#I have a full playlist on my phone this is just what fits best
xstrawberryshiftsx · 3 months
How I met my better cr s/o PT1
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based off a dream and a playlist!
part two!
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Dove: that’s me! (I’m obvs not using my real name, plus my irl one is pretty weird so it suits lol)
Caster: my s/o
James: casters bestfriend
Bell: Casters twin sister
Jade, Min-Jun, Cindy, Clay: my best friends/friend group
I found this playlist on Spotify and my mind has never been more pleased
also no judgement this is super Mary sue and cringey but let me live
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‘who’s that chick?’
James asked as he crushed his Up&Go in his hand before trying to throw it-and miss-into the trash bin
‘I don’t fucking know’
Caster replied not looking up from his phone, it was like 8:30 and he didn’t have the energy for James gossip.
‘nah-mate seriously’ he jabbed Caster in the shoulder impatiently, he didn’t answer but put his phone down and looked in the direction that James was pointing to.
it was a girl-she was a golden blonde and light eyed, freckles littered her cheeks and she looked around 5’3-5’5. She was laughing loudly, holding one of her friends hands and Caster noticed that when she smiled two dimples showed and that she had slightly pointer then average canines.
‘Wow a girl-crazy’ he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
James rambled on for a moment about blondes and how the school never got new people-which was definitely not true, they lived in Sydney there was always gonna be new people.
The girl was surrounded by one of the main groups in the school year, this wasn’t an American movie and there wasn’t really a ‘popular’ group but they where some of the friendliest and well known people in the year, Clay, Min-jun, Cindy and Jade circled around her in a weird bubble, Cindy pointed around the school yard showing her random sections and Min-Jun not so subtly gestured to random people and telling her about them.
‘anyway-that’s why I think brunettes are wife material and blondes are friend material’
Sighing Caster turned away from the girl and back to his friend
‘wow that’s crazy interesting dude-really deep’
not understanding the sarcasm James grinned and nodded looking pleased with himself
‘still tho what a babe’
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Dove watched as her friends chatted on the train ride home, she’d known these guys since kindy but it was weird to finally been in the same actual school.
‘hey you all good?’ Clay asked suddenly noticing her quietness
the others looked up to her direction
‘hmm? Yeah I’m good thanks! Just been a long day’ she replied softly
‘I’ve got headphones if you wanna listen to some music and have some down time?’ Cindy said smiling as she rested a head on Doves shoulder.
‘Nah it’s okay-mine and Jades stop is soon-thanks tho’
Nodding Cindy got off her shoulder and turned to discuss some politics thing with Min-Jun. Eventually the train stopped and Jade and her both got off waving goodbye to their friends as they did.
‘so…-what’d you think about the school?’
‘oh! Uh-it’s nice-loud and full on but nice I guess’
Jade took Doves hand as they walked through their street the streets lights shining down on them.
Jade had moved in with Dove a few months back after her family decided to move back to England-jade had had a right fit about it and ended up staying behind to her delight.
‘As long as your happy’ Jade smiled, the street lights shone on her dark thick curls making them shine in golden light, everything about Jade was beautiful-from her golden brown doe eyes to her smile…a perfect picture.
‘I’m always happy’ Dove replied squeezing Jades hand
‘yeah-I know’
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Bell barged into Casters room holding a twenty dollar note in her hand.
He looked up from his desk his night glasses resting on his nose
‘what?!’ He groaned shutting his laptop and looking over at his twin.
Bell and Cass were eerily similar-only in appearance of course- they both had 1C dark hair and almost black eyes, they were pale and tall, the only difference was Bell was a decent person to be around.
‘I’m on my period…I-uh would personally be super appreciate if you decided to go to the corner store and buy me some snacks’ Bell crossed her arms and handed him the twenty dollars.
Sighing Cass got up from his chair.
‘yeah okay-what do you want?’
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Dove stared at their bedroom ceiling tracing the patterns with her eyes as she did. They turned over in her bed and twisted around trying to get comfortable. her uncle had recommended her to go to bed earlier but she couldn’t find it in herself to fall asleep.
she pulled on a jacket over her pjs and hopped out of bed walking out of her bedroom and through the halls and into the kitchen to where her uncle was having a beer
‘hey I’m going to the general store is that okay?’ She asked grabbing her wallet on the counter.
he looked up and smiled
‘sure pickle, just stay in the open streets and don’t be out for long-oh and keep your phone turned on’
Dove smiled and nodded before walking out the door
the door jingled as Cass walked through the store, going straight to the Asian snack section.
he looked down at the list Bell gave him
A cup of ramen (spicy beef flavour)
Two cans of melon soda
oreo and strawberry pocky sticks
Bin Bin rice crackers
white rabbit candy
Cass looked up realising he was blocking the aisle
‘oh sorry-‘ it was the girl-the new girl from school, he stared at her not expecting to meet her especially not here, he decided to be polite for once and start a conversation.
‘your the new girl right-uh Daisy?’ He didn’t mean it but his voice came out uninterested and mean
‘Dove-my names Dove…not daisy’ she said awkwardly not really in the mood for a chat
‘huh-that’s a weird fucking name’ again he didn’t mean to sound so off putting but he always somehow ended up with that tone
‘Excuse me? No need to be a cunt’
she tilted her head at him confused at his staring and comments, she narrowed her eyes before walking past him.
the boy was cute-and tall but she was put off by his weird gaze, plus what a dick. He watched as she walked past him straight towards the pocky section-he watched in horror as she grabbed both the last strawberry and the last Oreo pocky box.
Against his better judgement he spoke
‘wait-uh do you really have to get those…ones?’ she turned around looking at him an eyebrow raised
‘Huh?’ She didn’t say it meanly but it was clear she was on edge
‘the pocky-those are the last two’
‘Well your obviously blind since there’s like a bunch here’ she gestured to the wall behind them
‘yeah but I need those two’ he said feeling impatient-he was cold and he could already feel Bells comment if he came back late AND without her favourite pocky flavours.
‘No one needs anything’ Dove scowled crossing her arms and glaring up at him
He laughed clearly frustrated
‘yeah well your wrong cause I need those’
Scoffing Dove walked past him and straight to the checkout
‘hey-wait please’ he groaned-shit, his mum was right his attitude was beginning to be a problem.
Dove walked out the door pleased with themselves leaving Caster alone in the shop defeated
@starrihideshere @livingsecret @ottaorca @gaiaexploreslife @catschasingstars @lovebvni @morganshifts @chloesreality @zipperrants
this is super cringey and I absolutely hate myself for writing this 💀
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
Story synopsis: Whoever said patience is a virtue have never met Jisung and Minho.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, poly!minsung x fem!reader, lots of kissing and groping lol, more specific warnings in individual chapters
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PREVIEW, Phase One
“Y– you wanna kiss me?” Jisung’s eyes widened, pads of his fingers coming up to press against his lips.
Taking his hand away, you guided it to your neck the way he did to you earlier. “Since we’re being honest, I can’t stop thinking about that night, you and him.” His grip tightened just a little as your hand splayed over his chest and slowly rose up. “Can I? Kiss you?”
“Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you to as–”
Jisung pulled you into him before he could finish his thought, slotting against you with ambition. He felt just as you imagined him, eager but mindful in how to hold you, letting you set the tone with just closed mouth smooches as the sounds of your lips smacking bounced off the bedroom walls. Both his hands found their way into your hair and pulled you impossibly closer until your body fell onto him entirely. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, kissing your best friend until you were both breathless and needy, knowing better than to do anything more.
But oh, how you wanted to. You wanted to kiss him everywhere, make him cower into the sheets and make him feel how much you loved him. There was just too much right now, too much to be figured out. A night of desire wasn’t worth a lifetime of friendship.
So as you pulled away, reluctant Jisung whining and chasing after you for more, you let your forehead rest against his and let out a satisfied laugh. “Slow,” you whispered, letting him pepper kisses to your cheeks.
“Can’t we just jump to phase three?” He breathed against your skin.
“What’s phase three?”
Jisung’s lips made their way down your neck, his tongue leaving wet streaks the further he descended. “You, me, Min, a big ass bed covered in rose petals and candle light. Maybe a kick ass playlist to set the mood–”
The sound of your phone ringing made the both of you jump as if you were being caught doing something illegal. You broke into another fit of giggles when you found out it was Minho calling you. “Hey, pretty boy,” you answer him with a grin, still looking down at Jisung who stared up at you fondly.
“Jesus, Y/N. Are you okay? Why haven’t you been answering? Are you home? I– I’ve tried calling you for days–”
“Two days, Min.”
“Days. It’s been days.” Jisung could hear his voice booming through the phone, laughing and shrugging at how it’s the same thing he’d told you.
“I’m okay.” You eased his worries with two simple words, hearing him sigh on the other end of the call.
“You’re okay,” Minho repeated, relieved.
There was a pause in his breathing, probably unsure of what to say as he walked on eggshells. You knew this about him, he needed careful approaching, as Minho doesn’t like what he doesn’t already know. “I’m coming over tomorrow,” you stated.
“I’d be upset if you didn’t.”
Chuckling lightly, you let Jisung bring your fingertips to his lips and press a kiss to them. As you smiled at the man beneath you, you spoke into the phone, “love you.”
“Whatever… Love you, too.”
“Love you, too!” Jisung yelled into the speaker before you hung up, hearing Minho let out a strangled call of the other boy’s full name and the line went dead.
A/N: ahhh this has been a story on my mind for a longggg time and i finally have motivation to write it! part 1 is almost ready to be posted, just need to edit and such so if you like this preview and wanna be notified when it’s up, leave a comment and i’ll tag you for the future chapters!
tags: @sensitiveandhungry @babebatter @aliferousminho @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @hamburgers101 @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @lyramundana
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
27 - The First Close Call // Forever Winter Series
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pairing: austin x fem!oc (elsie) | word count: 3k-ish
warnings: core origin story anchors, alcohol, FLUFF, typical sad undertones, talks of cheating, cringey bedroom concerts, lightly inspired by maroon by taylor swift lol, 18+ MDNI
summary: when elsie wakes up the day after new year’s eve with both austin & nox no where to be found, she sits with the questions racing through her head. an unlikely item transports her to a memory that may hold the answers she seeks.
previous chapter -> 26 - NYE pt. 2 - Say It Again**
see masterlist for chapter log or other works
vibes: forever winter playlist ❄️
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We never talk about what's going on We're casual, we're nothing
We're the furthest thing from love Until we drink
We’re just friends Until we drink
I stirred awake bringing a curled fist to rub the sleep from my eyes before shooting straight up. Flashes of everything that transpired the night before hit me like bricks, knocking every molecule of oxygen from my lungs. My hands frantically felt around the bed finding it empty, then searching it for any traces of Austin – or Nox for that matter. The rapid thumping growing in my chest threatened to crack my ribs like glow sticks.
My fingertips trembled as they curled around the fluffy duvet, bringing it up to my face. The scent of him filled my nostrils, immediately pooling tears in my eyes. My fists curled into the fabric and pressed against my nose, inhaling every bit of him.
How did we get here?
I threw the comforter off my body leaping from the mattress to inspect the room then quietly peering out the door to find Nox. But the apartment was empty, no Austin, no Nox. Relief momentarily poured into my veins before sending me into a cleaning frenzy. I ripped off every piece of bedding, the fitted sheet, the pillowcases, the duvet – it all smelled of Austin. Of us.
It wasn’t until the washing machine was full and rumbling that I was able to sit with the empty morning. My stiff couch squeaked as I laid back into it. The cold palms of my hands pressed into my tired and hungover eye sockets.
If Nox caught any inkling of suspicion I’d be dead. Just the idea of him finding out sent a chill through my bones.
It didn’t matter how many suspicions I had stacked against him. It didn’t matter the late nights out, the new phone code, the lingering perfume on his clothes.
“Fuck.” I muttered. I wanted to be angry that Nox never came home, at least it seemed like he didn’t. But how could I be angry at him when I did what I did with Austin?
I wanted to be upset with Austin too, for leaving me like I was just some one-night stand. But how was I supposed to be upset with him when he wasn’t my boyfriend, and he had a ‘not-girlfriend’, and Nox could’ve came home at any moment last night.
Holy fuck, are we all just cheating on each other?
One could only imagine that Nox’s absence meant he had also left with someone else. I had suspected it for a while –Sure, I could lie to myself and say he must’ve just crashed at a buddy’s house, but I knew it wasn’t the truth. It was a ruse.
Nox was presumably cheating on me.
And I was cheating on him with my best friend.
And of course, now he was cheating on his new ‘not girlfriend’ with me. Official or not, it was clear something was going on between them. It made me sick.
That’s what it was, wasn’t it? I was cheating. No matter how much we masked it, how much we played the ‘no touching’ card, it was all just an excuse for our shitty actions right? Sure, he didn’t put his dick inside me, but we make each other cum – we’ve had each other in our mouths. One way or another it was sex.
Holy shit I’m having sex with Austin
Holy shit I’m fucking my best friend
What kinda fucked up geometric shape were we in and how did it all so complicated. I felt so many emotions at once, my head was so bogged with thoughts and memories of the night before, it was overwhelming. Suffocating.
As much as I really didn’t want to address it, the dread of knowing Austin and I would have to talk about it eventually settled between each rib. I wanted to ignore it, like we had been this whole time. Aside from the obvious uncomfortableness, I mostly just didn’t even know what to say.
‘I don’t want to keep doing what we’re doing’ – that was a lie.
‘I don’t like what we do’ – lie.
‘I want you stop calling me, baby’ – lie.
‘I want to stay with Nox’ - …lie?
‘I want to be with you’ - …lie?
I didn’t fucking want that, why the fuck would I want that? What the fuck did I want?
He’s my best friend, he’s always been just that. My friend. My person.
The person I run to when I’m sad, when I’m angry, when I’m heartbroken, when I need to vent, when I need someone to tell my secrets to. We’d seen each other go through multiple partners, isn’t that weird? We’ve talked about intimate details of our relationships. Though, the exchange of relationship details dwindled the longer we were friends.
Did everything we had done ruin our entire friendship? Last night was way past anything we’ve ever done. How do you go back to normal friendship when I literally fucked myself to him – in front of him? And he did to me…all over me.
And why the fuck did my belly flutter when he called me ‘baby’? God, I could barely even say it in my head. I shouldn’t fucking feel that way about my supposed ‘best friend’ calling me that. I didn’t even feel like that when Nox called me it. Friends don’t call each other baby.
“Oh god,” Curling over my thighs holding my hands over my face. The memory of me literally sobbing beneath him basically begging him to call me that name again. The New Years champagne had really done me in this time.
“Why the fuck would I do that.” I groaned and tugged at my under eyes.
Then the memory of what I told him.
‘Friends don’t do the things we do.’
“I’m so fucking stupid.” I reprimanded myself outloud, smacking my palm hard against my forehead.
How do you come back from that? How was I supposed to face him after that?
Even if I wanted to be with him – which I don’t – everything would change.
I wouldn’t be able to run to him anymore, not like that. I couldn’t share my secrets or just play video games with him. Or anything – all of our friendship traditions would be gone, right? How do you just shift into that different dynamic?
I never pictured us here. What the fuck were we doing? How did we get here? How do we go back? Can we go back? Do I want to go back?
I laid back and let the couch swallow me whole, curling into the corner and wrapping a draped blanket around me like a tight cocoon.
‘How did we get here?
‘How did we get here?’
‘How did we get here?’
The question haunted me, ringing over and over in my ear drums. Another equally as daunting sequence of questions swirled –
How, where and when did this start?
How did we get here, without me even realizing until we had crossed some fucked up line?
How long had this been looming in the background?
I brainlessly zoned out looking into my kitchen across from me when I spotted a half-drank bottle of rose that I didn’t remember opening or drinking.
The seemingly impertinent glass decanter brought forward a memory I had long forgotten. As the recollection unfolded in my memory, the details began to piece together a puzzle that perhaps held the answers I was looking for.
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-5 years ago (Sophomore year)-
We sat on the floor of his dorm, my legs across Austin’s thigh with my feet in his lap. Our fit of laughter died down as the annual end-of-winter-break New Years party raged on downstairs of the giant fraternity mansion. The same house where we’d met just a year ago, and a year before all the shit hit the fan after his dad. Things were simple then, fun and innocent.
“I still think it’s funny that you’re in a frat.” I giggled, taking a swig of a bottle of Rosé that we stole.
The blonde rolled his eyes, “You know it’s just for my parents.” He snatched the chilled bottle from my hand, “Plus I get to live here, which is better than the dorms.” His lips curled into a cocky smirk before taking a sip. He dragged his sweater sleeve across his mouth to wipe off the excess wine and handed it back to me, “I am happy that we’re moving in together soon, I can’t wait to get out of here.”
My top teeth reflexively tugged my bottom lip in, for some reason wanting to hide the wide smile that begged to be worn, like a cozy cardigan on a cold winter day. But I swallowed it down with another chug. “Yeah, me too.” I hiccupped and set the glass bottle down.
In the year we’d grown to be friends I watched him blossom out of his shell. He says that it was me who made him bloom, but I don’t think I had anything to do with it. I think he was just waiting for someone or something to give him the chance to. Regardless, that shy boy I met just a year ago wasn’t the same one that sat across from me – at least not fully.
I watched him bring the glass bottle to his eyeline, reading the label for god knows why. But in the dim light of the desk lamp lit room… it was like I was seeing him through a new, different lens. The way his blonde hair curled at the edges, long straight lashes around crystal blue eyes, just how pink and plump his lips were. It had to be the alcohol, right?
“Hey Elsie,” He waved his hand in front of me, “Whatcha lookin at?” He laughed, “You checkin’ me out or something?” It was a joke, but it settled nervous swirl in my tummy.
I tried to mask the nerves in my chuckle with a light smack to his arm, “Yeah, you wish.” Rolling my eyes at him. I felt this daunting urge to remove myself from the situation, I needed to get my legs off of him, away from him. I never ever felt that way around him, he was normally a comfort to me, he would calm me down before an exam or watch movies with me when I was sad. But this… this wasn’t comfortable. I was uneasy, he made me uneasy.
I pushed a stray curl out of my face, letting out a breath before hastily pulling myself up from the carpeted floor. He took notice of my speedy escape as soon as I was on my feet, propping himself up on his elbows behind him. “Where are you goooooiiinnng?” He whined.
“I just wanted to um-“ I scanned around the room for any inspiration of a distraction landing on his record player. “I wanted to play music!” I perked walking over to the wooden box that held his vinyls.
“Why? The music from the party is so loud already.” He questioned, propping up a brow at me but I kept my back to him. Blood rushed into my cheeks and I couldn’t let him see it. The alcohol definitely was not helping the redness. For whatever reason, I grew aware of the missing makeup on my face. I never felt the need to wear it around him before, but now it felt like I was naked.
“Well, uh, yeah, that shit is so overrated.” I faux scoffed while thumbing through his record collection looking for a good one. I let out an involuntary gasp when I found an Elvis vinyl, plucking it instantly from the box and holding it close to my chest with my arms wrapped around it. “Elvis!” I exclaimed excitedly turning to him like a little kid that found a new toy at the store.
He raised his brows surprised at me then let out a laugh saturated in alcohol, “You like Elvis?” He questioned.
“Eeep!” I squealed, “Yes I love Elvis!” Nearly jumping from excitement like a 2012 One Direction fangirl.
“Wow I never pegged you as an Elvis fan, all you do is listen to Lana Del Rey.” He teased, knowing full well that wasn’t true.
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes, “No no you don’t understand, I love Elvis.”
A sincere smile curled the edge of his lips, “Wow I just really didn’t know-“
I leaned down to grab his shoulders looking him dead in the eyes, “No, you don’t understand. I watched his ’68 Comeback Special like 500 times.”
He laughed hard and put up his arms in defense, “Okay okay, I believe you.”
I squeaked going back to his player and gently pulled the vinyl from the sleeve, precariously placing it down and settling the needle on the outer edge of the black disc. I nearly screamed when one of my favorites began to pour from the small speakers, promptly turning the volume to its max. With a spin on my heels, I snatched the rose bottle from the neck taking a long swig, proceeding to dance across his floor. Every inkling of tension in my body disappeared, the music soothing the nerves with each hip swing.
I could feel his eyes on me but in that moment, I didn’t care if he was judging me, the only thing I cared about was staying on rhythm. He sneered, “You’re so ridiculous!” He teased.
My arms followed the dance moves I’d seen Elvis do in his old recorded concerts, spilling some wine on my burgundy t-shirt as I did so. I’d probably regret this debacle later, but I was having too much fun to stop. The spill abrupted my choreography causing me to stumble back and let out a tiny hiccup.
“Oh my god Elsie,” He shook his head with a chuckle, going to pull himself off the floor but was struggling with the wine in his veins just as much as I was. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
Once solid on his feet he stretched to grasp my shoulders, but I spun just out of his reach. I suppose my next attempt at eluding him was to start belting out the lyrics, the dancing alone just wasn’t cutting it. “Here we go again… askin’ where I been!” I sang loudly and off tune.
Austin shook his head and as our impromptu concerts always went, he joined in, finally getting with the program and managed to steal the rose bottle back. I snagged a nearby hairbrush to replace the bottle as my microphone in preparation for the chorus. And as if we were on some stage somewhere, we turned to each other dramatically, ready to put on a show of a lifetime.
