#I hadn't noticed them doing this until right now when she insisted on going back to 1980
elizabethrobertajones · 3 months
ooh I see, in Pyramids of Mars pt2 the Doctor takes Sarah Jane to look at 1980 if they don't stop what happens in 1911, and it's an apocalyptic wasteland, so when you're watching the Beatles episode in 2024 you're supposed to go like "hey just like in Pyramids of Mars!" and then you're thinking about the exact right episode.
You know, if you already had watched all of Doctor Who before this year instead of say, hitting the current plot twist related episode today. :P
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Alexia Putellas x Pre-Teen!Reader
Jenni Hermoso x Pre-Teen!Reader
Summary: Your guardians fight for custody
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You had dealt with lawyers before.
You had dealt with case workers before.
Nearly your whole life in the system meant you were familiar with both.
Seeing them never got easier as you sit outside the meeting room, hunched over as you stare at the phone battery that's rapidly depleting.
You'd plugged it in to charge last night but it hadn't.
The wire's been faulty for a while now, one of those chargers that you have to move to the right angle to make sure it works.
You suppose it must have moved in the night.
You can just about hear the low murmur of conversations if you strain your ears but you don't.
You don't want to hear what they're saying.
"Drink? Food?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
You turn away from your case worker, angling your body as far away as you can get without falling off your seat.
She'd been responsible for you for eleven years, right back to when you were a baby and your first set of parents had their rights terminated. You thought last year would be the last you would see of her.
"I'm fine," You insist.
"It's okay not to be."
"I know that. It still doesn't change the fact that I'm fine."
You both know you're lying.
She knows you well enough to not bring it up again, merely offering you a few of the hard boiled sweets from the reception desk.
"They won't decide anything without your input, you know."
"They're adults," You say dismissively," That's all they ever do."
"You're twelve now. Your wishes are taken into account."
"Only if it goes to court. Only in front of a judge. If they sign an agreement here and now, they don't have to talk to me about it."
Your caseworker looks like she wants to say something but a bang of a table has her stopping.
Jenni's voice in the meeting room is raised and Alexia's rises to meet it.
The fractures in the relationship were already there by the time you arrived. Small at first but steadily growing bigger and bigger.
You hadn't known it at the time but you know it now.
You had been adopted to salvage their relationship.
It's what a lot of people did. Have a child in the hope that it would bring the relationship together again.
It had worked, for a short while but the cracks hadn't healed. They'd simply been painted over for a little while. All it had taken was a little rock of the foundations, a little change in the norm.
They always came back and soon Alexia and Jenni were arguing where they thought you couldn't hear them and driving separately to practice.
Now, Jenni was moving to Mexico and the tender hooks they were on were failing.
You were hanging on a cliff and they were too busy arguing to notice your grip slipping, ready to plummet into the abyss below.
"You're not taking my daughter from me!"
You stand, unwilling to hear anymore.
"I'm going to the toilet."
It's a single stall, a door lock that you use as soon as you're inside.
You sit on the toilet lid, willing your shaking hands to stop as you clench them into fists. Your fingernails dig into the soft flesh until you're almost certain you've broken skin.
You hate this.
You hate the lawyers and their cool indifference towards you.
You hate your caseworker and her faux sympathy.
You hate Alexia and Jenni for putting you in this situation in the first place. You hate them for thinking a child would salvage an already broken relationship. You hate that they've made you their daughter. You hate that they've tied themselves into you in a way that you can't get away from.
Your phone dies, the music from your earphones cutting out instantly and you sigh, tugging them out of your ears and wrapping them around your phone.
They're an old pair, still wired and plugged in.
Jenni and Alexia have showered you in presents since the moment the adoption went through. You had a pair of Bluetooth ones but you've never used them, not since the presents stopped coming from them together and started coming separately.
They were always one upping each other.
If Alexia bought you Airpods, Jenni bought you a pair of Beats.
If Alexia bought you a Switch, Jenni bought you an XBox.
You blow out all your air noisily, the shuffling at the door alerting you to the fact that your caseworker is outside.
You flush the toilet to keep up appearances, washing your hands and stubbornly not looking in the mirror.
"They should be finishing up," She tells you and you glower.
"For now."
They're not finished up in the slightest and you slump in your seat.
There's no music to distract you from their raised voices, tension and anger building between them.
"And what about her training?! You'd take her away from all that? To what? Gallivant around in Mexico?!"
That's Alexia now, you'd recognise her anger anywhere.
You imagine she's standing now, palms flat on the desk as she gets as close to Jenni as possible. Her lawyer, a straight laced man in a fancy suit and a disinclination to children, probably sits back in his seat, arms spread in a 'how could you tear Alexia away from her child?' pose at the other lawyer.
"Mexico has pools, Alexia! They know how to swim! She can train there!"
That's Jenni.
She's still as angry as earlier, bubbling and boiling inside of her. She's probably standing up too, finger pointing towards Alexia in a brutal jab. Her lawyer pretends he likes kids, pretends to greet you warmly and act like her actually gives a shit about your feelings.
He doesn't and he doesn't even do a good job of pretending.
He's more condescending than anything, talking to you like you're five and don't understand why your guardians are fighting.
"And you'd have her make new friends? Put her in a new swimming club? Her life is here!"
"No, Alexia, your life is here!"
You've never felt more weightless than you were in the pool, just floating around on your back as the water laps at your skin.
You're the fastest swimmer in the region for your age group. Especially in long distance.
Your coaches say you have the stamina.
You think it's because you want to be in the water for as long as possible.
It comes easy to you, mindless, repetitive.
You like to do things you're good at.
The door swings open, slamming against the wall and you sigh.
The yelling has stopped.
Neither Alexia nor Jenni want to make a scene in public.
The meeting room is a free-for-all but outside they can pretend to be civil. Everyone will pretend they didn't hear them at each other's throats a few moments ago.
You stand, plugging in your earphones even though your phone is dead.
You've found that neither of them want to talk to you if you've got your earphones in.
"Say goodbye to your mother, y/n," Alexia says, already strolling over to wait for you by the door.
Your eyes linger on her before they flick to Jenni.
You shove your hands into your pocket and mutter," Bye."
She's still looking at Alexia too, eyes narrowed in anger before they softens a fraction as she turns to you.
Her hand rests on your shoulder, thumb rubbing ever so slightly.
"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? You've got that competition."
"Yeah, I do."
"I'll be cheering."
You manage a weak smile.
Alexia and Jenni will be on opposite ends of the room, pretending that the other doesn't exist.
"I love you," Jenni says and you sigh.
Alexia is waiting by the door, impatiently, foot tapping. When you join her, she starts off again, down the stairs and to the car parked up front.
"Not sitting in the front with me?" She tries to tease as you slip into the seat behind her but you're in no mood," I'll let you choose the music."
You hold up your dead phone, earphones in and her small smile turns into a frown.
"Well, if you're sure..."
"I'm sure."
"So..." Alexia drums her fingers on the steering wheel," That competition tomorrow...You excited?"
You stare out the window. "I guess."
You're in no mood to talk, clearly, so Alexia settles on looking back at you through the rear view mirror periodically.
"Don't worry," She tells you," This will all get sorted out soon."
You wish it hadn't happened in the first place.
You with you had never met them.
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mydearzero · 1 year
bday sex w/ spencer?
thanks for the request! ♡♡
Hunger | Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Penelope has decided enough is enough and throws Spencer a small birthday celebration. Your only duty was to pick up the cake. How could you have known the bakery would give you the wrong one? It's the first time you notice something off about Spencer. He has this look in his eyes you couldn't place, nor shake.
Contents: NO Y/N, fem!Reader, BAU!reader, co-workers, friends to lovers, smut, oral sex (f rec), fingering, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), creampie, fluffy really, If I missed any warnings please tell me!
3.7K words
take a shot every time I say 'look'. This is also the second fic in a row where I mention he keeps his socks on during sex. idk why. he just seems the type, I suppose. it wasn't a conscious choice I made, it just happened - nik
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"And you're picking up the cake, right?" Penelope's voice flooded through the speakers of your car. You chuckled at her frantic behaviour. 
"Yes, Penelope. I'm on my way to Spencer's now. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." 
After Spencer hadn't properly celebrated his birthday several years in a row, she insisted on throwing him a small party. She'd dragged you along in her shenanigans. 
Which is why there was currently a nondescript white box on the passenger seat of your car. You hadn't dared to open it, even to have a peek. Penelope would have your head if it spoiled in any way.
"Don't you dare drop it! I mean it!" She hung up after her empty threat. 
You drove into the parking garage and got out of the car. You walked around and picked up the cake with the utmost care, placing it on the roof and closing the door. You held the cake with both hands and took it to the apartment building. 
Penelope met you at the door, taking the box from your hands, putting it in the fridge and ushering you to 'Go sit somewhere and act normal!' 
"Calm down, Garcia. Derek's keeping him until at least 19:30. You'll be fine," JJ interjected. You turned to her, sharing a knowing look. If there was anything to love about Penelope, and believe me, there was a lot, then it was her complete devotion and commitment to make her friends happy. 
She got everything ready in the living room. Balloons, garlands, presents, the entire childhood dream. Derek gave Garcia a heads-up that they were bound to arrive any minute now. 
You walked into the kitchen and got the cake out of the fridge. You grabbed some plates, forks and knives and took everything to the living room. 
Spencer wasn't an idiot. He knew when Morgan was holding him hostage from his own apartment, his coworkers must've been planning something for his birthday. 
"Oh, I wonder what we'll find when we open the door," Spencer's joking voice could be heard through the door. The sound of keys entering the lock brought a large smile to your face. 
When he finally got to walk in the door, his suspicions were confirmed. 
The duo joined everybody eagerly awaiting the birthday boy. Penelope looked like she could implode from the excitement. You were sure that if you had enhanced vision, you'd be able to see her vibrate on the spot.
Spencer was grinning from ear to ear. Derek clapped him on the back and guided him into the group. 
Penelope sat Spencer on the grandpa chair she'd situated in the middle of the room, placing a party hat on his head. She'd insisted on them. Even Hotch could not look stoic and rigid with the polka-dotted cone placed on his head. 
You walked from the commotion to go put the candles on the cake. You opened the candles, looked for the lighter and finally breached the seal on the white box holding the cake. The sight before you had you perplexed.
Happy Birthday Sexy!
Right. The hot pink cake with white frosting was most certainly not the one intended for Spencer. You let out an uneasy laugh and placed the candles anyway. Cake is cake, I guess. 
And it's not wrong. 
You lit the candles and walked over just as the others started belting their hearts out. Spencer cringed awkwardly like you're supposed to when people sing you Happy Birthday. You sought panicked eye contact with Penelope but to no avail. She was busy snapping pictures of the birthday boy from every angle. 
Spencer locked eyes with you as you set the cake down in front of him. Derek barked a laugh, obviously the first one to notice the mishap. "Way to be bold, mama!" 
Spencer gave him a confused glance before turning his eyes to the cake, mouth opening and closing a couple of times due to a loss of words. 
"Well, they do say "Aging like fine wine' for a reason," Emily snorted.
"What!? That's not the right cake!" Penelope exclaimed, turning to you. You gave her an apologetic expression, shrugging your shoulders. 
"They must've given me the wrong one at the bakery! I didn't want to mess it up, so I left the box closed. I'm sorry, Penelope. But hey, I'm sure it'll taste just fine." 
You cut into the cake and dealt out the slices. You contemplated giving the slice reading just the word 'Sexy' to Spencer and gave in. It couldn't do any harm. You brought it to him with a crude attempt at a wink. The man of the hour turned red, if only slightly. He took the cake, thanked you and tentatively tasted the frosting, eyes lighting up in delight. 
You swiped a finger through the frosting, putting it in your mouth and tasting it. You nearly had to stop yourself from wincing. My God, that's sweet. But Spencer seemed to love it, which was the crucial part. 
You caught his gaze, finger still resting between your lips. Your heart skipped a beat as an unreadable expression on his face before he ironed it out with a smile, raising his plate in a toast. You raised yours back, but your heart wasn't in it. 'What the hell was that?' You wondered as you took a proper bite of the overly sweet cake. 
Spencer's gaze had been on your face, his eyebrows furrowed in what seemed like worry. His mouth had been slightly agape. But it was his eyes that struck you. His pupils were dilated as they seemed to be filled with contemplation. 
The expression stuck with you. It wasn't one you'd seen before, not from Spencer. You tried to come up with the right words to describe it throughout the party. 
Emily handed you a drink, toasting to another year with Spencer. 
Penelope whispers in your ear, asking what you'd gotten Spencer as a present. 
Calculating, maybe? 
Rossi tells a life story, wishing Spencer a bright future with many similar experiences. 
