#I have A Thing for megane men
ace-and-ranty · 9 months
The funniest thing is that I decided to watch Mad Men way back after watching a series of short character essays on YT that made it seems like... y'know... the characters had arcs.
And I'm being snarky now. Some characters do get arcs. But Don doesn't.
Don is in a carousel. He keeps doing the same things every season, jumping from temporary coping mechanism to temporary coping mechanism, chasing an outside change that will fix his internal problems, and it keeps working; for a while; until it doesn't.
I was expecting he would catch up at some point. When are we gonna see Don actually address his shit? And I thought, via the YT essays, that was gonna happen eventually, but it doesn't. He keeps running from his demons, and the series finale doesn't at all feels like a series finale. It's just the end of another circle. He's found yet another outside solution to bandaid the issue for a while.
And I think this was meant to be left vague? But it was too loaded one way. There is absolutely nothing to suggest it could be different this time. There is nothing to suggest this could be enduring change. We're left like, 90% sure he's gonna be back in his bullshit; what is compelling about that? It feels like the show got canceled.
And the really funny thing is that a show that absolutely, 100%, really well, did exactly what I thought Mad Men was gonna do?
Bojack Horsemen.
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mekatrio · 10 months
damn what a coincidence i was literally just researching lolicon phenomenon this week and now theres a kpop controversy abt it
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rosegold-lovers · 1 year
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our romance will be even more wonderful just you wait
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“Why’s she so rude?” (She’s Not)- Stereotypes, pt2
So I'm sure that you all thought I was going to give a blow-by-blow list of "visual stereotypes to avoid". I'm going to be honest here, I thought about it, and figured it would be redundant. My page already includes sensitivity on depicting Black people. So instead, I'm going to focus on stereotypical "character" concepts, so that you can 1) not write it in your stories and/or 2) recognize it in media (fiction and reality!) and in life!
Two major resources: the Jim Crow Museum website is an EXCELLENT resource to understand the imagery of antiblack racism in U.S. history and society. The other, White Tears, Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad. The book focuses on the many racist stereotypes projected onto women of color and how that purposeful, systemic negative perception of us bleeds into every aspect of our lives- specifically by white women/white feminists who believe that they are not contributing to said oppression.
I'll start with Black women, just because I’m passionate about it (obviously) and there are so many things I wish I had and hadn’t seen growing up. We deserve better by the year of our lord 2024.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of sexual assault, assault
What I want everyone to understand, before I get into this, is the concept of intersectionality, and more specifically, misogynoir. Misogynoir is the specific type of contempt and prejudice that Black women face at the intersection of race and gender. I say this because you might read these things and go “oh, as a woman, I experience these things!” I get it, but I want you to PAUSE, and remember, that right now, we are talking about Black women’s experiences. And those will often be different, due to that intersection of identities. And that understanding will have an effect on how you understand (and thus, write) those experiences.
The Jezebel
The link goes into much deeper detail, but the Jezebel is the idea that a Black woman or girl who is sexual is somehow “fast”, “salacious”, “a hoe”, “driven by desire/doesn’t understand purity”, and at its worst, unable to be r*ped/a victim because she is less valuable yet somehow inherently seductive to men.
This gets thrown around CONSTANTLY in media and life for Black women (my first experience of treated like I was ‘fast’ was when I was like… twelve?) One major, visible example is Megan Thee Stallion. Meg has a college degree, she likes anime, she’s a brilliant rapper, and has an entire personality and struggles she’s shared… But she also likes to dress scantily clad and have sex. By doing those things, she ‘lessened in value’. And because of this, when she was shot at and assaulted, even Black people questioned her character, rather than understanding that she could have been anyone, and she still wouldn’t have deserved to be assaulted. She's not allowed to be multi-faceted; she "brought it on herself".
Black girls and women who happen to take charge of their own sexuality, to the discomfort of society, are treated as Jezebels- as whores. Think about it- if one of Taylor Swift's recent boyfriends shot at her, would the media question her value or her word? Question her equivalently high ‘body count’?
Question how you write your Black woman- she can enjoy sex! She can be sexy! We love to see it! But if you're punishing her specifically, or judging her within the narrative, versus your other characters who are allowed to safely explore and act upon their sexuality… Check your judgment! Why do you feel the way you do about this character? Why do you think that your Black character is the one that should be judged for her actions. Would you feel this way if it were a nonblack character?
The Sapphire/Angry Black Woman
Ohohoho, I have infinite amounts of feelings about this one.
This is the "sassy Black friend", the "aggressive Black boss", “step on me angry mommy”, the one who does the z formation and makes everyone "uncomfortable". She’s not allowed to be confident, assertive, or self-assured- she’s arrogant, rude, and aggressive.
I discussed it in part one, but I'll reemphasize it: your Black woman doesn't have to be an ‘Angry Black Woman’ in order to be angry! Just like any other human being on the planet, we are allowed to be mad. (In my honest opinion, we have a lot to be mad about, but I digress 😅)
If the only character that ever gets angry is your Black character, I want you to consider why. What is she angry at? Was this something you wanted the reader to understand or empathize with? Are we supposed to disagree? How does everyone around her treat her anger? Is her anger righteous? Is she always shut down or dismissed for it? Is it only meant to defend her friends, but never herself? Does the narrative suggest that it’s only good in use of others and not herself? Would this be the same reaction if one of the nonblack characters was angry? Is this something you did on purpose?
Very often, we're called 'angry Black women/girls' to invalidate our emotions. My therapist once said anger is a protective emotion. We might be hurt, overstimulated, sad, depressed, frightened, anxious… But we are often not allowed the grace of others digging deeper to see that. Even if the other characters do not understand her anger, even if her motives are not meant to be understood at the moment… you as the writer should be aware. But if every time it’s time to show anger or upset, it’s your Black character… consider why this is the one you thought would best convey that message, and how your Black readers might feel seeing that this character (who may not even be the ‘bad guy’) is the one that is ‘only’ angry. No other development, no other emotions, just… there to be mad.
I take this one to heart, as someone who feels very passionately about things… this is one of those things where I wish, in life and in media, people would have more grace for Black women. We're human, too. We have feelings, too.
The Mammy
This one isn’t as visually blatant anymore in media as it was in the past (like every Mammy doesnt look like Aunt Jemima), but you may have seen this one as "the mommy figure". The "lesbian that parents the silly gay boys". The one that’s always encouraging the ship of the white boys, but never the one allowed to be in the ship (especially when her ship is canon!)
A good example of this was how people expected Jessica Drew from ATSV to be "more loving" to Gwen, rather than the mentor and boss she was (plus, as a Black woman with a Black mother… trust and believe, she was quite direct and gentle). And in comparison to her counterpart, white man Peter B. Parker, was decried far worse for similar detrimental actions.
The Mammy often serves in opposition to the Jezebel and Sapphire/Angry Black Woman. What makes the Mammy particularly annoying is that it implies that the only good Black woman character is a ‘nice’, demure, unthreatening, homely, motherly figure whose job it is to make sure to center the (usually) white ones. The Mammy is expected to coddle everyone, to her own detriment. She's a ‘good Black’ because she causes no issue, raises no fuss, never shows a negative feeling, knows that she has to ‘be strong’ but to always defer because the white characters know best. She’s ‘not a threat’, and that’s why she’s ‘allowed’ to be around. We shouldn’t have to be those things in order for our stories to be heard and understood, in order to be empathized with or treated like someone of value.
The Strong Black Woman
If I never hear this phrase again in my life, if we eradicate it from future generations for Black girls and women, I'll cry of joy lmao. I hate it, and it's not for the reasons most nonblack people would expect. Lord, this one. Anyway. The ‘strong Black woman’ is meant to protect everyone, no help needed! Whenever something is wrong and we all need a pickup, here she comes to ‘let me do it’ and everything is going to be okay! She did all the necessary suffering so that your characters don't have to! She can sweep in and save the day!
Now here's the dissonance kicks in. This one on its surface probably sounds like a good thing. She's a hero! She’s resilient! She's great! Who wouldn't want to be superwoman? Who wouldn't want to reject being a love interest, all women are always love interests! Let us be the badass that kicks ass and shows the men what for! Who wouldn’t want that, 24/7?!
The answer: US. 👍🏾🤣
This is a long, separate conversation on its own, but we have to understand that Black women (women of color, really) and White women do not always share the same end goals and understanding of "strong woman character" or even feminism. We certainly aren't always the love interest. Very usually not, in fact. We are always pushed to the side. We are already the hero in our lives, we're already the "strong woman".
Not everyone yearns to be the Singular Hero who will Fix It All as many of us are already expected to do. It's exhausting having to swallow your own needs for everyone else all the time, especially when it's suggested that you have no value otherwise if you don't. Heroism is Exhausting, and it's something worth looking into when you’re characterizing your Black girls and women. I’m not saying that we can’t be strong! We are, and it’s impressive! But I also want us to add some nuance to that strength, the way we would for any other character. What it means to have community, rather than to do it all alone. How even if she wants to be the hero (and that’s okay! That’s fine!) how it would still wear on her. Surrounding your Black girl character with unconditional support, to have a lover that actually wants to pull some weight- that's something many of us actually would like to see, because we're usually shafted to the side as 'someone who can do it all herself' (in order to hide that no one thinks we need or are deserving of the help).
It's okay to let your Black woman and girls show weakness, to rest, to be taken care of! It's not "less feminist" to accept that we're humans that need help and can't carry it all, too. That it’s okay to want to feel valued and protected. Because god knows, I wish I didn’t grow up strong and resilient, I wish I grew up knowing that the world cared that I was safe.
Standards of Beauty
These standards are not the same! I've mentioned it before in my lesson on skin tones, but very often when we think of "beauty", it’s easy to fall into the idea of whiteness. Pale skin, thin hair textures, etc. If those are our existing standards of beauty, then it doesn’t matter what any of us look like- we’re ugly! When I was in high school, I remember a classmate saying that Swedish people were the most beautiful people because of "white hair and pale skin". Without even meaning to, that guy basically said everyone darker than a stack of loose leaf printer paper was ugly by proxy of not being Nordic White (no matter how pretty they actually might be!!) 🤣
It’s also of note that whiteness/paleness tends to be connected with innocence and cleanliness in western culture, while blackness/darkness tends to be considered dirty, sinful, fearful. Now, while the origin of this idea may not be racist itself, when you spend hundreds of years implying that Blackness is bad- to the point that, in the U.S. they came up with an entire slur one step past “negro” (meaning ‘Black’) to deem you less than- it’s hard to say that the societal connotation didn’t apply.
Now we've already discussed working on describing our Black characters better! I continually remind you all that you should be describing them as wonderfully made as you do your white characters. Keep in mind that we live in a world where from day one when we enter the world, Blackness and Black features are not seen as beautiful nor emphasized. Whiteness is the standard of beauty that we, for a long time and still, are expected to adhere to. If you'd like to do better by your characters, remember that you don't have to give them "white features" or use "white" as an adjective to do that!
Black Women as Women
“There was literally nothing, not a thing, that a white woman could ever have that was worth more than her sexual virtue, and this obligated mandatory chasteness and sexual vulnerability… If the most important thing a woman has is virtue, and only white women can have virtue, then by definition, only white women can be women.” Ruby Hamad, ‘Only White Women Can Be Damsels’, White Tears, Brown Scars
Often, Black women by definition are not included under the societal banner of “women”, from our features, to our personalities, to our 'role' in life. "True Womanhood" is denied us, cis and trans, because of our Blackness. The things that make women ‘women’, we are not included under, because systemically, the only ‘women’ that were meant to mean anything were white.
I bring up Megan Thee Stallion again. Meg is probably one of the most beautiful, feminine women I've ever seen in my life. Men still call her a man, due to her height, due to her confidence, and due to their insecurities. Same with Serena Williams; Serena is damn near built like a god in my eyes. She was told she was manly from the beginning of her career, no matter how beyond skilled she was in women's tennis. Even when she damn near died giving birth- the most basic of 'tasks' women are seen as having in this society, it didn't matter. Black women are 'less womanly', 'less valuable', 'less in need' of that protection and identity that society swears Women™ need (and not in the honest way that we do need protection).
