#I have a small addition to this theory/observation
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butchsophiewalten · 6 months ago
There's this interconnected web of Walten Files Information that keeps coming back into my mind which I meant to make a post about a while ago. Which is as follows:
-We know from the Richie audios in Findjackwalten/caretakerlibrary that Rosemary had already been banned from (or at least highly discouraged from entering) Bon's Burgers by the 1st of July, which is quite a ways away from when she disappeared on the 19th. I definitely wouldn't put it past her to sneak into the restaurant during its off-hours, but we know at least that her being there wasn't formally sanctioned.
-From the way he talks to and interacts with Susan in TWF4, it seems that Bon's 'Selection Process' for who he 'beautifies' is not arbitrary, nor is it necessarily opportunistic. Which is to say that he's not picking people at random, and he's not picking people only because they would be an easy target. He watches them, and chooses them based on criteria they exhibit which appeal to him. In essence, he picks people he likes, who he thinks belong in his Wonderland.
-There's a near-undeniable but Implicit fixation that Bon has on Rosemary, which we only learn through many, many small things. The 'shrine' we see him create for her in Souvenir is relatively elaborate, (in that it seems to contain more than one object that is associated with her,) and he put her in Sha, which is the companion animatronic to his Bon. Rose's death scene in TWF2 also makes it seem like he spoke to her, as the Bon animatronic, before killing her. What he says exactly is notable, too. "Rose broken. Will fix you. You will beautiful." It's, one, an explanation of what he's doing. Bon did this for Susan too, but not in the 'physical world,' before he actually hurt her. Also, it's comfort. A soothing reassurance. I'll fix you. You'll be beautiful. Then also, of course, he calls her Rosie. "I know where he is, Rosie," is a line that haunts me forever, thinking of it coming from him.
This all paints a specific sort of picture in my mind. I like to think that Bon likes Rosemary a lot, and that she's a favorite of his, because she designed The Showstoppers. I think he likes Susan quite a lot for a similar reason, she was the woman who gave him his flesh and his bone. Who forged the vessel that he now lives for. But Rosemary is the artist who made it what he loves. She was the visionary who made him Beautiful.
So I think that Bon had his heart set on Rosemary for Wonderland. And it makes me wonder if the contentions between her and Felix that kept him away from her really pissed him off. But the core of my 'theory' here is just that Bon wanted her in the restaurant, that night. That she maybe wouldn't have been there at all, if someone hadn't asked her to be.
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bimboficationblues · 4 months ago
so the thing about "read theory" as a mantra: in the social media sphere there is a consistent downplaying of what that kind of commitment actually entails, plus a consistent obfuscation of what exactly the commitment is necessary for.
let's say that you're interested in learning more about specifically "Marxist theory." This, I think, also raises a bunch of questions about what we mean by theory - works of political philosophy, texts on revolutionary and military strategy, political speeches, journalistic or sociological analysis, historiography - these varying things with very different discursive norms and standards of evidence or logic often get rolled into one singular object called "theory." but let's set that aside for now.
you want to learn this for maybe an assortment of reasons, here's a few (non-exhaustive) good ones:
Marxism has been a substantial historical force that has probably had a notable impact on the world around you in some way.
Learning about Marx/ism might offer some level of insight into your current social world that other things are unable to offer.
Many texts - Capital, The Wretched of the Earth, The Second Sex, The State and Revolution - are also world-historical forms of political literature, which is interesting.
Follow-up to 2 - maybe having some level of familiarity with these things will give you the ability to better articulate yourself and participate in social and political movements around you.
generally speaking the Social Media Marxist approach is to tell you to go read off a list of texts of whatever writers the author personally agrees with or whatever works she happens to have read. so you decide to start with the big guy Marx, who is at the top of the list. totally reasonable decision.
however, there are a few contextual questions that might reasonably come up when doing so.
first, it will be clear that Marx did not pop out of an intellectual vacuum; Lenin has a rather popular identification of the "three sources of Marxism" - post-Hegelian German philosophy, French socialism, and English political economy. from my perspective, these are more like three of his main objects of ire (and so in some sense are both influences and also breakages - but not strictly speaking a synthesis), but I digress. so, frequently, in order to grasp what Marx is talking about or responding to, you are going to need some level of familiarity with a lot of additional people: Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Hegel, Bauer, Feuerbach, Hobbes, Spinoza, Rousseau, Mill, Sismondi. suddenly you are not just learning about the works of one guy, but his attitude towards all the people he relies on for support or aims his criticisms at. and each of those different intellectual relationships is going to be different. sometimes at different times!
second, and relatedly, Marx is not always the most charitable to the people he's criticizing, who were often rival socialists (so there were pretty notable political and personal stakes at work in proving them wrong or diminishing their influence over the movement). the introductory materials to the new translation of Capital also observe that Marx's approach to scholarship is, shall we say, haphazard; often he makes quotes or citations that are not actually representative of what he's citing. finally, many of the people he's criticizing have sort of been rendered obsolete historically *in no small part* due to the success of Marxism as a political orientation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. so to determine whether Marx is being fair to the people he is basing his critique on, we will have to do some level of intellectual work to check. so now we're not just evaluating Marx's relationship to different thinkers but also the substantial content of each of those thinkers themselves.
third, Marx did not pop out of a social vacuum. all of these different writers didn't just crop up from nowhere but wrote within particular sociohistorical contexts, some of which were rather divorced from the European revolutionary wave, first worldwide financial crisis, and the shifting character of the United States in the wake of the Civil War and the formal abolition of slavery - some of the historical events that Marx was more explicitly engaging with. and the radical liberals, republicans, and socialists Marx criticized all also had their own intellectual and social histories. so now we're getting a little far afield from the initial notion, which was just to read some guy, and getting into the realm of social history, and trying to understand the relationship between world history and the ideas produced within it.
fourth, you are a subject in the world, which is to say YOU did not pop out of a social or intellectual vacuum. you likely bring predispositions, assumptions, biases, and cognitive distortions to what you read; we all do. working through those and trying to note where they're happening - where they might be fine and where they might be problematic - will require a certain willingness to reflect, to write, to take notes, to analyze and self-scrutinize, and to be critical of both yourself as a reader and of the text you are reading. (a nested problem is that we have a truly staggering amount of material from Marx and Engels, and you might have to make certain determinations as to which material is important or worthwhile or more useful, and identify the standards by which you think that - all of which requires a certain reflection on your status as a political thinker).
okay, so consider all that. we started with "I wanna read this one guy," we end with "to really grasp the work of this one guy it's also important to know both preceding and contemporaneous world history, his intellectual influences, and the gaps or silences or errors in his work.” now consider that, if you really want to be able to speak on them with some level of confidence and intellectual honesty, you have to apply approximately the same level of rigor to every other writer on the Social Media Marxist approved list - Lenin, Fanon, Che, Kollontai, Cabral, Mao, Luxemburg, whoever. not to mention their critics, both direct and indirect!
Marx developed his work through an incredibly sustained engagement with enormous volumes of different material; we have entire notebooks of him poring over Max Stirner, or Spinoza, or the political economists, or the empirical observations of English factory inspectors. I'm not saying that you have to do that, or even that one strictly *has* to go down any or all of the first three rabbitholes I identified. Marx was in the somewhat unique position of sustaining himself through the support of Engels and his journalistic work, as a product of being in perpetual exile. that's not the kind of position that most of us are typically in.
the point is not "commit yourself to being a perfect monastic scholar in order to reach perfect truth" - such a thing is probably a fantasy, even if we wish otherwise. the point is that if you think "theory" is worth taking seriously, well, you have to actually take it seriously. if you don’t think it has stakes or utility, that’s fine; different people find different things useful. I think “theory” is not a set of dead letters by canonical authors but produced through social life. but if “reading theory” is a way to clarify and assert yourself as a political subject and agent, to claim some intellectual autonomy and acquire some understanding that you can put into practice in your life, then that’s demanding. it’s not impossible, but it does take real effort and a commitment to study and a certain level of resistance to being dogmatic. otherwise you are just letting yourself be rhetorically persuaded by whatever is in front of you or whatever affirms your biases.
as Marx says in the preface to Capital, Volume I, "I am of course assuming that my readers will want to learn something new, and so are ready to think for themselves."
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koishua · 11 months ago
★. 𝐄𝐍— and the orange peel theory.
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starring hee, jay, jake. + their version of the orange peel theory
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━━━━━━━━━━━ 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆
he doesn't think anything of it when he snaps your chopsticks in two for you from where he is positioned across you. the plastic chairs in front of the convenience store upon which you're seated on aren't the most comfortable, the sharp edges digging into your skin on occasions when you fidget around trying to find a way to strike up a conversation with the man you can't bare to label as your friend now.
the bamboo sticks now rest on top of the lid of your bowl of instant ramen, currently waiting to be fully cooked within the three minute time frame the instructions had given you. you notice how they hadn't split equally, one having snapped away a small portion of the other side with it. the irony of it all feels comical when you detach yourself from the situation you're currently trying not to run away from.
heeseung doesn't say much as you hesitantly take the broken utensil. he can only pretend to awkwardly observe the engravings in the table, occasionally glancing at the dainty chain of the necklace hiding under your collar. it had been his fingers to graze against the skin of your neck to clasp it together for you. he wonders what hurts more; remembering, or having to force himself to forget about it all?
━━━━━━━━━━━ 𝐉𝐀𝐘
the house is quiet, had been for hours now, except for your frantic breaths and hurried stomps while darting from room to room, trying to find your bearings as the time ticks by much too quickly for your liking. the alarms you'd set for your lecture hadn't rung (they had, actually— no one would dare to disagree, however), which had naturally resulted in you running late for it yet again.
your lips lift lopsidedly moments after the neatly framed picture of the happiest moment of your life catches your eye as you try to put on the stubborn socks you'd fished out from the drawer on your side of the bed. jay had always been beautiful, even back when he still had that boyish smirk constantly plastered over his face, hair a mess.
you make a mental note to wipe away the dust that had started to form a thin sheet over the wooden frame, though that too is quickly forgotten when you realize that he'd very kindly filled up your bottle with water and placed it next to the most comfortable shoes you owned he'd laid nearly on the floor by the door, certain of your forgetful habits.
━━━━━━━━━━━ 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄
layla's tail wags excitedly at the sight of the treat in your hands that you leave for her to enjoy. smoothing over the gingham sheet before laying back on the lap of your favourite person in this universe and the next, from where you look up at him, the sun blazing in the sky makes it look like he's emitting a heavenly glow. fitting for someone like sim jake.
days like this don't come by often for either of you, so having you right by him, the weather as beautiful as it could ever get. this is what he'd describe heaven to feel like. every part of his body beats with the insatiable desire to always have you as close to him as possible, day and night.
the cool breeze is a constant visitor to your little spot by the beach, a welcome addition to the already magical day. realising that he'd gotten lost in his thoughts, he looks down at your serene expression, off somewhere in dreamland, most likely. his thumb gently traces under your eyes, a ghostly touch afraid of waking you up from your deserved rest. he unclips the hair accessories he can see tugging and digging into your skin before adjusting the shade to cover your eyes.
this is his dreamland.
