#I have a miku collection currently at five different mikus
chadepitanga · 5 months
I need to have money to keep feeding my anime figurine addiction
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
The Warring Visions of Gravity Rush
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Well I don't have the motivation to concentrate on something more productive, might as well atleast write out my spit-take.
Gravity Rush has bad direction. Fitting about a game where you are falling upwards...
Or better said, it has like five different "directions" that clash. And I don't mean in a way that compliments each other or that leads to something interesting, but more just so that it pulls everything down as gravity tends to do.
But what do I mean by this? Well lets talk about Gravity Rush as the marketing idea, as the ideal you have in your head when you imagine this "totally hidden gem revolutionary experience!"
You might see the crazy gameplay, or the few pieces of promo that had this atmosphere that is hard to describe. Or you saw the main protagonist and had some reservations and thought "well she may be designed to appeal to one's lower insticts, but still she has a weird dress and look, so it probably isn't all just that, right?"
Right - its partly like that. And thats the first part that really clashes and jusy kinda makes one groan while playing - Kat is the most boring animu girl you could imagine, inclusive of all the worst cliches, like literally the overplayed scene of a kinda loser male lead stumbling upon her after a shower and her losing the towel, even a deaf person could here the "Baka!" screeching in the void of the evil eye...
But how much can one cry about the evils of some anime thot and overused tropes? But that isnt the only kinda meh direction - cause they also go for the superhero thing. Yeah, maybe it was a different time when the game released, but in this day I am sorry, somehow superheros are the most lame thing I can imagine. I mean I loved the Raimi Spiderman movies but after that it just allways felt kinda dumb - even with anime I atleast have this connection of watching and finding some stuff interesting as a teen, while superheros just looked childish even back in the day.
Still, thats just personal stuff, and comics are comics, heroes are heroes, where is the problem, right, they are not different directions, I'm just making an arbitrary distinction.
Well maybe, but there are a few more cardinal things that truly show the wrong way the game took. Cause as I said it has this whole ethereal, mysterious vibe - and combined with the previous stuff it just synthesises into some corrosive poison, making my enthusiasm melt as fast as I have to play another wacky dream sequence or see some other hatsune miku haired plot device explain time dillation - it just blends into a stew with no taste or texture.
But that still isnt the whole story - the whole game trys to go in the whimsical direction, like that one french movie "Amile" (with the fake language sounding like French) - with all the all town looking citys and music - but combined with everything else, it just kinda makes the sound feel flat and lifeless, - especially when one doesnt see Kat being this mysterious nonchalant force in this world - well maybe in moments - but that breaks down cause we have to do the whole "insecure teenage girl who wants to find a bf" thing which breaks everything.
But I dunno, maybe Im too harsh, maybe I'm just projecting my own current bad mood on some old ps vita game - in the end I had fun, and the most fun I had... Was when after finishing the game I collected gems after having many movement updated while blasting this:
And this is kinda my point,my synthesis - It isnt impossible to mash things together that seem to fight against each other - one just needs the vission.
(skip to 26:04 for the song, then you'll see what I mean)
Hell, to prove my point - I will even go against my prude persona, and give an example that keeps the fanservice aspects:
What if, to show the otherwordless of Kat, how she is a stranger that changes this mysterious world, she actually doesnt even mind when somebody sees her naked? Is maybe even confused? (Hell, plays with the garden of Eden imagary that went nowhere if the spoilers of the sequel I read were right ((yeah I know it also was Newtons apple cause of Gravity, but things can have double meanings) - maybe have Kat be amused at being called a superhero, being a friend to children so being happy if they are - maybe then the whimsical music would work too - being from the perspective of a desolate town being visited by a elf-like being who brightens their day and solves their problems?
