#borb screams
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the-grubdog · 7 months ago
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So I saw this post and was blessed by a vision.
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years ago
Wait actually can we talk about Leaflings real fast. Because. What the actual fuck.
Also sorry if I curse a lot more here than usual but like 90% of my genuine reactions to this topic is "what the FUCK" so uhh get used to it I guess.
Huge thanks to @saihahas for helping me with some image transcripts as well.
Major story spoilers below you have been warned. Ok let's go.
So you're able to just rise from the dead in pikmin 4. No, seriously. You can do that.
At the end of Olimar's side story we get this scene and associated line:
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[Image transcript: White text on a black screen that says "But at that very moment, my life support system failed" END TRANSCRIPT]
Like. He died. His life support system failed. He DIED. And moments later, he was revived as a leafling. He died and came back from the dead. Like, what the fuck????
It even fixed up his injuries he got prior to becoming a leafling. Just a full on revival.
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Image transcript (one leads into the other naturally)
Collin: By the by, Olimar, is there anything you remember from right before or after you became a leafling? Any additional details?
Olimar: Not particularly. It didn't feel bad or anything like that. In fact, it was quite revitalizing.
Olimar: My chronically stiff shoulders and all the injuries I'd sustained during my explorations healed immediately.
Yonny: Hmm... Perhaps leafification has highly restorative effects...
Yonny: This is definitely something worth looking into, eheheh. END OF TRANSCRIPT.
Now we don't know if everyone who was a leafling had to die before hand, though there is a common thread that they were at least unconscious... And had just escaped deadly situations... I think Olimar found them moments before they died and, not knowing any other way to save them, leafed them as well. Something they bear no ill will towards him for - in fact, they're thankful for him.
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Image transcript:
Jin: When I was leafified, I could not stop thinking about the art of Dandori. It was like an endless meditation.
Jin: A leafling appeared in front of me after the ship crashed and I had used up all of my flagging energy.
Jin: My intuition told me they were not a bad person. I also felt as though they were determined to achieve something
Jin: I am afraid I do not recall much of what happened after that, as I lost consciousness. END TRANSCRIPT.
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Image transcript:
Corgwin: I was attacked by a creature, and right before I lost consciousness, I saw something overhead. It was a leafling
Corgwin: They had such sad eyes, but there was more going on in there. Their eyes were full of determination.
Corgwin: I have to believe there is a reason why they do what they do. Turning castaways into leaflings, I mean.
Corgwin: Your time is limited, so think it through! END TRANSCRIPT.
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Image transcript:
Bernard: You need anything else?
Bernard: Even when Olimar was leafed out, he was still trying to RESCUE folks!
Bernard: And there I was with my head focused on nothing but Dandori stuff. HOO, he's one tough cookie!
Bernard: You need anything else? END TRANSCRIPT.
Ok Bernard's conversation doesn't add to the "he found them in deadly situations" point but it DOES show that all of his "victims" think highly of him for the fact that he had saved them and others. (Also, side note, Olimar had sad eyes... Poor bastard thought he was never going home to his wife and kids, was visibly depressed over this, and STILL was trying to save people. Olimar is like, genuinely such a good fucking person God damn.)
Now being a leafling is undead and comes with its own slew of problems. Namely, the fact Dandori takes over your brain (probably the pikmin survival instinct) and the fact you can no longer leave PNF-404. It's not even an air thing, it's not being on the planet that causes sickness, so not even spacesuits can fix it.
But then you're able to cure yourself of being a leafling. And just. Go back? To your normal life?????? Like nothing ever happened. You died and came back. What the fuck.
And to make that point worse. One of the key ingredients is Glow Sap. Which is produced by the Luminknolls. The only other thing the Luminknolls make is uh. Glow pikmin. Which.
“Although they've been named Glow Pikmin, it's not entirely clear whether or not this species is actually a type of Pikmin. These creatures possess the same fundamental behaviors of Pikmin, like carrying things, propagating, and fighting. They also share special characteristics, such as the leaf atop their head. Yet they do not spawn from an Onion but a Lumiknoll, and they are only active at night or underground. During the day, they revert into seeds and enter a resting state. What's even more surprising is that they exhibit no signs of life. When a Glow Pikmin "dies," if that word can even be used, it does not expire in the typical sense. Instead, it just becomes a form of light-or perhaps a photon-and returns to the Lumiknoll. Putting aside my "scientist" hat for a moment...it seems to me that this creature or entity may not be a living organism at all but some manner of spiritual substance.”