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notes from vie: couldn't help it with the hee angst y'all im sorry it's a koishua must. it was very mild tho so yeah enjoy please i haven't exercised my enha writing skills in ages and as always pls reblog muah muah ignore any errors i haven't got the energy to correct them myself 🍊🍊
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misto713 · 8 months ago
is binghe actually masochistic?
i actually think he's not, he's only 1/ less physically sensitive as a half-demon and 2/ more emotionally attuned and observant to his shizun than sqq realizes.
let's tackle 2/ first:
in canon, we usually see sqq call him an incurable M when binghe is happy after being smacked with a fan, right? except sqq smacks basically all his students sometimes. probably not even enough to hurt, just as a small reminder to behave.
and i have this theory: he only does it to students he still cares about, that he still wants to 'educate'. after all, there's no point in 'correcting' someone who will never learn.
i bet binghe saw this happen. that his shizun scolded and prodded and taught and smacked with a fan some student again and again, in the hopes of teaching them some lesson. calligraphy, guqin, go... there must have been students who sucked at at least one of the four arts. and sqq would try and try... until he finaly realizes that this particular disciple honestly doesn't have talent for the lesson he's trying to teach. at which point, he gives up. stops scolding them, correcting them. stops smacking them with his fan.
and binghe sees that.
in his obsessive mind, wouldn't that be just the worst thing ever? shizun can be kind to him, shizun can be mean, shizun can scold him, hit him, even give him scars but for gods' sake, please never let shizun give up on him. that would break him worse than anything in the world.
so. later, when they're finally together, wouldn't binghe still unconsciously think like this? maybe even provoke sqq's scolding sometimes? just to see if shizun still cares. to have a little proof, just for him. and the easiest way to do that is to misbehave... and get smacked with a fan.
a little 'love tap'. just so that binghe can he sure his shizun hasn't given up on him, that he still cares.
and about point 1/:
demons are generally sturdier than humans. i wonder if all those 'beatings' don't actually feel pelasurable to them. if they don't simply have different sensitivity levels, "thicker skin" and that is why they like fighting so much and beatings are a sign of courtship.
you can sometimes see it in people irl too. some would absolutely go crazy from a little tickle, others just shrug their shoulders and basically don't react. some like it 'a little rough', some detest it. ddifferent reactions to stimuli according to how their bodies translate it - as pleasure or pain. different degrees of sensitivity.
so as an addition to the fact that binghe considers the fan smacks a "proof of shizun's care and consideration", it's not even painful to him and is possibly even more pleasurable than a headpat that binghe would barely feel. of course, any contact with his shizun is to be appreciated, but the fan smack is something he can feel.
and, well, masochism is when you like pain. so binghe can't be considered a masochist when he likes smacks and hits and hair pulling which to him don't feel painful but pleasurable instead, right?
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pokebloggingdonehere · 8 months ago
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Team Skull x Injured Reader
Opening up isn't easy, but is suffering in silence any better?
Pokemon: Dewpider
*AUGHH* FUCK! *sharp inhale* ohhh . . ohhhh . .fuck . . . *sharp inhale* yep . . nope . .definitely not good . . *ack* . .
Welp, that's one sure fire way to twist your ankle and possibly break your ass in the process. What the fuck ended up happening? Well maybe, just maybe training in the pouring Po Town rain, not a smart idea. Training in the Rain on some slippery ass block of concrete also not good. Having your own Pokemon be a water type that knows Bubble Beam and, has yet to perfect it causing stray suds to fly everywhere, ccombined with the previous and you've got a recipe that'll lead you broken ass first to the Pokemon center.
Oh your Dewpider, your sweet precious Dewpider. As much as you loved having them as a partner they weren't exactly the most graceful little bug around. Ironic for the water type to easily go sliding at the slightest limb touching a puddle. Her bubble beam although powerful tends to go everywhichway except for the target infront of it. Which is why you were out here today. Which is why you're also hugging your left ankle praying to Arceus that you didn't break anything. Feeling around the wounded area despite rain chilling you to your core, your ankle was on fire and already starting to swell.
How this baby bug managed to shed tears under that ball of water was beyond you. Though, with a heavy sigh and small pat on her head you couldn't get mad at her. The only thing that worried you was how you were going to keep this hidden from the team. The last thing you needed was for them to go on making fun of you for doing something so stupid. With the best of your ability you managed to rise from your seat with your now muddy shorts. Pain shot through you like a jolt from a pikachu as you bit on your cheek to muffle your cries. Painfully, slowly and painfully, you hobbled back to the steps of the shady house, praying that no one would notice your wobbly walking pattern.
The Grunts:
• Okay listen. . .
•None of them actually knew that you were injured into you sarcastically pointed it out and then they all collectively went "ohhhhhhh okay"
•I mean . . . the KINDA knew that somethin' was a little bit off . . . but only kinda.
•Since the Grunts live by a no judgment principle, for the most part, they tend to not want to point out anything in case it might hurt someones feelings.
•Like yeah . . . in theory that seems nice but that means everyone just silently observes your clearly struggling form and just hope that this is a choice and not an accident.
•Yeah, sure you didn't want to get anyone else involved with your carelessness but come onnnnn seriously?!?
•You loved them, but in this moment if you had to keep going around doing all your normal tasks on a swollen ankle you were going to kill someone!
•Well luckily after you pointed it out to them everyone was quick to drop what they were doing to try and help you out.
•Albeit, a few of them did still poke fun of you for getting injured to some bubbles but hey at least they were trying.
•Emphasis on the TRYING. . . yeah unless you got 10₽ and you were a Pokemon they could heal you just fine. So makeshift remedies were going to be your saving grace until your ankle magically healed itself or, you were forced to be rushed to the nearest Pokecenter and hope they didn't need to cut it off.
•Well with as many grunts that fill these halls someone was bound to come up with something to make you feel better.
•And so the grunts would each take turns trying makeshift remedies and watching random Poketube videos that might help your ankle. Each idea leading nowhere and causing you to form an additional headache!
•Your body mangled on the living room floor as grunts tried elevating your foot with different objects, such as but not limited to, pillows, comic books, an old bucket, a pile of loose tiles, and someones grimer who felt more inclined to eat the sock right off your foot than actually trying to hold it up.
•In the kitchen grunts were working away grabbing random foods and concocting remedies that "worked so well for them when they got sick". Though failing to realize that you weren't sick just injured and no matter what they shove in your mouth, if it isn't pain killer, your ankle is staying twisted.
•Still though, as you lay on the floor watching as your fellow teammates aee actually going out their way to try an make you feel better, was indeed making you feel better.
• ". . . thanks guys."
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•Well Guzma wasn't the happiest person to receive this news.
•He wasn't angry! Just a teeny tiny bit a little frustrated . . .to say the least.
•"So . . . What the fuck happened?"
•Hahaha oh boy.
•After explaining to him your not so graceful training session with Dewpider, the boss was really trying his best to keep up the "grumpy upset look" while holding back stiffled laughter.
•However that doesn't stop him from pulling the "ya stupid!?" Comment on you while he lifts your body and carries it off to one of the many beds that litter this house.
•You could feel a rush of embarrassment cross your face as some of the grunts giggled to themselves at the scene playing out before them.
•Being carried like a child in the bosses arms no less was not something you wished for others to see.
•Grumbling to yourself you let put a small "This is so stupid!"
•But Guzma was quick to clap back, big smirk and all.
•"Play stupid games and win stupid prizes sweetcheeks."
•Opening the door and flopping you down on the bed, despite his tough guy exterior he was genuinely concerned about you. Why else did Guzma choose the room with a bed closest to his?
•"Now I ain't a doctor or somethin' but stay here and don't move a whole lot. Here *he hands over a few pillows* try elevating it to get the red down. *He stands up to start leaving* Ya got that?! Now I don't want to see you move? Got it!?"
•You nod back.
•"Got it?!?"
•You sigh. "Yes."
•Before he leaves for good he turns back to tell you "Hey . . . if you need anything, just holler. . I'll try to help as best as I can. ."
•He finally leaves you, a blushing mess, on the bed.
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•Surprisingly, a lot more vocal about her frustration in this situation.
•"Arceus Fuck! . . Gahhh . uhh . . Damn, when did this happen?! What happened?! Why did this happen!?"
•Behind that wall of frustration was the hint of genuine concern, even if her showing it was through means of bombarding questions.
•Trying your best to explain the whole situation Plumeria was doing her best to shoo off the grunts so that you had room to breath.
•"Oh so you felt like acting stupid by yourself no less, on one of the rainiest days?"
•"Um . . yeeesss??"
•"Where was your phone you could have at least phoned me up so I could have idk, helped you?!"
•"Ughhh . . let me guess you didn't even have your phone on you?! Where is your phone, give me your phone!"
•Snatching the phone out of your hand, she puts her number into your contacts and staring it as a favorite.
•"Cool. . . now when you feel the need to act stupid again, call me and I'll smack you."
•Sitting in your spot like a deerling caught in the headlights, your body is hoisted off the ground as she helps you to stand. She tries her best to drag you along, to her room of all places.
•"I don't want you climbing up those stairs and twisting something else. Just don't touch anything got it?!"
•Shoving the door open, her room was actually very inviting. Her bed laced with stuffed PokePlushes. A small vanity was seen across from it. A desk lay next to the bed, and next to that was a small bookshelf. Honestly it was the only non-neat thing in that room. Her makeup was everywhere, and the little trinkets that call the self home were spaced out sparatickly.
•"Sit! And don't move. . . and don't touch anything either!"
•Sitting on her bed you made damn sure not to move an inch. Plumeria eventually came back into the room holding a glass of water and some medicine.
•Shoving it in your face she barked out "Drink!"
•Again you obeyed.
•"Now lay down!"
•Feeling the softness of her bed engulf you, it almost made the pain in your ankle disappear, you hadn't even noticed Plumeria was laying down next to you.
•She moved her laptop off her desk and between the two of you.
•"The meds might take a bit for them to kick in." And off she went to pull up a movie, "The Angry Pidgeys" and that was that.
•Not another word was spoken between the two of you, but she didn't need to say anything. The way she put the extra blanket around you instead of her, how she used one of her plushes as an elevation for your foot. How she brought out the good snacks from her stash. She just wanted you to feel comfortable, all in her own Big Sis way.
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the-grubdog · 5 months ago
Heritage Theory is Canon
I rise back from the dead (read: college kicking my ass) to say that MY THEORY WAS JUST CONFIRMED CANON. Look at the Japanese website:
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Image transcript: The ruins and treasures of this planet, although different in size, are somehow similar to those we know, and sometimes even feel nostalgic. According to "The Shepard Complete History" written by the successive rescue team captains, the ancestors of the Kagiya [Giya] planet came from a "beautiful blue planet". If that was the planet PNF-404, we may have returned to our mother planet after a long time.
I don't think I'll upload that updated version of the post, as it is (a) mostly unfinished and (b) kinda pointless now! Just know that evidence also comes from (all in Pikmin 4/related material):
Other parts of this same site
Olimar's notes on the Buddy Display, Heroic Shield, and Memory Fragment (Center Right)
A conversation you can have with Olimar post-final boss fight
Olimar's notes on the final boss
The Shepherd Family history
Also I want to share some more lore this site brings up. Because it also gives us some juicy Wraith Lore(tm) and some possible explanations for why some ships crash and others don't.
ALSO ALSO: This is all machine translated. If anyone has a human translated version, or is interested in making one, PLEASE let me know so I can reference it instead!
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Image transcript: Consideration 1, small size, it doesn't have the engine power to escape the planet. Consideration 2, entering at a high speed, like a shooting star, it crashed into the planet at high speed.
Basically, the S.S. Beagle is small and entered at a high enough speed to escape the planet's grasp.
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Image transcript: Unlike the space-time of the universe we know, it is believed that each time the stranded person observes the planet, it transitions to a different phase. The changes are so great that it's as if the planet itself has a will of its own.
This comes after a long description of how the planet changes every game. Just for further context.
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Image transcript (with an error fixed for readability): Pikmin are always found near those lost in distress. They are friendly and devoted partners who cooperate with us to achieve our goals. However, isn't this a little too convenient? If the Pikmin are calling for a good leader to ensure the survival of their species and are preventing us from returning, it would be better to think that we are the ones being used. It falls into this category.
I don't think pikmin are evil, FAR from it... but they are still animals, animals that act to survive. You know? If pikmin ARE crashing the ships, then it's no more evil then how bulborbs eat pikmin to survive. Those are my two cents anyways.
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Image transcript: According to Olimar, while inside the Amenyudo's [Plasm Wraith's] body, he dreamed of "giant humans similar to ourselves living with Pikmin and lots of other creatures." In addition, the roller-shaped stones of the Amebouzu [Water Wraith] have been found to contain minerals found in meteorites, which may suggest that they may be involved in the crash of the Dolphin. Perhaps they are dreaming of living with humans again and are causing the spaceship to crash?