Maybe make Kat show that she understands the cryptic meta stuff (but in a subtle way) - basically keeping the feeling of mystery, making the player wonder, if they themselves understand the person they are literally playing as (I know one usually wants players to connect with the charachter, but I think in this case it would work)
So yeah, I dunno, maybe Im the only person in all of time that sees it this way. Maybe the direction they went is actually the right one-
Nah I cant say that after watching that animation that supposedly connects the first game to the sequel : With all the most boring cliches of "Oh the happy go lucky protagonist that loves food!" and "oh these cute girls sure love touching each other, arent they cute😉, figurine link to your left💲" - and then ending with some nonsense fight against enemys that have the same design philosophy as Vtubers... Yeez louis😂
And then reading how the story basically retcons away the kids who were lost in the past in some DLC and introducing even more Meta peeps like some guy who represents the game being programming, and the evil being electrycite which seems to be faux deep like "wow its a steam world and they put away the dangerous of this technology🤯" - like they have literal airships and jetpacks and the protagonist has gravity powers aint nothing impressive or dangerous about electricity😂
I dunno, in the end, what I mean is that Gravity Rush is an idea that had potential, that even has fun gameplay and great moments, so its sad when something like that gets dragged down to the levels of those awful on all levels Waifu Rpgs like Xenoblade 2 (yeez louis, even without all the drama, its gameplay looks like waterboarding to me "watch these shitty animations and cluttered ui while grinding and collecting crap for 80 hours!")
Anyways I prolly went on too long and shit on to many things people here maybe like. So in case you are angry:
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cringywhitedragon · 1 year
Update on the upcoming Miku game
So we’ve gotten some brief yet interesting gameplay footage, mostly showing off a follower/pet friend mechanic which is cute and also a glimpse at our first view of gameplay/overworld footage that looks very good but not what really I’ll be focusing on:
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My biggest interest has to do with this:
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A very small detail, but a major one. Let’s break this down
First off is the large Star shape with five distinct pieces. Since we do know that there is going to be a story from some intro screenshots my best guess is that this might be some sort of major collectable (Possibly a means of getting back to Earth from what I get?) I was correct, It’s story driven
Second, a pretty obvious night/day system ala Gen 2. How will this work and what is it doing here? Is it tied to your switch’s internal clock or does the game have its own day cycle? How will this impact gameplay? Is it a simple cosmetic change? Will it only impact certain aspects? Is it similar to any Harvest Moon-likes in which time is a major integral part to gameplay? This we do not know yet. I was right on one of the guesses, it’s merely a cosmetic change. While nothing over the top crazy like being the only way to catch/evolve certain Pokémon or risk fainting (Let’s face it, the farmer’s kind of a wimp), it’s a nice sight on the eyes.
Lastly, a visible currency system is present. This will likely be obtained from mini games but what it is used to buy is currently unknown. Possibly songs or cosmetic items? Or will we get something similar to the Diva Room and get to decorate it like Animal Crossing (get it?). Semi-right: It’s used for music, followers, and some cosmetics for a few mini games.
A bonus point cause why not: How will this Friend/Follower Mechanic work? Is it an equipable or recruitable NPC/Animal or something along the lines of a dog or cat from Zelda that may just follow you around if you are ion close enough range? I do have a feeling that there are going to be multiple different ones of these. I was correct looking back, while not anything crazy it’s just a companion feature. Also you can have a Capybara (Aka giant chill water rats)
And another now because I’ve just noticed it: There also appears to be a control prompt for the “B” and “+” buttons on the bottom. I’m not the best at Japanese and plan on translating it later but for the time being my best guess is a menu and likely map button if any prior switch game knowledge comes to mind (Quite a few games like to bind their map keys to the “-“ or “+” button) Looking back: It’s a menu and run button
That’s about it for now. Just a little details on this game Crypton is working on since it’s radio silent on our end of things. I’ll post more when there more interesting info
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marklenone-blog · 6 years
How these women became the luckiest bunch in existance.
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There’s a new anime this winter season that caught my attention an anime that goes by the name of “Quintessential Quintuplets”. 
Plot: Japanese Highschool student Futaro Uesugi has achieved excellent grades but leads a difficult life otherwise. No mother, No friends and a father struggling with debts while Futaro and his younger sister Raiha often go hungry. An opportunity arrived itself when the rich Nakano family hired Futaro as a highly paid tutor. But he discovers his five charges — charming identical quintuplets of varied personalities named Ichika Nakano, Nino Nakano, Miku Nakano, Yotsuba Nakano, and Itsuki Nakano — but all of them have 0 interest in studies and gaining grades. Some of the quintuplets are against having an unknown male in their apartment, but Futaro’s diligent tenacity gradually convinces the quintuplets to reduce their attempts to have him poisoned or arrested and to advance their studies. There’s really nothing to say more about this show as it is a very simple and light-hearted one, but there’s something that really grinds my gears about this anime and that is the same reason why I’ve watched this anime in the first place and that is because of the fact that they’re an all-female identical quintuplets.