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[Image Transcript: a screenshot of the Piklopedia showing the very end of the above quote. END TRANSCRIPT]
And just as some icing on the cake:
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[Image transcript: Louie's piklopedia notes on the glow pikmin. All it says is "Doesn't smell alive." END TRANSCRIPT]
Cool they're fucking ghosts. Sorry I can't be convinced otherwise, they're clearly some sort of supernatural entity at MINIMUM. I just think spirit is most likely. They don't have to be the spirits of dead pikmin... Although... You can convert a Glow Pikmin into normal pikmin via a candy pop bud. I've done it before, I have no video of it but you can go and try it yourself if you'd like. And if they are spirits of pikmin then that means that we can also bring pikmin back from the dead. What the FUCK.
Anyways. I got side tracked sorry. My point was the Luminkolls make two things: Glow Sap and Glow Pikmin, which have similar names and similar appearances and. Are we using ghost juice to cure leaflings???? Which is used to reverse all negatives of being leafed. Which can be used to bring the dead back to life.
I don't know how to end this. I really really don't know how to end this. I just need someone else to scream about this with because it's so. It's so fucking WEIRD like what the hell. It's not enough that they may be humans, noooo, there's also undead creatures (excluding the mushroom guys those freaks have an explanation at the very least). This game is weird as hell but tbh I love it.
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lemonisntreal · 4 months ago
My thoughts on Sing: Thriller! [finally]
I just want to vomit out some of the things on my mind because ohhh my god, do I have THOUGHTS-
Also! Link here to the short, for the people who want / need it 👍
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It wasn't just copium!
Kinda off topic, but this is getting me thinking on how different sized animal's seats are priced. Because they only grabbed one ticket I think, so I think they're literally sharing a seat [WHICH IS CUTE]. But does this mean that bigger animals need to buy more than one ticket? Or are all the seats just ridiculously big? Or am I crazy?
Also thinking of that one scene in Spongebob where Plankton gets sat on by Bubble Bass 😭
Tiny blurry Mike hehe looks like found footage
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Me when I see my fav for 2 seconds with zero speaking lines
Nana is eating also holy shit
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Also Eddie guiding her by the hand is sweet, I love their relationship so much aaywusjhisajhajk
He has such an obviously better relationship with her than he does his actual parents and I'm eating it upppppp
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The "How hard can it be to fix a stupid tire anyway???" line was so aggressive, I'm taking this as character development !
She's an actually amazing actor in-universe and I love that
Meena Sweep
Also this set is clean as fuckkk- also a lot more realistic, but still very not LMAO
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The crunchy version is for my enjoyment specifically
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Also also.
Both GMO and Alice in Wonderland were really short plays from what we see, but I actually do think that this isn't how it actually goes in canon. When they're on the bus in Sing 2, the script looks pretty thick for one. And two- why would anyone pay for tickets for 4 minutes of show?
Like it just makes sense, you gotta understand my reasoning.
They couldn't put the whole 2 hours of play in the actual films, but I like to believe that's actually how it goes
That there's some story and depth to it as well [💀]
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Reference. For later.
Meena Gunter and Ash are absolutely partying in the back bro
I wonder how often Meena finds herself in cars. Because like there's size, but also we know she just takes the bus everywhere. I don't think her family has a car, they all feel like they utilize public transit instead
Cars that are modified for bigger and smaller animals are probably more expensive and not mass-manufactured either
Not just height but weight limit is also something that needs to be kept in mind. Elephants are like a few thousand pounds.
I think it's just easier to have modified public transit rather than modified individual cars for that kind of load. I bet public transit has way more funding in the Sing universe because of this need too. Because there's also Rhinos, and Hippos, and Giraffes-
I'm getting lost in the sauce again.