It was almost ambitious. Or eager, perhaps. 
Whatever it was, it was burned into your brain. What made it so compelling was that Spencer clearly hadn't wanted you to see it, seeing how he schooled his expression the second he'd realized you were watching. 
You nursed your drink as your coworkers started trickling out of the apartment one by one. You shamelessly watched Spencer as he was engrossed in an animated conversation with Penelope. Emily took a seat next to you, following your gaze to the enthusiastic duo. 
She didn't have to speak a word. Years as colleagues and friends were bound to create an implicit form of communication. Add a bunch of profilers, and much went unspoken. You sighed and leaned against the cushions. 
"I don't want to hear it, Prentiss." 
She laughed fondly. "I'm just saying, I'm gonna be driving Penelope home soon. Just humour me and talk to him about it." 
"There's nothing to talk about," you dismissed. You looked down at your drink, refusing to meet her eye. 
"You really haven't been present at all tonight. What's got you in your head?" Emily put a hand on your shoulder. 
"It's nothing to be worried about, Em. I'm just overthinking. He gave me this look earlier, and it's frustrating me that I can't figure out what it meant," you shrugged. 
Emily looked contemplative. "He's been watching you, you know. Not just tonight. It's been a while since I've noticed, though he's really ramped it up." 
"What do you mean?" You wondered genuinely. 
"I don't know..." Emily started. "He just has this look on his face when he thinks nobody's watching. Believe me, you can ask JJ about it. She's seen it, too. We've talked about it." 
"What kind of look?" You asked, curious if it could've been the same thing you spotted earlier tonight. 
"I can't really describe it. I'd almost call it... Greed? Maybe? It's a bit off-putting if you ask me. It's only you, though." Emily shrugged, clearly holding back on her explanation. She seemingly weighed her options before continuing. 
"You want to know what I think, profiler to profiler?" Emily finally broke. You urged her to continue. 
"Objectively speaking, and only looking at the facts, I think it can only be described as hunger." The tone of her voice implied that it wasn't a silly implication she was making for the fun of it. 
"Hunger?" You asked, glancing at Spencer from the corner of your eye. 
"Yeah, hunger. And not the food kind." 
You choked on your drink at the implication. "Are you out of your mind? We're at his house, Emily!" You whisper-shouted. 
"Yeah, well, whether I tell you here or at the office, the jet, or any other place, the man looks at you like he's starved. You have desire, and then you have this. It's concerning, really."
Of all the things it could've been, hunger wouldn't have been your first guess. Emily sure picked a convoluted way of telling you he undressed you with his mind on the daily, according to her.  
You panicked a little when Emily got up from the couch, asking Penelope if she was ready to go home. You glared daggers at her. Don't leave me here with him! Not after what you said. 
You could make your exit now, but you'd seem too eager to 'have an out' if you went with them. 
Spencer thanked Penelope generously for the party. He was genuinely appreciative of all the thought and effort put into it. You bid your goodbyes to the girls, and with that, you were alone with Spencer. 
"Hi," he spoke softly, sitting opposite you on the couch. 
"Hey," you replied, laughing a little. You took a sip of your drink, which had gone flat. You put it on the table and turned back to Spencer. There it was again, the look. 
He observed every crevice of your face as you did his. Much like with Emily, your communication with Spencer often went unspoken. But you couldn't read him, and it bothered you. 
"What's with that look?" You finally dared to ask, ignoring Emily's implication. 
His eyebrows furrowed. "What look?" 
"The one you gave me just now. And earlier, after I gave you your cake. According to Emily, it's not the first time." 
"I don't know what you're talking about." He didn't meet your eye, opting to pick at the threads of the couch. It was a lame attempt at deflection.
"Don't bullshit me, Spencer. You look like you want to eat me alive." 
Spencer bit his lip and seemingly calculated every possible outcome of the conversation. He shook his head in defeat, toying with his fingers. You awaited his answer, tension rising in your stomach.
"I guess that's one way to put it," he finally sighed, meeting your gaze. His eyes were intense. After his admission, you finally found the correct adjective.
Without a thought, you threw your body forward, putting your hands on the side of his face and bringing your lips to his. He kissed you back with a sense of desperation. Your hands went up to his hair, tugging experimentally. A low groan met your ears as Spencer pulled away. 
"Are you 100% sure about this? I don't think I can go back to how things used to be if we continue," Spencer admitted, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. You leaned against it and closed your eyes, slowly nodding. 
"Yeah, Spencer. I want this, want you." He searched your expression for doubt or uncertainty, but only found conviction. 
He nodded. "Okay. Okay, lie back," he motioned to the armrest behind you. You furrowed your brows in confusion. Spencer noticed your questioning face and ran his fingers over your scalp, moving to speak into your ear. "So I can eat that pretty pussy of yours."��
Your breath hitched, scrambling to lie back as he'd instructed. Spencer's hands made quick work of your bottoms, leaving you exposed. You brought a hand to your face and closed your legs in embarrassment. 
"Hey, none of that. Let me see you," Spencer urged. You silently complied, opening your thighs and letting Spencer rest between them. He let out a soft moan at the sight of you already dripping. 
"Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous." Spencer complimented before running two fingers through your folds and collecting the fluid. He held them up, glistening in the dim light. He brought them up to your mouth. You didn't need any instructions, hesitantly opening up and sucking them in. 
Spencer groaned at the sensation of your tongue swirling around his fingers, feeling his cock quickly come to life after having been half-hard all night. You sighed in satisfaction at the tent forming in his slacks. 
"Couldn't think straight when I saw you try that icing. Looked so good sucking on your finger like that," Spencer revealed. So that's what the look had been for. 
He took his fingers from your mouth and brought them back down, pushing both inside without further preparation. He pumped them a couple times, trying to find the right angle. A low moan fell from your lips when he found it. Spencer grinned, adding his other hand to rub at your clit. 
"I think this is my new favourite look on you," he murmured. He moved his body back on the couch, bringing his face between your legs. He placed a string of small pecks on your inner thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. 
You couldn't help but exclaim when his tongue finally licked an exploratory stripe between your folds. "Shit, Spencer!" 
He ate you out like a man starved, gazing up through his lashes to watch your face contort in pleasure. Your hands searched for something to steady yourself, finally finding their resting place in his mop of gorgeous curls. 
When he sucked harshly on your clit, your fingers clenched instantly, tugging at his hair harshly. "Fuck, Spencer, oh my God, don't stop." 
You felt him moan against your clit, head tilting towards your grip. He continued licking and sucking every good spot while you realized he enjoyed having your fingers yanking at the messy strands.
"Hmm, just as sweet as that cake, if not more." The feeling of his moans against you was a foreign, albeit welcome, one. You quickly felt yourself get closer, tugging his hair and pulling him impossibly close. You needed more.   
"Fuck, Spencer. If you don't stop, I'm gonna come," you let him know. Spencer had a devilish smile, increasing his speed. He added a finger back inside and curled it just right. 
"Shit, just like that. Don't stop, please, don't stop," you begged. 
"Come for me," Spencer spoke, intent on having you finish on his face. You felt your toes curl and legs tense. Spencer's head was the only thing keeping them open. 
"Spencer!" You moaned as you rode out your high on his tongue. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. Your legs felt numb as Spencer got up from between them. 
"You're wearing too many clothes," he decided, helping you tug your shirt over your head. 
"Well, what about you? You're fully dressed, Pretty Boy," you motioned towards his body. He shrugged and took off his vest before unhurriedly unbuttoning his shirt. You put your head on the armrest as you enjoyed the show. He smiled at your antics, humming Marvin Gaye's ' Let's Get It On' before carelessly throwing his shirt to the floor. 
He continued humming the song as he undid his belt. You bit your lip, raising an eyebrow at him to continue. He shook his head as he chuckled, tugging his pants down. You smirked at the sight of the tent in his black boxers. 
"You're not gonna take your socks off?" You looked towards his feet, clad in one hot pink and one neon green sock. 
"Shut up, my feet get cold easily." Spencer pleaded. You held up your hands in mock defence. 
You watched as his hands reached for the hem of his boxers. You stopped him, sitting up and hooking your fingers under the elastic. You looked up at him as you slowly tugged them down, freeing his cock. It was achingly hard, precum already collecting at the tip. He removed the boxers and softly pushed your back against the soft cushions. 
He leaned over you, putting his hands beside your head. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on your lips. He grinned, and you felt love surge through your body at the admiration on his face. 
"Do you want to know what I wished for when I blew out my candles?" He asked, placing kisses down your jawline. 
"If you say you wished for me, I'm gonna have to get all the vegans out of your vicinity because that's so chees- Oh, fuck" Spencer cut your joke off by sucking on your neck, under your ear. 
"Hmm, I guess I won't tell you, then," Spencer threatened, reaching behind your back to undo your bra. He took the straps off your shoulders and down your arms, throwing the bra in the same direction he'd thrown his shirt. 
"No, tell me. What did you wish for," you urged. Spencer looked down, admiring your figure.
"This, you, under me, to be specific. Thought it would've made a very nice sight, and I was definitely right," he grinned, softly kneading your breast. He placed another kiss on your lips, and you were convinced you could get drunk on just that. 
Spencer bent further down, finally bringing your hips together. He ground down, and you winced, still sensitive from your orgasm. It felt too good, though. To finally have him where you wanted him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought his lips to your roughly, kissing him with desperation. 
Spencer reciprocated, grinding his hips and moaning into your mouth. You pulled away to speak. "Please, Spence. Need you inside." 
"Protection?" He questioned, moving his mouth back to your neck and sucking feverishly. You shook your head. "Don't care. Need you now." 
"Good, because I don't have any in the house." Spencer groaned, taking his cock in his hand and lining himself up with your entrance. He pushed the tip inside, and you had to take a deep breath before he continued. 
"Shit, Spence. So big. Fuck, you're really full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Hmm, there's more where that came from," Spencer joked, groaning when he bottomed out. He allowed you to readjust, not being used to having anything his size inside of you. You brought your hands to his shoulders, fingernails gradually digging into his skin when you nodded at him to move. 
"Feel so good around me, f-fuck," Spencer moaned, closing his eyes. He slowly started moving. His hips snapped forwards, sending his cock deep inside of you. 
"Oh, fuck, oh my God," you moaned deeply.
"Perfect fit," Spencer sighed. "Like you were made just for me." His pace picked up as desperation set in. 
"J-just for you, Spence," you agreed. You wrapped your legs around his waist. The new angle made you throw your head back against the couch. 
Spencer trailed a hand down to your clit, rubbing in tandem with his thrusts. You wrapped your arms back around his neck and tugged him close, desperate to feel his lips again. You could understand how people got addicted if this is what it felt like all the time. You wanted to spend the rest of eternity with his mouth on yours. 
"So pretty. Had to have you. You've been driving me crazy for months," Spencer's voice was strained with effort as he spoke. 
"What do you think about me, doc? When you kept looking at me like that, kept finding subtle ways to touch me. I was going insane." 
Spencer smiled as the movement of his hips sped up. Your moans got higher in pitch. His breathing became laboured, losing himself in the pleasure. 
Moans of "So good," and "Fuck," joined your name in falling off his lips repeatedly. If there was any sound you could be met with in heaven, it would be Spencer moaning your name in pure bliss. 
"O-Oh, Spencer, please," you begged, unsure what for. You just needed more of him. Needed him closer. 
"Fuck, oh my, fuck-" Spencer sighed. His pace was frenzied, cock feeling so fucking good. 
"I-I'm close- Spencer," you informed him, eyes squeezing shut. The hand on your clit increased it's speed. You couldn't believe you were so close to coming so soon after your first orgasm. 
"Wanna cum inside you. Can I please cum inside you?" Spencer asked, groaning at the idea of you dripping with his cum. 
"Yeah, yeah, fuck. Please, cum inside me. Wanna feel you, shit, Spencer!" You moaned. 
 "O-oh," Spencer's hips stuttered as he exclaimed your name in a loud moan. The sensation of his cock pulsing sent you over the edge yourself, joining him in his climax. 
He thrust inside lazily a few more times, riding out his high, before slowly pulling out. You felt empty without him, grimacing at the loss of contact. Spencer leaned down and pecked your lips before getting off the couch and walking to the bathroom.  
He returned with a warm washcloth and a towel. He helped you clean up, all while kissing you everywhere he deemed fit. He ushered you to go pee, laughing at your wobbly legs. You threw a pillow at him for that. 
When you were both clean, he offered you a big, loose shirt to sleep in. You grinned at the implication. He hadn't even hesitated. Needn't even ask if you wanted to stay over. 