Consider that you're making sure that your Black women have the options of range of gender expression and emotions (and if they aren't allowed to, is that on purpose). If you're only ever creating us and we're in service of some dainty white woman and never the other way around... consider how that may reflect what you think our role is in your story, and in your mind.
“Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the innocent blond girl you imagine.” twitter: sw4q
It has been shown that Black girls the same age as their white girl counterparts are deemed older and less in need of protection, and supposed to 'be more mature'. Imagine that. Deemed inherently less innocent, due to your skin color. Having to parent our siblings, get jobs to contribute, do all the cleaning, and more. Yet, when we act with the maturity that we've been forced to grow into, we're "fast". A little 12-year-old girl, now to society, the Jezebel. All because she wanted to try pink lip gloss or wear a skirt; things that little tween girls might try to understand the big world around them and push boundaries. Now she's a woman, now she can never be a victim. Now she can be beat on and hurt and it's her fault.
I explain this for two reasons: One, for you to think about how your write your Black girls, and Two, for you to hold more grace for Black girls- real and fake. Do you hold her to a higher standard than your white characters of similar age? Does she inherently seem less innocent to you for reasons outside the plot? Is she as human to you as your other characters? Is she allowed to be a child? To act like one? To make mistakes? Are you as empathetic or understanding about that childishness as you are towards nonblack characters? Do you make these decisions on purpose?
It's not like Black girls can never be YA protags or anything- ofc we can. But keep in mind that she's not somehow automatically "stronger" by proxy of her Blackness, that she'd "be tougher". She's a kid. Let her be one.
There’s a LOT you have to consider when writing Black girls and women. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s easy, because being Black, and being a Black woman, is not easy. If you’re stressed reading it, imagine being stressed living it lmao. It’s a constant chain of quick-time events every day of your life to prevent nonblack nuclear meltdown in response to your every single action. I’m not going to apologize for it, either.
That being said, I don’t expect you to understand everything, especially not all at once. I just want you all to keep these things in mind, to question yourself when you’re writing your character- are you treating her differently on purpose? Or are you treating her differently because of a bias you might not even notice you have? It might help to go back, to read how you treat all of your characters. Or, if you’ve never written before, to maybe outline the traits of your characters and figure out where things balance out. As always, all you can do is practice at it. Because it's the thought that counts, but the action that delivers.
Whew, I'm actually emotionally strained after this one. My chest is beating fast. Let me go get some groceries now.
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themuseofbaroque · 2 months
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astro obvs. & notes #1 - general
author’s note - this is for entertainment purposes only, none of this is fact. these are simply my own opinions!
- neptune 1H 🤝 pisces rising, noticing their eyes first. the water influence to these placements adds something that draws you in like a current, no pun intended. i used to work with a pisces rising, and she literally looked like a pretty fish (lmfao) big, shiny eyes. either of these placements can find it incredibly easy to appear sensual or seductive.
- speaking of water placements! i’ve also noticed pisces placements tend to take a lot of pictures around water. beaches, hot tubs, rivers.
- this can also be said for air signs (esp. libra) but with things they enjoy! i’m always seeing personal interest posts from libras, aquarians and geminis. music, video games, political causes, shows they’re watching, food, celebrities, etc. anything they like, they post. anything.
- i’ve never laughed harder than when i’m with people who have heavy gemini, capricorn, sagittarius and leo placements
- in my personal opinion and experience, capricorn risings are what people think scorpio rising is. i’ve only met one scorpio rising irl (that i know of) and she did not fit martian/plutonian ruling at all. celebrity examples ⬇️
kim hongjoong of ateez. the intimidation factor, the style, sex appeal, the interest in piercings/tattoos. he’s a capricorn rising, with his chart ruler, saturn, in the sign of aries so we see a lot of red/martian influence from him as well.
megan fox. she’s been a little fuckin weird ever since she dated mgk (that man makes me physically ill to look at much less read about) but! she had her bad bitch moments! being known primarily for her sex appeal + starring in jennifer’s body (a gothic treasure btw) i feel is very scorpio coded however she herself is a capricorn rising, with a sagittarius saturn in the 11h, more fire influence from her as well just like with hongjoong.
joan jett. THEE female guitarist of the 80s. her whole career was surrounded by sex, scandals, drugs, all the darker themes of rock n roll in general. she’s another fire ruled capricorn rising and a sagittarius saturn in the 11h like megan. her style and even her personality has an edge to it, much more fitting for scorpio/plutonian stereotypes rather the capricorn ones. imo.
- actors who’ve done major/recognizable roles in horror usually have a capricorn neptune. neptune is imagination and capricorn is ruled by the devil card in tarot. combine the two and you have quite literally = dark imagination. celebrity examples ⬇️
mia goth staring in the X series as the main face of the trilogy
bill skarsgard being the main face of the IT remake as pennywise
evan peters as tate langdon in AHS, he also played jeffery dahmer recently for netflix.
- capricorn actually shows up quite a bit in the horror genre, esp. gore and paranormal. both actors and writers.
- sagittarius too, oddly enough. a lot of well known faces of horror have major sagittarius placements/stelliums/jupiter dominance.
- underdeveloped cancer placements are more manipulative and two faced than geminis. i see so much gem slander on here, and don’t get me wrong, i love both cancer and gemini placements! however i’ve met and befriended quite a few of both, and cancers by far have been the common denominator in issues around them more than once. stirring the pot then turning around and playing the victim when people are frustrated, lying, playing both sides to better their own situation, and even playing people against each other. i’ve never seen such hateful behaviors from the geminis i know irl.
- aries men are much shyer compared to the women
- taurus women i’ve met irl get pregnant very easily. venus? good coochie? idk
- grand trines are some of the most beautiful people i’ve ever seen (a grand trine is when someone’s big 3, so sun/moon/rising, are in the same element but in all 3 different signs. ex: virgo sun, taurus moon, capricorn rising)
- queer individuals with pisces placements can pass as straight pretty easily if they wanted to. most of them are chameleons
- aries risings i’m so sorry for the household you had growing up. i see martian childhoods usually being the ones who dealt with screaming matches, toxic parents, poverty and underlying issues with siblings that last into adulthood
- i’m not surprised at all when libra placements tell me they’re in college for a general studies degree because they can’t figure out what they wanna do yet
- a lot of fan favorite female characters in video games are canonically cancers
- if you think your rising sign doesn’t suit you very well, try looking at whatever planet correlates with your gender identity. masculine: sun and mars, feminine: venus and moon. the houses and signs of these should help you out a little bit
- libra placements absolutely get favoritism at least once in their life, jobs/family dynamics especially
- sagittarius women usually have rough love lives, at least in the beginning. a lot of them try to save and help partners who don’t deserve it and they get hurt badly in the process. same goes with pisces women
- virgo venus is not that bad of a placement as stereotypes make it out to be. clean freaks? yes. perfectionists? usually, yes. loyal? yes. remember the small things? yes. romantic? no. at least not in a cheesy way. sensual? yes.
- lilith aspects to any of the big 3 is a bad bitch placement. honorable mention is venus/lilith aspects as well
- air signs like spicy food just as much as fire signs
- a lot of rappers have heavy mercurial placements (virgo and gemini) (3h and 6h)
- mc aspecting venus in anyway is usually the person who fools around with coworkers/may even cheat on a partner with someone they work with. most people with this placement have definitely had a partner at one point or another worried about someone they work with. may be the type to have a “work wife”/“work husband”
- 6h chiron is the person who’s life has been majorly impacted by their own or someone else’s health. disabilities, chronic illnesses, stds, limb amputation, skin grafts, etc.
- aries moon and mercury combo = bad potty mouth, cursing is an almost unbreakable habit
- speaking of aries! aries and aquarius placements together in any of these ➡️ moon, venus, mars, lilith, pluto ➡️ usually have a tendency to jump around from partner to partner very quickly, including falling back into exes. their thoughts and opinions on people and things change SO quickly that they usually are the kind of people who have rosters (unintentionally). they are upfront, they don’t lie or drag anyone along but they do seem to be restless when it comes to romance. even if they don’t physically date a lot, they may often THINK of it, their minds going a million miles a minute
- geminis do not get the rep they deserve for being freaks. not only does the sign traditionally rule the throat/lungs/hands/nervous system, (choking, breath play, hickies, hand fetish/fingering, blindfolding and sub/dom dynamics) but it’s also ruled by the lovers card in tarot 👁️👁️
- fixed signs 🤝 tattoos
- sagittarius/capricorn/pisces/libra placements usually have issues with religion/spirituality growing up. either they were forced into one as kids and they have an unhealthy relationship with their god now as an adult or they simply struggle to find something that feels true to them. this is just my experience but every single friend i’ve had who’s left the christian church, had an interest in paganism/buddhism, joined the satanic temple, grew up as strict catholics, etc, have had these placements. religion is a revolving door for them and it’s a common subject of struggle in their life
- women with pisces placements tend fall into unhealthy relationships very easily, especially if they’re heterosexual and dating men. they fall in love with the idea of love before the actual person presenting it. they are bossed around very easy and usually don’t like confrontation. honorable mentions for this as well: pisces stellium, cancer stellium/mercury/saturn, 7h saturn
- cheesy hallmark movies make me think of taurus/libra venus placements, 7h venus as well
- 5h cancer/moon/venus, cancer rising/moon dom, 5h/8h synastry aspects please be wary of accidental pregnancies! wrap it before you tap it cause y’all extra fertile 💀
- most well known streamers/youtubers have 10h stelliums, including their venus. a lot of them will end up dating another social media presence/someone who shares a platform/job with them
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yay first post! pardon any spelling errors i’m proof reading this half asleep ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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explicit-tae · 15 days
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You knew you weren't shit, but you still gave your boyfriend 10 minutes to respond to your text before you went out to be a hoe. Luckily, Jungkook wasn't shit either.
Word Count: 3.375
Warning: shameless cheating, if yall didn't know i love meg well ig now you do?, car sex, oral (m/f), dirty talk, public sex, creampie, unprotected sex
how could i not write something inspired by megan thee mf stallion??
Your eyes scan the time on your phone and you release an unamused scoff. With a shake of your head, you decide to open up the messages you sent 10 minutes ago to your boyfriend - a simple one that read “Can you pick me up?” and send a follow up saying that you already had a ride. 
Your boyfriend was asleep - it’s obvious. It’s 2 am and he works at 6. You couldn’t be upset with him. But you were just a girl - a one that wasn’t shit in the slightest. You were positive he wouldn’t respond unless you called him, and if you had he would’ve most definitely picked you up like you asked.
But you didn’t really want him to pick you up. You wanted to look as if you did so when you questioned why you were “upset” with him, it’d already be a reason. And now you have every excuse to walk up to Jungkook, another person who wasn’t shit, and have him entertain you.
Jungkook’s voice is full of delight when you walk up to him. The music is loud, but his voice is crystal clear. His eyes are amused, a smirk forming onto his lips. He knows why you’re here before him at this time of night. He knows full well he’s going to give you what you want - but he wouldn’t be Jeon Jungkook if he didn’t talk shit and tease you.
“Boyfriend not treating you right?” Jungkook asks with a tilt of his head. Wrong, he was. He notices that your nails are always done, along with your hair and your clothes are often never repeated. You drove a brand new car off the lot and always had a black card to swipe.
You also didn’t have a job - so it’s obvious who was funding this for you.
“Treating me better than you treat your girlfriend.” you retort back playfully, challenging him.
Jungkook laughs, eyebrows knitting. “She’s just fine,” he responds. “she get’s treated just the same as you do with your boyfriend. Only…faithful.” he shrugs.
Jungkook wasn’t shaming you for what you do. He was the last person to do so. Neither of you were shit as a partner and he didn’t deserve his girlfriend like you didn’t deserve your boyfriend. That didn’t mean you two were going to stop doing this. He knows you block him unless you want something from him specifically - most likely sex and attention when your boyfriend was far too busy. He has an entirely different phone just to talk to you to not get caught up as well. 
“My place?” Jungkook steps closer to you, lip piercing gleaming underneath the dim lights. 
“Where is she at?”
