#I have decided that I’m on here enough that I should start abiding by the
Saul silva x student!Reader - I care
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TW: mentions of depression, self destructive tendencies and neglectful parents
The moment you came to Alfea you were labelled as the troubled student, violent, aggressive, a lost cause.
No teacher wanted anything to do with you, kicked you out of pretty much all your lessons, the only thing you seemed to excel at was your training.
Except you always took it too far, or you just flat out didn’t turn up, and since Silva had that many students to train, he couldn’t always pay attention to make sure you were there.
But he was aware of all the complaints about you.
So he called you in for a meeting and waited for you.
After nearly an hour of being called for the meeting you finally turned up, trudging into the room.
“You’re late.”
Walking over, you sat down in front of his desk.
“At Alfea we have a level of behaviour we expect all of our students to abide by, high levels of discipline and respect that as a student you are supposed to follow.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Not only have a received numerous complaints about you (L/N), but as the weeks go on I seem to be getting more and more and this is not something we tolerate at this school. Students are carefully selected, and you were offered a place based on your recommendations and the level of skill you showed when it came to hand to hand combat, as well as you parents both being high achieving fairies in the first world.”
Silva looked at his papers in front of him before he turned his attention back towards you.
“We can either talk about this, the reasons behind it and see what we can do going forward, you can be suspended for the final month before summer, or you can improve your behaviour. Which one?”
You sighed, looking at him.
“I couldn’t really care less to be honest with you.”
He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms.
“Well if that’s the case I’m going to suspend you, send you back to the first world with your parents, and we’ll decide what to do with you during the summer, then I will come and personally speak with you all about the decision.”
“Yeah whatever.”
With that you left to go pack your things, wanting to leave the school as soon as you possibly could.
You didn’t exactly want to go back to your parents either, but right now you didn’t want to be there. You didn’t really want to be anywhere.
When you got back home, you went straight to your room and dumped some of your bags, heading back down the stairs.
“You’re not staying here for the summer.”
“Well where else am I supposed to fucking go? You’re my parents it’s your job to look after me.”
“No, it’s your job to pay us back everything we fucking spent to look after you, get your crap and leave right now, take your car and fuck off. If you want to act all big then you can out there.” Your dad snapped.
“Oh yeah it’s my fault you two fucked around yeah? My fault for being born? Get a fucking grip, maybe you two assclowns should’ve been more careful then. Keep my shit, I’ve got my clothes in the car and everything I need.”
With that, you grabbed your jacket, slamming the car door behind you.
Getting in your car, you started it, pulling out the drive to go somewhere else.
You had some money from summer jobs you had been working when you became old enough, so it was enough to get you some cheap food for a while, put some gas in the car and that was it.
After a week of staying in your car, it was impounded and all you had was a bag of clothes, your phone and your charger.
You had nothing at this point.
Maybe you should have been more upset than you were as you sat under one of your towns bridges out of the way, but you couldn’t be.
Some friends from Alfea had tried reaching out to you, but you weren’t interested, you simply just ignored them.
Resting your arms on your knees, your rested your head against the cool concrete, listening to the sound of the rain and your phone ringing.
Picking it up, you looked at who was calling and hung up on them, not wanting to listen to what he had to say.
It had been just over a month and a half since you had been sent back home, so you knew what it was about.
Your fate at Alfea.
Would you be expelled? Allowed back?
You didn’t know, and you didn’t care.
So for the next week every time the headmaster tried to call you or message you, you ignored him, not bothering to reply hoping maybe he would just leave you alone.
“You can’t stay here kid, there’s a shelter down the road.”
Sitting up from the bench, you looked at the officer and sighed as you got up.
“It’s full, but I’ll move.”
“Church can offer you a place to stay for the night you know.”
You shrugged a little, grabbing your bag.
“Not worth it.”
You made your way through the town, heading back to the bridge you had been hiding out under.
“Well I was wondering when you’d return.”
You smiled at the woman, sitting yourself down on the dirt.
“We had some leftovers, I’m handing them out here, and take this blanket as well, my husband was just going to toss it out.”
She handed them all to you.
“Thank you Ma’am, it’s much appreciated.”
“You know if you want a place to stay we can offer you one.”
You shook your head.
“It’s alright, don’t worry.”
She sighed, nodding her head.
“Alright darling, come by the restaurant if you change your mind.”
With that, she left and you looked at the warm food she had given to you, and you quickly began to eat it.
You didn’t like half the food, but food was food at the end of the day and you weren’t going to turn down free meals.
When you finished eating, you set your bag on the floor and laid down with your head on it, covering yourself up with the blanket as you drifted into an uneasy sleep.
What woke you up was the sound of people come down the ridge.
“Usually they’re under here, sometimes they leave and are gone for a few days but someone saw them here last night.”
“Officer Dan if that’s you fuck off!” You called.
“It’s me, and I’ve got someone looking for you, headteacher from your college, says people have been trying to reach out to you. What’s the point of having a phone if you won’t use it?”
You grumbled a little, pulling the blanket around your shoulders as you looked at them.
“I’m tired leave me alone.”
“We’ll you’re also close to being declared dead, so no, we’re going to talk, let’s go.”
“Fuck off.”
Silva sighed, turning to the officer.
“I can handle this, thank you.”
Officer Dan nodded, then he looked at you.
“Stop robbing the market, they’re going to make me arrest you one day.”
With that, he left and Silva came under the bridge, crossing his arms over his chest.
“This is where you’ve been?”
“What gonna fucking lecture me again? Have a go at me? Expel me? Fucking do my life ain’t getting any worse.”
Silva sighed, crouching down so he could look at you.
“What happened (Y/N), I went to see your parents they said they hadn’t seen you in nearly two months, that you ran away?”
“Did I fuck run away the fucking liars, they fucking kicked me out. Apparently all their issues are my fault, but I guess that’s true. It’s always my fucking fault.”
“Okay, let’s calm down a little yeah? Let’s talk, tell me what happened.”
You grabbed your bag, tossing the blanket at him.
“What do you can tell me I’m good for nothing an all? No thanks.”
You stormed away and he called your name, jogging to catch up to you as you walked along the stream until you found a good place to sit in the sun for warmth.
Sitting down, you stared into the water, clenching your jaw.
Silva walked over, draping the blanket over you, then he sat down next to you.
“If you’d told me this was happening I would’ve come to bring you back to Alfea.” He said.
“Yeah right.”
“It’s true, I’ve been getting calls since summer began saying nobody has heard from you and I’ve been trying to track you down for the past week.”
You scoffed a little.
“What so you can tell me I’m expelled? I don’t care.”
“No, to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m alive.”
“But are you okay?”
“I’m alive.” You repeated.
Silva looked at the water.
“You know you’re not alone in this world (Y/N), there are people out there who want to help you, you just need to let them try.”
“Nobody wants to help me. It doesn’t matter either.”
“Why’s that?”
“I was born broken, I was never gonna have a good life, parents never wanted me, blamed me for everything and shipped me off the first chance I got. Other students hate me because I’m from the first world, because I’m different. What’s it matter?”
“It does matter, you matter.”
“No I don’t. If there’s a god out there then they’re pretty shitty, I got dealt a shitty hand in life, and that’s that. Everybody talks about how it gets better and all that but does it fuck, they only say that because sun shines on them and gives them good stuff, a good life.”
You sighed a little.
“I’m full of hate and anger because of my life, and I dug a hole I can’t get out of I never stood a chance in life you know? I let go of that hope years ago, got no home, family, money. Sometimes I wonder what if I was born into a better family, would it be a better life?”
You went quiet a for a moment.
“Some people just have shitty lives and that’s it.”
“But it doesn’t have to be, if you let me help you I can help you build a better life for yourself.”
“Right yeah until I’m out of Alfea and I’m back here again, living in the streets.”
“Not if I hire you as an apprentice specialist instructor, you’ll still have a room at the school, and get paid.”
You laid back in the dirt.
“Don’t waste your time, not worth it.”
“But you are, and I understand why you’re angry, and you know what? You should be, because it’s not fair, it isn’t. You’re right, some people are dealt shitty hands, but that doesn’t define who you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“You decide the person you are (Y/N), and you can be more than your past makes you to be. You can either let it destroy you, or you can learn from it and grow into a better person than everybody who tried to bring you down.”
“Who cares if I stay here like this?”
Silva gave you a little smile.
“I do, and I want to help you out of this. Let me help you build yourself a better life, watch you grow from everything that tried to destroy you.”
“Don’t you already have a kid to worry about?”
“Yes, I do have Sky, but I’ve got room for another kid to worry about.”
You scoffed.
“Don’t waste your breath.”
“Come on, it’ll be good. I know you and Sky get along anyway.”
“Yeah, and what?”
“So come on then, get your shit, let’s go get you your car back and go back to Alfea, come on.”
“Let’s go (Y/N), we need to get back before dark.”
“I’m not going with you.”
“Then I’m bringing your car with me.”
He got up and began to walk to up to his car parked in the side of the road.
“Are you fuck taking my car!”
Grabbing your bag, you ran after him and Silva smiled to himself a little bit.
If there’s one thing he knew about you for sure it was how much you loved that car, and wherever it went you went.
It was going to take a long time, and a lot of hard work, but he wanted to show you that you don’t have to life in the hole you had confined yourself too, that outside of this place was a world waiting for you to run into head on
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Last Memory of You
For @mrs-alvez-2024 and @garvezshipper
Summary: It had started as a normal day. It hadn't ended as one.
Word count: 1875
Warnings: It is angsty, there's kidnapping and the fear of being very close to dying, but no one dies.
Can also be read here on Ao3
It had started as a normal day, or, as normal as their days could be. Penelope had been called out into the field to help the team on the case, and she and Luke had decided to go on a coffee run for the team. They had no reason to suspect that anything would go wrong, but then, wasn’t that how these things always started? Bad things happened to people, bad things happened to them, even, but not out of the blue. There was always some sort of tell. 
Except there wasn’t. Not this time. The front parking lot to the coffee shop was completely packed. That wasn’t all that unusual, it was a popular shop on a busy street. It was just busy enough, however, that only the front parking lot was full. The back parking lot was completely empty, so they had their choice of spots. 
When they exited the coffee shop and got back in the car there was no indication that anything had happened. It was when Luke turned on the car, however, and a gas poured out of the air conditioning that they realized they were in danger. 
And that was the last thing they remembered. 
"Penelope. Penelope." Luke calling her name over and over was what finally woke her up. 
She looked around to see where they were. A small, long metal room, it seemed like. Her heart sank. A shipping container. That was when she realized that she was bound to a chair. Luke was bound similarly about seven feet across from her. "What happened?"
"He must have messed with our car while we were in the coffee shop," Luke told her. "There's no way we could have known about it until it was too late." 
“Well, looks who’s finally awake,” came the grating voice of Elias Voit, the unsub they’d been chasing for months. They’d finally identified him, the end was in sight. They could have never predicted that he’d go and capture two federal agents. “Normally I don’t do this sort of thing… kidnapping law enforcement doesn’t really abide by my rules… but I can’t leave the people trying to take me down with their biggest asset.” He placed his hand on Penelope’s shoulder as he said that, and her blood ran cold.
“Don’t touch her,” Luke snarled, fury in his eyes. 
Penelope didn’t have to see Voit’s face to know that that reaction had been a mistake. “Oh-hoh! Protective, are we? Strange, considering you’re the one who roped her back into helping you in the first place. That’s right, I know. I know everything about you two. Ever since your team began following my team, I have been following yours.” Voit detailed his entire plot, down to following them to the coffee shop and hijacking their car. 
Penelope swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. She should have known that someone with the technical prowess to create that secret message board for wannabe serial killers would have known the second she identified him. She should have known. If she had guessed, she and Luke never would have left the Police station. She was responsible for them being in this situation.
No. A little voice in the back of her head reminded her. This is Voit’s fault. No one else’s. You were doing your job. You are not a profiler. This isn’t even your job anymore. You are blameless.
Voit pushed the gun he was carrying into the side of Luke’s head. “Now, unfortunately for you, I can’t keep you two around. I’m going to have to kill you, and since you’re so protective of Ms. Penelope Garcia, why don’t you go first, SSA Luke Alvez?”
Luke didn’t dignify him with a response. He just kept staring right ahead. If he was going to die, Penelope was going to be the last thing he saw. “Close your eyes,” he told her. “I don’t want you seeing this.
She stared at him for a moment longer before listening, trying to commit every detail of his face to memory, knowing this was going to be how she was going to have to remember him for the rest of her life, however long that was. 
“Any last words?” Voit asked.
Luke shook his head. He wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
“Come on, you must have something you want to say to her before you die.”
Luke wondered briefly if Voit knew everything that had transpired between them, knew about his feelings for her. It was likely, if he had hacked into their computers, their phones. Seen his texts. His notes full of unsent messages. But he still didn’t say anything.
“Well, if you don’t have anything to say, maybe I will kill the girl first. I’m sure she has something to say.”
“No!” Luke bellowed. “Fine. Fine, I’ll talk. Penelope, listen to me, okay? Don’t open your eyes, just listen to me. I’m so sorry about all of this. I never should have pulled you back in. But if this is how it has to end for me… I’m okay with that. At least you are the last thing I’ll ever see in this world. I love you, Penelope. You need to know that. You’ve made me a better person and I’m so grateful to have known you.”
Penelope opened her eyes. She was going to look Luke in the eyes as she said this. He deserved as much. “I love you too, Luke.” Then she shut her eyes again, adjusting her mental image of him so that her final memory of Luke alive and breathing had him looking at her with the most adoring gaze she’d ever seen. A gaze, she realized, he’d given her many times over the years they’d known each other. She choked back sobs as she realized that if she hadn’t been so stubborn, so damn insistent on not letting him in that maybe they could have been something all these years, that she didn’t need to pine in silence, that their one date didn’t have to be all they got. But at least they had it. At least she had the memory of that one beautiful night to hold on to, even if it was only for the next five minutes. 
"Well isn't this interesting?" Voit mused. "A mutual deathbed love confession. How heartwarming. Shame I still have to kill you."
That was when she heard a bang behind her as the doors to the shipping container we forced open and she heard Emily call, “Elias Voit! FBI! Put your weapon down!”
“Don’t do it, Voit!” Rossi yelled.
Penelope heard some movement and a gunshot in quick succession. She let out a sob of grief but kept her eyes screwed shut. She refused to see Luke’s bloody, lifeless body. She refused. 
“Are you two okay?” Tara asked. 
Penelope’s grief didn’t let her understand the implication of that question.
Until a voice that she had thought she’d never hear again said, “Physically? Yeah, I think so.”
Her eyes flew open and she saw Luke, alive and well, staring at her with the same look on his face. She realized it was Voit who’d been shot in the shoulder as Emily cuffed him and hauled him out of the shipping container to an awaiting cop car. Tara was untying Luke’s bonds while Rossi and JJ worked on hers.
No sooner were they free than they were across the room and in each other’s arms, swaying with the force of their bodies hitting each other. Penelope wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t want their first kiss to be as a result of such a traumatic incident, nor did she want it to be in front of their entire team. So she just held him. “I thought he was going to kill you,” she sobbed into his chest. 
“I know,” he replied, burying his face in the curve between her shoulder and neck. “So did I. But I’m okay. And so are you.”
“I love you,” she whispered, just loud enough so that he could hear it, but not loud enough that JJ, Rossi, Emily, and Tara, who were standing off to the side to give them some space, could. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
He held her a little tighter. “I love you too. But we should probably go now. We can talk about this tonight, okay?”
He felt her nod against him and, although he desperately didn’t want to, he released her from his hold. She flashed him a watery smile, and they turned back to their team, who gladly enveloped them in hugs of their own. Tara went to Luke first, holding onto her best friend and defacto brother as hard as she could, while Rossi went to his pseudo-daughter. Hugs all around were given, and then they finally made their way back to headquarters.
That night, after hours of interviews and paperwork, Luke invited Penelope to come over and see Roxy. Puppy cuddles always helped after something like this. Plus, they needed to talk. 
They played for a bit before Penelope said, “So… we need to talk about this.”
Luke looked up from Roxy to the other pair of brown eyes in the room. “Yeah. We do.”
Penelope hesitated for a moment. “But I don’t even know what to say. I mean, I know how you feel, and you know how I feel, so what do we even say?”
“Well, we need to figure out where we go from here. I don’t want this,” he gestured between the two of them, “to be a trauma response or a way of coping with what we just went through. I want this to be something because I’ve been in love with you for years.”
“Years? But I was terrible to you!”
He smiled easily. He always did around her. “I knew you didn’t mean it.”
“Luke Alvez, Behavioral Analyst. It’s what I do.”
She laughed loudly at the callback to an old conversation of theirs, years before, the first day she met the beautiful dog stretched across their laps. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasted all that time pretending to hate you.”
“I’m sorry it took me four years to ask you out and another three to tell you I love you.”
“Well you better not take a few years before you kiss me for the first time.”
He shifted them so his arm was around her waist and she was looking at him. “What if I only made it a few more seconds?”
“Still too long,” she replied, leaning up and pressing her lips against his.
He placed his hand on her cheek, long fingers reaching to the back of her head, gently holding her there. When they finally pulled back to breathe, he rested his forehead against hers, panting slightly. “So… are we finally doing this?”
“I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t you?”
“More than,” he replied, leaning down to kiss her again. 
The thing about memories is this: every second passed is a memory made. Each memory is your last until you make another one. After all, last can also just mean most recent.
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breakfromtoront0 · 2 years
Shuri x OC angst, a little toxic.
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I wake up patting the cold empty side of the bed where my girlfriend usually is sleeping beside me.
Not lately though, this past month I’ve been waking up and going to sleep on my own, pining for her attention, because I know how good we were and could be now together.
I sigh getting up and letting my feet take me to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting in the shower, it’s still warm in here, enough to tell me she was in here this morning, the hint of her presence is the most I get these days.
I finish up getting dressed and head to Shuri’s lab, as I twist the handle I’m confused to find it locked.
“Miss Kiana, The queen has instructed me to not allow you in the lab, as to not distract her”.
I make a face interrupting him “what the fuck?”, I’ve been patient with her, only coming in the lab to steal a quick kiss, bring her food or try to engage her in some small talk.
“What else did she say Griot?” I say now I’m pissed off.
“She said today is a busy day and if you were an understanding partner you’d abide by that”
She never makes time for me, and when she does she stands me up with no explanation.
I walk up to the glass placing one hand there stealing a glance at her as I feel a tear well up in my eye.
I forgot my worth over this woman who can’t even spare me a glance, fuck that.
I throw off the kimoyo beaded bracelet around my wrist, the earrings, necklace.
I open our. No her bedroom door throwing my shit in a suitcase and changing into something more fitting for the occasion.
I’m dressed like a damn housewife and going crazy over someone who don’t pay me no mind? Helllll naw, I think to myself getting more hype as I zip up the back of the dress and slip on the heels.
I head out throwing my bag into the trunk of my car and head to the nearest hotel, I book a room, have them take my luggage and text my bitches.
“Come pick me up we finna go do some hood rat shit”
I share my location to the group chat and head to the hotel bar, sitting on a stool I decided I should be mature and communicate.
I open our chat to see “My baby🫶🏽❤️🌹” has chat notifications silenced’
I type out the message and hit send.
Don’t worry about me interfering with ur busy schedule, I’m off you, you’re single gone ahead and delete my number.
I block and delete her contact.
There we go I think to myself before ordering and downing a shot.
Let the games begin
My girls, showed up, I hop in the car with Leah, Talia, and Raini.
“You finally broke up with her?” Raini asks turning back to the road.
“Yeah a pretty face only get you so far, she had you waiting around like a lost puppy” Talia chimed in, I frown.
“Man fuck all that lost puppy shit, I’m bad as hell, and if her ass don’t see it, another bitch will.” I say crossing my legs.
“I know that’s right” Leah says looking back from the passenger seat giving me a high five.
No love by Summer Walker starts up
She always knows exactly how to match the mood, that’s why she always rides passenger with aux privileges.
I start singing along, “You didn’t yet see my worth so you tried to play me” I say gesturing my hands wildly while Talia and Leah sing along with me.
Once it gets to SZA’s part I get hype
“I’m riding through your hood it pissed me off again, finna let new niggas come find me, out there tripping like I don’t got that designer pussy” I say rubbing my curves through the slitted sides of the dress while Talia records me with the flash, posting it to her story.
We continue on through a couple more songs til Raini tells us to get out the car because we’re here, wherever here is.
I get out running to the doors of the club I presume.
“IM SINGLE BITCHES” I say opening the doors as my girls scream along with me, Talia slapping my ass as we walk through the doors.
I immediately find the bar, I’m not stupid enough to get blackout drunk over her but I definitely need to be tipsy if I wanna even try to get laid tonight, two years of not freshening up my flirting skills with anyone else, fuck that.
I down a row of 3 shots quickly before running to the dance floor “throw that ass in a circle” blasts through the speakers and I oblige throwing it as far as it can go, I notice someone behind me dancing with me and spare a glance, it’s a pretty stud, I see her teeth shining as she smiles slightly.
She’s keeping a respectful distance, I squash that and grab her hands placing them on my waist and getting back to work, I see Raini talking to some dude at the bar, Talia showing her skills and Leah recording us both hyping us up.
The song changes to Crybaby by Megan thee stallion, I grab the stranger behind me running to the middle of the floor and whispering to her “watch me” as I get low rocking on my heels pulling my short dress down every couple seconds and showing my skills that I’ve been hiding away for two years, by now there’s a crowd around me hyping me up, I see everyone recording or yelling something of encouragement.
“Yo ain’t that the Queen’s girlfriend”
Someone says and though I keep dancing my heart sinks a little.
The night continues as fun as ever, I take more shots, people approach me asking about Shuri and I just pretend like I have no clue who that is and get back to dancing.
Mya, the girl I was dancing on is fine as hell, pretty brown skin, bright white teeth, a beanie and a tracksuit on, so I’ve been keeping her company, once I finish the last shot I find the last ounce of confidence to do what I’m about to do.
I approach her grabbing her neck gently even with my acrylics on and pull her lips to mine kissing her slowly.
I’m interrupted when I hear Talia “Holy shit girl look” she says pointing to the side, as I look I notice then Shuri approaching me and the girl quickly.
“Holy shit, let’s go” I say tugging her hand, ain’t no way I’m leaving her alone with a jealous Shuri that has the strength of black panther, especially since I pulled her into this somehow.
We run towards the door and I yell to my friends, “IM OUT THIS BITCH!, BYE YALL”.
I reach the door blocked by Dora’s “please let me pass, you guys know how bad it’s been for me” I say losing some of my strength, they spare me a glance but ultimately don’t move, I look back to see Shuri a couple seconds from reaching us and push quickly and strongly through the Dora’s taking Maya with me and hopping into the passing cab quickly sighing.
“Girl what the fu-“ she starts but I put up a finger “Hilton Hotel please” I tell the driver.
I then turn to Mya, “long story short, I was dating the Queen of Wakanda, I broke up with her because she was neglecting me, she showed up, and she probably was gonna hurt both of us so”
Mya’s eyes widen before she closes them leaning back.
“Why do I always end up with the crazy mfs” she says more to herself.
“Shit my bad, she usually doesn’t notice I’m gone this quick” actually now that I think of it, why did she notice this time?.
I check my phone and see all the news articles and sigh, guess I attracted more attention then I even thought to consider, though my ass looks good in these videos though I think to myself.
I get a call from an unknown number and I pick up.
“Kiana, I don’t know who told you to go out there embarrassing me like that, but I promise you, you’re not breaking up with me today” I hear Shuri say and I roll my eyes.
“Pussy comes and goes, especially when you haven’t gotten any for a month, bye now”
I’m playing a dangerous game and I know it I think to myself as I pull Mya in for a kiss.
But I love it.
Y’all give me feedback, this is the first angst I’ve written, it’s not much angst in here but first I wanted to develop the drama.
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Sickly (6)
“I feel so tired all the time,” Amberthistle sighed loudly. Her belly was starting to show her condition, but she still had the better part of two moons to go before any new members of the Clan were born. “I feel like my paws are going to fall off if I move any further. Fetch me a crow, won’t you?”
Hazebird, who sat beside her, gave an unhappy glance. “Sorry, Amberthistle, but I’m afraid that I’ve gone deaf and failed to hear your request. I’m sure someone else would love to abide you.”
Amberthistle smiled at him, half-amused, half-irritated–the latter likely because of her pregnancy. “Listen. I’m growing at least one kit inside of me, and that’s taking up a lot of my energy, and I need energy to be nice and happy. So do you want to give me a crow, or do you want to go deaf?”
Hazebird padded over to the prey-pile in a hurry, digging through it for a good enough crow. He and Amberthistle were good friends. She was normally especially nice and sweet, and he knew that even if she weren’t, she wouldn’t hurt him–that being said, with the way she was now, he decided that it was best to keep her happy. Nice and happy.
Unfortunately, the same wouldn’t be said for him, as he saw Blossomtuft approaching with a bounce in her step. He sighed dramatically. “What are you doing here? Don’t bats live in caves? Your colony will miss you.”
Blossomtuft rolled her eyes. “You’re only snappy because you’re tired. Look at you, wrinkles under your eyes–oh wait, that’s just your face.”
Hazebird grumbled.
“Hootpetal says you’ve been working very hard,” Blossomtuft lied, “you should take a break. Go to your nice, comfortable nest.”
Hazebird looked to be considering it. “It is comfortable….But I have to eat with Amberthistle, she’s feeling clingy. The crow is my favourite. I don't want anyone else taking it."
“Go! Go! Go get your needed sleep, you’ve worked hard enough today. I can sit with her.”
“Really?” Hazebird looked surprised and doubtful. “Well, if you insist..”
“I do! And I’ll save the crow for you!”