You tucked yourself under his cold sheets. He soon joined you, wrapping his arms around you and tugging you close. Spencer Reid, notoriously weird with any physical affection, seemed like an entirely different person once you allowed him to love you. And God, were you going to allow him to love you. 
"You know, it's still my birthday in Alaska," Spencer spoke when you were almost asleep. You snorted. "Good night, Spencer." 
"Good night." You could hear the smile in his voice.
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strawberryblue-blog · 3 months
Babysitter —Ruben Dias.
summary: Being Carlota's shared babysitter with Ruben has never been so difficult.
warnings: none. enemies to lovers, curses, cute, soft, some jealousy, etc.
words count: +2.5k
#SEXYNOTE: HI!!! I really apologize for disappearing again, i already finished my first semester and i'm back for you 💌 Thank you for all the support while i was gone, love you 🩷
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Soirée music played in the place as you talked animatedly with your date, drinking an expensive red wine cellar that you had saved for a special reason and laughing when George talked to you about his life.
Today you had decided to bring your date home and prepare something to eat, quietly and thoughtfully, to get to know your co-worker better, who had insisted on taking you out to dinner but when you had another plan in mind, he modestly agreed.
A few months ago he had come to your job as a finance manager at the company you worked for, these last few weeks you had been getting to know each other better and you were happy with your new relationship. You were really hoping that you could make something happen, because George was a gentleman and you liked him a lot.
So after welcoming him into your home, you were now sitting on the couch, after dinner, drinking and chatting about yourselves, getting to know each other a little better. There was no hint of seductive closeness on his part but you tried to laugh at all his jokes and look delighted with his stories so he would notice you had attention. The talk was coming along great, exchanging laughs and melodious glances. Maybe he hadn't approached you but you could tell he was looking at you, he was being nice and you really enjoyed the time with him.
Until the doorbell rang and you were a little surprised, almost scared. It was quite unusual for someone to come at this hour and even less so if they had not warned you before. You politely excused yourself, confused as to who it was and walked to your door.
Oh no. It couldn't be.
You quickly opened the door when a baby's cries startled your ears and you saw the man standing in front of you, holding the desperately crying child.
"What are you doing here, Ruben?" you asked closing the door behind you, your hands went to the baby to take when the young man handed her to you defeated.
"She won't stop crying, I've done everything but she won't listen to me" you say quickly and you cradle the child trying to calm her down.
"Shhh" you say stroking her back while looking for an explanation from the young man. "You're supposed to take care of her today, it's my day off!" you whisper as you continue to stroke the baby's back and cuddle.
Carlota, the little one only a few months old, cries desperately on your shoulder as you cradle her trying to soothe her but it seems something else was bothering her.
Her watery eyes looked at you as her crying continued to impact your ears, you hated to see her cry and you probably looked like you were going to cry too. It wasn't the right time but you couldn't help but feel sad for her.
"I know but I can't calm her down, I tried for quite a while" he says worriedly. "And I'm not going to bother her parents on their last day of vacation" he replies and you want to punch him.
Damn it. Just now? Ugh!
Carlota is the daughter of Ines, your best friend and the daughter of Bernardo, the best friend of who is standing in front of you. Ruben Dias. A self-centered jerk you can't stand but the two of them are Carlota's godparents and were in charge of being her babysitters for these days, while your best friends and father of this little girl were on a mini "vacation".
"I told you everything you had to do, it was only one day, Ruben!" you say angrily again. Your hand rubs Carlota's back, seeking some comfort for the little girl.
"I did it, Y/n!" he shouts exhaustedly and you shush him.
Your neighbors have probably already heard his screams arguing and clearly the little girl's screams, so you reopen the door to your house and walk in with Carlota in your arms. You need to calm her down or it will be worse in a while.
Damn. For a moment you forget that inside your home was your date and you sigh, cursing slowly when you see him in the living room. George stands up from his place on the couch and looks at you confused as you walk towards him with a little girl in your arms, you think as you try to find the right words to explain the event. Ruben walks in behind you and you can hear him hold back his laughter, mocking you and even though you're not seeing him but you're sure there's a smirk on his face.
"Oh, I get it" you hear Ruben whisper as he sets Carlota's purse on the living room table.
«Don't say anything, please» you plead in your head as you give an apologetic smile to your date, who is still looking at you confused and even a little scared with the whole situation.
"I'm so sorry, George" you apologize to him. "It's an unforeseen emergency..."
"You'd rather have a date than take care your daughter" Ruben's words make you go speechless.
Quickly your eyes dart to him and you can see his gaze enjoying this moment, your teeth squeak as you clench them smiling at him to shut him up.
"No!" you shout quickly but you startle Carlota, who cries loudly again and you have to gently rock her.
"This is a misunderstanding" you tell him quickly.
George opens his mouth to say something and you can see how his face is disfigured, he is somewhat disappointed and surprised, you can even see how he is trying to take things in. You don't judge him, you would be too if your date looks like with a baby out of nowhere. But it's not what he thought.
"It's not what it looks like, she's my..." you try to say but Carlota's desperate scream accompanied by a cry comes again.
You try to calm her down as the little girl hides between your neck and shoulders, curling up. This is chaos, Ruben seems to be enjoying it from his spot as he smirks and you are desperate to calm Carlota down and attend to your date.
"I-I..." you hear him try to say.
"Uh man, she didn't tell you she has a daughter, definitely a red flag" Ruben sneers again.
You're about to explode, Ruben is being a complete idiot for no reason. He needs to shut his mouth immediately before you start crying too.
"It's not my daughter!" you say but to no avail, the baby's screams make anything but understandable and if Ruben keeps talking you're going to kill him right here.
You are beginning to despair. Carlota is still crying and you're starting to suffer for her, your date is about to leave and will probably never call you again and you can see Ruben enjoying the situation as if he planned it. Idiot.
Your date grabs his coat from the seat and starts walking towards the exit without hearing you shouting her name, no way. You hand Carlota to Ruben with a murderous look and run to stop him.
"George, wait!" you yell. "I can explain..." The boy's frightened look looks at you one last time and you see him disappear as the elevator doors begin to close.
Great. Just when you were about to go for more, this happened. Now you were going to have to explain the whole situation to him (if he still wanted to go out with you) but you were sure Ruben had scared him off with this whole misunderstanding.
Damn it, Ruben.
You walk like a murderer into the house, you can see how Ruben cradles Carlota, she is still crying but when she sees you she stretches her arms towards you. You hold her as you walk away towards the kitchen, looking for some peace inside because you are about to murder someone. You open your refrigerator and can see the cold gel pacifier that Ines once left for Carlota. You take it and give it to the little girl, who when she tastes it for a few seconds, her crying starts to slow down.
She was upset because her teeth are starting to grow and sometimes it hurts, Ines had said that the cold gel pacifier helped her and surely Ruben had forgotten it.
Peace and harmony reigns again when you no longer hear crying, Carlota even hugs you as you lead the way back to the living room. You stand in front of Ruben and look at him, trying to find an explanation.
He has a flat smile and a laughing expression as if feeling guilty.
"Oh, I forgot" he mumbles simply and grimaces.
"Are you fucking kidding?" you ask suddenly. "I told you, Ruben. Several times!" you say and your blood boils.
He doesn't answer anything, just takes the girl out of your arms and starts walking towards his things. You call out to him, trying to stop him but he keeps walking away from you.
You want explanations. There is no way he has forgotten that her teeth are growing and that he has her medicine and pacifier cold, even though you told him before you left. You had seen to it that Ruben had everything on hand so that Carlota wouldn't miss anything and you wouldn't be bothered.
"You come and interrupt my date just because Carlota was upset with her teeth, you could have called me" you ask confused. "I left you everything, the food, the bottle, even her gel pacifier for her teeth in your refrigerator with her medicine, I don't understand, I gave you every explanation" you keep saying angry but he ignores you.
He starts to put things away, looking like now he is the one who is in a hurry to leave. You won't let him go so easily. Not without hearing him out first.
"Did you really have to come, Ruben?" you ask would be. You cross your hands on your chest and watch him waiting for his answer, as if you have all the time in the world. "Did you really have to interrupt me?" you insist.
"Is Carlotta an interruption for you?" he questions ignoring your question. Great, he's turning the tables.
His brown eyes intensify as his question makes you frown. His gaze stays glued to yours and you feel a funny feeling in your stomach.
"Of course not!" you squeak in denial. "But I told you I couldn't take care of her today, to call me in case of any emergency" you spit through your teeth, you are angry and very much so.
"Look, Carlota, your aunt would rather put someone in her bed than take care of you" he says lifting the girl in front of his face, who watches him curiously
Carlota lets out a laugh that makes you sigh with love. Even without knowing what he's saying she seems happier than ever now. She is so beautiful.
But you're angry and you won't let him get away with it, even if he's funny.
"I'm seriously, Ruben" you murmur harshly.
"What if Carlota really needed something?" he asks in response. "Would you have let something happen to her just to get a man?" sighs suspiciously.
Oh. There is the problem.
Ruben just wanted to screw up your date. Ideas start to come to your head when you think the most. Had he tried to scare George? Saying Carlota was your daughter, acting like an idiot in front of him. Was he jealous? of you? of your date? He clearly wanted to interrupt you, it wasn't an emergency.
"Are you jealous that i had a date, Ruben?" you ask with an amused grimace. "Why did you say that to George?"you keep insisting.
His gaze weakens and he raises his eyebrows quickly shaking his head. Of course he is. A laugh hides in your throat when you think about it again. There is no way. He just wants to ruin you.
"Ruben..." you say again. "You could have called me" you complain as you throw yourself on the couch.
"I just got scared, she wouldn't stop crying and i didn't know what to do" he says after a while.
"You still should have called me"
"Then Carlota and I will leave if we bother so much" he keeps saying as you roll your eyes at his words.
"Give her to me" you ask stretching your arms out to take her, since they're here at least you're going to enjoy your beautiful niece.
Ruben approaches you slowly, sitting down next to you and reaches for Carlota. As you take her in your arms, your fingers touch Ruben's hands and you feel a shiver down your spine. His eyes meet yours for a few seconds but you break the contact when you quickly move away, standing up, holding the girl in your arms until you lay her on your chest and caress her back as she babbles.
The child's crystallized eyes begin to close as she sits quietly on your chest and you smile helping her to sleep with your caresses and your little melody that you begin to hum. You can't help but be moved by the image, she looks so angelic, asleep in your arms as you gently cradle her.
Behind you you feel an exhausted sigh and you slowly turn around watching Ruben begin to fall asleep on your couch. You hide a smile as you see him there, his body is relaxed and he really does look tired, just as tired as Carlota. Now he looks really calm, so much so that you don't know whether to leave him there. You move a little closer and move his shoulder slowly, he opens his eyes again somewhat startled and looks at you confused.
"Let's go to bed" you whisper carefully so as not to wake the little girl. Ruben smiles somewhat sleepily and you roll your eyes in denial.
You start walking towards your room, taking all the care in the world not to disturb Carlota and when you get to your room, you settle her in her crib (which Ines also left one day) and cover her with her teddy bear blanket. The little girl rests peacefully while you caress her chubby cheeks with tenderness.
You hear Ruben enter the room and you tell him to lie down on the bed, while you take off your shoes. He does the same and settles into your spacious bed.
"You really are desperate to have a man in your bed" he whispers teasingly as you lie down in front of him.
"Fuck you" You roll your eyes again with a giggle. He just keeps saying stupid things but you still sigh rarely.
"I only let you sleep in my bed because you'll be the one to wake up if Carlota cries in the middle of the night" you tease amused.
You don't mind sharing the bed with him today and you know he could sleep perfectly well on your couch but from there he won't hear Carlota's cries from here and tonight you'll make him suffer.
"Good point" he mumbles settling into place to find a comfortable position.
"Goodnight, idiot" you whisper closing your eyes to fall asleep.
"Goodnight, princess" he replies after a few seconds and your body vibrates as you feel his words.
The heat in your cheeks starts to burn and you have to open your eyes, so you say nothing, completely ignoring his greeting, pretending to be asleep. Why is your heart racing in such a hurry? He's just teasing you. Damn it.
After a while of struggling with your thoughts, you open your eyes when you feel a slight male snore and see Ruben resting comfortably in front of you. You carefully stretch out your arm, grabbing the blanket and cover him a bit as you sigh deeply.
Your pulse quickens for some reason as you watch him in detail. You shake your head quickly and want to stop looking at him... but you can't.
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justwritedreams · 2 months
Better | Jeno
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NonIdol!Jeno x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1074
Warnings: Jeno curses two times
Note: Ok ok please don't hit me! I swear I'm trying to get rid of this writer's block that came to torment me to write the requests and since there are so many videos of k-dramas and couples appearing I needed to write the ones I saw
Summary: There is only one thing to do at the end of a date
⪢ NCT Masterlist
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Y/N got into the car feeling not only her cheeks but her entire face on fire. She couldn't believe she hadn't embarrassed herself in front of Jeno. A miracle.