You never said Jungkook’s girlfriend’s name like he never mentioned your boyfriends. It was a respectable thing.
“Out of town.” Jungkook responds quickly. “I have more than one penthouse, Y/N. Can’t get caught up.”
You scoff. “Men.” you shake your head. “I didn’t drive.”
“That’s fine. I did.” Jungkook blinks. “I missed you, Y/N. You’ve blocked me for far too long.”
You roll your eyes, your hand lifting up and manicured nails digging into his chin. He allows you to pull him a bit closer to you. 
“You’re so full of shit.” you spat. “I’m going to ride your face. Let’s go.”
Jungkook follows you without any hesitation. You already know where his car is parked, having spotted it when you arrived. You wait for him to open your side of the door and he does, already knowing what he was supposed to do. You sit back against the seat and hum.
“I have a Plan B.” Jungkook sing-songs, slamming his driver door shut as he enters. He wiggles his brows. “I haven’t came in you in so long.”
“Ugh,” you roll your eyes once more at how vulgar he was. “where is it?” you ask. It’s as if he sensed you’d be on his cock tonight.
“Glove department. Put it in your purse.” Jungkook grasps your chin this time, the car turning on with a press of a button. “What will it be?” he questions. “Kiss or no kiss?”
Jungkook’s lips do look inviting. You usually would go with no kiss, but sometimes you’d treat the man. Today you decided to be nice.
“Kiss.” you murmur.
Jungkook’s lips are soft as you remember, pressing firmly against yours. It causes your throat to rumble with soft moans, your hand wishing to touch him, but you don’t. You couldn’t get too far ahead of yourself now. 
“I can’t wait to fuck you.” Jungkook releases your lips, a smirk placed on his lips. “I knew you’d be back.”
“You’re so fucking obsessed with me.” you scoff. “It’s like you sit around and wait for me.”
“I never have to wait long.” Jungkook retorts rather quickly, shooting you a wink. “You’ll always come back.”
“Hm,” you sit back against your seat, licking your lips. He had stolen all of your gloss. “and like a lost puppy,  you’re always there.”
Jungkook cackles, putting the car into drive and begins to do just that. “I suppose that means we’re both not shit, huh, baby?” he says.
How correct Jungkook was.
Jungkook is never the one to keep his hands to himself. One hand is on the steering wheel while the other rests onto your thigh. He squeezes it harshly, the skin of his arm erupting in goosebumps at how excited he was to be with you again. Sure, one day you would probably grow bored of this - the blocking him to just unblock him so he could fuck you stupid. But until that day came, he was going to jump at the opportunity.
Jungkook’s hand on your bare thigh shouldn’t cause your thighs to clench. Maybe it’s the tattoos, you think, it’s always the tattoos with Jungkook. Your eyes lifted upwards to follow the trail of tattoos to who they belong to. Jungkook is driving rather fast down the vacant road, determined to take you to his penthouse - the same one you always went to. Now you realize why. 
“You take all the girls you cheat with to this penthouse?”
You were only teasing - somewhat. 
“Why?” Jungkook’s lip twitches upward. “Jealous?”
“Fuck you, Jeon.” you slap his hand off of your thigh, the warmth of it you missed greatly. 
“I will, Y/N.” Jungkook only places his hand back onto your thigh without a care. “There aren't any other girls I do this with, baby. Just you.”
Again, you roll your eyes at his words. “You’re a liar.”
“Who are you for me to lie to?”
You’re taken aback by Jungkook’s words and the truth in it all. He did have a point. There isn’t a point in lying to you seeing as you were just the same as him in a way. You swallow back a response. 
“Exactly.” Jungkook snorts. “You should be happy to receive special treatment.”
You scoff, but remain silent. Your eyes look back towards the road as Jungkook continues to rub along your thigh. You place your own hand over Jungkook’s one, thumb tracing the tattoos on his hand. You blink a few times, slowly licking your lips. Your head turns to look at Jungkook and he’s highly focused on the road. You tilt your head a bit, the gears in your head turning. “Take your dick out.”
Jungkook’s head snaps to you. “What?”
“Take your dick out.” you repeat coolly. “I’m bored and I want to suck it.”
Jungkook swallows your words, but he would be lying if he didn’t find it hot. When Jungkook doesn’t move fast enough, you decide to do it yourself. His jeans are tight, but it doesn’t stop you. You pull at the button of his jeans and dig your hand inside. 
“You’re hard already.” you giggle. “You’re such a whore.”
Jungkook places both hands onto the steering wheel, cleaning it tightly. He swallows once more, trying to focus on the road ahead of him. You wanted him to cave and he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction. Not now, not-
You dip your head down without a warning, yet he should have expected you to. You had stated wanting to suck him off, and you were going to do just that. His safety and your own obviously wasn’t your priority.
Your tongue wraps around the tip of his cock and instantly you begin to suckle onto it. You know just how Jungkook likes to be pleasured. He’s the type who enjoys the build up and to be edged on to the point that he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Jungkook’s hands clenched tighter and tighter, knuckles white and palms growing irritated. If he took his eyes off of the road, he would obviously crash and this would make front page news. He couldn’t allow that.
“Slow down.”
Jungkook’s voice was meek. It’s all you need to not do what he says. Instead, your tongue flicks past his slit slowly just to tease him. Oftentimes, you enjoy watching Jungkook’s reaction when you suck him off. But, hearing his slight moans and pants was enough to satiate your ego.
Jungkook’s left leg begins to jolt as you continue on further, bringing the entirety of his cock into your mouth. Your hands hold onto his thighs for support as you suckle onto it.
“Slow…down…” Jungkook attempts to speak, but it only releases as a curt moan with each word. He’s no longer speeding down the highway and instead allows the car to drive itself, the speed decreasing by the second. His head pushes back against the headrest, his eyes blinking at the road rapidly. There’s still no cars in sight due to it being this late.
Jungkook swallows, roughly stomping down on the breaks. You yelp when the car comes to a complete halt, his cock springing from your lips. 
Jungkook puts the car in park, a dark look in his eyes. 
“You could’ve warned me.” you grumble, wiping your lips. “Why-”
“I’m going to fuck you.” Jungkook says casually. “Then we’re going to drive to my penthouse. And I’ll fuck you again.”
Jungkook unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door. He slams it shut and proceeds to walk around to the passenger side.
You lick your lips in anticipation as Jungkook yanks the car door open. The door lights are bright in your face as you look up at Jungkook.
“You’re so full of shit.” Jungkook murmurs, stepping closer to grasp your face in his hands. His thumb rubs gently on your cheek. “Turn around.”
You've never done this before with Jungkook and it only makes you even more excited. You turn around in his seats, skirt rising up  - and you're sure that was his entire reasoning. You can feel him behind you, hands roaming your hips, squeezing them for a moment before snatching your skirt up higher. 
“How barbaric of you to fuck me out in the open like this.” you say teasingly, but you cannot stop yourself from wiggling your hips gently in anticipation. 
“Is that why you’re so wet?” Jungkook allows his fingers to glide across your clothed clit. “Legs spread open ready for me to take you.”
It wouldn’t be a lie, nor was there any intention from your side of you stopping him. This is new for you but you’re more than willing.
Jungkook glances around - not a car or other living being in sight for as far his eyes can see. He averted his eyes back to you. His fingers push your skirt up further, licking his lips at the sight of your lace panties.  
“Are you this much of a whore for your boyfriend?” 
Jungkook’s fingers hook into your panties and he pushes them aside. You’re so wet - you always were. Maybe the cheating for you was a rush just as it was for him. Now, add public sex to the mix and the adrenaline was pumping. 
“Only during the week.” you respond, biting your lip with you feel his thumb place itself onto your clit and rub slowly, tauntingly. 
Jungkook chuckles, but he doesn’t respond. He places his thumb into his mouth and suckles for a moment. Just how he remembers. He cannot wait to taste you later.
“Let’s see how much you missed me.” Jungkook grasps his cock and slaps it against your clit. He smirks upon witnessing you clench around nothing, seemingly wishing he was inside of you.
You bite your lips as Jungkook begins to enter you. You couldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you had missed him and contemplated unblocking him several times before seeing him tonight.
Jungkook holds your hips as he enters you fully, head drawn back. He parts his lips to let out a short breath at how wet you were now. He couldn’t wait to take you to his home and have you fully, but as of right now this would do. 
Jungkook’s face was always so telling when he was pleased and you longed to see it now, but you couldn’t. Especially since he also would know just how good you were feeling, as well, and that would only leave him smug.
Jungkook doesn’t hesitate any further to drill his cock deep inside of you, fingernails bruising your skin. His balls slap against your clit with each thrust and you couldn’t contain your moans any longer - it’s not like there’s anyone around.
Jungkook knows just how to fuck you into submission. He understands that you’re the bratty type that enjoys provoking him until he snaps. You tell him at times no marks, but you aren’t angered when he leaves subtle ones behind; the type you’d have to lie to your boyfriend about and say you “bruise easily”.
“You’re always so wet when you’re with me.” Jungkook grunts, his eyes fixed on the way your pussy clenches around his cock, milky white ring coating it entirely. “He must not fuck you right.”
For a moment, the two of you stop when your phone sounds loudly. Jungkook doesn’t remove himself from inside of you nor do you.
“You gonna answer that?” Jungkook asks, his hands only tightening around your waist. “Your boyfriend is calling.”
Jungkook is smirking and you can only sense it. Your phone stares back at you in the cupholder, the light dancing off of your face.
Your hand reaches out for the volume and proceeds to turn up the music. Quickly, you grasp your phone and answer it. It’s difficult to do so, but you manage to turn yourself around completely, back against the seat. Your eyes connect with Jungkook's dark ones as you place the phone against your ear. “Hello?”
Jungkook cannot hear what your boyfriend is saying as the music is far too loud, but he finds that he doesn’t care - how could he if you didn’t? Instead, he finds just how willing you still are and he continues to snap his hips roughly inside of you. Let’s see how far you’ll allow him to go.
You listen to your boyfriend apologize profusely about missing your text, the music blasting in the background only hiding the fact that you’re allowing another man to fuck you.
You bite your lips to hide the moans as Jungkook pounds inside of you - even harder than before. Maybe he finds this entertaining.
“It’s fine…i’ll find a ride.” you say, your eyes fluttering close. 
You begin to drown out your boyfriend's voice just as Jungkook leans down. You want to slap the look off of his face, but you only lift yourself upwards to capture your lips into his own.
You aren’t sure if you ended the call or your boyfriend, but you do know that Jungkook’s lips are soft and inviting and his cock is as good as it always is.
“How are you going to explain to him when he doesn’t see you later?” Jungkook’s teeth clamp down onto your bottom lip. “I’ll be fucking you all night.”
You could only wrap your legs around Jungkook and bring him closer to you. His breath tickles your skin as he pants, the music causing your moans to drown out.
Jungkook shudders when he feels your nails tangle into his hair, gripping it tightly. There’s a tint of mischief in your lustful eyes that has him groaning.
“You’re so slutty, Y/N.” Jungkook snaps his hips, your back slamming against his seats roughly. “Such a whore that somehow managed to be someone's girlfriend.”
“Says the guy with a girlfriend.” you fire back, tugging at his hair harder. “Do you fuck her as good as you do me?”
Jungkook could only snicker, his head hanging low. His seats are ruined with your leaking juices, but he doesn’t care. 
“You’re such a bitch.”
Jungkook pushes himself away from you to press a thumb against your clit and he rubs it furiously. He needed you (and him) to cum now - just so he could fuck you again when at home. His eyes are as dark and lustful as yours, unable to disconnect them from your twitching clit. Your pussy is taking him so greatly, oozing milky juices.
Your voice is soft and pleading. Jungkook hears it through the music just fine. He scoffs at you. 
“Kookie?” Jungkook furrows a brow, only glancing at your fucked out expression. “Where’s the bitchy attitude, baby? You’re like a fucking sour patch kid.”
You want to tell Jungkook to fuck right off, but you can feel that familiar bubble in the pit of your stomach; one you haven’t felt it so long. Your eyes clenched shut and your hand goes to wrap around his wrist for support, the same one that he has between your legs to force you to cum.
