#I have a new crack on my phone cause I fucking smashed it onto my table top
1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year
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Guys I'm literally fucking crying over this❤️😭
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Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You hold the last box of your belongings close to your chest and take a deep breath nervously pressing the button to your new home. Wow, that sounds weird. Sharing a home with the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Your chest tightens. “God, I better not fuck this up” you mumble to yourself as the pent house suite door opens. Noah stands in clear view of the door as it opens. You walk into the apartment. “Y/N'' he yells at the top of his voice. “Where were you? I didn’t see you. I was worried, '' he said all in one breath. He wraps his arms around your leg and takes a deep inhale.
You look at him confused and put the box down. You have to tear him off you so you can kneel down to give him your daily bear hug. As you do, you notice his teary puffy eyes. You look at him puzzled then suddenly, almost like something in you woke up you panic, “Are you okay baby?” you grab him by the arm and turn him around manically looking for a source of pain. He doesn’t answer. You grab his leg and pull his PJ's up to continue looking for some sort of bruise, anything physical that would explain him crying. “He was crying cause he didn’t see you” a voice said walking past you and Noah. You look up at Liam grabbing a piece of fruit from the counter. His face looked disinterested. “He woke up and he didn't see you, he thought you left,” he said, rubbing the apple on his shirt. You lock eyes for a moment as you try to read into his expression. Fuck, he’s just like his dad, so hard to make out what he’s thinking. The sniffles coming from Noah make you break your eye contact. You look at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay Y/N. I’m okay. Please don’t cry. I just thought..” he jumps on you again, this time throwing you both onto the floor. “I’m not leaving Noah” you say, squeezing him tight. You didn’t even notice when your eyes were wet before Noah pushed back on you. He wipes the tears out your eyes. You smile at him softly. A few moments with Noah went on about how he’s so excited about your room and how it’s really close to theirs. Where’s Bakugou? You look around distracted as Noah goes on. “He’s upstairs” Liam says walking towards you with a napkin. He hands it to you and turns on his heel as he takes another bite of his apple. You sit there stunned, holding the soft piece of tissue in your hand. “Did you hear what I said?” Liam says, grabbing your face with both hands and then smashing his face into your neck. “Let’s go find your dad, yeah?” you say as you start to pick Noah up.
Bakugou is on the floor, legs crossed as he’s holding a piece of your unmade bed frame. He has his phone pressed against his ear and shoulder. “I already told you I don’t want to go on another date with her” he growled into the phone. “Well, that’s not my problem. I don’t care what the public thinks about us.” he says a little louder. “Daddy!” Noah says running, throwing himself on his back. “Hey buddy” Bakugou says, ending the call in one swipe of his finger and tossing it on his lap. “What were you talking about?” he says, gripping Bakugou's neck a bit too hard. “You're trying to kill me buddy” Bakugou says, letting out a quick laugh as he releases Noah's hands off his neck. They sit there laughing for a little. I love seeing them like this. It’s so different from how the rest of the world sees him. Bakugou looks at you leaning on the door and cracks a smirk. “Are you gonna come into your new room or what?” he says, turning around to face Noah again. You feel like the wind was knocked out of you when he looks at you even for a second. I’m going to have to live with this man. You got this y/n? You steady yourself and walk over to them. You kneel down on the floor next to Bakugou, “Do you need help? I am pretty helpful with these types of things” you say taking the piece of wood off the floor. “For starters, this was supposed to go in that thing” you say giggling. “Ah fuck” he says rolling his eyes. “HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH” Noah scolds him. You all break out in laughter. You spend the rest of the morning setting up your new bed set. You told bakugou that you could just use the one you had in your old apartment but he insisted on getting you a new one. You can appreciate all the things he does for you, since you’ve almost moved in he’s gotten you the best of the best; everything from fancy towels to new hair products for your hair type.
“We’re off to the park” Noah screams at the top of his lungs towards your bedroom at Bakugou. He wouldn’t be louder if he tried. But then again, look who’s his dad. He usually doesn’t raise his voice around me but when he does, oh boy is that grown man loud. The walk to the near park was one of the best, Liam actually was talking to you about his classmates and how one of them has been giving him problems. You try to come up with a plan of how to deal with it. “If I tell dad, he’s going to make a big deal about it. I already get enough attention as it is.” he explains when you asked why you haven’t told Bakugou. “Well, I’m happy to hear you out. I’m not as hot headed as your dad” you laugh. He cracks a smile as you put an arm around him as you’re walking. After a few moments Noah bust between you both and yells, “are you guys done talking? I want a hug too” he says scrunching up his nose. You hug both of them. Noah pulls you close, puts his hand on the side of his mouth and whispers, “without him please”. This child is going to be the death of me. You pick him up and swing him into your arms. “You’ll have to let me go, we’re here guys” you say as you put him down. They both run off in different directions. You sit there on a bench taking in the warm sun. I can honestly do this everyday. This feels like.. You’re stopped mid thought when your phone starts to vibrate. Oh, the alarm I set for earlier. Well might as well check social media. I haven’t had much time since moving. The first thing you look at is twitter, you follow a few of your friends and some popular celebs.
“Did you hear about Dynamite and his new girlfriend?” you overhear two women say as they walk past you and take a seat on the next bench. What? “Oh my god. They look so good together. I would die to trade places with her”. You sit still for a moment trying to gather your emotions. Who is she? Why didn’t he tell me he was dating someone? I thought. I-I don’t.. You grab your phone quickly, opening it and going to twitter again. You search up, “Dynamite and” and there it is. You stare at your phone for a bit. There she is, a beautiful tall slender blonde woman arm in arm with Bakugou. You sigh in disbelief pushing your back into the bench. Why does this hurt so much? Fuck. Why do I even fucking care? He’s not even.. “Hey, are you okay?” says a deep voice. You turn your head, noticing the very handsome man next to you. “Yeah” you say, taking another breath. “You don’t sound okay” he says looking deep in your eyes. His hair is black as night and his eyes are deep purple, you can honestly get lost trying to figure out how many different shades there are in them. “Yeah, I just got some news.. I wasn’t expecting it” you say shifting your eyes down and moving some hair out of your face. “I bet. Boyfriend?” He says as he watches your face carefully for a reaction. You let out a slight giggle before letting out a breath and bite your lip, “no”. The man and you sit in silence for a minute. Fucking hell. Why do I feel like shit right now? This hot guy is next to me and all I could think about is you wrapped around another woman. Fuck this.. You lay your eyes on the man again. He’s about Bakugou’s age with a very muscular build, he has a couple white stands in his hair, he’s beautiful. “Which one is yours?” you scooch over towards him. “The little one over there” he points at the kid playing with Noah. He stretches his arm to rub the back of his head, you can clearly see him clearly stretching his muscles. You almost laugh out loud. Trying a little too hard buddy. You both make conversation for a while. It doesn’t take long before He’s asking you on a date, you accept of course. Maybe seeing someone else for a couple hours will help me get over this.. whatever this feeling is. After a few more minutes Noah comes over to you all sweaty trying to hug you. “Let's go home” you say with a smile. I feel like shit but I can’t even show it. This kid can read me like a fucking book. Okay, put on a smile y/n.
A few days have passed since you saw the pictures of Bakugou and his “girlfriend’. When you came home that day, you couldn’t even look at him. Why the fuck am I acting like he betrayed me or something. I’m just the nanny. Get a fucking grip y/n. Still, you tried to avoid him as much as possible. When he walked into the room, you would walk out, you ate dinner in your room unless Noah asked you to stay with him and you tried everything in your power not to look at him in his eyes. You were butt fucking hurt to say the least. After a few days you get the courage to talk to him. You take a deep breath before knocking on his office door. “Come in,” he says lazily. He’s sitting in his chair facing his computer typing away. He stops and cocks his head over his shoulder to look at you. You can do this. You need to do this. “Do you need anything?” he says, turning his head back at the computer with his hands still on the keyboard. “I-I I won’t be home Friday night. I don’t know what time I’ll be back” you say almost in a whisper. “Oh” you’ve caught his attention now. He turns off the monitor and swirls in his chair to face you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck “I checked your schedule and I saw you work till about 3. That gives me time to..” you say waving your hand around like a child explaining something. “Yeah, that’s fine” he says, eyeing you up and down. You look nervous, like you have something you’re hiding. “Cool” you say, taking a deep breath as you turn on your heel about to make a run for it. “A date?” he says in a low deep almost bitter tone. I was so close. I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSEEEE “Yeah.” you say turning back around to face his him. “With that guy in the park?” He says looking you up and down almost like he’s looking for a reaction. “Yeah, How did you..” you look at him confused. “When you guys came home Noah told me that you were upset about something while you were in the park and this guy started talking to you,” he said, crossing his arms. Why do I feel like I’m getting fucking scolded. “Yeah, I was pretty upset about something" you look away from him. How can I say: Hey, I was upset that you're dating a blonde supermodel because… well, I don’t know. Also, please sign my check sir without sounding like a total psycho. You quickly snap out of that thought as he stands up and slowly walks over to you. You’re still staring at the floor as he stands in front of you. “Is that why you haven’t said a word to me for days?” he says in a low tone, still arms crossed but this time biting his top lip looking for your eyes. You slowly look up at him. He’s so big and muscular next to you. He’s also wearing your favorite outfit. Those sweats and tank top combo will be the death of me. Your eyes finally meet his. In this moment you’re lost in his eyes, the intensity that’s usually there isn’t. You can’t quite put a finger on what he’s thinking or this unknown expression plastered on his face. It feels foreign but nevertheless it knocks the wind out of you. You feel your heart rate increase. “No” you say after some time staring into his eyes. I don’t believe her. “Okay” he says with a sigh. “Okay” you say back to him looking away. Tears start to form in your eyes as you walk away from the office. You take a moment to catch your breath in the hallway and turn back towards his office. Your body almost moves on it’s own. Maybe I should cancel. I don’t even- I don’t want anyone- Before you can knock on his door again you get a twitter alert. “Bakugou and girlfriend were spotted kissing in the park two days ago” it read. The pictures in the tweet were bad, you can barely even tell if they were kissing or not but It still made your chest ache. Bakugou opened the door to see you squinting at your phone trying to zoom into the picture. “Change your mind?” he said leaning on the door frame. You jump up and step back, you didn't notice how close you guys were. “No.” you say looking him dead in the eye. “Why would I? I am so excited” you say with a broken smile.
Bakugou and you don’t speak for the rest of the day. You are both noticeable in a bad mood.. “What’s wrong with daddy?” Noah says to Liam as Bakugou stomps around the house while you’re hiding in your room. “He’s jealous,” Liam says looking at Noah. “I have a plan, wanna help?” he says, smiling at Noah. Noah gives him the same devilish smile back.
Taglist: @lil-miminini @bqkuho3 @xoxo-teddybear @candybabey @butterflyhallucations @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin @hay-leeeah @speedmetalqueen @yourfavoriteblackfemweeb @bakucumsackslut @shipchild @nanamithecute
I'm so sorry it took so long but If anyone else wants to me on the tag list for the next one lmk :)
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Hi, I would like to request a full length Derek Hale smut if that’s okay. I can’t come up with a exact idea, but along the lines of something fluffy but smutty. Thank you in advance!
pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader // werewolf!reader 
warnings: smut → cute smut!, soft!Derek - what more could you ask for with that man honestly 😍, also just the basic fingering and fucking lmao. not proof read lol 
word count: 1.9k
plot summary: you moved out of town due to a new work opportunity that lasted for 18 months. it was known to almost everyone at beacon hills that you and Derek were an item, and as soon as you come home, you surprise him with a visit. 
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requests for smut night are open💦!
smut night request guidelines are here✨!
smut night masterlist
The plane ride had been slow and exhausting. All you wanted to do was just come home and breathe the bittersweet air of beacon hills; a home to many, especially supernatural beings. You had become quiet accustomed to the supernatural. That’s how you met Derek after all.
Derek was your trainer. he taught you how to survive, how to control the werewolf urges, and how to avoid detection from werewolf hunters. The more  time the two of you spent together, the more the feelings for the other would grow, and finally, after a few years of training with him, you both succumbed to the undeniable love. 
The airport was busy; filled with tired businessman, overjoyed couples finally reuniting, stressed parents trying not to lose their children in the chaos. Luckily you had your headphones on you, so you put back over your ears after getting off the plane. Your fingers stretch out and try to hold everything you’re putting in your arms. Your phone slips through your hand, and you curse while frantically picking it up. Grabbing your luggage bag, you book an uber and breathe out a reliving sigh as you walk outside, glad to get away from the mayhem. 
You hadn’t told Derek you were back. in fact, you hadn’t spoken to him in most a year. Your job was demanding, always wanting everything from you, and although you love what you do, it was exhausting. you simply had no time to talk to family, let alone friends from home, or even go out with colleague on their traditional Friday drinks night. You feel your heart pounding in your chest as the nerves begin to grow. Your fingers fiddle with your phone in your lap while you chew the inside of your cheek. 
The uber finally pulls up in front of Derek’s loft. the driver helps you with your bags, and you thank them politely. Rolling your suitcases up to his door, the nervousness builds even more, causing your palms to sweat. Softly, you knock on the door of his loft. It only took him about a minute to answer the door, and finally, there he is, standing so gorgeously in front of you. His jaw drops as he looks you up and down. 
“hi,” you beam with a wide smile. He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around you so tightly, you thought you’d suffocate. You didn't mind though, in fact, you hugged him just as tight, feeling nothing but safe and sound
“I-you-oh my god,” he babbles, still in shock. “you never told me when you were coming back.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.”
he hugs you again, picking you up and spinning you around. Derek kisses you passionately, instantly humming into the softness of your lips.
“I’m so glad you’re home,” he mumbles against you. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, beta.” beta. a nickname you haven't said in so long. You used to tease Derek by calling him ‘beta’ to remind him he wasn’t your alpha wolf. 
He rolls his eyes, planting yet another kiss on your lips. Your lips move in sync, getting deeper and more passionate with each movement. Derek’s calloused hands slide up your arm, shrugging off your jacket before leaning down to pick you up. You immediately wrap your legs around his waist, pulling at his hair as he holds you against a wall. 
“I’ve not even been here for 5 minutes and you’re already undressing me,” you tease as he removes your shirt and bra. 
“I see you’ve still got your Beacon Hills charm,” he teases right back, lips connecting effortlessly on your neck as he sucks a hickey. 
“And you’ve still got yours.” You drop down, and rid his shirt before dropping it beside you. He helps you unbuckle his belt, watching as you drop it near his shirt. Your lips smash together again, both of you not bothering to pull away as he shuffles out of his jeans. 
Derek turns you around, the coolness of the wall can be felt against your chest and stomach. You shiver and feel his fingertips graze along your back before finally pulling your pants down. Kicking yourself out of them, you turn back around and wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss once again. He pulls away, his hand holding yours as he guides you to his bedroom.
Derek shoves you against the wall, kicking the door to his bedroom shut. He trails kisses down you neck, hands snaking around your back to unclasp your bra. A giggle passes your lips as you slightly push him off you, your hands taking his as you lead him to the bed. He pushes you down gently and crawls up your body, kissing up from your stomach to your collarbones, to both of your exposed breasts, to your neck, and finally, to the soundness of your lips.
Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling at the ends as you both deepen the kiss. Derek pulls away and drags his fingertips up your body, chuckling as he feels the goosebumps grow on your skin from his touch. He shuffles down the bed slightly, lips attaching to your breast while his hand squeezes the other. You moan softly and tug his hair. You almost forgot how sex was like with Derek; he always gave you so much attention that there was no part of your body he hadn't touched or kissed.
Dark marks are scattered all over your chest. Though he knew they would heal quickly, he wanted to see you marked from him; that he was finally yours again and no other man could have you except him. That was one of the things you remembered from what Derek loved doing to you; he loved marking his territory. He leans up and plants a rough kiss on your lips, causing you to whine against him. Just as he detaches from you, you pull him right back down, wanting to kiss him just a little bit longer. Derek chuckles and pulls away, leaning his head against your forehead.
“I’m so glad you’re home,” he whispers, planting a delicate and loving kiss on your forehead. You giggle in response, lifting his chin up to kiss his lips again. Derek shuffles down the bed, trialling kisses all the way down until he reaches your thighs.
Your heart flutters with such awe as you watch Derek kiss your inner thighs; paying attention to the way his lips purse while he kisses you, and to the way he’s so gentle with you despite being so eager and needy for you. Derek grazes a finger up your clothed clit and you gasp at the feeling. Taking the fabric of your underwear between his fingers, Derek gently and slowly pulls it down your legs, throwing it behind him. He watches your reaction intently while he rubs small circles on your clit. Your head fell back into the pillows as you whine, bucking your hips up for more.
“God, I missed this,” you breathe out a breathy moan, hands coming down to his hair and tugging it gently, remembering how much he likes it. Finally, his tongue licks a stripe up your folds, instantly humming at the sweetness of your taste. It had been so long since the two of you had slept together, he almost feels ashamed at how he forget what you tasted like.
He sucks at your clit before swirling his tongue on your clit, eliciting a rather loud moan from you. You buck your hips against his mouth, a sign that he remembered as wanting more. His fingers tease your entrance; toying and circling the area before finally thrusting into you.
“Derek, fuck,” you moan. You walls tighten around his fingers, causing a beautiful grunt to slip from his lips, the vibrations transcending onto your clit so nicely, you whine out for him again. The grip on his hair tightens as he curls his fingers and massages your g-spot. Your body shakes as waves of pleasure shoot throughout your body. You're close. The tightness in the pit of your stomach rises with each lap of his tongue and each flick of his fingers inside you.
“Derek, baby, you’re gonna make me cum,” you moan loudly, grinding your pussy against his face. He mumbles an ‘cum for me’ against your core, which only made your orgasm come faster than you expected. With a loud moan and a string of curses rolling off your tongue, you cum on his fingers. He groans as he feels your walls pulsing, and the pure sound of you moaning just for him makes him even harder and the craving he has for you becomes more intense than ever before.
“fucking hell,” you chuckle, panting from the intense high.
“Was that better than you remembered?” Derek teases, crawling his way back up to you. You giggle and pull him in for a kiss.
“much better.” Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to you. Using one of your legs, you manage to push his boxers down to his knees before he leans down and takes them off himself. You stare into his captivating eyes while you wrap your hand around his cock. He sucks in a breath as he shudders, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of you slowly pumping your hand up and down.
“Angel, I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that,” he groans out, pressing his forehead to yours. Detaching your hand from his cock, you drag your nails up his back. Derek leans over and grabs out a condom from his nightstand before sitting up slightly to roll it on. He kisses you're forehead as he pushes in, both of you sighing out in pleasure. Derek laces his fingers with yours, bringing it to the side of your head as he rocks his hips harder into you. Your moans are so soft and delicate, a smile cracks on his face. His lips trail kisses down to your neck again, hips rocking faster as moans become louder. 
with your free hand, you claw at his back. He lets out a moan and shifts his body to bring your leg around his shoulder. Derek thrusts faster, sitting upon his knees to drive his cock in deeper into you. Your back arches in response to the immense pleasure, body tingling with satisfaction and a dopey smile appears on your face as you moan. 
“fuck, Derek, you’re cock feels so good,” you whimper. He chuckles in response, thrusting harder into you which makes the bed rock against the wall. You grip the sheets to try and ground yourself, feeling overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure your body was undergoing. 
“you gonna cum, baby?” he asks, taking his thumb into his mouth before rubbing faster circles on your clit. 
“mhm,” you whimper, eyes squeezing tighter as the pressure in the pit of your stomach builds and builds. Your body shudders underneath Derek’s as you cum around him; walls pulsing and strings of moans and curses spill from your lips. 
“shit, I-” before Derek could get another word out, his cock twitches inside you and he’s hips still for a moment as he cums inside the condom. 
“oh god,” he moans, rocking slowly into you. He gently pulls out and instantly attacks you with kisses. You giggle in response, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in closer to you. 
“Please don’t ever leave me again,” Derek whispers against your lips. 
“I promise.”
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“And to think I called you a cooking genius.”
 namjoon x reader (oc) genre: fluff; one little suggestive moment word count: 3.1K
 a/n: Hi lovelies! Here’s just a drabble where Joon and Daisy/reader are baking together and neither of them really know what they’re doing (though Daisy is less clueless than Joon). There is no reason for this to be 3,000 words but it is so enjoy lol. Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy! :))
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Holding back a grin, you searched the grocery bags piled on the kitchen counter, peeking inside them quietly as Namjoon stood nearby watching you.
“Did I get everything?” He asked tentatively, your smile breaking through as you looked up at his nervous expression.
“Did you get baking powder?” You asked him, the man’s eyes widening as he looked at the sacks.
“Isn’t it-” he started, making his way to the groceries and pulling out a box. “Right here, right?” He asked, holding up the box making you pout affectionately at him.
“Babe, that’s baking soda,” you broke the news to him, giggling as his eyes widened in surprise. “It’s ok,” you started as he set the box down and prepared to leave to correct his mistake.
“I’ll go get the powder. Powder,” he enunciated to himself as you grabbed his arm, holding him back from leaving the apartment.
“Joon, it’s fine,” you giggled. “I think we have some around here somewhere, we’re good.” Looking you up and down, he silently questioned you. “It’s fine,” you insisted, the man sighing in response.
“Why is cooking so hard?” He asked through a whine that made him sound about ten years younger than he was.
“We’re not cooking, we’re baking,” you chuckled lightly. “And we haven’t even started yet, you big baby.”
“Since when do you bake anyways?” He suddenly turned on you, giving you a playful glare.
“Excuse me, I know how to do some things,” you countered, though the tone of your voice lacked the confidence you were trying to portray, and from the questioningly stare he gave you, you could tell he picked up on your little faith in your abilities. “What? I’ve baked before.”
“When? With your mom when you were five?” He teased, you cocking your head at him in feigned annoyance.
“Yes, actually, and what about it?” You pressed sassily. “So what if I was five, I have a good memory, are you going to question my memory? Did you already forget that you don’t know the difference between baking powder and baking soda? Do we need to revisit that little moment?” You ranted, making a move to grab the box of baking soda, only for the man to chuckle as he grabbed your wrist, halting your motions. However, your restricted movements did nothing to stop your mouth as you continued to playfully scold him. “I may not have a lot of experience with cooking and baking but at least I know the difference between baking-” He cut you off by pushing his lips to yours, you groaning against his mouth though your hands grasped onto his biceps as if you were holding him in place, not wanting him to break contact.
“I’m sorry, you’re right,” he relented, his move away from your lips making you whine quietly. “You’re a cooking genius and I’m an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between baking soda and powder.” He grinned that dimply smile at you, making you have to hide your amusement behind a glare.
“I’m glad you know,” you nodded, Namjoon squeezing his eyes shut as he laughed at your stubbornness. He dropped your wrist, though neither of you moved further, staring at each other. “I wasn’t done kissing you, you know.”
“Oh is that so?” He asked with a cocky smirk, the expression both annoying and ridiculously attractive.
“Mhmm.” Appreciating the fullness of his muscles under your fingertips, you hummed, your eyes drinking in the way they filled the t-shirt sleeves. “These are really nice,” you complimented, Namjoon’s smile spreading as he ducked his head slightly in embarrassment.
A light chuckle left his lips, your gaze slowly meeting his own, a smile growing on your face. With a small nod, his dimples on display for your orbs to feast on, he whispered a small, “thanks.”
“You’re fucking ripped,” you teased, though you genuinely were impressed with the size of his arms. He had been hitting the gym regularly, and it showed.
“Ok that’s enough, let’s just- get to baking,” he told you through his smile, shaking his head as your eyes widened.
“I’m being serious,” you insisted as he brought his face closer to yours to leave a light kiss to your lips.
“Mmm,” he hummed against your lips. “Let’s just make these cupcakes.”
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As you explained what you were doing to Namjoon, cracking an egg into the mixture, you swore you could see the confusion swirling around his head through the dazed look in his eyes.
“I’m gonna have you crack the second egg.” The comment received no response, your lips quirking upwards just slightly. “Joon,” you called out, the man blinking quickly as he looked at you with wide eyes, almost like a deer caught in headlights. “Are you even paying attention?” You giggled, a guilty grin overtaking his features.
“I was trying, you’re just so pretty,” he complimented with a smile, you rolling your eyes with a scoff.
“Break this egg, ok? Just be careful of the sh-”
As soon as you handed him the egg, the man dove right in, in an attempt to prove he was indeed paying attention. Within a second, cutting your words off, he smashed the egg against the side of the bowl. Staring at his hands in disbelief, you watched as the egg yolk somehow slid down the outside of the bowl and plopped against the counter, breaking upon impact.
“Whoops,” he said guiltily, a giggle leaving you as your gaze caught half of the egg shell shattered in the mixture. “Can we start over?” He asked, you throwing your head back with an inhale, just before bursting into laughter.