“We can’t go on together, with suspicious minds!” Singing in harmony into our respective makeshift microphones, “And we can’t build our dreams on suspicious miiiiiinds!”
Austin took over the vocals while I recreated one of Elvis’ famous ‘taking a knee’ moves and for a split second I swore I was 15 again, performing alone in my room. But I was 21 and in college and in my best friend’s fraternity dorm.
I got excited when I heard him finish off the line, “Oh honey, you know I’ve never lied to you…” And knew I had to get into position for another iconic line. Again, we were facing each other in our drunken duet, “We’re caught in a trap, I can’t walk out!”
Whether it was the alcohol, Elvis, or something I didn’t fucking know but I swore there was a slo-mo switch that flipped on as our eyes met. “…because I love you too much baby.” We sang softly in unison, our voices hushed under the blaring music, and he was closer than I realized. His sapphire eyes flickered to my lips and every ounce of air left my lungs. He dropped the empty glass bottle hitting the cushioned carpet with a thud and unexpectedly took hold of my hips pulling me to him.
‘Why can’t you see, what you’re doin’ to me…’ Elvis continued to sing in the background. Every part of him that touched me scorched like fire - his fingers on my hips, his chest pressed against mine. The insatiable burning spread throughout my body like a raging forest fire, every inch of skin, every muscle, every blood vessel, every single cell in my anatomy was totally and utterly consumed by him. The crystal ocean in his eyes, each individual blonde lash, the disheveled waves slashed across his forehead, the constellation of freckles I didn’t notice until then, the deep berry in his lips. The lips that were not even a centimeter from mine, just a hair from touching. I thought they’d land, I didn’t comprehend it at the time but god, I hoped they’d land. I was praying for them to land.
In that moment I realized that 15-year-old-alone-in-my room-comfort feeling wasn’t new, rather something that had been present for the past year. Anytime I was with him, anytime he entered the room, or his name was mentioned. He was comfort, he was safety. A true north I didn’t know I found.
Regular speed clicked back on, and we immediately retracted from each other like nothing had happened, like it was just part of the performance. The flurries of butterflies he left me with stayed though - I’m not entirely sure they ever left.
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The next morning when I woke up on his floor, he didn’t bring it up and neither did I. Relief never felt so good, it was just some freak drunk accident, a close call. That all, just a close call. I didn’t know what I’d do without him, what something like that would do to us… I didn’t even want to think about it.
I eyed him looking over the menu at our favorite breakfast diner, Harry’s, pretending he was going to order something new, when we both knew it was gonna be chocolate chip pancakes.
“So, whatcha gonna get?” His eyes snapped up at me, the noon sun shining making his blues glimmer, even above his dark eye bags.
“Oh uh-“ I shook the haze from my head, “I don’t know if I’m gonna get anything, I’m uh, I’m pretty hungover.”
“Ah, don’t worry,” He just beamed at me with a optimistic smile that made me feel like everything would be okay, “Pancakes will fix it.”
And then there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach I didn’t recognize. At first I thought maybe I was hungover. It was a flutter, a churning, a nausea – a sinking trepidation, like I just signed a bad business deal, a contract that would cost me millions.
I didn’t know what fucked up clause we just implemented, but some dull ache in my bones whispered that it would cost me more than I could afford.
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Next Chapter -> Temporary Fix* [coming soon]
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Thank you for every like, reblog or comment, it means the world to me truly. I love hearing your thoughts and I'm glad you're liking my little story 💗
Tag list: @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @feverdreamcaoilainn @coloradohighs @iluvnerds69 @denised916 @julie181 @navsblog @centaine @golden-kiwis @michellelv @suspiciouselvis @presleysdarling @eddiesgorlie @unicornelliesparkles @navsblog @ranaissingle
(if you'd like to be added pls comment 💗)
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first dxm trip after more than ten years of mostly being sober [2023-02-23]
300mg, from drinking one bottle of benylin cough syrup.
Slightly swoony maybe. Nervous, but nothing too bad. I been a lot worse. Feel ok. A bit of lightness. The subtlest lightness of body. Yes, I can feel it for sure. Subtle, but progressing.
It's about an hour later. What do you want to know? Hmm… I'm trying to get these file operations completed so I can put a randomized playlist on my phone.
It's starting to get full on now. Fuller onner. Full plate. Mmhmm.
I can feel the family close. But so far away.
That comfort. Above it all, bouncy and floaty.
The tapestry of chat, laid before me. Wanna take screenshots.
Can I go into a hole and collect some things?
Gotta get away from the chat, and into my jazzy self… Wish I had something to play on. The stuff I do for me, all just for fucking me, ok? But what about the cats?
How can thc be a soberizer?
don't worry, i'm here, everclear,
don't think the randomizer is best…
Creating my own universe. There's even audio chat options now with other egos.
Rails of soap. Pandering down parents of mounting. Yeah, it fits. It makes sense. To try and type. And remember why it was important to type things. A certain feeling persisting forgetting to dream and daydream and go to bed. And go back to bed. Aphex, can't go wrong. There's reasons. CBB might work for a long-planned after plateau. Hard-ridged plat edges to fashion steps to take before going on forever. Of course there's finitions. There's an art to it, a knack to get back to. There's remembering what kind of people you were, how it was even bleaker at other times. Not so bad right now. What are you looking for though?
Well, should I keep writing, or try to close it out? Break off a deuce. Yes, it's too late, have to swallow the traz, it's ok. Germinate pollinate in temporarily lonely but fertile subconscious. Dream percolation substrate sproutinatudinal death-ling baby break layers. Sometimes the sawtooth algorithm will know what to do, sometimes it will take over, sometimes automatic knows what to tell you when there is no god. Sometimes you can work through it, and play through it also. Sometimes, it's this place. Here, right now.
And so forth.
Time to land this plane. Afterglowers await. Shower me with love. Other porter airlines waiting to await me. It simply happens.
Little things take on significance. Dxm in the smart phone age. Why do I feel like a Boomer? Weird.
Mid life crisis of a stripe. Planning my death……
Absorbed like wallpaper…. Records . Dreams.
Useless melted phone. Got some classic context out of it though. I will curate it. With my luxuries. My married lifestyles. It's romantic. It's cursed and blessed, so, so what? Away to an empty place. Got on the fringes of ego death. Becoming a rug is actually blissful and profound, for real. Think about it. Regenerating. Neuro plasticity. Getting away with things.
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whalleyrulz · 11 months
halloween 2023
22) ...how do i name this? some shorts?
so okay. life's a lot. we needed shorts, not full movies. one of the things i'm going to talk about is one of the best horror things i've ever seen. the other two require a netflix subscription. they're.
okay so let's just get into it
DISCO INFERNO is a short film made by netflix, that makes it absolutely abundantly clear that the netflix style model is "no style," and the netflix script policy is "eh, it's words, right?" it's about a girl in the 70s who becomes pregnant, and the nun who killed her mother in the 50s tries to possess her at the opening of a new nightclub. how does the plot resolve? to speak from the viewpoints of the imagination-less execs who desperately want to be the human equivalent of an ai model, "who gives a shit." it feels like the kind of thing you use in a cosmic court case about whether or not executives have a soul, to prove that executives don't have souls, and this is a correct truth of the universe
FLASHBACK is a short film made by netflix, that shows what happens when you try your best to combine a love for everything everywhere all at once with netflix corporate execs. a home invasion winds up killing people. the execs, by the way, win out. it's about a girl using her end of life experience to do, as was said before, "who gives a shit." at this point i really genuinely feel like someone at netflix is actively working to kill art in order to make us more comfortable with ai taking over culture and killing the rest of human history. hey guys don't fucking use ai shit for anything related to art. if you do i fundamentally do not like you as a person. this shit is so fucking vile and inhuman. and these two shorts, despite being ostensibly made by humans, stink of ai. they reek of it. they burn my nostrils with malodorous digitations. fuuuuuuuuuck these shorts. if you make horror shorts, v/h/s needs to be watched, and treated as a bare fucking minimum of what to do. fuuuuck this
BUT THERE'S SOMETHING SO FUCKING GOOD COMING UP WITH A LINK AND EVERYTHING (i didn't watch it today but i watched it this month and i neeeeeeeed to talk about it)
THE OLDEST VIEW is a youtube horror miniseries by a fucking high school student that is better made and more horrifying and more tense and more unbelievably powerful in both concept and execution than, i shit you not, 90% of every other horror movie i've ever seen
it's about a youtuber who explores shit, finds a hole under a tree in texas, and the hole is full of stairs. the stairs go to an abandoned mall. there's art in the mall
there's art in the execution
there's no on-screen violence, there's no blood, there's no gore, this absolutely fits into youtube's content guidelines. it is, in theory, corporate as hell. but because it's made by someone who can just Make Art, Fuck The Overlords, it winds up being absolutely unstoppably powerful. absolutely incredibly horrifying. absolutely one of the best horror experiences i've had.
i'm going to link the playlist now. all in all, you need about an hour to watch it all. pleaaaaaase do it. please. PLEASE. if you ignore everything i say about every other horror movie, please watch this. PLEASE
1. skinamarink | 2. smile | 3. the black phone | 4. talk to me | 5. m3gan | 6. significant other | 7. cobweb | 8. horror in the high desert | 9. the pope's exorcist | 10. knock at the cabin | 11. infinity pool | 12. becky | 13. no one will save you | 14. huesera: the bone woman | 15. scream vi | 16. idle hands | 17. a wounded fawn | 18. v/h/s 85 | 19. evil dead rise | 20. mama | 21. look away
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iron-touch · 1 year
Author's Notes: Chapter 32 (The Man in the Picture)
Yay, another chapter with a short turnaround! Don't expect this trend to continue, as I have just enrolled in full time college again and am still getting used to it.
I was very cautious with the opening of Michelle in the changing room. That scene could get very, very creepy with the wrong prose, but I think I managed to make it more endearing than "male gazey."
Speaking of male gaze, Boney! Boney's back. My original plan for Chapter 31 was to end on the scene of Michelle seeing Boney in One Size Fits All, but I decided to change it in order to avoid feeling too similar to Chapter 18 (where the chapter ends with Michelle finding Boney's dead body on the plane). That worked out for the best, too, considering Chapter 31's length.
Reread the phone call Boney has with the Grand Marshal in Chapter 30; this is where he was sent to go. I think you should have an easier time filling in the blanks now.
Michelle having a panic attack and running away was one of the easiest I've ever written in my two years of Iron Touch. I don't know what that says about me.
Midler's back! Remember, High Priestess' user? No? Too bad. My original original outline called for Mariah here instead of Midler, and she would've walked with a gimp as a result of permanent damage she received from her fight with Joseph and Avdol. I changed this for a couple reasons: first of all, I would have had to rework/add onto Bastet in order for her to work in this arc, which I didn't think a lot of people would like. Also, Demonic Heartbreak used her already, so. Y'know. I think Midler fits better in Chicago IX as a SEES member anyways.
With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that Cascada wasn't a part of the original outline, either. High Priestess was originally going to be the "main" enemy Stand of this arc, but I changed that. I cannot stress enough that readers from Fanworks have been really rallying for more original Stands in Iron Touch. This is the best of both worlds—I get my canon characters and you get your OC. Hooray! I like Cascada and Moon River's aesthetics, if nothing else.
I did look it up and yes, bees are native to Egypt.
I feel like it should be pretty obvious what SEES is and how it works by now. If not, please let me know in some way and I can give a more detailed explanation in a future chapter.
In case you didn't know: a green room is an area backstage where actors wait for their cues to go onstage. I've heard different reasons for why they're called that; sometimes it's a simplified English pronunciation of a foreign word, other times it's because actors would throw up there, and I don't know which is accurate. They're not actually green. In smaller theaters (like an amphitheater), green rooms can double as hair and makeup rooms, like what we see here.
I feel like giving Moon River a mermaid theme is a bit of a cop out, but @simpingforcreamsoda said he really liked the design, so I hope you guys do too.
Music references:
Ok so I didn't originally intend for this to be a music reference, but there is a song called The Man in the Picture by The Bobkatz. I chose the title just based on it being a double reference to both Polnareff and Boney. But I listened to the song and I think it fits pretty well so I'm adding it to the playlist. Why not.
Cascada is named after a German dance music act of the same name. (I actually didn't know Cascada was German until now, the more you know)
Cascada's beta name was Moon River at one point, but that honestly did not last long. I'm trying to avoid making OCs with two word names, because having them be one word names is so much easier to write.
Moon River gets its name from a song originally sung by Audrey Hepburn for the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. The song is so famous and has enough covers that I feel comfortable breaking my "no licensed music" rule (as in, no music originating from other media like video games or musicals) for it. The version I'm using on all the music reference playlists isn't the original Audrey Hepburn version, but rather the Andy Williams cover. I think that version specifically should give some insight as to why I chose this song. If you know, you know ;)
As a side note, "Tiffany Amphitheater" was named after Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Moon River's beta name was Hips Don't Lie, and the Stand's ability was going to be more tied to Cascada's dancing. As the ability changed, I changed the reference as well.
Not a music reference, but Midler's appearance here (specifically the buck teeth) were based off of Winifred Sanderson (played by Bette Midler) from the movie Hocus Pocus. IRL Midler has gone on record to say that this is her favorite film role of all time and she is the only reason that the sequel came out even remotely like it did, so I'm not just arbitrarily choosing a random movie reference here.
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cosmicalily · 2 years
minho | cherry: episode 2
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Listen to: My "Cherry Series" Playlist on Spotify (will post link here)
Genre: Angst, rockstar au, Minho x reader, Hyunjin x reader (at different times)
Extras: Mentions of alcohol, breakups, toxic parents
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Seungmin, Jisung, Felix and Hyun had long left your apartment, leaving behind a flurry of “Happy birthday”s and “See you soon!”s. Your head had started aching a little, so you’d decided to go on a walk. Jeongin was taking a nap, half because he was hungover, half because he wanted to have heaps of energy for the concert. You sent him a text, grabbed your hoodie, and left the apartment.
You put your earphones in and started shuffling the playlist Jeongin had prepped for you, so you could familiarise yourself with Maxident’s music. It was good, the right amount of catchy, but not annoyingly so, and still gave off retro rock energy. 
You wandered down your usual walk; down your favourite alleyways, up an abandoned fire ladder, and onto the rooftop of what had once been an office block, and was now covered in ivy, graffiti tags and messages in sharpie, most of them written by you. 
You’d started coming here when you first moved.
You’d laid down on the cold concrete, taking in the sky.
You’d felt comforted by the sounds of cars, wind, and people.
You did the same now. You laid down, the concrete texture pressing into your body. Even though it was starting to get colder, the sky was bluer than ever, and the clouds swirled in shapes, making you feel dizzy.
The building was old, and sometimes creaked and thumped while you laid.
Today seemed particularly loud.
“What are you listening to?”
You sat up in shock, turning to face the silver-haired boy standing beside you. He looked about your age, and had sharp features, like a cat, with soft, full lips and dark, hooded eyes. He wore a black hoodie, with ‘Maxident’ emblazoned on the top right corner of his chest, and dark, loose-fit jeans, paired with black combat boots. He had piercings, but only wore small hoops and studs.
He was pretty.
He sat down beside you, lifting your phone up and tapping the screen.
He smirked.
“Good choice.”
“I’m seeing them tonight. My best friend loves them,” you replied, handing him an earphone. He put it in, and he started to sway a little to the beat.
“I’ll see you there, then.”
“You’re a fan?”
He looked at you, blinking slowly. “I guess you could say that.”
You shuffled a little, so your feet were swinging off the edge of the roof. “I’ve never seen anyone up here before. Why are you here?”
“I got lost. Saw a flight of stairs and climbed them. You?”
“I’ve been coming here most days since I first moved.”
He nodded. “The view’s nice.”
“It’s not bad.”
You felt fingers tucking your hair behind your ear, and almost flinched a little. What the fuck was he doing?
“Yeah. Birthday present, from my friends.”
“Cute. I like your hair.”
“I like yours too.”
You sat in silence for a little while. 
“You said you were lost. Are you new here? It’s a pretty big city to be lost in.”
“I’m…visiting. With friends. What about you, Cherry? Didn’t you say you moved here a few years ago? You would’ve been what, a teenager?”
Cherry. You knew it was probably a coincidence he called you that; because of the earrings, the hair, but it still made you flush a little. 
“My parents…weren’t great people. Eventually I couldn’t handle it. I started saving money, looking online. I knew my parents hated the city. I went onto websites, found a roommate. It was all kind of scary. Then I left, drove all night, got lost and…”
“Found this place?”
“You got it. I’ve met great people, and one in particular…he’s so kind to me, especially after…everything.” 
You nudged him with your elbow. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know. Nope, no boyfriend. The guys I hang around…they’re too brotherly. I mean, Hyun is hot, but I just…it wouldn’t make sense to me. Besides, they see me as a sister.”
“Hm. Sucks for them, I guess.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re missing out. Anyways, I’m gonna be late to wherever I don’t know where I’m going. See you around, Cherry.”
“What’s your name?”
“You can call me Min.”
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lesralizes · 5 months
my energy-revisiting my first post
i feel like a mess, i dont know myself anymore
when i wrote about "my energy" everything flowed so naturally, now i'm just stuck
but i'll force myself to write about all the things that make me, me, just so i can find myself in between all this mess my mind has been through lately. here i go, i present to you, again, my energy (revisited and modified)
a little cup of coffee with oat milk from the coffee shop i now work at, orange juice on free days and matcha latte at home before class. early mornings reading books and feeling the cold wind, listening to the birds chirping as my reading soundtrack and seeing the sun arise through the window. late night readings before sleeping, when everything is quiet and i feel like the only person alive. struggling to see the words cause there's almost no light or cause i'm too sleepy. mixing silver and gold jewelry. baggy low waist dark trousers with any type of basic top that fits me right (maybe a little longer on my sleeves) and comfortable flat shoes as my go to outfit. i dont care anymore. i dont wear platforms to appear taller and slimmer, i seek comfort. keeping my hair long and messy. no make up make up look (now for real), wearing lipstick instead of eyeliner. wearing you by glossier or another 13 by le labo instead of santal 33. i still love french cinema and dream everyday of being percieved by others as the protagonist of any rohmer's movie. i dont own a moleskin anymore but i write in every piece of paper i can find, preferably in black ink. i still feel the need to document everything i go through. i still keep a diary, i still film my days. jonas mekas films always in mind, annie ernaux books all highlighted and noted. vintage leather bags with lip balm, lip liner, a sweet treat and my current read. reading almost exclusively books written by woman,, they just get me. making playlist for every emotion i feel, one for anger, one for tranquility and one (the most special) for the best feeling in the world: leaving the cinema, after you've sat for a few hours in a room full of strangers, all there to do the same thing as you, and you've lived another life for those few hours. for when you open the exit door and take the first breath of fresh air and feel renewed, like a new person. everything you do becomes cinematic, your life feels like a movie, and of course you need a playlist by your side.
im still daydreaming all the time. still missing a boy, still thinking about the way he used to call me or how every part of his body used to feel. still wondering what would've happened, how things would've been. still biting my lips and eating cookies every time im anxious.
still wearing my silk dresses and my grandma's nightgowns to sleep in the summer and matching blue pijamas when it's cold. i own a new phone now, but i still have a clear phone case with movie tickets (still collect them). going to the cinema at least twice a month, now that i can afford it. visiting art exhibitions alone with my wired headphones and lots of curiosity. now i seek the sun and long for the summer time, even though i'm still a cold weather enjoyer at heart. still a paris lover and romanticist-more than ever since i lived my before sunrise fantasy when i spent a whole day in the city of love with the boy from another country i'd met fifteen days before. i cried admiring the sunset in montmartre (like delphine on le rayon vert) and kissed him under the stars to mr brightside by the killers haha.
i still think of him, of all the people i've met throughout my life, of all the people who have seen me grow and evolve. i'm forever changing and learning, and after almost three years of my first post i still preserve most of "my energy", and i can say that that version of myself is still here. a lot of things are still the same.
sometimes the girl i used to be visits me and greets me from a far. i look at myself and see all the other versions i've ever been, and i wave them back with a smile. but also with a sense of grief because i know i can never go back, i will never be six or eighteen again.
even though im never satisfied with my present self i try to focus on what i do like about who i am. i focus on what i love and work towards it. this is a little piece i wrote to reflect on how i've changed while feeling lost and melancholic in my daily life. the result of it feels bittersweet, but i feel much lighter. i encourage you to try it.
if you've read all of this, just know you have a very special place in my little heart.
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strapstylehub · 9 months
The Best Apple Watch Features for Staying Connected
The world is at your fingertips with the incredible features Apple Watch brings to the table. Whether you're managing calls, tracking fitness goals, or staying on top of your schedule, the Apple Watch is your ultimate companion for seamless connectivity.
In an era where staying connected is paramount, the Apple Watch emerges as a game-changer. This versatile device goes beyond just telling time, offering an array of features that redefine connectivity. Let's dive into the plethora of capabilities that make the Apple Watch the best companion for staying connected.
Seamless Call Handling
Making and receiving calls on the Apple Watch is a breeze. With a quick flick of the wrist, you can answer calls, and the built-in speaker and microphone ensure crystal-clear communication without reaching for your iPhone.
Instant Messaging
Stay in the loop with instant messaging on your wrist. Whether it's iMessages or third-party apps, sending quick replies or emojis is effortless, keeping you connected without pulling out your phone.
