#I have a lot of favorite characters that are undead don't ask
thebaronfelidae · 10 months
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"You are worthy"
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reikorun · 4 months
KlubOutside Q&A 101-200 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
Renji is my favorite character, but my surprise exceeded my delight at seeing him as Ichigo's counterpart on the cover of the JET illustration collection. I would like to know if there is a reason why you chose Renji as the paired character?
On the contrary, I've never once thought of Ichigo's counterpart as anyone other than Renji.
Are there any recent Jump manga that you find interesting?
Jump manga have been interesting lately huh? My absolute favorites are Undead Unluck and SAKAMOTO DAYS. And recently, High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku too.
Are Harribel-sama's Fracción (Apacci, Sung-Sun and Mila Rose) modeled after Nocchi, KASHIYUKA and a-chan from the music group "Perfume"?
A long time ago, I was asked the same question by the individuals in question themselves. It's an incorrect assumption, however I like Perfume so I don't mind.
I have a question about the illustrations published in the Gallery's Guidelines on KlubOutside. Are the numbers noted on the side the Copic color number?
This is the screentone number (a polka dot pattern film that is cut and pasted onto an analog manuscript.)
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Have you ever watched professional wrestling?
I used to watch WWE (known as WWF back then) quite often around the time The Rock was at his peak.
Did someone give Rōjūrō the nickname "Rose" because it was difficult to call him "Rōjūrō"?
Rose gave himself that nickname because he thinks it's cool.
Why does Ninny wear suspenders in the BTW anime?
When they saw her wearing it in the color spread for the one-shot, the anime team said "it's cute so is it okay if she wears it the whole time in the anime?"
I think the illustrations from Brave Souls at this opportune time captures the essence of the original work and is incredibly cool, as the original author, what sort of impressions do you have of the Brave Souls illustrations?
I think it's getting better with each passing year. The design roughs that are submitted for supervision are also excellent.
Where do you start from when making a drawing?
When I'm not doing a rough underdrawing, I start from the bone around the eyebrows.
I'd like to know about what you've purchased and found useful recently, or something that you're enjoying.
A Yogibo Pod, Tom Ford sneakers, JINS PC glasses.
Is the playlist on KlubOutside the list that Kubo-sensei is listening to?
I'm uploading the songs I often listen to in real time.
Did Kubo-sensei decide the OP and ED songs for the anime?
Basically that doesn't involve me. Occasionally, I'd receive a demo version, and there were also times when I gave a little input when it didn't feel like much of an opening theme.
Will you ever publish a continuation of your one-shot stories like Rune Master Urara.
Urara had a story prepared for the purpose of serialization but it didn't get past the serialization meeting because it had a female protagonist in a battle setting and the story was hellishly dark. I'm not interested in drawing dark stories right now, but I might do it if I get a lot of free time.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us your favorite font (like Ming typeface or Gothic typeface etc.)
During BLEACH's serialization, I liked Impact.
Byakuya-san said that Ichigo was only the second person to ever bear witness to his Senkei, but who was the first person to have seen it?
I can't answer this here.
Regarding the animation production, you mentioned that it would make your stomach hurt while watching it at home due to discrepancies that arose from your lack of involvement in its early days. But, from approximately what episode did Tite-sensei get his hands involved in the production?
Starting from the Bount arc, I began to do only dialogue checks in the script for the characters belonging to the original work, just before recording.
Old-man Zangetsu tried to reveal his name while in Kurosaki Ichigo-kun's inner world, but it was blocked out with black ink and he was unable to convey his message. Was this the work of Hyōsube Ichibē.
That's correct.
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Is "Rondanini's black dog" Kotodama originating from the West Branch of Soul Society? ×[1]
That's right.
Your photos of Uni-chan are very beautiful, did you take them with a digital camera? Or was it a smartphone?
A smartphone.
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Did Captain Hitsugaya and Rangiku-san realize that Ichigo is Shiba Isshin's son when they came to the Human World as part of the Hitsugaya advance team?
Both of them realized.
It's come to be that Gin's Special Move in Brave Souls is "Shukyoku - Kamishini no Yari, Butō: Renjin." Is this "Shukyoku" an established concept in the original work?
That's heart Gin isn't it? It's a game original expression.
When you listen to a character's theme song, it can heighten the depth of each individual considerably, so I enjoy having the opportunity to listen to them. At what stage in the development of a character are these theme songs decided?
It depends on the character. Some characters change midway through the drawing process.
What kind of thoughts went into the name "Tite", Kubo-sensei's pen-name? The alphabetical notation has always been "Tite" rather than "Taito", but is there some reason for that? Furthermore, I'm also curious as to why the unusual character "帯" is used in your name.
It means something like "one's head is always filled with many people." ×[2]
When Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face was revealed for the first time, his skin color was dark, but was that the case from the beginning? Also, will Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face never be seen again? He was more handsome than I expected.
This is about the anime? I recall watching the broadcast at the time and saying to my editor "his skin color is different!" The request for editorial supervision didn't come to me.
Which organization assigns names to Hollows?
There's a guy in charge of naming in the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.
In the final chapter, Orihime appeared as Ichigo's wife, but there was no ring on her left ring finger. Did Kubo-sensei forget to draw it? Or is it establishing that she's pregnant with her second child and her body is swollen, therefore she intentionally took off her ring?
Huh? You're right! I forgot to draw it.
Why were two Hyōrinmaru born?
I'd be happy if you could watch the movies as a parallel story rather than considering it part of the official canon.
How do you come up with the subtitle for each chapter? In BLEACH especially, most of the subtitles are in English and occasionally there is Japanese, but is there a particular emphasis placed on that? Additionally, I would be so glad if you could also tell us about any subtitles throughout your entire body of work that you are particularly fond of or any that evoke some special memory. 
At the time, there was no other work yet which combined Japanese style clothing with the English alphabet, so I deliberately added English subtitles, and in special chapters I made a point of adding Japanese subtitles in order to leave an impression. In that sort of sense, many people may prefer the Japanese subtitles.
I was interested in manga artists' fan clubs and joined one! I started reading BLEACH for the first time last week and am currently on volume 22. I'm looking forward to getting to the final volume! I would really like to know who exactly is sensei's favorite character!?
Eh? You joined without reading BLEACH!? Is this person real…. I don't have a favorite character. On the whole, I like them all about the same and am equally uninterested in them about the same.
To what extent is Kubo-sensei involved with Brave Souls? Did you ever get to play it again?
The gameplay mechanics don't concern me, but I oversee the design for the anniversary characters and characters who appear to affect the main story similar to the novel variants. I returned to the game after a long hiatus during BTW, but I was surprised at just how much easier it has become to play.
How did you decide the names of your characters? Do you have some kind of image in mind when you come up with names like "Bambietta Basterbine" and "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" etc.?
Everything is named based on how it sounds and my own intuition. I genuinely love naming things, so I always have a list of names belonging to (or sound like they belong to) various nationalities, enough to accommodate several hundred characters. I often draw out names from there.
A fair amount of difference can be observed in Kubo-sensei's art style when comparing the first volume with the last volume, but did you intend for this change at the time the manga was being serialized? Or did it change over the course of drawing a large number of illustrations?
It's not so much a conscious effort, but more like a perpetual feeling that this isn't the best style for portraying my characters, and I'm trying to explore that while drawing. In the case of BLEACH, of course the final stages are closer to the ideal, and at present I'm even closer to that ideal compared to back then.
I believe Tōsen can Hollowfy → activate Resurrección, but can Ichigo and members of the Visored do this too? Does this mean that both Bankai and Resurrección are possible if they are in a Hollowfied state?
It's possible.
Is "Top of Horns" a metaphor for various genres of music? For example, I think Bruno represents rock and roll and Roy represents R&B.
It's different for Top of Horns, but it was actually like that for the Visored.
Please unveil the mystery behind "Ururu" and "Jinta". Who are they?
They are both Artificial Souls created by Kisuke.
In the illustrations for BLEACH, the characters are seen wearing western style clothes with various designs, but were these designs drawn independently by Kubo-sensei himself.
All illustrations in the original work are my own designs, all illustrations from the anime do not concern me.
Sensei, when you draw an illustration, do you draw the figure and such without using any references, like an artist's mannequin?
I once went to check out an art supply store because I thought it would be cool to have a drawing mannequin in my workplace, like one of those skilled painters, but in the end I didn't buy it since I couldn't figure out how to correctly use it as a reference.
I like Senju Kōten Taihō and often chant it, does sensei have a favorite incantation to chant too?
I generally always like the newest ones the best, so right now it's probably Blue Spark or Supernal Jail.
Was the BLEACH logo sensei's idea?
That's correct. I had a logo which I drew myself brought to life by an acquaintance, Shueisha bought it and are using it. By the way, the logo on the first chapter spread of Zombiepowder is hand-drawn, and I had BTW use my hand-drawn logo as is.
When you were contemplating the map of Karakura Town, were there any places that you used as reference?
I sort of used my local town as reference but it turned out completely different.
If it's okay, I would like to know Hinamori Momo-san's name before the change. Also, besides Hinamori-san, are there any other characters whose names have been changed since the initial stages?
I changed it because it wasn't very good, so the original is a secret. Additionally, Hitsugaya had a completely different first name too until the very last moment of the manuscript. This is also a secret.
I have a question regarding Kira Izuru-kun's healing abilities and the history of his affiliations. He was first assigned to Captain Aizen's 5th Division, while there he was found to have an aptitude for Kaidō and was recruited to the 4th division, but does that mean that he was later poached by Ichimaru Gin of Squad 3? 