The date had been perfect, he was extremely gentlemanly and attentive. They ate at a good restaurant, talked a lot about things they didn't know about each other until then and now he had insisted on taking her home.
She had never felt so good and comfortable with someone until then.
But deep down in her mind there was only one thing missing and the atmosphere in his car seemed very conducive to that.
He got in the driver's side and glanced at her as he put on the seatbelt, Y/N just watched him.
She couldn't understand how someone could look so irresistible with platinum hair and worse, how he was right there next to her.
Jeno had the most well-drawn face she had ever seen, his eyes so intense that she got lost on them several times and ended up not even hearing some of the things he had said during the night, and the way he spoke with a pout was too tempting.
And his shoulders... if she could sleep hugging his shoulders, she would probably never let go. Like a sloth.
There was no need to mention his hands, because she held her breath every time her eyes ended up stopping at his bulging veins and long fingers.
She was so absorbed in her thoughts that didn't notice when he turned his torso to look at her, in fact she only looked up at his face when he leaned slightly forward and entered her space with his hand still in the air.
Y/N stared into his eyes in surprise as he maintained the same intensity with which he looked all night, making her heart race so fast that in the silent car she wondered if he could hear it.
She raised her eyebrows in understanding and her eyes went down to his mouth, she was close but not close enough, waiting for his initiative while her hands itched to finally grab his shoulders like she wanted to do.
But Jeno stood still without moving his hand that was still in the air and when she looked back into his eyes she was even more confused, he had a sparkle in his eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth. She smiled weakly and frowned, silently asking what was going on.
Jeno laughed lightly.
"The seatbelt." he said quietly without taking his eyes off her.
Y/N felt a wave of embarrassment take over her body making the smile on her face disappear instantly.
"Oh yeah." she said, embarrassed, looking away from him and wishing that some force would pull her out of the car because she was so embarrassed.
She raised her hand to pull the seatbelt, but Jeno was faster. He leaned in even more and turned his face enough to see where to pull the belt, his cheek touched hers and Y/N was paralyzed feeling the scent and the heat of his body as Jeno put the belt on for her, her hand fell to her side and the butterflies in her stomach went down to her legs that were now wobbly.
She felt Jeno look at her one last time before he moved away and started the car, Y/N tried not to breathe so deeply to show how embarrassed she was but by Jeno's light laugh she was sure he had noticed, of course.
During the route, he turned on the air conditioning to warm her up when he noticed that she had clasped her cold hands and all that tension accompanied them.
Even though she told him that she liked to take things more slowly, it was clear that she wanted to kiss him.
Who wouldn't want to spend the whole night savoring his pink lips?
Y/N sighed as he parked the car in front of the house, her ears still burning with embarrassment. She took off the seatbelt as he turned off the car.
“Thanks for the ride.” She said shyly as she ran her hand over her face, not knowing how to act around him now. “It was a cool night.”
Y/N wanted to beat herself up for choosing the word.
Cool? Really? Was that the only one her mind could find?
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jeno keep his hand on the steering wheel and nod, it was the cue she needed to make a move to get out of the car.
Jeno leaned his torso to the side again and that caught her attention.
She turned her head to look at him. He was getting closer again and once again she froze in place.
But he stopped inches from her face again and cursed.
“Shit.” he tried to pull the seatbelt to make more space for him to get even closer, but it didn’t happen.
Y/N laughed lightly when she saw that his attempt was as frustrated as hers.
“Oh fuck it.” That was what she heard from him before Jeno took off his seatbelt and advanced on her.
His hand quickly found the back of her neck and brought her face closer to his while his eager lips sought hers and when they found, she sighed in surprise.
Jeno led the kiss quickly and thirstily, it was as if he had waited longer than that night to do that, and Y/N finally managed to bring at least one hand to his shoulder.
The kiss was deep, their heads took turns from one side to the other as air was completely forgotten by both of them, their tongues met and Jeno brought his free hand to grab her waist, it seemed like that gigantic space between their bodies was suffocating him.
She wanted their torsos to touch as much as he did.
Jeno brought his hand from the back of her neck to her face and Y/N moved her hand up to his light hair where her fingers got lost in the strands.
It wasn't just the car that was hotter, their bodies too and the lack of air arrived, interrupting the kiss. But it didn't stop Jeno from resting his forehead on Y/N's who kept her eyes closed.
"I hope this night has been better now.”
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seramilla · 5 months
Here's a fun idea, extorsists are from miscarriages. Let's say one day vaggie gets hurt and needs a blood transfusion, sinner carmilla and her girls offer to be tested and they all have the same blood type and Vaggie is fine.
Thing is, vaggie has a rare blood type
They end up doing a DNA test and find out that vaggie is technically carmilla daughter that she miscarried.
Vaggie had always known there was something...off about her. And not just her; all the Exorcists, really. None of them had memories of a life on Earth. They also weren't created like other angels were, and Heavenborn who were willing to talk about it all insisted they were previously mortal. Vaggie never had any proof to the contrary, but the details of her aforementioned life, were never disclosed. There was like a wall there, almost like amnesia. The Exorcists seemed to exist in a vacuum all on their own, kept away from the rest of Heaven's population, in their own private barracks.
When Vaggie had asked Adam about this; why they were kept separate from every other Winner in Heaven, and not allowed to fraternize with other mortal souls, he just shrugged. He insisted he didn't know. His warriors had always been hand-picked for him by Heaven's elders, and he'd never personally questioned where they came from. He told her to stop worrying about it; questioning the life she had before was pointless, and he needed her to be in tip-top shape for what was to come.
All of that worrying ended when Vaggie fell. Suddenly, her origins were no longer a top priority, and she quickly forgot about it once Charlie welcomed her into her home, and into her bed. It was always in the back of her mind, but it suddenly mattered much less than it had before. There was no longer any need to consider the life she had on Earth, whatever it was; her life was here, and it was now, and Charlie needed her, and that was enough.
That was the case, anyway, until after the battle for the hotel, and Adam's sudden demise. Vaggie hadn't realized at the time, but during all the excitement, she'd lost a lot of blood in that battle. That had all been Lute's doing, and once Vaggie collapsed suddenly in Charlie's arms, Vaggie's next memory is waking up in a hospital bed, with blinding lights and loud electronic noises blaring in her ear.
Standing next to her bedside is Charlie, holding her hand. Also to her surprise, Carmilla is sitting off to one side, near the foot of her bed, clacking away at her laptop like she's just completing another day at work. Combined with the sound of all the beeping and booping from hospital machinery, Vaggie finds she can barely fight off the beginnings of a headache.
"Where am I?" Vaggie asks, and Charlie assures her she's all right.
"You lost a lot of blood, Vags," Charlie admits, grasping on to her hand tighter. "We...we rushed you here, after you collapsed. You desperately needed a blood transfusion, and, well...we thought my dad would be a match, but he wasn't. Carmilla was, though."
Wait. Wait. Hold on. Fucking wait.
"What? What do you mean?" Vaggie responds, trying to sit up. Charlie pushes her down, gently with her hand, before the angel can hurt herself. Carmilla closes the lid of her laptop, standing up slowly, looking at Vaggie with a gaze that might intimidate any other Sinner here in Hell.
Definitely not Vaggie, though. She knows now the arms dealer would never hurt her. She might kick her ass again, but it would all be for the purpose of teaching one of her twisted, secondhand lessons. She's not sure if she's ready for another round of that, just yet.
"What's going on?" Vaggie asks, bringing herself back to the subject at hand. Charlie looks away, still fumbling to give her a straight answer.
"Umm...well...you see..."
"Let me tell her," Carmilla suggests, moving to stand next to Vaggie's bedside. Vaggie hadn't noticed it before, but as Carmilla gets closer, she sees a bandage sticking out near the opening of her sleeve. That must be where they'd hooked her up to draw her blood. The blood that had saved Vaggie's life.
"Carmilla," Vaggie begins, questioning where in Hell this conversation is going.
Carmilla looks down at Vaggie, sighing deeply. Her gaze is longing, almost hurt and forlorn, like she might cry. Carmilla gets choked up at first, stuttering and fumbling for words like Charlie. She finally manages to say, through a clenched jaw, "We need to talk, mija."
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So in this scene:
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Peter is consistently and very pressingly trying to get Miles to hold MayDay, before having a heart to heart with him.
When suddenly his watch says "We got your location, Peter."
Since my first viewing, I believed it was fully intended and that Peter had alerted them that he was with Miles. I always assumed Peter was ratting him out.
But so far two people have told me they see this is accidental. Which shocked me. Do you think it's intentional, or a complete accident?
Here's why I think it was completely intentional:
So of course we begin the scene with Peter being VERY insistent that Miles hold his baby. Like.. uncomfortably consistent. He's deadset on getting Miles to hold Mayday. Insisting that it'll make everything okay.
They end up in a small enclosed area.
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So they're in this enclosed space, and now Miles chances of escape drop dramatically. Going down seriously is the only way he can leave - and he can only do that if both his hands are free.
Peter knows for a fact if Miles is holding MayDay - 1) he can't swing and 2) he would never kidnap her.
I always interperted Peter's insistence not as a weird fatherly thing, but a ploy to get Miles to stay in one place.
In a space like this, Miles can't wallcrawl with a baby in his hands, and there's no place to swing, besides - Miles would never take her from her father anyway.
Plus there's the Lyla thing. Let me go on.
Peter gets down beside him, putting a hand on Miles trying to get his eye contact. And then MayDay attaches herself to Miles' arm. Peter is really close here - like MayDay doesn't have to lean much to cling on to him.
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By the time he says 'And she happened-' MayDay is already on him, Miles just hadn't noticed yet. Peter isn't holding her anymore.
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In one shot, MayDay is on the other side of Peter, then suddenly she's on Miles' arm. I assumed this was Peter putting MayDay on Miles, are at least getting her close enough to cling to him.
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To me it looks like he literally passed her from one arm to the next in order to get her close to Miles.
Now Miles hands are full. He can't go anywhere. Now all Peter has to do is laugh and joke until they can get to him. Peter even judges the way Miles holds her - I assumed this was him trying to coax him into really holding her, calming down and not focus on leaving.
The better Miles grip on her is, the less likely he is too take off.
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Right after this Lyla announces herself - saying "We got your location, Peter."
Now, I always took this as confirmation that yes, he set up Miles.
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Why else would Lyla speak out loud to him if he's hadn't spoken to her first. If Peter didn't KNOW he was being tracked, why would Lyla just announce it to him suddenly? Her natural protocol probably would've been to just tell Miguel.
So I always saw Lyla speaking out loud like this as the sign that Peter spoke to HER first, letting her know to track his location, and believing it was safe to respond out loud, Lyla replied back.
Instead of Lyla just talking suddenly and giving Peter away.
As soon as this happened, I immediately understood why he was SO insistent on Miles holding MayDay and holding her well, and calming down.
Because he was intentionally trying to corner/ground him in time for The Society to get to him.
How else would they even know that he was with Miles - and to track HIM and not Gwen - unless he directly told them 'I have Miles with me.' someway?
From Day 1 I saw this as intentional, but I've seen multiple people now who believe it was an accident.
What do you believe? Cause I don't think Lyla would just speak out loud unprompted in a situation like this. To me I always saw it as her responding to Peter, AFTER Peter ratted Miles out.
I mean, look at Miles' face. He LOOKS betrayed. He LOOKS HURT.
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Peter says he didn't know, but Miles doesn't believe that. Neither do I.
He says "I didn't know, I promise." But I was like-
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Yeah sure, you didn't know the watch you've had for months and the sophisticated ass AI on it can track your location, sure bro.
Sure, Lyla just figured out on her own that you were with Miles and then decided to rat you out. Sure. Her voice recognition picked up Miles being there and she still spoke out loud uh-huh. STFU.
You not making no sense bro CAP. STOP THE CAP!!!!
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Like...... Seriously, how else would Lyla know to ping Peter's location, other than him telling her. It's just him and MILES!!!!!
I don't know. That how I always read the situation.
And Peter using his baby to manipulate and corner Miles like that - It DO NOT sit right with me. It don't matter of face I'm sick to MY STOMACHHHHHHH!!!
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But maybe I'M the one bugging. If I'm reading this wrong but who knows bit if he deadass ratted him out.....guitar. guitar. Hobie, the guitar!!!!
But how do you read this scene, you think he did it on purpose or nah?
Cause Lyla announcing herself like that is mad random unless he spoke to her first. She could have found him and told Miguel, but I feel like she told Peter too because he actively requested he be tracked.