Email on the Go
Manage your emails on the go with the Apple Watch. Receive notifications and respond promptly, ensuring you're always in touch with important messages.
Social Media Integration
Keep up with the latest social media updates directly from your wrist. Receive notifications, glance at updates, and stay connected with your digital social circle.
Fitness Tracking & Competitions
Apple Watch isn't just about staying connected socially; it also keeps you connected with your health and fitness goals. Track your workouts, set challenges, and even compete with friends for extra motivation.
Calendar and Reminders
Effortlessly manage your schedule with the Calendar and Reminders apps. Receive timely alerts and stay organized without missing a beat.
Apple Maps Navigation
Navigate with ease using Apple Maps on your watch. Get turn-by-turn directions without having to pull out your iPhone, ensuring a seamless and connected travel experience.
Music and Podcasts Streaming
Enjoy your favorite tunes and podcasts on the go. Sync your playlists, and with wireless headphones, you can immerse yourself in a world of audio entertainment anywhere.
Siri Integration
Harness the power of voice commands with Siri. From setting reminders to sending messages, Siri ensures hands-free interaction, enhancing the overall connected experience.
Emergency SOS Features
In critical situations, the Apple Watch's Emergency SOS features come to the rescue. With just a press of a button, you can call for help and alert your emergency contacts.
FAQs about The Best Apple Watch Features for Staying Connected
Q: Can I use third-party apps on my Apple Watch for connectivity? Yes, Apple Watch supports third-party apps, expanding its connectivity beyond native features.
Q: How does Fall Detection work on the Apple Watch? Fall Detection uses sensors to identify a hard fall and can automatically call emergency services if needed. It's a valuable safety feature.
Q: Can I navigate using Apple Maps on my Apple Watch without an iPhone? Absolutely, Apple Maps on the Apple Watch provides turn-by-turn directions independently of your iPhone.
Q: What's the benefit of Blood Oxygen Monitoring on the Apple Watch? Blood Oxygen Monitoring provides insights into your respiratory health, helping you stay informed about your overall well-being.
Q: How long does the Apple Watch battery last on average? The battery life varies, but with optimized settings, you can expect a full day's use on a single charge.
Q: Can I use Apple Pay on my Apple Watch? Yes, Apple Pay on the Apple Watch allows you to make secure and convenient transactions without reaching for your wallet.
In conclusion, the best Apple Watch features for staying connected go beyond basic smartwatch functionalities. From communication to health tracking and everything in between, the Apple Watch is a comprehensive connectivity hub. Embrace the future of smartwatches with a device that not only keeps you connected but also enhances your lifestyle.
Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/wristwatchstraps.co/] Facebook: [https://m.facebook.com/p/Wristwatchstrapsco/] YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@wristwatchstrapsco] TikTok: [https://www.tiktok.com/@wristwatchstraps] For inquiries and assistance, feel free to reach out to us through the provided links. Your journey to the perfect Apple Watch band starts with WristWatchStraps.co.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
that's true, i just keep reminding myself that nothing last forever but i am a bit sad about the ending. do you normally go to an art museum? ah, i suppose life is full of surprises, you never know what is around the corner. that's great, it's better to see things as the cup half full than empty.
i think gi will still be the company's most successful game. do you just stick to PC games then? isn't hsr the only one whose have a voice for the MC? i'm always phone based so i'm lost with the letters lol. wait, you can play it in class? 👀
don't worry, quite a few people retake a year no matter what country they are in so you're not the only one and i understand retaking a year more than once can be a bit demotivating but you can get through this.
just try not to beat yourself up about it, you are trying your best. yes, extra time to re-evaluate some options, would you like to goes into the STEMs? or another field?
i can imagine lmao, some kpop fans are too extreme though where they end up becoming saesangs. which kpop group did she introduce you to? i am an ex-kpop fan so i no longer know about the current groups.
those earrings would stand out wherever you would go especially since they are gold coloured lol. i have actually seen some shorts on YouTube of users styling their wigs and it's look like a profession because of how hard it look 💀 i'm wondering you might find a 15th february person? who know lmao but birthday twin would be most exciting. our time zone difference seem to be one hour apart so we should be able to wish each other on our days? i'll probably come off anon when it happen 🙂
you can take another shirt that fit you properly and ask them to use the shirt for guidance or get proper measurements. i just scrolled up the sleeves for mine lol. it is only the sleeves and nothing too complex so i can't imagine it will be expensive.
yeah, of course. i feel the same whenever any of my friendships or relationships or whatever end bc at the end there was still a lot of love and care involved. i love going to art museums <3 i generally love art and museums lol. i visit a bunch of museums every year, usually with my father, my godmother or said friend i mentioned. so yeah ig i usually visit them?
agreed lol, i mean hi3rd was already big before genshin but genshin topped it off still. omg my phone literally only has 16gb of storage so i can’t play any games on there ajdkffjskaj meaning i very much stick to my laptop. hi3rd doesn’t have a mc the way gi/hsr do and kiana does have a voice plus gi’s mc is occasionally voiced (only during cutscenes i think?). the mc in hsr is definitley voiced a lot more tho. i mean... i shouldn’t be playing any video games in class..... but always work on our devices anyways....... and i’d much rather play hi3rd than do french in class... ajdkfjdjsk (i’m not a good example of a student ajdkgkksj)
aa ty :) i’m doing great in school rn bc it’s all topics i’ve had before at a different school haha and i hope it’ll stay like this for a while, but let’s see. i’m also in the process of getting meds for my adhd so hopefully i’ll be able to study easier sometime in the future. honestly idk what i wanna do later rn... psychology or biology, specifically marine biology maybe? i’d love to be a marine biologist, but i get sea sick :/ though at the moment i’m mostly leaning towards studying medicine so i can work in forensic medicine. but luckily i still have at least a year to decide.
yeah, the kpop fans... she mostly introduced me to stray kids. i’m not like a big kpop fan, but i do have a playlist with kpop songs i like bc of her lol.
aren’t they silver colored tho? i made mine in silver at least ajdkfkks. but yeah, agreed. yeah, wig styling does look difficult tbh 💀 but. i believe in myself. if i believe enough it’s got to work...
maybe, who knows. ohh no more anon z next february 16th :0 hehe, i’ll gladly wait until then :3
ahh i have no long-sleeved shirts that correctly fit me ajfjfjhsk the only ones i’ve got left are from when my parents made me buy them bc i dislike them and prefer oversized hoodies and stuff by a lot lol. thanks for the tip though
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jogyoji · 2 years
The Power of Music
The night was calm and warm, yet humid from the rain. Eight hours into the trip when I made the best decision of the ride to finally put in my earbuds. Peeling back the sunroof screen and staring up watching as the raindrops hit the glass, I look down and start to scroll through my R&B playlist and select the song that fits the mood the most. I felt so free and alone to myself even though I was in a car full of people.
“I feel like I’m in a music video just me and my personal driver on my way home from the after party of prom.” It felt like the perfect scenario for the scenery, the music, my emotions all lined up like the stars in the night sky. I let out a deep sigh as the smooth voice of Alicia Keys in my ears allowed my imagination to get the best of me.
 I felt like I was dancing on the stars having the time of my life. Nine hours into the trip and I felt my body rolling like a soft wave to the harmonizing melody of Michael Jackson. Fingertips tapping my thigh to the beat as I sing along in my head feeling the music in my soul. I shook my head to the music as if I was singing like an angel which I am nowhere close to . 10 hours into the trip my playlist is almost over and I was fearful that the magic of the music was going to end with it. I finally looked down again at my phone and started to scroll, my hip hop playlist “I’M SAVED MY MAGIC ISN’T OVER YET!” I thought to myself. As I clicked the playlist and got ready to enjoy it the WORST THING HAPPENED AT THAT MOMENT……..….MY PHONE DIED!!!
In a panic I search the car, almost hyperventilating from me having to come back to the sad reality that is Earth, I suddenly realize. “I LEFT MY CHARGER IN ALABAMA” I shouted, as tears swelled in my eyes in disbelief, my brother who if I’m being honest . I forgot existed placed his hand on my shoulder. “Here you can use my charger as long as it’ll get you to shut up” he handed me his charger. I was gonna cry tears of joy and plugged in my phone. I wanted to wait before I listened to music again. “FINALLY TOOK 1000 YEARS” my sister woke up and glared at me “It was not that long and we still on the road. Shut up you bullseye retarded jackrabbit” implying she was very frustrated . My phone was at 20% so, I plugged in my earbuds and started to scroll and selected “On The Floor” by JLo and started to jam out. 
11 hours into the trip and I was listening to lofi and on the edge of sleep but my eyes strained open “we’re so close to home stay awake” but I couldn't resist. I fell asleep and the music died in my mind. It was over, the smoothest road trip was over, and boy was it an adventure. Suddenly I was awoken by a bright light .¨Huh? Where are we at ?¨ I grumbled like an old man . After what felt like 67 years for my eyes to adjust I realized we were back home. Waddling to my room I flopped into my bed and fell fast asleep.
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acidcitypoets · 4 years
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fever dreams // by cigarettelarry on ao3
Keith and Lance don’t get along. They start sleeping together anyways.
// "Doing it just to spite you, babe.” //
college-au feat. rivals-with-benefits and falling in love while falling apart. 18+. chapter one posted now - read here 
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
two in one (explicit)
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genre: 100% smut
pairing: hoseok x reader x jimin
summary: you finally have a much-needed smoke session with your best friends, just like old times. you’re also pretty sure they’re gay… right?
word count: just under 12k, help
contains: explicit sexual content!!! M/M/F threesome, double vaginal penetration, come eating, mutual masturbation, recreational drug use (just weed tho), friends to lovers, multiple orgasms, a lot of cunnilingus, a smidge of dirty talk, crying after sex (in a good way), and some incredibly stupid/v mildly problematic discussions of sexuality
A/N: i am literally so embarrassed that this is my first crosspost to tumblr but hi, i made you this p0rn, i hope you like it. this is also on AO3 if that's how you prefer to get down
The three of you have the perfect smoke session down to a science. Your roles are considered sacred at this point, unchanged since you were fifteen years old and smoking mids out of horribly constructed apple pipes in Hoseok’s parents’ basement.
Hoseok provides the pot.
It’s easy for him, social butterfly that he is, to make the connections and bring up the question just delicately enough to get what he wants without seeming like a narc. He’s always been able to thread the needle of finding a reliable plug with good quality stuff who doesn’t awkwardly overstay their welcome by asking to smoke it with you (or worse, try to push pills or other shit on you).
And now that he’s rich, he gets the best stuff there is, probably flown out from California with stupid names like Maui Wowie and Super Lemon Haze. He has to pack the bowl, too– you’re lazy so you prefer pre-rolls, but Hobi refuses to do anything rolled if Jimin is smoking it. (“Have you seen his lips? He’d soak right through the thing.”)
Jimin brings the snacks.
These have not changed from when you were teenagers, but you can actually afford them now, instead of forcing Hobi to distract a store clerk while you and Jimin shoved as much as you could into his backpack.
Honey butter chips, shrimp crackers, pepero, the little chocolate puffs that he can toss in the air and catch in his mouth every time– Jimin’s snack game is elite, and he’ll always lovingly set out a full glass of water for each of you before the session starts. He’s even been known to disappear into the kitchen, only to return with three bowls of fire noodles that he managed to whip up while blazed as fuck.
And you are in charge of the music.
You’ve had other friends argue that this isn’t enough to be considered a real session contribution, but you know Hobi and Jimin understand the importance of ambiance. You’ve learned the hard way how awful it is to be high as shit in absolute silence– or worse, high as shit with Adult Swim on in the background. Your best friends, thankfully, have taste.
Over the years you’ve built up a collection of playlists perfectly crafted to follow the arc of a session: Fun pop to ease you into the giggly stages, then slowly moving on to stuff with more psychedelic layers as the body high sets in, and of course a nice dose of chillwave to round things out. (Is there anything better than falling asleep stoned to Tycho? The answer is no.)
“Hoseok, I can’t figure out your fancy Bluetooth shit,” you whine as your phone once again refuses to connect to his built-in home stereo.
You’re in the living room of their bougie apartment, sinking into the pillows of a couch that feels more like a cloud. Quite a change from the basement years, when you’d all try to squeeze on an eyesore of a loveseat, the upholstery torn away on the arms to reveal the foam stuffing underneath. It was really only built to fit two people, so inevitably, someone would end up on the floor. Usually Jimin.
Hoseok is kneeling on the carpet, working diligently atop the glass coffee table. You glance over at him for help, but he’s in full Hobi-focus mode, tongue between his teeth as he gingerly removes the lid from the grinder, bringing it close to his face to check the consistency. Giving an approving nod, he pinches the grind between his delicate fingers and begins packing it into the bowl of his rainbow glass pipe. His favorite, naturally.
Jimin flops down on the couch next to you, taking your phone out of your hands without asking. He repeats the exact same steps you’ve done three times, but for some reason when he does it, the device connects without issue.
You roll your eyes and snatch your phone back, scrolling until you find your latest session playlist. You tap play and the opening guitar notes of Lil Nas X’s MONTERO surround you from all sides.
The reaction is immediate from both of them. Hoseok throws one hand in the air, doing the best body rolls he can manage on his knees while still packing a bowl with the other hand. His tongue lolls out of his mouth as the beat kicks in, and he throws in his own ad-libs (“yeah”, “uh-huh”) between the lines of the first verse.
Jimin, being Jimin, reaches his hand between his shoulder blades and pulls his shirt off over his head.
It’s been a fact for as long as you’ve known him– Jimin is terrible at keeping his clothes on. You’ve seen him shirtless, even down to his boxers, easily hundreds of times. There is no human more immune to the charms of a six-pack than you are, you’d wager.
The defined indentations just below his hips, though… His sweatpants ride low enough as he wiggles to the music that you can see them now, and your gaze lingers for a moment. Those are pretty good. It’s a shame, really.
You grab his shirt off the floor and toss it back at him. “Keep your clothes on, Jimin!” He sticks his tongue out at you and you poke a finger into his side until he squirms away and does as he’s told.
Hoseok grabs the seat next to you on the couch. “Alright Jimin, you do the honors,” he announces, passing the bowl across you and retrieving a lighter from the coffee table.
As Jimin gets the bowl started, you feel Hoseok’s hand gently creep up your back. He’s always so touchy. It’s funny how all their mannerisms come back to you in pieces, like you’d forgotten your best friends. It’s been too long, you guess, nearly a year since the last time you’ve been able to be together like this.
Hoseok’s fingers absentmindedly start to massage a knot in your shoulders and you shiver at the sensation, letting your eyes flutter closed for a second. God, that feels good. You have so few friends who are comfortable being physical the way he is, and you haven’t had a proper fuck in way too long.
Not that that’s Hobi’s problem to solve, of course. But at this point, you’ll take what you can get, even if it’s just a one-handed shoulder massage.
Jimin exhales the first hit in an impressively large cloud of smoke. His hand still working your shoulders, Hoseok leans over you with his lips pursed, inhaling at the air as if to pull the smoke in.
You laugh as you take the bowl and lighter from Jimin, because Hoseok looks ridiculous. You let the flame lick at the bud and when you inhale, you hear Jimin’s voice.
“Please, Hobi. If you want to shotgun, you have to do it right.” He places his fingers under your chin to tilt your head up, his mouth hovering close to yours, and parts his lips.
You roll your eyes because Jimin is such a fucking flirt. He always has been. Feeling put upon, you exhale a stream of smoke and he sucks it in. It’s not particularly sexy, but having someone’s face so close to yours, with Hoseok’s fingers still pressing into your skin, is enough to make your pulse quicken.
Good god girl, get a grip, you think to yourself. These men are not interested.
You hand the bowl off to Hoseok and he removes his hand from your shoulders to take a hit. Apparently not satisfied with only one shotgun, Jimin leans across you to encourage Hoseok to do the same. He’s always been the king of playing chicken.
Hobi’s eyes crinkle as he fights to keep the smile off his face. Jimin’s hand lands on your thigh for balance as he moves over you.
You’re not sure if it just takes you by surprise or if you’re really that touch-starved, but you flinch at the contact, which is enough to make Hoseok laugh and choke on the hit, coughing smoke out at the both of you.
“Sorry,” you laugh, “I’m jumpy today.” You sink back into the cushions.
The rush of the first hit after far too long is enough that your head is buzzing a little and you have no filter, instead there’s simply a direct line from your brain to your mouth. “I need to get laid. I’ve been in a dry spell for like…” You pause to count. “Jesus, almost six months. It’s starting to fuck with me.”
You look up and Jimin and Hoseok are having some silent conversation between the two of them in facial expressions you can’t make sense of. Jimin has paused with the bowl halfway to his lips and is failing to suppress a laugh, creases appearing under his eyes.
Jimin has forever been able to make Hoseok cackle without saying anything. “It’s all in the eyes!” Hobi would always say after doubling over for a solid minute. “Just his eyes make me laugh!” Now is no exception, and Hobi does his classic move where he laughs so hard he stands up, which never fails to make you laugh.
You clap a hand to your mouth and that makes both of them laugh more, until Hoseok is sprawled on the floor and you’re slumped sideways on the cushion where he was sitting.
“Shut the fuck up!” You finally manage to gasp, launching a couch pillow at Hoseok. He effortlessly catches it between his feet. “I know you guys never have this problem, alright? Must be nice.”
Jimin, about to finally take his hit, pauses again. You sit up and smack him on the arm, and he flicks the lighter and runs it around the edge of the bowl, inhaling deeply. Trying his best to hold it in, he manages to choke out, “What does that mean?” before coughing up the lungfuls of smoke. When he finally recovers, he hands you the bowl. “We don’t fuck fans.”
You give him a look. “Well yeah, obviously.” You take a hit, the bud sizzling in the flame of the lighter.
Hoseok sits up. “I’m confused.”
You pass the bowl and lighter to him with one hand, using the other to gesture back and forth between them, like it’s obvious, then finally exhale smoke through your nose. “You’re– you know! You two!”
Hoseok grins ear-to-ear, like he’s finally understanding. “Me and Jimin-ah?! We are not together.”
You sigh, frustrated. “Okay, fine, whatever label you want to put on it. Roommates, fucking, whatever.”
Jimin squints hard, leaning his whole body away from you so he can survey you like you’ve gone insane. “What?!”
Your mouth goes dry (well, even dryer than the cotton mouth that was already starting to happen). You reach for your glass of water on the coffee table, the physical need completely overtaking your desire to continue the conversation, and chug in silence for a few seconds.
Hoseok exhales a pretty stream of smoke, then frowns in confusion. “Who told you we were fucking?”
You shrug, glass still to your lips, then finally swallow and return it to the coaster. “Nobody.” Your cheeks flush with heat as the delayed embarrassment finally starts to kick in. “Forget I said anything.”
Jimin takes the bowl and lighter from Hobi but is clearly not satisfied with your answers, because he sets both down on the coffee table and fully turns to face you, crossing his legs under him on the couch cushion. “What made you think we were?”
You make a face, wondering how that’s even a question. “I don’t know, have you seen the two of you interact?”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. “Jimin flirts with anything that moves.” Jimin shrugs and nods as if to co-sign this assessment.
“You’ve been roommates for like a decade! You always talk about living together forever!”
They blink at you, apparently waiting for you to produce better evidence for your claims.
You close your eyes and let out a deep exhale. “Whatever, look, I made an assumption and I shouldn’t have. And I was wrong. My bad. Let’s move on.”
You crack one eye open to see them both shrug it off.
Jimin reaches for the lighter and bowl once more as a weird feeling bubbles up in your chest. You grab your phone to find a song to reset the energy of the space. You didn’t mean to kill the vibe, you think to yourself, and then Kendrick Lamar seems like the obvious choice.
They both nod in approval, Jimin’s full lips wrapped around the end of the bowl, and Hobi immediately starts to sing along. The chorus is perfect for his deep vocal register, and he effortlessly slips into the fast-paced verse as Jimin inhales.
You should leave it alone. You know you should. But something you assumed to be objective truth has just been disproven, and now you have to question everything. Is the sky even still blue?
“You guys are gay though, right?”
The laughter starts up again, and you sink so low on the couch you almost slide off. “What the fuck?!”
“Oh my god, look at her,” Hoseok cackles, crawling over to slide onto the cushion next to you. You scoot back up and roll towards him, burying your face in his shoulder and tucking your knees alongside him. “Did your entire world just turn upside down?”
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You’re terrified to say anything else, so you can only nod your head against his shoulder.
Taking pity on you, Hoseok wraps his arms around you, his fingers running gently through your hair. His nails barely graze your scalp and you shiver in pleasure, melting that much further into him. “I love you, but you’re an idiot.” He scoffs. “No, we’re not gay.”
While you were having an existential crisis, Jimin must have snuck in a second hit, and he chokes on it now, coughing out a few puffs of smoke. He gives a little shrug. “I mean, I’m not not gay.”
“But you, Hoseok?!” You pull away slightly to look at him and he gives you a look right back.
“What’s that supposed to mean, bitch?”
You scramble to find some evidence for this belief you’ve held for a decade and are unable to come up with much. “Y-you’re such a good dancer, and you love fashion… You saw Lady Gaga in Vegas!”
He rolls his eyes and shoves you. “Alright, get off me.”
“Wait, no!” You slump backwards, bumping against Jimin’s leg, and let out a frustrated groan. “I’m sorry, Hobi, I didn’t mean it like that.” He pouts at you, apparently still a little hurt.