When he was a member of Squad 4, it was Aizen who recommended the transfer to Unohana.
How was it that Kuna Mashiro came to be appointed as "Super Vice-Captain"? Is her armband official? (Personally, I think it's something she wilfully made on her own, or perhaps someone in her Squad prepared it just to placate her.)
When Kensei returned to the position of Captain, Mashiro pestered Kensei alone saying it's "unfair", so it's a post that Kensei made up himself without consulting anyone. The armband is also a complete fake made with shiny material in the hope that it would please Mashiro. Though, with a single glance Mashiro was satisfied.
In volume 31, when Grimmjow tried to break Loly's leg clean off, she says "if you stop, wait! We can make this our secret!" What was she trying to say next? I haven't spoken openly about it much since being told that I have a bad personality, but the scenario before and after that scene is one of my favorites!!
It was "I'll let you have your way with me." Loly's the kind of character who would deliver a line like that when she's in a desperate situation. A famous manga artist friend of mine once told me that he loved that scene too, so I think it's fine to openly discuss it.
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I thought that the 5 members of the Bambies from the Wandenreich looked similar to Momoiro Clover Z, but what are the facts actually like? 
The very first design motif I used for them was indeed Momoclo, but after I had finalized the characters I thought "well then, who is Gigi?" So I decided not to say anything. (I just said it.)
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I'm really looking forward to the Ninny-chan and Noel-chan figurines, when will the news be updated?!
I'm looking forward to it too. I wonder when!?
Kubo-sensei, do you drink alcohol? If so, what kind of alcohol do you like?
I recently discovered that I'm able to drink if it's "Horoyoi*." I like the white one. (*Horoyoi is a brand of canned, alcoholic beverage in Japan.)
Do you have a favorite YouTuber?
I don't know if I can classify them as YouTubers, but I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people free diving then catching and eating strange fish.
Why is the Shihakushō, which can also be called the Shinigami uniform, black? Is it so that the Monk can enlist their help in case of an emergency?
The color was decided upon in the days of first Gotei generation, the reason was "so you wouldn't have to throw it away every time it gets stained with blood." However, your idea about the Monk would also make a good backstory.
How do members of the Sternritter perceive Giselle Gewelle's gender? Are they not aware of it, are they aware but pretending not to notice it, or are they just not interested in it? I would be glad if you could tell us.
It depends on the person.
I have a question concerning Kusajishi Yachiru. Is it a result of the fact that she was called by the name "Yachiru" that she herself possessed a Zanpakutō called "Sanpo Kenjū", while also being "Nozarashi" - the Zanpakutō of Zaraki Kenpachi? 
Like Hihiō Zabimaru or Fuji Kujaku, there are many scenes where a Zanpakutō not called by its true name was unable to demonstrate its true power. I reckon "Nozarashi" bore the essence of a Shinigami and materialized as a consequence of being called by the name "Yachiru" - a Shinigami who actually exists, and perhaps because it was the name "Yachiru" (*Yachi = eight thousand, Ru = flows/styles), she acquired Sanpo Kenjū which was specialized for the act of cutting. 
I'm quite curious about the true identity of Kusajishi Yachiru, so I'd be overjoyed if you could give us an answer.
Wow, amazing! It's not even written that Yachiru is Nozarashi, yet you managed to find your way here. You are mostly correct within the scope covered by your question. To go further, Yachiru is a form of Nozarashi's Bankai manifestation separated from its main body, and having received her name from Kenpachi, she harbored the power of a Shinigami. The embodiment of Nozarashi itself takes the form of a grown woman. I think it's easier to understand if I got you to imagine Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu.
Why are the names of Chad and Orihime's Fullbring not in English unlike the members of XCUTION? I was intrigued because sensei used different languages for naming depending on the faction. 
Since these two are in a special category, their abilities were given names in their respective native languages.
With Madarame Ikkaku's appearance in the Fullbring chapters, attached to his right shoulder we see some kind of gold plated equipment with the kanji for "dragon" printed on it, is that his own work? I'm curious because it's established in the lore that he's good with his hands.
It's Ikkaku's own work.
What kind of person is the manager of ABCookies where Orihime worked?
I have the concept art for him. I ended up having so much fun while drawing him that he became a creepy old man, but he's a good person.
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Did Baraggan not reveal his own rank, nor refer to himself as "Espada" due to his rivalry with Aizen?
That's right.
Please tell us your favorite places in Hiroshima!
I don't get to go back that often, but I like Soleil (now Aeon Mall). It's huge and exciting.
Is it intentional that the number of English words used in the subtitle from BLEACH chapter 679 "THE END" up to 683 "THE DARK SIDE OF TWO WORLD ENDS" increases with each chapter? 
Aizen said "From the very start, no one has stood upon the heavens," and while looking at Ukitake he said "not you, not I, nor even gods," but was this "you" here hinting at the connection between Ukitake and the Soul King? 
That is correct.
The haori, jinbei, and hat which Urahara Kisuke wears in the Human World can probably be described as his only good clothes, did Urahara Kisuke himself purchase them at a Human World draper or something?
Those are all items Kisuke made himself.
To what extent does Kubo-sensei supervise the color scheme of the digital color tankōbon? 
I'm supposed to give them all a look over around the time of their debut, but since I'm making my checks while busy with other things during serialization, I sometimes find myself wondering "did I really choose this kind of color!?" In Brave Souls, occasionally the color of the skills just happen to change, well that is the reason why. I'm sorry!
Spanish is used for words related to the Arrancar and Hueco Mundo, German is used for words related to the Wandenreich and Quincy, but I would like to know why you chose these two languages? Does Kubo-sensei have a special attachment to both languages? 
I think Spanish has a devilish charm, German has a hard-headed sound to it. By the way, when I told this story at an event in Germany, it was amusing to the Germans. It seems that the German people themselves consider the German national traits to be "idyllic and easygoing", apparently they found it amusing because of the disparity between this and my "hard-headed sound" assessment.
In the 13BLADEs. "Frank Questions!" segment, you said that you haven't actually drawn a certain character's Bankai up to its final form yet, was that referring to adult Hitsugaya? If so, from what point in time did you decide you were going to draw the concept of a "slightly aged up" Hitsugaya?
I was talking about Hitsugaya. It was decided when Hitsugaya was designed therefore it was already decided by the time he debuted.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us the reason why you named your dog "Uni".
It's an anagram of 'inu'. Just kidding. I named my dog "Uni" because it was expected that her fur would become orange as she grew. It turned out to be a burnt mochi-like color though. ×[3]
Taking into account Isshin and Masaki's origins, it seems to me that Ichigo's grandparents do not exist in the Human World, but is "Grandpa Rin", whose name was mentioned in the Lost Agent arc, an individual who actually exists? Is he a relative of Tsukishima-san? 
Tsukishima Rinshirō. He's Tsukishima's grandfather.
In the past, there was a "Love Bleach" film featured at a BLEACH event, but would you consider launching the actual product for sale in the future?! 
"Love Bleach", wasn't that supposed to be some kind of dating simulation game? I guess, If a game company can make a profit, I don't see why not. ×[4] 
I went to the opening day stage greeting for BURN THE WITCH! I saw on social media that sensei also came to see it, but where did you watch it from?
The seats on the 2nd floor are like cozy sofas. It was awesome.
Q167. *Deleted entry from KlubOutside*
This is a question regarding the origins of the name "Yhwach". In the original work, it was derived from being called "Yū", "ha", "vē", "ha", but does this have its roots in the monotheistic God of Judaism and Christianity, "YHVH" (Jehovah, Yahweh)? 
Originally the spelling of "Yhwach" itself was like that, but I was asked to change it because it would 100% cause controversy overseas so it's come to be this current spelling.
Has the status of the Shinigami Men's Association improved since Iba-san, its President, became Captain?
Isane also became a Captain, so….
In the earliest iterations of BLEACH, the Shinigami wear Western-style outfits and are armed with guns. It seems that in this universe, Rukia was the only one among them to use a scythe, but what was the reason for making Rukia the only one to wield a different weapon?
The lore was that Rukia was the only one who continued to use an old-fashioned scythe due to a difference in ideology. Also, at the time, the Shinigami characters were all foreigners.
I would like to know the origin of the name "Macy Baljure" (it's my favorite). If possible, please by all means, let us know!
I don't know the origin, but Macy's name was the one I struggled with the most and I made alterations within the name alone like three times.
Is there any difference between a short release call for a Zanpakutō and a long one like in the case of Kyōraku or Ukitake?
Basically, the longer ones are often older Zanpakutō.
When drawing manga, do you tend to forget details in the costume blueprints for characters who, for instance, you haven't drawn in a long time?
I forget things very easily. Even during the series, I forgot the location of Rangiku's mole.
Did you devise the opening and ending of the BLEACH anime together with the anime staff? I was wondering if sensei's ideas were incorporated as well.
I'm not involved with the OP & EDs. Each one is good in it's own way.
Why did Hisagi fail the entrance exam for the Academy twice? 
Because it's Shūhei.
Regardless of whether they were in a higher or lower position, members of the Visored have been quite casual since their days as Shinigami, using informal language and addressing each other without honorifics. Just because they're all together, I don't think that necessarily means that they were at the Academy at the same time, so what could be the driving force for them to have become this close? 