“Alright then…” Hazebird slowly made his way over to the den and his definitely-not-drenched-in-mushroom-goo nest. Blossomtuft found the crow–no way she was letting Hazebird have a perfectly plump bird! She joined Amberthistle, settling beside her and opening her jaws, already watering at the fresh scent of meat.
But before she could bite down, Amberthistle swiped it from her paws. “Thanks!” She exclaimed, and bit into it ravenously.
Blossomtuft held back a huff of annoyance. But her good mood returned when a ‘oh Starclan! Disgusting!’ sounded from the Warriors’ den.
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kitsmits · 2 years
New chapter of Mono no Aware is UP!
A little preview below the cut…
Kaede crouched silently in a tree, her weight barely disturbing the branch. Her partner signaled to her from their own post: How many?
Kaede’s hand flashed the number: Twelve.
It was hard not to roll her eyes. Her partner always questioned and criticized her; sometimes she wondered why Yoruichi paired them up so often. Twelve. Two more east.
No arguments this time, thankfully; it seemed her partner was finally starting to trust her sensory abilities. Kaede waited for her to decide how to divide the targets; though they were partners for this drill, the other woman was technically her senior in the corps. She had a good notion which direction the other person would go for, though.
I’ll take West.
Just as she thought. Kaede turned her attention east, where six of their targets were hidden - four more obviously located, plus two doing a remarkable job at hiding their reiatsu. She’d only noticed them because they were too good at hiding: they’d been like black spots on her internal radar where there should have been pure, ambient reishi. No doubt her partner was hoping her count was off, giving them a chance to show off a larger “kill” count.
The tree branch remained undisturbed when she leaped from it, using shunpo to reach her first target. They had no time to react before she’d taken them down, making sure they’d make no noise to alert the others. Within seconds she’d gotten to the other five; it took longer to drag their bodies out into the open than it had to bring them down.
“Took you long enough,” she taunted her partner when the petite shinigami showed up with her own bodies.
Her partner, Soi Fon, yanked down her face mask, revealing her seemingly ever-present scowl. She took one look over Kaede’s count and that scowl deepened. “Don’t let it go to your head. Efficiency is one thing, but sloppiness is another, and Yoruichi-sama won’t abide it.”
“I’m well aware of the difference between ‘efficient’ and sloppy,’” Kaede replied mildly. “As aware as I’m sure you are at the difference between being someone’s ‘senior’ and their ‘superior.’”
Soi Fon’s eyes went wide before narrowing to angry slits. “What did you just say to me?”
“Hm?” She gave the other woman an innocent look. “Sorry, did I offend you?”
“Don’t tell me that’s not what you intended!”
“Okay, I won’t,” Kaede said with a shrug. “Really though, Soi Fon-san, you shouldn’t take little comments like that so personally, especially in our line of work.”
“She’s not wrong, you know,” came a familiar voice. Yoruichi appeared between them, arms crossed, but with a satisfied grin on her face.
Soi Fon’s entire demeanor immediately shifted, spine straightening, scowl evaporating. Kaede bit back an amused smirk. Soi Fon was so predictable: normally, she was about as welcoming as a hornet, but once their beloved captain showed up, she showed only simpering respect for their queen bee.
Curious that Yoruichi was here at all for a simple training drill though, Kaede thought. Their captain usually couldn’t be bothered for things like this.
“Yoruichi-sama!” Soi Fon exclaimed. “I - I was just trying to point out to Sorano-san that speed isn’t everything, and that we must be thorough-“
“Which she certainly was,” Yoruichi interjected. “I’d say you two set a new record for this one. Not counting mine, of course! And nice catch on those other two, Kaede! I think you’re the first one to notice them in this drill.”
“Thank you, Taicho,” she replied. From the corner of her eye, she saw Soi Fon’s expression sour a bit, the smaller Shinigami already starting to wilt without her idol’s attention. “Soi Fon called the shots for us. I just did the count.”
She could have said something to rub salt in Soi Fon’s perceived wound, sure - but there was something weirdly satisfying about the shock and confusion on her face when she did the opposite.
“By the way,” Kaede continued. “Yoruichi-taicho…is there a reason for the other two spectators?”
Yoruichi grinned and glanced over her shoulder. “See? You all satisfied with my picks here or what?”
From the trees, two well-dressed older men emerged, discarding heaving cloaks that Kaede recognized as the latest reiatsu-concealing designs the Stealth Corps was using. They weren’t perfect at hiding or masking energy, but they muddled most Shinigami’s senses enough to be useful. Only the most attuned sensors could “see” past them, usually.
The two men…Kaede felt her insides go stiff. Going by how they were dressed, not in shihakusho but in elegant, rich silks, these two were nobles.
“I told you I’d only pick the best of my stock,” Yoruichi was telling the two, her own noble status letting her get away with her casual tone toward them. “These two are the best.”
“Two women?” said one of the men, looking down his nose at them with a sniff. “Is that entirely appropriate for guarding a man?”
“Hey, you asked for the most discreet and skilled bodyguards I have,” Yoruichi replied. “Well, these are them. Both are top of the class in drills and tactical operations, and that one-“ She nodded to Kaede. “-could rival a bloodhound with her sensing skills. Trust me, no one is sneaking up on your boy without her noticing. You couldn’t get better unless I took this job myself.”
Kaede could see Soi Fon struggling to remain neutral-faced after being both praised by their beloved captain and overlooked for any specific accolades.
The noblemen looked them over again with an air of snobbish resignation. “Just make sure they’re up to the entire task.”
Kaede waited until the noblemen were escorted away before asking: “What was that about?”
“We have a new assignment,” Soi Fon retorted. “Obviously.”
“No shit. I meant what the assignment is about.”
“Don’t use language like that around Yoruichi-sama! It’s highly disrespectful!”
“Please,” Yoruichi scoffed. “Who do you think she learned it from?”
Soi Fon scowled. Kaede could swear her skin took on a slight green tinge, as it always did when she was reminded of the fact that Kaede had known Yoruichi personally long before she had.
“Now,” Yoruichi continued, her face turning more serious. “I need you two getting along for this one. This guy’s a real piece of work - slippery as an eel and at least twice as slimy.”
“Are we protecting him,” Kaede ventured, “or protecting people from him?”
“Honestly? A bit of both,” Yoruichi answered, crossing her arms with a slight scowl. “Most of all, you’re protecting his clan from further scandal.”
“Which clan, Yoruichi-sama?” asked Soi Fon, beating Kaede to the question.
“One of the most powerful in the Seireitei, as it so happens,” said Yoruichi. “None other than the Tsunayashiro clan.”
Kaede kept outwardly impassive, but inside, excitement flared to life. The Tsunayashiro clan was one of the top five noble families in the Seireitei; she was a little surprised they were okay with her protecting one of their own.
“Don’t they have their own security?” Kaede asked, ignoring Soi Fon’s disapproving scowl at her questioning orders in any way. “Why do they want the Stealth Corps-”
“I apologize, Yoruichi-sama,” Soi Fon interrupted, shooting a sharp glare Kaede’s way. “I’ve told Sorano-san time and again that it’s not our place to question.”
“No, it’s fine,” Yoruichi dismissed. “I’ve been asking myself the same thing…anyway. The target’s name is Tsunayashiro Tokinada. He was just officially charged with killing two Shinigami - one of them was his own wife, Kakyo. He’s a potential target for assassination and a flight risk, but most of all, the clan wants to avoid further embarrassment by him.”
“Understood, Yoruichi-sama,” Soi Fon said with her head bowed. “We’ll make sure any threats are dealt with discretely.”
“I know you will,” the captain said. “I need you two to have each others’ backs on this one, you hear? There’s something strange going on, and I don’t want two of my best sacrificing themselves over some spoiled brat.”
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indaysinaya · 2 years
Chapter 3- Two Strangers In The Apartment
We arrive at the scene just as the storm takes its worst turn. The apartment, located in the second floor of the complex, was hard to miss.
“Room 201, this is it,” Alren says as he points at the door.
“Oui, un morceau de dagmay accroché à la porte, et une poignée de couleur bleue. This must be it,” I reply.
Alren sighs heavily, crossing his hands and looking at me with a hint of exasperation.
“Lady, how many times have I told you, when you’re not on the juice, stick to a tongue I can understand,” he says.
“Oh s'il vous plait. I’m sure you understood the context of what I said. Don’t get so grumpy over it,” I say, waving my hand at his nonsense complain.
“Today I do. What if next time you say some gibberish against me. How would I be able to defend myself if I can’t understand what you’re talking about?”
“Well, not to worry. If I ever decide to talk against you, I will make sure I say it in perfect English so you can understand every word and thus formulate the perfect response. Now, we should get going and get this pinili all sorted, s'il vous plait. I do not want to be caught in this horrible storm.”
He motions as if to protest, but I raise my finger to his lip.
“Tut tut tut. No more complaining. Let’s get this sorted, shall we?” I cut off.
Without waiting for a reply, I mutter a spell under my breath. Knowing that the residents of this room is an anito, I assume it’s magically sealed off against forced supernatural entrance. Sure enough, I feel the faint sensation of a warding dissipating as soon as the door opens.
It doesn’t take us too long to find the pinili. There she is, sprawled unconscious on the floor, naked, shreds of her clothing strewn all around her. A white, luminous cloud of dust is surrounding her, floating above her.
“Bravo, la conversion a déjà commencé! Now we just wait for her to wake up,” I announce as I make my way inside.
“Hey, close your eyes. I’m sure she wont appreciate you seeing her in her …..uh….current state,” I warn Alren as he too makes his way inside.
He dutifully abides. Eyes shut, he waves his wands in front oh him, feeling his way as he enters the room.
“I suggest you stay there. I’ll go get something to cover her up first. Juste une seconde.”
I open one of the rooms I find, which appears to be the pinili’s room (the standard teenager’s room), and grab a blanket. I approach the young girl and cover her with the blanket, leaving her face exposed so we can be alerted once she wakes up.
“Alright, you can open your eyes now,” I tell Alren.
“Hmm, blue. Nice,” he says with a knowing nod, looking at the pinili.
I realize he’s referring to the pinili’s hair color, or her spirit color. And he’s pleased because he has the same color, underneath that black wig of his.
“Well, we better get comfortable. J'ai besoin de reposer mes genoux. Who knows how long it will take for her to wake up.”
I take a seat on the floor near the pinili, looking at her face. Alren sits beside me.
“She looks Asian. I thought she would be Canadian, seeing as her anito settled her here,” I note, noticing the young lady’s features.
Now, I know many Asians from back as school, she definitely fits the bill. Maybe they migrated here?
“Well, from now on it won’t matter if she’s Asian or Canadian or Marsian, will it? As soon as she wakes up, she’s a pinili. Whatever identity she had before will be unimportant, and she’ll train her ass off to kill monsters and whatnot,” Alren replies nonchalantly.
“Nana says say bottom instead of ass,” a weak voice replies.
“Yeah, bottom sounds more appropriate, mon ami,” I reply.
“.….wait what?” I add, looking around for the source of the voice.
“Nana says….” the voice starts again.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” Alren says, looking at the pinili.
I look as well. Her eyes are barely open, and she’s weakly trying to remove the blanket from her bare body.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You don’t have any clothes underneath that blanket,” I warn.
“What do you mean I don’t…” she weakly adds.
Then her eyes abruptly open wide, as if she’s been hit by a sudden surge of energy. She looks at us, then at herself, peeking under the blanket, then back at us.
Cue the hysterical screaming.
“Not really the kind of reaction I was expecting. People usually see me and say ‘bonjour magnifique’,” I quip.
“Who are you?! what are you doing in our apartment?! why am I na….Oh my god! I’m naked! I’m naked! Oh my god!” she starts rambling.
“Actually, it’s ‘oh my gods and goddesses’. You have to be respectful to all of them, they can get quite touchy about not getting recognized properly,” Alren replies.
“What? What are you talking about? Who are you? Why are you here? And WHY on earth am I naked?” she shouts.
“Easy there, you’ll make the whole complex think you were raped or something else happened. Chill, you’re all good,” says Alren.
“Yeah, calm down, chérie. Would you like a glass of water?” I ask.
“No, I do NOT need a glass of water. I need to know what happened here. And who are you guys?” she asks again, more forcefully this time.
Alren and I look at each other, not quite sure where to start.
I decide I better take the lead here.
“Don’t you remember anything, chérie? A dust of pearl razing you? Maybe a little talk with your anito? Drinking something from a jug?” I start, trying to sound as helpful as possible.
A puzzled look appears on her face.
“I…” she starts.
Then the look of realization dawns on her.
“There was this tornado. It spun around me and slashed me,” she says, slowly, as if wondering if her words are even true.
“Yeah, that part hurt like the mother,” Alren comments.
I elbow him, mentally warning him not to interfere.
“Go on,” I say encouragingly.
“Then I had a dream about my nana. She said something about my parents dying and a goddess sending her to save me. And then she went on about being a bagani. Then she gave me this drink. And then….”
“And then you wake up here, naked, with two strangers in your house,” I finish for her.
She nods absent-mindedly.
“I’m sure if you rack your brain hard enough, you will remember that your nana told you that you are chosen by a god or goddess to be a bagani, a warrior who will fight against the forces of evil. I’m sure you’re still wondering if that was all a dream. Well, it’s not. Your nana who raised you, who you said was sent by a goddess, was an anito, and she was assigned to raise you until you reach the age of sixteen, by which time you are ready to become a pinili, a bagani in training. Yes, gods and goddesses are true, monsters are true, spirits are true, your hair changing color is also true. We… I mean that guy and I, are bagani. And we’re here to take you to Pinag-adlawan for your training,” I explain.
She looks at me, blinking a few times, as if wondering if she should believe me or not.
Finally she sighs.
“I knew it was too weird to see my grandma topless in my dreams,” she says in a defeated voice.
Alren and I manage a laugh at that.
“Yeah, anito don’t wear any top gear. They let their….you know…bounce freely,” Alren comments.
“You’re taking this on quite well. Others usually deny it for a long time. I remember slapping the bagani who fetched me, just to see if I was still dreaming,” I say with a smile.
“My grandma says the same. But I don’t have the imagination to dream this up. Besides, that torture tornado’s pain delivery was too real to be a dream,” she replies.
I smile again. She’s a sensible kid. A fine addition to our ranks, I’m sure.
“What’s your name?” Alren asks.
“Amilyn,” she responds, pulling the blanket tighter against her bare body.
“You don’t look like an Amilyn,” I say.
“I know. I think I’m Korean, but I don’t know my Korean name.”
“Ah,” I reply, deciding not to further ask why she does not know of her own nationality and name.
To each her own, I guess.
“Well, now that we’re all good and oriented, we better get going. Plane leaves in an hour, and traffic must be crazy right now due to the rain,” announces Alren.
“You better get dressed first, Amilyn,” I tell the pinili.
“Yeah. And I need to talk to nana. Not topless this time,” she replies.
Alren and I look at each other, communicating our mutual discomfort at the topic raised. Amilyn notices the gesture.
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
I don’t know what to say. The anito who raise us become close to us, they become our family. But after we become pinili, they leave, never to be seen again. I couldn’t quite accept this at first, and it still hurts to remember I won’t see my old nanny, but that is what it is.
“What’s wrong? Something’s definitely wrong,” Amilyn announces.
“Well…about your nana,” Alren starts. “You…won’t see her again, ever. She’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s gone? She can’t be gone,” says Amilyn, her voice laced with panic.
“Her duty is over. She’s returned to nature. It’s just how things are,” I say softly, placing a hand over her shoulder, doing my best to comfort her.
“But that’s….”
“It’s unfair, I know. But they’re not meant to stay in this world for too long. Their species of anito do not belong here,” explains Alren. He too is speaking in a soft voice.
Silence. Amilyn looks up at a large portrait on the nearby wall. It’s an image of a young girl missing her two front teeth. She’s smiling so happily. But there’s a peculiar space behind her, a space I assume someone used to occupy.
“Even her pictures are gone,” Amilyn says under her breath.
“They can’t leave a trace here on earth,” I explain.
“Then what do I have to remember her by? What proof do I have that she even existed?”
She’s now on the verge of tears.
“She was the only family I ever had. She raised me. And now you’re saying I’ll never see her again. Just like that, she’s gone. I…”
“Of course she existed. You have all those memories with her, good ones, I’m sure. And you have you. What you are, who you turned out to be, is proof that she existed,” I say.
Tears continue to flow down Amilyn’s eyes.
Alren and I look at each other, not daring to say a word. We leave her in silence.
It took a whole of five minutes for Amilyn to stop crying, get up, and head to her room. Minutes later, she emerged fully dressed, though her face is still laced with sorrow.
“Should I pack?” she asks, her voice hollow.
“No need, they’ll provide you with everything you need there,” I reply.
She nods.
“Trouble,” Alren announces.
“What?” I ask.
“Our flight’s canceled. The storm got worse and all no planes are taking off.”
“Merde!” I exclaim. “What now? We have to get back to Pinag-adlawan today or else we’ll miss the harvest festival.”
“We do have another option. But you’re not gonna like it,” says Alren.
“Any option is good to me right now. Fess up, I’m all ears.”
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edjectedly · 2 years
Fanon vs Canon
Alright y’all buckle in cause this is gonna be a long one. Here lately I have seen a lot of discourse over fanon and canon and frankly I am growing tired of it. I by no means think that this post will be the end all be all of this discourse, but I am hoping to at least shed some light on the importance of fanon and its impact on content, especially in regards to comics and accessibility.
TL;DR: Everything boils down to if you don’t like something there is absolutely no need to comment on it or interact with it :) Comics are hard to get access to and canon can be hard to experience. Fanon is a crucial part of fan culture. 
Recently, I have started devoting a lot of my time towards the Batman fandom, as superheroes have been something I’ve loved for a while and something just clicked when I first found Young Justice back when it was still on Netflix. I watched all the episodes and then realized afterwards I wasn’t content with the amount of content I got regarding my boy Dick Grayson, so I switched over to AO3 to find anything more. There I was introduced to the extended BatFam and that led me to reading exclusively Batman fanfiction so I could see more of these four brothers. A few years passed, my hyperfixation changed to Sanders Sides, and now I’m back neck deep in Batman. I don’t know what triggered it this time but I’m super happy to be here. Let me get to the point; I got into the Batman fandom through Young Justice fanfiction.
So why does that matter? Well, I tried to find a way to read all the comics so I’d have an understanding of canon so I could make my own content because I had just gotten out of a fandom where I was creating content regularly and I wanted to continue. I couldn’t find a way to read them, so I stuck to just reading fanfiction and finding stuff on Tumblr and slowly I stopped wanting to create things. I was too nervous that I wouldn’t abide enough by canon that I’d get roasted for what I created. The second thing I posted I even clarified that I hadn’t read the comics and that my knowledge came from fanfiction and so this was based on my canon and I still had people in my inbox and on the post telling me that I wasn’t being canon compliant. Which I wasn’t trying to be. This put the brakes on me creating again for a bit, but this time I got angry and started thinking of new ways to make things.
Still, I was seeing things about canon vs. fanon and how fanon was bad for changing characters. I decided not to care and now we have the Alternative Introduction AU I so love creating for. I thought about Sanders Sides and how that had been a big issue in the fandom, people characterizing characters differently from canon. I contributed this largely to a lack of content, the issue with Batman is that there is so much content.
Comics are weird. There are many timelines, versions, writers, etc. Canon changes writer to writer, and frankly I think that allows for a lot of different interpretations. Others, however, try to pick a set way characters should be. One of the biggest, or at least most memorable to me, was Tim Drake and his coffee addiction. Fans latched onto it, whether they saw it as funny or relatable or whatever, it became very popular. It made sense and people enjoyed it. This is great! People are engaging with the media, making it enjoyable for them, and expanding on characters in a fun way while forming connections with other members of the fandom. Then, I started to see people angry about this little thing people saw Tim Drake doing. This anger only grew when it happened to make its way into a comic. I think it was like one panel? No matter, it wasn’t big but I know people who got mad. They got mad that fanon became canon cause they didn’t agree with it.
Here’s the thing we have to think about; media convergence. Henry Jenkins researches Fan Studies and Culture and has an entire book about it. I am not gonna cite directly because that is a lot of work and honestly I am tired. But, the big idea is that fandom is ever evolving and changing across multiple platforms. No one can actually have all the knowledge in a fandom, it’s impossible. This idea of media convergence shows a shift in how we view culture in general. Media has become more participatory than in the past where most interaction came from spectation. People are seeking to make connections across different forms of media which leads to the adoption of fanon.
Where am I going with this? I have laid out a lot of pieces but some have lacked connection, so here we go. Comics can largely be inaccessible, leading to people seeking out the information in other ways as Henry Jenkins discusses, this leads to an adoption of different headcanons creating fanon. Now, how does this tie into my personal experience in creating content? I am not alone in the fear of retribution for not following the strict guides of canon. I was able to move on from it, mainly because I am full of spite and anger and ready to fight at the drop of a hat, but not everyone is comfortable doing that. How many people are we keeping from fandoms in general because of adherence to canon? I am wary of using the word gatekeeping because there is a trend of people moving towards dismissal of anything using the word, but this is what it is.
Gatekeeping is occurring in a different way than normal. In this instance the strict adherence to canon is pushing out those who cannot find a way to get ahold of comics or don’t have the time to parse through everything. I was one of those people, hell I still have issues getting a hold of comics and even though I know how to pirate them now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I have the time to go back and read everything. In addition to having multiple iterations of one character, comics also present the unique challenge of having multiple writers per character per timeline. I know in one of the only comics I’ve read that was released recently, Dick is twelve when Bruce gets him and that his parents are shot instead of falling. Batman kidnaps him and purposefully antagonizes the Justice League, which he isn’t a part of. From fanfiction, I know that Dick was eight in a lot of iterations, that his parents fell because the lines to their trapeze had acid on them, that Batman is a founding member of the Justice League and among other differences.
What does this mean? Canon isn’t clear cut and can be confusing. Strict adherence to this idea of what is right and wrong leads to the lack of participation in fandom spaces, and can even oust people who would otherwise enjoy this space. Fanon is fun, hurts no one, and provides spaces for creative liberty. If you don’t like how people are characterizing your favorite character, simply don’t read it. (This is different from people attacking characters, which if anyone wants that essay I’ll write it but that isn’t what I’m here for today.) Why are you so annoyed at people enjoying headcanons? If it has become fanon, that means it is widely liked, why do you feel like you have the authority to dictate how characters are? Besides, this is fandom/fanfiction/fan interactions, they aren’t canon. This is fans having fun and should be regarded that way. Shitting on other people's interpretations can and has stopped people from contributing their own fan content and limits the amount of growth a fandom can experience. Basically, it boils down to if you don’t like something there is absolutely no need to comment on it or interact with it :)
I could go on with the idea of fan service, but once again I am tired. If anyone wants that essay let me know lmao and I’ll work on it.
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
Untitled Feralnette Fic Ch. 1
Hiya there anyone who happens upon this first chapter of this fic. I would like to start out by saying that this is my first fanfic ever. I've been wanting to write a fic for the miraculous fandom for a while but I haven't had any inspiration until I stumbled upon this glorious AU created by @bigfatbreak. I highly suggest checking out all of their posts about this au because they are hilarious and genius and about 100 other amazing adjectives that could be used to describe them and their posts. Anyways enough with my rant and let's get on with the fic. ⚠️Slight angst⚠️ ⚠️Swearing⚠️
When Marinette got home after her and Luka's breakup, all she could do was cry. She wanted to be with him, but her Ladybug duties came first. If lying is a deal breaker for him, then maybe it was best that they ended it now while their relationship was still in its early stages. Still, she couldn't help but feel the loss of her first relationship. She ended up crying for a whole entire day. She just hoped that Hawkmoth(or Shadowmoth or whatever the fuck he wanted to be referred to as this week) wasn't feeling particularly akuma-y today, because she didn't know if she could bottle up all these feelings, even though the world is relying on her ability to do so.
Ugggghhh!! It has been exhausting having to be "happy and perfect Marinette" and "happy and perfect Ladybug" All. The. Time. She's also pretty sure that Hawkmoth had discovered the similarities in her personality as Marinette to Ladybug, and that's why she's been targeted by multiple akumas lately. She has had to have her emotions under control even more than usual. If only there was a way to get Hawkmoth to stop targeting her. Maybe she should just not give a fuck anymore. Haha as if! It couldn't be that easy! Could it?
The more she thinks about it the more it starts to make sense. If she just let herself go completely crazy as Marinette, she would be killing like 10 birds with one stone. She would get hawkmoth off of her trail, she wouldn't have to deal with having to hide her emotions all of the time, she wouldn't have to deal with the added stress of maintaining her perfect persona, she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of Lila's lies taking her friends away if she didn't have friends in the first place, and so much more stress would be taken off of her plate! It was perfect! It might hurt a little at first, but it's for the best in the end. She spent that night planning out her outfit for tomorrow, doing her homework, and going to sleep knowing that, in the morning, François Dupont isn't gonna know what hit them.
Adrien Agreste had been having a rough week. He had been abandoned on patrol by ladybug, been broken up with by his girlfriend, and was feeling completely and utterly alone. He knows that his lady has been feeling overwhelmed by her guardian duties lately, and that he 100% deserved that verbal lasting that kagami had given him but he couldn't help but feel this way. He was also feeling guilty about lying to kagami and leading her on for so long. After she broke up with him he took some time to assess his feelings for her and realized that he had more of an admiration for her than an infatuation. He definitely didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She told him that she LOVED HIM, and he was so distracted (blinded) by ladybug that he didn't even process her confession. So, he was looking forward to Sunday morning. He cleared his schedule and on that beautiful Sunday morning, he did what he is only allowed to do on very rare occasions: sleep in. Or at least... thats what he had planned on doing.
When Nathalie had knocked on his door that morning Adrien was not in a good mood. He vaguely heard her say something about father wanting him downstairs in some amount of time for something involving a business partners child and some other robotic sounding words that his half asleep brain couldn't process completely.