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She was AT that door. First one there, bouncing with excitement. Adorable. I wish Clay had speaking lines with her in this AGH
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girl what the fuck are you doing here, your ass was NOT invited ‼️
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The Infection AU would go CRAZY
Somebody needs to make that rightttt now, actually
I'm giving it some thought right now and how with a few tweaks this could be cool. Like I'd definitely make it so there were different phases, like the MLP AUs. And I'd keep the hivemind thing definitely, because I think that adds an extra terrifying aspect to it
Probably make the ooze stuff look more messy, eyes would be leaking the stuff, mouth.
Idk I'm just spitballing LMAO
The dog from under the table is actually terrifying
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Rare sighting of angry Meena
I have a complaint.
Why were they dancing.
For a full minute. With nothing.
No singing. Just instrumental. It dragged on for so insanely long. Like that's my one complaint about this short, is that the pacing is just absolute dogshit after they all get possessed. You can give me a Thriller reprise without making it look super awkward and boring. Why couldn't this have been a cool chase scene instead? Like actually keep up that tension you established?? Because like Crawly and Buster are just STANDING there now, and it's just like-
And then the actual chase is over so fast
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the Borb....... [Buster orb]
I hate the "it was all a dream!" trope but I can't really be mad
I saw it coming from a mile away, and I'm honestly glad because it means that this isn't canon and we don't have to deal with random zombie shenanigans in the actual lore
Or maybe not because Crawly was literally possessed at the end but whatever. Not canon.
My final thoughts are that this was really solid! I feel well fed and very happy to get some new content of the sillies. I will most likely be drawing lots of Thriller stuff because WOW were some of those shots pretty. Overall, critically? C+ short [mostly due to that minute of almost nothing happening]. But my enjoyment level puts the grade at a B+ for me so [B is for Biased].
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stardestiny24 · 11 months ago
The two sides of my personality:
"I am a territorial apex predator fear me"
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formulaborb · 1 year ago
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waytoomanycharacterz · 5 months ago
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(v It's this v)
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years ago
That's so fucking cool omg
If it's not too much to ask can you show your process of translating these? :0 like what cursive shapes line up with which "plain text" shapes?
hey so when pikmin 3 was new and i hyperfixated on it i memorized the koppaite alphabet and used it, now in pikmin 4 some of the pictures on olimar's log feature a cursive version of that alphabet. i'm doing my best to translate it but i cannot figure out entry #69 (nice), anyone here good at this who knows?
note: don't tell me any translations for any other entries, i want to figure out everything i can about this game on my own first. i am asking this for entry 69 only (pictured below)
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deathbirby · 1 year ago
I am genuinely trying so hard to follow along that person's logic... So Rhea thinking of Byleth as their own person is BETTER than thinking they're Sothis is because that "acknowledges" Byleth's existence while the other interpretation doesn't... but in the OG tags this person also says that Rhea "acknowledging Byleth's existence" is ALSO just her seeing Byleth's personality as Sothis' personality poking through the "emotionless husk" that is Byleth in Rhea's view...
So wouldn't that mean that BY THEIR OWN INTERPRETATION Rhea STILL doesn't see Byleth as their own person??? Meaning that by their own logic BOTH interpretations are actually just as bad as the other because they both "don't acknowledge Byleth's existence" as BYLETH's existence??? HELLO???
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the-grubdog · 1 year ago
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Made a silly meme based on something @xx-gaylord666-xx sent :3 original below the cut
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years ago
Pikmin 4: Heritage Theory
Warning for MAJOR Pikmin 4 spoilers, including: various end of day conversations, post-credit events, late game piklopedia and treasure hoard entries, and also the final boss.
As a sort of re-boot of the franchise, Pikmin 4 introduces a lot of new ideas to the series. Among them is the idea that the various alien species in the game are much more closely related than we first realized - and perhaps more connected to PNF-404 than we would have ever thought in the other three games. I wanted to go over the various texts in the game that touch on this idea and talk about them a little because, hoo boy, the IMPLICATIONS. I call it a theory in the title for a lack of better wording but it honestly just feels like a canon fact that's never directly stated. There's just that much evidence, much of which all but outright says what happened.
Apologies if the images are a little low quality, Tumblr crunched them up badly. I provide image descriptions so hopefully that makes up for it.
As this has many end game spoilers (which, final warning for those), I'm going to assume that anyone reading beyond this point knows the basics of the game's story, world, and characters. Thus I won't be explaining every last little thing.
