#I have brain worms for this boy
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xeemaee · 3 months ago
I love kabru queening out with that elven dignitary so much
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Probably flirting his ass off rn lets be so real
In my mind the last panel is a mix of laios being upset kabru didn’t translate everything AND being jealous that kabru was flirting in front of him because I can believe whatever I want fuck you
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satancopilotsmytardis · 1 month ago
Unfortunately, I am still having Sharpwolf brainrot for post-Made to Bite
Telemachus is still very nervous about giving oral sex for a good long while, Antinous doesn't push, but he does make a point of blowing him and eating him out more often as a reward for good behavior to help him get more comfortable.
Athena, unbeknownst to the boys, does still hang out with her brother and his lover on Olympus, and she mentions that Telemachus found a warrior of his own and how he himself has improved as a fighter. Aphrodite gets curious, and when she sees the tangled thorns that still managed to bloom roses of real adoration and affection, she's impressed. She also thinks Antinous, at this point in the timeline, is fucking hilarious because he is CONSTANTLY trying to introduce things to his lover to heighten both of their enjoyment. She may or may not bless his search for ye old sex toys just because it's so funny.
Antinous, for a long time, will not be in the same room as Penelope. It doesn't matter if Telemachus trusts him now and he doesn't care what Odysseus would do to him if he stepped out of line. Being around her reminds him of the cruelty that he subjected Telemachus to and fills him with such a sharp guilt that he tries to avoid it whenever possible.
Telemachus and Antinous continue to spar for the rest of their lives, and after a few years of Odysseus' and Athena's teaching, Telemachus is more than able to hold his own and best him or fight him to a standstill when he wants to. A lot of the time tho, he does throw at the end of a fight because he still likes it when Antinous uses the sparring to "force" him to try something new in bed. His lover likes to have an excuse to let himself try something that he would deem too embarrassing to stomach otherwise.
Odysseus and Athena get into a vicious fight at some point (probably 2-3 years after he gets home) when Telemachus is going to be leaving for a diplomatic mission that will take him away from Ithaca for over a year. Odysseus wants to hold onto his family as tight as he can because he's so scared of losing them again and he is hurt that Athena was able to slip into Telemachus' life and become his confidant and mentor when he has had to build his relationship with his son so belatedly in addition to the fact he thinks she just went after Telemachus because he's such a kind soul. He won't go against anything she says because he has so much faith in her. She knows Odysseus is lashing out and is trying to be kinder, but she is still a prideful creature and fires back that if HE had listened to her the one time it mattered most after years of guiding HIM, then he would have been home in time to see his son pick up a spear for the first time. They are both furious and hurt, and poor Telemachus doesn't know jack shit about this happening because they both intentionally timed this for when he was out. After a few days, surprising Odysseus completely, Athena comes to him and apologizes. She treated him like a soldier, yes, but a good general knows how to comfort and raise the spirits of their men after a difficult battle. Telemachus did that for her and made her see that real change could come if people were not just cunning but kind too. Telemachus growing and being confident enough to go out into the world to help the kingdom is not her guiding him away from Odysseus, it's a path he's chosen for himself because of her teaching maybe, but not one he would ever have dared to consider if he didn't have absolute faith in Odysseus being here and knowing that his home will be safe and full of light and love when he returns. They two of them will never be as close as they once were, but they do come to the understanding that their time apart changed them both and that they both occupy different roles in Telemachus' life. One is not more important than the other, and neither negates the other either. There are only 2 things that matter: 1. That Telemachus is free to pursue his future the way that he chooses to after 20 years a prisoner and protector out of his depth on his own home. And 2. If Antinous should ever fuck thing up with him and hurt Telemachus again, they will be finding a way to keep his very soul from Hades so they can continue to torture him for all eternity 🙃
Telemachus and Antinous have matching scars on their ankles from the first time Antinous drew his blood and the moment Telemachus stopped Antinous' from painting the palace floor. In the privacy of his own head, because it would be far too embarrassing to admit to his lover, he thinks of these as their wedding bands. Antinous also always notes the scars, but considers that they may have branded each other instead. His mark sentenced Telemachus to years of pain, Telemachus' brought him benediction instead. He doesn't think that's fair after everything he's done, but he tries each day to ensure the rest of his lover's life will have no more suffering.