"I have a cleared schedule this morning, Nathalie. What could father possibly want me for that is more important than my precious sleep?" He asked snappily.
"Your father wants you downstairs to welcome the new guest that will be living in the house for the rest of the school year. You have 15 minutes to make yourself look presentable and I suggest leaving the attitude upstairs," she half informed/half reprimanded him. As she walked away, Adrien reluctantly rose from his nice warm bed and went to go get ready with only one thought racing through his mind: Who could possibly be staying with them?
Felix Culpa was not looking forward to living at the Agreste mansion for the rest of the school year, but for their parents' sake they would do what they had to. It wasn't all for their parents either, they were also concerned about the strange "dissapearance" of Emilie (who was his aunt in all ways except blood relation) and about the treatment of Adrien since said "disappearance".
You see, Felix Culpa is the heir to the Culpa Fabric Empire. The Culpas have been the sole fabric supplier of the Agreste brand since the very beginning. Felix's mom Diana was best friends with Emilie since their college days. Diana and Emilie made the deal with the two brands because as best friends who are both involved in the same industry, it just made sense to have a business relationship with each other. Diana never really cared for Gabriel as a person, but she could tell that he loved Emilie more than anyone else in the world so she could tolerate him for the sake of her best friend.
When Emilie went missing, Diana was absolutely devastated and tried anything she could to find her. She invested in missing person ads as large as billboards, organized search teams, tried to aid the police in their search for her in any way she could, but there was no leads, no legitimate calls to the number on the billboards, and the search team came up empty handed. While she was doing all of this to try to find her, she couldn't help but be furious over the fact that Gabriel was doing nothing to help in the search. All he did was hole himself up in his oversized mansion and call it a day.
The last straw for Diana was when Gabriel tried to use the "grieving my wife" excuse to try to abuse their business arrangement. That day, she told him that the Culpa brand would no longer be associated with the Agreste brand and that after the new collection is released, he would need to find a new fabric supplier. She knew that the Agreste brand would take a huge hit from having sub-par fabric, but she never thought that Gabriel would try to make up for that fact by using Adrien as a walking mannequin and locking him up in the desolate prison that he calls a home. As soon as she realized that he was doing this she scrambled to find a solution.
That is how Felix ended up here, standing in front of the mansion they would be living in for the next 9 months in exchange for Gabriel getting back into the Culpa brand's good graces. Don't get them wrong, they were excited about being able to be in Paris, home of the most innovative fashion pieces in the world, and about being able to see their honorary cousin Adrien (who wasn't half bad to be around despite him having no backbone whatsoever when it came to anything involving his father) but dealing with Mr. Agreste was definitely one of the low points of this arrangement.
They decided to just get it over with and knocked on the door. It was opened by the man that their cousin affectionately referred to as Gorilla. They nodded a thank you to the man, remembering that he was a man of few words, and proceeded to the bottom of the staircase. Mr. Agreste stood at the top with a very tired looking Adrien a few steps down. Felix wasn't even slightly surprised that this is where he chooses to welcome his guests, looking down on people must give him some sort of power trip or something. It's almost as if he heard the phrase "It's over, Anakin, I have the high ground," and made that his own personal motto. Whatever, let him have the feeling of false power if he wanted it, Felix knows that they have all the power in this situation and they're sure that Gabriel knows it as well.
"Hello Felix," Mr. Agreste greeted them with the same amount of warmth in his voice as liquid nitrogen, "while you are staying in this house you will abide by my rules. Adrien will inform you of them and show you to your room. You will attend school with him in the morning and I'm sure that you already know that you must represent not only the Culpa brand, but also the Agreste as well. I will be in my office working, do not disturb me. Contact Nathalie with any questions that cannot be answered by Adrien." He finished his spiel and left to what Felix assumed was his office space.
"Hello Felix!" Adrien greeted him with as much enthusiasm as he could muster in his sleepy state. "Come with me and I'll show you to your room."
Adrien led Felix to their room and listed all of the rules of the household that they were expected to follow. And... wow. Felix could not believe that their cousin had to live like this. The only social interaction this kid gets is at school and fencing? Pre-approved outings only with people determined socially acceptable by Gabriel? And if he gets even one "B" he isn't even going to be allowed to go to school at all? Felix knew that the living situation was bad for Adrien but know the only question running through their head was: What did they get themselves into??
And... thats it for chapter 1! Mostly background info at this point, but next chapter will be the class' reaction to feralnette and felinette meeting for the first time. I just want to say thanks again to @bigfatbreak for giving me the inspiration to write a fic for the first time ever. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve, especially at writing since this is my first time posting anything I've written online, so I want to get better so that I can make better content for you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know and I'll make a tag list for ya. :)
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
How about a Cale proposing/asking out Reader for marriage/date?? I love your fics and this is just a thought that I often imagine (It's usually people asking him out but this might be a nice change!? I think...)
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Ft: Cale
Tap tap tap tap tap-
It was the soothing rhythmic sound of not getting anything done. Concentration having long since fled the premises as he stared blankly at the notes on the table, watched as the blue nib danced up and down and up and down again.
The notes were important he supposed but his heart wasn’t into it, mind occupied and consistently distracted by a particular receipt on his table.
It’s been several days and he has yet to hear a reply.
He’s not quite sure what to make of it. Certain social rules of this world clashed with his modern-day knowledge of social cues. One would think he’d have an advantage as one who transmigrated into a novel he’d read, but The Birth of a Hero never properly introduced the social decorum of the world in detail. 
Perhaps the only reason he made it thus far with his half baked knowledge of etiquette was thanks to Cale’s trashy reputation which, ironically enough, made people more accepting of his faux pas. Alas, if it weren’t for Hans’ persistent nagging that he should handle this important matter ‘the proper way’, he really wouldn’t have bothered. Now he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Would it mean anything if he were to send a follow up letter? Or perhaps he should go there himself-
A knock on his door distracted him from his thoughts and he glanced up to see the origin of his headaches, Hans, peek in. 
“Young master, you have guests from the _________ household and-“
Cale was out the doors before Hans finished.
Despite having your back to him it was almost embarrassing how quickly he was able to pick you out amidst the crowd of people.
“__________.” He greeted, snow crunching beneath his boots as he neared your side, he hoped his breathing wasn’t too quick as he’d rushed over as soon as he’d learn of your visit. The burning question rested on the tip of his tongue, the cure-all to his worries as he reached for your hand. “I have been wait-“
“Cale! Just the person I wanted to see!” You turned, smile brightening your features as you pulled him closer, close enough that he could see how the cold had already kissed your cheeks pink. 
“Did you receive-“
“Yes, that’s why I’m here!” 
A flutter of nerves was set alight in his chest that made him weirdly jittery. How unusual. He’d always been so assured of the results of his plans (and he’s confident in his prediction of your response) yet he couldn’t help but feel flustered. He understood nothing of this world’s customs and Hans did mention a response would’ve usually been sent by letter. Does you coming here in person symbolise something he’s not getting again?
Something was pressed into his hand and his heartrate spiked uncomfortably as he glanced down to receive the scroll you passed to him.
He hesitated, frowning at the brown parchment. Noting the ugly frayed edges and wondering, why couldn’t you have just told him what’s written within since you’ve travelled all the way here anyways.
“Take a look.” you urged him and he sighed.
“Can’t you-“ his words faltered off abruptly as he unfurled the paper to reveal a mess of lines and sketches, his mind blanked as he stared uncomprehending at the contents. “W.. what is this..”
“Isn’t it exciting?” you glanced at the paper, delight and unadulterated joy shone through your eyes. “The designs for the waterways are finally complete! We can finally move onto the next phase, I’ve even gathered the others to discuss this! It shouldn’t take long, we just need to iron out the logistics and-“
He’d tuned out as he stared at prototype on the page, his mind struggled sluggishly to make sense of what’s happening. Cale’s expression remained carefully blank as he lifted his head up to look at you and finally noticed the circle of vassals awkwardly standing around them. 
“..implementation of the new waterways will greatly improve the situation in the slums and if we...” 
If looks could set things on fire, the conference table would’ve long turned to ashes with how hard Cale’s been glaring. He had rested his two elbows on the oak table, fingers weaved together to create a net that supported his chin. To others, the firstborn son of the Henituse household may seemed to be in a contemplative mood, in truth, Cale had zoned out since the very beginning.
Perhaps there’s been a mistake. Maybe you did not receive it or perhaps he’d missed another social cue. Did he unknowingly commit another taboo?
He shouldn’t have listened to Hans’ ridiculous suggestions when he knew he had no patience for the roundabout and overly complex ways people liked to handle things here. He ran a tired hand past his face. Right, next thing he’s going to change in this world would be the removal of all redundant and confusing social constructs. First, he’ll start with the books on courtroom etiquette-
A hand landing on his shoulder jolted him from his thoughts and he looked up to meet your frustrated gaze. He gaped, caught off guard by your ire.
Your long sigh pricked at his conscience but you interrupted him before he could explain himself. “I sent the others out for a break.” You sat on the edge of the table facing him, although clearly annoyed, there was concern in the slight dip of your brows.
“You’ve been distracted the entire meeting Cale.” 
He rubbed the back of his neck, pressing against the tension building there. “Sorry.” He admitted softly. 
“Is something on your mind?”
“It’s nothing.” To admit that his thoughts were in shambles all because of an unanswered letter would’ve been far too pathetic. Gods, when have he fallen so low. “I need a drink.” he decided abruptly and would’ve gotten up and escaped, but you knew him too well. With a subtle shift of your weight that looked all too natural, you leaned forward and your two hands rested against his armrests to support yourself in a comfortable lean, effortlessly and efficiently caging him in. 
“Cale.” Your tone broke no argument. It was clear he was not going anywhere until he cleared this matter up.
He sighed, slumping against the chair in defeat as he dragged his gaze slowly upwards with the reluctance of a child who’d just been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and was now forced to admit their wrongdoings. He hesitated when he caught a glimmer of something on your shirt. 
Somewhere along the meeting, as the room got warmer you must’ve taken off your thinner overcoat, it would’ve explained why he hadn’t noticed such an obvious accessory from the beginning. But now that he had laid eyes on it, Cale can’t seem to look away. His hand reached out cautiously, brushing over delicate work, the building tension within him eased away as he reminiscences at the nostalgic sight. 
It had only been several weeks ago when he’d went out to find the best jeweller in the Kingdom to have a specific brooch made. A bright golden shield with the Henituse’s family mascot emblazoned on, two magnificent rubies inlaid as eyes. 
With the solid feeling of the brooch under his fingers, his previous worries melted off like sleet to be replaced with an indescribable warmth in his chest.
“It suits you.” he finally says. It really does. 
Cale never liked things made in his honor, but something about you wearing his symbol made him feel a lot of things. 
Your rumble of laughter made him look up and you brushed a hand through his locks, amusement in your eyes. “Is that it? That’s what’s been bothering you all morning?” you mused.
He snorted and slumped forward, resting his face on your lap. “You wouldn’t reject it.”
“Confident, aren’t we?” you laughed and carded your fingers through his hair.
It was the truth which you both knew. He had never been a stickler for rules. The relationship between you happened as a gradual process, you two clicked and it just eased into your daily routine and became the norm. There was never any need or desire to announce it officially. But as someone who transmigrated into this world, who also decided to continue living in it, he wanted to do it your way. Because in the end, even if it was bothersome, annoying and baffled his 21st century mind, the gesture would mean something to you.
Now that he’s solved the mystery, satisfied he didn’t botch up some weird etiquette, he had time to analyse the day’s events and realised one thing. He lifted his head from your lap, “You orchestrated this. The waterways weren’t that urgent.” he deadpanned, stuck between feeling awe that you took all the effort to tease him and indignation that you’d dare.
“It’s not often one gets the chance to fluster you.” you admitted, not at all feeling guilty when you got the chance to witness his bewilderment first hand.
“Aigoo..” he clicked his tongue and in one swift movement, stood from his seat, forcing you to lean back as his arms landed by your sides, effectively reversing your positions. “You’d bother the vassals for this, how bold.”
You blinked innocently up at him. “I bothered no one actually, they all volunteered to help.”
He frowned. Traitors. The whole lot of them. He could actually hear them cheering outside the room. He’s going to have to tell Basen to talk to them about their loyalties soon. Well. Not that it would matter much. He glanced down at the gleaming brooch on your chest and his lips twitched into a satisfied smile despite himself. 
Perhaps there’s a reason behind such silly traditions after all.
Notes: So I combined these two asks because they’re pretty similar and to answer your questions: I believe Cale’s not one for grand gestures and formal things but he’ll occasionally abide by certain traditions if it has special meanings and especially if it’d mean something to you. 
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starlessea · 3 years
Here Comes the Sun: XII. Highway To Hell (Daryl Dixon/Reader)
Series Masterlist: Here Comes the Sun
Summary: Daryl Dixon scares the hell out of you climbing out of that damn creek. It takes hauling his ass halfway across Georgia and taking a bullet for him to realise that you're not half bad. He slowly starts to come around, despite grumbling about how much he doesn't like your singing, or that you can't use a gun for shit - and don't get him started on that ugly yellow tent of yours. It takes him a while before he starts to see for himself that he's found a best friend for life, and that he doesn't actually mind the colour yellow that much, after all.
Words: 7169
Chapter Warnings: Language, Violence.
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You held a hand up over your shoulder and crouched down near the door, signalling for Carol to do the same behind you. Your gun was pressed snug between your palms, and your knife hung from your belt in case you needed it. Though, from the looks of the place it seemed pretty secure - if the lock you'd just busted open was anything to go by. The two of you were scavenging and had spotted a small general store, deciding to check it out before heading back to the cabin. The group hadn't eaten anything substantial in days, save for the things Daryl had been hunting. Even then, the harsh winter months made it harder for him to pick up tracks when most animals had better shelter than you all did.
It had been a number of weeks since the farm was overrun, but it almost felt like yesterday. The temperature had dropped to freezing seemingly overnight, making your fortunes that much more cruel. Even now, your breath formed clouds of smoke before your eyes, and the cold felt like it had infiltrated your bones at some point and never left. The tips of your fingers stung as they glowed red, exposed through your fingerless gloves, and you were certain that your nose matched, too. Carol's did, that's for sure.
You gave her a quick nod before kicking in the door harshly with your boot, raising your gun as you entered. The inside was bigger than you were expecting, and it took you a few minutes to clear each aisle for walkers. As you did, you noticed how most supplies were missing from the shelves, having been taken before the place was locked up. Still, Glenn had always drilled into you the first rule of scavenging: 'there's nothing good left in this world that isn't hidden.'
Sending a nod to Carol, you put your gun away in your holster before reminding her to stay alert. The two of you split up as she made her way towards the canned goods sections, hoping to find something there. Ever since you'd been on the road, you and Carol had gotten quite a bit closer. At first, she seemed sceptical of Rick and the whole situation you were forced into, as you all did. Though, after time she seemed to realise that he was the group's best shot. Most days, the two of you made dinner with anything you could find, often supplementing the things you were missing with whatever Daryl had managed to bring home from his hunt. Other times, you went scavenging together, as you did today.
At first, Rick absolutely refused to let anyone split up, and you had to abide by his rule. One time he'd caught you mocking his 'this isn't a democracy' speech to Beth behind his back and you'd had to forfeit your portion of squirrel to the greater good that evening. Daryl sneaked you some of his afterwards, however. Though, Rick quickly began to realise that there was no other choice. Before long, you'd gotten good with a gun; taking down walkers each day had that effect. Soon, you were one of the frontrunners whenever you had a house to clear - often fighting alongside him, Glenn and Daryl.
Now, he was comfortable with you leading a few runs of your own and taking Carol along with you. Glenn and Maggie often went together, too, so that you covered more ground. It wasn't that Rick was comfortable with splitting up the group, you thought; he just didn't have a choice. Lori was nearing her due date and you were all practically living on fresh air, moving from place to place quicker than you had the chance to catch your breath.
You hadn't even had time to settle things with Daryl. You barely saw the man. He'd leave first thing in the morning to look for food, and be back late at night - when most of the group had already fallen asleep. Even then, he often took watch straight after he returned. You could tell how responsible he felt for everyone and you saw the worry in his eyes daily, if the bags under them were anything to go by.
After you had kissed Daryl, back at the farm, you only had one conversation about it. It was a couple of days after you all fled, when you were taking watch with him as the rest of the group were stuck camping under the stars. It was brief, and before that the two of you had already gone back to acting as good friends, like usual. He'd told you that he wasn't good with words, and didn't want to just give you some half-assed response in the midst of struggling to survive the Georgia winter. You agreed, and it was decided then that you'd talk about it later. Yet, later never came.
It had been an unspoken rule between the two of you that everyone's safety was the priority. Though, in truth, you hadn't had a single moment where you felt safe since you left the farm. It seemed almost cruel that immediately after you'd told the man that you wanted to live, rather than just survive, you had been thrust out into the vicious world where that's all you could struggle to do. So, the two of you just existed at the moment.
Some mornings you'd wake up to sound of him leaving, and some evenings he'd be back early enough to share a meal with you. Other than that, you lived for the brief occasions where you'd take watch together, when he'd smoke a cigarette next to you and you'd sit in content silence. Though, sometimes it felt like you were frightened to say anything at all, in case you accidentally blurted out all of your feelings at once. So, the both of you barely talked - waiting for the time when you could actually talk.
You shoved some supplies into your satchel as you scoured the aisles. There wasn't much you could see that hadn't been taken already, but you picked up a few bandaids in case you ever needed them. The only thing you were able to save from the farm was your satchel. Luckily, it already had your polaroids in it and a change of clothes, since you'd been packing to move into the Greenes' farmhouse at the time the horde arrived. Still, there was so much you missed from those days.
You missed the material things, like the comfort you got just from seeing Dale's RV parked by the main camp. You missed the flimsy deck chairs surrounding it, and the big apple trees that gave it shade, and the books you'd borrow from Hershel's library to read when you had lookout duty on top of it. You missed your white dress that smelt like the washing powder that Patricia used - even though you knew it wouldn't have survived long out in these dingy, cold places. You even missed the intangible things, and felt a deep longing of nostalgia for the sounds of the leaves rustling in the breeze or for the sweetness of the air. Those days felt so far away from you now, like the images of them were slipping out of your grasp - like grains of sand before you could catch them.
The things that remained fresh in your mind, however, were the people that you left behind. You missed Patricia and Jimmy and Andrea, and even Shane. As much as that man rubbed you the wrong way, you didn't want to see him die. You didn't want any of them to die. That night was a mess. These days, you often woke up in a cold sweat from the nightmares. Except, this time it was the faces of your family replacing the walkers that usually inhabited them. You missed the people you'd lost and you missed the place that you all thought was home. You also missed Daryl Dixon.
A loud clatter sounded from a few rows over from you, immediately making you thumb over your gun as you stilled in place.
"Carol?" You called over, unable to see her from behind the tall shelves. "Everything alright?"
She responded instantly, and you felt relief wash over you as she did.
"I'm fine. I just dropped a tin." She reassured you, her voice carrying as an echo in the empty store.
You let out a small sigh before continuing with your poor haul. It was times like these that you really felt your mind wander when it shouldn't. You knew that you should always be cautious, since you promised Rick that you'd look out for Carol. Though, quite frankly, you thought that he didn't give her enough credit. That woman was a force to be reckoned with, but not many people had realised it yet. Daryl had. The friendship the two of them shared was really admirable. He'd been the one to search for Sofia, and comfort Carol after the loss of her - and Carol was equally as good for him as he was for her. She'd been able to coax him out of his shell where even you struggled to, and you could see how he'd started to accept his new role within the group because of her.
You just wished, very selfishly, that you could be with him. You understood that he had a job to do now, and how not everyone was able to do the things he did. The group had women and children and older people and a pregnant Lori. You were all running on empty, barely hanging on as it was. Yet, those nights when he'd come back empty-handed, cursing himself under his breath when he thought you were all asleep, made you want to hold him close. You never did, knowing how much Daryl Dixon hated pity from anyone, but the longing was so strong that it made your eyes sting with tears.
Although things weren't awkward between the two of you, you didn't joke around nearly as much as you used to. The atmosphere always felt heavy, as nobody knew when the next meal would come, or how long this place would be safe before you had to move again. As the nights got bitterly cold, you huddled next to Beth for warmth, or Carol sometimes. You felt absolutely no shame in it. There were only a few tattered blankets to go around, but they barely did anything for your numb toes and stiff fingers. If you weren't all family before, then you definitely were now - given how close you'd all had to become.
Some nights, the ones which were your favourites, Daryl slept beside you. You didn't think it was intentional at first. Or, maybe it was. In the grand scheme of things, it was barely anything at all. Yet, the first time almost made you cry, as it felt like he was reminding you that he still cared for you. It wasn't like you ever embraced him, or did anything remotely intimate. You hadn't ever been anything more than the brief kiss you shared in his tent. Though, it still felt intimate to you.
He'd come in late, as usual, on a particularly cold night. You'd heard him slug off his boots and throw them aside as he stripped out of his heavy winter gear. The whole time, you'd pretended to be asleep, like you normally did. After a while, he finally laid down on the ground, clambering over the sleeping bodies of the rest of the group. You usually all huddled together in one room for warmth. You'd felt the floorboards creak and shift beneath you as he settled next to you, not that you were touching, but close enough to feel his presence and hear his breathing.
Once you were sure he'd fallen asleep, you scooted backwards slightly, so that your backs were touching. It was hardly anything, but the slight warmth you felt from him was more comfort than you'd had in weeks. You were touch starved and hungry and cold. You needed something. When you'd woken up the next morning, he was already gone. He never said anything about it, but since then you'd found yourself occasionally waking up in the middle of the night to your back pressed against his, or sometimes having a hand intertwined with your own.
As you finished down one aisle, you noticed another that had been left untouched. It was a toy section, quite small given the size of the store. Obviously, the necessities had been taken first, and you thought that whatever children had survived the apocalypse probably didn't have many things left to play with - since they were all still here. You trailed your finger over the dusty shelf, feeling the glossy plastic of the boxes and the soft fur of the stuffed animals piled there.
"Looking for something for the baby?" Carol asked, popping up behind you.
You immediately jumped, and flung a hand over your chest as you shot her a look. It had been your fault for not paying attention, but she didn't need to know that.
You shook your head. "Not intentionally." You admitted, eyes scanning over the selection. "But I suppose we could pick something up."
You chose one of the bears and shoved it into your satchel. Usually, you'd have looked for something for Carl, too, but he'd recently been acting a lot older than his years. He wanted to step up and protect everyone like his father, he confessed to you one day. You had to admit, he was a pretty good shot and certainly didn't seem like a child anymore. You didn't want to undermine his efforts by presenting him with an action figure in the midst of your current situation, telling him to take a break from killing walkers to play with it.
"Did you find anything?" You turned to look at Carol, who held up her bag that didn't seem anywhere near full.
She shrugged her shoulders at you and made a face. "Few expired cans, but nothing much." She frowned. "You?"
You shook your head softly and flipped open the flap of your satchel to show her your haul.
"Some bandaids and a Freddie Mercury bobblehead." You confessed, picking it out to show her.
You held up the small figure in front of her face, pulling back its comically large head with your thumb and letting it wobble.
"Cute, right?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
Carol just gave a small chuckle in reply, folding her arms as though about to half-heartedly scold a child. You shrugged your shoulders before stuffing it back into the bag. Just because Carl didn't want to play with toys anymore didn't mean that you couldn't.
Carol glanced over at the entrance of the store, before giving the shelves a final scan. "We should get going soon." She noted, her bag clanking as she readjusted it over her shoulder. "Some walkers might have gathered outside by now."
You hummed in response, distracted by the array of multi-coloured boxes. "It's fine, I'll look after you." You said, shooting her a wink as she sighed.
The woman had become used to your teasing by now, and it was a welcomed change from how tense you all were most of the time. Even though you mostly used humor as a coping mechanism, especially when you felt nervous, it seemed to lighten the atmosphere when it got a bit too heavy.
"Though I don't think you even need me." You continued, eyeing the small pistol she had tucked into her jeans. "You're getting pretty good with a gun."
Carol snorted at that, reminding you of the time she almost shot a bullet through Rick's boot not so long ago. In her defence, Rick had been a lot more on edge that day, and you'd been quite tempted to do the same.
"Speak for yourself." She spoke, after you'd tried to convince her otherwise. "You started learning after me and your aim's already on parr with Rick's."
You remembered those first days, and how hard they were. Everyone had fallen into their roles and you'd felt almost stuck in place. You didn't know how best to contribute. It had taken the neighbourhood you were all staying in to get overrun before you had the chance to test your skills. You hadn't wanted to waste bullets before that, but you'd scarcely had a choice then.
"He's a good teacher." You smiled at Carol, giving Rick praise where it was due. "And there's no better practice than being terrified and having to learn on the job." You admitted with a strained laugh.
You continued walking down the aisle slowly, back in the direction of the entrance.
"But you're right, we should go." You agreed, gesturing to the door.
The two of you took a few steps together before you stopped abruptly as something caught your attention, right in the corner of your eye. You whipped your head around to look at one of the glossy toy boxes, reading its bold letter description.
"Oh my god." You mumbled to yourself, below your breath.
Carol looked over at you, confused. "What is it?" She asked, glancing in the direction where you were staring.
You couldn't hold back the grin that spread over your face as you grabbed the box and held it in your hand. You glanced over your shoulder, at Carol, before running your fingers back over the dusty plastic.
"No fucking way!" You yelled in disbelief. It seemed like your luck was finally changing.
Carol peered over your shoulder before letting out a chuckle at your expression.
"Now that would be perfect for the baby." She smiled, staring down at it in your hands.
You shook your head at her, looking up to meet her eyes. "I actually had someone else in mind." You admitted, still feeling the smile tug at the corners of your mouth as you said it. "It's a bit of an inside joke we have."
Carol hummed in reply, but didn't press for answers.