“Gonna fuck you all night…” Jungkook hisses, thrust growing sloppy as he can feel his own high coming. The car rocks furiously, anyone passing by would surely know what the two of you were doing. “...gonna cum in your pussy and send you right back home to him. You’d like that, huh?”
You swallow back a moan at how dirty Jungkook’s words were. Maybe it was his words mixed with how it sounds coming from his lips - and him entirely. 
“...there’ll be no cum left for your girlfriend.” you murmur, always needing to have a comeback. “But that’s the way you prefer it, huh?”
Jungkook, as if to shut you up, slaps your clit harshly, but you only groan. Your eyes squeeze shut and you cannot help but let out a needy groan, body erupting with goosebumps.
“Ah, baby, you’re cumming…!” Jungkook laughs heartily. “...so am I.”
Jungkook only manages a few more thrusts before he meets your fucked out state, white ropes of cum releasing right inside of you. You lay limp against his seat, catching your breath as the music continues to play in the background. You cannot hear your phone ringing in the background, nor did you truly care about it at this moment.
Jungkook manages to remove himself from inside of you, his cum leaking out at such a rapid pace that it further continues to stain his seats. He’ll have to schedule an appointment for them to be detailed - but he wasn’t worrying about that now. He turns down the music and faces you once more.
“You okay?” Jungkook murmurs, tilting his head. “You must’ve not had a good fucking in so long.”
“Fuck off.” you manage to sit upright as you respond to Jungkook, who only chuckles in response. “I’m hungry.”
“Of course you are.” Jungkook retorts. “We can stop somewhere on the way. You’re gonna need all the energy you can get.”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes. You go to fix your skirt and panties before placing your manicured hand onto Jungkook’s shirt, tugging it. He lowers to face you and quickly, you place your lips on his. Just as quickly, does Jungkook deepen it.
On the outside looking in, Jungkook and you weren’t two people in long term relationships having an affair with one another. People would assume that you two were a couple.
Jeon Jungkook and you truly weren’t shit. Maybe that's why the two of you got along so well.
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deadghosy · 2 months
A/N: tbh I randomly had the energy to write this late in night cause Megan is so gorgeous!! I appreciate reblogs, comments, and such as likes. Also I looked up the heights of the characters so I’m sorry this seems weird lol.
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Honestly, all the Slytherin boys are tall asf..while you stand at 5’10. (Which is Megan’s irl height.) so you still are tall, just not a full taller height than the boys.
Tom is 5’11. Taller than you by an inch. He doesn’t care about your height or his. But he is impressed at how you do tower over some of the Slytherin girls and Hogwarts girls. He thinks you are definitely worth a chatting to.
Mattheo being 6’1 like Theodore, (I’ve always imagined him to be at least a little shorter than Theo) he likes to think you two can be a good couple. You rejected him of course but hey. At least he respects it. He does find it hot how tall you are against some girls.
Draco is only 5’9, so you’re taller than him by an inch. Personally you still make it seem like he’s shorter than you by a lot which makes him mad. But he can’t stay mad at you since it is kinda funny when you do it. And only you. If someone is else did it, he’s complaining to you completely.
Blaise, he’s 6’3. He’s a practically towering over you a bit. But still, you two are giants to others from afar. Every time you two walk together, there’s gossip about how you two look so cool together.
Theodore, being the tall bastard of 6’1. You two are very close in height. So of course you two are kinda like the tall duo.
And Lorenzo for final finds you very beautiful for a tall woman despite the others. He’s 6’0 (had to look at the fancasted actor height. Don’t judge me 🙁) He’s like a puppy in love with you, following you around and helping you carry your book bags and book. Literally smitten with you. Loves when you call him “baby” and cup his face. It makes him melt so fast.
Personally the Slytherin boys love how cool you are, and how you are a very intelligent person. They are like overprotective brothers and friends to you. Lorenzo is full snake mode when it comes to you. Immediately he wants to poison the people who mess with you like a poisonous snake
Definitely Lorenzo is the one. He’s immediately devoted to defend you from people who dare to make fun of you. They are not going to get at you, or towards you. They have to answer to him. Literally.
God when you do a slick back move line Draco but better….you better pray Lorenzo doesn’t go crazy asf. Cause he actually does. He wants to gatekeep how beautiful you are…but he hates it when other men try to holler at you.
And when they fail, Lorenzo is just smiling like a cheeky bastard.
Mattheo always teases the Berkshire male about how whipped he is for you. And Enzo but admit he is. See you’re an unbothered queen. You let haters lol dumb while karma gets to them.
“Hey big foot!” A girl yelled at you from across the great hall. You were just relaxing with your boys when she yelled. You turned around unbothered and looked ahead of yourself. Not giving a fuck if she thinks she can get under your skin. The riddles narrowed their eyes at the girl meanwhile Draco mumble how his “father will hear about this. Lorenzo is immediately sat up which lead you to put your hand on his arm. Calling him down a bit as he looks at you. “Boys calm down. It ain’t worth a second to get all mad about a bitch who can’t do shit but hate.” You say, smirking. You knew karma was gonna get her way. And it did when she ended up in the hospital wing. The thing was you didn’t do a single thing. Someone did.
Honestly Blaise is the person you allow to put your hair in a protective style. And he loves it. He sometimes brag to the other which made mattheo. Being the cocky one, to go up and not demand. Heavens no, if he had demand you to let him do your hair. You would’ve depulso him across the room and out your dorm. So you taught him how to do your hair.
Blaise and you just relaxing, listening to music as you give him a silk bonnet is definitely something that will happen time to time
Draco and you have self care days which bring you two together a lot.
Honestly with you being nicknamed “titan”, Theo would definitely pick you up. Making you two combined as a ladder. The same goes for Blaise as well.
It’s relaxing all day, evening, and night.
They love you dearly and you love them back.
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strvngeweather · 8 months
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It's All Greek to Me; a one shot.
🕮 PAIRING: collegetutor!jimin x partygirl!reader 🕮 GENRE: College AU, smut 🕮 WORD COUNT: 4.8k 🕮 WARNINGS: Smut, Smut, Smut 🕮 SUMMARY: After failing your college classes, you need a tutor. But if tutor, why so damn hot? 🕮 AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was originally going to be a full-length fanfic, but I decided to make it a short one. I still may expand on it. Let me know what you guys think. Also, my bestie gave me the idea when she said, "Jimin look like he likes ass." LMAO.
Despite your hatred for hangovers, you always ended up with one.
Today was no exception. As the resident party girl at Loren University, there was no way you would ever miss a weekend rager, but as your alarm clock went off for the fifth time that morning, you began cursing at yourself. Maybe going to a party on a Sunday night wasn’t a good idea.
Scheduling a tutoring session at eight in the morning was an even worse idea.
You had many strong suits, but English wasn’t one of them. It was the one subject you had struggled with since you were in high school. Analyzing the words of dead white men from centuries ago was just about as much fun as watching paint dry. Numbers were much more your thing. They were easy and in the words of Cady Heron, ‘Math was the same in every language.’
But you needed to pass. It’s not as if you were here on your parents’ dime like the other kids. You were a scholarship kid and if your grades slipped, so did you. Out the doors and on your ass. So, when you got your last paper back with a big fat ‘D’ written on it, you knew it was time to take action. And that meant getting a tutor.
You just happened to forget that today, on this bright and early morning, with a pounding headache and dry mouth, you were supposed to be meeting him.
Again, you ask, who the fuck schedules a tutoring session at eight in the morning?
With a groan, you grab your phone, hoping to hit the ‘snooze’ button on your alarm one more time before you really had to get up but when your eyes read the time you realize that it’s damn near eight-thirty. How many times have you hit the snooze button? You wonder but realize you’re only wasting more time. Without a second thought, you hop out of bed and into the bathroom, brushing your teeth and running a comb through your curly hair. Your make-up is smudged, and you still have on the shimmering dress from last night but there’s nothing you can do about it now. You grab a hoodie off your desk chair and hightail it to the school’s library.
Inside study room 007, you find a very annoyed, albeit very handsome senior waiting at the table. Laid out in front of him are a stack of books, notebooks, and flash cards. Pens and pencils are lined up neatly in a row. He all but glares at you as enter. Before you can speak, he glances at his watch and then looks back at you. “You’re late.”
“I know,” you say, out of breath. “I got caught up …” you scramble, trying to think of a lie instead of admitting you had spent the night throwing ass to Megan thee Stallion and Cardi B but your folder of excuses in the very back of your brain shows up empty. That might be for the best, you realize as you look over your tutor.
“Partying?” He finishes the sentence for you. His eyes rake over you in judgment. “Maybe that’s why you’re failing English.”
Now wait a damn minute. You scoff, crossing your arms. Your brain is foggy, you desperately need a glass of water – and, not to mention, your skin feels beyond icky. The last thing you can do right now is come up with a proper comeback so the only thing you manage to utter is, “Or maybe English is just hard.”
“You speak it every day, how hard could it be?”
“Whatever,” you say, sitting down across from him.  “Can we just … start?”
Jimin checks his watch again. “We might as well. We’ve got thirty minutes left. Let’s make the most of it.”
“I thought I had you for an hour.”
“Yes, and you were late so that hour has turned into thirty minutes. I’ve got things to do, Ms. L/N. I can’t wait around for you all day,” he replies, picking up a black ballpoint pen. “Let’s get started.”
“I’d much prefer it if you called me, Y/N,” you say, leaning back in your chair. “And you’re Jimin, correct?”
He nods curtly. “Alright, Ms. L/N, your form said you have an upcoming paper that focuses on the themes from Nella Larsen’s Passing. What part of the story are you at?”
You roll your eyes but choose not to correct him about your name and instead just answer his question. “I’m not on any part.”
His eyes brighten. “You mean you’ve already finished? Well, great, let’s jump right into discussion –”
“No,” you cut him off. “I’m not on any part because I haven’t started the book.”
Jimin looks at you as if you grew another head. “Your essay for the book is due next week. The book is less than two hundred pages. What do you mean you haven’t started yet?”
You shrug. “I figured since it’s such a short book I could probably finish it and write the essay in the same day.”
“And what day were you planning on doing that since our study session is right now?”
That day was last night but as you both knew you had gotten caught up with … other things. “I guess I figured we’d start the book together and I’d just get the essay done next week.”
Jimin sighs. “Ms. L/N, whatever you manage to vomit onto paper will not bring your grade up in the slightest if you follow your method. I guarantee that.”
You find yourself rolling your eyes – again. “That’s what you’re here for. You’re my tutor so tutor me in the right direction.” Jimin studies you for a moment and then he begins carefully putting his things away into his messenger bag.  “Wait. What are you doing?”
“Ms. L/N, you can reach out to me once you’ve read the book but until then, we have nothing to discuss. I only meet with students who are serious about their education,” he places his bag over his shoulder and nods toward you. “Have a good day.”
“Um, hello! You can’t just leave,” you say, getting out of your chair.
“I can and I am,” Jimin replies, and with that, he walks out of the study room. You begin to follow him but decide against it. What good would that do? He was rude and had judged you from the moment you walked in the door. You didn’t need a tutor like that.
You decided you were going to go to the campus café, buy a large coffee, and then go home to take a much-needed shower.
. . . .
“He was a jerk,” you tell your best friend, Winter, taking a long sip of your mango-pineapple smoothie. “He left right in the middle of our session.”
Every Tuesday was the same. A morning class and then a lunch date with your bestie, Winter, at your favorite smoothie place about twenty minutes away from campus.
She shakes her head but not at him. “Y/N, I love you, but you were late. You didn’t read the material, and you had the nerve to have an attitude. I would have walked out on you too.”
Harsh but it was the truth. You weren’t quite ready to admit that you were somewhat at fault too. “Okay, but I’m saying, he didn’t have to be rude about it though.”
“What’d he look like?”
“He would be fine as hell if he wasn’t so rude,” you answer honestly.
She shakes her head, amused. “What did you end up getting on your essay anyway?”
After the last encounter with Jimin, you decided you’d find another tutor, but in the meantime, you were going to stick with your tried and true. You did exactly what you had told Jimin you would do. You read most of the book in one evening and managed to type up a paper in the same night, confident that you had aced it. But when you looked online, checking your grade, you realized Jimin had been right. Regardless, you weren’t going back to him.