WRAITH LORE. Also, note the translation of "human". There's a word on the site that the characters use to refer to themselves collectively, which the machine translator translates as "human". Based on me looking the word up on Jisho, an English-Japanese dictionary, this appears to be correct. However, as I don't know Japanese yet, I'll also clarify that "people" might also be a valid translation.
Anyways. Humans once lived with these weird creatures, wraiths and pikmin included. The wraiths missed us. Please ignore how they're also homicidal towards the starfolk.
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Image transcript: One theory is that the planet meets the definition of a living organism, meaning that it is somehow beckoning us to it, and that everything we experience here is being orchestrated.
Planet is alive.
I have no idea how else to end this off.
But the planet is alive.
And it wants us back.
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shuacore · 1 year ago
barcelona nights
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reader (afab) x lsm — 6.9K summary:  "The music is all but static in the background, and for a moment it’s just the two of you again, drinking in the airless summer night and the sounds of other couples enjoying each other’s company. You run your thumb across Seokmin’s bottom lip, completely enraptured. His eyes are dangerously dark." —a/n: a fun little birthday present for my bffl ang <3 tags: swearing, smut (18+), probably too much plot n not enough smut, not completely proofread i’m so sorry, mentions of alcohol??, emotional and physical intimacy are my kryptonite, additional warnings under the cut
additional warnings: unprotected sex (always be safe pls!!), oral (f receiving),  pet names (princess, baby, angel, etc), not very adventurous but i would do anything with him tbh
playlist 4 the vibes!!! wyoming — elijah fox a quick getaway — stephen rennicks spring 1 — max richter, antonio vivaldi puerto claridad — amparanoia bamboleo — gypsy kings since i don’t have you — the skyliners the sun is in your eyes — jacob collier tell me — groove theory
Sweat drips down the bridge of your nose as the precarious stack of books in your hands threatens to wobble. Please, for the love of God, don’t fall. The summer heat is brutal—hot and humid—and it sucks all of the energy out of you as you shuffle to the library. It had been a difficult week of research and you were finally returning your books, ready to throw them and the stress from working so hard away. A bead of sweat lingers on your brow, slipping onto your eyelid and you blink furiously, praying it stays there until you can set your burden down. 
In your fervor, you walk a bit too close to the curb, your toes slipping off the edge—you feel the stack slip dangerously, and you curse out loud as you realize you’re falling, desperately clutching your books to your chest, the pavement below approaching a bit too fast when—
A hand clamps around your wrist, hauling you out of the street just as a car zooms past, ruffling your hair. 
“Careful!” a male voice says, breathless. And when you get a good look at your savior, it feels like you’ve been rocketed into one of the dramas you and your roommates obsessed over. 
His name is Lee Seokmin, he’s 25, an anthropology major, and he is the most handsome and charming man you have ever seen. He picks you up off the street, flashes you the most blinding smile, and then your mind goes blank. The rest is history.
So it’s no surprise to you after three years when he still asks questions like, “Do you remember when we met?” You resist the urge to scoff fondly. Always so sentimental.  
It’s a warm summer evening as you sit on the plaza, observing the night life of a quiet coastal Spanish town you had come across during the day. You pause the furious digging in your purse—for something which you had forgotten some time ago—to look at your partner, whose eyes are glazed over in dreamy contentment. 
“Really?” you ask, tampering down the amused look of disbelief that fights its way across your face. Seokmin hates being teased unless he initiates, even if it’s all in good fun. 
“No, I’m serious,” he says, in unwavering sincerity, head lolling against the back of the bistro chair as he watches you unabashedly. Even after so many years, Seokmin’s eyes still set your skin on fire, and he looks so picturesque like this, just a little bit undone from the day’s toils and a few glasses of wine down the line. The collar of his shirt is open a few buttons down, exposing a swatch of buttery smooth skin that—after the drinks you’ve had—makes your mouth water. He looks like the last burst of fading sunlight before nightfall. 
You shake your head with a small smile. “You’re ridiculous. Of course I do.”
Seokmin opens his mouth to say something else when his nostalgic reverie is interrupted by the waiter, who asks quietly if the two of you would like anything else. Your fiancé orders two more glasses of wine for the both of you, and thanks the waiter again as he finally takes the menus from your table. 
It’s quieter now. The night is beginning to dwindle down, your bellies full of good food and wine, and in the distance the ocean waves wash across the rocky shores, pulling pebbles out to sea with quiet shushing sounds. The air is salty on your tongue, and you know you probably look a mess, especially after the long day of heat and humidity, but Seokmin watches you with shining eyes like you’re still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You blush sheepishly, fingers finally finding your lipstick in the bottom of your bag. 
“What?” you hiss without malice as Seokmin studies you. His cheeks are flushed, eyes shining even against the slowly dimming night light, and if you could commit an image to memory, if would be right here, right now, sitting at this table with him. Your stomach twists and you’re not sure if it’s a twinge of pain or an all-engulfing rush of affection, so instead you offer him another shy smile and replace your bag on the ground. 
He shakes his head, more to himself, and says, “You’ll make fun of me.” 
“You’re just so radiant. All the time.” 
You suck in a breath, cheeks burning and laugh nervously. Seokmin was an all-or-nothing kind of guy, which meant you got all of his affection, all the time. It was overwhelming in the beginning, seeing how devoted he could be to one person, but you had grown accustomed to the quiet deference in which he did everything for you. Compliments were near holy to him. Nothing was more intimate than your name. His actions always spoke louder than words. For a while you had been resistant to it—like you would never quite deserve all the love he had to give—but Seokmin had a way of worming his way into your heart and lodging there until his smile was the only thing you could think of when you woke up. 
The waiter appears with two glasses in hand, asks once more if you need anything, before floating away again. You lift the glass—it’s a deep crimson and smells faintly sweet—and swirl the stem around in your fingers, watching the wine coat the sides of the glass with mesmerizing smoothness. 
Seokmin lifts his glass and murmurs a toast. You say it back, and the glasses hit each other with a soft ding! His eyes glint at you over the rim as he takes a sip. The wine is velvet on your tongue, rich and full-bodied, and it sends a flurry of warmth down your throat. 
You hum in appreciation and set the glass down on the table. Above, the stars blink into existence, mimicking the lights flickering to life around the plaza. They wash the patio in a lovely yellow glow, throwing Seokmin into soft relief. He looks a little out of it, pretty lips parted in hazy awe of the scenery around him. It’s still humid, but not too warm—just cool enough that it’s hard to tell where your body ends and the rest of the world begins. A moped passes by, its headlights bouncing off the stone walls of the buildings around you. The chatter from other cafe-goers could be white noise in the trees. In the background the sounds of sultry guitar float through the air, soaking into your skin and you sigh deeply, stretching your arms high into the air above you. It lulls you into a serene sense of calm and you close your eyes—just for a moment. 
Then—“Hey, dance with me,” you hear, whispered by lips pressed to your ear, and you open your eyes slowly to see Seokmin crouched next to your chair, his hand extended in offering. He looks so lovely here, so unguarded and pleased, the same overwhelming feeling of adoration—so strong it overflows into your throat—is difficult to choke back down. You take another hearty swig of wine, feeling it sink into your stomach and turn your legs to jelly. It activates the fuzzy feeling sitting dormant in your body, lifting you out of your chair and into the plaza center with other couples swaying slowly to the music emanating across the square. It all feels so horribly cinematic you’re having difficulty believing any of it’s real. 
You inhale sharply as Seokmin pulls you close to him, your bodies snapping together like magnets. His skin is sticky and warm from the summer heat as his hands brush over your ribcage and come to rest on your waist, coaxing you into a sensual rhythm of swaying hips and chests rising and falling in tandem. His strong arms wrap around you, pulling you tight to his body. The wine keeps you limber—which is nice because otherwise you’d be two left feet with out it. 
Seokmin tips his head to rest his sticky forehead against yours, eyes dancing with mirth in the evening light. His fingers press into the small of your back, searing through the gauzy fabric of your blouse, igniting a slow burn that sweeps through your whole body. You sigh deeply as your eyes flutter closed, taking in the sounds of soft timbales and claves bouncing off the stone under your feet, the heat from Seokmin’s body on yours, and his lips pressed against your skin, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear.
It’s sexy, to say the least. The laughter and conversations around you vanish until all you know is the sound of Seokmin’s breath ragged in your ear and hot on your cheek. He smells like rosemary and mint and the soap from the hostel. His lips dip dangerously low on your cheek until they brush over the skin under your jaw, sending a chill down your spine despite the heat. Seokmin smiles against your temple as your fingers toy with the hem of his shirt, skirting low over the smooth expanse of his stomach. He hums into your ear—a warning—as your fingertips trail just a little higher. But you’re still in public, so you pull back just enough to smile coyly at him and smooth the hem of his shirt back down.
The music is intoxicating, the melody swelling and swaddling you in a heady daydream of nothing but Seokmin. You tuck your nose into his shoulder, inhaling deeply as his fingers dance up your spine and land lightly on the back of your neck.
“God, I love you,” he confesses, and his laughter is swallowed by your lips suddenly on his, giddy and girlish. It’s just supposed to be an innocent peck—just a quick one you could share in public—but with the wine having gone completely to your head, the music reverberating in your chest, and Seokmin’s tongue in your mouth, it’s difficult to concentrate. Seokmin tastes like the Albariño you ordered, like lemon and nectarine, and so, so sweet your knees turn to liquid. He hums in content as a soft sigh escapes your mouth, unprompted. His hands are firm on your hips, fingers lacing through the belt loops of your skirt to pull you closer. You tangle your own in the damp strands at the nape of his neck, relishing the own sounds you can persuade from your partner’s throat. 
Someone catcalls in the background and you come to with a start. Seokmin’s face is rosy—from the wine or from you, it’s hard to tell—but he’s well past the point of having the grace to look embarrassed. His eyes are glued to you, drinking you in completely. You grin, hiding your face in his chest. The music is all but static in the background, and for a moment it’s just the two of you again, drinking in the airless summer night and the sounds of other couples enjoying each other’s company. You run your thumb across Seokmin’s bottom lip, completely enraptured. His eyes are dangerously dark.
“Go back to the hotel?” you whisper, mouth hovering mere centimeters away from his. 
Seokmin’s next kiss is indication enough. Grabbing your purse, he throws a few bills onto the bistro table before tugging you away from the plaza. Street signs bleed into flights of rickety stairs and cobblestone alleyways into flowered medians and quiet side roads. The ocean roars in greeting as you run unsteadily back to your hotel. Street lamps blaze into life amid loud shouts of laughter from nearby pedestrians, and the fluttery feeling in your stomach only grows. The only thing that stays constant is the feeling of Seokmin’s hand in yours, firm and reassuring. 
Then, unprompted, Seokmin tugs you into a hidden alcove off the street, and presses you hard against the brick wall, tilting your jaw up with his thumbs to pull you into a searing kiss. He draws in a sharp breath, groaning softly into your mouth as you sag into his touch. You feel like a teenager again, sneaking off the beaten path so you can put your hands all over each other. Seokmin is impatient—his hands dig into your hips, his mouth is on your jaw, and his body is so hot it’s any wonder he hasn’t yet burst into flames. 
“Seokmin,” you gasp, nails digging into his chest, breaking away. His excitement is palpable. He groans, irritated, and tips his forehead against your cheek, still holding you tight to him like you might still slip through his fingers. You extract yourself from his grasp, a little dizzy from the lack of oxygen and pull him away from the wall amidst protests. The privacy of your hotel room can’t arrive fast enough and it feels like eons before you’re pushing Seokmin against the back of the door yourself—so hard the air is knocked from his lungs—but he grins breathlessly as he draws you close, hip to hip, chest to chest, mouth to mouth.