You continue, trying to dig yourself out. “I seriously don’t care, and you know I love you guys no matter what. But you have to understand that I’ve held these… clearly delusional beliefs for a long time.” You pause and a smile cracks over your face. “And I’m also high as shit, so like. Just give me a second to process this.”
“Jimin-ah!” Hoseok’s concentration has suddenly shifted away from you, and you turn to see Jimin taking his third hit in a row. He looks sheepish as he blows out the smoke, then flashes a small smile.
“What? You guys seemed busy.” He finally hands you the bowl and the lighter; you’re grateful for the distraction.
You’re about to touch the flame to the green when he adds, “I think Hobi’s just mad because he always wanted to fuck you, and now it turns out you thought he was gay the whole time.”
You nearly drop the bowl. “What?!” You scream, but you’re drowned out by the half-yell, half-laugh Hoseok makes as he leaps over you and tackles Jimin.
They roll onto the floor, leaving you sitting stupidly on the couch alone, way too fucking high for this.
Hobi wraps himself around Jimin, pinning his arms and legs in place in what almost looks like a full-body hug. He’s cackling like a madman, his nose pressed into the crook of Jimin’s neck. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you smug son of a bitch.” He whispers, and Jimin giggles and squirms, trying to free himself.
You look down at the bowl in your hand, beyond confused, then shrug and take your hit anyway.
Jimin manages to wrench one arm free, tickling Hobi until he finally relents and they break apart from each other, both breathing heavy. Jimin lays flat on his back, laughing contentedly to himself as he stares up at the ceiling. Hoseok is on his hands and knees, and he leans forward to press his forehead into the carpet, gasping for air.
Nobody says anything for a moment, and you set the bowl and lighter on the table. “Can we just start over? Forget everything that everyone has said tonight?”
Hoseok lifts his head to make eye contact with you, still panting. “I don’t know why Jimin said it like that. Like he didn’t wanna fuck you too.”
You grab a pillow off the couch and shove it over your face. “Someone please tell me what the fuck is going on,” you wail, slightly muffled by the fabric.
A pair of hands close around yours, and the pillow shifts out of your vision, replaced by Jimin’s face. He’s kneeling on the floor in front of you, leaning in. His eyes linger on your mouth.
“Hoseok’s not wrong.” Jimin licks his lips.
“Oh my god Park Jimin, do not fucking flirt with me right now!” You yank the pillow back from him and move to smack him with it, but your reflexes are slowed enough that he’s able to shield his face with his arms in time, dissolving into a fresh round of giggles. You continue to beat him senseless with your fluffy weapon.
“Okay, okay, ow! I’ll tell you the truth if you stop hurting me!”
You’re slightly more intrigued than you are pissed off, so you relent, hugging your arms around the pillow in your lap. “Go ahead.”
Jimin seems unprepared to say more, and his eyes dart to Hoseok, looking for an out.
Hoseok groans and pulls himself back onto the couch, and Jimin mirrors him on the other side of you. “The truth is…” Hobi starts, clearly unsure of how to phrase it. “We were fifteen. And you were a cool girl who smoked weed with us. So obviously, we wanted to fuck you.”
Your head spins and you cling to your pillow for dear life. “B-but… Neither of you ever… We never…”
“Never what? Tried anything? Come on. We didn’t have any game, we were total losers back then. And you didn’t seem like you were interested, so we didn’t want to ruin things.”
“I don’t know why you weren’t.” Jimin leans one elbow on the back of the couch, resting his head in his hand and purposefully flexing his bicep.
Hoseok rolls his eyes, but he’s still grinning, amused by Jimin’s antics as always. “It’s also kind of awkward when you’re both into the same girl.” Hobi shoots a very specific look at Jimin, and your eyes dart between them, trying to decode the hidden message.
Jimin bites down on his bottom lip, cheeks puffing out in laughter, understanding something that is lost on you.
“Tell me!” You smack a hand on each of their thighs. “No more secrets!”
“Ohhh, Jimin-ah, do you want to tell her?” Hoseok tilts his head, his face flushing. “It’s embarrassing!”
“Well, now you have to tell me!” You persist.
Jimin’s cheeks are red now too, and he shifts uncomfortably, playing with the hem of his shirt. It must be bad if the guy who is literally known for being shameless can’t even say it. A thousand possibilities race through your mind.
“Sometimes after you left, I’d, uh, go to the bathroom while Hoseok stayed in the basement and we’d… You know. Take care of things. Separately.”
Surely the drugs were laced and this entire conversation is some wild hallucination, you think to yourself. This cannot be real life.
“And sometimes,” Hoseok says, his voice breaking as a nervous laugh rips through him. Jimin turns away and buries his face in the arm of the couch, already full-body cringing in preparation for whatever Hobi is about to say. “We’d take care of things… not separately.”
At this, you’re on your feet, your security pillow falling to the floor. “So you are gay!”
“No!” Hobi stands up beside you, hands reaching to grip your shoulders as he convulses with laughter.
“I thought I made my status clear earlier,” Jimin mumbles, face pressed into the couch.
“The dicks never touched,” Hoseok clarifies with a shake of your shoulders, still laughing.
“Like that makes any difference,” you counter.
“We never touched each other’s dicks. It was a… mutual masturbation of sorts.”
You pause to consider this. “I– Wow. I think I need a minute.” You allow Hoseok to gently push you back down to the couch. He sits next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders again, guiding you to lay on your side with your head resting in his lap. You don’t resist.
“I really thought we’d take that one to the grave,” Jimin says with a laugh, reaching for his glass of water.
“I can’t believe you never told me,” you mumble. Your mind drifts back to high school. It feels like another lifetime. How did nothing ever happen? Why weren’t you interested in them?
You think back on fifteen-year-old you and give her a pity laugh. For starters, she was a fucking trainwreck. You were so self-conscious and anxious back then, it probably never even occurred to you that anyone was capable of having any desire towards you.
And then at some point, as you got older, you’d convinced yourself they were boyfriends, or at the very least fucking. Once it seemed like the option was off the table, you’d never considered it again.
But now… Your head spins.
Your best friends are obviously extremely attractive; you have eyes. And they apparently want to fuck you– or at least, they did. But what about now? The unspoken question lingers in your mind.
You’re desperately touch-starved and in need of a good fuck, this much you know. But these are your best friends. Could you do it? Should you? Would they even want to? Would it mess everything up? And how would it work, logistically? Would you have to pick one? Would they take turns? Or would they… share?
Your body shudders with a mixture of arousal and confusion, and you feel Hoseok rub his hand along your upper arm, then your back.
“Hey, it’s okay. Come back to earth. Don’t let it ruin your high.”
You’re not sure you even feel high anymore, just overwhelmed and on edge. You sit up slowly, still shivering.
Something bumps against your arm and you realize it’s Jimin’s hand. He laces his fingers through yours and gives your hand a squeeze. You glance at him.
“Are you okay?”
You swallow hard and let your eyes flutter closed for a moment. These little touches alone, Jimin’s hand in yours, Hoseok rubbing small circles into your back, feel incredible. You’re overcome with the realization of how much you love them both, how grateful you are that this bond you share has stayed the same for more than a decade despite so much else changing.
“Yeah,” you say with a small smile, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’m good.” You open your eyes.
The fingers of his right hand still working along the column of your spine, Hoseok leans forward to grab the discarded bowl off the table. Communicating in their own silent language, Jimin grabs the lighter with the hand that isn’t holding yours and circles the flame around the bowl when Hobi puts it to his lips.
He takes a long, steady pull, then sets the bowl down again and turns to you. His left hand ghosts over your thigh, just above your knee, while his right slowly moves up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
You instinctively turn to face him and realize your pulse is racing. “Can I?” Hoseok asks, his voice stilted as he holds the smoke in, and your heart skips a beat.
You nod, and his right hand cups your jaw, pulling you in. You open your mouth slightly and he does the same, fully closing the distance to press his lips to yours.
He exhales and you inhale, and it’s definitely a very different sensation compared to the chaste inches-apart shotguns you’ve done with them before. You feel him smile against your mouth and you break away to exhale the smoke with a laugh.
“Is this okay?” Hoseok asks again, his eyes searching yours.
You shift, then realize that your hand is still intertwined with Jimin’s, and you look back over at him. He appears to be enjoying the show, which makes your face heat up. No one’s ever watched you like this before; being something worth watching feels good.
You unlace your fingers from Jimin’s and pat his leg. “Be right back, okay?”
You answer Hobi’s question by taking his face in your hands and pulling him in, this time for a kiss that’s just a kiss. Hoseok presses his hands into the small of your back as you move your lips slowly against his, your mind spinning.
You’re kissing your best friend, you can’t help but think to yourself. Your best friend who is not gay. The whole thing is truly unbelievable.
As if sensing how in your head you are, Hoseok takes the opportunity to lick into your mouth, and your breath hitches as you’re suddenly unable to focus on anything else.
He brings his lips to your jaw, then below your ear, then down along the slope of your neck. You tremble at the heat of his mouth on a particularly sensitive spot and he stays there, lightly worrying the skin with his teeth until you whine, then running his tongue across the mark.
“Fuck, Hobi,” you gasp into his ear as he blows a cool stream of air over the same spot. You lean in for more of him, and then you hear the telltale click of the lighter and an inhale from behind you.
God, there’s two of them. You don’t think you’re going to survive this.
You look up at Hoseok as if to ask permission without saying anything. You bite back a smile as you try to think of how on earth you’d phrase it as an actual question: Hey, I know we were just making out, but is it cool if I turn around and make out with your best friend now, who also happens to be my best friend?
You briefly wonder if Hobi can read minds when he grins and says, “Go ahead.”
You shift to face the other way with a nervous giggle and Jimin is there, smiling with his eyes as he holds the hit in his mouth. He repeats the same motion from minutes earlier– you can’t believe it was only minutes earlier– of grazing his fingertips along your jaw, but this time when he tilts your head up, he brings his mouth all the way to yours. 
Jimin’s lips are so soft and warm that it takes you a few seconds to remember what you’re supposed to be doing, and then you inhale the smoke that he breathes into your mouth. You wind your fingers in his hair and he moans against you.
The way he kisses is so different from Hoseok, but so equally perfect. Your pulse quickens as you wonder what else they might do differently.
Jimin sucks gently on your bottom lip for a moment, then pulls away. “Do you want to keep going?” He asks, and you can’t imagine how anyone would ever say no. You nod.
A smile lights up his face, and his gaze moves from you to over your shoulder at Hoseok, then back.
“Well, somebody’s gotta go first.” Jimin says, and he proceeds to do what Jimin does best– strip immediately down to his boxers. The speed at which he goes from fully-clothed to nearly naked makes all three of you laugh, and that’s enough to break some of the tension that’s been building in the room.
Jimin pulls you back in for another kiss and you feel hands snake around your hips, just barely pushing up the fabric of your shirt.
“Can I take this off?” Hoseok murmurs in your ear, his breath on your neck.
“Yes,” you say between kisses, and the attention from both of them at once makes it come out more like a moan. Your face flushes at how needy you sound. You break away from Jimin as Hoseok strips your shirt off, and then his fingers press against the band of your bra.
“This too?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to vocalize your answer. Hoseok undoes it easily and you slide it off, shivering a little as the air hits your bare skin.
Jimin’s mouth drops down to your collarbones, then trails lower, and you lean back on your hands to allow him better access.
The couch shifts slightly as Hoseok stands. You hear the sound of his belt hitting the floor at the same time Jimin closes his full lips around your nipple, and the mix of anticipation and sensation is enough to make you moan again.
Jimin sucks the bud into his mouth and teases his tongue over it, earning another whine of pleasure from you. “Yes, Jimin,” you gasp.
Part of you wants to take things slow and enjoy the moment, but another part of you can’t stand being the only person with your pants still on, can’t stand the fact that these two don’t have access to every single inch of you to do whatever they please with.
You don’t wait for either of them to ask, your hands moving beneath Jimin to wriggle your leggings down your thighs.
Jimin takes his mouth off you and giggles, helping to pull your pants the rest of the way off.
You figure it’s your turn to raise the stakes, so you hook your thumbs under your panties and push those down too. Jimin raises his eyebrows as if to ask if you’re sure, and you nod, so he pulls them off. You never would’ve imagined at the start of the evening that you’d end it naked in front of your best friends, or that you would enjoy it so much. It already seems impossible that there was ever a time you didn’t feel this way.
Hobi returns to sit next to you, stripped to his boxers. You only have a moment to wonder what the etiquette is here before he wraps his arms around your waist and scoots you towards him until your back is flush with his chest.
Hoseok’s mouth finds your neck again, clearly enjoying how sensitive you are there. “Hi,” he murmurs against your skin, and then he trails gentle bites from your collarbone to your ear. You can feel the vibrations in his chest as he chuckles when you gasp each time.
He brings a hand up to cup your breast, then rolls your nipple between his fingers and your hips jerk in response. You glance at Jimin who is watching the two of you intently, hand just barely grazing over his boxers.
Jimin brings his other hand to your thigh, and you spread your legs for him. You’re on the verge of desperation, you want it so bad.
“Please,” you whine.
Jimin trails a finger through your folds right as Hoseok gives your nipple a hard tug, and you can’t hold back the cry that rips through you.
“Shit,” Jimin breathes, looking up at you and Hoseok. “She’s already so wet for us.” He slides his finger down to tease circles at your entrance, and you’re so slick that you can hear it. Hoseok groans at the sound.
When Jimin moves up to lightly tap at your clit, you whimper and shudder violently, your head dropping back onto Hobi’s shoulder.
“Yeah, does that feel good?” Hoseok asks, pressing his lips just behind your ear.
Jimin taps again, eliciting the same response from you, even louder this time.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Hoseok says with a soft laugh, and you nod. “Jimin, can you keep making her feel good?”
You see Jimin blush a little at the direction. “Yeah, I can do that.”
There’s a moment where Jimin pauses, looking at how much real estate he has left on the couch and clearly trying to do some quick threesome mental math.
“Hang on a second,” he mutters, and then he stands up and begins to drag the coffee table away from the couch. Watching him do it all with his dick straining against his boxers is enough to make you giggle.
Hobi guides you to turn and scoot forward until your hips are at the edge of the couch, his legs resting on either side of yours. He nudges your thigh with his hand and you gently spread your legs again.
He nuzzles into your neck. “This still okay?”
You’re so wet you think you might literally be dripping onto the couch. “It’s better than okay,” you say. He smiles as he presses a kiss to your jaw.
Having sufficiently cleared enough space, Jimin returns to kneel between your spread legs. He’s so fucking pretty, you think to yourself as you watch his eyelashes flutter. His full lips trail teasing kisses along the inside of your thigh, and you smile, reaching down to brush his hair off his forehead.
Without warning, Jimin licks a stripe up the center of your cunt. Hoseok must be watching him because he rolls your nipple between his fingers at the same moment. It feels so good that you almost can’t take it.
“Jimin,” you gasp, aching for more. “Please, I need you.”
Understanding what you mean, Jimin settles in between your legs and brings his mouth to you. You moan as he works your clit, alternating between circling it with his tongue and firm suction from his lips. Everything is so slick, his mouth so soft, that it feels amazing.
When Hoseok’s lips and teeth find your neck again, a wave of pleasure rolls through you. Hoseok’s hands close around yours, and he guides you to wind your fingers in Jimin’s hair. 
“Ride his face,” Hoseok groans.
Tentatively, you circle your hips, and Jimin whines encouragingly. “Oh fuck,” you hiss as your cunt slides over his tongue.
You’re already close to coming undone and desperate for it now. You grip Jimin's hair, reveling in the pleasure and the filthy wet sounds as you grind your clit against his tongue. Hoseok nips and licks at your neck, and then you feel his breath in your ear.
“That’s it, baby. Come on his tongue.”
All you can do is whine and nod, and your orgasm crests as they take you apart together.
You keep Jimin’s mouth held firmly to you as you pulse and shudder, until finally it’s too much. You drop your hands and collapse back against Hoseok, who presses a kiss to your temple. You take a moment to lay there, blissed out, letting the post-orgasm high wash over you.
“Wow,” you breathe. “That was fun.”
Jimin wipes his mouth with his hand, then leans forward to rest his head on your stomach. “Very fun.”
“Now what?” You ask, sitting up a little, and the eagerness in your voice makes them both laugh.
“Well, that’s up to you.” Jimin moves to sit on the couch next to you. “We can stop, if you want to stop.”
You can see they’re both still hard, and you feel a little guilty that you got off without so much as touching either of them. “That’s not fair, you two didn’t even…” you trail off, embarrassed.
Hobi shrugs. “Don’t feel like you have to be responsible for it. This was just about making you feel good.”
You smile. “Well, don’t get me wrong, that was amazing.” Your voice shakes a little with nerves. “But I do specifically need to get fucked.”
They look at each other and exchange knowing smiles, clearly pleased with your response.
“But first,” you continue. “Would you show me, uh… what you used to do? After I left?” Their faces both flush and you wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly very aware of your nakedness after stating your desire so plainly. “I mean, only if you want to! Don’t do it if it’s weird. I don’t know what the rules are here.”
Jimin looks at Hoseok with a shrug. “It’s your call, babe,” he purrs in an apparent test of Hoseok’s boundaries.
Hobi snorts. “Don’t call me babe. But yeah, we can show her.” He pauses for a second, making a face like he’s deciding whether or not to say something. “But Jimin, do you want me to…?” He trails off and raises his eyebrows, leaving some question unasked.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you exclaim, your eyes darting between the two of them as you try to understand. “Back up. Is there more?” You’re not sure you could handle much more. “What didn’t you tell me?”
Hoseok keeps staring at Jimin with that same look on his face, then he clears his throat. “Would you like to tell her or should I?”
Jimin giggles, obviously embarrassed. “Hoseok would…” He smiles. “Mmm, how do I put this. He likes to talk. When we did… that together, he would talk to me. I didn’t mind. It was kind of nice, actually.” He shivers a little.
You blink, astounded by the confession. You’ve picked up on their natural leanings towards dominant and submissive, but you never would’ve expected this.
“I… I want to hear it, if that’s okay.”
Silently agreeing that it is, they move to fully strip, Hoseok untangling himself from around you. You can’t watch both of them at the same time and your eyes jump back and forth between them, unable to make a decision.
Never one to turn down the opportunity for a show, Jimin swings a leg over you so that he’s straddling your thigh, thumbs teasing at the waistband of his underwear as he rolls his hips. He’s done this to you before, because he’s Jimin, but never this seriously, and never with his dick straining against his boxers the way it is now.
Your face flushes as you watch him move. You long to reach out and take him in your hand, but you try to behave and not touch the performer. He licks his lips and then gives his waistband a proper tug down, and his dick springs free, thick and perfectly straight. You swallow hard.
Satisfied that you’re appropriately teased, Jimin shifts back to stand up, turning around to peel his boxers all the way off. Even his ass looks good, you think to yourself as you watch him.
You hear a laugh and realize Hoseok has been enjoying the show too, and he steps forward to occupy the space in front of you, gently nudging your legs apart so he can stand between them. 
“Would you like to help?” He asks softly, and you nod.
You run your hands along his stomach, scratching your nails against his skin in retribution for his earlier teasing bites. He hisses a little at the feeling, and then you move one hand to palm him over his boxers and he groans.
“Take it out, baby,” he encourages, and you do, slipping the waistband down to pull his cock out. He’s not as thick as Jimin, but the length and slight curve of him make your core throb. He’s rock hard when you wrap your hand around him.
Hoseok bites his lip in an apparent attempt to maintain his composure as you give him a few slow strokes. His fingers brush under your chin and he tilts your head up to look at him. “Do you want to watch us?”
You really do, it’s almost embarrassing how much you want to. You nod and push his boxers down his thighs, and Hoseok smiles, stepping away to finish the job. 
They stand in front of the couch, far enough apart to ensure no chance of touching, but still close enough that you can keep your eyes on both of them at the same time. You grab a couch pillow off the floor and hug it to your chest.
The absurdity of the situation clearly sets in, and there’s a pause as no one is quite sure how to begin.
Then Hoseok says in a booming voice, “okay, Jimin-ah!”, and it’s enough to make Jimin double over in laughter, his dick slapping against his stomach.
You wrap your arms around the pillow in your lap as you laugh, too, and it’s with a strange sense of relief. A reminder that these two idiots are the same idiots you know and love, even with their dicks out.
“Stop, stop,” Jimin gasps, trying to breathe. “We have to be serious.”
He manages to compose himself enough to survey Hobi again, a smile still playing at his lips. The look on his face is his classic flirtatious expression, like he’s daring Hoseok to look away first. “Go ahead,” he challenges. “Like old times.”
In unison, they each bring a hand up and spit into it, and you have to keep yourself from giggling. You hide your face behind the pillow, but peek over it, not wanting to miss a thing.
“Touch yourself, Jimin,” Hoseok commands as he begins to stroke himself, and Jimin obeys, starting off at a slightly slower pace.
You bite your lip at the way Hoseok watches him. “How does it feel?”
“Good. Really good.” Jimin grunts, his eyelashes fluttering as he closes his eyes. His hips roll, matching the rhythm of the way he works his cock. You just know his stroke game must be deadly and your cunt clenches, ready for more.
They can’t be the only ones allowed to enjoy this, you reason, and you slip your hand between your legs under the pillow.
“Are you having fun tonight, Jimin?”