All of them are diehard individualists, or rather, the type to follow their own rules, so people of that type get along well with each other, and I get the impression that because they're the same type, many people don't care how informal they are with one another. Rather than a 'driving force', it's more like "for some reason, I feel like I talk to this guy a lot."
I love Sado-kun. I would like to know if there is a backstory regarding Sado-kun's tattoo such as when and how he got it inked.
When his Abuelo died, Sado got it inked in order to keep his spirit strong.
What is sensei's shoe size in cm? Also, if you have any favorite shoes, please let us know!
My ankles are big, so it's 27 or 27.5. I like shoes but I don't particularly have a favorite brand.
Are you reading what your fans are writing in the comments in the [DESKSIDE] section of your website?
I'm reading them all.
This isn't really a question, but I hope that the Radio Kon letters segment, which appeared in the early Tankōbon, makes a comeback.
I didn't want to do that anymore because I had to draw the cutout faces of characters, every volume, just for that segment which was quite exhausting. I planned to do this myself though.
Will sensei's illustrations mainly be done digitally from now on? I'm curious because I love the illustrations that were colored with sensei's Copic markers. Also, which one do you prefer, sensei?
Right now, I'm having fun with digital. I'm still not very good at using digital, but going forward, I'd like to be able to switch back and forth between both depending on my mood.
I would like to know what your favorite buildings are?
"The National Congress Palace, Brasília" by Oscar Niemeyer and Louis Kahn's "Salk Institute for Biological Studies". Oscar Niemeyer is the origin of Nimaiya Ōetsu's name.
Why does Tatsuki want to become stronger? Her name seems strong, though there is some backstory which revealed that Tatsuki herself doesn't like it, so I'm just allowing myself to imagine that perhaps her parents work at a dojo or do something related to martial arts. I'm also very interested about Orihime in her middle school days, viewed from Tatsuki's perspective. Ichigo and Orihime's pasts have points of similarity, being bullied because of their hair color and experiencing the death of a family member, so I wonder if Tatsuki noticed that they have these things in common?
The karate dojo that Ichigo used to attend is attached to Tatsuki's home. Additionally, in a flashback which I had to cut due to page limitations, there was a scene where Tatsuki draws a parallel between Ichigo and Orihime. You're quite the reader, huh?
I want to be able to draw illustrations like Kubo-sensei so I'm practicing, but whether it be male or female characters, please let me know if there are any points you pay particular attention to when drawing people.
There isn't much difference in how I depict men and women. I get the sense that I draw each character with a feeling that's like "this aspect of this character is good."
I have a question about the feathers around Yumichika's eyes. When he appeared in the story about Ikkaku's past, and also 10 years later, it doesn't appear that he's wearing any accessories, but is that sort of like ‘his thing’ these days?
All the things Yumichika wears are fashionable items, so it varies depending on the season.
What is your favorite Doraemon movie?
It's "Little Star Wars." It's because I like the theme song.
I would like to know the details about the relationship between Mask De Masculine and James. Is it correct to infer from Yhwach's line "James, so you have died?" that Masculine is like a false manifestation and James is his true form.
James is the true form, and Masculine is James's ideal hero.
Regarding the subtitle of BLEACH volume 6 "THE DEATH TRILOGY OVERTURE", if literally translated, it becomes "prologue to the Shinigami trilogy", I think perhaps this means the prologue of the series is about facing the Shinigami, the second chapter is about facing the Arrancar and the final chapter is about facing the Quincy. Is it that you decided on the overall structure of the story from the early stages, resulting in a title like this?
That is so. Since the Lost Agent arc initially wasn't about Shinigami, it was my plan to mix elements of both preceding and upcoming chapters for a smoother transition.
I know this is a terrible question, but I would like to know Kuchiki Rukia's bust, waist and hip measurements….
It's a secret. All the people asking about BWH measurements and other boob related questions are women…. Well, it's fine then I guess.
Some time ago, I watched you begin to draw an illustration on a Shikishi board by hand and without a rough sketch too for Jigoku no Misawa-sensei, I was in shock thinking "you must be kidding…." When you draw a picture, are you drawing with a clear image of the whole composition already in a completed state in your head? Also, where do you usually start from when drawing a character? I was all the more astonished because I saw Kubo-sensei's craft in a character that was not sensei's own. ×[5]
From the time I was an elementary school student, I have been drawing Kitarō starting from his toes, so ever since then, the order in which I draw things has always been chaotic.
Ichigo's attendance score is 13 overall and 6 for male student attendance score, these are also the respective numbers of the squads to which Rukia and Renji belong, that is, two Shinigami with whom he shares a particularly close bond. Was this something you set up intentionally?
It's just a coincidence. 6 is my lucky number so it makes a frequent appearance within the story.
When I look at illustrations, I often look at the fashion designs of the characters, but I am always impressed by how meticulously Kubo-sensei's illustrations depict the structural lines and details of the clothing. I would like to know if there are any fashion brands and the like which you associate with a certain character's image?
I was about to say that for every character I've never thought "this character would probably wear this brand", but there was actually one individual alone. Äs Nödt would wear Rick Owens. 
Your pen-name in the past was Kubo Noriaki, but why was your name changed to Tite?
That's because that 'pen-name' is actually my real name and on top of that, it was a misprint.
How old is Ikumi-san from Unagiya Shop?
She's 33.
In the original story and the novels, it is mentioned that Soul Society has a one million year history, but of the Four Great Noble Houses, if Byakuya is the 28th generation and Yoruichi is 22nd generation, it seems this falls short of one million years, what do you think?
The history of the Nobles is the history of the Seireitei, not Soul Society.
I remember that Kubo-sensei frequently used an au talby A5508SA cell phone for many years. Is that the same cell phone model that is hanging from Ichigo's waist on the cover of WJ issue 23, 2005, and the same one that Rukia is clutching in her hand on the cover of chapter 298
That's right. I still have it at home. I love Marc Newson.
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Kubo-sensei, do you prefer raw eggs, boiled eggs, or hot spring eggs?
I like raw eggs. Isn't this dependent on one's eating habits?
"PIPERS" WOVEN JACQUARD MUFFLER was sold on Whiskrs, but does sensei own serial number 1? (*These were sold in a limited number of 99)
I have it. Personally, I thought it would have been easier to use if it was a little longer.
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Ganju who reappeared in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc has, from where I'm standing, gained a butt-chin, but did that just happen over the course of his growth? Or was it the discipline he received from Kūkaku, or perhaps he was influenced by Shiroganehiko who similarly has a butt-chin? I would be grateful if you could tell us.
Huh? Wait, Ganju wasn't supposed to have a butt-chin!? Well then, let's go with growth!
The name Nīhashi = 15 → 2+1+8+4.
The names Nīha and Ninny = 15 → Nīha: 2+1+8 and Ninny: 2+2.
Is this something you were setting up as a goal? ×[6]
I happened to see this on Twitter and surprised myself. The person who spotted this is amazing. However, it's just a coincidence.
Hitsugaya always wears something that looks like a brooch, it appears to be a marigold, is this correct? 
You mean the clip on his sash which held his sword in his earlier appearances? That's a sun motif. 
I would like to see that school parody with the BLEACH cast (the one that was in JET), will it be released somewhere?!
I want to see that too, but it would be hard to draw the manga myself, so I'm thinking of sharing character profiles and maybe someone will draw it for me.
Translation Footnotes:
×1. "Rondanini's black dog" is part of an incantation for a Kidō spell. See BLEACH chapter 21.
×2. 帯 = to wear/ to carry/ to bear | 人= people | 帯人 (Tite) = to bear people
×3. The joke is: Inu = dog in Japanese. Uni is sea urchin, in Japan we eat sea urchin as sashimi or sushi and it is orange in color.
×4. Back in 2005, a BLEACH dating simulation game parody video, known as "Love Bleach" was made by staff for a BLEACH event. The gag involved teasing a TBA dating simulator. The video is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0cA-jySdzYE?si=-5OX0MQX1bZKsqws
×5. Tite Kubo drawing for Jigoku No Misawa: https://youtu.be/xRAfswhrQC4?si=6rgKaPK94EbzcBY1
×6. Based on Japanese numerals, Ni = 2, i = 1, ha = 8 shi = 4. 
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chinomiko · 9 months
hi! i know it must be kinga boring for you recive questions about castiel bc ppl are obsessed ober him for years but like the other person who asked you a few days ago, i follow you (and ply mcl) for like 10 years and ever since day one my fav boy has been tiel. till this day at the age of 22 he's my favorite and my comfort boy so i joke that he's not a fictional character anymore for me and that i know him personally at this point lol
with that being said, i bet you can imagine that over the years i've been elaborating his personality beyond what the game gives us but he's your boy, you created him therefore you know him and your word is canon, so i'd like to ask a few stuff!! nothing too big, dont worry but here we go.
tiel is an amazing songwriter and since he's very emotional not very good at express it (he does it a lot better now that he's an adult 🥹) i bet his lyricism is very deep and poetic so i have this headcanon that he at first wouldn't like taylor swift because obviously lol but then he payed attention to her lyrics and ends up basically being a swiftie since he likes her writing a lot. what you think about that?
and what kind of music crowstorm sings? like there are any bands that you listen and think "hey this would be in a crowstorm album!" (i have a playlist with this name btw lol). im probably wrong on this one but since this is my fav band i like to think that catfish and the bottlemen are the irl crowstorm, musically speaking
and the last one: another thing that gives me so much comfort is the lystiel friendship. not having present parents, being so closed off i know that lysander is such an important presence on tiel's life because he was basically the only close person he had (specially after the debrah fiasco); if lys didnt had taken the farm and went to college and bla bla bla do you think he would still be part of the band with castiel? im not sure if im mixing the canon with a fanfic i read a while ago (lol) but the band was more of a fun thing to lys, right? he liked writing most (i always imagined him getting into a literature degree or something like this). i also like to think that he helps tiel with lyrics at times, even if he's out of the band (in my head the canon is that they are best friends and pretty close till this day, i pretend lys never left our lives just like armin)
anyways sorry for this big ask 😭 i dont even know if you will read it all but if you do, thank you! and dont feel like you have to answer, i know its too much its just that mcl is my hyperfixation till this day like for real, i have a fanfic that i write still and i even plan on making it into a book sometime. except from the main characters (who is my oc) all the characters will be based on the game's ones :)
ilysm take care and stay hydrated!!
