#I hate y'all /j
gremlincorner · 4 months
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Hi, i'm not dead! i ended up hyperfixating on a mod though oops
additional sketches and doodles over the past week or so, in order of creation
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vilmsstuff · 1 year
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Omg i hate coloring sometimes
Anyways take some candycorn fanart !!
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synthshenanigans · 7 months
Another number update!!
The Mind Electric has hit 2 mil on Spotify!!
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Not only that, but Ruler of Everything finally hit one million as well :D!!!!
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emile-the-side-blog · 9 months
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
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If you want to be bothered. Maybe this for dick and Bruce???
i ALWAYS want to be bothered these are always the highlight of my day tbh you're a delight for letting me just yap <3
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Dick. For the canon isn't real square I am Specifically talking about the Tom Taylor Nightwing run. Usually I ignore bad runs but given this one is ongoing (though about to end THANK GOD and get replaced by Dan Watters who i have high hopes for since i adored his Sword of Azrael (2022) run but i digress) so I counted it. Especially since it's so debated if that run is bad or not, for some reason. I'm a 90s Nightwing truther. I love Dick so dearly and tbh recently I've been more enamored with him the more I read his Discowing era, I didn't used to be as big of a Dick stan as I am these days.
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Bruce. Honestly where do you even start with Bruce. I want to fist fight him and also patch him up. He got me into comics and superheroes as a whole but I roll my eyes whenever he shows up in a story. He's a bastard and usually not a good father but also complex and should be dissected under a magnifying glass. I love him dearly. He's also just the worst. I think that's why I love him. I'm always a fan of unabashedly Complicated Asshole Bruce who's generally not always the best person, particularly not to the Batfamily and that being the driving force of his relationships with them, especially in shipping.
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And for bonus points, Tim. Because know above all else, I'm a Tim Drake kinnie /deg. He's been my number one for a decade and I've yet to uproot him from my brain. He's literally the Worst half the time and I love him for it. And the canon isn't real refers to Tim Drake: Robin because... that sure was a comic. And that's about all I can say about it. Pre-Flashpoint Tim I miss you so dearly. I think it's fun that I want to put him in a blender and drink the juice but also want Nothing Ever to happen to him.
#necrotic answerings#batcest#bruce wayne#dick grayson#tim drake#fandom tag#anyway the fandom is i guess mean to all of them#but like it's deserving.#everytime i meet a tim anti i'm like you're SO right. he's the worst. pls hate his ass more.#same with bruce. like never met a bruce anti who didn't have endless receipts for hating his ass.#(except for those using the shallow 'he's a billionaire beating up the mentally ill' argument which. i ignore)#(bc why are you. consuming superhero content if you just don't like or understand the genre. it's lazy pseudointellectual nonsense.)#and i don't think ppl are truly mean to dick. i think they just don't understand him.#which extends to the entire batfamily bc well. the state of the fandom and all.#like “everyone else is wrong about them” isn't in a “no one gets them but me” way#(except about tim truly no one gets him but me /j)#it's in a “oh y'all just want to fit them into neat boxes don't you” way#one more person call dick grayson “eldest daughter core” and i'm going to your house and eating the stuffing out all of your pillows.#first of all can we stop calling male characters “female coded” in any way please#women exist in comics too.#second of all it's just not true? and it's not the complex he has with bruce nor his “siblings” if you wish to call them that#and then bruce. where do you even start.#you dare say you think it's in character for bruce to hit his kids and *SOCIETY. society goes wild.*#like ofc it has to be in specific contexts. he's not just swinging.#and sometimes it *is* written very OOC bc bruce is written as a machismo self insert i give you that#but yeah a soldier who views his children as soldiers and has zero healthy emotional regulation or communication skills#is gonna sometimes swing in his worst moments. it is just how the superhero genre works everyone is gonna fist fight to solve problems.#why are you reading comics about ppl who hit other ppl for a living if you don't like it when they hit ppl.#also random hot take about dick's characterization#the young justice tv show did incredible damage to ppl's perception of him and i dislike the take it's the best adaptation of him
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Ugh men.╰_╯
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hydn-jpg · 5 months
i just read all the current chapters of id2 and i. i need to lie down
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Understanding shipping actually means you can call a ship dogshit if it's filled with ableism and character assassination
EDIT: and also including pedophilia/grooming because Jason was a child while Roy was an adult
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duchessvultjag · 8 months
"i love fucked up, morally gray female characters" you can't even handle taryn duarte
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prentissluvr · 1 month
just saw someone saying that jared's acting in spn was bad... gonna commit heinous crimes
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bawcothebadartist · 1 year
Me, having the day of all time: oh what a dandy little bumblebee, I sure hope it's butt is all I think of for the next 24 hours--
My brain: hey if Old Child is supposedly the reason for all vampire stereotypes then that implies he started the lack of reflection myth by avoiding looking in the mirror, most likely because he didn't want to be reminded of what happened to the real Hugh or look at himself in Hugh's body lol
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24 is the most stressful show I have watched in a MINUTE and I still have 17 episodes to go oh my gods
It's so fucking good
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dawnthefluffyduck · 9 months
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Wanted to draw but didn't wanna mess with anything that had pen pressure in it just yet, so here's some ms paint doodles done while I watched a manchild play lethal company
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 1 year
nobody ever talks about it, but i feel like it's always important to remind y'all that the 10 episodes in which BotBots takes place in don't (usually) happen back-to-back, so here's a post about it because it's kinda fucked once you think about it. TL;DR: the implications of how much time passes in this series are terrifying and the fact that the lost bots didnt lose their minds has me rolling a little
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unrelated steak cuts pride hcz bc i need 2 spread more propaganda and also to catch your attention >:] (Burgertron's are the butch, genderqueer, transbian and ADHD flags, Bonz-Eye's are the gnc, butch, nonbinary and autism flags!)