Jimin just barely moans as he lets out a sigh, face flushing. “Yes, fuck. It’s so hot.” You bite your lip and nod in agreement as your fingers push into your cunt, still soaked from Jimin’s earlier attention.
“Did you like kissing her?” He smiles, and you can’t help but do the same. “Yeah, I did.”
Hoseok’s voice is a little more breathless now. “Did you like playing with her tits?”
“Uh-huh,” he whines. You slide your other hand up to pinch your nipple, your back arching at the feeling.
“How about making her come on your tongue?”
“Fuck yes,” Jimin groans, pausing to squeeze his hand at the base of his cock. You can see fresh precum leak from him and you lick your lips. You speed up the pace of your fingers. “It was so fucking sexy.”
“Was it as good as you always imagined?” Hoseok says with a dry chuckle.
Jimin rolls his hips into his hand again. “It was better.”
“What else do you want to do tonight, Jimin?”
At this, Jimin’s eyes flutter open, and he stares intently back at Hoseok. “Anything,” he says, and then he fucking winks.
To his credit, Hoseok manages to keep his composure, though he can’t quite hide the smile on his face as he continues to stroke himself. “Is that right?”
Jimin only nods.
Hoseok turns to you, as if he might pose the question to you next, but then he sees the state you’re in. He takes his hand off himself to reach for the pillow, and you don’t fight him as he moves it away, leaving you with nothing to hide behind.
“Holy shit, look at you,” Hoseok breathes.
You let your eyes fall closed as you continue to touch yourself. You’ve never felt more exposed or more turned on.
You sense something move above you, and when you open your eyes again, Hoseok is kneeling in front of you. His hands trace up your thighs, thumbs massaging expertly at the muscles there, and your legs reflexively spread wider to allow him more access.
“Shit, Hobi,” you whine.
“Do you want us to fuck you now?” His low voice is almost a whisper, and all you can do is nod. You slide your fingers out from your cunt. He catches your wrist in his hand and pulls it to him, closing his lips around your slick fingers to taste you with a glint in his eyes.
You whimper at the sight, and your gaze flickers up to Jimin. He’s standing and watching the two of you, pillowy lower lip between his teeth, his hand squeezing the base of his cock.
Hoseok pulls off your fingers and smiles. “Who do you want to fuck you first?”
Your eyes linger on Jimin, and your core throbs at the thought of the way he was rolling his hips. 
You look back at Hoseok and a strange wave of anxiety washes over you. Jimin went down on you– if Hobi hasn’t actually done anything yet, shouldn’t he be the one who gets to fuck you first? You’d never considered the mental calculus involved in a threesome before. You don’t want to make anyone feel left out or less desired. You really do want both of them.
He must be able to see the wheels turning in your head, because Hoseok takes your face in his hands, his expression serious. “Hey,” he says, gently shaking your head side to side. You smile a little and he smiles back. “Hi,” he tries again.
“It’s not a trick question, okay? There’s no wrong answer. I literally just want you to tell me what you want. And if the honest answer is that you want to stop, then that’s also a right answer. You hear me?” You nod your head in his hands, and you think your heart might burst as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Now,” Hoseok tries again. “Would you like to suck my dick while Jimin fucks you?”
You swallow hard. “Yes, please.”
“Do we need condoms?” Jimin asks, and you look up at him, then back down at Hoseok.
“I–I’m okay. I mean, I’m clean, and on the pill. Unless you guys want them.”
“We’re both clean,” Jimin nods, his face flushing a little. “Honestly, not a lot of time for sex in our schedules.”
You can’t help but giggle. “Maybe you should just fuck each other.”
Hoseok barks a laugh. “It would certainly be easier.”
As he’s clearly the person in the room most comfortable giving orders, Hoseok has you switch places with him so that he’s sitting on the couch and you’re kneeling in front of him. You run your hands along his thighs, enjoying the opportunity to return the massage, kneading at the firm muscles in his legs. He groans and lets his head drop back on the cushion as your fingers tease higher and higher.
His dick is hard and leaking, flush against the flat plane of his stomach, and it twitches when you take it in your hand. You work up some saliva in your mouth and let it drop onto him. Hoseok hisses as you spread the wetness over his shaft.
You lean down to put your mouth on him, and that’s when Jimin chooses to slide into you from behind. The way his thick head stretches you open feels so good that you moan around Hoseok’s dick, and his hips snap up in response.
“Shit,” Jimin hisses at the same time Hoseok groans “fuck”. You could get used to making two men fall apart at once, you think.
Jimin fucks you slowly from behind, hips rolling fluidly, and the fullness of him feels incredible after so long. He’s just as good as you thought he would be, and his pace is gentle enough that you can still take Hoseok’s dick in your mouth without feeling like you’re choking on it. You revel in the sensation as Jimin’s rhythm naturally pushes you up and down along Hoseok’s length.
“God, your fucking mouth,” Hoseok groans as you swirl your tongue around him. His hips shudder up towards you, desperate for more, and you can tell that Jimin’s relaxed pace is driving him crazy.
Jimin must notice this because you can hear him giggle softly behind you. “Sorry–” his voice breaks as he grinds into you. “This is about as fast as I can go,” he rolls his hips again with another whine. “If you want me to last.”
You slide your mouth off Hoseok with a wet pop, continuing to stroke him with your hand. “I don’t mind either way, Jimin.” You do your best to look back at him. “It feels fucking amazing.”
You return your attention to Hoseok, and his eyes are dark with lust.
“Can he come in you?” Hoseok asks, his voice hoarse. You lick a stripe up his cock and he groans, laughing a little at how much of a tease you are.
“Yes,” you say with a shy smile.
“Do it, Jimin,” Hoseok commands. “Come in her.”
As if he’s been waiting his whole life to receive the order, Jimin pushes into you with a newfound ferocity. He keeps the same fluid movement but his hips roll faster and faster, and the feeling of his cock pounding into you is so overwhelming that you can’t stop yourself.
“Oh my god, Jimin, fuck, yes, fuck–” You gasp and rock your hips back, matching his rhythm.
You hear Hoseok grunt and for a moment you lose concentration, your thrusts faltering and your head swimming as the worry creeps back in that you’re not giving him enough attention. You look up, still breathless from the way Jimin is fucking you, to see Hoseok jerking his cock at the same tempo, gaze fixed on you. His tongue toys sloppily at the corner of his mouth.
“Do you like watching Jimin fuck me?” You manage to ask, attempting to try out your own dirty talk and simultaneously check in on Hobi. A smile breaks across his face.
“I fucking love it,” he groans, giving himself one long, slow pump before he resumes his steady pace. His other hand reaches up to cup your jaw, his thumb stroking your cheek. “Keep fucking yourself on his cock like that. You’re perfect.”
You follow Hoseok’s instructions, rutting back onto Jimin, and it’s enough to finally send him over the edge.
With one final body roll, Jimin pushes all the way into you with a high-pitched whine, his cock pulsing inside of you as he comes. He gives a few shallow thrusts, milking all of his release out, and then he slumps forward, thoroughly spent.
“Holy shit,” he giggles, arms wrapping around your waist. You can feel him trembling, and you turn over in his arms, leaning back against the foot of the couch. Jimin drops his head onto your shoulder and you press your nose into the crook of his neck, trailing a few gentle kisses across his collarbones.
As you shift you feel his cum slowly start to leak out of you, and you look down in mild embarrassment, pressing your knees together. Having someone come inside you is the kind of thing that always sounds sexy until it actually happens, and then it’s just a mess.
Hoseok gives Jimin a few moments to recover, hand still teasing over his own cock, then finally gives his shoulder a squeeze. “Hey, Jimin-ah. Switch with me.”
Too spent to say anything, Jimin grunts and crawls off you, waiting for Hoseok to free up the couch before he collapses face-first onto it.
You expect Hoseok to pull your mouth back onto him, or turn you around so he can slide into you, but instead he kneels in front of you. “Can you sit up for me?” He asks softly, and you lift yourself onto the couch cushion behind you, Jimin shifting to make enough space for your ass.
Hoseok places his hands on your knees, which are still clenched together to hide everything leaking out of you, and he raises his eyebrows in a silent question.
Your pulse quickens at the look in his eyes, and you slowly let your legs drop open.
You can feel his breath over your center, and then he swipes a finger up your thigh to push a trail of arousal back inside you.
“Can I taste you?” Hoseok asks, and you squirm a little in response. “You can say no,” he reminds you.
“I-I mean,” you falter. “I would like that, but– you don’t have to, if you don’t want to. Since it’s… messy. We can just fuck.”
Hoseok laughs. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to. And frankly, there isn’t much I don’t want to do to you.” He leans in to lick up another drip running down your thigh and you shiver at the feeling of his tongue against your skin.
He looks at you again, waiting patiently for your final answer, and your face grows hot as you nod your consent. Needing no further encouragement, he spreads your legs even wider and brings his mouth to you.
Hoseok’s tongue is long and precise, and he laps up and swallows every bit of Jimin’s cum from inside you like it’s his last meal. The little gulps and groans he makes as he licks into you again and again are unreal. Your pussy is so sensitive from just being fucked that each stroke of his tongue makes you whimper.
This takes his affinity for cleaning to a whole new level, your last brain cell thinks, and then he drags his tongue up your folds and you can no longer form coherent thoughts. You can only moan while still softly laughing at your own joke as he licks figure eights over your clit.
When he slips two fingers into your cunt, your back arches.
“Fucking shit, Hobi, oh my god–” you moan. You collapse back, lost in the feeling, and knock against Jimin, stretched out on the couch behind you.
You reach towards him, and his hand finds yours, your fingers interlacing. You turn your head to look at him and he’s watching you intently, lips parted slightly and pupils blown with lust.
You’ve gotten the idea a few times tonight that Jimin is a bit of a voyeur, and you’re starting to learn that you quite enjoy being an exhibitionist for him.
Hoseok quickens the pace of his fingers, pressing deliberately on your front wall, and you cry out from the pleasure, your gaze locked on Jimin. “Just like that, just like that,” you whine, and Jimin nods along with you.
You notice that his other hand is reaching to gently palm at his dick, already getting hard again. “God, you are so fucking sexy,” Jimin murmurs.
Hoseok hums around your clit as if in agreement, and your hips jolt up at the feeling. Aware he’s onto something, he keeps going, humming low in his throat while his tongue works your clit, the vibrations rolling through you. His fingers rub circles inside of you, and you writhe, unable to get enough, your peak rapidly approaching.
Jimin shifts on the couch next to you, your fingers still intertwined, letting go of himself to bring his other hand to your neck. He presses his full lips to yours and sweeps his tongue into your mouth with a groan.
The attention from both of them at once is enough to make you come all the way undone.
You break away from Jimin, bearing down hard on his hand in yours, and cry Hoseok’s name as your second orgasm hits you full-force.
Hoseok’s tongue and fingers slow as your walls flutter around him, but he doesn’t completely let up until your final aftershocks subside.
You squirm away from his touch as you become oversensitive, and he laughs and relents, wiping the back of his hand across his face. His nose, lips, and chin are all shining with your slickness, the results of his efforts. It might be the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
You’re not sure you remember how to string words together to form sentences, so you’re unable to protest when Hoseok hooks his arm under your knees and pulls your legs up across the couch so that you’re laying down. You roll over in submission and Jimin’s there pressed against you.
Jimin pulls you closer to him, tangling his legs with yours. You lean your cheek into his chest and shut your eyes as your breathing slows. Then he shifts, and you feel something nudge your thigh.
Eyes fluttering open, you glance down and laugh. “I can’t believe you’re already hard again.”
Jimin blushes, kicking his feet a little as if in frustration. “It’s your fault!”
A pair of hands come to your shoulders that could only be Hoseok. Those perfect fingers trail down your back, massaging along your hips. You whine a little at the feeling.
“Well, did you have fun?” He asks, and you turn to see him properly. When he gently rubs his hands across your thighs, you shiver; you’re still overstimulated, but it’s not unpleasant.
“Is it over?”
“If you want it to be,” Hoseok shrugs.
A desire that’s been building up inside of you all night blurts out before you can think to stop it. “I did have one more idea,” you start, then bury your face in Jimin’s shoulder. “I can’t say it, though. I have no idea if it’s even really possible.”
“If it is, we’ll make it happen. We want you to feel good,” Jimin says, wiggling his erection against your hip for added emphasis.
“Okay, but if you don’t actually want to do this, please tell me, and we can all pretend I never said it and that the threesome ended here and everyone was happy.”
“Tell us what you want,” Hoseok commands.
Your voice is nearly a whisper. “I think I want to try double penetration.”
Jimin hums in surprise. “Are you prepped for that?”
You lift your head up as you realize the misunderstanding. “Oh, I– no, sorry, that’s not what I meant. I don’t want to do anal. I was talking about, um, both of you.” You squeeze your eyes shut, face hot as you’re forced to say it out loud. “In my pussy. Together?”
“Wow,” you hear Hoseok groan at the same time Jimin lets out a shaky exhale.
You open your eyes to look at both of them. Hoseok is grinning, and Jimin’s hands roam over your body, gently running along the curve of your waist and then cupping your ass.
“Are you sure?” Jimin asks softly. “That’s probably going to be pretty intense for you.”
You nod, still flushed with embarrassment. Your core is already starting to throb again at the thought. “I learned from a well-endowed hookup that I really like, uh… girth.” You cringe at the unsexy word. “Is that okay? Can we try it? You can say no.”
Jimin grinds his hips against your thigh with a smirk. “I wasn’t joking when I said I was up for anything.”
Hoseok stands up decisively, doing a terrible job at hiding how excited he is about this. “We’re gonna need some lube. Be right back.” He disappears, heading for the bedroom.
The arousal is already pooling in your belly at the promise of what’s to come, and you press your nose into Jimin’s neck, trying to remember how to breathe. “Hi.”
Jimin dips his head to kiss you. His lips are so soft. He pulls away with a small laugh. “Hi yourself.”
“So, this has been a pretty crazy night.”
He’s still smiling, looking as dazed as you feel. “Tell me about it. This is payoff, like, a decade in the making. I don’t think I’ve ever waited so long for anything.”
Your heart skips a beat. “I’m having a really good time.”
Jimin presses another gentle kiss to your forehead. “Me too,” he says, and then Hoseok returns, holding the bottle of lube triumphantly, like it’s a prestigious award or a designer bag.
You sit up and offer your palms to him, and he squeezes a decent amount into each one. The movement is just clinical enough that it has you all giggling, tense with anticipation.
Hoseok and Jimin kneel on either side of you, and you work your hands over them until they’re nice and slick and groaning under your touch. You’re still soaked from Hoseok’s tongue, but you rub what’s leftover on your palm across your entrance, if only for good luck.
Hoseok leans back against the arm of the couch, his dick fully erect and leaking. His eyes are already heavy-lidded with lust, but he’s smiling so big, you don’t even have to ask if he’s enjoying himself.
You crawl over him and he kisses you hungrily as you sink down onto him. He’s longer, and you have to take a second to get used to the new feeling, circling your hips a little.
“God, you take my cock so well,” Hoseok groans, giving your ass a playful smack. You wiggle until you’re sure you’ve sunk as low as you can go on him. “That was the hard part. Now it’s just Jimin,” he teases with a laugh, and Jimin sends a pillow sailing in his direction, missing by several inches.
You lean forward, bracing yourself over Hoseok who takes the opportunity to graze his lips and teeth along the slope of your neck. You feel Jimin’s head press at your entrance.
“Ready?” Jimin breathes, and you look back to nod at him. He starts to push into you, devastatingly slow.
It doesn’t really work like porn or romance novels would have you expect, where everything slides in easily and feels great right away. There’s a stretch and a fullness that’s intensely uncomfortable at first. You have to ask Jimin to stop and wait a couple of times while you adjust and wince at the sensation.
He and Hoseok are impressively patient with you, teasing their hands and mouths over your body in an effort to get your cunt to relax, until you’re nearly shaking from the pressure in your core. Little by little, Jimin manages to slide himself into you alongside Hoseok.
After minutes that seem more like hours, Jimin grunts, his head dropping onto your shoulder as his hips give a final push. “Fuck. That’s it. That’s all of me.”
The pain is still there, but you can tell it’s starting to morph into something else, something good. You’ve never felt anything like it before.
You all take a second to breathe and let it sink in that this is really happening. No one is quite sure what to do next. Hoseok experiments first, rolling his hips in a lazy circle that makes all three of you react with a noise.
“Fuck, Jimin,” he groans. “I can feel you.”
Jimin bites his lip, his cheeks flushing, and nods in agreement.
Hoseok sets the rhythm, thrusting into you with long, slow strokes, and then Jimin’s fingers grip at your hips and he gently starts to move, too.
You can’t help but whimper at the way it feels– you are overwhelmingly, perfectly full.
The sensation is incredible now, the way they slip and grind against each other inside of you. You can only sit there and take it as they alternate fucking into you. You swear and groan their names interchangeably, over and over.
“Tell us how it feels,” Hoseok grunts. “Taking two dicks in your tight little cunt.”
“Fuck, it’s so fucking good,” you moan.
“Shit,” Jimin groans, “all this friction…” He lets out a shaky laugh. “God, I think I’m gonna come again.”
Your breath hitches and Hoseok doesn’t miss a thing. “You like that, baby? You want Jimin to fill you up again?”
You nod with a whimper. “And you. Both of you.”
Hoseok laughs and groans at the same time. “Oh my god, you are so fucking hot.” He punctuates the final words with three thrusts into you, picking up his pace. Each thrust means he slides against Jimin, and on the third one, you hear a moan behind you.
“Shit, Hoseok, agh! I’m coming, I’m coming,” Jimin ruts into you in fast, short strokes as his climax hits, and his cock twitches and shudders inside you again.
As Hoseok groans beneath you, you realize that he can feel it all too.
“Fuck yes, Jimin,” Hoseok hisses. The extra slickness of Jimin’s fresh arousal just makes everything that much easier, that much messier, and that much hotter. You know Hoseok is fast approaching his end as he fucks you, his strokes deep and hard.
The way his length bottoms out inside you when you’re already so tender is too much, and you lean back into Jimin.
“Yes, fuck, yes, I’m–” you gasp with each thrust, and then your third orgasm takes you by surprise and you can’t do anything but cry out.
Jimin wraps an arm over your shoulders to steady you. You can feel him trembling beneath you as your walls pulse around both of them again and again and again. You’ve never come this hard in your life, and the endless waves of your orgasm are enough to finally bring Hoseok to his peak with a hoarse groan of your name.
Your hips grind down on him and work him through his release and the aftershocks of yours, riding out every last bit until your cunt is quivering from overstimulation. With all three of you entirely spent, you let yourself crash from the high and slump forward against Hoseok’s chest.
There are a few moments of bliss before you feel everything start to drip down your thighs. It probably should be gross to be so full of lube and two loads of cum. Maybe it will be in a few minutes, you think to yourself.
But right now, it’s fucking hot.
“Holy shit,” you whisper as the room slowly returns around you. You can feel both of them starting to soften inside you, and you glance down, mostly because you can’t believe that really just happened.
When you do, you realize that at some point, Hoseok must have also gripped onto your hips, probably when he was fucking up into you. You were too busy taking two dicks at once to keep track of exactly who was doing what when. But now, you see that Hoseok and Jimin have interlaced their fingers together over the curve of your hips.
It’s one of the tamest things that’s happened tonight, but something about it makes your heart crack open.
Your breathing uneven, you run a finger along their still-joined hands. It’s only when the first drop of moisture hits your cheek that you realize you’re crying.
You’re turned enough towards him that Jimin is able to see your expression, and then he’s the first one to break the scene, shifting to slowly withdraw from inside you. He scoots back on the couch, and you feel his hands come to cup your shoulders.
Hoseok keeps his hands on your hips, his touch featherlight as he lifts you up so he can slide out as well. The look on his face is concern mixed with pure love, and you’re suddenly overwhelmed with appreciation for all that he is, all that they both are, your two best friends. That hasn’t changed.
Jimin speaks first. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Come here.”
You lean into his touch and allow yourself to lie down as more tears spill over. Jimin’s fingers scratch along your scalp, and you roll onto your side and curl up. “Post-orgasm chemicals can be weird, and that was–” he bites back a laugh, “–really fucking intense. Just let it out.”
You’re leaking out of both ends, you think to yourself, and you press your cheek into the couch cushion, laughing and crying at the same time. “This is so embarrassing. I swear to god I’m fine.”
You feel what must be Hoseok’s hand rubbing gently along your thigh, and his voice confirms it. “Happy tears?”
You nod. “Very happy tears. That was incredible.”
Hobi wiggles his body into the tight space between you and the back of the couch, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from falling off. “You were incredible. I’m glad you had fun.” He shudders softly against you and you look up to see Jimin running his other hand through Hoseok’s hair.
“We definitely did,” Jimin says with a small giggle as he scratches both of your heads. “I think our inner teenagers can rest happy with the knowledge that it did finally end up happening one day.”
You smile. “I’m glad it happened now, because I definitely couldn’t have done any of that when I was a teenager.”
Hobi cackles into the crook of your neck. “And Jimin would’ve came even faster than he did tonight!”
At this, Jimin fists the hand in Hoseok’s hair, leaning over him. “My dick is sensitive, and I don’t appreciate you making fun of it,” he growls.
Realizing how close their faces are, Hobi is the one to start the game of chicken this time, tilting his face up towards Jimin. “Is that right, Jimin-ah? Got a sensitive dick?”