“We used all of the baking powder in this mixture,” you informed him, Namjoon smiling, still looking as guilty as he was. The man grabbed a spoon quickly, attempting to fish out the pieces of shell, but ultimately shoving them further into the various dry ingredients.
“Joonie,” you whined, dragging his name out. “You’re making it worse.”
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled, dropping the spoon in defeat. “Hang on, let me look up a substitute for baking powder. We will make these cupcakes,” he announced with unfounded confidence.  
Grabbing his phone, you watched in amusement as his focused gaze scanned the device screen as he read over baking powder substitutes. He was really adorable, and he really wasn’t told that enough.
“This says baking powder has baking soda in it so we can use it as a substitute,” he announced, holding the phone up for you to see, the excitement in his orbs making him look youthful. Again, adorable. “We just use a little bit less of the baking soda.”
Looking at him skeptically, you leaned in toward the phone, glancing at the article. With a sigh you shrugged, Namjoon smiling in victory as he locked the phone and tucked it into his pocket.
“I thought since you knew the differences between baking soda and powder you would know the similarities too, Daisy,” he teased, causing you to instantly glare at him. “And to think I called you a cooking genius,” he tsked, a smirk forming on your lips.
“I already told you, this is baking,” you corrected him just as he wrapped an arm around your waist, his hand finding purchase on your lower back. Bringing his lips to your temple, he left a light kiss to the spot, you instinctively leaning into his touch.
“Same difference,” he mumbled against your skin, his warm breath upon your temple making you turn your face toward his.
“It’s really not though, cooking is-” he interrupted you with his lips on yours, and if you weren’t so fond of kissing him, you would have scolded him for cutting your words. Instead, since you were rather keen on his lips, you stepped even closer to him, draping your arms over his shoulders, your fingers instantly toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“You know, you’re getting awfully cocky for someone who just smashed egg shells into the first mixture, Dimples,” you reminded him against his mouth, Namjoon laughing in amusement.
“Ok, point taken,” he agreed, shifting his attention to the ingredients lined up.
“I’ll handle the eggs this time, you just be ready to put those muscles to work when it comes time to mix,” you glanced at his arms, a bashful smile overtaking his features.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Kissing him softly once more, you latched your eyes on his. “You’re adorable, by the way.” Seeing how his cheeks tinted pink as he beamed, surprise evident in his smile and gaze, you buckled down on your compliment. “Really adorable.”
Pulling you into a tight hug to hide his features, he mumbled against your hair, “thank you.” A moment went by before he added, “stop embarrassing me,” both of you giggling at his bashful state.
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Surprisingly, the second go at the batter went surprisingly well. You cracked the eggs, only one piece of shell landing in the bowl which you easily removed, and Namjoon’s biceps did wonders on mixing everything together. As the cupcakes baked, you worked on the frosting, which even that turned out somewhat decent; a little runny, but it would do.
“I would say it’s a success,” you commented as you licked a bit of frosting off your finger. Namjoon looked at you with big eyes before dipping his own finger into the bowl to snag a taste for himself. You watched as he brought his finger to his lips, the sight maybe, just possibly getting you a little too worked up for 2 pm.
He hummed in satisfaction, nodding at you. “It’s good!”
“It’s shocking to me that you don’t understand your effect on people,” you told him seemingly out of thin air, his eyebrows raising as you stared at his lips. He studied you for a moment until he caught on, a smirk curving on his mouth, you groaning.
“Did that do something for you, Daisy?” He teased, you biting your bottom lip to hold back a smile.
“Stop,” you giggled just as Namjoon stepped toward you, securing his arms around your waist as his opposite hand went for the frosting once again. Scooping up a dollop of the sweet mixture, he brought it to your lips.
No words were spoken, your eyes locked on each other’s as you opened your mouth, wrapping your lips around the digit. His jaw tightened as your tongue swirled around his finger, just before you released it with a pop, a smirk forming on your lips, Namjoon mimicking the expression.
His hand quickly moved to hold the side of your face, his mouth landing against yours in an instant, the kiss needy and hungry, messy and passionate. Your backend was soon pressed up against the counter as his hand around your waist slid under the material of your top to grasp at the flesh of your hip. You moaned into his mouth, the man smirking just slightly.
And then the oven beeped. You groaned in frustration, Namjoon breaking the kiss with a chuckle, resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m tempted to ignore them,” he chuckled, you giggling as you shoved him away from you playfully, turning to the oven.
Opening the door, you gasped in surprise, Namjoon’s intrigue piquing as he peered around your frame to look at the cupcakes. “Oh wow,” he breathed out as you set the cupcake tray on top of the oven, both of you staring at them in shock with how nice they turned out.
They looked great, with perfectly rounded tops. Tapping against the top of one, it felt as though it was light and moist.
“We have to let them cool before we can frost them,” you said, Namjoon humming from behind you.
“What if we just frosted one to try it out?” He suggested, you cocking your head as you stared at the cupcakes. Silently agreeing, you reached for the bowl of frosting and started coating one of the cupcakes with it.
Lifting it from the pan, you lowered the cupcake lining which surprisingly pulled from the pastry quite nicely. As you took a bite of the cupcake, Namjoon wrapped his arms around you in a back hug. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he opened his mouth for a taste as you chewed your own bite. Bringing the cupcake to his lips, the man took a bite just as a weird taste settled on your tongue.
“Um,” you said, Namjoon chewing, not yet experiencing the flavor you were. Cringing suddenly, you pulled a face of disgust. “Why does it taste like-” you thought for a moment, trying to place the taste.
The man let out a sound of distaste, you turning to look at him. “Soap,” he decided for you just before darting away from you to the trash can as you frantically searched for a place to spit it out. Within another second, Namjoon was hauling the bin to you for you to get rid of the rank pastry.
“Where did we go wrong?” He complained as you grabbed your water bottle, washing down the taste.
“I bet it was the baking soda,” you settled, handing Namjoon the bottle.
“It wasn’t the baking soda,” he insisted just before gulping down half the water.
Shooting him a knowing look, you cocked your head. “Let me see that article,” you insisted, a small smirk on your lips as he handed over his phone, allowing you to unlock it and read through the article he had found that outlined the differences and similarities between baking soda and powder.
Coming up behind you again to read over the article with you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, once again positioning his chin on your shoulder.
You scanned the article quickly, seeing where Namjoon read that the two substances could be used as substitutes for each other. However, not without other adjustments you realized as you continued reading.
“Too much baking soda will leave a metallic-soapy taste in the baked good,” you read from the article, Namjoon’s lips finding your shoulder as he left a sweet kiss, trying to distract you from his mistake. “Namjoon!”
“What?” He played dumb, you scoffing in response. His mouth settled against your cheek, leaving random small pecks to the plushness.
“The soda is stronger than the powder so you’re supposed to up the acid to balance it out. Therefore, it’s because of the baking soda,” you complained, lightly nudging him in the abdomen with your elbow.
“Ouch,” he teased, smiling against your cheek before kissing the spot a few more times quickly. “Ok, so this is all my fault,” he admitted, both of you laughing in amusement.
“At least they look somewhat cute,” you bargained, cocking your head at the, well, presentable cupcakes.
“Maybe we should take cooking lessons,” he suggested.
Resting your head back against his shoulder, you looked at his face, appreciating the beauty of his features. “For the last time, this is baking,” you reminded him with a smirk, Namjoon playfully rolling his eyes. “And maybe we should,” you giggled.
“I could look some classes up,” he told you, leaning toward you to leave a kiss to your nose.
“That chef will never know what hit them,” you smiled, Namjoon lightly chuckling as he softly kissed your lips. “I kind of want to tell your fans about this,” you mumbled against his mouth.  
“Don’t you dare,” he glared at you, though the amusement circling his gaze told you he wasn’t really that upset by the idea.
“But I want to,” you continued, the man suddenly spinning you around and wrapping you up in his arms.
“You better not,” he mumbled against your neck just before his fingers found your waist, tickling the sides, causing you to squeal and squirm in his grip.
“Joon,” you complained through your laughter, Namjoon relenting as he hugged you to his broad frame, pressing kisses to the side of your forehead and against your hair. “I just think they should know their leader doesn’t know the difference between baking soda and powder,” you continued teasing him, the man groaning as he looked at your face, appreciating the smile you wore in utter fondness for the man.
“They already know I can’t cook,” he chuckled, you giggling along with him.
“This is baking though,” you reminded him, once again, Namjoon sighing as he wrapped his arms around your head, kissing your forehead.
“I’m sure they know I can’t do that either,” he chuckled against your skin, you laughing fondly as you squeezed your arms around his waist.
“Actually, you know what,” you started, Namjoon locking his eyes on yours. “They look somewhat decent, you could post a photo and pretend they tasted amazing,” you suggested, Namjoon’s eyes widening as if you really came up with something great there.
“Hang on, that’s so smart,” he beamed. “You really are a genius.” The compliment was soon followed by a big smooch against your mouth just before he released you from his hold and grabbed the frosting.
And as he frosted the cupcakes, taking a photo of the finished product to post later, you couldn’t help but watch him, absolutely smitten with the man. He was unbelievably adorable, and you made a note right then and there to remind him of that often.
When he turned to look at you with a wide beam, you shook your head at him. “Adorable,” you told him, the man chuckling as he pulled into yet another hug.
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Later that night, as Namjoon checked the notifications on his photo that he proudly captioned “I can bake now”, a smile curved on his lips at the comment made by one of his fellow bandmates.
“I heard they tasted like soap,” the comment noted, Namjoon looking to the bathroom where you were getting ready for bed. Hurrying to find you, he appeared in the doorway, you shooting him a wide-eyed look in the mirror.
“Daisy,” he whined childishly; adorably.
“What?” You asked, holding back a fond and knowing smile as to not disturb the face mask covering your features.
Holding up his phone at you, he huffed. “Who did you tell about the cupcakes? Was it Jungkook?”
Tossing your head back in laughter, saying fuck it to the face mask, Namjoon shook his head, an amused grin spread across his face.
“It was actually Jin,” you giggled, Namjoon stepping toward you as he chuckled.
“You’re so mean to me,” he complained, wrapping his arms around you and leaving a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’m keeping you honest and humble,” you insisted teasingly, smiling adoringly at your boyfriend as he leaned forward, catching your lips in a sweet kiss, a bit of the mask transferring to his face. “You’re so adorable,” you told him again, wiping the mask residue from his chin and cheek. 
He flashed you a stunning grin, his dimples on display for you, and in that moment, just like all moments, he was everything that mattered. Bad baking skills and all.
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sicparvismorrigan · 3 years
Big Fun
Sam helps you feel better after you lose your temper.
Uncharted/Sam Drake/Post-U4
Viewpoint: 1st person gender-neutral reader
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: ~2.6k [complete]
Okay, outing myself a little here in the hopes that it’ll be a comfort to at least one other person. This happens…more often than I would like. I’m working on it.
This came about because of a discussion with @writingawaymylife thanks Aerin!
Read on Ao3
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, are you shitting me!”
You finally lose what little patience you had left and punch the wall. Underneath the cheap wallpaper it’s solid concrete and you instantly regret your feral outburst. There’s a millisecond of nothing before the pain comes rushing in, and then you’re bent double, clutching the wrist of your injured hand with the other and groaning.
You try and flex your fingers to check if they’re broken, but you can’t really tell. It’s too late. Your hand is numb within the minute. Shit, that’s really going to hurt in the morning.
You’re clumsy anyway, it’s the way it’s always been and the way it always will be. You know what you need to do, how you need to move, but your body won’t respond how you want it to. You’re always dropping plates and glasses, smashing them to bits. Usually when you’re already running late, and then you have to waste more time by scurrying around looking for a dustpan to get rid of the evidence.
You’re forever bumping into things, stubbing your toes and taking layers of skin off your shoulders and shins when you walk straight into doorframes. When you try and pour things you spill them more often than not. Yet more mess to clean up, yet more time wasted.
Your fingers just won’t work sometimes, often so badly it takes you multiple attempts to tie your shoes. And when it’s cold you’re practically useless. You just give up and tuck the laces into the shoes, feeling them rub through your socks, promising yourself to fix them once you’re back in the warm, everything will work out as long as you don’t trip over your own feet before you get there.
It’s the most frustrating thing in the world. Normally you can shrug it off, you’re used to it by now. But things had been going wrong all day, even without your clumsiness, and matters just came to a head.
You remember exactly what caused you to erupt into expletives and punch the wall. It had already been a frustrating day, work was a pain in the ass, as usual. All of the most awkward customers in the world had decided to descend upon you right before your break. By the time you got home you were in a pretty foul mood. Too wound up to relax, you decided to take a load of laundry downstairs to put in the washer.
You attempted to, anyway. After trying and failing 3 times to pick up the same damn sock from the floor of your room that your fingers just would not grasp, you’d given up and kicked it away under the bed in anger. Oh sure, couldn’t pick it up but you managed to land a furious kick the first time around.
Though you were trying your best to manoeuvre around the doorframe with the pile of clothes you still bumped off it with your shoulder, muttering ouch as the latch scraped your arm. Then you overcompensated by moving too much in the other direction and stubbed your toe on the corner of the door. Instant pain that made you see red.
The pile of clothes in your arms were promptly thrown on the floor in a fit of rage. That was when you punched the wall. And now you’re a sorry state, fingers throbbing and face red, trying not to scream.
Oh shit, you hear Sam moving around in his room down the hall. There’s no way he didn’t hear you. Well, this is embarrassing. There isn’t time to pick everything up and hightail it down the stairs before he catches you, not with your mangled claw out of action.
You hear his door creak open. You slowly turn around and stare guiltily at your roommate as he pokes his head around the doorframe.
“I heard…” He takes in the sight of the pile of laundry scattered on the floor and you holding up your tingling hand, still hopping from foot to foot. “Jeez, again?”
Sam is your friend Elena’s brother-in-law, or something like that. You aren’t clear on how exactly they’re related, but you knew her from college, long before she got married. She heard you were looking for a new roommate a few months back, and she got in touch, telling you she knew just the person.
You baulked initially when you got a phone call from her after sparse contact over the last few years. You were actually enjoying living by yourself again, though money was a bit tighter. Your last roommate was pleasant enough at first, however they soon turned out to be a nightmare, it was a relief to get rid of them. But you liked Elena a lot, and you did owe her one or two favours. For some reason she thought you and Sam would hit it off.
And much to your surprise, you did. You were a bit nervous of him to begin with, but Sam turned out to be so laid back he was almost horizontal. The perfect foil to your occasionally manic energy. Living with him was easy, there weren’t any awkward silences. If you were in the same room but didn’t feel like talking, he was fine with it.
Your apartment was pretty basic but he seemed happy there with you. He even made you dinner sometimes when you’d had a tough day and you’d just come in and flop face down on the sofa. Sam would wordlessly stand up and then half an hour later come back through to get you with the same phrase every time. “You gonna eat something, or what?”
Elena had reassured you he probably wouldn’t even be there a lot of the time. He just needed somewhere to touch base every few weeks, she turned out to be correct.
You didn’t even really know what Sam did. He didn’t appear to have a job, he was almost always home during the day and seemed to spend a lot of time on your Playstation (“our Playstation” according to Sam). But he came up with his half of the rent every month and then disappeared again for a few weeks. You didn’t ask, not your business. You’d started to find the house too quiet and empty when he wasn’t there and you were always waiting to hear the keys in the lock and his joking “Honey, I’m home!” whenever he came back.
After moving in it didn’t take him long to pick up on your quirks, or notice that you were more accident-prone than the average person. It had led to the only argument you’d ever had with him.
One time while making dinner you’d dropped a plate and cursed yourself as it cracked in half on the tiled floor. You’d stared daggers at him, daring him to say a word about it. You totally weren’t expecting what he did next.
He’d just looked at you dead in the eyes as he pushed another plate off the counter. Exactly like a cat would.
You blew up at him. “What in the hell did you do that for? Now there’s twice as many sharp bits to clear up!”
“It’s just a plate.” He had shrugged, leaning back on the counter.
“What’s your damn point?”
“That it really doesn’t matter, and that I don’t care that we’ve had to replace pretty much everything in this kitchen since I moved in.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Not everything. You owe me a plate now.”
“You know, maybe we should invest in plastic ones.”
“We are adults Sam! And it’s not good for the environment.”
“And the current… situation is not good for your bank account!”
“Just because you’re used to plastic cutlery.” Kind of a cheap shot, but you’re still mad. You’d gathered he’d done jail time, but you didn’t dare ask what for, or how long. You caught him saying weird things sometimes and eventually realised it was because his concept of time was a little warped. He kept referring to the 90’s like it was only last week, instead of nearly 20 years ago.
Sam just laughed at your plastic cutlery comment, not at all offended. “Yeah, and I like living here so much I’m willing to do that if it means you’ll stop beating yourself up.”
“I’ll think about it.” You grumbled. But you got some plastic cups and plates on your way home from work the next day. Sam was right, it was a lot better, though it made you feel like a kid again.
As you’d gotten more comfortable with Sam you’d given up trying to hide the fact you were a walking health hazard and didn’t stifle your curses anymore.
At first he seemed amused by your clumsiness, he even laughed the first few times you did something stupid. But he quickly realised how upsetting your lack of control over your own limbs was for you, because it happened so damn often. He stopped making fun as soon as he noticed you couldn’t laugh it off with him. It wasn’t a joke to you. From then on he’d been surprisingly nice, he always attempted to make you feel better when it got too much.
Even so, right now as you were having a stand-off with him in the hallway, you gritted your teeth and tried to keep your voice even. Stay calm, he’s just concerned. “Yes, again.”
“What did it ever do to you? Y’know, standing there, being all wall-like…stopping our house from collapsing?”
“I lost my temper again. Punched the damn thing.”
He shook his head. “I’ve told you, you’ve got to look after those hands.”
“But they’re so fuc-“ You stop and sigh when he raises an eyebrow. Calm. “Flipping useless. I’m useless.”
“Not true.” Sam steps out of his room and walks in your direction. On the way he kicks a rogue sock back onto the main pile of mess on the floor. “Take that, you scoundrel.”
“I just wish my brain worked normally.”
“Your brain is fine. Your music taste on the other hand.” Sam moved his hand up and down in an ‘ehhhhhh’ motion and shook his head. “No no.”
He’s kidding, of course he is. Damn his sense of humour. But you don’t feel like smiling just yet. It still fucking hurts. “I think I broke something this time.” You really thumped the wall. You wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve actually done damage.
“You want me to check?”
You hold out your hand for him and he carefully wiggles and stretches your fingers one by one, watching your face for any reaction. You wince once he gets to your thumb. Oh, that one hurts the worst.
“No, thumb on the inside? For real?” Sam looked at you in disbelief.
“Apparently so.”
“That’ll learn you. That’s like rule number one of punching anything.”
You sigh. “Anything broken?”
“No, we’re all good. But keep your thumb on the outside next time or you really will break it.”
“Surprisingly, I wasn’t really focusing on technique that much. Oh hey, you should check this one again.” You hold your middle finger aloft.
“Very funny.” But he smirks at you, knowing he’s helping you feel better.
“Come on, you do that one to me all the time.”
“Learning from the best, what can I say? Oh, shit…” Sam’s staring past you.
“What, what’s wrong?” You glance back in the direction he’s looking.
Sam moves to the wall, right where you just punched and looks at you in faux-panic. “I need a medic!”
“Really?” You watch in amazement as he starts to do something to the wall which looks an awful lot like the chest compressions from CPR. Wow, he’s very committed to this bit.
“We’re losing them!”
“Sam, there’s barely a scuff on the wallpaper. I definitely came off worse.”
“I need a crash cart stat!” He yells at nobody in particular.
“Jesus Christ. You’ve been watching too many daytime medical dramas.” You just shake your head, but the corners of your mouth are threatening to twitch upwards.
“Have not…Beeeeeeeeeep! Aw, we lost them. RIP.” He finally steps away from the wall and shrugs. “I tried.”
“You’re such a goofball.” At least you’re smiling now.
“Hey, it worked didn’t it? Frown upside down.” He squeezes your shoulder. “You really did a number on that wall though, huh? I heard it all the way down there. Hell, I felt it. Made the stuff on the shelves rattle.”
“Yeah, I’ve had a bad day. A really bad day. People are assholes.” You glance down at the pile of laundry still littering the floor. “I should pick this up.”
“Do you have to right now?”
“Well, yeah…I was on the way downstairs to wash it.”
“I’m not sure the structural integrity of our house could take it if you had another…incident on the way to the washer. That wall’s concrete but you’re gonna end up going clean through one of the others. Then you’ll lose our security deposit.”
“My security deposit.”
“Right, right, right. That doesn’t mean you can punch holes wherever you like.”
“You could fix it though if I did?”
“Yeah, I guess. Y’know, I’ve never really asked you about it before, but talk me through it, what goes on in your head right before you flip out?”
“I don’t know, I just…see red and it happens before I can stop it.”
“Uh-huh.” He’s nodding. Bizarrely, he doesn’t look too freaked out to you admitting you pretty much go into berserker mode over minor inconveniences. “I know you can’t do anything about having 2 left feet, but you can do something about letting it get to you.”
“What, count to 10 or something?” You ask, mocking. Like you haven’t heard that one before.
“Yeah, seriously.” You get the impression he’s talking from experience. “It works, don’t question it.”
Screw it, he’s being really nice. At least he understands it’s not because you’re an idiot, it’s because your brain isn’t wired like most peoples. And he was right about the plastic plates. “Alright. I’ll try.”
“And you come tell me if this thing pisses you off again, I’ll deal with it.” Sam shakes his fist at the wall. He really is an idiot sometimes. But he does make you laugh. He’s your idiot.
“Gotcha.” You give him a thumbs-up with both hands, wincing again, the movement hurts.
He gives you a sly look. “How about you flex those fingers, and we play a game awhile. Crash Bandicoot maybe?”
“Again? I’ve got loads to do….” You fidget anxiously. you know what he’s up to though. Trying to get you to chill out.
“Just for a little bit. Scared I’ll beat ya?”
“Pffft, not even close, but I’m at a disadvantage this time.” There’s still no way he can win.
“I resent that, I’m getting pretty good.”
“You just mash the buttons.” It’s a fact and he knows it.
“C’mon, c’mon. I gotta at least beat your high score before I have to leave again.”
“Okay, okay, fine. I’m in. Let’s go!” You nod in the direction of the stairs.
“Loser deals with that later on.” He points at the abandoned pile of laundry on the floor.
“Deal, don’t go easy on me.” You step around it and follow him to the sitting room. Even with a crippled hand you’re pretty sure you can thrash him. “Elena and I used to play this in college, wonder if she still has it…”
Thank you for reading!
Yeah…I am not just clumsy, I am more like ‘danger to myself and others’ levels of uncoordinated. But I can’t be the only one! Don’t worry, Sam’s got your back ;) Also the title is the song Big Fun from Heathers the Musical because once again it has invaded my life. The whole soundtrack has been on a loop for days now. I LOVE IT. Punch the wall and start a fight!
- Sam Drake and Elena Fisher belong to Naughty Dog/the Uncharted creative team and I (sadly) take no ownership of them.
- This work is not for profit though it belongs to me and I must be credited when copying or reposting elsewhere
- As mentioned before reader is intended to be gender-neutral so please interpret this fic however you like. This is my first x Reader fic published and first g/n reader viewpoint I’ve attempted so I hope I did okay. I myself identify as mostly female so that’s what I normally write because it’s easier for me to connect with. But this was fun.
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matchamorphosis · 4 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒸𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓀
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𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓎 | after an anxiety episode, you and ari make cookies together.
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 | steamy angsty fluff!
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 | daddy!ari levinson × black//woc!reader
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 | 4.3K
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 | 18+ ddlg! ♡ anxiety attack ♡ some sexual themes ♡ degradation ♡ dick jokes ♡ hints to smut but nothing else! ♡ this is all 100% concentrated fluff
𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈 | love language by ariana grande ♡ tuxedo junction by glenn miller  ♡
𝓌. 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 | okay so i tried okay i tried to make it as fluffy as i can but i just couldn’t help to not lace my own school circumstances into this while writing :( i can’t believe I got this out in just a day but i hope y’all enjoy this cherubs!!! ♡ do not repost or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or plagiarize my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡
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 ♡ the sight of the tiny blue ‘submit’ button at the bottom of the screen increased the swirling thoughts as your eyes turned to the ticking clock at the bottom right of the computer screen.
 ♡ you don’t take a second to breathe but anxiously bite the flesh of your lower lip, this week long project was coming to a crashing deadline as it was due in just a minute from now.
 ♡ how have you gotten yourself in this distressful circumstance?
 ♡ well typical clumsy you blacked out in a power nap for the past hours when you thought you submitted the assignment while waiting for your friend to do the touch ups of her portion of the assignment worth one-third of your semester grade.