Thoughts, ya'll? We think he did it or nah? Let's hear what the audience thinks fr fr
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 3- arrival
You had just arrived in spain when the news that you were leaving arsenal was spread the club hadn't said where you were moving to due to some timing issues and you hadn't done any Barcelona media yet. You looked through the comments as the fans speculated your next club and many wishing you well and hoping you would have stayed longer at the club. While all the messages were nice you knew it was the right call to move so as you stood in airport looking for what will be your ride to the training centre you see a sign with your name on it. After some great force of lugging your two suitcases along the airport by yourself you reached the drivers with a half smile "good morning miss y/l/n" he said reaching his hand out "morning nice to meet you" you said taking his hand a firmly shaking it. Just as you were about to grab your suitcases and begin dragging them back along to the car he took them out of your hands "let me take these from you" he said "oh its no bother really i can bring them myself" you protested but he was insistent.
The car journey wasn't as long as you had expected it to be as you sat scrolling through your phone almost laughing at the ridiculous rumors you could see through your phone even sky sports had started to make rumors. You had arrived at the training ground where a member off staff had met you and brought you to the hair and makeup chair "hola, buen dia miss y/l/n" said the women smiling at you "call me y/n please its more.. normal" you responded as she began her work adding a light coat of foundation and redoing your hair entirely. After 10 minutes you were ready and handed a Barcelona training kit and told this is what you would be taking your photos in I mean it made sense but you would have preferred to be in normal clothes.
You were whisked through the unfamiliar corridors passing room after room each one looking completely different from the other till you reached the media room which was set up with cameras lighting and the contract. Jona was waiting in a chair when you arrived and he immediately stood up "hola y/n so happy you decided to join us you are going to do wonderful things" he said kindly to you. As the next couple hours went by you spent most time taking photos and doing interviews when you were told it was tomorrow when you would meet the team and have a tour of the facility before joining training.
Once you were done you were brought to an apartment that had been furnished and paid from Barcelona as you clearly weren't old enough to pay for it yourself. It was nice,small yes, but it wasn't cramped. You had put away all your clothes when you saw that it had been officially posted you were now a culer and all the media from that day had been posted and as you expected it.You had done it 'y/n y/l/n has transferred to Barcelona for an undisclosed fee' was printed all over social media for a moment it felt like everyone in the world was talking about you.
You woke up the next morning and the apartment was conveniently a 10 minute walk to the training ground because you couldn't drive so walking was the next best thing. The spanish sun was hot on your skin you hadn't been out of england for a long time minus for England camps which weren't very frequent or very long. You had arrived at the training ground 5 minutes early but that didn't matter. You were again greeted by jona the two of you making small talk as you walked towards the pitch, now the anxiety had kicked in you were 16 and going to meet your idols all at once, what if you nade a fool of yourself in front of the team or they dont like you and just to top of the list you knew not one word of Spanish minus hola. The training ground was nice it was decked out with perfectly cut grass and box nets you looked over to see the team training away not even noticing your presence as they were so focused in a drill that until jona called them over they were in there own world. "CHICAS, YOUR NEW TEAMMATE HAS ARRIVED" he shouted across the pitch when each of the girls looked over to you and began to walk towards you, each meter they passed you could feel your heartbeat move quicker. Now you were young but you weren't challenged size wise at 16 you were 5,8 making you quite the impressive feat and one that was taller than quite a few girls on the team. From a mile away anyone could tell you were a defender tall, broad shoulders, hair tied neatly in two plaits, it was obvious.
It was the captain alexia who had been selected to talk to you first " hola, ive heard good things about you y/n" she said kindly almost in a parental tone, a tone which some sould have found to be insulting yet it brought you a sense of comfort. Each of the girls took there time chatting to you, some getting more confused by your accent and led you to having to say things much slower so the others can understand what you were saying. When last it came to kiera and lucy the fellow English on the team "well well if isn't y/n" lucy said almost grimacing "what lucy, you're not happy to see me" you said back "of course" she said wrapping her arm around you as keira did the same you had known the English girls had been told you were coming by leah but you didnt know that they had been told to keep your eyes on you but so was mapi and alexia however from jona. It was lucy who had taken you on the tour around the place "nice innit, and the weathers lush as" she said "yeah definitely, its a change from arsenal but god is it like a different world from sunderland" you said although you had lived in North london for 3 years your north east accent hadn't changed at all you were still a northern girl at heart and one that surprisingly faired well under the sun.
"Well then i bet we better head off back home" lucy said taking you back to the exit "yeah definitely especially before it gets too dark" you said as you began to walk off to your apartment "where are you going? Aren't your foster parents picking you up" she questioned as from what she has assumed you were living with a family "ermm home im walking back to my apartment its only 10 minutes" you said as you began to speed up a little away from lucy. "An apartment you're 16 you can't live alone" lucy remarked but by then you were gone you, she threw her hands in the air and sighed as she knew she needed to have a talk with barca management because you couldn't live alone but you had ran home to make sure lucy couldn't see where you went as you didn't want to make a scene or deal with lucy scolding you.
As you opened your front door you locked it back up and crashed into bed the jet lag from the plane had crashed into you but you knew you needed to shower and make dinner but you had no food what so ever, how you wished someone could make you some home cooked food. So like a sensible person you ordered in food and showered while waiting and just as you had changed into your pjs the food had arrived. It was just a simple pizza but god was it tasty. You ate every last crumb and put the box on your counter to put it in the recycling you climbed into your bed and let tiredness slip over you.
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professional-yearner · 6 months
Can't Help Falling In Love With You 🤍
Pt. 1
Yandere! Cheater! Officer Clone trooper x Fem! Reader
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Series TW!: cheating, mistresses, grief, murder, Evil-ish, being trapped, toxic relationships, forced relationship, obsessive love, obsession, general insanity, manipulation, disloyalty
A/N: I hope you guys like this first installment of my new-ish series! I do intend to finish it this time lol. I really hope you like it! :3
You sat in the dark, staring blankly at the messages. They were sweet, affectionate, and playful, with a deep sense of connection that made bile creep up your throat and your head light. You remembered when Steel used to message you like this, it seemed so distant now, but you could remember it almost vividly.
You hadn't realized you were crying until you had to sniff to keep mucus from dripping onto the data pad. It made sense why he had been so distant recently; staying out late on his leave instead of being with you, always on his data pad doing 'work', never really touching you anymore.
The name opposite his own messages seemed to be laughing at you, bold and victorious as it burned into your retinas;
Was that her name? It was pretty, like she must be. Was it just that, or was she funnier, smarter, more capable, more interesting? Maybe all of the above.
You cried out, pain racking through your entire body; you had thought he was your person. You thought he thought you were his person.
It had all come together when you met him, and now it had so rapidly fallen apart.
The morning following your discovery was bleak, but you had to keep it together, at least until he left again for the day.
It was a sisyphean task to hold back your tears without him noticing as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head before he went (something he hadn't done in a while), but you didn't think you could face him now, not until you got yourself together a bit.
You finally broke once he closed the door behind him, trying to take air between sobs as you did your best to move towards the bathroom.
Skincare didn't work, the tears and snot wouldn't stop long enough for any of your products to set.
Putting on a nice outfit didn't work either, you just found new ways to compare yourself to how pretty his new girl must be, making your crying all the more intense.
Finally, you found yourself in the kitchen, exhausted from a day that sped by you and stomach rumbling.
You had to climb the counter to get the ingredients that you needed, seeing as the it only reached your hip at the most.
Steel had insisted on you not "wasting your money" on a step-stool, going on about how he'd always be there to get things down for you. Remembering that made you grit your teeth, grief momentarily replaced with vitriol.
Karking liar.
Mixing and cleaning went by in a blur, you were so practiced by now it felt like a reflex. You looked down at what you were making.
It was both of your favorites; pancakes.
It was simple, basic even, but it had kind of been your thing. It seemed appropriate considering you had met in a diner.
You felt your eyes heat as you flipped the pancake.
You really thought he loved you.
You could remember the first time you had kissed, the first time you had felt so wanted and right with someone;
You giggled as he bumped your shoulder with his, the rough material of his uniform scuffing your bare arm lightly as he grinned down at you. The rain pattered on the two of you, your hair and his hat beginning to drip.
You paused your walking as you caught his eye, the look he was giving you catching you off guard; his brown-gold eyes shone more openly than you had ever seen them, soft affection following your every movement as his lips curved into a warm smile.
"What?" You smiled up at him, laughing lightly.
He stepped out in front of you, leaning down to push the hair away from your face and touching your nose with his,
"You're perfect, angel."
Your eyes widened as you took in the moment, a desire settling itself against your ribcage at his declaration. Stomach fluttering, you worked up every scrap of courage you had, finally leaning forward and closing the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips shyly to his.
He seemed to be in shock for a moment, making you pull back, only to give a small squeak of surprise as he shot out a hand to bring you back, capturing your lips gently, but passionately, against his once more.
You both stayed like that for a while, lips moving against each other in quiet tenderness before he pulled away slowly, rubbing your cheek with his calloused thumb,
He breathed softly, face only an inch from yours, "Sweet girl."
You bit back a silly grin, bringing your forehead to his and placing your hands at the sides of his face in a Keldabe kiss, one last show of your overwhelming adoration before pulling away.
"You want to come back to mine? I could make breakfast for dinner; your favorite."
He said nothing for a moment, looking at you as if you were the beginning and end of the galaxy, making you almost tear up before his face broke into a lopsided grin once more. He picked you up by your waist suddenly, causing you to squeal as he spun you around, laughing,
"Cyar’ika, you are the love of my life!"
You stared at the pan, watching the pastry grow black as you zoned out. The love of his life.
You sobbed, clutching the counter as the smell of burning pancake filled your nose.
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live-laugh-neteyam · 2 years
That Funny Feeling ||| neteyam x omatikaya!reader
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part two of The Future's Better Than Yesterday | previous | series masterlist | next |
pairings: neteyam x omatikayal!fem!reader *aged up*
summary: after listening to Mo’at insisting on finding a mate for you, you spend time with a boy in the village. Seeing the two of you together fuels Neteyam’s jealousy leading him to a confession.
words: 1.9k
warnings/notes: cringy tooth rotting fluff, use of y/n, probably spelling/grammar errors (sorry), mentions of finding a mate, friends to lovers starts to go somewhere, jealous!neteyam, also made up Na’vi name, honestly not a whole lot going on this chapter
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Rolling your eyes you continued the task at hand. Hands busy at work making different healing pastes to replenish the stock. You wanted nothing more than to work in peace but Mo'at wouldn't let up.
"I will you help you my child." She continued. "It's time you find a mate."
"I already told you," letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm not looking for a mate right now."
"You have been of age for some time now. You cannot push it back forever."
You weren't ready. At this rate you could barley take care of yourself, the last thing you wanted to do was throw someone else into the mix. Besides, there was only one person you could see yourself with and that would never happen.
"My visions are getting worse. I don't want to drag someone into this. Until I get them under control I want to remain on my own."
"You are stubborn like your father." The Tsahík huffed.
Your face softened at the mention of your father. Knowing that other people noticed similarities between the two of you made your heart soar.
"Talk some sense into her Kiri." Mo'at continued to press.
"I'm staying out of this." Kiri raised her hands in surrender.
You couldn't help but laugh. "Good choice Kiri."
Despite your words the Tsahík knew that there was one young man you had your eye on. She also knew that he felt the same for you. The two of you thought you were sly but it had been painfully obvious for everyone else.
You would never admit your feelings for Neteyam because you feared rejection. There was no way he could feel the same so you didn't want to ruin the friendship the two of you had.
No one knew why Neteyam still hadn't confessed his feelings. Everyone knew he had been pining over you for years.
He just didn't know how to confess his feelings to you yet. Neteyam being the perfectionist that he is, had to have everything planned out to the last detail. Everything was always calculated and precise.
He would tell you when he had it all figured out.
Neteyam wasn't worried about rushing. He made it obvious to the other young men of the clan that you were off limits. Threatening anyone who so much as looked at you.
Even the Tsahík had noticed this in her grandson. You two were a match from Eywa herself. But Neteyam was too young and dumb to do anything about it. So Mo’at decided you needed a little push.
She had no doubt of your feelings and knew you’d be a perfect future Tsahík. Your connection to The Great Mother was undeniable and your care for the people was genuine. You would complete Neteyam in leading the people.
All that was needed was for one if you to make the first move.
Later that day you were in your tent with Kiri. "Your grandmother is driving me to madness." You huffed still irritated from earlier.
"You know that it's only gonna get worse from here right? My grandmother is relentless."
"I've noticed."