Hellow !
Aww thank you so much and for all your love for Castiel ^^
What a long ask, I'll try to answer in order.
Castiel being a swiftie. No sorry, I don't think he would be. If candy likes her, I'm pretty sure he would try to listen. Also he is an open minded person for sure, so I'm sure he would be curious to listen and study what all the hype is about, it could also help as some sort of far away inspiration, but I don't see him being a fan.
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What kind of songs Crowstorm sings This is hard to answer because my musical knowledge is pretty limited and I'm sure I would miss on lot of potential groups or singers that would fit well. And it would require too much research time to have a real detailed and clear answer, but I still did check a bit and here is a little list of songs/groups that I think would have a fitting vibe for Crowstorm
City of the dead - Hollywood Undead The worst in me - bad omens Paranoid - I prevail Trauma Just pretend - Bad omens Ice Nine Kills - A grave mistake Catfish and the bottlemen sounds nice but I think its a bit too soft for what I imagine for Crowstorm.
What is his voice like I think something similar to this (not necessarily the song itself, just the voice. )
bonus, I think this song is so so fitting for Castiel's breakup song, I love it. Dial Tone - Catch your breath
Castiel and Lys friendship. It was'nt mentionned much in UL/LL because I didnt wish to bring too much drama by mentioning Lys when he was not there for the players, but of course Lys and Cast always kept in touch. It is very clearly mentionned in Lys' AL that they keep in touch, that Lys helps Castiel write songs and Cast also like to come to his farm to have a break and spend time together. You should play it if you havent, you'll have a good chunk of Cast and Lys friendship :) However yeah I can confirm that Lys would not like to do it serisouly and professionally, but he'll be all the way around to support and help Cast.
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twistedchatterbox · 9 months
Halloween Collab 2023 - 17/31 ; open !
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Why hello there, loyal customer; Today I'm here to announce a collab for everyone's favorite holiday which starts on august and lasts 'till the end of October; spooky season!
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Accepting collaborators 22nd-30th of September; This Halloween collab will be an advent that focuses on canon x reader/viewer content; you can join as an author/artist, with a minimum of 300~ words and no upper limit. -if you're interested, take a seat.
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Here is how it'll work;
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Everyone who participates in this collab will pick a prompt, and post their work on the day corresponding to the prompts number; it is mainly centered around writing, though artwork can be included !
Here are a few other things you should keep in mind v
To join the collab you have to reblog this post + choose a prompt! + You can ask to pick your prompt through replies instead, if you'd like that; as long as you reblog the post afterwards!
Remember to tag me on the post so that I can see it ; All the entries for the advent will be reblogged on @/jade-s-nymph and added to the masterlist !
One prompt per person; each person can only claim one prompt *
No Dead Dove: Don't Eat content !
All entries have a minimum of 300 words but no upper limit ; + Artwork can be entered as long as it is accompanied by writing ! + Your writing can be formatted however you'd like as long as it meets the minimum word count, just have fun with it !
Tag your works properly ! including but not limited to; if there are references to how the reader looks or is described, content warnings, phobia-specific warnings (ex. blood, cramped spaces)
Even though event mainly centers around canon x reader content Original Characters are very welcome to join in; whether it be Fanon x reader / Fanon & reader or just to make a cameo! Take the wheel and see where it leads you. ^^
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Prompts that are taken/claimed by someone will be crossed out in text (like this) ; followed by the @ of the author/artist(s) who will post their work(s) on the prompt's day !
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First Halloween - @magicluckystars
Tricked (or is it a treat..?)
Makeup - @cupids-chamber
Secret invitation - @savanaclaw1996
Love at first fright - @cyn-write
Fangs - @rendy-a
Bewitched - @cecilebutcher
(Love) potion - @bunnwich
Phantom Thief - @yume-yuurei
Opera - @fungifanart
Sleeping Beauty - @siren-serenity
Haunted House - @leonistic
Graveyard - @galra-empress-dowager
Hunting - @snappit-the-snek
Full Moon
Siren's Song - @/twistedchatterbox ie.@/Jade-s-nymph
Yokai - @ginruko
Detective - @fate-muse-club-house
Dress-up (together) - @linawritestwst
Possessed - @darling-in-wonderland
Devilish - @da-birb-writes-sometimes
Red Hood - @juno-of-wonderland
"Once upon a time.." - @whatevermywpis
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Ps. if you'd like to collab with someone on a prompt, you can! * ex. Two authors writing a 2-part fic together or writing 2 separate fics that reference each other / An author writing a fic and an artist making an illustration to go along with it. -Just remember to post the entries on the correct day, yeah?
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Everyone who joins can tag their work with the tag #Spooky Chattering 2023 .
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-Once again, before i finish this post; please Reblog this post so that more people can see and join, even if you don't intend to join in yourself- a collab this size needs a lot of people, after all ^^'' ...
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raelyn-dreams · 9 months
Any headcanons of your favorite enstars characters? 👀💫
I do indeed nonnie! Though tbh, these are kind of full-cast headcanons lol. Tysm for the ask 😊
Mika is still upset he wasn't included in the Sanrio collab, and angrily sewed plushies the entire day it was announced.
During practice for Artistic Partisan, Hiiro was under the impression that the prop spears were much heavier than they actually were, leading to him accidentally slamming one through the wall (and nearly impaling Shu).
We don't talk enough about how Knights are given swords for their performances. Like who thought this was a good idea. Even if they are dull and fake, do you know how terrifying it is to have Ritsu Sakuma come at you with a sword and a maniacal grin? Kaoru Hakaze does.
Kuro was basically acting as a mediator for the entirety of the Yuukyou Seishunka cover rehearsals (while Mika and Souma prayed their unit leaders wouldn't kill each other). Keito and Shu came to feel kinda bad about this as they were winding down, so they begrudgingly worked together to make him a gi, as a thank you and apology. Keito never wants to hear the words "proper quilter's knot" again, but it was worth it for the smile on Kuro's face.
Hiiro and Hinata both have...shaky histories with high places (Hiiro in !! main story after Rinne disowns him, and Hinata during Setsubun). Niki doesn't know the details, but he notices after a while, so they start having rooftop hang-outs on occasion to help them with it.
I really like the Hiiro-Hinata-Niki dorm as a whole actually (which...Hiiro and Hinata are two of my favs, and Niki's up there, so that's to be expected lol). I see a lot of potential with the three, and I think they'd really get each other.
Ibara visited Kaname once. It was a stupid and sentimental thing to do, really, and he had work that needed to be done, lives to prepare for...but he couldn't help but feel he owed it to him, the near-silent apology that passed his lips that day.
Also, veering into AU territory a bit, but I think if Kaname were to wake up and eventually get back into the industry (after lots of rehab + accommodations), he'd keep the HiMERU name, but drop the "cool" persona he tried to associate with it. Life is too short to care so much about the public's perception of him, and I feel he'd go in the opposite direction of Tatsumi, and become even more outspoken, which would make him a good Crazy:B candidate.
OreMERU (our HiMERU) and Kaname are going to need to talk. A lot. I think Kaname wouldn't quite forgive him and would be upset about the identity theft, but he also can't bring himself to hate him, as he can see why he did it and knows it's for him. There's a lot of guilt and misunderstanding on both sides (ntm Tatsumi, Jun, and everyone else's reactions), but I think they eventually get through it alright, and OreMERU would always be Kaname's "Onii-chan".
OreMERU is also gonna have an identity crisis, and tries to quit Crazy:B, but of course Rinne, Niki, and Kohaku aren't gonna let him just dip like that. There's a lot of panicking, some bad hairstyle decisions, but he comes out alright, and starts going by another stage name that's important to him in some way.
I'm sorry about the excessive Tojo headcanons nonnie, I fully read Obbligato for the first time last week (just knew the basics before) and it wrecked me asdfghjkl.
Anyways. Back to everyone else.
As Mika gets used to Shu's more lenient personality, he tries to see how much gore he can get away with in Valkyrie's art.
Shu tries so hard to respect Mika's artistic vision and encourage him, he really does. But he draws the line at real pigs brains on-stage, even if they are in jars ("But Oshi-san, it represents the breakin' o' the mind after they tried so hard ta conform ta the expectations they put on 'em and ended up slaughtered! It's perfect symbolism, ain't it?")
Adonis makes money on the side for Undead by acting as an interpreter for other units during lives and Q&As. It ends up so popular and profitable that ES actually ends up investing money in professional interpreters for all events, because the ES heads can be kind of good people for once I guess. As a treat.