"But I agree." You went on, making room for the box to fit into your satchel. "It'll probably get handed down to baby Grimes at some point."
The walk back to the cabin was pretty uneventful. The two of you stayed in the cover of the forest, out of sight of the main road. You'd had to dispatch a couple of walkers on the way, but nothing that the two of you couldn't handle. At this point, you just wished for another set of clothes that weren't covered in muck and dried blood. You could hardly remember the last time you'd worn something clean - that hadn't just been dunked in a creek when you came across one.
As you walked, you must have strayed slightly off the path that you usually took, since you came across an unfamiliar, old Toyota truck that had veered off road and crashed into a tree. It was covered in dried leaves and all beat up, but you recognised the model as the same one belonging to Otis, back at the Greene farm. It was always parked outside there. It was a simple, two person pick up truck that was rusty red in colour, and it instantly made you think back on the night that you were forced into driving it.
After Rick had told you and Daryl that Randall had escaped, the whole farm went into an uproar. You stayed in the farmhouse whilst some of the group went to look for him, Daryl included. It wasn't long before you spotted the horde coming your way, and Hershel's barn had started to go up in flames in the distance. After that, you could barely remember what had happened.
You'd been with Daryl at first. He shot the walkers that got too close with his crossbow, before switching to guns. You did the same, trying to give the others an opportunity to pile into the vehicles and escape. At some point, however, you got completely cut off from the rest of the group and had been forced back to the opposite side of the farmhouse.
The chaos was indescribable. It was like you'd been drafted up for war in the span of half an hour. Soon, you had run out of bullets and only had your knife left to defend yourself. So, you ran. Not able to see any of the others anymore, you sprinted for the last vehicle left - Otis' old Toyota truck. You flung the door open and clambered inside, locking it just in time to avoid the hands that smacked up onto the glass windows. You remembered how your chest heaved as your hands fumbled around the dash frantically. You finally found the keys tucked into the sun visor above your head, and almost cried from relief.
When your hands stopped shaking long enough to put it in the ignition, you turned the key only for the engine to rumble once before falling flat. You tried it again, and it gave out a choked sputter and died.
"No, no, no." You whispered, turning the key over and over to try and start the truck. "This can't be happening."
The windows had almost been completely blacked out by the number of hands and faces pressed against them, the walkers snapping their jaws at you as you panicked inside. In the rearview mirror, you could even see some start to clamber into the truck bed, and knew that it was only a matter of time before they completely swarmed you. You slammed your hands onto the steering wheel in frustration and yelled, not caring whether you attracted more.
"I can't die now, I just kissed that stubborn asshole!" You screamed, accidentally hitting the windscreen wiper stick with your elbow. You watched as the blade caught one of the walkers' flesh and smeared it over the glass.
"Fucking great." You sighed, and turned the key again.
This time, you felt it catch slightly between your fingers, and thought that perhaps the starter motor was sticking. The truck hadn't been used since Otis' death, but it still seemed to have some life in it. You jiggled the key and turned it half way, praying to every deity you could think of. You twisted it fully, and the engine roared to life. You held your breath for a few seconds, not entirely trusting it, but as it continued to rumble you realised that it had started properly this time.
Not wanting to sit around any longer, you immediately set off, mowing down the stream of walkers in front of you all while hoping that the car wouldn't flip over. You watched your mirror as the ones clinging onto the truck bed were flung off as you picked up speed, and you almost wanted to yell out in triumph - but felt like you might be sick if you did so.
The truck was hell to drive. You couldn't figure out the stick for a while and your windscreen was covered in blood and smeared guts. You knew you had to head for the highway where the supplies for Sofia were left. You'd gone with Rick one time, when he went to wait for her there at noon. As you pulled out of Hershel's farm, you gave a final glance back in your mirror to see your home burn and become entirely inhabited by the undead - and noticed your little yellow submarine trampled to the ground as you did so.
As you neared the highway, after driving on the wrong side of the road for a while without realising it, you felt a knot start to form in your stomach. You hadn't seen the others get away - you didn't know if they were alive or dead, or even if they would have waited for you if they managed to escape. Your eyes blurred with tears as you drove, still not feeling any sense of relief despite having made it out of the farm. You just prayed that everyone was safe.
When you got closer to the meeting spot, you immediately noticed the familiar vehicles from the farm, and even Daryl's motorbike, all parked up. You stopped the truck once you couldn't go any further, being blocked by the abandoned cars. The group began to approach you quickly as you clambered out and hit the floor with shaky feet. Glenn reached you first, smiling widely when he saw that you were okay.
"Is that you?" He asked, clapping a hand over your trembling shoulders. "I've never seen anyone drive that badly before-"
You didn't let him finish, instead running over to Daryl on unsteady feet. You flung yourself into his arms, which pulled you in close and held you tight. You sobbed louder than you thought you ever had before, crying into his chest as you felt one of his hands stroke softly over your back. You didn't care what anyone thought at this moment. Nothing could describe the feeling of losing your home and thinking your family was dead. You realised how close you had been to being all alone, once again.
"Hey, c'mon look at me." He said softly, trying to pry himself out of your grip.
He lifted your chin up with his finger and you knew that you must've looked quite the state. Your eyes were completely blurred with tears, so much that you could barely make out the man in front of you, and your nose ran as you struggled to hold back your sobs.
"It's a'right." He reassured you, looking into your eyes as if realising that you needed further convincing. "Yer safe."
You looked around at the group, taking in their faces and feeling your hands tremble against Daryl's chest as they clutched the material of his shirt still. Everyone looked relieved, and offered you small smiles of comfort.
You stepped back from the man a little, giving him his space. You still couldn't stop the tears from falling. It was as if your body still hadn't caught up to your mind.
"I was so scared." You admitted quietly, voice quivering as you did so. "I thought you'd all left me."
You didn't drop your hands from his chest, letting yourself feel his heartbeat beneath your palms as a reminder that this was all real.
Daryl shook his head at you. "We'd never leave ya, Teach" He grumbled, as though he couldn't believe you'd even suggest it. "Went back to look for ya on the bike but I couldn't find ya."
Maggie stepped forward, pulling you into a hug as you finally released Daryl's shirt from your grip. She stroked your hair as she brought you into her chest, and you felt tears stream down your cheeks.
"You scared us all half to death." She told you, before gripping onto your shoulders tightly as you stood back from her.
Glenn nodded in agreement, before letting out a small chuckle. "Then we spotted Otis' truck barreling down the highway." He said, pointing over to the vehicle you'd abandoned. "Thought a walker was driving it the way you were swerving all over the place."
You tried to let out a laugh in return, but it came out all watery in between your sobs.
"The gearstick-" you choked out, hiccuping as you spoke. "Had to change gears with the wrong hand." You explained, lifting your arm to give a poor demonstration as you continued to cry.
"You-" you spluttered, letting out a wail mixed with a desperate laugh. "You stupid Americans."
It was a few days before you and Daryl crossed paths in the cabin again. It was late and you'd been trying to sleep for a few hours when the door creaked open. He'd shuffled around for a bit before you heard him take over watch duty from Glenn. At first, you'd wanted to go outside and scold him for never taking the time to rest, but after a few minutes you decided on a different plan. Prying yourself out from underneath the blanket you shared with Beth, you pulled on your boots - not bothering to do up the laces. The icy breeze hit your skin and caused it to prickle instantly, making you wish you had a spare comforter to take with you. You wouldn't be surprised if it snowed soon, given how dry and bitter the air had felt on your cheek earlier that day.
You retrieved your satchel and tip-toed around the sleeping bodies, doing your best not to step on any creaky floorboards and disturb them. You opened the cabin door slowly, and shut it behind you as you stepped out into the night. Daryl was sitting on the stone wall a few feet away, and you could tell that the smoke coming from his lips was from more than just the cold. He had a cigarette lit between his fingers, and you could make out the familiar lighter that he flicked open and closed in his other hand. You approached with purposefully loud footsteps, not wanting to startle him. He didn't turn around, waiting until you came closer.
"Mind if I join you?" You shot him a smile, pulling your arms to your chest to try and protect yourself against the chill.
He hummed in response, and you noticed how exhausted he looked in the glow of the lighter flame that flickered near his cheeks. His hands were covered in dirt, as were parts of his face, and his hair stuck to his forehead and the back of his neck despite how cold it was. Though, you were sure that you didn't look any better. Your once white vest was now a grubby brown colour and you'd pulled your long hair into a bun on top of your head about a week ago and hadn't looked back since.
Wordlessly, the man shrugged off the poncho he'd found recently, and handed it to you. He had another leather jacket on underneath, but you still felt guilty. You thanked him, pulling it over your head and instantly feeling grateful for the warmth that engulfed you. He then pulled a carton of cigarettes out of his pocket, offering it over to you where he sat. You shook your head and gave him a small smile as he shrugged and stuffed them back into his jacket.
The two of you sat in silence for a while, just watching and listening to the night. Nothing was uncomfortable between you. It's just that the two of you were almost like magnets, trying to intentionally stay away from each other. You feared that the two of you might never be able to seperate if you stuck together for good. It wasn't awkward, but there was definitely unspoken tension, like you were both waiting for something that you couldn't let happen yet.
"I miss my tent." You sighed, watching your breath appear as a small puff of air against the black night.
Daryl grumbled at that. "I sure as hell don't." He muttered, taking a final drag from his smoke before snuffing it out on the wall. "Thing was an eyesore."
You chuckled a bit at his response, not really sure what you were expecting. "You loved it, really." You teased, shooting him a wink that he dismissed.
"Whatever, Sunshine." He mumbled back, but his voice sounded a lot lighter than it had for a while.
After a few seconds, you remembered your satchel, now safely tucked away in the warmth of the poncho you wore. You fumbled around beneath it for a bit, which made Daryl give you a look, before pulling out the canvas bag and setting it onto your lap.
"I have something for you." You beamed, feeling the breeze sting your sore, chapped lips.
Daryl sighed at you, finally looking over to meet your eyes.
"Ya need to stop gettin' me shit." He drawled, with no bite behind his words.
You shook your head quickly at the accusation. "It isn't from me!" You almost yelled, before reminding yourself that there were people sleeping a few feet away, and lowering your voice.
You glanced back at the cabin and pointed to it. "This place has no chimney, so he told me to pass it onto you."
Daryl raised an eyebrow at you, which you ignored. Instead, you fished around in your satchel until you found what you were looking for. You could barely contain your excitement as you pulled out the box wrapped messily in old newspapers, and handed it to him expectantly.
He took it from you carefully, as though not entirely trusting it. Though, he still held it gently in his hand, in case he was afraid to break it. You watched intently as he flipped it over and squinted his eyes at the writing on it, confusion clear on his face. You'd scribbled on it earlier in the day, having found a sharpie tucked away in one of the drawers. You'd tried to do it secretively, but almost had a heart attack when Glenn asked you what you were doing - dropping the gift and kicking it under the couch until he promised to leave. Luckily, you hadn't found any dents on it afterwards. Yet, you now found it almost comical how carefully Daryl treated the box, considering what you had done to it only a few hours before.
Your eyes scanned over the letters with him as he read them, seeing the words written on top of the newspaper in black, bold print:
'To Young Daryl Dixon,
Merry Christmas!
From, Father Christmas.'
By the time he looked up to question you, you were already watching his eyes - waiting to see his expression. At the moment, his face was still scrunched up in confusion, which made you chuckle. The man looked at you like you'd just handed him a bomb he didn't know how to diffuse.
"Father Christmas?" He asked slowly, like the syllables were foreign on his tongue.
You cocked your head to the side, looking back down at the gift and wondering if you'd made a mistake. Your eyes widened.
"Shit." You muttered below your breath, before looking back up to meet his gaze. "It's Santa Clause to you people, isn't it?" You questioned.
Daryl looked at you in disbelief, as if wondering what the hell you were going on about. You were used to that look from him by now, and continued to ramble.
"I'm sure that's what he meant." You said, nodding. "He probably was in a rush when he wrote it." You looked away from the man, trying not to giggle as you remembered the whole incident between you and Glenn.
He continued to stare at you before shaking his head.
"Yer crazy, woman." He grumbled, picking the wrapped box back up to inspect it closer.
You felt your patience reach its limit, unable to contain your excitement anymore. You shoved his arm.
"Just open it!" You ordered, and he did.
For a man so rough around the edges, you'd never seen someone unwrap a gift so gently before. He didn't rip into the paper like you would have, but spent a few extra seconds pulling the parcel tape off and unfolding it with care. Once it was opened up on his lap, you watched his face as he finally saw the plastic box inside.
You knew it wasn't the exact same one he'd told you about, from all of those years ago, but it must've been close. It was a child's sheriff kit. It had the little hat that looked similar to Rick's, and the pointy metal badge in the shape of a star. When you'd seen it in the store, you just knew you had to get it for him. He might have forgotten telling you about it by now, but you had remembered.
"It didn't come with a gun, I'm afraid." You pointed to the plastic window of the box, explaining it to him. "But we have plenty of those."
You shot him a smile as you saw his expression. It was still confused, as he glanced between you and the box in his palms, but it was a lot more shy and uncertain now. You could almost see the thoughts working overtime in that head of his, as he processed it all, and decided to stop staring at him.
"It was either this or a Freddie Mercury bobblehead." You noted, feeling your cheeks hurt at how much you were beaming at the man. "And I wanted the bobblehead."
He sat in silence, just listening to your ramblings as he usually did. His eyes were still fixated on the gift, as if making up for all the years he'd wished for it as a child. You desperately wanted to slip your hand into his, or rest your head on his shoulder - but you refrained. You didn't want to take away from this moment; you just wanted to watch it. That, and you weren't sure if you'd be able to let him go if you did.
"You said how you never got any presents as a kid." You started carefully, trying to navigate your thoughts into words. "It made me sad." You admitted, in more of a whisper this time.
Daryl looked over at you, his expression soft. It was like he was uncertain of his own words, too.
"I know it's stupid." You confessed, voice trailing off as you lost your nerve.
"Nah it aint." He interrupted, shaking his head and trying to get you to look at him. "I love it."
You thought he was being sarcastic until your eyes met his and you saw the sincerity within them, and suddenly your breath caught in your throat. Daryl Dixon gave you a smile so warm that it almost made you forget it was winter. You didn't know he could even make these kinds of expressions, and you weren't able to entirely hide your reaction. Though, his smile went as quickly as it came. He looked away from you, as if noticing he'd let his stubborn, unapproachable wall crumble down. You snorted, wondering if he truly hadn't realised that you knew him better than that by now.
"I thought that baby Grimes could play with it eventually." You suggested, and he hummed in agreement.
"But in the meantime-" you continued, taking the box from his hands and opening it.
He watched you with curious eyes but didn't say anything, just letting you carry on like you had him wrapped around your little finger. You fumbled with the box, pulling out the star shaped badge, before handing the rest back. You turned so that you were facing opposite him, and pulled on his leather jacket so that it opened.
He grumbled at you as you did it, but made no effort to pull away or stop you. Instead, you flipped open one side of his jacket and pinned the badge on the material inside, closing it again before the cold set it.
"It belongs to Deputy Dixon, as promised." You finished with a smile, watching as he thumbed over the metal concealed in his jacket. The look on his face showed just how much he struggled to figure you out.
To your surprise, he didn't remove it straight away. He just bit his lip, as though trying to think of how to respond.
"Yer too much, Teach." He said lowly, after a few seconds.
"How so?" You asked.
He glanced back down into his lap, at the box that was still resting there. "Doin' all this." He mumbled, seeming like he was holding himself back. You stayed silent, waiting for him to go on.
"You bring back comics for Carl, an' stuff for the baby." He said, looking down as he spoke. "We're all here tryna do our best jus' to survive, an' you come in with that huge beamin' smile on yer face showin' us a bobblehead ya found."
He finally met your eyes, and you could see from his look that he just genuinely couldn't comprehend it. You seemed to completely allude Daryl Dixon, and the thought of him struggling to try to understand you better made you almost giddy.
"I know it's odd." You admitted, pulling the poncho closer to your body as the wind picked up. "But just because our priority is surviving doesn't mean that we should put off living."
You bit your lip. This was the most you had spoken to the man in weeks, and as the seconds went by you found it harder and harder to hold yourself back.
"I thought you could use a reminder of that." You said, offering him a small smile. "You work so hard to try and keep us all fed and safe, I wanted to give you something as a thank you."
The newspaper fluttered in the breeze, and Daryl barely caught hold of it as a gust picked it up. You caught a glimpse of your handwriting, where he held it between his fingers.
"Santa Clause did, I mean." You corrected.
You sat together in silence for a while, but the man didn't light any more cigarettes. You felt yourself growing tired and attempted to convince him to swap his shift with someone else, but he refused. You knew the sun would start to rise in a couple of hours, so you wanted to get some sleep before then. Begrudgingly, you shuffled out of the oversized poncho and offered it back to the man before you left, immediately being reminded of how icy the weather had gotten. He shook his head at your outstretched hand, which you had already expected.
"Nah, you keep it." He said, in a way that left you no room to argue.
You raised an eyebrow at him, feeling nostalgic at the familiar situation. This time, however, you didn't fight with him. Slipping the material back over your head, you huddled it to your chest and whispered a soft 'thanks' to him. The sky was still dark, and kept you wondering whether you would start to see sleet fall in the next couple of days. You looked back over to the dilapidated cabin, with its wooden weathered walls and its roof that looked close to caving in. It was a far cry from Hershel's idyllic farmhouse, but somehow you didn't seem to mind as much on this specific night.
You slipped off the stone wall you'd been sitting on and stood up on your tip-toes to reach the man still sat there. You brushed away the hair over his face with the palm of your hand, and gave him a brief kiss on the forehead before turning to leave.
"Merry Christmas, Daryl." You told him, and returned to the house to watch the first snowflakes fall from the window.
A/N Don't you love it when the plot points you set up 6 chapters ago come back around to be resolved. It's *delicious*. I think I would actually pay to see the Christmas scene play out. There's only so much imagination can do - I want to see Daryl's shy reaction in person, too!
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Count the Shadows - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky wants you to sit on his face.
Warnings: smut, a more dominant reader than I’m used to writing, pining!Bucky, all of the good stuff, second hand embarassment
A/N: so... this is a gift to @navegandoaciegas. She gave me the idea for the Graveyard series ending, and that actually inspired me to keep working on that fic that was supposed to only be a oneshot and then became the pride of my eye. I hope you don’t mind that I’m dedicating this to her 😅 It also allowed me to explore some new kinks that might be appearing thanks to her writing and so really, I felt like this had to see the light of day. But really, if it weren’t for @world-of-aus, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ and @awesomerextyphoon​‘s support, I probably never would have had the courage to publish it, so thank you guys so much!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
Friday nights at Stark tower meant that something out of the ordinary was about to happen, and I’d already grown used to it, after being a part of the Avengers for the last two months. However, that didn’t mean that the prospect of a night planned by Tony Stark didn’t bring me a hell of a lot of anxiety, to the point where sometimes I’d catch myself wishing for a simple recon mission to take me away for the weekend. 
Despite all of my fears and discomfort, I’d been lucky so far. Not once had his attentions turned towards me, and he never even so much as called me to dance with him during one of the raves he liked to organize, so I was able to slip by unnoticed, seizing the opportunity to drink the good (expensive) booze and talk to my friends before retiring for the night.
By Wednesday that week, it was clear that the same couldn’t be said about the next event he’d be hosting.
“Say, Y/L/N, have I thrown you a welcome party?” Was my rude awakening on that fateful morning. Until his arrival, I’d been happily whipping up some pancakes for the supersoldiers and Sam, my morning run partners. The moment his question was processed in my brain however, I froze on my spot, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Oh, now, don’t give me that look. When have I ever thrown a bad party?”
Bucky choked on his coffee, and I immediately was by his side, lightly tapping his back to help him. “I guess this answers your question,” I joked, but with a serious face. Unfortunately, Tony simply rolled his eyes, too used to Bucky and I’s “antisocial behavior”, like he usually described, to give us any attention. “Okay, so maybe not bad, but if you’re going to throw a party using me as an excuse, I have at least one request. And it’s a dealbreaker for me.”
Something in my words truly interested Tony, because instead of brushing me off he actually turned to face me, raising his eyebrows in expectation. “So what you mean is that if I don’t give you what you want, you won’t join the party?”
I nodded, standing my ground. “That’s right.” Next to me, Bucky stood straighter in his chair. 
“Neither will I.” That brought a smile to my lips, and I turned to hug him quickly. 
“Thanks Buck,” I whispered in his ear, relishing in the way he always held onto my embrace just a second longer than I expected. It was always like this with us. Ever since I first noticed just how touch-starved the super soldier was, I’d find little excuses to touch him. And if I ever doubted my first assumption, the way he always chased away my warmth for just a second longer was enough to prove to me that I was doing something right.
“Very well,” Tony said after clearing his throat to regain my attention. “What’s your request?”
“Only the people who live in this tower can be invited.” I was expecting a lot of fuss from the billionaire, but surprisingly, all I got was a disappointed sigh.
“Figured as much. Okay, big shot. But here’s the deal: you’ll have to stay the entire night and participate in every game we decide to play.” I shrugged, taking a sip of my coffee. That sounded fair. “It’s a deal then! All you have to do is be here on Friday night, capisce? Don’t be late.”
I should have known something was up back then, but as it were, I was just happy that I was able to stop him from filling the Tower with people I didn’t know. Not only would it help to keep Bucky relaxed (and perhaps even allow him to enjoy himself for once!), it’d also help to keep myself relaxed. 
I’d never been one to enjoy big crowds, and I especially didn’t want to celebrate joining the team with people who weren’t even a part of it. It made sense. So when Friday night rolled around, it found me in a way better mood than I expected. I even accepted Nat’s suggestion and let her pick my clothes. I was feeling so great, in fact, that I felt bolder, brave enough to accept to wear a satin red dress with a deep neckline that seemed to be able to attract every man’s attention upon seeing me. 
Even Bucky seemed drawn to it. And I couldn’t deny that knowing I held that sort of power even to a man of his caliber, a man that attractive, made me feel even braver. But with braveness comes stupidity, and I was brutally reminded of that fact by Tony’s smug face when I heard the dare he had for me.
Listen, I would have never accepted the idea of fucking truth or dare if it wasn’t for this stupidly sexy dress. I mean, the powers that clothing can have… They can make you blind with clout. That’s the only way I could justify what happened next.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I argued, much to Tony’s (and the rest of the team’s) amusement. Each and every single one of them looked at me with barely contained laughter, with the exception of Bucky, apparently.
“Careful, sweetheart… The dare’s already on and that wasn’t very sexy of you.” Narrowing my eyes at him, I very carefully thought out my gameplay here. I could very well retreat to my bedroom and go to sleep. But then again, this whole night had been so fun, and Tony had been really nice to abide by my wishes to only invite people that I knew…
“Fine. I’ll spend the rest of the night being as blunt as possible as I hit on you guys. After all, this is probably the only way you’ll ever get to hear me talking dirty, huh?” And with a wink in Tony’s direction, I resigned myself to face the challenge ahead. “So, let’s get on with this orgy, shall we?”
Bucky’s P.O.V.
It’s not that I was jealous. Of course, I wasn’t jealous. It’s just… hearing her say those things in front of everyone else made my blood boil like nothing else. I knew it wasn’t my place to feel this way. It’s not like she owed me anything, much less attention. As much as I wanted, she wasn’t mine, or even close to that.
Despite being head over heels in love with her, I still hadn’t gathered enough courage to even ask her out for a cup of coffee - or anything else, for that matter. And the worst part was that everyone but her seemed to know about my feelings. Which made this whole night even worse, since I was pretty sure Tony had done all of this on purpose.
So I had to sit through a lot of “Oh, please fuck me”, and “I wouldn’t kick you out of bed,” none of which were addressed to me - and those were the least graphic ones. I couldn’t really blame her, since I hadn’t spoken a single word from the second this whole dare started, but still, I was sulking, and I knew it.
In fact, I was so lost inside my own head, that I didn’t even realize what had happened when she asked “Do you want me to sit on your face or what?” (which I’m pretty sure was directed to Sam) until a heavy silence took the place of the animated chatter that had been going on. Imagine my surprise when I realized everyone was staring at me.
“What?” I asked, my heart already beating out of control, looking from one face to the other in the hopes of grasping what I had lost in the conversation.
“You just said you wanted Y/N to sit on your face,” was the response I got, from no other than Sam himself, and if my heart had been pounding on my chest only seconds before, now it felt as if it had stopped altogether.
“You’re crazy,” I tried to joke, trying with all of my might not to look at the woman who was staring at me. I could feel her gaze on my face. It burned and I ached to look, to see what sort of expression she was wearing, but my anxiety was just too strong - stronger than my curiosity ever could be.
“I wish I was, man. But you literally just answered ‘Please sit on mine’ when she asked if she could sit on my face.” I was going to die. I was sure of it. My face felt so warm, there was no way I wouldn’t just spontaneously combust any second now.
The worst part was, I knew Sam was telling the truth. Because those were the precise words I thought the second that I heard the offer leave her beautiful lips. And now I didn’t know what to do.
“Fine, your room or mine?” She broke me out of my self-deprecating thoughts, surprising me so much that I automatically raised my eyes to meet hers, finding her looking down at me with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Was she joking? Was this part of the dare?
The room erupted on laughs and I forced myself to join them, praying to whoever was available up in the heavens that they would let me be and thankfully, soon enough, the conversation smoothly transitioned away from me and my stupid malfunctioning. Y/N didn’t look in my direction again, which helped with my task of trying to get my breathing pattern into a normal one once more, and in a half hour people were breaking up into small groups and going back into their own rooms for the night.