You sigh. “Does it matter?”
“Yes,” Winter replies. “Because if Jimin is right, then I think you should give him a call.”
“Jimin Parker?”
You and Winter look up to see Jennie Kim hovering above you. Her freshly dyed blonde hair cascaded in waves down her slender face. You may have been the resident party girl, but Jen was the resident party queen.
“Hey Jen,” you say, motioning for her to take a seat. “Yeah, Jimin Parker. You know him?”
She sits between you and Winter. “You mean that gorgeous senior? Ugh, I had him as a tutor last semester.”
“How’d he do?” Winter says, giving you a knowing look.
You lean forward. Jennie was known for many things but having good grades was not one of them. In fact, you wondered how she managed to make it this far without being kicked out. But, if Jimin could manage to get her grades up, then he truly was a miracle worker.
“Amazing,” Jen gushes. “I got an A on my last three papers. I wanted him again this semester but apparently, he’s all booked up.”
You groan as Winter gives you another look. You pull your cell phone out of your pocket and dial Jimin. “Hello?” You reply as he answers. “Hi, yeah, Jimin, it’s Y/N. I was wondering if we could set up a session …”
For his sake (and mostly yours) you schedule an afternoon session and this time, you show up prepared. When he arrives, he’s shocked to see you already in the study room.
“Good afternoon,” he says, rounding the table to sit across from you. You get a whiff of his cedarwood cologne. “I see you’re on time.”
“I’m early,” you correct him. “You’re on time.”
“That I am,” he says, taking a seat. You watch him closely as he carefully takes out various pens and pencils, notebooks, and flashcards. He really is handsome, you think, even if he is an ass. “I see we’re studying Oedipus Rex by Sophocles?”
You nod your head. “I read it. I don’t understand it.”
“What exactly don’t you understand?”
“Not a single word in that book. They might as well be speaking Greek.”
He sighs. “Well, it is a Greek book.”
“Clearly,” you reply. “So where do we start?”
“I guess at the beginning.”
. . . .
Things were going smoothly. You found yourself actually understanding the material and surprisingly, enjoying it. But you also found yourself getting lost in Jimin at times. The more time you spent with him, the more you developed a crush. Your mind would wander as your eyes looked over him. You wondered how soft his full lips were. You wondered what his eyes looked like in moments of passion. You wondered how good it would feel to be wrapped up in his strong arms.
Your eyes were on his arms when he called your name. “Huh?”
“I asked did you want to go over the scene between Antigone and Polynices again?”
You shake your head. “No, I think I understand. Antigone wants him to call off the war, but Polynices’ pride won’t let him.”
“Correct,” Jimin replies with a smile.
Fuck, you think. Jimin had a smile that would make anyone melt. “Jimin,” you begin and mentally kick yourself for what you’re about to ask but you’ve started so you might as well finish. You put on your best flirtatious smile. “What do I get if I ace my next paper?”
He seems to know what you’re hinting at. “You get an A and the satisfaction of knowing your hard work paid off.”
Well, if that wasn’t a blaring rejection, you don’t know what is. “Do you have a girlfriend?” You blurt it out before your brain can even process whether the question was appropriate or not.
He blinks, slightly taken aback. “Yes, yes, I do. Why?”
You shrug, trying to be as nonchalant as possible even though you feel as if you’ve just gotten stung by a million honeybees. “No reason. You just seem so into your academics; I didn’t think you had time for that kind of stuff.”
“Well, a human being still needs a social life to thrive,” he replies coolly. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
You nod. “Yes, and his name is Jose Cuervo.”
He laughs. “I’m sure you have a line of men knocking on your door.”
“Nobody I want though,” you say, mostly to yourself.
. . . .
If crushing on him wasn’t enough, now you were dreaming about him. A week of erotic dreams plagued you. They felt so real. You could smell his signature cologne as he pushed in and out of you, your legs on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around your thick thighs. Each dream ended the same though, just as he was about to finish, your alarm would wake you up and you would spend a good five minutes finishing yourself off before getting ready for the day.
Instead of a study room at the library, Jimin asked you to meet him at his apartment for the study session. He mentioned something about time constraints, appointments, and being unable to book a study room but your brain had been stuck on, “Wanna meet me at my apartment? We can have a quick recap sesh before I have to run out?” He could barely finish his question before you agreed to it.
So, sue you for being curious.
It’s not like anything will happen, you thought as you parked, he has a girlfriend.  You arrived twenty minutes early. Your excitement had gotten the best of you and you knew how much Jimin liked it when you were on time. When you knocked on the door, a man almost as handsome as Jimin answered.
“You must be Y/N?” he asked, sticking out his hand. “I’m Taehyung.”
You nodded, the thought of becoming a Wattpad heroine and having two incredibly attractive men fight over you danced around in your head. You shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Taehyung.”
As he let you in, he explained he had somewhere to be, but that Jimin was in his room and to head right in. You gave the door a light knock but didn’t receive an answer. The door was slightly ajar, giving you the smallest view of a very neat bedroom. You spotted Jimin at his desk, looking at something on his large computer monitor. It looked familiar. Your curiosity ate at you, forcing your hand to ever-so-gently open the door further. This time you could see what Jimin was looking at clearly.
It was you. It was your Instagram feed. He was scrolling through your pictures, pausing at every photo that was a bit risqué.
“Fuck, Y/N …”
That was your name. Leaving his lips. In a moan. Your heart fluttered with excitement. But wait, was he …
As you tilt your head to get a better view, you can see the tip of his elbow on the armrest, bobbing up and down. And up and down. And up and down.
Oh, he definitely was.
You slap a hand over your mouth and tiptoe back to the living room. A few minutes later, you hear a shower turn on and ten minutes after that, you see Jimin emerge in a navy blue V-neck and a pair of grey sweatpants.
“Hey,” Jimin looks at you with a face full of guilt. You can’t help but smile. “How long have you been waiting?”
“I just got here a few minutes ago,” you lie, looking up from your phone that you were pretending to be engrossed in. “I haven’t been waiting long.”
“Good, good,” he says. “Let’s go to the kitchen. The lighting is better in there.”
. . . .
After three weeks of hard work and several study sessions, you submit your paper with all the confidence of Scott Disick. Winter, the best friend that she is, decided that this was the best time to reward your good behavior with a couple of jello shots at your favorite bar. You gobble up the first two and then decide to sip on a blue Long Island iced tea. That’s when you spot him. Sitting in a corner, next to his roommate and another man with tattoos up and down his arms. Instead of his usual tweed blazer and grey slacks, his outfit looks more modern, more casual. A white graphic tee hugs his toned body, and you can’t help but eye his biceps. His cheeks are slightly red, his eyes are glossy and he’s laughing harder than you’ve ever seen him laugh. He looks delicious but you turn around and decide to order another shot from the bar.
You spot Winter getting her mack on with a fellow classmate, Karina, and it’s then you realize that you’re probably going to be alone for the rest of the night. Just as you begin to grab your wallet to pay your tab, a familiar figure approaches you.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he’s wearing a smile you’ve never seen before, and it makes your insides flutter.
“I could say the same thing,” you reply. “I never thought I’d see Jimin Park in a bar.”
“I don’t spend all my time in the library,” Jimin says.
“Could have fooled me,” you tease, taking a sip of your drink. “What brings you out among people?”
He orders a whiskey sour before turning to you. “I, Y/N L/N, am finally a single man. My girlfriend of two years has decided that she no longer wants me.”
He’s smiling but you can see sadness behind his glossy eyes. “I’m sorry,” you say earnestly. “Her loss.”
“Oh definitely,” he says with a slight slur. “You want to know the real reason she broke up with me?”
You shrug. “Lay it on me.”
He leans in close, so close his body is pressed up against yours. He angles his lips to your ear and whispers, “I was too much for her.”
“Oh …”
“Yeah,” his words spill out in a rush, his eyes darkening as they take you in. They pause at your mini-skirt before crawling up your body slowly. You suddenly feel exposed, as if he just completely undressed you, but it would be a lie to say you didn’t love it. His voice lowers to a sultry whisper, “You don’t seem like that though.”
“Seem like that?”
“Like I’d be too much for you.”
“In what way?” You ask, genuinely curious.
He leans toward you, his lips brushing past your ear, forcing every hair on the back of your neck to stand up. “Sexual. You look like a good girl who knows how to take a pounding.”
A million thoughts ran through your head as Jimin broke out into a sardonic laugh. You were called back to that time you caught him masturbating to your pictures. You began to wonder if the prim and proper Jimin was just a façade to hide the sexual deviant he really was. His eyes look over you in a way they never have, and you swore they were clouded with lust. He licks his full lips, and you want nothing more than to kiss them, but you don’t. Instead, you take a step back and laugh, motioning to his roommate. Jimin was drunk and even though it looked like he wanted to bend you over the bar and give it to you, you knew better than to take advantage of a drunk man.
A week later, when you enter the study room, the moment you and Jimin exchange glances, you feel awkward. He looks embarrassed as he gestures for you to sit down.
“We need to talk,” he says. “I want to apologize about the other night at the bar.”
“It’s okay, I barely even gave it a second thought,” you lie. You had thought about that moment ever since it happened.
“No, it was inappropriate, and I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”
“Jimin, you were drunk, it’s fine. Besides, it was nice to see a different side to you,” you reassured him with a smile.
“That’s not a side that I would like to be representative of who I am,” Jimin admits. “I don’t want to be known as the guy who makes people uncomfortable.”
You laugh. “Believe me, I was the farthest thing from uncomfortable.”
He locks eyes with you for a moment before clearing his throat and motioning toward your phone. “Have you checked your grades yet?”
You gasp, suddenly remembering the paper you had submitted a week earlier. You quickly bring up your most recent webpage, searching for the most recent grade listing. As your eyes glance over your paper and the notes, you realize that Jimin lived up to his reputation. You get up, shoving the phone in his face, squealing.
His eyes brighten, and he gets up as well. “You got an A!”
Without thinking, you throw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Jimin, to your surprise, doesn’t push away. Instead, he pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. You take the moment to breathe in his intoxicating scent. The both of you remain intertwined far longer than you both know is appropriate but for some reason, neither one of you makes the move to let go.
Finally, Jimin relents first. He stares you in the face and says quietly, “I knew you could do it.”
You let out a small laugh. “I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you, Jimin”
“As a reward, we can end the session ten minutes early today,” Jimin replies and sits back down.
You find yourself shaking your head. “Can I request a different reward?”
Jimin looks up at you and nods. You look around the small study space. The room you chose was in the back, the library was relatively empty today and the small window the room provided was on the door and could easily be covered up the shade provided. You mentally prepare yourself for what you’re about to say next. Things could go downhill, fast, depending on his reaction. Still, you steady yourself, look Jimin in the eyes and say, “I want a kiss.”
“A kiss,” you repeat confidently. “I want you to kiss me as a reward.”
“I can’t kiss you,” he replies back, taking study materials out of his messenger bag. “That would be highly ina –”
“Jimin, if you don’t want to kiss me, just say so but don’t use the tutor-student relationship as a reason.”
He sighs. “I …” You watch as he struggles to find the right words.
“You were right about me,” you say, giving him a flirtatious smirk. “At the bar. I can take a good pounding.”
His face turns a beet-red, but he quickly recovers. He stands, walking to stand in front of you. “Just one kiss?”
“One kiss,” you repeat.
He leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips, lingering for only a few seconds before breaking the kiss. “That good?”
You shake your head. “I hardly think that’s worth all the work I put in.”
He smiles, genuinely amused, and says, “Really?”
You nod. “Maybe if it was longer …”
Jimin sighs. “Y/N, if it’s longer, you know what that will lead to …”
“Then let it lead to that,” you challenge, you push. “I don’t know why you have to act so anal-retentive all the time. Not everything has to be perfect. Just k—”
He cuts you off with a deeper kiss. It’s slow and sensual. His hands wrap around your waist, one of them running down the curve of your ass as he palms it slowly, indulging in the fleshy softness. You can feel his dick hardening on your thigh as he slips a tongue into your mouth.