 ♡ waking up from the long nap felt like cloudy heaven, mind finally relaxed accompanied with the delicious looseness of your energized limbs as you stretched them.
 ♡ of course the rosy moment was quickly diminished when you reached for your phone at your side table, hoping to catch up on any recent news you missed out from your nap.
 ♡ and you had as you skimmed through each and every exhilarating and restless text from your friend who apparently got a message from both your professor that the assignment wasn’t turned in.
 ♡ your mind raced as you quickly opened your laptop, tracing through your emails you eye the message from your professor that was outlined in red.
 ♡ the simple sentence of: this assignment affects your semester grade, turn it in before the deadline.
 ♡ had your widening eyes taking the email in, your mind flashed through the memory when you strictly remembered that you clicked the submit button.
 ♡ you know you did, you fucking know it but here you are anxiously rushing to submit it again.
 ♡ but at this point it doesn’t matter because you are now seconds away from turning it in before the whole portion of the google classroom submission turns grey.
 ♡ gathering the link to the word document that held your assignment the beating in your chest was beginning to level once your hand dragged the mouse pad cursor to the little blue button.
 ♡ rechecking the links you don’t dare take an inhale until your painted cherry red index finger clicks down hard on the submit button, eyes widening and heart pounding when the little loading circle appears.
 ♡ “c’mon!” your hushed whisper stresses, your hands forming into tight fists that rest onto the warm plushness of your thighs your skirt didn’t cover.
 ♡ uneasy eyes flash to the clock onto your macbook and notice the white font against the black outline displaying 11:59, you let out a closed lip whine when the loading whirlpool doesn’t go away and the bold purple words of ‘submitted!’ don’t appear on your screen.
 ♡ however, with whatever saving grace and golden strand of luck that was fortunately bestowed on you, that easing message appeared seconds away from the striking hour of midnight.
 ♡ letting out a relieved sigh your head falls back as you closed and rubbed your eyes, your cold fingertips attempting to cool your racing head you move them away from your face when your phone tings.
 ♡ grabbing your phone that was thrown in your blitzing uneasiness minutes ago the sight of your friends name appears on your lockscreen, under it holds their message.
 ♡ please [y/n] tell me you turned it in.
 ♡ you unlock your phone and message them back, informing them that you have turned it in which you received the same relieved feedback that coursed through your mind a minute ago.
 ♡ closing off the conversation with a comment of speaking to them tomorrow you shut off your phone and closed your macbook, setting them both on their individual chargers before walking out of your room.
 ♡ you can hear the light jazz of glenn millers ‘tuxedo junction’ fuzz through the halls, the pinkness of your socks that cover your feet guide you to where the music gets stronger and stronger.
 ♡ ari’s office door is slightly cracked, the music bustling inside it flowing out into the hallway you step closer and peek your eye through the crack.
 ♡ there you see your lover, sitting at his polished desk, a cigarette in hand he puffs it as his spectacle eyes glance down at the papers that lie in front of him, an ink pen in his other grasp writes down what he needs to.
 ♡ glancing down you notice his feet tapping against the carpet to the suave rhythm of the jazz blasting on a small speaker at the corner near his numerous chestnut bookshelves and flourishing green potted plants.
 ♡ taking a deep inhale of the cigar the white smoke that slips through his lips looks like a soft cotton cloud, your heart jumps to an opportunity when his hand that holds his pen stops writing.
 ♡ his eyes skimming through his papers as his fingers adjust the glasses on the bridge of his nose, setting down his burning thick cigar on the ashtray near him as well.
 ♡ fingers framing the sides of his bearded cheeks, your lover reads his written work with a careful eye, foot continuing to tap as the beat enters into its main rowdy trumpet chorus.
 ♡ pink tongue gliding against his rosy lips, his eyes shine and with that he takes the papers in both his hands and evens them out, grabbing the stapler that’s set near his neatly arranged pens he clicks the thick papers together.
 ♡ grabbing a navy blue folder he sets the papers in it and opens one of his desk drawers before setting his paperwork amongst his other files, shutting it closed his fingers grab his cigar that is still burning.
 ♡ taking it back between his lips your eyes don’t leave them, you never wanted to be that cigar so badly, your heart skips a beat when ari’s yes set against yours, a smirk peeking his tobacco smoked lips you let out a hushed ‘eep’ and back away from the door.
 ♡ you hear ari’s deep chuckle from in his office, causing your face to heat up and limbs to go stiff in embarrassment, peeking your face again through the doors crack your eyes set back on ari’s amused smirk and you gasp and move your head away.
 ♡ ari let out a airy laugh, oh he was enjoying your flustered state, he always found it so cute when he caught you staring at him.
 ♡ “come in princess,” he spoke.
 ♡ smirk still plastered on his lips he exhales another white smoky cloud before putting out the thick cigar, not wanting you to inhale any of the fumes.
 ♡ hears the door open, eyeing your shy figure walking to him growing confident with each step.
 ♡ your hips, legs and shoulders dance along the jazzy miller piece, making his smirk widen as you sway and swing your body to emphasize your pronounced curves that hide in your thick collared sweater and tennis skirt.
 ♡ he can’t snatch his eyes away from your soft thighs that aren’t properly covered from that ridiculously short skirt, his eyes darken when he sees your fingers unbuttoning the buttons of the top portion of the designer sweatshirt.
 ♡ your hands do a sinister job at gliding up your curves slowly, teasingly rising the hem of your flowy skirt before gripping the bottom of your unbuttoned canary yellow sweatshirt.
 ♡ pulling it off your bodice and over your head you throw it behind you to reveal the crop top that tightly wraps your chest, displaying your plump cleavage ari’s darken eyes latch upon.
 ♡ “hi daddy,” you speak through your glossed lips and batting lashes, stepping around to stand besides his figure sitting in his leather swivel chair.
 ♡ those honeyed words are spoken in an almost purr, your eyes skimming his face and to the objects that cover his desk your curious fingertips and cherry painted acrylics graze and clack against.
 ♡ the image of his dark eyes sparkle when they meet yours, they glimmer in adoration as one of his large warm hands rise to cup your cheek.
 ♡ “hello princess,” the deepness of his words has your chest fluttering and the heat of your core radiating sensually, your eyes leave his and your lips press against each other abashed.
 ♡ his smirk turns into a soft smile, how can his little pearl be so bold yet shy at the same time?
 ♡ whatever it is about you he savors and cherishes, his hand that cups your chin is removed to pat down on his trouser thigh but maybe he thinks otherwise on the known signal that you're a bit to latched on the mood and want him to take over whatever thick sexual tension he started.
 ♡ however he’s surprised as his little shy pearl wraps her arms around his neck, pedicured fingers lacing in his shoulder length hair as soft legs smoothly straddle his lap, it made it all easier that they were parted slightly as you settled your bum against his calves.
 ♡ took him by another surprise as you smashed your bubblegum glossed lips against his, rubbing your chest against his as your tongue slipped into his mouth.
 ♡ you usually don’t kiss him like this after he had a cigar but ari isn’t complaining as he swirls his tongue with yours, his large hands travel down to cup your bum to find a nice surprise which results in his pants tightening more against his thick bulge.
 ♡ your shameless skirt doesn’t even cover your ass properly, the fringed designer cloths trimming curtains the curve of your ass but leaves the plump dips of your under cheeks uncovered for his rough palms to smooth and grope.
 ♡ you moan against his lips but that soft moans turns into a pitched whine as he releases his lips from your erotic mouth, in result he lightly slaps your ass before groping the flesh.
 ♡ “how was your nap sleeping beauty?” ari’s voice low and raspy at the cause of your kiss, you sigh and bow your head at remembering the thought.
 ♡ “it was nice daddy but it turned a little rotten after,” your pout causes his brows to scrunch.
 ♡ “why’s that princess?” his hands smooth and pat your hair still slightly untamed from your nap, your hands that grip his expansive button up smooth the material down.
 ♡ “because I had to rush to turn in an assignment I thought I turned in, it was so stressful finding out from my friend who thankfully reminded me of so,” you mutter, your mood becoming spoiled when remembering school.
 ♡ nowadays you barely enjoyed your time with your daddy without worrying about any uncompleted assignments or the thought of your grades dropping or being fully invested in studying.
 ♡ school was a killjoy, it was killing your special time with your daddy and even though you still turned in that project your mind still was filled with anxiety and stress.
 ♡ “have you turned in your assignment doll?” ari spoke and you nodded your head, calming a bit as his hand rubs your back up and down, the sensation almost therapeutic. “then what is my princess worrying about?”
 ♡ your pout signifies it all, you don’t know what your stressing about, maybe you forgot another assignment that needed to be turned in, maybe you forgot to study for a test that was nearing soon, maybe you missed a virtual class during your nap.
 ♡ your eyes water and your bottom lip trembles, the grip you have on his button up tightens with your fear-riddled scrunch, your breathing stuttering which has ari sitting up to grab your face in his hands.
 ♡ “hey, hey. baby calm down-,” but your breathing still stutters as your face scrunches and streams in your aggressive tameless tears.
 ♡ “baby, sweetheart look at me!” his voice snaps to your attention as your red eyes meet soothing aqua pools, hands gripping his shoulders and teary eyes locked in need to keep him close but he seems like an ocean away.
 ♡ “count with me baby, like we practiced before. inhale-” he says, inhaling a breath and your stuttering lungs are quick to inhale a breath along with him, your mind however races still. “exhale,” he whispers and lets out a breath and you do so.
 ♡ “one,” you two continued this breathing session till your tears stopped and your pacing chest settled calmly against his, the only sound being the soft trumpet of another jazz song playing and your soft sniffs.
 ♡ his arms cage you in a warm secure hug, hands rubbing soothing circles against your back as your open hands rest against his chest, he had you drink a glass of water with a tylenol tablet to ease you.
 ♡ yet your silence is a major tell to ari that your mind is still scrambling despite feeling your stable heartbeat against his, he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
 ♡  “[y/n]? princess?” ari softly speaks, your eyes slightly sting from your vicarious crying and your head aches from the episode that happened a while ago, cheeks slightly damped, you raise your hands to wipe them dry.
 ♡ pulling your head away from his collar bones you sit up to meet his reassured glance to yours, “i’m sorry daddy,” you spoke, it was almost drenched in seeking forgiveness but ari shove his head while cupping your face in his hands again pulling your face to his.
 ♡  “no sweetheart don’t apologize, it’s all alright. something like this shouldn’t need an apology, you aren’t at any fault because you’ve done nothing wrong but let out your emotions.” your eyes watered with his comforting words.
 ♡ “it’s not the things that are stressing you that are bothering you, it’s just the thought. it’s just your thoughts, just and only your thoughts but you got through that so well princess. i’m so proud of you.” ari’s thumbs swiped away at each of your tears, your lips slowly curling up in a small smile at his praise.
 ♡ sitting up on your knees you rested your forehead against his, nose bumping against his you giggled as our daddy’s eyes squinted at the impact before letting out a soft chuckle,
 ♡  your eyes glimmering as they twined to ari’s cooling blue hues through his frameless thin glasses, your hands rise up to caress his bearded cheeks, his finely soft hairs tenderly scratch your fingers and palms while his rub your bare lower back.
 ♡ an equally tender smile radiates off both of you before he pecks your lips to his.
 ♡ “tell me princess, tell daddy what you want. anything you want you’re getting,” his words string together a thoughtful expression compressed on your pretty facial features, your stomach interrupts you both as it loudly growls.
 ♡ “clever princess, you didn’t have to tell daddy when he could hear your hungry tummy,” ari’s own comment makes him laugh loudly and your face heats up as you swat his chest.
 ♡ “stop being mean daddy,” you grumble with a pout but you still see that handsome smirk against his face and as much as you wanna turn your head away when he grabs your chin you allow him to kiss you.
 ♡ “alright daddy’s done with being a meanie. c’mon sweetheart, lets get some food inside that tummy,” he says poking your belly.
 ♡ the tickling sensation lets out a giggle from you while he grabs your body to wrap your legs around his waist as he gets off his seat.
 ♡ ari carries you out of his office to the kitchen, setting you down on the lavish island that stands in the large kitchen however you whine when the cold surface hits your back thighs.
 ♡ the little sound alerts ari who turns his head to you after searching the refrigerator for some ingredients to create a suitable meal for you.
 ♡ “oh right, sorry princess,” he says and carries you to a cushioned chair near the dinner table, of course you could jump off the counter and walk to the seat yourself but you both like it when he babied you.
 ♡ after just a minute of searching through the refrigerator he closes his with a sigh, “do you wanna order something sugarplum?” he said and you smiled and nodded your head.
 ♡ “yes daddy,” you spoke and his chest hums in glee seeing your joy laced in your voice, he allowed you to order whatever food you wanted on your food delivery app since he wasn’t an expert at those things.
 ♡ a thing about ari is that he was so old fashioned, he didn’t have a computer to organize all his files because he had numerous drawers and file cabinets to keep all his important documents.
 ♡ his portable device was a flip phone and as much as you teased him for it he didn’t bulge at taking interest in any technological advances to his life.
 ♡ “is that all you want sweetheart? you don’t want anything else for the night?” ari spoke as he poured you a glass of ice cubed strawberry mint water from a glass pitcher, setting the cup in front of you as you scrolled through your phones feed.
 ♡ you smile up at him as you take the glass, “can we make cookies?” you ask before raising the glasses rim to your lips and taking a sip of the cold minty berry water.
 ♡ “didn’t you order a dessert on the app?” he asked and you shook your head no, the dessert options the restaurant of your choice didn’t really have anything that sparked interest to your midnight cravings.
 ♡ “don’t you think it’s a bit late to bust open the flour and sugar baby?” he said and a naughty smile grazes your lips at his question.
 ♡ “daddy it’s never too late to bust open anything if you put your mind to it,” your smooth voice spoke as you got off your seat to walk to the refrigerator, possessing a bit of flounce to your hips.
 ♡ you opened the stainless steel door handle and grabbed the large bar of nestle tollhouse cookie dough, closing the door behind you you walk to the island and place it in front of ari.
 ♡ if you both weren't doing it from scratch then this was the only option.
 ♡ he still stares down at it while you prepare the oven to preheat, getting out the cooking spray, parchment and cookie tray, “what’s wrong daddy?”
 ♡ “that’s big baby,” he said, his eye’s proximate on how many chocolate chip cookies the large bar could make but he doesn’t notice the naughty smirk that crosses your lips again until his eyes move up towards yours.
 ♡ “I know daddy but it isn’t as big as you,” ari’s face blushes at those words but before he can recollect any thoughts or get his hands on your insatiable figure of your moving skirt turns away to grab a knife, diminishing all his thoughts he rushes to take it away from you.
 ♡ “daddy can do this part, you can roll the dough in balls. can you do that princess?” ari softly asks, cutting open the bar he cuts even slices then cuts the thick circular prism in half to have you roll them both into spheres.
 ♡ “of course daddy but only if you can let me lick yours after we’re done with this,” you say getting straight to work with rolling the cold dough in your palms but only after brushing your ass against his thigh.
 ♡ ari couldn’t help his face from flushing into a crimson rose, feeling his pants tightening around his hardening erection at your shameless proclamations and actions.
 ♡ but it didn’t have him distracted from the task at hand or from quickly smacking your ass, commanding you to behave for him.
 ♡ and you did, kept your dirty remarks to yourself as you placed the spheres of cookie dough in a correct distance from each other in rows on the cookie tray.
 ♡ you both decided that ten cookies after a bit of a banter between you and him as you used your puppy eyes on him to make the whole tube but he set the discussion to an end with a compromise.
 ♡ the compromise being that he’d let you stay up and watch whatever movie you want with him as you had your take out and cookies, adding your additional requests to the compromise that there better be lots of cuddles and kisses.
 ♡ he slides your hot pink baking oven mitts with the mini stitched cupcakes on them and popped the cookie tray in the hot oven. 
 ♡ turning to your figure sitting criss-cross apple sauce on the island setting the kitchen timer for twelve minutes and placing it down beside you.
 ♡ ari prepares the cooling rack and spatula for when the cookies are done, not noticing your neediness and attention seeking grabs at his collar and hair.
 ♡ “daddy,” you mutter, that bratty persona becoming clearer with each of your restless limbs and pouting lips attempting to grab his attention.
 ♡ “yes princess?” he spoke, his eyes moving towards yours to set sight of your signature doe eyes he knows so well.
 ♡ those doe eyes you give him when your bare and desperate underneath him. 
 ♡ scratching crescent moons on his back, moaning so sweetly for him as he thrusts his cock in and out of your velvety pussy.
 ♡ you don’t say anything though, all you do is part your legs and his eyes darken once they set sight of your wet core open on display under your skirt. 
 ♡ those same lust blown eyes dart down and meet your small peach colored panties crumbled on the floor underneath your dangling socked feet.
 ♡ before he can even do anything, before having the chance to rip that skirt off your body or getting on his knees and lick your tangy slicked folds the doorbell interrupts him.
 ♡ remembering your take-out, annoyance captivates ari but he smirks at the opportunity to tease you as you did him. 
 ♡ so instead of ignoring the delivery person he walks away from your weeping cunt and gaped mouth to get the door.
 ♡ returning with your food and to your glossy pout your whines and grabs for him become more demanding and louder as he takes his sweet time taking each plastic take-out container and brown bag filled with food out of the delivery bag to the table.
 ♡ “daddy!” your bratty calls for him but he just ignores as he takes out plates and napkins for you and him, setting them to look their best on the dinner table.
 ♡ organizing the plastic containers and bags of food in between your plates he finally turns and walks to you, grabbing your waist you smirk thinking you got what you wanted but it disappears when the following words leave his mouth.
 ♡ “dinner time princess,” his smirk is more arrogant than yours and it only widens as you glare up at him, you’re so cute when you don’t get what you want.
 ♡ “you don’t want dinner princess?” he asked and you nodded your head, ari’s brow quirks in amusement.
 ♡ “then what do you want then princess?” it wasn’t a question, more so a demand to have the brat in his arms to speak on what she wants.
 ♡ you cross your arms and turn your head away from him, setting your angry sight on anything besides ari which he doesn’t permit as he grabs your jaw firmly in hands and shifts your sight to him.
 ♡ “speak up dolly. good girls get whatever they ask for, brats get nothing,” he spoke and your glare doesn’t ease one bit but your answer is mumbled to softly and lowly for ari to hear, your attitude only adding only the impatience ari has for you in this situation.
 ♡ “i’m sorry princess,” ari spoke before gripping your ass in a rough harsh handleful, “but daddy didn’t hear you. can daddy’s little dumb brat speak up? or does daddy have to give his dumb baby dinner and send her to bed with no cookies and cock?”
 ♡ the growl that rolled off his lips hit against the shell of your ear as his fingertips dig sharply into the raw warm plushness of your ass, your breath staggered but the wetness that pools your pleasure seeking core doesn’t lessen.
 ♡ “I want daddy please. please can I have it daddy?” you whimper, your voice meek and fragile and nothing like the cocky brat that teased him both verbally and physically moments ago.
 ♡ “you’ve been making jokes on daddy’s cock and balls since I let you make your cookies and now when you're on the receiving end of the joke you can’t properly tell daddy you want it?”
 ♡ his voice was rough and course, his hands that smack and grope your ass hold the same fierceness as he picks you up before slamming your back against the metal of the refrigerator. 
 ♡ hearing the little breathy whine when his fingers purposely glide through your folds, his smirk darkens as your wetness coats his thick fingers.
 ♡ “oh, does my spoiled brat want daddy’s fingers? or does my spoiled brat want daddy’s cock?” he whispered as his head snakes in the crook of your neck.
    ♡ nibbling the tender skin under your ear that practically makes you cream against his stroking fingers.
 ♡ “I want your cock daddy! please, daddy! I need it!” your voice is a combination of whimpers and moans, the sound of it music to his ears.
 ♡ before he can give you another teasing stroke at your needy puffy folds, or command you to unbuckle his belt the timer for the cookies goes off.
 ♡ ari’s dark smirk shadows his face and you let out a whine knowingly the results of the night.
 ♡ it was going to take a while until you’ll get what you want and ari will partake in the satisfying discipline to teach you a lesson on misbehaving.
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finleycannotdraw · 4 years
Guess what? I’m re-binge-reading Good Omens. And here are some Obervations that I forgot about and some things I might put in fics. Also things I found funny. Basically my dumb commentary on the book.
Crowley actually flees Sister Mary. He doesn’t saunter vaguely away. He flees.
Ligur is rather more thoughtful than he’s portrayed in the show
Anathema likes to read about herself, and her teachers are confused because she spells words like Agnes Nutter
Crowley apologizes
By page 41, it is mentioned at least twice that Aziraphale and Crowley Do Not choose each other’s company for any reason other than that they are constants, that they have an Arrangement, and that they are Friends because being Enemies got boring.
Aziraphale blushes!!!!!!
The Drunk Scene is fuckin hilarious and it’s actually a lot longer than it is in the show, and really you ought to read it. (Book pages 47-50)
My mom (who has a PhD in human development) would probably like to talk to Crowley about upbringing because they seem to agree on how important it is
War has always looked 25, and had a vulture that died of fatty degeneration
Pollution is very cleverly compared to actual pollution
Warlock has Kermit the frog overalls, and Nanny Ashtoreth is described as someone who “advertises unspecified but strangely explicit services in certain magazines”. The tutors are present for about four paragraphs. Warlock is good at math and likes banana flavored bubblegum.
Crowley has a slice of angel cake. Aziraphale eats it. Aziraphale also eats deviled eggs. Hm.
Crowley calls Aziraphale angel casually enough to suggest he’s been doing it for a long time
Some girl at Warlock’s party calls Aziraphale a f*ggot
Crowley glares suspiciously at a gerbil. It is suggested that Hell has, in the past, sent hell-gerbils in place of hellhounds.
“Oh dear,” muttered Aziraphale, not swearing with the practiced ease of one who has spent six thousand years not swearing, and who wasn’t going to start now.
Adam and his friends play in a place called The Pit, where shopping carts go to die, apparently
Crowley is the first one to mention sides in the book!??!? Also Crowley goes on about how humans are more evil than Hell (but he calls himself evil—is he calling himself human already?)
Aziraphale yells “get off the road, you clown!”
“What’s a velvet underground?” *love confession???* “you wouldn’t like it”
Aziraphale is a bit rude to Crowley in the “flashes of love” scene and Crowley is less panicked about it
Crowley glares at the Bentley and it fixes itself
Anathema’s bike is called Phaeton
Aziraphale speaks like. Like ugh. “FlOUndeR on tHe rOcKS of inEquiTY”
“Thirty seconds later someone shot both of them. With incredible accuracy.” *cuts to a random pleasant story about Mary Hodges* *cuts back to where Aziraphale has fallen into a rhododendron and Crowley licks the paint before he knows it’s paint* dumbasses
Crowley does not slam Aziraphale into the wall
Crowley is actually pretty impatient and doesn’t argue with Aziraphale when he’s worried
“Nothing but dust and fundamentalists” “that was nasty” “sorry, couldn’t help it”
When the radio sings “Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,” Crowley sings “for me” and then screams
Crowley asks Aziraphale if he’ll keep in touch, and Aziraphale doesn’t say tickety-boo, and then Crowley says “right” and feels very alone
the international express man is small and has glasses, and wears green woolen socks
The sword, which turns out to be Aziraphale’s, is described as having an aura of hatred and menace, which makes me think of how it could’ve gotten that aura from Heaven or from humanity or from War...
In the book Pepper has red hair and freckles, which makes it a cool comparison to War’s appearance and the defeat of War
Adam is excellent at slouching, apparently
Occasionally, as Aziraphale reads the book, he would very nearly swear
“He wouldn’t have said ‘that’s weird’ if a flock of sheep had cycled past playing violins.”
“If you had told him there were children starving in Africa he would’ve been flattered that you’d noticed.”
“...that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.” (151)
Wensleydale watches David Attenborough programs
Shadwell’s voice is described as “the color of an old raincoat” and seems to fake smoking cigarettes
Aziraphales cocoa is moldy and solidified by the time he calls Arthur Young, and has a thin layer of dust on himself too
Newt says that the walls look like nicotine and the floor looks like cigarette ash, and he suspects both are, actually, coated with these substances
Newt looks a bit like Clark Kent, and people seem to like Shadwell for some reason, much to his annoyance.
Aziraphale calls Shadwell “dear boy” on the phone
Agnes Nutter called God a daft old fool #goals
Adam is wayyyy too good at video games
Smelling Anathema’s perfume makes Newt uncomfortable
Adam suggests that Pepper ought to have Russia cause of her red hair (huh)
Anathema and Newt actually have decent conversations?? Like?? Show??? C’mon, man. The show kinda butchered their relationship.