Somewhat early on, Olimar makes the following observation in his Voyage Log:
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[ALT ID: Olimar's Voyage Log, entry 60, "Lost Civilization": Some of the objects I call treasure seem to be more complex than they initially appear. It makes me wonder... who made these? And where are they? I don't sense their presence here at all, but I suppose they could be hiding in the shadows, secretly watching me. END ID]
This vaguely threatening entry does confirm that the characters, or at least Olimar, are aware that there was indeed a civilization on PNF-404 at some point. It should also be noted that the Japanese website includes notes from another character who is also aware of the ancient civilization, though the canonicity of it is debatable. I'll get back to that "they're in the shadows, watching" line in another post, as it presents its own can of worms. For now, what matters is that the characters are aware that this planet was once inhabited and Nintendo is drawing attention towards that.
Where this starts to get weird and interesting is with Olimar's Treasure Hoard entries on the Heroic Shield, Memory Fragment (Center Right), and Buddy Display. I can't show all of their text in just one screenshot and the pikipedia hasn't added every treasure note to the Pikmin 4 treasures as of writing, so I'll only be including the segments most related to this conversation.
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[ALT ID 1: Treasure Hoard, Olimar's Notes, Heroic Shield (segment): That would mean these living beings must have looked something like us... I wonder who they were and what their faces looked like. Could they have been our ancestors who migrated through space to our planet long ago? (the treasure is a pin showing the helmet of a human-style spacesuit) END ID 1]
[ALT ID 2: Treasure Hoard, Olimar's Notes, Memory Fragment (Center Right) (segment): I'm amazed that such a similar species could exist in the far reaches of outer space. I've heard that organic components can travel through space on meteorites and comets. Could there be a connection between my planet and this one? (treasure is of a puzzle piece with part of a dog's face on it) END ID 2]
[ALT ID 3: Treasure Hoard, Olimar's Notes, Buddy Display (segment): I can't find any evidence of them in any of the existing creature databases. But there's something familiar about them. It's almost as if I've met them before... I guess I'll chalk it up to an ancient memory that's been imprinted on my genome. (treasure is a photograph of two earth dogs) END ID 3]
There is so much to unpack here alone. Olimar straight up theorizes that there may be a connection between PNF-404 and Hocotate, even going to far as to propose if maybe the people of PNF-404 (or at least the people who made the Heroic Shield) may be his ancient ancestors. He does also theorize that a meteorite may have carried "organic components", which is technically possible, but I'm not sure how that would occur in a way that carries said components from one non-destroyed planet to another and leading to creatures evolving in eerily similar ways. Honestly, I'll chalk that one up to an early theory of his, a red herring on Nintendo's part, and thus not something to think about too much. Especially sense, in the Buddy Display, he considers his ability to somewhat recognize Earth dogs as an "ancient memory... imprinted on my genome". While I'm not sure of the science behind such a claim, we also have to take this from a story telling perspective - which is that Nintendo is all but screaming "there is a connection here". Not just in relation to the aliens and the planets, but also in relation to the dogs.
Speaking of the dogs, Olimar's notes on the final boss of the game presents yet more evidence to a connection - this time focusing more on the connection between Earth dogs and space dogs.
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[ALT ID 1: Piklopedia, Olimar's notes, Ancient Sirehound (segment): These results would indicate that 99.9 percent of the canine creature's DNA matches Oatchi's, and that the only difference between Oatchi and Moss may be the natural presence or absence of a leaf tail. END ID 1]
[ALT IDs 2 and 3, as one naturally leads into the other: Piklopedia, Olimar's notes, Ancient Sirehound (segment): If these two theories prove to be true, it would suggest the possibility that this ancient creature is a common ancestor to two canine species from vastly remote star systems. And that, perhaps, there are even more hidden secrets out there that could hint at a fascinating yet inconceivable truth the universe has yet to reveal... END IDs 2 AND 3]
I'm not sure what else to say here; the evidence speaks for itself. The Ancient Sirehound and Moss - both from PNF-404 - closely match the genetics of Oatchi, who is from an entirely different part of the universe. For the Sirehound to be genetically related to Oatchi, then members of the Sirehound's species would have had to leave PNF-404 and migrate to other planets. Their care takers - humans - would have had to go with them.