Jimin is using both hands to palm your ass now, his dick grinding into you and a low, deep, moan leaves his mouth forcing an electric sensation to shoot down your spine and vibrate in your core.
“You sure you want this?” he asks through a searing kiss.
“Yes,” you think you say but you’re not sure. Your head is spinning that this is actually happening.
He responds by lifting your pleated skirt and smacking your ass, the sound echoing throughout the room. Fingertips dance between your ass crack, and he uses a knee to part your legs slightly further. You break the kiss, throwing your head back as you feel Jimin’s fingertips slowly rub your pussy from the back. He slips a finger into your underwear, running it up and down your slit.
“How long have you wanted this?” He asks, nipping at your neck. “You’re already so fucking wet.” You try to answer but all that comes out is a moan as he slips another finger inside. “Shh,” he tells you. “You want the whole library to hear you?”
He gives you a bit of a reprieve when his hands slip away. You watch as he pulls out one of the chairs and sits, beckoning for you to stand in front of him. Your skirt is still at your waist, so he pulls your underwear down before pulling you close. You feel his large hands grope your ass again, peppering kisses up and down your hips. Another smack echoes through the room before he uses a hand to caress clit. You move your hips in response, holding on to the table for balance.
He pauses. “Turn around and bend over.” He doesn’t have to ask you twice. You obey, and not a second later, you feel him placing one of your legs up on the study table. “Arch that back, baby.” Your ass juts out just a little more as you follow his directions. A moment later you feel a cool, wet, sensation going up and down the slit of your core. It’s slow at first, as if he’s taking the time to let the taste of you marinate on his tongue but he quickly picks up his pace. The tip of his tongue flickering over your clit. Meanwhile, you can feel his thumb, massaging your anus.
Jimin was an ass man, and he was making that very clear.
Both hands were gripping your ass now as he guided your pussy over his tongue. You work your hips in tandem, stifling a loud moan as your world begins to go white.
But he wasn’t done with you yet.
He moves his tongue from your pussy up to your anus, and you jerk, having never quite felt something like this before. You can hear an amused laugh leave Jimin’s throat as he begins to massage your ass with his tongue. His fingers working your pussy, begging for another orgasm. You oblige, your wetness dripping all over his fingertips.
“Don’t move,” he demands. You can hear his belt unbuckling, followed by the tips of his dick moving up and down your incredibly wet slit. He slides it in with the patience of a saint, excruciatingly slow, forcing whimpers out of you, begging him to go faster. “You sure you want it faster?”
“Please,” you moan.
“Please, what?”
“Please, Jimin,” you manage to utter out.
He gives you your wish and begins to pound you like he said he would. His pace quickens and you can feel every inch of him inside of you. Your pussy wraps around him which causes him to smack your ass, and a deep moan leaves his lips.
You realize he can’t have all the fun though and you begin to throw it back on him, your ass bouncing against him, and he lets you. You can hear your wetness as you begin to drain his dick. You can hear his low grunts of satisfaction as you pick up your pace and when you look back, you can see his dark eyes looking at you in a way you never wanted to stop. “Good fucking girl,” he whispers in a low voice.
You make eye contact which forces him to grip your hips and pound into you harder, faster (stronger).  “One more time baby,” he says to you, maintaining eye contact. “Cum on this dick.” You had already been close, and his words only sent you over the edge further than you had ever gone. You close your eyes, your body shaking in pleasure as you have your third orgasm on his dick.
He follows suit, his cum shooting deep inside of you. You feel his body on top of yours as you both try to catch your breath.
“Was that worth all your hard work?’ He asks.
“I think I’ll have to get A’s for the rest of the year,” you reply.
“The rest of your life.”
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arcadia345 · 1 year
Astro observations🌺
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FYI I’m not a real astrologer, just my observations :) TW🔞
The cancer moon men I know are pretty chill and laid back + funny, but the women are so bitchy and moody😭 with a big sweet tooth
Every twin I know either has Gemini or Pisces placements
You ever meet someone and their neck just stands out for some reason added points if they smell good, most likely they’re a Taurus rising/ mars. Good example is Megan thee stallion her neck is so cute to me hehe
Aries in the chart can show you the things you were introduced to at a very young age, the early memories that you think of and say ‘That was wild lol’
3rd: could’ve started learning way before you started school(like flash cards and things) siblings and cousins, music, having access to electronics early
4th: erratic home life, the woman around you could be go getters
6th: could’ve got a lot of injuries when younger, probably couldn’t have a peaceful day even if you tried, bad experiences with animals
7th: domestic abuse, might have seen people having affairs, lots of disagreements between couples
12th:paranormal events, you could’ve had a lot of deja vu moments without even knowing, tend to have strong spiritual gifts,people having ill intentions towards you
Aquarius moon or degree/ moon in the 11th tend to have a “second mom” a person that treats them like their one of their own children, sometimes even better than their own mother does. 🌚
The people with mars in the first house I know have so many battle scars on their body
Moon/cancer in 3rd love changing their voices, and they have a bad habit of not telling the whole truth / white lies
Water sign on the descendent- people are always wondering what you’re up to, no matter how much you show them they’ll still wanna know what you’re hiding
Your first house correlates to how you came into this world, I have Chiron (ruled by Virgo) in my 12 conjunct my ascendant, uhm she said she almost d*ed having me😀 and I was a C-section baby. And the hospital did her so dirty(you know much they hate black women) they didn’t even stitch her back up correctly or drain her fluids and to this day she still has problems. The also gave her extra dosages of drugs just cause she’s a plus size woman- honestly I could go on and on but it really correlates with my cap rising and Neptune/Uranus in 1st
Mercury ☌ Sun, these people voices are just💋💋 they sound so sensual and unique ugh hard to explain it but 🥴 ex. Jungkook , Tupac
Gemini/ Libra in 2nd love collecting things like figurines makeup clothes candles plushies, could easily be a borderline hoarder tho
Ives noticed that sun in 10th have a strained relationship with their father, but their later years in life their relationship gets better, or not could really go either way, also could have money issues in their early years but ends up climbing the corporate ladder. It may take you a while to tho but just know it’ll be worth it in the end :) also they always stand out at their work place in some way, the coworker that you’re glad to see clock in at rush hour cause you know they gonna handle shit
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Venus- mercury positive aspects love giving out nicknames to their favorite people 🥺if they’re always calling you cute names just know they really care about you lol
Sag moons and degrees have no chill😀 like calm down bae sag anything tbh🚬
9th house ruler in the 11th could go to the same college with their old friends or could become very popular in the area they’re in, I think they’d make good bloggers
Air signs or degrees in 5th are trend setters.
Aquarius you inspire people, they could take things and make it into their own like art
With gemini here people will “copy & paste” ur looks. But no matter what it just looks like a knockoff version of what you did lmao it just never look as good as yours
Libra here people are very opinionated on how you express yourself either in a good way or bad, neither less you guys get a lot of compliments on your style
Every time I see a Capricorn rising with Neptune in the 1st it’s like their skin is see through and fragile😯makes sense tho since caps rule the skin and Neptune fogs things up. A good example is Ariana Grande her skin looks so delicate
Pluto/Scorpio in the 11th/11th house ruler in 8th, your friends could hate each other🤺 also they could have a rough life/childhood, trauma bonding or just experiencing traumatic events together is common here
Chiron in Aries (honestly any Aries placements it just depends on where it is), most people didn’t pay attention to them in their childhood in some way so they learned to be independent because of their lack of support cardinal things fr
That’s all for today! Give me a follow if you enjoyed💕
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vixeneptune · 10 months
Askfirmations ♡
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♡ Why am I so amazing? I'm naturally the best and never compete or compare myself to anyone
♡ Why am I so powerful? My aura naturally radiates immense power , is that why I keep getting everything I want? Or why nobody ever messes with me?
♡ Why do I feel so confident all the time like its my permanent state of being? I believe in myself so much that my confidence is literally unshakable.
♡ how do I keep getting everything I want? It's like the universe conspires in my favor and the world has my back 24/7
♡ omg why am I so freaking gorgeous?! Seriously I'm always stunned when I see my reflection like wow how am I so pretty i look unreal?
♡ Why am I such a money magnet? Attracting money is literally the easiest thing, why is it so effortless for me? Like I never worry about money bc it comes to me abundantly from multiple sources.
♡ Why am I so damn lucky? Why do I keep winning everytime at EVERYTHING? the word failure doesn't exist in my dictionary.
♡ ugh why is everyone so obsessed with me? Like I'm easily the most popular person everywhere I go. How come everyone knows my name and treats me like their fav person ? Idk why but I'm always the one who gets most attention and people literally chase me and desperately wanna be with me and I don't even try ?!? Why do I have so many secret admirers and so many people confessing their feelings for me ? Is it bc im so charming and magnetic that people can't help but fall in love with me instantly?
♡ Why am I always invited to events and hangouts like my presence is a must? People love being around me and talking to me so much. Why does everyone say I have an amazing vibe and they love my energy ? Honestly one of my fav compliments but its also like just being seen with me and being around me is a privilege
♡ Why are my eyes so big and feline? Why does everyone compliment my eyes? Why are they so mesmerizing and gorgeous? 😍
♡ Why is my skin so clear and hydrated? Like its so smooth and lifted and perfect I'm so amazed!
♡ Why are my lips so plump and perfect? I love how kissable and full they look!
♡ Why does my hair grow soo fast?? Its crazy like my hair is so long now. Why is it so thick and soft and perfect? Everyone compliments my hair
♡ Why are my eyebrows always on fleek? Like they look naturally perfect
♡ Why is my face so pretty like its sculpted by the angels? Why is my face so symmetrical and harmonious? I look naturally stunning like I don't need makeup or filters.
♡ Why does my face look EXACTLY like my desired face now? It's uncanny how much I resemble Megan fox and Adriana Lima
♡ why is it so easy for me to lose weight? I always lose weight so fast bc I have such a fast metabolism. Why does my body look so snatched? I don't even need to work out and I have the body of a model! Why does my butt look so good? Why are my arms and legs fit and toned and why is stomach so flat?
♡ Why is my face so slim? I have the most sculpted defined gorgeous face 😍 why does everyone stare at me like they're mesmerised by my beauty?
♡ Why is my nose so tiny and small and perfect? I literally have the cutest nose and I love it!
♡ Why does everyone say I remind them of tomie with how captivating , alluring and mysteriously beautiful I am ? Why do people say I remind them of a Siren ? So magnetic with high sex appeal
♡ Why does everyone love spoiling me so much and giving me princess/royalty treatment? Is it bc i have pretty privilege? Why do men open doors for me and gift me expensive things and they keep pursuing me and trying to impress me? Why am I always desired and wanted by everyone ? My energy inspires men to spoil and please me. There's something about me that naturally pulls people in like a magnet, maybe it's my energy or my personality or my beauty.
♡ why is it so easy for me to make friends and attract lovers and people like a magnet? I don't even try but somehow I always end up having so many great genuine connections with others and I have so many loyal friends.
♡ ugh why am I so freaking sexy? Like I have that dangerous sex appeal that fuels everyone around me with desire and lust for me (I'm always safe tho) but srsly I'm so hot it should be illegal 🥵
♡ Why do I keep looking younger and prettier as I age ? am I a vampire or something cuz i never age😂 people always think I'm 18 years old
♡ Why is my life so amazing? Why do good things keep happening to me? Why is it that everyday something wonderful happens? Why is life so easy and fun for me? It's like a game rigged in my favor. Why does my life keep getting better and better? Every aspect in my life is going so well! I feel so fulfilled and so grateful. I mean I'm literally living my dream life right now!