You breath him in, smelling the lingering traces of cigarette smoke and lavender from the night markets on his clothes. Seokmin is all teeth and all tongue, hands traveling up and down the curve of your waist, over your ass, up your forearms and shoulders. His thumb tugs on your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth open as he slips his tongue in once more. You dissolve in his hands like water—you’ve always been so pliant with him, so eager to please it goes straight to his head.  
“Tell me what you want,” he mumbles, hand holding your jaw in place. His eyes are asking for a challenge. 
But you feel needy and slightly hysterical that it’s all you can do to say weakly, “You.” 
Seokmin’s breath is hot in your mouth and you have no choice but to ride the wave. This is Seokmin’s all-or-nothing, as he drags your thin linen blouse off your shoulders, popping the top button clean off amid breathless laughter so he can press more open-mouthed kisses along your shoulder and collarbone. You sigh deeply, winding your fingers into the hair at the back of his head again, chasing his lips with potent desperation. Seokmin grins, canines glinting wolfishly in the moonlight. It’s difficult to see in the burgeoning darkness—nothing but vague shadows dancing on the walls—so you kick off your shoes haphazardly, stumbling until your knees eventually strike the edge of the bed. You hit the mattress with a huff!, Seokmin in tow. His hand is hot against your bare skin, palm pressed flat to your chest where your heart races.
“This is your fault, by the way,” you tease, and Seokmin feigns sympathy, except his fingers are little too far up your thigh for the sympathy to land. You suck in a breath, eyes burning as Seokmin gazes at you with undisguised want, eyes flicking around your face in a dizzying pattern—eyes, lips, cheeks, forehead, nose, eyes, lips—like it was the first time he’d ever seen you. The air grows thicker like mud, sticking in your nose and throat and you struggle to swallow, pushing yourself off the bed. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Seokmin asks, voice laced with worry. His figure is clothed in deep blue shadow in the imminent darkness. Air is sparse, and anxiety flares in your stomach, unexpected, and you press a hand to your racing heart, willing it to slow. Your pulse is erratic and you realize you’re nervous.
“Woah, talk to me,” Seokmin pleads again, sitting up. His fingers around your wrist are soft, like all of him, and it eases the sudden ache in your chest, even if just a little. You place your other hand on top of his, stroking your thumb over his knuckles. 
Your voice is hoarse. “Just nervous. I don’t know why—it’s so silly.” 
And then Seokmin is there, tucking you into his arms and his nose in your hair, swaying as he holds you for a moment. 
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want. You know that.” 
You frown, pushing away from his chest. “No–no, I want this. Just–had a moment, but I’m ok.” You lean your forehead on his shoulder again. “I’m always ok when I’m with you.” The quiet presses in on your ears. The incessant buzzing in your fingertips fades to the background, slowing to the steady rhythm of Seokmin’s heartbeat in his chest—reliable as always, a constant you had come to memorize like the spots on his face. 
“I’m right here, baby,” he whispers against your temple. “Whatever you want.”
The soft glow from the street lamps outside illuminate his features in a tranquil yellow hue. He looks angelic, always so gentle and willing, that it sucks the remaining air out of your lungs. 
He settles back on the edge of bed, hands resting on your hips as he gazes up at you with adoration so tangible it makes your heart ache. You run your fingers gently through his hair, pushing the dark strands off his forehead and trace the shape of his profile with your pointer finger, down his forehead and the bridge of his nose, pausing over his waiting lips, down his chin until you grasp it in between your thumb and forefinger. 
“You’re beautiful, too, you know?” you say, voice soft. And Seokmin smiles, pleased, and it lights up his whole face, sending a bolt of warmth down your throat like lightning. The crashing waves of the ocean are muffled under the sound of your heart in your ears. Seokmin is quiet, arms tight around your waist. Had it not been for the pulsing rhythm in your body, this might have been a tender moment—but the heat is still there, prodding in your stomach, building, smoldering, aching. 
You want him. Bad.
With a noise of impatience, you pull his face back towards yours, curving your body to pull him in, kissing him longingly, hoping he’ll sense the desperation growing in your stomach, understand the way you need to feel him under and over and inside you. Seokmin reads you like the back of his hand—senses the tension in your shoulders—and knows that if he uses his mouth just right your last remaining shred of self-control will snap.
He pulls at the rest of the buttons on your blouse with agonizing restraint, kissing every inch of skin revealed with painstaking deference. His mouth trails down your sternum, pausing as he listens to the quiet exhales that leave your mouth. The skin on your stomach is sensitive to his touch, and you bite back a few nervous giggles as Seokmin ghosts his lips just down to where the waistband of your skirt rests on your hips. His thumbs dig into the skin there, and he peers up at you, eyes sparkling mischievously. Asking for permission. You nod, breath shallow in your throat.
“Should be on my knees for a princess,” your fiancé murmurs lowly, dropping to his knees in front of you. What had been a steady flame in your gut erupts into a hunger so strong it might consume you from the inside out. Your mouth goes dry as he gentle pulls you down to the mattress, urging you to sit. 
In the same tender manner, Seokmin lifts the sole of your foot to his lips, eyes darkening as your breath quickens yet. His breath fans across your bare skin, up your ankles and your shin, before he pauses to press a hot kiss to the inside of your knee, teeth digging into the soft skin there. The static in your ears increases tenfold as his other hand pushes the hem of your skirt up to your waist. Seokmin’s mouth continues upward, stopping on the supple skin of the inside of your thighs. Hunger gnaws at your insides by now, and you tense your stomach in anticipation. Seokmin’s pupils are blown wide—impossibly dark as he takes you in—forcing you backwards, his mouth hovering just over the fabric in between you and complete bareness. Your breath quickens—waiting, waiting, waiting—as Seokmin’s tongue trails from the inside of your knee right to where your thigh pools at your hip. 
And then, with a dazed smirk, he sets your foot down—not on the floor—but gently over the bulge in his pants. Seokmin leans forward ever so slightly, eyes daring. Already he’s so hard, even under his trousers and it’s all you can do to stop yourself from falling apart right there.
“See what you do to me?” he rasps, breath hitching as you press your foot down—just a little—to feel him so vulnerable under you. Your panties are soaked by now—it feels like you’re wearing nothing at all. Seeing Seokmin like this, shirt unbuttoned to his stomach, hair still styled so nicely, lips parted with desire; you want him like this, now, all the time. 
“Seokmin–fuck–” you choke, the words ripped from your mouth as you feel his tongue, wet and hot over your panties. Seokmin tosses one of your feet over his shoulder as he wraps his fingers in the waistband, pulling your panties taut. The ability to control yourself is lost. You curve into his touch as Seokmin gently pulls your panties aside, and presses one last reverent kiss to the inside of your hip.  
“So beautiful,” he murmurs, breath fanning across your skin, “always so beautiful for me.” Then his mouth is on you, open-mouthed and scorching on your cunt, the tip of his tongue circling around your clit, tasting every part of you. You clench your fists into the sheets, gasping for air as he wraps his strong arms around your thighs to pin you down. Even still, you squirm away from his mouth, hands pushing at his head as he sends you to cloud nine. His eyes are searing even behind closed eyelids as he drinks your pleasure, watching in rapture. 
Seokmin’s voice is almost inaudible over the thrum of your heart in your ears. “You like the way I worship you, baby?”
“Yes, please, yes, oh my god, Seokmin, please,” you plead, lurching upwards to curl around his head as a particularly powerful bolt of pleasure rushes through your body. He’s ruthless, nails biting into your thighs as you writhe in pleasure, nose bumping against your clit, mouth planted firmly on your pussy as your cries become higher and more desperate. It builds and builds and builds, a rope in your gut stretching and pulling until you feel like you might snap in half. The pleasure mounts as Seokmin crudely licks his tongue up your cunt, pressed flat against your skin and you release a strangled groan, fingers knotting in his hair.
“S–Seokmin, I’m—” you gasp, body tensed in anticipation.
And then he leans back, and your release fades as quickly as it appeared. Your body aches uncomfortably. The mattress sinks down on either side of you as he braces his hands by your head. Seokmin grins, tucking a few pieces of hair gently behind your ear, dragging your mouth open with his thumb once more to push his tongue past your lips. He tastes like you and he moans as you pull him in by the back of his neck, kissing him fiercely.
“You’re a dick,” you protest, shoving his shoulder. Seokmin’s smile is tender, his cheeks flushed despite his actions just moments ago. 
“Hey,” he says in between kisses to your collarbone that stifle the feeble protests spewing from your mouth, “I don’t wanna go too fast.” 
You groan weakly, as he shifts his knee in between your thighs. He wraps his fingers around one of your ankles, lifting it up onto his hip. 
“But I wanna feel you,” you complain, looping your arms around his neck as if to urge him on. But Seokmin just shakes his head, grinning. His leg shifts again, pressing against the ache in between your thighs and you instinctively roll your hips, mouth dropping open at the touch. He places a large hand on your pelvis, pinning you to the bed.
“I’m taking my time with you,” he says against your mouth, smiling as you sag onto the bed. 
He wanted to fuck slow.
And he does, touching you with feather-light pressure, building your frustration and anticipation until you’re a sweating, panting, desperate disaster in his hands—and only then does Seokmin let you feverishly remove the rest of his clothes. The desire to feel him, see him, taste him has grown so vicious you might cry. He perches on the edge of the bed again, and with shaking hands you jerk the rest of his shirt off his broad shoulders, scraping your nails down his chest to the belt at his waist. You’ve always loved Seokmin’s body—its strong, lithe build, all toned and smooth. Seokmin curses under his breath, tossing his head back in pleasure as you kiss along his jaw and down his torso. The muscles in his stomach tense under your touch, pulled taut as your lips reach his hips again. Slowly, you undo the button on his trousers, all the while keeping burning eye contact. You want Seokmin to see how much you need him. 
“Let me touch you,” you whisper against his abdomen, waiting for the desperate nod, before your fingers slip under the waistband of his briefs to finally take him in your hand. Seokmin moans low and you moan with him, imagining when he would finally let you take him, how he would stretch you out, and you’d finally feel all of him. 
You pull your hand back to spit, making sure to keep your eyes on him as you do, before wrapping your fingers around his length again. Seokmin’s voice is choked in his throat as you run your hand up and down his entire shaft, taking care to twist your fist around the base of his cock, delicately trailing up and around the head, soaking up every breathy sound of satisfaction that leaves Seokmin’s lips. 
With palpable restlessness, you yank the rest of Seokmin’s clothes off, straddling him on the edge of the bed again. He feels the damp fabric of your panties against his thigh and groans, his fingers knitting into your hair to kiss you again, feverish and wanting. You grind down, feeling his cock hard against your pussy and laugh weakly—except it sticks in your throat as Seokmin’s nails dig into your hip, dragging your cunt down his length again. 
“You want me so bad, don’t you?” Seokmin goads, hand holding the back of your head as you roll your hips up and down his length with increasing desperation. Your nails dig into his chest. He pulls your panties to the side, eyes fluttering closed as your arousal slides over his skin. The heat of the room muddles your brain, heightening every sensation. You’re already so wet, needy and willing to do anything to make the tightness in your stomach go away. “Want me to fuck you, baby?”
“Please–” you beg, “need you. Seokmin–”
His lips are crushing, destroying any semblance of thought you might have had. 
“Go ahead, princess,” Seokmin groans, as you pull your panties to the side, sliding two fingers into yourself and using your arousal to lubricate his cock again. The weight of Seokmin’s cock in your hand, the sound of your fingers sliding down the length is enough to have you weak in the knees. Seokmin’s hands splay across your back, propping you up as you line up his cock with your entrance. 
Your fiancé has always been a romantic, and this time is no different as Seokmin kisses you, open mouth waiting to breathe in your needy moans as you slowly sink down onto his cock. In your agitation, it’s still tight, extracting a few hisses of discomfort out of you. But Seokmin is there, soothing you with quiet shushes against your lips, thumbs stroking your cheeks as you take him all the way. He stretches you out, nice and slow, drawing the air from your lungs. 
There you go, that’s my girl. You’re doing so well, baby.