There's gaps in time between each episode, even with the half-n-half episode format, with very few exceptions. Ep 1B, (Never) Be Yourself, takes place the very next night, right after 1A (Mall than Meets the Eye), and in episode 10 it's established at the beginning it also takes place the next night, after 9B (Shopping Brawl). Hell, Dimlit in Love and On the Bot Prom Dancefloor have a gap in time between each other-- Dimlit states it's been 6 days and 11 hours since he and Jackie started dating in OtBPD! One of my friends, @knavewoods, did the math on it, and because the earliest date mentioned in the show is February and there's a Halloween/Christmas pop-up store, they estimated that by that point the Lost Bots had been at it for 7 months at LEAST, and that by the time of the finale it'd have probably been a year and a half because of the Science Alliance episode having a beach theme to it w/ the implications of it being summertime. (Not that either of us think that the Bots know what seasons are, but it's compelling evidence!)
A year and a half. That is a LONG time to be isolated from literally everyone you've ever known and loved, and not only that but the Lost Bots are being actively BULLIED half the time. Sure, they have allies like Lady Macaron and Jackie, but like. There's no way that ISN'T insanely upsetting to any of them, ESPECIALLY Burgertron. Imagine having your girlfriend play Hot-N-Cold with you for a YEAR AND A HALF. Idk about y'all but I'd be fucked up about that too. And not only that, but the finale establishes that Spud basically had it out for BT from the start. Imagine trusting someone so much that theyre your BEST FRIEND and it turns out they hated your guts the whole time and was basically the reason everyone wanted you gone forever for a YEAR AND A HALF. I don't think i'd be able to recover from that for a while. I don't know how to close out this post properly, so just. like. look at them and then absorb the words im saying into your brain ok? ok. bye :3
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#botbots tag 🏪#transformers botbots#tf botbots#maccadam#transformers#headcanon#media analysis#<- dunno if that's appropriate but ? shrugs#and now a word from our host!#methinks the lost bots should go to therapy because what the fuck#i think the fact that they managed to hold their head high throughout all of that is insane and absurd to say the least of it#not to bring kin shit into this but im burgertron fictkin + secret second thing#and i had to restrain myself from punching my laptop seeing spud muffin /J#but like seriously. if that was me i'd have to go to a psychotherapist or something because i wouldn't be able to recover from that#like at all. what the hell#OH BTW. that note about ulf isnt an invitation 2 go “i hate her meh meh meh” in my notes. i actually like her character#and the way some of y'all treat her is insane. she's a morally grey character and the things she says and does arent malicious#theyre out of impulse and she doesnt know the whole story . i know what it's like to be around manipulative people and to trust them#and the way she acts is very reminiscent of someone who is in denial that theyre being manipulated#burgertron does the same thing too and he rarely gets flak for it so now im putting down the same playing cards for ulf#sorry if that sounds weird or angry im just covering bases bc ive seen the way people act about her and she doesn't deserve that#i believe in womens rights and wrongs and this goes for silly juice box lady. she's the least best flavour but i still wuv her#knave said that she n bt are best off as friends as they dont mesh well in personality and honestly? that's the truest sentiment ever#me n knave. THE ulf the orange defenders 5ever and ever amen#okay rant in the tags over back 2 your daily scheduled madness
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fennthetalkingdog · 1 month
Man, talking to people that aren't buried in queer and furry culture like I am is such a good way to keep myself grounded. Like, one of my friends just asked me what a catboy or dogboy was (I made bead bracelets a long time ago saying those) and that gave me the chance to stop and think what I want those terms to mean for myself. Sometimes it's cool to have someone who just knows and understands, but other times it's super cool having folk around me that don't get it first try, no matter how weird that might sound to say.
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never in my life have i ever had such a strong urge to write smut fics before now and now that i actually do it's for some fucking ASSHOLES who EXCLUSIVELY speak to each other with thy/thou/thee pronouns. do you see my problem
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