This average piece of writing will be about how these women are the luckiest bunch in the history of anime. Also, this “Thingy” is all gonna be all about numbers and less about the anime itself and with that aside let’s get straight into it.
Birth rate: Let’s start by knowing what does the word quintuplet really mean. “Quintuplets are each of the five children born into the same mother or birth” Now let me get these straight quintuplets are extremely rare at an intergalactic level in fact according to Multiples of America.org 24 or more quintuplets are born per year in America out of 3,978,497 live births performed which is already 0.0006032428829278997% of all live births performed in the entirety of America. Also, the ratio of triplet and higher order of birth is 5/100,000 which is exceptionally rare and remember it’s “Triplet and higher order of birth” so that already states how rare multiple births are in itself. But that doesn’t stop there my friend we still have a lot more to talk about.
Labor Complications: According to Elliot J.P. (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arizona) whose data is collected from 36 quintuplet pregnancies 6 pregnancies delivered within 24 weeks of gestation (For those who don’t know gestation means “The process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth) had no surviving infants whatsoever. That’s all because of preterm labor complications such as but not limited to: • Apnea — A pause in breathing for 20 seconds or more. This is due to a slow heart rate. • Respiratory distress syndrome — A breathing problem most common in babies before 34 weeks of pregnancy. • Intraventricular hemorrhage/IVH — This is bleeding in the brain. • Patent Ductus Arteriosus/PDA — This is a heart problem that happens in the connection between 2 major blood vessels near the heart
Complications like this make quintuplet pregnancy much more complicated and intricate that it becomes nearly impossible but because we’re humans we found a way to solve these problems. SAY HELLO TO FERTILITY DRUGS!!! These drugs are used for pregnancies around the world for keeping the babies healthy, avoiding pre-term labor complications, etc… But even with the use of these drugs it’s still hard for a quintuplet pregnancy to be successful and it’s even harder for the quintuplets to survive until adulthood and it’s more likely that they will die within their first years. Talking about death let’s talk about the Mortality rate
Mortality rate: Mortality rate means “The state of being subject to death” Therefor mortality rate means “A measure of the numbers of death in a particular population or individual”. According to also Elliot J.P. 253/1,000 pregnancies are successful and only 83 of those survived within the first week, that means 170 pregnancies failed at the delivery or died because of labor complicacy and out of those 83 more or less likely that only 50 or less of them can survive until adulthood without dying. So, in conclusion, it’s more likely that you’re gonna win the lottery 3 times in a row now that number seems to be small but it isn’t considering the fact that the ratio of winning the lottery is 1/10,000,000.
Types of quintuplets: There are 2 types of quintuplets Fraternal (Multizygotic) and Identical (Monozygotic). Fraternal are those that will be different in gender meanwhile Identical is the same. Most of the quintuplet pregnancy are fraternal and it is very rare that quintuplets are identical in the busby quintuplets were the only all-female quintuplets born in America…Yes, it’s that rare and also considering the fact that the Dionne quintuplets. (The Dionne quintuplets are as follows: • Yvonne édouilda Marie- Died 2001 • Annette Lillianne Marie-Allard — Living • Cécile Marie- émilda Langlois- Living • Émille Marie Jeanne Dionne- Died 1954 • Marie Reine Alma Houle- Living
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They are all born at May 28, 1934, at Corbell, Canada in a farmhouse in an unregistered territory)
The Dionne Quintuplets are the only quintuplets known to live into adulthood without a single one dying. Also, I haven’t read a single article about a quintuplet pregnancy that ever happened in Japan in recorded history.
Conclusion: In conclusion Quintuplet births are exceptionally rare as stated and proven as you’ve already read, there’s no argument that these may be the luckiest women to have ever existed in the history of anime and also let’s not forget about Futaro as he is the luckiest man that I have ever seen all because he has a harem, something that I dearly wish to have XD.