His praise rolls over you like late afternoon sunlight, settling in your chest until you feel lightheaded—the love in your chest is too much to take. It feels more intimate than usual, being nose to nose with Seokmin like this, seeing every emotion flicker in his eyes, feeling his breath fan over your face as he pants. You comb your fingers through his hair and cup his face in your hands, as the fluttery, panicky desperation for a hold on reality reappears in your chest again. You gasp as Seokmin shifts farther onto the bed, nails biting into his scalp as he pulls you closer.
He can surely feel the supersonic pace of your heart against his chest and he shushes you gently, pressing his lips against your sternum.
“I–I just need you to relax, sweetheart,” you hear him murmur in your daze, hands running up and down your spine. “Just a little more.” 
You nod, eyes squeezes shut as you try to swallow the trepidation in your stomach. Seokmin takes it all with grace; his voice is like honey in your ear, sticky and sweet, whispering soft reassurances. Seokmin’s love can be so strong—even after all this time—that it overwhelms you, leaving you vulnerable and defenseless. You’re not used to the devotion that even now, it sometimes takes a little to get used to, so you tuck your nose in the crook of his neck. The smell of sunshine still sticks to his skin, like a moth to a flame. 
“Baby, are you still with me?” Seokmin asks, forefinger petting your cheek. “Hm?”
You nod wordlessly, breathing deeply while Seokmin watches, attentive, until you’ve finally taken all of him. Seokmin bottoms out with a strangled groan, and presses a chaste kiss to your lips, chest stuttering as you roll your hips with impatience. Even then, it’s still too much right away and you freeze, gasping for breath. 
“Hey,” Seokmin says, holding your face in his hands, “we have all night. Take it slow.”
“I know I just—ah–” you whine, stubborn, as you roll your hips again—ignoring the vague hesitancy in your stomach—this time relishing in the dull ache in between your legs, feeling the stretch and pull as Seokmin coaxes your hips into a lazy rhythm. He watches closely, mapping out your body with his hands, leaving you out of breath and hazy in the head. You throw your head back as he kisses your exposed throat, mouth hot over your skin. 
Seokmin rests his hand at the base of your throat—not quite squeezing—and leaves it there. The possessive glint in his eyes is enough to say you are mine. Mine. The thought alone is enough to have you falling into his touch. 
He slips the other hand lower, using his thumb to rub circles around your clit, persuading languorous moans from your mouth, watching you with sordid fascination as you respond to his every touch. You brace your hand on his knee, brow furrowing as the pleasure in your core molds into shape. It’s hot and heavy, radiating so strongly it makes your arm shake.
“Just like–that,” you whine, nails digging into Seokmin’s thigh as he fucks into you slow, gripping your ass so hard you know it’ll leave marks. He curses as you clench around his cock, urging him to go faster. But Seokmin is, and always has been, more patient than you, and he grins slowly, even through heavy-lidded eyes clouded with lust, gripping your hips tight enough to still your movement. 
“What did I say?” he challenges, lips hovering millimeters over yours. You frown, protests falling on deaf ears, as he leans in closer. His lips brush yours as he whispers, “Go. Slow.”
So you try, rolling your hips, grinding down on his cock until you think you might die, until your restlessness is as tangible as the arousal dripping onto Seokmin’s thighs. He fluctuates between playing with your clit–just until you’re on the verge of release—and waiting, just long enough to keep the buzz in your body at bay. Your knees ache as you hold yourself up, feeling Seokmin’s cock slide and and out, his hands in your hair and on your ass. He edges you, daring you to come first each time you whimper you’re close, waiting until the shaking in your fingers stops just for him to continue. 
You’ve never been a crier, but after twenty minutes of this, you’re certain that even a slight breeze would cause you to come undone. Seokmin’s cock rests deep inside to the hilt, his mouth is on your skin, and you know that if he moves, you’ll come harder than you ever have before. 
“Baby, please,” you beg, hips jerking at every slight movement, “please–”
Seokmin smiles, and even just the sight of his pretty teeth have the tears you’ve been holding back, rolling down your cheeks like two big fat admissions of defeat. You suck in a breath as Seokmin lifts you off his cock, dropping you onto your back on the mattress. He places one of your ankles over his shoulder, pressing you down by the back of your thigh as you toss the other around his waist. 
The sounds coming from your mouth are less than human as Seokmin runs his fingers through your arousal again, placating your whines with his lips. You feel like you’re about to snap. 
“Seokmin, fuck me.” It sounds so ridiculous coming from your mouth you think you might cry again, but the thought is shoved away as Seokmin slaps his cock against your needy cunt a few times, pulling more animalistic cries from your throat. 
“Soon, pet,” he grins, and then his cock is pushing into you again, his fingers on your clit, his eyes dark and earnest as your whole body tenses in his arms. 
Your nails claw into his skin and he hisses, brow furrowed, as you drag them down his back with uncharacteristic force, but the thought of his beautiful back marked by your torment only feeds the fire in your belly. You arch your spine, pressing into him as Seokmin draws his cock back out, still much slower than you would like. He’s just winding you up at this point, seeing just how far you’re breaking point is.
Seokmin tuts, simpering as you pant deliriously under him. He leans down, brushing his lips over your cheekbone to rest his forehead against yours. You groan impatiently. 
“Patience, lamb,” Seokmin urges, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, and you frown like a petulant child. Your protests are quickly silenced as he moves, pushing into you with little urgency, pulling back out with agonizing slowness, relishing in the tiny sounds escaping your tightly clamped lips. His strokes are languid as he holds you close to his body. Sometimes it feels like a challenge, to see how long you can go without indulging Seokmin, but today every sensation is amplified tenfold—the smell of his hair, the feeling of his skin, his fingers on your body, his tongue in your mouth, his cock deep inside. He holds your head in between his hands, petting your hair when you tense, whispering sweet words against your skin. 
“Look at me, baby,” Seokmin murmurs, brushing the hair off your forehead. Your pry your eyes open, resisting every impulse to squeeze them shut again as Seokmin pushes into you again, this time with more heat, feeling the burn in his own body increase as you brace yourself against his shoulders. His strokes are long and deep, barely a second apart before he drives back into you to the hilt, swimming in the crude sounds of skin against skin. A chorus of moans fills the room as Seokmin finally fucks you into subspace, your head going foggy with pleasure. The sounds leaving your mouth are barely coherent—just a messy jumble of garbled syllables. Seokmin is unrelenting. His stomach is tense with the effort it takes to keep up his pace. You’ve all but given up on keeping your eyes open, instead falling openly into the pleasure that builds in your gut again. 
Good girl. Just a little more, I promise. Look at you, so beautiful like this. Just like that.
Good girl. 
My girl.
You want to hold on. You want to hold on as long as possible. But Seokmin’s praise washes over you like the tide, saccharine and familiar, so you come again and again, feeling insurmountable pleasure pulse through your body—white-hot and blinding—so intense it leaves you breathless and weak, as Seokmin���s voice continues to flit in and out of focus. 
“God!” you plead, as an orgasm so powerful it rips your voice from your throat tears through you. Your nails bite crescents into your fiancé’s shoulders, and you jolt upward to kiss Seokmin feverishly, fingers carding desperately through his hair as he fucks you through your high. 
“Where–” Seokmin stutters, jaw clenched.
So you breathe, “In me,” and Seokmin groans long and low, as he comes undone, his release hot inside you, fingers searching for yours as he heaves. His hand is clammy and you smooth your other over his cheek, thumb skating over his cheekbone. Seokmin looks ragged, hair fucked and messy, lip bleeding from where you bit him in a fit of passion. He kisses you again, hungry and desperate as if the last forty minutes hadn’t been enough of you for him. Then he pulls out slowly, frowning apologetically as you wince in discomfort. He sets your foot back on the bed, before pressing one last, sweet kiss to your pelvis. You feel fucked raw, sensitive from all that the two of you had done.
Seokmin always ravishes you like it’s the first time he gets to hold you, taking his time until the bedsheets are tangled around your limbs and you’re both utterly spent. He loves you deep into the night, until the sun threatens to peek over the horizon. The dreamy cerulean color of the sky tells you it’s far too late for you to be awake. The street noise below has become all but mute, as the townspeople slumber peacefully in their homes. It’s the birdsong that pulls you from your reverie, still bleary-eyed and a little limp, so sudden you place your palms flat on Seokmin’s chest and stare at him in disbelief. He hums in acknowledgment, stirring from his place at your side. 
“What time is it?” you rasp, voice hoarse from use. 
Seokmin groans, reaching for his phone and murmurs, “Almost 4:30.” 
Your eyes open a few more centimeters. “It’s been—it’s been all night.” 
Your fiancé flashes his usual heartbreaking smile. “I know,” he says, and groans as he turns onto his side to look at you, “but I just wanted to be with you.” He tucks his arm under his head, reaching out a hand to run his thumb over your bottom lip. You kiss the pad of his thumb, leaning into his touch. “I love you.”
It always feels like a promise coming from his lips.
You flop back onto the bed, wincing at the twinge in your ass and roll over onto your stomach, tucking your chin over your folded hands. The Spanish coast is quiet, and for a while it’s just you and the ocean and the intimate sounds of Seokmin’s even breathing as he falls back asleep.
The next thing you feel are his lips on the base of your spine, and the early afternoon sun in your eyes. You blink groggily, shielding your eyes from the sun with your hand as Seokmin kisses up your back. Goosebumps erupt on your skin and you wrap yourself in the top sheet, smiling sweetly as Seokmin leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Good morning,” he murmurs, and rolls off the bed—still naked—over to the small kitchenette. “Coffee?”
You lift your arms high over your head, stretching until your muscles feel sore and limber, sighing deeply. “Mm, please.” Seokmin nods and grabs two espresso cups from the cupboard. 
From your spot on the bed, you settle back, admiring the view of your beautifully sculpted fiancé preparing morning coffee. He’s started working out again, and you see the smooth muscles across his back flex as he stretches. Your eyes trace the graceful curve of his spine to his narrow hips and you flush, stifling a nervous giggle. Even making coffee while butt-naked, Seokmin exudes an easy confidence that sets you at peace, the slope of his shoulders relaxed as he waits for the espresso to finish brewing. The aroma of coffee curls into the air and you smile to yourself, tucking your chin into the palm of your hand. How did you get to be so lucky? 
Seokmin catches you staring and breaks you from your trance by kissing your temple, holding a small espresso in his hand. 
“Yeah?” he asks, eyes glinting with amusement. You tilt your head and just nod, scooting so he can join you on the bed again and press a kiss to his bare shoulder. Seokmin still smells like his sunscreen. He squeezes your thigh again, gazing wordlessly over the balcony at the coastline. It’s picturesque—nothing exists beyond this hotel room except for you and him. 
The espresso is warm in your hands, but Seokmin’s body is warmer. 
You’ll never be cold again. 
check out my other stuff! :)
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hunterwhisker · 3 days ago
Sixth LI Theory?
it took me five days to research and write this. if you have anything to add or want to correct something, please, feel free to do so! i'm not only talking about the sixth li but also about mc and her aether core which means; a lot of spoilers ahead! skip this post if you don't want to be spoiled!
will start by analyzing the theme song 'cosmic encounter'. my theory, drawn from the song, is that the sixth li may be mc's 'first' lover. he also was probably the one who caused her reincarnation cycle (don't think it was his intention!) stick with me.
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there's only one star reaching lonely mc at the bridge which then transforms into five; (xavier, zayne, rafayel, sylus, caleb):
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the text is also telling us, "in this river of stars once more the star will have a destined encounter." the destined encounter could be the sixth li because he doesn't appear as a small star with the other five lis. the lyrics then talk about the cycle of reincarnation and 'samsara' which means 'reborn after death'. the buddhists believe in samsara. and the most desirable goal is to escape samsara, just explaining. this could be some kind of foreshadowing.
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they are representing the cycle of rebirth with the moon. and now to my favorite part of my research! the sixth li. he's the last one they're showing, facing mc on the bridge. this part was a little tricky. i had to replay the video because i noticed something very strange. compared to the pictures of the other lis, he is not there from the beginning but materializes in front of her. let me show you!