I also find it worth pointing out that the Sirehound's arena is filled with various human items, such as shoes and toys. It's honestly a little haunting to find them so deep in a dark cave, unused by humans for who knows how long. The ruined toys in particular really get to me. We don't know how old the Ancient Sirehound in particular is, but the idea that humans once hid in this cave from something or that their dog brought the items here for comfort is really depressing.
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[ALT IDs: various hard-to-see images of the human items in question, including: pillows, pipes. gardening tools, a fork, adult sized shoes, baby sized shoes, various children's toys, and other objects I couldn't quite make out. All of them are either partly submerged in water or at the very edge of water, leaving them covered in mud. END IDs]
I think by now it's safe to say that, yes, humans left Earth with their dogs at some point in time. Yet there are still MORE pieces of evidence to suggest this idea, this time coming from Shepherd's family history. Because we really needed to be beat over the head with evidence, I suppose. All are presented in numerical order as shown in-game.
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[ALT ID 1: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 1: Thanks to the technology that has come from space exploration, our lives have grown much easier and far safer, and on-planet rescue requests have decreased dramatically. But as migration into space continues to grow, our services continue to be needed. So I'm happy to announce we are extending our rescue services to the frontiers of space! Signed, Paniya Shepherd, 82nd Captain. END ID 1]
[ALT ID 2: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 2: We've done it at last! We have flown to space! Out in this great, limitless expanse, not a sound can be heard. And yet, I can still clearly hear the pounding of my own heartbeat. Space--how it overflows with possibilities! There can be no doubt. This is one giant leap forward for our kind. Signed, Ed Shepherd, 65th Captain. END ID 2]
[ALT ID 3: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 6: The Shepherd family has lived with dogs from the very beginning. We understand that if we love and respect these creatures as we do our own--if we pay attention and observe their behavior closely--then we can break down the walls between our species and truly understand one another. Signed, Kain Shepherd, 16th Captain. END ID 3]
[ALT ID 4: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 7: "Beyond the sky itself there lies a beautiful blue planet." Those words have been passed down from captain to captain, calling to each of us. I can't imagine what sort of place this blue planet might be, but it's said to be home to even more dogs and folks that we have here. One day, I hope to fly beyond the sky...and into space. Signed, Maris Shepherd, 7th Captain. END ID 4]
[ALT ID 5: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 8: Many years have passed since we first began to make this land our new home. Still, we need more time to complete our environmental adaptations. In the meantime, we must survive so that, one day, we can pass down this new history to our children, and pass down the ways we've learned to rescue and protect everyone. One day we will live here in peace. Signed, Mark Shepherd, 2nd Captain. END ID 5]
[ALT ID 6: Rescue Journal, Shepherd Family History, entry 9: The surface! We made it at last! Finally, we can begin making a fresh start here on this planet. Of course, it will take many long months and years before what we've built here will be anything like what we once had. But we won't be alone. Our beloved dogs will be by our side as we walk this long, difficult road. Signed, Aral Shepherd, 1st Captain. END ID 6]
There is so much here, all confirming that ancient Giyans (and Captain Shephard's direct ancestors) 1) migrated to this new planet in search of a "fresh start" and 2) proceeded to migrate to other parts of space many generations latter. It also hints that they know of a "blue planet" - a common nickname for Earth - which is home to more people and dogs. Most certainly, it is the planet they came from - making Giyans human, or at least an evolution of humanity, and perhaps all other alien races in Pikmin 4 (from Hocotations to Koppaites to Ohrians to Conohanins to anyone else from the twenty one named planets (excluding PNF-404) in the series) are also descendent from Giyans. It would explain why they all look so similar in game - though we can safely assume that Hocotations are at least descendent from Giyans based on Olimar's notes. Further more, the leafling cure requires cells from a non-leafified individual who is genetically similar to the individual in question. We're never told how Yonny gets these cells (and, given we're talking about Yonny, I'm too afraid to even ask) but the fact that the medicine works for anyone regardless of what their home planet is suggests that they are, in fact, more or less the same species.