Thanks for reading this “Thingy” also I humbly apologize for giving misleading information on my last “Thingy” that I’ve made, I will take all responsibilities regarding that mistake that I’ve made.
Thanks for reading my “Thingy” human I really appreciate it.
Quintuplet Babies Are Five Offspring Part of One Birth Quintuplets are a set of five offspring born at one birth. An individual that is part of such a set is called a…www.verywellfamily.com
Multiple Births Statistics - Multiples of America BIRTH STATISTICS Most Current Summary of Births in the United States from the CDC - For the year 2015 (Released January…www.multiplesofamerica.org
Outcomes of quintuplet pregnancies. - PubMed - NCBI J Reprod Med. 2001 Dec;46(12):1047-51.www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Unbelievable, Yet True....Spontaneous Quintuplets! This was the first reported Indian case of spontaneous quintuplets delivered at this period of gestation. It was…www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
New born set of quintuplets thriving The Buthelezi's four girls and boy are the third set of quintuplets born in the country since 1994.www.enca.com
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pargafarn · 8 years
Mik Chapter 1.
" Nothing is better than a good coffee in the morning... "
With this words, Miko stepped out onto the balcony of her small apartment in the outskirt of the city and let them taken away by the wind and blow's hot steam from the surface of her coffee and took a sip from it.
Gazing over the city, tainted in a fine drizzle of rain, Miko yawned. Sparkling in the early light of the sun, the city looked fragile likea dream she had woken up in, as the sun showing itself through a bed of clouds. She heard noises of passing cars and the echo of the train faint in the distance and looked down on the street. Everyone was oddly busy this morning holding onto umbrella as it looks like little flowers of every different color moving on on the surface of a pond, the rain had turned the streets into.
Miko didn't really care much what was going on and pulled instead at the hem of her top when she felt cold and close the door and rubbed the skin of her arms to warm herself. Even so, the sun was visible and she felt the gentle touch of the rays of light on her face, the wind was not so gentle, instead of cold on teasing.
And went back inside, keeping an eye and her hair while withdrawal and almost stepped on it. The last time she had been careless about her hair and now made sure nothing of it was between doorframe and door as she closed it. She still remembers the pain the mistake caused, since it felt like someone had tried to rip off her hair. Nothing she was willed to experience again.
" I should better prepare for work now. " She said to herself looking at the clock over the house door and placed the mug on the kitchen table, next to a pile of uncleaned dishes.
over the course of the week, it collects itself next to the sink and builds up to a tower. She not owns a dishwasher and had to clean by hand and so it was something she tried to avoid as long as possible know it would make it only more work in the end.
With one hand Miko tossed her long black hair that fell straight down her back and gathered at the ground in a black puddle and rubbed the back of her head and yawned. With one free hand, she adjusts the glasses back on the bridge of her nose as it slid down the bumps. Multiple times she brushed with her finger comb through the hair and felt the smooth texture of it as she stepped into the bathroom.
Her mother taught her since childhood to be proud of her hair and how beautiful it was. It was rich in colors and healthy and strong. She never had really troubled with split ends. However, the load of the hair that keep pulling at her, was sometimes a weight of the burden that she was willed to carry after her mother passed away to honor her. It was something that had both connected and still now, she felt now and mother touch on it, whenever she visit her grave or brushing her hair. Miko has always the handcrafted comb in reach, her mother made by herself despite arthritis and runs it whenever she felt sad through her hair and imagine it was her mother who touch it.
Miko wished she hadn't passed away at such a young age and was still with her.  Her mother was fairly fifty years old and several decades to life still. The doctor surprised when she suddenly had a heart attack and collapsed from a routine examination. At that time, Miku was studying at the University of Medicine, as she heard from the death of her mother from a phone call. It throwing her off and exposing her studies for a long time.
When she returned to the university, she struggled to resume the studies and ended up working as a nurse not a doctor in a hospital, despite their efforts to get the learning material and giving her best. It was not enough and she understood, in the end, it was no use for her to try and-and trained to become at least a nurse, to help people in need that they will not loose their mother, the same way she had.