Anyway, Antinous definitely, at some point, gets Telemachus to dress in a woman's clothes and jewelry for him. They think they're going to have a fun roleplay night of Telemachus getting debauched "against his will" (some good ol' CNC) and then it hits him hard that this is something that Antinous and his companions always thought about doing FOR REAL to his mother and he has his first subdrop. Antinous doesn't know how to comfort him when Telemachus' head is messy, and he's remembering the early days of their relationship mixed in with everything else, and it takes hours for him to stop crying and to let himself be touched, realizing after the fact that he's safe, he knows Antinous would never touch him without his permission anymore, he won't ever hurt his family again. Antinous holds him afterward like he's scared he'll break him, and he apologizes for what he did even if he knows that will never be enough. He and Telemachus end up learning that this is just something they will have to keep dealing with for a long time, maybe forever, but they will deal with it together because Telemachus is still choosing him. It takes them a while, but eventually, even though Antinous is extremely nervous about it, they try again, and this time, because Telemachus was more aware of how this could be a trigger, the scene they set is changed and they do manage to have fun like this. They just know they have to be careful now.
Odysseus and Penelope do have another child, a girl, and Telemachus is so excited about being a big brother and so happy that they're happy to have a daughter. He doesn't know what happens to him when he goes back to his and Antinous' room as has a massive panic attack, but Antinous guesses, right on the money, that it's because he's scared she might be put into the same position as his mother was someday, but he assures him that no one in this entire palace, and at least one God in the heavens, not will let that happen to her. She is going to be just fine, they will be right there to make sure that it's so.
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milflaszlo · 9 months ago
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J Antonio Rodriguez and Hannah Whitley in HADESTOWN 📹: @medium-observation
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ghostsfruit · 8 months ago
I have brain worms so I just gotta share this.
- Its late at night and Clark and Bruce are falling asleep together in the same bed -
Clark: Someone's really clingy tonight, you alright bats?
Bruce [nervously]: Oh, yeah everything's perfect! I just love to hold you.
- Earlier the morning before -
Bruce wakes up at 2 am, and sleepilly calls for Clark, before realizing he's completely alone in bed. He jumps up and makes his way out of the opened door, and continues calling for Clark.
Before he looks up and sees his boyfriend lazily floating about with his head slung back and his pillow barely holding onto his hand.
- Bruce now uses himself as an anchor so this doesn't happen again, Clark doesn't mind one bit -
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bellpipers · 10 months ago
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Yaoi can save a repressed dead edwardian school boy
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homoquartz · 7 months ago
charles: proper villain
edwin: yes, she is a proper villain
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treeprince · 4 months ago
why do we beastify luo binghe when turning shen yuan into beast is right there for the taking
he wouldnt even really give a shit except for how "naked" he might be, and all i can imagine him doing with his new form is cataloguing all its traits and pretending to be scary so he can tend to whatever castle/estate/magic kingdom he got beast!cursed into management over without being bothered (im talking howl's moving castle sophie levels of "your face finally suits you" acceptance)
binghe showing up as the beauty who has to seduce the 'monster' interests me so much more, especially if u throw in a zesty bit of angst with everyone in town calling binghe a 'beast' for turning down all his marriage proposals, being run out of town for various crimes he never committed just bc he's the orphan and the easy target, who then meets someone so kind and yet so twisted looking, who has basically cursed himself into his current state, and having to teach each other that who they are is not what they are
i think it would also fit lovingly into binghe's whole thing about wanting someone to finally choose him, on purpose, and for shen yuan to be the one to say that he always will and not have the curse just fade away or disappear, mayhe it creeps up in small ways on days sy has trouble believing in himself, but then a touch from binghe, or a smile, and he can feel his claws retreat, or his fur smooth back out into skin
as long as someone like binghe can smile at him like that, he cant really be so bad, can he?
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tearueful · 1 year ago
One Up (Homelander x Reader)
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A scene that has been rattling in my brain that I needed to get out. [Ao3 link]
Homelander catches you calling him your boyfriend | Homelander x reader, gender neutral reader. No warnings beyond Homelander being Homelander and language.
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"Well- Homelander and I are dating." You snap out, not even knowing why you said it in the first place. All you know is that you wanted to one-up that stick-up-his-ass HR brat bragging about banging a D-list supe.
"We're going to go-", You pause because the amusingly shocked faces within the cluster of your co-workers morph into various levels of fear and unease. You sense him before he speaks; prey tensing up as a predator draws close.
"Well- Homelander and I are dating." You snap out, not even knowing why you said it in the first place. All you know is that you wanted to one-up that stick-up-his-ass HR brat bragging about banging a D-list supe.
"We're going to go-", You pause because the amusingly shocked faces within the cluster of your co-workers morph into various levels of fear and unease. You sense him before he speaks; prey tensing up as a predator draws close.
"Hey sweetheart," He purrs the words close to your ear as Homelander leans in from behind you. "What are ya gossiping about?" He heard you and your false claim. Of course, he fucking heard you.
"I- Oh." Instantly, color blooms over your face as you turn your head enough to glance at him. He's painfully close, the heat of Homelander palpable against your cheek. Turn your head a little more and you could kiss him. 