How different the various aliens look from Humans is easily chalked up to evolution. We know minor changes in height could, theoretically, happen within just one or two generations spent on a planet with different gravity than Earth's. It would make sense that this would be exacerbated over many many more generations, especially if the gravity is much stronger. Which, to quote the Pikipedia, "According to Brittany, the gravity on Koppai is roughly ten times stronger than on PNF-404." Given their matching heights, it's probably safe to assume similar applies to the other planets, and thus over the generations the people shrunk. Again, the exact scientific validity of this is questionable, but given the semi-fantastical nature of Pikmin I believe we can suspend our disbelief enough to let this story work. We already have to do that for how the Pikmin as a species function, after all. As for oxygen becoming toxic in the 8th history entry Mark Shephard does state that "we need more time to complete our environmental adaptations". Be these natural or artificially induced (as he is only of the second generation), it is again safe to suspend our disbelief to say that humans just adapted to these new worlds. Besides, Koppaites at the very least retained (or possibly gained back?) the ability to tolerate at least low amounts of oxygen.
The real problems come in the time frame and the loss of history. It's never stated one way or the other if people are aware of their ultimate connections back to Giya, so I won't discuss that, but it is very obvious they have forgotten their connection to Earth/PNF-404. Furthermore, it's made clear that the Giyans lost the ability to travel through space by the 7th generation and only regained it by the 65th. If they had access to space flight, they would certainly have archives of their heritage - and they do indeed seem to have some idea of what it is, given how Earth has become a legend. Yet, the Shephard family history as far back as the migration to Giya was preserved - why not anything else? The inconsistencies and questions make this part of the tale hard for me to ignore, yet we have no answers. This is pure speculation, but if I had to provide an answer I think a solar flare hit Giya and destroyed their technology, making them start over. Perhaps these early Giyain-Humans were so reliant on technology at this point that there were no books or oral traditions to preserve this heritage lost when the tech was destroyed? Though, somehow, the Shephard family would have to be one of if not the exception to this. Again, the previous is pure speculation, but it's the best we can do for the time being.
There's also the question of when and how Earth dogs changed to look like the Sirehound, which would of had to happen before the migration to space given that Oatchi has the same body plan. And then why did Moss's species become so much smaller?
Still, even with all these plot holes, I think it's pretty damn clear that Nintendo intended for our favorite little aliens to be the evolutionary decedents of humans. How and if they'll use this plot point remains to be seen, but it does open up a whole bag of opportunities for the universe of Pikmin. One that, frankly, deserves to be explored.
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years ago
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"Let's take a selfie!"
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months ago
Doodle Borbs
“Fly away my akuma, and evilize him 😈”
(Ignore the fact the I didn’t draw enough pigeons 😔)
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YESSSSS COSMO!!!! I ASKED AND YOU FUCKING DELIEVERED- OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS Not even just a lil concept drawing I got a whole ass doodle board!!!
Cardinal is just Akumatized Tim, this is canon now.- (at this rate im gonna make a semi crack miraculous x batman crossover, but without the character swap- just Marinette screaming justice and decking a guy and Dick having to hoard cheese from Alfred)
Also the bottom two of baby boy Tim in TEARS over his flock, and the lil drawing of him with wisp nd Reggie??? Im in love.
And as promised- Your question awaits :) (feel free to ask over reblog, dm, or ask- and choose wisely my dear <33)
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scp-10000 · 28 days ago
Hermitmon AU Gens 1-3
So I have a dumb au where the Hermits have been transported to the Pokemon world, and each region now has to deal with three Hermits.
Kanto (Tango, False, Jevin)
Tango has adopted every dog Pokemon in his path. You would think he'd only be able to stop at the OG Eeveeloutions, the Growlet line, and maybe even the Snubble and Houndour lines, but it seems if a trainer decided to abandon a dog Pokemon in Kanto, it wouldn't even have to wait a week before Tango adopts it.
The only non dog Pokemon on his team is a massive Igglybuff he nicknamed Impy.
Jevin and False are in a mini competition to see who can get all 8 gym badges faster. Tango is not interested in gym battles, but it is funny to watch them both from the sidelines.
False legally got her Gyradose to level 100 before Misty at the second gym had to behold its power. This thing has stopped other rampaging Gyradose just by showing up in front of them. It's 4 times weakens to electric moves did not matter by the time Ltn. Surge had to behold its glory.