Rei, Ritsu, Niki, Tatsumi, Eichi, and Kaname (if he rejoins the industry) start having a combined monthly interview to make up for ones they miss due to illness/disability. The college kids/anyone that's been sick or couldn't make their own interviews occasionally join in too (usually Chiaki, Mayoi, Nazuna, Shu, Leo, and Izumi). Rei feels personally attacked sometimes, but its overall fun and way less stressful than trying to make every interview for their own units.
Kuro/Shu/Mao/Izumi dorm have sewing nights. It started because Kuro and Shu already sew, and Izumi wanted to be able to make his own alterations as a model just in case. Mao ended up joining in as a way to de-stress from student council work, and they have a relatively pleasant time together.
Souma is canonically good at embroidery, so I like to think he ends up creating his own sword scabbards for different Akatsuki costumes using the skills he's picked up from it. They're very pretty, and he's very proud of them.
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ballcrusher74 · 2 months
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▪︎Do you have any fandom ocs but ARENT lethal company that youd ever like to talk about :0?
▪︎What ever happened to Jawbreaker's (your sona) homeplanet after he left, I remember the story was he was exceptional but insubordinate so like, did anyone get fired for letting that guy just scramble away
▪︎who is your favourite oc presently! :3 and have you any miscellaneous facts about them?
▪︎what's in the gyatt folder
▪︎ since Metronoia (I hope I spelled that right from memory) is a dimension/reality hopper, how does other realities effect his state of being, has there ever been a reality the guy found unpleasant or dare I say scary‼‼‼‼‼‼‼😲
Yes, I do ! I have some roblox ocs, two being for the game Regretevator ! Broseth is just a completely original guy that I had created based off one of my avatars, and Gamma Ray was kinda ... a shameless semi-self insert character to be buddies with one of my favorite characters in game (Mach)
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I also have this guy, Tixton ! Based off the now deceased roblox currency, he was apart of a friend roblox oc group called Investors ! There's a long story to it all, but Tixton's whole deal was him being an undead ghost guy that was so hellbent on the idea of being alive again (he died with the removal of tix, and was young when that happened) that he basically tried to steal someone's body. I seem to have a liking for making undead / weirdly semi-undead characters, huh
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Moving on from roblox, here's Bumbo ! A guy that was originally made for a fanbase I really don't wanna name, but has now been converted into a BBIEAL / Baldi mod oc ! Originally I was gonna kinda leave him the dirt after leaving aforementioned unnamed fandom, but my boyfriend helped me redesign him for his own Baldi mod / fangame ^_^ <3 Now he is my bumbling sweet baby boy
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Now moving to . Ourple FNF ... ? There was this guy I created, Aerguhbee ! Though, I very much fell off of keeping up with Ourple / FNF stuff in general for a lot of reasons, I still kinda like this guy. He had a bit of a sloppy story, and it never really was even completed, but from what I remember- he was a trapped soul within a security monitor, killed in his place of work as a nightguard. The monitor served as an eternal purgatory for him called 'Moire Edge'. He was able to manifest a form outside of the monitor in order to lure others into his forever limbo, under the guise of becoming friends. If anything, I might just bring back this guy as a wholly original character since I do still kinda fuck with him
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And, before going onto the next question (FINALLY), I'll throw in a bonus : Deacon originally wasn't LC related ! He was a Toontown : Corporate Clash oc, which is such a MAJOR contrast compared to how he is now LOL . I don't think he really had much of story when he was a TT:CC character, besides the fact of being secretly miserable about his job, but I think that's really it. I'll admit I kinda miss his really bright yellow, but I am so much more happier with him now (featuring my toon sona / oc in the last pic but this ain't about him)
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As for Jawbreaker's home planet, they most likely are continuing on their lives as normal. Metsu probably does wonder where he went off to, but hey- not their problem anymore. As for what happened to the guards that failed to capture him again after his prison escape, they most likely were shattered (killed) and their resources recycled
THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. I think it's also just because all my original ocs are very personal to me and I genuinely treat them as parts of myself segmented into their own stories and worlds. Though, if I really have to pick one, I think it would be my art deity guy- which, I am kinda getting tired of just saying that, so I'll just say his name : Abstrakt Mondrian. He is very much an oc of mine that I hold close to my heart, especially considering his story deals with grief, and it almost sounds stupid to say he is an oc of mine that has helped me through a lot ? Also, design wise, I just really like him. Like, I'm not fucking joking when I say that I've had this guy for 4-ish years and his design has barely changed at ALL . It's crazy
Metanoia jumping to different dimensions does very much fuck up his appearance, and there have been a couple places he's found very dissatisfying or horrifying ! These dimensional distortions don't last whenever he exits the dimension that causes it, but it's not that pleasant for him in the moment. These distortions can range from very minimal things, things he can handle, such as a simple change of colors or height, to distortions that almost make him unrecognizable and feel uncomfortable in his own body. Here are some quick examples I did of those !
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( Btw, distortions can be fucking crazy. The main thing about them is they could be literally any style and still work, so if anyone wants to take a crack at one you can literally go insane and do whatever LOL )
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iamafanofcartoons · 6 months
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Psychogator gives us "The Waiting Room" with Ruby Rose, Claire Redfield, Heavy, and Hellboy.
Somewhere in an omni-dimensional realm: The Merchant's Inventory...
(Claire Redfield finds herself in the bright room, where she sees the other three characters sitting on their seats. They seem to be waiting for the same thing she is. She just sits on her seat, taking a magazine and tries to read...though she can't help but feel curious)
Claire: *To Ruby* So...what are you supposed to be? Some kind of Red Riding Hood?
Ruby: Huh? Oh, my name's Ruby. I'm kind of a monster hunter.
Claire: And you...? Red Guy?
Hellboy: "Red Guy"? Really?
C: You some kind of demon? Who I guess also hunts demons?
H: That's kind of leaving out important details, but...yeah. That's the gist of it.
C: And the other guy's some of mercenary.
Heavy: I am Heavy Weapons Guy. I was commissioned to Red Team.
C: And none of you are weirded out by this?
R: Mmm...Nope.
Heavy: Niet.
Hellboy: Trust me. I've found weirder things in weirder worlds than this.
C: Okay, then...
Claire: So, how did you guys hear about this place?
Hellboy: I was recommended to it by a friend of mine, and I was pretty much okay going into any place that can cook up a good new firearm for me. No questions asked.
Heavy: My Soldier friend brought here one day.
R: A Blacksmith Lady give me a ticket for a dimensional-traveling gig. I told them I just wanted to see cool weapons instead of just being around people. That's what's school's for.
Heavy: Da. School is good, Tiny Sniper. Where do you go?
R: Ever heard of Beacon Academy?
Heavy: I do not. This is good school?
R: *sigh* It's the BEST. You can learn how to fight monsters, how to work as a team, but the only bad thing is learning about history and stuff.
Heavy: Learning is good. I went to Soviet College of Mines, Farms, and Science. I have PHD on Russian Literature.
Claire: Do you...use that in your line of work?
Heavy: More than you think. *Turns to Hellboy* Hell-Man, what is your favorite enemy to kill in war?
Hellboy: I don't know about "war", but...I think my favorite enemy is probably giants. Either normal giants or gods, it's all the same to me. It makes things a lot more challenging.
Heavy: Killing giant robots is good thing, but to kill Spy is glorious thing! Brings glory to team! What about you, Little Rose? You are killing type.
Ruby: MY favorite enemy? I-I don't know. Beowolves, Ursas, Nevermores, Geists...It's like choosing what my favorite kind of cookie is!
Heavy: Hahaha! I like you, Tiny Sniper!
Claire: I got a few enemies I've come across. A few lickers and an asshole tyrant are kind of a breath of fresh air after swarms of zombies.
Heavy: Do Lickers disguise as best friend and stab you in the back?
Claire: Well, no, but...I have lost a few good friends to worse...
Ruby: *Turns to Heavy* Why do you call me "Tiny Sniper"?
Heavy: You are tiny and Sniper, no? You wear red, fitting for RED Team. Your gun hits like Machina. You earn this by being futuristic killer. You should try out for RED Team.
Ruby: I guess that could be fun. I mean, If I'm only there to kill monsters and robots and not...you know, people.
Heavy: Da. This is good for you. I suggest helping us against Gray Manns' robots and Merasmus' undead. You will kill many of them before dying, I think.
Ruby: I hope it doesn't come to that. Yang will get pretty worried if I do.
Hellboy: So, Redfield, what heat do you usually carry?
Claire: Anything I can get my hands on, really. Shotguns, grenade launchers, miniguns, secret weapons with infinite ammo. That sort of stuff. Usually, though, I rely on a good handgun or two, like my brother's Samurai Edge. What about you? You seem to carry a lot in that coat.
Hellboy: Well, it's your usual monster-killing stuff. Brimstone Grenades, Valisia's Gift, Agrippa's charms, but most of the time, I often rely on my Good Samaritan. I'm not a good shot, but it uses really big bullets.
Ruby: What rounds do you even use for them to be that big? That sounds like something that my Crescent Rose uses.
Hellboy: I usually use custom-made 22 millimeter Whoppers. Made them, myself. Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak...the works.
Heavy: Hmph. Not much to be of use for Sasha.
Hellboy: Yeah? What rounds do you use?
Heavy: BIG.
Claire: Are we talking .300 Weatherby Mag?
Heavy: Bigger.
Ruby: .50 Cal?
Heavy: Bigger than .50 Cal. They are handmade, custom-tooled cartridges with classified diameter.