The entrance flap of the tent opened revealing a young man. He stood there awkwardly, seemingly unsure of himself.
"Ateyo." Kiri acknowledged him. "Are you injured?"
"No actually." he replied shifting his weight on his feet. "I'm here to see Y/N."
Your ears shot up at the sound of your name. Slowly turning around to face him you took him in. He gave a small smile and waved.
Having a feeling that someone else was up to something you couldn't help but be suspicious.
"What can I help you with Ateyo?" You wore your best fake smile hoping he didn't notice.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?" He nervously scratched the back of his neck.
Your eyes practically bugged out of your head. Looking over to Kiri she had her hand pressed to her mouth trying to conceal her laughter.
Taking a deep breath you tried to think of something to get you out of this. "Thank you, but I still have work here to do."
"I can hold down the fort." Kiri knowingly smirked at you.
You whipped around giving her a look. Which only fueled her laughter more. You could've smacked the smile right off her.
"Shall we go then?" Ateyo asked holding his arm out for you. It was a sweet gesture but it meant little to you coming from him.
With one last glare at Kiri you followed Ateyo out of your tent. "Have fun you two!" Kiri exclaimed.
"You don't deserve to live." You mouthed to her. She stuck her tongue out in return before hunching over in laughter.
"Did the Tsahík put you up to this?" You winced slightly at your bluntness. But you couldn't help but ask. Ateyo was nice but had never once showed interest in you.
"She had mentioned something to me." He nervously chuckled. "But I would like to spend some time with you."
"I don't know what she told you but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." He nodded listening carefully to you.
"Would a walk as friends be alright then?" Ateyo asked his voice laced with hope.
"I would like that." You smiled.
For the most part you enjoyed Ateyo's company. Still, there was a part of you that wished he was anyone else. You’d rather be racing your Ikrans with Lo'ak or gossiping with Kiri. Hell you'd even play dolls with Tuk.
You most definitely would rather be walking with Neteyam right now.
Despite his words you noticed his lingering glances and occasional subtle flirting. You didn't pay much attention to it, you weren't at all interested so it didn't matter.
Neteyam bounded into your tent with a huge smile on his face. He had a habit of obtaining slight injuries that needed your immediate attention. It was the perfect excuse to come see you and one of the only times he got to see you during the day.
"Are you injured brother?" Kiri asked looking him up and down.
Smile fading he looked around the room noticing your absence. "Where is Y/N?"
"Hello brother, it is nice to see you too." Kiri rolled her eyes. "My day has been good thanks for asking." She taunted.
"That's nice Kiri, but where is Y/N?" He was trying to be nice to his sister but his patience was wearing thin.
"She's out. Is there anything I could help you with?" She smirked.
"Out where?"
"Not sure. But if you need help with the scrape on your head I happen to be a very skilled healer. Unless, there was another reason you needed Y/N?" Her tone teasing.
Neteyam felt his face heat up at his sister's words. She knew exactly why he wanted to see you but still chose to torture him. "Never mind Kiri.”
Walking out of the tent he was met with a sight that made his stomach drop. There you were entering the village with a man. His blood ran cold and then started to boil as the man put his hand on your shoulder.
Neteyam wanted nothing more than to rip his hand off.
A million thoughts were running through his head. Neteyam never considered himself to be a jealous person but that funny feeling was creeping into his stomach. The green cloud of envy was blurring his senses.
So distracted in his thoughts he didn’t notice you walk up to him. “Hi Neteyam.” You smiled your sweet smile. Your smile that should be for him and only him.
“We need to talk.” He grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the village. “You don’t have to drag me I can walk myself.” You grumble pulling your arm away.
“Sorry.” Was all he grumbled as you kept walking. You knew exactly where he wanted to go.
He pushed the brush back allowing you to enter the clearing first. Taking a seat at your normal spot you watched as he did the same.
“What’s up with you? You seem grumpy.” You playfully said.
“Who were you with?” Was all he said.
“Ateyo invited me for a walk.” You cautiously said noticing his mood still hadn’t improved.
He scoffed. Ateyo wasn’t even the best hunter in the clan. You could do much better than him.
“So you’re together now?” He couldn’t meet your stare.
A laugh escaped your lips. His ears twitch before he finally turned to look at you. His heart was on the verge of breaking into a million pieces and you were laughing?
“Neteyam where are you coming up with this?” You asked still giggling. You stopped when you noticed his expression stayed hard.
Your face softened as you took him in. He was genuinely upset and you suspected a little jealous. “Your grandmother has been pestering me to find a mate.” You started. His ears perked up listening to you.
“She asked Ateyo to spend time getting to know me. I told him the same thing I told her. I am not interested in a mate right now.”
Neteyam’s angry expression was melting into sadness. He was glad you weren’t courting Ateyo, but your words stung.
Feeling bold you pushed further, “Why would it matter if I was interested in him?”
“Because it just does.” He huffed.
“But why?” Scooting closer to him desperately trying to look in his eyes. “Why did you bring me here Teyem?”
“I just, I just needed to know that you weren’t with him.” He looked up at you panic evident in his face. His eyes a bit watery. It was now or never.
“I want to be yours Y/N.” He spoke softy. “I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted. It’s always been you.”
You felt like someone knocked the wind out of you. The boy you loved just confessed his feelings to you. You gently pinched your arm just to make sure this was real. It was.
“Neteyam I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.” He gently cupped your cheek. “Just listen.”
“You are my best friend, my favorite person, and the only girl I’ve ever loved. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives Y/N.”
Tears were freely spilling out of your eyes. This was all you ever wanted but you still couldn’t help but feel unworthy. “Neteyam you need a strong mate to be your Tsahík. I am not her.”
“But you are. You’re the most selfless, loving, and caring person I know. You will guide the people far better than I ever could.”
“What about your parents? They are supposed to choose for you.”
“I do not care.” He was desperately trying to make you understand. “You are the only thing I’ve ever wanted. The one thing I want to choose myself. My whole life has been laid out for me but I will not let them take you from me. If they disapprove, I will run away with you. We could be happy just the two of us.”
“Teyam.” You smiled placing your hand over his on your cheek.
“Say you will be mine Y/N. You already know I am yours.”
Studying his eyes they were so sure not a trace of doubt in them. You could see the gold swirls and the flecks of green, wanting nothing more than to be lost in them forever.
“I see you Y/N.”
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captain-mj · 7 months
Hi I really love your PriceGraves stories and I don know if you still do story requests so can I ask for one with the idea of Price and Graves caring and loving a fluffy white teacup Pomeranian puppy? It is a gift from one of the Shadow recruit to try and cheer Graves up after losing Dumpling, and Graves couldn't say no to the tiny angel baby floofer? I like the idea of two grown men adoring such a very tiny puppy, you can also involve the rest of the 141 too!
Absolutely! Also, little fun fact, Dumpling was based on my Grandma's shih tzu. She was 18 when she died and did so the day after my grandmother died. Though personally I don't think my grandma deserved the loyalty, the little dog met her breed's standards with every day she told the grim reaper to wait.
Price had spent the entire week with Graves after Dumpling died. After day three, he just got up and started working again. From the outside, someone could assume he shook off the loss, but Price saw that he still didn't eat much and mostly drank coffee now a days. He tried to coax him into eating by having Oz cook, but Graves usually only choked down a few bites and thanked him.
All of the Shadows took notice and they talked. Price wondered what they were planning, but he spent most of his time with Graves, almost all of his time in fact. Graves eventually insisted he was fine, but Price saw him touching her favorite blanket or lightly pushing her bowl with his foot.
Price sat with him in the living room and Graves leaned against him. He was napping silently as they sat together and Price was thankful. Graves hadn't been sleeping well.
One of the shadows peaked in before quickly closing the door. He watched the door as multiple looked into the room and went back out. There was a short period of time before the door opened again but no one peeked in.
A tiny, fluffy white dog walked in and Price froze. He must've tensed too fast cause Graves woke up immediately.
The dog's tail wagged a little before they did a little spin. Their tail wagged so hard it made their whole body move.
"What is this?" Graves mumbled.
"I think she's a gift." Price answered, looking closer at her.
Graves sat up and reached for her. He scooped her up and she barked. "Tiny thing. I hope she's old enough to be away from her mom like this."
Price pet her and she licked his hand. "Pomeranian right?"
"Yeah. She is." Graves smiled at her. "Beignet."
"I'm going to name her Beignet." Graves said softly. He held her for a moment before handing her to Price. He grabbed Dumpling's bowls and put them away before getting out a regular plate. Price pet Beignet as Graves set up a bowl of food for her. "Old superstition. If you let a dog eat from a bowl of a dead dog... It's bad luck."
Price smiled at him and then set down Beignet. She rushed over to start to gobble down food. Her little tail just kept going.
Graves knelt down and watched her. He stayed there until she was done and she licked at his fingers. For the first time all week, he smiled.
Beignet barked.
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mysticsublimeperson · 3 months
NUMB pt2
Arthur had noticed something, he didn't quite understand what exactly, and that was frustrating.
Then Merlin cancelled the only date night the had been able to schedule in a month, because of the difference in their work hours, and Merlin spended less and less time with him at work...
So ditching him to go to a club?
Yeah... Arthur was pissed.
But then, "They have notice that I 've been absent, unless you want me to explain where do I spend my free time lately, I better go with them to get them off my back. We wouldn't want anybody knowing your secret right?"
And damn if that didn't hurt.
He knew Merlin wasn't really happy with the arrangement, he knew that he had been crossing the line lately. Going off at work, mostly to throw people off the track, but also to let out some of his frustration. But what could he do?
It was impossible to continue with his life as it was, and have Merlin. He would loose everything, his job, his family, his status, probably the flat too... His father was sure to ruin his life if he gave that step.
But for the life of him, he could not let Merlin go. He will never let him go willingly. Merlin was the happiest he had been in his life. Waking up next to him, he felt at peace, felt understood, felt seen. The way Merlin looked at him, like he meant something extraordinary, made him feel complete.
But then the little doubt creep in, What would happen if Merlin grew tired of this baggage?
What will happen when Merlin grow tired of this situation?
Arthur felt his chest heavy with guilt. It was bound to happen, he knew that, he, himself, had made sure of it. He had enough scape routes in case everything went south, but now he found that Merlin could also use them, and that thought was the scariest of them all.
Merlin went radio silent after that call, and Arthur understood.
Then the next day he could not find him at the company, which was strange but maybe he was avoiding him, and Arthur understood.
He didn't answered any of his calls, or texts, and Arthur understood.
The dread expanding in his belly.
The following day he went to work with a heavy step and a heavier heart.
He knew that this whole circus was his fault, and therefore he had no right to complain or demand anything of Merlin, but that didn't make him feel better.
Merlin was still gone, so he went looking for him. And then Gaius told him that Merlin hadn't gone to work, he was sick, apparently. Gaius didn't know what exact illness but ... "he has been off lately, distant, cold, sad. And with all due respect, that you are keen on humiliating him on public lately hadn't really helped. I imagine it has to do with that. He didn't explain further, just told me he was going on sick leave"
Gaius spoke clearly, and with every word Arthur felt more shame. That dressing down was something he didn't know he needed.
Had he been so awful towards Merlin? Truly?
He bolted, didn't even told anyone, just went.
Went to his flat, and banged on his door, and called his name until the neighbors threatened to call the police.
It was useless.
The last time he spoke to him, he was going to go clubbing with his friends. He knew most of Merlins friends, basically because they were also Arthur's friends. But those friends... he knew them yeah, but he wasn't precisely close, Will, proper hated him, and the girl, Freya, was apprehensive around him, he didn't know why, but he hadn't particularly care up until that moment, he did not have any way of contacting them, not their number saved, not their social media profiles, nothing.
The only thing he could remember was where Freya used to work, because Merlin had insisted on buying his coffee there for months just to spend his break catching up with her, at least until they happened.
He went there, his only clue, praying for the girl to be there.
He wasn't lucky, she didn't even had a shift that day. But he had obtained a contact info. He texted her.
And she answered vaguely, not understanding why Merlin's boss was asking for that kind of information. He didn't get much, but the fact that that whole ordeal was orchestrated by Gwaine.
So he went to Gwaine.
He was still hungover, or, more accurately, hungover again. And told him reluctantly that he had tried to get Merlin to relax, because he had been upset as of late. Arthur really ought to pay better attention, everyone had noticed this change in Merlin's behavior, so probably Merlin had been dealing with the burnt of having to lying to everyone.