I figured it was safe to do the same. So I got back to my bedroom’s floor with my hands buried deep in my pocket, trying to figure out what the hell had happened that night, when the door to my room suddenly opened and a tiny hand wrapped around my wrist, hauling me as best as they could into my own living quarters.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Bucky looked beyond surprised as he stared down at me with his mouth hanging open. I was tempted to tease him about letting flies in if he stayed like that, but I didn’t want to make this any more difficult for him than it clearly already would be. To be honest, I also had no idea how I’d been able to move that mountain of a man.
“What are you doing in my room?” Oh, right. That’s what he was concerned about. Fair enough.
“I wanted to show you something.” By the way he opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally being able to say anything else, it was clear that it wasn’t the answer he was expecting, but then again, he obviously wasn’t expecting me to be in his room. 
I grinned, immediately curling my fingers on the edge of my dress before promptly pulling it over my head and sending it flying across the room. Bucky’s jaw dropped, and it only made my smile grow bigger as I quickly got rid of my bra before finally doing the same to my underwear.
“What? Did you think I would let you suffer?” The poor thing, he didn’t seem capable of answering at all, eyes the size of plates as he stared at my naked body, practically drooling. I ran my hands over my breasts, cupping them slightly before trailing further down.
“Did you think I’d let Sam learn what my pussy tasted like? Or Steve? No, no, no, James. This is for you and you only.” Burying a finger inside of me, I made sure to let out my loudest, most pornographic moan as I slowly thrusted it once inside of me before raising it to his face.
“See how I’m soaked? I always get like this when I’m near you.” Bucky actually whimpered, knees faltering for a second as he reached out to grab a hold of himself with the wall next to us, and I laughed before raising a challenging eyebrow in his direction. “What are you waiting for? Get on your knees.”
My breath hitched as I watched the mountain of a man before me literally do exactly that, hypnotizingly staring at the space between my legs before slowly meeting my eyes with a look of pure need in his perfect face. Jesus. How the fuck was I supposed to control myself when he was looking at me like that?
I had gathered the sense that Bucky wanted me, that much became clear tonight, but I had no idea the extent of his desire until just then. Until he looked at me with pupils dilated from under his stupidly long eyelashes, breath coming out from his open mouth like he was desperate for me, desperate to taste what I had to offer.
He looked like he would do anything I asked him to in that second, and the feeling of power that thought gave me left me horny as nothing else. So my first order of business was to command, “Eat me.”
The second the words were out, it was clear that was all he was waiting to do what both of us so clearly wanted. Two strong hands grabbed me from behind and with that grasp of my ass, he pulled me to him until I was in fact seated on his face, wholly dependent on his muscular body to keep me up.
“Oh God,” he was the one to whisper, and a shiver ran through my body as he licked my pussy from clit to hole before diving in as if he was determined to rid me of all of my wetness - knowing fully well it was an impossible task.
Bucky Barnes didn’t need any guidance in the art of eating pussy, that quickly became clear to me, but I still felt the need to grab a hold of his hair just to help keep myself grounded into the reality of this moment. The way he moaned against my cunt at the action, the vibrations running through my body and making me tremble on top of him, certainly didn’t make me regret any part of my decision. It was clear he liked that sting of pain.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
I was having a hard time believing this was really happening, even though I had Y/N’s completely naked body on top of me, her cunt spread open by my own tongue, her juices covering every inch of my tongue. I couldn’t even convince myself to close my eyes to fully enjoy her taste, too preoccupied with memorizing every little thing about this moment. 
And the second she opened her eyes to find me already looking up at her, I was particularly glad for my decision, if only because I got to witness the delicious smile that took over her beautiful face before she grinded her pussy against my lips.
“Fuck, you look so good like this. I could get used to this.” A jolt ran through my body at the implications of what she was saying. Before I could even fully process it, I was already responding with the only thing that occupied my mind then, “Please do.”
If I thought I would scare her away with my desperation, a delighted giggle immediately managed to calm my nerves. “Do you always say what you’re thinking?” She asked, still rubbing herself against me, so it took me a while to be able to moan against her wetness an honest, “Yes.” When I did though, the vibrations managed to be exactly what she needed to gush her release onto my waiting mouth, making me growl in excitement. She was so fucking sweet. My cock was so fucking hard it hurt, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to pleasure her, how much I never wanted this night to end.
Unfortunately for my plans, she decided to climb down from me, eyes drinking my kneeling position while she caught her breath for a bit before she threw herself on my bed, feet on the mattress so I’d get a perfect vision of her perfect pussy. Hypnotized, I didn’t even notice I’d gotten up and approached her until her voice broke me out of my reverie.
“Would you like to take a picture?” I knew she was joking, but there was no way I’d miss the slightest possibility of getting at least a permanent reminder of this night, so I answered as truthfully as possible yet again, “Of course. Would you let me take one?”
I was expecting her to laugh it off and move this along, but once more her answer surprised me. “Only if you promise me you won’t use it to jerk off to.” The confusion must have been clear in my expression, because she quickly added, “That’s what I’m here for.”
My heartbeat picked up as I struggled to process her words. “D-Does this mean you’ll want to do this again?” I watched as a small smile grew on her lips and she sat up on the mattress before reaching out to me.
“Every night, if you’ll have me.”
Another moment of silence as I struggled to accept that this was real, that this was really happening. 
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I couldn’t contain my delighted giggles at the lovestruck expression on Bucky’s eyes. But my need for him was growing deeper every second, so while he stared I reached out for his jeans, quickly managing to unzip them and push them down until I could wrap my hands around his member.
“Jesus, you’re so hard.” Even without any actual stimulation, apparently just giving me pleasure was enough to get him ready for me. I could barely wait to feel his cock inside of my pussy.
“I-I can’t believe this is happening,” he whispered while climbing on the bed and settling between my thighs. “I’ve been dreaming about this for the longest time.” Gosh, could he be any more perfect?
“Well, it’s happening now, James. Please, please, fuck me. I need your cock in me.” His lips looked wet from our earlier activities, and my gaze immediately fell on them when he gasped at my words and the feeling of his cock rubbing on my pussy. When I positioned the head and pulled him closer to me, signaling what I wanted, he followed without any resistance, his entire body trembling as he struggled to keep himself up with both hands on either side of my head.
“You’re doing so great, baby. God, it feels so good to be with you like this.” Apparently, Bucky grew tired of fighting against his own body, since he allowed his massive frame to fall just over mine, resting his forehead on mine.
“Fuck.” Hearing the word whispered so close to me, his warm breath dancing over my skin, while he was effectively about to do just that, felt incredibly arousing for something so small. “It’s like I can’t get close enough to you.”
In the search to feel more connected to me, he finally started thrusting, and then it was like I’d forgotten to speak altogether. Only able to hold tight to those shoulders that tempted me for so long, I struggled to keep the moans and whimpers inside so I could continue to hear the little breathless whispers that he was releasing, almost like he was speaking to himself…
“So wet…” It all only made me more desperate for the enchanting man on top of me, so beautiful, and yet so insecure of his own allure. I hoped after tonight he’d start understanding just how attractive he truly was, at least to me.
“Bucky…” I managed to whisper, calling out for his attention and earning it when his eyes snapped open to meet mine. “Bucky, kiss me.” I needed to feel those lips against mine, to have that one sweet gesture of entwinement that we still hadn’t shared. Apparently, he felt the same need, because in a second, he was onto me, mouth slowly prying mine open so his tongue could explore yet another part of my body that now belonged to him.
By then, he couldn’t contain his moans anymore, and I was grateful that I was still able to keep mine low so I wouldn’t miss the symphony of whimpers and whines, especially after he pulled away to catch his breath and his eyes met mine.
“Fuck, darling…” Each sound from his lips made my pulse grow quicker, my body warmer, that incredible high closer and closer to me. And still, because I needed to tease him, I found myself saying, “For someone who was so embarrassed about the team knowing you wanted me, you surely can be loud.”
Bucky hid his head on the crook of my neck, making goosebumps rise all over my body as he rubbed his nose against my skin, breathing me in. If I thought it was a gesture of shyness, his next words assured me that wasn’t the case at all.
“I want them to hear. I want them to know I’m yours.” The confession had the fire of desire burning brighter inside of me, and my hands slipped around his back, certainly leaving nailprints behind.
“Oh, is that it? You’re mine now, James?” The thought thrilled me to no end, but I needed him to say it, not only because I wanted to be sure there was no uncertainty in his feelings for me, but also because it made me even weaker for the soldier and the dominance he had over my body.
“C-Can I be? Please?” There was so much vulnerability in his beautiful blue eyes that the only answer I managed to give at first was the connection between our lips again, pulling him down to me so our bodies were completely glued to one another once more. My fingers buried in his locks, I pulled on them when I needed to gather some air, and finally give him an actual answer.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Hell fucking yes. We’ll be the hottest couple on Earth.” A shiver went through my body at the realization that she truly wanted this, that she truly wanted me. A sound escaped my lips before I could realize, and in fact, I only noticed it because she broke me out of my reverie by saying, “You know, everytime you whine, I have the overwhelming urge to just tie you down to this bed and give you a reason to do so.”
Shit. This woman made me weak. And the moment I lost control of my own weight, she took advantage of it, inverting our positions so she was the one on top, while managing to keep my cock nestled deep inside of her.
“Do you want to cum, sweetheart?” Hearing the filthiness that spilled out of her lips only made me hotter and hotter, my hands flying up to hold her waist as she began to ride me. “Tell me just how badly you want it. Say it, or I’ll leave you right here, right on the edge of bliss, and I’ll cum on your thigh instead.”
I heaved loudly, trying to force my own tongue to work, but the sight of her breasts bouncing with her movements was too hypnotizing. I would never regain full control of my body again, I realized, for as long as she wanted to keep me around. But instead of feeling lost, like I did when the Winter Soldier took over, all I could feel was peace.
She wanted me. She wanted my body, my soul, every part of me. Despite every missing piece, every scar. Everything anyone had ever done to me, everything I’d done to so many. And I’d gladly give it all to her, forever.
“Please, please let me cum, ma’am.” The name left my lips before I could realize, but it made her smile. And right then, I knew I’d done the right thing. Her movements picked up, her hand searching mine to guide my thumb to meet her nub, and as soon as I started rubbing it, she gasped in the most melodic of sounds.
“Cum for me, James. I wanna feel you cumming inside of me.” Jesus fucking christ. I didn’t have a choice, my body reacting to her calling like she was a siren and I was helpless. I felt helpless. It wasn’t difficult to see that I liked it, though. I liked being under her control. I liked how she pulled me apart and held me in place all at the same time.
“If you don’t take your thumb away, so help me God.” Her voice broke me out of my thoughts, realizing her chest was heaving with the effort to breathe properly now that she’d reached her climax with me. I smiled sheepishly before adjusting on the bed, right when she climbed down from my body, and a whine escaped my chest despite my better wishes, making her look at me with an amused smile.
“I’m sorry, I just… I kinda miss you already.” Her smile grew bigger, her eyes twinkling under the moonlight as she leaned over me to kiss me, and I couldn’t help it. I just had to hug her closer, have her falling on top of my chest just so I could invert our positions and kiss her some more.
“I want something that’ll show them I’m yours.” I admitted once she pulled away to gather her breath, and her eyebrows rose in surprise, but also interest, I could tell.
“Like a collar?”
“I was thinking more like a love bite, but I don’t mind.” Her giggle was the most adorable sound in the universe, I was sure of it. 
“Baby, I’ll let you fuck me in front of them, if it’ll help your insecurity,” she soothed me, and the thought of having everyone see us together, fully understand that I belonged to her, electrified me. “You’re mine now. You can be damn sure if anyone tries to flirt with you, they’ll have to deal with me. And I’ll make sure they know I’m yours and only yours if they try to chat me up.”
The thought made me smile, and I laid back on the bed and pulled her to rest against my chest, my hand instinctively coming up to play with her hair. “I can get used to that.” We stayed like that for a while, just breathing in each other’s presences, relishing in the comfortable silence between us, until I felt the need to break it.
“Can I kiss you again?” I felt her smile against my skin, before she pushed away to reach for me and connect our lips once more. God, I don’t think I’d ever get used to knowing I could have this anytime I wanted. “One more,” I begged when she pulled away, and she pretended to think for a moment before shooting me a mischievous grin. 
“Only if you come fuck me in the shower.”
The only thing I could think to say in response, as I watched her strut in the direction of the bathroom, was “Fuck, you’re sexy.”
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melodyofmbaku · 3 years
In Between the Lines Chapter 2 (Erik Stevens x OC)
Teaser [1]
Prompt: “C'mon, I wanna hear you say it.”
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Angst... I can’t help it.
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That was her problem.
Elloise couldn't see. So she liked to touch.
It was how she was able to experience the world. It was also the bane of Erik’s existence.
She was always fiddling & touching and it drove him right up the wall.
Didn't she know that some people would misinterpret her actions?
That’s exactly why he hung around her so much, she was entirely too trusting. And he didn't want someone with ill intentions to take advantage of her.
That’s what it was.
Not because he wanted her hands to be on him and him only.
Or because he wanted to see exactly what that mouth could do.
It was because she had a bleeding heart for every seemingly suffering individual and it would be her downfall.
That’s what it was.
As such he made it his mission to weave his way into her days because Elloise was one of the few people he actually liked around here.
He remembers the first time he met the woman who had ownership of his heart.
It was 2 years ago when hehad just arrived at the palace. The place that was supposed to be his home. After he decided to work alongside T’Challa to better improve relations between Wakanda and the rest of the world it was decided.
He could learn more about his father, his birth place, and detach from his old hobby.
Killing people.
So when the young man approached him with a smile on his face and gesturing towards his gear he put a stop to it quick.
He still had some of his pieces on him and he didn’t want that getting messed with.
He rolled his eyes and mumbled an “nah I’m good boss” under his breath before walking around him.
The man began to follow him, looking intently at him with a confused look on his face.
“Do you need some help with your bags?” He gestured to his belongings once more.
“I’m good man.” He responded back again lowly. What was this dude’s problem?
Then he heard it. Her.
"Would you quit mumbling under your breath? If you have something to say, speak up, if not, you'd be better off shutting up".
He looked to the side and took in the woman who emerged from one of the many entrances that lead to the front hall.
She looked lithe and soft. She had dark skin and plump lips, wild coily hair, and a dress that accentuated her waist dangerously. Her cleavage was artfully on display and he was definitely taking a look.
This was the exact kind of woman he enjoyed whining, dining and bending over at the end of the night.
He would also probably do something wicked to that mouth…
He cocked his head and the corner of his lip lifted up in amusement.
“What you say ma?”
He watched as she walked towards him with intent and an odd aura of grace.
She stopped much too close to him.
"Erik... when you entered these grounds — the palace — my house — because that's what this is... my house — you consented to abiding to the rules of this household”.
"Some of which include forgoing your "I used to kill people for a living" vibe so that the differently abled individuals in the residence can comfortably get their jobs done".
What was she going on about? Differently abled?
She gestured to the young man who came to take his bags.
"James is hard of hearing. It helps that you speak clearly, and preferably facing him, so he can better assist you".
Erik turned to take him in. Then he saw it.
James smiled politely and gestured to the tiny hearing aid that was discreetly placed behind his ear.
Erik swallowed. He felt like a dick. He palmed the back of his neck.
"Nah uh... I'll carry my own weight." he responded after clearing his throat.
James nodded and looked back at the woman as if waiting for a command.
She turned to him "Thanks James, it seems like Mr. Stevens has it covered. You can go now."
The young man nodded and went on his was and Erik could’ve sworn he heard a snicker from him as he retreated. He glared at his retreating back.
"Can I touch you"? she asked tilting her head.
"What"? he asked confused.
She gestured toward his face. “Can I touch you? Your face specifically”. She repeated.
Erik squinted still trying to understand what exactly her problem was.
"Why the fu —". She never let him finish.
"We'll be spending a lot of time together now that you’re officially part of the royal family”.
“What’s that gotta do with you touching me?”.
"To save you further embarrassment, and a repeat scenario… in case you missed it Mr. Stevens... I'm blind". She pointed to her eyes to convey her point.
There was a moment of silence before Erik realized.
He wasn't sure how he missed it. He was getting comfortable and terribly out of practice.
She had done a very good job of presenting as normal as possible.
He ducked lower to her level to meet her eyes. True enough her deep brown eyes were unfocused and there seemed to be a gray film over them but they were brown nonetheless.
She repeated her question.
"Can I touch your face, so I know what you look like?” she gestured to him leaning forward invasively close.
“What if I say no”? He responded back defiantly. She wouldn’t catch him slipping twice.
“Then you say no”. she shrugged leaning back.
“I wouldn’t touch you without your consent, another one of our house rules that I hope you’ll remember”. She replied in a patronizing fashion.
He took offence.
“I’m a killer, not a rapist.” he spat out.
“That’s good to hear”. she commented before walking up the stairs encouraging him to follow.
“I’ll show you to your room, and it’s a pleasure to meet you Erik.”
And that was the beginning of their relationship.
He idled about and nursed a drink in his hands and tried to look the least bit engaged at this donor dinner. He hated these dinners.
He’d have to watch Elloise on his cousins arm the entire night. Not to forget the attendees who were there for selfish political gain alone.
He watched closely as she made the rounds with T’challa around the room. She had chosen a deep green dress with a dangerous V that held his attention throughout the night.
T’challa paraded her around the room like the gift she was and he knew this was the part of him she fell in love with.
That’s why he was surprised to find her alone and still dressed to the nines in the palace kitchen in the middle of the night.
He had changed into his comfortable sweats and made his way over to decide on which concoction of alcohol would knock him out for the night.
She had a plate of lamb and potatoes untouched in front of her.
She didn’t startle when he spoke. She probably knew he was here based on his cologne or possibly just heard him when he came in.
“Midnight snack?” He paused and sat in the seat across from her.
“I got the chef to make me something then sent him away.” She spoke clearly. He heard the hardness in her voice.
She was upset.
He saw that the lamb sat on the play uncut and her hands lay in her lap.
“Let me get some of that.”He reached over for the plate and she stopped him.
“Erik. I like lamb.” She held onto the plate refusing to let up.
He sighed.
“Here, I got it.” He stretched his hands for the cutlery.
“I can do it myself.” She protested eyebrows furrowing.
“I know that.”
She still held onto the fork with hostility. She was upset.
“I like doing this so relax okay? You know it’s not like that.” he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and awaited her answer.
With that she reluctantly released the cutlery to him and folded her hands in her lap carefully.
She heard the fork and knife scrape against the plate as Erik cut it into pieces. She couldn't help but inhale a little bit deeper.
She liked the way he smelled. Erik always smelled like warmth..
She didn't know what to do with her hands. They were always doing something. Touching, feeling, studying, working.
She tried so hard to not be caught lacking, to be looked at as unable.
She would always have an excuse, because of her condition, but she pushed herself to insane lengths to never have to use it.
With Erik she was able to relax without being scrutinized, when it was just the two of them it was different.
This was... nice. She liked it.
"Potatoes too?" he asked wondering if he should slice up the baby potatoes that accompanied the lamb on her plate.
She shook her head — negative, she liked them whole.
"Thank you". she replied back softly.
"Don't mention it". He responded before carefully handing the fork back to her.
Her fingers lingered on his hand a moment before she pulled them away seemingly unaware.
Erik lived for moments like these.
He watched attentively as she speared the tender meat and placed it in her mouth and began to chew.
“Where’s T? Why isn’t he here with you right now?” He was sure he’d be tearing it up tonight. She looked that damn good.
She paused and looked down. “He… got called away for an emergency.”
They both knew what that meant. Erik wanted blood.
“You can’t let him get away with disrespecting you like this El. Tell somebody. The elders. Anybody.” He urged with subdued rage.
“Would they blame him? Or would his actions be chalked up to something else?” She shifted in her seat.
“Maybe how in more than one way I’m not enough.” She placed another piece of meat into her mouth and chewed slowly.
Despite the hot anger that flowed through his veins, he knew it was the truth.
He hated that it was the truth.
He despised his cousin for taking that vulnerable woman and turning her into this.
He was going to end him.
They weren’t that close anyways.
He could see it now.
He’d start from his left hip bone and do a clean cut — probably with something classic. Like a black pearl switchblade. Then he’d —
“You can’t say anything Erik.” she commanded. It was if she heard him plotting.
He scoffed.
“It’s not your right.” She said.
Her mouth was sharp as ever.
He hated that mouth.
He dreamed of that mouth.
He was the forgotten cousin. An honorary royal. Offered a position for blood ties and even then, it was decorative.
An outcast.
Maybe that’s why they got along so well.
She placed another potato between her lips.
He rose from his seat and stood behind her.
He began to remove the large decorated pins from her pressed hair. His fingers reached the nape of her neck and she finally released the tension that her body held.
“I didn’t say I was going to do anything.” He spoke lowly above her, focused on the task at hand.
She leaned into his hand and he snuck his fingers into her hair and found her scalp.
He rubbed at it gently, product would cling to his fingers later but he didn’t mind it.
“We’re the same you and I.” She hummed.
He cocked his head and continued his task.
He never understood her when she said that. But in fear of being scolded he kept quiet.
She was good. So good. He was bad bad bad.
He felt her shuffle to rise and he stopped his actions unwillingly.
She sat up and he reluctantly removed his fingers from her head.
She ran her palms down her dress to straighten it out before she looked in his direction.
“You’re harmless. ” She joked lightly before lifting her hand awaiting his arm to lead her back to her room.
He raised an eyebrow.
“Girl, you should be scared of me.” He murmured slyly.
She rolled her eyes.
He offered her his arm and she grasped it in a familiar fashion and let him lead her.
They walked leisurely through the hallways. When he didn’t get a response to his last statement he assumed his previous joke fell flat.
“Erik, when are you gonna go?” She asked softly. Her fingers added more pressure into his arms, concern lacing her tone.
She’s been pestering him for months to go to therapy — deal with his murderous thoughts.
He didn’t like the idea.
So he wasn’t going to do it.
“I’ll go when you go.” He shot back.
She sniffed and turned her face away from him.
He grinned cheekily, dimples shining through.
“You know why I can’t go. It’d be taboo for me. Plus, they treat me like an invalid.” he watched her mouth twist into a scowl.
He scoffed, and continued to lead them to her destination.
Their route was coming to an end and he knew she felt it.
As they got closer and closer to her quarters her grip tightened on his bicep. And he paused.
“Erik I’m scared.” she whispered.
“If he can do this. Openly. In our room. In our bed, then...”
“What’s next? What’s next for me?“ she looked in his direction — lost.
“If he don’t got you, I got you.” He crowded her space and bent down so he could be level with her.
She needed to understand that she could rely on him for anything. He wasn’t sure he knew just how deep his feelings went for her.
She lifted her hands to hold his face. It was how she saw. Her hands immediately found his beard. He saw the tears pool in the corner of her eyes.
“Anytime you get scared you call me. You hear me?”
Her gaze was downcast. This wouldn’t do.
“I’ll gut em. Like fishes. The whole lotta them.” He pushed out huskily.
“Erik...” she murmured disapprovingly.
“You believe me?” He asked.
“I —“
“C'mon, I wanna hear you say it.” He pushed lowly committed to making her see that she wasn’t alone, he was there.
“Yes Erik, I believe you.” She whispered lowly. She quickly wiped the tears that had slid down her face disobediently.
“Goodnight E.” She stepped back and turned to her door. He watched as she steadied herself.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets to stop himself from grabbing her and crushing her in his embrace.
He wanted to grab her and kiss away her fears.
Instead he subdued his wants and watched her walk through her door.
The door to the room she shared with T’Challa.
He spun around and began the familiar path back to the kitchen.
After knocking back the drink of the night he steadied himself.
Erik walked to his chambers in the same manner he did every night — longing for his cousin's wife.
@fd-writes @amorestevens @raysunshine78 @adreamsublime
Idek what I’m even doing with this story but lmk what you think 💜
If you want to be added to the taglist just comment.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[20.50] wooyoung × reader ft. ateez
⇀ how do you win a stupid argument ?
⇁ buckle up, it's best friends!ateez y'all
It was supposed to be a fun night in.
All 8 boys were free of schedule and were beyond sick of their dorms so they decided, without telling you that they were having a sleepover at your apartment until they're sick of it or their manager came dragging them back to their dorm.
Everything was going smoothly at first.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong picked the movies obviously from your netflix which they had been leeching off of, Yunho, Mingi, and San brought snacks, Yeosang and Wooyoung brought drinks, and Jongho brought extra bedding for all of them to crash on.
You guys were 2 movies in before San began whining about needing to go to the toilet but not wanting to miss anything. Seriously, what could you possibly miss from twilight?
So you all decided to take a short break before continuing with your impromptu twilight saga movie marathon. As stupid as it is, you guys were actually enjoying it. Even Jongho.
"(Y/N), we're out of popcorn," Hongjoong called out, breaking your conversation with Mingi as he mindlessly drop the popcorn bowl on your lap, making you glare at him, "I'm not your errand girl, Hongjoong, make the popcorn yourself,"
"Sure, okay," surprisingly, he got up and grab the bowl from your lap. You thought he'd just go and make the popcorn himself, but before he walk to your kitchen, he stood by you while tilting his head, "you have the fire department's number on speed dial, right?"
You narrow your eyes at him, understanding what he meant.
Not really wanting to deal with a burnt down kitchen, you groaned, stood up, and grab the bowl from him, "you're lucky I'm such a nice person," you grumbled.
Hongjoong grinned widely at you, happy that you're abiding to his request.
"Aww, cheer up champ, you know I only ask you because you make the best popcorn," he then slung an arm around your shoulder, "come on, pancake! I'll watch, you cook!" He exclaimed while practically dragging you to the kitchen.
You both passed by San who had just finished his business in the toilet and see Wooyoung getting in.
As you made Hongjoong his popcorn, and the others debate which team they were on, Jacob or Edward, and whether it'd be more efficient to be a vampire or a wolf, but the debate was halted when a loud scream was heard from your bathroom.
You all halt all movements for a split second before rushing to the bathroom to see whether or not Wooyoung is okay. You told Hongjoong to stand by the popcorn as it is about to be done.