Hellboy: Geez. Why's that?
Heavy: So enemy cannot use ammunition...but Sasha can chew through THEIRS.
Ruby: That sounds...SO. COOL! Love
Heavy: *nods* I think so.
Hellboy: *To Ruby* So, Ruby, what's this "Crescent Rose" of yours? Some kind of a gun?
Ruby: Oh, my sweetheart is more than just a gun. It's a customizable, high-impact sniper rifle that's also a mechanical scythe. It pretty much uses .50 Cal bullets built with Dust.
Hellboy: *cocks a brow, unimpressed* Dust.
Ruby: Fire Dust, Ice Dust, Electric Dust...I can use Gravity Dust to launch myself like a missile. And if there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I'm not slow.
Claire: You just "launch" yourself with your gun? That sounds...dangerously irresponsible.
Heavy: I know of this. Soldier does this with rocket launcher all the time.
Ruby: Yeah, but I usually have a semblance, or "superpower", to use speed. I usually do this to outpace monsters WAY bigger than me! I move around like a blur!
Hellboy: So, your world has weapons that are also guns, bullets that use magic, and you fight monsters bigger and deadlier than you.
Ruby: Yeah! Killing monsters is the coolest thing to do in the world! *Realizes it's Hellboy* Oh. Um...I hope I didn't offend you.
Hellboy: Offend me? *He smirks, genuinely excited* You just made my winter!
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animehouse-moe · 6 months
The Best of 2023 Anime
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First of all, I have to say that this isn't my idea: it's @444lpblue's idea. I'm just stealing it getting to it it before they do.
Anyways, the idea was to pick the best for several categories in relation to anime from 2023, and share why they were chosen. This doesn't necessarily mean I'll be picking my favorites from the year, but what I think is the best of the best, so there'll be a few interesting choices made (but I think that makes it more fun). Enough preamble though, I should just get to sharing my list.
Best Show - Heavenly Delusion
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I don't think this one is much of a surprise. Heavenly Delusion, by and large, is an outstanding show (and adaptation) in all meanings of the word.
I think the best way to explain what constitutes a "best show" is by asking the question: how much of the medium does this series make use of?
With Heavenly Delusion? The answer is effectively everything. Visual storytelling, auditory cues, leading the viewer visually, incredible foreshadowing, expressive and detailed character acting, apt humor, incredible visual effects. The list goes on and on. Frieren was a great show, Skip and Loaf was a great show, The Witch From Mercury was a great show. But the best can't fall short in nearly any category, and Heavenly Delusion successfully evades that pitfall at every twist and turn within its twelve episodes.
Personally speaking, it was a show for the ages. Sure, we have Frieren pushing the boundaries in terms of visual quality in a seasonal anime, but I think the difference in terms of experience between Frieren and Heavenly Delusion is night and day- an entirely incomparable experience.
Best Movie - The Boy and The Heron
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I mean, is there really another choice? The Black Clover movie was good, the Kaguya movie was good. Suzume, The First Slam Dunk, Blue Giant. There are quite a few good movies out there, but let's be real- you just can't win if you're against Miyazaki.
Best Episode - Heavenly Delusion Episode 10
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Yeah yeah, sue me, I picked something a lot of people have also picked. But just know in the deepest parts of my heart that this would always be my pick. Junichi's character arc and its expression through this episode is sublime. Ikarashi's insane Trigger style meshing with Hirotaka's more voyeuristic appeal is sublime. The panic of Kiruko as she runs with the baby, the goofy and excessive humor that opens the episode, all the various examples of symbolism. The art shifting art styles, the different approaches to animation. The list quite honestly does not end. While some might argue for Frieren's dragon episode as the entry for best of the year, I think the frame of reference for that argument is far too narrow. The perspective of animation and visuals above all else completely fails in the face of holy trinity of Masakazu Ishiguro, Mori Hirotaka, and Kai Ikarashi. You just cannot beat it, and you can't argue it in any way.
Best Opening - Magical Destroyers
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It was a toss up between this and Heavenly Delusion, but I just can't get rid of this opening in my head. It's like a plague that's taken me over. Incredible visuals, incredible boards and animation work, and just an incredible testament to Jun Inagawa's art. Heavenly Delusion's OP is very good, but in a way can, oddly enough, feel too literal in comparison to the comparatively indecipherable story that the OP of Magical Destroyers tells. Really, just wonderful work all around that I desperately wish could have extended to the anime itself.
Best Ending - Magical Destroyers
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This was always a one person race. Would it be Taiki Konno's Magical Destroyers ending, or would it be Taiki Konno's Undead Unluck ending?
Personally, I don't think there was much of a contest between the two purely because of the story told with the Magical Destroyers ending. I think that giving Konno a static ending also helped a great deal as they were able to explore their vision in much greater detail than having to animate directly.
But that's also the beauty of Inagawa's appeal, really. Konno and Inagawa got along like a house on fire with this ending, and adding The 13th Tailor's music overtop just brought it to a totally different level. Still a massive massive favorite of mine.
Best Animation Designs - Trigun Stampede
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Now, just hear me out. 3D animation's sore spot has always been expressiveness, and bringing anime original designs to such an intensely beloved and cult classic series is an insane challenge.
Orange, of course, was totally up to the challenge and brought what I'd argue has become a modern icon of Vash the Stampede. The facial expressions, reactions, and interactions were impeccable. The larger movements were incredibly fluid and full of life and feeling. The cloth and other materials were amazing to experience.
The designs feel almost effortless in the context of 3D animation, and I really have to stress that that is a huge challenge. Look at how other characters look in 3D vs how these ones look. Really, really impressive work in my books.
Best Aesthetic - Bleach Thousand Year Blood War: The Separation
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Bleach has, and always will be, a very aesthetically pleasing series. There's plenty of moments to pull from, but I think the second cour of TYBW presents the pinnacle of Bleach in anime form.
The lighting, the backgrounds and environments, the insane levels of composition: TYBW The Separation is the highest reaches of style Bleach has mustered to this date.
And really, there's not anything else to it. The iconic red and blue palette, the crazy details in highlights and shadows, the incredible color schemes and storyboards. It's simply Number 1.
And that's as far as the list goes. Pretty simple, but a pretty fun exercise in looking back on the year in terms of more specific aspects. Does highlight the gulf between good and great though, as there's many series that can qualify as "good", but very very few that can really be reasonably considered for accolades such as these.
2024 seems keen on changing that up though, so I'm really looking forward to what all we get for this year!
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Thoughts on TOTK Ganon's appearance?
A lot of them!! Some would say: too many!!! Too much!! So much so that I was almost starting to turn this ask into a TotK early review, so I'll simplify my answer a little.
I have not finished the game yet, but I have seen the memories and a good chunk of it, but my opinion is therefore incomplete and subject to lapses in judgement/hasty positions. Also, my opinion on this is kind of a buzzkill and I already made people depressed and bummed out by explaining it, so I'm putting it under the cut to avoid hurting the good time of people who might not want to think about this/might disagree on this description alone (and I understand, since it's an opinion that also depresses me!!! I wanted to like everything!! I wanted to be blown away!!).
I think this Ganondorf is like OoT Ganondorf redux, but with even more problems than OoT Ganondorf, somehow??? which is honestly a flex at this point.
(I love OoT Ganondorf to be clear, but the flaws are pretty undeniable and you have to navigate through a lot of bullshit to get to the good parts)
Between the green skin that lacks any proper justification in the context of the game (I say this because I always hear "oooo but it's because he's a demon/undead" and uhhhh no, it's not because of that apparently), the fact that he's half naked but we're never ever meant to conceive him as a human person in any way but merely as a constant physical threat... Like I'm certain the famous Ganondorf Designer did their utmost to give him justice and there is an obvious attention to details in his design, and I'm not blaming them or anyone in particular for the Nintendo treatment --but it does add up to something quite uncomfortable in his characterization regardless. Even the fact that his face rigging is extremely flimsy and makes his emoting feels super strange bugs me (I heavily suspect it's because it's way less soft anime and structurally very different from any other face in the game, especially around the jaw, and so they had to do a custom rig and had to work around its limitations --it's all speculation, and I am always here for Unsettling Ganondorf Faces, but it kinda felt accidental and not intentional like in WW or TP). He's at once a lot and really not much. I find his characterization beyond barebones. Even Twilight Princess Ganondorf had more to him than this (like the man was fascinating in comparaison, show me a guy claiming to be chosen by the goddesses while sitting on a throne next to the decapitated statues of said goddesses any fucking day over what we got here)
I like the mechanical aspects he introduces; the gloom is cool, the hands that grab you are amazing, the bosses are such cool callbacks --and he's just causing messes and putting parasites in things!!! You go girl. I do love that he's having his little puppet Zelda run around causing hijinxes, that's very fun of him and my favorite part of his character in this game so far, tho I don't know if that even counts as him --and I'm not 100% sure what that even says about anyone?
But here's the thing: nobody (beyond * arguably * Rauru) seems to be allowed to have a character arc in this game, so it's hard to come up with anything to say since he's the sole cause of conflict while being almost completely motivation-less. I don't think anyone is written particularly competently honestly; it just shows more with him because a Ganondorf who's not well written reverts back to Ganondorf at his most generic expression of a baddie imaginable, with a side-serving of, quite frankly, really questionable orientalist themes that I see little excuse for being handled the way they were in the year of our lord 2023. Like I'm kinda shocked not to see more people calling the racism for what it is, because it's... pretty blatant. But that goes beyond Ganondorf and that's the whole game, and I said I would try to keep my scope limited, but!!! I will screech about imperialism eventually!!!