"We just wanted him to unwind, It was fine... at least I hope so" Arthur's heart stopped at that very moment "What do you mean?" Gwaine was completely unaffected by his murderous tone and stare, and reentered his home trailed by Arthur "I don't know mate, he was having fun, he had been talking to this bloke on the floor, the seemed to have hit it off quite well... that was the last time I saw him, when we didn't heard from him in the morning, well we assumed he'd gotten laid, at least he had fun, but yesterday he told us that It didn't went well, but didn't explain" As he spoke his voice lost it's strength, and the insecurity he must have felt since that message was brought to the surface.
Arthur wanted to scream, to accuse, to point, to break, to do everything at the same time, but how could he? He stopped himself just before he started a shouting match with Gwaine, who was lost in thought in the sofa, because Gwaine was his friend too, and if he had known he wouldn't have done any of that.
His eyes started to sting from the sheer frustration.
Fact 1: Merlin's friends had taken him to a club, so he could cheat on Arthur, not that they knew that.
Fact 2: Merlin had gotten drunk, danced and left the club with another man, Arthur could not grasp how he felt about that just yet.
Fact 4: Merlin hadn't gone to work in two days, and no one knew where or how he was and the worry in his chest was clouding his mind and shit, he was crying.
He wiped his face quickly with the back of his hand, but couldn't hold back anymore so he struggled a bit saying goodbye to Gwaine and got out of there, didn't listen to whatever Gwaine was saying in the background.
He couldn't tell you how did he find Merlin, just that it was probably illegal and highly unadvised. But by that afternoon he was in front of that hospital door, with mixed feelings, a lot of guilt and one thought.
Hunith opened the door, Hunith was there. His gut twisted in different uncomfortable directions.
"Arthur? What are you doing here? Wait, let's talk outside, he finally managed to sleep for a bit" His throat closed off.
"I..He didn't show up at work" It was all he could manage, he could see her eyes harden.
"Yes, well, I am sure you can see he is in no condition to do so, now if you would kindly leave"
"Hunith" he was trembling "Can I see him?" he saw her hesitate.
"He doesn't want to see anyone" she ultimately answered a bit softer.
"What happened?"
"It's not my place to tell Arthur, I need to respect his decision, now more than ever" she said with finality "Look, I'll call you when he changes his mind.."
"IF.. if he changes his mind, you know how he is" he protested "Hunith I just..." he had to stop, before his voice broke "I need to know how he is, I need to see that he is ok"
"I know you are his friend Arthur" Arthur could hear his heart shatter "But this is... He is not ok" she said looking directly at him "He doesn't want to be seen like that, he doesn't want to be judged or pitied. He needs someone by his side right now, someone who would just be there with him, loving him, truly, boldly, despite everything else" Hunith broke down a bit and ran a hand by her hair, talking to him and to herself also "Don't get me wrong Arthur, I know you care for my son, you are a true friend, but you are not what he needs right now. I know the teasing and bantering is your... style, but I am afraid he cannot handle that. I'll call you if he changes his mind, but if not, please do respect his wishes"
She turned around visibly affected and went back into the room. Meanwhile Arthur had his world shaken to the ground.
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silverynight · 1 year
Explosive, explosive love
Things have changed in the UA, well... actually it's just class A in particular; their explosive gremlin has softened a lot, but only when Midoriya is involved.
And everyone is aware of it and what it means... Except for the green haired boy himself.
Ochako and her friends are studying for finals; Midoriya is helping them with math because he's the best at solving equations. The thing is, he spent the day training without a pause and now the boy is clearly exhausted. He's about to fall asleep on the couch.
"Deku-kun, you should go to your dorm... We can finish this on our own," Ochako assures him.
"Uraraka is right," Iida agrees. "You look really tired."
"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Midoriya smiles, holding back a yawn. "This last problem is important, I don't want you to fail..."
Of course, he collapses on the couch a few seconds after that, in a position that looks almost painful.
"It looks like he's going to break his neck," Ochako comments with worry, although Todoroki is already standing before assuring the others he'll take the boy to his room.
But he doesn't get to do that. Out of nowhere, Bakugo walks in with a blanket in his arms, and carefully leans closer to Midoriya.
"Hey, Izuku," he whispers softly. Ochako didn't know his voice could sound like that until now. "I'm going to carry you to your bedroom, but you have to help me, okay?"
"Kacchan?" Midoriya blinks his eyes open for a second, prompting Bakugo to smile fondly at him. "Okay."
The explosive blond wraps the boy in the blanket and takes him in his arms with an expertise that tells Ochako he's done that more than once.
Everyone is too surprised to say anything, even after Bakugo leaves the common room with a sleepy green bean in his arms.
However, he comes back alone and sits on the floor in front of them, after taking Midoriya's notebook.
"So where were you? What was the nerd helping you with?"
"What?" She blurts out.
Bakugo rolls his eyes, getting slightly irritated.
"Are you going to help us?" Iida asks, looking as surprised as Ochako feels.
"What else, glasses?"
"I don't think we want your–"
"Stop, Todoroki," Ochako cuts him off. "We really need his help."
"I'll help you only if you don't mention this to the nerd," Bakugo says. "Tell him he did finish the lesson, okay?"
Ochako has noticed that Bakugo gets more "aggressive" when he's embarrassed.
"Yes, we do, but tells us why first," she insists, because she needs to know.
"Tch! Fine!" Bakugo growls, cheeks turning slightly pink. "Izuku will feel bad in the morning because he fell asleep before helping you idiots with all the math problems. I just want you to tell him that he did help you until the end."
Ochako turns around and notices that Iida and Todoroki are looking at Bakugo with the same shock she feels at the moment.
"So he doesn't feel bad?"
"Yeah, that's the damn point! Do you want to pass the test or not?"
"Then shut up and listen!"
The next day, Midoriya sits on their table for breakfast and starts apologizing when Ochako interrupts him and assures him he finished explaining all the math problems to them.
"Really?" Midoriya smiles, hopeful and happy. "I don't remember..."
"That's because you were really tired," Todoroki adds, putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "But you helped us a lot."
"I'm glad!" Midoriya beams and Ochako notices that even though Bakugo is telling something to Kaminari and Ashido, he is actually listening to their conversation as well. He immediately relaxes as soon as he sees Midoriya smiling.
He really cares about Midoriya, doesn't he?
Shota notices... It's his job to notice after all, because he needs to tell his students about their own strengths and weaknesses. And right now Bakugo is getting easily distracted by Midoriya.
It wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't gotten hit by Kaminari's lighting twice in a row and almost lost the encounter because of it.
And all because Midoriya had hurt himself, trying to defeat Todoroki.
Bakugo clearly worries about him and it's almost like Midoriya's pain hurts him physically as well, at least judging by the way he grimaces every time he hears the other hiss in pain.
"Bakugo!" Shota calls. "Come here!"
Kaminari looks relieved and even sits on the ground while Bakugo grumpily stomps his way towards the teacher. Shota doesn't miss the way he keeps glancing in Midoriya's direction.
"Hey," Shota lowers his voice before looking at him in the eyes: "I know you care about him and that you worry a lot, but you need to trust him. Midoriya can take care of himself."
Bakugo looks at the ground, looking embarrassed for being caught staring at Midoriya, but he doesn't deny it.
"In a real battle you could've gotten yourself severely hurt because of it. And I know Midoriya wouldn't like that and you know it too."
"I do know. He'd blame himself."
The fact that Bakugo worries more about Midoriya's feelings than his own well being concerns Shota, but he decides that's a conversation for another day.
"If you plan to become his hero partner, you need to work on that as well. If you get hurt during a fight against real villains then you'll leave Midoriya to deal with them on his own."
Bakugo tenses, but Shota knows that he finally understands the situation.
"I'll be more careful."
Bakugo has always been a fast learner and he adapts quickly to his surroundings. Sadly, for Kaminari, he's not longer distracted (well, not that much because he still makes sure Midoriya is alright every now and then, but he makes sure not let his guard down when he does it).
He wins his match and smirks when Midoriya wins his own and in front of the rest of the class, walks towards the green haired boy to make sure he's alright.
Then Bakugo starts cleaning some of the scratches on Midoriya's cheeks while glaring at Todoroki over the green bean's shoulder.
Shota sighs.
Class A keeps witnessing how much Bakugo cares about their Midoriya and they start wondering if they should help the blond out.
Midoriya gets sick right after the summer break starts and Bakugo makes soup and feeds it to him because the broccoli boy is too tired and shaky to do it himself. They go to recovery girl's office and after she gives them medicine, Bakugo makes sure he takes it.
Of course... Bakugo gets sick, but Midoriya is more than happy to return the favor; the only problem is that a Bakugo with fever has less inhibitions than his normal self.
He ends up looking like a cocoon (with a blanket wrapped around his body) and lying on Midoriya's lap while he demands headpats.
"Give me a kiss, nerd!"
This makes Midoriya blush to the tip of his ears, but he doesn't think much of it because (as he's constantly telling Uraraka) is probably because of Bakugo's fever that he's acting that way.
"Of course, Kacchan," he whispers, lovingly running his fingers through Bakugo's spiky hair before pulling it away to press his lips against the blond's forehead.
Mina is getting tired of them.
Bakugo gets better and he goes back to basically being Midoriya's perfect future husband.
He makes sure he eats and is constantly worrying about his training...
Mina finds them once in the common room; Midoriya is falling asleep as Bakugo reads something to him from his own notes.
Bakugo notices this, but he doesn't look upset, he just keeps reading in the softest tone of voice, Mina would've doubted it was actually him if she hadn't been watching him moving his lips the whole time.
Midoriya finally falls asleep and Bakugo puts a pillow on his own lap before helping Midoriya rest his head on it.
Then he starts running his fingers through his hair, not even flinching when Mina gets closer.
"If you wake him up–"
"I won't, I promise... It's just... why?"
"He's been having nightmares lately and he's afraid of sleeping now. But I just made him tea and I'm planning on keeping an eye on him so he should be fine."
Sometimes Mina wonders if Bakugo notices, if Bakugo can hear how besotted he sounds.
"Tell him how you feel."
For a second, Bakugo panics, but then relaxes as soon as he notices Midoriya is still fast asleep.
"I don't deserve–"
"Don't finish that sentence, Blasty... Or I'll tell Midoriya and I know he'll get very pissed at you for saying something like that."
Instead of getting angry at her, Bakugo chuckles and smiles fondly at Midoriya as he keeps running his fingers through his hair.
"You're right, he'd get mad."
It seems like Bakugo is going to actually follow Ashido's advice; yes, she told the others and class A has been impatiently waiting ever since.
Everyone's in the common room and suddenly Bakugo walks in with his cheeks slightly pink as he gets closer to Midoriya.
"Can we talk outside, Izuku?"
"Of course, Kacchan! Is this about our training session?"
"Not really..."
No one dares to follow them, but they certainly look through the windows and watch as Bakugo nervously stares at his own shoes and then looks back at Midoriya before telling him something.
Midoriya freezes, but his face starts turning pink until his freckles disappear for a moment.
Then, as they watch expectantly, the green bean jumps into Bakugo's arms and gives him a kiss on the lips that the blond returns with enthusiasm.
Then he stops before turning his head to glance at the window.
"I KNOW YOU'RE STILL WATCHING, PERVERTS. LOOK AWAY!" He yells right before Midoriya spots them and buries his head in the curve of Bakugo's neck in embarrassment. The blond puts one of his arms around him while he flips the rest of his classmates off.
Even though he's scowling at them, they all can tell he's very happy now. Midoriya is flustered but he's still enjoying himself because Bakugo starts kissing the top of his head to calm him down.
Everyone's very happy for them.
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 14
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Joel's alarm woke the two of you up the next morning and you let out a big yawn.
"Sorry," he whispered, turning it off before rolling onto his back with his eyes closed. "At least it's Friday."
"Yeah." You agreed, not yet opening your eyes as you pulled the comforter up toward your chin. "I have to be in at ten."
"It's only seven," he said quietly. "Stay in bed."
"You're going in for eight?" You asked him.
"Mmm hmm." Joel let an arm fall lazily over you and you brought his knuckles to your lips. "Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah." You finally let your eyes open and glanced over at him. "I was overreacting last night.. about the pumpkins."
"No, you weren't."
"I have to admit though," you told him, "I was a little sad to see them all smashed up like that after our contest."
Joel pulled you against his chest and hugged his arms around you. "We could always do a second round of carving. Double or nothing?"
You smiled. He had a way of making things better without even trying. "I guess that means the joke was on them. Because I'd love a repeat of last night."
"Is it too much to ask for your company again tonight?"
"I'm available." You grinned and shared a short series of kisses.
"I have to shower and get into work," Joel told you.
You raised your eyebrows. "Want some company?"
"Thanks for covering my shift last night," you said to your coworker, Molly, as the two of you wiped down the handful of tables scattered throughout the coffee shop.
"Oh, no worries," she insisted. "More times than not I'm dying for extra shifts. I take what I can get."