You bang the bathroom door 3 times before yelling, "Wooyoung? Wooyoung! Are you okay? What happened, what's wrong!?"
When no sound came from the other side, you were ready to run back to the living room, grab Jongho and told him to break your door open.
But thankfully Wooyoung opened the door before you were able to do anything else.
"Jesus Christ, Jung Wooyoung you scared the living shit out of-"
"Why did you put the tab of your toilet paper over?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "I'm sorry, what?"
Wooyoung pointed at the toilet paper roll that hung on the dispenser by the toilet, "appology accepted, but answer me, why did you put the tab on the outside aka over ?"
"Appology accepte- what? Wooyoung are you okay? Did you hit your head?"
He sighed at you and crossed his arms, "I didn't hit my head, no, but you might have because why would you put your toilet paper in that position? THAT'S WRONG!"
Still not quite getting what his problem is, you just shook your head at him, "I just put it that way because that's how I always do it, what's the big deal?" You answered him before walking away to rejoin the others.
But Wooyoung still wasn't satisfied, "noooooo no no no no no, (Y/N), no," he caught up to you and grab both of your shoulders, "you need to repent, (Y/N), come back to the righteous path," he whined.
You tried shrugging his hands off of you but he kept a firm grip, even staring so deep into your eyes to the point that you kinda feel violated.
"Jung Wooyoung, it's just a toilet paper placement, what the heck is your issue with it?" You asked, starting to get irritated, "my issue is that it's not in the correct position!" "Yes, it is!" "No it's not!"
Finally noticing the commotion between you and Wooyoung, the others turned to you both, "wait, what's happening?" San asked, eyes blinking in confusion.
Wooyoung jab a finger to your shoulder, "little princess here put her toilet paper weird!" He shrieked, making you cringe at the sheer loudness of it, "I did not," you cut yourself off to push his jabbing finger off of you, "put it weird, YOU're the one who put your toilet paper weird,"
You don't know how but you've fallen into the argument. Maybe it's because of Wooyoung's persistence.
"There's nothing weird about putting the tab under! It's more efficient a-"
Before he could say more, Seonghwa had cut him off, "YOU're the one who put the toilet paper like that!?"
Blinking confusedly, Wooyoung just nod at his older member.
Seonghwa groaned and glared at him, "that's so unnatural! I had to reposition it so many times but it kept going back to the previous position, I even blame Hongjoong for that!"
Hongjoong, who was back on his position on the mat with a fresh bowl of popcorn scoffed, "told you it wasn't me, I'm whimsical, not a lunatic,"
"Wait, I don't get it," San piped in, "what toilet paper tab position are we talking about?"
Wooyoung ran back to your toilet to procure a toilet paper roll. He demonstrated which side is over and which side is under.
"Oh, pfft the correct side is under, of course," San said, which earned him a shove to the side by Yeosang, "no, the correct one is over," Yeosang said, which prompted a new debate between them, "why would it be over ? If you put it over then the toilet paper will be contaminated by the bathroom's germs!" "As opposed to the very clean toilet wall? Nice logic, San, where did you get it? The corner mini mart?" "Hey! They're the only one who sell that one chocolate milk from Japan, they're heroes!"
Wooyoung turned his attention back to you, "see? I got San on my side," to which you rolled your eyes and scoffed at him, "really? You're proud of that? I've got Kang Yeosang on my side, he's the one with the braincell," hearing that, made San snap his head towards you for a split second, "hey!" He exclaimed to which both you and Wooyoung ignored.
Jongho casually strolled in and plop himself next to Hongjoong, picking some popcorn from the bowl, "I don't get this stupid argument, why don't you guys just use regular facial tissue?"
That, brought a whole new argument to the table.
Hongjoong was the first to spoke up against him, "Jongho! It's called facial tissue!" Jongho only raised an eyebrow at that, "yeah? So?" "It's for faces! Not for butt wiping!" "Well, if that's the case then toilet paper isn't for butt wiping either!"
"Guys," Yunho called from the corridor, trying to get all of your attention.
But no one was listening to him, too immersed in the argument.
"No, no, see, if not for butt wiping, what would toilet paper be for?" Seonghwa asked Jongho.
Jongho shrugged, "I don't know? Toilet purposes? Wiping hands? It was Hongjoong hyung's logic," he defended himself.
"Guys," Yunho called once more.
Yeosang rolled his eyes at Jongho, "then the name should be hand tissue!" He exclaimed.
San piped in, "that doesn't make any sense? Why would you need tissues just for one specific thing? Things could have double function," Jongho clapped his hands at that, "see? Now that's logic!" "Really? So you agree that toilet paper tabs should be under?" "What? Heck no, over is the way"
Having had had enough of being ignored, and seeing that the argument is nowhere of being done, Yunho took a deep breath and yelled.
It proved to be effective as suddenly everyone was looking at him.
"Mingi got his head stuck on (Y/N)'s barred bedroom window" he said simply.
Hearing that, you immediately ran over to Mingi, Wooyoung following first, "God fucking damn it, Song Mingi! What the heck did you do!?" You yelled which was answered by muffles from your bedroom. Soon everyone followed to help their friend.
And with that, the toilet paper argument was long forgotten.
Or at least, for now.
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littlefreya · 4 years
The Kitten & the Bear - Part 1
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Intro: This story is a collab and was written by both @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ and I. It was born out of a fun role play we have going on. We ended up having so much a fun with this particular idea that we thought we should post it as a 3 part story and share it with the rest!
| Read Part 2  | Read Part 3 |
Summary: After a night of drinking in town get Walter’s bratty wife ends up with pure chaos and the overprotective grumpy husband is having none of her shenanigans. 
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x OFC (first person pov) 
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Bratty behaviour, vandalism, dominant overprotectiveness, BDE, husband stalking his wife, sexual innuendo, dirty inappropriate talks, mentions of sex and oral, weed and alcohol usage. Sex in the next parts :D Walter is a Boomer. 
A/N: We didn’t beta it and did transform it from 2nd to 1st person POV, really hoping you guys will enjoy it as we did. Feel free to share your thoughts. 
Title: The Kitten & the Bear
Nothing chilled my heart more than waking up in an empty bed. Walter was already gone, leaving his side of the mattress cold and abandoned. A heavy sigh broke from my lips, I stroked the ghost of the kiss that still tingled on my cheek, knowing he planted it there before heading to work. 
Sadness seeped into my heart as I realised I won't see him today. Our work scheduled conflicted and I have scheduled a "date night" with my girls in the evening. Picking up my phone, I texted him a pouty emoji and then headed to get my day started.
Walter left me on read, which just fuelled the brat in me. When he called during his lunch break, he was taciturn as usual, and most of the call was about his disapproval of us girls going out without at least one male friend or a boyfriend to chaperone.
"Oh my god, Walter, this is not the 50s! Women can leave their house without a husband tagging along!" I grunted and berated him, "stop acting like someone is going to kidnap me!!! I'm an adult woman!" I snapped at him while sitting at the cafe. People sitting around stared quietly as I hung up the phone, and stormed out.
Walter looked at his mobile phone, shocked. He couldn't even remember the last time someone hung up on him, let along his wife.
"Fucking brat," he muttered as he pocketed it. 
After lunch, he went into the precinct. Since it was flu season and they were having a shortage of uniformed officers, he volunteered to patrol tonight. Assuming he might even be able to check up on me wherever I get to town. Just to keep me safe. That's right. Not from jealousy. Not because I'll be all dolled up and tipsy and every man in the vicinity will ogle me.
As the evening loomed, I was in dire need of letting loose. Walter had left me incredibly frustrated, acting like a police officer from hell rather than my husband. Going through my closet, I stumbled upon the most outrageous piece of wardrobe: a black strappy thing with corset details at the front. The same one I've worn for our first date which of course ended up with Walter and I dry humping like two horny teenagers at the back of his truck and him eating me out until I came all over his beard 4 times. 
I slapped a dark red lipstick and put on a pair of red "fuck me" pumps before leaving to meet the gals in a new night club that had just opened. I might or might not have a rolled-up joint in my purse.
Walter was sitting in a patrol vehicle on the opposite side of the street from the new fancy club with translucent walls. We were all sitting beside the window at a small table full of cocktail glasses, but the girls were gesturing toward the dance floor. Walter chose a dark spot on the street to park the car and was wearing a beanie. 
But he didn't need it. He knew I was oblivious to him and also to the men staring at me from 3 different tables. He ground his teeth frustrated when he first noticed that I was wearing that dress. His blood boiled as I was slowly sipping a cocktail with a sexy little pout around the long straw.
"Let's dance!!! I wanna dance!!!" I whined at my friend Keylah, grabbing her wrist and dragging her with me. My posture was slightly unstable after two cocktails and probably not enough food to pad my belly. She followed me to the dance floor while Stephanie remained in her seat, talking to some guy just for the sake of trolling. He'd been hitting on each one of us unsuccessfully. 
After an hour of dancing with Keylah, swaying my ass in ways that didn't leave any imagination to the men lurking, I remembered the little treat I had in my purse and decided we should take a small break to breathe some fresh air. 
I grabbed the girls, and we walked outside.
"Okay, don't you dare mention this to Walter," I warned them as I took the joint out from my purse.
"Daddy Magnum gonna punish you?" Steph teased while I lit the weed. 
"Oh, you have no idea, he gave me shit about seeing you tonight without a male chaperone, like this is Mad Man or something." 
"Woah! Walter is a boomer!!!" Keylah teased, and we all laughed hysterically. 
Unbeknownst to me, Walter was watching us dance from his patrol car, getting more and more frustrated by the hour. He observed as I gathered both girls and came out on the street, walking a couple of meters away from the entrance. A frown fell on his face as he saw me taking a lighter out from my purse.
"She doesn't even smoke, what the hell?" he fumed. 
His eyes widened when he saw the telltale shape of a joint between my fingers. His mouth was agape as I lit it up and started smoking and passing it around. "What the fuck? Where did she get that?" he muttered incredulously.
'It's fucking illegal in Minnesota, what the fuck? A cop's wife at that!' He thought, rage simmering in his gut.  
The police radio suddenly began buzzing, the sergeant calling on the line. 
"Hey Marshall, Toby came in for the night shift after all. Do you want him to keep you company?" 
'And see Walter's wife going to town on a spliff? No fucking way.' 
"No, Sarge, thanks. It's uh... calm tonight." He frowned from afar. "Nothing but law-abiding citizens," he replied, hoping his sarcasm didn't go through while he was watching the wife of a respected detective drunk and smoking weed in the great outdoors.
"All right" the sarge concluded and cut the line, and Walter put back the radio.
The girls and I fell into a fit of wild giggles, thoroughly buzzed and high at the same time. My skirt rode up my thighs, and I didn't even bother fixing it as the combination of drugs and alcohol made me frivolous and careless. 
"Is Walter such a nerd in bed too? Is he one of those guys who won't even make a sound because they are ashamed of it?" Stephanie asked to which I immediately snorted.
"Walter fucks like a beast from hell," I answered and put off the remains of the joint against the heel of my shoe. 
"I had to go to the gyno at least four times in the past because he was too violent, and trust me, the noise he makes, luckily no one called the police yet…" 
"Jennifer, your husband is the police!" Keylah answered, and we burst into another fit of giggles which then gradually died down. 
The same man who bugged us from before followed us outside, giving us some stares and making a suckling voice with his lips. I snorted at him and told him to fuck off before putting my arms around my girls. 
"This place sucks, let's go grab something to eat from the store, if Walter sees me like this I will NEVER hear the end of it".
Walter was watching us walk away, still furious about my illicit behaviour. He promised himself that he'd have a serious conversation with me about this tomorrow. He gave us two blocks of a head start and then ignited the engine of the car and made a U-turn, slowly he rolled towards the store and saw us enter. He made another U-turn in front of the store to park across the street. He just hoped that we'll buy some nachos and a coke and then call it a night, and call a cab to go home.
It was close to 1am. We barged into the store, marching through as if we owned the place. Keylah stopped by the condoms section and threw a bottle of lube in my direction. "Here you go, Jennifer, you gonna need it".
I laughed and threw it back at her, grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water. 
"Better fuck his brains before he starts asking where you've been tonight," Stephanie added. 
"Can you girls please behave?" The clerk-lady requested politely, giving us a prudent look. I rolled my eyes at her and then stopped short as I saw a large stuffed grizzly bear that reminded me of Walter. I grabbed it and hugged it tightly just as I got the sudden urge to misbehave.
"Girls…" I whispered, making them come closer, "bet you a 20 I can sneak this out without paying!"
Walter's shoulders slumped, and he let out an irritated groan when he saw one of the girls throwing things inside the store. Though, he sighed in relief when I paused this stupid game, and a small smile tugged the edge of his mouth when I hugged a huge stuffed bear that reached down to my thighs and was high above the top of my head as I squeezed it to my torso. 
The way I looked at the bear reminded him of the loving looks I always gave him. But a sense of foreboding assaulted him as we started whispering and pointed at the door.
"Okay, okay… shush!" I whispered way too obvious and held the stuffed animal behind my back.
"Hey Keylah, can you pay for my chips?" I asked and backed away toward the door, nearly stumbling on my heels and holding the laughter in my gut. 
Noticing my attempt, the old woman cleared her throat, giving me a glare, "You are going to have to pay for that or I will call the police…"
"Her husb…"
"Shut up, Stephanie!" Keylah shouted and threw a bottle of lube in her direction, accidently hitting my shoulder, which made me drop the bear on the floor. 
"Key, you fucking bitch!!!" I answered and picked up the bottle, throwing it back at her. 
"Hey stop that!!!!" The clerk demanded and walked back behind the counter, picking up her phone. 
We ignored her, laughing like schoolgirls and throwing the bottle back and forth between us. Boxes of tampons and condoms fell to the floor as we moved through the hygiene section shouting playfully. 
As Keylah threw the bottle at me for the 12th time, I lifted it and threw it so hard it hit the window and broke it, causing the store's alarm to go off immediately.
"Oh… fu……..ck" I uttered.
"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no," Walter panicked as he saw us vandalising the store. He was immediately ready to jump out of the car, but then it would be obvious he'd been keeping an eye on me. He had to wait for the call. 
He wasn't even hoping that the clerk would not involve the police in the matter. She has to. ‘Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck.’ 
When he saw the lady picking up the phone, he buried his face in his palms and rubbed it tiredly.
"Stupid, fucking bitches" he sighed, not believing his wife being so reckless. 
He picked up the buzzing radio and said, "Marshall. I'm here. On it." 
Without delay, he took the beanie off and got out of the car with his badge and gun ready.
Fingers dug into my hair, I stared wide-eyed at the broken window, immediately regretting all my decisions in the last couple of hours. 
'Walter was going to fucking kill me'. 
"I am soooooooo……." I began to say, turning to the clerk slowly while Keylah and Steph held their hands over their mouths. "So sorry." I stretched out while the alarm continued ringing in my ears. 
Then just like out of a nightmare, stepping through shards of broken glass with his big black boots, I saw Walter walking in, his brows knit together, his badge and his gun held out but kept low. He was enormous and menacing, yet the sight of him comforted me.
"Oh thank god, it's you!" I call out relieved.
The glass cracked beneath his steps as he walked in. He looked around and checked the store for cameras. 'Fuck, there were CCTVs'. 
He hoped to snatch me away and take care of the situation without involving... well himself but now that there was evidence it wasn't possible anymore. I was looking at him like a frightened little girl, but he couldn't help me, and frankly, he didn't feel like it either.
He looked at the clerk, showed her his badge and said in a neutral tone "MPD. What seems to be the problem?" 
My breath hitched at his "cop voice" and the way he asked the clerk. 
Stepping back and standing in the middle of the group, the three of us gaped at him with utter dumbfoundedness. Both my heart and gut dropped to the messy floor out of fear, and the way he carried himself, looking so menacing and authoritative made my panties drenched with arousal. 
"Officer, thank god you arrived! These three tried to steal a stuffed animal and started wreaking havoc in the store, throwing stuff around like children and speaking offensively!" The old woman explained and stood in the middle of the mess, looking helpless. 
My eyes rounded with false innocence, and I nibbled my bottom lip, giving Walter a vulnerable look. 
Walter was patiently listening to the clerk. Not a muscle flinched on his face as if he'd known everything. He took his notebook and a report form out and took care of the paperwork. 
The old lady eyed the three of us nervously while Walter was scribbling, and she hesitantly asked, "I'm sorry, Officer, but shouldn't you handcuff them? They might run."
Walter's curly head lifted, and he flashed the lady a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Don't worry, ma'am. They won't run."
"Is he serious?" Steph whispered, and I elbowed her, giving Walter a rather pissed off smile as he pretended not to know us at all and treated me like any other criminal.
Was it that just for show? Probably. We were going to have a serious talk about boundaries once we'd get home.
Walter finished writing his report and made the lady sign it before turning to look at the three of us, clenching his jaw. 
After a long, stern silence, I finally spoke, "Can I still get the teddy bear?"
Walter's nostrils flared as he dug into his pocket, pulled out a 20-dollar bill, slammed it on the counter and said to the clerk "For the bear."
At first, the lady was dumbfounded, then she blurted out outraged "Why are you buying a gift for a criminal?"
Walter didn't even spare her a look. He picked up the bear and looked at me with unflinching, stern eyes that made all three of us take a step backwards.
"Because she's my fucking wife."
The tone of his voice made the three of us startle, and I released a small gasp, seeing the look on his face. Walter made a gesture with his hand singling us to walk out of the store in order, and we did as he commanded. At the same time, my eyes gave him a mischievous smirk, mistaking this behaviour for a show.
Walter left the store last and immediately commanded, "To the car".
When we got there on the opposite side of the street, he opened the car and shoved the teddy bear on the passenger seat, then turned back, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked at all three of us. 
"Here's how it's gonna happen. We go in the precinct, fill out the forms, you stay the night, and most likely will be charged with a misdemeanour. Although the weed might be more problematic." He glared at me pointedly. 
The girls and I collectively gasped. 
"Now get in the back seat, all of you."
With shuddering legs, Keylah and Steph obediently entered the patrol car. I stared at Walter as he stood there towering over me, his massive arms crossed around his broad chest.
Still intoxicated, I looked at him with disbelief, realising two things: he arrived at the scene in less than two minutes after the lady called the police, which is impossible. And two, he couldn't possibly know I had weed on me unless… 
"Were you stalking me?!" I called out, ignoring the police officer and speaking to my husband. My hands went to my hips, my face sulking. 
"Oh my god, Walter! You were! Weren't you?" I frowned and shook my head, grunting with disgust.
"You are in no position to reproach me for anything right now", Walter said, seemingly calm. "But if you wanna know, I was patrolling in the neighbourhood and decided to check up on you. I saw the way you were shaking your ass for strangers" he spat, but he let his eyes roam the tight dress, and the way he subtly licked his lips made me sure he remembered exactly which dress it was.
"Do as you're fucking told and get in the car or you're gonna find yourself in even bigger trouble." 
"Oh my god, Walter!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled at him and stepped back, throwing my hands in the air furiously.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! MY OWN HUSBAND STALKING ME?! What's next Walter? You gonna put an ankle bracelet thingy on me, so I don't get to leave the house without your fucking permission?!"
I got so angry, my hands pushed at his chest, to which he didn't even budge, and only his jaw tightened.
"I am NOT getting into that car, and you are going to let Keylah and Steph go before you are going to be in trouble!"
Keylah and Steph were both watching with utter fascination as they saw the growing tension in Walter's posture.
Once Keylah and Steph were inside the car, they felt like the immediate danger was over. Their drunkenness and high made them reckless again and they started cheering me in the verbal fight with my husband.
Walter was on the verge of bursting, it was evident from his face. He took a menacing step towards me and despite my anger, a pang of arousal shot in my core.
"Get. in the. fucking. car" he growled in a barely audible voice. He gave me one last chance to voluntarily obey him.
I moved closer toward him, my head tilting up to meet his menacing gaze, my breasts ghostly brushing against his hard torso.
"I am not going anywhere with you," I answered unflinchingly. "Keep this attitude up, and the whole town will get to enjoy me swaying this ass long before you do." I teasingly slapped my own ass and then smirked arrogantly as I heard the girls cheering at the backseat
"That's it."
Quick as lightning, Walter's hands uncrossed and shot out. He grabbed my arms, turned me around with dizzying speed and slammed my torso down on the hood of the police car.
"Jennifer Marshall, you are under arrest for destruction of property, public intoxication and obstruction of a law enforcement officer."
I gasped incredulously as I felt the metal handcuffs closing on my wrists while Walter was performing his duty automatically and methodically. I'd never seen him make an arrest, let alone manhandle me like this.
With my cheek pressed against the cold metal, I could see both Keylah and Steph gape at us, eyes and mouth wide with daze. 
Still intoxicated, I hissed as a shiver of fear and sexual arousal shot through my spine, creeping all the way down to my throbbing core. 
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I cried out in protest. "I am your wife!"
My attempt to stand up brought my ass to collide with his crotch, where I felt the unmistakable throb of his blood circulating down to his groin. 
"Are you also getting the feeling that they're gonna fuck?" Steph whispered to Keylah, loud enough for us to hear.
"Shush!" she answered and stared, licking her lips. 
"Let me go, you fucking pig!" I screamed and squirmed on the hood helplessly. 
"Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law" Walter continued in his deep cop voice as if I hadn't even spoken.
"Say his dick, girl!" Keylah shouted, and Steph wooed, but they quickly shut up and resorted to concealed giggling as Walter shot angry eyes at them. He stepped closer to secure his hold on the handcuffs, and I felt the warm coarse material of his jeans at the back of my thighs.
"If you don't want to add resisting arrest and possession of narcotics to your offences, shut the fuck up and stop squirming."
"Fuck” I hissed, which didn't go unnoticed by Walter. My ass naturally shifted against his hardening bulge, and I moaned gently, not loud enough for the girls to hear but definitely heard by Walter, who had his hand around my cuffed wrists.
"You're enjoying this, big guy?" I spit out sardonically, "controlling your wife like you always want to, hmm?"
With the alcohol flushing through my veins, mingled with the sheer exhilaration of anger, I became more daring than ever.
"I think you are just scared because we both know you are never going to tame me."
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Serendipity (Reid Fic) Part 1
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A/N: If you’re wondering if this is at all based on Rosie and Marco’s storyline in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” then you should know - it totally is.
Summary: An FBI gathering brings Reader and Spencer together after years of distance. This one night changes not only their future, but their perspective on the past.  Category: Angst, Smut, *NSFW content Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: Mentions of traumatic childhood, child neglect, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, menstruation, pregnancy Word Count: 10.2k
I originally thought I would be able to fit everything into 1 part, but after further reconsideration, this will be a two part series. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Serendipity: (n). Finding something good without looking for it.
A word I would only come to truly understand many months from now on a warm Thursday morning in May at St. Mary’s Hospital. 
But whenever my thoughts drifted back towards the past, I would always remember that this was how it all began - on a chilly Saturday night in the heart of D.C.
Not more than four hours ago, Emilia and I drove down here for an F.B.I function that hired us. Under normal circumstances, we wouldn’t have agreed to be the caterers for an event so far away, but we eventually signed on after learning that there were at least 600 people attending. That meant a considerable amount of customers and an exorbitant amount of money. Saying yes was clearly a no brainer. 
Just to put it into perspective of how big this event would be, Emilia and I got lucky if we could park somewhere with 80 customers. 80. So this event would be colossal for us.
But who would have guessed that in a crowd of 600, I would run into the one and only - Spencer Reid. 
To preface, this wasn’t just any old birthday party, parade, or festival. It was a celebration and a grand one at that. Considering it was a private event at the Washington Monument, we were given special instructions to abide by the black-tie formal dress code that guests had to follow, too. I guess the caterers can’t look like slobs in the United States’ Capitol, now can they?
I definitely spent more time than I should have deciding on what outfit to wear, but my conscientiousness, or rather indecisiveness, did pay off in the end. For I would run into someone worth the trouble of impressing. 
My hair, unlike Emilia’s, was down and curled in big waves, and on one side, some of my hair was tucked behind my ear and designed to stay that way thanks to copious amounts of hairspray and an ungodly total of bobby pins. Emilia lent me a black, floor-length dress that had a plunging v-neck that didn’t fit her anymore, but luckily, fit perfectly on me. Although I would have to remember not to lean over too far tonight, otherwise, the customers might get a show they didn’t pay for. I, however, didn’t look half so good as my business partner. 
Emilia was clad in a navy blue silk dress with puffy sleeves and a high collar; the dress clung to her every curve, including her newly protruding belly bump. She looked regal and pregnant all at the same time, qualities I hadn’t seen coexist in anyone but the Queens and Duchesses in England. 
“Well, don’t you look hot?” Emilia purred, running her fingers through my curls, then letting them fall and sway back into place. 
“Are you kidding? You are quite literally a sexy mama.” I gushed to her, receiving a light chuckle in return. 
“Yeah, well, when you’re five months pregnant, tell me how sexy you feel in a tight dress.” She remarked, turning her back to me while she arranged all the supplies in the kitchenette behind me. But even as she faced away from me, she still managed to recognize the effect her words had. Maybe it was something in my silence, or our sister-telepathy, but Emilia immediately felt the room depress. In an effort to take back the remark that turned the room cold, she sweetly added while hugging me from behind, “You’re gonna be a mom one day, too. I promise.” 
I leaned into her embrace, feeling guilty for ruining the moment while also feeling burdened by the reminder of the terrible reality I had to face every day.
Ever since I could remember, I thought I was destined to be a mother, but that destiny had yet to be fulfilled.
Emilia was born only three years after me, and though that age gap isn’t big enough for me to be mistaken for her mother, I, she, and our younger brother Saul would all agree that in many ways I was their mom. I was the parent our parents never were. I was there for everything - soccer games, dance recitals, winter musicals - never getting the chance to participate in my own, but always attending their’s. 