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people keep saying he has to be some kind of god and maybe they are right? let us all pretend he is some kind of god, what exactly is happening on the bridge? let me drop a bomb on you... our sixth li is offering mc the aether core (a part of him). not sure if it is a part of him but i'm positive it's the aether core in mc's heart. at first, i thought mc and sixth li met on that bridge to exchange their energies (for whatever reason...) but after i rewatched this part over and over again, i noticed that he was the one opening his arms, 'creating' this energy and offering it to mc! (could also be that he 'separated' a part of himself to give it to her.)
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why would he do that? no idea. but according to the lyrics, i would say that maybe he wanted to live with her for eternity since he could be a god. or even better; he wanted to live with her forever. don't know what role ever plays but i have an idea... but first, how can i possibly believe it's her aether core? wasn't it surgically implanted into mc's heart? there is no clear answer to that. in all of her timelines mc is already born with 'that' heart, always having problems with it or people trying to steal it from her. it was kind of difficult to put the pieces together. particularly because so many things in the story contradict each other. however, some characters are telling mc that this 'power' was 'made' just for her and is her 'innate strength'. maybe i'm reading too much into it and this energy the sixth li is 'creating' is just that, energy. that part was as i said very difficult. it's still not clear.
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what i know is that someone is observing mc. i'm talking about the big, red eye. could that be the sixth li? the eye isn't really harming her. it's just there, watching. it appears multiple times and in various forms; robot eye, the moon, massive, artificial eye. what is it? and why is mc's heart responding to it?
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some addition: could the sixth love interest really be a god? there are a lot of 'eyes' in the game and i noticed one very interesting looking eye;
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this is a so called 'helix nebula', also known as 'eye of god nebula'. if the sixth li is really some kind of god who gave mc a part of him (energy??) then it would explain why her heart is reacting to (t)his eye.
okay, but what would the sixth li be like? well, people are saying he is the counterpart of rafayel. so, he might be 'evil'. was looking into frogs and their mythology and found out that, "studies on indo-european mythology and its language see 'a link between frogs and the underworld, and – by extension – sickness and death'". if infold wants to continue to torture us then maybe the sick guy from the last chapter is our sixth li, but i don't really think he's in the mood to play kitty cards with us... but this is my own theory. i'm just trying to put the pieces together. some people are also saying the sick guy and the ceo of ever are the same person but i don't know... ever is actually trying to "obtain all the consciousness energy belonging to a person in each cycle of rebirth so they become omniscient and omnipotent god". let me say something really crazy; what if our sixth li is the one behind 'ever'? what if he wants to figure out how to keep all the consciousness energy belonging to mc in each cycle of rebirth so they can be together forever?
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galasriniel817 · 6 days ago
Tuesday Teaser
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A Rookanis snippet from a long fic I've been working on for a few months. I plan to upload it to AO3 once completed.
Snippet below the break.
Rook’s dry, absurd humor was a balm in and of itself. Whenever he began to tread the dark pathways in his mind, she was there with a ridiculous joke or funny observation to pull him back out. She never addressed it, and he had no idea how she knew when he began spiraling, but she was there. Rook calmed him. She never treated him differently despite his being an abomination. She never treated him differently despite his moniker as a mage-killer. She simply treated him like a man. 
That easy acceptance of his struggle, of the inner war with Spite and his newfound freedom, was a revelation in and of itself. He found himself watching her even as she watched him. While he continued flirting with Neve, it was empty and they both knew it. The way she softened around the templar—Rana—was all the evidence he needed that they were just passing time. It was easy, meaningless fun. It asked for little and required nothing. 
Even knowing that, he didn’t miss the little furrow between Rook’s brows or the way her hands tensed at their banter. She never said anything, of course. Whenever she faced them, it was with an easy smile and a lightness that was too practiced to be genuine. 
A small part of him was pleased to know she cared—that the flirtation irked her was all the evidence he needed of that. Even Spite would crow with glee whenever he saw those signs. Of course, the demon would then hound his host to “leave the other” and “talk to Rook. Make Rook laugh. Make Rook’s cheeks burn. Rookrookrookrook…” 
He did neither. 
Lucanis slowly came to expect Rook’s compassion, her awful jokes, the determination underpinning her optimism. At first he wondered if she was a fool to implicitly trust that they’d win against actual gods. The more he studied her, the more he realized it wasn’t foolishness that drove her. She bolstered them all with her unrelenting good humor. He’d noticed her go from pensive rumination to funny, supportive, and bright in a blink when one of the others approached her. He noticed the way she gathered her cheer like armor when going into their rooms and deflated upon leaving. 
It seemed that she was determined to carry all their burdens in addition to her own. 
He grimly promised to keep an eye on her lest she break.
The first crack in her facade appeared when he wandered into the library late one night (or so he assumed; the others had retired long before and the sky had darkened a bit in some imitation of nighttime), weary and in need of something engaging to read so he could remain awake. He found Rook asleep in an armchair, a book open in her lap and neck at an uncomfortable angle. Lucanis winced in sympathy at the ache she was sure to have upon waking. Several other books were stacked beside her, some with bits of paper sticking out and littered with her notes. 
Curious, he plucked a sheet of her notes from the mess and perused it. She was studying elven legends, her notes laying out what they knew and theorizing the magics intended to rend the Veil once and for all. Blood magic—brutal and far too powerful—paired with the gods’ own powers over the sun and moon and Blight was her main theory, and she had notes detailing her study of that particular art as well. He quietly chuckled at her asides (the one about a particularly nasty ritual making her “regret having eyes to read it with” was particularly amusing) before moving to tidy the clutter. 
He stacked books according to topic and slid her sheets of notes into the top book of each pile before turning to peer at the woman in question. 
What struck him first was how weary she must be to sleep so soundly in a common area. In sleep, a light frown furrowed her brow and turned down the corners of her mouth. She never allowed herself to be less than upbeat while waking—granted, some of her jokes were dry or dark, but she made it a point to project confidence and hope. Now, without the pretense, he could see the toll the war with the gods was taking on her. 
A few strands of silver ran through her mass of dark curls, something that was carefully hidden with her usual ponytail. The fingers holding the book open had scabs and red, torn skin around the nail beds. Signs of anxiety. Rook was not as assured as she tried to seem. 
Spite appeared then, cocking its head as it stared at the sleeping mage. “She dreams. Do you feel it? She fights in her sleep, worries and twists. Feels like me. Driven like you.”
“Leave her be,” Lucanis murmured, not unkindly. “We shouldn’t wake her.” 
“Won’t happen. Deep in the Fade.” He crouched down to peer at her face and Lucanis tensed. “Want to know her dreams?”
It lingered on the tip of his tongue, eager and heavy, but every instinct held him back. Don’t get too close, don’t get too attached. It was advice as old as the Crows.
Instead, he said, “That would be rude.” 
“Don’t care about rude or not rude. She dreams of blood and dark. Like Lucanis.” 
Rook stirred at his sharp hiss and they both froze until she settled once more. He hoped the hard edge to the word would suffice. Quelling Spite was something he was still learning, especially with so many new people around to interest the demon. “We don’t invade people’s dreams, especially people we like.” 
“Like Rook.”
“Si. She may choose to tell us, but we do not make the choice for her, understand?” 
“No, don’t understand. But we like her. Make her tell.”
“Her choice, Spite, not mine.” With a shake of his head, he crouched by the sleeping mage and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Rook, wake up.”
She came awake at once with a sharp breath, eyes flying open and muscles tensing under his touch. “Lucanis, what—is something wrong?” 
“No, everything is fine,” he said gently, dropping his hand like he’d been burned. His skin was too hot and too tight where he’d touched her. “You fell asleep in the library.” 
“Oh. Right.” Rook winced as she stretched her neck. “Reading esoteric, centuries-old books is officially a better sleep aid than any tea I’ve tried.” 
He huffed a laugh, unsurprised to find her using humor to distract and deflect once more. “You don’t have to pretend, you know.” 
“Pretend what?” She tugged a curl over her shoulder and began wrapping it around her fingers.
Lucanis noted the nervous tic and committed it to memory. It was part of his job, he reasoned. Knowing every tell in the people closest to him was key to living a long life as a Crow. Bellara talked faster and interrupted herself more when nervous; Neve would cross her arms and get defensive; and Harding’s cheeks and ears reddened and fists clenched when needled. Rook picked at her fingers and twisted her hair. It was simple. Calculated. Assessing. Not at all because he liked her.
That his hand still tingled where he’d touched her was harder to dismiss.
He leveled her with a look that had her deflating and didn’t say a word. 
“I know, being little miss sunshine is a load of shit,” she grumbled, gaze darting away from him and shoulders rounding. “But I have to. If I have any doubts, show any fear, it will infect the team. I can’t give you any more reasons to fret—it’s on me to be there for all of you. No one will rely on a leader who can’t handle her own fears.” 
“Confidence is key,” he agreed. “That doesn’t mean you can’t lean on your team even as they lean on you.” 
Rook slanted a glance at him from beneath her dark lashes, lips quirking with amusement. “I thought you were a Crow, not an owl handing out wisdom.” 
Lucanis shrugged, allowing himself to smile. “A healthy dose of good advice never hurt anyone, even a Crow. Now come, you must rest.” 
He rose then and offered a hand to help her up. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, he reasoned, and had nothing whatsoever to do with stealing another touch. She took the proffered hand and stood with a groan, joints popping with the movement. 
Lucanis blinked when he realized just how tiny she was as they stood close. He wasn’t a tall man, and Rook stood a few inches shorter than him. It was easy enough to miss when she was at full force, laughing or fighting with all the passion and power she contained. Sheer force of personality made her loom large. 
But here in this moment of calm, the thought of the world resting on those slight shoulders was almost too much to bear. 
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biceratops7 · 2 years ago
Good omens leak talk under cut, literally just vivid descriptions, keep away unless you’ve seen it and it’s too late:
Ok I have literally been staring at that image periodically whenever I think about it for several days. Because I am normal and like things neurotypically. So here’s literally just a big list of observations no matter how minute. If you read this whole thing then the brain worms have made it to your prefrontal cortex.
Crowley has his glasses on (already explained my theory behind that)
Crowley is obviously the instigator but it’s unclear whether or not Azirphale is currently an active participant, or if he’s still processing. I’m leaning on still processing, but it’s hard to tell with the shadow on his brow obscuring his expression and not being able to see his hands
Speaking of that shadow, what the hell is up with the lighting in this scene?? It’s not bad except for making things in an already blurry still unclear, it’s just strange to have something softly back lit but also clearing having another additional light source else where. It’s an interesting choice because it can lead to inference of the circumstances here.
Second, related question: where the hell are they?? So let’s just take stock of everything BUT Azirphale and Crowley we see here. First of all it’s mostly in shadow, however there is a prominent light source behind Aziraphale, possibly close to him. The light we see on Crowley’s hair is likely from the doorway behind them.
Quick detour, the doorway is the brightest thing in the frame, creating a slight silhouette effect. Silhouettes are often used in film for moments that are a big deal but visually obvious. It shows weight through simplicity because you still know what’s happening and why it’s important with way less visual info than normal. We all IMMEDIATELY recognized what was happening and lost our shits even though it’s in shadow and currently obscured by giant text.
Ok so anyway this all leads me to believe they’re in a mostly dark room with one bright but not very far reaching light. I wanna say it’s almost fluorescent? Or an exposed lightbulb? It certainly doesn’t look warm like a lamp to me.
In addition I believe they’re inside a room to a larger building. The light coming from the door is almost certainly NOT day light. It’s purely white as if it’s a very well lit room or hall. There also is what I think looks like an exit sign near the top next to the doorway, or at least idk what else it could be. Because of that I don’t think this is anyone’s home or small shop.
I find this EXTREMELY interesting because the only prominent location we really see fit that vibe or description is the office building of heaven and hell. This season seems to be particularly highlighting that “neutral ground” between then, with the elevator showing up three times.