Everything else on her team is reasonably leveled. It's just Gyradose that's that stupid high so stupid soon.
Every time the group runs into a Ditto, False and Tango point to it and say "It's you!" to Jevin. They even managed to peer pressure him into catching a shiny one this way.
Yes there is a Pokemon named Hypno in this region. No, the Hermit Hypno is not in this region. I had to show some restraint.
All of them have this magical ability to just appear out of nowhere and foil Team Rocket plans. Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, once even moved his biggest plan to the border of Kanto and Johto, but that went horribly wrong.
Johto (Pearl, Keralis, Bdubs)
Grass type gang let's go!!
No seriously, Pearl has a Septile, Keralis has a Venisaur, and Bdubs has a Torrterra. They also have one or two other part grass types that they can switch in if they need to on top of the starter and extra grass buddy on the main team.
They're also chasing around a Megania who just likes to steal their fruit, occasionally help them fight Team Rocket, and run away. One of them will get this brat.
Pearl is thrashing all the gym leaders. Bdubs and Keralis just watch as she just wrecks house every time.
Even though she's fierce in battle, she's does not dip into 5am Pearl. No, she saves that for Team Rocket whenever they pop up.
All of them have this magical ability to just appear out of nowhere and foil Team Rocket plans. Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, once even moved his biggest plan to the border of Kanto and Johto, but that went horribly wrong.
This did not work because when Giovanni decided to pull some nonsense at Sinjo ruins, the gang managed to meet up with Tango, False, and Jevin, and they all just made Giovanni regret becoming a crime boss.
However, they accidentally summoned whatever Giovanni was trying to summon and were confronted with that terror.
Hoean (X, Grian, Zed)
X and his Ludicolo have taken over the contest scene. No ribbons are safe. They will all belong to Xisumavoid and his pineapple tank.
No, Giran and his Taillow are not the same creature. No, they are not both small, angy borbs who scream a lot.
No, Grian did not get into a fight with Winnona during their battle over who has the better bird. However if such a fight did occur, Grian would say he won because his Swellow thrashed her Altaria long before it could start stacking dragon dances.
There are rumors of some weirdo in a brown cardigan who occasionally comes out of the desert to get food either by robbing food Teams Aqua or Magma, or by buying food with the money he stole off of Teams Aqua and Magma. X and Grian are both going to ignore this because there is no way this will affect them.
Team Aqua and Team Magma are stupid idiots. No, Groudon does not hold the blue orb, and Kyoger does not hold the red orb. All you have done is wake them both up and piss them off within a second. Unfortunately, Grian and X find a way to make it way worse. They both go off to stop the legendary duo and get them to basically one hp and even manage to land a knock off to get rid of the orbs for good measure...only for Groudon to then grab the red orb and Kyoger to grab the blue orb, causing both of them to go into Primal Reversion, bumping both their Hps and Pps up to max while X and Grian had to deal with wounded and exhausted pokemon.
It all seemed a hell of a lot bleaker until Zedaph showed up riding on Mega Rayquaza and his full team ready to clean house.
Once all that is do, he and Rayquaza just fly off like nothing's happened, pissing Grian off to no end. Once his pokemon were all healed, instead of challenging Juan, Grian went straight to that damned desert to demand an explanation form Zed.
So there's a desert on route 111 that is constantly sand storming. X's helmet keeps all the sand. Grian has the nice Go-Goggles. Zedaph, the guy who's been living in that desert for most of the whole gym plot, has just been bare eyeballing the desert.
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solidaritygaming-fanblog · 30 days ago
I am supposed to be working on my lab report but pathetic borb bri'ish man is running around my head and I must scream
TW: For a bit of angst but also Ranchers fluff because Ranchers my beloved.
Also sorry in advance for writing a full one-shot in your inbox, idk what possessed me :,3
It was a dark and stormy night. Thunder roared up above, clouds had rolled across the sky until the sun had been completely swallowed. A man stood on the edge of a cliff, golden wings torn apart after countless battles both against nature and against himself.
One step.
Just a matter of taking the leap. Closing his eyes, falling into the abyss, like he had done time and time before.
The canary's brush glided through a canvas propped up in front of him. Each stroke shakily landed to form what he could only describe as a representation of the tsunami of emotions raging through his mind.