I had to admit sometimes it was a burden, having to grow up so fast and help raise my siblings while still trying to navigate through my own struggles of adolescence, but I saw it as something I was meant to do. 
See, I wouldn’t have minded all the responsibilities of being a parent so much when it’d be my own kids that I’d be fulfilling them for - when it would be by my choice to fulfill those responsibilities and not by unfortunate birth order. 
However, as the years have gone by, my calling to be a mother has gotten quieter and quieter and quieter until eventually, I don’t think I’ll be able to hear it anymore. 
It’s not that I can’t have kids, but the fear of rushing into having one is what’s stopped me from pursuing that dream. 
As someone who grew up with divorced parents and practically became my siblings only reliable caregiver, I knew what having a baby too soon could do to a family. So rather than repeating history, I chose to wait to have kids. I didn’t want to make the same mistakes my parents did, and so I lived my life. I traveled all across the globe, I met new people, tried new things, I even started this taco truck business with Emilia. 
But still that gaping hole in my chest remained. A hole that nothing could ever fill the way that a child would. 
No amount of living could make up for the emptiness of a life with no family.
I could pretend all I wanted that I was happy living out my twenties, but the truth was I didn’t want to spend the rest of my years working in a food truck, amounting to nothing more than a mediocre cook and middling entrepreneur. That was never my dream - as exciting as it was. 
My real dream was to have a good life. The kind my parents never had thanks to the unplanned arrival of me. The kind my baby sister was already living out. 
“You know what? It’s a really nice night out. I think I might go for a walk. Do you wanna come?” Was this my blatant avoidance of breaching the subject of pregnancy? Yes, but it was also my escape from this food truck that felt like it was getting smaller and smaller and smaller by the second. 
“No, I’m okay. I’ll just get everything ready.” Emilia resigned. 
She knew why I was really leaving - sister-telepathy, I’m telling you - but she didn’t feel the need to acknowledge it. For that, I was thankful. Maybe we were better at communicating with no words at all. 
I carefully stepped off the back of the truck, making sure to hike up my dress high enough so I wouldn’t trip over the mess of fabric when my feet hit the floor. The nippy December air felt like a cool balm on my hot skin. I was burning up in that truck, and maybe it was nerves or something else, but I just had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. There was no explanation for it, but I realize now that the pit in my stomach was caused by something my intuition could sense but something my mind couldn’t understand. 
Someone important from my past was here tonight.
As I sauntered around the monument, I took in the breathtaking view of the structure’s silhouette against the blazing orange sky that melted into an ocean blue. I regretted not bringing my phone to take a picture of it so I could show Emilia when I got back, but that one regret quickly turned into another when the night sky’s breeze brought a rude awakening. My body shivered at the frigid gust of wind that blew through and I suddenly started to regret not bringing a jacket.
“Are you cold?” A gentle voice asked me from behind. 
I slightly recoiled out of shock of someone being there. When I turned around though, I couldn’t quite make out any distinguishable features. All I knew for sure was that this was certainly a man, and a tall one, too. 
“Um, just a little.” I bashfully admitted, crossing my arms to hug myself and maintain some warmth. I hadn’t even thought about my dress’s plunging v-neck or the fact that I was practically squeezing my breasts together, accentuating them even further, but by the time, I realized, it was too late. He was already looking. But not at my chest. Somewhere far more invasive. 
My eyes. 
“Here, take my jacket.” 
My small protests did nothing to stop him as he inevitably slipped the coat around my shoulders anyway. He’d come so close that I could finally see him and smell him. And let me tell you, if the sight of him wasn’t enough to break an overflowing dam of memories, then his smell certainly sent a flood that would.
“Oh my god,” I quietly gasped, my hand flying to my mouth to cover its un-ladylike gaping. 
“Spencer Reid?”
I squinted my eyes and cocked my head even further to find evidence to support my assumption, and sure enough, I found exactly what I was looking for. 
I was frozen in place as I deeply examined his face. My God! I mean, in many ways, he hadn’t changed a bit since the last time I saw him. Same dazzling hazel eyes. Same uniquely adorable nose. Same over-stimulated pink lips. I wonder if he still bit them as much as he did back then? 
But at the same time, he was so different. Of course, I could still discern the same features I used to study endlessly back then, but his face had transformed into a man’s. He lost the glasses for one thing, but he also had a softer jawline, longer hair, and for lack of a better term, a beefier build.
He was all grown up now, and yet, I could still identify the same boyishly handsome charm that made me fall in love with him more than a decade ago.
“I knew it was you, (y/n).” He chuckled, sounding half proud of himself. My heart fluttered at the sound of my name on his tongue and the action that followed. With his eyes locked on mine, he tucked strands of my hair back behind my ears; it’s as if he were saying, “Let me get a good look at you.” 
“How? It’s almost completely dark outside. You could barely even see me.” Certainly, you can understand why I was skeptical. Sounded too good to be true, if you ask me. 
He shook his head lightly with a smile, seemingly questioning how I couldn’t possibly know the answer to that question. “No one else looks like you. Not even in the dark.” 
His words spoke to a part of my soul specifically reserved for him. They were so genuine that I almost didn’t want to believe them because how could someone speak such lovely things and truly mean them? The world wasn’t that good a place. Certainly not good enough for Spencer Reid. 
In that moment, I flew out of my own body and watched this entire scene unfold from up above. I could see the version of a girl I hadn’t seen in years, not since that last interaction with Spencer. She had these big lovesick eyes as she swooned over a man with just the same lovesick look. 
The excessive upward tilt of my head and the way his neck craning down must’ve made it seem like we were about to kiss, but I knew better than to expect such a thing from Spencer Reid. And if anything, what we were doing right now was much more intimate than kissing. 
“Wow, you ... you really grew up. You look great.” My own voice sounded unfamiliar to me after the words slipped from my mouth without even registering in my brain first. 
“Are you kidding? Look at you! I mean, you are just ...” He paused for a moment to look me up and down, and I nearly shivered at the thought that he was practically undressing me with his eyes. “You’re absolutely beautiful. But you always were.” 
I was almost completely in a daze when I heard a hideous squawk of a bird flying overhead. This wouldn’t make sense, but it nearly felt like a sign. Like the bird knew I wasn’t supposed to be there, reminding me of where I belonged - reality - not in this fantasy with Spencer. 
“Um,” My head spun as I drew back from him. “I should probably get back. I’ll see you later.” I touched his upper arm gently as I passed by him, and it stunned me how warmth just radiated off of his body. 
To my all too quick goodbye, he simply waved and watched me walk past him with a pursed-lip smile. And just before I got too far, I thought I heard him say, “I hope so.” 
Though my feet were carrying me away from Spencer, my thoughts were only drifting closer to the memory of him, and we did have so many memories. 
11 Years Ago ...
I was at the ripe age of 16 when I got my driver’s license. And to anyone else, this would seem like a given milestone, but to me - it was so much more. With the obtainment of my license, I also gained access to a whole new world. Opportunities poured at the seams. I could drive anyone and anywhere I wanted to and though it wasn’t true, it felt like I could do anything, too. But like all things good in my life, it fell apart in the face of responsibilities. 
My newly obtained license was just another way for my parents to exploit me. Now, they didn’t have to drive Emilia and Saul since I could. Looking back, I have to wonder if the only reason they funded my driver’s ed classes were for the exact reason that if I took them, I’d sooner be able to take on yet another helping of duties they were too lazy to fulfill.
There’s one particular moment I can remember from this age and that same moment could also be regarded as the catalyst that would set off a series of events for the next 11 years to come.
It was the end of the school year and summer vacation was right around the corner. I was a sophomore at the time, and the prospect of being a junior the next year excited me. 
To kick off the start of summer, Melody Hanes was throwing a pool party at her house. Everyone knew she was filthy rich because of a dead grandpa or some other, not to mention, she was also in student government so she had just as big of a role in school as her grandpa’s death did in making the Hanes family wealthy. 
Though I never knew her personally, I did have third period chemistry with her for the entire year, and I sat right in front of her for pretty much the entirety of second semester. She must’ve only addressed me a handful of times, but she still invited me to her party anyway. Proximity, I had to admit, did play a part in that though because if I sat just a seat farther away, then I wouldn’t have been. 
I came home that day, thrilled to tell my mother about my invitation. It would’ve been my first party that wasn’t a distant relative’s birthday celebration or a childish sleepover in elementary. It was my first real high school party, and for once, I thought - maybe I’d finally get the quintessential ‘high school experience.’
But of course, I never did. 
As soon as I got home, I parked my car in the driveway, got the mail, and came inside the house to see my mother sitting on the couch watching TV, as per usual. While I was telling her about my invitation, she didn’t bother to lower the volume or even look away from the screen to give me her undivided attention, and when she did look away, it was only to take the mail from my hands. 
“Your sister’s science fair is on that day, and you have to take her because I’ll be working from 1 to 7.” My mother never once looked up from the mail she was sorting through to address me. And her words, while incredibly monotone, were also spoken with such finality, like what she said was the last she ever wanted to speak on the topic. No room for discussion. 
I’m not still losing sleep over it, but at the time, it felt like for once, I could actually just be a teenager and be young and reckless like everyone else, but that it was just taken from me. I never got the chance to be a kid again.
With the exception of Emilia’s science fair.
I knew my father wouldn’t be there, and obviously my mother wouldn’t, so I stayed to watch her presentation and to walk around the rest of the time. She deserved someone in her corner, and that someone was me. Even if no one was in mine. 
As I serpentined through the cafeteria, a bittersweet feeling came upon me. From paper mâché volcanoes to potato batteries, I observed a childlike sense of wonder that I hadn’t felt for years. 
Here, I was surrounded by children who got to be just children. They got to occupy themselves with trivial matters, like how gardens grow or if video games actually do rot your brain. 
Their problems had solutions and their questions had answers, and it almost made me wish that I could revert back to a time where life was that easy, but I couldn’t because it never was … not for me. 
So to sum it up, it was precious and heartbreaking all at the same time. 
While browsing the fair, I stumbled upon a man that didn’t quite seem to fit in, and maybe it was my own unfitting appearance that made me recognize his. He could’ve very well been the brother of one of these children, but something about the way he was dressed and the way he carried himself made me highly doubt that. 
He couldn’t have been a parent either, for he was not too far off from my own age, and if he was a parent of one of these eighth graders, that would have to mean that he had a kid when he was in kindergarten. So for all intents and purposes, he wasn’t someone’s brother or someone’s father. Who he actually was - I didn’t know, but I was determined to find out.
After that first observance, I spotted him a couple more times, but it wasn’t until we were looking at the same project that we actually spoke. 
“Fascinating, isn’t it?”
The sudden sound of his voice alarmed me, but only because it seemingly came out of nowhere. Generally, before someone speaks to you, you notice signals that they’re about to, which helps you prepare for conversation. Whether it’s nervous twitches, a look in your direction, maybe even a small acknowledging smile, you’ll recognize they want to or plan to talk to you, but none of those signs were given to me. Even when I turned my head to give him my attention, he was still fixated on the project in front of us. 
“Yeah, it really is,” I politely agreed. I awkwardly looked around the room as if I’d find an answer as to what to say next because I did want to keep talking to him, but the longer I stayed silent, the more I fear he’d begin to think I didn’t want to. With nothing else to ask but the question that had been bothering me since I first laid eyes on him, I simply went for it. 
“So, who are you here for?”
For the first time, he turned his head to the side to look right at me. With a quizzical expression, he responded. “Oh, no one. I’m just a judge here.” 
It was my turn to possess a quizzical expression. His statement wouldn’t have been weird, except for the part where any judge I’d seen or talked to were all well into their forties or fifties. 
“Aren’t you kinda young to be a judge? You’re, like, what? Seventeen, eighteen?
“Nineteen actually. But I regularly come to judge the Summer Science Fairs here since I went to this middle school eleven years ago.” 
Again, I would’ve taken his word for it, but the math didn’t make sense. “You were in middle school at eight years old?” 
“Mhm. I ended up graduating high school at twelve.” He said it so nonchalantly, but for how big of a feat it was, I thought it would’ve deserved a more prideful tone, yet he still maintained such a cavalier one. Did he not think himself to be impressive? 
“Jeez, you must be really smart.” 
He shoved his hands in his pockets, which made me notice that he wasn’t carrying a clipboard like the other judges, which was probably another reason why I didn’t take him for one. How would he be able to remember the projects that he was considering for awards? He’d have to have some magical memory for that.
Before answering, he began to walk away, but nonetheless he continued addressing me, so I followed him where he went. 
“Mmm not necessarily. My IQ isn’t high enough to suggest I’m a provable genius yet, but I do have an eidetic memory and I can currently read 16,000 words per minute, which definitely helps. I hope to be able to read 20,000 words per minute in the future.” 
Despite answering my question, he only left me with many more. 
“What is your IQ right now?”
My eyes widened. Even I, with my limited knowledge on intelligence quotients knew that was high, especially for someone as young as he was. 
“So what IQ score do you have to have in order to be considered a genius?”
I couldn’t help but notice how he barely took anytime to think before answering me. It’s like his brain just knew everything, right then and there. 
“A score of over 140 is considered a genius or near genius.”
“Wow, so you’re almost a genius then?”
“Almost, but not quite. If I receive diverse stimulation at a consistent rate for the next few years, I predict that I’ll have an IQ of 180 or higher by the time I’m in my early twenties.”
You would think he would leave me speechless, but I still went on to ask him about what an eidetic memory was, and he explained to me that he could remember things exceedingly well, but that it was not the same thing as a photographic memory. He made that distinction very clear to me. 
Our conversation droned on for the rest of the fair as we continued to circle the cafeteria. I can’t count how many times we lapped around the same projects, but we never seemed to run out of things to talk about. Once those first few seconds after meeting him, when I didn’t know what to say, passed, I never again felt a sense of not knowing. We could talk for hours and hours, and it wouldn’t matter. I would never get bored. 
How could I? When I was with him, it felt like the rest of the world just faded away. Our discourse flowed so easily, no pressure, no awkward silence. It was just me and him, and if you ask me, that’s quite the opposite of boring. 
That was the first and final time I ever truly felt like a kid. Just like the ones in the science fair. Not a care in the world except for my morbid curiosity of the marvel that was him.
Alas, all good things must come to an end, and I inevitably found myself being ripped out of my trance when I felt an aggressive tug on my sweater.
“We can go now.” Emilia interrupted. 
I hadn’t even noticed that a majority of the poster boards were taken down and that an even larger majority of the people were long gone, too. I got so lost in the conversation that I didn’t realize we were one of the last people still there. 
Emilia’s eagerness to leave was apparent as she pulled me away from my interesting conversationalist. 
“I had a nice time talking to you!” I called out to him, walking backwards to lengthen the period of time I could keep looking at him. 
I turned around fully just before I finally realized something. “Hey!” I yelled across the distance. “I never got your name!” 
He bashfully smiled and looked down at his feet briefly. “It’s Spencer! Spencer Reid!” 
I stood there for a moment, silently processing his name. 
“What’s yours?” He yelled back. 
I chuckled mischievously. “I guess you’ll have to find out next time.” My ambiguity puzzled him and intrigued him all at the same time. 
“Next time?” 
With the intentions of leaving him without a true answer, I simply turned on my heels and started walking away. 
“Bye, Spencer!”
Even if he didn’t have an eidetic memory, I knew after that first day, he could never forget me. 
- Present Time -
By the time I made it back to the truck, people were already lining up to order. 
“Get over here!” Emilia squealed excitedly from the window, her hand rapidly waving me over as if it’d suddenly increase my speed. I ran back as fast as I could in a dress and heels and climbed into the truck, mirroring my sister’s zeal. 
When I stepped in, Emilia took one glance at me and furrowed her brows. “Where’d you get the jacket?” 
Had she not mentioned it, I would not have remembered the foreign fabric that wrapped around my shoulders. 
“Oh, shoot!” I palmed my forehead after the realization dawned on me. I should’ve noticed sooner that I still had it on, but honestly, it didn’t feel unusual or out of place. It was comfortable and familiar, like it was meant to be there that entire time.
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, but do you think you can handle this alone for just a second? I have to return this to a friend.” I asked while slipping off the coat to ready myself to leave, even in the event that Emilia said she wouldn’t let me go. Luckily though, she understood it was urgent. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine. Just hurry back.” 
I extended my head to look out just past the side of the truck to look for Spencer while still being concealed within the vehicle. Now that there were more people here, I wasn’t exactly sure I should be caught mingling with the attendees, so instead, I decided to search for him from the truck, rather than wandering around the party, giving the impression to the people that hired us that I wasn’t doing my job and was just here to socialize. 
Luckily, there was something about my attachment to Spencer that was supernatural. I had this metaphysical ability to spot him even in a crowded place. I could find him anywhere. But whether that was a blessing or a curse was to be determined because right as my paranormal power kicked in, I found him. And there he was - standing next to another girl, a proximity much too close and a smile much too big to be anything less than flirtatious.
I paused to recall the image I had of myself earlier, when I floated up and out of my own body. I looked just like her - an oversized grin combined with lovesick eyes. 
But that’s not the worst part. 
The worst part was he was returning just the same look of attraction to her. 
“Um, actually,” I re-entered the truck completely, tossing the jacket aside haphazardly. “I’ll just return it later.” 
“You sure? You can go. I’ve got things covered right now.” She said between multitasking at a rate that even I, a very-much-not-pregnant-woman, could manage. 
All I could mutter back without giving away the sharp ache in my heart was, “Yeah, I’m sure.” 
_ _ _
After hours and hours of non-stop working, the night, at last, was coming to a close. The large crowd had sized down considerably, until I could no longer hear the sound of a thousand voices meshing. All the decorations were already coming down by the time Emilia and I finished packing up the truck. Without the hectic energy to cause adrenaline to course through my veins, it should’ve been peaceful, yet my heart was not at peace. 
I couldn’t shake the gut-wrenching feeling of seeing Spencer with that girl, but that wasn’t really why I was upset. It was more about the fact that I’d actually believed for a second that I had any chance with him. I should’ve known he wasn’t single, and the fact that I let myself swoon over him again angered me all the more. If I ever had a chance with Spencer, the time to act on it was long gone.
Now, I had to live with that. 
“You sure you wanna stay here alone? I’ll come with you if you want me to.” 
Emilia’s question was referring to my proposal to stay in D.C for the night while she drove home. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, but I realized I couldn’t handle being in another suffocating car ride with Emilia. It had nothing to do with her - just that I needed alone time to process everything by myself. If I knew my sister as well as I thought I did, I knew she would’ve sensed something was wrong and tried to coax me into talking about it, which I was not in the mood to do. Plus, traveling for so long made me nauseous just thinking about it. Although, I didn’t have a plan, I knew that I just wanted to hail a cab and find a hotel somewhere here for the night. 
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. Don’t worry about me. Call me when you get home.” I tapped on the back of the truck twice to let her know she was good to drive away, and I felt the car lurch forward per my request. When the truck finally did move, out from behind it appeared the tall figure of none other than Spencer. 
I was surprised, but only for a second, when that surprise turned into pain once more. Playing it cool so my afflictions wouldn’t be suspected, I nonchalantly stated, “Here’s your jacket, by the way. Sorry, I forgot to give it back to you earlier.”
I extended my arm far enough so that we’d still have a great distance between us when he went to grab it, but sure enough, my actions were all for naught when he not only refused to remove his hands from his pockets to take it but also walked two steps closer to me than he needed to be. I looked like an idiot just standing there with my arm so outstretched, only for him to not grab it and to let it simply press against his stomach as a complete avoidance of getting it back. 
“You were supposed to keep it. That’s why I didn’t ask for it back.” He curtly replied, finishing his statements with a cheeky grin. However, I wasn’t in the mood to return it. I simply stood there and shook the jacket in my hand to emphasize its presence. 
“Take it. Please.” My voice was full of contradictions. I tried to be assertive with my command, and yet my plead only softened the order and showed a defeat I wasn’t even aware of until I heard how sad it sounded. “I don’t want it, Spencer.” 
He no doubt saw the shift in my demeanor but still wouldn’t pacify me by taking the jacket. “What’s wrong? What did I do?” His voice got quieter, as if speaking any louder would shatter me in this fragile state of being. 
“Nothing, I’m just tired and I want to go home.” This wasn’t a complete lie. I was exhausted from working for hours and hours on my feet with no breaks in between, but it wasn’t exactly the full truth either. He could tell. 
“Just tell me what’s wrong.” He persisted. “Please.”
The only way I could describe what I happened next was like the vision of a boiling pot. Gradually, I was heating up until I finally got so overheated that I just boiled over and exploded. 
“What don’t you get, Spencer? I don’t want your jacket!” Fury consumed my tone. “And I don’t think your girlfriend would want that either.” 
“Girlfriend? What girlfriend? What are you talking about? I don’t have a girlfriend!” His words were flying out of his mouth at 100 mph as he desperately trying to mend what couldn’t be fixed. 
“Don’t play dumb. I saw you with that blonde girl. How close you two were standing, the way you were looking at each other.” Just having to recount the interaction made the horrid memory come back vividly into the forefront of my thoughts, and it broke my heart all over again. I shut my eyes painfully as though it would turn off the image of them together, but this only allowed for Spencer to wrap his warm hands around my upper arms and pull me closer to him without my knowing. I flinched unconsciously at the sudden feeling of his touch, to which he instantly let go. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” His hands shook with remorse for letting them touch my body in a way that elicited that reaction. They hovered in the space between us, not knowing where to go that would suddenly make things okay. “But she’s no one, okay? She’s just a coworker.” 
I wanted to believe him. I quite possibly did believe him, but there was still a sharp pain in my chest. Call it intuition. 
“No, she’s not,” I shook my head. “She’s not ‘no one’... you love her.” 
Spencer came closer but still didn’t let himself touch me again out of fear that I might draw back even further. 
“Listen to me - whatever feelings I used to have for her are long gone. She’s married, (y/n). She has a kid. And none of that even matters because the way that I used to love her is nothing compared to the way that I-” 
“Don’t.” I held my hand up in protest. “Don’t say you love me.” 
His eyebrows knit together with dismay. “Why? Why not? It’s true. I love you. I always have.” 
With one big sigh, I finally resigned to my emotions. “Then why didn’t you ever do something about it?” 
Judging by the deflation of his shoulders and the far off look he got in his eyes, he knew exactly the moment I was talking about. 
Two days after Emilia’s science fair, I drove to the library to pick up books I needed for my summer homework. I was already on my way out when I just happened to glance to my side, noticing a lone figure sitting at the bus stop. I didn’t think anything of it, but when I looked back, I partially recognized him. I shaded my eyes from the sun and squinted harder to confirm my suspicions. 
“Spencer?” I wondered out loud.
The figure’s head turned around, narrowed their eyes, and waved. He stood up from his seat and made his way over to me with a precious little jog-walk. Although we had only met once before, we still embraced each other like lifelong friends. 
“Do I finally get to know your name now?” He jokingly inquired after pulling away. 
It completely slipped my mind that I’d denied him the knowledge of my name, but for my own satisfaction, I wouldn’t let him get off that easily. 
“Do you have any guesses of it could be?” 
He pouted childishly. “Are you kidding? In a population of 350 million people, there would be about 4.4 million names. But if every country on Earth had the same nominative diversity we in the US have, that would suggest about 750 million unique names exist.”
I must admit it was fun watching him melt into a flustered mess of facts, but I was growing just as impatient as him. “Come on, just guess. You might be right.”
He rolled his eyes but indulged me willingly anyway. “Okay ... um ... Catherine.” 
“Seriously?” I raised my eyebrows. He shrugged. “Nope.”
“Pretty,” I smiled, making his face light up, too. “But no.” His smile fell. 
“This is nearly impossible.” He sighed. 
“Nothing’s impossible.” My delivery wasn’t as cheesy as the line itself, so it touched us both in a way that made that silly phrase feel like it’d never been said before. With a visible passion reignited in him, he continued. 
“Okay, maybe this is impossible.” 
My blunt joke brought us closer together, our heads almost knocking into one another’s as we clutched our stomachs and leaned forward to support our all-consuming laughter. When we finally calmed down, I finally confessed. 
“Okay, okay - it’s (y/n).” 
He stood there completely silent. There was no expression of his face that indicated he planned on speaking, so I elaborated. “It’s not as good as the name Spencer, I know I know -”
“I’ve never known anyone with that name before.” His hushed voice cut into mine so innocently. 
My cheeks heated from the slight compliment. “Well, now you do. And don’t you forget it.” I teased. With nothing further to say, I brushed past him to start walking away, when unconsciously, I spun my keys around my index finger and heard the familiar jingle of the metal, reminding me of something. 
“Hey, Spencer?” I turned on my heels. “Can I give you a ride home?”
And so began our routine for the entire summer. I would bring my summer homework to the library, and Spencer would help me understand it, or even complete it, and then I’d give him a ride home. We’d go to the park and read, or we’d go to the movies, or we’d hang out at a diner. And each time, I’d drop him off. 
The more time we spent together, the more I learned about him and his life. He told me about his mom, his dad - everything. I did just the same. I told him about my mom, my dad, my siblings - everything. 
Perhaps we enjoyed spending so much time together because it was a sweet escape from our houses that weren’t homes. But every time we did hang out, we just got closer and closer, and by the end of the summer, I knew my feelings perfectly clear. 
I love Spencer. 
If missing that pool party at Melody Hanes was what it took to find the absolute love of my life, then what a small price to pay it was. I wouldn’t have traded a million pool parties for that one chance encounter with Spencer at the science fair. 
One day, we were pulling into his driveway after having a picnic at the country club, and I’d just let him out of the car, when unconsciously, I said, “Bye, Spence! Love you!” 
He caught the words faster than I did. He looked like a deer in headlights, and it took me at least two seconds more to figure out why. That entire day I’d been thinking about saying it, but by the end, I decided it’d be better not to, and yet, it just came out anyway.