♡ why am i so blessed in every way? I'm rich, pretty, in the best relationship with the love of my life, I have amazing friends and family, I'm so successful and recognised for it, I'm such a catch and an honor to be associated with, I have so many admirers and I'm a great influencer, I'm so sexy and drop dead gorgeous, i have a fun addictive personality, im healthy and fit with the sexiest toned body, I'm constantly surrounded by love and support, im lucky, a powerful manifestor, I'm literally perfect, such a flawless beauty. I have it all
♡ Why do I have such amazing privileges? All I be doing is exist and I get everything I want , everything is handed to me. Why do I get things for free? I don't even have to try, why is it so easy for me to get my way? I think I'm just so charismatic and charming and pretty it's impossible to deny me
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xjaylyn · 3 months
*EDITED* PART 1 - Bad Boys: Second Chances
Pairing: Armando x Black! OC (Rya)
Warnings: blood, graphic, guns, death, mature, language (use of the n word), and some other stuff I probably forgot about sorry
Summary: Its been two years since Captain Conrad was framed. Another mission brings the team back together and new relationships are formed. It's said everyone deserves second chances and room to grow. So maybe this is that second chance.
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"Pl-please-please…i-i-i promise I'll fix it! I'll fix it ju-just please."
The helpless man begged on his knees in the center of the church foyer. The dim light shone through the broken painted glass, grazing the man's bruised and beaten face. Begging for mercy to the devil himself.
"Just give me a day I'll fix it I promise…please."
A loud bang echoed through the foyer, causing the people watching to flinch. Said devil looked down on the unfortunate man, shaking his head.
"A DAY-I fucking-" another loud bang could be heard followed by the sounds of glass shattering as they hit the floor.
"Look at me-" grabbing the helpless man by his neck. "I gave you a fucking month to do this one simple job and you fuck it up," watching the drool spill from the man's mouth and land on his suit jacket. Taking a deep sigh, quickly dropping the man to his knees, listening to him struggle to catch his breath. Slowly walking back to the podium where a selection of items laid.
The faint sound of metal being picked up caused the helpless man to panic.
"N-no-no-no PLEASE PLEASE LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME PLE-" the helpless man's body dropped to the floor. His blood splattered everywhere, forming a thick puddle beneath him.
"Clean it up," watching as no one moved to the request. Irritation filled the man's veins.
"CLEAN THE FUCKING MESS UP," running a hand through his long hair in frustration.
"And not just the body…fix what the fuck he couldn't…NOW."
"Happy birthday to you."
The soft giggles of a baby could be heard in the singing crowd. The Stevie Wonder version of the birthday song played lightly in the background. Megan, Marcus's daughter, walked into the dim dining room where the crowd was with a gleaming smile on her face. Gently, sitting the birthday cake with the big number 1 on it in front of the small family sitting at the table. Mike holding the chubby baby girl in his lap and Christine, Mike's wife, next to them recording.
"Baby girl, don't get your baby drool all on the cake. Uncle Marcus wants to enjoy a slice or two, okay."
"Marcus, you're not getting no cake. Back up," Mike looked up at his best friend cooing at the little baby staring down at the cake, causing the man to stop smiling.
"Mike, it's a special occasion. I can't just not eat the cake. That's rude, ain't that right, baby girl?"
Both men watched as the little girl squeezed her little hands and jumped towards the cake. Big little eyes targeting the pink frosting.
"Woah, calm down girl," Mike stood up, wiping the frosting on her chubby cheeks. "Acting like your uncle when he sees Skittles."
Almost two years had passed since the two were on a mission to clear Conrad's name. Not long after its success, things went back to normal. Christine fell pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Amara Marie Lowrey. Mike was ecstatic to become a father. Feeling blessed to have been given the opportunity to raise his child. Something he had missed with his first son, Armando, whom he had not heard from or had contact with since his farewell when he got on the boat.
"You wish he was here, huh?"
So deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice everyone had left and Christine took their daughter out of his arms. It was only him and Marcus in the dining room. "What?"
"You do that every time you think about him. You know he can take care of himself…hell, he has better survival skills than us, making fires and shit," patting the taller man's shoulder.
Shaking his head, he sat back down in his chair. "I know, but it's been 2 years and nothing. As fucked up as it sounds, at least I knew where he was when he was in jail."
Sighing, Mike looked out the window and watched as everyone was outside laughing. His wife holding his precious daughter with the biggest smiles on their faces. Love was seen all over. He couldn't help but wish to experience that with his son or at least have his son experience what it's like to be around the people you love to celebrate you.
The sudden sound of a cell phone going off disturbed the silence between the two partners. Quickly looking at the phone and seeing that it was Rita, their Captain, calling. Knowing it must be urgent because she knows today is his daughter's birthday and strictly a family day, he answered the phone.
Marcus watched as his partner's face scrunched up in confusion. "Woah, slow down, what happened…yeah…yeah…okay, we'll be there, bye."
"We gotta go," grabbing his keys and heading to the back to inform the family of their dismissal. Marcus followed behind, "Yeah, I got that before you hung up. What happened?"
"I don't know. Rita just said she needs us in the office now. Something about a murder," walking back towards the front to head to the car.
"But Mike, hold on, let me get my slice of cake," Marcus says turning towards the kitchen.
"Nigg-" stopping in his tracks to look back at the man.
"Come onnn. it'll be gone before we get back!" Marcus pleads with his eyes wide.
Mike rolls his eyes and grabs the man. "Man, carry yo grown ass to this car…too damn grown to be acting like a little-ass kid over some cake."
"Aye, now I'm a grown-ass man, Mike. Don't talk like I'm not one. I just wanted a piece of cake, okay? That a crime?"
"Marcus, let's go."
Whining before getting into the car. "Fine, damn."
a/n: Sorry y'all, I suck at descriptions. But yayyy, I decided to write a Bad Boys fic for the first time. Just please excuse the poor writing, I did not edit AT ALL, and it's been a minute since I wrote anything (literally back when Wattpad had no ads😭). So, we're just a lot rusty. I hope y'all enjoy because I have no direction in which this is going; we just gon go wherever the wind takes us. Feel free to comment! I love feedback, and active readers make the experience fun! And to my silent readers, hey pookies🫶🏼.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
vedic astrology observations pt 2
in my previous post i had briefly talked about how moon influence, cancer rashi, jupiter influence tend to give the natives a large chest and make them very curvy. ill expand more on that here:
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Pushya (cancer rashi) stellium (sun, rising and venus) Selena Gomez is known for her generous curves
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Hasta sun, Pushya moon + mars native Monica Bellucci is known for her luscious curves
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Punarvasu sun & moon, Sofia Vergara is blessed with a big bosom
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Vishaka moon, Pushya mars & rahu, Hasta jupiter & saturn Beyonce made it cool to be curvy back in the day
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Punarvasu moon, Penelope Cruz
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Punarvasu moon, Mariah Carey
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Purvabhadrapada sun & mercury, Alexandra Daddario
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Milana Vayntrub, Purvabhadrapada sun & rising
2. Serpent Yoni is present in the charts of most seductresses/femme fatales/sex symbols. Nakshatras associated with snakes, like Ashlesha, Rahuvian nakshatras (rahu is linked to serpent), UBP etc are also commonly found in the charts of many sirens 🐍
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Rohini sun, Angelina Jolie. Her atmakaraka is her mercury in mrigashira
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Mrigashira moon, Jennifer Lawrence (she also has Ashlesha sun)
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Natalie Portman, mrigashira sun
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Megan Fox, venus in mrigashira atmakaraka (moon in ashlesha)
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Margot Robbie, swati moon (rahu is associated with snakes) and has venus in rohini
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Parveen Babi, Mrigashira moon
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Urmila Matondkar, saturn and ketu in Mrigashira
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Sridevi, ashlesha stellium (sun, rising and venus)
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Mila Kunis, sun in ashlesha, moon in swati
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Marilyn Monroe, sun & mercury in rohini
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Pola Negri, a silent era sex symbol, rohini mars and ketu in ashlesha
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Theda Bara, the first ever sex symbol had UBP rising
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Clara Bow, the woman because of whom the term "it girl" was coined, had venus in mrigashira atmakaraka
Snakes have long been associated with mysticism, hypnotism and evil. A seductive woman can put anyone into a trance and make them lose their mind and forget the reality they inhabit, similar to how a snake charmer can make a snake twist and turn according to their will by playing certain tunes, a highly magnetic woman can get anything she wants by channelling her inner serpent.
3. Homewreckers, Mistresses and Concubines
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Camilla Parker Bowles is probably one of the most famous mistresses in the modern era. She has Punarvasu sun & mercury and is Pushya rising
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Monica Lewinsky has Pushya sun & Punarvasu mercury
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Angelina Jolie has Pushya venus & rising, along with Saturn in Punarvasu amatyakaraka
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for those of you who don't know, Ben Affleck cheated on JLo with Jennifer Garner and then married her. JGarner has Ketu in Pushya whereas JLo is a Pushya moon
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Tom Brady left his pregnant wife to marry Gisele Bundchen, who has Pushya sun and Punarvasu mercury
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Blake Shelton was still married to Miranda Lambert when he started seeing Gwen Stefani who has Punarvasu moon
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Madhuri Dixit, in perhaps her most iconic role, plays a courtesan named Chandramukhi in the movie Devdas. She has Pushya moon conjunct Jupiter
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its pretty well known that Priyanka Chopra had an affair with the much married Shah Rukh Khan (not the first time she was accused of being a mistress) PC is Punarvasu sun & mercury
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Marlene Dietrich who was best known for playing femme fatale- esque, mistress-y roles had Pushya moon
I was very surprised to find Punarvasu and Pushya nakshatras crop up so often as they're often considered to be the "goody good girls" but perhaps this is what makes them so desirable to men, so much so that they're ready to wreck and ruin their lives, careers and marriages to chase these women. I had mentioned in another post about how since Cancer is the most feminine sign, women with these placements are often considered the ideal wife/gf and I suppose this is the shadow side to that. Desirability is a double edged sword and must be wielded carefully. obviously i dont condone cheating nor am i making it sound like a positive thing but i thought it was an interesting recurring pattern nonetheless!!
tumblr only allows 30 images per post so this is part 1<3
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novy2sirius · 8 months
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Planetary Hora’s
Hora’s can be used to plan out your days and decide which hours you want to begin certain activities but you also have a natal planetary hour in which you born under. This can tell a lot about your life and the things that were going on around the time of your birth. It can even tell about your appearance
Go to astro-seek.com, find the sidereal chart chart section then click sidereal birth chart, and type your information in then scroll down you will see a section that shows what “hora” (which translates to hour) you were born in. I use fagan bradley sidereal
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Sun Hora
People born during this Hora are more likely to attain fame in this lifetime than others. Even if they don’t attain fame in this lifetime though they will still attract lots of attention with little to no effort. They are likely to be known for or have lots of talents, having lots of generosity, being creative, being very confident, doing well in their workplace, and having a vibrant persona. Wearing Ruby gemstones can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Alexa Demie
Charli Damelio
Moon Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more strongly connected to the spiritual realm than others. They are very intuitive and have strong emotional intelligence. They are likely to have/be known for their caring nature, adaptability, cleanliness, love for the ocean, and for keeping their life very private. Wearing jewelry with Pearls on it can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Megan Fox
Cindy Kimberly
Ariana Grande
Elvis Presley
Mercury Hora
People born in this Hora are more likely to gain social media fame than others. They are very curious people and love learning/hearing other peoples perceptions. They are most commonly known for/have lots of intellect, communicative talents/talents involving their voice, a youthful spirit/appearance, a slimmer build, have strong opinions, and are talented writers. Wearing Emerald jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Addison Rae
Kim Kardashian
The Weeknd
Venus Hora
People born in this Hora tend to be considered very beautiful to a lot of people. Money comes to them when they need it most and they can gain money very quickly. They make great actors, singers, and models. They may be more materialistic than the other Hora’s. They are likely to be known for or have musical talents, good fashion sense, wealth/financial stability in life, and an abundant love life as well. Wearing Diamond or Opal jewelry often can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Olivia Rodrigo
Florence Pugh
Zayn Malik
Dua Lipa
Mars Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more masculine or dominant than others. They are very defensive of the people they love and will do anything to protect them. They often have or are known for their leadership abilities, sex appeal/sexual nature, strong physic/toned body, confidence, competitive nature, and being a passionate person in general. Wearing Coral or Cats Eye jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Nicki Minaj
Bella Hadid
Vinnie Hacker
Jupiter Hora
People born during this Hora are usually very successful in life. The women that are born during this Hora tend to be praised by men for their attractiveness/beauty. Things come at ease to them more so than others. The downside is that they may at worst lack self discipline or may not have a very strong work ethic. They are likely to be known for or have an optimistic persona, being naturally popular wherever they go, having strong beliefs, and being intelligent as well as wise. Wearing Yellow Sapphire jewelry can make marriage come quicker/success in general come quicker for these people
Madison Beer
Adriana Lima
Scarlett Johansson
Saturn Hora
People born during this Hora are usually forced to mature from a young age. They are likely to be successful, but usually later in life. They must work for anything they want in life unlike people born under the Jupiter Hora, but the pro to this is when they do work for something they will get what they want whereas other Hora’s may work hard and still proceed to fail. Their public image is usually unique. They tend to receive a lot of hate. They are likely to have/be known for their good work ethic, self discipline, mature decision making, and owning businesses. Wearing Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, or Hessonite can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Theo Von
Lady Gaga
Pete Davidson
Doja Cat
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understandingbimbos · 7 months
Bimbo Types, or Neapolitan Bimbo
(This is something I've previously gone over in my My Little Pony post but wanted to reiterate here.)