Jimin doesn’t miss a beat and continues to lean towards Hoseok’s mouth, tugging on his hair. You really think they might actually do it this time, considering everything else that’s happened, but Hoseok finally relents in an explosion of giggles, turning to hide his face against your shoulder before Jimin can kiss him.
“I yield, I yield!”
Some things never change. ~*~
Approximately half an hour and one shower later, the three of you are again collapsed together in a heap on the couch, shifted over by one cushion to avoid the wet spot. Jimin’s arms are wrapped around your waist while Hobi plays with your hair.
They’ve lent you clothes to sleep in, and the big t-shirt (Hoseok’s) and black sweatpants (Jimin’s) are each infused with the scent of their respective owner. Smelling like both of them at the same time makes you feel loved, even claimed. Your brain is buzzing from the post-threesome and post-crying endorphin overload (not to mention the THC), and you sigh happily.
“Hey, Hobi?” You say with a restrained giggle. He turns to look at you, brushing his damp hair off his forehead. “I think you might be a little gay now.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh my god. Shut up.”
“Your dick literally touched another dick. Like, a lot.”
“Yeah, inside you! Surely that negates the gay part!”
“I don’t know, Hobi,” Jimin says in agreement. “You also ate cum out of her. I don’t even swallow that stuff, man.”
“I hate you both,” Hoseok laughs, folding his arms behind his head. “Look, I don’t give a shit. If enjoying every single second of tonight makes me gay, then I’ll lead the fucking pride parade.”
You laugh, scrambling to find your phone. Now you have to play Gaga. You put on Bad Romance and Hoseok instantly sits up.
“Okay, I do also know the dance to this. Wanna see?” He untangles himself from you and Jimin to jump up and strike a pose, hands already fixed into monster claws.
Jimin giggles, leaning in to nuzzle your cheek. “I’m gonna go make some buldak, but please film this so we can blackmail him forever.”
A/N: if you actually made it all the way to the end you're a real one. i'm v lazy about crossposting/putting my masterlist together on here, but i've got more stuff on AO3 if you enjoyed!! would love to hear your thoughts, i'm honestly dying for more friends in this space lol. thanks for reading 💜
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | The Contract 
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - angst, smut, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 4.5k
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Being different to his usual sugar baby, you convince Jungkook to make some changes to his contract
warnings: drinking, swearing, bratty oc, degrading, being restrained, oral sex (f receiving), fingering
“I really don’t see the problem, if I were you I would’ve signed it already. He’s hot and a monster in bed, what more could you ask for?” Jimin giggles, exposing his white teeth.
You’re both having a few beers on your sofa in your small, underwhelming shared accommodation as you go through the contract Jungkook forwarded to you three days ago. Truth is he expected you to sign and send it back by now but there are a few sections that need a little tweaking if you’re really going to commit to this lifestyle.
“Listen to this, baby must only be sexually active with daddy and have no other sexual partners in the time frame that she is contracted to him.” You snort at the cheek of this guy.
“Does he actually want you to call him daddy? That’s so hot.” Jimin gushes, dramatically fanning himself with his free hand, “What’s the problem with that? It’s not like you’ve fucked anyone else recently, and you definitely don’t need to now.”
Your lips purse unamused, “I know that, but it doesn’t say anything about his sexual activity, I’m not going to stay fully committed to him if he’s going to be whoring around yknow?”
“He doesn’t date Y/N, he’s obviously going to be whoring around.”
“Then it’s no deal, if I have to be exclusive to him I deserve to be prioritised in the same way.”
As the night progresses you and Jimin find yourself finding every flaw within the contract, fits of laughter fill the air along with some lo-fi playlist from Spotify and Jimin’s fruity vape clouds, your housemates were away travelling so thankfully you had the place to yourselves. Pulling out your phone you decide to contact Jungkook directly and tell him the deals off, no amount of money can get you to agree to some of this shit. He has to be joking. The line rings four times before going to voicemail, you sigh.
“I’m not leaving a message, fuck that.” You snort, “Oh well that’s the end of that! One night of mind-blowing sex and now it’s over.”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” Jimin quirks a brow, “At least you got to have sex, I had to listen to Taehyung talk about work for two hours while you got fingered in the back of a limo.”
You cringe at his words, “You make it sound so dirty.”
“It is dirty Y/N, you’re fucking filthy and I love it!”
To this you laugh hysterically, you’re six maybe seven beers into your night and your best friend is swaying to the beat of the music, both of you well on your way to a bad hangover the next morning. From the corner of your eye you see your phone light up with a text message, Jimin also clocks this and snaps his fingers excitedly.
“Is that him?” He points to your screen, “What did he say?”
Jungkook: I’m in a meeting right now, everything okay?
“Tell him you’re not okay his fucking contract is stupid! No tell him you want to be his daddy!” Jimin cackles, “Wait no! Ask for a dick pic! I don’t believe it’s as big as you say it is.”
“Trust me I wouldn’t still be walking like I shit my pants if it wasn’t.” You throw your head back and laugh, feeling somewhat lightheaded from the alcohol.
Y/N: This contract needs editing if you still want me to do this, there’s something in here I’m not comfortable with
Within seconds your phone buzzes again,
Jungkook: I’ll have my driver pick you up in an hour and we can discuss this properly at my office
“Shit. He wants me to discuss this with him in person tonight.” Your hand covers your mouth quickly as you attempt to conceal the laughter that bubbles at the surface, “I’m way too drunk to talk about this tonight what do I say?”
“Tell him,” Jimin rushes to his feet as though he’s just thought of the idea of the century, “That you can’t tonight as you need an attorney present before you sign anything!”
“Brilliant!” You clap your hands together, squealing.
Y/N: Not tonight, need an attorney present if I’m gonna sign anything
“You’re a fucking genius Jimin, this is why we’re best friends.”
Jungkook: Taehyung is here, don’t worry about that
Turning your phone screen to Jimin his eyes widen in shock before he loses it, falling back onto the sofa in a fit of giggles, “Does he expect you to talk about this stuff in front of Taehyung?! About your sex life?”
“I think so? What do I do?!”
“Wait, wait I’ve got it.” Jimin raises a single finger for his eureka moment before taking your phone.
Y/N: Can’t leave Jimin sorry :) 
You glance at the message before rolling your eyes, “That’s your bright idea? Really?”
Jungkook: Bring him. He’ll need to sign an NDA since he knows about us anyway
“Oh my god he wants you to sign a non-disclosure agreement.” You’re totally buzzed, head spinning with equal parts beer and Jungkook. Since you were probably going to be seeing him at his office tonight you decide to switch to water, wanting to sober up as much as possible.
How many times has Jungkook done this? He’s taking it more seriously than you anticipated – especially asking your best friend to sign an NDA, is he that ashamed of you?
When you eventually arrive at Jungkook’s office ninety minutes later you’re in awe of the building, constructed of mostly glass and the smell of fresh linen lingers throughout – Jimin walks beside you as a short blonde-haired man escorts you to where you need to be. You and Jimin had made a pact in the car, the same car Jungkook almost devoured you in one week ago, that you have to take whatever this is seriously. No laughing, no snide comments, only complete and utter professionalism. Thankfully the alcohol was wearing off with each passing moment.
“Thanks Yoongi.” Taehyung offers a small smile as he opens the glass door.
Suddenly you’re feeling underdressed in your flared black trousers and matching crop top, exposing an inch of skin around your middle and small arms. Taehyung is dressed to perfection of course, displaying a baby pink shirt tucked into chocolate brown slacks, his hair pushed back enough to reveal all of that perfectly symmetrical face of his.
Jimin noticeably stiffens beside you upon seeing the celebrity attorney, his Adams apple bouncing in his throat as he swallows. Giving that you were only supposed to be having a few drinks at your place tonight he too was dressed casually, wearing tight blue jeans and a pale grey oversized hoodie.
“Hi Taehyung,” Jimin is the first to speak, “Hi Jungkook…”
Your eyes fall to his sitting figure instantly, he’s at his desk in front of the large window, typing something on the computer before he notices your arrival. Jungkook stands to greet you both, gesturing to the two seats opposite him and Taehyung. Just when you think you couldn’t possibly be more attracted to him he decides to wear a fitted white dress shirt, tattoos threatening to escape from every angle, black slacks and his LV belt. He looks amazing, and here you are standing in a SHEIN co ord set you managed to get for cheap online.
“Hello Jimin,” Taehyung smirks as he takes the seat next to Jungkook at his desk, mindlessly flicking through paperwork. “Nice to see you again Y/N.”
“Likewise.” Is all you can manage to choke out, still fixated on the way Jungkook’s muscles flex beneath his clothes as he locks his computer, giving you his undivided attention.
“Hello Y/N.” Jungkook’s gaze is darkening with each passing moment, eyes hungrily raking the curves of your body which doesn’t go unnoticed by his best friend, you see him almost roll his eyes at Jungkook’s change in demeanour.
“Before we start I need you both to sign these,” Taehyung places two forms down on the desk titled NDA. “You can read through them as we go on but the short of it is basically neither of you will be allowed to discuss this meeting or your arrangement,” He zones in on you, “To anybody outside this room. You’ll be known as Jungkook’s girlfriend to the public and not his… Well, yknow.” He gives a boxy grin.
“What about my parents? What am I supposed to tell them if they see us together?” You furrow your brows, picking up a shining gold pen from the desk.
“Nobody beyond the four of us can know the truth, it would be too damning for his reputation.”
Glancing to your right you notice Jimin has already signed his NDA, he’s such a Yes Man, you know full well he has no intention of reading through the document either – instead he hangs on to every word spoken by Taehyung.
“Right…” You click your tongue.
“Remember you don’t have to do this Y/N, I’m not going to force you into anything. Only sign it if you want to do this.” Jungkook’s dark almond eyes are trained solely on you, a reassuring half-smile pulling his lips.
“I know but-, consider me intrigued.” You use his own words from the bar against him, shifting that smile into smirk from your soon to be fake boyfriend slash sugar daddy from across the table. You sign the document, realising it’s unlikely that your parents will ever meet Jungkook. You’re worrying about nothing.
“I understand you’d like to make some changes to the contract?” Taehyung puts on a pair of stylish thin silver-rimmed glasses, glancing down at another document in front of him.
“I’d like to work out the details with Jungkook,” You sigh, “Alone.”
To this Jimin suppresses a giggle next to you, Taehyung eyes you curiously over the top of his new glasses. From across the desk Jungkook’s tongue pops the inside of his cheek in a brief, not so successful attempt to rid himself of the smug smirk that’s still displayed on his lips.
“Okay then, Guk you can send me any changes to the contract tomorrow and I’ll have it filed.”
“Of course.” Jungkook clears his throat, nodding in agreement.
“In that case, Jimin,” Taehyung stands, “Shall we?”
And just like that you’re alone with the man offering to change your life forever, Taehyung and Jimin having left the large glass office. For a moment you did wonder where they were going, and if anything other than friendship was budding between the two men as they did act differently in front of each other. No, Jimin would’ve told you the second anything happened if that was the case. It’s Jungkook’s voice that pulls you from your thoughts, his tone serious and dripping with sex appeal.
“Come here.” He commands, and you quickly obey, walking round the desk to sit in the newly empty chair next to him. “No, come here.” He pats his thick thighs knowingly.
Sinking yourself onto his lap you smile, his cologne floods your nostrils as you drape your arms over his broad shoulders. “So there’s a couple things we need to change before-“
“Not yet.” He presses a soft kiss to your collarbone, his hands finding purchase on your tiny waist. “I have something for you first.”
“Oh yeah?” You mock, fingertips brushing his raven hair from his face. “Wouldn’t have anything to do with this would it?” You roll your hips against his crotch with a smug look, his cock beginning to harden beneath your weight.
Jungkook hums, his grip on your middle tightening, “Mmm you’re such a brat, as much as I’d love to bend you over my desk and fuck you senseless right now, it’s actually got nothing to do with that.”
“Oh.” You’re equal parts surprised and disappointed, being fucked on a big wooden desk in a CEO’s office sounds pretty good right now. Especially when he’s already underneath you looking like that. “What is it then?”
He opens the top drawer of the desk and pulls out a small yet long piece of thick white paper, “For last Friday.” Upon inspection what he’s passing to you is a cheque with your name on it, though the box where the number should be remains blank. “I had a great time with you baby.”
“Oh wow, a blank cheque?” You’re confused.
To this he chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief, “Mhm, pick a number and write it down.”
“What?” You’re vaguely offended, this exchange a strong reminder that you and him will be nothing more than a mere business endeavour to him. You feel like a modern day prostitute. “I don’t want your money, I chose to have sex with you.”
“Y/N I told you, I don’t date.” He pulls away to look at you, registering that you’re taken aback by the notion, “I want to help you, you’re going to be helping me with my public image so… I know you’re in debt and I have money, really it’s the least I can do.”
“I see. It’s just that I thought we agreed the other night was more of a try before you buy situation, no strings or money attached.”
“It was,” He hums in agreement, his lips slowly finding their way to your jaw to pepper the area with gentle kisses, “This is just a gift, for being so fucking amazing.” His words get lost in the skin of your neck.
“Okay...” You mumble, your body beginning to betray you as Jungkook’s kisses start to feel really good and make you go dizzy. “I really think we should lay down the law before,” You exhale in bliss, it’s hard to concentrate with his rock hard cock pushing into your clothed core, “Before anything else happens between us.”
“Understandable.” He clicks his tongue, finding the strength to pull away from your neck. “What changes need to be made? You said something made you uncomfortable?”
You clear your throat while you shift on his lap, “If I’m not allowed to sleep with other people, I don’t think you should be either.”
“What?” It’s his turn to be offended, his thick dark brows raised, “That sounds an awful lot like dating.”
“Mmm,” You roll your hips over his once more, smiling triumphantly as a throaty moan escapes him when you brush past his sensitive area, “But since we’re not dating, why can’t I sleep with other people? It’s hardly fair. If you can fuck someone else I should be allowed to get fucked by someone else too.”
“Okay, good point, I definitely don’t want anybody else fucking you,” He pauses, “Done. I won’t sleep with any other women for as long as we’re doing this. But you have start taking contraception, I don’t care which type do whatever’s best for you and your body, but we need to be using something other than just condoms.” His palms make their way down to the curve of your ass, palming the cheeks roughly. “If I’m only going to be fucking you, I plan on fucking you a lot. Can’t risk you getting pregnant.”
“Fine,” You grind down on him again, his head lolls back against his office chair, “I was going to start taking the pill again anyways.”
“Again?” His eyes fly open, “Such a dirty slut, has somebody fucked your tight little pussy bareback before?”
“Mhm,” You’re smiling at the fact he’s clearly jealous, “Maybe one day I’ll let you do it.” You’re wriggling in rhythm on top of his core, clothes the only barrier between your blazing bodies.
His gaze darkens at this, “Such a fucking tease. What else?”
“I need at least 24 hours-notice before an event, or date, or anything public. You can’t just spring it on me out of nowhere.”
“Done. I need you to stop being such a fucking brat.” He roughly grabs your hips in an attempt to still your movements, his eyes hooded and blown out with lust. “I’ll come in my pants if you keep doing that.”
Ignoring him you continue to move as you dish out your terms, “And the monthly rolling thing, what does that even mean?”
“Irrelevant.” Jungkook’s marking your collarbone with lewd open-mouthed kisses, “I want to make my own change to the contract, normally I do this on a month by month basis but…”
“But?” Your fingers mindlessly tug on his locks as you pull him back and force him to look at you, “But what?”
“I want you for one year.” He confesses with a heaving chest, hands exploring your curves, he’s clearly getting more and more worked up and you’re loving every second of it. “It’s about time people saw me in a long term relationship.”
“Hmm,” While the idea of being with Jungkook for a whole year makes your heart swell with something unknown, you can’t help but feel as though this might be a bad idea. It’s an idea you start rapidly warming to when he pulls your face down to meet his.
He kisses you messy and desperate as though he’s trying to convince you to agree to this new term, and it’s working. Playfully he nibbles your lower lip and pulls it back, a shit-eating grin hot against you when you shamelessly moan at his movements. You’re grinding down on him again, this time adding more pressure as you drag your core from side to side over his throbbing cock. He pulls away, his lips kiss-swollen and stained with lip gloss.
“So you’ll do this? For one year, with me?” He pants, somewhat distracted by the way you’re riding his clothed cock.
“Yes, I will. But there’s one other thing... Do I have to call you daddy?” You quirk a brow, voice low and sultry.
To this he shakes his head gently, though his profile remains contorted with pleasure, “I like the way you say my name when I fuck you, but we can always try it one day if you’re curious.”
“Maybe I am a little curious,” You admit, looking down at him through long eyelashes, “Why don’t you fuck me on your desk right now daddy?”
A pained groan escapes the man, his head falling back onto his chair while he looks you up and down in awe, “You really are a brat aren’t you? You want daddy to fuck you in his office hm? You’re lucky it’s almost 10 and nobody else is in the building.”
“I’d still want you to fuck me here even if the building was full.” You playfully shrug, there’s something equal parts sexy and amusing about being such a tease where your new fake boyfriend is concerned, he’s so easy to wind up you’ve noticed.
A possessive growl rumbles in his chest as he stands, picking you up in the process and sitting you atop of the desk. Electricity sparks inside you as he pushes your legs apart and stands between them, his inked fingertips slowly dragging themselves up your inner thighs. Your head is already spinning, the familiar sensation of paradise approaching and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
“You’re amazing,” He chuckles against your lips as they crash down to yours in another desperate kiss. The thing with Jungkook is that every time he kisses you it’s as though he’s treating it like it will be the last, or like you’re the last two people on Earth and nothing else matters. You hate to admit it but every time he kisses you, you’re getting more and more attached to the way this feels. “May I?” He twangs the waistband of your flares, and you quickly respond, nodding quickly.
Just like that you’re sitting on his the wooden desk naked from the waist down, your wet core hot against the cool surface while Jungkook is once again fully clothed. You reach up to his dress shirt, managing to free two of the top buttons before he bats your hand away, keeping a firm grip on your wrists with one hand as he unbuckles his belt with the other. It’s when he removes the belt completely and lifts it to your hands you realise what’s about to happen.
“Are you going to tie me up?” You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth suppressing a moan, one whole year of this didn’t seem so bad after all.
“Is that okay?” He asks, completely stilling his movements until you nod. “Use your words.”
“Yes daddy.” You’re testing your luck now and you know it, his gaze darkens at your words and something snaps inside him. He quickly rids you of your crop top, exposing your bare breasts and ties your wrists together with his designer belt.
“Lay down.” He instructs, not bothering to remove the documents from the table before your back is flat against them. Your elbows sit either side of your head, forearms and hands dangling off the edge of the desk above your head. From this angle your tits are propped up on sinful display, legs spread exposing your naked core – everything available to him. You peer round the room quickly, it’s constructed almost entirely from glass, if anybody did come to the office right now they would see you tied up on top of stacks of paperwork, about to get fucked by their boss. You whimper at the mere thought of it.
“Fuck me, please.” You beg, gyrating your hips to try and find any friction where you need it the most. You watch him sit back down in his chair and your stomach drops. “What the fuck? Why are you sitting—Oh my god.” You mewl.
Jungkook licks a flat stripe from your sopping entrance straight to your throbbing clit, winning you to cry out from the sudden stimulation. You feel him smirk against your womanhood and you playfully kick his broad shoulder in retaliation. He chuckles, zoning his mouth onto the sensitive bundle of nerves as he starts to eat you out.
Just when you think this man can’t get any better in bed he proves you wrong, his tongue wet and hard against you as he picks up the pace until you’re a writhing mess in front of him. At some point he throws your legs over his shoulders and drags you to the edge of the desk, your dripping pussy bearing down on the man’s mouth, your arousal coating his clean-shaven face and chin as he buries his face where you want it most.
“Fuck!” You moan repeatedly, unashamed of how good this feels.
Two fingers threaten your entrance, you can feel the digits dipping in and out of the area without ever going inside, your back arches in a state of complete euphoria as you really concentrate on the feeling of him eating your pussy. Everything is pressed against you, his multitalented lips, the bend of his nose, his chin, he’s treating you as though you’re his last meal and you’re close to seeing stars.
“That feel good baby?” His words are quiet, almost getting lost in the noise of your soaking heat against his tongue, “You like it when daddy eats this pretty little cunt?”
“Yes…” You gasp, “Oh god yes…” You’re so turned on, whole body ablaze as he continues his ministrations against you.
“You taste so fucking good.” He sucks your clit harshly, earning you to groan, “I could eat your pussy all day.”
“Fuck-, daddy…” You’re a whimpering mess, body jolting and jumping as your high approaches quickly.
“So fucking dirty,” He hums against you, “Coming to my office and begging for me to fuck you, such a slut,” His words fade into white noise, you’re shaking with ecstasy when he unceremoniously plunges two tattooed fingers inside you.
“Jungkook!” You shriek, your back fully lifting form the desk, your breasts high in the cool air, earning your nipples to harden.
“That’s it baby say my name,” He’s fucking in and out of you in perfect sync with the movements of his mouth, moaning against your flesh as you hips buckle into his face, “Say my fucking name.” He sucks your sensitive area particularly hard and you scream something that sounds like his name between gasps for air, he groans in approval, “Fuck my face baby, use my face to get yourself off.”