Trees, apparently, make a ‘vvrooooommm’ sound when they grow very fast
“He suspected that Crowley was from the Mafia, or the underworld, although he would have been surprised how right he nearly was.” Shadwell also thought Aziraphale was a Russian spy. Wow, Shadwell.
Aziraphale calls Crowley and actually says “shut up” to him, and then when the answering machine beeps, he tells Crowley to “stop making noises” and then he swears for the first time ever.
The fuckin’ footnote on page 227
“A sleek computer was the sort of thing Crowley felt that the sort of human he tried to be would have.” I like the word choice here. He’s not pretending to be a human, he’s trying to be one. That’s a really important distinction.
It never actually says what Crowley does to his plants.
Crowley’s flat is very white. Wow, Crowley. It just looks dark because of the lighting. Heaven imagery and symbolism out my ears, goddammit.
Why does Hell say Crowley’s name so much when talking to him?? Honestly, I think that’s an intentional dig at his chosen name, using it in their speech to scare him. Wow, Hell. (And wow, Finn, excellent sentence)
Whenever the book says something is shaped like something, it definitely isn’t that thing. “man-shaped” “dog-shaped” “car-shaped”... makes it pretty obvious they aren’t men, dogs, or cars, huh.
The code to Crowley’s safe is 4004. The year he “slithered onto this stupid, marvelous planet”... and the year he met Aziraphale, of course. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Crowley, my dude.
Crowley consideres sticking Hastur into his car until he turns into Freddie Mercury but then decides even he isn’t that cruel
Actual text that I feel like nobody really agrees with: “Madame Tracy was by many yardsticks quite stupid”
“Do I look like I run a bookshop?” “...imagine me out of uniform, sir, and what kind of man would you see before you? Honestly?” “A prat.”
I’m crying. The fucking bookshop fire scene made me fucking cry. I’m literally crying.
“...on all fours in the blazing bookshop, Crowley cursed Aziraphale, and the ineffable plan, and Above, and Below.” “The police and firemen looked at him, saw the expression on his face, and stayed exactly where they were.” “...a crack of thunder so loud it hurt....” *the sound of Finley sobbing into their cat*
The shortest biker in the cafe thing is 6′2, what the fuck
War, Famine, Pollution, and Pop Trivia 1962-1979
“Pollution removed his helmet and shook out his long white hair. He had taken over when Pestilence, muttering about penicillin, had retired in 1936. If only the old boy had known what opportunities the future had held.” HMMMMMMMMMMM
“There were no bitches in Hell either.” I know it’s talking about female dogs, but I rather thought Hell was full of bitches.
“Why are you talking like a poofter?” “Ah. Australia.”
“gOsh, aM i on teLEviSiON?” (Basically Aziraphale gets passionate about stuff and likes to talk).
Crowley is actually an optimist and doesn’t dwell too much on how sucky the world is. He doesn’t go get smashed in a bar. He just finds Aziraphale’s notes in the book and heads to Tadfield. And also, his new pair of sunglasses just... materializes out of his eyes. And he likes to whistle.
“Death and Famine and War and Pollution continued biking to Tadfield. And Grievous Bodily Harm, Cruelty to Animals, Things Not Working Properly Even After You’ve Given Them A Good Thumping But Secretly No Alcohol Lager, and Really Cool People traveled with them.”
“on top of the pile a rather large octopus waved a languid tentacle at them. The sergeant resisted the temptation to wave back.” Honestly dude, if an octopus waved at me I’d wave back.
Wait Agnes was apparently talking to Shadwell and not God when she said yowe daft old foole. I dunno
Madame Tracy: You old silly. Shadwell: 
Aziraphale does not know how to get rid of demons. Canonically. “Had never done other to get rid of demons than to hint to them very strongly that he, Aziraphale, had some work to be getting on with, and wasn’t it getting late? And Crowley always got the hint.”
The road to Hell is paved with frozen door to door salesmen, apparently. The question is where it is, because the demons always seem to just stem out of the ground.
“Heigh ho,” said Anthony Crowley, and just drove anyway. I love this sentence during that scene. 
I bet Hastur gets really mad whenever he hears Aziraphale’s voice from now on
Crowley isn’t breathing the entire burning Bentley scene
ADAM. SAID. “But I reckon you can make your own side” AND WE FUCKIN IGNORED IT?
The temperature above the M25 was simultaneously 700ºC and -140ºC which makes me think of something I read about magenta not being real. The M25 is magenta.
I feel like “Agnes” is just going to become an inside joke between Anathema and Newt at this point, and it will drive Crowley insane because he knows who she is but somehow still doesn’t get the joke.
I’m six inches taller than R.P. Tyler, and apparently according to the back sleeve of the book jacket, I’m very similar in height to Neil Gaiman
R.P. Tyler thought Shadwell was a ventriloquist’s dummy, and then sees cows doing somersaults
“That’s terrific. Much obliged,” said Crowley. — “Funny weather we’re having, isn’t it?” “Is it? I hadn’t noticed.” “Probably because your car is on fire.” .... Also the fact that Crowley looks like a young man which I find interesting.
“The Four Button-Pressers of the Apocalypse”
“Where is Armageddon, anyway?” “I’ve always meant to look that up.” “There’s an Armageddon, Pennsylvania”
Famine is the one that says “that’s one big avocado”, and also, I find it interesting that War, more than once, talks about love. (All is fair in love and war much?)
Anathema threatens the guard with a stick, pretending it’s a gun
Aziraphale, of course, asks Crowley to sort it out because he, Aziraphale, is “the nice one” and then proceeds to sort it out himself. Because of course he does. Because what else could he possibly do.
Aziraphale and Crowley are so fuckin married I can’t
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Virgin Shigaraki, teasing, hickeys, spanking, basically reader screwing with Shigaraki who i guarantee never had the sex talk.
A/N: I’m just gonna say that this is where Shigaraki has no clue what to do during sex so he’s just this pent up ball of clueless sexual frustration.
Oh how you loved to tease your boss. 
It was no surprise to you when Shigaraki told you he was a virgin when he was drunk. Thankfully you were the only one who heard it. But he sealed his fate forever after that.
Once he got sober he marched straight to your room and was going to threatened to kill you if you told anybody. But you heard him coming towards your room so what’s better then a virgin shigaraki? Teasing a virgin shigaraki.
Once you heard him by your door you proceeded to take off your shirt, your chest facing the door. 
He slammed open the door to yell at you when he was met with the sight of your shirt over your head and a pair of tits for his eyes to feast on.
“Take a picture it’l last longer.” You say in a seductive tone causing him to yelp and shut the door quickly.
That was the first incident..
The second incident was when you were in the hallways. It was just you and shigaraki and you were going separate directions. You looked him in the eyes before he looked down and muttered a quiet,
“Sorry i waked in on you..”
“It’s fine it was an accident.” He nodded before passing by you,
“But this wasn’t,” you giggle as you pinched his butt with him letting out a squeak. You snickered as you walked away not noticing the Shigaraki staring at you with a crimson blush on his face.
Third incident was when you guys were all sitting on the couch watching a movie. Twice and Toga made sure everyone was there no exceptions, which lead to you being cramped on the couch with the arm of the couch on your left and shigaraki on your right.
You could tell he was trying his hardest not to look at you. Even though you did have a blanket over your lap your tank top was showing a lot of cleavage that was too much for him to handle.
You snicker before snaking your hand down on to Shigaraki’s thigh and fave it a squeeze. You looked at him and you where meet with dangerous red ones. Which got wider when they felt a hand grabbing his dick.
You gently rubbed on the hardening member underneath you. But as time went by you slowly went more rougher and faster. Looking at Shigaraki who is just a red tomato by this point, shaking as he bit his lips.
Once you knew that Shigaraki was fully erect, and that it could be seen through his pants you announced that you were tired and going to bed.
Toga tried to convince you to watch the rest of it but you denied. Soon everyone went back to watch the movie you looked at Shigaraki who looked at you like if he stared hard enough at you, you would wither away.
The fourth incident was the same night. It was when everyone was asleep. Except shigaraki which could be silently gaming.
You grabbed your phone and put on your most sexy lingerie and went to Shigaraki’s contact. You took a picture of your breasts and sent it too him. But also making sure he could see the lingerie.
About 5 minutes later you hear a loud but not too loud knocking at your door. Still in your lingerie you open the door to see a beet red Shigaraki holding up his phone with a pissed off look.
The expression didn’t last long after you pulled him into your room before slamming him in the door only to smash your lips into his.
He let out a surprised yelp before you moved your hands to make shigaraki’s hands hold on to your waist. Your hands were to occupied that moment, one was in his hair tugging it, while the other was harshly rubbing on his cock.
During this entire encounter shigaraki was a panting mess, face red and messily kissing you ass well.
You grin evilly before shoving your hand down his pants.
“N-no! You can’t d-do t-that!” His voice cracked while he was trying to sound dominant.
“Why not?” You say innocently.
“Because people dont do that!”
“Really now?”
“Well from what i recall, i remember that what im doing to you right now is called a handjob.”
“W-whats a handjob?” Now it was your turn to look at him wide eyed. You abruptly stop which caused him to whimper at the lost of undeniable pleasure.
“Your kidding right?”
“What have you never had the sex talk?!”
“Well then let me show you one thing that gives people pleasure.” You grin smugly as you continue your attack under his pants. Causing him to gasp at the sudden stimulation.
You rubbed him quickly while you bit his neck. Grabbing bits of skin and taking it in between your teeth. One of your fingers brushed the head of his dick causing him to let out a rather loud moan. His seed coating his pants but you didn’t stop which lead to him falling to the ground.
“Wow did you just cum in your pants? How embarrassing!” You laughed as you degraded him. You knew you were playing a dangerous game but knowing your leader was a little bitch for your sexual attention, was worth it.
You dug your hand out of his pants showing him all the sum that coated you hand. He looked at the hand then you. Wondering what you were going to do.
He slowly started shaking when he saw you bring your hand to your mouth to lick it all off. You slowly stood up looking down at shigaraki, face flushed and looking completely blissed out. 
You open your door causing him to fall back into the hallway. He looked at you again before you shut the door in his face. 
Leaving his pants zipper wide open for all to see.
Okay that was it. After that last incident Shigaraki had made up his mind. He needed to ignore your childish antics.
But it felt amazing, your soft hands-. No Shigaraki wasn’t going to think about that. HE had a mission and he wasn’t going to let you distract him.
The why couldn’t he stop the wet dreams?
Every night since then, his dreams would be full of things that made his heart go wild and dick standing up.
The thought of you licking his hardening member had him creaming his pants. 
HE even went as far as to search up the ‘sex talk’. And boy was he suprised.
He looked at everything the internet had to offer about sex. It was all good until he found out about kinks.
He looked at said website, and was completely in shock at some of these things. 
But what really got him going was the thought of you crying. Crying out to him as he fucked you. Not to mention the thought of him being in control was such a turn on that he couldn’t handle it anymore. He quickly sat up from his chair turning off the computer already full of new knowledge before stomping straight to your room.
When he opened the door you were there on your phone. You looked up at him with a sly grin.
“Need something boos?” Oh he needed something alright. He slammed the door behind him locking it before jumping on the bed and pinning you to it.
“Well didn’t thin-” You were interrupted when you felt your shirt and pants get disintegrated before getting flipped onto your tummy with your ass in the air.
“Shigaraki the h-HELL!” You yell out the last part after Shigaraki plunged into you without warning or prep. Before you could say anything you felt a sharp smack on your ass. Then another, then another.
THe red marks on your ass where enough to tell you who was in charge now. Shigaraki held your waist with eight fingers and humping you like a dog. 
You could hear his moaning in panting after every thrust. About like a minute in you felt his cock twitch inside you, thankfully over that time your wetness was a makeshift lube.
“Shigaraki d-dont your d-dare come i-inside!” You panted out, even it was his first time but you couldn’t stop the moans from flowing. His thrust weren’t in rhythm but the fact that he jack hammered into you with speed is what made you a moaning mess.
“Shut the fuck up, i-it’s my turn to b-be dominant now!” His arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer to him. His mouth was next to your neck as you could feel his hot breath.
Before you know it you feel shigaraki still inside you as he bit onto your skin harshly, the feeling of his seed pouring into you is something you would never forget.
“Asshole! I could get pregnant!” You yelled out to him but it fell on deaf ears as he continued his pace again, not giving you any type of warning.
The tip of his cock hitting your cervix over and over again made your legs shake as his grip on your waist tightened. He peppered your neck in kisses and bites, leaving nowhere untouched.
Of course it wasn’t long until you were pushed over the edge. The orgasm was so strong that your body felt like jello afterwards.
But did that stop Tomura? Nope we all know once this rat boy gets a taste of pussy you aint never gonna walk again.  Enjoy the rest of your life being Tomura’s personal fuck toy.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: Your relationship with Tony is a secret…
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader, former Tony Stark x Pepper Potts
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Sam Wilson, Vision, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Jim Rhodes
Warnings: angst, language, secret relationship, unrequited love?, jealousy, tooth rooting fluff, love confessions
A/N: Marvel Dividers by @writeyourmindaway​
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Pepper Potts. The name let a cold shiver run down your spine. Not as you believe she’s a bad person, it’s the complete opposite. You admire her work, her intellect, and the way she handled Tony Stark for years. 
Your problem with Pepper is that every time someone mentions her name Tony’s eyes lit up before they sadden. It wouldn’t hurt that badly, wouldn’t rip you apart every single time, if you weren’t head over heels for said man.
Today it was Steve bringing Pepper up. You know Steve Rogers is not a mean man, not at all. He simply asked a question about a current project and her name popped up.
It’s like a knife cutting into an already open wound, digging deeper until it hits a bone or rather your heart. 
“She’s great, we get it, Tony.” Your voice sounds wrecked when you get up to hand Rhodey your report. “If you excuse me now, Mr. Stark. I have a job to do and this doesn’t involve listening to your praises for your ex-girlfriend.”
“Fiancé…” Tony croaks out, cutting deeper again, as you know, you will never be worthy enough to even get close to hearing that important question leave his lips.
“Right. Fiancé. I am sorry, Mr. Stark.” Even Vision could hear the bitterness in your voice, and he searches for help to understand what changed your mood. Wanda simply shrugs, not wanting to reveal she read your mind months ago.
Your thoughts and emotions are a thunderstorm, brooding under the surface, ready to strike. Your reaction minutes ago was just a taste of what could come. 
“I guess Tony pissed her off.” Natasha breaks the silence. “Y/N is always nice, even annoyingly polite. What did you do?”
“Yeah, Tony. What did you do to the poor girl?” Rhodey eyes his friend warily, but Tony won’t give anything away. He’s a master at hiding things after all.
“Nothing, okay. Maybe she didn’t like her new phone or had a bad day. Can we stop talking about my assistant?” Tony grunts.
“Whoa! You better not let her hear you just called her your assistant, Tony! Y/N is more than that and you know it! She’s the PR for the Avengers. How many times did she fix our shit?” Sam scrunches up his nose when Tony simply shrugs. “Just saying, you’ll regret your words…”
“Can we all calm down now…” While Tony tries to change the subject Steve rubs his forehead. 
“Her mood changed after I recognized the project, no…Pepper to be specific. Does Y/N have a problem with your ex-girlfriend?” 
“Fiancé…” Clint smirks, loving the way Tony tries not to give away anything. “I mean, you scolded Y/N for not appreciating the woman who left you like three years ago…”
“Pepper…” Nodding Wanda exchanges a knowing look with Vision who feels uncomfortable all of a sudden. “I get it now…”
“No one seems to get anything in this room today so I suggest you all will leave, and we talk tomorrow.” Tony angrily declares, dismissing his fellow Avengers.
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Your office seems to suffocate you. Everywhere you look Tony stares back at you. The chair he ordered for you seem to mock you today, just like the lamp he offered as he didn’t need that much light.
“Never worthy enough…”
“My lady?” Thor booms, a big smile on his lips. “I got a problem or rather my hammer.” You give the tall Asgardian a cracked smile and he frowns.
Usually, you smile at him, make a joke about his hammer and the damage he causes but today, you’ll get a form out. “What happened?”
“What happened…” Thor sighs, falling onto one of your chairs. “I tried to save someone and then, my hammer rammed a car, breaking the shield…no windshield.” Now you chuckle, even pat his shoulder before you give him a genuine smile.
“It’s alright, Thor. We all make mistakes, you know. I, for example did something stupid almost a year ago and, it’s still haunting me.” Thor’s eyes search your face and just now he sees your sad eyes.
“My dove, what is bothering you?” You gently pat the hand cupping your cheek before you shake your head. “It’s nothing, Thor, really. I shouldn’t bother a hero with my stupid problems…
“What kind of hero would I be not listening to your problems? Tell me about it and I’ll smash anyone’s head hurting you.” You love Thor’s raw honesty. His pure intentions when it comes to helping people.
“I just fell in love with the wrong man, my friend. I believed we could be more than convenient but today I realized he’ll never love me back. I am just a placeholder…” Thor’s taken aback, he never thought anyone could ever reject you.
“I am sorry, my dove. He’s a fool for not seeing your unique beauty and grace.” A soft smile on your lips you glance at the form. 
“I’ll handle this for you, Thor. Please, don’t tell anyone what I told you. From now on, I’ll be more professional and forget about my feelings at work. I shouldn’t have looked for love at this place…” Thor nods, wishing he could ease your pain.
“If you need anything, call my name, Y/N. The god of thunder is in your debts.” A few moments later Thor is gone but you feel somewhat relieved. At least you could tell someone how you feel before you drowned in despair all over again.
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“Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something about the meeting?” Steve stammers, poking his head into your office not moments after Thor left. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, Captain. I just…” Huffing you point toward the files on your desk. “I was busy, stressed, and acted unprofessionally. I am sorry, Captain.”
“Doll, if something is bugging you, just tell me so. We are all friends…” You play your role well, give Steve a faked smile before you assure him it wasn’t his fault again.
“I am fine, just busy. Thor damaged a car. Clint’s arrow almost killed a cat and don’t let me start with Natasha and her knives…” Steve chuckles, believing your lie.
“Whenever you need a friend, tell me so…” Steve turns to leave, not missing your sad look. “He’s a fool, you know. If he doesn’t appreciate your love, don’t give it to him.”
“I am old, a man out of time, not blind, doll. The way you look at Tony is the way I looked at Peggy. Problem is, he’s hanging his heart onto someone who moves on years ago, not seeing he’s hurting you.” 
“Please, don’t tell anyone.” Sniffling you hug yourself. “I am ashamed enough for giving in to his advances. Should’ve known better than falling for a playboy who only ever loved once. Pepper, her shadow will never allow me to step into the light…”
“Doll…” Steve sighs but you brush him off when he tries to hug you. You know he means well, tries to comfort you but right now you only want to hide in your bed and forget about the world.
“I’ll go home, forget about him, and tomorrow…is another day…”
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Tomorrow wasn’t another day as you had to face Tony again. Working with your ex-lover is hard, especially if he doesn’t know he’s your ex…
“Darling,” Tony sighs when you shove his hands away. “I know I didn’t come around last night, don’t be mad. I had to fix a subroutine and Jarvis took to long…”
“I am not mad, Mr. Stark, just professional. I suggest you keep it that way too from now one. Whatever we did over the last year, it’s over.” Tony gasps hearing you reject him.
“I don’t think I want to play your placeholder any longer. Call her. Get Pepper back and stop using other women to keep her side of the bed warm.” 
“Y/N…what? Baby?” Tony grasps for your arm, but again, you slap his hand away.
“It’s Ms. Y/L/N to you, Mr. Stark. If you want me to stay here and do my job, you’ll treat me with respect, if not, I’ll find a new job in the blink of an eye. If you would excuse me now, I have to calm Thor as he yet again ruined a car with his hammer.”
“Y/N don’t do this. Let’s talk…I mean…”
“There is nothing to talk about, Tony. I was only convenient to you and that’s just not enough for me. I want what you had with Pepper, but you are not ready to give this to me so, I’ll pass…” Stunned Tony stands in your office when the door slams shut behind you.
“What the fuck just happened?” He blinks a few times to realize you broke up with him.
“I think, Mr. Stark, Ms. Y/L/N, just broke up with you. According to her hormonal level and her emotional balance I’d like to add she was close to tears. You shouldn’t have repeatedly mentioned Ms. Potts, Sir.” Jarvis replies. “I will check on her if you want me to.”
“No, she’s my girlfriend…” Tony grumbles. 
“Ex-girlfriend,” Jarvis replies and Tony throws your stapler at the camera at your office. 
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“Can I talk to you, Ms. Y/L/N. I need you to see me at my office, now.” Tony glances at Sam who has one arm slung around your shoulder while he tells you one of his lame jokes. “Y/N, now.”
“Excuse me, Sam. The boss wants to scold me for having a break or something.” Steve snickers while Thor eyes Tony’s reaction warily. “See you later…”
Tony grasps your arm, dragging you toward his office. The moment the door slams shut behind him he starts to pace around the room. Aimlessly he runs his fingers through his hair.
“I…I know that I talked too much about Pepper, but this doesn’t mean I want her back. It was just a reminder of what I lost due to the stupid decisions I made. I want you to know that she’s in the past…” You listen to his words, not believing a single word.
“Are you done pretending I mean more to you than a quick fuck at your office or in the common room?” Arms crossed over your chest you give Tony a bitch face.
“Darling, please calm and let me show you something.” Tony sighs before he gets a small black box out of his jacket. I made it just for you…” When he opens the box, your heart misses a beat.
“A key card to your laboratory? But not even Pepper was allowed to access your fortress of solitude …” Sniffling you slide your fingers over the card. Your name is printed on it.
“I wanted to give it to you last night, but you were in a bad mood and then that fucking subroutine didn’t work out and…I…I love you, Y/N. I know that sometimes I seem emotionally closed off and distant, but you mean the world to me.”
For the first time, you see a tear roll down Tony’s cheek. “I don’t want to lose you, darling. Please give me a chance to prove I am worth your love.”
“Tony, I love you, but I want you to be completely honest.” He nods, looking at you while you take the card out of the box. “Do you want her back? Is there only the slightest doubt that you would choose me over her?”
Tony swallows thickly before a soft smile makes your heart flutter. “I will not hide that a tiny part of me will always belong to Pepper. Not as I want her back, but we went through so much…”
“I get it…”
“No, Y/N. I meant we were a good team, even as a pair but, this is in the past. You are my present and future. When I imagine retiring and let younger guys take my place, I only see you by my side, darling. How about we make it perfect and you move into my penthouse.” You smirk, playing with the seam of Tony’s shirt.
“If I get the left side of the bed you’ve got yourself a deal, Mr. Stark.” Tony hums, grins before he gets another black box out. 
“Counteroffer.” You don’t like the self-satisfied grin on your boyfriend’s lips. Not at all. 
“I’ll offer you a wonderful ring and you give me the left side of the bed plus your cute ass in return.” This time you hum, glancing at the ring when Tony opens the box.
“I want a nice proposal, Stark. Handing me a ring won’t make me give in.” The ring is beautiful, you have to admit but there is not enough fire in hell to make you melt in Tony’s arms before you got what you want.
“Alright, Ms. Y/L/N. You asked for it. Jarvis, initiate the best proposal ever…” Squealing you watch Tony jump into his suit, a smirk on his lips before he, believe it or not, jumps out of the window. 
You rush after him to look where he landed only to watch him fly up again, a huge bouquet of roses in his arms. “Now Jarvis!”
Fireworks explode, writing your name and a heart into the sky. “And…the final…”
“Will you marry me?” Giggling you look into the sky at the fireworks. “How’d do this, Tony?”
“Well, I told you I had to fix some subroutines last night.” Humming you punch your fist playfully against his suit. “Love you, darling. Will you take my offer and become my kitten?”
“Dirty old man…” Smirking you watch Tony get out of his suit to stalk toward you, the ring still in his hand. “I’ll make you my husband.”
“Deal…Mr. Stark…”
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honestlyhappyharry · 3 years
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Sunday mornings were something you were accustomed to spending alone for many years. But now Harry lay next to you and it was the best feeling in the world.
The sun streamed through the shutters and dusted over his face. The early morning rays highlighting those sharp cheekbones people obsessed over. You noticed how his jawline slightly bulged as he clenched his teeth in his sleep. The warmth of the house left him in only boxers, showing off his tan, toned, inked chest which had stayed so similar all this time.
His skin looked flawless and you mindlessly found yourself tracing the inked shapes while he was asleep. His long, black eyelashes rested heavily under his eyes while his perfect curls sat on his forehead, looking blonder in the morning light.
As you continued to admire Harry he stirred and wriggled around so you ducked your head so he wouldn't wake up to your eyes staring at him.