Now this one is just me trying to interpret literal blobs, but there either appears to be some sort of rounded extension to the top of the door way, or the walls are just thick. Make of that what you will
the room appears relatively spacious but mostly bare, almost like a holding place. But obviously with such a tight frame this can be hard to tell. I did take note of the fact that you can see some brown lines behind Aziraphale in the first frame, so there is clearly something there.
Alright enough waxing poetry about the damn walls, I know that they're probably standing up. Crowley might be in a position where he can twist into it from a sitting position, but with Aziraphale' shoulders so far forward and his back entirely angled to face Crowley, he'd either have to be straddling a chair or his lower spine is snapping like a glowstick.
Aziraphale is not being pushed against anything, he’s rocking backwards despite the force being applied to pull him forward, so in other words our boy Crowley’s REALLY shooting his shot, lmao
Aziraphale’s arms are confusing. They’re clearly not holding onto Crowley even out of frame, but they also don’t seem fully relaxed at his sides to me either.
WAIT, ok so the standing is still a strong contender, but they could also be sitting across from eachother at a small table. Crowley seems hunched over a bit more than is warranted for Aziraphale’s height, and Aziraphale’s arms could propped up at the elbows supporting his weight.
So damnit this adds a whole new layer to the location question
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womaninwinter · 7 months ago
Dynamic equivalence cause I don’t know what that one is and then alt fic cause I’m guessing that’s The Intruder :)
Dynamic equivalence: gave a description here, but basically it originated from a joke between myself and @hailqiqi about hyper-specific job AUs. As we're translators, I suggested a fic where Lockwood and Lucy both work in the translation industry (he's the owner of a small translation start-up, she's a freelancer he works with often, George is his snarky reviewer who initially pisses Lucy off for giving her work low quality scores for dumb things like using straight apostrophes instead of curly ones). The title comes from a particular translation theory (I can't remember what it actually means because it's like 8 years since I was in uni). Also, I have now come up with a new and terrible addition to this AU: Skull is an AI assistant that George pirated from his old workplace, Fittes Multilingual, and has caused it to develop an attitude problem through his tinkering. Lucy finds interacting with it surprisingly enjoyable.
alt fic: you guessed it, that's The Intruder. I reeeeeally want to get back to it so bad, ugh!! I have already sent you a lot of what I have pre-written for this fic in snippet form, but have some alt!Quill angst:
Fittes agents dropped like flies that winter: Ned Shaw was the first to go, and for all that he was a git, Quill missed him. He’d been reliable, in his own thuggish way, and too stupid to be scared easily. Without him, Quill’s team began to lose heart and with it, their cohesion. And, as Quill had often observed himself, it was remarkable how quickly a disjointed team became an unlucky team. Within a couple of weeks of Ned’s death, Bobby got ghost-touched by a thick and sickly cloud they’d mistaken for an ordinary London pea-souper, and Kat plunged off a balcony in a posh hotel soon after that, fatally disoriented by the screaming of a Cold Maiden.
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hottrustgyou · 4 months ago
So I'm back. Yes, yes, after all this time, I returned, but not without content. I'll probably hang out here again. It depends on how the days go.
Undoubtedly, many of the drains from the episodes of the 2nd season of the Khazbin Hotel caused a very big stir among fans of this project. And yet, I dare to lay out one theory here, which may be in the series itself.
So. Let's go.
There is a small theory that Travis, although he got his favorite job in the adult film industry, could still sometimes get slapped by Valentino. The same incorrectly written scripts, video editing, etc. — Valentino will not like them, especially when he is in a bad mood. Although Travis is not an actor, he tries to sit "lower than grass, quieter than water." Travis may not have much imagination, but it's not hard for him to imagine what would happen if he contradicted Valentino. Even Travis would serve him by framing someone for Valentino's benefit.
Or even for THEIR own benefit.
About this in more detail.
Angel Dast in the series, presumably, will continue to build a relationship with Husk. If Travis finds out about this, he will have something to tell Valentino, considering how touchy and rude this owl is. I can't tell you exactly how much Travis adores Angel. However, Travis himself is known to be an insane fanatic and a regular customer of Angel Dust. Maybe he'll get jealous, start envying Angel's happiness, and even demand from him that he belongs only to him and the studio. I don't care if Valentino owns Angel. Travis can get so crazy that he'll do anything to keep Angel Dast in Valentino's studio. And this is really inevitable, in the case of Angel and his friends. A new test, so to speak, will be for them.
As for Travis' wife, I'm not sure. It is unknown whether Travis broke up with her or not, whether he lives with his wife in Hell or not. The fact that he is cheating on his wife was confirmed at the beginning of the pilot episode of the Khazbin Hotel. One can only start from the theory that Travis clearly does not live "in chocolate" under the rule of Valentino. Considering that the owl demon is a comical character, he is pathetic and cunning at the same time, like a typical, mean-spirited antagonist and villain. However, it would be interesting to observe that, for example, Travis is so mired in lust and at the mercy of a cruel demon moth, still does not have much family and friends, that he can really envy Angel, who is still under the power of Valentino, but was able not to break down and find friends, family, a home and an opportunity to atone for sins. And Travis couldn't get it all, under any pretext. He will start trying, but in the end he will simply fail, suffer mentally and physically, break his heart — but who likes such a rude, lustful, cruel and cynical demon? To nobody.
At first, Travis will start doing nasty things and tell Valentino everything about Angel and friends — what they planned, what they did, and so on. This will be handy for both the pimp and the Trio. Wow, such a valuable spy comes across! All that remains is to ingratiate yourself with Charlie and break everything under the power of Vee.
I don't know if Travis will actually be shown acting against Angel Dust in season 2 of the Hazbin Hotel (or in the rest of the others). Or both. Since there is a chance that V will be defeated at the end of season 2, Travis will use his unique "spy" abilities more than once in future seasons just to annoy Angel.
That's all.
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ideas-on-paper · 1 year ago
Theories about Legion's "mini headlamps" (N7 special)
A very happy N7 Day to all of you Mass Effect fans!
Although I still haven't finished Mass Effect 3 (I just haven't been able to pick it up again after the Rannoch arc), I nevertheless wanted to do something special for this occasion, and I thought to myself that I might as well devote a quick study to a subject that's been on my mind for quite a long time: the purpose of Legion's three additional "mini headlamps".
You see, aside from the big, obvious flashlight in the middle, Legion also possesses three smaller lights at the side of their head. Ever since discovering these, I've been wondering what exactly those are for. I've observed that they glow red when Legion is under "stress" (an effect which is unfortunately not present in the Legendary Edition) - or rather, in situations that require a lot of processing power - but as far as their practical function goes, I could only guess. However, going through the ME3 dialogues again, I noticed a small detail which could potentially explain what exactly those small lights are - and in addition, give us a little insight into how Geth perceive the world visually.
Disclaimer: Before going into this, I should mention that I have no technical education in robotics, laser scanning, or any related areas of engineering. I based my conclusions solely on what information I could find on the internet, as well as my own reasoning and observations.
[Potential spoilers for ME3]
LADAR/LiDAR scanning and three-dimensional perception
To start off, what basically led me on this track was this comment by Tali in ME3:
Their AI lets them use extremely detailed ladar pings. Xen's countermeasure overwhelmed them with garbage data.
First off, we need to clarify what exactly ladar is. LADAR, more commonly known as LiDAR, stands for "Light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation detection and ranging" - or, in case of LiDAR, "Light detection and ranging/Light imaging, detection and ranging. It's a method for measuring the distance, speed, and surface structure of objects by the means of laser scanning, usually with beams in the infrared spectrum (there are different wavelengths of light in use, however). Essentially, LiDAR is based on the same principle as the echolocation of bats, the only difference being the use of light instead of sound. Every LiDAR system consists of three integral components: a transmitter, a receiver, and a timer. The transmitter will send out a laser beam, which will be reflected by the object it hits; afterwards, the reflection will be registered by the receiver. Because the speed of light is a known constant, the distance of the object can be deduced by the timer, which will determine the delay between the light impulse being send out and the reflection being captured, also known as "time of flight".
However, because each laser beam only represents the coordinates of a single point, multiple laser beams are necessary to create a detailed 3D map of the environment. Some LiDAR lasers, like those used in automated vehicles, pinwheel to collect data in a 360° radius, generating a 3D image of all objects in the vicinity, including cars, pedestrians, and other obstacles. This results in multiple "points" forming a "point cloud" together, digitally depicting the surroundings on a 3D level. Because each laser emits hundreds of impulses per second, this technology enables you to take highly precise measurements in a very short period of time. LiDAR technology is not only utilized in autonomous driving, but also all kinds of other areas too, like archaeology, topographical mapping, and monitoring of vegetation growth.
Now, with this in mind, my theory is that Legion's small headlamps are the transmitter and receiver components of the LiDAR system - more specifically, I think the transmitters are located on the right, while the singular light on the left is the receiver. However, since we know that normal scanning LiDAR requires multiple laser beams for a detailed 3D image, the question is why Legion would only have two of them implemented. Personally, my suspicion is that the Geth might be using a flash LiDAR: Flash LiDAR is a different type of LiDar emitting a single wide, diverging beam, similar in shape to the beam of a flashlight. By projecting the reflected light onto a sensor array, a flash LiDAR can create a complete 3D environment without the use of multiple impulses. In addition to being very compact, flash LiDAR sensors have no moveable parts, making them extremely resistant to any kind of vibration - an undeniable advantage in all situations that require quick movement, such as combat.
Analysis of atmospheric composition with LiDAR
Still, that doesn't explain why Legion would have an additional transmitter on the right side of their head. We do know, however, that the laser scans with LiDAR are precise enough to not only measure the exact distance between objects, but also analyze the density of particles in the air: Because the molecules in the air cause the light from the laser beam to backscatter, LiDAR is also utilized in monitoring air quality and detecting fine dust, being able to determine traces of atmospheric gases such as ozone, nitrous gases, carbon dioxide, and methane. Depending on the wavelength of light used, the LiDAR system might be more or less precise in measuring molecular backscattering. For that reason, LiDAR systems using multiple wavelengths of light are most efficient in determining the exact size distribution of particles in the air.
With this in mind, let's take a look at Legion's opening line in ME2 upon entering the Heretic station:
Alert. This facility has little air or gravity. Geth require neither.
Going by what I explained above, the reason why Legion was able to tell there is no oxygen in the atmosphere isn't because they have some built-in chemical sensors to analyze the air's components - it's because they can literally "see" the particles in the air.
Thus, I think the second transmitter on the right side of Legion's head might use a different kind of wavelength specifically intended for the detection of atmospheric particles, perhaps in the UV-spectrum (the general rule is that the shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution of the 3D image is, and since UV has a shorter wavelength than infrared, I imagine it might be used for this purpose). Meanwhile, the big flashlight in the middle might be a photoreceptor, being able to detect "normal" light visible to humans. In addition, the Geth are probably able to see UV-light (since the Quarians are able to see it, it would be logical to assume the Geth are as well), and maybe even infrared and other wavelengths. To summarize the function of all of Legion's headlights, I imagine it works roughly like this:
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The two lights on the right side of Legion's head (marked with a red and magenta line) might be LiDAR transmitters, using infrared and UV-light, respectively; the single small light on the left (circled with green) might be the LiDAR sensor/receiver, while the big light in the middle (circled with blue) might be a photoreceptor (Source)
The effect of Xen's countermeasure (and potential means to bypass it)
It might be difficult to imagine from a human point of view, but judging from the information that the Geth use LiDAR as their main method of depth perception, Tali describing Xen's invention as a "flash bang grenade" actually makes a lot of sense: If you're normally able to observe your surroundings down to a molecular level, it would probably feel very disorienting if you're suddenly not, not mention being unable to tell whether an object is far away or close by (which would be absolutely devastating if you suddenly come under attack).