You quickly obey his request and begin thrusting upward, the sound of your slickness being stretched with another finger fills the air. It’s because of this you’re suddenly coming all over his face and fingers, whimpering on the desk as he slows down and your climax fades to bliss. Panting for air you whine at the loss of contact when he pulls away from you, now standing between your legs with a glistening face.
“You look so hot right now, fuck,” He leans down and grips your bound hands, pulling you up to a sitting position while he unties you, “Get dressed.”
“What? But what about-“
“I don’t bring condoms to the office, you’re gonna have to wait until we get to my apartment.”
You nod, you can’t help but feel a little disappointed but thankfully the rational side of your brain does the thinking for you, grabbing your discarded clothes and quickly putting them on. “Where’s the bathroom? I need to clean up…”
“Not happening,” A puff of air escapes his nostrils, “You’re going to stay like that so I can fuck you as soon as we get home.”
“Home?” You snort, “Let’s at least have a meal together before you start calling it that.”
To this his signature smirk tugs his shiny lips, “Can’t say I’m hungry, I already ate.”
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getsojaded · 2 years
pre-show playlist || calum hood
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word count: 1.9k+
warnings: swearing
a/n: draft while i write mini series :) not entirely sure why atlanta is the first city that came into my head but it was so if ur from atlanta this one’s for u LOL. also, was actually lol’ing at the fake stan twt tweets i had to make LOLOL
“Thank you, Atlanta! I love you!” Are the last words you yell into the mic, heading off the stage before the lights go out.
It had been your first show of your world tour after Covid had put the world at a temporary pause, and needless to say, your adrenaline levels were going through the roof. If there’s one thing you loved most, it was performing for the people that love and appreciate you for what you do.
“You fucking killed it! Congrats Y/N,” one of your team members exclaimed, rushing to give you a hug. “Thank you,” you sighed, leaning into their hug. You missed this, you missed travelling the country by tour bus, soundchecking old songs that made your fans go crazy and answering their question, and you missed having your favourite people standing by your side as you did what you valued and appreciated so deeply.
Things were slightly different though, and you couldn’t help but take notice of them.
Calum was by your side your last tour, engulfing you in a big hug and kissing your forehead the minute you got off stage. He was there to help you choose your outfits for each show, to take you to the best restaurants and coffee shops in each city for the minimal hours you spent there, and to give you those loving and reassuring words whenever you got those last-minute butterflies before performing.
You loved Calum, and Calum loved you — there was no doubt about that. But as much as you loved the tour life, it wasn’t easy. Not only was that complicated, being in the spotlight, along with your love, was one of the hardest things you had ever had to do through.
With fake news articles that drew too much attention towards you two, to scheduling conflicts that led to unsolved arguments, to the fans.. that were just being fans (you know.) — it got too much to handle. For the both of you.
So when you started using Google Maps to find five star cafés, taking a bit too much time to decide what outfit to wear, and breathing in and out for longer periods of time before you hopped on stage, you realized that you’d need some time to adjust to the new aspects of touring. And quite frankly, you hated it. You missed it. You missed him.
You missed the way he’d hold you at night in your shared bunk, telling you “Sleep well, you did an amazing job”. You missed the way he’d drag you out of bed to take a daily mirror selfie in the bus, determined to have a photo from each city you visited, and you missed the way he’d-
“Okay, that’s enough,” you whispered to yourself, shaking out of your thoughts and getting up from the couch you were sitting at, taking a moment to regain your energy.
You walked up to the full body mirror in your dressing room, snapping a quick photo before posting it to your Twitter account.
y/ny/l/n: atlanta i fucking loved u, thank u. excited to see the rest of u on tour. x
Within seconds you were getting likes, retweets and replies on your tweet. You took a quick moment to change into comfy clothes and exit the venue, as it was now time to relax on the tour bus.
You opened up your phone onto the Twitter replies to scroll through the replies, and like and respond to a few.
killedmytime: THIS FIT IS SO FIRE
calumsboba: you did amazing y/n!!
yungy/n: bro i lost my phone at the concert i’m tweeting off my laptop rn
You giggled at the last one, responding with “drop ur venmo i got the next one” before continuing to scroll through your mentions and notifications.
wfttwtafff: i’m going to cry @y/ny/l/n is still so supportive of calum even after they broke up
heartbakegirl: i cant believe u put moving along on the playlist omfg divorced parents <;/3
Oh God.
Okay, maybe it was just your fans in your responses that took notice of your ex boyfriend’s band’s song. You quickly searched up “y/n calum” and immediately groaned at the loads of tweets regarding your show, that song and that playlist.
notinthesameways: i almost fucking peed myself when i heard moving along i wonder if calum knows y/n put it on her playlist
y/nswildflower: i miss calum and y/n omg
dontstoppa: bro let’s talk abt the fact that out of every song y/n chose the one that’s literally about a breakup AND calum wrote it girlie knew what she was doing
Contrary to that last tweet, you actually had no idea what you were doing!
You didn’t mean for 5SOS’ song to play before your show started. In fact, you hadn’t even made a specific pre-show playlist — you just decided to use your “currently”. Which… has Moving Along on it and with your luck, of course it came on shuffle.
Yes, you listened to their new album. Yes, you thought it was fucking spectacular. Yes, Moving Along was your favourite song off the album because not only does Calum’s verse get your heart throbbing but it also makes you wonder if you popped up into his mind while he was writing it.
And yes, you added it to your on repeat playlist because you couldn’t stop listening to it.
You couldn’t help but wonder if he had done the same thing with your album: thoroughly listen to it, fall in love with it more and more everytime, and add his favourites into his liked songs.
You also couldn’t help but wonder what he’s up to right now. Was he preparing for touring, just like you? You hadn’t seen any posts in regards to shows from their band account, along with the four boys’.
And now you were wondering why the hell he was giving you a call, your heart skipping a beat once you saw the contact name Hood xo appear on your screen, along with his contact picture of you, him, and Duke.
“What the fuck,” you whispered, letting it ring a couple more times before you picked up the phone. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi, Y/N. Good to talk to you again.”
“You too.”
You were scared. You were scared and you’ve never been put in the position of not knowing what to say to him, except now. As much as you tried to say more in response to him, no words would come out.
“You know why I’m calling you.” He simply stated, sounding a lot more confident than you had expected, which took you by surprise.
“Caught me lacking, huh?” You asked, earning a soft giggle from Calum in response. “Okay look, I didn’t even mean to play it before my show. I gave your album a listen when it first dropped and I was like wow this shit is good so I added one of my favourites onto my playlist and I used that specific playlist so I didn’t even think about it and-“
“I’m really glad you listened to the album.” He simply states, your heart skipping a beat as you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. “And I’m glad you found a few favourites on there.”
“Yeah, you guys did so well on it.” You’re nervous. You’re fucking nervous, and you have no idea how Calum is handling this conversation as well as he is. Despite the pit in your stomach, your curiosity got the best of you. “D-Did you listen to mine too?”
“‘Course I did. Fell in love with it, baby.” Your heart flutters at the sound of the pet name that falls out of his mouth, feeling the nostalgia and intimacy his voice is laced with. “Thank you,” you respond just above a whisper, before the line fills with silence. Slightly awkward silence.
Calum doesn’t want to be the one to bring it up. Especially after such a wholehearted, sweet conversation. But he has some questions, and doesn’t want to end this call with unfinished answers.
“I miss you. I miss us.” He confesses, tears threatening to spill from his eyes and he silently thanks himself for only clicking on an audio call, and not a FaceTime one.
“I know.” You respond as quiet as possible, not risking to hear crack in your voice. “I do too. It’s not the same without you here. Tour’s different. I caught myself thinking about you every time I noticed something was off.” You say to him honestly, unaware of the aching in his chest that you caused. He hated the thought of your emotions shifting negatively because of him, and if he could, he would do everything in his power to reverse it if it meant you were happy.
“What happened to us?”
“Cal…” You sigh. You felt this question coming, but you weren’t prepared to answer it. “You know what happened to us. It was just... circumstances, and time.” Was all you could say, with complete honestly.
“Well, what about now? What do the circumstances and time have for us now?” He asks you in a low voice. You shake your head and laugh at the irony of that follow up question, rubbing your forehead with your hand.
“Well, I’m still on tour, so it looks like not much has changed.” You respond, earning a chuckle from Calum. “Shouldn’t you be heading off on tour too?”
“Taking a break first. Don’t really know why, Ashton suggested that we break first before touring and we all just kinda went with it.” He responds. “When’s your LA show?”
“Last show of the tour. Then it’s me time. Staying in LA for quite some time, then gonna try and go back to hometown for a bit.”
“What would you do if I asked you if you were okay with me going there?” He asks, with the slightest bit of hope. It’s worth a shot, he tells himself. It’s worth a shot if it has anything to do with you.
“Then, I’d tell you that I’d love to have you at my last show. Do you want to be there?” You tell him, with a smile planted across your face, unaware of the smirk forming across his as well. “Nothing else I want more than to be there, love.”
“I guess I’ll be seeing you then?” You ask, trying to sound as confident as possible, but you’re well aware that Calum can see (more like, hear) right through your façade. “Let’s see where the circumstances and time take us this time around.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” “Me too.”
The line falls silent once again, but now it’s comfortable. A silence that warms your heart and calms you down. A silence that eases your mind and relaxes your body.
“Oh, and Cal?” You speak up.
“Let’s not let the circumstances and time fuck us over again. I’d rather not let go of the best thing that’s ever happened to me a second time around.”
“You are the last thing I’m ever gonna lose again, baby. Mark my words.”
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gucciwins · 3 years
Are you Angel?
Harry gets hurt while on the job and Y/N gets a phone call she was not prepared for.
Word count: 7413
A/N: hello friends, it's been a while :) this is a continuation to my story Trouble Follows. You don't have to read but it will give you an insight of how Y/N and Harry met. I am thrilled to share more of firefighter harry with you. I adore him and I hope you do as well.
please do let me know what you thought of the story and please reblog! <333
Warnings: angst, breakups, hospitals
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A firefighter will always run into a burning building with not a hint of hesitation. All their focus is on saving the people stuck inside.
Running towards trouble is second nature to them.
She knew that.
She also knew what it meant to date a firefighter.
The unreliable hours, the non-frequent communication, the many failed dinner dates. The twenty-four hours shifts when he would then arrive home to just sleep.
Harry had begun to give her a constant comfort that he would eventually come home and climb into bed behind her. He would then gently nuzzle his face in her neck, taking in her sweet honey scent. In contrast, she took in the woody ashy smell that seems to be permanently stained on him.
So trust her when she said she knew what she was in for when Harry asked her to be his girlfriend.
Four months in, she knew she would be here for a long time, maybe forever, if life would allow it.
She was sure; she knew what to expect.
But she didn't, not until she got the call.
The call that would shatter her heart.
The call that would lead her to be sitting in this uncomfortable, ugly brown hospital chair, holding tightly onto his ashy hand. As she prayed on and on to a God, she no longer held close but wished for Harry they were real and would bring Harry back to her.
Y/N prayed for Harry to finally open his eyes and give her a reassuring smile that he would be okay.
That they would be okay.
Until then, she'll wait.
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Harry being Lieutenant allowed him to have a consistent schedule. That did not mean there weren't days where he had to pull a double shift or stay back to finish paperwork; he let it pile up.
The one day that was Y/N's was Sunday.
She got him an entire day to lay in bed together and eat all the baked goods she baked for him to try. It was becoming their day. Everyone at the station knew Harry could not be disturbed on Sundays unless it was the end of the world, and even then, they'd have to pry him away from Y/N.
He feels safe in her arms. Harry had never felt that before. Sure, he was surrounded by his firehouse family, but he had never felt so loved in two arms as if she could take all his problems and stresses away. Still, she did exactly that when she would flash him her gorgeous smile and hold her arms open for him to fall into at the end of every day.
Harry knows he's never felt this way, and he won't ever take it for granted.
This Sunday will be different, and she feels it as soon as she wakes up because, in her queen-sized bed, she's alone. No arms wrapped around her waist; no head tucked into her necks as he places soft open kisses to wake her from her sleep gently.
Already, she knows this is going to be a bad day. She feels it in her bones. Having been around trouble for so long, she knows the difference between good and bad. The feelings she has made her want to find Harry and pull him back into bed where she can keep him safe.
Y/N gets out of bed, throwing the warm sheets off her body going to the bathroom to do her morning skin routine, wanting to feel refreshed for when Harry breaks the news; he's going to leave her alone on their day. She knows him well enough; he's cooking her breakfast to make up for leaving her so early in the morning.
She walks out of her bathroom, going straight to her closet and taking out the first sweater she saw. It's a baby blue color and stitched on the left side on top of her heart is: "love me please?" It's Harry's favorite sweater of hers because it's an oversized sweater that fits him well. The only reason she has it back is that he wanted her to wash it and wear it until it got her smell again. Y/N kissed him silly when he told her that, plus she loves that it smells like him now.
Y/N takes one look at her unmade bed and walks away, knowing she's going to crawl back in after Harry leaves her. She walks out and, from the hallway, can hear Harry humming away. If she's honest, she doesn't recognize the song. As she has come to learn, Harry has an interesting taste in music; he has basically heard every song ever to exist. It's a reason they are so good at Four Clovers Thursday Trivia night. She dominates pop culture and films, and Harry takes on music. She's also better at history than him. Their friends love trivia night because their winning always gets them free drinks. It's something she looks forward to each week.
"Morning, H," Y/N says as she approaches him from behind and wraps her arms around his waist. Harry smiles, instantly feeling warm with her arms around him.
"Morning, firebug. Sleep well?"
She mumbles a no, causing Harry to laugh, and she feels it vibrate through her.
"Awe, upset I wasn't wrapped around you." He teases. "I'm making up to you by making breakfast."
She pulls away, spotting blackberries on the counter. "Sure, Jan."
Harry can hear the change in her tone and knows she's still goofing off with him but knows she's upset.
"Angel, come sit. Coffee is ready."
She shakes her head but makes her way over to the chair he pulled out for her. "No coffee. I'll be going back to bed soon." Y/N waits to see if he'll correct her, but he doesn't.
"I'm sorry." He begins.
"No apologies."
"Please let me. I'm leaving you on our day." He pouts.
"As much as I don't want you to go, I'm sure they need you more than I do."
Harry frowns, "I hope you'll never stop needing me." He whispers against her lips before closing the gap. Y/N hums against his soft lips allowing herself to get lost in the moment; she loves his kisses, soft and gentle just as he is despite what his sharp eyes might have one believe.
Harry pulls away after pressing one final kiss on her pouted lips. "I'm sorry I have to go to work, but I know for certain that I can meet you for a late lunch."
"Lunch?" She repeats, arms wrapped around his waist, hoping he was serious with his offer.
He hums. "Yes, 2:30, that bistro with that avocado dressing you like for your sandwich."
"It's a date." She grins, laying her head on his chest letting him hold her tight. He unwraps his arms, letting her go.
"I've got to get going, firebug, but I'll see you later."
"Stay safe, Styles." She tells him as she does every time he leaves.
"Try my best, angel."
With that, he slips his beat-up white Vans with lilac laces and walks out the door; it shuts it behind him. Just as Y/N steps towards it to lock up, it opens back up, startling her. Harry steps back in, and before she can question him, he places both faces on the side of her face and kisses her breathless. Y/N is quick to react, allowing their lips to move in perfect harmony, not as smooth but perfect, nonetheless.
"I--" Harry begins before he clears his throat. "I'll miss you, angel."
Y/N feels the heat rush to her cheeks because, for a moment, she thought he'd say another three words. "And I'll miss you, H. Now get out of here; I don't need you showing up late to our lunch date."
Harry smiles, dimples on full display, hugging her before walking out a skip in his step. She peaks her head out, making sure he gets in the car safely before he drives off. He sits there for a moment, and she knows he is letting his Bluetooth connect as he waits for his drive-to-work playlist titled "it's time" to start playing. He takes a look at his mirrors before backing out and driving. That's when Y/N closes and locks the door.
Time to go back to bed for a few more hours; what else is there to do on a Sunday when she's left alone.
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Harry genuinely did not want to go to work today, but it's not like he could say no to his Chief. His Chief was never one to call in favor unless it was an emergency. He didn't ask, knowing he'd get the full story Monday, but for now, he gets on his pants, t-shirt, and boots and hopes there are no fires today.
The only thing is that Harry isn't used to working with the B-shift, sure he knows everyone's name and a little of their lives, but they aren't his usual team. He shakes that off because he knows he would do anything to help a team member and knows they would do the same in return.
Harry is lost in thought, wondering what Y/N was going to do today. He knows she planned to take him to a butterfly pavilion today even told him the outfit she had planned out for it. A pair of jeans that had flowers embroidered all over something she added, saying she thought they looked a bit plain, pairing it with a pastel pink top. Harry was surprised with her style after meeting her various times in different outfits. He was surprised at how soft she dressed in pastels. She may have a bold personality, but her fashion was delicate and warm. It was a nice balance.
He nearly runs into Carols as he made his way to his office, too busy thinking of the girl he left at home. "Sorry, bud."
"No problem, Harry. Surprised to see you here," Carols tells him, everyone knowing Sunday was Harry's day off.
"Chief had something come up and asked me to come in. I should be out of here by eight tonight if we're lucky."
Carlos smiles, "with you around, we usually are."
Harry chuckles, telling him he'll be in his office if he needs anything. He looks around his desk and sighs at how much has piled up already.
Might as well get ahead.
It's a few hours when Harry realizes the house is quiet. He peaks around the window and figures they are all in the common room. It's only one, and thankfully there have been no calls, and if it continues, then he will make it to lunch with his angel.
He shoots her a text.
13:24 PM
I miss you. Counting down the minutes until I get to see you xxx
Harry clicks send and smiles down at his phone. 2:30 couldn't come fast enough.
As he gets up to stretch and go for a snack in the kitchen, he takes a deep breath because as confident as he may seem, he isn't around the second shift. They don't know him so well, and Harry ultimately is shy. He may be able to hide it, but he has small quicks that others pick up on. Something he knows Y/N spotted quickly, like when he toes his foot into the ground or when he begins to chip at his nails, and Y/N's favorite is when he moves his hands behind his back and sways side to side. She finds it endearing, but others might not think it's leadership material.
He walks into the lounge to cross to the kitchen when a few heads turn to him, but before they can say a word, the alarm rings, and Harry is literally saved by the bell.
Not a second to waste, everyone heads over to the rig and quickly suits up. Harry is Lieutenant meaning he's in charge of the scene today, seeing as their captain and Chief aren't here today. Harry respects all the firefighters and knows this will go well if everyone carries out their job.
It's a factory fire, and as soon as they arrive, Harry can see it's burning fast. He's not sure how many people are there, but he calls in for reinforcements knowing they will need all the manpower they can get.
"This is House 102; please send more units available. The factory fire is burning at a faster rate than we can control. My team is going in now. There are five people unaccounted for; the left side of the building is clear." Harry speaks into his two-way radio.
"Carlos," the young firefighter jogs over, eyes on Harry, no longer staring at the roaring fire. "You're going in with Baz. Stay close and don't go up the second floor; you need to be quick in and out."
"Who's going with you, Lieutenant?" Carlos asks, clearly worried.
"Jameson and Rey are coming with me; stay safe, and if anything happens, just radio in."
"You got it!" Harry pats his shoulder and walks off towards the two waiting men.
Harry knows the men well, he trained them when they came into the house, but they preferred B-shift instead of being with him. One spot was available, and he knew they didn't want to be separated. Rey and Jameson have been dating for two years, but that's a secret only very few know. It's not prohibited, but if it gets more serious, one will have to relocate to a new station. They simply aren't ready for that, and indeed Harry would be sad not to have them around the house or hearing their stories. It just adds a more considerable risk because, at the end of the day, the job is first.
Rey walks towards the entrance with Harry following right behind. Jameson, a few feet back, calling out for anyone in there that needs help.
"Fire department, call out." Echoes out as much as it can as the fire begins to roar louder.
The heat gets worse the further they walk in; they turn right at the edge of a desk labeled "Torres."
"H, there!" Rey shouts, rushing over to a man knocked unconscious and had heavy storage struck over his legs, pinning him down. Harry and Jameson run over, assessing the man before making any sudden moves.
Jameson finds a pulse, weak but there. He gets the extra mask over the man's face hoping it'll wake him up soon.
"On the count of three, we lift," Harry tells the two men standing to a stand as the others do the same.
They nod. "One, two, three." They grunt in unison, pushing the container to a standing position. Harry looks over the man's legs and is thankful there is no blood, but there will be swelling and bruises. "Right, Rey, take him out. We'll keep searching."
Rey nods, lifting the man over his shoulder as he was trained to do, and rushes out of the burning building. Harry and Jameson have just learned a new area when the radio comes on. "Lieutenant Styles, it's Carlos. We found two men; only one remains unaccounted for."
Harry nods. "Got it, no one comes back in. We'll be out soon."
He now leads the way, making his way towards a stairway. There's no fire here, but it's moving faster, and smoke is thick. Whoever is in here might not last much longer without oxygen.
"Fire department, call out," Harry shouts, voice firm.
"Here.." a whisper is heard, both Harry and Jameson freeze. Once more, "here" is yelled but sounds muffled.