"Knew you were looking at me, ya know?" His rough morning voice came from next to you and made you blush. Even through closed eyes, you could see the smirk on his perfectly pink lips. It was something he did whether you were nervous or embarrassed.
"Was not." You mumbled, voice also rough from the hours you hadn't talked for.
"You were totally checking me out." Harry teased in a sing-song tone, making your cheeks redder.
To cover yourself from the embarrassment you put your hands over your cheeks and eyes.
"S'not my fault you look so gorgeous in the morning sun." You mumbled. knowing if you said it louder his ego would inflate bigger than you were willing to let it be.
Harry placed his hand to your hands and peeled them away from your eyes. "You're not allowed to compliment me until I tell you how beautiful you look." He told you as he held your face.
His face was so close that you were sure if he had a single flaw you'd be able to see it. Still, there was no evidence of that.
"You're still beautiful." You replied before painfully slowly closing the gap and letting your lips fall onto his, slowly.
"Can we have a serious talk about something?" Harry asked after you had spent a few minutes kissing and cuddling.
Your initial reaction was to gulp and pray that he wouldn't be giving you bad news. As you nodded you felt your heart speed up and your breathing fall out of sync. There were a few silent breaths taken to calm yourself down before Harry started talking.
"I know we haven't already gone the right way but I really like where we are now and I just want to be a part of your and Lily's lives every day. You just both mean so much to me. So there are two things I want to say." You felt your nerves rising once he said that. "I don't even know what order to do this in or how to say this." He sighed and you giggled at his adorable nature. He raised a finger to his lips to think. It was honestly so cute when he did that.
"Say it, Haz, it's just me." You weren't sure how much more you could take.
"Iloveyouandwillyoumoveinwithme." He blurted out and your eyes widened but you can feel your lips pulling up into a smile.
"Harry." You say as you place your hands on his cheeks. "I love you so so much and I would love to move in with you." He just smashed his lips onto yours and pulled away while you're both in a grin.
"I'm not sure where we'll move, I only have a bachelor pad but I'll find us the best home money can buy." He promised.
One of his words stopped you. "Hey, you're not a bachelor!" You squealed and rolled his eyes, still grinning. "But I don't need to have the most expensive house, I just want somewhere we can wake up in the morning and cook chocolate chip pancakes together. Somewhere I can get annoyed at you for taking too long in the bathroom and somewhere I'm excited to come home to." You gushed, excited by how exciting the idea of moving in with Harry was.
He just laughed before his jaw dropped. "Wait, we can't move in together. I haven't even met your parents." Harry suddenly said and you had to stifle a giggle.
"Do you have amnesia? Because you have met them before." You joked remembering when you had this conversation with Harry before Lily met his parents. Once again, Harry rolled his eyes.
"Haha, you'd be very sad if I actually had amnesia." He sarcastically laughed and you nodded, in agreement. "What I meant was I haven't seen them in so long and when we saw your mum last she was asking if we'd come to visit them."
You nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure Lily would love to see them again." The last time she had seen them was a while ago. Although your mum said you should all catch up but Harry wasn't there. "Oh, I'll text her." You told Harry and reached for your phone before pulling up your mum's contact number and typing a quick message.
"Let's look for houses!" Harry yelled excitedly before quickly getting out of bed, putting on a pair of pants and going to get his charging laptop downstairs.
Now that your personal heater was gone, you got up and pulled a hoodie over your frame before you followed Harry downstairs.
He had apparently already found a perfect house. "Look at this one!" He said as he pulled up a picture of a massive white house with 9 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms.
It was insanely big and definitely a bit over the top. "Harry, that house is worth 28 million dollars." You said wearily.
"So? I want a nice house and I've got enough money. I just want where we live to be nice." He told you, sincerely and you nodded.
"Alright, but seriously price limit of 15 million." You told him and he nodded slowly, although you were pretty sure he wasn't agreeing. His efforts to find the best house were appreciated but it didn't matter. Any house you got to live in together would be perfect.
Harry continued his search while you sat beside him and checked your emails. Ding. Your text message notification sounded and Harry glanced over at you, unsure of who you could be texting at 8 in the morning.
"It's my mum." You told him and he nodded, swivelling on the kitchen island stool to face you. You briefly read the message before relaying it to Harry. "They're in Hawaii until next weekend." You sighed.
Harry looked a little defeated until his head perked up. "Best idea ever!" He announced, it made you giggle. "We could decide on a house, take a private jet to Hawaii and see them then come back and by the time we're back here they can have everything moved from here to our new house." His suggestion made you laugh. "I'm serious." Your heart dropped at how rushed out it sounded. Clearly, he wasn't used to the lifestyle you were.
Of course, you wanted to move in with Harry but it would be much more convenient if it didn't happen until Lily was on summer break.
"Harry..." How would you phrase this? "If it were just us then I would jump at the idea but we've got Lily and I can't rip her away from school and her life here." You tried to explain. Lily hadn't even been told of this yet.
"I'll drive her over to pre-K every morning." He promised. "And any time she wants to have play dates, I'll bring her." Another promise.
"That's sweet of you, H. But it's so rushed finding a house and getting moved so quickly. Can't we wait until the holidays?" You stuck to your point, maybe because you were stubborn but maybe because you thought it was stronger.
"The holidays are in 4 weeks, that's a whole month. I can have us a house by tomorrow so why wait?" He whined. "What if Lily takes the remaining 4 weeks off pre-K and then we spend some time in Hawaii, or anywhere you like." He bargained.
"I don't know, Haz." You honestly told him. "What about we look for a house and try to get moved in as soon as possible. We'll wait till my parents go home through LA and they can stay in the new place and have dinner." You told him in a tone that he knew meant it was the final plan.
It caused him to pout. "But, baby, I wanted to go on a family holiday." He continued to whine.
"Okay, let's go to Europe in the break then." You suggested and a grin quickly appeared on his face.
"Can I show Lily my hometown?" He cheered and you nodded. "I can't wait to show her where I used to live, the school I used to go to, the park that I used to play in and that one tree I used to snog all the girls under." He said as if it was his glory days.
You scrunched your nose at him. "Maybe skip the tree bit." You suggested and he nodded. "Plus, I don't want to think about you kissing other girls." You knew he had, obviously, you just didn't want to think about it.
"There was really only one girl." His smile widened and you felt bitter jealousy fill you from head to toe.
"Yuck." You rolled your eyes and you knew he could tell it was getting under your skin. "I bet she was like 20 years older than you with kids." You made your own snide comment at him, knowing his type.
"She does have a kid but I'm a little older than her." You felt sick as you talked about it but Harry looked like he was having a lot of fun.
"You kissed someone with a kid?" You asked, you wanted to guess who it was and considering you knew a lot of Harry's friends you thought you had a good chance.
"Well she didn't have one back then, she does now though." He explained and you nodded, your mind still racing as to who it could be.
"Was she with the father when you kissed her?" You asked, this had almost turned into an interrogation.
All he did was grin and the air in the room changed. "Yes."
"So she was cheating on him?"
A bad feeling set into your stomach, twisting it uncomfortably. "So you fathered a child?" All you could feel was shock and you couldn't even breathe.
"Do you have amnesia? Because we have a kid." He started laughing once he could see your panic and mimicked your words from earlier that morning.
Finally, you were able to get a breath back in. "Fuck, Harry. Don't freak me out like that." You managed to get out in between the breaths as it all clicked together. Harry was still cracking himself up and there was no way you could be mad at him after hearing that sound.
"You're too easy to freak out, baby." He told you before going back to his house search.
Harry didn't do anything lightly, by the time Lily was downstairs he had already been on the phone with his real estate agent and had booked some houses to see today while you made breakfast for everyone.
"Morning, Lils." You smiled as you picked her up and hugged her. Once you put her back down she went over to her breakfast stool, next to Harry.
"Hey, where's my hug?" He whined as she smiled at him before sleepily falling back into his arms.
"There." She told him once she sat up again, ready to eat.
"Lily, we have something we wanted to talk to you about." You told her and she nodded, still eating. Harry was paying more attention to her now, desperate for her reaction. "How would you feel about moving into a different house with Harry?"
Her face turned sour and she glared up at you. "No, no, no! I want to live here!" She screamed at you which confused you.
"Lily, don't yell." You warned but she was far past caring about the rules.
"I am not moving house! I like this house and I want to live here forever!" She yelled, loudly as she got out of her chair. "I do not want to move!" That was the last thing she yelled before she got off the stool and stomped away,
Only a minute later you heard a loud door slam. Wow, her teenage years were going to be fun if this is what she was like at 5
"She got your drama queen temper." You joked to Harry, but he was wearing a serious face.
"Y/n, she doesn't want to move. What are we going to do? You can't move her if she doesn't want to." He told you and you shrugged.
"She'll be fine. She's just adjusting, it happened when I asked if she wanted a big girl bed. She had a big tantrum and then begged me to get her one the next hour." You explained and he nodded but still looked concerned.
It had been a good 20 minutes of the two of you eating breakfast and looking at houses until Harry asked about Lily. "Can I go talk to her? And you come?" He asked one question quickly followed by the next. It was cute he wanted you to be there.
"If you want." You shrugged as you got up to go up the stairs. Harry followed but overtook you to get to Lily's room first.
Knock, knock. He gently tapped on the door. "Lily, can we have an adult talk?" He asked. You could tell he was anxious by his clammy hands that were shaking.
"Yes." She sighed and he breathed out before he opened the door.
Once you walked into her room she sat there, on the bed with her arms crossed. Harry sat down at the end of her bed while you hovered in the doorframe.
Harry stalled as he tried to start the conversation, twisting the rings on his fingers. "What's wrong with moving?" He asked her.
"I like this house and I liked my room and I like my school and I like my friends and I like the beach." She listed, briefly looking up at him.
"Okay, what do you like about this house?" He asked and she took a little longer to think of an answer.
She was kicking her legs back and forward. "It's got a pool, a tv, my room and it's where I have always lived." You did understand that it was hard to ask her to move from the only house she knew.
"What if I promised you a pool, tv and new bedroom in a new house?" He asked and she waited while she thought about it. "I know that you only remember this house but I really want us to all live together in a nice, big house. I promise we can make lots of new memories." He promised again but Lily still hadn't answered. "I'll even invite your grandma around." He told her and she immediately looked up.
"And grandpa?" Lily asked hopefully.
"And grandpa." He confirmed. "Maybe we can see some of these houses and then if you hate them so much that you never want to live in them, I'll find a better house for us."
"Yes, please, I want to see them." She agreed and you could feel Harry's smile radiating around the room.
"Thank you." He pulled her in for a hug and you walked over to join them.
"Wanna hear something else cool, Lils?" You asked and she nodded, looking up to break the hug. "We're going to visit your Nana and Pop in the place Harry grew up." You told her and she started grinning widely.
"Oh my gosh! Can I see Auntie Gemma!? Will we go on a plane!?" Her questions came at a million miles an hour as she jumped around on her bed. "Wait." She stopped and sat down. "Where did you grow up?" She asked him.
He stood and walked over to the world map on her wall. "This place right here called Holmes Chapel in England." He told her as he looked at the map and her face turned into a frown as she got up to see the map herself.
"Is England is this one?" She asked as she pointed to Russia.
"Look to your left and it's the islands in the sea." You told her and she ran her finger along until she ended up at England.
Lily looked very curious. "It's tiny. How will we get there?" She was very concerned.
"By plane." You told her before Harry jumped in.
"Private plane."
"We didn't discuss that." You warned but he just shrugged and you glared at him.
"What's a private plane?" She asked and you snapped out of your glaring.
"It's when it's only you and the drivers and the seats are massive and you can play around as much as you want," Harry told her and she grinned. She'd only been on a few planes and it was never in first class.
"Yes, please, can we do that, Mumma?" She asked eagerly. She started to give you the puppy eyes as Harry caught on and copied her actions.
It freaked you out how alike they looked. "Fine." It was all they needed to confirm their victory and hi-five.
The houses you were going to see that afternoon with Harry were more than beautiful. They reminded you of the types of house you and Harry used to party at together all those years ago.
"Lil, we're here." You said as you leant into the back seat to unclip her sear belt so she could get out.
Harry had already raced around to open your door, in his usual gentleman fashion. Every time you looked at him it was like you felt love bursting out of you. His basketball shorts and tank top looked anything but basic on him.
After you got out of the car he opened Lily's door for her and she hopped out, quickly gawking at the massive house in front of her.
"You like it?" Harry asked her.
Her face was quick to change from shock to absolute euphoria. "Is this the house we're moving to?!" She squealed as she ran in circles around his legs. It made both of your giggle and Harry reached his hand out to give you a hi-five.
"Maybe, depends it's right." You told her and she nodded before leading the way inside. You followed with Harry a step ahead, going to the real estate agent to shake hands.
They talked about the houses advanced features while you took Lily to look at the front garden. The real estate agent took a phone call, leaving you three to go explore the house.
Harry led you upstairs to look at the bedroom. "Lily, this could be yours." He said as he opened the door to a massive room that she would struggle to fill if you brought her everything she'd ever wanted.
"Wow!" She cheers as she walked over to the window and looked at the LA skyline. It was a nice view but you knew the master bedroom would have an even nicer one.
"I can see that pretty brain working overtime, what are you thinking?" Harry said into your ear as he snaked his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. The two of you stood there, by the doorframe, watching your daughter.
You twisted your head so you could smile up at him. "It's really nice." There was a slight pause. "Lily loves it but I think she's going to love any house so that's not really a concern. I'm excited to see what other houses we're going to see. What about you?" You told him honestly.
"I love the kitchen and lounge but I think we need more bedrooms. And the pool isn't that big." He remarked and you looked at him with raise eyebrows.
"6 bedrooms isn't enough?" You questioned and he shook his head. "Lily, you and I only need 2, plus one for visitors. So that's 3, maybe 4." You explained.
He shook his head again. "What about when we have more kids?" He asked and your mouth fell open.
The two of you had never spoken about this before, but you hadn't even spoken about having Lily. At least 5 years ago he had said he wanted a few. As soon as Harry realised what he said he shut his mouth and you could see him thinking about what to say next.
To make it better or to take it away.
Finally, you had to pluck up the courage. "You want more?" Harry was now blushing furiously as he tried to think of something to say.
"Honestly, yes. I want to be there to raise them with you." He admitted. He had spun you around now so he could look into your eyes and have an honest conversation. "But it's not a deal-breaker." He quickly clarified.
It was the best answer you could have heard. "Harry, that's exactly what I want." You watched the huge smile appear on his face and he struggled to not wrap you in his arms.
"So, what are your thoughts?" The real estate agent asked as he walked up the stairs. Lily rushed out of the hidden room she had found with a huge smile on her face.
"I love it." She told him, which made him chuckle.
"It's nice, can we give you a call later once we've seen some others and decided?" Harry asked and the real estate agent nodded before you all left the house.
The rest of the day consisted of looking at 4 other, just as grand, homes, getting lunch and Harry subtly driving past one of the top private schools in the whole country in an attempt to get Lily to see it. Luckily for you she didn't, only because there had been no prior discussion between you and Harry about where she would go.
"So, team. what house do we think?" Harry asked around the dinner table later in the evening, ready for an inaugural family meeting.
"Second one!" Lily quickly yelled. The second house was built with two wings of bedrooms and a kitchen/lounge area in the middle. It was Lily's favourite because in the kid's wing there was a massive rock climbing wall.
"But would you like to be that far away from us every night?" You asked, knowing what problem was going to occur later.
She shook her head reluctantly. "No." She confirmed and Harry crossed that one off his list.
One down, four to go.
"So that means no to the 4th one."
Two down, three to do.
"Okay, now we're going to decide what is most important for us." You said, taking charge and reading over the features of the remaining 3 houses. "Do we want a spa?" You asked and Harry nodded quickly. A bit too quickly. "Not going to ask why." You said as you sent Harry a wink.
That decision crossed another house off. Three down, two to go.
"Okay, so 8 bedrooms and 3 lounges or 7 bedrooms and 4 lounges?" You asked Harry and Lily who looked at you like they were watching an intense sports match.
"7 and 4." They both said at the same time. Four down, one winner.
26 notes · View notes
onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
Let Them Eat Cake (Part iv)
Tonight, on The Great British Bake Off;
“This is thick as hell.”
Will our bakers melt, or melt down? Only time will tell - it’s chocolate week in the tent!
“I quite like your mouth.”
Remus stared at himself in the mirror. His mouth wasn’t that bad to be fair, but it was nothing next to Sirius’ own. I quite like your mouth, I quite like your mouth, I quite like -
“Remus? You ready?”
Remus shook himself. It was time to put all of this out of his head. “Yeah,” He called to Lily. “I’m coming.”
He left thoughts of Sirius in the hotel.
“This week,” Sirius announced, (looking ridiculously good in those skinny jeans Remus noticed), “Is possibly the best week.”
“Not being in any way subjective now, are you?” James quipped.
“Oi, you can’t say anything, last night you sang me a ballad about this week just last night.”
“Ah yes you’re right, I’ll sing it for everyone, shall I?” James took a deep breath, but before he could get the first note out, Sirius had covered his mouth.
“It’s chocolate week!” Sirius interrupted quickly, succeeding in making everyone laugh as usual. For our lovely first challenge, our judges would like you to make brownies.”
Remus already knew this of course, but he couldn’t help but sneak a little smile to Lily. They were practising all week, Lily even surprised Remus with a batch of gluten free when she had still been experimenting with her flavours. Salted caramel was sacred to Remus now.
Remus heard Sirius and James say the rules in the background, but he had tuned out a little. It was hard to stop his mind from wandering to Sirius when the man in question was standing right in front of him. His hair was in a top knot today. Fuck if Remus didn’t love his hair like that, Throughout the day, it would loosen a little and strands would fall in front of Sirius’ face and Remus would imagine what they would look like wrapped around his fingers-
Remus blinked. Not here. Now it was time to focus. Chocolate week would be his week.
Remus grabbed his ingredients and set to work.
Chocolate week was not his week.
Nothing was going quite to plan. He had burned the chocolate after leaving it in the bain marie a little too long - not so much that it required to be redone, but enough that Remus was annoyed at himself. He had misread his scales and added a little too much four and to top it off, he was pretty sure he had over-baked them.
“What are you making for us today?” The judges had asked when they had made their usual rounds at the start of the day. Remus had been calm and confident then. 
“Classic chocolate, just with walnuts added in.”
“Chopped, I assume?” Dumbledore said and Remus forced a smile on his face instead of rolling his eyes. 
“Of course.”
“I look forward to trying them.” McGonagall had said and then they had whisked themselves away, vanishing behind Remus to ask Lily some inane questions.
(Remus really didn’t mind the questions. He actually loved them - he had looked up to both judges all his life. Today was just, not his day).
Sirius turned up at his side, nabbing a spare square of chocolate and popping it into his mouth. Remus certainly didn’t think about chasing it with his lips. Nope, not at all.
“Hey Re.” Sirius greeted, as if the casual nickname didn’t just make Remus’ heart stutter. As if he hadn’t been flirting with Remus in this very spot not a week ago.
Remus hadn’t seen Sirius much since then which was pretty odd. The entire cast and crew mingled together on the non filming days and Sirius and James were infamous for showing up in the practice tent to try the bakers latest experiments. Only James had shown his face this week though. Remus hadn’t missed the way he always seemed to know when Lily was practicing, but that was another thing altogether.
He glanced up from where he was carefully piping chocolate designs on parchment paper to decorate the cakes when they were cool. “Hi.”
Sirius pulled out two mugs, ignoring Remus’ raised eyebrow and clicked the kettle. “Tea?”
“You’re taking over my work bench, are you?”
Sirius took his usual perch up on the counter as the tea brewed. “And what of it?”
Remus looked back down at what he was doing. He didn’t answer for a moment or two as he focused on a particularly intricate design, very aware of the way he stuck out his tongue when he was concentrating. “Haven’t seen much of you this week.”
Sirius hopped down to put milk and sugar in Remus’ mug, looking at Remus like he was a little mad. “I looked for you, but you’re a difficult man to pin down Remus Lupin.”
Remus felt his face flush as his mind flicked to how exactly he’s like to be pinned down by Sirius Black, but he swallowed weakly instead. “I was practicing mostly.”
Sirius nodded. “I know. I was there a few times but you were always absorbed in work for the showstopper so I didn’t want to bother you.”
Remus was relieved when his oven timer went off and he had an excuse to move away from Sirius for a moment. 
“You wouldn’t have bothered me.” He said as soon as he had transferred the contents of his tin onto a wire rack.”
Sirius opened his mouth to respond, but just then a microphone appeared over their heads, a cameraman right behind it.
“Feeling good about today?” Sirius asked pleasantly as if their previous conversation had never even existed. Remus’ smile felt tight. 
“I have absolutely no idea.” He breathed. He wasn’t just talking about the cakes.
Remus pursed his lips when he realised he was being judged last today. It wasn’t so bad, Remus just liked to get it over with as soon as possible. He was only partially satisfied with his brownies, but there was a lot more that could have gone wrong so Remus chose to try to maintain a slightly positive attitude. 
Peter’s brownies were a smash hit, Tonks’ didn’t look the neatest but apparently tasted fantastic. Lily’s blew them away. Remus didn’t hide his grin - he was just glad he had technically been the first to taste her recipe.
“They’re quite cake-like.” McGonagall commented, coming to a stop in front of Remus’ bench. Remus didn’t say anything, just pursed his lips.
“Flavours are good, the walnuts add a nice crunch.” Dumbledore said, munching away. “But one of the main features of brownies is that they’re soft, fudgey, even a little gooey.”
Dumbledore met Remus’ eyes. “These are good cakes, but the key word is they’re cakes, not brownies.”
Remus nodded, his jaw clenching. He closed his eyes in annoyance when they finally turned away. He knew he had over baked them. Fucking Sirius Black.
(Okay so Sirius wasn’t actually the cause of this particular problem but… Remus was a sucker for consistency).
He collapsed in a chair for lunch feeling the tension bleeding out of his muscles.
“Hey Re.” Tonks chuckled and Remus just cracked one eye open to peek at her.
For once, he was the last to the table, even James and Sirius seated before him. He sat up and dug into his pasta, unable to stop himself from actually groaning when he ate it.
“Sorry but, it’s so good. Also I’m really hungry so that helps, but wow I’m going to need this recipe.”
He didn’t miss the way Sirius eyed him the rest of the way through lunch, or the smug little looks coming from Lily either. So maybe Remus had been a little blind to how Sirius had been looking at him before, but this week he was finally wide awake.
He took a moment to pop onto Bake Off Twitter to see what they were saying this week. There were even more gifs of him blushing, Sirius looking at him and one really great picture of the two of them laughing. There were other things too of course, the other contestants' opinions on last week's episode but Remus couldn’t help but notice he was one of the most popular topics.
His mindless scrolling was interrupted by his phone buzzing.
“Ooh, someone’s popular!” James teased and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Hi Ma,” He greeted, looking pointedly at James and sticking out his tongue.
“Hi sweetheart, how’s it going.?”
Remus began to move away so everyone else could continue their conversation but Lily swatted his wrist.
“I wanna say hi to Hope!”
“Yeah Remus! Don’t be rude!” Tonks chimed in and Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Mam, I’m gonna put you on speaker, the lads want to say hi.” He said, pulling the phone away from his ear.
“Hi Hope!” Lily said, everyone else joining in, a clamour of voices drowning out Remus’ laugh.
“Hi loves!” Hope said, Remus knowing she was having the time of her life. These people were like celebrities to her. “How’re you all doing?”
“Much better now that we get to chat to you.” Sirius charmed and Remus could practically see his mother blushing back in their kitchen at home. They all chatted for a little while longer before they had to get back to work.
“Hey mam, we’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you later, yeah?”
“Alright darling, I’ll chat to you soon. Good luck.”
“Bye mam, love you.”
Remus hung up biting his lip. “So that was my mom.”
“Really, you don’t say.” Tonks quipped.
“She’s my new best friend.” Lily sighed wistfully, sinking back into her chair.
“What does that make me?2 Remus asked. “A brick wall?”
Lily quirked an eyebrow. “I thought we were meant to be friends Re, but now I see we were just introduced so that I could get to know your mother. She was my destiny all along.”
“That’s not at all dramatic.” Remus deadpanned and they all started to move, getting up and ready for the next round of filming.
Sirius had been giving him a strange look towards the end of the phone call but when Remus met his eyes, he blinked once and it was gone. Remus wandered back into the tent with Lily and Tonks, debating if Tonks should dye her hair again (Pink: outdated or iconic?) but the only colour Remus could think about was grey.
“For this challenge,” James said as soon as the cameras had recommenced recording, “Our judges have asked you to make a white chocolate and raspberry tart.”
“Everything you need is under the cloth in front of you,” Sirius continued. “Judges, do you have anything you’d like to say?”
