the ones you usually steal him to put in your fingers. In the center, the same moonstone he showed you seconds ago. You can’t stop looking at the piece of jewelry, while Taza holds your right hand and puts it in your forefinger. It fits perfectly.
“I designed it, so I hope you like it”. Your boyfriend sounds insecure for a moment, until he raises up his eyes laying them on yours.
“I love it”.
“Yeah, really?”
“Really”. Chuckling as you clean the tears in your cheeks, you can’t help but jump onto him to hug him as strongly as you can. “Thank you… It’s really amazing”.
“Just like you, cariño mío”. He whispers, leaving a gentle kiss on your temple, holding you against his chest. “I want to see your eyes shining every day of my life, that’s the only thing I need”.
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