“You love me?” 
There were two ways I could’ve answered. The first was to deny it and say that I only meant that I loved him like a friend. The second was to be brave and validate my unintentional confession. 
In the heat of the moment, I chose the latter. 
“Yes.” I nodded, smiling from my own courage. You only live once right?
In a cruel twist of fate, Spencer never tried to speak, and instead, ran to his front door. 
“Spencer!” I yelled. “What are you-” 
He gave me one last look over his shoulder before he opened the door and closed it right behind him. That was the last I ever saw him. 
I learned, that day, that you do only live once. 
But you can die over and over again.
From that point on, he’s lived in my mind as the one that never was. 
Regret and shame manifested on Spencer’s face. “I never wanted to hurt you.” He dejectedly began. “But I was young and-and dumb and just ... so scared. God, I was so scared.” He finally looked up, if for no other reason than to gauge my reaction. “I liked you so much, but I, I just couldn’t open myself up to the possibility of being hurt by another person I loved.”
Much like my own life, Spencer’s was riddled with traumatic experiences. Except rather than being expected to take care of younger siblings, he had to take care of his mom. And having to be a parent to your own parent? That’s something I would never wish upon anyone else. 
“I ... I get it.” It was a sweet surrender, my words. After years of pent-up aggression borne from humiliation, rejection, and deep sadness, I could finally understand. “But as selfish as it sounds, I wish your past hurt hadn’t gotten in the way of our potential happiness.” 
He took each of my hands in his, encasing them with palms of warmth. “Then don’t let the same thing happen right now. Don’t let the stupid, broken teenager I was cloud your judgement of the man I am now. Let me prove to you that I’ve changed.” 
I stood there silently, an eerie parallel to how Spencer reacted to my confession eleven years ago. 
“When I saw you, it felt like a second chance. A second chance to do what I was too afraid to do back then. And I couldn’t let myself make the same mistake twice.” His eyes were piercing through my soul. Every word plucked at my heartstrings, until I could no longer keep up with the symphony they were playing. 
There was the slightest hesitation behind it, but I did inch forward. And in no time at all, Spencer saw the movement and made his own. 
His hands released mine and shot straight for my cheeks to cup them gently, while kissing me firmly. He wasn’t the same shy boy he was, and this kiss was only proof of that. The way his lips were moving so fervently made me weak at the knees. He was so desperate and needy, like even with our lips touching, he still wasn’t close enough to me. Unleashed upon me was years of yearning wrapped in prominent lust. 
“I love you.” He blurted clumsily on my lips. I didn’t return the sentiment, but that wasn’t why he said it. He wanted to say it so I’d know, not so that I’d say it back. 
“You should know,” I muttered between kisses. “I’m not leaving D.C. until tomorrow morning.” 
The biggest smirk creeped onto his face. Bastard. 
Once we’d exhausted all the things we could possibly do in public, we ran to the nearest cab we could find and exhausted all the things we could do in that, too.
It was already past midnight when we arrived at Spencer’s apartment, and though we should’ve been quiet so as not to disturb the neighbors, we were still breaking out into a fit of giggles like a bunch of teenagers sneaking around as we ran up the stairs. We hadn’t even made it past the doormat, before he seized my hips in his hands and spun me back towards him. Forcefully, he pressed me against the door while simultaneously unlocking it. That shut me up real good, lemme tell you. 
As soon as we crossed the threshold, he gave me a reprieve when he held me closer so as to stop pinning me against the door. In an effort to do the impossible, we stumbled through his apartment in a frenzy trying to undress each other while maintaining our bodily contact. With one giant tug of the zipper on my back, my dress fell to the ground. To his atonement, he left me in just a thong. Whereas he was much too overdressed in my opinion. 
No sooner did I gracelessly unbutton his shirt than we ran into a plant against the wall. Our smiles practically ruined the kiss at the sound of the crash, but it remained nonetheless. I knew I was in for something, when Spencer paused to wait for me to unbuckle his belt. That was the first time we ever really stopped in place, but just as I anticipated, I was in for it. 
When I finally freed his waist of the garment, he just as quickly placed his hand on the back of my thigh, and in one swift motion, hoisted me into the air high enough to allow my legs to wrap around his waist. My arms were loose around his neck and the feeling of his warm hands touching my bare skin sent a chill down my spine. 
Due to Spencer’s essential hand placement on my body, I had to be the one to fumble with his bedroom’s doorknob until it finally gave way. Once more, we staggered through his room before he let our lips break apart to lightly toss me onto the bed. I giggled at the squeak of the bed, driving him visibly crazy. 
He hastily unzipped his own dress pants, while I propped myself up on my elbows. When he met me on the bed, he hovered over me to the point of having to lay back down again just to see him clearly. He felt too far away so I drew him nearer by lacing my hand through his soft curls. I twirled one around my finger, which must’ve been too merciful for him to handle. 
He placed his hand on the back of mine and slid it down to his cheek. He held my hand there for a moment, leaning into the skin of my palm prior to placing a chaste kiss on it. 
He didn’t need to say it again for me to know what he was thinking. 
I love you.
The anticipation was killing me and in the most impatient manner, I pulled him down to my level, mimicking his similar habit of face-grabbing during a kiss. I knew his hands would’ve flown to my face the way they did just minutes ago, but one was too preoccupied keeping himself up and the other was busy toying with the band of my thong. I shivered at the sensation of him slipping one finger under the material and letting it glide over my tender skin right above my heat. 
“Spencer,” I mumbled in a kiss to bring his attention back to me. Although I was certainly interested to know the hidden talents of Spencer Reid and his fingers, I was restless. I’d been waiting years for this moment, and unlike most people, I didn’t want to wait another second. “I need you now.” 
He pulled his head back so he could get a full view of my face to examine my sincerity. He wanted to know if I was sure, and my eyes told him such. He nodded in acknowledgement with such speed that I was sure he was craving this as much as I was. 
Rather than looking at where our bodies were about to meet, I had to close my eyes so I could fully feel everything without any other sense taking that away from me. In a painfully slow manner, he lined himself up at my entrance. At first, he only lightly pushed in, and it was this slacken movement that made me cry out and grip his shoulders for stability.
He pushed further in until he was fully sheathed inside of me. There was a slight moment of regret for not letting him engage in foreplay before, but that quickly went away when the pain turned to pleasure. He gained more confidence in himself with each stroke, and I could feel it. The more powerfully he thrust, the more I felt myself tightening around him. The over simulation was a stark contrast from the stimulation I denied and so the sensation I was feeling was only heightened by the absence of it before. For that very reason, I knew I was already close. And maybe he knew it, too and just as sweet revenge, he decided to send me over the edge by pulling my leg over his shoulder to thrust into me a new angle. As I’m sure he predicted, I threw my head back as tears began to prick the corners of my eyes. He rode the ever exquisite border between pain and pleasure, and my tears were a manifestation of that. Not even a minute passed, before I tried to moan but pathetically failed, not even being able finish the pitiful wail without the both of us finishing together.
Our heavy panting synchronized and reverberated back to us while he slowed down his pace and pulled out. 
Perhaps in the heat of the moment, we lost all logic and reason, considering that even up till now, neither of us had realized that he didn’t use a condom. 
But what would eventually happen in the future as a result of this action, or inaction, would surely make us remember.
Spencer lowered himself down to kiss me breathlessly; strands of his hair clung to his forehead as sweat glimmered on both of us. Not until we were ready did we make our way to the bathroom so he could help clean me up. Once we returned, I gathered my clothes, but he made sure to grab my panties before I could even notice.
“Have you seen -“ I cut myself off when I saw what was dangling in his hands.
“Looking for this?” He teased.
All my energy had been spent on him that I couldn’t be bothered to fight for them back. 
“Keep ‘em.” I smirked, my hand reaching down to pick up his jacket off the floor and hold it up. “Consider it a fair trade.”
No arguments from him. 
Needless to say, I did end up finding a place to stay the night. Where and with whom you might ask? 
Well, you can probably figure that one out for yourself. 
_ _ _
I wish I could tell you I got a good night’s rest, and I could - it just wouldn’t be the truth. 
Spencer and I spent the rest of the night just talking. We filled each other in on nearly ever second of the past 11 years, and once again, I found myself reverting back to the teenager I was at the science fair. The entire world revolved around us as we spoke to each other effortlessly, like no time had passed. Even in the periods of silence, I felt comfortable. 
Spencer and I were lying on our sides facing one another when I felt compelled to profess that “I can’t talk this way with anyone. It’s just you.” 
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a small smile on his lips. He didn’t need to say that he felt the same way because I already knew. His hand never left my face but instead made its descent down my jawline and stopped at my chin. He raised his thumb to reach my lower lip, letting the pad of his finger graze over the soft skin of my lip. 
It felt like he was tracing every detail of my body, running his eyes over every inch at least twice so as to fully commit everything to his memory. 
At last, the tension broke when he positioned his hand comfortably at the back of my neck, bowing his head forward to kiss me. This one was quite different than our first, for it was gentler and warmer. We weren’t forcing ourselves to make up for lost time. In fact, this kiss was saying, “We’ve got plenty of time.” 
Plenty of time indeed. Which we were happy to spend making love again. 
And I will be the first to admit that if our first round of unprotected sex didn’t solidify our future predicament, this time certainly did. 
Six Weeks Later ...
“Hello?” Clearly frustrated, Emilia waved her hand in front of my face to harness me back to earth. I hadn’t realized I zoned out until she scoffed at me. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
“No, sorry. Could you repeat it one more time?” 
She set down the papers in front of her and sighed unhappily. “What’s going on with you? You’ve been so distant lately.” 
It hurt to hear, even though it was the truth. I wasn’t intentionally being despondent, but it’s hard to be present when there’s so much occupying your mind, and there was one thing in particular that was keeping me up late at night recently. 
My period has always been irregular. For as long as I’ve had it, I’ve always missed a few weeks, then it would become consistent, then it would be sporadic again. In fact, there was one year where I only had four periods total. So it didn’t strike me as odd when I realized three days ago that my last period was about seven weeks ago. 
What did strike me as odd was the other symptoms I was experiencing. Menstruation cycles are known to closely mimic the symptoms of pregnancy, but with the knowledge that my period wasn’t coming, it was disconcerting to me that I was suffering the discomforts without the actual period itself. 
To me, there was only one clear explanation for this anomaly. 
I was pregnant. 
Earlier in the day, I bought a pregnancy test and was late to work because of it. If Emilia hadn’t been suspicious of my behavior before, showing up late only made her suspicion greater. 
I didn’t know when I’d take it, probably at home after work, but the anticipation was eating away at me. I would pace around the truck until Emilia finally told me to stop because the vehicle wouldn’t stop swaying with my every movement. I was biting my nails and chewing on each little piece that grew back just to bite it back down to the nub. My hands couldn’t stop shaking, my breathing wouldn’t slow down. I was a hysterical mess. 
I didn’t tell Spencer any of my concerns, of course, but being as perceptive as he is, he noticed my strange mannerisms despite my best efforts to hide them. 
“Your breathing just got faster. Are you feeling okay?” He paused the movie we were watching to check in on me one time. It should be known that the scene that caused my heavier breathing was a scene of a woman finding out she was pregnant and being absolutely devastated. I quickly brushed it off as just being too warm, to which he turned on his air conditioning. Luckily for me, he didn’t make the connection. 
And it’s not that I didn’t want to tell Spencer - I really did - but why should I make a fuss about something if there ended up being nothing to worry about? That would just be extra stress, and the last thing a new, blossoming relationship needs is additional strain. 
So without Spencer, I had to opt for the next best thing - my sister.
I’d reached my wits end, and I couldn’t keep up the act any longer. I was walking on eggshells with practically everyone I knew, and I’d sooner go crazy if I didn’t tell someone what I was really feeling. So in response to her question, I finally told the truth. 
“I think I might be pregnant.” 
You can imagine the shock on my sister’s face. Emilia’s jaw became one with the floor as her eyes widened so big I thought they would pop out of her head. 
“You’re pregnant?” Already her eyes were welling up with tears of joy. 
“I don’t know yet.” I put my arms around her to keep her calm and stable while the emotions began overpowering her. I wanted it to serve as a reminder to not get her hopes up, otherwise she’d get mine up, too. 
“Well, have you taken a test?” 
I reached for my purse behind her and rummaged through it until I finally retrieved the box. Holding it up, I reluctantly suggested, “I thought maybe you could be there for me when I did?” 
She squealed with joyful elation, practically shattering the window pane with the high pitch of her voice. On top of that, she was jumping up and down with elegant grace that I had to wonder how her pregnant body could even manage to do such a thing. 
“Of course, I will! Come, come, let’s go.” 
We hopped off the truck and to the nearest restroom, which admittedly wasn’t the nicest of places, nor was the place I ever imagined as a child that I’d be finding out I was pregnant in, but it had to do for now. 
When I first came out of the stall, I set the test face down on the sink, so that we wouldn’t see it until it was ready. Emilia set a timer for 10 minutes, but in the meantime, all we could do was wait. Neither of us could stay still; Emilia bounced up and down, rubbing her belly while facilitating some sort of breathing exercise. Meanwhile, I kept tapping my foot impatiently. 
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Emilia’s alarm scared the shit out of me, and we both were startled by the blaring sound. It was so jarring, but even that wouldn’t compare to the fear I felt when I realized it was finally time. 
“Do you wanna look or should I?” She asked. 
“You look.” I said at first. But when she lunged forward to take it, I did, too. “No wait, I should.” Then another moment of hesitation. “No, you do it. I can’t.” 
I held my hands over my mouth while I watched her carefully lift the test off the sink, maneuvering it in such a way that only she would see the results. I watched her expression closely for any sign of a reaction, but she was stoic as can be. I couldn’t tell if she was disappointed, happy - nothing. Complete and total poker face. 
“Come on, Emilia! What does it say?” I blurted anxiously.
“Well, first, what do you want it to say?” 
That was a question I hadn’t considered. I was so busy worrying about what I didn’t know, to pause and think about what I wanted to find out. On the one hand, I’d be ecstatic if the test confirmed that I was pregnant. I’d jump for joy because that was what I always wanted, right? But on the other hand, if it said I wasn’t pregnant, then I’d be sort of sad because I got so close to that lifelong dream. But after that, I’d probably just be relieved to have dodged a bullet.
“I don’t know,” I confessed. “I don’t know-”
“Don’t think. Just tell me. What do you want it to say?” 
Without missing a beat, I replied, “Positive.” My sister and I alike were stunned by my answer. “Yeah,” I nodded slowly. “Positive. I want it to say positive.” I repeated, to cement my earnest desire. 
Emilia’s facade melted away as she began to shake her head. “I’m sorry, (y/n). There’s only one line.” 
We both knew what that meant, even if she didn’t explicitly say it. I sighed dejectedly, which was a surprise to even myself. I didn’t expect to be this disappointed, and yet I was. The knot it my stomach worked itself free, and where that pit used to be was just emptiness. My heart sunk and steadied itself, and my breathing resumed its normal pace. 
“Well,” I bit my lip. “I guess that’s that.” 
Emilia instantly drew nearer to pull me in for a hug, one I was not ready to accept but welcomed anyway. “I’m sorry, (y/n). But I mean, sometimes tests just come out with false negatives.” With her face still buried in the crook of my neck in our hug, she mumbled, “Not this one, though. This one’s positive.” 
Immediately, I retreated from our hug and pulled her in front of my view. The sneaky girl had a huge grin that took up 99% of her face. 
“You’re pregnant!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, shaking my body violently. We embraced each other in another hug while simultaneously jumping up and down. “I just wanted to trick you so you would know how you really feel. Now you know!” 
And I did know. I did know that I wanted this baby and that I was glad it even existed. 
Not long after our mini-celebration did I start to come down from the high of my euphoria. A certain realization dawned on me like a cloud of gray hanging above my head to rain on my parade. 
What about Spencer?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
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fluffi · 3 years
pairing: jay x gn!reader genre: fluff, badboy!jay, highschool!au, friends-enemies-lovers!au word count: 2k event: for @lovesick-net​​ and (early) jay day 200421 <3 author’s note: simple little one-shot for jay’s birthday (i wont be uploading anything for his actual birthday). i had to speedrun this fic because i kept changing the plot and this hasnt been proofread twice (unlike my other fics) T-T i hope it’ll still work out. warnings: (reader makes one bad decision)
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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring
The alarm clock stopped its boisterous wailing
10 more minutes. I don’t have to style my hair today.
Thirty minutes passed.
Ugh. I’ll just miss assembly.
This time, the ringing stopped before he could slam his hand over the alarm clock.
“Jongseong, do you not have school today?” Jay could only make out a bush of black that stood above him as he sat up, dazed and drowsy.
“Yeah, I do. I’m about to get ready. Why?”
“It’s 9 am! You should be at school! At this point, you don’t even have to go anymore.” His mother huffed in disappointment.
It was an exaggeration, but she had a point. School started at eight in the morning. It was already an hour later but he was still sitting in bed.
“I’ll get ready now. 10 minutes. Good to go.” He shooed his mom away, already running to the bathroom to wash up.
“I’m leaving now Jay. You know darn well that I have an important meeting today and I can’t miss it just for you to not get a tardy. Heck, you’re already late! You’re-”
“Mom! I can’t walk to school! It takes too long.” Jay whined as he brushed his teeth, his muffled voice interrupting his mother’s speech.
“Young man, stop interrupting me. I told you a week ago about today’s event and it’s not my fault that my oldest son can’t take care of himself. You’re going to have to take another mode of transport, you’re old enough to deal with this yourself!” With that, his mother stormed out of his room, her feet obnoxiously thumping on the floor.
“I’m also your only son...” Jay muttered. 
Of all days, why did she have to have her meeting today? Monthly evaluations aren’t that important. Dangit, I should’ve been taught how to drive. Jay returned to his rapid multitasking, grabbing his school uniform while washing his face. He didn’t even look twice,
After taking the quickest shower he had ever taken in his entire life and shoving all of his essential (what he determined as essential, at least) belongings into his bag, he opened to door and dashed outside only to be met with…
Rain everywhere. Drenching the front yard’s perfectly tended flower garden and creating heaps of watery mud. It was pouring at 9.15 am. There was thunder and occasional flashes of light zooming through the clouds. The city was in shambles.
Not like, shamble, shambles. It was shambles in Jay’s opinion as he groaned and stomped his way through the rain.
Screw school. Screw this stupid rain, screw my alarm clock, screw this-
“Dude, why are you running in the rain? You’re soaked. Are you heading to school?” A pink-haired boy in a red Ferrari shouted from across the street.
Jay sighed in relief, immediately running across the road to said Ferrari. “Choi Yeonjun. You are a life-saver. Could I get a ride real quick? I’ll pay back for engine fees and for soaking the inside of your Ferrari with rainwater.”
“Hop right in, and don’t worry about returning. Let’s have some fun with this baby.” Yeonjun smirked and revved the engine, swerving past cars and buildings like it was a little RPG game.
At this rate, I’ll make it to school in no time.
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“Dude, I’m so sorry. I guess you have to walk.”
Just as he thought things were taking a better turn, Yeonjun decides to show off his new driving skills and zooms through roads at a rapid speed, so fast that he crashed the car by a tree. It was a miracle that both of them didn’t get hurt but as far as Jay was concerned, he could worry about that some other time. This was just slowing him down on his long and tedious journey towards his form of hell.
On the bright side, the rain had stopped and the sunshine was back as if nothing had happened.
“I’ll get going to school.” Jay internally groaned and started sprinting in the direction of his school.
“Hey, at least I helped you get closer to school! Didn’t I?” Yeonjun shouted from behind and coyly smiled.
Such a boastful punk, Jay thought. “Whatever, bro!” He turned back and gave his older friend a quick wave before dashing off.
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“Park Jongseong! You’re late...again.”
“I’m aware.” Jay didn’t spare his English teacher an eye and slung his backpack over the chair, about to take a seat.
“Stop giving me attitude, I’m your teacher.Why are you tardy for the fourth time this month?”
“Alarm clock.”
“Alarm clock what? Are you afraid to speak up? I don’t see you acting like this in the hallways.”
Jay looked down at his feet and sighed before side-eyeing his teacher. “Overslept, okay? Sir if you could just let me off the hook you would be able to proceed with your Shakespeare nonsense.”
The entire class snickered. It was no secret that Jay loathed Mr. Jung, the English teacher. Who didn’t? Mr. Jung treated every student in school like they were incapable toddlers and it was a wonder that anyone would dare to stand up to his stupid remarks. Jay’s carefree attitude towards his horrible teachers was one of the reasons why he earned so many fangirls.
Not like you were one, of course. You watched as he pulled his chair out and sat next to you out of the three other vacant seats at the back of the class.
Mr. Jung rolled his eyes and continued writing on the blackboard. “Also, Jongseong,” he added, “you’re wearing your school shirt the wrong way round. See you in detention for your tardiness.”
A few of the girls in a few seats in front of him whispered rapidly, although whispering didn’t stop Jay from finding out about their gossip.
“Lol! So much for being the bad boy of our grade. He looks like a wreck today.”
“I know right? I wonder what the other fangirls will think of this. Should we send the pictures to the fan club?”
The second girl giggled. “Yeah, duh. Name it jay-park-wreck-images.”
So much for my reputation. Jay could only roll his eyes as he pulled out his supplies, ignoring the camera clicks coming from the seats in front of him.
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“Oh, yay. At least I’ll have a detention buddy now.”
Jay eyed you up and down like your statement was some sort of monstrosity. “Detention? You, detention? Pfft.” He laughed.
“Yeah, Jay. Me, detention. Why are you so happy about it? Glad to be stuck with another girl?”
“What, no-no. You just...don’t seem like the type to be in detention. How’d you get it?”
“This..may be kind of embarrassing, but...” You turned to the side and Jay gasped.
On the sleeve of your uniform was a...rabbit? It wasn’t too obvious as to what the marker doodle was but it was apparent that you had intentionally spent time to draw on it.
“Look, I was bored in assembly this morning and found a spare marker in my pocket! Don’t judge, we all know how bad assembly can be.” You blurted just as Jay was about to ask why you had done what you did.
“You could’ve just drawn on your hand or done something else with the marker.” Jay sighed and shook his head at your dumb decision.
“I was out of my mind, okay? Ugh, Assembly always drives me nuts. I got called out for for the horrendous ink bleed when Mr. Jung saw as I walked into the classroom. He said it ‘didn’t follow school guidelines’.”
“For once, I agree with Mr. Jung. It was a stupid choice, you know? If you didn’t draw on your uniform then you wouldn’t have to go to detention now.”
“Jay Park, the bad boy of school, is telling me to be a rule abider. Biggest twist of the century.” You rolled your eyes.
Jay frowned and turned back at you, losing that little spark in his eyes that he once kept. “I’m not a bad boy you know? I just don’t like the system in place here.”
“As if anyone is going to believe that. Go hang out with another girl of yours. I’m not here to be your toy.”
“People like you are the reason why everyone thinks I’m a bad person. I thought you were different, you know?”
You had been preoccupied with taking notes for class, but now you looked at him with squinted eyes. “Well, I am different. Different as In someone who doesn’t fall for your useless charms. Go suck up to your fangirls or something.”
Jay rolled his eyes and scooted away from you. He thought he had been lucky to meet you, but he guessed not.
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You always do this, you idiot. You were so close to making a new friend.
You put your hands in your head and side-eyed Jay, who seemed to be struggling as Mr. Jung blurted out an entire unit’s summary.
The boy hadn’t brought any stationery and was definitely on the wrong page of the textbook. You figured that he was this disheveled from his absolute lack of planning but you still felt bad.
His hair was a mess, it was still damp from the rain before. If only you could help him style it…
Why do I want to touch his hair? That’s weird and gross.
You were so occupied with thinking about Jay that you realized that he was still struggling in class.
Maybe you could make things better.
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“I’m sorry.”
Jay was struggling to find the page you guys were on for class when a pencil blocked his view.
“What do you want?” He said as he tried to look past your pencil swinging.
“It’s a pencil for you since I realized that your table is practically empty and you’re going to need something to take notes with for later. Also, it’s page 153, not 53.” You leaned over to help him flip the pages.
“Oh, that makes so much more sense. I was wondering why we were relearning unit 3 when finals aren’t even near yet.”
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at a relieved Jay. “So you do pay attention in class.”
“Of course I do! I’m a student. You should stop using that stereotype on me.” Jay frowned and a tinge of disappointment shadowed his face.
“Right, I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to work on it, it’s rumors and assumptions that have built up over the past few years and I understand that it shouldn’t get in the way of our friendship.”
“Friendship? We have a friendship?” Jay chuckled and cocked an eyebrow up, teasing you.
Maybe it was that eyebrow slit or the weird tension that was building up between the both of you. You felt your face heat up. “I mean- yeah, friendship. Are we not friends?”
“I don’t know, hun. I thought we were something more.”
It was perfect timing as the bell rang and you immediately started packing things into your bag, eyes glued to the clock instead of the amused boy next to you.
Jay laughed, running his hands through his blonde locks and watching as you started running out of class, your eyes occasionally looking back at him to see if he was still staring at you.
“See you in detention!” He called, drawing the attention of your classmates.
Jay Park needs to learn how to shut his mouth. Everyone was now staring at you and you were flustered, embarrassed, shocked, and confused. The weird mix of emotions were driving you nuts. All you could muster was a little nod and you dashed out of there as fast as you could.
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“Today we’re going to learn about Murphy’s Law. It is where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
“But everything that can work, will work.” Jay raised his hand and added, sparing a glance at you jotting notes in the back of the classroom, oblivious to his reference towards you.
“You’re right Jay. Murphy’s Law works both ways. Reversing it is considered part of science…”
Today morning was a storm (figuratively and literally) and everything seemed to be going wrong for Jay. Murphy’s Law prevails. but there’s always a rainbow after the storm. You were his rainbow and his lucky charm.
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2021 © fluffi
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