“Read the instructions carefully.” McGonagall said, her face blank. Remus blinked.
“Well, they never would have guessed that!” Sirius said cheekily and Remus had to bite down his laugh.
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
Remus pulled back the gingham cloth, eyeing the fewer-than-usual set of ingredients. He picked up the sheet with instructions, found it vague as usual but it didn’t seem overly complicated.
“Am I allowed to say white chocolate isn’t real chocolate?” Sirius asked, gliding up to Remus’ bench, cameras in tow.
“I was wondering how long it would be before someone started that debate!” Lily chimed in. “We had a bet going, I won so thanks for that.”
Remus looked at Sirius accusingly. “You couldn't have waited ten more minutes?”
Sirius laughed to himself as he wandered away to talk to everyone and Remus set to work. They wanted a digestive base, so after weighing out the right amount, Remus grabbed a rolling pin and set to work smashing the biscuits.
“You know, you could just use a blender.” Lily called over the thrum of her own machine. Remus made a face at her.
“Yeah, but this is way more cathartic.” He countered.
“Got some tension you need to relieve?” Tonks teased and Remus was suddenly really glad Sirius was on the other side of the tent.
He put his most innocent smile on his face, looked her right in the eyes and flipped her off. Lily and Tonks burst into a laughing fit. Marlene just sighed and looked at Remus a little hopelessly.
“One of these days Remus, I won’t have to edit every shot you’re in.”
Remus just shot her a cheeky wink. “Keep dreaming Marlene.”
Remus scrunched up his nose as he tried to pour the chocolate into the tin. He had placed the raspberries so that they covered the base of the pastry and now all he had to do was add the chocolate and pop it all in the fridge to set. But the chocolate mixture was a lot thicker than he had anticipated. 
“Fuck…” He breathed, drawing out the word as he tried to even it out with a spatula, only succeeding in moving the berries around and messing up the distribution.
“You alright?” Lily asked.
Remus glanced back, shooting her a smile. “Yeah, I’m okay. This is just thick as hell.”
“White chocolate’s a bitch like that.” Lily agreed.
“Seriously?” Marlene exclaimed. “Now you too Lily? I’m firing both of you.”
Remus laughed and handed her a spare piece of chocolate. “Sorry Marlene.”
Marlene rolled her eyes but smiled. “I hate you.”
Remus blew her a kiss. “Love you too!”
He bit his lip and evened out the top of his tart before putting it into the fridge so it had as long as possible to set.
“And now we wait.”
They set their tarts behind their pictures, Peter being ridiculously cautious, looking around himself before he made any movements. Remus appreciated it, but found it hilarious all the same.
 He sat on the stool as the judges came out with a familiarity that was new. He liked it. He had watched the show for as long as it had been on air, watching it gave him the same feeling you might get when curling up under a blanket and a good book when it’s pouring rain outside. He liked being comfortable on the show now too.
The judges came out, Remus’ tart right in the centre of the table. 
“This one looks quite good,” McGonagall said as she cut a slice, “But there doesn’t seem to be as many raspberries as I would have hoped.”
Remus bit his lip. She had snagged a slice from a section all the berries had been disrupted. Fucking white chocolate.
“Everything else however, is lovely.” Dumbledore said and Remus breathed easy, it wasn’t the worst one, not by far. A tart belonging to a woman named Susan hadn’t even set properly. Remus wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up going home tomorrow, she had certainly lost the technical and from what Remus remembered, she hadn’t done too well in the first challenge either.
Kingsley won the technical, smiling at everyone congratulating him. Remus liked Kingsley a lot, the other man was quiet, so he didn’t know him too well but any interaction they’d had was always pleasant.
The camera’s stopped rolling and everyone filed over to the table to grab themselves a slice of the best tarts. Remus noticed Sirius hanging back for once, so he sidled up next to him.
“Not a fan?” He asked. Sirius shook his head.
“Nah, white chocolate is much too sweet for me.”
“Right,” Remus said, tilting his head. “You don’t even take sugar in your tea.”
Sirius bit his lip and took his time replying. “There’s only so many sweet things I can handle,” He said, leaning in closer to Remus, who mirrored his movements on instinct. “And you fill that quota completely.”
Remus stood there frozen as Sirius smiled at him before leaving the tent. Lily came up next to him, a plate in hand.
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“Oh it’s so much worse than that.”
“What happened?” She asked, concerned. 
“Sirius Black is flirting with me.” He half whispered. “And I’m so completely and utterly fucked.”
Lily smirked and bumped her hip against Remus’. “More like you will be completely and utterly fucked.”
The noise escaping Lily in response could only be described as a cackle. Remus lay awake half the night replaying Sirius’ words over and over in his head. He was so screwed.
“Welcome back!” James began, “It’s time for our showstopper challenge!”
“This week,” Sirius said, “Our judges want you to create a 3D chocolate structure.”
Remus bit his lip. He had practiced. A lot. But this would still be a challenge.
“Your creation should be entirely edible and entirely chocolate. As usual, you have four and a half hours. Ready?”
Remus set off, faster than he had for the last few challenges. He could do this, but he needed time. He immediately set out breaking up chocolate to melt, two rectangular silicone moulds ready to go. He poured an equal amount of milk chocolate into each and made sure they were spread evenly before putting them in the fridge.
“Damn Re, that was fast.” Lily commented, still filling her mould.
“That’s not what he said.” Remus retorted with a wink and Lily snorted behind him.
Remus kept melting chocolate, white was next on his agenda. When it was melted, he added a couple of drops of orange essence and mixed it in. He spread it quite thinly over two large trays, wishing it had been this co-operative in the previous challenge, and put them in the fridge too.
“Hey,” Sirius said softly, arriving at his station. Remus broke off a piece of dark chocolate and offered it out to him.
“This is your favourite type I’m guessing?”
Sirius blushed. It was fun to see Remus wasn’t the only one who could do that. 
“Yeah,” He said, his voice low. “Yeah it is, thanks.”
Remus took out a clean bowl and started breaking pieces of dark chocolate into it. “Everything okay?”
Sirius frowned. “Does something have to be wrong for me to be here?”
Remus shook his head quickly. “No! I mean, no. I just meant…” He glanced around the room and saw no microphone close enough to capture their conversation but cameras were panning the room. He kept his eyes on his work and his voice hushed. “Well, you know what I meant.”
“Yeah,” Sirius fiddled with a tea towel he found on Remus’ counter. “Can we talk? Later?”
Remus nodded. “I’d like that.”
Sirius smiled at him and moved away, walking around to the rest of the room. Remus took a shaky breath. He would talk to Sirius later. He straightened his shoulders and set his jaw, he would be calm about this. He could obsess about it later. Right now? He had a big ass chocolate sculpture to make.
“Bakers, you have thirty minutes left!” James announced a while later and Remus shared a mildly panicked look with Lily. He took his many many trays of chocolate out of the fridge and set to work assembling his piece. He measured the white chocolate and cut precise, identical rectangles, biting his lip as he prayed the chocolate wouldn’t snap. It would appear luck was on his side today because it all cut cleanly. He sighed in relief and set up the flat stand it would be displayed on. He filled his piping bag with dark chocolate and unfolded the page of notes he had brought in with him that day and began writing on the white chocolate slabs.
“Bakers! Please step away from your benches!”
Remus fiddled with his hands as he stepped away, looking at his creation. It was… It was fucking perfect is what it was.
Lily presented first, a gorgeous goldfish made of chocolate and sprayed with edible paint. Lily had even carved the scales into the surface, Remus was blown away by the amount of detail in it.
Tonks had made a little castle - two towers and a main building, it was ridiculously charming, Remus wished he could live there. 
Remus walked up with his and stood back so he could look at it too. It was a book - Pride and Prejudice to be exact, standing up and cracked a little open so some pages were on display. Pages on which Remus had written the exact text from the book, the cover based off the hardback edition Remus had at home.
“I must say Mr Lupin,” McGonagall said, “As a big Jane Austen fan, I’m quite charmed by this.”
She broke away a ‘page’ and popped a piece in her mouth. “The orange flavouring is a lovely touch.”
Dumbledore broke off a piece from the back cover and nodded in agreement. “Very good, I’m quite impressed.”
Remus beamed at them and returned to his bench. He was so unbelievably glad they liked it, if they hadn’t well, he might have actually cried.
Sirius caught his eye and smiled at him. Remus smiled back.
They sat in a row once more a little while later, but Remus wasn’t afraid. He hadn’t done as well as he might have liked yesterday, but he still wasn’t bad. And he had done quite well today. He was pretty sure he was safe for today. 
As he suspected, Susan went home. Tonks won star baker and Remus had the rare opportunity of getting to try the other baker’s work since it was all made purely of chocolate.
“Take a walk with me?” Sirius asked after a little while, the euphoria of another week done fading and the remaining contestants beginning to trickle back to the hotel. Remus nodded and sent Lily a quick text and then he followed Sirius out of the tent and away from the cameras and microphones and contestants.
And then it was just the two of them.
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Hi there! Can I request Dick Grayson x fem reader where they’re training and one thing leads to another and the end up having some sexy time
warnings: smut // fem!reader.
word count: 1.9k
Omg I’m so sorry this is so late!! Hopefully it’s hot enough to make it up to you!!
requests are open!
Announcement coming tomorrow (titans related)!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
Ever since the Titans found out that their old enemy, Dr Light, is back in town, everyone had been pretty on edge. Dick had us all training harder than before; longer hours, tougher fighting and weapon training. One thing seemed to impress him — and even calm him a little — is the persevering determination that I possess. Each time he’d walk past the training room, he’d peak his head in and see me beating up a boxing bag or throwing knifes at the wall or even working with the cross bow. I was new after all and felt that I needed to get up to speed with everyone’s training skills. 
Dick had been tense and agitated all night. Him and the Titans — excluding Jason, Rach, Gar and me, of course — were going down to the stadium to fight Dr Light. The rest of us sat around the Titan Tower. Jason was pacing around the living room, where we all sat, complaining about Dick not taking any of us seriously. Rachel, who seemed to have zoned out ages ago, was scrolling through her phone and not even bothering to look up at Jason. Which left Gar and I to converse with Jason. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“Where’s Dr. Light?” Jason snickers at Dick. 
“Jason,” Rachel warns. 
“A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, head lamps? I mean, half the city’s on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light,” Jason scoffs as he approaches Dick.
“Not the time Jason,” Dick replies sternly, yet exhaustedly. 
“Look, I don’t take orders from you anymore, man.” Jason steps closer to Dick, both of their jaws are clenched and we all knew this wouldn’t end well. “I do what I want, when I want.” 
I roll my eyes at Jasons remark. This kid thinks he’s older and more experienced than he is. I love him, but I think he doesn’t even have the slightest clue what we’re up against. No one does. 
Jason puts a hand on Dick’s chest, stopping Dick from walking past him.
“Get out of my way,” Dick said lowly, causing Jason to sigh. 
“I think you got it all wrong. You’re in my way. Yeah, and maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?” Jason turns away and looks at us. His knuckles crack as he balls them into a tight and angry fist. Turning back to Dick , Dick says a serious “Don’t” almost as if he was warning him. Jason ignores him and swings his fist toward Dick, but Dick takes it and thrashes him down on the ground. Jason whimpers as he hits the ground. 
“Shit. Here,” Dick reaches his hand out apologetically towards Jason, who just slaps it away angrily. Jason stands up and snarls at Dick before storming off, pushing past Dick as he does so. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“I hope you’re wearing gloves with that, don’t want you to hurt your hands before you’ve even started fighting the guy,” I joke, slowly walking towards him in the training room. Dick turns towards me. His breathing is still fast and heavy. His forehead is beaded with sweat, making the strands of hair stick to it in the hottest way. He looks me up and down discreetly, his lips turning upward into a smirk before frowning again. Dick couldn’t let me know that he was infatuated with me. He knew if I got hurt that he’d only have himself to blame. Sometimes he thinks that if he can be as detached as possible, it wouldn’t hurt. Problem is, he already is. 
“If I wanted an audience, I would’ve asked,” he snarls; his voice raspy through his panting. 
“Not here to watch. I just came to see if you were alright,” my warmth seems to cause him to drop his guard a bit. His shoulders relax and both his fists and jaw begins to unclench. 
“You know, I’ve been quite impressed with you recently. I know coming here must be hard, but you really put the work in. I’d love for you to show me sometime,” Dick smirks. “But for now, I’ve gotta blow off some steam.”
“How about we fight each other. I could do with another practice round for today,” I suggest, hoping that he’ll oblige. Dick shrugs and nods for me to come closer. 
“Grab the sword,” he instructs, as he takes a wooden sword-like weapon. “Show me what you’ve got then.”
Bringing the sword up, I position myself in a fighting stance. I squint my eyes at him, waiting to see if he’ll make the first move. After a second later, I charge at him, kicking his sword before swinging my sword down to his legs. He catches it with his weapon, pushing back and blocking every move. I round-house kick his side, causing him to be caught off guard. With my sword still clenched tightly in my hand, I break his wooden weapon in two. 
“Smart move,” Dick smirks, cocking an eyebrow in astonishment. Swinging his, now two, weapons at me, I block every move. Finally, I corner him, holding my firm stance with my sword pressing under his chin.  
“So, really,” I pant. “Are you okay?”
“It was a hectic night,” he sighs. “I didn’t handle it so well.” 
“I’ve been there, it happens to the best of us,” I reply back, before being caught off guard by his arm knocking my sword out of my hand. In my quite pathetic attempt to punch him, he grabs my arm and flips me to the floor. Letting out a small grunt, Dick mumbles out a ‘sorry’. His arm extends out to help me up, but I pull him down, causing him to fall next to me. We both erupt in a fit of laughter before I kick his wooden sword out of the way. 
“Oh, we’re still going are we?” He snickers, trapping my body under his. Dick’s hands pin mine on each side of my head. He’s so close to me that I can feel his hot breath on my face and neck. 
“What’re you gonna do now, huh?” His voice low with anticipation. I didn’t answer. We stayed like that for a few seconds before his lips smash onto mine, catching me off guard for about the millionth time this night. My heart is beating so fast I’m sure he can feel it against him too. Flipping him over, I straddle his waist and take my shirt off, flinging it across the room. Leaning down again, I plant needy kisses on his neck, feeling his hands glide up my back. Tingles spread across my body as I felt Dick unclasp my bra. Items of our clothing were flung around the room in an attempt to rid them as fast as we could. We both need each other and we both know it. 
Dick kisses up my neck while I grind on his now uncovered cock, and a whine slips through his lips. 
“ride my face,” he instructs in a low growl. Crawling up his body, I begin to feel nervous as I straddle his face. But all those nerve seem to disappear the second he touches me. There is something about Dick’s touch that just makes me feel safe. His hands reach up and grip my hips, holding me down against his mouth. I grind my clit against his tongue, letting out quiet whines while my eyes roll back in pleasure. Dick’s tongue rapidly flicks at my clit and laps up each of my folds, completely immersing himself in the taste of me. 
“Fuck, oh my god,” I moan softly, trying hard not to be too loud. I feel his tongue tease around my entrance before pushing in only slightly. Dick’s hand slaps my ass, causing me to let out a little yelp. I giggle as I lean back and press my hands against his stomach to hold myself up better. His eyes connect to mine and a tingle can be felt in my stomach. I’ve never seen such passion in his eyes before. His eyes are usually hard and cold; the anger, hurt and burdens are carried in his eyes. But right here in this very moment, they’re different. Brighter, yet dark with want. 
“Dick, I’m gonna cum,” the faintest whimper slips through my lips as I feel his tongue give my clit more attention and rapidly flick against it again. My body shakes above him and I swear I can feel him smirking against me. A small squeal escapes my lips as I cum on his tongue, feeling nothing but absolute bliss. Dick laps up every last drop, wanting nothing more than to savour every bit of taste he could get. If that alone doesn’t say something about his need and want for me, than I could never know what does. 
Shuffling down to sit on his stomach, I lean down and kiss him, not caring if his mouth is covered in my wetness. 
“do you want me to ride you too?” I tease, reaching behind me to jerk him off slowly. 
“yes,” he breathes out, closing his eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of my hand on him, before opening them back up again. I shuffle further down his body and line myself up. Dick’s hands snake down from my waist to my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze either as reassurance that everything here in this moment is okay, or as a reminder to himself that this might by the last time he’ll ever get to hold me like this. My hands rest themselves on his shoulders to balance myself. A groan passes through the both of us as I sink down onto him. 
I waste no time in slamming my hips into his. A smile creeps on my face as I watch his face contort with pleasure; the feeling of my pussy around his cock already has him at a loss for words. Leaning down, I press my lips against his. Almost immediately, dick wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down further into him. It was like he was completely starved of all touch, and I were the only one to provide him with it. A giggle slips past me again as I sit back up against him. I rest my hands on his thighs, thrusting myself harder onto him. Dick sinks his teeth harshly on his bottom lip to suppress a moan, but fails. He lets out the most hottest sound I’ve ever heard; a mix between a moan and a grunt. Dick’s hands press into my hips again and grips it so tightly, I’m sure they’re gonna leave a bruise. I moan as he holds me down against him, feeling him thrust up into me roughly. 
“fuck,” I whimper, closing my eyes as he fucks me faster. Feeling myself lose balance, I lean forward and press my hands against his stomach, feeling his abs tense from the pleasure.
“are you gonna cum, babygirl?” Dick asks, his hand snaking around to my clit. I nod and bounce myself faster on his cock. Suddenly, everything just feels so intense I begin whining. Dick pulls me down and holds me against him while he thrusts up into me harder. 
“it’s okay, I got you. Let it go, baby,” he soothes, letting out a moan as he feels my walls pulse around his cock as I cum. Again, my body is almost convulsing above him from how strong and powerful the orgasm is; whines and moans are now uncontrollable, but neither of us cared. Dick came from just watching me cum, and his arms never left my body; just having me pressed against his chest, especially naked, is all he could ask for.
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Bucky x reader x Loki
Accidents seemed to run in the family. You were an accident. Your father, Brian Banner, didn't want children and thought he was done when Bruce came along.
He wasn't accounting for you to come along when Bruce was almost 15. Bruce wasn't even your full brother. After the death of his mother, he'd moved to your aunts and never made the effort to contact his father. When your father dropped you off on their doorstep as a babe, was the last time Bruce ever saw his father.
You were the result of a one night stand. Your mother didn't want you, your father didn't want you but Bruce wanted you. You were his little sister, his flesh and blood. And honestly, you were happy to grow up with Bruce.
Your brother had his accident in the lab when you were 20. You'd barely had the time to say goodbye to your brother before he had to run. For the next eight years, Bruce had kept in contact with you. It was minimal and infrequent, but you appreciated it all the time. 
Two years after your brother had run, you got to see him again. There had been an accident in your lab, causing you to gain strange abilities.
A professor had injected you with an experimental plant poison, causing you to gain control over plants and strangely enough, feel what they could. 
You'd used your private line to contact Bruce and he had helped you understand what was happening to you.
In 2012, six years after you gained your powers and Bruce gained the Hulk, Bruce came back to New York.
Bruce fought with the Avengers against a mind-controlled Asgardian God. You weren't an Avenger. You didn't want to be but because Bruce was one, you found yourself hanging around the Tower often.
It was Bruce's fault that you begun hanging around Loki and Bucky. It was because of Bruce you found yourself in the best relationship you'd had since your lab accident.
"Babe, I'll be back in about twenty minutes." You assured Bucky. You were driving back home after spending the day in New York with Bruce. Since Bucky and Loki weren't full-time Avengers, and the three of you had been together for three years, Loki and Bucky moved into your home just outside of New York.
"I don't get why your brother couldn't have just come here today, instead of you driving to New York?" Bucky asked.
"You're not on your phone are you, darling?" Loki questioned. "That's very dangerous."
"I have both hands on the wheel. You're coming through the Bluetooth. I'm fine." You promised them. "And Bruce couldn't come because he's working on something for Tony."
"It's your birthday he should be able to skip," Bucky told you.
"I don't really mind. Either way, I got to see him." You shrugged. "And I get to have dinner with my boys. It's a good day."
"Hurry home, darling. Dinner's almost ready." Loki said. "But be careful."
"I'm always careful and I'm five minutes away." You said. 
"Alright, doll. We'll see you when you get back. Love you." Bucky told you.
"Love you both too." You replied, switching the call off as you rounded a bend. You hadn't taken your eyes off the road. You hadn't done anything wrong as a car swerved around the corner and smashed into yours.
You let out a surprised shriek as the car spun uncontrollably off the road before rolling over several times.
You weren't ever able to fully remember the next few seconds of your life. Even as you hung suspended from your seat you weren't sure what happened. 
As tears began to fall down your cheeks you wondered if they were from fear of what just happened or if they were because you might never see those you loved again.
That was the last thing you thought before the world went dark.
"I think she's waking up." A voice cut through your foggy brain. "She just moved."
"That might not mean she's awake. It might just be a reflex." Another voice said.
"Darling, can you try to move if you can hear us?" A third voice asked of you. You let out an almost inaudible whine as you willed yourself to follow this. "That was movement." The third man chuckled as a hand placed itself on your knee.
"Honey, don't push yourself. You can't strain yourself to wake up, you're still quite weak and it will hinder your recovery."
"Take all the time you need, doll." Bucky. "We'll be right here."
Listening to the advice you didn't push yourself to open your eyes. You laid there in the darkness, listening to the encouraging words spoken by your brother and lovers, as you slowly became more aware of your surroundings.
You could hear more than just your family's words. You could hear the beeping of several machines. Smell the bitter scent of disinfectant. And feel the burning pain, that was radiating throughout your body.
A loud groan escaped your lips as your eyes finally opened. The harsh bright lights made you close them as quickly as you had opened them. 
It took you almost a minute before you were able to keep your eyes open and see the men by your bedside.
"There she is." Loki smiled, squeezing your knee.
"I'm going to grab the doctor," Bruce said, leaning down and kissing your forehead. "You're going to give me a heart attack one day."
"I'm not trying to." You croaked, smiling at your brother.
"Of course you aren't." He rolled his eyes. "I love you, Y/N."
"Love you too, Brucie." You rasped. As Bruce left the room, Bucky grabbed a glass of water and held it to your lips.
“Drink up, doll,” Bucky told you. “You’ve been asleep for a while.”
“How long have I been out?” You asked after downing half the glass.
“You’ve been asleep for almost two weeks,” Loki answered. “You gave everyone quite a scare.”
“Do you remember what happened, doll?” Bucky asked you, watching you in worry.
“I was driving and a car rammed into my side. I don’t remember a lot after that,” You said, groaning as you shifted. “So what’s the prognosis?”  You questioned the men looking down at your body. “Did these guys get the worst of it?” You asked, nodding to your hands.
“I think we should wait for the doctor to explain it, darling,” Loki told you.
“Is it bad bad?” You raised a brow at the God.
“It’s not particularly good,” Loki said, causing Bucky to elbow him in the side. “No use in lying.”
“Coming from the God of Lies himself.” You teased as Bruce re-entered with the doctor.
“It’s nice to see you awake, Miss Banner.” The doctor greeted you.
“Nice to be awake, doc.” You said as Bruce sat opposite Bucky and Loki. “So, what’s the damage?”
 “Well overall, you’re quite lucky. You cracked two ribs and broke another, you have several deep cuts from glass, and you are covered in bruising, but overall, quite lucky.” The doctor told you, flipping through his charts.
“And my arms? I take it they’re the worst?” You asked, looking down at said appendages. Both were in casts, held above your body, with several pins sticking out of them. “Don’t sugar coat it, doc.”
“There has been severe nerve damage to both your hands,” The doctor sighed. “Multiple torn ligaments. We had to put twelve stainless steel pins in the bones. There is a high likelihood you will never be able to use your hands as you once did. I’m sorry.” She said before leaving the room.
“I’m sorry, doll,” Bucky said, placing a hand on your leg. 
“It’s okay. I’m fine.” You swallowed harshly. “It’s just a lot right now.” You told him, letting out a shaky breath.
“We’ll be here to help you every step of the way,” Loki promised you.
“Every step.” Bruce agreed.
It had been two months since your car accident. You were discharged from the hospital last month and had spent this month recovering in the confines of your home. 
Bruce came down from New York at least twice a week, if his work permitted, and his brotherly instincts were in overdrive. The man had essentially raised you so you understood his fear at your accident and excused his overprotective behavior when he was around. 
Bucky and Loki were godsends. The two were very patient with you when it came to your recovery. They understood your want to move around, to go outside, to just try and move on and didn’t force you back to bed as Bruce did.
After two months your ribs and most of your cuts had healed almost completely. Your body remained covered in dark bruising but it was beginning to fade to a brown shade.
You had only just gotten both the casts off your arms. The doctor was not kidding when she said you would not be able to use your hands as you once did.