Her grandmother suggested she could go to the Dojo and live there, Miko declined. She wanted to be a time for herself and process the death of her mother. Nobody stopped her, and so three years went by and Miko was now mid twenty when the loose of her mother was no longer distress. Her mother was in spirit with her and for her, she would keep her hair and let it grow. The only thing she missed was her friendly and beautiful face, that was framed by her own hair. She had like Miko long hair and after her mother, died it feels to Miko she had passed over the legacy of it to her daughter of loving long hair.
In deep thoughts, she turned on the water undressed and put it into the laundry bin. Placed carefully her glasses on the sink and stroked her hair back behind her ears and stepped under the warm wet and let it take her thick thoughts and flushed them away. Her stiff muscles relax and she felt awake now and start to soap her hair and body up. Her black hair pasted on her skin like a second layer and enveloped her body in pleasant familiar feelings as she runs her hands down her body and had the urge to touch her womanhood.
Feeling strings of hair between her legs always gave her a chill and she bit her lips not to moan and clenched her thighs together. But it makes it only more awkward as it already was and she slid down the cabinet and spread her legs.
" What's wrong with me? " Her voice was suffocating from the pleasure her fingers cause touching the soft lips of her vagina. Gently rubbing and insert her finger into and in the next second and she some of her hair with her as it gave her the please of satisfaction.
She was in an age where many of her childhood friends and old classmates from the high school were married by now and had children. But she was herself unmarried and not even had a fiance or boyfriend and on top never had sex in her life. Maybe her body was calling her out to finally do ?.
Overwhelmed with the pleasure her hair and fingers caused, she put some of her hair between her lips and chewed on it not to give by. Feeling her hair the way she currently did, was something she kept a secret to everybody she knows. It felt dirty to even talk about it and it was something she couldn't easily entrust anybody. As the feelings took completely over her body, she screamed, thankfully the rain shower of water choked it, so she was the only one who heard her voice as she came.
After realizing what she had done, Miko blushed and had difficult to stand up again. Her legs felt like pudding and breathed exhausted.
One moment she had thought of her dead mother and the next she had pleasured herself in the shower with her own hair to the point she came. Ashamed of herself she covered her face and let the last foam of soap cleaned from her body.
Following the length of her black hair with eyes to the point where the tips of it were, she looked at it in disbelieve and thought back at the time it had barely touched the ground.  She was torn between, keeping it the length or not and let it continue to grow. The time she took to thought about it, it had closed the distance between ankles and floor like it made the decision for her and now it was dragging when not put up quite a bit.
She was five feet six inches tall, but her hair was over two meters long and with a woman of her size having hair that was a third longer than her body was even tall. It made her smile again and pushed the feelings of being ashamed of pleasuring herself aside.
" I don't have to be ashamed of myself when I do it... " However, one question was bugging her now. Had she pleasured herself simply by the touch which gave her hair herself? Or from thinking of her mother when she imagines her brushing her hair with the handcrafted comb and how much she loved her mother and does?
As she couldn't come up with an answer, Miko stopped thinking about it and really didn't wanted to know the answer. She loved her mother, but was it even more? Shaking her head, she grasped for a towel and start to dry herself and dress up in underwear.
" Today will be sure busy. "
Looking forward to a day not to think about herself, rather than everything she will have to do, her hands forms into fists of confidence.  
" Don't let yourself get so easily distracted.  " She said to herself in the reflection of the mirror. " You may think too much of it.
" Seeing her still wet hair cascade down her back forming this large black puddle made her giggle. " I should embrace it more often, it seems to like it. " She picked up the hair and gave it a kiss. " A fine lover you are. " She smirked about this remark of her hair and let it fall back. " And mother. "
Miko took a deep breath before saying it. " I will make you proud and sorry if you have watched over me right now and seeing what I have done in the shower. "
by the time she finished breakfast and her way to the hospital. The clouds have broken open and reveal a beautiful and blue sky with few trails of remaining white left from the clouds which have dropped every single tear of water.
Not having a car was an issue since every morning it would be crowded on the train station and inside the trains on her way into the city and Miko didn't like to feel trapped, thankfully she own a driver license and had a car. But it was broken and currently in repair and how much it will cost was something that would dig deep into her bank account later the week. So she had to deal with the commuter and closed the zip of her beige trench coat and made sure the bun in which her hair was now, was intact and not threaten to dissolve itself any soon.