You'd never dare. Your words have been damning enough.
"N-nothing, babe." You stammer out, tugging a smile into place as your heart jackhammers within your chest.
Homelander settles a hand on the back of your neck with a soft creak sounding from the leather his gloves are made out of. The action is possessive; which sends a thrill straight down your spine. The sort of thrill one gets when the roller coaster harness feels a little too loose to be safe.
One finger slides up and circles the skin of your neck briefly as your breath catches in the back of your throat.
You snap your gaze forward back to your co-workers who hang about in stunned silence. With Homelander backing you up, the skepticism is bleeding away before your eyes.
Nancy from IT breaks the silence, "I didn't realize you two were a couple!" She presses on, voice cheerful. "I can't wait to hear how that happened."
"It's a funny story," Homelander interjects, voice smooth and dripping with his camera-ready charm. The sort that hides his fangs. "Maybe we'll share it sometime."
Homelander's hold tightens, fingers digging in with a grip that could pop your head right off your shoulders. The threat is clear. Comply or else. The laugh Homelander releases is in stark contrast, jovial and warm with a flash of those white white teeth at your co-workers.
Your co-workers laugh along automatically because everyone in the office knows to appease this erratic supe, or else they end up another mistake for Vought to sweep under the rug.
"Alright," Homelander clips out as he abruptly drops his hold from your neck. 
"Don't forget our plans for tonight, babe." With a wink in your direction and another fanged smile at your coworkers, Homelander sweeps away.
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heyitsspaceace · 10 months ago
edwin paine you are a stronger man than i because if i confessed to my best friend and got that reaction i would have thrown myself into hell right then and there
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merakiui · 1 year ago
breaking news: my third eye is open again and i'm falling for lilia and his charms.
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talk-danmei-to-me · 5 months ago
Me, singing into a cider bottle: I'm off the deepend, watch as I dive in!
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missmisnomer · 1 year ago
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i’ll not ever let anything hurt any of you, ever again.
Who's the real monster haunting the narrative? Find out for yourself: read The Lemonade Leak on AO3.
I believe this delightful little child belongs to you, @turtleinsoup?? 💙
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thefluffiestbird · 6 months ago
The ONE TIME I’m interested enough in a tv show that I want to join the fandom and it gets canceled
Go fuck yourself Netflix
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spoopieere · 1 year ago
So um like,,, what is up with Asa and his heart shaped wires like ummm 🙄🙄😳
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( 1st movie ) (the last person to have a scene with it is Arkin)
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( 2nd movie ) (this comes up after his scene with Arkin)
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shuuenka · 1 year ago
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haino band au
oh who's that? bassist and vocalist flirting on rehersal?
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take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar · 3 months ago
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Okay, so~... i've been thinking on it for a little while now, and i think sometime soon(-ish), i'm gonna go ahead and make another multi-muse blog-- like as a side blog to my hub blog, since i did mainly make that blog to host these muses anyways lmao-- but it would feature muses from a few visual novels i've played/spectated, and enjoyed~♡
Added rambling and muse list under the cut, to save the dash from my yapping if anyone isn't interested--
Originally i was going to give most of these muses their own side blogs, as i had been working on a few of their blogs in the past-- and even had one or two up and running-- but thanks to poor detail management, i lost access to those blogs a while back XP
So, for the sake of making things less stressful on myself-- i've decided to just lump them all into one blog, and hopefully i can figure out a way to theme it that i'll be happy with--
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Current planned muses are:
Impey Barbicane {Code: Realize}
Saint-Germain {Code: Realize}
Kageyuki Shiraishi {Collar x Malice}
Yasuhiro Isshiki {Collar x Malice}
Shui/The Poet {Lamento -Beyond the Void-}
Current considered additions are:
Konoe {Lamento -Beyond the Void-}
Asato {Lamento -Beyond the Void-}
Cardia Beckford {Code: Realize}
Ib {from the game of the same name--}
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I'd also like to note that when this blog gets made, it'll most likely be fairly low activity wise-- and/or run mainly via a queue-- Since i would still like to try and focus my attention toward blogs i have at current LOL
also also, while i have given some consideration to adding Ukyo from Amnesia as well... for now, he'll remain outside either list-- both because that's a series i haven't touched in ages, and because at current i lack confidence in how well i could portray him.
there's also a chance i may expand the blog to include an oc or two... (likely either for Lamento, or maybe DMMd--) but at current, my plan is to focus on canon muses-- after i revisit their respective games.
lastly, yes i know Ib isn't really a VN, but~... in the event i do decide to pick up writing her again-- i feel like she'd still fit in well enough lol
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