Your hands were constantly shaking. You could barely hold objects without dropping them. It took a lot of effort to open cabinets or doors. Anything you wrote looked as though you had written it with your non-dominant hand.
At first, you had attempted to be positive. You were alive after all and apart from your hands, you had only sustained minor injuries. 
But as time went on and it became much more obvious as to what you couldn't do as you once had, that peppy demeanor faded into oblivion.
“Fuck!” You yelled as your weak grip on your watering can failed and it dropped from your hands. Water pooled around your feet as you glared at the can.
“Doll? You okay?” Bucky asked, running into the greenhouse.
“No, I’m not okay.” You cried, sinking to your knees. “I’m so done with this.”
“Done with what?” Bucky questioned you, kneeling next to you.
“All of this!” You exclaimed. “I can’t do anything now. I can’t open doors. I can’t write anything. I can’t hold a glass. I can’t even hold a stupid watering can.” You said, beginning to cry tears of frustration.
“It’s okay, doll. It’ll get better.” Bucky cooed, pulling you onto your lap. “We can help you with doors. We can help you with writing things down. We can even help with your garden.”
“But I want to do it. You shouldn’t be forced to do all these things for me. It’s not your job.” You whimpered.
“It’s not a job to love you. It’s our privilege.” Bucky assured you. “You have just gotten out of the casts. You heard what the doc said, there are therapies and treatments to help with the nerve damage. This could get better.”
“I can’t even use my powers.” You said, pointing to the ground in front of you. Slowly and shakily a weak vine appeared from the ground looking sickly before it shrunk in on itself. “This might not get better.”
“We don’t know that yet. Your hands can get better. Your powers can get better. And if they don’t, we’ll be here to help you in whatever way we can.” The brunette man promised you.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” You said, looking up your partner.
“You were yourself, Y/N.” He said, wiping the tears off your face. “Better, doll?”
“Much.” You smiled, leaning up to kiss the man. 
“Good. Then let’s go back inside. Last I saw Loki was making a big lunch.” He told you, standing and setting you on your feet.
“I love when he cooks.” You smiled as you walked back into the house.
“You and me both.”
When you awoke the next morning, you were alone. The alarm clock read nine but the sheets were cold.
“Bucky? Loki?” You called, pulling on a dressing gown. “Where are you two?” You asked yourself, exploring the house. Walking through your home, you started to notice several small differences to last night.
All the doors were open. The cabinet doors had been removed. A selection of plastic mugs had been placed on the bottom shelf of your cabinet. And several other small changes littered your home.
Taking note of the open back door, you moved outside and continued down the path as you saw movement in the greenhouse.
“Morning.” You greeted, standing in the entryway as you watched your boys move around.
Both men were before you in jeans and singlets. Bucky’s hair was in a man bun and Loki had his in a low ponytail as Loki levitated pots and Bucky held a hose.
“Morning doll.” Bucky greeted, waving as he continued to water.
“Morning darling,” Loki said, moving over to greet you with a kiss. “Sleep well?”
“Very. What’s all this?” You questioned, staring at all the work they had done.
“Bucky told me you were feeling despondent about your current situation.” He said, taking your hands in his and squeezing them gently. “So we made some changes, bought some new things, and for now we’re your own personal gardeners.”
You couldn’t get out a word that expressed any of the feelings that were coursing through you, instead, you merely grabbed God and kissed him passionately.
“I love you. I love both you so much.” You said, wrapping your shaking hands around his neck.
“And we love you too, darling,” Loki said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Now, come. Show us what we should be doing.” He added, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards Bucky.
As a Banner, accidents ran in the family. Some accidents caused life-changing events. Some were as easy to get over as a common cold. If there was one thing in your life you did not regret or think of as an accident, it was your relationship with Bucky and Loki.
@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliot @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @reann-loves-sebstan @skadikh
Coming soon
Dean x reader Cas
Bucky x reader x Steve x Natasha
Bucky x reader x Natasha
Meg x reader x Cas
Wanda x reader x Vision
Steve x reader x Bucky x Peggy
302 notes · View notes
Thin Ice Pt2 || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Peter’s slippery interaction on the ice leads to the beginning of a friendship.
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s note: Sorry this part took so long I’ve been studying for my midterms! Also, this is one of the last times Y/N nerds out over snowboarding so I promise, I won’t have as many confusing references or anything like that! Also also, thank you to everyone who requested more parts and wanted to be added to the tag list! I’m super glad yall are enjoying this series! 
Warning: Swearing!! But ughhhh that’s it
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || to be continued 
You grabbed your skates from the counter and sat down on a wooden bench next to Cindy who was already done lacing up. The snow had stopped falling and left complete fluffy powder in its place and the air wasn’t as harsh or crisp as yesterday was. 
This was Cindy’s big moment to shine; she was never seen as an athlete but boy did she love to show off when it came to her ice skating skills. You, on the other hand, weren’t the best at ice skating which didn’t really make sense to your friends since it’s kinda like snowboarding in terms of balancing. Nonetheless, you weren’t going to be the only person sitting out while the rest of your classmates had fun so you did your best to participate gracefully. 
After getting your skates on (with much help from Cindy and Betty), you slowly got onto the ice and hung onto the wooden fencing. 
You were all out there for almost two hours and you wondered when Mr. Harrington would call it quits for today but he was nowhere to be seen which worried you. This was your first-time ice skating outside on an actual lake and you were terrified you would fall through but the girls convinced you that you were just being paranoid. 
“ Uhm, where is the trusted adult chaperone? I didn’t spend my savings trying just to slip through the ice and die,” You said in a jocking tone but the girls knew you were somewhat serious. 
“ I don’t blame you, you’re probably still traumatized after Peter practically ran you over yesterday,” Cindy replied as she skated backwards so she could face you and Betty. 
You held on to Betty’s hand tighter as some kids who couldn’t be older than eight whizzed by you. You felt your subconscious say to stick your leg out and trip them but you pushed those dark thoughts aside and tried to keep your cool.
 You kept looking at the ground just in case you saw any cracks in the ice but you still rolled your eyes at Cindy. 
“ For the last time, it was an accident. Besides, I think I look badass,” You pushed out your bottom lip and revealed the small gash from yesterday that was still healing,” I just hope Peter isn’t beating himself up about it.”
While the girls conversed with one another, Peter and Ned skated several feet away as Peter listened in on the conversation with his ‘spidey hearing’. He couldn’t help himself but when he started to feel guilty, he turned to Ned. 
“ Maybe I should go talk to her. I don’t want her to think I forgot about what happened cause I feel-”
“ Insanely guilty yes, you’ve said it almost a hundred times within the last hour,” Ned interrupted as he shook his head,” but of course she didn’t forget. She has a huge cut on her lip to remind her what happened.” 
Once again, Peter felt another wave of guilt before MJ skated beside him. He watched as your group skated further away and he felt his legs slow down. Say what you will about MJ, but she wasn’t the type to thrive off of people’s pain and suffering especially when her close friend was whining about a girl. 
“ Don’t let this get to your head Peter, but she couldn’t stop talking about you last night in the hotel room. It’s safe to say that she forgives you indefinitely,” MJ said plainly as if that wasn’t the best news Peter could’ve heard. 
Peter stopped in his tracks completely,” Are you serious? What did she say about me? Please please please tell me-”
“ Parker!” Cindy shouted as she bumped into him harshly which caused you and Betty to fall over towards Cindy.
You and Betty both fell onto your hands and knees as you thanked the universe that you didn’t smash your face in once again. 
You ignored the gasps from your friends as you tried to push yourself up with your hands. Your legs wobbled and you gave up, sinking to your knees to avoid further embarrassment.  As MJ and Cindy helped Betty up, Peter rushed over on his skates and slid over to you with his hands out. 
“ Y/N, I am the worst person in the world I’m sorry,” Peter apologized and you felt like you were having major deja vu. 
You reached up towards Peter as he lifted you back onto your feet but since he pulled you up so fast, you fell forward again, leaning up against his chest. Peter stabilized his feet and held onto your waist, making sure you didn’t take both of you down. 
You hung onto his shoulders as you pressed up against him more, your feet shifting nervously. While you could hide your blush against his chest, your friends could all see that the cold wasn’t the only thing making his face looked flushed. 
Peter’s mind was buzzing as you squeezed him tighter; oh my fucking god this is really happening right now. 
“ Y/N, um, you can open your eyes. You’re not going to fall,” Peter consoled you softly as you nodded, opening your eyes. 
You looked up at Peter and you pulled away when you realized how you were mere centimeters from his face. You let go of his shoulders and instinctively grabbed his hand instead so you didn’t fall over again. Peter looked down at you hands and gave you a reassuring squeeze. 
“ Thanks, Pete. I guess you redeemed yourself from yesterday,” You gushed as you looked down at your interlocked fingers. Even though you were both wearing gloves, you still felt weird holding his hand in front of everyone to see. 
You pulled away and awkwardly dropped your arms to the side as Mr. Harrington called out that it was time to explore the shops in the snow village. You gave one last look at Peter and smiled softly before shuffling over to the exit with Betty and Cindy. 
“ Ooooo Y/N and Peter sitting-”
You turned to Cindy and you weren’t sure if it was the soreness of your feet or how little sleep you got last night but your playful push turned into a hard one as you pushed Cindy into the snow with a soft thud. Cindy whined as you and Betty rushed to help her up to her feet. 
“ What were you saying?” Betty teased as Cindy let out a mocked laugh. 
“ Ha ha way to treat your friends.” 
After lunch, Mr. Harrington set all the students loose to look around the shops. Each had their own little gimmick like On the Edge Snowwear or Snowbunnies R Us.
You bent down to be eye level with one of the shelves that had a colorful array of snow goggles and studied the snow goggles as if it was the Mona Lisa. As you picked one up, you watched Brad come over to you from the corner of your eye but you kept your attention to the shelf. 
“ Really? Another pair of goggles? You have almost a dozen at home,” Brad said as he clicked his tongue and took the one you were holding out of your hand,” oh my god Y/N these cost more than the plane ticket!”
You grabbed the goggles back from him and shook your head,” They’re not just any goggles, they’re limited edition from the 2018 winter Olympics, see?” 
You pointed at the band on the side of the goggles and showed him the rings with the flag of South Korea beside it. 
Every student at Midtown had their own obsession; Flash was into expensive cars and was always at car shows during the weekends, Betty’s skin was always glowing because she’s completely obsessed with  Korean facemasks and feels the need to have collections of the same one, and Peter was strangely in love with Spiderman because he would always talk about how cool he was and asking everyone around him if they felt the same way. 
Your weird obsession was snowboarding and watching food ASMR videos but you decided to keep one of those things a secret. 
“ It was the year for snowboarding I mean come on, Shaun White won the most snowboarding medals at one Winter Olympics and Chloe Kim brought home the gold she’s our age!” 
You pulled out your phone and took a picture of the goggles before putting them back on the shelf. You could tell how disinterested Brad was but that didn’t stop you from taking a picture of the whole shelf altogether. 
When you stood back up, you looked across the shop and watched Peter and Ned laughing over one of the corny t-shirts on the rack. Peter felt your gaze on him but when he looked up at you, you moved your gaze to a random shelf. 
Brad looked at Peter and then back at you,” Is there something going on between you and Parker?” 
“ What makes you say that?” You asked as you walked over to the window where you watched MJ slam a pile of snow into Flash’s face. 
You knew exactly what he was asking but you had already put that embarrassment behind you and you didn’t want to relive it. 
“ You two were pretty cuddly on the ice this morning. Just be careful, I don’t want him to hurt you again.”
There was something a little harsh in Brad’s voice and you already knew something was up with him. Brad’s temper was always like rolling a pair of dice; some days nothing annoyed him while other days would set him over the edge. 
Whenever he used that voice, that meant you got the luxury of deciding how he would be handled in that place and time. 
“ Careful now, you sound a bit jealous,” You said, almost studying his face as he clenched his jaw,” what’s going on inside that head of yours Davis?” 
“ Why would I be jealous of him?” He asked bitterly as you put your hands up in defense,” I’m telling you to be careful or you’re going to end up in the medic station again.”
There was something definitely wrong but you were already so tired from this morning and decided not to fight this battle. 
“ Hey look, I’m just playing around. Is something wrong?” 
Brad ignored you, turned around, and pushed through the doors as he left you standing there in the middle of the store. You didn’t bother chasing after him because you knew how he was when he was annoyed. Besides, you were on this trip to have fun, not babysit. 
 You looked around the store and when you made eye contact with Peter again, you decided to put your embarrassment aside and walk over to him. 
“ I couldn’t help but notice your burning gaze from across the room,” You teased as Peter laughed,” tell me, do you come here often?” 
He was glad that there was nothing awkward between the two of you, especially considering what had happened this morning with how close the two of you were. He set down the snowglobe he picked up and stuffed his hands in his pocket, trying to get the image out of his head before his whole face turned red. 
“ Oh sure. I love spending my free time at a store called Tis the Ski-son boutique.”
He followed you as you both walked out of the store side by side, leaving with no other purchases. Peter wrapped his scarf around him tighter, even though he was slightly embarrassed for being cold (which of course didn’t make any sense) while you breathed in the cool air. 
You watched your feet as you listened to the snow crunch from underneath you, almost getting lost in an icy trance. 
Time always felt slower when it snowed outside and yet, this trip was going by so fast. You only had a few more days left before the trip would be over and you knew you would miss it already. 
You watched Peter who looked so uncomfortable out in the cold and tried to find a store to settle in for a bit. 
“ Edgewater Cafe has really good hot chocolate if you want to check it out?” You offered as Peter nodded his head, almost too eagerly. 
You and Peter had quickly shuffled over to the cafe and once you got inside, you could feel Peter melt beside you, feeling at peace in the warm coco shop. When you ordered for the both of you, Peter insisted that he paid and even slapped your hand away while you tried to give the cashier your card. 
He claimed it was his treat but you both knew it was a way to apologize for both yesterday and today’s events. 
Peter found a quiet area in the corner and sat on one side of the couch as you took the other. You both brought the cup to your lips at the same time but you watched him as he took a small sip with his eyes closed. 
“ So, what do you think?” You asked as you took a sip, savoring the rich chocolate. 
Peter nodded and took another sip before putting resting the cup back onto his thigh,” Okay, it’s not bad but I wouldn’t say it’s the best.” 
“ Oh come on! Where else can you get hot chocolate this gourmet?” 
“ If by gourmet you mean a cocoa mix with boiling water then yeah, I guess it is gourmet.”
You shook your head at him as you took another sip, not caring what he thought. You watched Peter as he rubbed his finger up and down against the cup as if he was deep in thought.
Out of nowhere, Peter’s heart started to race and he was glad that you couldn’t tell the difference. It finally hit him that you two were hanging out alone, which rarely ever happened unless you two were doing a school project or shared the same subway home. 
You felt this too and decided to break the tension,” This isn’t weird, right? Like us hanging out? Alone?” 
“ No, why would it be weird?” Peter asked as his voice cracked slightly. 
You shrugged and took another sip before putting the cup down on the table. This was definitely weird but for some reason, you didn’t mind. You had a pretty good radar on people and Peter never seemed like a creep so you felt at ease. 
“ I don’t know to be honest. We’re classmates but I never really knew if we were friends or not,” You admitted as you watched Peter’s smile fall,” I mean, do you want to be friends with me?”
You shook your head and laughed, your mind processing what you had just offered,” I know that sounds childish like we’re in kindergarten or something but yeah, I guess what I’m saying is that I think we should be friends. Does that sound childish?” 
Peter didn’t know what to think. He felt like he had just gotten friend-zoned but on the other hand, being friends was a step up from what you two originally were. 
Of course, Peter wanted to just spill everything about his not so small crush on you but relationships take time. If he had to wait and be friends with you, he would gladly take that. 
“ It does sound childish..but yeah. I want to be friends with you,” Peter said as you both shared a sweet smile,” does this mean we have to make friendship bracelets or something?”
“ I’m two steps ahead of you Pete,” You picked up your cup which was almost empty by now and lifted it up towards Peter,” how about a toast...to new friendships.” 
Peter lifted his cup and pressed it against yours as his heart slammed against his ribcage,” To new friendships.” 
@yeahimcrying @greatpizzascissorstaco @mysticalbanshee @weyheyavengers @infinityflamesworld @peterparkoure @fandom-fangirl22​ @holland-in-disguise
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namfine · 4 years
◎ | 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 | ◎
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Envy is a desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else.
                                           - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
ζ  pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
ζ  word count: 4.5k
ζ  summary:   he can’t stand how those men’s eyes are on you, how they send you money with the few clicks of a button as you show your body off to them, as you touch yourself for them. You have given your body to others too many times, and it is displeasing him. It isn’t fair that they have gotten to see you before he has; you should belong to him and him only.
ζ   tags: 18+, jungkook x fem!reader, unsafe sex, camgirl situation, possessive sex
ζ  part: 6 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge.
⋫ Link to Master List here
ζ   a/n: oh hey guys! i hope you enjoy the 6th part of our deadly sins era!! it’s my boy, jungkook, as we all know i am the Biggest Slut Ever for him. i hope this answers some questions~
~admin tart。・:*:・゚’★
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It was what you did after school, after work. How you helped pay the electricity bills, the car insurance. All it took was some sexy outfits and toys, plus some good technology, and you had a sizable amount of men tied around your perfectly manicured finger. Some might give you a hard time for it, since it wasn’t considered ‘respectable’ work, but all you had to do was touch yourself and the dings came through like a melody, men giving you their money. The sound got almost intoxicating after some time. It wasn’t something you wanted to do for the rest of your life, but... for the moment, it wasn’t terrible. 
After a particularly good session, you were cleaning up, still wearing your novelty ‘bad girl’ lingerie, complete with red teddy lace bodysuit, simple ruby necklace, and shiny red devil horns. You had come twice during the session and raked in a solid $600; you were putting your toys onto a towel so that you could properly disinfect them when the door burst open, and your eyes flew open as you realized that your friend, Jungkook, had just entered your room. 
You had known Jungkook for a few months, and you felt completely at ease with him. He didn’t know about what you did to earn extra money, but that was mostly because you had always felt as if the two of you had some sort of tension. The tension itself shifted and changed--when he saw you with other men, he always seemed...jealous, or envious. He would act passive aggressive and try to scare them off, which was...kind of hot, if you were being honest. 
Jungkook himself was an incredibly attractive man, with broad, muscular shoulders, a nicely tapered waist, and corded thighs that made you drool. His dark hair was long, waving around his face and falling into his eyes more often than not, but was brushed aside with long agile tattooed fingers. And those eyes, fuck, those gorgeous dark eyes, usually so big and sparkly, but were right now fixated on you, dragging over your body.
His gaze took in your outfit, the toys, your phone on a tripod, and your laptop open to a live streaming website. It didn’t take him long to connect the dots, and while you were expecting some sort of shaming, you didn't ever anticipate the anger and...some other emotion that flickered over his face. 
“So this is what you do after work,” he said softly, taking a step towards you. His dark eyes looked bottomless, like if you stared for too long you might trip and drown in the depths, so you glanced away, trying to ignore how his intense gaze had a small shiver going down your spine. 
“As if it wasn’t enough that they all…” he started and then shook his head, jaw clenching. You had never been afraid of Jungkook before, and you weren’t about to start, but the way it seemed like he was barely holding himself back...like the tiniest thing could make him snap...it was new to you.
Oddly enough, it wasn’t entirely unwelcome to you.
“They all...what, Jungkook?” you asked, commending yourself for keeping your voice steady. But he ignored you, simply dragging his eyes over your outfit, his gaze ending where your simple necklace rested; it was a pretty ruby necklace, something you had owned forever, but you had no idea where you had gotten it. Every time people asked, you said different things--oh, it was a gift, it was from a garage sale, you had just found it. 
As soon as his eyes fell upon the necklace, his expression grew even darker, if that was possible. The tension in the room thickened as he began to walk towards you, hands twitching by his sides. Even though you knew he would never hurt you, your body still tensed, readying yourself for what was going to happen next.
Even in his irritation, he took slow, calculated steps towards you, his eyes flicking over to your dresser where you had your hand mirror and a bottle of wine. The handmirror was gold with rubies all around the glass area; even if you didn’t remember where it was from, it was gorgeous and you often looked in it to calm yourself down when you got angry. With a scowl, Jungkook picked up the mirror, examining it before calmly smashing it against your dresser. The sound of the glass shattering was loud in the tense quiet of the room, and you couldn’t help but jump a bit.
“Jungkook--!” you exclaimed, shocked at his sudden burst of anger, but he didn’t let you continue, turning the spider-webbed surface towards you. All you could see was your own reflection, disjointed and cracked, separating your face and causing an odd effect where you could see several different parts of your face at once. 
“You don’t remember this? A broken mirror?” 
But then, for a split second, where your eyes were supposed to be, you caught a flash of red, eyes creased in obvious amusement, eyes that were not your own. 
Then they were gone, and you were left wondering what the hell was going on, and why your head hurt so suddenly. With a dark chuckle, Jungkook tossed the broken mirror onto the ground before using the heel of his boot to step on it, crunching the bright pieces under his foot. 
“Or what about this, some fancy wine that was shittily made--stupid LeVeyan--” and before you could say anything, he had thrown the wine into the corner of the room. Surprisingly, the bottle itself didn’t shatter, just clanked against the wall with a deep thunking noise. The scowl on Jungkook’s face deepened, as if he had wanted the bottle to completely explode. Which, guessing by the way he was acting, was exactly why he was angry. Because it didn’t. 
“You really don’t remember all these shitty knickknacks you have? Why the fuck would you have an hourglass, Y/N? You into vintage shit?” and with that, Jungkook’s fingers seized the old hourglass you kept next to your jewelry box, his hand wrapping around it, fingers pale against the black, shiny sand inside. It felt like time slowed as his arm lifted up, still holding the hourglass, and arced downwards like molasses, sending the hourglass smashing into the ground. A shard flew across the room, nicking your ankle slightly. You felt the sand on your toes, smelled lavender, and before you knew it, you were taking a stumbling step backwards, suddenly dizzy. Before you could fall, though, Jungkook was in front of you, so fast you didn’t even see him move. But he caught you by the lower back and yanked you towards him, so big and hot and powerful. 
“And now we have all the time in the world,” he breathed, leaning in, his moist breath fanning out across your lips. His fingers touched your cheek, tracing downwards, before they continued down your neck. With a quick snap, Jungkook ripped your necklace off your neck, causing a slight prick of pain at the back of your neck. Dangling it up in between the two of you, Jungkook gave you a big, smug smile before saying, “He’ll probably want this back.”
All of Jungkook’s cryptic comments had your uneasiness melting away and irritation settling in, prickling against your skin with all the stings of a thousand bees. The way he was acting was annoying, as if he knew something you didn’t, as if you belonged to him.
“Is all this because I showed my tits on camera?” you asked, your voice scalding now. “Because people, other men, liked my body enough that they sent me hundreds of dollars, that they beg me for extra content, that they sing my praises?” 
It felt weird to be bragging at first, but the more you did it, the more it felt...it felt invigorating, it felt freeing. Not to mention Jungkook’s face as you continued had heat pooling between your legs; he looked a mixture between angry and desperate, like he wanted you so badly he didn’t know if he should take you or beg you. 
Tilting your head back, you let out a little laugh, feeling your hair fall down your back like a silky waterfall. When you looked back up at Jungkook, you kept the shit-eating grin on your face, feeling the adrenaline lick through your veins like liquid fire. 
“It’s not my fault that I have a sexy body, that I look good as fuck in this body suit. Don’t I, though, Jungkook?” You cupped one of your breasts with a hand, abandoning the smile to bite your lip, making sure to flutter your eyelashes at him, darkening your gaze. His face had frozen in a facsimile of a smile, more of a grimace, his eyes burning, dark green fire smoldering dangerously. 
“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” Unafraid, you stepped away from him a bit, spreading your arms out wide, feeling a rush of satisfaction when you noticed his gaze raking over your barely clad body. It made you feel drunk on power, on how you affected him, on how your words spilled from your lips like toxic ambrosia. 
“What, are you jealous that they get to see my pussy and you don’t?” 
And that was it, that was what made Jungkook snap. 
He ended up rushing forward, wrapping his arms around your hips before scooping you up and throwing you back onto the bed. Startled by the sudden movement, you barely managed to catch yourself before his mouth was on yours, sloppy and wet from the start. His tongue slipped inside your mouth, coaxing yours into a passionate kiss that had your body melting against him. It was almost like he had gone feral; he tugged at your lace bodysuit before eventually ripping the fabric so that only one shoulder stayed on; as soon as he had your breast bared, he dragged his lips down your skin until he reached your nipple, and there, he swirled his tongue around the hardened bud. It had you moaning out into the humid air, your noises turning into whimpers when he used his teeth, tugging your nipple. 