Harry looks around, not seeing anything but fire, and fears the structure will collapse soon. Just as he was about to yell again, he sees a can knocked, and a man hidden under a black rag is seen. Jameson rushes over, helping the man sit up. He's older, well into his sixties. He doesn't look too well; he has a few scapes.
"Right, we need to head out," Jameson tells Harry, helping the man stand up who is fighting consciousness.
"This is Lieutenant Styles; on our way out found the last man. Have paramedics on standby."
"Got it, Styles. Get out quick."
Jameson and Harry get the man up and head to exit. Harry can see the light of day and knows he will be late for lunch, but thankful Y/N is understanding and very forgiving. He'll make it up to her by buying dessert.
Just as they almost reach the door, a piece of dry wood comes falling down, separating Harry and Jameson; luckily, it did not hit them, but now Harry has to find a new way out. It's not looking good.
"Harry," Jameson looks panicked, but Harry stays calm.
"Get him out, now," Harry tells him, looking in every direction for what to do.
"No, I won't-" Harry cuts him off.
"Jameson, get this man out. He needs medical attention. That's an order." Voice full of authority with no room to argue.
Jameson nods and heads out. "I'm coming back for you."
Harry chuckles. He sees a small path, but it'd be a more extended way out. He debates what to do. He could wait, but the longer he stays, the quicker this building is beginning to collapse.
It takes him two seconds to decide to go right and find a new route out instead of staying put. He walks and only gets hotter as the fire begins to surround him. He's good at not panicking, always thinks better under pressure, but this is getting intense. Harry climbs over a crate and bends low to go through this tight space. He sees the exit, it's still a bit away, but he knows he is in the clear.
That's when he hears a big explosion knocking him forward. His oxygen masks flys off, landing a few feet away. As Harry reaches his hand out to get it, he's pulled back. He looks behind and sees he's stuck. There are crates stacked on top of him. The air is thick of smoke, and with no oxygen, it seems like the fire will soon enough engulf him.
He's really in trouble now.
Harry presses his radio, holding it, hoping it's still working. "This is Harry," He coughs. "I'm trapped under a few crates. I can't reach my ask. I'm west of the building."
"Harry, hold on. We're going in." Harry hears Jameson reply, but he's fading quickly.
He shakes his head. "Can't go to sleep, but this smoke is too thick to actually see anything, let alone for his team to find him.
"Tell…" He coughs again, and this time doesn't stop for what feels like five minutes but is only a few seconds. "Tell angel, I'm sorry."
A voice comes over the speaker, but Harry's eyelids are fluttering shut, the weight of the crates is too much, and the smoke only gets deeper in his lungs if he keeps speaking.
Harry welcomes the darkness as he sees the one person he was supposed to meet for lunch. She's holding an outstretched hand for him to take and who is he to ever say no to her.
Real or not, he goes to her, and soon enough, he falls unconscious, not feeling when his team lifts him out and puts him in the back of an ambulance.
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Y/N decided to show up a bit earlier for their lunch date, putting in their order early, wanting to maximize all their time together. She wouldn't see him until late that night, and honestly, she wasn't a fan of being separated on her favorite day of the week.
She sits on a bench right outside, both sandwiches wrapped tucked away in a brown paper bag and a lemonade sitting next to her untouched. It was his favorite, too sweet in her opinion. Still, Harry loved it, especially since he wasn't one to indulge in sweets unless they were hers.
Knowing Harry could be running late, she pulls out a book from her orange tote bag that Harry gifted to her. The book was Beach Read, Frankie recommended it to her then gave her the book saying she needed to read more romance books and not just poetry and nonfiction books. She actually enjoyed it, which surprised her, but even if she didn't, she's too invested to not find out the ending.
She was just starting chapter five when she feels too much time has passed and glances down at her phone.
25 minutes late isn't bad or unusual even; she decides to put the book away and keep an eye out for him. Usually, when he keeps her waiting, he makes up for it with a long kiss that never fails to take her breath away; she's excited about it now.
Time seems to go slower when she just sits waiting. She debates beginning to eat her sandwich when her stomach starts to growl. It's low, but she would feel bad if she began to eat, and that's when he shows up. She settles for waiting and instead takes a drink of the sweet lemonade.
As Y/N sits waiting for Harry, her phone begins to ring and displays an unknown number but the city's area code. Every bone in her body tells her to prepare for the worst but hopes she's paranoid.
She takes a deep breath before answering and bringing the phone up to her ear.
"Hello, are you angel?" A deep voice man asks.
"It's Y/N. Actually, can I ask who's calling?" She's holding her breath; only one person calls her angel.
"I'm calling on behalf of Lieutenant Harry Styles. Harry has been in an accident and was taken to the hospital. He asked us to call an angel on his way to the hospital. We assumed you were one of his emergency contacts."
Y/N feels her hands begin to shake. "What hospital?"
The man on the phone rattles the information, and she lets it all sink in. He hangs up, and she sits there waiting on the bench for her date that will not be showing up.
Her phone rings again, she answers without looking at the caller.
"Y/N," she recognized the voice; it's Mitch, and if he's calling, then it must be true.
"Mitch," she whispers, not recognizing her own voice. It's shaky, tears beginning to well up.
"Where are you?"
"At the bistro a street down from the station." She replies, hoping he's coming for her.
"I'm close; we'll pick you up and go see him, darling." She nods but remembers he can't see her.
Y/N isn't sure why she's not crying. She feels the tears, but it's like they are stuck; her heart hurts, and she knows that says enough. "We were supposed to meet for lunch. I got worried when he didn't show up, but I didn't think--" he interrupts her.
"Harry is going to be fine, trust me. He's okay, and he needs us there."
Y/N doesn't reply because she sees him pulling in. Mitch is in the passenger seat, Sarah is driving. She doesn't say a word as she swings open the door and settles in the back.
She sets her hands in her lap; she can feel herself trembling. She can feel herself breaking because she won't know if he's okay until she sees him. Mitch can say he's fine, but she needs to see for herself.
Sarah and Mitch share a concerned look; Y/N doesn't notice her eyes looking out the window.
"Y/N?" Mitch begins, voice full of concern. "Do you- are you okay to go see him?"
"Of course." She replies quickly. "He needs me; well, I hope he does."
"Course he needs you. Needs his angel by his side." Sarah tells her calmly, wanting to see her smile, but it doesn't work because only Harry should be calling her that. She shouldn't be on her way to see him in a hospital bed. She should have seen him next to her on that bench as he ate his sandwich and gave her kiss and kiss as she told him stories.
They are silent the rest of the way. Sarah pulls into an empty parking space, and she rushes after Mitch, who seems to know exactly where Harry is as he rushes past the front desk. The only thing that slows them down is waiting for the elevator; she gladly would have taken the stairs if Mitch didn't tell her that he's on the sixth floor. Instead, she waits impatiently for the old elevator that will take her to see her love.
He is going to be okay. He has to be okay. Y/N keeps those thoughts running through her head as Mitch and Sarah guide her to room 613.
Mitch walks in first, holding the door open, Sarah places a comforting hand on her back, and Y/N feels supported and loved, but nothing prepares her for what she is about to walk into.
The constant beep of Harry's heart monitor is the only thing that can be heard in his private room. The beep is steady; it makes her let out a deep breath. The monitor already calming her down, she approaches slowly as if he'd wake if she'd walk any faster.
She sits in the uncomfortable chair next to his bed and pulls it as close as she can.
Y/N just stares at him, taking it all in. He looks like he's resting peacefully like he should originally have been when they started this day together. His curls are disheveled, his face dirty with smoke stains and a few gauzes wrapped around his arms. She can't see much else but knows he's got a road of recovery still ahead of him.
"Hi, Harry," she whispers, her hand slowly reaching under the white sheet to grab hold of his right hand. "I'm right here, okay. Take your time waking up; there's no rush. Just know that I'm not going anywhere."
She pauses, hoping for a reply even though she knows she won't get one. "We can also discuss how I'm sort of one of your emergency contacts."
Y/N presses her lips to his hand. "Need you to wake up, want to see those Rapunzal eyes." She sits back, not removing her hand from his. Sarah has not taken her eyes off of her, Sarah might feel like she might blow up soon, but being at his side, she has begun to feel better.
"Harry, we're here for you. The whole team is outside in the lobby, probably why they sent us to the floor with the biggest waiting area. Even young Carlos is out there, saying you gave them a scare but really hopes you never pick up another B-shift again." Mitch sniffles before stepping out of the room. Sarah walks over to where he was standing.
"Hey Harold, it's trivia night in a few days, and kind of counting on you to get us those free drinks." Sarah chuckles. "It's been a while since we've been in the hospital. I think it was when I made you all donate blood for that ambulance competition. Fun times, now you rest and get better. The good thing is you have the best nurse looking out for you." Sarah glances at Y/N, sending her a small smile.
Y/N sits back in her chair as Sarah sits in one by the window. She knows she's in for a long afternoon and an even longer night.
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Harry's head is throbbing.
He's not sure why. The last he remembers is leaving Y/N's house to go for his shift at the station.
They were meeting for lunch; he's sure she wouldn't let him drink any alcohol on the job.
Harry slowly opens his eyes and is blinded by the bright light. He sees a photo of the sunset right in front of him, and a tv hung up; if he's not mistaken, he's in a hospital room, primarily due to being in an uncomfortable bed. The oxygen mask over his face is also a dead giveaway he was in an accident.
He looks around, and he sees he is not alone. His angel is sleeping, a tight grip on his right hand; she looks exhausted. Mitch walks in just as Harry was about to wake her. Y/N mumbles and sits up, pulling her hand away from his to rub the sleep away. Harry wants to tell her to stop knowing how much it actually irritates her eyes, especially when she tubs a little harsher than usual.
"Were you able to find tea, Mitch?" Y/N asks, looking over at him.
"Sarah's bringing it over." Mitch's gaze never turns to her staying on Harry; this confuses Y/N and turns back around in her seat to look at a resting Harry but instead finds his eyes on her.
"Harry!" Y/N scoots forward, grasps his hand in hers. "You're awake. Mitch, the nurse, please."
Harry raises his free hand to take off the mask. He wants to speak, but this won't allow him. "No, love. Got to keep it on."
Harry's eyes close, then flutter open. He stares at Y/N, his eyes kind but defiant. He takes the mask off, coughing a bit; it makes Y/N feel nauseous, knowing he's not doing so well.
"I think you need to keep it on, Harry." She says, "the nurse needs to see it when she comes in soon."
"Hey, angel," he says in a raspy voice. It sounds like he's in pain when he talks.
"Yes?" She asks.
"I'm sorry for scaring you."
Y/N shrugs, "no big deal. I wasn't even scared."
Harry smiles, showering her his dimples since she last saw him this morning. He begins to laugh but stops when it causes him to cough. Y/N lets him settle down before bending down to gently kiss him.
"Now, let that hold you over, and put the mask pack on."
Harry nods. "Anything for you, my angel."
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It's a half-hour before the doctor comes in, and by that time, Harry had fallen back asleep, only just waking up a few minutes before the man walked through the door. Mitch alerted everyone outside he was awake and doing good.
Dr. Vazquez walked white coat open, displaying a purple button-up and a bright yellow tie. It puts a smile on Y/N's face.
"Hello, Mr. Styles. Glad you're awake."
"Me too, Doc. Nice tie."
Dr. Vaquez smiles, looking down at himself, "Thank you, my wife picks out my tie every morning before she heads off to work."
"Lucky man," Harry tells him.
"That I am." Dr. Vazquez replies. "You've got a mild concussion, nothing serious, but you are allowed to sleep while you're here. We've got a good team looking out for you. You've got a few burns, but those will heal nicely if properly cared for. A few deep bruises on your leg and one on your rib cage, no blood clots. It will hurt to walk for a few days."
"Nothing too bad, then," Harry sighs, relaxing in bed.
"I've looked at your charts, and it looks like you will be making a full recovery and should be back on the job in three or four weeks. In the meantime, you will need to stay overnight and keep taking in oxygen. I see the nurse changed your mask. Please don't remove this one." Harry nods. "Any questions?"
Harry shakes his head no, "Not at the moment."
"Alright, I'll be off then. I'll come to see you tomorrow midday, and we'll talk about going home. I hear you have a waiting room full of people dying to see; just be aware that visiting hours end at nine, but if you're kind to Nurse Lucy, she'll be lenient to ten."
"Thank you, Dr. Vazquez." Mitch and Y/N say in unison as the man exits the room.
"That's the quietest I've ever seen you, firebug." Harry teases.
"You hush." She lightly pats his arm.
Mitch laughs, "going to go tell them you're allowed, visitors."
Y/N and Harry sit in silence. He can tell she has something on her mind, a slight frown on her face. He wonders if it's about him if she won't be able to handle dating someone who can be hurt by the job. Harry honestly does not want to lose her.
"I'm going to step out," Y/N tells him, looking down at their joined hands, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"Y/N," Harry sighs.
"You've got lots of people waiting to see you and roughly have an hour to see them all. I'll be close by." She leans down, presses a kiss to his cheek, and walks out before he can reach out to stop her.
She steps out while a few members of his team come in to see him offering her a smile as she passes them. As much as she didn't want to leave him, she needed a moment away, and he needed a moment with his family.
God, Y/N has never felt so scared, and now a minute alone, everything is beginning to set in. She has no idea where the restroom is, and the next thing she knows, she's running into someone, but it seems they recognize her because they say her name, and the next thing she knows, she's crying, sinking to the floor. She feels arms wrap around her.
Shushes in her ear, brushing the ends of her hair. It's calming, but she needs to let all the tears she's been holding in.
"Y/N," she can now recognize the voice as Sarah's, "I'm going to help you stand and sit you in the chair.
Y/N feels herself nod.
She begins taking deep breaths, never letting Sarah pull her hand away. It is the only thing keeping her grounded.
"I got her some water." Y/N hears Frankie whisper handing it to Sarah before taking the seat to the left of her.
"I'm okay," she repeats. "I'm okay."
"Y/N," Sarah begins.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, sweetie." Frankie brushes her hair back.
"I'm supposed to be strong; I have to be strong to do this to stand by his side," Y/N tells them, beginning to let her emotions out.
"No one is expecting you not to cry."
"Bu-" Sarah interrupts her.
"No. stop. Accidents happen, and so do injuries. It's okay to be scared and hurt."
"I want to be strong for him." She whispers.
"You are. You never left his side; you talked to him. You're crying now because you care."
She wipes her eyes with her sweater sleeves. "I love him, and I was so scared that when I got the call, I'd never get to tell Harry."
"Then you tell him as soon as you walk back into his room."
"Thank you."
"Nothing to thank, I care about you, and I know Harry would be grateful to know you're not alone. You've always got us. Now let's grab something to eat, and we'll come back in an hour once all of them go home."
She chuckles. "Alright."
"Text me where you're sitting. I'll pop in to see Harry, then meet you."
"You don't have to," Y/N tells Frankie because she knows she is just as concerned about her friend.
"Are you kidding me? You're my friend first, always."
Sarah and Y/N walk down to the cafeteria. She knows she isn't okay but is feeling better, finally letting emotion out. It was only a matter of time before she let the dam break; she's just happy it was not in front of Harry.
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The girls sit in the cafeteria munching on snacks for well over an hour. Mitch sends them a message letting them know all the crew has left and it's time to say goodbye for the night. Frankie wishes her goodnight downstairs with promises to come to see her tomorrow and bring her a change of clothes.
"Let's walk you back," Sarah tells her, linking their arms together.
"Do you think he'll know?" Sarah takes a good look at her and grimaces. "I'll just say I tripped, and it made me cry." Y/N jokes.
"I don't think he'll believe that."
"Yeah, me either." The girls walk out of the elevator as their laughter dies down.
They settle in silence as they make their way to his room, Sarah holding her hand leading the way. Mitch is in the chair she was in for so many hours before waiting for him to wake up. Mitch hears their footsteps and turns his head, but Harry is frowning, looking out the window at the dark sky.
Y/N doesn't know what to say, but one look at him has her heart filling up with relief; he's okay.
He's fine, and he gets to go home soon, and she gets to love him all she wants.
Harry turns his head as she steps forward. "Angel," he breathes out.
It makes her eyes well up with tears again. "I love you," she just lets it out, as if she's told Harry this every day as if she never went a moment not saying it.
"Oh my angel," Harry begins to cry, feeling overwhelmed and incredibly happy. His angel loves him, and although this isn't a perfect day, the moment is.
Mitch and Sarah sneak out quietly, shutting the door behind them to give them their privacy.
"I love you so much. Please come here." Harry replies, voice shaky.
In the next second, she's moving forward, pulling the chair as close as she can as he grabs her hands, squeezing them tightly. She leans down and presses her lips to his chapped pink lips. They move gently, pouring all their love and fears into the kiss. Telling each other that the worst is over and they are together, and they are fine. Y/N pulls back, knowing she can't kiss him as long as she'd like due to his sensitive lungs.
"Harry, I love you, and I was so scared I'd never get to say it."
"I'm sorry, angel; I never wanted you to get a call like this, at least not before talking about it."
"Me either," She sniffles, no longer able to control her tears, "but it happened, and I'm just happy you're okay."
"I'm okay," he repeats. She smiles, taking one of her hands out of his hold to wipe his tears away; Harry can't help but lean his head into her gentle touch. "I'm okay because my angel is always looking after me.
"It's true. I've never been luckier and safer since you came into my life." She smiles. "But there's something we have to talk about." He continues, and by the tone of his voice, it's going to be serious.
"Are you okay?"
"What? I'm fine. You're the one in a hospital bed." Her tone is defensive.
"There's something wrong. I can see it."
Y/n sighs, taking a deep breath. She takes her hand out of his hold.
Harry is quick to mask his hurt.
"I don't like that you're hurt. I hate that we aren't at home in the kitchen dancing around to your Sunday playlist as I bake you a new treat." She says in a rush.
"Hey, love, relax," he says and gestures for her to move in closer. She does so, allowing him to take hold of her hands with a firm grip this time.
"You're upset because I got hurt?" She nods in reply to his question. It's stupid because, of course, he's going to get hurt; it'd be naive to think he wouldn't in his job.
"It's part of the job." He says simply. It's something he wants her to accept and remember. She thinks back to a month into dating when he told her about his ex-girlfriend and how she couldn't handle the unknown of the job each day he left her. Y/N thought she'd be fine, but she loves him, and losing him would be something she could never recover from.
"I know. It's just not easy to see." Her voice was quiet and defeated.
"What do we do?" Harry asks, and Y/N freezes; she can feel her heart beating in her ears.
What do we do?
"What do you mean?" She can feel her hands begin to shake.
"This can happen again." He gestures to him in the hospital bed.
"I know." She says softly.
"Is this something you can handle or not?" He asks very direct. She knows this might not be the first time he's had the conversation, but she just told him she loved him, and he's questioning her. She's allowed to feel this way, but it doesn't mean she can't handle it.
"Y/N," he begins, "I'm incredibly happy with you. I see you and me together for a long time. You're it for me, but this job is my life."
"I know," she repeats. "I would never ask you to give up your job."
Harry stares at her; heartbreak passes through his eyes. "Are you asking me to give you up?
She shakes her and begs for the tears not to fall, but it's no use. She feels them falling and can't wipe them as Harry has a hold of her hands.
"Harry, I love you." He frowns as if fearing the worst. "I love you, and I'd rather love you every moment I have you than let you go now and never know what could have been."
"Oh, thank god." Harry lets out a deep breath. She giggles. "I'm sorry we couldn't have this conversation earlier; honestly, I feared if I brought it up, you could possibly break up with me, and I selfishly wanted to have you longer."
"Well, I'm not going anywhere, not if it's up to me. Seeing you laid up is hard but knowing I get to be there for you makes up for it. Also helps that I'm a nurse."
"That it does."
Y/n grins at Harry, leaning in to kiss him, short and sweet for now. Each kiss never fails to make her heart race, and due to Harry's heart monitor, she knows it does the same to him. They sit in silence, staring at each other as Harry traces small shapes against Y/N's cheeks, loving the feeling of her in his hand. Especially when she lets out a soft giggle when he hits a sensitive spot.
"Move in with me," Y/N blurts out after a while of silence.
It shocks Harry. "What?"
"Until you're better. That way, I can be your in-home nurse."
"Only until I'm better?" She nods. "So, you'll give me the boot after." Harry teases.
Y/N can feel her cheeks warming up but pushes through, "Only if you're a bad patient."
Harry smiles, dimples on full display for her, always for her. "Okay, I can be good and naughty only when you ask."
"Harry!" She gasps.
He throws his head back, laughing.
"God, I'm so lucky to love you." His words warm her heart, and she promises to tell him every day from now on.
"Now get up here and cuddle me. I got Mitch to cue up Netflix."
"Are you sure?" She stands slipping her shoes off, knowing he won't be taking no for an answer.
"Going to deprive an injured man of what he wants most?"
"Guess not."
Y/N crawls on and lays on his side, carefully resting her head on his chest. Harry presses kiss after kiss for his comfort, knowing he will be okay and has his favorite person by his side. She chooses Legally Blonde knowing it's Harry's comfort movie as much as he tries to deny it.
For an unusual start to their Sunday, it ends right; together in bed, a hospital bed but nonetheless a bed, together arms wrapped tight around each other.
Y/N might not have liked that Harry got hurt, but he's okay, and he will recover.
That's all she could ever ask for.
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thank you so much for reading!
please send me a message of what you thought or if you'd like to see more firefighter harry
I adore you. take care xx
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