The other aspect of that discussion, which is inevitable, is how much does TotK erase everything that came before? I'm sure there are some amazing Zelda theorists out there who will find a way to reconcile all of this, but for now, I get the sense that Nintendo wanted to get away from their messy timelines (fair) and reinvoke some of the old songs for a new audience, and in doing so scrubbing the slate clean. My problem is not so much that they wanted to do this (even if I think BotW's solution was, strangely, much cleaner and more respectful of their own history), but what they introduced instead: and, in Ganondorf's case, he's kind of reduced to a parody of himself --one that is so unbelievably unsympathetic and impossible to relate to and also responsible of his own oppression and also not oppressed since he attacked first!! and also oppressive?? (I made A Sound when I heard the line about Rauru talking about "the last free gerudo village falling" bitch!! free according to whom??????)
Removing a lot of the Goddesses/Triforce thing (so far, maybe it will come up) also does this conflict zero favors in my opinion, as it makes everything and everyone's actions much less fated and an expression of self-determination/resilience over their predestination, and much more uhh political in a bad way, while still borrowing the aesthetics of divinity to justify its own mind-numbing moral simplicity.
I don't know. Maybe the third act reveal will really surprise me and make me reconsider my position, but it would take a lot to scrub off all the dedicated efforts made to flatten Ganondorf to his lowest possible denominator (him and his people honestly my follow-up to the gerudo post will probably be Oops! All Salt) for the sake of the most brazenly imperialistic and feudalist Hyrule to date and its really weird and uncomfortable reimagined origin story.
So uhhh, Thoughts Bad! I guess thoughts bad. :(
(Matt Mercer did a great job with what little he was given tho, and so did every voice actor)
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queen-scribbles · 13 days
1, 2, 4 & 12 for the Veilguard ask!
1.What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Oh, I've been in this dumpster since DA:O. :P Watched the trailers and interviews and everything leading up to release and everything.
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
Can I count Awakening as a separate game from DA:O to say that? Or is that cheating bc it's an expansion? Bc that's my favorite.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Let's see here....
Canon is Warden Rahna Tabris, dual wielding rogue(duelist, ranger, shadow). She romanced Alistair, sided with the mages, defeated/banished the desire demon to free Connor, made peace between Dalish & Werewolves(/humans, bc the curse broke), destroyed the Anvil, and made Bhelen king. Worked her way up to getting kicked out of Herran and Wade's shop with various dragon armors. Let Anora keep the throne, turned down Morrigan's ritual aaaaand Alistair sacrificed himself killing the Archdemon. :) In Awakening, she recruited everybody, upgraded the Vigil so she protected Amaranthine and it was fine, killed the Architect.
Astrid Hawke, blue mage, Force magic specialization, Warden Carver, max friendship with everyone except Merrill and Sebastian. Rivalmance with Sebastian bc she thinks he can do more good ruling a city than sequestering in a church(it's HARD to rival Sebastian as a goody-two-shoes, y'all). Executed Anders bc she did not spend seven years as a living example that mages can be normal productive non-dangerous members of society just for him to quite literally blow it up in her face. :))) Sided with the Templars bc I wanted her to be Vicountess/Princess intending to do damage control, quickly realized that was maybe an oopsie bc of how far gone Meredith was but TOO LATE NOW. :)
Tighe Lavellan, mage, Necromancer, romanced Cassandra and besties with Sera and Cole. Did IHW and recruited the mages as allies, saved Celene and forced her/Gaspard/Briala into a YOU WORK FOR ME BITCHES truce >:3(everyone underestimates him bc he's a goofball. they should stop doing that. he's very. very smart) Hawke stayed in the Fade during HLtA(I still cry about this occasionally btw, but it's insanely in character for Astrid so I can't bring myself to change it), he allied with the Wardens. Only killed a few of the dragons, the ones that seemed a more pressing danger to the area. Softened Leliana became Divine. I'm 97% sure he went into the Exalted Council planning to disband the Inquisition but changed his mind and kept it when he found out about the qunari and Solas bc he feels like Thedas still needs them, they just need to be careful who they trust.
(If I missed anything anyone wants to know, just ask. there's a lot of little details I probably didn't think of xD)
12. What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
Well, one of them I already know is there, soooo the seemingly endless spawning waves of enemies out of nowhere ala DA2 were a huge pain(the only part in DA:I that sort of did that was the Exalted Plains with the waves of undead on the fortifications) and I'd like to not have anything like that.
DA4 asks
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yuniemaki · 2 months
tagged by @cadriona you have all my love and undying support, even should i become an undead i will come back to bang on your doors so you'll finish your UNFINISHED WORKS.
how many works do you have on ao3?
39, I don't know what are anon'ed works, lalala
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Genshin... once upon a time in the ff.net days I wrote for Dragon Age, Claymore, Air Gear and Skyrim/Oblivion too, but these days a certain lesbian couple from Genshin lives rent-free in my head, y'know?
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
BY KUDOS??? 😭 1. Dancing in circles 2. Trust in the stars 3. a gift from the stars 4. Welcome back, my Captain 5. Even if it's selfish, I still want you to stay
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes I love all comments they make me squeal because wow someone found my shit in a sea of food and went, "damn I'm gonna talk to the person who pooped this shit out!" I'm honoured. Work sometimes makes me slow but I read every comment and spend way too long thinking about how I should respond HELP
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... I don't do angsty endings... there is a fic with one, but it's currently locked because it's for a zine. I'll share when it's out :P
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
probably, but I don't see it, so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
you do not ask yunie what smut she writes.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i hardly write crossovers... it's enough trouble to make sure my ideas are potentially canon-compliant, nevermind making sure they could be accepted as canon for TWO universes. I wrote one for Skyrim x Genshin though. beiguang but dark brotherhood x pirate. :D
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
naur i'm not that amazing
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
sadly nope tho i would be honoured
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, i've done that plenty in classes and am honestly not a fan, but i'm sure it works for people who are very in-tune!
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
beiguang. my beloved. they pulled out 500k words from me and still counting after a 10-year hiatus. amazing
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
one that's been sitting in the pile for a while... about ningguang faking her death and beidou finding out like a year later. no, i don't have anything beyond that line :(
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i write dialogue pretty well
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i'm often too lazy to edit, and i slack a lot on descriptions because... yeah, i'm too lazy for my own good. :/ i can also get really impatient with longer fics like i'll get angry that i'm not at the scene i really want to write, count the number of chapters i still have to do to reach there, then close the doc in rage.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't really like it, because it's kinda immersion-breaking for me. i prefer to write it all in english but state that the character is speaking in xxx language instead
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Claymore, with OCs!
20. favorite fic you've written?
beiguang mafia au with their version of a happy ending. I love my beiguang twisted, obsessive and somewhat toxic
tagging @canonical-transformation, @aurilium, @mireillexy, @dreamerinsilico @asharinhun, @narcoticwriter and anyone else who wants to answer! OPEN TAG!
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slyakoch13 · 2 months
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HELLO internet users, you are now looking at my blog where i have come to burden you with my art pieces and funnies.
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🔊Call me slyakoch or slkch
English is not my native language so it is often difficult for me to understand or answer, forgive me if I make stupid mistakes.
my art is under #my art tag
COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN (dm me) -> here
C U R R E N T H Y P E R F I X A T I O N :
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Got here only in February but already in love with this game. All characters are fucking amazing and cool. But i think my heart especially belongs to Ferryman and Minos!
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I love this crazy fandom. There is no one particular mercenary that o like, they are all cool and deserve love. Favorite ships: Bloody Suite, Boots & Bombs, and Science Party. By the way, I hate speedingbullet, please don't touch me with speedingbullet. I draw a lot SniperSpy, everything can be found under tags here on the blog!! I also used to play a lot tf2 sice summer 2023. Now I main Scout and Sniper.
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WoW has been my obsession for several years now, and now I'm not so interested in the new expansions, but I just love the old Warcraft before SL. Alliance? Horde? WHO NEEDS THEM WHEN THERE ARE THE FORSAKEN! I love them. And basically all the undead. Of the characters, I really love Jaina and Vanessa Vancleef. And also i'm biggest Sylvanas/Nathanos apologist. My favourite fucked up couple.
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I LOVE MARIA SILENT HILL TWO I LIVE FOR HER I CRY OVER HER CHARACTER and I think her character is very underrated! Otherwise, I also really love Heather (I cosplayed her!), Lisa and Walter. I'm a fan of the "classics" of all 4 silent hill games. This rusty, old, tense, frightening, depressing, meaty horror is just what I've always been missing.
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It’s worth saying briefly - I adore the entire universe of half-life and the portal. These are great games, I love everything about them. They changed me and my perception of video games a lot. My favorites of the series are Adrian Shepard and Alix. I'm a fan of HEKU in general, they're funny guys. Probably the only military characters in video games that don't make me uncomfortable.
other fandoms that i was to lazy to make banner for, or they are smaller: OUTLAST, Garten of BanBan, Poppy Playtime(shitty mascot horror yay), Gloomwood, Faith:The unholy trinity.
these banners are made by me, and yeah they are fre to use(ijust pls credit me if you do)
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ahordeofwasps · 2 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
I've been tagged by the terrific @tabswrites! Thanks for the tag! I'll answer the questions for Crying Wolf.