Then he pulled off of you and stood, staring down at you with such a hungry look goosebumps pebbled along your skin. As you watched, his hand slid down his body before moving to palm his cock through his Puma sweatpants. The only thing you could think to do was get on the ground in front of him, and judging by his approving smirk, that was exactly what he wanted you to do. As soon as you settled, his hand settled into your hair, fingers soft as he stroked your head. But when you pulled his pants down, realizing he wasn’t wearing any boxers underneath, his grip tightened. His cock sprung free, hard and leaking; it looked like he had been hard for awhile, and you wondered exactly when he had gotten an erection. When he saw you? When you bragged in his face? Though it didn’t matter much when his cock was in front of you, begging you to suck it. 
Jungkook used the grip he had on your hair to pull your mouth closer to his cock, and you obliged, opening your mouth wide to slip the head of his cock into your mouth, using your tongue to swirl around the head. 
Like this, with his fingers tight in your hair, almost forcing you down onto his cock, you could feel random shards of the broken mirror digging into your knees, pinpricks of pain that heightened every single sensation that you were feeling. It reminded you...no, that wasn’t it. But an image flashed through your mind, a painting of a woman bleeding from several cuts, writhing in pleasure. 
“Did they all have you like this?” Jungkook growled, pulling your hair tighter from the roots, making you moan around his cock, drool slicking the corner of your mouth. You assumed that he meant the other men that you had sucked off, but you couldn’t help but think he was referencing something else.
As you lost yourself in the feeling of his heavy cock in your mouth, the salty taste of his pre-cum radiating across your tongue, your entire perspective...shifted.
It was hard to explain; one second, you were on your knees, feeling the sharp shards of glass dig into your skin, and the next, you were watching yourself on a laptop screen. The screen was displaying the image of what was happening currently in your bedroom; you were on your knees, your lace teddy halfway ripped off, Jungkook standing above you. As you watched, feeling as though you were floating above the scene but also in a room with a laptop, your head bobbed up and down, taking Jungkook’s cock better than you were certain you ever could. 
Then you heard a ding and realized that donations were coming in, spilling in, all the same amount of money: $666.
A growl spilled out of the computer speakers and when you turned your attention back to the screen, a chill went down your spine; the hands in your hair were tipped with black claws, and the face you knew so well was transformed into a scaly monster, green eyes glinting in pleasure. 
Suddenly, the gaze flicked to yours, and as you watched, Jungkook winked at you with those jewel-like eyes, right before he began to fuck your mouth with furious movements. 
Just like that, you jerked back to reality, just in time for Jungkook to come in your mouth, hot salty come spilling down your throat; you weren’t expecting it, but you still managed to barely swallow, some of the come spilling out of your mouth and sliding down the corner of your lips. Jungkook’s thumb gently wiped the come for you before easing against your lips, forcing the digit against your tongue. Still dazed from your weird vision, you let him do so, feeling the taste of his come and the texture of his skin against your sensitive tongue. 
“So good for me,” he murmured, and that comment made you regain your coherency; you looked up at him from beneath your lashes before nipping at his thumb as hard as you could. Even though it must have hurt, all he did was smirk, the image sending heat all throughout your body. Fuck, he looked so good right now, standing above you, his neck glistening with sweat, hair falling in his face. Yet his hand was so gentle on your skin, so much so that you didn’t expect him to exert pressure on your chin, pushing you upwards on shaky legs. The two of you maintained eye contact as he walked you back towards the bed again. His gaze was so dark, so luminous; it enveloped you, set you on fire. 
The backs of your knees hit the bed and you let yourself fall, trusting that Jungkook wouldn’t let you get hurt. Your back bounced on the bed but you didn’t have time to adjust before Jungkook was on you, his body covering yours and weighing you down to the bed. As you laid underneath him, he gripped your hips and pulled you higher up on the bed, so your legs were no longer dangling off. 
“Fuck, I’m gona make you feel so good,” Jungkook breathed out against your skin before he kissed your neck, latching his mouth onto your skin, sucking and nibbling so that there was bound to be a mark. It made you feel like you were his, like nothing else that happened before this mattered. You trembled underneath him, biting your lip and letting out soft gasps.
It was easy for him to rip the rest of your body suit off; at this point, it was mostly tatters anyways, but the way he used his strength to destroy the rest of the clothing made you wetter than you had been before, if that was possible. 
“All mine,” he growled against your skin, and before you knew it, he was kissing his way down your body before he ended up at your dripping pussy; when you looked down at him, eyes hazy with pleasure, he licked his lips in anticipation and--was his--
For a moment, you could’ve sworn his tongue looked forked. 
But then he was licking up your folds, and you didn’t even care anymore as he sucked your swollen clit into his mouth, moaning softly against your cunt. The way his tongue felt against you had your back arching on the bed, sweat dripping down your body. He ate you up like he was a sinner and this was his penance. For a moment, he pulled away, kissing up your thighs.
“Fuckers got to taste you first,” he muttered mutinously before nipping at your skin. “But I bet none of them made you feel this way, did they?” 
You felt too amazing to respond, too caught up in how he rendered you a useless mess. He didn’t seem to care, though, because then his tongue was sliding inside of you and you cursed under your breath, pussy clenching around his tongue. 
Which felt...abnormally long, like it was reaching far inside of you, reaching areas you didn’t even know could be felt, could be touched, but you didn’t care because it felt so fucking amazing, you were right on that edge and you were practically gushing around his tongue, soaking the sheets. His thumb began to rub at your clit, your wetness making it easy for him to heighten your pleasure. It didn’t take long for you to tumble over the edge, soaking the bottom of Jungkook’s face with your slick. You came so hard your eyes rolled into the back of your head, goosebumps appearing on your skin again, nipples hardening. The only thing that escaped your mouth were breathless gasps. 
Your orgasm was so powerful that you barely registered Jungkook pulling away from your pussy, his hands brushing against your hips. He sat up and you felt his hard heat against your thigh again; somehow the fucker was hard again.
“Ride me,” Jungkook said suddenly, his grip on your skin tightening, bound to leave bruises.
“I can barely move, I…” you barely managed to get out, noting how your body felt like noodles. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest, shaking you with every beat.
“That’s fine,” he said and then you were tilting again as he lifted your entire body up; you flopped against his chest and that was when you felt his cock easing inside of you, the entrance aided by your previous orgasm that rendered your pussy a sloppy, wet mess. Even though you still felt like jello, your head tilted back and your mouth opened on a moan at the feeling of his cock easing inside of you, making you so full you couldn’t help but clench around him.
That made him growl before slamming his hips up into you the rest of the way, hitting a spot inside of you that had your toes curling.
“F-Fuck,” you gasped out, trembling in his grasp, your nails digging into his skin. 
“Promise me you’ll never show anyone else your body,” Jungkook said, and you were so lost in the pleasure that you couldn’t help but nod, clinging to him. 
“It’s for me, just for me. Those fuckers got you first, but I’ll get you last.”
His cock was so hard and hot inside of you, igniting your entire body, sending sweat dripping down your body. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before; you almost felt intoxicated with it, drunk on the feeling of his cock hitting deep inside of you, sending pricks of pleasure throughout your entire body. You closed your eyes against the sensations, letting out a moan, feeling his fingers all over your back--wait--
How many fingers was that? You found yourself counting 11, 12--
His nails, they were lightly scraping your back, but they--they were longer, now, they were sharp, they were leaving trails of thin scratches on your skin, which surprisingly felt good, like they were instantly covered with fire--
As you gasped in your constant pleasure and confusion, not knowing exactly what was going on, but also not really caring anymore, you felt something brushing your back--
Your eyes flew open, and that was when you realized that Jungkook had changed. While you had been straddling him, eyes shut in the throes of your pleasure, his eyes had changed color, flashing between green and orange so fast that you were dizzy; he gave you an innocent smile and you caught sight of his fangs; when your eyes travelled upwards, you realized that he had large, twisting black horns growing out of his hair, his wet and wavy hair falling over the curves--
And what was brushing against your skin was a pair of admittedly beautiful black wings, so black they looked almost like an oil slick, blue and green reflecting off each feather. Although you should have been freaked out, you weren’t. The wings pulled you closer, curved around your figure, and you found yourself completely encapsulated in them while Jungkook continued to fuck up into you, his claws sliding down to your hips. 
“They all got to fuck you before I did, bastards,” he breathed heavily against your forehead, and you felt his fangs dig into your skin. 
As his fingers kept you close to his figure, feeling nothing but the heat of his body and his sharp teeth, hearing nothing but the soft growls he let out and his heavy, hot breathing, you...saw things.
A dark sky, red and orange and purple splashed in the background like the clouds had been set on fire, and a dark figure hurtling towards the ground at a high speed, huge wings curled around their body protectively, white feathers crumbling away, lit by embers that flew up into the inky darkness of the sky. The feathers that stayed on the wings were turning a slick black, blending into the sky so well you couldn’t even tell if they were there. And somehow you knew, you just knew--it was Jungkook. 
Your mind reeled as you had visions of other incidents, things that had happened--thick, red wine, a taste on your tongue of sulfur and blood--an image of a naked woman wrapped in emerald snakes, expression twisted in pleasure--a necklace, handed to you with a wide, sharp smile--a warm bath, arms around your waist, a sad smile as you said goodbye--a red maze of mirrors, white teeth flashing with anger--
Then him, waiting for you in the depths, his gaze partly amused and discerning. 
Jungkook was wrong--he wasn’t going to have you last.
You were going to him next. 
And with that, with your body still taking in all of those facts and memories, your orgasm hit you hard, tingling throughout your entire body so aggressively your eyes rolled back into your head and you were fairly certain that you blacked out. All the while, you heard whisperings, you heard their names and their stories and you heard his voice, so deep and enticing, all the way from the depths.
When you came to, you were resting against your headboard, exhausted from the intense orgasm you just had. You genuinely felt like you had been through hell and back with how limp your limbs felt, like wet noodles. 
But then you remembered everything, and your head jerked up; your eyes lit upon Jungkook, and to both your horror and sick fascination, you realized that you hadn’t imagined any of it. 
The light from your lamp on the nightstand wasn’t super bright, but it was still enough to see every bit of him. Somehow, Jungkook in his demon form was much bigger than his human version, which you remembered as your friend. But that might have been the giant wings that protruded from his back, although they were folded back now. The black, curving horns did nothing to help the situation, giving him a solid five inches of height, and your eyes ran down the rest of his naked body, noting that his skin, at least, didn’t look much different than usual. But his hands were tipped by long black claws, sharp enough to slice through your throat in a second. When you finally brought your gaze back up to his face, he gave you a smile, and you caught sight of his sharp teeth again, a little bit too white and shiny. The sight made you wince and the smile melted off of his face.
“...You…” you started, your voice cracking; you cleared it and then awkwardly thanked him when he handed you a water bottle from your nightstand, careful not to nick you with his claws. 
As you watched him, as he sat there on your bed, you realized that you loved him. And, judging by the way he looked at you, his big obsidian eyes laced with jade fire, he loved you back. But...you had loved all of them, hadn’t you? In your own way?
“You fell,” you murmured, your voice low. His gaze burned bright in the low light of the room, fixated on you so intensely that you felt like you couldn’t breathe, like your chest was tight. 
“Didn’t you fall too?” he asked you, so softly you could barely hear it, and then the light from your lamp popped, burning out with a loud noise, startling you with the sound and the sudden darkness. When you finally managed to get up and stumble to the lightswitch on the wall, throwing your room into sudden brightness, you realized he was gone. All that was left of him, any indication that he was ever there, was a single black feather in the middle of your rumpled bedspread. 
Now that you knew everything, now that you could remember it all…
You hoped he was ready for you.
Because you were coming for Him.
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cherryblossomstars · 4 years
I. Oxford (W. Ushijima)
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Taken from my AO3 series of one-shots & reposted here
Pairing: Ushijima x F!Reader
Word count: 2,636 (oops)
Genre: Fluff/Kinda crack
Summary: Aoba Johsai's volleyball team has never been able to defeat the Great Ushiwaka of Shiratorizawa. Their manager, however? She can bring him to his knees in mere seconds.
Or, Ushijima Wakatoshi is helplessly in love with Seijoh's Ace's twin sister, and the Aoba Johsai VBC is not appreciative of it.
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"Oh, really? When's your next practice match? I'll try to make it." You talk into your phone and you practically send the hinges on your twin brother's door flying.
Hajime lays on his bed and looks up at you from his phone with an annoyed face. You ignore the threatening glare being sent your way, and flop yourself onto his stomach. He groans quietly, trying not to interrupt your call, and tries to shove you off. His efforts, however, are futile and he eventually accepts his death by his sister's hands (or, more accurately, stomach).
Oikawa, who was sitting on the floor of your darling brother's room, looks away from the video game he was playing on the TV to send you a questioning look.
"Friday. Can you go?" Your boyfriend, the eternal rival of the man sitting on the floor, responds.
"Mm," You hold the phone slightly away from your face, "Hajime, did I have anything planned on Friday?"
"How the hell would I- oh, yeah, movie night." He answers.
You scrunch your face up and put the phone back against your ear, "what time's the game?"
Oikawa and Hajime immediately groan when they connect two and two together, realizing you were talking to none other than the great Ushijima Wakatoshi himself.
"She can't go!" Oikawa yells, "movie night's actually gonna be all day!"
"Then... why is it called movie night..." Your boyfriend asks. You can practically see the tilt of his head and the furrow of his brows.
"Ugh, ignore him," you stick your tongue out at your captain and lightly push your foot against his head, which he was leaning against the bed frame.
I will bite you Oikawa mouths at you.
Fucking try it you scowl at him.
He purses his lips and instead turns back around to play on your brother's Switch.
"So, what time's the game?" You ask again.
"If you will be watching movies with your team, then-"
You sigh, "seriously, what time is it gonna be? If it's before it starts then I'll be able to make it. Might have to leave early, though."
"Four thirty." He responds.
You hum in thought, "hmm... Movie night's gonna start around six. Think it'll last that long?"
"If you finish early, wanna join?" You bite back a laugh when you watch Hajime and Oikawa's heads snap towards you. Oikawa looks like he might pass out at the thought of Wakatoshi crashing an Aoba Johsai movie night, and Hajime is furiously shaking his head at you.
"I'm not sure your team would like that." Wakatoshi concludes.
You lightly laugh, "you're right, they wouldn't, but that's why I'm asking."
"What kind of manager are you?! Traitor!" Oikawa yells in distress. "Gimme that!" He makes grabby hands at your phone.
You hold him back by pressing your foot against his head, "I'll be there, Toshi. See you then. Love you."
"See you then. I love you too." Click
You put your phone down and turn your focus to your two toddlers boys. Oikawa has once again paused his game and Hajime isn't sure if he's willing to intervene the stare down going on between you and your team captain. You try to crack a smile, but he's still not impressed.
"Zumi-Chan..." He rests his chin on the edge of the bed and pouts at you, "why would you do that?"
You can't help but internally coo at the face he's making at you. You sit up, finally releasing your brother from death by crushing, and run your fingers through his hair. "Sorry, Oikawa, you know I didn't mean it."
He sits up and leans towards you, "finally gonna profess your undying love for me?"
Your eye twitches and before you can respond, a pillow hits him smack in the middle of his face and he falls back onto the floor. "O-ow! Iwa-chan... So mean..."
"Stay the hell away from my sister, Kusokawa." He threatens, holding up another pillow in preparation for another unwarranted comment.
He puffs his cheeks out, "I know, I know." He takes one of the joy-cons off and waves it in front of you, "in the mood for a round of Smash? Iwa-chan's trash." Another pillow comes flying at him, but he effectively dodges it. Hajime takes another pillow from his bed and, instead of throwing it this time, just whacks him with it. Oikawa is only able to let out a whimper and crawls onto the bed, situating himself behind you.
You can't help but laugh out loud, "Oiks, you only call him trash cause you're a really sore loser."
"Not true!" He hands you a joy-con. "Now, c'mon. Let's play. You guys bought all the DLC and I wanna play as Joker."
"Prepare for a shameful defeat." You smirk and choose your character.
"Isabelle? Zumi-chan, you honestly choose the most awful characters." He huffs.
You shrug, "yeah, I know. It's gonna be a lot more humiliating if you lose to Isabelle. Prepare to get your ass handed to you, Oiks."
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Until your third year at Kitagawa Daiichi, your world had been blue. Kitagawa Daiichi's school colors had been blue. Your brother and Oikawa have always worn blue. Those two had been your whole life. Hajime, your twin brother, who you loved dearly. When you were born, you were literally born blue. Because you were a weak baby, the nurse had stuck your twin into the same incubator as you. This resulted in an almost immediate improvement in your health, and the both of you are rarely seen apart. Oikawa, your brother's best friend (and also therefore yours), whose soul cannot be described as anything but a bright, burning blue flame has never failed to be there for you, either.
Your world has always been surrounded by blue. Aoba Johsai's colors were white and blue for God's sake. It's a color you've grown to love. It was familiar, it had an all-enveloping warmth. When you thought of the people and the things you loved, you'd have to think of the color blue, too.
And then Shiratorizawa brought in their new cannon, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Being a star volleyball player yourself, you had been too busy with your own games and tournaments throughout your middle school career to make it to a lot of the boys' volleyball games to support Hajime and Oikawa. You'd heard complaints about the Great Ushiwaka from not only Oikawa, but the whole volleyball team. The first time you'd actually seen Ushiwaka in person was on the court against your junior high in your third year.
With the third year of junior high came the great Ushiwaka, who crashed into your life and completely and unapologetically shattered your blue world. With him came a drop of maroon, and suddenly everything was different.
Kitagawa had lost. Oikawa was beyond upset, but swore he would defeat Ushiwaka one day. You waited at the gymnasium's foyer for the boys' volleyball team to finish their huddle so you could comfort your friends.
Shiratorizawa had finished their huddle first and began to leave. While most of them had already left the building, there you stood right in front of the gym's entrance and pointing a finger at the ace of the opposing team. Said ace still recalls this memory fondly, since it was the first time the both of you had met.
"You're awful." You had said with an accusatory finger pointed directly at his face.
The stolid face of Ushijima Wakatoshi had broken into one of shock. This girl, who was wearing a Kitagawa volleyball jacket and had to practically tilt her head at a ninety degree angle just to look at him, had just called him awful.
"I apologize if I have upset-"
You dropped your hand to rest on your hip. "Your spikes are ridiculous. It's obvious your setter was having a hard time keeping up with you. You need to be more consistent with your spikes. And your form needs some fixing too. If you're able to maintain your form, you're open to a lot more options while you're still in mid-air."
He tilts his head, "why are you giving me advice? I am your enemy."
You shrugged, "volleyball is volleyball. As a setter myself, it pisses me off when your spikes and your setter's sets aren't connecting well."
"You are a setter?"
You nodded, "yep." A smirk made its way to your face, "that said... You're actually really impressive. No, actually you're incredible. Especially in middle school. You've got more room for improvement, but seriously... I've never seen an ace like you before. Good job out there today."
"You are not upset I defeated your team?" He was normally confused in the manners of other people's feelings, but you were another anomaly entirely.
"You've got amazing skills. Sometimes it just can't be helped." You explained. "Don't get me wrong though. I'm upset that my team is upset. But as for the loss itself... it was a fair game. It's not like you cheated." You see Hajime and Oikawa enter the foyer. "Sorry, gotta go. But consider what I said, 'kay?"
"Yes." He nodded.
"Oh! I'm Iwaizumi [Name], by the way. I'll be going to Aoba Johsai next year."
He furrowed his brows, why was she telling him this? "I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi. I will be attending Shiratorizawa next year."
"Good." You begin to walk off, hands in your jacket's pockets, "I'd better see you at the spring high tournament next year, then. See you around, Ushiwaka."
Ushiwaka. Ah, so she's friends with Oikawa. "Set for me."
You spun around, "eh?"
"Set for me. You told me what I need to improve on and that my setter is having trouble keeping up with me. You said you are a setter."
"W-Well, yeah, but..."
"Then set for me. You want to improve as a setter, and I want to improve as an ace."
What Hajime and Oikawa don't know won't kill them. You held your hand out, and he gave you his phone. You quickly typed it in. "I'm usually free on weekends. I have morning practice on Mondays and Thursdays, so I'm free after school then. Afternoon practice on all the other weekdays. I'm out by six thirty on those days. Got it?"
He didn't, but he nodded anyway.
And thus, you were given the title of Ushiwaka's favorite setter.
Regardless, it was still hard to deal with the malice of Shiratorizawa when you went to their practice games. You were sticking out like a sore fucking thumb. You had come after school, meaning you were still in your Aoba Johsai uniform. You had gotten permission to be on campus, of course, but the intimidation just came with being from a rival school. You stood on the balcony, watching the boys stretch before their practice match. You gave a little wave to your boyfriend when you made eye contact, which he returned with a small smile. Tendou Satori watched him with confusion before turning to what he was looking at. When he noticed you, he excitedly waved at you.
"[Name]!" He yelled, a bright smile taking over his face. His exclamation caused not only the Shiratorizawa volleyball boys to turn to look at you, but the other team turned in curiosity as well. You mentally face palmed and felt your face grow red.
You gave a sheepish wave and the Shiratorizawa boys greeted you with glee before getting yelled at by Coach Washijo.
The first part of the game went well, but at the beginning of the second set the opposing team's setter landed the wrong way and hurt his ankle really badly. With him being the only setter, the opposing team wasn't sure what to do. Both they and Shiratorizawa wanted to continue, but without a setter...
"Iwaizumi, can you set?" Coach Washijo called from the floor, turning to look at you. Consequently, so did everyone currently on the gym floor.
"Eh? Me?" You pointed at yourself, "but... Um, I'm a girl."
"It's a practice match." He said matter-of-factly.
"I-Uh-I'm in uniform." You refute.
"You can't set in your uniform?" He asked.
Your eye twitches, "but... Why not make Eita-san set for them?"
"We need our pinch server." Ah, damn. You're out of rebuttals.
"Yeah, sure, I can set." You answer. "I guess." You mutter under your breath and make your way downstairs.
You strip off your school jacket, sweater, and tie and put on a practice jersey.
"Should you be playing in a skirt?" Tendou brings up.
"It's fine. I won't be jumping high enough for me to flash you guys, anyway. Besides," you smirk, "if you're paying attention to that, then your eyes aren't on the ball."
You turn to the team you will now be playing for, introducing yourself.
"Iwaizumi?" One of the players asks, "like the ace from Seijoh?"
"He's my twin brother." You explain.
"And you're a setter, huh? Good matchup. Did you learn from Oikawa, then?" He continues.
"Yeah, actually. I got into volleyball because of them. Everything I know about setting is because of Oikawa." You really hope your praise doesn't somehow make it's way to Oikawa himself. You didn't need to raise his ego any more.
"That's amazing! Let's do this, then." The team captain sets out the plan.
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While Shiratorizawa had taken the first set, the addition of you on the opposing team had allowed your side to take the second set. Tendou had called you a traitor at the end of the second set. They had taken back the third set, anyway.
You were a few minutes late to movie night with the Seijoh team, but you shot the Seijoh groupchat a quick explanation before the third set began. Wakatoshi offered to walk you home, which you gladly accepted.
"You are my favorite setter." He says to you.
"Don't let Shirabu or Eita hear you say that." You joke.
"I think you have the same effect on me as Oikawa has on his own team." He explains to you.
You look at him in shock, "that's... that's a serious compliment, Toshi. Thank you." You've always looked up to Oikawa as a fellow setter. His skill was unparalleled. People could say he wasn't a genius or a prodigy, but he more than made up for it with the hard work he put into his career. Oikawa Tooru is what every setter wants to be. Sure, that first year from Karasuno (Kadokawa? You can't remember) could set with pin-point accuracy, but Oikawa's leadership skills and experience far outclassed his. Not to mention his charisma.
"Or perhaps it is because I simply trust you with everything I have." He brings up.
"Oh, so it's not because I'm a good setter." You jokingly pout, but when you gaze up at him he has a hint of a teasing expression on his face.
He simply hums in response and the both of you stop in front of your house. Before you can even open your mouth to say something, your front door bursts open.
"There she is!" Oikawa yells, standing in front of the doorway with the rest of the Seijoh team standing behind him, barely in view. His eyes narrow at the man standing next to you. "You."
You roll your eyes, "go back inside, Oiks. I'll be right there."
"You're already half an hour late." Matsukawa mentions.
"Seriously, do you have any manners? You even brought Ushiwa-"
"Maki, seriously? Right now?" You groan and turn to face Wakatoshi once again. "The band of idiots require me. I'll see you next time, Toshi. Love you." You press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"I love you too." He waves to you as you walk inside the house. When the door shuts, he walks off and touches his lips with a soft smile.
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