"Well, thank you."
Customers paraded in and out regularly until about noon when things began to slow down for the lunch hour. You were sure it would pick up again around two when people were in need of a mid afternoon pick-me-up.
You cleaned up some more before finally checking your phone. A smile formed on your face when you saw a text from Joel that had come in twenty minutes or so earlier.
'Thanks for washing my back this morning', the text read.
You typed something equally silly and fresh back to him and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
There was another message from a number you didn't recognize that addressed you by your first name and said simply, 'Just taking a chance and reaching out.' You partially assumed it might be Steve and didn't bother replying.
A pair of college-aged guys came in and you quickly shoved the phone back into the apron tied around your waist.
"Can I help you?" You asked the two of them with a smile.
"Umm.." the first guy in line adjusted a backwards hat as his eyes moved back and forth to read the menu board. "I'll have a medium caramel latte and a slice of the lemon bread." He added, "Please."
"You got it." Your eyes drifted toward his friend. "And for you?"
"I'll have large iced coffee with cream and sugar."
"Is that all?"
They both nodded and the first guy handed over a debit card. You completed the transaction and handed it back over. "Your order will be ready in a few minutes"
Molly began to make the latte while you tackled the iced coffee and sliced a piece lemon cake into a small baggie.
"Here you go guys." The two of you glided the beverages across the brown countertop and handed over the pastry. The guys then sat down by a table beside a cork board that full of pinned ads and cards left by local businesses in search of work.
You hadn't paid any attention to it. Not just that day, but really ever. It was just part of the wall that you walked by a hundred times without taking a second look.
But right then, as you glanced toward the two young men, you noticed something on the wall beside them. It was a pinned there to the cork board by a blue push pin.
You felt your breath catch halfway up your trachea and you walked slowly at first and then rushed the rest of the way to make sure you were seeing what you thought you were seeing.
"Hey, are you alright?" Molly asked. Her short, blond curls bounced as she hurried after you.
The customers looked in your direction when you ripped a paper off the wall and held it in front of your face before burying it against your chest.
"What is it?" Your coworker asked.
You shook your head in disbelief and then held out the green flyer in front of you again. As much as you didn't want anyone to see it, you needed someone right then to confide in. As a close, female work friend, Molly filled that void.
"Look at this." You turned it so she could see it as your hands practically shook.
"What the hell is this?" She asked, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Who put this here?" You asked. "Did anyone come in today and pin something up on that board? Before I got here?"
"I.. I don't know." She shook her head, "I got here right before you did."
"What about last night?"
Molly looked helpless for you and frowned as she continued to shake her head. "I didn't notice anyone in particular over there."
"I need a minute to think." You took a deep breath and wandered into the back by the sinks. From back there you heard one of the guys ask Molly if you were okay.
You hadn't realized you placed the flyer against your chest again until you held it out in front of you again. It was real. So were the images of you and bare-chested Joel, mid-embrace with your lips locked and eyes closed.
Beneath the picture was the caption: Find love at PsychoMeetUp.com. Below that was your name and phone number along with Joel's. Now the random text message made sense.
You knew it in your gut. The night the police came to the house after a phone call. The rustling in the patch of woods by Joel's driveway. The smashed pumpkins. It wasn't all just a coincidence.
You ripped the flyer in half and crumpled it up before throwing it angrily into a green garbage pale.
Vic. You knew it had to be him. He vowed to run you out of town and what better way than to embarrass you in such a way that felt so personal and unredeeming.
Your first thought was to go to the police, but were they even on your side? You had to try. They had to do *something*. And if not, you'd take if a step further and go to the state police. They had no ties to your small town bullshit.
"Go take care of it," Molly told you, scampering around back. "That's so messed up, I'm sorry."
"You'll be okay?"
"Don't worry about me or this place." Molly shooed you with her hands. "Go."
"Thank you, Molly." You hugged her and retrieved your purse before hurrying out the back door.
Once in your car you started typing to Joel, explaining as best as you could about what had happened. You even warned him not to go home. If someone would do this, what else were they capable of?
When he didn't immediately respond you felt your anxiety climb, but you knew he was safe at work with Ronnie for the time being. You kicked yourself for ripping up the piece of paper as you began to drive toward the police station. Still, you could tell them exactly what happened and even have Molly get the torn flyer for you if need be.
Your ringtone came through the speakers and your eyes frantically scanned the center stereo to see if it was Joel. When you saw Jessie's name instead you picked up.
"Hi, Jess." You couldn't hide the tense nature of your voice.
"Whatever you're doing, you need to sit down."
"Can you come home? Or can I meet you somewhere? Are you at Joel's or at work?"
"I just left work."
"Okay, I'm coming to you."
"Someone left something in our mailbox," she said frantically, speaking a mile a minute. "Something I think you need to see right now."
Fuck, you thought and your whole body went numb.
"Tell me it's not the green flyer."
There was a silence on the other end of the line and you knew this was bigger than you originally anticipated.
"I'm on my way to the police station," you told Jessie. "Meet me there."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee
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detachedfacade · 2 years
it took eddie a long time to make a move. stevie had all but given up. she hadn't necessarily expected him to, but there were moments, lingered touches, flirtation, that felt meaningful. but eddie never really took it the extra step.
stevie didn't realise the over confidence eddie had while flirting was a front. it was only when, while getting high, sitting by her parents pool, that eddie revealed he had been a virgin until he was 20. only a couple of sad handjobs given and received was his sexual experience prior to meeting stevie. "that near death experience really sets a fire beneath you though" eddie had said, had figured if he wanted to not die a virgin he ought to make a move. so he'd gone to the gay bar he frequented a week after the accident and finally went through with it. "and honestly," he said, "I haven't since. not that I didn't like it, I meant I'm sure it will be better with someone I actually like it's just...I still kind of feel like a virgin. like I don't know what I'm doing and I'm scared people will see through that."
stevie couldn't relate, she had more experience than most people she knew, with both men and women. so she knew what she was doing. though, it was definitely the drugs influence that led her to reach out her hand to eddie and say. "i could help you practice."
it seemed after the first step was taken, everything else fell into place. suddenly the weight between them lifted and they could admit, aloud, that they had had crushes on one another. and for how long. "since I met you, honestly. " eddie said.
"did it change? when I..."
"oh my god stevie, yes. since you transitioned it fucking tripled if not more I...I didn't really realise I could like you more but jesus christ you proved me wrong."
stevie was blushing. "that was ...the right thing to say." she said. "I am a bit...or I was a bit scared that since you were gay it wouldn't ever go anywhere..."
eddie shifted in bed. "yeah. I mean I had crushes on girls too, sometimes. I mean debbie harry? c'mon, i'm only human. like robin said, sexuality is fluid."
"robin told you about that conversation?"
"she did, but only after we started...whatever this is." eddie motioned between himself and stevie.
"whatever this is?" stevie replied. "what do you want it to be?"
It was eddie's turn to blush now. "I think I'd like for you to be my girlfriend, stevie."
It became quickly obvious to eddie that whenever her parents were home, stevie would do her best to stay out longer. she would suggest diners and nightclubs and long drives until eddie would say "baby, let's just go back to mine."
of course it wasn't always convenient, wayne being there most nights. but as stevie said, she was 'like a ninja' and could totally sneak in unheard. eddie couldn't stop laughing at the sight of her scrambling up the side of the trailer, his figurines clattering across the floor as she pushed her way into the window. their shared laughter at the moment was made even worse when Wayne knocked and told them to use the door next time.
and so she did. but she insisted, said if wayne was going to know she was there, shouldn't they meet properly? so eddie set a date, and he cooked wayne's favourite dinner, and he let stevie in when she knocked on the front door this time, snuck a kiss before wayne would notice. and wayne said "nice to properly meet you stevie." before taking his seat at the head of the table.
from then she was always round, wayne was always happy to see her, and though he admitted he was still learning 'all this stuff' he never misgendered her.
even when stevies father finally came round, he would still repeatedly dead name her, but wayne, wayne never did. not once. srevie even overheard him, smoking outside with her father, defending her. telling her father, "you ought to get your head screwed on and protect your daughter with everything you have because god knows it isn't going to be easy. and you say you love her, you say you only want her to be happy but don't you see? she is happy." and her father never admitted defeat, but stevie found herself on the receiving end of some stilted affection from then on, and she felt that maybe it wouldn't be all bad going home. eventually.
but by that point, she and eddie had already planned to move in together. It was bound to happen sooner or later. three people couldn't fit into that tiny trailer.
so they got a place on the outskirts of the city, far enough away to start fresh but close enough to visit their loved ones without much hassle. and for a long time Stevie hadn't imagined a part in her life that she would leave hawkins and have any intention of returning, but then robin happened, and eddie happened, and wayne happened and her father looked her in the eye and said "I always wanted a daughter. you make sure you call, okay stevie?" and having something to return for felt so fucking nice.
but the new life in the city was even fucking nicer. no one around to dead name her or ask invasive questions. only herself and eddie finding their feet in a city that didn't know them, and would accept them for who they were. and if it didn't, they would always have love to return to in their shared apartment, in their shared bed, in their shared life. because even if the world was uncertain and scary, everyone could see, stevie and eddie were soul mates.
check out the full collection of stevie drabbles on ao3
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nothingxs · 10 days
FFXIV Write // Lend an Ear
"So." "So…?" "What made you seek me out?" "Oh. I mean… I've said it a hundred times—" "And I still don't believe you. Just a fight in the Coliseum, is it? Certainly there is greater motivation." "—and I haven't lied any of those times. It's that simple." "…I want to believe you. I do." "Then what's stopping you?" "Several things." "Aye?" "Aye." "Are you going t' make me ask y' to list each one?" "…It's the desperation." "…How do y' mean?" "I mean the fervor by which you've thrown yourself at these… lessons. It's hungry. You think I don't notice your anger. I think you forget that I spend most of my time observing your exercises." "…I hadn't really considered that." "Maybe it's less anger. Perhaps it's spite, as well. You are familiar with some of the… base forms. I see the footwork and positoning in our trainings." "Huh… Wait, do I seem like a spiteful person?" "Somewhat." "Well, that's rude." "I damn well know you don't care." "Anyroad—was that it? Just those two reasons?" "Oh, no, not at all. Ilysa told me about your problems with the Gladiator's Guild and the Sultansworn." "…Well, that's kind of her." "You'll harbor no judgment from me. There are a few orders of Paladins, and very many free ones. Their values are bound to differ." "…Is that right? I just. I feel like they're… they're all caught in doing and pursuing all of the wrong things." "Aye? And what is that?" "It… it almost feels like they are busy chasing the top spot, so to speak. It's all… greed and glory and status. And it just… it felt wrong. That's not what I'd grown t' think a Paladin was supposed to represent, you know?" "No? What does a Paladin represent then?" "I don't know. Oaths. Customs. Honor. Protecting people." "Do you think the only people who protect others are Paladins?" "…Well, no. But that's what I wanted to be, right? That was what their cause was. To defend people. Or… well, so I thought." "All hypocrisy in the end, huh?" "Yeah." "It's like that, back in Ishgard, too." "Is it? I've not stayed there for much time." "Mmn. You're not missing out on much." "…Don't you live there?" "Mmm. Not for now, no." "How come?" "As it turns out, the guard really do not appreciate it when you are willing to use violence to help folk." "Isn't that pretty much what their job is? "Not when the violence is wielded against the guard." "…Oh." "Aye." "Is that why you're not a Paladin, yourself?" "…What do you mean?" "You mentioned how… the values were different. Are yours?" "…I love my people, and I seek to protect them." "Are those values so different from the ones of those orders?" "You tell me. You had the same problem." "…Is that why you agreed to teach me after all?" "Oh, no. I agreed to teach you because the alternative was to have an Elezen woman constantly at my shoulder, insisting." "…But she only asked you once." "You ought to get to know her better. Now, before we continue with today's lesson, I need you to listen." "Aye." "What I teach and what I know goes well beyond mere swordplay. There will come a time where we will more carefully probe into that anger that you're feeling, and we will dissect its cause with more care. Perhaps in time we will turn it into your strength. None of the effort will matter if you are sloppy and careless. So, we will work on the fundamentals of this style, until such a time as I am satisfied with your level of discipline. And throughout, we will slowly work through eventualities of your training as we come to them. Do you understand me?" "…Aye." "Good. During this time, I would hear of any issues that might ail you. If you feel your concentration waning, we will break, and we will discuss how you feel. This is of the utmost importance: the love in your heart and your serenity will be what safeguards you from what's to come to those who walk our path." "…Ser Hector?" "Aye?" "…What's to come, Ser?"
The only answer Hector could give was a rueful smile.
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