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Bimbo can most easily be divided into three distinct archetypes. The Clown, The Innocent, and The Debutante. These archetypes are not absolute, they come in many variations and their traits can and will overlap.
The Clown, also known as The Free Spirit or The Wildcard, usually shows up as the comedic relief. They can be loud, showy, excessive, and obnoxious. Their sexuality is very self-assured, self-aware, and playful. The Clown's main concern (if any) is having or spreading fun, "fun" in this context being completely up to their individual style and personality. To give a very stereotypical example, a goth clown may have the most fun watching very violent horror movies or playing with spiders. Another clown could have the most fun (Incidentally) causing a ruckus or being mischievous, it's all about perspective, the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Jeannie (IDOJ), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FIM), Harley Quinn (BTAS), Synclaire James (Living Single), Jayne Mansfield (films and public persona), Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
The Innocent, also known as The Ingenue, is just as the name suggests. Not only helpless but often unaware and wholly out of her depth. Her inexperience and or meekness makes her prone to being taken advantage of. Despite this, she (usually) remains positive, kind, and happy to help. Unlike The Clown, The Innocent's sexuality is typically portrayed as natural, uncomplicated, and unintended.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Marilyn Monroe (films and public persona), Weena (The Time Machine), Lorelei Lee (in the novel), Elissa Megan Powers (Empowered)
The Debutante, who could also be called The Alpha Bitch, is probably the most popular in the modern era and who you're most likely to come across in real life or on social media. Her sexuality is mainly a means of control. She puts a lot of time, work, and effort into her appearance because beauty is both her business and capital. While she may, at times, enjoy and indulge in carnal pleasure it's far from her main concern. Being the most or unattainably desirable is how she knows she's better than others, how she's able to acquire and maintain control. The Debutante values social standing above all else, to her it's a matter of life or death, she would die without overwhelmingly positive attention.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Regina George (Mean Girls), Heather Chandler (Heathers), Courtney Shayne (Jawbreaker), Heather (Total Drama Island), Cleopatra Smith (Clone High), Jeannie II (IDOJ), Emma Frost (X-Men), Panty Anarchy (PSG), Ginger (Gilligan's Island), Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's), Kim Kardashian, Rarity (MLP:FIM)
These archetypes are combined, remixed, and subverted so often it's hard to find pure examples (I tried my best, and even then this is just reducing them to their base archetypes and do not accurately describe every single one of these characters), but this is a good thing. It leads to nuance and diversity, and many of the most popular bimbo characters are mixed or subversions. Chrissy Snow (Three's Company) is a Clown and an Innocent. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) arguably includes elements of all three. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion follows two clownish Innocents who realize they were bullied by debutantes. As far as I know, all bimbos exist somewhere along these lines (or perhaps on an axis) but we shouldn't view this as limiting, when you think about it the combinations are really seemingly endless, and I didn't even cover sub-archetypes! Many Debutantes are mean but they don't have to be. Innocents don't have to be completely pliable, you can do (or be) whatever you like, even moving from one archetype to another.
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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5 Reasons You’re That Bitch
Something for the hotties and the secret hotties ft. lyrics by Megan the Stallion
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
7oS, Hierophant, Empress, 4oC, 7oP, AoS, QoS, 10oP rev, 10oW, 5oW (2oS)
Many of you are strategic and move in silence. Hoes mad, but you ain’t finna stop until you make it to tin-op and do all the things your haters say you could not (NDA)
You live life on your own terms. Don’t give a fuck about what a hatin’ ass bitch gotta say. Cause none of these hoes saying shit to your face and none of these hoes finna see you at the bank (Thot Shit)
Taken or single, men everywhere want you cause you’re a hot girl and you do hot shit. You make him spend his income on your outfit (Girls in the Hood)
You got a body-ody-ody that makes bitches wanna fight. They spend a lifetime tryna get this hot, but you not the one to play with, like a touch-me-not (Body)
You’re a savage, attitude nasty. Talk big shit but your bank account match it. Haters keep your name in their mouth, now they gaggin’ (Savage Remix ft. Beyonce)
Pile 2
Strength rev, Moon, 4oC, KoP rev, 5oC, Hermit, 4oW, 7oP, AoC, Magician (4oP)
You’re a certified freak, 7 days a week. Wet Ass P*ssy, make that pull out game weak. Some of you don’t cook and you don’t clean, but let you tell it, you got that ring (WAP)
You a real ass bitch, you know you got it lit. All year round it’s a hot girl summer, got a whole lot of options cause they know a bitch poppin’ (Hot Girl Summer ft. Nicki Minaj)
Every day you wake up paid and pretty. Bitches gotta come get their man before you put em in a trance. Cause you got that super nova..that grip, that choker (Cognac Queen)
Pile 2, you ‘bout your money, p*ssy out when you feelin’ real cunty. Men like you thick with the accent county, would sell their soul for a sniff of your undies (Tuned In Freestyle)
Fake ass bitches, fake ass hoes…you tint your windows and lock your doors. When you dip off everybody talking ‘bout a bitch “went ghost,” but, shit, that’s how you roll (Tina Snow Interlude)
Pile 3
KoW, 5oW, 7oP, 6oP, World, KoS, 3oS rev, AoS, Magician, Moon, KoP
Above all else you know your worth. You like all nice things and you like ice, bling-bing. You tell those boys ‘pipe up if you wanna pipe me’ (Pipe Up)
If a man fumbles you, it’s always his loss. You tell him ‘if you wanna leave then bye-bye-bye. I’m a big girl, so I won’t cry-cry-cry’ (Don’t Rock Me To Sleep)
You keep your hair did, nails did, everything did. You tell him ‘Get it for a bad bitch, spend it for a bad bitch. If you got some money, then trick on a bad bitch’. Pile 3 you a savage. Once you spend his money, you leave ‘em in the past tense (Sugar Baby)
Every time you pop out it gets scary for these hoes. You who every man’s wife fear, a thick-thighed nightmare. You the boogie-bitch, hoe, you every man’s type, yea (Scary ft. Rico Nasty)
Pile 3 you stay on your “Fuck you” shit, cause you done being nice. And when it comes to cuttin’ people off, you don’t ever think twice. Fuck it, bitch, you not nice (Not Nice)
Pile 4
Hanged Man rev, 8oP, Hierophant, 5oC, 2oP, Emperor, KoC, 5oS, Fool, AoC, Magician (8oW)
Might have had some setbacks but that was the past. You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout shit, money good. Cause you been out here grindin’ like you ain’t ate, while these hoes bringing nothing to the table but their plate (Money Good)
Pile 4, you have expensive tastes, only men who hate on you are the ones that can’t afford you. This is a motherfuckin’ broke male warning (Warning)
Bitches don’t like you ‘cause you cocky, well you cannot help that your sexy sell and you’re in love with your sexy self. You need a boo that’s gon’ sex you well (Bless The Booth Freestyle)
Pile 4, you’re all that and a bag of flamin’ hot chips. You a hot girl so talk yo shit (Flamin’ Hottie)
And you couldn’t care less if these bitches don’t like you, cause, like, you’re pretty as fuck. With a face like this and a bitch this paid, shit, what could a hoe say? (Her)
Thanks for reading🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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megumimania · 8 months
summary: your boyfriend hates modern technology.
warnings: sukuna x fem reader, sukuna is an old hag (affectionately), sukuna not fucking with consumerism is he in his marxist era?🤔, sukuna is a softie when he wants to be, sukuna is ooc because i hate writing mean men :), yuji being a hottie is my fav hc of all time, i can’t believe im giving amazon free promo 😞.
notes: i missed you guys!
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sukuna cant wrap his head around technology.
he doesn’t understand why companies sell ‘new’ phones every single year, when they perform the same exact functions as the previous one.
he doesn’t like how your coffee machine has too many buttons when all he wants in the morning is just a cup of black coffee to get him through the day. sukuna just prefers doing things the old fashioned way which makes him subject to teasing by you and his little brother yuuji.
he doesn’t care though, constantly talking about how he’s ‘escaped the matrix’ by not owning an up to date phone and only getting his news from the daily paper and tv. however his view on technology changed once you brought alexa home.
initially he thought that it was a speaker and was confused to why you bought another one. “it’s not just a speaker ryo,” you corrected him swiftly. “she’s a digital assistant that can tell you the time, the weather, recipes and she can even tell jokes.”
sukuna looked at you with the same wariness he’d give to a snake oil salesman. “can’t your phone do the same exact thing for less?” you knew he was lowkey right but your stubbornness refused to let him get the upper hand.
“that’s not the point babe.” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, carrying the box to the kitchen counter and setting it down with a loud thump. “now if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy setting my alexa up.” you huffed as you opened the instructions trying to make sense of them.
sukuna looked over at your focused expression. your brow furrowed with concentration as you read the instructions. it was simple really and within a couple of minutes the alexa was ready to go and by the joyous look of pride on your face sukuna knew that he was going to be in for one hell of a ride.
and unfortunately he was right.
life with an alexa was hell. sukuna barely got through the day without hearing the monotone female voice rattle off the hottest food spots or tell you a stupid joke that was suddenly the most funniest thing alive. he used to make you laugh like that!
he felt like the speaker was taunting him. hell he couldn’t even have some down time with you without that stupid speaker getting in the way. it was literally like he was third wheeling all the time and he hated it. you were his girlfriend first!
sukuna didn’t like being second best. especially to a glorified speaker.
you and sukuna were cuddling on the couch together after finishing a movie—terminator 2 to be exact. “so what do you think of the alexa?” you asked whilst the credits rolled, mindlessly stroking his cheek with your acrylic nails whilst he rubbed your legs.
sukuna tensed at the question as he tried to think of a way to answer without sounding like a complete asshole. “well…im not really a fan.” you could already tell from the dry tone and his poor attempt of acting unfazed that he was lying through his teeth.
“if that’s the case then why did i find it in the bathtub?” you pulled up the waterlogged alexa in a ziploc bag. sukuna would usually have a sarcastic reply in his arsenal but he was now looking at you as if he was a deer caught in headlights.
“fine, i used the damned thing.” he raised his hands up as he accepted defeat much to your surprise. “it fell into the bathtub when i was trying to stream that megan the stallion song yuuji told me to listen to. he said something about the song needing to go number 1 on the charts.”
you sat back in disbelief. you didn’t know whether to be annoyed, angry or smitten with him. “i’m glad yuji is helping you become more cultured but why did my alexa have to die for such a good cause!” you wailed dramatically collapsing on the floor, clutching the alexa to your chest.
sukuna lifted you off the floor with such ease it almost made you jealous. “stop whining i already ordered another one. it should be coming in a few days.” he said with his usual gruff tone that was laced with softness, peppering kisses down your neck.
you giggled as his stubble tickled your skin. “that was quick, you missed it that much already?” you teased him whilst you hooked your arms around him running your nails down the nape of his neck.
sukuna rolled his eyes at your playful expression. “i’m still anti technology, don’t be fooled.” one thing sukuna was to his core was a hater but like most haters he rarely stood on business.
“whatever you say babe.” you hummed biting back a smile. you and sukuna knew give or take two months that he’d change his opinion about it.
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