Fresh washed her hair felt different, it was soft before already,  now with the right conditioner and tools it felt like silk and shine bright like coal and had also put her long bangs, which were almost as long as she was tall, around the bun to give it even more secure. While walking on the uneven streets and potholes the hair bun wobbled like a jelly at the back of her head.
A mother from the neighborhood with her child holding her hand dragging her more out of the alley they came from than walking. She great Miko as she noticed her and smiled calmly. She was clearly in a hurry or more her son who pulled forcefully at her to keep walking.
" Good Morning Miko my dear. How are you doing? On the way to work? "
Miko simply nods and looked at the watch around her wrist. " Yes. I am a bit in a hurry. I have to be earlier than usually at work. If you excuse Mrs. Kato. "
" Sure. No problem. It's nice to see you doing well. Maybe when you not busyPatientI would like to invite you to a tea? and thank you for taking care of my son the other day. " Her son made a sound like he was about to pop like a balloon. " Come on mommy! " He complained and finally managed to bring his mother to move.
" Yes. " Said, Miko turn.
And so Miko and Mrs. Kato went down different streets.
By the time she stood ad the crossroad Miko wondered why her son was so impatient with his mother. But then remembered he was always full of energy.
"She probably promised him something... " It made her chuckle as she thought about it. He was always excited and it was an unusual sight to see him not doing something. In the past, Miko saw the boy running with a football most of the time to the park and playing with his friends. But in the last days, she didn't him any more playing outside. Maybe I should have asked? Question Miko.  No. Better not. It was not her concern and he was laughing and never looked sad. So maybe his interest simply changed.
The traffic light for cars turned red and every car and truck stopped so she could cross the street to the other side.
She could already see the Station in the near distance and fasten her steppes and took a shortcut. It would save her five minutes and gave her enough time to buy a ticket.
" 10 Minutes?! "
The digital display under the roof of the platform of the train station shows it was plenty of time before the train would arrive and Miko hadn't to hurry so much and sat down on the bench and listen without even want some students talking about anime, mangas and the newest video game everyone was playing from their point of opinion, but Miko didn't hear of. Then again, she wasn't really playing a video game, even she like them and it was a good way of passing the time.
Tipping with her fingers on her lips, Miko thought about paying the local game store a visit and maybe taking a look at the game which sounded exciting, even she wasn't enjoying much first person shooter games and it sounds like a competitive one with a wide range of character with different abilities to choose from. Her kind of games where more the genres *RPG* specific the turn based and visual novels. Silly and expensive, but after she brought her first out of curiosity, she was drawn into them even so the price was silly and expensive for some. The last she bought cost five thousand yen.
It was about a shogun who was killed by an assassin and one of his guardians was sent out to find him. Over the course of the game, she had to make several decisions and could lead to a lot of selection from possible answers for the main character the game the way she wanted it to be and ended up uncovering a secret. This shogun who he was working for, was a demon and her chosen main character fell in love with a geisha. It was a bit too much of drama for her, but it was nice and well written and worth the high price. So Miko didn't regret to have purchased it.
With her massaging the joints of her fingers, Miko saw in the distance the train arriving finally and took a deep breath and hoped no one would touch her. The last time she jumped violently as an unknown person, who she couldn't in the crowd has touched her butt. But to her relieve the train was welcoming empty for now and so she breathed out and stepped inside, but didn't sit down. It would take similar to do so than just standing and waiting for the train to bring her two stations further down the railroad.
From there it was only two more minutes to walk and she was at the hospital. She looked at the front door and someone was brought out with a wheelchair to a car. It was patient Miko took care of a few weeks ago, who broke his hip. The man would never walk again the same he did before. But at least in his age, the surgery caused no complications and he recovered fine. Miko was glad to see him finally leaving the hospital. It was always nice to see someone who could get helped to leave alive a hospital. But at some days, it was the complete different.
Miko greats her coworker a middle-aged woman with grayer then black hair. It framed her serious face and as she realized it was Miko her mood lighten up a bit.
