#I hate phones
meteorshcts · 4 months
me: has memes in my inbox also me: i don't want THOSE memes i want NEW memes
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viathatoneartist · 10 months
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raise your eyes, i beckon you, slave; with a sound- worship me and my magic glass. infinte knowledge at your fignertips. be in the KNOW. be ontop of things things you MUST know only I can give you that look to ME pay attention to ME give me your worship. Don't look elsewhere I can give you all right here behind this magic glass
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mooncustafer · 6 months
I Hate Phones
Somebody called a few minutes ago, asking for somebody with a name that sounded like “Michelle.”
Now, I know from past experience that this workplace has no employee named Michelle, but does have one named Vishal. So I figured that’s who he wanted, and was about to transfer him through.
But I was wrong.
Because we also have an employee named Rochelle.
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hookahpop · 8 months
i thought i deleted safari why is it telling me ao3 isn’t a real site
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reshirfuse · 8 months
god i can't stand phones whoever makes the first mobile PC that's not as bulky as my laptop and brings back the DS is getting my money
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shslswagger · 8 months
no one knows me better than a computer
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
"text STOP to end"
"if you send messages to this number, your account will be charged"
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virtie333 · 2 years
I texted you for a reason. Why the hell are you calling me back?
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myriadeyed · 1 year
Well... it finally happened. My beloved computer stopped working. Won't charge, no matter what charger or outlet I use. I even tried in two different buildings. I'm hoping maybe I can get it fixed but I really don't have the funds for an expensive fix, let alone a replacement. I'm trying to be in good humor about it but I'm really devastated. I never talk about being slightly-POSIC but I think it's obvious by the way I talk about my computer every time I post about it.
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Guys, I overcame a major fear of mine today:
I made not just one, but TWO phone calls today. I feel like I can do anything now.
*phone rings*
AH! *hides under blanket and pokes phone with a stick while hissing*
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xoxoliviasworld · 2 years
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The 1975, tumblr notification and Paris Hilton, and phone on do not disturb is screaming 2013
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whaterfall · 6 months
i’ve literally been rotting in my room ALL day i feel so nasty pants
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ohmuqueen · 5 months
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snailchimera · 9 months
phone problems
It's not important and I did it to myself, but I want to whine anyway:
I wanted to unlock the bootloader on an older phone. It should have been easy. However, the bootloader tool said my phone was ineligible. At this point I already had a pretty good idea of what had happened. The phone was too old, and had been removed from the unlocker program. But being an idiot and a masochist I guess, I decided to try calling the company to ask if it really could not be unlocked. So I do. But I'm terrible at phone calls unless I have a script, and I did not take the time to write a fucking script. So I'm verbally flailing, failing to give important information, giving wrong information, trying to articulate that I knew it was carrier unlocked/wasn't associated with a specific carrier (phones locked to specific carriers can't have their bootloaders unlocked because if they could you could easily make them carrier-unlocked too) but sounding like enough of a clueless idiot that I don't blame the poor tech support person on the other end of the line for not believing me. Then they get another tech support person on the line, I flail at that person, that person says if the tool says it's not unlockable then it's not unlockable but she'll check it anyway and I'm too flustered to tell her not to bother, she does, then she gives a long and patient (and slightly wrong I’m pretty sure) explanation that amounts to me being right the first time when I figured it was old enough to be taken out of the unlocker program. And then she hung up very abruptly, unless that was my phone hanging up very abruptly for me because it is old and bad, so either she was out of time/patience and didn't want to bother with saying goodbye or letting me respond to her answer or she thinks I hung up on her and that I'm an asshole in addition to being incompetent. So I'm stressed out and mad and frustrated for no good reason because I already knew it was hopeless but I just had to check and waste everyone's time. The practical upshot of this is I have two old phones, neither of which work quite right and neither of which can be improved by flashing custom firmware. I cannot afford a newer phone, and if I bought another older phone that I could afford the most likely result is that I would be wasting a hefty chunk of cash to have three old phones that do not work quite right and cannot be improved by flashing custom firmware. More than anything I'm mad at these smartphone companies and also our capitalist hellscape world in general because it did not have to be like this. Phones could be made to last. Phones could be easy and relatively cheap to repair and upgrade. It would not be hard. Instead we live in a world where massive amounts of rare, difficult-to-obtain-or-manufacture materials, often obtained or produced in wildly exploitative ways, are used to produce incredibly sophisticated and powerful pocket computers, which are then intended to be disposable, replaced every one to three years if you have the cash for it and want to take advantage of incentives from your carrier or the manufacturer, or maybe an absolute max of ten if you're willing to take extraordinary, extremely nerdy measures (though no phone that old can be used in the US right now regardless because 3G was phased out and there's no! way! to! upgrade! old! phones! to 4 or 5G!).
...I want a fairphone because in theory it is a repairable, upgradable phone, designed to last, with minimal horrifying labor practices involved in its construction. But even if I could afford one, there's still the question of whether the fairphone company will still be there 5, 10, 15 years from now. Will replacement parts still be available? Will upgrades? Will the firmware still get regular security patches for that long? Will all of these things be available to US customers when currently they're only selling to the US through a for-profit "privacy-focused" offshoot of LineageOS whose approach to degoogling includes a possibly illegal app store?
None of this mess should be this hard.
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bloodybellycomb · 1 year
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husbo-venus · 1 year
now why did tumblr do that to my 1080p high resolution aesthetic video
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