Still, that doesn't mean there are no potential alternatives: Radar, which has been in use longer than LiDAR, is another method to determine the range, angle, and velocity of objects. Due to radar using long-waved micro- and radio waves, the measurements are generally a lot less precise than those with LiDAR; despite this, radar still has its use during inclement weather, when LiDAR systems are very prone to disturbances by dust, mist, and rainfall. Furthermore, LiDAR can only provide measurements up to 200 meters, while radar is more efficient at greater distances. In fact, most modern autonomous driving vehicles work both with LiDAR and radar, in addition to a conventional camera (the only vehicles that don't use LiDAR are those from Tesla, which have a reputation of being unsafe). So, it's only reasonable to assume that the Geth don't rely on LiDAR alone, but use various technologies in combination with it to compensate for each one's weaknesses.
Interestingly, a type of 4D radar is currently in development, intended to be used in autonomous driving. It provides 3D images with a similar resolution as LiDAR, at a potentially much cheaper cost. Still, whether LiDAR or 4D radar is the better choice for autonomous driving is still a heatedly debated question, and only time will tell which of both systems comes out on top. Nevertheless, assuming Xen's "flash bang grenade" only targets the Geth's LiDAR sensors, I wonder if they could've potentially found a way to adapt and bypass it, given enough time.
Anyway, that's the material for a different kind of analysis - for now, I hope you enjoyed this little deep dive into the science behind the Geth. Thank you all for reading and have a nice N7 Day! :-)
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cilantroodon · 2 months ago
fav books of 2024
The Dance of the Tiger: A Novel of the Ice Age by Björn Kurtén
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable by Amitav Ghosh
Power by Linda Hogan
The Living is Easy by Dorothy West
Scared Violent Like Horses: Poems by John McCarthy
Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052 - 2072 by Eman Abdelhadi and M.E. O'Brien
Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
Collected Stories by Gabriel García Márquez
Bully for Brontosaurus: Reflections in Natural History by Stephen Jay Gould
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett
With Stefansson in the Arctic by Harold Noice
A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid
For Two Thousand Years by Mihail Sebastian
why I loved them under the cut
The Dance of the Tiger
Super well-researched historical fiction, which makes the story super immersive even with the speculative elements. The characters feel like real people that I could be friends or neighbors with if they were alive today and not during the Ice Age. The spiritual and cultural elements of the worldbuilding were actually believed by the characters in a way that made them feel solidly a part of the world rather than an aside by the author. With the addition of the preface which explains which speculative elements that Kurtén (a great paleontologist by vocation) proposes in this book have been since proven impossible and how, I would recommend this book to anyone.
The Great Derangement
The impetus for this book is Ghosh's observation that the impacts of climate change are omnipresent in real life but barely present in fiction. He goes into many reasons for this, but I was mostly interested in his calls to action for artists (especially writers) to find ways to include climate change in what we find "thinkable" for readers. I would recommend this one to writers (especially fiction writers), but I think anyone who reads a lot might find Ghosh's insights interesting.
The writing style made it really engaging because I was constantly trying to piece together the story through its separate events. I think this book is a great example of how a story that involves many conflicting perspectives can be stronger with only one POV character -- and the message this book sends by allowing a young indigenous person to be the sole narrator is very powerful (pun intended).
The Living is Easy
This book came from a friend and I took forever to read it even though it was a) a gift, and b) a classic of the Harlem Renaissance, which as an era almost never disappoints me. If you're also putting this one off, don't! It's a tragedy and a comedy in equal measure... read it at the lake in one windy day and I let my hands go numb to avoid putting it down once I had started.
Scared Violent Like Horses
Humiliated myself by telling everyone about this collection like it was niche only to discover that I was the last person on earth to read it. Oh well!
Everything for Everyone
This book got passed around in my middle school friend group all year. If you like speculative fiction and/or consider yourself a leftist or activist I think you should read this with your friends, too. Maybe read it with your roommates and neighbors first. It's not theory it's just a fun time. Re: the topic of imagining through fiction what is possible in reality/expanding fiction to include the breadth of reality I think this book is well-paired with The Great Derangement and The Dance of the Tiger.
Night Watch
First non-Tiffany Aching Discworld book of mine. A million Tumblr users are champing at the bit to tell you about this book and most of them liked it more than me and think it's more important than I do. Go ask them.*
*You can also ask me. You can ask me about anything and I'd be delighted, obviously. I just assume that we are all a bit tired of hearing about this book. I liked the book and I have blocked tags over hearing about it. I will not make you hear about it again #CycleBreaker
Collected Stories by Gabriel García Márquez
Very fascinating world-building & storytelling. The universe that the stories take place in is consistent and self-referential almost to the point of feeling shrunken and inescapable... Love!! If you liked One Hundred Years of Solitude you will absolutely like this. If you like weird/environmental horror you will probably like this unless you only like Real Horror and then you probably will think "Tch 😼 this is for babies" but keep that to yourself because I got scared.
Bully for Brontosaurus
Interesting points about naming conventions and the mythologization of scientific discoveries. High school me would have loved this book and I still am who I am.
Six of Crows
Everyone in North America has either read this book or decided not to ever read this book and I was the second category for years. I'm not a big YA fan, never have been, nor do I like heist media, nor do I love evil protagonists, nor do I like most urban fantasy, etc, etc, etc. The power of friendship (A asked me to read it) has transformed me (I really liked it). I am now just as obsessed with this book and I can't stop bringing it up.
I Shall Wear Midnight
I related heavily to Tiffany as a kid and I was agog and a-grin to find out that she grew up to still be just like me. Why does little Tiffany the aloof, shepherd witch girl now work in hospice care? It's a natural transition, but you have to admit it's too unglamorous to write about for most people. It's very easy to romanticize but very hard to see as plot-driving or revolutionary in any way. .... I felt very seen by this book. I may have cried. Sue me.
With Stefansson in the Arctic
I haven't seen The Terror but I feel like all the people currently obsessed with The Terror could find this account interesting. Likewise for fans of The Call of the Wild, which I read as a second-grader and remember vaguely. I learned a lot, and it made me do some heavy thinking about what it means to be a good person, and the nature of colonialism. The storytelling is anything but dry, which I did not expect from an explorer's account of a two-year Arctic mission. The setting is described beautifully, and everything was adequately explained in a very polite, non-patronizing way. Noice shows respect in his writing and actions towards the Inuit people he meets and hears about, but does exclusively refer to them with slurs while claiming their land for Canada. So! Be aware of that if you're going to read it.
A Small Place
Should be required reading for people in the imperial core. Really well-written.
For Two Thousand Years
There's a lot of recency bias here since I read this on the train not four days ago, but it's beautiful and tragic and historical so I got right into it. The protagonist (and author) is a Jewish Romanian, and the book is essentially an exploration of how that intersection of identities, not recognized by nearly anyone else, has impacted his life and self-perception over the course of his early adulthood. It resonated with me on a broad human level, but also as my generation's Designated Family Historian with Romani Hungarian great-grandparents who were present in Europe for that period, and extremely so as a trans person today 😁.
If you've read or want to read any of these books please tell me what you thought of them! Also feel more than free to recommend me things.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months ago
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Trump’s criminal trial begins in Manhattan
The criminal trial of Donald Trump for election interference began on Monday. Despite nearly non-stop media coverage, the proceeding was similar to the first day of most criminal trials in America—a fact that should give us all comfort. The first-day proceedings were consistently ordinary, sometimes boring, but glorious in their relentless insistence that all persons are equal before the law.
Rather than overinterpreting small actions or obsessing over whether a Trump-friendly juror can lie their way onto the jury, it is helpful to recall how we got here and what the case is about.
Rachel Maddow presented a superb summary of the sorry path to Trump's prosecution in state court for a federal conspiracy that sent Michael Cohen to prison for a year—but allowed the person who directed the conspiracy—Donald Trump—to escape prosecution. See The Rachel Maddow Show 4/15/24.
Although you already know the story, Maddow’s explainer is an absolutely essential refresher for the state prosecution. The short version is this: When Trump's DOJ investigated and prosecuted Michael Cohen for his role in the hush money payoff, then Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the Southern District of New York to cease its investigation of Michael Cohen’s co-conspirator--Donald Trump.
The failure of the DOJ to pursue Trump in 2018 was political corruption at its height. The fact that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg picked up the prosecution three years later is a credit to Bragg—not a ground for criticism.
The fact that Bill Barr was able to quash the federal investigation into Trump also explains the central legal theory of the state prosecution. Trump is charged with a state crime of falsifying documents in furtherance of a second crime—election interference, which is a federal crime.
Many observers were initially skeptical of Bragg’s legal theory, but some have come to believe that Bragg has a strong case. See Mark Joseph Stern in Slate, I Was a Skeptic of the Stormy Daniels Prosecution. I Was Wrong.
Stern writes,
Last year, I was uncertain whether this scheme, while sordid, rose to the level of a felony offense. I am now convinced that, if proved that [Trump] took these actions, it surely does. The falsification of business records is, by itself, a misdemeanor under New York law, but it’s a felony when it’s done with the “intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” In his indictment, Bragg claims that Trump lied about the payments with the intent to violate election law, which is what elevates the crime to a felony. Bragg has argued, convincingly, that the former president intended to violate at least two election laws—one state, one federal. First, Bragg asserted that Trump and Cohen ran afoul of the Federal Election Campaign Act by making unlawful campaign contributions (in the form of a payoff) at the direction of a candidate (that is, Trump). . .   Second, Bragg argued that Trump ran afoul of a New York election law that forbids any conspiracy “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”
Read Stern’s article for additional explanation of the legal theory of the case. I find Stern’s analysis convincing.
Of course, the fact that Trump should be found guilty under a proper application of the law to the facts does not guarantee that a jury will return a guilty verdict. In every trial, it is always possible that a juror will not participate in good faith. Given the high-profile stakes and intense scrutiny involved in this case, I think the odds that a “stealth bad faith juror” will lie their way onto the jury are low.
But I am speculating in the same way as all other legal commentators. We must simply await the jury’s verdict and trust in a system that works most of the time. Trying to predict the future is a fool’s game. And remember, the prosecution of Trump is not a substitute for beating Trump at the ballot box.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
Decoding the scripts and secret messages in Rebel Moon
Part 3: Figuring out the Old Imperium script
To try to decode the entire alphabet, I studied the Scribes and Priests’ outfits, Noble’s Bone Staff, but also and mostly the inscription on Kora’s gun, which we know means “My life for hers”:
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As I’ve said before, it appears this script uses what resembles opening square brackets as spaces/word separators, but there are three other things we can notice. Firstly, all letters basically consist of either one (I), two (II), or three (III) vertical lines. Secondly, vowels and consonants look different: consonants are just lines while vowels have a rounded shape at their top or bottom. They almost look like either a P or lowercase b with up to two additional (vertical) lines.
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The third thing we can observe is that, in each consonant, there is a smaller, horizontal line, and I realized this little line could be located at seven possible heights:
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As I was trying to figure out which symbol was which letter, a clear pattern started to appear. It seems Old Imperium follows a logical progression: the first 2 vowels and the first 7 consonants in the alphabet have one vertical line, the next 2 vowels and 7 consonants have two, etc. As for the small horizontal line on consonants, it just gets lower and lower as you move from letter to letter in each “group”. So here is, I believe and if I’m not mistaken, how the script works:
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In theory, there’s room for another consonant, “III-7”, after Z, but I don’t know if this symbol exists in the alphabet; I haven’t encountered it.
Below is the part of the bone staff that says “a rocking cradle”. It’s very blurry (sorry, the image is so small), but the logic seems to work!
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I found the symbol for double letters on the Scribes and Priests’ clothes (under the 5th letter in the image below). As for the other symbol, it seems to be a question mark on Noble’s Bone Staff (the semicolon looks different there, but I can’t see it very well) and either a semicolon or a period on the outfits, so I’m not sure what it represents. I don’t know if my drawings are 100% accurate either, but this is what I see in the pictures.
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Part 4 will be dedicated to the Priests and Scribes because they have a hidden message on them too! Using what I’ve just explained in this post, can you already guess what the 9-letter word above is? Fun fact: either I made a mistake... or they did.
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