Two games, out first. Was he just cursed? Would history repeat itself?
No, that couldn't happen, he wouldn't forgive himself. He couldn't drag Tango down with him. They were soulmates after all, bound by fate, or whichever deity had decided to use him as the punchline of this cosmic joke they were all trapped in.
But how long would he be able to stay alive? If the only thing he could do was worry about not being enough, not enough for Tango, with his boundless energy and bright mind that contrasted greatly with the Canary's dullness in all thing technical and constant tiredness. Not enough to protect the Ranch, the home him and Tango had built together.
Not enough for Daisy, the Warden the pair had rescued from the Deep Dark and were now raising as their own. What would happen to her, if both her parents were gone one day?
What if?
One simple question that stole the Canary's sleep hours, one simple question that led him down a rabbit hole of doubt and despair.
One simple question.
"Jimmy?," a raspy voice reached the Canary's ears, it seemed so distant, so far away, and yet it was his lighthouse.
Following the first call, a grumbling sound through the fog. A sudden weight settled on his lap, and his first instinct was to run his hand along her back. Her breathing was slow, he tried to match it.
"Are you okay?," the same voice from before, now tainted with what the Canary assumed was irritation, "I have been calling for you, Jimmy, I've been calling-"
The Canary focused his mind on the feeling beneath his fingers, mossy fur, slightly humid, raising and falling rhythmically and accompanied by a purring tune.
"Jimmy?," next thing the Canary's eye caught was a figure standing between him and his canvas, he closed his eyes shut, "Hey. It's okay, it's fine," Tango grabbed his free hand between his claws.
The Canary took a deep breath, the fog was still too dense. But he could feel himself getting closer to land.
Tango perched himself on a box the Canary had been using to put his supplies on, and a familiar warmth ran through the bird man as his rancher leaned his head on his shoulder.
A golden wing wrapped around the other's back, pulling him even closer, an almost natural reflex. The creature on his lap snuggled closer. He took another deep breath.
And for just a moment, the storm stopped.
There was so many things the Canary wanted to say, he wanted to apologize, he wanted to make up for being so pathetic, he wanted to tell Tango and Daisy how much he owed them. But Tango spoke up before he could get his words in order.
"We will figure it out, okay? We won't leave you behind. Just promise me something, yes?"
One simple question.
"You stay here with us. We will stick together. All three of us."
Just one step.
"We will make it through."
It was not a dark, stormy night. Clouds rolled on, and the rain made way for the sun to shine again.
Even if it was for just a moment, the Canary felt everything would be alright.
We ain't never leaving the Ranch amirite
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hcrpyiia · 10 months ago
Everything the stranger is saying is true. She's still up against another predator and she IS still bird. Cats and birds never did mix well. When she makes her makeshift bandage and approaches, Yumine remains still. Her heart races against her chest, but she makes no attempt to move.
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"I couldn't just walk away," She says. "I couldn't turn a blind eye knowing that someone may have needed help. You handled it well, but you would have been horribly injured in the aftermath." This injury she had on her was nothing. It'd heal on its own, but if the animal was handled by just oneself without any help....well yumine couldn't imagine the AWFUL injury it would've given.
"My name is Yumine. What is your name?"
Nicolette watches the poor display of vigor the other tries to uphold with displeasure, cursing her poor luck. She has neither the restraint nor patience to deal with a situation this dire, and yet her legs make no attempt to exit. How easy it would be to wash both hands of this responsibility, but it seems the hybrid has chosen the worst possible time to grow a conscience.
❝ I'm a predator, ❞ she replies, ❝ perhaps not the largest, but big enough to stand a chance against a creature like that. ❞ Golden eyes remain heavily locked on the other's weary form— Nicolette hopes the pointed stare communicates her judgment. ❝ You're a fool for getting involved. Hunting bird or not, you're still a bird. What did you hope to accomplish other than act as a minor distraction? ❞
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Even as she scolds, Nicolette gets to work ripping a long strip of fabric from the bottom hem of her dress, gathering the makeshift bandages in both hands once she's finished. ❝ You won't make it more than a mile in your pathetic state. I'm going to wrap your wing, but Don't. Move. ❞
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formulaborb · 8 months ago
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