Inside the smell of disinfectants was the first welcome her and as she walked passed the reception someone called her. " Good to see you. "  Said a man in a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck with short brushed back hair and small glasses. Thank you for coming this early. "
As she always did. Miko bowed slightly and smiled. " Doctor Yamato good morning and you welcome. It was the least I could do for letting me go the last week earlier, when my car got hit."
He waved off. " It's nothing. You thank the one who couldn't drive on a parking lot. he gave you half a day of. "
Miko giggled." Doctor Yamato you have a strange humor. "
" It's a good one. " She smirked and handed Miko a document.
" You new patient. It's a woman who got hit by a car yesterday. I thought it would be the perfect patient for you to take care of, you have something in common. "
Miko rolled her eyes but keep what she wanted to say about it where it was.
" Do you can tell me anything about her? " Miko was still in her trenchcoat but wanted to know some details before Doctor Yamato would vanish again and probably not have time for her.
" She. " But he interrupted by a nurse waving at him. " Case history is all written down. You don't need me. " He left without saying something about her patients and Miko wondered why everyone was so busy today.
She shrugged with the shoulders. Maybe she was just relaxed from her small course at the morning and felt odd between the stresses and hectic people?
" Probably. "
Putting away her trenchcoat, she was ready for work and picked up again the document about the patient Doctor Yamato gave her from the deposit in their clothes locker and start to inform herself about since Yamato was called away.
" Let's see. Name Reiko Nagasawa. Age Third-six years old. Employed in a general store near the Honjo park. The reason for consignment?  Traffic accident. "
Further, in the document was written down Mrs. Nagasawa was approached by a car when she was on her way to work and cycle across the street. Both parties said it was green.  But as Miko continued to read, it blanket suffer a skull trauma and could affect her discernment.
As she read the rest, Miko couldn't find anything that mentions bone fractures or similar injuries to the body. heart
There wasn't actually much she could do, a person with a skull trauma was kept in hospital to watch over if any after effect from the accident that causes it occurs.
" She is probably out in a few days... "
Closing the locker she looked at herself in the mirror and adjust the bun. But as she starts to fiddle on some locks and pulling at them she only dissolves it partwise and pulled frustrated the pin from her hair and pull the bun down to unravel it completely to start over from the beginning and made sure her hair was not touching the ground, even the cleaning person took care the ground was following the hygienic standards that you could easily eat you lunch from it. There were regulations for employees with long hair and a hair length that surpassed her body a good piece did not want any trouble so she wrapped her hair up again and put bangs around the bung again.
" Oh my! You got some hair, Miko! It didn't know it was so  for  "
Surprised by the voice of one of her coworkers she turned around and looked at Akito with her dyed bobbed brown hair. Miko never had anything against one of her coworkers. This particular woman, however, was inaccessible for her to talk to and Miko was keeping herself polite to her and tried to avoid as much as possible to talk to her about anything. Maybe it was because of her teasing Subliminal words? She teased her once in a while for her long hair and some of the other nurses know it. Gladly it never escalates into a fight and as long she kept distance to this woman, it would never happen.
" I just let it grow... " Replied Miko and wanted to leave the dressing room, but the woman stepped next to her and blocked the way.
" Who need such long hair? "
Miko stepped away from her, she smelled the scent of much perfume, hiding the fact Akito had not long ago smoked. Whatever it was, that made Miko felt unpleasant near her. I
" Me? " It was all Miko said and hurried out of the room and took a deep breath.
" I should consult Doctor Yamato about her I may know an answer... " Holding tide in front of her chest the document, Miko made her way to the room Reiko Nagasawa know?. It would distract her from Akito and set up her best smile.
Mrs. Nagawasa was lying in bed. The blanked pulled up to her chin and had her head turned away from Miko and looked out the open window blowing fresh air into the room. She only saw the cropped auburn slightly curled hair at the tips and not her face. Eighter she didn't hear her entering or wasn't willed to turn around. Miko closed the door.
" My name is Miko Benjiro, I am the nurse allocated to you. If you have any question or i can help you. Please let me know ?
New content for 2017 A story, I started to mind about in 2016, but never found the right words to start. Hope you like it. If you like to read more please comment. It's highly approchiated if you fav it. Thank you very much in advance. Characters & Story© me PargaFarn Facebook Twitter Trumblr Patreon                  
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