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @mary-is-writing, @afoolandathief, @amewinterswriting, @space-writes, and open tag! I'll leave a blank set of questions under "read more."
Now, onto those questions!
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
I would say Chapter 1, wherein chaos hits a tavern, but that chapter got scrapped and rewritten. The first part that is still in the WIP is Chapter 2, which is from the perspective of a minor villain.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Definitely a Church of the Cosmic Skull song! If I were to pick one, I'd go with Movements in the Sky:
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
That's like asking me if I have a favourite child.
That being said, probably Ogwut or Daisy. Ogwut's a giant cinnamon roll, so it's hard not to like him. Daisy unexpectedly wound up having a sense of humour and resourcefulness that got me attached to her quite quickly.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
I don't know. Haven't really thought about that. I guess art?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Pacing. The first half of the story is way too slow and I'm trying to fix it at the moment.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There are a lot of animals and they're all important to the story. Wolves, sheep, Brutus the dog, birds, and possums are the most prominent though.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Either on foot or, in one section of the story, being carried upon Ogwut's shoulders.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm working on draft 6 which involves rewriting the first half. I'm on Chapter 10 (out of like 60).
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Probably how wild the plot sounds whenever I try to summarize it. The main villain is a lonely military A.I. who ressurrects the boy who cried wolf as an undead cyborg. The boy wants to kill everyone in his village because they let him die and the A.I. will do anything to help him. Anything. There's a robot who believes he's human... and is also 10 feet tall. He wants people to not kill each other. There's a gravity worshipping cult that wants to kill all three but only knows about two.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
To get it finished and to share it somehow. Not entirely sure how. Maybe I'll attempt to pursue tradpub (when it's legal for me to do so), maybe I'll just share it to the internet. Not sure at this point.
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
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tokiro07 · 8 months
Undead Unluck ep.3 thoughts
[I'm Going Through Changes...and So's This Anime]
(Contents: Ch.4-5 comparison, animation, voice acting)
Ginaaa!!! Or Gena, as they're going with for this version. I guess that's the official spelling now? I don't think Viz is changing theirs, but either way it's going to be annoying going forward needing to deal with multiple "canon" spellings
Anyway, Gina's introduction was really fun! Very full of energy, animation really helps bring her to life in a way that a manga panel just can't. That said, I don't think I really like that they showed her face when she was attacking from the satellite. When we first saw her in chapter 5, it took me a second to realize who she was, but after seeing her fully revealed like that, it's not too hard to connect that the girl in the first and second half of the episode are the same. I guess it's obvious anyway, but still, a little mystique is better than no mystique
There were lots of great bits sprinkled throughout the episode, with the animation and sound effects really adding a lot to the experience. Andy's 5-point landing being slowed down to a step-by-step process rather than happening all at once really drove home how unsettling what was happening was, and of course his Crimson Crescent Moon was sick as hell, I appreciated that it wasn't effectively just two frames (beginning and end with no movement in between). The arc of the swing wasn't what I imagined, I always figured that the draw -> swing -> resheathe was one fluid motion, but in practice they seem to have made it a real iaido technique, which is really cool
Gina summoning her beret had a nice bit of improvement in this verion, with it digitally apparating atop her head. In the manga it just showed up when she asked for it, and I thought maybe they like...I don't know, shot it down to her from space? This was a really cool touch that was completely unnecessary but added a lot of flavor to the scene, even if the mechanism doesn't have a clear explanation (she obviously didn't use the Union's usual warp method since the effect was digital and not cracks in the air, nor does it seem to line up with anything that I recognize from the manga in later chapters)
The highlight of the episode though had to be Gina's voice though. The shift from her bubbly persona to her getting serious was so god damn ominous, and coupled with her immediate display of power really reminded me that she's one of the Union's top members. I don't think it's ever established what her position is, but I'm decently confident that she's pretty high up, especially considering her tenure
If they made that one scene look so good, I'm super excited for next week's episode, they've really convinced me that they'll be able to do it justice! That said, they've been going at a pace of approximately two chapters per episode, and my estimate for next week's would take about three, so...I'm not sure if they're going to rush through it to match the pace I've suggested, or if they're going to stay at two chapters to really delve into it. I could go either way on it since this is going to be a very action-heavy segment, which means they could easily get through it relatively quickly
I've been thinking a lot lately that Gina's been rising the ranks of my favorite UU characters, and seeing her brought to life has definitely given her a boost. I haven't quite settled on her as my absolute fave yet, but damn if she isn't getting close
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fireflysprincess · 8 months
S/I Questions Based off Songs I Keep Thinking About ! ✨
I wanted to answer questions about my s/is and ya know. I have a lot of songs stuck in my head so. Why not! Thought it'd be fun for others to do too ❤️ (including spotify links to all the songs used as well!)
These can also be used for ocs as well clearly, I just used s/i here!
Remember to include the s/i you're asking about if there's multiple ones to choose from! And also to practice reblog karma!
MANIAC - If your s/i is in a relationship, what is it like? Is it a sweet, soft romance, or is it more an enemies to lovers type deal? Or is it something different entirely?
HARROW - Would your s/i ever kill someone? Or have they already done so? Why? And if they haven't, why might they do so?
BRING IT ON - What role does your s/i take in the story? A hero? Or maybe they're a villain? Or maybe they're just a side character/npc/etc? Or maybe they're completely unrelated to it? Whatever it is, feel free to share!
BACKDRAFT - Is there anything your s/i deeply regrets? Something they wish they could change or fix?
THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU - What's your s/i's love language? Do they have anyone they love and care about deeply, whether it be romantically, platonically, familial, etc.?
BOP BOP! - What's a song or songs you would use to describe your s/i?
APPLE - Is there anything your s/i deeply desires? Could be a person, object, feeling, dream, anything. Just whatever they're deepest desire may be.
MAGO - Does your s/i have a hidden side they only show to certain people? Or maybe hobbies or things they enjoy doing they hide? Just anything they don't show about themselves in every day lives.
YUME NO KAKERA ~ ROMANTICO - Does your s/i have any dreams they wish to accomplish? Or perhaps any they've given up on?
PERFECT TRIUMPH - What causes your s/i to keep moving forward and going on? What is it they fight for? That motivates them?
DIAMONDS TURN BLACK - Is there any assumptions people make have about your s/i by just looking at them? And are they true or inaccurate?
CINEMA - Does your s/i have a favorite movie? Or any sort of media that they love? If that's not something they have in their world/time period, what do you think their favorites would be if they were put into the current day world?
ALLERGY - What are some insecurities your s/i has about themselves?
QUEENCARD - Alternatively, what are things your s/i is very confident about in themselves?
CHANGE MY FUTURE - If your s/i could wish for anything, anything in the world, what would it be?
UNDEAD FIRE - What's an event in your s/i's life that changed the course of their life forever - whether it be for the better or the worse?
OVERDRIVE - Is there any place your s/i wants to travel to? Who would they go with if they did?
ANTIFRAGILE - How strong is your s/i? You can interpret this as either mentally or physically, or both if you so desire.
ODDS N' ENDS - Is there something your s/i would do anything to accomplish? Even if it meant going to extremes? No matter if they're a hero, villain, etc. , just how far would they be willing to go for their goals?
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darklight-phantasm · 5 months
ask game let’s goooo!!! 💠 ❌ 💚 ☔✨?
💠 (Favorite level) - That would be the Creepy Citadel from SSA! A lot of nostalgia and just immaculate gothic dark fantasy vibes and such a good finale for the undead section of the game. Also the perfect aesthetic for Hex, I always use her in that chapter. Honorable mentions are The Oracle from Giants and The Golden Arcade from Imaginators.
❌️ (Who's your least favorite Skylander) - Honestly there's a lot of Skylanders I simply don't care for despite having them. The one I actively dislike is Lightning Rod because of some rather unpleasant characterization in one of the books but Fist Bump is a close second for having a (personally) bad design and for insulting Déjà Vu, you don't do that.
💚 (Who's your favorite non-Skylander character) - Similarly I don't care much for the NPCs either but if I had to pick my favorite from the bunch it would probably be Mags, she's a fun gal! Cali also comes to mind but then I remember how much she yelled at me for breaking some pottery and she goes down the list /hj
☔️ (Which game was your least favorite) - Extremely popular opinion: Imaginators. I tried to like it but it's just so rushed and the ending is such a cruel slap to the face. Underwhelming chapters (few exceptions as seen above), removed a lot of great stuff from previous games, BUTCHERED the Academy and don't even get me started on the story and overall writing. Its one saving grace is the Skylanders roster, which is my favorite from the franchise, but besides that there are only a few other positive aspects I can think of. The Imaginators were a fun concept that I was excited about but ultimately kinda fell flat for me and I just ended up using the senseis 90% of the time. The selfie (picture) feature was great and they put effort into the character movesets, so I enjoy playing it for them but that's really it.
✨️ (Which game was your favorite) - And my favorite game is Spyro's Adventure! Call me a nostalgic fool but that game will always hold such a special place in my heart. If you asked me what Skylanders is at its core I would point you to that game. It has this beautiful world design with a really magical medieval rpg flare which hit all the right spots for me. Every character felt unique and gave you an entirely different gameplay experience and the SOUNDTRACK god. I literally can't listen to the main theme without tearing up it means so much to me. It has its flaws obviously, but to me it is the perfect game and I will always enjoy taking out the first portal and replaying it, it's the absolute best way of reliving my childhood.
Edit: ✨️ for @adaplayspiano as well
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